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Hoot: Technology Lesson_______________________

Type of Lesson: Language Arts

Grade: Fifth

Standard: 1.1.4.D – Demonstrate comprehension/understanding before reading,

during reading, and after reading on grade level texts through strategies such as
retelling, summarizing, note taking, connecting to prior knowledge, supporting
assertions about text, and non-linguistic representations.

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the plot and characters
in Hoot, by creating a word web using the software found at the website: .

Materials: Hoot by Carl Hiassen, computer lab with internet access, printer.

Beginning/opening of Lesson:
 Motivational Opening – show an example of information without logical organization
and ask students to try to figure out what it represents.

 Activation of Prior Knowledge – How do we organize information? Can you name some
different strategies we use to organize information? Discuss how outlines, lists, or
graphic organizers are ways to organize information.

 Statement to students of new learning that will occur – today you will learn the process
of creating a word web to review and organize your knowledge and comprehension
about the book Hoot.

Middle of Lesson:
 Direct Instruction –Demonstrate how to log on to the website, choose the correct type
of graphic organizer, name file, save, and get started.
 Guided Practice – Students will log on, select the correct type of graphic organizer,
name their file, and begin adding details. The teacher will walk around and assist as
 Independent Practice – Building on the guided practice, students will create and add
details to their word webs. Students will print their word webs.

Closing of Lesson: After a brief “think-pair-share” activity where students compare their
webs and share with the class what they found, the students will tell, in their own words,
what they learned about the process of creating word webs and their purpose.

Evaluation: Assess the students’ word webs.

 For students who had trouble learning the concepts: Provide more scaffolding,
or allow the students to use a paper copy of a graphic organizer.
 For the students who require a challenge: Have the students complete a more
challenging organizer such as a Venn diagram comparing two or more

Plan B: If the technology is not available or does not work properly, have the
students use a hard copy of a graphic organizer to create their word webs. (Samples

Follow up activity: After the class has completed their word webs, the teacher could
tally the words used and create a class “Wordle” with the top 25 words. This could
be used as a discussion starter for another comprehension lesson on Hoot.

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