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PHILOSOPHY DICTIONARY rubrica conti Abstcack: (opposite: concrete). pmperty .vality or essence Considered apart from Hout unich posterses it Cie. justwe, redness) aa — _ b lon the mental act byuhich-the essences grasped separated From its ebject, may be ofthe essence of a substawe oraciMdent. (ie, Treeness or bigness) accident - tnat Kind of thing not aet to exist in itself, but only in archer a5 th a sWbject of inhesion. (r45 opposite is substance, which it modifies.) actval - (opposite: potential) fully real, complete, perfect act - that which detecmines, complehes, perfects a Thing. in its berg act -first ~ existeme jbeing actuality (see - pobeney passive’) act Second - operation, doing, activihy (see patenaylactive) agent - tne eticient cause - analog y or anulogicu\ tere) tecm(s) applied to diderant things, with diferent meaning bition also shure’ common a fundamental mennints (or fraiamental perfection). analogical-the celationsnip between two tnii4s or terms which are partly The Saime.and partly diterent; orthe. celuhinshig of similarity of a terms meunir when applied te more than one Subject : Appetite (wide sense-an inclination to some good or suitable object) (more nannow="the Senses desire fortheir nubvial object)( the wills desire fer qaod) Argument ~ the logically ordered proof of the truth of a conclvsion. act of tne mind ()( First) apprehension OF Something without any Further activity onthe parte the knawer 4 (Second) the act whereby the Knower assumes seme sortef stawe. in reyard to uhatis Known —udjement is one of these kuds of second ad ofthe mind=Cthivd act of reasoning Yo an unknown from whatthe mid alrewdy Knows. These ane the steps The mind takes in arriving at reasoned trot apprehension (simple)- the act of the mind by which an essence is grasped, what ~Sentetning i,i8.undevsteed,, writhavt atheming or denying anytoiiy, abort it, -dbsteachion= a. mental seyuration o-thviys. act, orat lest at necessarily, syed inthe cea Goal) ~ the sepntion of whats intelle ti Son the mater which shrevds 4s sntelliiality ; (total the cstruchion ofa laysal ule Sromils svyective parts ; Chere ane 3 evelsof rma abstrach en) ~Cghysival abstruction)~tneFist level isthe Sefarution ofthe whole eSseave-from Ane matter that individvalys its Crathemati cal abstrach on)~the secon separates the form. of quant from matter, except for commun ntelyite matter (metuphysical destruction) the thal Separates From all matter amc views it a4 independent of matter beth in anor andl existeme, Tnomnas Carls physical abstraction -avstraction of a whole; hecalls matnematicad abstraction: abstraction of aform ; and metaphysical abstraction=separation , being that which iS, whether actval or potential and whether inthe mind Coein4 of renter) or in objective reality Creal beiny outside ofthe mind oA nit ber = that whichis Ge entity thing, svastance.) anit bemalessey the act of existing nota thing .a prinipl of caving oust , *s~ing* princi einglessentia)- essence , what a thing 141 athiny havik esse being tne atirmedive predicate “is" stating that the subject is, or is _ something (the predicabe), : body = any material tniny that occupies space (apse a principle Frain whicin somethiny really proceeds witha dependence. in is __being ecits becoming into being, —Cavsuliby- the in€lvené of one being on anatner + the cespnsia baby of one being For something im anctiner Cie, existeme,essence, mater, accidents, _ chanye te) sanurthing having the chamachor cba cases tne deser phon of curse and ettect caions charyd' actual ization cf a potency — _Lommnon ~ (opposite | proper) present yn two or more. 2 induvidvals ar species _concrete- Copposite i abstract) not necessarily material bout ‘individual ard ach _churiby-the willte de goad +o anther for his own sake Loncupiscence - Sense appetite Seeking pleasure corporeal - pertaining to the body as distinct fromthe Soul Covse ettecient ettecient - aie whith wit action producesiexistenye or change use material - tat Cpotency) From whith ca thiny is produced Lavoe, final~ the end or purpose of a thing _Layse, formal ~ “tat “throug whi a thing ee be uhat it is form Fela. "15" -is the way of being said ef a thing oncept the expressed species which occvres in inteliegeat Knowing ee: that in which someting i is Known Cobjective)- the content of thet _Wdhidn is Know. This is what logic is interested in. — bomposition—the metaphysidal strutvre of a natural sipstane. as pet tachenef na noe comprehension thd wide ofthe nckes (ofthe Krawable aspects) whivn muke vp an idea _Conceptvalist~ these hold'thut the universal exists intne considevahion sftine mind but “that theres oe nebo ef identity bye the universal in the minal and tuys _Coadwal)-the concept inthe onind has néthiny to do with the cea things outside the rival. change *atrwuton abest)-\Vit as a subject, 2)it crtesfends the nae the ti anti psy cf becoming ,3:)Stoneting is accompelthe net present nelore, 4) pre-svpptes an ettecient cause 5 (3 properties alot )-")form., 2) matter, 2. privabions CH princigles involved’) ta Subject 2) movement itself; — A)terminys a gvo- point of deyarture, 4) terminus ad guem=pomt of areal. Crunye"(definshon ef Anistatte)-the act of being in potency in as mud as'ttis in potency deduction argument from a geveralor vawersal principle to 4 purtia/lar conelvsion WON 1011 ~ bes tnatare true and — evi v5. proving tne Conclusion with certainty. pe to complete, to cause some definite pecfechian ; to specify distinction - that by winich one thing is nat another definihon~ poll allews you to know Seana in 5c sen tai Astivigdshe duisen acing the ult and nda spac. ; : diterence - an indication of a thiiys essence in an incomplete way ay according te the determing part, “emanation: Emanation = Flowing forth from a source ee ee Essence = That ulin othing is and withost wlaidh it cannet be whet itis. Tao numew seme (as v5. accidents) the genus plus specific diterewe “existence - the actuality of an essence that act ly which something is, evidence that which is present in itself immediately to the mind _oxtensica\-(Phi, ofinatvee)~Aihe priiacy ettectof guantity the arrampementaf yactsoctside of parts; (logic) the ule Athiys te which agivan action cane applied, _eqvivica| term — aterm whivh hus morethan one completely diteerent mean ry “oyplcale to ditteremt thwiyg wd stange rated ceulist- postion inat the vasversa) exists outside the considendbon fe” (nite ~ limited Sep opie | Ps a em that which spec] fies a thiny to be the: wh is. Dt determines ‘the things essential nature twis is done ly the substantial form 5 the aceldevttal form is that by whic the thing is modified , while pemaning tHe same Kind oF this itis, forms, Lo-tdlative Term is master _ aoe jute Phat disposition whidh determines. a sveshance. on the. basis. of its invouS guaritity.. - _ aS that whidn deterwines primary matter constitutiiiy a sueshunce in ite loelng. Form? ') seta thing its species 2) isthe princt ie ofa beings opennticns $)is tre princi phe of the unity Facing, Dis indindive Sets —an aspect of, oran indicahin ofa things essewe inan eine way, according tothe part which 15 determinable, hhaloit= a. disposubion ofthe substunve withthe ability to eusily act mn a goed of way (operative habit) An (entitstive fwbit) is one which disposes the hele Svbstunce +o be, ina well ef Il way; Generally Speaking cs bubit 15. dibpesinn quality which is stable and ditkicvlt ty cemove, intellect inthe act of abstracting form Grom matter jn intellect Ryepaeer dein epi (or possible) inteilect wrt this Ferun.. ch cath eae individual - Cee! he divided without Loosing its identity induchion = paengenae particular tothe general gr vviversal infinite — unlimibe sed Ceceived from withovt — fonabe ~ inborn, given by nature iruscible appetite- desire forthe gaed dittcult to obtain, sense 2 dese tyfignt dayer ndginchion ~ interwil sense which produces imayes of sensible, mubevial things even when they are absent late ference a waly'inwhith From knowing one trvth you can immediately know uncther truth reut-nct angtiainy, dew wtentiona\ specied -the immaterial mode of existence an chject acyvires (asan immaterial fiKeneds) when it 15 united to a Knewing power-erther of tne intellect orthe extol of internal senses, CEicst -intewtion)-the knowledge. of tninys as they exist in thewselies putside ef the mind ;ecoud-inbewhion)- Thinys Known as they exist inthe mind jes “unwersal's anal the relations cf universal, Logic is the sciewe of Seconcl intentions, iwmaberial - Bao ade out of any matter soonaterialidy)- ape ee we matter cestnics. a fore toene individvall fhe foon fhe thing Known can actualize aknouing capacity only in se far us itisin some sense free fier the resbrichiin of material , Even the Knowledge ef the external senses mvsthe. immaberial inthis divided way. (definthion?) the perfection by uhich the Knower overcomes its own material limitations avd dishnchon From tev tings 5 the fait principle of knowledge. ny conte, Cespect wy pyatharniy or deny a lea anesdat. and owe predicate 4 Cai taal a sentence. conasting, combinations of categorical judgements, era |)- having Something in an immaterial vay pity en h Jans j (4en5e)- Knowledge. of the particular by immediate contact with lecomotion - motion in sface rs logic (scientiffe)-‘the act by which the mind guides itself im erdec that it can Lact eusily,inan orderly way without error 5 demonstrative) logic which begins with _certuin knowledge and arrives ait more tmowiedge which is certain; (material)- legic Concemed not only aloout correct (easoniny , but true conclvsions; Cfermal)= logic only concerned abovt valid reaseniny and correct conclusions; (symbol i¢)-a version of logic which use symiels to deduwe logical laws andthe truth or falsity of complex - ‘yudge ments. Paste pact ableton ny Sms; tat Sum nit seat enetning is made, _ action Cbrovdly) any change 5 Crawly) change of place or locometion moderate naninulist these hold that there is only singular content in your mind bt theres 4 simile between whutis'in yourmind and thins. sacs aici ode caalist =the cones only exis inthe aud, bit ubdt's Konan generally inthe und Singllavily identical and onvitiphizd imtiningg mole ~< a linitahon acdeterwinction Pruduced in some achuel emally by.a. prudciple a — _cuuse extrinsic to itself, for instance the mode of peal to mation ~(os.vs. octificia) Found in nature , what a boeing has-from birth, what hagpens Mbelf withovt outside interference ie. art violence } (as v3 supernatural) cceatad if by supeunah is meant God, of less strictly tht which is or happens without dicect clivine iintevvention Cas v _cuhonal) withostintelligeme ie, eatval badly § (ag v5, artaitrary) whut necessarily Flows from hs nature -atninys essence bit considered asthe principle of that things operations 5 or-the te _ of objects \n-tne universe apart from uman or divine modificahng of them. necessary = what cannot be otherwise - a Dommaliom - position that vivesals do nd exist as there are no real esseuces, ovr ideus there Fore are only names of individval alone whit do not shure in common exsenies, i 1a tin fonbiba kewi Ws power toulnidn the power isalmed at grasping cid to un the objected is vemed toward. avd Svituble; (Ta cefinis the dgect ina course oF studies) (material ~ nat general arcu oF ubichtne Sclewe'is occupied j femal clyert gvad)~ that specific. aspect 1¢ material object tobe stud ied; (foomal object gue)- the perspective or ligltt unde which Object will be investigated, - : r= tne Fursb SUbjeck From wlaicln «things made = the nalveeo Wiiaae ater as view as a vSolabed.princighe ndt actualized ny sdpshay wh eristin itself wot fs fale tobe any eaterial ning on.= in. ca ceceptivity being acted onley andtaer j the reception oFanvthers etted we - in potency. tebe deteomined vy ancther agent ent ~any,beinytnati> changed by. an agent _fetfection ~Cgeneraily), any definite actvality in “Gociny 5 (eaticelar) assy definite geex _siituble to-a loetiny 5 Cnvatigarticular). complete geod.athdimed ly a. ein, _phariasin Sense image _puillusochy-cthe scleme which seeks to Know taiys inthe Firstpcinciles. or-uitimate cases ny the light of natvrabrenson, mits correlate is-acty capucrty or ability to be actvullzed-in some way se >that From which something proceeds iv.cany way whatsoever: _phedicate (nou) term-that Says something cbeut tre sueject 5 (vert) to state semethiny - okost the subject. pooper -(as.v5.. Commen). distinchive special, specific. _propecty “that which does nét make wv the essence ef £ steeing suk hich necessarily _ follows fomthe-essence, sition ~ declarwtive sentewe, attivmative or negative peudence- the practical habit of knowiny howto cheese geod wneans to geod ends “potencslactive) afacully inaving the cloiLity toacts © 0 do Something 5 _toact,te produwe; also Lalted a power or facvi ty “6 achultiakion iS sailed Second act pred cables tne most general Kinds oF urivical universals underetisheet pred caments~the most general i icinds of things pocpherian tree - the arrangement of predicables and predicaments that ends Inman Phuntosm -‘the sensery roptesutuhion the aioe alle, of whut is poteutally untelleyithe contuuned wothin ct. pecs 2 (iefers to a besiys way of exishiiy by or un itselt/ T+ implies an\ndepewerce from a Subject ix which te inhere «That widn exists perse is aways a substance. ferse is | contrusted with per accidens ,cefering to a beings way of existing by iWtevewe not poulbing vp-tine essence of the thing . Athing is perse due to its internal censtitohin or essence ,a thing is peCaccidens due te extemal or non-essential reasons, ferse *Gincee Ways athing cen velony to Sometniny perse) Pan element of an esseure Suh aS animutity (qenvs) or rahonulity (aitterence) helonys forse to man 4 CASibilty) be lonns to eseuce Gman) sotine telation of an eect tots proper Caistnitive sped Cause iS acase of athings orlonyiny ta sometniy per Se, butintVis case-tuat whan loel on Canve dostructed., Thomas = twit wai is perse is always prior totact wkizia 1S by another. Thad - whic belongs to Sometininy per se, of necessity, always aacunsepuraldy inheres init, Tah wail i pecatcidens(as an accident) is no delete be always avd inailtnligs, ides a property velonys: a Svostunir forse as'tt necessarily Flows Fam the esseur, oUt it also belongs peraccidens beens it dorsint constitute tne essence the this (np orf dyiasiony —— in. or taxing portin hole: THis umplies-oc material division akich is nt she whentwe analogical te garticigate in acform ubicn ny'ts natune is wadiinstbte s Cansitie Sense) tp give a part. Somethivy te tthers5 @ Fundamental historical philesoykival Kinds oF parhé1 when) Causal or Vechual Kind) vsedlhy Plato~the ettects taking purhin ,orsharing in its cause ths Plo doctrine of a-things Shur in (an dependence in)its dens Cesseatial or hon\zonal kind)= acthings shorininan sssonce more viiversed| Aron tein alee ie, mans sharing in Gnimality ater: Were Fe cuvsulity asthe unwersa\ essences sured in but nuba cause, rather the cause. Sejm rs singly existing thing , Twibis The Kiva partici pation vse) by Aristotle, place refers tothe concrete, limits where « body is Found; or thatuhich cirevmse Files cn (ciccumsecishve)” the mart etline wishsurtevnds-te psa ebiect (Common) -re nearest __imonoble container at least relatwely te the bedy in gestion. cos anos ‘ faotthelsm - belie odo eg “Ged”, the universal nding tna eenil iden _ quiddity- wanes (essence) ofa being — _ quantity ~ the order & parts ina whole, + primacy tic is extension. 5 secondary atic ae —\yadhwal extesion in space y2dduvisibility 52) impenectrability 4) meusuredbilitys(2 types ofquantity)~ _ (ascrete)=this quushiby consists oF components each being an entity sieit with its own linits 5 Cuetiauars)= __ thisis extended quantity unintecrphalinits being, hare Common limits demark. its end. =n caylee tein Ranson iam 4 power To arque or prove, ie, thethird act o the mind _cedvction-the mental act of beviging someting complex Wack tod eee haceedel _ form of principle, or seeing it within a general princigle or class. _fudical nomipulists ~‘ese hold tact there is nofovrdabion ut all for using the same word for thinys, Bei 1S ou i ee a ee _celahion ~ tut whose whole consists in reference toandtuey _gationalists (4 types or dearees of)= “belidwers in Thedcility Finan tparrie at tote by tre light of mahwel _ reasons 2) deductionists ~thore who deduce all tevths ‘oy a system Wilt on one great «dew je. Decurt, Hayel’y 3) thinkers uve have too mica Well inte porer of cMusor 12. ability to prove. the Trinthy by rewsor 4.) Those whe __ held that the better and Higher Knaulede is tHat hy advra) reson, ct reveluhon,i2., Avicenna, Avervoes sturstval ~ nek material Science ~ Knowledge of the fads andthe ceasons or causes for those facts eee Simple ~ not composed of parts = _sou\- ithe First wnteinsic priintiple of life in a Living. body — sa 4 specie (logic) an indicahion of a things complete essence ; (in epistomalogy)a representation _ Fan object; the Form ofan ovject known, ie. mnbechonsl species expresses impressed Specify = to determine to a definibe form or class pecans speculative (oyasile of practical) cefers tothe Kind of knowledge soug nt for the goed “ineitsel€. It does not mean uavertain or hypothetical fratwaltnowledue is ‘that sovgut 2s a _mewns of obtaining ,anaking or arriving at another good. “svbstune, -that which is apt to exist in itself and not in ancther as ina subjects oF inleSion Gy srapnysic _Subyect at ulhion underlies change and persists thravgnout it. In suishential change the. Laie iS primary matter, In accidental Change the Subjectis secondary matter or substances | also a svestune. in celation to its attnivutes (Epistemology) a Knower a5 cishinct from an _ object Known; Clogic) the term in a proposition about which Somethin) i5 Said in tne _ predicate, Sy ilogism = a deduchive argument j especially ene with tue premises and 4 conclvsion _ species™ Cumpressed) ~ that physical impression of an object on a sense organ by win __semettning ib knowin’, Cengressel species)=thatin whiidh something is known, itis Kacey __ whi hus the added medality cf universality, operations __ subsist ~tobe, inthe Sense of being in oneselt and nat im andther jThe svestanes mode df suvistene ~the made A exisheme dveto which athing is Self-contavied (avtemomevs) ia its ~ geesistent Form a Forin wlsidh has being in Itself, and is not yost the form ofa _ composite substunue. _ Spate -ceferstrtne celchion & Ashome behocen hua dno, Ts dependenton tue badies anda ren! property oF nem, teem = eral expression Fubatisknown _trvtn-the EE omitctucten sinthe mind and bats ovtside the mind j (ortoloyica oc metu physical) =the agreement of a being with tre intellect - (mora) }-the eqreement speech with thagnt oo transcendent - greater than, superior to - ransendental- that which ces beyond a ordinary classificatians. snes ig _unvversally common to all Tins tin’ - the mensuremont of movement according te adore ond after : -vnwvetsal - general, commonto many 4 (Logical universal) one which is Fovnd im many as _idewhfied with+them and multiplied in-them. - _vnwical teem - aterm applied to many diferent beings , alwuys, withthe sume exact meaning whval having the eéfect but not the actual form of what is specified. Cie., ware, mien hemicals, us such, are virlvally present in man, asthey donet exist formally as treirown gistunves,, putas parts of man. As parts they show atte indiatiy their distind presenve , bat wal o sovstuntial formal presewe stee A virtval- thing Frequently vnplies that it wes once a formal elewer Lito avd can ceselve bwckto tha stable cf formal specifieshon «(ancher way of Sayiry~ refers tethe _exishene of Something uncthe power A andher te cavse it.) : ce toy victve of j in virtve of )-throvyn tne force of, bythe cause af; by the caitydih fhe desire or. chase u goed. Kou by the mbellect, - kowiny the whole and all the parts in relation tothe whole

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