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Receiving of guests (CD)


K: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the wedding Our best man
reception of_________. For those who do not know me yet, my name is
______and I will be tonight’s mistress of ceremonies. Let’s all relax and …_________________________________
enjoy tonight’s festivities.
To begin with, I have the honor to introduce the bridal entourage. K: It’s now time to welcome our primary sponsors. These are the special
To cast away gloom and light the path of our newlyweds few , chosen by our newlyweds to guide and support them as they begin a
_______________________, our candle sponsors. new chapter of their lives,together.
To provide shelter as they clothe as one
_______________________, our veil sponsors … (names )
To knot the ever present cord for happiness and united family life
_______________________, our cord sponsors K: Next on my list are people closest to the hearts of our newlyweds, their
Next is our little boy who carried the symbols of love; our ring parents
bearer, ……………….
______________________ The parents of the bride,
Our arrhae bearer who carried the treasures, The parents of the groom,
And our bible bearer who carried the symbol of our newlywed K: We now call on our charming little girls who will shower flowers on
couple’s faith, the path of _____________ as they start their matrimonial journey of
_____________________ togetherness. Our flower girls,
(names )
K: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our dashing groomsmen and
gorgeous bridesmaids, starting off with K: Finally, please all rise and join me in welcoming (name of newlyweds )

( names ) ( shower of flowers)

(couple proceeds to their table )
( Toasts )
II. Opening prayer
V. Cake cutting and wine toast
K : Thank you very much guys and gals of the wedding party. Everyone,
please remain standing as we call on ___________________ to say our K: Thank you very much to everyone for showering the newlyweds with
grace before we take pleasure in the sumptuous dinner the two families well wishes. We have come to the highlight of tonight’s affair , the cake
have prepared for us. cutting and wine toast ceremony. May I request ___________ to please
proceed to the cake table.
( invocation )
K : Just a little history folks. The cake is very important in almost all
K: Thank you _________________. Please be seated. wedding receptions throughout history because it symbolizes fertility.
Our couples will make the first cut to signify their unity, faithfulness, a
shared future , and their life together as one.

III. Dinner and pictorial ( cut the cake and feed each other )
( couples kiss )
-quartet set 1
K: The ceremony would not be complete without the wine toasting of
( dinner and pictorial ) course. Through the wine, we celebrate their union as they embark on a
( music starts to play ) journey of marital bliss. Now, you have to help me out with these. What’s
the four letter we want to see them do again ?
IV.Wine toast
( they kiss )

K: Since we are almost through with dinner, let us take time to shower VI. First dance
our couple with well wishes. I’d like to call on ______________, to be the
first to offer a toast to the newlyweds.
K: We are done with the other parts of the program so let’s open the
dance floor. This is you night so take it away. Ladies and Gentlemen, the K: Okay. Now the next activity requires audience participation. The
newlyweds for their first dance as a married couple. single ladies in the room, raise you hand. All the single ladies, please come
closer for our bride will now toss her bridal bouquet. I guess now is the
( FIRST DANCE ) time to find out who will marry next.


K : Congratulations __________________. Let us know when your very

VII. Bride-Father Dance own wedding takes place alright ? But for now, just please stay there as
we all witness the ever exciting tossing of the garter. May I please request
K: Gone are her days of girlhood (little background of father and a chair for our bride. The garter is actually on the bride’s leg so may we
daughter relationship). Tonight is not just for our bride and groom, it is request the groom to please remove it from your wife’s leg.
also for that special man in her life. Friends, let’s watch ( name of father
and daughter ) ( Groom removes garter )

( BRIDE- FATHER DANCE ) X. Garter toss

VIII. Groom-Mother Dance K: It’s the turn of the gentlemen. All single men in the room, please stand
up and come closer. Just as _______________ is believed to be the next to
K: Just as our bride was sheltered and loved well , there’s also a special marry, it is also a belief that the one who will catch the garter will be the
woman in the life of our dashing groom. She chased him around as a next groom. Hmmm, interesting.
hyperactive child but she also gave him the most wonderful gift on earth,
she gave him life. May I please request our groom to go and get his ( THROWING OF GARTER )
mother and give her a well deserved form of gratitude, a dance.
K : We are not finished yet ladies and gentlemen. May I request
( GROOM- MOTHER DANCE ) ________________ to please take your seat. Are you familiar with what is
going to happen next ? ( ask girl ) . Well dear, the garter will now be
placed on your leg.
IX. Bouquet Toss
( Higher, higher- then kiss is requested ) ( OPEN DANCE )
( Pictorial with Couple )
K: Can you do me a favor guys ? Can we give ourselves a round of
applause for what we just did ? ( applause ) . Congratulations for having
Strings set Possible
XIII. Message from parents
XI. Money dance 1
K: On a more serious note, I’d like to call on the parents of our couple
At this point in time , we shall have the money dance. Our newlyweds will for some words.
hit the dance floor once again. We have pins here. For those who would
like to give them something to help them start their family life with ease, ( MESSAGE FROM PARENTS )
you can just pin it on their clothes while they dance. Thank you very
much. XIV. Message from couple

K: Thank you everyone for your generosity. Now I’d like to invite the K: We can’t just let this night end without listening to our newlyweds
bridal party to go to the dance floor. Gentlemen, please get your partners. right ? I’d now like to call the bride and groom to say their piece in front
of all of us.


XII. Open dance
XV. Send off
K: All of us are very special to the couple, that’s why we are all here
tonight. The next two songs will be for everyone. Please don’t be afraid to K: To the both of you, congratulations. Congratulations also to the
ask someone to dance with you. Gentlemen’s choice, ladies choice, it ____________family for you have gained another son and another
doesn’t matter, just be there and have fun. daughter. To everyone here present, in behalf of our family, this has been
_________, I thank you all. Let us all rise as we watch the exit of our
newlyweds. Let us once again give them a warm applause as we wish
them luck and happiness in their new life together. Have a safe trip home
everyone. Good night.

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