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Nombre: ______________________

Getting to know your ‘libro de texto’

1. What is the name of your textbook? _______________________________________

2. How many chapters are there? _________

3. What are the 4 learning objectives of chapter 5?

1. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________
2. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________

4. Flip through pages vii – xvii and you should notice that each chapter (except the
preliminary) has the same structure. There are 9 regular parts/sections of each chapter.
What are they?
1. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________
2. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________
3. _______________________________ 8. _______________________________
4. _______________________________ 9. _______________________________
5. _______________________________

5. Now flip to pages 226-261 to look at an example of a chapter. Notice that the sections
you listed in question 4 above are color coded. Write the colors next to each section in the
answers you wrote for number 4.

6. What does the “lecturas culturales” section consist of?


7. Refer to the “Guide to Symbols” on page xix. Draw the symbol that indicates…

…it is a partner …it is a group …you have learned …the activity

activity. activity. all the new material reviews previously
for the current learned material
chapter and the not from the
rest of the chapter current chapter.
will be reviewing
this material.

…the activity …it is a listening

requires critical activity that
thinking. requires CD’s.

8. What do you find in the orange section from pages SH36 to SH41.

9. What is the yellow section from pages SH42 to SH65 called? What is contained in this

10. Browse through the textbook and find an example of a “QuickPass” box on the top of one of
the pages. What is the web address it directs you to?

11. Turn to pages labeled “SR” in the back of your book. This color coded section is the “Student
Resources” section. Describe what you find in each section.

Dark blue _____________________________________________

Green _____________________________________________

Teal blue _____________________________________________

Red _____________________________________________

Royal blue _____________________________________________

Orange _____________________________________________

Dark blue _____________________________________________

12. What are the differences between the two dictionaries in the Student Resources section?




13. What does “cosa” mean in English? What does the “3.1” after it refer to?

14. How do you say “shoe” in Spanish? What chapter do we learn it in?

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