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R.P.Kent, Central bank is “an institution the Central Bank is to regulate the issue of Banking has been defined as “Accepting for
charged with the responsibility of managing bank notes and keeping of reserve with a view the purpose of lending and investment, of
the expansion and contraction of the volume to securing monetary stability in the country deposits of money from the public, repayable
of money in the interest of the general public and to operate currency and credit system of on demand, order or otherwise and
welfare.” the country to its advantages. At the same withdrawable by cheque, draft or otherwise.”
The essential feature of a central bank is its time pressing the necessity to establish a The essential features of banking are given
discretionary control over the monetary central bank in India, Hilton Young below:
system of the country. The central bank also Commission stressed the establishment 1.Dealing in Money: The banks deals in
acts as the leader of the money market and in objectives of establishment of a central bank money. They accept deposits from the public.
that capacity; it supervises, controls and in the country. There are different types of deposits such as
regulates the activities of the commercial 1.To abolish weak currency system: the savings, current, fixed, recurring, etc. Banks
banks. A bank is called as a central bank Central bank is established in the country to advance money as loans to the needy people.
because it occupies an important position in achieve many objectives. In India, particularly There are again different types of advances
the monetary and banking structure of the the currency was regulated by the such as cash credit, term loans, bill
country in which it operates. Thus, the central Government. The Hilton Young Commission discounting, overdrafts, etc. Thus, the banks
bank is an institution whose main function is found that separation of these functions was are basically dealer in money.
to help, control and stabilize the monetary defective from the point of view of economic 2.Agency: Banks act as an agents of the
and banking system of the country in the development of a country. It pointed out the customer. They provide variety of agency
national economic interest. inherent weaknesses of a system in which the services, besides the basic function of
According to W.A.Shaw, the central bank is control of currency and credit is in the hands accepting deposits and lending money. Fund
that bank which controls credit. Paul of two distinct authorities whose policies may transfer, credit cards, Tele banking, cheque
Samuelson defines central bank as a bank of be widely divergent and in which currency clearing, bills collection are some of the
bankers. Its duty is to control the monetary and banking services are controlled and services provided by the banks as an agent.
base or high powered money. managed separately from one another. 3.Credit Creation: The banks can create
Central banking is a new phenomenon. It is a 2.Maintain value of currency: it is necessary credit. It is an additional function of bank.
twentieth century financial institution. The to maintain the value of currency of a country Creating of credit is an unique feature of
central bank of the Federal Reserve System in stable. The Central Bank assumes the function banking. Every deposit can create credit.
USD was established by 1913. The Reserve of controller of currency, to secure monetary Additional money can be created for the
bank of India was set up on 1 st April, 1935 stability in the country. The establishment of purpose of lending. However, there is a limit
under the Reserve bank of India Act, 1934. the Reserve bank of India was also thought to for such credit. The Reserve bank of India has
The Imperial Bank of India was set up by the be necessary to maintain the value of rupee adopted certain measures to control credit
amalgamation of the three presidency banks, stable. created by the banks. Thus banks have to
in 1921 which had performed a few central 3.Appropriate Credit Policy: The Central Bank follows the restrictions laid down by the
banks’ functions. The imperial Bank served as of a country has to pursue an appropriate Reserve bank of India in this respect.
a banker to the government and in same credit policy for the country. In India, the 4.Commercial Nature: All the banking
capacity as a banker’s bank till the Reserve Bank of India was given the power to functions are carried out with the aim of
establishment of the Reserve bank of India in pursue an appropriate credit policy. making profit. Therefore, the nature of
1935. Accordingly the RBI can control the credit business of banks is commercial. They pay
The need for central bank in India was created by the banks in the country by its interest on deposits and these deposits are
stressed by the Royal Commission on Indian bank rate policy and other weapons which it advanced to the needy persons at a higher
Currency and Finance popularly known as the has been vested by virtue of various statutes, rate of interest. Therefore, there is a fixed and
Hilton Young Commission, in 1926. The particularly Reserve Bank of India Act and the minimum margin of profit in banking
Commission also suggested the name Banking Regulation Act. operations. Besides, these banks are also
“Reserve bank of India” for the country’s 4.To act as Banker’s Bank: The Central bank charge for the services rendered to the
Central Bank. The Indian Central banking acts as a banker’s bank. The Reserve bank of customers and add the profit.
Enquiry Committee also made a strong India is a banker’s bank which has control 5.Withdrawable Deposits: The deposits made
recommendation for the establishment of the over the cash reserves of the commercial by the customers can be withdrawn by
Reserve Bank. Accordingly, a fresh bill was banks. In India, RBI acts as a Central Bank and cheques, draft or otherwise. The banks issue
introduced in the Indian Legislative Assembly it provider’s loans and advances to medium cheque books to their customers. The
on 8th September, 1933. This bill was passed and small scale banks. customers have an option to withdraw money
and received the assent of the Governor 5.Control over Banking System: The Reserve either by cheque or withdrawable slip. The
General on 6th March, 1934 and became the bank of India has been given powers to issue deposits can be withdrawn on demand.
Reserve bank of India Act, 1934. The Reserve licenses to the banking companies in the However, fixed deposits can be withdrawn at
bank of India was constituted in accordance country. It can also inspect the books of maturity and these deposits cannot be
with this Act and commenced its operations accounts of the banking companies and issue withdrawn by cheques by the customers.
from 1st April, 1935. them appropriate directions. There are certain restrictions on the numbers
6.Leadership in Money Market: Another of withdrawals in case of saving deposits.
objective of the Central Bank was to remove
structural instability of the banking systems
and to provide leadership to the money
market. The Financial Institutions and Banks
can also do the same process for other
NEED FOR BANKS: We need banks in our day PRINCILES OF LEANDING: PACKING CREDIT: Packing credit is defined by
to day life. Banks cater to the needs of In order to protect their own interest as well the Reserve Bank of India as “Any loan to an
farmers, businessmen, traders, industrialists as national interest the following principles exporter for financing the purchase,
and common people in the society. Common should be followed by the banks: processing, manufacturing or packing of
people save money, which they put into the 1.Safety: Banks lend money out of the goods”. It is an interim advance provided by
bank for safety, security and getting some deposits received from the public. Therefore, the bank for helping the exporter to purchase
return out of it. Businessmen, traders and their deposits must be safe. Safety depends process, packing and shipment of the goods
industrialists open their accounts in the bank upon the security offered by the borrower for exports. It is also known as PRE-SHIPMENT
and carry out their transactions for receipts of and the repaying capacity and willingness of FINANCE. It is provided by any bank or
payment of money through cash or cheques. the borrower to repay the loan with interest. financial institution. The exporters generally
They can also get loans from the bank for Thus, bank should ensure that the security require finance at the pre-shipment stage for
financing their business activities. Farmers can offered is adequate and reading realizable. the following purpose:
borrow money from the banks for seeds, Safety in the most important principle of good 1.TO purchase raw materials, components,
irrigation, fertilizers, etc. they can also save landing. machinery equipment and technology.
and banks for seeds, irrigation, fertilizers, etc. 2.Liquidity: The bank has to repay the 2.To pay for transportation and warehouse
They can also save and invest their surplus depositors on demand. In order to meet the expenses.
money in the banks. Thus, banks are needed demand of the depositors in time, the bank 3.For specialized export packing of goods.
by every section of our society. should keep its funds in liquid from. The 4.To pay insurance premium on shipment of
Banks are an indispensable part in a modern liquidity refers to the ability of an asset to goods.
developing society. They act as an agent of convert into cash in short time. It is not 5.To clear the goods after inspection, customs
their customers in performing the functions enough that the money should come back, it and excise authorities.
such as collection of dividends, pensions, is also necessary that it must come back on 6.To pay commission to overseas agents.
purchase and sales of securities and payment demand or in accordance with agreed terms 7.To pay freight for shipment of goods.
of salary and other expenses. We cannot carry of payment. The borrower must be in a 8.To provide additional working capital from
out all cash transactions in these days, position to repay within a reasonable time time to time.
because, it is risky and time consuming. We after demand for repayment is made. Thus,
cannot also keep large amount of cash in sources of repayment must be definite. NABARD: Reserve Bank of India has been
hand. In this respect, banks help the 3.Profitability: Banks are commercial showing keen interest in agricultural credit
businessmen and all other people by institutions. They should earn profit to pay and maintained a separate department for
accepting their deposits and allowing interest on deposits, declare dividend to their this purpose. A National Bank For Agriculture
withdrawals by cheques and transfer of shareholders, meet administrative and and Rural Development (NABARD) was set up
money. operation expenses and provide for to take over the agricultural credit functions
Banks are also needed by the government. depreciation, reserves, etc. In other words the of RBI as well as refinance functions of ARDC.
Banks act as an agent as well as banker of the banks should earn profit for their survival. The The NABARD was set up in July, 1982 by Act of
government. They collect money from the banks should utilize funds in such a way that Parliament. The Bank was linked organically
public, tax payers and businessmen on behalf they will bring adequate return. with the RBI. The RBI contributed half of its
of the government and the payment are also capital and other half was contributed by the
made through the banks. Government makes Pledge: It is the bailment of goods, a security government of India. The Government has
the payments by cheques for which bank for payment of debt. A pledge occurs when powers to appoint three Board of Directors on
account are required. Only a bank can issue goods are delivered to the bank and the the bank and the Deputy Governor of RBI was
cheque books to the depositors because they goods pledged will be returned to the appointed as a chairman of NABARD. The
are authorized by the banking regulation act. borrower on repayment of the loan. Thus, the authorized share capital of the bank was Rs.
Modern banks touch almost every sphere of goods serve as security for the loan. A pledge 500 crores and its paid up capital was Rs. 100
economic activity. They collect savings and is created when goods are delivered by one Crores. The paid up capital of NABARD was
other funds from the people and rechannalise person to another for securing debt. It is the raisedto Rs. 1000 Crores. NABAED draws
these funds to borrowers for financial bailment of goods as security for payment of funds from the Government of India, the
investments. Thus, banks, by collecting saving, debt or performance of a promise. In a world Bank and other agencies. It also
lending money and by generating money, play contract of pledge, there are two parties, a borrows from RBi. World Bank has been
an important role in the economic bailor and a bailee. The person who pledge providing funds to NABARD for
development of a country. the goods is called bailor and the person to implementation of project Financed by it.
Commercial banks in India were started whom goods are pledge is called the bailee. A
during the latter half of the 19th century. borrower is called the bailor or pledger and
Three Presidency banks dominated the the banker is called the bailee or pledge.
banking space i.e. bank of Bengal, Bank of Goods which are of a movable nature are
Bombay and bank of Madras. The Reserve pledged to the bank. Charge on shares,
Bank of India was set up in 1935. debentures, fixed deposit receipts, units of
A bank performs a multitude of functions and UTI and National Savibg Certificates can be
services which cannot be reached into a single created by the bank by way of pledge.
definition. A bank may mean different things Transfer of possession, is compulsory in case
for different people. For some it is a of pledge, though ownership continues to
storehouse of money, for others an institution remain with the pledge. If the borrower fails
of funding or finance and yet to many others, to repay the loan within the stipulated time,
a bank is a depository for their savings. The the banker can sell the security pledged by
structure and pattern of banking in India is giving reasonable notice to the pledger or he
based largely on the British banking system may file a suit against the pledger to recover
which is largely branch banking. the debt and retain the property pledged as
Functions of Central Banks: The important
functions of central banks are as follows:
1.Monopoly Power of note-issue: Central
banks print money, distribute notes and coins,
intervene in foreign exchange markets to
regulate the national currency’s rate of
exchange with other currencies and manage
foreign asset reserves to maintain the
external value of the national currency.
Commercial banks in many countries enjoyed
the power to issue notes in the nineteenth
century. However, the notes issued by them
lacked uniformity. Governments many
countries began to perform this function. But,
governments could not be prevented from
over-issuing or under-issuing notes.
Therefore, the central bank has been given
the monetary power of note issue.
2.Banker’s Bank: Commercial banks are
required, by law or convention, to keep a
certain bank. Thus, the central bank acts as a
custodian of cash reserves. Banks draw cash
balances from the central bank as and when
the situation demands. As a banker’s bank, it
acts as a lender of last resort. This sort of
accommodation makes the central bank a
lender of last resort.
3.Controller of credit: In a modern credit
oriented economy, bank credit is an
important component of money supply.
Being profit seeking institutions, commercial
banks may adopt a policy of under expansion
or contraction of credit to suit their needs.
This may lead to inflation or deflation neither
of which is desirable. To ensure price stability
the supply of bank credit is to be regulated.
This is supposed to be the most important
function of central bank.
4.Banker to the government: cental bank
provide bank deposit and borrowing facilities
to the government while simultaneously
acting as the government’s fiscal agent and
underwriter. The central bank acts as a
banker, agent and advisor to the government.
5.Custodian of foreign exchange reserves
:Central banks interfere in foreign exchange
markets to regulate the national currency’s
rate of exchange with other currencies and
manage foreign asset reserves to maintain the
external value of the national currency.
6.Promotinal and developmental functions: in
case of less developed economies, the central
bank acts not only as a controller and
regulator of credit but also as a promoter .
7.Regulator of domestic financial institution:
Central banks ensure that commercial banks
and other financial institutions conduct their
business prudently and in accordance with
relevant laws and regulations.

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