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Lessons Learned

The Parable of the Oak Tree

Some seekers went out into the wilderness in search of some insight from the wise
woman who lived there. They traveled for many days through an oak forest, where the
trees were tall and straight. They truly enjoyed walking amidst their splendor and
dignity; they could feel the harmony of the trees and the cosmos. They loved how the
trees’ leaves seem to shutter with delight as they rustled in the wind’s breath. They
found the prudent one, there, in the heart of the forest. She was very pleasant and
offered them tea and cake. As she set the table for them, she said, “You have traveled a
long way to speak to me, what can I do for you?” The leader said, “We know the creator
shares the cosmos with us but we are confused by all the chaos that is present. Is there a
divine plan?” The wise woman served the tea and cake, sat down, and said, “Many
people have wondered that and some have even suggested that everything that happens
fits into a divine design.” One of their number was deaf and signed “Is that true.” The
wise woman smiled and said, “Her design is like an oak tree.” Surprised, they implored,
“Please explain.” She said, “Oak trees were here before you; and, they will be here after
you. They live for hundreds of years and have many children, which all start as small
acorns. They drop thousands of acorns, but only every other year, and just a few acorns
grow into oak trees for the tree itself does not nurture its own offspring. They need
squirrels. Many acorns are ignored and some squirrels mistakenly look for an acorn to
choose instead of recognizing the acorn they are chosen for and thus the acorn is only
stolen away or used for the squirrel’s nourishment. To have oak trees, the acorns need to
be picked by the right squirrel at the right time and then put in a safe place where they
can grow, which takes years of cultivation. It is the same with God, she creates
thousands of first moments and it is up to us to pick the one we are chosen for and
nurture it with careful attentiveness. Some are just for the moment, some are just for us,
and some are our life’s work. Listen, for many are called but few are chosen.

July 2, 2010

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