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In an effort to keep track of the effectiveness of our club as a whole the Kingwood
Park Key Club is creating a point system based on how many hours each member
has put into club activities and community service. The point system is simple;
usually it’s one hour equals one point. You are required to have accumulated a
certain amount of points by each deadline.

Club Points: Each general member is required to have 6 meeting points. Officers
are required to have 10 points. To gain Club points you must attend the general
fortnight meetings. A general social event will give you only 1 point for your
attendance regardless how long it is. Special social events such as District
Convention, Weekend of a Life Time, and the Fall Training Conference will
give you 3 points for your attendance because they hold greater significance and
are considerably longer.

Service Points: Everyone is required to have a minimum of 10 service points by

each deadline but more is encouraged (after all Key Club is all about service!).
Service points are gained aiding Key Club by donating your time and effort in the
preparation for and during events and individual service that is not directly related
to Key Club. Points may also be earned by donating needed materials to your club
but these points will vary and are not pre-established.

The first two deadlines are Oct. 25th and Dec. 20th

Consequence: The first time a member does not meet the point requirements they
are given a warning and are required to gain a total of 5 extra points. These points
can be a combination of meeting and service hours. The second time a member
does not meet the point requirements they will be expelled from Key Club. This
sounds harsh but the point requirements are at a bare minimum and active
members should have no problem meeting this obligation. Expelling will take
place on a case-by-case basis and special circumstances will be acknowledged. If
these exist in your situation and might hinder you from getting all your points then
explain the situation to Mrs.Wright and the Key Club Officers will work with you
to help you gain all your points.

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