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St Andrew’s Patristic Symposium 2010

St Gregory the Theologian or The Poetry

of Theology

Once again, St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological

College invites you to a celebration for the heart and

Wednesday, 1 September
His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia:
Spiritual Portrait of St Gregory the Theologian (keynote paper)
Dr Anna Silvas, FAHA:
Expeditions to Sites Connected with Sts Basil the Great, Macrina and
Gregory the Theologian (keynote paper)

Wednesday, 8 September
Revd G. Koutsouras: Sermon to Song: Transforming St Gregory’s
Orations into Hymn
Revd Dr D. Costache: Seeking Out the Antecedents of the Maximian
Theory of Everything: St Gregory the Theologian’s Oration 38.11 & 17

Wednesday, 15 September
Dr M. Beirne: Scripture in the Works of St Gregory the Theologian
M. Baghos: Working towards an Existential Metanarrative of History in
the Writings of St Gregory the Theologian

Wednesday, 22 September
Professor Georgios Mantzarides: Ἀνθρωπογνωσία καί Θεογνωσία
September &
εἰς Ἅγ. Γρηγόριον τόν Θεολόγον (Knowledge of the Human Person and October 2010
God according to St Gregory the Theologian; keynote paper) Wednesday
Wednesday, 29 September Evenings
Revd A. Galt: Comparing Wesley’s ‘Christian Perfection’ and Gregory’s 242 Cleveland Street,
‘Theosis’ Redfern, in the Main Hall,
Starting at 7.00pm
A. Papantoniou: Christological Insights from St Gregory the Theologian’s
Letters to Cledonius On site parking is limited.
Please, consider
Wednesday, 6 October alternatives
P. Mavrommatis: Beyond Rhetoric: Elements of Pedagogy in the Works of
St Gregory the Theologian For enquiries, please
Dr P. Kariatlis: “What then? Is the Spirit God? Certainly!” St Gregory’s contact the Registrar at
Teaching on the Holy Spirit as the Basis of the World’s Deification 9549 3100 or

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