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April 1, 2008

Android Diabetes Management System

(Android DMS)

Application User’s Manual


Neil Hansen
2142 Glacier Court
Algonquin, IL 60102
(224) 627-2079

Android DMS Website URL:

April 1, 2008

1. Application Description.....................................................................................................1
2. User Interface.....................................................................................................................2
2.1 Running the application...........................................................................................2
2.2 Initial Registration...................................................................................................3
2.3 Main Screen.............................................................................................................4
2.4 Main Screen Menu...................................................................................................5
2.5 Transmitting Data Screen........................................................................................6
2.6 Settings Screen.........................................................................................................7
2.7 Report Chart Screen.................................................................................................8
2.8 Report Graph Screen................................................................................................9
2.9 Report Statistics Screen.........................................................................................10

April 1, 2008

1. Application Description

An estimated 246 million people world-wide have diabetes, with a forecasted 380 million by 2025 1.
Technology has provided this growing number of diabetics with conveniences like glucometers, insulin
pumps, and continuous glucose monitoring. However, a method of recording pertinent information –
specifically blood-sugar (or glucose) readings—remains limited. Diabetics often record glucose readings
by hand in a log book then share this information with a physician, which assists in maintaining and
improving their overall health. But these log books inconvenience the lives of diabetics because they
must be transported and require a writing utensil. Entering glucose levels, dates, and times by hand—
every time blood-sugar is tested—proves an arduous task. Thus, I propose a solution to alleviate these
inconveniences with the development of the Android Diabetes Management System, hereafter referred to
as Android DMS.
Android DMS is a phone application designed for use on the Android cellular phone. It is intended to
digitally record and analyze diabetic users’ information, which can then be synchronized to a remote web
server. Android DMS has the capability to store the most common data that type 1 or type 2 diabetics and
their doctors track, including glucose levels, weight, and A1C percentages (average three-month blood
sugar measurement). The application also allows the user to assign goals to these parameters, providing
milestones for which to strive. Physician contact information, as well as the specific unit of measurement
the user prefers, round out the application’s capacities.
Specifically, there are three methods of reporting users’ recorded data and goals: chart, graph, and
statistics. The chart mode displays records in a columned list, ordered by date of recording. To visualize
progression, the graph mode represents the recorded data as a line graph. Finally, the statistics mode
provides a general, quantitative summarization of the recorded information.
Another useful aspect of Android DMS is the ability to analyze your glucose readings based on time of
day. For example, a diabetic’s glucose levels may consistently rise in the morning, but drop very low by
lunch time. Android DMS allows the user to recognize these unhealthy trends when blood sugar levels
change, then present this information to their doctor for appropriate action.
The Android DMS user has the ability to synchronize data recorded by the application to a remote web
server. Once the data has been received by the web server, the user can access the same data from any PC
with an internet connection and print it prior to a doctor visit.
With Android DMS, diabetics no longer need to carry a log book, since all of their information can be
accessed on the Android cell phone. Rather than manually record data, users need only grab their
Android cell phone, run the application, and enter their recordings.
Android DMS makes no claim to cure or prevent the side effects of diabetes, but it offers today’s
increasing number of diabetics a portable, convenient tool to manage the disease. I am excited about the
potential of this application on the Android platform and the utilization of the tool’s web site. I am also
thankful Google has given the opportunity for the entire mobile-platform development community to take
part in the Android Developer Challenge.

Source: International Diabetes Foundation

April 1, 2008

2. User Interface

This section describes the graphical user interface of Android DMS on the Android phone. This section will not get
into excrushiating details, rather provide information within the GUI. The user interface provided in the application
should be intuitive enough for any user to navigate the application’s capabilities.

2.1 Running the application

Simply select the Android DMS icon from Android’s

application menu.

April 1, 2008

2.2 Initial Registration

When Android DMS is run for the first time, it will

request for your name and email address. The email
address you use will be used to login to our website once
you perform your first successful transfer.

Once all the required fields are entered, you have the
option to select ‘Enter’ or ‘Example’ button.
The ‘Enter’ method is the primary generates a new
SQLite database within the application using the fields
entered with some other defaults parameters, such as
goals and units of measurement.

The ‘Example’ method is provided to generate a

month’s worth of records into the application’s database
using the name and email fields entered. I provided this
in order to expedite Google’s evaluation on this product.
This will be removed in future releases.

Currently, the application does not register with the web

server until initiated by the user by the Transmit To
Server function described later.

April 1, 2008

2.3 Main Screen

Once a user has initially registered, the Main screen will

display. This display is the user’s main interface to add
newly record blood-sugar levels, weight, and/or A1c.

Row 1: The user’s name

Row 2: Entry data selection. Rotary beginning with

Blood Sugar, Weight Entry, and A1c Entry.

Row 3: Selected time of recording. For ease of use, on

any entrance or re-entrance into the Main screen, the
date and time will default to the current date and time.

Row 4: Entry text box and units used. The text field
will default to the median goal for that particular entry

Row 5: Enter button. Once the user has entered the

value of the recording into the text box, selecting enter
will save the information. A confirmation text field will
fade in/out between the date/time row for a couple
seconds indicating the date, time, and value of the stored

Row 6: Website information. This is used to provide

the user with the Android DMS website address.

April 1, 2008

2.4 Main Screen Menu

There are three menu options from the Main screen:

Report: Takes you to the Report screen.

Settings: Takes you to the Settings screen.

Transmit To Server (x): Transmits any new data or

settings to the server to keep the information between
the application and web server in sync. This menu
option will only display if you have any information to
be transmitted. The number within the parenthesis
indicates how many changes transmissions are queued
up. There is built in logic to minimize the number of

April 1, 2008

2.5 Transmitting Data Screen

When the Transmit To Server menu option is selected, a

progress dialog will pop up indicating the transfer status.

The information transferred to our website include:

1) Name and Email address
2) Blood sugar recordings
3) Weight recordings
4) A1c recordings
5) Doctor information
6) Goals
7) Units of measurement

April 1, 2008

2.6 Settings Screen

The Settings screen provide an interface to view and

modify any data that may not be changed regularly.

1) User information: Your name and email

registered with the web site.
2) Doctor: Your doctor information. Selecting
“Edit…” will display a form to modify your
doctor’s information.
3) Units: Your preferred units of measurements
for glucose and weight. Selecting “Toggle”
will toggle their respective unit. The
application supports mg/dL and mmol/L for
glucose; and lbs and kg for weight. A1c is not
included in this list because it is always
provided as a percentage. The values shown
are the default units.
4) Goals: Your goals. Selecting “Edit…” will
display a form to modify your goals. The
values shown are the default goals.
5) About: Pops up an about box of the
application. The information includes
application version and Android SDK version
the application was developed on.

April 1, 2008

2.7 Report Chart Screen

Selecting Report from the Main screen will take you to

the Report Chart screen.

This screen displays blood sugar recordings from the

past 14 days in a chart format with the most recent
recording listed first.

Within the Report screen, the application provides many

functions and/or filters through the menu control:
1) You may modify the date range filter (rather
than the default 14 days).
2) You may modify the time of day filter of which
the data was recorded (such as Breakfast,
Lunch, Dinner, and Night).
3) You may modify or delete a selected recording
from the database.
4) You may switch between Blood Sugar, Weight,
and A1c records.
5) You may switch between different views (such
as Chart, Graph, and Statistics).

April 1, 2008

2.8 Report Graph Screen

The Report Graph screen provides a visual

representation of your recordings over time. All
functions in the Report Chart screen are available in this

A recording in the graph is represented by a blue circular

node. The graph provides a cursor as a red circle. The
date, time, and value of the recording at the cursor is
shown at the bottom of the graph. Using the DPAD left
and right will move the cursor through the graph.
The graph also provides your goal range indicated in
light red. A diabetic’s goal is to maximize the time
spent within this region.

When using the pre-loaded example, I suggest switching

the time of day filter – you will see interesting trends.

April 1, 2008

2.9 Report Statistics Screen

The Report Statistics screen displays some useful

statistics for the user as indicated on the screen shot to
the left. These statistics, in conjunction with their
doctor, may indicate daily trends of their health and
make the appropriate action.

All report functions and filters are available with the

exception of modifying and deleting individual


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