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IDIOM : a group of words (expression or saying) that means something different than the
individual words by them selves.


1. Sick and tired Hate/ do not like….. It has been raining for 12 hours.
I’m sick and tired of the rain.
2. Cut it out Stop doing something bad That noise is annoying. Cut it
3. Hit the book Study hard You will have a semester next
month. You must hit the book
from now.
4. Grab a bit to eat To go to a restaurant I’m hungry, lets grab a bit to
eat at the Mbok Sri
5. It’s raining cats and It’s raining hard It’s raining cats and dogs, I’m
dogs afraid we’ll get flood soon.
6. On cloud nine Very happy I won a free car and was on
cloud nine.
7. Piece a cake Very easy The English test was a piece a
8. Take it easy Relax/ calm down During holidays, I take it easy.
9. Keep your chin up Be brave/ keep trying/ don’t Keep your chin up Even though
give up you have to take the remedial
10. Give me a hand To help/help Can you give me a hand lifting
this heavy chair?

SLANG : an informal expression

Positive Negative
Cool, awesome, rocks my Lame, sucks, bites, brutal, • Hellos
world, sweet, hot, golden, grody, nasty, screwed up, Yo, hey, what’s up?, sup?,
sassy, bumping, chill, tight, weak, whack how’s it going? How’s it
clutch, dope, fierce, fly, hanging? What’s new?
fresh, kicking, killer, What’s the good news
wicked, • Goodbyes
Bye, see ya, catch you
later, later, peace, peace
out, take care

Example :
Q: How are you ? (meaning: how are you felling ?)
A : I’m fine.
Q : What’s up? (meaning: What are you doing right now)
A : Not much!! I ‘m teaching

- Instead of saying “what a pity you are!” (kasihan deh loe) we just
say “what a pity!!”.
- You don’t say “ wait me” but say “ wait for me”.
- We go to “ tourist attractions” not “tourist objects”.
- SMAN 2 is “the most popular school” in Madiun, not the

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