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Dear Sir,

Please allow me to introduce myself as Ms. Sharmin Quazi Bonny’s elder brother, patient
ID: 562702D. First of all I would like to apologize for the fact that I could not be there
with her in person during her visit due to my job allegation and other concerns.

Sir, as I have not been around I do not have a clear idea of your analysis of the problem
and some of the documents that I need to consult my local doctors are not available.
Because of this reason it is very hard for me and my family to plan the next step of her
treatment and thus I would earnestly request you to please send me the scanned copy of
the following documents as they are vital for her treatment enhancement:

- Triple Biopsy report

- Euro dynamic test report

- Progesterone injection date

I would be highly obliged if you could forward me these documents as soon as possible
as we her highly concern about her condition and would like to avail further actions.
Thanking you for everything and your support.


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