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The space age, which began during the second half of the 20th century, made it possible for mankind to look at Earth from
the distance. As spacecraft improved and became less expensive to launch, the possibility arose to continuously monitor the
Earth from space. Accumulation of Remote Earth Sensing (RES) data over various ranges of the spectrum and expansion of
interpretation techniques made detection of direct and indirect dependences possible. The RES processing techniques,
together with the present level of development of mathematical apparatus, take the form of firmware systems, which are
based on fifth-generation computers. It becomes possible to isolate a special class of information from the overall body of
data - geoinformation anomalies (GIAs).

An anomaly of this type quite fully reflects the structure and specific features of the geographic mantle of a given region. A
more detailed RES study led to the conclusion that the energy which plays an active part in the transformation of the Earth's
crust is manifested in the formation of GIAs. Since the effects of this energy take shape over a quite lengthy period of time
(millions of years), the structure of a GIA has a fairly high level of resistance to exogenous influences.

When certain prior information is available, techniques used to solve inverse problems in mathematical physics enable
reconstruction of the underlying structure of a GIA with a high degree of probability.

Thus, the basis of the subject technology for detecting and calculating reserves of mineral resources (both metalliferous and
nonmetalliferous) consists of using unique mathematical techniques to process (interpret) traces of influence the Earth's core
exerts on its surface. This analysis (prediction) is performed during the processing of satellite and aerial photographs, and it
is called the structure measurement technique for the prediction of mineral raw materials. It does not replace traditional
techniques but rather supplements the entire complement of geological exploration work, makes it possible to minimize
seismic and other geophysical sensing, as well as instrumental geochemical analysis. It provides a prompt updateable
prediction during all work phases. This technique enhances effectiveness of exploratory drilling, allows construction of a
detailed geological model, and calculation of field reserves.

Structurometric analysis dates back to decades ago as one of the geomorphological techniques varieties for studying
aerospace images of the Earth's surface. A team of scientists developed an original series of algorithms for the
structurometric analysis of multispectral satellite data in order to facilitate the prospecting and exploration of oil, gas, and
other mineral resource deposits detected on the basis of computer-aided analysis. It is called Sub Terrain Prospecting

Since 1997, this technology has been tested at more than sixty fields and has yielded outstanding results. Its use proved to
reduce geological exploration costs by, in some cases, 500% and shorten new field prospecting time to a few months.

The basis of the STeP technology consists of detection of traces that the mineral resources exert on the terrestrial surface.
Affected by the energy emanating from the Earth's core, these deposits, like all others, emit seismoacoustic waves.

Over millions of years since hydrocarbon pools were formed, low-power waves, apparently acoustic in nature, have
continuously exerted a relentless influence, which has resulted in substantial rearrangement of terrestrial landscapes via
creation of billions of central-type formations on the Earth's surface. In scientific literature, these formations have come to be
called "ring structures".

Field research conducted in various regions around the world has confirmed that the zonal variation of terrestrial surface
relief (compacting or loosening of soils, and changes in other geomorphological-engineering and geological properties of the
ground, vegetation, etc.) is observed within these ring structures.

Based on the fundamental physical prerequisites, a system methodology for structurometric analysis was developed.
Universal comprehensive computerized procedures were created to undertake the scientific analysis of oil-and-gas pools, as
well as other geological objects. That allows prediction of their locations and acceptation of their various parameters
(including objects at 10 km or deeper).

The essence of the structurometric analysis procedure consists of the following.

-ibrating under the influence of the energy emanating from the Earth's interior, each point of a hydrocarbon raw material
pool becomes a source of continuously emitted acoustic waves that proceed to the Earth's surface in the shape of a cone at
an angle of about 72°.

The best "footprint" of the influence of the subject's acoustic waves is manifested at the edges of the cone. This results in the
formation of a ring structure on the Earth's surface. Using special computer programs, it is possible not only to follow the trail
on aerospace photographs, but also to give it a specific geometric and physical interpretation.

First and foremost, using a digital aerospace photograph that has undergone geometric correction (i.e., one that corresponds
precisely to a topographic map in scale and projection), it is possible to accurately and reliably ascertain depth of oil or gas.
Having analyzed ring structures with different radiuses, it is possible to recreate an image of the three-dimensional structure
of the contact zone of oil-and-gas-bearing formations having cappings.

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