Example of Training Module PDF

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Advancing employee productivity

Accel Team
…job security depends on it

Employee training

Achieve More: a guide to success in your job

…applying principles of common sense to everyday workplace problems to improve employee effectiveness.

An overview of the PDF book and employee training workshop

Achieve More: a guide to success in your job shows employees
• how to turn problems into opportunities
• how to best manage their time
• how best to manage their allocated resouces
• how to get their message across
• how to predict and cope with change
• and how to switch–off
The content material and associated employee training workshop is a simple
guide to overcoming the problems that get in the way at work. The overall outcome
will be to change the way employees approach their jobs, through their improved
ability to handle the job dimensions they are tasked with and the change in
attitude the content will bring about. The guide, its materials and the workshop are
not job / sector specific. Instead they focus on the key self management skills and
approach to work anybody in any job requires to perform effectively.
It is not, however, a guide to management theory nor a work of psychol-
ogy or sociology; while borrowing some ideas from all these fields it is essentially a
guide to job effectiveness based on everyday experience, written with a mini-
mum of jargon and applying principles of common sense to everyday workplace

Delivery of this employee training resource

The Achieve More employee training resource is available either as;
• single licence / user standalone Acrobat PDF book for individual study;
• multi-licence in-house trainer led workshop materials;
• Accel-Team trainer led workshops.

Who this employee training resource is for

The book and the associated classroom based workshop are designed, for
anybody who works in whatever field (and that can mean doing a job, running
a voluntary organization, pursuing a hobby etc.) and wish to improve their self
management skills.
• It will be particularly helpful to those people who have to organize a
large part of their own work such as managers and supervisors;
• people who run their own business;
• anybody who has to do more than a purely repetitive and mechanical job;
• those new to the job market;
• employees desiring to improve their problem solving skills;
• those desiring to move up the job ladder;
• employees who are about to be impacted on by organizational change;
• those desiring to take control of their careers.

How the training modules are structured
Each of the eight modules has the same structure. Every module;
• takes a theme (listed in the contents)
• outlines the key issues
• gives examples of how those issues affect work
• suggests ways of handling the issues, in some cases with examples of
what happened when other people used the approach.
Each module is self-contained and can be read / undertaken by itself, though
they do of course relate to one another. Throughout the text symbols alert delegates
to key features, designed to help make learning as effective – and enjoyable – as pos-
sible. The symbols used, and the features that alert are as follows:
At the beginning of each module
 Indicates a list of objectives - key activities that readers/ delegates
should be able to carry out when they have completed the chapter.
They will find a reminder at the end of each module to check back
over this list.
Within each module
 Reminds readers/ delegates that we are about to ask each to carry out
a written activity - either in the materials supplied or, if preferred, in
a separate notebook. We strongly recommend that readers/ delegates
find someone to discuss their answers with - perhaps someone who is
also using this book. We’ll refer to this person as an adviser.
 Indicates that we are asking readers/ delegates to do something. This
may simply be to think about an issue or idea, or it may involve read-
ers/ delegates in a practical activity, say, recording their progress at
work over several days. The same symbol is also used against checklists,
which you may wish to cut out or photocopy and refer to in future.
eg Indicates an example - say, of someone else’s work methods or of a
real-life problem that someone has encountered.
Readers/ delegates may not find it easy to discuss their own effectiveness at first -
but once they have broken the ice they find it well worthwhile. Readers/ delegates
are urged to try to find someone they already feel at ease with, and aim to keep
their discussion as informal as possible. There are activities ideally suited to this
mentoring process for the first time.
At the end of each module
 Suggests a personal agenda for action - a set of resolutions to put what
readers/ delegates have learned into practice. This is a reminder that
the book / workshop is about practical, attainable changes in working
habits. One way of recording readers/ delegates agendas is as an ‘action
plan’- a list of targets with a date for the attainment of each. Such ‘ac-
tion plans’ are fully discussed and readers/ delegates urged to follow
through to attainment of their plans.
There is also a summary of objectives for the whole book and workshop at the
end of this brochure.
If readers/ delegates decide that they have not achieved what you set out to do:
• they are advised to discuss the objectives with someone - preferably their
• they are advised to work through the relevant section of text again,
taking particular note of the practical steps we recommend
• above all, they are urged to persist: if the objective is one they value
the effort they put into achieving it will be well worthwhile.
In addition, each module ends with:
• a short ‘signpost’ list of related material in other modules
• a list of possible sources of help that you might use in your own work-

Benefits to the individual
• Will improve ‘marketable’ skills base
• Improve ability and willingness to handle problems effectively
• Improve self confidence
• See problems as opportunites for personal growth and career develop-
• Assist in setting personal / career goal settings
• Be better prepared for and take advantage of change
• Success gained from doing activities will improve motivation
• Improve ability to work with and through other people

Benefits to the employer

• Improved self management skills for employees
• Leads to ‘can do’ approach to work and work related problems
• Leads to a systematic process orientated approach to work
• Leads to individual and group improvement in performance
• Improves attitude towards change and the need for change
• Appropriate and beneficial to all grades
• Improves motivation levels
• Financial return will far outweigh intital costs

There are three versions of this resource.
• A standalone do–it–yourself single licence in the form of an Acrobat
PDF book.
• A classroom multi-licence for in–house trainers, complete with all
necessary materials, including overhead slides, delegate activity sheets
and Acrobat PDF book
• Experienced Accel-Team trainer lead workshops
For current pricing and purchasing options click

The modules and objectives
The PDF book and workshop consist of eight modules. Each module has set
objectives these are as follows:

Module 1: You and your job

After completing this module you will be able to:
• identify areas of your job in which you could develop further
• use your job description effectively
• outline the key result areas in your job
• review your performance regularly.

Module 2: Time management

After completing this module you will be able to:
• review how you use your time at present
• organize your use of time more effectively
• identify ways in which you can avoid wasting time
• achieve your time plans.

Module 3: Handling problems

After completing this module you will be able to:
• know and appreciate the difference between a routine problem and an
unexpected problem
• predict routine problems in your work
• cope with unexpected problems
• handle problems effectively.

Module 4: You and your workplace

After completing this module you will be able to:
• identify the factors in your working environment, which can affect
efficient working
• suggest beneficial changes that could be made in your own environment
• get such changes made.

Module 5: Working with people

After completing this module you will be able to:
• explain what makes a teamwork
• delegate more effectively
• identify which of your communication skills you would like to improve.

Module 6: Handling your resources

After completing this module you will be able to:
• explain the importance of storing things systematically
• organize the things you use at work
• find things when you need them.

Module 7: Handling change

After completing this module you will be able to:
• identify the changes that are happening which affect the way we work
• consider the key changes in your own work
• make some changes yourself

Module 8: Handling stress

After completing this module you will be able to:
• pinpoint the sources of stress in your work
• organize your work so that you can minimize stress
• prepare a plan to lead a less stressful life
• switch off!


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