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Sambal fish

1 pc ikan selar / tenggiri /
Sting ray
1 tablespoon sambal sauce
1 small onion, ginger. Margarine,
Lime aluminium foil /
Banana leaf
1. Clean and wash the fish.
You may salt the fish.
2. Place the fish on a piece
Of foil or banana leaf, add
Sambal, sliced onions and
Ginger, a dab of margarine
And squeeze lime over it.
Wrap the fish in a double
Layer of aluminium foil.
3. Place it over hot embers and
Cook for about 15 minutes.
Turn and rotate often.
Kuih Keria
500gm sweet potato,
Boiled and peeled
110gm fl our – sieved
125gm sugar
1 egg beaten till light
4 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon salt
Pinch of cinnamon powder (optional)

1. Mash boiled sweet potato together with salt and cinnamon
Powder. Then add beaten egg and mix well.
2. Add sieved fl our and knead dough till quite soft.
3. Roll out on lightly–floured board to about 1/2 inch (1.3cm)
Thick. Use round cookie cutter about 2 inches (6cm) in
Diameter to cut out about 12 – 14 pieces.
4. Make a hole in the centre and shape like a doughnut.
5. Deep fry the doughnuts till they are golden brown and crispy.
6. Drain the doughnuts.
7. Boil the water and sugar till it becomes thick and syrupy.
8. Dip the doughnuts in the syrup till they are thickly and well
9. Cool before serving.
Note: The sugar should form a crusty coating on the doughnuts
Fried Bananas
One ripe pisang tanduk (large long banana)
Cooking oil or butter
1. Peel, then slice the banana diagonally - about 1.5cm thick. No-
2. Pour enough oil to cover base of frying pan and heat the oil. Bake
3. Fry banana slices in heated oil till they turn a dark golden brown. Peanut
4. Take out, place on a plate and sprinkle sugar on hot banana slices
(So that it will melt & caramelize). Butter
5. Serve while hot.
Note: Bananas MUST be fully ripe.
Bananas that can be used include pisang tanduk, pisang kepok,
Pisang berangan ut.

1/2 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup honey
1 cup crushed corn flakes cereal
2 tablespoons powdered milk

1. Set corn flakes aside._
2. Mix all other ingredients well.
3. Roll into nuggets.
4. Then roll again in cornflakes until
5. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until firm
To touch.

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