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WNY 210 : Renovation Phase l - MIC Room, and 4 flr Hallway and Common Areas
WNY 210 : Renovation Phase II - Remaining Hallways, Lobbies and Common Areas /
WNY 157: Renovation Phase lII - Hallways, Lobbies and Common Areas
Washington Navy Yard, DC

Work Order Number TBD Date 07/16/2010


P a rt 1 P ro p o s a l Fo rm s a n d Do c u m e n ts

P a rt 2 Ge n e ra l Re q u ire m e n ts

P a rt 2, Atta c h m e n t A: P ro je c t-S p e c ific Ge n e ra l Re q u ire m e n ts

P a rt 3 S ta te m e n t o f Wo rk / P ro je c t P ro g ra m

P a rt 4 Min im u m Ma te ria ls , En g in e e rin g a n d Co n s tru c tio n Re q u ire m e n ts

P a rt 5 P re s c rip tive Te c h n ic a l S p e c ific a tio n s - NA

P a rt 6 Atta c h m e n ts


This Request for Proposal (RFP) consists of six parts.

• Part 1 contains typical contractual forms, procedures, bidding instructions, bond information,
clauses and wage decisions.
• Part 2 contains general contract administrative and execution requirements including, but not
limited to safety, design criteria & process, quality control, security, schedule, invoicing,
temporary facilities, and design and construction oversight processes.
• Part 2, Attachment A, contains project-specific general requirements that modify the
corresponding standard paragraphs in the Part 2 “General Requirements” section.
• Part 3 lists the project requirements, specific scope items, and expected quality level above
and beyond those outlined in Part 4.
• Part 4 contains Performance Specifications and minimum quality requirements.
• Part 5,NOT USED
• Part 6 contains background project information, references, and other project-specific

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