Mayor Letter Dec203 Dejong Response PDF

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January 26, 2004

His orship Mayor Colin Kinsley City of Prince George 1 100 Patricia Boulevard
Prince George, British Columbia VEL BV9
Dear Mayor Kinsley:
Thank you for your letter of December 2, 2003, regarding mountain pine beetle
suppression within the City of Prince George. I have been asked tu respond. The
diligent efforts put Forth in previous years by the City of Prince George to
suppress beetle populations, as well as building and maintaining a cooperative
relationship between the city, licensees, and the Ministry of Forests, have been
effective and very much appreciated. The decision to have the city’s Core Beetle
Management Unit (Core BMU) separate from Deñned Forest Ares Management
funding and management responsibility was in part based on these important factors.
The task ol" assessing funding availability for continuation of suppression aotivitios has
been completed. Additionally, the probability of reaching the biological suppression goal
of 80 to 100 percent beetle brood removal in lhe Core BMU was reviewed. 1 understand
that the City of Prinee George has committed funds toward suppression activities and
that private landowners are also working toward this goal. Therefore, in meeting its part
of the equation, the Ministry of Forests will contribute $95 000 to the City ot`P1'inee
George for suppression activities within the Core BMU.
Thank you again for your cooperation in this matter. Partic.ulars of the Iïmding
arrangements will be discussed further with you through the Northern Interior Forest
Region office. If you have questiene regarding this, please contact Jim Sneteinger,
Regìcmzzl Manager ef the Northern Interior Forest Region at 250-565-6102.
Yours truly,
Doug Konkin | Received and

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His Worship Mayor Colin Kinsley
pe: The Honourable Michael de Jong, Minister of Forests Jim Snetsinger, Regional
Manager, Northern Interior Forest Region
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