Iqyylog Collection

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How to collect iqyylog:

Use WebSM to copy the iqyylog.log to dvd

SFP -> Manage Serviceable Event

select an open event ( the one that is related to you current problem )
goto Selected -> Manage Problem Data
choose iqyylog.log and offload to media (DVD or USB stick)

If you need to collect more iqyylog files then do this one by one because the iqyylog file on
the dvd will be overwritten each time ( so before saving a new iqyylog to the dvd first copy it
to another file ).

If have access to the HMC get the DVD out of the HMC and copy the iqyylog.log file from
DVD to your laptop and then it can be mailed to IBM support.

If your HMC is remotely managed and you don t have access to the DVD use the sendfile
command to send (ftp) the file to another system with ftp deamon active.

Login as user hscpe to HMC and perform following steps:

hscpe@P590:~> mount /media/cdrom

hscpe@P590:~> ls -ltr /media/cdrom
total 3841312
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 2006-10-12 15:07 lost+found
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root ccfw 3930594962 2007-01-19 14:39 backuphdr.tgz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root ccfw 2906497 2007-07-05 09:52 iqyylog.log

hscpe@P590:~> sendfile -f /media/cdrom/iqyylog.log -h -d . u NL82122

hscpe@P590:~> umount /media/cdrom

Now the iqyylog.log is on the other system and can be mailed to IBM support

Info about sendfile:

Usage: sendfile -f local-file-name -h remote-system
-d remote-dir -u user [-passwd password] [-s] [-k] help]
-f Local file to transfer.
-h Remote system to transfer file to.
-d Remote directory.
-u User id on remote system.
--passwd Password on remote system. If omitted, password will be prompted.
-s Use secure ftp.
-k Identity file for public key authentication.
--help Prints this help message.
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