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Unit Three


PERIOD (1930 - 1960)
The Middle Period was a time of self-discovery and of rapid growth and writers called it as the
Period of Emergence.

1. The writers consciously and purposefully set out to create a national literature. They proclaim
that our writers should reflect the Filipino way of life, our traditional values as Filipinos and
even utilize the tropical vegetation of the islands as appropriate background for their stories
and poems.
2. The writers had gained full control of the English language and could manipulate it
successfully as literary medium.
3. Experimentation with different literary forms, technique and moods was the fashion.
4. Three groups of writers emerged: (a) those who were deeply concerned with social
consciousness, (b) those whose main concern was craftsmanship and (c) those who were
determined to explore the local color. “VERONICANS” aimed at making their writings bear the
imprint of the face of Christ.

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