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ln gE SO OEE tit TT CHAMBER of COMMERCE Tre Bea Cte rE be Oe Adee Amschel Law Corp.—Pete Amschel ete graduated from Hemet interesting legal issues involved HEMET/ SA JACM Pig Sens Peteis Ed says “The office will pve a ne a Witham Veteran, drafted 1ove discount on living trusts to ctr be fished college” He isa dient identifying themselves as HAMBE! Gharter member and an officer in Chamber of Commerce or VEW Hemet VEW Post 12023. His members" present goal is to get classmate Pete chimes in, “Ob, and I'm ‘the Steering Co Ind fellow lnnyer Bruce Walls one of three white people at our Division of the! into the Post focal mosque here in Hemet Chamber of Cor Pete's father, James E. Amschel, where [have been a member and | Wedimesday of eac! was the senior partner who stat 2 corporate officer since the yeat © Chamber of C: ed their office. Ed senior had broad general practice and re sented the hospital district, sr as President of the Hemet Unified 2000: Sometimes I get to do the |" Beets gna Genera “al pote La hs | Divison are sce uezzin” who calls out in aloud peruse voir that Friday peer ue» Pete Amschel School District and was general coming up. I guess that is a bit couttsel for the Lake Hemet Water judge Stephen Wilson in Los unusual fora Hemet boy District before his death in 1978. Angeles with a federal jury where There is a database on Rete, "Thereisnothingvealthepacenan adsbotand killed cases which Pete has handled dramatic about our pracices‘and the itisensand'he has handled 3 which go into the newspaper, : alot of our work is of course, jury trials against doctors accused (te: thisis just since 1990 oF so) HEMET/ SAN JACINT confidential but 1 am proud of of malpractice. He was proud to and he has twenty years of cases two cases I had which went into have served as. Angelo before that reported in another the National Case Reporters and Dominigoni’s attorney in the database that the pesnet could inent 1970s. Itwas alo his privilege to Fefer to you ‘The Steering Co tae to ter ces pro Cnough to get reported "on fave Neneented Feeds -Amschel Law Corporation has Channel 4 with Patrick Heal” —Domenigoni, from Winchester. been a member of the Chamber Mr. Healy left me a card the last Pete says,"Iam also very proud to of Commerce since 1976. Their _ Division of the Hem ars fe ta ut Ree eR ee ett offce slocted inthe awniown "of Comuneresl nat tote’ Mayallyournevsbegood Pith wey kardhorse Ron business district st 120. S0 i 630 pam evs!” "Tplanto callin about Pourrey, who also farmed the Harvard St. Their phone umber Ariat is happening in workers morc’ arca south of Hemet (51) 650-5458 Compensation cases today where Fee won a jury tral for Frances the new governor bas shown the Domenigont, in the late "70's ‘way to cut costs which is to deny against his old firm Best Best and Tossa car and vo rele beat Wag Hie gk 1 ca ag orn ffs t injured work Ths ba °° DosStigrad wordd wie we por been creating tremendous hard- mission to write about that one Ship to the injured workers and 4 water runoff problem withthe tht fais” tpsteam landowner” Pete ete continues, “Ed and I are served as general counsel forthe jn cour of courtey les Lae Hemet ater dict fr Gringo mainaln di foal es Satyam ol wes moral dition of a general law practice. Some major litigation for the Our father, Edvard, established Gamer Vale Property Owner's the peace bee town, Hewat Aagocation a gencral practioner with brosd "Fese sys his practice has been case experience. He served as the good in combination with his Ton’ County “Amrocy in fegther Ud. kdl bes alo Jackson, Wyoming and was worked very well with elderly President of the Chamber of chents in Hemet and has estab Commerce therefor many years. ised an exellent reputation for ‘Our uncle Milward was a lawyer being honest and trustworthy in Wyoming and the same with wth them over the tree decades Miward's son Aland now Als Of working with them on estate ton il Simpson, ishandling the Sraers hee ithe Valley Ths family’s law practice in Cody, has resulted in a benefcal divi Wyoming” sion of labor in the office with Pec hes handed jury wily Pte usualy more inclined 10 against police ofcers accused of accept cases involving possible brutality and a third one before meee or where cena ‘be. Evens for the Gener: = Th « sday @ 6: 1p.

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