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Hirao, Carmela Dawn V.

Gelito, Ryan
 It is a process through which you define
and evaluate the business needs of your
network system.
 Also called needs assessment
 Purpose of requirements defines what
the software is supposed to do.
 Basis for all the future design, coding,
and testing that will be done on the
 Requirements analysis
process aims to identify and
document the customer's
requirements for a proposed
1. A trained software
practitioner called the
Requirements Analyst (RA)
communicates with
knowledgeable users to
understand what the
requirements are.
2. The Analyst's jobs is to flesh it
out, add implied requirements
and mandatory or regulatory
requirements the client may not
be aware of and create a
document called the Software
Requirements Specifications, or
3. At the end of the process, the SRS
turn out to be the blue print of the
product. A reference point for the
client, the project manager, the
tester and the designer. The SRS
should ideally restrict itself to
specifying “What” the product
should do rather than “How” to do it
 Ideally, an SRS should include at the
least the following information:
 Functional Requirements 

Functional Requirements are the

“features” software has, or will have.
Implied Requirements are the
requirements that the customer has
missed or those that are required to
support the main features.
 Non Functional Requirements
How efficient is the software product? Is
it high performance, is it reliable, how
fast is it, does it consume a lot of system
 Regulatory Requirements
In many industries, there may be
regulations within which the software
should comply.
The analyst has to include these
requirements of applicable to the industry
or country in which the software product
is to be deployed.
 External Interface Requirements
Will this product interact with other software
or hardware?
The analyst needs to list the minimum
requirements of these interfaces.
 Required states and modes.
 CSCI capability requirements.
 CSCI external interface requirements.
 CSCI internal interface requirements.
 CSCI internal data requirements.
 Adaptation requirements.

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