Final Lab 2

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MTH 252

Final Lab
Problem 2
Justin Drawbert
August 10, 2010

In Final Lab Problem 2 we are asked about a problem we went over in class, in which we were
asked to consider a region, R, bounded by the curves

f (x) = sin(x), g(x) = 3 · sin(x), 0≤x≤π

Of course 3 · sin(x) will be equal or greater to sin(x) over the interval considered, which gives a
shape with a bounded region that looks like

3 3*sin(x)




0 π/4 π/2 3π/4 π

It appears we’re going to have a sort of egg shaped object with a hidden compartment. So here the
radius of the area being considered is the difference in the two functions. Or in other words the
area we consider will be π times the square of the greater radius g(x), minus π time the square of
the lesser radius, f (x). We then take the integral of the area to find the volume. So here’s what
we’ve got
Outer Radius = 3 · sin(x) Inner Radius = sin(x)
2 2 h i
A = π 3 · sin(x) − π sin(x) = π 9 · sin2 (x) − sin2 (x)

Z π h i
V = π 9 · sin2 (x) − sin2 (x) dx
Z π h i
=π 9 · sin2 (x) − sin2 (x) dx
"    #π
1 1 1 1
=π 9 x − · sin(2x) − x − sin(2x) by table 63
2 4 2 4
"     #
π π
=π 9 −0 − − 0 − 9 (0) + (0)
2 2

= 4π 2

So our volume is 4π 2 . And our shape should looks something like

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