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ROIS eS Saint Luke’s full of English charm Church is one of the great spaces in the Northeast PEOPLE RARELY. equate Pilladelphi's Great Nort ‘east with shining examples of great ety architecture, ‘but trae ta town known, asBusleton, spectically(0 ‘946 Welsh Road, and you ‘think you slipped back in time oalitde country Eng- lishvillage outside London ‘Nodoubt youl want to pull ‘Fe othe side of the road nd taken this remarkable ‘complex of buildings. “The main building, the Memorial Chueh of Saint Like the Beloved Physician, is a blue stone building tHimmed with brown stone and bic ‘According. to. “King’s Handbook of Episcopal ‘Churches. Saint Luke's is regu asone ofthe most ‘beautiful smal structures Inthecountry.Thechurehs interior will give you a sense of architect Richard Upjohn’ purity ofsye ‘Next tothe church you'll notice salle structure (now the Parish Office) with an equally stunning slated ‘oof That same Gothic style fan ‘be seen. in another Upjohn work, Manhattan's ‘Trinity Church, famed not only foritsarchitecture but Farts close proximity othe twin towers. on 3, ‘Alook at Richard Upjohn ‘Upjohn was Bora in Eng Tand in 82 but migrated tothe nite States, where AesetedinMasachse, He assisted in the design ofthe Boson Court House Sand inthe entrances tothe Aosion Common, Ts big break came in 1839, when hewascalledto New York to side in the restoration of Trinity “Some of Upjohn's churches are among the very few American buildings that could have been taken seriously by the English critics ofthe 1840s” CChureh. When tha est tion project was shel Upjohn designed the saructute(8gg46)inthe English Gothic Pespendiey- larsyl ; ‘Although Trinity i om sidered Upjoha’s best eno work, iis not his most ‘beauifu. That honae is reserved forthe sovaled Early English style St. Mary's Church 184688) in Burlington, New Jey ‘The history of In Upjohn’ day, the Neth feast was a ast stret@h of farms and woodland.) Bustleton, sccordib to Saint Luke's vest Frank Moore, was agate “THE AVE of Sint uke’ Button STITT sts of tae. baker who tok bread to George Washington's star. ing troops in Valley Forge. (Bustle family. relations Include Paul Robeson and SadieT Alexander anattor. ey) ive years after the chuteh’s comersone was Taid'in 1860, one parish: fone wrote that there was “lust ingingof the church bas" Moore cites. historical accounts of 9th cent Bustleton in which res dents complained about Indians walking around With nothing on above their ‘waist in the wari weather months as wellas esidents ‘rticizing neighbors for building homes on top of + Sait uke’ was founded when newlywed Ms Pauline Here sought a ay thane her husband, ‘Bernard Henry, MD after hhewas os ata during theirhoneynoen, Ms. Henry approached the bishop and asked where hhenetded 3 church “She founded two churches, Sain Luke's andthe ‘ican church of Sint Thomas in West Philadelphia To this ay, ‘the rest at both churches recivesa stipend fom her estate” sys Saint luke’ vesryman Frank Moor Preserved beauty {Inthe early 20th century Saint Like’ chancel wat renovated and new hat ‘churches are among the very few American build: ings that could have been taken seriously by the Eng lisheities of the 18408 ‘when the new standards of archaeological accuracy And liturgical correctness ‘were being promulgated.” wrote Marcus Whiffen in “American Architecture Since 1780" St Lake's gem not tobe overlooked. rT T=PHIAH ASEAN

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