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Example 1

Describe strategies that international organizations can take to reduce uneven

development in the world.
How successful have these strategies been? [8]

Strategy Pros with examples Cons with examples

International • The World Bank provides • There are service charge(s) of
organization: consultation/knowledge and / or interest 0.75% associated with the
World Bank free loans to help facilitate a country’s development loans that do amount
development. to a large sum taking into account of
the principal loan amount.
• Before any loan is extended, the World • Default payment of loans may also
Bank demands the practice of good mean that the country in debt may
governance from all governments. incur more debt.
• The World Bank may at times put
• Kecamatan Development Programme pressure on local governments to
(KDP) started in 1998 to provide aid to privatise essential services as pre-
villages in Indonesia. loan conditions. However, privatising
essential services may disadvantage
• Through the KDP, the living standards the poorer population as normally
of people in Sleepy Tirtomoyo village in the local government would be in the
Surabaya improved as they were able better position to help the poor in
to obtain water for drinking and terms of need especially during an
irrigation as a result of wells and high economic recession.
capacity pumps being built. • The world Bank has the tendency to
promote large-scale project that may
not be suitable for the host country
like in the example of the
Transmigration Programme in
Indonesia of which the environment
was adversely affected and many
people were settled in poor
agricultural land.
International • The ADB provides interest free The ADB might not be able to alleviate
organization: loans to help facilitate a country’s uneven development because for
Asian development. example the United States is a major
Development player (member) in the ADB even
Bank (ADB) • ADB provided loans to help build though it is not an Asian country. Hence,
the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge in ADB policies may serve to protect the
Bangladesh. The bridge helped interest of the United States, which is a
increase economic growth in the area develop country.
by easing traffic congestion, connecting
agricultural areas in the northwest to the
commercial centre of Dhaka and the
port of Chittagong, and enabled road

nvj/dnm/ge/se4E5Nnotes 1
and rail transport routes to function
more efficiently.

International • The UNMDG encourages countries • Not every country has adopted
agreements: to sign up and take a stand to alleviate the UNMDG.
United poverty and uneven development by the
Nations year 2015. • Furthermore, economic
Millennium recession like the current 2008/09
Development • For example, since the adoption of global economic recession and
Goals UNMDG by Vietnam, the proportion of natural disasters like the 2008
(UNMDG) people living in extreme poverty fell tropical cyclone that hit Myanmar
from 58.1% in 1993 to 24.1% in 2004. and its rice fields can put vulnerable
This was done through skill training in people back into the cycle of poverty,
poor communities and educational hence slowing down effects of the
campaigns. UNMDG to eradicate poverty.

International • Help set up Exclusive Economic • However, such an agreement

agreements: Zones (EEZ) to protect the economic does not help landlocked countries
United interest of countries. like Laos and Bolivia.
Convection • For example, the fishing industry in
on the Law Peru contributes greatly to the country’s
of the Sea wealth and the Exclusive Economic
(UNCLOS) Zone (EEZ) help prevent fishing boats
from developed countries to fish in its
area, hence protecting Peru’s economic

Candidates at each level will show the following characteristics:

Level 1 (0-3 marks)
Identify international strategies (e.g, the World Bank)
Little or no attempt at describing the pros or cons of the mentioned strategy
No or vague attempt at evaluation. Example(s) are either vague or non-existent at all.

Level 2 (4-6 marks)

Identifies at least one strategy
One or more pros and/or cons describe in satisfactorily – ‘The World Bank can provide
interest free loans as well as knowledge and technical support to the developing
Limited attempt at evaluation. Examples may be general or vague.

Level 3 (7-8 marks)

Identifies at least two strategies

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One or more pros and cons describe in detail – ‘The World Bank can provide interest
free loans as well as knowledge and technical support to the developing countries.’
Satisfactory attempt at evaluation. Examples are specific.

Example 2

With the use of examples, evaluate the strategy of improving water supply and
sanitation facilities in developing countries to promote national development.

Talk about both effectiveness and ineffectiveness

Sample Marking Scheme

Level 1 (0 – 3 marks)
Very general description.
No place reference or very general, e.g. ‘in Indonesia’.
No supported effectiveness or simple statements, e.g. ‘it worked’. ‘it was a lot better’.

Level 2 (4 – 6 marks)
One or more advantage and limitation.
Some place reference given but may be vague, e.g. ‘in a village in Indonesia.
Brief statements of effectiveness, ‘it improved water supply and sanitation facilities.

Level 3 ( 7 - 8 marks )
Three advantages and limitations.
Clear examples, ‘Villagers from Sleepy Tirtomoyo have access to clean and reliable
water supply’.
Clear statements of degree of effectiveness, e.g. ‘water supply

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Different Strategies to Address Development Issues

Effectiveness Ineffectiveness
Population Control Once the population size is It is a long term solution,
cut there are more difficult to see results in the
resources available. short term
Government can will
sufficient resources to
spend on developing the
country rather than just
providing food housing and
healthcare .
Education With education, people will If there are insuffient
be able to work in higher resources such as schools
level jobs in secondary and and teachers, difficult to
tertiary industries, this will implement.
increase income level and Not all areas will be easily
improve their standard of accessible making it difficult
living. to carry out eg Thailand
They will have better health
care and will know the
importance of hygiene as
well as the need for family
Proper Sanitation Proper sanitation will lead If proper sanitation facilities
to a drop in diseases and are built but people are set
the workforce will be in their own ways or are
healthier uneducated in proper
hygiene, they will not be
able to maintain the
Job Creation With jobs, they have more They need to have the right
income to spend and will skills and may not be
have a better standard of qualified for the job,
living as they can afford especially those parts of the
better healthcare. country where education is
not easily available.
The country needs to have
enough resources to create

NOTE : When you write your notes in this way , it is easier to learn and evaluate.
You can do the same when evaluating other topics.

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