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Home Remedies
Ringworm usually responds well to self-treatment within four weeks without
any need to see a doctor. Here are some home remedies you can try that
may help:

 Nail polish - Try applying some clear nail polish to the affected areas.
Apparently, this works to smother the ringworm, with results noted
during the first 24 hours.
 Apple cider vinegar - Apply some apple cider vinegar onto a Q-tip
and apply to the affected areas several times a day. They should dry
up quickly.
 Sea salt - Wet the affected areas and apply some sea salt to them.
Let sit for 30 minutes and then reapply. You may see results within
three days.
 Bleach - Mix one part bleach to six parts water, dip a cotton ball in
this solution and apply to the affected areas. Do this two times each
day, applying the mixture 15 seconds to each area. You may see
results within a week.
 Grapefruit seed extract - Buy a liquid solution of grapefruit seed
extract, apply some of this solution into the affected areas and cover
with a Band-Aid. You may see results within several hours.
 Tea tree oil - Try applying some tea tree oil to the affected areas.
You can see results within a week.
 Vinegar - Human skin is normally slightly acidic by nature. It is only
when it becomes alkaline that fungi can survive. By rubbing vinegar
into the affected areas, you help to restore its normally acidic
 Chewing tobacco - Wet some chewing tobacco and apply it to the
infected areas. You may see results by the next morning.
 Alcohol - Try soaking the infected area in alcohol 2-3 times a day. It
can clear up in a week.
 Garlic - As garlic is known for its anti-fungal qualities, it is an
excellent treatment for this condition. Take one clove of garlic, slice it
in half and cover with a Band-Aid. In as little as three days the fungi
should disappear.
 Selenium - A deficiency of selenium is often the cause of a fungal
infection, so taking 200 mg of selenium three times daily, along with
50 mg of zinc two times daily and folic acid three times daily may

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