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Integrated Solution for Elderly and patient care

Tele monitoring systems provides novel solutions to monitor signs and transmit it to the
hospital through a mobile device. Such systems could be customized according to the
need and orientation of the specific requirement or condition. Some of them are of
generic type, which could be integrated with medical sensors acting as a mobile front
end. Hardware and software manufacturers would play a major role in production and
support of such healthcare systems ranging from stand alone Internet information
system to highly integrated medical sensors. Tele health care systems would also
provide a new business opportunity to these manufacturers. Hopefully mobile network
operators would show great interest in promoting such system.

The mobile health care system has potential to be used in hospitals, public health care
organization, health insurance companies and in pharmaceutical industries. The health
care solution deals with the core technologies to build mobile infrastructure to translate
elements of health information architecture using secure mobile information into a new
architecture making use of third generation mobile technology (3G technology). Such
systems would combine network and wave devices and hence instantaneously store the
patient health data. The device would be a wireless lightweight device attached to the
patient, which could monitor the signal in real time at regular intervals. The monitored
readings would be sent to the mobile phones via Bluetooth or WAN. The Bluetooth
device would be used because of its easy and robust connectivity.

The mobile monitoring systems can be customized to suit the individual needs of
patients, along with the best levels of accuracy, integrity and security. Mobile phones
when used as an access device offers critical healthcare with at most availability.

Elderly people could be served with non-intrusive cutting-edge technology solutions

that will enable them to live independently and safe within their own homes, while
providing their families and/or caregivers peace of mind. The advanced in-home care
technology solutions can allow caregivers and family members to view health and
activity data and communicate with elder persons in their home via a web portal,
wireless assistance call device, or optional video teleconferencing.

This integrated solution would require few wireless electronic motion sensors which
could be placed in strategic areas of the home, such as the refrigerator, medicine
cabinet, bathrooms, and bedrooms. These sensors would monitor typical daily living
activities of the elder person, such as whether the individual has gotten out of bed,
gone to the bathroom, or accessed the medicine cabinet or refrigerator. The sensors
are non-intrusive, and thus would ensure the occupant’s privacy. The system can give
caregivers and family members’ insights into an individual’s typical daily activities such

 Has person exited the bathroom (Wireless Fall Management)

 Is he/she eating or preparing food? (Wireless Motion Management)
 Is he/she interacting with his medication cabinet? (Remote Tele Monitoring)
 Is the room temperature too cold or too hot? (Remote Home access control)
 Has elder person wandered outside and not returned? (Wireless Wander

The sensors would communicate with a local base station. If the sensors detect
abnormal activity, or a lack of activity, the base station calls for help and an alert will
signal the family, facility staff and/or emergency personnel. Residents can also wear an
emergency call device, which allows them to signal for immediate help when needed.
The customizable and secure Internet portal allows family, friends and caregivers to
examine health status and activity; to help signal potential health problems before they
become serious matters

Few optional devices and services could also be integrated into the proposed healthcare
solution. Such as

• Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) - The elderly individual can

immediately alert caregivers, family and emergency personnel through the touch of a
single button. 

Smart Home Appliance Sensor/Controls - Preset lighting for those with limited physical
abilities or allow caregivers to monitor and/or control lighting, thermostat settings or
dangerous appliances remotely.

• Wired/Wireless Camera - Allows telemedicine applications, video conferencing with

family/friends. Elderly individuals can easily send and receive video messages thereby
increase their interaction with others outside the home thereby minimizing their
feelings of loneliness. 

• Water Sensor - Detects flow of water for possible leaks or flooding.

• Vital Signs Monitors - Monitor and report vital signs (e.g blood pressure, heart rate,
glucose, weight) to caregivers/family.

What kind of expert healthcare would be provided to patients, which does not interrupt
their daily lifestyle after so much of cost, manpower and other implications are
provided? Without any hesitation the answer to the above is mobile health care system.

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