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Revision No: 2

Project HSE Plan Date:




Project HSE Plan
Doc ref:
Project Name:

Client ref/contract no:
Work Location:
Company ref:

Prepared By: Project Manager

…………………………...(Signed and

Reviewed By: HSE Director

……………………………(Signed and

Client Approval:

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Project HSE Plan Date:
Schedule of Revisions:
Date Author Change Description

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Distribution List:
Name: Title: No. Of Copies
Project Manager
General Manager
Managing Director
HSE Director
Financial Director
Project Engineer
Site Manager
Site Office

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1. GENERAL......................................................................................................................1
2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................2
2.1. PROJECT SUMMARY......................................................................................................2
2.2. DETAILS OF KEY ON SITE/OFF SITE PERSONNEL................................................................2
3. MANAGEMENT OF THE WORKS.................................................................................3
3.1. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND RESPONSIBILITIES...............................................................3
3.2. SPECIFIC HSE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:...................................................................3
4.1. GENERAL STATEMENT OF INTENT:....................................................................................6
4.2. GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT:.......................................................................................6
4.3. RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................................7
4.4. FURTHER INFORMATION / ARRANGEMENTS:.........................................................................8
5. SITE SAFETY PROCEDURES......................................................................................9
5.1. ON-SITE HSE COMMUNICATIONS....................................................................................9
5.2. CDM CONTRACTOR SITE MEETINGS: .............................................................................9
5.3. CO-ORDINATION AND LOOK AHEAD:.................................................................................9
5.4. CONSULTATION WITH THE WORK FORCE: ............................................................................10
5.6. THE SELECTION AND CONTROL OF SUBCONTRACTORS ...........................................................10
5.7. LEVELS OF HSE MANAGEMENT & SUPERVISION:...............................................................11
5.8. COMPETENCE & TRAINING: ...........................................................................................11
5.9. DISSEMINATION OF HSE INFORMATION TO THE WORKFORCE...................................................13
5.10. WORK SITE SECURITY/ACCESS ....................................................................................13
5.11. SITE INDUCTION .........................................................................................................13
5.12. VISITORS .................................................................................................................14
5.13. TOOLBOX TALKS/DAILY BRIEFINGS................................................................................14
5.14. WELFARE FACILITIES AND FIRST AID .............................................................................14
5.15. REPORTING OF INJURIES, DEATHS AND DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES......................................15
5.16. PRODUCTION OF RAMS..............................................................................................16
5.17. PERMIT TO WORK......................................................................................................17
5.18. SITE RULES (INCLUDING DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY) .......................................................18
5.19. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) ...................................................................18
5.20. SITE FIRE AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ......................................................................18
6.1. DELIVERY AND REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS (INC. WASTE)..................................20

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6.2. DEALING WITH SERVICES................................................................................................21
6.3. STABILITY OF STRUCTURES DURING CONSTRUCTION WORK ...................................................21
6.4. PREVENTING FALLS ......................................................................................................21
6.5. WORK WITH OR NEAR FRAGILE MATERIALS .........................................................................21
6.6. CONTROL OF LIFTING OPERATIONS ...................................................................................21
6.7. THE MAINTENANCE OF PLANT AND EQUIPMENT .....................................................................22
6.8. WORK WHERE THERE ARE POOR GROUND CONDITIONS ..........................................................23
6.9. TRAFFIC ROUTES AND SEGREGATION OF VEHICLES AND PEDESTRIANS .......................................23
6.11. CONFINED SPACE WORKING ........................................................................................24
6.12. HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................24
6.13. PRESSURE TESTING .................................................................................................25
7. HEALTH RISKS: ...........................................................................................................26
7.1. ASBESTOS .................................................................................................................26
7.2. MANUAL HANDLING .....................................................................................................26
7.4. REDUCING NOISE AND VIBRATION .....................................................................................27
7.5. WORK WITH IONISING RADIATION .....................................................................................28
7.6. EXPOSURE TO UV RADIATION (FROM THE SUN) ..................................................................28
7.7. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION STRATEGY .........................................................................28
APPENDIX 1: HSE REPRESENTATIVES CVS............................................................................30

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1. General
1.1. This plan covers the HSE requirements, accident prevention rules and
safety program to be applied to the contracted work for CLIENT NAME on
the PROJECT NAME that will be performed by COMPANY NAME as
Construction Subcontractor under the supervision of CDM CONTRACTOR

1.2. The primary purpose of this plan is to provide a guideline for preventing
any accidents and incidents which may injure Employees, damage property,
or damage the environment at the construction site. COMPANY NAME shall
abide by the safety rules and other regulations imposed at the site by the
Health and Safety Executive and the provisions of applicable laws, rules and
regulations, including rules and procedures as applicable from CDM

1.3. All works carried out on the PROJECT/LOCATION NAME site, or in CDM
CONTRACTOR NAME controlled lay down areas, will be governed by the CDM
CONTRACTOR NAME Construction and Completion HSE Plan.

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2. Project Description

2.1. Project Summary

work, location, any other relevant information on CDM contractor/client

2.2. Details of Key on Site/Off Site Personnel

2.2.1. COMPANY NAME (Head Office)

Engineering Manager:

HSE Director:

Site Manager/HSE Manager:

2.2.2. Project Engineer:



Project Manager:

QA/QC / Site Coordination:

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3.1. Management Structure and Responsibilities

3.1.1. COMPANY NAME has been contracted by CLIENT NAME, via the CDM
Management Team, supported by the COMPANY NAME. Head Office Team,
is responsible for all HSE matters related to the mechanical installation
works on site, under the overall supervision of CDM CONTRACTOR NAME.

3.1.2. Within COMPANY NAME. the HSE Director, supported by the Site
Manager/HSE Manager, has overall accountability for the implementation
of this HSE plan.

3.2. Specific HSE Roles and Responsibilities:

3.2.1. The HSE Director is responsible for:

i) The safe execution of all works managed by COMPANY NAME. in

accordance with the Statutory Requirements and, in the case of this
project, the Vivergo/CLIENT rules and the CDM CONTRACTOR NAME
HSE Plan.
ii) Regular review, update and approval of the company HSE plan and
all project specific HSE plans.
iii) The appointment and authorisation of a competent HSE Manager
with sufficient resources to fulfil his responsibilities.

3.2.2. The HSE Manager is responsible for:

i) Providing competent HSE advice and assistance to the COMPANY

NAME Site Management Team.
ii) Monitoring the implementation of the approved HSE Plan.
iii) Management of the Site HSE Team, including Site Management,
Supervisors and Permit Acceptors.
iv) Activities as allocated under the responsibilities matrix.

3.2.3. The Project Manager is responsible for:

i) The safe execution of the works on site under their control in

accordance with statutory requirements, CLIENT NAME rules and
regulations, and this HSE plan.
ii) The management of any subcontractors working under their control.
iii) Activities as allocated under the responsibilities matrix.

3.3. Matrix of Roles and Responsibilities for CLIENT NAME

Project Site Works:
3.3.1. The RASCI (Responsible – Accountable – Support – Consult – Inform) Matrix
below summarises the responsibilities of relevant personnel and entities
responsible for the works.

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Company Engineering


Serv. Ltd.

Project Manager

ManagerHSE Manager/ Site

All Construction Personnel

HSE Director

Execution of work in accordance with HSE
Policies, Standards, Regulation and Law.
Site HSE Performance. R R R S R R
Ensure all individuals are held accountable for
their actions with regards HSE Policies/Rules.
Ensure that all significant HSE risks have been
identified and that procedures have been
implemented to reduce risks to as low as is
reasonably practicable.
Set HSE Supervision levels. R C C C C C
Set site Policies and Procedures. R S S S S S
Site security programme. R S S S S S
Implementation of Approved HSE plan. R R R S S S
Review and Update of HSE plan. R A R S S S
Training and Training Resources. R R R S S S
Review and approval of CV’s of HSE personnel. R S
Client Site Audit, Review and Inspection Schedule R S S S S S
Company Site Audit, Review and Inspection
Performing Inspections. R R R R R R
Site inductions R A R R S S
HSE Co-ordination Meetings R R R R S S
Company HSE Plans, RAMS and TRAs S A R R S S
Review of Company HSE Plans, RAMS and TRAs
HSE administration, documentation and record
submission for contract completion I R R R S S
Toolbox Talks, Daily Briefings. R A S S R I
JSA and Last Minute TRA. R R R R R R
Proper use of PPE. R R R R R R R
Availability of proper PPE to workforce. R A R R R I
Supply and maintenance of safety equipment
and materials relevant to the contract scope.
Implementation of safe systems of work. R R S S R R
Implementation and administration of site permit R S S S S I
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Company Engineering


Serv. Ltd.

Project Manager

ManagerHSE Manager/ Site

All Construction Personnel

HSE Director

to work system.
Application and acceptance of permits on site
and enforcing of permit regulations.
Reporting of all accidents, incidents, near misses
and Risk Observations to the CDM contractor.
Investigation of all incidents/accidents to a level
appropriate to the actual/potential consequence R R A A S S
Stop use and removal of all unsafe tools and
equipment from site into quarantine.
Correct use of all tools and equipment. A A A A A A A
Intervention when HSE regs are compromised. A R A S S R
Follow at all times HSE rules and regulations. A R S R R R
Ensure that there is no horse play, short-cuts and
at risk behaviours.
Monthly and weekly HSE reports to CDM
Ensure the correct levels of competence and
training for persons under their I R R S S S
HSE Action tracking register. I S R R S S
Rolling HSE Programme based on the action
- C R C S S
tracking register
Reviews and approvals of COMPANY NAME. HSE
- R R - -
Performs only work for which they are competent
and trained to do so in a safe manner.
Table 3.1: Matrix of Roles and Responsibilities.

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4. COMPANY NAME. Health, Safety and Environmental


4.1. General Statement of Intent:

4.1.1. COMPANY NAME. considers safety, health and environmental management
to be of prime importance to its business and is committed to continual
improvement in safety, health and environmental standards.

i) The continuing intention of this Company is to provide and maintain

safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of
work for all our employees and to provide such information, training
and supervision, as they may need for this purpose.
ii) Our operations will be carried out with all reasonable and
practicable safeguards against exposing other persons to risks to
their health and safety of the environment.
iii) All employees are required to accept responsibility for ensuring, as
far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy environment in
all their places of work. It is the duty of everyone to take reasonable
care of the health and safety of themselves and their fellow
workers, or any other persons who may be affected by their acts or
omissions at work.
iv) It is the Company’s policy to comply with current and future Health,
Safety and Environmental Legislation and to co-operate with those
responsible for its enforcement.
v) The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the Company
changes in nature and size. To ensure this, this policy and its
effectiveness will be reviewed every year.
vi) Employees are reminded that it is a criminal offence for anyone to
intentionally interfere with, or misuse, anything provided by the
Company in the interests of Health and Safety as required by Law,
or fail to use it properly.
vii) The policy statement shall be displayed in the offices of the
Company, will be part of the site documentation available held by
each supervisor, and shall be brought to the attention of all
employees at the induction process and throughout the year by
means of toolbox talks and audit systems. A copy shall be made
available to any party interested on demand, including employees.

4.2. General Policy Statement:

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4.2.1. It is the policy of COMPANY NAME. to pursue high standards of safety,
health and environmental management as an integral of efficient
management of the business and ensure that decisions about other
priorities take proper account of safety, health and environmental

4.2.2. Comply with all legislation requirements and Company policy pertaining to
safety, health and the environment as the minimum standard.

4.2.3. Develop systems and procedures that deliver the high standards sought,
and in particular provide for:

i) Well maintained plant and systems of work that are safe and
without risk to health or the environment.
ii) Suitable arrangements for selection, use, handling, storage and
transport of articles and substances.
iii) Adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to
enable work to be carried out safely and without risk to the
environment by persons with the necessary competence,
iv) Safe premises and work places, including access to and egress from
v) Safe and healthy working environment to prevent personal injury or
damage to property.
vi) Design which recognise, include and apply safe practice during
preparation, construction and subsequent operational use and
maintenance after completion of the project, and which consider
environmental impact.
vii) Prevention of polluting emission to air, land or water.
viii) Control of noise, dust, smell, vibration, traffic movement or other
nuisance or environmental effects which may cause offence to the
local community or environment.
ix) Waste management including recycling were appropriate.
x) Communication, health surveillance and advisory facilities as
xi) Develop and review clear safety, health and environmental
performance indicators including:
a) Accident and incident performance,
b) Annual safety, health and environmental objectives,
c) Training achievements,
d) Audits.

4.3. Responsibilities
4.3.1. Overall responsibility for Health and Safety in the Company is that of the
Managing Director.

4.3.2. General Manager has the delegated responsibility for ensuring that the
conditions of this Policy are observed at all the Company’s worksites. In
these matters, he reports directly to the Managing Director.

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4.3.3. Company Safety Advisor shall work with all departments, co-ordinate,
consult and advise, to achieve a safe work place, ensure all legislation is
fore filled and all controls are in place to achieve the spirit of the
company’s policy.

4.3.4. A Nominated Site Safety Officer will be appointed at each workplace.

i) Has the day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that the spirit as well
as the letter of this Policy is carried out.
ii) Reports directly to the General Manager
iii) Liaise with the Company and Clients Safety Co-ordinator, with
particular reference to permits to work.
iv) Responsible for ensuring that all equipment, tools and personal
protective equipment (PPE) are in good condition and used only for
their intended purpose.
v) Responsible for ensuring that only recognised good, safe working
practices are observed on the site.

4.3.5. Whenever an employee encounters a Health, Safety or Environmental

problem, they must report it to their Site Safety Officer or his deputy, as
soon as practicable.

4.3.6. All employees have a responsibility to co-operate with the Company

management and Safety Advisor or any person they may appoint, to work
to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to exercise all reasonable
care of themselves and any others who may be affected by their acts or
omissions at work.

4.3.7. Consultation on Health, Safety and Environmental matters, between

employer and employees will be ongoing on a regular basis.

4.3.8. Responsibility for safety training, carrying out safety inspections,

investigating accidents and monitoring maintenance of plant and
equipment is undertaken by the General Manager and the Safety Advisor.

4.4. Further Information / Arrangements:

4.4.1. Site Specific arrangements, information and details shall be documented
in job/project specific documentation.

Issued By NAME

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5. Site Safety Procedures

5.1. On-Site HSE Communications.

5.1.1. It is a requirement of the CDM Contractor’s HSE plan that regular communications between
COMPANY NAME, the site HSE team and the workforce are maintained in order to ensure
that all HSE related information is adequately distributed.

5.1.2. The Company Site Management team will report to the CDM Contractor and will
demonstrate their competence in safely performing the activities within the contract work
scope, as well as complying with all site rules and regulations. The Company Site
Management and Supervision Team will also be responsible for communicating all relevant
safety information (RAMS, Permit Requirements, Safety Bulletins, etc) to the workforce, as
well as discussing with the workforce any safety issues raised by them along with suggestions
and ideas for improving safe working practices on site.

5.2. CDM Contractor Site meetings:

5.2.1. From the CDM Contractor’s HSE plan, all meetings on site will begin with a
HSE item covering general issues and specific issues that require action.

5.2.2. These meetings for COMPANY NAME will include, but not be limited to:
i) On site Kick-off Meeting.
ii) Daily co-ordination meetings.
iii) Weekly HSE meetings.
iv) Weekly Progress Meetings.

5.2.3. Specific additional meetings may be held when operations with increased
risks or the follow up of incidents & near misses etc. necessitate.

5.3. Co-ordination and Look ahead:

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5.3.1. As mentioned above, there will be daily co-ordination meetings between
all contractors/subcontractors on site and the CDM Contractor’s
management team. During this meeting any safety issues relating to
upcoming works, and to ongoing works, will be raised. This meeting will
also cover all upcoming activities for co-ordination with other contractors
with an aim of a 2 week look-ahead.

5.3.2. A Company representative will attend each meeting and communicate all
planned activities, interface issues and safety related information to the
CDM Contractor’s representatives, and other site contractors. Any safety
issues raised in the meeting will also be noted and communicated to the
workforce in the morning briefing.

5.4. Consultation with the work force:

5.4.1. In order to ensure that all HSE procedures and actions are understood and
carried out by the work force it is necessary to have regular
communication and consultation with them. This will be carried out as part
of the morning briefing and tool box talk session either on site, or in the
site cabins.

5.4.2. Copies of the toolbox talk/site briefing/communication form will be made

available to the CDM contractor

5.5. Handling design changes/Technical Queries during

the project:
5.5.1. The CDM Contractor may instigate design changes during the process of
executing the contracted works. These design changes shall be
communicated to Company via the CDM contractor’s document control
system, as well as any associated risk factor the design changes will bring.

5.5.2. Design Changes identified or required during the execution of the contract
works will be communicated to the client via a Technical Query form,
detailing all aspect of the query including risk factors altered by the
design change.

5.5.3. No design changes shall be carried out unless approved officially by the
CDM Contractor.

5.6. The selection and control of subcontractors

5.6.1. All subcontractors brought onto site by Company will have been assessed
by the company HSE Director with support from the company HSE
Manager in order to make sure that they follow safe working practices.
This may involve the submission by the subcontractor of a site HSE plan
for approval.

5.6.2. The subcontractor will be expected to either submit their own safety
documentation (RAMS, lifting plans, etc), or to sign onto and abide by
established Company safety paperwork.

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5.6.3. Before any subcontractor is brought onto site permission from the CDM
Contractor must be sought.

5.7. Levels of HSE Management & Supervision:

5.7.1. The following matrix (from the CDM CONTRACTOR NAME Project HSE Plan)
specifies the level of HSE Supervision to be maintained by all Contractors
working on the project:

Number of Persons on HSE Director HSE Manager

1–5 Manager Full Time on site assumes HSE Supervisory
Roles or delegates to a competent Supervisor who is
full time on site.
8 – 14 Visit 1 day per week As Above
15 – 50 * Visit 3 days per week As Above
51 – 100 * 1 Full Time 1 Full Time
>100 * 1 Full Time 1 Full Time / 50 persons
on site
Exceptions to the above:
*1 Full HSE Supervisor Time / 30 persons during night shifts.
*1 Full Time / 15 personnel executing High Risk activities.*
Table 3.2: Levels of HSE Management & Supervision.

5.7.2. COMPANY NAME. will abide by the above minimum guides, with additional
levels of HSE supervision being set using a Risk Based approach. Typical
factors to be taken in to consideration when fixing the level of Supervision
will be:

i) Daylight Hours
ii) Density of personnel (workers / M2)
iii) Work above / below ground
iv) Impacts on / from nearby activities or installations
v) Processes & Equipment used

5.7.3. For a list of officially appointed HSE personnel assigned by COMPANY

NAME. to the CLIENT NAME Project, along with their Cvs, please see
Appendix 1.

5.8. Competence & Training:

5.8.1. All personnel appointed to work on site shall have sufficient knowledge,
experience and training to allow them to carry out the duties assigned to
them in order to reduce the risk of injury, ill health and other incidents.

5.8.2. A record of all personnel working on site will be kept in the site office and
will include copies of all relevant certificates, cards and other evidence of
adequate qualification; as well as a detailed CV. All personnel will possess
a minimum of a valid CCNSG Safety Passport, or a valid CSCS Card (or
other equivalent certification).

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5.8.3. All Site Supervisors will possess appropriate certification to prove that
they have received training to perform supervisory duties (E.g. CCNSG
Supervisor Safety Passport, CSCS Gold Card, etc.).

5.8.4. The tables below details the minimum required competence levels for all
trades and activities expected on site.

Position/Trade Competency Certification

Project Manager CSCS Site Manager
HSE Director NEBOSH accredited
HSE Manager/Site IOSH accredited
QA/QC Manager IOSH accredited
Supervisor CCNSG Supervisor
Crane Operators Valid certification for
crane operation.
Telehandler Operator CSCS accredited
MEWP Operator IPAF of similar
Rigger CSCS accredited
Banksman/Slinger/Signall CSCS accredited
Steel Erector CSCS accredited
Fitter CSCS accredited or
Welder CSCS accredited or
Plater CSCS accredited or
Labourer CCNSG CSCS accredited

Table 3.3: Position/Trade Competency Requirements.

Activity Competency Certification

Confined Space Entries, Accredited Training
The use of scaffold and Accredited Training
mobile scaffold towers,
The use of Cartridge Accredited Training
Operated Tools,
The use of Grinders, Accredited Training
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The use of Welding Accredited Training
The use of Accredited Training
Working at Height, CSCS accredited
General Skills Accredited Training
Improvement Training,
First Aid Training Accredited First Aid

Table 3.4: Activity Competency Requirements.

5.9. Dissemination of HSE information to the workforce

5.9.1. Instruction on specific activities will be given on site where required in the
form of a Safety Briefing/Toolbox Talk. This Briefing will be recorded and
any issues regarding additional training required by personnel raised.
Training will then be organised as necessary so that all personnel can
carry out their assigned tasks safely.

5.9.2. The training may take the form of an additional Toolbox Talk, in-house
training courses, or an external accredited training course depending on
the CDM Contractor’s requirements.

5.10. Work Site Security/Access

5.10.1. Security and Access to the site as a whole is managed by the CDM
Contractor using their project specific Site Security Program. This includes
a Traffic Management Plan detailing access, egress and traffic flows on
site, as well as control measures. All relevant procedures and rules for
access to site will be communicated to the workforce and enforced.

5.10.2. All major equipment deliveries, particularly abnormal loads, will be

notified in advance to the CDM Contractor and a specific Risk Assessment
will be submitted if necessary.

5.10.3. Access to the work area will be controlled by COMPANY NAME in co-
ordination with any interface contractors. Barriers will be erected around
all work area complete with relevant warning signs, and the area will be
monitored by supervision staff.

5.11. Site Induction

5.11.1. Before working on site all personnel will have attended the Client
Induction Program site specific induction. The induction covers access
through the site, site working rules and regulations, emergency
procedures, behavioural safety and HSE requirements.

5.11.2. Should any visitors require access to site an application for a

visitor’s pass will be made to CDM CONTRACTOR NAME. All visitors
accessing site will be temporarily issued with a complete set of PPE and
will sit a client visitor’s induction.

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5.11.3. All training will be validated and records of inductees shall be
maintained by the relevant CDM Contractor HSE Trainer. All inductees will
be given a copy of the Contractors Induction Handbook and a copy of Just

5.11.4. Once the induction has been completed and the personnel are
on site they will be briefed and taken through all relevant method
statements, risk assessments, COSHH assessments etc. Any further
job specific training will be carried out at this point also.

5.12. Visitors
5.12.1. Personnel who will access the site on a visitor’s pass due to the
short term duration of their involvement on site will attend the visitor’s
induction at the client gatehouse as mentioned above; and will also be
accompanied by a fully inducted ‘Host’ at all times at all times.

5.13. Toolbox Talks/Daily Briefings

5.13.1. It is a standard practice for COMPANY NAME. to carry out a daily
pre-work briefing and toolbox talk. The briefing/Toolbox Talk will be given
to all employees and sub-contractor employees working on site by either
supervisors or management staff, and will cover:
i) The days planned activities.
ii) Work hazards and environment.
iii) Reinforcement of safe working practices relevant to the work being
carried out, as well as to interface operations.
iv) Any safety bulletins or safety moments handed down by the CDM
Contractor’s site HSSE team.

5.13.2. All employees/sub-con employees will be required to sign onto the

Daily Briefing/Toolbox Talk form to indicate that they have received and
understood the briefing, and that they agree to follow the safe working
practices detailed.

5.13.3. Copies of all toolbox talks given will be kept on site and will be
available for audit. Copies of the daily briefing/toolbox talk will also be
made available to the CDM Contractors HSE Manager or Supervisor.

5.14. Welfare facilities and First Aid

Contractor Village
5.14.1. The CDM Contractor has provided temporary welfare facilities on
site in the form of a construction village. The facilities include:
i) First Aid facilities
ii) Toxic Refuges
iii) Smoking facilities
iv) Changing and Drying Rooms
v) Toilet and Washing Facilities Canteen and Messing

5.14.2. These facilities must be kept clean and tidy at all times and will be
subject to inspection by the CDM Contractor.
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5.14.3. The CDM Contractor has also provided transportation on and off site
at the beginning and end of each shift between the contractor’s car park
and the construction village.
Medical and First Aid Cover
5.14.4. COMPANY NAME. will provide an adequate number of first aiders
based on the level of risk from the work being carried out, with a minimum
of one every 25 operatives.

5.14.5. The CDM contractor has provided first aid facilities in the
construction village in the form of a site clinic with a full time Nurse (The
Nurse will only be available during regular project hours).

5.15. Reporting of Injuries, Deaths and Dangerous

5.15.1. It is the responsibility of all contractors to ensure that all incidents
are investigated, reported to the CDM Contractor and, where necessary,
registered with the HSE. The site management team will initiate and
participate in the investigation and will ensure that any lessons learnt
from the investigation are implemented on site.

5.15.2. The Company HSE Manager is responsible for ensuring the

investigation, reporting and registration of all incidents is carried out
correctly and will report back to the HSE director.

5.15.3. Every site employee will IMMEDIATELY report all incidents to his
Supervisor. The relevant Supervisor will then report the incident to the
Site Management Team and/or to the Company HSE Director. All near miss
incidents must also be reported.

5.15.4. The requirements for the statutory reporting of incidents under the
UK RIDDOR Regulations will be complied with. The CDM Contractor will be
included in all reports.

5.15.5. The CDM CONTRACTOR Construction Manager will notify Vivergo

and CDM CONTRACTOR Management.

CDM Contractor Safety Observation Cards (SOC’s)

5.15.6. Safety Observation Cards will be made readily available within all
areas of the project. These cards, which can be completed by anyone, are
part of the CDM Contractor’s accident prevention strategy for the
following reasons:

i) They indicate what can be improved and how.

ii) They provide valuable feedback on what went well and therefore
what needs to be anchored in systems.
iii) They can be used during inspections to focus on specific site

5.15.7. Completed SOC’s can be given to any CDM Contractor

representative, or to the site supervisor. Alternatively they can be posted

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in box located outside the Medics Cabin. The person filling them in can
remain anonymous if so desired.

5.15.8. The COMPANY NAME HSE Manager will ensure that the correct
incident investigation procedure is followed as per COMPANY NAME
standard practices. They will also ensure that the correct level of
investigation is followed, based on the actual/potential outcome of the
incident, and that the CDM Contractor is kept informed.

5.15.9. The findings of any incident investigations shall be written into a

formal report and presented to the CDM Contractor’s Site Manager and
HSE Manager.

5.15.10. A preliminary report will be drawn up and submitted within 24 hours

of the incident.

Participants of Investigations
5.15.11. The first participant in any incident investigation will be the direct
line supervisor of the injured party due to the fact that they are familiar
with the local conditions, risks and requirements of the area; and that they
are familiar with the personnel involved. The COMPANY NAME HSE
Director, Project Manager, Site Manager and HSE Manager will all be
involved in the investigation.

5.15.12. Participants in the investigation will gain the knowledge required to

avoid similar incidents in the future.

5.15.13. The CDM contractor Construction Manager and HSE Manager shall
also be involved in all investigations, and shall implement the CDM
CONTRACTOR procedure for determining ownership of the incident.

5.16. Production of RAMS

5.16.1. A Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) will be written for
all work activities to be carried out on site. It is a requirement of the CDM
Contractor that all RAMS packs are submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the
planned start of work. The RAMS documents shall be written according to
the guidance of the CDM Contractor.

5.16.2. The CDM Contractor Site Manager will have accountability for the
review of each RAMS, and will delegate the responsibility to perform the
review to the relevant disciplines who will give feedback regarding
necessary alterations, or approval for commencement of work and
application for permits.

5.16.3. For RAMS involving particularly high risk activities (e.g. confined
space working, heavy lifting, working at height etc.) the CDM contractor
requires that a group discussion be held between all relevant parties on
site. The workforce will be consulted about the RAMS and all employees
carrying out the task shall be made aware of the risks associated with the

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task, the method by which the task is to be carried out, the type of PPE to
be used and any physical protection systems, including safe work
systems. The RAMS shall be updated as a result of any learning from
audits or incidents or when the situation changes during the execution of
the work.

5.16.4. General site conditions shall also be taken into account in the
assessment of the works, with interface operations, plant movements and
possible external risks identified.

5.16.5. In the event that the conditions or circumstances change in such a

way as to require a significant change in the work or procedure then the
RAMS will become invalid and work should stop. Work may only start
again after the RAMS has been reviewed and revised to reflect the new
conditions, and has been approved by the relevant parties.

5.16.6. For high risk activities such as working at height, heavy lifts,
confined space working etc, this process shall take the form of a group
discussion between all relevant parties. In the event that conditions or
circumstances change which constitute a significant change to the work,
Method Statements and Risk Assessments will become invalid and the
work will be suspended. The Method Statement and Risk Assessment will
then be reviewed and revised to reflect the new conditions and
circumstances. Where any change or revision of a Method Statement or
Risk Assessment is required, work may not proceed or commence until
subsequent review and acceptance by the CDM CONTRACTOR Site

5.16.7. Approved RAMS shall be communicated to those carrying out the

work via a briefing session prior to the work. Following the briefing all
personnel will be required to sign onto the RAMS document indicating that
they have understood the work procedures given in the document, and
that they agree to abide by them.

5.16.8. In addition to these RAMS documents it is a requirement of the CDM

Contractor that Supervisors/Permit Holders carry out Daily Task Safety
Awareness (TSA) forms. These forms are provided by the CDM Contractor
and are for the identification of unforeseen hazards or changed conditions
at the work place.

5.17. Permit to Work

5.17.1. All work on the Vivergo Fuel Project is controlled by the CDM
CONTRACTOR site permit to work system. No work can be carried out on
site without a valid permit being in place. All supervisors and other
personnel who will be taking permits out will have sat through the CDM
CONTRACTOR Permit Acceptors course with the site permit controller.

5.17.2. Before work starts the supervisor will discuss the job with the
personnel under his control and explain the RAMS, permit and any other
safety requirements. The supervisors will then take out the required
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permits and ensure all personnel sign onto them to indicate that they
understand the permit’s requirements.

5.18. Site Rules (Including drug and alcohol policy)

5.18.1. The CLIENT NAME Project Site rules are defined in the Bioethanol
Project Induction Handbook which is issued during the VIP induction. This
booklet details all rules, regulations and policies relevant to the site and
should be read by all personnel.

5.18.2. The site operates a strict drug and alcohol policy, which includes
random drug and alcohol testing throughout the project. Under no
circumstances should drugs or alcohol be consumed on site, nor should
personnel attend site whilst still under the influence. Personnel who have
been chosen for a random test will have their site access cards de-
activated whilst on site. If personnel attempting to leave the site find their
card does not work they should report to the CLIENT gatehouse for the
D&A testing.

5.18.3. Any personnel found to be using drugs or alcohol whilst on site, or

attempting to access site whilst under the influence, will have their access
cards removed and will be banned from site.

5.18.4. Misuse of legal substances will also be treated as a disciplinary

offence. Any person taking medication that is likely to impair their
performance at work is required to inform their immediate Supervisor or

5.19. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

5.19.1. Standard PPE requirements on the site:
i) Hard Hat / Safety Helmet - colour coded as follows:

a) Green – New starter

b) White – Experienced worker (>1 month on site)
ii) Safety glasses with “side caps” and clear lenses (LEP – Light Eye
iii) Safety boots ( S3 )
iv) Gloves (Suitable for the task at hand)
v) EN-531 Flame Retardant coveralls. (must cover arms and legs)
vi) Hi-visibility coat or vest

3.1.2. Additional task specific PPE will be issued as necessary according to the
RAMS process and may include:
i) Full body safety harnesses (c/w 1m fall restraint lanyard or fall
arrest lanyards)
ii) Inertia Reels
iii) Goggles and Face Shields

5.20. Site Fire and Emergency Procedures

Site Alarms
3.1.3. There are two types of emergency alarm systems on the Client Site:
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i) Fire – This is a continuous bell which is tested every Wednesday at
13:45hrs. The site canteen fire alarm is tested at 14:15hrs every
Wednesday. On hearing the fire alarm at any other time, the
following action should be taken:
a) Stop work immediately
b) Switch off all tools and equipment
c) Withdraw from any confined spaces
d) Proceed to the designated Muster Point located within the
construction village

ii) Toxic – This is an air-raid type siren which is tested every

Wednesday at 14:00hrs. On hearing the toxic alarm at any other
time, the following action should be taken:
a) Stop work immediately
b) Switch off all tools and equipment
c) Withdraw from any confined spaces
d) Proceed to the nearest designated Toxic Refuge
e) If driving a vehicle, stop, park the vehicle safely at the side
of the road (leaving the key in the ignition) and proceed to
the nearest Toxic Refuge
f) Note: Check the wind direction from one of the wind socks
that are positioned on the construction site and the
surrounding CLIENT Plant

3.1.4. In the event of any of the aforementioned alarms sounding, then all
permits will be suspended. Restart of work is only allowed with the
permission of the CDM Contractor Permit Issuer.

Emergency Response
3.1.5. In the event of any accident or emergency situation on the site, the Client
Emergency Response Team (ERT) should be summoned by dialling:
i) (9) 892511 from the nearest CDM CONTRACTOR NAME telephone
ii) 2222 from a CLIENT Internal Phone or a SWICS Phone

3.1.6. If either of these phones are not readily accessible, then the nearest
Supervisor should be requested to summon ERT assistance via his/her
radio (Channel 2)

3.1.7. Emergency numbers shall be posted at strategic locations and emergency

equipment shall be routinely inspected.

3.1.8. All minor first aid injuries should be treated by the Site Medic who is
located in the construction village (next to the permit office).

3.1.9. Detailed Project Specific Emergency and Evacuation arrangements are

provided in Site Emergency Evacuations Procedure.

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6.1. Delivery and Removal of Equipment and Materials (inc.

3.1.10. It is a requirement of the CDM Contractor that all plant brought onto
site is first inspected by a competent person from Hewden Hire. This is
applicable, but not limited, to the following items:
i) Vans
ii) Cranes
iii) Telehandlers / fork lifts
iv) MEWPs
v) Lighting towers

3.1.11. This is to check all statutory requirements for the item in question
have been met. Once the Hewden inspection is complete they will submit
a Mobile Plant Reception Report to the permit office who will then allow
the item onto site.

3.1.12. The delivery and offloading of equipment/materials is controlled by

the CDM Contractor’s Materials Controller who is based at an offsite
location (Unit 7). The Company Materials Controller will advise the CDM
controller when free issue materials held by the CDM Contractor is
required on site and he/she will arrange delivery.
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3.1.13. Offloading by forklift truck will be subject to an approved RAMS and
a daily permit issued by the CDM Contractor. Offloading by crane will be
subject to an approved RAMS and lifting plan. On approval of these
documents, a Permit will be issued by CDM CONTRACTOR.

3.1.14. All waste generated on the project is managed on behalf of the CDM
Contractor by a competent Environmental Management Contractor

6.2. Dealing with Services

3.1.15. As with all sites there is a risk due to site services such as electrical
cabling and gas lines. It is not expected that there will be any need to
excavate or drill in areas where there are buried services; however there
are a number of existing pipe bridges carrying overhead services which
will need to be considered in relation to deliveries of plant and equipment
to the project, and when planning lifts.

6.3. Stability of Structures during Construction Work

3.1.16. Temporary supports, such as bracing, guys or stays, must be used
during the erection of any structure which may be unstable or liable to
collapse before it is completed. Additionally, where any work is carried out
which is likely to adversely affect the foundations or stability of any
existing building or structure (or one under construction), all practicable
precautions, such as shoring, must be taken.

6.4. Preventing falls

3.1.17. Efforts will be made to avoid working at height activities where
possible; however in some cases this will not be possible. In such cases a
specific risk assessment shall be carried out in compliance with the Work
at Height Regulations and PUWER.

3.1.18. All personnel working at height will be experienced and where

required will have received the necessary training. Additional task specific
PPE and equipment will be provided for the activity and will be in
possession of the relevant certifications.

6.5. Work with or near fragile materials

3.1.19. Working on fragile roofing materials must be avoided. If this is not
possible then measures should be taken to ensure safe access for
personnel. This will include the use of roof boards to spread the weight,
and guard rails installed to provide good hand holds and provide edge

6.6. Control of lifting operations

3.1.20. The Company Appointed Person shall be responsible for lifting
operations on site. The AP shall ensure that the lifting activity to be
carried out is adequately planned and carried out in accordance with

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3.1.21. The Appointed Person is responsible for the production of the
following documentation:
i) A method statement / lift plan and a task risk assessment for all
routine lifting operations
ii) A specific method statement / task risk assessment is made for
heavy, critical and/or complex lifts. The Method Statements and
Task Risk Assessment will follow the issue, revision implementation
process described earlier in this section.
iii) Risk Assessments/Lifting Plans for all lifting operations shall address
the following:
a) The potential for falling objects
b) Method of communication between the lifting team
c) Safe positioning of personnel
d) Load path, snagging and obstruction hazards
e) Suitability of equipment, SWL, centre of gravity and rigging
f) Forces generated when using mobile lifting equipment
g) Effect of weather conditions on the load
h) Ground loadings
i) Potential for collision with other cranes operating in close

3.1.22. All personnel shall be kept clear of the intended drop zone of the
item to be lifted, and the path of the load as it is moved into position. Hard
barriers and warning signs shall be placed to identify the restricted areas.
Tag lines must be fixed to all loads and used to prevent the load from
turning or swinging, and assist with positioning.

6.7. The maintenance of plant and equipment

3.1.23. An inspection schedule shall be developed on site for all equipment
in order to ensure that all equipment is in compliance with both the
relevant PUWER and LOLER regulations, as well as the CDM contractor’s
site specific regulations. From the CDM contractor’s HSE plan this is to
cover as a minimum:
i) Site plant and vehicles such as MEWPs, fork-lifts etc
ii) Lifting equipment including cranes, lifts, chains, blocks etc
iii) Access equipment including ladders and stepladders
iv) Scaffolding including ‘easy-fix’ self-build towers
v) Safety harnesses, lanyards, anchor points and running lines
vi) Fall harnesses complete with shock-absorber and lanyards
vii) Safety Nets
viii) Electrical tools
ix) Other portable tools such as pneumatic tools, abrasive wheels and
cartridge tools
x) Any equipment specifically requiring inspection under national /
local legislation

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xi) Any equipment requiring routine inspection by a competent person
according to the manufacturers operating instructions. Additionally,
each contractor shall ensure that:
a) All vehicle / equipment operators are competent and
b) All equipment used is in compliance with UK certification and
legislation requirements
c) A PUWER assessment is available for the equipment, as
d) Powered tools and equipment are only used by operatives
trained in their use.
e) Tools and equipment have been inspected prior to use on
site, including hired tools and equipment. Inspection shall
always be carried out by a competent person. For portable
electrical tools this will be by a qualified electrician. A site
specific quarterly colour coding system will be used.
f) Equipment is individually numbered, labelled and registered.
g) No modified equipment is brought on-site unless the
modification has been approved by a competent person (i.e.
typically the equipment supplier or vendor or an engineer).
h) Inspection systems meet the manufacturer’s or supplier’s
i) Records of inspections are maintained.
j) Equipment is identified with the relevant colour code
k) Copies of inspection and test records are provided to the
Principal Contractor when required.

6.8. Work where there are poor ground conditions

3.1.24. Care will be taken to assess the ground conditions in the work area
with respect to the use of plant and other equipment. If the ground
conditions are unsuitable alternative work methods will be sought, or
corrective action shall be undertaken/requested from the CDM Contractor.

6.9. Traffic routes and segregation of vehicles and

3.1.25. The CDM Contractor has put in place a Site Traffic Management Plan
which details the specific arrangements for the segregation of vehicles
and pedestrians within the construction area. The CDM Contractor will
issue Company with an updated site layout drawing indicating traffic and
pedestrian routes

3.1.26. The CDM Contractor shall issue a site layout drawing showing
designated traffic and pedestrian routes, and shall update it as required as
the project progresses. If a road closure is required then COMPANY NAME.
shall submit a Road Closure Request Form to the permit office at lease
24hrs in advance. The CDM contractor shall inform Company of any road
closures which may affect their works.

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6.10. Storage of materials (particularly hazardous materials)
and work equipment
3.1.27. Before any potentially hazardous substance is brought onto site a
COSHH assessment will be carried out based on the product’s Material
Safety Data Sheet. These documents will be submitted to the CDM
Contractor Project HSE Manager for approval prior to the substance being
brought onto site. The assessment will cover the safe storage of the
substance, handling and disposal procedures, as well as relevant
treatment procedures in case of personal injury.

3.1.28. The COSHH assessment will comply with the UK COSHH regulations,
as will the handling of the material on site. It is a requirement of the client
that only the amount of chemicals required on site for daily usage be
allowed (unless authorised otherwise). All containers will be clearly
marked to identify their contents. Certain chemicals are required to be
kept safely stored in specific locations on site. The CDM Contractor will
notify Company of these locations and requirements on submission of the
COSHH assessment/MSDS.

6.11. Confined Space Working

3.1.29. All confined space working on the project shall be in accordance
with the UK Confined Spaces Regulations 1997, the basic requirements of
which are:

i) Preventing the need for entry

ii) Identification of hazards and assessment of risks associated with
Confined Spaces.
iii) Introduction of a safe system of work
iv) Emergency Procedures (including training)

3.1.30. Prior to any entry the following must be in place:

i) Correct training of all personnel both making the entry and
performing standby duties.
ii) Formulation of a specific RAMS package for the confined space entry
and works to be carried out within.
iii) Formulation of a specific rescue plan in case personnel working
within the confined space get into difficulties.
iv) Provision of all required PPE and safety equipment identified as
necessary in the RAMS (includes, but is not limited to, gas monitors,
safety lights etc).
v) Submission of all documents and training certificates to the CDM
Contractor for approval.
vi) Valid Confined Space Work Permit.

6.12. High Risk Activities

3.1.31. The following is a list of some of the potential high risk activities for
which task specific RAMS is required. These are in addition to the standard
Permit to Work system and will be enforced by the CDM Contractor. The

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list covers all tasks that are likely to involve COMPANY NAME, but is by no
means exhaustive.
i) All Confined Space Work
ii) Work with ionising radiations (Radiography)
iii) Work that requires changing flow of vehicles or pedestrian traffic
iv) Any direct mechanical or electrical tie-ins to live or previously live
v) Critical lifting Operations
vi) Pressure testing, hydrostatic / pneumatic air.
vii) Work involving the assembly or dismantling of heavy prefabricated
viii) Any work on roofs, fragile or otherwise
ix) Any work at height including steel erection, roofing and
erection/dismantling of scaffolding
x) Work within operating plant
xi) Activities that expose employees to hazardous chemicals or
biochemical substances
xii) Hot Work
xiii) 2 Tier working

6.13. Pressure Testing

3.1.32. Prior to any pressure testing taking place the COMPANY NAME
testing procedures shall be submitted to the CDM Contractor for review
and approval. Detailed RAMS packages will also be submitted for review
and will detail the proposed work, working medium, pressures, barrier
distances and personnel to be involved in the works.

3.1.33. All personnel involved in the pressure testing works shall be fully
briefed on all procedures and RAMS and shall sign onto the RAMS log
sheet to indicate that they understand the procedures etc, and that they
will abide by the safe working practices outlined within.

3.1.34. All pressure testing works will be closely monitored by the Company
supervisor at all times to ensure that safe working practices are
meticulously followed.

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7. Health Risks:

7.1. Asbestos
3.1.35. There will be no materials containing asbestos used on this project.
However as the CLIENT NAME site is located within the CLIENT facility it is
possible that asbestos may be encountered on site when working on
existing installations. The CDM Contractor shall inform Company if any
works being carried out under the contract scope will involve encountering
asbestos and specific RAMS will be developed for the controlled removal
of the materials using an approved contractor.

3.1.36. If asbestos, or suspected asbestos, is encountered during normal

working on site wok shall be stopped and the CDM Contractor informed so
that the material can be tested and provisions made for its removal under
the CDM Contractor’s Asbestos Management Plan.

7.2. Manual Handling

3.1.37. Risk of Musculo-skeletal injuries shall be eliminated by providing
alternative mechanical means of lifting/moving loads where practicable,
and by employing safe handling methods based on RAMS etc. Suitable
gloves shall be provided to mitigate the risk of hand injuries.

3.1.38. When lifting objects, personnel shall follow safe manual handling
procedures as outlined in their CCNSG safety passport training.

7.3. Use of hazardous substances, particularly where there

is a need for health screening
3.1.39. All hazardous substances that are brought onto the site must:
i) Be kept in suitable, correctly labelled containers
ii) Be stored in a suitable location
iii) Have the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available

3.1.40. An individual COSHH assessment shall be carried out on all

substances based on the information contained in their MSDS. These

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COSHH assessments shall be presented to the CDM Contractor for
approval before being communicated to the workforce.

3.1.41. COSHH Assessments will be kept with the permit at all times. All
personnel involved in the task will have read the COSHH assessment and
must understand the contents before being allowed to use the substance.

3.1.42. A site file shall be maintained for all hazardous substances brought
onto site and shall be available for inspection by the CDM Contractor at all

7.4. Reducing noise and vibration

3.1.43. Risks associated with noise and vibration shall be properly assessed
and eliminated where possible. Residual risks shall be controlled by the
use of equipment and tools with low noise/vibration emission levels,
controlling/monitoring of exposure periods and the use suitable and
sufficient PPE. Health Screening shall be required for those subject to
regular exposure.

3.1.44. For the purposes of this project ‘’Noise at Work’’ will be defined as
the 2 action levels referenced in the Control of Noise at Work Regulations

i) Lower Action Level - Daily personal noise exposure level of 80dB(A),

ii) Upper Action Level - Daily personal noise exposure level of 85dB(A)
It is envisaged that two distinct areas exist where personnel may be
exposed to noise whilst working on the project:

a) Noise produced by construction activities e.g. grinding,

drilling, machine tools and some diesel driven plant

b) Noise produced by others e.g. adjacent process areas. The

CDM Contractor will review noise levels throughout the
project to identify where hearing protection must be worn,
however as a general guide, hearing protection may be
necessary when you have to raise your voice to speak to
someone who is 2m or less away.

3.1.45. All tools operating at or above 85dB(A) must be fitted with blue
(mandatory) ear protection signs. When any such tools are being
operated, both the operator and those working in close proximity shall be
instructed to wear hearing protection.

3.1.46. PPE will be made available and issued to all personnel working in
areas where noise is expected to exceed 85dB(A).

3.1.47. All equipment generating vibration will have their vibration output
recorded on them. From this information the time limit for exposure to
that vibration shall be found and personnel shall be sure not to operate
the equipment in excess of this limit.
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7.5. Work with ionising radiation
3.1.48. As part of the contracted works on this project involve pipe work
installation it will be necessary to carry out some radiography. COMPANY
NAME will use approved radiography contractors for the works on site.

3.1.49. Site radiography contractors are required to give the Health and
Safety Executive at least seven days advance notification of any planned
radiography. This period of time is deemed necessary to enable
consultations between Vivergo, CLIENT, CDM CONTRACTOR and the
radiography contractor to take place, to review risk assessments and to
allow any necessary variations to be incorporated into the local rules. All
radiography on the site shall be subject to the issue of a Radiography
Permit issued by the CDM Contractor’s Permit Coordinator and shall
normally be performed outside of normal working hours. No ionising
radiation sources shall be left unsupervised whilst on site.

3.1.50. A minimum of 2 qualified persons from the radiography contractor

are required for each activity involving ionising radiation. Adequate
warning signs shall be posted on barriers and the work area shall be
marked off at a safe distance with plastic tape prior to starting any

3.1.51. All personnel executing radiography operations shall carry

calibrated radiation monitoring devices at all times.

3.1.52. The storage of radioactive sources on the site is prohibited; they

must be present only for the time required to complete the work. Whilst
not in use, radiation sources and their container shall be secured in a safe
location with adequate warning signs displayed.

7.6. Exposure to UV radiation (from the sun)

3.1.53. During periods of warm weather, COMPANY NAME. along with the
CDM Contractor will run various campaigns to make site employees aware
of the risks associated with exposure to UV radiation. Such campaigns
shall include, but will not necessarily be limited to:
i) Toolbox Talks
ii) Display of relevant guidance/posters on site notice boards
iii) Provision of skin care creams in site welfare facilities

7.7. Environmental Protection Strategy

i) General requirements

3.1.54. As per the COMPANY NAME. and CDM Contractor Environmental

Policies all necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent; spills, leaks or
other environmental emissions due to equipment failures, fuel handling,
rain water run-off, soil erosion, hazardous material usage, asbestos
abatements, or any other construction related activity, which could
adversely affect the environmental integrity of soil, water or air. The
effects that potentially could cause nuisance to those operating other

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facilities or living nearby the site will be reviewed and mitigating action
will be taken where deemed appropriate. The applicable requirements of
the UK Environmental Legislation during construction will be followed, as a
minimum. This HSE Plan and supporting documentation is consistent with
the requirements of ISO 14001. A single Waste Management Contractor
has been appointed for the Vivergo site.

ii) Environmental Control Measures

3.1.55. General control measures to be taken shall include:

i) Inclusion of environmental impacts and controls in HSE Plans,
Method Statements and Risk Assessments
ii) Assessing environmental controls during inspections and audits
iii) Implementation of the requirements of the project Environmental
Statement submitted to the planning & environmental authorities
and the applicable UK Environmental Agency (EA) Pollution
Prevention Guidelines (PPG);
iv) Controls and mitigation included in the ISO 14001 Environmental
Aspects & Significance Impact Register, where the Construction
related environmental impacts are systematically assessed;
v) Environmental controls stipulated in the Project Site Safety
Specifications. Examples of such are the requirement of each sub-
contractor to provide spill-kits, to adhere to the requirements for re-
fuelling and to ensure the mandatory use of drip-trays.

3.1.56. Environmental controls will be included in HSE Plans, Method

Statements and Risk Assessments which will be submitted to the CDM
Contractor. The CDM Contractor Project HSE Manager will monitor
compliance to the agreed controls for mitigation through the project
inspections and audit program.

iii) Waste Management

3.1.57. COMPANY NAME. will ensure that all personnel and subcontractors
under their control will adhere to the Waste Management arrangements
on site. Company will also ensure that personnel and subcontractors
maximise the re-use and recycling of any waste produced according to the
guidelines supplied by the site waste contractor.

3.1.58. If necessary Company will provide additional waste containers in

the work areas for their own activities and will ensure that all personnel
and subcontractors segregate waste accordingly.

iv) Spill Prevention

3.1.59. For any works where there is risk of a spill or discharge into site
drainage systems of environmentally harmful substances suitable spill kits
will be available in the work area. Personnel will be appraised on the
correct use of the spill kit and will be familiar with its location.

v) Nuisance
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3.1.60. COMPANY NAME. will ensure that the facilities provided for its
personnel and subcontractors are well maintained and kept in a clean
condition. Efforts will be made to ensure that all works carried out on site
cause as little nuisance to those operating adjacent facilities or living near
the site under the guidance of the CDM Contractor.

3.1.61. All vehicles brought onto site will comply with UK legislation and site
regulations, including inspections from the CDM Contractor’s nominated
plant/vehicle inspection subcontractor.


Appendix 1: HSE Representatives CVs

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