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file intro1

Bernhard Lindahl
Sköndalsbrov. 33
128 69 SKÖNDAL/Sweden

November 2005


from external sources

Local history is much studied and documented in European countries, some as formal
research and some as a hobby by amateurs who feel closely attached to the home environment
of their childhood.

In Africa there is less of it documented, even if living memory is as strong there as anywhere
else. Sometimes there are African study projects to preserve the collective memory in taped
interviews. Extensive notes on local history written by local people are not common. Most of
the knowledge of it will be lost with the passage of time.

However, what was once written down and printed is usually preserved somewhere in
the world and continues to be (in principle) available. In the case of Ethiopia, most of the
records on paper of local history must be assumed to be in "external sources", not necessarily
"foreign" in the sense that they were printed abroad, but probably with no copy kept for
reading by those who have their roots in the particular area.

The concept of the present work is to make extracts from printed "external sources" (some
produced in centres in Ethiopia but most of them printed in foreign countries) and to sort
these extracts geographically and chronologically, so that references which concern a
particular location at a certain time can be found together. This material could be used as a
background having some guiding data for those who want to make their own studies
concerning some local area.

The present work in principle concerns environment and events in the countryside of Ethiopia
mainly from the early 1800s and onwards. The special effort is to shed light on places which
are seldom mentioned in print and to make searchable the contents of various published
sources (lately including even Internet, where the published contents are likely to disappear
after a while).

The capital city Addis Abeba is completely excluded here, because it gets more than its
proportional share in general literature. The other main centres like Gondar and Harar are
treated lightly, mostly with only summaries and references rather than substantial text. The
archaeology, ancient history and appeal to tourism of places like Aksum and Lalibela may be
briefly indicated, with references to literature, but details of ancient places are in principle
cited only when they concern later time of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Local details are collected also for the main centres, while their part in "national history" is
passed over lightly.

The boundaries of the area 'Ethiopia' are here taken to be the political boundaries of the
1990's, excluding Eritrea (which is often documented in the same literature as Ethiopia but
which also has a large body of records separate from the records of present-day Ethiopia).
Alphabetical structure
The sorting of the compilation is alphabetical by names of places as written with the Latin
alphabet, which is the script used in the sources. However, the alphabetical entries for locally
important centres like administrative seats, townships, plantations etc are uniformly extended
to cover also a surrounding circular area with a radius of 10 kilometres. Secondary names
within such a circle are given see-references to the primary name used as alphabetical entry.

Local names in Ethiopia are derived from various languages, so it would not automatically
solve the problem of ambiguous spellings to edit the alphabetical list in Amharic and
transcribe all the foreign spellings into the Amharic script.

Spellings by the Latin alphabet are copied as found in the sources, but often supplemented
with an entry form derived from principles of the Ethiopian Mapping Service as used from the
1960s onward. Alternatives are brought together by see-references. As alphabetical entry
among the alternatives is generally chosen the spelling which seems closest to consensus in
recent historical and geographical works.

Spelling of names on maps is usually simplified. Here also in this collection writing with
special phonetic symbols has not been attempted for the names. Such characters are less
easily handled when a standard word processing program is used in the computer. None of the
several existing schemes for transliteration from Amharic into Latin script has been strictly
adhered to, but the Ethiopian Mapping Service is naturally regarded as having particular

However, the Mapping Service does in principle not use double consonants in the spelling of
names. In this compilation such doubling has often been retained when it seems to assist the
casual reader in finding a better pronunciation of the name (especially in short names e.g.
Dilla not Dila) and in the many Oromo names where variants such as furi and furri have
different meanings. If there are several potential doubling points in a name the rendering of it
often becomes ambiguous (may be seen in personal names like Taddese, Tadesse, Taddesse),
and in such cases a spelling all with single consonants (e.g. Tadese) may be preferred as
conventional alphabetical entry.

Hyphens are usually omitted (Wel Wel or Welwel, not Wel-Wel) because this gives more
straightforward automatic sorting by computer. In many encyclopedias Wel Wel and Welwel
would be sorted in the same place, but here everything before an empty space is sorted first
and sorting "by the next word" follows thereafter.

Spelling history
The British maps of the 1940s, used here as the starting source of local names, have most of
their spellings copied from Italian documents. Ethiopian maps from the 1960's and later have
spellings nearer to what one would expect in the English pattern. The Gazetteer of Ethiopia,
USA 1982, aims at being a standard (for American military purposes) but as many older
Italian-type spellings have been kept there, it is not used as a general authority here.

Sometimes authors mention a rule of thumb "vowels as in Italian, consonants as in English"

for the writing of Ethiopian names, and that is roughly the pattern followed also here.

Names that were found without known origin of language may be kept with e.g. Italian-
looking spelling, in order not to introduce unconfirmed interpretations of the pronunciation.
However, when transfer from Italian-type or French-type to English-type spelling follows an
obvious pattern (such as Giggiga or Djidjiga into Jijiga) an English-oriented spelling
alternative may have been actively added during the editing of the alphabetical list for better
conformity throughout the whole list. Such modification without confirmation in the sources
is added mostly for consonants. Vowels when recorded by non-local speakers are often so
ambiguous not only in spelling but also in sound that active "correction" is not advisable.
Amharic spelling of Oromo names etc may not always be quite true to the original
pronunciation (Melka or Malka best?).

Spellings derived from other than Italian and English texts may have a short explanation of
what language is involved (Ger:, Fre:, Swe: for German, French, Swedish etc) and Ethiopian
languages are indicated when explanation of the meaning of a name is attempted (A, O, Som,
T for Amharic, Oromo, Somali, Tigrinya). Explanations of names as words are here derived
from dictionaries and not from personal knowledge of the languages in question, so there are
probably many irrelevant attempts at translation of names.
Codes for geographical identification
Map codes like HDE93 refer to squares 10x10 kilometres of the grid used in the British War
Office maps. Codes used for listing give the map square in which the place is shown on the
W.O. maps, not the location it ought to be by more recent data of latitude and longitude, even
if these data may be cited as remarks.
Codes for additional names found on other maps than the W.O. maps have been derived from
relative distances to known places.

An extra "c" as in HFF92c means "circa square HFF92" when the place is not named on the
W.O. maps and its location has been roughly determined from some other source.

Geographical coordinates like 08/42 indicate Latitude North/ Longitude East with figures for
degree only, and no further subdivision. The sources cannot always be trusted to give better
accuracy than this.

Sources of name and position are indicated by brief codes within square brackets for the
principal sources used:

[WO] British War Office maps produced mostly from Italian originals in the early
1940's and sold openly from the late 1940's

[AA] map sheet Addis Ababa, scale 1:250,000, prepared in Washington in 1967,
published in Ethiopia in 1969

[MS] Mapping Service: either map sheet 1:2,000,000 by the Ethiopian Mapping
Service around 1969 or later maps (such as tourist maps) believed to be derived
from official maps

[LM] Location Maps produced by the Ethiopian Mapping service from the 1960's and

[LM WO] when more then one source is mentioned, the code that is
[WO LM] written first indicates the origin of the spelling used as alphabetical entry

[Ad] Ethiopian administrative texts, such as e.g. Statistical Abstracts

[Br] Philip Briggs, Guide to Ethiopia, Bradt Publications 1996

[Ca] Camerapix /ed./, Spectrum guide to Ethiopia, Nairobi 1995

[Ch] R. E. Cheesman, Lake Tana and the Blue Nile, London 1936; maps at the end of
the book

[Gz] Gazetteer of Ethiopia, Defense Mapping Agency, USA, August 1982, 663 p,
about 30,500 entries (of which many see-references and 14% for Eritrea
and names of regions).
Much of the same material is found at
on Internet

[Gu] Guida dell'Africa Orientale Italiana, Consociazione Turistica Italiana, Milano

[Ha] W. Cornwallis Harris, The highlands of Aethiopia, London 1844; map opposite
page 1 in volume I

[It] Various Italian or Italian-influenced sources

[Mi] Danilo A. Jelenc, Mineral occurrences of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa 1966

[n] various newer sources published in the 1990s

[Ne] L.M. Nesbitt, Abyssinia unveiled. Desert and forest. 1934 (Desert and forest.
Penguin Books 1955)
/his travel was made in 1928/

[Pa] Publications by Richard Pankhurst, especially: The Ethiopian borderlands. The

Red Sea Press 1997

[Po] lists of post offices

[q] q added during the editing as an alternative to k' in the Mapping and Geography
Institute´s system of phonetic spelling, for example Kechema (K'ech'ema,

[Ro] road map published by Mobil/ETO in the 1960s

[Te] Board of Telecommunications map and telephone directories 1954-1967, with

inconsistent spellings and possibly some expatriate influence

[Wa] war time map sheet "Schropp's Karte vom Abessinischen Kriegsschauplatz"
published 1935 in Germany but with English-influenced spellings of names

[x] source from 1900-1990 not explained in the list because it provided only a few
additional names or spelling variants

[Yo] John Young, Peasant revolution .., 1997

[18] sources from the 1800s (other than Ha = Harris)

[20] sources published in or after year 2000

[+ WO] the sign + in the first position indicates that the spelling of the alphabetical entry
was modified during editing, as guided by known language patterns;
spelling without the modification is also listed, with a see-reference added when
deemed useful; variants may be given a see-reference even when they are rather
obvious mistakes (e.g. Ahd er Rafi for Abd er Rafi) if they were found in a
printed source that may have had a wide distribution

Neighbourhood of centre points

The name of a relatively important location is used for keeping together a local circular area
with a radius of 10 kilometres with the principal place in the centre.
Names included/excluded
The compilation covers essentially "localities on dry land" including names of areas not
larger than an awraja (sub-province). Foreign-language elements like Valley, Plain, Lake,
Mount are never included into the local names themselves (unless the whole name is
manifestly foreign like Mount Smith, Mussolini Pass, or Colaris Concession). Added Amharic
words like Bota, Hayk', Tereter, very common in the Gazetteer, are not treated as being part
of the name.

Names of mountains are generally included as entries, especially as there are often a village
and a highly visible hill/mountain near each other having the same name. The indication Tulu,
Gara, Amba etc before names of mountainous places is sometimes (but not generally) placed
first in the form written for alphabetical entry.

Names of lakes and watercourses are not generally used as alphabetical entries as they cannot
contain settlements, but they may occur when describing further the environment of a "place".
Rivers are treated rather as valleys, and on the whole naming of areas extending
across long distances is avoided.
Names of islands are usually included because they represent "land".
Springs/waterholes/wells without villages based on them are included as entries if they are
marked on maps or included in the Gazetteer or otherwise useful for orientation in an area.

A rough distinction is attempted between "area" and "built-up place" (township, village,
church etc) giving them separate entries even when having the same name, but especially the
distinctions between "wide area" / "area" / "hill" / "mountain" is very vague as long as derived
from a map and not from a description in text.

Figures given for altitude are not to be taken as exact, especially as its reference point on the
ground is seldom specified, but even so the figures should give some useful information on
climate and lowland/highland character of the location. Altitude of a mountain area probably
refers to a peak. Widely differing alternative figures may refer one to a built-up place and the
other to a nearby hill or mountain. Differing figures found in different sources are often both
(or several) cited, unless it is known which one to regard as more reliable.

Years, months and days are given according to the Gregorian ("Western") calendar, as few of
the sources used here supply also dates according to the Ethiopian calender. When such cases
are cited, the indication 'Eth. cal.' is added.

Selection of sources
The sources used so far were those near at hand to the compiler (private library, public
libraries in Stockholm), and they have been studied in such order as seemed suitable for the
process of filling the alphabetical list of names first and adding subject matter later.

In late 2001 the collection corresponds to over 17,000 place and area names, with many
variants of spelling. When new additions are found, they are inserted in their alphabetical
place, but the intention is also at some time to supplement "backwards" to the starting list
arranged in order by map codes. In late 2004 there may be 30,000 localities + see added.
Contents of citations
Text of the sources has often been abbreviated to keep the volume of the collection
manageable. Serious researchers should go to the original texts as found from the references.
Word-by-word citation is usually written between marks "---" and with exclusions indicated
by -- while parts inserted by the compiler are within slashes /---/.
Normal parentheses (---) indicate that they were found in the original and were copied from

Texts longer than about half a page are seldom cited in full, so there the original source will
be important.

Sources may have political, religious or ethnic bias and this has in principle also been kept in
all citations so that the character of the source shall not be hidden. In some contexts explicit
use of the contents may be controversial.

The compiler (Bernhard Lindahl) regards 'Local History' as a hobby project, which has filled
some years, and claims no personal copyright for the text. However, many part of the text as
well as pictures given references may still have their original copyright actively guarded by
authors/publisher. This must be taken into account if data base or print publication is
contemplated for more than excerpts. As source for research it can be used like any other
source, having the special advantage that information is directly found by place names which
in most cases would be impossible to actively trace by a normal researcher in catalogues of
libraries and collections, as the names are scattered within documents at innumerable sites in
the world.
file intro2
October 2005


The files of geographical names are based on the British War Office maps sold openly from
the 1940s. There are 38 sheets which concern Ethiopia within its borders of the late 1990s.

Each full map code of the form 000xx denotes a square of land covering 10 sq km. With 3x3
adjacent codes an area of 90 sq km is covered, and there are many other combinations to
choose from. (Later codes exist e.g. in the Gazetteer from USA, but as the work was started
from the British maps their codes have been kept throughout for the sake of uniformity.)

A series of codes all beginning with the same three-letter combination with figures from 00 to
99 added will cover 100x100 = 10 000 sq km - if the series is complete, but many of them fall
partly outside the borders of Ethiopia.

From the files sorted in order by codes one can extract all names from a limited part of
Ethiopia for closer study. Any connected selection of 10x10 km elements can be created if one
observes that the three-letter part of the map codes occur in the following order over Ethiopia
as a whole:



Map square numbers are neighbours of each other as follows:

99 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 90
89 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 80
79 70 71 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 78 79 70
69 60 61 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 68 69 60
59 50 51 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 58 59 50
49 40 41 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 48 49 40
39 30 31 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 38 39 30
29 20 21 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 28 29 20
19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10
09 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
The sheets of the War Office maps which contain something of Ethiopia have the following titles, in order
from south-west to north-east:

NB 36/2 Akobo ND 37/5 Macalle

NC 36/5 Nasir ND 37/2 Asmara
NB 36/6 Lokitaung NA 37/3 El Wak
NB 36/3 Magi NB 37/6 Filtu
NC 36/6 Gore NB 37/3 Ghimir
NC 36/3 Asosa NC 37/6 Dire Daua
ND 36/6 Dinder NC 37/3 Abbe
NA 37/1 Rudolf ND 37/6 Lake Giulietti
NB 37/4 Stefanie ND 37/3 Mersa Fatma
NB 37/1 Soddu NB 38/4 Dolo
NC 37/4 Lechemti NB 38/1 El Fud
NC 37/1 Debra Marcos NC 38/4 Harar
ND 37/4 Gondar NC 38/1 Jibuti
ND 37/1 Kassala ND 38/4 Assab
NA 37/2 Moyale NB 38/5 Belet Uen
NB 37/5 Neghelli NB 38/2 Gabredarre
NB 37/2 Dalle NC 38/5 Odweina
NC 37/5 Addis Abeba NB 38/3 Rocca Littorio
NC 37/2 Dessie NC 38/6 Yagare
file indref
October 2005

External sources for local history of Ethiopia

Sources used for more than some ten extracts are in the
main files given abbreviated references. These are listed
here with bibliographical explanations, also rather short but
believed sufficient for finding the document in catalogues.
Languages of the sources used here are English, French, Italian,
German, and Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish).

Arén 1978 Gustav Arén, Evangelical pioneers in Ethiopia, Uppsala/Sweden 1978

Asmarom 1973 Asmarom Legesse, Gada - Three approaches to the study

of African society, New York 1973

Aubert 1999 Marc Aubert, Ethiopia (Local Colour illustrated guide to Ethiopia),
Hong Kong 1999

Bent 1893 Theodore Bent, The sacred city of the Ethiopians, London 1893

Bianchi 1896 Gustavo Bianchi, Alla terra dei Galla, Milano 1896

Bradt 1995 Philip Briggs, Guide to Ethiopia, Bradt Publications, UK 1995 (also USA)

Camerapix 1995 Spectrum guide to Ethiopia, Camerapix Publishers International,

Nairobi/Kenya 1995, 2nd ed. 1996

Cheesman 1936 R.E. Cheesman, Lake Tana & the Blue Nile, London 1936 (covering
period 1925-1934)

Crummey 2000 Donald Crummey, Land and society in the Christian kingdom
of Ethiopia, USA & UK (Oxford) 2000

Ehrlich 1996 Haggai Ehrlich, Ras Alula and the Scramble for Africa ... 1875-1897,
USA (Red Sea Press) 1996

Eth. Artists Taye Tadesse, Short biographies of some Ethiopian artists,

Addis Ababa (1984) 1991

Ethnicity 1994 Katsuyoshi Fukui & John Markakis (editors), Ethnicity and conflict
in the Horn of Africa, UK & USA 1994

Gleichen 1898 Count Gleichen, With the mission to Menelik, London 1898

Grenstedt 2000 Staffan Grenstedt, Ambaricho and Shonkolla, Faculty of Theology,

Uppsala Univ. 2000. Studia Missionalia Svecana LXXXII

Guida 1938 Guida dell'Africa Orientale Italiana, Consociazione Turistica Italiana,

Milano 1938

Hammond 1999 Jenny Hammond, Fire from the ashes - A chronicle of the revolution
in Tigray, Ethiopia, 1975-1991, USA (Red Sea Press) 1999
Jäger 1965 Otto A. Jäger, Antiquities of North Ethiopia, Stuttgart 1965

Levine 1965 Donald N. Levine, Wax and gold, Univ. of Chicago Press 1965

Marcus, Menelik Harold G. Marcus, The life and times of Menelik II, Oxford 1975
(The Red Sea Press 1995)

Marcus 1994 Harold G. Marcus, A history of Ethiopia, Univ. of California 1994

Markakis 1987 John Markakis, National and class conflict in the Horn of Africa,
(Cambridge Univ. Press) 1987

Marsden-Smedley 1990 Philip Marsden-Smedley, A far country, London 1990

Mineral 1966 Danilo A. Jelenc, Mineral occurrences of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa 1966

Mohammed 1994 Mohammed Hassen, The Oromo of Ethiopia, A history 1570-1860, The
Red Sea Press/USA 1994

Mohr, Geology 1961 P.A. Mohr, The Geology of Ethiopia, Addis Abeba ca 1961
(printed in Asmara)

Dervla Murphy 1969 Dervla Murphy, In Ethiopia with a mule, London 1969
(also a later pocket edition)

Nesbitt 1934(1935) Desert and forest, 1934, Penguin Books 1935, Abyssinia unveiled, The
Albatross/Hamburg 1935 (travels in 1928)

Pankhurst 1961 Richard Pankhurst, An introduction to the economic history of

Ethiopia from early times to 1800, London (Lalibela House) 1961

Pankhurst (1990)1992 Richard Pankhurst, A social history of Ethiopia, Institute of

Ethiopian Studies 1990 (The Red Sea Press 1992)

Pankhurst 1997 Richard Pankhurst, The Ethiopian borderlands, ... regional history from
ancient times to the end of the 18th century, The Red Sea Press 1997

Rubenson 1976 Sven Rubenson, The survival of Ethiopian independence,

London etc 1976

Sbacchi 1997 Alberto Sbacchi, Legacy of bitterness - Ethiopia and Fascist Italy,
1935-1941, USA (Red Sea Press) 1997

Shirreff 1995 David Shirreff, Bare feet and bandoliers, London (Radcliffe Press) 1995

Young 1997 John Young, Peasant revolution in Ethiopia, The Tigray People's
Liberation Front 1975-1991, Cambridge University Press 1997

12th Int Conf 1994 Harold G. Marcus /editor/, New trends in Ethiopian studies, Papers of the
12th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, vol. I, The Red Sea
Press/USA 1994
(example of these Int. Conf. papers)
JDP11 Aabida (volcano), see Adwa
aada (O) custom, tradition, culture
HFF24 Aadi Noia, see Adi Noya, under Atsbi
JEA77 Aadu (area) 668 m 11/40 [WO]
KB... Aare, temporary resettlement shelter 04/45 [x]
-- Aari language (Aarai), see Ari
HED80 Aarta (church) 11/37 [WO]
aatuar b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entranc
HER18 Aatuar Ber (area) 12/37 [WO]
ab (Geez) father; (A) elder, forefather; the Father as first person of the Trinity;
ala (O) outer?
?? Ab Ala wereda (in the 1990s), cf Abala ../.. [n]
HET65 Ab Azba (short for Abraha Atsbeha?), see Ageszba
HDT57 Ab Lada kebele 10/39 [Ad]
Aba .., cf Abba ..
aba (T) 1. father; 2. kinds of shrub or small tree,
Phyllogeiton (Berchemia) discolor, Grewia bicolor
HC... Aba (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/37 [Ad]
HDC81 Aba (small village) 08/36 [Gu]
JEH69 Aba (area) 12/41 [WO]
HDB25 Aba Abdella, see Abdela
HEF40 Aba Ali 1116'/3924' 2523 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEM20 Aba Biruk 1159'/3921' 3144 m, near code HEL29 11/39 [Gz]
HDU56 Aba Boker (mountain) 1026'/3954' 2409 m 10/39 [Gz]
/same as Buker?/
aba bona: bona, boonaa (O) carefree and proud /man/;
(A,O) dry season
HEF56 Aba Bona 1120'/3957' 1345 m 11/39 [Gz]
aba bora ..: bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle. upstanding front
part of saddle /and several other meanings/; ager (agär) (A)
country, nation, region;
Ababora is a male personal name
HDF60 Aba Bora Ager (Abbavoragher) 08/39 [Gz WO]
0846'/3924' 1838 m
HDF80c Aba Borakuje kebele (.. Boraqujä ..) 08/39 [Ad]
aba boru: boru, booruu (O) muddy /liquid/;
borru (O) east; morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning;
boru (A) ox having a blaze
HEE28 Aba Boru 1103'/3911' 3109 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDT39 Aba Boru kebele, see Ababoru ..
aba ..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HEE38 Aba Boru Meda kebele 11/39 [Ad]
?? Aba Buker Ali (Abba Bukr Alli), on map of 1814, 10/42 [+ 18]
on the caravan route from Zeyla to Harar
aba buko: buko, bukoo, boko (A,O) yeast,
fermented dough; buko (Kefa) pumpkin, gourd;
buko (Som) become sick
HDU90 Aba Buko 1050'/3924' 3114 m 10/39 [Gz]

aba bula: bula (A) dust raised in walking

HEE38 Aba Bula 1109'/3914' 3106 m 11/39 [Gz]

HDN08c Aba Bulcho, village in Wellega 10/35 [x]

A little south of the Abay river about 15 km west
of the confluence of the Didessa.
?? Aba Bulcho (Gumuz village) ../.. [n]
Among the 66 houshold heads of Aba Bulcho in 1975,
a majority claimed to be of the Dukunzilla people.
[Wendy James]
aba ch..: chara (O) tip top, very good?
chaaraa, one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day names
HE... Aba Chara 12/37 [Ch]
?? Aba Chereko (visiting postman under Jimma district) ../.. [Po]
HDE89 Aba Chorga (Aba Ch'orga) 0852'/3919' 2178 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDH51 Aba Ciotte, see Abba Chotte
GDU26 Aba Dula, see Abadula
HEC89 Aba Garima (Abba Garima) (small island), 11/37 [Ch Gu]
cf Abba Gerima, one of the 'Nine Saints'
aba gen..: genda (gända) (A) trough from the trunk of a tree,
for animals to drink from
ganda (O) village, district; aba genda, village leader
HCU93 Aba Genda 0803'/3937' 2627 m 08/39 [Gz]
HED80 Aba Gerima 1140'/3730' 2089 m 11/37 [Gz]
HFM16 Aba Gerima 14/38 [n]
mountain Aba Gerima Terara at 1410'/3857'
HFE65 Aba Gerima, see Abba Gerima
aba gobe, dance leader? gobe (O) song, dance, especially at Meskel Day;
Gobe, a Somali female name
HBM14 Aba Gobe (Abagobi) (area) 0344'/3944' 914 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
aba gol..: golja, goljaa (O) warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus aeliani
HEJ84 Aba Golja 1231'/3702' 2143 m 12/37 [Gz]
aba gol..: ager (agär) (A) land, region, country
HEF15 Aba Golja Ager (Abagolja A.) 1102'/3949' 1948 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF25 Aba Golja Ager 1106'/3950' 2055 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM34 Aba Gordo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
aba gu..: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron;
3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
HET37 Aba Guba (Amba Abba Gubba) 1415 m 13/39 [WO Gu]
aba guy.: guyo, guio (O) prohibition, hatred, detestation;
guuyo (Som) 1. small antelope, dikdik; 2. dwarf, small person;
3. wealth, property, livestock;
ana (O) patrikin, relatives on father's side
HBU82 Aba Guyo Ana 0519'/3932' 1436 m 05/39 [Gz]
HEF26 Aba Halme kebele (.. Halmé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
aba hate: hate (O) 1. forest, jungle; 2. smart
JEB28 Aba Hate (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEF13 Aba Jela kebele (.. Jäla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
aba kibe: qibe (A) butter
HEF02 Aba Kibe 1054'/3932' 3319 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDS81 Aba Kidan Bota (locality) 1046'/3740' 10/37 [Gz]
aba ko..: kolba (O) horn, hilt made of horn
HEF34 Aba Kolba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
HDP20 Aba Kumyur (Aba Cumiur) (area) 10/35 [+ WO]
HDT68 Aba Kundi (A. K'undi, A. Qundi) 10/39 [Gz q]
1035'/3912' 2361 m
HDS.. Aba Libanos (Abba L.) 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tseshigem sub-district)
HEJ68 Aba Libanos 1221'/3721' 1812 m 12/37 [Gz WO]
or (Iancaru, Yankaru) 1222'/3721' 1816 m
HEM11 Aba Libanos Ch'aka (forest) 1155'/3929' 11/39 [Gz]
HEH55 Aba Maryam (A. Mariam) 12/36 [+ WO]
HFF52 Aba Mekereyta 1406'/3936' 2647 m 14/39 [Gz]
aba mela: mela (mäla) (A) forecast, opinion;
(T) tact, policy, device, method, science;
(Wellega) Acacia sp.; mella (A) whole, be full;
mela (O) 1. crippled, disabled; grudge
HEE49 Aba Mela kebele (.. Mäla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
aba mes.: mesk (mäsk) (A) meadow, field
HEL39 Aba Mesk 1204'/3917' 3601 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDU92 Aba Milik 1049'/3934' 2448 m 10/39 [Gz]
aba moti: moti (O) large needle; mooti (Som) cause to cross,
make pass through; moti, mootii (O) regional chief,
local king, military leader
GDM74 Aba Moti, see Bambesi
HCG19 Aba Saimal (A. Simal) 0631'/3541' 1217 m 06/35 [WO Gz]
?? Aba Salama (Abba S.), cf Aba Selama 13/39 [+ It]
HDE63 Aba Samuel (Abba S.) (church) 08/38 [Gz WO]
0845'/3843' 2000 m
HDE63 Aba Samuel Gedam (monastery) 0845'/3843' 08/38 [Gz]
HDE73 Aba Samuel (Abba S.) (power station) 0847'/3842' 08/38 [Gz WO]
aba selam: selam (sälam) (A) peace, tranquility
HEE09 Aba Selam 1057'/3918' 3342 m 10/39 [Gz]
Aba Selama, Frumentius, founder of the Ethiopian Christianity in 326 A.D.
HEU92 Aba Selama (Enda Abba Scelema) (village) 13/39 [Gz Po Gu]
1331'/3935' 2264/2390 m, see also Abba Salama
(visiting postman under Dessie district)
HEF52 Aba Selama kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kuta Ber wereda, 5 km north-west
of Kuta Ber settlement; area 3,367 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
aba si..: sina (A) kind of shrub or tree, Teclea nobilis
HDB93 Aba Sina (Abba Sena) 0902'/3558' 1538 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH03 Aba Sina
HDD39 Aba Tekle 0829'/3824' 3081 m 08/38 [Gz]
?? Aba Wagame (visiting postman under Jimma district ../.. [Po]
HDU61 Aba Wani 1034'/3930' 1999 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEE37 Aba Wasu kebele 11/38 [Ad]
rather far to the east in central Mekdela wereda,
area 1,849 hectares
[CSA 1994]
HEE79 Aba Wat (A, Wat', Baba) 1130'/3919' 2362 m 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Iyesus)
HEF70 Aba Wat (A. Wat') 1131'/3922' 2875 m 11/39 [Gz]
aba wi..: ager (agär) (A) land, region, country
HDM64 Aba Wibe Ager (Kundi, Cundi, Gandhi Ghior) 09/39 [Gz Wa]
0940'/3943' 3360 m, cf Gundi
HES79 Aba Yared (mountain), see Abba Yared
HEL96 Aba Yohanis (Abba Johannes) (church), 12/38 [LM WO]
see under Sekota
JDK51 Aba Yonis 0933'/4236' 2090 m 09/42 [Gz]
?? Ababa wereda (in Bale), cf Abebe sub-district ../.. [x]
HDK35 Ababe, see Abebe
?? Ababeich (Ababeic), locality 07/35 [20]
ababo (Kefa O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Protea gaguedi; (O) flower;
Ababo, Abebo, a male personal name
GCU61 Ababo (Abebo, Abobo) (village) c490 m 07/34 [MS Br Ad WO]
GCU61 Ababo wereda (Abebo..) (centre in 1964 = Ababo) 07/34 [+ Ad]
Ababora, a Muslim personal name;
bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle, upstanding front
part of saddle /and several other meanings/
?? Ababora (centre in 1964 of Halielu sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
H.... Ababora Bet sub-district (.. Biet ..) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Solie)
ababoru: boru, booruu (A) muddy /liquid/;
borru (O) east, morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning
HDT39 Ababoru kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of southern Jema wereda,
15 km south of Degolo, area 5,923 hectares
[CSA 1994]
ababu (O) great-grandmother, great-grandchild;
ababul (T) kind of slender shrub, Cadaba longifolia
HED14 Ababulu, see under Mota 10/37 [WO]
abacha..: chacha (ch'ach'a) (A) stop growing, become stunted
HDM43 Abachacha kebele (Abach'ach'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
20 km east-northeast of Koremash; area 1,014 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCN32 Abachalti (Abbacialti) 880 m 07/35 [MS LM WO]
GDL38 Abachi, see Abaki
abada..: dabu (O) to plant, set up, fasten, place,
arrange, break down, put into fire, straighten, etc.
HDG59 Abadabu (Abadadu), see Kebni Abadir
abadib.: dibo, diboo (O) thicket, thick growth of bushes;
(Kefa) kinds of shrub or small tree, Rothmannia spp;
dibo (T) plug, stopper
HCL.. Abadibo (Tayissa), valley in the Kibre Mengist region 06/38 [Mi]
Abadir, one chief Ahu Abadir is said to have helped build
the city walls of Harar in the 1500s
HDF66 Abadir (Guto, Gutu) 0845'/3953' 1051 m 08/39 [Gz WO]
HDF75 Abadir (Abadir Tekil) (plantation) 0847'/3952' 08/39 [x Gz]
HDF86 Abadir (area) 08/39 [MS WO]
HDE64 Abadiri, see Saddeka
HEE46 Abadise 1115'/3901' 2783 m 11/39 [Gz]
-- Abado, Abbado, a group of Oromo, also a male name
HDE40 Abado 0833'/3830' 2605 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret and/or Silase)
HDT02 Abado, see Idabu
HDT54 Abado kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Wegdi wereda, adjoining Mahdere Selam
to its north-east and south-west; area 1,514 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Abadula, a male personal name,
Abba Dula (O) "father of war", military commander;
dula (A) 1. strong, tenacious, resistant; 2. cudgel, knobbly stick;
dula, duula (O) fighting place, raid
GDU26 Abadula (Aba Dula) (area) 10/34 [WO]
Abagada (kind of chief), a male personal name
HDB26 Abagada, see Abdela
HET.? Abagele (Abagällé, same as HET46 Abergele?) 13/38? [x]
HEJ66 Abagennen (Abaghennen) 1223'/3714' 1848 m 12/37 [+ Gu Gz]
HCR52 Abagero Bota (locality) 0747'/3652' 07/36 [Gz]
abagimbi: abba gimbi (O) father/owner of stone house;
gimbi, gimbii (O) 1. stone wall or house or fence;
2. garrison, guard; (T) castle, tower
GDF73 Abagimbi (Abaghimbi) 0848'/3439' 1865 m 08/34 [+ WO Gz]
JCB96 Abagle, see Melka Abagle
HBM14 Abagobi, see Aba Gobe
HE... Abagolja (centre in 1964 of Diguguru sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEF15 Abagolja Ager, see Aba Golja Ager
abah (T) Phyllogeiton discolor
HED44 Abahala, see Amanuel
HDA76 Abahalle 0846'/3520' 1504 m 08/35 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDA66
HDT42 Abahoch kebele 10/38 [Ad]
Abai.., see Abay.., Abbay ..
abake (abaqä) (A) to beseech, to entreat
HCE46c Abake (forest station) 05/38 [Br]
abaki, abaqii (O) grain chaff;
Abachi, a male Muslim name
GDL38 Abaki (Abachi) 09/34 [+ WO]
HDM24 Abako kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Berehet wereda at its southern border; area 3,864 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
abakulba: abba kulba (O) man named as bull with regenerated testicles;
ager (agär) (A) land, district
H.... Abakulba Ager 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kombolcha Nechiro sub-district)
abal (A,T) member, insider; abala (A) tendon, sinew;
Aballa, a male personal name
HCK34 Abala (cotton centre) 1482 m, cf Ab Ala .., Abela 06/37 [WO Gu]
HED44 Abala (Abahala), see Amanuel
HFC74 Abala (area) 1414'/3700' 775 m 14/37 [WO Gz]
HED44 Abala Dildi, see Sabera Dildi
HEC.? Abala Negus, south of Debre May? 11/37 [x]
JE...? Abala wereda 11/41? [20]
abale, abaliye (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Maesa lanceolata;
abale (abalä) (T) commemorate, celebrate
HDL43 Abale 0927'/3841' 2470 m, waterfalls nearby 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEJ59 Abale (Ambara) 1217'/3727' 1784 m, 12/37 [Gz]
see under Gorgora
HCN46 Aballa 0741'/3522' 2186 m, cf Abala 07/35 [Gz]
aballe..: dara (O) 1. clothes, lack of clothing;
daaraa 2. ashes; 3. movables, personal effects, furniture;
dhara (O) expression to deny that something is false
JEA87 Aballedara (area) 11/40 [WO]
abalo (A) kind of tall and rather flat-topped tree,
Terminalia brownii; its bark gives a yellow stain used for
skins of monks; also (A) Terminalia glaucescens, Combretum tricanthum,
(O) Brucea antidysenterica, which is a small tree
HDH07 Abalo (Ovalo) (place) 0907'/3624' 1685 m 09/36 [Gz WO]
HDH07 Abalo (Tulu A.) (mountain) 0907'/3623' 1835 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK71 Abalo 0944'/3740' 2115 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDT02 Abalo 0959'/3839' 1894 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
abalo b.: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDM.. Abalo Beret (with church Mikael) 09/39 [x]
HDM31 Abalo Beret kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
near Koremash to its north-east; area 1,074 hectares. [CSA 1994]
abalo m.: meda (A), grassy plain
HEE68 Abalo Meda 1129'/3910' 2319 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDT87 Abalo sub-district (Aballo ..) (ctr in 1964 = Ligwam) 10/39 [+ Ad]
JEC82 Abalon Adola /a Somali unit/ (waterhole) 11/41 [WO]
abalti, abbalti (O) intention
HDD00 Abalti, see Abelti
JDK73 Abaltirri (area) 1950 m 09/42 [WO]
HEL61 Abam (Monte Abam) (mountain) 12/38 [WO Gz]
1222'/3836' 2498 m
HEL62 Abam Abo, see Agam Abo
HES96 Abamar Selassie, see Abemar Silase
HDM73 Abamote kebele (Abamoté ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda in its eastern part,
12 km south-west of Debre Sina; area 684 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Abanchela (in the Jimma region) ../.. [Mi]
HEJ34c Abanu, on western shore of lake Tana 12/37 [x]
abar (Gurage) the hot dry season; (Bale O) kind of tall tree,
Allophylus abyssinicus; abaare (O) curse;
abara (A) one who lives together with another;
abarra (A) clear up, stop raining; abwara (A) dust
HCH92 Abara, see Abera
JBU52 Abara (area) 04/44 [WO]
abarama (O) accursed
HCL66 Abaramo (area) 2780 m 06/39 [WO]
JDK.. Abaraouel 09/43 [x]
Administrative district in the early 1930s, with centre at Teferi Ber.
abareba: reba-u (O) cultivate land before sowing
HEF32 Abareba kebele (Abaréba ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Dese Zuriya wereda,
11 km west of Dessie town; area 1,266 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT51 Abarga Giyorgis kebele 10/38 [Ad]
at the middle of the western border of Wegdi wereda,
35 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 2,609 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET46 Abargale, see Abergele
HEC87 Abarge 1137'/3715' 1900 m 11/37 [Gz]
abari (A) associate; enclosure in a letter;
shiraf cf giraf (A) whip
HET24 Abarime Shiraf (Abarime Sciraf) (pass) 13/38 [WO]
HEK38 Abarke (Abarche, Abarctie) 1204'/3818' 2365 m 12/38 [+ Gu WO Gz]
abaro, plant with leaves used for traditional treatment of rabies
HCL82 Abaro (mountain) 0707'/3838' 2169/2565 m, 07/38 [WO Gu Gz]
cf Ebaro
HDL74 Abaro 0945'/3849' 1884 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), see under Debre Libanos
HFE18 Abaro (Passo Abaro) (pass) 1345'/3915' 2331 m 13/39 [WO Gu Gz]
abaro..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
HBR87 Abaroba 0515'/3716' 1104 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
Abarra, alternate spelling of the personal name Aberra
HBU97 Abarra (Auarra) 0523'/3958' 818 m, cf Awara 05/39 [Gz]
HCT95c Abarta (Gulevara), village north-east of Ziway 08/39 [x]
map code possibly also HDE05 or 06.
abas (T) dumb, mute; abasa (O) misery
HDM52 Abas 0934'/3931' 2797 m 09/39 [Gz]
JDS53 Abas (area) 10/42 [WO]
HDT08 Abase kebele (Abasé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Moret & Jiru wereda at its border,
15 km north of Inewari; area 980 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEA77 Abasheres 1130'/3525' 680 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
HDH03 Abasina (Abbasena, Barri Abbasena, Abazena) 09/35 [WO Gu x]
0905'/3553' 1620 m
HEF32 Abaso kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western central Dese Zuriya wereda,
6 km west of Dessie town; area 1,864 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEA82 Abassel awraja, see Ambasel awraja
abate ager (A) land of my father
HEE07 Abate Ager 1055'/3909' 3234 m 10/39 [Gz]
abatila: abatalla (O) flat open area of grassy land
HET57c Abatila (with small fort) 13/39 [Gu]
HDN64 Abatimbo el Gumas (Abu Timbhor) (village) 10/35 [Gz WO Wa]
(Abba Timbo el Gumaz) 1036'/3513' 689 m 10/35 [Gu]
-- Abato, Abatu, name of an Oromo tribe
HE... Abawerari (centre in 1964 of Segerat sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
abay, abaai, abbayi (O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Maesa lanceolata, or Myrica salicifolia which sometimes branches
already at the base;
abay (A) 1. large landslide; 2. liar; 3. fake; (T) 1. grandmother; 2. wild;
(as name of the Blue Nile, see Abbay)
HEC89 Abay (Abba) 1136'/3725' 1794 m 11/37 [Gz]
near the river of that name, see under Bahir Dar
HDM87 Abay Atir kebele (.. At'er ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Kewet wereda, 25 km east of Debre Sina and
15 km south-east of Shewa Robit; area 1,243 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS18 Abay bridge, cf Dejen ford, cf Shafartak 10/38 [n]
HDR32c Abay bridge 2 (Gumare Dildiy, 'Hippo Bridge') 10/36 [20]
HDJ.. Abay Chomen wereda 09/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 19 rural and 2 urban kebeles
HDL37 Abay Deggar (Abai D.) (recorded in 1841) 09/39 [+ Ha]
JDK37 Abay Folam (Abai Folam) (area) 1855 m 09/43 [+ WO]
JDJ35 Abay Folan (Abai F.) (mountain) 09/43 [+ Gz]
0923'/4308' 1805 m
abay g..: goma (A) hornless /animal/
GEF46c Abay Goma, village very near Sudan 11/34 [20]
?? Abay Mikael (visiting postman under D.Markos) ../.. [Po]
HDU17 Abay Negeso kebele (.. Nägéso ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda at its eastern border,
a little east of Shewa Robit; area 714 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL64 Abay Yilas 1222'/3851' 2407 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL43 Abay Zinamba 1210'/3845' 2435 m 12/38 [Gz]
abaya (A) slothful, sluggardly; refractory ox;
Abaya, a male personal name
HCD93 Abaya (Lake Margherita) 0620'/3750' 1268 m 06/37 [Gz WO]
(Abba, Bagade, Bato, Beke, Dambala, Gumaraki,
Amh: Yegidicho Bahir, Qey Bahir)
HDL89 Abaya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Saya Debri & Wayu Insaro wereda,
very near Deneba to its south; area 1,235 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL89 Abaya & Sakla kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the south-eastern border of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, adjoining Abaya kebele (see above) to its south-east and
6 km south-east of Deneba; area 1,386 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG.. Abayani Bogo, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDE85 Abaye (Abaie) 08/38 [+ WO]
JDH09 Abaye 0906'/4131' 1413 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDG92 Abaye Atir (.. At'r) 0955'/4001' 1470 m 09/40 [Gz]
abayni b..: bogo (Som) finish with
HDG.. Abayni Bogo
HEJ47 Abaza (Abazai) 12/37 [Ch]
HEC65 Abb (on map of 1868) 11/37 [18]
Abba Oromo: Abbaa), cf Aba
abba (A,T) title of respect given to priests and monks; also
used in names of persons;
(O) 1. father, elder, general title of respect; 2. deity, spirit
HCD93 Abba (lake), see Abaya
HCJ92 Abba (Aba), see Chida
HEC89 Abba, see Abay
HED80 Abba 1140'/3730' 2089 m, see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [WO n]
HEJ73 Abba Ago (area) 12/36 [WO]
HEJ99 Abba Antonios (Antonius) 12/37 [Gu WO]
(village) 2256 m, see under Gondar
HEK.? Abba Aregawi (village) 11/38 [20]
HDH51 Abba Chotte (Aba Ciotte, Adela Chotte) 09/35 [+ Gz]
0933'/3550' 1236 m
HDE31 Abba Dolo (Aba Dolo) (church) 08/38 [WO LM]
HES.. Abba Dugudduge (village) 13/38 [+ Gu]
abba foge: fogee (Som) lengthen; remove to a distance
HEK34 Abba Foge, see Kemkem
HEK55 Abba Gebre (Abba Ghevra) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
Abba Gerima (Issak, Yishaq), one of the Syrian "Nine Saints"
in the 500s
HFE65 Abba Gerima (Aba G., A. Gherima, Aba Garima) 14/38 [+ MS WO Br]
(mountain with monastery), see under Adwa
1410'/3858' 2011/2032, 2546 m, cf Aba Gerima
abba gi..: gimmi (A) kind of shrub, Chenopodium ambrosoides,
with very small flowers
HDC97 Abba Gimmi, see Ijaji
JCU71 Abba Gorda, see Abdi Gorda
HET37 Abba Guba (Abba Gubba), see Aba Guba
HES79 Abba Iared (A. Jared), see Abba Yared
HEL96 Abba Johannes, see Aba Yohanis
abba kella (O) commander of guards, keeper of
the gate /of a kingdom/, sentry at a check point
HCJ93 Abba Kella (Abba Chella) c1600 m 07/36 [MS WO Gu]
JFA47 Abba Kidane (salt deposit) 13/40 [Ne]
Abba Libanos (A. Mete'a), early Syrian missionary believed
to have stayed somewhere inland from Massawa
HEJ68 Abba Libanos, see Aba Libanos
Abba Liqanos, one of the Syrian "Nine Saints" in the 500s
HEJ79 Abba Likanos (A.Licanos, A.Lianos) 12/37 [+ Gu WO]
(mountain) 2339 m, see also under Aksum : church ..
HEJ99 Abba Maldiba, see Meldiba
HFD59c Abba Mardilos 14/38 [x]
rock-hewn/?/ church west of Aksum.
HFE63c Abba Mata'a (Abba Libanos) 14/38 [20]
GDM74 Abba Moti, see Bambesi
abba muda (O) the spiritual head of traditional Oromo religion
HCE83 Abba Muda, see Yirba Muda
HFE17 Abba Salama, see under Temben churches
HDE63 Abba Samuel, see Aba Samuel & HDE73
HEJ88 Abba Samuel (area), see under Azezo 12/37 [WO]
HFD57 Abba Sege (Abba Seghe), see under Inda Silase 14/38 [+ WO]
HFE18 Abba Selam, see Ind'Abba Selam, cf Aba Selam
HDB93 Abba Sena, see Aba Sina
abba sirba, dance leader? sirba (O) dance, song, music;
sirbaa (O) to blink fast /with eyes/
HCF45c Abba Sirba 05/39 [Gu]
abba sombi: sombe (O) kind of animal disease
HDA97 Abba Sombi, see under Yubdo 09/35 [WO]
abba te..: Tekle Haymanot, famous Ethiopian saint
HER57 Abba Teklehaymanot (Abbat Teccaimanot) 13/37 [+ WO]
HDN64 Abba Timbo el Gumaz, see Abatimbo el Gumas
abba wiha: wiha (A) water /if that meaning is intended/
JFB33 Abba Wiha (Abba Uia) (area) 13/40 [+ WO]
abba yared: Yared, saint of the 500s, founder of Ethiopian church music
HES79 Abba Yared (A.Iared, A.Jared, Aba Yared) (mountain) 13/38 [x Gu 20]
(Abo Yared, Abbo Jared) 1320'/3818' peak 4460 m
HFE.. Abba Yohanni, see under Abiy Adi
HCN32 Abbacialti, see Abachalti
HDJ55 Abbaia Garo, see Abbaya Garo
HES11 Abbanai Mariam (church) 12/37 [WO]
HBS70 Abbaroba, see under Jarso, cf Abaroba 05/37 [WO]
HDH03 Abbasena, see Abasina
HDS72 Abbat, see Mekera Kir
abbatere (T) kind of spiny shrub or small tree,
Zizyphus spina-christi
HFC28 Abbatere (area), see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
HDF60 Abbavoragher, see Aba Bora Ager 08/39 [+ WO]
Abbay (A,T) feminine name of the Blue Nile
from abiyy (A) grandiose, important;
Abay, Abbai also occurs as a male personal name
abbayi (O) large tree, Maesa lanceolata
HEC16 Abbay (Abbai) (with church) 1058'/3713' 2744 m 10/37 [+ WO n]
abbay dar: dar (A) bank, edge
HEJ06 Abbay Dar (Abbai Dar), small village 11/37 [+ Ch Gu]
HEC89 Abbay Ras (Abbai Ras) (small island), cf Abay 11/37 [+ Ch]
abbaya ga..: garo (O) fermenting substance, leavening;
(Som) understand, know, recognize
HDJ55 Abbaya Garo (Abbaia G.) 0931'/3707' 2374 m 09/37 [+ n]
H.... Abbayi, east of /which?/ Duro
HCT.. Abbayi, at the eastern shore of lake Ziway
abbe (O) familiar term of address among male friends
JEC31 Abbe (lake), see Abhe
HEU43 Abbedda, see Abedda
abbek..: koma (A) 1. sterile land; kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qooma) instant killing
HDS82 Abbekoma (Abbecoma) (mountain) 3468 m 10/37 [+ WO]
abbi: abi (T) big, huge, important
HFE06 Abbi Addi (Abi Adi), see Abiy Adi
HFD86 Abbi Ogri, see under Adi Daro 14/38 [WO]
HEC54 Abbichik Maryam (Abbicich Mariam) 11/36 [+ It]
(church on a ridge)
-- Abbiichuu, see Abichu
HDA06 Abbiyu, see Abiyu
Abbo, cf Abo
abbo (O) male friend, comrade /term of address/; abbo, abo (T) father;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HDE01c Abbo (church) mountains over 3,200 m 08/38 [n]
HDJ11 Abbo 09/36 [WO]
HDL89 Abbo (church), see under Deneba 09/39 [WO]
HDL97 Abbo (church) 09/39 [WO]
HDM90 Abbo (church) 09/39 [WO]
HEJ76 Abbo (church) 12/37 [WO]
HDK34 Abbo Gebre Menfes Kidus (A. Chebrementos) 09/37 [+ WO]
(church with name of a famous saint)
HEC45 Abboita 11/37 [WO]
HEC34 Abchekle (Abchikile, Abchikili) 11/37 [MS Gz Ad]
MS: 1110'/3700'; Gz: 1126'/3653' = HEC63 2040 m
HDG19 Abdaro Ua /intended to mean wiha, water?/ 09/35 [x]
Abdel, a male personal name
H.... Abdel (centre in 1964 of Telagi sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
Abdela (Abdulla) occurs as a male personal name mostly in Oromo areas;
-- Abdalla, name of a unit of Ogaden Somali now found (1980s)
in the north-east province of Kenya
HDB24 Abdela, see Aba Abdella
HDB26 Abdela (Avdalla, Avdallo, Abagada, Aba Abdella) 08/36 [Gz WO]
0822'/3615' 2060 m (WO map has it at HDB25)
HDL34 Abdela 0923'/3851' 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM70 Abdela (Abdella, Abdalla) (area) 09/39 [+ Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), see under Mendida
HDM10 Abdela Giyorgis (Abdella Gheor.) (church), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Shola Gebeya
HDM46 Abder Rasul, see Abdul Resul
abdera: abdari (O) tree in which spirits are believed to live
HDL58 Abdera (Abdella) 09/39 [LM WO]
HEU21 Abdera Merk'oryos (church) 1253'/3930' 12/39 [Gz]
HFB19 Abderafi (Abder Rafi, Abderraft, Ahd er Rafi) 13/36 [Gz Po WO x]
(Abdelrafi, Abd el Rafi) (local centre) 13/36 [Gu It]
1345'/3630' 611 m, near river Angareb
abdi (O) hope, trust, confidence; (T) stupid, imbecile;
abde (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Lannea triphylla
HD... Abdi 09/37 [18]
JDJ24 Abdi 0915'/4203' 1701 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ56 Abdi 0933'/4211' 1692 m 09/42 [Gz]
abdi be..: beru (Gimir) kind of shrub, Prunus africanus;
also timber tree Pygeum sp.
JDJ33 Abdi Beru 0924'/4156' 2038 m 09/41 [Gz]
JBU76 Abdi Busle (area) 05/44 [WO]
abdi f..: faro, farro (A) 1. kinds of mungoose;
2. zorilla, Iotonyx striatus; faaro (O) song, singing;
farro (O) mischievous; faro (Som) fingers, fingerprints;
Abdi (Abidi), a male personal name
JEB87 Abdi Faro 11/41 [WO]
abdi ga..: gara (A,O), garaa (O) mountain, hill
/also other meanings/; garaa, garan (O) stomach, belly;
gaara (O) eyebrow; gara (Wolayto?) kind of thorn tree,
Acacia sieberiana
HDM75 Abdi Gara 0943'/3951' 1521 m 09/39 [Gz]
abdi ger.: geri (Som) giraffe; geeri (Som) death
KCN36 Abdi Geri (Abdi Gheri) (area) 07/45 [+ WO]
JCU71 Abdi Gorda (Abba G.) 0750'/4428' 958 m 07/44 [WO n]
abdi nur: nuur (Som) light; nur (Som) rainy season;
season in general; Nur, Nuur, a male personal name
JBK84 Abdi Nur (area) 04/42 [WO]
abdi r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
JDJ05 Abdi Roba 0903'/4206' 1673 m, near code JDC95 09/42 [Gz]
JDC97 Abdi Seid (A. Se'id) 0902'/4219' 1329 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEP26 Abdidora 12/41 [WO]
HEE97 Abdikom kebele (Abdeqom ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Wadla wereda, 12 km north-east
of Bete Hor; area 2,187 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE88 Abdikum (recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18 Wa]
HDM85 Abdilak kebele (Abdilaq ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
10 km east of Debre Sina; area 1,030 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Abdilaka (Abdilaca), administr. district 1800s 09/39? [+ 18]
Abdir, a male personal name
?? Abdir, mountain peak ../.. [Ch]
HDM45 Abdiyisir kebele (Abdiyeser ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Ankober wereda,
8 km south-east of Ankober town; area 364 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Abdo (Abido), a male Muslim name
JCN14 Abdo 0722'/4011' 2156 m 07/40 [Gz]
Abdoy, a male Muslim name
JCN85 Abdoy (G. Scek Abdoi) (mountain) 08/40 [Gz WO x]
0800'/4017' 1712/2090 m
HEG17 Abduana (hill) 1153'/3526' 11/35 [WO]
Abdul Kadir (Abidulkadr, Abdelkader), a male Muslim name
JDJ26 Abdul Kadir (A. K'adir, A. Qadir), near Harar 09/42 [Gz q]
0915'/4209' 1721 m
Abdul Rasul, a male personal name; rasuul (Som) prophet, apostle
HDM46 Abdul Resul (A. Rasul, Abdel Russool, Abder Rasul) 09/39 [En n Ha WO]
(once a slave market) 1620 m
Abdula, Abdulla, Abdela, a male Muslim name
HEP37 Abdula (Abdulah) 1259'/3622' 826 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
JCP32 Abdula 0732'/4057' 1365 m 07/40 [WO 18 Gz]
JDJ47 Abdula (Gara A.) 0927'/4216' 2138, 2780 m 09/42 [Gz]
Abdulahi, Abdullahi, a male Muslim personal name
JDJ13 Abdulahi 0914'/4152' 1778 m 09/41 [Gz]
JCE90 Abdulla Alamoge (A. Alamoghe) (wide area) 06/43 [+ WO]
JDJ47 Abdulla, see Gara Abdulla
JEC31 Abe (lake), see Abhe
abe bu..: buko, bukoo, boko (A,O) yeast, fermented dough;
buko (Kefa) pumpkin, gourd; buko (Som) become sick
HDJ55 Abe Buko 0932'/3704' 2790 m, near Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
?? Abe Dengoro wereda (.. Dongoro ..) 09/37? [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JDK48 Abeabokor (G. Abeabocor) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HEP16 Abead (on map of 1843) 12/36 [Ha]
HDM42 Abebaye 0929'/3932' 2810 m 09/39 [Gz]
abebe (abbäbä) (A) to flower, to bloom; also a male name;
-- Abebe, Ababe, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDD86 Abebe (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDD91 Abebe 0903'/3736' 1812 m, near map code HDK01 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK01 Abebe, see HDD91 Abebe
HDK21 Abebe 0917'/3736' 1821 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK35 Abebe (Ababe) 0919'/3800' 2312 m 09/38 [AA Gz WO x]
HDK46 Abebe 0925'/3804' 1804 m (with church Giyorgis) 09/38 [AA Gz]
abebe k..: kolu, kooluu (O) 1. wing;
2. bequest to eldest son
HDK17 Abebe Kolu sub-district (Abiebie ..) 09/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Seriti)
HDK.. Abebe sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jojiru?) 09/38 [Ad]
(Abiebie Borena?)
HDL56 Abebe sub-district (Abeba ..) (centre in 1964 = Arbo) 09/38 [+ Ad]
GCU61 Abebo, see Ababo
HEU21 Abeda Mikael (church) 1253'/3927'
abedda: abidda (O) fire
HEU43 Abedda (Amba Abbedda) (mountain) 13/39 [Gu WO Gz]
1305'/3945' 2414 m, see under Debub, cf Abida
HEU42 Abede Mikael (church) 1303'/3936', cf Abeda 13/39 [Gz]
JDJ47 Abedula, see Aybera
JBT60 Abegle (waterholes) 05/43 [WO]
HCS83 Abegwade (village) 08/37 [x]
HFE06 Abei Adi, see Abiy Adi
?? Abejegay (Zehon Dur, Dehon Dur, Dähondur) ../.. [Pa]
(Abäjägay, Zähon Dur) (historically recorded)
abekat, family father among the Gurage
HEL67 Abekat (Abek'at, Abeqat) 1222'/3908' 2834 m 12/39 [Gz q]
-- abeke, a kind of religious group among the Gurage
HCS86 Abeke (centre of a sub-district in the 1960s) 08/38 [x]
?? Abekema (mountain) peak 3468 m ../.. [20]
GDF.. Abeku Gelen (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
abel (abäl) (A) means of existence, cf Abel of the Bible
HCD77 Abel 0605'/3812' 2197 m 06/38 [Gz]
abela (A) defect of the eye: white spot on the cornea;
abella (abälla) (A) fed /from transitive verb: to feed/,
gave to eat; abbella (abbälla) (A) accompanied at table
HCK33 Abela (settlement) 0640'/3750' 06/37 [Gz]
HCK54 Abela 0642'/3753' 1482 m, cf Awela 06/37 [MS]
HCL61 Abela (Avela, Auela) 1974 m, cf Adela 06/38 [LM WO Gu]
JEC91 Abela, M. (area) 11/41 [WO]
abela cf..: cheffe (ch'äffe) (A) lush grassy but slightly marshy land;
chaffe (O) 1. meadow, place of outdoor assembly;
2. kind of tall grass used for roofing
HCK80c Abela Abaya, 40 km north-west of Soddo 07/37 [x]
HCK.. Abela Chefe (.. Chefa), in Shebedino wereda 06/38 [Ad]
HCK.. Abela Farcho, in Welayita awraja 06/37 [Ad]
HCL60 Abela Lida (Avela, Auela) 0656'/3828' 1919 m 06/38 [Gz Ad WO]
HC... Abela Sipa, near Soddo 06/37 [20]
?? Abelgi (Abälgi) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HDD00 Abelt (Sciarsciama) 0811'/3732' 1599 m 08/37 [Gz]
HEC44 Abelta Giyorgis (Avelta Gheorghis) (church), 11/36 [+ It]
see under Dangila
abelti: abbalti (O) intention
HDD00 Abelti (Abalti) 1494/1795/1960 m 08/37 [Gz Br WO Gu]
MS: 0805'/3725' = HCR99; Gz: 0810'/3734'? = HDD00
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7SW Kumbi (Gumbi) (village)
4NW Ali (mountain)
8NW Darar (area)
?? Manetti (mountain) 1865/2185 m
HCR89 Abelti sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kumbi) 07/37 [Ad]
HES96 Abemar Silase (Abamar Selassie), 13/38 [LM WO]
see under Adi Arkay
HES89 Abena 1325'/3822' 2268 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
JEH35 Abena (mountain chain) 1208'/4110' 517 m 12/41 [Gz]
HFF52 Abenaya (Abenaha) (with rock church), 14/39 [x]
see under Adi Chewa
HFF53 Abennaa (Abenna) (with rock-hewn church) 14/39 [+ x]
GDU14 Abenyende (Abenyendu) 1008'/3447' 1107 m 10/34 [Gz]
JDB84 Abenyo (Gara Abognu) (mountain) 08/41 [Gz]
0857'/4109' 2173 m
HES.. Aber 12/37 [x]
abera: aberra (abärra) (A) put on light, light a fire;
aberra (O) 1. a male name; 2. kind of large forest tree,
Polyscias ferruginea; its long leaves give it the appearance
of a giant broom; abbere (abbärä) (A) assemble, associate
HCH92 Abera (Aberra, Abara) 0713'/3551' 1919 m 07/35 [Gz Po WO n]
(visiting postman under Jimma distr.) (with small church Giyorgis)
Coordinates would give map code HCH91
HCL11 Abera 0627'/3828' 2796 m, 06/38 [WO Gz]
see under Agere Selam
HES87 Abera, see Ambaras
HET16 Abera, see Aymbera 13/39
HET46 Abergele (Avergalle, Averghelle, Abergella) 13/38 [Gz WO x Ad]
(Abargale) MS: 1315'/3850' = HET 54, 1424 m; 13/38 [n]
Gz: 1306'/3857', see also Tuankua Abergele
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Finarwa (Feneroa, Fenaroa) (market) 1520/1570 m
9E Zamra (village)
10SE Gisa Dansa (Ghisa D.) (village)
5S Amba Dorwa (A. Dorua) (area)
7S Belenta (village) 1470 m
9NW Niway (Deggara) (mountain chain) 2242 m
9N Adi Zeliya (Adi Zelai) (village)
HET46 Abergele wereda (Abergelie ..) 13/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jijika)
abergi..: gima (western O) kind of small tree,
Cassipourea elliottii, C. malosana
HES68 Abergima (on the Simen hiking route) 13/38 [Br]
?? Abernossa (state cattle ranch) ../.. [x]
HDK27 Abero 0916'/3812' 2641 m, cf Abro 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEL65 Abersha 1219'/3857' 2015 m 12/38 [Gz]
HER09 Abertege (Bagena) 1245'/3725' 2134 m 12/37 [Gz WO]
JBP62 Abesale (area) 05/40 [WO]
JCT12 Abeselli (Abeselh) 0721'/4338' 920/1124 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
abesi (Som) cobra snake
?? Abesi (Abäsi Wera Gäbäya) (hist. recorded) ../.. [Pa]
JD... Abesikel sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kwaho) 09/43 [Ad]
abet (A) cry in appealing for justice
HEF72 Abet kebele (Abät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost central Ambasel wereda,
3 km west of Wichale; area 2,469 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Abet sub-district (centre in 1964 = Derga), cf Abyet 11/39 [Ad]
abet w..: wiha (A) water
HDT75 Abet Wiha kebele (Abét Weha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Kelala wereda, 16 km south-east
of Mahdere Selam; area 3,728 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
abeta: abetta (A?O?) kind of climber or liane;
robe, robbe, robee (O) it rained
HDJ31 Abeta Robe 0921'/3647' 1476 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDM.? Abewit (with church Andriyas), in Sendafa area 09/39? [x]
abey (Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Adenium obesum
HDG07c Abey (river valley) 09/35 [Mi]
HDT54 Abey kebele (Abäy ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Wegdi wereda, immediately south-east of Mahdere Selam
stretching to the wereda border; area 2,278 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG.. Abeyeni Aira, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
abeyi (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Maesa lanceolata;
it is also stated that Maesa can be a large "holy" tree
HDC17 Abeyi 0815'/3715' 2707 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD91 Abeyi 0901'/3740' 2097 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDH28 Abeyi 0914'/3628' 1621 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ96 Abeyi 0952'/3711' 2456 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK04 Abeyi 0905'/3753' 2593 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK06 Abeyi 0904'/3806' 2360 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK50 Abeyi 0931'/3734' 1580 m (with church Mikael) 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Abeyi 0937'/3841' 2410 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL74 Abeyi 0944'/3848' 2493 m (with church), 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDF71 Abeyot Fere, see Abiyot Fire
HDL77 Abeyu kebele (Abäyu ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the southern part of central Saya Debir & Wayo Insaro wereda,
8-10 km south of Saya Debir settlement; area 1,562 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCP37 Abgacho (Abgaccio) 0734'/3620' 1982 m 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
HCT42 Abgiata, see Abyata
JEC31 Abhe (Abbe, Abe, Abhebad = lake Abhe) 11/41 [20 WO]
the last of six lakes where the Awash river ends
abi ..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDT74 Abi Meda kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in easternmost central Saint wereda at its border,
25 km east of Ajibar; area 1,601 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Abia (village) ../.. [n]
Abib, a male personal name
HDH13 Abib (mountain) 2140 m 09/36 [WO]
HDJ16 Abib, T. (hill) 2955 m 09/37 [WO]
HED73 Abiche 1132'/3749' 2488 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEJ10c Abichekli Maryam 11/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Degbassa & Durbete sub-districts)
Abicho, a male personal name
HDA67 Abicho (Abiccio) 1494 m 08/35 [+ WO]
-- Abichu, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
GDF.. Abichu (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
HDL74 Abichu (Fre: Abbitchou) 0942'/3850' 2636 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDL84 Abichu (with church Maryam) 0949'/3851' 2454 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM70 Abichu (Abicciu, Abchu) 2907 m, see under Mendida 09/39 [+ WO MS]
HDL67 Abichu & Gnea wereda (Abichuna Gnea ..) 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural kebeles and 1 urban
HDM70 Abichu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mendida)
Abida, a male personal name; abidda (O) fire
JDP11 Abida (Jebel Abida, G. Amoissa, Dabita) 10/40 [Gu Ne WO Ha]
(lava crater) 1004'/4050' 1481/1745 m, cf Abedda
JEN25 Abidi (mountain) 1253'/4019' 300 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
G.... Abie Fakero 10/34 [Ad]
HDJ65 Abie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Chabir) 09/37 [Ad]
JDH59 Abied Asued, see Abyed Aswed
HDM22 Abieghedam, see Abiyye Gedam
?? Abiera Mariam, cf Abera .. ../.. [Gu]
HES99 Abieri, see Abyeri
HDM82 Abiet Uascia, see Abyet Washa
-- Abigar, ethnic group of people in the far west,
also called Nuer
GDE37 Abigara (area) 08/34 [WO]
HFB38 Abigir, see Galat Abgir
HEM61 Abihgum Giyorgis (church) 1222'/3928' 12/39 [Gz]
HCT42 Abijata (Abijatta), see Abyata
HDL73 Abilami 0941'/3844' 2628 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM74 Abilamoch 0944'/3943' 3444 m 09/39 [Gz]
abile (Harari) to my father
H.... Abile Beza (Abilie Bieza) 09/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Akeyo sub-district)
GCT39 Abilegn 0733'/3418' 398 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
JDJ29 Abiley 0918'/4230' 1748 m, near map code JDK20 09/42 [Gz]
HDS42 Abima (fort), see Debre Markos
JCN28 Abinas (mountain) 0729'/4030' 07/40 [WO Gz]
1836 m, peak 2661 m
HDK20 Abinos 0918'/3732' 1547 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
abio ch..: chora (ch'ora) (A,O) sunray; (O) remnant,
small remaining quantity; younger
HD... Abio Chora, in Soddo Zuriya wereda ../.. [20]
HES.? Abir (mountain chain) 13/38 [x]
HEJ57 Abirja (church), see under Gorgora 12/37 [WO]

Abis, biblical person: seventh son of Kush and younger brother of Nimrod
JEB62 Abis (area) 11/40 [WO]
HDM64 Abisa & Kidenu kebele (.. Kidänu ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its eastern border,
16-20 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 790 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
abish (A) fenugreek plant, Trigonella foenum-graecum
HDA06 Abiu, see Abiyu
abiy (Geez, A) important, leading, cardinal; abi, abiy (T) large, big;
Abiy (Abie, Abye), a male personal name
HDK07 Abiy 0905'/3810' 2751 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK72 Abiy 0943'/3743' 2325 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
abiy adi (T) great country
HFE06 Abiy Adi (Abbi Addi, Abi Addi, Abi Adi) 13/39 [MS WO Gu Br]
(Abei Adi, Abbi Addy, Abiyad) 13/39 [Gz Ad 18]
Gz: 1326'/3905' = HET87
1320'/3900' (1337'/3901'? = HFE06) 1917/2275 m
MS coordinates would give map code HET76.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Yeresere (Enda Maryam Kworam,
(E.M. Quoram, E.M. Quarar) (monastery) 2651 m
9S Agbe (Agebe) (village) 1585 m
4N Dira Amba (Debra Amba, Diramba) (mountain) 2434 m
9N Waryew (Uarieu, Chessad Amba, Csada Amba)
(place and pass) c1910 m
10NE Melfa (Melta) (large village) 2480 m
?? Kernal (Amba Chernale, Carnale) 2020 m
There are rock-hewn churches approximately at km
5S Agbe (Agebe): Kidane Mihret
9NW Kaka (Qaqa, Kaku): Arbatu Insisa
9NW Teamina: Maryam
11NW Wukien (Wuqièn, Waqen): Gabriel, monastey at 16NW?
12NW Wikro (Wkro): Yohannes Woldenegwadgwad
10N Inda Maryam Itsiwito (Enda M. Etsuto): Maryam
11N Ind'Abba Yohanni (Enda A..): Abba Yohannes
2NE Debre Amba Silase: Silase
4NE Itsiwto (Itsewtu): Maryam 1915 m
?? Mikael
HFF31 Abiy Adi (Abii Adi, Abbi Addi) 2275 m 13/39 [+ x]
(w rock-hewn church), see under Geralta churches - northern
HFE06 Abiy Adi wereda 13/39 [20]
abiy i..: imni (T) stone
HEM81 Abiy Imni 1232'/3931' 2628 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEC78 Abiyanejj (Avianegg) (mountain), 11/37 [+ It]
see under Bahir Dar
HEL96 Abiyatku 1236'/3903' 2278 m, near Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HD... Abiye Debre Sina (Abiyye ..) (in Menz .. awraja) 10/39? [Ad]
HDU46 Abiye Meda, see Abuye Meda
abiyot f..: fire (A) fruit, product; firi (O) fruit
HDF71 Abiyot Fire kebele (Abeyot Feré ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
6 km south of Balchi; area 470 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Abiyu, a male personal name
HDA06 Abiyu (Abbiyu, Abiu) (small village) 08/35 [Gz x WO Gu]
0812'/3520' 1629/1875 m
HDA06 Abiyu (sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDL34 Abiyu 0920'/3853' 2814 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT33 Abiyu 1017'/3843' 2527 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDM22 Abiyye Gedam (Abieghedam, Abyegedam) 09/39 [x WO]
(monastery), see also under Gina Ager
HEL.. Abmata 12/38 [n]
HFF53 Abnao (Abna'o) 1402'/3939' 2393 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
Abo, cf Abbo
abo (O) male friend, comrade; aabboo (O) father;
abo, abbo (A,T) father; abo (T) kind of medium-sized tree,
Boscia salicifolia, grows in semi-arid lowlands and
the tips of the branches are drooping;
Abo, Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HBE92 Abo (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDE45 Abo (church) 08/38 [WO]
HDJ94 Abo, Tullu (hill), see under Alibo 09/37 [WO]
HEU03 Abo 1240'/3938' 1647 m 12/39 [Gz]
abo ar..: arka, arqa (O) 1. hand, arms, sleeve;
2. cry of leopard
HEK41 Abo Arka 1210'/3737' 1860 m 12/37 [Gz]
HED16? Abo Gedam (village) 11/38? [20]
abo k..: kabot (T) mantle, cloak, cape
HE... Abo Kabot sub-district 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Yinesa Kidane Mihret)
GDF61 Abo Pelata, G. (hill) 08/34 [WO]
HES79 Abo Yared, see Abba Yared
GCU61 Abobo (Burbeh) 0751'/3433', cf Ababo 07/34 [Gz]
GCU61 Abobo wereda 07/34 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 20 rural kebeles and 1 urban
JDJ35 Abocher, see Abubeker
abodo: aboddu (O) thumb
HDL80 Abodo 0950'/3827' 2394 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
JCN06 Abodona 0715'/4022' 2132 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
?? Abogedebo (place) ../.. [Ch]
JDB84 Abognu, see Abenyo
JDJ34 Aboker (Abocher), see Abubeker
abol (A), aboli (O) first boiling of coffee grounds /out of usually three/
GCT57 Abol (Obuol) (place) 0742'/3406' 314 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
GDF11 Abol 08/34 [WO]
JCN58 Abol Kasim, see Abul Kasim
HEA46 Abola (area) 797 m, see under Gubba 11/35 [WO]
HED40 Abola (A. Negus, A. Nigus)
(mountain, volcanic cone) 11/37 [WO Gu Gz]
1118'/3731' 2124/2615 m,
see under Debre May
HEF01 Abole 1057'/3930' 3085 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Abole (Abolie) (area), 11/37 [+ Ad]
cf Dega Abole, Kola Abole
abomsa, abbomsa (O) male friend, comrade;
abamsa (Welega Bega) tree growing near rivers
HDF45 Abomsa 0835'/3951' 1438 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDU07 Abomsa (Abonsa) (place) 0959'/3959' 1332 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with post office, same as Tinsae Birhan?)
JDA62 Abomsa (area) 08/40 [WO]
HDU17 Abomsa kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda, adjoining Shewa Robit
to its north; area 374 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCR30 Abonno 0735'/3640'c 07/36 [x]
area at some distance south-west of Jimma at Meti river.
Name and location were given by G. Montandon in 1913.
HCS.. Abonsa (in Kembata awraja, east of Durame) 07/37 [Ad 20]
JDJ25 Abonyo 0915'/4205' 1912 m 09/42 [Gz]
Aboo, a male Muslim name
HDL73c Aboo (not far from Tulu Dimtu), cf Abu 09/38 [Mi]
HDM74 Abore Hager kebele (Aboré Hagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its eastern border,
15 km south-southwest of Debre Sina; area 817 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Aboreso Bidere (in Bale) ../.. [Ad]
-- Abosa, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCT83 Abosa (Abossa) 0801'/3843' 1666 m 08/38 [Gz n]
JDK05 Aboskul 0904'/4259' 1505 m 09/42 [Gz]
HCK49 Abosto (with postal service), see Yirga Alem
GDM02 Abot 0904'/3434' 1636 m, cf GDF92 Aboti 09/34 [Gz]
abote (O) elbow; abottee (O) 1. fist; 2. handful
HDL09 Abote (Abotie, Idabo) 0952'/3827' 2219 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL51 Abote 0934'/3831' 1533 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL72 Abote 0943'/3841' 2823 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL90 Abote (Abotie) 0952'/3827' 2219 m, 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDL.. Abote Egere (in Selale awraja), cf Ejere 09/38 [Ad]
HDT44 Abote kebele (Aboté ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Wegdi wereda stretching to the wereda border,
9 km south of Mahdere Selam; area 2,741 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL90 Abote sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adebo) 09/38 [Ad]
HDK89 Abote Tef (district in Selale) 0951'/3824' 09/38 [n]
GDF92 Aboti, see under Gidami, cf GDM02 Abot 09/34 [WO]
-- Abotie, an Oromo tribe
HDK89 Abotie, cf Abote 09/38 [WO]
HDE65 Aboy 0846'/3853' 2081 m 08/38 [Gz]
aboye g..: gurba, gurbaa (O) young boy
HDT42 Aboye Gurba kebele (Aboyé .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Wegdi wereda, 20 km south-west
of Mahdere Selam: area 2,306 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ43 Abrachok (Abracioc, Abrecioc) (mountain) 12/36 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1212'/3653' 1808 m
HDS04 Abram 1001'/3754' 1707 m 10/37 [Gz]
HEF71 Abrandof kebele, cf Abrendof 11/39 [Ad]
in central Ambasel wereda at its northern border,
12 km north-west of Wichale; area 4,361 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS.. Abred, Muslim centre in Gurageland 07/37 [x 20]
Abreha: Abriha wAtsbiha (Geez) name of ancient brother kings;
Abriha, He illuminated; Atsbiha, He brought the dawn
HFF21 Abreha Atsbeha (Abriha WeAtsbiha) 13/39 [Br Gz]
(rock-hewn church) 1348'/3930', see also under Wikro
HFF32 Abreha Atsbeha (A. Atzbaha, Abriha Atsbiha) 13/39 [x]
(Abraha Azba, A. Atzba, Abreha WeAtsbeha) 13/39 [Gz Gu Ad]
Abraha Atsbeha 1352'/3933' 2393 m, see under Wikro
(centre in 1964 of Ayiba Gemad sub-district)
HE... Abrendof sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tekorba) 11/39 [Ad]
HFD.. Abrentant (monastery in the Woldebba area) 13/37 [x]
abrere (T) fly
abrero g..: gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks
JDP90 Abrero Gera (Abrero Ghera) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
HCS84 Abret 0803'/3755' 2327 m 08/37 [Gz]
(with mosque at some distance to the west)
HCS91 Abriday 0807'/3741' 1850 m 08/37 [Gz]
HEJ54 Abriha 1216'/3702' 1852 m, see also Abraha ... 12/37 [Gz]
abro (O) at dawn, early morning; (A) together, along with
JDH05 Abro, cf Abero 09/41 [WO]
abrobori..: faghe, fage (Afar) ford
JEB78 Abroborifaghe (Aroberifaghe) (ford & tombs) 351 m 11/41 [WO Gu Ne Gz]
coordinates 1116'/4124' would give JEB49 much further downstream,
see under Asaita
?? Absala (Absaba?), in Gurage 08/38 [18]
HDR.. Absela kebele 10/37 [20]
in Bure & Shikudad wereda. [EHRCO +]
absha: abshay (T) madam
HEK75 Absha (Abscia) 1227'/3800' 1821 m 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
-- Abso, name of an Oromo tribe, cf Abusso
HEL15 Abtate (Abt'at'e) (village) 1153'/3855' 2015 m 11/38 [Gz]
HE... Abtigaho (centre in 1964 of Shahowedia sub-district) 12/35? [Ad]
abu (Arabic,A; used only in compounds) father
-- Abu, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe, but Manna Abu is
-- a Nole tribe of the eastern Oromo
HDE53 Abu (with bridge) 08/38 [WO]
HDJ45 Abu 0929'/3708' 2225 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ73 Abu 0946'/3655' 1568 m (with church Maryam) 09/36 [Gz]
HDL35 Abu 0923'/3856' 2697 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
7 km south-west of one in HDL36
HDL36 Abu 0924'/3859' 2632 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
7 km north-east of one in HDL35
HDL44 Abu 0929'/3853' 2595 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
abu botero: botoro (O) kind of tree, Stereospermum kunthianum
HDK98 Abu Botero 0954'/3819' 2548 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDN85c Abu Danab 10/35 [n]
Mountain on the left (western) bank of the Abay,
opposite Beri on the eastern side
Abu el Kasim, a Muslim male name
?? Abu el Kasim (mountain seen from Shek Husen) 07/40 [x]
(same as JCN58 Abul Kasim?)
JC... Abu Gasin (Abugasin) (mountain) 07/40 [+ 18]
HDT84 Abu kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in the middle of northern Debre Sina wereda,
9 km north of Mekane Selam; area 1,401 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM74 Abu Matis, see Bambesi

HEH00 Abu Meda, see Abu Mendi

abu mendi: mendo (O) trap
HEB90 Abu Mendi (area) 1119 m 11/35 [WO]
HEH00 Abu Mendi (Abu Meda, Uogheni, Vogheri) 11/35 [WO Gu Gz]
1148'/3542' 724 m
abu mu..: Musa, the Muslim form of name fo Moses
GDU04 Abu Musa 1001'/3443' 1395 m 10/34 [Gz]
HEA96 Abu Nesag (hill) 1142'/3523' 11/35 [WO Gu Gz]
HEA94 Abu Ramla (village) 1142'/3508' 635 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
HEA94 Abu Ramla, Jebel (Abu Remla, J.A. Ramlu) 11/35 [WO Gz Ad x]
(mountain) 1141'/3507' 986 m
It was taken over by the ruler Hamdan from Gubba in 1918
abu sirba (O) leader of dance?
sirbaa (O) to blink fast /with eyes/
HDE43 Abu Sirba 0835'/3846' 1822 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE53 Abu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kobo) 08/38 [Ad]
abu takiya: taakiyey (Som) measure in hand-spans
HEP67 Abu Takiya (Abu Tacchia, Jabal Abu Takia) 13/36 [Gz WO n]
1318'/3618' 911 m (mountains partly in Sudan)
HDN64 Abu Timbhor, see Abatimbo el Gumas
JDJ35 Abubeker (Abubecker, Abocher, Aboker, Abucher) 09/42 [Gz Gu WO]
(Abu-Bakr) 0920'/4159' 1991/1994 m
(area with former road block), see under Harar
JDJ35 Abucher, see Abubeker above
HDK73 Abuille, see Abuye
abuku, abbuukuu (O) sip, drink by taking
a mouthful at a time
JCF07 Abuku Tundu (area) 05/44 [WO]
abul: abbuul (Som) 1. shelter, small hut; 2. bundle of plant stalks;
Abul Kasim (Abul Qasim, Abolkasem) one of the names used for
the Prophet Muhammed; this name is also adopted by the Oromo
JCN58 Abul Kasim (M. Abul Casim, A. Cassim) 07/40 [+ WO Gu]
(Abol K'asim, Abulcassim, Fre: Abou'l-Qasim) 07/40 [Gz x]
(mountain) 0731'/4029' 1580/2573 m
GCT35c Abula 0730'/3355'c 07/33 [x]
on the right-hand bank of Akobo river a little after the
confluence with Shisha [name from G Montandon c 1910]
GCM52 Abuli (area) 612 m 06/34 [WO]
GCM62 Abuli (Bright) 0656'/3430' 06/34 [x]
locality with small lake near the border of Sudan.
Name Bright is derived from G Montandon 1913
and was invented/?/ by him.
HCE68 Abullo (area) 1287 m 06/38 [WO]
HCD.. Abulo Alfecho (area) 05/37 [20]
abun, abune (A,T) title of respect given to bishop,
archbishop, patriarch;
Weha something else here than
the usual wiha (A) = water?
HDT52 Abun Weha kebele (.. Wäha ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western Wegdi wereda, 20 km west-southwest
of Mahdere Selam; area 1,586 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Abuna (which one? on borders of Ifat) ../.. [Pa]
(historically recorded circa 1530)
HEL61 Abuna 1222'/3835' 2391 m 12/38 [Gz]
JDJ65 Abuna (locality) 0938'/4203' 09/42 [Gu Gz]
HEC57 Abuna Abagani (A. Avagani) (village with church) 11/37 [+ It]
HFE88 Abuna Abyesgi (E.A.Abiesghi) (with small church) 14/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1418'/3913' 2239 m
abuna hara, bishop's lake; hara (O) 1. lake, pool;
2. common land, anything for common use;
haraa, broom /of twigs/, sweepings; (Geez) army, troops;
haaraa (O) new, strange
HED80 Abuna Hara (area) 11/37 [WO]
abune (Geez) bishop
HEK63 Abune Aregay (Abuna Aregai) (with church) 12/37 [Gz WO]
1254'/3750' 2484 m, see under Belesa
HEL03c Abune Aron (known from late 1400s) 11/38 [20]
HFE69 Abune Genzay (A. Ghenzay, Enda Abba Genzay) 14/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Nebelet
HEJ95 Abune Giyorgis (Abuna Georgis) 12/37 [LM WO]
HF... Abune Tewodros (Abouna Tederos) (village w church) 14/38 [+ 18]
HEL38 Abune Yosef (populated place) 1207'/3910' 3843 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEL48 Abune Yosef (Abuna Josef, A. Iosef, A. Yobel) 12/39 [MS WO Gu 18]
1209'/3911' 3572/4190 m (mountain)
(above Lalibela, written Abimeraz - Abime Ras - by Alvares)
HFF30 Abune Zerabruk (A. Z. Buruk) 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Geralta churches - northern
Abuni, a male personal name
HDK62 Abuni 0937'/3745' 2331 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
-- Abuno, name of an Ania tribe of eastern Oromo
JDH19 Abuno 0914'/4131' 2094 m 09/41 [Gz]
HEC67 Abuola (Avuola) (village with church Giyorgis) 11/37 [+ It]
abur (T) oxen
HEA55 Abur (area) 11/35 [WO]
Abura, a personal name in several countries
HCT.. Abura (in Chilalo awraja) 07/39 [Ad]
JDP61 Aburnabo (area) 10/40 [WO]
GDE19 Aburri (hill) 08/34 [WO]
JEA38 Abusa Amara (area) 11/40 [WO]
HCT66 Abusara (area) 07/38 [WO]
HDE53 Abusera 0839'/3847' 1862 m 08/38 [Gz]
HFF03 Abushulo 1334'/3940' 2344 m 13/39 [Gz]
JEA24 Abusie (area) 11/40 [WO]
Abusso, a personal name occurring in the Gospel of Luke?
HDL00c Abusso (village west of Addis Abeba) c2400 m 09/38 [x]
HDP28 Abutalla 1010'/3625' 2075 m 10/36 [Gz]

HDK21 Abuto 0916'/3741' 1580 m 09/37 [AA Gz]

HE... Abuto (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/39 [Ad]
HEF13 Abuto kebele (Abut'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dese Zuriya wereda at its southern border,
15 km south-southwest of Dessie town; area 2,765 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM05 Abutu 1150'/3950' 1561 m 11/39 [Gz]
Abuye, a male personal name
HDK72 Abuye (Abuille) 0944'/3746' 2169 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL14 Abuye 0909'/3851' 2907 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDN26 Abuye Atir 1009'/4021' 677 m 10/40 [Gz]
HDU65 Abuye Meda (Abuia Mieda, Abiye Meda) 10/39 [MS WO Gu]
(Abbuye Meda, Abuya Myeda, Fre: Abouya-Méda) 10/39 [x]
(hills) 1031'/3946' 3160 m, peak 3564 m
HEM30 Abuye Meda (Abuya Mieda) (mount. range) 4000 m 12/39 [+ x 18]
abwar (A) kind of tree large like a sycamore;
abwara, awara (A) dust, dustdevil
HEC99c Abwara (bay/lagoon in the lake Tana area) 11/37 [Ch]
HDT45 Abwara kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly north/south in the middle of southernmost
Kelala wereda; area 1,148 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM33 Abware kebele (Abwaré ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central Kobo wereda, 8 km south-east
of Kobbo town; area 1,639 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCT42 Abyata (Abgiata, Abiyata, Abijata, Abijatta) 07/38 [+ WO Gz Ca]
(area with lake Hora Abyata at 0737'/3836')
water level of lake 1573 m
HCT.. Abyata-Shala National Park 07/38 [n]
JDH59 Abyed Aswed (Abied Asued) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
HDM22 Abyegedam (Abieghedam), see Abiyye Gedam
HES99 Abyeri (Abieri, Amba Abier) (mountain) 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
1331'/3821' 2851 m
abyet wa..: washa (A) cave
HDM82 Abyet Washa (Abiet Uascia) 09/39 [+ WO]
abyet wi..: wiha (A) water
H.... Abyet Wiha sub-district (Abiet Wuha ..) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Irbortu)
HE... Abyot Fire (in Kalu awraja), see Abiyot Fire
HET05 Abza 1240'/3858' 2106 m, near map code HEL95 12/38 [Gz]
HEA04 Abzalaba (area) 10/35 [WO]
HFE50 Acab Saat, see Akab Saat
JFB33 Acacale, see Akakale
HDA83 Acachil, see Akakil
HDA94 Acachilo, see Akakilo
JDJ63 Acad, see Akad
GDF10 Acado, see Akado
HEC14 Acaita, see Akayta
JED12 Acalei, see Akaley
HEK64 Acam, see Akam & HEK66
GDU20 Acamscia, see Akamsha
HEJ68 Acara Mariam, see Akara Maryam
?? Accabo, see Akabo
HEK17 Accana Gheorghis, see Ackana Giyorgis
HCP43 Accevo, see Achevo
HED99 Acchera, see Ackera
HCP62 Acchiscio, see Akisho
HEC67 Acciader, see Achader
HCK93 Acciura, see Ashura
HCR95 Acco, see Acko
JCN05 Accuba, see Ackuba
HDD29 Aceber, see Acheber
HEB98 Acefer, see Achefer
?? Acel ../.. [Pa]
GCU30 Acer, see Acher
HCU90 Achaba (Ach'aba) 0808'/3921' 2005 m 08/39 [Gz]
near map code HDF00
HEC67 Achader (Acciader) 20 km SE of Bahir Dar 11/37 [+ Gu]
HEC67 Achader Maryam (Acciader Mariam) 1126'/3718' 11/37 [Gz It]
(village with church)
HCM01 Achafa (Aciafa) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
HET79 Achalako (Ach'alak'o, Ascialaco) 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
1318'/3911' 2107 m (with church Kidane Mihret)
Coordinates would give map code HET78
HDJ68 Achane (Ach'ane, Asciani) 0939'/3720' 09/37 [Gz WO]
HDJ68 Achane Maryam (Achene Mariam) 09/37 [LM x WO]
(with church) 2434 m
HEM92 Achangui, see Ashenge
HEC67 Achaura (Acciaura) (church) 11/37 [+ It]
HEF80 Achawach (Ach'awach) 1138'/3923' 2087 m 11/39 [Gz]
ache (ach'ch'ä) (A) 1. engaged to marry; 2. recommend
to a position
?? Ache (visiting postman under Jimma district) ../.. [Po]
HDD29 Acheber (Aceber) (locality) 0821'/3823' 08/38 [Gz WO]
HDD29 Acheber sub-district (Atcheber ..) 08/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Damu)
HDT93 Achebra kebele (Ach'äbra ..) 11/38 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Mekdela wereda,
15 km north-west of Masha; area 7,352 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCN55 Acheca, see Akaka
HEB98 Achefer (Acefer, Achäfär, Achafar, Atchefar) 11/36 [Ad WO Pa x]
HEC83 Achefer wereda 11/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Yismala Giyorgis)
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HET41 Achegn (area) 13/38 [WO]
HDJ68 Achene Mariam (Ach'ane), see Ashani Maryam
HDU24 Achenkira Rechet kebele (Ach'änqera Räch'ät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
acher: achir (ach'ir) (A) short
GCU30 Acher (Acer) 07/34 [+ WO]
HEJ34 Achera (cone hill) 12/37 [Ch WO]
HEJ58c Achera (Acära) (area known from the 1600s) 12/37 [20]
HCN56 Acheri, see Akari
HES38 Acheta, see HES27 Zebib
HES39 Acheta 13/38 [WO]
HCP43 Achevo (Accevo) 0739'/3602' 2402 m 07/36 [+ WO Gu]
achewa b..: bado (A,T) 1. barren, unoccupied /land/;
2. (A) buttermilk
HDS95 Achewa Bado (Ach'ewa B.) 1049'/3802' 2679 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEC04 Achfa, see Akayta
HCU42 Achia, see Akya
HEB74 Achiau, see Akyaw
HDR.. Achigi (in Kola Dega Damot awraja) 10/37 [Ad]
HFE45 Achilako Mikael (Ach'ilak'o Mika'el) 13/38 [Gz]
(church) 1359'/3858'
JDJ26 Achim, see Gara Akim
HFD88 Achindow (Ach'indow) 1420'/3815' 1765 m 14/38 [Gz]
H.... Achingi (centre in 1964 of Welie Hamus sub-district) 10/37? [Ad]
HEC45 Achinwara (Acinuara) (hill) 11/37 [+ WO]
HDL93 Achlat (Ach'lat') 0954'/3842' 1953 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
acho (Kefa) black nightshade, Solanum nigrum, a weed
with small white flowers all the year round
HDJ85 Acho, see Colle Accio
GCM61 Achoyo (Acioio) 0655'/3429' 471 m 06/34 [+ WO Gz]
JDD60 Achu (Gola Achu?) (area) 1277 m 08/42 [WO]
GCM62 Achua (Lucie) 0656'/3432' 06/34 [WO x]
small lake near the border of Sudan.
Name Lucie is derived from G Montandon 1913
and was invented/?/ by him.
GCU30 Achulla (Aciulla) 0733'/3420' 400 m 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
HCM01 Aciafa, see Achafa
?? Aciarbar (=Acheber? Acher Ber?) (village) ../.. [18]
HEC45 Acinuara, see Achinwara
GCM61 Acioio, see Achoyo
GCU30 Aciulla, see Achulla
HEK17 Ackana Giyorgis (Accana Gheorghis), see Atechama
HED99 Ackera (Acchera) 1143'/3825' 3251 m, 11/38 [+ WO Gz]
see under Nefas Mewcha
HCR95 Acko (Acco) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
JCN05 Ackuba (Accuba) 2186 m 07/40 [+ WO]
HDD04 Aclil, see Aklil
GCS66 Acobo, see Akobo
HER39 Acqua (area) 12/37 [WO]
acqua bollente (Italian) boiling water
JEP03 Acquabollente (religious centre) 1242'/4058' 12/40 [WO Gz]
HEJ70 Acscera, see Akshera
HFC42 Acsum Cercher, see Aksum Cherker
HDE92 Acu, see Aku
GDF12 Acude, see Akude
HFC07 Acuorchi, see Midir Gat
ad (T) mother; ad, aad (Som) you
[ad also short for adi?]
HFF42 Ad Abaga, see Adi Abage
HER98 Ad Abba Abdu 1332'/3720' 1278 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HFC37 Ad Abbati (Ad Abbat) 1352'/3717' 1386 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HFC28 Ad Abbesa 13/37 [WO]
ad addo ..: addo (O) potter, class of potters; (A) killer of an elephant
JDP43 Ad Addo Dawi (Ad-Addo Daui) (plain) 10/41 [+ WO]
JDP85 Ad Addo Manda Ela (plain) 10/41 [WO]
ad ag..: agwori (A) moo /as done by cows/
HFC37 Ad Agwori (Ad Aguori) 1353'/3715' 1465 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Kafta
ad ak..: akore (aqorä) (Gondar A) /ditch/ without water;
(Shewa A) not good at work
HFC18 Ad Akoro (Ad Acoro) 1344'/3723' 1934 m, 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Adi Remet
ad amer: ameer (Som) heifer; female camel that has not given birth
HFC28 Ad Amer 13/37 [WO]
HFK17 Ad Arisc, see Adi Arish
HFC18 Ad Cocob, see Ad Kokeb
HFD87 Ad Daro, see Adi Daro
HFD10 Ad Deka Abbay (Ad Deca Abbai) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
?? Ad Dir ../.. [x]
ad ga..: gaga, gagaa (O) beeswax
?? Ad Gaga, pass in northern Ethiopia ../.. [n]
HFE47 Ad Garab Sadiai 1359'/3909' 1872 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEU51 Ad Irac, see Adi Hana
H.... Ad Keyih, see Adkeyih

ad (T) kokeb (A) mother star

HFC18 Ad Kokeb (Ad Cocob, Addi Kaukeb) 13/37 [LM WO Gz 18]
(place & mountain range) 1342'/3725' 2183/2550 m
HFD97 Ad Nebrid (church), cf Adi Nebrid 14/38 [WO]
ad selam (T) mother peace? village of peace?
HFD20 Ad Selam, see Adi Selam
HFE04 Ad Zelako (Ad Zelaco) 1337'/3849' 1927 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
ada, aada (O) 1. use, custom, culture, rule, habit, tradition,
way of life; 2. clan; 3. daisy plant or flower;
-- Ada, Hada, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HCH89 Ada (Oda) c 2300 m 07/36 [LM WO Gu]
HDE66 Ada 0848'/3858' 2028 m, see under Debre Zeyt 08/38 [WO Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HDE76
HDE82 Ada 0852'/3836' 2115 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE92 Ada (area) 08/38 [WO]
-- Ada Berga, an Oromo tribe
HDL12 Ada Berga (Adaberga) 09/38 [Po Ha Ad]
(visiting postman under A.A. district)
HDL12 Ada Berga sub-district 09/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bishan Dimo)
?? Ada Deru (visiting postman under Jimma district), ../.. [Po]
cf Adadero
ada ela: ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond; clear water;
eelaa 2. very heavy /load/; ela (A) well, cistern
JEC64 Ada Ela (waterhole) cf Adaela, Adela 11/41 [WO]
JEP84 Ada Ela 1324'/4103' 190 m 13/41 [WO Gz Ne]
(salt depression, spring)
HDE66 Ada wereda (-1964-1994-) 08/38 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Zeyt)
HDE65 Adaa (Ada'a) (locality) 0846'/3853' 08/38 [Gz]
west of Debre Zeyt, cf Ada
HDE76 Adaa (Ada'a) 0848'/3858' 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), north of Debre Zeyt
HDK27 Adaa (locality) 0918'/3810' 09/38 [Gz]
HDK58 Adaa (Ada'a) 0932'/3818' (with church Maryam) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL10 Adaa (place and area) 09/38 [WO Gu]
HDT02 Adaa (Ada'a) 1001'/3838' 10/38 [Gz]
adaa ch..: chuqqalla (O) cork, or other stopping device
?? Adaa Chukala wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 138 rural and 17 urban kebeles.
HDE66 Adaa wereda (=Adaa Liben wereda?), see Ada wereda
JEH52 Adaal (Adaala) (mountain chain), cf Ada Ela 12/40 [WO Gz]
1236'/4044' 617 m
adab (Som) 1. bag, small container; 2. discipline /in school/;
dara (O) 1. clothes, lack of clothing; daaraa 2. ashes;
movables, personal effects, furniture;
dhara (O) false, expression to deny that something is false
JEC03 Adab Dara (area) 10/41 [WO]
adaba (O) discipline
HCM71 Adaba (Adabba, Adappa) 0700'/3924' 2500 m 07/39 [Gz Br x Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HCM70.
HDE48 Adaba (area), see under Mojo 08/39 [WO]
HFE65 Adaba 1410'/3853' 1883 m, see under Adwa 14/38 [Gz]
HCM71 Adaba wereda (centre in 1964 = Adaba) 06/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 32 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HFF42 Adabage, see Adi Abage
H.... Adabai (ctr in 1964 of Gamo Inda Maryam sub-distr) 13/37 [Ad]
?? Adabay (river), see Jemma
-- Adaberga, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
Berga, a male personal name
HDL21 Adaberga (Ada Berga, Adaverga) (wide area) 09/38 [n WO]
HDL12 Adaberga sub-district (-1997-) 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bishan Dima)
HDL21 Adaberga wereda (Adda Berga ..) 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 63 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
adabi s..: sanka, saanqaa (O) door, board, plank;
sanka (A) defect
HBL86 Adabi Sanka, see Adadi Sanke
HDD17 Adabo 0816'/3809' 2727 m 08/38 [Gz]
adad (Som) acacia gum
JDS41 Adad 1024'/4239' 1024 m 10/42 [Gz]
JCJ37 Adad Dader 0640'/4218' 559 m 06/42 [Gz]
adada, adadaa, hadada (O) aunt, father's or mother's sister
or wife of one's uncle
HDL40 Adada 0926'/3826' (with church Be'ale Weld) 09/38 [AA Gz]
palindrome name = reads the same both ways
HED79 Adada, see Adeda
JDB93 Adada 0900'/4157' 1442 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDC68 Adada (locality) 0846'/4225' 08/42 [WO Gz]
adada ..: dinber (A) border, boundary
?? Adada Dinber (visiting postman under Nazret district) ../.. [Po]
HEE45 Adada kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in central Mekdela wereda, 16 km west
of Masha; area 2,891 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCU60 Adadale 0750'/4419 1032 m 07/44 [Gz]
KCP27 Adadale (Adaleh) (seasonal waterhole) 07/46 [MS WO]
adade e..: ejere (O) kind of tall slender plant
?? Adade Ejere (visiting postman under A.A. district) ../.. [Po]
JEB93 Adadero (area), see under Tendaho 11/40 [WO]
adadi (O) kind of small to large tree, Premna angolensis,
grows in lowlands and also fairly high up; (language?) shallow well;
adaddi (O) white /in plural/
HDD47 Adadi 0831'/3814' 2396 m (with church Maryam) 08/38 [Gz]
HDE33c Adadi 1506 m 08/38 [20]
HDE50 Adadi 0838'/3830' 2321 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK99 Adadi 0952'/3822' 2567 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Kersa sub-district)
HDL29 Adadi 0917'/3916' 2765 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL49 Adadi 0926'/3919' 2970 m, near map code HDM40 09/39 [Gz]
HDL64 Adadi 0938'/3848' 2597 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Adadi 0950'/3837' 3002 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDD24 Adadi (area) 08/42 [WO]
HEU23 Adadi Arare 1252'/3941' 1776 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDM50 Adadi kebele 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in northern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
20 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 1,896 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE33c Adadi Maryam (Adadi Mariam) 08/38 [Gz Ca Gu Pa]
(rock-hewn church) 0831'/3814'

adadi sanka (O) plank of the adadi tree?

HBL86 Adadi Sanke (Adadi Sanche, Adabi Sanche) 04/38 [LM WO Wa Gz]
0430'/3856' 1098 m0
HCE.. Adadikoto (with airfield), see under Shakiso 05/3. [Mi]
adadiyo b..: bire (Som) milking vessel, milk container
HDL38 Adadiyo Bire 0919'/3916' 2811 m 09/39 [Gz]
JCD19 Adadle, cf Bur Adadle 05/43 [WO]
JCK52 Adadle 0651'/4242' 677 m 06/42 [Gz]
KCN23 Adadle 07/45 [WO]
JCD19 Adadle wereda (Adadilie ..) (-1964-1995-) 05/43 [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adadle)
adado (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Buddleja polystachya;
(Sidamo O) Barbeya oleoides
HC... Adado, village becoming a centre 06/38 [n]
HDL30 Adado 0921'/3830' 2689 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDH99 Adadoli (area) 09/41 [WO]
adae..: ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond; clear water;
eelaa 2. very heavy /load/; ela (A) well, cistern
JEB35 Adaela (well) 1108'/4108', cf Ada Ela 11/41 [Gz WO]
JEC53 Adaela 11/41 [WO]
HEL.. Adafa (ancient capital near Lalibela) 12/39? [Pa]
JDF42 Adagalla, see Habr Yunis
JDR57 Adagalla, see Adigala
HFF72 Adagamus (Adagamos), see Idaga Hamus
adagi (T) purchaser, buyer
JEJ00 Adagilu (Adaghilu), see Agdiadu
HE... Adagne Ager sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guara) 12/37? [Ad]
HEJ17 Adahunat (on Dek island) 1154'/3718' 1784 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEU93 Adai (Amba A.) 1333'/3943' 2134 m 13/39 [Gz]
near map code HFF03
-- Ada'il, an old term for the Afar people
JE... Adailo (in the Afar region), cf Adaela
adaito e..: ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond; clear water;
eelaa 2. very heavy /load/; ela (A) well, cistern
JEN98 Adaito Ela (place & plain) 1324'/4048', cf Adayto 13/40 [Ne Gz]
HDB27c Adajebo 08/36 [Wa]
Adal .., cf Adel ..
-- Adal, Amharic name of the Afar people;
-- Isa, Issa, name of another tribe
JDH01 Adal, cf Chercher, Adal & Gara Guracha.. 09/40
JDJ57 Adal 0935'/4218' 1971 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDH43 Adal & Isa awraja (centre in 1959 = Afdem) 09/40 [Ad]
(Adalna Isa ..)
JDH73 Adal & Isa /& Gara Guracha/ awraja 0945'/4100' 09/41 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 = Erer)
JDH58 Adal, Isa & Garaguracha awraja 09/41 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Erer)
later Chercher & Adal & Gara Guracha awraja
H.... Adal sub-district (centre in 1964 = Awara Melka) 08/39 [Ad]
adala (O) kind of wild cat, civet?, weasel;
(Arsi O) kind of shrub, Chenopodium opulifolium, Suaeda sp.?
adale (A) giant heather, Erica arborea, mostly above 3000 m
HDE39 Adala Mariam, see Adela Maryam
adaleg..: geddi, gedde (A) kind of falcon;
(Som) geeddi 1. caravan, migration, traveller;
2. kind of thin string
H.... Adalegedi (watercourse) 14/.. [Mi]
-- Adali, a group of the Devenekema branch of the Afar
JEJ54 Adali (mountain) 1214'/4202' 743 m 12/42 [Gz]
Adam occurs as a male name, but Adem is more common in Ethiopia;
tere (täre) (A) small hill
HDE64 Adam Tere (Logia, Loja) 0842'/3849' 1984 m 08/38 [Gz]
adama (occurring in Borena Oromo), see adami;
(A, from Hebrew) earth, soil; addamma (A) make bleed?
HDE49 Adama (Adaama) (old name made official again in 2000),
1712 m, see Nazret for the period 1950-2000
HDE85 Adama 0855'/3855' 2486 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL54 Adama 0932'/3850' 2647 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU50 Adama 1026'/3924' 2274 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU82 Adama (Barigo) 1042'/3934' 2776 m 10/39 [Gz]
HE... Adama (mountain) 11/37 [Ad]
JDD03 Adama Bari (area) 08/42 [WO]
HDL.. Adama /& Boset/ wereda (centre in 1964 = Mukyo) 09/38 [Ad]
HDU83 Adama Dirma kebele (.. Derma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of the western separate part
of Kalu wereda, 15 km south-west of Degaga; area 4,779 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF83 Adama kebele 08/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of Minjar & Shenkora wereda in its eastern part,
20 km east-northeast of Balchi; area 3,076 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE49 Adama wereda 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 69 rural and 25 urban kebeles.
HEH72 Adamab /=Adam Ab?/ 12/35 [WO]
HEF15 Adame 1058'/3949' 1787 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEF55 Adame 1121'/3951' 1669 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF15 Adame kebele (Adamé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Kalu wereda, 15 km south-east
of Kombolcha; area 3,801 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF55 Adame kebele (Adamé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the southern border of Were Babo wereda,
12 km east of lake Hayk; area 2,700 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
adami, hadami (O) all kinds of Euphorbia, of which E. candelabrum
is a cactus-like branching tree (A: kulkwal, qolqwal),
also the shrub-sized cactus Opuntia ficus-indica;
adami (T) mutineer, striker
HD... Adami (ctr in 1964 of Sasiga Legehare sub-district) 09/36? [Ad]
HDH78 Adami 0947'/3625' 1976 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL71 Adami 0945'/3830' 2642 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HE... Adami (centre in 1964 of Korke sub-district) 11/39? [Ad]
in Yeju awraja
JDC75 Adami, see Hadami
HEF45 Adami Gebeya 1115'/3950' 2304 m 11/39 [Gz]
adami tereter (0 + A) rocky place with Euphorbia
HDK64 Adami Tereter (cliff) 0940'/3753' 09/37 [AA Gz]
adami tullu (O) euphorbia hill
HCT63 Adami Tulu (Adamitullo) (hill with fort) 07/38 [MS Ad WO]
MS: 0740'/3840' = HCT42;
Gz: 0752'/3842' = HCT63, 1636/1650 m
Centre of Haykoch & Butajira awraja in 1964 but
replaced by Ziway by 1969.
HCT63 Adami Tulu wereda (-1964-2000-) 07/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adami Tulu)
HCT52 Adamitullo (area) 07/38 [WO]
adamo (O) 1. game; 2. kinds of shrub or medium tree,
Galiniera coffeoides, G. saxifraga; (A) old thatch or stubble;
Adamo, a male personal name
?? Adamo (ancient, mentioned in the 1200s) ../.. [x]
JDA22 Adamo, G., see Ademu
-- Adamone, Hademone, an Oromo clan in Arsi
HCL74 Adamonye (Adamogne) (area) 2480 m 07/38 [+ WO Gu]
on the Webi river.
HCL76 Adamonye (Adamogne) 0701'/3901' 2460 m 07/39 [+ WO Gz]
?? Adanaba Agaw (Adaneba ..?) 12/41 [n]
HDT02 Adanacho (Adanaccio) 1003'/3836' 1942 m 10/38 [x WO Gz]
JEH76 Adangalla, see Odangalla
adara, adaraa (O) safe-keeping
HDU20 Adara 1008'/3924' 2700 m 10/39 [Gz]
adarash: addarash (A) hall, reception room
H.... Adarash (centre in 1964 of Gedembo sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
-- Adare language (Adari), see Harari
adari (A) who passes the night at a place, boarder
HES.. Adarmaz, in the Simen mountains 13/38 [20]
adaro: adro (A) finally
HDC36 Adaro (with church) 08/37 [WO]
adas, addes (A) kind of shrub, myrtle, Myrtus communis;
-- Arbore, name of an ethnic group
HBP28 Adas Arbore (area) 04/36 [WO]
JDJ06 Adash 0908'/4211' 1558 m 09/42 [Gz]
HED25 Adasha 1104'/3759' 2402 m 11/37 [Gz]
HFF06c Adat Cussra, see Ala & JFA13
JEN53 Adat Kussra (A. Cussra) 1340'/4002' 632 m 13/40 [n]
HDU93 Adati kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Were Ilu wereda at its eastern border,
16 km noth-northeast of Were Ilu town; area 2,755 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL21 Adaverga, see Adaberga
HFE08 Adawro 1337'/3910' 2796 m (w church Mikael) 13/39 [Gz]
aday: adey (A) Meskel flower; ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond;
eelaa 2. very heavy /load/; (A) well, cistern
JEP81 Adayto Ela (Adaito Ela) 13/40 [LM WO Gz]
1324'/4048', -59 m, below sea level
HEJ85 Adaza, see under Chilga 12/37 [WO]
adbar 1./plural of debr, monastery/; 2. (Shewa A) holy tree under which
sheep are killed; protection
HEC49c Adbara (volcanic cone west of Abola Negus) 11/37 [Ch]
?? Adbi sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
JEP26 Adbidora 1256'/4115' 90 m 12/41 [x Gz]
(in Afar east of mount Alaita)
adda (O) 1. brow, forehead; 2. different; 3. separately; addaa (O) front
HC... Adda (centre in 1964 of Kefurasha sub-district) 06/36? [Ad]
HDE66 Adda (Ada), see Debre Zeyt
HFC18 Adda Addagli, see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
adda ain golo: goolow (Som) get fat /of livestock/
HFC19 Adda Ain Golo, see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
HDL21 Adda Berga. see Adaberga
HDH51 Adda Chotte (Adda Ciotte), cf Abba Chotte 09/35 [+ WO]
adda giddom: gidim (A) 1. width; 2. at right angle
HER79 Adda Giddom (area) 13/37 [WO]
JBP34 Adda Hinka (Adda Hinca) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
adda ma..: marmari (Som) rub, wipe, clean; (O) explorer
JEP35 Adda Marmariti 1258'/4110' -90 m, below sea level 12/41 [WO Ne Gz]
(well at 1257'/4113')
adda oru: oru (O) breed, produce offspring
HFC19 Adda Oru, see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
addadi (Som) wipe oneself off, dry oneself off;
addad (Sidamo) to command
HCF43 Addadi 0553'/3939' 1506 m, cf Adadi 05/39 [WO Gz]
JDR57 Addagalla (Addagella), see Adigala
JCB59 Addaggio, see Dadajo
JDD76 Addama (Haddama) 0848'/4308' 1339 m, cf Adama 08/43 [WO Gz]
addamma (A) make bleed?
JCL02 Addao 0621'/4338' 380 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
addara: adara, adaraa (O) 1. safe-keeping;
2. in the name of ...; iddari (A) fallow land
JDR80 Addara (area), cf Adara 10/41 [WO]
HFD87 Addaro, see Adi Dairo
HDE66 Addas (the main name used around 1930?), see Debre Zeyt
HDM54 Addas Agar, see under Ankober 09/39 [WO]
Addawa, a name of mosques
JDB57 Addawa (Addaua) 1451 m 08/41 [+ WO]
HET77 Addeke (Addeche, A. Smeras) 13/39 [+ Gz Gu]
1319'/3905' 1758 m
HFD87 Addekti (Addecti), cf Adeki 14/38 [+ WO]
(waterhole), see under Adi Daro
HES95 Addergey (spelling of James Bruce 1770), see Adi Arkay
addes (A) kind of shrub, myrtle, Myrtus communis
HCL24 Addesa (area) 06/38 [WO]
HDA74 Addesa, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
addessa (O) 1. new moon; 2. kind of tree, Vepris dainelli;
3. kind of disease;
addisa, adessa (O) kinds of small tree, Dichrostachys cinerea,
Myrtus communis, Rhus glutinosa, Teclea nobilis, Trichocladus
Addi .., see also Adi ..
addi, adi (T) country, village, especially one having
its own church
HEU.. Addi Abbona, 13/39 [En]
see under Nazret in Tigray
HEU15 Addi Abdera, see Adi Bidera
HFD26 Addi Aitecheb, see Adi Aitechab
HEU62 Addi Araha, see Ara
HER66 Addi Baria, see Adi Barya
HFD19 Addi Colo, see Adi Kolo
HEU55 Addi Culcul, see Adi Kulkul
HFE34 Addi Felassie, see Felatsi
HFC28 Addi Gheva, see Adi Geba
HFD58 Addi Gidad, see Adi Gided
HER68 Addi Gubasie (area) 13/37 [WO]
addi ha..: habt (A) wealth
HCP17 Addi Habtam 07/36 [WO]
HEU63 Addi Onfato, see Adi Onfito
HFE.. Addi Sahu (area) 14/39 [Gu]
HET90 Addi Salam, see Adi Selam
HEC37 Addiet (Addi Canna) 2217 m, cf Adiet 11/37 [WO x n]
HED40 Addiet, see Adet
HEM71 Addilnalca, see Adi Inalka
HEU.. Addimara, see also under Amba Aradam 13/39 [It]
KCN17 Addin Liba, see Aden Libah

Addis .., cf Adis ..

addis abeba (A) new flower
HDE93 Addis Abeba (Addis Ababa) NO TEXT HERE 09/38 [MS WO AA]
Addis Abeba extends also to HDE94 HDL93
addis adi, new village? new country?
HFE51 Addis Adi (Addis Addi) 14/38 [+ WO]
addis alem (A) new world
HDD99 Addis Alem (Adis Alem, Addis Alam) 09/38 [WO AA Gz x]
MS: 0855'/3830' =HDE80; Gz: 0902'/3824' = HDD99
2178/2360/2405 m (first intended as national capital)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Korme
5E Doketu (Dok'etu, Doqetu)
5E Lugoma
5E Gichi (Gich'i)
6E Chiri (Ch'iri) (at the main road)
6E Chuka (Ch'uka)
4SE Kusaye (Cusae) 2239 m
6SE Wajitu
7SE Gogetti (Gogeti, Gojetti)
5SW Tulu Korma (S of main road bridge)
5SW Berga (N of main road bridge) 2218 m
6SW Enda Giyorgis (E. Ghiorghis) (church)
6SW Kimoye (at the main road)
4W former distillery, abandoned before the 1960s
5W Gunjo
8W Ejersa Lefo (Agarsa Lafu) 2277 m
8W Ketema
9W Rushe
5NW Cherecha (Cerreccia)
8NW Bora (Malca Micce) 2644 m
8NW Tereko (T'erek'o, Tereqo)
9NW Liti
5N Metaleya
6N Metala
7N Arb Gebeya = Friday Market 2602 m
9N Genjo (Faressa, Fariccia) 2734 m
10N Lemenchito (Lemench'ito)
10N Hine
10N Agota 2536 m
6NE Dobi (at watercourse of same name) 2433 m
8NE Kerbo (K'erbo, Qerbo)
HDS60 Addis Alem, town in Dembecha wereda 10/37 [20]
HEJ99 Addis Alem, town in Dangila wereda 12/37 [WO 20]
see under Gondar
HES99 Addis Alem, village south of Sekota of Simen 13/38 [x]
HFE93 Addis Alem (Adis A.) 1428'/3846' 1336 m 14/38 [+ Gz]
(on the border of Eritrea)
HEF.. Addis Alem kebele, in Kalu wereda 11/39 [20]
HDL00 Addis Alem wereda (centre in 1964 = Genet) 09/38 [Ad]
HDL91? Addis Alem wereda, see Ejere wereda

addis amba (A) new mountain

HDL83 Addis Amba (Adis Amba) 0949'/3845' 09/38 [Ad AA Gz]
(ctr in 1964 of Gorgora sub-district), see under Fiche
?? Addis Amba (Hadis Amba), on map of 1814 ../.. [+ 18]
?? Addis Bah, forestry development project ../.. [x]
addis birhan (A) new light
HDD.. Addis Birhan (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37 [Ad]
HDT23 Addis Derra (Adis Dera, Dire) 10/38 [WO LM Gz]
1010'/3837' 1857 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SE Megit (area)
9SE Mubi Gubel (village)
9SW Gundo Meskel (Dunguomeschel) (village) 2544 m
?? Addis Gey, north of Debark 13/38 [x]
JDJ53 Addis Harar (around 1901), see Dire Dawa
addis hiywet (A) new life; also used as a male personal name
?? Addis Hiwot (A. Hiywet), rehabilitation farm 08/39 [x +]
HDB.. Addis Jebbo, west of Didessa river 08/36 [x]
addis ketema (A) new city /also the big market area of A. Abeba/
?? Addis Ketema (with sub-post office under Dire Dawa) ../.. [Po]
/inside Dire Dawa town?/
addis kidam: addis gedam (A) new monastery
HEC23 Addis Kidam (Adis Kidame, Addis Kidamin) 11/36 [Po Gz Ad]
(Addis Kidem, Addis Chedam) 1105'/3653' 11/36 [Gu]
(market; centre in 1964 of Lekoma sub-district)
addis mender (A) new village/township
HEM70c Addis Mender (centre in 1964 of Zatta sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
addis zemen (A) new period of time, modern time
HEK23 Addis Zemen (Adis Zemen) 12/37 [Ad Ro Po MS]
(former Debre Abreham; with sub-post office) 12/37 [Ad Pa]
MS: 1200'/3750'; Gz: 1207'/3747' 1975 m
Centre at least 1964-80 of Libo awraja;
in 1964 also centre of Kemkem wereda.
HDL93 Addisghie, see Adisge at HDL83
HFE84 Addish Adi (Addisc Addi) 1419'/3854' 1674 m 14/38 [+ Gz]
JDG45 Additale, see Daetali
HCP18 Addiya 0725'/3630', cf Adiya 07/36 [En]
addo (O) 1. potter, class of potters; 2. difficulty, obstacle;
addo, eddo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica,
addo (Kefa) name by which the low-caste hunters Manjo call
themselves; (A) killer of an elephant
Addo, cf Ado
JBU46 Addo (area) 04/44 [WO]
JDN69 Addo (area) 10/40 [WO]
JEA65 Addo (area) 11/40 [WO]
KCR57 Addo (area) 07/47 [WO]
addo adas: adasi (O) a kind of plant
JCT67 Addo Adas (area) 07/44 [WO]
?? Addo Soana (in Simen) 13/38? [18]
JEB50 Addodas 1115'/4042' 526 m 11/40 [WO Gz]
addon: addoon (Som) slave
JCM40 Addon, see Adona
ade (Borena) kind of shrub or small tree, Salvadora persica;
ade (adä) (T) mother
HBS25 Ade 0445'/3802' 1479 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
HC... Ade Cherka, in Damot Gale wereda 06/37? [20]
HC.. Ade Damota, in Damot Gale wereda 06/37? [20]
HD... Ade Selam wereda (centre = Chata) 07/37? [En]
One of ten weredas of Keja awraja 1944-1987.
adea: adewa (T) mother, mammy
-- Adea language, see Hadiya
HDS60c Adea (area) 2220 m, see also under Dembecha 10/37 [Gu]
?? Adea Beriga ../.. [20]
?? Adeba, in the Bale zone ../.. [20]
HET59 Adeba 1758 m 13/39 [WO]
HDM43 Adebabay 0925'/3937' 2679 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEU34c Adebba (mountain) 13/39 [It]
adebe (T) discipline, silence; addebe (A) show restraint,
behave well
HET59 Adebe (Adeba) (village), see under Samre 13/39 [WO Gu]
HDL90 Adebo (centre in 1964 of Abote sub-district) 09/38 [Ad]
adecha (O) 1. moon; 2. kind of tree, Teclea grandiflora;
HDE53 Adecha (Adeccia) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
adeda (T) prey, victim; adeda nefas (A) violent wind
HED79 Adeda (Adada) 1131'/3820' 2459 m 11/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sede sub-district)
HEJ50c Adedo Maryam (centre in 1964 of Serako sub-district), 12/36 [Ad]
cf Adado
adef wiha, dirty water; adef (adäf) (A) menstruation
HEM02 Adef Wiha (Adef Uaha, Adiof U.) (valley) 11/39 [+ Gu WO]
?? Adefa (Adäfa) (recorded in the 1200s in Lasta), ../.. [20]
see Lalibela
adega (adäga) (A) danger, accident, surprise attack;
addege (A) to grow; adege (T) buy, invest;
adegge (O) prisoner, son of a slave;
arbi (O) Wednesday or Friday, depending on region
?? Adega Arbi (in central Tigray) ../.. [Yo]
HFD.. Adega Sheikha 13/37 [18]
?? Adegada, in Tigray ../.. [En]
A residence of Jesuit mission was established
at Adegada in 1626/27.
adege: addege (A) to grow bodily, rise in rank;
adege (T) buy, invest; adegge (O) prisoner, son of a slave;
Adege, a male personal name
HDL80 Adege (area) 09/38 [AA]
HFE71 Adegol Pawlos (church) 1415'/3834' 14/38 [Gz]
HEE36 Adeguya Medhane Alem (church) 1109'/3901' 11/39 [Gz]
HED91 Adeha 1332'/3927' 1964 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Arba'itu Insisat), near Mekele
adei..: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JDG85 Adeitole Ale (area) 09/40 [WO]
HFE76c Adeki Raesi (A. Ra'esi) 14/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Migaria Tsemri sub-district)
JF... Adel Bed (active volcanoes), in the Dalol area 14/40 [Mi]
--Adel Mebrek, also name of a group of people
?? Adel Mebrek (Adäl Mäbräq) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
Adela, cf Ada Ela
HC... Adela, state farm 07/39? [x]
HCL60 Adela (Avela), see Abela Lida
HF... Adela (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38 [Ad]
HDE39 Adela Maryam (Adala Mariam) 08/39 [LM WO]
village on the Asela road 12 km after Nazret.
HE... Adela sub-district (centre in 1964 = Beshilo) 11/39 [Ad]
HEF42 Adela Wedih wereda (centre in 1964 = Kuta Ber) 11/39 [Ad]
HDM.. Adelada, village 09/39? [Ha]
adele (addälä) (A) same as (T) below;
adala (O) kind of wild cat
HCU55 Adele 0747'/3949' 2567 m 07/39 [Gz]
JDB43 Adele 0833'/4100' 1319 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDS91 Adele, see Adeyle
HDD01 Adele Gomboro 0809'/3832' (with church Silase) 08/38 [Gz]
adele g..: adele (T), (addälä) (A) 1. distribute, allot, endow;
2. serve tej;
gubo, guboo, guuboo (O) 1. self-sown crop; 2. basket
for grain; 3. chronic disease; gubo (Som) be burning, get burnt;
gubbo (A) present given as a bribe
JEB99 Adele Gubo, see Gesisen
?? Adele Keke, village in Hararge ../.. [n]
HDE02 Adele sub-district (Adelie ..) (centre in 1964 = Salen) 08/38 [x Ad]
HCU.? Adele wereda 07/39 [x]
adele um..: umuri (O) age, life
HDE01 Adele Umuro (A. Umuru, Gogetti, Goggetti) 08/38 [Gz WO]
(Gwogetti) 0811'/3835' 1873 m
WO has map code HDE00
HDL80 Adelge (peak) 0948'/3830' 2610 m 09/38 [Gz]
Adeli, a male Muslim name
JEJ42 Adeli (wells) 1202'/4138' 12/41 [WO Gz]
HEL.. Adeljan (with church Mikael) 12/38 [n]
adella (western O) cat; also wild cat, Felis lybica ochreata;
(A) to favour; adelay (T) distributor
HET74c Adella 13/38 [Wa]
HDA26 Adelle (area), cf Adele 08/35 [WO]
HET84 Adellet 1321'/3854' 1522 m 13/38 [Gu Gz]
Adem, personal name more common than Adam in Ethiopia,
especially among Muslims
ademe (addämä) (A) plot, to conspire; (T) invite
HDK29 Adem 0917'/3820' 2501 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ57 Adem Abdi (Ademaboi) 0934'/4214' 2024 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ25 Adem Abdule 0914'/4205' 1829 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDH16 Adem Gadi Burka (A.G. Burk'a) 09/41 [Gz]
0909'/4116' 2852m
adem l..: lega (A) fresh /butter/; laga (O) 1. river; 2. people
JDJ15 Adem Lega 0913'/4205' 1789 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK56 Adem Yonis 0932'/4304' 1712 m 09/43 [Gz]
HEM61 Adema Iyasu 1221'/3927' 2140 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDJ57 Ademaboi, see Adem Abdi
H.... Ademar (village) 2480 m 10/37 [Gu]
ademe (addämä) (A) plot, to conspire, (T) invite
JDB99 Ademe 0903'/4134' 1414 m, near map code JDH09 09/41 [Gz]
HDJ55 Ademe Giyorgis (church) 0932'/3705', near Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HFF21 Ademesso (mountain) 1346'/3933' 2004 m 13/39 [Gz]
ademu, ademuu (O) walk
JDA22 Ademu (G. Adamo) (mountain) 08/40 [Gz WO]
0821'/4002' 2611/2673 m, see under Minne

aden (O) hunt, hunting, chase;

aden (adän) (A) hunting, a hunt; liba (A) 1. north-east; 2. very hot wind
?? Aden (visiting postman under Nazret district) ../.. [Po]
KCN17 Aden Libah (Addin Liba) 0721'/4526' 616 m 07/45 [WO Gz n]
HEM02 Adengur kebele (Adängur ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Guba Lafto wereda, immediately
north of Weldiya; area 814 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF03 Adengwar 1337'/3941' 2192 m 13/39 [Gz]
adenn (Gurage) wild cat, Felis lybica ochreata; adene (T) mine
HFC46 Adenna 1357'/3713' 1131 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HER78 Adenna 1322'/3722' 2911m 13/37 [Gz]
HER86 Adenna (area) 13/37 [WO]
HEL37 Adeno (mountain) 1205'/3908' 3336 m, 12/39 [WO Gz]
see under Lalibela

ader (adär) (A) kinds of small or medium tree,

Balanites aegyptiaca, Dicrostachys cinerea, D. glomerata;
adera (adära) (A) a trust, something entrusted to one's care;
ad'era (A) kind of tree /same as ader above?/;
(O) state of grace, pardon, permission;
Adera (adära), the Sky God of the K'emant west and north of Gondar;
(Aderra) also an ordinary male name
HDG07 Adera 0904'/3527' 1522 m 09/35 [Gz]
HEU51 Aderat (Adera, Ad Irac), see Adi Hana, and also under Amba Alage
HEL46 Aderbo (mountain) 1207'/3902' 2916 m 12/39 [Gz]
adere: addere (addärä) (A) to pass the night; dwell;
enter someone's service /also as soldier/;
--Adere, an ethnic group which seems to live west of Addis Abeba (also a name
of the Harari people in quite another part of Ethiopia),
used also as a male personal name
-- Adere language, see Harari
HDH.. Adere (village near Nekemte) 09/36 [n]
HDJ23 Adere 0919'/3657' 1974 m 09/36 [n Gz]
HDL35 Adere 0921'/3857' 2783 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL40 Adere 09/38 [AA]
HDL44 Adere 0927'/3850' 2445 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL50 Adere 0930'/3826' 2268 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL56 Adere 0934'/3858' 2655 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL59 Adere 0931'/3916' 2687 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDT83 Adere kebele (Adäré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Sina wereda, 6 km north-west
of Mekane Selam; area 1,562 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC61 Adere Wama 0845'/3645' 1527 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDL72 Adereka 0943'/3839' 2975 m 09/38 [Gz]
HEJ88 Aderja (Adergia, Hader Giaha) 12/37 [+ WO Gu]
(large village), see under Azezo
adermas: admas (A) horizon
?? Adermas 13/37? [Ca]
?? Adermat (in Segede/Sägädé) with market in 1800s ../.. [18]
HDF94 Adero (area) 08/39 [WO]
HEK57 Aderseg 1214'/3817' 1921 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
ades, addes (A) kind of shrub, myrtle, Myrtus communis;
(A,T) lentil, Lens esculenta
HE... Ades (centre in 1964 of Tosa Felana sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
JDH26 Ades, G. (area) 09/41 [WO]
adesa (O) Dicrostachys cinerea; adessa (O) kinds of small tree,
Dicrostachys glomerata, Rhus glutinosa, Teclea nobilis,
Trichocladus ellipticus
HEJ85c Adesa Kidane Mihret (A.Ch.Meret) (church) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HET74 Adeseb 1322'/3849' 1378 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
HFF31 Adesta Adi Gul Biscia /Gundi/ 13/39 [Gz]
1355'/3930' 2211 m
HEC49 Adet 1116'/3729' 2217 m 11/37 [Gz]
HED40 Adet (M. Addiet, A. Canna) 1103'/3730' 11/37 [MS WO]
(with fort), cf HEC37 Addiet
MS coordinates would give map code HED20.
HED52 Adet, cf Adiet 11/37 [MS Po]
HEF40 Adet 1114'/3923' 2953 m 11/39 [Gz]
HE... Adet Medhane Alem 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Diensa wereda)
H.... Adet wereda /where in West Gojjam?/ ../.. [20]
HFE.. Adet wereda (near Abiy Adi) (-1980-1990s-) 13/39? [Yo x]
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HES90c Adetna Torat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kirakir) 13/37 [Ad]
HEB94 Adevlik (area) 11/36 [WO]
adey (A) Meskel flower, Bidens sp.
JDR15 Adeyga (Adeiga) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
JDJ34 Adeyle 0924'/4158' 2136 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ43 Adeyle (Sardo) 0926'/4156' 2009 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDS91 Adeyle (Adele) (railway stn) 1050'/4238' 720 m 10/42 [Gz WO Gu]
Coordinates would give map code JED01 a little more to the north
JCD91 Adeyo (Adeio) 06/42 [+ WO]
HEJ86 Adeza 1233'/3708' 1933 m 12/37 [Gz]
adga..: bula (A) dust raised in walking
?? Adgabula, fossils and tools site 10/40 [20]
HDF70c Adgeh kebele (Adgäh ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-western Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its western border,
8-10 km south-west of Balchi; area 974 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM63 Adgo Ager, see Atakilt
HDM63 Adgo Hager kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 14 km east
of Debre Birhan town; area 699 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF24 Adgu (mountain) 1348'/3943' 3845 m 13/39 [x]
adguar (A) Malva verticillata, widespread plant which
has blue flowers in clusters on the stem
HDM63 Adguo, see Atakilt
JDH72 Adgura, G. (area) 09/40 [WO]
Adi .., see also Addi ..
adi, addi (T) country or village, especially one having
its own church;
adi, adii, hadi (O) 1. white; 2. kinds of acacia-like
tree, Dichrostachys cinerea, D. glomerata;
adi (Som) sheep and goats collectively; (Kefa) majesty
HBR36 Adi (with seasonal waterhole) 0448'/3714' 04/37 [Gz]
HBR45 Adi 1525 m 04/37 [WO Gu]
HCH75 Adi (mountain) 0702'/3609' 1800 m 07/36 [WO Gz]
JDH79 Adi (Fulde, Fuldeh, Foldi) (mountain) 09/41 [Gz Gu WO]
0946'/4134' 951, 1302/1372 m, WO has map code JDH89
HEM84 Adi Aba Jebano 1234'/3946' 1700 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM92 Adi Aba Musa 1237'/3931' 2626 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFF42 Adi Abage (Adi Abbaghie, Addi Abaghe, Adabage) 13/39 [+ WO Gu 18]
(Adi Baghe) 1357'/3936' 2399/2415 m 13/39 [Gz]
(village and plain, British camp in 1868)
HEL89 Adi Abanawo 1233'/3918' 2267 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFD78 Adi Abayo (A. Abaio) 1413'/3818' 1767 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEU15 Adi Abdera (Addi A.), see Adi Bidera
HFE06 Adi Abergele (near Abiy Adi) 1338'/3900' 2010 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE78 Adi Abeyto (A. Abeyito) (near Inticho) 14/39 [Gz n]
1413'/3912' 2628 m
HFE.. Adi Abeyto sub-district (-1997-) 14/39 [+ n]
HFF71 Adi Abiet (w rock-hewn church), see under Adigrat 14/39 [x]
HFD62 Adi Abk (Adi Abc) (area) 14/37 [+ WO]
adi abo (T) village of the father
HEM92 Adi Abo (Addi Abo, Adiabo, Adyabo, Ibni) 12/39 [Mi It En
HFD78c Adi Abo (Addy Abo), different from the one above? 12/39 [+ 18]]
adi abun (T) village of the bishop
HFE74 Adi Abun (Addi Abun, Adi Abuna) 14/38 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
1411' or 13'/3853' 1877 m, see also under Adwa
(village with small church Tekle Haymanot), 28 km east of Aksum
(in 1964 centre of Adi Abun wereda & of Mai Deleita sub-district)
HF... Adi Abun Gult sub-district 14/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bet Yohannes)
HFE63 Adi Abun Maryam (church) 1412'/3846' 14/38 [Gz]
near /or in/ Aksum
HFE74 Adi Abun wereda (centre in 1964 = Adi Abun) 14/38 [Ad]
HEU.. Adi Abune Nazret (Addi Abunä Nazrä) 13/39 [x]
with mosque Wegir Haribo (Uogri Hariba)
HFE60 Adi Acfel, see Akfen
HEU62 Adi Acheiti, see Adi Akeyti
HFE50 Adi Achelai, see Adi Akelay
HFD68 Adi Ademay (Amba Giyorgis) 1408'/3815' 1865 m 14/38 [Gz]
(place), see under Inda Silase
Coordinates would give map code HFD68
HFD58c Adi Adhano, see under Inda Silase 14/38 [20]
?? Adi Aduka (in 1980s in Sobiya wereda) ../.. [Yo]
HEU,, Adi Ageraro, see also under Amba Aradam 13/39 [It]
?? Adi Ahferom wereda (.. Ahiferom ..), (in Tigray) ../.. [Yo]
HES52 Adi Agag 1310'/3746' 2510 m 13/37 [Gz]
adi ag..: agam (A,T) much-branched shrub with edible fruits
HEU02 Adi Agam 1245'/3933' 2239 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU00 Adi Agay 1242'/3925' 2924 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFK16 Adi Agera (Adi Agara, A. Agghera), see Adi Hageray
HEU.. Adi Ageraro, see also under Amba Aradam 13/39 [It]
HFE49 Adi Agwa 1357'/3920' 2030 m 13/39 [Gz]
adi ahi..: ahiyyu (A) the donkey
HFE47 Adi Ahiyu (Adi Ahiu) 1358'/3905' 1819 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
HFD26 Adi Aitechab (Addi Aitecheb) 1348'/3806' 1525 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
HFD47 Adi Akbay Abune Filemma (.. Ak'bay ..) 13/38 [Gz]
(church) 1356'/3810'
HFF00 Adi Akel 1335'/3926' 1959 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE50 Adi Akelay (Adi Achelai) 1400'/3828' 1984 m 14/38 [+ Gu Gz]
HEU62 Adi Akeyti (A. Ak'eyti, A. Aqeyti) 13/39 [Gz q It]
(A. Acheiti, A. Akeite) 1317'/3932' 2160 m,
see also under Amba Aradam
HFE60 Adi Akfel (A. Acfel) 1410'/3828' 1769 m 14/38 [+ n]
HER68 Adi Alekti (A. Alecti) 1343'/3723' 1694 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
adi al..: alale (O) kinds of tree, Croton sp., Ficus sp.
HFE83 Adi Alele 1418'/3840' 1499 m 14/38 [Gu Gz]
HFE06 Adi Alem (mosque) 1337'/3900', near Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HEU11 Adi Almeban 1247'/3931' 3048 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM61 Adi Alomata (Addi A.) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HFE19 Adi Amday (A. Amdai) (centre in 1964 of 13/39 [Gz Ad]
Maiche Geralta and Mereta Geralta sub-districts)
1343'/3918' 2653 m
HFE18 Adi Amiyuk (A. Amiyuk', A. Amiyuq) 13/39 [Gz q]
1340'/3910' 2750 m
HEU02 Adi Amshashi 1244'/3933' 2169 m 12/39 [Gz]
adi ar..: arah (Som) harvest of wild products
HEU62 Adi Araha (Addis Araha) 1315'/3934' 1919 m 13/39 [n WO]
HEU72 Adi Araha 13/39 [x]
HFF22 Adi Arbaa (A. Arba'a) 1348'/3935' 2037 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
HEU42 Adi Arbaite (A. Arba'ite) 1304'/3937' 2518 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE83 Adi Arbaite (A. Arba'ite, A. Arba'ete, Adi Arbate) 14/38 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
1422'/3845' 1625 m (w church Abune Hizk'eel to the east)
HEU42 Adi Arbaite Gebre Menfes K'idus (ch.) 1304'/3937' 13/39 [Gz]
HFE84 Adi Arbaite wereda (Adi Arbate .., Addi Arba'etä ..) 14/38 [Ad Gz En]
(centre in 1964 = Daaro Tekle, in 2000s = Rama)
HF... Adi Argud (Addy Argoud), village NW of Hawzen 14/39 [+ 18]
HFK17 Adi Arish (Ad Arisc) 1439'/3810' 1157 m 14/38 [+ Gu Gz]
adi arkay (arqay) (T) land of bamboo,
Oxytenantera or shrub Sesbania
HES95 Adi Arkay (A. Ark'ay, A. Arqay, A. Arkai) 13/37 [Gz q Ad Te]
(Addi Arcai/Arqay, A. Arki) MS: 1326'/3810' 13/37 [WO x]
MS: 1326'/3810' = HES87
Gz: 1327'/3804' 1497 m =HES86
(centre in 1964 of Diba Bahr wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Abemar Silase (Abamar Selassie) (village)
2SW Birri (village) 1319 m
5SW Debre Tsiyon (Debra Sion) (church)
7NW Anger (Angher) (mountain) 1317 m
?? Golima 1509 m
HFD86c Adi Arkay 14/38 [LM Br]
HES95 Adi Arkay awraja 13/37 [x]
HES46? Adi Arkay sub-district (ctr in 1964 = May Tsemre) 13/38 [Ad]
HES46? Adi Arkay wereda 13/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HEL78 Adi Aro 1225'/3910' 2055 m 12/39 [Gz]
HET68 Adi Aro 1313'/3915' 2138 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE54 Adi Aro Maryam (church) 1402'/3849' 14/38 [Gz]
adi (T) arra (O) melayo, village above Melayo?
HFE03 Adi Arra Melaio 1335'/3846' 1766 m 13/38 [Gu Gz]
HFD87 Adi Artan, see under Adi Dairo 14/38 [WO]
HFE54 Adi Asatiya Giyorgis (church) 1406'/3848' 14/38 [Gz]
HEU00 Adi Assel Gerti (Addi Assel Gherti) (area) 12/39 [WO]
HET 89 Adi Atal 1324'/3917' 1951 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFL08 Adi Atsnaani (A. Ats'na'ani) 1428'/3913' 1770 m 14/39 [Gz]
(on the border of Eritrea)
HFC29 Adi Awde 1345'/3728' 1949 m 13/37 [Gz]
adi aw..: awala (O) tomb, burial place
HFK05 Adi Awiala (Adi Aw-ala, Adiawala, Adi Awuala) 14/38 [Gz Ad Po MS]
(Adi Awi'ala) 1432'/3803' 1395 m
(in Shire awraja, sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HFK16 Adi Awiala (A. Awi'ala, A. Awala) 14/38 [Gz Ad]
1435'/3805' 1448 m
HFK05? Adi Awiala wereda (.. Awala ..) (-1994-) 14/38 [n]
HEM91 Adi Awso 1235'/3926' 2408 m 12/39 [Gz]
H.... Adi Awuhi (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38 [Ad]
HEU24 Adi Ayo 1251'/3944' 1680 m 12/39 [Gz]
HET89 Adi Ayweto 1324'/3920' 2236 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET96 Adi Azuka (A. Azuk'a, A. Azuqa) 13/39 [Gz q]
1330'/3901' 1445 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFF42 Adi Baghe, see Adi Abage
HFE57 Adi Bahilay (mountain chain) 1405'/3905' 2029 m 14/39 [Gz]
HEM84 Adi Balanberas 1231'/3946' 1748 m 12/39 [Gz]
adi barkat: bereket (A) blessing
HFD77c Adi Barkat (Adi Barcat) (plain) 14/38 [+ Gu]
?? Adi Baro (Addi B.) (historically recorded) ../.. [+ Pa 20]
HFE56 Adi Barot 1406'/3903' 2372 m 14/39 [Gz]
adi barya (A) village of slaves?
barya (A) 1. slave; 2. epilepsy; 3. kind of fish
HER66 Adi Barya (Addi Baria) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HEU15 Adi Basale 1249'/3949' 1700 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE61 Adi Bearej (A. Be'arej) 1411'/3832' 1918 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE.. Adi Bechi (Addi Becci) 2062 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFE57 Adi Beggedi (Adi Begghedi) 1859 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HEU93 Adi Belai Maar (A. Bela'i Ma'ar) 13/39 [Gz]
1332'/3940' 2504 m
adi bele.. beles (A) shrub or small tree, Ficus palmata,
Euphorbia spp., cactus Opuntia
HFF50 Adi Beles 1406'/3921' 1829 m, near code HFE59 14/39 [Gz]
HFE56 Adi Belew 1402'/3902' 2020 m (w church Maryam) 14/39 [Gz]
HFE72 Adi Berah 1426'/3840' 1288 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE92 Adi Berbere (area with iron) 1426'/3840' 14/38 [Mi]
HFE35 Adi Bere Mikael (church) 1355'/3928' 13/39 [Gz]
adi beri: beri (O) dawn, daybreak; (T) gate, entrance
HEU01 Adi Beri 1242'/3929' 2961 m 12/39 [Gz]
HF... Adi Berientu (centre in 1964 of Hahayle sub-district) 14/39 [Ad]
HEC47c Adi Bertah (village on a hill) 11/37 [It]
HEU15 Adi Bidera (Addi Abdera?) 12/29 [Gz WO]
1246'/3949' 1666 m or 1250'/3949' 1658 m
HFE57 Adi Bigdi 1402'/3909' 1859 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFC38 Adi Bokolaya (Adi Bocolaia) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
adi bor..: borati (O) headrest, "wooden pillow";
bora (O) brown /animal/
HFE18 Adi Borat (Enda Maryam Adi Bora) 2347/2402 m 13/39 [Gu]
HET65 Adi Buda 1328'/3857' 1610 m 13/38 [Gz]
HET95 Adi Buda 1329'/3854' 1706 m 13/38 [Gz]
HFF70 Adi Bukwot (Addi Buquot) (valley) 14/39 [+ Gu]
adi bula: bula (A) dust raised in walking
HET85 Adi Bula (Ali Bula) 1328'/3858' 1502 m 13/38 [Gz]
?? Adi Burkwakea (Adi Burquachea) 13/38 [+ Gu]
HFF21 Adi Butzaat 1345'/3927' 1892 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HEU00 Adi Chegware (A. Ch'egware) 1241'/3925' 2392 m 12/39 [Gz]
HET59 Adi Chelehel (A. Chelchel) 1308'/3918' 1606 m 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(large village), see under Samre, cf Adi Kelkel
HET67 Adi Chemo (A. Ch'emo) 1313'/3905' 1837 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFD58 Adi Chemo (A. Ch'emo) 1405/3820' 2014 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFC17 Adi Cherni, see Adi Kerni
HES51 Adi Cheru (Adi Ceru) (mountain) 13/37 [+ WO]
adi che..: chew (ch'ew) (A,T) salt
HFF52 Adi Chewa (A. Ch'ewa, Addi Cioa, A. Tchewa) 14/39 [Gz Br x]
with rock-hewn church Arbatu Insisa, see also under Sinkata
HFE86 Adi Chiana 1418'/3904' 2093 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFE94 Adi Chigono (A. Ch'igono) (mountain) 14/38 [Gz]
1427'/3849' 1388 m
HFD49 Adi Chilte, see Adi Kilte
HEU10 Adi Chimnu (Addi Cimnu, A.Cimni) 12/39 [LM Gz WO Gu]
(market) 1247'/3922' 2690 m
HEM91 Adi Chimti (near lake, recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
HEJ88 Adi Chirgye (Adi Cirgie), see under Azezo 12/37 [+ WO]
HFE66c Adi Chowa (Adi Cioa) (village), cf Adi Chewa 14/38 [+ Gu]
HF... Adi Chumay (Addi C.), in Shire 14/38? [n]
adi dairo: daaro (Som) touch lightly; daro (Som) strangle-hold
in wrestling; dhaaro (Som) swear, take an oath;
dahro (T) wild fig tree, Ficus dahro, Ficus vasta;
daro (Som) saint; dhaaro (Som) swear, take an oath
HET78 Adi Dairo (A. Da'iro) 1319'/3912' 2043 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFD87 Adi Dairo (A.Da-ira, A.Da'iro, A.Da'ero, Ad Daro) 14/38 [Gz MS Ad]
(Adi Daaro, Adidairo, Al Daro, Addaro) 14/38 [Po Gu 18]
(incorrect: Az Daro) 1863 m, mountain 1973 m 14/38 [WO]
Centre in 1964 of Lai Adyabo wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6SE Addekti (Addecti) (waterhole)
5SW Gamma (mountain) 1924/2024 m
5W Adi Artan (village)
6W Doguate (waterhole)
6W Abbi Ogri (village)
adi dak..: dakna (dhaqna) (O) body; daqno (Som) feel pain
HFD68 Adi Dakno (Addi Dacno) 1407'/3816' 1870 m, 14/38 [LM WO Gz]
see under Inda Silase
HFC.. Adi Debtera 13/37 [Ad]
(centre 1964 of Dejena Sherela sub-district)
HEL37 Adi Dega Amba (near Lalibela) 1205'/3906' 3593 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDF08c Adi Dekahali (A.Decahali), saddle 1680 m 13/38 [+ Gu]
HFD57 Adi Dekal (Addi Decal), see Markos
HFD79 Adi Dererai 1416'/3823' 1747 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE30 Adi Didey (A. Didei, Addi Dideti) 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1356'/3829' 1894 m
HFE67 Adi Dirai (A. Dira'i) 1410'/3909' 2165 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFD68 Adi Draro 14/38 [n]
HEU72c Adi Elkim (Adi Elchim) (village), 13/39 [+ Gu It]
see also under Amba Aradam
HFE49 Adi Elo, see Kenata
HDF07c Adi Emer (Addi Emer) 13/38 [+ Gu]
HFC28 Adi Erzanye (Addi Erzani) 1344'/3722' 1875 m, 13/37 [Gz WO]
see under Adi Remet
HEU13 Adi Farah 1246'/3938' 1739 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Adi Farris, see also under Amba Alage ../.. [It]
HF... Adi Fela (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/39 [Ad]
HFE58 Adi Fela 1402'/3915' 1744 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFE79 Adi Fela 1413'/3917' 2140 m (with church Maryam) 14/39 [Gz]
HFE34 Adi Felassie, see Felatsi
HEM71 Adi Feleset Hawaryat (church) 1225'/3926' 12/39 [Gz]
HET99 Adi Fengats 1333'/3918' 2203 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE90 Adi Fereg (Adi Meda) 1424'/3831' 1703 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE19 Adi Ferti 1342'/3916' 2475 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDK28 Adi Feyiso 0914'/3818' 2559 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFE40 Adi Firkiros (Adi Firchiros) 13/38 [+ WO]
HFL05 Adi Fitaw (A. Fitau, A. Fitall) (with church Maryam) 14/38 [Gz Gu]
1430'/3859' 1873 m
HF... Adi Fringi (centre in 1964 of Zata sub-district) 14/39 [Ad]
HFC48 Adi Fro, see Amba Adiero, cf Adiero
adi gab.: gaba, gabaa (O) market; gaba (A,T) thorny shrub;
gabaa (O) thorn-like barley shoot or stalk
HFC27 Adi Gaba 1345'/3716' 1989 m 13/37 [Gz]
-- (Gaba is an ethnic group = Dullay)
adi gala, camel village? gala, gaala (O) 1. camel; 2. provisions
for a trip; 3. arrival;
gala (Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Calotropis procera
JDR57 Adi Gala, see Adigala
adi galla (A) village of Oromo?
HES50 Adi Galla (area) 13/37 [WO]
adi geba: geba (O) cup, usually of gourd; /cf gaba, gabaa (O) market/
HFC28 Adi Geba, see Adi Geva
adi gebr.: gebru (A) the servant /in a religious sense/, the slave:
also a man's name; geberu (A) 1. the wooden cover of a book;
2. the half-breed e.g. Amhara-Oromo
HFD26 Adi Gebru (Adigebru, Addi Gabriu) 13/38 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
1348'/3813' 1603 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964, with school & church Abune Aregay)
HFK08 Adi Gedaf 1430'/3815' 1503 m (with church Iyesus) 14/38 [Gz]
HFD58 Adi Gedena (near Inda Silase) 1403'/3817' 1891 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFD87 Adi Gedena Mikael (church) 1419'/3814' 14/38 [Gz]
HEM81 Adi Gefar 1230'/3929' 2969 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE59 Adi Gele 1402'/3917' 1864 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFF24c Adi Gelemo (Addis Gälämo) 13/39 [En]
archaeological site
HFC48 Adi Gemtela (Adi Ghemtela, Ad Djemtelo) 13/37 [+ WO Wa Gz]
1357'/3724' 1122/1639 m
adi gera: gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Salix subserrata; twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks
HEU... Adi Gera (village), see under Mekele 13/39 [n]
HEM71 Adi Gerih 1224'/3927' 2039 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU.. Adi Germado (A. Ghermado), 13/39 [+ It]
see also under Amba Aradam
HET97 Adi Gesama Medhane Alem (church) 1333'/3908' 13/39 [Gz]
HFC28 Adi Geva (Addi Gheva, Adi Geba) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1318'/3744' 1262 m, see under Adi Remet
HET88 Adi Gezaiti (A. Geza'iti) 1323'/3910' 2218 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET69 Adi Gibai (A. Giba'i) 1315'/3916' 2356 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFF90 Adi Gide 1425'/3922' 2625 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFD58 Adi Gided (Adigided, Addi Gidad) 14/38 [+ Ad Gz]
1406'/3820' 2091 m, near Inda Silase
(centre in 1964 of Lai Koraro sub-district)
HFE26 Adi Gidey 1345'/3904' 1670 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Tekle Haymanot)
HFD95 Adi Girmay 1425'/3800' 1448 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE51 Adi Giyorgis 1405'/3833' 1971 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE38 Adi Gobeyo 1353'/3913' 1718 m 13/39 [Gz]
HF... Adi Gola, cf Adigala 14/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Agela sub-district)
adi golag..: gul (A) clod of earth; (Som) fortune;
early name of a spirit (Guolagul)
HEU51 Adi Golagul (Addi g.), see Belat
HFE82 Adi Golagul (A. Golagol, A.Guolagul), see Golagol
HEM81 Adi Golo 1233'/3929' 2617 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE.. Adi Gonche, see under Mereto
HFE89 Adi Goradaiti (A. Gorada'iti) 1420'/3916' 2052 m 14/39 [Gz]
(w church Mikael to the south-east), near Debre Damo
HFE79 Adi Gorandaiti (A. Goranda'iti) 1417'/3918' 2008 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael to the west)
adi goro: goro (O) wild rose shrub; goorro (O) partition in
a house, door opening inside a hut; goro (A) young elephant
HFE37 Adi Goro 1350'/3906' 1841 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFF71 Adi Grat, see Adigrat
adi gudg..: gudgwad, gwudgwad (A, T) hole, well, pit,
subterranean grain store
HEU.. Adi Gudgwad (A. Guguad) (village in Tigray) 13/39 [+ n]
destroyed during fights in June 1988
HEU62 Adi Gudom (Adi Gudem, Adiguden, Addi Gudum) 13/39 [Gz Po Ad WO]
Gz: 1315'/3931' 2104 m; MS: 1317'/3933' =HEU 52
(centre in 1964 of Debre Haile sub-district)
With school and church Gebriel.
With post called sub-post office until the 1990s.
HEU52? Adi Gudom wereda (.. Gudem ..) (-1994-2000s) 13/39 [n]
HFE57 Adi Gufah 1403'/3907' 1746 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFE52 Adi Gui (A. Gu'i) 1404'/3841' 1958 m 14/38 [Gz]
at 8.5 km from Aksum, see under that place
HFD67 Adi Guidi (A. Gu'idi) 1411'/3814' 1624 m 14/38 [Gz]
adi gul: gul (A) clod of eart; (Som) fortune
HFF31 Adi Gul Bisha (A.G. Biscia), see Adesta
HEU71c Adi Gul Negus (village) 13/39 [Gu]
HEC68 Adi Gulma (village) 11/37 [It]
HFE82 Adi Guolagul, see Adi Golagul
HFE91 Adi Guolagul, see Adi Kwalase
HEU32 Adi Gura 1259'/3933' 2785 m 12/39 [Gz]
adi gurmas: gurmessu (O) 1. to unite;
2. to make tough and strong
HFC28 Adi Gurmas, see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
HFE41 Adi Gwara 1401'/3833' 1994 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE50 Adi Habesay 1405'/3829' 2192 m 14/38 [Gz]
adi haga..: hagada (O) 1. sorghum; 2. sugar cane
HFF31 Adi Hagada 13/39 [WO]
HFK06 Adi Hageray (A. Hagerai, A. Hagaray, A. Agera) 14/38 [Gz n Gu WO]
(A. Agara, Adi Agghera) 1431'/3804' 1319 m
HFK.. Adi Hageray sub-district (centre in 1964 = Irdi) 14/38 [Ad]
HFK.. Adi Hageray wereda (-1994-) 14/38 [n]
HFE78 Adi Hagoda 1414'/3913' 2197 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Arba'itu Insisat)
HEM82 Adi Hagos 1233'/3935' 1691 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU72 Adi Hakeyti (A. Hak'eyti, A. Haqeyti) 13/39 [Gz q]
1318'/3934' 2173 m or 1319'/3935' 2075 m
(with church Maryam)
HFE58 Adi Hale 1403'/3913' 1887 m 14/39 [Gz]
HEM91 Adi Hamido 1235'/3932' 2726 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEC06 Adi Hamli 1339'/3708' 1686 m 13/37 [Gz]
HEU51 Adi Hana (Adera, Aderat) 1311'/3930' 2228 m 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(Ad Irac) (with church Maryam to the north-west)
HFE51 Adi Hangi 1406'/3835' 2345 m 14/38 [Gz]
at 15 km from Aksum
HFE83 Adi Hanis Giyorgis (church) 1420'/3846' 14/38 [Gz]
HFE52 Adi Hankera 1406'/3841' 2216 m 14/38 [Br Gz]
village at 4.8 km from Aksum, see under that place
HFD78 Adi Haragay 14/38 [n]
HEU41 Adi Hardany 1232'/3929' 2456 m 12/39 [Gz]
H.... Adi Haremat (ctr in 1964 of Dega Amba sub-district) 14/39? [Ad]
HFC26 Adi Harwo 1346'/3713' 1879 m 13/37 [Gz]
HFE81 Adi Haye (Tsada Welaka, Tzada Uallaca, Tz. Uollaca) 14/38 [Gz LM WO Gu]
1418'/3836' 1737 m
HFE68 Adi Hayem 1411'/3913' 2294 m (w church Gebriel) 14/39 [Gz]
HFE58 Adi Hedum 1401'/3914' 1788 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFE48 Adi Herem 1359'/3915' 1859 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE50 Adi Heza (area with some gold) 1402'/3923' 14/39 [x Mi]
HET58 Adi Hibubla 1312'/3911' 1864 m 13/39 [Gz]
adi hir..: hirdi (O) saffron; (Som) clash, strike violently
HFC47 Adi Hirdi (Adihrdi, Addi H.) 1355'/3708' 1711 m 13/37 [Gz Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of Kabtiya sub-district)
adi hit..: hitsan (A) baby, small child
HET99 Adi Hitsan 1332'/3918' 2297 m 13/39 [Gz]
H.... Adi Holie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Wenbert) 13/39 [Ad]
HFE46 Adi Homa, see Adi Una
HEM80 Adi Hostos 1229'/3925' 2595 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE42 Adi Hoza (Addi H.) 1359'/3841' 1866 m 13/38 [Gz WO n]
HFE59 Adi Hurug 1402'/3916' 1802 m 14/39 [Gz]
adi idaga (T) market village
HFE18 Adi Idaga 1342'/3912' 2176 m 13/39 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Mereta sub-district)
adi ihil (T) land of grain
HFE68 Adi Ihli sub-district (centre in 1964 = Nebelet) 14/39 [Ad]
HEM71 Adi Inalka (Addi Inalca, Addilnalca) 12/39 [+ Gu WO Gz]
Adi Inalka 1224'/3933' 1581 m
Coordinates would give map code HEM72
HFE58 Adi Irgeyto Maryam (church) 1404'/3914' 14/39 [Gz]
HET77 Adi Iser 1320'/3905' 1707 m 13/39 [Gz]
?? Adi Islam (area once w Falasha inhabitants) 2586 m ../.. [Gu]
HFF03 Adi Itay 1338'/3940' 2152 m (with church Maryam) 13/39 [Gz]
HER78 Adi Itieh (A. Itie) 1323'/3724' 2663 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HEU91 Adi Iyesus (Addi Iesus) (village) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE.. Adi Iyo, at 10.5 km from Aksum 14/38 [20]
adi ji..: jiidad (Som) travel to a faraway place
HFD59c Adi Jidad (Addi Gidad) 14/38 [+ Gu]
HFF.. Adi Kado : Inda Medhane Alem (rock-hewn church) 13/39 [x]
HES28 Adi Kaga (A. K'aga, A. Qaga) 12/38 [Gz q]
1255'/3818' 2616 m
HEU70 Adi Kajera (A. K'ajera, A. Qajera) (w church Mikael) 13/39 [Gz q]
1322'/3926' 1947 m
adi kal..: kala, qalaa (O) stubble; qaalaa, cave;
kala-a (O) empty cartridge
HEU80 Adi Kala (A. K'ala, A. Qala) 1325'/3925' 1922 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET59 Adi Kalkan (A. K'alk'an, A. Qalqan, Adeba) 13/39 [Gz q WO]
1309'/3918' 1758 m
HFF35 Adi Kanchibet (Addi Kenciebet, A. Qantchebet) 13/39 [+ x]
(with ancient church), see under Atsbi
adi kas..: kashi, ceremonial place among the Ometo;
cashi (Som) weakness /in livestock/;
kaashi (Som) assistance, co-operation
HEU02 Adi Kashi (A. K'ashi, A.Qashi) 1242'/3934' 2301 m 12/39 [Gz q]
HEU93 Adi Kawna 1330'/3940' 2338 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE70 Adi Kebad (A. K'ebad, A. Qebad) 1412'/3831' 14/38 [Gz q]
H.... Adi Kebaish (centre in 1964 of Gembela sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
HFE63 Adi Kedawit (A. K'edawit, A. Qedawit, Enda Jesus) 14/38 [Gz q WO]
(Inda Iyesus) 1409'/3848' 2191 m
(with church Iyesus), east of Aksum, see under Adwa
Coordinates would give map code HFE64
HFF80 Adi Keharis (A. K'eharis, A. Qeharis, A. K'ehars) 14/39 [Gz q]
1418'/3922' 2697 m (with church Ts'adik'an), near Adigrat
HFF82 Adi Kelebes Maryam (.. K'elebes ..) 1418'/3934' 14/39 [Gz]
adi kelk..: kelkel (qälqäl) (A) edge of cliff
HEU71 Adi Kelkel (A. K'elk'el, A. Qelqel) 13/39 [Gz q]
1322'/3931' 2169 m (with church Maryam)
HFE87 Adi Kelkel (A. K'elk'el, A. Qelqel) 14/39 [Gz q]
1422'/3906' 2018 m, near Inticho, cf Adi Chelehel
HFL07 Adi Kelkel (A. K'elk'el, A. Qelqel) 14/39 [Gz q]
1430'/3910' 2003 m
HFE79 Adi Keney (A. K'eney, A. Qeney) 14/39 [Gz q]
1416'/3920' 2111 m
HFE65 Adi Keraada (A. K'era'ada, A. Qera'ada) 14/38 [Gz q]
1407'/3858' 1920 m (mountain near Adwa)
adi keraro (A) land of keraro trees, Aningeria spp.
HFE38 Adi Keraro (Adi Quararo) 1351'/3915' 1947 m 13/39 [LM WO Gu Gz]
HFD68 Adi Keray 1410'/3818' 2036 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFC17 Adi Kerni (Adi Cherni) (area), see under Adi Remet 13/37 [+ WO]
HEM61 Adi Kesawist (A. K'esawist, A. Qesawist) 12/39 [Gz q]
adi kesh.: kesho (A) tobacco compressed into a cake
HFF43 Adi Kesho (A. Kasho, A. Qasho, Addi Qècho) 13/39 [x Br]
(Addi Kescio' Addi Qesho, Addi Qaso)
north of Wikro, with rock-hewn church Medhani Alem.
HEU00 Adi Keva 12/39 [WO]
adi key..: keyih (qeyih) (T) red
HEU32 Adi Keyih (A. K'eyih, A. Qeyih) 12/39 [Gz q]
1259'/3936' 3135 m
HEU33 Adi Keyih (A. K'eyih, A. Qeyih) 12/39 [Gz q]
1259'/3941' 1944 m
HEU33 Adi Keyih (A. K'eyih, A. Qeyih) 13/39 [Gz q]
1301'/3940' 2120 m
HEU92 Adi Kidan 1333'/3932' 2334 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFD97c Adi Kidi (centre in 1964 of Medebay sub-district) 14/38 [Ad]
adi kilte: kilti, kiltu (O) wild fig, Ficus spp.
HFD49 Adi Kilte (Adi Chilte) 13/38 [Ad LM WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HFE62 Adi Kilte (archaeological site), see under Aksum 14/38 [x]
HET58 Adi Kimaida (A. K'ima'ida, A. Qima'ida) 13/39 [Gz q]
HFE86 Adi Kiyano (Adi Chiano) 14/38 [+ Gu]
adi kok..: qoqob (Som) barrier, boundary fence
?? Adi Kokob (in Tigray), cf Ad Kokeb ../.. [n]
HEU82 Adi Kolen 1326'/3922' 1748 m 13/39 [Gz]
adi kolo: kolo (O) meadow, grassland, pasturage;
(A) kind of large thistle
HEM81c Adi Kolo (Adi Colo) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HFD19 Adi Kolo (Addi Colo) 1341'/3823' 1859 m, 13/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
see also under Amba Aradam
HET86 Adi Komusse (Adi Comusse) 13/39 [+ WO]
HFE97 Adi Koo (A. K'o'o, A. Qo'o) 1424'/3907' 1915 m 14/39 [Gz q]
adi korkora: korkora (qorqora:) (O) stingy /man who grudges
about household expenses/
HFF30 Adi Korkora (A. Quorquor, A. Corcora, Mai Quarar) 13/39 [+ Gz Gu]
1355'/3925' 2098/2123 m
?? Adi Korro (Addi Qorro) ../.. [x]
HFE32 Adi Kudi 1352'/3840' 1968 m 13/38 [Gz]
adi kul..: kulkwal (A) cactus-like tree, Euphorbia spp.;
kulkul (qulqul) (A) a defile?
HEU55 Adi Kulkul (Addi Culcul) 1306'/3952' 1285 m 13/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEU45
HFE18 Adi Kuylo (A. K'uylo, A. Quylo) 13/39 [Gz q]
1341'/3913' 2529 m
HFE91 Adi Kwalase (A. K'walase, A. Qwalase, A. Guolagul) 14/38 [Gz q]
1423'/3836' 1351 m
adi kwere: kwara (qwara) (T) coral tree, Erythrina spp.
HEU72 Adi Kwere (Addi Quere) 13/39 [LM WO]
adi laha: laha (Som) there is none, they don't have
HFD79 Adi Laka (Adi Laha) 14/38 [LM WO]
HFD69 Adi Liul, see Koyetsa
adi lomin, village of lemon
lomin (T) lemon, lime, orange
HET77 Adi Lomin 13/39 [WO]
adi macher: machara (in Eritrea) kinds of thorn tree
HES50 Adi Macher (mountain) 13/37 [WO]
HFE80 Adi Mandi, see Adi Mendi
HEM92 Adi Mankarre, see Mekarre
HFE48 Adi Markos (A. Mark'os. A. Marqos) 13/39 [Gz q]
1357'/3910' 1814 m
adi may weyni (T) place of water with climber plants?
HFD47 Adi May Weyni (Adi Mai Uoini) 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1359'/3813' 1545 m
HFE90 Adi Meda, see Adi Fereg
HFE56 Adi Meda Medhane Alem (church) 1404'/3904' 14/39 [Gz]
adi medak: medakiya (mädakiya), medahiya (A) place where one crawls;
meddakiya (mäddakiya) (A) border, limit, boundary
HFE91 Adi Medak (Adi Medac) 14/38 [+ Gu]
?? Adi Megwenti ../.. [n]
HFE18 Adi Mekeno (Adi Mecheno, Mecheno) 13/39 [+ Gu WO]
adi mella (A) land which is full?
mella (A) being full, to fill;
mela (O) 1. disabled, crippled; 2. resentment
HFD19 Adi Mella (Adi Mela) 1344'/3823' 1006, 1640 m 13/38 [Gz WO Gu LM]
adi mendi: mendo (O) trap
HFE80 Adi Mendi (Adi Mandi, Me'asake) 14/38 [WO Gu Gz]
1422'/3828' 1494/1772 m
HET58c Adi Merzwi /?/ (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Samre
H.... Adi Mesun 13/38 [Gu]
HEU00 Adi Meyda 1240'/3925' 2894 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM71 Adi Mikael (Addi Micael) 1229'/3937' 1438 m 12/39 [+ 18 Gz]
HEM91 Adi Minda 1235'/3929' 2434 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU91 Adi Misgan 1332' 3929' 1998 m, near Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HET.. Adi Mitra (village) 13/38 [Gu]
HFF31 Adi Mokada (A. Mocada) 1354'/3931' 2225 m 13/39 [+ Gz]
HFF35 Adi Momena 1354'/3859' 1876 m 13/38 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HFF36
HDT99 Adi Mugia, see Muja
(Adi Murug JFG03c, locality in Eritrea 14/40 [20])
HEU42 Adi Musno 13/39 [Gu]
HEM81 Adi Neba (A. Neva) 1231'/3929' 2530/2694 m 12/39 [Gz Gu]
HFF24 Adi Nebrat 1347'/3948' 2139 m, see under Atsbi 13/39 [WO Gu Gz]
HFD78 Adi Nebrid (Adi Nebried, Az Nebrid) 14/38 [Gz It]
1427'/3811' 1672 m, see also Rohabaita
HFD78 Adi Nebried wereda (Adi Nebreid ..) 14/38 [n]
HFE66 Adi Nefas, see Adi Nifas, cf Nefag
adi negussi (T?) village of the king
HEU23c Adi Negussi (Addi Negussi) 12/39 [Gu]
HFD58 Adi Nekizen (A. Nek'izen, A. Neqizen) 14/38 [Gz q]
1404'/3820' 1884 m, near Inda Silase
HEM81 Adi Neva ("threshold"), see Adi Neba
HFE66 Adi Nifas (A. Nefas) 1410'/3902' 2033 m, 14/39 [+ 18 n]
cf Nefas, also Nefag
HEU90 Adi Noguade 1326'/3902' 2094 m 13/39 [Gz]
(Nogwade, Neguida), see under Mekele
HFF24 Adi Noya (Adi Noia, Aadi N.) 1348'/3950' 1983 m, 13/39 [LM WO Gu Gz]
see under Atsbi
adi onfito: onfi, onfii (O) pardon
HEU63 Adi Onfito (Addi Onfato) 1315'/3942' 2012 m 13/39 [+ WO Gz]
HFD68c Adi Onfito (Addi O.) (village) 14/38 [+ Gu]
HFE38 Adi Quararo, see Adi Keraro
HFE19 Adi Raisi (A. Ra'isi) 1341'/3919' 2234 m 13/39 [Gz]
adi rassi: raasi (Arabic,Som) peninsula, cape
HFD29 Adi Rassi (Addi Rassi, Adi Rasi) 13/38 [Gz WO Gu LM]
1347'/3826' 1556 m
adi rem..: remet (rämät) (A) hot ashes, sand heated by the sun
HFC18 Adi Remet (Adi Ramets', A.Remots, A.Remoz) 13/37 [MS Gz WO Gu]
(Adremet) 1344'/3722' 1875, 2070 m 13/37 [Ad]
(ctr in 1964 of Wolkayit wereda & Adi Remet sub-district)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Ad Akoro (Ad Acoro) (village)
7E Bakila (Bachila) (village)
2SE Adda Addagli (village)
3SE Eto (area) 2454 m
3SE Adda Oru (village)
6SE Gwagwa (Guagua) (village)
8SE Ad Kokeb (Ad Cocob) (village)
10SE Adda Ain Golo (village)
6S Ahal Amba (area)
9S Endabo (village) 2454 m
6SW Donguor Goha (area)
9SW Adi Kerni (Adi Cherni) (area)
10W Wolkayit (Wolqait) (wide area)
5NW Bilamba (Belamba) (village) 1921 m
7NW Abbatere (area)
10NW Agazen (area) 1848 m
3N Adi Geva (Addi Gheva, Adi Geba) (village) 1262 m
4N Adi Gurmas (village)
9N Adi Sogwadi (Adi Soguadi) (village) 1526 m
3NE Wofargif (village)
4NE Adi Erzanye (Addi Erzani) (village) 1875 m
9NE Gumai Daro (area) 1949 m
HFC18 Adi Remet wereda/?/ (.. Remets ..) 13/37 [20]
HER68 Adi Resene 1346'/3723' 1210 m 13/37 [Gz]
HES71 Adi Rihitsan 1323'/3741' 1290 m 13/37 [Gz]
HFK07 Adi Riisenay (A. Ri'isenay) 1430'/3812' 1679 m 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
HFE88 Adi Rowra 1420'/3913' 1991 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), near Inticho
adi sadiye, three villages, village three? sadiye (O) three
HFE58 Adi Sadiye (Adi Sadie) 14/39 [+ WO]
adi saka: saka (O) 1. (saqaa) path in tall grass or crop;
2. (saqa) lower area; (A) flaw, blemish; scurf
HFK08 Adi Saka (A. Sak'a, A. Saqa, Rocabaita) 14/38 [Gz q]
1433'/3815' 1628 m
HED60 Adi Samba (Addi S.) 11/37 [+ It]
HFE80 Adi Sardo 1414'/3829' 1665 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEM51 Adi Saseso 1217'/3930' 2069 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU93 Adi Scinguala (A. Sciagualo), see Shugala
HFE.. Adi Sehafi (Addi S., Ashafi) 14/38 [+ 20]
north-east of Aksum
adi selam (T) land/village of peace
HES99 Adi Selam 1331'/3824' 2742 m 13/38 [Gz]
HET90 Adi Selam (Adiselam, Addi Salam) 13/38 [MS Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Tsellemti wereda)
(same?: centre in 1964 of Dega Temben wereda)
HFD20 Adi Selam (A. Sellam) 1349'/3735' 871 m 13/37 [Gz WO]
HFE46 Adi Selam 1401'/3900' 1972 m (w church Maryam) 14/39 [Gz]
HEU.. Adi Sembet, see also under Amba Aradam 13/39 [It]
HFE65c Adi Sennay (Addi Sennai) 2101 m 14/38 [+ Gu]
HFE67 Adi Seraw 1408'/3905' 2354 m 14/39 [Gz]
adi serawit (A) army encampment, place of the military
HEU82c Adi Serawit (Adi Seratit) 13/39 [Ad Gu]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), see also under Amba Aradam
adi serg..: sergan (särgwan) (A) tent city
HEU.. Adi Sergen (A. Serghen), 13/39 [+ It]
see also under Amba Aradam
HFK27 Adi Sessahu, see May Degwale
HEC88 Adi Sessela (village on lake shore plain), 11/37 [It]
see under Bahir Dar
HEU22 Adi Shah (A. Shahu, A. Sheho) 2435 m 12/39 [MS WO n]
HEM61 Adi Shahsheh 1223'/3928' 2092 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM72 Adi Shahu 1325'/3933' 2327 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET39 Adi Shahu (Adisheho) 1300'/3920' 13/39 [MS Po Ad]
(which one?:) centre in 1964 of Mehal Ager sub-district.
HEU31 Adi Shahu, see Adi Shoh
HEU81 Adi Shahu (A. Shehu) 1325'/3933' 2327 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDE.. Adi Sharki (large village in Iteya wereda) 08/39 [x]
HFD98 Adi Shegereb 1424'/3820' 1197 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEU31 Adi Sheho, see Adi Shoh
HEU81 Adi Shehu, see Adi Shahu
HEM92 Adi Shela 1237'/3932' 2492 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM82 Adi Sheshu 1231'/3932' 2503 m 12/39 [Gz]
HER88 Adi Shila 1324'/3720' 2732 m 13/37 [Gz]
H.... Adi Shimako (Mororo) 13/39? [x]
(with partly rock-hewn church Mikael)
HFE81 Adi Shimbruh 1421'/3836' 1535 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEM91 Adi Shimti (Adi Scimti) 1237'/3938' 1607 m 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
HEU93 Adi Shingwala (A.Scinguala, A.Sciagualo), see Shugala
HET69 Adi Shisha 1313'/3918' 1927 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET88 Adi Shisha 1328'/3915' 1878 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEU60 Adi Shisha 1312'/3921' 2073 m, near code HET69 13/39 [Gz]
HEU31 Adi Shoh (A. Shoho, A. Shahu, A. Shu) 12/39 [Gz]
1256'/3931' 2435 m
adi shum kidus (A,T) land of the holy leader
HEL99 Adi Shum /Kidus/ (Addi Scium Cheddus) 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1234'/3920' 2158 m
HET.. Adi Shumbolo (Adi Sciumbolo) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HES45 Adi Sige (A. Sighe) 1305'/3800' 2089 m 13/38 [+ Gz]
HER88 Adi Siknias (A. Sicnias) (mountain) 13/37 [+ Gz]
1328'/3724' 2466 m
HFC08c Adi Siknius (Adi Sicnius) (mountain) 2975 m 13/37 [+ Gu]
HFC28 Adi Sogwadi (A. Soguadi) 1348'3722' 1526 m, 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Adi Remet
HEM31 Adi Sokona (Addi Socona) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HFD47 Adi Sudi Giyorgis (church) 1358'/3811' 13/38 [Gz]
adi tak..: takar (Som) 1. horse-fly, camel-fly;
2. hobble a camel
HFC36 Adi Takar (A. Tacar) (area & place) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1352'/3713' 1870 m, see under Kafta
HET89 Adi Tan (A. T'an, A. T'ar) 1328'/3916' 1927 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE38c Adi Tegemmes (Addi Teghemmes) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE55 Adi Tegemmes (/Adi/ Teghemmes), see Belaito
HET98 Adi Tehetsiy 1331'/3914' 1922 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFD86 Adi Teklom 1421'/3809' 1832 m 14/38 [Gz]
JDH71 Adi Terara 0946'/4134' 951 m 09/41 [Gz]
HFE61 Adi Terekbe 1411'/3834' 1845 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE55 Adi Tesfo 1403'/3854' 1848 m 14/38 [Gz]
HER78 Adi Tewelde Medhin (A. Tuoldemedhin) 13/37 [LM WO Gz]
1322'/3724' 2248 m
adi tigre, land of Tigre people?
HET78 Adi Tigre 1314'/3921' 2305 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HEU30 Adi Togora, see Adi Tsegura, also Tegora
HFE83 Adi Tsagamati (Adi Tzagamati) 1494 m 14/38 [+ WO]
HFE83 Adi Tsaida (A. Ts'a'ida) 1421'/3846' 1688 m 14/38 [Gz]
?? Adi Tse Tser (small village near Tigray border) ../.. [x]
HET57 Adi Tsegibna (Eila) 1310'/3908' 1628 m, 13/39 [Gz]
see under Samre
HEU30 Adi Tsegura (Adi Togora, Togora) 13/39 [Ad WO Wa Gz]
1306'/3927' 2184 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), cf Tegora
HFE.. Adi Tsehafi, see Adi Sehafi
HFE27 Adi Tseri (Addi Zubbaha) 1346'/3909' 1805 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
(with small Italian fort)
HFE17 Adi Tsire (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Temben churches
HEU44 Adi Tuat (A. T'u'at) 1304'/3944' 2355 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE46 Adi Una (Addi Una, Adi Homa) 13/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1359'/3904' 1750, 1919 m
HEM83 Adi Uochi, see Adi Woki
HFE08 Adi Uorche, see Adi Worke
adi ur: ur (Som) 1. air movement, wind direction; 2. smell;
uur (Som) pregnancy; belly
HFE01 Adi Ur 13/38 [WO]
HEM81 Adi Washo 1232'/3926' 2606 m or /3927' 2736 m 12/39 [Gz]
HES98 Adi Wasini (Addi Uasini, Adi Uosini, A. Uoseni) 13/38 [+ WO It Gu]
(local centre) c1600 m
HEM61 Adi Wattat (recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
adi wek.: wekka (wäqqa) (A) thresh,
beat grain with a stick
HEM81 Adi Weka 1230'/3930' 2479 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE98 Adi Wekai (A. Wek'a'i, A. Weqai) 14/39 [Gz q]
1423'/3913' 2153 m
HFD58 Adi Wenfito, see Inda Silase
HFE18 Adi Wereh 1342'/3915' 2316 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEU43 Adi Werhi 1306'/3940' 2483 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFD76 Adi Weyno 1415'/3805' 1605 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEM83 Adi Woki (A. Uochi, A. Wok) (recorded in 1868) 12/39 [+ Gz 18]
1230'/3938' 1459 m
adi worke, (O) village of gold; werki (werqi) (T) gold
HFE08 Adi Worke (Adi Uorche) 1334'/3912' 2247 m 13/39 [+ Gu Gz]
HFF80 Adi Yad (near Adigrat) 1418'/3926' 2910 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFD17 Adi Zahilay 1342'/3810' 1296 m 13/38 [Gz]
HET56 Adi Zeliya (Adi Zelai, Adi Zelei) (area), 13/39 [LM WO Gu]
see under Abergele
HFF82 Adi Ziban Gebriel (church) 1420'/3933' 14/39 [Gz]
HFK16 Adi Zibay 1438'/3809' 1406 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE28 Adi Zubbaha (Addi Z.), see Adi Tseri
HEM92 Adiabo, see Adi Abo
HE... Adiansen Weleh 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Weleh sub-disttrict)
?? Adibi (historical village in Lasta) 12/39? [x]
adibor.: boru, booruu (O) muddy /liquid/;
borru (O) east; morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning;
boru (A) ox having a blaze
JEA88 Adiboru (area) 11/40 [WO]
?? Adichewu (in Tigray at main northern road), ../.. [n]
cf Adi Chewa
-- Adicho, a caste group of potters living among Sidamo people
HCK19c Adicho (Adiccio) (market) 06/38 [+ Gu]
JF... Adidagad (Salt Valley), see under Dalol
HCD78 Adido 0608'/3818' 2760 m 06/38 [Gz]
HFC48 Adiero (Amba Adiero, Adi Fro) 14/37 [Gz]
1402'/3721' 1272 m
HFE22 Adiet (area), cf Addiet 13/38 [WO]
HF... Adiet wereda (centre in 1964 = Idaga Silus) 14/38? [Ad]
adiga, a shrub from which traditional type of toothbrush can be cut
JDJ51 Adiga 0933'/4146' 1267 m 09/41 [Gz]
adigad..: dima, diima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
3. baobab tree (large), Adansonia digitata
H.... Adigadima (ctr in 1964 of Dima Sekota sub-district) 13/38 [Ad]
H.... Adigagra (centre in 1964 of Boza sub-district) 13/37? [Ad]
adigala: addagalla (Som) border of Oromo
JDR57 Adigala (Adi Gala, Adagalla, Adagala, Addagalla) 10/42 [MS Po WO Gu]
(Addigala, Adagaleh, Addagella) 10/42 [Gz Ad x]
(Adigele, Adigällé) (railway station)
Gz: 1025'/4214' 770 m; MS: 1022'/4209' = JDR46, 781 m
Also sub-district & its centre in 1964.
HFF71 Adigrat (Adi Grat) 1417'/3928' 2409/2457, 3249 m 14/39 [Gz Br Gu Po]
(Addi Grat, Adikrat, Attegerat) 14/39 [18]
Centre at least 1964-1987 of Agame awraja &
in 1964 of Genta Afeshum wereda & of Genahitie sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3.. Baati (Ba'ati)
4.. Adi Yad
5.. Enda Abuna Aragawi (E. A. Aragaui) (church)
7.. Info
?? Amba Dokwanya (A. Doquania, A. Dongonia)
?? Amba Andiel 3243 m
?? Seeta (pass)
?? Gebriel Tsilalmao (rock-hewn church near road to Mekele)
?? Zeban Sifra (mountain) 2601 m
?? Mugulat (army communications centre)
2E Mai Masano (waterhole)
5E Guala (Gwala, Gouala, Goli'a)
(with old Catholic mission) 2409 m
5E Golaw (Golao) 2409 m
8E Biet Hosannes (with rock-hewn church)
7SE Sait (Saet, Si'it) (with rock-hewn church Maryam) =/?/ Seeta (pass)
4S Mayaba (with rock-hewn church Mayaba Samuel)
5S Adi Abiet (A. Abiel) (with rock-hewn church)
6SW Alekwa (Alequa) amba 3290 m, pass c3010 m
6N Imba Iwir (Megheb) (village) 2482 m
8N Kerseraw (Cherseber, Kirsaba) 5 or 8 km north
(village with Mikael Kirsaba rock-hewn church), pass 2510 m
HFF71 Adigrat wereda (-1994-) 14/39 [n]
HEU62 Adigudem, see Adi Gudom
HFE.. Adiha (small village not far from Abiy Adi) 13/39 [n]
HFC47 Adihrdi, see Adi Hirdi
JED03 Adinj, see Agin
HCA78 Adikas (Adicas) (small village) 06/35 [Ca WO Gu Gz]
0603'/3532' 1579 m
HEH70 Adikeir, J. (hill) 12/35 [WO]
?? Adikutu (on the Mereb-Belesa front) ../.. [20]
ruled in 2002 that it shall be Ethiopian and not Eritrean
HEL79 Adil Badir 1224'/3920' 2235 m, near code HEM70 12/39 [Gz]
HFF00 Adilal (Adlal) 1339'/3921' 1872 m 13/39 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 Imini Inklalo sub-district)
HBL59 Adilli 0405'/3920' 1255 m 04/39 [WO Wa Gz]
HFE70 Adiltai (Adiltal) 1494 m 14/38 [Gu WO]
HF... Adimtsu (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38 [Ad]
adin (A) 1. to heal, make well again; 2. to hunt
Adina, 'she has saved', an Amharic female name
HEJ06c Adina (island in south-west lake Tana) 11/37 [Ch]
JED03 Adinj, see Agin
Adino, 'ornament in Hebrew', a personal name from early Christianity
HDK63 Adino 0939'/3748' 2536 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEE88c Adino (recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HEM02 Adiof Uaha, see Adef Wiha
Adis.., cf Addis..
Adis, also occurring as a male personal name
HDE83 Adis 0857'/3846' 2165 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEL89 Adis 1231'/3917' 2572 m 12/39 [Gz]
adis alem (A) new world
HDD99 Adis Alem (town), see Addis Alem
HDL85 Adis Alem kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in the middle of westernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda;
area 1,431 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM55 Adis Alem kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda at its eastern border,
8-12 km east of Ankober town; area 1,417 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU17 Adis Alem kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the narrow south-easternmost Efrata & Gidim wereda,
25 km south of Efeson; area 1,401 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF05 Adis Alem kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Kalu wereda, near Harbu to its north-east
and 14 km south-east of Kombolcha; area 1,444 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL83 Adis Amba 0949'/3845' 2656 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT54 Adis Amba 1028'/3852' 1969 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT98 Adis Amba 1050'/3913' 2986 m 10/39 [Gz]
HED83 Adis Amba 1140'/3748' 2141 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEE69 Adis Amba 1124'/3919' 2821 m, near Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HEF94 Adis Amba 1141'/3946' 1464 m 11/39 [Gz]
JDH14 Adis Amba 0909'/4105' 2488 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDM53 Adis Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in the north-easternmost corner of Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
15 km south-east of Debre Birhan; area 1,498 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT51 Adis Amba kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in north-west Wegdi wereda at its western border,
30 km south-east of Mekane Selam; area 3,672 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT54 Adis Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching north-east/south-west in south-western Kelala wereda;
area 4,302 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HDU84 Adis Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle at the northern border of Gishe Rabel wereda,
16 km north-east of Were Ilu; area 2,696 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
adis guru: guru (O) 1. to pile, to stock; 2. assemble, gather together
JEB68 Adis Guru (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDF42 Adis Hiywet, see Addis Hiwot
adis kabi: kaabi (Som) vicinity, nearness; qaabi (Som) put in order;
kaabii (O) mound; grain stack; kabi (O) 1. stone enclosure;
2. guaranty; kabi, qabi (O) hold, catch, move;
kabbi (O) hale, large white pearls; kabie, qabye (A) land, possession;
kabi (Afar) leopard
HDL95 Adis Kabi 09/38 [LM]
HEC23 Adis Kidame, see Addis Kidam
HEM54 Adis Kiny 1215'/3944' 2111 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDH93 Adisa 0957'/3603' 1091 m 09/36 [Gz]
HEJ06 Adiscia, see Angata, cf Adishe
HDL83 Adisge (Addisghie) 0951'/3846' 1999 m 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
(with church Giyorgis), see under Fiche
HES39 Adisge (Addisge, Addisghie) 1300'/3820' 1735 m 13/38 [Gz En]
HDM83 Adisge kebele (Adisgé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
18 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 655 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE98 Adisge kebele (Adisgé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in nearly easternmost Meket wereda,
25 km north of Wegel Tena; area 4,438 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ06 Adisha (Adiscia) 1797 m 11/37 [+ WO]
HEK87 Adishe (Adiscia) 1231'/3812' 1770 m, 12/38 [Gz Wa WO]
cf Adi Shahu
HEK87 Adisho (meteorological station) 1233'/3810' 2500 m 12/38 [x]
?? Adislem (=Addis Alem? probably Adi Selam)
(Felasha village)
JDH37 Adisu Karamile 0923'/4121' 2249 m 09/41 [Gz]
HFF72 Adisuba (mountain) peak c3000 m 14/39 [18]
HFE65 Adiwa Geter, see Adwa sub-district/wereda
HCP09 Adiy, cf Addiya 07/36 [x]
-- Adiya, traditionally a Gurage area
-- Adiya language (Adiye), see Hadiya
HCP09 Adiya (in Kefa awraja) 0717'/3634' 2120 m 07/36 [Ad Gz]
adiya k..: kaka, qaaqaa (O) 1. soot;
kakaa 2. oath, agreement; qaaqa (O) talk;
kakka, qaqqa (A) 1. stretch out a skin to dry;
2. want passionately; kaka (Harar) maternal uncle
HCP.. Adiya Kaka 07/36 [20]
adiya m..: michire, mich'iree (O) 1. maize germ; 2. gland
HDH17 Adiya Michire 0912'/3624' 1582 m 09/36 [Gz]
HFE08 Adiyam Giyorgis (church) 1335'/3911' 13/39 [Gz]
HD... Adjana Mikael, see Ajana Mikael
HCS09 Adje, see Aje
?? Adjeln, see Ajeln
H.... Adkeyih (sub-district & its centre in 1964), 13/39 [Ad]
cf Adi Keyih
JEJ78 Adla 1229'/4223' 1474 m 12/42 [n]
HFF00 Adlal, see Adilal
HEL97 Adliya 1236'/3908' 2251 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDL73 Adlochi 0945'/3845' 2735 m 09/38 [Gz]
H.... Admara (on map of 1814) 13/39 [18]
admas (A) horizon; Admase, a male personal name
HER08 Admase 1243'/3721' 1826 m 12/37 [Gz]
adme ts..: tsehay (A) sun
HET88 Adme Tsehay 1324'/3914' 1978 m 13/39 [Gz]
ado (O) potter; (Afar) white; adoo (Som) father, old man
HBK55 Ado 0404'/3757' 886 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
HBK55 Ado (with seasonal waterhole) 04/38 [LM WO]
HCJ72 Ado 0701'/3649' 1224 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDL54 Ado 0932'/3853' 2658 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL55 Ado 0933'/3854' 2634 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCT14 Ado 0722'/4346' 878/916 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
JDK39c Ado (village near Marda pass) (JDK31?) 09/42 [Mi]
KCH72 Ado (Balli) 0705'/4554' 515 m 07/45 [Gz WO]
KCH81 Ado (same as the preceding one?) 07/45 [WO]
KCN04 Ado 0719'/4510' 671 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
ado ale: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JEH40 Ado Ale (hill) 1210'/4042' 12/40 [WO Gz]
ado bad: baad (Som) 1. good pasture; 2. tribute, tax;
3. wing; bad (Som) 1. sea, ocean; 2. compel, be to blame;
badh (Som) half
JEB37 Ado Bad (area) 11/41 [WO]
JCP88 Ado Gilo (Ado Ghilo) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
?? Adobada (lake), see Gemeri
JEC71 Adobogu (area) 11/41 [WO]
adobona: bona, boonaa (O) carefree and proud /man/;
(A,O) dry season
HEU43 Adobona, see Wagaade
JDP11c Adoda (small crater) 10/40 [Gu]
J.... Adodagad (Salt Valley), see under Dalol
JEH84 Adoddahara (=Adoda Hara?) (plain) 12/41 [Ne]
adodu..: duwa, duwwa (O) alone, empty, tasteless, dull
HEU31 Adoduwa 1253'/3929' 3516 m 12/39 [Gz]
JEP72 Adoeyo (Adoeio) 1323'/4052' -63m, below sea level 13/40 [LM WO Gz]
HD... Adofo (village on Wellega side of Abay river) 10/36? [n]
JFA06 Adogura (plain) 1333'/4024' 13/40 [Ne WO Gz]
HDK15 Adokelie, see Gute Shemela
-- Adola, name of a unit of Somali now found (1980s) in
the north-east province of Kenya
HCE56 Adola, see Kibre Mengist
JEC41 Adola 1148'/4142' 846 m 11/41 [WO Gz]
(with spring, near lake Abbe)
HCL02 Adola sub-district? (-1997-) 06/38 [n]
HB... Adola & Wadera wereda (Adolana Wadera ..) 05/39? [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 66 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HCL02 Adola wereda (centre in 1964 = Bore) 06/38 [Ad]
(centre = Kibre Mengist from 1991)
adole (O) brown or red cow
HBK83 Adole, G. (rock top) 04/37 [WO]
-- Adona language (extinct), see Rer Bare
adona: adone, correctly addon (Som) a word for slave
applied to the Dube and Shabeli ethnic groups
JCM40 Adona (Addon), see under Kebri Dehar 06/44 [LM WO]
GDF71 Adonado, T. (hill) 08/34 [WO]
HD... Adoro (centre in 1964 of Joro sub-district), cf Adere 09/38 [Ad]
HDE65 Adorra, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
JCC69 Adot 0603'/4227' 614 m 06/42 [WO Gz]
adota (Konso) mythological name of the sun
HEM91 Adota 1239'/3931' 2786 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE65 Adowa, see Adwa
HEF11 Adoy kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Dese Zuriya wereda,
26 km south-west of Dessie town; area 1,427 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB11 Adoyta (Adoita) (area) 725 m 10/40 [+ WO]
HFC.. Adrafe, south of Humera 14/36 [20]
HFC18 Adremet, see Adi Remet
adu, aduu (O) 1. solar heat, bright sun; 2. knife; addu (Afar) white
JDP83 Adu (mountain range) 10/41 [WO]
JEJ03 Adu (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEN73 Adu (hill) 1319'/4003' 1015 m 13/40 [WO Gz]
adu b..: bariya (A,T) slave;
(A) a kind of fish with fine bones
HEM84 Adu Bariya 1233'/3944' 1705 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE65 Adua, see Adwa
JDS32 Aduda Daburet (area) 10/42 [WO]
HCA57 Adukas (area) 05/35 [WO]
adula (O) /senior/ councilor within the gada system
HDE45 Adulala 0832'/3854' 1694 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDF30 Adulala (Adullalo) 0829'/3918' 1632 m 08/39 [Gz Ad WO]
(with church Maryam to the south)
(centre in 1964 of Cherra sub-district)
HDJ16 Adulan (place) 0913'/3709' 2402 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ16 Adulan (Adula) (mountain) 0913'/3710' 2492 m 09/37 [Gz WO]
adun (Som) kind of much-branched undershrub, Suaeda fruticosa;
adduun (Som) 1. wealth; 2. world
JEC51 Adun (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEC63 Adur (village) 11/36 [Gu]
JCE00 Adur 05/43 [WO]
GDE24c Adura (mission station near Sudan) 08/33 [x]
aduri: adurri, adurre, adurree, adurro (O) cat /domestic/ or
wild cat, Felis lybica ochreata; adri (T) Brassica carinata,
Brassica integrifolia
HEC63 Aduri Maryam (Aduri Mariam, Ahuri M.) 11/36 [+ WO It]
(church) 2020 m
HEC63 Aduri Mikael (with church) 11/36 [+ It]
HDR65 Advakel 1035'/3707' 1827 m 10/37 [Gz]
HED84 Adwa 1138'/3756' 2436 m 11/37 [Gz]
HFE65 Adwa (Adua, Adowa, Aduwa, 'Adawa) 14/38 [Gz WO Ro x]
1410'/3854' 1883/1907 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
?? Endiet Nebersh (E. Nebersc, former Fremona) 1981 m
see directly under Endiet Nebersh for historical Fremona
?? Mai Kwolla (M. Quolla) (valley) 2130 m
?? Kidane Mihret (Chidane Meret) (mountain) 2524 m
?? Belaito (Adi Teghemmes) 2053 m
3E Tsarait (village) 2223 m
5E Atzina
8E Abba Gerima (A. Gherima, A. Garima) (w monastery) 2011, 2546 m
9SE Tekle Haymanot (Tecle Aimanot) (church) 2180 m
4N Soleda (Sullodo, Scelloda) (mountain) 2150, 2484 m
7N Adi Abun (A.Abuna, Addi Abun) (village, small church) 1900 m
10NE Semayata (Semaiata) (mountain) 3013/3024 m
JDP11 Adwa (Aabida, Amoissa, Dabita) (crater) 10/40 [Gz 20]
1004'/4050' 1481 m
?? Adwa Adame (visiting postman under Jimma distr.) ../.. [Po]
HFE67 Adwa awraja 1410'/3910' 14/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1987 = Adwa)
HFE65 Adwa Gult wereda (centre in 1964 = Adwa) 14/38 [Ad]
HFE65 Adwa wereda 14/38 [n Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 32 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
HEM92 Adyabo, see Adi Abo
HEB81c Aebin (area) 11/35 [Mi]
HFE.. Aedat (at some distance from Aksum) 14/38 [x]
HC... Aego Dengego (village) 07/38 [x]
between Aego and Kersa, in the 1980s within Munesa wereda
JDS81 Aeluin, see Awelwin
HET09 Aero 1242'/3915' 2187 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCR67c Aetu 07/37 [x]
below Tottobi waterfall in Gibe river south of Gabbara.
Name and location are given on G. Montandon's map of 1913.
af (A,T) mouth, beak, language; opening, inlet; (Som) 1. mouth,
beak; 2. well; assa (language?) red
JEB10c Af Assa (valley) 650 m, cf Affaseyta 10/40 [Gu]
af ga..: gaga, gagaa (O) beeswax
HFE50 Af Gaga (Afgaga, Afgah'gah, Afgh'gah) 14/38 [Gz WO Gu n]
1407'/3830' pass c2100 m
HFE.. Af Genya (Af Ghenia) 14/39 [+ Gu]
JCS60 Afadda (Affada) (salt waterhole) 0752'/4231' 07/42 [Gz WO Wa]
JCS70 Afadda (Affada) (fresh waterhole) 07/42 [WO Wa]
afaf (A) brink of a cliff, hilltop, ridge-line
HDU40 Afaf 1022'/3920' 2636 m 10/39 [Gz]
HE... Afaf (Affaff) (village) 11/37 [20]
JBU62 Afaf Badane 0504'/4432' (with seasonal waterhole) 05/44 [WO Gz]
HCE56 Afaf Lai (Afaflai) 0559'/3857' 2097 m 05/38 [+ Gz]
afaf weyra (A) olive cliff
?? Afaf Weyra (Affaf Woira), with old monastery ../.. [+ Ha]
HEM34 Afafa kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Kobo wereda, 15 km south-southeast
of Kobbo town; area 7,872 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HEE86 Afagua, see under Bete Hor 11/39 [WO]
afah: afa (A) short sword; affa (A) kind of cereal
JED11 Afah (area) 10/42 [WO]
JBR35 Afaisi 0450'/4207' 233 m 04/42 [Gz]
?? Afaker sub-district (-1997-), cf Afker ../.. [n]
HBS09 Afalata 0434'/3820' 1551 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
HCP56 Afallo (Affalo) (recorded in 1859) 07/36 [WO Gu 18 Gz]
0741'/3620' 2102 m
Coordinates would give map code HCP57
JEN33 Afalu, see Afulu
HCK91 Afama (market) 0709'/3738' 07/37 [Gu Gz]
JEC61 Afambo (Affambo, Afembo) (town) 11/41 [Gz Ad WO 20]
1128'/4142' 346, 582 m, 30 km from Asaita
MS: lake at 1120'/4140' which would give map code JEC50
Gz: lake at 1125'/4141'

JEC61 Afambo wereda (-1964-2000-) 11/41 [Ad]

(centre in 1964 = Afambo)
-- Afan Mao language, see Kwama
afar: afer (A) soil, dust, earth;
affar (A) shy, embarassed;
-- Afar (Adal in Amharic, Dankali), ethnic group in the eastern lowlands
-- Afar language (Afar Af), related to Saho
HFF71 Afar (recorded in 1868), see under Adigrat 14/39 [18]
JBH93 Afar Dogut (locality) 0429'/4102' 04/41 [WO Gz]
afar ma..: meshe (A) become evening, get dark
HEC28 Afar Masha (Afar Macia) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
?? Afarare (in southern Ethiopia) ../.. [x]
HFE58 Afarit (waterhole) 14/39 [WO]
afas de..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HFF84 Afas Dega (mountain) 1421'/3945' 1209 m 14/39 [WO Gu Gz]
afata (O) 1. bed; 2. sperm, semen; afato (O) kind of
massive-looking tree, Schefflera abyssinica
HCR56 Afata (Cegalo Afata) 0747'/3712' 1655 m 07/37 [Gz]
Name and location were first given on G. Montandon's map of 1913.
HCR81 Afata, see Afeta
JCT75 Afcadare, see Afkadare
JCD06 Afchehasle, see Afkehasle
HEF53 Afda, see under Hayk 11/39 [WO]
JDH51 Afdab (Afdub), see Afdem, G., cf Afdub
afdega: afdege (T) door, gate, entrance
JCE71 Afdega 0604'/4330' 302 m 06/43 [WO Wa Gz]
JDH43 Afdem (Afdam, Afdeni) 09/41 [Gz Ne Gu Wa]
0928'/4100' 1037/1139 m
Railway station, sub-post office; centre in 1964
of Afdem sub-district & Afdem wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Ayagi (Aiaghi) (area)
10SW Dalladu (at the railway) 1149/1268 m
7N Yaben (Gara Iaben) (area) 1069 m
10NE Nyata Karaba (Niata Caraba) (area) 1745 m
JDH51 Afdem, G. (Afdam, Afdab, Afdub) 09/40 [WO Ne Gu Gz]
(mountain) 0930'/4050' 1958/2048/2070 m
JDH43 Afdem sub-district (-1964-1997-) (ctr = Afdem) 09/41 [Ad n]
HD... Afdem Shenano sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mulo) 09/38? [Ad]
JDH43 Afdem wereda (centre = Afdem) 09/41 [Ad]
in the Somali region
JBR47 Afder 0459'/4215' 328 m 04/42 [Gz]
JBR68 Afder 0513'/4211' 312 m 05/42 [Gz]
JBR.. Afder wereda 05/42 [20]
JCD03c Afder Zone, divided into seven weredas 05/42 [En]
from 1991 approximately same as the former El Kere awraja
JEP53 Afdera, see Afrera
JEP67 Afdera (mountain) 13/41 [WO x Gz]
1314'/4125' 2224 m or Gz: 1315'/4128' = JEP68, 465 m
JEP.. Afdera (lake with much salt) 13/41 [n]
JEP.. Afdera wereda (Afdeera ..) (-1990s-) 13/41 [n 20]
afdub, afduub (Som) abduction, kidnapping
KCG53 Afdub (Atdub /Kure/) (waterhole) 06/45 [WO Gu Gz]
0649'/4505' 580 m
afe nigus (afänigus) (A) "king's mouth", president of
the Supreme Court
HDD97 Afe Nigus 0901'/3812' 2138 m, see u. Welenkomi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HE... Afela, on the route to Metemma 12/36 [x]
JEC61 Afembo, see Afambo
HED53 Afenkir (Afenk'ir, Afenqir) 1122'/3748' 2155 m 11/37 [Gz q]

afer (afär) (A) soil, dust, earth; ashes

HDT36 Afer Bayne kebele (Afär Bayné ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central western Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
near Rema to its south-east; area 1,842 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
afera (afära) (A) be fruitful, be fertile;
affere (affärä) (A) remain fruitless /farm land/; to be modest,
shy, ashamed
HED81 Afera Wanat, see Afere Wanat
HET66 Aferas (area) 13/39 [WO]
HDM64 Aferbaini (Aferbeine) (shrub area), see u. Ankober 09/39 [Gu Ha]
HDM54 Aferbayne Tekle Haymanot (church, small village) 09/39 [En]
afere: affere (affärä) (A) remain fruitless /farmland/;
to be modest, shy, ashamed
HED81 Afere Wanat (Afärä .., Afera Uanat) (area) 11/37 [20 Ch WO]
HEL81 Afersa 1230'/3833' 1927 m 12/38 [Gz]
aferub..: uuba (O) weeds, unwanted plants; uba (O)
knowledge of someone's whereabouts, etc.
HEL38 Aferuba 1202'/3914' 2603 m 12/39 [Gz]
H.... Aferwanat, see Lai Aferwanat, Tach Aferwanat
GCT43 Aferwang 0740'/3345' 304 m 07/33 [Gz]
HDU75 Afeso (Amoscia) 1040'/3946' 2022 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HDU74
JEA12 Afeso 1057'/4000' 1484 m 10/40 [Gz]
afeta: afetta (afätta) (A) flow abundantly, especially blood;
affate (A) snake
HCR81 Afeta (Afata) 1852 m, same as Sappa? 07/36 [Ad WO 18]
?? Afeta Shaye (visiting postman under Jimma distr.) ../.. [Po]
HCS76c Afeta wereda (centre in 1964 = Dimtu) 07/37 [Ad]
afet..: washa (A) cave
HDM83 Afetemem & Metaf Washa kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Afät'ämäm & Mät'af .. ..)
at the middle of the northern border of Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
15 km north of Debre Birhan town; area 1,326 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED52 Afeyi 1120'/3745' 2115 m 11/37 [Gz]
JDJ26 Afezero 0914'/4211' 1445 m, near Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HDT06 Afezez (with church) 0958'/3858' 2108 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT06 Afezez & Kwat kebele (Afäzäz & Qwat ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the south-eastern border of Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda in its southern part,
10 km south of Alem Ketema; area 1,472 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCS60 Affada, see Afadda, cf Afeda & JCS70
-- Affaff, see Afaf
HCP56 Affalo, see Afallo
JEH11 Affalu (area), cf Afulu 11/40 [WO]
JEC61 Affambo, see Afambo
affar angu: ango (O) physical strength
JDP02 Affar Angu (area) 942 m 09/40 [WO]
JEP23c Affara Dara (mountain) 12/40 [20]
JEB00 Affaseyta (Affaseita) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
HEF60c Affijo (plateau south-east of Mekdela) 11/39 [Pa]
JDJ54 Affratu, see Afretu
-- Afgab, traditionally an Oromo area
HFE50 Afgaga, see Af Gaga
HEU71c Afgol (plain) 13/39 [Gu]
HEU72 Afgol Giyorgis (A. Ghiorghis, Enda Ghiorghis Afgol) 13/39 [+ Gz It]
1319'/3935' 2075 m, see also under Amba Aradam
HEU.. Afguol (village) 13/39 [18]
HEU43 Afhitsa (near Debub) 1305'/3941' 2412 m 13/39 [Gz]
JEN64 Afido (area) 13/40 [WO]
JCD21 Afier Addo, see Afyer Addo & KBN52
KCG75 Afieraddo, see Afyer Addo
JBS52 Afiere, see Afyere 05/42
-- Afillo, Affillo, an ethnic group between the Baro and the Abay
GDF13 Afillu (area) 0825'/3439' 1254 m, 08/34 [WO Gz]
see under Gambela
Coordinates would give map code GDF23
afilo (T) kind of thorn tree, Acacia nilotica
HEK36 Afir, see Azer
HCT42 Afjada (lake), see Abyata
JDK78 Afka (area) 09/43 [WO]
JCT75 Afkadare (Afcadare) 0754'/4335' 908 m 07/43 [+ WO Gz]
-- Afke ek Maad, a dominating sub-tribe in Awsa
JCD06 Afkehasle (Afchehasle) 05/43 [+ WO]
JBS50c Afker 05/42 [x]
HD... Afkera (Afqera, Afqara, Afdqära, Afcara) 10/39 [n x 18]
(mountain in Menz) 2800 m
HEE24 Afkera (Afk'era) (locality) 1106'/3852' 2798 m 11/38 [Gz]
HFE29 Afkera (Afk'era) (locality) 1349'/3921' 1991 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDT82 Afkera kebele (Afqära ..) 11/38 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Sayint wereda,
12 km north-east of Ajibar; area 5,587 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU21 Afkera kebele (Afqära ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at its border,
18 km west- northwest of Molale; area 1,355 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM30 Afkera Maryam (.. Afk'era ..) (church) 1204'/3925'
HED80 Afkire (Afk'ire, Afqire) 11/37 [Gz q]
1138'/3730' 2111 m, near map code HEC89
afla (A) moment when in full vigour, youthfulness
?? Afla (or Wofla?), battle site near lake Ashenge ../.. [20]
aflata: afleta (A) small waterskin; aflete (aflät'ä) (T) to announce
HBT93 Aflata (valley & place) 0520'/3842' 1227 m 05/38 [WO Mi Gz]
afmer, afmeer (Som) edge, rim
JDF61 Afmer (wide area) 08/44 [WO]
JDE58 Afmerka (area) 08/44 [WO]
JDN67 Afodella (hill) 1027'/4026' 10/40 [Ne Gz]
GDU35 Afodo (Afodu, Afoda) 1014'/3439' 1503 m 10/34 [Gz WO Gu]
GDU54c Afodu Belmaguha sub-district 10/34 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Menge)
GDU30 Afokashe (Afocasce) 10/34 [+ WO]
GDU.. Aforso (village near Sudan) 1300 m 10/34 [x]
afoura: afura (O) breath; afur (O) four
JEJ32 Afoura (area) 12/41 [WO]
afra (T) foam, bubbles, scum
HEC33 Afra (Afra Chidane Meret), see under Dangila 11/36 [WO Gu]
?? Afradimarism (church in Gojjam ../.. [x]
HCE57 Afrara (village & forest) 0556'/3903' 1857 m, 05/39 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Kibre Mengist
?? Afras, see Ayn Feres
afrat, afrattu (eastern O) kinds of medium-sized tree,
Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei, korch, coral tree,
with ornamental red flowers turned upwards;
afrati (T) monstrous
JDC20 Afrata (area) 08/41 [WO]
JDJ74c Afratu (Affratu) (area), 09/42? [Mi]
20 km or more north-east of Dire Dawa.
HED61 Afrenjan (Afrengian) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
JEH52 Afrera (hummock, land-tied island) 13/40 [Gz]
1314'/4054' -125 m, below sea level
JEP53 Afrera /Terara/ (Afdera) (mountain) 13/41 [MS Ne WO Gz]
MS: 1312'/4100' 1200 m; Gz: 1305'/4051' = JEP42, 800 m
JEP53 Afrera (Egogi, Egoghi Bad, Lake Giulietti) (salt lake) 13/40 [Gz Ne LM]
1317'/4054, -80 m, below sea level
Coordinates would give map code JEP62
JEP71 Afrera 1318'/4049' 800 m 13/40 [n]
JEP64 Afrera Deset (European name: Franchetti Island) 13/40 [Gz WO]
1314'/4054' -125 m, below sea level
Coordinates would give map code JEP62
JDJ54 Afretu (Affratu) 0933'/4159' 1696 m 09/41 [Gz Mi]
(place & area north-east of Dire Dawa)
HFD27 Afrom (pass) 13/38 [WO]
JDH51c Afrubba (Jebel A.) (mountain recorded in 1841) 09/40 [Ha]
JCD50 Afshasle (B. Afsciasle) (area) 05/42 [+ WO]
HEF04 Afso kebele 11/39 [Ad]
stretching noarrowly north-east/sotuh-west in northern
Antsokiya & Gemza wereda; area 703 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU33 Aftenet (Aftanat) (in Menz) 1015'/3941' 3024 m 10/39 [Gz WO x]
HDU63 Aftenet kebele (Aftänät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
along the southern border of Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda
in its eastern part, 5 km south-east of Mehal Meda; area 2,495 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM31 After, see under Begi 09/34 [WO]
HFE67 Aftera (mountain) 1409'/3905' 2365 m 14/39 [Gz]
HE... Aftete, on the route to Metemma 12/36 [x]
aftin (Som) virgin land
HDL90 Aftin (Aft'in) 0954'/3825' 2203 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HEH55 Aftogoa 12/36 [WO]
HEL87 Afu 1230'/3907' 2033 m 12/39 [Gz]
JEN33 Afulu (Afalu) (mountain) 1257'/4012' 500 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
afur (O) the numeral four; afura (O) 1. breath; 2. news
HBJ85 Afurr (Gebel A., Afur) 0419'/3707' 1835, 1926? m 04/37 [WO Gz]
(mountain partly inside Kenya)
JCR39 Afwen (area) 07/42 [WO]

afyer ad..: addo, eddo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica;

addo (O) potter, class of potters; (A) killer of an elephant
JCD21 Afyer Addo (Afier Addo) (area) 05/42 [+ WO Gz]
0536'/4251' 541 m
KBN52 Afyer Addo (Afier Addo) 0504'/4459' 184 m 05/45 [+ WO Wa Gz]
Coordinates would give adjoining map code JBU57
KCG75 Afyer Addo (Afieraddo) 0700'/4514' 613 m, 07/45 [+ WO Gz]
see under Warder
JBS52 Afyere (Afiere) 0502'/4241' 394 m 05/42 [+ WO Gz]
JDK74 Ag Jogsi (Ag Giogsi) 0944'/4256' 1730 m 09/42 [+ Gz]
aga b..: boka (O) tej of good quality; bokaa, yeast;
bokka, rain; boka (A) to ferment, be rancid
/also other (A) and (O) meanings/
HBS60c Aga Boka (area) 05/37? [Mi]
H.... Aga Mender, south of Nazret 08/39? [x]
agab w..: werki (werqi) (T) gold
HFC14 Agab Werki (Agab Workei, Agab Uorchei) 13/36 [+ Wa WO Gz]
1342'/3658' 877 m
?? Agabaja (Agabja) (market) ../.. [x]
HDL06 Agabdi, see under Sendafa 09/38 [WO]
?? Agabja, see Agamja
GCT34 Agach (Agac, Agak) 0737'/3351' 306 m 07/33 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code GCT44
HCS03 Agaccia, see Angacha
HDU15 Agad & Aframba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda in its western part,
6 km west of Shewa Robit; area 437 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
agada (O) 1. sorghum; 2. sugar cane; ageda (agäda) (A) tube,
hollow stalk, stem, cane; aggede (aggädä) (A) tended a
domestic herd, hindered, stopped
HCM82c Agada 07/39 [Wa]
agada arba (O) kind of tall forest tree, Canthium giordanii
JDR57 Agadala (at the railway), incorrect for Adigala 10/42 [x]
agafra: aggafari (A) one who introduces guests, usher
HCU05 Agafra, see Agarfa
JDJ79 Agaggar (area) 09/42 [WO]
JDK52 Agagin 0935'/4243' 1906 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK37 Agaha Kilayu (A. Calaiu) 0924'/4310' 1759 m 09/43 [+ Gz]
agaje: aggaje (A) my herdsman;
Agaje, a male personal name
HDL73 Agaje 0942'/3846' 2590 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
GCT34 Agak (Agac), see Agach
JCG63 Agal (Bale) (mountain) 0657'/4008' 3030 m 06/40 [Gz WO]
JED22 Agal (area) 11/42 [WO]
agal gu..: gudaa (O) 1. big; 2. respectable;
guda (A) injure, do damage to
HBL08 Agal Guda (Agal) (mountain) 0337'/3908' 1417 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
agalo (A) kinds of medium-sized tree, Combretum gueinzii,
C. molle; the last-mentioned has light-coloured bark but
dark-green leaves and orange edible berries;
-- Agallo were neighbours in the west to Limmu-Ennarya;
they became subject to the king of Ennarya/Enarea during
the era of Abba Bagibo 1825-1861
?? Agallo ../.. [En]
site of a battle between Kefa people and Oromo in 1540, when
the Oromo were defeated
HCP78c Agalo 07/36 [Wa]
HDC06 Agalo (Hagallo), village noth-east of Nejo 08/37 [WO x]
HDG.. Agalo, see also Agelo
HDH62c Agalo, see under Dimto 09/36 [x]
HDL80 Agalo (area) 09/38 [WO]
HDG.. Agalo Bessi, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
agalo m..: mite (Sidamo) kind of wild date palm, Phænix reclinata
?? Agalo Mite wereda, in Benishangul-Gumuz Region ../.. [20]
agam (A,T) much-branched shrub with edible dark-red sour fruits,
Carissa edulis; (O) some
HCT.. Agam, in Dalocha wereda 07/38 [n]
HEC75 Agam (with church Giyorgis) 11/37 [WO It]
HEU11 Agam 1248'/3931' 2444 m 12/39 [Gz]
agam abo: abo, see under abbo as first part of name
HEL62 Agam Abo (Abam Abo) (with church) 12/38 [LM WO]
agam ber (A) Carissa shrub pass/gate
JDG73 Agam Ber (Agamber, Agamhar) 0945'/4006' 858 m 09/40 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wailo sub-district)
HED44 Agam Dildiy, see HED44 Sabera Dildiy, or HED61 Tis Isat Dildiy?
JDK13 Agam Shleyd (Agam Scleid) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
agam wiha (A) water/stream with agam shrubs
HDM81 Agam Wiha 0950'/3927' 2632 m 09/39 [Gz]
HED34c Agam Wiha (A.Wuha, Agam Uaha) (village) 11/37 [+ Ch Gu]
HDT27 Agam & Zeyda kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, 20 km east-southeast of Rema
and adjoining Meragna on its eastern side; area 1,381 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT19 Agama 1003'/3917' 2450 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFE94 Agama 1427'/3849' 1388 m 14/38 [Gz]
HDM76 Agamber kebele (Agambär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
14-26 km east-southeast of Debre Sina; area 9,887 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU85 Agamber kebele (Agambär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Efrata & Gidim wereda,
near Majete to its south-east; area 1,769 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
agam ..: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDM54 Agamberet kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Ankober wereda, 5-8 km south
of Ankober town; area 786 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
agame (agamé) (A,T) fruitful, see also agam above;
ageme (A) to do cupping
HFF82 Agame (wide area) 1420'/3935' 14/39 [WO Gu Gz]
HFF75 Agame awraja (Agamie ..) 1415'/3950' 14/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Adigrat)
HFF71 Agame wereda/?/ (centre in 1990s = Adigrat) 14/39 [n]
HEL02 Agamek (Agamec), see under Debre Zebit 11/38 [+ WO]
HFF52 Agamet 1403'/3937' 2612 m 14/39 [Gz]
HES34 Agamgye (Agamghie) 12/37 [LM WO]
HDM86 Agamhar 09/39 [WO]
JDG73 Agamhar, see Agam Ber
JCR28 Agamidobe (area) 07/42 [WO]
HDS64 Agamina (Agamna) 1032'/3757' 2866 m 10/37 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis to the south-east)
?? Agamja (Agamdja, Agabja) ../.. [n]
plain between Weliso and Omo river
HFE67 Agamo 1409'/3906' 2123 m 14/39 [Gz]
agamsa (O) kind of shrub, see under agam above
HCR92 Agamsa (mountain) 2065 m 08/36 [WO]
HDG75 Agamsa, about 23 km east of Mendi 09/35 [x]
HEM24 Agamsa (Agamssa) 1201'/3946' 1459 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEF93 Agamsa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda, immediately
to the south-east of Mersa; area 6,952 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM24 Agamsa sub-district (Agamssa ..) 12/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Guyo)
JDJ42 Agamsa, G. (area), see under Kersa 09/41 [WO]
HDD36 Agamsha (Agamcia) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
JDA87 Agamti, G. (area) 1780 m 08/40 [WO]
HDU.. Agancha (Agäncha, Agencha, Aganche, Agantha) 10/39 [x n]
HDU63 Aganchit kebele (Aganchet ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
5 km north-east of Mehal Meda; area 933 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDT09 Agani 1001'/3419' 692 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
aganint (A) evil spirit
HDE33 Agansa (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDU.. Agantha, see Agancha
agar (T) pedestrian; bare-footed; aggar (A) alliance, helper; cf ager (A);
Agar, Hagar of the Bible
KCP76 Agar Sarara Uen, see Agarsararen
KCH61 Agar Uen, see Agere Wein
JCL59 Agar Wen (Agar Uen), see under Kebri Dehar 06/44 [+ WO]
agar win: win (A) real, true
JDE00 Agar Win (Agar Uin) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HC... Agare (Agarie) 07/36 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDL71 Agare 0943'/3835' 3169 m, cf Aggare 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCU05 Agarfa (Agarffa, Agafra) 07/39 [Gz Po WO]
0717'/3949' 2412/2439 m
HCU05 Agarfa wereda (centre in -1964-1980s- = Agarfa) 07/39 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 23 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
agaro (language?) to kill
HCR60 Agaro (Aggaro, Haggaro) 0751'/3639' 1614 m 07/36 [Gz Ca WO Gu]
(centre at least 1964-1980 of Limu awraja
& in 1964 also of Gomma wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9SE Gimbo (Ghembo, Ghembie) (village) 1674 m
9SW Bore (village in the forest of Gumay Sentema or Santamma)
10W Sajo (village) 1949 m
?? Kotta 2115 m
HDB21 Agaro, T. (Tulu Aggaro) (hill) 08/35 [WO]
HCJ62 Agarri (mountain) 0655'/3650' 1219 m 06/36 [WO Gz]
HDD99 Agarsa Lafu, cf Ejersa Lefo
KCP76 Agarsararen (Agar Sarar/a/ Uen) (well) 06/46 [Gz WO]
HEC.. Agasar, in central Gojjam 10/36 [x]
JDE22 Agassur (area) 08/43 [WO]
HEE80 Agat (Agat') 1136'/3828' 2639 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE81c Agat Maryam (A. Mariam) 11/38 [+ Gu]
with church and convent dedicated to St. Mary.
agate: agati (T) impasse; agete (agätä) (A) /cattle/
sequestrated /for grazing in one's land/; (T) come in advance;
-- Agato, an Oromo group of people, christianized by the Shewans
HCS88 Agate, see Ageta
HEC41 Agaume, see Agew Midir awraja
-- Agaw, Agew, groups of indigenous Ethiopians who speak
closely related Cushitic languages, see under spelling Agew
HEC43 Agaw .., see Agew ..
HFF45c Agawa, see Agobo
-- Agawinya language, see Xamtanga
HEE29 Agaye 1107'/3916' 3102 m 11/39 [Gz]
in Tehuledere (West) wereda (-1991-)
HED43c Agazaba, small village near the Abay river 11/37 [Ch]
agaza: aggazza (A) give land for cultivation
HED43c Agazaba (village), near the Abay river 11/37 [Ch]
agazen (agazän) (A,T) large antelope, especially greater kudu,
Tragelaphus strepsiceros; dega agazen, mountain nyala, T. buxtoni
HFC27 Agazen (mountain) 1348'/3714' 1848 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
(Agazen Amba hill at 1348'/3700'), see under Adi Remet
HDM.? Agazen Meda (with church Tekle Haymanot) 09/39? [x]
?? Agazi (Ethiopia? Eritrea?) ../.. [x]
HET96 Agbe (Agebe, Agebo, Agbo) 1333'/3903' 1585 m 13/39 [Gz Ad]
(with rock-hewn church Mikael), see under Abiy Adi
(centre in 1964 of Tankwa sub-district)
agbere (T) to enforce
HEC24 Agda Ailni (church) 11/36 [It]
JEJ00 Agdiadu (Adaghilu) (area) 1155'/4149' 11/41 [Gz WO]
HDL46 Agebane 0925'/3859' 2624 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT72 Agebar, see Ajibar & HEE48
HET96 Agebe, see Agbe
HFF44 Agebo 1358'/3946' 2865 m, cf Agbe 13/39 [Gz]
HDL99 Agegn Shola Amba kebele (Agägn .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
14 km east of Inewari; area 1,420 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HF... Agela sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adi Gola) 14/39 [Ad]
agele: aggele (aggälä) (A) 1. cut the leaves of a plant,
especially gesho; 2. relapse of illness
HEK33 Agele (Aghele), see under Yifag 12/37 [+ WO]
HET16 Agelele (Agheliele), see Chilehiyo
?? Agella (visiting postman under Jimma), cf Hagello ../.. [Po]
HDC36 Agelo 0825'/3709' 1717 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDC46 Agelo 0834'/3712' 1653 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDJ60 Agelo 0937'/3638' 1571 m 0936 [Gz]
JDJ32 Agelo 0924'/4148' 1966 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDH.. Agelo Basi (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35 [Ad]
?? Agelo Meti wereda ../.. [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 15 rural kebeles and no urban one.
JDP10 Agelu, see Ayelu
agemb..: bichu, bichuu (O) small, tiny
HDL53 Agembichu (Aghembicciu), see Gumbichu
HEM13 Agembir Gebriel (church) 1156'/3937' 11/39 [Gz]
HDT04 Agemgo 1001'/3847' 1637 m 10/38 [Gz]
-- Agemja, traditionally a Gurage area
HDD.. Agemja (Agämja) (area) 08/38 [x]
HDD26 Agemjay (Agemjai) 0820'/3805' 2161 m 08/38 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Wutinyi)
HDG28c Agemsa, cf Agamsa 09/35 [LM]
HDK29 Agemsa 0915'/3824' 2540 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL70 Agemsa 0943'/3828' 2542 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT02 Agemsa (with church) 0958'/3839' 1920 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU24 Agemsa kebele (Agämsa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
17 km north-east of Molale; area 508 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF06 Agemsa kebele (Agämsa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Kalu wereda, 5 km east of Harbu
and 20 km south-east of Kombolcha; area 4,798 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCP90 Agemti 0805'/4042' 1524 m, near map code JCN99 08/40 [Gz]
JEA13 Agemti 1101'/4004' 1511 m 11/40 [Gz]
HCS95 Agena 0808'/3801' 2375 m 08/38 [Gz x]
(centre of a sub-district in the 1960s)
HCS95c Agena wereda, see also Kuye 08/38 [n]
HDU.. Agencha, see Agancha
GCT49 Agenga 0738'/3416' 379 m 07/34 [Gz]
HED33 Agengwalya (Aghengualia), see under Mota 11/37 [+ WO]
JEA15 Ageni (Aghinni) (locality) 1055'/4014' 10/40 [Gz]
same as Aginni
ager (agär) (A) 1. land, country; 2. region, district,
landscape, rural area; 3. native land, nation, state
HCB27c Ager, volcanic mountain at a road to Bulki 05/36 [x]
HEF85 Ager (Agher) (area) 1690 m 11/39 [+ WO]
HCD92 Ager Gema 0616'/3744' 1453 m 06/37 [Gz]
HET57 Agerba 1307'/3909' 1570 m 13/39 [Gz]
H.... Agerbea (Agerbe'a) 13/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Koraro sub-district)
agere (agäre) (A) indigenous people;
agere genet (A) land of garden/paradise;
genneta (O) paradise while waiting to enter Heaven
HFD71 Agere Genet kebele (Agärä Gänät ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-western Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5-8 km south of Balchi; area 1,123 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
agere hiywet (A) country of life, Kingdom of Heaven
HDD94 Agere Hiwot (Agere Hiywet), see Ambo
agere Maryam (A) country of Mary
HCD28 Agere Maryam (Agheremariam, Alghe, Alga) 05/38 [Gz WO Gu x]
(Hagere Mariam, old name Kuku?) 05/38 [Ro]
MS 0535'/3815' = HCD18;
Gz: 0538'/3814' = HCD28, 1716/1890 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
?E Tarcha (1½ hour walk)
3SE Mirgo (village)
5SE Kappe (Kope) (valley)
10SE Kope gold placer
7S Tuta (area with wells)
10S Ifatafada (area?)
6SW Kuya (Cuia) (area)
10SW Chabbi (Cabbi) (village)
?NW Tore 1731 m
6NW Kuku (Cucu) (village, according to Italians Cucu
had been a name for Agere Maryam itself) 1826 m
8NW Gololcha (Gololcia) (river valley, road bridge)
10N Danise (village) 1924 m
6NE Dida Muri (area)
8NE Mati (village) 2083 m
HDS81 Agere Maryam (church) 1042'/3737' 10/37 [Gz]
HET.. Agere Maryam (Aghere Mariam) (area) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HDM33 Agere Maryam kebele (Agärä .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
At the middle of the eastern border of Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
22 km east-southeast of Koremash; area 1,582 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCD28 Agere Maryam sub-district? (-1997-) 05/38 [n]
HDF91 Agere Maryam sub-district (-1964-1997-) 08/39 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Dodota)
HCD28 Agere Maryam wereda (centre in 1964 = Agere M.) 05/38 [Ad]
(Hahere m. .., Hagermariam ..), at some distance from Yabelo
(-1994-) is divided into 98 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
agere merfia: marefiya (A) accommodation /where one can rest/
HDU11 Agere Merfya (Aghere Merfia) 10/39 [+ WO]
agere selam (A) country of peace, Jerusalem
HCL11 Agere Selam (Agheresalam, Hula, Hulla) 06/38 [MS WO Gu It]
(Hagere Selam, Hagara S.) 06/38 [Ad x]
0630'/3830' 2759/2829 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6SE Gara Honku (hill) 2740/2761 m
8S Abera (village) 2796 m
5N Gara Maskulli (hill) 2747 m
7NE Wollo (Uollo) (place and area)
10NE Garbicho (Garbiccio) (area)
HDU20 Agere Selam (Hagere Selam, Aghere Salam) 10/39 [+ Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Gubaya sub-district)
HCL11 Agere Selam wereda (centre in 1964 = Agere S.) 06/38 [+ Ad]
agere sisay (A) land of plenty
HDF24 Agere Sisay 0823'/3941' 2099 m 08/39 [Gz]
KCH61 Agere Wein (Agar Uen) 0654'/4545' 513 m 06/45 [MS WO Gz]
agere weyn (A) country of vine/grapes
HDT16 Agerit kebele (Agärit ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
5 km north-west of Alem Ketema; area 2,601 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBP81 Agerren (Agherren) 0517'/3552' 605 m 05/35 [+ WO Gz]
JFB12 Agerri (Agherri) 1342'4052' -88 m, below sea level 13/40 [+ WO Gz]
HCS88 Ageta (Agate) (mountain), cf Agita 08/38 [x WO]
HDB59 Ageta 0838'/3635' 1550 m, near map code HDC50 08/36 [Gz]
agete (agetä) (A) well dressed or adorned
-- Agew, Agaw, ethnic groups numbering for the Agew/Awngi about 397,491 and
for the Agew/Kamyr about 158,231 according to the 1994 census.
HEC.. Ager Awi Zone 11/36 [20]
HDR93 Agew Gimjabet (Agew Gemja Bet), see Gimjabet Maryam
?? Agew Jer (Agäw Jär) (historically recorded) 12/39? [x]
agew midir (A) land of the Agew (Agaw) people
HEC.. Agew Midir (Agaw Meder)
HEC41 Agew Midir awraja (Agaw Meder a.) 1115'/3645' 11/36 [Gz Ad n]
(Agaume awraja)
(centre at least 1963-1980 = Dangila)
HEC.. Agew Midir wereda, with Achefer district comprised 11/36 [n]
HEL28 Agewiye 1200'/3913' 2486 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM20 Agewiye kebele (Ageweyä ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Gidan wereda,
7 km west of Muja; area 2,847 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET66 Agezba (Aba Azba) 1314'/3859' 1698 m 13/38 [Gz]
HCN79 Aggai, see Aggi
JCL95 Aggare 0711'/4356' 922 m, cf Agare 07/43 [WO Mi Gz]
HCR60 Aggaro, see Agaro
HDB21 Aggaro (Tulu A.), see Agaro, T.
HCS09 Agge, see Aje
HCN79 Aggi (Agghi, Aggai) 0753'/3537' 1808 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
GDU81 Aggimedi (Agghimedi) 10/34 [+ WO]
JDE31 Aggin, see Ajjin
JCA58 Aggio Cata, see Ajjo Cata
HCH99 Aggio, see Ajjo & HCJ90
HET16 Agheliele, see Chelihiyo
HED33 Aghengualia, see Agengwalya
HEF85 Agher, see Ager
HDU11 Aghere Merfia, see Agere Merfya
HDU20 Aghere Salam, see Agere Selam
HCD28 Agheremariam, see Agere Maryam
HCL11 Agheresalam, see Agere Selam
HBP81 Agherren, see Agerren
JFB12 Agherri, see Agerri
JEA15 Aghinni, see Aginni
HCD73 Aghise, see Agise
HEK39 Aghissa, see Agisa
HEC46 Aghita, see Agita
HED51 Aghitta, see Agitta
JEC83 Aghno, see Agno
HEK29 Agia, see Aja
JDJ42 Agiafa, see Ajafa
GCU74 Agiam, see Ajam
JDJ86 Agiaua, see Ajawa
HDT72 Agibar, see Ajibar
HEK32c Agid Tekle Haymanot (Agid Takla Haimanot) 12/37 [+ Ch]
HFF12 Agida (British camp in 1868) 13/39 [18]
JED03 Agin (Adinj) 1054'/4249' 698 m 10/42 [WO Gz]
HDE63 Agindo 0841'/3842' 2036 m 08/38 [Gz]
JEA15 Aginni (Aghinni) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HDF71c Agirat kebele (Agirat' ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
6-8 km south-east of Balchi; area 965 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK39 Agisa (Aghissa, Agiza) 1204'/3822' 1824 m 12/38 [LM Gz WO Wa]
HEK39 Agisa (centre in 1964 of Meketewa sub-district) 12/38 [Ad]
west of Lalibela
HCD73 Agise (Aghise, Hagise) (island) 06/37 [+ WO Gz x]
0607'/3746' 1168/1285 m
agit (Gondar A) brother's wife
HEC46 Agita (Aghita) 11/37 [+ WO]
HED51 Agita (Aghita, Agitta, Agta, Amba Agheta) 11/37 [+ WO It]
(village and mountain) 1119'/3739' 1864 m, see also Jan Genet
HEL75 Agita (Agit'a) 1226'/3858' 2236 m 12/38 [Gz]
HED51 Agita Iyesus (Aghitta, Agh. Iasus, Agta Eyesus) 11/37 [+ Gu WO Ad]
2248/2481 m 11/37 [+ Ad]
HED51 Agita sub-district (centre in 1964 = Agita Iyesus) 11/37 [Ad]
?? Agiu, see Aju
GCT55 Agiual, see Ajiwal
HEU12 Agiura, see Jijira
H.... Agiyo (centre in 1964 of Sedi sub-district) 08/35 [Ad]
JD... Agjogsi 09/43 [18]
HEL54 Agla Mikael (A. Micael) (mission) 1214'/3848' 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
HDU85 Agla & Sanka Ber kebele (.. Sanqa Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
adjoining Majete on its southern side; area 1,681 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDF00 Agnale, see Anyale
HDR85 Agni, see Masha Kuta
JEC83 Agno (Aghno) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDJ13 Ago 0909'/3655' 1969 m or 0909'/3657' 1906 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDU13 Ago 1005'/3936' 2499 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDM.? Ago Ber (with church Kidane Mihret) 09/39? [x]
HFF45c Agobo (Agowo, Agawa) (w ancient church Cherkos) 13/39 [x]
agola: agole (T) sterile? agol (T) half-baked;
agoll (T) Withania somnifera, of the Solanaceae family
?? Agola sub-district (-1997-) 11/41? [n]
JEH18c Agola Hadedi (plain) 11/41 [Gu]
G.... Agolal 10/34 [18]
?? Agolch (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
GDU32 Agolia (Agola) 1014'/3431' 1335, 1728 m 10/34 [WO Gu Gz]
about 20 km north of Asosa
?? Agolicho ../.. [20]
HED87 Agona 1136'/3813' 3297 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE75 Agonat kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
15 km south-west of Bete Hor; area 1,122 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
agora (A) moo /as done by cows/;
agore (T) pack; (A) close a door with a bar
HET76 Agora (on map of 1814) 1321'/3901' 1656 m 13/39 [Gz]
JDP63 Agora (area) 10/40 [WO]
HFF04c Agoro (with rock-hewn church) 13/39 [x]
GDT.. Agorsha (village), in Sirekoli valley near Sudan 10/34 [x]
agot (A) outcrop; aggot (A) uncle
H.... Agot Bes sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gult Mikael)
HDL00 Agota 0907'/3826' 2536 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem, cf Ageta
-- Agow, see Agew
HDD46 Agoyabi (M. Agoiabi) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HFE39 Agoza (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
HCL40 Agraria, see Yirga Alem

JDH91 Agreli (area) 09/40 [WO]

HDU.. Agrero (Agraro, Agräro) (historically recorded) 10/39 [+ Pa]
HE... Agrit (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/38 [Ad]

HEE95 Agrit kebele 11/38 [Ad]

in central Meket wereda, 8 km north-northwest
of Filakit; area 4,520 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC46 Agta, see Agita
H.... Aguat Wuha, see Agwat Wiha
?? Aguba ../.. [20]
GDF84 Agubardi 08/34 [WO]
HDF72 Aguch & Amisas kebele (Aguch' .. ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
10-15 km east of Balchi; area 1,831 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Aguddi (near Mekele) 13/39 [n]
agudo (T) hut, shack
HEU23 Agudo (Aia) (pass) 1252'/3942' 2910 m, 12/39 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Korbeta
JDJ04 Agudol 0904'/4202' 1533 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDH06 Agudora, G. (area) 2809 m 09/41 [WO]
H.... Aguedi sub-district (Agu'edi ..) 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mai Megelta)
agul (A) awkward /place/
HFF12 Agula (Agulae, Agula-e, Agula'i, Agulaa, Agulla) 13/39 [MS Ad WO LM]
MS: 1347'/3939' = HFF23, ctr 1930/1975 m, pass 2030 m
Gz: 1341'/3935' = HFF12, village in the Mekele area
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5S Sallat (pass) 2275 m
8S Antafo (pass) 2335 m
3N Inderta (Enderta) (village) 1343'/3937' 2036 m
?? Agulcho, with postal service ../.. [20]
HDJ88 Agulla (plain) 0950'/3725' 09/37 [WO Gz]
JEH65 Agulyo (Agulio, Aguli) 1222'/4106' 668 m 12/41 [+ WO Ne Gz]
(with monumental tomb)
HDM33 Agumbar kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda at its eastern border,
17 km east of Koremash; area 1,778 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCJ29 Agume 0635'/3729' 1411 m 06/37 [Gz]
HEM92 Agumserta (Agumberta) (pass) 12/39 [Gu WO Gz]
1240'/3941' 2660 m
HE... Aguna Maryam (centre in 1964 of Tnafa sub-district) 11/38 [Ad]
GDU11 Agusa (village), see under Asosa 10/34 [Mi]
agwat wiha (A) whey water
HEM11 Agwat Wiha (Aguat Wuha) (with church Gebriel) 11/39 [Gz Ad]
1153'/3927' 2067 m
(centre in 1964 of Tikmie sub-district)
HDU14 Agwat Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
10 km east-southeast of Molale; area 706 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Agwezat, people/?/ in eastern Aksumite empire in the mid-300s
HDU11 Agwo kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
15 km west-southwest of Molale; area 2,235 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Agza sub-district (centre in 1964 = Derekwa Maryam) 10/37 [Ad]
HEJ54 Ahacha 1215'/3700' 1944 m 12/37 [Gz]
ahada: aihada (T) kind of small tree, Dovyalis abyssinica,
with strong thorns and edible but acid fruit;
ahadi (T) society; ahede (A) threshed grain /with oxen used/
HDT12 Ahada (area) 10/38 [WO]
HFC18 Ahal Amba (area), see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
KDB13 Ahalaleh (area) 680 m 08/46 [WO]
KBN.. Ahale, at the border of Somalia NE of Ferfer 05/45 [n]
JCU82 Ahamali 0758'/4432' 929 m 07/44 [WO Gz]
HEU02 Ahawi 1240'/3933' 2437 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDM.? Ahaya Amba (Ahiya ..?) (with church Meskel Yes) 09/39? [x]
JEB58 Ahayle (Ahaile) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDT29 Ahba (Doba Agher, Doba, Daba Ager) 10/39 [Gz WO LM]
1009'/3918' 2610/2623 m
HFB19 Ahd er Rafi, see Abd er Rafi
JEA39c Ahda, see Hadar 11/40 [20]
HE... Ahewa Bench, town in Cheno wereda
HDT60 Aheyo, see Ahiyo
HFE87c Ahferom wereda (Ahiferom ..) (1991-2006-), 14/39 [20]
cf Inticho wereda
HEU80 Ahilteli (Ahilt'eli) 1323'/3922' 2080 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE85 Ahisaa (Ahisa'a) 1421'/3858' 1896 m 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Gebre Menfes K'idus)
ahiya: ahiyya (A) donkey; feche (fäch'ch'ä) (A)
to grind, to reduce to powder
HDT29 Ahiyafech (Aiafecc, Ahiya Fejj, Ajafeg, Haiafegg) 10/39 [+ Gu x WO]
(steep slope,"donkey bruiser")
HED72 Ahiyafech (Ajafej) 1131'/3742' 2184 m 11/37 [+ Gz]
HEL69 Ahiyo (Aio, Ajo) 1218'/3919' 2099/2120 m 12/39 [Gz WO Gu LM]
(the older sources have Aio at HEM51)
HDT60 Ahiyo kebele (Aheyo ..) 11/38 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Sayint wereda,
20 km south-west of Ajibar; area 3,021 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Ahiyo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gomma) 10/38 [Ad]
HFE88 Ahizera 1419'/3915' 2067 m (with church Maryam) 14/39 [Gz]
JDH35 Ahmar (mountain range) 0923'/4113' 1657 m 09/41 [Gz]
GDL99 Ahmed 0955'/3419' 625 m 09/34 [Gz]
HEF15 Ahmed (Ahimed) 1058'/3950' 1984 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDH16 Ahmed Abdule 0910'/4117' 2762 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDF83 Ahmed Ager (Ahimed .., .. Agher, Alem Ager) 08/39 [Gz WO]
(Alame Agher) 0857'/3938' 1138 m
JCN82 Ahmed Asen 0800'/4003' 1453 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDJ23 Ahmed Gerada 0917'/4153' 1696 m 09/41 [Gz]
HFE42c Ahora, see Akora
H.... Ahsa sub-district (-1997-) 14/38 [n]
HFE84 Ahsaa (Ahsa'a) (mountain range) 14/38 [Gz]
1421'/3852' 1921 m
HF... Ahseo (centre in 1964 of Merhi Senai sub-district) 14/39? [Ad]
HF... Ahseo wereda (centre in 1964 = Mai Chiguna) 14/39? [Ad]
HEL09 Ahun Tegegn kebele (.. Tägägn ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Guba Lafto wereda,
30 km west of Weldiya; area 1,774 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ahun tegen (tägän) (A) now/soon shelter
HDT57 Ahun Tegeny (A. Tegent) 1026'/3905' 2073 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEM11 Ahun Tugre 1152'/3927' 2227 m 11/39 [WO Gu Gz]
HEK11c Ahun Wata (level grass-land at lake Tana) 11/37 [Ch]
HEC63 Ahuri Mariam, see Aduri Maryam
GDF95 Aia, see Aya & HEU02 HEU23 JDA74
HEU23 Aia (pass), see Agudo
KCP99 Aia Benti, see Aya Bentih
HBS71 Aiaba, see Ayaba
JBG89 Aiadegga, see Ayadega
HFB29 Aiaie, see Ayaye & HFC21
HDT29 Aiafecc, see Ahiyafech
JDH44 Aiaghe, see Ayage
JDH33 Aiaghi, see Ayagi
HFB29 Aiaie, see Ayaye & HFC21
JDC63 Aialeccia, see Ayalecha
JBN06 Aiamaccio, see Ayamacho
HEU22 Aiba, see Ayba & HFF22
HCG87 Aibara, see Aybara
HEK63 Aibasci, see Aybashi
HFF24 Aicamessal, see Haike Meskel
JDS80 Aicha, see Aysha
HFD82 Aiculita, see Aykulita
HCD34 Aicuri, see Aykuri
HER64 Aidla (area) 13/37 [WO]
JDP10 Aielu, see Ayelu
?? Aiga (Aigah) ../.. [x]
it was ruled in 2002 that Aiga shall be Ethiopian and not Eritrean
HDM.. Aigibbi, Christian village in the 1840s 09/39 [Ha]
HFC86 Aigiri, see Ayjiri
HDM23 Aiguar, see Aygwar
HEK65 Aiha 1221'/3805' 12/37 [WO Gz]
HEK66 Aiha, see Ayha
JDS30 Aiha Maccarar, see Ayha Mackarar
JEB85 Ail, see Ayl
JEN68 Aila (hill) 13/40 [Ne]
JDG55 Ailabello (recorded in 1841), with mineral well near 09/40 [Ha]
HCD02 Ailotta 0528'/3743' 984 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HEC30 Ailunjuksa (Ailungiucsa) (mountain) 11/36 [Gz]
1110'/3636' 2036 m
?? Aima (river), named Dinder within Sudan ../.. [Ch]
HCC.. Aimale, with Tsamay people 05/36 [x]
HET16 Aimbera, see Aymbera
-- Aimelel, Aimallel, name of a Gurage tribe
HDE26c Aimellele, see Aymellel
HES23 Aimesceb, see Aymesheb
HEB32 Aimica, see Aymika
H.... Aimo (A-imo) 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Chefe Mishig sub-district)
HEB40 Aimulu, see Aymulu
HEB08 Aimusa 1053'/3632' 1829 m, 75 km from Dangila 10/36 [Ch WO Gu Gz]
HEF34 Ain Amba (recorded in 1841) 1101'/3956' 11/39 [Ha Gz]
(locality), cf Aynamba
HEM91 Ain Mai (Aine M.) (recorded in 1868) 1612 m 12/39 [18 n]
HEM32 Ain Takkazye (recorded in 1868), cf Tekeze 12/39 [18]
HEL35 Aina Jesus (Aine Iesus), see Ayna Iyesus
HEL44 Aina Jesus (Aine Iesus), see Ayna
JEG97 Aina Mela, see Ayna Mela
HEM.. Ainaba, near lake Ashenge, battle site in 1542 12/39 [x]
HCG67 Ainamba, see Aynamba
HEM91 Aine Mai, see Ain Mai
HEM51 Aio, see Ajo
KCG88 Aiou 07/45 [WO]
aira (T) kind of tall tree related to ebony,
Diospyros abyssinica - but the following locations are
in southern Ethiopia and not in Tigrinya-speaking area
HCD81 Aira, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HDA96 Aira (Tullu A., hill near Yubdo) 1759 m 09/35 [WO]
HDG06 Aira (Ayra, Ayira, Areri, Eera) 09/35 [Gu Mi Gz]
(with mission) 0906'/3524' 1510/1627 m
HDM36 Airaro (Airara) 0922'/3955' 09/39 [Gz Ha]
(stream south-east of Ankober, with watermill in the 1840s)
HFC88 Aireba, see Ayreba
JEJ64 Airedudo, see Ayredudo
JEH14 Airo Bara, see Ayro Bara
HFF30 Airofeda, see Geralta churches - northern
JEC11 Airori (Airorre), see Ayrori
-- Aisa Mela, an Ado Mara tribe in the Awash valley
JEB78 Aisaita (Aissaita), see Asaita
HED72 Aiscet Mariam, see Shame Maryam
JDS80 Aiscia (Aisha), see Aysha
JED10 Aisciadele, see Ayshadele
HCF01 Aiso 0529'/3926' 1513 m 05/39 [Gz]
HCF23 Aiso Dunun, see Ayso Dunun
JEC42 Aissama, see Ayssama
HDP77c Aitanacha (ford) 10/36 [Ch]
HFE75c Aiti Udduco, see Aiti Udduko
JEH41 Aitima, see Aytima
HFC34 Aitoboko (Aitoboco) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
JEH19 Aiu Gama, see Ayu Gama
JDG73 Aiuha, see Ayuha
HDF03 Aiule, see Ayule
JDP10 Aiulloo, see Ayelu
JFB34 Aiuman (Ajuman) 1352'/4100' 323 m 13/41 [WO Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
HEK90 Aiva 12/37 [WO]
JDK78 Aiyanle (area) 1690 m 09/43 [WO]
JCG82c Aiyuba (village, in Robe wereda, 07/40 [x]
in the 1980s in Ticho wereda)
aja (O) deformed, weak, tired; ajja (O) bad, wicked, useless;
ajja (T) rye, semolina; (A) emmerwheat, Triticum dicoccum, oats, rye
HEK29 Aja (Agia) 1203'/3813' 2699 m 12/38 [Gz WO]
(with church Fasiledes to the south)
HEK.. Aja Fasiledes (centre in 1964 of Mena sub-district) 12/38 [Ad]
JDJ42 Ajafa (Agiafa, G.) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
HED72 Ajafej, see Ahiyafech
ajam (Som) non-Arabian
GCU74 Ajam (Agiam, Tame, Taine) 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
0754'/3444' 589 m
-- Ajamo, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
?? Ajamojay (near Zikwala, historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HDM92 Ajana kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda somewhat
to its west, 6 km south-west of Sela Dingay; area 1,498 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Ajana Mikael (Adjana Mikael) (with cave dwellings) 09/39 [+ Ca]
?? Ajara (waterfalls in Soke river, Welamo) ../.. [x]
JDJ86 Ajawa (Agiaua) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HES21 Ajaye, see Ajire
ajbar (A) large tent
HDT72 Ajbar, see Ajibar
aje: ajee (Som) spoil, rot; stagnate /said of water/
HCK99 Aje 0710'/3820' 2069 m 07/38 [MS]
HCS09 Aje (Adje, Agge) (with sub-post office) 07/38 [Po Ad WO Gz]
0717'/3821' 1858 m, 28 km west of Shashemene
?? Ajeba (Adjeba) (in southern Shewa) ../.. [+ x]
HDL87 Ajej & Mehal Amba kebele (Ajäj & Mähal .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Moret & Jiru wereda at its southern border,
8 km south-west of Inewari; area 1,684 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU23 Ajela kebele (Ajäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
10 km north of Molale; area 1,374 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Ajeln (Adjeln) (group of volcanoes in Afar) ../.. [+ Mi]
HDM32 Ajema kebele (Ajäma ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its border,
28 km south of Debre Birhan; area 1,450 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL27 Ajemeri (Ajemery) 0917'/3904' 2943 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDE43c Ajeri (village on a slope) 11/37 [Ch]
?? Aji Keta (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
ajibar: ajbar (A) large tent;
-- Ajaber, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDT72 Ajibar (Agibar, Agebar; Debre Sina) 10/38 [Ad Po WO n]
MS: 1037'/3846' 1829 m; Gz: 1052'/3840' = HDT92, 1732 m
(centre in 1964 of Sayint wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
2E Yegwoda kebele
5E Safeda kebele
6E Loza kebele
8E Feres Ber kebele
3SE Wegedi (Wegedie, Wogidi, Uogghidi) (village) 2125 m
5SE Beja kebele
3S Yewerza kebele
8S Samaye kebele
10S Gert kebele
4SW Kul Baye kebele
8SW Arigba kebele
8SW Lengwat kebele
5W Melesan kebele
9W Atrons Maryam kebele
8NW Debtera kebele
5N Tedbabe Mariyam kebele
7NE Shehot kebele
10NE Ansha kebele
HEE48 Ajibar (Ajbar, Agebar) 1114'/3914' 2834 m 11/39 [MS Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tenta wereda)
-- Ajibba language, see Murle
H.... Ajilla (centre in 1964 of Lamfuro sub-district) 08/38 [Ad]
JED03 Ajin (Adjin, Agin) 10/42 [+ WO]
HFD78 Ajir Amra 1412'/3816' 1845 m 14/38 [Gz]
ajira, ajera (A) hole dug in the ground for burning pottery
HES21 Ajire (Ajaye) 1253'/3741' 2414 m, cf Ajeri 13/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kola Wegera sub-district)
GCT55 Ajiwal (Agiual, Agiuual, Agiuval) 07/33 [+ WO Gz]
0746'/3356' 303 m
JDE31 Ajjin (Aggin) (area) 1340 m 08/43 [+ WO]
ajjo (O) toil, work, /also/ reward
HCJ90 Ajjo (Aggio) (mountain) 0709'/3637' 2794 m 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
near map code HCH99
ajjo ka..: kata (O) 1. (qaata) long time ago;
2. (qaataa) trigger
JCA58 Ajjo Kata (Aggio Cata) (locality) 05/40 [+ WO Gz]
0555'/4045' 1122 m
ajo (Kefa) "Galla potato", Coleus edilis, C. tuberosus;
-- Ajo, a clan of the Mecha/Liban/Ammaya Oromo,
see Majangir
HDK01 Ajo 0904'/3737' 1785 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDM15 Ajo 0911'/3947' 1202 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEM51 Ajo, see Ahiyo
HEM92 Ajo 1238'/3936' 1749 m 12/39 [Gz]
HC... Ajora (waterfalls 65 km south of Hosaina) 07/37 [20]
GDF.. Ajora Aga (village in the Gambela region) 08/34 [20]
?? Aju (Agiu) (in the Harar region) ../.. [It]
GDE.. Ajuba (river in the south-west) 08/33? [n]
JFB34 Ajuman, see Aiuman
HEU12 Ajura (Agiura), see Jijira
-- Ajuran, the Hawiyya branch of Somali people, found also in Kenya
HC... Aka (centre in 1964 of Bitta sub-district) 07/35? [Ad]
HFC14 Akab Workei (Aqab Uorchei) 1342'/3658' 877 m 13/36 [+ Gz]

akabe saat: aqabe sä'at (Geez?) "Guardian of the Hour", at least

from the 15th century a churchman attached to the palace and also
in the 18th century "the first religious officer at the palace";
akkabi (aqqabi) (A) guardian, custodian; (T) collector, convener
HFE50 Akabe Saat (Acab Saat, Aqab Se'at, Akabie Se'at) 14/38 [+ Gu Ad Gz]
(mountain & place) 1406'/3830' 2385 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HED98 Akabet (Ak'abet, Aqabet) 1144'/3817' 3229 m 11/38 [Gz q]
HDM31 Akabido 0921'/3930' 2952 m 09/39 [Gz]

-- akabo: Akebo Oromo penetrated into Gojjam in the 1650s

?? Akabo (Accabo) (mountain saddle) c1900 m ../.. [+ Gu]
akad: akd (aqd) (A) plan, scheme
JDJ63 Akad (Acad) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
GDF00 Akado (Acado), see Akedo
GDF10 Akado (Acado) 0814'/3425' 482 m 08/34 [Ad WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code GDF01.
akafa (A) spade
HDU31 Akafe (Ak'afe, Aqafe) 1016'/3926' 2786 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HDU31 Akafi Digimsh kebele (Aqafe Degemsh ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
15-20 km west of Mehal Meda; area 3,511 hectares.
HCE50c Akagulu (Akagooloo) 05/38? [Mi]
HEC14 Akaita, see Akayta
akaka (O) grandfather; (A) full of scabies
HCN55 Akaka (Acaca, Acheka) 0753'/3519' 2097 m 07/35 [Gz]
HCN56 Akaka (Acaca) 0744'/3520' 07/35 [+ Gz]
JFB33 Akakale (Acacale) (area) 13/40 [+ WO]
akaki (O) relatives, relations; (A) one who scratches;
akaki zeraf (A) young warrior;
basako, bosaka (O) Sapium ellipticum
HDE84 Akaki (Ak'ak'i Besek'a, Acachi, /Oromo:/ Haqaaqii) 08/38 [MS Gz Gu WO]
MS: 0854'/3845'; Gz: 0852'/3847' 2120 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9S Dalota (Dalata) (mountain) 2419 m
6SW Endode (area)
7SW Dewera Guda
8SW Galane (area)
2NE Dewera Tino
6N Bulbula (Gurra) (village) 2151 m
8NE Woreda (Uoreda) (village)
HDK12 Akaki (Ak'ak'i, Aqaqi) 0909'/3744' 1756 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
(with church Igzi'abher Ab)
HDL06 Akaki (Ak'ak'i, Aqaqi) 0905'/3900' 2472 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Sendafa
HDE84 Akaki Beseka, see Akaki
HDE84 Akaki wereda (centre in 1964 = Akaki Beseka) 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural kebeles but no urban one.
HDA83 Akakil (Acachil) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDA94 Akakilo (Acachilo) 0900'/3510' 1808 m 09/35 [+ Gz]
akakile (O) great-grandfather
akakilti (O) eucalyptus tree, Eucalyptus globulus
-- Akako Oromo were killed "many of them" in 1619
HDK88 Akako (Ak'ak'o, Aqaqo) 0949'/3817' 2574 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDL24 Akako 0917'/3848' 2659 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL53 Akako, two at 2 km distance 09/38 [AA Gz]
0933' and 35'/3845', 2343 and 2535 m
HD... Akako (centre in 1964 of Ambisa sub-district) 09/38 [+ Ad]
HEA32 Akako, see Kako
HDT72 Akako Boreda kebele (.. Boräda ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in the north-western corner of Debre Sina wereda,
15 km west of Mekane Selam; area 2,837 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL.. Akako Tumano, in Shebedino wereda, with stele site 06/38 [n]
akaku (O) race, breed, kind /of animal or plant/
akal (Geez?) religious crown; (A,T) body; individuality;
akkele (akkälä) (A) to equal, to be level with;
akele (akälä) (T) to be sufficient; akkal (T) person; organ,
flesh; (aqal) patient, calm; akwale (aqwalä) (T) to shelter
Akale, a male personal name
HDL70 Akale 0945'/3828' 2542 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
JED12 Akaley (Acalei, Acale) (mountain) 10/42 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1059'/4241' 1153 m
HEK64 Akam (Acam) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEK66 Akam (Acam) 1219'/3802' 1935 m 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
GDU20 Akamsha (Acamscia) 10/34 [+ WO]
HEJ04 Akanta Maryam 11/37 [Ch]
akar (T) tuber; akara (aqara) (A) sheaf of grain
GDF96c Akar 08/34? [Wa]
HEJ68 Akara Maryam (Acara Mariam) 12/37 [+ Gu Gz]
1218'/3722' 1795 m
HCN56 Akari (Acari, Acheri) 0746'/3522' 2236 m 07/35 [+ Gz]
HDF92 Akarmit 0901'/3935' 1687 m 09/39 [Gz]
HFC.. Akat 13/37 [20]
HEC14 Akayta (Acaita, Achfa, Ascifa) 1056'/3659' 2613 m, 10/36 [+ WO Gz]
see under Injibara
Coordinates would give map code HEC04
HEC14 Akayta Medhane Alem (Akaita .. ..) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Injibara sub-district)
HEU93 Akaza 1331'/3940' 2445 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFK16 Akbetsa (Ak'bets'a, Aqbetsa) 1435'/3805' 1448 m 14/38 [Gz q]
H.... Ake Werk sub-district (A. Work ..) 13/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Zwa)
akeb..: bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle; upstanding
front part of saddle /and several other meanings/
HDL81 Akebora 0950'/3831' 2854 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDG64 Akeche (Akech'e) 0940'/3511' 1557 m 09/35 [Gz]
GDF00 Akedo (Acado) 0811'/3421' 467 m 08/34 [Gz]
akele (akkälä) (A) be equal, be worth
HDM13 Akele 0911'/3941' 1505 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDM34 Akermit kebele (Akärmit ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Berehet wereda; area 2,038 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU82 Akeseba (Auseba, Auzeba, Anseba) 13/39 [Gz WO Gu It]
1323'/3934' 2235 m (with church Maryam),
see also under Amba Aradam
HCH80 Akesho, see Akisho
HDT98c Akesta, see Akista
HD... Akeyo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Abile Beza) 09/37 [Ad]
HDJ85 Akeyu 0948'/3707' 2502 m 09/37 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret)
HDK29 Akeyu 0914'/3819' 2583 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEU83 Akeza 1328'/3942' 2597 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE60 Akfen (Ak'fen, Aqfen, Adi Acfel) 14/38 [Gz q]
1410'/3829' 1769 m
?? Akia Selassie (in Arsi) ../.. [20]
HDF80c Akilal kebele 08/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5 km west-southwest of Balchi; area 605 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET58 Akini sub-district (centre in 1964 = Samre) 13/39 [Ad]
HCP62 Akisho (Acchiscio) 0748'/3553' 2369 m 07/35 [+ Gu Gz]
HCH80 Akisho sub-district (Akesho ..) 07/35 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kaka)

akist (A) aunt; akwista, akusta, akosta (aqost'a) (A)

clawless otter, Aonyx capensis,
spotted-necked otter, Lutra maculicollis
HEE08 Akista (Ak'sta, Akesta, Aqesta), cf Aksta 10/39 [MS Gz Po Ad]
1051'/3911' 2918 m, near map code HDT98
(centre in 1964 of Legambo wereda & of Dalo Bet sub-district)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at
2E Kindo kebele
5E Mosebit kebele
8E Bwabwata kebele
10E Mego kebele
9SE Ayt kebele
9SE Aselel kebele
5S Gwol kebele
4SW Tikise kebele
8SW Yilada kebele
9SW Dikicha kebele
4W Yekwoshi kebele
6W Kibib kebele
10W Gwolehito kebele
5NW Welelet kebele
6N Temu kebele
6NE Denbesho kebele
10NE Chiro kebele
/another Akista?:/
town in Dese Zuriya wereda (-1999-)
HDF06 Akiya Gebriel (church) 0809'/3953' 08/39 [Gz]
aklil (A,T) crown, for deacons in the form of a stiff cap;
-- Aklil (Gurage) name of a Christian sub-group speaking West Gurage
HDD04 Aklil (Aclil) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
HDD15 Aklil (Akilil, Eucaga) 0814'/3802' 2229 m 08/38 [Gz Ad x]
(centre -1957-1964- of Welene wereda)
ako: akkoo (O) grandmother
HCC88 Ako 0613'/3722' 3012 m 06/37 [Gz]
JEH95 Akoba (hills) 12/41 [WO Ne]
GCS65 Akobo 282 m, see also Tirgol 07/33 [n]
GCS66 Akobo Wenz (Acobo, Ajuba) 0747'/3303' 07/33 [Gz Mi Gu]
(border river, Nahr Akubu in Sudan, Fre: Kaï Ouha)
in Amharic also Qey Wiha ('Red Water') or Berbere Wenz;
Akobo is included in some maps of Ethiopia, but there is
at least the place Akubu/Akobo about 5 km inside Sudan
GCS65 Akobo wereda (centre in 1964 = Tirgol) 07/33 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 37 rural kebeles but no urban one.
HDM43 Akodada kebele (Aqodada ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda rather far to the east,
16-21 km south-southwest of Ankober; area 1,176 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE.. Akofa (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/39 [Ad]
HFE59 Akofa Mikael (church) 1405'/3917'
HFE42c Akora (Ahora), in Tsada Amba area 14/39 [x]
The rock-hewn church of Inda Kirkos is not mentioned in Sauter 1976.
JDK04 Akoya 0904'/4256' 1475 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEJ70 Akshera (Acscera, Acsera) 1225'/3639' 908 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
HDT98 Aksta, see Akista
HDU90 Aksta (Ak'sta, Aqsta, Cast, Casta) 10/39 [Gz q WO]
1051'/3911' 2918 m
HEE19c Aksta 11/39 [Br]

Aksum, written Aquaxumo by Alvares in 1520; Akwisim would be a

variant in Tigrinya
HFE63 Aksum (Axum, Akesum) 1408'/3843' 2132/2150 m 14/38 [Gz Gu WO]
Centre -1964-1987- of Aksum awraja, Maychew Belai wereda,
Durra sub-district, and Gebgeb sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
..E Mai Shum (reservoir, "Bath of Queen Sheba")
10E Adi K'edawit (Inda Iyesus, Enda Jesus) (village) 2191 m
10S Dereka (rock chapel)
8SW Kiwadat
1W Adi Kilte (archaeological site)
2W Beta Giyorgis (hill, archaeological site)
5W Gebedera (arch. area with quarry for monoliths,
=Gobedra? with rock incisions, Wuchate Golo)
2NW Ona Enda Aboi Zague (archaeological site)
5N Enda Abba Pentalewon (.. .. Pantaleuon) (sanctuary)
5N Godra (Goda) (waterhole) 2143 m
10N May Wellel (Mai Uollel)
1NE May Koho (Mai Coho, M.Qoho) (high plateau)
3NE Likanos (Licanos) (mountain) 2339 m
5.. Adi Hankera
6.. Gebre Tela (G. Tala) 2187 m
(hill and church Abune Ment'eliyon)
8.. Adi Gu'i
8.. Atsiwa
9.. Dura
10.. Deraga
10.. Gure
? Zeban Waleka (Z. Ualeca) (saddle)
HFE62 Aksum awraja 1410'/3840' 14/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre -1964-1980- = Aksum)
HFC42 Aksum Cherker (Acsum Cercher) (area) 880 m 13/36 [+ WO]
HEK17 Aktena 1156'/3810' 2465 m 11/38 [Gz]
JDH66 Aktimu 0940'/4115' 910 m 09/41 [Gz]
HCS62 Aktu (Actu) 0747'/3742' 1936 m 07/37 [+ n]
aku, haku (aquu, haquu) (O) wipe off /mud or semi-liquid/
HDE92 Aku (Acu) 08/38 [+ WO]
GDF12 Akude (Acude) 08/34 [+ WO]
akuku, akukkuu (O) kind of tree and its fruit
GDF76 Akuku 0848'/3454' 1576 m 08/34 [Gz]
HDH85 Akuku 0951'/3613' 2133 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDH95 Akuku 0952'/3612' 1985 m 09/36 [Gz]
JEJ84 Akulle (Aculle) 1231'/4201' or 4202' 563/616 m 12/42 [18 Gz]
HEC43 Akunda (Acunda) (with church), see under Dangila 11/36 [+ It]
HDU90 Akusho Ager (Ak'usho A., Aqusho A.) 10/39 [Gz q]
1046'/3924' 2816 m
akwali (aqwali) (T) patience, calmness
HEC27 Akwali (Aquali) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
HFC07 Akworki (Acuorchi) 2174 m, cf Akab Workei 13/37 [+ WO]
HCU42 Akya (Achia) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HEB74 Akyaw (Achiau) (area) 11/36 [+ WO]
HEJ85 Akyel (Ch'elga, Celga, Kilga) 1233'/3704' 2146 m, 12/37 [Gz n]
cf Chilga
al bube: bube (O) wind, storm
JD... Al Bube (in the Harar region) 09/42? [Mi]
HFD87 Al Daro, see Adi Daro
HFF32 Al Nejashi, see Negash
ala (O) 1. outdoors; 2. future hope; alaa (O) kind of grain;
ala (Afar) 1. wild animals; 2. white man; (T) sympathetic
-- Ala, name of a Wello Oromo tribe and of a group of
-- tribes of eastern Oromo in the Harar region.
HCJ01 Ala 0625'/3643' 1616 m 06/36 [Gz]
HDL50 Ala 0934'/3830' 1932 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL53 Ala 0934'/3846' 2614 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM13 Ala, see Alla
HFF06c Ala (Adat Cussra) 1360 m 13/39 [Gu]
JDH26 Ala 0916'/4117' 1795 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ11 Ala 0914'/4142' 2830 m (mountain) 09/41 [Gz]
JEP61 Ala, see Alo
JFA13 Ala (Adat Cussra) 1340'/4002' 632 m 13/40 [18 WO Ne]
HEK97 Ala Amba 12/38 [Wa]
JDK20 Ala Hago 0916'/4234' 1543 m 09/42 [Gz]
alaba (O) flag; (A) produce income from land;
alabe (A) make to sweat; allebe (alläbä) (A) milked;
aleba (T) cloth, tissue;
--Alaba, Allaaba, a Moslem group of Sidama-speaking people (sub-group related to the Kembata)
-- Alaba language (Alaaba ..)
Alaba, also a male name among the Mecha Oromo.
HCS07 Alaba (place) 0735'/3835' 07/38 [MS]
HCS07 Alaba (area, also historically recorded) 07/38 [WO Pa]
alaba ku..: kuli (kuulii) (O) kohl, eye shadow
HCS06 Alaba Kulito (A. K'ulito, A. Kulitto) (village) 07/38 [Gz Ad Te Po]
(K'olito, Colito, Golito, Goluto, Goluta, Gulitu) 07/38 [LM Gz WO Wa]
0718'/3807' 1726 m or 0719'/3805' 1790 m
(centre in 1964 of Alaba wereda & Tuka sub-district.)
HDH99 Alaba Meda (mountain) 0954'/3635' 2133 m 09/36 [Gz]
near map code HDJ90
HCS06 Alaba wereda 07/38 [n 20 En]
(-1994-) is divided into 84 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
-- Alabdu, an ethnic group
HDT15 Alabo kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
11-15 km south of Rema; area 1,832 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBK17 Alabor (area) 03/38 [WO]
HCL81 Alacha (Gebel Alascia) 0707'/3834' 1833 m 07/38 [WO Gz]
village near the road just before lake Awasa
alada, alaada (O) half /of money or things to pay with/
HEF50 Alada 1119'/3925' 1980 m 11/39 [Gz]
JEH00 Aladdura (area) 11/40 [WO]
JDJ16 Aladi 0910'/4208' 1825 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEJ13 Alafa, see Alefa
alaga (O) stranger, non-relative
HDF54 Alaga (Algo) 0838'/3940' 1232 m 08/39 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would gice map code HDF55

HEU31 Alage (Alage Ber), see Amba Alage

HEU42c Alage Milash sub-district (Alagie ..) 13/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Betmera)
HEU.. Alage wereda (Alaje ..) 12/39 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HE... Alagedo (centre in 1964 of Kulamaso sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
JCL33 Alaghol (waterhole) 06/43 [WO]
HEU71 Alagi (It: Bivio Alagi) 2030/2157 m, cf Amba Alage 13/39 [WO Gu]
HFE18 Alah 1340'/3914' 2238 m 13/39 [Gz]
alah s..: seto, seet'o (O) remnant of grain in a granary
HEF34 Alah Seto (A. Set'o, A. Set) 1112'/3945' 2289 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM44 Alah Yirdo kebele (.. Yerdo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its eastern border,
16-20 km south-southwest of Ankober; area 2,004 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCJ08 Alaha 0622'/3723' 1817 m 06/37 [Gz]
GDU46 Alahmer 1019'/3458' 828 m 10/34 [Gz]
H.... Alai sub-district (centre in 1964 = Koki) 10/39 [Ad]
JDG36 Alaideghi, see Aleaduga
JFA65c Alaila (waterhole) 14/40 [Ne]
JEP40 Alaita (Alaheta) (volcanic range) 1302'/4039', 13/40 [Ne WO 18 Gz]
two peaks over 1000 m
HEU.. Alaje wereda, see Alage wereda
HEU71 Alaji, see Amba Alage
?? Alaka, with Mursi and Kwegu people ../.. [x]
HFF90 Alakma (Alak'ma, Alaqma) 1423'/3922' 2173 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
alal: allal (Som/H.Salt), the Seven Stars, the Pleiades
HFE29 Alal 1349'/3917' 2173 m 13/39 [Gz]
alala (O) 1. far away; 2. cud /such as a cow will chew/;
3. raw meat eaten as food
HBJ83 Alala 0424'/3657' 914 m 04/36 [Gz]
mountain partly inside Kenya
HC... Alala (centre 1964 of Kindo sub-district) 06/37? [Ad]
HDU80 Alala 1042'/3921' 2729 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDG14 Alala 09/40 [WO]
HDU36 Alala Aman Gebeya kebele 10/39 [Ad]
across southern Efrata & Gidim wereda,
10-15 km south-southwest of Efeson; area 3,406 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEJ62 Alalagera (Alalaghera) (ridge) 1220'/4149' 12/41 [+ WO Gz]
HCL82c Alalcha, south of Shashemene at Abaro mountain 07/38 [x]
alale (O) kinds of tree, Croton sp., Ficus sp.
JEB87 Alalnaba (hills & place) 1139'/4120' 373 m 11/41 [Ne Gu Gz]
JEB83 Alalobbada (Alalobad) 394 m 11/41 [WO It]
(hot springs), see under Tendaho
alaltu (A) tree with wood used for boats, Acacia aquatica?
alaltuu, alalu?, alatu? (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Salix subserrata
HDG55 Alaltu (river valley) 09/35 [Mi]
HDL07 Alaltu, see Aliltu
HDL17c Alaltu (vast plain) 09/39 [Ch]
HDL18 Alaltu, see Aleltu
alama (A,T) sign, flag, goal, intention, purpose in view;
stick at the top of the Meskel bonfire
alame (A) reduce to fine powder;
aleme (alämä) (T) train, educate
HEJ98 Alama (mountain) 1238'/3722' 2495/2775 m 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
?? Alamale (Elamale), cf Aymellel
small kingdom in southern Ethiopia in the 1400s
?? Alamanta (Alamata?) sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HEE79 Alamata, cf Kobbe & Alamata awraja 11/39
HEM72 Alamata (Alamatta, Allamata, Alimata, Alomata) 12/39 [Ad Po Br WO]
(Allomata, Alemata)
1225'/3937' or /3933' 1520/1533 m
(centre at least 1964-1980 of Raya & Kobo awraja,
in 1964 also of Alamata wereda & Alamata sub-district)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8SE Alamata plain (below many curves of the road)
10SE Arelle (village)
6S Tao (area)
7W Tatare (Tatara) (village) 1473 m
5N Delesa (area)
10NE Dayu (Diau) (village) 1545 m
HEM72 Alamata wereda (-1964-2000s-) 12/39 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 19 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HCK16c Alame, area east of northernmost lake Abaya 06/38 [x]
alame (A) reduce to fine powder; ager (A) land, district, country
HDF93 Alame Agher, see Ahmed Ager
HDM30 Alamesno 0921'/3920' 2840 m 09/39 [Gz]
JBR35 Alamshindo, see Lema Shilindi
HE... Alamta (centre in 1964 of Gosh Wiha sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
alamu (A) the goal, the target, the purpose;
alemu (A) the world
HCN08 Alamu (Alamo) 0723'/3535' 2418 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
(mountain), cf Elemo
alanga, alangee (O) whip, symbol of the rule of law;
alenga (A) whip
HCG73 Alanga (river valley) 0707'/3506' 07/35 [Mi Gz]
affluent of the Gilo
HEJ57 Alangai, see under Gorgora 12/37 [WO]
HCL84 Alangana, in Kofele wereda 07/38 [20]
?? Alango (Alangu?) ../.. [x]
HDF50 Alankebeti Mikael (Alank'ebeti ..) (church) 08/39 [Gz]
0840'/3920', near the railway
HEF43 Alansho kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Kuta Ber wereda, 9 km north-northwest
of Dessie; area 2,224 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL90 Alante 0956'/3828' 2123 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDE00 Alarbett (area) 08/43 [WO]
GCM53 Alarra, see Allara
HCL81 Alascia, see Alacha
HDT39 Alash 1014'/3916' 2367 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Alata (Allata) 06/38 [x]
Concerning stone bridge built in 1626, see Tis Isat Dildiy
HED61c Alata (historical), at the Abay SE of Bahir Dar 11/37 [x]
alati: allatti, alaatii (O) vulture; any large inedible
bird; alatti-fardo (A) bustard, large savannah bird,
Choriotis spp. etc
HDP77 Alati (between Dura river and Berbera) 10/36 [Ch]
H.... Alatta, see Alata
HDJ33 Alatti 0919'/3652' 1514 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
alatu (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata
HCT54 Alatu, see Gara Alutu
JDS15 Alaua, see Halaua
HFF01 Alaur 1334'/3927' 1948 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HEC74 Alavata (on map of 1868) 11/37 [18]
HFD46 Alawgen (Alaughen, Alugui) (mountain) 13/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(Mihira'i Sheyt'an Terara) 1356'/3806' 1705, 2318/2389 m
JDR05 Alawnek (Alaunech) (area) 755 m 09/42 [+ WO]
albasa: allabbese (A) invaded, spread all over /said e.g. of an army/;
albese (albäsä) (T) to dress
JDK38 Albasa, G. (area & place) 0918'/4310' 1782 m 09/43 [WO Gz]
HDL89 Albasa & Moga kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Moret & Jiru wereda at its southern border,
8 km south-east of Inewari; area 1,058 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
albaso (A) hairdo of narrow braids; thin, rough thatch
HCT46 Albaso (Albasso) (area) 07/39 [WO x]
HET18 Albeta 1249'/3911' 2044 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDU95 Albiko (in south Wello), see Albuko
HEF30 Albiko kebele (Albeko ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Kuta Ber wereda,
25 km west of Dessie; area 3,235 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE57 Albino 0839'/3906' 1828 m 08/39 [Gz]
HEE58 Albishiny 1123'/3909' 2117 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDU84 Albuko (Albuco) (area) 10/39 [+ WO x]
HDU95 Albuko (Albukko, Albuco, Albukoterie, Albiko) 10/39 [Gz WO]
(Degaga, Degega) 1047'/3947' 1457 m
Coordinates would give map code HDU94
H.... Albuko Degaga (Alebuko ..) (in Kalu awraja) 11/39? [+ Ad]
HDU95 Albuko wereda (centre in 1964 = Albuko Tere) 10/39 [Ad]
HDL32 Albuna 0921'/3840' 2541 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEH77 Alcadid, see Alkadid
JEH08c Alcarun, see Kurub Bahari
JCH25c Alchak 06/41 [Wa]
HDT65 Alchaya kebele 10/39 [Ad]
GDM91 Alcongo, see Alkongo
JCH64 Aldie (Haloie) 0653'/4104' 1112 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
ale (A) to say, to tell; alle (A) there is
HDA18 Ale (Alie) 08/35 [LM WO]
HDD28 Ale 0822'/3814' 2759 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDG29 Ale 0917'/3538' 1828 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDL37 Ale 0922'/3906' 2717 m 09/39 [Gz]
JDH50 Ale (area) 09/40 [WO]
JDJ57 Ale 0931'/4219' 2595 m (with church Giyorgis) 09/42 [Gz]
ale b..: bamba (A) tree with wide trunk, baobab or wild fig
HEE78 Ale Bamba (Alebamba) 1131'/3913' 2094 m 11/39 [+ n]
HEE79 Ale Bamba (Alebamba) 1130'/3919' 2362 m 11/39 [WO n]
JEJ55 Ale Gonidola, c300 m 12/42 [WO]
village on the Assab road about 50 km from the Eritrean border
HDD56 Ale Maryam (church) 0840'/3805' 08/38 [Gz]
H.... Ale sub-district (Alie ..) (-1964-1997-) 07/38? [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dugda)
HD... Ale wereda (Aallee ..), in Illubabor, 08/36? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 69 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
JDG36 Aleaduga (Alaideghi), see Bonta Meda
HDB92 Alebanta 0901'/3554' 1755 m 09/35 [Gz]
H.... Alebuko .., see Albuko ..
?? Alecho Werero ../.. [20]
alefa (A) surplus, overfull; allefe (alläfä) (A) 1. passed
beyond; 2. was contagious;
Abba Alef, one of the "Nine Saints" of the 500s
HEJ13 Alefa (Aläfa, Alafa) 1157'/3652' 1827/c2250 m 11/36 [Gz WO Gu x]
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
8NW Gandi (area) 1832 m, peak 2410 m
H.... Alefa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Shahura) 11/37 [Ad]
H.... Alefa Takusa sub-district (-1997-2005-) 11/37 [n]
(.. Taqusa .., .. Takussa ..)
HEJ24 Alefa wereda (centre in 1964 = Dengel Ber) 11/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 85 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
GCU14 Alegari 0720'/3441' 504 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
HEM21c Alehuwa (should be Alewuha?) 19 km from Weldiya 11/39 [n]
JDH.. Alejer, town in Afdem wereda 09/41 [20]
?? Aleji (plateau in southern Tigray) (Alage?) ../.. [n]
aleka (aläqa) (A) head of a debr church; campaign commander, chief
GD... Aleka Tabor (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
HEE96 Alekicha Kahinate Semay (Alek'icha ..) 11/39 [Gz]
(church) 1143'/3901'
?? Alekit (Aläqet) early monastery in the north ../.. [En]
GDF55 Aleku 0838'/3447' 1835 m 08/34 [Gz]
HDA62c Aleku 08/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Aleku Gelan sub-district)
aleku a..: ambo (O) 1. mineral water; 2. thorn tree
GD... Aleku Ambo (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
aleku b..: boro, boroo (O) behind, backyard;
back space inside a house
GD... Aleku Boro (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
Aleku e..: edo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia
GD... Aleku Edo (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
GD... Aleku Gambi (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
-- aleku ge..: Gelan, an Oromo tribe
GD... Aleku Gelan sub-district 08/34 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Aleku) (in Kelem awraja)
HEE37 Aleku kebele (Aläku ..) 11/38 [Ad]
north-south strip of land in south-easternmost Mekdela wereda,
10-20 km south of Masha; area 3,614 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
aleku y..: yadi (O) 1 female buffalo;
2. promise, word of honour
GD... Aleku Yadi (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
HFF70 Alekwa (Alequa) amba 3290 m, pass c3010 m 14/39 [18 WO Gu Gz]
1412' or 15'/3925', see under Adigrat
?? Alelo Wendo /Alelu ..?/ ../.. [x]

aleltu (alältu) (A) plant used for making enclosures for livestock;
alaltuu (O) willow-like tree which grows near water
HDD38 Aleltu 0827'/3816' 2529 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDG94 Aleltu 0952'/3510' 1534 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ12 Aleltu 0912'/3651' 1957 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL08 Aleltu, see Aliltu
HDL18 Aleltu (Alaltu, Aliltu) 0912'/3909' 2631 m 09/39 [Gz WO n]
(with church Giyorgis)
H.... Aleltu (centre in 1964 of Loya Chomen sub-district) 09/37? [Ad]
HDL26 Aleltu 0914'/3902' 3099 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL32 Aleltu 0921'/3841' 2482 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL36 Aleltu 0919'/3901' 2770 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
HDT86 Aleltu kebele (Alältu ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central northern Kelela wereda,
16 km west of Lugama; area 1,083 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL18 Aleltu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mikawa) 09/39 [Ad n]
HDL18 Aleltu wereda, 09/39 [Ad]
see also Bereh & Aleltu wereda
HCL92 Alelu (near Shashemene) 0713'/3836' 1976 m 07/38 [Gz]
HCT01 Alelu 0716'/3831' 1758/1773 m 07/38 [WO Gz]
HDC47 Alelu (with fort) 08/37 [WO Gz]
0834'/3712' 1653 m, cf Agelu
HDK79 Alelu 0946'/3824' 2211 m, near map code HDL70, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
alem (A,T) world, universe; alem ager (A) world country?
H.... Alem, town in Dale Lalo wereda ../.. [20]
HEF93 Alem Agegnehu kebele 11/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west at the northern border of Habru wereda,
8 km south-east of Weldiya; area 2,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF93 Alem Ager, see Ahmed Ager
HDD05 Alem Gebeya 0810'/3759' 2208 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDM44 Alem Gebeya 0926'/3947' 2047 m 09/39 [Gz]
one of the above is in Alaba wereda
alem gen.: gena (A,T) still, yet, even now; not yet;
genna (A) kind of game played at Christmas time;
alem gena (A) world still existing?
?? Alem Gena (according to Cecil Bødker) ../.. [x]
(not the village near Sebeta, this one further to the south?)
HCT04 Alem Gena 0718'/3851' 2549 m 07/38 [Gz]
HDE82 Alem Gena 0855'/3839' 2369 m 08/38 [Ca WO Gz]
(with church Mikael), see under Sebeta
JCG84 Alem Gena 0706'/4011' 2452 m 07/40 [Gz]
HDF71 Alem Gena kebele (Aläm Gäna ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-western Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
9-12 km south of Balchi; area 1,316 hectares.
[CSA 1994)
HDH09 Alem Gena Mikael (church) 0908'/3634' 09/36 [Gz]
HDE82 Alem Gena wereda (centre in 1964 = Sebeta) 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 63 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
alem ketema (A) world city
HDT04 Alem Ketema (A. Kitema) 1000'/3850' 09/39 [MS Po]
(centre at least 1964-80 of Merhabete awraja)
HDT16 Alem Ketema (A. Catema, A. Katma) 10/39 [Gz WO]
1005'/3902' 1989 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
4E Zeyta kebele
5E Watwari kebele
8E Inchimegn kebele
2SE Zoma kebele
5SE Giret kebele
5SE Ansho Begwol kebele
4S Delema & Mesano kebele
5S Geb & Kechechiwa kebele
7S Berkato kebele
9S Afezez & Kwat kebele
10S Geren kebele
2SW Amden kebele
7SW Imbima kebele
9SW Merkesh kebele
3W Agerit kebele
4W Gedeb kebele
6W Werego Mesobit kebele
10W Remeshet kebele
4NW Kum Amba kebele
4N Koso Terehina kebele
4NE Mazhek kebele
5NE Yesa kebele
8NE Ses Amba kebele
9NE Magas kebele
10NE Sergina kebele
alem maya (A) place where on experiences pleasure
Alem Maya is an Amharic name which was introduced instead
of Haramaya in Oromo language
JDJ34 Alem Maya (Alemaya) MS: 0910'/4202' 09/42 [Gz MS Te Ca]
Alem Maya, Gz: 0924'/4201' 2047 m, cf Haramaya village
MS coordinates would give map code JDJ14 - too far south?
(centre in the 2000s of Alemayaa wereda and
of Numu Abado sub-district)
Alem Maya, cf Haramaya village
JDJ34 Alem Maya wereda (Alemaya .., Alemayya) 09/42 [x 20]
alem meda (A) world field
HDL33 Alem Meda (Alemeda), village north of A. Abeba 09/38 [Ro WO]
alem teferi (A) world of Teferi (=Ras Teferi Mekonnen)?
HDA85 Alem Teferi 0854'/3514' 1584 m 08/35 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Dale wereda)
alem tena (t'ena) (A) world of health
HDE16 Alem Tena (A. Tenna) MS: 0815'/3900' 08/38 [Gz MS Po]
Gz: 0818'/3857' 1612 m
alemagrar: alem grar (A) world of acacia?
HES34 Alemagrar 13/37 [WO]
JBP71 Alemanyo (Alemagno) (area) 05/40 [+ WO]
HEM72 Alemata, see Alamata
JDJ33 Alemaya 0922'/4155' 2090 m, see Alem Maya 09/41 [MS]
HDL33 Alemeda, see Alem Meda
aleni da..: damota, daamota, damote (O) cold, low temperature
HCK53 Aleni Damota, see under Soddo 06/37 [WO]
GCM53 Alerra, see Allara
alet (alät) (A) hard stone, rock; alet (T) race, kind;
allete (allät'ä) (A) not spiced
HEF62 Alet 1127'/3935' 1748 m 11/39 [Gz]
JDE71 Alet (area) 08/43 [WO]
HCL20 Aleta (Allata) (historical ketema) 09/40 [Gz 18 Gu]
0636'/3827' 2081 m
HDL73 Aleta 0946'/3845' 2765 m (with church Maryam) 09/38 [Gz]
HEC38 Aleta Maryam (Aleta Mariam) 11/37 [+ WO]
aleta w..: wondo (O) kind of spindly shrub or tree
HCL21 Aleta Wendo (A.Wondo, Aletta .., Allata) 06/38 [LM Po Gu]
(a former governor's ketema), see also under Wendo
HCL30? Aleta Wendo (North) sub-district (-1997-) 06/38 [n]
HCL30? Aleta Wendo (South) sub-district (-1997-) 06/38 [n]
HCL30 Aleta Wendo wereda (centre in 1964 = Wendo) 06/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 57 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
aletis: aleyti (T) guardians
HDK99 Aletis (Alet'is) 0956'/3823' 2479 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HD... Aleuwa (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35 [Ad]
HDM93 Alew Amba kebele (Aläw ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
6 km south-east of Sela Dingay; area 784 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU74 Alewak (Alleuaka) 10/39 [LM WO]
HEM.. Alewuha, a little north-east of Weldiya 11/39 [n]
HDT58 Aley kebele (Aläy ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Jema wereda at its north-western border,
8 km west of Degolo; area 2,736 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Aleydegi, plain along the Middle Awash Valley ../.. [x]
HDL87 Aleyo kebele (Aläyo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda, 16 km south-west of
Inewari and 5 km west of Saya Debir settlement; area 1,218 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEH17 Aleytali (Aleitali) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDM55 Aleyu Amba, see Aliyu Amba
HDA87c Alfe (river valley in the Yubdo area) 08/35? [Mi]
HEJ44c Alfga (church) 12/37 [x]
alga (A) throne; bedstead; algaa (O) bed;
-- Alga, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
HBS94 Alga 05/37 [Wa]
HCC40 Alga, see Jinka, cf Alga Jinka below
HCD28 Alga, see Agere Maryam
HCN85 Alga (locality) 0800'/3515' 08/35 [WO Gz]
HDA37 Alga 08/35 [WO]
HDA47 Alga 0833'/3526' 1664 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDC45 Alga 0835'/3707' 1718 m 08/37 [Gz Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Nono Merdasa sub-district)
JEJ43 Alga (wells) 1206'/4149' 12/41 [WO Gz]
HC... Alga Jinka (in Geleb & Hamerbako awraja) 05/36 [Ad]
HC... Alga sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gabbo) 07/35? [Ad]
HE... Alga Tinche (ctr in 1964 of Amora Gedel sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
JEP80 Alganda (hill) 13/40 [Ne]
algaundi k..: koma (A) 1. sterile land; kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qooma) instant killing
JEP63 Algaundi Koma (Algandi Coma, Algondi Goma) 13/41 [WO Gz LM]
(Koma) 1314'/4100' 135 m, at lake Afrera
alge (O) collective word for lianes and climbers, also
bowstring hemp, Sansevieria guineensis, a plant of the
agave family with thick leaves; silk on an ear of corn
HBU70 Alge (Alghe) 0511'/3920' 1219 m 05/39 [+ WO Gz]
HCD28 Alge, see Agere Maryam
HCD93 Alge (Uolighe, Wolige, Wolage, Golma) (island) 06/37 [Gz WO Gu n]
0620'/3750' 1168 m
in lake Abaya, at HCK04 on WO map
HCN67c Alge 07/35 [LM]
HCP69 Alge 0750'/3632' 1832 m 07/36 [WO Gz]
HCR98 Alge (Algo) 0804'/3722' 1659 m 08/37 [Gz WO]
HDA69 Alge (Algie) 0842'/3537' 1646 m 08/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Darimu wereda)
HDK42 Alge 0929'/3746' 1444 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
JDH58 Alge (Alghe) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
HDU73 Alge & Wentela kebele (Algé & Wäntäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of the western border of Gishe Rabel wereda,
5 km east of Were Ilu; area 3,442 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Alge wereda (-1998-) ../.. [n]
?? Algeta (farm in the Awash valley) ../.. [x]
JDG45 Algeyta (Algheita) 09/40 [+ WO]
HCD28 Alghe (Alga), see Agere Maryam
algi (Kefa O) kind of spindly shrub or tree,
Dracaena afromontana; (Borana) Sanseviera ehrenbergia
HDK93c Algi (Tateso) (at right and left of the Abay river) 09/37 [Ch]
JDD49 Algit (area) 08/43 [WO]
HCR98 Algo, see Alge
HDF54 Algo, see Alaga
algondi ..: goma (A) hornless /animal/
JEP63 Algondi Goma, shore -80 m, see also Algaundi Koma 13/41 [LM WO]
-- Algude, a small ethnic group in the south-west
HCC69 Algudi 0601'/3726' 1741 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
HCT.? Alham, ruins of settlement on a mountain 07/39? [x]
?? Alhesm (south-east of Guba) ../.. [Mi]
ali (language?) mountain?
-- ali: Warra Ali (=Ali people/family) name of a Jarso tribe
of the eastern Oromo,
Ali is also a common Muslim male name
HCU06 Ali (area & place) 0715'/3956' 2453 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCU06 Ali (area) 07/39 [WO]
HDD00 Ali (Alli) (mountain) 0811'/3735' 1392 m 08/37 [WO Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Derge sub-district), see under Abelti
HDJ73 Ali 0944'/3652' 1605 m 09/36 [Gz]
JD... Ali (centre in 1964 of Dewero sub-district) 09/42 [Ad]
H.... Ali Abasambi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Koriese) 08/35? [+ Ad]
HE... Ali Ager (centre in 1964 of Beke Korati sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
ali bekali: bekela (beeqelaa) (O) horse bean, Faba bona;
bekollo (bäqqollo) (A) maize
JDP49 Ali Bekali (A. Becalli, A. Beccali) 10/41 [Ha Gz WO]
(locality) 1025'/4130'
HDK98 Ali Berdada 0957'/3814' 2472 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
H.... Ali Bet sub-district (.. Biet) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sert)
ali bo..: bogo (Som) finish with
JEN98 Ali Bogo (lava plain) 13/40 [18 Ne WO]
JFB01 Ali Bogo (Ali Bugo) (lava plain) 1335'/4045' 13/40 [Gz]
H.... Ali Brussa sub-district (Aliebrussa ..) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Brussa)
ali buk..: buko, bukoo, boko (A,O) yeast, fermented dough;
buko (Kefa) pumpkin, gourd; buko (Som) become sick
?? Ali Buko (Fre: Ali Bouco), possibly same as Albuko? ../.. [x]
?? Ali Bursa = Ali Brussa? ../.. [x]
ali dera: dera, deeraa (O) tall, long: slow;
dera (dära) (A) grass used for thatching roofs
HDL61 Ali Dera (A. Dore) 0937'/3834' 2587 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(place with church Maryam)
mountain peak at 0937'/3833' 2327 m
HDL61 Ali Dera sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dire) 09/38 [Ad]
?? Ali Derar (mountain in Jimma) ../.. [x]
JDP44 Ali Fuo (area) 10/41 [WO]
ali ge..: geddi, gedde (A) kind of falcon; geeddi (Som)
1. caravan, migration traveller; 2. kind of thin string
JDR58 Ali Gedi 1025'/4220' 902 m 10/42 [Gz]
HDM.. Ali Gimb 09/39 [n]
?? Ali Guder, with postal agent (sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
JDH46 Ali Ibrahim 0926'/4118' 1552 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ27 Ali Keno (A. K'eno, A. Qeno) 0917'/4214' 1512 m 09/42 [Gz q]
ali ko..: koma (A) 1. sterile land; kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qooma) instant killing
HDC32 Ali Koma sub-district (Aliekoma) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Koma)
ali luch..: lucha (O) crude path on grass; (A) smooth hair
JDJ05 Ali Lucho (A. Luch'o) 0907'/4208' 1827 m 09/42 [Gz]
JCH03 Ali Lughei, see Ara Lugey
JEH97 Ali Mela Ale (Alimelale) (chain of hills) 12/41 [WO Ne Gz]
JDC95 Ali Mude 0902'/4204' 1638 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEM02 Ali Tena, see Alitena
HCU92c Ali Tona Gura (village) 08/39 [x]
HDA18 Ali wereda (Alie ..) (centre in 1964 = Metu) 08/35 [+ Ad]
HEP18 Aliamr (mountain) 1246'/3629' 864 m 12/36 [Gz]
HBM63 Aliarma, Gebel (Aliarina) (mountain) 04/39 [WO Gz]
0410'/3936' 1306 m
JDG12 Alibete 09/40 [LM WO]
HDJ95 Alibo (Jarle) (with fort) MS: 0950'/3705' 2616 m 09/37 [MS Gz WO x]
Gz: 0953'/3703' 2436 m, on a high plateau
MS coordinates would give map code HDJ85.
(centre of Amuru/Amorro area)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Baddasseri (area)
7S Jarmet (Giarmet) (mountain) 2439 m
10S Colle Accio (=It: hill, pass?) (Acho?)
7W Abo (Tullu Abo) (hill)
5N Jardega (Giarti) (area) 2402 m
?? Alid (volcano in Dankalia) ../.. [x]
alide..: dero (O) serval cat, Felis serval
HDL71 Alidero 0946'/3831' 2723 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDA18 Alie .., see Ali ..
HEC38 Alieyso, see Lieu
GCS68 Alil 07/33 [WO]
HDL07 Aliltu (Alaltu) 2585 m, see under Sendafa, cf Aleltu 09/39 [MS WO Gu]
HDL08 Aliltu (Aleltu) (area) 0905'/3910' 09/39 [WO MS]
HDL18 Aliltu, see Aleltu
HDL70c Aliltu 09/39 [x]
HDL18 Aliltu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mikawa), 09/39 [Ad]
cf Aleltu
HEM72 Alimata, see Alamata
JEH97 Alimelale, see Ali Mela Ale
HEK.. Alimun (Alimoon) (on map of 1814) 12/37 [+ 18]
HDK13 Alino 0910'/3747' 1799 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
JBP77 Alintale (seasonal well) 0514/4121' 05/40 [WO Wa Gz]
HDM55 Alio Amba, see Aliyu Amba
JDG84 Alisulungura (Alisolungura) 0948'/4012' 633 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
HEC63 Alitaba (with church on top of hill), cf Atitaba 11/36 [It]
alitena: tena (t'ena) (A) health
HFM02 Alitena (Ali Tena, Alitiena) 1431'/3934' 14/39 [Ad x Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Irob wereda & of Alitena sub-district)
-- Alito, a sub-division of the Afar people, living in the
plain of Sereba and valley of Ererti (Eretro)
HDJ26 Alito (area) 09/37 [WO]
HDP08 Alito 0958'/3629' 1976 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
JEH73 Alito 1228'/4059' 581 m 12/40 [Gz]
HDJ26 Alito Gebriel (church) 0918'/3710'
HDM55 Aliu Amba, see Aliyu Amba
JEA46c Aliwoha (=Ali Wiha?), cf Eloa 11/40 [Te]
aliye b..: bole (A) soil impregnated with salt;
boolee (O) deep red soil
JDJ05 Aliye Bole (Aliya B.) 0906'/4205' 1688 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEC31 Aliyoti (Alioti) (island) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDM55 Aliyu Amba (village with market & mosque) 09/39 [Gz Ad Ca]
(Aliu A., Alio A., Allio A., Aliamba) 09/39 [WO Ha Gu]
(Aleyu A., Haylu A., Hailiamba) 09/39 [x]
0932'/3948' 1697/1805 m
(centre in 1964 of Korare sub-district)
HDM55 Aliyu Amba Akababi kebele (Aleyu .. .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Ankober wereda, surrounding Aliyu Amba
settlement and 6 km east-southeast of Ankober town; area 611 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEH74 Alizerito (area of an ethnic group) 12/41 [Ne]
Alka, a Somali female name
HEE78 Alka (Alk'a, Alqa) 1134'/3911' 2962 m 11/39 [Gz q]
?? Alka Dingria (Alca D.) (area) ../.. [+ Gu]
HEH77 Alkadid (Alcadid) (mountain) 805 m 12/36 [+ WO]
-- Alkali language, see Baiso
-- Alkaso, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
?? Alkaso ../.. [n]
trading community along the main road Butajira-Hosaina
alke (alqe) (A) kind of poisonous plant
HDL91 Alkes 09/38 [AA]

alkese (alqäsä) (A) took part in a funeral, lamented

HDM22 Alkese kebele (Alkäsé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
40 km south of Debre Birhan; area 1,924 hectares.
HDN02 Alkeshaf 0958'/3502' 1222 m 09/35 [Gz]
-- alkeso: Alkaso, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HDL91 Alkeso 0954'/3832' 2452 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDM44 Alko kebele (Alqo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Ankober wereda,
9 km south-southwest of Ankober town; area 456 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF20 Alkodyu 1107'/3925' 2896 m 11/39 [Gz]
GDM91 Alkongo (Alcongo) 09/34 [+ WO]
HEL82 Alkwat (Alk'wat', Alqwat) 1230'/3840' 1926 m 12/38 [Gz q]
alla, allah (T) various kinds of thorn tree, Acacia spp.
HEM13 Alla (Ala), see Aroge
HCS06 Allaaba .., see Alaba ..
JBH76 Allai? (Allalo?) (area) same as the following? 04/41 [WO]
JBH65 Allaio (Halegio, Halejo) (mountain) 04/41 [Gz WO]
0410'/4114' 509 m
WO has Halegio at map code JBH76
HFF20 Allal (Allat?) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - southern
JDB49 Allalijya (Allaliggia) 08/41 [+ WO]
JEB.. Allalobad, hot springs west of Tendaho 11/40 [20]
GCM53 Allara (Alarra, Alerra, Alera) (area) 06/34 [WO Gz Ha]
0650'/3438' 741 m
JCS30 Allarto (Allatto, Gheibi Hardonneh) 07/42 [Gz]
0731'/4232' 672 m
HCL20 Allata historical ketema, see also Aleta 06/38 [x]
once a centre north-west of Agere Selam
allati, allatti (O) large bird type eagle, hawk, vulture
GDF95 Allati 09/34 [WO]
alle, halle (O) all kinds of; alle (A) there is
HDH20 Alle Ambalto (north-west of Gimbi) 09/35 [x]
alle d..: didu, diduu (O) 1. to want; 2. kinds of tree,
Galiniera spp.; diddu (O) refusal, to say no
H.... Alle Didu wereda (coffee growing area) ../.. [20]
JEC30 Alle Mugayto (Alle Mugaito) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
?? Alledeghi Wildlife Reserve ../.. [Br]
(toward Assab from Awash station)
HFE85c Allelo, see Debre Halleluya
HFE.. Alleluia, see Halle Luya
HEU72 Allemale (mountain) 1320'/3935' 2374/2422 m 13/39 [WO Gu Gz]
HDU74 Alleuaka, see Alewak
HDK90 Alleui 09/37 [WO]
JDJ40 Alleyu (Alleiu) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
-- Alli, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HDD57 Alli, cf Ali 08/38 [WO]
HCJ11 Allisa 0630'/3647' 1952 m 06/36 [WO Gu Gz]
JDK87 Alliso (area), cf JDK86 Halisa 09/43 [WO]
allo, alloh (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Protea gaguedi
HEJ55 Alloha, see Chach
HEJ55 Alloha Giyorgis (Aloa Ghiorghis) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HEJ55 Alloha Maryam (A. Mariam) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
?? Allokwa (Alloqua), mountain in Tigray 14/39? [+ 18]
JEB95 Allolufage (Allolufaghe) 11/41 [+ WO]
HEM72 Allomata, see Alamata
HCK88 Allujana (Allugiana) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
?? Alluli (Allooli) (in lowland beyond Great Salt Lake) ../.. [+ Ha]
allumai: aluma (A) Amaranthus angustifolius, Discopodium penninervium
HDP32 Allumai (area) 10/35 [WO]
JEC19 Allumbor (area) 11/42 [WO]
JEA47cAllume Taeb (plain) 11/40 [Gu]
JEB45 Allumi Ali (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDH94 Alluntava (area) 09/41 [WO]
alma (A) kind of eatable grass that grows in the rainy season
JEJ10 Alma (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEA64 Almahel (Almahl) 11/35 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Guba wereda & of Guba sub-district)
HCL.. Almate, in Aleta Wendo wereda 06/38 [n]
HDK38 Almawa 0924'/3816' 2619 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
GD... Almedid kebele, located near Sudan ../34 [20]
the P'olin variety of Kwama language is spoken there.
HDU82 Almuko 1045'/3933' 2816 m 10/39 [Gz]
alo: aaloo (O) grudge, rancor; aalo (Som) heifer, young female cattle
HDT48 Alo 1019'/3911' 2306 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU41 Alo 10/39 [WO]
JDJ55 Alo 0931'/4206' 2296 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEP61 Alo (Ala) (waterhole) 1317'/4048' -105 m, 13/40 [WO Gz]
below sea level
alo ..: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDM62 Alo Beret kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its southern border,
4-6 km south-west of Debre Birhan town; area 1,564 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU51 Alo & Fuchet kebele (.. Fuch'ät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its south-eastern border,
15 km south-west of Mehal Meda; area 3,823 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ55 Aloa, see Chach
HEJ55 Aloa Ghiorghis, see Alloha Giyorgis
HBU13 Aloi 0441'/3939' 805 m 04/39 [Gz]
alollo (A) round black stone used for grinding by hand
HC... Alolo (centre in 1964 of Fulassa sub-district) 06/37? [Ad]
HDU15 Alolo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda in its western part,
14 km north-northeast of Debre Sina; area 987 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC01 Alolu 0816'/3644' 1506 m 08/36 [Gz]
HEM63 Alomata (plain), cf Alamata Meda 12/39 [WO]
HEM72 Alomata, see Alamata
?? Alona (in Sidamo), area at the upper Mormora river ../.. [Mi]
HCD77 Aloncho (Alonch'o) 0607'/3810' 1839 m 06/38 [Gz]
HEF42 Alsa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the north-eastern border of Kuta Ber wereda,
near Kuta Ber settlement to its north-east; area 1,441 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC68 Alsai 11/37 [WO]
HFM02 Altena, see Alitena
HDK27 Altufa 0917'/3809' 2773 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
alu, aaluu (O) to deny, not acknowledge
JFA26 Alu (mountain in volcanic area) 1346'/4014' 13/40 [WO Ne Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JFA25
HFD46 Alugui, see Alawgen
HDU21 Alula 1011'/3927' 2310 m 10/39 [Gz]
HCL79c Alula Haute (village on grassland) 06/39 [x]
?? Alumu (in Chirim country, lower Omo valley) ../.. [n]
GCU70 Aluoro (river, tributary of the Baro) 08/34 [Mi]
HCT54 Alutu, see Gara Alutu
HEC18 Alvait (hill) 10/37 [WO]
GD... Alwera dam (45 km beyond Gambela) 08/34 [20]
GD... Alwero Wenz 0826'/3324' (river) 08/33 [Gz]
Coordinates give map code GDD39 or GDE30
H.... Alyume (hill) 2210 m 10/36? [Ch]
on the left bank of river Dora near Abay river
ama, hamaa (O) honeybadger, Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon
?? Ama ../.. [x]
former Capuchin mission station in the late 1800s
HDM13 Ama 0911'/3939' 1627 m 09/39 [Gz]
JDH46 Ama Yusefo 0928'/4118' 1587 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDU52c Amad Washo (recorded in 1841) 10/39 [Ha]
HEC38 Amadamit, see Amedamit
Amado, a male personal name;
amedu (amädu) (A) the ashes; amed washa, ash cave
JEA77 Amado (area) site for fossils 11/40 [WO]
JEC01 Amadu (Lo Ammadu, Amadoo) (plain) 10/41 [Gu WO Ha]
HCJ80 Amaia (Ammaia), see Ameya
HCS44 Amairaba 0739'/3754' 2460 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
amaja: ameja, amija (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Hypericum revolutum, H. quartinianum
JDJ12 Amaja (Amagia) (saddle), see under Grawa 09/41 [+ Gu]
JDJ12 Amaja, cf Ameja, Amija
?? Amajah (historical), in eastern Shewa ../.. [Pa]
HDU60 Amajo 1033'/3920' 2605 m 10/39 [Gz]
-- Amam language, see [1] Bambassi, [2] Kwama
amami (T) sweeping
HFC47 Amamu (area) 14/37 [WO]
aman (A,Arabic) peace, tranquility, pacified, safe (area);
Aman, a male personal name
HCG68 Aman (greater & lesser) 06/35 [WO Po]
Aman (Greater Aman) 0657'/3532' 1277 m 06/35 [Gz]
Aman (Lesser Aman), replaced by Mizan Teferi 06/35
HDM71 Aman, in the Wegda district 09/39 [n]
HDT38 Aman 1015'/3914' 1942 m, 10/39 [Gz]
between Liche and Tegulet
HDL34 Amana Wesi 0923'/3848' 2693 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Amandare (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
GCT35 Amanha 07/33 [WO]
HDL79 Amantie, see Amente
amanu (O) believe, have faith; ager (A) land, region
HEF33 Amanu Ager (Amanu Agher), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
HDS50 Amanuel (Ammanuel) 1027'/3734' 2438 m 10/37 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Machakel wereda)
with sub-post office
HDT05 Amanuel (Amaniel) (church) 10/38 [+ WO]
HED44 Amanuel (Abala, Abahala) 1115'/3757' 2034 m 11/37 [Gz Gu WO]
HEJ87 Amanuel (Emanuel) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDE56 Amanuel Iyesus (church) 0840'/3902' 08/39 [Gz]
HFF32c Amanu'el Ma'agwä 13/39 [En]
Monastery some 5 km outside the village of Negash,
to the left of the road to Adigrat. It is situated on top of a hill
and dominates the Gunfel valley.
HFE17 Amanuel Mayhaba (A. Maybaba) (rock-hewn church), 13/39 [Br x]
see under Temben churches
-- amar (Arabic) moon; Amar, an ethnic group, see Hamer
and also under Burji
-- Amar language (Ammar, Amarcocche), see Hamer Banna
HCC11 Amar (Amaro, Amarr) (mountains) 05/36 [Gz]
0535'/3645' 1254 m
HBR71 Amar Cocche, see Hamer Koke
JEG69 Amar Gule (sulphur spring) 12/40 [WO]
-- Amara (A,O) name of the Amhara people and the Amhara
region of Ethiopia, (O) also same as Sidama
GDF74 Amara (village) 0848'/3444' 1753/2099 m 08/34 [WO Gu Gz]
HDA95 Amara (Amara Gudo) 0859'/3520' 1804 m 08/35 [WO Gz]
HDC51 Amara (area) 08/36 [WO]
amara: tulu amara (O) mountain of the Amhara
HDJ17 Amara (Tulu Amara, A. Terara, Tullo A.) (mountain) 09/37 [WO MS Gu]
MS: 0920'/3720' = HDJ38, 2778/3128 m
Gz: 0911'/3717' = HDJ17
HDL90 Amara 0953'/3826' 2174 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HEF01 Amara 1054'/3926' 3438 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDJ77 Amara (mountain) 0945'/4214' 1183 m 09/42 [Gz]
HE... Amara Ankosa 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Muja sub-district)
amara g..: guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/;
gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. fulfill one's obligations
HDA96 Amara Gudo (Chella Dafino) 0901'/3521' 1899 m 09/35 [Gz]
HEE45 Amara Sayint (Amhara Sayent) (area), cf Sayint 11/38 [WO Ch x]
(Gz: Amara Saint, see Debre Zeyit Bota 11/39)
HCD67c Amara wereda 06/38 [Ad]
in later time part of the Gedeo awraja
amare (amarä) (A) to be pleasant, nice; look handsome;
Amare, a male personal name
JDC85 Amareiti, see Ije Weraba
amaresa: amaressa (O), amarissa (Bale O), hamaresa (O)
small thorn tree, Conyza spinosa
HDK90 Amaresa 0952'/3732' 1739 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
JDC50 Amaresa (Ammareisa) 08/41 [LM WO]
JDJ35 Amaresa 0923'/4157' = JDJ33 or JDJ34 09/42 [Po WO]
about 10 km from Harar
-- Amaro, Amarro, (Badittu) a Kefa clan and subdivision of Ometo ethnic group.
Rulers of the Amarro state had names
Amarro was incorporated into imperial Ethiopia in the 1890s.
amaru (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Vernonia auriculifera
HCC11 Amaro, see Amar
HCD14 Amaro (mountains) 05/37 [WO]
HCD34 Amaro (mountains) 0550'/3756' 05/37 [LM WO n]
coordinates would give map code HCD44
HCJ01 Amaro 0621'/3645' 1853 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCJ03 Amaro 0622'/3652' 2441 m 06/36 [Gz]
JCR38 Amaro 0732'/4220' 664 m 07/42 [Gz]

HCD34 Amaro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kele) 05/37 [Ad]

HCD34 Amaro wereda (Amaaro Special wereda) 05/37 [Ad]
(centre = Amaaro ketema)
above the Galane river valley,
is divided into 32 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCC11 Amarr, see Amar
-- Amarr Bambala, an ethnic group
-- Amarro (people), see Amaro above
amarti (O) ring; (Som) superiority, control over other people
JEP74 Amarti (Amarta) (mountain) 13/41 [WO Ne Gz]
1317'/4105' 389/900 m
amash: ammash (A) one who stirs up trouble
HDU84 Amash kebele 10/39 [Ad]
narrow area along a southern part of the eastern border of
Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda, 5-10 km west-southwest
of Majete; area 665 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM94 Amasha & Cheriye kebele (.. Chäreyé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5 km north-west of Debre Sina; area 1,033 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
amasho: ammash (A) one who stirs up trouble
?? Amasho (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HES13 Amastra 12/37 [WO]
amat (A) mother-in-law, father-in-law; washa, cave
HDM.. Amatenya Washa (Amatagna W.), 09/39 [+ x]
cave in the Debre Birhan region
HDA47 Amatto 0831'/3529' 1625 m 08/35 [WO Gz]
HDE30 Amawute 0828'/3830' 2800 m 08/38 [Gz]
Amaya, see also Ameya
-- Amaya, an Oromo tribe near river Walga
HC... Amaya (in Kulo Konta awraja), cf Ammaya 07/37? [Ad]
HD... Amaya (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
a village of Muslim Gurage
HEM52 Amaya kebele 12/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Kobo wereda,
10 km north-northwest of Kobbo town; area 1,883 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Amaya wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 74 rural kebeles and 1 urban
amaye m..: mecha (O) nation;
-- Mecha, an Oromo tribe; mechcha (O) bastard
HEM02c Amaye Mecha kebele (Amayé Méch'a ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda, 2-10 km south-west
of Weldiya; area 1,001 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Amayo (centre in 1964 of Sewa Meda sub-district) 11/39? [Ad]
in Yeju awraja
JFB00c Amaytoli (mountain) 13/40 [20]
HDU61 Amayu kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly north-south at the middle northern border
of Jema wereda, 10 km west of Were Ilu; area 2,309 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
amba (A,T?) 1. flat-topped mountain, especially a high
plateau with village settlement, mesa; 2. fort /on a mountain/;
amba (O) leftovers of food
HCS98 Amba (mountain) 0807'/3816 3485 m 08/38 [WO]
HDF26 Amba (mountain) 2819 m, see under Guna 08/39 [WO]
HDT71 Amba 1039'/3835' 2381 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEE38 Amba 1112'/3914' 3018 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF86 Amba 1137'/3854' 2428 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEL73 Amba, see Gur Amba
amba abba ..: abba (A,O,T) title of respect, "Father";
(O) deity, spirit
HET37 Amba Abba Gubba, see Aba Guba
HFE38c Amba Abba Tsama 1891 m 13/39 [Gu]
HEU43 Amba Abbedda, see Abedda
amba abeyto: abeto = ato (A) Sir, Mister
HEU31c Amba Abeyto (A. Abeito) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HEU42c Amba Abeyto (A. Abeito) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HES99 Amba Abier (mountain range) 2851 m 13/38 [Gu n]
peak 3793 m, pass 2945 m, cf Abyeri
amba abiet: abet (A) answer to a call, 'Sir'
HFE.. Amba Abiet 14/39 [Gu]
HFD.. Amba Abraham, place in Woldebba 13/37 [18]
HFE76c Amba Ad Decki Raes (.. .. Decchi ..) 2476 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HEU42c Amba Addobona 13/39 [Gu]
HEL.. Amba Adi Kwonsi (.. .. Quonsi) 12/38 [+ Gu]
HFC48 Amba Adiero (Adi Fro) 1402'/3721' 1272 m 14/37 [Gz]
HFF20c Amba Adigas (in western Geralta) 13/39 [x]
HFC48 Amba Adiyerk (Amba Adierc) (area) 14/37 [+ WO]
amba afg..: afgarad (Som) understanding
HDU31 Amba Afgar (area) 10/39 [WO]
HED50 Amba Agheta, see Agita
HEM.. Amba Agwari (.. Aguari) 12/39 [+ Gu]
?? Amba Aia, see Amba Aya
HER39 Amba Akudib (Amba Acudib) (hill) 1259'/3730' 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
amba alage: alaga (O) unrelated, no relative
HEU32 Amba Alage (Ambalage, Amba Alagi, A. Alaji) 12/39 [Gz MS Gu]
(Mt Aladshie, Fre: Amba Alagui) 12/39 [LM 18]
1259'/3933' 2785, 3055, 3439 m, cf Aleji
HEU.. Amba Alage sub-district? (-1997-) 13/39 [n]
HEU42c Amba Alage wereda (Amba Lagie .., Ambalage ..) 13/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Betmera)
HFF70 Amba Alequa, see Alekwa
amba amara, mountain of the Amhara
HER49 Amba Amara (area) 13/37 [WO]
HER57 Amba Amara (area) 1310'/3728' 1360 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HER59
amba amb..: ambera (Gurage) he did not eat
HFE04 Amba Ambera (A. Ambara), see Ambera
HFF71 Amba Amo 3030 m 14/39 [Gu]
HFF70c Amba Andiyel (A. Andiel) 3243 m, 14/39 [+ Gu]
see under Adigrat (there is And Iyela at 11/39)
HEU71 Amba Antalo, see Antalo
HEU71 Amba Aradam (A. Aradon, A. Aradom) (mountain) 13/39 [WO Gu 18 Gz]
1320'/3931' 2345, 2756 m
amba arara, a. araraa (O) mountain of blazing sunshine?
HEU13 Amba Arara (area), see under Korbeta, cf Arara 12/39 [WO]
HFE47c Amba Arato 13/39 [Gu]
amba ark.: arka (O) 1. hand, arm; 2. (arqa) cry of a leopard
HES03 Amba Arka (Amba Arca) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDU01 Amba Assag (area) 10/39 [WO]
HEF52c Amba Assellet (mountain) 11/39 [Gu]
HFE78 Amba Awger, see Awagir
HEL13 Amba Awnanur (A. Aunanur) (area) 11/38 [+ WO]
?? Amba Aya (A. Aia) 3119 m ../.. [+ Gu]
?? Amba Ayhud ('Jews' Rock', historical from 1500s) ../.. [x]
amba az..: azen (A) gloom, pain
HEK81 Amba Azen, see Awria
amba balambras: balambaras (A) commander of a fortress
/= bal amba ras/, though mostly a honorific title only
HER06 Amba Balambras (mountain) 1246'/3709' 1836 m 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
amba bara: baraa (O) learner, male student;
bara (O) weather, time, year, age
HET69 Amba Bara (area) 13/39 [WO]
HFF52 Amba Bara (mountain) 1404'/3936' 2613 m 14/39 [Gu Gz]
HES09 Amba Barno (area) 12/38 [WO]
HFE76c Amba Bayrot (Amba Bairot) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFE85 Amba Behesa (A. Beesa), see Bihiza
HEL87 Amba Belage (area) 12/39 [WO]
HEU41c Amba Belaho (mountain chain), cf Belaho 13/39 [Gu]
HEU60c Amba Belakit (Amba Belachit) 13/39 [+ Gu]
amba ber (A) mountain pass
HEE78 Amba Ber (village east of Geech) 13/38 [20]
amba berr.: berra (bärra) (A) burn, be lit
HES03 Amba Berra (area) 12/37 [WO]
HFE53 Amba Berra, 1405'/3846' 14/38 [x]
HER98 Amba Bilai (area) 13/37 [WO]
HFC79 Amba Bircutan, see Birkuta
HEL95c Amba Biyala (Amba Biala) (mountain) 3086 m 12/38 [+ Gu]
HFF54c Amba Blanche 14/39 [n]
HEU22c Amba Bolonta 12/39 [Gu]
HEL61c Amba Bubbona, see Bubbona
HES14 Amba Bwakshe (Amba Boacscie) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HER67 Amba Carachir, see Karakir
HEC48 Amba Cefa, see Chefa
HES70 Amba Chalad (Amba Cialad) (area), cf Chalud 13/37 [+ WO]
HEK71 Amba Chara, see Ambachara
?? Amba Chekana, see Chekana
HFE16 Amba Chernale, see Kernale
HEL47 Amba Cheru Gemeso (A. Ceru Ghemeso) (area) 12/39 [+ WO]
HET80 Amba Chifaras (Amba Cifaras) (area) 13/38 [+ WO]
HET34 Amba Chikur (A. Cicur, A. Ciout) (mountain) 13/38 [+ Gu WO]
amba cho..: chore (ch'ore) (A) large spear;
chore, choree (O) mother
HEE49 Amba Chore, see Chore
HES71 Amba Cialud, see Chalud
HER74 Amba Cuchi (A, Cucoi), see Amba Kuchi
amba dai: day (Som) look at, view
HER44 Amba Dai 13/37 [WO]
HER41 Amba Daid (area) 1303'/3645' 913 m 13/36 [WO Gz]
HET77 Amba Damaskal (Amba Damascal) (area) 13/39 [+ WO]
?? Amba Dandie (with prison) ../.. [x]
HDL09 Amba Dar 0906'/3916' 2435 m 09/39 [Gz]
amba darra, mountain of longing? darra (O) craving, desire
HDM61 Amba Darra (area) 09/39 [WO]
HFE15 Amba Debre Ansa, see Debre Asa
HFF40 Amba Debre Mahar (A. Debra M.), cf Debre Maar 13/39 [+ Gu]
2488 m, see under Hawzen
HFE39c Amba Debre Mariyam (A. Debra Mariam), 13/39 [+ Gu]
cf Debre Maryam
HES34 Amba Defia (area) 12/37 [WO]
HDU12c Amba Dekensi (Amba Dechensi) 10/39 [+ Gu]
HFF80 Amba Demha, 2775 m 14/39 [Gu]
?? Amba Dibuk (in Tigray), cf Debuk, Debek ../.. [n]
HES62 Amba Dinai (mountain) 1316'/3749' 2113 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HFF20 Amba Dobote (in western Geralta) 13/39 [x]
HFF70c Amba Dokwanya (A.Doquania, A.Dongonia), 14/39 [+ Gu]
see under Adigrat
HET45 Amba Dorwa (A.Dorua) (area), see under Abergele 13/38 [WO]
HEU34c Amba Duggeduka (Amba Duggheducca) 13/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1258'/3946' 1488 m
amba dux: dux (Latin) word symbolic of Italian fascism
HET57c Amba Dux (It. name, head of Mussolini seen) 13/39 [Gu]
HEF52c Amba Egwa (Amba Egua) (mountain) 11/39 [+ Gu]
?? Amba Ellebat ../.. [Gu]
HEL88 Amba Esrael (Amba Sera-el) (mountain) 12/39 [Gu Gz]
1234'/3912' 1921 m, cf Israel Amba
HFC59 Amba Felassa (mountain) 1403'/3727' 1115 m 14/37 [WO Gz]
HEE04 Amba Ferit (Amba Farit) (mountain area) 10/38 [WO Gz]
1056'/3858' 3874/3975 m
HDT73 Amba Ferit kebele (.. Färit ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern Sayint wereda, 12 km east of Ajibar; area 1,346 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE04 Amba Ferit sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yandach) 10/38 [Ad]
amba ferr..: ferra (färra) (A) be afraid, fear
HEU21 Amba Ferra (mountain area) c3500 m, 12/39 [WO Gu]
see also Ferra Amba
HFF90 Amba Fokeda (A. Foqäda, .. Fekada, .. Fäqada) 14/39 [En]
Ancient rock shelter on Amba Zeban close to the Eritrean border.
HEM80c Amba Gabriel 12/39 [Gu]
HET36 Amba Gabriel (area) 12/39 [WO]
HEF51 Amba Gebi, see Amba Gibi
amba gedem .., gedam (A,T) monastery, convent
HFD36 Amba Gedem Maka (A. Ghedem Maca) 1912 m 13/38 [+ WO Gu]
HEK99 Amba Gedeon (A. Ghedeon) (mountain) 1238'/3823' 12/38 [Gz]
HEC09 Amba Gei (A. Ghei) 1338'/3730' 1273 m 13/37 [Gz]
amba gene ..: mara (O) 1. all; 2. roll of tobacco;
3. fresh corn cake
HEU31c Amba Gene Mara 13/39 [Gu]
HES73 Amba Germiye (Amba Ghermie) 13/37 [Gz WO]
(mountain) 1322'/3748' 1708 m
HEF70 Amba Geshen, see Amba Gishen

HEF51 Amba Gibi kebele (.. Gebi ..) 11/39 [Ad]

in north-westernmost Kuta Ber wereda, 15 km north-west
of Kuta Ber settlement; area 5,895 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
amba gir ..: gir (A) trained /animal/
HFD47 Amba Gir Gitsya (Amba Ghir Ghizia) (area) 14/38 [+ WO]
2080 m, see under Inda Silase
HEF70 Amba Gishen (Geshen Debre Kerbe, A. Geshen) 11/39 [Pa 18 n]
(Amba Negest, Fre: Amba Guechén)
(historical locality in Gojjam), cf Amba Moka
amba Giyorgis (A) mountain of Saint George
HEC86 Amba Giyorgis (A. Gheorgis) (area) 11/37 [+ It]
HES11 Amba Giyorgis (A. Gheorghis, Dabat) (place) 12/37 [MS Ad Gu Gz]
MS: 1247'/3742' = HES02; Gz: 1246'/3737' 2781 m
(centre in 1964 of Wegera wereda and of Inkash
sub-district & of Kosaye sub-district) (with small church)
HFD67 Amba Giyorgis, see Adi Ademay
-- amba gog..: Gogot, a sub-group of the Gurage
HDU32 Amba Gogot 10/39 [WO]
HER79 Amba Gohalit (area) 13/37 [WO]
HEJ77 Amba Gualit, see Amba Gwalit
amba gub.: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron;
3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
HET32 Amba Guba, see Jiba
HFE39c Amba Gudele, see Gudele
HEU03c Amba Gudom 12/39 [Gu]
H.... Amba Gulisha (mountain in north-east Geralta), 13/39 [x]
cf Geralta churches - northern
HEU24 Amba Gumase (Gumasir) (mountain) 12/39 [Gu 18 Gz]
1256'/3944' 1756 m
amba gurage, mountain of the Gurage people?
HES02 Amba Gurage (Amba Guraghieh) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEL77 Amba Gurbaco, see Gerbako
HEJ77 Amba Gwalit (A. Gualit) (church) 2295 m 12/37 [20 WO Gu]
HES.. Amba Hai (high mountain east of Debark) 13/38 [18]
HET.. Amba Haji (.. Hadji) south-west of Antalo 13/39 [+ 18]
(on map of 1814, same as El Hadje prison mountain?)
HES95c Amba Hawasa (A. Hauwasàh), see under Adi Arkay 13/37 [+ x]
HET70 Amba Hay, see Hay, cf Amba Hai
?? Amba Ieha, see Amba Yeha
HEL.. Amba Islam, in Meket area south of Tekeze 11/38 [x]
HE... Amba Israel (old name), see Ambasel
HEC96 Amba Iyesus (A. Jesus) (village) c1900 m 11/37 [+ It]
HEL73 Amba Iyesus (Amba Jesus) (area) 12/38 [+ WO]
?? Amba Jebeli ../.. [n]
HEJ.. Amba Jibjiba (mountain), near Jenda 12/37 [x]
amba kafta: kefta, keffita (A) height, elevation
HET33 Amba Kafta (Amba Cafta) (area) 13/38 [+ WO]
HFE39c Amba Kamer (in western Geralta), same as Kemer? 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern

HDM55 Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]

in central Ankober wereda at its eastern border,
10 km north-east of Ankober town; area 937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET65 Amba Kekemfa (Amba Chechemfa) (area) 13/38 [WO]

amba kens: kensa, keensa (O) finger or toe nail, claw, hoof
HEK22 Amba Kens (Amba Chens) (area), see under Yifag 12/37 [WO]
HFE16 Amba Kernale (K'ernale Terara, Amba Chernale) 13/39 [Gz Gu]
(Carnale) (mountain) 1342'/3904' 2020 m,
see Kernale, and also under Abiy Adi
amba kiros ager (A) mountain of the land of Cyrus
HET82 Amba Kiros Ager (A. Chiros Agher) (area) 13/38 [+ WO]
korkora, qorqoraa (O) stingy /man who grudges
about household expenses/
HEU41c Amba Korkora (Amba Corcora) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HEE79 Amba Kostantino (Amba Costantino) (pass) 11/39 [+ WO]
HER75 Amba Kuchi (A. Cucoi, A. Cuchi, A. Coucki) 13/37 [+ WO It Gz]
(A. Cucoi, A. Kukoy) (mountain) 1318'/3706' 1055 m
HER75 Amba Kukoy, see Amba Kuchi
HER48 Amba Kukura (A. Cucura) 1305'/3719' 1643 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
(mountain), cf Kurkura
HFE76c Amba Kunzila (Amba Cunzale) 14/39 [+ Gu]
amba la..: lamba (A,T) kerosene; lambaa (O) kerosene lamp
HEE96 Amba Lamba 1142'/3903' 3134 m 11/39 [Gz]
amba lisha: lesha (O) whip of hippo hide
HET67 Amba Lisha (A. Liscia) (area) 13/39 [WO]
HFC45 Amba Maar, see Maar
amba mader..: maderiya (madäriya) (A) 1. place for
passing the night, dwelling; 2. one of three fiscal
sub-systems was called Geber Maderiya
HES97 Amba Maderiya (Ambamaderia) 1330'/3810' 13/38 [MS Te]
HFD17 Amba Maderiya (A. Madere, A. Madre, Haida) 13/38 [Gz WO Gu Po]
(Hayda, Embamadre) 1342'/3811' 1289, 1509 m
amba madr.: madre (Italian) mother; cf Madra, Madira
HFD17 Amba Madre Gebriel (church) 1342'/3811' 13/38 [Gz]
HFC15 Amba Mahar (area), cf Maheir 13/37 [WO]
HFC25 Amba Mahar (mountain) 1343'/3706' 1095 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HFC15
amba mak..: maqoorad (Som) dividing up of work
HFE47c Amba Makorat (Amba Macorat) 13/39 [+ Gu]
?? Amba Malot (historical from the 1200s) ../.. [x]
HFD37 Amba Manamba, see Amba Nanamba
amba maryam (A) mountain of Mary
HDS85 Amba Maryam 1046'/3759' 3058 m 10/37 [Gz]
HEE69 Amba Maryam (A. Mariam) 1126'/3917' 2520 m 11/39 [Gz Ad]
(Magdala, Magdalla, Melata)
(ctr in 1964 of Mekdela wereda), near Mekdela - or part of it?
HEH55c Amba Maryam 12/36 [LM]
HEK05 Amba Maryam (A. Mariam) (with church), 11/37 [+ WO Gu]
see under Debre Tabor
HEK52 Amba Maryam (Amba Mariam) (area) 12/37 [+ WO Gu]
HEM21 Amba Maryam (church) 1201'/3928' 12/39 [Gz]
HES62 Amba Maryam (Amba Mariam) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HEE48 Amba Maryam kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in the centre of Tenta wereda, 10 km south
of Tenta settlement; area 1,858 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HF... Amba Maryam Tsediya (A. Mariam Tsadia) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFE.. Amba Matevre 13/38 [Gu]
amba may..: mayr (Som) wash; mayran (Som) washed
HEU42c Amba Mayra (Amba Maira), see Mayra Amba
amba mech.: mecha (O) nation;
-- Mecha, an Oromo tribe; mechcha (O) bastard
HEC96 Amba Mecha (A. Meccia) (church) 11/37 [+ It]
HEC19 Amba Meda (Ambameda) (in Libo awraja) 10/37 [Ad WO]
?? Amba Mehari (Ambamahari), see Ambo Mehari
HEE91 Amba Merkali (Amba Mercali) (area), 11/38 [+ WO]
see under Debre Zebit
amba meshael: mesal (mäsal) (A) whetstone
HFE76c Amba Meshael 14/39 [+ Gu]
HEL97 Amba Meskel Metokosha (.. .. Metocoscia) 12/39 [+ Gu]
(.. Mascal ..) 2363m
HFE76c Amba Mezza 2749 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFF24 Amba Mikael, see Haike Meskel
amba mis..: misha (O) in a good way, well /done/
HEL61c Amba Misha (Amba Misca) 12/38 [+ Gu]
HER83 Amba Miu (area) 13/36 [WO]
HFE76c Amba Mohadi, 2222 m 14/39 [Gu]
amba moka, spoon mountain? mokka (O) spoon /of horn or wood/
HEF70 Amba Moka (A. Moha) (mountain) 11/39 [Gz WO]
1131'/3922' 2875 m peak at 1130'/3928',
see Yegura 3089 m at HEF71
HCF05 Amba Mussolini (Italian-given name) 05/39 [WO]
HFD37 Amba Nanamba (Amba Manamba) (mountain) 13/38 [WO Gu Gz]
1358'/3815' 2032/2077 m, see also Nanamba
HEL.. Amba Neccer 12/38 [Gu]
amba nef..: neffasha (näffashsha) (A) windy, airy, open place
HED61 Amba Nefasha (Amba Nefascia) 11/37 [+ It]
(mountain 7 km south of the Abay)
HEF70 Amba Negest, see Amba Gishen
HES71 Amba Nevi (mountain) 1337'/3736' 1971 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HET75 Amba Neway (A. Noai) (area) 2615 m 13/38 [+ WO]
HFC44 Amba Nisti (area) 13/36 [WO]
HEF60 Amba Not (near Mekdela) 1129'/3922' 2673 m 11/39 [Gz]
HET45 Amba Nussessemai 1305'/3857' 1594 m 13/38 [Gu Gz]
amba ras (A) mountain top? top mountain?
HES12 Amba Ras 1246'/3743' 2753 m 12/37 [Gz]
HES54 Amba Ras (area) 3100 m 13/37 [WO]
HES56 Amba Ras (Ambaras) 1313'/3805' 3173 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
HES67 Amba Ras (Ambaras) (area) 2400 m, see u. Sawana 13/38 [WO Gu]
HES87 Amba Ras (Ambara) 1326'/3814' 2908 m 13/38 [Gz]
?? Amba Remeteka sub-district (-1997-) 13/38? [n]
amba saber: sabar (Som) foot of a hill; sabir (Som) patience
HER25 Amba Saber (pass) 12/37 [WO]
amba saka: saka (O) 1. (saqaa) path in tall grass or crop;
2. (saqa) lower area; (A) flaw, blemish; scurf
HET37c Amba Saka (Amba Sacca) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HFF33 Amba Sala Gamut (recorded in 1868) 13/39 [18]
?? Amba Salama (A. Selama?), fortress in Temben ../.. [x]
amba sam..: samboor (Som) nasal inflammation
HEE22 Amba Samber (locality) 1105'/3840' 11/38 [WO Gz]
HFF69c Amba Saneti, see Amba Seneyti
HET.. Amba Sarago (in Abergele) 13/38 [n]
HF... Amba Sardibo (in Agame?) 14/39 [n]
HES33 Amba Sciaa, see Amba Shaa, under Dabat
HEL64 Amba Scioa, see Amba Shewa
HFE75 Amba Sebhat (A.Sibat) (isolated mountain) 14/38 [Gu x]
1417'/3858' 2520 m
HEF62 Amba Sel (area), cf Ambasel awraja 11/39 [18 WO Gu]
(early name: Amba Israel)
HEF72 Amba Sel (Ambasel) 1128'/3932' 11/39 [WO Gz Ad]
or 1127'/3948' 1898, 3567 m
HDT37 Amba Selis 1015'/3904' 2333 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFE66 Amba Senayt (historically recorded), see Semayata
HFF69 Amba Senayti (A. Sineyti, A. Saneti) 14/39 [En Ad x]
HFF69 Amba Seneyti wereda (Embaseneiti ..) 14/39 [Ad x]
(Imba Seneyti ..) (centre -1964-2003- = Nebelet)
HEL88 Amba Sera-el, see Amba Esrael
HET57c Amba Sessewa (Amba Sesseua) 13/39 [+ Gu]
amba shaa: sa-a (O) cow, cattle
HES33 Amba Shaa (A. Sciaa) (area), see under Dabat 12/37 [+ WO]
amba shef..: shefere (shäfärre) (A) thornless tree,
Balanites aegyptiaca
HDL93 Amba Shefere (Shefere) (place) 09/38 [Gz]
0956'/3843' 1750 m, see Shefere Amba
HFE65 Amba Shelloda (A. Soloda) 1410'/3855', 14/38 [x]
see also under Adwa
HEL64 Amba Shewa (A.Scioa) 1223'/3854' 2295 m 12/38 [Gz Gu]
HET09 Amba Shilyora (A. Schiliora) (mountain) 12/39 [+ WO Gz]
1242'/3904' 1610 m
HET07 Amba Shmilyora (Amba Scmiliora) (area), 13/39 [+ WO]
see under Sekota
HEE09 Amba Silas 1054'/3914' 3411 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFM02 Amba Simba, see Asimba
HFE65 Amba Soloda, see Amba Shelloda
amba tab..: tabari (O) a kind of beans
HEJ99 Amba Tabara (area), see under Gondar 12/37 [WO]
HFE19 Amba Teru 1343'/3916' 13/39 [x]
HFE76c Amba Tilile 2354 m 14/39 [Gu]
HEU31 Amba Togora, see Togora 13/39
HET36 Amba Treka (Amba Treca) 12/38 [+ Gu]
HFE07c Amba Tsellere (Tzellere) 2510 m 13/39 [Gu It]
HFF41c Amba Tsiyon (with rock-hewn church), near Hawzen? 14/39? [x]
HFF52c Amba Tsiyon (Amba Sion) 2928 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFF60 Amba Tsiyon (A. Sion) (mountain) 14/39 [Gz Gu WO 18]
1405'/3926' 2209, 2928 m
HEL28 Amba Tsiyon kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Bugna wereda,
5-10 km east of Lalibela; area 3,942 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM82 Amba Tsolog, see Tsoiag
HFE76c Amba Tsogrom 14/39 [Gu]
HDR79c Amba Tullo, see under Jiga
HET17 Amba Ualla, see Amba Walla
HEC68 Amba Ueiven, see Amba Weiben
HEK07 Amba Umhailai (area) 11/38 [WO]
HEM71 Amba Uomberet, see Amba Wemberet, also Womberat
HEL63 Amba Uorc, see Amde Werk
amba waha..: wahab (Som) chill and humidity of the night
HFE76c Amba Wahabit (Amba Uahabit) 2347 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFE76c Amba Wahega (Amba Uahega) 2327 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HEU50c Amba Walke (recorded in 1868) 13/39 [18]
amba wal..: walla, one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day names;
walle (O) one who is good at singing and dancing
HET17 Amba Walla (Amba Ualla) (mountain) 13/39 [+ Gz Gu]
1248'/3906' 1787, 2013 m
HE... Amba Wasel (old name), see Ambasel
amba washa (A) cave mountain
HDU03c Amba Washa (A. Uascia, A. Guiascia) 09/39 [+ Gu]
HFE76 Amba Wazga (Amba Uazga) (area) 14/39 [+ WO Gu]
HEC68 Amba Weiben (A. Ueiven) (mountain) 11/37 [+ It]
HEM71 Amba Wemberet (A. Uomberet) (locality) 13/39 [Gz WO]
HEL63 Amba Werk, see Amde Werk, cf Werk Amba
HET26 Amba Wombedye (Amba Uombedieh) 13/39 [+ Gu WO]
HET27c Amba Yachuktsela (Amba Iaciuctsela) 13/39 [+ Gu]
(long mountain)
HF... Amba Yeha (A. Ieha) 2657 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
?? Amba Za-Ankassa (historical battle site) ../.. [x]
HES53 Amba Zagul (Garduco, peak Bisava Maryam) 13/37 [Gz]
1310'/3750' peak 3002 m
amba zan.: zana, zanna (Gojjam A) tree,
Stereospermum kunthianum
HER77 Amba Zana, see Zana
HFE76c Amba Zatta 2379 m, cf Zata 14/39 [Gu]
amba zeb..: zeben (A) time, era, epoch
HES91 Amba Zeban (area) 13/37 [WO]
HFF90 Amba Zeban (A. Ziban, Zeban Amba) (mountain) 14/39 [Gu]
2324, 2841 m, see also Amba Fokeda rock shelter
HFC07 Amba Zelal, see Zelal
HES92 Amba Zemelekot (Amba Zemelecot) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HEK77 Amba Zoz, see Zoz
HFD96 Amba Zua, see Imba Tsiwa, and also Amba Zwa
amba zur..: zuriya (A) environs
HEK62 Amba Zuriya (A. Zuria) (area), see under Belesa 12/37 [+ WO]
HFK07 Amba Zwa (A. Zua) (mountain) 1738, 2014 m 14/38 [+ Gu]
ambabessa (O) kind of tall tree, Albizia gummifera,
A. schimperiana, often shade tree in coffee forests,
with large pods
HDC42 Ambabessa (Ambab Essa) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDK70 Ambabo, see Imbabo
HDS26 Ambaccia (Ambatcha), see Chifar
ambach..: chara (O) tip top, very good?
chaaraa, one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day names
HEK71 Ambachara (Ambaciara, Ambaciera, Amba Chara) 12/37 [Ad Gu 18 Gz]
(Amba Ch'arra, Amba Ch'era) 1225'/3740' 2441 m
(centre in 1964 of Belesa wereda),
see also Degoma and under Deguma
HEK72 Ambachara (Ambaciara) (area) 2441 m 12/37 [+ WO]
HEK.. Ambachara sub-district (centre in 1964 = Werahla) 12/37 [Ad]
?? Ambako (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEU32 Ambalage, see Amba Alage
HDU25 Ambalay 1010'/3947' 2925 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFD17c Ambamaderia, see Amba Maderia? Amba Madre? 13/38 [Te]
HEC19 Ambameda, see Amba Meda
ambar (A) bracelet, anklet; Ambar, a Somali female name
?? Ambar Cherkos (visiting postman under Jimma), ../.. [Po]
cf Amber Kirkos
HEJ58 Ambara 1217'/3727' 1784 m, see under Gorgora, 12/37 [WO Gz]
cf Amibara, Ambera, Amberra, Abale
H.... Ambara Desta (centre in 1964 of Azena sub-district) 10/36? [Ad]
H.... Ambara Metaga wereda (1990s, in Temben) 13/39? [Yo]
?? Ambaracia ../.. [It]
HES56 Ambaras, see Amba Ras & HES87
HCS14 Ambaricho (mountain), see Ambericho
?? Ambasel (mountain range in Wello) 3567 m ../.. [x]
(Ambasal, Ambassal, Ambassel). cf Amba Sel
JEA82 Ambasel awraja (Ambassel .., Abassel ..) 11/39 [Gz Ad x]
1135/4000' (centre at least 1964-1987 = Hayk)
in the 1990s with reduced area changed into Ambasel wereda
HEF 53 Ambasel wereda 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Denka, and in 1990s = Wichale)
(-1994-) is divided into 29 rural kebeles and 1 urban,
among which
Abet, Abrandof, Asfa, Astamba, Awlet, Begido, Bizen, Damota,
Delba, Denka, Dibil, Dino, Feka, Gishen, Golbo, Jari Fil Wiha,
Jerogeta, Kolet, Koshimu, Kula Kwaho, Kwashat, Limo, Mariye,
Minchu, Robit, Segora, Shafi town, Sinka, Teremchig, Ziha
?? Ambasemi (centre in 1964 of Derra wereda) 10/38? [Ad]
?? Ambash (farm in Awash valley) ../.. [x]
ambasha, wheat bread of Tigray type
HEC79 Ambashera (Ambascera) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
HDT80 Ambasim Ber kebele (Ambasem Bär ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in northern westernmost Sayint wereda, 22 km west-northwest
of Ajiubar; area 5,946 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Ambassat Gallaba, border post in Tigray ../.. [x]
ambat (A) "learned" plural of amba; thus ambatu, the flat mountains
HEE74 Ambat kebele 11/38 [Ad]
far to the west in Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
20 km south-west of Bete Hor; area 1,515 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT59c Ambat & Mesno kebele (.. Mäsno ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda;
area 2,793 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED40 Ambatna 1114'/3730' 2337 m, near code HEC49 11/37 [Gz]
HDC81 Ambatu (mountain) 2100 m 08/36 [WO]
HEE88 Ambaye kebele (Ambayé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Dawint & Delanta wereda,
immediately north of Wegel Tena; area 1,853 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ambazza (A) catfish; cf ambazza meret (A) land which
does not keep water
HER09 Ambazza (Ambezzo) (mountain) 12/37 [WO Gz]
1244'/3732' 2743 m
ambe (A) cultivated pineapple, Ananas sativus
HDG58 Ambe (Iambel, Tulu Iambal) 0935'/3530' 09/35 [Gz x]
locality north of Nejo
HDL34 Ambe 0923'/3849' 2687 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
ambel (ambäl) (A) captain of a team
HDT88 Ambela 1044'/3913' 2910 m 10/39 [Gz]
ambelta (A) kind of acacia-like tree,
Entada (Entadopsis) abyssinica
HDK24 Ambelta 0915'/3753' 2006 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDS.. Amber, 230-330 km NW of Addis Abeba 09/39 [n]
town in Awabel wereda
H.... Amber Kirkos (centre in 1964 of Aneded wereda), 10/37? [Ad]
cf Ambar Cherkos
ambera (ambära) (Gurage) he did not eat
HFE04 Ambera (/Amba/ Amberra, A. Ambara) (mountain) 13/38 [WO Gu Gz]
1337'/3850' 1856, 2170 m, cf Hambera
HFE04 Ambera sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guya) 13/38 [Ad]
HCS14 Ambericho (Ambaricho, Ambericcio) (mountain) 07/37 [Gz WO Gu]
0717'/3752' 2892 m 2537, 2984 m
HCS46 Ambericho (Ambericcio) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
-- ambero g..: Gechi, a Wello Oromo tribe
HDB28 Ambero Gechi sub-district (Imboru Gechi ..) 08/36 [Ad LM]
(centre in 1964 = Gechi), cf Imboro Gechi
HFE15 Amberra, cf Ambera 13/38 [n]
HDU32 Ambersha 1017'/3933' 2817 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT85 Ambes kebele (Ambäs ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central easternmost Debre Sina wereda near the border,
8 km east-northeast of Mekane Selam; area 526 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ambesa (A) lion; defar (däffar) (A) bold, venturesome
HEE58 Ambesa Defar kebele (Ambäsa Däfar ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Tenta wereda at its border,
10 km west of Tenta settlement; area 2,796 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF90 Ambeset 1424'/3924' 2324 m, cf Ambesset 14/39 [Gz]
HEC84 Ambeshin (Ambescin) (river valley), 11/36 [+ It]
see under Yismala Giyorgis
HFF40 Ambesset (Amberset) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Hawzen
HEC38 Ambevar 11/37 [WO]
HER09 Ambezzo, see Ambazza

HCS.. Ambicho (with mosque), near Hosaina 07/37 [x]

HCU16 Ambientu (Hambientu) (plain) 07/39 [WO Gu Gz]
0719'/3956' 2391 m
HES69 Ambikwa (near Simen hiking route) 3100 m 13/38 [Br n]
HDR81 Ambili 1041'/3642' 1773 m 10/36 [Ch WO Gz]

-- Ambisa was the name of a luba (eight-year leadership age group)

of the Boran near lake Ziway in Emperor Serse Dengel's time
HDE96 Ambisa (Ambissa) 0900'/3858' 2354 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael)
HDL82c Ambisa (centre in 1964 of Degem sub-district) 09/38 [Ad]
HDE96 Ambisa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Akako) 09/38 [Ad]
HEC00 Ambiti Giyorgis (Ambiti Gheorgis) 10/36 [Ch WO Gz]
1049'/3638' 2130 m
ambo (O) 1. mineral water; 2. thorn tree, Acacia abyssinica;
also Abysicarpus ferrugineus?
HCS04c Ambo (on SE slope of mount Ambaricho) 07/37 [20]
ambo: agere hiywet (A) land of life
HDD94 Ambo (Amboo) 0859'/3751' 2050/2167 m 08/37 [WO Gz Br]
(Hagere Hiwot, Agere Hiwot, Hagere Hiywet) 08/37 [WO Te AA]
(centre at least 1964-1980 of Jibat & Mecha awraja)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5W Senkele (springs, source of commercial mineral water)
9W Guder (with waterfall and wine farm) 1969 m
6N Bifti (Befti) (hill) peak 2138 m
ca5 Boji Mangado (small village)
?? Dembi 2156 m
?? Muka Ilmu 2199 m
HEF42 Ambo (near Dessie) 1115'/3934' 2962 m 11/39 [WO Gz]
HEF42 Ambo (village) 1116'/3932 3205 m 11/39 [WO Gz]
HEH66 Ambo 1228'/3612' 777 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
?? Ambo (in Wello, with crater lake and landing strip) ../.. [20]
HEK50 Ambo 12/37 [WO Gu]
?? Ambo Akabani sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HEC98 Ambo Bahr (area), see under Zege 11/37 [WO]
ambo ber (A) mineral spring pass
HEK82c Ambo Ber, see Ambober
HDU36 Ambo Ber kebele (.. Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southern Efrata & Gidim wereda at its eastern border,
10-16 km south-west of Efeson; area 1,755 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ambo feres, mineral spring for horses
HEE45 Ambo Feres kebele (.. Färäs ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in southern central Mekdela wereda,
15 km west of Masha; area 2,805 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ambo k..: kara, qaraa (O) 1. road, path;
2. edge; 3. far-away place;
kara, karra (A) kaaraa (O) knife
HDU83 Ambo Kara kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the separate western part of Kalu wereda in its south-western area,
10 km west of Degaga; area 4,240 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ambo mech.: mecha (O) nation;
-- Mecha, an Oromo tribe; mechcha (O) bastard
HDD93c Ambo Mecha wereda (centre in 1964 = Senkele) 08/37 [Ad]
ambo meda (A) field with mineral spring
HEK.. Ambo Meda (centre in 1964 of Kemkem sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
?? Ambo Mehari (? Ambamahari, 'Spring of Mercy') ../.. [x]
HDD94c Ambo wereda 08/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 115 rural and 11 urban kebeles.
HEK82c Ambober (Ambo Ber, Ambover, Anbober) 12/37 [x Ad n]
(former Falasha village)
JEB76 Amboeli (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEF90 Ambola 1140'/3925' 2580 m 11/39 [Gz]
ambom..: misa (A) midday meal
HDS76 Ambomisa (centre in 1964 of Mengist/u/ sub-district) 10/38 [Ad]
HCS42c Amboro (Homecho) (market town) 07/37 [En 20]
HDK35 Amboy 0919'/3758' 2481 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
amboya, aboya (A) kind of tree
JEH18 Ambreyta (Ambreita) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
ambul: ambulla (A) dregs, sediment of tej
JDG66 Ambul Arali (area) 09/40 [WO]
HFE92 Amburai (Dorena river valley) 1421'/3840' 14/38 [WO Mi Gz]
(or Indalilo river valley) 1426'/3840'
HES55 Amburkwo (Amburcuo) 13/37 [+ WO]
HCK.. Amburse, cf under Durame 07/38 [20]
HCP98 Ambuye, see Dembi
HCR83 Ambuye (Amboye, Dambi) 0801'/3657' 1812 m, 08/36 [Gz Te Po]
coordinates would give map code HCR84
HEF32 Ambwasa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western central Dese Zuriya wereda,
11 km west of Dessie town; area 1,551 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU01 Ambwash 0959'/3930' 2355 m 09/39 [Gz]
HC... Ambye (in Limu awraja), cf Amboye 07/36? [Ad]
HEJ23 Amcoha, see Amkoha
amd (A) column; double arched doorway which gives access into
the sanctuary of a church; amde werk (A) /literally: pillar of gold/
arcade, main pillar of a church
HEL63 Amde Werk (Amba Werk, Amba Worq, Amba Uorc) 12/38 [Gz Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Dehana wereda) 1220'/3845' 2421 m
HDT16 Amden kebele (Amdän ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
near Alem Ketema to its south-west; area 2,116 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL76c Amdewerk 12/39 [LM]
amdi (T) the central post in a house
HDK63 Amdo (falls nearby) 0939'/3748' 2536 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Kachisi
HFE55 Amdo (near Adwa) 1405'/3855' 1879 m 14/38 [Gz]
JDJ33 Ame Berento 0923'/4157' 2013 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDH38 Ame Tisa (A. T'isa) 0920'/4129 2118 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDF60 Amecha Gebriel (church) 0843'/3920' 08/39 [Gz]
HEK11 Amed Ber, town in Fogera wereda 11/37 [20]
amed (amäd) (A) ashes, dust; guya (A) breast, womb, lap;
guyya (A) kind of small pigeon; guya. guia (O) conjuring,
exorcising; guyyaa (O) day, time before noon
HDU42 Amed Guya 1019'/3933' 2950 m 10/39 [Gz]
amed washa, dust cave
HDU53 Amed Washa kebele (Amäd ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the western and northern borders of Gera Midir
& Keya Gebriel wereda, 15 km north of Mehal Meda; area 2,513 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
amedama (A) grey
HEC38 Amedamit (Amädamit, Amadamit, Amidamit) 11/37 [Gz Ad WO 18]
(mountains) 1110'/3725' 2656, 3619 m,
see also Kosso Ber
HDM16 Amedas 09/39 [WO]
HDS13 Ameded (area) 10/37 [WO]
HEF13 Amedo 1058'/3936' 3028 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEM82 Ameeda 1235'/3936' 1739 m, cf Amida 12/39 [Gz]
HES11 Amegiagi, see Amejaji
HES22 Amegie (Ameghie), see Amergie
JDJ07 Ameiti, see Ameya
ameja, amecha (A) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Hypericum lanceolatum, H. revolutum, H. quartinianum,
HDL44 Ameja 0928'/3848' 2560 m, cf Amaja, Amija 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU36 Ameja 1018'/3952' 2072 m 10/39 [Gz]
ameja g..: gindo (O) 1. plough, beam of plough,
2. state prison among the Oromo in former times;
3. heavy beam fastened to the foot, as punishment
and to prevent from escaping
HD... Ameja Gindo (name on postmark) ../.. [20]
HES11 Amejaji (Amegiagi) 1250'/3739' 2821 m 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
HDU50 Ameje & Hagere Selam kebele (Amäjä ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central south-western Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda;
area 2,635 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
amejera abbo: abbo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Kiddus
HEK06c Amejera Abbo (Ameggera Abbo) (village), 11/38 [+ Gu]
see under Debre Tabor
amel (amäl) (A) manner, individuality, conduct, habit;
bad temper
JEJ45 Amele Ferey (Amele Ferei) (area) 12/42 [+ WO]
HDT26 Amelsa (area) 10/38 [WO]
HEF43 Amema (area) 11/39 [Gu]
ameme, ammeme (amämä) (A) hurt; suffered (T) propose, suggest
JDK06 Amen 0904'/4306' 1606 m 09/43 [Gz]
HER19 Ameniyos 1250'/3727' 1525 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ44 Amensgabaie (=Amus Gebeya=Thursday Market?) 12/37 [WO]
HDL79 Amente (Amantie) 0943'/3917' 2678 m, 09/39 [Gz WO]
see under Mendida
HEU85 Amentila 1327'/3949' 1562 m 13/39 [WO Gu Gz]
-- Amer, see Hamer
HDM73 Amer Hager kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its eastern border,
14 km south-west of Debre Sina; area 972 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Amera, a male personal name
HCD81 Amera (w church) small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HFC21 Amerafa 13/36 [WO]
HES13 Amergie (Amerghie) 12/37 [+ WO]
HES22 Amergie (Ameghie) (mountains) 12/37 [Gz WO]
1253'/3747' 2533 m, see under Dabat
HDU42 Amerguya (Amergwa) 1023'/3931' 2466 m 10/39 [Gz]
west of Gera Midir in Menz
amerja, ameja (A) shrub or small tree, Hypericum quartinianum
HDL23 Amesho 0917'/3845' 2559 m 09/38 [Gz]
ameta (A) malicious gossip; amet (amät') (Geez,A) uprising,
revolt; amet (amät) (A,T) year; (Geez) female slave
HDM73 Ametegna & Kimbo Hager kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Amät'ägna & Qembo Hagär ..)
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
5-6 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 780 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ameto (amäto) (A) kind of bird - coot or moorhen
HDL45 Ameto, two at 4 km distance:
HDL45 Ameto 0926'/3855' 2636 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL45 Ameto 0927'/3853' 2584 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL78 Ameto 0941'/3840' 2716 m 09/38 [Gz]
H.... Ametsge (Ametsghe) 13/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Angot sub-district)
ametu (ametu) (A) the defamation, the calumny
HDL72 Ametu 09/38 [AA]
HE... Amewat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Meskiyie) 12/39 [Ad]
HDC39 Ameya 0830'/3730' 08/37 [MS]
HCJ80 Ameya (Amaia, Ammaia) [Ammäyya] 07/36 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
0705'/3640' 1641, 2300 m
(centre in 1964 of Ila wereda)
JDJ07 Ameya (Ameiti) 0904'/4210' 1680 m, 09/42 [Gz WO]
coordinates would give map code JDJ06
HDM44 Ameya Ager kebele (Amäya Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Ankober wereda, 7-9 km south
of Ankober town; area 569 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD40 Ameya wereda (centre in 1964 = Gindo) 08/37 [Ad]
HEH78 Amfelau (area) 1227'/3634' 1385 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
HDT99 Amfur 1046'/3917' 2927 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFC09 Amga Gey (Amba Ghei), cf Amba Gei 13/37 [+ WO]
HEE45 Amhara .., see Amara ..
J.... Amhorra, cf Amora 11/41 [18]
HEU31 Amia (Ami'a) 1257'/3931' 2641 m 12/39 [Gz]
HES67 Amialka (Ami'alka) 1317'/3812' 3417 m 13/38 [Gz]
JDG44 Amibara (Ammibara) (farm in Awash valley), 09/40 [x WO]
cf Ambara
JDG44 Amibara /wereda?/ 09/40 [n Ad]
?? Amiber, in East Gojjam Zone ../.. [20]
-- Amida, a tribe of the Arsi Oromo
JCG93 Amida 0713'/4008' 2176 m 07/40 [WO Wa Gz]
HEC38 Amidamit, see Amedamit
HEU43 Amiet (Ami'et) 1302'/3942' 2409 m 13/39 [Gz]
J.... Amigna sub-district (centre in 1964 = Amigna) 07/40 [Ad n]
(-1964-1997-), cf Aminya
amija (A) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Hypericum revolutum, H. roeperianum;
Amija, cf Amaja, Ameja
HEK06 Amija (Amigia), see under Debre Tabor 11/38 [+ WO]
HEK07 Amija Giyorgis (Amigia Gheorghis) 11/38 [+ WO]
amil (T) client, customer
HET39 Amila 12/39 [WO]
HEU30 Amila, see Amla
HDK80 Amile 09/37 [WO]
-- amina (A) itinerant singer; Amina, an Oromo clan in Arsi,
also a female Muslim name
JBJ83 Amino 0431/4149' 195 m 04/41 [WO Gu Gz]
amino f..: fole, folee (O) climbing plant with edible large beans
HDM41 Amino Fole kebele (.. Folé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in northern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
20 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 533 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCU67 Aminya 0751'/3958' 2561 m 07/39 [Gz]
aminya d..: daaba (O) 1. honey comb; 2. stall in a market;
3. jamb, doorpost, support for wall /also other meanings/
HCU.. Aminya Daba (Amigna ..) 07/39 [+ x]
village in northern Arsi lowlands
HCU67 Aminya wereda (in the 1980s in Ticho awraja) 07/39 [x]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
amir, amiir (Som) leader, emir
JDJ21 Amir Nor, see Gara Muleta
HEJ68 Amisala 1219'/3723' 1803 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ78 Amisala 1219'/3724' 1796 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ78 Amisala 1220'/3724' 1808 m 12/37 [Gz]
amist bet (A) five houses,
-- Amist Bet, a loose confederation in western Gurage
HEM90c Amist Bet sub-district (.. Biet) 12/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Lat Giyorgis)
HEJ23 Amistiya 1201'/3655' 1827 m 12/36 [Gz]
HBP51 Amitei (area) 04/35 [WO]
HDF72 Amiti kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in northern central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
9 km east-northeast of Balchi; area 602 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCP17 Amiyo 0725'/3622' 1380 m 07/36 [Gz]
HES57 Amja Lebes 1308'/3810' 3402 m 13/38 [Gz]
HED85 Amjeye 1140'/3802' 2579 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEJ23 Amkoha (Amcoha) 12/36 [+ WO]
HEU30 Amla (Amila) 1258'/3921' 1834 m 12/39 [Gz]
near map code HET39
amlak (A) God, deity
HDF70 Amlak kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in western central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5-8 km south-west of Balchi; area 877 hectares. [CSA 1994]
amlak wiha (A) God's water
?? Amlak Wiha (on map of 1814 written Amlac Ohha) 11/37? [+ 18]
ammach (A) matchmaker /of marriage/; amach (A) father-in-law,
son-in-law, brother-in-law
HCS41 Ammacho (Ammacio) 0741'/3737' 1531 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
ammadi koma: koma (O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qoomaa) instant
killing; (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree
JEA49 Ammadi Koma (Ammadi Coma) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HDD42 Ammai (area) 08/37 [WO]
HCJ80 Ammaia, see Ameya
H.... Ammanuel, see Amanuel
JDC50 Ammareisa, see Amaresa
JEB62 Ammarre (area) 550 m 11/40 [WO]
ammarri (O) handful
ammata: amete (A) maid of /used in female names/
HDD53 Ammata 08/37 [WO]
-- Ammaya, a subtribe of the Mecha/Liban Oromo
HDD42 Ammaya (Ammaia), cf Amaya 08/37 [+ WO Gu]
JDC24 Ammayu (Ammaiu) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
ammesa (O) kind of mostly small tree, Commiphora sp.,
belonging to tropical thorn scrub, with edible berries
JDH84 Ammesa, M. (area) 914 m 09/41 [WO]
ammeyd..: dera (dära) (A) grass used for thatching roofs;
dera, deeraa (O) long, tall; slow
JCR80 Ammeydera (Ammeidera) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
JDG44 Ammibara, see Amibara
ammist (A) five; amist (Gurage) five
HEM71 Ammista Addi (area) 12/39 [Gu]
JEN74 Ammulfaghe 1321'/4010' 810/841 m 13/40 [WO Gz]
amna (A) last year
HCR.. Amnada wereda 07/37 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 = Boke Wako (Bekie Abawako, Beke A.))
HER56 Amnua (area) 13/37 [WO]
amo (T) aunt; (Afar) head
HDJ.. Amo, village not far from Bako 09/37 [x]
HFF61 Amo (mountain) 14/39 [Gu]
HFF71 Amo (mountain), see Amba Amo
HDK62 Amodo 0939'/3746' 2503 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
JFB50 Amogale (waterhole) 14/40 [WO]
JDH71 Amoissa, G. (area, with hot salt spring) 09/40 [WO]
0944'/4050' 839 m
JDP11 Amoissa (volcano), see Adwa
GDF11 Amoli, see Pomolo

HDG78 Amoma 0941'/3534' 2115 m 09/35 [Gz]

HDG68 Amoma Badeso, 12 km north of Nejo 09/35 [x]
amoma bo..: bore, booree (O) 1. mellow tej;
2. solemn promise; boore (Som) grey
HDG48 Amoma Bore, circa 10 km south-east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDG67 Amoma Deggero (Amona Degero) 10 km N of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDG37 Amoma Dilla, circa 12 km south of Nejo, 09/35 [x]
near Dilla river
HDG47 Amoma Gute, circa 10 km SSW of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDG38 Amoma Jalla, circa 20 km SE of Nejo 09/35 [x]
amomeliti i..: idda (O) 1. root of plants; 2. climber,
cotton thistle; 3. blood vein; 4. stringed bow for
teasing/carding cotton
JEG23 Amomeliti Idda (area) 11/40 [WO]
JDB94 Amomumet 0859'/4106' 1864 m 08/41 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDG67 Amona Degero, see Amoma deggero
amona j..: jalla (O) violent, proud, twisted
HDG38 Amona Jalla 09/35 --
HED18 Amonewas (Amoneuos) 1058'/3816' 3397, 3664 m 10/38 [+ WO Gz]
hills with the highest peak at altitude 3664 m,
coordinates would give map code HED08
amora (A,T) vulture, joffe amora, or other large bird;
bird of prey /eagle, kite/; amora gedel (A) vulture cliff
HDS62 Amora 1034'/3746' 3012 m 10/37 [Gz]
JDJ59 Amora 0935'/4227' 1874 m 09/42 [Gz]
amora bet (A) vulture nest
HDF73 Amora Bet kebele (.. Bét ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Minjar & Shenkora wereda stretching to
its southern border, 20-25 km east of Balchi; area 6,514 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

amora gedel (.. gädäl) (A) vulture cliff

HCG87 Amora Gedel (Amora Gädäl, Amoragadel) 07/35 [+ WO Mi]
(mountain with iron) 0707'/3529' 1620 m
HDM71 Amora Gedel (Amoraghede) 0945'/3930' 2078 m, 09/39 [+ WO Gz]
see under Debre Birhan, cf Cherit
HEK23 Amora Gedel (Amora, Amore Chedel) 11/37 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
1159'/3748' 1821 m
HEK24 Amora Gedel (mountain) 1201'/3749' 1821, 2460 m 12/37 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEK23
HEM33 Amora Gedel (Amora Ghedel) 12/39 [+ WO]
HEM41 Amora Gedel (A. Ghadel) 1209'/3929' 2252 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEK24 Amora Gedel sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Alga Tinche) 12/37 [Ad]
amora gen..: genda (gända) (A) trough from the trunk
of a tree, for animals to drink from
HEF31 Amora Genda (town) 1109'/3926' 3314 m 11/39 [Gz]
-- Amoro, Amorro, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDR04 Amoro, see Amuru
amorra deli: deli (Som) covered hole, pitfall; dheeli (Som)
make dance, entertain, amuse; dheelli (Som) lean sideways
JEB48 Amorra Deli (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDJ94 Amorro, see Amuru
HDU75 Amosha (Amoscia) 1040'/3946' 2022 m, cf Afeso 10/39 [+ WO Gz]
amoye s..: serte (A) kind of branched palm,
Dracaena afromontana, D. steudneri
HEF17 Amoye Serte kebele (Amoyé Särt'é ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southern easternmost Kalu wereda,
25-35 km east-southeast of Kombolcha; area 4,815 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB84 Amoyssina (Amoissina) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HEA49 Ampala (area) 11/35 [WO]
HEC74c Amrey 11/37 [Ch]
HEC85 Amriber (Amriver) (mountain and village) 1918 m 11/37 [+ It]
amsa (A) fifty
HES56 Amsafesge 1313'/3804' 3015 m, cf Tikur Wiha 13/38 [WO Gz]
HDT62 Amsale Genet 10/38 [20]
town in Debre Sina wereda
HEE88 Amsat Mikael (Amsat Micael) 11/39 [+ WO]
HFE58 Amsitu (A. Zufan) 1404'/3912' 1965 m 14/39 [MS Gz]
HEC15c Amuagta (centre in 1964 of Ashefa sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
HDS33 Amuata, see Ziwad
JCS75 Amudleh 0756'/4257' 940 m 07/42 [Gz]
GDF56 Amule 0837'/3456', see Mojo
Amuma, name of a very wealthy Oromo known to have saved
the life of a Portuguese missionary in 1614
HCN96 Amuma 0808'/3522' 1674 m, near code HDA06 08/35 [Gz]
HDG66c Amuma, cf Amoma 09/35 [LM]
HDL32 Amuma 09/20'/3837' 2577 m 09/38 [Gz]
JDJ05 Amuma (Amuma Diramu, Baku) 09/42 [LM WO Gu Gz]
0908'/4204' 1678 m, 20 km south of Harar
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E G. Bilau (mountain area) 2050 m
6S Dolo (village)
5NW Borukar (Borucar) (area)
5N Umer Kule (Umarcul) (village) 1778 m
10NE Barkale (G. Barcale) (area) 2105 m
?? Ganda Abahi (Genda Abahi) 1793 m
JDJ66 Amuma (area) 09/42 [WO]
HDG.. Amuma Agalo, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Amuma Deggiro, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HGG48 Amuma Hena (near Nejo) 0926'/3534' 1848 m 09/35 [Gz]
HEF53 Amuma kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tehuledere wereda, very near
Hayk town to its south; area 1,159 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
amuma l..: lega (A) fresh /butter/;
laga (O) 1. river; 2. people
HDL90 Amuma Lega 0953'/3828' 2238 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HE... Amumo Gemis (two sub-districts with 11/39 [Ad]
centres in 1964 = 1. Debre Maryam 2. Siba Ager)
JCC12 Amunle, see Hamunle
JEB66 Amunta (area) 648 m 11/41 [WO]
H.... Amura, at the Abay river ../.. [x]
HD... Amura Fuliye, see Amuru Fuliyo
JED00 Amuradle (area) 10/42 [WO]
HDS31 Amurata, see Ziwad
-- Amuru (Amoru, Amoro), name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDJ94 Amuru (Amorro) (locality) 0955'/3700' 09/37 [WO Gz]
HDR04 Amuru (area) 10/37 [WO]
HDR04 Amuru (Amoro) (on map of 1843) 09/36 [WO Gz Ha]
0959'/3658' 2316 m
HDR23 Amuru (mountain on the left-hand bank of Abay) 10/36 [WO]
H.... Amuru Fuliyo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Fuliyo) 08/37? [Ad]
HD... Amuru & Jarti wereda (Amuruna Jarte ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 58 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDD13 Amuru Werebira sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Welkite) 08/37 [Ad]
amus (A) Thursday
Amus .., cf Hamus ..
HDK29 Amus Chebia (=Amus Gebeya=Thursday Market?) 09/38 [WO Gz]
0919'/3823' 2696 m, see Inchini
HEC18 Amus Venzi (church) 10/37 [WO]
amus wenz (A) Thursday river
HEK26 Amus Wenz (A. Wänz, Amus Uenz) (area) 11/38 [+ WO]
?? Amusit (centre in 1964 of Zui sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
HDF02 Amuta (Amut'a) (mountain) 0809'/3934' 2662 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDS33 Amwatta (on map of 1843), cf Amewat, Ziwad 10/37 [Ha Gz]
amza (A) a kind of tree
HEP26 Amzanaghir, Jebel (area) 1257'/3610' 731 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
HEM32 Amze kebele (Amzé ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in southern Kobo wereda at its western border,
10-15 km south-west of Kobbo town; area 3,841 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
an (Som) I, me; aan (Som) milk; damer, dameer (Som) donkey;
damera (A, Geez) the bonfire at the Meskel festival
JDD19 An Damer (area) 08/43 [WO]
-- Ana, name of a group of Oromo known in the 17th century;
ana (O) patrikin, relatives on father's side;
dadi (O) 1. patience; 2. chances for success;
daddi (western O) porcupine, Hystrix cristata
JBS56 Ana Dadis (area) 04/43 [WO]
anaale: aana eela (O) overseer of a well
JEP98 Anaale (waterhole) 13/41 [MS WO]
anab (Arabic) grape
HEM71 Anaba Behistan 1228'/3926' 2700 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Anabe, forest in southern Wello ../.. [20]
JDS41 Anadoawe (Anadoaue) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HDK60 Anafo (Anafu) 0942'/3732' 2271 m 09/37 [Gz Gu]
HDL81 Anajuru 0948'/3831' 2778 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
anako (A) helpers for the monks /in Debre Libanos/
who split wood and draw water
HEH47 Anako (Anaco, Anaho) 1228'/3626' 1171 m 12/36 [+ Gz WO 18]
JBJ83 Analli 0423'/4157' 192 m 04/41 [Gz]
?? Analu (high mountain) 4480 m, in Amara region ../.. [20]
3rd highest mountain in Ethiopia
JCK85 Anamaleh 0705'/4258' 671 m 07/42 [Gz]
anan, annan (O) milk; milky sap; annaan, aannan (O) Macha people
KCH68 Anan Weylo (Anan Ueilo) 06/46 [+ WO]
anano (O) kind of plant, "the one for milk",
Euphorbia triculata or related species
JDD63 Anano (area), cf Aneno 08/42 [WO]
JD... Ananu, archaeological site west of Gewane 10/40 [20]
HDT66 Anarat kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Kelala wereda; area 2,033 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Anasa (historical battle site) 12/39 [x]
HDM52 Anase & Sanka kebele (Anasé & Sanqa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
10 km south of Debre Birhan; area 1,623 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL92 Anaso 0955'/3840' 1797 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU83 Anaz Tid kebele (.. T'ed ..) 10/39 [Ad]
almost easternmost at the northern border of Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel
wereda, 10-25 km west of Majete; area 9,093 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM94 Anazhga kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
6 km north-northwest of Debre Sina; area 566 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET09 Anbaga 1243'/3918' 1913 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Anbechu (visiting postman) ../.. [Po]
anber: anbar (A) bracelet; anbere (anbärä) (T) put down, place, deposit;
anberi (A) whale
HDS.. Anber, 20 km from Debre Markos 10/37 [n]
?? Anber Cherkos (visiting postman under D. Markos) ../.. [Po]
HEJ33 Anbes 1204'/3656' 1752 m 12/36 [Gz]
anbesa: anbessa, ambessa (A,T) lion; anbaza (A?) a kind of
catfish found in the Little Abay water system
HED92 Anbesame (Anbesamie) 1143'/3738' 2029 m 11/37 [MS Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Fogera wereda)
Coordinates would give map code HED91
anbeta (Geez), anbetta, ambetta (A, Argobba) locusts;
defar (däffar) (A) bold, venturesome
HDM73 Anbeta Defar kebele (Anbät'a Däfar ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
15 km south-west of Debre Sina; area 589 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK82c Anbober, see Ambober
JDR52 Anca, see Anka
JEC92 Ancacato, see Ankakato
JEH17 Ancadaia, see Ankadaya
HEJ86 Ancara Jesus, see Ankara Iyesus
HDT21 Ancate, see Ankala
HCU91 Ancfola, see Ankfola
HCR03 Anchano (Anciano), see Rufael
HEJ69 Anchano (Anch'ano) 1222'/3728' 1808 m 12/37 [Gz]
HCF56 Anchar (Anciar) (area) 05/39 [+ WO]
HCF76 Anchar (Anciar) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
HCF.. Anchar sub-district (-1997-) ../39 [n]
anchara (A) strip of leather sewn to a shield
so that it can be hung on a peg
JDA54 Anchara (Anciare) (area) 08/40 [Ad WO]
JDA65 Anchara wereda (centre 1964 = Cheleleka) 08/40 [Ad]
ancharo: anchiro (O) white millet, Sorghum arundinaceum
HC... Ancharo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/36 [Ad]
HEF15 Ancharo (Curcureta) 1103'/3947' 1979 m 11/39 [Gz WO Gu]
HEF26 Ancharo (Anciarro) (with sub-post office) 11/39 [Gz Po 18 Gu]
1103'/3947' 1979 m, near Kombolcha
Coordinates would give map code HEF24
HEF25 Ancharo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
surrounding Ancharo settlement in north-western Kalu wereda,
2-6 km east of Kombolcha; area 1,838 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF26 Ancharo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ancharo) 11/39 [Ad]
ancheba (A) kind of tree, Ocimum suave
HDD41 Anchebi (Anch'ebi) 0832'/3741' 1828 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD92 Anchebi (Anch'ebi) (peak) 0902'/3744' 1810 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEJ95 Ancher (mountain) 1236'/3709' 1803 m 12/37 [Gz]
ancheto: anchote (anchot'e) (A) yams, Dioscoea speciosa
HCK82 Ancheto, see Areka
HDM30 Anchi Awgi 0919'/3922' 2710 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL89 Anchikorer (Anch'ik'orer, Anchekorer, Ancicurer) 09/39 [Gz Ad 18]
0948'/3917' 2682 m, near map code HDM80
(centre in 1964 of Wayu sub-district)
HEK.. Anchim (Anchem) (battle site), see under Debre Tabor 11/38 [+ Pa]
HDG77 Anchini (Anch'ini) 0942'/3525' 1884 m 09/35 [Gz]
H.... Ancho (ford of Abay river) 10/36? [Ch]
anchora: anchura (anch'ura) (O) a herb with fleshy leaves,
Kalanchoe macrantha, K. lanceolata, not liked by domestic
animals; (Bale O) Kalanchoe deficiens
HCU22 Anchora (Anciora) 0721'/3927' 2497 m 07/39 [Wa Gz]
HCK61c Anchucho 06/37 [LM]
HC... Anchuteho (in Welamo awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HCR03 Anciano, see Rufael
HDL89 Ancicurer, see Anchikorer
HCU22 Anciora, see Anchora
HDM21 Ancober (Ancobar), see Ankober & HDM54
HFF22 Ancot, see Ankot
HET60c Ancua, see Ankwa
HER48 Ancudib, see Ankudib
HCU91 Ancufcia, see Ankfola
HCR68 Ancurri, see Unkuri
HEE87 And Aja 1135'/3909' 2991 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEL39 And Aymetir 1204'/3916' 2844 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM20 And Iyela 1157'/3923' 3555 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE81 Anda 1136'/3832' 2524 m 11/38 [Gz]
?? Andagabten, see Indegebten
HFF51 Anda Mariam Suta, see Maryam Setta
andabiet: andebet (andäbät) (A) tongue
HED44 Andabiet 11/37 [Gu]
HED74c Andabiet 11/37 [Gu]
KCP54 Andadaha (wide area) 0743'/4606' 07/46 [WO Gz]
JCR48 Andafidiye (area) 07/42 [WO]
JEB.. Andage kebele, in Asaita wereda 11/41 [20]
HED44 Andai Meter 11/37 [WO]
andakko, indakko (O) chicken, fowl
JEJ33 Andakoros (Andacoros) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
JEA08c Andalee, circa 1053'/4030', archaeological site, 10/40 [20]
name of a stream used in scientific journals
HDE76 Andama 08/39 [WO]
HCH96 Andaracha, see Anderacha
JEC20 Andarchelu (waterhole) 11/41 [MS WO]
JDS41 Andarley (Andarlei) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HEC79 Andasa (Andassa) (river = Angassam? and place) 11/37 [Ch n]
?? Andassam, live-stock station since 1964 ../.. [x]
HER36 Andeinaba (area) 12/37 [WO]
HER27 Andeinada 1256'/3717' 1221 m 12/37 [Gz]
JDJ.. Andele (on map of 1814), west of Harar 09/41 [18]
JEP15 Andele (Andelei, Anderley) (well) 1251'/4103' 12/41 [Gz WO]
HDT63c Andenet, see Andinet
andera (andära) (A) a short, broad-leaved plant
which bears a blackish, sour fruit
HEB79 Andera 1130'/3630' 1168 m 11/36 [WO]
HCN46 Anderaccia dei Moccia, see Inderacha
anderacha: anderocheh (O) kind of shrub or tree,
Cussonia ostinii, with leaves branching out several from
a common stalk
HCH96 Anderacha (Anderaccia, Andaracha, Andaraca) 07/36 [Gz Gu Pa x]
(Andracha, Enderach) 0712'/3616' 1629 m,
see also under Bonga about 7 km away
HCN27 Anderacha (Andracha) (mountain chain), cf Inderacha 07/35 [Gz]
0730'/3530' 2360 m
There is registered the Sele Anderacha National Forest Priority Area.
HCN26 Anderacha wereda (centre in 1964 = Gecha) 07/35 [Ad]
HCN46 Anderachi (Anderatchi), see Inderacha
HEJ66 Anderjiha 1221'/3712' 1835 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEL63c Anderkwe (Andercue) 12/38 [+ Gu]
JEP15 Anderley(waterhole), see Andele
HFF12 Anderta, see Inderta
HCK09 Andida 0624'/3821' 1844 m 06/38 [Gz Ad]
(near Dilla, in Deressa awraja)
JDP53 Andido (area) 10/41 [WO]
JEG49 Andido 1209'/4037' 629 m 12/40 [Gz]
HF... Andiel (historical? area SW of Adigrat) 14/39 [x]
HET98 Andin 1330'/3910' 1943 m 13/39 [WO Gz]
HFE07 Andin (Andino) (mountain) 1328'/3909' 2104 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
HDT63c Andinet kebele (Andenät ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western Wegdi wereda at its northern border,
20 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 2,011 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM.. Andishishuro kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
HDM84 Andit Tid kebele (.. T'ed ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
near Debre Sina to its south-west; area 1,814 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDR46 Ando Bet (Andobed) 1022'/4213' 10/42 [Gz]
small railway station and village near Adigala
JDR25 Ando Beyd 1008'/4208' 726 m 10/42 [Gz]
?? Ando Tebay (Andothebai) (on map of 1814) 09/40 [+ 18]
andode, andodie (O) soap-berries, plant giving a kind of soap,
Phytolacca dodecandra
HCR99 Andode 0806'/3730' 1833 m, cf Endode, 08/37 [Gz]
near map code HCS90
HDE73 Andode (near Akaki) 0849'/3844' 2046 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE73 Andode (near Akaki) 0851/3846' 2095 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDH78 Andode 09/36 [WO]
HDK58 Andode 0933'/3819' 2337 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL26 Andode 0919'/3859' 2721 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD63 Andode Abo (church) 0845'/3748' 08/37 [Gz]
JDJ92 Andolisse (area) 09/41 [WO]
andolla: andola (Afar) large savannah bird,
bustard, Choriotis spp. etc
JEB77 Andolla (area) 11/41 [WO]
?? Andotnah (ancient town toward Zikwala) ../.. [Pa]
HCH96 Andracha, see Anderacha
JBP15 Anduk (locality) 0435'/4108' 04/41 [WO Gz]
HDL46c Anduod Uascia, see Endod Washa
HDM42 Anduod Uascia, see Segele
andurah: andura (O) 1. umbilical cord; 2. special gift
which a father gives to his son at the birth
?? Andurah (recorded in the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
-- Anduro, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
anech bi..: bila (O) 1. red honey; 2. flower or "beard"
on barley/wheat;
(A) 1. soil leached by water; 2. burr which catches on cloth
H.... Anech Bila (centre in 1964 of Nazret sub-district) 10/38 [Ad]
H.... Aneded wereda (centre in 1964 = Amber Kirkos) 10/37? [Ad]
JD... Aneno (centre in 1964 of Welabu sub-district) 09/42 [Ad]
anf (Ge'ez) nose
HFF25 Anf Baati (with rock-hewn church), see under Atsbi 13/39 [x]
anfar (A) 1. large savannah bird, bustard, Choriotis spp. etc;
2. kind of bush or tree, Buddleia polystachia
anfarro (A,O) /lion's/ mane; cape of similar material
usually from baboons
anfari (A) one who boils water or cooks with it
HDM.? Anfar (with church Giyorgis), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
anfari, anfera, anfar, amfar (A,O) common shrub or small
tree with narrow leaves, Buddleja polystachya; anfere (T) flush
JEJ03 Anfara Eyla (well) 1148'/4151' 11/41 [WO Gz]
HC... Anfarara (Anferara) (forest area) 06/38 [Mi 20]
HE... Anfargey Giyorgis (with old church ruin) 11/38 [n]
JFA17 Anfeitale, see Aufeitale
HFF52 Anfeka (Anfiqa, Anf-Eqa) (with rock-hewn church), 14/39 [x]
see under Sinkata

HC... Anferara, see Anfarara

HF... Anfesaeri (Anfesa'eri) 14/39? [Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
anfila (A) meat from a leg, prepared in a certain way
-- Anfillo (Southern Mao), ethnic group estimated to number about 1000,
living north of Baro river in western Wellega
GDF63 Anfilo, T. (hill) 08/34 [WO]
GDF42 Anfilo sub-district (Anfillo ..) (centre in 1964 = Mugi) 08/34 [Ad n]
GDF42 Anfilo wereda (Anfillo ..) 08/34 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
angach (A) armed quard or soldier
HCK93 Angacha (Angach'a, Angech'a) 07/37 [Gz]
0712'/3747' 1860 m
HCS13 Angacha (Angach'a, Angaccia, Angech'a, Agaccia) 07/37 [Gz Po WO Gu]
0720'/3751' 2324 m (with church)
Coordinates would give map code HCS03
HDS55 Angacha (Angach'a, Angecha, Anghec) 10/38 [Gz]
1028'/3801' 2591 m
HCS13 Angacha wereda (Angatcha ..) 07/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Angacha)
(-1994-) is divided into 37 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
The inhabitants are mainly Kambata (Kambaata). In the 1990s
it was a wereda in the Kambata-Alaba-Timbaro Zone.
HDM43 Angada kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
21 km south-southeast of Debre Birhan; area 351 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDG55 Angallilek (Angallilec) 0930'/4017' 683 m 09/40 [+ WO Gz]
HEP07 Angalo 1241'/3623' 914 m, near map code HEH97 12/36 [Gz]
angar (A) associate, collaborator
HED51 Angar (river at 1004'/3707') 11/37 [WO]
HDH.. Angar Guten, see Anger Gutin
angara (A) communal undivided land; joint labour;
angarre (A) dried skin /of goat or sheep/
HEJ57c Angara (island in lake Tana, once with church) 12/37 [Ch]
angareb, bed, of the type occurring in all Eastern Africa
HER65 Angareb (Angereb) 1315'/3706' 2190 m 13/37 [WO Gu Gz]
HES41 Angareb (mountain) 1303'/3737' 1929 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HES.? Angareb, river near Gondar, with old bridge 13/37? [It x]
HEC79 Angassam (river, same as Andasa?) 11/37 [Ch]
angata: angattya (Gurage) wild cat, Felis lybica ochreata;
angato (O) animal collar, band of leather round its neck;
angatu (O) conscientious, hard-working /woman/
HEJ06 Angata (Angat'a, Adiscia) 1146'/3710' 1797 m, 11/37 [Ch Gz WO]
near map code HEC96
HDT27 Angatet & Mekten kebele (Angat'ät & Mäqt'än ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
15 km east-southeast of Rema; area 608 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU23c Angawa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Zebir Biker) 10/39 [Ad]
ange tel..: tella (t'älla) 1. local kind of beer; 2. be hostile, hate
HDU32 Ange Tella 10/39 [WO]
HFE58 Angeba 1402/3911' 1919 m (with church Meskel) 14/39 [Gz]
HEE77 Angebet (Argebet) 1132'/3907' 2614 m 11/39 [Gz]
angech (A) shoulder of a mountain,
slope lying between escarpment and river
HDS55 Angech (Anghec) 2591 m 10/38 [+ WO]
HCS03 Angecha, see Angacha
HCE46 Angedi 0553'/3859' 1758 m 05/38 [Gz]
(in Jemjem), near or same as Kibre Mengist?
HCE46 Angedi (centre in 1964 of Odo Uraga wereda) 05/38 [Ad]
angela: angele (T) nourish, sustain, maintain; angwel (A) brain
GCT74 Angela (Anghela, Ungela, Unghela) 07/33 [+ WO Gz]
0751'/3348' 302 m
HDJ.. Angela Menesh, village in Decha awraja 09/37 [n]
one of a few villages where there live Nayi (Nao) people
JDG44c Angelele Bolhamo, near Amibara farm (Awash valley) 09/40 [n]
HEJ04 Angelit (Anghelit) (with church Kidane Mihret) 11/36 [+ It]
H.... Angentu (centre in 1964 of Arena Bulk wereda) 05/39? [Ad]
HFD04 Anger (Angher) (mountain) 1334'/3755' 1317 m, 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Adi Arkay
?? Anger (waterfalls in the Didessa river) ../.. [Ca]
HDH.. Anger Gutin (Angar Guten) (lowland area in Wellega) 09/36 [x]
about 40 km NNW of Nekemte
HED23 Angeraba (Angheraba) (area), see under Mota 11/37 [+ WO]
HES86 Angere Silase (church) 1328'/3807' 13/38 [Gz]
angereb (angäräb) (A) a variety of greens
HER68 Angereb (Angered, Enda Gabriel, Gabrel, Gavriel) 13/37 [Gz]
(small town) 1315'/3729' 2190 m, cf Angareb
Coordinates would give map code HER69
angerge..: gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks
HDL85 Angergera & Bedebej kebele (Angärgära & Bädäbäj ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the middle of westernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
25 km south-west of Alem Ketema; area 922 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
angergi..: gira, gra (A) left hand, left direction
HDL84 Angergira 0950'/3851' 2095 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam)
anget (angät) (A) neck; narrow pass between two mountains
HES43 Anget (Anghet) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
angetam (A) long-necked; abo see under abbo as first part of name
HDS31 Angetam Abo (Anghetam) 1017'/3737' 2221 m 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
HDS21 Angetam G. (Anghetam Gh.) 10/37 [+ WO]
angeto: angito (Kefa) kind of shrub or small tree,
Maytenus ovatus; angetu (angätu) (A) the neck; the necklace
HCF64 Angeto (Angetu) 0602'/3945' 06/39 [MS]
HCF84 Angeto (Angetu) 0610'/3945' 1223 m 06/39 [Gz]
HCF91 Angeto (Angetu) 0620'/3929' 1724 m 06/39 [Gz]
?? Angetu forest, cf Mena Angetu ../.. [20]
HES00c Angev, see Anjiva
HDU... Angewa (district in Menz) 10/39? [x]
HDU01 Angey & Geto kebele (Angäy & Gät'o ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at its southern border,
20 km west-northwest of Sela Dingay; area 841 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Angeyu (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
angeyu ga..: gache (O) sling, catapult;
-- Gache, a Wello Oromo tribe
?? Angeyu Gache (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
angeyu ke..: kedo (Som) surprise; quick move
?? Angeyu Kedo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDS55 Anghec, see Angacha
?? Angidebba (Anjidebba?), in the Gondar region ../.. [n]
HEJ91 Angidessa, see Anjidessa
HCB99 Angila (Anghila) 0621'/3633' 1233 m 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCH09
HEC75 Angirti Abo (Anghirti Abo) (church on hilltop) 11/37 [+ It]
angirti alo: alo (O) grudge, rancour
HEC75 Angirti Alo (Anghirti Alo) 11/37 [+ WO]
HES00c Angiva, see Anjiva
KC... Anglo, towards northern easternmost part of Ethiopia 07/46 [n]
ango (O) physical strength
?? Angodechi, see under Gegu
HF... Angoila (centre in 1964 of Aygoila sub-district) 14/38 [Ad]
angol, angwel (A) brain; marrow
GCS.? Angola 07/33 [x]
group of mountains on the Ethiopian side of Akobo river
HEM73 Angolaba 1227'/3945' 1555 m 12/39 [Gu Gz]
angolala: angwo lola (O) force of fight
HDM61 Angolela (Angoläla, Angolala, Angollala, Angolola) 09/39 [Gz Gu Ha WA]
(with church of Kidane Mihret) 0938'/3926' 2806 m
HDM.. Angolela & Tera /Asagirt/ wereda 09/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 70 rural and 3 urban kebeles among which
Adadi, Adis Amba, Ajema, Akodada, Alah Yirdo, Alkese,
Amino Fole, Anase & Sanka, Angada, Angoracha, Antegbagn,
Asa Bahir, Atura, Boren, Bura, Bura & Buyema, Chefa, Chefanen,
Cheki Melka Abawerk, Chiraro, Dawle, Debre Beg, Doba, Dodoti,
Fwafwate, Gedera, Gelila, Genda Belo, Genda Wera, Gilgela, Gola,
Gur, Haranba, Ilezeb, Imbarage, Inchini Dodoti, Kembere, Kerign,
Key Afer, Kitalign, Koba & Hajin, Koso Amba, Lafto Lencha,
Lankisa & Dewa, Malet Chancho, Mete, Nachage & Ketema,
Nebir Washa, Reget, Rorich, Rukse, Safej, Selel Kula, Seriti, Sika,
Sost Amba, Tam & Itnora, Tengego, Tidesh, Totose, Tsigereda,
Wegda, Wekera, Welde Ager, Wena, Weneberi & Megezez, Widu
Ager, Wila Gerem, Zembaba
HDM61 Angolela & Totoch kebele (Angoläla & T'ot'och ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
6-10 km west of Debre Birhan town; area 2,559 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF97 Angollo (area) 09/39 [WO]
angolo (T) curve /word from Italian?/, turning around
HDM33 Angoracha kebele (Angorach'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
30 km south-southeast of Debre Birhan; area 421 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL83 Angorcha (Angorch'a) (Angorchan) 0950'/3846' 09/38 [AA Ha]
2355 m (with church Silase), see under Fiche
angot: angote (angot'ä) (T) tell; betray
HE... Angot (historical area) ../.. [Pa En]
HEM32 Angot (Anguot), cf Maekala Angot 12/39 [Ad WO Gu]
HE... Angot sub-district (centre in 1964 = Angot) 11/38? [Ad]
HE... Angot sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lem Dingay) 11/39? [Ad]
HEM32 Angot sub-district (centre in 1964 = Telgo) 12/39 [Ad]
H.... Angot sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ametsge) 13/37? [Ad]
HEM53c Angoteraz (recorded in 1841) 12/39 [Ha]
HDL34 Angoye 0923'/3851' 2812 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL67 Angoye 0937'/3903' 2572 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDF16 Angula 0819'/3955' 3006 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDR79 Angut, see under Dembecha 10/37 [WO]
HDM90 Angvy kebele 0+9/39 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
32 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 840 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
angwa (A) joint /of bamboo or reed/
HFF21 Angwa (Anguat) (with rock-hewn churches), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - southern
HDU24 Angwa kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
5-10 km north-east of Molale; area 3,228 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ95 Angwara (Anguara), see under Chilga 12/37 [+ WO]
angwarra (A) one who refuses to agree
HEC84 Angwasek (Anguasech) 1135'/3702' 11/37 [+ WO]
HFF63 Angwel 1406'/3938' 2780 m 14/39 [Gz]
HDJ04 Anho, see Ano
-- Anika, a small ethnic group
HCC86 Anika (Anik'a, Aniqa) 0610'/3710' 1539 m 06/37 [Gz q]
HCJ07 Anika (Anik'a, Aniqa, Anica) 06/37 [Gz q WO]
0624'/3716' 1117 m
-- Aniya, Ania, a branch of the Barentu/Umbana Oromo;
they used to be partially converted to Islam
JDB89 Aniya Genemi, see Genemi
JDB89 Aniya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Genemi) 08/41 [Ad]
administrative district in the early 1930s.
?? Anjarro (Angiarro) (with rock lion) (in Wello) ../.. [x]
HEC.. Anjavera, village on hilltop in Agew Midir 10/36 [x]
HEE36 Anjawa kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern Mekdela wereda at its south-western border,
12 km south-west of Masha; area 4,736 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL48 Anjefat kebele (Anjäfat ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in mid-easternmost Bugna wereda, 20 km north-east
of Lalibela; area 781 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU00 Anjela & Hager Zhilet Medfeya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Anjäla & Hagär Zhelät Mädfäya ..)
in westernmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
30 km west-southwest of Molale; area 2,170 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU23 Anjetla 1013'/3939' 3091 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEJ91 Anjidessa (Angidessa) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HDS02 Anjim 1000'/3742' 2149 m (with church) 10/37 [AA Gz]
HES00c Anjiva (Angiva, Angev) (pass) plain 2960 m 12/37 [+ Gu n]
some 30 km north-east of Gondar
anjo (A) tough /meat/, emaciated /ox/
H.... Anjo (area in Wellega at Didessa river) 09/36 [Mi]
anka (anqa) (A,O) kinds of tree, (central O) Erythrina
abyssinica, (western O) Ekebergia capensis,
(eastern O) Commiphora resinifera;
anka (anqa) (A) 1. tree as above; 2. to wake up; (T) crack
JDR52 Anka (M. Anca) (area), cf Ankwa 10/41 [+ WO]
H.... Anka Aro, in Damot Weyde wereda ../.. [20]
JEH17 Ankadaya (Ancadaia) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEC92 Ankakato (Ancacato) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
ankakute (O) kind of small tree, Dovyalis abyssinica,
with strong thorns and edible but acid fruit
-- Ankala, name of an Afar tribe of the Ado Mara main branch;
ankalla (A) lame person, one who limps
HDT21 Ankala (Ancate, Ankata, Ankate) 10/38 [Gz 18 Wa WO]
1013'/3832' 2116 m
ankar (anqar) (A) 1. clapper of a bell; 2. soft palate, uvula;
ankar (T) granule; ankwar (A) cube, lump /of sugar/
?? Ankar, between lake Tana and Sudan ../.. [n]
HDU85 Ankar kebele (Anqar ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
a little north of Majete; area 2,224 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ86 Ankara Iyesus (Ancara Jesus) 12/37 [+ WO]
(church), see under Chilga
ankasa (A) lame, not able to walk normally
HEK41c Ankasha (with ruined church), cf Ankesha 12/37 [Ch]
HEK41c Ankasha wereda (Ankesha ..) 12/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 88 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Sostu Shumata Zegsa Abo
HDT21 Ankata, see Ankala
ankate: ankati (angqati:) (O) unusually thin /said of sorghum/;
ankete (anqät'ä) (T) to hatch
HDT21 Ankate, see Ankala
HDU53 Ankelafit (Ank'elafit) 1025'/3940' 3044 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Ankelo (high mountain), peak 4300 m ../.. [20]
HF... Ankere sub-district (Ankerie ..) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Chila)
HEC14 Ankesha sub-district? (-1997-) 10/36 [n]
HEC14 Ankesha wereda (centre in 1964 = Injibara) 10/36 [Ad]
cf Ankasha wereda
HDL55 Ankete (Ank'et'e, Anqete) 0935'/3856' 2671 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
ankfola: ankola (O) large cup made of gourd
HCU91 Ankfola (Ancfola, Ancufcia) (mountain) 08/39 [+ Gz WO]
0806'/3928' 2735 m
?? Anko (Anqo) (known from the 1300s) ../.. [x]
ankob..: anko (A) 1. general term for baboon; 2. small tame moneky;
3. name of a rich lady said to have lived in the area; ber (A) /here:/ mountain pass
HDM24 Ankober (Ancober) (mountain) 09/39 [Gz Gu]
0918'/3946' 1312, 3036 m
HDM54 Ankober (Ankobär, Ancober, Ankobar) 09/39 [Gz Ha WO 18]
(Gorebela, Gourabela)
0935'/3944' 2463/2815 m (with church Mikael)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2E Merdiya Amba kebele
3E Tach Debdebo kebele
4E Wibit & Widede kebele
8E Adis Alem kebele
9E Dinki kebele
??SE Aferbaini (former forest)
2SE Kulfe kebele
3SE Kure Mehal Midir kebele
5SE Lai Mieda (Lay Meda) (village)
6SE Aliyu Amba Akababi kebele
6SE Aliyu Amba (market town)
6SE Teter Amba kebele
8SE Abdiyisir kebele
9SE Koru kebele
10SE Wash & Negarit kebele
10SE Kollifiye (Collifie) (area)
3S Astit kebele
4S Mesobit Gebeba kebele
5S Astit Kidane Mihret, intended residence 1700s
5S Loza kebele
5S Berbere Wiha kebele
5S Oromo & Merko kebele
6S Agamberet kebele
8S Endode kebele
8S Ameya Ager kebele
9S Wedera kebele
10S Bekefayne kebele
3SW Sina kebele
6SW Derefo kebele
7SW Wayu & Angut Mewgiya kebele
8SW Nifaso kebele
8SW Telesa kebele
9SW Alko kebele
10SW Addas Agar (village)
10SW Ayariko kebele
10SW Diwaro kebele
10SW Gut & Yigem kebele
10SW Muter kebele
2W Boled kebele
4W Debele & Tora Mesk kebele
4W Motatit (area)
6W Keba kebele
7W Mitak Amanuel (Mitaq A.) 2624 m
9W Arsi Amba kebele
2NW Motatit kebele
5NW Selam Amba kebele
7NW Kura Maryam kebele
8NW Adgo Hager kebele
9NW Gosh Hager kebele
10NW Atakilt (Adguo, Adgo Ager) (village) 3156 m
5N Kundi kebele
6N Dens (area)
9N Membret (mountain) 2611, 3350 m
10N Gunde Giyor (G.Ghior = G.Giyorgis?) (village)
2NE Mehal Wenz kebele
4NE Silele kebele
4NE Asokelina kebele
6NE Zegew kebele
6NE Fikre Ginb kebele
7NE Let Marefia (Lit M., Marafiya) 2408/2468 m
see directly under this name
7NE Rasme kebele
7NE Imemret kebele
8NE Debre Bikayu kebele
9NE Wekera Afaf kebele
10NE Kobo kebele
?? Chakka (saddle with market)
?? Rasa, remains from the 1200s
HDM53c Ankober wereda (centre in 1964 = Gorebela) 09/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 82 rural and 4 urban kebeles among which
Abdiyisir, Adis Alem, Agamberet, Aliyu Amba Akababi, Alko,
Amba, Asokelina, Astakel, Astit, Ayariko, Aygebir, Ayrar, Azuka,
Bekefayne, Berbere Wiha, Boled, Chaka, Chefa, Chibite Wiha,
Dabo Gedam, Debre Bikayu, Dehna Shira, Dens, Derefo, Deweld
Amba, Dinki, Diwaro, Dogage, Geta Gedel, Girar Amba, Gudgwad
Wiha, Guguf, Gur & Yigem, Imemret, Imir, Indode, Kara Megen,
Key Gedel, Kobo, Koru, Kulfe, Kundi, Kure Mehal Midir, Lalo,
Lay Debdebo, Lay Gorebela, Loza, Mehal Haramba, Mehal Wenz,
Merdiya Amba, Merere & Kub, Mescha, Mesobit Gedeba, Muja Amba,
Nifaso, Ore Amba, Oromo & Merko, Rasme, Selelo, Shema Matebiya,
Silele, Sina, Tach Debdebo, Tach Den, Telay Amba Meseko, Tereter,
Teter Amba, Wash & Negarit Wedera, Wefet & Hawariat, Wekera Afaf,
Wekfele, Welo Kotra, Wibit Gola, Wibit & Widede, Winin Amba, Witi,
Zegew, Zoma, Zombo
HCU.. Ankole (mountain east of lake Langano) 07/39 [x]
HFF22 Ankot (Ancot) 1345'/3944' 2476 m 13/39 [18 Gu Gz]
anku (aangquu) (O) medicinal plant used agains tapeworm
HER48 Ankudib (Ancudib) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
ankwa, anqwa (A,T) various kinds of shrub or small tree,
Commiphora africana, C. habessinica, C. resiniflua,
Croton macrostachys, Ormocarpum muricatum;
ankwai (A) Ximenia americana
HET60c Ankwa (Ancua) (mountain) 1316'/3825' 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
4361, 4620 m, cf Anka
anna, hanna (O) theft, stealing;
-- Anna, name in the Bible, also a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HEC57 Anna (church) 11/37 [It]
HBL92 Anna Guia, see Web
?? Annajina (with shrine of Shek Husen) ../.. [20]
annak..: kulu (T) all; kuuluu (O) 1. add a fringe;
2. use kohl at the eyes
JDD04 Annakulu (Annaculu) 0812'/4256' 1248 m 08/42 [Wa Gz]
annan, aannan (O) milk; milky sap
JDA53 Annenno (area) 08/40 [WO]
HDJ04 Anno, see Ano
-- Annya, Ania, an Oromo group in eastern Ethiopia
JDC56 Annya (Annia, Annia Bombe?) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
ano: anno (Borana O) small cactus-like tree,
Euphorbia tirucalli, mostly leafless
HCD57 Ano 0558'/3812' 2061 m 05/38 [Gz]
HCK04 Ano (island), see Gidicho
HDJ04 Ano (Anho, Anno) 0905'/3658' 1820 m 09/36 [Gz Po WO]
(with school, sub-post office and church Giyorgis)
HDL53 Ano 0935'/3842' 2412 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL81 Ano (Anno) 0948'/3835' 3025 m 09/38 [AA Gz WO]

HE... Anoba (in Yeju awraja) 11/39 [n]

HEM01 Anoba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Guba Lafto wereda,
12 km west of Weldiya; area 2,931 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ18 Anod 0913'/4224' 1373 m 09/42 [Gz]
anole: annole (O) cattle
HBL70 Anole (with prehistoric well) 0419'/3826' 04/38 [WO Gz]
HDE.? Anole (in Arsi about 25 km north of Asela) 07/39 [n]
HDE34 Anole (mountain) 0829'/3851' 1848 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEM.. Anoma Maryam 11/39 [x]
(mud-built cave church north-west of Weldiya)
JBR12 Anon (mountain) 0437'/4151' 235 m 04/41 [Gz]
anona (Borana O) kind of small to medium tree,
Trichilia emetica, T. roka, wood of which gives red colour
HBM94 Anona, see Gundul 04/39 [WO]
HCE21 Anona (area) 05/38 [WO]
anono m..: mite (Sidamo) kind of wild date palm, Phænix reclinata
JDJ68 Anono Mite (A. Mit'e) 0940'/4221' 1399 m 09/42 [Gz]
JBS32 Anoune (Anune) 04/42 [WO Wa]
HDL55 Anqete, see Ankete
HEE84 Ansa Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 11/38 [Ad]
at the northern part of the western border of Meket wereda,
10 km west of Filakit; area 2,846 hectares. [CSA 1994]
ansala (A) kind of roadside weed, Aerva persica
JEB26 Ansalela (area) 11/41 [WO]
HCM75 Ansawe (Ansaue) (area) 4015 m 06/39 [+ WO]
anse (T) kind of medium-sized tree, Anogeissus leiocarpus;
(A) the person /in a philosophical sense/
HFD20 Anse 13/37 [WO]
HEU74 Anseba, see Awseba & HEU82, cf Akeseba
HE... Anseta (Ansäta) (historical from 1200s), in Gayint 11/38 [x]
HDT73 Ansha kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern central Sayint wreda,
10 km east-northeast of Ajibar; area 2,510 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS31 Anshid (Anscid) 07/37 [+ WO]
HDT07 Ansho Begwol kebele (.. Bägwol ..) 10/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly to the middle of the south-western border of
Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, 5-10 km south-east of Alem Ketema;
area 930 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Ansita language, see Opuuo
?? Anso (historically recorded from 1700s) ../.. [Pa]
HDK83 Ansoyie (centre in 1964 of Lemat sub-district) 08/37 [Ad]
HEC85 Answi Giyorgis 11/37 [Ch]
HFF03 Antafo (Antaffo) (pass) 1337'/3939' 2335 m, 13/39 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Agula
HEC88 Antagussa (Atangusa, Atangussu) (village) 11/37 [WO Gu Gz It]
1140'/3720' 1784 m,
see under Zege, cf Atangussa Maryam
H.... Antakiyah, see Antiokiya
JCE26 Antalale (Antallale) (mountain) 0538'/4357' 253 m 05/43 [Gz WO]
antalo (A) kind of lichen, Osrelia sp.; (O) 1. kinds of
shrub or small tree, Boswellia spp., Polyscias ferruginea;
2. servant girl, women
HEU61 Antalo (here until 1900) (Antalow) 13/39 [Gz WO Gu Ha]
1319'/3928' 2050/2102 m
HEU71 Antalo (modern after 1900), see Hintalo
HDU02 Antat kebele (Ant'at ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
12 km south-west of Molale; area 637 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET78 Antebat (Ant'ebat) 1318'/3913' 2358 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEE90 Antebatbi (Ant'ebat'bi) 1142'/3828' 2874 m 11/38 [Gz]
HFF01 Antefa (Ant'efa) 1339'/3932' 2181 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDM43 Antegbagn kebele (Antägbagn ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in cenral Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
25 km south-southeast of Debre Birhan; area 1,620 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ44 Anteta 1212'/3701' 1845 m 12/37 [Gz]
H.... Antiokiya (Antukyah) 10/39 [+ Pa]
battlesite in 1531 south of lake Hayk
HDU63 Antiokiya (Antiochia, Antsokiya), cf Antsokiya 10/39 [+ WO]
?? Anto (area, left bank of the Abay river) ../.. [Ch]
HEF23 Anto Ashoye kebele (Ant'o Ashoyé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dese Zuriya wereda at its southern border,
8-16 km south of Dessie town; area 3,978 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ99 Antonius, see Abba Antonios
HDL03 Antotto, see Intoto
HEE13c Antsokiya (Antzochia) (recorded in 1841) 10/39 [n Ha 20]
HEE13c Antsokiya & Gemza wereda (Antsokiyana Gemza ..) 10/39 [En Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Afso, Agla & Sanka Ber, Ankar, Aselele, Atko Godegwade,
Atko Walke, Bikochegn, Chekechek, Daguche, Dehina, Gelila,
Getem, Gishoge, Goje Wiha, Hayle Maryam, Kab & Sar Amba,
Kelebet Wenber, Kerkeha & Shereta, Kokebeb, Kurengire,
Majete 6 Dur, Mekdesa (two), Mesk, Mwachera, Niget, Safra,
Shebeto, Washa, Welde, Yegodil
HEE13c Antsokiya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Nigirie) 10/39 [Ad]
?? Anu (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
-- Anuak language (Anywak, Aniyuak, Anywa, Yambo, Jambo, Yembo,
Bar, Burjin, Miroy, Moojanga, Nuro)
anuna (O) cow given to a bride's mother
JBS32 Anune, see Anoune
anunnu, hanunnu (O) tall
-- Anwak, Anuak, ethnic group living towards Sudan in the Gambela region
GDF00 Anyale (Agnale) 08/34 [+ WO]
-- Anyuak (Anywak), see Anuak
HFF72 Anza 1416'/3936' 2249 m (with stele) 14/39 [Gz]
anzar: antsar (A) opposite, facing, across from
HFC37 Anzar (mountain) 13/37 [WO]
HEJ.. Anzaymerkum (mineral well), in the Aykel region 12/37 [n]
HDD08 Anzire, see Yesreye
HDJ73 Anzucha 0944'/3655' 1699 m (w church Maryam), 09/38 [AA Gz]
see (at HDL75?) under Debre Libanos
HDL76 Anzucha kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at a south-western pointed "tip" of the border of
Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda; area 992 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF81 Aoarti, see Awarti
HDS91 Aocohe, see Choke
HDE96 Aogue, see Awoge
HEC64 Aonaraghen (village) 11/37 [It]
HEC84 Aonaraghen (with church), see u. Yismala Giyorgis 11/36 [It]
?? Aonomite, in the Harar region? ../.. [x]
HFC08 Aora, see Awra
HEK72 Aosaharoa, see under Belesa 12/37 [WO]
HER40 Aossa 13/36 [WO]
HEC76 Aota 11/37 [WO]
JDA94 Aouache, see Awash
HFE54c Aoulti, see Hawelti
GDE19 Apalla (Tulu A.) (hill) 0816'/3419' 08/34 [WO Gz]
GCL98 Apanango, see Apanauane
GCL98 Apanauane (Apanango) 0711'/3411' 434 m 07/34 [Gz WO]
HE... Apini (forest) 11/36? [20]
HDC39 Aprus Gesta (Aprus Ghesta) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
HFC23 Aptongol (mountain) 13/36 [WO]
HFE50 Aqab Se'at, see Akab Saat
aqal (Som) house
JED12 Aqale (area) 10/42 [WO]
HDK12 Aqaqi, see Akaki & HDL06
HDK88 Aqaqo, see Akako
HDT98c Aqesta, see Akista
HEC27 Aquali, see Akwali
ar (A) /not polite:/ excrement, shit
JBU82 Ar Shevel (Ar Sciavel) 0520'/4434' 200 m 05/44 [Gz WO]
ara (Som) crater, bowl? aara, hara (O) 1. smoke, fume;
2. new; 3. hara, common land; ara (A) free man; arra (A) defecate;
areh (aräh) (A) slope, side of a mountain
-- Ara language, see Ari
-- Ara people, cf Era, Haro
HBM40 Ara (Gebel Ara) (mountain) 0403'/3923' 1218 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
HCN97c Ara (small village, with tomb) 08/35 [Gu]
HEU62 Ara (Adi Araha, Addi A.) 1315'/3935' 1919 m 13/39 [Gz WO]
JBN05 Ara 0435'/4020' 988 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
JEA14 Ara (Aro) 1101'/4009' 1118 m 11/40 [Gz]
JEH42 Ara (area) 12/40 [WO]
JEN88 Ara (hills) 13/40 [Ne]
ara ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JCB63 Ara Ali (Haro Ali) 0558'/4102' 902 m 05/41 [WO Gz]
JBP89 Ara Ararsa, see Haro Ararsa
ara --: arba (O) elephant
JCB49 Ara Arba (Haro Arba) 0545'/4134' 615 m, 05/41 [WO Gu Gz]
coordinates would give map code JCB39
JCB88 Ara Bacalle (A. Bacale, Haro Bacale) 05/41 [WO Gz]
(seasonal spring) 0532'/4130' 609 m
JCB54 Ara Bele, see Haro Bele
JCH54 Ara Bisharayla (A. Bisciaraila, A. Bisciaraitu) 06/41 [+ WO Gz]
(Hara Bisciaraia) 0647'/4110' 1053/1158 m,
coordinates would give map code JCH45
JCB94 Ara Bonel (Haro Bonel) 0618'/4103' 953 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
ara bure: bure (Som) milk vessel made of wood;
(A) black and white; buree (Som) beat with a club;
buri (O) blue-grey root which is boiled and eaten;
Bure is given as a geographical name and not as an
Oromo word in Tilahun Gamta's dictionary
JCH27 Ara Bure (A. Buri, Haro Buri) 06/41 [Gz WO]
0633'/4117' 884/926 m
Coordinates would give map code JCH26
?? Ara Chercher (A.Cercer) (depression with ponds) ../.. [+ Gu]
JCP00 Ara Colla, see Hara Kola
JCB65 Ara Fanna, see Arefen
ara gabana, private land? gabana (O) one´s private affairs
JCB65 Ara Gabana (Haro Gabana) (area) 05/41 [WO Wa Gz]
0558'/4107' 928 m
JCH58c Ara Gaggaui 06/41 [Wa]
ara goro: goro (O) wild rose shrub; (A) young elephant;
gooroo (O) mound; goro, goorro (O) partition in a house
/for calves/; door opening inside a hut
JCB56 Ara Goro (Haro Goro) 0548'/4118' 604 m, 05/41 [WO Gu Gz]
coordinates would give map code JCB46
ara gu..: gulubi (O) ankle
JCP28 Ara Gulube 07/41 [WO]
JCB07 Ara Illibir, see Haro Illibir
JCH03 Ara Lughei (Ara Lughi, Ali Lughei) 06/41 [Gz WO Gu]
0620'/4101' 993 m
Coordinates would give map code JCB93
ara matina: matino (O) kind of /small/ bread
HBT11 Ara Matina 04/38 [WO]
HEU62 Ara Mikael Gedam (monastery) 1315'/3935' 13/39 [Gz]
ara more, civet land? more, moore (O) civet cat, civet
JCH23 Ara More (Hara More) 0639'/4101' 1026 m, 06/41 [WO Gu Gz]
coordinates would give map code JCH33
JCH13 Ara Mumed (Haro Mumed) 06/40 [WO Gz]
0625'/4104' 885, 1171 m,
coordinates would give map code JCH04
JCB55 Ara Munna, see Haro Munna
JCB25 Ara Oda, see Oda
ara sam..: samantar (Som) doer of good, philanthropist
JCB57 Ara Samanter /Batare/ (Haro Samantar) 05/41 [WO Gz]
0542'/4120' 640 m
HFE47 Ara Suru 1400'/3909' 1910 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the south)
ara t..: terra (t'ärra) (A) be clear, brighten, clear up
HCK39 Ara Terra (arid area) 0630'/3828' 2605 m 06/38 [Gu Gz]
JCH32 Ara Terra (Ara Tera, Haro Terra) 06/40 [Gz LM WO]
0638'/4057' 1139 m
JCB37 Ara Unne (Haro Unne) 0545'/4120' 636 m 05/41 [WO Gz]
HE... Arab (historical from the 1300s) = later Warab? ../.. [x]
JDC93 Arab (mountain) 0859'/4154' 2227 m 08/41 [Gz]
HEF94 Araba 1141'/3943' 1489 m 11/39 [Gz]
araba d..: arraba (O) 1. tongue; 2. abuse, insult;
arebe (aräbä) (A) tanned /skin/;
duba (O) 1. sheep's tail; dubaa 2. behind, in the rear;
3. outer surface of an object;
duuba (O) level direction, not upward or downward;
dhuubaa (O) soaked grain
HEJ48c Araba Duba (small island or reef) 12/37 [Ch]
?? Arababni (Aräbabni, Arebabni) ../.. [x]
(historical from the 1300s)
JCH62 Arabati (Arabatti) 0653'/4054' 1182 m 06/40 [WO Gz MS]
HEF75 Arabati kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Were Babo wereda,
25-35 km north-east of lake Hayk; area 10,996 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEC07 Arabdura (Arabdera, Arabdara) (mountain) 10/42 [Gz Ha WO]
1052'/4210' 463 m
JCG78 Arabe (mountain chain) 0703'/4032' 1762 m 07/40 [Gz]
?? Arabebni (historical small Muslim province) ../.. [En]
south of Awash river
HEJ69 Araben Medani (church) 12/37 [WO]
JDK92 Arabi 0956'/4243' 1091 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDR26 Arabi 1011'/4208' 709 m 10/42 [Gz]
JDS00c Arabi (centre in 1964 of Denbel wereda) 10/42 [MS Ad]
JCN17 Arablig (mountain) 0721'/4028' 2471 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
JCN17 Arablig Dai, M. (area) 2804 m 07/40 [WO]
HDD29 Arach (Arach') 0823'/3821' 3316 m 08/38 [Gz]
HCD08 Arachi, see Araki
HDU10 Arad Amba (area) 10/39 [WO]
arada (A) 1. hill; 2. market area; arada ber, mountain pass;
arada, aaraadaa (O) 1. main centre of a town; 2. habit /drinking or smoking/
HFD27 Arada Abune Lukas (church) 1348'/3814' 13/38 [Gz]
HDM95 Arada kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
15 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 1,401 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL74c Aradamo, south of Kofele 06/38? [x]
?? Aradauro (better Ara Dauro?) (village in cotton fields) ../.. [Gu]
aradda, araddaa (O) farm; courtyard
HDF31 Aradda 08/39 [WO]
JEB86 Araddo 11/41 [WO]
arade (A) cause to tremble; frightened
HES50 Aradie (area) 13/37 [WO]
aradim.: dima, diima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
3. baobab /large/ tree, Adansonia digitata
HDU52 Aradima (Aradma) 10/39 [WO]
HDU52 Aradima sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hirute) 10/39 [Ad]
HEM23 Aradom (village between Weldiya and Kobbo) 12/39 [20]
HEM33 Aradom kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in central Kobo wereda, 5 km south
of Kobbo town; area 3,751 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
arafa (O) foam, froth, lather; (Arabic?) an Islamic feast
JDN29 Arafa (area), see under Gewani, cf Harafa 10/40 [WO]
JCB65 Arafan (Arafena), see Arefen
HCF11c Aragallo (better Ara Gallo?) 05/39 [Mi]
HDL39 Aragecha (Aragheccia), see Tega Dinketu
HDL66 Aragesa 0938'/3859' 2557 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
aragi: araaji (Som) petitions, applications
HBT66 Aragi (Araghi) 0505'/3901' 950 m 05/39 [WO Gz]
?? Araginio (ca 3 km SSE of Wendo) ../.. [Gu]
with 11 monoliths
JDB78 Arago 0848'/4126' 1405 m 08/41 [Gz]
HEU94 Aragure (Hara Gure) 1330'/3945' 1946 m 13/39 [WO Gz]
Aragye: Aragie, Arage, a male personal name
HED50 Aragye (Araghie) 11/37 [+ WO]
HEE69 Aragye (British camp in 1868), see under Mekdela 11/39 [18]
HEU.. Araka (Araca) (mountain), cf Areka, 13/39 [+ It]
see also under Amba Aradam
araki (A) kind of strong liquor
HCD08 Araki (Arachi) 0529'/3821' 1700 m 05/38 [Wa Gz]
HED78 Arakse (Aratal, Arata) 1130'/3813' 2953 m 11/38 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HED77
H.... Arakwa sub-district (Araqua ..) 13/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arsen)
JEH21 Arale, see Urayu
JDE08 Arale Lugbur (area) 08/44 [WO]
?? Aram, see Azam
JDJ34 Aramaia (Aramaio), see Haramaya
HDM75 Aramba 0941'/3948' 2611 m 09/39 [Gz]
arami, arama (O) taboo, forbidden; arami (T) taxidermist;
aremi (A?) heathen, Muslim; aramu (O), arem (aräm) (A) weed,
GDF95 Arami (near GDM05), see Leka
JEA28 Aramile (area) 11/40 [WO]
JDN68c Aramis (archaeological site in Afar) 1030'/4030' 10/40 [20 Pa]
aramm..: muda (O) 1. place of pilgrimage; 2. butter
used for women's make-up; 3. defect, imperfection;
muuda (O) anointment of ritual leader
JEB34 Arammuda (Aramuda) (mount.) 1101'/4112' 1133 m 11/41 [WO Gz]
JEB92 Arammuda (area), see under Tendaho 11/40 [WO]
HEM34 Aramo kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in southern central Kobo wereda, 14 km south-east
of Kobbo town; area 1,257 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
aran, aaran (Som) 1. abundance of water and green grass;
2. young camels who are no longer sucklings;
arran (O) on the upper side
?? Aran Arek (in the Harar region) ../.. [It]
JDE96 Aran Arrei (A. Areh) 0902'/4354' 1360 m 08/43 [WO Gz n]
HCE87 Aranfana, see Arenfana
HC... Aranga (river) 07/36 [x]
A right-hand affluent of the Gojeb river.
arangama (O) climber or creeper with tough thorns,
often used as a fence
HDE66 Aranguade, see Green Lake
HCL36 Aranna (Harana) (mountains) 0640'/3900' 2756 m 06/39 [It Gz]
JDR44 Arannuno (area) 10/42 [WO]
JEH99 Arapta (area) 12/41 [WO]
arar i..: imba (T) mountain, (A) tears
HEU02 Arar Imba 1242'/3933' 2349 m 12/39 [Gz]
arara, araraa (O) very hot and bright, blazing sunshine
HDS89 Arara 1043'/3821' 1554 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEU13 Arara (Amba Arara) 1246'/3942' 1647 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDB31 Arara 0829'/4049' 1603 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDH47 Arareyti (Arareiti) (area) 1612 m 09/41 [+ WO]
?? Arari (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HDF.. Ararki (with market) 08/39? [18]
HBT24 Araro, see Arero
JBK92 Ararro (waterhole) 0426'/4242' 330 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
JDD69 Ararso (area) 1500 m 08/43 [WO]
ararso a..: areda /many meanings/
HDD89 Ararso Areda 0855'/3820' 2040 m 08/38 [Gz]
ararsu, araarse (O) make peace, settle a dispute;
araressu (O) build, erect, put up a temporary fence
JEC82 Ararti (area) 11/41 [WO]
ararto b..: boba, bobaa (O) armpit
HDE45 Ararto Boba (near Zikwala) 0830'/3856' 1685 m 08/38 [Gz]
arash (A) farmer, ploughman
HET66 Arashmane 1315'/3903' 1955 m (with church Silase) 13/39 [Gz]
HDL75 Arasho 0943'/3856' 2184 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL75 Arasho (with church Maryam), see under Debre Libanos
arat (T) bed; aratt (A) four
HDS72 Arat Mekera Kir (A. Mäkärakir, A. Makeraker) 10/37 [Gz 18 n]
(.. Macaracher, .. Makanaker) (mountains) 1036'/3745' 3030 m
arata (arat'a) (A) usury, unlawful interest; (O) loan at a
certain /usurious/ interest rate
HED78 Arata, see Arakse
HEE10c Arata 10/38 [Wa]
arata ga..: gamida (T) Helinus mystacinus
HDL23 Arata Gameda (Arata), village north of A. Abeba 09/38 [WO LM]
HDU75 Arata kebele (Arat'a ..) 10/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly north/south in easternmost
Gishe Rabel wereda; area 2,036 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL83c Arata Maryam (A. Mariam, Aratemariam) 09/38 [+ Gu Ad]
(with church), see under Fiche
(centre in 1964 of Jarso wereda)
HED78 Aratal, see Arakse
JEJ67 Arate (area) 12/42 [WO Pa]
HF... Arateiti (centre 1964 of Awuger sub-district) 14/39? [Ad]
HCU72 Araticho 0752'/3933' 2503 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDJ35 Aratu, see Haretu
HDU96 Aratu, see under Rike 10/39 [WO]
aratu insisa, the four beasts = the four evangelists
of the New Testament
HE... Aratu Insisa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Biwul) 12/39 [Ad]
HCR95 Araua, see Arawa
JDH17 Arauacia, see Harawacha
HDG39 Aravani, cf Eriwani 09/35 [WO]
arawa: arawwa (O) 1. spacious; 2. open to danger, thieves, etc
HCR95 Arawa (Araua, Haraua) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO Gz]
0806'/3704' 2131 m
JDJ94 Arawa, see Harewa
JDS61 Araweyna (Araueina) (border post) 760 m 10/42 [+ Gu]
arawit (A) beasts
HFF94 Arawoma (Arauoma) (mountain) 2252 m 14/39 [WO Gu]
H.... Arazo, in Guma west of Didessa river 08/36? [x]
arb (A) 1. Friday; 2. weaver's frame; cf arbi (O,T)
arb gebeya, Friday market
HDA17 Arb Gebeya (Arbi Gabaia) 08/35 [Ad LM Gu WO]
(centre in 1964 of Beddo sub-district)
?? Arb Gebeya (which one?) 09/34? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Begi Bile sub-district)
HDD66 Arb Gebeya 0843'/3806' 2435 m 08/38 [MS]
HDE30 Arb Gebeya 0825'/3825' 3213 m 08/38 [MS]
HDH17 Arb Gebeya 0909'/3623' 1824 m 09/36 [MS]
HDK09 Arb Gebeya 0905'/3822' 2602 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
HDK55 Arb Gebeya 0934'/3801' 2237 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK59 Arb Gebeya 0930'/3821' 2267 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HED82 Arb Gebeya ca. 1138'/3742' 2322 m, 11/37 [20]
place some 30 km east-northeast of Bahir Dar
HEE72 Arb Gebeya (Arbi Ghebia) 11/38 [Ad Gz WO Gu]
1131'/3840' or 1133'/3833' 1884 m
(centre in 1964 of Tach Gayint wereda)
HEE72 (same?: also ctr of Mehal Gayint sub-distr & of Kwassa sub-distr)
arba, arbaa (O) elephant, Loxodonta africana oxyotis;
arba (A) forty; memorial service on the 40th day after death;
also one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day-names
GDM35 Arba (Gara Arba, Tulu Arba) (mountain) 09/34 [WO Gz]
0923'/3450' 1845/1884 m
HCT97 Arba 0808'/3905' 1882 m, near map code HDE07 08/39 [Gz]
HDA66 Arba, Tulu (hill) 08/35 [WO]
HDH40 Arba, Tulu (hill) 09/35 [WO]
JDA96 Arba (Bordede, Bordele) 0901'/4023' 1075/1120 m 09/40 [Wa Gu WO Gz]
first railway station east of the Awash river
JDG06 Arba (area) 1083 m 09/40 [WO]
arba g..: gugu, guggu (A) avid, ambitious, desirous, gourmand
JDA55 Arba Gugu (Gebel Gugu Magna) (mountain) 08/40 [Gz]
(A. Googoo) 0840'/4015' 2311 m
JDA12 Arba Gugu awraja 0815'/4000' 08/40 [Gz]
JDA52 Arba Gugu awraja & wereda (Arbagugu ..) 08/40 [MS]
(centre in 1969: Tinsae Birhan; in 1980: Abomsa)
There is registered the Dindin-Arbagugu National Forest Priority Area.
arba minch (O not A?) elephant pool, not forty springs?
HCD60 Arba Minch (A. Mintch, A. Mench, Minghi, Gantar) 06/37 [Gz Br Po]
0602'/3733' 1285 m, called Shercha by local people
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
9N? Migie (village near a forest?) 1374 m
HCD60 Arba Minch Zuriya wereda 06/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 37 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
(centre in 1964 = Arba Minch)
There is registered the Arba Minch National Forest Priority Area.
JDH02 Arba Reketi 0903'/4055' 2179 m 09/40 [Gz]
HED30 Arba Tenza ('Four Creatures', Arvatensa) 11/37 [x WO]
HEL16 Arba Tincha (A. T'incha) 1152'/3901' 2730 m 11/39 [Gz]
arba wa..: wakko, waakkoo (O) mushroom
HCM36 Arba Wako (Arba Uaco) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
?? Arbaat Ensesa, see Arbatu Insisa
GDU66 Arbaba 10/34 [WO]
arbacha (A) anthill; arbacha meret (A) red and stony soil
HES06 Arbachegwar (Arbacceguar) (area) 12/38 [+ WO]
HBK82 Arbagna, see Arbenya
HCL33 Arbagona, see Arbegona
JDA52 Arbagugu, see Arba Gugu
?? Arbahan Arbate Ruba (area, "44 rivers") 13/37 [Gu]
44 is a conventional number for "very many".
JEP25 Arbale (narrows with basalt cliffs) 12/41 [Ne]
HBK64 Arballe, G. (mountain area) 04/37 [WO]
HEK14 Arbamba (=Arba Amba, elephant mountain?) 11/37 [WO]
(=Arbi Amba, Wednesday/Friday mountain?)
HCD60 Arbaminch, see Arba Minch
HDJ26 Arbanuse 0914'/3710' 2457 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEL74 Arbatelmisa 1226'/3850' 2207 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
HEK96 Arbatogwar (Arbatoguar) (plateau) 12/38 [+ WO]
arbatu insisa (Geez) the four creatures = the four Evangelists
?? Arbatu Insisa (Arba Tenza, Arbatu Entzessa) ../.. [x n]
(monolithic church near Lalibela)
HDR97 Arbawash (Arbauasc) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEK63 Arbaya 1219'/3747' 2294 m 12/37 [x Gz]
H.... Arbe 06/38 [18]
arbeg..: gona (Afar) "outside bend" /of the Awash river/;
gona gona (O?) ensete; Gona, a main branch of the Borana
HCL33 Arbegona (Arbe Gona, Arbagona, Arbagoma) 06/38 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Arbe Gunna, Arbigona, Iei, Bulancho) 06/38 [x Gu n]
(local centre) Gz: 0641'/3843' 2488 m
MS: 0638'/3852' = HCL34
HCL33 Arbegona wereda (centre in 1964 = Arbegona) 06/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 55 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JDK55 Arbein (Arbe'in) 0932'/4300' 1763 m 09/43 [Gz]
arbenya (arbännya) (A) hero, patriot fighter /especially
during the Italian occupation/
HBK82 Arbenya (Arbagna) (area) 04/37 [+ WO]
JD... Arbereketi (Arberikete, Arberkitie?) (town) 09/40 [Ca 20 Po]
HEF32 Arbero Mikael (church) 1110'/3935' 11/39 [Gz]
HEM42 Arbet kebele (Arbät ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central Kobo wereda stretching to its western border,
10 km west-southwest of Kobbo town; area 7,574 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Arbet sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mindina) 12/39 [Ad]
HEM31 Arbete Igzi'abher Ab (church) 1207'/3929' 12/39 [Gz]
HCS91 Arbeto (village) 08/37 [x]
arbi (O) 1. Wednesday or Friday, depending on region;
2. loom, tissue, weaving; arbi (A) breeder /of cattle/;
tanner, iron-worker; (T) Friday
HDA88 Arbi, see under Yubdo 08/35 [WO]
HDG03 Arbi 0904'/3507' 1781 m 09/35 [WO Gz]
arbi bila: bila (O) 1. red honey; 2. flower or "beard"
in barley/wheat; (A) 1. soil leached by water;
2. burr which catches on clothes
HDD72 Arbi Bila 0854'/3737' 2892 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDA17 Arbi Gabaia, see Arb Gebeya
HEE72 Arbi Ghebia, see Arb Gebeya
HCL33 Arbigona, see Arbegona
HFC.. Arbil (village on the way to Nefas Mewcha) 13/37 [20]
arbo: arbu (O) kind of large tree, Ficus sur
HBL08 Arbo (area) 0340'/3912' 1218 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
HDL56 Arbo 0935'/3858' 2609 m 09/38 [AA Ad Gz]
HDL56 Arbo (centre in 1964 of Abebe sub-district)
HDS03 Arbo Abis 1001'/3751' 1611 m 10/37 [Gz]
arbora (O) ivory armlet, only worn by men who have
killed a man or big game
-- Arbore (Arborie, Arbora, Erbore, Irbore), name of an ethnic group in the
South Omo Zone, living south of Jinka
HBP49 Arbore (area), cf Irbora 04/36 [WO]
HBR52 Arbore (village) 0459'/3652' 554 m, 04/36 [WO Ca Gz]
coordinates would give map code HBR42
HDF23 Arbose Gebriel (church) 0822'/3941' 08/39 [Gz]
J.... Arboye (visiting postman under Nazret) 08/70? [Po Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Assenseba sub-district, of wereda in the 1980s)
HDT23 Arbu 1008'/3842' 1841 m 10/38 [Gz]
arbu, arbuu (O) large, thick tree, Ficus sycomorus?
busee, busaa (O) malaria
HDK88 Arbu Buse 0947'/3819' 2557 m 09/38 [Gz]
?? Arbuk (Arbuq) (historical area in Gojjam) ../.. [+ Pa]
GC... Arbuka 06/34? [x]
river running down from the Guraferda plateau rather directly
south-southwest until it joins the Akobo river.
JDJ85 Arca, see Arka
JCE27 Arcadon, see Arka Adon
HFD75 Arcai (waterhole) 14/38 [MS WO]
HER56 Arcai Dereca, see Arkay Dereka
HES78 Arcazie, see Dibil
JCA79 Arche (Arce, Arre) (mountain) 0610'/4040' 962 m 06/40 [+ WO Gz]
JBH77 Archei (seasonal well) 04/41 [MS WO]
HEL46 Archeko Tekle Haymanot (Arch'ek'o ..) (church) 12/38 [Gz]
1208'/3859', north of Lalibela
HCG64 Archica, see Arkika
HEF43 Archisa, see Arkisa
HET78c Archnao (with rock-hewn church Iyesus, in Seharti) 13/39 [x]
HDL33 Archo (Arch'o) 0923'/3846' 2583 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDH10 Arconcia, see Arkoncha
HDH37 Arcumbi, see Arera
HDH58 Arcumbi, see Arkumbe
arda, ardaa (Som) courtyard; arda jila (O) ceremonial ground
JEJ14 Arda (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDG34c Arda Arto, at the Awash river 09/40 [x]
arda d..: doka, doqa (A) glass bead, especially ring of blue glass
worn at the neck by children; dooqaa (O) 1. bead as above;
2. depression in landscape, rift valley
HBE98 Arda Doka (A. Doqa) (mount.) 0331'/3909' 950 m 03/39 [+ Gz]
JDA84 Ardaga 0856'/4014' 1105 m 08/40 [Gz Po]
(visiting postman under Nazret)
JCC00 Ardalenga (area) 0521'/4132' 587 m 05/41 [WO Gz]
JDG34c Ardatha 09/40 [Wa]
JEG54c Ardef (mountain near lowlands) ca. 1215'/4010' 12/40 [x]
JDN66 Ardgera (Ardghera) (mountain) 1034'/4016' 857 m 10/40 [Ne WO Gz]
ardi (O, Afar?) earth; world
JEC01 Ardibdeis (area) 10/41 [WO]
HEF44 Ardibo (Ardibbo, Hardibo) (lake) 11/39 [20 WO]
HEF45 Ardibo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Kalu wereda, immediately to the east of lake Hardibo,
15 km north-northeast of Kombolcha; area 2,469 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCA24 Ardikimo (Ardichimo) (area) 05/35 [+ WO]
HEL28 Ardisa 1158'/3911' 2278 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDF14 Ardu 08/39 [WO]
?? Arebabni (Aräbabni), see Arababni
HEE96 Arebal kebele (Aräbal ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda at its northern border,
15 km north-east of Filakit; area 7,046 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE49 Arebay (mountain) 1358'/3916' 1883 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDJ45 Arebeke 0929'/3703' 2707 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEF02 Arebfema kebele (Aräbfäma ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Were Ilu wereda stretching narrowly north/south,
25 km north of Were Ilu town; area 2,646 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Arebia Medhani Alem 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Zengaj sub-district)
HDE85 Arebsa 0857'/3856' 2422 m 08/38 [Gz]
areda (O) chin, beard, moustache, side whiskers;
Areda, a male personal name;
aredda (A) break the news of a relative's death;
aredda meret (aräda märet) (A) land /near houses/ where
ashes have frequently been thrown; land cultivated several
times; arede, arrede (A) to slaughter, cut throat;
(arädä) (A) built a fortification; (T) fortify, entrench;
baro (O) good, wonderful; (Som) home, home surroundings
HDS08 Areda Baro 0959'/3817' 2523 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(near bridge), see under Tulu Milki
areda g..: godoo (O) small hut, kind of sentry box
for those who guard crops;
godo (Som) be bent or crooked
HDK65 Areda Godo 0938'/3800' 2564 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
areda k..: kitte, kittie (O) centre, middle
HDK55 Areda Kite (A. K'it'e, A. Qite) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0935'/3801' 2503 m
areda wari, dark beard? wari (O) time around midnight
/with darkness/; (T) kind of black bird;
(Som) ask, get information; waari (Som) make permanent;
waarri (Som) walk with a heavy step
HDS08 Areda Wari 0959'/3818' 2545 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
arede (arrädä) (A) built a fortification
HEU14 Aredebasa 1247'/3946' 1601 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ72 Aredu 0944'/3650' 1561 m (with church Maryam) 09/36 [Gz]
arefa (aräfa) (A) Muslim festival;
arefat (aräfat) (A) foam, froth, lather, scum;
arrefe (arräfä) (A,T) to rest; /also:/ die
HED12 Arefa 1101'/3743' 2349 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEM32 Arefa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Debtera Maryam) 12/39 [Ad WO]
JCB65 Arefen (Arafan, Ara Fanna, Arafena, Haro Fanna) 06/41 [Gz WO Ro Wa]
0604'/4108' 921 m, near map code JCB74
areg (aräg) (A) 1. creeper, tree-climbing plant; 2. old /person/;
(A,Gurage) kind of medium-sized branched palm, Dracaena steudneri
HEK91 Areg Maryam (Areg Mariam) (church, mission) 12/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
Arega, a male personal name;
arege (arägä) (T) to wear out, to become old;
arrege (arrägä) (A) ascend, go up into heaven;
(arägge) (A) senex /?/; arejje (aräjjä) (A) grow old
HEC58 Arega (church), see under Debre May 11/37 [WO]
Aregawi, the first of the Nine Saints, died at Debre Damo
HES57 Aregay Silase (church) 1318'/3812' 13/38 [Gz]
HC... Aregda (village, in the 1980s in Munesa wereda) 07/38 [x]
about 10 km from the Shashemene road
HEL49 Aregena 1210'/3920' 2561 m, near code HEM40 12/39 [Gz]
HDU72 Arego kebele (Arägo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in centtral Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda, 30 km west-southwest
of Majete and 5-10 km north-northwest of Mehal Meda; area 3,363 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM40 Aregza 1209'/3924' 2447 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCK82 Areka (Ancheto) (with sub-post office) 07/37 [Gz Po 20 Ad]
0704'/3742' 1774 m
(centre in 1964 of Bolosso & Sorie wereda)
areke (aräqä) (A) pacify, reconciliate
HCS76 Areket (Arek'et', Areqet, Aräqqit) 07/38 [Gz q]
0757'/3805' 2829 m, town in Gurage highlands
HDU44 Arekit (Arek'it, Areqit) 1022'/3943' 3161 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HDU11 Areko kebele (Aräqo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
15-20 km west of Molale; area 1,616 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM63 Arelle, see under Alamata 12/39 [WO]
arem (aräm) (A) weed, weeding
HEJ54 Arema 1214'/3657' 1875 m 12/36 [Gz]
HEL33 Arema 1206'/3845' 2297 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL33 Arema 1207'/3845' 1826 m 12/38 [Gz]
HDM95 Aremaniyan, see Armaniya
aren: arene (aränä) (T) snail
HDM30 Aren, M. (area) 09/39 [WO]
HEU92 Arena (Ariena), see Harena
HC... Arena Bulki wereda (.. Bulq, .. Bulik) (-1964-1997-) 05/39 [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Angentu)
?? Arene (Ar'enä) (area in Wäj recorded c 1580) ../.. [Pa]
HCE87 Arenfana (Aranfana, Arenfama) (area) 06/39 [LM WO]
HCE87 Arenfana sub-district (centre in 1964 = Chichu) 06/39 [Ad]
HEM53 Arengem 1217'/3938' 1435 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ26 Arengwade Hayk 0917'/3711' 09/37 [Gz]
(with clinic of the Seventh Day Adventists)
HEM53 Areosha (Areoscia, Aroscia) 1215'/3942' 1436 m 12/39 [+ Gz]
arer (arär) (A) dust bowl;
meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDT64 Arer Meda kebele (Arär Méda ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Sayint wereda at its southern border,
25 km east-southeast of Ajibar; area 2,553 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
arera (A), areera (O) buttermilk, skim-milk, whey,
watery part of milk that separates from the curd
HDH37 Arera (Arcumbi, Arkumbi) 0921'/3624' 1636 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK06 Arera 0904'/3807' 2311 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL65 Arera 0941'/3854' 2589 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HEF16 Area 1059'/3956' 2232 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU92 Arera kebele (Aréra ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the separate western part of Kalu wereda at the eastern border there,
28 km south of Kombolcha; area 3,244 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF17 Arera Nechiro kebele (Aréra Nächero ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Kalu wereda, 20 km east-southeast
of Kombolcha; area 1,597 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
arere: arrere (A) scorch; burnt black /by cooking/
HDD41 Arere 0831'/3736' 1835 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDL51 Arere 0934'/3832' 1422 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Arere 0938'/3838' 2642 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Arere 0951'/3836' 2982 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT43 Arere kebele (Aräré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Wegdi wereda, 12 km south-west
of Mahdere Selam; area 979 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG06 Areri, see Aira
JBJ.. Areri 04/41 [Gu n]
HEF94 Arerit kebele (Arärit ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Habru wereda,
15 km east of Mersa; area 2,184 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Arero, a male name among the Borana;
areru (A) young and brave warrior
HBT24 Arero (Meta Gafersa, Araro, Areore) (town) 04/38 [MS WO Wa x]
MS: 0440'/3845' = HBT13, 1755 m; Gz: 0445'/3849 = HBT24 1533 m
HBT24 Arero (wide area, with forest) 04/38 [WO]
HBS57 Arero awraja 0500'/3810' 04/38 [Ad Gz]
(centre in -1964-1980- = Yabelo)
HBT24 Arero wereda (centre in 1964 = Arero) (-1964-2000-) 04/38 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 21 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
arerti (O) kind of butter-milk
HDF70 Arerti (with sub-post office) 0850'/3924' 1832 m 08/39 [Ad Po Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Kombolcha sub-district)
JFB00 Arerti 1357'/4040' -111 m, below sea level 13/40 [Gz]
HDF70 Arerti kebele (Arärti ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda in its western part, adjoining Arerti
settlement to the east + south + west and Balchi to its east; area 1,333 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF81 Arertu 0856'/3925' 1713 m 08/39 [Gz]
?? Aresh (village in the Ankober region) ../.. [18]
HDT19 Areso kebele (Aräso ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northernmost eastern Moret & Jiru wereda,
20 km north-northeast of Inewari; area 1,355 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
aret ..: dur (A) forest
HDL98 Aret & Keyadur kebele (Arät & Käyadur ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southern central Moret & Jiru wereda, very near
Inewari to its north-west; area 1,959 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU02 Aret & Rencha kebele (Arét & Réncha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda somewhat to the west,
11 km north-west of Sela Dingay; area 958 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE78 Areteyti 1413'/3914' 2376 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Abune Petros)
HDK33 Arewe 0920'/3749' 1858 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HB... Arfaide (Arfayde) (village 19 km from Konso) 05/37 [20]
?? Arfeta (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDD61 Arfincho (Arfincio) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
HDD60 Arfinjo 0845'/3734' 2642 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDK01 Arfinjo 0906'/3737' 2402 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
-- Arfinyo, an adopted clan among the Mecha/Liban Oromo
HEL98 Arfits 1236'/3911' 1530 m 12/39 [Gz]
arga (O) gift in behalf of a new-born baby
HDE78 Arga 0849'/3911' 2274 m 08/39 [Gz]
HEK07 Arga 1146'/3814' 3502 m, near map code HED98 11/38 [Gz]
HCD35c Argadda, west of Agere Maryam 05/38 [x]
JCB84 Argadeb, see Argedeb
JD... Argaga, between Laga Arba and old Awash bridge 08/40? [x]
HDM95 Argaga & Inchine kebele (.. Ench'ené ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
10 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 1,725 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU63 Argano kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
adjoining Mehal Meda on its eastern side; area 557 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBS16 Argasa, see Ashebo
HEC63c Argavedis Ghevea (Ghevea=Gebeya) 2220m 11/36 [Gu]
JDH13 Argay (Argai) 09/40 [+ WO]
HCP18 Arghebba, see Argoba
JCB71 Argebela (Argebla, Arghebla, Ardjebta) 06/40 [Gz WO Wa]
0608'/4051' 855 m
HEE77 Argebet, see Angebet
JCB84 Argedeb (Argadeb) 0611'/4113' 795/881 m 06/41 [Gz WO Gu Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCB85
JBS99 Argeliye (Arghelie, Arghegle) 05/43 [+ Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of El Medo wereda)
HCC60 Argenne, see Debre Tsehay
?? Argeta Beyabeka (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
argeysa: argesa (O) species of aloe
JCR03 Argeysa (Argheisa) (area) 07/41 [+ WO]
JCS90 Argeysa (Argheisa) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
HCP18 Arghebba, see Arguba
JBR85 Argheile, see Hargele
HDM30 Arghiscia, see Tega Dingeto
HCB95 Argi (Arghi) 0615'/3610' 611, 1700? m 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
JEB59 Argi (Arghi) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HES78 Argin (on Simen hiking route) 13/38 [Br]
HDB69 Argio, see Arjo & HDB78 HDB95
argis (Borana O) Aloe calidophylla, A. yavellana etc;
there are more than 25 species of Aloe in Ethiopia and
they often grow on open hillsides
HDE36 Argisa (Arghisa) (village near a bridge) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDM30 Argisha (Arghiscia), see Tega Dingeto
HDT97 Argit kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Kelala wereda, 5-10 km north of
of Legwama; area 1,946 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDL72 Argiti 0943'/3836' 3066 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDG09 Argiti 0904'/4037' 1513 m 09/40 [Gz]
argoba: argobbe (A) a kind of tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
-- Argobba, name of a people consisting of two isolated groups,
in 1990 about 21,600 near Ankober and 14,500 near Harar
HCP18 Argoba (Arguba, Arghebba) 1442 m 07/36 [LM Po WO Gu]
(with church Giyorgis)
JD... Argoba (Argobbo, Ergoba) (15 km south of Harar) 09/42 [x]
H.... Argoba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kara Chira) 11/39 [Ad]
HDM57 Argobba (district in Yifat) 0930'/3957' 09/39 [x]
J.... Argobba special wereda (Argoba .., Arigoba ..) 09/42? [20]
JEB64 Argodu (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEU72 Argol 13/39 [It]
HCB15c Argsha, with part of the Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
HDM74 Arguaga (recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
HCP18 Arguba (Arghebba) 0724'/3626' 1442 m 07/36 [Gz]
arguda: argude (T) fatten, thicken
HCB08 Arguda (Argud) (locality) 0527'/3630' 05/36 [WO Gz]
argudi, argutti (T) kind of tree, Maytenus senegalensis
(but the places above with somewhat similar names are
at large distances from Tigray)
JDN97c Argufya (Argufia) (wadi) 550 m 10/40 [+ Gu]
HCS98 Argume Mikael (church) 0809'/3818' 08/38 [Gz]
west of Butajira
argun, argu (O) view, sight
HCC51 Argun (Gebel A.) (mountain) 0559'/3640' 3167 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
?? Arho (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
(salt quarries near the Red Sea, east of Mekele)
arhoo (Afar) wind
ari (O) 1. all of /them etc/; 2. anger; (Som) goats and
sheep, flock or herd of these;
-- Ari, ethnic group and one of the three South Omotic languages
spoken in Jinka [HCC40 05/36] and its surrounding area
-- Ari language (Ara, Aro, Aarai, 'Shankilla')
-- Warra Ari, an Ala tribe of eastern Oromo
HET39 Ari 1259'/3920' 2691 m 12/39 [WO Gz]
HFE85 Aria Dem (Ari'a D.) (peak) 1419'/3857' 2063 m 14/38 [Gz]
HDL20 Aricha 0918'/3827' 2974 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEU92 Ariena, see Harena
GCT57 Ariet, see Periet
JDF05 Arigaba (area) 08/44 [WO]
-- /Gaba is an ethnic group = Dullay/
HDT61 Arigba kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda, 10 km south-west
of Ajibar; area 2,066 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM57? Arigoba, see Argobba
HEJ44 Ariko (Arico) 12/37 [+ WO]
HE... Arim Maryam (centre in 1964 of Webo sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
HEK15 Aringo (village) 1153'/3759' 2515/2574 m, 11/37 [WO Gu Gz]
see also under Debre Tabor
HDK95 Ariro 1739 m 09/38 [AA]
HDL83 Ariro 0947'/3843' 2902 m (near Fiche) 09/38 [Gz]
HDT01 Ariro 1001'/3832' 1901 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT95 Ariro 0955'/3802' 1713 m 09/38 [Gz]
JDC30 Ariro (area) 08/41 [WO]
HDK09 Arirtu (Arirto) (mountain) 0910'/3817' 09/38 [WO Gu Gz]
HDK18 Arirtu (village with church Medhane Alem, and hill) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0910'/3817' 2832 m, peak 3078 m
arisa, ariisa (O) in heat /said of female animal/
HES48 Arisagh (Arisegh), see Genemora Arisagh
JEC30 Arissa 1111'/4138' 298/317 m (basalt ridge) 11/41 [WO Gz]
JDR50 Arisso (area) 10/41 [WO]
HEL69 Aritata (Arit'at'a) 1221'/3919' 2269 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCN05 Arito 0719'/3520' 1721 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
HEL73 Arjal 1225'/3844' 2486 m 12/38 [Gz]
JCB71 Arjebta (Ardjebta), see Argebela
HDS31 Arjena Maryam (church) 1016'/3739' 10/37 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Markos
HDB69 Arjo (Argio) (area) 2518 m, see below 08/36 [+ WO]
HDB69 Arjo (Argio) (former ketema) 2436/2439 m 08/36 [Gz Ad Po WO]
MS: 0849'/3634' = HDB79 or Gz: 0845'/3630' = HDB68
(centre of Arjo awraja and in 1964 also of
Jimma Leka wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Kussaye (Cussae) 2402 m
10SW Diko (Dico) (mountain) 1970 m
3NW Arjo (Argio) (area) 2518 m
10NW Kristo Galla (Cristo G.) (with church)
7N Kumba (Cumba) (area)
HDB78 Arjo (Argio) 0849'/3628' 2509 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDB95 Arjo (Argio, Suchi Argio) (small village) 09/36 [Gz WO Gu]
0913'/3642' 1420, 2129 m
HDB77 Arjo awraja 0850'/3620' 08/36 [Ad Gz]
(centre -1964-1980- = Arjo)
HDB69c Arjo Gudetu 08/36 [20]
town in Diga & Leka wereda
arka, harka (O) hand, arm, sleeve;
arka, charka (O) leopard's cry
HEL58 Arka 1215'/3910' 2544 m, cf Harka 12/39 [Gz]
HEL68 Arka 1219'/3910' 2195 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDJ85 Arka (Arca) (area) 09/42 [+ Gu]
JCE27 Arka Adon (Arcadon) 0540'/4402' 241 m 05/44 [Gz WO]
HEE77 Arka kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda,
15 km south-west of Wegel Tena; area 1,018 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES78 Arkasi, see Dibil
arkay (arqay) (T) kind of bamboo, Oxytenanthera borzii,
or tall shrub, Sesbania sesban;
-- Arqay, name of an ethnic group
HER57 Arkay (Arcai) (mountain) 1307'/3719' 1223 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
arkay de..: derek (A) dry
arkay dereka, bamboo on a dry mountain?
HER56 Arkay Dereka (Arcai Dereca) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HCB15c Arki, with part of the Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
HCG64 Arkika (Archica) 0653'/3510' 927 m 06/35 [+ WO Gz]

arkisa (O) girth-strap of a harness

HEF43 Arkisa (Archisa), see under Hayk 11/39 [+ Gu]
HDT54 Arkiso kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in central Wegdi wereda, 4 km south-west
of Mahdere Selam; area 727 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDH10 Arkoncha (Ark'onch'a, Arconcia) 0909'/4043' 09/40 [Gz WO]
1512 m, see under Mieso
HDH58 Arkumbe (Ark'umbe, Arcumbi) (mountain) 09/36 [Gz]
0932'/3628' 1234 m
-- Arkumbi, Warra Kumbi, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDH37 Arkumbi, see Arera
HDH59 Arkumbi (Arcumbi, Tulu Arcombi) (area) 09/36 [Gz WO]
0931'/3628' 1234 m,
coordinates would give map code HDH58
JCH62 Arlajarti (Arlagiarti) 06/40 [+ WO]
HER.. Armachecho, see next
HER.. Armachiho (Armach'äho, Armachecho, Armachaho) 12/37 [+ x n]
(Fre: Armatchèou)
HER18 Armachiho wereda (Armachaho .., Armochoho ..) 12/36 [Ad n x]
(Armadchio ..) 1258'/3647'
(ctr in 1964 = Tikil Dingay), cf Lai Armachiho, Tach Armachiho
JED02 Armale (area) 10/42 [WO]
armaniya: armen (armän) (A) Armenian
HDU06 Armaniya (Armania, Armanya, Aremaniyan) 09/39 [Ad Gz]
0953'/3949' 2152 m
(centre 1944-1967- of Mafud wereda)
Coordinates would give the adjacent map code HDM95.
HDM95 Armaniya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
6 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 1,299 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Armenian, an assimilated people, mostly Christians
HDU95 Armofa 1047'/3949' 1421 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDC28 Armoti Af-Fate (area) 08/42 [WO]
HES43 Arnaldo (area), see under Dabat 13/37 [WO]
JDP56 Arnut (Arnoot) 1022'/4115' 746 m 10/41 [Gz Ha]
(recorded in 1841)
aro, haro (O) lake, pool; arho (Afar) camel caravan
Aro, cf Ero
-- Aro language, see Ari
GDF21 Aro (Tulu Aro, Haro, Caro) (mountain) 08/34 [WO Gz]
0825'/3429' 599 m
Coordinates would give map code GDF31
HCR61 Aro, see Haro
HDA27 Aro 08/35 [WO]
HDD44 Aro (mountain) 2350 m 08/37 [WO]
see under Weliso or Chitu,
HDT48 Aro 1023'/3914' 2532 m 10/39 [Gz]
JEA03 Aro, see Haro
JEA14 Aro, see Ara
aro dale: dalee (O) 1. camel; 2. melted butter;
daalee (O) cows /mostly with grey colour;
dalee (Som) decorate; daali (Som) make tired;
-- Dale, an Oromo clan
JEB75 Aro Dale (area) 805 m 11/41 [WO]
aro dimtu: diimtu (O) red /female, cow/, light complexion /girl/;
dimtu (A) the sound, the voice
JDB15 Aro Dimtu 0817'/4109' 1572 m 08/41 [Gz]
aro gen..: genda (gända) (A) trough from the trunk of a tree,
for animals to drink from
HDT05 Aro Genda (w church Yohanis) 0958'/3854' 1499 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Aro Giyorgis (in the Welamo Soddo region) ../.. [n]
JC... Aro Hassen Osman 06/40 [Gu]
aro w..: weyna (from Somali wayn) 1. large, big;
2. wine-coloured
JDS60 Aro Weyna (Arrueina) 1030'/4234' 901 m 10/42 [+ Gz]
JEB78 Aroberifaghe, see Abroborifaghe
?? Arobi, with market in the 1890s ../.. [18]
JCR93 Arocha 0907'/4152' 1944 m 09/41 [Gz]
HEK32 Aroda 1207'/3744' 2022 m 12/37 [Gz]
JEJ44 Arodolaito (mountain) 1215'/4200' 441 m 12/42 [WO Gz]
KCN34 Arogafida, see Gafida
aroge (A) old /man/; ancient
HEE57 Aroge 1123'/3908' 1989 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEM14 Aroge (Alla, Ala) 1151'/3942' 1619 m 11/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(valley, bridge 15 m)
(with church Merk'oriyos at some distance to the north)
Coordinates would give map code HEM13
HDE49 Aroge Adama ("old Nazret") 08/39 [x]
(centre in 1964 of Kechema sub-district?), see under Nazret
HEE34 Aroge Meda 1110'/3848' 1813 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDF82c Aroge Minjar kebele (Arogé Menjar ..) 08/39 [Ad]
a little to the west at the northern border of Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
15-20 km north-east of Balchi; area 2,919 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF60c Arogie (Arogee), (plateau south-east of Mekdela) 11/39 [Pa]
HEJ96 Arohna 1238'/3708' 2074 m 12/37 [Gz]
-- aroji: Warra Aroji (means Aroji people/family),
name of an Ala tribe of eastern Oromo
GDF81 Aroji (Arogi) (hill) 08/34 [+ WO]
HDG03 Aroji 0907'/3508' 1573 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH10 Aroji (Arogi, Arrodji) 09/35 [+ WO x]
HDH20 Aroji (Arogi) 0917'/3544' 1778 m 09/35 [Gz WO]
HDL32 Aroji 0922'/3839' 2456 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL76 Aroji (Arogi), see Roge
HDL92 Aroji 0954'/3838' 2199 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ25 Aroji 0914'/4206' 1885 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDL77 Aroji Gudeta kebele (.. Gudäta ..) 09/39 [Ad]
on the western side of the southward "bulge" of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
20 km south of Saya Debir settlement; area 1,248 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
aroji k..: kalo, kaloo (O) 1. grass, grazing area;
2. belly of sheep or goat; 3. inaccessible; qalo (Som) sacrifice
HDL77 Aroji Kalo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
on the western side of the southward "bulge" of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
15 km south of Saya Debir settlement; area 1,399 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD21 Arole 0824'/3739' 1621 m 08/37 [Gz]
HEU64 Aroley 1312'/3947' 1509 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDJ.. Aroo Addis Alem kebele 09/36 [20]
Located in Gida Kiremu wereda south of Abay river in eastern Wellega.
JDS40 Arome (mountains) 1022'/4235' 951 m 10/42 [Gz]
HCK05 Arora (on island) 06/38 [Gu]
aroresa, aroris (O) shrub or tree, Grewia mollis;
arorissa (A) till
HC... Aroresa (Aroressa) 05/39? [Ad]
JCU44 Aroresa (Aroreise) 0740'/4441' 920 m 07/44 [MS WO Gz]
HCE96c Aroresa wereda (centre in 1964 = Mejo) 06/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 24 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDC63 Aroressa (area) 1920 m 08/36 [WO]
JDK46 Aroreys (Aroreis) (area) 1871 m 09/43 [+ WO]
JDH41 Aroreyti (G. Aroreiti) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
JDJ53 Aroreyti 0933'/4155' 1423 m (near Dire Dawa) 09/41 [Gz]
HEE50 Arorya 1123'/3827' 2528 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEM53 Aroscia, see Areosha
HED54 Arota 1121'/3752' 2278 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEB43 Aroua (Arua) 1117'/3559' 1201 m, cf Arwa .. 11/35 [WO Gz]
JDS60 Aroueina, see Aro Weyna
HES78 Arquazie, see Dibil
arra (O) 1. above, over, better; 2. off, from, down from;
arra mado (Som) black land with fertile soil
Arra, cf Arre, Arri
arra a..: arka (O) 1. hand, arm, sleeve; arqa 2. cry of leopard
JDS02 Arra Arka (Arra Arca) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
JDE60 Arra Gududen (area) 1413 m 08/43 [WO]
JDG77 Arraha 0942'/4024' 693 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
HD... Arramba, see Dokakit : Harr Amba
HDM65 Arramba (area) 0941'/3938', see under Chano 09/39 [WO x]
HC... Arramo kebele (near Yirga Chefe) 06/38 [20]
JEJ66 Arramuda (area) 12/42 [WO]
arrang..: goma (A) hornless animal
HDN54c Arrangoma (village of Bega people) 10/35 [x]
JBP38 Arrasimo (area) 04/41 [WO]
JDJ94 Arraua, see Harewa & JDR23c
arre, harre (O) donkey; stupid person
JCA79 Arre, see Arche
JDD64 Arre Chobat (area) 08/42 [WO]
KCG04 Arrehan (wide area) 06/45 [WO]
HDL01 Arrele (area), see under Genet 09/38 [WO]
JDJ94 Arreruha, see Harewa
JDE41 Arret Lumugu (area) 1380 m 08/43 [WO]
JDS05 Arrho (area) 0958'/4258' 1353 m 09/42 [WO Gz]
arri, arrii, harri (O) grey, grey/white hair
JCT82 Arri (area) 08/43 [WO]
HDF62 Arribona, see Harbona
HDE52 Arrifata (area) 08/38 [WO]
JDR.. Arro, a few kilometres from Adigala 10/42 [18]
HEM62 Arrosha (Arroscia) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HCD78 Arru 0604'/3816' 2438 m 06/38 [Gz]
JDS60 Arrueina, see Aro Weyna
?? Arrutsu (on map of 1814), ca. 4400' 09/44 [18]
arsa (Borana) shrub of the Leguminosae family,
Gnidia stenophylloides, which grows at 2000-3000 m
HD... Arsa, mountain west of Nekemte, peak c3000 m 06/36? [x]
JCG33 Arsa (area) 06/40 [WO]
JDC08 Arseda (area) 08/42 [WO]
HDK89 Arsede 0949'/3820' 2589 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
H.... Arsede (with rock-hewn church) 13/39? [x]
somewhere in Tigray
HDT47 Arsema kebele (Arséma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Jema wereda, 15 km west-southwest
of Degolo; area 2,937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Arsen (centre in 1964 of Arakwa sub-district) 13/38 [Ad]
HEF40 Arses Amba kebele (Arsäs ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the western border of Kuta Ber wereda,
20 km west of Kuta Ber settlement; area 2,388 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Arsi, Arssi, one of the main groups of the Oromo, also
a clan of the Haroressa of the Borana prople
HDM53 Arsi Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its southern border,
12 km east-southeast of Debre Birhan town; area 1,477 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCF25 Arsi Kormoso (Arsi Cormoso) (area) 05/39 [n WO Gz]
0538'/3945' 1374 m
HCT13 Arsi Negele (Negele Arussi, Neghelle) 07/38 [MS Br Po]
(Arsi Negelle, Negele Arsie) 0721'/3842' 2043 m 07/38 [Gz WO Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Negele wereda)
with post office and mosque with a huge minaret
HCT13 Arsi Negele wereda 07/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 63 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HCU73 Arsi Robe, see Robe
Arsima, a woman and martyr who was tortured and
whose head was cut off
HEC89 Arsima (small island at outlet of lake Tana) 11/37 [Gu]
HEJ17 Arsima Sematat (church), see Dek
HDU26 Arso Amba Magna kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Efrata & Gidim wereda,
15-20 km south-southwest of Efeson; area 2,306 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
art m..: mekera kirr (A) 1. hardship, trouble; 2. thread, wick
?? Art Mekerakir (mountain in Gojjam) 3577 m ../.. [Ad]
JFA09 Artale (Artali) (volcano), see Ertale
JEG04 Artao (area) 11/40 [WO]
JEC90 Artigera (Artighera) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
?? Arto (hot springs) ../.. [x]
artu, artuu, hartuu (O) broom /made of twigs/
HDE08 Artu 0811'/3909' 2089 m 08/39 [Gz]
?? Artu (mountain group with volcanoes, in Afar) 11/41? [Mi]
-- Artuma, an Oromo tribe
JDN72 Artuma (Art'uma) 1035'/4001' 1741 m 10/40 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Artuma wereda)
artuma bi..: bilu (O) 1. dark-brown /person/; 2. flowering,
"growing beard" /said of flowering barley or wheat/;
(A) cloth-eating vermin
HDU76 Artuma Bilu (area) 10/39 [WO]
JDN72 Artuma & Fursina wereda (Artumana Fursina ..) 10/40 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
JDN72 Artuma sub-district? (-1997-) 10/40 [n Ad]
aru, arru (O) 1. smoke, send out smoke, start a fire;
2. sweep; aruu (O) grain
HCA87 Aru 0611'/3528' 1904 m 06/35 [WO Gz]
HEB43 Arua, see Aroua
HEK41 Arua Mariam, see Arwa Maryam
HD... Arubarya Medhane Alem (caves with corpses) 09/39 [Ca]
J.... Arue 10/41 [18]
JEH29 Arufale (area) 12/41 [WO]
JEB38 Arufta, M. (area) 569 m 11/41 [WO]
JEB61 Arufta (hill) 1126'/4045' 11/40 [WO Gz]
JER60 Aruku 1317'/4139' 1361 m 13/41 [Gz]
JCU45 Aruliti (Arulili) 0738'/4447' 825/863 m 07/44 [WO Gz]
JBU92 Arunle 05/44 [WO]
HES12 Aruona Mariam, see Arwona Maryam
HCK04 Arura 0623'/3756' 1196 m (in lake Abaya) 06/37 [Gz]
HCK.. Aruro, island in Abaya, same as HCK05 Gidicho? 06/38 [x]
HDL00 Aruse 0908'/3826' 2554 m, see under Genet 09/38 [AA Gz]
-- Arussi, Arsi, name of an Oromo tribe
HE... Arussi (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/36 [Ad]
HCT13 Arussi Negele, see Arsi Negele
HEC68 Aruta Maryam (village with church) 11/37 [+ It]
HED30 Arvatensa, see Arba Tensa
arwa (A) silk cloth; arwa, aroa (O) low clay bench, serving as bed
for the father of the family; Arwe (A) beast; the Serpent which was
reigning before the Queen of Sheba according to the legend
HEK41 Arwa Maryam (Arua Mariam) (church) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HES12 Arwona Maryam (Aruona Mariam) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HED48 Aryat 1117'/3819' 2440 m 11/38 [Gz]
HET08 Aryo K'irk'os (church) 1243'/3910' 12/39 [Gz]
as (O) place where ..; As Soomaliya is the spelling
in written Somali of the present political state;
aas (Som) 1. burial; 2. colourful light of sunset
JEJ54 As Ale, see Asa Ale
JEA44 As Aleyti (Assaleiti) (mountain) 11/40 [Gz WO]
1117'/4009' 1056 m
as bo..: boru (O) muddy /liquid/; (A) ox having a blaze;
borru (O) 1. east; 2. morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning
JEB15 As Boru (mountain) 10/41 [WO Gz]
MS: 1050'/4120' 343 m; Gz: 1101'/4112' 1133 m
MS coordinates would give map code JDP97 which is 20 km to the SE.
as d..: duma, dumma (T) baobab tree; duma (A) back of the head, occiput;
dhuma (O) end; dhumaa (O) ragged, shabby; dumaa (Som) dry grass;
duma (O) weevil-infested /corn/
JE... As Duma, archaeological site in Middle Awash region ../.. [20]
as koma: koma (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qoomaa) instant killing
JEA48 As Koma (As Coma) (basaltic hill) 671 m, 11/40 [+ WO Gu]
see under Meadura, cf Asa Koma
asa (A,T) fish; (O) conversation, discussion
HFE18 Asa, see Tzili
asa ale: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JEJ54 Asa Ale (As-Ale) (mountain) 1217'/4203' 889 m 12/42 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JEJ55
-- Asa Ali, an Afar tribe in Biru
JDP75 Asa Ali, see Asali
asa bahir (A) fish lake
HDM42 Asa Bahir kebele (.. Baher ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
20 km south of Debre Birhan; area 1,003 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEJ56 Asa Gabalti (Gabalti) (area) 1214'/4212' 863 m 12/42 [Gz WO]
asa koma (Afar) red hill
?? Asa Koma, near upper Hatowie river NW of Gewane 10/40 [20]
asa kum.: kuma (O) thousand; quma (O) coffee plant;
qoomaa (O) instant killing
JDG93 Asa Kuma (mountain) 0954'/4004' 1603 m 09/40 [Gz]
asabiti: assavette (Tigrinya as written by H.Salt) fingers
HFC86 Asabiti (area) 14/37 [WO]
JDG28 Asabot, see Asebot
HEJ12 Asada Maryam (Asada Mariam) c2230 m 11/36 [+ Gu]
JFB31 Asagela (Asegela, Assagella, Assagalla) 13/40 [Ad Gz WO Ne]
altitude -45 m, below sea level
HDM32 Asagirt, see Assagirt
HDM90 Asah kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
35 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 670 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM32 Asahert, see Assagirt
JEB78 Asaita (Assaita, Asaitta, Asayita, Assayita) 11/41 [Ad Po Gz]
(Asayta, Aisaita, Aissaita, Aisaeta, Aysaïta) 11/41 [WO Gu 20]
1134'/4126' 379/384 m, also a lake with same name
(centre in 1980 of Awsa awraja and in 1964
of Awsa wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Gale Ale (village)
9E Fillamake (-mache) (village)
4SE Dahale (village) 353/360 m
7SE Furzi (village) 343 m
10SE Daggala (area)
2S Abroborifage (-faghe, Aroberifaghe)
(ford & tombs) c300 m
5SW Foru (area) 482 m
8SW Datu /Bahari/ (area)
6NW Meskini (Meschini) (area)
8NW Assamadun (village)
9NW Ote (place)
10N Borauli (3-peak pyramid mountain) 922 m
6NE Gayale (Gaiale) (village)
7NE Boholle (village) 355 m
JEB78 Asaita wereda (-2000-) 11/41 [20 Ad]
with kebeles among which Andage, Geartu
asal (Som) 1. parentage, origin; 2. reddish dye;
asale (A) to sharpen; to make cough
asali (Afar) kinds of bushbuck, Tragelaphus spp.
JFA47 Asale, cf Assale
JFA56 Asale (Assal, Assale) (salt lake) 1401'/4025' 14/40 [Gz x]
JFA76 Asale (Assale, Asele, Carumboe) (place) 14/40 [Gz WO Wa n]
1414'/4018' (lake at 1420'/4020' = JFA86)
(with salt plain -115/-126 m)
Gz coordinates would give map code JFA75.
JDP75 Asali (Asa Ali) 1034'/4111' 820 m 10/41 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JDP65
asamara: asamer, azamir (A) large tree, Bersama abyssinica,
growing as under-storey tree in mountain forests, with
leaves up to 70 cm long; asammare (A) made beautiful, made ornate
asemere (A) to draw a line
-- Asamara, Asa Mara, the "red men" of the Afar, regarded as their nobility
JEH04 Asamara (basaltic plain) 383 m 11/41 [WO Gu]
HEE48 Asana 1118'/3911' 2214 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCR57 Asandabo, see Asendabo
HDK80 Asandabo (Assandabo), see Asendabo
HFD38 Asar (Asaur) (mountain) 1356'/3813' 1545 m 13/38 [Gz]
HEC14 Asara, see Assera
HCL88 Asasa (Asassa, Assasa, Assassa, Asessa) 07/39 [Gz Ad x 20]
0706'/3912' 2367 m (with sub-post office)
(centre in the 1980s of Gedeb & Asasa wereda)
HCT08c Asasa 07/39 [Br]
HCL88 Asasa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Asasa), 07/39 [Ad]
cf Gedeb & Asasa wereda
HCL88 Asasa wereda 07/39 [Ad]
asash a..: arba, arbaa (O) elephant; arba (A) forty
?? Asash Arba ../.. [20]
asaso (eastern O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Osyris abyssinica, O. compressa, belonging to a group of
plants which may be parasitic on the roots of other plants
HFE66 Asay 1411'/3900' 2026 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the south-east)
JEB78 Asayita, see Asaita
HDL62 Asayo 0935'/3837' 2188 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
asayye (A) to show, exhibit, point out
asb (Geez) salary, payment
JDH04 Asba Littoria (Italian landing ground) 2150 m, 09/41 [Gu WO]
see under Asbe Teferi
HDF74 Asbale kebele (Asbalé ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda at the middle of its eastern border,
25-35 km east of Balchi; area 8.532 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
asbe Teferi (A) hope or reward of /Ras/ Teferi?
JDH02 Asbe Teferi (Asebe Teferi, Assebe T., Asba Tafari) 09/40 [Gz Br Po WO]
(Asbe Tefen) MS: 0903'/4043' = JDH00, 1740 m
or Gz: 0905'/4052' 1826 m (with church Igzi'aber Ab)
(centre in 1964 of Chercher awraja & of Chiro wereda,
in 1980 of Chercher Adal & Garaguracha awraja)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Ketemamitti (Ketema Mitti, Catamamitti) (village)
9SW? Enda Lalumichiel
9W Yabdo (Iabdo) (village) 1665 m
10NW Tuka (Gara Tuca) (area)
10NW Irambui (Gara I.) (area)
1N Asba Littoria (Italian name of landing ground) 2150 m
5NE Wacho (Uaccio) area)
10NE Geberiamba (Gheberi-) (village)
asbi (A) one who fattens /cattle/ to sell
HFF34 Asbi, see Inda Silase
JEA17 Asbole (area) 10/40 [WO]
JDG53 Asboti (Wadi Azboli) (recorded in 1841) 09/40 [WO Ha]
JCK05 Asbuli (Usbelli) 358 m 06/43 [LM WO]
JDP05 Asbuli (Osboli, Osbole) 0959'/4110' 698 m 09/41 [Gz Ro WO Mi]
HCS89 Asc Coculia, see Ash Kokuliya
HEK66 Asca, see Aska
JDD05 Asca Adale, see Aska Adale
JDJ12 Ascabni, see Askabni
HDM64 Ascalena, see Askalena
HER94 Ascana, see Askana
HEC15c Ascefa, see Ashefa
HEJ92 Ascera, see Ashera
JBU93 Asceraf, see Asheraf
HDT74 Ascha kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern Sayint wereda, 20 km east
of Ajibar; area 3,086 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF52 Ascha kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in the north-eastern corner of Kuta Ber wereda, 14 km
north-northwest of Kuta Ber settlement; area 2,922 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBS59 Asci Ad, see Ashi Ad
HET79 Ascialaco, see Achalako
HEM92 Ascianghi, see Ashenge
HDJ68 Asciani, see Achane Maryam
JCA33 Asciar, see Ashar
HDU03 Asciel Ag., see Ashel Ager
HDR84 Ascifa, see Akayta
HEC63c Asciuda, see Ashuda
HCK93 Asciura, see Ashura
GDF12 Asciuri, see Ashuri
JEB07 Ascol, see Askol
JEB40 Ascoma, see Askoma
HDR95 Ascuna, see Askun
JDP11 Ascur, see Askur
JER51 Asdaga (volcano) 1311'/4144' 13/41 [WO Gz]
asdah..: hara (O) 1. lake, pool; 2. common land, anything for
common use; 3. haraa, broom /of twigs/, sweepings;
(Geez) army, troops; haaraa (O) new, strange
JDN48c Asdahara (Asda-hara) (mountain) 10/40 [Gu]
HDL98 Asebat kebele (Asäbat ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Moret & Jiru wereda, 5 km north-west
of Inewari; area 809 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Asebe .., see Asbe ..
HDL81 Asebo 0947'/3833' 2881 m 09/38 [Gz]
JDG19 Asebot 0910'/4040' 1523 m 09/40 [Gz]
JDG27 Asebot (Assebot, Assabot) 0915'/4034' 09/40 [Ca Po Ad]
(railway station, centre in 1964 of Asebot sub-district)
JDG28 Asebot (Asabot, Gebel Assabot, Jebel Assibote) 09/40 [Gz Ca WO Ne]
(Assobat, Azabot) (mountain)
0916'/4030' or 34', 1159 or 1523 m
JDG28 Asebot Silase Gedam (monastery) 0917'/4035' 09/40 [Gz]
(monastery also called Abuna Samuel?)
HEE16 Asecha Gebriel (church) 1100'/3902' 11/39 [Gz]
?? Asede Mikael (Asädä Mika'él) (church) ../.. [Pa]
HFD89 Asedobo 1418'/3825' 1814m, near map code HFE80 14/38 [Gz]
HFF63 Asegara 1406'/3942' 2904 m 14/39 [Gz]
HEU62 Asegeda (Sogoda, Sugoda) 1312'/3935' 2206 m 13/39 [Gz Gu WO]
(village with church K'irk'os), see under Kwiha
HFD37c Asegede & Tsimbila wereda (Asegedena Tsimbela ..) 13/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 26 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JFB31 Asegela, see Asagela
JDA.. Aseko (Aseco) (visiting postman under Nazret) 08/39 [x Po]
?? Aseko sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aseru) ../.. [Ad]
JDA.. Aseko wereda (in 1992 in Arba Gugu awraja) 08/39 [n]
(centre in the 1980s = Aseko)
?? Asel Gerti (A. Gherti) ../.. [+ It]
asela: asella (asälla) (A) 1. cause to succeed, put into good condition;
2. figure out, think deeply, calculate; 3. sharpen, provide with a keen edge;
asello (O) god
HCT78 Asela (Asella, Assela, Assella, Assala) 07/39 [MS Te Ad Po]
(Aselle) 0757'/3905' or 3908' 2182, 2399 m 07/39 [Gz WO]
(centre in 1980 of Chilalo awraja)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
9N Kulumsa (with experimental farm)
JFA76 Asele, see Asale
H.... Aselel (centre in 1964 of Bulbula sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
in Ambasel awraja
HDT98 Aselel kebele (Asäläl ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Legambo wereda at its northern border,
10 km south-east of Akista; area 3,382 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU94 Aselele kebele (Asälälé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
15 km north-west of Majete; area 895 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU91 Asellel (pass) 10/39 [WO]
Asen and Usman are Muslim male names
HCU52 Asen Usman (Moschea Osman) 07/39 [Gz WO]
0743'/3933' 2009 m
asendabo, asindabo (A) Setaria sp., kind of grass
growing among cereals, Panicum quadrifarium?
HCR57 Asendabo (Assendabo, Asandabo, Asandao) 07/37 [Gz WO Ad n]
0746'/3714' 1555 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCN77 Asendabo 0753'/3525' 1792 m 07/35 [Gz]
HDK80 Asendabo (Asandabo, Assandabbo) 09/37 [AA Ha Gz Gu]
(with fort & sub-post office)
Gz: 0950'/3733' 2107 m; MS: 0947'/3736' 2408/2450 m
JED00 Asengp (area) 10/42 [WO]
aseno ..: ager (A) land, district, rural area
HEE36 Aseno Ager kebele (Asäno Agär ..) 11/38 [Ad]
at the middle of the south-western border of Mekdela wereda,
15 km west-southwest of Masha; area 1,931 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
asera (A) mat of fibre, reeds or straw
which is to be spread on the ground;
belay (A) upper, above; betach (A) below, lower
HES34 Asera Belai sub-district (centre in 1964 = Debark) 13/37 [Ad]
HES.. Asera Betach sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Kosso Wenz) 13/37 [Ad]
asere (asärä) (A,T) 1. tie, fasten, strap; 2. arrest, imprison,
put in chains; stop; aser (T) track, trail, trace;
(A) dregs; excrement
HDL23 Asere 0918'/3843' 2631 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Aseru (centre in 1964 of Aseko sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
HCL88 Asessa, see Asasa
HDR68 Asewa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Finote Selam) 10/37 [Ad]
HEJ24c Aseydiber (Eseydbir, Esey Dibir) (at lake Tana) 11/37 [Br 20]
town in Alefa wereda
HEF70 Asfa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western Ambasel wereda at its northern border,
20 km east of Wegel Tena; area 2,487 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
asfa m..: meda (A) field, grassy plain
HED78 Asfa Meda 1130'/3817' 2369 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDM95 Asfachew & Chira Meda kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Asfachäw & Ch'era Méda ..)
in north-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
10 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 751 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDG72 Asgafen 09/40 [WO]
HEE64 Asgaj kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in the south-western corner of Dawint & Delanta wereda,
25 km south-west of Bete Hor; area 5,065 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEP28 Asgarbo (Garba) (village & well) 1255'/4124' 18 m 12/41 [WO Gz]
HFD55 Asgeday 1405'/3801' 1439 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFD37c Asgede Tsimbla wereda, see Asegede & Tsimbila ..
H.... Asgedi sub-district (-1997-), cf Tsimbila sub-district 11/39 [n]
HEF21 Asgedo 1102'/3926' 3423 m 11/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Giragne /Grañ/ Meda sub-district)
HF... Asgetse, see Tach Asgetse
JDE69 Asgoglanyer (area) 08/44 [WO]
HEF00 Asgori 1055'/3923' 3145 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEF10 Asgori kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Dese Zuriya wereda,
26 km west-southwest of Dessie town; area 4,554 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
asgura: asguri (O) magic; asgari (A) fisherman
JEH02 Asgura (area) 11/40 [WO]
HD... Asgure (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
?? Asgwagwa (historical, in Eritrea?) ../.. [Pa]
HCS89 Ash Kokuliya (Asc Coculia, Ashkokulla) 07/38 [+ Gz]
0759'/3819' 2133 m
ashage..: gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks
JEB06 Ashagera 10/44 [--]
HDU14 Ashagn & Gwacha kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Kewet wereda,
12 km east of Molale; area 1,410 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE.. Ashafi, see Adi Sehafi
JCJ89 Ashahad (well) 07/42 [WO]
HDJ68 Ashani Maryam (Achene Mariam) 09/37 [Gz]
0939'/3719' 2434 m
(there is also another Ashani Maryam?)
JCA33 Ashar (Asciar) (area) 05/40 [+ WO]
?? Ashar (river) ../.. [Gu]
ashara (O) coffee hull; (A) fingerprint; lightly curly hair
HEL28 Ashattan (mountain recorded in 1868) 3380 m 11/39 [18]
JDA.. Ashe Felika (area in Merti wereda) 08/40 [n]
a number of houses were burtn down there in 1991
ashebo (A), ashaboo (O) powdered salt
HBS16 Ashebo (Argasa, Ascebo Argasa, Ascebo, Ashabo) 04/38 [Gz Gu WO Wa]
(village) 0442'/3808' 1470 m
HEC15c Ashefa sub-district (Ascefa ..) 2655 m 11/37 [Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 = Amuagta)
HEU83 Ashegoda 1327'/3939' 2215 m 13/39 [Gz]
HCB27c Ashekere 05/36 [x]
market village south of the Shangama area
ashel ..: ager (agär) (A) land, region, district
HDU03 Ashel Ager (Asciel Ager), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Sela Dingay
ashele (ashälä) (A) to measure;
Ashele (Ashäle), Lot's wife in the Bible
HED22 Ashemen (Ashimen, Ashmen) 11/37 [Ad Gz]
1105'/3741' 2097 m
HED.. Ashemen sub-district (centre in 1964 = Debre Sina)
ashen kitab, amulet
HEC.. Ashena, a parish in the centre of Gojjam 11/36? [20]
HEC13c Ashena Mikael (centre in 1964 of Kwakera sub-distr) 11/36 [Ad]
HED69 Ashenat 1128'/3855' 2655 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE60 Ashenat 1128'/3856' 2719 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE15 Ashenga (Malek Sanca, Melech Sanca) 11/38 [Gz Wa WO]
1102'/3846' 2835 m
HDT72 Ashenga kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda, immediately
to the east and south of Ajibar; area 2,582 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM92 Ashenge (Ashangi, Ascianghi, Fre: Lac Achangui) 12/39 [LM WO 18 Gu]
(Hashinge), lake at 1235'/3932' 2424 m
Amharic: Ashange, Tigrinya: Tsada Bahri?
HEJ92 Ashera (Ascera) 12/36 [+ WO]
asheraf: ashrafi (Arabic? O?) descendant of the Prophet
/a concept within Islam/; (T) money-changer; a coin struck
in Harar in the 1780's was also called ashrafi;
ashraf, plural of ashrafi
JBU93 Asheraf (Asceraf) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
asheta, asheti, asheetuu (O) be or become ripe /said of grain/
HEL27 Asheta Maryam (Asheten M., Asceten M.) 12/39 [n Ca It x]
(rock-hewn church), see under Lalibela
?? Asheten (Ashten) (mountain), see Isheten
ashewa (ashäwa) (A) sand
JDJ41 Ashewa 0928'/4146' 2062 m 09/41 [Gz]
HEC06 Ashfa, see Ashifa
GDF53c Ashi 08/34 [LM]
ashi ad: ad (T) mother
JBS59 Ashi Ad (Asci Ad) 04/43 [+ WO]
HEC06 Ashifa (Ashfa) (locality in Damot) 1052'/3710' 10/37 [Gz x]
near map code HDR96
HCS.. Ashil (with Muslim school), near Hosaina 07/37 [x]
HED22 Ashimen (Ashmen), see Ashemen
HC... Ashira (in the Hosaina region) 07/37 [20]
HDU35 Ashkway kebele 10/39 [Ad]
across southern Efrata & Gidim wereda,
15 km south-southwest of Efeson; area 2,965 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF04 Ashmira 0811'/3945' 2388 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDL72 Ashoba 0941'/3836' 2805 m 09/38 [Gz]
HCB15c Ashti, with part of the Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
ashua g..: gundil (A) capon
HEC19c Ashua Gundil (east of Injibara), cf Ashewa, Ashuwa 10/37 [n]
HEC63c Ashuda (Asciuda) 11/36 [+ Gu]
HDN32 Ashuka (alternatively GDU37) 10/35 [Gz]
1017'/3500' 1022 m
ashuki: ashuuqii (O) roasted and half-boiled beans or peas
ashura (A) land sale tax, toll, customs;
(Arabic?) special Islamic day on the 10th of Muharram;
ashure (A,O) grass-land
HCK93 Ashura (Asciura, Acciura) (area) 07/37 [+ Gu WO]
GDF12 Ashuri (Asciuri), see under Gambela 08/34 [+ WO]
ashuwa: ashewa (ashäwa) (A) sand, gravel
GCU91c Ashuwa 08/34 [LM]
?? Ashuwa Gundil (Ashua G.) (in Gojjam) ../.. [+ n]
asi (O) place from which ..
HEC95c Asi Nuru (As Nuru) (area) 11/37 [Ch]
HEK43 Asiba (mountain) 1207'/3747' 1975, 2683 m 12/37 [Gu WO Gz]
GDU25 Aside (area) 10/34 [WO]
H.... Asik (centre in 1964 of Fogay sub-district) 13/38 [Ad]
HBR31 Asile 0449'/3645' 582 m 04/36 [WO Gz]
HBP18c Asille (area) 04/36 [Gu]
HED63 Asim 1126'/3750' 2349 m 11/37 [Gz]
asim d..: dega (A) highland
HEE87 Asim Dega kebele (.. Däga ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 10 km west-southwest
of Wegel Tena; area 955 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
asim k..: kola (qolla) (A) lowland
HEE87 Asim Kola kebele (.. Qola ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 10 km west-southwest
of Wegel Tena; area 1,566 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFM02 Asimba (Amba Simba) (mountain) 14/39 [Gz Gu WO]
1427'/3937' 3054/3145 m
HEC94 Asinwara (Asinuara) (village), near map code HEJ05 11/37 [Gz It]
1145'/3702' 1830 m
JDG86 Asiole (Asi'ole) (mountain) 0950'/4020' 854 m 09/40 [Gz]
HFF35 Asir Matra (with rock-hewn church) 13/39 [x]
HEC95 Asiru Debre, see Assiru Debr
HEE14 Asit (Hast) 1101'/3847' 2291 m 11/38 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HEE04.
JBH87 Ask (area) 04/41 [WO]
HEK66 Aska (Asca) (mountain) 1222'/3803' 2199 m 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
aska ad..: adala (O) kind of wild cat
JDD05 Aska Adale (Asca Adale) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
JDS51 Aska Ambarta (area) 1167 m 10/42 [WO]
aska ki..: kilinto (O) kind of tree
JDS61 Aska Kilinta (A. Chilinta) (area) 1042m 10/42 [+ WO]
askabe (askabä) (A) had /stones etc/ piled up;
Askabe, a male personal name
JDJ12 Askabni (G. Ascabni) (area), see under Grawa 09/41 [+ WO]
HDM64 Askalena (Ascalena) (high area) 09/39 [+ Gu]
HER94 Askana (Ascana) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
?? Askare wereda (1960, in Bale) ../.. [x]
HDS16 Askata (Ask'at'a, Asqata) 1005'/3806' 1283 m 10/38 [Gz q]
HDT96 Askentir kebele (Askänter ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Legambo wereda at its southern border,
17 km west-southwest of Akista; area 3,042 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE97 Askera 1141'/3909' 3177 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM.? Askign (w church Maryam), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
HEM41 Askit kebele (Asqit ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central northern Gidan wereda,
20 km north of Muja; area 3,279 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
askol: askwal (A) egg yolk
JEB07 Askol (Ascol) (mountain) 1051'/4118' 1044/1115 m 10/41 [+ WO Gz]
JEH54 Askoli (Ascoli) (mountain area) 1218'/4106' 704 m 12/41 [WO Ne Gz]
askoma: askema (A) scapular of monks, with twelve crosses
JEB40 Askoma (Ascoma) 1113'/4046'; Gz: 1110'/4042' 11/40 [+ x Gz]
HBM57 Askontor 04/39 [WO]
HEJ76 Askoye 1226'/3711' 1849 m 12/37 [Gz]
HDR95 Askun (Ask'un, Asqun, Ascuna, Ascuna Ghiorghis) 10/37 [Gz q WO x]
(Quosquam) 1050'/3705' 2531/2540 m
HEC02 Askuna (area) 10/36 [WO]
HEC11 Askuna 1102'/3642' 2146 m 11/36 [Gz]
JDP11 Askur (Ascur) (area) 1305 m 10/40 [+ WO]
askwar (A) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Buddleja polystachya, Nuxia congesta, Premna angolensis
HEU40 Asla Maryam (church) 1305'/3926' 13/39 [Gz]
HDF91 Aslam A. /=Amba/ 09/39 [WO]
aslamay (T) Muslim
HEE06 Aslamba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western Legambo wereda, 16 km
west of Akista; area 1,385 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDR53 Aslei (area) 10/41 [WO]

HCD33 Asmalo (locality) 0544'/3748' 05/37 [Gz x]

east of southern lake Chamo
asmara (O), azmera (A) harvest, crop; asmare (A) intercede for;
asmere (asmärä) (T) unite, unify
JEB49 Asmara 1115'/4132' 554 m 11/41 [WO Gz]
(mountain near river Awash)
JED11 Asmarerle (Maerle) (mountains) 10/42 [WO Gz]
1057'/4243' 783 m
Coordinates would give map code JED12
HEM22 Asmela kebele (Asméla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Kobo wereda near its south-western corner,
22 km south-southwest of Kobbo town; area 2,220 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HDU75 Asnafit Tegen kebele (.. Tägän ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Gishe Rabel wereda,
25 km east of Were Ilu; area 2,434 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB06 Asnagera (Asnaghera) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HET57c Asne Gime (Asne Ghime) (valley) 13/39 [Gu]
aso (Geez,A,T) malaria
HDR97 Asoa 10/37 [WO]
Asoba, a Somali female name, and
-- a group (Assoba) of the Afar
HEH34 Asoba (area) 12/36 [WO]
HDM73 Asofe Hager kebele (Asofé Hagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its eastern border,
15 km south-southwest of Debre Sina, area 1,057 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF22 Asogedo kebele (Asogädo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western central Dese Zuriya wereda,
10 km west-southwest of Dessie town; area 1,108 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM54 Asokelina kebele (Asoqälina ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda, 4 km north-east
of Ankober town; area 443 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB70 Asoklo (mountain chain) 1134'/4040' 785 m 11/40 [Gz]
near map code JEA79
HEE36 Asol 1108'/3859' 2641 m 11/38 [Gz]
(with church Tekle Haymanot at some distance to the south-east)
GDU12 Asosa (Asossa, Assosa, Bari Cossa) 10/34 [Gz WO Gu Te]
MS: 1008'/3435'; Gz: 1004'/3432' 1571 m
1530, 1733 m (historical name Aqoldi)
(centre of Asosa /& Benishangul/ awraja,
in 1964 also of Gemba sub-district)
Asosa is capital of Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional
State since it was established in 1994.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5S Belmili (village)
9W Govindu (village) 701 m
8NW Uluk (area with mining works)
8NW Agusa (village)
GDU01 Asosa awraja (Assosa ..) (around 1980: ctr = Asosa) 10/34 [MS Ad Gz]
Around 1964-70 Asosa & Benishangul awraja 1000'/3430'
GDU12 Asosa wereda (centre in 1964 = Asosa) 10/34 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 74 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
?? Asoso (Assosso) (with mission in 1874) ../.. [Pa]
HEE27 Asoye kebele (Asoyé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
narrow north-east/south-west strip of land in south-westernmost Tenta wereda,
30 km south-southwest of Tenta settlement; area 2,507 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
asra hulet (A) twelve
HE... Asra Hulet Tekula sub-district 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Simiro Amba)
JEJ54 Ass Ale, see Asa Ale
assa (Afar) red
HDS08 Assa, see Chilelo
HEU.. Assa, place about 15 km from Antalo 13/39 [18]
JEC50 Assa (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEH44 Assa (mountain) 1218'/4105' 763 m 12/41 [WO Ne Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JEH54
JEH55 Assa (waterhole), see Asso
JEB83 Assa Ale (area) 11/41 [WO]
assa gi..: gita (O) equal, of the same class
JDG99 Assa Gita (Assa Ghita) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
assa ka..: katama (O) town
HDS18 Assa Katema (Assa Catema), see Filkilik
assa ko..: koma (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qoomaa) instant killing
JEB98 Assa Koma (Assa Coma, Assacoma) (area) 11/41 [+ WO x]
JEC51 Assa Koma (Assa Coma) (area), cf Assakoma 11/41 [+ WO]
assab (A) thought
HEF24 Assab (inland village), see under Kombolcha 11/39 [WO]
JER10 Assabakare (Assabacare) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
-- Assabo, Azebo, name of a Wello Oromo tribe
JDG25 Assabot, G. (area) 2503 m 09/40 [WO]
JDG28 Assabot, G., see Asebot
JDP24 Assadabba (mountain range) 10/41 [WO]
HFF56 Assadurua, see Assagaroa
HEP26 Assaf (small village), see under Metemma 12/36 [Gu Gz]
1256'/3613' 711 m
JFB52 Assafoka (Assafoca) 1400'/4053' 268/650 m 14/40 [+ WO Gz]
JFB31 Assagalla (Assagella), see Asagela
HFF56 Assagaroa (Assadurua) 1402'/3957' 765 m 14/39 [+ WO Gz]
assagirt, asagirt (A) network
HDM32 Assagirt (Asagirt, Assaghert) (area), 09/39 [+ Ad WO]
see under Gina Ager
HDM22 Assagirt wereda (centre in 1964 = Gina Ager) 09/39 [+ Ad]
JEC61 Assagita (Assaghita) (area), cf Assa Gita 11/41 [+ WO]
assaha..: hara (O) lake, pool; 2. common land, anything for
common use; 3. haraa, broom /of twigs/, sweepings;
(Geez) army, troops; haaraa (O) new, strange
JFB49 Assahara 1400'/4036' -103 m, below sea level 14/40 [WO Gz]
-- Assaho, an Afar tribe in Biru
HEM82 Assahuale, see Assanuala
JEH26 Assaisi (area), see under Serdo 11/41 [WO]
JEH74 Assaissa (plain) 12/41 [Ne]
JEB78 Assaita, see Asaita
HEU02 Assakatti (Assacatti) (area) 12/39 [+ WO]
JDA32 Assako (Assaco) (area), cf Aseko 08/40 [+ WO]
JDA42 Assako (Assaco) 0831'/4002' 2089 m 08/40 [+ WO Gz]
JDP00 Assakoma (Assacoma) (area) 768 m 09/40 [+ WO]
HCT87 Assala, see Asela
JER12 Assale (mountain) 1248'/4148' 164 m, cf Asale 12/41 [WO Gz]
JFA47 Assale (Karumbae Bad, Carumboe, Karumbad) 13/40 [WO Ne Mi]
(salty lake/swamp), see also Asale, cf Dalol
JFA65 Assale (hill & market) -115 m, below sea level 14/40 [Ne Gz]
1401'/4025', see Asale
JFA73 Assale (mountain) 1417'/4005' 938 m 14/40 [Gz]
JEA44 Assaleiti, see As Aleyti
assam (A?) bushpig, Potamachorus hassama
?? Assam (battlesite in 1871, in direction Adwa) ../.. [Pa]
HED13 Assama 1059'/3751' 2492 m, see under Mota 10/37 [WO Gz]
JEC80 Assamadu (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEB88 Assamadun, see under Asaita 11/41 [WO]
JEJ96 Assamode 1236'/4214' 498 m 12/42 [Gz]
?? Assan (on 50 km road Ticho-Osman) ../.. [It]
assan d..: dawilla, dawula (A) measure of grain,
about 100 kgs
JBS30 Assan Dawle (Assan Daule) 04/42 [+ WO]
HDK80 Assandabo, see Asendabo
HEM61 Assangalla (recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
HFM02 Assannati (pass) 14/39 [Gu]
HEM82 Assanuala (Assanuale, Assahuale) (pass) 12/39 [Gz It]
1233'/3939' 2510 m, south of lake Ashenge
-- assara: Asare, unit of the Somali now found (1980s)
in the north-east province of Kenya
JFA69 Assara 14/40 [Ne]
HCL88 Assasa, see Asasa
JDP50c Assassibabiforo (hills) 10/40 [Ne]
JEN63 Assavaha (mountains) 1322'/4003' 1039 m 13/40 [WO Gz]
JEC41 Assaydi (Assaidi) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEB78 Assayita (Assaita), see Asaita
HEM84c Assayu (Assaiu) 12/39 [+ Gu]
JDH01 Assebe Teferi, see Asbe Teferi
JDG27 Assebot, see Asebot
JD... Assebule (Assebulie) 09/41 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HF... Assefe Sebeya wereda (-1994-) 13/39? [n]
JCE09 Assei, see Hasi
?? Assel Gerti (A. Gherti) ../.. [+ It]
HCT78 Assela (Assella), see Asela
assem (T) kind of slender shrub, Clerodendron myricoides,
with flowers at any time of the year;
assemma (A) preach, proclaim
HEC15 Assem Sellasie (Fudi) (mountain) 11/37 [WO Gz]
1100'/3700' 2792 m
Coordinates would give map code HEC14
assen daber..: dabar (Som) to hobble /a camel/
JDS42 Assen Daberwine (Assen Daberuine) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
assena (O) entry
HE... Assenara, village near the SE shore of lake Tana 11/37 [x]
HCR57 Assendabo, see Asendabo
H.... Assenseba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Arboye) 08/39? [Ad]
HEC14 Assera (Asara) (area), see under Injibara 11/37 [WO Ch]
assere (A) tie, bind, imprison
assey marko: ku marko (Som) make someone suffer;
-- Mareko, name of an ethnic group
JCE09 Assey Marko (Assei Marco) 05/44 [+ WO]
HDP89 Assi (area) 10/36 [WO]
JE... Assieta (in Awssa awraja) 11/40? [Ad]
assik..: koma (A) 1. sterile land; 2. kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qooma) instant killing
JDG65 Assikoma (Assicoma) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
assiru debr (A) the ten churches
HEC95 Assiru Debr (A. Dabr), see Kilado
JEC93 Assmayto (Assmaito) (waterhole) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEH55 Asso (Assa) (waterhole with tombs nearby) 12/41 [WO Ne]
-- Assoba, a group of the Devenekemena branch of the Afar
JDG28 Assobat, see Asebot
H.... Assol sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mehal Assol) 10/38 [Ad]
GDU12 Assosa, see Asosa
assot, asot, hahot (T) Rumex nervosus, an erect, much-branched
shrub growing up to 3 m tall, with masses of winged red fruits
H.... Assot (centre in 1964 of Keta sub-district) 10/38 [Ad]
HFF36 Assot 1353'/3955' 1411, 2748 m, see under Atsbi 13/39 [WO Gz]
JDK53c Assoyna (Assoina), 1850 m 09/42 [+ Gu]
HER46 Assuana Nadir (area) 13/37 [WO]
JEG19 Assussili (area) 11/40 [WO]
asta (A) kind of shrub, Erica arborea, with flowers that give honey
HDD29 Asta Dega, see Gurage
?? Asta Gomaya (A. Gomya) (mount in Shewa) 3599 m ../.. [Ad]
HET68 Astah 1317'/3914' 2162 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDM75 Astakel 0945'/3947' 2428 m (with church Abo) 09/39 [Gz]
HDM74 Astakel kebele (Astakäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Ankober wereda,
10 km south of Debre Sina; area 693 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF70 Astamba 1132'/3923' 2168 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF70 Astamba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western Ambasel wereda, 20 km east-southeast
of Wegel Tena; area 2,868 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU13 Astaye 1003'/3940' 2526 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEL58 Astekwal Gebriel (Astek'wal ..) 12/39 [Gz]
(church) 1213'/3910'
Aster, Esther of the Bible
HCS84 Aster (village and mountain) 07/37 [x]
asteriyo (A) Epiphany, Feast of the Transfiguration;
Astaryo Maryam, the day on which the Virgin Mary died
HDR28 Asteriyo (Asterio) 10/37 [+ WO]
HED30 Asteriyo Maryam (Astero Mariam) 11/37 [+ WO]
asteriyo meda: meda (A) field, grassy plain
HE... Asteriyo Meda (in Wegera awraja) 12/37? [Ad]
HDM54 Astit (area), see under Ankober 09/39 [WO]
HDM54 Astit kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in western central Ankober wereda,
2-3 km south of Ankober town; area 654 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU13 Astogya (Astoghia), see under Molale 10/39 [+ WO]
HDR85 Astui (area), see under Bure 10/37 [WO]
HEE76 Asuga Mujazen kebele (.. Mujazän ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
8 km south of Bete Hor; area 1,215 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL50 Asui 1213'/3826' 1644 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
HDT84 Asul kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Sayint wereda at its border,
25 km east of Ajibar; area 2,826 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HER19 Aszimew 1246'/3725' 1920 m 12/37 [Gz]
ata, ataa (O) make-up
HCS93c Ata (village) 08/37 [x]
HES00 Ata Belage 1241'/3731' 2452 m 12/37 [Gz]
ataba: attebe (att'äbä) (A) to wash, to erode /by water/
HES99 Ataba 1331'/3824' 2742, 3300 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
HFF60c Ataba (recorded in 1868) 14/39 [18]
JDP.? Ataitu (village past Gewane) 10/41 [20]
atakilt (A) garden, vegetables, plant; atakilti (O) eucalyptus
HDM63 Atakilt 0940'/3940' 3156 m, cf Atkilt 09/39 [Gz Ad WO]
(Adgo Ager, Adguo), see under Ankober
(centre in 1964 of Basso wereda)
HDM62 Atakilt kebele (Atakelt ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central southern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
adjoining Debre Birhan town to its east; area 2,306 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
atala: atela (atäla) (A) sediment in beer, dregs; coffee grounds;
atala, atalaa (O) draff, dregs, lees; attallay (A) swindler, cheater
HEU22 Atala (river, British camp in 1868) 12/39 [18]
HES39 Atalam 12/38 [WO]
HEU22 Atalla Charrkos (area), cf Atsala K'irk'os 12/39 [WO]
HC... Atango (in Limu awraja), cf Atnago 07/36? [Ad]
HEC88 Atangusa (Atangussu), see Antagussa
HEC88 Atangussa Maryam (church near lake Tana) 11/37 [+ It]
atara (O) pea; atar (T) chickpea, Cicer arietinum
HDM70 Atara Mikael (At'ara ..) (church) 0945'/3923' 09/39 [Gz]
atari, atarii (O) pea; mender (mändär) (A) village; neighbourhood
H.... Atari Mender (plain) 13/38 [Gu]
atari m..: mesk (A) meadow, field, pasture
HFE23 Atari Mesk kebele (At'ari Mäsk ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Dese Zuriya wereda, 5-10 km south
of Dessie town; area 1,763 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Atat (in Bayeda wereda), populated at high altitude ../.. [x]
H.... Atat (Attat), see mainly Attat, ../.. [20]
town (-2004-) in the Cheha wereda of the Gurage Zone
atate: Ateete (O) deity in the name of whom
women perform special rituals
?? Atate (in Gurage land) ../.. [x]
JDN58 Atawiafaburi (stone outcrop in desert plain) 10/40 [Ne]
HDU47 Ataya (Attaie, Ataie, At'aye) 1021'/3956' 1462 m 10/39 [Gz Gu WO]
(market and stream)
Coordinates would give map code HDU46
JDN22 Ataye (Efeson, Effeson) 1010'/4002' 10/40 [MS Po 20]
centre of Efrata & Gidim wereda
?? Atbara (in 1810, nowadays in Ethiopia or Eritrea?) ../.. [18]
?? Atbicha (area in Kefa) ../.. [Mi]
HFF35 Atbidera, see Atsbidera
atbu b..: busee, busaa (O) malaria
HDK89 Atbu Buse (with church) 09/38 [AA]
HE... Atcharge (former Falasha locality) 12/37 [n]
HDD29 Atcheber, see Acheber
KCG53 Atdub (waterhole) 0649'/4505', see also Afdub 06/45 [Gz]
?? Ate Gedel (mountain in Wello) 3819 m,
cf Atse Gedel ../.. [Ad]
ate ..: washa (A) cave
HDM71 Ate Washa kebele (At'é .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its western border,
10 km west-northwest of Debre Birhan town; area 903 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ateat: atiat (T) grip, seize, bite; atet (A) fortune, wealth
HEC63c Ateat Maryam (A. Mariam ) (church) 2245 m 11/36 [+ Gu]
HDM.. Ateat Mesebieria, not far from Ankober? 09/39 [18]
atebei: attebe (att'äbä) (A) erode /soil by water/, wash, bathe;
atabi (at'abi) (A) laundry man; atbiya (at'biya) (A) 1. parish,
congregation; 2. dawn
HFE39 Atebei 1354'/3919' 2083 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HDE61 Atebela (At'äbäla) 0845'/3835' 2012 m 08/38 [x Gz]
(village), see under Sebeta
HDE71 Atebela 0849'/3835' 2044 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL51 Atebela sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dimo) 09/38 [Ad]
HFF70 Atebes (mountain) 1414'/3920' 2425 m 14/39 [Gu Gz]
atebet (at'ebät) (Gurage) finger
HFF35 Atebidera, see Atsbi
HEK17 Atechama (At'ech'ama, Accana Gheorgis) 11/38 [Gz WO]
1158'/3811' 2636 m
Coordinates would give map code HEK27
HES68 Ategeba (At'egeba) 1316'/3817' 3315 m 13/38 [Gz]
HES68c Ategeta Giyorgis (Ategheta Ghiorghis) 13/38 [+ Gu]
(small village) 3590 m
HE... Ateguy, at two days' walk west of Gondar 12/36? [x]
atela (atäla) (A) coffee grounds, dregs
HEL69 Atela (At'ela) 1218'/3920' 2548 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDC23 Atenago, see Atnago
ater (atär) (A) pea
HES69c Ater (Atär) (south of Ras Dashen) 13/38 [x]
(with buildings at highest altitude) c4000 m
HFF33 Ateren 1354'/3940' 2850 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDT59c Ateret & Abat kebele (At'ärät .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south-westernmost Gera Midir
& Keya Gebriel wereda; area 2,053 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF43 Ateriet (w rock-hewn church Abune Gerima) 13/39 [x]
HET57 Aterwa 1310'/3909' 1717 m 13/39 [Gz]
HED13 Atetaft (At'et'aft) 1102'/3749' 2310 m 11/37 [Gz]
atfa (at'fa) (A) extinguish fire, put out light
HFE61 Atfakarve (Atfacarve) 14/38 [+ WO]
HES69 Atgeba (north of Simen hiking route) 13/38 [n]
GCT71 Atiep 0758'/3332' 315 m 07/33 [WO Gz]
atiile (O) ran fast
HDK29 Atila (At'ila) 0916'/3821' 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCN65 Atile (At'ile) 0746'/3524' 2193 m 07/35 [Gz]
HEM40 Atimata kebele (At'imat'a ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in northern Gidan wereda at its western border,
12-20 km north-northwest of Muja; area 8,046 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS31 Ationa (At'iona) 0735'/3739' 1862 m 07/37 [Gz]
HC... Atiro (centre in 1964 of Hatiro sub-district) 07/35 [Ad]
HEJ07 Atista 11/37 [Ch Gu]
HEC63 Atitaba, cf Alitaba 11/36 [WO]
?? Atkena (Accana) ../.. [En]
a residence of Jesuit mission in 1624/25
HED01 Atkilt 1129'/3740' 2079 m, cf Atakilt 11/37 [Gz]
HEF04 Atko Godegwade kebele (At'qo Godägwadé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
near northernmost Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
25 km north of Majete; area 893 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF04 Atko Walke kebele (At'qo Walké ..) 11/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly nort-east/south-west in northern
Antsokiya & Gemza wereda; area 1,011 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM95 Atkwar & Hara Chelenko kebele (.. .. Ch'älänqo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5 km east of Debre Sina; area 814 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
atkwar ..: mesgid (A) mosque
HDM45 Atkwar & Mesgid kebele (.. Mäsgid ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northern Berehet wereda at its north-western border;
area 3,047 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HFC09 Atkwaro (Atquaro) (mountain) 1336'/3728' 2038 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
HDC23 Atnago (Atenago) 0820'/3652' 1556 m 08/36 [Gz Ad Po]
(centre in 1964 of Limu Seka wereda)
with sub-post office
HDL87 Atnet (At'net) 0950'/3907' 1906 m 09/39 [Gz]
ato (A,T) Mister; (O) pea; (Kefa) kind of bean, Vigna sp.
JDN64c Ato Alye (Ato Alie) 10/40 [+ Wa]
HDG75 Ato Gondas 0942'/3514' 1619 m 09/35 [Gz]
HET88 Ato Mikael (Ato Micael) 1324'/3914' 1978 m 13/39 [+ Gu Gz]
-- Ato Majang (Ato Majanger-onk) (ethnic group),
see Majangir
JDP30 Atofen 1014'/4042' 706 m, see also under Gewane 10/40 [Ne WO Gz]
JEB82 Atorile (area) 552 m, see under Tendaho 11/40 [WO]
HEK65 Atria 12/37 [WO]
atrona: atronis (Geez) /a loan-word from Greek/
HEU80 Atrona 1327'/3924' 1859 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HDT71 Atrons Maryam kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in western cenral Sayint wereda,
10 km west of Ajibar; area 4,679 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
atronsa (A?Geez?) bookstand to place volume on
H.... Atronsa Maryam (Atronsä .., Ätronsa .., Kelanto) 10/38 [20]
(historically under Debre Libanos) (still active monastery)
HFE18 Atsaf (mountain) 1344'/3911' 2594 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE.. Atsafi, see Aksum : Atsafi
HEU33 Atsagayti 1257'/3937' 2419 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU21 Atsala, see Atzalo
HEU32 Atsala K'irk'os (church) 1256'/3932' 12/39 [Gz]
(same as Atalla Charrkos on WO map?)
HEC45c Atsam (conspicuous lava core, near source of Abay) 11/37 [Ch]
atsbi: atsabii (T) finger; atseba (T) famine
HFF35 Atsbi (Atsibi, Azbi-Dera, Enda Selassie) 13/39 [Br MS WO Te]
(Atbidera, Atebidera) 2630/2707 m 13/39 [Br 18]
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9S Mikael Imba (rock-hewn monastic church)
5SW Adi Noya (A. Noia) (village) 1983 m
7SW Adi Nebrat (village) 2139 m
5NW Enda Gaber (village)
10NE Assot (village) 1411/2748 m
There are rock-hewn churches approximately at km
?? Mitsiwai (Metsua): Mikael, att one hour walk
?E Tsav Aina (Zavaina, Tsaba Anya, Saba Enna): Cherkos
5E Haresaho: ...
5E Anf Baati: Abune Aragawi
?S Inda Shum Yaikob (Enda Chum Yaqob): Mikael Marero/Mororo
3SW Barka: Mikael
5N Debre Selam: Mikael
?N Adi Kanchibet (Addi Kenciebet, A. Qantchebet): Iyesus
10NE Dera: /?/ + Maryam Abaha
HFF46 Atsbi & Wenberta wereda (ctr 1964 = Inda Silase) 13/39 [Ad n]
(Atsbina Womberta ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HFF35 Atsbidera (area), see Atsbi : Dera 13/39 [x]
(sub-district/?/ in 1966)
?? Atse Faris (high mountain), peak 3341 m ../.. [20]
atse gedel (A) emperor's cliff, precipice
?? Atse Gedel (high mountain), peak 3819 m ../.. [20]
atse washa (A) emperor's cave
HDM71 Atse Washa 0943'/3927' 2785 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam at some distance to the south-west),
cf Ate Washa kebele
HEU72 Atseb Lihin (Ats'eb Lhin) 1322'/3934' 2275 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael)
HE... Atseft (centre in 1964 of Atsift sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEE75 Atseft kebele (Atsäft ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
10 km south-west of Bete Hor; area 1,509 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU.. Atsella (on map of 1814, at midway Ashenge-Antalo) 12/39? [18]
HFE88c Atsera (Atzera) (village) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HEU93 Atsetsa 1330'3942' 2452 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem) east of Kwiha
atsey w..: weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine;
2. grape, wine plant; weyn (Som) big, large, great
HED72 Atsey Weyn 1134'/3746' 2406 m 11/37 [Gz]
HFF40 Atsgeba Abo (church) 1357'/3925' 13/39 [Gz]
HET69 Atsgebta 1316'/3920' 2712 m 13/39 [Gz]
JCR91 Atshabo 0808'/4143' 08/41 [x]
JDC01 Atshabo (another place or rather at this code?)
HFE.. Atshafi, village a little north of Aksum 14/38 [x]
HE... Atsift, see Atseft
HFF35 Atsira Matsira (convent), see under Atsbi
HFE63 Atsiwa 1408'/3847' 2093 m 14/38 [Gz]
at 8.5 km from Aksum, see under that place name
HFE51 Atsmi Harmaz 1404'/3836' 2048 m 14/38 [Gz]
at 15 km from Aksum
HFD83c Atsrega (fighters' training camp around 1989) 14/37 [n]
attana: atena (at'äna) (A) pole or post /of fence/;
attene (att'änä) (A) smoke out a bees' nest; perfume
with incense
HBP58 Attana (area) 05/36 [WO]
H.... Attat (Atat), in Cheha wereda, with hospital 08/38 [20]
HFF71 Attegerat, see Adigrat
HFF71 Attigrat, see Adigrat
HFE60 Attiko (Attico) (waterhole) 14/38 [+ WO]
?? Attover (in the Simen area) ../.. [x]
HDM53 Atura kebele (At'ura ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its eastern border,
18-20 km south-east of Debre Birhan; area 818 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS94c Aturehe (village) 08/37 [x]
atutela h..: harata (O) 1. broom /of twigs/; 2. abundant commodity;
3. (harat'a) loan given at an interest
JDN58c Atutela Harata (wadi) 10/40 [Gu]
HDR97 Atvashi (Atvasci) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEU21 Atzalo (Atzala, Atsala) 1255'/3930' 3045 m 12/39 [WO Gu It Gz]
HFE88c Atzera, see Atsera
au (Arabic? Som) father; saint within Islam;
au, awu (O) at this/that time
GCT46 Au 07/34 [WO]
JFA43 Au, c1500 m 13/40 [WO]
JDD73 Au Abdullai Assim, see Aw Abdullay Assim
JDD47 Au Aden Olat, see Aw Aden Olat
JDD53 Au Anot, see Aw Anot
JDJ38 Au Barre, see Aw Barre & JDK77
JCL18 Au Belet, see Aw Belet
JDD73 Au Bococo, see Aw Bokoko
JDC76 Au Caggiaro, see Aw Kajjaro
JCE18 Au Calif, see Kelafo
JDK28 Au Nur Cabari, see Aw Nur Kabari
JDK38 Au Nur Galbet, see Aw Nur Galbet
JDK87 Au Rarec, see Webera
JDC78 Au Scerif, see Aw Sherif & JDJ18
JBJ77 Au Serrou 04/42 [WO]
JDJ26c Au Sofi, see Aw Sofi
JEB95 Aua, see Awa
HDS54 Auabal, see Awabel
JCM17 Auafdug, see Wafdug
JEA85 Auaghera, see Awagera
JBG84 Aual Alle, see Awal Alle
JBG69 Aual Edo, see Awal Edo
JBG66 Aual Ghinda, see Awal Ginda
JBG67 Aual Gubo, see Awal Guba
JBT55 Aual Tirre, see Awal Tirre
JDC35 Auala Ali, see Awala Ali
HDF51 Aualancheti, see Welenchiti
JDR03 Auali, see Awali
JDJ54 Aualle, see Awalle
JDA97 Auallen Cheeta, see Awallen Keyeta
JEA65 Aualu, see Awalu
HDC11 Auangero, see Awangero
HEL63 Auanna Derguie, see Awanna Dergye
?? Auara .., see Aware ..
JDN49c Auare Gaosa, see Aware Gawsa
JDA97 Auare Gult, see Aware Gult
JDE18 Auareh, see Aware
JDG52 Auari, see Awari
GCT76 Auarla, see Awarla
HDL06 Auarna, see Awarna
HBU97 Auarra, see Abarra
JCF46 Auarre, see El Awarre
HES86 Auasa, see Hawesa
JDA94 Auasc, see Awash
JCP04 Auatu (Mt. Auata), see Awatu
GDE23 Auau, see Awau
JDS15 Aubabe, see Aw Bube
JDJ38 Aubarre, see Aw Barre
HD... Auble (at Gabara river) 09/36 [18]
Aucher (Monti della Corte's Italian spelling), see Wikro
JCE41 Audamboi, see Awdamboy
JDC61 Audiya 0845'/4145' 08/41 [MS]
JCC81 Audo (Haudo) (mountain range) 0610'/4145' 950 m 06/41 [WO 18 Gz]
JCJ10 Audo, see Awdo
HCL60 Auela, see Abela Lida
HED44 Auela, see Awela
JFA17 Aufeitale (Anfeitale) (lava area with tomb) 13/40 [Gz Ne WO]
1343'/4025' -96 m, below sea level
HFE78 Augher, Amba, see Awagir
HED51c Augher Uasga, see Awger Wasga
JDE32 Aul Cuddal, see Awl Kuddal
HEK44 Aulida, see Awlida
JEA39 Auna, see Awna
JDJ45 Aunugus, see Aw Nigus
HCM41 Auo, see Awo
JCE69 Aur Anduein, see Awr Anduein
HFC.. Aura (Aurah), see Awra
HDM16 Aura Malka, see Awara Melka
JEP47 Aurali, see Awrali
HER14 Auramba (area) 12/37 [WO]
HER17 Auramba (area) 12/37 [WO]
JEC71 Aureli Gamarri, see Awreli Gamarri
HEK81 Aurema (Aureme), see Awria Azen, cf Amba Azen
HEK81 Auria (area) 12/37 [WO]
JDL21 Aus Gududlei, see Aws Gududley
HDS93 Ausa Jesus, see Awsa Iyesus
HEU82 Auseba, see Akeseba
HDL82 Auso, see under Fiche 09/38 [WO]
HFC26 Aussa 1349'/3708' 933 m, cf Awsa 13/37 [WO Gz]
JDR43 Aussilli, M. (area) 10/41 [WO]
JEA27 Aussinum, see Awsinum
JEB61 Aussu Nium, see Awsu Niyum
HFF22 Auza, see Korar
HEU82 Auzeba, see Akeseba
HER74 Ava (mountain) 1318'/3655' 931 m 13/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HER73
HFE77c Ava, see Yeha
HDB26 Avdalla (Avdallo), see Abdela 08/36 [WO]
HCL60 Avela, see Abela Lida
HCL61 Avela, see Abela
HED32 Avele (with church) 11/37 [WO]
HEC54 Avelta 11/36 [Gu]
HEC53 Avelta Gheorghis, see Abelta Giyorgis
HEE77 Averent (with church Ciaut Gumma Ghiorghis) 11/39 [Gu]
HET74 Avergalla (area) 13/38 [WO]
HET46 Avergalle (Averghelle), see Abergele
HER18 Avertajje (Avertagge) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEC28 Aveschen M. 11/37 [WO]
HEC38 Aveshegla (Avescegla) 11/37 [+ WO]
HEC78 Avianegg, see Abiyanejj
HDH04 Avoluli (area) 09/36 [WO]
HEJ.. Avorra Giyorgis (A.Gheorghis) (church) 2051 m 12/37 [+ Gu]
avtara: awtar (A) 1. beam of wood, framework;
2. string of a musical instrument
HES43 Avtara, see under Dabat 13/37 [WO]
HEC67 Avuola, see Abuola
aw (Som,Harari) father, ancestor; sir, mister; saint within Islam;
aw- (O) to be followed by a denominative suffix
JDD73 Aw Abdullay Assim (Au Abdullai A.) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
aw aden olat: aden (adän) (A) hunt; game
JDD47 Aw Aden Olat (Au Aden Olat) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDD53 Aw Anot (Au Anot) (area) 1420 m 08/42 [+ WO]
aw barre: barre (O) large gourd;
Barre (Som) nickname for someone with freckles
JDJ38 Aw Barre (Aw Bare, Awbare, Au Barre, Aubarre) 09/42 [+ WO It]
1960 m nearby, see also under Funyan Bira
JDK77 Aw Barre (Au Barre) 0946'/4313' 1574 m 09/43 [+ Gz]
near the border of Somalia
aw be..: belett ale (bälätt alä) (A) exceeded, surpassed
JCL18 Aw Belet (Au Belet) (area) 06/44 [+ WO]
aw bokoko: bokoka (O) flatulence; bokoku (O) be distended
by over-eating
JDD73 Aw Bokoko (Au Bococo) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
aw bu..: bube, bubbe, bubbee, bubbi (O)
wind, storm, hurricane
JDS15 Aw Bube (Au Bube, Aubabe) 1004'/4259' 1507 m 10/42 [+ Gz WO]
aw kajjaro: khajaar (Arabic), qajaar (Som) cucumber
JDC76 Aw Kajjaro (Au Caggiaro) 08/42 [+ WO]
JDJ45 Aw Nigus (Awnigus, Aunugus) 0928'/4203' 09/42 [LM WO]
locality north-west of Harar, see under JDJ45 Kombolcha
aw nur ..: some honoured man Nur Galbet, Nur Kabari?
Nur, Nuur, a male name;
nur (Som) rainy season; season in general; nuur (Som) light;
galbeed (Som) west, western; kabaro (Som) praise, boast
JDK38 Aw Nur Galbet (Au Nur Galbet, G.) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JDK28 Aw Nur Kabari (Au Nur Cabari, G.) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
aw sherif: Shariif (Som) male name meaning honourable
person, or originally a descendant of the prophet Mohamed
JDC78 Aw Sherif (Au Scerif) 08/42 [+ WO]
JDC79 Aw Sherif (Au Scerif) 1538 m 08/42 [+ WO]
JDJ18 Aw Sherif (Au Scerif) 1595 m 09/42 [+ WO]
aw sofi: soofi (Som) drive livestock out to graze;
soof (Som) grazing ground
JDJ26c Aw Sofi (Au Sofi) (highland village) 09/42 [+ Gu]

awa (A) certainly; (Harari) father;

awwaa (O) empty space /no crop etc./
JEB95 Awa (Aua) 1124'/4114' 827 m 11/41 [Ne Gz]
(at left bank of Awash river)
HDS54 Awabel (Auabal) (area) 10/37 [Ad WO]
HDS54c Awabel wereda (centre 1964 = Godena Mikael) 10/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 70 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
awachura m..: micha, miich'aa (O) washing of clothes
JDA.. Awachura Micha (area in Merti wereda) 08/40 [n]
HDM.. Awadi (Awash affluent near Ankober) 09/39 [n]
HCR61 Awae 0751'/3644' 07/36 [x]
at the northern bank of Marawa (Merewa) river,
some 12 km east of Jiren/Agaro.
JEA85 Awagera (Auaghera) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HFE78 Awagir (Amba Awger, A. Augher) 14/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(mountain and place) 1416'/3914' 2876/2925 m
(with church Mikael), see also under Inticho
awah abo: abo see under abbo as first part of name
HEJ58c Awah Abo (with church, near lake Tana) 12/37 [Ch]
?? Awahe (in Tigray) ../.. [x]
HDU04 Awajo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
6-8 km east of Sela Dingay; area 611 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU02 Awakola kebele (Awaqola ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
14 km south-west of Molale; area 819 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
awal (Arabic, Som) formerly; awaal (Som) prediction;
alle (Som) Allah; (O) all kinds of
-- Habar Awal, a Somali clan name
JBG84 Awal Alle (Aual Alle) 0422'/4009' 1195 m 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
awal e..: edo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia
JBG69 Awal Edo (Aual Edo) 0414'/4037' 821 m 04/40 [LM WO Gz]
awal ginda: ginde, gindo (O) plough, beam of plough
awal gi..: ginda (A,T) "Dead Sea Apple", a shrub or
small tree, Calotropis procera; (O) kind of ceremony
JBG66 Awal Ginda (Aual Ghinda) 0412'/4021' 1025 m 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
awal guba: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron;
3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
JBG67 Awal Guba (Aual Gubo) 0410'/4028' 933 m 04/40 [Gz WO]
near the border of Kenya
awal ti..: tiire (Som) cultivated plant with seeds
resembling sesame
JBT55 Awal Tirre (Aual Tirre, Awe'al Tire) 0503'/4350' 05/43 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(with waterhole to the south-east) 462 m
awala ali, cf Ali as first part of name;
Awalah, a Somali male name
JDC35 Awala Ali (Auala Ali) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
awala, awaala, awwala (O) tomb, burial place; bate (O) not;
bate (Arsi O) kinds of small thorn tree, e.g. Acacia eggelingii,
A. persiciflora; bate (bat'e) (A) my king-post;
bate (batä) (A) started, began /new month/
HDK85 Awala Bate 0948'/3802' 1505 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
awale (T) go astray; (A) to herd grazing animals; pass the day
awlii (T) olive tree
JDR03 Awali (Auali) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
JDJ54 Awalle (Aualle) (with church) 1805 m 09/42 [+ WO]
place 20 km north of Harar
JDA97 Awallen Keyeta (Auallen Cheeta) 08/40 [+ WO]
awalu: awaaluu (O) to bury, to hide;
awalo (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Faurea rochetiana,
growing mostly on rocky hillsides
JEA65 Awalu (Aualu) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HDC11 Awangero (Auangero) (mountain) 08/36 [+ Gz]
0819'/3647' 1533 m
HEL63 Awanna Dergye (Auanna Derguie) 12/38 [+ WO]
awara, awaara, awwara, awarra, abwara (A,O) dust, dustdevil;
awera (Sidamo O) kinds of tree, kararo,
Aningeria adolfi-friederici, A. altissima,
tall timber trees, heavily buttressed
HCF07 Awara (Auarra) 05/39 [LM WO]
HC... Awara, area at lake Shala w people of the Aroji clan 07/38 [x]
HDE02 Awara 0813'/3839' 1854 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK55 Awara 0934'/3802' 2452 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
awara melka, dusty ford
HDM16 Awara Melka (Aware M., Auara Malca) 09/39 [Gz Ne Gu Ca]
(Auramalka, Wara Malka, Awora M., Uora Melca)
(Awaramelk, Montanari estate, Fre: Aouara Malka)
0909'/3958' c900 m, at 38 km from Awash Station
(centre in 1964 of Adal sub-district,
and plantation at Kesem river)
aware: awaare (Som) dust
JDE18 Aware (Auareh) MS: 0815'/4410' 1133 m 08/44 [MS WO Gz]
Gz: 0816'/4409' 1144 m (with sub-post office)
aware ga..: gawisa (O) beam in a weaving loom
JDN49c Aware Gawsa (Auare Gaosa) (mountain) c900 m 10/40 [+ Gu]
JDA97 Aware Gult (Auare Gult) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDM16 Aware Melka, see Awara Melka
JDE18 Aware wereda (Awarie ..) (centre in 1964 = Aware) 08/44 [MS Ad]
JDG52 Awari (Auari) 09/40 [+ WO]
HEE86 Awariya 1138'/3900' 3009 m 11/39 [Gz]
GCT76 Awarla (Auarla) 0755'/3402' 412 m 07/34 [+ Gz]
HDL06 Awarna (Auarna) 09/39 [+ Gu]
HDF81 Awarti (Aoarti), see under Bollo Selassie 08/39 [+ WO]
HDJ76 Awaru 0946'/3711' 2438 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEM22 Awas kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south Kobo wereda at its western border,
20 km south-southwest of Kobbo town; area 3,220 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
awasa (T) present
HCL70 Awasa (Awassa), cf Hawassa 07/38 [Gz Po Ad Br]
town at 0703'/3828' = HCL70
lake at 0703'/3826' = HCL80, shore 1678/1708 m
HES87 Awasa (Auasa) (area) 13/38 [+ WO]
HES87 Awasa (Auasa, Hauasa) (village) 1760 m 13/38 [+ WO Gu 18]
HCL80 Awasa wereda, see also Wijigra, and Santaro 07/38 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 68 rural and 15 urban kebeles.
HCL80 Awasa Zuriya awraja (-1995-) 07/38 [n]
Awash, also occurring as a male personal name
HDE62 Awash 0842'/3837' 1947 m 08/38 [Gz]
H.... Awash Arba, town in Amibara wereda 13/39? [20]
HDF20 Awash Awash Melkasa), see Melkasa
JDA94 Awash (Awash station, Auasc, Fre: Aouache) 08/40 [Gz Ro WO Gu]
(Hawash) 0859'/4010' 876/986 m, 860 m at bridge
(centre in 1964 of Fentale wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6E Gumbi (Gara Gumbi) (area) 1023, 1430 m
9NE Kachin Wiha (Caccin Ua, Kachinoa) (area)
-- Awash II & III (Koka power stations)
HDE.. Awash Fentale /wereda?/, see also Fentale wereda 08/38 [Ad]
HDE82 Awash Kunture, town in Alem Gena wereda 08/38 [20]
H.... Awash Sheleko, town in Amibara wereda 13/39? [20]
HDG67 Awashi 0940'/3528' 2132 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDL92 Awasi 0954'/3838' 2199 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Awaso 0951'/3839' 2882 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
awata (awat'a) (A) give for a common purpose, contribute;
awet (T) victory, success
HBT88 Awata (Auata) (river) 0503'/3907' 05/39 [x WO]
middle course at 0515'/3908'
HE... Awateho (centre in 1964 of Metemma sub-district) 12/36 [Ad]
HDU80 Awatel kebele (Awatäl ..) 10/329 [Ad]
in nearly westernmost central Were Ilu wereda,
20 km west-northwest of Were Ilu town; area 1,818 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCP04 Awatu, G.(Auatu) MS: 2119 m, sharp peak 1866 m 07/41 [+ WO It Gz]
(Auata) Gz: 0717'/4103' 1374 m
GDE23 Awau (Auau) 0823'/3342' 369 m 08/33 [WO Gz]
on the border river of Sudan
-- Awawar, see Agew language
HDM42 Awayat Gebriel kebele (.. Gäbreél ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the middle of northern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
15 km north-east of Koremash; area 618 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCG62 Awaye 0657'/4003' 2748 m 06/40 [Gz]
HDT42 Awayu Kumuyu kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in central western Wegdi wereda, 16 km south-west
of Mahdere Selam; area 1,949 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES68c Awaza (24 km WNW of Ras Dashen) 13/38 [x]
(mountain) 2636 m
HER19 Awaza Maryam (church) 1248'/3728' 12/37 [Gz]
JDJ38 Awbare, see Aw Barre
JDK06 Awben 0903'/4306' 1576 m, near map code JDD96 09/43 [Gz]
awch..: chara (O) tip top, very good?
chaaraa, one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day names
H.... Awchara (centre in 1964 of Sahla sub-district) 13/36 [Ad]
awd (A,Geez) circuit, rotation, cycle; threshing floor, etc
JCE41 Awdamboy (Audamboi) (plain) 0548'/4333' 05/43 [+ WO Gu]
JCJ10 Awdo (Audo) (mountain range) 0610'/4145' 950 m 06/41 [+ WO 18 Gz]
JBT55 Aweal Tire, see Awal Tirre
JDJ35 Aweday (Awoday) 0921'/4203' 1963 m, cf Awode 09/42 [Gz 20]
HED44 Awela (Auela), cf Abela 11/37 [+ Gu]
HCS18 Aweli (Bubisa, Bubissa) (mountain) 07/38 [Gz WO]
0724'/3814' 2116/2170 m
?? Awelida (historically recorded from the 1600s) 12/39? [x]
JDS81 Awelwin (Aeluin) (area), see under Aysha 10/42 [+ WO]
HDK11 Aweri 0910'/3739' 2097 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDG25 Awete 0915'/3515' 1525 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDM85 Awfat, see Yifat
HED51c Awger Wasga (Augher Uasga) (church) 11/37 [+ Gu]
JEH95 Awginnale (Auginnale) (area) 12/41 [Ne]
-- Awi, an ethnic group in the west, numbering about 50,000 in 1998
-- Awi (Awiya), see Agew language
HFE19 Awiaro (Awi'aro, Micael Alassa, Enda Micael Alaesa) 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
1343'/3916' 2435, 2755 m, at church 2380 m
HEM80 Awikushla (Awik'ushla) 1230'/3922' 2918 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDT67 Awirt 1034'/3907' 2272 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU01 Awit 0958'/3928' 2213 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEM50 Awka Kidane Mihret (church) 1214'/3925' 12/39 [Gz]
JDL30 Awkelef 0922'/4330' 1450 m 09/43 [Gz]
awl (Som) kinds of gazelle, Gazella spp.,
such as soemmering and Grant's gazelle
JDE32 Awl Kuddal (Aul Cuddal) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HEF92 Awlet kebele (Awlät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the northern tip of Ambasel wereda,
15 km south of Weldiya; area 4,772 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
awli (T) damp, dew
HEK35 Awlida (Aulida) (mission) 1203'/3758' 12/37 [LM WO Gz]
awli ga..: gara (A,O) mountain /also other meanings/
HEM81 Awlii Gara (Awli'i G.) 1232'/3930' 2423 m, 12/39 [Gz]
near Korem
HEU20 Awlowa 1254'/3921' 1938 m 12/39 [Gz]
JEA39 Awna (Auna) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
-- Awngi (spoken in Gojjam), see Agew language
JDJ45 Awnigus, see Aw Nigus
HCM41 Awo (Auo) (area) 06/39 [+ WO Gu]
HFM02 Awo (Awoketema) 1429'/3935' 2588 m 14/39 [Gz Ad]
(with church Mikael), in Agame awraja
JDJ35 Awoday, see Aweday
JDJ35 Awode, 10 km from Harar, probably same as Aweday 09/42 [20]
HDE96 Awoge (Aogue) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
awr (Som) male burden camel; (A) large chunk of rock salt
JCE69 Awr Anduweyn (Aur Anduein) 06/44 [+ WO]
awra (A) male /animal/, chief, head /of family/;
(T) main, foremost;
awre (A,T) 1. wild animal, beast; 2. shrub or
small tree with large flower-heads, Protea gaguedi;
awera (Sidamo O) kind of top-storey forest tree,
Aningeria adolfi-friederici
HFC08 Awra (Aora, Aurah) 1335'/3720' 2072 m, cf Awura 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
HFC17 Awra 1342'/3717' 1729 m 13/37 [Gz]
HFC.. Awra wereda (Aura ..) 13/37 [+ Ad]
awraja, awrajja (A) sub-province, district
JEP47 Awrali (Aurali) (mountain) 1306'/4110' 429 m 13/41 [+ WO Gz]
awreli gamarri: gamaari (Som) extinguish, put out a fire
JEC71 Awreli Gamarri (Aureli Gamarri), see Gemeri
HBM24 Awrgodan (mountain) 0353'/3945' 948 m 03/39 [Gz]
awria az..: azen (A) gloom, pain
HEK81 Awria Azen (Amba Auria Azen, Aurema, Aureme) 12/37 [Gz WO Gu]
1230'/3735' 2591/2798 m
HFF73 Awrimo (mountain) 1416'/3943' 2706 m 14/39 [Gz]
aws gu..: guduud (Som) red, reddish-brown, brown
JDL21 Aws Gududley (Aus Gududlei) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HFC26 Awsa (Awssa, Aussa, Awussa) (sultanate) 13/37 [+ WO]
JEB79 Awsa awraja (Awussa ..) 1130'/4130' 11/40 [Gz x Ad]
(centre -1959-1964- = Bati, in 1980s = Asaita)
HDS93 Awsa Iyesus (Ausa Jesus) 1049'/3749' 2982 m 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
JEB78 Awsa wereda (Awussa ..) 11/41 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Asaita)
HEU74 Awseba (Auseba, Anseba) 1319'/3946' 1571 m 13/39 [+ Gz]
HEU82 Awseba (Auseba, Auzeba, Anseba) 13/39 [LM WO Gu It]
1323'/3934' 2235 m, see also Akeseba
JEA27 Awsinum (Aussinum) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JEB61 Awsu Niyum (Aussu Nium) (waterhole) 11/40 [+ WO]
awu (O) at this/that time; bere (A) ox, bull
JDK48 Awu Bere 0927'/4318' 1605 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDK68 Awubere 0938'/4314' 1590 m 09/43 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
HFF35 Awudo 1352'/3952' 1487 m, near Atsbi 13/39 [Gz]
HF... Awuger sub-district (centre in 1964 = Arateiti) 14/39? [Ad]
H.... Awuja Giyorgis 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Hulet Eju Enessie sub-district)
?? Awuli Tsero wereda & sub-district ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mai Alekti), in the Adigrat region
HEJ99c Awura (village), see under Gondar 12/37 [n]
?? Awus Gedai (small volcanic cone), see under Gurami ../.. [Ch]
awusa, awusaa (O) /ceremonial/ beverage of chat and honey
-- Awusa, see Awasa
HFC26 Awussa, see Awsa
awza (A) chat, Catha edulis
HFF22 Awza (Auza), see under Wikro 13/39 [+ WO]
HFE51 Awzena 1403'/3835' 1961 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE63 Axum (MS: Axum awraja), see Aksum
aya: ayya (A) title of respect for an elderly /male/ person;
ayye (A) to see
GDF95 Aya (G. Aia) (hill) 08/34 [+ WO]
HEU02 Aya (Aia) 1242'/3942' 1564 m 12/39 [+ It Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEU03
HEU23 Aya (Aia) (pass), see Agudo
JDA74 Aya (Aia) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
KCP99 Aya Bentih (Aia Benti) 0804'/4634' 626 m 08/46 [x WO Gz]
(with waterhole)
aya b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HDU15 Aya Ber (Ayaber) (ctr in 1964 of Tabor sub-district) 10/39 [+ Ad]
altitude about 2800 m, cf Ayaber
HBS71 Ayaba (Aiaba) (mountain), see under Jarso 05/37 [+ WO]
HDU14 Ayaber kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda at its western border,
15 km north of Debre Sina; area 455 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBG89 Ayadega (Aiadegga) 0422'/4039' 600 m 04/40 [Gz WO]
?? Ayafruba (locality in Menz) ../.. [x]
HDE53 Ayage (village north of Awash) 08/38 [x]
JDH44 Ayage (Aiaghe) (area) 2044 m 09/41 [+ WO]
JDH33 Ayagi (Aiaghi) (area), see under Afdem 09/41 [+ WO]
Ayale (Ayele, Ayelle), a male personal name
HDF42 Ayale 0833'/3935' 1348 m 08/39 [Gz]
JDC63 Ayalecha (Aialeccia) (area) 1770 m 08/41 [+ WO]
JBN06 Ayamacho (Aiamaccio, Aiaimaccio) 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
0432'/4023' 968 m
ayana: ayyaana (O) 1. religious holiday; 2. chance;
3. divinity, nature spirit, God's creativity in anything;
Ayana (Ayene), a male personal name
HDJ60 Ayana MS: 0940'/3640' 2050 m 09/36 [MS Ad x]
(centre in 1964 of Gida Ayana sub-district)
HDJ90 Ayana 0953'/3637' 2048 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDR03c Ayana 09/36 [x]
HDM44 Ayariko kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Ankober wereda, 10 km south-southwest
of Ankober town; area 689 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ayat (A) grandfather, grandmother; (T) spring
HDL75 Ayat (with church Maryam) 0943'/3856' 2184 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDU14 Ayat Meda & Imbise kebele (.. Méda & Embesé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
9 km east-southeast of Molale; area 771 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF31 Ayata kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in the east/west middle of Kuta Ber wereda at its south-eastern corner,
18 km west of Dessie; area 3,483 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFB29 Ayaye (Ayayei, Aiaie) 1350'/3632' 643 m 13/36 [+ x WO Gz]
HFC21 Ayaye (Aiaie) 1346'/3643' 706 m 13/36 [+ WO Gz]
ayb, ayib (A) cottage cheese, curds
HDM.? Ayb Amba (with church Maryam) 09/39? [x]
HDM.? Ayb Amba (with church Silase) 09/39 [x]
HEK90 Ayba (once royal residence) ca. 11 km E of Gondar 12/37 [20]
HEU22 Ayba (Aiba, Boota) 1253'/3934' 2874 m 12/39 [Gz 18 Gu]
(river, British camp in 1868) pass 1254'/3939' 2780 m
HFF22 Ayba (Aiba) (area) 13/39 [+ x]
HFF41 Ayba Abune Gebre Menfes K'idus (church) 13/39 [Gz]
1359'/3930' near Hawzen
HFF41 Ayba Kidane Mihret (church) 1357'/3928' 13/39 [Gz]
aybah (Som) the supreme being
HCG87 Aybara (Aibara), cf Aybera 07/35 [+ WO]
HEK63 Aybashi (Aibasci) 12/37 [+ WO]
HC..? Aybera, village in the Sheko wereda 06/35? [n]
JDJ47 Aybera (mountain) 0929'/4214' 2780 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEU.. Aybeto, in Wajerat 13/40 [n]
HEJ44 Aybga 1210'/3700' 1851 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ44 Aybga (Godscia, Goggia, Gogia) 12/37 [Gz WO]
1210'/3701' 1828 m, WO has map code HEJ34
HDT63 Aychal Boneya kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in western Debre Sina wereda at its southern border,
15 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 2,590 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

?? Ayda, in Gamu Gofa Zone ../.. [20]

HDL79 Ayda & Arago kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-east Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
14 km south-southwest of Deneba; area 1,597 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE76 Ayda Sagora kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda,
14 km south of Bete Hor; area 1,464 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE97 Aydefer kebele (Aydäfär ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Meket wereda at its northern border,
22 km east-northeast of Filakit; area 7,040 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDH85 Aydora 0951'/4113' 769 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDH97 Aydora (Aydera, Jaedorra) 0951'/4122' 736 m 09/41 [Gz Ad LM WO]
(with mosque; sub-district & its centre in 1964)
Coordinates would give map code JDH87
HDL58 Ayeda 0931'/3910' 2687 m 09/39 [Gz]
HF... Ayega (in Agame awraja) 14/39? [Ad]
ayele (ayyälä) (A) predominate, be overwhelming;
ayele gebeya (A) main market
HDJ38 Ayele Gebeya 0923'/3723' 2224 m 09/37 [Gz]
ayelu (A) the dominating one?
JDP10 Ayelu (Gebel Aielu, Jebel Aiulloo, Agelu, Azelo) 10/40 [Gz Ne WO Ha]
(Azelu, Azalu) (Oromo: Hayyalu, Majit; Afar: Ayyalu)
1005'/4042' 1791, 2010 m (isolated volcanic mountain)
HE... Ayena Bugera (in Lasta awraja) 12/39? [Ad]
Ayena Bugera, should be Ayna Bugna?
HEE28 Ayer 1114'/3907' 2882 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE37 Ayer 1108'/3908' 2973 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE47 Ayer 1115'/3905' 2833 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE47 Ayer kebele 11/39 [Ad]
nearly easternmost at the middle of Mekdela wereda,
near Masha on its east; area 1,642 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF63 Ayfelah (Ayfela) 1407'/3938' 2792 m 14/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Senafe sub-district)
?? Ayfers (Ayfors) (shortened name), see Ayn Feres
HEM30 Ayferuba kebele (Ayfäruba ..) 12/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the western border of Gidan wereda,
10 km north-west of Muja; area 4,789 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM55 Aygebir kebele (Aygäber ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda at its eastern border;
10-15 km east of Ankober town; area 3,188 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF81 Aygoba Hawaryat (church) 1420'/3930' 14/39 [Gz]
H.... Aygoila sub-district (centre in 1964 = Angoila) 14/38 [Ad]
HDM23 Aygwar (Aiguar), see under Sidisto 09/39 [+ WO]
ayha (A) flood, deluge; ayhe, ayhi (T) flood, torrent
HEK66 Ayha (Aiha) 1221'/3805' 1911 m 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
ayha mackarar: makara (O) harvest
JDS30 Ayha Mackarar (M. Aiha Maccarar) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HDT39 Ayhiyafej kebele (Ayheyafäj ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Jema wereda, 20-25 km
south of Degolo; area 8,300 hectares. [CSA 1994]
ayi, ayii (O) expression of loss or sorrow
HEU20 Ayi 1251'/3924' 2252 m 12/39 [Ad Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
H.... Ayi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kelecha), in Jemjem ../.. [Ad]
ayib (A) cottage cheese, curds
HEK07 Ayib Beinkib (A. Be'ink'ib) 1151'/3812' 2724 m 11/38 [Gz]
HFF32 Ayiba Gemad sub-district 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Abraha Atsbeha)
HDG06c Ayira, see Aira
HDG18 Ayira Guliso sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guliso) 09/35 [Ad]
HDG18 Ayira Guliso wereda (Ayra Gulisso ..) 09/35 [Ad x]
(-1994-) is divided into 49 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
JDS80 Ayisha, see Aysha
HDT89 Ayit 1045'/3916' 2749 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT98 Ayit Gora 1048'/3914' 3264 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFC86 Ayjiri (Aigiri) (area) 14/37 [+ WO]
?? Ayjubay ../.. [18]
aykel (aykäl) (A) kind of bracelet or necklace
HEJ84 Aykel 1231'/3705' 2040 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ85 Aykel (Ayekel, Ayikel) MS: 1230'/3700' 12/37 [MS Po x Gz]
Gz: 1233'/3704' 2146 m (with sub-post office)
(centre -1956-1980- of Chilga awraja)
HE... Aykel sub-district (centre 1964 = Geldba) 12/37? [Ad]
HDS59 Aykolba (Ayk'olba, Ayqolba, Scita, Shita) 10/38 [Gz q]
1026'/3825' 2276 m
HFD82 Aykulita (Aiculita) (mountain) 1421'/3746' 1078 m 14/37 [+ WO Gz]
HCD34 Aykuri (Aicuri) 0546'/3753' 2137 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
JEB85 Ayl (Ail) 11/41 [+ WO]
?? Aylo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEE83 Aymat kebele (Aymat' ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central westernmost Meket wereda,
15 km west-northwest of Filakit; area 7,054 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET16 Aymbera (Aimbera, Abera) 13/39 [LM WO Gu]
-- Aymellel, traditionally a Gurage area, formerly also
name for the language Soddo
H.... Aymellel (Aymälläl, Aymallal, Aimellele, Alamalé) 08/.. [Pa 18 20]
?? Aymero sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bole) 07/40? [Ad]
HES23 Aymesheb (Aimesceb) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDU72 Aymetir 1037'/3933' 2789 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEJ68 Aymiba 12/37 [20]
town in Dembiya wereda
HEB32 Aymika (Aimica) 11/35 [+ WO]
HEB40 Aymulu (Aimulu) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
ayn (A) 1. eye; 2. water spring; ayni (T) eye/s/;
ayn alem (A) land with springs?
HEU81 Ayn Alem (Aynalem) 1327'/3929' 2219 m, 13/39 [x Gz]
town south-west of Kwiha, in Enderta wereda
HEL17 Ayn Amba Giyorgis (Ayin .., Ayn Aba ..) (church) 11/39 [Gz]
1151'/3906', cf Aynamba
ayn feres (ayn färäs) (A) eye of the horse
?? Ayn Feres ('Ayn Färäs, 'Ayfärs, Ayfers, Ayfors) ../.. [Pa x]
(Afras) (historically recorded from the 1400s)
?? Ayn Incheto (Ain Inceto), near brink of Tekeze river 14/38? [+ x]
HDT74 Ayn Maryam kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern Sayint wereda, 20 km east
of Ajibar; area 1,295 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Ayn Tekeze ('eye of Tekeze'), source of the river ../.. [18]
HEL44 Ayna (Ayina, Aina Jesus, Aine Iesus) 12/38 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
1209'/3851' 2543 m
(centre in 1964 of Bugna wereda & of Ayna sub-district)
HEL35 Ayna Iyesus kebele 12/38 [Ad]
centrally in Bugna wereda, 20 km north-west
of Lalibela; area 4,755 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Ayna Mela, an Ado Mara tribe in the lower Golima valley
JEG97 Ayna Mela (Aina Mela) (area) 12/40 [+ WO]
HEL35 Ayna Mikael kebele 12/38 [Ad]
centrally in Bugna wereda, 16 km north-west
of Lalibela; area 4,755 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU81 Aynalem, see Ayn Alem
aynamba: ayn amba (A) mountain with spring? aynamma (A) beautiful
HCG67 Aynamba (Ayn'amba, Ainamba) 0653'/3528' 06/35 [LM Ad WO Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) 1488 m, cf Ayn Amba
?? Aynamba (a little north of Shewa) ../.. [18]
HDM94 Ayne kebele (Ayné ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
3 km north of Debre Sina; area 731 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDM85 Ayni (in late 1600s town on Menz-Ifat frontier) 09/39 [n En]
HFE07 Aynu 1336'/3909' 2476 m 13/39 [Gz]
ayoha: ayyoa (O) of the chief
HEJ58 Ayoha 1218'/3724' 1786 m 12/37 [Gz]
HDG06 Ayra, see Aira
HEJ89 Ayra 1234'/3727' 2103 m 12/37 [Gz]
HDG18 Ayra Gulisso, see Ayira Guliso
HDM34 Ayrar kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in the middle of southernmost Ankober wereda,
20 km south-southeast of Ankober town; area 3,228 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFC88 Ayreba (Aireba) (mountain) 1425'/3717' 800, 953 m 14/37 [+ WO Gz]
ayrebam (A) he is good for nothing
JEJ64 Ayredudo (Airedudo) (well) 1217'/4156' 12/41 [+ WO Gz]
ayro b..: bara (O) weather, time, year, age; baraa (O) learner, male student
JEH14 Ayro Bara (Airo Bara) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEC11 Ayrori (Airori, Airore, Airorre) (area) 11/41 [+ Gu WO]
JEB78 Aysaita, see Asaita
H.... Ayseg (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 12/37 [Ad]
HED72 Ayset Maryam (Aiscet Mariam), see Shame Maryam
Aysha, a Muslim female name,
from one of the wives of Prophet Muhammed
JDS80 Aysha (Aisha, Ayisha, Aiscia, Ayshia, Aicha) 10/42 [MS Ad WO Gz]
1045'/4237' 759 m, or /4234' 713 m
MS coordinates would give map code JDS81
(railway station at 40 km from the border)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6E Dugarka (Dugarca) (area)
8E Mordale (village) 680 m
10SE Awelwin (Aeluin) (area)
8S Ferjamarreley (Fergiamarrelei) (area)
5NW Neskit (Neschit) (area)
JDS80 Aysha wereda (Ayisha..) (ctr in 1964 = Aysha) 10/42 [+ Ad]
JED10 Ayshadele (Aisciadele) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
?? Ayshal (battle site in Gojjam in 1950s) ../.. [x]
ayso dunun: dununfanna (O) closing the eyes
HCF23 Ayso (Aiso Dunun) (mountain) 0529'/3926' 1513 m 05/39 [+ WO Gz]
JEC42 Ayssama (Aissama) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HBU.. Aysufti (with well), between Negele and Filtu 05/40 [x]
HEM30 Ayt Hala kebele (Ayt' ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in western central Gidan wereda,
5 km north-northwest of Muja; area 4,892 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT99 Ayt kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Legambo wereda at its southern border,
10 km south-east of Akista; area 1,544 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL39 Aytala (Ayt'ala) 1205'/3915' 3391 m 12/39 [Gz]
ayti: ayt (ayt') (A) mouse, rat; (T) esquire
HFE75c Ayti Udduko (Aiti Udduco) 14/38 [+ Gu]
H.... Aytie (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 08/36 [Ad]
JEH41 Aytima (Aitima) (wells) 1211'/4045' 488 m 12/40 [+ WO Gz]
HED54 Aytony (Genta) (on a hill) 1124'/3754' 2438 m 11/37 [Gz WO Gu]
HEM52 Ayu 1214'/3935' 1514 m 12/39 [Gz]
ayu gama: ayyu (A) wealthy or important person; gama (O) 1. across, opposite;
2. militant; gama' (Som) fall asleep; Ayyo, a Somali female name;
see further at Gama
JEH19 Ayu Gama (Aiu Gama) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HEM53 Ayub kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in the middle of northernmost Kobo wereda,
8 km north-northwest of Kobbo town; area 5,550 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDG73 Ayuha (Aiuha) 0944'/4007' 834 m 09/40 [+ WO Gz]
HDF03 Ayule (Aiule) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDJ76 Ayuweni 0943'/3711' 2248 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEU11 Aywera 1248'/3926' 2226 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU41 Aywetu (with church Giyorgis) 1305'/3930' 2303 m 13/39 [Gz]
?? Ayyaber (late 1600s residence on frontier Menz-Ifat) ../.. [n]
ayzosh a..: amora (A,T) vulture
HDU63 Ayzosh Amora (Kurrie) 1031'/3940' 2562 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
az (A) blight of cereals
HFD87 Az Daro, see Adi Daro
HFD78 Az Nebrid, see Adi Nebried
JDG28 Azabot, see Asebot
HFE18 Azaf 1344'/3912' 2551 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEB46 Azafi 1117'/3613' 1186 m 11/36 [WO Gz]
HEK63 Azago 12/37 [WO]
GDU40 Azali 10/34 [WO]
JDP10 Azalu, see Ayelu
?? Azam ('Aram) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
azama (A) bush-pig, Potamochoerus porcus hassama;
azamir (A) kind of tree;
azeme (A) to sing; (T) petrify, puzzle
HCU63 Azama (mountain) 0749'/3938' 2439 m, 07/39 [WO Gz]
see under Robi
azan (A) sorrow, sadness, grief; azzene (azzänä) (A) mourn,
be sad, be sorrowful, have pity
HDR72 Azana, see Azena
HEC74 Azana Maryam (centre) 1948 m 11/36 [+ It]
HES53 Azana Maryam (Azana Mariam) (church) 13/37 [+ WO]
HDR81 Azane (area) 10/36 [WO]
azani (T) muezzin; minch (A) spring, source
HDL06 Azany Minch 0904'/3859' 2418 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HC... Azarta (in Fasil awraja) 06/40? [Ad]
?? Azawr sub-district (Azawir ..) 11/38? [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Galay)
HEJ79 Azaye 1229'/3729' 2100 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ89 Azaza, see Azezo
HCU62 Azazera 0749'/3935' 2227 m, see under Robi 07/39 [WO Gz]
HFF46 Azbi, see Inda Silase
JDG53 Azboli, see Asboti
azeb (A) south-east,
Azeb, a male personal name
HFF60 Azeba 1411'/3923' 2737 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HFF.. Azeba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kiat) 14/39 [Ad]
-- Azebo, Assab /Raya/, name of a Wello Oromo tribe
HEU12 Azebo, cf Raya & Azebo awraja 12/39
HFE28c Azef (mountain) 13/39 [Gu]
JDP10 Azelu (Azelo), see Ayelu
azen (A) gloominess
HEK81 Azen, see Amba /Auria/ Azen
Azena (Azana, Azene), a male personal name
HDR72 Azena (Azana) (locality) 1038'/3647' 10/36 [Gz Wa]
HDR72 Azena (populated place) 1040'/3647' 1783 m 10/36 [Gz]
HDR.. Azena sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ambara Desta) 10/36 [Ad]
HDD02 Azer 0811'/3746' 1940 m 08/37 [Gz]
south-west of Welkite
HEK36 Azer (Afir) (mountain) 1205'/3808' 3166 m 12/38 [WO Gu Gz]
HET35 Azerifa (pass) 12/38 [WO]
-- Azerinet, traditionally a Gurage area
?? Azernet & Berbere wereda (centre Lera in 1991?) ../.. [En]
HFE89 Azet 1420'/3920' 2159 m 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Damo
HEF91 Azet kebele (Azét ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern central Guba Lafto wereda,
12 km south-west of Weldiya; area 3,564 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET46c Azet sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jijika) 13/38 [Ad]
HFF51 Azete Mele 14/39 [Gu]
HEJ89 Azezo (Azäzo, Azozo, Azzozzo, Azzazo, Azzezzo) 12/37 [MS It Gu Ca]
(with landing ground & post office) (1233'/3729'?)
Gz gives four separate cases 1232'/3726'
and 1233'/3726' and 1234'/3726' and 1236'/3727'
of which the last would give map code HEJ99.
MS coordinates 1210'/3720' would give map code HEJ48
which is either incorrect or refers to some place near Gorgora
(Azezo is located about 13 km south-west of Gondar)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6E Jagwi (Giagui) (village)
6E Fenter (Fent'er, Fantar) (village) 2102 m
6SE Farda (village)
2S Enda Teklehaymanot (church)
5SW Aderja (Adergia, Hader Giaha) (large village)
8SW Adi Chirgye (Adi Cirgie) (village)
2NW Demsa Sege (D. Seghe) (village)
4NW Abba Samuel (area)
6NW Karua Maryam (Carua Mariam) 2725 m
HEJ89c Azezo Teklehaymanot 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Azezo sub-district)
HEJ89c Azezo wereda 12/37 [x]
HDU41 Azhga & Kurundi kebele (.. Qurundi ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its north-western border,
16-22 km south-east of Degolo; area 2,109 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCC79 Azho 0605'/3728' 2169 m 06/37 [Gz]
H.... Aziela (centre in 1964 of Tilala sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HDT46 Azma 1019'/3901' 1825 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT36 Azma kebele 10/39 [Ad]
azmach (A) military commander
HFD37 Azmach Reda'i Mika'el (church) 1352'/3811' 13/38 [Gz]
near road Gondar-Adwa
HEM40 Azmazge 1207'/3921' 3401 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEL72 Aznan 1226'/3840' 2085 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL72 Aznan 1228'/3841' 2039 m 12/38 [Gz]
azo agadel: azzo (A) crocodile, Crocodilus niloticus;
azzo gedel (A) crocodile cliff?
HEF33 Azo Agadel (mountain) 2621 m, see under Dessie 11/39 [Gu]
azo bahir (A) crocodile lake
HEJ24 Azo Bahir (Azo Bahr, Azobaer) (bay and church ruin) 12/37 [+ Ch Gu WO]
HEC98c Azoa Maryam (church), see under Zege 11/37 [x]
HFK16 Azoho 1437'/3804' 1448 m 14/38 [Gz]
JD... Azoru (Azóroo) (level expanse) 10/41 [Ha]
HEJ89 Azozo (Azazo, Azzozzo), see Azezo
HDM45 Azuka kebele (Azuqa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda at its eastern border,
12 km east-southeast of Ankober town; area 748 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Azule (north of the Webi Shebele valley) ../.. [n 20]
?? Azulo, mountain near Awash, same as below? ../.. [Ha]
HCR59 Azulu (mountain) 07/37 [WO]
azurit: azwarit (A) whirlpool
HEE79 Azurit 1134'/3918' 2139 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE13c Azzal (recorded in 1841) 10/39 [Ha]
HEJ89 Azzazzo (Azzozzo), see Azezo
JCL49 Ba Lakmadobe (Ba Lacmadobe) (area), 06/44 [+ WO]
see under Kebri Dehar
ba magan: magan (O) excrement, shit; (Som) refuge, sanctuary;
magaan (Som) slow horse, animal giving very little milk
JCE98 Ba Magan (area) 06/44 [WO]
baadiye (Som) country
JCD58 Baadlei 0556'/4318' 264/272 m 05/43 [WO Gz]
-- Baadu (people, dialect), see Afar
JDG66 Baakileli (Baachileli) 09/40 [+ WO]
baala (O) 1. leaf; 2. feather
JBP82 Baalale (seasonal spring) 0516'/4055' 05/40 [WO Gz]
HCR06 Baanche (Baance) 1495 m 07/37 [+ WO]
baar (O) sea, ocean
HES57 Baarna Abbo, see Seketati
baasu a..: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JDG86 Baasu Ale (area) 09/40 [WO]
baata (Geez?) St. Mary's entrance into the house of God
HDB89 Baata 08/36 [WO]
JEA32 Baatee, see Bati
HFF81 Baati (Ba'ati) 1418'/3928' 2545 m 14/39 [Gz]
north-east of Adigrat
baba: babba (A) be afraid;
baabba (O) finished, all gone /mostly said to children/
HEE79 Baba, see Aba Wat
HEL92 Baba 1236'/3841' 2077 m 12/38 [Gz]
JDJ27 Baba, G. (area) 09/42 [WO]
HEE76 Baba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda,
20 km south-west of Wegel Tena; area 1,071 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM10 Baba Seat kebele (.. Säat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Guba Lafto wereda at its border,
20 km west-northwest of Weldiya; area 2,855 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCG67 Babaka, see Bebeka
HEC89 Babardur Georgis, see Bahir Dar
HCC70 Babat 0605'/3638' 2554 m, south of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
HCR63 Babbia (forest = Cossa forest?), see Saso Den
-- Babbo, some Oromo claim descent from a man with this name;
babbo (Som) flutter in the wind; babbo alon (O) big bird
JDC96c Babbo 09/42 [x]
place in the Bubasa area 30 km south-southeast of Harar
HCL65 Babbo Ghennetie, see Hubo
HD... Babech (in Yerer & Kereyu awraja), cf Babich 08/39? [Ad]
HDB24 Babessa (Babesso), see Ejerso Tiki
HDE76 Babicef (Babicheff) (former concession), see Migra
HDD90 Babich 0858'/3733' 2277 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDJ.. Babiche, town in Cheliya (Chelliya) wereda 08/37 [20]
JDP13 Babie (area) 10/40 [WO]
JDJ17 Babih, see Babile
HDH75 Babila (area) 09/36 [WO]

-- Babile, Babille, Babilli, group of tribes of the eastern Oromo

HDU85 Babile 1045'/3950' 1730 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDH13 Babile 0912'/4100' 1773 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ18 Babile (Babilli) (wide area) 09/42 [WO Gu]
JDJ28 Babile (Babille, Baabbillee, Babilie, Babilli, Babih) 09/42 [MS Gz Ca WO]
MS: 0916'/4212' 1646 m; Gz: 0913'/4220' = JDJ18, 1648 m
with sub-post office
Babile Elephant Sanctuary
JDJ28 Babile wereda (centre in 1964 = Babile) 09/42 [MS Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEL04 Babingia, see Ben 11/38 [+ WO]
HCS29 Babissa, cf Bubissa 07/38 [Wa]
-- Babo, name of an Ania tribe of the eastern Oromo, cf Babbo
GDF93 Babo, cf Babbo 09/34 [WO]
HCL.? Babo (with Evangelical work) 06/39? [x]
HDG39 Babo 0920'/3540' 1906 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDG54 Babo (Ciolti, Colti) 0934'/3510' 1543 m 09/35 [Gz]
JDJ35 Babo (mountain chain) 0924'/4205' 2081 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ45 Babo (mountain) 0927'/4205' 2210 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ45 Babo 0927'/4206' 2119 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ53 Babo (mountain) 0934'/4152' 1304 m 09/41 [Gz]
?? Babo (historial village in Lasta) 12/39? [x]
babo b..: budi (O) cobra snake, Naja nigricollis, etc.
HDG46 Babo Budi, about 18 km WSW of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDG39 Babo Change, 4 km east of Boji 09/35 [x]
?? Babo Gembel (Babo Gambel) (area with minerals) ../.. [n]
also a settlement near Nejo
HDG66 Babo Gitten, about 26 km WNW of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDG29 Babo Kingi, 7 km east of Boji 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Babo Kusie, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Babo Manajalte, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
babo t..: torban (O) week
HDG46 Babo Torban, about 15 km south-west of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDL54 Babochi 0935'/3850' 2600 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDE... Babogay, see under Debre Zeyt : lakes 08/38 [Ca]
HEE78 Babokal (Babok'al, Ale Bamba, Alebamba) 11/39 [Gz]
1131'/3914' 2094 m
babor: babur (A) train, railway
HCP90 Babor (locality) 0805'/3545' 08/35 [WO Gz]
babu (O) dear /baby/
HCR62 Babu 07/36 [Te]
HDH87 Babu 0950'/3620' 2059/2120 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
HDT12 Babu 1007'/3838' 1921 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDE91 Baburoto 0859'/3833' 2670 m, south-east of Genet 08/38 [Gz]
HCJ51 Baca, see Baka & HCP16
HDU15 Baca, see Sirt
JDH00 Baca, see Beka
JDK20 Bacaca, see Bakaka
JDA35 Bacacsa, see Bekeksa
HCD87 Bacai, see Bakay
HBE91 Bacan Sada, see Bakan Sada
JDN97 Bacana, see Bakana
JEC63 Bacarla, see Bakarla
JBK92 Bacaro 04/42 [MS WO]
JEH08 Bacarri Ale, see Bakarri Ale
JCB48 Bacassar (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO Gu]
GDU16 Bacchi, see Becchi
HCN87c Bacchisi, see Bakisi
HDB00 Baccio, see Becho
HDS45 Bacet, see Bechet
bacha (O) affluent, rich;
-- Bacha, caste group of hunters living among the Dime
-- Bacha language, see Kwegu
HC... Bacha (hills) 06/35 [Ca]
HE... Bacha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ziguda) 11/36 [Ad]
-- Bachada, ethnic group living in the upper Omo valley
HBP88 Bachada (Bachiada, B. Bana?) (area) 05/36 [+ WO]
HCH67 Bache, see Bake
HEL.. Bache (church Maryam burnt in 1937) 12/38 [n]
bachef..: farda (O) horse
HCR06 Bachefarda 0717'/3708' 1498 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
HCH52 Bachema, see Bachuma
HEB44 Bachen, see Baken
HDS36c Bachet (area, ravine), cf Becet 10/38 [Ch]
HDS45 Bachet, see Bechet
HDT60 Bacheta Meskel kebele (Bachäta Mäsqäl ..) 11/38 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Sayint wereda stretching to its western border,
20-25 km south-west of Ajibar; area 3,318 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCN19 Bachi, see Bechi
HEK53 Bachila (Bach'ila) 1213'/3751' 2795 m 12/37 [Gz]
HFC19 Bachila, see Bachita
HCR30 Bachilcha (Bacilcia) 07/36 [+ WO]
JFA38 Bachili, see Bakili Bad
HCC40 Bachio, see Bako
HCS00c Bachira (in southern Kembata) 07/37 [20]
HFC19 Bachita (Bachila) 1341'/3727' 1877 m, 13/37 [Gz WO]
see under Adi Remet
HCR31 Bachilcha (Bacilcia) 0735'/3642' 1927 m 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
HCS00c Bachira (in south-west Kembata) 07/37 [20]
-- Bachitu, a clan of the Fullelle of the Borana people
HEA66 Bachiuge, see Bakyuje
H.... Bacho (Batcho), small village near Gore 08/35 [+ x]
HCH52 Bachuma (Bachema, Baciuma, Bacuina) 06/35 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(Basciuma, Berchuma, Berciuma, Golda)
0650'/3552' 1912 m
(centre in 1964 of Goldiya wereda)
Coordinates would give map code HCH51
Golda may be a separate place 25 km south of Bachuma
GCT35 Bacialba, see Bochiaba
HCR31 Bacilcia, see Bachilcha
GDM85c Backe, about 23 km west of Mendi 09/34 [x]
HED63 Baclo, see Baklo
HCC40 Baco (Bacco), see Bako & HDA09 HDJ05
HDB00 Baco, see Becho
JCD54 Bacol, see Bakol
bada (O) 1. hot ash, kiln, furnace; 2. many, much; 3. bad, evil;
(A) person who lacks ties with those of the area in which he lives;
beda (bäda) (A) desolate and deserted
HCU70 Bada (Badda) 0755'/3923' 3928, 4139 m 07/39 [MS Gz WO]
(mountain), cf Bedda
MS coordinates would give map code HCT78 which together with
the height stated corresponds rather to the Chilalo mountain
?? Bada, in lowlands in region disputed Ethiopia-Eritrea ../.. [20]
bada abbai: abbayi (O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Maesa lanceolata or Myrica salicifolia
HDC65 Bada Abbai (mountain) 2590 m 08/37 [WO]
HDD62 Bada Rogge, see Badda Rogge
badab..: buna, bunna (A,O,T) coffee, coffee bean, coffee tree;
(O) fall, act of falling
HCR44 Badabuna (coffee forest), cf Baddabuna 07/36 [WO Gu]
JDP10 Badad (area) 10/41 [WO]
badada (O) name of one of ten gada sets;
badhaada (O) blessings; wealthy /man/
HDS09 Badada, see Tulu Bedada
JDK65 Badadalle (area) 09/42 [WO]
JEH54 Badaih (waterhole) 12/41 [WO]
JBP70 Badale (seasonal well) 0510'/4045' 05/40 [WO Gz]
badalla, badallaa (O), badalya (Borana O) maize, Zea mays
HDB37 Badalle, see Bedele
JDG34 Badamu 09/40 [WO]
badano, badana, badanuu (O) kind of small or medium tree,
Balanites aegyptiaca, grows in dry land, has green spines
and eatable fruit
badase (O) kind of tree, Croton or Syzygium, see bedesa
HDT09 Badaso (area) 10/39 [WO]
GDF86 Badasso, cf Bedesa 08/34 [WO]
HDK45 Badatina 09/37 [AA]
HDK55 Badatina, see Bedatino
?? Badawacho wereda (Baadaawwachcho ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 46 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JDE53 Badays (Badais) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDE70 Badays Soksoggubetu (Badais Socs.) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
badda (O) 1. highland; (Borana O) 2. kind of tree,
the wood of which is used for smoking milk vessels;
3. front space in a house
HDA97 Badda, see under Yubdo 08/35 [WO]
badda a..: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JEB83 Badda Ale (well) 1137'/4101', see under Tendaho 11/41 [WO Gz]
badda bar: baar (Som) peak; bar (Som) livestock; /further
meanings, see at Bar Abir/
HCM21 Badda Bar (wide area) 06/39 [WO]
gobo (T) mountain, slope, hillside;
gobo (O) shelter; goobo (O) crooked, humpback, leaning;
gobo' (Som) drop, droplet; goobo (Som) circle; gooboo (O) bow
HDJ45c Badda Gobo 09/37 [Gu]
HBR05 Badda Iccinni, see Inchini
HCD18 Badda Magado, see Magado
badda r..: rogge (O) unmarried girl's tonsure-like hairstyle
HDD62 Badda Rogge (B. Rogghie, Bada R., Beda Roge) 08/37 [+ WO Gz LM]
(mountain) 0843'/3741' 2968, 3550 m
badda ummo, bird tree or highland? ummo (O) a kind of bird;
uumo (Som) create for oneself
HDC33 Badda Ummo (Umo) 0830'/3654' 2122, 2390 m 08/36 [WO Gz]
(mountain), see under Koma
HCR43 Baddabuna (hill) 2089 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [WO]
HDB37 Baddallee wereda, see Bedele wereda
JEA58 Baddana (area) 11/40 [WO]
JEA69 Baddanaduma (area) 11/40 [WO]
baddane (O) kind of tree, Balanites, see badanu above
HDJ96 Baddasseri, see under Alibo 09/37 [WO]
?? Baddo (on map of 1814) 09/42? [18]
bade (baaDee) (O) 1. large gourd; 2. cow that gives much milk
HDD00 Bade 0809'/3732'c 08/37 [x]
area south-southwest of Abelti
?? Badeke (Badeqe, Fre: Badequé) (historical 1500s) ../.. [+ Pa x]
HED21 Badenneb, see Badnib
badessa, baddessa (O) kind of tree with edible plum-like fruit,
Syzygium guineense; (badheessa) rainy season
JDB80 Badessa, see Bedessa
?? Badessa Tega, see Bedesa Tega
badi (Som) 1. win, beat one's opponent;
2. multitude, majority; 3. increase, cause to be many;
baadi (Som) stray animal, lost person or thing;
badhi (Som) buttocks, tail of sheep;
-- Badi, an Oromo clan which took part in the struggles that resulted in the
kingdom of Jimma; nowadays a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people; also used as a male personal name;
-- Badditu, a group of the Sidama people
HCG77 Badi 06/35 [x]
JBU72 Badi (area), cf Bedi 05/44 [WO]
GCM57 Badica, see Badika
HCG87 Badica, see Bardika
GCM57 Badika (Badica) 0648'/3457' 1236 m, 06/34 [+ WO Gz]
near Gojeb river
Badima, a male personal name
HFK.. Badime, see Badme
badimma (A) abandoned enclosure; badma (A) 1. depopulated district;
2. soil made fertile by house refuse and animal droppings
badin: bedinn (A) corpse
HEK60 Badinia 1224'/3730' 1855 m 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
HEA45 Badisilu, J. (hill), see under Gubba 11/35 [WO]
JDD28 Badisso (area) 08/43 [WO]
-- Badittu language, see Koorete
HDA67 Badjiro, see Bajiro & HDK13
JBS53 Badle (Bodle, Bodleh) 05/42 [MS 18 WO Wa]
badma ..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HFK13 Badma Meda (Baduma) (plain) 14/37 [Gz WO]
1440'/3750' c.1000 m
HFK12c Badme (Badime, Baduma plain) 14/37 [20 WO]
(area disputed between Ethiopia and Eritrea from 1998)
HFK.. Badme wereda (Badime ..) (1994-) 14/37 [n]
HED21 Badnib (Badenneb) 1104'/3738' 2297 m 11/37 [Gz Gu]
bado (A,T) 1. empty, barren, bare, hollow, unoccupied /land/; 2. (A) buttermilk;
(Som) increase, multiply; (Afar) white clay used to serve like soap;
badho (Som) 1. centre, middle; 2. animal with poor yield of milk
HCE99 Bado 0619'/3915' 1925 m, cf Bedo 06/39 [WO Gz]
HCR42 Bado 0738'/3648' 07/36 [x]
south of Hirmata and north of Gibe river
HDU.. Badoge (Badoghe) (hill) ../.. [+ Gu]
HDU51 Badoge kebele (Badogé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at the middle of its
north-western border, 20-28 km east of Degolo; area 3,925 hectares. [CSA 1994]
-- Badowacho, a section of the Hadiya people living near Durame
-- Badu, name of a Jarso tribe of the eastern Oromo;
badu (O) 1. rest of milk after making butter; 2. cheese;
3. disappear; bedu (bädu) (T) drink
JDC92 Badu, G., see Goboenti
JCL11 Badu Danan, see Denan
JCK29 Baduein (Bodauein), see Badweyn
JDH71 Badulo, G. (area) 09/40 [WO]
baduma a..: asa (A,T) fish; (O) conversation, discussion
HFK03 Baduma Asa 14/37 [WO]
HDK18 Badus 0909'/3814' 2929 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
badweyn (Som) ocean
JCK29 Badweyn (Baduein, Bodawein, Bodewen) 06/43 [+ WO Wa 18]
(Bodauein) 0632'/4320' 429 m
HEH15 Bafa (mountain) 1156'/3609' 1200 m 11/36 [WO Gz]
HEM01 Bafet Dedebit kebele (Bafét Dädäbit ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda at its western border,
13-15 km west-southwest of Weldiya; area 987 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDH46 Baffe, G. (area) 09/41 [WO]
HBK33 Bagab (mountain) 0356'/3746' 791 m 03/37 [WO Gz]
name being a palindrome reading the same both ways
HCD93 Bagade (lake), see Abaya
HCD10 Bagadi, see Bugadi
JEP49 Bagado 1305'/4133' 466 m 13/41 [WO Gz]
JBN58 Bagaga (area) 05/40 [WO]
JBP41 Bagaga 0458'/4050' 1061 m 04/40 [Gz]
JBS56 Bagago 04/43 [WO]
bage: baggee (O) climbing plant with thorns;
bageh (T) kind of herb, Cynoglossum lanceolatum,
in English called "hound's tongue" because of its blue colour
HDC26 Bage 0822'/3708' 1737 m 08/37 [Gz]
HEU03c Bage (Baghe) (hill) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HDP19 Bagela 1003'/3634' 1694 m 10/36 [Gz]
?? Bagele (historical town in the 1700s) ../.. [x]
bagena: begena (bägäna) (A) harp-like musical instrument
HER09 Bagena (B. Amba), see Abertege
HEB65 Baghidir, see Belaya
bagi: baggi, bage, bagge, baghe (western O) kind of shrub,
Combretum paniculatum, usually climbing; bage (Kefa) sheep;
baji (O) cattle without horns
HDH77 Bagi (Bagghi) 0945'/3617' 1896 m 09/36 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HDH76
HEK38 Bagi 12/38 [WO]
JDK96 Bagiagiar, see Bajajar
HEB92 Bagilti (Baghilti) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
HEH03 Bagilti (Baghilti) 1150'/3559' 961 m 11/35 [+ WO Gz]
HE... Bagimela (centre in 1964 of Jerba sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HDA67 Bagiro, see Bajiro
HCR90 Bago (mountain) 08/36 [WO]
HDN17c Bagole (village with Bega people) 10/35 [x]
HDB60 Bagoz, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
JEB42 Baguddu (area) 582 m 11/40 [WO]
HCC90 Baguenia, see Bargela
HCC90 Baguna 10/36 [WO]
HDR83 Baguna (Baguina, Baguenia) 1044'/3657' 2134 m 06/36 [Gz WO]
(Boguina) (with church Maryam), west of Bure
HEB57 Bagusta 1121'/3624' 1060 m 11/36 [WO Gz]
bah (Som) family by female line, uterine relationship
baha, ba'a (central O) kind of tree, Olea welwitschii,
which gives good material for joinery and woodcraft;
beha (bäha) (A) white soil, limestone;
beha meret (bäha märet) (A) clay soil which is good for pottery
GDF53 Baha, see Shola
HCH95 Baha Giyorgis (It: San Giorgio) c2200 m 07/36 [+ Gu}
(church on top of high mountain), see under Bonga
JCL20 Bahad 0635'/4324' 445 m, near map code JCK29 06/43 [WO Gz]
JDN28 Bahadu, see Beadu
HCA83 Bahakoys (Bahacois) 0609'/3509' 1182 m 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
bahal (Som) 1. cave; 2. wild animal, beast; evil person;
(but the following location is not in a Somali language area);
bahil (A) custom, tradition, culture
HDR95c Bahal Sghier (= B. Igziabiher?) (church) 10/37 [Gu]
?? Bahala Maryam (church & convent) ../.. [+ Gu]
HES22c Bahaltiet Wiha (B.Uaha = "widow's water") (plain) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HEC89 Bahar, see Bahir Dar
HEC89 Bahar Dar, see Bahir Dar
HFE50 Bahara (Bahera), rock-hewn church 14/38 [WO x]
at some distance, on the east face of a mountain
bahari: bahri (T) sea
JEB68 Bahari (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEB72 Baharri Bada Ali (area) 11/40 [WO]
HFE50 Bahera, see Bahara
JEN65 Baheri (plain) 1308'/4009' 13/40 [WO Gz]
bahir (A) sea, large lake, any water with some depth; overseas;
bahir dar (A) shore, seashore, coast; bahiri (T) sea
HEC89 Bahir Dar (Bahar, Bahar Dar, Bahrdar) 11/37 [MS Ca WO Gu]
(Bahr Dar, Bahr Dar Giyorgis, Babardur Georgis) 11/37 [Te x]
(Bahar Dar Ghiorghis, Bhardar Giyorgis) 11/37 [Gu Ch]
MS: 1137'/3724'; Gz: 1136'/3723' = HEC88, 1784 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Werer Mikael (Uarer Micael) (church)
10E Aba Gerima (Abba) (village) 2089 m
??E Abay (HEC89 Abba) 1794 m
4S Gordemma (village)
5S Dishet (Discet) (village)
6SW Joao (area)
6SW Jigadi (Gigadi) (mountain)
6SW Ibab Iyesus (Ivav Jesus) (hill/mountain)
8SW Abiyanejj (Avianegg) (mountain)
10SW Innessa (centre, with church Maryam)
4W Kobuta
5W Devangi (Devanghi) (swampy? area)
6W Sechel Mikael (Secel Micael) (church)
8W Gwobarwa Kwoskwam (Guobarua Quosquam) (village on hill)
10W Kwobenti (Cuobenti) (village)
3NW Inda Awreat (Enda Aoreat) (church on hill near lake shore)
4NW Adi Sessela (village on lake shore plain)
6NW Gumanu Mereb (G. Merev) (church)
8NW Liblibo Maryam (Livelivuo Mariam) (near lake shore)
8NW Salchen (Salcen, Selcen) (village with church Mikael)
8NE Geddera (Gheddera) (village) 1865 m
8NE Chimbil (Sensellima) (village) 1927 m
9NE Korbi (Corbi) (village)
HEC67 Bahir Dar awraja 1125'/3715' 11/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre -1964-1980- = Bahir Dar)
HEC89 Bahir Dar wereda (centre in 1964 = Bahir Dar) 11/37 [Ad]
HEC89 Bahir Dar Zuriya wereda 11/37 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
?? Bahir Giyorgis (Bahr G.), lake in Tammi-Chay area ../.. [Ch]
HEM81 Bahir Hatera (B. Hat'era) 1234'/3931' 2646 m 12/39 [Gz]
west of Korem
HFF33 Bahira 1354'/3939' 2112 m (with church Maryam) 13/39 [Gz]
HFF61 Bahira (Bahera, Bahara, Bahra) 14/39 [x n]
(with rock-hewn church Maryam and another Maryam
at nearby Muga)
HEM91 Bahiro 1236'/3926' 2835 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDT31 Bahit 1016'/3831' 2250 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEJ34 Bahita (at the shore) 1206'/3701' 1826 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ35 Bahita (Bata) 1205'/3703 1784 m 12/37 [Gz Ch Gu WO]
(small island with church ruins)
HEL44 Bahita 1209'/3849' 2437 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEE57 Bahoch 1118'/3904' 1822 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE57 Bahoch kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in north-eastern Mekdela wereda, 5-15 km north-northwest
of Masha; area 5,252 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCA99 Bahr (with small lake), see under Maji 06/35 [WO Gu]
HEC89 Bahr Dar (Bahrdar Giyorgis), see Bahir Dar
bahr zaf (A) blue gum, Eucalyptus globulus, literally
"tree from beyond the ocean" because it was brought from
abroad to Ethiopia;
abbo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HEC06 Bahr Zafa Abbo (Barzafa Abbo) 10/37 [+ WO]
bahri: bahriy (Arabic, with variant in Geez) pearl, jewel
HEU... Bahri (village), see under Mekele 13/39 [n]
bahri g..: gimb (A) stone wall or tower or castle
HEJ69c Bahri Gimb (Bahriy G, Bari G., Barye Gemb) 12/37 [+ Pa]
(Fre: Barié-Guemb) (with church from the 1700s)
HCR98 Bahu (Bahur) 0807'/3720' 1797 m 08/37 [Gz]
HBT09 Bai 04/39 [WO]
JDK17 Baia, see Baya
baibea (T) stammer
GDU34 Baibbio, see Bibbio
GDU54 Baibi, see Biye Abi
baid (ba'id) (A) alien, one who is an outsider to the family
(yebaid ager, foreign country)
HCC08 Baide 05/37 [WO]
J... Baideba (with arguing about Keyan/Somali border) 04/4. [x]
HCC18 Baido (Ba'ido) 0534'/3720' 1817 m 05/37 [Gz]
south-west of Gidole
JEC09 Baied Adega, see Bayed Adega
GDE24 Baignol, see Baitiok
GCS97 Bail, see Bul
HCC42c Bailama, with Male inhabitants 05/36 [x]
JCG47 Bailei, see Bele
HEJ68 Baio Maiano, see Bayo Mayano
JDK14 Bair Said 0911'/4256' 1577 m 09/42 [Gz]
HFE84 Bairai, see Bayray
-- Baiso (Bayso, Alkali), language with 1,010 speakers in 1994
HCK04 Baiso (Ba'iso) 0623'/3755' 1209 m 06/37 [n Gz]
village in or near lake Abaya
HDJ11 Baita Maryam (Ba'ita M.) (church) 0913'/3642' 09/36 [Gz]
HFF21 Baitakor (Ba'itakor) 1348'/3928' 2142 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
JCC28 Baitan, see Baytan
GDE24 Baitiok (Baignol) 0821'/3350' 409 m 08/33 [WO Gz]
HFE84 Baito Makoe sub-district (Baito Mako'e ..) 14/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Rama)
HCS92 Baja (village) 08/37 [x]
HEE29 Baja 1106'/3918' 2127 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE29 Baja kebele 11/39 [Ad]
at the southernmost eastern border of Tenta wereda,
25 km south-southeast of Tenta settlement; area 1,712 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC12 Baja wereda (centre in 1964 = Injibara) 10/36 [Ad]
HCS84 Bajai (Baja'i) 0801/3752' 2307 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south of Imdibir
JDK96 Bajajar (Bagiagiar) (village with well) 09/43 [+ WO Gu Mi]
HDS59c Bajana (old name) area ENE of Debre Markos 10/38 [x]
HDA67 Bajiro (Bagiro) (with sawmill) 1494 m 08/35 [x WO]
HDK13 Bajiro (Badjiro) (forest) 0910'/3750' 09/37 [+ Gz]
HEH73 Bajisa, Gebel, see Bayisa
baka (baqa) (O) fleeing from danger;
-- Baka, a sub-division of the Ari-Banna ethnic group
living in scattered homesteads at about HCB15
HCC40 Baka, see Bako
HCJ51 Baka (Baca) (mount.) 0649'/3635' 1267 m, 06/36 [Gz WO]
cf Beke
HCP07 Baka 0718'/3622'c 07/36 [x]
Name and location given by G. Montandon in 1913.
HCP16 Baka (Baca, Beca, Beka) 0724'/3615' 1620/1727 m 07/36 [Gz WO Gu]
HDK28 Baka (village & area) 0914'/3817' 2659 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU15 Baka (Baca), see Sirt
HEC93 Bakaa (Baccaa) (with church Medhane Alem), 11/36 [+ It]
see under Yismala Giyorgis
HCD87 Bakai (Bacai), see Bakay
bakaka (baqaqa) (O) 1. crack in the ground, cleft, crevice;
2. plowed and left to lie fallow;
bakakka (O) lightning, thunderstorm, heavy rain
JDK20 Bakaka (Bacaca) (area) 09/42 [Ch WO]
JDJ.. Bakallan (village near Babile) 09/42 [20]
HDC57 Bakamoti (Bacamoti) 0836'/3718' 1735 m 08/37 [+ Gz]
bakan s..: sada (A) kind of liane with edible root
HBE91 Bakan Sada (Bacan Sada) 03/38 [+ WO]
bakana: bakkana (O) here; bekana (bäkana) (A) vagabond, idler
JDN97 Bakana (Bacana) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
bakara (O) large spear, used for killing buffaloes or elephants
JBN53 Bakara (Bacara) 0501'/4004' 1090 m 05/40 [Gz]
JEC63 Bakarla (Bacarla) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
bakarri: bakari (baqarii) (O) sweet-smelling herb put in yogurt
or used for sweetening milk utensils;
ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JEH08 Bakarri Ale (Bacarri Ale) (area) 727 m 11/41 [+ WO]
JCB28 Bakassar (Bacassar, Basassar) 05/41 [Gz]
0540'/4125' 612 m
H.... Bakat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Shafi) ../.. [Ad]
HCD00c Bakaule, centre in Konso country 05/37 [x]
HCD87 Bakay (Bacai) (place & area) 06/38 [+ WO Gz]
0613'/3811' 2125 m
bake, bakke (O) 1. plain, meadow, grass-land;
2. field used for "going to the toilet"
HCH67 Bake (Bache) (area) 06/36 [+ WO]
bake ka..: kallo, qallo (O) thin liquid
JD... Bake Kallo (Baké Khallo) 09/42? [+ x]
(with ancient paintings on rock surface)
GCU80 Bakedi 08/34 [Wa]
?? Bakelat (Fre: Baquélat) (medieval town near Muger) ../.. [+ x]
bakelo: bakalo (A,O) maize, Zea mays
HDM72 Bakelo, cf Baklo, Bekelo 09/39 [LM]
HDM63 Bakelo kebele (Baqélo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
to the east in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
8-12 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,675 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT65 Bakelo kebele (Baqélo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in southern Kelala wereda, 12-18 km south
of Kelala settlement; area 2,122 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
baken: bakkena (bakkäna) (A) go to waste, be dissipated /wealth/
HEB44 Baken (Bachen) 11/36 [+ WO]
?? Baker (199 km by road from Gondar) ../.. [It]
HDT77 Baket kebele (Bakät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda at its eastern border;
14-18 km south-east of Kelala settlement; area 1,953 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM73c Bakiello (Bachiello), see under Liche 09/39 [+ 18]
bakila, bakela (baqelaa) (A,O) bean, broad bean,
horse bean, Faba bona, Vicia faba;
bad (Afar) lake; (Som) sea, ocean; baad (Som) 1. good
pasture; 2. tribute, tax; 3. wing
JFA38 Bakili Bad (Bachili) (salty swamp) 13/40 [Ne WO]
HCN87c Bakisi (Tullo Bacchisi) (mountain) 08/35 [+ Gu]
baklo: beklo (bäqlo) (A) mule
HED63 Baklo (Baclo) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
HD... Baklo sub-district (Bakielo ..) 09/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Lajagind)
bako (Kefa) fowl; bakko, baqqoo (O) hot lowland region
/especially as hunting ground for big game/;
-- Bakko, name of an ethnic group speaking a Nilotic /?/ language
GCU22 Bako (Baqo) (river), see Gilo
HBR81 Bako, see Jinka
HCC40 Bako (Baco, Bacco, Bakko, Bachio, Baka) 05/36 [Wa WO Gu Te]
0547'/3634' 1417 m, see also under Jinka
Coordinates would give map code HCB49
HDA09 Bako (Baco) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDJ05 Bako (Backo, Baco, Bacco) 09/37 [Gz Br x It]
0908'/3703' 1743/1789 m (with church Mikael)
(centre in 1964 Fedis wereda and of Tibi Dega sub-district)
JDJ05 Bako, see Baku
HBR71 Bako awraja (centre in 1959 = Hamer Koke), 05/36 [Ad]
cf Geleb & Hamerbako awraja
?? Bako Gazer wereda (-1984-1995-) ../.. [n]
?? Bako Tibe wereda ../.. [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 57 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HCC40 Bako wereda (centre in 1964 = Bako) 05/36 [Ad]
HCG32 Bakol (mountain), see Bokol
JCD54 Bakol (Bacol) (border area) 05/42 [+ WO]
baku (O) to flow, to melt away; bakku (O) /cow/ not giving
much milk
JBG72 Baku, H. (Hara? Haro?) 04/40 [WO]
JDJ05 Baku (Bako, Bocco, Boco, Boko) 09/42 [Gz]
0908'/4204' 1678 m, cf Amuma
HCC69 Bakule (Bak'ule, Baqule) 0601'/3729' 2097 m 06/37 [Gz q]
HDG03 Bakure 0904'/3504' 1746 m 09/35 [Gz]
HEC85 Bakusti Medhane Alem (Bacusti M.A.) 11/37 [+ It]
HEA66 Bakyuje (Bachiuge) 11/35 [+ WO]
bal (Som) large leaf; (Gimirra) kind of tall tree,
Sapium ellipticum; (A) 1. master, husband; 2. holiday, festival
HDE67 Bal 0843'/3907' 1984 m, east of Debre Zeyt 08/39 [Gz]
JCS80 Bal Dhola (area) 08/42 [WO]
JDD51 Bal Gi (area) 08/42 [WO]
bala, balaa (O) wicked spirit, devil; baala (O) leaf
HCC42c Bala (Male-inhabited area) 05/36 [x]
HEM84 Bala 1229'/3946' 1787 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Bala Feras (on map of 1814) 10/39 [18]
balag- (O) sparkle; balage (O) mannerless, rude;
balege (baläge) (A) rude, rough, without shame;
balager (balagär) (A) 1. local inhabitant; 2. rural, rustic;
sefer (A) camp, settlement
HCB00c Balage Sefer (Balaghe Safar) (caravan stop) 05/35 [+ Gu]
KCN63 Balagel (Balaghel, Balagal) 0747'/4505' 723 m 07/45 [+ WO Gz]
HEU12 Balago, see Belago
HEB65 Balaia, see Belaya
?? Balake (affluent of river Sai) ../.. [Mi]
balakiya: belaka (bälaka) (T) you have eaten; balakie (O) peasant
JFA84 Balakiya (Balakia, Balachia) (mountain) 14/40 [+ Ne WO Gz]
1418'/4008' 307, 1210 m
HEL34 Balakurda 1204'/3851' 2008 m 12/38 [Gz]
HBL85 Balala (Ballale), see Belale
HBP81 Balala 0520'/3551' 606 m, near border of Sudan 05/35 [WO Gz]
JDS23 Balale (area) 10/42 [WO]

balamba (= bal amba) (A) mountain man?

JCL89 Balamba (Balambal) (locality), cf Belamba 07/44 [WO]
balambal (Som) kind of medium tree, Ficus populifolia;
balambal biyot, shrubby herb found at the edge of water,
Sesbania sesban; balambal dured, kind of shrub or tree,
Trema guineensis; balaambal (Som) endure trouble,
experience hardship
JCK92 Balambal (ancient ruins), see under Dihun 07/42 [WO]
JDD99 Balambal (area) 09/43 [WO]
KDA43 Balambal (area) 08/45 [WO]
(Balambal, also town in Somalia near the border,
briefly invaded by Ethiopia in July 1982)
balambaras, 'head of an amba', a low-level administrative title
HER06 Balambras, see Amba Balambras
?? Balangue (on map of 1814) 12/37 [18]
?? Balankab (Falasha village) ../.. [18]
HE... Balarse (stream), tributary of the little Abay 11/36 [x]
balas, beles (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Ficus spp., Ficus palmata; Euphorbia spp.; cactus (Opuntia)
HEA05 Balas, see Beles
HEJ25 Balas (B. river is an affluent of the Abay) 11/37 [Ch Gu WO]
HCD77c Balasha (Balascha, Balatscha), ca 40 km SW of Dilla 06/38 [+ x]
?? Balati (ford 22 km from Kork) 1047 m ../.. [Ch]
JEB66 Balato (area) 1047 m 11/41 [WO]
JDJ54 Balaua, see Urgo
JDJ55 Balawa (Balaua, Belaua) 1760 m, cf Belew 09/42 [+ WO x]
/Balay same as Belay?/
HEB65 Balaya, see Belaya
HEK72 Balaza, see Beleza
balbala (O) 1. entrance, gateway, door (cf bilbila which
means bell); 2. lineage, line of descent; 3. flame
HDJ35 Balbala, see Belbela
JCS19 Balbalad (Balballad) 0721'/4321' 942 m 07/43 [WO Wa Gz]
KBN82 Balbalaiar (Balbaar?) 0516'/4501' 248 m 05/45 [WO Gz]
JCK73 Balbalar (well) 0701'/4247' 07/42 [WO Gz]
?? Balbati, with mission station in the 1930s ../.. [x]
HDF80 Balch (Balch', Balch'i. Balci) 08/39 [Gz]
Gz: 0852'/3924' 1826 m and 0855'/3922' 1882 m 08/39 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
MS: 0854'/3916' = HDE89
(centre in 1964 of Shenkora wereda)
HDP11 Balch (Balch') 1007'/3548' 867, 1090 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
balchi (O) 1. pebble, stone; 2. pencil, slate-pencil;
(A) obsidian flake
HCS68 Balchi (Balci) (village & mountain) 07/38 [x WO Gz]
mountain at 0750'/3820' = HCS69, 2232 m
HDE61 Balchi 0845'/3836' 2090 m 08/38 [Po Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDE62
HDE62 Balchi (centre of sub-district) 08/38 [x]
south-west of radio station, with market
HDF80 Balchi, see Balch
HD... Balchi, Afar area visited from Geweha 10/40? [x]
HDU27 Balchi kebele (Balch'i ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kewet wereda at its eastern border,
4-10 km north-east of Shewa Robit; area 3,325 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
balchi sh..: shenkor (shänkor) (A) sugar cane
HD... Balchi Shenkora (in Yerer & Kereyu awraja) 08/39 [Ad]
balda (O) width, bounty
HCE74c Balda, c2800 m 06/38 [Gu]
HBL02 Baldo (area) 03/38 [WO]
HBR25 Baldo (Gebel B.) (mountain) 0447'/3706' 1529 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
bale, baale, /baallee?/ (O) wing;
bale (balä) (A) always together with a second word to denote
a person of a certain kind, e.g. bale bet, master of the house;
-- Bale, ethnic group speaking Balesi language, numbering about 4,108
HC... Bale (Baalee, Bali) (historical area in the south-east) 06/39 [En]
In the mid-1300s one of seven major Islamic states in Ethiopia.
HCD34 Bale (village) 0545'/3755' 1487, 3100 m, cf Balie 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCJ64 Bale 0653'/3658' 2197 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCJ67 Bale (Balle) 0655'/3714' 2240 m 06/37 [Gz]
HEM74 Bale 1226'/3943' 1736 m 12/39 [Gz]
JCG63 Bale, see Agal
JDJ43 Bale 0926'/4157' 2007 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDK32 Bale (Bali) (mountain) 0922'/4242' 1984 m 09/42 [Gz WO]
?? Bale Baja (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HEM94 Bale Berlehala (area) 12/39 [WO]
KDA38 Bale Bodomado (area) 08/45 [WO]
bale g..: gobo'lee (Som) to drip
JDF30 Bale Goble 08/44 [WO]
?? Bale Koisha wereda, in the Welayita Zone ../.. [20]
bale k..: kurma (A) elbow
HEM53 Bale Kurma 1217'/3941' 1368 m 12/39 [Gz]
bale m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HCT.. Bale Meda (towards Munesa and Langano), 07/38 [x]
cf Balimeda
-- Bale Mountains National Park
bale o..: odo (O) while, if; first, before, around
oda (O) large fig tree
?? Bale Odo (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
?? Bale Rekuti (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HFE57 Baleda 1403'/3907' 1746 m 14/39 [Gz]
JCS34 Balemballeh 0727'/4301' 854/880 m 07/42 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCS25
HEJ88 Balengeb (Balängäb) (area known from the 1600s) 12/37 [20]
HDK34 Balesebu 0921'/3756' 2517 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDE10 Balesger (Balesgher) (church) 2814 m, 08/38 [+ WO]
see under Gogetti
HEJ24 Balesse, bay in lake Tana 12/37 [x]
baletija: bale tegga (balä t'ägga) (A) rich, wealthy
HCF05 Baletija (Balatigia) 05/39 [LM WO]
HCS53 Balezze 0742'/3749' 2641 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
HCR60 Balfo 0749'/3636' 1791 m 07/36 [Gz]
Agaro and near map code HCP69
bali (O) 1. feast, joy; 2. ostrich feather; 3. accident,
incident, mishap; (A) bucket
?? Bali (historical area), cf Dewaro ../.. [Pa]
?? Bali (in Begemder, with school) ../.. [x]
JDK32 Bali (area), cf Balli 09/42 [WO]
JEA43c Bali ../.. [x]
Within a radius of 10 km there is at
?? Murjan (Murgian) 1360/1406 m
HEF73 Balie (centre in 1964 of Wichale sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
JDD40 Baliga (area) 08/42 [WO]
balimeda: bali (A) bucket; meda (A) field, grassy plain
HCT36 Balimeda (Bali Meda) 0732'/3858' 2737/2812 m 07/38 [WO Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (with church)
balimeg..: megal (mägal) (A) dark brown /horse/; magala (O) market
KCS72 Balimegale, see Balli Megale
?? Balisa (in Welega) ../.. [x]
HDF80? Balji, see Balchi or Balch
HFD80 Balki, see Balch
balla (O) large, ample, broad, baggy, rich, generous;
ballaa (O) one-eyed, crippled; (A) branch fork,
pole with forked top, Y-shaped stick
HEM84c Balla (small market), cf Bella 12/39 [Gu]
balla mu..: mudane (Som) elder, senior man
JCH97 Balla Mudana 0714'/4115' 1080/1245 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCH96
balla wa..: warka (O) large wild fig tree
?? Balla Warka (B. Warqa) ../.. [n]
JDE91 Ballaad (area), cf Balleh Ad 08/43 [WO]
HCU65 Ballacasa, see Habe
HET65 Ballago 1316'/3854' 1451 m 13/38 [Gz]
HBL85 Ballale, see Belale
ballam b..: baallee (O) wing? (Som) be beside
JCF81 Ballam Ballei, see El Ankollon 06/44 [WO]
JDL11 Ballayga Abbane (Ballaiga A.) 09/43 [+ WO]
Balle .., cf Balli
balle (O) feather, plume; ad (Som) you
CR91 Balleh Ad (Bale Ad) (border post) 0805'/4645' 08/46 [Gz WO]
KCP85 Balleh Khair 08/46 [WO]
JCG47 Ballei, see Bele
balley a..: abat (A) "My Father", title of preachers and monks
JDE75 Balley Abat (Ballei Abat) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
balli (Som) pond, reservoir; (O) 1. feather, wing;
2. kind of takeover or handover ceremony
HDA93 Balli, cf Bali 08/35 [WO]
KCH03 Balli 0625'/4601' 400 m 06/46 [WO Gz]
KCH72 Balli, see Ado
KCH06 Balli Abdi Ali 0622'/4619' 338 m 06/46 [WO Wa Gz]
on the border of Somalia
balli ad: ad (Som) you
JCF65 Balli Ad (area) 06/44 [WO]
KCH18 Balli Ad 06/46 [WO]
JBT41 Balli Bulhan 0458'/4334' 404 m 04/43 [WO Gz]
balli god: god (Som) 1. pool, well, waterhole;
2. hole in the ground, burrow; 3. bend, make crooked;
good (Som) 1. kind of poisonous snake; 2. cloth
KCA89 Balli God (Balle G., Guriarago) 06/45 [Gz WO Wa]
0610'/4538' 488 m
KCP70 Balli Haliyelo (Balli Halielo) 07/45 [+ WO]
KCP80 Balli Haliyelo Hudi (Balli Halielo Hudi) 07/45 [+ WO]
KCS73 Balli Herali (area) 07/47 [WO]
balli m..: megal (A) dark brown /horse/; magala (O) market
KCS72 Balli Megale (Balimegale) (with seasonal waterhole) 07/47 [WO n]
in the easternmost horn of Ethiopia, see Balimegale
KCH05 Balli Nur (Bali Nur) 0625'/4607' 384 m 06/46 [WO Gz LM]
balli nur gabo: nuur (Som) light; nur (Som) rainy season;
season in general; Nur, Nuur, a male name; gaabo (Som) be short
KCH30 Balli Nur Gabo 06/45 [WO]
ballo (O) 1. wing; 2. happy; 3. Tuesday, god of Tuesday
GDF82 Ballo, T. (hill), see under Gidami 08/34 [WO]
HCJ00 Balma 0620'/3636' 1840 m 06/36 [Gz]
near map code corner HCB99/HCC90/HCH09
HCP39 Balma (sawmill) 07/36 [Gu]
HEJ91 Baloha (area) 12/36 [WO]
HDE85 Balolocho (Balolocio) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
-- Balta, ethnic group living near the Basketo and the Doko;
bwalta (A) joke, trivial talk
HCC55 Balta (locality) 0552'/3704' 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCC77 Balta, see Belta
HCC88 Balta (wide area) 06/37 [WO]
HEL18 Baltach 1152'/3914' 3410 m 11/39 [Gz]
baltata: baltet (A) elderly woman; widow
HCT26 Baltata (area) 3632 m 07/39 [WO]
HCA89 Balti (with landing ground), see under Maji 06/35 [Gu]
?? Balto (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDP45c Balto (Tulu B.) circa 1020'/3610' 10/36 [x]
KDA54 Balumbal 0836'/4510' 948 m, on border of Somalia 08/45 [Gz]
HES56 Bama (on map of 1843) 13/38 [Ha]
bamba (A) tree with wide trunk, baobab or wild fig,
Adansonia digitata, Ficus sycomorus, F. gnaphalocarpa;
bwambwa (A) water pipe
HEJ34c Bamba (on map of 1814) 12/37? [Ha]
HET31 Bamba 13/38 [WO]
HET76 Bamba 1322'/3903' 1720 m 13/39 [Gz]
-- Bambala language, see Burji
HB... Bambale, village in Konso land 05/37 [x]
GDM74 Bambasi wereda, see Bambesi wereda
-- Bambassi, language of the Didessa ethnic group;
Bambeshi Mao is a variety spoken in western Wellega
HES00 Bambelo 1242'/3735' 2743 m 12/37 [Gz]
GDM74 Bambesi (Bombasci, Bombashi, Bambashi, Bambishi) 09/34 [MS Ad Ro 18]
(Bambeshi, Bombaso, Fadasi) 09/34 [Gz WO Gu]
(Aba Moti, Abba Moti, Abu Matis)
(mountain and village) MS: 0945'/3442' 1668 m, peak 2185 m
Gz: 0945'/3444' 1430 m, mountain at 0943'/3440' = GDM73, 1712 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
a little west of the Dabus river
GDM74 Bambesi wereda (Bambasi ..) 09/34 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
?? Bambiko (Bambico) (ctr in 1964 of Rib sub-district) 12/37 [+ Ad]
HET10 Bambolina (Bamboline) 1246'/3831' 1164 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
HCA45 Bambu 0552'/3517' 1246 m 05/35 [WO Gz]
HCA45 Bambu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tirma) 05/35 [Ad]
GEF46 Bambudi (Bumbadi, Bumbodi, Bumbode) 11/? 10/34 [MS WO Ch]
HEA43 Bamesa (area) 11/35 [MS WO]
HEA35 Bameza (Mescescia, Miscesca) (mountain) 11/35 [Gz WO]
1110'/3514' peak 957 m
HEA43 Bameza (Bamoza, Bemoza) (place) 11/35 [Gz WO]
1114'/3505' 580 m
HEJ55 Bamjiro (Bamgiro) 12/37 [+ WO]
HCT90 Bamo 0808'/3829' 1961 m, near map code HDE00 08/38 [Gz]
HEA43 Bamoza, see Bameza
ban- (O) open
JCF34 Ban Amayak (Ban Amaiach) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
JBU45 Ban Hobou (area) 04/44 [WO]
bana (A) woollen blanket;
-- Bana (Banna), ethnic group living in the Jinka region, cf Hamar
HBP78 Bana (Banna, Benna) (area) 05/14'/3625' 05/36 [WO Gz]
east of Omo river
banan: bannaan (Som) 1. clearing, plain, field;
2. empty, vacant
JCU04 Banan 07/44 [WO]
bananweyn: bannaan weyn (Som) large plain;
weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine; 2. grape, wine plant;
weyn (Som) big, large, great
KCH71 Bananweyn (Bananuein) (locality) 0701'/4550' 07/45 [+ WO Gz]
JEA98 Banayle (Banaile) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HCD59 Banco, see Benko & HCD98
JBP59 Bander 0502'/4132' 388 m 05/41 [WO Gz]
?? Bandi (river) ../.. [Ch]
bandira, bandera (A,O,T) flag, standard, ensign;
bandiirad (Som) flag, banner
HDB89 Bandira 0855'/3635' 1912 m 08/36 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Leka Gurgur sub-district)
JCR66 Banduksile (area) 07/42 [WO]
HCC31 Baneta 0543'/3645' 1488 m 05/36 [Gz]
HBJ93 Baneya (Baneia) (area) 04/36 [+ WO]
banga (western Eth.) kind of tall tree, Diospyros abyssinica,
GDL79 Banga 09/34 [WO]
GDM70 Banga 09/34 [WO]
HCJ20 Banga, see Bokde
HCA88 Bangal, G. (mountain) 2413 m, see under Maji 06/35 [WO]
GDL70 Bange (Jebel B., Gebel Banghe, Banga) (mountain) 09/34 [Gz WO]
0943'/3418' 1339 m
?? Bangela, in the Gambela-Asoso direction ../.. [x]
HEC24 Bangia (Bandja), see Benja
JBJ76 Bangol (Bur B.) (hill) 0415'/4211' 225 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
near the border of Somalia
Coordinates would give map code JBJ66
HEL07 Bani (mountain) 1147'/3904' 3231 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCJ42 Banja 0643'/3648' 944 m 06/36 [Gz]
HEC12 Banja (Bangia) (area), cf Benja 11/36 [Ch Gu WO 18]
HEC23 Banja, see Benja
HEC12 Banja wereda 11/36 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 66 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
JDK59 Banka (Banca) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
banka a..: aroor (Som) 1. bringing to water; 2. dawn,
early morning; 3. spine, backbone
JDL02 Banka Aror (Banca Arror) (wide area) 09/43 [+ WO Gz]
JDS20 Banka Ellis (Banca E.) (locality) 1010'/4240' 10/42 [+ WO Gz]
HCD62 Banke, western part of the 'Bridge of God' 06/37 [x]
HCD59 Banko (Banco) 05/38 [Wa WO]
HCD98 Banko (Banco) (village beyond Dilla) 2080 m 06/38 [+ WO Gu]
HCE31 Banko (Banco) (valley) 05/38 [+ WO]
HCG76 Banko, west of Shewa Gimira 07/35 [x]
?? Bankwal (Bankual), see Benkuel
JCD83 Banlileheli 0613'/4247' 334 m 06/42 [WO Gz]
-- Banna, ethnic group in the South Omo Zone, see Bana
-- Banna language (Bana), see Hamer Banna
HCC00 Banna Kole wereda, see Benakule ..
HCS42 Bannare 0740'/3741' 1961 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
HCB15c Bannata (area & ethnic group) 05/36 [x]
HBR38 Banno 0451'/3724' 1312 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
GDE79 Bano, G. (hill) 08/34 [WO]
HCL14 Bansa Tullu, see Bonsa
banta, bantaa (O) large /mushroom/
HCL74 Banta 0659'/3851' 2492 m, south-east of Kofele 06/38 [Gz]
HCD88 Bantiballa, south-west of Dilla, with monoliths 06/38 [x]
HCK68 Bantolla (area) 06/38 [WO]
bantu (O) 1. key; 2. to occur; banti (O) roof
HDD59 Bantu (Bentu Liben, Bantu Liben, Liven) 08/38 [Gz LM WO]
0837'/3822' 2234 m (with church Mikael)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
7NE Tulu (Siba) (village) 2167 m
HDJ85 Bantu 0949'/3703' 2402 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDL62 Bantu 0937'/3837' 2498 m 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Toli wereda)
HDL84 Bantu & Armon kebele 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
30 km south-west of Inewari; area 1,081 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCK20 Banyero (plain) 06/42 [WO]
bar (Som) 1. livestock; 2. kind of palm, Hyphaene thebaica;
3. speck, spot, mark, stain; 4. half; 5. teach, introduce;
barr (Som) plain, prairie; baar (Som) 1. tip, peak;
2. hair on the hump of a camel's back
-- Bar, see Anuak language
JBJ97 Bar Abir (Bur Abri) (waterhole/well) 04/42 [WO Gu]
JBR07 Bar Abir (waterhole) 0432'/4219' 210 m 04/42 [WO Wa Gz]
bar ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JEG95 Bar Ali (mountain) 1239'/4024' 462 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JEG97
JCE50 Bar Duckul (Bar Duccul) 05/43 [+ WO]
JCE43 Bar Edeg 05/43 [WO]
JBS69 Bar Hugn (Bar Hug) 0508'/4322' 448 m 05/43 [WO Gz]
JBT75 Bar Iere (B. Ieri, B. Iero) 0510'/4354' 364 m 05/43 [WO Gz]
bar m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDU44 Bar Meda (Kadambo, Cadambo Ghiorghis) 10/39 [Gz WO]
1021'/3944' 3251 m
JDK23c Bar Said, circa 0915'/4250', south-east of Jijiga 09/42 [x]
JBR87 Bar Shevel (Bar Sciavel) 0517'/4219' 386 m 05/42 [Gz]
JBS94 Bar Shiyellele (Bar Sciellele) 05/42 [+ WO]
bar yere: yeri (O) lean, emaciated
JBT75 Bar Yere, see Bar Iere
bara, bar (O) weather, time, year, age
HDK19 Bara 0910'/3820' 2762 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEL96 Bara 1239'/3859' 2241 m, near Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
HET06 Bara 1244'/3900' 1844 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDN99 Bara (area), see under Trena 10/40 [WO]
HDU08 Bara & Aram kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kewet wereda, 7-10 km north-west
of Shewa Robit; area 1,573 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDG69 Barabdi (=Bar Abdi?) 09/40 [WO]
HCS.. Barabicho (in Kembata awraja) 07/37 [x]
barada (Arsi O) hail; barad (A,T) gun-powder
HCN55 Barada (Perada) 0742'/3518' 1540 m, cf Bereda 07/35 [Wa Gz]
HCT89 Barada (area) 08/39 [WO]
JEJ56 Baradle 1213'/4209' 479 m 12/42 [n]
near the border of Djibouti
HCU00 Barado 0716'/3924' 2553 m 07/39 [Gz]
JBN28 Baragello (Baraghello, Barogelu, Baraghetto) 04/40 [+ WO Wa Gz]
(area & place) 0444'/4033' 854 m
JBN28 (= Barachella 100 km from Gambela? Bara Kella?) 04/40 [It]
?? Barahle ../.. [x]
HDG49 Barak (T. Barach) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
baraka (Arabic?) an Islamic concept, wonder-working powers;
faghe, faage (Afar) ford
JDN58c Barakala Faghe 10/40 [Ne]
HDM13 Barakat, see Bereket
Baraket, Bereket, sister of the Devil
barakate (O) gift, divine favour
HDH30 Barakati 09/35 [WO]
HFE48 Barako (Baraco) 1356'/3910' 1720 m 13/39 [+ Gz]
GDE.. Barakui, village at Baro river below Itang 08/34? [x]
GDE32 Barakwich (Barokwich, Baraquic) 08/33 [Gz WO]
0828'/3338' 338 m
JEN86 Barali (mountain) 1327'/4019' 431 m, cf Bar Ali 13/40 [Gz]
HDB20 Baramo (Baramb) 0820'/3544' 1657, 1781 m 08/35 [WO Gu Gz]
baramu (O) be known, be discovered
JDA79c Baranissa 08/40 [Wa]
baranta: berenda (bärända) (A,T) terrace, verandah,
raised platform in front of a building
HCM51 Baranta (mountain) 0647'/3927' 3505, 3789 m 06/39 [WO Gz]
HDS49c Baranta (area at Abay river) 10/38 [Ch]
JEH49 Baranto (area) 12/41 [WO]
JDG66 Barantu, cf Barentu 09/40 [WO]
JDG67 Barantu Ale (area) 09/40 [WO]
barara (O) sheep
?? Barara (ancient capital), see Borora
?? Barara (area south of Adigrat at river Sullo) ../.. [x]
JCE29 Bararato (pass) 0540'/4415', see under Kelafo 05/44 [WO]
JCE39 Bararato (Girta B.) (mountain) 0543'/4414' 05/44 [WO]
-- Bararetta, a group of Oromo living in Kenya
barari (O) cockroach; berari (T) flyer;
berari kokeb (bärari kokäb) (A) meteor; barar (Kemant) to escape;
Ali, cf this as first part of name
JDP31 Barari Ali (area) 10/40 [WO]
JCR11 Bararti Beckey (Bararti Becchei) (area) 07/41 [+ WO]
HEE96 Barat 1143'/3859' 3053 m (with church K'irk'os) 11/38 [Gz]
JBN84 Baratieri Falls (European-given name) 05/40 [WO Gz]
(waterfalls) 0528'/4012'
Coordinates would give map code JCA04 about 15 km to the NW
JFB51 Baraulo 1401'/4045' 38 m, near the Eritrea border 14/40 [Ne Gz]
?? Barbada (hills near Aflata river in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
barbara (O) men belonging both to a certain age-set and
to a certain gada class
HDP76 Barbara (Berbera) 1036'/3616' 1183, 1625 m 10/36 [Gz WO Ch]
(place & area)
barbare (O) hot pepper
HCU37 Barbari, see Berberi
HDD87 Barbere Meder, see Berbere Medir
barberi ..: kura (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Boswellia sp.;
qura (A,O) crow, raven; quura (A,O) bowl-like deep plate;
kura (T) anger, fury; (Som) kinds of thorn tree
HEJ54 Barberi Kura (B. Cura) (mountain) 12/37 [Gz]
1216'/3700' 1943 m
HDM.? Barcha, locality in Dembiya, cf Barcho 09/39 [En]
JDJ73 Barcha (G. Barcia) (area) 1146 m 09/41 [Ch WO]
HCG43 Barchaka (Bartchaka) 0645'/3508'c 06/35 [x]
place near Gojeb river, mentioned in 1910
HCG75 Barchan, see Brahan
barche (O) globe, sphere; barchee (O) small,
feeble, flimsy, pitiful; flat /head or face/, with flat bottom
/gourd or pumpkin/
JDC02 Barche (Barce) (area) 1171 m 08/41 [+ WO]
HCG75 Barchen, see Brahan
?? Barcho (Bartcho), cf Barcha ../.. [x]
HCA55 Barchu (Gebel Barchu, Barciu) (mountain) 05/35 [WO Gz]
0558'/3520' 886/905 m
HCA.. Barda 06/35 [En]
village in the Maji region
HCD47c Barda, east of lake Chamo 05/38 [x]
HEH27 Bardanki (Bardanchi) (mountain) 11/36 [+ WO Gz]
1200'/3621' 917 m
JB... Bardia, north-west of Dolo 04/41? [x]
HCG87 Bardika (Bardica, Badica, Bedaica) 07/35 [+ WO Gz]
0705'/3530' 1308 m
HEJ06 Bardo 1147'/3708' 1785 m 11/37 [Gz]
bare (Som) teacher, trainer; bere (bäre) (A) ox, bull;
barre (O) large gourd
HDA13 Bare, see Bure
JBS02 Bare (Barrei) Gz: 0437'/4243' 395 m 04/42 [Gz]
MS: 0430'/4240' = JBK91, 1506 m
Gz coordinates give JBS12, near JBK92
bare gimb: gimb (A) stone wall or tower or castle
HEK60 Bare Gimb (Barie Gimb, Barie Ghemb), see Bahri Gimb
JB... Bare wereda (-1997-) in the Afder Zone 04/42? [20]
bareda, bareedaa (O) magnificent, beautiful, superb
HDJ74 Bareda (area) 2420 m, cf Barada, Bereda 09/37 [WO]
bareddu (A) kind of shrub or tree, Myrica salicifolia;
bareddu, baredu, bareeduu (O) be beautiful /usually of females/
HDB76 Bareddu (mountain) 1880 m 08/36 [WO]
JDD47 Bareha (area) 08/43 [WO]
?? Bareilu, cf Were Ilu ../.. [18]
JDG56 Bareita (mountain) 09/40 [Ne]
HDS41 Baremma 1023'/3739' 2417 m 10/37 [Gz]
Baremma, west of Debre Markos
HCC42c Barendu (Male-inhabited area) 05/36 [x]
-- Barentu, large group of eastern Oromo, with many branches
JDG37 Barentu, G. (area) 1048 m 09/40 [WO]
JDH75 Barentu (area) 09/41 [WO]
HE... Barentu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Didigesa Ala) 12/39 [Ad]
baresa (Borana O) 1. kind of medium tree, Terminalia brownii,
with purple-red fruits that from a distance look like flowers;
the bark is used for tanning an gives a yellow colour;
(O) 2. a breed of ponies; 3. buttocks, tail of sheep;
4. signs, of unknown symbolism, on Oromo grave stones
JDC60 Baresa (area) 08/41 [WO]
HCT90 Baressa (area), see under Butajira 08/38 [WO]
JCD83 Barey (Barrei) 0611'/4251' 326 m 06/42 [Gz]
HE... Barezeba (in Gayint awraja)
HDK70 Barga (with church) 2421 m, cf Berga 09/37 [WO]
JDA19 Bargai (area) 08/40 [WO]
?? Bargam (meadow in Gemu Gofa) ../.. [x]
HCC83 Barge (Tiffi) 0614'/3658' 1535 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCC84
JBS11 Bargeile (Bargheile, Bargeilo) 04/42 [+ Gz WO Wa]
0438'/4238' 332 m
HCC90 Bargela (Baguenia) 0620'/3640' 1706 m 06/36 [Gz]
JBJ94 Bargif (Barghif) 04/42 [+ WO]
HEK60 Barghim, see Bare Gimb
bargo (O) half-boiled, not well cooked /grains, pumpkin, etc/
JCH55 Bargo (Borgo) 0651'/4110' 1080 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
JEA23 Bargu 1106'/4003' 1808 m 11/40 [Gz]
HBS.. Bargudda, village at some distance from Burji 05/37 [x]
HEE28 Barhe kebele (Barhé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Tenta wereda, 28-35 km
south-southwest of Tenta settlement; area 4,024 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bari, barii (O) cock's chant, day-break, sunrise;
baari (O) 1. sea, ocean, world abroad; 2. patient, tolerant;
barii (T) fire accident
?? Bari (place at Webi Shebele) 05/44 [18]
HDA76 Bari, see Barri
HDM.? Bari (with church Maryam), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
JDA79 Bari (It: Bari d'Etiopia) 0852'/4036' cf Beri 08/40 [WO Gu]
GDF65 Bari Bongo 08/34 [WO]
GDU12 Bari Cossa, see Asosa
HEK60 Bari Gimb, see Bahri Gimb
HDM42 Bari kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central northernmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda at its border,
10-15 km north-east of Koremash; area 1,330 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT85 Bari kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kelala wereda, 3-8 km north-northwest
of Kelala settlement; area 1,545 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
baria magaja, lazy slave?
bariya (A,T) 1. slave; 2. (A) epilepsy, short for yäbariya bäshta;
3. (A) a kind of fish with fine bones;
bariya dengiya (A) basalt;
magaja (O) jaded /horse or mule/; nag; /figuratively:/ lazy
HEJ09 Baria Magaja (B. Magagia) (small island) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
barich (Borana O) kind of shrub or small tree, Ochna inermis
HDE06 Baricha (Bariccia) (mountain) 2480 m, cf Bericha 08/39 [+ Gu WO]
HER78 Baridiot (mountain) 1321'/3721' 2413 m 13/37 [Gz]
HDS09 Barie 09/38 [WO]
HEK60 Barie Gimb, see Bahri Gimb
?? Barie wereda (centre in 1964 = Barie) 05/44? [Ad]
HDU82 Barigo, see Adama
JDJ79 Barigududi (area) 09/42 [WO]
JEC.. Bario, one of six lakes where the Awash river ends 11/41 [20]
JFB32 Bariressu 1352'/4053' 137 m 13/40 [WO Gz]
bariso: bariisaa (O) sunrise, morning star
HDH96 Bariso (area) 09/36 [WO]
barita: bariite (O) dawn
JDG35 Barita, G. (area) 812 m, cf Barrita 09/40 [WO]
JEH06 Barji (Bargi) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
barka (T) boat; berka (T) forest; barke (O) myrrh
HBS84 Barka (Barca) 0517'/3753' 1417 m, cf Berka 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
HBS95 Barka (Barca) (area), see under Burji 05/37 [+ WO]
HFF25 Barka (with rock-hewn church), see under Atsbi 13/39 [x]
JDJ15 Barkale (G. Barcale) (area) 2105 m, 09/42 [+ WO]
see under Amuma
HEK92 Barkan (area) 12/37 [WO]
HEF41 Barkana kebele (Barqana ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Kuta Ber wereda, 18 km west
of Kuta Ber settlement; area 2,608 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Barkanta (Barcanta) 2260 m ../.. [+ Gu]
HDN.. Barkasa, village near Abay, north-east of Asosa 10/35 [x]
HEJ87 Barke (on map of 1843) 12/37 [Ha]
HEJ.. Barko (historical, west of Gondar) 12/37 [x]
HCS31 Barkuncho (Barcuncio) 07/37 [+ WO]
HFE61 Barkwa (Barkua) 1408'/3835' 2293 m 14/38? [Gz Ad]
HE... Barkwa Maryam (Barkua Mariam) 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dega Abole sub-district)
HFE61 Barkwa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Wikro) 14/38 [Ad]
JBR09 Barmadauem (Barmetawen, Burmetaven) 04/42 [WO Gz 18 Wa]
0436'/4226' 258 m
HES67 Barna (locality) 1315'/3809' 13/38 [Gz]
HES.. Barna sub-district (centre in 1964 = Libanos) 13/38 [Ad]
JCU46 Barnbase, see Gambisi 07/44 [WO]
HES00 Barnbelo 12/37 [WO]
GDU13 Baro 1006'/3438' 1524 m 10/34 [Gz]
HEL96 Baro 0534'/3718' 2329 m 05/37 [Gz]
HEU13 Baro 1249'/3938' 1830 m, near Korbeta 12/39 [Gz]
baro (O) be beautiful; (Kefa) maize, Zea mays;
kella (kélla) (A) toll station
GDF07c Baro Kella (Barochella), c600 m 08/34 [+ Gu]
GDE.. Baro river (Baro Wenz, Upeno)
(river with Gambela etc)
HBL23 Barocho (mountain) 0349'/3842' 1380 m 03/38 [WO Gz]
baroda (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
barodi (O) kind of root vegetable; barodu (O) bellow, make
a deep voice like a bull, rejoice noisily over a victory
HCK12 Barodda (Baroda), see Boreda
HDL16 Barrec, see Berek
JBS02 Barrei, see Bare
JBS12 Barrei (Bare, Burrei) (with waterhole) 04/42 [MS WO Gu LM]
JCD83 Barrei, see Barey
HDL16 Barrek (Barrec), see Berek
barreke (barre'ke, barreqe) (A) to flash as lightning
JCD83 Barrey (Barrei) 06/42 [+ WO]
barri (O) 1. doorway, gate; 2. time /=certain period/
HBS85c Barri (with important well) 05/38? [x]
HDA76 Barri (Bari) 0849'/3522' 1536 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDB95 Barri 0901'/3610' 1227, 1375 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
JDP71 Barri 1039'/4049' 658 m 10/40 [WO Gz]
JDP74 Barri 1040'/4105' 392 m 10/41 [WO Gz]
HDH03 Barri Abbasena, see Abasina
barr-is- (O) fly
JCM75 Barris (area) 06/44 [WO]
JCM76 Barris 07/44 [WO]
JEA06c Barrita, cf Barita 10/40 [Ne]
HCP06 Barta 0716'/3619' 2146 m, east of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
-- Barta language, see Berta
-- Bartire, group/tribe of Somali living south-east of Jijiga
JDK33 Bartire, see Beri & Bartire sub-district
HDK20 Barto 0915'/3733' 1634 m 09/37 [WO Gz]
baruda (O) bullets, explosives
HE... Baruda 11/36 [n]
JDP79c Barudada (Baroudada) circa 1040'/4130' 10/41 [18 x]
barudi (O), barud (Arabic,A) gunpowder
JEB29 Barudi 1105'/4133' 467 m 11/41 [WO Gz]
HDL49 Baruga Tekle Haymanot (church) 0928'/3914' 09/39 [Gz]
JDN97 Barugali (area), see under Trena 10/40 [WO]
GD... Barugambela kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. Kwama language is spoken there.
HEF43 Barumeida, see Boru Meda?
HEF43 Barumieda, see Boru Debre Birhan
JDR71 Barurudda (Bururudda) 1040'/4138' 600 m 10/41 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JDR70
HEL96 Barusha 1235'/3900' 2348 m, near Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
?? Barut (with fort, historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
barya: bariya (A) slave
HDJ15 Barya Abo (church) 0909'/3706' 09/37 [Gz]
HEJ69c Barye Gemb, see Bahri Gimb
bas (O) lush vegetation
HEK62 Bas, see Das
JCB28 Basassar, see Bakassar
HCH52 Basciuma, see Bachuma
HDU24 Bash kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at the middle of its
eastern border, 11-14 km east-northeast of Molale; area 860 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK31 Basha 1202'/3737' 1784 m 12/37 [Gz]
HBR.. Bashada, ethnic group 05/36 [x]
HD... Bashekewet (Bash Kewot, Bashkewet) 09/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Debdebo sub-district)
HEU30 Bashi Maryam (church) 1259'/3924 12/39 [Gz]
west of Amba Alage
HEE10 Bashilo (Bascillo) confluence of tributary of the Abay 10/38 [20]
?? Bashir, at some distance from Kurmuk ../.. [x]
HCL24c Bashiru (Basciru) 06/38 [+ Gu]
basho k..: koora (O) meeting of elders; kooraa (O) hilltop,
spur, saddle; koora (O) haughtiness
?? Basho Kora ../.. [+ Gu]
HDR74 Basi 1036'/3701' 1952 m, south-west of Bure 10/37 [Gz]
HEC49 Basile 11/37 [WO]
HCC45 Basketo (Basketto, Baskatta, Mesketo) 05/37 [x]
-- ethnic group of the Sidama people
?? Basketo wereda (-1997-) ../.. [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 32 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HD... Bashkewet, see Bashekewet
HEJ99 Baskura 1237'/3726' 2226 m, near Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HER57 Baskura (Bascura) (place & area) 13/37 [+ WO Gu]
JCR89 Baskure (Bascure) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
baso (Som) crown of the head
HCR58 Baso 0742'/3722' 1891 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDS21 Baso Basso), cf Basso 10/37 [Wa 18]
baso ber gebeya (A) market at Baso gate/pass
HEE27 Baso Ber Gebeya (market) 1107'/3907' 11/39 [Gz]
HDM83 Baso Dengora kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at
its border, 5-9 km west of Debre Sina; area 1,740 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- baso l..: Liben, tribe of the Mecha Oromo
H.... Baso Liben wereda (-1997-) ../.. [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 43 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDM72c Baso & Werana sub-district (-1997-) 09/39 [n]
basra: bazra (A) mare, female horse
JCC81 Basra (mountain) 0610'/4144' 913 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
HBR12 Bass Ebor (Basso Ebor), see Chew Bahir
HBR12 Bass Marle, see Chew Bahir
HBP04 Bass Narok (lake), see Turkana
HDG69 Bassi, T. (hill) 09/35 [WO]
HDB33 Bassiba (Bassibe) 0830'/3558' 1851 m 08/35 [Gz]
HCP39 Bassignani (sawmill) 07/36 [Gu]
JDG54 Bassitakali (Bassitacali) (area) 830 m 09/40 [+ WO]
basso, bassoo (O), besso (bässo) (A) food from roasted flour
or grain mixed with butter, salt, etc
-- Basso, Baso (Bässo), name of a Mecha Oromo tribe;
-- Basu, a clan of the Karrayyu of the Borana people
H.... Basso, see mainly Baso above 10/37 [18]
HEM73c Basso 12/39 [Gu]
HDM63 Basso wereda (centre in 1964 = Atakilt) 09/39 [Ad]
H.... Basso wereda (centre in 1964 = Jubie) 10/37 [Ad]
HEH85 Bastensu (area) 12/36 [WO]
HCN23 Bastika (Bastica) 1005 m 07/35 [+ WO]
HEJ86 Bastora 1234'/3708' 1890 m 12/37 [Gz]
J.... Basulle, valley in the Harar province 09/42? [Mi]
GDF81 Bata, see under Gidami 08/34 [WO]
HDG14 Bata (Cure) 0912'/3511' 1533 m 09/35 [Gz WO]
HEJ35 Bata (small island), see also Bahita 12/37 [Ch Gu WO]
JDA78 Batanissa 0852'/4035' 2010 m, near Gelemso 08/40 [Gz]
HDK55 Batatin, see Bedatino
batawa: bahtawi (A) hermit
JDJ55c Batawa, cf Balawa 09/42 [Wa]
JEA27 Bataxa 1102'/4027' 589 m 11/40 [Gz]
HCN19 Batchi, see Bechi
bate (Arsi O) kinds of small thorn tree,
e.g. Acacia eggelingii, A. persiciflora; baate (O) not;
bate (batä) (A) started, began /new month/; (bat'e) my king-post
HBK62 Bate (crater) 0414'/3742' 1045 m 04/37 [Gz]
HDE38 Bate 0828'/3911' 1575 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDE60 Bate 08/38 [WO]
JDH36 Bate 0924'/4114' 1615 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ45 Bate 0925'/4203' 2092 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEB47 Bate Buya (Bate-Buia) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HEL06 Batele 1147'/3900' 3209 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCS23 Batena, see under Hosaina 07/37 [WO]
?? Bateramora, see Betera Amora
?? Baterat (mountain recorded in 1613) ../.. [n]
HEE86 Bathor, see Bete Hor
bati (baatii) (O) 1. raven, crow; 2. moon sickle, first appearance of the moon;
(A) 1. new moon; 2. bird which shows where wild bees have made a hive;
baati (Som) tie-dyed or coloured cloth, batik; batti (O) carcass
HCT90 Bati 0805'/3830' 1951 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEF36 Bati (Batie) 1111'/4001' 11/39 [n Ro WO]
Coordinates would give map code HEF37
JEA32 Bati (Batie, Batia, Batti, Baatii, Baatee) 11/40 [Gz MS WO Te]
MS: 1109/4002' 1637/1671 m; Gz: 1111'/4001' 1502 m
(centre at least 1959-1964 of Awsa awraja)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5N Debisa (area) 1748 m
10NE Murjan (Murgian) (area) 1406 m
bati d..: dida (O) forest etc.
HCT80 Bati Dida 0800'/3826' 1976 m 08/38 [Gz]
?? Bati Felassi 14/39 [+ 18]
JEA32 Bati wereda (centre in 1964 = Bati) (-1964-1994-) 11/40 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 37 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HDN55 Batimbo 1025'/3514' 713 m 10/35 [Gz]
JDA44 Batitti (area) 08/40 [WO]
bato, batoo (O) 1. oar; 2. broad, large /foot/
HCD93 Bato (lake), see Abaya
HDF31 Batto 08/39 [WO]
batu (O) porter, carrier; (bat'u) (A) the roof beam
HCM65 Batu (mountain) MS: 0640'/3925' 4307 m 06/39 [MS WO]
MS coordinates would give map code HCM31
Gz: 0655'/3944' = HCM64, 3970 m
HCM.. Batu Tiku (peak some distance from Dinsho) 07/39 [n]
HFC41 Baual, see Boval
KCR35 Bauet 0733'/4706' 475 m 07/47 [Gz]
HES67 Bauhit (Buahit, Bwahit/a/) (mountain) 13/38 [Gz Wa WO Gu]
MS: 1315'/3815' = HES68, 4430 m
Gz: 1313'/3813' 4345 m, see also under Sawana
HD... Baulli (district in the 1800s) 09/39? [18]
HEC46 Baumieda 11/37 [WO]
baw (Harari) rich; bawo (O) good, satisfactory
?? Bawa Amba (historical) ../.. [x]
HFC41 Bawal (Baual) (plateau) 13/36 [+ WO]
KCR26 Bawed (area) 07/47 [WO]
HEL42 Bawzan 1212'/3841' 2467 m 12/38 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret to the south-west)
?? Baxlad Deroz (in Jimma region) ../.. [It]
baya, kind of tree?;
baya (O) fake calf used to make the cow give milk;
baye (O) plenty, abundant
HCD59 Baya 0552'/3823' 2072 m 05/38 [Gz]
HEU61 Baya (British camp in 1868) 13/39 [18]
JDK17 Baya (Baia) (Gabri Baia?) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HCG94 Baya Farm, see under Tepi
HEL72 Baycha (Baych'a) 1228'/3837' 2467 m 12/38 [Gz]
JFA25 Baydodo (Vaideddo, Waideddo) (with waterhole) 13/40 [LM WO Ne]
bayed ad..: adeege (Som) male servant, errand boy
JEC09 Bayed Adega (Baied Adega) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
bayessa (O) all right; bayyisu (O) cause to be plenty
HEH73 Bayisa, J. (Gebel Bajisa) (hill) 1226'/3556' 12/35 [Gz WO]
HDD34 Baykeda Maryam (church) 0830'/3757' 08/37 [Gz]
south-west of Weliso
HEF72 Baykedagn kebele (Baykädagn ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Habru wereda at its western border,
5 km north of Wichale; area 1,654 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL66 Baylamtu (Baylamt'u, Biala) (mountain) 12/35 [Gz]
1221'/3903' 3553 m
HEF72 Baylawet kebele (Baylawät' ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Habru wereda at its border,
surrounding Wirgesa to its east/south/west and located
near Wichale to its north; area 1,594 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES01 Bayloge 1241'/3740' 2818 m, near code HEK91 12/37 [Gz]
HDT09 Baymot 0959'/3914' 2610 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDF73c Baynesagn kebele (Baynäsagn ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
12-20 km east of Balchi; area 2,598 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ68 Bayo Mayano (Baio Maiano) (church), cf Beyo 12/37 [+ WO]
bayra, beyra (Som) beira antelope
HFE84 Bayray (Bairai) (with waterhole) 14/38 [LM WO]
?? Baysa, about halfway between Mareb and Adwa 14/38 [18]
-- Bayso language, see Baiso
HCK04 Bayso (village on island), see under Gidicho 06/37 [x]
bayta (T) ground, earth
baytan: baytin (Som) information about lost thing or animal
JCC28 Baytan (Baitan) (plain) 05/42 [+ WO]
baza: bazza (A) stony soil
HCC78 Baza (Bazza), see Bonke Beza
HEC14 Bazana, see Bezzena
HDN74 Bazber (Shogali, Sciogali, Scioghali) 10/35 [Gz x WO Gu]
1037'/3512' 540 m (centre of the Shogali tribe)
?? Bazmeli (historical town in Ifat/Yifat) ../.. [Pa]
HCS.. Bazoso (village), see under Kibet 08/38 [20]
bazura: bazra (A) mare, female horse
HEE48 Bazura 1116'/3909' 2430 m 11/39 [Gz]
(town, with church Maryam to the south)
HEE48 Bazura kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Mekdela wereda at its eastern border,
5-10 km east of Masha; area 2,216 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HE... Bazura sub-district (centre in 1964 = Molek) 11/39 [Ad]
JCS84 Beacon Hill (English name of area) 08/42 [WO]
JDN28 Beadu (Be'adu, Bahadu) 1011'/4037' 10/40 [Gz WO]
(locality), see under Gewane
HCB15c Beamer (area & ethnic group) 05/36 [x]
?? Beb Sari (Bäb S.) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HEJ55 Bebehabo 1218'/3707' 1842 m 12/37 [Gz WO]
(with church Behaba Abbo)
GCM60 Bebeka 0657'/3419' 06/34 [Gz Po]
coffee plantation about 30 km from Mizan Teferi
HCL64 Bebela 0658'/3847' 2519 m 06/38 [Gz]
HDJ27 Bebela (Bebella) 0915'/3717' 2348 m 09/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Jimma Rarie sub-district)
HDE83 Bebeli (Bebel'i), cf Babile 08/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Furi sub-district)
bebeli k..: kube, qubee (O) ring worn on the /little/ finger;
kube (A) small grasshopper not yet having wings
HDD55 Bebeli Kube 0840'/3802' 2664 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDU03 Bec Amba, see Bek Amba
GDF53 Beca, see Shola
HCP16 Beca, see Baka
HDG22 Becca, see Begi
HED99 Beccaccio, see Bekacho
GDU16 Becchi (Bacchi) 1005'/3457' 1004 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
HDD79 Beccio, see Becho
HCT39 Beccogi, see Bekoji
HDS55 Becet, see Bechet
HDS58 Bechana, see Bichena
HDF80c Bechash Tefa Lema, see Bichash Tefa Lema
JDA35 Bechecsa, see Bekeksa
HEU00 Becheka (Bech'ek'a) 1241'/3921' 2365 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDJ44 Becheke (Bech'ek'e) 0927'/4203' 2126 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ45 Becheke (Bech'ek'e) (mountain) 09/42 [Gz]
0927'/4204' 2326 m
HDD91 Becheki (Bech'ek'i, Becheqi) 0902'/3840' 2103 m 09/37 [AA q]
HDE22 Becheki (Bech'ek'i) 0825'/3840' 2131 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL32 Becheki (Bech'ek'i) 0924'/3840' 2409 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL66 Becheli Medhane Alem (Bech'eli ..) 09/38 [Gz]
(church) 0936'/3858'
HDG65c Bechera 09/35 [LM]
HDG75 Bechera Komis, about 25 km ESE of Mendi 09/35 [x]
HDS55 Bechet (Bech'et, Bachet, Bacet, Becet) 10/37 [Gz]
1024'/3758' 2544 m
Coordinates would give map code HDS45
HEF43 Bechetsa, see Beketsa
HCG98 Bechi (Bech'i) 0714'/3534' 1221 m 07/35 [Gz]
near map code HCN08
HCN19 Bechi (Bech'i, Bachi, Batchi) (locality) 07/35 [Gz WO]
0720'/3540' 2400 m
Mentioned in 1910 as one of five sub-regions of Gimira.
?? Bechioitoum (in Shewa, with post office planned) ../.. [x]
becho (O) 1. collectively of minor crops e.g. beans, lentils,
peas; 2. collectively of vermin e.g. bed-bugs, fleas, lice
-- Becho, Becheo, Bacho, Baju, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HC... Becho (Betcho) 07/35? [n Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (1964-1997-)
HDB00 Becho (Baccio) 0812'/3541' 1768 m 08/35 [Gz]
near map code HDA09
HDC27 Becho (Beccio) (pass), cf Bicho 08/37 [+ WO]
HDD79 Becho (Beccio) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDD88 Becho (Beccio) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDE61 Becho (locality) 0846'/3833' 08/38 [Gz]
HDK69 Becho (Beccio) 09/38 [+ WO]
HDL33 Becho 0922'/3841' 2498 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL53 Becho 0931'/3845' 2648 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HD... Becho wereda (centre in 1964 = Tulu Bolo) 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 41 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEM.. Bechoka (Bechoqa) 12/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mai Modo sub-district)
HDB27 Bechu (Becho) (village, Sor waterfalls near) 08/35 [Ca 20]
beda (bäda) (A) desolated and deserted, uninhabited country
(midre beda, desert)
?? Beda (mountain in Arsi) 4133 m ../.. [Ad]
HE... Beda (river near the Tis Isat waterfalls) 11/38 [Ch]
JDJ22 Beda 0918'/4148' 2183 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ35 Beda 0924'/4203' 2190 m 09/42 [Gz]
between Alemaya and Harar
JDJ44 Beda 0930'/4202' 2064 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEJ03 Beda (area), cf Badda 11/41 [WO]
beda a..: allatti (O) any large bird
HDE71 Beda Alati (mountain) 08/38 [x]
beda r..: badda (O) 1. highland; 2. kind of tree;
rogge (O) unmarried girl's tonsure-like hair style
HDD63 Beda Roge, see Badda Rogge
HDJ96 Beda Sire 0953'/3711' 2287 m, east of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ96 Beda Sire (mountain) 0957'/3711' 2244 m 09/37 [Gz]
badada (O) forced penal servitude
HDS08 Bedada (Tella Badada) 0959'/3819' 2613 m 09/38 [AA WO Gz]
(with church Gebriel), see under Tulu Milki
(Tulu Bedada is a little to the east)
HDD76 Bedada Tola (Bedoda T.) 0851'/3804' 2798 m 08/38 [Gz]
HCP28 Bedadi 0727'/3628' 1534 m 07/36 [Gz]
HCG87 Bedaica, see Bardika
HCE56c Bedakaysa, village near Kibre Mengist mines 05/39 [20]
?? Bedakessa, valley in Sidamo ../.. [Mi]
HBR.. Bedanchini, mountain east of lake Chew Bahir 04/36 [x]
?? Bedatina (Biddatinna), river in Wellega ../.. [Mi]
HDK24 Bedatina Amba (Bedat'ina A.) (mountain) 09/37 [AA Gz]
0918'/3756' 2420 m
HDK55 Bedatino (Bedat'ino, Bedatina, Badatina, Batatin) 09/37 [AA Gz WO]
0930'/3758' 2155 m (with church Tekle Haymanot)
HCK70 Bedaye 0703'/3732' 1560 m 07/37 [Gz]
bedda (Limmu O) white honey; beddah (Arabic) kinds of Ficus tree;
bedde (O) small flat clay griddle or pan for baking or roasting;
bedda (bädda) (A) have sexual intercourse; (O) magical sacrifice
JEN33 Bedda 1258'/4001' 1629 m, cf Badda 12/40 [WO Wa Gz]
HCK56 Beddessa, see Bedesa
JDA54 Beddeyu (G. Beddeiu) (area) 2337 m 08/40 [+ WO]
HDA17 Beddo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Arb Gebeya), 08/35 [Ad]
cf Bedo
HDD00 Bede 0810'/3732' 1682 m, near Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
HDT16 Bede 1006'/3903' 1877 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDE65 Bede Gebabe Mikael (church) 0841'/3857' 08/38 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Zeyt
HDL84 Bedebej 0950'/3850' 2143 m (with church Abo) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF60 Bededi kebele (Bädädi ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Tenta wereda, 10-15 km north-northeast
of Tenta settlement; area 6,707 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF43c Bededo (centre in 1964 of Sulula sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEF43 Bededo kebele (Bädädo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Tehuledere wereda at its southern border, 10 km south
of Hayk and adjoining Boru Meda on the east there; area 2,185 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ75 Bededuresa 0943'/3706' 2453 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEC08 Bedega 10/37 [WO]
bedel (bädäl) (A,T) fault, insult, injustice, crime, sin
?? Bedel Neb (Bädel Neb) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
bedela (O) offence, damage;
beddele (bäddälä) (A) to sin, to offend, to maltreat
HDB37 Bedele (Beddele, Bedelle, Bedelie, Bedelli, Badalle) 08/36 [Gz WO Ad x]
MS: 0831'/3623' 2012, 2162 m (with graves)
Gz: 0827'/3621' 2024 m
(centre -1956-1980- of Buno Bedele awraja)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Daudie (mountain, with church) 2080 m
10E Omnibardu (village)
7NW Boka (Boca) (mountain)
3N Sacho (Saccio) (with church)
8N Kollo Boka (Collo Boca) (area) 2015 m
HDB37 Bedele wereda (centre in 1964 = Bedele) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(1994-) is divided into 86 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
From 1991 one of twelve weredas in Illubabor.
bedena (O), bedeno (A) kind of small or medium tree,
Balanites aegyptiaca, grows in dry land and has green spines
HEM63 Bedena Leko 1219'/3941' 1383 m 12/39 [Gz]
south-east of Alamata
HCS16 Bedene 0724'/3806' 1845 m 07/38 [Gz]
HDT27 Bedenleb, see Bedinlib
HEF05 Bedeno 1053'/3948' 1454 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDB39 Bedeno 0820'/4135' 08/41 [MS]
JDC91 Bedeno 0900'/4141' 1888 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ00 Bedeno (Bedenno, Beddeno) 09/41 [Gz Po WO Gu]
0907'/4138' 2259 m (with church Maryam)
JDJ00 Bedeno wereda (centre in 1964 = Bedeno) 09/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 68 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
bedesa: bedessa, badessa, badesa, bedassa (O) kinds of tree,
Croton macrostachys, Syzygium guineense
HCK56 Bedesa (Bedessa, Beddessa, Tora) 06/37 [Gz 20]
0650'/3805' 1392 m
HD... Bedesa (Badessa), river in the Nejo area 09/35 [Mi]
HDK96 Bedesa 0955'/3807' 1823 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL42 Bedesa 0928'/3838' 1846 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDB80 Bedesa (Bedessa, Beddessa, Bediessa, Badessa) 08/40 [Gz Po Ad WO]
(Tora) MS: 0850'/4040' 1760/1830 m = JDA79,
Gz: 0854'/4047' 1761 m = JDB70
(centre in 1964 of Kuni wereda)
town in Damot Weyde wereda
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
2S Orabis (area) 1904 m
HCE.. Bedesa Tega (Badessa Tega) 05/39 [+ Mi]
HDG26 Bedeso 0917'/3521' 1525 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ74 Bedeso 0942'/3659' 1752 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDG.. Bedeso Mana Bushen, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Bedeso Ula Facha, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDL01 Bedi (area), cf Badi 09/38 [WO]
HDL02 Bedi 0907'/3839' 2731 m, north-west of A.A. 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church and former landing ground)
HDL54 Bedi 0934'/3850' 2609 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL61 Bedi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sokoro) 09/38 [Ad]
HDT27 Bedinlib kebele (Bädenleb ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda at its southern border,
very near Meragna settlement to its south-west: area 1,652 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBS53 Bedle, see Bodle
bedo (A) measure equal to four kuna; bedu (bädu) (T) drink;
Bedo, a male personal name
HDB78 Bedo 0851'/3630' 2108 m, cf Bado, Beddo, Bido 08/36 [Gz]
HDJ46 Bedo 0926'/3708' 2224 m, at Chomen swamp 09/37 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south-east of Shambu
HDK20 Bedo 0915'/3731' 1761 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDT08 Bedobej kebele (Bädobäj ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Moret & Jiru wereda at its north-eastern border,
10-15 km north of Inewari; area 1,237 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD76 Bedoda Tola, see Bedada Tola
HD... Bedro (in Jibat & Mecha awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
?? Bedru, ford at the Abay ../.. [Ch]
HFE85 Beesa Amba, see Bihiza
GDU64 Befodio, see Belfodiyo
HDD92 Befti, see Bifti
HDM.? Beg Amba (with church Mikael) 09/39 [x]
beg b..: berde (Som) wild fig tree
JBT46 Beg Berde (Bug B., Bug Berda) 0457'/4402' 482 m 04/44 [WO Gz]
on the border of Somalia
-- Bega, ethnic group on left side of Didessa and Abay,
also called Gunza, Gumuz, Sese, Saysay, Say
-- Bega Tse language, see Gumuz
HDK13 Begalo 09/37 [AA]
HDK62 Begalo 0936'/3746' 2432 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HCM87 Begejo 0705'/3958' 2561 m 07/39 [Gz]
HE... Begela sub-district (Beghela ..) 12/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shele Beza)
?? Begge (village) ../.. [20]
GDM21 Begi (Beigi, Beighi, Germus, Ghermus) 09/34 [Gz]
0920'/3429' 1646 m
GDM32 Begi (Beigi, Biegi, Beghi, Becca, Bekka, Beica) 09/34 [MS Gz WO Gu]
(with airfield and post office)
MS: 0920'/3432' 1569 m; Gz: 0920'/3429' 1673 m
(centre in 1964 of Begi wereda & Laloshashi sub-district)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Borga (village)
7E Soro (village)
7SE Sanga (village) 1552 m
10SE Toddi (village)
5SW Chei (village)
7SW Shashi (Siasi) (village) 1542/1801 m
7NW Talladu (village) 1553 m
9NW After (village)
6N Didibba (village)
7N Sera (village)
8NE Soro (village)
HDG22 Begi (Becca, Beica) 0916'/3432' 1646 m 09/34 [Gz]
GD... Begi Bile sub-district (Begi Bili, Biegi Bilie ..) 09/34? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arb Gebeya)
-- Begi Mao, ethnic group speaking Hozo language
and numbering about 10,000
GDM32 Begi wereda (Biegi ..) (centre in 1964 = Begi) 09/34 [+ Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 10 rural kebeles and no urban kebele.
HDT69 Begide 1031'/3916' 2629 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEF72 Begido kebele (Bägido ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Ambasel wereda stretching north-west/south-east to its
border and adjoining Wichale to the south-west there; area 2,254 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
begna: begena (bägäna) (A,T) Ethiopian harp-like instrument
GDM85 Begna (village) 0947'/3452' 1376, 1525 m 09/34 [WO Gu Gz]
HCU92 Bego 0803'/3930' 08/39 [Gz]
HDL09 Bego Amba Mikael (church) 0907'/3915' 09/39 [Gz]
bego c..: chereka (ch'äräqa) (A) 1. moon; 2. whitish /animal/
HEE83 Bego Chereka (B. Ch'erek'a) 1138'/3844' 2128 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDM25 Bego kebele (Bägo ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in the middle of southern Berehet wereda stretching to its border;
area 3,422 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL68 Begolea (Begole'a, Begwele'a) 12/39 [Gz]
1219'/3912' 2207 m
begui (bägui) (T) sheep
HEM23 Beguoco, see Begwoko
HEL63 Begut 12/38 [WO]
HEM42 Begwa (Begua) (area) 1774 m 12/39 [+ WO]
HEM23 Begwoko (Beguoco) 1201'/3941' 1480 m 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
HDT47 Beha (Bena) 1021'/3908' 1728 m 10/39 [Gz]
behaba abbo: abbo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HEJ55 Behaba Abbo, see Bebehabo
?? Behela (Bähela) (historically recorded "town") ../.. [Pa]
beherawi shengo (A) national assembly /post address but not a locality?/
?? Beherawishengo (Beherawi Shengo) ../.. [Po]
KCP41 Behid Ali 07/45 [WO]
JDS32 Beiadader, see Beyadader
GDM32 Beica, see Begi
JEC53 Beida, see Beyda
HET50 Beieda, see Beyeda
GDM22 Beigi (Beighi), see Begi
GDM32 Beigi (Beica) 0920'/3429' 1646 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDA54 Beinal (Beina), see Tulu Benni
GDE24 Beiniol, see Baitiok
HDL88 Beio, see Beyo
JDS71 Beio Anot, see Biye Anod
-- Beir language, see Murle
HEF63 Beirat 1125'/3936' 1742 m, see under Hayk 11/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEF62
Beit .., see generally Bet .., Bete ..
KCN59 Beit Ali 0744'/4538' 636 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
HCP34 Beito 0735'/3605c 07/36 [x]
Place at lower Gojeb river before it joins another river.
HDT63 Beja Chilaga kebele (Béja Ch'elaga ..) 11/38 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Sayint wereda,
adjoining Beja kebele to the north and located 12-18 km
south-southeast of Ajibar; area 3,852 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT72 Beja kebele (Béja ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in the middle of southern Sayint wereda, 5-11 km
south-southeast of Ajibar; area 2,480 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Beje (centre in 1964 of Gimba sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
?? Bejena Maryam (centre in 1964 of Kech sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
GD... Beji (in Asosa awraja), cf Begi 10/34? [Ad]
HDK06 Bejro (Bejiro) 0908'/3806' 2564 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Be'ale Weld at some distance to the south-west)
HDU03 Bek Amba (Bec Amba), see under Sela Dingay 09/39 [+ WO]
beka, beeka, beekaa (O) wise, intelligent, eloquent;
bekka (bek'a, beqqa) (A) to be ample, sufficient, enough
HCP16 Beka, see Baka
JDH00 Beka (Baca) 0904'/4042' 1768/1773 m 09/40 [Gz WO]
west of Asbe Teferi
HED99 Bekacho (Beccaccio), see under Nefas Mewcha 11/38 [+ WO]
bekachu (O) 1. watch out; 2. have foreknowledge
?? Bekafta Yohannes (ctr in 1964 of Fafa sub-district) 10/35? [Ad]
JEH08 Bekari (Bacarri Ale) (chain of hills) 11/41 [Gz WO]
1151'/4127' 727 m
HCR47 Bekawaka, see Boke Wako
H.... Bekawla, see Bekewulie
HCC68 Beke 0601'/3723' 2264 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCD93 Beke (lake), see Abaya
HDK14 Beke 0912'/3756' 2630 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Ilfeta, cf Baka
HDL07 Beke 0904'/3905' 2502 m 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Sendafa
HDL17 Beke 0910'/3904' 2557 m (with church Maryam) 09/39 [Gz]
north-east of Sendafa
JDB04 Beke 0810'/4108' 1498 m 08/41 [Gz]
HCR47 Beke Abawako, see Boke Wako
beke gudo: guddo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/;
gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. fulfill one's obligations
JDB60 Beke Gudu (B. Gudo, Bocche Guddo) 08/40 [Gz MS WO]
0845'/4042' 1851/1870 m, near map code JDA69
beke h..: halo (O) kind of acacia, Acacia bussei;
haaloo (O) grudge, rancour
JDJ54 Beke Halo 0934'/4158' 1621 m, east of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
beke ka..: kaluu (O) near in distance;
kalu, qalu (O) 1. to slaughter, to sacrifice;
2. to roast coffee beans; kallu (O) sorcerer, ritual expert
JDJ36 Beke Kalu (B. K'alu, B. Qalu) 09/42 [Gz q]
(mountain) 0924'/4213' 1810 m
HEF15 Beke kebele (Bäké ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kalu wereda, 5-10 km south-east
of Kombolcha; area 3,303 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ47 Beke Kelu (B. K'elu, B. Qelu) 0925'/4217' 1911 m 09/42 [Gz q]
beke ko..: korattii (O) thorn
HE... Beke Korati sub-district (Bekie ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ali Ager)
HDJ16 Beke Rere 0911'/3712' 2122 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK14 Beke Tereter (cliff) 0912'/3754' 09/37 [AA Gz]
beke ti..: tiqqoo (O) small, little; tiko (O) kidney
JDA69 Beke Tiko, see Boke Tiko
HEE46 Bekecho, see Bikicho
HEL89 Bekeda (Bek'eda, Beqeda) 1234'/3916' 2302 m 12/39 [Gz q]
HDM34 Bekefayne kebele (Bäkäfayné ..) 09/39 [Ad]
near the centre of southern Ankober wereda,
10 km south of Ankober town; area 652 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bekeferda: farda (O) horse
HCR06 Bekeferda (Bachefarda) 07/37 [LM WO]
HD... Bekejo Zikwala (in Yerer & Kereyu awraja) 08/39? [Ad]
HCT93 Bekeka (Bek'ek'a, Beqeqa) 0808'/3843' 1751 m 08/38 [Gz q]
near map code HDE03
HDK01 Bekeka 0905'/3737' 1920 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HED04 Bekeka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sede Giyorgis) 10/37 [Ad]
JDA35 Bekeksa (Bechecsa, Bacacsa, Bokeksa) 08/40 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
(plantations nearby) 0826'/4014' 1534/1570 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
H.... Bekeksa (Bokeksa), in Ambasel awraja 11/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dodota sub-district)
bekela (beeqe'laa) (O) broad bean, horse bean;
bekele: bekkele (bäqqälä) (A) shoot up, flourish, grow;
(bäkkälä) (A) contaminate, pollute; Bekele, a male Amharic name
?? Bekele (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDJ45 Bekele (Bek'ele, Beqele) 0928'/3703' 2776 m 09/37 [Gz q]
south of Shambu
JDJ07 Bekelen (Bek'elen, Beqelen) 0907'/4218' 1440 m 09/42 [Gz q]
(Bekelen Sefer)
JDJ21 Bekelen (Bek'elen, Beqelen) 0918'/4145' 2400 m 09/41 [Gz q]
bekelo: beklo (bäqlo) (A) mule
?? Bekelo (visiting postman under D.Birhan) cf Bakelo ../.. [Po]

HDD98 Bekenisa 0900'/3819' 2098 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]

see under Welenkomi
JDK53 Bekenisa (Benenisa) 0935'/4248' 1911 m 09/42 [Gz]

bekenissa (Gurage) kind of tree, Croton macrostachys,

with broad leaves of which some are usually bright yellow;
also Vernonia amygdalina
HDE63c Bekeniti (village) 08/38 [x]
HDL52 Bekeno 0925'/3839' 2390 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
Beker, a male personal name
HES32 Beker sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dabat) 12/37 [Ad]
HDL35c Bekera (centre in 1964 of Webori sub-district) 09/38 [Ad]
HEF43 Beketsa (Bechetsa) 11/39 [+ Gu]
H.... Bekewulie (Bekawla) 05/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Komso wereda)
?? Bekeyo Gendecha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
-- bekeyo ge..: Geta was traditionally a Gurage area
?? Bekeyo Getta (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
beki (O) doctor; (bäqi) (A) sufficient, enough
GDU16 Beki, see Becchi
HCN07 Beki (Bek'i, Beqi) 0717'/3530' 1408 m 07/35 [Gz q]
-- Bekie, see Beke
HD... Bekilalo (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HEF24 Bekimos kebele (Bäkimos ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dese Zuriya wereda at its eastern border,
10 km south-southeast of Dessie; area 3,121 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCK61 Beklo Segno, see Bele
beko abo: abo see under abbo as first part of name
?? Beko Abo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
beko genge: gengo (O) circular object
?? Beko Genge (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HC... Beko Kugo (Bek'o K.) 07/36 [n]
beko kuj.: qujee (Som) prick, jab, puncture
?? Beko Kuji (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEF94 Bekoj kebele (Bäqoj ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda in its eastern part;
20 km east-southeast of Weldiya; area 2,339 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCT39 Bekoji (Beccogi, Bok'oji, Bocoggi, Boccoggi) 07/39 [Gz Po Ad WO]
(Bokoggi) MS: 0735'/3910' = HCT38, 2566, 2840 m
Gz: 0732'/3915' = HCT39, 2809 m
(centre of Limu & Bilbilo wereda)
HCT39 Bekoji wereda + sub-district 07/39 [+ Ad]
(centre of both in 1964 = Bekoji)
HCT39 Bekoji wereda 07/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 83 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
HDE55 Bekojo 0837'/3856' 1831 m 08/38 [Gz]
JDC67 Bekola 0845'/4219' 1294 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDJ88 Bekola 0939'/4224' 1567 m 09/42 [Gz]
bekollo, bekkollo (bäqqollo) (A) maize
HDL81 Bekolo 0948'/3832' 3027 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Bekulzar (Fre: Béqoulzar) (historically recorded) ../.. [x]
?? Bekwot (Bequot) 14/39? [+ x]
(historical? area west of Adigrat)
bela (O) hunger, famine; (A) to eat;
(Welega Bega) kind of wild-growing spice
GDM82 Bela (hill) 2076 m, cf Belah, Bila 09/34 [WO]
HEL86 Bela (Biala) 1231'/3903' 2328 m 12/39 [Gz]
bela h..: hare (O) lake? place?
JDK43 Bela Hare 0925'/4249' 1670 m 09/42 [Gz]
GDU85 Belad Deroz 1041'/3447' 702 m (customs post) 10/34 [WO Gu Gz]
HEU12 Belago (Balago) 1250'/3932' 2533 m 12/39 [WO Gu 18 Gz]
(British camp in 1868), see under Maychew
HFE76 Belah (mountain) 14/39 [Pa]
HFE56 Belaho (mountain chain) 1405'/3903' 2375 m 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adwa
HEB65 Belaia, see Belaya & HEB72
HEB.. Belaire (amba) 11/36 [x]
HED02 Belaita 1053'/3745' 2474 m 10/37 [Gz]
HFE55 Belaito (Bela'ito, /Adi/ Teghemmes) (Muslim village) 14/38 [Gz Gu WO]
1403'/3859' 2053 m, south of Adwa
HBK83 Belal, G. (hill), cf Bilal, Bilel .. 04/37 [WO]
HBL20 Belal Haiya (area) 03/38 [WO]
HBP81 Belala (Balala) 05/35 [LM WO]
HBL85 Belale (Balale, Ballale) 0421'/3854' 1260 m 04/38 [Gz WO]
HFC28 Belamba, see Bilamba
belamba k..: kashi, ceremonial place among the Ometo;
cashi (Som) weakness /in livestock/; kaashi (Som) assistance, cooperation
HFC38 Belamba Kashi (Belamba Casci) (with church) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1351'/3724' 1002 m
HEF... Belan (Velan?) (village with poppies in 1890s) 11/39 [18]
JBS13 Belan 04/42 [WO]
GDU95 Belangashe, Jebel 1048'/3452' 1096 m 10/34 [Gz]
(mountain on the border of Sudan)
HDL58 Belat (recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
HEU50 Belat (/Addi/ Golagul) 1310'/3927' 1836 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
(with church Medhane Alem)
Coordinates would give map code HEU51
HEU62 Belat (Belhat) 1314'/3936' 1900 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HDJ97 Belatte (area) 09/37 [WO]
belay (A) 1. above; 2. vermin, also tebay (täbay);
Belay, a frequently used male personal name
HEB36 Belaya (Belaia, Belia) (high plateau) 11/36 [+ WO Gu 18]
average 1950 m, see under Chagne
HEB65 Belaya (Belaia, Belaiya, Balaia, Balaya, Bälayya) 11/36 [Gz WO Ch n]
(Belia, Baghidir) (mountain)
1128'/3612' 2402 m, peak 2731/2740 m
Coordinates would give map code HEB55
HEB72 Belaya (Belaia) (high plateau) 11/35 [+ WO Gu]
HEH18 Belaya 1153'/3626' 887 m 11/36 [Gz]
HEB66c Belaya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Nigus Dawit) 11/36 [Ad]
HEM90 Belayah 1236'/3924' 2747 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ35 Belbela (Balbala) (peak) 0921'/3704' 3076, 3261 m, 09/37 [Gz Gu WO]
see under Haretu
HEL46 Belbela, see Bilbila
JDA78 Belbeleyti (mountain chain) 0848'/4027' 1833 m 08/40 [Gz]
near Gelemso
JDA67 Belbeliti (Belbelti, Belbelleti, Belbelletti) 08/40 [Gu Ad WO Gz]
(plantations) 0843'/4025' 1746 m
JDA22 Belbelo 0824'/4001' 2738 m 08/40 [Gz]
belbelto (A) Celosia anthelmintica, C. trigyna
GDM93 Belbiso, Gebel (Bilbaiso) (mountain) 09/34 [WO Gz]
0952'/3437' 2058, 2738 m
GDU30 Beldoeso (Bildoesu) 1019'/3423' 1020 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
(mountain near the border of Sudan)
HCK61 Bele (Beklo Segno) 0655'/3739' 1950 m, cf Bili 06/37 [Gz]
HC... Bele (in Delo awraja) 06/39? [Ad]
HC... Bele (in Ticho awraja) 07/39? [Ad]
HCD81 Bele, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
JCG47 Bele (Bailei, Ballei) 0646'/4026' 2097 m 06/40 [Gz WO]
HDU94 Bele kebele (Bälé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the central separate western part of Kalu wereda at its western border,
28-32 km south-southwest of Kombolcha; area 4,713 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK31 Belecta , see Belekta
GDU34 Belef Ofa, see Belet Oha
HEM23 Belego kebele (Bälägo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western south Kobo wereda, 21 km south
of Kobbo town; area 2,821 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
belegu: bellege (bällägä) (A) rained /small rains/
GDU40 Belegu (area) 10/34 [WO]
HFE67 Beleho 1410'/3906' 1928 m 14/39 [Gz]
JFA64 Belekiya (mountain) 1411'/4010' 350 m 14/40 [Gz]
HCU65 Beleksa (Ballacasa) 07/39 [LM WO]
JDK31 Belekta (Belecta) 0920'/4238' 1713 m 09/42 [Gz]
west of Jijiga, cf Belerka
?? Belela (in Sidama zone) ../.. [20]
HDU91 Belele 1048'/3925' 3023 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Belembel, at the border of Somalia 05/45 [n]
HET46 Belenta 1302'/3900' 1354, 1470 m 13/39 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Abergele
JDK31 Belerka (Belerca, Belecta) (village) 1780 m 09/42 [+ Gu WO It]
beles, beless (bäläs) (A) kinds of small tree,
Ficus capreaefolia, F. carica, F. palmata, Euphorbia spp.,
also the Tree of Life which grows in Paradise; 2. good luck /in a hunt/;
(A,T) cactus, Opuntia sp.
HEA05 Beles (Balas) (river) 1054'/3516' 10/35 [x]
HFF32 Beles (Bäläs), see Belesa
belesa: belese (bäläsä) (T) to be superior; (bäläse) (A) moss;
bellese (bälläsä) (T) to choose, to select
HEK72 Belesa (Sifat'ira) 1224'/3742' 2506 m 12/37 [LM Gz WO]
(Gz has Beleza at 1225'/3744', see below)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Debosghie (village)
9E Abune Aregay (Abuna Aregai) (church) 2484 m
6S Birratellic (village)
7S Bilbochi (Bilboci) (village)
10S Mikael Debir (village)
3SW Amba Zuria (area)
6SW Mereda Mikael (village)
9SW Merider Maryam (village)
(8NW Deguma, see this location)
7NE Aosaharoa (village)
HEK88 Belesa (area) 12/38 [WO]
HEK93 Belesa (Bäläsa) (locality) 1235'/3750' 12/37 [WO Gz]
HEM82 Belesa 12/39 [It]
HES56 Belesa 1308'/3806' 3020 m, 13/38 [Gz]
cf Hulet Belesa wereda
HFF32 Belesa (Beles, Bäläs) (with church Mikael) 13/39 [Gz Gu Pa]
1350'/3936', south-east of Hawzen, see under Wikro
HFL17c Belesa (May Belesa) (river on the border of Eritrea) 14/39 [20 En]
HBR19 Belesa Ilario (area) 04/37 [WO]
HEK71 Belesa wereda (Belessa ..) 12/37 [Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Ambachara) (1964-1994-)
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
Part of Libo awraja until 1974.
GEF06 Belesagado, Jebel 1052'/3457' 953 m 10/34 [Gz]
(mountain on the border of Sudan)
HEK71 Belessen (mountains) 1228'/3739' 2732 m 12/37 [Gz]
-- belessua: Belesuwa, an Ado Mara tribe of the Afar
HFF75 Belessua (area) peak 2578 m 14/39 [WO]
JFA93 Belessua (area) 14/40 [WO]
belet: belett ale (bälätt' alä) (A) exceeded, surpassed;
ofa (O) wooden spear without metal point
GDU34 Belet Oha (Belef Ofa) [=Belet Wiha?] 10/34 [MS Gz WO]
1013'/3446' 1421 m
HCP39 Beletta 0733'/3630' 07/36 [WO x]
Forest area midway between Jimma and Bonga.
Belew (bäläw), a male personal name
?? Belew (Balaw) (ancient Muslim kingdom) ../.. [n]
in north-eastern Ethiopia
HEM90 Belewa 1237'/3922' 2848 m, cf Balawa 12/39 [Gz]
JDJ56 Belewa 0934'/4208' 1660 m (north of Harar) 09/42 [Gz]
JDK42 Belewule 0926'/4245' 1727 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK54 Beley 0934'/4256' 1776 m 09/42 [Gz]
-- Beleya (Bäläya), an animist group west of Agew Midir
HE... Beleya (mountain), see [probably] Belaya 11/36 [MS]
HEK72 Beleza (Belesa, Balaza) 1225'/3744' 2143 m 12/37 [Gz WO]
HET16 Beleza 1247'/3901' 2053 m 12/39 [Gz WO]
HET16 Beleza (Felisma) 1247'/3902' 1924 m 12/39 [Gz WO Gu]
GDU64 Belfodiyo (Befodio, Belfodio) (north of Asosa) 10/34 [Gz WO Gu]
MS: 1035'/3447' 1046 m; Gz: 1031'/3447' 843 m
HCR60 Belga 0750'/3640' 1629 m, near Agaro, cf Beliga 07/36 [Gz]
belg (bälg) (A) season of small rains;
belg wenzi (T?) small rains river /flowing in that season/?
HEE77 Belgwenzi (Belguenzi) 11/39 [+ WO]
HEU62 Belhat, see Belat
GDM74 Belho 0943'/3442' 1476 m, cf Belo 09/34 [Gz]
JEJ45 Belhou (waterhole) 12/42 [WO]
HEB36 Belia, see Belaya
HDC34 Belida (mountain) 0824'/3658' 2428 m 08/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDC24
HFF34 Beliga 1353'/3947' 2666 m, north-west of Atsbi 13/39 [Gz]
JFA64 Beliga (watercourse) 1409/4008', cf Belga 14/40 [Mi]
HF... Beliho (centre in 1964 of Indachiwa sub-district) 14/38? [Ad]
HEF95 Belina 1140'/3951' 1480 m 11/39 [Gz]
belio: beelyo (Som) large bird of prey
HCB58 Belio, Gebel (mountain) 0554'/3630' 1557 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
JCP74 Belitu (Beltu), see Lege Hida
JCJ69 Belkane (Belcane) 0656'/4228' 797 m 06/42 [Gz]
HEL76 Belkwak (Belcoac) 1224'/3903' 2733 m 12/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]

bella (O) single eye /if one is lost/;

(A) to eat; to win gambling
HCJ00 Bella, see Belta, cf Balla
HDH08 Bellam (area), see under Nekemte 09/36 [WO]
bellama (O) valuable /assets/
?? Belle (sub-post office under Shashemene) ../.. [Po]
HDC41 Bellecha (Belleccia) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HCP39 Belleta (Belletta, Bellista) (forest) 0732' 3631' 07/36 [Gz WO Gu x]
G.... Belletafa 10/34 [18]
bellete (bällät'ä) (A) surpass, excel, also a male personal name
JBP39 Bellic (area) 04/41 [WO]
GDU02 Belmili, see under Asosa 10/34 [WO]
HEA26 Belmili (area) 11/35 [WO 18]
HDN34 Belmodo (mountain) 1015'/3510' 10/35 [x]
belo (Som) hardship, difficulty, misfortune;
(bälo, Shewa pronunciation of bäqlo) (A) mule
GCU15 Belo (Belou, Biloo) (mountain), cf Belho 07/34 [WO Gz]
0722'/3451' 1170 m
HDE70 Belo (Bälo) (village near Awash) 08/38 [x]
HDE80 Belo 0856'/3825' 2116 m 08/38 [Gz]
JDA75 Belo 0851'/4017' 1493 m 08/40 [Gz]
?? Belo Jegonfoy wereda (.. Jegenfo ..) ../.. [Ad 20]
in Benishangul-Gumuz
(-1994-) is divided into 20 rural kebeles and no urban one.
belo m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDE70c Belo Meda (plain) 08/38 [x]
?? Belodolie (Belohdelie), middle Awash fossil site ../.. [20]
GDU96 Belshimbele (hill) 10/34 [WO]
HCC77 Belta (Balta) 0604'/3716' 2702 m 06/37 [Gz WO]
(place, and according to WO also area)
HCJ00 Belta (Belt'a, Bella) 0624'/3638' 1830 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCJ.. Belta (in Gofa awraja) 06/36? [Ad]
HC... Belta Mender (in Gardula awraja) 05/37? [Ad]
HED85 Belta Musafa ca. 1140'/3805' 11/38 [20]
area some 20 km south of Debre Tabor
HEJ03 Beltea (valley) 11/36 [It]
JCP74 Beltu (Belitu), see also Lege Hida
-- Bembala language, see Burji
HEK44 Bembwalul (Bembualul) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEA43 Bemoza, see Bameza
HEL04 Ben (Babingia) 1143'/3854' 2499 m 11/38 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HEE95
ben gado: gado (O) grudge, rancour; (Som) 1. buy for oneself;
2. erase; gaaddo (Som) chest, pectoral muscles; gaddo (Som)
1. select; 2. personality
JCT24 Ben Gado 0726'/4351' 719 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HDT47 Bena, see Beha
bena k..: Kule (Tsamay), an ethnic group in this region
HCC00 Benakule wereda (Benakulie .., Bena Kule ..) 05/36 [+ Ad n]
(Benakole .., Banna Kole ..) (centre in 1964 = Kule)
from the late 1960s in Geleb & Hamer Bako awraja
HEE98 Benawalka, see Binawalka

benben ..: kidame gebeya (A) Saturday market

HCU92 Benben 0805'/3932 2758 m 08/39 [Gz]
HFD02 Benben Kidame Gebeya (Benbel ..) 08/39 [x Gz]
0810'/3932' 2568 m
-- Bench (Gimira, Ghimarra, Gimarra, Dizu) ethnic group living
in the Kefa region, in and around Mizan Teferi
?? Bench Maji zone (capital Mizan Teferi) ../.. [n]
?? Bench-Maji awraja ../.. [En]
an early unit of what became the Bench-Maji Zone in 1996.
?? Bench wereda (1996-) ../.. [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 101 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HES22 Bencher 1256'/3746' 2571 m 12/37 [Gz]
HCH38 Benchira, see Benkira
HC... Bendana (in Kembata & Hadiya awraja) 07/37? [Ad]
?? Bendelcho Kombota (in Hadiya), see also Keberkuya ../.. [n]
bender a..: aman (Arabic) peace, safe /area/
JDL23 Bender Aman 0915'/4344' 1402 m 09/43 [Gz]
on the border of Somalia
HDB83 Bendi (mountain) 0857'/3600' 1381 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDH08 Bendikake (Bendicache) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
JDK53 Benenisa, see Bekenisa
-- Benesho, a sub-division of the main ethnic group of Gimira-Maji
HC... Benesho (Fre: Bennecho) ../.. [Pa x]
Mentioned in 1910 as one of five sub-regions of Gimira.
HCG57 Benesso (Benescio, Buneso, Benish) 06/35 [Gz]
0652'/3528' 1542 m
HCC22 Beneta (locality) 0540'/3648' 05/36 [WO Gz]
GDU36 Bengedda (Benghedda) 10/34 [+ WO]
HEC24 Bengia, see Benja
beni (O) mellow, soft and sweet, unleavened; (Som) hut, house
HDL22 Beni 0917'/3837' 2577 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEE69 Benina 1127'/3919' 2379 m, near Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HCG57 Benish, see Benesso
-- Benishangul, Beni Shangul, name - originally used by Arabic-
speaking Sudanese, from Amharic shanqilla
-- Benishangul language, see Berta
GDU12 Benishangul awraja (centre in 1959 = Asosa) 10/34 [x Gz]
1000'/3430', cf Asosa & Benishangul awraja
GDU54c Benishangul wereda (centre in 1964 = Menge) 10/34 [Ad]
benja (O) piece of garment (shemma) of white cotton cloth
HEC24 Benja (Bengia, Bangia, Banja, Bandja, Saha Bania) 11/36 [Gz Gu WO Ha]
1106'/3656' 2389 m, cf Banja, Benya
Coordinates would give map code HEC23
JDK67 Benka 0938'/4313' 1593 m 09/43 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
HC... Benka wereda (centre in 1964 = Wai Selam) 06/36 [Ad]
HCH38 Benkira (Benchira) (mountain) 0639'/3629' 1232 m 06/36 [WO Gz]
HCD59 Benko (Benk'o, Banco) 0553'/3819' 2034 m 05/38 [Gz WO]
HCD98 Benko (Benk'o, Banco) 0612'/3813' 2024 m 06/38 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HCD87
?? Benkuel (Bänkuäl) (medieval monastery) ../.. [x]
-- Benna (ethnic group), see Bana
HDA54 Benni, Tulu (mountain) 0836'/3511' 1254 m 08/35 [WO Gz]
H.... Bensa (pilgrimage mountain) 07/38? [x]
H.... Bensa (Benssa) (visiting postman u. Shashemene) 07/38? [20 Po]
H.... Bensa wereda 07/38? [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 49 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
bente (bäntä) (A) in the name of
HDK29 Bente 0917'/3824' 2598 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
GCM57 Benti 0648'/3455'c 06/34 [x]
name from G. Montandon 1913.
HDD59 Bentu Liben, see Bantu
?? Bequot, see Bekwot
ber: ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, doorway; pass between
two mountains, point of access through a natural obstacle
HED59 Ber 1123'/3824' 2504 m, east of Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
HDL78 Ber Badi & Robi kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its
eastern border, 30 km south of Inewari; area 1,617 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES85 Ber Maryam, see Chew Ber
HEL37 Ber Metebekiye (Ber Metebek'iye) 12/39 [Gz]
1204'/3907' 3581 m, north-east of Lalibela
bera, beera (O) old and respectable /woman/;
(bära) (A) bald on the top of the head;
berra (A) to become light, bright weather, to shine
HCL.. Bera, 'nagadi place' south of Yirga Alem 06/38 [x]
JDA08 Bera (area) 08/40 [WO]
HF... Bera Ketema (Beraketema) (in Agame awraja) 14/39? [+ Ad]
HCL40c Bera sub-district (Biera ..) (with mission) 06/38 [Gu Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ras Desta Ber)
?? Berababo (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
JFA23c Berahile 13/40 [MS]
JFA43 Berahle (Berahale, Lemale) 1352'/4001' 639 m 13/40 [Gz Ne WO LM]
HFK04 Berai, see Biyara
HFK05 Berai 1433'/3759' 1520 m 14/37 [Gz]
berak, beraak (Harari) lightning
JDJ.. Berak (village in the Dire Dawa region) 09/41 [n]
HFE49 Berakit (Beraqit) (with rock-hewn church) 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
HDF12 Berara (historical locality in Shewa) 08/39 [En]
HEF30 Berara Jerjero kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Kuta Ber wereda, with Berara kebele adjoining
in the north, 25-30 km west of Dessie; area 2,203 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF30 Berara kebele (Bärara ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Kuta Ber wereda at its western border, 20-25 km
west-southwest of Kuta Ber settlement; area 4,609 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Berara sub-district (centre in 1964 = Berara Beru) 11/39 [Ad]
?? Berarah (historically recorded), cf Berara above ../.. [Pa]
?? Berare (Berarä, Bärärä) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HFE06 Berarwa 1334'/3901' 1818 m, south of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HEE23 Berat Sanka Ghiorghis, see Kitir
?? Beraz (mountain), peak 3476 m ../.. [20]
HFK05 Berayo (Berai) 14/37 [LM WO]
JCR16 Berbade 0720'/4209' 559 m 07/42 [18 Gz]
HCN64 Berbatta, see Darbatta
HDR48 Berben Zimma, see Goftima Sebeka
HBS98 Berbens 0524'/3820' 1695 m 05/38 [Wa]
?? Berber Maryam (ancient church in Gamu) ../.. [x]

HDP76 Berbera, see Barbara

HDU36 Berbera .., see Birbira ..
berberay kura, pepper bowl?
kura (A,O) 1. (qura) crow, raven; 2. (O) (quura) bowl-like deep plate
HEJ54 Berberay Kura (Berbera Cura, Barberi Cura, Cura) 12/36 [Ch Gu WO Gz]
(village) 1216'/3700' 2130 m, (mountain saddle) 1943/2360 m,
see also HEJ54 Barberi Kura
berbere (bärbäre) (A,T) red pepper, chili pepper,
Capsicum abyssinicum, C. frutescens; mederi (T) land;
berebere (bäräbärä) (A) examine
JC... Berbere (in Wabe awraja) 07/40? [Ad]
JCH81 Berbere (Berberi) 0705'/4048' 1452 m 07/40 [Gz WO Wa]
berbere me.: midir (A) earth, land, region
HDD87 Berbere Medir (Barbere Meder) (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDM44 Berbere U. (Uoscia = Washa?) 09/39 [WO]
?? Berbere wereda (Bärbäre ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 17 rural kebeles and 1 urban,
cf Azernet & Berbere wereda
HDM44 Berbere Wiha kebele (Bärbäré Weha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
berberi (O) red pepper; berbari (A) plunderer, thief,
one who searches around
HCU37 Berberi (Barbari) 0731'/3959' 2465 m 07/39 [Gz]
JCG53 Berberi 0650'/4005' 1562 m 06/40 [WO Gz]
JCG53? Berberi (Berberie) 06/40 [Ad]
(wereda & its centre in 1964)
JCH81 Berberi, see Berbere
HER19 Berberi Amba (Berber Amba) (area) 12/37 [WO Gu]
JCP13 Berberissa (area) 07/40 [WO]
HDM61 Berbersa .., see Birbirsa ..
HDU80 Berberti, see Birbirti also HEF16
HDR48 Berbeti Zimma, see Goftima Sebeka
berbissa ..: tuto (O) kind of tree, Citrus aurantifolia;
tutto (O) /small/ hill; t'uutt'oo (O) feeding bottle
HCE65 Berbissa Tuto (Berbisato) (mountain) 05/38 [WO Gu Gz]
0601'/3853' 2140, 2532 m
bercha t..: t'ik'ur (A) black, dark;
-- Tiqur, Tuqur, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDL54 Bercha Tikur (Berch'a /T'ik'ur/) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0933'/3847' 2639 m
JDB14 Berche (Berch'e) 0816'/4104' 1560 m 08/41 [Gz]
HFF23 Berchi 1345'/3941' 2268 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDH84c Berchomabor (Tulu Bertchomabor) c 0950'/3605' 09/36 [+ x]
mountain north-east of Didessa river
berchuma: barchuma (O) 1. stool with three legs,
seat, chair; 2. custom; berchumma (A from O) stool as above
HBT42 Berchuma (Borciuma), cf Burchuma 04/38 [LM WO]
HCH52 Berchuma (Berciuma), see Bachuma
HEL42 Bercuacua, see Birkwakwa
JDL21 Berdale 0518'/4335' 513 m 05/43 [18 Gz]
JCT96 Berdellei (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDD73 Berdid, see Birdid

bere (bäre) (A) ox, bull

HCC52 Bere Baka 0557'/3647' 1131 m 05/36 [Gz]

HDM63 Bere Hager kebele (Bäré Hagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]

in south-east Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its
southern border, 9-11 km south-east of Debre Birhan town; area 952 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Berebabo (Béräbabo) ../.. [Pa]
(Gafat area in the 1500s)
HEF73 Berebiyu kebele (Bäräbeyu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Habru wereda at its border, near Wirgesa
to the east there and 10 km south of Mersa; area 2,051 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ95 Bereccia, see Berji
HDE53 Berecha (village north of Awash) 08/38 [x]
HDF40 Berecha (Bereccia) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDJ47 Berecha 0926'/3716' 2225 m, at Chomen swamp 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ56 Berecha (Jarra, Giarre) 0933'/3712' 2225 m 09/37 [Gz]
east of Shambu
HDJ95 Berecha (Bereccia), see Berji
HDL00 Berecha 0908'/2829' 2588 m, see under Genet 09/38 [AA Gz]
bereda: berrede (bärrädä) (A) to become cold; bered (T) ice, hail;
beredo (bärädo) (A) hail, snow
Bereda, cf Barada, Bareda
HDB55 Bereda 0841'/3611' 1803 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDB64 Bereda 0846'/3607' 1724 m 08/36 [Gz]
HD... Bereda (in Leka/Nekemte awraja), with waterfall 09/36? [Ad]
HDK51 Bereda (village & area) 0930'/3736' 1364 m 09/37 [AA WO Gz]
HDL50 Bereda 0930'/3829' 1992 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT86 Bereda 1042'/3901' 1763 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDB69 Bereda 0845'/4132' 1470 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDG29 Bereda 0916'/4040' 1467 m, west of Mieso 09/40 [Gz]
HDT96 Bereda kebele (Bäréda ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Kelala wereda,
11-17 km north of Kelala settlement; area 2,954 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBT82 Beredale (Berdale, Berdaleh) 05/43 [MS WO Wa]
HDC33 Beredi 0825'/3653' 1735 m, east of Koma 08/36 [Gz]
HDL16 Bereh & Aleltu wereda 09/39 [Ad]
HDL16 Bereh wereda (Bäräh) (centre in 1964 = Sendafa) 09/39 [Ad n]
bereha (A) land below 500 m altitude
HDM35 Berehet kebele (Bärähät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Berehet wereda; area 1,474 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Berehet wereda (in the 1990s, North Shewa Zone) ../.. [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEE59 Berejat 1118'/3918' 2148 m, south of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
berek (bäräq) (A) 1. chalk, white soil; 2. meteor;
Berek, a male personal name;
berekwa (bäräkwa) (T) forest
HDL16 Berek (Barrec, Barrek, Rufi) 09/39 [Gz AA Gu]
(place with church, and mountain)
0913'/3900' 3174/3228 m, see under Sendafa
HDM26 Berek 0914'/3858' 2899 m 09/38 [Gz]
?? Bereka (Bäräka) (ancient name of desert) ../.. [x]
HD... Bereka (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HEL12 Berekasa (Bereccasa) (church) 1151'/3838', 11/38 [+ WO Gz]
see under Debre Zebit
bereke (Geez) (bäräkä) to bow; (bäräqä) to shine
bereket (A) blessing, present /of a kind generally to be
rewarded in return/; abundance, prosperity; also a male name
HDM13 Bereket (Berechet, Barakat) see under Sidisto 09/39 [Ad WO 18]
HDM14 Bereket (Berechet) (area), see under Sidisto 09/39 [+ WO]
HDM13 Bereket sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sidisto) 09/39 [Ad]
HEE84 Berekeza kebele (Bäräkäza ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western central Meket wereda, 10 km west-northwest
of Filakit; area 2,416 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Berenta wereda 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Yedeha Kidane Mihret)
?? Berera (Bärära) (historically recorded, in Shewa) ../.. [Pa]
HDL32 Beresa 0924'/3841' 2618 m (with church Gebriel) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL33 Beresa 0920'/3845' 2592 m, near road A.A.-Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL60 Beresa 09/38 [AA]
HDL94 Beresa (Beressa) 0955'/3850' 1627 m (w church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM62 Beresa (Bäresa) (river near D. Birhan) 0938'/3933' 09/39 [n]
HDL95 Beresa kebele (Bärésa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
20-25 km south-west of Alem Ketema; area 2,945 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS98 Beresa Maryam (village) 08/38 [x]
JDJ26 Bereser 0915'/4211' 1479 m, south-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HDJ17 Bereso 0912'/3716' 2563 m 09/37 [Gz]
beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, thorn enclosure for cattle,
'stable', barn
HEF33 Beret (centre in 1964 of Kedijo sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
JCC51 Beret 0557'/4142' 517 m 05/41 [Gz]
JER42 Beret (locality) 1303'/4148' 13/41 [WO Gz]
beret sanka (A) enclosure made of planks;
sanka (saanqaa) (O) door, board, plank; (sanka) (A) defect, fault, blemish
HEE24 Beret Sanka (Berat Sanca Gh.) 11/38 [LM WO]
HDU73 Beret Wenz (place) 1037'/3940' 3217 m 10/39 [Gz]
east of Were Ilu
HDK19 Beretu 0911'/3821' 2730 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDE83 Bereys (Bereis) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HET18 Berezba 1308'/3910' 1719 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET48 Berezba 1303'/3915' 1766 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEC24 Berf (area) 11/36 [It]
HDE91 Berfata (area), see under Genet 08/38 [WO]
Berga, a male personal name
HDD89 Berga (Bärga) (river) 0855'/3820' 08/38 [+ n]
HDD99 Berga 0901'/3822' 2218 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem, cf Barga
HDE72 Berga (village near river of the same name) 08/38 [x]
JEB79 Berga 1130'/4130' 351 m, east of Asaita 11/41 [Gz]
HDL75 Bergafet (Bergatit) 0942'/3857' 2564 m, 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
see under Debre Libanos
HES.? Bergibbi (Yäbärr Gibbi), east of Menz and Gishe 13/38? [En]
H.... Bergibi (centre in 1964 of Gidim sub-district) 10/40? [Ad]
HDU46 Bergibi kebele (Bärgebi ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Efrata & Gidim wereda at its eastern border,
3-10 km south-west of Efeson; area 2,030 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ47 Bergida (Berghida), see Birgida
GD... Bergushu kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. Kwama language is spoken there.
HEM41 Berha Maryam kebele (Bärha ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kobo wereda, 15 km west
of Kobbo town; area 5,111 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEB06 Bergoa (area) 10/36 [Ch WO]
HF... Berhale (in Hulet Awlalo awraja) 13/39? [Ad x]
JFA33 Berhale (Berhahile), see Berahle
HF... Berhale sub-district (-1997-) 13/39? [n]
HCG75 Berhan, see Birhan
beri, beriye (O) dawn, daybreak; (T) gate, entrance;
berri (Ari) female deity of the Ari people
HDL72 Beri (Salale) 0943'/3838' 3153 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(place at 3839' and mountain at 3838'), cf Bari
HDN85 Beri (mountain) 1048'/3514' 661 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDN95
JDK33 Beri & Bartire sub-district (Berie ..) 09/42 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jijiga)
beri siade: berri siyaado (Som) extra land
KCJ90 Beri Siade 0714'/4636' 484 m 07/46 [WO Gz]
Near corner of map codes KCH99/KCP09/KCR00
HCS96 Bericha (Bariccia) (hill) 0803'/3901' 08/39 [Gz WO]
HDF52 Bericha (Boseti Bariccia) (mountain) 08/39 [Gz WO Gu]
0837'/3931' 1561 m, south-east of the railway
KCN69 Beridaleh 0749'/4536' 644 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
HDH95 Beriso 0953'/3613' 2164 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ95 Berji (Berecha, Bereccia) 0953'/3706' 2481 m 09/37 [Gz Wa]
(with church Maryam), near Alibo
HDH15 Berjuma (Bergiuma) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
berka (T) forest
HDU03c Berka (Berca) 2863 m, cf Barka 09/39 [+ Gu]
HDL44 Berkale Angoye 0926'/3852' 2609 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF41 Berkana (Berk'ana, Berqana) 1115'/3928' 2020 m 11/39 [Gz q]
HDT06 Berkato kebele (Bärqato ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its southern border,
6-10 km south of Alem Ketema; area 1,303 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDR89 Berkenye (Berkegne, Berchegn) (hill) 10/37 [+ Ad WO]
HDR89 Berkenye sub-district (centre in 1964 = Filatit)
berket (T) multiply, proliferate
HFC21 Berket (with seasonal waterhole), cf Bereket 13/36 [MS WO]
-- Some of the Argobba ethnic group are said to live there around 1990.
berki: birki (T) 1. knee; 2. knuckle; 3. share
?? Berki (river c. 90 km west of Dessie) ../.. [Mi]
HFF14 Berki (Berchi) 13/39 [18 Gu]
HEL33 Berko, see Birko
HFE47c Berkoho (Bercoho) (mountain) saddle 2116 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
HET48 Berkola (Bercola) 13/39 [+ WO]
HEL43 Berkwakwa (Bercuacua), see Birkwakwa
HEJ86 Berlikomala 12/37 [WO]
JDS05 Berloh (area) 1520 m 09/43 [WO]
JBU97c Bermagog 05/44 [MS]
bermil (bärmil) (A) barrel, container for liquid
GDU04 Bermilli (in fertile plain, little water) 10/34 [WO Gu]
bero (O) coral tree, korch, Erythrina abyssinica,
with ornamental red flowers turned upwards; (A) kind of polecat
?? Bero (Kella Bero), customs post Gomma from Limmu ../.. [18]
HDJ59 Bero 0934'/3730' 2153 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
near map code HDK50, cf Biro
HDK64 Bero 0936'/3754' 2429 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Bero 0947'/3839' 3285 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF15 Bero 1058'/3947' 1998 m 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kombolcha
HDL99 Bero & Anfedar kebele (Bäro & Anfädar ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Moret & Jiru wereda,
5-8 km east-northeast of Inewari; area 710 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Bero Jeba (in Maji awraja) /Jeba is a male name/ 06/35? [Ad]
HDF81 Bero kebele (Bäro ..) 08/39 [Ad]
far to the west at the northern border of Minjar & Shenkora
wereda, 8-12 km north of Balchi; area 1,744 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JD... Beroda (in Webera awraja) 09/41? [Ad]
HDD97 Berodo 0902'/3810' 2223 m, near the Ambo road 09/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the north-east)
HES78 Berok Wiha (Berokwaha, Berocuaha, Beroch Waha) 13/38 [+ WO Gu x]
(mountain) 1319'/3817' 4505 m, see under Sawana
HDA17 Beroy (Boroi) 0818'/3526' 1578 m 08/35 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), north-west of Gore
HDB17 Beroy (Birru, Birro) (market) 2210 m 08/36 [LM WO Gu]
HDU02 Berqa & Lesan, see Birka & Lisan
HEF14 Berqo Debela, see Birko Debela
berra (bärra) (A) lit; birra (A) clear weather, sunny day
HFE84c Berrah (mountain) 14/38 [Gu]
HDT04 Bersa (Beressa), cf Berza 09/38 [LM WO]
HCR13 Bersisi 0721'/3653' 1864 m 07/36 [Gz]
JEA97 Bersu (mountain) 1144'/4028' 814 m 11/40 [Gz]
HDF86 Berta, Bertha, ethnic group in Wellega at the Abay 09/37 [x]
HDT68 Bertete 1033'/3914' 2545 m 10/39 [Gz]
bertu (O) accustomed; (A for birtu, burtu as written by H.Salt)
strong; birt (Geez) iron
HDE55 Bertu, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
-- Bertuma (Bärtuma), a group of Oromo; around year 1600
many of them served in the army of Emperor Susneyos
GDL78 Bertuma 09/34 [WO]
HDC86 Bertuma (mountain), see Betuma
beru (Gimir) kind of shrub, Prunus africanus;
(Chako) Pygeum africanum, a timber tree with dense
foliage and pink or red wood
HCA95 Beru, see Biro
HDF84 Beru (crater) 0857'/3945' 980 m, south of railway 08/39 [Gz]
HDT52 Beruh Tesfa, see Biruh Tesfa
HCC92 Berza 0619'/3650' 2144 m, cf Bersa 06/36 [x Gz]
in the 1920s the main centre of Gofa province, later
replaced by Bulki.
HDM64 Berze Hager, see Birze Hager

besa (A,O) copper coin /in former times/, half-piastre

HEH98 Besa (area) 12/36 [WO]
HDF71 Besa kebele (Bäsa ..) 08/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the north-west in central Minjar & Shenkora
wereda, adjoining Balchi to its north; area 1,327 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF86c Besaka (lake), see under Metehara 08/39 [x]
beseka: basako, bosaka (western O) kind of tall tree,
Sapium ellipticum
HDE84 Beseka 0852'/3847' 2120 m, see under Akaki 08/38 [Ad Gz]
(Akaki Beseka) (centre in 1964 of Akaki wereda)
HDF86c Beseka (Besaka) (lake), see under Metehara 08/39 [x]
HEE89 Beseka Giyorgis (Besek'a G.) (church) 1139'/3916' 11/39 [Gz]
HEE64 Beseka Yegoreda kebele (Bäsäqa Yägoräda ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
38 km south-west of Wegel Tena; area 5,321 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Beshada (Bashada, Batchada), ethnic group in the lower Omo valley;
-- Beshada language, see Hamer Bako
HC... Beshaide, village in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
HCR.. Beshasha, not far from Agaro 07/36 [n]
HDJ35 Beshe 0920'/3706' 2576 m, near Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
HEF42 Beshelo kebele (Bäshälo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Kuta Ber wereda, adjoining Kuta Ber settlement
to its south and west; area 2,840 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS27 Besheno 0728'/3812' 2001 m 07/38 [Gz]
GDU70 Besher sub-district (Beshir, Bescir ..) 10/34 [Ad Mi WO]
(centre in 1964 = Gemelie), near Dul mountain in Welega
HE... Beshilo (Bäshilo) (ctr in 1964 of Adela sub-district),
cf Bashilo 11/39 [Ad]
HDK05 Beshinto 0906'/3801 2969 m, see under Ilfeta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD69 Besi 0843'/3824' 2149 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK99 Besi 0954'/3822' 2465 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
J.... Besidimo, see Bisidimo
beso ..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HEE28 Beso Ber kebele (Bäso Bär ..) 11/39 [Ad]
along the eastern border of south-easternmost Mekdela wereda,
15 km south-southeast of Masha; area 3,347 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL44 Besorche, see Bosoke
HEE99 Besqa, see Biska
HDT95 Besqul, see Biskul
bessa (bässa) (A) to bore, to drill, to pierce;
besso (bässo) (A) type of food made usually from roasted
barley flour, also a beverage made from ground barley
HFF14 Bessa 13/39 [WO]
HEL57 Bestekan 1213'/3908' 2592 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ75 Besu 0942'/3703' 2437 m 09/37 [Gz]
bet (A,T) house /small as well as important ones,
also churches/; room, family, etc.
HEC.. Bet Abbo, church not very far from Amedamit pass 11/37 [x]
HEL08 Bet Alalech kebele (Bét Alaläch ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the north-eastern corner of Wadla wereda,
17 km north of Wegel Tena; area 4,002 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES29 Bet Albo Mikael (church) 1254'/3820' 12/38 [x]
bet anbesa (A) house of lion /of Judah?/
HEL37 Bet Anbesa (Biet Ambessa), see under Lalibela 12/39 [LM WO Gu]
HED65 Bet Ansa 1125'/3800' 2159 m 11/38 [Gz]
HER84 Bet Bedi (area) 13/36 [WO]
HFE97 Bet Gebet 1423'/3905' 1926 m 14/39 [Gz]
bet hawaryat, house/church of the apostles
HFF71 Bet Hawaryat 1414'/3931' 2573 m 14/39 [Gz x]
(Beta H.), near Adigrat
HFE79 Bet Hawiya (Tabaca, Tebeca) 1414'/3920' 2425 m 14/39 [Gz WO]
west of Adigrat
HFF71 Bet Hosannes (Biet H.) (with rock-hewn church), 14/39 [x]
see under Adigrat
HEU.. Bet Kinat (B. Qinat) 13/39? [x]
HFF20 Bet Kirkos (B. K'irk'os) 1348'/3924' 2091 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church of the same name)
HFF30 Bet Kirkos (B. K'irk'os) 1348'/3924' (w church) 13/39 [Gz]
HFF90 Bet Kirkos (B. K'irk'os) 1423'/3924' 2375 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFD88 Bet Korkos (B. K'ork'os, B. Qorqos) 14/38 [Gz q]
1418'/3818' 1728 m 14/38 [Gz]
bet lij (A) house of the prince
HE... Bet Lij sub-district (Biet Lij ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Metero)
bet mahber (A) house of a local association or monthly gathering
HET78 Bet Mahber (Bet Mahiber) 1318'/3914' 2219 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEU.. Bet Maira, see also under Amba Alage 13/39 [It]
bet mal.: male (A) swear, take a vow;
male, malee (O) without; male (Som) thought, idea;
-- Male is a southern Ometo group
?? Bet Male (Beit Maleh) (mountains) ../.. [18]
bet man: manso (Som) monitor lizard
HEC99 Bet Manzi (Bet Manzo), see Mansur
bet mara: mara (O) crown, diadem; marra (O) grass;
maraa (O) 1. fresh corn cake; 2. twist of rope,
roll of tobacco; marah (Som) thorn tree
HEU31 Bet Mara (Bet Maira) 1301'/3932' 2782 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
near Amba Alage, see Betmera
Coordinates would give map code HEU32
bet Maryam (A) house/church of Mary
HDL86 Bet Maryam (Bet Mariam) (church) 09/38 [LM WO]
HED60 Bet Maryam (Bieta Mariam) (village with church) 11/37 [+ It]
HEU61 Bet Maryam (Bete M., Bet Mariam) 13/39 [Gz Gu]
(village) 1313'/3929' 2083 m
HFD67 Bet Maryam (Biet Mariam) (area) 14/38 [+ WO]
see under Inda Silase
HFE79 Bet Maryam (Bet Mariam) 1414'/3918' 2260 m 14/39 [Gz Gu]
HFF32 Bet Maryam (B.Mariam) (small church) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFF62 Bet Maryam (Beit Mariam) (recorded in 1868) 14/39 [18]
bet mehai: meka (mäqa) (A) kind of reed, Arundo donax;
meka, meeqa (O) how much? how many?
maka, maqaa (O) name
HFF43 Bet Mehai (Bet Mikhai, Biet Meka, Bietmakai) 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church Mikael)
HFF31 Bet Mikael (Bet Micael) 1353'/3927' 2188 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
HFF43 Bet Mikhai, see Bet Mehai
HFE29 Bet Muha 1345'/3918' 2102 m
?? Bet Negus Maryam (Bietangus Mariam) (church), 09/37? [+ Gu]
cf Bete Nigus
HFE48 Bet Nigus 1357'/3914' 1631 m 13/39 [Gz]
bet nigus dinkwan (A) round tent with roof
HEE86 Bet Yohannes (Biet Iohannes, Bete Yohanis) 11/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1140'3859' 2983 m (with small church)
HF... Bet Yohannes 14/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Adi Abun Gult sub-district)
beta, betaa (O) docile, foolish, stupid /male/
HCP01 Beta (Bet'a) 0717'/3547' 1828 m 07/35 [Gz]
HCP01? Beta Gesha, see Gesha wereda
HFE62 Beta Giyorgis (hill) see under Aksum 14/38 [x]
beta hawaryat, house/church of the apostles
H.... Beta Hawaryat (area south-east of Adigrat) ../.. [n]
GCU16 Betagev (Betagheue) (mountain) 0720'/3453' 823 m 07/34 [+ Gz]
?? Betale, in the south-west of Ethiopia ../.. [n]
HEM30 Betara 1203'/3924' 2815 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDT08 Betaso & Gult Ager kebele (Bät'aso .. .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Moret & Jiru wereda, 6-12 km
north-northeast of Inewari; area 1,834 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Betcho, see Becho
HDC85 Bete 0854'/3704' 1750 m 08/37 [Gz]
HD... Bete (with feeding camp in 1985) 10/39? [x]
H.... Bete Hawaria wereda (centre in 1964 = Adigrat) ../.. [Ad]
bete hor: hoor (Som) rain; xor (Som) 1. free person;
2. fringe of garment; hor (Som) 1. front; 2. time before
HEE86 Bete Hor (Betehor, Betor, Bethor, Bitor, Betä Har) 11/39 [MS Gz WO Ro]
(Biethor, Bathor) (centre & area) 1125'/3907' 11/39 [MS Gu]
MS coordinates would give map code HEE67 at 20 km to the SE
Gz: 1137'/3902' = HEE86, 3011 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Delanga Dega kebele
5S Chena Dekish kebele
2SE Libargye (Libarghie) (village)
5SE Afagua (village)
6SE Semer & Semuzent kebele
7SE Wetege kebele
10SE Gidda (Jitta) (pass)
8S Azuga Mujazen kebele
6SW Derera kebele
10SW Wotegye (Uoteghie) (village)
10SW Yekendet kebele
10SW Atseft kebele
2W Geter kebele
2NW Kwokamba (Cuocamba) (village) 2428 m
5NW Subsafau (village)
6NW Digger (village)
7NW Gashina kebele
7NW Meret (church)
7NW Yedwokit Mikael (Ieduochit Micael) (church)
9NW Kimkimo kebele
10NW Yeneja (Ienegia, Ianegia, Ianeggia) (village)
5N Bete Yohanis kebele
10NE Ganchere kebele
HEE86 Bete Hor Giyorgis (Biethor Ghiorghis) 11/39 [+ Gu]
(church) 2774 m
HEE86 Bete Hor kebele (Bétä ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda, surrounding the Bete Hor settlement
mostly towards its south-west; area 2,759 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET64c Bete Lihem, see Betlehem
bete m..: muja, mujja (A,T) kinds of tall weed grass
H.... Bete Muja (Bietemuja) 10/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Iwa sub-district)
bete nigus (A) 1. house of the king; 2. traditional round house, "tukul"
HDS03 Bete Nigus 0959'/3748' 1993 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam to the south)
?? Bete Weleto (Bétä Wäläto) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HEE86 Bete Yohanis, see Bet Yohannes
HEE86 Bete Yohanis kebele (Bétä Yohanes ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle part of the northern border of Wadla wereda,
5 km north of Bete Hor; area 4,641 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
betera ..: amora (A,T) vulture
?? Betera Amora (Bätera A., Bateramora) ../.. [Pa x]
(historically recorded)
HDL02 Betero (Bät'äro) (village and mountain) 09/38 [x]
4 km north-east of Gefersa lake
HDU11 Betgar 1007'/3929' 2781 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Betiho sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gerbi) 10/39 [Ad]
betlehem, house to the east of a church; only priests are
allowed to enter there, and in it they prepare the bread and
wine for the Sacrament; Bete Lihem, Bethlehem
HET64c Betlehem (Bete Lihem) (south-east of Debre Tabor) 11/38 [x En]
HE... Betlehem (Betelihem), music school near Gondar 12/37? [x]
HET64c Betlehem (Betlihem) 11/38 [x]
betlehem a..: agot (A) outcrop; menna (A) manna /as in the Bible/
HE... Betlehem Agot Menna (Betelihem A.M.) 11/38? [+ Ad]
(in Gayint awraja)
HDU65 Betlehem sub-district (Betelhem ..) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Efrata)
HFF00 Betlem (Amba Betlem) (mountain) 13/39 [Gz]
1339'/3921' 1872, near map code HFE09
HED79c Betlemi (with fields of cotton) c. 1500 m 11/38 [Gu]
HCN03 Betmai 0716'/3506' 788 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
HEU31 Betmera (Betmara, Bet Maira, Bete Mariam) 13/39 [MS Br Gu Te]
(Bet Mara) 1301'/3932' 2782 m
(centre in 1964 of Amba Alage wereda
& of Alage Milash sub-district)
HCC63 Beto (Chere, Ghere) 0603'/3653' 1092 m 05/37 [Gz]
HEE86 Betor, see Bete Hor
HDT.. Betselote Mikael (cave church), see under Debre Bahriy
HEU70 Betswai (Betswal) 1318'/3922' 2531 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDU13 Betterge (Betterghe), see under Molale 10/39 [+ WO]
bettero: bettir, bittir (A) stick, club, cudgel;
betri (bätri) (T) stick, cane
HDB57 Bettero 08/36 [WO]
HDK01 Betti (mountain) 2332 m, in Wellega 09/37 [WO]
?? Bettie (in north-eastern Shewa) ../.. [n]
bettih (bätt'ih) (A) water melon
HDJ06 Betuma (Gebel B.) (mountain) 0904'/3712' 1850 m 08/37 [WO Gz]
near map code HDC96
HFE69c Betyes (Betties) [=Bet Iyesus?] 14/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church), in Haramat area
HCJ.. Beurate (Beuraté) 07/37 [x]
with kella mentioned in 1910 as the entrance to Konta
HCD01 Beverly Hills (foreign name; mountains) 05/37 [WO Gz]
0528'/3738' 1046 m
beyad (Som) environment, surroundings
JDS32 Beyadader (Beiadader) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HCR45 Beyain 0736'/3704' 1683 m 07/37 [Gz]
beyd (Som) house
JEC53 Beyda (Beida) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JDK12 Beyean 09/42 [MS]
HET50 Beyeda (Beieda) 1312'/3829' 2461 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
HET50c Beyeda wereda (centre in 1964 = Dibilza) 13/38 [Ad]
beyele ..: awaare (Som) dust
JDE17 Beyele Aware (area) 08/44 [WO]
beyo: beeyo (Som) incense;
beeyo (Som/H.Salt) water
HCC65 Beyo 0601'/3704' 1007 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDL88 Beyo (Beio), see under Deneba, cf Bayo 09/39 [+ WO]
HEL95 Beyza 1236'/3858' 2433 m, west of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
Beza, Bezza, a male personal name
HCC78 Beza 0606'/3721' 2901 m 06/37 [Gz]
HEC14 Bezzena (Bazana) 1058'/3700' 2638 m, 11/37 [WO Gz]
near Injibara
bezzene (bäzzänä) (A) walk all alone, go hither and thither
HEC89 Bhardar Giyorgis, see Bahir Dar
HFE85 Bhiza, see Bihiza
Bia .., see Bio .., Biyo ..
JDJ25 Bia Kamona (B. Camona), near Harar 09/42 [+ x]
JDC86 Bia Uoraba, see Didimtu
JDR64 Biaad (area) 10/42 [WO]
JCU52 Biad (Biad Dita, Deta) 0746'/4430' 968 m 07/44 [WO Gz]
JDK11 Biadeh 0913'/4232' 1565 m, 09/42 [Gu Gz]
coordinates would give map code JDK10
HFC97 Biagela (Biaghela) 1425'/3716' 796 m, 14/37 [+ WO Gz]
on the border of Eritrea
JCK91 Biahemedu 0713'/4239' 946 m 07/42 [Gz]
HEL66 Biala (mountain), see Baylamtu
HEL76 Biala (mountain) 12/39 [+ Gu WO 18]
1227'/3902' 3605/3806 m
HEL86 Biala, see Bela
KCN44 Bias, see Biyas
JBP37 Bib el Bur Bur (seasonal well) 0451'/4125' 04/41 [WO]
HCG53 Bibata (Dico), see under Guraferda 06/35 [WO]
GDU34 Bibbio (Baibbio) 1014'/3444' 1456 m 10/34 [Gz]
GDU54 Bibi, see Biye Abi
HE... Biboziba (centre in 1964 of Nebekisge sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
?? Bibugn (Bibugne) (vis. postman under D.Markos) ../.. [+ Po Ad Gu]
?? Bibugn (Bibunye) (with Friday market) 2850 m
?? Bibugn wereda (centre in 1964 = Digo Tsiyon) ../.. [+ Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 32 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HBU64 Bica, see Bika
JDH55 Bicche (Biche), see Bike
HDK15 Biccio, see Bicho
bicha (bich'a) (A,T) yellow, small yellow bird; (bicha) (A) only, alone
HDM.? Bichahe (with church Silase), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
HDS58 Bichana (Biccena), see Bichena
HCN88 Bichano (Bilati) 0758'/3532' 1935 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
HDF80c Bichash Tefa Lema kebele (Bechash Täfa Läma ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
11-15 km north-northwest of Balchi; area 2,034 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
biche, biichee (eastern O) small mountain antelope,
Ethiopian klipspringer, Oreotragus oreotragus saltatrixoides
JDH55 Biche, see Bike
HEJ79 Bichemer 1228'/3727' 1981 m 12/37 [Gz]
bichena: bichannet (A) condition of being alone, solitude
HDS58 Bichena (Biccena, Bichana, Bechana) 10/38 [Gz WO 18 Ch]
MS: 1028'/3820' = HDS59; Gz: 1027'/3812' = HDS57, 2541 m
(with sub-post office) in Enemay wereda
Centre in 1964 of Bichena awraja & of Enemay wereda
& of Lemchen sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
9SW Suha (village) 2410 m
5NW Weyname (with old damaged church)
HDS68 Bichena awraja 1030'/3815' 10/38 [Ad Gz]
(centre -1964-1980- = Bichena)
HDM25 Bichenkeny (Bich'enk'eny) 0917'/3949' 1204 m 09/39 [Gz]
H.... Bichi 08/36 [x]
locality in Guma west of the Didessa river
H.... Bichie (centre in 1964 of Ebbo sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HDE27 Bichiko (Bich'ik'o) 0820'/3907' 1664 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDK16 Bicho (Biccio) 0912'/3803' 3049 m 09/37 [AA Gz WO]
(with church Mikael), see under Ilfeta, cf Becho
Coordinates would give map code HDK15
HDK16 Bicho sub-district 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kiebisierba), later wereda?
HEM52 Bichro (Bich'ro) 1215'/3933' 1539 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south of Alamata
bichu, bichuu (O) small, tiny
JDJ19 Biciuman, see Buchumen
JDH.. Bicker, on the railway 25 km east of Afdem 09/41 [x]
JDH55 Bicket, see Bike
GD... Bidaru (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDK55 Bidaru 0930'/3802' 1542 m, cf Bideru, Bidiru 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL83 Biddigo 2775 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [WO]
HBT72 Bidduara, see Biduara
HCF43 Biderre (Bidere), see Bidre
HEF06c Bidersa 10/39 [Wa]
HEF25 Bidersa 1105'/3950' 1781 m 11/39 [Gu 18 Gz]
GDF12 Bideru (mountain) 0816'/3432' 08/34 [x]
HCS34 Bidika (Bidica), see under Hosaina 07/37 [+ WO]
?? Bidire (in Bale), cf Bidre ../.. [x]
bidiru, bideru, bidru (O) hollowed tree trunk for various
purposes such as container, drum, canoe; as a traditional
drum it was useful to warn of an approaching enemy and
could be heard at a distance of several kilometres;
biddiru (A) the loan; bidhiri (T) behind
HBJ96 Bidiru Tuli (area) 04/37 [WO]
JEB32c Biditto 11/40 [Wa]
bido, bidoo (O) sheep; (A from French "bidon") jug,
field bottle, tankard
HDD33 Bido (hill) 0828'/3751', cf Bedo 08/37 [WO Gz]
HCF43 Bidre (Bidere, Biderre) 0555'/3938' 1561 m 05/39 [Gz WO Wa Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HCF53
bidu, biduu (O) birthmark
-- Bidu, name of an Ania tribe of eastern Oromo
HDL20 Bidu 0918'/3826' 2619 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL50 Bidu 0930'/3826' 2268 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
bidu b..: bala (O) 1. leaf; 2. wicked spirit; 3. accident;
(A) forked branch, tree support
HCU24 Bidu Bala (mountains) 0730'/3940' 1480 m 07/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCU23
HBT72 Biduara (Bidduara) 0506'/3838' 1244 m 05/38 [WO 18 Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HBT62
HCP25 Bieda (market, with church) 07/36 [Gu]
KCH85 Biehau, see Biiehau
JDL01 Bieis, see Biyeys
HBP53 Bielli, see Byelli
JCP51 Bielto (locality) 0742'/4050' 07/40 [WO Gz]
HCG79c Bienescio, see Byenesho
HCL40c Biera, see Bera
HEL37 Biet Ambessa, see Bet Anbesa
HFD67 Biet Mariam, see Bet Maryam
HFF43 Biet Meka (Bietmakai), see Bet Mehai
?? Bietangus .., see Bet Nigus ..
HEE86 Biethor, see Bete Hor

bifa (O) colour; appearance, looks, beauty

JEA23 Bifata, see Bifeta
JBP62 Bifato (area) 05/40 [WO]
JDC81 Bifedo 0854'/4143' 1419 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDJ41 Bifedo 0930'/4145' 1576 m 09/41 [Gz]
JEA23 Bifeta (Bifata) (mountain) 1105'/4004' 1732/2068 m 11/39 [WO Gu Gz]
HDL63 Bifeto 0938'/3842' 2523 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
bifti (O) colour; appearance, looks, beauty
HDD92 Bifti (Befti, G.) (area) 09/37 [AA WO]
HDD92 Bifti (Befti) (mountain) 0901'/3743' peak 2138 m, 09/37 [AA WO Gz]
see under Ambo
Big .., see Tiliku .., Tilku ..
HEE28 Bigunj 1104'/3909' 3165 m (with church Maryam) 11/39 [Gz]
-- Bih .., see Bio
HCP50 Bihata 0742'/3546' 2012/2192 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
HCF11 Bihatta, see Bitata
HFE85 Bihiza (Bhiza, Amba Behesa, A. Beesa) 14/38 [Gz WO Gu]
(place & mountain) 1421'/3854' 1965 m,
with monastery Abune Alef Gedam
KCH85 Biiehau (Biehau) 0707'/4610' 473 m 07/46 [WO Gz]
HEJ99 Bihon 1239'/3728' 2330 m, near Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HEM90 Bihona Maryam (church) 1237'/3925' 12/39 [Gz]
HEE02 Bihur Meda 1052'/3838', 10/38 [Gz]
near map code HDT92
JDC86 Bija, see Didimtu
HDG94 Bijis 0952'/3513' 1559 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ61 Bijit 0939'/3644' 1926 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDG94 Bijiti, about 15 km north-east of Mendi 09/35 [x]
HCG96 Bik Inik (Bik' Inik', Biq Iniq) 0713'/3523' 1306 m 07/35 [Gz q]
bika (biqa) (O) kinds of medium-sized tree,
Combretum gueinzii, C. molle, (eastern O) Pappea capensis
var. radlkoferi, with orange edible berries
HBU64 Bika (Bica) 0506'/3941' 1539 m 05/39 [Po Wa Gz]
(visiting postman under Nazret)
HDF10 Bika (Bik'a, Biqa) 0814'/3920' 1769 m, 08/39 [Gz q]
west of Sire
JDJ43 Bika (Bik'a, Biqa) 0929'/4155' 1683 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south of Dire Dawa
JDJ53 Bika (Bik'a, Biqa) 0931'/4154' 1537 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south of Dire Dawa
HDH22 Bikalal, G., see Bikilal
JDB95 Bike (Biche, G.) (area) 2248 m 09/41 [+ WO]
JDH55 Bike (Bikie, Biki, Bikki, Biche, Bicche, Bicket) 09/41 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
0932'/4112' 1081/1109 m
(small railway station between Afdem and Gota)
JDH55 Bike sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bike), 09/41 [Ad]
within Afdem wereda (-2006-)
GD... Bikeru (Bicheru) (mountain) 08/34? [x Mi]
HD... Biki Haro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gitirie) 09/37 [Ad]
HEE46 Bikicho kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in central Mekdela wereda somewhat to its east,
10 km west of Masha; area 2,822 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDH22 Bikilal (G. Bikalal, Tulu Biquilal) (place & hill) 09/35 [Gz WO]
0915'/3552' 1915 m
HDG25 Bikir (Bik'ir, Biqir) 0917'/3516' 1523 m 09/35 [Gz q]
HDT05 Bikita (Bik'ita, Biqita) 1001'/3854' 2209 m 10/38 [Gz q]
JDH55 Bikki, see Bike
HDU84 Bikochegn kebele (Biqoch'ägn ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda at the middle of
its western border; area 1,625 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bil (Som) moon, month; (A) cloth-eating vermin
JBS38 Bil Dage 04/43 [WO]
bila (O) 1. red honey; 2. flower or "beard" on barley/wheat;
(A) 1. soil leached by water; 2. burr which catches on cloth;
billa (A,O) knife
HBR.. Bila (with a mission), see HBR48 Teltele
HCR33 Bila 0731'/3654' 2036 m, south-east of Jimma 07/36 [Gz]
HDC84 Bila, see Bilo
HDG39 Bila (Billa, Bogi) 0922'/3536' 1932 m 09/35 [Gz Ad Te Po]
(with sub-post office), in Boji wereda
(centre in 1964 of Boji Dirmeji sub-district)
HDJ24 Bila (Billa) 0917'/3702' 2072 m, 09/37 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis)
JCC44 Bila (Dila, Gherire) 0551'/4206' 899 m, 05/42 [WO Gz]
see under El Kere
Coordinates would give map code JCC45
JCN05 Bila 0718'/4018' 2136 m 07/40 [Gz]
JDA37 Bila (area), cf Bela, Billa 08/40 [WO]
JEA62 Bila 1127'/4000' 1168 m (with mosque) 11/40 [Gz]
HEF50 Bila kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Tenta wereda at its eastern border,
5-10 km north-east of Tenta settlement; area 3,234 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Bila & Seyo wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 63 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
bila we..: wagaree (O) type of sorghum
HDF36 Bila Wegara 0826'/3953' 1858 m 08/39 [Gz]
bilacha, billacha (O) butterfly
HDL20 Bilacha 0915'/3827' 2659 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD54 Bilacho (Bilacio), see under Chitu 08/37 [+ WO]
HEJ99 Bilajig (Bilagich Micael) 1236'/3726' 2165 m 12/37 [Gz WO]
(Cincilla), see under Gondar
Bilal, name of an Ethiopian who was the first muezzin already
in Prophet Mohammed's time
JCC55 Bilal, B/ur?/ (area), cf Belal, Bilel .. 05/42 [WO]
JCL43 Bilalle (waterhole) 06/43 [WO]
HCT.. Bilalo, area near Asela 07/39? [x]
JDJ06 Bilalu, G. (area) 2050 m, see under Amuma 09/42 [WO]
HFC28 Bilamba (Belamba) 1347'/3717' 1921 m, 13/37 [Gz WO]
see under Adi Remet
Coordinates would give map code HFC27
HCS58 Bilanja 0742'/3816' 1941 m 07/38 [Gz]
bilasa: bilash (A) damaged, valueless
HET40 Bilasa 13/38 [WO]
?? Bilat (historically recorded place) ../.. [Pa]
about 60 km NNE of A. Abeba?
HEL97 Bilat 1235'/3908', south-east of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
-- Bilate, Billate, a group and dialect of the Gurage
HCK46 Bilate 0647'/3804' (farm north of lake Abaya) 06/38 [Gz]
HDH98 Bilate (Billate) (plain partly with cotton) 09/36 [WO Gu]
?? Bilate, near Awasa, with a concentration camp ../.. [n]
bilati, bilatii (O) solution; tact
HCN88 Bilati, see Bichano
?? Bilaza (village in Simen), cf Bilasa ../.. [x]
HEK62 Bilbaho 1220'/3746' 2417 m 12/37 [Gz]
GDM93 Bilbaiso, see Belbiso
bilb..: bilbila (O) bell; bilbilla (T) kind of herb
or small shrub, Celosia anthelmintica, C. trigyna;
(A) propeller
HEL25 Bilbala (Bilbela, Bilbola, Bilbiola) 12/38 [Gz LM WO It]
1200'/3854' 2186 m, west of Lalibela
with four rock-hewn churches within 6 km as named below plus Arbatu Insisa
HEL46 Bilbala (Bilbola Ghiorghis, Bilbala Gorgis) 12/38 [x Gu]
(Bilbela Giyorgis, Bilbila G., Bilbiola Gheorghis) 12/38 [x Ca WO]
1211'/3858' 1873 m
HEL46 Bilbala Arbatu Insisa (Bilbola Arvatenza) 12/39 [+ x 20]
(Arbatu Ensessa)
HEL25 Bilbala Cherkos (Bilbela ..) 12/38 [+ x]
semi-monolithic church
HEL36 Bilbala Tukurza Maryam (Bilbela .. ..) 12/39 [+ x]
bilbilla (A) 1. small bell for the neck of children or animals;
2. kind of wild narcissus; 3. the one who kills first in a battle
HCT19 Bilbilo 0724'/3914' 3116 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCT19 Bilbilo sub-district (in Bekoji wereda in 1964), 07/39 [Ad]
cf Lemu & Bilbilo wereda
HEK62 Bilbochi (Bilboci), see under Belesa 12/37 [+ WO]
-- Bilbola .., see Bilbela ..
bildima, bildiimaa (O) muddy and dirty
H.... Bildima Gubcha sub-district 09/40? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gubcha)
JDG23 Bildimu 09/40 [WO]
GDU30 Bildoesu, see Beldoesu
HDE96 Bile 0858'/3859' 2499 m, west of Chefe Donsa 08/38 [Gz]
HEF43 Bile 1117'/3940' 2124 m, see under Hayk 11/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEF45
GDF57 Bilei 0836'/3459' 1409 m, north-east of Dembidolo 08/34 [x Gz]
JDP19 Bilein (area) 10/41 [WO]
bilel (Som) thorn tree, Acacia mellifera
JDF45 Bilel Ogaden (area), cf Belal, Bilal 08/44 [WO]
HDE79 Bilelegn, see Bililegn
bilen (A) iris or pupil of the eye
JDG45 Bilen, see Unda Bilen / Lit. Bilen
JDA72c Bilen (Billen) (hot spring) circa 0850'/4000' 08/40 [+ x]
HDL59 Bilet 0934'/3915' 2713 m 09/39 [Gz]
H.... Bilew, see Bita & Bilew wereda
JCL79 Bilhelley (Bilhellei) (area) 07/44 [+ WO]
bili: bilii (O) clothes-moth; bilih (A) clever, ingenious
HDK39 Bili 0922'/3822' 2456 m, cf Bele 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM30 Bili 0924'/3921' 2873 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDT83 Bili kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Sina wereda, 12-16 km
west-northwest of Mekane Selam; area 1,788 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCR52 Bilida 0747'/3648' 1874 m, north of Jimma 07/36 [Gz]
bilign w..: washa (A) cave
HDM80 Bilign Anfar Washa kebele (Bilegn ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the eastern border of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 12-15 km north-east of Deneba; area 808 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bilii (O) clothes-moth
HDK25 Bilii (Bili I) (waterhole) 0919'/3758' 930, 2481 m 09/37 [Gz AA WO]
bilika: bilike (bilik'e, biliqe) (O) small earring;
billika (O) prostitute; biliq (Som) scatter, put in disarray
JCP80 Bilika (Bilik'a, Biliqa) 0801'/4046' 1731 m 08/40 [Gz q]
JCP81 Bilika (Bilik'a, Biliqa) 0802'/4050' 1805 m 08/40 [Gz q]
JCP91 Bilika (Bilik'a, Biliqa, Gebel Bilica, Billica, Billika) 08/40 [Gz q WO]
(mountain) 0802'/4049' 1849/1945 m
JEB86 Bilila 11/41 [WO]
HDE79 Bililign kebele (Bilelegn ..) 08/39 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
11-15 km south-west of Balchi; area 1,087 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDB90 Bililo Giyorgis (church) 0901'/4042' 09/40 [Gz]
JDA18 Bilingi 0814'/4035' 1572 m 08/40 [Gz]
GDD27 Bilkur 08/33 [WO]
billa (A,O) knife
?? Billa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Billa (visiting postman under Gimbi) ../.. [Po]
HDC84 Billa, see Bilo
HDJ24 Billa, see Bila
HCA53 Billala 0555'/3506' 1176 m 05/35 [WO Gz]
HDH98 Billate, see Bilate
bil..: billit (A) limb of the body; billed (Som) village
JBN24 Billet (Billel) 0446'/4012' 989 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
billi koran: koran (qoraan) (O) firewood; qoran (Som) pointed,
carved, written;
-- Billi, a clan of the Mecha/Liban/Ammaya Oromo
KCR76 Billi Koran (area) 07/47 [WO]
billo (Leka O) Tuesday
-- Billo, a clan of the Mecha/Liban/Ammaya Oromo
HD... Billo (in Nekemte awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
HDC84 Billo, see Bilo
HDT49 Billo (area) 10/39 [WO]
HDL22 Billoh 09/38 [WO]
bilo, billa (O) knife, dagger, sword
HDC84 Bilo (Billo, Billa, Bila, Bilo Boshe, Billo B.) 08/37 [Gz WO Gu Po]
MS: 0853'/3700' = HDC94, 1743 m
Gz: 0854'/3700' = HDC84, 1762 m (with fort)
Centre in 1964 of Bilo Boshe wereda.
Visiting postman under Nekemte.
HDD50 Bilo (Falle) 0840'/3735' 2505 m 08/37 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDJ07 Bilo 0908'/3718' 2848 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ26 Bilo 0917'/3709' 2593 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ34 Bilo 0923'/3659' 1852 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL42 Bilo 0927'/3841' 2470 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM46 Bilo 09/39 [WO]
HDC75c Bilo Boshe sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Boshe) 08/37 [Ad]
HDC84 Bilo Boshe wereda (centre in 1964 = Bilo) 08/37 [Ad]
bilo ka..: qaroo (O) one yoke of oxen as a team; partner, friend;
karo (O) 1. whip, thong, stirrup-leather; 2. dry and empty
pumpkin; 3. kinds of tree, Osyris wightiana, Pygeum africanum
H.... Bilo Karo (Bilo Qaro) 08/35? [+ Ad]
HDL.. Bilo sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Tefki) (-1964-1997-) 09/38 [Ad n]
HDA29 Bilonopa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Nopa), 08/35 [Ad]
later wereda?
GCU15 Biloo, see Belo
biloy: biluy kidan (A) Old Testament
HDL72 Biloy 0944'/3837' 3161 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HC... Biloya, in Kochere wereda ../.. [20]
HDJ01 Biloyi 0906'/3646' 2328 m 09/36 [Gz]
bilu (A) cloth-eating vermin; (O) dark brown /person/
HCE79 Bilu 0607/3916' 1851 m 06/39 [WO Gz]
(also name of river = Bililo)
HEM06 Bilu 1146'/3956' 1111 m 11/39 [Gz]
JDH00 Bilu 0907'/4042' 1585 m, west of Asbe Teferi 09/40 [Gz]
JDN63 Bilu (area) 10/40 [WO]
JEA34 Bilu (area) 1170 m 11/40 [WO]
GDF.? Bilunkul 08/35 [x]
a village at the Baro river before the Jonkau stream
JDJ40 Bimbaradi (area) 09/41 [WO]
bimir ..: ager (agär) (A) land, region, countryside
HDM32 Bimir Ager kebele (Bimer Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda, very near Shola Gebeya
to its east and 13-15 km east of Koremash; area 558 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE98 Bina 1141'/3913' 3219 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE98 Binawalka kebele (Benawalka ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
7 km north of Wegel Tena; area 1,735 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bingile (Sidamo O) Jasminum floribundum, a widespread plant
GDM41 Bingilsere (Binghilsere, T.) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
HCR26 Binori 0727'/3710' 2819 m 07/37 [Gz]
bio, biyyo (O) mud, soil, powder
HCB27 Bio, ethnic group settled near the Sido and Shangama 05/36 [x]
HCC42c Bio (Male-inhabited district) 05/36 [x]
JDC99 Bio, see Biyo
bio ado: biyo adoo (Som) water of the old man
KCA44 Bio Ado (Biye Odo) (w seasonal waterhole) 05/45 [MS WO LM]
JDS71 Bio Anod (Bio Anot), see Biye Anod
?? Bio Asgalanavi (in the Harar region) ../.. [x]
JDS40 Bio Caboba, see Biye Kobe
JDH35 Bio Caraba (B. Carabba, B. Carrabba), see Biyo Karaba
JCR17c Bio Culma, see Biyo Kulma
KCP01 Bio Gudut (Rio Gudut), see Biyo Gudud
bio gurgure: gurgure (O) poison
JDS42 Bio Gurgure (Bio Gurguru), see Biye Gurgur
bio kaboba (Som) fresh water
JDS40 Bio Kaboba (Biya K., Bio Caboba, Biye K'obe) 10/42 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(Biyo K., Bih K., Bijacaboba)
(small village & police station) 1023'/4234' 970 m,
cf Kaboba
J.... Bio Kaboba (Biokebobie) 09/41? [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
JDH24c Bio Keraba (centre in 1964 of Doba sub-district), 09/41 [+ Ad]
cf Biyo Kerzaba
KCN03 Bio Mudo, see Biyo Mudo
bio w..: weraba (Harari) hyena
JDC86 Bio Uoraba, see Didimtu
JDS10 Biobahie (Biobai), see Biye Bahi
JDH02 Bioio, see Biyoyo
HDB18 Biou, cf Biu .. 08/36 [WO]
bir (A) 1. cistern; 2. reed /formerly used to cut pens/, also for
thatch on roofs; (Arabic) spring, well; birr (A) silver;
bir (Som) 1. iron, metal; 2. pupil of the eye
HDR92c Bir (river, affluent of the Abay) 10/36 [Ch]
HEA95 Bir (area) 750 m 11/35 [WO]
HEL17 Bir Afaf 1152'/3908' 2879 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCR64 Bir Bir (mountain), cf Birbir 07/36 [WO]
JEJ93 Bir de Lo 1238'/4154' 159 m 12/41 [WO Gz]
JCR45 Bir Debleh (waterhole) 0747'/4203' 07/42 [WO Gz]
bira (O) beside, near, towards; biraa (O) away from
JEH13 Bira (mountain chain) 1153'/4059' 450 m 11/40 [Gz]
HDT24 Biraba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda at its western
border, 10-13 km south-southwest of Rema; area 1,765 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ54 Birai (Bira'i) 0933'/4158' 1639 m 09/41 [Gz]
south-east of Dire Dawa
-- Birale language, nearly extinct
HDD29 Biratu 0820'/3824' 2996 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEL75 Birbera 12/38 [WO]
H.... Birbir (sub-post office under Arba Minch) 06/37 [Po Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mirab Abeya wereda)
HCK13 Birbir, town in Boreda Abaya wereda 06/37 [20]
HCD93c Birbir Maryam (Bir Bir Mariam) 06/37 [En x]
Monastery to the north-west of Abaya, within view of the lake,
east of Ezo town and north-east of Chencha.
HCK02 Birbir 0623'/3744' 1366 m, see under Ezo 06/37 [Gz]
HCK02 Birbir Maryam (church) 2750 m 07/37 [+ Gu]
HDA87 Birbir ( right affluent of the Baro river) 08/35 [Mi]
HEL97 Birbir 1236'/3904' 2135 m, south-east of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
birbira (A,Gurage) kind of shrub or tree, Millettia ferruginea;
birbirra (A,T) shrub or tree, of the Leguminosae family with
long pods; the seeds are ground and used to intoxicate fish
so that they float on water
HDU56 Birbira 1028'/3955' 1971 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEL73 Birbira 1228'/3846' 1871 m 12/38 [Gz]
HDU36 Birbira & Gelgelo kebele (Berbera & Gälgälo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Kewet wereda at its northern border,
10-15 km north-northwest of Shewa Robit; area 1,982 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

birbirsa (O) coniferous timber tree, zigba,

Podocarpus falcatus, P. gracilior
GDM76 Birbirsa 0945'/3455' 1460 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDA87c Birbirsa (Bole), river in the Yubdo area 08/35 [Mi]
HDD36 Birbirsa 0825'/3801' 2014 m, see under Weliso 08/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDD35
HDD82 Birbirsa 0856'/3745' 2059 m 08/37 [Gz]
west-south-west of Ambo
HDF12 Birbirsa 0817'/3933' 2354 m, east of Sire 08/39 [Gz]
HEE06 Birbirsa 1053'/3902' 3539 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDK02 Birbirsa 0904'/3745' 2161 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK03 Birbirsa 0904'/3748' 2465 m, north-west of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK36 Birbirsa (area) 09/38 [WO Gu]
HDK78 Birbirsa 0945'/3817' 2350 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDM71 Birbirsa 0941'/3925' 2800 m 09/39 [Gz]
JCN15 Birbirsa (Birbisa) 0724'/4019' 2158 m 07/40 [Gz WO]
JCN92 Birbirsa, G. (area) 2548 m, see under Gololcha 08/40 [WO]
JDJ11 Birbirsa 0912'/4146' 1904 m 09/41 [Gu Gz]
(with church Merk'orios), west of Grawa
HDM61 Birbirsa & Koshom kebele (Berbersa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its western
border, 7-10 km west of Debre Birhan town; area 1,246 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ65 Birbirsa Sekela (B. Sek'ela) 0940'/3705 2438 m 09/37 [Gz]
birbirsa t..: tereter (tärätär) (A) ridge, chain of hills
HDK04 Birbirsa Tereter (cliff) 0905'/3756', 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Ilfeta
HDJ76 Birbirsa Toshe (B. T'oshe) 0942'/3712' 2420 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDH38 Birbirsafada 0922'/3626' 1393 m 09/36 [18 Wa Gz]
HDU80 Birbirti kebele (Berberti ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Were Ilu wereda, 21-26 km
west-northwest of Were Ilu town; area 2,641 hecxtares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF16 Birbirti kebele (Berberti ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kalu wereda towards its east, 15-20 km
east-southeast of Kombolcha; area 3,247 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
birbisa: birbissa (O) tree or its cones, same as birbirsa above
HDF11 Birbisa 08/39 [Gu]
JCN16 Birbisa 2375 m, cf JCN15 Birbirsa 07/40 [WO]
HEE06 Birbisa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western Legambo wereda at its northern border,
15-20 km west of Akista; area 2,510 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK78 Birbitsa (with church) 09/38 [AA]
HDT16 Bircato, see Minaaze
HBF82 Bircheisa, see Birkeisa
JCT43 Bircot, see Birkot
JCK66 Bircul (Bircut), see Birkul
HFC69 Bircutan (Amba B.), see Birkuta
bird (A) cold
JDD73 Birdid (Berdid) (mount.) 0848'/4246' 1529/1610 m 08/42 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JDD72
HCA43 Birdiga 0549'/3506' 1071 m 05/35 [WO Gz]
bire (Som) milking vessel, milk container;
biri (O) water well; (A) bone above front hoof
HDL70 Bire 0945'/3826' 2243 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HBK59 Bire wereda (Birie ..) (centre in 1964 = Mega) 04/38 [+ Ad]
biresa (O) tree, the wood of which is used for smoking vessels
JDA35 Biresa 0828'/4018' 1519 m
biret, bret (brät) (A,T) iron, metal; rifle; chain of prisoner;
bireta (O) chain
HDK48 Birete 0927'/3818' 2625 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM24 Bireyli 1200'/3943' 1597 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCA28c Birga (hills) 05/35 [Ca]
HEJ47 Birgida (Bergida, Berghida) 1213'/3717' 1818 m 12/37 [Gz 20 Gu]
(small woody island west of Gorgora)
HEJ47 Birgida Maryam (B. Mariam) (small island) 12/37 [Ca Ch]
JCK85 Birgod, cf Birkot 07/42 [WO]
birgud (A) rough cinnamon bark
HFC58 Birgutan, Amba, see Birkuta
birhan (A,T,Geez) light, glow, flame of candle
HCG75 Birhan (Berhan, Brahan) 06/35 [LM Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDS86 Birhan (Brhan) 1045'/3804' 4154 m 10/38 [x Gz]
(mountain & pass)
birhane selam (A) light /of?/ peace
GDE07 Birhane Selam 0813'/3407' 473 m, at Baro river 08/34 [Gz]
JBG75 Birib Ladeni 0415'/4018' 1065 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
J.... Birifai 05/42 [18]
HC... Birindare 05/38? [20]
village about 70 km from Yabelo in direction Konso
birinet: biruhnet (T) clarity
HDR88c Birinet (high plateau) 2090 m 10/37 [Gu]
HCA42 Biring, see Birnu
HEF44 Biriti 1116'/3946' 2116 m, south-east of lake Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
JCH44 Biriti 0644'/4108' 996/1097 m 06/41 [WO MS Gz]
birka w..: washa (A) cave
HDU02 Birka & Lisan Washa kebele (Berqa & Lesan .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Mafud, Moja & Wadera wereda, stretching
south-east/north-west to its northern border, 10-15 km west
of Sela Dingay; area 2,335 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
birkate (birk'atä) (T) score; birketa (T) contribution
HDT06 Birkato (Bircato) 10/38 [+ WO]
birke: birk (birq) (A) rare /pleasure/, scarce
Birke, Birkie, a male personal name
HE... Birke (Birkie) (centre in 1964 of Bugna sub-district) 12/38 [+ Ad]
HCA38 Birke Meda (plain) 05/35 [Ca]
HBF82 Birkeisa (Bircheisa) 0330'/3932' 1190 m 03/39 [Gz WO]
(mountain on the border of Kenya)

birki, birkii (O) 1. portion between rings of bamboo or cane;

2. clan, tribe, species; birqii (O) rare, seldom met with
HFF13 Birki 1342'/3939' 2136 m, near Agula 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael at some distance to the east)

birko (birqo) (T) wild gladiolus found near water,

Petamenes latifolius, up to 60 cm tall
HEL54 Birko (Birco, Burqua Gabriel) 12/38 [+ WO Gu]
(with church) 3590 m
birko deb..: debela (däbäla) (A) kind of cloth
HEF14 Birko Debela 12/38 [x]
HEF14 Birko Debela kebele (Berqo Däbäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Dese Zuriya wereda at its eastern border,
8 km south of Kombolcha; area 3,067 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL33 Birko kebele (Berko ..) 12/38 [Ad]
in the middle of northern Bugna wereda,
35 km west-northwest of Lalibela; area 8,566 hectares. [CSA 1994]
birkot (A) small wooden headrest covered with leather
JCT43 Birkot (Bircot, Birgot) 0736'/4345' 761 m 07/43 [MS Gz WO Gu]
birkul: biirqool (Som) to tie a rope around a man
who goes down into a deep well
JCK66 Birkul (Bircul, Birkut, Bircut) 0653'/4305' 653 m 06/43 [+ WO Gz Gu]
HEM30 Birkumit 1206'/3921' 3569 m 12/39 [Gz]
JC... Birkut (Bircut), cf Birkot above 05/43 [+ Gu]
HFC58 Birkuta (Amba Birgutan) 1406'/3720' 1788 m 14/37 [Gz]
(mountain), cf Birkutan
HFC69 Birkuta (Bircutan, Brkuta) 1409'/3722' 1153 m 14/37 [Gz WO Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
birkutan: (birtukan (A) orange fruit)
HFC79 Birkutan (Bircutan, Amba B.) (area) 1860 m 14/37 [+ WO Gu]
HFD31 Birkutan (Bircutan) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HDU01 Birkwa (Birk'wa) 0957'/3930' 2618 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEL42 Birkwakwa (Bercuacua) 1213'/3839' 2345 m 12/38 [Gz WO Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HEL43
HEL53 Birkwakwa (Birk'wak'wa, Cercir Abo) 12/38 [Gz]
1214'/3845' 2266 m
HEL33 Birkwakwa kebele (Berkwakwa ..) 12/38 [Ad]
large kebele across western Bugna wereda; area 16,916 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Birmaji, an Oromo luba which lasted 1578-1586
?? Birmuji (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HCA42 Birnu (Jebel Birnu, Biring) 0552'/3502' 445/1100 m 05/35 [WO]
(mountain near the border of Sudan)
biro, biiroo (O) net, bag made from rope; (Som) iron, steel, tools;
biiro (Som) collection
HCA95 Biro (Beru) 0609'/3518' 1661 m, cf Bero 06/35 [WO Gu Gz]
HCA95 Biro sub-district? (-1997-) 06/35 [n]
HCA95 Biro wereda (centre in 1964 = Biro) 06/35 [Ad]
HCM50 Birole, see Karra Birole
birra (O) season from about mid-September to mid-December
HEK62 Birratellic, see under Belesa 12/37 [WO]
HBM11 Birres (locality) 0346'/3924' 03/39 [WO]
birri, biri, birrii, berri (O) 1. silver, Ethiopian currency birr;
2. long grass or stalk of plant
HES95 Birri 1330'/3758' 1319 m, 13/37 [WO Gz]
see under Adi Arkay
H.... Birro, locality in Guma west of the Didessa river 08/36 [x]
Birru (Biru, Beru, Burru), a male personal name
HDB17 Birru (Birro, Beroy) 0817'/3624' 2134 m 08/36 [Gz]
JDJ38 Birsug sub-district (centre in 1964 = Funyan Bira) 09/42 [Ad]
biru: biruh (A,T) clear, bright /sunshine/
JEP69 Biru (area) 13/41 [WO]
HDT52 Biruh Tesfa kebele (Beruh Täsfa ..) 10/38 [Ad]
near north-westernmost Wegdi wereda at its northern border,
21 km west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,483 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDM64 Birze Hager kebele (Berzé Hagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
14 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 409 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bisak, bissak (Som) kind of tree, Terminalia orbicularis,
belonging to thorn scrub
KDB08 Bisak (Bisaq) (area) 08/46 [+ WO]
?? Bisanta Mikael (B. Micael) ../.. [+ Gu]
HES72 Bisava (area) 13/37 [WO]
HES53 Bisava Maryam (church) 1310'/3750' peak 3002, 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
see also Amba Zagul
JCC61 Biscei, see Buski
JDH17 Biscian Arauacia, see Harawacha
HDE66 Biscioftu, see Debre Zeyt
JDJ19 Bisciuman, see Buchumen
Biset (birät'), a male personal name
HFE98 Biset, see Bizet
bishan, bishaan (O) water; (Som) this month;
dimo (O) kind of grain, Sorghum sp.;
dhimo (Som) to die; dimo (T) baobab tree, Adansonia digitata
HDL12 Bishan Dimo (B. Dima) 0921'/3822' 2526 m 09/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ada Berga sub-district)
bishan j..: jebi (Som) raid an enemy, interrupt, break, smash
HDK76 Bishan Jebi 0943'/3807' 2062 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK86 Bishan Jebi 0947'/3807' 1492 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
7½ km north of one in HDK76
bishan ke..: kello, keelloo (O) yellow Meskel flower, Bidens sp.
JDH49 Bishan Kelo (B. K'elo, B. Qelo) 09/41 [Gz q]
0925'/4130' 1978 m
HDK39 Bishandimo 09/38 [AA]
GDF92 Bishe (Bisce) 0902'/3434' 1765 m 09/34 [Gz]
GDM57 Bisheho 0930'/3458' 1451 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDB07c Bishi 08/36 [Wa]
HDE66 Bishoftu (Biscioftu), see Debre Zeyt 08/38 [WO Gu]
Bishoftu Guda (N of lake Bishoftu), see Debre Zeyt : lakes
HCS51 Bishone (Bushana, Buscianne) 07/37 [LM Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEU01 Bishulha 1244'/3929' 2564 m 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
-- Bisidimo, Bassadimo, name of an Ala tribe of eastern Oromo
JDJ16 Bisidimo (Besidimo) (village, watercourse, area) 09/42 [MS WO Gu]
0913'/4213' 1340,1855 m, saddle 1410 m; with leprosarium
JDJ17 Bisidimo 0909'/4214' 1314 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEA34 Bisidimo (Bisdimo) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JDJ16c Bisidimo sub-district (Bissidimo ..) 09/42 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Issakoi)
H.... Bisitima (centre 1964 of Were Babo wereda), ../.. [Ad]
later in Jama wereda (-1999-), cf Bistima

HEE99 Biska kebele (Besqa ..) 11/39 [Ad]

in central eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda,
10 km north-east of Wegel Tena; area 2,032 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Biske (postal service under Nazret) ../.. [Po]

HDT95 Biskul kebele (Besqul ..) 10/39 [Ad]

at the middle of the northern border of Kelala wereda,
16 km north of Kelala settlement; area 1,343 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF51 Bislu, M. (area) 1950 m 08/39 [WO]
bissik (Borana?) kind of tree, Terminalia orbicularis,
see bisak above
HBU21 Bissika 04/39 [WO]
HEF54 Bistima 1120'/3946' 2516 m, east of lake Hayk 11/39 [Gz Po]
(visiting postman under Dessie)
HDT10 Bistinno 1007'/3827' 2136 m 10/38 [WO Gz]
bita, bita-a (O) 1. left as opposite of right;
2. south; 3. devil, fiend
HDT47 Bita (Bit'a) 1023'/3908' 2350 m 10/39 [Gz]
town in Jema wereda (-1991-)
HDT.. Bita & Bilew wereda (centre in 1964 = Shel Afaf), 10/39 [Ad]
cf Bitta
HD... Bita Bilo sub-district (-1997-) 09/38? [n]
HCP03c Bita Genet, town in Chena wereda 07/36 [20]
HDT48 Bita Gurguna kebele (Bit'a .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western Jema wereda at its border,
13-15 km south-west of Degolo; area 1,335 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bitacha, bitaacha (O) 1. left as opposite of right; 2. south
HDK14 Bitacha 0910'/3752' 1829 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
bitasha (O) buyer, purchaser
bitata (O) case of cow or bull having one horn upward and the other
downward, regarded as being fortunate; bitat (bit'at) (A) incision
HCF11 Bitata (Bitatta, Bihatta, Kella Genale) 05/39 [Gz Br WO Gu]
MS: 0525'/3920' = HBU90, 1360 m
Gz: 0528'/3929' = HCF02, 1524 m
bitati, bitatti (O) on the left side; left-handed
HEU52 Bitbit (Bit'bit') (mountain) 1308'/3935' 2710 m 13/39 [Gz]
bite: bitteh (O) kind of shrub or medium tree, Sideroxylon oxy-
acantha, with large and dense crown and short but sharp spines
HDE16 Bite 0814'/3900' 1808 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDK56 Bite 0935'/3803' 2488 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK98 Bite 0955'/3816' 2547 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEE68 Biterfo 1124'/3905' 2246 m, west of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HEC48 Biti 11/37 [WO]
JDH50 Bitigiu (Bittigiu), see Butuji
HDR82 Bitilta Zebraro 1046'/3647' 2063 m 10/36 [Gz]
bitima (Arussi O) a loose shutter which is fixed
to close the door opening at night
HEM52 Bitimo 1216'/3936' 1471 m, with pass nearby 12/39 [Gz]
HET16 Bitirtiko 1246'/3903' 1617 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDE.? Bito (with church Mika'el), in Chefe Donsa area 08/39? [x]
HDL08 Bito 0905'/3912' 2502 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL.. Bito sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dobi) 09/39 [Ad]
HEE86 Bitor, see Bete Hor
HEL17 Bitoy (Bit'oy) 1153'/3905' 2200 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCF.? Bitrai, village between Dolo Mena and Negele Borena 05/39 [20]
bitta, bittaa (O) market situation
HC... Bitta sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aka) 07/35? [Ad]
bitu, bittu (O) buy, purchase, rent; bito (Som) flying dust
HDH51 Bitu 09/35 [WO]
biu ad..: biyo (Som) water; biyyo (O) soil, land;
adda (O) forehead, cf Ada as first part of name
JBP81 Biu Adda (seasonal spring) 05/40 [MS WO]
JDE13 Biu Gudud, see Biyo Gudud
bivio (Italian) road fork, crossroads
HEU71 Bivio Alagi, see Alagi
JDJ38 Bivio Fiambiro, see Funyan Bira
HFC04 Bivio Jesus (Italian name) 13/36 [WO]
HE... Biwel, see Biwul
HEE88 Biwot Mikael (church) 1137'/3913' 11/39 [Gz]
HEE88 Biwot Selho kebele (.. Sälho ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda,
5 km north-east of Wegel Tena; area 1,770 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL97 Biws 1236'/3906' 1777 m, east of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HE... Biwul (Biwel) 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Aratu Insisa sub-district)
biya, biyya (O) country, land, nation; biya (Som) well;
-- Biya, a dialect within the Bako dialect-cluster in the south-west
JCK90 Biya Gennale (waterhole) 07/42 [WO]
JDS71 Biyanot, see Biye Anod
HFK04 Biyara (Berai) 1429'/3757' 1512 m 14/37 [Gz]
near map code HFD94
KCN44 Biyas (Bias) 07/45 [+ WO]
biye, biyee (O) soil; biyee (Som) to water
Biye .., see also Biyo ..
GDU54 Biye Abi (Baibi, Bibi) 1024'/3443' 1178 m 10/34 [Gz WO]
JDS71 Biye Anod (Bio Anod, Beio Anot, Biyanot) 10/42 [Gz]
(Biya Anot, 'milky water') 1036'/4240' 733 m
JDS10 Biye Bahi (Biobai, Biobahie) 1003'/4230' 937 m 10/42 [Gz]
biye g..: gurgure (O) poison; gurgur (Som) 1. carry
things one by one; 2. vulture
JDS42 Biye Gurgur (Bio Gurgure) 1024'/4241' 964 m 10/42 [Gz]
(with police station)
biye ko..: kobi, koobi, kobii (O) anthill;
qobbe (Som) chill, cool of the night
JDS40 Biye Kobe (B. K'obe, B. Qobe) (police station) 10/42 [Gz q]
KCA44 Biye Odo, see Bio Ado
JDS40 Biye Quababa, see Biyo Keraba
JDK30 Biyeade (Biye'ade) 0920'/4234' 1517 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDL01 Biyeys (Bieis) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
biyo (Som) water /& other fluids/; biyyo, biyye (O) soil, land
HDK49 Biyo 0928'/3822' 2145 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT96 Biyo 1046'/3900' 2458 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDA38 Biyo 0828'/4033' 1560 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDA52 Biyo 0836'/4001' 1563 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDC99 Biyo (Bio) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
JDH37 Biyo 0920'/4120' 09/41 [MS]
JDJ24 Biyo 0917'/4200' 1806 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ24 Biyo 0918'/4201' 1791 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDK42 Biyo 0928'/4242' 1811 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDS10 Biyo Anod (Biye Anod) 10/42 [MS]
JDS71 Biyo Anot (border post and mountains) 10/42 [+ Gu]
JDS71 Biyo Anot (Bio Anot) (area) 695 m, cf Biye Anod 10/42 [+ WO]
biyo a..: aso (A,T) malaria
JBT.. Biyo Aso (Bio Aso) 05/43 [+ Gu]
JDS10 Biyo Bahe (Biye Bahi, Biobahie, Biobai) 10/42 [LM MS Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) 940 m
biyo gud..: biyo guduud (Som) reddish-brown water
JDE13 Biyo Gudud (Biu Gudud) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
KCP01 Biyo Gudud (Bio Gudut) 0715'/4548' 553 m 07/45 [+ Gz WO]
biyo gurgur: gurgur (Som) carry things one by one;
gurgura (O) for sale
JDS42 Biyo Gurgur (Biye Gurgur, Bio Gurgure) 10/42 [+ MS WO]
(Bio Gurguru) (border post) 900/940 m 10/42 [+ Gu]
JDS40 Biyo Kaboba, see Bio Kaboba
biyo kar..: karaba (O) small pincers; karabaa (O) shrub
used as a whip; karabo (O) tray /for coffee cups/;
qaraba (O) home-made small razor; tweezers
carraab (Som) to travel in the afternoon;
qaraabay (Som) search, go looking for, forage
JDH35 Biyo Karaba (Bio Caraba, Bio Carabba) 09/41 [Gz WO]
0922'/4110' 1523/1535 m
JDS40 Biyo Keraba (Bio Caboba, Biye Quababa) 929 m 10/42 [LM WO Gu x]
JCR17c Biyo Kulma (Bio Culma) 07/42 [+ x]
HDT04 Biyo Kurtibora kebele (Biyoqurt'ibora ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its southern border,
15-25 km west-southwest of Alem Ketema; area 5,576 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
biyo mudo (O) less good land?
mudo (O) defect, imperfection; (Som) to deserve, to merit
KCN03 Biyo Mudo (Bio Mudo) 07/45 [+ WO]
biyo we..: weraba (Harari) hyena; worabbo (Som) hyena;
warabboo (O) large antelope, eland?
JDC86 Biyo Weraba (Bio Uoraba), see Didimtu
JDH02 Biyoyo (Bioio) 09/40 [+ WO]
?? Bizamo (historical area recorded by Almeida) ../.. [Pa]
HED90 Bizeb 1145'/3730' 1843 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEF 72 Bizen kebele (Bizän ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northern Ambasel wereda at its eastern border,
3-10 km north-west of Wichale; area 3,520 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bizet: bizat (A) abundance, multitude
HFE98 Bizet (Biset) 1423'/3915' 1925 m 14/39 [Ad Po Br Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (-1964-1997-)
in Adwa awraja near the border of Eritrea
HFE98 Bizet wereda (-1994-) 14/39 [n]
HDJ12 Bizidimo Mikael (church) 0910'/3651' 09/36 [Gz]
?? Black Gorge (travellers' name: canyon part of Abay) ../.. [20]
JFA.. Black Mountain (in Dalol area) 14/40 [Mi]
HEJ85 Blagir, see under Chilga 12/37 [WO]
JBN23 Blanga 0444'/4004' 919 m 04/40 [WO Wa Gz]
?? Blaten, with a concentration camp for Eritreans (1998) ../.. [20]
?? Blaten Tenna (in Sidamo, with school) ../.. [x]
HCL82 Bleys Concession (Con. Bleys) 07/38 [WO Gu]
in early 1930s coffee plantation south of Shashemene
HCR.. Blida, not far from Jimma 07/36 [n]

boa (O) weeping, grief, funeral lamentation

HBL03 Boa (with well) 0341'/3844' 1164 m 03/38 [Gz]
HDJ78 Boa (area) 09/37 [WO]
boa d..: dengiya (A) stone
HEC39 Boa Dengia 11/37 [WO]
HFE91 Boa Tsaida 1423'/3834' 1722 m, 14/38 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
?? Boaee, spelling used on postmark ../.. [Po]
HES23 Boashi Maryam (Boasci Mariam) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HD... Boata Kochema (in Nekemte awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
boba, bobaa (O) armpit; (Welega Bega) tortoise
HCJ73 Boba, lake near border Dauro-Konta 07/36 [x]
HCP96 Boba 0807'/3617' 2166 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCR98 Bobar (area) 08/37 [WO]
-- bobassa: Warra Bubassa (Bubassa people/family) name of
an Ala tribe of eastern Oromo
JDA95 Bobassa (mountain) 1400/1425 m 08/40 [Ne]
JDC96 Bobassa (Bubasa, Bubassa, Bubase, Fre: Boubassa) 08/42 [WO 18 Wa]
(Bobasa) 0854'/4212' 1533 m, cf Bubasa 08/42 [Gz LM x]
JDC96 Bobassa sub-district (Bobasa ..) 09/42 [Ad LM]
(centre in 1964 = Bobassa)
JDA95 Bobassa (mountain) 1400/1425 m 08/40 [Ne]
bobba (O) excrements
HDL64 Bobba, cf Boba 09/38 [WO]
HCJ67 Bobbe (mountains) 0654'/3718' 967 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
HCJ.. Bobbi Shere (Bobi), village near Waka, 1750 m 07/37 [x]
JDH50 Bobbisa, G. (area) 1022 m 09/40 [WO]
bobe (O) good quality sorghum
HDE90 Bobe 0900'/3829' 2179 m 09/38 [x]
(also a river), see under Genet
HDJ66 Bobe 0940'/3712' 2441 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK58 Bobe 0930'/3815' 2475 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK95 Bobe 0956'/3759' 1412 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HCJ.. Bobi, see Bobbi Shere
HCS.. Bobicho (with mission station), see under Hosaina 07/37 [x]
HCS12 Bobija (Bobigia, Gobigia) (mountain) 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
0723'/3744' 2445 m
HCC53 Bobo 05/53'/3657' 1201 m 05/36 [Gz]
GCM46 Boca, see Erbu
HCJ65 Boca, see Boka & HDB36 HDC22 HDC44
HCJ82 Boca, see Boha
HDE89 Boccam (Boccan), see Bokan
JDB60 Bocche Guddo, see Beke Gudo
JDB71 Bocche Guddo, see Burka Gudo
JDA59 Bocche Ticco, see Boke Tiko
HCE73 Bocco (Boco), see Boko
JDJ05 Bocco, see Baku
HCT39 Boccoggi, see Bekoji
KCR10 Boch, see Boh
HDE39 Bocha (Boccia, M.) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
JCL52 Bochaier 0648'/4336' 583 m 06/43 [Gz]
HDK87 Bochasa (Boch'asa) 0949'/3812' 2226 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(also name of a stream)
HDD98c Boche (Botche), near and east of Lege Batu, 09/38 [x]
in Jibat & Mecha awraja
HDJ93 Boche, see Boke
HFC44 Bocher ? 13/36 [WO]
HBM02 Boches (mountain) 0339'/3931' 1051 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
HDG05 Bochi 0903'/3514' 1796 m, near map code HDA95 09/35 [WO Gz]
GCT35 Bochiaba (Bacialba) 0734'/3356' 319 m 07/33 [Gz]
near the border of Sudan
bocho, bochoo (O) alley or pass between hills
HDF61c Bockan (Boccan) (mountain) 2621 m 08/39 [+ Gu]
JDB31 Bocke (Bocche) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
bocko (Kefa O) kind of tree, Bersama abyssinica,
under-storey tree in highland forests, with small flowers
in long clusters
HCE73 Bocko (Bocco) (area), cf Boko 06/38 [+ WO]
HDE49 Bocko (Bocco, M.) (area), see under Nazret 08/39 [+ WO]
JDJ05 Boco, see Baku
HCT39 Bocoggi, see Bekoji
JDD37 Bocol Lelei, see Bokol Lely
HCG33 Bocol, see Bokol & JBU63
HDL76 Bocolo, see Daleti
JEG59 Bocurri, see Bokurri
JBP02 Bod Bod (area) 04/40 [WO]
boda, bodde (O) after, afterwards, behind, last;
boda meret (A) hot country
HCJ18 Boda 0627'/3722' 2130 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDC75 Boda 0852'/3705' 1871 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD76 Boda (Bodda), 30 km south of Ambo 08/38 [MS Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Boda Kekeli sub-district)
JDJ13 Boda 0911'/4157' 1731 m, east of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
H.... Boda Inchini (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 05/37? [Ad]
JEH54 Bodaito (seasonal waterhole) cf Badaih 12/41 [Ne]
JCK29 Bodauein, see Baduein

bodda (O) black cotton soil; bodda meret (A) hot land /for being lowland/
HDD76 Bodda (area) 08/38 [WO]
HCK64 Bodditi (place), see Boditi
JCH40 Bodditti (area) 06/40 [WO]
boddo (O) alley or pass between hills
JCH52 Boddo 0652'/4100' 1171 m 06/40 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCK53

bode, bodee (O) small, light spear

HDD55 Bode 0839'/3758' 2314 m, north of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
HDJ65 Bode 0939'/3705' 2448 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDT47 Bode 1022'/3904' 1906 m 10/39 [Gz]
bodel ..: dere (A) a kind of acacia;
(Afar) far away, long; dheere (Som) flow of a river
KCP70 Bodel Dere 07/45 [WO]
HEH74 Bodela (Bodella) 1224'/3607' 906 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
-- with Gumis people
JCR57c Bodele 07/42 [18 Wa]
JCR48 Bodeleh (Bodele) 0741'/4221' 804 m 07/42 [Gz]
JCK29 Bodewen, see Badweyn
HBP54 Bodi (Hana), ethnic group in the upper Omo Valley 05/36 [x]
HCC91 Bodiro 06/36 [WO]
HCK74 Boditi (Boditti, Bodditi, Bodite, Boditu, Bodity) 06/37 [Gz WO x]
0658'/3752' 1983/2050 m 06/37 [Ad Te 20]
town in Damot Gale wereda
(centre in 1964 of Chorake sub-district)
with sub-post office
HCM.. Boditi (mountain) 3520 m, see under Gaysay 07/39 [Br Ca]
JBS53 Bodle (Bodleh, Badle, Bedle) 05/42 [WO Gz]
0502'/4248' 417 m
HCD81c Bodo, at the road Chencha-Gidole 06/37 [x]
JD... Bodo (site where fossils were found), 10/40? [x]
at some distance from Gewani
JDP63 Bodo (area) 10/41 [WO]
?? Bodo (Boddo?), south of Arba Minch ../.. [x]
HCK83 Bodoacio 0709'/3750' 1932 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
JEJ86 Bododa 1230'/4212' 601 m 12/42 [Gz]
?? Bodola/?/, in Bale Goba district of Hararge ../.. [x]
JDE70 Bodoleh 0847'/4327' 1378 m 08/43 [Gz]
HCJ97 Bodollo 0711'/3717' 1742 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
HCB35 Bodu 0546'/3614' 963 m 05/36 [Gz]
HCB46 Bodu, G. (mountain) 05/36 [WO]
HCB56 Bodu 0554'/3619' 603 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
HCJ28 Boe, see Bohe
HEU.. Boera Ogazen, see also under Amba Aradam 13/39 [It]
bofa (O) snake
HDF30 Bofa 0828'/3927' 1501 m 08/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDF31
HDF42 Bofa (with sub-post office) 08/39 [MS]
HD... Bofa, in Yerer & Kereyu awraja 08/39 [Ad]
HE... Bofa (Boffa) (centre in 1964 of Chore sub-district) 11/39 [+ Ad]
HEF94 Bofa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda, 11 km east of Mersa and
20 km south-east of Weldiya; area 2,729 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDB87 Bofangela (Bofaniela) (area) 08/41 [WO Mi]
in the Gergertu valley of the Chercher mountains
HDF41 Bofe, town in Boset wereda 08/39 [20]
JDK00 Boffa, G. (area), cf Bofa 09/42 [WO]
boffata: bofta (T) muslin
HDE64 Boffata, see Hei Gurumu
HCC.? Boffo, small settlement at elevated location 05/36 [x]
HFE05 Boga 1336'/3858' 1835 m 13/38 [Gz]
Bogale, a male name; bogg ale (A) flare up, flame quickly;
sefer (säfär) (A) neighbourhood, settlement, camp
HCA38 Bogale Sefer 05/35 [Ca]
HDP97 Boget' Mikael (church) 1050'/3620' 10/36 [Gz]
JDA42 Bogdo, G. (area) 2294 m 08/40 [WO]
HDG26 Bogi, see Boji & HDH22
HDG39 Bogi, see Bila
HDR86 Boglie 1042'/3710' 1986 m, see under Bure 10/37 [WO Gz]
bogol ma..: manjo (Som) feet, legs
JBH99 Bogol Manyo (Bogol /Magno/, B. Mayo, Magno 04/41 [Gz WO Gu]
(Bokolmayu) ' 345/515 m
bogolla (Konso) type of high social rank
JBH57 Bogolmai 0406'/4122' 469 m 04/41 [Gz]
HEF56 Bogsa 1123'/3953' 2030 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDR93 Boguina, see Baguna
KCR10 Boh (Bokh, Boch) 0723'/4638' 528 m 07/46 [Gz WO x]
HEJ52 Boh Boh (area) 12/36 [WO]
KCR10 Boh sub-district? (-1997-) 07/46 [n]
KCR10 Boh wereda (centre in 1964 = Boh) 07/46 [Ad]
HCJ.. Boha (mountain in Kefa) 07/36? [x]
with Portuguese church restored in 1930
HCJ82 Boha (Boca) 0703'/3655' 1430 m 07/36 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCJ73
HE... Bohaie, between Korem and Tekeze river 12/39 [x]
HFF26 Bohale, see Ime Behole
HFF26 Bohale sub-district (Bohlie ..) 13/39 [WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Hayk Mesihas)
JEB18 Bohale (area) 11/41 [WO]
bohd bar: baar (Som) peak; bar (Som) livestock;
/further meanings, see at Bar Abir/
JCD66 Bohd Bar (Bohl B., Bohol B.) 0601'/4306' 281 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
HCC45 Bohe, see HCC55 Merka
HCJ28 Bohe (Boe) 0631'/3724' 1541 m 06/37 [Gz]
HEJ25 Bohit (Buahit) (small island), cf Bwahit 11/37 [Ch Gu WO]
HEJ46 Bohiya (Bohiiao) (small island) 12/37 [Ch WO]
HEK31 Bohiya (Buait) (small island) 12/37 [Ch WO Gu]
JCD66 Bohl Bar (Bohd Bar) 06/43 [LM WO]
bohol (Som) ravine, ditch; dima (O) 1. red /animal/,
white /human/; 2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
3. baobab large tree, Adansonia digitata
JCR07 Bohol Dima (waterhole) 07/42 [MS WO]
JDE60c Boholeh 08/43 [Wa]
JEB88 Boholle 1134'/4132' 355 m, see under Asaita 11/41 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JEB79
bohon (Som) gelding, castrated male animal
JDG45 Bohonta 09/40 [WO]
JEH27 Bohoyta (Bohoita) (area), see under Serdo 11/41 [+ WO]
boi: boy (A) small irrigation channel, trench
JCA16 Boi 0535'/4023' 1268 m 05/40 [WO Gz]
boia: boya (T) paint; boyye (O) 1. pig; 2. greedy, selfish
GDM11 Boia, see Boya
HDB16 Boia (mountain) 0817'/3620' 2231/2470 m 08/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDB17
JEH04 Boina, see Boyina
HE... Boja (centre in 1964 of Lai Dehuch sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
boji (O) booty, captive, loot; (Som) to rest;
bojje (O) bush-pig, Potamochoerus porcus hassama
GDM46 Boji 0929'/3455' 1455 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDD84 Boji 0853'/3752' 2613 m, south-east of Ambo 08/37 [Gz]
HDG26 Boji (Bogi) (area) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDG38 Boji (Bogi, Kerkero) 0923'/3540' 1913 m 09/35 [WO Gz x]
("fitawrari house") in Sibu country
Coordinates would give map code HDG39
HDH22 Boji (T.Bogi) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDK01 Boji 0907'/3740' 2097 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
?? Boji Chekorsa wereda (-1997-), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x] [n]
HDG39 Boji Dirmeji sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bila), 09/35 [Ad]
later wereda, in Gimbi awraja
HDD94c Boji Mangado (small village), see u. HDD94 Ambo 08/37 [Mi]
HDG.. Boji wereda 09/35 [Ad]
(-1994-) divided into 56 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
boka, bokkaa (O) yeast, leavening substance; bokka, bokkaa (O) rain;
bokka (A) to ferment /of dough/, be rancid /of butter/;
boka (boqa) (A) red-polled /animal/; (O) blaze, white spot on
the face of animals such as cattle; male animal with such blaze
HCJ65 Boka (Boca) 0657'/3704' 1799 m 06/37 [+ WO Gz]
HCJ82 Boka (Boca) 07/36 [+ WO]
HDB36 Boka (Boca) (mountain), see under Bedele 08/36 [+ WO]
HDC22 Boka (Boca) (mountain)2415 m, see under Koma 08/37 [+ WO]
HDC44 Boka (Boca) (mountain) 0835'/3705' 1791 m 08/37 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDC45
HDJ73 Boka (Bok'a, Boqa) 0951'/3653' 1827 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDE89 Bokan (Boccam, Boccan) (mountain) 08/39 [x WO Gu Gz]
0853'/3916' 2460/2504 m, cf Boken
HDE89 Bokan (Boccan) (place) 0852'/3914' 2454 m 08/39 [+ Gu Gz]
HDE89 Bokan sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tebela) 08/39 [Ad]
HCS03 Bokata, a little south of Angacha 07/37 [20]
JDR55 Bokaylale (Bocailale) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HCJ20 Bokde (Banga) 0631'/3637' 1622 m 06/36 [Gz WO]
boke, bookee (O) fly, mosquito; boke, booqee (O) 1. piece of
woman's clothing, of leather; 2. female animal with a blaze on
the forehead
HDJ93 Boke (Boche) (mountain) 2230 m 09/36 [+ WO]
JD... Boke (Bookhee) (in Chercher awraja) 09/40? [Ad x]
JD... Boke Godu wereda (Bokie ..) 09/41 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Boke Godu)
-- boke gofa: Gofa, Goffa, name of an ethnic group
HBL37 Boke Gofa (area) 03/39 [WO]
boke tiko: tikko (tiqqoo) (O) small, little
?? Boke sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
JDA59 Boke Tiko (Boke T'ik'o, Bocche Ticco) 08/40 [Gz WO]
0844'/4039' 1892 m (with church Gebriel)
Coordinates would give map code JDA69
boke wa..: wakko, waakkoo (O) mushroom
HCR47 Boke Wako (Beke Aba Wako, Bekawaka) 07/37 [Gz]
(Bekie Abawako) 0739'/3715' 1792 m 07/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Amnada wereda)
?? Boke wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 23 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JDA35 Bokeksa, see Bekeksa
HEF65 Bokeksa kebele (Bokäksa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Were Babo wereda, surrounding
Bokoksa settlement; area 2,359 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF80 Boken Merk'orios (church) 0853'/3920' 08/39 [Gz]
HDT44 Bokfe kebele (Boqfé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Wegdi wereda stretching to the wereda border,
10-15 km south of Mahdere Selam; area 2,043 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
KCR10 Bokh, see Boh
JCL51c Bokhayer 06/43 [Wa]
HDK10 Boki (Bok'i, Boqi) 0912'/3734' 2279 m 09/37 [AA q]
waterfalls at 2 km NW and 4 km W
HDB24 Bokiti (Bok'iti, Boqiti) 0820'/3608' 2125 m 08/36 [Gz]
?? Bokla (visiting postman under D.Markos) ../.. [Po]
boko (O) 1, kind of tree, Bersama abyssinica;
2. raven; 3. limb in general; boqoo 1. cheek; 2. neck,
neckband; 3. near, close, beside;
(Gurage) bush-pig, Potamochoerus porcus hassama
HCE73 Boko (Bocco, Boco) 0607'/3846' 2307 m 06/38 [Gz]
HDL43 Boko (Bok'o, Boqo) 0925'/3845' 2460 m 09/38 [AA q Gz]
(with church Abo)
Coordinates would give map code HDL53
JCG64 Boko 0656'/4009' 2740 m 06/40 [Gz]
JDJ05 Boko, see Baku
JDJ06c Boko 09/42 [20]
centre in 2005 of Fedis wereda
JBN29 Bokoaka (locality) 0442'/4039' 04/40 [WO]
HCT39 Bokoggi (Bok'oji), see Bekoji
bokoka (O) flatulence; bokoku (O) be distended
by over-eating
HEF65 Bokoksa 11/39 [Ad]
The settlement is surrounded on all sides by Bokeksa kebele.
Within a distance of 10 km there are at km
2E Chali kebele
7E Gedida kebele
4SE Gere Babo kebele
5SE Chikile kebele
6S Adamo kebele
10S Gedero kebele
3SW Goha kebele
7SW Goli kebele
8SW Godo kebele
2W Ejersa kebele
3NW Ulaula kebele
10NW Kolobo kebele
5N Hadere kebele
5NE Arabati kebele
bok..: bocool (Som) kind of sea shell
HCG33 Bokol (Bocol, Bacol) (mountain) 06/35 [+ WO Wa]
0641'/3504' 2035/2087 m
JBU63 Bokol (Bocol) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
JDD37 Bokol Leley (Bocol Lelei) (area) 1124 m 08/43 [+ WO]
-- bokol m..: Mayu, a lineage of Oromo
H.... Bokol Mayu (Bokolmayu) 05/37? [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
bokolo, bokkollo (boqqollo) (A,O) maize, Zea mays
HDK89 Bokolo 0948'/3822' 2151 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDL76 Bokolo (Bocolo), see under Webera 09/39 [+ WO]
bokota, boqota (O) place where travellers rest
HCR66 Bokota (Bok'ota, Boqota) 0750'/3708' 2246 m 07/37 [Gz q]
JDC95 Bokota (Bok'ota, Boqota) 0902'/4206' 1654 m 09/42 [Gz q]
HEC24 Bokra (Bocra) 11/36 [+ It]

boku (O) globe, sphere; (boquu) neck; bokku, bokkuu (O) scepter
of wood kept by the leader (Abba Bokku, Abba Gada) of the
age group in power
?? Boku (area with fumarole sites) ../.. [20]
HDL33 Boku (Bok'u, Boqu) 0924'/3846' 2577 m 09/38 [AA q]
(with church Abo)
JDJ15 Boku 09/42 [MS]
HBM23 Bokul (mountain) 0349'/3936' 1184 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
JEG59 Bokurri (Bocurri, Bokkurri) (locality) 12/40 [+ WO Wa Gz]
HDJ21 Bokuta (Bok'uta, Boquta) 0915'/3646' 1859 m 09/36 [Gz q]
GDE15 Bol, see Buol
JBR62 Bol, see Marmaro
bola (O) leaf; boola (O) hole
GCT56 Bola (Buoala) 0744'/3359' 305 m 07/33 [WO Gz]
HCC74 Bola 0609'/3701' 1438 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCJ38 Bola, see Bole
HDC11 Bola (area) 08/36 [WO]
HDD72 Bola (mountain) 0849'/3742' 2516 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south of Inchini
HDT65 Bola kebele 10/38 [Ad]
near north-easternmost Wegdi wereda at its eastern border,
12-15 km north-east of Mahdere Selam; area 1,272 hectares
[CSA 1994]
HDD72 Bola Maryam, see Bole Maryam
bola ro..: rogge (O) unmarried girl's tonsure-like hair style
HDD81 Bola Rogghie (mountain) 0854'/3737' 2892 m 08/37 [Gz]
(Bolao R.), see under Inchini
JDG54 Bolahamo 783 m, cf Bolhamo 09/40 [WO]
JC... Bolarli 07/43 [18]
HCK91c Bolasso (cultivated hills), cf Bolosso 07/37 [Gu]
HEU73 Bolbala (mountain) 1323'/3938' 2340 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET66 Bolda 1314'/3859' 1698 m 13/38 [Gz]
bole (A) soil impregnated with salt; boolee (O) deep red soil
HCJ38 Bole (Bola) 0637'/3722' 2097 m 06/37 [WO Ad Gz]
Within a radius of 10 km there are towards
SE Woyde (Uoide) (mountain) 1909 m
W Doge (Doghe) (area) 2150 m
NE Kucha (Cuccia) (area)
JC... Bole (centre in 1964 of Aymero sub-district) 07/40? [Ad]
HCE90 Bole, see Bule
HDD96 Bole (mountain) 0902'/3804' 2440 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD96 Bole (place) 0902'/3804', see under Ginchi 09/38 [Gz]
HDE36 Bole 0826'/3902' 1540/1595 m 08/39 [WO Gu Gz]
(with Thursday market)
HDE95 Bole 0858'/3854' 2230 m, east of Addis Abeba 08/38 [Gz]
HDF41 Bole, town in Boset wereda 08/39 [20]
HDL53 Bole, river [1] beyond Sendafa, 09/38 [Mi AA]
river [2] 30 km north of Addis Abeba on the Fiche road
HDL54 Bole 0930'/3847' 2609 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD72 Bole Maryam (Bola M.) (church) 0851'/3741' 08/37 [Gz]
HDE95 Bole Maryam (church) 0858'/3854', east of A.A. 08/38 [Gz]
?? Bole Selasie (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
(= Bollo Selassie = Bolo?)
HDL86 Boled (Boulle) 0948'/3902' 2398 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
HDM54 Boled kebele (Boläd ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda at its western border,
2-3 km west of Ankober town; area 646 hectares.
HDK18 Boleda 0913'/3815' 2419 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCT36 Boledena 0737'/3859' 2593 m, east of lake Langano 07/38 [Gz]
HEE38 Bolen kebele (Bolän ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Tenta wereda, 25 km south-southwest
of Tenta settlement; area 1,628 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU12 Bolenta Giyorgis (church) 1250'/3934', 12/39 [Gz]
near Maychew
?? Bolfo Dassa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Bolhamo, in middle Awash valley, cf Bolahamo ../.. [x]
HFE.. Bolho (centre in 1964 of Hahayle wereda) 14/39 [Ad]
boli, boolii (O) excrement, shit
JDD60 Boli (area) 1317 m 08/42 [WO]
JBR94 Bolkot (Bolcot) 0521'/4201' 331 m 05/42 [+ Gz]
HCP08 Bolla 0715'/3630' 2707 m 07/36 [WO Gz]
bolla (O) 1. burrow, hole, pit; 2. grave; buta, butta (O) end
of an eight year cycle in the gada system;
buta (O) 1. robber; 2. marriage by pretended capture
?? Bolla Buta (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HC... Bollanza ../.. [Gu]
bollo, boolloo (O) valley, trench
HDF12 Bollo, see Bolo 08/39 [Gu]
HDH78 Bollo, see Bolo
HDF71 Bollo Gheorghis, see under Bolo 08/39 [WO]
HDF71 Bollo Selassie, see Bolo
HCK82 Bolloso, see Bolosso
HD... Bolo (in Nekemte awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
HDF12 Bolo (Bollo) 0815'/3935' 2473 m 08/39 [Gz Gu Ad]
/or next one?:/ (centre in 1964 of Minjar sub-district)
HDF71 Bolo (Bollo Selassie, Bolo Silase) 08/39 [Gz WO LM]
0850'/3922' 1891 m
Coordinates would give map code HDF70
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9SE Gala (hill) 1527/1910 m
3S Bollo Giyorgis (B. Ghiorghis) (village)
8S Siressa (area)
9NW Rambuti Balchi (R. Balci) (church)
10N Awarti (Aoarti) (village)
6NE Indod (Endoda) (village) 1654 m
HDH18 Bolo 0912'/3625' 1628 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDH78 Bolo (Bollo) 0943'/3629' 1841/2080 m 09/36 [Gz WO]
HDH96 Bolo 0955'/3617' 1962 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL73 Bolo (area), see under Fiche 09/38 [AA]
HDL74 Bolo 0942'/3852' 2578 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HEF12 Bolo 1057'/3934' 3339 m 10/39 [Gz]
bolo do..: doyyoo (O) bland, not much taste;
doyo (A) food as above; (O? Guji) kind of black-and-white bird
HDE85 Bolo Doyo 0855'/3853' 2306 m, east of Akaki 08/38 [Gz]
HDF71 Bolo Giyorgis kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in south-western Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
6-10 km south of Balchi; area 778 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL99 Bolo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Moret & Jiru wereda towards the east,
2-6 km north-east of Inewari; area 2,075 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HD... Bolo Menjar (in Yerer & Kereyu awraja) 08/39? [Ad]
?? Bolo Werke (Bollo Worke), in Shewa ../.. [+ 18]
JDN68c Bolodi 10/40 [Gu]
JEJ35 Bolombolta (area) 12/42 [WO]
HDL73 Bolongo 0941'/3842' 2565 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCK82 Boloso (Bolloso, Bolasso) 07/37 [Gz WO Gu]
(mountain) 0703'/3736' 2185 m
Coordinates would give map code HCK71
HC... Boloso Hambecho (in Welamo awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HCK82 Bolosso Sore sub-district? (-1997-) 07/37 [n]
/Sore is a male personal name/
HCK82 Bolosso & Sorie wereda 07/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Areka (Ancheto))
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HCK82 Bolosso sub-district (centre in 1964 = Zebba) 07/37 [Ad]
HCK82 Bolosso wereda (-1980-2000-) 07/37 [20]
JFA93 Bolotarmo (Bolotamo) 1423'/4004' 490/815 m 14/40 [WO Gz]
JDA76 Bolti 08/40 [WO]
HES44 Boltuk (Boltuc) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
JDJ41 Bolulo 0926'/4142' 2493 m 09/41 [Gz]
GDU54 Boma (Bomo, Bomu) 1028'/3449' 882/1116 m 10/34 [Gz WO Mi]
Coordinates would give map code GDU55
JDD62 Bomba 0844'/4243' 1493 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDJ19 Bombas 0913'/4228' 1583 m 09/42 [Te Gz]
GDM73 Bombasci (Bombashi), see Bambesi & GDM74
JDC57 Bombe (Annia Bombe?) (area) 08/42 [WO]
HCK82 Bombe Edget, town in Boloso & Sore wereda 07/37 [20]
bombi, boombii (O) 1. beetle; 2. bomb
HDJ90 Bome (mountain peak) 0953'/3640' 1911 m 09/36 [Gz]
GDU54 Bomo, see Boma
GDU48 Bomo Belfudi sub-district (B. Bielfudi ..) 10/34 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gizen)
bona (A,O) dry season, the "summer" season from middle of
December to middle of March; (O) 1. drought; 2. carefree
and proud; gena (A,T) still, yet, even now, not yet;
genna (A) kind of game played at Christmas time
HDL51 Bona Gena 0934'/3835' 2478 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCR35 Bonaia, cf Beneya 07/37 [WO]
HDB87 Bonaia (mountain) 2270 m 08/36 [WO Gu]
HDC90 Bonaya (Bonaia, Bunayya), see Boneya, cf Fechase,
cf also Wama Bonaya
HDE79 Bonaya kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its western border,
10-12 km south-west of Balchi; area 1,535 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCB96 Bonca, see Ducha
HCB67 Bonche, see Bonke
GCU26 Bonchi (Bonci) (area) 07/34 [+ WO]
bonda (A) bale /wrapped in canvas for transport/
H.... Bondawo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 08/35 [Ad]
HDE70 Bonde (village south of main road) 08/38 [x]
HDK88 Bonde 0949'/3819' 2580 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL53 Bonde 0932'/3841' 1648 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDE70c Bonde Dilu Meda (plain) 08/38 [x]
JDP35 Bondura (Wadi Bundoora) 10/41 [WO Ha]
JDP47 Bondura, M. (area) 10/41 [WO]
JDP47 Bondura Oman (area) 10/41 [WO]
HDJ29 Boneger (Bonegher) 09/37 [+ WO]
HCD22 Boneya (Bonneia) 0541'/3745' 1140 m 05/37 [LM WO Gz]
HCR25 Boneya 0733'/3704' 1869/2010 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCR35
HCT99 Boneya 0804'/3918' 2353 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDC90 Boneya (Bonaia, Bonaya, Bonayyaa) 1749 m 08/36 [LM WO Gu]
with airfield for Nekemte
HDE72 Boneya 0849'/3839' 2150 m 08/38 [x Gz]
(village on the road to Melka Kunture)
HDH17 Boneya 0909'/3624' 1824 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK50 Boneya 0934'/3733' 2140 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK68 Boneya 0936'/3816' 2544 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL72 Boneya 0943'/3839' 2975 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL93 Boneya (place & area) 0955'/3843' 1916 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT23 Boneya 1009'/3846' 1739 m, south of Addis Derra 10/38 [Gz]
H.... Boneya Bishe sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HDL92 Boneya Boko (B. Bok'o, Boneya Boqo) 09/38 [AA q]
0956'/3839' 1956 m
HDT41 Boneya kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of Wegdi wereda,
29-35 km south-west of Mahdere Selam; area 5,623 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Boneya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yegie) ../.. [Ad]
HDD38 Boneya Wama sub-district 08/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Soddo)
bonga (Gimir) kind of shrub or tree, Teclea nobilis, which
can also grow tall; (A?) kind of tree, Trichilia dregeana;
(Welega Bega) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica?
GD... Bonga (river)
GDF05 Bonga 0811'/3451' 585 m, east of Gambela 08/34 [Gz Ad]
(in Asosa awraja)
HCP06 Bonga (Bonka) (with post office) 07/36 [Gz 18 WO x]
0716'/3615' 1714 m (S.I.M. mission at 0714'/3615')
another/?/ Bonga at 0717'/3614' 1662/1725 m
Centre at least 1956-1980 of Kefa awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Anderacha (Anderaccia, Andracha) (village) 1629 m,
with below it a natural bridge Gurgutta at c1720 m
?SW Shappe Gabriel (Sciappe G.)
?SW Shappe Maryam (Sciappe Mariam)
5?SW Baha Giyorgis (church) c2200 m
8W beginning of the Dakia forest
7N Kaya (Caia, Gaia) (village)
bonga b..: beki (O) doctor
HCH94 Bonga Beki (area) 07/36 [WO]
HCC78 Bonghe, see Bonke
HEC08 Bongit 10/37 [WO]
GD... Bongo (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HEA75 Bongo (mountain) 1132'/3515' 832 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
HBP94 Bongosi 0520'/3604' 439 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HBP84
HFE62 Bonguel (mountain) 1410'/3837' 2422 m 14/38 [Gu Gz]
west of Aksum
HDK17 Boni, two at 4 km distance 09/38 [AA Gz]
0911'/3812' 2850 m
HDK17 Boni 0913'/3812' 2752 m (with church Giyorgis) 09/38 [Gz]
HCB96 Bonka (Bonca) 2400 m, see under Dime 06/36 [+ WO]
HCP06 Bonka, see Bonga
-- Bonke, a small community in eastern Gemu Gofa
HCC78 Bonke /Beza/ (Bonke Bazza, Bonghe) 06/37 [Gz En WO]
(Bonche, Baza, Bazza, Buzza) c.2900 m 06/37 [Gu Wa]
0603'/3720' 3058 m,
mountain at 0606'/3722'
Coordinates would give map code HCC68
HC... Bonke Gezieso (in Gardula awraja) 05/37? [Ad]
HCB88c Bonke sub-district? (-1997-) 06/36 [n]
HCB88c Bonke wereda (Bonkie ..) 06/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mesketo)
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
GCU33 Bonkor (Boncor) 07/34 [+ WO]
HDH74 Bonkos (Boncos) (mountain) 09/36 [+ WO]
HDA85 Bonna 1494 m 08/35 [WO]
HCD22 Bonneia, see Boneya
HCL14 Bonsa (Bansa Tullu) (mountain) 06/38 [Gz WO]
0629'/3847' 1942/2315 m
HDJ54 Bonsa 0930'/3700' 2474 m, south-west of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
JDG.. Bonta 09/40 [18]
bonta m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
JDG36 Bonta Meda (Alaideghi, Aleaduga) (wide plain) 09/40 [Gz WO Ne]
0925'/4015' c900 m
bonu, boonuu (O) be arrogant, proud, haughty
HDK98 Bonu 0956'/3817' 2558 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDT87 Bonya 1041'/3905' 2308 m 10/39 [Gz]
boo, bo-o (O) 1. small trench, furrow; 2. measure of land to be
ploughed etc in one day, marked by furrows
HDH31 Boo 0922'/3549' 1288 m 09/35 [WO Gz]
HBT45 Bookada (Boocada, Boccada) 04/38 [Gz]
0456'/3854' 1521 m
JD... Bookhee, see Boke
bool bo..: booli (Som) looted camels; booji (Som) capture
JBG97 Bool Boggi 04/40 [WO]
JEC09 Boole (seasonal waterhole) 10/42 [MS]
HEU22 Boota, see Ayba
HCC54 Bopa 0555'/3658' 950 m 05/36 [Gz]
HDL43 Boqo, see Boko
HDL33 Boqu, see Boku
bor (Som) 1. mountain, hill, rock; 2. castor oil shrub,
Ricinus communis; (O) tomorrow; bor- (O) dig
HCR69 Bor (Bor Ama) (mountain) 3292 m 07/37 [WO]
HCS60 Bor Amor (mountain 10 km SW of Fofa) 3280 m 07/37 [x]
JDN59c Bor Haramilla (straight mountain chain) 10/40 [Gu]
(not: Assassibabiforo)
bora (O) 1. snout, muzzle, upstanding front part of saddle;
2. emerald green snake; boora (O) as colour of animal, dark grey,
dark yellow, grey-yellow brown;
bora (A) horse of cream colour or with white starred forehead
?? Bora (near Agew-populated area) ../.. [Yo]
?? Bora, town in Chefe Golana Dewerahmedo wereda ../.. [20]
HC... Bora (Borra) (sub-district & its centre in -1964-1997-) 07/38? [n Ad]
HDE17 Bora, see Borra
HDE28 Bora 0824'/3908' 1621 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDJ93 Bora (mountain) 0956'/3653' 2145 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK09 Bora (Malca Micce) 0906'/3821' 2644 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Gu]
see under Addis Alem
HET38 Bora (mountain) 1300'/3910' 13/39 [MS WO Ha]
HEU10 Bora (mountain) 1257'/3917' 1981 m 12/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HET39
HEU30 Bora 1258'/3924' 1981 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDN83 Bora 1044'/4003' 1431 m 10/40 [Gz]
bora as: as (O) here; aas (Som) 1. bury, burial;
2. colourful light of sunset
JDR02 Bora As (area) 09/41 [WO]
bora bo..: bore (O) 1. mellow tej; 2. solemn promise;
boore (Som) grey; borre (borrä) (A) large, spacious
?? Bora Bore (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
bora do..: doodis (Som) argument
?? Bora Dodos (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
bora goga, brown and dry? goga, gogaa (O) dry;
(O, Gurage) skin
?? Bora Goga (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDE06 Bora Maryam (church) 0811'/3858', 08/38 [Gz]
north-east of lake Ziway
bora me..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
JEA93 Bora Meda (plain) 1144'/4004' 11/40 [Gz]
at the left bank of Mille river
HET.. Bora sub-district? (-1997-) 13/39 [n]
HET.. Bora wereda (-1994-) 13/39 [n]
JDJ70 Boraat (Bora'at, Gara Borat, Galaue) (mountain) 09/41 [Gu Gz]
0946'/4139' 1373/1417 m
borale (A) white or red colour of certain cereals;
boraalee (O) a type of soil
HDD10 Borale 0818'/3731' 1532 m 08/37 [Gz]
JDD82 Borale (high plateau) 0854'/4243' 1419 m 08/42 [WO Gu Gz]
JDJ88 Borale (area) 09/42 [WO]
JDK10 Borale (village & high plateau) 09/42 [WO Gu Gz]
0910'/4231' 1557 m
JDK10 Borale 0911'/4235' 1610 m 09/42 [Gz]
HBR17 Borali, D. (area), cf Borauli 04/37 [WO]
boralu..: bora lukku (O) brown chicken
HCU60 Boraluku (Boralucu) 07/39 [+ WO]
(area) 3840 m, see under Ticho
HCL67 Borama (area), see under Dodola 06/39 [WO]
HDC45 Borama (with church) 1988 m 08/37 [WO]
JDB81 Borama Guddo, see Borema
?? Borame (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDR51 Boramu (mountain) 1025'/3642' 1493 m 10/36 [WO Gz]
-- Boran, one of the main branches of the Oromo, numbering over 3 million
HBR48 Boran (area) 04/37 [WO]
HBS41 Boran, see Boren
boran ga..: miigo (Som) choke, have difficulty in
HBM95 Boran Gabbra Migo 04/39 [WO]
-- Borana, Borrana (O) Oromo of southern Ethiopia; "pure" Oromo,
member of the highest social class, numbering about half a million
HBM91 Borar 04/39 [WO]
JDJ70 Borat, Gara, see Boraat
JEB88 Borauli, 1138'/4126' 922 m 11/41 [Gu WO Ne]
(3-peak pyramid mountain), see under Asaita
JEP64 Borauli (area) 1315'/4108' 13/41 [WO]
coordinates would give map code JEP65
HDG69c Borboka (Tulu B.) circa 0940'/3540', NE of Nejo 09/35 [x]
borbor: borbor meret (A) grey soil, eroded by water
HBL66 Borbor (Bor-Bor) (area), cf El Borbor, 04/38 [WO x]
with important wells
HDJ74 Borbor 0944'/3659' 1888 m 09/36 [Gz]
borch (borch') (A) paunch, large belly; gebeta (gäbäta) (A) low table;
(gäbät'a) (A) game with a double row of twelve hollows
?? Borcha Gebetta (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDK18 Borche (Borch'e) 0912'/3818' 2553 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDF62 Borchota (Borciota, Borshota) 08/39 [LM Gu WO Wa]
0846'/3943' 1177/1492 m,
small railway station
borchu (O) to splash liquid or mud
HBT42 Borchuma (Borciuma) 0457'/3839' 1349 m, 04/38 [+ WO Gz]
cf Berchuma
JDA96 Bordede (Bordele, Bordäde), see Arba
bore, booree (O) 1. hydromel, tej; 2. solemn promise to do something;
borre (borrä) (A) large, spacious
GCU15 Bore (area) 07/34 [WO]
HBS11 Bore 0439'/3739' 1068 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
HC... Bore, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
HCE.. Bore, valley joining the Mormora 05/38? [x]
HCL02 Bore (Borie, Burre) MS: 0620'/3835' 06/38 [MS Gz WO Te]
Gz: 0622'/3837' 2577 m
HCL02 Bore (with sub-post office; centre 1964 of Adola wereda)
HCP69 Bore, see Dalecho
HCR43 Bore c.1700 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [WO Gu]
HCR50 Bore, see under Agaro 07/36 [WO]
HCR64 Bore 0752'/3702' 2334 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDG38 Bore 0923'/3532' 1855 m 09/35 [Gz]
HE... Bore (in Inderta awraja) 13/39? [Ad]
JBN22 Bore, G. (area) 04/40 [WO]
JDJ44 Bore 0927'/4200' 2096 m 09/42 [Gz]
?? Bore Dinsara, see Tilku Bore D. & Tinshu Bore D.
bore me..: mencha (O) bush knife, cutlass
?? Bore Mencha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCL02? Bore sub-district (-1997-) 06/38? [n]
?? Bore wereda (-2000-) ../.. [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 77 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDP89 Borebo (Kolaj, Chelag) 1042'/3632' 1628/1824 m 10/36 [Ch Wa Gz]
borebor (boräbor) (A) hole /in a road/
HDS09 Borebor 0959'/3823' 2412 m, cf Borbor 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT40 Borebor 1024'/3825' 2424 m 10/38 [Gz]
H.... Borebor sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gudelema) 10/37? [Ad]
H.... Borecha (sub-district & its centre -1964-1997-) 08/36 [Ad n]
-- boreda: Borodda, a sub-division of the Ometo ethnic group
HCD92 Boreda (Dafne) 0621'/3742' 1890 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCK02 Boreda (Borodda) 0621'/3742' 1890 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCK12 Boreda (Borodda, Barodda, Baroda) 06/37 [Gz Po WO Gu]
0632'/3746' 1324, 2500 m (with sub-post office)
Coordinates would give map code HCK22
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
5S Chillachi (Cillacci) (village)
JDH37 Boreda (Boroda) (village on a saddle) 09/41 [Gz Gu]
0920'/4117' 2425 m (with school, and church Giyorgis)
Coordinates would give map code JDH36
JDH37? Boreda Abaya wereda (centre in 1964 = Boreda) 09/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JDH37 Boreda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Boreda) 09/41 [Ad n]
HCK13 Boreda wereda (centre in 1964 = Zefine) 06/37 [Ad]
?? Boree wereda, cf Bore wereda above
HDB49 Boreka 0831'/3634' 1507 m 08/36 [Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) 08/36 [MS Ad]
HDC10 Boreka 0815'/3638' 1919 m 08/36 [Gz]
JFA18 Borele Ale (volcanic mountain) 1347'/4033', 13/40 [WO Ne Gz]
cf Berahle
Coordinates would give map code JFA28
JDB81 Borema (Borama Guddo, Boroma /Guddo/) 08/40 [Gz]
0854'/4047' 1761 m
(with church Silase at some distance to the north-east)
HBS41 Boren (Boran) 0458'/3738' 1219 m 04/37 [ WO Gz]
HDM11 Boren 0912'/3929' 2911 m, near Shola Gebeya 09/39 [Gz]
HDU01 Boren 1027'/3925' 2091 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEM34 Boren 1207'/3945' 2041 m, south of Zobil 12/39 [Gz]
HEM44 Boren 1210'/3945' 1908 m, near Zobil 12/39 [Gz]
HEM44 Boren 1211'/3945' 1835 m, near Zobil
JDH56 Boren (area) 09/41 [WO]
JDJ62 Boren (area) 1155 m, see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [WO]
HDM51 Boren kebele (Borän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its northern border,
7-10 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 714 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU50 Boren kebele (Borän ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Jema wereda towards the east,
11-17 km south-west of Were Ilu; area 4,903 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM44 Boren kebeles (Borän ..) 12/39 [Ad]
Two adjoining kebeles with the same name in central Kobo wereda,
some 10 km east of Kobbo town; areas 9,113 and 7,483 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Borena, Borana, name of Tulama and Wello Oromo tribes
?? Borena (town), in Tehuledere (West) wereda (-1999-) ../.. [n]
HDT82 Borena 1045'/3846' 2509 m 10/38 [WO Gz]
HDT92 Borena (area) 10/38 [WO]
JBN12 Borena awraja (centre = Negele) 0440'/4000' 05/39 [MS Gz]
HDT93 Borena awraja 1050'/3845' (-1964-1987-) 10/39 [Ad Gz]
(Borena & Sayint awraja)
(centre around 1964-70 = /Denbi/ Mekane Selam)
?? Borerie (centre in 1964 of Rasagoba sub-district) 09/40? [Ad]
HDL56 Borey 0930'/3859' 2703 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
GDM32 Borga, see under Begi 09/34 [WO]
GCT71 Borgebba 0757'/3335' 328 m 07/33 [Gz]
HCC90 Borgela 0620'/3640' 1706 m, near map code HCJ00 06/36 [Gz]
JCE82 Borgianil, see Borjanil
JCH55 Borgo, see Bargo
HBL79 Borguddo (with seasonal well) 0420'/3908' 1177 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HBL78
HDJ65 Bori 0939'/3705' 2448 m 09/37 [Gz]
bori muluke: bori (Som) tobacco, water-pipe;
muluq (Som) 1. baby; 2. nakedness
JDC44 Bori Muluke (Bori Muluche) (area) 1632 m 08/41 [+ WO]
?? Boricha wereda ../.. [20]
(-2004-) in the Sidama zone, contains the Irba (Yirba) town
JCE82 Borjanil (Borgianil) 0614'/4339' 328 m 06/43 [+ WO Gz]
HE... Borkana (Borkenna) (river) 10/39? [x]
HEK10 Borkatit (small island) 11/37 [Ch]
HE... Borkenna (Borchenna, Borkana) 11/39? [n Gu x]
river with hot springs, in a green, marshy valley
HCK.. Borkeshe (Borkieshie) 06/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bosona Borkeshe sub-district)
HCK54 Borkoshe (locality) 0650'/3755' 06/37 [Gz]
JBR69 Borle-ier 0506'/4226' 351 m 05/42 [Gz]
HEH93 Borni 12/35 [WO]
HEP03 Borni 1241'/3601' 624 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
HEE69 Bornilo (British camp in 1868) 1638 m 11/39 [18]
boro, boroo (O) 1. north; 2. backyard; 3. room section
at the back of a house; 4. behind;
boro (Arsi O) affines, kind of related people;
-- Boro, name of a Kefa clan and their language, same as Shinasha?
HDJ85 Boro 0950'/3705' 2420 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDK58 Boro 0931'/3819' 2558 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL31 Boro 0920'/3835' 2601 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF53 Boro (mountain) 1122'/3939' 1671 m 11/39 [Gz]
west of lake Hayk
HDT03 Boro Areda 1001'/3846' 1746 m 10/38 [Gz]
HCL53 Boro Concession (Con. di Boro) 2750 m 06/38 [WO]
GD... Boro Shogo (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDS23 Borobot 10/37 [WO]
boroda: borodo, boroddo (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Salix subserrata, its twigs are used for tooth-sticks
JDH37 Boroda, G. (area) 09/41 [WO]
-- Borodda, in former times with their own dynasty
-- Borodda language, see Welayita
HCJ22 Borodda 06/36 [WO]
HCK02 Borodda, see Boreda & HCK22
JDN79 Borogalli (area) 10/40 [WO]
HDA17 Boroi, see Beroy
JCR36 Borolais (area) see under Hamero 07/42 [WO]
JDP24 Boroli (mountain) 1008'/4103' 841 m 10/41 [Gz]
JDB81 Boroma (Boroma Guddo), see Borema
HDE67 Borora, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
HDF01 Borora (plain) c.2500 m, see under Sire 08/39 [WO Gu]
HDF02 Borora (place) 08/39 [Gu]
HDF12 Borora (Bororo) (mountain) 0815'/3932' 2467 m, 08/39 [Gu Gz]
east of Sire, cf Berara
HDE44 Borota (hill) 0833'/3847', near Zikwala 08/38 [Gz]
HDE74 Borota, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDE17 Borra (Bora) (mountain) 0816'/3902' 2151/2455 m 08/39 [Gz WO Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HDE16
HEU20 Borra wereda (centre in 1964 = Chelena) 12/39 [Ad]
HDF62 Borshota, see Borchota
JDJ38 Borsom, see Funyan Bira
borta (O) kind of tree whose sticky bark is used as
glue or rope, Grewia ferruginea?
borte (O) klipspringer, Oreotragus oreotragus
HDK28 Borte 0915'/3818' 2575 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ25 Borte, see under Harar 09/42 [WO]
JDS01 Borti (area) 10/42 [WO]
borto (western O) Erythrina abyssinica, kind of tree
with ornamental red flowers
JDC71 Bortolo (area) 1812 m 08/41 [WO]
boru (O) 1. muddy, turbid, turbulent; 2. tomorrow; (A) ox having a blaze;
booruu (O) sun, early morning
HC... Boru (in Jemjem awraja) 05/39? [Ad]
HCP38 Boru 0735'/3626' 1846 m (with sub-post office) 07/36 [WO Gz]
HCT.? Boru, near Chilalo mountain 07/39 [x]
HE... Boru (in Ambasel awraja) 11/39 [Ad]
JDJ22 Boru 0918'/4150' 1927 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ46 Boru 0926'/4211' 2082 m 09/42 [Gz]
boru d..: debre birhan (A) mountain of light
HEF43 Boru Debre Birhan 1113'/3939' 2622 m 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Boru Silase), north of Dessie
boru m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HEF43 Boru Meda (Borumieda, Barumieda, Barumeida) 11/39 [Po n WO Gu 18]
(place & mountain) 1113'/3939' peak 2570 m
HEF42 Boru Metero kebele (.. Mét'äro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Tehuledere wereda at its western border,
10 km south-west of Hayk town; area 2,247 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Boru Silasse (B. Selassie) ../.. [n]
town in Mekdela wereda (-1999-)
HE... Boru sub-district (centre 1964 = Getta Ager) 11/39 [Ad]
HDE69 Boru Toru (B. T'oru) (mountain) 08/39 [Gz]
0843'/3915' 2208 m
JDJ14 Borukar (Borucar) (area), see under Amuma 09/42 [+ WO]
bosa, boosaa (O) slow, lazy, sluggish, untidy
HC... Bosa, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
HCJ48 Bosa 0645'/3721' 1724 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCJ77 Bosa, see Gena Bosa
HCJ89 Bosa 07/37 [WO]
HES53 Bosa, see Chank
JDJ.. Bosa (on map of 1814) 09/42? [18]
on the route from Zeyla to Harar
HEU05 Bosaley 1245'/3948' 1599 m 12/39 [Gz]
JCG93 Bosaso (Burca Besasa, B. Besasu) 07/40 [Gz]
0710'/4007' 2326 m
HDC75c Bosce, see Boshe
HDL73 Bose 0945'/3845' 2735 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDT86 Bosena kebele (Bosäna ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kelala wereda, 3-7 km east
of Kelala settlement; area 1,717 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HCT16 Boset (mountain) 3697 m 07/39 [MS WO]
HDF41 Boset (Boseti Gudda) (mountain) 08/39 [Gz WO]
0833'/3929' 1805, 2395/2440 m
HDF41 Boset sub-district? (-1997-) 08/39 [n]
HDF41 Boset wereda (centre in 1964 = Welenchiti), 08/39 [Ad]
cf Adama & Boset wereda (in the 1950s)
(-1994-) is divided into 61 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HDF52 Boseti Bariccia, see Bericha
boseti gu..: bosetti (O) poor housekeeper, dirty /woman/;
gudda, guddaa (O) 1. large; 2. respectable /man/
HDF41 Boseti Gudda, see Boset
JDH69 Bosetti (area) 09/41 [WO]
-- Bosha (Garo) name of a Sidama people in the Kefa region, speaking
a dialect of Kaficho being perhaps a separate language Bosha
?? Bosha (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
HCC75 Bosha 0605'/3706' 1258 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDC75c Boshe (Boshie, Bosce) (mountain range) 08/37 [+ Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Bilo Boshe sub-district)
HCC40 Boshkoro, or HCB16c 05/36 [x]
-- people of the Baka ethnic group
-- Bosho, name of a Kefa clan
GDL38c Bosho (Boscho) 09/34 [18 Wa]
JBU92c Bosle, 50 km downstream from Kelafo 05/44 [x]
bosoka, bosokke (O) 1. kind of tree, Sapium ellipticum;
2. herbs with fleshy leaves, Kalanchoe deficiens,
K. macrantha, K. lanceolata
HDJ24 Bosoka (Bosok'a, Bosoqa) 0914'/3701' 1938 m 09/37 [Gz q]
bosoke: bosokke, busukke (busuqqe) (O) tender /meat/;
2. plump, fat in a pleasant-looking way
bosoko (western O) kind of tree, Pygeum africanum
HDK24 Bosoke (Bosok'e, Bosoqe) 09/37 [WO AA Gz q]
0919'/3747' 1830 m
Coordinates would give map code HDK23
HDL11 Bosoke (Bosok'e, Bosoqe) 0911'/3833' 2729 m 09/38 [AA q]
HDL44 Bosoke (Bosok'e, Bosoqe, Besorche) 09/38 [AA Gz q WO]
0929'/3854' 2619 m, on the Abay road 50 km north of A.A.
Coordinates would give map code HDL45
HDL55 Bosoke (Bosok'e, Bosoqe) 0931'/3855' 2630 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
H.... Bosoke (Bosokie) ../.. [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
bosona (O) forest, thicket, undergrowth
HC... Bosona Borkeshe sub-district (B. Borkieshie ..) 06/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Borkeshe)
HEF25 Bosona kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Kalu wereda, 5-10 km east
of Kombolcha; area 3,349 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDB54 Bososo 0840'/4104' 1601 m 08/41 [Gz]
bot (bot') (T) reservoir; aa (O) really? (Som) expression of sorrow
(the following places are in southern Ethiopia, not Tigrinya country)
HDK55 Bot Aa 09/38 [AA]
bot cot: kot, koot (O) my, mine;
kot (qot) (A) space under the roof; (kot) (A) coat
JCC14 Bot Cot (seasonal well) 0532'/4158' 05/41 [WO Gz]
HDR88 Bot Ghiorghis, see Shememel
bota (O) pumpkin, gourd; (A,T) place, locality
?? Bota (historically recorded area) ../.. [x]
HCN79 Bota (Bota Gachera) 0754'/3539' 1920 m 07/35 [Gz WO]
HEU21 Bota (mountain) 1255'/3931' 2904 m 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
HCN79 Bota Gachera (area), see Bota
HDT61 Bota Menedega kebele (.. Mänädäga ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of Debre Sina wereda,
24-34 km west-southwest of Mekane Selam; area 6,887 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK55 Botaa (Bota'a) 0931'/3802' 1861 m 09/38 [Gz]
bote (O) fist, blow with the fist
HCT81 Bote 0800'/3835' 1827 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL72 Bote 0943'/3840' 2782 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDP27 Bote 1009'/3621' 1664 m 10/36 [Gz]
HDT65 Bote kebele (Boté ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-eastern Wegdi wereda at its eastern border,
10 km north-east of Mahdere Selam; area 1,885 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Boter (area), see mainly Botor
There is registered the Tiro-Boter-Becho National Forest Priority Area.
HDL01 Botero 0905'/3834' 2653 m, see under Genet 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL24 Botero 0916'/3850' 3303 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL41 Botero 0928'/3833' 1784 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDA96 Boti, see under Yubdo 08/35 [WO]
HDD75 Boti (mountain) 0851'/3803' 3011/3260 m 08/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDD76
HDJ73 Boti (Bot'i) 0944'/3653' 1644 m 09/36 [Gz]
JBJ98 Botin Libah 04/42 [WO]
boto (O) large tree with long leaves, Schefflera Abyssinica, S. volkensii
HCP68 Boto 0750'/3626' 2489 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDJ56 Boto (Bot'o) 0934'/3708' 2402 m 09/37 [Gz]
(mountain peak), east of Shambu
HDM.? Botola (with church Abo), in the Sendafa area 09/39 [x]
HC... Botolo Sogna 06/37? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kodesha wereda)
HDL80 Botolosi 0951'/3825' 2408 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HCR96 Botor 0806'/3712' 2096 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDC18 Botor 0817'/3721' 1637 m 08/37 [Gz]
-- Botor, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe;
bocho, bochoo (O) pass between hills
HDC27 Botor Bocho (B. Becho) 0822'/3717' 2301 m 08/37 [Gz x]
HDL83 Botori 0948'/3842' 2905 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
botoro (A) kind of tree, Markhamia lutea;
(O) kind of small tree, Stereospermum kunthianum, with
grey bark that comes off in round flakes and with twisted
pods, conspicuous when growing in old lava-flow areas
HDE99 Botoro, cf Botero 09/39 [WO]
HDN58 Botoro Dabosa 10/35 [WO]
HFE38 Botro 1351'/3914' 1819 m, cf Botero, Bottro 13/39 [Gz]
HDF60 Botta 08/39 [WO]
HCK82 Bottego (WO: Villagio Bottego), cf HCK83 Didu 07/37 [Gz WO]
0709'/3742' 1619 m
GD... Bottoso (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDJ05 Bottro 09/37 [WO]
HD... Botume, Gumuz village at the Abay 10/36? [20]
JBG53 Boudi 0405'/4008' 949 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
HE... Bouhoro, see Buhoro
HEB85 Bouksa (Boucsa) (area) 11/36 [+ WO]
HDL86 Boulle, see Boled
JDN47 Bouri (in Afar), see Buri
JCC66 Bovaio, see Bubayio
HFC41 Boval (Baual) (high plateau) 1400'/3642' 14/36 [Gz]
HDL73 Bowa 0946'/3843' 2897 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HEM43 Bowa kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in central northern Kobo wereda, immediately
to the west of Kobbo town; area 3,260 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Bowaha (on map of 1814) near lake Tana 12/37 [18]
boy (A) small irrigation channel, trench; booy- (O) cry
JCA16 Boy (Boi) 0535'/4023' 05/40 [+ WO Gz]
boya (T) paint
GDM11 Boya (Boia, G.) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
HDB17 Boya (Boia) (mountain) 0817'/3620' 2470 m 08/36 [+ WO Gz]
HEL06 Boya 1149'/3859' 2498 m 11/38 [Gz]
(with church Abo at some distance to the east)
HEE87 Boya kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Meket wereda, 25 km east of Filakit;
area 6,505 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Boyana, 30 km from Nekemte 09/36 [x]
boye, boyye (O) 1. hog, pig; 2. greedy, selfish
JDH08 Boye 0903'/4128' 1353 m, near map code JDB98 09/41 [Gz]
HDF70 Boye & Buchile kebele (Biyé & Buchelé ..) 08/39 [Ad]
rather far to the west in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
1-7 km west of Balchi; area 540 hectares. [CSA 1994]
boye g..: gerarsa (O) boasting song about a warrior's bravery
HEU14 Boye Gerarsa 1250'/3945' 1657 m, east of Korbeta 12/39 [Gz]
HDG.. Boyena Birbir ../.. [x]
boyina, bo-ina (O) yam-like climbing plant, the reddish
and greyish tuber of which is boiled and eaten
JEH04 Boyina (Boina) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HCS44c Boyo (area) 07/37 [Br]
?? Boza sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adigagra) 13/37? [Ad]
HDM85 Bracho (Bracio), see under Debre Sina 09/39 [+ WO]
brahan (A) feast of Christ having come here
to enlighten the world
HCG75 Brahan (Brehan, Barchan, Barchen) 06/35 [Gz x]
0658'/3516' 924 m
?? Branti, river in the region of the little Abay ../.. [Ch]
HDU11 Bret Ketera kebele (Brät Qätära ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
15 km west-southwest of Molale; area 602 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU11 Bret Kewtera
HDF60 Breysager (Breisagher) 08/39 [+ WO]
HCD62 Bridge of God (Ger: Brücke Gottes), S of Abaya 06/37 [x]
European name for the stretch of land dividing
lakes Abaya and Chamo from each other.
HEM41 Brigandet 1209'/3929' 2347 m 12/39 [Gu Gz]
HFC69 Brkuta, see Birkuta
H.... Brussa (centre in 1964 of Ali Brussa sub-district) 08/36 [Ad]
bua (O) advantage, profit, merit
HBK63 Bua, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HEJ25 Buahit, see Bohit
HES66 Buahit, see Tata
HES67 Buahit, see Bauhit
HEK31 Buait, see Bohiya
JBR15 Buale 0438'/4203' 217 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
?? Buamba Weha, see Bwamba Wiha
buba (O) a grade in the gada system
?? Buba, river in the Yubdo mining region ../.. [Mi]
HCP.? Buba, not far from Wush Wush 07/36 [x]
HDL33 Buba (place), see Bubu
HDL33 Buba (mountain peak) 0919'/3845' 2585 m 09/38 [Gz]
JDC96 Bubasa (Bubassa, Bubase, Bobassa, Fre: Boubassa) 08/42 [Gz WO 18 Wa]
0854'/4212' 1533 m
Coordinates would give map code JDC86
JCC66 Bubayio (Bovaio) 0601'/4210' 1079 m 06/42 [Gz WO]
JFA03 Bubaykoma (Bubaicoma) 1494 m 13/40 [LM WO]
bubbe, bube, bubbee, bubbi (O) wind, storm, hurricane
HCE84c Bubbe, c. 2900 m 06/38 [Gu]
HCF71 Bubbe (Bube) 06/39 [WO LM]
HCL06 Bubbe 0620'/3858' 2464 m 06/38 [WO Gu Gz]
HEL73 Bubbona (Amba B.) 1224'/3842' 2076 m 12/38 [Gz]
HBR36 Bube, Gebel (mountain) 0449'/3711' 1521/1804 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
HDB71 Bube (Bubie, Bubi, Bubbe) (market) 08/35 [WO Gu Ad Gz]
0846'/3548' 1894/1991m
(centre in 1964 of Nole Kabba wereda & sub-district)
Coordinates would give map code HDB61
HDB76 Bube 0847'/3617' 2233 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDK15 Bube 0909'/3802' 2964 m, see under Ilfeta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM83 Bube 1233'/3937' 1558 m, east of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
JDC53 Bube 0840'/4154' 1253 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDD57 Bube (area) 1328 m 08/43 [WO]
JDJ22 Bube 0915'/4149' 2278 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ68 Bube, G., see Gara Bube
bubi: buubi (Som) chase away, make run;
HDB71 Bubi, see Bube
JCM32 Bubi 0640'/4431' 487 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
HFC25 Bubila (area) 13/37 [WO]
HCS18 Bubisa (Bubissa) (mountain, with church Mikael) 07/38 [Gz]
0724'/3814' 2116 m
Bubisa (populated place), see Aweli
HDE59 Bubisa 0839'/3916' 2124 m, north of Nazret 08/39 [Gz]
HDL40 Bubisa 0925'/3829' 2671 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL90 Bubisa 0952'/3830' 2402 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
-- Bubisso, name of an Oromo tribe
-- bubu: Warra Bubu (Bubu people/family), name of an Ala tribe
of eastern Oromo
HDL33 Bubu (Buba) 0919'/3844' 2672 m 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Chancho sub-district)
HDL33 Bubu (Buba) 0919'/3845' 2585 m 09/38 [Gz]
KCR56 Bucal .., see Bukal ..
KCR47 Bucar, see Bukar
JBJ94 Bucarale, see Bukurale
HCD.. Bucchisa (Buccisa), see Bukkisa
HCL88 Buccio, see Bucho
JBJ94 Buccurale, see Bukurale
HCL.. Buchana, south of Shashemene 07/38? [x]
JBG97 Buchemescio, see Buke Mesho
buchi (O) expression for calling a dog
HBP95 Buchi 0524'/3613' 426 m, near Omo river 05/36 [WO Gz]
HCK04 Buchisi 0623'/3757' 1168 m, in lake Abaya? 06/37 [Gz]
HCL88 Bucho (Buccio) 0708'/3909' 2396/2467 m 07/39 [+ Gz MS WO]
HDK79 Bucho 0941'/3822' 2048 m 09/38 [AA HDK79]
HDL16 Bucho 0913'/3901' 2863 m, see under Sendafa 09/39 [AA Gz]
buchu, buchuu (O) little, small, tiny
JDJ19 Buchumen (Biciuman, Gebel Bisciuman) (hill) 09/42 [Gz Gu WO]
0914'/4226' 1920 m
HDA49c Bucko (Bucco) (village) 08/35 [+ Gu]
JBU56 Buckurale (Buccurale) 05/44 [+ WO]
buda (A,O) evil eye, person who casts a spell with the evil eye;
(A) creature of folklore: man-eater, corresponding to the
European werewolf
JDN85 Budaia 1044'/4018' 1021 m 10/40 [Ne WO Gz]
HBL88 Budda Sudden 04/39 [WO]
buddi: budi (O) cobra, Naja nigricollis, etc
JCD15 Buddi 0535'/4301' 464 m 05/43 [WO Gz]
bude (O) thick short horns pointing upward
JBN16 Bude (Budde) 0438'/4025' 953 m 04/40 [Gz WO]
bude go..: gora (O) 1. wild rose shrub; 2. kind of raspberry
JBN13 Bude Gora 04/40 [WO]
budessa: budusa (O) hollow 'stick' used as vessel; cf badessa above;
kera (O) shadow; (A) (qera) platform on which a guard sits to protect fields;
(A) side of mountain, wide and flat road
HBS60 Budessa Chera (Buddessa Chera) 05/37 [WO Gu Gz]
0506'/3735' 1104/1340 m
HDS.. Budos, village near church Goha Tsiyon 10/38 [x]
HBK67 Buduluc 0411'/3811' 1816 m 04/38 [Gz]
HBT56c Budussa (village) far to the south 05/38? [Mi]
bufa (O) 1. bellows /named for the sound they make/;
2. liar, braggart; (A) tannin, tanning substance;
Bufa, name of an Oromo lunar month
HDE30? Bufa (Buffa) or rather HDE36c? village near Awash 08/39 [x]
HBK82 Bufe (mountain) 0422'/3746' 1203/1333 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
HEM63 Bufeli 1218'/3937' 1421 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-east of Alamata
bug (Som) 1. injury, wound; 2. explosion, crack;
buug (Som) book; berde (Som) wild fig tree
JBT46 Bug Berde (Bug Berda), see Beg Berde
HDM01 Buga, see Guga
HCD10 Bugadi (Bagadi) 0532'/3731' 1471 m 05/37 [Gz WO]
GDU44 Bugari (Buggari) 1020'/3443' 1280 m 10/34 [Gz]
JBG53 Bugatta (area) 04/40 [WO]
HET88 Bugaya 1326'/3910' 2172 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEL.. Bugena (Bouguena) (historical area), cf Bugna 12/39 [+ x]
HEC.. Bugeta, near Gishe Abay? 11/37 [Ch]
HCP35 Buginda (Bughinda) (bridge) 07/36 [+ WO]
?? Bugna (historical area in central Ethiopia) ../.. [Pa]
HE... Bugna sub-district (Buguna ..) 12/38 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Birke) (-1964-1997-)
HEL44 Bugna wereda (centre in 1964 = Ayna) (-1964-1994-) 12/38 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural kebeles and 2 urban.
Around 1996, 10 kebeles from the Wag Hamra zone were incorporated
into Bugna wereda.
?? Bugu, camp in the Welamo Soddo region 06/37? [x]
buhe, buhie (A) festival of the transfiguration of Christ;
buho (A) fermented dough to make bread
JDG74 Buhi 09/40 [WO]
JDS43 Buhised (area) 10/42 [WO]
HEF93 Buhoro kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western central Habru wereda at its western border,
adjoining Mersa to its north and situated 10-15 km south
od Weldiya; area 5,486 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Buhoro sub-district (Bouhoro ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Girem)
GDF81 Bui, T. (hill) 08/34 [WO]
HDE01 Bui (Bu-i, Buk'i) MS: 0810'/3830' = HDE00 08/38 [MS Gz Ad x]
Gz: 0819'/3833' 2096 m = HDE01 or HDE11
(with church Mikael; centre in 1964 of Soddo wereda)
HDL45 Bui 0925'/3858' 2612 m (with sub-post office) 09/38 [AA Po Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDL46
?? Bui Tengego (visiting postman under A.A) ../.. [Po]
HES97 Buia, see Buya
HEU61 Buie (Buia) 1314'/3930' 2044 m 13/39 [Gz]
JCJ26 Buileesh, see under Imi 06/42 [WO]
HDN04 Buit Ciono, see Buyit Chono
HEU91 Buja (Booja) 1330'/3929' 13/39 [x 18]
?? Buju (Bujju) (an Oromo district) ../.. [n]
KCR56 Bukal Erigo (Bucal E.) 0745'/4710' 907 m 07/47 [Gz]
HDE.. Bukama kebele (Buccama ..) ../.. [20]
Catholic female missionaries had a community there.
KCR47 Bukar (Bucar) (area) 07/47 [+ WO]
HEF01 Bukaso kebele (Buqaso ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Legambo wereda, 15-18 km
east of Akista; area 2,2336 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD.. Bukassa Keta, in Weliso wereda 08/37 [20]
HDD22 Bukata (Buk'ata, Buqata) 0823'/3746' 1712 m 08/37 [Gz]
buke, bukke (O) at the side of, close to, side-by-side;
buqee (buqqee) (O) 1. pumpkin; 2. gourd, calabash,
Cucurbita lagenaria, Cucurbito pepo; 3. skull
HDG84 Buke (Luccasodo, Lukasodo) 09/35 [Gz WO]
0950'/3509' 1531 m, see under Mendi
JBG97 Buke Mesho (Buchemescio) 0428'/4030' 928 m 04/40 [Gz WO]
?? Bukerfine, in a valley from Ankober to Awash ../.. [Ha]
HEF92 Bukero 1140'/3936' 1867 m, south of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HEF92 Bukero 1142'/3936' 1867 m, south of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
buki (O) lint, clinging bits of fibre and fluff
HDE01 Buki, see Bui
HCD.. Bukkisa (Bukissa, Bucchisa, Buccisa) (with stelae) 05/38 [+ x Gu]
buko ,bukoo, boko (A,O) yeast, leavening substance,
fermented dough to make bread; buko (Kefa) pumpkin, gourd;
-- Buko, Bukko, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of
the Borana people, also a male personal name
GDF42 Buko 0834'/3435' 1499 m (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad Gz]
HDA59 Buko 0839'/3538' 1650 m, cf Boko 08/35 [Gz]
HDJ12 Buko (Galata) 0910'/3651' 2027/2155 m 09/36 [Gz WO]
HDL55 Buko 0932'/3855' 2631 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL71 Buko 0944'/3835' 2896 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JBJ94 Bukrale, see Bukurale
HDL62 Buku 0936'/3838' 2469 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
bukur (Som) small vessel
HDK88 Bukur 0947'/3816' 2481 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JBJ94 Bukurale (Bucarale, Buccurale, Bukrale) 04/42 [+ WO Gz LM]
0431'/4201' 203 m
bul (Som) tassel, fringe; buul (Som) hut, nest
GCS97 Bul (Bail) 0808'/3312' 285 m 08/33 [WO Gz]
bul bul: bulbul (A) kind of song bird
HCR55 Bul Bul (Bulbul) (locality, with bridge) 07/37 [Gz Gu WO]
0742'/3705' 1828 m
JDH58 Bul Bul (area), cf Bulbul 09/41 [WO]
JBU82 Bul Doho 05/44 [WO]
bula (A) dust raised in walking
HEB41 Bula (river, tributary of the Balas) 11/35 [Mi]
bulad (A) ancient type of flint-lock gun
?? Bulada Agaro (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
bulada j..: jawwe (O) python;
-- Jawe (Jawi, Dawé), a branch of a Boran tribe
?? Bulada Jawe (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
bulala: buulallo (Som) anthill
/bulale, bolale, Oromo word meaning what?/;
-- Bulala, a branch of the Arsi-Siqo Oromo living east of lake Ziway
HCU82 Bulala, MS: 0757'/3935'; Gz: 0759'/3934' 2673 m 07/39 [MS Gz]
JDF71 Bulale Libahghaudema (area) 08/44 [WO]
JCT90 Bulaleh (Bulale, Bulaheh), cf Bullaleh 08/43 [Gz]
0804'/4329' 1019 m
JDC86 Bulalle, G. 08/42 [WO]
HC... Bulalo (in Ticho awraja) 07/39? [Ad]
HDP84 Bulan (mountain) 1041'/3606' 1487 m 10/35 [WO]
HCL33 Bulancho, see Arbegona
HEJ95 Bularge 1235'/3705' 2140 m 12/37 [Gz]
JCK73 Bulbollod (Bullobodi) 0703'/4251' 694 m 07/42 [Wa Gz]
bulbul (A) kind of song bird
HCR55 Bulbul, see Bul Bul
HDT43 Bulbul kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Kelala wereda, 17-22 km
south of Mahdere Selam; area 4,124 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bulbula (O) 1. hydromel, mead; 2. /ploughing etc/ to one's
satisfaction; bulbule (O) honey mixed with water, half-
fermented or before fermenting into hydromel (tej)
HCT52 Bulbula 0743'/3839' 1590 m, cf Langano, 07/38 [Ca Gz]
stream at 0740'/3837', south of Adami Tulu
HDE84 Bulbula (Gurra) 0856'/3847' 2151 m, see u. Akaki 08/38 [Gz WO]
HDL10 Bulbula 0913'/3830' 3238 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JEA82 Bulbula 1139'/4000' 948 m 11/40 [Gz]
?? Bulbulo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HC... Bulbulo (in Limu awraja) 07/36? [Ad]
HEF54 Bulbulo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Were Babo wereda at its western border and
immediately to the east of lake Hayk; area 1,461 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Bulbulo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aselel) ../.. [Ad]
in Ambasel awraja
bulbulu (O) making mead by mixing honey and water etc
HCC80 Bulchi, see Bulki
Bulda .., cf Bulada ..
bulda cho..: chocho (A) 1. kinds of shrubs,
Nuxia sp., Premna sp.; 2. straw vessel for milk
?? Bulda Chocho (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
GDU64 Buldeberu 10/34 [WO]
JEB96 Buldugum (Buldugun, Fre: Bouldougoum) 11/41 [Gz Ne]
1144'/4118' 350 m
HBL09 Bule (area) 03/39 [WO]
bule (O) 1. assistant at a ceremony of sacrifice;
2. a man's name among the Borana; 3. stay overnight;
bulee (O) as colour of animal so varying that a reliable
translation is difficult
HCD58 Bule 05/38 [WO]
HCE90 Bule (Bulie, Bole) 0618'/3825' 2817 m 06/38 [Gz Ad WO n]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (-1964-1997-)
HDB25 Bule 0822'/3609' 2125 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCE90 Bule wereda 06/38 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JCF45 Bulei (well) 0553'/4446' 05/44 [WO Gz]
?? Bulen wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into33 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDM22 Bulga (Fre: Boulga) (mountains recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
HDM24 Bulga (area) (medieval name Tsilalish) 09/39 [Ha n]
HDM53 Bulga, cf Tegulet & Bulga awraja 09/39 [Ad n]
modern Bulga at about 0930'/3940'
JEP70 Bulga 1321'/4042' -77 m, below sea level 13/40 [WO Gz]
(place with waterhole)
HCE90 Bulie, see Bule
HCC80 Bulki (Bulk'i, Bulchi) MS: 0611'/3636' 06/36 [MS Gz Po WO]
Gz: 0610'/3637' 1963 m
(centre 1956-1964- of Gofa awraja & of Gofa /Zuriya/ wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
5E Gagigalla (village)
HCC91 Bulki (Bulk'i) 0617'/3649' 2169 m 06/36 [Gz]
(with SIM mission station to the south)
bulla (A,T) grey; (O) beige, light greyish /horse etc/;
bullale di..: bullalla (O), bullal (Gondar A) turtle-dove;
dikka dikka (O) occasionally; buulallo (Som) anthill
HBL57 Bullale Dikka, G. (area), cf Bulale 04/39 [WO]
HBL67 Bullale Guda, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
JCT74 Bullaleh (area) 868 m, cf Bulaleh 07/43 [WO]
JCT74 Bullaleh (well) 07/43 [MS WO Gu]
JCT85 Bullaleh 0801'/4355' 1000 m 08/43 [Gz]
JCP30 Bullalla (area) 07/40 [WO]
JCP53 Bullalla (area) 07/40 [WO]
bullassa: bulesa (O) plant with edible bulb (tuber) and
strong-smelling flowers
HCJ33 Bullassa 0638'/3654' 1006, 1533 m 06/36 [WO Wa Gz]
near Omo river
?? Bullen wereda, in Metekel of Benishangul-Gumuz ../.. [20]
JEC52 Bulleyta (Bulleita) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JCK73 Bullobodi, see Bulbollod
JDK64 Bulloyka (Bulloica, Bulloinca) 09/42 [WO]
(mountain) 2015 m
Bulluga ala (O) outer Bulluga?
JEP63 Bulluga Ala (area) 13/40 [WO]
JC... Bulluke (Bulluche) (small market) 06/40 [+ Gu]
bulo: buulo (Som) village; bullo (A) bay colour /of a horse/,
(Som) 1. olive brown, isabella colour of a horse;
2. Somali type of spin dance
HDH47 Bulo (mountain), see Shenkori
JDJ32 Bulo 0922'/4147' 1991 m, south-west of Kersa 09/41 [Gz]
JDK64 Bulo 0937'/4254' 1786 m 09/42 [Gz]
bulo b..: Bilal, name of an Ethiopian muezzin
already in Prophet Mohammed's time
JCJ34 Bulo Bilal 0641'/4201' 505 m, 06/42 [Wa Gz]
at Webi Shebele river
JCF22 Bulo Olo (populate place) 0542'/4430' 05/44 [Gz]
HCS02c Bulshana, south-southwest of Hosaina 07/37 [20]
bulte, bulto (O) 1. breakfast; 2. leftovers
JBP52 Bultegaras (area) 05/40 [MS WO]
bulti, bultii (O) 1. place for staying one or several nights;
2. marriage; 3. administrative region
HBK19 Bulti 03/38 [WO]
bulti d..: dula, dulaa (O) fighting place; raid;
dula (A) 1. strong, tenacious, resistant; 2. cudgel, knobbly stick
HDK03 Bulti Dula (Bultidula) 0908'/3748' 2251 m 09/37 [Gz AA]
HDJ65 Buluk (Buluk', Buluq) 0939'/3705' 2448 m 09/37 [Gz q]
north of Shambu
?? Buluk (Buluq) in Bale ../.. [+ x]
buluke: buluko, bullukko (A) heavy cotton blanket
JDJ41 Buluke (Buluk'e, Buluqe) 0930'/4145' 1576 m 09/41 [Gz]
west of Kersa
JDJ32 Bululo 0922'/4150' 2002 m, south-west of Kersa 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ33 Bululo 0924'/4152' 2024 m, south of Kersa 09/41 [Gz]
HCE87 Bulultu (Bululto, Bululta, Bullula) 06/39 [Gz WO Wa]
0613'/3901' 2134 m
Coordinates would give map code HCE86
GDF73 Buma (hill) 08/34 [WO]
GEF46 Bumbadi (Bumbodi, Bumbode) 11/34 [Gz]
1114'/3457' 510 m, at the border of Sudan
-- Bume or Nyangatom, name of an ethnic group in the South Omo Zone
HBP54 Bume 0503'/3605' 397 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
HBP72 Bume 0510'/3556' 672 m, at the border of Sudan 05/35 [Gz]
HDA67 Bumo (Bunno), see Dilbu
bun (A,T,Som) coffee; buun (Som) conch shell horn;
higil (Som) darkness, shadow, dark shape;
higlo (Som) kind of large thornless tree
JBP20 Bun Higli (locality) 0443'/4046' 04/40 [WO Gz]
buna, bunna (A,O,T) coffee, coffee bean, coffee tree
Coffea arabica; (O) fall, act of falling
HCB29 Buna (area) 05/36 [WO]
HDG54 Buna 0932'/3509' 1544 m 09/35 [Gz]
HBE95 Bunat (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDB29 Bunda 0823'/3634' 1863 m 08/36 [Gz]
?? Bunder Marayah ../.. [18]
HCJ27 Bundesi, see Burdesi
HDG65 Bundi 0936'/3514' 1538 m 09/35 [Gz]
JDP35 Bundoora (Bundure), see Bondura
HCG57 Buneso, see Benesso
HDJ17 Buneya 0912'/3717' 2638 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEC.. Bunjar, at a day's march south of Dangila 11/36 [x]
HCC42c Bunka (Male-inhabited area) 05/36 [x]
JDN39 Bunkata (Buncata) (ford) 10/40 [Gu]
GDF72 Bunna, G. (hill), cf Buna 08/34 [WO]
bunno, bunnoo (O) quiver
HDA67 Bunno, see Dilbu
HDB07 Bunno 0813'/3625' 2135 m 08/36 [WO Gu Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDB08
HDB18 Bunno (wide area in Illubabor) 08/36 [WO]
HDB29 Bunno (Buno) (mountain) 0820'/3630' 2394 m 08/36 [Gz]
-- Buno, name of a group of the Oromo
JBH43 Buno 0403'/4103' 263 m, near the border of Kenya 04/41 [Gz]
HDB33 Buno 0828'/3601' 1930 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDB33 Buno 0829'/3602' 1983 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDB43 Buno 0831'/3602' 2036 m 08/36 [Gz]
buno be..: bedele (bäddälä) (A) do wrong to, treat badly,
commit unjustice against
HDB37 Buno Bedele (town), see Bedele
HDB07 Buno Bedele awraja 0810'/3620' 08/36 [Ad Gz]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Bedele)
HBM13 Bunubba (mountain) 0348'/3939' 1143 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HBM23
GCT56 Buoala, see Bola
GDE15 Buol (Bol) 0816'/3355' 419 m 08/33 [WO Gz]
buollo, bollo (O) cave, trench
HDU00 Buollo (area), cf Bollo 09/39 [WO]
?? Buoroma (with small market) ../.. [18]
HDL57 Buosetti (area), see under Webera 09/39 [WO]
HDM52 Buotaro, see Buwotaro
bur: buur (Som) mountain, bare-topped hill; bu'ur (Som) squashes;
bur (Som) 1. flour, powder; 2. foam, bubbles;
3. club, cudgel; 4. camouflage
HFE.. Bur, lowland area east of Aksum 14/38 [x]
JBJ83 Bur (mountain) 0421'/4157' 199 m 04/41 [Gz]
JBH94 Bur Abbadale (area) 04/41 [WO]
JBJ97 Bur Abri, see Bar Abir
JCD49 Bur Adadle (area), cf Adadle 05/43 [WO]
bur agar: Agar, female name same as Hagar of the Bible
KCH61 Bur Agar Uen (area) 06/45 [MS WO]
bur ago..: agool (Som) mark, stain
JBJ50 Bur Agole (area) 04/41 [WO]
bur al..: buur Alle (Som) mountain of Allah
HCF43cBur Alle 05/39 [Gu]
JBS14 Bur Buhusso (area) 04/42 [WO]
JCD74 Bur Calane, see Bur Kalane
JBS32 Bur Cheir, see Bur Keir
JDK22 Bur Cul Gama, see Gama
bur da..: dati (O) human placenta
JCC26 Bur Dati (area) 05/42 [WO]
JDR58 Bur Degamedu Win (B. Degamedou Uin) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
JDR67 Bur Degamedu Jer (B. Degamedou Jer) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
JCL28 Bur Devengedis (Bur Devenghedis) (area) 06/44 [+ WO]
bur di..: dibba (O) hundred
JDK22 Bur Dibba, see Dibba
bur dubei: buur dube (Som) mountain of the oven
JCE17 Bur Dubei (mountain) 0535'/4357' 570 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
HBM26 Bur Duras, see Burduras
JC... Bur Egey (Bur Eghei) 05/43? [Gu]
bur fik ..: fiiq (Som) litter /strewn on the ground/;
2. tip, point; 3. suck in, drink; Adal, name of a tribe
JCL08 Bur Fik Adale (area) 06/44 [WO]
JCF11 Bur Fiyekfiyek (Bur Fiechfiech) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
bur gam.: gama' (Som) fall asleep
JDK22 Bur Gama, see Gama
bur gas..: buur gashaan (Som) mountain of the lover
JCF11 Bur Gashan (Bur Gascian) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
bur ge..: geldi, geldii (O) heavy
JBK94 Bur Geldey (Bur Gheldei) (area) 04/42 [+ WO]
bur godad..: buur goodaaddo (Som) lizard mountain
JCT47 Bur Godaddo (area) 07/44 [WO]
bur godar..: godarre, godare, godari (O) taro root,
Colocasia esculenta
JBU74 Bur Godarro (area) 05/44 [WO]
bur gud..: buur guduud (Som) reddish-brown mountain
JCE25 Bur Gudud (area) 05/43 [WO]
JBJ66 Bur Gudut (area) 220 m 04/42 [WO]
bur gum..: gumbur (Som) low isolated hill
KCH51 Bur Gumburo 06/45 [WO]
bur hal..: xalaal (Arabic, Som) purity, what is allowed
under Muslim law
JCM31 Bur Halalo (area) 06/44 [WO]
?? Bur Harere ../.. [x]
bur har..: haro (O) lake, pool; (A) valley subject to seasonal flooding
KCA13 Bur Harro (area) 05/45 [WO]
bur hod..: xoday (Som) kind of medicinal herb;
hoday (Som) deceive, cheat
KCR37 Bur Hodayo (area) 07/47 [WO]
bur hos.: buur hoos (Som) lower mountain?
hoos (Som) 1. lower; 2. shade, shadow
JBS14 Bur Hose (Bur Hoos, Bur Hosc) 04/42 [Gz WO Gu]
0437'/4255' 436 m
Coordinates would give map code JBS04
?? Bur Hukur ../.. [..]
bur ila..: buur ilaalo (Som) mountain of the spy /or policeman/
JCE08 Bur Ilalo (area) 05/44 [WO]
bur ilo.: iilo (Som) turn oneself aside; illow (Som) forget
JBT32 Bur Ilou (area) 04/43 [WO]
bur kal.., flag mountain; calan (Som) flag, banner;
kalana (O) cave
JCD74 Bur Kalane (Bur Calane) 0606'/4256' 277/301 m 06/42 [+ WO Gz]
at Webi Shebele river
bur kei., mountain of chase; ceyri (Som) chase, speed,
make run fast; keyrkeyr (Som) tremble with fear
JBS32 Bur Keir (Bur Cheir) 0449'/4241 313 m 04/42 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JBS21
bur kor..: korra (qorra) (O) cold, frost; hurdo (Som) sleep
JCF98 Bur Koralle Hurdi (Bur Coralle H.) (area) 06/44 [+ WO]
KCH16 Bur Korrali (Bur Corrali) (hill) 0627'/4617' 06/46 [WO Gz]
JBS22 Bur Kurale Lere (Bur Curale Lere) (area) 04/42 [+ WO]
bur la..: lanka (lanqa) (A) palate of the mouth
JCE27 Bur Lanka (Bur Lanca) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
JDR49 Bur Madu, see Madu
JBS94 Bur Medone (area) 05/42 [WO]
bur no..: noolee (Som) revive, keep alive;
noolee, nolle (O) kind of tree, Olinia rochetiana
JBT32 Bur Nohle 0451'/4337' 479 m 04/43 [WO Gz]
(mountain partly in Somalia)
bur or..: oraah, erey (Som) word, speech
JBS66 Bur Oray (Bur Orai) (area) 05/43 [+ WO]
bur re..: buur renji (Som) mountain of colour
KCR61 Bur Renji (B. Rengi) (area) 07/46 [+ WO]
bur sanhi, cow hill?
sani, saanii (O) 1. cow, cattle; 2. plate of metal or porcelain
KCG39 Bur Sanhi (area) 06/45 [WO]
bur shebeli: buur Shabeelle (Som) mountain at the Shebele river?
-- Shebeli, a somalized Bantu group
JCU71 Bur Shebeli (Bur Scebeli) 07/44 [+ WO]
bur si..: buur siddo (Som) mountain with handle
JEC20 Bur Siddo (area) 11/41 [WO]
bur ti..: tiin leh (Som) with Opuntia cactus
KCG78 Bur Tinle 07/45 [WO]
bur tu..: tuke (Som) crow, raven
JBS01 Bur Tucke Bubuys (Bur Tucche Bubuis) (area) 04/42 [WO]
bur wa. ..: war (Som) pond, reservoir;
ware (O) noon, afternoon; giro (O) work, task
JCM22 Bur War Giro (Bur Uar Ghiro) (area) 06/44 [+ WO]
bur wardere: Wardheere (Som) is a name
JCF23 Bur Wardere (Bur Uardere, B. Uadere) (mountain) 05/44 [+ WO Gz]
0537'/4435' 308 m
JCF17 Bur Weber (Bur Ueber) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
bura (Som) coral tree, Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei,
with ornamental red flowers turned upwards;
burra (O) large kind of acacia tree
HCT00 Bura, see Bure
HDL24 Bura (mountain) 0916'/3851' 3201 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL25 Bura 0918'/3852' 2970 m 09/38 [AA Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Rufa sub-district)
HDM41 Bura 0929'/3928' 2833 m 09/39 [Gz]
JD... Bura (written Boorha on map of 1814) 09/41 [18]
bura ab..: abebe (abbäbä) (A) to flower, to bloom
JDJ05 Bura Abebe 0908'/4208' 1856 m 09/42 [Gz]
bura ar..: arba, arbaa (O) elephant;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
HDL25 Bura Arba 0919'/3854' 2808 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM42 Bura & Buyema kebele (.. Buyäma ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda adjoining
Bura kebele to its north-east, 15-16 km south-southwest of
Debre Birhan; area 1,253 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL.. Bura Chele (Burachele) (village on sloping land) 06/39 [x Ad]
in 1960s in Genale awraja, in 1980s in Dodola wereda
HDM41 Bura kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central western Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its south-western
border, 16-21 km south-southwest of Debre Birhan; area 2,109 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM04 Burac (Burah), see Were Waju
burada mo..: moyale (A) jigger, chigger, kind of flea
JDE48 Burada Moyale (area) 08/44 [WO]
burahan b..: burre (O) dappled, multicoloured
JDG76 Burahan Burre (area) 925 m 09/40 [WO]
JED13 Burale (mountain) 1058'/4251' 585 m 10/42 [Gz]
near the border of Djibouti
JD... Buramo (centre - inside Ethiopia?) 09/43? [Gu]
HDE31 Burana 0828'/3834' 2558 m 08/38 [Gz]
JDC61 Burana 0846'/4144' 1426 m 08/41 [Gz]
burao go..: goobo (O) crooked, humpback , leaning; gobo' (Som) drop, droplet;
gobo (O) shelter; gooboo (O) bow; goobo (Som) circle;
gobo (T) mountain. slope, hillside
JDF46 Burao Gobo (area) 08/44 [WO]
buraoga..: gajo (O) 1. old woman; 2. kind of top-storey forest tree,
Manilkara butugi
JDF65 Buraogajo (area) 08/44 [WO]
JEB68 Burayle (mountain peak) 1125'/4127' 568 m 11/41 [Gz]
burayu: buraya, burayo (O) kinds of tree, Prunus africanus,
Pygeum africanum; the latter grows together with zigba and
tid in highland forests
GDF56c Burayu (Buraiu) (village with cotton fields) 08/34 [+ Gu]
HDL02 Burayu (village at main road) 4 km east of Gefersa 09/38 [x]
HBK39 Burbarsa Ueto (area), cf Birbirsa 03/38 [WO]
GCU61 Burbeh, see Abobo
Burca .., see Burka ..
JCG93 Burca Besasa (B. Besasu), see Bosaso
JDC62 Burca Calcio, see Burka Kalcho
JCB63 Burcai, see Burkai
HBJ95 Burch, G. (hill) 1945 m 04/37 [WO]
HCJ14 Burchi (Burch'i) 0629'/3700' 2502 m 06/37 [Gz]
HBJ76 Burchuma, G. (hill), cf Berchuma 04/37 [WO]
HBL47 Burchuma (Gebel B.) 0403'/3902' 1496 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
(mountain). One-piece three-legged chairs from the Jimma district
are sometimes known as burchuma chairs.
HDF.? Burchutta, in region of Fantale and Metehara, 08/39 [Ha]
cf Borchota
HCJ02 Burda 0621'/3649' 2097 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCJ27 Burdesi (Bundesi) 0636'/3714' 1006, 1792 m 06/37 [Gz WO It]
JCF02 Burdodi 0527'/4430' 215 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
HBS94c Burdti, see Burji?
JDH62 Burdubba (Bur Dubba?) 09/40 [Ha]
(Shek Othban's grave is near)
HCC86 Burduda 0613'/3712' 1329 m 06/37 [Gz]
HBM25 Burduras (locality) 0354'/3953' 03/39 [WO Gz]
at the border of Kenya
(hill Bur Duras at 0352'/3954' = HBM26)
Coordinates would give map code HBM36
bure (O) patterned like a leopard; (A) black and white;
bure (Som) milk vessel made of wood;
buree (Som) beat with a club;
Bure, in Tilahun Gamta's Oromo dictionary explained as
the name of a district and not as a word
GCM96 Bure (area) 07/34 [WO Pa]
GDF94c Bure 08/34 [Gu]
HCT00 Bure (Bura) 0715'/3829' 1626 m 07/38 [Gz]
HDA13 Bure (Burie, Burei, Bare) 08/35 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
MS: 0818'/3507' 1707/1835 m; Gz: 0817'/3506' 1506 m
(centre in 1964 of Bure wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
6SW Guma (mountain with rocky slopes)
HDA76 Bure 0849'/3522' 1536 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDK26 Bure 0918'/3808' 2779 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDK27
HDR85 Bure (Burie, Burye, Buree) (with sub-post office) 10/37 [Gz Ha WO Ch]
MS: 1043'/3707' 2166/2230 m; Gz: 1042'/3704' 2091 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Gombo (village
8E Wan (Uan) (village) 2098 m
9E Boglie (village) 1986 m
7NW Astui (area)
4N Gugsa (village)
5N Shememel (Gheorghis) (village) 1910 m
7N Chava (Ciava) (area)
8N Warki (Uarchi) (village) 2393 m
JEJ96 Bure (lowland area near Eritrea on Assab road) 12/42 [WO 20 Gz]
(locality) 1237'/4212'
HDA05 Bure Lake 0813'/3516' 1588 m 08/35 [Gz]
J.... Bure Modait (Buremudaitu) (wereda & its ctr in 1964) 10/40 [+ Ad n]
J.... Bure Modayito (B. Mudaytu) sub-district? (-1997-) 10/40 [n]
HDR85 Bure Shekudad sub-district? (-1997-) 10/37 [n]
HDR85 Bure & Shikudad wereda (centre in 1964 = Bure) 10/37 [Ad]
HC... Bure Waka (Burree Waaqa) 07/36 [En]
Small crater lake about 20 km north-west of Tepi.
HDR.. Bure & Wemberma wereda, cf Wemberma wereda 10/36 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 76 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HDA13 Bure wereda (Burie ..) (centre in 1964 = Bure) 08/35 [+ Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HDR85 Bure Zuriya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bure) 10/37 [Ad n]
JDB77 Burea Sava, see Jejeba
?? Buredamot (sub-post office under D.Markos) ../.. [Po]
GCS68c Buregany 07/33 [LM]
HDA13 Burei, see Bure
JBN52 Burela 05/40 [WO]
?? Burere (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDC04 Bureya 0814'/3658' 1684 m 08/36 [Gz]
burga bur: buur (Som) mountain, bare-topped hill;
bur (Som) 1. flour; 2. foam; 3. club, cudgel; 4. camouflage;
bu'ur (Som) squashes
JBS44 Burga Bur (area) 04/42 [WO]
JED01 Burgal (Burgab) (hill) 1053'/4236' 10/42 [WO Gz]
HBS94 Burgi, see Burji
GCT87 Burgot 0759'/3409' 456 m 07/34 [Gz]
buri, burri (O) collective word for wild plants with
edible bulbs (tubers), especially blue-grey yam-like root
eaten like potatoes; buuri (Som) tobacco; cigar; pipe
JBP05 Buri (locality) 0434'/4110' 04/41 [WO Gz]
JDG06 Buri, G. (area) 09/40 [WO]
JDG45 Buri (area) 09/40 [WO]
JDN47 Buri (Bouri) 1026'/4026' 632 m 10/40 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JDN57
HBR61 Burie (mountain) 0508'/3646' 1903 m, 05/36 [WO Gz]
see under Hamer Koke
HDR85 Burie (Burye), see Bure
GD... Buringi, village at Baro river 08/34? [x]
burji (Som) good fortune, luck, lucky person;
(O) dregs from a kind of thick beer;
-- Burji (Bembela), ethnic group speaking Burji-Geleba language,
numbering about 80,000 and half of them being Christians
HBS94 Burji (Burgi, Burdti?) 0523'/3750' 1960 m 05/37 [Gz Ad 18 WO]
MS: 0523'/3750' = HBS93, 1960 m
Gz: 0523'/3756' 1864 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8SE Barka (Barca) (area)
6S Malaile (seasonal waterhole)
4W Kameyo (Cameio) (village)
7W Dembole (village) 1560 m
5NW Korbaya (Corbaia) (village) 1674 m
8NW Gembo (Lemmu) (village) 1798 m
5N Gubba (area) 2120 m
HCD06 Burji (Burgi) (area) 05/38 [+ WO]
H.... Burji sub-district (-1997-) 05/3. [n]
H.... Burji wereda 05/3. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 21 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
?? Burjiji, valley in Sidamo ../.. [Mi]
-- Burjin, see Anuak language
JCF01 Burju (Burgiu) 05/44 [+ WO]
burka (O) (burqaa) spring, source, stream;
(A) official who is in charge of a sub-district
HDE34 Burka (Burk'a, Burqa) 0828'/3850' 1842 m 08/38 [Gz q]
HDJ38 Burka (Burca) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
HDM13 Burka (Burk'a, Burqa) 0912'/3936' 2097 m 09/39 [Gz q]
HD... Burka (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
HDT87 Burka (Burk'a, Burqa) 1043'/3906' 2323 m 10/39 [Gz q]
JCB80 Burka (Burca) 0606'/4046' 858 m 06/40 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCB70
JCD74 Burka 06/42 [Wa]
JCG76 Burka (Burca) 0702'/4025' 2051 m 07/40 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCG77
JCS41 Burka (area) 07/42 [WO]
JDB77 Burka (Burca Sava) 1400 m 08/41 [LM WO]
JDC57 Burka (Burca) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
JDC60 Burka (Burk'a, Burqa, Gola) 0842'/4139' 1305 m 08/41 [Gz q]
JDC72 Burka 0850'/4150' 08/41 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gula Oda sub-district)
JDH26 Burka (Burk'a, Burca) 0915'/4116' 1765/1860 m 09/41 [Gz WO Gu]
(with church Mikael to the east)
JDH37c Burka 09/41 [LM]
JDK43 Burka (Burk'a, Burca) 0924'/4247' 1680 m, 09/42 [Gz WO]
see under Jijiga
Coordinates would give map code JDK34
JDN77 Burka (Malafaburi, Mala Fara Buri) (village & plain) 10/40 [Gz WO Gu]
1037'/4028' 530/562 m
JEA13 Burka (Burca) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
JDH24 Burka Abdosh (Burk'a A.) 0919'/4103' 1622 m 09/41 [Gz]
burka arba (O) spring of elephants;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
JDC17 Burka Arba (Burca Arba) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
burka badessa (O) spring with Croton or Syzygium trees
GDF34 Burka Badessa (Burca B.), see Karo
HDA02c Burka Badessa (Burca B.) 1037 m 08/35 [+ Gu]
HDA02c Burka Badessa (stop near river)
JCG93 Burka Besasa (Burca Besasu), see Bosaso
burka dare: daree (Som) get a strangle-hold in wrestling
JCP29 Burka Dare (Burca Darro) 0729'/4133' 914 m 07/41 [MS WO Gz]
burka darr.: darro (Som) red clay
JCH76 Burka Darro (Burca D.) 0700'/4119' 895/946 m 07/41 [MS WO Gz]
burka gu..: guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/;
gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. fulfill one's obligations
JDB71 Burka Gudo (Burk'a G., Bocche Gudo) 08/40 [Gz]
0848'/4051' 1798 m
HDL62 Burka Jebi (Burk'a J., Burqa Jebi) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0936'/3836' 2466 m
HDL71 Burka Jero (Burk'a J., Burqa Jero) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0942'/3834' 2914 m
JDC62 Burka Kalcho (Burca Calcio) (area) 1730 m 08/41 [+ WO]
HDM34 Burka kebele (Burqa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Berehet wereda to its west; area 1,863 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE.. Burka Lamafo, village south of Nazret 08/39 [20]
burka sav.: savva (T) milk?
JDB77 Burka Sava (Burca S.), see Jejeba
JDC72 Burka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Harewacha) 08/41 [Ad]
JDD84 Burkaf (Burcaf) (area) 1710 m 08/42 [+ WO]
JCB63 Burkai (Burcai) 0601'/4101' 931 m 06/41 [MS Wa WO Gz]
JBR04 Burkale (Buccurale) 04/42 [MS WO]
HBS74 Burkas (Burcas) (mountain) 05/37 [+ WO]
HDL22 Burkasa (Burk'asa, Burqasa) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0919'/3838' 2603 m
HDM03 Burkike (Burk'ik'e, Burqiqe) 09/39 [Gz q]
0903'/3938' 1643 m, near map code HDF93
burkitu, burqituu (O) small stream
HCM76 Burkitu (Burk'itu, Burqitu) 07/39 [Gz q]
0700'/3954' 3040 m, west of Goba
HDF11 Burkunte 0818'/3926' 1778 m, near Sire 08/39 [Gz]
JBR09 Burmetaven, see Barmadawen

buro (Som) 1. kinds of tree, Salix subserrata, Teclea nobilis;

2. small container for water or milk; 3. wart, tumor, growth;
4. extra, bonus; buuro (Som) grow fatter, get stronger
HCJ48 Buro 0643'/3719' 1201 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCJ78 Buro 0700'/3721' 1259 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDE61 Buro 0845'/3834' 2003 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Mikael to the south)
JDE57 Buro 0839'/4408' 1232 m 08/44 [Gz]
JDH48 Buro 0929'/4127' 1675 m 09/41 [WO Gz]
KCS73 Buro Dughei 0755'/4747' 650 m 07/47 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
HEK16 Buro Gabriet 1155'/3803' 2406 m 11/38 [WO Gz]
north of Debre Tabor
?? Buro (written Booro on map of 1814) 10/39 [+ 18]
KCS73 Buro Dughei 0755'/4747' 650 m 07/47 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
HEK16 Buro Gabriet 1155'/3803 2406 m 11/38 [WO Gz]
north of Debre Tabor
burogi ja..: jaban (Som) broken; jaba, jabaa (O) strong
JBN43 Burogi Jaban 04/40 [WO]
HEL54 Burqua, see Birko
burra (O) type of acacia with wide "umbrella",
Acacia caffra, A. campylacantha;
-- Burra, a clan of the Mecha/Liban/Kutai Oromo
HCL35 Burra (Bura) 2630 m 06/38 [WO LM]
HDM83 Burra 09/39 [WO]
HED74c Burra 11/37 [Gu]
HBL57 Burrako, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
burraku, burraquu (O) jump up and down for joy, gambol
burre (O) dappled, motley, multi-coloured;
(A) piebald /black and white/
HCL02 Burre, see Bore
HC... Burre Waka (lake), see Bure Waka
burre wein: weyn (Som) big, large, great;
weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine; 2. grape, wine plant
JCS82 Burre Wein (area), cf Bure 08/42 [WO]
JBS12 Burrei, see Barrei
?? Burri /Tulla/ (Sidamo mining area), cf Buri ../.. [Mi]
HDR85 Burrie, see Bure
burrori: bururi (O) 1. kinds of shrub or small tree,
Grewia ferruginea, or large tree, Mimusops kummel;
2. very large; globe
HBU26 Burrori 04/39 [WO]
burruke: buruka (O) swamp, pond
JDB88 Burruke (Burruche, Burrunche) 1600 m 08/41 [+ Gu WO]
-- Bursa, name of a group of Oromo
HCL22 Bursa (Burssa) (mountain saddle & place) 06/38 [Gu WO Ad Gz]
0635'/3836' 2516/2540 m
(centre of Wollo Sabola sub-district)
JBS13 Bursagi Melhale (Bursaghi Mallaile) 04/42 [+ WO]
-- Bursuk, ethnic group in Ogaden
JDJ38 Bursum (Boursoum), see Gursum
JDJ88 Burta Agarre (area) 09/42 [WO]
JDJ79 Burta Dulleti, see Duletti
burta en: heen (Som) fat floating on top of broth
JCT41 Burta En (Burta Hen) 0740'/4353' 859 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
burta ged..: gediir (Som) fish
JDK91 Burta Gedirari (Burta Ghedirari) (area) 1342 m 09/42 [+ WO]
burta gom..: gombore (O) greyish soil;
gombor, gombiro (eastern O) kinds of scrambling or
climbing shrub, Capparis spp.
JDE40 Burta Gombor, see Kombor Chaf
-- Burta language, see Berta
burta sab..: sabbata (O) blet, sash
JCT91 Burta Sabbati (area) 1229 m 08/43 [WO]
JDJ76 Burta Shiooka (B. Sciooca) (area) 1272 m 09/42 [+ WO]
burta ta..: tamsa-u (O) disperse, scatter
JDD66 Burta Tamsa (area) 1510 m 08/43 [WO]
JEC04 Burtahel (area) 10/42 [WO]
JEA68 Burtale (area) 11/40 [WO]
burtu, birtu (A) strong, powerful
JEC07c Burtuli (wells) 10/42 [x]
HCG58 Burtura 0651'/3532' 1594 m 06/35 [Gz]
HCH70c Burtura (abandoned village with monolith) 06/35 [Gu]
HCR65 Buru 0749'/3703' 1821 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDJ47 Buru 0925'/3719' 2217 m, east of Chomen swamp 09/37 [Gz]
HDK01 Buru 0908'/3736' 2395 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDS08 Buru 0958'/3817' 2499 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ16 Buru 0914'/4210' 1661 m, south-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDR71 Burudda, see Barurudda
HEE39 Burukitu (Buruk'itu) 1111'/3915' 2344 m 11/39 [Gz]
?? Buruma (valley & village on hill) ../.. [x]
on the road from Harar to Awash
-- Burun language, see Uduk
HDL61 Burunko (Burunk'o, Burunqo) 0937'/3833' 2327 m 09/38 [AA q]
HEU76 Buruole (mountain) 1317'/3955' 1431 m 13/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEU66
bururi (O) a ritual tree
HDA57 Bururu 0840'/3530' 1560 m 08/35 [Gz]
JDR71 Bururudda, see Barurudda
HDA28 Burusa 0824'/3531' 1571 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDK47 Burusa 0929'/3809' 1377 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDR85 Burye, see Bure
busa, busaa (O) 1. fever, malaria; 2. proud, slanderous;
3. fringe, ornamental border on cloth; buusa (O) roof;
Busa (O) the seven stars of the Pleiades;
-- Busa (Bussa, Dobase, Lohu, Mahile, Masholle, Musiye, Gobeze,
Gowase, Goraze, Orase), ethnic group living west of lake Chamo,
officially estimated to number about 6,000 in 1995
HCC25 Busa 0540'/3707' 938/1006 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCL72 Busa (Sole, Sole Abaro) 0703'/3837' 1748/1819 m 07/38 [Gz WO Gu]
HCR76 Busa 0758'/3713' 1919 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCR86
HDD66 Busa 0846'/3801' 2890 m 08/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDD65
HDD67 Busa 0846'/3809' 2208 m 08/38 [Gz]
JDR06 Busa (Bussa) (area) 0958'/4213' 880 m 09/42 [WO Gz]
busa dawa (O) malaria remedy?
HD... Busadawa (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
JCC61 Buscei, see Buski
JBG64 Buschobi (area) 04/40 [WO]
HCS51 Buscianne, see Bushanne
HDE66 Buscioftu, see Debre Zeyt
HCS24 Bushana (locality) 0737'/3745' 07/37 [Gz]
HCM64 Bushanella (Buscianella) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
HCS51 Bushanne (Buscianne) 0746'/3738' 1702 m, 07/37 [+ Gz]
cf Bushana, Bishone
bushe (O) wild plant with edible bulbs (tubers);
bushi, bushii (O) cork; bushi (Som) sickness, loss of health
HDJ49 Bushi 0928'/3730' 2205 m, near map code HDK40 09/37 [AA Gz]
HCS54c Bushurro 07/37 [En]
An early settlement of Gurage, with a Maryam sancturay which
was destroyed in the early 1500s.
?? Busidima (area in Afar) ../.. [20]
with fossil find sites Dikika and Telalak
JEB.. Busidima kebele, in Mille wereda 11/40 [20]
JCC60 Buski (Buscei, Biscei) 0601'/4147' 564 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCC61
JBG62 Buskoti (Buscoti) 04/40 [+ WO]
JBJ93 Busle (area) 04/41 [MS WO]
JCF01 Busle (Buslei, Busl) (large village) 05/44 [Gz WO Gu LM]
0528'/4425' 220 m
HBS90c Buso (close-packed Konso village) 05/37 [x]
HEE06 Buso kebeles 10/39 [Ad]
Two narrow kebeles of the same name adjoining each other and
stretching north/south in western Legambo wereda, 18-20 km
west of Akista; area 1,407 + 973 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Bussa, name of a small ethnic group speaking a Nilotic /?/ language,
numbering 1,646 (in the 1990s?) and over half of them being Christians
HCC39 Bussa 0545'/3726' 1194, 2194 m 05/37 [WO Gu Gz]
HCR65 Bussa (area) 07/37 [WO]
H.... Bussa (centre in 1964 of Dawo sub-district) 08/38 [Ad]
JDR06 Bussa, see Busa
HCR65 Bussa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Shewa Ber) 07/37 [Ad]
JFA84 Bussaba 1422'/4010' -128 m, below sea level, 14/40 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
HD... Bussano Birbir (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
buta (Gondar) very large and fat; (O) 1. robber;
2. marriage by pretended capture;
buta, butta (O) one of the most important Oromo festivals,
end of eight years cycle in the gada system (also war waged
by the next gada class at such time)
HDE53 Buta 0842'/3842' 2066 m 08/38 [Gz]
JBR45 Buta, see Chew Butta
buta j..: jira (O) on /as postposition, not preposition/
HCS99 Buta Jira awraja (centre in 1959 = Butajira) 08/38 [Ad]
There is registered the Butajira National Forest Priority Area.
HCS99 Butajira (Buta Gira, Butadjira, Buta Jara) 08/38 [MS LM x]
(Butajera, Buttagira, Buttagera, Butlagira /!/) 08/38 [Po Gu WO Gz]
MS: 0800'/3825' = HCT80; Gz: 0807'/3822' 2131 m
(with Friday market & sub-post office)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Baressa (area)
3S Katama (Catama) (area)
8S Silte (Uodessa, Uodescia, Wedesa, Wodesha) (village) 2113 m
8SW Ilal (area)
10SW Etabon (area)
10SW Itakar (Itacar) (area)
5W Koto (Coto, M.) (area) 2225 m
6W Giyorgis (S. Giorgio) (church) 2110 m
6NW Mamuje (Mamugie) (area)
5N Shershera (Scerscera) (area)
HCT83 Butajira, cf Haykoch & Butajira awraja 08/38
HCT61 Butajira area, cf Haykoch & Butajira awraja
In the 1980s-1990s there was the Butajira Rural Health Project,
supported by SAREC of Sweden.
?? Butar ../.. [20]
village in the Goro and Sof Omar region
bute, buute (O) drop, tumble; jarti (O) old, respectable /woman/
HBS02 Bute Jarti (Bute Garta, Bute Giarti) 04/37 [LM x WO Gz]
0433'/3745' 1294 m
buti (A) fist, clenched hand; (O) 1. rat; 2. (buutii) black snake,
puffadder; 3. tall tree, Mitragyna stipulosa, found in swamps
in the south west of Ethiopia
HDE76 Buti 0849'/3858' 2038 m, north of Debre Zeyt 08/38 [Gz]
JEG14 Buti (area) 11/40 [WO]
butiji (A), buttuji, butugi, buttigi (O), a tall tree,
Manilkara butugi, top-storey forest tree with buttressed foot
JDH50 Butiji (Bitigiu, Bittigiu, Butugiu) 09/40 [Ad MS WO Gu]
(Sanchillada) 0933'/4045' 885 m 09/40 [Gz Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Kurtumi sub-district; with police camp)
butim, buttim (A) terebinth tree
JBP09 Butimanyo (Butimagno) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]

butta, buttaa (O) community feast; final feast in the

Tulama and Macha gada system
?? Butta (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCH88 Butta (mountains) 0707'/3627' 2152 m 07/36 [WO x Gz]
HCP22 Butte (area) 07/35 [WO]
butto, buttoo (O) single-edged jungle knife
for cutting bushes or grass
?? Butto (mountain in Kefa) ../.. [x]
butuji: buttuji, butugi, buttigi (O), butiji (A) a tall tree,
Manilkara butugi, top-storey forest tree with buttressed foot
JDH50 Butuji (Butugiu), see Butiji
butuli: buttulle (O) plump, fat in a pleasant-looking way
HDL63 Butuli (But'uli) 0940'/3845' 2623 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HBT46 Buvilla 0457'/3857' 1236 m 04/38 [Gz]
HDM52 Buwotaro (Buotaro) 09/39 [+ WO]
HBM21 Buya (area) 03/39 [WO]
HDG59 Buya 0930'/3536' 1871 m 09/35 [Gz]
H.... Buya (centre in 1964 of Gwagussa sub-district) 10/37? [Ad]
HES97 Buya (mountain) 1330'/3809' 1536 m 13/38 [Gz]
HES97 Buya (Buia) (place) 1331'/3814' 1412 m 13/38 [Gz WO]
HEU61 Buye (Buie) (village with small church) c. 2050 m 13/39 [+ Gu WO]
?? Buyelle, among archaeological sites in Afar ../.. [20]
HDK29 Buyema 0914'/3824' 2556 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
buyit (A) small jar or jug
HDN04 Buyit Chono (Buit Ciono) (area) 10/35 [+ WO]
HES.. Buyit Ras, 10 km from Debark 13/37 [20]
buyo (O) kind of grass, with ritual use among the Alabdu;
buyyu, buuyyu (O) tattered clothes
HDE92 Buyo (village & mountain Buyo Terara) 08/38 [x]
HDK46 Buyo 0929'/3803' 1709 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JFA94 Buzaba 14/40 [Ne]
HCC78 Buzza, see Bonke
HCJ13 Buzzani (mountain) 0629'/3659' 2314 m 06/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCJ14
HEE09 Bwabwata kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Legambo wereda in its eastern part,
8-10 km east of Akista; area 1,512 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
bwahit (A) turbine
HES67 Bwahit (Buahit, Bwa-it, Bwahita) 13/38 [Wa WO Gu n]
1315'/3815' 4430 m,
see also under Bauhit and under Sawana
?? Bwamba Wiha (Buamba Weha) (with kaolin) ../.. [+ 20]
?? Bweiteras (village in Simen) ../.. [x]
with Falasha living there still around 1980
HCJ92c Bwerate 07/36 [Wa]
-- Bworo language, see Boro
HBP53 Byelli (Bielli) 05/35 [+ WO]
HCG79c Byenesho (Bienescio) (area) 07/35 [+ Gu]
-- Byenesho She Kaba, a group of the Sidama people on the
border of Simen Mountains National Park at its eastern end
Ca.., see generally Ka..
JCN05 Caacule, see Kaakule
HCR15 Caaggu, see Kaaggu
JDG56 Caailu, see Kaaylu
HES34 Caara, see Caara
JEB95 Cabaaitu, see Kabaaytu
JCT64 Cabahot, see Kabahot
JDE22 Cabal Cabat, see Kabal Kabat
JCG98 Cabana, see Kabana, cf Kebena
HBP82 Cabata, see Kabata
HCD17 Cabbi, see Chabbi
HEH48 Cabcamba Mariam, see Kabkamba Maryam
HDD25 Cabena, see Kabena
HDE52 Cabi, see Kabi & HDL85 HEF03c
HER46 Cabi Curcuana, see Kabi Kurkwana
JBJ78 Cabo Cutab, see Kabo Kutab
HDD64 Cabo, see Kabo & JEA16
JCU42 Cabri Ali Ghelati, see Gabri Ale
KCP81 Cabrin (Cabria), see Kabrin
HFF15 Cabtai, see Kabtay & HFF24
HCD21 Cabura, see Kabura & HCH11
HEP59 Cacarset, see Kakarset
JEH18c Cacaun, see Kakawun
HCT18 Cacca, see Kecha
HCM53c Caccia, see Kacha
HDE49 Cacciama, see Kechema
HFE17 Cacciamo, see Kachamo
HDB76 Caccian, see Kachan
?? Caccigio, see Kachijo
JDG04 Caccin Ua, see Kachin Wiha
HDK63 Caccisi, see Kachisi
HFC29 Cacha, see Kacha
HDA75 Cache (Cachi), see Kake
HDA82 Cachi, see Kaki
GDF42 Cachir (Tulu C.), see Kakir
HCJ87 Cacia, see Kacha
HDT19 Cacim Amba, see Kachim Amba
HDE25 Cacio, see Kacho
JFB05 Cacmara, see Kakmara
JEB46 Cacombili, see Kakombili
HEH34 Cacuaha, see Kakwiha
JEH18c Cacun, see Kakawun
HDU44 Cadambo Ghiorgis, see Bar Meda
HDA15 Cadami, see Kidame Gebeya
JEG35 Cadarmo, see Kadarmo
JDP05 Cadda Coma, see Kadda Koma & JDP16
JDH64 Cadda Rugdaia, see Kadda Rugdaya
JCC55 Caddas, see Kaddas
HDK63 Caecisi, see Kachisi
HER08 Caela Guot, see Kaela Gwot
HEJ69c Caena Tesama, see Kawena Tesama
HEB12 Caf, see Kaf
HEC07 Cafacit, see Lechema
HEC74 Cafatuo, see Kafatwo
HCR17 Caffarsa (Caffersa, Cafifarsa), see HCR28 Kefersa
-- Caffino language, see Kefa language
HFC36 Cafta, see Kafta & HFC63
JER04 Cafulle, see Kafulle
HCR77 Cagelo Budonaro, see Kajelo Budonaro
HCR78 Cagelo Dichi, see Kajelo Diki
HDC16 Cagelu, see Kajelu
JDJ50 Caggelu, see Kajelu
JBU47 Cagiagur, see Kajagur
HBL66 Cagibo, see Kajibo
HEL06c Cagite Mechet, see Kajite Meket
HDM50 Caho, see Kaho
HCH75 Caia, see Kaya & HCP06
KCH47 Caia Cobe, see Kaya Kobe
HDU40 Caiafer, see Kayafer
GDE16 Caic (Caig), see Kaich
HD... Caiccia, see Kaicha
JDK19 Caiderrede, see Kayderrede
JCH00 Caifa, M. (seasonal waterhole) 06/40 [MS WO]
GDE15 Caig, see Kono
HDL97 Caighedel, see Kaygedel
KCP84 Cair Debin, see Khair Debin
HDE52 Cais, see Kays
HDN59 Caiter, see Guchar
GDM51 Cakogulu, see Kakogulu
?? Calab (Calub), see Kalub
JEC70 Calaha, see Kalaha
HDT54 Calala, see Kelela
HBT75 Calalachi, see Kalalaki
JDD40 Calalo, see Kalalo
HBP33 Calama, see Kelem
HFD42 Calama, see Kalema
HEK50 Calamac, see Kalamak
HDA33 Calame, see Kalame
JDA78 Calamso, see Gelemso
JDP17 Calaoni, see Kalawni
HET16 Calbis, see Tsellari
GDF45c Calcalcia, see Kalkalcha
HBS26 Calciati, see Kalchati
HDA87 Calderini, see Kalderini
JCC22 Calec, see Kalech
HCH52 Caliccia, see Kelayka
JDK38 Calieda, see Kalyeda
JDK62 Calighi, see Kaligi
HEF73c Calla, see Kalla
JDH33 Calladu, see Dalladu
JCE18 Callafo, see Kelafo
JDN77c Callalu, see Kallalu
HBP33 Callam, see Kelem
JEJ35 Callassa, see Kallassa
HCM17 Calle, see Kalle
HDE61 Calleccia, see Kallecha
JB... Callegia, see Kalleja
HDG88 Callissi, see Kalisi
HDE73 Calliti, see Kalitie
JDF55 Calolwabane (area) 08/44 [WO]
HFD09 Calvedin, see Kalvedin
HDB07 Camacce, see Kamache
HER00 Camachela, see Kamakela
HER24 Camant, see Kamant
JCD92 Camar Marie, see Kemarmere
HC... Cambata, see Kembata
HCK93 Cambatta, see Gambata & HCS03
HD... Cambi Biet, see Wanto
HCN54 Cambolcia, see Kombolcha & HEF24 JDJ 45
HEK32 Cameam, see Kameam
HBS94 Cameio, see Kameyo
HER38 Camfau (Campau), see Kampau
JDC97c Cammu, see Kammu
HBK99 Camo, see Kamo & HCR43
HDA74 Camu, see Gombo
HEJ06 Canaela, see Kanawela
HEC85 Cancella, see Kunzila
HEJ14 Cancella (Cansela), see Kunzila
JDC31 Cancera, see Kanchera
JDB51 Canciara, see Kanchara
JDC48 Candarre, see Kandarre
JCR92 Candurra, see Kandurra
HES98 Canechi, see Kaneki
HEH60 Cangiara (Cangiaro), see Kunjara
HDE67 Cangu, see Kangu
GDF65c Caniaz, see Kanyaz
HEJ15 Cansela, see Kunzila
HCA65 Canta, see Kanta & HCA75 HES41
HES41 Canta, see Kenta
HEC64 Cantafa, see Kentafa & HEJ87
cantiere (Italian) dockyard, /here/ workshop, "workyard";
C.O.M.I.N.A. = Compagnia Mineraria Etiopica
GCM16 Cantiere (Cant. C.O.M.I.N.A.) 06/34 [WO Gz]
0627'/3456' 581 m
JEA45 Cantiere /Eloa/, see Eloa 11/40 [WO Gu]
HDK80 Cao, see Kao
JDG89 Cao, see Kaw
?? Cao Sillasi, see Kaw Silasi
HCJ91 Caoggio, see Kaodsho
HDG09 Cape, see Kape
HCR86 Caporicia, see Kaporicha
JCL35 Capotinac (Captonac), see Kapotinak
HFC41 Capta Messil, see Kapta Messil
JCL35 Captonac, see Kapotinak
HBM72 Cara, see Kara & HCC46
HDG76 Cara Bochi, see Kara Boki
JDK34 Carabasse, see Karabasse
GDM60 Caraboghe, see Karaboge
HER67 Carachir, see Kirakir
JDK72 Caraggis, see Karajjis
HBS58 Caraiu, see Keranyo
HDU66 Carakore, see Kara Kore
HDA83 Caramacco, see Karamako
JCC98 Caranie, see Karanye
HBS58 Caranyu, see Keranyo
-- Carara, Carrara, ethnic group of Somali origin in eastern Bale
JDK31 Carara (Carrara) 0926'/4230' 09/42 [WO x]
area with mica mine near Jijiga
JBJ67 Carare, see Karare
?? Carawini, see Kara Wini
HDB46 Carcarro, see Karkarro
HEP49 Carcarset, see Karkarset
JCE07 Caren Ef, see Karen Ef
HET38 Careza, see Keretsa
JDB42 Carfaroca, see Karfaroka
HCB80 Cargina, see Gerjina
JCT90 Carin Agagh, see Karin Agag
JCE16 Carin Arusad, see Karin Arusad
JCS06 Carinta Chenleh, see Karinta Kenleh
JDD97 Carireh, see Jiriyele
HFE16 Carnale, see Amba Kernale
HDS85 Carni, see Karni
GDF21 Caro, see Aro
GDF31 Caro, see Tulu Aro
HCB07 Caro, see Garo
HCN64 Caro, see Haro
HCR57 Caro, see Karo & JDJ33
JDN88 Caroma (Carona), see Karoma
JDP40 Caroma, see Karoma
HDC95 Caronti, see Karonti
HDG84 Carra, see Karra & HDF11 HDJ25 JEA33
HCM50 Carra Birole, see Karra Birole
HDM45 Carra Magher, see Karra Mager
JDJ11 Carra Ormati, see Kere Ormata
JDC40 Carrabalci, see Karra Balchi
JDA43 Carrafannissa, see Karrafannisa
HDF65 Carraiu, see Karrayu & HDM05
HBS10 Carraiu, see Kereyu
JDK31 Carrara, see Carara
HDC51 Carraru, see Karraru
HEE88 Carre Yona, see Karre Yona
HDF23 Carri (Cari), see Karri
HCR65 Carro, see Karro
HDJ39 Carru, see Ker
HDE52 Carsa, see Kersa & JDJ42
HBU76 Carsa Dek, see Kersa Dek
HCR66 Carsa Ghesce, see Kersa Geshe
HCR55 Carsa Sadecia, see Karsa Sadecha
HCF21 Carta Bara, see Karta Bara
JEJ30 Cartati (Cartad), see Kartati
HEJ98 Carua Mariam, see Karwa Maryam
JFA65 Carumboe, see Asale
HER84 Casa Iesus (Casa Jesus), see Kasa Iyesus
HDM95 Casamba, see Kasamba
HEJ79 Casasillit, see Kasasillit
HDF20 Cascata (Italian = waterfall) 08/39 [WO]
HCA93 Casci, see Kashi & HCG64 HCG94 HCN02
GEF02 Casciangaro, see Kashangaro
HDU86 Cascim, see Kemise
HDD74 Cascio, see Kasho
JCC98 Cashi Delli, see Kashi Delli
JBU47 Casiagur, see Kasyagur
HDD54 Casibi, see Kasibi
HCK96c Casieno, see Kasiyeno
HDE31 Casim, see Kasim
GDL49 Casr, see Kasr, cf Kesar
JDR30 Cassandera.., see Kassandera.. & JDR40
JDP39 Cassandera Chebir, see Hassandera Kebir
HBR79 Cassarghio, see Kassargiyo
HDL64 Cassin Selassie, see Kasim
HDU90 Casta (Cast), see Aksta
HES45 Casusa, see Kasusa
HEC53c Cat Mariam, see Kat Maryam
HDN97c Catabala, see Katabala
HDB88 Catama Argio, see Getema
HCS99 Catama, see Katama
HDE54 Catama, see Ketema
HDB88 Catama /Argio/, see Getema
JDH02 Catamamitti, see Ketemamitti
HDG09 Cate, see Kate
HDF65 Catelu, see Karrayu
HFC27 Catri Gua, see Katri Gwa
HEL74 Catseman, see Katseman
HDJ84 Cattali, see Kattali
HCH02 Cattalia, see Kattalya
GDM51 Catugola, see Katugola
JCE15 Cau, see Kaw & JCE44
GDM11 Caua, see Kawa & HCM94
HEL85 Causaua, see Kawsawa
HCE90 Cavada (Cavado), see Kavado
?? Cavallanca, see Kaballanka
HES34 Cavataura, see Kabatawra
HES77c Cavea Mariam (village), see under Sawana 13/38 [x]
HDE82c Cavie, see Kavie
Ce.. (in Italian-derived spellings), see Che.., cf Chi..
HDJ03 Ceca, see Cheka
HED50 Cecc, see Check
HFC48 Cefa (Chefa Amba), see Chefa
JEA83 Cefra, see Chefra
HCJ46 Cegalo Afata, see Chegalo Afata & HCR56
?? Ceher, see Cheher
HES34 Celaca, see Chelaka
JDG08 Celeclaca, see Cheleleka
HEU81 Celecot, see Chelikut
JDA65 Celelaca, see Cheleleka
HEU20 Celeua, see Chelena
HEJ85 Celga, see Aykel
HER07 Celga, see Chelga
HER45 Celguana, see Chelgwana
HCT73 Celila, see Gelila
JBJ65 Celile, see Chelile
HET90 Cella Damagdea (Cellada Magdea) (pass) c. 2750 m 13/38 [WO Gu]
JBG62 Cellago, see Chelago
GDU05 Cellalaca, see Chelaleka
HDF92 Celli, see Chelli
HDF82 Celli Gabriel, see Chelli Gabriel
HDJ08 Cellia, see Chellya & HDR01
HDC68 Cello, see Seyo
HDS84 Celti, see Chelti
HDU00 Cembrie, see Chembrye
HFK07 Cena (waterhole) 14/38 [MS WO]
HEJ67 Cencher (Cenher), see Chenker
HCD91 Cencia, see Chencha
HEJ75c Cencioa Micael, see Chenchowa Mikael
HCD90 Cengia, see Chencha
HEP25 Cengia, see Genga
?? Cenli, see Chenli
HEJ67 Cenner, see Chenker Maryam
HEC77 Centa, see Chenta
JDB04 Cera, see Chera
HDP01 Cerac, see Cherari
HDP12 Cerac, see Korak
HDE67 Cerago, see Cherago
HCD67 Ceralatto, see Chelelektu
HDM21 Ceraro, see under Gina Ager 09/39 [WO]
HEM64 Cercer Galla, see Chercher Galla
HEM84 Cercer, see Chercher & HER08
JDA88 Cercera Tinna, see Cherchera Tinna
HEL53 Cercir Abo, see Birkwakwa
HEJ67 Cercos, see Cherkos
HEC64 Cercusquam, see Ker Kuskwam
HDR69 Cereca, see Yechereka
HDA73 Ceri, see Cheri & HDC65
HCP34 Cericca (Cerricco), see Chericha
HCP45 Cericco, see Cheriko
HES68c Ceroleva, see Cheroleva
HEF53 Cerqua, see Cherkwa
HDB96 Cerraccia, see Cherracha
HDK09 Cerreccia, see Tereko
HCK69 Cerri, see Cherri & HDE48
HCP34 Cerrico, see Cheriko
HDC95 Cetta, see Chetta
HDC78 Cettu, see Hamus Gebeya
HDD54 Cettu, see Chitu
Cha.. (in French-derived spellings), see also Sha.., cf She..
HER75 Chaani (Ciaani) (hill) 1318'/3705' 1090 m 13/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
chaba (O) fractured, ruptured, disgraced;
(Wellega Bega) kind of quick-growing shrub
HDM03 Chaba (Ch'aba), see Welde Ab
HEJ61 Chaba (Ciaba) 12/36 [+ WO]
HEJ22 Chaba Maryam (Chaba Mariam, Ciabe M.) (church) 12/36 [+ WO Gu]
HDN26 Chababa (Ciababa, Gebel Giababa, Jababa) 10/35 [+ It WO Gz]
(Cababa) (mountain) 1013'/3522' 701 m
HCH20c Chabara (Ciabara) 06/35 [+ Gu]
?? Chabba, same as HEJ61 Chaba? 12/36 [x]
HCK.. Chabbe, see Dilla : Chabe
chabbi (O) hail, snow; white sorghum, millet white as hailstones;
Caabbi, Somali name = Abbi
HCD17 Chabbi (Cabbi) 0534'/3811' 1828 m, 05/38 [WO x Gz]
see under Agere Maryam
HCL90 Chabbi (Ciabbi, Chubbi) (volcanic mountain) 07/38 [Gz WO Gu x]
0711'/3826' 2284/2298 m
HCT67 Chabbi (Ciabbi) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HCK09c Chabe (Chabbe) (ravine with rock sculptures), 06/38 [x]
see under Dilla, cf Shabe
HCH43 Chabera, see Chebera
JDJ41 Chabeta (Ciabeta) (lake/swamp area) 2669 m 09/41 [+ Gu]
chabi (O) small dish or plate made of clay; chabbi (O) see above
HBE89 Chabi (area), cf Tach Chabi 03/37 [WO]
HBE97 Chabich (Chabi) (mountain) 0331'/3907' 922 m 03/39 [Gz]
(place) 0330'/3916'
HDJ65 Chabir (Ch'abir, Ciabir, Chabr, Shiabr) 09/37 [Ad Gz WO Gu]
0936'/3704' 2594 m
(centre in 1964 of Abie sub-district)
(with churches Gebriel and Markos), see under Shambu
chabis ..: dol (A) reddish earth;
doll (Som) kinds of bushbuck, Tragelaphus spp.;
dool (Som) 1. ferry boat, pontoon; 2. distant destination;
stranger; 3. buttock; dhool (Som) front tooth
JCC23 Chabis Dol (Ciabis Dol) 0542'/4157' 502 m 05/41 [n Gz]
-- Chabo (Chaboo, Chebo, Chäbo), name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDD54 Chabo (Ciabo) 0840'/3755', cf Chebo 08/37 [Wa Gz]
HEL06 Chabo (Ch'abo) 1147'/3859' 3118 m 11/38 [Gz]
chabu (O) be broken, be damaged
HEJ55 Chach (Alloha) 1216'/3706' 1816 m 12/37 [Gz Gu]
chacha (ch'ach'a) (A) stop growing, become stunted
HDF11 Chacha (Ciacia) 2440 m, see under Sire 08/39 [+ WO]
HDM51 Chacha (Ciacia) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDM51 Chacha (Ch'ach'a, Tchacha, Ciacia) 09/39 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
0932'/3927' 2731/2756 m, stream at 1001'/3918'
(with bridge; centre in 1964 of Golela wereda)
18 km from Debre Birhan, originally name of a river
Kebeles adjoining Chacha are Seriti to the east,
south and west, and Chefanen to the north.
Within a distance of 10 km there are at
2E Totose kebele
3E Anasa & Sanka kebele
6E Kitalign kebele
7E Kembere kebele
10E Ilezeb kebele
6SE Imbarage kebele
4S Bura & Buyema kebele
6S Bura kebele
8S Cheki Melka Abawerk kebele
4SW Dodoti kebele
8SW Koba & Hajin kebele
9SW Amino Fole kebele
6W Adadi kebele
8W Inchini Dodoti kebele
3NW Lankisa & Dewa kebele
6NW Lafto Lencha kebele
9NW Weyna Bedera kebele
10NW Angolela & Totch kebele
4N Boren kebele
8N Alo Beret kebele
6NE Komargefiya kebele
9NE Faji & Bokafiya kebele
10NE Tach Milki kebele
HEE69 Chacha kebele (Ch'ach'a ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central northern Tenta wereda, 4-8 km north
of Tenta settlement: area 3,280 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEB64 Chachaho, see Checheho
HDL99 Chachat (Ch'ach'at) (district in lower Wegda) 09/39 [Gz]
0955'/3916' 1907 m (with church Maryam)
HDM80c Chachat kebele (Ch'ach'at ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its
western border, 35 km north-west of Debre Birhan; area 790 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chachata (ch'ach'ata) (A) noise, chirp
JEA.. Chachatu (hot springs), see under Imkisse
HEE70 Chachaw (Tchatchao) 11/38 [+ 18]
HEJ98 Chachkuna (Ch'ach'k'una) 1237'/3721' 2377 m 12/37 [Gz]
HDU02 Chachu & Yisata kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at its southern border,
10-15 km west-northwest of Sela Dingay; area 1,293 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chaf (ch'af) (A) 1. top, peak, crest, summit; point /of knife/;
2. hem; 3. branch of tree
chafa (Bale O) tall grass-like herb, Scirpus sp.
HCM60 Chafa (Ciafa) (area), cf Chefe 06/39 [+ WO]
?? Chafa (on map of 1814) between Ankober and Wello 10/39 [18]
HED79c Chafat (Ciafat) (valley) 11/38 [+ Gu]
GDM76c Chafchafi (Swe: Tjafttjafi) c. 17 km SW of Mendi 09/34 [x]
chafe, chaffe, chaffee (O) 1. meadow, grassy place where
outdoor rituals and meetings are held;
2. kind of swamp grass, used for covering roofs and making mats
Chafe (Chaffe) .., see Chefe ..
chagalla: chagula (ch'agula) (A) nuptial house
HDL73 Chagalla, see Chagel at HDL74 09/38 [WO]
HE... Chagassa (historical from Bruce in 1770s) 12/37 [Pa]
HDL74 Chagel (Ch'agel, Chagalla, Ch'age, Ch'agesee) 09/38 [AA MS WO Gz]
0943'/3850' 2647 m (with church Amanuel to the east),
see under Debre Libanos
HEB09 Chagne (Chagni, Metekel, Meteke) 11/36 [Po MS]
MS: 1100'/3630'; Gz: 1057'/3630' 1583 m
(sub-post office under D.Markos)
HEB26 Chagne (Chagni, Kedamawi Haile Selassie Ber) 11/36 [Gz Ad x]
(Metekel) ctr at least 1956-1980 of Metekel awraja
& of Gwangwa wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there is
the high plateau Belaya (Belaia), average 1950 m
?? Chago (village) area surveyed for iron outcrops ../.. [Mi]
-- Chaha (Chäha, Chiha), the most important tribe and dialect
among the Gurage [Ullendorff]
-- Chaha language, central dialect of the Sebat Bet Gurage
HCS94 Chaha wereda (centre in 1957 = Imdibir) 08/37 [x]
for later period see Sabat Bet Gurage wereda
HEU01 Chahai (Ch'aha'i) 1245'/3931' 2408 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Chahit (sub-post office under Gondar) ../.. [Po]
-- Chai (people), see Suri
KCP84 Chair Debin, see Khair Debin
chak (ch'aq) (A) resin
HDU12 Chak (Ciac), see under Molale, cf Chach 10/39 [+ WO]
ch'aka (A) forest; Chaka, a male personal name
HDM54 Chaka kebele (Ch'aka ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Ankober wereda, adjoining
Ankober town to its west; area 565 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT52c Chakata (Ciacata, Tchakata, Ch'aqäta) 10/38 [Ad It 18 n]
HDT52c Chakata sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gelebie) 10/38 [Ad]
chake (chaqee) (O) small hoe with a short handle
HBS50 Chake (Ciacche) (well) 04/37 [+ WO]
HCE24 Chaketa (Ch'ak'eta) 0539'/3850' 1570 m 05/38 [Gz]
HDT61 Chaketa 1032'/3833' 1423 m 10/38 [Gz]
HER28 Chakirna (Ch'ak'irna, Chakern, Ciachern) (area) 12/37 [Gz WO]
1216'/3704' 1828 m
chakka (ch'akka) (A), chaakkaa (O) woods, forest, jungle;
chaka (A,T) bush, wood, forest
HCD04 Chakka (Ciacca), cf Cheka 05/37 [+ WO]
HDM64 Chakka (Ciacca) (saddle, with market), 09/39 [+ Gu]
see under Ankober, cf Chaka
chakko (O) wild plant the leaves of which may be eaten as cabbage
-- Chako, an ethnic group, the most numerous among the Gimira tribes.
HEJ92 Chako (Ch'aqo, Ciaco) (mountain) 12/36 [Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDP77 Chaku (Ciacu) 1041'/3622' 1488 m 10/36 [+ WO Gz]
chala (O) more
HCP67 Chala (Challa, Cialla, Cira, Ghera) 07/36 [LM 18 WO Gu]
0748'/3622' 2070/2121 m
Coordinates would give map code HCP57
HDJ56 Chala Denkenyea (Ch'ala Denk'enyé'a) 09/37 [Gz]
0936'/3713' 2280 m
chalalaka (O) ocean
HBE93 Chalalaka, see Cheleleka
JDH39 Chalanqo (Ch'alank'o, Ch'alango), see Chelenko
HCD97c Chalba, see Chelba, also Tutiti
HBR12 Chalbi, see Chew Bahir
chalchis: chalakkisa (chalaqqisa) (O) ligtning flash
HDJ01 Chalchis (Ch'alchis, Tuk'a, Tuca) 09/36 [Gz WO]
0908'/3644' 2845 m
(mountain with church Tuk'a Giyorgis)
HDA88 Chaldiya (Cialdia) 08/35 [+ WO]
chali, chalii (O) spindle, rod for spinning cotton manually
HCB15c Chali, area with Baka people 05/36 [x]
HCC31 Chali (Ch'ali) (mountain) 0545'/3645' 2420 m 05/36 [Gz]
HDJ25 Chali (Ch'ali, Ciali) (area) mountain peak 2985 m 09/37 [Gz WO]
0919'/3705', see under Haretu
HEF65 Chali kebele (Ch'ali ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Were Babo wereda, near
Bokoksa to its east; area 3,741 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBP99 Chalia, see Challya
challa (O) 1. grain, certain other crops including coffee;
2. production
HBP99 Challa, Gebel (mountain) 0523'/3634' 1335 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
?? Challa (historical capital of Gera)
?? Challa (small state around the 1850s)
HDG18 Challa (Cialla), cf Challya 09/35 [x WO]
challaba, challabbaa (O) thin, weak, watery /beer/
HDE64 Challaba (Ciallaba) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
JDH39 Challanqo, see Chelenko
challe, challee (O) glass bead
HC... Challe 07/36 [18 Mi]
valley in the Soddo coal field of Sidamo
HEF26 Challeka (Cialleca) (plain) 11/39 [+ WO]
HDG.. Challiya Kossaya, in Gimgi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDC47c Challo Bashata (Challo Bacheta) 50 km S of Ijaji 08/37 [n]
HFC19 Challokola (Ciallocola) 13/37 [+ WO]
challya: challie, chale (O) necklace, glass beads;
-- Chalya (Chaleha, Cheliha, Chellia, Chelea) name of
a Mecha Oromo group,
-- same?: Chaliya, name of one of four Oromo groups making up
the Afre in the 16th century
HBP99 Challya (Chalia, Challa) 0523'/3634' 1335 m 05/36 [+ n Gz]
HDP19 Challya (Chalya, Ciallia) (area), cf Chellya 10/36 [+ x WO]
HDG.. Challya Eka, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Challya Molla, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Challya Were Ilu (Challia Warra Ilu), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HEK13 Chalma (Ch'alma) 1152'/3751' 2138 m 11/37 [MS Gz]
HDJ55 Chalte (Ch'alte) 0933'/3707' 2292 m 09/37 [MS Gz]
HDB74 Chalti (Cialti) (mountain) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDG85 Chaltu (Ch'altu, Oberache) 0950'/3518' 1490 m 09/35 [Gz]
HES71 Chalud (Amba Cialud) (area) 1320'/3731' 2322 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
GCT35 Cham (Ciam, Tsciam) 0732'/3356' 334 m 07/33 [+ WO Gz]
chama (O) clear weather; rays, also symbolically of the sun;
(A) (ch'ama) toil, labour;
chame (O) savannah plant with edible carrot-shaped root;
chamma (ch'amma) (A,O,T) shoe; sole of the foot
JBH91 Chama (area) 04/40 [WO]
?? Chama (river) in the Akobo drainage system ../.. [Mi]
chamak: chemmeke (ch'ämmäqä) (A) squeeze fruit, wring wet clothes
HEK52 Chamak (Ch'amak') 1214'/3745' 2507 m 12/37 [Gz]
HDF60 Chamara (Ciamara) 0844'/3920' 1786 m 08/39 [Gz Gu]
HEJ55 Chamara (Ciamara) (area) 12/37 [Ch WO]
chama..: ch'immari (A) increase, increment
HDE59 Chamarre (Ciamarre) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDF50 Chamarre (Ciamarre) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HCE85 Chambi (Ciambi) (area) 06/38 [+ WO]
?? Chambelga (Tschambelga), village in Simen highlands ../.. [+ x]
HCS16 Chambulla (Ciambulla) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
HEU10 Chamela (Ciamela) 12/39 [+ WO]
GDF53 Chamo (Ch'amo, Sciama, Gubi Scianni) 08/34 [Gz]
0839'/3440' 1814 m, see under Dembidolo
HCD50 Chamo (Ch'amo, Ciamo, Chama, Shamo) 05/37 [Gz WO x]
lake at 0550'/3740' = HCD41 (Italian: Lago Ciamò)
The name Chamo means 'blue' but Amharic also has
Tikur Bahr, 'black lake'.
local names are Gambalaki, Ganjule/Ganjollo, Bagade/Pagade;
Bishan Guracha, Hororo.
chamu (O) hold off, stop /said of rain/
?? Chamwaga (ravine in the Debre Markos region) ../.. [Ch]
HED92 Chan (Ch'an) 1144'/3743' 2046 m 11/37 [Gz]
chana (O) small arboreal animal "somewhat similar to a baboon";
chane (ch'anä) (A) to saddle, to load up, to impose
JDA85 Chana (Ciana, G.) (area) 1272 m, cf Chena 08/40 [+ WO]
--Chancha, an ethnic group of the Ometo, with their own variety
of language
HDE70 Chancha (village at Awash bridge), cf Chencha 08/38 [x]
HER31 Chancha (Ciancia) 13/36 [+ WO]
HCD91 Chancha, see Chencha
?? Chanchan (valley in the Awash region) ../.. [Mi]
HEK62 Chanchayo (Ch'anch'ayo) 1219'/3745' 2481 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEC69 Chanchera (Cianciera) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
chancho (O) 1. hot spring, thermal water;
2. muck, mixture of dung and urine
HDB57 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0841'/3620' 1541 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDD15 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0819'/3800' 1828 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDD37 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0825'/3811' 2398 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDH58 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0933'/3627' 1242 m 09/36 [MS]
HDK07 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0904'/3811' 2337 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Ginchi
HDL23 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) two at 3½ km distance 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
HDL23 Chancho (Tchancho) 0918'/3845' 2625 m 09/38 [Gz Ad]
HDL23 Chancho (w school; branch road to quarry nearby)
HDL30 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0919'/3825' 2787 m 09/38 [MS Gz]
HDL33 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0919'/3847' 2631 m 09/38 [MS Gz]
HDL34 Chancho (Ciancio) (near river same name) 09/38 [AA Gu]
HDL52 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0934'/3841' 1913 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0933'/3851' 2671 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Chancho (Ch'anch'o) 0951'/3838' 3068 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
chancho g..: gafarsa (O) buffalo;
gefersa (gäfärsa) (A) who eats without ever getting satisfied
HDC78 Chancho Gefersa (Ciancio Gafarsa) (mountain) 08/37 [+ Gz]
HDK80 Chancho Gefersa (Ch'anch'o G., Ciancio Gafarsa) 09/37 [AA Gz It]
0950'/3731' 1677 m, mountain peak 2120 m
HDF01 Chancho Maryam (Ch'anch'o M.) (church) 08/39 [Gz]
HDL23 Chancho sub-district (centre in 1964 = Buba) 09/38 [Ad]
HDK93 Chandeto (Ciandeto) 1792 m, cf Chendefo 09/37 [+ WO]
HEJ74 Chandiba (Ch'andiba) 12/37 [Gz]
1225'/3701' or 03' 2079/2090 m
HDC36 Chando (Ch'ando, Gando) 0825'/3710' 1781 m 08/37 [Gz WO]
HDC49 Chando (Ch'ando) 0834'/3725' 1928 m 08/37 [MS]
HDD40 Chando (Ciando) 0834'/3731' 1892/1920 m 08/37 [Gz WO]
(with church Gebriel to the west)
HDG44 Chando (Ciando) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDK51 Chando (Ch'ando) 0936'/3739' 1488 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HD... Chaneho, 40 km from Addis Abeba ../.. [20]
HDF01 Change (Ch'ange, Cianghe, Changue, Ciangua) 08/39 [Gz Ad Gu]
0810'/3926' 2189 m (WO shows at map code HDF00)
HDL81 Change (Ch'ange, Cianghi M.) 0947'/3831' 2796 m 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
coordinates would give map code HDL71
(with church Mikael), cf Chenge
HCL85 Changitti (Cianghitti) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
HES53 Chank (Ch'ank', Bosa) 1309'/3749' 2881 m 13/37 [Gz]
chanka (ch'anqa) (A) shoulder, shoulder blade
HDA73 Chanka (Ch'ank'a) 0852'/3504' 1540 m 08/35 [Gz]
H.... Chanka 08/39 [18]
HDA72c Chanka Sedi, cf Sadi 08/35 [LM]
HEJ76 Chankal (Ciancal) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEJ76 Chankal Abbo (Ciancal Abbo) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEJ76 Chankal Iyesus (Ciancal Jesus) 12/37 [LM WO]
HEJ34 Chanke (Ch'ank'e, Chanqe) 12/37 [Gz q]
1207'/3659' or 3700' 1813/1816 m
HES43 Chanki (Cianchi) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HDE50c Chankora (Ciancora) 2409 m, cf Shenkora 08/38 [+ Gu]
HDE89 Chankora (Ciancora) 08/39 [+ Gu]
HDH28c Chankora (Tulu Tchankora), NW of Nekemte 09/36 [x]
HDT12 Chankorra, see Shenkora
HDE97 Chankova, see Chefe Donsa
channa: chenna (ch'änna) (A) burden /figuratively/
HCH82 Channa (Cianna) (with leprosarium) 07/35 [+ WO Gu Gz]
0708'/3553' 1316 m, cf Chena, Chenna
chano, chana (O) small arboreal animal
HDM66 Channo (Chano, Ciano, Cianno, Chennao) 09/39 [MS LM WO Ha]
0942'/3954' 1239 m, cf Cheno
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6SE Sidaha Kama (village)
5SW Fare (village) 1166 m
9SW Dengi (area)
4W Arramba (area)
6NW Werk Amba (Werq A., Uork A.)(village)
9NW Zembo (area)
JDD35 Chansa (area) 08/42 [WO]
JBR82 Chaptu (area) 05/41 [WO]
HDJ87 Char (Ciar) (area) 2437 m 09/37 [+ WO]
chara (O) tip top, very good?
chaaraa, one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day names
-- Chara (Charra, Tsara) a sub-division of the main ethnic group
Ometo (West Sidama), with their own variety of language,
numbering 13,051 according to 1984 census
HCH15 Chara (area) 0630'/3610' 06/36 [n]
HCP08 Chara (Ch'ara) (town) 0717'/3625' 2421 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDB39 Chara (Tchara, Ciara) 0826'/3632' 1542 m 08/36 [+ Ad It]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDM30 Chara, 0920'/3920' 09/39 [MS]
HD... Chara, near the most southerly point of the Abay bend 10/37? [x]
HDU66 Chara (Ciara) 1031'/3957' 1495 m 10/39 [+ It]
HEC31 Chara (area), cf Chera 11/36 [Ch WO]
HD... Chara Abedela (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HEC89 Chara Chara, near lake Tana 11/37 [Ch]
HE... Chara Dudi (in Agew Midir awraja) 11/36? [Ad]
HEC31 Chara sub-district 11/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kwakurta Giyorgis)
HDR69 Charaka, see Chereka
HEK51 Charakit (small island) 12/37 [Ch]
HFD39 Charasiga (Ciarasiga) 1353'/3825' 1852 m 13/38 [+ Gz]
J.... Charati, damaged in 2006 by Webi Shebele overflow 05/42 [20]
HEK61c Charba, village north-west of Wehni 12/37 [n]
HES22 Charbeta G. (Ciarveta Gheorgis) 1252'/3742' 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
HES21 Charbita (Ciarveta) 2435 m 12/37 [+ WO]
(village with church Giyorgis)
HES22 Charbita (Ciarbita) (area) 2479/2608 m 12/37 [WO]
HCL92 Charchamanné, see Shashemene
JDB70 Charchar (Ciarciar) (area), cf Chercher 08/40 [+ WO]
HES61 Chardakwa (Ciardaqua, Ciarduqua) (mountain) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1315'/3739' 1387 m
HES71 Chardakwa (Ciardaqua) 1317'/3739' 1673 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
chare (A) scrape, rake, scratch
HET58c Chare (Tchare) (with rock-hewn church Silase), 13/39 [x]
in Selewa wereda
HDU17 Chare kebele (Ch'aré ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda, adjoining Shewa Robit
to its west; area 801 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM91 Charka, see Sharka
HEF43 Charkema (Charchema) 11/39 [+ Gu]
charo, charoo (O) long stick used for driving a yoke of oxen;
-- Charo, a group of the Sidama people
HDJ55 Charo (Ch'aro) 0921'/3707' mountain peak 2244 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL44 Charole (Ch'arole) 0928'/3852' 2523 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDE62 Charri Arussi (archaeological site), 08/38 [x]
see under Melka Kunture
HDK13 Chasa 0912'/3749' 1859 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL98 Chaso (Ch'aso) 0957'/3913' 2617 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDT09 Chaso & Ako kebele (Ch'aso .. ..) 10/36 [Ad]
in central Moret & Jiru wereda at its eastern border,
10 km north-east of Inewari; area 1,481 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE65 Chat Ashenat kebele (Ch'at Ashänat ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central western Dawint & Delanta wereda,
30 km west-southwest of Wegel Tena; area 958 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chat wiha (A) khat water
HDT29 Chat Wiha (Ch'at W.) 1010'/3920' 2165 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Chato ../.. [20]
There is registered the Chato-Sengi-Dengeb National Forest Priority Area.
HD... Chatu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Masiet), 09/39 [Ad]
cf Chettu, Chitu
Chau .., see Chew ..
HDR95 Chava (Ciava) (area), see under Bure 10/37 [+ WO]
Chaw .., see also Chew ..
HCN56 Chawaka (Ciauaca, Cumacha, Humaccia) 07/35 [+ WO Gz]
0745'/3523' 2011/2244 m
HDB75 Chawaka (Ciauaca) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
chay (A) enduring, patient, tolerant;
chay (cha'i) (western O) kind of forest tree, Teclea nobilis
?? Chay, valley w tributary of the Abay next to Tammi ../.. [Ch]
HCU82 Chay (M. Ciai) (mountain) 0802'/3931' 2989 m, 08/39 [+ WO Gz]
cf Chei
chaya (O) shadow, shade
HEB43 Chaya (Ciaia) 1118'/3558' 1318 m 11/35 [+ WO Gz]
?? Chaza Kunzela (high volcanic mountains), cf Cheza ../.. [Ch]
Che.. (in Italian-derived spellings), see Ke.., cf Ki..
Che.. (in French-derived spellings), see also She..
?? Chea Dalecho (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
cheames k..: kebeti, qebet'ii (O) roost platform for chicken
inside a house
HFD72 Cheames Kebet (Ch'e'ames K.) 1417'/3746' 1021 m 14/37 [Gz]
HFF.. Cheanadug, with school 14/39 [20]
cheba (Harari) mud
HDF83 Cheba sub-district (Tcheba ..) 08/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Melka Jilo)
chebba (ch'äbba) (A) kind of tree used for charcoal
HEJ05 Chebbit, see Kebbit
HCS.. Chebe, not far from Hosaina 07/37 [n]
HDL32 Chebeka (Ch'ebek'a, Chebeqa) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0921'/3838' 2414 m
HDT13 Chebeleie, see Kebeleye
HEM21 Chebena, see Chibina
cheber (ch'äbär) (A) greyish-white /mule/;
Cheber, descendants of Shelah (Salah) of the Old Testament,
also a Hebrew word for spell, company, enchantment
HDJ55 Cheber (Ch'eber) 0936'/3708' 2439 m 09/37 [Gz]
chebbere (ch'äbbärä) (A) started to become grey
HCH43 Chebera (Ch'ebera, Tchebera, Ciabera) 06/35 [Gz Ad WO]
0645'/3556' or /3601' 1878/2039 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), cf Chabara
HCH71 Chebera, see Shewa Gimira
HDE73 Chebere (Ch'äbäre) (village) 08/38 [x]
HDL60 Chebere (Ch'ebere) 0940'/3826' 2183 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam)
HDL70 Chebere (Ch'ebere) 0943'/3827' 2199 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM55 Chebete Weha, see Chibite Wiha
HDJ73 Chebi (Ch'ebi) 0944'/3654' 1689 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDD74c Chebo (an ethnic group), see Chabo
HDD45 Chebo & Gurage awraja (Chäbo .. ..) 0815'/3800' 08/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Weliso/Giyon)
HDK28 Chebo Mikael (Ciabo Michel) (church) 09/38 [LM WO]
HD... Chebo Wenchi (in Chebo & Gurage awraja), 08/37? [Ad]
cf HDD74 Wenchi
JFA46 Chebrit Ale, see Kebrit Ale
GDF32 Checair, see Chekair
HER18 Checc, see Keck
HBR61 Checcia, see Kecha
HCR81 Checcio, see Kecho
HDU70 Chechebdu (Ch'ech'ebdu) 1036'/3922' 2268 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEB64 Checheho (area & pass in Begemdir) 1129'/3602' 11/36 [n]
HDM82 Chechet & Sefed Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Ch'äch'ät & Säféd .. ..)
in central northern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
18-20 km west of Debre Sina; area 597 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE50 Checheu Tadde, see Kekew Tadde
HCS32c Checheyancho (locality c. 12 km west of Hosaina) 07/37 [20]
HET36 Chechin 1258'/3901' 1742 m 12/39 [n]
GDF95 Checio, see Kecho
HED50 Check (Cecc), cf Chek 11/37 [+ WO]
chedad (T) crack, fissure, crevice
HCB02 Chedada, see Kedada
JEA13 Chedar Amba 1101'/4003' 1501 m 11/40 [Gz]
HFD14 Chedas Micael, see Kidus Mikael
HDK34 Cheddus (hill) 0922'/3756' 2592 m, cf Kidus 09/37 [AA WO Gz]
chedere (ch'ädärä) (T) shout, exclaim
?? Chedero Belesa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
chedero s..: suus (Som) 1. grain-eating insect; 2. measuring cup /for grain/;
susa (A) kind of tree in temperate highlands
?? Chedero Suse (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
chedid kali: qaalli (Som) judge
J.... Chedid Kali (Chedid Cali), cf Gedid Kale 10/42 [+ MS]
HEF33 Chedigio, see Kedijo
JDS12 Chedile (area) 10/42 [WO]
HED17 Chef (area) 1102/3814' 2128/3058 m 11/38 [WO Gz]
chefa: cheffa (ch'äffa) (A) to slaughter
HCK.. Chefa, c78 km from Shashemene towards Arba Minch 06/38? [n]
HDU85 Chefa (Chiafa, Ciaffa) 1045'/3950', 10/39 [MS Te WO Gu]
see under Rike
H.... Chefa (Tcheffa valley), 10/40 [+ n]
in southern Wello and northern Shewa
HEF14 Chefa (Ch'efa) 1100'/3946' 1968 m 11/39 [Gz]
HFC48 Chefa (Cefa, Amba C.) (mountain) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1358'/3719' 1813 m
HEE09 Chefa Bad (Ch'efa B.) 1057'/3916' 3482 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDM33 Chefa kebele (Ch'äfa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-east in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
18-22 km south-southwest of Ankober; area 1,140 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM54 Chefa kebele (Ch'äfa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Ankober wereda, adjoining
Ankober town to its south; area 310 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Chefa Robi, see Chefe Robit
HDM52 Chefanen kebele (Ch'äfanän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at the middle of its
northern border, 6-11 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 1,779 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chefe: chaffe (O) 1. meadow, place of outdoor assembly;
2. kind of swamp grass, used for covering roofs;
cheffe (ch'äffe) (A) lush grassy land which is sligtly marshy
HCA76 Chefe (Chiafe), see Kiafe
HCD87 Chefe, see Yirga Chefe
HCT94 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0806'/3852' 1636 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK59 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0936'/3821' 1870 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK98 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0955'/3817' 2572 m nearby, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDL45 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0926'/3854' 2570 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL66 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0941'/3900' 2524 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
/this one?/ (with church Mikael)
HDL73 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0946'/3847' 2532 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL.? Chefe (with church Maryam), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
HDL76 Chefe 09/39 [AA]
HDL84 Chefe, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA]
HDL91 Chefe 09/38 [AA]
HDL99 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0954'/3830' 2323 m 09/38 [MS]
HDM00 Chefe (Ch'efe) 0907'/3923' 2499 m 09/39 [MS]
HD... Chefe (Chefie) 09/39? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Miti sub-district)
JDB85 Chefe (Cioffe, Ciaffe) 0852'/4113' 1257/1280 m 08/41 [MS It WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JDB75
HDL42 Chefe Aba Gowe (Ch'efe Aba) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0926'/3840' 2408 m
(cf Derba for stone & cable)
HDM80 Chefe Amba kebele (Ch'äfé .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its
southern border, 12-17 km east of Deneba; area 1,135 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDA78c Chefe Analle (Ciaffe Analle) (fertile area) 08/40 [+ Gu]
JDJ45 Chefe Aneni (Ch'efe A.) 0926'/4207' 2081 m 09/42 [Gz]
JE... Chefe Barigo sub-district (Chefiebarigu ..) 11/40 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dodeta)
chefe bi..: bisil (Som) ripe, cooked
HDL40 Chefe Bisil (Ch'efe B.) 0926'/4207' 2423 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
chefe bu..: buki (O) lint, clinging bits of fibre and fluff
HDE75 Chefe Buki (Ch'efe B.) 0851'/3856' 2166 m 08/38 [Gz]
chefe dadi, porcupine meadow? dadi (O) patience, chances
for success; daddi (western O) porcupine, Hystrix cristata;
daadhii (O) mead made of honey, tej
HDK99 Chefe Dadi (Ch'efe D.) 0954'/3823' 2452 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDE97 Chefe Donsa (Ciaffedenza, Ciaffedensa, Chankova) 08/39 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Chifi Densa, Tchefiedonsa, Chaffé Dunsa) 08/39 [Ad 18]
(Tcheffedunza, Tschaffedonza)
0858'/3907' 2230/2326/2452 m
Centre in 1964 of Gimbichu wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9E Dobi Mikael (village)
8SE Gumbichu (Gumbicciu) (area)
10NW Manjukso (Mangiucso) (area)
10NE Oberi (village)
?? Chefe Golana Dewerahmedo wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994) is divided into 39 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
JDH26 Chefe Gurati (Ch'efe G.) 0915'/4116' 1765 m 09/41 [Gz]
HC... Chefe Guta, area in the lake region 07/38? [x]
HDM51 Chefe Hana Maryam (Ch'efe H.M.) (church) 09/39 [Gz]
0933'/3928', south-west of Debre Birhan
HDL50 Chefe Hawiy (Ch'efe H.) 0932'/3827' 2415 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDA69c Chefe Inani (Tchefa Inani) circa 0845'/4040' 08/40? [+ x]
at old caravan route from Harar
chefe kora (O) meadow with saddle-like hilltop?
kora (O) 1. (koora) meeting of elders;
2. (kooraa) hilltop, spur, saddle; 3. (koora) haughtiness
HDL91 Chefe Kora (Ch'efe K'ora, Chefe Qora) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0956'/3833' 2089 m
HDC85c Chefe Madersa (Tulu Tchefemadersa), E of Nekemte 08/37 [x]
east of Nekemte, just west of the Gibe river
Hem42 Chefe Medhane Alem (Ch'efe .. ..) (church) 12/39 [Gz]
1212'/3933', west of Kobbo
HDT59 Chefe Mishiny (Ch'efe Michiny, Chefiemishig) 10/39 [MS Ad Gz]
1025'/3917' 2586 m
(place & sub-district, centre in 1964 = Aimo)
chefe robi, hippo meadow? robi, roobi (O) 1. hippopotamus;
2. Wednesday; 3. rain;
robit (A) descendant of a slave and a free-born
JDN72 Chefe Robit (Chefa Robi, Tcheffa Robit) 10/40 [Po MS]
1035'/4000' (sub-post office under Dessie)
HDT09 Chefe & Somsa kebele (Ch'äfé .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Moret & Jiru wereda at its eastern border,
14-20 km north-east of Inewari; area 1,887 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT74 Chefebelo kebele (Ch'äfébälo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda towards its east, a narrow north/south
strip 3 km east of Mekane Selam; area 1,391 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCP95 Chefecha 0805'/3614' 2171 m 08/36 [Gz]
chefeku..: kuma (O) thousand; quma (O) coffee plant;
qoomaa (O) instant killing
HDL72 Chefekuma (Ch'efek'uma, Chefequma) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0944'/3839' 2992 m
HDU50 Chefemichig kebele (Ch'äfémecheg ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Jema wereda, near Degolo
to its south-east; area 3,126 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Chefisa, in the Soddo region ../.. [x]
HDN07c Chefneux (Tulu C.) circa 1000'/3530' 10/35 [x]
European-given name, not used
chefra: chifra (ch'ifra, ch'ifära) (A) body of troops, swarm of bees
JEA83 Chefra (Cefra) (area) 1020 m, cf Chifra 11/40 [+ WO]
HDM90 Chefti, see Kefti
HEJ.. Cheftu, see Keftu
HE... Chefu (in Kalu awraja) 11/39? [Ad]
chegalo a..: affate (A) snake
HCR66 Chegalo Afata (Cegalo Afata) 0747'/3712' 1655 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
HE... Chegedba (centre in 1964 of Tenkel sub-district) 12/37? [Ad]
HEJ76 Chegen (Ch'egen) 1226'/3712' 1846 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEE76 Chegoma Aberkut kebele (Ch'ägoma Abärkut ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
20 km west-southwest of Wegel Tena; area 1,058 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED64c Chegouano, see Kegowano
?? Chegwah, west of Gondar? ../.. [x]
chegwar ku..: qudo (O) short log as firewood
HER78 Chegwar Kudo (Ch'egwar K., Ciogguar Cudo) 13/37 [Gz]
1321'/3723' 2834 m
HFE96 Chegwaro (Ch'egwaro) 1427'/3902' 1806 m 14/39 [Gz]
-- Cheha (chäha), traditionally a Gurage area
HCS92 Cheha 0808'/3746' 1897 m 08/37 [Gz]
H.... Cheha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dekuna) 08/38 [Ad n]
H.... Cheha wereda 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 53 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEE48 Chehena, see Chihina
H.... Cheher (Ceher) 13/38 [+ Gu]
GDM21 Chei, see under Begi, cf Chay 09/34 [WO]
HCK59 Cheichei 0650'/3824' 1816/2015 m 06/38 [Gu Gz]
JCP50 Cheikh Hussein, see Shek Husen
HEA36 Cheiti, see Haiti
JDK55 Chek (Ch'ek) 0932'/4302' 1740 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDJ65c Chek Cherbe circa 0935'/4205', near Jeldesa 09/42 [x]
cheka (ch'eka) (A) forest; cheka, chekata (O) Calpurnia
subdecandra, often a large tree, or Sesbania sesban, which
is a small tree; chekka (western O) kind of shrub or
medium tree, Pittosporum abyssinicum, in the lower storey
of forests; cheke (O) kind of tall tree, Celtis africana
HDJ03 Cheka (Ch'eka, Ceca) (area) 09/36 [WO Gz]
0947'/3641' 1986 m, cf Chaka
JDJ54 Cheka (Cieca) 1753 m 09/42 [+ WO]
JDK80 Cheka (Cieca, Tceka) (area) 09/42 [+ WO 18]
HF... Cheka (centre in 1964 of Wurahot sub-district) 14/39? [Ad]
GDF32 Chekair (Checair) 0829'/3433' 1488 m, 08/34 [+ Gz]
cf Tulu Cachir
?? Chekana (Amba Chékana), historical battle site ../.. [x]
HDU94 Chekechek kebele (Ch'äqäch'äq ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching to the middle
of its eastern border, 15 km north-northwest of Majete;
area 978 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF56 Chekele, see Chikile
HEE93 Chekerefta (Ch'ekerefta) 1143'/3847' 2729 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDM41 Cheki Melka Abawerk kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Ch'äki Mälka Abawärq ..)
in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda in its west and at its
south-western border, 17-22 km south-southwest of Debre Birhan;
area 1,657 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Chekol (A) a male personal name
HEU01 Chekol (Ch'ek'ol) 1242'/3930' 3461 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU03 Chekon (Ch'ek'on) 1242'/3941' 1615 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDL50 Chekorsa (Ch'ek'orsa, Cheqorsa) 09/38 [AA q]
HDL50 Chekorsa 0934'/3826' 2081 m, cf Chokorsa
HCR41 Chekorsa wereda (Tchekorsa ..) 07/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Seka), see also Seka Chekorsa wereda
HDP79 Chelag 1041'/3631' 1824 m 10/36 [n]
JBG62 Chelago (Ch'elago, Cellago, Tschellago) 04/40 [Gz WO Wa]
0411'/4002 953/1062 m (with sub-post office)
HCH52 Chelaica, see Kelayka
HES34 Chelaka (Celaca) (=Chelaleka?) 12/37 [+ WO]
chelala: chelela (ch'äläla) (A) prairie
HEK26 Chelala, see Kelala
HEK37 Chelala (area) 12/38 [WO]
HES88 Chelala 1325'/3817' 2406 m 13/38 [WO n]
?? Chelala awraja, see Kelala awraja
HCT79 Chelalo (Ch'elalo), see Chilalo
HET68 Chelao (Celao) 1317'/3911' 1909 m 13/39 [+ Gu WO Gz]
HCD97c Chelba (Chalba), south-west of Dilla, cf Tutiti 06/38 [20]
HDT86 Chelchele kebele (Ch'älch'älé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda somewhat to the north, adjoining
Kelala settlement to its north-east; area 1,825 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDM91 Chelchil, see Kelkil
HDE61 Cheleba (Ch'eleba) 0846'/3832' 2133 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE54 Cheleba Silase (Ch'eleba ..) 0840'/3851' 08/38 [Gz]
H.... Cheleka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tiro) 11/39? [Ad]
cheleke (ch'älläqä) (A) prepared a kind of beverage
used e.g. when travelling
HDL54 Cheleki (Ch'elek'i, Cheleqi) two at 5 km distance 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Cheleki 0931'/3850' 2641 m & 3852' 2657 m
cheleko m..: mesk (A) grazing field, meadow
?? Cheleko Mesk (Chäläko Mäsk), in Lasta ../.. [x]
historical from the mid-1700s
HEU81 Chelekot, see Chelikut
HDR69 Chelekuma (Ch'elek'uma) 1030'/3725' 1956 m 10/37 [Gz]
cheleleka, chellaleka (chelleleqa) (A,O) kind of tall
forest tree, Apodytes dimidiata, with irregular trunk;
young shoots are copper-red
GDU06 Cheleleka (Chellaleca, Cellalaca) (area) 10/34 [+ Gz WO]
1001'/3455' 1318 m
HBE93 Cheleleka (Chalalaka) (area) 03/38 [+ WO]
HDE.. Cheleleka (Chalaklaka), see under Debre Zeyt : lakes 08/38
HDL21 Cheleleka (Ch'elelek'a, Cheleleqa) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0917'/3834' 2716 m
HDL81 Cheleleka (Ch'elelek'a, Cheleleqa) 09/38 [AA q]
0952'/3831' 2554 m
JDA54 Cheleleka (Ch'elelek'a, Cheleleqa, Celelaca) 08/40 [Gz q]
JDA54 Cheleleka 0841'/4012' 2169 m
JDA65 Cheleleka (Ch'elelek'a, Cheleleqa, Celelaca) 08/40 [Gz q Ad WO]
0841'/4014' 2021/2169 m
(centre in 1964 of Anchara wereda)
JDG08 Cheleleka (Celeclaca) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
JDH31 Cheleleka (Cialalacca) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
JDJ41 Cheleleka (Ch'elelek'a, Cheleleqa) 09/41 [Gz q]
0930'/4145' 1576 m
HDT62 Cheleleka kebele (Ch'äläläqa ..) 11/38 [Ad]
at the southern border of Sayint wereda towards its
western part, 15 km south of Ajibar; area 3,239 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Cheleleka wereda, in the Nazret region ../.. [20]
HDK78 Cheleleki (Chelelek'i, Cheleleqi) 09/38 [AA q]
0945'/3817' 2350 m
HDL63 Cheleleki (Ch'elelek'i, Cheleleqi) 09/38 [AA q]
0937'/3846' 2626 m
HDM41 Cheleleki kebele (Ch'äläläqi ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
8-12 km west-northwest of Koremash; area 1,271 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK81 Cheleleki Tereter (Ch'elelek'i ..) (hill) 09/37 [AA Gz]
chelelek..: mesk (mäsk) (A) grazing land, meadow
?? Cheleleko Mesk
chelelek..: chalalaktu (O) savannah tree, Apodytes acutifolia
HCD29 Chelelektu, 0540'/3820' 05/38 [MS]
HCD67 Chelelektu (Ch'elelek'tu, Cheleleqtu, Ceralatto) 06/38 [Po Gz q]
0600'/3809' 1764 m
(with sub-post office), cf Cherelato
chelema (ch'älläma) (A) darkness;
dur (A,T) forest, woods; dhuur (Som) evergreen tree;
duur (Som) 1. jungle; 2. kind of bush plant
HEM81 Chelema Dur (Ch'elema Dur, Chilama Durr) 12/39 [Gz]
1228'/3931' 1878 m or (locality) 1122'/3933'
HDM72 Chelema Washa, see Chilema Washa
HEE49 Cheleme kebele (Ch'älämé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tenta wereda very near Tenta
settlement to its south-east; area 1,615 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE30 Chelemo (Ch'elemo) 0825'/3827' 3083 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEU20 Chelena (Celeua) 1882 m 1254'/3920' 12/39 [Gz Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Borra wereda)
chelenko: chalanko, chalanka (O) kind of large tree;
chelenke (O) lightning flash
JDH39 Chelenko (Ch'alank'o, Ch'alango, Challanqo) 09/41 [MS Po WO n]
(Ch'elenk'o, Giallenco, Giallanco, Tchelenqo) 09/41 [Gz x]
(Chilanqo, Ciallanco, Ger: Tschalanko) 0924'/4129' 2153/2397 m
(centre in 1964 of Metta wereda), 40 km SW of Dire Dawa
With sub?-post office and church Be'ale Weld.
HDT00 Chelenko Karoda (Ch'elenk'o K'aroda) peak 1994 m 10/38 [AA Gz q]
(Chelenqo Qaroda) (area) 1000'/3825'
JDH39 Chelenko sub-district (-1997-) 09/41 [n]
JDH39 Chelenko wereda (-2005-) 09/41 [Ad]
JDH43 Cheleysa (Ch'eleysa, G. Chialessa) (area) 09/41 [Gz WO]
0928'/4155' 1981 m, see under Kersa
HEJ85 Chelga, see Akyel
HER07 Chelga (Celga) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HER45 Chelgwana (Celguana, Chilcuena) (mountain) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1300'/3710' 2243 m
HET67 Cheli 1317'/3908' 1823 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDJ08 Chelia, see Chellya
HEU81 Chelikut (Chelicut, Scelicot, Ch'elek'ot, Celecot) 13/39 [+ Ha Gu WO]
(C'äläqot, Chäliqot, Chalacot) 13/39 [+ Gz 20]
1322'/3928' or 1321'/3934', town in Enderta wereda
(with church Silase) 2032/2114/2323 m
HCT73 Chelila, see Gelila & HDM43
JBJ65 Chelile (Celile) (area) 270 m 04/42 [+ WO]
GDM02 Chelim (area) 0912'/3433' 1590/1645 m, 09/34 [WO Gu Gz]
see also Kelem
HEJ.. Chelima, see Kelima
?? Chelitu (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
?? Cheliya wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 119 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HDG17 Cheliya Yeka (Ch'eliya Y.) 0913'/3525' 1523 m, 09/35 [Gz]
cf Chellya
HEK50c Chelkar, on the north-eastern side of lake Tana 12/37 [x]
HER34c Chelkin (on map of 1868) 12/37? [18]
HEM91 Chelko Kirkos (Ch'elk'o K'irk'os) (church) 12/39 [Gz]
1236'/3928', north-west of lake Ashenge
-- Chella, see generally Kella
chella ..: Dafino (O) Monday, god of Monday
HDA96 Chella Dafino, see Amara Gudo
HDB57c Chella Hippa, see Kella Hippa
HCK19 Chella Tafari, see Otilcho
GDU06 Chellaleca, see Cheleleka
HCT79 Chellalo, see Chilalo
chelle (ch'älle) (A) 1. green /land with growing grass/;
2. glass bead necklace or talisman; 3. roan antelope;
chelle (Kefa) brown /said of animals/
HCA26 Chelle, see Kele, cf Chille
chelle ti..: timbo (O) tobacco
?? Chelle Timbo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDG18 Chellei, see Kelley
HDJ08 Chelleya, see Chellya
HDF92 Chelli (Celli) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDF82 Chelli Gabriel (Celli Gabriel) (church) 08/39 [+ WO]
HEJ83 Chellil Chid Mariam (church) 12/36 [WO]
-- Chellya, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDJ08 Chellya (Chelia, Chelleya, Cellia, Fre: Tchelléah) 09/37 [+ Ad Gz WO]
(mountain and place) 0906'/3719' 2773 m, cf Chellya
HDR01 Chellya (Chelia, Cellia), cf Challya 09/36 [+ Ad WO x]
HDJ08c Chellya sub-district (Chelia .., Cheliya ..) 09/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sebb), cf Challya
HDC99 Chellya wereda (Chelia ..) 08/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gedo)
H.... Chelo (Tchelo) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
JDJ21 Chelo (Ch'elo) 0918'/4147' 2489 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDS84 Chelti (Celti) (mountain) 1046'/3755' 3388 m 10/37 [+ It]
HDU00 Chema Geregera, see Chima Geregera
HDF.. Chembera Kourié, see Shimbira Kore
HDM80 Chembere, see Chimbire
HCE65c Chembi, 28 km north-east of Kibre Mengist 06/38 [Mi]
HES12 Chembi Acher, see Kembi Aker
HDL16 Chembibit, see Gimbibit
HDU00 Chembrye (Cembrie) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
?? Cheme Chegu (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCK.. Cheme Hembicho, in Boloso & Sorie wereda 07/37 [n]
HDT25 Chemere (Ch'emere) 1012'/3856' 1356 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDL62 Chemeri (Ch'emeri) 0940'/3838' 2679 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
cf Chimari
HDT01 Chemeri (Ch'emeri) 1000'/3834' 2049 m 10/38 [Gz]
(with church Mikael)
HEM93 Chemero (Ch'emero) 1237'/3939' 1627 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEL97 Chemetroa, see Kemetrwa
GDT08 Chemid, see Hamid
HDS32 Chemoga (Ch'emoga) 1018'/3746' 2442 m 10/37 [Gz Po]
(visiting postman under Debre Markos)
HEL64 Chemrore (Ch'emrore) 1218'/3851' 2269 m 12/38 [Gz]
HET65 Chemseghe, see Timsge

chena (ch'äna) (T) smell, odour

HC... Chena (in Kefa awraja), cf Chenna 07/36 [Ad]
HC... Chena (sub-post office under Jimma) 07/36 [Po]
HEE86 Chena Dekish kebele (Ch'äna Däqesh ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda. 5 km east of Bete Hor; area 3,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE86 Chena Mikael (Ch'ena M.) (church) 1136'/3901', 11/39 [Gz]
see also Yedwokit Mikael
HCP03 Chena sub-district (Tchena ..) 07/36 [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Denbira) (-1964-1997-)
HCP03c Chena wereda (Tchena ..) 07/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Chena)
(-1994-) is divided into 58 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
JDK41 Chenakson, see Chinahasen
HEE84c Chenan 11/38 [Wa]
HEE87 Chenaro (recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HC... Chenbi (in Jemjem awraja) 05/39? [Ad]
chencha (ch'äncha), chincha (ch'inch'a) (A) stony ground, barren soil
-- Chencha, a small society in eastern Gemu Gofa
HCD91 Chencha (Ch'ench'a, Chancha, Dincha, Dincia) 06/37 [Gz x WO Gu]
(Cencia, Chentchia, Cengia, Ger: Tschintscha)
0615'/3734' or 37' 2732/2738 m
Coordinates would give map code HCD90.
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Gemu awraja,
and in 1964 of Chencha wereda, with sub-post office.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Ochollo (Occiollo, Otschollo) 1208 m
(village on a rock like a fort)
5S Darsi (area) 2987 m
10W Dorze (Dorse) (village) 2924 m
8NW Wulo Kode (Cotu, Kolu?) (village) 2756 m
7N Gogo (village) 2358 m
HCD91 Chencha awraja, see Gemu awraja
HCD91 Chencha wereda (centre in 1964 = Chencha) 06/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HCD91 Chencha Zuriya sub-district? (-1997-) 06/37 [n]
HFC44 Chencher (mountain) 1359'/3658' 1156 m, 13/36 [WO Gz]
cf Chenker
chencho (ch'änch'o) (A) ornament of shells
HDL.. Chencho, 80 km north of Addis Abeba 09/38 [n]
HEJ75c Chenchowa Mikael (Cencioa ..) (church) 2150 m 12/37 [+ Gu]
HEK53 Chendam (mountain) 1216'/3748' 2331 m 12/37 [WO Gz]
JDJ.. Chende (railway passenger station) 09/41 [x]
HDK92 Chendefo (Ch'endefo, Ciandeto) 09/37 [AA Gz]
0956'/3744' 1792 m
HFE32 Chenef, see Naider
chenefer (chänäfär) (A) pestilence, plague
HEE77 Chenefer 1131'/3904' 2867 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCJ46 Chenei, see Genei
HES78 Chenek (Ch'enek, Chennek) 3500 m 13/38 [Br Ca n]
(on Simen hiking route)
HES78? Chenek wereda (-2000-) 13/38 [20]
cheneke (ch'ännäqä) (A) was difficult, embarrassed
JDJ.. Chenele 09/41 [x]
railway passenger station between Harewa and Dire Dawa
HDJ77 Cheneni (Ch'eneni) 0943'/3718' 2265 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEE76 Chenga Chew, see Chinga Chew
HDK88 Chenge (Ch'enge) 0948'/3817' 2559 m,, cf Change 09/38 [AA Gz]
HD... Chengi (in Nekemte awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
HDN44 Cheni, see Keni
chenka: chanka (ch'anqa) (A) shoulder
GD... Chenka (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
chenker: chenger (ch'ängär) (A,T) twig, tender branch
/used for punishing children/
HEJ67 Chenker Maryam (Cencher M., Cenher M.) 12/37 [x Gu WO]
HEJ67 Chenker (Cenner, Cänkär) 1219'/3716' 1833 m 12/37 [Gz 20]
(known from the 1600s)
?? Chenli (Cenli) (mountain) 2395 m ../.. [+ Gu]
chenna (ch'änna) (A) burden /figuratively/
HCH81 Chenna (Cianna) 0708'/3553' 1316 m 07/35 [Gz]
HCH83 Chenna (area), cf Channa 07/36 [WO]
HDM66 Chennao, see Chano
HES78 Chennek, see Chenek
HDJ27 Chennete, see Gannate
HEL17c Chennete Mariam, see Genete Maryam
cheno, chenno (A) blue monkey, Cercopithecus mitis
HCJ18 Cheno (Ch'eno) 0628'/3721' 1488 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDM66 Cheno (Ch'eno, Chenno, Cianno), cf Chano, Channo 09/39 [Gz]
0942'/3954' or 0942'/3954' 1239 m
HDM66 Cheno sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kelem Zeref) 09/39 [Ad]
HEC77 Chenta (Ch'enta, Centa) 1134'/3716' 1936 m, 11/37 [Gz]
(two/?/ villages, with church Maryam)
HEJ14 Chenti Ber, see under Kunzila 11/37 [x]
HEM81 Chenu (on map of 1868) 12/39 [18]
HCD54 Chepo (Ch'ep'o, Sigale ) 0557'/3754' 1657 m, 05/37 [Gz WO]
east of lake Chamo
HDM22 Cheqa Qola, see Chika Kola
HDD73 Cher (mountain), see Dendi
HDS02 Cher (Ch'er) 1001'/3745' 1983 m 10/37 [Gz]
JCN25 Chera (mountain), cf Chara 07/40 [WO Gz]
0727'/4015' 1910/2360 m
JDB04 Chera (Cera) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
chera g..: gubba, gubbaa (O) the upper part of a place;
(A) hill, high terrain; gubba (Afar) hand
?? Chera Gubba (small settlement) ../.. [Gu]
GDM84 Chera Gudde 0950'/3443' 1530 m 09/34 [WO Gz]
HD... Chera Kimbabe (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HDP01 Cherach (Cherak), see Cherari
HDE67 Cherago (Cerago) 08/39 [+ WO]
HED15 Cheranio, see Keranyo
JDH58 Cheransa, see Keransa
JCH15 Cheranza (waterhole) 0628'/4111' 06/41 [WO Gu Gz]
chera..: cherer (ch'ärär) (A) ray of light; debir (däbir) (A) mountain;
sanctuary, church served by married priests
?? Cherare Deber (visiting postman under D.Birhan) ../.. [Po]
HDP01 Cherari (Cherach, Cherak, Chirec, Cerac) 09/35 [Gz WO Wa]
0959'/3553' 956/1138 m
HDM22 Cheraro, see Chiraro & HDT39
HFD92 Cheraro 1424'/3746' 1044 m 14/37 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HFD94 Cheraro, see Sheraro
HDM73 Cheraro Deber, see Chiraro Debir
HET09 Cheray (Ch'eray) 1245'/3917' 2326 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDC91c Cherbeno, see Kerbeno
HDK11 Cherber (Ch'erber) 0910'/3741' 1824 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HER13 Cherbra (Serebra, Sereba) 1248'/3654' 1063 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
north-west of Chilga
HE... Cherche, 40 km from Alamata, south/?/ of Korbeta 12/39 [x]
-- Chercher, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
HEL53 Chercher (Cercir Abo) 2266 m 12/38 [LM WO]
HEL63 Chercher (Ch'erch'er) 1219'/3843' 2548 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEM32 Chercher (Ch'erch'er, Cercer) (mountains) 12/39 [Gz]
1203'/3936' 1666 m
HEM84 Chercher (Ch'erch'er, Cercer) 1220'/3955' 12/39 [MS Gz WO]
MS coordinates would give map code HEM66
which is indicated as an area on War Office map.
Alternatively 1203'/3936' or 1232'/3946' 1666/1814 m.
about 30 km east of lake Ashenge.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5S Chiltoa (village)
6W Irba (village with well)
HER08 Chercher (Ch'erch'er, Cercer, Tchertcher) 12/37 [Gz WO Gu x]
(hill with mission) 1241'/3727' 2620 m
HER09 Chercher (hill) 1240'/3727' 2441 m, 12/37 [n]
near map code HEJ99
JDA88 Chercher (Ch'erch'er, Cercer) (mountains) 08/40 [Gz]
0855'/4035' 2474 m
JDB91 Chercher (Ch'erch'er) 0900'/4048' 09/40 [Gz]
(mountain) 2569 m
JDH15 Chercher (Ch'erch'er) 0914'/4110' 1815 m 09/41 [Gz]
JEA68 Chercher (area) 11/40 [WO]
JEG42 Chercher (Ch'erch'er) 1210'/4000' 808 m 12/40 [Gz]
JDH01 Chercher & Adal & Gara Guracha awraja 09/40 [Gz MS]
(centre in 1980 = Asbe Teferi) 0945'/4100'
JDH01 Chercher awraja (centre in 1964 = Asbe Teferi) 09/40 [Ad]
HEM64 Chercher Galla (Cercer Galla) (area) 12/39 [+ WO]
?? Chercher sub-district, see Kerker
HEM85 Chercher wereda & sub-district (-1964-1997-) 12/39 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Weyra Wiha)
cherchera ..: tinna (O) little, small, few
JDA88 Cherchera Tinna (Cercera Tinna) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
chere (chärä) (A) give to charity, be generous;
cherre (ch'ärre) (A) long, slender, straight
HCC63 Chere, see Beto
HDK79 Chere 0942'/3823' 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), cf Chiri
HDM86 Chere Amba 0949'/3955' 2026 m, 09/39 [Gz]
east of Debre Sina
HFE51 Cherebela, see Gerebela
HEF21 Cherecha, see Chirecha
HDF71 Cherecha kebele (Ch'ärécha ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in western central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
adjoining Balchi to its south-west; area 335 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM30 Cheregn kebele (Ch'ärägn ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
5-8 km west of Koremash; area 1,054 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chereka (ch'äräqa) (A) 1. moon; 2. whitish /animal/;
chereka bet (A) open-air lodging, sleeping outdoors
HDR69 Chereka (Charaka, Cereca) 1036'/3726' 2043 m 10/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(plain and river)
HDR69 Chereka (Yech'erek'a) 1960 m 10/37 [Po Gz]
(visiting postman under Debre Markos), see under Dembecha
HCD67 Cherelato (Ceralatto, Seralatto) 06/38 [LM n WO]
0600'/3808' 1720/1764 m, cf Chelelektu
HDT07 Cherem, see Kerem
JDH40 Cheremsa, see Keremsa
HET87 Cherena, see Kerena
HDM.? Cherenya (with church Beale Weld) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
cherer (ch'ärär) (A) rays of light
HDR87 Cherer 10/37 [WO]
HE... Cherer (centre in 1964 of Jiffa sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
cherete (ch'ärätä) (A) carried away the soil by erosion
?? Chereti (sub-post office under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
JBR82? Chereti /wereda? Ch'ireté ..?/ 05/42? [Ad]
JCC12 Chereti, see Melka Chireti
HFE61 Cherez, see Kerets
HCA09 Cherghetto, see Kergetto
HDK27 Chergugo (Ch'ergugo) 0917'/3809' 2773 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
cheri: cherri, chirri (O) bird that sits on cattle etc.
an eats ticks from their skin
HBL10 Cheri (Ch'eri) 0346'/3829' 1539 m 03/38 [Gz]
HC... Cheri (Tcheri) 07/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Diecha wereda)
HDA73 Cheri (Ceri) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDC65 Cheri (Ceri) 0843'/3704' 1777 m 08/37 [n Gz]
HDK69 Cheri 0945'/3822' 2314 m 09/38 [n]
HDL44 Cheri 0926'/3851' 2493 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCP34 Cherika (Cericca) 0734'/3607' 1657 m, 07/36 [+ n]
cf Cherrecha, Chereka
chericho (Sidamo O) various kinds of Euphorbia, cf adami
HCP45 Cheriko (Cericco, Ciarucco) 0734'/3608' 1657 m, 07/36 [+ Gu WO Gz]
(plain, village)
Coordinates would give map code HCP34
JCD76 Cherim Thileh, see Kerim Tile
JDD99 Cheriri (area) 09/43 [WO]
HDM71 Cherit 0945'/3930' 2078 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDJ28 Cherkaka (Ch'erkaka) 0919'/3720' 2185 m 09/37 [Gz]
?? Cherkin (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa 18]
(written Tcherkin on map of 1814)
Cherkos, St. Cyriacus, name also written Quiricus in English,
cf Kirkos (Qirqos)
?? Cherkos (village known from 1830s), 09/39 [Ha]
see under Angolala/Angolela
HEJ67 Cherkos (Cercos) 12/37 [+ WO]
HFF.. Cherkos (rock-hewn church at Wikro), 14/39 [x]
see under Idaga Hamus
HEE77 Cherkwa (Ch'erk'wa) 1134'/3905' 2876 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF13 Cherkwa (Ch'erk'wa, Cerqua) 11/39 [Gz Gu]
1101'/3941' 2222 m
HES32 Cherna 1257'/3741' 12/37 [WO Gz]
(with mission & church), see under Dabat
HFE16 Chernale, see Amba Kernale
HES91 Cherni (area) 13/37 [WO]
HEE18 Chero, see Chiro
HDT85 Chero Cherqos, see Chiro Cherkos
HDT85 Chero Mika'el, see Chiro Mikael
HES68c Cheroleva (Ceroleva) (village) 13/38 [+ Gu]
HDF30 Cherra sub-district (Tcherra ..) 08/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adulala)
HDB96 Cherracha (Cerraccia) (area), cf Cherrecha 08/36 [+ WO]
HCS06 Cherramba (area) 07/38 [WO]
HBP54 Cherre, see Kerre & HBP55 HBP85
-- Cherre language, see Karo
cherrecha (O) sand;
-- Cherecha, name of a Wello Oromo tribe
HDK09 Cherrecha (Cerreccia) 2463 m, see u. Addis Alem 09/38 [+ WO]
HBS64c Cherri, cf Cheri 05/37 [x]
HCK69 Cherri (Cerri) (area) 2073 m 06/38 [+ WO]
HDE48 Cherri (Cerri, M.) (area), see under Mojo 08/39 [+ WO]
HDK89 Cherri Curra, see Kere Kura
GDM30 Chersce, see Kershe
HFF80 Cherseber, see Kerseraw,
also Adigrat : Kerseraw for Mikael church
HCA88 Chersi, see Kersi
JBR..? Cherti, town in the Afder Zone 05/42 [20]
JBR..? Cherti wereda, in the Afder Zone 05/42 [20]
GDL39 Chesar, see Kasr & GDL49
HER95 Chesciat, see Keshat
HDL80 Chesi Chidan (church), see Kesi
HFD27c Chessad Afoton, see Kessad Afoton
HFE17 Chessad Amba, see Waryeu
HDK49 Chessuma, see Kessuma
HDM81 Chestomas (Ch'estomas) 0952'/3825' 2220 m 09/38 [Gz]
cheta (O) grass
HC... Cheta sub-district? (-1997-) 06/36 [n]
HC... Cheta wereda (Tcheta ..) 06/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shoma)
HDL55 Chetama, see Muke Turi
HDM90 Cheticiu, see Ketichu
HEJ53 Chetion, see Ketiyon
HDC95 Chetta (Cetta, Qito) 0903'/3707' 1757 m, 09/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Tibbe
HDM81 Chettalegn 09/39 [WO]
HDC78 Chettu (Cettu) 1712/1830/2207 m, cf Chitu 08/37 [+ WO]
HFD01 Chetur (area) 13/37 [WO]
HFE37 Chetzin Calat (Tzetzin C.) (area)
1350'/3910' 1704/1737 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
?? Chevagna, see Kevanya
HCL34 Chevena (Chevenna), see Kibena
HEC98 Chevraan (Chebran), see Kibran
chew (ch'äw) (A,T) salt;
chew bahir (A) salt lake; cheu (O) to pass a river
HBR12 Chew Bahir (Bass Marle, Cialbe, Chalbi) 04/36 [MS Gu Gz]
(Chow Bahr, Galte, Chulbi, Lake Stefanie) 04/36 [MS WO]
Wide saline swamp/mud/lake at 0438'/3650'
chew ber (A) historically a salt toll
HES74 Chew Ber (Ch'ew Ber, Ciou Ber, Ciauber, Chowber) 13/37 [Gz Ad Gu x]
1320'/3755' or 1325'/3802' 1251 m, pass 1662 m
(Ber Maryam) (centre in 1964 of Lahin sub-district)
HBL61 Chew Bet (Chaw Bet) ('Salt House') 04/38 [n]
300 m deep crater lake of salt water in Borana, one of four in the region
chew butta: butta (O) one of the most important Oromo festivals
JBR45 Chew Butta (Cheu Butta, Buta) (area) 04/42 [+ WO Wa]
HEE76 Chew Kutir Kola kebele (Ch'äw Qut'er Qola ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda near to its northern border,
15 km west-southwest of Wegel Tena; area 1,100 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chew wiha (A) salt water
HDU31 Chew Wiha (Ch'ew W.) 1017'/3927' 2708 m 10/39 [Gz]
chewa (ch'äwa) (A) 1. territorial regiments belonging to the autocratic
state 1150-1540; 2. free person /not a slave/, person of high social status;
gentle, quiet, kind, soft; (O) troops
?? Chewa Wenz (Chäwa W.), in Wag ../.. [x]
HEJ67 Chewahit (Ch'wahit, Chuwahit, Chuahit, Tchuwahit) 12/37 [Te MS Po Ad]
(with sub-post office) 1220'/3720' 1837 m,
village 50 km south of Gondar, in Dembiya wereda
MS coordinates would give map code HEJ68
cheza (ch'eza) (A) dew
GDM44 Cheza (Tulu C.) (hill) 09/34 [WO]
HDD06 Cheza (Ch'eza) 0813'/3807' 2540 m 08/38 [Gz]
HFF61 Chezad Ogora, see Ogoro
Chi.. (in French-derived spellings), see also Shi..
HEF15 Chiafa, see Chefa
HCA76 Chiafe, see Kiafe
HCT21 Chiala, see Shala
JDJ43 Chialessa, see Cheleysa
JDK86 Chianna Gaban, see Kyanna Gaban
HDR83 Chibachibasa (Ch'ibach'ibasa) 1046'/3652' 2150 m 10/36 [Gz]
HDU43 Chibas (Ch'ibas, Curie) 1022'/3937' 3058 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
HCA36 Chibi, see Kibi
HFF82 Chibidaha, see Kibidaha
HEM21 Chibina kebele (Chebena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Gidan wereda,
8 km south-southwest of Muja; area 6,130 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM55 Chibite Wiha kebele (Ch'ebet'e Weha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Ankober wereda, 9-10 km
east of Ankober town; area 508 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chibo (A) small shrub, Vernonia campanea?, stiff white hairs
on the back of leaves, bright purple flowers; chibbo (A) 1. kind
of torch; 2. injustice, unfairness; 3. (Gondar A) handle
JFA69 Chibu (waterhole) 14/40 [MS WO]
HDF91 Chicchi, see Kicki
chiccio: chicho (O) vessel into which milk is milked
HCP58 Chiccio, see Kicho
chicha (O) 1. maize cane, reed; 2. cooking place in a
traditional house; partition to separate the cooking place
HCH65 Chicha (Chiccia) (area) 06/36 [+ WO]
HCD89 Chichela (Giocata) 0612'/3823' 2934 m 06/38 [Gz]
HE... Chichike Mikael 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kinfaz sub-district)
HBS88 Chichilla (Cicilla, Kikilla, Kilkille) 05/38 [Gz Gu Wa x]
(with bridge) 0518'/3816' 1705/1800 m
HEK91 Chichimara (Ch'ich'imara) 1236'/3738' 2457 m 12/37 [Gz]
chichu, chichuu (O) grasp firmly, remain very attached
HCE87 Chichu 0615'/3826' 06/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Arenfana sub-district)
chid (ch'id) (A) teff straw
HDU02 Chid, see under Sela Dingay 09/39 [WO]
chida (O) feast or ceremony of any kind
HCJ91 Chida (Ch'ida, Abba, Odda) 07/36 [Gz WO Gu]
0710'/3647' 1663 m, town in Ela wereda
Coordinates would give map code HCJ92
HDA17 Chidami, see Kidame Gebeya
HEU71 Chidana Micrat, see Kidane Mihret
HEL85 Chidane Mer., see Kidane Mihret
HEJ35 Chidane Meret, see Kidane Mihret & HFE66c HES68c
HDL08 Chidanemeret, see Kidane Mihret & HDM61
HEJ21 Chidani Meret, see Kidane Mihret
HFD48 Chidara (Ch'idara) 1400'/3815' 1988 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEK11 Chiddist Hanna, see Kidist Hana
HEJ47 Chiddus Micael, see Kidus Mikael
chidi (O) teff straw
GCU22 Chidi, see Kidi
JDK18 Chidielei, see Kidyeley
chido (Kefa) zigba timber tree, Podocarpus falcatus, P. gracilior
HCA16 Chido, see Kido
HCD10 Chidole 0535'/3731' 1926 m, see under Gidole 05/37 [WO Gz]
HD... Chiefie Mariam (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
JBS31 Chier 0449'/4241' 313 m, cf Bur Keir 04/42 [Gu Gz]
HEL48 Chier Ab 12/39 [WO]
HDL82 Chiera, see Chifra
HES50 Chiesa (=church in Italian) 13/37 [WO]
chifar, chiffar (ch'iffar) (A) palm leaves /of Hyphaene spp./
HDM10 Chifar (Cifar, M.) (area), see under Shola Gebeya 09/39 [+ WO]
HDS26 Chifar (Ch'ifar, Ambacha) 1014'/3804' 2458 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDL56 Chifara (Ch'ifara) 0930'/3902' 2651 m, cf Chifra 09/39 [AA Gz]
HEF56 Chifeta (Ch'ifeta) 1119'/3954' 1928 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF56 Chifeta sub-district (centre in 1964 = ?) 11/39 [Ad]
chifra (ch'ifra) (A,T) cohort, squad, crowd, escort, swarm /of bees/;
(ch'ifr-aa) (O) woman's hair combed backwards or
animal's horns bent backwards
HDL82 Chifra (Ch'ifra, Chiera) 0949'/3839' 3001 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with bridge), see under Fiche
JEA82 Chifra (Ch'ifra) 1136'/4001' 945 m (with mosque) 11/40 [Gz]
?? Chifra wereda (in the 1990s) ../.. [Ad]
HEF53 Chifrigoch Tekle Haymanot (church) 11/39 [Gz]
1119'/3938' west of lake Hayk
HEF77 Chiftu (Ch'iftu) 1132'/3959' 1066 m (with mosque) 11/39 [Gz]
chiggir (A) trouble
HCD10 Chigole 0535'/3731' 1626 m 05/37 [Gz]
H.... Chigwale Abo (Chiguale Abo) 10/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Hussa Esknamo sub-district)
HEE48 Chihina kebele (Ch'ehena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the western border of Tenta wereda, 11-15 km
south-southwest of Tenta settlement; area 2,403 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK61 Chihira sub-district (Chihara ..) 12/37 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Maksenyit)
HFE07c Chik Silasse (Chikh Selassie) 13/39 [20]
monastery between Hagere Selam and Abiy Adi,
with a rock church and a round church
chika, chiqa (A) mud
HDM.? Chika (Ch'ik'a, Chiqa) (with church Mika'el) 09/39? [x q]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
chika kola (A) mud lowland
HDM22 Chika Kola kebele (Ch'eqa Qola ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda at its southern border,
17-21 km south-east of Koremash; area 2,327 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT06 Chikach (Ch'ik'ach, Chiqach) 10/38 [Gz q]
1001'/3857' 1875 m
HES43 Chikara (Ch'ik'ara, Chiqara, Sciaasel) 13/37 [Gz q]
1307'/3751' 2783 m
HCT26 Chike (Ch'ik'e, Chiqe) (mountain) 07/39 [Gz q]
0730'/3901' 3099 m
HEF56 Chikile kebele (Ch'eqelé ..) 13/39 [Ad]
in central Were Babo wereda at its south-western border,
20-22 km east-northeast of lake Hayk; area 3,743 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chikla manzo: chekla (ch'äqla) (A) baby; manso (Som) monitor lizard
HEK10 Chikla Manzo (Ciola Manso) (island), 11/37 [Ch Gu]
see also Shakla Manzo
HET86 Chiklandino (Ciclandino) 13/39 [+ WO]
HDG88 Chikle (Ch'ik'le, Chiqle) 0951'/3530' 970 m 09/35 [Gz q]
HCK29 Chiko (Ch'iko) 0635'/3820' 1885 m 06/38 [Gz]
HES36 Chila (Ch'ila) 1300'/3805' 2840 m 13/38 [Gz]
JEP51 Chila (area), cf Chilla 13/40 [WO]
HF... Chila (centre in 1964 of Ankere sub-district) 14/38 [Ad]
JCF75 Chilabo, see Shilabo
HFE40c Chilachikin, 30 km SSE of Inda Silase 13/38 [Mi]
HFE06 Chilakira (Ch'ilak'ira, Chilaqira) 13/38 [Gz q]
1338'/3858' 1738 m (with church Tekle Haymanot)
HCT58 Chilalo (locality) 0744'/3913' 07/39 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Meta sub-district)
HCT79 Chilalo (Ch'ilalo, Ch'ellalo, Cilalo, Chilalu, Chilahu) 07/39 [Gz WO n]
(Chilahu, Gilalo) (Oromo: Celaaloo) (mountain)
0755'/3916' 3965/4127/4139 m
HCU50 Chilalo (Chillalo, G.) (mountain) 3965/4036 m 07/39 [x WO]
HCT87 Chilalo awraja (Tsilalou ..)0745'/3900' 07/39 [MS Gz x]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Asela)
chilalu: chilallu, chillalluu (O) 1. snail; 2. bilharzia
JEB32 Chilalu (area) 11/40 [WO]
chilama: chillema dur (ch'illäma) (A) darkness forest
HEM81 Chilama Durr, see Chelema Dur, cf Chilema ..
JDG43 Chilano 09/40 [WO]
JDH39 Chilanko (Chilanqo), see Chelenko
HEL88 Chilarwa 1232'/3911' 1840 m 12/39 [Gz]
HC... Chilashe, market at the road Soddo-Gidole ../37 [x]
HET66 Chilay, see Yechila
HER45 Chilcuena, see Chelgwana
HEJ84 Childa, see Chilga /awraja/
HCT.. Children's Amba, with about 2,000 children 07/38 [x]
in the first half of 1981
chile, chilee (O) deep gorge
HDA95 Chile, see Kile
JEA74 Chile (area) 11/40 [WO]
HCM91 Chile Sottiro, see Kile Sottiro
HET16 Chilehiyo (Agelele, Agheliele) 1248'/3857' 1774 m 12/38 [Gz LM WO Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HET15
HDK89 Chilelo (Ch'ilelo) 0947'/3823' 2207 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
Coordinates would give map code HDK79
HDS08 Chilelo (Ch'ilelo) 0958'/3817' 2499 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
chilema washa (A) dark cave
HDM82 Chilema Washa (Ch'ilema W.) 0948'/3932' 2086 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDM72 Chilema Washa kebele (Ch'eläma .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
10-14 km north of Debre Birhan town; area 1,504 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ85 Chilga (Chelga, Celga, Tchelga, Chiliga), cf Chelga 12/37 [MS 18 WO Ha]
(large village) 1234'/3705' 2146 m, mountain 2328 m,
cf Akyel/Aykel, also Kemant for people in the area
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Adaza (village)
6E Kidane Mihret (church)
9E Ankara Iyesus (Ancara Jesus) (church)
10SE Guntir (Contur)(church), Gunter Egziaverab (village) 1828 m
10SE Simano (village) 2150 m
10SE Dadu (village)
4S Blagir (village)
1SW Gantaye (Gantaie) (village)
5SW Sarambo (area)
??W Wali Deba (Uali Daba)
3W Fashina (Fascina) (area)
??N fort (in the Italian time)
5NE Chilga (mountain) 2328 m
10NE Angwara (Anguara) (village)
HEJ95 Chilga (Celga) (mountain), see above 12/37 [MS WO]
HEJ84 Chilga awraja (Ch'ilga .., Childa ..) 1230'/3630' 12/37 [MS Ad Gz]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Aykel/Akyel)
HEP29c Chilga sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sereba) 12/36 [Ad n]
HEJ84 Chilga wereda (Chiliga ..) (centre in 1964 = Chilga) 12/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) divided into 72 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HEJ85? Chilgar (same as Chilga = Aykel? with old fort) 12/37 [x]
HDL48 Chilgi (Ch'ilgi) 0926'/3940' 1909 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEJ85 Chilgiya (Ch'ilgiya, Akyel?) 1233'/3704' 2146 m 12/37 [Gz]
HET06 Chilibra 1241'/3900' 2094 m, near map code HEL96 12/39 [Gz]
JEA87 Chilimalu, see Kilimalu 11/40
HDD97 Chilimo (Ch'ilimo) 0901'/3809' 2166 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Ginchi
HDJ11 Chilimo (Ch'ilimo) 0909'/3643' 3012 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK07 Chilimo (Ch'ilimo) 0904'/3807' 2311 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(at 1 km NE was Haile Selassie's palace)
HER36 Chilkuena (Chilkuana, Chilcuena) 13/37 [+ Ad n]
1300'/3710' 2243 m
(centre in 1964 of Lai Armachiho sub-district)
HFE92 Chilla, cf Chila 14/38 [n]
HCK02 Chillachi (Cillacci) 0625'/3741' 1793 m 06/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(coordinates would give map code HCK01), see under Boreda
JEH41 Chille (hill) 1207'/4048' 12/40 [WO Gz]
JDP68 Chillelu, see Killelu & JDP69 JDR60 JDR71
HCS29 Chillisa, see Killisa
JCB74 Chilonaha (Chilovaha) (waterhole) 0608'/4107' 06/41 [WO Gz]
HEC64 Chilti, see Kilti
HEM75 Chiltoa, see under Chercher 12/39 [WO]
HDG23 Chiltu, see Kiltu
HDT99 Chilwa 1051'/3920' 3174 m 10/39 [Gz]
chima (O) strong, tough; chima, chimma, waxy secretion
from the eyes; chimma (ch'imma) (A) blunt, worn /point/
HBL22 Chima, D. (area) 03/38 [WO]
H.... Chima (Chimma) (mountain chain) 05/38? [+ Mi]
HDU.. Chima Geregera kebele (Ch'ema Gärägära ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda, 30-35 km west-southwest of Molale; area 1,709 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chimara (T) spear
JDD70 Chimari (Cimari) (area), cf Chemeri 08/42 [+ WO]
HDU41 Chimas (Cimas) 10/39 [+ WO]
chimba m..: mesha, meeshaa (O) goods /for sale/, utensils, furniture
HEC96 Chimba Mesha (Cimba Mescia) 11/37 [+ WO]
HEC96 Chimba Yasus 11/37 [Ch]
HCR61c Chimbi, see Kimbi
HEC89 Chimbil (Ch'imbil, Sensellima, Selselim) 11/37 [Gz]
1138'/3727' 1927 m, see under Bahir Dar
JEJ02 Chimbire, see Kimbire & JEJ53
HDM80 Chimbire kebele (Ch'emberé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
33 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 712 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Chimbissi (Cimbissi) (village) ../.. [+ 18]
H.... Chimbord Abo 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Chimbord sub-district)
GCM75 Chimirra, see Shewa Gimira
HDM50 Chimshi (Ch'imshi) 0935'/3919' 2827 m 09/39 [Gz]
near map code HDL59
china (O) by the side of; side of person or animal
JDK41 Chinahasen (Chinhaksen, Chinaksen, Chenakson) 09/42 [Gz Po]
(Ch'ina Hasen, Chinhausen, Ginesenei, Genesenei)
(Jinaasene, Gianasse) 0930'/4242' 1816 m
(sub-post office under Jijiga)
?? Chinbire (plain in lower Wegda) ../.. [n]
chincha (ch'inch'a) (A) stony ground, (T) gravel;
chincha meret (ch'inch'a märet) (A) rocky ground where
water does not penetrate; chincha (O) smell, odour
HEE56 Chincha 1119'/3859' 2085 m 11/38 [Gz]
?? Chinchase (Cinciase) ../.. [+ It]
in Eritrea? planned for post office by the Italians
HER47 Chinchaye (Cinciaie) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
H.... Chinfra (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 13/38 [Ad]
chinga ..: boko (O) 1. raven; 2. kind of tree, Bersama abyssinica;
(also other meanings)
HE... Chinga Boko 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Yilana Betach sub-district)
chinga ch..: chew (A,T) salt
HEE76 Chinga Chew 11/38? [x]
HEE76 Chinga Chew kebele (Ch'enga Ch'äw ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 11-15 km
south-west of Wegel Tena; area 1,023 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HER19 Chingel Amba (Cingel Amba) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
chingo (O) measure for grain
HCS54 Chingo (Cingo) (mountain) 07/37 [+ WO]
chini (ch'inii) (O) eggs of jigger; fly
HCB05 Chini (Cini) 0526'/3609' 438 m 05/36 [+ WO Gz]
HEF77 Chini (Ch'ini) 1132'/3958' 1123 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDJ92 Chinina (Ch'inina) 0955'/3650' 1968 m 09/36 [Gz]
GD... Chinka (in Wellega near Dembidolo) 08/34 [n]
HES66 Chinkwanit (on Simen hiking route) 13/38 [Br 20]
HEK17 Chintoy (Ch'intoy) 1156'/3809' 2171 m 11/38 [Gz]
chintu ..: resa (A) corpse
HDK83 Chintu Resa, see Mene Busa
HEJ15 Chinzela, see Kunzila
HDL28 Chiollie, see Chollye
GDM75 Chionom, see Kiyonom
HCN64 Chiore 0750'/3510' 07/35 [MS]
HEH71 Chir, see Kir
chir chir: shirrishirr (A) excursion
HCN12 Chir Chir (area) 07/35 [WO]
chira (ch'ira) (A,O,T) tail, hair, fly-whisk
HCP25 Chira (Ch'ira, Tchira) 0725'/3606' 1625 m 07/36 [Gz Ad]
HDB34 Chira, see Chora
JDB05 Chira (Ch'ira) 0813'/4110' 1544 m 08/41 [Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Gora wereda)
HBF90 Chira Bilala (mountain) 0333'/3921' 1198 m 03/39 [Gz]
chira, chiraa (O) the act of clearing land;
irmata (O) share, part that one receives
JBP96 Chira Irmata (Cira I.) 0517'/4115' 05/41 [+ MS WO Gz]
(with seasonal spring)
JBP94 Chira Mukiyo (Cira Muchio) 0521'/4102' 888 m 05/41 [+ Gz]
JBP94 Chira Suckyello (Cira Succhiello) (area) 05/41 [+ WO]
HDM73 Chiraro Debir kebele (Ch'eraro Däber ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
7-10 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,526 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM22 Chiraro kebele (Ch'eraro ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
33 km south-west of Ankober; area 895 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT39 Chiraro kebele (Ch'eraro ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Weremo Wjitu & Mida wereda,
15 km south of Degolo; area 1,325 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET79 Chirarwa (Ch'irarwa) 1322'/3917' 2233 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET79 Chirarwa (Ch'irarwa) 1319'/3921' 2292 m, 13/39 [Gz]
near map code HEU70
HEJ71 Chirchemesce, see Kirkemeshe
KCR77 Chirchi Marer (Circi Marer) (area) 07/47 [+ WO]
chirchim (A) chipped, dented
HER33 Chirchin, see Kirkin
GCT55 Chirdodo, see Kirdodo
chire: chirre (O) clayware vessel for tej
HDF05 Chire (Ch'ire) 0812'/3949' 2707 m 08/39 [Gz]
JCG73 Chire (Cire) (area) 06/40 [+ WO]
HDP01 Chirec, see Cherari
HDP12 Chirec, see Korak
chir..: chirracha (ch'irracha) (O) sand, pebble
H.... Chirecha (sub-district & its centre in 1964) ../.. [Ad]
HCK46 Chirecha (Cirraccia) (area) 1640 m 06/38 [+ WO]
HDD58 Chirecha (Ch'irecha) 0841'/3817' 2129 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Be'ale Wold)
HDG83 Chirecha (Ch'irecha) 0852'/3507' 1533 m 08/35 [Gz]
HEF00 Chirecha (Ch'irecha) 1056'/3925' 3286 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEF11 Chirecha (Ch'irecha) 1100'/3927' 3505 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF12 Chirecha (Ch'irecha) 1058'/3933' 3432 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDC92 Chirecha (Ch'irecha) 0900'/4149' 1662 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDJ85 Chirecha Bekeka (Ch'irecha B.) 09/37 [Gz]
0953'/3708' 2307 m
HEF21 Chirecha kebele (Ch'erächa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
near easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda stretching narrowly
north-west/south-east almost from border to border of the wereda,
25 km south-west of Dessie; area 2,298 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD34 Chirecha Medhane Alem (Ch'irecha ..) (church) 08/37 [Gz]
0829'/3755', south-west of Weliso
HE... Chirecha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Fita Gundi) 11/39 [Ad]
HDL29 Chirene (Cirene) (pass) see under Sheno 09/39 [+ WO]
HDU76 Chirete (Ch'iret'e) 1036'/3955' 1412 m 10/39 [Gz]
JBR82 Chireti, see Melka Chireti
chirfa (O) ladle; (Alabdu) woman's hair combed backwards
or animal's horns bent backwards
HDD49 Chirfa (Ch'irfa) 0834'/3821' 2405 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Lideta Maryam)
HDK89 Chirfa 0947'/3821' 2259 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
chirfata (ch'irfata) (O) woman's hair style at
an advanced stage in the gada system
Chiri, cf Chere, Cheri, Chirri
GDM43 Chiri (Ch'iri) 0925'/3441' 1591 m 09/34 [Gz]
HCH85 Chiri (Ch'iri) 0707'/3611' 1884 m 07/36 [Gz]
HCM03 Chiri (Ch'iri, Cirri) 0624'/3936' 1483 m 06/39 [WO Gz]
HDJ45c Chiri, town in Decha wereda 09/37 [20]
HDL00 Chiri (Ch'iri) 0903'/3827' 2297 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
JDJ.. Chiri (wadi), see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [x]
chiri a..: ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area
HDU95 Chiri Ager (Ch'iri A.) 1050'/3949' 1556 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU95 Chiri Ager (Ch'iri A.) 1051'/3949' 1502 m 10/39 [Gz]
HC.? Chiri wereda ../.. [20]
HDL54 Chirikfeto (Ch'rik'feto, Chiriqfeto) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0934'/3846' 2614 m
-- Chirim, a section of the Me'en ethnic cluster
at the Omo river at about HCH04
HCA55 Chirim 0556'/3520' 871 m 05/35 [Gz]
GDU00 Chirin, see Kirin
HDC43 Chirira 0835'/3654' 1509 m 08/36 [Gz]
?? Chirka (in Arsi, with school) ../.. [x]
HDL70 Chirki (Ch'irk'i, Chirqi) 0942'/3827' 2076 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDB71 Chirko (Circo) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDM60 Chirkos (Circos), see Kirkos
HCD54 Chirme, see Kirme
HCS58 Chiro (Ciro) 0750'/3814' 2069 m 07/38 [Wa Gu WO Gz]
(plain and mountain)
JDH02 Chiro, see Asbe Teferi
?? Chiro (village) ../.. [n]
at some distance from Dessie
HDT85 Chiro Cherkos kebele (Ch'ero Ch'ärqos ..) 10/38 [Ad]
near north-easternmost Debre Sina wereda at its northern border,
15-17 km north-east of Mekane Selam; area 2,220 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE18 Chiro kebele (Ch'ero ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Legambo wereda at its northern border,
10-12 km north-northeast of Akista; 2,883 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
chiro ..: leba (A) thief
HES69c Chiro Leba (on Simen hiking route), 13/38 [Br]
east of Simen Mountains National Park
HDT85 Chiro Mikael kebele (Ch'ero Mikaél ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Debre Sina wereda, 14-20 km
north-east of Mekane Selam; area 1,631 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDH01 Chiro sub-district? (-1997-) 09/40 [n]
JDH01 Chiro wereda (centre in 1964 = Asbe Teferi) 09/40 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 68 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HED83 Chiros, see Kiros
chirosh (ch'irosh) (A) hole dug in a dry river bed to get water
?? Chirra (historical area), cf Chira ../.. [x]
chirri (O) kind of bird that sits on cattle etc.
and eats ticks from its skin
HCD86 Chirri (area), cf Chiri 06/38 [WO]
chis (ch'is) (A) smoke;
chisa (O) 1. snare, trap; 2. chiisaa, stagnant /water/
HCT28 Chisa (Cisa) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HDU70 Chisa (Ch'isa) 1040'/3923' 2330 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDA76 Chisa (G. Cisa) (area) 1931 m 08/40 [+ WO]
HDM32 Chisabra kebele (Ch'isabra ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda, very near Shola Gebeya to the
south there and 10-15 km east-southeast of Koremash; area 1,628 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ66 Chisiana Amarti, see Kisyana Amarti
HCG86 Chismariet, see Kismaryet
?? Chisnu (visiting postman under Shashemene) ../.. [Po]
H.... Chissa sub-district, cf Chisa 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mekane Silase)
HDJ66 Chistana Amarti, see Kistana Amarti
HDN59 Chitar, see Kitar
HEL63c Chitara, see Kitara
HBK07 Chiti (area) 03/38 [WO]
HBS42 Chitile (well) 04/37 [MS WO]
HEE91 Chittachitta Mariam, see Kitkita Maryam
HDC80 Chittana, see Kittana
HCG67 Chitti, see Kitti
?? Chitto, place of assembly north of Ambo 08/37 [x]
HDG74 Chittu Giali (Chiltu? ..), see Kitu Jalu
chitu (O) break /rope etc/; cut /cloth/ from the loom;
chittu (O) useless, broken piece /of rope/
HCT10 Chitu (lake), see under Shala
HDD54 Chitu (Chittu, Tchitu, Cettu), cf Chettu 08/37 [Gz 20 Ad WO]
0837'/3758' 2063/2220 m
(centre in 1964 of Welisa wereda)
Coordinates would give map code HDD55.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7SW Aro (mountain) 2350 m
8NW Bilacho (Bilacio) (mountain)
4N Kasibi (Casibi) (mountain)
HDD83 Chitu (Ch'itu) 0856'/3749' 2245 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDJ28 Chitu (Ch'itu) 0918'/3720' 2206 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ46 Chitu (Ch'itu) 0925'/3709' 2224 m 09/37 [Gz]
HCH71 Choa Ghemira, see Shewa Gimira
choba (O) drippings /from roof or tree/
HDM03 Choba, see Welde Ab
JDD41 Choba (Ch'oba, Tchoba, Tschoba) 08/42 [Gz]
0831'/4237' 1220 m
HBM23 Chobbi (Ciobbi) (area) 0349'/3938' 1196 m 03/39 [Gz WO]
chobe: chube (ch'ube) (A) dagger
HDK25 Chobe (Ch'obe) 0918'/3800' 2594 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
chobi (O) 1. hat, cap; 2. climbing plant
with salty taste, Cissus sp.; (A) kind of large tree
HBU17 Chobi 04/39 [WO]
HDK14 Chobi (Ch'obi) 0918'/3756' 2420 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK14 Chobi (Ch'obi) 0920'/3757' 2570 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK24 Chobi, 2536 m 09/37 [AA]
HDK34 Chobi 09/37 [AA]
HDK45 Chobi (Ciobi) 09/37 [LM WO]
HEF95 Chobi (Ch'obi) 1144'/3949' 1611 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEM52 Chobi (Ciobi) 1212'/3939' 1410 m 12/39 [LM WO Gu Gz]
JDB68 Chobi (Ciobi) (area) 1524 m 08/41 [+ WO]
JEA02 Chobi (Ch'obi) 1056'/4003' 1321 m 10/40 [Gz]
GCT49 Chobo (Ciobo) 07/34 [+ WO]
GCU71 Chobo (Ciobo) 07/34 [+ WO]
chobu (O) to drip, to dissolve
?? Chochi (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDH05c Chochi (Gara Tchochi), mountain west of Nekemte 09/36 [x]
chochi w..: wenz (wänz) (A) river
HDN09 Chochi Wenz (Ch'och'i) 0958'/3539' 09/35 [x]
chocho (ch'och'o) (A) 1. kinds of shrub or small tree,
Nuxia congesta, Premna schimperi; 2. straw vessel for milk
HCH21 Chocho (Ch'och'o) 0633'/3553' 1327 m 06/35 [Gz]
HED99 Chochoho (Ciocioho) 11/38 [+ Gu]
JEA79 Choffi (Cioffi) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
-- Chofira, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCT08 Chofira (Ch'ofira, Ciofira, Gheorghis) (area) 07/39 [Gz WO]
0717'/3909' 3073 m, cf Tijo Chofira
HCJ84 Choga (Cioga) 0705'/3701' 2577 m 07/37 [n Po Wa Gz]
(visiting postman under Jimma)
HEC38 Chogadye (Ciogadie) 11/37 [+ WO]
chogar ..: kudo, qudo (O) short log as firewood
HER78 Chogar Kudo (Ciogguar Cudo) 1320'/3722' 2834 m, 13/37 [+ n It]
cf Chegwar Kudo
GDF44 Chogi (Cioghi) 0831'/3445' 1868 m 08/34 [+ n It]
choke (Sidamo O?) kind of herb in the shade of forests,
Justicia schimperiana, which has dark green leaves
with toothed edges; choke (ch'oqe) (A) high and cold upland area,
typically with gwasa grass
HDS74 Choke (Ciocche, Cioke) 10/38 [MS WO Gu 18]
(Chokai, Chokey,Ger: Tschoke, Fre: Toulou Tchoki) 10/38 [Ch Wa x]
(mountain) 1040'/3800' 3615/4100 m
MS coordinates would give map code HDS75
HDS80 Choke (Ch'ok'e, Choqe, Ciocche) (mountains) 10/37 [Gz q]
(Fre: Tchiokké) 1045'/3735' 2413 m
HDS83 Choke (Ch'ok'e, Choqe, Ciocche) (mountain) 10/37 [Gz q]
1043'/3751' 4010 m
HDS91 Choke (Ch'ok'e, Choqe, Aocohe) 10/37 [WO Gz]
(mountains) 1045'/3735' 2413 m
HEU30 Choklwa (Ch'okl'wa) 1301'/3925' 2449 m 13/39 [MS]
chokorsa, chokorsi, chokorti (O) kind of tall hard grass that
runs on the ground, Eleusine indica, with some ritual use
HDA58 Chokorsa (Ciocorsa) (area), cf Chekorsa 08/35 [+ WO Gu]
HDJ62 Chokorsa (Ch'ok'orsa, Choqorsa) 09/36 [Gz q]
0939'/3653' 1662 m
HDM85 Chola Meda, see Shola Meda
chole (A) (ch'olä) prepared, ready to leave; (ch'ole) quick,
alert; chole, cholle (O) smart, cunning /also symbolic for horse/
HCU96 Chole (Ch'ole, Ciolle) 0808'/3954' 2815 m 08/39 [Gz]
(Sinkile, Sinkille) near map code HDF06
HDL17 Chole (Ch'ole) 0910'/3907' 2631 m 09/39 [Gz]
JCN92 Chole (Cholle) (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 08/40 [MS Ad n]
(1964-1997-) in southern Arba Gugu awraja
HDM62 Chole kebele (Ch'olé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, adjoining
Debre Birhan town to its north-west; area 985 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Chole wereda (=earlier sub-district? in Ticho awraja) 07/39? [x]
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 2 urban kebeles
among which Yawe
cholemeder, meadow of horses?
HEM82 Cholemeder (Ciolemeder, Ciollemadur) 12/39 [+ WO Gu]
(pass) 2450 m, see under Korem
HDH11 Choli (Ciolli) 1840/2012 m, see under Gimbi 09/35 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Lalo Choli sub-district)
cholle (ch'olle) (A,O) prompt, quick, clever, smart; schemer
HDF06 Cholle (Ciolle) 2815 m, cf Chole 08/39 [+ WO]
?? Cholle Amadir, in northern Ethiopia ../.. [..]
HC... Chollisi (Swe: Tjållisi), same as HCD37c Chulusi? 05/38? [x]
HCK97 Chollo (Ciollo) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
?? Chollo (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDL28 Chollye (M. Ciollie) (hills) 0920'/3910' 09/39 [+ WO Gz]
HED54c Cholok (Cioloc) 11/37 [+ Gu]
chome, choommee (O) mushroom, toadstool;
(A) who has broken teeth
-- Chome, name of an Agaw tribe
HDK71 Chome (Ch'ome) 0943'/3741' 2265 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEF10 Chome (Ch'ome) 1058'/3922' 3417 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDJ46 Chomen (Ch'omen, Choman, Ciommen, Cioman) 09/37 [Gz x Gu WO]
(Chomän, Fre: Tchiommèn) (wide swamp) 09/37 [Br Pa]
0925'/3715' 2320 m
HEF06 Chomiye kebele (Ch'omeyé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Kalu wereda at its southern border,
25-31 km south-east of Kombolcha; area 2,804 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDB81c Chonge 08/35 [LM]
HDJ15 Chonkor (Ch'onkor) 0914'/3708' 2201 m 09/37 [Gz]
GDF10 Chonkwar (T. Cionquar) (hill) 08/34 [+ WO]
?? Chopi, in Harage ../.. [x]
chor (Arabic) stream
chora (ch'ora) (A,O) sunray; (O) remnant, small remaining
quantity; younger;
-- Chora, name of an Oromo tribe
HDB22 Chora (Cura), cf Chorra 08/35 [LM WO]
HDB32 Chora (Ciora) (area) 08/35 [+ WO]
?? Chora, river with middle part about 10 km ../.. [Mi]
north-west of Yubdo camp
HDB34 Chora Aba Bora (Ch'ora, Chira) 08/36 [Ad Te Gz]
(in Buno Bedele awraja) 0826'/3608' 2065 m
HD... Chora Buracho (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HDB25 Chora sub-district? (-1997-) 08/36 [n]
HD... Chora Uta (Tchora U.), village west of Bedele 08/.. [x]
HDB25 Chora wereda (Tchora ..) (-1964-1998-) 08/36 [+ Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Kumbabe)
(-1994-) is divided into 80 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HC... Chorake sub-district (Chorakie ..) 06/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Boditu)
HDB19 Chorbe (Ciorbe) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
chore (ch'ore) (A) large spear;
chore, choree (O) mother
HCS08 Chore 0715'/3815', cf Chorre 07/38 [MS]
HEE49 Chore (Amba Ch'ore) 1113'/3918' 2334 m 11/39 [Gz]
chore (O) /my dear/ mother; buta, butta (O) end of an
eight year cycle in the gada system
?? Chore Buta (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDT14 Chore kebele (Ch'oré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its northern border,
20 km west of Alem Ketema; area 1,623 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE49 Chore sub-district (Ch'ore ..), cf under Nazret 08/39 [x]
(centre in 1964 = Nazret)
HE... Chore sub-district (Chorie ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bofa)
HEF14 Chorisa kebele (Ch'orisa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kalu wereda at a western border, 9-11 km
south-southwest of Kombolcha; area 1,168 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDA75 Chorora (Ch'orora, Ciorora) (area) 08/40 [Gz WO]
0847'/4017' 1804 m
chorra (O) shadow; (A) (ch'orra) ray of the sun,
beam of light
HDB15 Chorra (Ciorra, Ciora) (area) 08/36 [+ WO Gz]
0818'/3610', cf Chora
chorre (O) multi-coloured /animal/; a kind of bird
HDF40 Chorre (Ciorre) (area), cf Chore 08/39 [+ WO]
HDT13 Chorre (Ciorre) 10/38 [+ WO]
chorso: chorrisa (O) 1. cricket; 2. kind of bird
HCD69 Chorso (Ciorso) 0601'/3822' 2448 m 06/38 [+ WO Gz]
HCJ22c Chosa 06/36 [LM]
GDU83 Chosmala 10/34 [WO]
HDL30 Chote (Ch'ote) 0925'/3830' 2597 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HBR12 Chow Bahr, see Chew Bahir
HDM03 Chowa, see Welde Ab
HES.. Chowa (Tcioa) (mountain) c. 3100 m 13/38 [+ Gu]
HEJ67 Chuahit, see Chewahit
GDD07 Chuailuth 08/33 [WO]
chubbe (ch'ubbe) (A) small dagger with curved blade
HCF04 Chubbe, see Gubbe
HCL90 Chubbi (mountain), see Chabbi
JDD50 Chubrah (area) 08/42 [WO]
HCT16 Chubsa, see Kubsa
?? Chuch (small river) ../.. [Ch]
HBR37 Chuchulla (area) 04/37 [WO]
chufa (ch'ufa) (O) all
JDB75 Chufa (Ciuffa) 0852'/4113' 1257 m 08/41 [+ n]
HDD60 Chufe (Ch'ufe) 0846'/3732' 2599 m 08/37 [Gz]
JEA24 Chufi (Ch'ufi) 1107'/4007' 1509 m 11/40 [Gz]
HDE90 Chuka (Ch'uka, Cusae) 0902'/3827' 2239 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
HDE32 Chuka Gebriel (Ch'uk'a ..) (church) 0828'/3836' 08/38 [Gz]
HCL30 Chuko, town in Aleta Wendo wereda 06/38 [20]
?? Chuko /wereda?/ (-2005-) ../.. [20]
HDC30 Chukulu (Ch'uk'ulu, Chuqulu) 08/36 [Gz q]
0827'/3640' 1468 m
chula: chulla (O) alone, solitary
HBF82 Chula (area) 03/39 [WO]
HEJ66 Chula 1223'/3709' 1914 m 12/37 [Gz]
-- Chula Bachi, see Enarya
HBM13 Chulanka (Chulanca) (mountain) 03/39 [+ WO Gz]
0345'/3937' 1100 m
HBK96 Chulanka (K. Chullanka) (area) 04/38 [+ WO]
HBR12 Chulbi, see Chew Bahir
HBK73 Chull, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HDF17 Chulul (Ciulul) 0819'/3958' 2931 m 08/39 [+ n]
JDA23 Chulul (Ciulul) (area) 1615 m, see under Minne 08/40 [+ WO Gu]
chulule (ch'ulule) (A), chululle (ch'ulullee) (O) hawk, kite
JDJ21 Chululo (Ch'ululo) 0918'/4147' 2489 m 09/41 [Gz]
HCD37c Chulusi (Ger: Tschulussi) 05/38 [+ x]
about 20 km north of Burji
HBS08 Chumba (Haille, Faille) 0433'/3816' 1573 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
chumbo (O) round, thick bread used in brewing beer
chume: chuma (O) kind of ceremony
HC... Chume (Chumie, Chumae) (in Sidama awraja) 06/38 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDD80 Chume (Ciume), see Gerje
HDJ35 Chunde (Ch'unde) 0924'/3704' 2721 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEE25 Chungwa (Ch'ungwa) 1108'/3856' 2025 m 11/38 [Gz]
chunna b..: borbor meret (A) grey soil, eroded by water
HBL57 Chunna Borbor (w seasonal wells) 0406'/3903' 04/39 [WO Gz]
GDE69 Churacha (Gebel Ciuraccia, Cureca) (mountain) 08/34 [+ WO Gz]
0844'/3415' 606 m
JDD04 Churale (waterhole) 08/42 [MS WO]
HC... Churchura (Tchurtchura) 07/36 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEH08 Churgi (Churgee) (on map of 1868) 11/36 [+ 18]
-- Churi language, see Suri
HBL69 Churriheilo, see Kurrihello
?? Churufuto (Ciurufutu) (near river) ../.. [+ Gu]
HDB91 Chuta (Ciuta, Uuta) (market) 0909'/3546' 1792 m 09/35 [+ Gu Gz]
HDH01 Chuta, G. (Fre: Tulu Tchoutta) (hill) 1879 m, 09/35 [WO]
see under Gimbi
HDB86 Chutta (Ciutta) (mountain) 2100 m 08/36 [+ WO]
chutu n..: nini (O) very dark
HDK65 Chutu Nene (Ch'utu ..) 0937'/3759' 2575 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
chuvet, chubet (language?) fuel cakes of dung
HEJ67 Chuwahit (Chwahit), see Chewahit
HCG75 Chuza, see Gragn, cf Kuzai
Ci.. (in Italian-derived spellings), see generally Chi..
though Cia.. see Cha.., Cie.. see Che.. and Cio.. see Cho..
HER75 Ciaani, see Chaani
HCH20c Ciabara, see Chabara
HCL90 Ciabbi, see Chabbi & HCT67
HEJ22 Ciabe Mariam, see Chaba Mariam
HCH43 Ciabera, see Chebera
JCC23 Ciabis Dol, see Chabis Dol
HDK28 Ciabo Michel, see Chebo Mikael
HDU12 Ciac, see Chak
HDT52c Ciacata, see Chakata
HCD04 Ciacca, see Chakka & HDM64
HBS50 Ciacche, see Chake
HER28 Ciachern, see Chakirna
HDF11 Ciacia, see Chacha & HDM51
HEJ92 Ciaco, see Chako
HDP77 Ciacu, see Chaku
HCM60 Ciafa, see Chafa
JC... Ciaff, see Facha
HDU85 Ciaffa, see Chefa
JDA78c Ciaffe Analle, see Chefe Analle
HDE97 Ciaffedensa (Ciaffedenza), see Chefe Donsa
HCS94 Ciaha, see Indibir
HCU82 Ciai, see Chay
HEB43 Ciaia, see Chaya
JDH31 Cialalacca, see Cheleleka
HBR12 Cialbe, see Chew Bahir
HDA88 Cialdia, see Chaldiya
HCP57 Cialla, see Chala
HDG18 Cialla, see Challa
JDH39 Ciallanco, see Chelenko
HEF26 Cialleca, see Challeka
HDP19 Ciallia, see Challya
HFC19 Ciallocola, see Challokola
GCT35 Ciam (Tsciam), see Cham
HDF60 Ciamara, see Chamara & HEJ55
HDE59 Ciamarre, see Chamarre & HDF50
GCM42 Ciamciar, see Jamchar
HDA74 Ciami, see Gombo
GCT48 Ciamlum, see Shamlum
HEJ76 Ciancal, see Chankal
HES43 Cianchi, see Chanki
HER31 Ciancia, see Chancha
HEC69 Cianciera, see Chanchera
HDL34 Ciancio, see Chancho
JDA13 Ciancio, see Minne
HDE50c Ciancora, see Chankora & HDE89
HDK92 Ciandeto, see Chendefo
HDD40 Ciando, see Chando & HDG44
HDF00 Cianghe (Ciangua), see Change
HDL71 Cianghi M/ariam/ (church) see Change HDL81 09/38 [WO]
HCL85 Cianghitti, see Changitti
HCH81 Cianna, see Chenna
HDM66 Cianno, see Cheno
HDK91 Ciara, see Ichara
-- Ciara language, see Chara
HFD39 Ciarasiga, see Charasiga
HES21 Ciarbita (Ciarveta), see Charbita
JDB70 Ciarciar, see Charchar
HES61 Ciardaqua (Ciarduqua), see Chardakwa & HES71
HCP45 Ciarucco, see Cheriko
HES21 Ciarveta, see Charbeta
HCH58 Ciatta, see Shatta
HCN56 Ciauaca, see Chawaka & HDB75
HES74 Ciauber, see Chew Ber
HCJ26 Ciaula, see Gofa Gawla
HCK08 Cicciu, see Kechu
HBS88 Cicilla, see Chichilla
HET86 Ciclandino, see Chiklandino
JDJ54 Cieca, see Cheka & JDK80
HDM10 Cifar, see Chifar
HFE89 Cigheredda, see Tsigereda
HEC05 Cima, see Tilili
JDD70 Cimari, see Chimari
HDU41 Cimas, see Chimas
HEC96 Cimba Mescia, see Chimba Mesha
HEE09 Cimbia (area) 1052'/3916' 3599 m 10/39 [WO Gz]
?? Cimbissi, see Chimbissi
JCN03 Cimo, see Shimo
HER47 Cinciaie, see Chinchaye
?? Cinciase, see Chinchase
HEJ99 Cincilla, see Bilajig
HER19 Cingel Amba, see Chingel Amba
HDC90 Cinghi, see Kingi
HCS54 Cingo, see Chingo
HCB05 Cini, see Chini
JDJ72 Cinile, see Shinile
HDM03 Cioba, see Welde Ab
HBM23 Ciobbi, see Chobbi
HDK45 Ciobi, see Chobi & HEM52 JDB68
GCT49 Ciobo, see Chobo & GCU71
HDS74 Ciocche, see Choke
HED99 Ciocioho, see Chochoho
HDA58 Ciocorsa, see Chokorsa
JDB85 Cioffe, see Chefe
JEA79 Cioffi, see Choffi
HCT08 Ciofira, see Chofira, cf Tijo Chofira
HEC38 Ciogadie, see Chogadye
HER78 Ciogguar Cudo, see Chegwar Kudo
GDF72 Cioghi, see Kogi
HEK10 Ciola Manso, see Shakla Manzo
HEM82 Ciolemeder (Ciollemadur), see Cholemeder
HDF06 Ciolle, see Cholle
HDH11 Ciolli, see Cholli
HCK97 Ciollo, see Chollo
HED54c Cioloc, see Cholok
HDG54 Ciolti, see Babo
HDJ46 Cioman (Ciommen), see Chomen
HDN03 Ciono, see Kono
GDF10 Cionquar, see Chonkwar
HDB32 Ciora, see Chora
HDB19 Ciorbe, see Chorbe
?? Cioro, see Choro
JDA75 Ciorora, see Choroa
HDB15 Ciorra, see Chorra
HDF40 Ciorre, see Chorre & HDT13
HCD69 Ciorso, see Chorso
HES74 Ciou Ber, see Chew Ber
HCP57 Cira, see Chala
JBP96 Cira Irmata, see Chira Irmata
JBP94 Cira Muchio, see Chira Mukio
JBP94 Cira Succhiello, see Chira Suckyello
KCR77 Circi Marer, see Chirchi Marer
HDB71 Circo, see Chirko
JCG73 Cire, see Chire
HDL29 Cirene, see Chirene
HCS58 Ciro, see Chiro
HDK89 Cirofta, see Korebta
HCK46 Cirraccia, see Chirecha
HCM03 Cirri, see Chiri
HCT28 Cisa, see Chisa & JDA76
-- Cita language (Ciita), see Opuuo
HCF04 Ciubbe, see Gubbe
JDB75 Ciuffa, see Chufa
JDA23 Ciulul, see Chulul
HDB14 Ciunbae, see Kumbale
GDE69 Ciuraccia, see Churacha
HBL69 Ciurriheilo, see Kurrihello
?? Chiurufutu, see Churufutu
HDB91 Ciuta, see Chuta
HDB86 Ciutta, see Chutta
HDA82 Clache, see Kake
HCS41 Clefura, see Klefura
Co.. (in Italian-derived names), see generally Ko..
HEC78 Coagia, see Kwaja
HDF73 Coaichi, see Kogi
GDF95 Cobaccia, see Kobecha
HEM62 Cobat, see Hobat
HCS18 Cobbo, see Kobbo & HDJ49 HEM43 JEA45
JDH38 Cobbo, see Kobo
GDF95 Cobecia (Cobeca), see Kobecha
HEM13 Cobie, see Gobiy
JEN75 Cobul, see Gobul
HDE37 Coca, see Koka
HDE37 Coca Siba, see Koka Siba
GCU47 Cocaieca, see Kokayeka
HCR80 Cocauo, see Kokawo
JEC92 Coccaato Ale, see Kokaato Ale
HCG96 Coccia (Cocia), see Kocha
JCG37 Coccisa, see Kochisa
HEM35 Cochebi Raja, see Kochebi Raja
GCT43 Cochie, see Kokiye
HEP26c Cochit, see Kokit
HCR42 Coci, see Kochi
HDJ67 Cocior, see Gocher
HDP44 Coco, see Koko
JEJ41 Cocobaitu (wells) 1204'/4133' 12/41 [MS WO Gz]
HFE69 Cocomet, see Kokomet
HDH99 Cocoro Barra, see Kokoro Barra
HCL44 Cocossa, see Kokosa
HDR88 Codanci, see Hodancy
HEC77 Codgia Gheorghis, see Koja Giyorgis
HBM04 Coeti (Coeiti), see Koweti
HDT08 Cofeda, see Kofeda
HCL84 Cofole (Coffole, Cofale), see Kofele
HEK41 Coga, see Koga
HCR66 Cogello Abullu, see Kojello Abullu
HBL78 Coggia, see Koja
HCS41 Coggiro, see Kojjiro
GDF72 Cogi, see Kogi & HDF73
HDE20 Cogni, see Konyi
GCM66 Coibu, see Goyka
HDF73 Coicia, see Kogi
HDE52 Coie, see Koye & HDS55
GDF56 Coie Soiama, see Kella Soyama
HFD.. Coietza, see Koyetsa
HCG86 Coine, see Koyne
JCR21 Coio, see Koyo
HES20 Cola, see Kola Diba
HBT75 Colalocia, see Kalalaki
HCL71 Colaris Concession (Con Colaris, Colaris) 06/38 [LM WO Gu Gz]
0700'/3830' 1728/1850 m
HBR39 Colba, see Kolba & HDA88 JCN99
HDA89 Colba, see Korba
JDK42 Colbio, see Kolbiyo
HDC19 Colbo, see Kolbo
HDJ58 Colbo, see Kolobo
JBR42 Colcolei, see Kolkoley
HCS06 Colito, see Alaba Kulito
colle (Italian) hill, mountain pass
HDJ85 Colle Accio (Acho?) 09/37 [WO +]
HED32 Collela, see Kolela
HDM55 Collifie, see Kollifiye
HDB47 Collo Boca, see Kollo Boka
HDF23 Colloba (Colaba), see Kolloba
HDJ56 Collubi, see Kistana
JDJ41 Collubi, see Kulubi
HBS84 Colmar Boraidd, see Kolmar Borayd
HBR88 Colme, see Fasha
JCJ43 Cololei, see Kololey
JCR13 Cololo, see Kololo & JCR22
HFE03 Colqualuque, see Kolkwalukwe
HEB45 Colquel, see Kolkwel
HDG54 Colti, see Babo
HCA68 Colu, see Kolu & HCA85 JDA34
HDC32 Coma, see Koma & HDC33 JDP03 JEB49
HCT18 Coma Carra, see Koma Karra
HCG55 Comaca, see Komaka
HDL73 Comanda Tabia, see Kumando
HBK99 Comao, see Kamo
HEP16 Comar, see Kumer
JDB79 Combol, see Jido
HDJ49 Combolcia, see Kombolcha & HDL89 HDM80 HEF24 JCP35
JCP35 Combolcia, see Kembolcha
JDJ45 Combulcia, see Kembolcha
HDS03c Comie, see Komi
JBG67 Comodo, see Komodo
HFF54 Comoito, see Komoyto
HDC64 Comuo, see Komwo
HCLxx Con .. (=concession), see second part of name
GDF54 Conchi, see Dewi
GDF64 Conchi, see Konki
HDC66 Conci, see Konchi & HDC75
HFD01 Congi Baria, see Konji Barya
HCN33 Congo, see Kongo
HDJ91 Connegi, see Konneji
GDL89 Consele, see Konsele
HDJ00 Conto, see Comto
HEJ85 Contur, see Guntir
HES84 Convent (= a word in English) 13/37 [WO]
HEJ15 Conzela, see Konzula
HDU.? Coot, see Koot
HDH95 Cootu, see Kotu
HDC19 Cora, see Kora & JDC50 JDG08
HDM30 Cora Uha, see Garakora
HEK83 Corabba (Coreva), see Korabba
HDP12 Corac, see Korak
HCK28 Coragia, see Koraja
JDC06 Corai, see Koray
HCG87 Coraico, see Kocha & HCG96
JCG67 Corale, see Korale
JDK53 Coralei, see Horeley
HDC04 Corbaia, see Korbaya
HEU13 Corbetta (Corbeta), see Korbeta
HCL09 Corbi, see Korbi & HEC89
HDS04 Corc, see Kork
GDU76 Corcalifa, see Hor Kelifa
JDA17 Corche, see Korke & JDA47 JDB96
JER31 Corcita, see Korchita
HCL85 Core, see Kore & HCL95 HDE61 JDA88 JDH05 JDH57
HEE55 Coreb, see Girshit
HEH46 Corghia, see Korgiya
JCP93 Corgio, see Korjo & JDB03
HCG86 Coriccia, see Kocha
JDA88 Coriccia, see Kentari
HDC94 Corma, see Tulla Korma
GDM11 Coro, see Koro
HCL58 Coro, see Ilale
HDS04 Coro, see Kork
JBT40 Corogo, see Korago
HBT14 Corolla Uaraua, see Garollo
HDL19 Coromasc, see Koremash
HDK69 Corra Corri, see Kere Kora
HDM25 Corraita, see Korrayta
HED32 Corre, see Kolela
HED41c Corre, see Korre
JEH84 Corribula, see Koribula
JDR58c Corridra, see Koriddra
KCH28 Corrof (well) 0635'/4627', cf Koraf 06/46 [MS WO Gz]
JDG65 Cortumi, see Kurtumi
JEH15 Corub, see Kurub
HCA68 Corum, see Korum
HDF13 Coscema, see Koshema
HCH38 Coscia, see Kosha
HCJ47 Coscia, see Suntana
HCG87 Cossa, see Kossa & HCR63 HCR73
HDL99 Cossaie, see Kossaye
HEJ79 Cossaserrit, see Kasasillit
HCJ10 Costa, see Koza
HEM73c Cot Cote, see Kot Kote
HEJ17 Cota Mariam, see Kota Maryam
HCS96 Cotargheta, see Kotargeta
JBN08 Coticci, see Kotichi
HEF03 Cottie, see Kottie
JBP03 Cottu Bio Ad, see Kottu Biyo Ad
HDM30 Cotugheber, see Kotu Geber
HER75 Couchi (Amba C.), see Amba Kukoy
JDG69 Courili, see Kowrili
HDH99 Cova Sambo, see Kova Sambo
KCP50 Craial, see Krayal
HDB78 Cristo Galla, see Kristo Galla
HEK10 Cristos Samra, see Kristos Samra
HFE16 Csada Amba, see Waryeu
Cu.. (in Italian-derived spellings), see generally Ku..
HEL41 Cua Amba, see Kwa Amba
HEU95 Cuachene Scelicot, see Kwakene Shelikot
?? Cuartim Mariam (in Were Ilu area) ../.. [Gu]
HEE40 Cuassa Abbo, see Jedo
?? Cuatu, see Dardakara
JD... Cubanoar, a left tributary of the Awash river 09/40? [x]
HEA46 Cubba, see Guba
JCP41 Cubbaio, see Kubbayo
HCR93 Cubbe Daru, see Kubbe Daru
HDB20 Cuca, see Kuka
HES13 Cucara, see Kukara
HCJ39 Cuccia, see Kucha
JDC30 Cucco, see Kucko
HER75 Cuchi (Amba C.), see Amba Kukoy
HCD27 Cucu, see Kuku
HFD05 Cuddus Gheorghis (Cuddua Ghiorghis), see Kidus Giyorgis
?? Cuddus Iohannes, see Kidus Yohannes
HDS23 Cudi Alemma, see Kudi Alema
HDB35 Cue, see Kue
GCS75 Cueciar (Cueicer), see Kuchar
JBH82 Cuffa Culumni, see Kuffa Culumni
JCD90 Cugno, see Kunyo
HFD93 Cugule (Cugula), see Kugule
HCD17 Cuia, see Kuya
GCS86 Cuicer, see Kwicher
HDK89 Cuiu, see Kuyu & HDL80
JDJ65 Culaio, see Kulayo
HEK32c Culalit, see Kulalit
HDN89 Culan Sancai, see Kulan Sankay
HEE59 Culculla, see Kulkulla
JDJ61 Culfi Goita, see Kulfi Goyta
HES02 Culgualuc Mariam (=Qulqwaloch?) (church) 12/37 [WO]
HER65 Culita, see Kulita & HFC38
HCF22 Culla Bureir, see Kulla Bureyr
HBK79 Cullaua, see Kullawa
GDM33 Culli, see Tserba
HCJ57 Cullu, see Kullu & HDK80
HEK51 Culqualber, see Kulkwalber
JEB87 Culso Coma, see Kulsu Kuma
HCN56 Cumacha, see Chawaka
HDB25 Cumbarie, see Kumbabe
HCM10 Cumbi, see Kumbi & HCR99 HDU55 JDC00
HET43 Cumbrestava, see Kumbrestava
HDB81 Cumbuchie, see Kumbukye
JDK36 Cumburca Harre, see Gumburka Hare
HFD49 Cuna Amba, see Guna Amba
HDM64 Cundi, see Aba Wibe Ager
JDJ48 Cunduda, see Kondudo
HEH60 Cungiara, see Kunjara
HCR34 Cungiu, see Kunju
HCE59 Cuni, see Kuni
JDH03 Cunni, see Kunni
JDB92 Cunni, see Kuni
HEC88 Cuobenti, see Kwobenti
HEE86 Cuocamba, see Kwokamba
HCA68 Cuollu, see Kolu
?? Cuoltevella, see Kwoltebella
HCG62 Cuonchis, see Kwonkis
HEC67 Cuongi, see Kwonji
HEH74 Cuora, see Kwora
JDJ36c Cuoscescer, see Kwoshesher
HDB22 Cura, see Chora
HEJ54 Cura, see Berberay Kura
JCD69 Cura Baad, see Kura Baad
JBP26 Cura Cubane, see Kura Kubane
JCL87 Cura Der, see Kura Der
JCC39 Curale, see Kurale
JCU61 Curale, see Kurati
JBT62 Curalei, see Kuraley
JBJ84 Curallei, see Guralei
JBJ85 Curallei (Curullei), see Kuralley
HEL63 Curamba Gheorghis, see Koramba Giyorgis
JCU61 Curati, see Kurale
JDG97 Curbili Ale, see Kurbe
HER36 Curcuana, see Kurkwana
HEF33 Curcur, see Kurkur & HFE51
HER56 Curcura, see Kurkura & JDA64 JDA97
HEF15 Curcureta, see Ancharo
HCB36 Cure, see Kure & HCB38
HDG14 Cure, see Bata
GDE69 Cureca, see Churacha
JDK13 Curedelei (Curedelli), see Hamude
HEK60 Cureva, see Kureba
JDH55 Curfa Biche, see Kurfa Bike
JDC40 Curfa Curcura, see Kurfa Kurkura
JDG18 Curfa Giarti, see Kurfa Jarti
JDH57 Curfa Ihia, see Kurfa Ihiya
JDH57 Curfa Savenza, see Kurfa Savenza
JDJ22 Curfacelli, see Kurfa Chele
JBS34 Curi Bal, see Kuri Bal
HDU43 Curie, see Chibas
HCA43 Curil, see Guril
JDG95 Curmuhudali, see Kurmuhudali
JBH89 Curon (seasonal well) 04/41 [MS WO]
JBJ71 Curon, see Kuron
HBM53 Curraia, see Kurraya, cf El Kurraya
HBU53 Curre Liban, see Kurre Liban
HBL69 Currihello, see Kurrihello
JBJ68 Curro, see Gurro
HEC58 Curti, see Kurt Bahr
HDR95 Curub, see Kurub & JEH15
JEB95 Curub Che Rasu, see Kurub Meda
HDE59 Cusae, see Kusaye
HDE90 Cusae, see Chuka
JDD38 Cusca Tulli, see Kuska Tulli
GDL78 Cuscia, see Kusha
HEC75 Cuscul, see Kuskust
JDE12 Cush Dalat, see Kush Dalat
HED74 Cusquam, see Kuskwam
HBL66 Cussa, see Kusa
HDB69 Cussae, see Kutaye
HDK53 Cutai, see Gindeberat
JEC07 Cutcuda, see Kutkuda
HDD73 Cuttae, see Kuttaye
HDA59 Cutti, see Kutti
HEF92 Cuttie, see Kuttye
HDL80 Cuyou, see Gebre Guracha
HEH46 Cuza, see Luza
Da.., see also De..
daaba (O) 1. honey comb; 2. stall in a market;
3. jamb, doorpost, support for wall; 4. ritual food etc.
put aside for the gods; 5. poor, unfortunate
JDG56 Daababali Kaaylu (D. Caailu) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
daad (Som) flood, floodwater;
daadi (Som) to irrigate, to water, spill, scatter
HDC83 Daadi 08/36 [WO]
JCG97 Daalota, see Dalota
HDM60 Daanci, see under Mendida 09/39 [WO]
daar (Som) building of stone; daaro (Som) touch lightly, provoke
HFE84 Daaro Tekle, see Dearo Tekle
HBL91c Daas (small village with wells) 04/38 [20]
-- Daasanach language (Daasanech), see Dasenech
-- Daashi language, see Burji
HDU17c Daawy, near Shewa Robit 10/39 [20]
dab (Som) 1. fire; 2. trap, snare;
(O) (Daab-) plant; (Dab-) hit a target;
daba (O) 1. jamb, doorpost, support for wall;
2. ritual food etc put aside for the gods; 3. poor, unfortunate;
daba (A) skin coloured yellowish, born by itinerant monks or
by poor people; deba (däba) (A) intrigue
Daba (Dabba), a male personal name
HDK15 Daba (Dafu) (with church Medhane Alem) 09/37 [AA Gz]
0911'/3758' 2713 m,
see under Ilfeta, cf Debe
JDJ34 Daba 0923'/4158' 2098 m 09/41 [Gz]
HDT29 Daba Ager, see Ahba
H.... Daba Gabir (mountain in north-east Geralta) 13/39 [x]
HET96 Daba Gebre Menfes K'idus (church) 1331'/3859', 13/38 [Gz]
south of Abiy Adi
HFE05 Daba Tadis 1349'/3859' 1569 m 13/38 [Gz]
JCT21 Dabadur [=Daba Dur?] 0729'/4333' 922 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
dabaka (O) tree, the bark of which gives red colour, Faurea rochetiana
HCM91 Dabaka (Dabaca) 0712'/3926' 2209 m 07/39 [+ Gz]
dabala (O) increase; daballe, dabballe (O) age grade 1-8 years
in the Oromo gada system; dabaali (Som) cause to swim;
debal (däbal) (A) 1. work for each other by taking turns;
2. parasitic person who moves in with somebody
JEG24 Dabala (area), cf Debela 11/40 [WO]
JCS09 Daballac 0715'/4320' 893 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
daban (Som) trapped, snared; dabaan (Som) bail, guaranty;
dhaban (Som) cheek; deban (T) dark, nebulous, overcast
HDJ97 Daban (area) 09/37 [WO]
JCD13 Dabanak (Dabanach, Dabannac, Dalanac) 05/42 [+ WO Gz]
0532'/4250' 573 m
JCK65 Dabanak (Dabanac) 0653'/4301' 551 m 06/43 [+ WO Gz]
HBT33 Dabanas 0451'/3844' 1523 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
(with seasonal waterhole)
HC... Dabansha, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
dabar a..: abale (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Maesa lanceolata;
(abalä) (T) commemorate, celebrate
JBN26 Dabar Aballe (area) 04/40 [WO]
JBS98 Dabardulet, see Muldata
HES34 Dabarek (Dabark, Dabarq), see Debark
dabar (Som) tethering, hobbling, hobble rope for camels;
weyn (Som) big, important
KCA18 Dabarueine, see Deber Wen
dabas: debes (däbäs) (T) condoleance;
dabbese (dabbäsä) (A) touch lightly, grope, feel one's way
JDR08 Dabas (area) 987 m 09/42 [WO]
Dabasa, a male name among the Mecha Oromo
JDK.. Dabass, about 100 km north-east of Harar, 09/42 [18]
with many wells in a stream bed
dabat, debat (A) twilight
HES11 Dabat, see Amba Giyorgis
HES32 Dabat (Debat, Dahat) 1258'/3746' 2610 m 12/37 [MS Ad WO Gz]
Centre -1956-1964- of Dabat wereda & Beker sub-district,
in 1950s-1980 of Wegera awraja; with Saturday market.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Dudebit (village)
8E Selamge Iyesus (Selamghie Jesus) (church)
10SE Amba Shaa (Amba Sciaa) (area)
3S Sindeduaie (village)
6S Dara (village)
7S Charbita (Ciarbita) (area) 2608 m
8S Amergie (Ameghie) (mountains) 2533 m
7SW Werkesha (Uorchescia) (area)
7SW Cherna (church)
8N Seket Amba (Sechet Amba) (area)
7NE Kudara (Qudara) (village)
8NE Merka (Merca) (area)
9NE Avtara (village)
9NE Arnaldo (area)
HES32 Dabat sub-district? (-1997) 12/37 [n]
HES32 Dabat wereda (centre in 1964 = Dabat) 12/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HEJ56 Dabaza, west of Gorgora 12/37 [Ch]
dabba (A) yellowish tanned cow skin /worn by monks & hermits/
Dabba (Daba), a male personal name
HBR99 Dabba 0525'/3729' 1217 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
JEN06 Dabbaho (area) 1245'/4027' 443 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
dab..: dabbaan (Som) shallow water; to ford a river
HCN79 Dabbano (area) 07/35 [WO]
JDR08c Dabbas (on map of 1901) circa 1000'/4225' 10/42 [x]
HDH72 Dabbasso (hill) 09/35 [WO]
HER22 Dabda 12/36 [WO]
HDU94 Dabdo 1050'/3944' 1752 m 10/39 [Gz]
HER30 Dabdo 1301'/3639' 1218 m 13/36 [WO Gz]
dabe, daabee (O) type of women's or children's hair style
HDE49 Dabe 0831'/3918' 1600 m, see under Nazret 08/39 [Gz]
JCN98 Dabe (mountain) 0804'/4034' 1575 m 08/40 [Gz]
JCG64 Dabei (Dabel), see Dabey
dabela (A) billygoat
JDJ58 Dabelo 0933'/4221' 2359 m 09/42 [WO Gz]
dabelw..: weyna (A from Somali wayn) 1. large, big;
2. wine-coloured
JDE45 Dabelweyna (Dabelueina) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDL12 Dabelweyna (Dabelueina) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HDJ96 Daben (mountain) 0955'/3710' 2288 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDB44 Dabena 0842'/3606' 1965 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDB54 Dabena 0838'/3608' 2018 m 08/36 [Gz]
JDK48 Dabera 0925'/4329' 1473 m, cf Damerabob 09/43 [Gz]
JCG64 Dabey (Dabei, Dabel) (area) 0656'/4014' 2760 m 06/40 [+ Gz WO]
dabey w..: weyna (A from Somali wayn) large, big
JDK86 Dabey Weyna 0948'/4307' 1442 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDS22 Dabeyloweyn (Dabeilouein) (area) 1697 m 10/42 [+ WO]
HDK36 Dabi 0924'/3805' 1830 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCS92 Dabidar Gurawein (area) 08/42 [WO]
JCS72 Dabilla (hill) 07/42 [WO]
HDR05 Dabis 0959'/3704' 2295 m 09/37 [Gz]
dabit (A) rib meat, sparerib, sirloin
JDG95 Dabita 0955'/4018' 619 m 09/40 [Gz]
JDP11 Dabita (volcano), see Adwa
JDG75 Dabita Ale, see Derabale
HEL46 Dabiye 1210'/3903' 2513 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEJ68 Dablo (area known from the 1600s) 12/37 [20]
dabo: dabbo (A) bread /of wheat/; debo (däbo) (A), dabbo (O)
communal labour; daabo (Som) 1. become sick; 2. make a handle
Dabo .., cf Dapo ..
GCU56 Dabo 07/34 [WO]
HDB57 Dabo (Tulu Dabo), mountain west of Didessa river 08/36 [x]
HDB57 Dabo Anna (church) 08/36 [WO]
dabo du..: daabo (Som) become sick; dhurwaa (Som) hyena
JDE35 Dabo Durua (area) 08/43 [WO]
HD... Dabo Gacho (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HDM64 Dabo Gedam kebele (.. Gädam ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Ankober wereda, 9-11 km
north-northeast of Ankober town; area 299 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dabo gu..: gumbi, gumbii (O) granary inside the house;
(A) black-and-white bird with curved beak
HDB66 Dabo Gumbi (Dapo G.) (mountain) 08/36 [WO Gz]
0846'/3617' 2261/2290 m
?? Dabo Hana sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
H.... Dabo Zellelew, in Temben south/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
Archaeological site being a cave 4.6 m wide and 3 m high.
HER09 Daboja (Dabogia) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDN74c Dabok (ford across the Abay) 10/35 [Ch]
JCC25 Daboli (El Davole) 0539'/4205' 502/677 05/42 [Gz WO]
HD... Dabotemo (in Arjo awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
Dabra .., see Debre ..
HDM62 Dabra Berhan, see Debre Birhan
HDE66 Dabra Zeit, see Debre Zeyt
HEL75 Dabro Giyorgis (Dabro Gheorghis) (church) 12/38 [+ WO]
HDM40 Dabta 0927'/3922' 2882 m 09/39 [Gz]
dabu (O) to plant, set up, fasten, place, arrange,
break down, put into fire, straighten, etc
GDL48 Dabu (hill), see Dubu
HDA46 Dabu 0834'/3525' 1666 m, cf Dapo 08/35 [WO Gz]
HDE52 Dabu 08/38 [WO]
JCP65 Dabuli 0746'/4108' 1439 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
H.... Dabunko (ford across the Abay) 10/35? [Ch]
KCA18 Dabureine, see Deber Wen
JBG54 Daburre 0404'/4013' 955 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
HDN64 Dabus (left-bank tributary of the Abay) 10/35 [Ch]
dabusi (O) pepper
HDN15 Dabuso 1014'/3514' 781 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
HDE67 Daca, see Daka
JEH76 Daca, see Daha
HBR67 Daca Alati, see Daka Alati
HBS31 Daca Cuilinei, see Daka Kwiliney
JBR70 Dacai Adade, see Dakay Adade
JDC18 Dacata Ierei, see Dakata Yerey
JDK20 Dacata, see Dakata
HDJ49 Dacche Debelo, see Dakke Debelo
dacha (O) pass, opening between hills or mountains
JCL16 Dacha (waterhole) 0629'/4359' 06/43 [WO Gz]
-- Dache (Gereze)
dache (O) kind of spirit in traditional beliefs; (A) run over
HDF80 Dachew kebele (Dch'äw ..) 08/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
4-5 km west of Balchi; area 243 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dachi, dache (O) earth, ground, land, soil for burial;
dachi, daachi (O) ceremony involving slaughter
HCJ66 Dachi 0656'/3711' 1876 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
-- Dachitu (dach'itu), a clan of the Fullelle of the Borana people
HCP36 Dacho (Dacio) 0733'/3615' 1541 m 07/36 [+ It Gz]
HBM74 Dacka Dima, see Dakka Dima
JBP19 Dackara (Daccara) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
JDB13 Dackara (Daccara) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HBT25 Dackura (G. Dakkura) (area) 04/38 [+ WO]
HDB61 Daclo, see Daklo
HEL74 Dacna, see Dahana
HDF96 Dacne, see Dakne
JDK93 Dacsile, see Daksile
HES43 Dacua, see Dakwa
HBK32 Dacuagalla, see Kagalla
KCP47 Dacub, see Dakub
HCS95 Dacun, see Dakuna
dad (Som) 1. people; 2. conceal, hide;
dada (O) ghee, /clarified/ butter, oil;
-- Dada, a clan of the Mecha Oromo
HDD91 Dada 1824/1864 m 09/37 [AA]
HDK48 Dada 0925'/3817' 2454 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCP14 Dada 0723'/4107' 1405 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
HDT31 Dada Gimbel 1015'/3836' 1857 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEE12 Dada kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda, 12-24 km
west-southwest of Ajibar; area 4,479 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCT87c Dadabo, see Dedebo
JDC55 Dadaga 0840'/4207' 1298 m 08/42 [x Gz]
JCB59 Dadajo (Malca Addaggio?) (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO Gu]
-- dadale: Dadalle, an Oromo tribe which is fully Muslim
JDK63 Dadale (area) 0938'/4244' 09/42 [Gu Gz]
JDH28 Dadar, see Deder
HEM94c Dadata (area) 12/39 [Gu]
JDN59c Dadda (waterhole) 10/40 [Ne]
dadd..: dadachu (O) 1. crackling sound like when coffee beans
with shells are roasted; 2. to boast /over a victory/
JBP65 Daddacho (Daddacio) (area) 05/41 [+ WO]
JBP85 Daddacho (area) 05/41 [WO]
HCM80 Daddecia, see Tadecha
JCR80 Daddeo Amara (area) 08/41 [WO]
HBR34 Daddota (area) 04/37 [WO]
dade, daaddee (O) meaning what?
HDC44 Dade 0835'/3702' 1828 m 08/37 [Gz]
dadecha (O) thorn shrub or tree, Acacia etbaica
HDE38 Dadecha (Dadeccia, M) (area), cf Tadecha 08/39 [+ WO]
JDS43 Dadehta (area) 1257 m 10/42 [WO]
dadetta (Konso) kind of "holy" tree; dadatu (O) shrub or
tree of the Leguminosae family, Millettia darassana,
with long pods;
dadi (O) patience; chances for success;
daadhi (O) mead made of honey, tej;
daddi, daddie (western O) porcupine, Hystrix cristata
Dadi, a male personal name
JDH34 Dadi 0920'/4106' 2133 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDR09 Dadi 1001'/4226' 945 m 10/42 [Gz]
HCP26 Dadibano (Dadbano) (fuming thermal springs) 07/36 [WO Gu Gz LM]
0729'/3615' 1479 m
HBS46c Dadim (Dhadim), see also under Yabelo wereda 04/38 [20]
HBS.. Dadim kebele (Dhadim ..) 04/38 [20]
JCG67 Dadimos (Dadimus, Gulbaduma) (mountains) 06/40 [Gz WO x]
0657'/4026' peak 2168 m/2987 m
dado (A,T) nut /of screw/; dado, daadoo (O) temporary
association for co-operative minor activities;
dhaado (Som) tie an animal by the leg;
-- Daddo Aro, a lineage of the Sabbo-Digalu of the Borana people
HDJ65 Dado 0940'/3708' 2440 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL12 Dado 0912'/3841' 2552 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCH20c Dado (visiting postman under Jimma) 06/40 [Po]
JCH20 Dado, M. (seasonal waterhole) 06/40 [MS WO]
dadu (O) matting; daddu (T) Pupalia lappacea
HDK70 Dadu 0941'/3732' 2285 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEJ75 Dadu, see under Chilga 12/37 [WO]
HEE15 Dadula 1101'/3854' 2939 m 11/38 [Gz]
HFF42 Daeda Amba sub-district 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sinkata)
HFF42 Daeda Amba wereda (Da'eda ..) 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sinkata)
JEH94 Daertuma (Daei-tuma) (hill) 1238'/4103' 478 m 12/41 [Ne Gz n]
JDG45 Daetali 0929'/4016' 690 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
HEJ.. Dafacha, see Defecha
JEH02 Dafala 1150'/4057' 415 m 11/40 [Gz]
JEJ75 Dafara 1226'/4208' 553 m, with Dubti settlement 12/42 [Gz]
HCR.. Dafat 07/36 [It]
HEM70 Dafat Kahinate Semay (church) 1224'/3923' 12/39 [Gz 18]
(on map of 1814)

dafe, dafee (O) kidney-bean

HDF55 Dafe Jema 0839'/3950' 1219 m, cf Jemah 08/39 [Gz]
HEE11 Dafer Geregera kebele (Dafär Gärägära ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda at its western border,
22-26 km west-southwest of Ajibar; area 2,348 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCM04 Daferur (waterhole) 0620'/4442' 06/44 [WO Gz]
JDN49 Daffeina (area) 10/40 [WO]
JDP63 Daffeina Garsa (area) 10/40 [WO]
daffen (A) kind of fine for not cultivating allotted land;
deffene (däffänä) (A) fill up /hole in the ground/
JEJ55 Daffena (area) 12/42 [WO]
dafino (O) Monday, god of Monday
GDM33 Dafino 1548 m 09/34 [WO]
dafino g..: gaba, gabaa (O) market;
gabaa (O) thorn-like shoot or stalk; gaba (A,T) thorny shrub
HDG06c Dafino Gaba (with Monday market) 1738 m 09/35 [Gu]
-- /Gaba is an ethnic group = Dullay/
HEK90 Daflecha (area near Gondar) 12/37 [n]
HCD92 Dafne, see Boreda
?? Dafo, village in Tigray visited in 1810 ../.. [18]
JCD07 Dafoyeh (Dafoie) 05/43 [x WO]
dafu (O) 1. to hurry; 2. to strike, beat, knock;
defu (däfu) (A) the doorsill
HDK15 Dafu 0909'/3759' 2713, 2859, 3015 m, 09/37 [WO Gz]
see also Daba
daga, dagaa (O) stone, stone enclosure, rock;
daga (A) ridge serving as boundary between two fields;
dagga, degga (O), dega (A) highland; dege (T) out-of-door
HCU84 Daga 0802'/3643' 1521 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDT90 Daga (ford) 1260/1310 m, cf Dega 10/39 [Gu Ch]
HEJ18 Daga, see Dega
JDC86 Daga (area) 08/42 [WO]
HBT05 Daga Bera Dego, see Dega Bera
daga bu..: burka, burqaa (O) spring or stream;
(A) official in charge of sub-district
H.... Daga Burka (river in the Agere Maryam region) 05/38? [Mi]
HC... Daga Dima, west of lake Ziway 07/38? [x]
HEF53 Daga Estifanos, see Dega Istifanos
HEJ18 Daga Estifanos (Dega Istifanos, D. Estefanos) 11/39 [En x Gu]
(Debre Daga E.)
old monastery on an island in lake Tana, still active
daga fa..: fachaasa (O) will cultivate
JDK56 Daga Fachaas (Daga Faciaas) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
daga me..: medo (A) comb; meddo (Som/H.Salt) black
JCL81 Daga Medo (Medo) 06/43? [Gz WO]
JCS85 Daga Medo, see Degeh Medo
daga odda, fig tree rock? oda (O) kind of large fig tree,
Ficus sycomorus; odda (O) not on speaking terms;
(Kefa O) kind of scrubby bush or tree, Ximenia americana
JDJ52 Daga Odda (area) 1359 m, see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [WO]
?? Daga Roba (historical hill) ../.. [n]
?? Daga Shaha, see under Mai Islami
daga tu..: tulla, tuullaa (O) sheaves stacked upright
JCP52c Daga Tula 07/40 [Wa]
dagab..: boka has several meanings, see directly under this word
GDM41 Dagaboka (T. Dagaboca) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
dagabora (O) rock saddle? cf bora
GDF73c Dagabora (hill) 08/34 [Gu]
GDF92c Dagabora (hill), see under Gidami 08/34 [Gu]
HDH70 Dagaborra 09/35 [WO]
dagabul.: bule (O) 1. assistant at a ceremony of sacrifice;
2. stay overnight; bulee (O) several meanings for colour;
bulee (Som) put tassels on
HCD62 Dagabule, see under Arba Minch 06/37 [Br Ca]
HFD.. Dagabuna (near Inda Silase) 14/38 [Yo]
JDE01 Dagabur (Dagabour, Dagahabur), see Degeh Bur
GDF95 Dagacha (Dagacia) 09/34 [+ WO]
-- Dagadima, cf Karrayu
dagaga (O) 1. ivory; 2. well developed, grown;
dagaag (Som) 1. migrate; 2. become destitute
JDC56c Dagaga, cf Degaga 08/42 [Wa]
JDR59 Dagago 1028'/4226' 943 m 10/42 [Gz]
dagaha wo..: worabbo (Som) hyena; weraba (Harari) hyena;
warabboo (O) large antelope, eland?
JDS12 Dagaha Woraba (Dagaha Uoraba) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
JDE01 Dagahabur (Dagahbur), see Degeh Bur
JCD92 Dagaielei, see Dega Yiley
JCB70 Dagaio (Dagajie, Dagagie) 0609'/4047' 826 m 06/40 [MS WO Wa Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCA79
HDA38 Dagakeri (Dagacheri) 08/35 [+ WO]
dagal: dagaal (Som) attack, fight, battle
HBK27 Dagal (area) 0350'/3811' 829 m 03/38 [WO Gz]
JBU83 Dagal 05/44 [WO]
dagala, daggala (O) forest, thicket; hermitage, retreat
JDJ69 Dagala (area) 2406 m, cf Daggala 09/42 [WO]
dagale (O) cupola-shaped structure under the thatch
of a round house
HEP04 Dagalish (Jabal D., Jebel D.) 1243'/3601' 12/36 [Gz]
(mountain largely inside Sudan)
HDL81 Dagam, see Degem
JCS85 Dagamedo (Daga Medo), see Degeh Medo
dagamo: dagama (O) sorcery, witchcraft
HBS98 Dagamo (area) 0524'/3815' 05/38 [WO Gz]
dagano: dagaan (Som) settlement, environment;
dagan (Som) deceived; defenseless;
degan (dägan) (A) bow for carding wool or cotton
JCN28 Daganno (area) 07/40 [WO]
JCG63 Dagano 0647'/4003' 1704 or 3339 m 06/40 [WO Gz]
JEH75 Dagar, see Dagat
dagara, dagaraa (O) 1. kind of axe; 2. Maria Theresa coin
JCP52 Dagaru (Dagatu) 0746'/4057' 1538 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
JCC90 Dagas 0618'/4140' 863 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
dagat: daget (dagät) (A) uphill road, slope, ascent;
(T) quay
JEH75 Dagat (mountain area) 1225'/4107' 786 m 12/41 [WO 18 Ne Gz]
JCS92 Dagata (area) 827 m 08/42 [WO]
dagaya (O) hearing (or similar meaning)
JCD92 Dagayeley (Dagaielei) 06/42 [+ WO]
JEH66 Dagazo (plain) 12/41 [Ne]
HEB28 Dagenga, see Dajenga
HDM14 Dagete 0911'/3946' 1273 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDR25 Dagga, see Degga, cf Daga
JFB40 Daggaddo 1402'/4043' - 34 m, below sea level 14/40 [Gz]
HCU35 Daggagga (area) 2290 m 07/39 [WO]
JDE01 Daggah Bur, see Degeh Bur
daggala, daggalaa (O) forest, thicket
JEB69 Daggala (area) see under Asaita, cf Dagala 11/41 [WO]
HDJ80 Daggam (mountain), cf Degem 09/36 [WO]
dagi, daagii (O) lazy /oxen that lie down on the job/
HEC45 Dagi (Daghi) 1115'/3705' 2106/2150 m 11/37 [+ WO Gz]
JDB90 Dagi (G. Daghi) (area) 2431 m 08/40 [+ WO]
JDB90 Dagi, see under Bedesa
HDM63 Dagiat, see Digut
HET17 Dagibi 1251'/3906' 1759 m 12/39 [Gz]
JEC84 Dagirye (Daghirie) (with waterhole) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDU15 Dagmat kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Kewet wereda at the southern end of its main
western border, 10-13 km north of Debre Sina; area 1,013 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCS85 Dagmeda, see Degeh Medo
JBU84 Dagnerrei, see Danyerrey & JCE21
dagno (O) courtier serving an Oromo king
HDK26 Dagno, see Danyo
dago, daggo (O) arbitrator, judge; dagoo (O) permit, license;
dago (Som) 1. first month of Somali lunar calendar;
2. narrow escape; be misled; daggo (Som) minestrone-type soup
?? Dago, in northern Menz (historical from mid-1400s) ../.. [x]
HEB44 Dago 1116'/3604' 1201 m 11/36 [WO Gz]
HEJ18 Dago Istafanos, see Debre Istifanos
GDE68 Dagobassa (Gebel Dagobasa, Dagobesa) (hill) 08/34 [WO Gz]
0844'/3411' 715 m
HFE36 Dagohia, see Dekuya
HEK71 Dagoma, see Deguma
JEJ55 Dagorri (area) 12/42 [WO]
dagos..: dagussa (A) kind of cereal with black grains, millet,
Eleusine coracana, E. toccusso
HEJ54 Dagossa (on map of 1868), see Takusa
?? Dagoye (in the Guma kingdom of the 1800s) ../.. [x]
HEM51 Dagrich Giyorgis (church) 1217'/3927' 12/39 [Gz]
HDU84 Daguche kebele (Daguché ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Antsokiya & Gemza wereda at its western border,
4-7 km north-west of Majete; area 1,003 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF22 Dagudit (mountain chain) 1350'/3935' 2239 m 13/39 [Gz]
H.... Dagum (ctr in 1964 of Zeban Geralta sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
dagwa (Welega Bega) tree growing near rivers;
tafa (O) hip, haunch, thigh, rump;
t'afa (A) plates of metal as decoration of shield
HER67 Dagwa Tafa (Dagua Tafa) (amba) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1319'/3723' 2513 m
HDS72 Dagwey (Daguai, Daguaj, Degwe, Dägwe, Dague) 10/37 [+ WO Gz Pa]
(mountain) 1038'/3743' 2798 m, peak 3228 m
JED13 Dagwin (Daguin) (mountain), cf Deg Weyn 11/42 [+ WO]
daha (O) /=: ?/ deha (däha) (A) poor; dahe (Dahä) (A) crawl,
walk on all fours /like a baby/; dahwa (Kwara Agaw) clay
JEH76 Daha (Daka, Daca) (well) 1224'/4116' 12/41 [WO Ne Gz]
HEC95 Daha Giyorgis (D. Gheorghis) (church) 11/37 [+ It]
JEH22 Dahafala (area) 11/40 [WO]
HDT06 Dahahila 1001'/3859' 2225 m 10/38 [Gz]
JEB78 Dahale 1133'/4128' 353/360 m, see under Asaita 11/41 [WO Gz]
JEC83 Dahali (waterhole) 11/41 [WO]
HDU04 Dahama, M. (area) 09/39 [WO]
JCF65c Dahambar (salty rich well) 06/44 [Gu]
HDL74 Dahana 0944'/3850' 2196 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Abune Filipos), see under Debre Libanos
HEJ67c Dahana (large village), cf Dehana 12/37 [Gu]
HEL74 Dahana (Dacna) 1227'/3851' 2182 m 12/38 [Gz]
dahar (Som) 1. house, building; 2. tree;
dahaar (Som) 1. turtle shell; 2. decoration
JDG48 Dahari Mafari (area) 1088 m 09/40 [WO]
HES32 Dahat, see Dabat
JDP64 Dahau (mountain) 1030'/4106' 790 m 10/41 [Gz]
H.... Dahimela (sub-district, centre in 1964 = Feres Deg) 13/39 [Ad]
dahna: dehna (dähna) (A) good, safe
HEJ57 Dahna (Darna) 1216'/3719' 1784 m, 12/37 [Gu Gz]
cf Dahana, Dehana, Dena ..
HFE,? Dahna, historical small district of Lasta,
current village Dahna is 20 km east of Tekezze river
daho: daaho (Som) drape, cover with a curtain; dahoo, Oromo word
HDD75 Daho, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
JEH83 Dahohale (mountain area) 1235'/4057' 570 m 12/40 [WO Ne Gz]
JEH11 Dahorrita (area) 11/40 [WO]
HEK55 Dahuch (Dauc) (mountain) 2396/2945 m 12/37 [LM WO Gu]
-- Dahuchi, cf Tach Dahuchi
JCJ45 Dai (area) 06/42 [WO]
HDE19 Daia, see Dera
HCD24 Daichita 05/37 [WO]
HER41 Daid, see Amba Daid
HCD81 Daida c. 3000 m, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HDN32 Daildessa, see Dildessa
?? Daime, in the country of the Guji people ../.. [x]
JEC40 Daimoli (mountain, same as Damahale?), 11/41 [x]
on map of 1901
HCA38 Dainghei Ueca, see Dingay Wiha
dair: dayr (Som) cool season
HDU63 Dair, see Dasa
JDH87 Dairara (recorded in 1841) 09/41 [Ha]
HET98 Dairey Chalakuy (Da'irey Ch'alak'uy) 13/39 [Gz]
1333'/3913' 2034 m
HEM71 Dairo (Da'iro) 1225'/3928' 2151 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFF21 Dairo (Da'iro), see May Dairo
HFF95 Daisoli (mountain) 1424'/3954' 470 m 14/39 [Gz]
HDL71 Daite (Da'ite) 0945'/3835' 2979 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
GDM12 Daito (Da'ito) 0909'/3433' 1557 m 09/34 [Gz]
HFC08 Dajana, see Dejena
HEB28 Dajenga (Dagenga) (area) 11/36 [+ WO]
HDM42 Dajet 0928'/3931' 2928 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEF12 Dajole kebele (Dajolé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Dese Zuriya wereda touching its southern border,
20-27 km south-west of Dessie town; area 2,715 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dak: daak- (O) grind
HEJ17 Dak (Dak', Daq), see Narga
daka, daga (O) 1. stone; 2. turning round, return, reward;
3. down, toward a lower part; 4. swimming; (daaqaa) border;
daka (T) ground
HDE67 Daka (Daca), cf Dakka, Deke 08/38 [+ Gu]
JEH76 Daka, see Daha
daka a..: allatti (O) any large bird
HBR67 Daka Alati (Daca Alati) (hill?) 05/37 [+ WO]
daka ba..: baru, baruu (O) learn, get used to
HBF81 Daka Baru (Gara D. B.) 0330'/3926' 1229 m 03/39 [Gz]
(mountain near the border of Kenya)
HBF81c Daka Baru (locality) 0336'/3856' 03/38 [Gz]
HBS31 Daka Kwiliney (Daca Cuilinei) (mountain?) 04/37 [+ WO]
daka se..: sedada (sädada) (A) bare, without covering
JCB89 Daka Sedadi (Daca ..) 0616'/4134' 808 m 06/41 [WO It Gz]
HEL.. Dakana, see Dehana
HFF.. Dakane 14/39? [En]
archaeological site in Gulo Mekeda wereda
HCR38 Dakano, see Dekano
dakanu (Afar) elephant
JDJ06c Dakar (historically recorded in the 1400s) 09/42 [20]
south-east of Harar, see also Deker
HFD.. Dakashaha 13/38 [+ n]
JDJ.. Dakata (Dakhata), see Babile : Valley of Marvels
JDK20 Dakata (Dacata) (area), cf Daketa 09/42 [+ WO]
dakata ye..: yeri (O) lean, emaciated
JDC18 Dakata Yerey (Dacata Ierei) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
dakay ad..: adada (O) aunt
JBR70 Dakay Adade (Dacai ..) (mountain) 05/41 [+ WO Gz]
0505'/4130' 345 m
JEH74 Dakbivie (Dakbwie) (well) 1228'/4107' 12/41 [WO Gz Ne]
JCG83 Dakera, see Darera
JDD50 Daketa 0840'/4234' 1048 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDD70 Daketa 0850'/4234' 1210 m 08/42 [Gz]
HFE86 Dakeyano (Dak'eyano, Daqeyano) 14/39 [Gz q]
1419'/3903' 2040 m
HCP04 Dakia (forest) 07/36 [WO]
dakiye (A), daakkiyee (O) kinds of wild duck
HBK95 Dakiyo, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]

HBM46 Dakka (area) 04/39 [WO]

dakka (A) large metal vessel for fermenting dough; (O) rock on land;
ararsa (O) peace-making, reconciliation
HBM01 Dakka Arasa (area) 03/39 [WO]
HBL41 Dakka Chro (area) 04/38 [WO]

dakka di..: dima, diima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;

2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides; 3. baobab large tree,
Adansonia digitata
dakka dima (O) rock with the baobab tree?
HBL41 Dakka Dima (area) 04/39 [WO]
HBM74 Dakka Dima (Dacka Dima) (w seasonal waterhole) 04/39 [WO Gz MS]
0417'/3942' 1117 m
HBK94 Dakka Kurrari (area) 04/37 [WO]
dakka wa..: wata come out; watta hunter;
wata, waata (O) 1. caste of potters; 2. chairman;
3. (Gondar A) minstrel, itinerant singer;
daka watta (O) rock of the hunter?
-- Wata is a tribe
HBM70 Dakka Wata (D. Uata, Daccauatta) (area) 04/39 [+ WO Gz]
dakkabore (O) rock with hydromel?
JCR78 Dakkabore (area), cf Dekabora 07/42 [WO]
HBR15 Dakkamunna, see Kumbi
dakkaro..: roba, rooba, robaa (O) rain
HBL22 Dakkaroba (Takoaroba) (with seasonal waterhole) 03/38 [WO Wa Gz]
HDJ49 Dakke Debelo (Dacche D., Dokkie Dabalo) 09/37 [+ It Gz]
0925'/3726' 2288 m
HBT25 Dakkura, see Dackura
HDB61 Daklo (T. Daclo) (hill) 08/35 [+ WO]
dakna (daqna) (O) body /of person or animal/
HEL74 Dakna (Dacna) 1226'/3851' 2182 m 12/38 [+ n]
HDF96 Dakne (Dacne) (area) 1464 m 09/39 [+ WO]
daks..: daqsi (Som) fly
JDK93 Daksile (Dacsile) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
dakub (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Grewia trichocarpa
KCP47 Dakub (Dacub) 0739'/4620' 610 m 07/46 [+ WO Gz]
HCS95 Dakuna (Dak'une, Daquna, Dacun, Dakonna) 08/37 [x Gz WO]
0805'/3758' 2343 m
(centre of a sub-district in the 1960s),
see under Indibir
dakwa (T) collar; dakway (T) be impoverished
HES43 Dakwa (Dacua, Wek'in, Weqin) 1304'/3749' 13/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(with Gondarine church) 2713 m, see also Wekin?
dal (Som) country, land, territory; dhal (Som) children,
descendants; dhaal (Som) earthenware cooking vessel,
smoking pipe; (O) (Daal-) inherit; (Dal) give birth
JBS28 Dal Dal (waterhole) 0445'/3558' 368 m 04/43 [WO Gz]
dal le..: lele, leelee (O) dirt
JCR36 Dal Lehele, see under Hamero 07/42 [WO]
dala (O) 1. area closed to cattle; 2. new-born baby, offspring;
3. female animal e.g. mare; 4. usury, interest, profit;
(dhala) 1. inheritance; 2. marrying a widow of one's brother
HEE59 Dala 1121'/3919' 2037 m 11/39 [Gz]
HET39 Dala (Dela) 1259'/3919' 2294 m 13/39 [Gz]
JCP52 Dala, see Dalla
dala ka..: kara, qaraa (O) 1. road, path; 2. edge;
3. far-away place; 4. never, not at all; 5. (qaraa) green chilli;
6. dry sorghum stalk; 7. first-rate boiled coffee;
kara, karra (A), kaaraa (O) knife
HDM67 Dala Kara 09/39 [WO]
HC... Dalacha, in Duro in the lake region 07/38? [x]
JDR73 Daladdu (area) 10/41 [WO]
dalaha..: hati, hatii (O) mother
JEP64 Dalahati 1317'/4105' 389 m 13/41 [Gz]
JDD32 Dalalaha (area) 08/42 [WO]
dalalian ma..: maru (O) 1. swirl, roll, wind, surround;
2. to heal, recover, regain health; 3. to advise, pardon
JEP94 Dalalian Maru 1331'/4103' -25 m, below sea level 13/41 [WO Ne Gz]
JCD13 Dalanac, see Dabanak
GCU76 Dalanchi (Dalanci) (area) 07/34 [+ WO]
HEE78 Dalanta, see Delanta
HEP26 Dalasa, Jebel (Delesa) 1254'/3611' 12/36 [WO Gz]
dalata: dalate (O) first-born, eldest son;
dhalatta (O) one who is adopted into a clan
HDE64 Dalata (mountain) 0846'/3849' 2133 m 08/38 [n]
HDH77 Dalata, cf Deleta 09/36 [WO]
HDM40 Dalata, M. (area) 09/39 [WO]
HDA72 Dalati (Delatti) 0851'/3503' 1776 m, cf Daleti 08/35 [Gz]
HDG05 Dalati, T. (hill) 09/35 [WO]
HDG19 Dalati, see Daleti
HEM73c Dalati 12/39 [Gu]
dalatti, daalattii (O) grey /usually of female animals/
GDU.? Dalatti, village north-east of Asosa 10/35? [x]
HDH85 Dalatti (mountain) 1790 m 09/36 [WO]
HDD63 Dalbatta (mountain) 08/37 [WO]
dalbo (Som) 1. send away on an errand; apply for job;
2. having knock-knees
HCK64 Dalbo (Dalbu), see Delbu
HCK63 Dalbu, see Damota
dale, dalee (O) cows /mostly/ with grey colour;
dalee (O) 1. camel; 2. melted butter
-- Dale, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HDG38 Dale 0920'/3531' 1837 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH58 Dale (Luber, Lubet) (mountain) 09/36 [Gz]
0933'/3627' 1242 m
HDJ32 Dale 0922'/3652' 1876 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ60 Dale 0942'/3641' 1460 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK78 Dale 0945'/3815' 2583 m 09/38 [Gz]
dalee (Som) decorate; establish a nation;
male (Som) thought, idea; (A) swear, take a vow;
male, malee (O) without
-- Male, Malie, name of an ethnic group
HBK18 Dale Male 03/38 [WO]
HD... Dale Sedi sub-district (-1997-) 08/35? [n]
H.... Dale sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
dale su..: suukii (O) shop, store
HDG04 Dale Suchi (Dalie ..) 09/35 [+ Ad]
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Immo)
dale wab..: waabara (O) algae, green vegetation
layer on water surface
H.... Dale Wabera sub-district (Dalie ..) 08/35? [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Wabera) (-1964-1997-)
HCL.. Dale wereda (Dalle ..) 06/38 [20]
HDA82c Dale wereda (Dalie ..), in the Awasa region 08/35 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Alem Teferi)
(-1994-) is divided into 77 rural and 9 urban kebeles.
dalecha, dalicha (A) grey; dalecho (A) kind of shrub or
small tree, Olinia usambarensis;
dalacha (O) grey /animal/; dalcha (O) sperm
HDC08 Dalecha (Daleccia), see Seto
HDE05 Dalecha (Oriessa, Uriesa, Uryesa) 08/38 [Gz WO Gu]
0809'/3854' 1710 m
HDK19 Dalecha 0912'/3822' 2695 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDG29 Dalecha (area) 1776 m
JDG29 Dalecha (Gebel Daleccia, Dalesha, Dalecho) 09/40 [WO Gz Wa]
(mountain) 0913'/4040' 1513 m
Coordinates would give map code JDG19
HCP69 Dalecho (Bore) 0749'/3634' 1847 m 07/36 [Gz]
JDG19 Dalecho (Dalecha) (mountain) 09/40 [Gz]
0913'/4040' 1513 m
dalecho dako: dhako (Som) 1. summit, crown of the head;
2. hide oneself; dhaqo (Som) raise, breed, care for one's
own family
?? Dalecho Dako (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JE... Daleh (at left bank of Awash) 11/41 [18]
JDR28 Dalelmale (Dallei Malle) (area) 838 m, cf Deleymeley 10/42 [WO n]
HDJ33 Daleta 0922'/3654' 1846 m 09/36 [Gz]
daleti: dalatti (O) grey /usually of female animals/
HDA79 Daleti (Dalatte) 08/35 [LM WO]
HDG19 Daleti (Dalati, Dalatti) (with church Maryam) 09/35 [Gz WO Gu]
0910'/3538' 1709 m, west of Gimbi
HDG29c Daleti (Dalleti) (mountain west of Gimbi) 09/35 [+ Mi]
HDH84 Daleti 0952'/3606' 1202 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ20 Daleti (mountain) 0916'/3641' 1667 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ35 Daleti (area), see under Haretu 09/37 [WO]
HDJ46 Daleti 0929'/3710' 2225 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK83 Daleti (area) 09/37 [AA]
HDL52 Daleti (Daletti) 0934'/3839' 2289 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL61 Daleti (Daletti) (with church) 2666 m nearby 09/38 [AA WO]
HDL62 Daleti (Daletti) 0937'/3836' 2526 m, 09/38 [Gz]
(with church Silase)
HDL67 Daleti 0941'/3904' 2577 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL75 Daleti 0946'/3856' 2304 m (with church Maryam) 09/38 [Gz]
HDL77 Daleti (Bocolo) 0947'/3907' 2609 m, 09/39 [Gz WO]
see under Webera
HDL85 Daleti (with church) 09/38 [AA]
HDL91 Daleti 0955'/3832' 2203 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM61 Daleti 0940'/3926' 2771 m 09/39 [Gz]
JDC46 Daleti Afeta (Gara Daletti) (mountain) 08/42 [Gz WO]
0834'/4207' 1155/1345 m
Coordinates would give map code JDC45
HDT55 Daleti kebele (Daläti ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Wegdi wereda at its south-eastern border,
6-11 km east of Mahdere Selam; area 2,914 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM61 Daleti & Mekegn kebele (Daläti & Mäqägn ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda touching its
western border, 6-10 km west of Debre Birhan town; area 1,755 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Daleti Wenji (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HCR97 Daletti (church) 08/37 [WO]
HDL46 Daletti (plain) 09/39 [WO]
HDL78 Daletti, see under Deneba 09/39 [WO]
JDC46 Daletti, Gara (area) 0834'/4207' 1155/1345 m 08/42 [WO n]
Coordinates would give map code JDC45
JEA72 Daleymate (Daleimate) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
dalgal ga..: Galla (A) Oromo; gala (O) camel
GDE89 Dalgal Galla, Gebel (hill) 0854'/3419' 08/34 [WO Gz]
HDD62 Dalidao (mountain) 3200 m 08/37 [WO]
HC... Dalie (centre in 1964 of Wushayie sub-district), 07/37 [Ad]
cf Dale
HDE72 Dalita 0853'/3838' 2266 m 08/38 [Gz]
JCM63 Dall 06/44 [WO]
dalla, dallaa (O) fence, cattle enclosure, 'kraal';
della (dälla) (A) 1. be comfortable; 2. be biased,
show favour
JCP52 Dalla (Dala) 0743'/4055' 1520 m, cf Delle 07/40 [WO Gz]
dallad (Som) umbrella
dalladu (O) kind of marsh grass, bulrush?
JDH33 Dalladu (Calladu, Kalladu) 0923'/4050' 09/40 [MS WO Gz]
1149/1268 m, see under Afdem
HCR52 Dallati (mountain) 2120 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [WO]
cf Dalati, Dalatti, Daletti
dalle (A) hips /of woman/
HCJ66 Dalle 06/37 [WO]
HCJ74 Dalle (Dale) 07/37 [WO LM]
HCK39 Dalle Avio (Italian name, airport of Dalle) 06/38 [Gu]
HCK49 Dalle, see Yirga Alem 06/38 [WO]
HDH02 Dalle, T. (hill) 2095 m 09/35 [WO]
JDN66 Dalle Faghe 10/40 [Ne]
H.... Dalle wereda, see Dale ..
JDR28 Dallei Male, see Dalelmale
HDG29c Dalleti, see Daleti
HC... Dallo (area) 06/39 [Gu n]
HD... Dallo (Dallu?) in Arsi, near the Liban forest ../.. [x]
JFA.. Dallol, see Dalol
dallu, dalluu (O) hump
HDC79 Dallu, T. (hill) 08/37 [WO]
dalo: dhalo (Som) 1. crown of the head; 2. be born
HCK58 Dalo (area), cf Delo 06/38 [WO]
HDB61 Dalo 0847'/3550' mountain peak 2038 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDE66 Dalo 0846'/3902' 1951 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDH.. Dalo (village), see under Nekemte 09/36 [n]
HDH12 Dalo 0910'/3555' 1735 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ10 Dalo (mountain) 0910'/3641' 2164 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDA99 Dalo 0859'/4036' 1982 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDH34 Dalo (mountain) 0922'/4105' 1800 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDH47 Dalo 0932'/4144' 1377 m, cf Delo 09/41 [WO Gz]
HDT98c Dalo Bet sub-district (.. Biet ..) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Akista)
dalo ga..: galala (O) grass; galalu (O) shake off soil
from uprooted grass; galalo (western O), kind of
medium-sized tree, Bridelia macrantha, B. micrantha
HCL34 Dalo Galalo 0637'/3849' 2185/2548 m 06/38 [x Gz]
dalo si..: siba, siiba (O) large jar in which
beer is brewed
HDH01 Dalo Siba 0909'/3549' 1847 m 09/35 [Gz]
-- /Siba is a Borana lineage/
HDH11 Dalo Siba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gimbi) 09/35 [Ad]

-- Dalocha, traditionally a Gurage area

HCT60 Dalocha (Daloccia) (area) 0747'/3815' 2048 m 07/38 [WO Gz]
HCT60 Dalocha sub-district 07/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dengi) (1964-1997-)
(-1994-) is divided into 59 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
?? Dalofa (west of Angolala) 09/39 [Ha]
dalol: dalool (Som) hole, opening;
dhalool (Som) kind of tree with thick resin
JFA65 Dalol (Dallol, Dalul) 1412'/4014' 14/40 [Gz]
altitude -123 m, below sea level
JFA76 Dalol (Dallol) 1416'/4017' c. 50 m 14/40 [WO Gu Mi Ne]
JFA84 Dalol 14/40 [MS]
JFA.. Dalol sub-district (-1997-) 14/40 [n]
JFA.. Dalol wereda (Dalul ..) in Agame awraja 1941-1974 14/40 [n]
JCL25 Dalot 0631'/4356' 533 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
dalota (O) tribe, origin, birthplace, descent
HBK27 Dalota (mountain) 0352'/3811' 969 m 03/38 [WO Gz]
HCR36 Dalota 0732'/3714' 2823 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDD83 Dalota 0854'/3748' 2378 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDE64 Dalota 0846'/3850' or 51' 2133, 2121 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Gebriel), see also Guji
HDE74 Dalota (Dalata) (mountain) 0854'/3748' 2419 m 08/38 [Ad WO Gu]
HDE74 (centre in 1964 of Ensilale sub-district), see under Akaki
HDL35 Dalota 0924'/3854' 2622 m (with church Mikael) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL50 Dalota 0934'/3825' 2226 m (with church Maryam) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL66 Dalota 0940'/3901' 2541 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL84 Dalota, two at 5 km distance 09/38 [AA Gz]
0950'/3855' 1814 m, 0951'/3853' 1837 m
(with churches, one Mikael)
JCG97 Dalota (Daalota) 0713'/4030' 2090 m 07/40 [Gz WO Gu]
JDD52 Dalota (area) 0839'/4237' 1159 m 08/42 [WO Gz]
JDH59 Dalota (area) 09/41 [WO]
HDL95 Dalota kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda stretching to its northern
border, 16-25 km south-southwest of Alem Ketema; area 1,900 hectares.
dalotee (O) sparrow
daloti (O) same as dalota above
JDD62 Daloti (area) 08/42 [WO]
HFF96 Dalsoli (area) 14/39 [WO]
daltu, daltuu (O) female /animal/
JCN54 Daltu (Tulu Dalto) 0743'/4012' 1864 m 07/40 [Gz]
?? Dalu Ali 10/40 [20]
A prominent basalt hill near the Aramis stream north of Gewane,
with fossils of many kinds of animals
HBL23 Daluch (Dalucc) (area) 0349'/3843' 1466/1623 m 03/38 [Gz WO]
JFA65 Dalul, see Dalol
HDH76 Dam 0947'/3615' 2106 m 09/36 [Gz]
dama (O) 1. (daamaa) reddish-brown, bay /colour of horse/;
2. ('Dama) whey; dama (A) reddish-brown;
damma (O) honey in general /red, white etc/;
dhama' (Som) to faint /from dehydration/; dem (A) blood;
-- Dama, name of a negroid tribe in the south-west
HBP93 Dama (area), cf Dema 05/36 [WO]
HCL00 Dama 0624'/3828' 2773 m 06/38 [WO Gz]
HEA96 Dama (area) 758 m 11/35 [WO]
-- Dama language, see [1] Dasenech, [2] Mursi
damahale: dammalle (Konso) highest deity of the Galgussa people
JEC40 Damahale (Damai Ali, Dama A., Dhamali, Dema'ali) 11/41 [WO Gz]
(mountain) 1119'/4138' (or 1128') 831/1068 m
-- Damahawi, an ethnic group?
damal (Som) thorn tree, Acacia spp.
KDA45 Damal Abodi (Damalabodi) 0834'/4517' 08/45 [Gz WO]
JBP33 Damale 0449'/4059' 822 m 04/40 [Gz]
HDJ45 Damam 0929'/3707' 2319 m 09/37 [Gz]
damane..: demena qey (A) cloud being red?
HCN32 Damanekay (Damanecai) 07/35 [+ WO]
JCK08 Damanleh 06/43 [WO]
HEU.. Damaskal (Damascal) (mountain) 12/39 [+ It]
HDS60 Dambacha, see Dembecha
HFD47 Dambagwina, see Indabaguna
HCD93 Dambala (lake), see Abaya
HBM73 Dambaldoro, see Dembel Doro
dambali (O) deep /water/
HC... Dambara, see Denbara Kela
dambas (Som) ash, ashes
JBS46 Dambas 04/43 [WO]
JCK74 Dambasuerer [=Dambas Werer?] 06/42 [Gz]
0658'/4252' 625 m
HBL29 Dambau (hill) 0352'/3914' 03/39 [WO Gz]
HER07 Dambea, see Dembea
dambi (O) 1. large wild fig tree, Ficus spp, F. thonningii;
2. custom, law, rule;
dambi (Som) blame; crime; dambee (Som) be last, be behind
HCD77 Dambi (area), cf Dembi 06/38 [WO]
HCR83 Dambi, see Ambuye
HD... Dambi (river valley in Wellega) 09/..? [Mi]
HDR21 Dambi 1009'/3643' 1555 m 10/36 [Wa Gz]
JDH33 Dambi (Gebel D.), see Dembi
GDF45 Dambidollo (Dambidolo), see Dembidolo
-- Dambitu, a clan of the Haroressa of the Borana people
HEJ77 Dambiya, see Dembia (also old name of lake Tana)
JCL22 Dambrueni, see Damrarweini
Dambulla, cf Dembole
dambulla bi..: biloow (Som) beginning, start
JBG72 Dambulla Billow 04/40 [WO]
dame, daamee (O) 1. river; 2. arm
HEJ44 Dame 1211'/3702' 1801 m 12/37 [Gz]
JCG46 Damelei (area) 06/40 [WO]
damer, dameer (Som) donkey;
damera (A,Geez) the bonfire at the Meskel festival
JED04 Damer, M. (area) 739 m 10/42 [WO]
JDL40 Damerabob (Domerabob, Domeraba), cf Dabera 09/43 [Gz]
0925'/4328' 1473 m
on the border of Somalia (also in Somalia if WO map is correct?)
JCU37 Damerei, see Demerei
JCK31 Damerta (hills) 06/42 [WO]
JEA13 Dameto (Demoto) 1102'/4007' 1352 m, cf Demmato 11/40 [Gz WO]
dami (Som) extinguish, put out light;
dhaami (Som) pour water, get water, go for water
HCA77 Dami (Damme) (mountain) 0606'/3524' 1826 m 06/35 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCA76
HDH84 Dami 0946'/3639' 2158 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ70 Dami (mountain) 0948'/3605' 1289 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCA75 Dami sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jegg) 06/35 [LM Ad WO]
HFE19 Damicha 1343'/3921' 2144 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDE44 Damisa 08/38 [WO]
damma..: dammete (dammät'ä) (A) crush cotton in order to
separate the seeds
JEJ32 Dammata 1201'/4144' 387 m, cf Demmato 12/41 [WO Gz]
HCA77 Damme, see Dami
dammi (O) red and yellow /cattle/
HDH76 Dammi (area) 2270 m, cf Dami 09/36 [WO]
-- Dammo, name of a Christian group of the Gurage;
damo (Gurage) man regarded as 'ritual wife' of the
male deity Waq
HCK12 Damo 06/37 [Wa]
HCS75 Damo 0756'/3759' 2869 m 07/37 [18 Gz]
HDC79 Damo 0848'/3730' 2459 m 08/37 [Gz]
-- damo g..: Galila, a tribe of the Ari group
HFE54 Damo Galila (Damo Korebta) (mountain) 14/38 [WO Gu Gz]
0723'/3658' 2162/2560 m
JBP54 Damole (mountain) 05/41 [WO]
JBP64 Damole (well) 0504'/4103' 05/41 [WO Gz]
JCG47 Damole (mountain) 0645'/4027' 1973 m 06/40 [Gz]
HDH78 Damot 0942'/3625' 1895 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK02 Damot 0908'/3744' 2097 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
H.... Damot (historical province) 10/37 [x 18]
HED67 Damot 1127'/3810' 2547 m 11/38 [Gz]
HED98 Damot 1146'/3817' 3158 m 11/38 [Gz]
KCS85c Damot (near Trijunction Point between countries?) 07/47 [It]
HDR78c Damot awraja, see mainly Kola Dega Damot awraja
damot ga..: gale, galee (O) climbers and lianes in general
HC... Damot Gale sub-district? (-1997-) 06/37? [n]
HC... Damot Gale wereda (.. Galie) 06/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jege)
(-1994-) is divided into 55 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HCK65c Damot wereda (centre in 1964 = Tora) 06/37 [Ad]
H.... Damot Weyde wereda (.. Woyde .., .. Woide ..) ../.. [n]
in the North Omo zone (-1984-1998-)
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
damota, daamota, damote (O) cold, chill
HCJ70 Damota 0703'/3639' 1637 m 07/36 [Gz]
HCK57c Damota (area) 06/38 [Gu]
HCK63 Damota (Dalbu) (mountain) 06/37 [WO Gu Gz]
0655'/3747' 2330/2738 m, see under Soddo
HDE40 Damota 0832'/3828' 2878 m (with church Mikael) 08/38 [Gz]
HDE91 Damota (mountain) 0859'/3835' 3191 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDJ01 Damota 0908'/3643' 3076 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDJ45 Damota 2096 m, see under Kombolcha 09/42 [WO]
HEF62 Damota kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Ambasel wereda at its eastern border,
10-14 km south of Wichale and 7-11 km north-west of
Hayk town; area 1,300 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK63 Damoticha 0940'/3748' 2489 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Kachisi
HCK.. Damotsahi wereda (-1969-) 06/37 [x]
in Welamo/Welayita awraja
HDL33 Damotu 0919'/3843' 2590 m, cf Demoto 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEU72 Damra 1321'/3934' 2323 m (with church Silase) 13/39 [Gz]
JCL22 Damrarweini (Dambrueni) (well) 0634'/4337' 06/43 [WO Gz]
damu, daamuu (O) 1. burnt-out /fire/; 2. send a message
HDD29 Damu 0813'/3824' 2154 m 08/38 [Ad Gz]
HDD29 Damu, mountain at 0812'/3826' 2552 m
(centre in 1964 of Acheber sub-district)
JEA94 Damuta (Damutta) (mountain) 11/40 [Gz WO]
1142'/4011' 803/970 m
dana (O) 1. /from Amharic danya/ kind of sub-chief among
some of the peoples in southern Ethiopia; 2. muscle of thigh;
3. appearance; 4. promising, prospects
HCD51 Dana (island) 0557'/3738' 1188/1233 m, 05/37 [WO Gz]
in south-western lake Chamo
HCD83 Dana (island) 0611'/3745' 1168/1268/1285 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
HE... Dana (in Wag awraja?) 12/39? [+ Ad]
JDA53 Dana 0838'/4008' 1903 m 08/40 [Gz]
JEA.. Dana, in Yeju awraja 11/40 [x]
with the highest centre of Muslim learning in Ethiopia
dana ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JEB81 Dana Ali (area) 11/40 [WO]
HER17 Dana Amba (area) 12/37 [WO]
HEM04 Dana kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-east Habru wereda narrowly along the western border of its
"arm" to the north-east, 15-20 km east of Weldiya; area 1,349 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
danab (Som) thunderbolt, thunder
HEA93 Danab (Gara D., El Danab, Daneb) 10/35 [Gz]
1041'/3504' 662 m
JEC02 Danab (area, with boiling spring) 10/41 [WO]
danaba: dannaba (O) 1. kind of group song /to cry shame
when a thief is caught/; 2. penis
HDL89 Danaba, see Deneba & JDB89
JDN99 Danagera (Danaghera) (area), see under Trena 10/40 [+ WO]
JBU70 Danaiou (Danziou) (waterhole) 0513'/4420' 267 m 05/44 [Gz WO]
danan (Som) neighing, to neigh; dhanaan (Som) salty flavour
JCL11 Danan, see Denan
danane: danaani (Som) large container;
denene (dänänä) (T) to lean, to sink
JCE00 Danane (Danaue) 0527'/4331' 579 m 05/43 [WO n]
Coordinates would give map code JCE01
(there was also an Italian concentration camp in Somaliland,
for Ethiopians, by the name of Danane)
JCL11 Danane, see Denan
danane d..: dere (A) a kind of acacia
JCD53 Danane Dere 0555'/4249' 390 m 05/42 [Gz]
JDG87 Danangera (Dananghera) (area) 863 m, cf Danarie 09/40 [+ WO]
JEB05 Dananko (Dananco) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
JDK63 Dananley (Dananlei) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
JCK80 Danar (salt well) 0707'/4232' 07/42 [WO Gz]
JCD53 Danarie (Danane Dere) 397 m 05/42 [MS WO]
JEC03 Danat (area) 10/41 [WO]
danate (O) fertility
JCE00 Danaue, see Danane
HDE56 Dancace, see Denkaka
HEK81 Dancaz (Dangaz, Dankaz), see Denkez
danda, denda (A) platform for guards of the crop, set up in a field;
danda-a (O) tolerant, patient /male person/
HFE88 Danda, see Menatu
dande (A) 1. strong and stupid; 2. thief, bandit;
(O) expression said to a toddler when teaching to walk
HBP18 Dande, Gebel (hill) 0442'/3627' 04/36 [WO Gz]
HBP28 Dande 0447'/3626' 684 m 04/36 [WO Gz]
HCE66 Dande (Daudo) c. 2750 m 05/39 [WO Gu]
JDK04 Dande (on map of 1814) 0905'/4252' 1884 m 09/42 [Gz]
dander (A,T) kinds of thistle, Carduus spp., Echinops spp.
HEU82 Dandera (Dandela, Dandeia) (village) 13/39 [Gu WO Gz]
1326'/3934' 2380 m, see under Kwiha
HEU83 Dandera (Dandeia) 1326'/3940' 2115 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with churches K'irk'os and Mikael)
dandi (O) 1. track, footpath, road; 2. skin disease
/believed to be caused by sitting near a fire/
JDD70 Dandi (area), cf Dendi 08/42 [WO]
JDK13 Dandi (Dhandi) (pass) 0910'/4242' 1825 m 09/42 [Gz Gu]
HEA93 Daneb, see Danab
HCR68 Daneba, at the road to Jimma, cf Unkuri 07/37 [x]
HEC43 Danegela, see Dangila
H.... Danei Kawlos, in Temben south/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
archaeological site, rock shelter 13.5 m x 8 m x 3.5 m high
H.... Danei Tikun, in Temben south/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
archaeological site, rock shelter 2 m x 3 m x 3.5 m high
HDM26 Daneli, see Wasil
HDP.. Dangab (Tulu Dangab, Fre: Toulou D.), cf Dangeb 10/36 [+ x]
-- Dangabo (people), see Gonga, and also Shinasha
dangaga (O) 1. acid; very fat ox with large horns;
dangagga-a (O) fermented, sour /beer/;
dangaggo (O) edible plant with very sour juice
JDJ43 Dangago, see Dengego
HEJ72 Dangal (area), cf Dengel 12/36 [WO]
dangala-a (O) liquid
HDG94c Dange, about 23 km east-northeast of Mendi 09/35 [x]
dange du..: duba (O) 1. sheep's tail; 2. outer surface
of an object; (duuba) level diection, not upwards or downwards;
dubaa (O) behind, in the rear; dhububaa (O) soaked grain
HCS67 Dange Duba (centre of a sub-district in the 1960s) 07/38 [x]
dange la..: lashe (A) become tender, weak, soft; (O) typhus
HCS.. Dange Lasho, in Dalocha wereda 07/38? [x]
?? Dangeb, locality in the Metekel region ../.. [20]
-- Dangella, see Dangila
HEB79 Dangera (Dangara, Dangarra) (area) 11/36 [WO It Gz]
1115'/3654' 2131 m
HDG86 Dangi, T. (hill), see Dengi
HE... Dangia, see Dengiya
HDS77 Dangiama (Dangyame, Dangiame) 10/38 [Gz WO]
1040'/3814' 2342 m
Dangila is also a scientific name of certain fishes
HEC43 Dangila (Dangla, Danghila, Dangilla, Dangela) 11/36 [Gz MS WO Te]
(Danghela, Dangala, Dungoler) 1116'/3651' 11/36 [Gu x]
(1117'/3655' = HEC43; 1940s source: 1125'/3655')
MS coordinates would give map code HEC42
2137/2235 m, (old Dangila) 2330 m 11/36 [Gu]
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Agew Midir awraja
& in 1964 of Dangila wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are is km
5SE Sambuo (village)
6S Gumidiv Abba (church)
10S Afra (village)
4W Akunda (Acunda) (with church)
5NE Abelta Giyorgis (Avelta Gheorgis) (church)
9NE Yoboden Amnri (Iovoden A.) (church)
10?? Saguma (summit) 2492 m
HEC43 Dangila wereda (Dangella ..) 11/36 [En]
centre 1990s- = Dangila
(1994) is divided into 52 rural and 7 urban kebeles
dangille (A) ram
HEH36 Dangilli (Dangili) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HDP22 Dangiza (area) 10/35 [WO]
dango: dangoo, Oromo word meaning what?
HDG18 Dango 0912'/3534' 1563 m 09/35 [Gz]
HD... Dangor, Tulu Wayu (in Gudru awraja) 09/37? [Ad]
HER25 Dangora, see Dangura
HD... Dangora Dise (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HEA37 Danguei, see Tangui
HEC67 Danguel, see Gentenya
HEB52 Dangur (Dangvur) 1122'/3557' 2375 m 11/35 [Gz Gu WO]
(high plateau) peak 2488 m, cf Dongur
HEB95 Dangur 1145'/3611' 1239 m 11/36 [Gz]
HEH05c Dangur 11/36 [MS Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of Dangur wereda & sub-district) (-1964-1997-)
HEH22 Dangur (Dangvur), see Dunkur
HEB52c Dangur wereda 11/35 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HE... Dangura (in Metekel awraja) 11/36? [Ad]
HER25 Dangura (Dangora) 1252'/3706' 1249 m 12/37 [Gz Ad Pa]
(centre in 1964 of Dawa sub-district)
(also historically recorded area)
HCL32 Dangure Ticha 0637'/3837' 2584 m 06/38 [Gz]
HED63 Dangyadas (Danghiadas) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
HDS77 Dangyame, see Dangiama
JDG33 Danihile (area) 966 m 09/40 [WO]
JDR93 Danikel (Danichel) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HFC75 Danilo, see Sof Omar
HEM93 Danis 1239'/3937' 1698 m 12/39 [Gz]
danisa, danissa, danessa (O) kinds of large tree, Dombeya spp.,
Dombeya schimperiana; danissa (O) kinds of forest tree,
Apodytes dimidiata, Dombeya torrida;
dannisa (O) 1. purified honey, white honey /named from trees
that produce it/; 2. "fatherhood" ceremony in the Oromo gada
system, bringing to conclusion a forty-year cycle
HDK07 Danisa 0906'/3814' 2660 m (with church Mikael) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK19 Danisa 0912'/3824' 2657 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK34 Danisa 0922'/3756' 2372 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK65 Danisa 0938'/3758' 2587 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HCD38 Danise 0543'/3815' 1924 m, 05/38 [WO Gz]
see under Agere Maryam
HBK49 Danissa, G. (area), see under Mega 04/38 [WO]
HDS77 Danjame (Dangiame) 10/38 [+ WO]
-- Danka, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana people
H.... Danka (in Ambasel), see Denka
HCM.. Danka (valley in Bale) 07/39 [Ca x]
river with a natural bridge over the water
HDE67 Dankache (Dancace) 1926 m 08/39 [+ WO]
HD... Dankaka, see Denkaka
dankara (danqara) (O) 1. bar across a door or gate for
bolting it; 2. flirtatious man? /= Italian 'civettone'/;
3. (danqaraa) woods; dankera (T) fanfare, euphoria
JDC20 Dankara (Dancara) (area) 1442 m, cf Denkera 08/41 [+ WO]
HEK81 Dankaz (Danqaz), see Denkez
?? Dankora (Dancora) 2190 m ../.. [+ Gu]
dankore: dankaro (Sidamo O) Cynoglossum sp., herb called
"hound's tongue" in English because of its blue colour;
denkoro (dänqoro) (T) stupid, ignorant
HFD30 Dankore (M. Dancore) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
danku, dhanquu (O) bifurcated pole used as support for
horizontal members of a wall or fence
HDC51 Dankuleni (Danculeni) (mountain) 1738m 08/36 [WO]
JBR97 Danle Elei (Doule E.) 0522'/4216' 396 m 05/42 [Gz WO Gu]
danno, dannoo (O) nape, back of the neck
HDK12 Danno sub-district (Dano ..) (centre in 1964 = Serdo) 09/37 [Ad 18 n]
HDA72 Dannora 08/35 [WO]
dano (O) rot of crops; dano (Som) 1. kind of small tree,
Euphorbia tirukalli; 2. milk half-way in butter-making;
dhano (Som) bitter water, salt
HCD30 Dano (island) 0546'/3733' 1107/1233 m 05/37 [Ad WO Gu Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCD47c Dano, east of lake Chamo 05/38 [x Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
-- Dano Wale, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana people
?? Dano wereda ../.. [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 57 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
KCN35 Danot (Danod, Danol, Elmo Dere) 07/45 [Gz x WO]
(with seasonal waterhole) 0733'/4517' 672 m
Map code KCN36 according to WO.
KCN35 Danot wereda (centre in 1964 = Danot) 07/45 [Ad]
dansa, dansaa (O) good, healthy
HEU.. Dansa (ridge) 11/39 [It]
HDK49 Danse (mountain area), cf Densa 09/38 [WO Gz]
0925'/3820' 2593 m (with church Mikael?)
HDL30 Danse 0923'/3825' 2618 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam to the north-west)
JDA66 Danse (mountains) 0830'/4009' 2869 m 08/40 [WO Gz]
HDM23 Danse kebele (Dansé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Berehet wereda at its western border; area 1,442 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HER96 Dansha 1331'/3711' (in northern Gondar awraja) 13/37 [Gz]
with landing strip about 1500 m in 1998
HDE21 Danshe 0824'/3833' 2462 m 08/38 [Gz]
HFC04 Dansheha 1334'/3658' 745 m, near code HER94 13/36 [Gz]
valley at 1327'/3652'
danu, danuu (O) 1. much, many, abundance; 2. to beat, to strike;
3. drench, cause to be wet
HDJ19 Danu (area) 09/37 [WO]
HEE93 Danya 1144'/3844' 2859 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEF23 Danya 1104'/3940' 2179 m 11/39 [Gz]
Danye, a male personal name
HDM73 Danye 0942'/3938' 2899 m 09/39 [Gz]
JBU84 Danyerrey (Dagnerrei, Dagnarei) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
JCE19 Danyerrey (Dagnerrei) 05/44 [+ WO]
0535'/4413' 233 m, see under Kelafo
JCE21 Danyerrey (Dagnerrei) 05/43 [+ WO]
danyo: dannye (A), danya (T) judge
HDK26 Danyo 0918'/3805' 2809 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JBU70 Danziou, see Danaiou
?? Daoe, east of the lower Awash river 11/41 [Ne]
JCT16 Daoierri 0720'/4402' 872 m 07/44 [n]
HEE64 Daont, see Dawint
JED11 Daouenle, see Dewele
HDK72 Dapisa 0942'/3746' 2126 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
dapo, dappo (O) "dry type" e.g. bread without drink or
clothes without ornament; daappoo (O) sorghum
HDA46c Dapo, see Dabu
H.... Dapo (centre in 1964 of Dapo Gacho sub-district) 08/35 [Ad]
H.... Dapo Dima sub-district (centre in 1964 = Diga) 08/36 [Ad]
H.... Dapo Gacho sub-district (centre 1964 = Dapo) 08/35 [Ad]
dapo gu..: gumbi (A) black and white bird;
gumbi, gumbii (O) granary inside the house
HDB66 Dapo Gumbi, see Dabo Gumbi
HDB84 Dapo Gumbi 0854'/3604' 1527 m 08/36 [n]
HDB66 Dapo Gumbi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gero) 08/36 [Ad]
-- dapo h..: Hana (Bodi), name of an ethnic group
HDB66c Dapo Hana sub-district (centre in 1964 = Temo) 08/36 [Ad]
HDB66c Dapo Hana wereda (centre in 1964 = Temo) 08/36 [Ad]
dar (A) shore, river bank, edge; dar (Som) 1. people, ancestry,
lineage; 2. aloe; 3. scoop, dip out; 4. skin for carrying water;
5. plunge, sink; 6. reason; daar (Som) 1. building of stone;
2. ignite, kindle; touch, disturb;
dabat, debat (A) twilight
HBU16 Dar Dabat 0439'/3955' 929 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
HDL89 Dar Nebba, see Deneba
HEP26 Dar Sigehr (on map of 1868) 12/36 [18]
dara, dahro (T) kinds of wild fig tree, Ficus spp;
dara (A) part of a traditional saddle;
dara (O) 1. clothes, lack of clothing; 2. (daaraa) ashes;
3. movables, personal effects, furniture; dhara (O) false,
expression to deny that something is true;
-- Dara, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HBP68 Dara 0506'/3722' 1388 m, cf Dera 05/37 [Gz]
HCJ09 Dara 0622'/3725' 2143 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
HCP03 Dara 0719'/3602' 1832 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDM80 Dara 0948'/3922' 1962 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEL89 Dara 1235'/3916' 2307 m 12/39 [Gz]
HER67 Dara (Dara Amba) (mountain) 1319'/3715' 1262 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HES32 Dara (small market) 1255'/3747' 2452/2658 m 12/37 [Ad WO Gu Ha]
(centre in 1964 of Dekhrso sub-district), see under Dabat
HFF.. Dara (historically recorded from 1500s/1600s) 13/39 [Pa]
HFF44 Dara, see Dera
JBS56 Dara Duldul, see San Dere
?? Dara wereda (Darra ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
darab (Som) 1. measure of land, about 1/4 hectare;
2. preparation, to make ready; 3. washing after defecation;
dharab (Som) dew, mist;
daraba (O) 1. place for grazing cattle in common;
2. friend in play and work
HCR55 Daraba 0744'/3707' 1739 m 07/37 [WO Gu Gz]
HFE53 Daraga, see Deraga
?? Darago (historically recorded from early 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
HEL74 Darakonsi (Daraconsi), see Sidib
JEB58 Darallaka (Darallaca) (area) 428 m 11/41 [+ WO]
?? Darama (in Kembata awraja) ../.. [x]
HDC56 Darami (Dorami) 0842'/3714' 1764 m 08/37 [Gz]
KCN07 Darancole, see Daratole
darar (Som) production of more milk /after drought or
after getting better pasture/
HBJ95 Darar, G. (mountain) 0429'/3703' 1896/1955 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
HCF10 Darar (mountain) 0536'/3920' 1535 m 05/39 [Gz]
HCF20 Darar 0538'/3922' 1615 m, cf Gilta Darar 05/39 [Gz]
HDD00 Darar (area), see under Abelti 08/37 [WO]
JDH96 Darar (area) 09/41 [WO]
darara, daraara (O) generally for flower or fruit of a tree;
(dharaara) dinner;
name of a gada age grade among the Borana;
house of a sorcerer; also symbolically for tobacco
HCE59c Darara, with important well 05/39 [x]
HC... Darara Dela (village in Yirga Alem region) 06/38 [x]
daras (Som) lesson, to study; dharas (Som) anger, rage;
darasa (O) sacred enclosure, house of a sorcerer
-- Darasa (Gedeo), a sub-division of the Sidamo-Kambatta main ethnic group,
numbering 500,000
-- Darasa language (Darassa), see Gedeo
HCK19c Darasa 2773 m 06/38 [Gu]
HCL00 Darasa (Darassa) 0624'/3828' 2773 m, cf Derassa 06/38 [Gz Wa]
HES37 Darasge, see Deresge
HCD68 Darassa (area) 05/38 [WO]
HCL00 Darassa, see Derassa
darat: deret (därät) (A) breast, chest /of body/;
derete sefi (A) strongly-built
HDU62 Darat 1030'/3935' 2870 m 10/39 [Gz]
(with church Abo at some distance to the north)
HEM71 Darat (pass) (recorded in 1868), cf Duffat 12/39 [18]
HDU74 Darat kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gishe Rabel wereda somewhat to the south-west,
adjoining Rabel settlement to its west and distant 9-17 km
east-southeast of Were Ilu; area 2,380 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS71 Darata (ford) 07/37 [WO]
JEN94 Daratacna, see Deretakna

darato (Som) disease afflicting sheep

HCD83 Darato (Marato) (island in lake Abaya) 06/37 [WO Gz]
0610'/3745' 1168/1268/1285 m
Coordinates would give map code HCD82
KCN07 Daratole (Darahtoleh, Darancole) 07/45 [Gz WO n]
0719'/4533' 617 m
daray (Som) kind of tree with edible fruit
JDD72 Daraylay (waterhole) 08/42 [WO]
darb- (O) throw; darba (O) additional, extra, excess
darbad (Som) very strong wind
JBS98 Darbadulet, see Muldata 05/43 [WO]
HCN64 Darbatta 0748'/3509' 2152 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
darbattu (O) shuttle for a loom
JEH74 Darda (area of an ethnic group) 12/41 [Ne]
HE... Dardakara (Dardacara, Cuatu) 12/35 [+ Gu]
JCP11 Darde 0724'/4050' 1498/1792 m 07/40 [WO Wa Gz]
JCL37 Darderio (Dardeiro) 0641'/4402' 610 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
dare, dareh (Som) kind of large tree, Ficus sycomorus;
dare (darä) (A) give in marriage /on the part of the parents/;
darre (O) kind of tree
HCS80 Dare 0759'/3731' 2170 m, cf Dere 07/37 [WO Gz]
JCC67 Dare (mountain area) 06/42 [WO]
dare ke..: kenda (qända) (A) small drum carried
under the arm and struck with the hand
HES34 Dare Kenda (Dare Chenda) 12/37 [+ WO]
HED65 Darechera, see Jaragedo
HDJ67 Daregot Abo (church) 0936'/3715' 09/37 [Gz]
HER56 Dareh Amba 13/37 [WO]
daremo: dareemo (Som) kind of small plant
JDP38 Daremo Kapsye (Daremo Capsie) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HDB55 Daremu (area), cf Darimu 08/36 [WO]
HDE60 Daremu 08/38 [WO]
daren: dareen (Som) suspicion
JDR94 Daren (mountain) 10/42 [WO]
darera (O) long staff on which the roof of a house rests
JCG83 Darera (Dakera) 0704'/4008' 2494 m 07/40 [Gz]
JB... Darerto 04/44 [18]
HEL16 Darewa kebele (Daräwa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Bugna wereda, immediately
south-west of Lalibela; area 7,908 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dargaye (Borana O) wheat, Triticum vulgare
Darge, Dargie, a male personal name
HDB65 Darge 0845'/3612' 1918 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDD40 Darge (Darghie) (wide area), cf Derge 08/37 [+ WO]
HDD51 Darge (Darghie) (wide area) 08/37 [+ WO]
HDG27 Darge 0915'/3527' 1546 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDD31 Darge Maryam (church) 0830'/3739' 08/37 [Gz]
HDU74 Dargegn kebele (Dargägn ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
13-20 km south-west of Majete; area 2,443 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dari (O) limit, boundary, border
HCK02 Dari (Dori) 0622'/3741' 2043 m, cf Deri 06/37 [WO Wa Gz]
HFD50 Dari (Dori) 0838'/3921' 1541 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDR80 Darim (mountain) 1044'/3635' 1827 m 10/36 [WO Gz]
JDS23 Darima Asso (D. Assa) (mountain) 1730 m 10/42 [WO Gu]
darima di..: diga, dhiiga (O) 1. blood; 2. kinship;
3. fattish animal good for slaughter
HDB..c Darima Diga (in Ilubabor) 08/35? [x]
JDJ79 Darimi (mountain chain) 0941'/4228' 1514 m 09/42 [MS]
HCN79 Darimo (Darimu, Deraimo) 0752'/3541' 1955 m 07/35 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HCN69
HDL40 Darimo 0925'/3825' 1937 m 09/38 [AA MS]
-- Darimu, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCN79 Darimu, see Darimo
HD... Darimu (Darmu) (in Gore awraja) 08/35? [+ Ad]
HCE56 Darimu, cf Daremu 05/35 [Ad]
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Kibre Mengist)
HDB45 Darimu 0836'/3611' 1906 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDL46 Darimu 0929'/3859' 2659 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ69 Darimu (Darmi) 09/42 [WO]
darimu d..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HDB44 Darimu Dega (Darmu D.) 0834'/3602' 2133 m, 08/36 [+ MS]
cf Degga Daremu
darimu degag.: dagaga (O) ivory
HD... Darimu Degaga (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HCE56 Darimu sub-district, cf Daremu 05/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kibre Mengist)
HDA59c Darimu wereda (centre in 1964 = Alge) 08/35 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 56 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JCU15 Darinda (area) 07/44 [WO]
JCU16 Darinda (locality) 0720'/4450' 07/44 [WO Gz]
HES63 Darioa 1316'/3751' 1518 m, cf Darwa .. 13/37 [Gz]
?? Darita (a Muslim village in Begemder) ../.. [x]
HDA47 Dariumu Algga /?/ sub-district 08/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Wayli)
HEL35 Dariya kebele 12/38 [Ad]
in northern Bugna wereda, 20 km north-west of Lalibela; area 8,373 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCM74 Darkeena 06/39 [Br Ca]
KCR84 Darkein Genyo (border post) 0800'/4659' 08/46 [Gz]
JDE48 Darkendalaq (area) 08/44 [WO]
KCN74 Darkenle (Darchenle) (area) 07/45 [+ WO]
darm (western Eth.) Chlorophytum sparsiflorum
JDJ69 Darmi, see Darimu
darmo (Som) kind of mat
HDC72 Darmo (area), cf Darimo 08/36 [WO]
HDB44 Darmu Dega, see Darimu Dega
HEJ57 Darna, see Dahna
daro: dahro (T) wild fig tree, Ficus dahro, Ficus vasta;
daro (Som) strangle-hold /in wrestling/; darro (Som) red clay;
daro (O) saint; Daro, sky-god of the Gonga people
HCL94 Daro, see Duro
J.... Daro (large mountain plateau) 08/40? [Gu]
JCP90 Daro, see Daro Lebu
JDA23 Daro 0822'/4007' 1857 m 08/40 [Gz]
JC... Daro Hawato (mountain) 07/40 [18]
daro le..: lebu (A) the thief?
JDA45 Daro Lebu 0810'/4047' 08/40 [Gz]
JDA45 Daro Lebo sub-district? (-1997-) 08/40 [n]
JDA45 Daro Lebu wereda (Darolebu ..) 08/40 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mechata)
(Daro Lebu mountain chain) 0807'/4044' 1323 m
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDG.. Daro Sambo (Darro ..), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HFE84 Daro Tacle, see Dearo Tekle
HDG.. Daro Tulu Dimtu (Darro Dimtu), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HFF.. Daroka (Daroca), in the region of Amba Seneyti 14/39 [+ x]
Christian sancturay built on antique foundations.
JCP66 Daron 0748'/4118' 1417 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
daror: darroor (Som) seeping water, leakage
JC... Daror 07/41 [18]
JDF04 Daror (Darar, Darror) 0814'/4442' 945 m 08/44 [WO Gz 18]
(with seasonal waterhole) not far from the Somalia border
-- same as the one above?:
Daroor, town in Aware wereda
JDF04 Daror wereda (centre in 1964 = Daror) 08/44 [Ad]
JDF14 Daror (area), cf Deror 08/44 [WO]
JCN88 Daroti (mountain) 0758'/4035' 2094 m 07/40 [Gz]
darra, dharra (O) craving, desire;
-- Darre, Derra, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HBR89 Darra 0516'/3726' 1309 m, cf Derra 05/37 [WO Gz]
?? Darra wereda, see Dara ..
JDG66 Darreita Ale (area) 09/40 [WO]
HBK86 Darrita (Darritu) 0422'/3804' 1450 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
(with seasonal waterhole)
HBS75 Darrito (mountain) 0511'/3802' 1664 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
HCS32 Darrito, see Honena
-- Darro, see Daro
Darsa, cf Darasa
darsa ka..: karsa, qarsaa (O) 1. flat rock; 2. whetstone
JEA95 Darsa Karsa (Darsa Carsa) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
darsi (Som) act of scooping up; lesson, study, lecture
HCD81 Darsi (mountain) 0617'/3733' 2987 m, 06/37 [WO Gz]
see under Chencha
HCD81 Dartse, small district south of Chencha
daru (A) the shore, the river bank; (O) to have no clothes
HCR93 Daru 08/36 [Gu]
HCU74 Daru 0752'/3942' 2461 m, see under Robi 07/39 [WO Gz]
HD... Daru 09/36 [18]
HDR03 Daru 1001'/3654' 2022 m 10/36 [Gz]
JCH08 Darueina (Daruina), see Dore Weyina
HDB34 Darumu (mountain) 0821'/3607' 2127 m, 08/36 [WO Gz]
cf Darimmu
darwa da..: daba (O) honeycomb /also other meanings/;
(Som) tail?
JEJ11 Darwa Daba (Darua Daba) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
?? Darwajani, camp in Ogaden ../.. [20]
darwe..: weyna (A from Somali wayn)
1. large, big; 2. wine-coloured
JCJ20c Darweina 06/41 [Wa]
das (Afar) memorial of stone; das (A,T) shed, shack,
hut covered with leaves and branches;
daas (Som) shop, store, store-room;
dhas (Som) lay eggs in the ground; des (däs) (A) pleasure, joy
HBL53 Das (Gebel D., Dass) (mountain) 04/38 [WO Gz]
0406'/3839' 1236, 1540 m
HBL75c Das, with prehistoric well 04/38 [x]
HEK62 Das (Bas) (locality) 1223'/3741' 2661 m 12/37 [Gu Gz]
JDG84 Das (area) 09/40 [WO]
HDU23 Das Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
7-12 km north of Molale; area 1,430 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU63 Dasa (Dair) 1032'/3937' 2899 m (recorded in 1841) 10/39 [Ha Gz]
HDU13 Dasa kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, near Molale
to its east and south-east; area 835 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDB55 Dasbo 0840'/3613' 1828 m 08/36 [n]
HFF52 Dasbraseyon 1401'/3937' 2525 m 14/39 [MS]
HEF33 Dase, see Dessie
-- Dasenech (Dassanetch, Geleba), an ethnic group living
east of the lower Omo and north of Lake Turkana
-- Dasenech language (with many alternate names)
GEF47c Dashara (Dasciara), 40 km from Gubba 10/34 [Ch Gu]
HES69 Dashen (Dascian) (pass), see under Ras Dashen 13/38 [+ WO]
H.... Dasifie 10/35 [18]
daso (O) temple for deity or religious leader
KCR27 Daso El Megag (area) 07/47 [WO]
HBL53 Dass, see Das
JDG07 Dassa, G. (area) 1469 m, cf Dessa 09/40 [WO]
HEF33 Dasse, see Dessie
dat (dat') (A) slippery
HED98c Dat Giyorgis (Dat Ghiorghis) 11/38 [+ Gu]
datalg ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JEB34 Datalg Ali (Teleg, Talag, Täläg) (area) 1002 m 11/41 [WO Pa]
(former capital of the Afar country)
JEB70 Datara (area), cf Dettera 11/40 [WO]
JEA.. Date Bhire (in Awsa awraja) 11/40 [n]
JEP65 Dathale (Detoli) (mountain) 13/41 [WO Ne]
JEP53 Dathaluhabo (area) 13/40 [WO]
-- Dathanaik language (Dathanik), see Dasenech
HCS15 Dato (mountain) 2577 m, cf under Durame 07/37 [WO]
HFF56 Dato 1404'/3955' 1057 m 14/39 [WO Gz]
JEH46 Datoma Alidas (hills and plain) 12/41 [Ne]
?? Dattenab, east of Ankober 09/40 [18]
datu (O) umbrella/parasol usually of leaves or straw
JEB77 Datu (D. Bahari) (area), see under Asaita 11/41 [WO]
JDP73c Dau (Daou) (mountain) circa 1035'/4100' 10/41 [x]
on map of 1901, east of Awash river
Daua .., cf Dawa ..
HCM86 Dauadina, see Dawadina
JED11 Dauanleh, see Dewele
HEK55 Dauc, see Dahuch
Daud, the Muslim form of the name David
HEU16 Daude (area) 12/39 [WO]
daudi (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Piliostigma thonningii
HDB38 Daudie (mount., with church) 2080 m, see u. Bedele 08/36 [WO]
HCE66 Daudo, see Dande, cf Dawedo
JEA04 Daue, see Dawe
JDP32 Daui (waterhole) 1015'/4055' 10/40 [WO Gz]
JDR94 Dauichel (Daueichel) (well) 10/41 [MS WO Gu]
HEK55 Dauk (Dauc) (mountain) 1215'/3757', cf Dahuch 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
HCB99 Daula (south of Omo river) 0618'/3633' 1089 m 06/36 [Wa Gz]
HDM33 Daulie, see Dawliye
HEE76 Daunt (Dawnt) (area) 1128'/3859' 2355 m 11/38 [18 WO Gz]
(recorded in 1868), cf Dawint
-- Dauro, Dawro, an ethnic group within the Ometo, with a language
variety same/?/ as the Kullo
?? Dauro (highland) ../.. [x]
-- Dauro language (Dawro) has sub-dialects Konta and Kucha
?? Dauro & Konta, with Catholic missionaries ../.. [20]
JEH13 Daurre (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEN67 Dava (Deva) (hills) 1311'/4028' 13/40 [WO Ne Gz]
JBS73 Dava Goronyo (Dava Gorogno) (area) 05/42 [+ WO]
HES55 Davark, see Debark
HES64c Davart, see under Debark 13/37 [n]
HES74c Daver (corrupt form of Debr?) 13/37 [n]
Village immediately south of the Lamalimu mountain pass.
daw (Som) 1. group of wells; way, road, path;
dawa, dawwa (O) 1. cure, medicine; 2. ancient Oromo name of a
month, equated with Tikimt = Oct-Nov;
dawa (A) 1. fallow land, not being cultivated; 2. kind of strong
weed that grows among cereals; dawwa (A) undergrowth, shrub;
(T) kind of shrub or small tree, Grewia bicolor;
HBU.. Dawa (long river, southern Sidamo) 04/39 [Mi]
HCE24 Dawa 0539'/3848' 1736 m 05/38 [Gz]
HDF.. Dawa, a cave site in Angacha wereda 08/39 [n]
dawa ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JDE45 Dawa Ali (Daua Ali, D. Aleh) 0836'/4353' 1195 m 08/43 [+ Gz]
KDB06 Dawa Ali (Daua Ali) 0812'/4614' 657 m, cf Dewa 08/46 [+ WO Gz]
dawa busa (O) cure for malaria
?? Dawa Busa (visiting postman under A. Abeba) ../.. [Po]
?? Dawa Chefa wereda/?/ ../.. [Ad 20]
H.... Dawa Kursu (D. Cursu) (valley north of Dawa) 04/39? [+ Mi]
HCE24 Dawa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Siche) 05/38 [Ad]
HER25 Dawa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dangura) 12/37 [Ad]
JCK43 Dawadid (Dauadid) 0646'/4248' 577 m 06/42 [+ Gz]
-- Dawadin, name of a tribe of Arsi Gurage
HCM86 Dawadina (Dauadina) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
JED11 Dawale (Dawanle), see Dewele
HEK45 Dawaro, see Dewaro
?? Dawaru, see Dewero
HDM75 Dawde Amba & Begu kebele (Dawdé .. Bägu ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-east in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
11-16 km south-east of Debre Sina; area 1,689 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Dawdo (in Dese Zuriya awraja) 11/39? [Ad]

dawe (A) disease, illness; dewe (T) leprosy;

daawe (Som) frying pan, grill; daawee (Som) give medicine;
-- Dawe, Jawe, a branch of the Boran tribe
JDJ22 Dawe 0916'/4151' 2014 m 09/41 [Gz]
JEA04 Dawe (Daawwe, Daue, Dewe, Dowwé) 10/40 [Gz x WO Ha]
(area) 1050'/4010'
HDE73 Dawera Gudo 0848'/3845' 2112 m, 08/38 [Gz]
cf Dewaro, Dewero
HDD28 Daweto 0822'/3820' 3181 m 08/38 [Gz]
HBK32 Dawfi 0346'/3758' 881 m, 03/37 [Gz]
near the border of Kenya
HCJ29 Dawi (centre in 1964 of Woyde sub-district) 06/37 [Ad]
HET67 Dawi 1315'/3907' 1910 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEE48 Dawid kebele (Dawed ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tenta wereda at its western border, 9-12 km
south-west of Tenta settlement; area 1,181 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dawile: dawilla, dawula (A) measure of grain,
about 100 kgs; leather bag holding that measure
HDM33 Dawile (Dawliye, Daulie, Dawle, Dawwile) (area) 09/39 [Gz WO]
0922'/3937' 2139 m
HEE64 Dawint (Daont, Dawont) 1128'/3859' 2355 m 11/38 [WO Gz]
(in Wadla Delanta awraja, later Delanta wereda), plateau
overhanging the northern bank of Bashilo river, cf Daunt
Coordinates would give map code HEE65
HEE64 Dawint & Delanta wereda (Dawunt .. ..) 11/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 77 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Agonat, Ambat, Ambaye, Arka, Asgaj, Asim Dega, Asim Kola,
Asuga Mujazen, Atseft, Ayda Sagora, Baba, Beseka Yegoreda,
Bionawalka, Biska, Biwot Selho, Chat Ashenat, Chegoma Aberkut,
Chew Kutir Kola, Chinga Chew, Debir, Degela, Dingilot, Fensiha,
Ferkake, Gicha Beret, Gosh Meda, Guliya Chukiya, Hana, Ilana,
Intugina, Istayish Weyraye, Kechin Areh, Keda Mistinkir, Kembeh,
Kera Fenzyt, Key Warka, Kisat Dega, Kisat Kola, Lam Dingay,
Lay Mekelet, Lay Sokoloho, magot, Menkwake Chereka, Mesno Amba,
Mistinkir, Selam Amba, Shega, Shekol Senbelet, Shekol Senbelet Dega,
Shola Dirdiriya, Silena, Sinat Kela, Solit Dima, Tach Mekelet, Tach
Sokoloho, Tana, Tarda Gebriel, Tarda Medhane Alem, Tembeko,
Tikshign, Tikurena, Tima Tikshign, Wetege, Weyis, Wist Amba,
Yabte Asel, Yedba, Yedej Seleda, Yekendet, Yesay, Yimara Aronka,
Zelhon, Zernayt, Ziban Arihule, Ziban Dega, Zita Angworgur,
Zuy Alehat
HEE64 Dawint wereda 11/38 [Ad]
Around 1996, Dawint wereda was merged into other wredas,
with four kebeles included in Wadla and 21 kebeles in former
Delanta wereda, and the one written just above here was created.
HDM33 Dawit kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Berehet wereda at the southern third
of its western border; area 1,140 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM33 Dawle kebele (Dawlé) 09/39 [x Ad]
in south-eastern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its border;
24-27 km south-southwest of Ankober; area 942 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL88 Dawo 0950'/3913' 2607 m (with church Iyesus) 09/39 [Gz]
HDL89 Dawo 0950'/3915' 2654 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL89 Dawo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its northern
border, 9-13 km south-east of Inewari; area 1,485 hectares. [CSA 1994]
H.... Dawo sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Bussa) (1964-1997-) 08/38 [Ad n]
H.... Dawo wereda 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
-- Dawro, see Dauro
HEE.. Dawunt, see Dawint
day (O) pardon, forgiveness
-- Day, name of a tribe of Arsi Gurage
HDM.? Day Giyorgis (church), see Dey Giyorgis
daya, dhaya (O) current /of water/; dayaa (Som) son;
-- Werre Daya, W. Deya, a group of Oromo known in the 1600s;
daya (Welega Bega) gureza monkey
HDE09 Daya (Daia) 1586 m 08/39 [+ Gu]
on a ridge between river Awash and lake Ziway
HEE63 Daya 1126'/3846' 2078 m 11/38 [Gz]
JER60 Dayburu 1313'/4137' 1093 m 13/41 [Gz]
daye: daaye (Som) migration, to go somewhere
HCL33 Daye 0638'/3842' 2442 m, cf Deye 06/38 [Gz 20]
/this one?:/ town in Bensa wereda
HDK98 Daye (Dayu) 0953'/3816' 2579 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDL43 Daye 0926'/3842' 2435 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM50 Daye 0936'/3921' 2736 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDK98 Daye sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hose) 09/38 [Ad]
HDU61 Dayer 1032'/3927' 2725 m (amba in Menz) 10/39 [Gz]
HDU51 Dayer Maryam (church) 1028'/3930' 10/39 [Gz]
HDU61 Dayer sub-district (centre in 1964 = Feres Bet) 10/39 [Ad]
dayo, dayyo (O) mother-in-law
H.... Dayo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hana) 08/36 [Ad]
HE... Dayo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dayo) 12/39 [Ad]
-- Dayu, Dayyu, a clan of the Karrayyu of the Borana people
HEM72 Dayu 1228'/3935' 1545 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM83 Dayu (Diau) 1228'/3935', see under Alamata 12/39 [Gz WO]
HDE31 Dayu Abo (church) 0827'/3831' 08/38 [Gz]
HEL47 Dazariya 1211'/3906' 2609 m 12/39 [Gz]
HET50 Dbilza, see Dibilza
JBP08 Ddei Ddei (plain) 04/41 [WO Gu]
HDN46c De Soucy (Tulu de S.) circa 1020'/3520' 10/35 [x]
(on map of 1901), European-given name never used
JDE24 Dea (area) 08/43 [WO]
HEU83 Dean (De'an, De'ar) 1329'/3939' 2493 m, cf Der 13/39 [Gz]
HFE84 Dearo Tekle (Daaro T., De'aro T., Daro Tacle) 14/38 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(Dero T.) (with waterhole) 1418'/3850' 1896 m
(centre in 1964 of Adi Arbate wereda)
HDG63 Deba 0939'/3506' 1541 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDG29 Deba Robi 0916'/3541' 1834 m 09/35 [Gz]
HFE17 Deba Selama Amanuel (church) 1340'/3907' 13/39 [Gz]
HDL78 Debacora, see Deka Bora
H.... Debai Tilat Gin wereda (Debay Telatbin ..) 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kuye Maryam)
with kebeles among which
HET86 Debai 1328'/3904' 1421 m, cf Debay 13/39 [Gz]
HFF44 Debaina (Demberona) 1357'/3946' 2938 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEC94 Debak Awra (Devach Aura) 11/36 [+ It]
HDK69 Debakora (Debacora) 2542 m 09/38 [+ WO]
JDJ21 Debal 0919'/4145' 2638 m 09/41 [Gz]
JEJ56 Debalti (Gabalti) (mountain) 1215'/4212' 863 m 12/42 [Gz WO]
-- Debamo (people), see Dubamo
HEC88 Debanji, see Devangi
?? Debanu (Oromo pilgrim place) ../.. [x]
HDM.? Debar (with church Gebri'el), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
HEU22 Debar 1252'/3933' 3219 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDM42 Debar kebele (Débar ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the north in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
14-17 km north-east of Koremash; area 646 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM84 Debaret & Mewkeriya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Däbarät & Mäwqäriya ..)
in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda stretching narrowly
to its eastern border, 6-11 km south-west of Debre Sina; area 1,227 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES34 Debark (Debarq, Dabarq) 1300'/3755' 13/37 [MS Ad n]
(centre -1956-1980- of Simen awraja, also 1964
of Debark wereda & Asera Belai sub-district)
HES55 Debark (Debarech, Devark, Davark) (area) 13/37 [+ WO 18]
HES64 Debark (Debark', Debarec, Debarek, Dabarek) 13/37 [Gz x Gu]
(Dabarq, Dibark, Dobarik, Dobaruk) 13/37 [x Te 18]
(Debbivar, Debebahir, Divarik), cf Dib Bahir 13/37 [n Gu]
("Debarec nuova", Däbärek)
1308'/3754' or 1314'/3756' 2235 m or 3020 m or
1309'/3753' 2848 m, mountain 1311'/3757' 2908 m
(centre at least 1945-1980 of Simen awraja, also 1964 of
Debark wereda & Asera Belai sub-district)
Wilkifit Pass is shortly beyond on the main road.
HES64 Debark wereda (at least in the 1990s) 13/37 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
debas (däbas) (A) spirit believed to preferably stay where
there is tella and tej
H.... Debas Kindish sub-district (.. Kndish) 13/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Hamus Gebeya)
?? Debaso (sub-post office under Asbe Teferi) 09/41 [Po 18]
(written Debbassoo on map of 1814)
HES32 Debat, see Dabat
HDP75 Debatie, see Dibate
-- Dehatsa language, see Gumuz
HDT14 Debay 1104'/3850' 1965 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDT.. Debay Telatbin sub-district (-1997-) 11/38? [n]
?? Debayna (Däbayna) (historically recorded mid-1700s) ../.. [Pa]
JEP94 Debbeta (Dobbeta) (waterhole) 1333'/4103' 13/41 [WO Ne Gz]
HEC55 Debbikan (Debbican) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
(with church Maryam 1 km to the south-west)
HES64 Debbivar (Debivar), see Debark
HEC38 Debbuk (Debbuc) 11/37 [+ WO]
HD... Debdebo (Debdebbo, Debdabo) 09/39 [Ad n]
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Bashkewet)
HDU15 Debdebo kebele (Däbdäbo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kewet wereda at the middle of its western border,
12-16 km north-west of Shewa Robit;area 1,164 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD.. Debdibi Abado, in Weliso wereda 08/37 [20]
debe: dabe (Som) tortous, crooked, flexible
HDK53 Debe 0934'/3747' 2546 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Kachisi
?? Debe Gojo (Däbbä Gojjo) ../.. [x]
debe wein: weyn (Som) big, large, great;
weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine; 2. grape, wine plant
JCM00 Debe Wein (Debewein) 06/44 [MS Ad]
JCM00 Debe Wein wereda (ctr in 1964 = Debe Wein) 06/44 [Ad]
HEC55 Debecam, see Debre Tsehay
HDL91 Debegojo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ejere), 09/38 [Ad]
cf Debokojo
JDF62c Debegoriyale 08/44 [MS]
HET96 Debek (Debek', Debeq, Debuc, Dibbuc, Dibbuce) 13/39 [Gz q WO Gu]
1331'/3904' 1548 m (with church Maryam)
HFE82 Debek (Debek', Debeq) 1419'/3837' 1452 m 14/38 [Gz q]
HFE82 Debek kebele (Däbäq ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Tenta wereda, 6-9 km west
of Tenta settlement; area 1,672 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
debeka: dabaka (Sidamo O) kind of tree, Faurea rochetiana;
it grows mostly on rocky hillsides and is good for firewood
and its bark gives red colour
HDG44 Debeka (Debek'a, Debeqa) 0928'/3512' 1616 m 09/35 [Gz q]
HEE86 Debeko, see Dibiko & HEE88, HEE96
debel (däbäl) (A) billygoat; fool
HDE70 Debel, mountain 0848'/3828' 2169 m 08/38 [x Gz]
(this village is 4 km west of the next one)
HDE71 Debel (mountain and village) 08/38 [x]
HEF61 Debel , see Dibil
HF... Debel sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tsebel) 14/38 [Ad]
JDK36 Debel Weyne 0923'/4304' 1830 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDK37 Debel Weyne 0922'/4311' 1759 m 09/43 [Gz]
east of Jijiga, halfway between that town and Somalia
JDK82 Debel Weyne (Debeluin) (area) 1759/1830 m 09/43 [Gz WO]
0922'/4311' and 0923'/4304'
debela (däbäla) (A) kind of cloth; debelan (T) muslin;
debele (O) a grade in the gada system;
debbele (däbbälä) (A) share room with someone,
be associated; (däbbälle) (A) large, green butterfly
Debele, Däbäla, a male personal name
HDL55 Debela 0931'/3855' 2630 m, cf Dabala 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFF52 Debela (mountain chain) 1402'/3938' 2525 m 14/39 [Gz]
HES.? Debela Kasa, village near high mountain Bwahit 13/38 [x]
HDE43 Debele 0833'/3843' 1910 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDM64 Debele & Tora Mesk kebele (Däbälé .. Mäsk ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its eastern
border. 3-8 km north-west of Ankober town; area 1,720 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL44 Debelicha 0929'/3851' 2608 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEK08 Debelima (Debeliman) 1155'/3815' 2424 m 11/38 [WO Gz]
HDL74 Debeliti 0942'/3847' 2558 m (with church Gebriel) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD86 Debelo 0856'/3807' 2272 m 08/38 [Gz]
H.... Debenawi (Däbänawi) in Damot 10/37? [Pa]
(historically recorded from the 1500s)
debena (A) (Gondar A) royal black tent; (däbäna) (T) cloud;
debene (T) become cloudy, darken; stain soil; blend;
debene (däbäne) (Gondar A) turtle-dove;
debbene (däbbänä) (A) be tight /as said of a knot/
JDG45 Debene (tribal area) 09/40 [Ne]
JDR02 Debene (Debeni) (area) 10/41 [WO]
HCT90 Debenna, see Dobena
Deber .., see generally Debir .., Debre ..
deber: debir (däbir) (A) mountain; abbey? cf debr, debre;
sanctuary of a church; debere (T) collect in one place;
dibir (Gurage) forest
HFE15 Deber Ansa, see Debre Asa, cf Amba Debre Ansa
KCA18 Deber Wen (Dabarueine, Dabureine) 05/45 [LM WO Gz]
0532'/4531' 344 m
HEJ75 Deberega (Deberiga) 1227'/3707' 1939 m 12/37 [Gz WO]
JCE89 Deberiag 0610'/4418' 414 m 06/44 [Gz]
HDA79 Debeso 0851'/3539' 1833 m 08/35 [Gz]
H.... Debeso (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 08/36? [Ad]
JDH03 Debeso 0908'/4100' 2257 m 09/41 [Gz]
debet: dibet (T) silt, alluvium
HDS56 Debet (Debiat) (mountain) 1029'/3801' 2840 m, 10/38 [WO Ch Gz]
cf Debial
HDS.. Debet Medhane Alem (Debiet ..) 10/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wedemit sub-district)
HDH86 Debeta 0948'/3618' 2130 m 09/36 [Gz]
HES63 Debevar, see Debark
JCM00 Debewein, see Debe Wein
debey ti..: tilat (t'ilat) (A) soot /on pots/
HDT.. Debey Tilatgin wereda (.. Tilat Gin .., ..Telatbin ..) 11/38? [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JEH19 Debheli (hill) 1154'/4138' 360 m 11/41 [WO Gz]
HDT84 Debi Giyorgis, see Dibi G.
HDT94 Debi kebele (Däbi ..) 10/39 [Ad]
almost in westernmost Legambo wereda, 28-30 km
west-southwest of Akista; area 1,029 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS55 Debial (mountain) 1026'/3801' 2542 m, cf Debet 10/38 [Gz]
HDT65 Debibiso, see Dibibiso
debicha la..: labo (Som) both, two; laabo (Som) turn back, curve;
labu (O) 1. low thorny bush; 2. wander aimlessly
HDE28 Debicha Labo (M. Debiccia Labo) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
JDE14 Debiley (Debilei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]

debir (däbir) (A) mountain, sanctuary, parish,

church served by married priests
Debir is in the Old Testament the city designated for the Levites.
HDM71 Debir 0942'/3930' 2712 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDU07 Debir (Mafud, Mahfud, Makfud) 09/39 [Gz]
0958'/3958' 1344 m (district in Yifat-Timuga)
HED24 Debir 1107'/3756' 2128 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEE97 Debir 1145'/3905' 3199 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEL48 Debir 1211'/3912' 2769 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM91 Debir 1238'/3930' 2465 m 12/39 [Gz]
HET28 Debir 1254'/3914' 2145 m, or 1255'/3913' 1984 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU80 Debir 1327'/3926' 2113 m (with church Giyorgis) 13/39 [Gz]

HDL97 Debir & Dey kebele (Däber & Däy ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Moret & Jiru wereda, 6-10 km
west-southwest of Inewari; area 837 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
debir du..: duba (O) 1. sheep's tail; 2. outer surface of
an object; 3. (duuba) level direction, not upwards or downwards;
dubaa (O) behind, in the rear; dhuubaa (O) soaked grain
HEC96 Debir Duba (Lata) (village) 1142'/3713' 1847 m 11/37 [Gu It Gz]
HDU18 Debir & Jegol kebele (Däber & Jägol ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Kewet wereda at its northern border there,
5-10 km south-east of Shewa Robit; area 4,040 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE73 Debir kebele (Däber ..) 11/39 [Ad]
rather far to the west in Dawint & Delanta wereda,
13-15 km south-southwest of Bete Hor; area 966 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK52 Debir Mikael (church) 1217'/3744' 12/37 [Gz]
HDT73 Debir Soyu kebele (Däber .. ..) 12/37 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, 2-8 km west
of Mekane Selam; area 778 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK45 Debir Teklehaymanot (church) 1208'/3802' 12/38 [Gz]
-- Debire .., see Debre ..
HDL64 Debis 0937'/3851' 2653 m 09/38 [Gz]
debisa (O) 1. furrow; 2. answer, reaction;
debisa, dabessa (western O) Adina microcephala;
debise (O) pair, couple; return, reward
HDD47 Debisa 0832'/3812' 2373 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDD98 Debisa 0858'/3818' 2125 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK19 Debisa 0913'/3823' 2697 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
H.... Debisa 10/38? [Ad]
JEA42 Debisa (area) 1748 m, see under Bati 11/40 [WO]
HDL54 Debiti 0934'/3849' 2659 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HES63 Debivar (Debevar), see Debark
H.... Debko (Debqo) (in Lasta) place with school 12/39? [+ x]
debo (däbo) (A) communal labour
GCT48 Debo, see Gesi
HDD21 Debo 0821'/3740' 1619 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDE69 Debokojo (Debocogio, Debocodio, Debogoggio) 08/39 [+ Gu WO]
(mountain area) 0845'/3918' 2011/2320 m,
cf Debegojo
JDK30 Debole 0922'/4232' 1517 m 09/42 [Gz]
HCT91 Debona sub-district (Dobena ..) 08/38 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Koshe)
HDT59 Debora Guracha 1029'/3916' 2601 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEK63 Debosghie (village), see under Belesa 12/37 [WO]
HEM10 Debot 1156'/3923' 3393 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEM10 Debot kebele (Däbot ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central northernmost Guba Lafto wereda,
19-24 km north-west of Weldiya; area 2,252 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
debr (däbr) (A) mountain, sanctuary, parish,
church served by married priests /the word makes
names of the form Debre Xx/
Debra .., see Debre ..
HEC72 Debra Sina, see Sena
HFC54 Debragut, see Debregut
HEC55 Debrakoni, see HEC55 Debre Tsehay
HEJ95 Debrasma 12/37 [WO]
debre (däbrä) (A) mountain being a retreat of monks or the
site of a monastery; the word is normally followed by a name
or word of Christian religious character
HFE52 Debre Abale Vanus (rock-hewn church) 14/38 [Br]
HFD35 Debre Abay (Debra Abbai, D. Abbay, Devra Abbai) 13/37 [WO 18 Pa Gz]
1352'/3759' 1272 m, in Shire awraja
(monastery, with rock church? recorded in the late 1400s)
HEK23? Debre Abreham (old name), see Addis Zemen
HDF12c Debre Abrentant (Däbrä Abräntant) 13/37 [En]
The central monastery of the Waldibba complex, located in a lowland desert area.
The monastery has several churches and is famous for the austerity of its monks.
HEL05 Debre Abune Aaron (rock-hewn church), 11/38 [x]
south-west of Lalibela
HEU60 Debre Aila, see Debre Hale
?? Debre Alias (sub-post office under D.Markos) ../.. [Po]
HFE06 Debre Amba /Silase/ (Debra Amba) 13/39 [n x WO Gu]
(with rock-hewn church)
1339'/3901' 2434 m, see under Abiy Adi
HFF61 Debre Amo (mountain) 1411'/3931' 3099 m 14/39 [n]
HFE87 Debre Anbesa 1423'/3906' 1962 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFE15 Debre Asa (Debra Ansa, Amba Debre A.) 13/38 [Gz]
(mountain chain) 1344'/3858' 1949/2426 m,
see also Abiy Adi : Abba Yohanni
HDL74 Debre Asbo (ancient name), see Debre Libanos
JDG29 Debre Asebot 0917'/4035' 2403 m, see also Asebot 09/40 [En]
monastery founded perhaps in the late 1300s, re-established in 1911
?? Debre Bage, with monastery ../.. [x]
HDT.. Debre Bahir, village at the high plateau of Debark 13/37 [n]
HDT.. Debre Bahriy (D. Bahrey) 'Mount of the Pearl' 10/38 [En x]
monastery at 2400 m altitude on an amba, with three tabots
HDM43 Debre Beg (Debra Bag, Debre Bege, D. Beggi) 09/39 [x]
'Mount of the Lamb', monastery said to have been founded in the 1300s,
located in Tera in the Kebena valley in former Tegulet & Bulga awraja
HDM43 Debre Beg kebele (Däbrä Bäg ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 16-19 km
south-southwest of Debre Birhan; area 894 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM43 Debre Beggi, see Debre Beg above
HFE62c Debre Benkwal (recorded in the late 1400s), 14/38 [20]
about 20 km north-west of Aksum
HF... Debre Berbere (Dabra Barbare), in Tigray, 14/39 [x]
monastery south-east of Amba Senayt
?? Debre Berek (D.Bäräq) monastery in Shewa, ../.. [x]
cf HDL16 Berek
HDK89? Debre Besrat (Monastery), see Zena Markos
HDM64 Debre Bikayu kebele (Däbrä Beakyu ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Ankober wereda, 8-10 km
north-northeast of Ankober town; area 309 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM62 Debre Birhan (Debra Beran, Dabra Berhan) 09/39 [Gz It WO x]
(Debra Brehan) 0941'/3932' 2806/2840 m
Centre -1956-1980- of Tegulet & Bulga awraja.
Kebeles adjoining the town are Atakilt to the east, Karafino to the south,
Tebase and Genet & Weld-Tensay to the west, Chole to the north-west,
and a little of Wilcho & Tid Amba and Zanjira to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4E Gango & Tenkole kebele
7E Ametegna & Kimbo Hager kebele
7E Wisha Wishign kebele
7E Tiliku Dilela kebele
9E Loya Hager kebele
9E Laya Gind kebele
10E Bakelo kebele
6SE Tinishu Dilela kebele
7SE Tsigereda kebele
10SE Ilala Werke (Ilala Uorche) (village)
2S Faji & Bokafiya kebele
3S Tach Milki kebele
3S Wolo (Uolo) (area)
5S Kormargefiya kebele
7S Fajji (Faggi) (area)
8S Kormargefiya (Kormagafiya) (village) 2802 m
8S Chefanen kebele
9S Kembere kebele
9S Anase & Sanka kebele
2SW Tebassi (Tebase) (kind of centre?) 2779 m
4SW Alo Beret kebele
8SW Lankisa & Dewa kebele
8SW Boren kebele
9SW Kidane Mihret (Chidanbemeret) (church)
10SW Lafto Lencha kebele
6W Webi & Ketanit kebele
7W Daleti & Mekegn kebele
8W village with Body Guard camp
8W Angolela & Totoch kebele
9W Birbirsa & Koshom kebele
2NW Beressa (valley)
3NW Weyniye & Gedenbo kebele
6NW Dunguit (village)
6NW Kasot Amora Gedel kebele
9NW Talak Amba kebele
10NW Ate Washa kebele
5N Iteye kebele
7N Nito & Weydme kebele
8N Moy kebele
10N Gashot kebele
10N Meskelesos kebele
10N Zendogur & Tabor kebele
10N Amoragedel (Amoraghede) (village) 2078 m
5NE Sariya & Wakeyo kebele
8NE Chiraro Debir kebele
10NE Anbeta Defar kebele
10NE [Liche (Licce), see this name as own entry]
HEJ99 Debre Birhan 1237'/3729' 2184 m, near Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HF... Debre Birhan, village in the Hawzen area 13/39 [20]
HEJ99 Debre Birhan Silase, see Gondar : churches
HDM62 Debre Birhan wereda 09/39 [20]
(centre in the 2000s = Debre Birhan)
(-1994-) is divided into 9 urban kebeles and covers only the town.
HDM62 Debre Birhan Zuriya /& Keyit/ wereda 09/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 103 rural kebeles among which
Abamote, Abisa & Kidenu, Abore Hager, Adgo Hager, Adisge,
Alo Beret, Amer Hager, Ametegna & Kimbo Hager, Anbeta Defar,
Andit Tid, Angolela & Totoch, Angvy, Arsi Amba, Asah, Asofe Hager,
Atakilt, Ate Washa, Bakelo, Baso Dengora, Bere Hager, Birbirsa &
Koshom, Birze Hager, Chachat, Chechet & Sefed Amba, Chilema
Washa, Chimbire, Chiraro Debir, Chole, Daleti & Mekegn, Debaret &
ewkeriya, Debele & Tora Mesk, Debre & Koshim, Dimbaro, Dinbu &
Gedamge, Dinjen & Mag Washa, Dinkwan & Gunagunit, Dube Hager,
Faji & Bokafiya, Gango & Tenkole, Gashot, Geda & Dem Aytema,
Gedema & Argane Weyra, Genet & Welde Tensay, Gift & Wenzage,
Gimel Jerba, Gina Beret, Ginb Washa, Gosh Hager, Gosh Wiha,
Indod Washa & Belesa Washa, Iteye, Karafino, Kasima, Kasot
Amora Gedel, Keba, Keteri & Genanseba, Kormargefiya, Kura Maryam,
Laja Gind, Lay Mush, Legeyda, Loya Hager, Matkoriya, Mehal Amba,
Meskelesos, Mezerazir, Motatit, Moy, Muter, Muti & Moydar, Nas & Kum
Amba, Negarit Bahir, Nito & Weydme, Sariya & Wakeyo, Selam Amba,
Tach Mesensa, Tach Milki, Tach Mush & Weyra, Talak Amba, Tebase,
Tebez & Bitirge, Telesa, Tija Sar, Tikurit Bado, Tiliku Bura, Tiliku Dilela,
Tinishu Dilela, Wayu & Angur Mewgiya, Webi & Ketanit, Wechit Washa,
Wedemka, Wenbero & Teko, Weyna Bedera, Weyniye & Gedenbo, Wilcho
& Tid Amba, Wilgim, Wisha Wishign, Zanjira, Zendogur & Tabor, Zigba &
Mekecha, Zinjero Gedel
HDL97 Debre Bisrat (D. Besrat) 0952'/3905' 09/39 [En n]
'Mount of the Annunciation'
old monastery also known as Debre Zena Markos,
place of pilgrimage on the slopes of an amba
HFL97 Debre Bizen 1520'/3905' 15/39 [WO Gz]
monastery located in Eritrea but in 1889 defined to be Ethiopian property.
HEJ18 Debre Dega Estifanos, see Daga Estifanos
HFE99 Debre Damo (Debra Damo, Debra Dama) 14/39 [Br Gu WO Gz]
(Dabra Dammo) (ancient monastery on amba)
1422'/3917' 2216 m
H.... Debre Daret (Dabra Darèt) ../.. [x]
monastery in Begemdir in the 1300s
?? Debre Dima, see Dima Giyorgis
HEF.. Debre Egziabeher, see Estifanos, cf Hayk
HDR49 Debre Eliyas, see Eliyas, cf Debre Genet Elyas
HEF53 Debre Estifanos, see Hayk Istifanos
HDL74 Debre Fisiha 0945'/3848' 2522 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael to the south), see under Debre Libanos
HFF94 Debre Garzen (monastery), see Gunde Gunde
HDT38 Debre Gel, see Debre Gil
HDE74 Debre Gelan 0850'/3850' 2141 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDU57 Debre Gelele (Debra Ghelele) 10/39 [+ WO Gz]
1024'/3959' 1462, 1812 m
HEJ46 Debre Gelila, see Gelila
HEL86 Debre Gelila (Debre Ghelila) 12/39 [+ WO]
(church), see under Sekota
HDD68 Debre Genet 0847'/3820' 2067 m 08/38 [Gz]
HFE22 Debre Genet (Debra Ghennet, Debra Ganatt) 13/38 [MS WO Gu 18]
(Edaga Selus) (with church) 1337'/3842' 1413 m
HFE23 Debre Genet (Debra Ghennet) (area) 13/38 [Gz WO Gu]
1347'/3842' 2110/2139 m
HDS01? Debre Genet Elyas (Däbrä Gännät Elyas) 10/37 [En]
(Dabra Eleyas) church 45 km south-west of Debre Markos
HDT59 Debre Geracha kebele (Däbrä Gäracha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Jema wereda, 3-7 km north-east of Degolo; area 1,849 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Debre Gerza (D. Gärza, D. Gerzen) ../.. [Pa n]
(historically recorded, monastery of the Stephanites), cf Gunde Gunde
HDT38 Debre Gil & Karamchig kebele 10/39 [Ad]
(Däbrä Gel & Karamcheg ..)
in almost easternmost Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, extending
between its northern and south-eastrn borders, 10-15 km north-east
of Meragna; area 2,318 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
?? Debre Gol (Dabra ..) ../.. [+ x]
monastery in the Amhara region
HEU.? Debre Gwigwiben 12/37? [En]
monastery on lake Tana
HEU60 Debre Hale (Debra Aila) 1315'/3923' 2362/2559 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE72c Debre Halle Luya (recorded in the late 1400s) 14/38 [20 n]
about 20 km north-northwest of Aksum,
on a hill overlooking the Mereb river, destroyed by Ahmed Grañ
but there were five monks living in the ruins in 1625
HFE78c Debre Hareykuwa (Debra Harelkua) 14/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn/?/ church)
debre hari..: haria (eastern O) warthog; bush-pig;
hariya, hariiya (O) age grade system, age-mate;
haria (T) relieve oneself, defecate
HER84 Debre Hariya (Debra Haria), see Gebre Harya
debre harm..: harmaz (T) elephant
HFE95 Debre Harmaz (with church Mikael) 1426'/3855' 14/38 [Gz]
HEF53 Debre Hayk Estifanos, see Hayk Istifanos
HET.? Debre Hayl /Maryam/ 13/39 [20]
a little-known monastery south of Mekele
HET57 Debre Hayle (Debre Hail) 13/39 [LM]
HEU71 Debre Hayle (w cave church), said to be near Antalo 13/39 [+ x]
HEU61 Debre Hayle sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Adi Gudom) 13/39 [Ad]
HEM.. Debre Hermo 12/39 [x]
monastery mentioned in the 1300s
HEF53 Debre Igzi'abher Ab, see Hayk Istifanos
HEJ18 Debre Istefanos (St. Stephanos) (church) 11/37 [+ WO Gu Br]
(Dago Istafanos), see Dega
HDS61 Debre Kelmo Akawuha (D. K'elmo A.) (church) 10/37 [Gz]
1032'/3737', east of Dembecha
debre ke..: kentte (qeenttee) (O) single /like an ox
without working partner/
HED73 Debre Kente (Debra Chente) 1131'/3755' 2459 m 11/37 [+ WO Gz]
HED74 Debre Kente (mountain) 2710 m 11/37 [x]
HFE40 Debre Kerbe (Mariam Debre Cherbie, .. .. Cuorie) 13/38 [Gz Ad Gu]
(M.D. Cuvrie, Debre Kebre) 1357'/3827' 1957 m
(centre in 1964 of Zana wereda)

HEE94 Debre Kerbe kebele (Däbrä Kärbé ..) 11/39 [Ad]

in north-western Meket wereda at its border,
12-21 km north-west of Filakit; area 7,732 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HE... Debre Ketin (Däbrä Qät'in) 11/37? [En]
monastery in Gayint overlooking the western bank of the Tekkeze river
HDU.. Debre Kopros (Dabra Qopros) 10/39? [+ x]
(hill in Mama Midir in Menz)
HDM72 Debre & Koshim kebele (Däbrä & Koshem ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the north in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
9-14 km north-northeast of Debre Birhan town; area 2,224 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HDT22 Debre Kozet (Däbrä Qozät) 10/37? [En]
ancient monastery which was rebuilt in the time of Menilek II.
debre ku..: kuna (Som) and to; kunna (qunna) (A)
a measure for grain
?? Debre Kuna, on the slopes of the Tekkeze, ../.. [+ n]
with Italian fort in the 1930s
HFE.. Debre Kwenatsel (Däbrä Qwänasel), near Adwa 14/38 [x]
Abba Liqanos established himself in the monastery there in the 500s.
debre laf: lafa (O) land; laf (Som) 1. bone; 2. self
HEU11 Debre Laf (Debra Laf) (pass), 12/39 [+ WO]
see under Maichew
HEC55 Debre Lai Maryam (Devrilai Mariam) (village on hill) 11/37 [+ It]
HFE.. Debre Legaso (Dabra Lagaso) 14/38 [x]
monastery probably in the Aksum area,
stated to have been burnt by Muslims in 1535
HDL74 Debre Libanos (Debra Libanos) 09/38 [Gz AA WO Ha]
0942'/3849' or 0943'/3852' 2008 m,
monastery Debre Libanos Gedam at 0948'/3851' = HDL84
(famous religious centre; ancient name Debre Asbo)
cf Yaya Gulele & Debre Libanos wereda,
see also Jer Sillase
Within 10 km from the main church there are at km
6E Anzuch (with church)
8E Arasho (with church Maryam) 2184 m
9E Ayat (with church) 2184 m
10E Bergafet (Bergatit)
6SE Arera 2589 m
6SE Fentale (with church) 2648 m
7SE Merketa (Merk'eta) 2612 m
8SE Sebro (with church)
10SE Sire
1S Bolo
2S Mute (place and area)
3S Guracho (Guracho Wena) 2546 m
4S Terara
4S Dide Guba 2546/2729 m
5S Dorent
5S Misrake (Misrak'e) 1400, 2602 m
6S Kike (K'ik'e) 2563 m
7S Serte 2625 m
8S Mekicho 2133 m
8S Kuremanyo (K'uremanyo) 2625 m
8S Nyaa (Nya'a)
8S Debre Tsige (with church) 2577 m
9S Tulu Geda 2593 m
3SW Abichu 2636 m
3SW Geda Amba 2556 m
4SW Imenu Washa 2546 m
7SW Kasim (K'asim) 2655/2769 m
8SW Use
9SW Wayu
9SW Gurage 2660 m
4W Dahana (with church) 2196 m
5W Chagel (Chagalla)
7W Abeyi (with church) 2493 m
9W Giraro 2518 m
9W Weld Ami 2582 m
10W Muke Guracha 2590 m
10W Kecha (K'echa)
10W Agaje 2590 m
2NW Keteba (K'et'eba)
6NW Sherer (with church)
7NW Debre Fisiha (with church) 2522 m
7NW Abaro (with church) 1884 m
8NW Skinkurt 2522 m
9NW Genet (with church)
7N Weko
8N Wenedi 2628 m
9N Wijiba (with church)
9N Weko (with church)
10N Welbati 2646 m
10N Minkiros (Mink'iros)
1NE Telado (T'elado) 2008 m, waterfalls nearby
7NE Lemi
8NE Girarge (w churches Gebriel and Mikael) 1678 m
8NE Dembi 2519 m
9NE Dereku
--- Zegamel (district in which D. Libanos is situated)
?? Debre Libanos of Shimezana (in Ham?) ../.. [20]
ancient monastery known from the1200s
HDL74 Debre Libanos sub-district (-1997-) 09/38 [n]
HFF30 Debre Mahar, see Debre Mear
HFE63 Debre Makeda, a name of Aksum according to legend
HES.. Debre Malago, 13/38? [x]
monastery known from the 1400s
?? Debre Markorewos (Däbrä Marqoréwos) ../.. [+ Pa]
(historically recorded)
HDS42 Debre Markos (Debra Marcos, Däbrä Marqos) 10/37 [Gz WO Gu Pa]
(Dabra-Marqos) (old name: Moncorer, Mankorar) 10/37 [Ca Gu Pa]
(Menqwerer, Fre: Ménqouarér)
1021'/3744' or 1022'/3743' 2447/2465/2515 m
The old name seen even on a world map published in 1917.
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Debre Markos awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6S /Gebre/ Mikael (Micael, Gh.) (village)
10S Ikobi Maryam (Icobi Mariam) (church)
9SW Ziwad (Omata) (village) 2167 m
4W Gulit (line of small hills)
9N Enerata (Ennereta, Inerata) 2486/2610 m
8NE Senan Gero (area)
??NE Abima (fort)
On high ground there is a famous monastery with church Markos.
HDS31 Debre Markos awraja 1015'/3740' 10/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre = Debre Markos)
HDS31c Debre Markos wereda (-2004-)
HEC89 Debre Maryam (Debra Mariam) (small island) 11/37 [Gz Ch Gu]
1137'/3723' 1784 m (ancient name Debre Sakon)
Coordinates would give map code HEC88
Near where the Abay flows out of lake Tana.
HED71 Debre Maryam 1133'/3737' 1955 m 11/37 [n]
HED99c Debre Maryam (Debra Mariam) c. 3500 m 11/38 [Ad Gu]
HED99c Debre Maryam (with thermal spring)
(centre in 1964 of Amumo Gemis sub-district)
HEF53 Debre Maryam (Debra Mariam) 11/39 [Ha]
(at north shore of lake, recorded in 1841)
HFE36 Debre Maryam (Debra Mariam) 1684 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
(monastery in Tigre) 1353'/3906'
HEC59 Debre May (Debra Mai, Dabra May) 11/37 [Gz WO 18 x]
(with fort & small church) 1122'/3723' 2138/2340/2380 m
Coordinates would give map code HEC58
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6SE Shulluda (Sciulluda) (village)
8SE Abola Negus (hill) 2615 m
9S Manchil (Mancil) (village)
7SW Ding (village)
3W fort or ruin of palace
5W Arega (church)
6NW Feres Woga (Feres Uoga) (village)
8NW Gubberit (village)
9NW Kweskwam (Quosquam) (village)
9N Weg (Ueg) (village)
9N Gafat (village)
9NE Waalia (Ualia) (village)
10NE Koreng (Coreng) (village)
HFF30 Debre Mear (Däbrä Mä'ar, D. Ma'ara, D. Ma'ireye) 13/39 [x Gu Gz]
(Dabra Maar, Debra Mahar) 'mount of honey'
1352'/3922' 2156/2184 m, peak at 1352'/3923'
(with rock-hewn churches),
see under Geralta churches - northern
HFE65c Debre Medera, see Adwa : Abba Gerima
HED99 Debre Medhani (D. Medahani) 1143'/3822' 2951 m, 11/38 [+ WO Gz]
see under Nefas Mewcha
HFE.. Debre Medhanit (Dabra M.) 14/39 [+ x]
Ancient 1200s monastery near an immense rock mass in
the middle of green fields, not far from present-day Inticho.
The monastery has completely disappeared, but there are
rock-hewn graves.

HFE61 Debre Menkol Gedam (monastery) 14/38 [Gz]

1411'/3833', west of Aksum
?? Debre Meraf (historically recorded from 1300s) ../.. [Pa]
debre meshwae (Geez?) place of sacrifice
?? Debre Meshwae (historically recorded from 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
HED42c Debre Mewi (Däbrä Mäwi /Maryam/) 11/37 [En]
'mount of the Victor', monastery in Yilmanna Densa district,
with church bombed and restored in the 1930s
HEC55 Debre Mikael (Debra Micael) (church) 11/37 [+ WO]
debre mit..: mitmaq (Coptic) font outside a church
for unbaptized persons not permitted to enter
?? Debre Mishwae, 'mount of Altar/Sacrifice' ../.. [En]
was founded in late 1400s, but location is unknown
HDU03 Debre Mitmak Maryam (Debra Metmac Mariam) 10/39 [Gz Gu]
(D.Mit'mak' .., Dabra Met'maq ..) (church) 10/39 [x Pa]
1042'/3750' 2940 m, see also under Sela Dingay, cf Aguba
HDU03 Debre Mitmat kebele (Däbrä Met'mat' ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
1-5 km south-east of Sela Dingay; area 1,523 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Debre Mota (monastery in Gojjam), ../.. [x]
cf HED24 Mota
HDT59c Debre Negwedgwad (Däbrä Nägwädgwad) 10/39 [x Ch 20]
(Debre Negwodgwad, Debre Naguagguad), cf Hayk Estifanos
(monastery on island in lake Hayk)
(fief known from the late 1400s)
its ruins were located in 1945
HED60 Debre Nigist (Debre Neghist, Devraneghesti) 11/37 [+ WO It]
(village and mountain area)
HDU62 Debre Nigist kebele (Däbrä Negest ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Were Ilu wereda at its border,
3-8 km south of Were Ilu town; area 1,225 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Debre Paraqlitos (D. Peraqlitos), see Atronsa Maryam
HEK10 Debre Sahel (Debra Sehel), see Tana Cherkos
'Sehel' is a Geez word with a meaning related to 'forgiveness'
HDF26 Debre Sahil (Guna) 0823'/3956' 2706 m 08/39 [Gz]
?? Debre Sahin (historically recorded church of 1400s), ../.. [Pa]
cf Enzoraja
debre sa.: san (Som) 1. good; 2. nose;
saan (Som) 1. hide, skin, leather; 2. footprint;
3. armed guard; 4. like this
HEK.. Debre San (Debsan, Däbsan) 12/37 [En]
?? Debre Selalo ../.. [..]
HE... Debre Selam (in Gondar awraja) 12/37? [Ad]
HFF34c Debre Selam (with rock-hewn church Mikael), 13/39 [x]
see under Atsbi
JDA13 Debre Selam 0815'/4008' 1451 m 08/40 [Gz]
centre in the 1980s of Gololcha wereda in Arba Gugu awraja
HDU63 Debre Selam kebele (Däbrä Sälam ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south-west Gishe Rabel wereda,
13-17 km south-east of Were Ilu; area 1,039 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Debre Semayt (Däbrä Säma'et), ../.. [..]
in Gojjam, with important ruins from the 1700s
HFE16 Debre Sibhat Le'ab 1344'/3859' 13/38 [Gz]
(with church Silase), north of Abiy Adi
H.... Debre Sina (Debersina) in Borena ../.. [n]
HCT73 Debre Sina (Debrassina, Mount Sinai) 07/38 [Gz Gu]
0754'/3846' 1636/1846 m
Island near the southern shore of lake Ziway,
with Laqi inhabitants, cf Galila
H.... Debre Sina (ctr in 1964 of Ashemen sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
HDM84 Debre Sina (Debra Sina, Dabra S.) 09/39 [Gz Gu WO x]
MS: 0940'/3940' = HDM63, 2919 m
Gz: 0951'/3946' = HDM84, 2660 m
(with church Medhane Alem)
Centre -1956-1964- of Menz & Yifat awraja
and in 1967 centre of Mafud wereda.
Kebeles adjoining Debre Sina are Sina & Debre Sina
to the east, Fasil Amba and a little of Indode to the south,
Gedelge & Hara Chelenko to the west and north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4E Dokakit kebeles
5E Atkwar & Hara Chelenko kebele
7E Mane Amba kebele
8E Mengeta kebele
10E Abdilak kebele
10E Mengist kebele
6SE Weyn Wiha kebele
6SE Wanza Beret kebele
9SE Eltoke kebele
3S Gifayta kebele
4S Gurj kebele
5S Genet kebele
7S Bracho (Bracio) (area)
8S Tife Amba kebele
10S Astakel kebele
10S Witi kebele
7SW Gina Beret kebele
8SW Debaret & Mewkeriya kebele
9SW Lay Mush kebele
10SW Dube Hager kebele
2W Tarma Ber kebele
6W Baso Dengora kebele
7W Gur Selassie (with small church) peak 3090 m
9W Geda & Dem Aytema kebele
4NW Termaber (mountain) with pass and "Mussolini tunnel"
4NW Amasha & Cheriye kebele
6NW Meskele Gedam kebele
7NW Anazhga kebele
9NW Melet & Gunch Amba kebele
10NW Alew Amba
3N Ayne kebele, see also Ayni directly
4N Yizaba kebele
4N Weja kebele
7N Shotel Amba kebele
8N Tabor kebele
9N Koso Amba kebele
3NE Shola Meda kebele
6NE Weyra Amba kebele
6NE Armaniya kebele
8NE Wajja (Uaggia) (church)
10NE Argaga & Inchine kebele
10NE Asfachew & Chira Meda kebele
HDT72 Debre Sina, see Ajibar
HEC73 Debre Sina (Devrasina) (at a peak), 11/36 [+ It]
cf HEC72 Sena
HED.. Debre Sina, in Borena awraja 11/37? [+ It]
(centre in 1964 of Ashemen sub-district)
HEJ58 Debre Sina (Debra Sina, D. Sena) 12/37 [+ WO Gu Ch]
island & church, see under Gorgora
HEL20 Debre Sina (Debra S., Sambillo) (mountain) 11/38 [Gz WO Ch]
1158'/3830' 2056, 2789 m, north-west of Debre Zebit,
a prominent peak crowning a mountain mass in Achefer area
HEL40c Debre Sina 12/38 [LM]
HFE64 Debre Sina /Korebta/ (hill) 1412'/3850' 2072 m 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), west of Adwa
HEE54 Debre Sina kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in western Mekdela wereda at its northern border; area 2,198 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE64 Debre Sina Maryam, see above but also under HEJ58 Gorgora : Debre Sina.
HDT62 Debre Sina wereda (centre in 1964 = Wegedi) 10/38 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 56 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Abu, Adere, Akako Boreda, Ambes, Aychal Boneya, Bili, Bota
Menedega, Chefebelo, Chiro Cherkos, Chiro Mikael, Debir Soyu,
Dega Dibe, Dega Hawey, Densa Keraba, Derami, Deyo Bota,
Dibi Chere, Dibi Giyorgis, Dibi Medhane Alem, Dilfire, Dire, Doks,
Fati, Gende Mesno, Gilo, Hawey Betaso, Hawey Miklo, Hawey
Milo (two), Hulagosh Derekicha, Jelisa, Jeneberu, Jimaye, Jiruma
Kafta, Keto, Key Afer, Kola Magole, Lay Wela, Legehatu Anferfira,
Libanos, Mas Keraba, Mehal Denbi, Mendeyu, Mirgaje, Miskabe,
Sefatora, Senbo Chilalo, Seyo Milo, Sifatira, Sirba Menebeko, Tach
Wala, Tewa Milo, Webo Gida, Webo Mikael, Wenz Amba town,
Werke Abo, Werke Meskele, Yechomasi, Yilamu
HEF.? Debre Sina wereda/?/ 11/39 [20]
There are (-1999-) towns Feres Bet Welo, Mariye, Webeden,
Wenz Amba, Wichale.
Debre Tabor, Mount Tabor of the Bible, (figuratively:) the Transfiguration
HEK05 Debre Tabor (Debra Tabor) (old name Samara) 11/38 [Gz Pa WO Gu]
MS: 1151'/3805' = HEK06, 2945 m at the gibbi
Gz: 1151'/3801' = HEK05, 2706 m
Centre -1956-1964- of Debre Tabor awraja and Farta wereda
and Debre Tabor sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Hiruy (Uaher, Waher) (village) 2628 m
8E Amija (Amigia)
10SE Meken Kenia (village)
10SE Semana Giyorgis (S. Ghiorghis) (village)
10SE Amejera Abbo (Ameggera Abbo) (village)
2S Fahart (area)
7SW Grariya Giyorgis (Graria Georgis) (village)
7SW Amba Maryam (A. Mariam) (with church)
6NW Aringo (village) 2515/2574 m
5N Limado (hill)
5?NE Gafat (historical place, cf under its own name)
8NE Guntur (village)
?NE Samara (former ketema) 2706/2782 m
?? Anchim (Anchem) (battle site)
?? Tala Levasi 2558 m
HEK93 Debre Tabor awraja 1145'/3750' 11/38 [Ad Gz]
(centre at least 1959-1980 = Debre Tabor)
HEK93 Debre Tabor wereda/?/ (-2004-) 11/38 [Ad]
HFE.. Debre Teamina (Däbrä Tä'amina), see Abiy Adi : Teamina
HE... Debre Tekle Haymanot 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Dehuch sub-district)
HFE.. Debre Tiguhan, see Abiy Adi : Teamina
HES86 Debre Tiun, see Debre Tsiyon
?? Debre Tsebah Emmanuel (monastery in Gojjam) ../.. [x]
HCC60 Debre Tsehay (Argenne) (locality) 0602'/3639' 06/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ouba Debre Tsehay wereda)
HEC55 Debre Tsehay (Devratai, Dibcan, Dib Kan) 11/37 [Gz WO Ch Gu]
(Debecam, Debrakoni)
1123'/3705' 1993/2070 m (village with church)
HEL18 Debre Tsehay (Salit) 1156'/3912' 2304 m 11/39 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Lasta awraja & of Tilas Firi sub-district)
HEM10 Debre Tsehay 1154'/3921' 3317 m 11/39 [Gz]
Surrounding the town is Tila Astere kebele.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
5E Qola Muja kebele
4SE Nefasit kebele
5SE Denkena kebele
3SW Mawre kebele
7SW Sekoy Gebriel kebele
5W Genete Maryam kebele
3NW Tefelemay kebele
9NW Ginaza kebele
4N Agewiye kebele
4N Zagol Zaf kebele
9N Ayferuba kebele
HEM21 Debre Tsehay, see Muja
?? Debre Tsehay (written Debra Tzai on map of 1814) 12/37 [+ 18]
HDF70c Debre Tsehay kebele (däbrä tsähay ..) 08/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west at the southern border of Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5-11 km south-southwest of Balchi; area 1,728 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF71 Debre Tsehay kebele (däbrä tsähay ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its southern border,
5-10 km south-southeast of Balchi; area 1,728 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HF... Debre Tserabi, 'Mount of the Carpenter' 14/39? [En]
monastery in eastern Tigray, stated to have been established
in the early 1300s
HDL64 Debre Tsige (D. Tsegie) 0939'/3951' 2577 m 09/39 [Gz AA Po]
(with church Maryam & sub-post office),
see under Debre Libanos
HDT63 Debre Tsige 1033'/3844' 2372 m 10/38 [Gz]
HE... Debre Tsige (Debre Tsigie) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Werteya sub-district)
HDT54 Debre Tsige kebele (Däbrä Tsägé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Wegdi wereda stretching to its south-eastern border,
3-8 km south of Mahdere Selam; area 2,079 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK75 Debre Tsillalish, see Itisa

HDL31 Debre Tsimona 0924'/3830' 2341 m 09/38 [AA Gz]

(with church Medhane Alem)
HCT74 Debre Tsiyon (D. Zion, Debra Tseyon) 07/38 [+ Gz]
0756'/3851' 1636 m
(English: Mount Sinai, Mount Zion), cf Kulu Gudo
(monastery on island Tulu Gudu in lake Ziway)
HES86 Debre Tsiyon (Debra Sion, D. Tiun) (area) 1446 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
'Mount of Zion'
HES95 Debre Tsiyon (Debra Sion) 1329'/3758' 1526 m, 13/37 [Gz WO Gu]
(with mission), see under Adi Arkay
HFF30 Debre Tsiyon (D. Tzien) 1350'/3922' 2173 m, 13/39 [Gz WO]
(with rock-hewn churches), see under Geralta churches - northern
HFF52 Debre Tsiyon (D. Ts'iyon, Debra Sion, Dabras'eyon) 14/39 [Gz WO x]
1402'/3938' 2525/2643 m
?? Debre Wagag (Fre: Dabra Ouagag) ../.. [..]
on a mountain, founded in the 1300s
debre werk (däbrä wärq) (A) golden mountain/abbey
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) 0652'/3531' 1525 m
HCG58 Debre Werk (Debre Worq, Mianta) 06/35 [MS Ad]
HDD52 Debre Werk Giyorgis (.. Werk' .., ..Werq ..) 08/37 [Gz q]
(church) 0841'/3746'
HDS77 Debre Werk (D.Work, D.Wärq, D. Uorch, D. Uerch) 10/38 [Gz Po Pa WO]
(Debra Wark, Debra Uorc, Dabra-Warq) 10/38 [18 Ch Gu]
1040'/3810' 2489/2630 m
monastery on top of a hill, founded in the 1400s,
town in Enarj & Enawga wereda
HED07 Debre Yakob (Debra Iacob, Debre Ya'ik'ob) 10/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1053'/3813' 2749 m
HD... Debre Yesus (in Bichena awraja) 10/38? [Ad]
HFF61 Debre Zakarios (w one or two rock-hewn churches), 14/39 [x]
see under Idaga Hamus
HEL01 Debre Zebit (Debra Zebit, Dabra Z., Dabrazabat) 11/38 [Gz Ad WO x]
(Zebit, Zebt) 1149'/3835' 2928 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
battle site in 1930
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Meket (area)
8SE Agamek (Agamec) (village)
3S Gedebba (Ghedebba) (village)
10SW Amba Merkali (A. Mercali) (area)
6W Gersat (Ghersat) (village)
4N Habbo Badu (village)
8NE Berekasa (Bereccasa) (church)
HEE83 Debre Zebit kebele (Däbrä Zäbit' ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Meket wereda at its border,
11-17 km west of Filakit; area 5,200 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL97 Debre Zena Markos (monastery), see Debre Bisrat
HDP70 Debre Zeyit (Wembera, Uambera, Umbera, Uombera) 10/35 [MS WO Gu Wa]
(Wambara, Wombera, Wanbera, Wembero, D. Zeit)
1035'/3548' 2097/2350/2438 m
(centre in 1964 of Wembera wereda & Kitar sub-district)
(same?: centre in 1964 of Fagta sub-district)
HDS53 Debre Zeyit 1028'/3748' 2716 m 10/37 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
HEE36 Debre Zeyit (Debrezeit, old name Wembero?) 11/38 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) 1111'/3858'
HDE66 Debre Zeyt (Debre Zeyit, Dabra Zeit) 08/38 [LM MS x]
(Ada, Adda, Haddas) 'Mount of Olives' 08/38 [LM Gu]
(Debre Zeit, Bishoftu, Bishoftuu, Biscioftu) 08/38 [Ad WO Gu]
Debre Zeyt 0848'/3856' 1850/1908/2000 m
(0844'/3859'? =HDE66) /zeyt = olive/
MS coordinates would give map code HDE75.
Ctr in 1964 of Ada wereda (map of 1868 shows "Adda lakes").
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Ada (area and original name)
3SE Dierntu (at the railway)
9SE Gadetti, M. (mountain/area)
3S Gavise
4S Sakora (M. Sacora) (mountain/area) 1900 m near
7SW Dikayu (M. Dicaiu) (mountain/area)
2W Tongit (church)
10NW Dukem (Ducam, Dukham) (at railway & main road) 1950/2125 m
10NW Tadecha (Tadeccia) (area) 2050 m
9N Guro 2079
There are a number of crater lakes and dry craters at km
NE Bishoftu (near the town, buildings partly on the rim)
1SW Petty Pit
3SW Rocky Hollow
4SW Green Lake (Lago Verde)
3N Cheleleka (Rain Lake, seasonally dry)
3NE Hora /Arsedi/ (8-shaped lake + dry crater)
4NE Koriftu (Kuruftu, Dry Hollows) (8-shaped)
5NE Bishoftu Guda (North Lake)
guddaa (O) = big, but not bigger than the other Bishoftu lake
-- Debre Zion, see Debre Tsiyon
HFC54 Debregut (Debragut) (mountain) 1403'/3658' 988 m 14/36 [+ WO Gz]
HD... Debreko (centre in 1964 of Zangerra sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
debri (T) same as Amharic debre
HEU81 Debri (waterfalls), see under Mekele
HEU90 Debri, on trail between Shelikot and Abiy Adi 13/39 [It]
debtera (däbtära) (Geez) tent /such as of the Ark of Covenant/
HEJ53 Debtera Got (D. Got') 1213'/3655' 1849 m 12/36 [Gz]
HEJ54 Debtera Got (D. Got') 1213'/3658' 1904 m 12/36 [Gz]
HEE33 Debtera kebele (Däbtära ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in north-western Sayint wereda stretching 7-20 km
north-west from Ajibar; area 6,244 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM32c Debtera Maryam 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Arefa sub-district)
HDM73 Debtreko Giyorgis (church) 0946'/3937', 09/39 [Gz]
north-east of Debre Birhan
debu, dheebu (O) thirst
HEU32 Debu 1302'/3935' 2785 m, cf Dabu 13/39 [Gz]
JDG23 Debu 0916'/4006' 733 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
debub (däbub) (A,T) south, the South
HEU43 Debub (old source: 1560 m) 13/39 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
two?: 1300'/3936' 2571 m and 1305'/3938' 2622 m,
the latter with school and church Maryam.
Centre in 1964 of Wajirat wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4W Abedda (Abeda, Amba Abbedda) (mountain)
10N Geri'igab (Garagiam) (mountain) 2162/2637 m
10N Garajam (Garagiam) (village)
HCS99 Debub Shershera, see under Butajira 08/38 [n]
HET96 Debuc, see Debek, also Debuk below
-- Debuga language, see Gumuz
HE... Debuh (in Metekel awraja) 11/36? [Ad]
HET96 Debuk (Debuc, Dibbuc) 1548 m 13/39 [+ WO Gu It]
HER76 Decagaro (Decagero), see Dekagaro
HDC89 Decan, see Dekan
HEJ17 Dech, see Dek, also Narga
HDJ45 Decha 0928'/3707' 2243 m 09/37 [Gz]
?? Decha Laki (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HC..? Decha awraja/sub-district 07/36? [n]
(-2000-) in the Kaficho-Shakicho Zone
HDJ45 Decha wereda 09/37 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 56 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
?? Dechatu ../.. [20]
JCJ14 Deche (Deke) 0629'/4157' 572 m 06/41 [Gz WO LM]
?? Deche Ager (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HFF83 Dechi (Deci) 1419'/3939' 1476 m 14/39 [+ WO Gz]
?? Decho (Deccio) (dense humid forest) ../.. [Gu]
JBP19 Decti Iopti, see Dekti Yopti
HDE67 Deda 0846'/3909' 2129 m 08/39 [Gz]
HFE71 Deda (waterhole) 1413'/3833', cf Dida .. 14/38 [WO Gz]
JEJ12 Dedai 1154'/4147' 539 m 11/41 [Gz]
JDH.. Dedanene (on map of 1814) 09/41 [18]
JEH85 Dedda (waterhole) 12/41 [Ne]
JDH28 Dedder, see Deder
-- Dede, cf Dada
HDL52 Dede 0933'/3838' 1827 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis, waterfalls nearby)
HDL61 Dede 0940'/3835' 2741 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF32 Dede & Satiro kebele (Dédé & Sat'iro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in northernmost Dese Zuriya wereda at its border,
10-15 km north-west of Dessie town and 9-12 km south
of Kuta Ber; area 1,013 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFD55 Dedebit, see Dedibit
HCT87c Dedebo (Dadabo) (village with 180 huts in 1984) 08/39 [x]
in the 1980s in Ziway & Dugda wereda
HDM15 Dedecha (Tadecha Melka, Tadeccia Melca, Tadacha Malka,
Tadiccia Malca, T'adacha Maleka) 09/39 [Gz]
0908'/3950' 913 m
Coordinates would give map code HDM05
HEE48 Dedeho 1114'/3911' 2707 m 11/39 [Gz]
JEB68 Dedel Daba (area) 11/41 [WO]

JDH28 Deder (Dedder, Dadar, Derru, Derrou, Derhu) 09/41 [Gz WO It 18]
MS: 0918'/4123' = JDH27, 2150 m;
Gz: 0919'/4127' = JDH28, 2117 m
(with post office at least since 1926)
Centre -1956-1980- of Webera (Woberra) awraja.
JDH28 Deder sub-district? (-1997-) 09/41 [n]
JDH28 Deder wereda (centre in 1964 = Deder) 09/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 54 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HEE37 Dedere 1111'/3909' 2959 m (with church Maryam) 11/39 [Gz]
HEE38 Dedere kebele (Dädäré ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mekdela wereda at its southern border,
8-14 km south-east of Masha; area 2,255 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ21 Dedero 0918'/4147' 2489 m 09/41 [Gz]
?? Dedessa (postal service under Nekemte), cf Didessa ../.. [Po]
?? Dedessa wereda (Dedesa ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HFD55 Dedibit (Dedebit) 14/38 [LM WO Yo]
HCH22 Dedina 0631'/3555' 1488 m 06/35 [Gz]
HDK38 Dedinu 0924'/3815' 2243 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
dedo: deddo (Som) cold, low temperature
?? Dedo (sub-post office under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCR33 Dedo (Diedo, Garrima, Gorrina, Corrina) 07/36 [Gz Te]
0731'/3652' 2132 m
dedo bo..: dedu, dheedu (O) to graze; bore (O) 1. mellow tej;
2. solemn promise; boore (Som) grey;
borre (borrä) (A) large, spacious
HCR33 Dedo Bore (area) 07/36 [WO]
dedo fo..: folle (A,O) 1. large drinking cup; 2. honeycombed,
HCR33 Dedo Folle (area) 07/36 [WO]
?? Dedo wereda 07/36? [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 83 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
dedu, dheedu (O) to graze
?? Dedowale (on map of 1814) circa 4350' 09/43 [18]
place at a southern route from the coast to Harar
HD... Dedu (centre in 1964 of Tach Ula sub-district) 09/37 [Ad]
HCB15c Deel (De'el), settlement of the Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
HF..? Defa Mayegul 14/38? [Ad]
HEU65 Defarfo 1316'/3954' 1058 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEF13 Defatit kebele (Däfat'it ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Dese Zuriya wereda, 10-15 km
south of Dessie town; area 911 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ.. Defecha (Däfäca, Dafacha) 12/37 [+ 20]
(to north-east near Gondar), known at least from the 1700s
HEE76 Defer 1130'/3902' 2854 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE17 Defer kebele (Däfär ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Sayint wereda at its border,
18-26 km south of Masha; area 3,891 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE47 Deferge kebele (Däfärgé ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central eastern Mekdela wereda, adjoining Masha to the east and north
and extending 6 km from there northwards; area 1,946 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE86 Deferge kebele (Däfärgé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda, 8-14 km east of Filakit; area 5,330 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
deg (däg) (A) 1. good, virtuous; 2. "not good not bad";
deg, deeg (Som) peak; edge, shoulder; deg (Som) dismount,
live in a place; dheeg (Som) 1. high place; 2. camel's flank;
weyn (Som) big, large; (A) 1. kind of climber, vine;
2. grape, wine plant
HDU64 Deg, see Dig
JED12 Deg Weyn (Deg Ouein) (area) 11/42 [+ WO]
dega (däga) (A) highland above 2400 m; deega (O) poor, miserable
HDB46 Dega 0835'/3607' 2133 m, cf Daga 08/36 [Gz]
HDL26 Dega 0918'/3859' 2725 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEJ18 Dega (Daga) (island) 1154'/3719' 1784 m 11/37 [Gu Ch WO Gz]
(Debre Istefanos, Derke), island east of Dek
HE... Dega Abole sub-district (Dega Abolie ..) 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Barkwa Maryam)
dega adi (T) highland village
HDE63 Dega Adi (village) 08/38 [x]
JCS85 Dega Ahmedo (Dega Medo), see Degeh Medo
HF... Dega Amba sub-district 14/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Haremat)
dega bera (O) poor /but respectable/ old woman?
HBT05 Dega Bera (Daga Bera Dego) (with well) 04/38 [MS WO Gz]
HDL36 Dega Birbo 0921'/3858' 2688 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDE01 Dega Bur, see Degeh Bur
HDS70 Dega Damot (Degademot) (area), 10/37 [x WO]
see under Dembecha
HDS81c Dega Damot wereda (centre in 1964 = Feres Bet) 10/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDT84 Dega Dibe kebele (Däga Débé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in northern central Debre Sina wereda, 6-11 km
north of Mekane Selam; area 1,002 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Dega Dobbi, see Gogot language
HEF53 Dega Estefanos, see Daga Estifanos
dega gu..: gurra (O) 1. ear, ear lobe; 2. kind of black
spice, Nigella sativa; 3. single /leaf/
JCJ40 Dega Gurra (area) 06/41 [WO]
HDT84 Dega Hawey kebele (Däga Hawäy ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in northern central Debre Sina wereda, 2-10 km
north of Mekane Selam; area 1,139 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK35 Dega Ibnat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ibnat) 11/38 [Ad]
HEF53 Dega Istifanos, see Daga Estifanos
HEE67 Dega Majete 1125'/3909' 1924 m, cf Majete 11/39 [Gz]
in Lege Hida wereda
JCS85 Dega Medo, see Degeh Medo
JDE92 Dega Medobe (plain) 08/43 [WO]
HEK... Dega Melza sub-district 12/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Islam Midir)
HDL61 Dega Meye 0939'/3834' 2574 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Dega sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HET.? Dega Temben (.. Tembien, Degua Tenbien) 13/39 [Ad]
wereda (centre in 1964 = Adi Selam)
(-1994-) is divided into 58 rual and 2 urban kebeles.
HED01 Dega Tsion, see Digu Tsiyon
HDE83c Dega Wake (village) 08/38 [x]
dega wer..: werebe (wäräbe) (A) kind of small bird
KCN84 Dega Werabe (Dega Uarabe) 07/45 [LM WO]
JCD92 Dega Yiley (Dagaielei) 0615'/4245' 339 m 06/42 [Gz]
J... Degabah 09/41 [18]
HF... Degabur, cf Degeh Bur 14/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Degabur & of Lahlien sub-districts)
JDG13 Degadege (G. Degadeghe) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
HDS70 Degademot, see Dega Damot
deg..: dagaga (O) ivory; dagagaa (O) well-developed
Degaga, a male personal name
HC... Degaga (Degega), in Chilalo awraja 07/38? [Ad]
HD... Degaga (Degega), in Kalu awraja 10/40 [x]
Ajoining kebeles are Arera to the north-east and Bele to the other directions.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3SE Melke kebele
3S Kalo kebele
8S Chachura kebele
5SW Ambo Kara kebele
6SW Neti Teki kebele
7W Gatira kebele
8W Delu kebele
8NW Felana Mado kebele
3N Segna Gebeya kebele
3N Dindin kebele
HCT24 Degaga 0727'/3849' 1954 m, cf Dagaga 07/38 [Ad x Gz]
HDK74 Degaga 0943'/3753' 1581 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDU67 Degaga 1031'/3958' 1512 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU86 Degaga (centre in 1964 of Mehal Ager sub-district) 10/39 [Ad LM]
HDU94 Degaga (Degega), see Albuko
HEF03 Degaga 1052'/3939' 2753 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDB71 Degaga 0846'/4049' 1801 m 08/40 [Gz]
HCT24 Degaga sub-district (centre in 1964 = Degaga) 07/38 [Ad]
JDE01 Degahabur, see Degeh Bur
JCS85 Degahamedow, see Degeh Medo
Degala, caste group of tanners living among the Welamo
JCL42 Degaleh 06/43 [WO]
JCS85 Degameda, see Degeh Medo
HEF36 Degan 1109'/3954' 1477 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEU13 Degan 1246'/3942' 1647 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ85 Degar 0950'/3704' 2362 m (with school) 09/37 [Gz]
H.... Degar (Degaar) 10/39? [20 En]
about 15 km from Bati in direction Kombolcha.
There is a large mosque and a Muslim shrine.
HFD.. Degasgede 13/38 [n]
Hill with a few huts in mid-1700s, "once the abode of robbers".
HDK55 Degatina Amba (Degatin) (mountain) 09/37 [AA Gu]
0932'/3758' 2310 m
H.... Degato (largest Konso settlement) 05/37? [x]
on a hill plateau, densely built-up and with a wall
around the periphery
HEF22 Degaw Mote kebele (Dägaw Moté ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central western Dese Zuriya wereda, 15-30 km
south-west of Dessie town; area 3,608 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ10 Degbassa (Degbasa) 1153'/3638' 1339 m 11/36 [Gz WO Ad]
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Abichekli Maryam)
HDJ11 Dege Roba (mountain chain) 0910'/3643' 2707 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCD81 Degecha 06/37 [x]
small district south of Chencha
HDU94 Degega, see Albuko
JDE01 Degeh Bur (Dagabur, Dagahabur, Degahabur) 08/43 [MS WO Ad]
(Dagahbur, Deghabour, Dagghabur, Daggah Bur) 08/43 [Gz Gu Po Wa]
(Dega Bur) (Fre: Dagabour), with important wells
MS: 0812'/4329' = JDE00 1106 m
Gz: 0813'/4334' = JDE01, 1044 m
Administrative centre, with post office.
Rocky area, and the name comes from Somali dagah, stone.
JCT86 Degeh Bur awraja (Degehabur ..) 0800'/4400' 08/43 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Degeh Bur)
JDE01 Degeh Bur wereda (Degehabur ..) 08/43 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Degeh Bur)
JCS85 Degeh Medo (Dagamedo, Medo, Modo, Dagmeda) 07/43 [MS WO Gu x]
(Dega Ahmedo, Daga Medo, Degameda) 07/43 [LM Ro]
(Degehamedo, Segeg) (village with wells) 07/43 [Ad Gz]
MS:0757'/4305' = JCS86, 975 m
Gz: 0759'/4301' = JCS85 952 m
JCS85 Degeh Medo (Degehamedo, Degahamedow) 07/43 [+ Ad]
wereda (centre in 1964 = Degeh Medo)
HDJ84 Degel Chis (D. Ch'is, Degl Chis) 09/37 [Gz]
0950'/3703' 2417 m
HEE64 Degela 1126'/3849' 2145 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE73 Degela kebele (Dägäla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
20-28 km south-west of Bete Hor; area 4,286 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL62 Degeli 0941'/3840' 2716 m 09/38 [Gz]
HCT.. Degelu, see Digelu
deg..: deggeme (däggämä) (A,T) repeat, recite prayers
HCG63 Degem (Deghem) 1043 m, see Fukinka, cf Digim 06/35 [WO]
HDL81 Degem (Dagam) (with church) 09/38 [AA Gu Gz]
0950'/3837' 2962/3049 m
HDS.? Degem (Däggäm, Däggämo) 10/37 [Pa]
Ancient village of the 1600s in the vicinity of Dembecha.
HDL82 Degem Hambiso (Dagam) 0949'/3838' 3049 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
H.... Degem Iyesus (Degem Eyesus) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Degem sub-district)
HDL82 Degem wereda (centre in 1964 = Ambisa) 09/38 [AA Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
degem.: degmo (Som) grazing encampment; (dägmo) (A) furthermore
H.... Degemo sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shelel Gebreal)
HDS27 Degen, see Dejen
GDM12 Degenyi 0909'/3431' 1626 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDT56 Deger 1026'/3859' 1875 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT66 Deger, see Digir
HDT36 Deger kebele (Dägär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Kelala wereda stretching down to the middle of its southern
border, 17-24 km south-southwest of Kelala settlement; area 1,684 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF16 Deger Metrebiya, see Digir M.
HEU12 Deger Milash sub-district 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Maychew)
HDG55c Degero (Deghero) (river) 09/35 [Mi]
near Alaltu in Wellega
HCC97 Degeza 0618'/3717' 1291 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDB44 Degga (Dega) 0835'/3607' 2133 m 08/36 [WO Gz]
HDR25 Degga (Dagga) 1008'/3704' peak 2402 m 10/37 [WO Gz]
(mountain), cf Digga
Coordinates would give map code HDR15
?? Degga Artunne ../.. [..]
degga daremu: dareeme (Som) sense, feeling
HDB44 Degga Daremu (area) 08/36 [WO]
HET55 Deggara, see Niway
JDF32 Deggoys (Deggois) (area) 08/44 [+ WO]
JDS93 Deghet (area) 10/42 [WO]
HCG99 Degiasmac, see Dejazmach
HES69 Degien (mountain), see Ras Dashen, and also HDS27 Dejen
HDT56 Degiy 1025'/3901' 1902 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU92 Degnu kebele (Dägnu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Were Ilu wereda at its northern border,
23-29 km north of Were Ilu town; area 1,949 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Dego (centre in 1964 of Tatessa sub-district) 06/38 [Ad]
?? Dego (centre in 1964 of Weyzazir sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
HED01 Dego Tsiyon, see Digu Tsiyon
Degol, a male personal name
HED82 Degol 1141'/3745' 2104 m 11/37 [Gz]
degole (T) smother
degolo: digello (central O) kinds of orchids and other
epiphytes, Aerangis spp., Polystachya spp.
HDT59 Degolo (Teragullo, Gollo) 10/39 [Gz WO Ad]
1025'/3915' 2433 m, south-west of Were Ilu
(centre in 1964 of Jamma wereda)
Kebeles adjoining Degolo are Gengeto to the east,
Ijerti to the south and west, and Godo to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
2E Chefemichig kebele
8E Kulkwal Amba kebele
9E Boren kebele
10E Micha kebele
6SE Elshama kebele
9SE Leshete kebele
10SE Key Afer kebele
4S Yedo kebele
8S Murasa kebele
8S Shinkurtima kebele
4SW Tuledibigana kebele
8SW Sheneti kebele
8SW Shewa Gedela kebele
10SW Shifuyt kebele
7W Zerkami kebele
7W Aley kebele
5NW Kubi kebele
7NW Gundo kebele
8N Faj kebele
9N Teftef kebele
4NE Debre Geracha kebele
8NE Mojo kebele
10NE Meserbo kebele
HDU71c Degolo (Degollo), cf Dgolo 10/39 [MS n]
HEK71 Degoma, see Deguma
HDT26 Degore 1011'/3859' 2158 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEL37 Degosach kebele (Dägosach ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in Bugna wereda, 5 km north-northeast of Lalibela; area 3,337 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL Degosay 1207'/3904' 3183 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFE27 Degoshako (with rock-hewn church Maryam), 13/39 [x]
see under Temben churches
HDL33 Degoye 0919'/3842' 2587 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
Degu (dägu), a male personal name
JD... Degu (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 09/41 [Ad]
?? Degu (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HET.. Degua & Temben wereda 13/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
H.... Degua Tenbien, see Dega Temben
HFD27c Deguadegunye (Deguadegugne) 13/38 [+ n]
HEF30 Deguguru, see Diguguru
HFF31 Degum (Digum, Dugum, Dugem) 13/39 [x 20]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Geralta churches - northern
HFF30 Degum Ayrefeda (Digum A.) (w rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
deguma (O) lack, deficiency, poverty, misery;
dagama (O) sorcery, witchcraft; diggoma (A) subsidy
HEK71 Deguma (Degoma, Dagoma, Ambaciara) 12/37 [MS Gz WO Gu]
1225'/3740' 2441 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Ambachara (Ambaciara) (area)
(8SE Belesa, see this name directly)
10SW Denkez Iyesus (Dancaz) (village)
2N fort /built by Italians?/
?? Barie Gimb (ruin), see Bahri Gimb
HC... Deguna sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kerchecho) 06/37 [Ad]
HEC49 Degutit 11/37 [WO]
HEM70 Deguyat 1224'/3925' 2254 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDL89 Degwachina kebele (Dägwachena ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in easternmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
14-16 km south-east of Inewari; area 752 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS72 Degwe, see also Dagwey 10/37? [Pa]
HFE63c Degwe, at some 15 km from Aksum, with a quarry 14/38 [20]
?? Deha (in Wello) ../.. [n]
HEM02 Deha Wedih, see Diha Wedih
J.... Dehabo (centre in 1964 of Fo-o sub-district) 10/40? [Ad]
HCJ13 Dehada 0627'/3653' 1864 m 06/36 [Gz]
dehan (T) all right; tolerable
HEU91 Dehan 1333'/3928' 1968 m (with church Maryam) 13/39 [Gz Po]
(visiting postman under Dessie)
HDU03 Dehana (Dihana) 0958'/3941' 2734 m 09/39 [Gz]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda, with church Maryam
HEL.. Dehana (Dehna, Dakana, early Dikana), cf Dahana 12/39 [En Pa]
hisorical village near Gorgora, on the Amde Werk mountain
HEL63 Dehana sub-district? (Dihana s.) (-1997-) 12#9 [n]
HEL63 Dehana wereda (Dihana .., Dehna ..) 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Amde Werk)
(-1994-) is divided into 32 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JCK92 Dehen, see Dihun
-- Dehenda language, see Gumuz
HDU94 Dehina kebele (Dähena ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemze wereda at its eastern border,
13-16 km north-northwest of Majete; area 1,400 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dehna (dähna) (A) well, in good health or condition
HEL63 Dehna (Dähna), see Dehana
HDM64 Dehna Shira kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Ankober wereda, 10-11 km
north-northeast of Ankober town; area 354 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Dehondur (Dähondur), see Abejegay
HDE27c Dehra (Dhera), 50 km north of Asela 08/39 [x]
HE... Dehuch, see Lai Dehuch, Tach Dehuch
HDM70 Dei, see Dey
JDN96 Dei Ella (area) 10/40 [WO]
HDA36 Deibi, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
GDM06 Deibia (Tulu D.) 0904'/3457' 2118 m 09/34 [WO Gz]
HF... Deireka sub-district (De'ireka ..) 14/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gezeiti)
dej (A) doorway, outdoors
HEF11 Dej kebele (Däj ..) 11/39 [Ad]
with irregular shape in south-western Dese Zuriya wereda reaching also to
its western border, 22-26 km south-west of Dessie town; area 4,421 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE46 Deja kebele (Däja ..) 11/38 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Mekdela wereda,
9-15 km west-northwest of Masha; area 2,046 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCG99 Dejazmach (Degiasmac) 0710'/3536' 1584 m 07/35 [+ It Gz]
JDH12 Dejazmach Ameteli 0910'/4052' 1831 m 09/40 [Gz]
HDU75 Deje (Dejä), see Dije

dejen (däjän) (A,T) rear guard

-- Dejen, an ethnic group, also a male personal name
HDS18 Dejen (Malca Degen) (ford at Shafartak) 1280 m 10/38 [+ Gu]
HDS27 Dejen (Degen, Dingab) 10/38 [Gz Ad Br Gu]
Gz: 1010'/3808' 1870, 2421/2490 m
(centre in 1964 of Dejen wereda & Dejen sub-district)
HDS27 Dejen sub-district (-1964-1997-) 10/38 [n]
HDS27 Dejen wereda 10/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 36 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HFC08 Dejena (Dejenna, Dejene, Dajana) 13/37 [Gz n]
1340'/3722' 2388 m
HFC.. Dejena Sherela sub-district 13/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Debtera)
HEE19 Dejmach kebele (Däjmach ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Legambo wereda at its northern border,
10-15 km north-east of Akista; area 1,870 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

dek: deeq (Som) donation, gift, offer

HEJ17 Dek (Dech, Dec, Daq) 1155'/3716' 1793 m 11/37 [Gz Ch Gu WO]
(large island with Arsima Sematat church),
also town in Dangila wereda, cf Narga
On the island in the 1930s were recorded villages
Gadna, Jaga Yohannes, Kota Maryam, Moana, Zibd.

dek buri: buri (O) blue-grey root which is boiled and eaten;
buri (Som) 1. chase away; 2. boil over; buuri (Som) tobacco,
cigar, pipe
JBH86 Dek Buri (area) 04/41 [WO]
dek mezmur (däq mäzmur) (A) pupil, disciple
deka, dekah (O) kinds of shrub, Grewia tembensis, G. tenax;
deka (O) prayer for a dead person; daka (O) stone;
dekka (däqqa) (A) beat /the breast in mourning/;
hit severely, shake; (däkka) (A) delimit, determine borders;
bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle, upstanding front part
of saddle /also several meanings of different colours/
bora (O) brown /animal/; bore (O) solemn promise
HDL46 Deka 0925'/3902' 2644 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL27 Deka Bora 0920'/3906' 2839 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL78 Deka Bora (Debacora) 0943'/3828' 2542 m 09/38 [Gz]
?? Deka Bora Wasewo (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
deka boru: boru (O) muddy /liquid/; (A) ox having a blaze;
borru (O) east; morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning
HDK18 Deka Boru (D. Bora, D. Boro) 2527 m 09/38 [AA n]
GDF83 Deka Jeldesa (mountain) 0855'/3440' 2179 m 08/34 [Gz]
HDH76 Deka Jemto 0944'/3615' 2115 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDE74 Deka Seden (D. Sedan) 0852'/3851' 2192 m 08/38 [Gz]
HER77 Dekaba (Dek'aba, Deqaba) 1323'/3716' 2111 m 13/37 [Gz q]
HEM61 Dekabil (Deqabil) 12/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Merewa sub-district)
HDL70 Dekabora (with church, waterfalls nearby) 09/38 [AA Po]
(visiting postman u. Nazret), cf Dakkabore, Deke Bora
HER76 Dekagaro (Decagero, Decagaro) 13/37 [Gz WO It]
1320'/3708' 1007 m
HDC89 Dekan (Decan) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
HCR38 Dekano (Decano, Dakano) 0732'/3721' 2252 m 07/37 [LM Gz WO Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCP30 Deke 0735'/3546' 2309 m 07/35 [Gz]
HEC88 Deke (Dek'e, Deqe, Selcen, Salchan Mikael) 11/37 [Gz q Ch WO]
(Salcen Micael) (church) 1138'/3720' 1784 m,
see under Bahir Dar
JCJ14 Deke, see Deche
H.... Deke Abai (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 13/37? [Ad]
HDL73 Deke Bora 0942'/3843' 2660 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Gebriel), cf Dekabora
HDT97 Dekecha, see Dikicha
deker (däkär) (A) strong, firm
JDJ06c Deker (Däkär, Dakar) (historically recorded 1400s) 09/42 [20 Pa]
HES32 Dekhrso sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dara) 12/37 [Ad]
HCR61 Dekia sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gimbo) 07/36 [Ad]
dekime: dekkeme (däkkämä) (A) get tired, be failing
HBL41 Dekime (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDB64 Deko 0845'/3609' 1841 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDL26 Dekole 0916'/3859' 2821 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JBP19 Dekti Yopti (Decti Iopti, Deku Yopti) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
deku ker..: karsa (qarsa) (O) flat rock;
kersa (language?) game played by whole villages
at a season of festivity
HDK49 Deku Kersa (D. K'ersa, D. Qersa) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0925'/3822' 2569 m
JBP19 Deku Yopti, see Dekti Yopti
H.... Dekuna (centre in 1964 of Cheha sub-district) 08/38 [Ad]
HFE36 Dekuya (Dek'uya, Dequya, Dagohia) 13/39 [Gz q Gu]
1355'/3904' 1703 m
HET29 Dekwale (Dek'wale, Deqwale) 1255'/3919' 1899 m 12/39 [Gz q]
del (däl) (A) delta
H.... Del (area) 10/39 [Ad]
HDF81 Del Betegel, see Dil Betigil
?? Del Meda (historically recorded from 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HDU72 Del Mikael 1037'/3933' 2789 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Del sub-district (centre in 1964 = Key Amba) 10/39 [Ad]
JBN95 Del Verme Falls (European name) 0527'/4017' 05/40 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCA05
HET39 Dela, see Dala
HEL85 Delaba 1231'/3856' 2289 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEC75 Delache, see Deleket
?? Delado (oasis) ../.. [x]
HDK18 Deladu (Delladu, Kalladu) 0914'/3817' 2659 m 09/38 [AA Gz x]
JEA54 Delagalesa (area) 11/40 [WO]
JCS23 Delahalleh 0727'/4251' 867 m 07/42 [Gz]
JDA79 Delajebo 0848'/4040' 1835 m 08/40 [Gz]
HEC85 Delakes Mikael (Delaches Micael) c.1900 m 11/37 [+ It]
(village with church)
HE... Delakus (reported for the 1770s) 11/37 [Pa]
trading settlement on the Little Abay
HDU12 Delancha, see Dilancha
delanga d..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HEE86 Delanga Dega kebele (Dälanga Däga ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda, 2-5 km east of Bete Hor; area 1,567 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
delanga k..: kola (qolla) (A) lowland
HEE86 Delanga Kola kebele (Dälanga Qola ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda at its southern border,
5-8 km south-east of Bete Hor; area 1,424 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE78 Delanta (Dälanta, Dalanta, Delante, Delenta) 11/39 [Gu 18 WO It]
(high plateau) 1135'/3910' 2619 m
HEE79 Delanta wereda & sub-district (-1964-1997-) 11/39 [Ad n]
(centre of both in 1964 = Wegel Tena)
HEM94 Delate 1239'/3948' 1623 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDA72 Delatti, see Dalati
JEA62 Delay Mele (D. Malé) 1128'/4001' 1137 m 11/40 [Gz]
HCJ41 Delba 0643'/3642' 568 m 06/36 [Gz]
HEF70 Delba kebele (Dälba ..) 11/39 [Ad]
rather far to the west in Ambasel wereda stretching to its southern
border, 15-20 km west of Wichale; area 5,045 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Delbi Moye (basin area) ../.. [20]
HCK64 Delbu (Dalbo, Delbo) 0654'/3752' 1994 m 06/37 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
HDE71 Delbuki (Dälbuqi) (village) 08/38 [x]
H.... Deldak (Deldack) 08/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gojima sub-district)
deldalla (A) smooth, level, flat
HEJ.. Deldali (small fort near Gondar) 2087 m 12/37 [Gu]
HEK71 Deldalit 1225'/3733' 2047 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEM51 Deldei, see Dildi
HDU70 Deldey, see Dildiy & HEM42
HDS20 Deledel Maryam (church) 1013'/3735' 10/37 [Gz]
HEK44 Delego 1210'/3753' 2681 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEC75 Deleket (Delache) 1131'/3701' 1890 m 11/37 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HEC74
delel (A) 1. layer of sand, sediment, silt; 2. place where
rainwater remains in a field
HEF01 Delel kebele (Däläl ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost central Legambo wereda,
19-22 km east of Akista; area 1,709 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dellala (dällala) (A) broker,
middleman; dilela (T) commission
HDD56 Delella, see Dilila
H.... Delelo (north Gondar) 12/37 [n]
Zeleke Agricultural Mechanization SC was established in 1996.
HDT06 Delema & Mesano kebele (Däläma & Mäsano ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, towards the south at its
south-eastern border, 3-11 km south of Alem Ketema; area 2,996 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
delesa (T) penthouse
HEM72 Delesa (area), see under Alamata 12/39 [WO]
HEP26 Delesa, see Dalasa
delet: dilet (T) will, desire
HDJ33 Deleta 0923'/3655' 1973 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK48 Deleta, two at 4 km distance, cf Dalata 09/38 [AA Gz]
0928'/3815' 2446 m and 0930'/3817' 2652 m
church Mikael near the south-western one
JDA43 Deleta Gebriel (church) 0835'/4005' 08/40 [Gz]
JDR36 Deleymeley (small railway station) 1017'/4211' 10/42 [Gz]
HDT85 Delfere, see Dilfire
HDH44 Delgagala 0927'/3606' 1100 m 09/36 [Gz]
HEJ45 Delgi (Delgi Mariam, Delghi, Delgh), 12/37 [Gz Br Ch WO]
village/town in Alefa wereda,
(with church & sub-post office) 1212'/3703' 1785 m
(centre in 1964 of Takusa sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
?? Delhoya (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
JE..? Delifage 11/41? [20]
HCC60 Delkinsa (Delk'insa, Delqinsa) 0603'/3639' 3057 m 06/36 [Gz q]
della (dälla) (A) be well, be at ease
H.... Della (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 13/39 [Ad]
JDN.? Delladu, see Deladu
?? Dellamenne (on map of 1814) 10/42 (18]
on caravan route from Zeyla to Harar
HCJ19 Delle (mountain) 0628'/3726' 1496 m, cf Dalla 06/37 [WO Gz]
dellele (dällälä) (A) 1. remove or bring soil by torrent
of water; 2. caress in order to soothe
HDS.. Delma, on route Debre Markos-Dembecha 10/37 [x]
HCD43 Delo 0549'/3750' 3119m 05/37 [Gz]
HCD44 Delo (Dello) 0550'/3756' 3600 m 05/37 [Gz WO x]
(mountain), cf Dalo, Dillo
HDB43 Delo (Dello) 08/36 [+ WO]
JCN07 Delo (Uara Combo) 0715'/4028' 2138 m 07/40 [Gz]
JCG12 Delo awraja (Delu awraja & sub-distr) 0630'/4000' 06/39 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 and in 1980 = Meslo/Masslo, in 1970 = Menna)
JCG.. Delo Mena (Dello M.) 06/39 [n]
HCD44c Delo wereda (centre in 1964 = Delo) 05/37? [Ad]
HDU93 Delu kebele (Dälu ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Were Ilu wereda at its south-eastern border,
20-26 km north-northeast of Were Ilu town; area 3,002 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dem (däm) (A,Geez) 1. blood; 2. sap of plant; deem (O) go
?? Dem Bahir, lake about a mile in diameter ../.. [Ch]
HEF80 Dem Bet 1136'/3923' 1908 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDK21 Dem Gijo 0914'/3741' 1688 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
dema: demma (dämma) (A) bleed, make bleed;
dema, deemaa (O) lustful, lewd, lecherous, promiscous
HED70 Dema, see Deyma
HED92 Dema (area) 11/37 [WO]
JEC50 Dema Lay Terara (Dema'lay T.) 1119'/4137' 831 m 11/41 [MS]
JEC40 Demaali (Dema'ali), see Damahale
JDC72 Demadegu, see Gicha
GCU33 Demai 07/34 [WO]
HDU07 Demam kebele (Démam ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda, adjoining Shewa Robit to its south
and extending 4 km southwards from there; area 939 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT76 Demasiko kebele (Dämasiqo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Wegdi wereda, 13-18 km
east-southeast of Mekane Selam; area 2,066 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
demb (dämb) (A) usage, established custom, rule
HBL37 Demb (Uamore Demb?) (area) 0354'/3908' 03/39 [WO Gz]
HFF23 Demba Mikael (church) 1349'/3941', east of Wikro 13/39 [Gz]
dembal do..: dooro (Som), doro (A) chicken, hen
HBM73 Dembal Doro (Dembeldora, Dambaldoro) 04/39 [Gz LM WO]
0419'/3938' 1133 m
HDE37 Dembala (area) 08/39 [WO]
dembar (T) awkward, bashful;
dembara (A) border, boundary;
denbari (dänbari) (A) shy, skittish
HCK78c Dembara, 2120 m, cf Denbera, Dimbira 07/38 [Gu]
HCK79 Dembara 0701'/3820' 1789 m 07/38 [Wa Gz]
HC... Dembara, see Denbara Kela
HDM73 Dembaro, see Dimbaro
HD... Dembaro Wenjo (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HED70c Dembasa (on map of 1843) 11/37 [Ha]
HCS24c Dembaya 07/37 [LM]
dembe (dämbä) (T) pen, courtyard, stable, camp;
arkay (arqay) (T) bamboo
HFD69 Dembe Arkay (Dembe Arcai) 1412'/3830' 1821 m 14/38 [+ Gu Gz]
HER07 Dembea (Dambea, Dambiya, area), cf Dembia 12/37 [WO Pa x]
also /old/ name of lake Tana
HDS60 Dembeccia, see Dembecha
HEC36 Dembech (hill) 11/37 [WO]
HDS60 Dembecha (Denbech'a, Dembeccia) 10/37 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Dambacha, Dembesha, Dämbächa) 10/37 [Te Ch Ha Pa]
(with fort) 1033'/3729' 2083/2190 m
Coordinates would give map code HDR69
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2SE Usta (village)
5SE Timecha (bridge over Timeccia, Temeccia, Temscia, Tamcha)
8SW Jesunchit (Jesuncit) (area)
7NW Chereka (Cereca) (village, plain, stream)
7NW Mikael (church)
8NW Angut (village)
3N Godever (village)
7N Umberet (area)
10NE Dega Damot (Degademot) (area),
see directly under its name
??NE Seccolo Mariam
?? Adea (area) 2220 m
?? Ilala Tsion (church) 2240 m
HDS60 Dembecha awraja 10/37 [En]
(centre = Dembecha, for a while Debre Markos?)
HDS60 Dembecha wereda 10/37 [n]
until 1991 belonged to Damot awraja.
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HFD06 Dembegwina (Dembeguina, Dambaguina) 13/38 [n WO Gu Pa]
(with church) 1269/1850 m,
known from the 1500s, cf Indabaguna
HFD47 Dembegwina, see Indabaguna
HFD56 Dembegwina (Dembeguina) (area) 14/38 [n WO]
HCT82 Dembel, see Ziway (lake)
HDL71 Dembel 0942'/3833' 2611 m (with church Silase) 09/38 [Gz]
JEA62 Dembel (mountain) 1129'/4000' 1390 m 11/40 [Gz]
HD... Dembel Meki (Dämbäl Mäqi) 08/38 [En]
HD... Dembel wereda (-2004-) 08/38? [Ad Gz]
HFE26 Dembela (Denbela) 1346'/3901' 1867 m 13/39 [Gz]
HFE27 Dembela 1347'/3906' 1598 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael at som distance to the south-west)
HBM73 Dembeldora, see Dembal Doro
dember (dämbär), dinber (A) border, boundary
HFE16 Dember Amba (mountain), cf Debre Amba 13/39 [Gu x]
HFE68 Demberbara 1413'/3915' 2063 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
HFF44 Demberona, see Debaina
HEU51 Dembessa (recorded in 1868),cf Dembasa 13/39 [18]
HEL44 Dembeta Maryam (D. Mariam) (with mission) 12/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
dembi (O) kinds of large tree, Ficus vasta, F. ovata,
F. thonningii, Mimusops kummel; it is an old Oromo custom
to plant dembi trees on tombs of important men;
dembi (Som) crime, sin, error, blame;
-- Dembi, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
HCP98 Dembi (Dimbi, Denbi, Ambuye) 0815'/3625' 08/36 [Gz Po WO Ad]
0805'/3628', 1822/1929/1943 m
(with church & sub-post office), cf Dambi
MS coordinates would give map code HDB18.
Centre in 1964 of Gumai Denbi wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9SE Tobba (with church) 1895 m
10NW Guma (village) 2128 m
HCR83 Dembi (Dambi) 0801'/3657' 1753/1812 m 08/36 [WO n]
Coordinates would give map code HCR84
HDD24 Dembi 0821'/3756' 1919 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD94 Dembi 0900'/3754' 2156 m, see under Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDE61 Dembi 0842'/3833' 1963 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE74 Dembi 0849'/3849' 2138 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDF82 Dembi 0852'/3931' 1680 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDK56 Dembi 0934'/3804' 2313 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL75 Dembi 0946'/3855' 2519 m, see u. Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDS07 Dembi 0958'/3812' 2470 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDB29 Dembi (mountain) 1411 m 08/41 [WO]
JDH33 Dembi (Gebel Dambi) (mountain) 09/41 [Gz WO]
0921'/4103' 1864 m
HDG.. Dembi Dimtu, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HCK08c Dembio Kaku (Dambikaku), 06/38 [x]
a little south of Dilla
dembi kersa, fig tree rock? karsa (qarsa) (O) flat rock
kersa (language?) game played by whole villages
at a season of festivities
HDE52 Dembi Kersa (Dembi Carsa), cf Kersa 08/38 [+ WO]
HEJ77 Dembia (Dambiya) (area), cf Dembea, Dembiya 12/37 [WO x Gz]
1227'/3720', coordinates would give map code HEJ78
historical, see Dembea; modern, cf Dembiya
HEJ68 Dembia wereda (Dembiya .) 1227'/3720' 12/37 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 = Kola Diba)
(-1964-) is divided into 74 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
-- Dembidolo, an Oromo people
GDF45 Dembidolo (Dembi Dolo, D. Dollo, Dembidollo) 08/34 [LM Gz Ca WO]
(Dambidolo, Dambidollo, Dambi Dolloo)
(Saio incorrect for a time but Ca has Sayo in 1995)
0832'/3448' 1701/1827 m; Sayo district, see Sayo.
(Sayo, Sayyoo, Seyyo is a sub-group of the Mecha Oromo.)
Centre -1956-1980 of Kelem awraja &
in 1964 of Shenena Deko sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6S Ochir (Tulu Ocir) (hill)
9S Karo (Burca Badessa) (village) 1638 m
5SW Humbi (Umbi) (village)
6NW Tabor (village) 1828 m
9NW Chamo (Shama, Sciama) (village) 1814 m
5N Mau (Tulu Mao) (hill) 1694 m
8NE Dembidolo (mountain) 1575 m
HER24 Dembie 1253'/3659' 1223 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
HCP03 Dembira, see Dimbira
-- Dembiya, ethnic group numbering 6,636 (in the 1980s?)
HC... Dembiya (Dämbia) (in Kembata & Hadiya awraja) 07/37? [Ad n]
HDT79 Dembiya 1038'/3918' 2608 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEJ59 Dembiya (Dämbia) 1217'/3727' 1784 m 12/37 [Gz]
a vast plain bordering upon the northern shore of lake Tana
HEJ.. Dembiya awraja (1940s to 1991) (centre Kola Diba) 12/37 [En]
HEJ.. Dembiya wereda (1991-) 12/37 [En]
HBS93 Dembole 0523'/3751' 1560 m, see under Burji 05/37 [WO Gz]
HEC83 Dembuala (with church), see under Yismala Giyorgis 11/36 [It]
HDS23 Dembucrai Gheorgis, see Dimbukway Giyorgis
HEC94 Dembuela (village) 11/36 [WO]
HEC94 Dembuela Maryam 1996 m 11/36 [+ It]
HDS23 Dembukvay Giyorgis (Dembucvai Gh.) (church) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEC94 Dembweta (Dembueta) 11/37 [+ WO Gu]
Deme, Demie, a male personal name
?? Deme (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
There is registered the Deme-Laha National Forest Priority Area
demeka: damaka (A) herb of the Verbenaceae family,
Lippia abyssinica;
demmeke (dämmäqä) (A) 1. be bright /colour/; 2. be very warm;
3. sing in unison
HEC24 Demeka (Demeca, Demacam) (village) 11/37 [Gz WO It]
1149'/3714' 1826 m
Demeke, a male personal name
HDM36 Demeko kebele (Dämäqo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Berehet wereda at its south-eastern border; area 9,259 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED.. Demela Dehay Ber, 10 km from Lera 11/37 [n]
demera (dämära) (A) bonfire at the meskel feast
HDD15 Demeras 0809'/3758' 1831 m 08/37 [WO Gz]
JCU37 Demerei (Demeri, Damerei) (seasonal waterhole) 07/44 [Gz WO n]
0737'/4456' 833 m
Coordinates would give map code JCU46
KCR13c Demergog 07/46 [MS]
HC... Demerso (centre in 1964 of Goro sub-district) 06/38? [Ad]
demet (T) beauty, magnetism; demmet (T) Sysimbrium irio;
gedel (A) cliff, precipice, steep place
HED24 Demet Gedel (Demet Ghedel), see under Mota 11/37 [+ WO]
HDL97 Demeto, see Dimeto
HDH75 Demi 0946'/3613' 2097 m 09/36 [Gz]
with the Bereda waterfalls nearby to the south
HDH85 Demi 0949'/3613' 2134 m 09/36 [Gz]
?? Demi Danissa (valley in Sidamo)
HDT28 Demka (Demk'a, Demqa) 1010'/3910' 2051 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
cf Demeka
HDL96 Demmato (area), cf Dammata 09/39 [WO]
JCH51 Demolie, see Gura & Demolie wereda
JEA14 Demoto, see Dameto, cf Damota
damsa (O) order, command, class;
demsa, deemsa (O) journey, trip
HEJ89 Demsa Sege (Demsa Seghe), see under Azezo 12/37 [+ WO]
HEM01 Demta (Demt'a) 1148'/3930' 2536 m 11/39 [Gz]
JDK20 Demuga 0920'/4234' 1517 m 09/42 [Gz]
HCJ04 Demza 0626'/3703' 1254 m 06/37 [Gz]
den (Som) kinds of tree, Dodonaea angustifolia, D. viscosa;
dheen (Som) kind of large tree with edible fruit;
denn (dänn) (A) copse, forest, woods, jungle;
-- Den, name of a clan of Gafat who fled into Gojjam at the
beginning of the 1600s
HDS11 Den 1006'/3741' 2135 m, cf Din 10/37 [Gz]
HEJ59 Den, cf Din 12/37 [Gu]
?? Den Abbo, monastery in the 1800s ../.. [n]
den chaka (dänn ch'aka) (A) forest
?? Den Sug Welebo (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HEC86 Dena Mariam (village with church) 11/37 [It]
HEU41 Denamora 1301'/3926' 2449 m 13/39 [Gu Gz x]
(Jan Amora), south of Adi Korkora
denan: denana (A) slanting
JCL11 Denan (Danan, Badu Danan, Danane) 06/43 [MS WO x Gz]
(with waterhole) 0631'/4330' 405 m
JCD53 Denan Dere, see Danane Dere
JCL11 Denan wereda (centre in 1964 = Denan) 06/43 [Ad]
HE... Denar Ambassa 11/37 [x]
near the south-east shore of lake Tana
HDL89 Denba, see Deneba
denbara ..: denber (dinbär) (A) border, frontier;
kella, keellaa (O) check-point, border customs post
HCK59 Denbara Kela (D. Kella, Dembera Kiela, Dembara) 06/38 [MS Ad Gz]
(Denbera Kela, Dambara Kela) 0657'/3823'
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), cf Dembara
HDM74c Denbaro Maryam (church of Menilek II) 09/39 [20]
denbecha: dimbicho (Sidamo O) large tree, Ficus spp.,
Ficus thonningii
HDS60 Denbecha, see Dembecha
Denbel, an Oromo name for lake Ziway
JDS00c Denbel wereda (centre in 1964 = Arabi) 10/42 [Ad]
HFE26 Denbela, see Dembela
?? Denbela (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HC... Denbera Kela (in Sidama awraja) 06/38? [Ad]
HEE18 Denbesho kebele (Dänbäsho ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Legambo wereda, 5-11 km
north-east of Akista; area 2,736 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
denbi (dänbi) (A) one who legislates;
denb (dänb) (A) rule, statute, regulation
HD... Denbi, town in Didessa wereda 09/36 [20]
HDL76 Denbi & Ejersa kebele (Dänbi & Éjärsa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda to its south;
area 1,629 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT51 Denbi Mekane Selam, see Mekane Selam
H.... Denbi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Geridobo) 08/36? [Ad]
HCP03 Denbira, see Dimbira
HDU70 Denbiya kebele (Dänbiya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Were Ilu wereda at its southern border,
12-17 km west of Were Ilu town; area 3,971 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Denboza Giyorgis 10/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sar Midir sub-district)
HDM80 Denbu, see Dinbu
HEK81 Denches, see Denkez
HDM65 Denchi (area) 09/39 [WO]
HEC86 Denchu (Dench'u) 1139'/3712' 1886 m 11/37 [Gz]
HDU03 Denchur kebele (Dänch'ur ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
adjoining Sela Dingay to its south and extending
6 km southwards from there; area 2,242 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU41 Denchute Yohanis (Dench'ute Y.) (church) 10/39 [Gz]
JDJ52 Dendega (wide area) 09/41 [Gu]
HDL91 Dendego, see Dengego
HER66 Dendelkaw (Amba Dendelcau) (mountain) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1317'/3713' 987 m
JDC88 Dendema (Scek Calif) 0855'/4224' 1425 m 08/42 [Gz WO]
JDJ44 Dendema 0927'/4202' 2078 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ45 Dendema 0928'/4204' 2343 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEF04 Denden, see Dindin
dender (dändär) (A) a thorny bush of highlands, Acanthus polystachius;
dendur (A) large thistle, Echinops gigantea
HEE43 Dender 1117'/3846' 2598 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEU11c Dender 12/39 [It]
HEE44 Dender kebele (Dändär ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Mekdela wereda at its southern border,
18-26 km north of Ajibar; area 4,574 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HF... Dendera (historical? area south-west of Adigrat 14/39 [x]
HFF70 Dendera Mikael (church) 1414'/3926' 14/39 [Gz]
HDS66 Dendewaj 1031'/3805' 2546 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDD73 Dendi, Gebel (Ker) (hill), cf Dandi 08/37 [WO Gz]
0849'/3751' 3167/3298 m
an extinct volcano south-west of Addis Alem
HDD75 Dendi (Ch'er) 0851'/3801' 3037 m 08/38 [Gz]
mountain (Gebel Dendi) at 0849'/3802'
-- (inhabited by the Chabo of the Mecha Oromo)
HDL62 Dendi wereda (centre in 1964 = Nono) 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 109 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
deneba: denebba (dänäbba) (A) divide parts of a work among
participants; dennebe (dännäbä) (A) refuse to go, or to
speak before a judge; denebe (T) fine
?? Deneb 14/.. [Mi]
with sulphur at a place 1417'N
HCR37 Deneba, 0735'/3715' 07/37 [MS Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCR68 Deneba (Uncuri, Unkuri, Ancurri) (village & stream) 07/37 [Gz WO Gu]
0750'/3722' 1800 m
HDL89 Deneba (Denneba, Danaba, Dar Nebba, Gellida) 09/39 [Ad WO x Gz]
0946'/3910' or 12' = HDL78, 2610,2690 m
Centre in 1964 of Moret wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Sakalla (Sacalla) (village)
5E Sakla kebele
7E Romelencha kebele
9E Gamegna & Chancho kebele
1SE Abaya kebele
5SE Abaya & Sakla kebele
2S Deneba (area)
4S Neseri Menehoro kebele
4S Rikicha Dembeli kebele
5S Maligui (village)
7SW Selala (Sellala) (village)
7SW Dirma Gebriel kebele
8SW Dirma Andargachew kebele
9SW Tirign kebele
10SW Dirma Tulu Gerbich kebele
10SW Daletti (village)
3W Jar Gedam kebele
5W Rikecha (Richeccia) (village)
6W Gellida (Jellida?) (village) 2610 m
7W Dire Gebre-Korke kebele
9W Itaya & Denji kebele
5NW Gotet Dega kebele
7NW Gotet Kola kebele
9NW Gashu Amba kebele
10NW Gozegoza kebele
2N Osambio (village)
3N Beyo (Beio) (village)
4N Ejersa & Kubeti kebele
7N Albaso & Moga kebele
7N Doyo Mangudo kebele
8N Abbo (church)
4NE Rome kebele
5NE Ejersa & Egu kebele
7NE Dawo kebele
8NE Menelefto kebele
10NE Golale & Ketemaw kebele
JDB89 Deneba (Danaba) 0855'/4140' 1506 m 08/41 [Gz LM WO]
JDC90 Deneba 0902'/4140' 1688 m 09/41 [Gz]
denen do..: dora (Afar) stream; dooraa (O) brave, courageous;
danan (Afar) wild ass
?? Denen Dora ../.. [n ]
archaeological site in the Afar depression
JDJ43 Denengo, see Dengego
HEE81 Denfel 1138'/3835' 2156 m 11/38 [Gz]
HCM80 Denfo 0705'/3921' 2264 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDH18 Dengale Gonke 0912'/3626' 1671 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDR97 Dengara Mariam, see Dingra Maryam
HDM34 Dengay Tera, see Dingay Tira
?? Dengeb ../.. [20]
There is registered the Chato-Sengi-Dengeb National Forest Priority Area.
dengego: dangego (central O), dangago (western O) kind of
much-branched shrub with winged red fruits, Rumex abyssinicus,
Rumex nervosus; dengege (T) decree, codify
JDJ43 Dengega, see Dengego
HDE63 Dengego (village) 08/38 [x]
HDL30 Dengego 0921'/3827' 2635 m (with church Gebriel) 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
(Dingago Mariam HDL62?)
HDL91 Dengego 0954'/3835' 2245 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL91 Dengego (Dendego) 0957'/3831' 2240 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ43 Dengego (Dangago, Dengega, Denengo) 09/41 [Te Gz WO]
(with mosque),0928'/4155' 1981 m, see under Kersa
There is registered the Dengego-Melka Jedbu (rather Jebdu)
National Forest Priority Area
JDK40 Dengego 0925'/4234' 1581 m 09/42 [Gz]

dengel (A) 1. papyrus reed, Cyperus papyrus; 2. hub of a wheel;

dingil (A,T) virgin /of any sex/
HEC66 Dengel (Denghel) (village) 1110'/3739' 2178 m 11/37 [Gz It]
dengel ber (A) papyrus pass/gate? gate of the Virgin?
HEJ24 Dengel Ber (Denghelber, Denghelbar) 11/37 [Gz Br Gu WO]
(Dengle Ber, Dingleber, Dinglebar, Dungulbar) 11/37 [Po Ha]
1157'/3700' 1828/1882 m (with sub-post office)
HEJ24 Dengel Ber 1201'/3657' 1790 m 12/36 [Ad Gz]
(centre at least 1954-1964 of Alefa wereda)
dengel (dingil) Maryam, Virgin Mary
HE... Dengel Maryam (centre in 1964 of Jabi sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
HE... Dengel sub-district 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mender Kidus Mikael)
HFF61 Dengelat (with collapsed rock church) 14/39 [x]
HEE78 Dengelot, see Dingilot
HEM31 Dengelsa (recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
HEM32 Dengelsa kebele (Dängälsa ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in southern central Gidan wereda, stretching north/south as
a rather narrow strip a little east of Muja; area 3,395 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Dengelt (Denghelt) ../.. [x]
GDF81 Dengero (Denghero) 08/34 [+ WO]
denget: dinget (dingät) (A) accident, chance event, surprise
HEC67 Denget (Denghet), see Gentenya
HES13 Dengez Maryam (church) 1246'/3748' 12/37 [Gz]
dengeze: dengetse (T) to pity, sympathize, be afraid;
dengatsi (T) merciful
HDU12 Dengeze (Denghezie) 1001'/3928' 2239 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
HDU01 Dengeze & Riko kebele (Dängäzé & Riqo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
rather far to the west in Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
22-27 km west-southwest of Molale; area 1,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU12 Dengeze sub-district (centre in 1964 = Iriet) 10/39 [Ad]
within Mama Midir wereda
H.... Dengi (Denggi), cf Dangi, Dingi 08/38? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dalocha sub-district)
HDG96 Dengi (Tulu Dangi, T. Denghi) (hill) 09/35 [Gz WO x]
0952'/3520' 1559 m
HDM65 Dengi (Denghi) (area), see under Chano 09/39 [+ WO]
HEJ58 Dengi (Dengie), see Dinge
dengiya bet (A) stone house
HEC49 Dengiya Bet (Denghiabiet /Abbo/) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
dengiya bota (A) stony place, rocky locality
HEC99 Dengiya Bota (Dengia Bota), cf Dingay .. 11/37 [+ Ch]
HED60 Dengiya Debal (Denghiadeval) (mountain area) 11/37 [+ It]
HDR94 Dengiya Giyorgis (church) 1050'/3659' 10/36 [Gz]
north-west of Bure
?? Dengiya Kidane Mihret 11/36? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dengiya sub-district)
HEC87 Dengiya Nech (Dengianec) (hill, 'White Rock') 11/37 [+ It]
HE... Dengiya (Dangia, Dangya, Denguia) sub-district 11/36? [+ Ad Gu]
HFF61c Dengiyat (Dengheiat) 14/39 [+ x]
HEL.. Dengobat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sorba) 12/38 [Ad]
HEF91 Dengola 1141'/3930' 2433 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF81 Dengola kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Guba Lafto wereda at its eastern border,
17-26 km south-west of Weldiya; area 4,503 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF22c Dengolo (Dengelo) 13/39 [En]
A few small settlements in Eritrea and Tigray.
One near Wikro with a rock-hewn church was
published in Europe in the 1800s.
HEM21 Dengolsa 1202'/3929' 2130 m, see under Muja 12/39 [Gu Gz]
HES33 Dengor Diba Giyorgis (church) 1258'/3749', 12/37 [Gz]
east of Dabat
dengora (Gurage?) spade stick for breaking up ground
HDS25 Dengora 1013'/3757' 2244 m 10/37 [Gz]
HDT26 Dengore kebele (Dängoré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda at its southern border,
9-14 km north-northwest of Alem Ketema; area 3,245 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ63 Dengoro 0936'/3655' 09/39 [Gz Po]
(with church Abo, sub-post office under Gimbi)
HD... Dengoro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tulu Wayu) 09/37 [Ad]
HEL36 Dengot kebele (Dängot ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in southern central Bugna wereda, near and
to the north-west of Lalibela; area 7,389 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEA37 Denguei, see Tangui
HEC67 Denguel, see Gentenya
denguge laf..: lafto, laftoo (O) acacia tree,
Acacia lahai, A. sieberiana, etc.
?? Denguge Lafto (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDR94c Denguiya (Denguia) 2745 m 10/36 [Gu]
HEC06 Denguiya, see Satima
dengwa: dingwaye (T) delay, tardiness
HEC67c Dengwa (Dengua, Denguel) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HEF40 Dengwola kebele (Dängwola ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kuta Ber wereda along a northern part of its western
border, 17-20 km west of Kuta Ber settlement; area 3,589 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF56 Denhu, see Dino
HDT48 Denij 1020'/3910' 1820 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT48 Denj kebele (Dänj ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Jema wereda at the middle of its south-western border,
10-14 km south-west of Degolo; area 1,315 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM71 Denjen, see Dinjen
HDR75 Denjin 1038'/3705' 1897 m 10/37 [Gz]
HDL51 Denjo 0936'/3834' 2471 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL52 Denjo 0935'/3836' 2525 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL61 Denjo 09/38 [AA]
HE... Denka (centre in 1964 of Ambasel wereda) 11/39 [Ad]
HEF72 Denka kebele (Dänka ..) 11/39 [Ad]
near easternmost Ambasel wereda, almost totally surrounding
Wichale except for a piece to the west; area 1,383 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE56 Denkaka (Dancace) 0841'/3903' 1926 m 08/39 [Gz]
HD... Denkaka (visiting postman under A.Abeba) 09/38? [Ad Po]
(centre in 1964 of Gerbicha sub-district)
HEF94 Denkaka 1143'/3947' 1862 m 11/39 [Gz]
JD... Denkaka (Dankaka) 09/40 [+ Ad]
JDA26 Denkaka 0819'/4023' 1522 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDC95 Denkaka 0901'/4209' 1675 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDG59c Denkaka (Dankaka, Dancaga) circa 0930'/4035' 09/40 [+ x WO]
on an old caravan route from Djibouti to Addis Abeba
HEE78 Denkela Dima Mikael (Denk'ela ..) 11/39 [Gz]
(church) 1132'/3912'
HEL09 Denkena kebele (Dänkäna ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the easternmost "tip" of Meket wereda, 24-28 km
south-east of Lalibela; area 2,660 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL18 Denkena Yohanis (church) 1151'/3913' 11/39 [Gz]
denkera: denkara (dänqara) 1. obstacle; 2. to transfer illness
to someone else by magic; denkoro (dänqoro) (A) deaf
HDK19 Denkera (Denk'era, Denqera) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0908'/3821' 2616 m, cf Dankara
denkez (dänqäz) (A) round, backless stool
HE... Denkez (Dänqäz, Danqaz, Dancaz, Gomnagé) 12/37 [Pa 20]
(Gomenghe), former capital some 32 km south-east of Gondar
HEK71 Denkez (Dunkaz) 1228'/3737' or 38' 2569, 2820 m 12/37 [Ad Gz Ch]
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Denkez Iyesus)
HEK81 Denkez (Dankaz, Dancaz, Dangaz, Denches) 12/37 [Ad Wa x Gu]
1230' or 34'/3737' 2427, 2808 m
HEK81 Denkez Iyesus (Dancaz, Danqaz), see under Deguma 12/37 [Ad]
HDM55 Denki, see Dinki
?? Denkoro ../.. [20]
There is registered the Denkoro National Forest Priority Area.
HDM73 Denkwan, see Dinkwan
HED54c Denkwar Iyesus (Denquar Iesus) (church) 11/37 [+ Gu]
?? Dennab (district in Merhabete) ../.. [n]
HDL79 Denneba, see under HDL89 Deneba
HDM64 Dens (area), see under Ankober 09/39 [WO]
HEE49 Dens 1113'/3918' 2334 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM64 Dens kebele (Däns ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the west in central Ankober wereda, 3-7 km
north-northeast of Ankober town; area 909 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC36 Densa (area) 1116'/3737' or 1116'/3722', 2141 m, 11/37 [WO Gz]
cf Danse, Diensa
HED32 Densa, see Kolela
HEE02 Densa, see Sayint
HEE13 Densa kebele (Dänsa ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in southern Sayint wereda somewhat to its west, 12-16 km
south-southwest of Ajibar; area 1,650 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT64 Densa Keraba kebele (Dänsa Käraba ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda at its southern border, 8-12 km
south-southwest of Mekane Selam; area 1,797 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Densao, in the Hosaina region ../.. [20]
HDU02 Densheq, see Dinshik
-- Denta (Danta) people, see Dubamo
HDU23 Deos (De'os) 1011'/3936' 2925 m 10/39 [Gz]
der (Arabic,A) monastery
JDE15 Der (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDL11 Der (area) 09/43 [WO]
dera (dära) (A) grass used for thatching roofs; (Som) gazelle;
dera, deeraa (O) long, tall, elevated, slow; cf derra (A)
HCC99 Dera 0616'/3725' 2471 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDC73 Dera (Gara Dera) (mountain), cf Dara 08/36 [WO]
HDE19 Dera (Daia) 0820'/3919' or 0838'/3933' 1586 m 08/39 [Gz Gu]
HDE24 Dera (Era) 0824'/3851' 1681 m 08/38 [Gz WO]
HDE63 Dera (village near radio station) 0824'/3851' 1681 m 08/38 [x Gz]
HDF00 Dera (Dhera, Derra) 0810'/3920' 08/39 [Gz Po x]
(centre in the 1960s of Dodota wereda?)
about 50 km north of Asela, with sub-post office
HDF52 Dera 0838'/3933' 1470 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDK39 Dera 0922'/3824' 2672 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL58 Dera 0931'/3912' 2675 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDT23 Dera 1010'/3844', cf Addis Derra 10/38 [Gz]
HDT33 Dera (Derra, Deraa) (area) 10/38 [Ha WO n]
HEK01 Dera (area) 11/37 [Gu]
HEK45c Dera (Dära), cf Derha 12/37 [En]
The smallest of seven Muslim trading states in the 1300s.
HEL79 Dera 1228'/3916' 2291 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFF44 Dera (Dara) 1358'/3947' 1980 m 13/39 [x Gz]
(with two rock-hewn churches), see under Atsbi
HFF45 Dera (Derra) 1358'/3947' 1980 m 13/39 [WO Wa Gz]
HFF45 Dera sub-district (-1964-1997-) 13/39 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Hiya) (-1964-1997-)
JDJ47 Dera (Sarerta, Sererta, Gara Serirta) (mountain) 09/42 [Gz WO Gu]
0936'/4212' 1930/2850 m
JDJ53 Dera (mountain) 0934'/4152' 1304 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ56 Dera (mountain) 0936'/4212' 1930 m 09/42 [Gz]
J.... Dera Ela, see Deraela
HDM80 Dera Getem kebele (Dära Gätäm ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the easternmost corner of Saya Debir and Wayu Insaro wereda
at its borders, 22-26 km south-east of Inewari; area 987 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Dera Malo (Deramalo) ../.. [n Po]
(visiting postman under Arba Minch)
?? Dera Malo sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
dera ma..: maalo (O) what; maaloo (O) please;
-- Malo is an ethnic group
HEL98 Dera Maryam (D. Mariam) (with church) 12/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1228'/3916' 2291 m
H.... Dera wereda 1 ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 46 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
H.... Dera wereda 2 (ctr in 1964 = Yaya), cf Derra wereda 10/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 74 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCR.. Deraba c.2440 m 07/37 [Mi]
JDG75 Derabale (Dabita Ale) (mountain) 09/40 [Gz]
0944'/4017' 883 m
JDH42c Derabella, near Afdem railway station 09/40 [x]
HED55 Derabo (area) 11/38 [WO]
J.... Deraela, on caravan route from the coast to Shewa 09/41 [18]
HF... Deraga, at 10.4 km from Aksum, see under that place
HFE53 Deraga (Daraga) 1405'/3848' 2064 m, cf Dereka 14/38 [WO Gz]
HED90 Deragon 1144'/3735' 1936 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEL19 Deragush Bado 1152'/3915' 3321 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDK94 Derai (Derait) 0952'/3759' 966 m 09/37 [Ch Gz]
HCN79 Deraimo, see Darimo
deraka (däraqa) (A) lean, meagre; derreke (därräqä) (A)
1. dry out, wither; 2. be brave
HDL70 Deraka 0941/3827' 2190 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Derakwa (Derakua) ../.. [+ Po]
(with visiting postman under Debre Markos)
HDT64 Derami kebele (Därami ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda stretching to its southern border,
6-9 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 1,140 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL42 Deranze Abbo 1211'/3836' 1842 m 12/38 [Gz]
HCS12c Derara (south-west of Hosaina) 07/37 [20]
HCK19c Derasa, see Derassa
HES37 Derasge (Derasghie), see Deresge
?? Derashe, same as Derassa? 06/38? [20]
-- Derassa, Derasa, name of a group of Sidamo people
-- Derassa language (Dirasha, Dirayta, Gidole, Gardulla)
belongs to the Konsoid group
derrese (A) reach a place, be ready, reach maturity; compose poetry
Derassa, cf Darassa
HCK19c Derassa (Darassa, Derasa) 06/38 [+ 18 Wa]
HCK08 Derassa awraja (Deressa .., Derasa ..) 0600'/3810' 06/38 [x Ad Gz]
(centre at least 1959-1964 = Dilla; later Gedeo awraja)
JEA73 Derawayu (Derauaiu) (area) 1103 m 11/40 [+ WO]
JDJ14 Derayo 0909'/4201' 1575 m 09/42 [Gz]
derb (därb) (A) terrace, upper storey, flat roof
derba: dereba (O) double; durba (O) virgin;
derbu (O) to hurt, to offend
HCD44 Derba 0550'/3754' 1617 m, cf Dereba 05/37 [Gz]
HCD54 Derba (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 05/37 [MS Ad WO]
HDH69 Derba (area) 09/36 [WO]
HDL42 Derba (Durba) 0926'/3839' 2384 m 09/38 [AA Br Ca Gz]
(near waterfalls, storage, cable)
JDA34 Derba 0820'/4014' 1765 m 08/40 [18 Gz]
HEM21 Derba Maryam 1202'/3930' 2733 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ24 Derbas 0916'/3701' 2035 m 09/37 [Gz]
JDK51 Derbiga (obsolete name), see Jeneseney 09/42 [Gu]
JDK50 Derbiga Ale Agemsa 0933'/4235' 2132 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK60 Derbile 0939'/4231' 1808 m 09/42 [Gz]
JCD41 Derca Dur, see Terka Reba
HET55 Derche, see Derke & HET65
HCB27c Derdera (Dordora) 05/36 [x]
One of seven sub-groups of the Shangama people.
dere (A) a kind of acacia; (Afar) far away, long;
dheere (Som) flow of a river
HDF41 Dere 0830'/3925' 1523 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDL88 Dere, see Dire & HDT36, HDT72, HEF33
HEJ68 Dere 1219'/3721' 1800 m 12/37 [Gz]
JCD61 Dere (mountain), cf Dare, Dire 06/42 [WO]
JDJ64 Dere Meley (mountain chain) 0940'/4203' 1261 m 09/42 [Gz]

dereba (däräba) (A) cover, especially of the gotera type

of large containers for grain outdoors
HCU84 Dereba 0802'/3942' 2453 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDC83 Dereba 0853'/3652' 1684 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDU90 Dereba 1051'/3922' 3226 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Dereba Bet (locality in Lower Wegda) ../.. [n]
HDU91 Dereba kebele (Däräba ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the easternmost "tip" of Legambo wereda,
19-25 km east of Akista; area 2,011 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Derebe (district in Gojjam) ../.. [n]
HER.. Derebo (locality in Gondar region), near Angereb 13/37 [n]
?? Deredegen Sisa (visiting postman under A.A.) ../.. [Po]
HDM54 Derefo (mountain in Gola, Shewa) 0933'/3942' 09/39 [Gz]
(place south-west of Ankober, with church Maryam)
HDM44 Derefo kebele (Däräfo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south Ankober wereda at its western border, 5-7 km
south-west of Ankober town; area 513 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ78 Dereigse 1228'/3722' or 23' 1974 m 12/37 [Gz]
derek amba (däräq ..) (A) arid mountain
HDT89 Derek Amba (Dereq Amba) 1042'/3916' 2708 m 10/39 [Gz Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of Lege Hida wereda), cf Wein Amba
GD... Derek Chebel (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
derek wenz (A) dry river, intermittent stream
HDU04 Derek Wenz (Dereq Wenz, Derac Uonzi), 09/39 [+ q WO]
see under Sela Dingay
HEK53 Derek Wenz (Derecuons) 12/37 [+ WO]
derek weyra (A) dry olive tree
HEF16 Derek Weyra (D. Uoira) 1059'/3956' 2232 m 10/39 [+ Gz]
HD... Derek Wiha (in Kola Dega Damot awraja) 10/37? [Ad]
HFE53 Dereka (with rock chapel), cf Deraga 14/38 [x]
HDL85 Dereku, two at 5 km distance 09/38 [AA Gz]
0948'/3857' 2100 m (with church Maryam)
JDA58 Dereku 0837'/4034' 1510 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDA77 Dereku 0847'/4029' 1818 m 08/40 [Gz]
HDL95 Dereku kebele (Däräku ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda stretching to its northern
border, 19-28 km south-southwest of Alem Ketema; area 1,693 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Derekwa Maryam (Derekua Mariam) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Agza sub-district)
JDH53 Derela 0930'/4057' 1047 m 09/40 [Gz]
HE... Derem Wedia sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Kelebas) 11/38 [Ad]
HE... Derem Wedih sub-district (centre in 1964 = Taja) 11/38 [Ad]
HEK37 Derenko (Lanco) 1207'/3812' 2567 m 12/38 [Gz]
HDU57 Derensa 1028'/3958' 1675 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEE86 Derera kebele (Däréra ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Wadla wereda at its southern border, immediately
to the south-west of Bete Hor; area 2,254 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
deresa (däräsa) (A) writing, composing
Deresa, Deressa, a male personal name
-- Deresa language (Derasa), see Gedeo
HER18 Deresa Amba (area) 12/37 [WO]
HEJ89 Deresge 1231'/3725' 2028 m 12/37 [MS]
HES37 Deresge (Däräsgé, Darasge, Dereski) 13/38 [20 Ad n En]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
Known at least from the 1700s and capital of a Dejazmach in mid-1800s.
1300'/3810' or 1231'/3726' 3035 m (with church Maryam)
Deresge (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 3035 m
For recent time, see Mekane Birhan
?? Dereski, see Deresge
-- Deressa, see under Derassa above
HCK08 Deressa awraja, see Derassa awraja
deret (T) border, boundary; (därät') (A) destroyed district, watercourse
going dry; (därät) (A) human chest, bosom, breast
HDT76 Deret kebele (Därät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kelala wereda touching its border,
9-15 km north of Kelala settlement; area 2,337 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCR89 Dereta 0801'/3730' 2081 m 08/37 [n]
JEN94 Deretakna (Daratacna) 13/40 [LM WO]
HEL26 Derewa 1201'/3900' 2233 m 12/29 [n]
derewa a..: amba washa (A) mountain cave
HDU01 Derewa & Amba Washa kebele (Däräwa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at its northern
border, 12-18 km west of Sela Dingay; area 2,055 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE12 Derewe kebele (Däräwä ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda, 13-18 km
south-west of Ajibar; area 3,288 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCL79 Derewo (Dereo) 06/44 [+ WO]
JDK67 Derey 0938'/4311' 1593 m 09/43 [Gz]
JEB86 Derfage 11/41 [WO]
HED09 Derg, see Deri
HE... Derga (Dergga) (centre in 1964 of Abet sub-district) 11/39 [+ Ad]
HEU94 Dergajen (Dergeajen) in Inderta awraja, 13/39 [Ad x n]
cf Didiba & Dergajen
HEU74 Dergam 1322'/3947' 1433 m 13/39 [Gz]
derge: dergi, dergo (O) kind of very tall forest tree,
Fagaropsis angolensis
HDD00 Derge sub-district (Dergie ..) 08/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ali)
HDK51 Derge 0931'/3741' 1549 m, cf Dargye, Derga 09/37 [AA Gz]
JEH10 Dergera (Derghera) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
dergh: derg (därg) (A) committee
HDD80 Dergh (area) 08/37 [WO]
HDU04 Dergmit, see Dirgmit
JDG14 Derguru (area) 09/40 [WO]
?? Derha (Därha) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
JD... Derhu 09/41 [18]
deri (A,O) necklace collar made of pieces of iron;
deri (Som) curve of the back; dheri (Som) clay vessel;
derri (A) animal or person who refuses to move even when hit
HDJ57 Deri 0936'/3715' 2225 m 09/37 [Gz]
HED09 Deri (Deri, Derj, Derg') (mountain), cf Dari 10/38 [WO Gz]
1055'/2821' 2649/2861 m
JDJ49 Deri 0927'/4225' 2175 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDD81 Deriko (Derico) 0855'/3736' 2773 m 08/37 [+ Gz]
JCL58 Derio (waterhole) 0651/4413', cf Deryo 06/44 [WO Gz]
HEK.. Derita (Därita) 12/37 [+ Pa n]
large market between Gondar and Debre Tabor
HEK43c Derita Maryam (D. Mariam) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HBS27 Deritu (Derittu) 0447'/3812' 1666 m 04/38 [Gz x]
HFF02 Deriva, see Dirba
HED09 Derj, see Deri
HEF00 Derka (Derk'a, Derqa) 1054'/3924' 3169 m 10/39 [Gz q]
derka dur: dur (A,T) forest, wood
JCD41 Derka Dur, see Terka Reba
HEJ17 Derke, see Dega, and also Dek
HET55 Derke (Derche) 1310'/3900' 1657 m 13/38 [Wa Gz It]
Coordinates would give map code HET56
HET65 Derke (Derche) 13/38 [+ Gu]
KCR84 Derkengeyo 08/46 [n]
on the border of Somalia
HEU20 Derki Gebriel (Derk'i G.) (church) 1251'/3925' 12/39 [Gz]
derma (därma) (Harari) young man
HDL78 Derma, see Dirma
JEA63 Dermadu 1125'/4003' 1054/1103 m 11/40 [WO Gz]
HC... Dermalo, see Dita Dermalo wereda
HDJ85 Derme 0952'/3705' 2487 m 09/37 [Gz]
shek (A) sheikh, title of important Muslim man
JDJ21 Derme Shek 0917'/4146' 2444 m 09/41 [Gz]
dero (O) serval cat, Felis serval
JDC53 Dero 0841'/4153' 1211 m 08/41 [Gz]
HFE84 Dero Tekle, see Dearo Tekle
HCR28c Deroba (with iron ore), in Kefa 07/37 [Mi]
HF... Derokavia, somewhere north of lake Tana 13/38? [n]
JDF04 Deror, cf Daror 08/44 [MS]
KCR44 Derouda Ler, see Las Dolop
KCR44 Derouda Uen, see Las Dolop
derra (därra) (A) be bustling, be in full swing;
be successful /marriage/
-- Derra, Darre, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDF00 Derra, see Dera
HDT.? Derra (Därra), cf Dera 10/38? [En]
HDT22 Derra, see Dire
HDT33 Derra (Muslim area) 1010'/3850', cf Darra, Dera 10/38 [Ad n WO]
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Korie)
H.... Derra wereda, in Merhabete awraja 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ambasemi),
cf Lai Derra, Tach Derra
HDL63 Derre 2660 m, 09/38 [Ad WO]
see also Dire at HDL64 and Muke Dera
JDJ53 Derredawa, see Dire Dawa
HBT48 Derredima, Gebel (mountain) 04/39 [WO Gz]
0453'/3911' 893/1018 m
HBS27 Derritu 04/38 [x]
dero (O) kind of very tall forest tree,
Fagaropsis angolensis; dero (A,O) serval cat, Felis serval;
deero (Som) Speke's gazelle; derho (H) hen, chicken
HDK76 Derro (area) 09/38 [WO]
HDK87 Derro 09/38 [WO]
HDL77 Derro, see Idoro
JDH28 Derru, see Deder
HEM24 Dersa Dibe 1157'/3945' 1563 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCL77 Derto (area) 07/39 [WO]
dertu, dheertuu (O) tall /female/
HDE93c Dertu (mountain) 08/38 [x]
JDF54 Deruksi (Durukhsi, Druksi) 0841'/4447' 1050 m 08/44 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
KDA38 Deruksi (Durukhsi, Duruksi, Druksi) 08/45 [MS WO n]
KDA47 Deruksi (Duruksi) 0831'/4528' 830 m 08/45 [+ n]
on the border of Somalia
JDK85 Derwernache 0950'/4302' 1402 m 09/43 [Gz]
JCM82 Derye (Derie) 07/44 [+ WO]
JDE33 Deryo (Derio) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JED01 Deryo (area) 898 m 10/42 [WO]
HEJ84 Derza 1231'/3703' 2154 m 12/37 [Gz]
HDD26 Desa 0824'/3809' 2268 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEJ47 Desait Giyorgis (Desait Georgis) (small island), 12/37 [Ch WO]
cf Deset, Desiet
HDD56 Dese 0838'/3809' 2384 m, cf Dessie 08/38 [Gz]
HEF33 Dese, see Dessie
Dese zuriya (A) Dessie environs
HEF42 Dese Zuriya awraja & wereda 1115'/3935' 11/39 [Gz]
(centre at least 1964-1987 = Dessie)
The wereda (-1994-) is divided into 54 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Aba Jela, Aba Kolba, Abareba, Abaso, Abuto, Adoy, Ambwasha,
Anto Ashoye, Asgori, Asogedo, Atari Mesk, Bekimos, Birko Debela,
Chirecha, Dajole, Dede & Satiro, Defatit, Degaw Mote, Dej, Feres Meda,
Gadula, Galesa, Gerado, Goshign, Gragn Meda, Guguftu, Hara Webelo,
Ilu, Jebel Agari, Kelina, Key Gedel, Kolaw Mote, Kurfa, Kuruna Medena
Maybar, Mechele, Metene, Miawa, Serdemo, Seyo Janteraro, Seyu Tibila,
Soba, Tebasit, Tekake, Temuja Gola, Tigajo & Kotu, Tita, Tiy Amba Jerjero,
Tulu Tosign, Tuluba Bogna, Weraba, Wertaya.
In the wereda (-1999-) are towns Akista, Amora Genda, Ancharo,
Gelebe, Hayk.
deset, desiet (däset) (A) island; also: Hummock, land-tied island
HEJ45 Deset (Desiet) (island) 12/37 [+ WO]
HFD88 Deset 1423'/3817' 1752 m 14/38 [Gz]
?? Deseta (town in the Leka region) ../.. [18]
HCJ74 Deshe 0700'/3700' 1848 m 07/37 [Gz]
HEF42 Deshen kebele (Däshän ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Kuta Ber wereda, adjoining
Kuta Ber settlement to its north; area 2,285 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF04 Desia (Dessa, Desa, Des'a, Deza) 13/39 [Gz WO Gu LM]
1336'/3949' 1619/2800 m, cf Dassa
HFF04 Desia sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kalesha Imini) 13/39 [Ad]
deso: desu, dheessuu (O) escape, run away, take shelter
from rain
HDD91 Deso 0900'/3740' 2273 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDJ06 Deso 0907'/3712' 1938 m (with church Giyorgis) 09/37 [Gz]
HDK52 Deso 0933'/3744' 2334 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK99 Deso 0957'/3821' 2510 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT23 Deso 1011'/3844' 1839 m 10/38 [Gz]

HDM.? Deso Amba (with church Gebri'el) 09/39? [x]

in Bulga/Kasim wereda
JFB13 Dess (Desso) 1344'/4100' 94/213 m, cf Gulit 13/40 [WO Gz]
HFF04 Dessa (Desa), see Desia
HFF04 Dessaa (Dessa'a) 13/39 [20]
Forest of 120,000 hectares about 20 km south-east of Agula town.
HDD56 Desse, see Dese
dessie, desse (A) my pleasure, my joy
Dessie, Desse, a male personal name
Dessie (Desé) may not mean 'My happiness' as commonly assumed.
HEF33 Dessie (Dese, Dessye, Dessi) 11/39 [WO Gz MS Wa]
(Dasse, Dase) 2424/2550 m 11/39 [x]
1108'/3938' or 1111'/3945' (1940s source: 1101'/3945')
The site was formerly known as Weyra Amba.
Kebeles adjoining Dessie are Tita, Tiy Amba, Jerjer and Galesa
to the east, Kelina to the south, Gerado to the south-west, and
Seyu Tibila to the west and north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Azo Agadel (mountain) 2621 m
5E Korke kebele
7E Aba Kolba kebele
8E Kombolcha (town)
8E Toledere Meda (area)
9E Jergora (Gergora) (village)
9E Seyu Jantiraro kebele
5SE Metene kebele
6SE Atari Mesk kebele
10SE Bekimos kebele
3S Kuruna Medena kebele
7S Anto Ashoye kebele
8S Hara Webelo kebele
10S Defatit kebele
10S Jebil Agari kebele
5SW Wertaya kebele, see directly under this name
5SW Mechela kebele
7SW Grado (plain)
9SW Gragn Meda kebele
9SW Tigajo & Kotu kebele
10SW Asogedo kebele
2W Tossa (mountain range)
7W Abaso kebele
8W Gworo Mendera kebele
9W Gadula kebele
10W Dede & Satiro kebele
3NW Kelem Derebe kebele
8NW Alansho kebele
5N Tetu ("town")
5N Kedijo (Chedigio) (village) 2643 m
5N Jenjera (Gengera) (village)
7N Boru Metero kebele
8N Kurkur (Curcur) (area)
8N Seywo (Seiuo) (village)
9N Mesel kebele
10N Borumieda (Barumieda) (village) peak 2570 m near
10N Gobeda Najer (G. Nager) (village)
10N Sostegedel (Sosteghedel) (village)
5NE Tita (T'it'a, Tita Mieda) (village & army camp) 2178 m
7NE Bededo kebele
9NE Amanu Ager (A. Agher) (village)
9NE Gallo
9NE Kosero kebele
10NE Itacha (Itacia) (pass)
10NE Hitecha kebele
10NE Luarke (Luarche) (village)
HEF33 Dessie awraja, see Dese Zuriya awraja
HEF33 Dessie wereda, includes Dessie town (-1999-)
HEF.. Dessie Zuria, see Dese Zuriya
JFB13 Desso, see Dess
JEB76 Det Bahari 1135'/4116' 362 m, south of Awash 11/41 [Gz]
(with plantation at some distance to the south)
JEC83 Detale (waterhole) 11/41 [WO]
JEP65 Detoli, see Dathale
HED98 Dettera c. 3200 m, cf Datara 11/38 [Gu]
JED11 Deualle, see Dewele
HED21 Deva 1107'/3738' 2195 m, cf Dava, Deba 11/37 [Gu Gz]
HEK90 Deva, see under Gondar 12/37 [WO]
JEN67 Deva 13/40 [x]
HEC94 Devach Aura, see Debach Awra
HEC88 Devangi (Devanghi, Debanji) 1135'/3724' 11/37 [+ WO n]
(area), see under Bahir Dar
HES55 Devark, see Debark
HEB90c Devil Mountain (= Tulu Wallel?) 11/35 [Mi]
80 km north-east of Guba in Gojjam
?? Devil's bridge (Pont du Diable) ../.. [18]
natural bridge at som distance north of Were Himano
devra (A as written by Henry Salt) = debre; tai = tsehay?
HEC73 Devrasina, see Debre Sina
HEC55 Devratai, see Debre Tsehay
HEC55 Devrilai .., see Debre Lai ..
?? Dewa (in the Borana region?) 04/39? [20]
In 2001 there were tribal clashes in the area.
HDK99 Dewa (with church) 0955'/3822' 2528 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki, cf Dawa ..
HDU23 Dewa 1009'/3938' 3028 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Dewarach sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dewarach Giyorgis)

-- Dewaro (Kullo), a subdivision of the Ometo ethnic group

HEK45 Dewaro (Doaro, Däwaro, Dawaro, Dauri, Dauarri) 12/37 [Gz WO Pa En]
0951'/3944' 3264 m, cf Suk Dewaro
Lowlands between Webi Shebele and the Harar plateau.
HDU33 Dewas kebele (Déwas ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda along its southern border,
7-13 km south-west of Mehal Meda; area 1,025 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Dewasa (near lake Tana) 11/37 [x]
JEA04 Dewe, see Dawe
dewel (däwäl) 1. phonolith, 'stone bell'; 2. territory, district,
border, applied in particular to the periphery of a church parish
HDM45 Deweld Amba kebele (Däwäld .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Ankober wereda, 14-17 km
south-east of Ankober town; area 695 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dewele: dewwele (däwwälä) (A,T) to ring a bell;
Duwaale, Dualeh, Ducaale are Somali names
JED11 Dewele (Dawanle, Dauanle/h/, Daouénle, Duanle) 11/42 [Gz Po x]
(Deualle, Dewelie) 1100'/4240' 774/1033 m 11/42 [Gu Ad WO]
1102' or 06'/4238' (railway station)
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
with sub-post office under Dire Dawa
?? Dewerahmedo, ../.. [Ad]
see Chefe Golana Dewerahmedo wereda
?? Dewero (Dawaru) historical Muslim kingdom ../.. [x]
JD... Dewero sub-district, cf Dawera .. 09/42 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ali)
HDU42 Dewes 1020'/3931' 2908 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEU23 Deweyto 1252'/3942' 1872 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Dewhan, in Eurob wereda in eastern Tigray ../.. [20]
GDF54 Dewi (Conchi) (mountain) 0841'/3442' 2167 m 08/34 [Gz]
?? Dewi Rahmedo sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
J.... Dewie (centre in 1964 of Wedeyirahmedi wereda) 10/40 [Ad]
HEL76 Dewrela 1224'/3858' 2346 m 12/38 [Gz]
dey (Som) glance, look
HDM70 Dey (Dei), see under Mendida 09/39 [+ WO]
HDK89? Dey Giyorgis (Day G., Däy G.) (church) 09/38? [x]
HBF90 Deye (Tulu Deye) 0334'/3921' 1220 m 03/39 [Gz]
HDK89 Deye 0947'/3825' 2524 m (with church Giyorgis), 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha, cf Daye
HDL79 Deyi 0942'/3920' 2684 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEF44 Deye kebele (Däyé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the southernmost corner of Were Babo wereda,
7-12 km south-east of lake Hayk; area 1,871 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU63 Deyer kebele (Däyär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of Gishe Rabel wereda at its
border, 11-17 km south-east of Were Ilu; area 4,595 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL79 Deyi 0942'/3920' 2684 m 11/37 [Gz WO Gu]
HED70 Deyma (Dema) 1135'/3732' 1881 m 11/37 [Gz WO Gu]
HDJ67c Deyo 09/37 [LM]
HDL53 Deyo 09/38 [AA]
deyo b..: bota (A) place
HDT62 Deyo Bota kebele (Däyo ..) 10{38 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Sina wereda at its southern border,
20-27 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 1,966 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL98 Deyo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Inewari) 09/39 [Ad Gz]
0905'/3914' 2510 m
HCS13c Deyogena, town in Angacha wereda 07/37 [20]
HDK38 Deyu 0922'/3815' 2478 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL42 Deyu 0925'/3840' 2471 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL53 Deyu 0935'/3845' 2535 m 09/38 [Gz]
HFF04 Deza, see Desia
HDT59 Dgolo, see Degolo
?? Dhaama, in the Hana area of the Omo zone ../.. [n]
with a tomb at Chobur in the neighbourhood
?? Dhadim, see Dadim
JDC25 Dhalla (area) 08/42 [WO]
dhallaan (Som) baby, infant
JEC40 Dhamali, see Damahale
JCS40 Dhana, see Dunnan
JDK13 Dhandi, see Dandi
HDF00 Dhera, see Dera
-- Dhuri language, see Suri
HDL43 Di Di Mtu 09/38 [AA]
-- Di Godia, ethnic group at the lower Web river
HEJ67 Diangoa, see Jangwa
HEM63 Diarola 1218'/3943' 1772 m 12/39 [Gu Gz]
HDU17 Diarre (bridge) 1066 m 10/39 [Gu WO]
HEM83 Diau, see Dayu
dib (A) obstacle, knoll, hill; (O) (dhib-) difficult; (dhiib-) push;
dib (Som) back, rear, rump of animal;
backwards, later; diib (Arabic,Som) sweet-scented;
dibb (A) bear /foreign animal not existing in Ethiopia/
HES63 Dib Bahir (D. Bahr, D. Bahar, Debbivar, Debivar) 13/37 [Gz WO Te]
(Debbeb Bahr) 1413'/3752' 2208 m, cf Debark
HES63 Dib Bahir sub-district? (-1997-) 13/37 [n]
HES54 Dib Ber, 1310'/3755' 13/37 [MS]
dib- (O) anoint; kan, kaan (O) the other; some;
kan (Som) fat that surrounds the kidney;
qan (Som) thickness, circumference
HEC55 Dib Kan (Dibcan, Debecam), same as Debre Tsehay 11/37 [Ch Gu]
diba (A) 1. glass bead, pearl; 2. cartridge;
diba, dibaa (O) fire-wood covered with ashes to ensure continued
slow burning; food baked in hot ashes
-- Diba, tribe, see Doba
HDJ95 Diba 0953'/3705' 2480 m 09/37 [Gz]
HEJ68 Diba 1219'/3723' 1815 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEL62 Diba 1221'/3841' 2349 m 12/38 [Gz]
JDK23 Diba 0916'/4248' 1603 m 09/42 [Gz]
H.... Diba Bahr (same as Dib Bahar or Debark?) 13/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sank sub-district)
HES95 Diba Bahr wereda (centre in 1964 = Adi Arkay) 13/37 [Ad]
diba t..: tena (t'ena) (A) health
HEB.. Diba Tena wereda (in 1992 in Metekel awraja) 11/36 [n]
HE... Dibabo (Diba Abo), about 20 km from Gondar 12/37 [20]
(with church Hawariat)
dibala g..: gora (O) 1. wild rose shrub; 2. kind of raspberry;
(A) side of mountain, wide and flat road
HEF07 Dibala Gora kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Kalu (East) wereda near its southern border,
22-26 km south-east of Kombolcha; area 1,772 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDL10 Dibale, see Dibile
HCD68 Dibandibe (Dibbandibba, Dibandiba) 05/38 [20 WO Gz x]
0559'/3817' 2214 m, near the border of Kenya
HFE77 Dibara (mountain) 14/39 [Pa]
HES64 Dibark, see Debark
dibate: dhibaatee (Som) annoy, disturb, hurt
HDP75 Dibate (Dibati, Debate, Debatie) 10/36 [WO Gz]
1039'/3613' 1438 m
HDP75 Dibate wereda (Debate .., Dibati ..) (-1964-2001-) 10/36 [Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Dibate)
(-1994-) is divided into 35 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
-- Dibati, name of a negroid tribe
dhibaatee (Som) annoy, disturb, hurt
dibba (A) cap of a cartridge; dhibba (O) hundred
JDK22 Dibba (Bur Dibba) (hill) 0916'/4245' 2140 m, 09/42 [Gu WO Gz]
see under Jijiga
HCD68 Dibbandibba, see Dibandibe
dibbe, dibbee (O), small drum; (A) flat drum used by sorcerers;
dibe (O) hidden; (A) 1. sand; 2. kind of pea
HBM21 Dibbe, D. (area) 03/39 [WO]
dibbe b..: bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle, upstanding
front part of saddle /and several other meanings/
HBM55 Dibbe Bora 04/39 [WO]
dibber w..: win (A) real, true
JDE42 Dibber Win (Dibber Uin) 0835'/4336' 1306/1323 m 08/43 [+ WO Gz]
JDE42 Dibber Win, cf Dibriweyn
dibbi (O) granary; dhiibbii (O) grudge; dibi (T) bear
HDM35 Dibbi (area) 09/39 [WO]
HDM35 Dibbi (church) 09/39 [WO]
JBJ63 Dibbi, see Dibi
HET96 Dibbuc (Dibbuce), see Debek
dibdeba (A) fight, beating, assaulting;
dibdab (A) dibdaba (O) skin serving as pack saddle
HFE83 Dibdebo (Dibdibo)1418'/3852' 1793 m 14/38 [Gz 20]
(near the border, in Adi Ahferom wereda)
HCP32 Dibdib 0736'/3552' 2303 m 07/35 [Gz]
dibdibe: dibdibe meret (A) ground which resound under
footsteps; dibdibba (A) place where trash is thrown
HBU52c Dibdibe (Dibdibbe) (on road to Moyale) 05/39 [+ x]
HDE65 Dibdibe 0846'/3854' 2065 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK35 Dibdibe 0924'/3802' 2548 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL23 Dibdibe 0916'/3845' 2625 m, see under Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL41 Dibdibe 0929'/3832' 1825 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL72 Dibdibe 0945'/3839' 3244 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT23 Dibdibe 1014'/3846' 2033 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDJ56 Dibdibe Mikael (church) 0934'/3710' 09/37 [Gz]
east of Shambu
HCU54 Dibe 0743'/3945' 2207 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDE63 Dibe 0844'/3843' 1976 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDM62 Dibe 0938'/3933' 2793 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDK86 Dibenos 0946'/3805' 1512 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEU11 Dibet 1250'/3930' 2749 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDH90 Dibi, see Enemo
JBJ63 Dibi (Dibbi) 0413'/4156' 201 m 04/41 [Gz WO]
HDT73 Dibi Chere kebele (.. Ch'äré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western central Debre Sina wereda, 6-10 km
west of Mekane Selam; area 1,174 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT84 Dibi Giyorgis kebele (Debi .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, 5-7 km
north-west of Mekane Selam; area 987 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dibi m..: medhane alem (A) Saviour of the world
HDT73 Dibi Medhane Alem kebele (.. Mädhané-Aläm ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, 5-8 km
west of Mekane Selam; area 920 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT65 Dibibiso kebele (Debibiso ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-eastern Wegdi wereda at its northern border,
7-11 km south-east of Mekane Selam; area 1,375 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Dibie (Dibbie) (district) 09/39 [Ha]
HD... Dibie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kara Megen) 09/39 [Ad]
HET18 Dibiga 1246'/3912' 2027 m 12/39 [Gz]
HBU73c Dibigia (well) 0517'/4016' 05/39 [Gu Gz]
JBN85 Dibigia (seasonal well) 05/40 [MS WO]
HE... Dibikbeye 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kola Gerado sub-district)
HEE86 Dibiko kebele (Debeko ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda, 20-26 km
south-southwest of Lalibela; area 6,780 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE96 Dibiko kebele (Debeko ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Wadla wereda, 19-23 km
north-west of Wegel Tena; area 2,526 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF70 Dibil 1135'/3924' 2042 m 11/39 [Ad Gz]
HES68 Dibil (Arcazie, Arquazie, Arkasi) (mountain saddle) 13/38 [Gz WO Gu x]
1318'/3816' 3633, 3838 m
HEF61 Dibil kebele (Debel ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Ambasel wereda, 7-12 km
south-west of Wichale; area 2,274 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF70 Dibil sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lai Dibil)
dibile: dibbela (A) vegetables: peas etc as opposed to
cereals; dibela (T) he-goat;
dibila (A) fallow soil, 'starting a new field'
JDL10 Dibile (Dibileh, Dibale, Dibili) (area) 09/43 [Gz WO]
0910'/4329' 1638 m
HET50 Dibilza (Dbilza, Dilybiza) 13/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Beyeda wereda)
HEE94 Dibir 1144'/3849' 2377 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDS46 Dibisa 1022'/3807' 2474 m, cf Debisa 10/38 [Gz]
HDR64 Diblil (Malti) 1035'/3659' 1946 m 10/36 [Gz WO]
dibo, diboo (O) thicket, thick growth of bushes;
dibo (Kefa,O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Rothmannia urcelliformis, R. whitfieldii;
dibo (T) plug, stopper
HDC36 Dibo 0826'/3712' 1950 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDS99 Dibo (with ford) 1051'/3819' 1180, 2375 m 10/38 [Ch WO Gu Gz]
JCJ22 Dibo 0632'/4150' 574 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
H.... Dibo Kidane Mihret (in Mota awraja) 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Enebssie sub-district)
HFF91 Dibo K'irk'os (church) 1425'/3932' 14/39 [Gz]
GCS75 Dibok (Diboc) 0752'/3301' 283 m 07/33 [+ WO Gz]
JDK61 Dibriweyn (Dibriuein, Dibri) (mountain) 09/42 [+ Gu Gz]
0935'/4233' 2147 m, cf Dibber Win
dibu (O) 1. rear section of a hut; 2. to bank a fire; to bake in hot ashes;
dhiibuu (O) 1. deep gorge; 2. to violate one's boundary;
3. to push /a car/
?? Dibu (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JCC97 Dibugur 0621'/4216' 427 m 06/42 [WO Gz]
HD... Dibut (centre in 1964 of Feres Tifir sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
HDS.. Dibzan, with Debre Markos as nearest town 10/37 [n]
HDE65 Dicaiu, see Dikayu
HCJ79 Dicco, see Diko
HEL90 Dich (area) 12/38 [WO]
?? Dicha Otto (sub-post office under Dessie), see Diciotto
HCS82 Diche 0803'/3746' 2012 m (with Catholic mission) 08/37 [Gz]
HCG99 Dichi 0711'/3542' 1443, 1808 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
JDA68 Dichiccia, see Dikicha
HCS29 Dichiya 0729'/3822' 1748 m 07/38 [Gz]
?? Diciotto (Dicha Otto) (w sub-post office under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
/in Italian diciotto = 18/
HCG53 Dico, see Bibatta
HCG54 Dico, see Diko & HDB58
did (Som) bolt, scatter a flock, stampede;
diid (Som) refusal, rejection; fainting;
dhid- (O) step, trample;
didd (A) gum of teeth; anan (O) milk
JBK60 Did Anan (waterhole) 0412'/4233' 266/273 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
dida (O) 1. forest, camp; 2. outside; (A) dumb, unable to talk;
didaa (O) obstinate, disobedient; diida (O) somewhere, elsewhere;
diidaa (O) from some other place; didhaa (O) revenge, vengeance;
Dida, a male name among the Borana
HCC99 Dida 0617'/3726' 2513 m 06/37 [Gz]
Governor Ras Darge chose it as his ketema in 1886.
HBS61 Dida Burrole (Dida Buroli) 0508'/3736' 908 m 05/37 [WO Gu 18 Gz]
dida dima (O) red plain
?? Dida Dima (far south, with waterhole) ../.. [x]
HB... Dida Elabi (mountain) 03/38 [18]
dida guba, fever forest? guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever;
2. branding iron; 3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
HDL62 Dida Guba 0940'/3839' 2729 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
dida ka..: karra (A,T) large curved knife, kitchen knife;
(O) 1. gate, kraal; 2. luck, wealth, fortune
HBK07 Dida Karra (Dida Carra) (area) 03/38 [WO]
dida ku..: kulla, qulla (O) naked, without clothes; empty-handed
HBL98 Dida Kulla (Dida Culla) 04/39 [+ WO]
lencha, leencha (O) lion
dida lencha (O) forest of lion
HBS40 Dida Lencha (Dida Lencia) (well) 04/37 [+ MS WO]
dida muri, grass forest? muri (O) 1. kind of grass;
2. bush cut and left to dry
HCD28 Dida Muri, see under Agere Maryam 05/38 [WO]
dida rim..: rinji (Som) paint, colour; tea
JBP35 Dida Rimgi (D. Ringi) (plain) 0449'/4110' 850 m 04/41 [Gz WO Gu]
JCN98 Didaadi (Dida'adi) 0808'/4034' 1531 m 08/40 [Gz]
near map code JDA08
JEB94 Didaleiti (area), see under Tendaho 11/41 [WO]
didda (O) undigested, undigestible, crude
JEJ11 Didda (Didda Mataca?) (area) 11/41 [WO]
HCR15 Diddibo (Didbo) 0722'/3706' 2104 m 07/37 [WO Gz LM]
diddibu (O) to massage, to set joints or the back
HEK07 Diddim Tion, see Didib
-- Diddimtu, Didimtu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people
HBK65 Diddimtu, G. (mountain), cf Didimtu 04/37 [WO]
diddin (Som) remaining liquid at the bottom of a container;
diden (didän) (A) very cold wind
JDD68 Diddin (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDB99 Diddisa 09/41 [WO]
dide: didde (eastern O) porcupine, Hystrix cristata;
diddee (O) refuse to accept;
guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron;
3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
HDL64 Dide Guba 0941'/3851' 2546 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
?? Dide Guda (Dide Godda) 'the large plain' ../.. [x]
dide k..: kile, qilee (O) deep gorge, ravine
HDL72 Dide Kile (D. K'ile, D. Qile) 0942'/3836' 3043 m 09/38 [Gz q]
dide t..: telba (tälba) (A) flax, linseed
HDL61 Dide Telba 0939'/3831' 2114 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
didessa (western O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Combretum molle, Gnidia apiculata, G. glauca;
didheessa (O) reserved out of shyness, aloof, quiet /male/;
-- Didessa, ethnic group numbering 7,964 (in the 1980s?)
H.... Didessa (Dedessa, Dedesa) 300 m above river 09/36 [Ad Gu n]
with sub-post office by 1978.
HDB95 Didessa (area), cf Dedessa 09/36 [WO]
HDH45 Didessa (area) 09/36 [WO]
?? Didessa bridge (on the road to Nejo) ../.. [x]
HD... Didessa wereda (Dhidhessa .., Dhidheessa ..) 09/36 [20]
From 1991 one of twelve weredas in Illubabor.
JEH92 Didhab (Didhav, Didhao) 1238'/4054' 468 m 12/40 [LM WO 18 Gz]
HDM04 Didi 0903'/3942' 1280 m 09/39 [Gz]
didib (Som) stony soil
HEK07 Didib (Diddim Tion) 1146'/3812' 3587 m 11/38 [Gz WO]
HEU.. Didiba & Dergajen sub-district (-1997-) 13/39 [n]
HEU72 Didiba sub-district (centre in 1964 = May Keyih) 13/39 [Ad]
HEU72 Didiba wereda (-1994-) 13/39 [n]
GDM32 Didibba, see under Begi 09/34 [WO]
HDJ74 Didibe 0947'/3702' 2385 m 09/37 [Gz]
JCC28 Didibele 0537'/4221' 826 m 05/42 [WO Gz]
HDE49 Didibisa (at the railway), see under Nazret 08/39 [x]
didig s..: diddiga (O) vomit;
sala, salaa (O) wooden pole as object of worship or as fence;
sala (A,T), saala (O) large antelope, Oryx beisa gallarum;
(A) coarse cereal, blackish grain; (T) cock's comb; (O) coitus
HEU26 Didig Sala 1253'/3958' 1796 m, cf Didigsala 12/39 [Gz]
HBS87 Didiga 0517'/3814' 1762 m 05/38 [Gz]
(with lake of the same name)
HDM06 Didiga (Fal Uha) 0907'/3957' 782 m 09/39 [Gz]
didigesa a..: ala (O) outer?
HE... Didigesa Ala 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Barentu sub-district)
HDK05 Didigsa 0904'/3803' 2417 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL31 Didigsa 0919'/3833' 2736 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL70 Didigsa 0944'/3830' 2596 m 09/38 [Gz]
JEN23 Didigsala (Didig Sala) 12/40 [MS]
start place for caravans with salt to Mekele
JEN23 Didigsala sub-district (-1997-) 12/40 [n]
didima (O) abyss below a precipice; (dhidi'm-) flee, escape
HCE47 Didimayo (Didimaio) (grazing area) 05/39 [+ WO Gu]
didimtu, didiimtuu (O) fair; light; red
-- Didimtu, Diddimtu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people
HDJ45 Didimtu 0928'/3708' 2225 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL43 Didimtu 0929'/3846' 2592 m 09/38 [Gz]
JDC86 Didimtu (Bija, Biyo Weraba, Bia Uoraba, Bio U.) 08/42 [Gz WO LM 18]
0855'/4210' 1576/1680 m (with old fort)
JDJ34 Didimtu 0922'/4203' 2086 m 09/42 [Gz]
dido, didu (Kefa) kind of shrub or medium tree,
Galiniera coffeoides; diddoo (O) rotten /eggs/;
dhiddo (Som) porcupine
HDL73 Dido 0943'/3844' 2642 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Po Gz]
dido li..: libaan (Som) prosperity, blessing;
-- Liban, a Mecha Oromo tribe
HBU84 Dido Liban (wide area, with plain) 0513'/3958', 05/39 [WO Gz]
see under Negele
JEH79 Didoli (Dildoli) (mountain) 1242'/4135' 1161 m 12/41 [Gz]
near corner with map codes JEH99/JEJ90/JEP09
JEH79 Didoli (place) 1228'/4133' 12/41 [WO Gz]
JER00 Didoli (Dildoli) (mountain) 1242'/4135' 1161 m 12/41 [Gz]
near corner with map codes JEH99/JEJ90/JEP09
didu, diduu (O) 1. to want; 2. kinds of tree, Galiniera coffeoides,
Galiniera saxifraga; diddu (O) refusal, to say no
HCK72 Didu 0701'/3744' 07/37 [Gz]
HCK82 Didu (Villaggio Bottego, Bottego) 07/37 [Gz Ro WO Gu]
0709'/3742' 1619, 1877 m
HCN87 Didu (Geio, Geyo, Swe: Gejo) 0801'/3527' 1830 m 08/35 [Gz WO]
HCP87 Didu 0801'/3527' 1830 m 08/35 [Gz]
HD... Didu (in Gore awraja) 08/35? [Ad]
HCN88c Didu Gebre Dima sub-district (D. Gebredima ..) 07/35 [x Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gebre Dima)
didu go..: gombo (O) vessel for water or mead;
(Welega Bega) lion
JBH37 Didu Gombo, see Galgalo 03/41 [WO]
HC... Didu Gurdam sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gurdam) 07/35? [Ad]
didu l..: lalo (A) notable of Menz
H.... Didu Lalo sub-district (Didulalo ..) in Gore awraja 08/35? [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Lalo) (-1964-1997-)
J.... Diduale (Didouale) (in Harar province) 09/42? [+ x]
Once administrative district with centre at Giri.
HC Diecha wereda (centre in 1964 = Cheri) 07/36 [Ad]
dieciotto (Italian) eighteen
?? Dieciotto (on road from Mille to Djibouti) ../.. [n]
HCR33 Diedo, see Dedo
HCP39 Diedo wereda (centre in 1964 = Shebe) 07/36 [Ad]
HDB89 Diega, see Diga
HES34 Diensa, see Mereba
HES.. Diensa wereda (Dienssa ..) 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adet Medhane Alem)
HC... Dienshi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hechota) 06/38 [Ad]
GCT76 Dier 07/34 [WO]
HDE66 Dierntu, see under Debre Zeyt 08/38 [WO]
HCN56 Diescia, see Dyesha
Dieta, cf Dita
HCC.. Dieta wereda (centre in 1964 = Menena) 06/37 [Ad]
dig, digg (A) long band wrapped by men around the middle
of the body;
dig (Som) 1. main artery, pulse; 2. announce, advise, warn;
diig (Som) 1. blood; 2. cock, rooster
JCU61 Dig, see Dik
HDU64 Dig kebele (Deg ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
5-16 km north-east of Mehal Meda; area 3,849 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDR87 Dig Tekle Haymanot (church) 1046'/3717' 10/37 [Gz]
diga, dhiiga (O) 1. blood; 2. kinship; 3. fattish
/animal good for slaughter/
Diga, a male personal name
diggwa, Geez hymn book with musical notations
?? Diga (visiting postman under Jimma), cf Digga ../.. [Po]
?? Diga (visiting postman under Nekemte) ../.. [Po]
HDB89 Diga (Diega) 0856'/3635' 1924 m (w church Abo) 08/36 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dapo Dima sub-district)
HD... Diga Fododo (primary school in Nekemte awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
H.... Diga & Leka wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994) is divided into 67 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
H.... Diga wereda (Diega ..) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gulesekecha)
digacho: digasho (Som) gloating over a defeated enemy
HCM42 Digacho (Digaccio) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
-- Digalu, Digalo, one of three sub-groups (sub-moieties) of
the Sabo branch of the Borana
HBS19 Digalu (with seasonal waterhole) 0441'/3822' 04/38 [Gu WO Gz]
HCT59 Digalu (Dighelu, Digalo, Digelo), see Digelu
JDA86 Digalu, G. (area) 08/40 [WO]
HDJ12 Digare 0913'/3650' 2017 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCS33c Digba (locality circa 10 km west of Hosaina), 07/37 [20]
see under Hosaina
HDL44 Dige 0925'/3852' 2703 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ06 Dige (Duge) 0908'/4213' 1360 m 09/42 [Gz]
H.... Digeja 08/36? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Hana Digeja sub-district)
-- Digelu, see Digalu above
HCT59 Digelu (Dighelu, Dighellu, Digalu, Digalo, Digelo) 07/39 [Gz WO Wa x]
0746'/3915' 2714 m (area & village, with Kidame Gebeya)
HCT.. Digelu & Tijo wereda (Degelu .. ..) 07/39 [Ad x]
(centre in the 1980s = Sagure?)
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HCT59 Digelu Kidame Gebeya (Saturday market of Digelu), see above
HDT36 Digey, see Digiy
digga: diggwa (A) Geez hymn book with musical notations
HDB98 Digga 0902'/3627' 2181 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDB98 Digga (Gebel Digga) 0902'/3629' 2207 m 09/36 [Gz]
?? Digga (visiting postman under Jimma), cf Diga ../.. [Po]
HDH08 Digga (Diga) saddle 2320 m, cf Degga 09/36 [WO LM]
HDH08 Digga Mesera sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sorga) 09/36 [Ad]
HEE85 Digger, see under Bete Hor 11/38 [WO]
JEC10 Dighisle (waterhole) 10/41 [MS WO]
HEJ68 Digia, see Dija
JCD61 Digibu 0603'/4236' 587 m 06/42 [WO Wa Gz]
digicha (O) kind of climber, Hippocratea pallens
HBL12 Digicha 0344'/3838' 1326 m 03/38 [Gz]
JEC90 Digilu (Dighilu) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEG48 Digilu (Dighilu) (area) 1218'/4032' 813 m 12/40 [+ WO Gz]
HDR27 Digim, cf Degem 10/37 [Ch WO]
JEG54 Digim (Dighim) (area) 1214'/4010' 701 m, 12/40 [+ WO Gz]
see under Sifani
digim a..: Asteriyo (A) Epiphany
HDR28 Digim Asterio (Liim Asterio, Liyim A.) 10/37 [Gz]
1012'/3721' 2311 m
digimt (A) incantation
HDU35 Digio, see Dijo
JDC33 Digio Lola, see Dijo Lola
HDT66 Digir kebele (Deger ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kelala wereda far to the north at its north-western border;
9-13 km north-west of Kelala settlement; area 1,956 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE16 Digir Metrebiya kebele (Deger Mät'räbiya ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Sayint wereda almost at its southern border;
area 2,013 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
digiiran (Som) guinea-fowl; god (Som) 1. pool, well,
waterhole; 2. burrow, hole in the ground; 3. bend
JBJ98 Digiran God (Dighiran God) 04/42 [+ WO]
HDT36 Digiy kebele (Digey ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Kelala wereda at the east of its southern border,
19-26 km south of Kelala settlement; area 4,697 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBK73c Diglei 04/42 [Wa]
JBR49 Diglige (Diglighe) 04/42 [+ WO]
JCD39 Diglu, cf Digelu 05/43 [WO]
HES14 Digmetaba 1247'/3755' 1807 m 12/37 [Gz]
HES10 Digna (mountain) 1246'/3736' 2782, 3119 m 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
digo (Som) 1. dung; 2. announce /a wedding ceremony/;
dhigo (Som) study, learn; dhiggo (O) small
-- Diggo, a clan in Jimma
HDK43 Digo 0925'/3748' 1888 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
digo a..: arb gebeya (A) Friday market
HDS92 Digo Arb Gebeya 1051'/3744' 2794 m 10/37 [Gz]
H.... Digo Tsiyon (Digotsyon), cf Digu Tsiyon 11/37? [Ad]
(in Mota awraja)
JBP73 Digodya (Digodia) (area) 05/40 [+ WO]
HDT57 Digorach kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Kelala wereda at the middle of its south-eastern border,
13-20 km south-east of Kelala settlement; area 2,867 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
digri (Arabic,Som) chanting, religious song ritual
HEL96c Digrish (Digrisc) (pass) peak 2546 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
?? Digsa (Dixan) (known from the 1700s) ../.. [Pa]
in Bur north-east of Adwa
digu, diiguu (O) 1. demolish, tear down; 2. bleed
HED01 Digu Tsiyon (Digua Tsion, Dega T.) 1055'/3739' 2584 m 10/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bibunye/Bibugn wereda)
HEF30 Diguguru kebele (Deguguru ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Kuta Ber wereda, 15-20 km
south-west of Kuta Ber settlement; area 2,969 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Diguguru sub-district (centre in 1964 = Abagolja) 11/39 [Ad]
HET55 Digula 1311'/3857' 1717 m, cf Degela, Degolo 13/38 [Gz]
HFF31 Digum, see Degum
HDM63 Digut (Dagiat) 0937'/3939' 3026 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEM02 Diha Wedih kebele (Deha Wädih ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Guba Lafto wereda at its southern border there,
3-10 km south-east of Weldiya; area 2,436 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL42 Dihajka (Dihajk'a) 1208'/3908' 3870 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north of Lalibela
HDU03 Dihana, see Dehana
-- Dihina (ethnic group west of Gidole), see Dullay
dihit w..: warka, wild fig tree
HEE01 Dihit Warka kebele 11/38 [Ad]
near south-westernmost Sayint wereda at its western border;
area 2,192 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Diho (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
HER08 Dihol 1240'/3723' 2370 m 12/37 [Gz]
dihun: duhun, dukhon (Arabic) pearl millet, bulrush millet,
Pennisetum typhoides; dihin (Som) uncultivated /soil/,
never milked /animal/; virgin; dihun (T) salvage
JCK92 Dihun (Dehen, Duhun, Dukun, Ducun) (with wells) 07/42 [Gz WO]
0713'/4242' 893 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Balambal (ancient Arab-type ruins)
5S Garbo Midgan (seasonal pool)
2N Dihun Welk (well with permanent water)
JCK92 Dihun wereda (centre in 1964 = Dihun) 07/42 [Ad]
HEJ68 Dija (Digia) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDU75 Dije & Denb kebele (Dejä & Dänb ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Efrata & Gidim wereda at its western border,
9-16 km south-southwest of Majete; area 2,037 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Dijeno, name of a Kefa clan
?? Dijim (forest in a ravine), see under Tashat
dijino (A) crowbar /such as for moving stones/;
dijinoo (O) sledge-hammer
JCE26c Dijino 05/43 [Wa]
HDU35 Dijo (Digio) 10/39 [+ WO]
dijo l..: lola (A) kind of forest tree, Ekebergia capensis;
(O) drain trench /also other meanings/
JDC33 Dijo Lola (Digio Lola, Didjo-Lola) 08/41 [+ Gz]
0829'/4154' 1256 m
dik: diiq (Som) 1. cramped place; 2. cock, rooster;
3. give charity; (O) (dhiq-) wash oneself
JCU61 Dik (Dig) 0749'/4425' 995 m 07/44 [WO Gz MS]
(with seasonal waterhole)
dika (A) trace, track, footprint;
dikka (diqqa) (A) limit, riverside, stone marking a border;
(dikka) (A) large-necked vase; (dhiqa) (O) used and dirty water;
(diqqaa) (O) small
HCJ73 Dika 0702'/3656' 1559 m 07/36 [WO Gz]
In the 1980s centre of Tilliku Gishe wereda.
HDE73 Dika (village with market near) 08/38 [x]
JDD80 Dika (area, with well) 08/42 [WO]
HDE73c Dika Hamus (near lake Abba Samuel) 08/38 [x]
HDE64 Dikaboneya (centre in 1964 of Gejja sub-district) 08/38 [Ad]
HEL.. Dikana, see Dehana
HDE65 Dikayu (M. Dicaiu) (area), see under Debre Zeyt 08/38 [+ WO]
dike, dikee (dhiqe) (O) cow manure /dried/
JCR95 Dikey (Dichei) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
diki (diqi) (T) foetus
HC... Diki (local name Mèré), entrance part of Kefa 07/35? [x]
HDK03 Diki 0906'/3748' 2427 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
dikicha (O) kind of climber, Hippocratea pallens, with
stiff simple opposite leaves;
dikacha (O) enema, clyster; dikachu (O) 1. to wash, to cancel;
2. lavender
JDA68 Dikicha (Dichiccia) (village in Borana) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDT97 Dikicha kebele (Dekecha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Legambo wereda, 5-12 km
south-west of Akista; area 3,597 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dikika (Afar) nipple
?? Dikika (fossil site in Busidima area of Afar) 11/40 [20]
HDL50 Dikiftu 0933'/3828' 2048 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDB67 Dikile (Hie) 0842'/4120' 1260, 1375 m 08/41 [Gz WO]
HDJ63 Dikin 0938'/3652' 1661 m 09/36 [Gz]
diko, deko (O) kind of cloak made of skin, worn
especially in Oromo areas; diqo (O) suddenly;
diko (diqo) (Kefa) sugar; (O) uncautiously;
diqoo (O) small /and beautiful/; diiqo (Som) gift, charity;
Diko (O) used as name among the Alabdu when the birth
took place on a market day
HCG53 Diko (Dico) see 1. Bibata, 2. Jaruka
HCG54 Diko (Duko) 0648'/3513'c 06/35 [x]
Area formed by the upper part of the Aranga river valley.
HCJ79 Diko (Dicco) 07/37 [+ WO]
HDB58 Diko (Dico) (mountain) 1970 m, see under Arjo 08/36 [+ WO]
HDC39 Diko 0829'/3729' 1751 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDL10 Diko 0910'/3826' 2604 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL40 Diko 0925'/3826' 1937 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Diko 0932'/3849' 2614 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF95 Diko 1143'/3950' 1716 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM.? Dikom (with church Silase) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HCU92 Diksis (Dixis) MS: 0805'/3925' = HCU91 08/39 [Gz MS WO]
Gz: (Hamda Diksis) 0803'/3933' 2776 m (village in Arsi)
HED10 Dikulkana 1058'/3730' 3114 m 10/37 [Gz]
HEL57 Dikulu (Dik'ulu, Diqulu) 1215'/3906' 2170 m 12/39 [Gz q]
dikuniya: diqqunna (A) deaconship
HFE77 Dikuniya Mikael (church) 1413'/3905' 14/39 [Gz]
south-west of Inticho
dil (A) 1. victory; 2. white spot being an early sign
of leprosy; diil (Som) long animal track;
dhiil (Som) milk-vessel of fibre;
dil amba (A) victory mountain
HDL80 Dil Amba 0942'/3826' 2579 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDF81 Dil Betigil kebele (Del Bätegel ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda, 5-8 km
east-southeast of Balchi; area 623 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET40 Dil Yibza (Dilyibsa, Dilbiza) 13/38 [Gz]
1307'/3827' 3053 m, in Beyeda wereda
HCK09 Dila, see Dilla
HCS74 Dila (church) 07/37 [WO]
HCS85 Dila (mountain) 07/37 [WO]
HDG37 Dila 0924'/3529' 1610 m 09/35 [Gz]
JCC45 Dila, see Bila
dilala: diilalla, dilalla-a (O) cold
HD... Dilala (Dilela) (with sub-post office under A.Abeba) 08/37? [Po Ad x]
same as HDD74 Dilela?
HEK01 Dilala 1150'/3741' 1874 m 11/37 [Gz]
HDB87 Dilamo 0857'/3621' 1624 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDL67 Dilamo, see under Webera 09/39 [WO]
HDL79 Dilamo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in southern Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its south-eastern
border, 8-13 km south of Deneba; area 1,505 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT09 Dilamo kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Moret & Jiru wereda adjoining Jihur to its south-east,
12-17 km north-east of Inewari; area 1,130 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU12 Dilancha kebele (Delancha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
9-13 km west of Molale; area 1,277 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE06 Dilarye (mountain) 1336'/3901' 2463 m 13/39 [Gz]
dilb (A) 1. stored grain; 2. treasure; 3. large and fat ox
HEE99c Dilb (village 43 km from Weldiya) 11/39 [Ca]
dilba (O) bulky and heavy; dhilbe (O) idle, lazy, slothful
?? Dilbe, north of Weldiya [Michelin 2007] ../.. [20]
dilbi (O) stack or hoard of grain from past harvest
HET40 Dilbiza, see Dil Yibza
dilbo namattgalu (O) move into a friend's house to live there
HDA67 Dilbu (Bumo, Bunno) 0846'/3528' 1500 m 08/35 [Gz]
?? Dilda, in northern Ethiopia, with market ../.. [18]
HDN32 Dildessa (Daildessa) (mountain) 10/35 [WO Gz]
1015'/3508' 988, 1463 m
HCA06 Dildi (area) 1150 m 05/35 [WO]
HEM51 Dildi (Deldei, Deldey) (centre) 12/39 [Gz Gu WO Ha]
1211'/3929' 2250/2262 m (recorded in 1868)
dildil (A,T) bridge, arch
dildil (Som) line, stripe
HED60 Dildil, see Tis Isat Dildil
dildila (O) bridge
HBR78 Dildila (Dildilla) 05/37 [+ WO]
HDE84c Dildila (hill), see Finfinne
dildila finchaa, waterfall bridge
?? Dildila Finchaa (Dildela Finchewa) ../.. [+ Po]
H.... Dildila Melfa sub-district (Dilidila ..) 13/38? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kunalie)
dildila Wa..: Waka (O) God of the Oromo, sky-god
HCG84 Dildila Waka (Dildilla Uaca) 0708'/3513' 07/35 [Gz Gu WO]
("God's bridge", natural rock arch)
HDL.. Dildilla, see Intoto : Old Antotto
dildiy (A) bridge
HDU70 Dildiy kebele (Deldey ..) 10/39 [Ad]
along westernmost Were Ilu wereda, 19-26 km
west of Were Ilu town; area 3,081 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM42 Dildiy kebele (Deldey ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Gidan wereda, 16 km north-northeast
of Muja; area 2,464 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEP09 Dildoli, see Didoli
JCF01 Dildug 0530'/4424' 232 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
HDJ27 Dile Kolba 0915'/3715' 2338 m 09/37 [Gz]
dile l..: lalo (A) notable of Menz
HD... Dile Lalo wereda (Dale .. ..?) 08/35 [Ad]
(at some distance from Yubdo)
(-1994-) is divided into 64 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
dilela (dilläla) (A) illusion, flattery
HDD74 Dilela (centre in 1964 of Wenchi sub-district) 08/37 [Ad]
HDT85 Dilfire kebele (Delferé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central eastern Debre Sina wereda, 6-10 km
north-east of Mekane Selam; area 891 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL59 Dilgen Kidane Mihret (church) 1213'/3915' 12/39 [Gz]
HDD56 Dilila (Dilele, Delella) 0838'/3803' 2477 m 08/38 [Gz WO]
HDM53 Dilila 0936'/3937' 2973 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEC76 Dilish 1132'/3713' 2006 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEL77 Diliyako 1227'/3907' 2157 m 12/39 [Gz]
HC... Dilkuba (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 06/35 [Ad]
HCK08 Dilla (Dila) MS: 0623'/3819' = HCK09, 1570 m 06/38 [Ro WO Gz Br]
Gz: 0625'/3819' 1676 m = HCK 08
(centre -1956-1964- of Derassa awraja and
in 1980 of Gedeo awraja; with post office)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Kofali (Cofali) (area)
3SW Kechu (Cicciu) (village) 1550 m
9SW Wenago (Wanago, Uanago) (market) 1750 m
9W Lagara (creek)
10W Chabe (Chabbe, Shabe) (ravine w rock sculptures)
9NE Kamadu (K'amadu) (village) 1778/1848 m
HDG.. Dilla (river in Wellega), near Nejo 09/35 [Mi]
HCK08 Dilla wereda (centre in 1964 = Wenago) 06/38 [Ad]
dillo (O) medium-sized tree of forests and river banks,
Cassipourea ruwensoriensis
?? Dillo (with ancient rock carving) ../.. [x]
HDC71c Dillo 08/36 [n]
about 30 km south-east of Nekemte
HDK96 Dillon, see Welarge
JDR95 Dillul (Dullul, Dullool) (plain) 1050'/4205' 10/42 [WO Ha Gz]

dilo (A) 1. wide-mouthed pot; 2. white skin caused by leprosy;

dilloo (O) fence /around a house/
HBK72 Dilo (Dillo) 0416'/3742' 1057 m, cf Dello 04/37 [Gz WO]
(area with volcanic crater)
HDJ67 Dilo 09/37 [WO]
HDL22 Dilo 0917'/3839' 2624 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Diloo awraja (centre 1974- = Menna) ../.. [x]
about 100 km south of Goba, cf Dolo
HDE71 Dilu Meda, see under Tefki
HET50 Dilybiza, see Dibilza
?? Dim (joining Choancha stream & the Abay), cf Dem ../.. [Ch]
dima, dimma (A,Gurage,T) baobab tree, Adansonia digitata;
dima, diimaa (O) red /generally/; white /human colour/;
dhimma (O) 1. business, duty, concern; 2. problem, worry;
name dima is believed to be derived from a Geez word meaning 'head, skull'
HBJ85 Dima (El Dima) 0426'/3707' 1175 m, 04/37 [Gz]
near the border of Kenya
HBL29 Dima, D. (area) 0350'/3914', cf Dema 03/39 [WO Gz]
HCC83 Dima 0610'/3652' 1935 m 06/10 [Gz]
HCJ48 Dima 0642'/3651' 1254 m 06/36 [Gz]
HDE81 Dima (village) 0854'/3835' 2216 m, see u. Sebeta 08/38 [Gz x]
HDL40 Dima 0928'/3829' 2452 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL63 Dima 0938'/3842' 2523 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDP28 Dima (area) 10/36 [WO]
HDR06 Dima (mountain) 0958'/3709' 2306 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDS05 Dima 1002'/3800' 1542 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDS47 Dima (on map of 1868) 10/38 [18]
HDS67 Dima 1033'/3810' 2534 m 10/38 [WO Gz]
HDS68 Dima (area and place, in Bichena awraja) 10/38 [MS Ad WO Ha]
(with church)
HDT00 Dima (with church) 1000'/3829' 2076 m 10/38 [AA Gz]
HDT70c Dima (with old church Giyorgis), 10/38 [x]
not far from Bichena
HEF24 Dima 1105'/3947' mountain peak 1959 m 11/39 [Gz]
HER98 Dima 1329/3720' 1701 m, see under Mesfinto 13/37 [WO Gz]
HFE11 Dima, in Tigray 13/38 [n]
JDB79 Dima 1516 m 08/41 [WO]
JDJ41 Dima (mountain) 0930'/4146' 1801 m 09/41 [MS]
?? Dima Achale 08/40 [n]
(in 1992 in Guna wereda of Arba Gugu awraja)
?? Dima Arera 08/40 [n]
(in 1992 in Guna wereda of Arba Gugu awraja)
?? Dima Bedaso 08/40 [n]
(in 1992 in Guna wereda of Arba Gugu awraja)
HDU65 Dima & Dahana kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gishe Rabel wereda at its southern border,
21-26 km east of Were Ilu; area 3,006 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS68 Dima Giyorgis (church/monastery in Gojjam) 10/38 [18 WO En]
8 km north of Bichena
With an ancient cave church rebuilt with a large one in 1655.
HFD09 Dima Mehara sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sekota) 13/38 [Ad]
HEE78 Dima Mikael, see Denkela Dima Mikael
H.... Dima Sekota sub-district 13/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adigadima)
HF... Dima wereda (-1994-) 13/38? [n]
?? Dimaka (town in area of Hamer people) ../.. [20]
GCU47 Diman (area) 07/34 [WO]
?? Dimbara (visiting postman under Jimma), ../.. [Po]
cf Dembara, Dimbira
HDM73 Dimbaro kebele (Dembaro ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
7-12 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,029 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL67 Dimbasia, see Dinfasha
HFE41 Dimbaza 1402'/3833' 1888 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFF53 Dimbel (Goaggiem, Goaggien) 14/39 [Gz]
1403'/3941' 2978 m (Dimbel Amba 1405')
dimbi, dembi (O) kind of tree
HCP98 Dimbi, see Dembi
dimbiba (dhimbiba) (O) drip
JDB53 Dimbiba (Gabiba) (mountain chain) 08/41 [Gz]
0840'/4102' 1717 m
HCJ41 Dimbiko (Dimbik'o, Dimbiqo) 0645'/3646' 1040 m 06/36 [Gz q]
JDD45 Dimbil (area) 08/42 [WO]
dimbilala (O) kind of spice, Carum carvi?
HCH92c Dimbira, c. 2000 m 07/35 [Gu]
HCP02 Dimbira (Dimbra) 0715'/3555', cf Dembara 07/35 [MS Gu]
There used to be a kella (customs post) of Kefa.
HCP03 Dimbira (Dembira, Denbira, Dimbra) 07/35 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
0715'/3553' 1890 m (centre in 1964 of Chena wereda)
HEK00 Dimbiso (Musast, Muscat) 1150'/3733' 1832 m 11/37 [Gz]
HDU01 Dimbrara 1001'/3925' 2543 m 10/39 [Gz]
dimbuk b..: bey (Som) 1. grey; 2. snake; 3. she
HDS36 Dimbuk Bey 10/38 [LM]
HDS23 Dimbukway Giyorgis (Dembucrai Gheorghis) 10/37 [n WO]
church some 15-30 km south-east of Debre Markos, renovated in the 1960s
HED32 Dimdam 11/37 [WO]
dimdim (A) even, levelled
dime, dimeh (A,T) baobab tree, Adansonia digitata; dime (T) cat;
-- Dime, a small ethnic group speking a Nilotic(?) language and living north
of Mount Smith at about HCB96
HCB96 Dime (Dimme, Dinie) 06/36 [Gz WO x]
0616'/3620' 1792 m, mountain peak 2740 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Sueze (village) 1320 m
9S Smith (mountain w European name) 2229/2528/2832 m
5SW Ducha (Bonca) (village) 1254/2400 m
7NE Singe (Singhe) (village) 2500 m
10NE Dinge (Dinghe) (village) 1287/2012 m
Some copper was extracted in the area.
HCB.. Dime wereda (Dimie ..) 06/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mesketo Laska)
H.... Dimeka (with Hamer people) 05/36 [n 20]
(centre in 1995 of Hamer wereda)
HDL97 Dimeto & Debay kebele (Demäto & Däbay ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Moret & Jiru wereda stretching narrowly to its
north-western border, 10-15 km west of Inewari; area 1,419 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ17 Dimire Mikael (church) 0909'/3716' 09/37 [Gz]

H.... Dimma (valley in Wellega), cf Dima ../.. [Mi]

?? Dimma camp ../.. [n]
(in the Gambela region, 95 km from Mizan Teferi)
?? Dimma town ../.. [20]
(in the Gambela region near Dimma camp and near gold mines)
?? Dimma wereda ../.. [20]
(in the Gambela region)
dimo (T) baobab tree, Adansonia digitata; dimu (T) cat;
dimo (O) kind of grain, Sorghum sp.; dhimo (Som) to die
HDL51 Dimo 0933'/3835' 2305 m 09/38 [AA Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Atebela sub-district)
HDL21 Dimole (waterfalls nearby) 0919'/3834' 2390 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEC42 Dimsa (saddle and village) 1114'/3648' 2145 m 11/36 [Ch WO Gu]
dimt (dimt') (A) sound, voice
JDK23 Dimti 0919'/4251' 1680 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDH15c Dimto (Dimtu), area a little east of Didessa river 09/36 [x]
dimtu, diimtu (O) red /female, cow/, light complexion /girl/;
dimtu (dimt'u) (A) the sound, the voice
H.... Dimtu, town in Damo Weyra wereda ../.. [20]
HCM45 Dimtu (mountain) 0645'/3947' 06/39 [x]
HCR86 Dimtu 0758'/3711' 2167 m 07/37 [Gz]
HCS76c Dimtu (centre in 1964 of Afeta wereda) 07/37 [MS Ad]
HDD44 Dimtu 0835'/3752' 2117 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD86 Dimtu 0855'/3808' 2235 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDH05c Dimtu, village a little east of Didessa river 09/36 [x]
HDK95 Dimtu 0956'/3802' 1400 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDP45 Dimtu (area) 10/36 [WO]
JBR54 Dimtu 0504'/4158' 248 m 05/41 [Wa MS]
JDH76 Dimtu (area on map of 1814 where written Deemto) 09/41 [18 WO]
din, denn (A) copse, forest, woods;
din (A,T) sulphur, brimstone, potash;
diin (Som) 1. turtle, tortoise; 2. religion;
dhin (Som) reduce, lessen; dina (O) enemy
JDE10 Din (area), cf Den 08/43 [WO]
JDA54 Din Din, see Dindin
HEE22 Dinam kebele 11/38 [Ad]
far to the west in central Sayint wereda,
15-23 km west of Ajibar; area 4,525 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM73 Dinbaro 0943'/3937' 2852 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDJ65 Dinbe 0942'/3705' 2428 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ65 Dinbe 0942'/3706' 2436 m 09/37 [Gz]
dinber: dinber (A) border, boundary
HCS.. Dinber, in Gumer wereda 07/37? [20]
HDM80 Dinbu & Gedamge kebele (Denbu & Gädamgé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
21-25 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 1,291 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dincha: dinnicha, dinecha (O) potato
HCD91 Dincha (Dincia), see Chencha
HDS88 Dincha 1043'/3819' 2313 m 10/38 [Gz]
?? Dincha (valley in the south-west) ../.. [Mi]
HCM84 Dincho, see Dinsho
-- Dinder (river name within Sudan), see Aima
dindin (Som) seep, leak, drip from a container;
diindiin (Som) 1. worn out clothing; 2. turtle, tortoise
HDM.? Dindin (with church Mika'el) 09/39? [x]
JDA54 Dindin (Din Din) (area) 08/40 [WO x]
sawmill about 70 km from Metehara
HEF04 Dindin kebele (Denden ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the north of the separate Kalu (West) wereda at its north-eastern border,
3-10 km north-northeast of Degaga; area 3,098 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC85 Dindini (area) 08/37 [WO]
dine (T) shade, shadow
JEB39 Dine Hei (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEE01 Dinecha kebele (Dinächa ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Sayint wereda; area 6,285 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL67 Dinfasha (Dinfascia, Dinfasia, Dimbasia) 12/39 [Gz WO Gu]
1220'/3906' 2649 m
HEC58 Ding, see under Debre May 11/37 [WO]
HCA38 Dinga Safar, see Dingay Wiha
HDS27 Dingab, see Dejen
dingago: dingage (T), diniggage (A) ordinance, decree;
dingega (A) making decrees
HDL62 Dingago Mariam, see Dengego
dingay (A) rock, stone; ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HDM00 Dingay Ber (Dingai Bar), cf Dengiya 09/39 [LM WO]
dingay t..: tira, tiira (O) 1. brother or sister; 2. liver
HD... Dingay Tira (Dingai ..) (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
HDM34 Dingay Tira kebele (Dengay T'ira ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west in central Berehet wereda; area 666 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dingay wember (A) rock seat
HDS64 Dingay Wember 1034'/3754' 3444 m 10/37 [Gz]
dingay wiha (A) rock water /spring from a rock? stony bottom?/
HCA38 Dingay Wiha (Dingai Waha, Dinga Safar, D. Hoha) 05/35 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(Dainghei Ueca) 0547'/3536'
HDS.? Dingayami Maryam (Jingami M.) 10/38 [x]
("St Mary of the Rocks"), church about 7 km north-east of Felege Birhan
HCH07 Dinge (Dinghe) 0620'/3620' 1287, 2012 m, 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
see under Dime, see also Ganchire
HEJ58 Dinge (Dengi, Dengie) 1217'/3723' 1787 m, 12/37 [Gz WO Ch]
see under Gorgora
HDR89 Dingebyat (Dinghebiat) 10/37 [+ WO]
HDH87 Dinger (Dingher) 0950'/3622' 2111 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
HDJ35 Dingi (Dinghi) 0922'/3704' 2891/3080 m 09/37 [WO Gu Gz]
(mountain) see under Haretu, cf Dengi, cf Segel Merma
dingil (A,T) virgin /of any sex/, sister = nun
HFE08 Dingilat 1338'/3912' 2118 m 13/39 [Gz]
Concerning churches, see HFF61 Idaga Hamus : Dengelat
HEE78 Dingilot kebele (Dengelot ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
4-12 km south of Wegel Tena; area 3,626 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ24 Dingleber, see Dengel Ber
HDR98 Dingra (area in Kola Dega awraja) 10/37 [WO]
HDR97 Dingra Maryam (Dengara M.) 1048'/3717' 2365 m 10/37 [Gz]
-- Dingur, see Aksum : Dungur
HDS45 Dingyagara (Dingiaghara) 1023'/3756' 2544 m 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
dini (O) sulphur
HDH99 Dini 0956'/3633' 2152 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
dinich: dinnich (A) dinish (T) potato, Solanum tuberosum
HCS87 Dinicho 0800'/3814' 3023 m, cf Dinnicho 08/38 [Gz]
HCB96 Dinie, see Dime
JCH71 Dinik (Dinnich, Dinnic) (village) 07/40 [Gz WO Gu]
0702'/4050' 1393, 1500 m
HCS23c Dinika (circa 10 km south of Hosaina) 07/37 [20]
dinikale m..: maru (O) 1. swirl, roll, surround, wind;
2. to heal, recover, regain health; 3. to advise, pardon
JDG66 Dinikale Maru (waterhole) 09/40 [Ne]
dinja (A) alternative form of dingay, stone
?? Dinjan (locality in Lower Wegda) ../.. [n]
HDM71 Dinjen & Mag Washa kebele (Denjän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
12-18 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 2,000 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Dinjud (locality south of Debre Birhan) ../.. [n]
dink (A) dwarf, midget;
dink meskel (dinq mäsqäl) (A) wonderful cross,
marvel of the cross
HDT23 Dink Meskel 10/38 [LM]
dinka, diinqqa (O) inner part of a traditional house, place of the bed
HEK81 Dinka (Dinca) 12/37 [+ WO Gu]
dinki, dinkii (O) dwarf
HDM.? Dinki (village in North Shewa) 09/39 [n]
HDM55 Dinki kebele (Denki ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Ankober wereda, 8-11 km
east of Ankober town; area 654 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCN62 Dinkiti 0748'/4002' 2500 m 07/40 [Gz]
HCR29 Dinkore (Dink'ore, Dinqore) 0730'/3729' 1570 m 07/37 [Gz q]
HE... Dinkusa Giyorgis 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mikre sub-district)
HDM73 Dinkwam (Dunquam) 2970 m 09/39 [MS LM WO]
dinkwan (A,T) tent
HDM73 Dinkwan & Gunagunit kebele (Denkwan .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
11-14 km east-northeast of Debre Birhan town; area 899 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
KDB21 Dinleh 0824'/4546' 782 m 08/45 [WO Gz]
dinley: diinley (Som) puzzle, riddle
KDB30 Dinleyal (area) 08/45 [WO]
HDD24 Dinnicho, cf Dinicho 0820'/3753'c 08/37 [x]
area some 10 km north-east of Welkite

dino (A) evil spirit, demon;

(T) men's cloak /described in Encycl. Aethiop. vol 3/
HDF56 Dino (Denhu) 0840'/3957' 1301 m 08/39 [Gz]
HEM30 Dino 1205'/3925' 3224 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEF51 Dino kebele 11/39 [Ad]
stretching rather narrowly along the western border of south-eastern Ambasel
wereda, 12-21 km north-west of Hayk town; area 2,746 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM33 Dino kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in central Gidan wereda at its eastern border,
12-20 km north-east of Muja; area 7,532 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Dino sub-district (Dinno ..) 12/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Siga Meskeya)
HDM56 Dinomali (open plain recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
HDU02 Dinshik kebele (Densheq ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
2-6 km west of Sela Dingay; area 1,422 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCM84 Dinsho (Dinisho, Dinshu, Dinsno) (w sub-post office) 07/39 [Gz x WO n]
(Gure, Gurie, Gurri) Gz: 0706'/3947' 3208 m,
MS: 0705'/3945' peak nearby 3240 m, on maps mostly Gure
(centre in the 1980s of Dinsho wereda), in western Mendeyo awraja
HDS34 Dinta (Inascai, Naskai) 10/37 [WO Ch Gz]
1015'/3755' 2410 m, south-east of Debre Markos
(Dinta Mariam, Ginta Maryam) (church) 10/37 [WO Ch Gz]
the church is shown at HDS64
?? Dinto (ford of Billate river) ../.. [x]
dintu (A) fine muslin
JDH67 Dintu Derbi (area) 09/41 [WO]
dioda (O) to be nearby, neighbouring
JER40 Diodi (waterhole) 1305'/4140' 13/41 [WO Gz]
JEH08c Dioita, see Diyoyta & JEJ65
HES7. Dip Bahir wereda (at least in the 1990s), 13/38 [n]
north of Simen Mountains National Park
dipa: dippa, dippo (O) (dhippaa) narrow, tight
GCT48 Dipa (Dippa) 0739'/3412' 353 m, same as Gesi 07/34 [WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wabeko sub-district)
HDA59 Dipa, town in Darimu wereda 08/35 [WO 20]
dir (A) web /of spier/; (Som) small jungle; diir (Som) beans;
-- Dir, major clan family of the Somali living mostly in Somalia
but some in Ethiopia, and also in Kenya
HEB58c Dir Ambo, salt spring near bend of Katab river 11/36 [n]
?? Dir Fekar, village in Arsi ../.. [20]
dira, diira (O) 1. boy; 2. man; 3. brave
HFE06 Dira Amba (Dire A., Diramba, Debra Amba) 13/39 [Gz WO]
(mountain) 1339'/3902' 2434 m, see under Abiy Ad
HCK08c Diraeha (Diratscha), south-east of Dilla 06/38 [+ x]
HEJ23 Dirainkwa (Dira'inkwa) 1200'/3654' 1827 m 12/36 [Gz]
-- Dirasha language and people, see Derassa
-- Dirashe, people living between lake Chamo and Konso
HCK08c Dirashe wereda 06/38? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEL87 Dirawa 1233'/3907' 1918 m 12/39 [Gz]
HFF02 Dirba (Deriva) 1334'/3936' 2296 m 13/39 [Gz Gu]
(with church Abune Asay), cf Derba
JDH22 Dirba 0915'/4056' 1808 m 09/40 [Gz]
HDC06 Dirchi, see Dirki
JDJ53 Dirdabo (old name), see Dire Dawa
HEC58 Dirdira 1123'/3723' 2143 m 11/37 [Gz]
(with church Abo to the west)
dire: dirre (A) hill, diirree (O) ridge, plateau, flat part of hill;
dire (Som) transmitter
HBR55 Dire 0459'/3707' 1241 m, cf Dirre 04/37 [Gz]
(with seasonal waterhole)
HDC25 Dire 0821'/3704' 1681 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDC55 Dire 0839'/3704' 2097 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDE55 Dire 0841'/3853' 2066 m (with church Giyorgis) 08/38 [Gz]
There is registered the Dire-Gerbicha National Forest Priority Area.
HDJ21 Dire 0916'/3647' 1866 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ22 Dire (mountain chain) 0918'/3648' 1792 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ90 Dire (Dirre) 0953'/3640' 1911, 2160 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
(with church Gebriel and fort)
HDL15 Dire (with church) 0910'/3855' 2632 m 09/38 [AA MS]
HDL23 Dire 0918'/3842' 2606 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL44 Dire 0926'/3850' 2508 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Dire 0935'/3851' 2617 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL61 Dire 0939'/3833' 2518 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Dire (with brackish water) 0938'/3837' 2542 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL64 Dire 0937'/3849' 2597 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL72 Dire 0944'/3838' 3082 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL73 Dire 0947'/3842' 2925 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL83 Dire 0953'/3640', see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL98 Dire 0900'/3937' (with church Mikael) 09/39 [Gz]
HDT02 Dire 0959'/3839' 1894 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT03 Dire (Gulele) 1001'/3846' 1637 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT22 Dire (Derra) 1010'/3837' 1857 m 10/38 [Gz Po 18 Wa]]
HDT23 Dire, see Addis Derra
HDT35 Dire 1015'/3856' 1804 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT57 Dire 1026'/3904' 1876 m 10/39 [MS]
JC..? Dire, town in Lege Hida wereda (-1999-) 07/41 [n]
HDF82 Dire Amba 0855'/3932' 1646 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDL64 Dire Amba 0941'/3857 2547 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis) 09/38 [AA]
HFE06 Dire Amba, see Dira Amba
HDD15 Dire Balcha 0818'/3758' 1812 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDL73 Dire Bochore (D. Boch'ore) 0944'/3846' 2662 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche
dire dawa: dawa, dawwa (O) cure, medicine
JDJ53 Dire Dawa (Dire Daua, Dire Dewa, Derredawa) 09/41 [MS WO Gu x]
(Daredawa) 0935'/4152' 1160/1237 m 09/41 [Gz]
(1940s source: 0902'/4145')
(old name Dirdabo; SE market part: Magalla, Magalo)
Railway centre. Centre of awraja and in 1964 also
centre of Kersa wereda & Gurgura sub-district.
Som: [1] Dirir-dhabbe, road of war; [2] Dir Dabo, limit
of the Dir confederation of the Somali.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Dolo (area)
7SE Hanani (wadi)
6S Chiri (wadi)
9SW Marika (mountain) 1408 m
5W Daga Odda (area) 1359 m
2W railway bridge (stone)
5W railway bridge
9W railway bridge (stone)
8NW Boren (area) 1155 m
3N Ramsadi (hill) c. 1500 m
4N Toma (Gara Toma) (mountain) 1266 m
9N Gara Nata (mountain) 1300 m
JDJ53 Dire Dawa awraja (ctr in 1964 = Dire Dawa) 09/41 [Ad]
JDR36 Dire Dawa & Isa & Gurgura awraja 1015'/4210' 09/41 [Gz]
(centre at least 1969-1991 = Dire Dawa)
HDL98 Dire Dawa wereda (with rural population) 09/41 [Ad]
dire dega: dega (däga) (A) highland
HDK74 Dire Dega 0943'/3756' 1809 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL88 Dire Gebre Korke kebele (Deré Gäbrä-Qorké ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
10-16 km south of Inewari; area 2,244 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dire g..: guto, gutoo (O) 1. cave, lair; 2. cage or hatchery
for birds /hens/; guuto (Som) group of warriors
HDT01 Dire Guto (D. Goto, D. Gofto) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0959'/3835' 1914 m
HDT02 Dire Habi 0958'/3840' 1844 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
dire ja..: jara, jaraa (O) 1. big, huge; 2. they, people;
jarra (O) Oromo ceremony every eight years
JDJ51 Dire Jara 0933'/4144' 1371 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ51 Dire Jara 0935'/4144' 1195 m 09/41 [Gz]
dire ji..: jila, jiila (O) 1. pilgrimage to Abba Muda;
2. fear, abhorrence
-- (?) tribal organization of the Konso
HDE56 Dire Jila 0841'/3900' 2036 m 08/39 [Gz]
dire ka..: kalu, kaluu (O) near in distance;
kalu, qalu (O) 1. to slaughter, to sacrifice; 2. to roast
coffee beans; kallu (O) sorcerer, ritual expert
JDG08 Dire Kalu (D. K'alu, D. Qalu) 0908'/4030' 1262 m 09/40 [Gz]
HDT36 Dire kebele (Deré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in westernmost central Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, adjoining
Rema settlement to its west and extending 6 km from there to the
western border of the wereda; area 2,774 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT72 Dire kebele (Deré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Sina wereda, 12-17 km
west-northwest of Mekane Selam; area 1,389 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF33 Dire kebele (Deré ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southernmost eastern Kuta Ber wereda, 3-8 km
north-west of Dessie; area 2,695 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
dire ko..: kora (O) 1. (kooraa) hilltop, spur, saddle;
2. (koora) meeting of elders; 3. (koora) haughtiness
JDH10 Dire Kora (Dire Cora) 09/40 [+ WO]
HDF93 Dire Mikael (church) 0900'/3937' 09/39 [Gz]
-- dire sh..: Shiree, name of a Somali family;
shiree, slaughter an animal just for this family
HDK45 Dire Shire 0928'/3801' 1744 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK23 Dire Shunki (Direshunki) 0919'/3748' 1878 m 09/37 [Gz AA]
HDL98 Dire sub-district (Dirie ..) 09/39 [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Wobi) (-1964-1997-)
?? Dire wereda (in Borana) (-2000-) ../.. [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JEA63 Diremtu (police station) 1125'/4003' 11/40 [Gz]
diremu: dirama (O) morning, dawn, herding the cattle out;
diramo (O) early meal; dirmuu (O) hurt oneself on a pointed object
HDL64 Diremu 09/38 [WO]
KCN64 Dirgab 07/45 [MS WO]
H.... Dirgimit (locality in Bulga) 09/39? [n]
HDU04 Dirgmit kebele (Dergmit ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
3-7 km east of Sela Dingay; area 881 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
diri (A) necklace, string of beads; (Geez) breast-plate;
dirri (Som) open ground, hard barren land;
diiri, diirri (Som) make warm, heat;
diri (T) ribbon; dirii (T) shell, armour; umbrella
GD... Diri (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HC... Diri (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/35? [Ad]
HCP16 Diri 0722'/3616' 1580 m 07/36 [MS]
?? Diri Dabe (in Ogaden) ../.. [n]
diri go..: goma (A) hornless /animal/
HCP17 Diri Goma (Diri) 0723'/3617' 1580 m, grain market 07/36 [Gu Gz]
HDL98 Dirie, see Dire
JDD34 Dirikley (Diriklei) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
HDD70 Diriko 0849'/3732' 2461 m (with church Giyorgis) 08/37 [Gz]
J.... Diris (high plateau) ../40 [Gu]
dirk (dirq) (A) dirki (dirqi) (T) dryness, dry weather, drought
HDC06 Dirki (Dirchi) 0812'/3711' 2187 m 08/37 [Gz WO]
HEC27 Dirma (area) 11/37 [WO]
HDL78 Dirma Andergachew kebele (.. Andärgachäw ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhart to the south in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 7-11 km south-west of Deneba; area 1,811 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL77 Dirma Gebriel (D. Ghebriet) (church) 0943'/3906', 09/39 [Gz WO]
see under Webera
HDL78 Dirma Gebriel kebele (Derma Gäbreél ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
15-18 km south of Inewari; area 1,425 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU60 Dirma sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sebodelemet) 10/39 [Ad WO]
HDL87 Dirma Tulu Gerbich kebele (.. Gärbich ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
9-12 km west of Deneba; area 1,436 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCK67 Dirmancho (Dirmancio) (area) 06/38 [+ WO]
dirmo, dirmoo (O) a ball of cotton thread;
dirmo (Som) mat plaited of reed or straw
HEL68 Dirmo 1221'/3911' 2714 m 12/39 [Gz]
HES78 Dirni (Simen national park post) 13/38 [Br Ca]
diro (A) formerly, long ago; (O) closed, locked;
(Kefa) silver necklace worn by a high official
HDL23 Diro (Seyo Dire at 1 km distance to the west) 09/38 [AA]
dirre (A) hill, (O) ridge, plateau, flat part of hill
HDF92c Dirre, cf Dire 08/39 [Gu]
HDJ90 Dirre, see Dire
JCN59 Dirre 0744'/4041' near map code JCP50 07/40 [x]
town within view of the Abdul Kassim mountain
dirseyo: dirso (Som) order something for oneself;
diirso (Som) warm oneself; dirsa (O) male; dirs (O) husband
HDL72 Dirseyo 0945'/3838' 3397 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCL.. Dirso (Oromo village about 6 km north of Arbegona) 06/38 [x]
HCJ45 Disa 0648'/3708' 1834 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCG77 Disandis (coffee plantation) 0658'/3526' 06/35 [Gz]
HEC79 Dishet (Discet), see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [+ WO]
HDH20 Disi (Seca) 0918'/3541' 1875 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDU81 Disim 1045'/3930' 2254 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Diss (mountain), cf Dess ../.. [Mi]
?? Dissandiba (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
dist (A) clay pot, disti (T) saucepan of clay;
disti (O) vessel made of branches; (Som) pot, cooking vessel
JDH24 Disti, G. (area) 2573 m 09/41 [WO]
JEB63c Dit Bahari (Dit Bahri), area at the Awash river 11/41 [n x]
cotton plantation 40 km south-west of Dubti
dita, diita (O) swelling /from an infection/
-- Dita, a sub-division of the Ometo ethnic group
-- Dorze, a group of the northern Ometo
HCD80 Dita (Dita Dorze) 0614'/3728' 3043 m 06/37 [WO Gu Gz]
(mountain), cf Dieta
HCD81 Dita, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HCK.. Dita, west of Arba Minch, terraced 06/37 [En]
HCR07 Dita 0716'/3717' 1798 m 07/37 [Gz]
HC... Dita Dermalo wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 43 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
H.... Dita sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HES64 Divarik, see Debark
HDM44 Diwaro kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Ankober wereda, 9-13 km
south-southwest of Ankober town; area 660 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU34 Diwat kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda, adjoining
Mehal Meda on its southern side; area 1,028 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCU92 Dixis, see Diksis
diya (O) evening, night; (Som) blood compensation
HFF00 Diyadib (Diyabib, Mai Cianqua) 13/39 [Gz Gu]
1338'/3927' 1827 m
Coordinates would give map code HFF01
JDG65 Diyilu 0937'/4015' 701 m 09/40 [Gz]
diy..: diyo, diyoo, dhi-o (O) close, near, recent;
diyo (Arabic,Som) blood-money;
bera (O) poor /but respectable/ old woman?
HET85 Diyobera 1326'/3858' 1593 m 13/38 [Gz]
JEH08c Diyoyta (Dioita) (place) 11/41 [+ Ne]
JEJ65 Diyoyta (Dioita) (area) 12/42 [+ WO Gz]
1224'/4202' or 1220'/4204' 244 m

HCB96 Dize 0616'/3617' 1559 m 06/36 [Gz]

-- Dizi, an ethnic group living in the Kefa region near Maji
-- Dizi language (Maji, Dizi-Maji, Sizi, Twoyu) spoken near Maji town
HDA29 Dizi 0822'/3536' 1582 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDA29 Dizi wereda (1996-) (centre -2000s- = Maji) 08/35 [n]
within the Bench-Maji Zone
(-1994-) is divided into 28 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
-- Dizu language, see Bench
HC... Dizu (Dizou) 07/36 [x]
Mentioned in 1910 as one of five sub-regions of Gimira.
Dj.. (mostly French and German spellings), see J..
JDK85 Djebi Abeyou, see Jebi Abeyu
?? Djeddjaba, see Jeddjaba
HDK16 Djeldu, see Leta Kolfe
HET78 Djibiet, see Gijet
JDR38 Doale 1017'/4223' 807 m 10/42 [Gz]
JCE95 Doar, see Dohar
HEK45 Doaro, see Dewaro
dob: doob (Som) 1. froth from the mouth of a camel;
2. virgin boy; dhoob (Som) 1. earthenware; 2. gather;
(Som, O) plaster with mud (cf English "daub and wattle");
dob (T) border, frontier
JCF61 Dob Wen (Dob Ouen) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
doba (A) ox without horns /Gondar/ or black and white /Shewa/;
-- Dob'a, around Amba Alage, "an example of a tribe that has completely
disappeared" [J S Trimingham]
HCS81 Doba 0759'/3741' 1636 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDT09 Doba (with as next one?) 1002'/3916' 10/39 [Gz]
HDT17 Doba 1004'/3906' c, 1700, 2596 m 10/39 [Po Gu Gz]
(with fort & sub-post office)
HDU13c Doba (village north-east of Addis Abeba) 10/39 [x]
HDM43 Doba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in north-east Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
15-19 km south-east of Debre Birhan; area 895 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDH24 Doba (Dobba) 0917'/4105' 2015 m 09/41 [WO Ad Gz]
JDH24 Doba wereda (centre in 1964 = Bio Keraba) 09/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JDR07 Doba (mountain) 0959'/4216' 1249 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDR07 Doba 1002'/4215' 794 m 10/42 [Gz]
HDT29 Doba Agher, see Ahba
JDH24 Doba sub-district (-1964-1997-) 09/41 [n]
?? Dobaa (Doba'a) (area in north-eastern Tigray) ../.. [En]
JDC79 Doballe (area) 08/42 [WO]
HES64 Dobaruk (Dobarik), see Debark
-- Dobase (ethnic group west of Gidole), see Dullay
-- Dobase language (D'oopace), see Bussa
HDT18c Dobat (mountain, on map of 1901) 10/39 [x]
circa 1005'/3910'
dobba, dhobba (O) plastering
JDH24 Dobba, see Doba
JEP94 Dobbeta, see Debbeta
dobbi, dobi (O) nettle, Urtica simensis
HCR89 Dobbi, see Dobi
HCR99 Dobbi (Gurage ethnic group speaking Gogot) 08/37 [En]
dobbi fa..: faghe, faage (Afar) ford
JDG23 Dobbi Faghe (near Awash river) 09/40 [Ne Gu]

JEJ35 Dobdob 12/42 [WO]

dobdor: dobore (O) kind of tree
JEJ55 Dobdor 12/42 [WO]
?? Dobea (historical from 1400s) ../.. [x]
?? Dobel (plantation in the Awash valley), near Mataka ../.. [20]
HCT90 Dobena (Debenna) (village), cf Debona 08/38 [x WO]
HBL10 Dobesa (mountain) 0346'/3828' 1216 m 03/38 [WO Gz]
dobi (A), doobbii (O) nettle, Urtica simensis;
doobi (Som) medium-sized milk vessel;
-- Dobi (Dobbi, Gogot), a dialect of northern Gurage
HCR89 Dobi (Dobbi) 0802'/3727' 2103 m 08/37 [Gz]
HCR99 Dobi 08/37 [MS WO]
HCS98 Dobi 0808'/3820' 2154 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDD19 Dobi, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
H.... Dobi (centre in 1964 of Bito sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
HDD93 Dobi 0903'/3749' 2368 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDE61 Dobi 0847'/3833' 2095 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE72 Dobi (village) 08/38 [x]
HDJ72 Dobi 0944'/3650' 1561 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK01 Dobi 0908'/3736' 2395 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL00 Dobi 0905'/3827' 2433 m, see under Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
JEJ11 Dobi (valley & mountain range) 11/41 [WO Gz]
1148'/4135' 537/741 m
JEJ30c Dobi (airstrip) 12/41 [Ro]
HD... Dobi Berber (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
dobi che..: cheleleka (A,O) a kind of forest tree,
Apodytes dimidiata
?? Dobi Cheleleka (visiting postman under Addis A.) ../.. [Po]
HDE98 Dobi Mikael (Dobi Micael), see under Chefe Donsa 08/39 [LM WO]
JDJ15 Dobine 0914'/4205' 1829 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDL64 Dobis 09/38 [AA]
HEK52 Dobit (historical), see Guzara
?? Dobocha (Dobicha, Dogocha), Gemu Gofa settlement ../.. [x]
HDM95 Docachil, see Dokakil
HCH19 Doco, see Doko & HCJ00
HDJ81 Doconu, see Dokonu
JEA96 Docotle, see Dokotle
JDH63 Docsa, see Doksa
HCA75 Docu, see Doku
-- Doda, an Ado Mara tribe of the Afar,
living between Bati and the Mille valley,
-- also a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCL68 Doda 0654'/3914' 3222 m 06/39 [Gz]
JEB51 Doda (area) 11/40 [WO]
Dodata, cf Dodota
?? Dodata East sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
?? Dodata West sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
?? Dodda (town) ../.. [n]
HDL04 Dodde, M. (area) 2776 m 09/38 [WO]
doddo (O) vagina
HCT99 Doddo 2050 m 08/39 [Gu]
HCL78 Doddola, see Dodola
doddot (A) kind of cree-like plant;
doddota (O) kinds of thorn tree
HCT97 Doddota, see Dodota
JDB99 Doddota (area), cf Dodeta 09/41 [WO]
HDK29 Dode 0919'/3820' 2471 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Dodela (in Hararge) ../.. [x]
JE... Dodeta (centre in 1964 of Chefe Barigu sub-district) 11/40 [Ad]
dodi: dooddi (Som) race, competition
HCJ67 Dodi 0655'/3716' 1650 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCN12 Dodi 0721'/3502' 758 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
dodo (O) foolish, stupid; innocent
GCU17 Dodo (area), cf Doddo 07/34 [WO]
HBM64 Dodo, Gebel (area) 0413'/3943' 1061/1092 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
HEE26 Dodo kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda to its north-east, 14-18 km
east-northeast of Ajibar; area 2,096 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS13c Dodoba (locality about 20 km south of Hosaina) 07/37 [20]
HBT69 Dodol 0503'/3914' 1054 m 05/39 [WO Gz]
HCL78 Dodola (Doddola, Doddolla, Dodolla, Dodolo) 06/39 [Gz WO Te Wa]
0659'/3910' 2362/2447/2493 m
(centre at least 1964-1980 of Genale awraja and
in 1964 of Dodola wereda; with sub-post office)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
10SW Borama (area)
JCP50 Dodola (hill within sacred area), see Shek Husen
HCL78 Dodola wereda (-1997-) (with important forest) 06/39 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
There is registered the Dodola-Adaba-Lajo National Forest Priority Area.
dodota (O) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia spp., A. gerrardii
HCT97 Dodota (Doddota) (area) 08/39 [n WO]
HDE53 Dodota 0838'/3846' 1848 m, cf Doddota 08/38 [Gz]
HDE99c Dodota (Doddota) (40 km from Nazret towards Asela) 08/39 [Ad WO]
HDF91 Dodota 08/39 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Agere Maryam sub-district)
H.... Dodota (with church Debir Silase), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HEM84 Dodota 1231'/3944' 1707 m 12/39 [Gz]
JCN88 Dodota (mountain) 0759'/4033' 1721 m 07/58 [Gz]
JDJ26 Dodota 0919'/4212' 1801 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDN82 Dodota 1042'/4000' 1564 m 10/40 [Gz]
HDM12 Dodota kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
10-17 km north-east of Balchi; area 5,521 hectares.
HEF76? Dodota & Sire wereda 11/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 75 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HEF76 Dodota sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bekeksa) 11/39 [Ad Gz]
1130'/3955' 1578 m, in Ambasel awraja
HDF00 Dodota wereda in Arsi about 30 km north of Asela 08/39 [x]
(centre in the 1980s = Dodota), in Chilalo awraja
HDM40 Dodoti kebele 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in north Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, stretching
north-east/south-west so that it almost touches the southern border of the
wereda there, 15-24 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 2,113 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET77 Doduka 13/39 [WO]
dof (A) heavy rain, downpour;
dofa, doofa (O) weak, ignorant, inept, unfit
HD... Dofa (with church Mika'el), in Balchi area 08/38? [x]
JCH79 Dofa (area) 0702'/4133' 742/789 m 07/41 [WO Wa Gz]
JDG33 Dofen (Dofane, Dofan, Dofon) (mountain) 09/40 [WO Ne x Gz]
Gz: 0921'/4008' 1226 m; MS: 0919'/4005' 950/1160 m
extinct volcano, village Hagube near
HCJ09 Dofo 0622'/3728' 2044 m 06/37 [MS WO]
dog (A) kind of shrub, the wood of which is used for torches,
Ferula spp.; doga (A) Diplolophia africana
JFA24 Doga (area) 13/40 [WO]
HF... Doga Geralta wereda (-1994-), cf Kolla Geralta 13/39 [n]
HFE.. Doga Temben (sub-district/?/ in 1966) 13/39? [x]
HDM44 Dogage kebele (Dogagé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Ankober wereda, 12-14 km
south-southeast of Ankober town; area 905 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBS80 Dogali 0520'/3733' 1180 m, see under Jarso 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCJ37 Doge (Doghe) (area) 0636'/3723' 2150 m, 06/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Bole
HCT46c Doge (in Albaso east of lake Langano) 07/39? [x]
-- Local people belong to the Adare clan of the Arsi Oromo.
HDT68 Doge kebele (Dogé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Jema wereda at the middle of its north-western border,
11-14 km north-west of Degolo; area 1,959 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU82 Dogea (Doghea), see under Kwiha 13/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(pass with Fortino Sassari) 1324'/3932' 2265 m
HDJ76 Dogeno Elyas (church) 0943'/3709' 09/37 [Gz]
HEJ.. Dogg (place in Balas valley) 11/37? [It]
HCK79 Doglio, see Dolyo
dogo: doogo (Som) fall abundantly /said of rain/
HBF80 Dogo (area) 03/39 [WO]
HCJ15 Dogo 0628'/3705' 1076 m 06/37 [Gz]
JDC93 Dogo (G. Dogu) 0902'/4153' 2053, 2480 m 09/41 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
?? Dogocha, see Dobocha
HCD24 Dogodde (south-west of Agere Maryam) 05/37 [x]
dogoma (O) kind of tree, Croton machrostachys, with broad leaves
of which some are usually bright yellow;
(dogma, dokma, dokoma in Amharic is Syzygium guineense)
HDK85 Dogoma 0950'/3801' 1194 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK94 Dogoma 0952'/3755' 1385 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL69 Dogoma (area), see under Mendida 09/39 [WO]
HBS96 Dogonu (area) 0525'/3807', cf Dokonu 05/38 [WO Gz]
HEL05 Dogoro 1150'/3857' 1983 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDG67 Dogoro Kujur ../.. [..]
dogu (A) ox with reddish-brown coat
JDC74 Dogu, 0850'/4158' 08/41 [MS]
JDC93 Dogu, G., see Dogo
JDK14 Dogu (Dogon) 0922'/4256 09/42 [x]
HFD86 Doguate (waterhole), see under Adi Daro 14/38 [MS WO]
JFA06 Dogura (plain) 13/40 [WO]
dogwa (Welega Bega) kind of tree
JFA73 Dogwa (Dogua) 1412'/4007' 1007 m 14/40 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain area) (one Dogua is on a map of 1814)
HB... Doha ../.. [20]
Settlement of 5 hectares in south-west Konso.
JDG12 Doha 09/40 [WO]
JDE18 Dohada Mahato (area) 08/44 [WO]
HEM31 Dohala (recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
JCE95 Dohar (Doar) 0616'/4356' 493 m 06/43 [WO Wa Gz]
JBP16 Dohonta (area) 04/41 [WO]
HCA83 Doia, see Doya
GCT71 Doinri, see under Tor 07/33 [WO]
HCM82 Doio, see Doyo & JDB15 JDJ00
doka (doqa) (A) glass bead, especially ring of blue glass
worn at the neck by children; (dhooqqaa) (O) 1. bead as above;
2. depression, rift valley
HEE45 Doka kebele (Doqa ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central Mekdela wereda at its southern border,
16-22 km north of Ajibar; area 4,374 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM95 Dokakil (Docachil) 09/39 [+ WO]
HD... Dokakit (Doqaqit, Docakit) 09/39? [+ En 18]
35 km north-east of Debre Birhan, once a short-lived capital
HDM84 Dokakit kebele (Doqaqit ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
3-6 km south-east of Debre Sina; area 586 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HB... Dokato ../.. [20]
Settlement of 20 hectares in north-east Konso.
?? Dokatu (= Doketu?) ../.. [n]
with 48 stone steles
?? Doke (Doqé) (Oromo village in the south) ../.. [x]
doketu (doqätu) (A) the flour
HBR88 Doketu 0520'/3724' 1609 m 05/37 [Gz]
HBS71c Doketu, see under Konso
HDK19 Doketu 0912'/3821' 2606 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL00 Doketu (Dok'etu, Doqetu) 0904'/3826' 2364 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Addis Alem
?? Dokisso, refugee camp near Kenya in the 1990s ../.. [n]
HDJ49 Dokkie Dabalo, see Dakke Debelo
doko (O) flower? dookkoo (O) distorsion, twisting;
doko (doqo) (Kefa) potato, Solanum tuberosum;
doco (Som) tighten, constrict;
-- Doko, a group of the Sidama people
HCH19 Doko (Doco) (area) 0625'/3630' 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
HCJ00 Doko (Doco) (mountain) 0623'/3639' 1963 m 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
GD... Doko kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. Kwama language is spoken there.
HBK.. Dokolle (Doqolle), in Mega wereda 04/38 [20]
dokonjo d..: doyyoo (O) bland food with salt but no spices;
doyo (A) food as above; (O? Guji) kind of black-and-white bird
HDC47c Dokonjo Doyo, 54 km south of Ijaji 08/37 [n]
dokonno (A) widespread weed with blue flowers, Malva verticillata
dokonnu (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Grewia ferruginea
HDJ81 Dokonu (Doconu) (mountain), cf Dogonu 09/36 [+ WO]

GCT56 Dokota (Docota, Locota) 0742'/3403' 305 m 07/34 [Gz]

?? Dokota (valley in the upper Muger system) 09/38 [Mi]
JEA96 Dokotle (Docotle) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
doks (dhoks) (O) to hide
HDT72 Doks kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Debre Sina wereda,
18-25 km west of Mekane Selam; area 4,842 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
doksa (O) mystery, secret; dokusa (O) sauce; salt with pepper
JDD26 Doksa (Docsa) (area) 1260 m 08/43 [+ WO]
JDH63 Doksa (G. Docsa) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
doku (dhooquu) (O) dented, hollow, sunken /ground/
HCA75 Doku (Docu) (area) 06/35 [+ WO]
dol (A) reddish earth used for painting;
doll (Som) kinds of bushbuck, Tragelaphus spp.;
dool (Som) 1. ferry-boat, pontoon; 2. distant destination;
stranger; 3. buttock; dhool (Som) front tooth, incisor
JCC22 Dol (Dole) 0542'/4151' 453 m (area with salines) 05/41 [Gz WO]
JDS03 Dol Behed (area) 10/42 [WO]
?? Dola (on map in 1814), north-west of Antalo 13/39? [18]
HCM24c Dola Mena, see Dolo Mena
KCG39 Doldol 0641'/4537' 488 m 06/45 [WO Gz]
dole (A) pour a liquid
HCT22 Dole (east of northern lake Shala) 07/39 [n]
JCC22 Dole, see Dol
HBK62 Doleit, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HCA16 Doleti (area) 0532'/3523' 1250 m 05/35 [WO Gz]
HCD34 Doliya (Dolia, Dolla) 0542'/3754' 1530, 3300 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
GDF87 Dollee 08/34 [WO]
-- Dollo, a sub-division of the Ometo ethnic group
KCG63 Dollo, see Dolo
JBJ65 Dollo Ado, same as Dolo Odo?, cf Dolo Bay
JBJ65 Dollo Bay, see Dolo Bay
JBJ65 Dollo Odo, see Dolo Odo
?? Dollo Serbo (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
JBJ65 Dollobay, see Dolo Bay
HDB64 Dollos (mountain) 1960 m 08/36 [WO]
HD... Dollow Agemesa (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
H.... Dollu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Weyra Debre) 10/39 [Ad]
HCF.. Dolo (area south of Dodola and Goba) 06/39? [En]
its centre is known as Menna;
there was Dolo awraja, but after 1974 Dilo awraja
HDE56 Dolo 0840'/3901' 1986 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDU92 Dolo 1048'/3932' 2757 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEU92 Dolo (pass) 1330'/3938' 2332/2340 m 13/39 [Gu 18 Gz]
(British camp at river in 1868), see under Kwiha
KCG63 Dolo (Dollo) 06/45 [n]
JBJ65 Dolo 0410'/4204' 172+175 m 04/42 [n]
(town on the border of Somalia), cf Dolo Odo
JDJ05 Dolo 1772 m, see under Amuma 09/42 [WO]
JDJ33 Dolo (Dolu) 09/41 [Gu WO]
JDJ63 Dolo (area), see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [WO]
HCM05 Dolo awraja (1960-1987, centre = Mena) 06/39 [En]
dolo bay: bay (Som) she; Baay, region in south-west Somalia
JBJ65 Dolo Bay (Dollobay, Dolobaie, Dolobaye) 04/42 [Gz WO Gu Ad]
0411'/4205' 175/221 m
JBJ65 Dolo Bay wereda (Dollo .., Dolobay .. ) (-1997-) 04/42 [n]
In the 2000s one of seven weredas within the Afder Zone.
dolo eda: eda (O) last night
?? Dolo Eda (sub-post office under Shashemene) ../.. [Po]
dolo m..: mana (O) house, home; mena (mäna) (A) useless, in vain
HCM24c Dolo Mena (Dola Mena, Dollo Menna) (small village) 06/39 [Ca Br 20]
dolo odo: odo (O) while, if; oda (O) large kind of fig tree;
odda (O) not on speaking terms; oda (Som) old respected man
JBJ65 Dolo Odo (Dollo Odo, Oddo, Odda) 04/42 [Gz WO Wa]
0411'/4204' 172 m (with sub-post office)
JBJ65 Dolo Odo wereda/?/ (-1997-) 04/42 [n]
?? Dolo wereda (centre in the 1990s = Dolo) ../.. [n]
JBJ65 Dolobay, see Dolo Bay
HC... Dolola (23 km by road from Adaba) 06/39 [It]
dololo j..: dololo (O) natural rainwater pond;
doloolloo (O) gully, channel formed by rainwater;
jila, jiila (O) 1. pilgrimage to Abba Muda; 2. fear, abhorrence
HDE45 Dololo Jila 0834'/3855' 1726 m 08/38 [Gz]
dolu, dooluu (O) short or stubby
HDJ15 Dolu 0910'/3707' 1846 m 09/37 [Gz]
HCD34 Dolya (Dolia) 3300 m 05/37 [+ WO]
HCK79 Dolyo (Doglio) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
doma (A,O) hoe used for cultivation; doomaa (O) blunt knife;
doma (T) coconut palm
HDM55 Doma Aba Tekile (church) 0930'/3948' 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Ankober
HCR26c Dombowa (with iron ore) 07/37 [Mi]
JDL40 Domeraba (Domerabob), see Damerabob
HCD87 Domerso, see Domorso
JBJ54 Domo (area) 04/41 [WO]
KCR72 Domo (Domit) 0752'/4651' 561 m 07/46 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
HDG.. Domo & Watto, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
?? Domorsa (swampy plain) ../.. [Gu]
HCD87 Domorso (Domerso, Domarso) 0611'/3812' 1969 m, 06/38 [Gz x]
(near Yirga Alem)
HDE96 Domota 0900'/3901' 2406 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
don: doon (Som) 1. ferry-boat; 2. mud dredged from a well,
mineral obtained by mining; 3. want, search for, ask in marriage;
4. animals too weak to be driven to the wells /and are watered
at home/; dhoon (Som) 1. large water vessel; 2. clan, kinsmen
HCF32 Don (area) 05/39 [WO]
JEB74 Donagera (Donaghera) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HBR24c Donaldson, for European-given name Lake Donaldson, see Chew Bahir
(river at HBR50 is named from him even in the War Office map of 1946)
HES89 Doncoschi, see Donkoski
JDH15 Doncuru, see Dunkuku
HED84c Donder 11/37 [Gu]
donfar (Som) pig, pork
KCN23 Donfar (Donfarre) 0725'/4505' 722 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
HEA13 Dong (mountain) 1100'/3503' 939 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
donga (A) 1. kind of tall forest tree, Apodytes dimidiata,
white pear, with irregular trunk; young shoots are copper-red;
2. a tall plant with delicate odour
H.... Donga (historical state in Kambata) 07/37? [20]
HCK90 Donga (people living in the Kachabira wereda) 07/37 [En]
-- Donga language, see Kambata
HEP37 Donga 1257'/3622' 790 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
HCK90 Donga sub-district (centre in 1964 = Timbaro) 07/37 [Ad]
HEH22 Dongar, see Dunkur
?? Dongiro Kuraz wereda (-1984-) ../.. [n]
(in the South Omo zone)
H.... Dongolat, see HFE61 Dengelat?
HFF22 Dongollo (Dongolo, Wugura) 1347'/3937' 2154 m 13/39 [Gz 18]
(British camp in 1868)
HFF90 Dongollo (Dongola) 1425/3923' 2707/2840 m 14/39 [Gz WO Pa]
(mountain & historical area)
dongora (O) 1. digging stick /without iron tip/;
2. man-high pole of wall;
dongoro (Gudru O) Tuesday
HDG57 Dongoro 0936'/3527' 1984 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH20 Dongoro (group of villages) 09/35 [LM WO Gu]
HDJ07 Dongoro (mountain chain) 0908'/3715' 2440 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ73 Dongoro (mountain) 1930 m 09/36 [WO]
HDH20 Dongoro Dessi, 11 km east of Boji 09/35 [x]
HDH30 Dongoro Kere (D. K'ere, D. Qere, Dongoro) 09/35 [MS Gz q]
0921'/3543' 1947 m
HDG67 Dongoro Kujur, about 10 km north-west of Nejo 09/35 [+ x]
HBM11 Dongorsa (area) 0346'/3926' 1218 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
donguor g..: go-a (O) elephantiasis of the scrotum
HFC17 Donguor Goa (area), see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
HEH22 Dongur, see Dunkur
HFF40 Dongwar 1358'/3922' 2094 m 13/39 [Gz]
doni, doonii (O) ship
HDF42 Doni (Oriessa) 0830'/3933' 1318 m 08/39 [Gz WO 20]
town in Boset wereda
HCG87 Donji (Dondji), north-west of Shewa Gimira 07/35 [x]
HDL77 Donji 0943'/3907' 2604 m, area with coffee 09/39 [Gz]
HCK35 Donka (Donca) (area) 06/38 [+ WO]
HCB88 Donke 0611'/3625' 804 m 06/36 [Gz]
donkoro (donqoro) (A) kind of parrot;
donkworo (donkw'oro) (A) fool, stupid; donqoroo (O) stupid
?? Donkoro (river) ../.. [Ch]
small stream in a big valley
HDF40 Donkorre (Doncorre), see under Nazret 08/39 [+ WO]
HES89 Donkoski (Doncoschi) 1325'/3822' 2268 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
donkuru: kurre (O) lake of rainwater
JDH15 Donkuru (Doncuru), see Dunkuku
HBL32 Donono (area) 0357'/3835' 03/38 [WO Gz]
-- Donyiro, ethnic group speaking Nyangatom
-- Donyiro language (Dongiro), see Nyangatom
HBP62 Donyiro (area) c. 510 m 05/35 [WO]
doomaa (O) blunt knife
?? Dooma (Do'oma) (village in Gamo) ../.. [n]
JDR59c Doomi, see Dumi
HBP85 Doose, see Duss
HDL00 Doqetu, see Doketu
dora (Afar) stream; dooraa (O) brave, courageous
H.... Dora (river) 10/36? [Ch]
HDU15 Dora 1004'/3948' 2047 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU15 Dora Gedam kebele (.. Gädam ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the north-west in Kewet wereda, 11-13 km
west-northwest of Shewa Robit; area 313 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDP.. Dora Jellab (Tulu Dora Djellab) (on map of 1901) 10/36 [+ x]
HDU15 Dora Simet kebele (.. Semét ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost north Kewet wereda touching its western border,
11-15 km west of Shewa Robit; area 770 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC56 Dorami, see Darami
dorani (O) puddle after rain
HDB40 Dorana (Doranna) 0833'/3546' 1689 m, cf Dorenni 08/35 [Gz]
dorar (A) a variety of sorghum
JDK24 Doraro (area) 09/42 [WO]
HEL96 Dorasma 1237'/3903' 2345 m, see under Sekota 12/39 [WO Gz]
HCB27c Dordora, see Derdera
dore, chore (O) /dear/ mother; weyn (Som) big, large, great
JCH08 Dore Weiyna (D. Weyna, Darueina, Daruina) 06/41 [Gz n WO]
0623'/4129' 816 m
HE... Doreba sub-district, cf Doroba 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kara Siwedu)
-- Dorenni, Doranni, a Wellega Oromo tribe, also a lineage
-- of the Sabbo-Mattarri of the Borana people
HDC66 Dorenni (Dorani) 08/37 [WO x]
HDL64 Dorenni (Doreni) 0941'/3851' 2546 m 09/38 [+ Gz]
HDL64 Dorent, see under Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA]
?? Dorgoro (major village in the 1960s) 09/37 [x]
dori (O) 1. age grade 32-40 years of the Oromo gada system;
2. kind of ceremonial master; 3. (Sidamo O) zigba tree,
Podocarpus; doori (Som) 1. giving young calves to suckle
their mother; 2. change, alter, exchange
HCK02 Dori, see Dari & HFD50
HDH32c Dori (Tulu Dori) circa 0920'/3555' 09/35 [x]
(mountain on map of 1901), south-east of Nejo
JBT71 Dori, see Durre 05/43 [WO]
JEB39 Dorissana (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEF35 Dorka (Dork'a, Dorqa) 1110'/3949' 2584 m 11/39 [Gz q]
JDK40c Dormi, circa 0930'/4230' (on map of 1901) 09/42 [x]
doro (A) chicken, hen; gebere (gäbäre) (A) farmer
HDJ70 Doro (in Wellega) 2250 m 09/36 [WO]
HEM13 Doro Gibir (D. Gibr, D. Geber) 1152'/3940' 1487 m 11/39 [Gz Po]
(visiting postman under Dessie district)
doro wa..; wayyuu (O) 1. be better, be preferable;
2. messenger; 3. expert of beliefs
HDJ80 Doro Wayu 0949'/3639' 2163 m 09/36 [Gz]
doroba: dorroba (O) pregnant /animal/
HDL22 Doroba 0918'/3838' 2578 m, cf Doreba 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCS94 Doroghevea 2160 m, see under Imdibir 08/37 [WO]
(=Doro Gebeya, chicken market?)
HEE91 Dororo (church) 11/38 [WO]
JDJ55 Doroyta (mountain) 0936'/4204' 1697 m 09/42 [Gz]
JCF23 Dorrey (Dorrei) (area) 0542'/4436' 05/44 [+ WO Gz]
dorrori k..: korma (A,O) bull /not castrated/;
(O) male /said of animals/; kormaa (O) cock
HBS05 Dorrori Korma (area) 1800 m 04/38 [WO]
GCM76 Dorsha (ethnic area at Guraferda mountains) 06/34 [+ x]
dorze: dorse (O) pommel of saddle;
-- Dorze, Dorzie, an ethnic group belonging to the northern Ometo
HCD90 Dorze (Dorse) 0616'/3733' 2924/2987 m, 06/37 [LM Ad WO Gz]
Dorze, see also under Chencha
HC... Dorze Giyorgis (D. Ghiorghis) (church), ../.. [+ Gu]
church frequented by pilgrims
HCD.. Dorze sub-district 06/37 [x]0
(with cultivated terraces and bamboo houses)
HCS36 Dosha 0736'/3804' 2018 m 07/38 [Gz]
HDJ55 Doshe 0931'/3704' 2756 m 09/37 [Gz]
?? Dot (unconfirmed name), see Gwadit
HEE85 Dote Gilata kebele (Doté Gelata ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Wadla wereda at its northern border,
8-12 km south-west of Bete Hor; area 1,606 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
doti, dotii (O) light brown /animal/
HDE83 Doti 0852'/3844' 2098 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDU96 Doto (Dot'o) 1049'/3956' 2003 m 10/39 [Gz]
-- Dou.. (French spelling), see Du..
JDK75 Doubtader (area) 09/43 [WO]
JBR97 Doule Elei, see Donle Elay
JDR93 Douloul Darin, see Dullul & JEC04
JC... Dovale, cf Doale, Doballe 05/43 [Gu]
JCK85 Dovalle 0707'/4301' 708 m 07/43 [Gz]
JDD57 Dovo (area) 08/43 [WO]
dovu (O) to weave
HDU12 Dowa kebele 10/39 [Ad]
to the south-west in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
2-9 km south-west of Molale; area 1,657 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET44c Dowe, trading place south-east of lake Hayk 11/39 [x]
JCD78 Dowreta 0850'/4224' 1450 m 08/42 [Gz]
JEA04 Dowwé, see Dawe
?? Doxom, settlement in Erebti wereda ../.. [20]
doya, dooy-aa (O) scout, spy
HCA83 Doya (Doia) 06/35 [+ WO]
JEH84 Doya (Doia) 1230'/4106' 12/41 [Gz]

doyo (A) doyyoo (O) bland food, ragout with salt

but no spices; doyo (Guji,O?) kind of black-and-white bird
?? Doyo (Doyyo), east of Negele, with Borana shrine ../.. [x]
HCM82 Doyo (Doio) (area) 07/39 [+ WO Gu]
HCR.? Doyo, coffee farm c. 25 km from Jimma town 07/36 [n]
HDG64 Doyo 0940'/3514' 1588 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ56 Doyo 0935'/3709' 2406 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ79 Doyo 0942'/3730' 2214 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK70 Doyo 09/37 [AA]
HDL35 Doyo 0921'/3856' 2753 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDB15 Doyo (Doio) (area) 0835'/4130' 1399, 1580 m 08/41 [Gz WO]
JDJ00 Doyo (G. Doio) (area) 2238 m 09/41 [+ WO]
HCR.. Doyo Awasso, in Ilubabor 07/36 [n]
doyo g..: gundi (T) trunk of tree; gundhi (Som) lift, raise, jerk
HDG56 Doyo Gundi 0932'/3522' 1816 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDL98 Doyo Mangudo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Moret & Jiru wereda touching its borders on
two sides; 4-8 km south-east of Inewari; area 1,243 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
doyog..: gena (A,T) still, yet, even now, not yet;
genna (A) Christmas, game played at that time
?? Doyogena ../.. [20]
(in the Kembeta area south of Skonkolla mountain)
JCJ69 Doyo-u-ek (hill) 06/42 [WO]
HDL73 Doyu 0945'/3845' 2735 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche
HDU93 Doyu kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching 11 km south-west/north-east in north-eastern Were Ilu wereda,
20-31 km north-northeast of Were Ilu town; area 2,208 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES00 Dredebbe (area) 1242'/3735' 2743 m 12/37 [WO Gz]
?? Drida (on the borders of Begemdir) ../.. [Pa]
(named by J Bruce and known from the 1700s for grapes)
JBU67 Druheyalo (Druheialo) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
JDF54 Druksi, see Deruksi & KDA38
Dschi.. (in German-derived spellings), see Ji..
dua, du-a (O) 1. death; 2. swear-word used as emphatic promise
HCN77 Dua (Du'a) (area) 0754'/3528' 07/35 [WO Gz]
HEJ86 Duada Mariam (church) 12/37 [WO]
JDR93 Duaeichel (Dualeika) 1046'/4157' 875 m 10/41 [Gz]
JED11 Duanle, see Dewele
HEC29 Duaro 11/37 [WO]
HDU43 Duat (Du'at) 1016'/3939' 10/39 [WO Gz]
HBR89 Duati 0517'/3729' 1103 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
dub (Som) 1. skin, peel, peeling; 2. bake, cook, fry;
duub (Som) 1. turban; 2. leader;
dhuub (Som) 1. bundle; 2. thin person
HBM45 Dub, H. (area) 04/39 [WO]
duba (O) 1. back, behind, continuation, retinue;
2. sheep's tail; 3. outer surface of an object;
4. level direction, not upwards or downwards
dhuubaa (O) soaked grain;
Duba, a male name among the Borana
HDL92 Duba 0956'/3838' 2065 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT28 Duba 1009'/3910' 2543 m 10/39 [Gz]
JEA92 Duba 1145'/4000' 934 m 11/40 [Gz]
HCH66 Duba Yaneba 0659'/3618' 1712 m 06/36 [Gz]
HEF26 Dubala Danser kebele (.. Dansär ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Kalu (East) wereda at its eastern border,
20-25 km east of Kombolcha; area 1,886 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Dubamo (Danta) (historical 1500s state in Kambata) 07/37? [20]
-- Dubamo people (Debamo) live south of Hosaina
?? Dubancho, east-northeast of Hosaina ../.. [20]
dubba (A,O) gourd, pumpkin, squash, Cucurbita pepo;
(O) reception hall;
?? Dubancho, east-north-east of Hosaina ../.. [20]
dubba (A,O) gourd, pumpkin, squash, Cucurbita pepo;
(O) reception hall
HDA17 Dubba (Duba) 0835'/3530' 1607 m 08/35 [+ Gz]
JEG15 Dubba (area) 11/40 [WO]
HEU21 Dubbai (Dubbar) (pass) 1251'/3930' 3938 m, 12/39 [WO Gz Gu]
see under Maychew
HET07 Dubban (Sciumsciaca) 1241'/3909' 2019 m 12/39 [Gz]
dubbano: dubana (O) level direction, not upwards/downwards
HCS30 Dubbano (mountain) 07/37 [WO]
HEU21 Dubbar, see Dubbai
dubbi (O) matter, question, occupation, conversation,
argument, idea, trouble, intrigue
GDF85 Dubbi (Dubi) 0858'/3447' 1769 m, 08/34 [WO Gz]
5 km NW of a recently active volcano
?? Dubbo, 25 km north of Sodob ../.. [20]
HDG09 Dubdo 0906'/3536' 1628 m 09/35 [Gz]
dube (A) credit, goods bought with delayed payment
-- Dube, name of a Bantu group in the Shebeli region,
also a male personal name
JDH47 Dube 0927'/4124' 1855 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDK30 Dube Dile 0922'/4233' 1515 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDM73 Dube Hager kebele (Dubé Hagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost central Debre Birhan & Keyit wereda
somewhat to the north at its eastern border, 9-12 km
south-southwest of Debre Sina; area 1,060 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL44 Duber 0929'/3850' 2578 m (with church Gebriel) 09/38 [AA Gz]
The stream of this name is a largish tributary of the Muger.
HDL.. Duber sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jebara) 09/38 [Ad]
HFL07 Dubere 1428'/3906' 1791 m 14/39 [Gz]
HEF54 Dubeta kebele (Dubäta ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the south in Were Babo wereda, very near Bistima to
its south and extending 4 km southwards; area 1,017 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF55 Dubeta sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gedero) 11/39 [Ad]
in Ambasel awraja
GDF85 Dubi, see Dubbi
HCE56c Dubicha Gudda (mountain) 05/39 [Mi]
HCE56c Dubicha Mika (D. Tika) (mountain), 05/39 [Mi]
see also under Kibre Mengist
HCT94 Dubisa (Dubissa) 08/38 [Gu Wa WO]
HDE22 Dubisa 0821'/3839' 2121 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE35 Dubisa 0827'/3856' 1667 m 08/38 [Gz]
HBK88 Dublock, see Dubuluk
dubo (O) sheep's tail
-- Dubo, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCK82 Dubo (Dubbo, Doubo) 0704'/3741' c. 2000 m 07/37 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
(centre in 1964 of Sore sub-district), 25 km north of Soddo
HBL58 Dubosso (area) 04/39 [WO]
JEB95 Dubti (Dubty, Duphty, Dubte, Dufti, Dufty) 11/41 [Gz Po Te x]
(with sub-post office) 1144'/4105' 378 m
at large cotton plantations
JEB95 Dubti wereda 11/41 [Ad 20]
dubu, duubuu (O) soak /grain before grinding, clothes before washing/
GDL47 Dubu (Jebel Dubu, Gebel Dabu) 09/34 [Gz]
0925'/3407' 1367 m (mountain on the border)
Coordinates would give map code GDL48
JD... Dubub ../.. [x]
HDH27 Dubulu 0918'/3624' 1675 m 09/36 [Gz]
HBK88 Dubuluk (Dubuluk', Dubuluq, Dubuluch, Dubuluc) 04/38 [Gz WO Gu]
(Dublock) 0422'/3818' 1513 m (area with prehistoric wells)
dubur b..: ballaadh (Som) space, width
JDD87 Dubur Ballaad (area) 1566 m 08/43 [WO]
dubur f..: firk, firq (A) half, divided
JDD87 Dubur Firk (area) 1566 m 08/43 [WO]
JEA55 Dubura (Dubra) (area) 1119'/4019' 11/40 [WO Gz]
JDR89 Duc, see Duk
HEJ34 Duc el-Arua (Duce Arua), see Goy
JDP44 Duca, see Duka
HDE75 Ducam, see Dukem
ducha (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
HCB96 Ducha (Bonca) 0616'/3615' 1254 m 06/36 [Gz]
duche, duchee (O) raincoat of straw or palm leaves
HDS35 Duche (Duch'e) 1016'/3802' 2404 m 10/38 [Gz]
?? Duchie, see Dukiye
HEF91 Ducko (Ducco) (area), cf Duko 11/39 [+ WO]
HBT68 Duco Fulu, see Dukafulu
HCG64 Ducu, see Duko
HDE78 Ducub, see Dukub
JCK92 Ducun, see Dihun
dud (Som) scatter, disperse out of fear;
duud (Som) 1. peak, mountain top; 2. back of the human body;
dhud (Som) string, thread
JBH85 Dud (area) 0422'/4110' 04/41 [WO Gz]
duda (A) small village, place in general, site; duudaa (O) deaf
HEM31 Duda Abo (church) 1206'/3927' 12/39 [Gz]
HEM40 Duda Abo (church) 1207'/3925' 12/39 [Gz]
duda ar..: arba (O) elephant;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
HEF73 Duda Arba (Legaida) 1130'/3941' 1961 m 11/39 [Gz]
JDE28 Dudadad (area) 08/44 [WO]
JCK12 Dudagher (= Duda Ager?) (mountain) 06/42 [WO]
JCS26 Dudamori 0726'/4303' 872/884 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HFF34 Dudassa 1354'/3946' 2861 m 13/39 [Gz]
dudda (O) 1. vicinity; 2. back /of the body/
JDK83 Dudda Abeha (area) 09/42 [WO]
JDK73 Duddabego (area) 09/42 [WO]
JDH39 Duddela, G. (area) 2734 m 09/41 [WO]
duddo (O) coffee berries, coffee beans with the shell still on;
duddo (Som) settlement, community, village;
dudu (O) 1. filled /pit/; 2. be deaf; dera, deera (O) tall, long
JDH57 Duddu Dera (area) 09/41 [WO]
JBG74 Dudducha (Dudducia) (plain) 04/40 [+ WO]
duddun (Som) ant hill, termite mound; at (O) you
JDK63 Duddun At (area) 09/42 [WO]
HES33 Dudebit, see under Dabat 13/37 [WO]
JCM01 Dudgubleh 0623'/4423' 431 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
HBM03 Dudmulla (Duomulla) 0342'/3936' or 37' 03/39 [WO Gz]
(area with well)
dudu a..: arba, arbaa (O) elephant; arba (A) forty
HEF74 Dudu Arba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central southernmost Habru wereda at its border,
6-12 km east of Wichale; area 3,168 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
KCJ60 Dudub (with waterhole) 0655'/4642' 369 m 06/46 [WO Gz]
HEK97 Dudubba 1235'/3811' 1719 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
JCD83 Duei Tama, see Dwey Tama
HDM80 Duera, see Duwera
dufa, dhufa (O) arrival
HDE70 Dufa 0844'/3844' 1990 m 08/38 [WO Gz]
HDL10 Dufa 0911'/3827' 2618 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM81 Duffat (Dufat) (mountains) 1230'/3930' 2479 m 12/39 [Gz 18]
pass at 1226'/3933'
HDE40 Duftu 0831'/3829' 2688 m 08/38 [Gz]
dufu (O) 1. bend, hang down; 2. come, arrive; 3. again;
4. to fart; 5. coward
dug (A) deputy of the Patriarch; subordinate judge; duug- (O) scrape clean
H.... Dug Abo (centre in 1964 of Dug sub-district) 10/37 [Ad]
duga (O) 1. (dhugaa) truth, justice; 2. (dhuga) beverage,
something to drink, yogurt
HCD47 Duga (Jeba Sire) 0549'/3813' 2142 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
JBR52 Dugacho (Dugacio) 0502'/4150' 283 m 05/41 [+ Gz]
JDS91 Dugarka (Dugarca) (area), see under Aysha 10/42 [+ WO]
dugda (O) 1. backbone, spine; 2. flank, loin, arm as measure;
3. debt /of labour time/
HC... Dugda (centre in 1964 of Ale sub-district) 07/38? [Ad]
HDE02 Dugda 0810'/3837' 1929 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE64 Dugda 0847'/3818' 2087 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDJ66 Dugda Akeyi 0939'/3713' 2402 m 09/37 [Gz]
dugda b..: bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle, upstanding
front part of saddle /and several other meanings/
?? Dugda Bora wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 111 rural kebeles and 5 urban.
dugda dera, long back = high waterfall?
dera (dära) (A) grass used for thatching roofs;
dera, deeraa (O) long, tall; slow
HDJ10 Dugda Dera 0911'/3636' 1775 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ79 Dugda Dera (Dugde D.) 0943'/3727' 1570 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL30 Dugda Dera 0923'/3826' 2409 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(waterfalls nearby)
HDT10 Dugda Derra 10/38 [WO]
dugda e..: ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond; clear water;
2. eelaa (O) very heavy load; ela (A) well, cistern
HC... Dugda Ela (in Haykoch & Butajira awraja) 08/38? [Ad]
?? Dugda Hedde (Dugdahedde) circa 4345' 09/43 [+ 18]
dugda k..: kumbi (O) incense, resin, myrrh;
kumbi, kunbi (A) kuumbii (O) trunk of elephant
HDJ48 Dugda Kumbi (D. K'umbi, D. Qumbi) 09/37 [Gz q]
0929'/3723' 2332 m
HC... Dugda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dugda) 07/39 [Ad n]
HDL70 Dugde Dera, see under Gebre Guracha 09/38 [AA]
dugde g..: guda (A) injure, do damage to;
gudaa, gudda, guddaa (O) 1. big; 2. respectable /man/
HDL33 Dugde Guda 0919'/3842' 2587 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDJ85 Dugde Weremacho 0951'/3704' 2417 m 09/37 [Gz]
JDJ06 Duge, see Dige
HFF31 Dugem [incorrect?], see Degum
HBR15 Duggamunna, see Kumbi
JDK35 Dugh, see Dugu
JDC75 Dughdalle (area) 08/42 [WO]
HCD99c Dugicha (Dugitscha), village south of Dilla 06/38 [+ x]
JFB51 Dugiddu 14/40 [Ne]
HCL22 Dugo 0636'/3837' 2545 m 06/38 [Gz]
dugu (O) scrape, whittle; dhugu (O) drink
JDK35 Dugu (Dugh) 0922'/4257' 1798 m 09/42 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JDK34
HEU22 Dugua (Dugu'a) 1252'/3932' 2959 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCT.. Duguda, Gurage village west of lake Ziway 07/38 [x]
HDU78 Dugudu 1043'/3958' 1725 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Dugum, with rock-hewn churches 13/39 [MS]
An often illustrated ceremonial fan is kept at Debre Tsiyon
and Medhane Alem rock-hewn church; also access by a
narrow legde to Abba Daniel rock-hewn church
HFF31 Dugum (Dugem), see Degum
dugun (O) beverage, something to drink
HCK65 Duguna (Duquma) 0657'/3802' 1864 m 06/38 [Gz]
HCK75 Duguna (area) 2289 m 06/38 [WO Gu]
HDE89c Duhatta, at a road to the coast 08/39 [x]
JDK52 Duhuleley 0933'/4247' 1905 m 09/42 [Gz]
JCK92 Duhun, see Dihun
HFE89 Duhutsa 1420'/3920' 2159 m (with church Maryam) 14/39 [Gz]
JDC79 Duidalle (area) 08/42 [WO]
KCR21 Duierali, see Duyer Ali
HDG57 Duju Gundi 09/35 [x]
near Aleltu river, see under Nejo
HBS06 Dujum, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HCS74 Dujuma 0755'/3755' 2767 m 07/37 [Gz]
JDJ51 Dujuma 0934'/4147' 1289 m 09/41 [Gz]
duk: duq (Som) leader, elder, old man or woman or female camel
JDR89 Duk (Duc) 1043'/4226' 720 m 10/42 [Gz]
HEJ34 Duk el Arba, see Goy
duka (A) track, trail; (T) stool; (O) 1. behind, following;
2. marrow, pith
JDP44 Duka (Duca) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HBT68 Dukafulu (Duco Fulu, Duco) 0508'/3909' 883 m 05/39 [Gz WO]
?? Dukambiya (Ducambia) (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
dukan: dukaan (Arabic,Som) shop, store; dhukaan (Som) disease
of camels; dhukan (Som) hard of hearing; dukkana (O) dark
HBU81 Dukan 0515'/3925' 1232 m 05/39 [Wa Gz]
dukana, dukkana (O) cloud, dark
HBJ.? Dukano (Dukana) (with important well), 04/37 [x]
near the Kenya border
HEE16 Dukare kebele (Dukaré ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Sayint wereda at its southern border, area 2,183 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
dukay: dhukay (Som) ear-wax; dhukke (O) dust
JCB49 Dukay (seasonal spring) 0551'/4134' 05/41 [WO Gz]
JDB50 Dukaye 0839'/4045' 1837 m 08/40 [Gz]
HDE75 Dukem (Dukam, Ducam, Dukham, Dukhan, Dukom) 08/38 [Gz WO Pa It]
(Fre: Doukam) 0848'/3854' 1950/2125 m 08/38 [Po]
(centre in 1964 of Kajima sub-district)
with railway station, see under Debre Zeyt, cf Oda Nabi
HDE.. Dukem (historical area of the 1500s) 08/38 [+ Pa]
HDL71 Dukemi 0943'/3831' 2538 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Dukima, forest near the Kosso Ber to Chagni road ../.. [20]
?? Dukiye (Duchie) (slightly swampy plain) ../.. [+ Gu]
duko: duco (Arabic,Som) prayer, blessing
HCG54 Duko, see Diko
HCG64 Duko (Duco, Ducu) (mountain) 0654'/3510' 923 m 06/35 [+ Gz]
HCP27 Duko (Duco) (with landing ground) 07/36 [WO Gu]
HDL81 Dukocho 0946'/3832' 2780 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDR12 Dukon (Ducon) 1008'/3650' 1758 m 10/36 [Gz]
HDE78 Dukub (M. Ducub) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
dukuba, dhukkuba (O) pain, illness;
duqoob (Som) to become old
HCK65 Dukuma (Duquma) 0657'/3802' 1864 m 06/38 [+ n]
dukun: dukhun (Harari) elephant
JCK92 Dukun (Ducun), see Dihun
dul (Som) 1. top, surface; 2. nostril; 3. patience;
(Afar) hippopotamus; dhul (Som) country, land; homeland,
fatherland; earth, the Earth; duul (Som) 1. group of people;
2. raid, attack; 3. to fly; dul (T) victory, success
GDU60 Dul (Dull) (village) 1033'/3424' 1186 m 10/34 [MS Ad WO Gu]
or 1030'/3423' 869 m, mountain (Jebel Dul) at 1029'/3424'
(centre in 1964 of Kemosha sub-district)
From 1910 a counterpart on the Ethiopian side of Kurmuk.
?? Dul (Gule?) (mountain in Wellega) ../.. [Mi]
JCR17 Dul Gedud (area) 07/42 [WO]
dul gudud: guduud (Som) red, reddish-brown, brown
JCR96 Dul Gudud (area) 08/42 [WO]
dul haud: hawd (Som) forest, thicket
JCK70 Dul Haud (plateau) 07/42 [WO]
dul w. ..: wa (O) 1. no; 2. something; jigu (O) fall down
JDR96 Dul Wa Jigu (Dul Ua Gigo) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
dula, duulaa (O) battle, raid, militia, soldiers;;
fighting place; (A) 1. strong, tenacious, resistant;
2. (dulla) cudgel, knobbly stick
Abba Dula (O) "father of war", military commander
HDD38 Dula 0827'/3820' 2722 m 08/38 [Gz]
JCP71 Dula Abbu (area), cf Dulla 07/40 [WO]
dula k..: koricha (qoricha) (O) medicine,
/figuratively:/ punishment
HDK36 Dula Koricha (D. K'oricha, D. Qoricha) 09/38 [AA q]
HDK46 Dula Koricha 0921'/3806' 2662 m, 8 km to next 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK86 Dula Koricha 0925'/3807' 1965 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK.. Dula Koricha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kilbe) 09/38 [Ad]
dulal (Som, plural) 1. tops, surfaces; 2. nostrils
JDN68 Dulale (area) 1032'/4030' 558 m, hill 1030'/4031' 10/40 [Ne WO Gz]
dulat: dulet (dulät) 1. local assembly; 2. plot, conspiracy;
3. kind of spiced dish, a mixture of liver, stomach, and heart
JDK18 Dulat (area) 09/43 [WO]
JBU64 Duldir (waterhole) 0505'/4441' 05/44 [WO Gz]
HCD69 Dule, see Duleta
HDF45 Dule 0834'/3949' 1492 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDG87 Dule 0951'/3528' 885 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDF75 Dulecha 0848'/3948' 1060 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDJ55 Dulecha 0931'/3704' 2756 m (with church Maryam) 09/37 [Gz]
HDM56 Dulecha 0933'/3957' 1060 m (with clinic) 09/37 [Gz]
JCP70 Dulecha 0754'/4045' 1201 m 07/40 [Gz]
?? Dulecha wereda (Dullecha ..) (-1997-) ../.. [Ad n]
dulet (dulät) (A) plot, conspiracy
HCD69 Duleta (Dule) 1002'/3821' 2204 m 10/38 [Gz]
duleti: dullatti (O) female who is past the period of
bearing children
HDK45 Duleti 0925'/3802' 2478 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ79 Duleti (Duletti, Burta Dulleti) (mountain area) 1614 m 09/42 [Gz Gu WO]
0944'/4229' 1428 m, mountain at 0944'/4227'
HDF65c Dulholi (Doulholi) (mountain on map of 1901) 08/39 [x]
circa 0845'/3950' near the left bank of Awash river
HDU75 Dulit & Gedera kebele (Dulet & Gädära ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north Efrata & Gidim wereda touching at the middle of its
northern border, 5-10 km south of Majete; area 1,431 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCH.. Dulkuma (village in Shoa Bench wereda) 06/35 [n]
dulla (A,O) staff, stick, club, cudgel; dhulla (O) boil
on skin, furuncle
HCJ80 Dulla (Fre: Doulla) (mountain) 0709'/3638' 2782 m 07/36 [WO Gu Gz]
HDC20 Dulla 0824'/3640' 1550 m 08/36 [WO Gz]
-- Dullay language
-- Dullay people
dullecha: dullacha (O) old, huge /animal/;
dullecha (O) old cow that cannot have any more calves;
(dulläch'a) (A) old bull;
dullache (O) male who is impotent or past the period of
fathering children
JCP70 Dullecha (Dullecia) 1320 m 07/40 [+ WO Gu]
JC... Dullecha (Dullecia) (small village) 820 m 07/40? [+ Gu]
dullo (Som) highland, mountainside
HBT13 Dullona, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
JDR95 Dullool (Dullul), see Dillul
HDS09 Dullota 10/38 [WO]
HBT02 Dullowa (Dulloua) (area) 0439'/3843' 04/38 [+ WO Gz]
dullu gu..: gulaan (Som) kind of plant grazed by camels;
guulan (Som) become terrified
HBU02 Dullu Gullan 04/39 [WO]
JDR93 Dullul (Dullool, Douloul Darin) (area) 10/41 [+ WO Ha]
a wide level valley with coarse grass
JDR95 Dullul, see Dillul
JEC04 Dullul (Douloul Darin, Dullool) (area with well) 10/41 [Gu WO]
HE... Dulo Cheffie (in Yeju awraja) 11/39 [n]
dulu (O) cattle captured in war
-- Dulu, a luba among the Borana 1563-70
JDJ32 Dulu 0922'/4151' 2052 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDP74 Dulul (plain) 10/41 [WO]
JDS72 Dulusbo (area) 10/42 [WO]
HEU10 Dum 1248'/3922' 2444 m 12/39 [Gz]
duma, dumma (T) baobab tree, Adansonia digitata;
duma (A) back of the head, occiput; dhuma (O) end;
dhumaa (O) ragged, shabby; dumaa (Som) dry grass;
duma (O) weevil-infested /corn/
HDN46 Duma (area) 1020'/3522' 932/1006 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
dumale: dumaal (Som) to marry brother's widow
JCG05 Dumale (area) 0624'/4020' 06/40 [WO Gz]
GCU63 Dumban 0751'/3438' 517 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
?? Dumbola Maryam (D. Mariam) 2095 m ../.. [+ Gu]
HDR64 Dumbolgi (Dumbolghi) 2012 m 10/37 [+ WO]
HDS24c Dumbuka, see Jibuti
dumbulla: dumbalo (O) Chloris gayana; buundo (Som) bridge
HBL98 Dumbulla Bund 0429'/3909' 04/39 [WO Gz]
(with seasonal waterhole)
HDL32 Dumburi 0919'/3836' 2588 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HC... Dume (village with Tsamay people) 05/36? [x]
JDP83c Dume (Doume) circa 1045'/4100' 10/41 [x]
(mountain on map of 1901)
HC... Dumerso (in Derassa awraja) 06/38? [Ad]
dumi, dumii (O) chief, leader, head; (Som) destroy, dismantle, demolish
HEK53 Dumi (Doumi) (mountain) 1214'/3750' 2926 m 12/37 [WO Gz x]
a peak south-west of Wehni
JDP67 Dumi, M. (area) 10/41 [WO]
JDR59c Dumi (Doomi) (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [+ Ha]
HEJ24c Dumkulka (Dumculca) 2445 m 11/37 [+ Gu]
(with Maryam church)
HES44 Dumlo Yohannes (Dumlo Johannes) (church) 13/37 [+ WO]
?? Dummaku (royal granary of king Sahle Silase) ../.. [+ Ha]
at two days travel below Ankober
dumuga, dummuugaa (O) herb or trailing weed,
Justicia schimperiana, also Adhatoda sp.;
dumoga (eastern O) kind of shrub or small tree, grawa,
Vernonia amygdalina; (Kefa) shrub with spikes of large
flowers, Adhatoda schimperiana, used as a fence
HCR52 Dumuga 0742'/3648' 1827 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDL50 Dumuga 0931'/3829' 1973 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDA32 Dumuga, see Dunuga
dun (Som) 1. thread, twine; 2. slide, cave in, collapse;
3. to drink milk? dhun (Som) get lost, loose one's way;
dhuun (Som) 1. life; 2. water pipe, barrel of a gun
HCF32 Dun (area) 05/39 [WO]
dun du..: dhurwaa (Som) hyena
KCR75 Dun Durwa (area) 07/47 [WO]
duna (O) alone, lonely
-- Dunna, an Ado Mara tribe of the Afar,
living on the Dimo mountains
H.... Duna (small market town, old centre of Inekor) 08/38? [En]
HCB15c Dunamer (inhabited by a part of the Baka group) 05/36 [x]
HEH53 Duncar, see Dunkur
GDU04 Dundul, G. (hill) 1520 m 09/34 [WO]
dunduma, dhundhuma (O) cubit, ell, traditional unit
of linear length
JDL00 Dunduma Adley (D. Adlei) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HDD.. Dunga (in Gudela-speaking area) 08/37 [x]
JDC12 Dungata, see Dunkata
HEC42 Dungoler, see Dangila
HEJ24 Dungulbar, see Dengel Ber
dunguli: dungula (A) stallion
JEC02 Dunguli (area) 10/41 [WO]
HDT23 Dunguomeschel, see Gundo Meskel

dungur: dingur (A) uneven ground

HER67 Dungur (Amba D., Dungut) (area) 1312'/3714', 13/37 [Gz WO Gu]
cf Dunkur
HET56 Dungur (Dingur) at 8 km south of Yechilay 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church Asela Maryam)
HFE.. Dungur, see under Aksum 14/38 [20]
HER67 Dungut, see Dungur
HDM71 Dungwit (Dunguit), see under Debre Birhan 09/39 [+ WO]
duni, duunii (O) death;
duni (Som) world; duunni (Som) small boat; dhuuni (Som) food
GCU04 Duni (area) 07/34 [WO]
JDG79 Dunkaga (Duncaga) 0940'/4039' 822 m 09/40 [Ne Wa WO Gz]
JBJ32 Dunkal (waterhole) 03/41 [WO]
JDJ27 Dunkaley 0918/4216' 1782 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDC12 Dunkata (Duncata, Dungata) 0817'/4150' 1228 m 08/41 [+ Gz Wa]
HEK81 Dunkaz, see Denkez
JDH15 Dunkuku (Dunk'uk'u, Dunququ, Gara Doncuru) 09/41 [Gz q WO]
0911'/4110' 2226 m
mountain at 0909'/4109 2130 m
dunkur: denkoro (dänqoro) (A) deaf; kurre (O) lake with rainwater
HEH22 Dunkur (Duncur, Dongur, Dangur, Dangvur) 11/35 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
(Dongar) 1159'/3555' 708/900, 2375 m 11/35 [18]
HEH53 Dunkur (Duncur, Duncar) 1213'/3601' 882 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
JCS40 Dunnan (Dhana) 0738'/4233' 700 m 07/42 [Gz]
HDM73 Dunquam, see Dinkwam
dunkwan (A) tent
JBH79 Duntoi (seasonal well) 0418'/4131' 04/41 [WO Gz]
JDA32 Dunuga (Dumuga) 0826'/4003' 2828 m 08/40 [Gz 18 Gu]
JDK48 Duoddada Giha, see Dwoddada Jiha
HEC79 Duoken (Duochen) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
(with mineral spring at 1 km to the south-west)
HBM03 Duomulla, see Dudmulla
HDM94 Duoro, see Dworo
HED51 Duot (area) 11/37 [WO]
HDA47 Dupa (Dubba) 08/35 [MS WO]
JEB95 Dupty, see Dubti
GD... Dupu kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. The P'olin variety of Kwama
language is spoken there.
dur a..: dur (A,T) forest, woods; (O) at first, before, already;
dur (Som) 1. kind of tree, Tamarix aphylla, T. nilotica,
dhuur (Som) evergreen tree /tamarisk as above?/;
dhur (Som) 1. good thing; 2. scoop up; 3. breed, increase;
duur (Som) 1. jungle; 2. kind of bush plant;
anbesa (A) anbessa (T) lion
HEU61 Dur Anbesa 1316'/3928' 2086 m (w church Mikael) 13/39 [Gz]
JCD69 Dur Barrach (area) 05/43 [WO]
dur h..: harre (O) donkey
JCE34 Dur Harre (Dur Harrei) (area) 05/43 [+ WO]
dur k..: kunni (qunnii) (O) tall grass that grows by rivers;
kuni (O) this one
HEM00 Dur Kuni (area) 11/39 [WO]
dura (O) parrot; duraa (O) loss entailing grief
?? Dura (river in Gojjam) ../.. [Ch Mi]
HCH87 Dura, see Durra
HFE52 Dura 1406'/3838' 2102 m 14/38 [Gz]
at 9 km from Aksum, see under that place
?? Dura Ebelli (river in Gojjam, same as Dura above?) ../.. [Mi]
HEC54c Durabete, see Durbete
HBS92 Duraiti 0525'/3741' 884 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
?? Durajala (Durajela) (mountain), cf Jaladura ../.. [Ch]
prominent on the right bank of the Abay
HCK95 Durame (Duramie, Durami) 0710'/3800' 2101 m 07/38 [MS Po Ad]
(with sub-post office under Shashemene)
(centre in 1964 of Kedida Gamel Gamela wereda)
(capital in 1995 of the Kambata/Alaba/Tembaro Zone)
HDC88c Durani (Tulu Durani) 08/37 [x]
HC... Duranie Adilo (in Goshgola sub-district) 07/38? [Ad]
JCE23 Durarey (Durarei) 05/43 [+ WO]
durba (O) girl, virgin, unmarried young woman; (Som) quickly;
dhurbe (Som) grass
HDL42 Durba, see Derba
HEC54c Durbete (Dure Bete, Durabete, ´Forest House'?) 11/37 [MS Po x]
(with sub-post office under Debre Markos)
HEJ10c Durbete sub-district (Dur Betie ..) 11/36 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Abichekli Maryam)
?? Durbit (historically recorded area of the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
JBU91 Durdere 0525'/4428' 213 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
JCS84 Durdofan 0758'/4252' 921 m 07/42 [Gz]
durdur (Som) stream, running water
JEC07 Durdur (Dur Dur) (mountain) 10/42 [WO Gu]
durdurg..: gaabo (Som) to be short
JDJ85 Durdurgabo (area) 09/42 [WO]
dure (durä) (A) dark, almost black colour
HEF54 Dure 1120'/3944' 2070 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM23c Duregn kebele (Durägn ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Berehet wereda; area 1,980 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDB30 Dureni (Durenni) (area) 08/35 [Ad WO]
HDB41 Dureni wereda (centre in 1964 = Elemo) 08/35 [+ Ad]
durey, duray (Som) cold, headcold;
dure, durreh (Som) large wild fig tree, Ficus sycomorus
JCK81 Durey (Durei) (area) 07/42 [+ WO]
HCA24 Durgane (area) 05/35 [WO]
HC... Durge (in Kembata & Hadiya awraja) 07/37? [Ad]
?? Durgi (in Sidamo, with school) ../.. [x]
HET88 Durguhia 13/39 [WO]
JCK94 Durhi 0712'/4254' 808 m 07/42 [WO Gz]
duri (O) 1. old; 2. lion's mane; (Som) catch a cold;
dhuuri (Som) ache, pain; durri (A) black colour, soot;
Duri, a male personal name
JCK49 Duri 0643'/4321' 503 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
JCS84 Duri (Moia-Duri) (well) 08/42 [WO MS]
JDH29c Durko (Durco) (area) 09/41 [+ Gu]
HBR16 Durmo, D. (area) 04/37 [WO]
duro (western O) Diospyros scabra /a kind of tree?/;
(O) group of 5x6 sheaves; (A) long ago, formerly, previously;
-- Warra Duro (people/family of Duro), name of a Jarso tribe
of the eastern Oromo; dhuro (Som) draw water
HBS91 Duro 0524'/3737' 967 m 05/37 [Gz]
HCC06 Duro 05/37 [WO]
HCC16 Duro (mountain area) 0531'/3712' 1806, 2743 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCL94 Duro (Daro) (mountain) 0714'/3849' 2981 m 07/38 [Gz]
HCT04 Duro (mountain) 0714'/3849' 2981/3094 m 07/38 [WO Gz]
?? Durpa (visiting postman under Gore) ../.. [Po]
durra (Arabic), dura (A) greater millet, Sorghum vulgare
HCH87 Durra (Dura) 0703'/3625' 2189 m 07/36 [MS WO Gz]
HFE63 Durra sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aksum) 14/38 [Ad]
JBT71 Durre (Dori) 05/43 [WO]
JCM43 Durre 0641'/4437' 498 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCM33
JDH26 Durro 0918'/4117' 2160 m, cf Duro 09/41 [Gz]
JCK09 Durualeh 0623'/4321' 364 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
JEN98 Durubu 1332'/4030' -59 m, below sea level 13/40 [Gz]
duruf (Arabic) kinds of tree, Ficus spp.;
(Arabic,Som) empty sack, worn out cloth
JEP88 Durufle (waterhole) 1324'/4127' 13/41 [WO Gz]
durugsi (Som) expansion, moving something away
JDF54 Duruksi, see Deruksi & KDA38 KDA47
durw..: dhurwaa (Som) hyena
JCM47 Durwa (Durua) 06/44 [+ WO]
JDD86 Durwale (Uarroh) 0856'/4305' 1415 m 08/43 [Gz]
JDD96 Durwale (Guio Adda, Guiu Ada, Goiu Ada) 08/43 [Gz]
0859'/4307' 1505 m
JDD81 Durwali (area) 08/42 [WO]
dus (Harari) honey
HBP85 Dus, see Duss
JDJ40 Duse 0926'/4139' 2316 m 09/41 [Gz]
HCP56 Duseta 0745'/3615' 2109 m 07/36 [Gz]
dusha (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
JDE25 Dusha (Duscia) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDE40 Dusha (Duscia) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
dusha m..: milmil (A) 1. pruning; 2. land with tax obligation
given to military nobility /also other meanings/
JDE24 Dusha Milmil (Duscia M.) 0822'/4350' 1261 m 08/43 [Gz]
HCG.. Dushi (village 30 km from Tepi in a forest) 07/35 [n]
HCJ56 Dusi 06/37 [WO]
HBP85 Duss (Dus, Doose) (village near Mago Nat. Park) 05/36 [x n]
?? Dusta (visiting postman under Jimma), cf Duseta ../.. [Po]
duthub g..: gooni (Som) separateness, alone
JCK70 Duthub Goni (area) 06/42 [WO]
duto k..: kulo (Som) get angry
-- Kullo, Kulo, an ethnic group of substantial size
HDK26 Duto Kullo (D. Kullu), see Kolu
dutte d..: dertu, deertuu (O) tall /female/
JDH45 Dutte Dertu (area) 1608 m 09/41 [WO]
HES02 Duvresso (area) 12/37 [WO]
duw (Som) shift, move, change;
duwa, duwwa (O) alone, empty, tasteless, dull;
du-a (O) death; du-aa (O) carcass
JDR94 Duwavlaka (with water, recorded in 1841) 10/42 [Ha]
HDM80 Duwera (Duera) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
duyer ali, cf Ali as first part of name
KCR21 Duyer Ali (Duierali) 0730'/4645' 526 m 07/46 [WO Gz]
GDE16 Dwaljiok 08/33 [WO]
HEE24 Dwat kebele (Dwat' ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda, adjoining Ajibar on its west and from
there extending 7 km to the north-west; area 4,174 hectares. [CSA 1994]
dwey t..: tama (t'ama) (A) toil; (tama) begin to be ripe;
JCD83 Dwey Tama (Duei T.), Tama is an ethnic group 06/42 [+ WO]
JDK48 Dwoddada Jiha (Duoddada Giha) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HDM94 Dworo (Duoro) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HCN56 Dyesha (Diescia, Diesha, Yesha) 07/35 [+ WO]
HER06 Dyesha 12/37 [WO]
E.., see also I..
Eaner, see Ener, cf Enemor & Ener
eba (A) monkey, monkey's cry; eeba (O) type of blessing;
ebba, sky-god of the Somali in former times
JDN86 Eba Ledara (waterhole) 10/40 [Ne]
HDU02 Ebab Amba, see Ibab Amba
?? Ebala (hills in Sidamo), cf Abala ../.. [Mi]
HCL54 Ebano, see Ibano
HDP27 Ebantu, see Ibantu
HFC97 Ebaro (area), cf Abaro 14/37 [WO]
HEK16 Ebbenat (large market) 11/38 [Gu]
HEK35 Ebbenat (Ebnet), see Ibnat
HE... Ebbo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bichie) 12/39 [Ad]
ebelizi: eblis (O) devil, demon
HEA45 Ebelizi 1118'/3512' 742 m 11/35 [WO Ch Gz]
HEK35 Ebenat, see Ibnat
ebicha, eebicha (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Vernonia amygdalina, with dirty-white flowers; (A) grawa
HBT.. Ebicha (a feeder valley of the Aflata valley) 05/38 [Mi]
?? Ebicha Ruya (in historical Gumma) ../.. [En]
HDS10 Ebieta Jesus, see Ebyeta Iyesus
HEK35 Ebinat, see Ibnat
JEC70 Eboba (Saido) 1130'/4137' 343 m 11/41 [Gz]
west of lake Gemeri
HCS33 Ebrama (mountain), see under Hosaina 07/37 [WO]
-- Ebsana, Yebsana, name of an Arsi Oromo tribe
JCN06c Ebsana 07/40 [Wa]
HDP27 Ebu 1010'/3620' 1542 m 10/36 [Gz]
ebyet: ibyet (ibyät) (T) magnificence
HDS10 Ebyeta Iyesus (Ebieta Jesus) 1006'/3735' 1176 m 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
JCL82 Ecal, see Ekal
echa (O) /place:/ where; /question:/ from where?
HFE76c Echa (Eccia) (mountain) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HET07 Echelva, see Ekelva
HD... Echerri (Etsherri) 09/37 [+ 18]
GCT.? Echeway, a place in the Gambela region 08/34 [20]
HER79 Echimcha (Ecimcia) (hill) 1319'/3725' 2260 m 13/37 [Gz]
HDB77 Econu, see Ekonu
eda (A) female buffalo; (O) last night; ida (A,T) debt;
cf Ali as first part of name
JEB50 Eda Ali (area) 810 m 11/40 [WO]
HFE62 Eda Giyorgis (Edda Giorgis) 1408'/3842' 14/38 [+ x]
HFF72 Edaga Hamus (Eddaga H.), see Idaga Hamus
HFD46c Edaga Hebret, see Idaga Hebret
HF... Edaga Selus, see Debre Genet
HFE57 Edagarbi (Edaga Arbi), see Idaga Arbi
Heu.. Edahara, see also Amba Aradam 13/36 [It]
HET79 Edai 1323'/3916' 1911 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HE... Edda Moheny 12/39 [18]
JEA88 Eddeisa (area) 11/40 [WO]
?? Eddir (historically recorded in the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
eddo, edde (O) place, post; eeddo (Som) aunt, father's sister;
edo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
HCK86 Eddo (area) 07/38 [WO]
eddu, edduu (O) many, much
HFF72 Edega, see Idaga Hamus
edelo: idela (idäla) (T) distribution
JFA23 Edelo 1345'/4004' 634 m 13/40 [WO Ne Gz]
HEK57 Ederseku, see Aderseg
JCT55 Edgalol (mountain) 07/43 [WO]
HDF81 Edget Behebret, see Idget Behibret
edmo: idmo (A) fence /of church/, churchyard
HET29 Edno 1252'/3917' 2090 m 13/39 [WO Gz]
GCU93 Edremo 0805'/3440' 805 m 08/34 [WO Gz]
HDK16 Edricha (Edriccia) (area) peak 3198 m 09/38 [+ WO]
HCD21 Edulei (Eduley) (mountain) 0539'/3740' 1568 m 05/37 [Gz]
HDG06 Eera, see Aira, cf Era
HDM85 Efat, see Yifat
HDL82 Eferso 09/38 [AA]
Efeson, also a name for the Blue Nile
HDU47 Efeson (Efezon) (with sub-post office) 10/39 [Gz MS Ad Br]
MS: 1020'/4000'; Gz: 1021'/3958'
Coordinates are on the border between HDU47 and JDN42.
(centre at least 1969-1980 of Tegulet & Bulga awraja
and in 1964 of Wegama sub-district),
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
4SW Bergibi kebele
7SW Yimlewa kebele
10SW Alala Aman Gebeya kebele
10SW Ambo Ber kebele
5W Sar Amba kebele
10W Mehal Wenz kebele
5NW Kara Legoma kebele
7NW Hora Dildiy kebele
8N Kara Kore (Koraqoré) settlement
JDN22 Efeson (Effeson), see Ataye
?? Effer (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HEC77 Efisa Maryam (village with church) 11/37 [+ It]
efrata: ifret (ifrät) (A) humiliation, embarrassment, shame
HDU65 Efrata (Ifrata, Ephratta) historical region 10/39 [Ad Ha WO x]
(centre in 1964 of Betlehem sub-district)
with church Samre Kristos and ruins from the 1600s
HDU6. Efrata & Gidim wereda 10/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural and 4 urban kebeles among which
Adis Alem, Agam Ber, Alala Aman, Ambo Ber, Arso Amba Magna,
Ashkway, Bergibi, Dije & Denb, Dulit & Gedera, Hora Dildiy,
Jet & Genjet, Kori Meda, Layigna Ataye, Lulge Seret, Mehal Wenz,
Miramir, Sar Amba, Sherefa, Silelo, Wegama & Bashra, Wetaga, Yeg
&Serdo, Yegelda, Yimlewa, Zonbo & Set Amba
HDU6. Efrata & Jile sub-district (Efrete Jillee ..) (-1997-) 10/39 [n]
HDU66 Efrata wereda (centre in 1964 = Karakore) 10/39 [Ad]
HDC37 Egan (mountain) 0825'/3716' 2935/3075 m 08/37 [WO Gu Gz]
JBS00 Egarrou 04/42 [WO]
HBL24 Egder (area) 03/38 [WO]
HBL35 Egder, see El Egder
egdu (O) guard, watchman, protector
HDM20 Egdu (mountain) 0917'/3918' 2543 m 09/39 [Gu Gz]
HDM30 Egdu kebele (Égdu ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda at its northern
border, 6-11 km west-northwest of Koremash; area 1,168 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC79 Egeber Biyesiey (Eghever Biesiei) 11/37 [+ It]
(area east and north of the Abay)
?? Egeladi (town with a fort, in Ogaden) ../.. [x]
HFE87c Egella 14/39 [n]
eger a..: eger (O) afterwards, later; igir (A) foot, leg;
ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JEH09 Eger Ale (Egher Ale) (area) 836 m 11/41 [+ WO]
egere (O) hillock, knoll
HDE69 Egere Gheorghis, see Ejere Giyorgis
egersa (O) kind of medium-sized tree, brown olive, Olea africana
Egersa, see many under Ejersa
HDL57 Egersa 0931'/3905' 2575 m 09/39 [Gz]
JCP90 Egersa (Eghersa), see Kore
JDB01c Egersa 08/40 [Wa]
JCE34 Egey (Eghei) (hill) 0546'/4351' 05/43 [+ WO Gz]
HFE.. Eggala (historical area at Debre Damo) 14/39 [x]
HDD06 Eggia, see Fiyat
HDD07 Eggia, see Ejja
HEU03 Eggira, see Jijira
HEM04 Eggiu Galla, see Ejju
JCE34 Eghei, see Egey
JDP06 Egheli, see Ejeli
JEH09 Egher Ale, see Eger Ale
JDD27 Eghi, see Egi
HEU83 Eghir Eriva, see Egir Eriva
HEU92 Eghir Erive, see Igre Hariba
egi (O) since /a point in time/
JDK88 Egi (Eghi, Egu) 0951'/4315' 1700 m 09/43 [Gz WO]
(mountain partly in Somalia)
HDD06 Egia, see Fiyat
JDB09 Egia Caua, see Eja Kawa
JDJ47 Egiasagor, see Ejasagor
?? Egir Dembech (on map of 1814) 13/37 [+ 18]
HEU83 Egir Eriva (Eghir E.) 1328'/3940' 2488 m 13/39 [+ Gz]
HEU92 Egir Erive (Eghir E.), see Igre Hariba
HDS23 Egiube, see Yewish
JDR97 Egle (mountain) 1046'/4218' 732 m 10/42 [Gz]
?? Egna Sefer (with sub-post office under Nekemte) ../.. [Po]
egoghi b..: bad (Som) sea; baad (Som) 1. good pasture;
2. tribute, tax; bad (Afar) lake
JEP64 Egoghi Bad (Egogi), see Afrera
GD... Egogurmuz kebele, west of Begi 09/34 [20]
H.... Egora 10/37 [Gu]
egra koma: koma (O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qoomaa) instant killing;
(A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree
JEB72 Egra Koma (Egra Coma) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JEH74 Egralta (Egralita), see Gedelu
JEJ74 Egrasua (hill) 1228'/4050' 12/41 [WO Gz]
JEH39 Egrawle (Egraule) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
JEH91 Egreri (volcanic area) 1236'/4050' 12/40 [WO Gz]
JEP03 Egreri (with waterhole, boiling spring) 12/40 [WO]
JEJ63 Egresongo (area) 12/41 [WO]
HF... Egri Tokan (E. Tocan) (mountain) 2471 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HDD37 Egu (mountain) 0822'/3811' 2377 m, 08/38 [Gu Gz]
see under Kombolcha
HDJ14 Egu (area) 09/36 [WO]
JCP24 Egu 07/41 [WO]
JDJ45 Egu, see under Kombolcha 09/42 [WO]
JDJ54 Egu 0931'/4201' 09/42 [Gz]
JDK88 Egu, see Egi
HDG.. Egu Debeka, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Egu Ileke, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDM.. Eguba (Egouba) (in Tegulet area, known in 1400s) 09/39 [+ x]
HDN88 Egzau 1045'/3532' 1278 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
egzi'a beher, name of God already in Aksumitic time
HEK31 Egziabher Ab (ruin at lake Tana), cf Igziabihir 12/37 [Ch]
GCU22 Egziabher Dildiy 07/34 [x]
(Ezghierdildil, 'God's bridge')
Natural bridge over the Gilo (Bako) river.
HEJ85c Egziaver, cf Gunter Egziaverab 12/37 [Gu]
JDG64 Ehayli (Ehaili) (area) 816 m 09/40 [+ WO]
JDH71 Ehnforo, see Otenforo
HDA08c Ehud Gabaia, see Ihud Gebeya
JDD33 Ei Dabat, see Ey Dabat
HEJ69 Eia Abo, see Eya Abo
JFA35 Eiarre, see Eyere
JEB10 Eidele, see Eydele
HCC31 Eifa (area) 05/36 [WO]
HEK32 Eifag, see Yifag 05/36 [WO]
HEU.. Eikallet (Eicallet) (narrow pass), 13/39 [+ It]
see also under Amba Aradam
HBM57 Eil Chillako 04/39 [It]
eil ga..: garas (Som) shade-tree with edible fruit, Dobera glabra
KCR46 Eil Garas 0738'/4715' 536 m 07/47 [Gz]
-- eil w..: Waji, a clan of the Oromo
HBS44 Eil Waji, see El Waji
HET57 Eila, see Adi Tsegibna
JCP.. Einage (ravine with rock panel) 07/40 [x]
(not far from Dirre/Shek Husen)
JDP62 Einar (area) 10/40 [WO]
-- Eja, name of a group among the Gurage;
qaw (Som) gorge, ravine;
kawa (qawa) (A) brigand's hideaway in a forest;
kawwa (qawwa) (A) kind of shrub, Grewia mollis;
kawa (O) 1. any opening in a wall; kawwa 2. leg ulcer;
qawwaa (O) coffee; qaawwa (O) shortage of food or money
JDB09 Eja Kawa (Egia Caua) (area) 1419 m 08/41 [+ WO]
HDC97 Ejaje (Ejaji), see Ijaji

JCP91 Ejarsa, see Kore

JDJ47 Ejarso Goro, see Ejersa Goro
JDJ47 Ejasagor (Egiasagor) (well) 09/42 [+ WO]
JDH97 Ejegna (Ejeg'na) 09/41 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Erer sub-district)
HDC97 Ejejo, see Ijaji
JDP06 Ejeli (Egheli) 751 m 09/41 [LM WO]

HCS84 Ejer 0803'/3757' 2435 m 08/37 [n]

ejere (O) kind of tall slender plant
HDE79 Ejere 0847'/3916' 2202 m 08/39? [Gz Ad]
(in Yerer & Kereyu awraja)
HDL91 Ejere (Ejerie) 0955'/3831' 2353 m 09/38 [AA Gz Po Ad]
(place 1 km across, with church K'irk'os)
(visiting postman under A.Abeba)
(centre in 1964 of Debegojo sub-district)
?? Ejere Albela (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDL91 Ejere Bonja 0952'/3833' 2805 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
ejere f..: fincha, finchaa (O) waterfall, cataract
?? Ejere Finchaa (E. Finchewa) ../.. [+ Po]
(visiting postman under Nazret)
HDE69 Ejere Giyorgis (Egere Gheorghis, church) 08/39 [LM WO Gz]
0843'/3914' 2206 m
?? Ejere Jebdu (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
ejere l..: lafto (O) acacia tree, Acacia lahai, A. sieberiana, etc.
?? Ejere Lafto (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDL91? Ejere wereda (Ejerie .., Addis Alem ..) 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 54 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HDD99 Ejerie, see Addis Alem
ejersa (O) kind of medium-sized tree, brown olive,
Olea africana /symbolically also: man/
HDD40 Ejersa 0832'/3735' 1853 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDE37 Ejersa 0829'/3904' 1629 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDE82 Ejersa (mountain), cf Egersa 08/38 [x]
HDE83 Ejersa (village) 08/38 [x]
HDE86 Ejersa 0856'/3858' 2631 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK96 Ejersa 0955'/3803' 1599 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDK99 Ejersa 0956'/3820' 2491 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDL41 Ejersa 0927'/3831' 2466 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Ejersa 0933'/3847' 2639 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL72 Ejersa 0943'/3841' 2823 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT00 Ejersa 1000'/3825' 1994 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEF66 Ejersa 1126'/3953' 1637 m 11/39 [Gz]
JD... Ejersa (in Harar awraja) 09/42? [Ad]
JDH57c Ejersa (Egersa) (village, ruins nearby) 09/41 [+ Gu]
ejersa a..: awaare (Som) dust
HDL31 Ejersa Awara (Ejersa) 0921'/3831' 2747 m 09/38 [Gz]
ejersa d..: dera, deeraa (O) long, tall; slow;
dera (dära) (A) grass used for thatching roofs
HDE41 Ejersa Dera (Garbo) 0835'/3835' 2217 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL89 Ejersa & Egu kebele (Éjersa & Égu ..] 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda touching
its northern border, 4-7 km north-northeast of Deneba and
10-15 km south-southeast of Inewari; area 1,298 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ejersa g..: goro (O) wild rose shrub; goorro (O) partition in
a house, door opening inside a hut; goro (A) young elephant
JDJ47 Ejersa Goro (Ejersagoro, Ejarso Goro, Giarsagoro) 09/42 [Gz MS 20 Gu]
0929'/4214' 2780 m (with church Kidane Mihret)
ejersa jara, big olive tree; jara (O) 1. big, huge;
2. they, people;
jarra (O) Oromo ceremony every eight years
HDL60 Ejersa Jara (Gurrale) 0938'/3830' 2162 m 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
HDL30 Ejersa Jebole 0922'/3825' 2649 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
ejersa k..: kawo (O) 1. difficulty, problem;
2. title of local chief
HDL73 Ejersa Kawo (Ejersa) 0943'/3841' 2823 m 09/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south-west of Fiche
HEF64 Ejersa kebele (Èjärsa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western central Were Babo wereda reaching its north-western
border, 11-16 km north-east of lake Hayk; area 2,662 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL88 Ejersa & Kubeti kebele (Éjärsa & Qubäti ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its northern border,
8-11 km south-southeast of Inewari; area 1,221 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ejersa lef.: lafo (O) pedestrian, walker, foot soldier
HDD99 Ejersa Lefo (Erjersa L., Agarsa Lafu) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0902'/3819' 2277 m
(with church Giyorgis), see under Addis Alem
HDD98 Ejersa Lefo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Welenkomi) 09/38 [Ad]
ejersa lele: lele (O) 1. (lelee) hang down gracefully, like
curly hair with beads; 2. (leelee) dirt; leelii (O) night
HDE13 Ejersa Lele (E. Leli) 0815'/3841' 1813 m 08/38 [Ad Gz]
JDJ55 Ejersagoro, see Ejersa Goro
ejerso ti..: tiki, tiqii (O) a grudge
HDB24 Ejerso Tiki (E. T'iki, Babessa, Babesso) 08/36 [Gz WO]
0824/3604' 1925 m
HDT58 Ejerti 1026'/3913' 2557 m 10/39 [Gz]
ejja, ejjaa (O) 'foot' or 'leg': the part on which one stands idly
HDD06 Ejja (Eggia) (area) 2541 m 08/38 [+ WO]
HDD07 Ejja (Eggia) 08/38 [+ WO]
ejju (O) to stand idly; gala, gaala (O) camel;
Galla (A) Oromo
HEF96 Ejju Galla (Eggiu Galla) (area) 11/39 [+ WO]
JCL82 Ekal (Ecal) (area) 07/43 [WO]
HBP02 Ekayipirr (area where 3 countries meet) 04/35 [WO]
HET07 Ekelva (Echelva) 13/39 [+ Gu]
eko, eqqo (O) suprahuman spirit connected with natural
phenomena, dwelling in trees and rivers, able to possess people
HDL33 Eko 09/38 [AA]
HDB77 Ekonu (Econu) (mountain) 08/36 [+ WO]
el (O) water; (Som) well
JDD75 El Abosa 0853'/4258' 1625 m 08/42 [Gz]
KCA14 El Abred (El Habred, Elabered) 05/45 [Gz WO Wa x]
0530'/4513' 430 m (with seasonal waterhole)
with sub-post office
Coordinates would give map code KCA04
HBU97 El Ade (area) 05/39 [WO]
el ader.: adeer (Som) uncle, father's brother;
adera (ad'era) (A) kind of yucca-like tree
HBM76 El Adera, see El Dera
JBT50 El Adeyle (El Adeile) (waterhole) 05/43 [+ WO]
JBU73 El Afwen (El Afuen) (waterhole) 05/44 [+ WO]
JBT61 El Afiere, see El Bioba
JBT30 El Agable (waterhole) 0453'/4329' 395 m 04/43 [WO]
el ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JEA54 El Ali (waterhole) 950 m 11/40 [MS WO]
el ango: ango, aangoo (O) physical strength
HBM76 El Ango 0417'/3956' 1156 m 04/39 [Gz]
el ankollon: ankola (O) large gourd cup
JCF81 El Ankollon (El Ancollon, Ballam Ballei) 06/44 [+ WO]
el ararei: araray (A) liturgical chant, especially
a kind devoted to the Holy Spirit
JBT64 El Ararei (El Hararei) (seasonal waterhole) 05/43 [WO Gz]
0504'/4347' 471 m
JBT62 El Aven 05/43 [WO]
el awa..: awaare (Som) dust
JCF46 El Awarre (El Auarre, Auarre) (area and hill) 05/44 [+ WO Gz Gu]
el bah: bah (Som) 1. high caste person; 2. children of the
same mother; 3. the star constellation Pleiades
JDJ73 El Bah (El Bahe) 0949'/4145' 824/938/1094 m 09/41 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
railway station 20-30 km north of Dire Dawa.
JDK44 El Bahai (El Bhai, Elbeyih) (with geodetic base) 09/42 [WO Gu Gz]
0923'/4251' 1614/1703 m, see under Jijiga
JDK70 El Bahai (El Bhai) 09/43 [Gu]
KCG39 El Bahai (area) 06/45 [WO]
KCR17 El Bahai 0725'/4715' 449 m 07/47 [WO Gz]
JBS61 El Bahid (El Bai) 0508'/4239' 474 m 05/42 [WO Gz]
el balli ..: balli (O) feather, wing; addo (O)/several meanings/
JCF85 El Balli Addo (seasonal waterhole) 06/44 [MS WO]
JBJ77 El Bangol (waterhole) 0416'/4216' 225 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
el bar: baar (Som) peak; bar (Som) livestock;
/further meanings of bar see at Bar Abir/
JBT69 El Bar 0508'/4417' 316 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JBT89
JCC76 El Bar (Er Bar) 0606'/4213' 829 m 06/42 [Gz WO MS]
JCD03 El Barkle (El Barchile) 0527'/4249' 591 m 05/42 [MS WO Gz]
el b..: baro (O) good, be beautiful, wonderful;
(Som) home, home surroundings; (Kefa) maize
HBS49 El Baro 0458'/3819' 1578 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
el ba..: barre, baarree (O) large gourd;
Barre (Som) nickname for someone with freckles
JCB04 El Barre (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
el bay: bay (Som) she; Baay, region in south-west Somalia
JBR59 El Bay (El Bai) 05/42 [+ WO]
HEP00 El Begaiya 1240'/3542' 529 m 12/35 [WO Gz]
JBT60 El Behid (El Behit) 0507'/4328' 457 m 05/43 [WO Gz Gu Wa]
(wide plain & wells)
JBT42c El Beyt (El Beit) 04/43 [+ Wa]
JDK44 El Bhai, see Elbeyih
JBS00 El Bio Addo 0437'/4234' 342 m 04/42 [Gz]
el biob.: biyo (Som) water; biyoob (Som) become watery
JBT61 El Bioba (El Bi'oba, El Biyoba) 0504'/4332' 441 m 05/43 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JBT60
JDS32 El Boldo 1016'/4246' 1124 m 10/42 [Gz]
el bor..: borbor meret (A) grey soil, eroded by water
HBL66 El Borbor (with prehistoric well used by Borana) 04/38 [WO x]
JBT60 El Borle (waterhole) 05/43 [MS WO]
el bur..: burra (O) "umbrella" acacia
JDC68 El Burra (area) 08/42 [WO]
el buto: buto (Som) small plant with edible roots;
(O) 1. wide, broad /like an oar/; 2. small quantity
/of solid substance/
HBR37 El Buto (area) 04/37 [WO]
JBS46 El Candar, see El Gandar
JCC45 El Carre, see El Kere
HBU86 El Curcalla, see El Kurkalla
HBM53 El Curraia, see Kurraya
el dan..: danab (Som) thunderbolt, thunder
HDN73 El Danab (Daneb) (mountain) 1041'/3504' 662 m, 10/35 [WO Gz]
cf Danab
el daror: darroor (Som) seeping water, leakage
JBT40 El Daror (waterhole) 04/43 [WO]
JBP81 El Daud (spring), see Filtu
JCC35 El Davole (Daboli JCC25) 0543'/4205' 502/677 m 05/42 [WO Gz]
JBJ96 El Debb (waterhole) 0431'/4210' 256 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
el der: dheer (Som) tall, long, deep
JCL72 El Der 0701'/4340' 764 m 07/43 [Gz]
HBM75 El Dera (El Adera) 0415'/3950' 1043 m 04/39 [Gz WO]
(with seasonal waterhole), WO at HBM76
el dere: dheeree (Som) flow of a river, rush, go quickly;
dere (A) a kind of acacia; (Afar) far away, long
JBR66 El Dere (Eldere, Elderi) (with large salines) 05/42 [Gz WO Mi Gu]
0506'/4213' 312 m
JBS67 El Dere (Elderi) 0507'/4310' 448 m 05/43 [Gz]
JCC93 El Dere (area) 06/41 [WO]
el dim.: dima, diimaa (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides; 3. baobab
large tree, Adansonia digitata
HBE89 El Dima (Gara El Dima) 0330'/3913' 917 m 03/39 [Gz]
(on the Kenya border)
HBJ86 El Dima 0425'/3706' 1175 m, see also Dima 04/37 [WO Gu Gz]
(near the Kenya border, with waterhole)
Coordinates would give map code HBJ85
HBJ92 El Dima 0428'/3653' 612 m 04/36 [WO Gz]
(mountain on the Kenya border)
JCC13 El Dima (Eldima) 0532'/4154' 383 m 05/41 [+ Gz]
KBN96 El Dinle (with seasonal waterhole) 0525'/4525' 05/45 [WO Wa Gz]
el dokolle: dhoqol (Som) small milk-vessel
HBK75 El Dokolle (El Docolle) (waterhole) 0418'/3759' 04/37 [WO Gz]
HBK76 El Dokolle (area) 04/38 [WO]
el don..: donfar (Som) pig, pork
JBT58 El Donfar 0503'/4409' 391 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
el dor.: doro (A) dooro (Som) chicken, hen
HBR45 El Doro (hill) 1615 m, cf Eli Doro 04/37 [WO]
el dum.. ..: omos (Som) waterless place
JBT42 El Dumashi Omez (El Dumasci Omez) 04/43 [+ WO]
el dur.: duri (O) lion's mane; dhuuri (Som) ache, pain
JCS84 El Duri (area) 07/42 [WO]
JBU41 El Durrey (El Durrei) (waterhole) 04/44 [+ WO]
HBL35 El Egder (Egder) (with prehistoric well) 03/38 [WO x]
HFC71 El Egmin (area) 14/36 [WO]
el fa..: faddi (Som) kind of gift
JBU50 El Faddi (waterhole) 04/44 [WO]
JDJ.. El Faddis (near Harar, plain with cultivation) 09/42 [x]
JCK22 El Fardig (El Fardi) 0631'/4242' 522 m 06/42 [Gz]
HDK15 El Feta, see Ilfeta HDK05
JEC00 El Fofye (El Fofie, El Fofle) (with well) 11/41 [+ Gu WO]
JCS03 El Fud (with well) 0715'/4252' 852 m 07/42 [WO Gz]
JCS04 El Fud (area) 07/42 [WO]
el fu..: furda (O) gross, fat, obese, pregnant
KCJ51 El Furdan 0652'/4640' 389 m 06/46 [WO Gz]
JBU73 El Furruc (waterhole) 0514'/4435' 217 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
JDD70 El Gaap (area) 08/42 [WO]
el gab: gaab (Som) small, short; gab (Som) leave undone
JCS83 El Gab (well) 08/42 [WO]
el gabaro: gabaro (O) men not being "pure" Oromo
JCS88 El Gabaro 0802'/4318' 994 m 08/43 [Gz]
JDC99 El Gaboya, see Elgobeya
el gaf.: gafo, gaafoo (O) part of python's body (believed
to be used by wicked persons to cause drought);
gaafo (Som) plenty
KCG66 El Gafo, see under Warder 06/45 [WO]
HBL61 El Gai (seasonal well, salt mine), cf Gayu 04/38 [WO Gz]
0413'/3833' 1475 m
el gan..: ganda (O) village, district
JBS46 El Gandar (El Candar, El Gondar) 04/43 [WO Gz]
0454'/4305' or 45', 423/487 m
JBJ86 El Gandor (El Gundor) 0424'/4212' 229 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
el gara...: garas (Som) kind of shade tree
JBU44 El Garasle (waterhole) 0455'/4433' 280 m 04/44 [WO Gz]
very near the border of Somalia
el garr.: garo (Som) understand, know, recognize
HBR48 El Garro (area) 04/37 [WO]
JDD75 El Garrora 0851'/4301' 1578 m 08/43 [Gz]
?? El Gayu, see Gayu? ../.. [x]
JBT50 El Gigle, see El Jigle
HBK85 El Gobso (waterhole) 04/37 [WO]
el gof: goof (O?) 1. dried-up well, dry river;
2. eroded land; 3. grazing land, farm site
HBL27 El Gof (Gofa), MS: 0400'/3905' = HBL47 04/39 [MS WO Gz]
Gz & WO: 0352'/3904' = HBL27, 1109 m
(with seasonal well and police camp)
el golb.: golbo, golboo (O) 1. curved; 2. hollow, bowl-shaped
JBN19 El Golbo 0440'/4038' 04/40 [WO Gz]
el golo..: gololcha (O) kind of thorn tree, Acacia sp.
HBK56 El Gololcho (El Gololcio, Gololcha) 04/38 [Gz WO]
0408'/3807' 1803 m (with seasonal waterhole)
KCH30 El Goluen 0641/4543' 481 m 06/45 [WO Gz]
JBS46 El Gondar, see El Gandar
el gor..: gorana (O) 1. dome-shaped roof structure under
the thatch; 2. place in a house where the animals sleep
JDU50 El Goran, see El Koran
HEH53 El Gulut (Sheikh Halal) (village) 1218'/3557' 733 m 12/35 [Gz Gu WO]
on the bank of river Afar, with water in wells
el gum.: gumo (O) something round
HBJ89 El Gumu (former Italian fort near Kenya) 04/37 [WO]
JBJ86 El Gundor, see El Gandor
el gur.: gura (O) 1. reputation; 2. grimace; 3. Rubus pinnatus;
guraa (O) ear; gurha (eastern O) kind of thorn tree,
Acacia sieberiana; gura (A) boasting, bragging
HBT52 El Gura 0501'/3841' 1222 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
KCA14 El Habred, see El Abred
HEU.. El Haji (El Hadje, same as Amba Haji?) 13/39 [+ 18]
a stronghold about 35 km from Antalo, with state prisoners
JCE24 El Hararei, see El Ararei
HDE48c El Harrar, 08/38 [x]
near at the railway Nazret-Mojo
el her: her (Som) noon; heer (Som) 1. wound; 2. class, rank;
xeer (Som) 1. long rope; 2. custom, rule, regulation
JCC28 El Her, see El Kure
HBL11 El Hichunne (well) 03/38 [WO]
HBK53 El Hobodda, see Hobodda
HBJ87 El Hobok (Hobok, Obok) (with well) 04/37 [MS WO]
JCC28 El Hure, see El Kure
el ja..: jara (O) 1. (jaaraa) big, huge; 2. they, people;
jarra (O) ceremony observed every eight years by the Oromo
JBG93 El Jara (El Giarra) (border locality) 04/40 [WO Gu]
at the foot of a bur (hill) with the same name
JBT50 El Jigle (El Gigle) (with waterhole) 05/43 [+ WO]
el kand..: qandhar (Som) stubborn person
JBT43 El Kandar (El Candar) 04/43 [+ WO]
el kans.: qaanso (Som) bow /for arrows/, arch;
kansi (Som) treasure
KCS50 El Kanso (area) 07/47 [WO]
JBU74 El Kawo (Elo Cau) 0514'/4441' 229 m 05/44 [Gz WO]
opposite Mustahil at Webi Shebele river
JCC45 El Kene, see El Kere
JCC45 El Kere (El Carre, Elkere, Elekere, El Kene) 05/42 [Gz WO Po Ad]
MS: 0540'/4205' = JCC25; Gz: 0551'/4206' = JCC45, 899 m
(ctr of El Kere awraja from 1984 and of El Kere wereda from 1991)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Gerirre (Gherirre) (area) 899 m
5S El Mara (village)
10S Shantele (Bur Sciantele) (area)
8W Bila (Dila, Gherire) (village) 899 m
7NW Kaddas (Bur Kaddas) (area)
JCD03 El Kere awraja & wereda (Elkere .., El Kerre ..) 05/42 [Gz Ad x]
0530'/4250' (centre -1964-1980- = El Kere)
El Kere awraja was replaced in 1991 by Afder Zone
and El Kere wereda.
JBU50 El Koran (El K'oran, El Goran) 05/44 [Gz WO Wa]
0501'/4418' 365/410 m
el kun..: cune (Som) throat; eater
HBR47 El Kunei (waterhole) 04/37 [MS WO]
el kure: curre (Som) male cat; kure (A) pond, pool
JCC28 El Kure (El Her, El Hure) 05/42 [Gz LM WO]
0541'/4221' 550/684 m
HBU86 El Kurkalla (El Curcalla) 0520'/3952' 1363 m 05/39 [+ WO]
HBM43 El Kurraya (El Curraia) (with seasonal waterhole) 04/39 [+ MS WO]
el leh: -leh (Som) having, which has
HBL18 El Leh (El Le, Lei, Elleh) 0346'/3914' 1059 m 03/39 [Gz WO]
(with prehistoric well and army camp)
JBS56 El Levile 05/43 [WO]
JBS23 El Mallaile, see El Melhale
el mar.: mara (O) crown, diadem; marah (Som) thorn tree;
marra (O) grass
JCC35 El Mara, see under El Kere 05/42 [WO]
JBN13 El Medera 0440'/4008' 1246 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
el med.: medo (A) comb; meddo (Som/H.Salt) black
JCC21 El Medo (El Mendo, Ela Medo, Elomedo, Medo) 05/41 [Gz WO Gu]
0539'/4147' 382/420 m (resettlement village in the 1990s)
JBS99 El Medo wereda (Helmedo ..) 05/43 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Argeliye)
HBL21 El Melbana (Melbana) (with prehistoric well) 03/38 [WO x]
JBS23 El Melhale (El Mallaile, Mallaile, Melele) 04/42 [MS WO Gz LM]
0447'/4247' 398 m
JBT57 El Merer (waterhole) 0501'/4407' 405 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
JBS92 El Migir 0522'/4242' 585 m 05/42 [Gz]
JCT60 El Nah (El Nab) 0747'/4329' 916 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HBU07 El Niybo (El Niabo, Niabo) 0433'/3958' 1190 m 04/39 [Gz WO Wa]
el o..: obo (O) 1. donkey; 2. vessel, bowl, cup
JDD80 El Obo (well) 0852'/4233' 1211 m 08/42 [WO Gz]
KCH31 El Rago 0638'/4547' 471 m 06/45 [WO Gz]
el rar.: rare (O) swamp, bog;
rare, raaree (O) pool of stagnant water
JCC32 El Rari (seasonal waterhole) 05/41 [MS WO]
el rok.: roka, roqa (A,O) kinds of tree,
Tamarindus indica, Trichilia roka
JCC75 El Roka (El Roca) 06/42 [+ WO]
HBK48 El Ronso (Romtso) 0401'/3817' 1574 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
with important well
el sai.: sayid (Som) leader, shariif, excellency
JBP95 El Said (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
JDC59 El Sali (area) 08/42 [WO]
el sam..: samantar (Som) doer of good, philanthropist
JCM22 El Samantar (Ital: Posto al Sole) (seasonal waterhole) 06/44 [MS WO Gu]
HBK69 El Sod (with salines) 0412'/3824' 1449 m, cf Soda 04/38 [WO Gu Gz]
el su..: suga (O) food that agrees with one's body
JCF32 El Suga (waterhole) 05/44 [WO]
el taib..: taa'ib (Som) penitent who seeks God's forgiveness
HFB29 El Taibar (with seasonal well) 13/36 [MS WO]
JDC46 El Tatai (area) 08/42 [WO]
JCC37 El Taulei 0545'/4216' 706 m 05/42 [WO Gz]
JBN36 El Tigabe 04/40 [WO]
HBS44 El Uaic (El Uaie), see El Waji
JCC48 El Uak, see El Wak & JCH59
JCH59 El Ualit, see El Wak
JCC07 El Ueguet, see El Weket
JDR92 El Veli (El Ueli) (waterholes/wells) 10/41 [MS WO Gu]
el waj.: waji (Som) face; wajih (Som) confront
HBS44 El Waji (Eil Waji, El Uaie) (seasonal waterhole) 04/37 [WO Gz Wa]
0455'/3756' 1440 m

el wak: wak (waq) (O) sky; Waq, Waaq (Som) God;

there is also one El Wak in Kenya at 0248'/4055'
HBE98 El Wak (El Waa) (mountain) 0334'/3909' 1196 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
JCC48 El Wak (El Uak) 0552'/4222' 738 m 05/42 [LM WO Gz]
JCH59 El Wak (El Uak, El Ualit) (area) 06/41 [+ WO Gz]
0651'/4135' 1030/1559 m
?? El Web (with well) ../.. [x]
JCC07 El Weget (El Wegwet, El Weguet, El Ueguet) 05/42 [20 WO Gz x]
0527'/4219' 458 m
?? El Weha (sub-post office under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
JBJ67 El Yahen (El Iahen) (waterhole) 04/42 [+ WO]
ela (A) well, cistern; ela, eela (O) 1. clear and clean
water; 2. (Borana O) excavated well, often very deep;
3. grave; eelaa (O) very heavy /load/;
ela, ila (O) here, there /place pointed at/
HCC81 Ela (Iela) 0616'/3643' 2010 m 06/36 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HCC91
HC... Ela, east of Duro in the lake region 07/38? [x]
HDK38 Ela 0920'/3818' 2608 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JEP23 Ela (mountain peak) 1251'/4058' 21 m 12/40 [Gz]
HCD19 Ela Addi (valley 20 km SE of Agere Maryam), 05/38 [Mi]
cf El Ade
JDH52 Ela Bella (Ela Balla), see Elabella
HFC16c Ela Faredam (seasonal well) 05/39 [Gu]
ela fre..: ferenji, faranji (Som) non-Islamic European person
JBR14 Ela Frenji (Ela Frengi) 04/42 [+ WO]
ela h..: hamara (O) falcon
JDK65 Ela Hamar 0938'/4302' 1668 m 09/43 [Gz]
-- /there are several ethnic groups Hamar/
ela kall.: kallo (O) (qallo) thin; (qalloo) of small diameter;
qalo (Som) sacrifice; kalo, kaloo (O) 1. grass, grazing area;
2. belly of sheep or goat; inaccessible
JEN53 Ela Kallo (Ela Callo) 1306'/4000' 1676 m 13/40 [+ WO Gz]
ela ko..: koma (O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qoomaa) instant killing;
(A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree
JEB98 Ela Koma (Ela Coma, Coma) (area) 11/41 [+ WO Gu]
JCC21 Ela Medo, see El Medo
JCN49 Ela Mio, see Mio
HBS62 Ela Negelli (Ela Neghelli) (well) 05/37 [+ WO]
?? Ela Oda (village at some distance from Harar) 09/42 [+ 18]
HDK38? Ela wereda (Konta ..) 09/38? [Ad]
centre in 2005 = Ameya
(-1994-) is divided into 43 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JDH52 Elabella (G. Elaballa, Ela Balla) 09/40 [Gz WO x]
0933'/4110' 1037 m
KCA14 Elabered, see El Abred
JDK53 Elahmar 0931'/4237' 1936 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEC18 Elakal (Elacal) (plateau) 10/42 [+ WO]
H.... Elamale, see Aymellel
HCT.. Elamale, see Alamale
JDS81 Elan 1043'/4240' 732 m, cf Ellan 10/42 [Gu Gz]
JDJ.. Elanuggi (on map of 1814), westwards from Harar 09/41 [18]
JDK84 Elbahe (area), cf El Bah 09/42 [WO]
JCJ88c Elbakol 07/42 [Wa]
JDK44 Elbeyih (El Bahai) 0923'/4251' 1614/1703m 09/42 [Gz WO Gu]
(El Bhai) (with geodetic base), see under Jijiga
?? Elbu Cherecha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Eldae, see Elidae
JBR66 Eldere (Elderi), see El Dere
JCC13 Eldima 0532'/4154' 383 m, cf Dima, El Dima 05/41 [Gz]
ele b..: bor (O) tomorrow
?? Ele Bor (archaeological site at the border of Kenya) ../.. [n]
JDJ31 Eledi 0922'/4142' 2704 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDH69 Elejela 0940'/4135' 960 m, near map code JDJ60 09/41 [Gz]
JCC45 Elekere, see El Kere
elele: elella (O) kauri shell /symbolically also: woman/
HCL47 Elele (Elelle) 0938'/3903' 06/39 [Gz WO]
place 2656 m, area 3374 m
JDJ33 Elemo (Eliemo, Elemu) 0920'/4153' 1838/1960 m 08/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Duremi wereda), cf Alamu, Ilimo
HDB41 Elemu, see Ilimo
JEA28 Elen Dossa 1106'/4034' 495 m 11/40 [Gz]
JDC16 Elenadur, see Helenadur
JDS21 Eles (Ellis) (mountain) 1012'/4236' 1524/1595 m 10/42 [Gz WO]
HDM52 Elezeb, see Ilezeb
HET16 Elfenal 13/39 [It]
HEH06 Elfing Bar, see Ilfign Ber
HDF91 Elfios A. 09/39 [WO]
HBM44 Elgara, Gara (Hara Resia) (mountain) 04/39 [WO Gz]
0401'/3942' 934 m
?? Elgo (village on the road to Konso) ../.. [20]
JDC99 Elgobeya (Elgobia, El Gaboya) (with waterhole) 09/42 [MS Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCF94 Elgol (area) 06/39 [WO Gu]
HCM23 Elgole (Elgol) (locality) 0635'/3935' 06/39 [WO Gz]
eli (A) tortoise; dar (A) shore, coast; daar (Som) 1. stone
house; 2. ignite, strike; dar (Som) 1. water skin, trough;
2. people, ancestry; 3. dive; 4. reason
JEJ03 Eli Dar 1150'/4155' 11/41 [MS]
JEJ33c Eli Dar (Eli Daar, Elidar, Eli Dahar, Elidahar) 12/41 [MS 20 Po WO]
(Elida'ar) 1203'/4155' 418 m
(in Awssa awraja, with well to the north-east & sub-post office)
JEJ... Eli Dar wereda (Elidar ..) (-1997-2004-) 12/41 [20]
eli dor.: doro (A) chicken, hen; dooro (Som) chicken
?? Eli Doro (visiting postman under A.A.), cf El Doro ../.. [Po]
HCC69c Eli Gabriel (Eli Amara) (church) 06/37 [Gu]
JEA46 Eli Wiha (Eloa, Elua) 1115'/4022' 709/897 m 11/40 [Gz WO Gu]
JDK33 Eliare (area), see under Jijiga 09/42 [WO]
JEJ51 Elibba (area) 12/41 [WO]
JEJ33 Elidaar (Elida'ar), see Eli Dar
JDB87 Elidae (Eldae), in a valley with the same name 08/41 [WO Gu]
JEJ.. Elidahar (Elidar), see Eli Dar
HDB41 Eliemo, see Elemo
HDE25 Elin 0821'/3856' (plantation at Awash river) 08/38 [Gz]
JDH71 Elinforor, see Otenforo
Eliyas (Elis), a Biblical personal name used also in modern time
HDR49 Eliyas (Elyas, Elias, Debre E.) 1018'/3728' 2232 m 10/37 [Gz Ad WO 20]
(with sub-post office)
JCC45 Elkere, see El Kere
JDH52 Ellabella, see Elabella
HDT77 Ellada (locality) 1040'/3905' 10/39 [WO Gz]
HD... Ellale 2850 m 09/38? [Gu]
HBL23 Ellalek (D. Ellalec) (area) 03/38 [+ WO]
JCD90 Ellan (at Webi Shebele) 0620/4235' 424 m, cf Elan 06/42 [Wa Gz]
ellan, elan (Som) kind of shrub or small tree,
Lawsonia inermis; -leh (Som) having ..
KCG47 Ellanle 700 m 06/45 [WO]
elle dole: Dole = Dhool is given as a female name
in a Somali dictionary
JEC53 Elle Dole (area) 11/41 [WO]
HBL19 Elleh, see El Leh
JD... Elles (mountain) 09/43 [18]
ellin m..: medo (A) comb; meddo (Som/H.Salt) black
JCF03 Ellin Medo (mountain) 0528'/4432' 297 m 05/44 [WO Gu Gz]
JDS21 Ellis, see Eles
HBM33 Elloi (hill) 0357'/3938' 03/39 [WO Gz]
JCC73 Ellot (area) 06/41 [WO]
HCF06 Ellugena (Ellughena, Malca Lughena, Melka L.) 05/39 [+ WO Gz]
0527'/3954' 896 m
HDL56c Ellulee Jidda (recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
HBK58 Elmito (area), see under Mega 04/38 [WO]
elmo: elma (O) milking a cow; elmu, elmuu (O) to milk;
dheeree (Som) flow of a river, rush, go quickly
KCN36 Elmo Dere, see Danot (WO: KCN35 Danol + KCN36 Elmo Dere)
elo: eelo (Som) antelope, gazelle
JEJ33 Elo (well) 12/41 [MS WO]
JBU74 Elo Cau (Elo Kaw), see El Kawo
JEA46 Eloa (Elua), see Eli Wiha
J.... Elod (on top of a plateau, ambulance camp in 1936) 05/43 [x]
JCC21 Elomedo, see El Medo
HCS.. Elos, in Silti wereda 08/38 [20]
?? Elowaha, village north of Hadar, cf Eli Wiha 11/40 [n]
?? Eloya, village about 30 km from Yabela, with bridge ../.. [20]
HDT49 Elshama kebele (Élshama ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the south in central Jema wereda, 5-10 km
south-southeast of Debre Sina; area 1,252 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBL57 Eltoke, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HDM85 Eltoke kebele (Éltoké ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-east in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
8-12 km south-east of Debre Sina; area 1,252 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
elu, eelu (O) to load burden on an animal
Elu, see mainly Ilu
HDB..c Elu Aba Sambi (with school, in Ilubabor) 08/35 [x]
?? Elu wereda, see Ilu wereda
JEA46 Elua, see Eli Wiha
HBU33 Eluddoro, Gebel (mountain) 0448'/3938' 1221 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
?? Elwoha (Elowaha) 11/40 [20 n]
Afar village at the road from Mille toward Dessie
HDR39 Elyas, see Eliyas
HE... Emalar (village between Dangila and lake Tana) 11/36 [x]
?? Emamret (mountain) ../.. [18]
HEJ87 Emanuel, see Amanuel
HDL96 Emb, see Imb
emba: imba (T) mountain, medhin (T) Saviour of the world
HDK70 Embabo, see Imbabu
H.... Embahmedin, in Temben south/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
(archaeological site being a rock shelter 3 x 2.5 m and 4 m high)
HFD17 Embamadre, see Amba Madre
HDM42 Embarage, see Imbarage
HFF69 Embaseneiti, see Amba Seneytie
?? Embatkala (sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HDT70 Embeleti (mountain) 1037'/3825' 1995, 2425 m 10/38 [WO Gz]
?? Embelle (Muslim village in Wello) ../.. [x]
embert: imbirt (A) centre, navel, most important part
HDL99 Emberteia (area) 09/39 [WO]
HDL99 Emberteya, see Imbirtiya ..
HDL98 Embertera, A., see Golele
HEL64c Embes Ber (Embes-Bär), east of Amde Werk 12/38 [n]
embey..: imbeytey (T) madam
HFF91 Embeyto (Embeto, Embeito) 14/39 [LM Yo WO]
(in the 1980s in Sobiya wereda)
HDT27 Embi Belo, see Imbi Belo
HDT15 Embima, see Imbima
HDM93 Embissie, see under Sela Dingay 09/39 [WO]
HDM12 Embitata, see Imbitata
HCS94 Emdibir, see Indibir
HDU13 Emegwa, see Imegwa
?? Emekina (Emäkina) (historically recorded place) 12/39? [x]
HDM64 Ememret, see Imemret
HDU12 Emeqola, see Imekola
HDM34 Emer, see Imir
HDL99 Emera Mesqel, see Imera Meskel
HES.. Emetgogo, see Imet Gogo
HDU02 Emeweta, see Imeweta
HEK42 Emfraz (Emfras) (recorded in 1841), 12/37 [Pa Ha]
cf Imfiraz, Guzara
JCJ16 Emi, see Imi
HDS50 Emmanuel (fort at road Dembecha-Debre Markos) 10/38 [n]
HDM65 Emmebret, see Membret
HDF81 Emnebela, see Imnebela
emni n..: imni (T) stone; negarit (A) kind of drum,
being a symbol of authority
HET26 Emni Negarit (pass) 2120 m 13/39 [WO Gu]
HEM81 Enalka (recorded in 1841) 12/39 [Ha]
HDH10 Enango, see Inango
?? Enareet (Enaré'et), south of Abay river ../.. [x]
(medieval town with convent Tekle Hawariat)
HDS77 Enarj & Enawga wereda (-1994-2004-) 10/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 49 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HDS77 Enarj wereda (centre in 1964 = Debre Werk) 10/38 [Ad]
?? Enarya (Ennarya, Enarea, Innaria, Inarit, Hinnario) 08/36 [Pa 18 En]
historical kingdom established in the 1200s
?? Enat (with a hospital), in the Amhara region ../.. [20]
HDL98 Enawari, see Inewari
HD... Enawga, cf Enarj & Enawga 10/38 [n]
?? Enbise & Sar Midir wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 67 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEC96 Encata (river), see Wudjow
HES46 Encetcab, see Enchetkab
HEJ90 Enchedibba (mountain) 1237'/3637' 913 m 12/36 [Gz]
HDT17 Enchemegn, see Inchimegn
HDT77 Enchene, see Inchine
HDM41 Encheni Dodoti, see Inchini Dodoti
HES46 Enchetkab (Encetcab, Inchetkab, Inchet Kab) 13/38 [+ Gz]
(Enchetqeb, It: Incet Cahabe?) (mountain)
1306'/3809', east of Debark
(on map of 1814 there is a place Inchetkaub)
HCU10 Encuolo, see Filfo
Enda .., see also Inda .. and comment written there
HFE15 End'Abba Yohanni 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Abiy Adi
HFD48 Enda Abaguna, see Inda Aba Guna
HFE78c Enda Abba Dimianos 14/39 [x]
HFE69 Enda Abba Genzay 14/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Nebelet
HEJ99 Enda Abba Johannes (church), see under Gondar 12/37 [WO]
HFE16 Enda Abba Maryam (E.A.Mariam) (church) 13/39 [+ Gu]
Enda ..: Abba Pentelewon, one of the "Nine Saints"
in the 500s
HFE63 Enda Abba Pentelewon (E.A. Pantaleuon) 14/38 [+ Gu]
(Pentaleon) (sanctuary), see under Aksum 14/38 [Br]
HEU92 Enda Abba Salama (E.A. Scelema) (village) 13/39 [Gu Gz]
1331'/3935' 2264/2390 m, see under Kwiha,
see also Abba Salama and Mekele : Inda Abba Selama
HFF62 Enda Abba Salama (small village) 2599 m 14/39 [Gu]
HFE46 Enda Abbamas, see Inda Aba Tsahma
HFE88 Enda Abuna Abiesghi, see Abuna Abyesgi 14/39
HEU82 Enda Abuna Abyesgi (E.A.Abiesghi) (church), 13/39 [+ Gu]
see also under Amba Aradam
HFF70 Enda Abuna Aragawi (E.A.Aragaui) (church), 14/39 [+ Gu]
see under Adigrat
HFE47c Enda Abuna Tekle Haymanot (church) 2005 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFF.. Enda Abuna Yemata (rock church near Hawzen) 13/39 [n]
HEC88 Enda Aoreat, see Inda Awreat
HFD48 Enda Baguina, see Inda Aba Guna
HDF12 Enda Bollo Mikael (E.B. Micael) (church) 08/39 [+ WO]
2435 m, see under Sire
?? Enda Bona (old monastery) ../.. [20]
HEU22 Enda Cherkos (Enda Korkos, E. Corcos) 12/39 [Gz Gu x]
(E. Querkos) (place, valley) 1255'/3939' 2107, 2434 m
HFF25 Enda Chum Yaqob, see Inda Shum Yakob
HEU22 Enda Corcos, see Enda Korkos
JDL14 Enda Cuba, see Eneguha 09/43 [WO]
HEM80 Enda Gaber (church and area) 12/39 [WO Gu]
HFF35 Enda Gaber, see under Atsbi, 13/39 [WO]
see also under Amba Aradam
HDF23 Enda Gabriel (church) 08/39 [WO]
HDT00 Enda Gabriel (church) 10/38 [WO]
HER69 Enda Gabriel, see Angereb
H.... Enda Gabtan (E. Gabt'an, Endagâbtan) 10/39 [x]
area mentioned as having churches in the 1300s
HDF02 Enda Gebre Mariam (E.Ghebran Marian, church) 08/39 [LM WO]

HDB56 Enda Giyorgis (Enda Gheorghis) 08/36 [+ WO]

HDD64 Enda Giyorgis (E. Georghis) (church) 08/37 [+ WO]
HDD99 Enda Giyorgis (E. Ghiorghis) (church), 08/38 [+ WO]
see under Addis Alem 08/38
HDM94 Enda Giyorgis (Enda Ghiorghis) (church) 09/39 [+ Gu]
HEK67 Enda Giyorgis (Enda Gheorghis) 12/38 [+ WO]
HEU92 Enda Giyorgis (church), see under Kwiha 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE68c Enda Giyorgis, near Amba Seneyti and Nebelet 14/39 [x]
HFE38c Enda Giyorgis Tzai (area) 1802 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE78 Enda Golgol, see Golgol
enda h..: inda hawariat, abode of the apostles
HFF52c Enda Hawariat (E.Hauariat) (small church) 2355 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
enda hu..: hura, huraa (O) hole in ear, jar, etc.
JEJ82 Enda Hura (Endahura) 1231'/4149' 293 m 12/41 [Gz WO]
HDJ80 Enda Iyesus (E. Jesus) (church) 2265 m 09/36 [+ WO]
HEU91 Enda Iyesus (Enda Iesus, Enda Jesus) 13/39 [+ WO Gu]
hill c. 2150 m, see under Mekele
HDJ80 Enda Jesus, see Inda Iyesus
HFE64 Enda Jesus, see Adi Kedawit
HDF12 Enda Kassala Maryam (E. Cassala Mariam) 08/39 [+ WO]
(church) 2220 m, see under Sire
HFF80 Enda Kirkos (E. Chirquos) (mountain) 2661 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HEU22 Enda Korkos, see Enda Cherkos
HFF52 Enda Korkos Aguddi (E.Corcos A.) (church) 14/39 [+ Gu]
JDH01 Enda Lalumichiel, see under Asbe Teferi 09/40 [WO]
HEU12 Enda Mahone, see Inda Mehonie
HFF32 Enda Mariam, see Inda Maryam
HFK07 Enda Mariam, see Inda Maryam
HFF44 Enda Mariam Bahafeiti, see Inda Maryam
HFE96 Enda Mariam Tzadia, see Maryam Tsadiya
HCT88 Enda Maryam (E. Mariam) (church) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDH97 Enda Maryam (E. Mariam) 09/36 [+ WO]
HEM81 Enda Maryam (church) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HFF32 Enda Maryam (E.Mariam) 1355'/3934' 2399 m 13/39 [+ n]
HFF52 Enda Maryam (E. Mariam) (village) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFK07 Enda Maryam (E. Mariam) 1401 m 14/38 [+ Gu]
HFE18 Enda Maryam Adi Bora, see Adi Borat
HFE16 Enda Maryam Etsuto, see Inda Maryam Itsiwito
HFE61 Enda Maryam Goresa (E. Mariam G.) 14/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1410'/3830' 2198 m
HFE17c Enda Maryam Hebuto, see Inda Maryam Hibuito
HFE07 Enda Maryam Kworam 13/39
(E. Mariam Quoram, E.M. Quarar) (monastery), 13/39 [WO Gu]
see Yeresere under Abiy Adi
HEU.. Enda Maryam Miti, see also under Amba Aradam 13/39 [+ It]
HFF41 Enda Maryam Sebela, see under Hawsen 13/39 [+ WO]
HFF62 Enda Maryam Sion, see Inda Maryam Tsiyon
HFE96 Enda Maryam Tzadiya, see Maryam Tzadiya
HFE38c Enda Maryam Tsiyet (E.M. Tziet Tahacot) 13/39 [+ Gu]
(area with church) 1825, 2707 m
HFF62 Enda Maryam Tsiyet Tahakot 14/39 [+ Gu]
(Enda Mariam Tziet Tahacot) (church) 2707 m
HFE09 Enda Maryam Tukul (E. Mariam Tucul) 13/39 [+ Gz]
1338/3920' 1918 m
enda ..: inda Maryam weyzero, abode of Lady Mary
HFF52c Enda Maryam Woyzero (E. M. Uoizero) 14/39 [+ Gu]
(small church) 2368 m
HFD06 Enda Medane Alem, see Medhani Alem
HEU42 Enda Medani Alem, see Inda Medhani Alem
HFF36 Enda Medanie Alein, see Adi Momena
HDC83 Enda Medhani Alem (church) 08/36 [WO]
HDK88 Enda Medhani Alem (.. Medani ..), 09/38 [+ WO]
see under Tulu Milki, cf Ilala
HFD06 Enda Medhani Alem (E. Medane Alem), see May Tsemre
HFE06 Enda Medhani Alem (E. Madhani Alam) 13/39 [+ Gz]
1304'/3931' 2565 m, north of Amba Alage
HFE35 Enda Medhani Alem (E.Medani A., E.Medanie Alein) 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1354'/3858' 1876 m
HEU03 Enda Mehone (Endamohony), see Inda Mehone
?? Enda Mehone sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HE... Enda Mekonni (E.Meconni, E.Makonni, E.Mekweni) 12/39 [Gz]
(area near Amba Alage) 1306'/3924',
see mainly Inda Mekonnin
HDB54 Enda Mikael (Enda Micael) (church) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDC01 Enda Mikael (E. Micael) (church) 2011 m 08/36 [+ WO]
HDC83 Enda Mikael (E. Micael, F. Micael?) (church) 08/36 [+ WO]
HFE44 Enda Mikael (Enda Micael), see Inda Mikael
HEM84c Enda Mikael (Enda Micael) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HEU51c Enda Mikael Aderat (E. Micael A.) c.2060 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE19 Enda Mikael Alaesa (E. Micael A.) (church) 2380 m, 13/39 [+ WO Gu]
see also Awiaro
HEU.. Enda Mikael Gulle (mountain spur), 13/39 [+ It]
see also under Amba Aradam
HDS18 Enda Mikael Nefas (E. Micael N.) 10/38 [+ WO]
(church 2 km north of the Abay bridge)
HFF01c Enda Mikael Romanat (.. Micael ..) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE09 Enda Mikael Tukul (E. Micael Tucul) 2042 m 13/39 [+ Gu WO]
(with church, on the Mekele-Adwa road)
HEU25c Enda Mohoni (with passes, known from the 1400s) 12/39 [Wa x]
HDL69 Enda Muie Selassie (church), see under Mendida 09/39 [WO Gu]
HFD37 Enda Ras 1351'/3812' 1703 m 13/38 [Gu Gz]
enda sel..: inda silase, abode of the Trinity
HDB45 Enda Selassie (church) 08/36 [WO]
HDL10 Enda Selassie (church) 09/38 [WO]
HFD58 Enda Selassie (Enda Silase, Endaselasie), see Inda Silase
HFF35 Enda Selassie, see Atsbi
HFF46 Enda Selassie, see Inda Silase
JC... Enda Selka/?/, 0615'/4105' 06/41 [MS]
HFD68 Enda Sembet, see Inda Senbet
HDH98 Enda Silase (E. Selassi) (church) 2245m 09/36 [+ WO]
HFF52 Enda Teclaimanot, see Inda Tekle Haymanot
HEU72c Enda Tekle Haymanot (E.Tecla Haimanot) (village) 13/39 [Gu]
HEJ89 Enda Teklehaymanot (Enda Teclamanot) 12/37 [+ WO]
(church), see under Azezo
HFE46 Endaba Tsahima, see Inda Aba Tsahma
HFD37c Endabaguna, see Indabaguna, Inda Aba Guna
HFE26 Endabba Maryam (E. Mariam) 1345'/3900' 1873 m, 13/39 [+ Gu Gz]
cf HFE16 Enda Abba Maryam
HFE69 Endabbamas, see Rudd Abba Mamas, cf Enda Abbamas
HFC08 Endabo 1340'/3723' 2454 m, see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO Gz]
HFE98 Endaga Robo, see Idaga Rebu
JEJ82 Endahura, see Enda Hura
HEU03 Endamehone (Endamohony), see Inda Mehone
HEU12 Endamehoni wereda, see Inda Mehoni ..
HCS33c Endara (circa 4 km north-west of Hosaina), 07/37 [20]
see under Hosaina
HCS94 Endeber (Endaber, Endiber), see Imdibir
HEM92 Endebo 1239'/3942' 1540 m 12/39 [Gu Gz]
HDE11c Endebuye (mountain) 08/38 [x]
HDU02 Endegebo, see Indegebo
?? Endegegn, see Indegagn
HFF96 Endeli 1421'/4013' (river between Ethiopia-Eritrea) 14/39 [WO Gz 20]
JFA43 Endelot 1357'/4001' 596 m 13/40 [Gz]
?? Ender Gaber, see under Amba Aradam
HCH96 Enderach, see Anderacha
H.... Endereta .., Enderta ..
HEU61 Enderta (Endarta) (area recorded from the 1300s) 13/39 [WO x]
HFF02 Enderta, see Ferg Inder
HFF12 Enderta 1343'/3937' 2036 m 13/39 [Gz]
H.... Enderta wereda (Endereta ..) 13/39 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HEL48 Endiafat, see Injafat
HEK63 Endib 1220'/3754' 1854 m 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
HFE64 Endiet Nebersh (E. Nebersc, Fremona, Firemona) 14/38 [+ Gu 20 En]
(Indet Nebbersh, Maigoga, Maigwagwa, Mai Gwa-Gwa)
next to the village of May Qahqihe ("Maygoga") 1981 m,
see under Adwa for 1919 and later
HDR85c Endiji Maryam (Endigi Mariam) (church) 2500 m 10/37 [+ Gu]
HEL48 Endiyafat (Endiafat) 3053 m 12/39 [+ WO Gu]
HDU31 Endo, see Indo
endod: indod washa (A) soap-berry cave
HDL46c Endod Washa (Anduod Uascia) 09/39 [Wa 18]
HDM82 Endod Washa, see Indod Washa
endoda, endodu, indodi (O) kind of tree,
Phytolacca dodecandra
HDF81 Endoda, see Indod
HDM44 Endode, see Indode & HDM84 HDT56 HDT87
HE... Endode (Indodie) 11/39? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Menekussie sub-district)
HDE73 Endode sub-district (Indodie ..) 08/38 [WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kalitie), see under Akaki
HDT86 Endodi, see Yegonfoy, cf Andode, Indode 10/39 [WO]
endodie d..: debir (däbir) (A) mountain; sanctuary
HDM23 Endodie Deber, see under Sidisto 09/39 [WO]
HDT55 Endoge, see Indoge
endole: endhole (Som) kind of ornament
with rough large glass beads
HDE35 Endole (Handole), see Mumicha
HDT84 Endras, see Indras
HDU07 Endris Amba, see Indris Amba
?? Endufo (village about 45 km from Gewane) ../.. [20]
?? Enebesse, see Mertule Maryam
enebse ..: sar midir (A) grass land
HDS98? Enebse Sarmidir sub-district (-1997-) 10/38 [n]

HDS98c Enebssie sub-district 10/38 [Ad]

(centre in 1964 = Dibo Kidane Mihret)
HDS98 Enebssie wereda 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mertule Maryam)
JDE85 Eneguha (Enda Cuba, Enegaha) 09/43 [LM WO Gz]
0856'/4352' 1389 m, cf Ineguha
HDG.. Enemay Bolli, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Enemay Gimer, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Enemay Makalinya, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDS58 Enemay wereda (Ennemay ..) 10/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bichena)
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HDP10 Enemo (Dibi, Gara Dibi, Tulu Taïtu) (mountain) 10/35 [WO Gz x]
0957'/3546' 1262 m, near map code HDH90
Tulu Taïtu was a European-given name (never used)
to honour Empress Taytu.
HCS92 Enemor, see Ennamor
HCS.. Enemor & Ener wereda (Enemer .., Eaner ..) 07/37 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 78 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
-- Ener (enär) (Eaner), traditionally a Gurage area
-- Ener people, see Iner
HCS63 Ener (village) 07/37 [x]
HDS42c Enerata (Inerata), see under Debre Markos 07/37 [x]
HDU02 Enesherbo, see Inesherbo
HED26c Enessie, see Guncha & Enessie wereda, and Siso Enessie
HDL98 Enewari (Eneware), see Inewari
HEK51c Enfranz (Enfraz), see Infraz, cf Emfraz
JDJ.. Engado (pass on Dire Dawa-Harar road) 09/42 [n]
HFE99 Engebeto (Enghebeto) 1427'/3918' 1938 m 14/39 [+ Gz]
Engeda, Engida, Ingida, a male personal name
HDF71 Engeda Eshet, see Ingida Ishet
engeg (Som) dry out, be withered
JDG96 Engegi (Engheghi) 09/40 [+ WO]
HDF25 Engheda, see Teferi Birhan
HEC14 Engiabara (Engibar), see Injibara
engid: ingida washa (A) stranger cave? guest cave?
HDU02 Engid Washa (Enghid Uascia) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDL98 Eninawari, see Inewari
HFE87 Eniticho, see Inticho
H.... Enja (in Gurage) 08/38? [x]
HEC14 Enjabara (Enjibara), see Injibara
?? Enjefenno, see Injifenno
HDM22 Enjerer, see Injerer
H.... Enjoka 1200 m (early Gurage centre) 08/38? [x]
H.... Enjuboro 1188 m 08/38? [x]
(early Amhara settlement in Gurage)
H.... Enka'a Dewel, in Temben south/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
JFA..c Enkafela (in Afar area, with iron minerals) 14/40 [Mi]
?? Enkagole (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
enkat.: enqoto, inkwoto (O) wild rose shrub, Rosa abyssinica
HEC96 Enkata (Encata), see also Wujow 11/37 [+ WO]
?? Enki Chew (on Ethiopian or Eritrean side?) ../.. [+ n]
?? Enkulit (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCU10 Enkuolo (mountain), see Filfo
enlan g..: godan (Som) curved, bent;
godana, godanaa (O) down, lower place
JDS82 Enlan Godan (area) 735 m 10/42 [WO]
enna, eennaa (O) kind of twig used as a broom;
adu (O) 1. (aduu) sun, sunshine; day; 2. (aaduu) to groan
JEB13 Ennali Adu (area) 11/40 [WO]
?? Ennarya, see Enarya, and Limmu-Ennarya
HDL98 Ennawari, see Inewari
HED17 Ennebse (area), cf Enebse 10/38 [WO]
HCS65 Ennekar (Ennecar), cf Ennikor 07/37 [+ WO]
HDG48 Ennemai Bulli, about 10 km east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDG19 Ennemai Kwe, south-east of Boji 09/35 [x]
-- Ennemay, see Enemay
HCS92 Ennemor (Ennamor, Ennämor) 0745'/3800' 08/37 [WO x Pa]
(historically recorded area, Gurage district),
see also Inemor and also Inor language
H.... Ennemor Gunchore (Inemor Gunchore) 08/37 [+ Ad]
H.... Ennemor Wash Awasher (Inemor ..) 08/37 [+ Ad]
HDS54c Ennemukara (Ennemucara) 10/37 [+ Gu]
HCS81 Enner (area) 08/37 [WO]
HDS52 Ennereta (Ennerata) 1025'/3745' 2486/2610 m, 10/37 [Gz WO Gu]
see under Debre Markos
HCS54 Ennikor (Ennicor) (area), cf Ennekar 07/37 [+ WO]
JDN19 Ens (waterhole), see under Gewani 10/40 [MS WO]
ensak..: koma (A) 1. sterile land; 2. kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qooma) instant killing
JEJ69 Ensakoma (Ensacoma) (area) 12/42 [+ WO]
?? Ensaro sub-district (-1997-), ../.. [n]
cf Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
HDF70c Ensera, see Insira
HDU17 Ensertu, see Insertu
HDE75 Ensilale (Inslalie, Enselal, Insilale) 2709 m 08/38 [WO Ad Pa n]
(historically recorded from the 1400s), cf Insilale
HDK55 Ensilale, see Insilale
HDE75 Ensilale sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dalota) 08/38 [n]
HEC85 Ensui Giyorgis (E. Gheorghis) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
entalo (O) daughter, girl, unmarried woman
HEU61 Entalo, see Hintalo, cf Antalo
HFE87 Entecho (Ent'ech'o), see Inticho
HDL97 Entera (Ent'ära), see Intera
HCS84 Entezera (village) 08/37 [x]
HFE87 Enticcio (Entichew, Enticho, Entiscio), see Inticho
HES46 Entishotoan (recorded in 1841) 13/38 [Ha]
JEJ76 Entoiakami, see Entoyakami
HEC98 Entons (small island with church ruin) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
HDL03 Entotto (Ent'ot'o), see Intoto
JEJ76 Entoyakami (Entoiacami) 1226'/4210' 827 m 12/42 [+ Gz n]
JEJ76 Entoyakami (Entoiacami) 1228'/4208' 514 m 12/42 [+ Gz n]
HEE99 Entugena, see Intugina
GDE09 Enuagri, see Inwany
HDL98 Enwari, see Inewari
HDT26 Enzebzeb, see Inzibzib
H.... Enzegidim sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kenchel Giyorgis)
JEJ68 Enzeka (Enzeca) (area) 12/42 [+ WO]
HDT08 Enzera, see Inzira
HDM..c Enzoraja (historically recorded from the 1400s) 09/39 [Pa]
JDK00 Epeder (area) 09/42 [WO]
HDU65 Ephratta, see Efrata
eppa: epa (Gurage) to make;
eppo, eppoo (O) kind of bean obtained from a climbing plant
?? Eppa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDN88 Eqzau 1006 m 10/35 [WO]
HCD48 Era 0544'/3822' 1918 m, cf Ara, Ira, Heira 05/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCD39
HDD56 Era, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDE24 Era, see also HDE63 Dera 08/38 [WO Mi]
HFF24 Era 1346'/3944' 2203 m, south-west of Atsbi 13/39 [Gz]
JCN93 Era, G. (area) 08/40 [WO]
KCR37 Erago (area) 448 m 07/47 [WO]
KCR48 Erago (plain) 07/47 [WO]
HDG49 Eraiuani, see Eriwani
?? Erambuti (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
JDK57 Erasen 0933'/4308' 1638 m 09/43 [Gz]
-- Erbore, see Arbore
erbu, erbuu (O) 1. to mash boiled beans etc;
2. to stir with a spoon; 3. to sew on a patch
GCM46 Erbu (Boca) 0644'/3453' 687 m 06/34 [WO Gz]
GCM46 Erbu (Golecoi) 687 m 06/34 [WO Gz]
?? Erde Matios, cf Badme ../.. [20]
JDJ25 Ere Awo 0917'/4206' 2005 m 09/42 [Gz]
?? Erebti wereda/?/ ../.. [20]
HCS26 Eregdina 0726'/3807' 1879 m 07/38 [Gz]
HDT09 Erembeq, see Irimbiq
JED01 Erene (mountains) 1056'/4236' 913 m 10/42 [Gz]
HFK44 Erennei (area) 14/37 [WO]
HD... Erensa (in Jibat & Mecha awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
erer (erär) (A) belt of clear sky;
-- Warra Erer (=Erer people/family), name of
an Ala tribe of eastern Oromo
HBM25 Erer (area) 0351'/3946' 944 m, cf Errer 03/39 [WO Gz]
HDE86 Erer (Here, Ierer, Jerer, Yarar) (mountain) 08/38 [Gz WO]
0854'/3858' 2754 m
JBR71 Erer 0510'/4144' 314 m 05/41 [Gz]
JDG32c Erer (extinct volcano) 09/40 [Mi]
JDH.. Erer (Errer) (river) 09/41 [Mi]
JDH57 Erer, plantation area often called Erer Gota (Erer Iya) for
establishments between railway stations Erer and Gota 09/41 [x Gz]
0932'/4124' 1143 m, see also Yerer Sata
JDH57 Erer (Errer, Herer) (sub-post office under D.Dawa) 09/41 [MS WO Gu Wa]
0934'/4123' 1129/1201 m
(centre in 1964 of Adal, Issa & Garaguracha awraja
and of Erer wereda)
JDH86 Erer (Errer, Yerer, Yarar) 0950'/4118' 781 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDH97 Erer (Errur, Fre: Hérer) (plain) 0954'/4116' 09/41 [Ad WO Ha Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JDH96
JDJ27 Erer 0914'/4215' 1295 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ45 Erer 0929'/4207' 2153 m 09/42 [Gz]
JEG55 Erer, see Errer
JDH57c Erer Gota (Herrer-Gotha) (small railway stop) 09/41 [x]
JD... Erer Kimet (Errer Kimiet) (mountain) 09/42? [+ x]
two sites with rock paintings
JDH97c Erer sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ejeg'na) 09/41 [Ad]
JDH57 Erer wereda (-1964-2004-) 09/41 [Ad]
HDC80 Ereri 0856'/3637' 08/36 [Gz]
HEL27c Erfa, village near Lalibela 12/39 [20]
HEF24 Erfo, see Irfo
erga, ergaa (O) message, mission, errand; cf Ali as first part of name
JEB34 Erga Ali (area) 383 m 11/41 [WO]
ergato: ergeto (O) Ascension, as celebrated by
Christian missions; irget (irgät) (A,T) Ascension
JDP22 Ergato, M. (area) 1386 m 10/40 [WO]
JD... Ergoba, see Argoba
eri (Som) sheep, goat
HC... Eribo (post at the border of Sudan) 06/35 [x]
HDU96 Ericche, see Jaraniyo
HEF16 Ericche (area) 10/39 [WO]
erifaghe, sheep/goat ford?
faghe, faage (Afar) ford
JEB95 Erifaghe (at Awash left bank) 11/41 [Ne]
JDN83 Erifible, see Errefilibie
JCS89 Erijarso (Erigiarso) (area) 1207 m 08/43 [+ WO]
HDU96 Erikshe, see Jaraniyo
JBN57 Erimtoy (Erimtoi) 04/40 [+ WO]
HDT58 Erinto, see Irinto
KCJ74 Erir (area) 07/47 [WO]
HDG49 Eriwani, Tulu (Eriuani, Erivani) (hill) 09/35 [Gz WO Mi]
0927'/3538' 1926 m, cf Aravani
HDD99 Erjersa .., see Ejersa ..
HEE53 Erkaye, see Irkaye
HER32 Ermacho (Ermaccio) (wide area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HER55 Ermacho (Ermaccio) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HCF86 Ermecho (Ermeccio) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
KCA74 Ermun, see Garasle
HES21 Ernambe (Ernamba, Ja-Sejtan-reghecia) 12/37 [WO Gz]
(mountain) 1255'/3738' 2065 m
KCA74 Ernune, see Garasle
HDK14 Ero 0913'/3753' 2046 m, cf Aro 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK24 Ero, one more Ero 3 km to the SW 09/37 [AA Gz]
0914'/3754' 2115 m
HFM02c Erob wereda (Erope .., Eurob ..) (-1990s-) 14/39 [Yo Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 14 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
?? Erogi plain (battle site 1868), see under Mekdela ../.. [18]
JDH85 Eroli (area) 09/41 [WO]
HFM02c Erope wereda, see Erob ..
?? Eror, probably in Adal, mentioned in the 1400s ../.. [x]
HCU70 Erosa (Herosa, Sagatu) (mountains) 07/39 [WO Gz]
0751'/3923' 3974/4062 m
Coordinates would give map code HDU60
JDN83 Errefilibie (Erifible) 1044'/4013' 938 m 10/40 [WO Ne Gz]
JDC06 Errer (area) 1027 m, cf Erer 08/42 [WO]
JDH58 Errer, see Erer & JDH86
JEG55 Errer (Erer), see under Sifani 12/40 [WO LM]
JCK90 Errei (plateau) 07/42 [WO]
JEG45 Errerei (mountain) 1209'/4019' 728 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
HEA16 Erring 1059'/3517' 560 m 10/35 [WO Wa Gz]
JDH97 Errur, see Erer
JFA09 Ertale (Hertale, Erta Ale, Erteali, Artale, Artali) 13/40 [WO Ne x 18]
(active volcano) 1340'/4035' c500 m
Coordinates would give map code JFA19
JFA.. Ertale (Hertale, Artale, Artali) 13/40 [x]
lake beyond Awash station
GDU22 Eruoldi (Erruoldi) (mountain) 1013'/3437' 1616 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
eryuga..: gallo (O) kind of shrub, Psychotria sp.
JDE05 Eryugallo (Eriugallo) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
es ..: ees (O) kind of wheat; surfiyo (Som) cooking pot
HFB49 Es Sureifa (area) 13/36 [WO]
HDM80 Esat Amba, see Isat Amba
HFE76c Eschiasce, see Eshashe
HDM65 Escia, see Esha
HCK42 Escio, see Esho
JCM85 Escudolei, see Eskudoley
HCJ.. Esera 07/36 [20]
HCJ84 Esera & Tocha, see Isara & Tocha
HEJ24c Eseydbir, see Aseydiber
HCS96c Esgia, see Fiyat
-- esh ..: Shiree, name of a Somali family;
shaab (Som) young man
HEP01 Esh Shire Shab 12/35 [WO]
H.... Esha (Escia) 08/38 [+ 18]
HDM65 Esha (Escia) (high point), cf Isha .. 09/39 [+ Gu]
HFE76c Eshashe (Esciasce) (mountain near Adwa) 14/39 [+ Gu]
esho: eyeeshshoo (O) expression of surprise;
ishoh (A) thorn, spine
HCK42 Esho (Escio) 0644'/3739' 1640 m 06/37 [WO Gu Gz]
(centre of Ofa area)
HED97 Esite .., see Iste ..
?? Esk (valley with some gold), cf Ask ../.. [Mi]
JCM85 Eskudoley (Escudolei) 0708'/4445' 878 m 07/44 [+ WO Wa Gz]
HEE69 Esla (mountain, recorded in 1868), 11/39 [18]
see under Mekdela
-- Eslam, see Islam ..
HDM13 Esman Ager (E. Agher), see under Sidisto 09/39 [+ WO]
HEF31 Esmano, see Ismano
?? Eson (historical mentioned in the 1500s) ../.. [x]
HEL57 Esrael, Amba, see Israel Amba
HBL93 Ess (Gebel Ess) (mountain) 04/38 [WO Gz]
0427'/3845' 1258, 1635 m
JEC63 Essaybilita (Essaibilita) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HCS94 Essessie, see under Imdibir 08/37 [WO]
JEJ23 Essisle (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDK07 Estabbur (area) 09/43 [WO]
HEE66 Estayesh, see Istayish & HEL08
HE... Estayishi, village at road Weldiya-Nefas Mewcha ../.. [20]
HED.. Este (sub-post office under Gondar), cf Iste 11/38 [Po]
HED86 Esti (Este), see Iste
HED97 Estie sub-district, see Iste wereda ../.. [n]
Estifanos: Istifanos, Stephanus
HEF53 Estefanos (Estifanos, Stefanos, Debre Istefanos) 11/39 [Gu x]
(Debre Estifanos, Debre Egziabeher?)
(ancient monastery in lake Hayk),
cf Dega Estifanos (in lake Tana), cf also under Hayk
HEL28c Estifanos (church above Kulmesk market) 11/39 [x]
HEJ05c Estomete Mariam (small church on a hill) 11/37 [x]
HCS99 Etabon (area), see under Butajira 08/38 [WO]
GDE09 Etang, see Itang
JDN48 Etauia Faburi 1023'/4031' 574 m 10/40 [Gz]
HCC98 Ete 0619'/3724' 1665 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
HD... Etegie (Ethegie), district (-1870s) in Guolla 09/39? [+ 18]
HCT98 Eteya (Etaya), see Iteya
HDM72 Eteye, see Iteye
HFF86 Etifon 14/39 [WO]
HDK75 Etisa, see Itisa
H.... Etiyos (centre) 10/37 [Ad]
eto (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
HFC18 Eto (mountain) 1340'/3723' 2454 m, 13/37 [WO Gz]
see under Adi Remet, cf Ito
HD... Etsherri, see Echerri
HDE09c Etya, see Iteya
HDA49 Eua Gaba, see Ewa Gaba
GDF91 Euass, see Ewass
GDU73 Eube, see Ube
HEK55 Eucaga, see Aklil
HC... Eurgesa, see Irgesa
HFM02c Eurob wereda, see Erob wereda
HCT.. Eushe Dembeba (village north-west of Asela) 07/39 [x]
in 1980s within Ziway & Dugda wereda
GDU10 Euss (area) 10/34 [WO]
-- Evantu, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDP38 Evantu (area), cf Ibantu 10/36 [WO]
JCL43 Everaddi (plain) 06/43 [WO]
HEE26 Ewa, see Iwa
ewa gaba: ewa (in Janjero) ensete plant;
gaba, gabaa (O) market
HDA49 Ewa Gaba (Eua Gaba) 08/35 [+ WO]
H.... Ewa wereda/?/ ../.. [20]
GDF91 Ewass (T. Euass) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
ewk: iwk (iwq) (A) known, reputed
ey d..: ey (Som) 1. dog; 2. female;
dabat, debat (A) twilight
JDD33 Ey Dabat (Ei Dabat) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
?? Eya (small village) ../.. [x]
eya, eyya (O) joy, noise, shout /like the chant of the cock/;
eyya-u (O) be happy; abo see under abbo as first part of name
HEJ69 Eya Abo (Eia Abo) 12/37 [+ Gu]
JEB10 Eydele (Eidele) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
HDL81 Eydu 09/38 [AA]
HEM22 Eyela, see Iyela
JFA35 Eyere (Eiarre) (with waterhole) 13/40 [LM WO Ne]
JDP24 Eyroluf (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
Eyesus .., see Iyesus ..
eyl ga..: garas (Som) kind of shade tree with edible fruit;
(O) there
KCR46 Eyl Garas, see Eil Garas
HET57 Eyla, see Eila (1628 m, see under Samre) 13/39 [+ WO Gu]
JEJ34 Eylou, see Lofefle
HEP00 Ez Zair 1239'/3541' 530 m (on the border of Sudan) 12/35 [WO Gz]
H... Eza & Welene wereda (Ezha & Wolene ..) 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 55 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEU12c Ezba 12/39 [Gu]
HEU02 Ezba (pass) 1242'/3934' 2301, 2500 m, 12/39 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Maychew
HEL28 Ezeran (mountain) 1201'/3911' 2968, 3378 m 11/39 [WO Gu Gz]
-- Ezha language, one of the West Gurage languages
-- Ezo, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HCK01 Ezo (ketema of Emperor Menilek) 06/37 [LM Po Gu]
(visiting postman under Arba Minch)
In front is a mountain with on top a circular church Birbir Maryam,
which is a place of pilgrimage.
HEK33 Ezub (mountain) 1206'/3748' 1934, 2397 m, 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Yifag
facha, fachcha (O) 1. trophy such as a buffalo tail;
2. gadfly; facha-u (O) be scattered
HDD93c Facha, village at the main road near Ambo 08/37? [x]
JC... Facha (Faccia, Ciaffe) (small village) c.3000 m 06/40 [+ Gu]
fache (O) curved sword
HCE96c Fachena (with rock shelter), in Aroresa wereda 06/38 [n]
fachi: faki (faqi) (A,O) tanner, dresser of skins;
fakki (O) comb; fakke (faqqee) (O) gap-toothed
HCG69 Fachi 0654'/3540' 1911 m 06/35 [Gu Gz]
facho (A) buffalo's tail as a trophy of hunt
HDM60 Facho (Faccio) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
JCA99 Facho (Faccio) 06/40 [+ WO]
HES34 Facoc, see Fakoch
-- Fadashi, ethnic group (sub-group related to the Jebelawi)
GDM74 Fadasi, see Bambesi
HD... Fadasi, see Gorgura for more recent time
faddi (Som) kind of gift
JBU50 Faddi ../.. [..]
fade (O) helped, cured
HDK97 Fade, see Fale
JBP49c Fader Guml 04/41 [Wa]
fadi: faddi (Som) kind of gift; fadhi (Som) sit,
be seated, reside; meeting
HFF90 Fadi (Fekado, Fik'ada Fada) 14/39 [Gz]
1424'/3923' 2519 m
-- Fadiro language, see Bambassi
-- Fadis, Fidis, name of an Ania tribe of eastern Oromo
JDC95 Fadis (Faddis) (wide area), cf Fedis 09/42 [WO Gu]
(24 km by road from Harar)
fado: faddo (Som) wilderness
HDN54 Fado (Fadoc) (area) 1029'/3507 825 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDN53
GD... Fadogno (in the Asosa region) 10/34? [n]
GDU54 Fadong (hill) 10/34 [Mi]
in the Bomo area about 50 km NNE of Asosa
faf: faaf (Som) being spread about
JCF05 Faf (wide depression) 05/44 [WO]
JCM10 Faf 0629'/4418' 459 m 06/44 [WO 18 Gz]
JDH61 Faf, G. (area) 09/40 [WO]
fafa (O) 1. crippled, deformed; 2. good-for-nothing person;
faffa (A) be chubby /of children/, become well-developed,
grow fat; fefa (fäfa) (A) rivulet, brook
HEC03 Fafa 1054'/3652' 2432 m 10/36 [Gz]
JDH71 Fafa (area) 09/40 [WO]
H.... Fafa sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Bekafta Yohannes) 10/35? [Ad]
JCS98 Fafan (area) 900 m 08/43 [WO]
camp for refugees in the early 2000s
fafato: faffato (O) bread soaked in stew;
fafate, fwafwate (A) waterfall
JEJ78 Fafato (area) 12/42 [WO]
JDK21 Fafem 0915'/4236' 1411 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDN63 Fagada (Gebel F.), see Yagada
HDN24 Fagaddo (Fagueddo, Tulu Fageddo) 10/35 [WO Gz]
(mountain) 1011'/3509' 1361 m
HBP17c Fagage (police station in the Lower Omo area) 04/36 [x]
?? Fagaji (mountain in Oromiya), peak 3310 m ../.. [20]
JDG44 Fage 0926'/4012' 707 m 09/40 [n]
HDN63 Fageda (Fagheda), see Yagada
HEC25 Fageta (Fagita, Fagitta, Faguta, Fagutta) 11/37 [Gz Gu 18 Ad]
1108'/3708' 2408 m
Coordinates would give map code HEC36
HDP70 Faggeta, see Fagta
HCD21 Faggi 0541'/3739' 1190 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HDL92 Faggi 0710'/3858' 2750 m, see under Shashemene 07/38 [WO Gu Gz]
JDC19 Faggiatu, see Fajatu
HDN63 Fagheda, see Yagada
faghi: faage (Afar) ford
HES00 Fagi, see Faji
HEC25 Fagita, see Fageta
HEK31 Fagiu, see Faju
fago, fagoo (O) 1. remote, far away, tall; 2. long time ago;
fago, faago (Som) to dig; /animal's/ burrow
HDL82 Fago 0947'/3839' 3285 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDN14c Fagocho, see Tulu Fagocho
HDF13 Fagogi (Fagoghi) (mountain) 0818'/3939' 2492 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDF27 Fagogi (mountain), see Welargi
GDU66 Fagonchi (Fagonci) (hill) 10/34 [+ WO]
HDP70 Fagta & Lakoma wereda (Faggeta Lekoma ..) 10/35 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDP70 Fagta sub-district (centre in 1964 = Debre Zeyit) 10/35 [Ad]
HDN24 Fagueddo, see Fagaddo
HEC25 Fagutta (Faguta), see Fageta
fagutta a..: abbo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HEC25 Fagutta Abbo (area) 2290 m 11/37 [WO]
JDN29 Faha (waterhole) 10/40 [Ne]
HEK05 Fahart (area), see under Debre Tabor 11/38 [WO]
HEF60c Fahla (hill east of Mekdela) 11/39 [Pa]
HDD85 Faicha (Fatsce, Feicha) (mountain) 08/38 [WO Gz]
0856'/3800' 2714 m
HBK76 Faille (Faile) 0417'/3806' 1524 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
HBS08 Faille, see Chumba
JDR60 Faimddulla (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
GDE08 Faina, see Fina

HDG02 Fait Abereic, see Fitri Abareih

GDF96 Fait Abesbar, see Fitri Abasbur
GDF56 Fait Buraio, see Kella Soyama
HDT69 Faj kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Jema wereda, 7-11 km
north of Degolo; area 2,533 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Faj sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jamma) 10/39 [Ad]
JDC19 Fajatu (Faggiatu) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]

HC... Faji, in the lake region 07/38? [x]

HDK52 Faji 0936'/3743' 2474 m (with church Maryam) 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK95 Faji 0955'/3758' 1597 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK95 Faji 0955'/3801' 1713 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HES00 Faji (Fagi) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDM62 Faji & Bokafiya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-west Debre Birhan Zuriya wereda, very near Debre Birhan
town and extending some 7 km south-west of there so that it touches
the southern border of the wereda; area 1,840 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCG68 Fajinsha (Ger: Fadjinscha), 06/35 [+ x]
area immediately west of Mizan Teferi
fajje, faajje (O) flag
HDM62 Fajji (Faggi) (area), see under Debre Birhan 09/39 [+ WO]
faju (O) to recover, to become healthy again
HEK31 Faju (Fagiu) (area), see under Yifag 12/37 [+ WO]
-- Faki, Faqi, a caste group of tanners living among other ethnic groups;
fakih (Arabic) priest; fakki (O) comb
fakoch (A) tanners?
HES34 Fakoch (Facoc) (ruderi = [It:] ruins) 13/37 [+ WO]
HDM06 Fal Uha, see Didiga
HEF60s Fala, mountain about 365 m above Aroge plain, 11/39 [x En]
near Mekdela
falag (Som) large mat; falaka (O) semblance, resemblance
HEU33 Falaga (Kalaga) (hill and pass) 3100 m, cf Felege 13/39 [Gu WO]
falaga ay ..: ayni (T) eye
HEU33c Falaga Ayni Konchi (F.Aini Conci) 1900 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
fale: faale (O) post, picket, stake; fala (O) magic rite;
fahle (Som) graceful walk
HDK38 Fale 0921'/3817' 2585 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK89 Fale 0949'/3822' 2553 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem) see under Gebre Guracha
HDK97 Fale (Fade) 0957'/3812' 2513 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL31 Fale (Falle) 0921'/3834' 2617 m 09/38 [Gz WO 18 AA]
(with church - Giyorgis?)
HDL56 Fale 0931'/3900' 2662 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
HDL73c Fale (with recent church Medhane Alem) 09/38 [x]
at 75 km north of Addis A. on the road to Gojjam
HEE85 Falekit, see Filakit
JDE14 Falfay (Falfai) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HDK15 Falicha 0908'/3757' 2803 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Ilfeta
falla: fala (O) cure, proper care; fella (fälla) (A) boil,
be effervescent like mineral water, swarm in large numbers
GDF40 Falla, T. (hill) 08/34 [WO]
JEA89 Fallaka (Fallaca) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
fallana (O) spoon, usually made of horn or wood
JDJ46 Fallana (area), see under JDJ45 Kombolcha 09/42 [WO]
HDD50 Falle, see Bilo
HDL31 Falle, see Fale
HD... Falle, near Addis Alem 09/38? [x]
HDU56 Falma 1025'/3955' 1866 m 10/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the south-west)
falti, faaltii (O) muck, manure
JDC93 Falti 0902'/4154' 1719 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ12 Falti, G. (mountain) 2710 m, see under Grawa 09/41 [WO]
JDJ13c Falti (mountain) 2789 m 09/41 [Gu]
HCT74c Famat (island), see Fulduro
fame (famä) (A) get red-hot
GDU50c Fametsere 10/34 [LM]
GDU30 Famoge (Famoghe, Fameoge, Gebel Fanoaghe) 10/34 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain) 1015'/3424' 1383 m
HEA34 Famongo (area) 11/35 [WO]
fana (A) 1. track, trail; 2. torch, lamp;
faana (O) footprint, trace, sole of the foot, sandal;
fanaa (O) stirrup
GDM11 Fana 09/34 [WO]
GCM26c Fandiga, south-west of Mizan Teferi 06/34 [n]
GDM.. Fanfa kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HCD12 Fangala 0534'/3742' 1037 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HEJ77 Fangia, see Fenja
HCK21 Fango 0634'/3737' 1559 m, at lake Abaya 06/37 [WO x Gz]
HCK66 Fango (area) 2132 m 06/38 [WO]
JCL69 Fanhad, see Fernard
fanta (A) portion, share; Fanta, a personal name
HDF96 Fantalle (Fanta Ale, Fantale, Fantali, Fontale) 08/39 [WO Ca Gz]
(mountain with crater) 0858'/3954' rim 1966/2007 m,
caldera diameter 3000/4000 m, cf Fentale
HEJ89 Fantar, see Fenter
KCP85 Fantaweina (Fantaueina, Fantauena, Fantah Ueina), see Kurmi
JDH80 Fantigera (Fantighera) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
JEB95 Fantigubbi 11/41 [WO]
GDE08 Fanuar (Fanuor), see Pagnau
far (Som) finger; handwriting; send a message;
faar (Som) sour milk; faara (O) 1. eaves; 2. fringe;
3. large hanging branch of a tree; 4. prospects, condition;
win (A) real, true
JDE03 Far Win (Far Uin) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HCU13 Faracha (Faraccia) (area) 2740 m 07/39 [+ WO]
farad (Som) kind of calendar date
farado /plural of farda/ (O) herd of horses;
faradu, faraduu (O) decide in favour of
JDA53 Farado (area) 08/40 [WO]
JDS23 Farah Bouh (area) 1586 m 10/42 [WO]
JEG49 Farahento (area) 12/40 [WO]
farakassa (O) top-storey forest tree with buttressed foot,
Manilkara butigi; ferekkese (färäkkäsä) (A) to crack /nuts/
HDF34 Farakassa (Faraqasa, Faracassa, Ferek'esa) 2208 m 08/39 [+ En WO n]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
inter-religious pilgrimage site in eastern Arsi
?? Farar (in the Afar region) ../.. [Mi x]
JDH82 Farare 0948'/4052' 796 m 09/40 [Gz]
Faras .., see also Feres ..
faras (Arabic,Som) horse; feres bet (A) horse stable
?? Faras Egr, see Feres Igir
HFE87c Faras Mai, see Feres May
HDM.. Faras Tafer, see Feres Tifir
HCE92c Farasbet, see Manafarda, cf Feres Bet
HCL02 Farasbet 0624'/3836' 2646 m 06/38 [Gz]
JDP50 Farasgori (area) 10/40 [WO]
JEC93 Faraskorti (Farascorti) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JBR32 Farays (Farais) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
GDU24 Farbogi (Farboghi, Jebel Ferbogi) (mountain) 10/34 [+ WO Gz]
1009'/3447' 1281 m
JEB82c Fard (mountains) circa 1135'/4055', 11/40 [x]
south-west of Tendaho
farda (O) horse; fardo (Arabic, Som) horses
HEJ89 Farda, see under Azezo 12/37 [WO]
fare (farä) (A) hollow out; (T) mane /of horse/
HDM66 Fare (Farré) 0937'/3954' 1166 m, 09/39 [WO Gz x]
cf Farri, see also under Channo
(early customs post at some distance from Ankober)
HEL73 Faregse 1227'/3843' 2047 m 12/38 [Gz]
JDK24 Farehodey 0920'/4256' 1773 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDF53 Faressa, see Genjeb
JCU34 Farfanyer (Farfanier) (area) 07/44 [+ WO]
HDN33 Fari (mountain chain) 1015'/3507' 1041 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
HDF53 Fariccia, see Genjeb
HCU10 Farichu 0722'/3919' 3236 m 07/39 [Gz]
Faris, a personal name?
HDJ65 Faris 0940'/3704' 2444 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ74 Faris 0943'/3703' 2420 m 09/37 [Gz]
JCC52 Farisa 0556'/4148' 546 m 05/41 [Gz]
JBR41 Fariso 0456'/4145' 362 m 04/41 [Gz]
GDM.. Farmakis kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
faro, farro (A) 1. kinds of mungoose, Herpestes ichneumon,
Atilax sp., Ichneumia albicauda; 2. zorilla, Ictonyx striatus;
faaro (O) song, singing; farro (O) mischievous;
faro (Som) fingers, fingerprints
HBK66 Faro, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDK35 Faro 0923'/3802' 2522 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JEB82c Faro (hill) 11/40 [Ne]
HDM66 Farre, see Fare
HDM56 Farri (recorded in 1841), cf Fare, Fari, 09/39 [Ha]
at the change from lowland to highland for caravans
HDD96c Farshe (Farsce) (mountain) 2690 m 09/38 [+ Gu]
JDG49 Farsis (Gebel F., Jebel Farsa) 0927'/4041' 1225 m 09/40 [WO Gu Ha Gz]
mountain on the border between map codes JDG49 and JDH40
farso, farsoo (O) kind of home-made beer
JDD24 Farso 0825'/4254' 1360/1415 m 08/42 [WO Gu Gz]
(area with well)
HE... Farta (in Gayint) 11/38 [x]
HEK05 Farta wereda (centre in 1964 = Debre Tabor) 11/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 73 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JDE90 Farurta (area) 08/43 [WO]
fasa..: fezazza (fäzazza) (A) slow; feeble /eye/;
feses (fäsäs) (A) an extraordinary land tax levied
for royal troops imposed on a district
JCN13 Fasasa (area) 07/40 [WO]
HBR92 Fascalli, see Faskalli
HBS71 Fascia, see Fasha
HCA45 Fasembel (Fasemel, Fassembet) 0549'/3518' 1457 m 05/35 [Gz WO]
fasha (A) bandage, patch /over a wound/
HB... Fasha ../.. [20]
one of five sub-regions of the Konso region.
HBR79 Fasha (Fascia), see under Jarso 05/37 [+ WO]
HBR88 Fasha (Colme) 0517'/3721' 1848 m 05/37 [Gz]
HBS71 Fasha (Fascia) 0512'/3739' 913 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
fasha d..: derek tabiya (A) dry station
HB... Fasha Derek Tabiya (in Gardula awraja) 05/37 [Ad]
HEJ85 Fashina (Fascina) (area), see under Chilga 12/37 [+ WO]
Fasil, short name of Fasiledes (1632-1666)
HDM84 Fasil Amba, see Debre Sina
HDM84 Fasil Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
adjoining Debre Sina to its south and also reaching the border of
the wereda near the town to its south-east; area 643 herctares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM84 Fasil Amba wereda 09/39 [Ad]
(centre 1958-1968 = Debre Sina)
HCM77 Fasil awraja/wereda (in Bale, centre = Goba), 06/40 [Ad]
cf Mendeyo awraja
named Fasil & Mendeyo awraja by the end of the 1970s,
and later Mendeyo awraja; Goba remained the centre
HES..? Fasil Dildil (over Angareb river) 13/37? [It x]
Fasiledes, name of an emperor
HED31 Fasiledes 1113'/3736' 2277 m 11/37 [Gz]
Fasilides (Gurage), name of a Christian sect
HBR92 Faskalli (Fascalli) (mountain) 0530'/3646' 1506 m 05/36 [+ WO Gz]
HCA45 Fassembet, see Fasembel
H.... Fasouder 10/35 [18]
HEA23 Fasumal (hill) 1087 m 11/35 [WO]
HDM07 Fatagar (Fategar, Fatajar), see Fetegar
HDR33 Fatam (river in Gojjam with waterfalls Gumba Bul) 10/37 [Ch WO]
HDT83 Fati kebele 10/38 [Ad]
somewhat to the west in north Debre Sina wereda at its northern border,
9-15 km north-west of Mekane Selam; area 3,181 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE22c Fato (mountain) 08/38 [x]
?? Fatolo (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDD85 Fatsce, see Faicha
HET99 Fatse 13/39 [n]
HFF.. Fatsi, in Gulo Mekeda wereda 14/39? [20]
JCT93 Faureina 0806'/4342' 1023 m 08/43 [Gz]
HDJ14 Faw 0910'/3702' 1812 m 09/37 [Gz]
HFF74 Fawly (area) ridge 1450 m 14/39 [Mi]
faya, fayya (O) 1, health; 2. whole, unbroken
HET05 Faya 1241'/3857' 2085 m 12/38 [Gz]
fayu, fayyuu (O) to heal, recover /and some variant meanings/
JDH10 Fayu 0911'/4042' 1498 m 09/40 [Gz]
GDU64 Fazolu 10/34 [WO]
?? Fazughli (area near the border of Sudan) ../.. [x]
HDC90 Fechase (Fech'ase, Bonaia) 0858'/3640' 1825 m 08/36 [Gz]
feche (fäch'ä) (A) to grind and make flour
HDL83 Feche, see Fiche
HC... Fechena (Fetchena), village about 15 km from Soddo 09/36? [+ x]
HDJ76 Fecheni (Fech'eni) 0945'/3710' 2419 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDM65 Fechere (Fecherie), see Fekere
HCG97 Fede 0714'/3529' 1214 m 07/35 [Gz]
JDK52 Fedeat (Fede'at) 0931'/4246' 1834 m 09/42 [Gz]
JCC80 Federova 0609'/4140' 831 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
-- Fedhashi people, see Berta
Fedis, cf Fadis (= historical Fädsé of Pankhurst?)
JDJ06 Fedis (Feds) MS: 0905'/4209' 09/42 [Gz MS Po LM]
Gz: 0908'/4203' 1611 m (sub-post office under Harar)
JDJ06c Fedis wereda (centre in 1964 = Boko) 09/42 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 55 rural and 1 urban kebele.
JDJ11 Fedni (mountain) 0910'/4147' 2665 m 09/41 [Gz]
JCR97 Feek, see Fik
JDP65c Feeoh (Jebel F.), see Fiyo
HDL.. Fega Madelo (valley near Fiche) 09/39 [Mi]
JCP09 Feggi (area), cf Fajji 07/41 [WO]
HDC06 Fego 0809'/3712' 2416 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD85 Feicha, see Faicha
JBU92 Feillo 0520'/4435' 203 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
GDE07 Feimang 08/34 [WO]
JDP63c Feio (mountain) circa 1030'/4100', 10/41 [x]
east of Awash river
HEG05 Feiogni (Feioghni) 1146'/3512' 588 m 11/35 [Gz]
fej ijj (A) destroy hand? fejje (fäjjä) (A) eat up; exterminate
HBP17 Fejij (Fejej) 0436'/3621' 582 m 04/36 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mirab Geleb wereda)
fek fiek: fiiq (Som) 1. point, tip; 2. litter strewn on the
ground; 3. suck in, drink
JDE02 Fek Fiek (Fiuch-Fiuch, Fiuk-Fiuk) (mountain) 08/43 [Gz WO]
0811'/4340' 1321 m
Coordinates would give map code JDE03
HEF71 Feka kebele (Féqa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Ambasel wereda, 6-11 km
west of Wichale; area 3,073 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
fekada: Fekade (fäqadä), a male personal name
HFF90 Fekada (Fekado, Fokodo) 1424'/3922' 2519 m 14/39 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Gulo Makda wereda), see also Fadi
HFF90 Fekada (Fequada), cf Forkada 14/39 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
fekere (fäkärä) (T) praise, boast; fekkere Iyesus, inter-
pretation of Jesus /title of an ancient book/;
gimb (A) stone wall or tower, castle
HDM65 Fekere Gimb (Fechereghemb, Fecherie Ghemb) 09/39 [+ Gu]
one of the highest points in the Ankober region
HDM65 Fekere Gimb Giyorgis (Feqré Gemb G., Feqra G.G) 09/39 [+ 20]
(Fikre Gimb) (church of Menilek II north-east of Ankober)
HCG69 Feki, see Fachi
HDM85c Feki Debbis (Fäqi Däbbis) 09/39 [En]
ancient ruined mosque in Yifat, excavated in year 2000
?? Feko (Feco) (mountains in the south-west) ../.. [x]
HDS39 Feko Meda (Fek'o M., Feqo M.) 10/38 [Gz q]
1018'/3821' 2186 m
HDM65 Fekre Gemb, see Fikre Gimb
HDL85 Fekre Selam, see Fikre Selam
HES37 Felaina Mikael (F. Micael) 1300'/3808' 2296 m, 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
see under Mekane Birhan
HEE85 Felakit (Felaqit), see Filakit
HE... Felakit (in Lasta awraja) 12/39? [Ad]
JDJ46 Felana 0930'/4211' 2138 m 09/42 [Gz]
felana m..: mado (A) on the other side of water or obstacle;
maddoo (O) headstall; maado (Som) hide oneself
HEF03 Felana Mado kebele (Fälana ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the northernmost separate Kalu (west) wereda,
8-14 km north of Degaga; area 3,937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
felase: fellese (fälläsä) (A,T) migrate, emigrate,
be uprooted, (T) excavate
HDL73 Felase 0945'/3845' 2735 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
felasi (fälasi) (T) monk; (A) emigrated, transplanted
HFE34 Felatsi (Addi Felassie) 1831 m 13/38 [LM WO Gu]
felege: felleg (fälläg) (A) footprint, track, trace, trail;
(T) river, stream;
fellege (fällägä) (A) want, seek, search, look for
?? Felege Agat (Fälägä Agat) (town in the 1400s) ../.. [+ Pa]
fellege birhan (A) trail of light? search for light?
HDF11 Felege Birhan 0816'/3930' 2266 m 08/39 [n]
HDS95 Felege Birhan (F. Berhan, Feleghe Berhan) 10/38 [Gz MS Ad]
MS: 1050'/3800'; Gz: 1045'/3804' 2635 m
(centre -1956- of Mota awraja & in 1964 of Yinach sub-district),
town in Enarj & Enawga wereda,
see also Dingayami Maryam (church)
HEU60 Felege Hafo (Feleg H.) (mountain) 13/39 [Gz]
1316'/3922' 2559 m
HCC83 Felege Neway (Felege Niway, Sawla) 06/36 [Gz MS Ad]
MS: 0600'/3600' = HCB63; Gz: 0618'/3653' 1395 m
(centre in 1980 of Gofa awraja and
in 1964 of Zala wereda, with sub-post office)
HCH88 Felege Selam 0708'/3627' 2054 m 07/36 [Gz]
HCH88 Felege Selam wereda (centre = Chelo) 07/36 [En]
One of ten weredas of Kefa awraja 1944-1987.
HCJ21 Feleha 0636'/3647' 2097 m 06/36 [Gz]
JDJ52 Felema 0931'/4150' 1527 m 09/41 [Gz]
felet.: fellete (fällät'ä) (A) to split, to cleave; (T) know
HDK71 Feleta (Felet'a) 0943'/3730' 2225 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
felfel (fälfäl) (A) swarm of termites;
felfela (A) extremely wicked; felfali (T) fountain;
filfil (A) to hull, hatch, break shell, pull out thorn
HER13 Felfel (Felfei) 1250'/3655' 1065 m 12/36 [Gz]
HET16 Felisma, see Beleza
-- Fellata (Fulbe), Muslim people from western Africa
and some living in Eritrea more than in Ethiopia
HED75 Fellega (area), cf Felege .. 11/37 [WO]
HED76 Fellega (area) 11/38 [WO]
GDU61 Femetsere 1033'/3430' 1267 m 10/34 [Gz]
JEG78 Fenara 1225'/4030' 12/40 [MS]
HET46 Fenaroa, see Finarwa
HDD21 Fenchir (centre in 1964 of Tadelle sub-district) 08/37 [Ad]
GDF64 Fencho (Fincio) 0841'/3448' 1927 m 08/34 [Gz]
HET46 Fenerwa, see Finarwa
?? Fenfera (Fänfära) (in Awssa in the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HEJ77 Fenja (Fangia, Fänja) 1227'/3717' 1954 m, 12/37 [Gz WO 20]
(with ruins), used to be a regional capital in the 1800s
HDR68 Fenote Selam, see Finote Selam
HEE74 Fensiha kebele (Fänseha ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
8-13 km south of Bete Hor; area 1,686 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
fenta (A) (fent'a) grasshopper, cricket; (fänta) portion,
share, one's turn
HDF96 Fentale, see Fantalle, and also Awash Fentale ..
HDL65 Fentale (with church Mikael) 0940'/3853' 2648 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos, cf Fantalle
JDA94 Fentale wereda (Fentalie ..) 08/40 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Awash)
(-1994-) is divided into 41 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEJ65 Fentay 1219'/3708' 1847 m (with church Giyorgis) 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ89 Fenter (Fent'er, Fantar) 1234'/3729' 2102 m, 12/37 [Gz WO]
see under Azezo
HDS78 Fenteriya (Fent'eriya) 1036'/3817' 2375 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEJ59 Fentero (area known from the 1600s), 12/37 [20]
cf Finterro, Fintiro
JDG74 Fentida 0945'/4013' 648 m 09/40 [Gz]
HEE98 Fentunya (recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HDM65 Feqra Gemb, see Fekere Gimb
fer (fär) (A) furrow, especially the first when ploughing;
feer (Som) 1. comb; 2. rib; 3. blow, punch; 4. stop raining;
feerfeer (Som) to comb /also name of a town in Somalia/
HEK55 Fer Fer, cf Ferfer 12/37 [WO]
KBN63 Fer Fer, see Ferfer
fera (T) Dregea schimperi; (A,O) epidemic, contagious disease;
ferra (färra) (A) be afraid, fear; (Som/H.Salt) cleft in the hills
HEJ34 Fera (area) 12/37 [WO]
JDJ74 Fera Ada (area) 1118 m 09/41 [WO]
JDD42 Fera-At (area) 08/42 [WO]
HES54 Feraka (Amba Feraca) 1312'/3754' 2871 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
JDS91 Ferate 1051'/4236' 770 m 10/42 [Gz]
GDU24 Ferbogi, see Farbogi
HEK51 Fercaber, see Ferkaber
ferda: farda (O) horse
JDD95 Ferda 0902'/4302' 1505 m, cf Gura Ferda 09/43 [Gz]
HEJ44 Ferdebba 12/37 [Gu]
HEJ44 Ferdebba Maryam (F. Mariam) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HEJ44 Ferdebba Mikael (F. Micael) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
fereg d..: daa'iro (Arabic) circle; (Som) luck, fate
HEU91 Fereg Dairo 1331'/3932' 2157 m 13/39 [Gz]
HCD82 Feregosa 0614'/3744' 1239 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDF34 Ferekesa (Ferek'esa, Fereqesa, Fericasa) 08/39 [Gz q x]
0822'/3946' 2208 m
(ceremony place in Arsi), cf Farakassa
JDA.. Ferekesa Meskobe (area in Merti wereda) 08/40 [n]
JDA.. Ferekesa Mukagelo (area in Merti wereda) 08/40 [n]
feres (färäs) (A,T) horse; feres amba (A) horse mountain
HDL84 Feres Amba 0947'/3847' 1997 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), see under Fiche
feres ber (A) horse gate/pass
HEE15 Feres Ber kebele (Färäs Bär ..) 11/38 [Ad]
stretching rather narrowly north-west/south-east in south-eastern
Sayint wereda, 7-17 km east-south-east of Ajibar; area 2,634 hectares.

feres beret (A) horse enclosure;

beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDU15 Feres Beret kebele (Färäs Bärät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Kewet wereda centrally at its western border,
11-15 km west of Shewa Robit; area 617 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
feres bet (A) horse stable
HCE91 Feres Bet, see Manafarda
HDS81c Feres Bet (F. Biet) 10/37 [MS Po Ad]
(visiting postman under Debre Markos)
(centre in 1964 of Dega Damot wereda and
of Feres Bet sub-district)
HDS91 Feres Bet (Feresbiet) (area) 1051'/3736' 2858 m, 10/37 [Gz WO]
in Dega Damot wereda, see Manafarda
HDT77 Feres Bet 1041'/3909' 2546 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Feres Bet (centre in 1964 of Dayer sub-district) 10/39 [+ Ad]
HDU62 Feres Bet (Feses B., Giafarie) 10/39 [Gz]
1032'/3931' 2724 m
H.... Feres Bet (centre in 1964 of Weybenye sub-district) ../.. [+ Ad]
H.... Feres Bet (centre in 1964 of Tselim sub-district) ../.. [+ Ad]
HEF.. Feres Bet /Wello/, 11/39 [n]
town in Debre Sina wereda (-1999-)
H.... Feres Deg (centre in 1964 of Dahimela sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
feres igir (A) horse's foot/leg
?? Feres Igir (Faras Egr) (waterfall) ../.. [+ Gu]
feres may (T) horse water
HFE67 Feres May (Farras Mai), not far from Adwa 14/39 [+ 18]
HFE87c Feres May (Feresmay, Feres Mai, Faras Mai) 14/39 [MS Gz Gu x]
(with rock-hewn church) 1411'/3908' 1935, 2171 m,
near Inticho
feres meda (A) horse field
HEU91 Feres Meda, see under Mekele
HEF01 Feres Meda kebele (Färäs Méda ..) 11/39 [Ad]
near south-westernmost Dese Zuriya wereda, 27-32 km
south-west of Dessie town; area 1,531 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE76 Feres Megalebiya 1135'/3859' 2885 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE87 Feres Megriya kebele (Färäs Mägriya ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Wadla wereda, 12-15 km
north-west of Wegel Tena; area 1,404 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK06 Feres Midir 1149'/3809' 2743 m 11/38 [Gz]
feres sab..: sabar (Som) foot of a hill; sabir (Som) patience
HES54 Feres Saber (church) 13/37 [WO
HDM.. Feres Tifir (Faras Tafer), a province in the 1800s 09/39 [Ad 18]]
HD... Feres Tifir sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dibut) 09/39 [Ad]
feres washa (A) horse cave
HDM.? Feres Washa (with church Mika'el) 09/39?
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
feres (färas) (A,T) horse; woga (O) time, year
HEC58 Feres Woga (Feres Uoga, Feraswaga) 11/37 [+ WO Ch]
(village), see under Debre May
feres zebenya (A) horse guard
HDK99 Feres Zebenya 0954'/3823' 2452 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HEE97 Fereshoch 1141'/3905' 3163 m 11/39 [Gz]
HFE67 Feresmay, see Feres May
HFE.? Feresnet 13/39? [20]
ferfer (färfär) (A) kind of field mouse; firfir (A) niche in rock;
ferefer (färäfär) (A) red or white sterile soil
which does not retain water;
feerfeer (Som) to comb; name of a town in Somalia
KBN63 Ferfer (Fer Fer) 05/45 [Gz MS WO Gu]
0505'/4505' (0507'/4508?) 177/195 m
MS coordinates would give map code KBN53
(local centre, with wells), cf Fer Fer
near the border between Ethiopia and Somalia.
KBN63 Ferfer wereda (centre in 1964 = Ferfer) 05/45 [Ad]
HFF02 Ferg Inder (Enderta) 1338'/3938' 2336 m 13/39 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HFF03
HDF34 Ferikasa (Fericasa), see Ferekesa, cf Farakassa
HFE41 Ferima 1401'/3833' 1994 m 14/38 [Gz]
ferj (färj) (A) fringe, ruffle /of a skirt/;
firja (A) 1. punishment by God, disaster; 2. arriving
suddenly or unexpectedly /and not welcome/
JDS70 Ferjamarreley (Fergiamarrelei) (area), 10/42 [+ WO]
see under Aysha
HEK42c Ferkaber (Fercaber) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HEK51 Ferkaber (Fercaber) (area) 1212'/3739' 1832 m 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
HEE88 Ferkake kebele (Färqaqé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Dawint & Delanta wereda,
3-8 km east of Wegel Tena; area 2,781 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL33 Ferkoma (Ferk'oma, Ferqoma) 0924'/3842' 2469 m 09/38 [AA q Gz]
HDL70 Ferkoma (Ferk'oma, Ferqoma) 0944'/3830' 2596 m 09/38 [AA q Gz]
HDM... Ferkuta (old monastery in the Ankober region) 09/39 [x]
HDU35 Ferkuta, see Firkuta
JCL59 Fernard (Fernand, Fanhad) 0652'/4416' 546/588 m, 06/44 [WO Gz]
north of Kebri Dehar
ferra (färra) (A) be afraid, fear
HEU23 Ferra Amba (Amba Ferra) (recorded in 1868) 12/39 [Gz WO Gu 18]
1252'/3938' 1861 m, pass 2900 m, mountain c. 3500 m
ferrada: ferrede (färrädä) (A,T) to judge, to give a decision;
Ferede, a male personal name
HET08 Ferrada Maryam (Ferrada Mariam) 13/39 [+ WO]
HC... Ferro Gerbichu (in Sidama awraja), cf Garbicho 06/38 [Ad]
HDJ84 Ferso 0948'/3701' 2439 m, cf Farso 09/37 [Gz]
JCN05 Fesesa 0717'/4016' 2029 m 07/40 [Gz]
fesho (A) quick-ripening type of barley
HDS08 Fesho (Fescio) 09/38 [+ WO]
HEE06 Fesho kebele (Fésho ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Legambo wereda,
22-24 km west of Akista; area 1,051 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
feta: fetta (fätta) (A) unfasten, untie, give freedom
fetal: fetele (A) to spin
HDL62 Fetal, see Fital
HDL83 Fetche, see Fiche
HDM07 Fetegar (Fätägar, Fategar, Fatagar, Fatajar, Fetsegar) 09/39 [Pa Ha x En]
(historical area south-east of Shewa)
HEF45 Feteka (Fetek'a, Feteqa) 1114'/3951' 2254 m 11/39 [Gz q]
HEF16 Fetekoma kebele (Fät'äqoma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Kalu (East) wereda, 16-23 km
south-east of Kombolcha; area 2,470 hectares.
HDK11 Feter (Fet'er) (mountain) 0909'/3741' peak 1829 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK21 Feter (Fet'er) 0914'/3741' 1688, 2068 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDT15 Fetera (Fet'era, Fet'ira, Fetra, Fietira), cf Fetra 09/38 [Gz Ad AA WO]
0959'/3854' 1601 m (with church Mikael)
(centre in 1964 of Tach Bet Merhabete wereda)
fetere (fät'ärä) (A,T) to create
HEK52 Fetimeny (Fet'imeny) 1215'/3744' 2520 m 12/37 [Gz]
feto (fet'o) (A) Lepidium sativum; (Borana O) fenugreek,
Trigonella foenum graecum, used as medicine plant;
feetoo (O) mustard
HDF51 Feto (Fet'o) 0841'/3930' 1264/1321 m 08/39 [Gz WO Gu]
HDF61 Feto, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
HDK52 Feto 0933'/3745' 2342 m (with church Mikael) 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL32 Feto (Fet'o) 0920'/3838' 2519 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Silase)
HEE39 Feto kebele (Fét'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Tenta wereda, 17-22 km
south of Tenta settlement; area 2,054 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT15 Fetra (area) 10/38 [WO]
feu, feuu (O) 1. harness, saddle or load up /horse or mule/;
2. go down the wrong way /food or drink when swallowed/
HEL89 Feu (Fe'u) 1233'/3920' 2237 m 12/39 [Gz]
G.... Feyabieku (ctr in 1964 of Abie Fakero sub-district) 10/34 [Ad]
HFE01 Feyel Weha, see Fiyel Wiha
J.... Feyo (mountain) 10/41 [18]
JEB77 Fhialu 1133'/4121' 358 m, cf Fialu 11/41 [Gz]
fia (O) arrow
JER32 Fia, see Fiya
JFA45 Fia, see Fui
HFC63 Fiaga, see Fiyaga
JBJ41 Fiako 03/41 [WO]
JDR81 Fialu 1044'/4144' 617 m 10/41 [Gz]
JDJ38 Fiambiro, see Funyan Bira
JDJ38c Fiangia, see Fyanja
HDL83 Ficce (Fice), see Fiche
fich (fich') (A) to grind; (fich) (A) explanation; divorce;
fich meret (A) devastated abandoned land
JCR97 Fich, see Fik
JDC07 Fich Ierei, see Fik Yerey
HEL53 Fichaza (Fich'aza) 1216'/3846' 2199 m 12/38 [Gz]
fiche (western O) gazelle-like antelope, Ethiopian oribi,
Ourebia ourebia gallarum, O. montana
HCT30 Fiche, M. (Fike) 0734'/3830' 2171 m, 07/38 [WO Gz Gu x]
mountain about 500 m high between lakes Shala and Langano
HDE92 Fiche 0858'/3836' 3083 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL10 Fiche 0909'/3828' 2670 m, see under Genet 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL64 Fiche 0937'/3848' 2639 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL83 Fiche (Fitche, Ficce, Fice, Fitce, Feche, Fetche) 09/38 [AA Po WO 18]
(Fiichee, Fikke) 0948'/3844' 2738/2782 m 09/38 [x]
3 km off the main road northwards
(with round churches Giyorgis and Medhane Alem & army headquarters)
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Selale awraja (in the 1954 telephone directory
written Salale & Merhabete awraja).
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
1E Addis Amba (Adis A.) (village)
3E Muke Gema 2519 m
4E Kere (K'ere)
4E Wedes (with church) 2065 m
6E Feres Amba (with church) 1997 m
3SE Gara
3SE Koticho
3SE Aleta (with church)
5SE Guda 2765 m
5SE Felase 2735 m
6SE Setane
7SE Werabesa 2645 m
7SE Dire Bochore 2662 m
8SE Gobe 2645 m
1S Ariro
2S Kumando (Comanda Tabia) 2821 m
3S Kemete (K'emet'e)
4S Geme Shoka (G. Shoke) 2749 m
5S Langeno 2797 m
6S Doyu 2735 m
8S Biddigo 2775 m
8S Iyeta (two) 2662 + 2708 m
8S Tembero 2710 m
8S Juba 2708 m
9S Wenji 2584 m
10S Tenebo (T'enebo) 2592 m
10S Dido 2642 m
10S Subo 2692 m
4SW Dire
5SW Bolo (area)
5SW Shabel (Sciabel)
6SW Sego
6SW Wetate (Wet'at'e)
7SW Keteba Dilbo 2843 m
8SW Menya 2882 m
9SW Abote 2823 m
10SW Auso
2W Torban Ashe 2905 m
3W Botori (waterfalls near) 2905 m
4W Tumano (with bridge)
5W Jila 3052 m
5W Gishe
6W Gulele 3102 m
7W Muteya 3216 m
7W Mute (with church)
7W Meskela (Mesk'ela) (area) 3196 m
8W Fago
9W Bero
9W Galeyi
9W Chifra (Ch'iera) (with bridge) 3001 m
9W Jileyi 3001 m
9W Lege Werke (L. Werk'e) (with church) 2965 m
3NW Saggo (area)
7NW Sego
9NW Sebro
9NW Haro
7N Melahe 2554 m
8N Hudad (with church)
?N Shungurti (Sciungurti) (area)
4NE Angorcha (with church Silase) 2355 m
5NE Seke Sole (Sek'e S.) (with church) 2355 m
5NE Adisge (Addisghie) (with church) 1999 m
10NE Kurkura (K'urk'ura)
?? Kara Gada 3276 m
?? Sego Kara 2882 m
HDM.? Fiche (w church Maryam), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
JCR11 Fiche 07/41 [WO]
HDL02 Fiche Lorgis (Ficce Lorghis) (area) 09/38 [+ WO]
HDU31 Fichet (Ficiet) 10/39 [+ WO]
JDC19 Fichi (Fitci) 0816'/4230' 1281 m, near code JDD10 08/42 [+ Gz]
H.... Ficho (on border between Agame and Inderta) 13/39? [x]
HB..? Fichucha (with Konso inhabitants) 05/37? [20]
JDR97 Ficke, see Fik
JCS12 Fidadedih 0721'/4246' 1016 m 07/42 [Wa Gz]
fid- (O) bring, give
HCN12c Fide (in Mocha awraja) 07/35 [Ad]
JBJ96 Fidegan (Fideion) 0428'/4210' 224/250 m 04/42 [WO Gu Gz]
(area with well)
fid- (O) bring, give
fidel (fidäl) (A,T) character of the script; "alphabet";
Fidel, a male personal name
JDP07 Fideli 0958'/4120' 742 m 09/41 [WO Gz]
HFF02 Fidis 1336'/3938' 2340 m, cf Fedis 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Abune Libanos to the north-east)
fiddoo (O) pants, trousers
HDG17 Fido Geysa 0910'/3525' 1528 m 09/35 [Gz]
HES13 Fieria, see Fiyeriya
HDT15 Fietira, see Fetera
fig (A) dung, manure; fiig- (O) run
HET84 Figisiya (Fighisia) 1328'/3850' 1547 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
fik: fiiq (Som) 1. point, tip; 2. drink; 3. garbage;
fiqh (Arabic?) Islamic jurisprudence
-- Fik, semi-nomadic Borana in this region are of the Malingur tribe
JCM20 Fik 0633'/4416' 455 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
JCR97 Fik (Fich, Fik', Fiq, Ficke, Feek, Fitschi, Ieri) 08/42 [Gz q WO Po Wa]
(with sub post office) in area with many wells
0807'/4217' mountain 1184 m, or 0808'/4218' 1229 m
JCR97 Fik wereda (centre in 1964 = Fik) 08/42 [Ad]
fik yer..: yeri (O) lean, emaciated
JDC07 Fik Yerey (Fich Ierei) (well) 08/42 [+ WO]
HFF90 Fikada Fada (Fik'ada F.), see Fadi
HFE27 Fikadeamek (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Temben churches
HCT30 Fike (Fikke), see Fiche
HDL22 Fiko (Fik'o, Fiqo) 0918'/3840' 2628 m 09/38 [AA q Gz]
fikir (fiqir) (A) love, affection; asfaj, destroyer?
HEK31 Fikr Asfaj (small island) 12/37 [Ch]
HDM65 Fikre Gimb (Fiqre G., Fekere G., Feqra Gemb) 09/39 [+ En x]
HDM65 Fikre Ginb kebele (Feqré Genb ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Ankober wereda, 6-10 km
north-east of Ankober town; area 533hectares.
[CSA 1994]
fikre selam (A) love of peace
HDL85 Fikre Selam kebele (Feqrä Sälam ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
at its south-western border; area 1,588 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET55 Fikre Sini (Fik're S., Fiqre S.) 1311'/3859' 1796 m 13/38 [Gz q]
HD... Fil Amba (Feelámba) (place with five hot springs) 10/39? [Ha]
fil wiha (A) hot spring/s/
JDG02 Fil Wiha (Fil Ua, Filoa, Filloa) 09/40 [+ WO Gu 18]
(hot springs, called Palm Springs or Palm Baths by tourists)
fila (A) kind of tall grass, growing especially near
lakes and used for roof covering;
filaa (O) 1. sharp part of a plant left in the ground after
the upper part has been cut off; 2. comb
?? Filagober (425-450 km north of Addis Abeba) ../.. [n]
HEE85 Filakit (Filagit, Felakit, Felaqit, Filakit) 11/38 [Gz Po Ad]
(Filaket, Filatit) 1140'/3848' 2865 m
(centre in 1964 of Shedeho Mekiet wereda and
of Mekwat sub-district, with sub-post office under Dessie)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
6E Sendej kebele
9E Deferge kebele
5SE Weketa kebele
9SE Jirile kebele
9SE Melay kebele
6S Ta Guba kebele
5SW Hana Mekwat kebele
6SW Zibe kebele
8SW Mekwat kebele
9SW Ansa Wiha kebele
6W Tsebelat kebele
7NW Agrit kebele
10NW Berekeza kebele
4N Tiwiha kebele
8N Seron Meda kebele
HDL62 Filale, see Fital
HEE83 Filatit (centre in 1964 of Berkenye sub-district), 11/38 [Ad]
see also Filakit
filfel (filfäl) (A) mole; filfal (Bale O) giant molerat,
Tachyoryctes macrocephalus; filfile (A) kind of tree/?/,
Parkinsonia aculeata, of the Leguminosae family;
filfil (A) to hull, to hatch, to shell /benas/;
filfil ale (A) germinate, sprout; filfille (O) gap-toothed
HER13 Filfel (Felfel, Felfei) 1065 m (= Fil Fil?) 12/36 [LM WO n]
Filfelu, a male personal name
HCU10 Filfo (Encuolo, Enkuolo, Inkolo) (mountain) 07/39 [Gz Wa WO Ad]
0722'/3921' 3678 m
second highest mountain in Ethiopia?

HDS17 Filkilik (Filk'ilik', Filqiliq, Assa Catema) 10/38 [Gz q WO]

1003'/3813' 1820 m
JEB89 Fillamake (Fillamache), see under Asaita 11/41 [+ WO]
JEA57 Filleytu (Filleitu) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JDG02 Filloa, see Fil Wiha
HDC59 Filo 0840'/3729' 2269 m 08/37 [Gz]
JBN69 Filta 0507'/4039' 1229 m, see also Filtu 05/40 [Gz]
JBN69 Filtu MS: 0458'/4023' 1150 m 05/40 [MS WO Gu]
(Italian: Tappa di Filtu)
(sub-district, centre in 1964 = Seru)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10S Hashlik
10N Gagrga
Administrative post on the road from Negele southwards, 45 km from Kenya border.
JBP81 Filtu (El Daud) (spring) 05/40 [MS WO]
JBP91 Filtu (mountain) 05/40 [WO]
JBS61 Filtu 0505'/4240' 05/42 [MS]
JBP90 Filtu Daffa (seasonal spring) 05/40 [MS WO]
JBN69c Filtu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Seru) 05/40 [Ad]
fina (A) direction; finna (O) heritage
GCT98 Fina 08/34 [WO]
GDE08 Fina (Faina) 0810'/3414' 447 m 08/34 [Gz]
HDF71 Fina Najo kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in the middle of southernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda at
its border, 10-23 km south-east of Balchi; area 7,314 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBJ46 Finangiuba, see Hashim
JDJ38 Finangiuba, see Funyan Hujuba
HET46 Finarwa (Fenerwa, Feneroa, Fenaroa) 13/39 [Gz WO 18 n]
1306/3901' 1520/1570 m (market), see under Abergele
GDF13 Fincao (Fincau), see Finchawo
finch (finch') (A) 1. clue to a mystery; 2. very small hole;
3. (finch) kind of caterpillar
?? Finch (affluent of the Abay) ../.. [Ch]
fincha, finchaa (O) waterfall, cataract
?? Fincha (sub-post office under Addis Abeba) ../.. [MS Po]
GD... Finchaa (Fincha) (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [+ Ad]
HDJ35 Finchaa (Finch'a'a, Finchawa) 0921'/3706' 2450 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ99 Finchaa (Fincha, Finch'a'a) 0954'/3727' 2320 m 09/37 [En 20]
(plantation, sugar factory) 1302, 2320 m
HDK14 Finchaa (river, with power station here?) 09/37 [AA]
HDK20 Finchaa (river, with power station here?) 09/37 [AA]
HDL52 Finchaa (Finch'a'a, Finch'ar) 0936'/3840' 2429 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HBS19 Finchawa (Funchaua) 0437'/3821' 1652 m 04/38 [+ Gz]
HBS98 Finchawa (Finch'awa, Finchewa, Finchoa, Fincioa) 05/38 [Gz Ad WO]
(with waterhole) MS: 0525'/3817'; Gz: 0524'/3816' 1785 m
(sub-district and its centre in 1964)
HDJ35 Finchawa, see Finchaa & HDJ99 HDL52
HDL90 Finchawa (Finch'awa) 0956'/3827' 2118 m 09/38 [AA MS]
?? Finchawa Maryam (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
GDF13 Finchawo (Fincao, Fincau, Finchiau) 08/34 [Gz WO]
0816'/3436' 536 m
HCD18c Finchewa (Fincioa) 05/38 [+ Gu]
GDF12 Finchiau, see under Gambela 08/34 [WO]

fincho, finchoo (O) open verandah, eaves

GDF54 Fincho (Fencho, Fincie, Fincio) (at a road) 08/34 [MS WO]
0839'/3445' 1814/1927 m
GDF54 Fincie (Fincio), see Soti
GDF64 Fincio, see Fencho
GCT44c Findedi 0745'/3345'c 07/33 [x]
on the right-hand bank of Akobo river at the border of Sudan
finga..: fingela (fingäla) (A) slave trading
HEU50 Fingalat (area) 1309'/3923' 2117 m 13/39 [WO Gz]
HEU61 Fingilat 1313'/3931' 2073 m 13/39 [Gz]
JDJ38 Finianbira, see Funyan Bira
JCJ76 Finik (Finic) 0701'/4211' 503 m 06/42 [Wa Gz]
JEH26 Finini (mountain) 11/41 [Ne]
finjal (A) porcelain cup; finjala (O) small coffee cup without ear;
guma (O) 1. fruit; 2. (A,O) reconciliation after murder, indemnity;
revenge, retaliation; (A) blood money; 3. hunk of meat;
gumaa, ear or spike of barley or wheat;
guma (T) large bird of prey?
HEM72 Finjal Guma 1226'/3936' 1458 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ57 Finjar (swamp) 0930'/3715', cf Chomen 09/37 [x]
JDH88 Finjiyo (Fingio) (area) 934 m 09/41 [+ WO]
JCD80 Finjuni (Fingiuni) (mountain) 06/42 [+ WO]
?? Finkera (district inhabited by Qemant) ../.. [n]
fino, finnoo (O) smallpox
HD... Fino (centre in 1964 of Jemoyagot sub-district) 09/38 [Ad]
finot (Geez) road;
Finote Selam (road of peace) also occurs as a personal name
HDR68 Finote Selam (Fenote Selam, Funete Selam) 10/37 [Gz MS Ad Po]
MS: 1030'/3720'; Gz: 1042'/3716' 1917 m
(centre at least 1964-1980 of Kola Dega Damot awraja &
in 1964 of Tehnan wereda & of Asewa sub-district)
fintal f..: feres (färäs) (A,T) horse
HEL44 Fintal Feres (Fint'al F.) 1210'/3849' 2314 m 12/38 [Gz]
finterro: fintir (fint'ir) (A) fintira (O) gathering with
drink given as reward for helping in business
HEJ59 Finterro Maryam (F.Mariam, Finero M.) 12/37 [+ WO Ch]
(church), cf Fentero
HEJ69 Fintiro (Fint'iro) 1219'/3726' 1788 m 12/37 [Gz]
JBN45 Fintoy (Fintoi) 04/40 [+ WO]
HEF93 Finyano 1147'/3947' 1442 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEH48 Fiolda (area) 12/36 [WO]
JCR97 Fiq, see Fik
HDL22 Fiqo, see Fiko
fire (A) firi (O) fruit, product, hiywet (A) life
HCC60 Fire Hiywet 0603'/3637' 2575 m, cf Frehiwet 06/36 [Gz]
HFF42 Fire Woyini, see Sinkata
HFE64 Firemona, see Endiet Nebersh
firi (O) fruit
firida (A) heifer, bullock; marayyaa (O) spectacles
HEE77 Firida Mareja 1134'/3908' 2552 m 11/39 [Gz]
JDP11c Firitili (small crater) 10/40 [Gu]
firk (firq) (A) half; divided
J.... Firk (mountain) 08/48 [18]
firka (firqa) (A) plant used for fumigating milk vessels
?? Firka (Firqa) (district in Begemdir, deserted 1860s) ../.. [n]
HEE95 Firkija (Firk'ija, Firqija) 1145'/3855' 2469 m 11/38 [Gz q]
H.... Firkuta (with Kidane Mihret monastery) 10/39 [x En]
in Gera Midir in Menz, at some distance from Ankober
HDU35 Firkuta kebele (Ferkuta ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
stretching for 14 km narrowly to its eastern border,
5-18 km east of Mehal Meda; area 2,991 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEJ56 Firotle 1214'/4209' 561 m 12/42 [Gz]
HET26 Firtata (Firt'at'a) 1255'/3903' 1423 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEC99 Fisa (Kudus Mikhael) 1144'/3727' 1811 m 11/37 [Gz]
HCD67 Fiseha Genet, see Fisiha Genet
HFF46 Fisho (Fiscio) 1357'/3959' 1244 m 13/39 [x WO Gz]
fisih (A) Easter of the Jews and the Felasha;
fisiha, fissiha (A,T) joy, pleasure; genet (gänät) (A,T)
genneta (O) paradise while waiting to enter Heaven;
Fisiha, Fissiha, Fiseha, a personal name
HCD67 Fisiha Genet (Fiseha G., Fisseha G., Fisha G.) 06/38 [Gz MS Po]
(Fisihia G., F. Guennet, Fisheha Genet) 06/38 [Ad]
MS: 0600'/3810'; Gz: 0607'/3812' 1986 m
(with sub-post office under Shashemene)
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (-1964-1997-)
HCD67 Fisiha Genet wereda/?/ 06/38 [20]
fit (A) 1. face, front; earlier; 2. /unfavourable/ judgement;
(Sidamo O) Clematis simensis, a herb or climber growing at
1500-3000 m, with cream-coloured flowers
?? Fit Abbo (church from 1600s) ../.. [x]
HDA76 Fit Gogo 08/35 [WO]
HCN73 Fit Makonnen (Fit Maconnen, Gherba Dima) 07/35 [WO Gz]
0757'/3507' 1900/2011 m
HE... Fita (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/39 [Ad]
H.... Fita Bet sub-district (F. Biet ..) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Hote Mikael)
HEC58 Fita Giyorgis (Fita Gheorgis) 11/37 [+ WO]
fita gu..: gundi (T) trunk of tree; gundhi (Som) lift, raise, jerk
HE... Fita Gundi (centre in 1964 of Chirecha sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HDL62 Fital (Fitalie, Fetal, Filale) 0937'/3838' 2511 m 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(with church Medhane Alem to the west)
(centre in 1964 of Gulele wereda, also area)
HDL83 Fitche, see Fiche
JDC19 Fitci 0816'/4230' 1281 m, near map code JDD10 08/42 [Gz]
fite, fiitee (O) summit, highest point
HDD10 Fite 0819'/3734' 1524 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDR67 Fitebedi (area) 10/37 [WO]
HEE28 Fito (Fit'o) (village) 1107'/3913' 3135 m 11/39 [x Gz]
HEF54 Fito kebele (Fit'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Were Babo wereda, surrounding Bistima narrowly
on its south and extending 6 km to the north; area 2,664 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU20 Fito & Kiba kebele (Fit'o & Qiba ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
to the south at its north-western border, 21-26 km
south-southeast of Degolo; area 2,259 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDG02 Fitri Abareih (Fait Abereic) 0908'/3501' 1534 m 09/35 [Gz]
GDF96 Fitri Abasbur (Fait Abasbar) 0901'/3453' 1800 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDG82 Fitri Girata, see Teyba
HDA56 Fitri Yamugassi (F. Iamugassi) 0840'/3522' 1479 m 08/35 [+ Gz]
JDE02 Fiuk Fiuk (Fiuch-Fiuch), see Fek Fiek
fiya: fia (O) arrow
JER32 Fiya (Fia) (waterhole) 12/41 [+ WO]
HFF80 Fiya Keshi (F. K'eshi, F. Qeshi) 14/39 [Gz q]
1421'/3925' 2748 m
HFC63 Fiyaga (Fiaga) (area) 14/36 [+ WO]
JDJ38 Fiyambiro, see Funyan Bira
HCS95 Fiyat (Egia, Eggia, Esgia) 0805'/3802' 2541 m 08/38 [Gz]
fiyel wiha (A) goat water
HFE01 Fiyel Wiha (Feyel Weha) 13/38 [+ n]
HES13 Fiyeriya (Fieria) 12/37 [+ WO]
JDP65c Fiyo (Jebel Feeoh) (mountain) (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [+ Ha]
JDJ38 Flambiro, see Funyan Bira
JBR45 Foca, see Foka & JDA95
HFF90 Focada, see Fokada
focha, fochaa (O) tasteless /liquid/
HDA43 Foche, see Foke
HDL11 Foeta, see Fota
fofa (Janjero) kind of herb, Brassica carinata; (O) without ears
HCS60 Fofa (Foffa) (with churches) 0751'/3731' 2506 m 07/37 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(visiting postman under Jimma, just west of Omo river)
HES49 Fogay 1306'/3822' 3265 m 13/38 [x Gz]
(with church Maryam to the east)
HES49 Fogay sub-district (centre in 1964 = Asika) 13/38 [Ad]
HDL54 Fogele 0930'/3850' 2632 m 09/38 [Gz]
Fogera, given as a name but not explained as a word
in Baeteman's Amharic dictionary 1929
HEK11 Fogera (Fogerra, Foghera, Fogara, Fogära) 11/37 [Gz Gu Ch 18]
MS: 1154'/3741'; Gz: 1157'/3735' 1788 m
HE... Fogera sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hodgebeya) 11/37 [Ad n]
HED92 Fogera wereda (centre in 1964 = Anbesame) 11/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
This wereda functioned during the second half of the 1900s.
HDT97 Fogero 1049'/3906' 2596 m 10/39 [Gz]
fogg (O) vulture
?? Foha (river in Tigray/Afar) ../.. [Mi]
fok (foq) (A) storey upstairs
foka (foqa) (A) uncultivated, barren ground
HDJ65 Foka (Fok'a, Foqa) 0942'/3706' 2436 m 09/37 [Gz q]
(with church Maryam)
HDK63 Foka (Fok'a, Foqa) 0940'/3748' 2489 m, 09/37 [AA q Gz]
see under Kachisi
HDL62 Foka (Fok'a, Foqa) 0937'/3838' 2511 m 09/38 [AA q Gz]
JBR45 Foka (Foca) 04/42 [+ WO]
JCC62 Foka 06/41 [Wa]
JCD20 Foka 05/42 [Wa]
JDA95 Foka (G. Foca) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HFF90 Fokada (Fokoda, Focada, Forcada), 14/39 [18 x Gu]
(British camp in 1868), cf Fekada and Fokeda
foke (O) pledge, token; foki (fooqii) (O) storey
HDA43 Foke (T. Foke) (hill) 08/35 [+ WO]
HFF90 Fokeda (Foqäda) (same as Fokada above?) 14/39 [En]
village on the slopes of Amba Zeban close to the Eritrean border
HFF90 Fokodo, see Fekada
JDH79 Foldi, see Adi
JDH89 Foldi, see Fulde
HCR75 Folla 0752'/3707' 2169 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
HCR86 Folla 08/37 [WO]
JBR41 Follai 0455'/4144' 414 m 04/41 [Gz]
folle (A), foollee (O) vessel made of dried gourd;
(O) warrior class, age grade 8-16 years in the
Oromo gada system; fole (O) climbing plant with edible
large beans;
follee (O) 1. large drinking cup; 2. with a large hole;
foloda (O) 1. bowels, entrails; 2. ugly; 3. nonsensical
JEB09 Folodda (area) 10/41 [WO]
GDM.. Fongowarbara kebele/?/ 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul
GDM.. Fongugiba kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
fona (Guji) pen for animals
HCS47 Fonka (Fonk'a, Fonk'o, Fonqo) 0739'/3758' 2353 m 07/37 [Gz q Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCT75 Fonsho (T. Fonscio) (area) 2004 m 07/38 [+ WO]
HDF96 Fontale, see Fantalle
HEF15 Fontanina (Gora) 1058'/3947' 1998 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HEF14
J.... Foo sub-district (Fo-o ..) 10/40? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dehabo)
HDL62 Foqa, see Foka
HEJ04 Forae Iyesus (F. Jesus, Forehe J., Foree Iesus) 11/37 [+ MS WO It]
HED97 Forat 1143'/3810' 3660 m 11/38 [Gz]
HFF90 Forcada (Focada) (pass), see Fokada
HB... Foro ../.. [20]
Settlement of 14 hectares in south-east Konso.
HEJ52 Foroforo (area) 12/36 [WO]
JEC50 Forole (area) 11/41 [WO]
HBK16 Foroli, see Furroli
?? Forrog, see under Taffere Ketema
HD... Forsee (with Church of Christ mission) 10/39? [x]
?? Forte Galliano (Italian name), see under Kwiha ../.. [Gu]
fortino (Italian) block-house, redoubt
KCG93 Fortino Gheldidis, see Geldidis
HEU82 Fortino Sassari (It. name) 1325'/3933', 13/39 [x]
see Dogea (pass)
JEB78 Foru (area) 482 m, see under Asaita 11/41 [WO]
fota (fot'a) (A) towel, dish cloth
HDL11 Fota (Foeta, Foveita) (mountain) 09/38 [AA Gz WO Gu]
0913'/3830' 3238/3314 m
Coordinates would give map code HDL10
GDE08 Foual (Fouol) 0810'/3410' 449 m 08/34 [Gz]
HDL11 Foveita, see Fota
JEP64 Franchetti Island (European name), see Afrera Deset
JEC63 Frasgadada (area) 11/41 [WO]

fre, fire (A) fruit, berry, seed, product;

Frehiwet, Frehiwot, a male personal name
HCB98 Frehiwet 0615'/3625' 802 m 06/36 [Gz]
HFE64 Fremona, see Endiet Nebersh
HFF42 Frewini (Freweini), see Sinkata
frida, firida (A) heifer, bullock
HEM01 Frida Amba 1150'/3930' 2081 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEA85 Fuaha (area) 11/35 [WO]
GCT88 Fuchedi (Pacchede) 0802'/3412' 450 m 08/34 [WO Gz]
HED83 Fucheriya (Fuceria) 11/37 [+ WO]
HCG63 Fuchinca (Degem, Deghem) 0655'/3506' 1043 m, 06/35 [Gz]
see under Guraferda
fude (O) union, connection; fuddi (Som) buttocks
HEC02 Fudi (mountain) 1055'/3647' 2453, 3083 m 10/36 [WO Gu Gz]
HEC14 Fudi (mountain), see Assem Sellasie
fudu, fuudhuu (O) 1. take, use without permission, remove etc.;
2. to marry?
HC... Fuge Dilapa, in Dalocha wereda 07/38 [n]
JDC44 Fugna Hallo, see Funya Hallo
JDC50 Fugna Maiteno, see Funya Mayteno
JDB78 Fugna Ualdei, see Funya Weldey
JDG18 Fugnan Aggio, see Funyan Ajo
JDJ38 Fugnan Hujuba (F. Ugiuba), see Funyan Bira
JDJ38 Fugnanbira, see Funyan Bira
?? Fugnido (refugee settlement in 1990s) ../.. [n 20]
town in Gog wereda, in the Gambela region
HDA09 Fugo 0810'/3538' 1769 m 08/35 [Gz]
HCN99c Fugo sub-district (Fuggo ..) 08/35 [LM Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Iros)
HCN98 Fugu (mountain) 0803'/3533' 2053 m, 08/35 [WO Gz]
see under Gore
GDE15 Fugual (Fuguol) 0815'/3357' 420 m, cf Foual 08/33 [Gz]
HEG15 Fugube (area) 635 m 11/35 [WO]
?? Fugug (historical area south of Webi Shebele) ../.. [x]
JDC39 Fugwanchabsa (Fuguanciabsa) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
JFA45 Fui (Fia) (with waterhole) 13/40 [MS WO]
HCG92 Fuia, see Fuya
GCT88 Fukedi?, see Fuchedi
HCG63 Fukinka?, see Fuchinca
GDE09 Fukumu 0810'/3418' 458 m 08/34 [Gz]
ful (Arabic,A) horse beans, broad beans
HBK56 Ful (Gebel Ful) (mountain) 04/38 [WO Gz]
0404'/3806' 2110, 2519 m
fula, fuula (O) 1. face; 2. small side gate to a fenced-in yard;
fulla-a (O) full of holes
HER47 Fulaa (area) 13/37 [WO]
JDH21 Fulamo (mountain) c1330 m 09/40 [Ne]
HC... Fulasa, with Catholic parish under Awasa 06/37? [20]
HDE81 Fulaso (village) 0855'/3834' 2360 m 08/38 [x Gz]
HC... Fulassa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Alolo) 06/37? [Ad]
HEH48 Fuldana (mountain) 1210'/3628' 1224 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
JDH89 Fulde (Fuldeh), see Adi
HBT22c Fuldoy (Fuldoi) 04/38 [+ Gu]
HCT75 Fulduro, cf Funduro 07/38 [x]
the smallest of three islands in eastern lake Ziway
JDB07 Fulensa 0813'/4122' 1281 m 08/41 m [Gz]
JDB17 Fulensa 0816'/4124' 1277 m 08/41 [Gz]
?? Fulessa (southern Ethiopia), cf Fulassa ../.. [n]
HDR14 Fuliya (Fuliye, Fuliyo) 1003'/3701' 2420 m 09/37 [Gz Ad x]
(centre in 1964 of Amuru Fuliyo sub-district)
fullay, fulay (Som) 1. kind of thorn tree, Acacia seyal;
2. coward; fulle, fuullee (O) opposite, across from
JBR22 Fulley (Fullei) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
JDK05 Fulleys (Fulleis) (area) 09/43 [WO]
fulli: fuulee (O) across, on the other side
HBK97 Fulli (Gara Fulli) (area) 0430'/3812', near Yabelo 04/38 [WO Mi]
HDR15 Fullva 10/36 [MS]
HBL25 Fulte (area) 03/38 [WO]
HFF45 Fultulo 1113'/3950' 2196 m 11/39 [Gz]
HBT42 Fultura 0454'/3835' 1374 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
HBT68 Fulu (mountain) 0508'/3912' 1126 m 05/39 [Gz]
HDA18 Fulvalle 08/35 [WO]
HBM24 Fun 03/39 [WO]
funan g..: funnan, funnaani (O) nose; gaba, gabaa (O) market;
gabaa (O) thorn-like barley shoot or stalk; gaba (A,T) thorny shrub
HBK85 Funan Gaba (Funan Gubba, Funyan Goba) 04/37 [Gz]
0425'/3757' 1492 m, "Nose of the mountain"
funan m..: mesa (mäsa) (Tigré) to become evening;
meesaa (O) preparing land and sowing tef there
JBN76 Funan Mesa 05/40 [WO]
funansa (O) picking /coffee etc/
HBS19 Funchaua 0438'/3821' 1652 m, 04/38 [Gz]
cf Finchawa
?? Fundinai (Amba Fundinai) ../.. [It]
HCT75 Funduro (island in Ziway) 0757'/3853' 1633/1846 m, 07/38 [Gu Gz]
cf Fulduro
HDR68 Funete Salam, see Finote Selam
funga (A) snub-nosed
HEC28 Fungi (Funghi) 11/37 [+ WO]
GDL68 Fungsha (Fungscia) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
HCS04 Funto (Funt'o) 0720'/3754' 2239 m 07/37 [Gz]
funya hallo: halo (O) kind of acacia; Acacia bussei
haaloo (O) grudge, rancour
JDC44 Funya Hallo (Fugna Hallo) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
JDC50 Funya Mayteno (Fugna Maiteno) (area) 1485 m 08/41 [+ WO]
JDB78 Funya Weldey (Fugna Ualdei) (area) 1753 m 08/41 [+ WO]
funyan, funnyaan (O) 1. nose; 2. spout /of coffee pot/;
3. tongue or head of a plough; ajo (Kefa) "Galla potato",
Coleus edilis, C. tuberosus; (Som) scum on stagnant water;
JDG18 Funyan Ajo (Fugnan Aggio) (area) 1500 m 09/40 [+ WO]
funyan b..: bira, biraa (O) near, beside; away from
JDJ38 Funyan Bira (Fugnanbira, Fiambiro, Flambiro) 09/42 [MS WO Gu 18]
(Fiyambiro, Funyambira, Finianbira, Fugnan Hujuba) 09/42 [Mi x]
(Fugnan Ugiuba, Funyan Jeba, F. Jebe, Borsom) 09/42 [Gz]
(Som: Funyaabirra)
MS: 0924'/4217' = JDJ37; Gz: 0924'/4219' 1980/2049 m
(with church Raguel & post office)
Centre in -1956-1980- of Gursum awraja, and in 1964
of Gursum wereda & of Birsug and Menehiyu sub-districts.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6SE Illalemi (Ilalami) (two mountains) peak 2040 m
8SE Shek Hassan Dufi (Scek ..) (village)
1SW church
9SW Rukeysa (Rucheisa) (area)
7W Aw Barre (Aw Bare, Au Barre, Aubarre) (village) 1960 m near
6NE Sackabedi (Saccabedi) (village)
funyan c..: chali, chalii (O) spindle, rod for spinning cotton manually
JDK30 Funyan Chali (F. Ch'ali) (mountain) 09/42 [Gz]
0924'/4230' 1834 m, near map code JDJ39
funyan d..: dera (dära) (A) grass used for thatching roofs;
dera, deeraa (O) long, tall; slow
JDK30 Funyan Dera 0921'/4233' 1508 m 09/42 [Gz]
funyan goba (O) "nose" of fortification?
gobaa (O) palmleaf thorn; gooba (O) hump of cattle;
gaba (O) market; goba (O) palissade; (Wellega Bega) hyena;
goba-a (O) bent or stooping /man/
HBK85 Funyan Goba (Funan Gubba), see Funan Gaba
funyan hu..: hujuba (O) sacred enclosure
JDJ37 Funyan Hujuba (Fugnan Ugiuba, Finangiuba),
see Funyan Bira
JDJ37 Funyan Jebe (F. Jeba, F. Juba) 0924'/4219' 2049 m 09/42 [Gz Ad]
(Fugnan Hujuba, Funyanhojoba)
(centre in 1964 of Weresiyu sub-district), see Funyan Bira
Coordinates would give map code JDJ38
JDJ39 Funyan Jufu (mountain) 0924'/4226' 1978 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDL40 Funyan Tede (F. T'ede) 0929'/3830' 2455 m 09/38 [Gz]
funyan ti..: timo (Som) hair
JDH03 Funyan Timo 0905'/4057' 2033 m 09/40 [Gz]
JDH66 Funyane 0916'/4137' 1970 m 09/41 [Gz]
GCU52 Funyido 0745'/3430' 530 m 07/34 [Gz]
fura (O) kind of grass
HCD81 Fura 0610'/3741' 1168 m 06/37 [Gz]
JEA93 Fura (mountain) 1144'/4004' 865 m 11/40 [Gz]
JH... Furalli 03/38? [x]
same as HBK16 Furroli? near mount Huri
furda: furda, furdaa (O) gross, dense, fat, stout, obese,
corpulent /male/; the central pillar in a traditional house;
furda (Kunama) a key concept meaning ceremony, ritual,
ancestral heritage
JDA24 Furda (area) 0812'/4021' 1236 m 08/40 [WO Gz]
JDC43 Furda 0835'/4154' 1294 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDJ10 Furda 0914'/4142' 2731/2830 m 09/41 [WO Gu Gz]
town in Bedeno wereda, (with church Amanuel)
furdo (O) fat, plump /female person or animal/;
(Som) customs post
JDB01 Furdo (place) 0811'/4054' 1519 m 08/40 [WO Gz]
JDB02 Furdo, G. (Nanofurdo) (mountain) 08/40 [WO Gz]
0810'/4055' 1541, 1890 m
JEC42 Furegera (Fureghera) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDU45 Fureuta, see Hirute
furi (O) liberty; furii (O) taking turns in doing something;
furri (O) snot, mucus running from the nose
HDE83 Furi (=Fourra?) (Gara Furi) (mountain) 08/38 [Gz Ca WO Ha]
0853'/3841' 2485, 2798 m, see under Sebeta
HEC98c Furi Maryam (centre in 1964 of Zege sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
HDE83 Furi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bebeli) 08/38 [Ad]
HEC97c Furie (plain) 11/37 [Gu]
HFF02 Furkwa 1336'/3938' 2340 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
furo (Som) 1. open for oneself; 2. rob, pillage
HDU86c Furo (plain) 10/39 [Gu]
furro (A,O) catarrh or cold of animals
HBK16 Furroli (Foroli) (mountain) 1995/2007 m, cf Furalli 03/38 [MS WO Wa]
fursa: furrisa (O) sling /for throwing stones/
JEA44 Fursa (with bridge) 11/40 [WO Gu]
HBL09 Fursdima (area) 03/39 [WO]
JDN55 Fursi (Furssi) 1028'/4013' 764 m 10/40 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Jarra awraja)
JDN55 Fursi wereda (centre in 1964 = Fursi) 10/40 [+ Ad]
JDN72c Fursina, cf Artuma & Fursina wereda 10/40 [20]
HEE98 Fursot (recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HBL09 Furssor (area) 03/39 [WO]
JEB79 Furzi 1115'/4127' 343 m, see under Asaita 11/41 [Ne WO Gz]
JDN69 Futaela (area) 10/40 [WO]
futo (Som) buttocks, anus
HBF80 Futo (mountain) 0332'/3920' 03/39 [WO Gz]
HCG92 Fuya (Fuia) (area) 07/35 [+ WO]
HDM32 Fwafwate kebele (Fwafwaté ..) 09/39 [Ad]
an irregular "two-leg" area to the west in central
Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 22-27 km south
of Debre Birhan; area 1,400 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ38c Fyanja (Fiangia) (high plateau) 1700 m 09/42 [+ Gu]
Ga.., see also Ge..
ga (A) near to, close to; (Gurage) time;
GDF51 Ga Necu, see Gallachu
gaa (O) enough, sufficient; ga-a (O) 1. grown-up /male/;
2. share
HDL23 Gaa (Ga'a) 0917'/3845' 2559 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gaad (O) spy out; gaadh (Som) arrive, reach, almost succeed
JDJ83 Gaad 09/41 [WO]
at the railway 25 km north of Dire Dawa.
JDE12 Gaan 0817'/4338' 1210 m 08/43 [Gz]
gaaro: geare (T) roar, thunder
HFF91 Gaaro (Gaar) (mountain) 1425'/3930' 2589/2905 m 14/39 [WO Gu Gz]
HET78 Gaashi (Ga'ashi) (with church Iyesus) 1320'/3910' 13/39 [Gz]
-- Gaba (ethnic group west of Gidole), see Dullay
?? Gaba (Geba) (river) ../.. [20]
JDJ91 Gaba (Gabba) 0616'/4238' 327/355 m 06/42 [Gz WO]
gaba, gabaa (O) 1. market, market goers; 2. thorn-like
barley stalk or shoot; gaba (A,T) thorny shrub,
Zizyphus spina-christi;
arbi (O) Wednesday or Friday, depending on region
HDA15 Gaba Arbi 0818'/3518' 1531 m 08/35 [Gz]
GDM02 Gaba Gandura (Gheba Giandura) 09/34 [Gz]
0908'/3434' 1410 m
HED14 Gaba Gheorghis (Ghaba Gh.), see HED04 Sede Giyorgis
JCJ48 Gaba Gurali 0645'/4221' 581 m, cf Gurale 06/42 [Gz]
?? Gaba Sambato, in Wellega ../.. [x]
gababa, gabaabaa (O) short, low; gababdu (O) shortly;
gabaa ba-u (O) go to the market
HER82 Gababu (mountain) 1327'/3645' 952 m, cf Gebabu 13/36 [WO Gz]
JCK94 Gabadilli 0710'/4253' 776 m 07/42 [Gz]
JCL62 Gabagaba 0655'/4338' 711 m, cf Geba Geba 06/43 [WO Gz]
GDM51 Gabagola, see Katugola
gabal (Som) portion, piece, part, province;
gabbal (Som) spot, circular mark; gebel (T) python
JDE60 Gabal Garis (area), cf Gebel 08/43 [WO]
-- Gabala, a probably nomad tribe known since the 1300s;
gebela (T) shed, porch, verandah;
-- Gabila (Afar?) tribe
HFF66 Gabala (waterhole), written Gabal in early sources 14/39 [WO]
JEJ56 Gabalti, see Debalti, cf Asa Gabalti
gaban (Som) small, young; gabbaan (Som) livestock
giving little milk; gabanaa (O) one's personal affairs
HDC03 Gabana (Gabano) (mountain) 0808'/3653' 2097 m, 08/36 [WO Gz]
see under Seka, cf Kabana, Kabena
HCP.. Gabane Abo kebele 07/35 [20]
in northern Gomma wereda, with coffee plantations
JBT77 Gabanjab (Gebangeb, Gabangab) (well) 05/44 [WO Gz MS LM]
HCR67 Gabara (mountain), cf Gabbara 07/37 [WO]
H.... Gabargé (historical residence west of lake Ziway) 08/38? [x]
gabari (O) lining on the inside of clothes;
gabbari (O) dependent person, tenant; gebera (O) wealth;
gebbere (gäbbärä) (A) pay tribute, pay tax;
-- Gabaro, Gabbaro, name of Oromo Leqa people, of Sidama origin
JDN85 Gabaro 1045'/4016' 880 m, cf Gebero 10/40 [WO Ne Gz]
gabaru (O) to sacrifice; gabbaruu (O) surrender, pay tax
JCE80 Gabas, see Gebas
gabata (O) low eating table with four legs, wooden tray
HCK87 Gabata (area), cf Gebato, Gebeta .. 07/38 [WO]
-- Gabato, an ethnic group in Wellega near Mendi
gabba, gaba (A,T) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Zizyphus mucronata, Z. spina-Christi;
gabba (O) 1. goal post for "hockey" game;
2. to be sorry, to repent
HCN95c Gabba (Gaba, Geba) 0805'/3518'? 08/35 [En]
river being the border between Wellega and Illubabor
HDH12 Gabba, T. (hill), see under Gimbi 09/35 [WO]
JCD91 Gabba, see Gaba
gabba ..: gaba ballo (O) Tuesday market
HDB20c Gabba Ballo (important market), c. 1700 m 08/35 [Gu]
JCJ66 Gabba Galleccia 0659'/4212' 505 m 06/42 [Gz]
gabba ..: gaba jimata (O) Friday market
HDB14 Gabba Jimmati (G.Gimmati) c. 2100 m 08/36 [+ WO Gu]
H.... Gabba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jiffa) 08/35 [Ad]
HCR67 Gabbara (area), cf Gabaro 07/37 [WO]
gabbaro (Som) tax; gabaro (O) men of low social status
because of not being "pure" Oromo /but rather conquered
men required to serve/
JCH49 Gabbenana (area) 06/41 [WO]
gabbo (Som) hide oneself, dodge
HC... Gabbo (centre in 1964 of Alga sub-district) 07/35? [Ad]
-- Gabbra, cf Gabra, ethnic group in southernmost Ethiopia
and a minority in Kenya
HBK36 Gabbra Algan (area) 03/38 [WO]
gabbra mi..: miigo (Som) choke, have difficulty
in swallowing
HBM50 Gabbra Migo (Gabra M.), cf Boran Gabbra Migo 04/39 [WO]
JBG75 Gabdiye (Gabdie) 0420'/4017' 1064 m 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
JDP35 Gabelli (area), cf Gabolla 10/41 [WO]
JDC28 Gabenaua, see JDC08 Kabenawa
JEB.. Gaberto (pools with hippopotami) 11/41 [Gu]
HDT86 Gabesa kebele (Gabésa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kelala wereda, 5-11 km
north-east of Kelala settlement; area 1,719 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gabeya: gabayaa (O) market
HDL51 Gabeya, cf Gebeya 09/38 [AA]
JDD85 Gabeyle (Gabeile) (waterhole) 08/43 [+ WO]
HEJ04 Gabgarbit (Gabgabit, Gibgebit) 11/37 [WO Gz Ch It]
(with church on hilltop) 1150'/3702' 1828 m

gabi (A) thick dress put on in evenings; (O) homemade

cotton cloth used as a blanket; gebi (gäbi) (A) income;
gabi (Som) all, the whole; gaabi (Som) shortness, to shorten;
move slowly; gabbi (O) to regret; (Som) to dodge
JDR25 Gabi 708 m, cf Gebi 10/42 [WO]
gabi m..: muri (O) 1. kind of grass;
2. bush cut and left to dry
JC... Gabi Muri (mountain) 06/41 [18]
JEJ41 Gabia Hara, see Gabya Hara
gabia m..: mata (A) evening; mataa (O) head, cranium; hair
HDA05 Gabia Mata [=Gebeya M?] 0812'/3519' 1616 m 08/35 [Gz]
gabib: gabiib (Som) flat firm soil
JDB53 Gabiba (locality) 0835'/4112' 1717 m, cf Gebiba 08/41 [WO Gz]
JDB54 Gabiba (mountains), see Dimbiba
JDC94 Gabibda (area), cf Gebibda 09/41 [WO]
gabicha (A) marriage
HCM30 Gabicho (Gabiccio) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
JCS92 Gabiebie 0805'/4245' 870 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDP78 Gabillelu, see Gebilu
JEB26 Gabillema (mountain) 1105'/4116' 1304 or 1459 m 11/41 [WO Gz]
HEH19 Gabina (area) 1158'/3626' 921 m 11/36 [WO Gz]
HEU22 Gabir Sagudo 1252'/3934' 3054 m 12/39 [Gz]
gablay: gabla (T) basin, trough; gabley (Som) kind of bird
JER12 Gablai (Gabla) (well) 1248'/4150' 12/41 [WO Gz]
JEH04 Gablaitu 1132'/4104' 468 m 11/41 [WO Gu Ne Gz]
(hills with small crater)
gabo (O) kind of runner plant; (Kefa) Ritchiea steudneri;
gaabo (Som) be short; gabbo (Som) hide oneself, dodge;
HB... Gabo ../.. [20]
Settlement of 4 hectares in south-east Konso.
gabob: gaboob (Som) grow old, get old; gaboobey (Som) old, aged
JBU73 Gabobe (waterhole) 05/44 [WO]
JEB22 Gaboli (area) 637 m, written Gabola in early sources 11/40 [WO]
JEB86 Gaboli (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDP35 Gabolla 1017'/4112' 672 m, cf Gabelli 10/41 [18 Gz]
?? Gaboma (village) 2160 m nearby ../.. [Mi]
In Ilubabor, on the road from Gecha to Inderasha, with volcanic rocks.
HDA56 Gaborra, see Gobera
gabra (O) same as garba;
-- Gabra, ethnic group living among the Borana, speaking Garreh-Ajuran
language and numbering about 5,400;
two distinct clusters Miigo and Malbe
Gabra .. Gabre .., see Gebre ..
HBM50 Gabra Migo, see Gabbra Migo
H.... Gabrama, see Geberma
JCL49 Gabredarre (Gabredahare), see Kebri Dehar
JCT34 Gabrehor (Grabrehor) 0733'/4348' 773 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HER69 Gabrel, see Angereb
JDK16 Gabri (Gabri Baia?) (area) 1732 m 09/43 [WO]
gabri ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JCU42 Gabri Ali (Cabri Ali Ghelati) 07/44 [WO Gz]
gabri mu..: muno, muunoo (O) mongoose;
-- Nonno, a Mecha Oromo tribe
JDK66 Gabri Nono (G. Munno) (area) 0937'/4301' 1693 m 09/43 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JDK65
JDK07 Gabribaja (Gabribagia), see Kebri Beyah
JCL49 Gabridare, see Kebri Dehar

HDC88 Gabriel, S. 1731 m, cf Gebriel 08/37 [WO]

HDH08 Gabriel, S. (church) 09/36 [WO]
HER79 Gabriel (Gabrel) (area), see HER69 Angered
H.... Gabriel sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kimir Dingay) 10/39 [Ad]
HFE15 Gabriel Wukien (monastery), see under Abiy Adi 13/38 [n]
HDD98 Gabriele, see Kidus Gebriel
gabro (Som) lie down in a group /said of animals/
JCD98 Gabro 0618'/4316' 340 m 06/43 [Gz WO]
HFC36 Gabta (Ghabta) (wide area), see under Kafta 13/37 [+ WO]
GDM51 Gabugola, see Katugola
JEP35 Gabule 1300'/4107' -73 m, below sea level 13/41 [WO Gz]
JFA15 Gabuli (volcanic mountain) 13/40 [MS WO Ne Gz]
MS: 1347'/4026 c.700 m = JFA25
Gz: 1340'/4016' = JFA15
JEH11 Gabulle (area) 11/40 [WO]
JDS23 Gabur, B. (area) 10/42 [WO]
JCN24 Gabura 07/40 [WO]
JDD79 Gaburelei (area) 08/43 [WO]
gabya (T) cage; gabyaa (Som) poet; hara, haaraa (O) 1. lake,
pool; 2. new; 3. anything for common use; 4. broom
JEJ41 Gabya Hara (Gabia Hara) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
GCM53 Gac, see Gak
gache (O) sling, catapult
-- Gache, name of a Wello Oromo tribe
HDB28 Gache, see Gechi
gacheena (O) shield
HCK85 Gachenu (Gacenu, Galcen) 07/38 [+ Gu Gz]
0705'/3802' 1684/1722 m
gachi, gachii (O) large jar
HDH12 Gachi (Gach'i) 0914'/3555' 1683 m 09/35 [Gz]
HCH07 Gachiro (Gaciro) 0623'/3624' 874, 2012 m 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
HCH52 Gachit 0650'/3554' 1832 m 06/35 [Gz]
HCD70 Gacho (Gacio) 0609'/3732' 1843 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDA66 Gacho (Gacio), see Galcho
HCH07 Gaciro, see Gachiro
gad (O) down, towards lower part of place
gaad (Som) 1. ambush; 2. kind of climbing plant with edible
fruit; gaadh (Som) 1. arrive, reach; 2. nearly succeed
Gad, a male personal name
?? Gad (river which falls into a chasm) ../.. [Mi]
gada, gadaa (O) 1. age-grade system; 2. kitchen;
gada, gwada (A) back area of round house, 'alcove';
gadaa (O) special cultural significance
Gada, Geda, a male personal name
JFA47 Gada Ale 1359'/4025' 287 m 13/40 [20]
stratovolcano with last eruption probably Holocene
HCD59 Gadab (river), cf Gedeb 05/38 [WO]
?? Gadab Abo (in the Choke mountains) ../.. [Ch]
gadabi (O) limit, end; 2. conditions, terms /e.g. of marriage/
HCE40 Gadabi 0550'/3820' 2116 m, cf Gedabi 05/38 [WO It Gz]
HEP77 Gadabi, see Gedabiet
HEP59 Gadabiet (area), cf Gedabiet 13/36 [WO]
-- Gadabur, ethnic group (tribe) of Somali
living north-west of Aw Barre
-- Gadabursi (Gadabuursi), a tribe of the Dir Somali
-- Gadabuursi langugage, a Northern Somali dialect
HDF82 Gadaburka (Gadaburqa), see Godeburka
HBF82 Gadaduma (Gaddaduma), see Kededuma
?? Gadam (? in Tegulet & Bulga awraja) ../.. [Ad]
HDB88 Gadama, see Getema, cf Gidami
GDF93 Gadame (Gadamo), see Gidami
gadami (O) convent, monastery /of missionaries/
GDF93 Gadamo, see Gidami
gadamsa (O) large deer, probalby kudu
HBE96 Gadamsa (Gara G.) 0332'/3901' 1029 m 03/39 [Gz]
on the border of Kenya
HCK37 Gadano, see Gedano
JDE75 Gadaueina, see Gudaueina
?? Gadawi (historically recorded area of the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
HDS71 Gaday 1038'/3738' 2443 m (with church Mikael) 10/37 [Gz]
gaddad..: gadadamu (O) become miserable /from lack of
HBF82 Gaddaduma, see Kededuma
JEH54 Gaddaelo (Gadaela, Gaddaclo) (mountain) 12/40 [Ne Gz WO]
1213'/4059' 745 m
gaddal..: gadaal (Som) 1. back, behind; later, afterwards
JDR43 Gaddalyali (Gaddagliali) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HCP25c Gaddara 07/36 [x]
area south-west of Gojeb river
Gaddissa, a personal name
?? Gadeb (archaeological site) ../.. [20]
?? Gadebyu (Gadebiyu) (in Tigray) ../.. [n]
HCR79 Gadel, cf Gedel 07/37 [WO]
JEA86 Gadele (area) 11/40 [WO]
JEH74 Gadelou, see Gedelu
HDE56 Gadetti, M. (area), see under Debre Zeyt, cf Gudetti 08/39 [WO]
gadi (O) 1. excavation, ditch; 2. below, down there, outside;
gadi (A), gaadi (O) leather thong to hobble the hind legs of
a cow while milking; gaddi (O) luck
HCR58 Gadi 0742'/3719' 1840 m, cf Gedi 07/37 [WO 18 Gz]
HDU02 Gadi kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
9-14 km south-west of Molale; area 1,402 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gadid: gadiid (Som) 1. barren or unfertile land;
2. noontime /smallest/ shadow;
gadida (eastern O) kind of shrub or small tree, Rhamnus staddo
JED04 Gadid (area), cf Gedid .. 10/42 [WO]
gadidu: gaddiddu (O) 1. shadow outdoors; 2. baneful shadow
/cast by harmful being according to superstition/
JEJ13 Gadidu (waterhole) 11/41 [MS WO]
HDE13 Gadilala (area) 08/38 [WO]
?? Gadilo (Gadillo) (plain in Menz, battle site in 1865) ../.. [n]
gadim (A) crossbeam, framework of a roof;
gara gadim, flat mountain?
HBK46 Gadim, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HCB15c Gadir, settlement area of the Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
HEC89 Gadiro (Gadir), cf Geddera, 11/37 [Ch Gu]
village near the outlet of the Abay from lake Tana
gadisa, gaaddisa (O) shadow; gaddisa (O) shade
HEE07 Gadisa 1053'/3906' 3172 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Gadlo (small island) ../.. [Ch]
HDF81c Gadmiya Gur kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda at the middle of its
northern border, 11-15 km north-east of Balchi; area 1,634 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ17 Gadna (landing place with church), see under Dek 11/37 [Ch Gu WO]
gado (Som) 1. buy for oneself; 2. rub out, erase;
(O) grudge, rancour; gaddo (Som) 1. select;
2. personality; gaaddo (Som) chest
HCK48 Gado 0641'/3816' 1645/1778 m, cf Gedo 06/38 [Gu WO Gz]
HCU45 Gado (area) 0732'/3928' 2485 m 07/39 [WO Gz]
HET82 Gadober (Gadoben) (area) 1327'/3838' 1579 m 13/38 [Gz WO]
HDM12 Gadomiya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-east Berehet wereda, 15-20 km
south of Gina Ager; area 1,159 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gadu, gaaduu (O) plot against, spy upon; gaddu (O) spy,
/recent meaning:/ guerrilla fighter; (A) robber, murderer;
gadu (Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Maerua sphaerogyna;
-- Gaddu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana people
JDN99c Gadu, 740 m 10/40 [Gu]
HDD.. Gadu Kitsana, in Weliso wereda 08/37 [20]
-- Gadula, Gadulla, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo, also
a lineage of the Sabbo-Mattarri of the Borana prople
HDK20 Gadula 0918'/3731' 1662 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL68 Gadula 09/39 [WO]
JDJ21 Gadula 0918'/4145' 2400 m 09/41 [Gz]
HEF32 Gadula kebele 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in Dese Zuriya wereda near its northern border, 8-12 km
west of Dessie town and 12-16 km south of Kuta Ber;
area 1,347 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE46 Gadulla (area), see under Mojo, cf Gardulla 08/39 [WO]
JE... Gadulla sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tea) 11/40 [Ad]
HET78 Gaela 1318'/3911' 2107 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
JEB89 Gaerto (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDT33c Gafarcha (mountain) circa 1015'/3845' 10/38 [x]
gafarsa (O) buffalo, Syncerus caffer aequinoctialis
HDD66 Gafarsa, see Welenso, cf Gefersa, Kaffarsa
HDE15 Gafarta (Gafartsa) 0814'/3857' 1757 m 08/38 [WO Gu Gz]
-- Gafat, name of a people on the banks of Abay, originally with
their own language which is extinct
gafat: gefet (gäfät) (A) scum
HEC69 Gafat, see under Debre May 11/37 [WO 18]
HEK05c Gafat (historical place), see also under Debre Tabor 11/38 [x]
HEE59 Gafat kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Tenta wereda, 2-6 km west of
Tenta settlement; area 1,296 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gafate (O) illuminated
HDL02 Gafersa, see Gefersa
JBS59 Gaff, see Gof
gaffa (Konso) "marriage class";
gafa, gaafa (O) 1. horn; 2. day, moment
HDM34 Gaffa Maryam (Gaffa Mariam) (church) 09/39 [+ WO]
HEK14 Gaffat (recorded in 1868), cf Gafat 11/37 [18]
or Debre May : Gafat?
JDA33 Gaffite, G. (area) 2738 m 08/40 [WO]
gafi gaf (O) once in a while; gaffi (O) 1. punishment,
visitation; 2. question
JDP40 Gafi (area) 10/40 [WO]
KCN34 Gafida (Arogafida) 0734'/4517' 673 m 07/45 [Gz WO]
WO has Gafida at KCN35
JDF53 Gafkaagamurdi (area) 08/44 [WO]
HDM.. Gafra (with church Giyorgis) 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
JDJ46 Gafra 0926'/4210' 1856 m, cf Gefra 09/42 [Gz]
?? Gafra (river in Harar province) ../.. [Mi]
JEA22 Gafra 1105'/4001' 2195 m, cf Garfa 11/40 [Gz]
HDM23 Gafra kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
area 1,738 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gafu (O) 1. to trap, lie in wait for; 2. beg, request;
gaafo (Som) plenty; gafuur (Som) muzzle, area around the mouth
JEB58 Gafu (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEH02c Gafura (Gafoura) (mountain) circa 1150'/4055' 11/40 [x]
gagaa (O) wax;
gagab: gaggab (Som) faint, be in a state of shock;
gaagaaban (Som) short, small
JDE04 Gagab (Gagap) 0810'/4348' 1057 m 08/43 [Wa 18 Gz]
gagabsa: gaggabsu (O) cause pain; gaggababsu (O) make shorter;
gaggabayso (Som) do purification with sand
/when there is no water or toilet paper?/
JDA23 Gagabsa, G. (area) 2950 m, see under Minne 08/40 [WO]
?? Gagama (valley in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
?? Gagami (in Harar region) ../.. [It]
HEE84 Gagbi kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in the westernmost "tip" of Wadla wereda,
17-20 km south of Filakit; area 3,802 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gaggaba (O) zealous for work
HDD12 Gaggeba, see Gajjeba
HDK07 Gaggi Giam Giam, see Gaji Jem Jem
HCK81 Gaggie 0709'/3740' 1571 m 07/37 [Gz]
HCC80 Gagigalla, see Gajigalla
JDR83 Gagle (well) 1044'/4154' 10/41 [WO Gz]
HEJ09 Gagn Amba, see Ganj Amba
gago, gagoo (O) vulture; (Kefa) kind of shrub or tree,
Maesa lanceolata, its wood gives red colour
JEC40 Gago (area) 11/41 [WO]
JBR11 Gagoru, see Gogoru
JBN79 Gagrga, see under Filtu 05/40 [WO]
HDT61c Gagus 10/39 [Ch]
gahari: gahayr (Som) unripe fruit
JEB16 Gahari (area) 10/41 [WO]
HB... Gahiti ../.. [20]
Settlement of 1 hectare in middle Konso.
HB... Gaho ../.. [20]
Settlement of 4 hectares in middle Konso.
JDD95 Gaho (with waterhole), see Kaha
HEL19 Gahso, see Gaso
gai (Som) kind of vessel /for milk/ shaped as a double cone
HCA94 Gai, cf Gey 06/35 [WO]
HER09 Gai (mountain) 1242'/3729' 2456 m, see u. Gondar 12/37 [WO Gz]
HCP06 Gaia, see Kaya
HCP44 Gaia (mountain), see Gaua
JEB88 Gaiale, see Gayale & JEB97
JEJ12 Gaiannabo, see Gayannabo
HCB27c Gaicha, settlement area of a Shangama sub-group
JEB91 Gaidaru, see Gaydaru
JDR60 Gaiel, see Gayel
HEJ55 Gail 1216'/3707' 1814 m, cf Goel 12/37 [Gz]
ga-ila (O) age of puberty
JDN26 Gaila (area) 10/40 [WO]
JEB98c Gaile 11/41 [Ne]
HEE60 Gaint (area) 1125'/3830' 11/38 [WO Gz]
HBL61 Gaio, see Gayu
ga-isa (O) joke, mockery
JEB25 Gaisa Lemmaru (area) 501 m 11/41 [WO]
HCF62 Gaiu, see Gayu, cf Geyu
HBE89 Gaiya (area) 03/37 [WO]
gaja (O) water pipe; gajja (A) Andropogon gayanus,
kind of large-jointed grass
HCG84 Gajaka 0705'/3513'c, 07/35 [x]
north-east of Guraferda
HDB.? Gaji (Gajima), with big market 08/35 [x]
HDK07 Gaji (Gaggi) 0904'/3811' 2337 m 09/38 [AA Gz It x]
(with church Abo to the north-west), see under Ginchi
HDK07 Gaji Jem Jem (Gaggi Giam Giam) (area), 09/38 [+ x WO]
with an early timber concession
HCC80 Gajigalla (Gagigalla), see under Bulki 06/36 [+ WO]
HDD12 Gajjeba (Gaggeba) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
gajo (O) 1. old woman; 2. kind of top-storey forest tree
with buttressed foot, Manilkara butugi
HDJ15 Gajo 0911'/3704' 1840 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL33 Gajo 0922'/3846' 2582 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK56 Gajo Medhane Alem (church) 0934'/3803' 09/38 [Gz]
GCM53 Gak (Gac) (area) 0650'/3439' 672 m 06/34 [WO Gz]
gakela: gacaliye (Som) "brother", respectful term of address
for beloved male relative; gakalo (Som) love, affection
between relatives
HET76 Gakela (area) 13/39 [WO]
Gaki (Kefa) first part of the name of Kefa kings 1710 and
HCB17 Gaki (Ghaki) 05/36 [+ WO]
?? Gako (Gaqo), place with caves south of Sekota ../.. [n]
gal a..: gal (Som) 1. pond; 2. entrance, to go inside;
3. container, cover, envelope, sheath, scabbard, pillowcase;
gaal (Som) non-Muslim, infidel, white man, European man/woman;
adala (O) kind of wild cat
JCT16 Gal Adale (area), cf Gel .. 07/43 [WO]
gala (O) arrival; gala, gaala (O) 1. camel; 2. provisions
for a trip; 3. arrival;
gala (Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Calotropis procera,
growing in semi-desert areas; when cut all its parts exude
a caustic, milky juice
HDF72 Gala, M. (mountain) 0850'/3932' 1527, 1910 m, 08/39 [WO Gz]
see under Bolo (Bollo Sellasie)
HEE53 Gala Gibeya kebele (.. Gibäya ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in westernmost Mekdela wereda at the middle
of its western border; area 7,070 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM01 Gala Giyorgis kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda along its border
where it turns from southern to eastern, 6-9 km
south-west of Weldiya; area 658 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gala gud: gaalaa (O) camel; gud (Som) 1. almond tree;
2. travel by night; 3. pay back, compensate;
4. cut off, circumcise; guud (Som) mane, spreading hairstyle
JDF23 Gala Gud, see Kala Gud
gala ki..: qibe (A) butter
HEK02 Gala Kibe (G. K'ibe, G. Qibe) 1150'/3743' 1939 m 11/37 [Gz q]
gala ko...: kolkole, qolqolee (O) grazing land
made barren through over-use;
qolqol (Som) 1. portion, rear part of hut; 2. trickle
HDF81 Gala Kolkol (G. K'olkol, G. Qolqol) 08/39 [Gz q]
0853'/3929' 1750 m
Galaat .., see Galat
JEC50 Galaato (area) 11/41 [WO]
-- Galab (Geleb) people, see Dasenech
galaba, galabaa (O) bran, chaff
HFE99 Galaba (recorded in 1868) 14/39 [18]
JCB69 Galadi 0558'/4133' 545 m, cf Geledi 05/41 [WO Wa Gz]
KCH67 Galadi (Galladi), see Geladi
?? Galadu ../.. [x]
at the route from the coast to Dire Dawa
JEC93 Galafi (area) 11/41 [WO]
JCH30 Galaia, see Galcha
JEH65 Galaito (waterhole & stream) 1247'/4113' 12/41 [Ne Gz]
galal..: galaal (Som) whitewash; galala (O) grass
JDD71 Galalcha (Galalcia, Gelalcha) (area) 1603 m 08/42 [+ WO Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
galalchu, galalchuu (O) delay departure
JEG04 Galalegifeni (Galaleghifeni) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JDH70 Galali (area) 09/40 [WO]
galalo (western O) 1. kind of medium-sized tree, Bridelia
macrantha, B. micrantha; 2. innocence;
galalu (O) shake soil from uprooted grass and throw it
to the edge of ploughed land
JDG88 Galalu (wide plain & mountain) 0947'/4038' 931 m 09/40 [WO Ne Gz]
JDP70 Galalu (plain) 10/40 [WO]
HCU50 Galama (mountain) 0739'/3922' 3712/3781 m 07/39 [WO Gz]
JDA77 Galama, G. (area) 2248 m 08/40 [WO]
JDG59 Galamboli (area) 09/40 [WO]
JEH20 Galamo (area) 11/40 [WO]
galamota (O), galemota (A) prostitute, whore
JDA78 Galamso, see Gelemso

galan (O) lake

-- Galan, Galen, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe;
-- Warra Galan is also an Ala tribe of eastern Oromo
JDJ00c Galan, cf Gelan 09/41 [Wa]
galana, galaana (O) river, flood, sea
JEB52 Galana (area), cf Gelana 11/40 [WO]
HCG82 Galanchi (Galanci) (area) 07/35 [+ WO]
galane: Galani, second wife of the leader of the
Mecha/Liban/Kutai subtribe of the Oromo
HDE73 Galane (area), see under Akaki, cf Geleni 08/38 [WO]
galangal (Som) windy or showery weather;
galangal, kalankal (T) kind of cactus-like tree, Euphorbia
KCN78 Galangal (area) 07/45 [WO]
GCU63 Galano (area) 07/34 [WO]
-- Galantu, a clan of the Fullelle of the Borana people
HCK12 Galasca 0628'/3742' 1529 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDS71 Galat 1037'/3741' 2758 m (with church Abo) 10/37 [Gz]
?? Galat (in the 1970s in Sobiya wereda) ../.. [Yo]
HFB38 Galat Abgir (Galaat A., Abigir) 13/36 [+ n]
1354'/3628' 630 m, on the border of Sudan
HEP38 Galat Arida (area) 12/36 [WO]
galata, galataa (O) praise, giving of thanks;
gelata (gälat'a) (A) open, bare /space without trees/
HDF10 Galata 0815'/3926' 1982 m, see under Sire 08/39 [Gz]
HDJ12 Galata, see Buko
JEH84 Galatibar (plain) 12/41 [Ne]
JEB83c Galato (mountain) circa 1135'/4100' 11/41 [x]
JEB55 Galatu (Galata) (mountain) 11/41 [WO Ne Gz]
1117'/4106' 867, 1321 m
JDJ71c Galaue, see Boraat
HE... Galay (centre in 1964 of Azawr sub-district) 11/38? [Ad]
JCH30 Galaya (Galaia) 0640'/4045' 1200 m, cf Galcha 06/40 [+ n]
JCH48 Galbi, see Gelbi
HCB70 Galcam, see Gelkam
HCK85 Galcen, see Gachenu
galcha, galchaa (O) votive gift, money entrusted for
a purpose; gaalcha (O) probable result
HCK33 Galcha, see Galecha
JCH30 Galcha (Galcia) 0640'/4045' 1200 m, cf Galaya 06/40 [+ WO Gz]
JDD91c Galcha, cf Gelcha 09/42 [MS]
galcho (O) troop, band; galchu (O) coming home of the cattle
in the evening
HDA26 Galcho (Galcio, Gacio) 0843'/3521' 1396 m 08/35 [+ Gz]
JCH40 Galcia, see Gecha, cf Galcha 06/40 [WO]
?? Galda (river at lake Tana) ../.. [Ch]
galda-u (O) repose, sit or lie with the limbs spread out
HEJ71 Galdau (area) 12/36 [WO]
JCB57 Galdima, see Guldima
JDJ22 Galditti, see Sumane
HCH07 Galdo 0623'/3623' 914, 2012 m 06/36 [WO Gz]
-- (Galdogob, town in Somalia near the border,
briefly invaded by Ethiopia in July 1982)
J.... Galdumbas 05/44 [18]
gale, gaalee (O) collective word for climbers and
lianes, also aloe; gale (Som) 1. escarpment of river bed,
open space for meeting; 2. chronic swelling of the lymph
glands; galee (Som) cover, put a cover on;
gale (galä) (A) be red-hot
HBM44 Gale (area), cf Geli 03/39 [WO]
HED43 Gale 1115'/3750' 1485 m 11/37 [Gz]
JEB79 Gale Ale, see under Asaita 11/41 [WO]
?? Gale Hamuse, in Bale Koisha wereda ../.. [20]
HEH68 Galea (mountain) 1225'/3626' 772 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
-- Galeb, people near the Omo river
-- galeb b..: Bume, an ethnic group in the South Omo Zone
?? Galeb Bume (plain near Omo) ../.. [Gu]
HCK33 Galecha (Galcia, Galcha, Gede Gelcha, Galga) 06/37 [Gz Gu WO]
(market) 0639'/3747' 1454, 2030 m
galega: gallaga (Konso) shepherd's flute
JDK28 Galega Deheta (area) 09/43 [WO]
HEH52 Galegu (Ghelegu) (river & small village) 12/35 [WO Gu Gz]
1212'/3554' 782 m, near map code HEH42
H.... Galei, cf Galeyi 08/38 [18]
JEH45 Galeie (Galeic) (well) 1209'/4112' 12/41 [Ne WO Gz]
JEJ78 Galellou 1228'/4220' 948 m 12/42 [Gz]
HDT94 Galemot 1051'/3853' 2755 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT95 Galemot kebele (Galämot ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in west Legambo wereda along its western border; area 1,763 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG06 Galesa 0905'/3520' 1633 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDK06 Galesa 0906'/3807' 2948 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK16 Galesa 0911'/3804' 3111 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL91 Galesa 0954'/3834' 2212 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF24 Galesa kebele (Galésa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Dese Zuriya wereda between the towns Dessie and
Kombolcha and adjoining both of them; area 2,557 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE76 Galeti (Galletti) 08/39 [WO x]
JDH05 Galeti (Galetti) (river & valley), in the Chercher area 09/41 [+ Mi]
HD... Galew (in Gimbi awraja), cf Gelew 09/35? [Ad]
JEH45 Galeych (Galeic) (waterhole) 12/41 [+ WO]
HDL13 Galeyi 0909'/3842' 2597 m, see under Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL25 Galeyi (with church Maryam) 0920'/3857' 2827 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Galeyi 0948'/3839' 3146 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HBR28 Galfaya, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HCK33 Galga, see Galecha
galgala, galgalla (O) early evening about 6 o'clock;
galgal (Som) enter repeatedly; galgaal (Som) barrenness,
JBG92 Galgallo, H. (Gulgulto, Gulgullo) 04/40 [WO Wa Gz]
0427'/4002' 1224 m [H = Hara? Hora?]
JBR01 Galgallo (area) 04/41 [WO]
galgalo (Som) roll over on the ground /done by animals/
JBH37 Galgalo (Didu Gombo) 03/41 [WO]
KCA02 Galgalo 0529'/4502' 384 m 05/45 [WO Gz]
KCN42 Galgalo 07/45 [WO]
?? Galgida (in the lower Omo valley) ../.. [n]
in Nyangatom territory, cf Ukuule
gali (O) earthenware, pottery; galii (O) hive with bees in it;
Gali (Kefa) first part of the names of some
Kefa kings 1640-1897; ugaadh (Som) game animal
JEP34 Gali Damalike (hill) 12/41 [Ne]
JDD56 Gali Ugad (area) 08/43 [WO]
HDR64 Galibe 1010'/3700' 1850 m 10/37 [Gz]
JEB66 Galido (area) 11/41 [WO]
galifage: gaàli faage (Afar) camel ford
JEB57 Galifage (Gallifaghe) 1122'/4121' 401 m 11/41 [Gz]
HDH.. Galika (Galikaa), place in the Nekemte area 09/36 [n]
galika k..: korbi, qorbii (O) forked stick for handling
sheaves when threshing
JDG58 Galika Korbi (Galica Corbi) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
galiko..: koma (A) 1. sterile land; 2. kind of large tree;
koma (O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qoomaa) instant killing
JEG44 Galikoma (Galicoma) (area) 1212'/4015' 745 m 12/40 [Gz WO]
-- Galila, Galilla, a tribe of the Ari group, cf Gelila
HCT73 Galila (Galilee), see Gelila
HDJ37 Galira 0924'/3720' 2196 m 09/37 [Gz]
galis (O) kinds of small tree, Cassipourea elliottii,
C. malosana, C. ruwensorensis, in forests and on river banks
HDA86 Galisa, cf Gelisa 08/35 [WO]
HDL46c Galiy (centre in 1964 of Gidda sub-district) 09/39 [MS Ad]
KCP70 Galiyelo (Galielo) 07/45 [+ WO]
HCB70 Galkam (Galcam), see Gelkam
HEJ.. Galla Midir (Gallamider) (village near Gondar) 12/37 [x]
galla washa (A) Oromo cave
HDM42 Galla Washa (Gala Washa, Galla Uascia), cf Segele 09/39 [LM WO]
-- Gallab language, see Dasenech
HEP35 Gallabat, see Metemma
GDF51 Gallachu (Tulu Gallaciu, Ga Necu) (hill) 08/34 [+ WO Gz]
0839'/3430' 1185 m
KCH68 Galladi, see Geladi
JCM00 Gallafeladdo 06/44 [WO]
JCE18 Gallafo, see Kelafo
HE... Gallager sub-district [from Galla Ager?] 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Weynoch)
JEA46 Gallaha (waterhole) 11/40 [WO]
JCM31 Gallawaf (Gallauaf) 06/44 [+ WO]
?? Gallema, with forest in the Chilalo area ../.. [20]
There is registered the Chilalo-Gallema National Forest Priority Area.
gallif..: faghe (Afar?) ford, faage ...
JEB57 Gallifaghe, see Galifage
JEB87 Gallifaghe 11/41 [Ne WO]
JEC90 Gallifaghe (area) 488 m 11/41 [WO]
HCT73 Gallila, see Gelila
gallo (O) kind of shrub, Psychotria sp.
HCR80 Gallo (area), cf Galo, Gello 08/36 [WO]
HEF33 Gallo 1112'/3941', see under Dessie 11/39 [x]
-- Gallop, local Ethiopian name for lake Turkana

galma (O) 1. dwelling, lodging; 2. ceremonial hut of a kallu

/shamanistic ritual expert, galma also a kind of pagan rite?/
HCK48c Galma, with rock sculptures 06/38 [Gu]
HDJ24 Galma (area) 09/36 [WO]
JCP88 Galmaboe (area) 08/41 [WO]
galmo (Som) sexual intercourse
HDL66 Galmo 0940'/3858' 2574 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HBK56 Galmud, see Gamud
galo (O) kind of large tree with edible fruit, Psydrax
schimperiana; (Som) 1. kind of thorn tree, Acacia bussei;
2. non-Muslim foreigner; galoo (O) flood;
Galo, a male personal name
HDK70 Galo 0942'/3731' 2269 m, cf Gallo, Gello 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDH08 Galo Belocho (G. Beloch'o) 0907'/3628' 1936 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDG12 Galoch 0910'/4003' 745 m 09/40 [Gz]
galol (Som) kinds of thorn tree, A. nilotica, A. senegal,
A. bussei; galool (Som) kind of thorn tree, Acacia brucei
?? Galola (Gallola) ../.. [+ x]
locality in Bako province east of Omo
?? Galola (44 km by road from Fadis) ../.. [It]
KDA33 Galolgonle (area) 08/45 [WO]
JDD08 Galro 0810'/4316' 984 m 08/43 [Gz]
HBU10 Galtumma, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
galu, galuu (O) 1. bee-hive; 2. enter, return /etc./
HBU70 Galu 0513'/3921' 1225 m 05/39 [Gz]
-- Galuba language, see Dasenech
JCE08 Galuen (area) 0531'/4412' 592 m 05/44 [+ WO Gz]
JCE08 Galuen, see under Kelafo
JCE09 Galuen 0531'/4418', see Geledi
JDP34 Galufasse (area) 10/41 [WO]
?? Gam (historically recorded area of the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
gama, game (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Ehretia
cymosa var. silvatica; gama (O) 1. joy, consolation;
2. other side, beyond /the border/; gamaa (O) militant;
gama' (Som) fall asleep, sink; gama (T) bandage
HC... Gama, at lake Shala 07/39 [x]
HDG02 Gama (WO at HDA92), see Garbo, cf Geme
HED71 Gama (mountains), see Gina
JCT35 Gama (area) 07/43 [WO]
JDK22 Gama (Bur Gul Gama) (mountain) 09/42 [Gu Gz WO]
JDK22 Gama 0920'/4242' 2135/2154 m, see under Jijiga
gamaad: gemed (gämäd) (A) string
JDE73 Gamaad (area) 08/43 [WO]
JEG54 Gamabolu (mountains) 1221'/4015' 658 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
HCR38 Gamachisa (Gamacisa, Ghemachisa) 07/35 [+ Gu Gz]
0732'/3722' 1949 m
gamachisu (O) 1. joy, delight, pleasure; 2. glad, pleased
HCN15 Gamadura, see Gemadura
HDG48 Gamalimo, see under Nejo 09/35 [WO]
HEH46 Gamandi Maryam (G. Mariam) (church) 12/36 [LM WO]
HDL79 Gamanya (Gamania) 0944'/3920' 2681 m 09/39 [Gz]
HCF05 Gamara (area) 05/39 [WO]
gamarri: gamaari (Som) extinguish, put out fire
JEC92 Gamarri (Gamari) (area) 11/41 [WO MS]
JEB93 Gamarri (lake), see Gemeri
JEH09 Gamarri (Ounda Gamarri) (high plateau) 11/41 [Gu WO]
gamas (O) opposite, across from; (Som) small spear;
gamasa (A? O?) first round of ploughing
near the end of the rainy season
HDE95 Gamasa (area), cf Gemase 09/38 [WO]
HCK93 Gambata (Gambatta, Cambatta) 07/37 [WO Gz]
(mountains) 0720'/3750' 2400 m
Coordinates would give the neighbouring map code HCS03
HCS34 Gambata (area), see under Hosaina 07/37 [WO]
JEG03 Gambato 1151'/4003' 913 m 11/40 [Gz]
gambelal (A) gambeela (O) kind of shrub or small tree
with soft wood, Gardenia lutea;
gambelo (A?O?) kind of tall millet with white grains
GDF13 Gambela (Gambella, Gambeila) 08/34 [Gz WO Po x]
(with post office) 0815'/3435' 410, 515, 755 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4W Ashuri (Asciuri) (village)
7W Finchian (village)
4N Afillu (area) 1254 m
JDA45 Gambela (valley) 0836'/4015' 1760, 2752 m, 08/40 [Gu 18 Gz]
cf Gembela
JDB73 Gambela, G. (area) 1935 m 08/41 [WO]
JDJ37 Gambela (area near Harar) 09/42 [WO Gu]
GCT98 Gambela awraja 0800'/3410' 08/34 [Ad Gz]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Gambela)
GCT66 Gambela National Park 0752'/3400' 500 m
GDF13 Gambela wereda (centre in 1964 = Gambela) 08/34 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 12 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDC71 Gambeli (area) 08/36 [WO]
?? Gambeltu (river) ../.. [Mi]
HC... Gambeltu, at lake Shala 07/39 [x]
gambisa (Harari) thatched house
JCU46 Gambisi (Barnbase) 07/44 [WO]
gambo (Som) 1. kerchief, head-scarf; 2. type of coin;
-- Gambo, name of a people historically living east of the
Chomen swamps;
-- Gembo (Gämbo) name of a Gafat clan
GDU91 Gambo, cf Gembo 10/34 [WO]
HCL84 Gambo (with Catholic church) 07/38 [20]
HCT05 Gambo (wide area) 07/38 [WO]
HDG47 Gambo, see under Nejo 09/35 [Mi]
gambo k..: kama, qaama (O) body /of person or animal/
JEB89 Gambo Kama, circa 1135'/4130', near Awash 11/41 [x]
gameda: gamida (T) Helinus mystacinus
HDC37 Gameda (mountain) 08/37 [WO]
HDM80 Gamegna & Chancho kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Gamägna & Ch'anch'o ..)
far to the east in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its
southern border, 9-13 km east of Deneba; area 1,558 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Gamele (in Jimma region) ../.. [It]
GDU81 Gamendu 1041'/3424' 1021/1073 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
(mountain partly in Sudan)
H.... Gamengna (plain near Ankober) 09/39 [n]
HFE39c Gamer (mountain) 2643 m 13/39 [Gu]
-- Gamili (Gamila) name of an ethnic group, or rather sub-group,
related to Boro/Shinasha/Jebelawi and numbering only about 186
according to the 1994 census.
gamma (O) branch, limb of the body; (A) gammaa (O) mane of
horse or mule etc
HFD87 Gamma (mountain) 1419'/3810' 1924/2024 m, 14/38 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Adi Daro
HEM25 Gammadu (with cave church Maryam) 12/39 [x]
HCR36c Gammalucho (in Kefa) 07/37 [Mi]
gamme (A) 1. hairdo of girls, kind of tonsure; 2. kind of
straight lowland tree; gammee (O) grade of the gada system,
with a hairstyle that looks like the tonsure of a Franciscan monk;
gammi: gam'i (Som) cause to fall asleep, hypnotize
HDF83 Gammi, see Kone
HCD03 Gammiu, north-west of Burji 05/37 [x]
-- Gammo, see Gamo
gamo, gemo (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Rhus vulgaris;
(Konso) wood carver;
-- Gamo, ethnic group (sub-group related to the Welayita) numbering
about 719,847 according to the 1994 census
HCD71 Gamo (area) 06/37 [WO]
HDD70 Gamo 0849'/3734' 2519 m (with church Giyorgis) 08/37 [WO Gz]
HDJ28 Gamo 0920'/3724' 2212 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL79 Gamo 09/39 [WO]
HDM70 Gamo 09/39 [WO]
HER68 Gamo 13/37 [WO]
HES70 Gamo 1322'/3731' 1303 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HCD90 Gamo awraja (Gamu .., Gemu ..) 0620'/3730', 06/37 [Gz Ad]
at corner near HCC99, HCJ09, HCK00
(centre in 1960s = Chencha)
HDD70 Gamo Giyorgis (church) 0849'/3734', 08/37 [Gz]
south-west of Ambo
-- Gamo Gofa
Officially Gamu Gofa until 1975 and then changed to Gamo Gofa
H.... Gamo Inda Maryam sub-district 13/37 [+ Ad]
(Gamoindamariam ..) (centre in 1964 = Adabai)
HDD70c Gamo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Rariesa) 08/37 [Ad]
gamoji, gammojji (O) hot lowlands
HB... Gamole ../.. [20]
Settlement of 13 hectares in north Konso.
GDU41 Gamoscia, see Gomosha
-- Gamosha, name of an ethnic group
gamra: gemora (gämora) (A) volcano
HEU72 Gamra 1318'/3951' 1266 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HDF07 Gamsari 0811'/3958' 3390 m 08/39 [Gz]
GDM55 Gamso (area) 09/34 [WO]
HCD66 Gamso (Ganso, Ganzo) (mountain) 06/38 [WO Gz]
HCD66 Gamso 0603'/3808' 1819 m
gamu, gamuu (O) 1. be attached to; 2. eat or drink eagerly;
3. become tired; 4. have failing health;
-- Gamu, a sub-division of the Ometo ethnic group
HCD90 Gamu awraja, see Gemu awraja, cf Gamo
gamud (A) period of hunger or famine
HBK56 Gamud (Gebel G., Galmud) (mountain) 04/38 [WO Wa Gz]
0405'/3806' 2206, 2578 m
gamuda (A) rebel, one with a savage attitude
gan (A) large jar, clay pot for tella
?? Gan (historical area known from the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
HDL96 Gan Maryam kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Moret & Jiru wereda where the northern and
the south-western borders meet and make a sharp corner,
13-21 km south of Alem Ketema; area 3,997 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gana, ganna (O) 1. rainy season, 'winter'; 2. plant, tree;
ganaa (O) palm of the hand; (also ganan) plot, conspiracy
HEJ97 Gana (mountain), cf Ganna, Gena, Genna 12/37 [WO Gz]
1201'/3852' 1995 m
GDU84 Ganaberri, see Ganeberri
HBR95 Ganada 0521'/3704' 647 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
H.... Ganale wereda, see Genale wereda
ganama (O) /early/ morning; used as a name among
the Alabdu when the birth was in the morning
JDB89 Ganami, see Genemi
?? Ganamit (locality in Tegulet) ../.. [n]
?? Ganat (hot spring) ../.. [Ch]
?? Ganat Abo (in the Jabi district, with limestone) ../.. [Ch]
HEL17c Ganata Maryam, see Genete Maryam
?? Ganbura (Ganbourah), medieval town ../.. [+ x]
HBK93 Gancharo (G. Ganciaro) (mountain) 04/37 [+ WO Wa Gz]
0430'/3748' 1520, 1904 m
HEE87 Ganchere kebele (Ganchäré ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda, 8-12 km
north-east of Bete Hor; area 1,836 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCH.. Ganchire (Dinge) name from a clan of the Dime 06/36 [x]
ganda, gandaa (O) village, community, vicinity, neighbourhood
JDJ15 Ganda Abahi 0914'/4204' 1793 m, 09/42 [Gz]
see under Amuma
JDC85 Ganda Adami, see Hadami
JDC96 Ganda Barenda, see Gende Boreda
JDC65 Ganda Saido 0844'/4207' 1361 m
JCR66 Gandaba (area) 924 m, cf Gandeba 07/42 [MS WO]
JCT74 Gandaba (Gandabal, Gundabella) (mountain) 07/42 [WO Gz Wa]
0748'/4212' 957 m
JC... Gandabella, cf Gende Belo 07/42 [18]
gandad gudo, Great Gandad; guddo, guddo (O)
1. abundant; 2. big /female/;
gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. fulfill one's obligations
HBM57 Gandad Gudo (area) 04/39 [WO]
gandad tiko, Little Gandad; tikko (tiqqoo) (O) small
HBM56 Gandad Tiko, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HBP49c Gandaraba, in the centre of the Arbore area 04/36 [x]
HEP07 Gandeba (mountain) 1241'/3623' 914 m 12/36 [Gz]
near map code HEH97, cf Gandaba
gandi, gandii (O) sleeping sickness; (Som) tse-tse fly
HEJ22 Gandi (mountain) 1158'/3648' 1832 m, 11/36 [WO Gz]
peak 2410 m, see under Alefa
HDM64 Gandi Ghior, see Aba Wibe Ager
HB... Gandima ../.. [20]
Settlement of 12 hectares in north-east Konso.
HDC43 Gandji, see Gangi
HCR41 Gando 0740'/3645'c 07/36 [x]
west of Hirmata/Jimma
HDC34 Gando 0827'/3703' 1584 m 08/37 [WO Gz]
HDC36 Gando, see Chando
HER06 Gandwa (Gandua) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEP08 Gandwar (Ganduar) (area) 830 m 12/36 [+ WO]
HEM84 Gane Geb 1230'/3947' 1883 m 12/39 [Gz]
GDU84 Ganeberri (Ganaberri) 1044'/3447' 681 m, 10/34 [Gz]
near the border of Sudan
?? Ganezo (Ganäzo) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
ganga (A) hollow /like bamboo/
HEE75 Gangale 1133'/3855' 1994 m 11/38 [Gz]
HCR68 Gangaletta, see Gangeletta
H.... Ganggang (mountains in westernmost Ethiopia) ../.. [x]
HC... Gangare, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
HCT29 Gangarra 07/39 [Wa]
HDU37 Gangawa (mountain) 1014'/3959' 1677 m 10/39 [Gz]
gange, gaangee (O) mule
HCR68 Gangeletta (Gangaletta) 1940 m 07/37 [WO Gu]
HCJ82 Gangi (Gange), see Genji
HDA98 Gangi, see Genji
HDC43 Gangi (Gandji) 0834'/3656' 1568 m, cf Genji 08/36 [Gz]
gango, gangoo (O) mule
HDE67 Gango 0843'/3905' 1922 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDL35 Gango 0920'/3855' 2934 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM62 Gango & Tenkole kebele (.. T'änqolé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
3-9 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 2,245 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Ganj (district) ../.. [Ch]
Separated from the Ilmana Densa district by the river Tul.
?? Ganj (river) ../.. [Ch]
HEJ09 Ganj (Gagn Amba) (small island in lake Tana) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
ganja: ganya (O) old /horse/; ganjeh (T) kind of tree,
Pittosporum viridifolium
HDB48 Ganja (Gangia, Gara Laia Gangia?) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HCJ83 Ganji 0705'/3653'c 07/36 [x]
place about 15 km south of lower Gojeb river
/same as HCJ82 Genji(Gangi)?/
HDA98 Ganji, see Genji
HDB54 Ganji 0840'/3606' 2058 m 08/36 [Gz]
-- Ganjule, name of a farming people living on the shores of
lakes Abaya and Chamo
HCD51 Ganjule (Gangiula) (island) 1233 m 05/37 [Ca WO]
-- Ganjule language, see Kachama
-- Ganjule people, see Harro
?? Ganka (Ganqa) (historically recorded mountain) ../.. [+ Pa]
HDG76 Ganka Gitten, about 25 km north-west of Nejo 09/35 [x]
gann de..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HDU11 Gann Dega (area) 10/39 [WO]
ganna (O) 1. wet season; 2. year
HCD44 Ganna 0551'/3755' 1461 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HDA08 Gannat, see Gore
HDS11 Gannat, cf Genet 10/37 [Wa]
HDJ27 Gannate (Ganatie, Guennete, Chennete) (area) 09/37 [Gz WO Gu]
0914'/3715' 2372 m
HCD66 Ganso (Ganzo), see Gamso
-- Ganta, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HCC48c Ganta (ensete culture area), cf Genta 05/37 [x]
HCD60c Ganta, village near Arba Minch 06/37 [x]
HFF71 Ganta Afeshum, see Genta Afeshum
HCD61 Gantar, see Arba Minch
HEJ85 Gantaye (Gantaie), see under Chilga 12/37 [+ WO]
?? Gantona, mentioned in late 1700s ../.. [x]
ganu, ganuu (O) to rebel, to betray
HCJ82c Ganu, cf Geno 07/36 [Wa]
HDJ18 Ganu 0910'/3723' 2560 m 09/37 [18 Gz]
HDE32 Ganyo Giyorgis (church) 0827'/3840' 08/38 [Gz]
-- Ganza, language nowadays almost extinct
GDM61 Ganza, see Gonza, cf Mao
HCD66 Ganzo, see Gamso
gao, ga-o 1. (O) lance; 2. joke, mockery;
3. (Sidamo O) Toddalia asiatica, Teclea? gawo (O) tall grass
HCR49 Gao 07/37 [WO]
gara (A,O) gaaraa (O) mountain, hill /also many other meanings/;
gara (Wolayto?) kind of thorn tree, Acacia sieberiana;
garaa, garan (O) stomach, belly; gaara (O) eyebrow
Gara .., see also second part of name, cf Tulu ..
HDL64 Gara 0938'/3849' 2597 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL73 Gara 0947'/3845' 2707 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL45 Gara Aba Guda (G. Abaguda) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0925'/3854' 2590 m
gara ..: iya (Som) 1. she, her; 2. they, them
HDL32 Gara Aba Iya 0924'/3840' 2409 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ47 Gara Abdulla (Abdulla) (mountain) 09/42 [WO Gu]
0927'/4216' 2740, 2972 m
JDH26 Gara Ades, see Ades
JDH79 Gara Adi (mountain) 0946'/4134' 951 m 09/41 [Gz]
gara adure (O) mountain of the cat?; adurree (O) cat
HDL44 Gara Adure 0928'/3850' 2477 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gara akim: akim (aqim, aqm) (A) capability, strength, energy;
akiimii (O) doctor, cf hakim
JDJ26 Gara Akim (G. Achim) 0916'/4207' 2161 m 09/42 [+ Gu WO n]
(mountain with mosque), see under Harar
HEM43 Gara Aleucia (Garra A.) 1209'/3941' 1392 m 12/39 [+ Gz]
HCT54 Gara Alutu (Alutu, Alatu, G. Aiutu) 07/38 [WO x Gu n]
0746'/3847' 2314/2369 m, with an oval crater, south of Ziway
gara am..: amole (A) amoolee (O) salt bar
JDK50 Gara Amola (area) 2666 m 09/42 [WO]
gara arawa (arawwaa) (O) mountain of open space?
HCM73 Gara Arawa (Gara Araua) (area) 4087 m 06/39 [+ WO]
gara ba..: babu, baabuu (O) dear baby/child
HDL33 Gara Babu 0921'/3842' 2485 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gara beldan (O) wide mountain?
JDL22 Gara Beldan (area) 09/43 [WO]
HDL38 Gara Beru Giyorgis (church) 0924'/3910' 09/39 [Gz]
gara bok.: boku, boquu (O) neck;
bokku, bokkuu (O) sceptre; boku (O) sphere
HDL54 Gara Boku 0932'/3853' 2658 m 09/38 [Gz]
gara bol.: bolo, boolloo (O) valley, trench
HDE83 Gara Bolo (village), see under Sebeta 08/38 [x]
gara bor..: borati, boraatii (O) wooden pillow
JDJ70 Gara Borat (area) 0945'/4139' 1425 m 09/41 [WO]
gara bube (O) mountain of strong wind;
bube, bubbe, bubbee. bubbi (O) wind, storm, hurricane
JDJ68 Gara Bube (Sara Bube) (mountain) 09/42 [WO Gz]
0939'/4219' 1661 m
gara buk.: buko, bukoo, boko (A,O) yeast, fermented dough;
buko (Som) become sick; buko (Kefa) pumpkin, gourd
HDL54 Gara Buko (G. Boku) 0931'/3852' 2658 m 09/38 [AA n]
gara bur.: buro (Som) 1. small container for water or milk;
2. wart; 3. extra, bonus; 4. Salix or Teclea tree;
buuro (Som) grow fatter
JDH49 Gara Buro (area) 2156 m 09/41 [WO]
HDK70 Gara Chaychayba (Gara Cai-cai-ba) 09/37 [+ Gz]
0943'/3734' 2231 m
dima, diima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
3. baobab large tree, Adansonia digitata
HDL24 Gara Dima 0915'/3851' 3099 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HBM44 Gara Elgara, see Elgara
HDE39 Gara Era, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
HDF30 Gara Era, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
gara ful..: fuulee (O) across, on the other side
HBK97 Gara Fulli, see Fulli
gara fur.: furi, furii (O) taking turns in doing something;
furi (O) liberty; furri, furrii (O) snot, mucus running from the nose
HDE83 Gara Furi 0853'/3841' 2485 m 08/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDE82
gara gab..: gabiib, gebiib (Som) flat firm soil
JDD00 Gara Gabib (area) 08/42 [WO]
gara gar..: garri (O) part of
JDK74 Gara Garri (area) 0941'/4251' 1892 m 09/42 [WO Gz]
JCP12 Gara Gedil (Gara Ghedil) (area) 07/40 [+ WO]
gara gel..: gilgel (A) little one of domestic animals
HDL54 Gara Gelgel 0936'/3852' 2654 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gara gimi (O) glowing mountain? mountain of harvest?
gimi, giimii (O) 1. embers, firebrand; 2. handful of crops
with the whole stalks
GDL18c Gara Gimi 09/34 [MS]
gara gora (O) rose mountain; gora (O) 1. wild rose shrub;
2. kind of raspberry; (A) side of mountain, wide and flat road
JDC97 Gara Gora (mountain) 09/42 [WO]
HBL24 Gara Gorfu, see Gorfo
gara gudda (O) large mountain
HDL72 Gara Guda (Salale) (mountain) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0947'/3838' 3496/3544 m
gara gum..: gumbi, gumbii (O) small granary kept inside house
HBR25 Gara Gumb (mountains) 04/37 [WO]
gara gun..: gunaguna (A,T) a variety of ensete
JDJ64 Gara Gungun (Garegumgum) (mountain) 09/42 [WO n]
0937'/4200' 1629 m
gara gur..: guracha (O) black or dark blue; sky;
(Bale O) kararo timber tree, Aningeria sp.;
gurach, gurracha, giracha (A) 1. /mule/
with black and white spots; 2. wooded landscape
JDH01 Gara Guracha, cf Chercher, Adal & ...
JDH.. Gara Guracha awraja (Garagurcha ..) (-1965-) 09/40? [x]
JDK70 Gara Hadem (peak) 0944'/4234' 1550 m 09/42 [Gz]
gara hu..: Hussen, male Muslim name
JDC17 Gara Hussen (area) 08/42 [WO]
HBT07 Gara Ilfatu, see Gilfatu
gara ita: ita (it'a) (O) luck, lot, chance; (A) chance, fate;
(T) 1. marsh, morass; 2. that, they; ita, itaa (O) swelling, tumour
HEM84 Gara Ita 1229'/3944' 1671 m 12/39 [Gz]
gara jabb.: jabbii (O) calf
JDJ26 Gara Jabbe (with some asbestos), see under Harar 09/42 [Mi]
gara jabi..: jabbilee (O) calves
HCT61 Gara Jabile (Gara Giabile) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
gara jal..: jalla (O) violent, proud, twisted
JDH44 Gara Jalla (Gara Gialla) (area) 1547 m 09/41 [+ WO]
HDL18 Gara Jolle Fiche (G. Giolle Ficce) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
gara ka..: karaba, karabaa (O) shrub used for whips;
karaba (O) small pincers; qaraba (O) home-made
small razor; tweezers; qaraabay (Som) search,
go looking for
JDH44 Gara Karaba (Gara Caraba) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
HBE89 Gara Kilta, see Kilta
gara ko..: kolba (O) horn; hilt made of horn
JCP27 Gara Kolba (Gara Colba) (area), cf Kolba 07/41 [+ WO Gz]
0728'/4122' 1066 m
gara ku..: kufa, kuufa (O) 1. wealth, prosperity; 2. goiter;
kufaa, qufaa (O) cough, tuberculosis, phlegm
JDH04 Gara Kufa (G. K'ufa, G. Qufa) 0908'/4105' 2553 m 09/41 [Gz q]
HDB48 Gara Laia (area) 1676 m 08/36 [WO]
gara lilmo (O) mountain of the spire, Needle Mountain;
lilmoo (O) sewing needle
GDF24 Gara Lilmo 0821'/3443' 950 m, high and narrow 08/34 [WO x Gz]
gara lincha: gara lencha? (O) mountain of the lion?
lencha, leench'a (O) lion
HEM44 Gara Lincha (G.Lincia) (hill), see under Zobil 12/39 [+ Gu WO]
gara mi..: milo, miilloo (O) utensils (baskets, bowls, etc.)
with stand or legs
HFE08 Gara Milo'o Maryam (church) 1337'/3912', 13/39 [Gz]
east of Abiy Adi
gara mu..: muka (O) 1. bush, tree; wood, timber;
2. lineage, descent
HDL56 Gara Muka 0933'/3901' 2645 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
JDH.. Gara Mukdar (with sawmill), see under Kunni 09/40 [x]
gara mul..: mulataa (O) clear, obvious;
-- there was a Mulata gada of the Mecha Oromo in 1586-1594
JDJ01 Gara Muleta 0905'/4143', south-west of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ21 Gara Muleta (G. Mullata, Garamoulata, Amir Nor) 09/41 [Gz Gu x WO]
(Gaara Muldhataa, Mulata, Mullata)
(mountain range with a flat summit) MS: 0915'/4143';
Gz: 0905'/4145' 2057, 2726, 3090, 3405 m
JDC31 Gara Muleta awraja 0830'/4145' 09/41 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1946-1980 = Grawa)
HDG78 Gara Nasa, see Nasa
gara na..: nyata (O) 1. food; 2. (nyaataa) fleas, lice
JDJ63 Gara Nata (area) 1300 m, see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [WO]
gara ni..: nigus (A) king
JDH03 Gara Nigus (G. Negus) 0906'/4101' 2262 m 09/41 [Gz WO]
gara ole (O) mountain of walking-stick? ola (O) sheep
HDL29 Gara Ole (area), see under Sheno 09/39 [WO]
HDL65 Gara Ontu 0935'/3853' 2669 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gara rab.: rab (Som) narrow place
JDJ56 Gara Rabu (mountain) 2470 m, 09/42 [WO]
see under JDJ45 Kombolcha
HCF03 Gara Reata (area) 05/39 [WO]
gara sara..: sara (O) branch, bough
JDJ36 Gara Sarasherifa (Gara Sarascerifa) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
2047 m, see under JDJ45 Kombolcha
JDJ47 Gara Serirta (Sarerta) (mountain) 1930, 2850 m, 09/42 [WO Gu]
cf Dera
gara se..: seru, seeru (O) penis; seero (Som) mark out for oneself
HCU41 Gara Sero, see Sero
gara ti..: tifu, tiifuu (O) drizzle, shower
HDE38 Gara Tifu (area) 08/39 [WO]
gara to..: toma (Konso) wooden board used to move earth
JDC60 Gara Toma (area) 1587 m 08/41 [WO]
HDG26c Gara Toussi, see Tussi
gara tu..: tuke (Som) crow, raven;
tuqa (O) swarm of insects, e.g. bees
HDJ45 Gara Tuke (G.Tuk'e, G.Tuqe) 0928'/3704' 2745 m 09/37 [Gz q]
gara w..: wiha (A) water
?? Gara Wiha (Gara Ua), north-east of Dire Dawa ../.. [Mi]
HDL71 Gara Yike (with church Abo) 0946'/3831' 2723 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
garab a..:: garaab ad (Som) be sympathetic towards you,
be sorry for you; ad (Som) you
JBP35 Garab Ad, cf Gereb 04/41 [WO]
garad (A) thorn tree, Acacia albida, also Osyris abyssinica;
garaad (Som) 1. /respectful title of/ chief, leader;
2. wisdom, judgement; gered (gäräd) (A) maid-servant
HCL47 Garada (area) 3209 m, cf Gerada 06/39 [WO]
HBS56 Garadase 0504'/3807' 1820 m 05/38 [Gz]
?? Garado (in Bale, with salines) ../.. [Mi]
JDE37 Garadugh 0827'/4407' 1091 m 08/44 [WO Gz]
garaf, gharaf (Arabic) kind of shrub or small tree,
Cordia gharaf; garafa (O) coarsely ground corn flour;
garafuu (O) 1. to grind dry grain; 2. to flog
HEJ57 Garaf (area) 12/37 [WO]
garagara (O) different
HEL.. Garagara (village), about 20 km east of Debre Zebit 11/38 [n]
HDC97 Garagona (area), see under Ijaji 09/37 [WO]
JDH.. Garagurcha awraja, see Gara Guracha awraja
JDD31 Garais, see Goreis, Gebel
HEU52 Garajam (Garagiam), see Geriigab
HEU53 Garajam (Garagiam, Garadsciam) (mountain) 13/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1308'/3941' 2429, 2637 m, see under Debub
HEU54 Garajam (Garagiam) (place) 13/39 [+ WO]
HDE18 Garajan (Garagian) (mountain area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDL39 Garakora (Cora Uha) 0922'/3917' 2830 m, 09/39 [Gz WO]
see under Sheno
HDE56 Garala, M. (area) 2400 m, see under Mojo 08/39 [WO]
HDL54 Garalole 0934'/3850' 2609 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFE28 Garalta, see Geralta
HDJ61 Garamate (Garranate, Carranate) (mountain) 09/36 [WO Gz]
0944'/3639' 1864 m
Coordinates would give map code HDJ70
HDE06 Garamati, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
garamba (Bale O) kind of highland shrub or small tree,
Hypericum lanceolatum, H. revolutum
HCL42 Garamba (Guramba) 0644'/3839' 3083, 3327 m 06/38 [Gz WO Wa]
(mountain), with bamboo houses
JDJ.. Garamudi 09/42 [20]
locality in Fedis wereda
JDJ21 Garamullata, see Gara Muleta
garan (Som) animal with head or front of a different colour;
garran (Som) accuse, bring a case against;
garana (O) on this side
JEB36 Garanata (area) 11/41 [WO]
JCC23 Garani (area) 05/41 [WO]
JEB35 Garani (area, mountain) 11/41 [Ne WO]
gararri ..: gararra, gararraa (O) chameleon; roba, rooba (O) rain
JBP68 Gararri Roba (area) 05/41 [WO]
HEU13 Gararsa 1248'/3942' 1661 m 12/39 [Gz]
garasb..: garas (Som) shade-tree with edible fruit, Dobera glabra;
buur (Som) mountain, bare-topped hill; bu'ur (Som) squashes
/also other (Som) meanings/
J.... Garasbur (south-west of Degeh Bur) 08/43? [x]
JDP67 Garaselle (=Garas Ele?) (area) 10/41 [WO]
HEJ30 Garasgh (Garasg) (mountain) 1200'/3639' 1500 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
garasi (O) from there
HEP69 Garasitu (area) 1320'/3628' 794 m 13/36 [WO Gz]
KCA74 Garasle (Ermun, Ernune) 0605'/4509' 473 m 06/45 [WO Gz]
JDJ05 Garasleh 0950'/4204' 876 m (on map of 1814) 09/42 [Gz]
HCC58 Garasse, see Gerese
?? Garatita (mountain) peak 3170 m ../.. [20]

garba (O) 1. lake; 2. deep place; 3. servant, slave;

4. (Wolayto?) kind of tree, Prunus africanus
HCD48 Garba, cf Gerbe 05/38 [WO]
HDE62 Garba (archaeol. site), see under Melka Kunture ../.. [x]
JEP27 Garba, see Asgarbo
JCB58 Garba Dadajo (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
garba dak.: daka (O) 1. hot lowlands; 2. downwards;
3. (daaqaa) border, boundary; 4. (dhakaa) rock, stone,
weight; dakaa (O) swimming
JCJ62 Garba Daka (Garba Daca) 0653'/4150' 562, 735 m 06/41 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCJ52
garba du..: dubo, duboo (O) sheep's tail; (Som) bake for oneself
JCS95 Garba Dubo (area) 08/42 [WO]
garba hab.: haba (Som) always, in any case;
haabba, aabba (O) deity, spirit
JCB01 Garba Haba (seasonal spring) 0528'/4048' 05/40 [WO Gz]
garba har..: harre (O) donkey
JDD79 Garba Harre (area) 08/43 [WO]
garba khal..: Khaliif (Arabic) a Muslim male name
JCR87 Garba Khalifa (area) 07/42 [WO]
HEL77 Garbaco, see Gerbako, cf Amba Gurbako
JDK68 Garbadadleh, see Gerbe Hale
JBR60 Garbadigabato (area) 05/41 [WO]

garbadir: diira (O) manly, boyish, brave

KCN25 Garbadir 07/45 [WO]
garbag..: guduud (Som) reddish-brown
JCE84 Garbagududu (Garbagugudu) 06/43 [WO Gz]
0612'/4350' 602 m
JDK68 Garbahedli, see Gerbe Hale
garbahu..: hurre (O) mist, fog
JBT59 Garbahure (waterhole) 05/44 [WO]
?? Garbailek 0931'/4324' 1640 m ../.. [It]
(60 km by road from Jijiga)
garbai..: illee (O) 1. even; 2. temple on side of forehead
JDK68c Garbaille (Garbaillec) (border post) 1560 m 10/42 [+ Gu]
JDS71 Garbale (area) 10/42 [WO]
HCC79 Garbanse (Garbansa) 0608'/3726' 1831 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
JDK77 Garbeiller (area) 09/43 [WO]
JDH69 Garbellucu, see Gerbeluku
JDH58 Garbelluko (Garbelluco) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
JEH18c Garbena (area) 11/41 [Gu]
JEN87 Garbena (hills) 1327'/4024' -20 m, below sea level 13/40 [Ne WO Gz]
garbi, garbii, garbe (O) kinds of tree, Acacia spp., Faidherbia albida,
Pygeum africanum; (Som) 1. kind of thorny plant; 2. push or
shove with one's shoulder
HBL98 Garbi, see Gurbi
HDK78 Garbi 09/38 [WO]
garbicha (O) 1. servant, male slave;
2. (Borana O) Chionotrix latifolia
-- Garbicho, an ethnic group
HCL21 Garbicho (Garbiccio, Gerbicho, Garbiko) 06/38 [+ WO x]
(area) 0626'/3838' cf Gerbichu
garbo (Som) 1. steep bank, deep area hollowed out by water
falling from above; 2. shoulders; 3. name of a star con-
HDA92 Garbo (Gama) 0902'/3503' 1832 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDD46 Garbo, see Gerbo
HDE41 Garbo, see Ejersa Dera
garbu, garbuu (O) barley, Hordeum vulgare
HEF24 Garbu (area), see under Kombolcha 11/39 [Gu]
JDC53 Garbu (area) 08/41 [WO]
HC... Garda (village with an old 'holy tree') ../.. [x]
HCC29 Gardala, see Gidole
HDC77 Gardjiere, see Gargiere
?? Gardo (historically recorded area) ../.. [x]
in the south-west of Ethiopia
JCU92 Gardor 0804'/4432' (area) 913 m 08/44 [WO Gz]
HES53 Garduco, see Amba Zagul
HCC18 Gardula (Gardulla), mountain, town, awraja, wereda,
but after moving the inhabitants downwards it means only mountain
HCC28 Gardula awraja (Gardulla ..) 0540'/3720' 05/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Gidole)
HCC29 Gardula wereda (centre in 1964 = Gidole) 05/37 [Ad]
-- Gardulla, name of a negroid tribe speaking
Burji-Geleba language
HCC18 Gardulla (mountain) 2545 m 05/37 [WO]
HCC18 Gardulla, see under Gidole, cf Gadulla
HCC29 Gardulla (place), see Gidole
gare (garä) (A) 1. toil, try one's best; 2. black and
white /animal/; garee (O) 1. share; 2. member of a team;
gari (O) large tree with termiteproof wood;
garre (A) injera made of mixed flour /of inferior quality/;
-- Garre (Gerra) Somali clan of southern Somalia, Ethiopia
and northern Kenya
HDK06 Gare 0903'/3806' 2332 m, near map code HDD96 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Tekle Haymanot to the east), see under Ginchi
HDK08 Gare 0903'/3815' 2249 m, near map code HDD98, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Welenkomi, cf Gere
HDK70 Gare Kakarba, see Imbabu
HBK51 Garea 0408'/3738' 863 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
JDD14 Garea (well) 08/42 [WO]
HDE56 Garebabeno (Garebobena) 0837'/3900' 1885 m 08/39 [Gz]
garegu..: gumguma (O) murmur, whispering
JDJ64 Garegumgum 0937'/4200' 1629 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDA59 Garemu 08/35 [WO]
JDH09 Garet Derre (area) 09/41 [WO]
garet ka..: kalala (O) 1. hair style for warriors;
2. kind of climber plant;
-- Kalala, a clan of Arsi Oromo
JDH08 Garet Kalala (Garet Calala) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
garet mu..: muti (O) blunt thick needle
JDJ21 Garet Muti (area) 09/41 [WO]
gareta (garet'a) (A) obstacle such as thorny branches
put across a road; garetta (garätt'a) start to become
white and ripe /grain/
JEA22 Garfa (Gafra) (mountain) 1105'/4001' 2195 m 11/40 [WO Gz]
HFF11c Gargambar (about 16 km north of Mekele) 13/39 [x]
HET79 Gargana, see Gargara
gargara (O) help, assistance; gargar (O) apart;
gargaar (Som) help, assistance, support
HET79 Gargara (Gargana) (area) 1321'/3923' 2110 m 13/39 [WO Gz It]
HCM90 Gargeda, see Gergeda
HDC77 Gargiere (Gardjiere) 0849'/3718' 1729 m 08/37 [Gz]
HED43 Gargimbit 1700 m (villages on a hill) 11/37 [Ch]
HDH10 Gargio, see Gedi Adis
gargora (Harari) leopard
JEC90 Gargori (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEB99 Gargori (lake and shore area) 1145'/4130' 379 m 11/41 [WO Gu Gz]
one of the six lakes where the Awash river ends
JEC90 Gargori (area) 11/41 [WO]
HBU24 Gargull, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
gari (O) large tree with termiteproof wood;
(A) horse-drawn cart; gaari (Som) 1. car, truck, transport;
2. good housewife; gaarii (Oromo word meaning what?);
garri 1. (eastern O) kind of shrub, Barbeya oleoides;
2. (O) part of
HCP04 Gari, see Wushwush
HED23 Garib (Quarib) (mountain), see Kwarib
HDF74 Garibaldi Pass (European name only?) (Gariboldi?) 08/39 [WO]
0848'/3942' 1335 m
-- Gariir (people), a branch of the Madahweyn subclan
of the Dir Somali, see under Dir
H....Garika (not far from Mizan Teferi) 07/35 [Mi]
JDK61 Garimu 0940'/4233' 1671 m 09/42 [Gz]
-- Garirre (Gariirre) people, see Girirra
JEB89 Garisana (area) 11/41 [WO]
GDF63 Garjeeda, see Gerjeda
HDC77 Garjere (Gargiere) 0849'/3718' 1729 m 08/37 [+ Gz]
garma (Konso) lion;
garmaame (Som) training for war, military exercises;
garmamu (O) to neigh /as horses do/
JDH58 Garmam (area), cf Germama 09/41 [WO]
garmu..: gara muda (O) mountain of pilgrimage
JCM07 Garmuda 0623'/4452' 558 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
garna (O) beyond, outside
GDF71 Garna 08/34 [WO]
GCM62 Garner (small lake), see Ulut
?? Garno (mountain in Begemdir, near river Arno) ../.. [n]
garo (O) fermenting substance, leavening;
garo (Som) understand, know, recognize;
-- Garo, Oromo name of the people of Bosha, a group of the Sidama;
garu (Sidamo O) kind of climber with sharp, curved spines,
Pterolobium stellatum, with red-winged fruits at any time
of the year
HC... Garo (vassal state in the late 1800s), see Bosha
HCB07 Garo (Caro) (area) 0527'/3620' 05/36 [WO Gz]
HCR08 Garo (mountain) 0725'/3717' 2283 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
?? Garo (town in Bale) ../.. [x]
HCR45c Garo (with iron ore) 07/37 [Mi]
JCD91 Garo 06/42 [WO]
HDM64 Garobela (Gorobela, Goro-Belo) 09/39 [Gu x]
(Gorabela, Gorabella, Guorobiela), village in a plain
HDC10 Garocka (Garocca) (with fort), cf Gorocka 08/36 [+ WO]
JCS95 Garodeh 0804'/4259' 1140 m 08/42 [Gz]
JER15 Garoita (Garoiti) (mountain) 1245'/4210' 645 m 12/42 [WO Gz]
HDU50 Garole 1025'/3921' 2649 m 10/39 [Gz]
HBT14 Garollo (Corollo Uaraua) 0439'/3851' 1325 m 04/38 [WO It Gz]
Garra .., see generally Gara ..
HEM43 Garra Aleucia 1209'/3941' 1392 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCL59 Garra Tulle (Gara Tutte?) (pass) 3570 m 06/39 [WO]
HDJ70 Garranate (mountain), see Garamate
garrari ro..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
JEA48 Garraro (hill) 1118'/4031' 11/40 [WO Gz]
JDL22 Garreydeli Dabe Wine (Garreideli D.Uine) 09/43 [+ WO]
-- Garri (Gerra, Gurre), ethnic group derived from Somali and Oromo,
partly settled in Kenya
garri 1. (eastern O) kind of shrub, Barbeya oleoides;
2. (O) part of
GCU30 Garri (Gherri) 0732'/3424' 428 m, cf Gari 07/34 [Gz]
garrima: Abba Gerima was one of the "Nine Saints"
of the 500s
HCR33 Garrima (Gherima) 0731'/3652' 2132 m 07/36 [WO Gu Gz]
GDF87 Garro 08/34 [WO]
garsa (O) shard of flint or obsidian used as razor;
(T) 1. bulrush; 2. kind of medium-sized tree, Dobera glabra,
growing in dry habitat and often the only one retaining its
leaves throughout the dry season
H.... Garsa, area on the right hand of Awash river 09/38 [18}
HBL04 Garsa (Gara G.) 0342'/3850' 1472 m, cf Gersa 03/38 [Gz]
HDC97 Garsa 0859'/3715' 1791 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDF14 Garsa, see Kersa
HDF24 Garsa, see Karsa
JDJ43 Garsa (Carsa), see Kersa
?? Garsalee (stone age site near Meadura) ../.. [20]
surveyed in 1975, see under Meadura
JEA48 Garsaytoli (Garsaitoli) (caravan resting place) 11/40 [+ Gu]
HBF80 Garse (area) 03/39 [WO]
JEB42 Garsete 1116'/4054' 429 m 11/40 [Gz]
JDN65 Garsoleda (area) 10/40 [WO]
garu (Sidamo O) kind of climber with sharp, curved spines,
Pterolobium stellatum, with red-winged fruits at any time
of the year; garu, garuu (O) partner, member of a team
HCG74 Garu 0703'/3513' 980 m 07/35 [Gz]
HCR83 Garugge 0802'/3652' 1817 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCR51 Garuke (Garucche, Garuqqe) (area), cf Geruke, 07/36 [+ WO x]
see also under Jimma
JEN25 Garule (mountain) 1254'/4018' 311 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
garum..: muda (O) 1. place of pilgrimage; 2. butter used
for women's make-up; 3. defect, imperfection;
muuda (O) anointment of ritual leader
KCG24 Garumuda 06/45 [WO]
Garza, Gerza, a male personal name
J.... Garza, cf Garsa 09/41 [18]
?? Gasambe (historical storage place in Shewa) ../.. [x]
gasar (Som) scoliosis, curvature of the spine;
gasariir (Som) severe draught, famine
HCK57 Gasara (area) 06/38 [WO]
JCN14 Gasara, see Gasera
JDJ01 Gasaro, G. (area) 09/41 [WO]
HFF11 Gasat 1341'/3927' 2004 m (with church Yohanis) 13/39 [Gz]
HEK06 Gasay (Gassay) 1148'/3808' 2869 m, 11/38 [Gz 20]
town in Farta wereda
HDE82 Gasaze 08/38 [x]
near Wechecha mountain to its south
HDT44 Gascha kebele (Gasch'a ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Kelala wereda at its western border,
11-15 km south-southeast of Mahdere Selam; area 1,305 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCD20 Gascia, see Gireshi
JDR97 Gascianaddi (seasonal waterhole) 10/42 [MS WO]
?? Gasecha (Fre: Gasétchcha) ../.. [+ x]
monastery in Shewa in the 1300s
?? Gasen Gasa (precipice in the Wanbera highlands) ../.. [Ch]
-- Gaser & Gololcha wereda, see Gololcha wereda
JCN14 Gasera (Gassera, Gaserra, Gasara, Gazera) 07/40 [Gz Ca Po WO]
MS: 0720'/4015' = JCN15; Gz: 0722'/4013' 2227/2348 m,
in northernmost Mendeyo awraja
JCN14 Gasera wereda (centre in 1964 = Gasera) 07/40 [Ad 20]
JCN54 Gasgar (area) 07/40 [WO]
JCN62 Gasgar 0747'/4001' 2500 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
gash, polite word to address "elder brother"
HDD38c Gash (mountain) 08/38 [x]
gasha (A) 1. a shield; 2. a measure of land area
about 40 hectares; (T) guest, stranger;
yegasha meret (yägasha märet) (A) land paid for only
by military service
HCD20 Gasha (Gascia) 1691 m, see under Gidole 05/37 [+ WO]
HES36 Gasha Jagre 1302'/3804' 2470 m 13/38 [Gz]
HES37 Gasha Jagre 1301'/3810' 2916 m 13/38 [Gz]
HES.. Gasha Jagre sub-district (Gasha Jagri ..), in Simen, 13/38 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Irob Gebeya)
JDE.? Gashamo (area of the Gadsan tribe of the Dir Somali) 08/43? [20]
-- Gashe, unit of the Somali nowadays found (1980s)
in the north-east province of Kenya
?? Gashena (Gashäna) (on the "China road") ../.. [20]
HEL36 Gashena Maryam (church) 1207'/3901', 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Lalibela
gashin, a pre-Islamic spirit among the Somali Hawiyya, later a word
for places where a Muslim saint alighted when visiting a country
HFK34 Gashina (Gascina) (area) 14/37 [+ WO]
HEE86 Gashina kebele (Gashena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Wadla wereda at its northern border, 7-13 km
north-northwest of Bete Hor; area 2,985 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM.? Gasho Amba (with church Kahinat Semay), 09/39 [x]
in the Sendafa area
?? Gashola Qiddus Giyorgis, ../.. [En]
in west Gojjam, with nunnery since the late 1700s
HFE74 Gashorki (Gasciorchi) (pass) 2135 m 14/38 [+ WO Gu]
?? Gashot (locality in lower Wegda) ../.. [n]
HDM71 Gashot kebele (Gashot' ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
9-14 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 1,742 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL88 Gashu Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in north Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 8-11 km south of Inewari; area 678 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT.. Gasicha Abba Giyorgis gedam, see Debre Bahriy
gaso, gasoo (O) digging tool used for cultivation, hoe, mattock;
(Kefa) tef, Eragrostis tef; (Som) back part or interior of the nomadic hut;
-- Gaso, name of a sub-tribe of the Mini Fere of the Saho;
geso (gäso) (A) savanna
HEL19 Gaso (mountain) 1150'/3921' 3109, 3434 m 11/39 [Gu Gz]
HEL19 Gaso (Gahso) (stream, British camp in 1868) 11/39 [18 WO]
about 45 km from Mekdela
gassa ..: gasaa (O) mat made of straw or fibre
?? Gassa Chare (in Genne Bossa wereda), see under Dauro & Konta
GCT43c Gassana (river valley), with a tributary of the Akobo 07/33 [Mi]
HEK06 Gassay, see Gasay
JCN14 Gassera, see Gasera
?? Gasuba wereda, in the Welayita Zone ../.. [20]
?? Gasuray (mountain) peak 3325 m 06/39 [Ca]
in the Bale Mountains National Park
JEB85 Gasurri (area, written Gasor in early sources) 11/41 [WO]

gata (O) 1. refuse, rubbish; 2. child born to a wife of a raba within

the gada system and doomed to be killed within the Borana culture,
or girl baby given away in ancient time to slave-traders; 3. gesture, movement;
(A) (gat'a) pen for cattle, stable; place inside house
reserved for horse or mule;
gate (O) throw away; (A) (gat'ä) pasture, browse /cattle/
HCL06c Gata (with Norwegian mission) 06/38 [x]
HCL45 Gata (area) 06/38 [WO]
gatama, gatema, gatami (O, A) kinds of large tree with long
leaves, Schefflera abyssinica, S. volkensii
HDB88 Gatama, see Getema
HCD73 Gatame (Gatami), see Geteme
-- Gatame language (Gats'ame), see Kachama
-- Gatami, a sub-division of the Ometo ethnic group
gatamu (O) to reach an agreement
HC... Gatcheb (river), see Gojeb
HCD67 Gatelo 05/38 [WO]
HCE50 Gatelo (area) 0555'/3828' 05/38 [WO Gz]
gatera (A) large shield of hippopotamus hide
H.... Gatera, cf Getera 10/39 [18]
gatira, gattiraa (O) African pencil cedar, tid,
Juniperus procera
HCP85 Gatira (Gatirra) 0801'/3614' 2224 m 08/36 [Gz Po Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Setema wereda)
(visiting postman under Jimma)
HDB04 Gatira 0809'/3608' 2143 m, near map code HCP94 08/36 [Gz]
HDC14 Gatira 0820'/3658' 1801 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDD50 Gatira 0842'/3732' 2480 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDE83 Gatira (village), see under Sebeta 08/38 [x]
HDK39 Gatira 0923'/3821' 2692 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDL71 Gatira 0947'/3831' 2796 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF02 Gatira (Gat'ira, Gatirra) 1052'/3932' 3186 m 10/39 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEE48c Gatira (recorded in 1841) 11/39 [Ha]
HDU93 Gatira kebele 10/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Were Ilu wereda at its eastern border,
25-31 km north-northeast of Were Ilu town; area 3,163 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM44 Gatira kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Kobo wereda, 7-17 km
east of Kobbo town; area 4,134 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM34 Gatira Tekle Haymanot (church) 1204'/3946' 12/39 [Gz]
HDD96 Gatiro 0900'/3804' 2297 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Gatla (river flowing towards the Abay) ../.. [Ch]
gato (O) interior on the right side in a house
-- Gato language, see Komso
HCR39c Gato (in Kefa, with iron-bearing outcrops) 07/37 [Mi]
HDD02 Gato, see under Welkite 08/37 [WO]
HCC18 Gatonale 0532'/3723' 1518 m 05/37 [Gz]
HCR95 Gattira 0805'/3707' 2089 m, cf Gatira 08/37 [WO Gz]
HDU.. Gattira 10/39 [En]
with residence of Wello chief in the 1800s
JDA68 Gattira (area) 08/40 [WO]
JDA79 Gattira, G. (area), see under Gelemso 08/40 [WO]
HCC09 Gatto, cf Gato 05/37 [WO]
gatu (O) 1. kind of tall tree in rain forests, Syzygium
guineense; 2. food, provisions; 3. gatuu, dispose of, lose,
neglect; gau, ga-u, gawuu (O) 1. to be sufficient; 2. reach
a place, go as far as /also other meanings/
?? Gatu Mandi (in Gemu Gofa) ../.. [x]
?? Gatur (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
GDF62 Gau, T. (hill), cf Gaw 08/34 [WO]
HCP42c Gaua, see Gawa & HCP55 JDH26 JDK75 JEJ45
HDE65 Gauaba, see Gerbicha
JDN87c Gauai-Toli, see Gaway Toli
JDN29 Gauani, see Gewani
HDG55 Gauca, see Gawka
HEC04 Gaucia, see Gawcha
GDE15 Gaukel (Gauchel, Gochel) 0816'/3354' 416 m 08/33 [Gz]
HEH66 Gaula, see Gawla
gavea: gavia, gabia (O) market
JDD10 Gavea (area) 08/42 [WO]
HCE90 Gaveia 0620'/3827' 2763 m, cf Gabeya, Cavado 06/38 [+ Gz]
?? Gavi (white mountain) ../.. [18]
gavise: gawisa (O) beam in a weaving loom
HDE66 Gavise, see under Debre Zeyt 08/38 [WO]
HER68 Gavriel, see Angereb
HEL67 Gavsigivla (Gavsighivia) (mountain) 12/39 [WO Gu Gz]
1221'/3904' 3738 m
JEB47 Gauili, see Gawili
gaw (Som) edge, side, flank
HDT18 Gaw kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at the corner of its
eastern and southern borders, 10-17 km south-east of Meragna;
area 2,586 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gawa (O) 1. leg; 2. stupid; (T) kind of tall tree, Celtis
kraussiana, grows together with tid and zigba in semi-arid
forests; gawwa (O) forest; 2. large jar;
gaawe (Som) large container for milk
?? Gawa (valley in Wellega) ../.. [Mi]
GDM15 Gawa 0912'/3453' 1415 m 09/34 [Gz]
HCP42c Gawa (Gaua) (bamboo forest) 07/35 [+ Gu]
HCP55 Gawa (Gaua, Gaia) (mountain) 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
0739'/3608' 2797 m
JDD70 Gawa (well) 08/42 [WO]
JDH26 Gawa (Gaua) (area) 0920'/4120' 2022 m 09/41 [+ Gu Gz]
JDK75 Gawa (Gaua) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
JEJ45 Gawa (Gaua) (valley) 289 m 12/42 [+ WO]
JDD70 Gawa Elga (area) 08/42 [WO]
GD... Gawa Kebie (in Kelem awraja), cf Gawo Kebe 08/34? [Ad]
-- Gawada language, see Gawata
HB... Gawada ../.. [20]
Sub-region recently incorporated into Konso Special Wereda.
JD... Gawaio (on map of 1814) 09/41 [18]
gawani: gawaan (Som) flat open space, firm hard area
JDN29 Gawani, see Gewani

-- Gawata (Gauwada, Gawwada, Kawwada, Kaw-waakko),

as language spoken by about 70,000 people west of lake Chamo
HCP25c Gawata (Gauata) 07/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Chereku sub-district)
HCP25 Gawata wereda (Gauata ..) (ctr in 1964 = Saji) 07/36 [+ Ad]
JDN87c Gaway Toli (Gauai-Toli) (wadi area) 10/40 [+ Gu]
HEC04 Gawcha (Gaucia) 2540 m, see under Injibara 10/37 [+ WO]
HET58c Gawi (with cave church), in Selewa wereda 13/39 [x]
JEB47 Gawili (Gauili) (area) 413 m 11/41 [+ WO]
?? Gawis, fossil site in the Gona area ../.. [20]
HDG55 Gawka (Gauca) 09/35 [+ WO]
gawla (Konso) piece of wood used as musical instrument
HEH66 Gawla (Gaula) 12/36 [+ WO]
gawo, gaawoo (O) tall grass
G.... Gawo 08/34 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gawo Gergeda sub-district)
gawo d..: dalee (O) 1. camel; 2. melted butter;
(Som) decorate; daalee (O) cows /mostly/ with
grey colour
H.... Gawo Dale wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 74 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
?? Gawo Kebe sub-district (-1997-), cf Gawa Kebie ../.. [n]
HEJ66 Gawurna 1220'/3711' 1836 m 12/37 [Gz]
-- Gawwada (ethnic group west of Gidole), see Dullay
HDM30 Gay & Nibge kebele (.. Nebgé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in north Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
almost reaching between the northern and western borders there,
4-8 km west of Koremash; area 1,189 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gaya (A) burn with large flames; gayya (A) smoking pipe;
gaya, gaayya (O) 1. smoking pipe of water type, nargile;
2. mother's brother, wife of father's brother;
gayaa (O) grown-up /male/;
gayyaa (O) two women acting as mothers to the same child
HCP06 Gaya, see Kaya
HCP44 Gaya (Gaia) (mountain) 0739'/3607' 2797 m 07/36 [n]
HEE18 Gaya kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Tenta wereda; area 4,922 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB88 Gayale (Gaiale), see under Asaita 11/41 [+ WO]
JEB97 Gayale (Gaiale) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEJ12 Gayannabo (Gaiannabo) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEB91 Gaydaru (Gaidaru) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JDR60 Gayel (Gaiel /Kuffal Ali?/) (area) 10/41 [+ WO Ha]
-- Gayi, a dialect within the Bako dialect-cluster in the south-west
HDE95 Gayi 0859'/3857' 2431 m 08/38 [Gz]
Gayint, cf Lai Gayint, Tach Gayint
HEK09 Gayint 1151'/3822' 2863 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE70 Gayint awraja (Gaynt, Gaint ..) 1130'/3830' 11/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Nefas Mewcha)
The awraja was divided into an Upper and a Lower wereda,
Lay Gayint and Tach Gayint.
gayo (O) kind of pea
?? Gayo ../.. [x]
(well, important location of assembly for the Borana)
?? Gayo (valley in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
HCM94c Gaysay (river in wildlife area), cf Gesse 07/39 [Br Ca]
gayu (O) cultivated vetches; (Kefa) kind of large tree,
Mimusops kummel, growing along streams and at forest edges
HBL61 Gayu (Gayo, El Gai) 0413'/3833' 1475 m 04/38 [Gz WO]
(seasonal 'prehistoric' well, salt mine)
HCF62 Gayu (Gaiu) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
HEL.. Gaz Gibela kebeles 12/38 [Ad]
six numbered kebeles in northern and eastern Bugna wereda,
north of Lalibela; areas 8,546 + 5,822 + 11,320 +
+ 5,506 + 11,124 + 4,427 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gaz gim.: gimb (A) stone wall or tower or castle
HEH49 Gaz Gimb (mountain) 1209'/3635' 1288 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
gaza: geza (T) house, home; gaze (gazä) (A) banish
GDU10 Gaza (Jebel G., Taza, Teza) (mountain) 10/34 [WO Gz]
1005'/3422' 1146 m,
west of Asosa near the border of Sudan
HER04 Gaza Maryam (Gaza Mariam), cf Geza .. 12/36 [+ WO]
GCS59c Gazal (Gazan, Gazel) (valley) 07/33 [Mi]
HEK42 Gazara (Guzara) (historically Guba'e?) 12/37 [WO Gu Pa]
1210'/3743' 2126 m
?? Gazel (stream with some gold, in Kefa) ../.. [Mi]
HFF63c Gazen (Gazien) 14/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church Kidus Yohannes Metmek)
?? Gazer (visiting postman under W. Soddo) ../.. [Po]
same as Gazr below?
?? Gazer wereda (Bako Gazer ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 84 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
JCN14 Gazera, see Gasera
HE... Gazge sub-district (centre in 1964 = Saba) 11/36? [Ad]
?? Gazge (historically recorded area in the 1700s) ../.. [Pa]
HEL.. Gazgibila sub-district 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mokogo Hagi)
HDD18 Gazham 0815'/3818' 3395 m 08/38 [Gz]
HC... Gazr (same as Gazer above?) 06/36 [x]
centre in 1950 of Shangama sub-district?
later named /or moved to/ Gob
HCB27c Gazr 05/36 [x]
(settlement area of a Shangama sub-group)
Ge.. (in Italian-derived spellings), see also Je..
JEB.. Geartu kebele 11/41 [20]
in Asaita wereda (-2006-)
?? Geb (Gäb), see Gedeb /which one?/
HDT06 Geb & Kechechiwa kebele (Géb & Käch'äch'ewa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of southern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, 4-11 km
south-southwest of Alem Ketema; area 1,942 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Geba .., cf Gaba ..
geba (O) cup /usually of gourd/
GD... Geba (hydropower project) 08/34? [20]
HCA94 Geba, see Jaba
HDB.. Geba (Gabba), cf Sor & Geba awraja 08/35 [x]
HDG44 Geba 0928'/3510' 1673 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDT39 Geba 1018'/3916' 2670 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDJ91 Geba (river), see Gaba
JDD29 Geba Geba 0823'/4322' 1148 m 08/43 [Gz]
GDM02 Geba Jandura, see Gaba Gandura
HDL95 Geba & Meta Amba kebele (Gäba & Méta ..) 09/39 [Ad]
almost in westernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
stretching narrowly between its northern and western borders;
area 2,191 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ41 Gebaba (mountain) 0930'/4147' 1801 m 09/30 [Gz]
HDL91 Gebabu, cf Gababu 09/38 [AA]
HFE21 Gebako (Gebaco, Jebako) (mountain) 13/38 [+ WO Gz Wa]
1349'/3838' 2174 m
JEH89 Gebala (Ghebel) (mountain chain) 12/41 [Gz]
1233'/4130' 1093 m, cf Gabala, Gebela
JBT77 Gebangeb, see Gabanjab
JCE80 Gebas (Ghebas, Gabas) 0610'/4329' 318 m 06/43 [WO Wa Gz]
HCD47 Gebassire, see Jabasire
HEU02 Gebati, see Werebayo & Gebati
-- Gebato, ethnic group (sub-group related to the Jebelawi) numbering
only about 75 according to the 1994 census
HDL96 Gebaye 0952'/3900' 1609 m (with church) 09/39 [AA Gz]
JDK85 Gebbi Abeiu (G. Abeyu, Djebi Abeyou), see Jebi Abeyu
JDG09 Gebbi Dorchi (area) 09/40 [WO]
JDR25 Gebe (Gabi) (railway station) 1012'/4208' 10/42 [Gz]
HFE62 Gebedera (area, quarry for monoliths) 14/38 [x]
(same as Gobedra?), see under Aksum
HCC98 Gebeko 0615'/3722' 2241 m 06/37 [Gz]
gebel (A) hill, mountain; (T) python snake, Python sebae
(gebel also Italian spelling of jebel = hill, mountain?)
Gebel .., see second part of name, cf Gara ..
JEH67 Gebel (Ghebel, Gäbäl, Werjeh/Wärjeh) 1093 m 12/41 [+ WO Pa]
gebela (gäbäla) (A) sort of portico with overhanging roof
in front of a traditional round house in Tigray and Eritrea
?? Gebela (Gäbäla) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
geben (gäbän) (A) strong heat; (T) crime, offence, guilt
JDB79 Geben (area) 1620 m 08/41 [WO]
geber (gäber) (Geez) slave; (gäbär) (A) lining of garment;
(T) sheath, cover; gebere (gäbäre) (A) farmer;
(gäbbärä) (A) pay tribute, pay tax; (gäbärä) (T) to do, to act;
gebar maderiya (gäbar madäriya) (A) one of three fiscal subsystems
developed after 1696 and used into the late 1800s;
maderiya (madäriya) (A) land allotted in return for military service
HEL27 Geber Maderiya (Gheber Maderia), 12/39 [+ It]
see under Lalibela
geber s..: shengo (shängo) (A) assembly of elders
HDT18 Geber Shengo (Gäbäre Shängo) 10/39 [Gz]
1007'/3911' 2403 m
?? Gebera Mariam, see Gebez Maryam?
HDJ53 Gebere 0932'/3657' 2194 m, cf Gabara 09/36 [Gz]
HDM12 Geberewoch kebele (Gäbäréwoch ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Berehet wereda at its north-western border,
11-16 km south of Gina Ager; area 1,403 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE.? Geberge (Gebergé) 08/38? [Pa En]
(from the 1400s historically recorded settlement)
JDH12 Geberiamba (Gheberiamba) 09/40 [+ WO]
H.... Geberma (Gäbärma, Gabrama) in Damot 10/37 [En]
with Jesuit mission in the 1620s.
HDK28 Gebero 0914'/3819' 2583 m, cf Gabaro 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM23 Geberoch kebele (Gäbäroch ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-east Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
at its eastern border; area 1,521 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gebeta (gäbäta) (A) /low/ table of bamboo;
(gäbät'a) (A) game with a double row of twelve hollows and
played with pebbles, beans, or beads; gebete (gäbäte) (A)
large bowl of wood; gebbete (gäbbät'ä) (T) to take by force
H.... Gebeta Ber sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gijima) 10/39 [Ad]
gebeta d..: dingay, dengiya (A) stone, rock
HDU01 Gebeta Dingay kebele (Gäbät'a Dengay ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-west Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at its southern
border, 18-24 km west-southwest of Molale; area 1,636 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gebeta m..: medi (mädi, mäddi), mede (A) ford
HEK73 Gebeta Medi (Gheveta Medi), see under Macha 12/37 [+ WO]
gebeto (gäbäto) (A) plateau
-- Gebeto, Gobato, language estimated in 1975 to be
spoken by about 1,000 people in the Didessa valley
gebeya dar (A) market shore or river bank
HDU61 Gebeya Dar 1032'/3926' 2646 m 10/39 [Gz]
gebeya (gäbäya) (A) market, marketplace; guba, gubaa (O)
1. fever; 2. branding iron; 3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy;
gubba (O) the upper part of a place; guba (T) dome;
gubae (A) assembly /refers to activity rather than place?/
HDS08 Gebeya Guba 1000'/3816' 2535 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gebeya ke..: kemisa (A) cotton, cloth
?? Gebeya Kemisa ../.. [n]
HDT08 Gebeya Mewaya 0959'/3911' 2617 m 09/39 [Gz]
GDU61 Gebeyla (Ghebeila) (hill) 490 m 10/34 [+ WO]
gebez (gäbäz) (A) 1. head of a church, keeper of church treasury;
2. revenue earmarked to pay for incense, candles and memorial services
HEC19 Gebez 1101'/2728' 2730 m 11/37 [n]
HEC18 Gebez Maryam (Gebeze Mariam, Gebez) 10/37 [Gz Ad]
1102'/3728' 2730 m
(centre in 1964 of Kwarit wereda & Kwarit sub-district)
gebeze (Geez) cathedral
HDL91 Gebezi 0957'/3831' 2240 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HED98 Gebga 1142'/3816' 3402 m 11/38 [Gz]
HFE63 Gebgeb sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aksum) 14/38 [Ad]
gebi (Som) 1. flat open area, high banks of a ravine;
2. forehead, brow; 3. all, the whole;
gebi (gäbi) (A) income, revenue
HDK59 Gebi, cf Gabi 09/38 [AA]
HDL44 Gebi 0925'/3851' 2601 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Gebi 0932'/3823' 1717 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDT03 Gebi 1002'/3844' 1769 m 10/38 [Gz]
JDB62 Gebiba 0843'/4055' 1558 m, cf Gabiba 08/40 [Gz]
(with church Be'ale Weld)
JDJ23 Gebiba 0915'/4153' 1908 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDC53 Gebibda 0842'/4157' 1354 m, cf Gabibda 08/41 [Gz]
JCK72 Gebigaboda 0701'/4243' 737 m 07/42 [n]
JDP78 Gebilu (Geblilu, Geblelu, Gabillelu, Geblelo) 10/41 [Gz LM WO Ad]
(with waterhole) 1035'/4128' 505/560 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9S Chillelu (Killelu) (wide area, waterhole)
10NW Siaro (area)
?? Geblen (village in Tigray) ../.. [n]
gebo (O) vessel of wicker-work; (A) geebboo (O) kinds of highland
bamboo, Arundinaria alpina, or climbing shrub, Landolphia owariensis,
which gives latex; rubber from such plant
HDG59 Gebo (T. Ghebo) (hill), cf Gibo 09/35 [+ WO]
HEU35 Gebo (Gäbo) (plain) 12/39 [WO Pa]
gebr (A) an ordinary annual land tax
-- Gebra, see Gabbra and also Gabra
gebre (A) slave, servant of /used mostly in religious sense/;
(O) barley, Hordeum vulgare; (Geez) to do; dima (O) 1. red;
2. kind of shrub or small tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
3. baobab tree, Adansonia digitata
HEM01 Gebre Amba kebele (Gäbré .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda, 6-12 km
west-southwest of Weldiya; area 1,611 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCN78 Gebre Dima (Gurbadimo) 0757'/3532' 1860 m 07/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Didu Gebredima sub-district)
gebre gu..: guracha (O) black or dark blue;
(Bale O) top-storey forest tree, Aningeria adolfi-friederici,
with its trunk buttressed so that it has a very irregular
cross section; gurach, gurracha, giracha (A) 1. /mule/
with black and white spots; wooded landscape
H.... Gebre Guracha (Gabra G.), lake in Bale Mountains 06/39 [Ca]
HDL80 Gebre Guracha (Gabra Guracha, Cuyou, Kuyu) 09/38 [AA Gz WO Te]
MS: 0940'/3825' = HDL60; Gz: 0948'/3824' 2515/2547 m
(with school and church Medhane Alem)
Centre in 1964 of Kuyo wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Dil Amba 2579 m
3E Ilu
5E Kesi (K'esi, Chesi Chidan) (with church) 2729 m
6E Kersa (K'ersa) 2752 m nearby
8E Werebi 2573 m
9E Adege (area)
9E Yazha 2701 m
3SE Muke Chita (M. Ch'ita) 2558 m
6SE Gose 2594 m
6SE Hole 2243 m
7SE Uye
8SE Wayu
8SE Akale 2542 m
9SE Jore 2468 m
3S Deye (with church Giyorgis) 2510 m
6S Alelu 2211 m
6S Kirane (K'irane)
8S Bire 2243 m
8S Yenet
10S Wegidi
10S Dugde Dera
5SW Chilelo (Ch'ilelo) 2207 m
7SW Wegidi
10SW Mute Kerensa (Mut'e K'erensa) 2336 m
3W Kuyu (Cuiu) (area) 2514/2547 m
6W Fale 2553 m
6W Bokolo 2151 m
7W Keraru (K'eraru) 2286 m
8W Werji 2599 m
8W Chirfa (Ch'irfa) 2259 m
8W Gombolo 2590 m
9W Arsede 2589 m
10W Wino 2518 m
4NW Korebta 2577 m
5NW Kere Kura (K'ere Kura)
6NW Golole
6NW Migiro 2529 m
6NW Kura
8NW Goda (Gooda) 2557 m
9NW Gidabo
9NW Adadi
1N Kuyu Balemi 2548 m
2N Korpeti (Korp'eti) (with church) 2579 m
3N Sombo
4N Botolosi (Bot'olosi) 2408 m
5N Sumbe (Sembie) 2408 m
6N Hacho (Hach'o)
8N Abote (also adm. sub-district?) 2219 m
9N Amara 2174 m
5NE Abodo 2394 m
8NE Kontore (K'ontore) 2265 m
gebre h..: hariya, hariiya (O) age grade system, age-mate;
haria (eastern O) warthog, bush-pig
HER76 Gebre Harya (mountain) 1320'/3712' 1745 m 13/37 [Gz]
HER84 Gebre Harya (Debra Haria) (mountain) 13/37 [Gz]
1326'/3702' 1572 m
Gebre Kristos, an ordinary personal name also in modern time
HCU70c Gebre Kristos, at some distance from Bekoji 07/39 [x]
gebre tala: tala (O) kind of tree, Polyscias ferruginea
-- Gebre Menfes Kidus (church), see under Zikwala
gebre t..: tala (O) kind of tree, Polyscias ferruginea;
talaa (O) letter, written message; talla (O) tree with
branches in spiral
HFE63 Gebre Tela (G. Tala), at 6.4 km from Aksum 14/38 [Gz Br]
1410'/3845' 2187 m, see under Aksum
(hill with church Abune Ment'eliyon to the south-west)
Gebriel .., cf Gabriel ..
Gebriel (gäbriel), Amharic form of Gabriel
HCT93 Gebriel 0803'/3844' 1667 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE47 Gebriel (church) 0831'/3904', south-west of Mojo 08/39 [Gz]
HDJ05 Gebriel (church) 0906'/3707' 09/37 [Gz]
HDS04 Gebriel 1002'/3754' 2115 m 10/37 [Gz]
HDU21 Gebriel 1009'/3925' 2696 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDA34 Gebriel (church) 0825'/4009' 08/40 [Gz]
HDU22 Gebriel kebele (Gäbreél ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda
at its south-eastern border; area 1,304 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM02 Gebriel kebele (Gäbreél ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Guba Lafto wereda, adjoining Weldiya and extending
to the northern border of the wereda; area 2,079 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Gebriel sub-district (in western Menz) ../.. [x]
HFF71c Gebriel Tsilalmao (rock-hewn church), 14/39 [Br]
see under Adigrat
HFE06c Gebriel Wukien (rock-hewn church), 13/39 [Br]
see under Abiy Adi
JFA85 Gebro (Ghebro) (place & salt depression) 14/40 [Ne WO]
altitude -124 m, below sea level
gebt (O) Copt, Coptic Christian
HES34 Gebtaye (Ghevtaie) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
Gebu (gäbu), a male personal name
?? Gebu Seye sub-district (west of Addis Abeba) ../.. [x]
HBT10 Gebugela 0439'/3827' 1533 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
gecha (O) kind of medium or tall tree, Olea hochstetteri,
somewhat similar to eucalyptus at first glance, but more
branched and with smaller leaves
HCN26 Gecha (Gech'a, Gecoa, Gheccia, Getcha) 07/35 [Gz Po WO Ad]
MS: 0720'/3515' = HCN15; Gz: 0733'/3524' 2150, 2438 m,
town in Masha Anderacha wereda.
Centre at least 1959-1980 of Mocha awraja and
in 1964 of Anderacha wereda & Gecha sub-district.
(with sub-post office)
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
8SW Gemadura (Gamadura, Ghemadura) (village) 1559/1615 m
HEM00 Gecha .., see Gicha ..
JCH40 Gecha (Galcia) 0641'/4045' 06/40 [LM WO Gu Gz]
HER73 Gechaw (Ghecciau) (mountain) 13/36 [+ WO Gz]
1322'/3649' 914 m
-- gechi: Gache, name of a Wello Oromo tribe
HDB28 Gechi (Gache, Imboru Gechi, Imboro G., Sigimo) 08/36 [Gz Ad Po WO]
0817'/3634' 2100 m (with sub-post office)
(centre in 1964 of Ambero Gechi sub-district),
in Buno Bedele awraja.
Coordinates would give map code HDB19
HDB28? Gechi wereda (Gachi .., Geechii ..) 08/36 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 88 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
From 1991 one of twelve weredas in Illubabor,
cf Ambero Gechi
HDM25 Gechir (Ghecir) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDK03 Gechisa, 2635 m nearby 09/37 [AA]
HCN26 Gecoa, see Gecha
ged, gedd (gädd) (A) prediction, luck, omen
ged (Som) norm, standard; geed (Som) 1. tree, herb, spices;
2. what's-it /when the correct word is not found/
JDG99 Ged Bida (Ghed Bida) (area) 936 m 09/40 [+ WO]
geda (O) humid, soft, freshly green
Geda, Gedda, Gada, a male personal name
HDL74 Geda Amba 0942'/3851' 2556 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDM83 Geda & Dem Aytema kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Gäda & Däm Ayt'äma ..)
far to the north-east in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
7-11 km west of Debre Sina; area 979 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCH96 Geda Giyorgis (Gedagiorgis) 0713'/3618'c 07/36 [+ x]
HDS59 Geda Iyasu 1028'/3823' 2115 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT60 Geda Iyasu 1031'/3825' 2380 m, near code HDS59 10/38 [Gz]
HDM83 Geda Mikael (church) 0950'/3940' 09/39 [Gz]
gedab (eastern O) kind of shrub or medium tree in the
lower storey of forests, Pittosporum abyssinicum
HEE16 Gedaba kebele (Gädaba ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Sayint wereda, 26-31 km
south-west of Masha; area 2,496 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM42 Gedaba kebele (Gädaba ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central Kobo wereda somewhat to the north-west,
6-11 km west of Kobbo town; area 5,302 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEP99 Gedabi (hills), cf Gadabi 13/36 [WO]
HEP77 Gedabiet (Gadabi, Gadabiet, Godebe) 13/36 [Gz WO]
1318'/3619' 882 m, near the border of Sudan
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
9N Nahut (Jebel Nahut) (area)
gedam (gädam) (A) monastery, cloister
HC... Gedam (centre in 1964 of Gucha sub-district) 07/36 [Ad]
HDU03 Gedam 1000'/3939' 2505 m 10/39 [Gz]
/this Gedam?:/ (with church Silase), in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HEC68 Gedam Abo (Ghedemabo) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
HEL06 Gedam Abo (church) 1149'/3859' 11/38 [Gz]
gedam aimro: gedam (gädam) (A,T) 1. monastery, church
served by monks; 2. place of refuge; 3. centre of an army;
aimro (A) reason, good sense
HDL60 Gedam Aimro 0636'/3830' 1958 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HEE45 Gedam kebele (Gädam ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western central Mekdela wereda,
19-25 km west of Masha; area 1,943 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK96 Gedam Neka (G. Nek'a, G. Neqa) 13/38 [Gz q]
1354'/3808' peak 1541 m
gedamat (A) monasteries, plural of gedam;
rebui gebeya (T+A) Wednesday market
HDS62 Gedamayt Rebui Gebeya (Ruobgebaia) 10/37 [Gz Gu]
1033'/3746' 2958 m
HDE82 Gedamba (Gedanba) (village) 0852'/3840' 2429 m, 08/38 [x n]
cf Geda Amba
GDF92 Gedame, see Gidami
gedamge (A) country having monastery
?? Gedamge (district in lower Wegda) ../.. [n]
HDE28 Gedamsa 0821'/3911' 1984 m 08/39 [20]
caldera-type volcano
?? Gedamso (Ghedamso) (river in Wellega) ../.. [+ Mi]
HDE82 Gedanba 0852'/3840' 2429 m, same as Gedamba 08/38 [Gz]
HCK37 Gedano (Gadano) (area) 0638'/3808' 1482, 1764 m 06/38 [WO Gz Gu]
geda..: geddara (O) buying or selling; gedera (O)
boredom, annoyance
HDS08 Gedara 0959'/3816' 2528 m, cf Gedera 09/38 [AA Gz]
gedaro: geeddaruu (O) to change /in various meanings/
gederu (O) to be bored, annoyed
HEM43 Gedaro (Ghedaro) (mountain), cf Gedero 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1212'/3949' 1183 m
?? Gedaye (Gedayä, Gedaya) (historically of the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
?? Gedaymatu (somewhere in the Mieso region) ../.. [20]
JDK49 Gedballad (Ghedballad) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
?? Gedbano, see Kokir Gedbano Gutazer wereda
HEC89 Geddera (Gheddera) 1865 m, see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [+ WO]
?? Gedderech, see Giderach
HCK32 Gede Gelcha, see Galecha
gede gen..: genet (gänät) (A,T) garden, paradise
HCS13c Gede Genet, in Angacha wereda, see also Dawa 07/37 [n]
gedeb, giddib (gädäb) (A) dam, barrage; (A,T) limit
HCD58 Gedeb (Guanta) 0555'/3815' 2275 m, cf Gadab 05/38 [Gz]
HCL88 Gedeb (Ghedeb), cf Gidibbe 07/39 [+ WO Gu]
wide area in the lower basin of river Webi
HCL88 Gedeb (Ghedeb) (wide area), cf Gidibbe 07/39 [+ WO Gu]
HCT09 Gedeb 0719'/3917' 2809 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDS79 Gedeb 1036'/3821' 2269 m 10/38 [Gz]
JDK57 Gedeb 0935'/4312' 1599 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDK58 Gedeb 0934'/4315' 1571 m 09/43 [Gz]
HCL88 Gedeb & Asasa wereda (-1980s-) 07/39 [x]
Under the Derg government many smallholders were evicted
to make way for state farms.
HDE79c Gedeb Besanit, see Gidib Bisanit
?? Gedeb Iyesus (Ghedeb Iesus)(church) 3430 m ../.. [+ Gu]
HDT15 Gedeb kebele (Gädäb ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in north Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda stretching narrowly to its
northern border, 4-23 km west-northwest of Alem Ketema; area 1,826 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL.. Gedeb wereda (-1997-) 07/39 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 56 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HFF60 Gedeba 1411'/3921' 2489 m, near map code HFE69 14/39 [Gz]
HES34 Gedeba Amba (Ghedeva Amba) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
-- Gedebano, traditionally a Gurage area
?? Gedebasasa (sub-post office under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
-- gedebba: Gadeba, a predominantly Christian group of Gurage
HEL02 Gedebba (Ghedebba), see under Debre Zebit 11/38 [+ WO]
HES12 Gedebge (Ghedebghe, Gedebege, Gedebgi, Gerebge) 12/37 [Gz Po WO Ad]
(sub-post office under Gondar)
MS: 1250'/3745'; Gz: 1253'/3744' = HES22, 2760 m
(centre in 1964 of Mailko sub-district)
HDT14 Gedejewa kebele (Gädäjäwa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, 18-22 km
west of Alem Ketema; area 1,662 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Gedeka Shamere (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
gedel (gädäl) (A,T) cliff, steep place, precipice, abyss;
gedil (gädil) (A) saint's life, usually written in Geez;
gedel negedu (gädäl nägädu) (A) cliff of the tribe
HEL99 Gedel Negedu 1336'/3916' 2122 m 13/39 [Gz]
gedel s..: gedel silase (A) cliff of the Trinity
HDU03 Gedel Selassie (Ghedel Selassie) (church), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Sela Dingay
gedele: geddele (gäddälä) (A) kill
Gedele, a male personal name
HDM84 Gedelge & Hara Chelenko kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Gädälgé .. Ch'älänqo ..)
in south-western Mafud, Moja & Wadera wereda,
adjoining Debre Sina to its north; area 762 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCS56 Gedeli, see Godeli
gedelo (gwädälo) (A) deficient, incomplete, not full
HDD07 Gedelo Tekle Haymanot (church) 0809'/3812' 08/38 [Gz]
JEH74 Gedelu (Gadelou, Egralta, Egralita) (mountain) 12/41 [Gz x WO Ne]
1225'/4103' 1404 m
?? Gedem (Ghedem) (historical province), cf Gedam ../.. [Pa 18 20]
between Lasta and Yifat
gedema (gädäma) (A) area, location
?? Gedema (locality in lower Wegda) ../.. [n]
HDM80 Gedema & Argane Weyra kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Gädäma & Argné Wäyra ..)
far to the north-west in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda
at its western border; area 1,119 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Gedembo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adarash), 10/39 [Ad]
cf Godembo
HEM43 Gedemeyu kebele (Gädämäyu ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central Kobo wereda, 3-10 km south-east
of Kobbo town; area 3,335 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC53 Gedemma Mariam (church) 11/36 [It]
HEM14c Gedendis (Ghedendis) (area) 11/39 [+ Gu]
HER22 Gedengye (Ghedenghie) 1255'/3649' 1476 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
-- Gedeo (Darasa), ethnic group numbering about 639,905
according to the 1994 census; living in the Sidama region south-west
of Dilla and east of lake Abaya
HCD67 Gedeo (town in the Dilla region) 06/38 [20]
HCD67 Gedeo awraja (Gede-o .., Gedio ..) 0600'/3810' 06/38 [Gz n]
(former Derassa awraja) (centre at least 1969-1980 = Dilla)
-- Gedeo language (Geddeo, Deresa, Derasa, Darasa, Darassa)
HEK99 Gedeon (Amba Ghedeon) 1238'/3823' 1533 m 12/38 [Gz]
geder (gedär) (A) young cow or bull
HEM63 Geder 1220'/3937' 1453 m 12/39 [n]
gedera (O) boredom, annoyance
HDS09 Gedera (Ghedera) 10/38 [+ WO]
HEF45 Gedera (Ghederra) (area) 11/39 [+ WO]
JCP82 Gedera (Sacatte) (mountain) 08/40 [Gz WO]
0804'/4055' 1735/1827 m
JCP91 Gedera 0806'/4053' 1523 m 08/40 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCP92
HDM23 Gedera kebele (Gädära ..) 09/39 [Ad]
rather far to the south in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda
at its eastern border; area 1,787 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEE06 Gedera kebele (Gédära ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Legambo wereda at its northern border,
20-25 km west of Akista; area 1,802 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM23 Gedera sub-district (Ghederra ..) 09/39 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Tamo), see under Sidisto, cf Geddera, Gedara
HEF55 Gedero 1121'/3949' 1924 m, cf Gedaro 11/39 [Gz Ad]
(in Ambasel awraja, centre in 1964 of Dubeta sub-district)
(with church Mikael to the west)
HEF54 Gedero kebele (Gädäro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Were Babo wereda at its south-eastern border,
7-13 km east of lake Hayk; area 2,009 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC35 Gedes Mikael (Gh. Micael) 1114'/3705' 2118 m 11/37 [Gz]
south-east of Dangila
HES32 Gedeta 1300'/3746' 2596 m 13/37 [Gz]
HD... Gedeya (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
JDS33 Gedgobley (Ghedgoblei) (area) 1739 m 10/42 [WO]
gedi: geeddi (Som) 1. caravan, migration, traveller;
2. kind of thin string; geddi, gedde (A) kind of falcon
HEK91 Gedi (Ghedi) (mountain), cf Gadi, Gide 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
1239'/3731' 2443, 2889 m
HDH10 Gedi Adis (Gargio) 0911'/3544' 1830 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH85 Gedibe (Ghedibben, Ghediben) 09/36 [Gz WO]
0950'/3612' 2115 m (WO has code HDH86)
H.... Gedid (centre in 1964 of Keya sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
gedid ka..: kale (O) 1. goat; 2. kidney; 3. yesterday;
qale (Som) butcher; qalee (Som) chopped meat
JDR36 Gedid Kali (Ghedid Cale, Gh. Cali) (mountain) 10/42 [+ WO Gz]
1017'/4210' 701 m
HEF66 Gedida 1127'/3958' 1401 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF66 Gedida kebele (Gädida ..) 11/39 [Ad]
unusually large kebele in easternmost Were Babo
wereda; area 14,571 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDE69 Gedidegorega, see Jedidegorega
gedii..: adole (O) brown or red cow
JDK56 Gediit Addole (Ghediit A.) (hill) 09/43 [+ WO Gz]
0933'/4305' 1887 m
HDU.. Gedillo (battlesite in 1865) 10/39 [En]
-- Gedimto, a tribe of the Ado Mara of the Afar, living in
Ethiopia and Eritrea around Lake Afrera (Lake Giulietti)
JEP86 Gedimto (Ghedimto) (area) 13/41 [+ WO]
gedl (gädl), gedil (A) saint's life, acta sanctorum;
gedla (T) arable; geddele (gäddälä) (A) massacre, kill;
gedle X (A) history of the life of Saint X;
Gedle, Gedla, a male personal name
JDS52 Gedle (area) 10/42 [WO]
KCG52 Gedlegube (Gerlogubi, Gherlogubi) 06/45 [Gz]
0652'/4502' 619 m
HDD05 Gedleh Adin 0812'/3759' 2085 m 08/37 [Gz]

gedo (O) hair style worn by unmarried girls /Guji, Darassa/;

geedo (Som) grass, herbs, spices
(which Gedo is a town in Cheliya wereda?)
HDC99 Gedo (Ghedo, Guédo) MS: 0850'/3720' = HDC78 08/37 [Gz Gu WO Po]
2436/2515 m; Gz: 0901'/3727' = HDC99
(with sub-post office), cf Gado
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4S Wegedi (Gara Uogedi) (hill) 2585 m
3N fort, 2550 m
Locality 45 km beyond Ambo on the road to Nekemte.
HDE49 Gedo 0834'/3920' 1509 m 08/39 [Gz]
JBH85 Gedo (Ghedo) (mountain area) 04/41 [+ WO]
HDG.. Gedo Bekere, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDE45 Gedole (area), cf Gidole 08/38 [WO]
HDU52 Gedoye (Uin) 1025'/3932' 2843 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
gedre ha..: hadere (H'adärä) (T) spend the night
HDD05 Gedre Hader 0813'/3758' 1938 m 08/37 [Gz]
HEC89 Gedro (Gheddera) 1138'/3726' 1865 m, 11/37 [Gz]
see under Bahir Dar
gedu (O) to say; geddu (O) half, middle part
GCM36c Gedu 06/34 [MS]
HEM01 Gedu Ber kebele (Gädu Bär ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda at its northern border,
3-9 km north-west of Weldiya; area 3,133 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gedug as: as (O) here; aas (Som) 1. bury, burial;
2. colourful light of sunset
JDR99 Gedug As (Ghedug-As) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HES77 Geech (national park camp) 13/38 [Br Ca]
JE... Geega (a remote valley in Chifra-Dubtri-Aura area) 11/41? [20]
HED61c Gefasha Giyorgis (Gefascia Ghiorghis) 11/37 [+ Gu]
(church) 2140 m
HEK05c Gefat, see Gafat
HDM84 Gefayta, see Gifayta
gefegef (gäfägäf) (A) intermediate region being
not too hot and not too cold
?? Gefegef (Gäfägäf) (historical mountain fortress) ../.. [Pa]
H.... Gefegef sub-district 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Hanna Maryam)
gefersa: gafarsa (O) buffalo; gefersa (gäfärsa) (A) who eats
without ever getting satisfied
HDL02 Gefersa (Gafersa, Guafarssa) 0904'/3840' 2531 m, 09/38 [AA Br Gz x]
cf Gafarsa
HDJ91 Geferso (Gheferso) 0952'/3643' 1834 m 09/36 [+ WO Gz]
HEE86 Gefet Amba Abo (church) 1139'/3859', cf Gafat 11/38 [Gz]
JDJ13 Gefra 0910'/4157' 1424 m, cf Gafra 09/41 [Gz]
gefra g..: gudaa (O) big
JDJ37 Gefra Guda 0924'/4217' 1707 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDM90 Geft .., see Gift ..
HDU14 Geft Beher, see Gift Bahir
HDU14 Geft Gay, see Gift Gay
JDH80 Gegalu (Ghegalu, Ghegolu) 09/40 [+ WO Gz It]
0947'/4042' 715/762 m (savanna plain & small village)
?? Gegi (district), with Angodechi area of peasants ../.. [20]
?? Gegu (district) ../.. [20]
JED21 Geh (Ghehh, Siding) 11/42 [+ WO]
geha (gäha) (A) kind of clay for pottery
HEH74 Gehel Gaula, see Jehel Gawla
JCS30 Geibi Hardonneh (Gheibi H.) 0731'/4231' 672 m 07/42 [+ n]
JDE55 Geido Ayeyu (Gheido Aieiu) 0842'/4354' 1272 m 08/43 [+ Gz]
HCN87 Geio, see Didu
HCG37 Geisha (Geiscia), see Gesha
GDU84 Geissan (area), cf Gizen 10/34 [WO]
HCS63 Geja 0748'/3748' 2310 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDE82 Geja Be'ale Igzi'abher & Geja Giyorgis (churches) 08/38 [Gz]
0852'/3840', near Sebeta
geja d..: dera (dära) (A) grass for thatching roofs;
dera, deeraa (O) tall, long; slow
HDE62 Geja Dera (G. Dehra, G. Derah) 09/38 [Gz x]
0846'/3839' 2186 m
gejja f..: furi, furii (O) taking turns in doing something;
furi (O) liberty; furri, furrii (O) snot, mucus
running from the nose
HDE73 Geja Furi (Gheggia Furi) 08/38 [+ WO]
geja g..: goye (Gurage) main house of Gurage type
HDE62 Geja Goye (Gheggia Goie) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDE62 Geja sub-district (Gheggia .., Gejja ..) 08/38 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Dikaboneya)
HER74 Gejan (Gheggian) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
HDU75 Gejema, see Gijima
GDF63 Gejeda, see Gerjeda
HCA49 Gekele (Gekele Sefer) 05/35 [Ca]
gel (gäl) (A) piece of broken earthenware;
ghel (Som) intermittent stream; geel (Som) camels collectively;
adey (adäy) (A) "Meskel flower", Bidens sp.
JCD62 Gel Adey (Ghel Adei) 383 m 05/42 [+ WO]
J.... Gel Dabbal, about 25 km south-west of Bio Kaboba 10/42? [18]
JBP50 Gel Gulabis (Ghel Gulabis) (area) 05/40 [+ WO]
JDE44 Gel Lokor (Ghel Locor) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
KCR67 Gel Sormeyo (Ghel Sormeio) (area) 07/47 [+ WO]
JDK62 Gela 0937'/4243' 1903 m 09/42 [MS]
gela o..: odaa (O) 1. large wild fig tree, Ficus sycomorus
or Cordia africana;
2. sanctified place of assembly; ooda (O) threshing floor;
oodaa (O) small quantity
?? Gela Oda sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
gela (gäla) (A) body; wedesa, wadessa, wodesa (O)
kind of medium to tall tree, wanza, Cordia africana
HDK13 Gela Wedesa 0909'/3747' 1974 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
-- Gelab language, see Dasenech
JCH16c Geladi 06/41 [LM]
JD... Geladi (Galadi) (in Harar province) 09/42? [+ Mi]
KCH68 Geladi (Galadi, Galladi) 0657'/4625' 427/530 m 06/46 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
(with waterhole)
KCH67 Geladi wereda (centre in 1964 = Geladi) 06/46 [Ad]
?? Geladin (sub-post office under Dire Dawa) ../.. [Po]
?? Geladin wereda (-1997-) 06/45 [20]
Gelagay (gälagay), a personal name also in modern time
HEK.. Gelagay (Gälagay), known from late 1600s 11/37 [x]
JDD71 Gelalcha (Golaschi, Golaski) 08/42 [Gz]
0852'/4241' 1603 m
-- Gelan, an Oromo tribe
HDD72 Gelan 0852'/3747' 2462 m 08/37 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), cf Galan
HDD72 Gelan sub-district (centre in 1964 = Silto) 08/37 [Ad]
Gelana, a personal name?
HEF64 Gelana 1126'/3947' 2032 m, cf Galana 11/39 [Gz]
?? Gelana Abaya wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 37 rural kebeles and no urban one.
HEL16 Gelasot kebele (Gälasot ..) 11/38 [Ad]
large kebele in the south-western corner of Bugna wereda,
10-20 km south-west of Lalibela; area 14,079 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE26 Gelawd Maryam (church) 1104'/3900' 11/39 [Gz]
HED83 Gelawdiwos 1138'/3749' 2446 m 11/37 [Gz]
south of Gumar river and about 25 km west of Iste,
with scribes even in the present time
gelba (O) boat; geleba (A) /see below/
HEF21 Gelbete, see Gilbite
HET43 Gelbi (Ghelbi) 13/38 [+ WO]
JCH48 Gelbi (Galbi) 0646'/4127' 1661 m 06/41 [+ n]
JCH57 Gelbi (Ghelbi) (area) 1860 m 06/41 [+ WO]
HEF63c Gelbo (Guelbo) (with small lake), cf Gilbo 11/39 [+ Gu]
JDK54 Gelbob 0932'/4257' 1786 m 09/42 [Gz]
HCK43 Gelcha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Humbo, 06/37 [Ad]
cf Galcha
HC... Gelche Gofa, lowland area 06/3. [x]
JDR28 Geldabbal (Gheldabat, Gheldabbal) 10/42 [+ Gz]
1012'/4221' 818 m
HE... Geldba (centre in 1964 of Aykel sub-district) 12/37? [Ad]
KCR47c Geldegob 07/47 [MS]
geldi, geldii (O) heavy
JCK42 Geldi, see Jeldi & JEA47
JDJ21 Geldid 0915'/4146' 2873 m 09/41 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the east)
KCG94 Geldidis (Gheldidis, Fortino Gh.) 0713'/4507' 684 m 07/45 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code KCG93
JDJ22 Gelditi (Galditti), see Sumane
JCR07 Geldoh (Malca Dacata) (area) 07/42 [WO Mi]
HDK16 Geldu, see Leta Kolfe
HDK26 Geldu, see Gojo
JDB68 Gele (Gällé) 0844'/4126' 1310 m 08/41 [Gz]
geleb (gäläb) (A) 1. rocky hill, big rock; /2. fishing hook?/;
gellebe (A) lift, remove /veil, thatch, etc/;
-- Geleb, name of an ethnic group in the South Omo Zone, see Dasenech,
and also of localities in Eritrea
H.... Geleb (centre 1964 of Misrak Geleb wereda) 05/36 [Ad]
HBP56 Geleb & Hamer Bako awraja 0500'/3615' 05/36 [Gz Ad]
(.. Hamerbko ..) (centre at least 1964-1980 = Jinka)
(Hamer Bako awraja until the late 1960s)
H.... Geleb wereda (-1997-) 05/36? [n]
geleba (gäläba) (A,O) chaff, straw; gelebe (T) stampede;
-- Geleba (Marille, Roshiat, Dasenech), an ethnic group speaking
Burji-Geleba language;
-- also an age group of the Mursi was named so in 1991
-- Geleba language (Gheleba, Geleb), see Dasenech
HBP27 Geleba (Gheleba) (area) 04/36 [+ WO]
HDT62 Gelebe (Gelebie, Uoghidi, Uogghidi, Uogiddi) 10/38 [Gz Ad]
1033'/3839' 2412 m,
in Dese Zuriya wereda (-1999-)
(centre in 1964 of Chakata sub-district)
HDT53 Gelebe kebele (Gäläbé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north Wegdi wereda stretching nearly to
the middle of its northern border, 9-12 km
west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,505 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE27 Gelebeda (Ghelebeda) 1350'/3909' 1732 m 13/39 [Gz It]
(with church Giyorgis to the east)
HFE28 Gelebeda 1351'/3912' 1741 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Iyesus to the east)
JCF10 Geledi (Gheledi) (large village), cf Galadi 05/44 [+ WO Gu Gz]
0532'/4418' 233 m
JCL78c Geledid 07/44 [MS]
JDD57 Geleh 0840'/4314' 1289 m 08/43 [Gz]
gelehe ..: gofa (O) 1. chat plant, Catha edulis; 2. bad
HC... Gelehe Gofa
JD... Gelelcha (Ghelelcia), in Jijiga awraja, cf Gololcha 08/42 [x]
with plantation of retired government officials
JBF04 Gelelli, terraces at altitude 180, 120 and 30 m 13/41 [Ne]
?? Gelemo Ager (town), in Legambo wereda ../.. [20]
JDA78 Gelemso (Ghelemso, Gelemsso, Ghellemso) 08/40 [MS WO Gu 18]
(Galamso, Galamssoo, Calamso) (with church Medhane Alem)
MS: 0847'/4028' =JDA77; Gz: 0849'/4031' = JDA78, 1811/1860 m
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Habro awraja/wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9E Haro (area)
7SE Gattira (area)
6NW Gore (Gara Gore) (area) 1875 m
8NW Ulaga (village)
7NE Kore (G. Core) (area) 1388/2425 m
Almost at the south-west end of Chercher mountains.
At Odaa Bultum is an Oromo assembly place, chaffee
JDP28 Geleni (M. Gheleni) (area), cf Galane 10/41 [+ WO]
HE... Gelesha (in Dese Zuriya awraja) 11/39? [Ad]
?? Gelesot (Gäläsot), area known from the 1700s ../.. [x]
geleta (gäläta) (A) good action deserving same in return;
gelata (gälat'a) (A) open, clear, bare /space without trees/;
gelleta, gwelleta, to grant a fief
gellete (gällät'ä) (A) to make public, uncover, explain;
Geleta, Gelleta, a male personal name
HCC60 Geleta, see Gelta
HDF10 Geleta (Galata) 1982 m, see under Sire 08/39 [LM WO]
29 km by road from Sire
HER19 Gelevscia, see Jelebsha
H.... Gelew sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jubie) 10/37 [Ad]
JDR60 Gelewi 1030'/4139' 691 m 10/41 [Gz]
gelgela m..: gilgel (A) little one of domestic animals
HDM33 Gelgela Mikael (church) 0923'/3940' 09/39 [Gz]
JCL34 Gelhalali 0639'/4351' 595 m 06/43 [WO Gz]

geli (Som) cause to enter, insert

JCK55 Geli (Gheli) 0647'/4300' 541 m, cf Gale 06/42 [Gz WO Wa]
geli k..: koma (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree;
qoma (O) 1. breast, bosom, stomach; 2. (qoomaa)
instant killing
JEP85 Geli Koma (Geli Coma) (hill) 13/41 [+ Ne]
-- Gelible, unit of Somali found nowadays (1980s)
in the north-east province of Kenya
gelid (Som) entry, entrance; -leh (Som) with, having
JBU41 Gelidle (Ghelidle) (wide area) 04/44 [+ WO]
HDT43 Gelign kebele (Gälign ..) 10/38 [Ad]
centrally in Wegdi wereda, 9-12 km south-west
of Mahdere Selam; area 848 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Gelila (A) the biblical name Galilee, cf ethnic group Galila
HCB57c Gelila (Galila, Galilla), administrative place, 05/36 [LM]
with Amhara homesteads
HCT73 Gelila (Gelila Deset, Ghelila, Chelila, Celila, Galilee) 07/38 [Gz WO Gu x]
(Gallila) 0755'/3840' or 45' 1636 m,
a long rocky island in western lake Ziway
HDE37c Gelila 08/39 [LM]
HDH88 Gelila 0951'/3629' 2140 m (with church Giyorgis) 09/36 [Gz]
HDM43 Gelila (Ghelila, Chelila, Galila) 09/39 [LM WO Gz]
0929'/3937' 2024, 2670 m
HDR01c Gelila (Gelilla) 09/36 [LM Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Limu wereda & of Lai Kile sub-district)
HFD69 Gelila 1410'/3825' 1864 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEJ46 Gelila Iyesus (Galila Iyasos) (small island) 12/37 [+ Ch]
Gelila Zakaryas (Ghelila Zac.) 12/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
HDM43 Gelila kebele (Gälila ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its eastern border,
18-22 km south-southeast of Debre Birhan; area 1,306 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF04 Gelila kebele (Gälila ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching narrowly
south-west/north-east to its north-eastern border, 19-20 km
north-northwest of Majete; area 799 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM71 Gelila Maryam (church) 0943'/3928' 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
HFF72 Gelila sub-district (Gelilla ..) 14/39 [x Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Idaga Hamus)
HEJ46 Gelila Zakarias (Ghelila Zacarias), see Gelila Iyesus
-- Gelilla language, see Laki
KCH02 Gelinsor (Ghelinsor) 06/45 [+ WO]
HCD97 Gelissa (Ghelissa) 0615'/3809' 1705 m, cf Galisa 06/38 [+ Gz]
HFC34 Gelita (mountain) 13/36 [WO]
HC... Geljeba (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/35 [Ad]
HCA79 Gelkam (Ghelcam, Galcam), see under Maji 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
0608'/3544' 1236 m
HCR07 Gella (Ghella) 2010 m 07/37 [+ WO]
JCD44 Gelladeh (Ghellade) 0550'/4255' 364 m 05/42 [Wa WO Gz]
gelleyd: geelley (Som) camel owners, camel drivers
JDJ70 Gelleyd (Ghelleid) (area) 1097 m 09/41 [+ WO]
gellida: gellada (O?) galada baboon, Theropithicus sp.
HDL88 Gellida, see Deneba
gello, gelloo (O) 1. song; 2. main farm as opposed to
garden around the house; (Shewa A) big stone or rock
HCR58 Gello (Ghello) (area), cf Gallo, Gelo 07/37 [+ WO]
Mentioned in 1913 as north of Gibe river.
HDH55 Gello 0933'/3612' 955 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDB91c Gello, see Jall
JDS04 Gelloinca, see Jelloynka 10/42
HDE61 Gelma (village) 0847'/3831' 2134 m, cf Galma 08/38 [x Gz]
gelmo ..: ager (agär) (A) land, country, district
HEF03 Gelmo Ager 1057'/3938' 2281 m 10/39 [Gz]
gelo (Kefa) kind of small tree, Combretum sp.;
Gelo, a Somali female name
GCU22 Gelo (river), see Gilo
JDD89 Gelo (Ghelo) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDE35 Gelokar (Ghelocar) 0829'/4354' 1258 m 08/43 [+ Gz]
JDA03 Gelolcha, see Gololcha
KDA39 Gelsadadei, see Jelsadadey
gelt: gilt (gilt') (A) clear, open
HCC60 Gelta 0600'/3636' 2036 m, near map code HCB69 06/36 [Gz]
geltazala: zala (A) ear of corn; (T) terrace
?? Geltazala (visiting postman under W. Soddo) ../.. [Po]
?? Geltima, agricultural area 230-330 km NW of A.A. ../.. [n]
HCC85 Geltsa (Gelts'a) 0614'/3705' 1485 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCC94 Geltsa (Gelts'a, Gulta, Gutta) 06/36 [Gz]
0616'/3659' 1860 m
-- Gelubba language, see Dasenech
?? Gem (Ghem) (near Mizan Teferi) ../.. [+ Mi]
gema: gemma (gämma) (A) stink, smell bad, be rotten
HEU81 Gema 1326'/3929' 2219 m 13/39 [Gz]
HCN15 Gemadura (Gamadura, Ghemadura) 07/35 [+ Gu WO Gz]
0727'/3520' 1559/1615 m, see under Gecha
GDU20c Gemalu 10/34 [LM]
?? Gemamae (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDL99 Gemameda 0955'/3919' 1755 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEE06 Gemase 1057'/3903' 3936 m, cf Gamasa 10/39 [Gz]
HET61 Gemasha (Ghemascia, Ghemscia), cf Gomasha 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
1314'/3836' 1756 m
GDU12 Gemba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Asosa) 10/34 [Ad]
HCN57 Gembaki (Ghembachi) 0746'/3527' 2205 m 07/35 [Gz]
HCR71 Gembe (Gembi) 0755'/3645' 1668 m 07/36 [Ad Po Gz]
(in Limu awraja) (with sub-post office under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDG44 Gembel 0925'/3513' 1561 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH00 Gembela 0908'/3545' 1770 m, cf Gambela 09/35 [Gz]
HDL60 Gembela 0942'/3828' 2353 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEU90 Gembela 1333'/3924' 1954 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the east)
HEU91 Gembela 1332'/3930' 1989 m 13/39 [Gz]
JDA56 Gembela (Gambela) 0839'/4021' 08/40 [Gz Gu 18]
H.... Gembela sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adi Kebaish) 13/39 [Ad]
HDC85 Gembera (Ghembera) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
gembi (T) carcass, carrion; haro (O,Som) lake, pool, pond;
(A) valley subject to seasonal flooding
HCR71 Gembi 0755'/3645' 1668 m, cf Gimbi 07/36 [Gz]
HDH11 Gembi, see Gimbi
HDM.. Gembi Bet, near Sheno 09/39 [x]
HCR61 Gembi Haro, see Aro
gembo (gämbo) (A) jar, clay pot with long neck and a
single handle
-- Gembo, name of a Gafat clan
HBS93 Gembo (Lemmu) 0526'/3749' 1798 m 05/37 [Gz WO]
(with SIM mission station at some distance to the north)
Coordinates would give map code HCD03.
WO has Lemmu at HCD04, see under Burji
HDJ26 Gembo (Ghembo, Gombo) 09/37 [Po Gu]
0919'/3710' 2270/2480 m, market
(sub-post office under Jimma), near Haratu, cf Gambo
(with church Silase to the west)
HEE68 Gembore 1127'/3914' 2245 m, cf Gombore 11/39 [Gz]
GCU23 Geme (Gheme) (area), cf Gama 07/34 [+ WO]
HDE13 Geme 0818'/3843' 1782 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDU... Geme Giyorgis (Gäme G.), monastery, 10/39 [En]
in the Gishe highland
HDL73 Geme Shoka (G. Shoke) 0946'/3844' 2749 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche
gemel (A) camel
HDM73 Gemel Jerba, see Gimel Jerba
GDU70 Gemelie (centre in 1964 of Besher sub-district) 10/34 [Ad]
gemelli (Italian) twins
HBK58 Gemelli (area), see under Mega 04/38 [WO]
HEK55 Gemelz (Ghemelz) 12/37 [+ WO]
HES48 Gememora, see Genemora
HEH56 Gemendea (Ghemendea) 12/36 [+ WO]
JEC70 Gemeri (Gamarri, Adobada), ../.. [20 WO x]
lake at some distance east of Asaita
JEC71 Gemeri (Aureli Gamarri, Awreli G.) (chain of hills) 11/41 [Gz WO]
HC... Gemeto, place where the Baha'i faith 06/38? [En]
had special growth from 1968
gemi: gemmii (O) stone/s/ used for supporting cooking vessels
in a fireplace, or log on which to sit by the fire
GDE98 Gemi (mountain on the border) 2085 m 08/34 [MS]
HDU02 Gemja Mascha, see Gimja Mascha
gemo: gemmoo (O) same meaning as gemmii above
?? Gemo (Ghemo), ../.. [+ Mi]
river in the north of the Yubdo area.
H.... Gemo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mekane Tsiyon) 10/37 [Ad]
gemoji: gamoji, gammojji (O) hot lowlands
HCU22 Gemoji 0728'/3931' 1936 m 07/39 [Gz]
HC... Gemu (Gamu, Gämo) (historically recorded area) 06/37 [Pa]
HCD91 Gemu awraja (Gamu, Ghemu, Gamo, Chencha ..) 06/37 [MS Ad x]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Chencha), see also Gamo awraja
?? Gemza Kolla (Gämza Qolla), ../.. [+ x]
area with Oromo revolt in the 1920s
HDU65c Gemza sub-district (centre in 1964 = Majete) 10/39 [Ad n]
HDU65c Gemza wereda (Majete ..) 10/39 [Ad]
Around 1997 it was included in the Antsokiya & Gemza wereda.
gena (A,T) still, yet, even now, not yet;
genna (gänna) (A,Gurage) kind of game played
at Christmas time;
Gena (Lidet), Ethiopian Christmas;
Gena, Genna, a personal name
HCJ76 Gena 07/37 [x]
in 1964 centre of Genabossa wereda
HCJ99 Gena (Ghema), cf Gana, Genna, Gina 07/37 [WO Gz]
0710'/3725' 1792 m
HCU55 Gena 0744'/3949' 2115 m 07/39 [WO Gz]
gena b..: bosa (O) slow, sluggish
HCJ76 Gena Bosa (Bosa) 0701'/3714' 2156 m 07/37 [Gz]
HCJ76 Gena Bosa sub-district (-1997-) 07/37 [n]
HEL48 Gena Mechawecha (Gena Mech'awecha) 12/39 [Gz]
1209'/3912' 3252 m
HCJ76 Genabossa wereda (centre in 1964 = Gena) 07/37 [n]
One of eight weredas within Kulo Konta awraja.
HFF71 Genahitie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adigrat) 14/39 [Ad]
HCF72c Genale (Ganale, Ganaale) 06/39 [Br Mi En]
HCL49 Genale awraja 0645'/3915' 06/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Dodola)
The awraja disappeared with the administrative reform of 1991.
H.... Genale wereda (Ganale ..) 06/39 [x]
genan s..: seba (säba) (A) seventy; sebba (säbba) be fat /animal/
?? Genan Seba (locality in upper Wegda) ../.. [n]
?? Genasere (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HFF.. Genater (village on steep mountain in Agame) 14/39 [18]
HEE38 Genatit kebele (Gänatit ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mekdela wereda very near its eastern border,
2-8 km south-east of Masha; area 2,785 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL28 Genaza, see Ginaza
HDM82 Genb Washa, see Ginb Washa
genbore (A) red soil
HDT46 Genbule, see Ginbule
gend ber.: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
?? Gend Beret (Gend Bärät) (historically recorded 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
gend bey: bey (Som) 1. grey; 2. snake; 3. she
HEF94 Gend Bey, cf Genda Bey .. 11/39 [n]
genda (gända) (A) trough from the trunk of a tree, for
animals to drink from; ganda (O) village, district
HCE90c Genda, in Bule wereda, with engraved stone wall 06/38 [n]
HEJ67 Genda (centre) 1222'/3716' 1853 m 12/37 [Gu Gz]
genda abahi: abaki (abaqii) (O) grain chaff
JDJ15 Genda Abahi, see Ganda Abahi

genda bel.: belo (Som) hardship, difficulty

HDM41 Genda Belo kebele (Gända Bälo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
21-26 km south-southwest of Debre Birhan; area 971 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF94 Genda Bey kebele (Gända Bäy ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda at the northern border of its central part,
13-19 km east-southeast of Weldiya; area 3,124 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

genda g..: gora (O) 1. wild rose shrub; 2. kind of raspberry;

(A) side of mountain, wide and flat road
HEM04 Genda Gora kebele (Gända ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-east Habru wereda at its western border before
it turns becoming a northern border, 20-24 km east of
Weldiya; area 1,359 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM42 Genda Wera kebele (Gända Wära ..) 09/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
22-24 km south of Debre Birhan; area 739 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEP35 Genda Wiha (G. Wuha) 1256'/3610' circa 808 m, 12/36 [+ 20]
airfield near Metemma and the border of Sudan
gendako..: koma (A) 1. sterile land; 2. kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qooma) instant killing
JFA39 Gendakoma (Ghendacoma) (area) 13/40 [+ WO]
HER06 Gendawa (Gändawa) 1240'/3709' 2107 m, 12/37 [Gz]
near code HEJ95
?? Gende (sub-post office under Addis Abeba) ../.. [Po]
gende a..: ganda adami (O) village with euphorbia
JDC85 Gende Adam (Ganda Adami) 1454, 1623 m 08/42 [LM WO]
gende belo: gendebel (gendäbäl) (A) used to mean holder
of state land, but later it changed to indicate the status of
auxiliary troops responsible for transport
?? Gende Belo (Gendebelo, Gendebelu, Gendevelu), ../.. [Pa]
market town known from the 1400s
gende bo..: bareedda (O) handsome /male/
JDC96 Gende Boreda (Ganda Barenda) 1765 m 09/42 [LM WO]
HDT38 Gende Buhe (G. Bune) 1016'/3910' 2566 m 10/39 [Gz]
gende bur.: burre, burree (O) dappled, multi-coloured
HDE70 Gende Bure (village), 08/38 [x]
near Awash river north of bridge
gende d..: ganda dira (O) village of men, male area?
HDL46 Gende Dire 0930'/3858' 2656 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gende e..: ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond; clear water;
2. eelaa (O) very heavy /load/; ela (A) well, cistern
HDT67 Gende Ela 1032'/3912' 2176 m 10/39 [Gz]
gende g..: gora (O) 1. wild rose shrub; 2. kind of raspberry;
(A) side of mountain, wide and flat road
HEF66 Gende Gora 1127'/3955' 1295 m 11/39 [Gz]
gende j..: jalo, jaloo (O) 1. best man, beloved man; 2. kind of tray
used at a religious holiday; (Som) not get nourishment; (A) war song
HDT01 Gende Jalo 0957'/3832' 2144 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gende k..: kiltu, qiltuu (O) kinds of wild fig, Ficus spp.
HDS08 Gende Kiltu (G. K'ilt'u, Gende Qiltu) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0957'/3815' 2549 m
gende l..: ganda liben (O) district of the Liben,
a Mecha Oromo tribe
JDC65 Gende Liben (Ganda Liben) 1450 m 08/42 [LM WO]
gende m..: mesno (mäsno) (A,T) irrigation channel
HDT62 Gende Mesno kebele (Gändä Mäsno ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Sina wereda, 13-19 km
south-west of Mekane Selam; area 1,507 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gende sa..: sala, salaa (O) wooden pole as object of worship
or as fence; sala (A,T) saala (O) large antelope,
Oryx beisa gallarum; (A) coarse cereal, blackish grain;
(T) cock's comb; (O) coitus
?? Gende Sala (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
JDC65 Gende Seyido, see Ganda Saido
gende wein: weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine; 2. grape, wine
?? Gende Wein (visiting postman under Debre Markos) ../.. [Po]
HED.. Gende Yohannes (village) 11/37 [x]
?? Gendebelo (Gendevelu), see Gende Belo
HDK53 Gendeberet, see Gindeberet
HFE76 Gendebta (Ghendebta, Gendebeta) ( with plain) 14/39 [En Gu Gz]
1415'/3900' 2251 m, village north-east of Adwa
HFE76 Gendebta sub-district (centre in 1964 = Reiyu) 14/39 [+ Ad]
HFE76 Gendefta 1415'/3902' peak 2512 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFE.. Gendepata (in Hawzen near Adwa) 14/39? [x]
HEF21 Gendera Giyorgis (church) 1104'/3929' 11/39 [Gz]
HEJ89 Gendwa (Gändäwa, Gendewa) (area) 12/37 [Gz 20]
1231'/3722' 2077 m
gene, gennee (O) dame
HC... Gene (Gheneh) (mountains) 06/37 [+ 18]
HET99 Genebela (plain recorded in 1868) 13/39 [18]
HCJ46 Genei (Chenei) (mountains) 06/37 [Gz]
0645'/3711' 1284 m
JDB89 Genemi (Ganami, Ganame, Aniya Genemi) 08/41 [Gz WO Gu]
0857'/4133' 1918/2060/2200 m
(centre in 1964 of Aniya sub-district) (with church Mikael)
HES48 Genemora /Arisagh/ (Gememora Arisegh) 13/38 [WO Ha Gz]
1303/3813' 3159 m, see under Mekane Birhan
JDK51 Genesenei, see China Hasen
genet (gänät) gennet (gännät) (A,T), genneta (O) paradise
while waiting to enter Heaven; genet atkilt (A) plantation
HCR93 Genet (Gennet Limmu), see Suntu
HDL00 Genet (Holeta Ketema, Guenet, Guennet) 09/38 [Gz AA Po Ad]
(Holetta, Holota, Hollatta, Oletta, Olete) 09/38 [Ca Gu WO]
0904'/3830' 2382/2391 m, near map code HDE90
(centre in 1964 of Addis Alem wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4E Welmera (with church) 2388 m
5E Welmera (Finnish mission)
9E Menagesha (with church) at main road
9E Arrele (area)
9SE mill
10SE Menagesha (with churches)
2S army training centre
6S Bobe (also a river)
8S Berfata (area)
2W Rada (village)
3W quarry
3NW Leka (Lek'a) 2423 m
6NW Yubo 2453 m
9NW Keresa Boru (K'eresa B.) 2559 m
10NW Aruse 2554 m
8N Berecha
9N Fiche
8NE Botero 2653 m
10NE Haro Boki 2726 m
HDL74 Genet 0946'/3848' 1928 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam), see under Debre Libanos
HDM61 Genet Giyorgis (G. Georgies) (with church) 09/39 [Gz Po]
0940'/3929', west of Debre Birhan
(visiting postman under Debre Birhan)
HDM84 Genet kebele (Gänät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5-7 km south of Debre Sina; area 1,238 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ90 Genet Medhane Alem (church) 0952'/3638' 09/36 [Gz]
HDM62 Genet & Welde Tensay kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Gänät & Wäldä-Tänsay ..)
in south-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, adjoining
Debre Birhan town to its west and extending 5 km from there;
area 1,863 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT96 Genete 1048'/3902' 2386 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT96 Genete 1046'/3903' 2394 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU51 Genete 1027'/3927' 2289 m 10/39 [Gz]
HE... Genete (Gennete) (district in Yeju) 11/39 [n]
HEF26c Genete, town in Kalu wereda (-1999-) 11/39 [20]
?? Genete Afeshum wereda (Ganata ..) ../.. [+ 20]
in Tigray (-2006-), see Genta Afeshum
HEF.. Genete Giyorgis, south of lake Hayk 11/39 [x]
(with beautiful church in the 1400s)
HE... Genete Iyesus (Genetta I., Ganeta Jesu) 12/37? [+ x]
(an easy day's journey from Gorgora)
HDT96 Genete kebele (Gänäté ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Legambo wereda, 11-16 km
south-west of Akista; area 3,398 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED16 Genete Maryam (Guenete Mariam) 1101'/3806' 11/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mandura wereda) 2331 m
HEL29 Genete Maryam (Ganata M., Chennete Mariam) 12/39 [+ Br Gu]
(Ghenet Mariam) (monolithic church from 1200s) 12/39 [It]
at four hours by foot from Lalibela
HEL17 Genete Maryam kebele (Gänätä .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the south-eastern corner of Bugna wereda,
10 km south-east of Lalibela; area 7,031 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
genfo (gänfo) (A) porridge
HEM14 Genfo kebele (Gänfo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the western corner of the border of a northern arm of Habru
wereda, 14-17 km east-northeast of Weldiya; area 2,069 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF76 Genfugalla, M. (area) 1031 m 08/39 [WO]
HEP25 Genga (Ghenga, Cengia) 1257'/3612' 703 m, 12/36 [+ Gz Gu WO]
see under Metemma
HD... Gengela 09/35 [18]
GDU75 Gengen (Ghennagazza) 1039'/3449' 807 m 10/34 [Gz]
HEE79 Gengena 1134'/3915' 2519 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF33 Gengera, see Jenjera
HDT59 Gengeto kebele (Géngéto ..) 10/39 [Ad]
quite centrally in Jema wereda, adjoining Degolo to its east and
extending 9 km north-eastward from there; area 2,419 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED55 Gengis (Ghenghis) 1122'/3757' 2251 m 11/37 [+ WO Gz]
JEA96 Gengoyta (Ogoggo) (mountain) 11/40 [Gz WO]
1141'/4020' 1062/1165 m
HED60 Genj (Gheng, Gäñi) (area) 1113'/3740' 11/37 [WO]
historical province roughly identified as east of present-day Dessie
HED60 Genj sub-district 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Weybenye Maryam)
HDF53 Genjeb (Faressa, Fariccia) 08/39 [Gz WO Gu]
0837'/3937' 1328 m
genji (T) kind of shrub or small tree,
Ozoroa (Heeria) insignis, with resinous bark;
(O) tsetse fly
HCJ82 Genji (Gangi) 0707'/3648' 1759 m, cf Ganji 07/36 [Gz]
HDA98 Genji (Ghenji, Ganji, Gangi) 09/35 [Gz Ad x WO]
0902'/3536' 1834 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDB54 Genji (Ganji) 0840'/3606' 2058 m 08/36 [+ MS]
HDC16 Genji 0817'/3711' 2142 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDH95 Genji (Gootu) 0955'/3611' 2178 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ07 Genji 0907'/3750' 2169 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ37 Genji 0921'/3749' 1828 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ47 Genji 0930'/3717' 2355 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ67c Genji 09/37 [MS]
HDK03 Genji 09/37 [AA]
HDK33 Genji, 2112 m on hill top 09/37 [AA]
HD... Genji Dangora (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
genji daru: daru, daruu (O) to lack clothing
?? Genji Daru (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDJ68 Genji Giyorgis (church) 0937'/3721' 09/37 [Gz
genji k..: kedo (Som) surprise; quick move
?? Genji Keddo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HD... Genji Tenosi (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
?? Genji Terame (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
genji y..: yubdo (O) kind of shrub or small tree
with large flower-heads, Protea gaguedi
?? Genji Yubdo (visiting postman under Nekemte) ../.. [Po]
HDK09 Genjo (Faressa, Fariccia) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0907'/3822' 2734 m, see under Addis Alem
genna (gänna) (A) Christmas; (A,Gurage) kind of hockey game
played at Christmas time; genne (O) lady of royal blood;
queen, of which there could be four, of a local Moslem king;
gena (A) still, yet, even now, not yet
Genna, Gena, also a personal name
HED82 Genna (Ghenna) (mountain) 2275/2680 m 11/37 [+ WO]
GDU75 Gennagazza (Ghennagazza) 10/34 [+ WO]
?? Genne Bossa wereda, in the Soddo region
Gennet, a female personal name
HCR93 Gennet, see Suntu
HDL00 Gennet, see Genet
HDT96 Gennete, see Genete & HDU51
HDD36 Geno, see Rebu
HDK88 Geno (Gino) 0951'/3819' 2570 m 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Girar sub-district)

genta (gänta) (A,Geez) kind of trumpet being a sign of dignity,

also a large drum
HCC79 Genta (mountain) 0604'/3727' 2487 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCD61 Genta (Gantar) 0601'/3732' 1285 m 05/37 [LM WO n]
Coordinates would give map code HCD60
HED64 Genta, see Aytony
Genta Afe Shum, mentioned by Baeteman in 1929 as
an area in Tigray
HFF71 Genta Afeshum wereda (Ganta ..) (-1964-1994-) 14/39 [Ad x n]
(Ghenteafescium) (centre in 1964 = Adigrat)
in Agame awraja 1941-1974
(-1994-) divided into 36 rural and 13 urban kebeles.
HEE07 Gente 1052'/3908' 3128 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEC67 Gentenya (Danguel, Denguel, Denghet) 11/37 [Gz WO]
1128'/3717' 1965 m
HEU44 Genti 1303'/3943' 2227 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Arba'itu Insesat)
HCC42c Gento 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in the Male-inhabited district
HDM.? Genu (with church Debir Giyorgis) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/kasim wereda
JCT65 Genu Gadu, see Gunu Gado
HDA08 Genud, see Gore
genya (gänya) (Shewa A) old horse;
geennya (O) pack-horse or -mule;
geenyo (Som) mare, female horse; lakku (O) pair, twin;
-- Gashe, unit of the Somali
KCR83 Genya Laku Gashe (Ghegna Lacu Gascie) 07/46 [+ WO]
HEE57 Genyet (Genyet') 1120'/3908' 2140 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEC28 Genz (Ghenz, Gänz) (historically recorded) 11/37 [+ WO Gz Pa]
1105'/3718' 2456 m
genze (T) cover
HES74 Geodgabia (=Ihud Gebeya=Sunday Market?) 13/37 [WO]
HES22 Georchisa (area) 12/37 [WO]
HEH66 Georgis (Gheorghis), see Giyorgis & HCT08 HDL31 HDR85
ger (gär) (A) tame, gentle, good-natured, well-worked /soil/;
geb (Som) fail to succeed on doing
HET54 Ger Geb (Gher Gheb) 13/38 [+ WO]
gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks;
-- Gera, name of a former Oromo kingdom, west of Jimma
on the left slope of the Gogeb valley.
Gera /this one?/ was incorporated into imperial Ethiopia
after 1879.
-- Gera (historical kingdom, with capital Chala or Cira)
HB... Gera ../.. [20]
Settlement of 11 hectares in south Konso.
HCP24 Gera 0730'/3604' 2177 m 07/36 [Gz]
HCP37 Gera (Ghera) 0732'/3623' 1641 m 07/36 [Gz]
HCP46 Gera 07/36 [MS]
HCP56 Gera (Ghera) (area) 0747'/3620' 2128 m 07/36 [Gz WO Gu]
HCP67 Gera (Ghera) 0748'/3622' 2121 m, cf Challa 07/36 [+ Gz]
HDC24c Gera 08/37 [LM]
HDU67 Gera, see Jarra
HET85 Gera 1325'/3857' 1544 m (with church Maryam) 13/38 [Gz]
JEC51 Gera (Ghera) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HCP07 Gera Beki 0715'/3623'c 07/36 [x]
gera k..: kella, keellaa (O) border post, checkpoint
JDH19 Gera Kela (G. K'ela) 0912'/4131' 2176 m 09/41 [Gz]
gera m..: midir (A) land, region
HDU32 Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda 10/39 [n Ad x]
(Giera Midir, Gera Meder) established in 1991,
(centre = Mehal Meda), cf Gwasa Protected Area,
(-1994-) divided into 66 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Aftenet, Aganchit, Akafi Digimsh, Alo & Fuchet, Amash, Ambat &
Mesno, Ameje & Hagere Selam, Anaz Tid, Arego, Argano, Ateret
& Abat, Azhga & Kurundi, Badoge, Dargegn, Dewas, Dig, Diwat,
Firkuta, Fito & Kiba, Gebriel, Gey Maryam, Gey Silase, Girar Ber,
Gosh & Deta, Gotera Ber, Gragn, Gulay, Gumer, Guyat & Sost Amba,
Hule Doha, Inda & Mazoriya, Jigma, Kewla, Kuriya, Kwach & Muhiy,
Lam Ber, Maserti, Menta Defer, Mesela Maryam, Miwo, Muret & Dingish,
Negasi Amba, Nidi & Kera, Sar Midir, Shola, Sin Amba, Siray Dega,
Siray Gedel, Siredej, Siter Dega, Siter Kola, Talt, Tesfo Mentir, Tsehay
Sina, Wenchit & Sie, Werew & Mark, Werk Amba, Wezhed, Wiyn, Yedi,
Yehata, Yidemsa & Guya, Yilma & Semboch, Zelan & Bado Girja,
Zigba & Teda Ber
HEE90 Gera Roves (Ghera Roves), see under Nefas Mewcha 11/38 [+ WO]
HFE38 Gera Suru 1354'/3913' 1669 m 13/39 [Gz]
HC... Gera wereda, a coffee-growing area in Jimma Zone 07/36 [20]
(-1994-) divided into 47 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HFE28 Geraalta (Gera'alta), see Geralta
HE... Gerab Kola sub-district 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sesela), cf Gereb
gerad (gärad) (A?) kind of historical local ruler;
gwerade (gwärade) (A) sword
JDJ30 Gerada (Gerad) 0922'/4141' 2121 m, cf Garada 09/41 [Gz]
HEF92 Gerada kebele (Gärada ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central western Habru wereda at its northern border there,
6-9 km south-southeast of Weldiya; area 1,267 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Geradela, state farm in the Arsi region ../.. [x]
HDE72 Gerado (Gärado) 0848'/3847' 2147 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEF.. Gerado (villagization settlement), near Dessie 11/39 [n]
HEM02 Gerado (Gherado) 1115'/3924' 1826, 2122 m, 11/39 [Gz WO]
see under Weldiya
HEF33 Gerado kebele (Gärado ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central northern Dese Zuriya wereda adjoining Dessie town
on its west and extending 10 km to the north-west along its
northern border; area 2,759 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF14 Geradu 1100'/3947' 2212 m 11/39 [Gz]
GD... Geragemi, at Sudan border north-west of Gambela 08/33 [n]
HFL07 Gerahu Sirnay (Gergu Sernay, Gerhu Sirnay, Hov) 14/39 [Gz Ad]
1430'/3908' 1837 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEU32c Gerak Sadek (mountain) 12/39 [x]
"on the right side of Amba Alage", see under Amba Alage
JEH16 Gerali (Gherali) (area), see under Serdo 11/41 [+ WO]
HFE28 Geralta (Gheralta, Garalta, Gär'alta, Gera'alta) 13/39 [+ WO Pa Gz]
MS: 1348'/3910' = HFE28; Gz: 1355'/3915' = HFE38, 1732, 2140 m
(wide mountain area)
Geralta churches here divided into a northern and a southern group.
The area of Geralta rock-hewn churches belongs to Temben awraja and
especially to Adi Abiy wereda.
HF... Geralta churches - northern, all in 1339 13/39 [x]
HFF31 Mendai (Menda'e, Mendah, Menda): Mikael
" Mai Tsebari: Arbatu Insisa
" Abiy Adi (Abii Addi): Mikael
" Meakudi (Meaqudi, Maikudi, Ma'aquddi, Meokudi): Kidus Yohannes
" Matari (with what kind of church?)
" Yayid (Yaid): Kidane Mihret
" Temsehul (Tems'hul): Kidane Mihret
" Gulbisha (Gulbecha, Gulibiscia, Gulisha): Maryam
" Degum (Digum): Silase (three/?/ with same name)
HFF30 Debre Tsiyon (D. Tzien): Kidane Mihret & Abune Abraham
" Degum Ayrefeda (Digum A., Airofeda): Maryam
" Debre Mear (Dabra Maar, Debra Mahar): Giyorgis & Maryam 2156/2184 m
" Papaseyti: Maryam
" Abune Zerabruk (A.Z. Buruk): church of same name
" Hareguwa: Mikael, cf Debre Harekuwa
" Korar (Qorar): Maryam Megdelawit
" Gundo: Arbatu Insisa
" Kemer (Qemer): Arbatu Insisa
" Guh: Abune Yemmeata (Abuna Yemata, A. Ymeate)
HFF40 Korkor (Qorqor): Debre Maryam & Abune Daniel
HFE29 Tensohe (Tensoke): Arbatu Insisa & Abune Aragawi
HFE39 Koraro (Qoraro): Abune Gebre Meskel & Giyorgis
" Sella (Sella'i): Abba Gerima & Maryam (not church use)
" Tewliha (Tewulehe): Arbatu Insisa
" Agoza: Arbatu Insisa
HFE49 Berakit (Beraqit): Maryam Megdelawit
Mai Tsebari: Arbatu Insisa
Debre Tsiyon: Maryam or Abraham
Abiy Adi: Mikael
Meakudi: Kidus Yohannes
Yayid: Kidane Mihret
Temsehul: Kidane Mihret
Gulbisha: Maryam
Degum: Silase A (Dugem Selassie)
Degum: Silase B & C
Debre Tsiyon: Kidane Mihret
Debre Tsiyon: Abune Abraham
Degum Ayrefeda: Maryam Ayrefeda
Debre Mear: Giyorgis
Debre Mear: Maryam
Papaseyti: Maryam
Abune Zerabruk
Hareguwa: Mikael
Korar: Maryam Megdelawit
Gundo: Arbatu Insisa
Kemer: Arbatu Insisa
Guh: Abune Yemmeata
Korkor: Debre Maryam
Korkor: Abune Daniel
Tensohe: Arbatu Insisa & Abune Aragawi
Koraro: Abune Gebre Meskel
Koraro: Giyorgis
Sella: Abba Gerima
Sella: Maryam
Agoza: Arbatu Insisa
Berakit: Maryam Megdelawit
HF... Geralta churches - southern, all in 13/39 13/39 [x]
HFF21 Angwa (Anguat): Mikael & Giyorgis
HFF20 Allal (Allat?): Medhani Alem
" Tsemena (Tsemuna, Tzemmuna): Mikael
" Mengua (Mengudi): Maryam Megdelawit
" Tsigniefeda (Tzi..)
Angwa: Giyorgis
Angwa: Mikael
Allal: Medhani Alem
Tsemena: Mikael
Menguda: Maryam Megdelawit
HFF20 Geralta wereda (centre in 1964 = Tsigereda) 13/39 [Ad]
JEC40 Geramalita (Gheramalita) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HCS13 Gerame (Gueramo Uataro) (with church) 2166 m 07/37 [LM WO]
HDF91 Gerana (Gherana A.) 09/39 [+ WO]
HEJ91 Gerana (recorded in 1841) 12/36 [Ha]
HDU95 Geranyo, see Jaraniyo
gerar (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Osyris abyssinica
-- Gerar, a group of the Devenekemena branch of the Afar
HDL93 Gerar (Gherar)(=Grar?) (area), cf Girar 09/38 [+ WO]
HEM02 Gerar .., see Girar ..
JDJ89 Gerar (Geror) 0949'/4225' 1236 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDM45 Gerar Amba, see Girar Amba & HDU74
HDU34 Gerar Ber, see Girar Ber
gerar j..: Jarso, a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo
HDL93 Gerar Jarso wereda 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
gerara (O) hunting song, war song; (gärara) (A) scorching;
?? Gerara (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEL48 Geraray, see Giraray
HDL76 Gerarge, see Girarge
geraro ..: yeer (Som) voice, sound, call
KCP62 Geraro Yer (Gheraro Ier), cf Giraro .. 07/45 [+ WO Gz]
gerarsa (O) boasting song about a warrior's bravery
HEU14 Gerarsa 1251'/3946' 1600 m 12/39 [Gz]
geraru, geraruu (O) to sing a war song;
geèra ròor (Afar) chain of hills one after the other
?? Geraru (archaeol. site 40 km south of Tendaho) ../.. [n]
HDL.. Gerarya, cf Grariya, 09/38 [x]
historical area midway between Abay and Muger rivers
HEM30 Geras (area) 12/39 [WO]
JDJ02 Gerawa, see Grawa
GDM02 Geray (Gherai, Ghera Ciocorsa) 09/34 [+ n]
0904'/3431 1641 m
HCP78 Geraye (Gherae, Geraya) (area) 07/36 [+ WO Pa]
gerba, garba (O) lake
HDG73 Gerba 0942'/3505' 1527 m, cf Jerba 09/35 [Gz]
HDM35 Gerba (Gherba) 09/39 [WO 18 n]
HDM36 Gerba (Gharba), see Kerteta
HEF36 Gerba 1109'/3955' 1429 m 11/39 [Gz]
JDG82 Gerba 0950'/4001' 1235 m 09/40 [Gz]
HDL98 Gerba kebele (Gärba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Moret & Jiru wereda, adjoining Inewari
almost all around and extending some 4 km eastward from there;
area 1,503 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gerba..: dima, diima (O) red
/also other meanings/
HCN87 Gerbadima (Gherba Dima, Gurbadima) 08/35 [LM Gz WO]
0757'/3507' 1900 m, see also Fit Makonnen
HD... Gerbaja (Gherbaggia), 08/37 [+ 18]
at north in the east-west middle of Gurage land
HEL77 Gerbako (Gerbaco, Garbaco, Amba Gurbaco) 12/39 [+ Gu WO Gz]
(mountain) 1226'/3905' 2510 m
HDD96 Gerbe 2303 m, see under Ginchi, cf Garba 09/38 [AA]
HDU27 Gerbe 1012'/3959' 1383 m 10/39 [Gz]
gerbe c..: chita (O) dangerous cattle or horse disease;
chitaa (O) 1. tall grass used for thatching of roofs;
2. broken piece
HDD96 Gerbe Chita (G. Ch'ita, Gerbe), see under Ginchi 09/38 [Gz]
0901'/3803' 2303 m
HDL80 Gerbe Guracha, see Gebre Guracha
JDK68 Gerbe Hale (Garbadadle, Garbahedli) 09/43 [Gz Gu WO]
0937'/4316' 1549 m
(plain near the border of Somalia)
HCS89 Gerbeber (Gerbiber) 0758'/3822' 2045 m 07/38 [Gz x]
JDK58 Gerbehale, see Togochale
gerbelu..: lukku, lukkuu (O) chicken
JDH69 Gerbeluku (Garbellucu) 1056 m 09/41 [LM WO]
(small railway station 40 km west of Dire Dawa)
JCK02 Gerber Offer (Gherber Offer) 06/42 [+ WO Gz]
0622'/4243' 418 m
gerbi (O) 1. cotton; 2. kinds of thorn tree,
Acacia abyssinica, A. alba;
Gerbi, a male personal name
JCP17 Gerbi (Gherbi) 07/41 [+ WO]
JDC82 Gerbi 0856'/4148' 1434 m, cf Garbi 08/41 [Gz]
?? Gerbi (centre in 1964 of Betiho sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
gerbi d..: diimtu (O) red /female, cow/.
light complexion /girl/; dimtu (A) the sound, the voice
JDB68 Gerbi Dimtu 0843'/4126' 1295 m 08/41 [Gz]
gerbicha: garbicha (O) 1. servant, male slave;
2. (Borana O) Chionotrix latifolia
HDE55 Gerbicha (Gauaba, Guaba) (mountain) 08/38 [Gz Gu WO]
0841'/3857' 2142, 2530 m
Coordinates would give map code HDE65
There is registered the Dire-Gerbicha National Forest Priority Area.
HD... Gerbicha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Denkaka) 09/38? [Ad]
gerbicho (Sidamo O) kind of small tree, Prunus africanus
HCL21 Gerbicho, see Garbicho
HEH53 Gerbichu, cf Garbicho 12/35 [WO]
HEM02 Gerbidda (Gherbidda), see under Weldiya 11/39 [+ WO Gz]
1147'/3936' 1953 m
HDD46 Gerbo (Garbo) 0832'/3809' 2438 m 08/38 [Gz WO]
JDE.? Gerbo wereda/?/, in direction of Degeh Bur 08/43 [Ad]
HEC46 Gerchech (Ghercec) 11/37 [20 WO]
gerdasa (gärdasa) (A) thick band tied around the forehead
HBS56 Gerdasa (Garadase) 1820 m 05/38 [LM WO]
HCC69 Gerdessa (Gherdessa) 0603'/3726' 2371 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
JCL32 Gerdi (waterhole) 06/43 [WO]
JCJ08c Gerdle 06/42 [LM]
gere (gärä) (A) black and white /animal/;
gwere (gwäre) (A) den, lair, burrow, hideout; empty beehive
HCC73 Gere (Ghere, Chere) 0603'/3653' 1092 m, 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
see also Beto
HDJ61 Gere 0939'/3646' 1541 m, cf Gare, Giri 09/36 [Gz]
HDT04 Gere (Ghere) (area) 10/38 [+ WO]
HEF65 Gere Babo kebele (Gärä ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Were Babo wereda at its south-eastern border;
area 3,300 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- /Babo is an Oromo tribe/
HEM02 Gereado (Gere'ado, Gherado) 11/39 [Gz]
1145'/3937' 1826 m, see under Weldiya
gereb (gäräb) (T) tree
Gereb .., cf Gerab ..
HEU41 Gereb Didik (G. Didik') 1306'/3930' 2131 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael)
kella, keellaa (O) border post, checkpoint
?? Gereb Kella (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
gereb ts..: tsedey, sowing season from March to June
HFE38c Gereb Tsediya (Ghereb Tsedia) (plain) 13/39 [+ Gu]
gereb w..: weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine; 2. grape,
wine plant; weyn (Som) big, large, great
HEM60 Gereb Weyn Mikael (church) 1220'/3925' 12/39 [Gz]
gereba ..: see under place name Abo
HEF55 Gereba Abo 1121'/3953' 1451 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF55 Gereba Abo 1123'/3954' 2008 m 11/39 [Gz]
HFE51 Gerebela (Gherebela, Cherebela), cf Gorebela 14/38 [LM WO Gz]
(with church) 1404'/3837' 2402 m,
at 11.8 km from Aksum, see further under that place
HES22 Gerebge, see Gedebge
HEK51 Gerecha (Tulu Ghereccia) 1216'/3738' 2074 m 12/37 [+ Gz]
JEN89 Gerechibu (Gherechibu) 1324'/4039' 15 m 13/40 [+ WO Gz]
gered (gäräd) (A) servant
?? Gered Moiat ../.. [x]
in north-west Ethiopia towards Sudan
gereda g..: gere (gärä) (A) black and white /animal/;
gwere (gwäre) (A) den, lair, burrow, hideout; empty beehive
GD... Gereda Gere (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDM80 Geregenb Washen kebele (Gärägänb Washän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its north-eastern
border, 14-18 km north-east of Deneba; area 1,087 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE82 Geregera 1141'/3841' 2809 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE93 Geregera (Orkaie) 1146'/3845' 2831 m 11/38 [Gz WO]
near map code HEL03
HE... Geregere (Gärägärä), same as Geregera? 11/38 [x]
HET89 Geregidi 1327'/3919' 1669 m 13/39 [Gz]
gerem: gerram (gärram) (A) gentle /horse/
HDT05 Gerem (Gherem) 10/38 [+ WO]
gerema (gäräma) (A) wild oats, Avena abyssinica
HDU42 Geremedir (Gheremedir) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
HDT06 Geren 0957'/3858' 1476 m (with church Maryam) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT06c Geren kebele (Gärän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at the middle of its southern
border, 10-17 km south-southwest of Alem Ketema; area 3,379 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF41 Gerenticha 0832'/3929' 1723 m 08/39 [Gz]
GDM55 Gererba 0930'/3452' 1425 m 09/34 [Gz]
HBS31 Gerersa (Gherersa) (mountain) 04/37 [+ WO]
geresa (T) kind of medium-sized tree, Dobera glabra,
growing in dry habitat and is often the only one retaining
its leaves in the dry season; gereze (gäräzä) (A) to cut;
-- Gereze, ethnic group, see Dache
HBR54 Gerese (Gorase) 0504'/3701' 786 m 05/37 [+ n]
HCB88c Gerese, town in Bonke wereda 06/36 [20]
HCC14 Gerese (Gorase) 05/37 [LM WO]
HCC48 Gerese 05/37 [MS]
HCC58 Gerese (Garasse) 0555'/3718' 2272 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCC57
JCK92c Geresley, town in Dihun wereda 07/42 [20]
HCC58 Geresse (Gerese, Garasse, Gherezze) 05/37 [+ WO Gu]
(Gäräsä) 2272 m
HC... Geressi (area within the Gidole region) 05/37 [x]
Geresu, Geressu, a personal name
HDE91 Geresu 0859'/3831' 2332 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDT07 Geret, see Giret
HEF91 Geretot (Geret'ot) 1142'/3929' 3688 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDT74 Gerewa kebele (Gäräwa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda at its western border,
7-12 km west of Kelala settlement; area 1,844 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Gerfa, in the southern part of the Dime area 06/36 [x]
HDK88 Gergas, see Werji
gergeda: girgidda (A) 1. partition wall; 2. shock of grain, stook;
-- Garjeda, a lineage of the Sabbo-Mattarri of the Borana people
GDF96 Gergeda (Ghergheda), see also Kebe 08/34 [Ad WO Gz]
0859'/3458' 1805 m
(centre in 1964 of Gergeda Gere sub-district)
HCH19 Gergeda (Ghergeda), 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
0629'/3632' 998 m, cf Gerjeda
HCM90 Gergeda (Gargeda) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HCD96 Gergedda (Gherghedda) (area) 0615'/3808' 06/38 [+ WO Gz]
HEU81 Gergember (Gruamber) (with church Mikael) 13/39 [Gz]
1328'/3931' 2190 m
gerger (O) immediately; (Som) collection to help a person
in need; gergaar (Som) help, aid, support;
gergara (eastern O) leopard, Felis pardus antinorii,
F. P. adusta; (gärgara) (A) whetstone;
geregera, girgir (A) fence of poles, such as around churches;
girgira (A) roughness of surface; girgirra meret (A) dry and
stony land where practically nothing can be cultivated
HEE94c Gergera (Gherghera) 11/38 [18 Gu]
HFE69 Gergera K'irk'os (church) 1409'/3921' 14/39 [Gz]
near map code HFF60
-- Gergere, ethnic group west of Gidole, see Dullay,
-- also dialect of Gawata spoken by about 2,500 west of lake Chamo
JDB96 Gergertu, see Jerjertu
gergo, geergoo (O) bed-bug
HDB61 Gergo (Tulu G.) 0845'/3551' 2354 m, cf Jergo 08/35 [Gz]
HEF34 Gergora, see under Dessie 11/39 [Gu]
HFL07 Gerhu Sirnay, see Gerahu Sirnay
geri (Som) giraffe, Giraffa reticulata, G. camelopardalis;
geri (gäri) (A) animal-tamer; geeri (Som) death;
-- Geri, Gerri, name of a Somali ethnic group found
e.g. at Jijiga and in north-east Kenya
JBH75 Geri (Gheri) (area) 0420'/4110' 04/41 [+ WO Gz]
JDJ03 Geri 0904'/4157' 1412 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDK40 Geri 0925'/4232' 1779 m 09/42 [Gz]
geri b..: boro, boroo (O) 1. north; 2. space at the back
?? Geri Boro (Geriboro) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ge/ge/riboro sub-district)
H.... Geri Dobo (Geridoba) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Denbi sub-district)
HEU53 Geriigab (Geri'igab, Garagiam) 13/39 [Gz]
1308'/3937' 2162 m, see under Debub
Coordinates would give map code HEU52
JDE12 Gerigoan (Gherigoan, Gheri Goan) (area) 08/43 [Gz WO]
0812'/4337' 1025 m
-- Gerire people (Gherire): Manna Gariri (house of Gariri) name of
a Nole tribe of the eastern Oromo;
geriir (Som) 1. kind of bird; 2. shaking, quake
JCC46 Gerire (Gherirre) (area), see under El Kere 05/42 [+ WO Gz]
0551'/4206' 899 m
HEF86 Geriro 1136'/3959' 1025 m 11/39 [Gz]
JCJ08 Geriyale (Gheriale) 0620'/4220' 402 m 06/42 [+ WO Gz]
HDD80 Gerje (Chume, Ciume) 0853'/3735' 2707 m 08/37 [Gz]
-- gerjeda: Garjeda, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
GDF63 Gerjeda (Gejeda, Ghirgeida, Girgeida, Garjeeda) 08/34 [Gz x]
0846'/3439' 1838 m, cf Gergeda
HDD80 Gerji 0853'/3735' 2707 m 08/37 [Gz]
HCB80 Gerjina (Ghergina, Cargina) (area) 0610'/3545' 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
gerjo: gerja (O) bracelet
HDH10 Gerjo (Gargio) (in Leka awraja) 1830 m 09/35 [Ad WO]
HDG46 Gerjo Maryam (church) 0929'/3521', 09/35 [Gz]
south-west of Nejo
KCG52 Gerlogubi (Gedlegube, Gherlogubi) (near Somaliland) 06/45 [MS 18 WO Gu]
0652'/4502' 619 m, cf Gedlegube
HEU50 Germ Kiram 1312'/3923' 2116 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDM33 Germa Ager, see Girma Ager
HEK.. Germajer (variant spelling of Germa Ager?) 12/37 [x]
Amhara village towards Yifag
germama (gärmama) (A) rollicking, boisterous, frisky;
-- Germama, an Oromo tribe
HDJ02 Germama 0907'/3649' 2145 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL07 Germama (Ghermama) 0906'/3906' 2511 m 09/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(area, with church Abo)
JDA75 Germama 0849'/4016' 1595 m 08/40 [Gz]
HEE19 Germame 1100'/3917' 3213 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCP72 Germana (Ghermana) (mountain) 07/35 [Gz]
0754'/3556' 2442 m
HCT72c Germana (Ghermana) (mountain) 07/38 [+ Gu]
HDJ31 Germana (mountain), see Hambule
HDU03 Germemcha kebele (Gärmämcha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda, adjoining
Sela Dingay to its north and extending 5 km from there to
the northern border of the wereda; area 1,674 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM21 Germus, see Begi
gero (O) young soldiers; (Gojjam A) ear
H.... Gero (Giero) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dapo Gumbi sub-district)
HCC42c Gero 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in south-west of the Maale-inhabited district
KCJ74 Geron (Gheron, Gherou) 0702'/4659' 381 m 07/46 [+ x WO Gz]
JDJ89 Geror, see Gerar
?? Gerpi (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
gerra (gärra) (A) to tame, train an animal, break in /a horse/
-- Gerra people, see Garre under Gare
HDC..c Gerra (in Kefa) 08/37? [x]
HFE77c Gerra (Gherra), plain near Adwa 14/39 [+ Gu]
JCE35 Gerrei 0544'/4351' 238/242 m 05/43 [Gz]
-- Gerri, one of the two Somali clans in Sidamo
GCU30 Gerri (Gherri) 0732'/3424' 428 m, see also Garri 07/34 [+ Gz]
JDA17 Gerri (Gherri) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HD... Gerru, see Jeru
gersa (A) small plant growing in steep places;
gersa, gerssa, garsa, gursa (T) kind of tree, Dobera glabra,
see geresa above
HCE.. Gersa (centre in 1964 of Harsi sub-district) 05/39? [Ad]
in Jemjem
HDL99 Gersa (Ghersa) (area), cf Garsa 09/39 [+ WO]
HE... Gersa (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/39 [Ad]
JDA07 Gersa (Guersa) 0910'/4025' 1165 m 09/40 [+ n]
HCU85 Gersa Halila 0801'/3950' 2538 m 08/39 [Gz]
?? Gersa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Halila) ../.. [Ad]
gersat, gerset (T?) kind of tree, Dobera glabra, see geresa;
girzet (A) circumcision
HFF96 Gersat (Ghersat) 14/39 [+ WO]
HEL01 Gersat (Ghersat), see under Debre Zebit 11/38 [+ WO]
JFA83 Gersat (Ghersat) (area) 14/40 [+ WO]
JBJ69 Gersey (Ghersei) (waterhole) 174 m 04/42 [+ WO]

HEE14 Gert kebele (Gärt ..) 11/38 [Ad]

in the middle of southern Sayint wereda,
8-12 km south of Ajibar; area 2,178 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCR31 Geruke 0735'/3646' 1794 m, cf Garuke 07/36 [Gz]
HET75 Gerum, see Jerum
?? Gerwane (with cotton mill), cf Gewane ../.. [n]
HD... Ges (district in Menz) ../39 [n]

HDL88 Gesal & Jiilebej kebele (Gäsal & Jeeläbäj ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Moret & Jiru wereda to the east along its
southern border, 1-8 km south of Inewari; area 1,739 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCN32 Gesci, see Geshi
H.... Gesengessa (Gesengesa) 10/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gungo sub-district)
HDD69 Gesere 0845'/3821' 2137 m, cf Gasara 08/45 [Gz]
HB... Gesergio (village 16 km from Konso) 05/37 [20]
with sandstone pinnacles, called "New York"
HB... Gesergio ../.. [20]
Settlement of 10 hectares in south-west Konso.
HDE82 Gesese (mountain), see under Sebeta 08/38 [x]
JDA89 Geseta 0852'/4040' 1828 m 08/40 [Gz]
HEC16 Gesh Abai /Michael/, see Gishe Abay
gesh m..: megal (mägal) (A) dark brown /horse/;
magala (O) market
HDD29 Gesh Megal (mountain) 0824'/3824' 3408 m 08/38 [Gz]
gesha (gäsha) (A) mantle of straw, used by shepherds
against rain
Gesha, cf Tiliku Gesha, Tinishu Gesha
HCA.. Gesha, village in the Maji region 06/35 [En]
HCG37 Gesha (Ghescia, Geshe), village, cf Gisha 07/35 [Gz 18 WO Gu]
0635'/3528' 1765 m
Coordinates would give map code HCG27
HCP51 Gesha (Ghescia, Geiscia, Gheiscia, Geisha, Gheccia) 07/35 [Gz]
(Ghiscia) (mountain) 0744'/3552' 2438 m
HCG37c Gesha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guri Gesha) 06/35 [+ Ad]
HCG37 Gesha wereda (Giesha ..) (-1964-2000-) 06/35 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gesha)
(-1994-) is divided into 69 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
geshe (gäshä) (T) to travel; geshe (O) Rhamnus, see gesho
HD... Geshe Rabel, see Gishe Rabel
HEE79 Geshen, see Gishen
HEF70 Geshen, see Amba Geshen
HDU74 Geshena, see Gishen
HDU70 Geshenet, see Gishinet
geshi (O) kind of tree, Maesa lanceolata, the wood of which
gives red colour
HCN32 Geshi (Gesci) 985 m 07/35 [LM WO]
gesho (A,O,T) kind of shrub or small tree, Rhamnus prinoides,
with small flowers and simple leaves, used when making beer
HEH37 Gesho (area) 12/36 [WO]
HEM.. Gesho Ber Abo (Geshobar ..) 11/39 [x]
church at some distance above Weldiya.
HEM10 Gesho Ber kebele (Gésho Bär ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central western Guba Lafto wereda, 16-19 km
west-northwest of Weldiya; area 1,512 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCK72 Gesho Masere, village about 40 km from Soddo 07/37 [20]
HEM.. Geshobar Abo, church near Weldiya 11/39 [18]
GCT48 Gesi (Debo, Dipa, Dippa), cf Gessi 07/34 [Gz WO Ad]
0739'/3412' 353 m
(centre in 1964 of Wabeko sub-district)
GCT48 Gesi Hayk, see Gessi
HD... Gesie (Ghesie), in 1870s district in Efrata province 10/39? [+ 18]
HEJ87 Gesir (Ghesir) 12/37 [+ WO]
JEB89 Gesisen (Hadele Gube, H. Gubo, Adele Gubo JEB99) 11/41 [Gz WO]
(Hadele Guma) 1137'/4130' 250/350 m
gessa (O) 1. kind of tree, Bersama abyssinica, under-storey
tree in highland forests, with leaves up to 70 cm long;
2. accompanying, taking cattle to grazing;
(A) belch, burp, roar like a wild animal;
gesa (gäsa) (A) mantle of straw, used by shepherds against rain;
gwesa (gwäsa) (A) tribe, sub-tribe
GDL67 Gessa 09/34 [WO]
HCM94 Gesse (Ghesse) (area) 3587 m 07/39 [+ WO]
GCT48 Gessi (Gesi Hayk, Lago Gessi, Tata) 07/34 [x Gz]
GCT48 Gessi (Tata, Gesi) 0739'/3412' 353 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
(locality north of lake of the same name as above)
HEM20 Gesta 1200'/3923' 3641 m 12/39 [Gz]
(with church Silase to the north)
HEM22 Gesta kebele (Gésta ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central Gidan wereda somewhat to the south-east,
6-10 km east of Muja; area 3,274 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HCC30 Gesti (Ghesti) (area) 0545'/3638', 05/36 [+ WO Gz]
see under Jinka
HBS36 Gesu 0453'/3805' 1857 m 04/38 [Gz]
HCK40 Gesuba (Gesuppa, Mure, Murie) 06/37 [Gz Po]
0643'/3734' 1552 m, major town in Ofa wereda
(with sub-post office under W. Soddo)
get (A) (get') ornament, adornment, fine clothes;
(gät) kind of harness; geti, geetii (O) ornament, adornment
?? Get Gereno, in Gurage country, ../.. [n]
a relatively large megalithic site with twenty steles
get go..: goye (Gurage) main house of Gurage type
JEC19 Get Goyeh (Ghet Goieh) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
-- Geta, traditionally a Gurage area
HE... Geta (Gheta, Gäta), 30 km south of Kombolcha 11/39 [+ 20]
Muslim pilgrimage site with a shrine, cf Geta Mesgid
HE... Geta Ager (Getta Ager) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Boru sub-district)
geta gedel (A) master's cliff, steep place
HDM45 Geta Gedel 0929'/3952' 1506 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Abo at some distance to the north-west)
HDM45 Geta Gedel kebele (Géta Gädäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-east Ankober wereda at its eastern border,
11-14 km south-east of Ankober town; area 933 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF15 Geta Mesgid (mosque) 1100'/3948' 11/39 [Gz]
(south-east of Kombolcha)
HE... Getarra sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Tid Gebeya)
Gete, a male personal name
HCS95 Gete (Get'e) 0808'/3759' 2273 m 08/37 [Gz]
getem (T) Schefflera abyssinica, a massive-looking tree
with knotted and contorted trunk; it grows in more or less
humid land; (gätäm) a broad-leafed tree with soft wood,
Heptapleurum abyssinicum?; gettem (T) Cussonia arborea, small tree,
with leaves branching out from a common point on a stalk;
gitim (git'im) (A) 1. poetry, rhymes; 2. unison singing;
3. full harness; (T) part/?/
HDM12 Getem, see Gitim
HDU85 Getem kebele (Gätäm ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching narrowly almost across the
whole width of the wereda, 5-8 km north of Majete; area 990 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS33 Getem Maryam (Ghietem Mariam) 2439 m 10/37 [+ WO]
getema, gatama, gatema (O), geteme (A) kinds of tree,
Schefflera abyssinica, S. volkensii, see getem above,
Cussonia arborea, see gettem above;
getami (A) singer of improvised verses
HCT90 Getema 0807'/3827' 2038 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDB88 Getema (Gatama, Gadama, Catama Argio) 08/36 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Gettema, Katama) 0854'/3629' 2142/2181 m
(large Oromo village, with sub-post office)
(centre in 1964 of Leka Getema sub-district)
HDJ64 Getema Losho 0939'/3702' 2550 m 09/37 [Gz]
HCD73 Geteme (Get'eme, Gatame, Gatami) (island) 06/37 [Gz WO]
0605'/3746' 1168/1285 m
-- Geteme language (Get'eme), see Kachama
geter (gät'är) (A,T) countryside, open country, suburbs;
sub-parish church
HEK17 Geter (Gheter) (area) 11/38 [+ WO]
geter f..: fana (A) 1. track, trail; 2. torch, lamp;
faana (O) footprint, trace, sole of the foot, sandal;
fanaa (O) stirrup
HDS.. Geter Fana, 15 km from Debre Markos 10/37 [n]
HEE86 Geter kebele (Gät'är ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda near to the
north-west of Bete Hor; area 3,104 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
getera (gwätära) (A) granary, grain storage
HD... Getera (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
geti, geet'ii (O) ornament; one's best clothes
GDF63 Geti (forest) 0844'/3438' 08/34 [Gz]
JCB90 Getiftu, M. (seasonal waterhole) 06/40 [MS WO]
?? Getisamani (monastery in Goncha gorge near Mota) ../.. [20]
-- Geto (Gieta, Gyeta), an ethnic sub-group of the Gurage
Geto, also a male personal name
-- Geto people (Geta, Yech'eret) joined the Sabat Bet Gurage
HCS97c Geto, in Gumer wereda 08/38 [20]
HDE30 Geto (Gheto) 0824'/3825' 2987, 3249 m 08/38 [Gz Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Sululta wereda)
HE... Getta Ager, see Geta Ager
?? Getta Geppa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDB88 Gettema, see Getema
?? Gevaiva (Ghevaiva) (=Gebeya?) (village) ../.. [+ Gu]
-- Gewada, name of an ethnic group living in the south-west
HBR96 Gewada (in Gemu Gofa) 0526'/3714' 1547 m 05/37 [Gz x]
JDN29 Gewane (Gewani, Gawani, Gauani) 10/40 [Gz Po Ne WO]
(Fre: Gaouani) 1010'/4039' 618/630 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6S Ens (waterhole)
9SW Bahadu (area)
7NW Arafa (area)
10NE Atofen (village) 706 m
JDN29 Gewane wereda (Gewanie ..) 10/40 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gewane) (-1964-1997-)
HDE95 Gewasa 0901'/3854' 2236 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Gewata sub-district (-1997-), cf Gewada ../.. [n]
HDM96c Geweha (east of Debre Sina) 09/39 [x]
HDU37c Geweha (circa 15 km north of Robit) 10/39? [x]
?? Gewera (Gewwerra) (district in Gojjam) ../.. [n]
gewera t..: tina (t'ina) (A) censer, incense vessel;
ti'ina (T) health
HDE73 Gewera Tina (G. T'ina) 0848'/3843' 2036 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDF92 Gewgew kebele (Gäwgäw ..) 08/39 [Ad]
far to the north-west in Minjar& Shenkora wereda along its northern
border, 25-34 km east-northeast of Balchi; area 3,141 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM07 Gewil (Vato) 0903'/3459' 2081 m 09/34 [Gz]
near map code GDF97
JEH22 Gewlo 1159'/4057' 417 m 11/40 [Gz]
JDS50 Gewrir (Gheurir) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HDU31 Gey 1017'/3930' 2852 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU42 Gey Maryam kebele (Géy .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in northern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
14-19 km north-west of Mehal Meda; area 1,481 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU43 Gey Silase kebele (Géy Selasé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in northern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
13-18 km north-west of Mehal Meda; area 1,672 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Gey Sinan language, see Harari
HFE89 Geyges 1423'/3921' 2183 m, near map code HFF80 14/39 [Gz]
geyi (Som) land, country, world;
geyl (Som/H.Salt) camel
JDC93 Geyle (mountain) 0903'/4152' 2496 m 09/41 [Gz]
HCN87 Geyo (Geio), see Didu
JCG74 Geyu (Occio) 0659'/4012' 2662 m 06/40 [Gz WO]
geza (gäza) (T) house, home;
gezza (gäzza) (A,T) 1. buy, purchase; 2. govern, rule
HCB27c Geza, settlement of a Shangama sub-group 05/36 [x]
HFC45 Geza Agel (mountain), cf Gaza .., 13/37 [WO Gz]
1356'/3707' 1603 m
geza b..: ber (bärr) (A) entrance, pass
HDD16 Geza Ber (Gezaber) 0815'/3805' 2208 m 08/38 [+ Gz]
HFK.. Geza Chi'a, Eritrean village north of Badme 14/37 [x]
HFK.? Geza Gerlase, a major Eritrean stronghold 14/37 [20]
geza washa, cave dwelling?
HDL85 Geza Washa 0950'/3852' 2103 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), see also Giza Washa
HF... Gezeiti (centre in 1964 of Deireka sub-district) 14/39 [Ad]
HDU03 Gezet kebele (Gäzät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda somewhat to the east at
its southern border, 9-13 km south of Molale; area 1,329 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM04 Gezuma (Ghezuma) 09/39 [+ WO]
?? Gezzan (in Jimma region) ../.. [It]
HDU22c Gezzet (Ghezzet) 2800 m 10/39 [+ Gu]
Gha.., see Ga.. or Ge..
HED14 Ghaba Gh., see Gaba G.
HFC36 Ghabta, see Gabta
HCB17 Ghaki, see Gaki
HCN15 Ghamadura, see Gemadura
HCR66 Gharsa Ghesce, see Garsa Geshe
Ghe.. (Italian-derived), see generally Ge..
except when still used on maps later than 1960;
gheb dari: dari (O) border, boundary
JCM35 Gheb Dari (seasonal waterhole) 06/44 [MS WO]
GDM02 Gheba Giandura, see Gaba Gandura
GDU61 Ghebeila, see Gebeyla
JEH89 Ghebel, see Gebala
HCN26 Gheccia, see Gesha
HER73 Ghecciau, see Gechaw
HDM25 Ghecir, see Gechir
HDA15 Ghedamie Ghebea, see Kidame Gebeya
HEC89 Gheddera, see Gedro
HDH86 Gheddibben, see Gedibe
gheddo ..: siiro (Som) character, nature of person
JBN87 Gheddo Siro (seasonal well) 05/40 [MS WO]
HEL89 Gheddus (=Kidus?) (area) 12/39 [WO]
HES81 Gheddus Minchiel, see Kidus Minkiyel
HFD36 Ghedem Maca, see Amba Gedem Maka
HEC68 Ghedemabo, see Gedam Abo
HER22 Ghedenghie, see Gedengiye
HDM23 Ghederra, see Gedera & HEF45
HEC35 Ghedes Micael, see Kidus Mikael
HES34 Ghedeva Amba, see Gedeba Amba
JDS33 Ghedgoblei, see Gedgobley
JDR36 Ghedid Cale, see Gedid Kale
HDC99 Ghedo, see Gedo & JBH85
JDR99 Ghedug-As, see Gedug As
HDJ91 Gheferso, see Geferso
JDH80 Ghegalu, see Gegaöu
HDE73 Gheggia Furi, see Geja Furi
HDE62 Gheggia, see Geja
HER74 Gheggian, see Gejan
KCR83 Ghegna Lacu Gascie, see Genya Laku Gashe
JED21 Ghehh, see Geh
JCS30 Gheibi Hardonneh, see Allarto
JDE55 Gheido Aieiu, see Geido Ayeyu
HCN26 Gheiscia, see Gesha
JDE44 Ghel Locor, see Gel Lokor
KCR67 Ghel Sormeio, see Gel Sormeyo
HET43 Ghelbi, see Gelbi & JCH57
HCA79 Ghelcam, see Gelkam
JDR28 Gheldabat, see Geldabbal
HEH42 Ghelegu, see Galegu
HCT73 Ghelila, see Gelila & HDM43
HEJ46 Ghelila Zacarias, see Gelila Zakarias
KCH02 Ghelinsor, see Gelinsor
JCD44 Ghellade, see Gelladeh
JDJ70 Ghelleid, see Gelleyd
JDE35 Ghelocar, see Gelokar
HCJ99 Ghema, see Gena
HCR38 Ghemachisa, see Gamachisa
HCN15 Ghemadura, see Gemadura
HET61 Ghemascia (Ghemscia), see Gemasha
HCN57 Ghembachi, see Gembaki
HDL63 Ghembicciu, see Gumbichu
HCR61 Ghembo (Ghembie), see Gimbo
JFA39 Ghendacoma, see Gendakoma
HEP25 Ghenga, see Chencha
HED60 Gheng, see Genj
HED55 Ghenghis, see Gengis
HED71 Ghenna, see Gina
GDU75 Ghennagazza, see Gengen
HDB89 Gheorghis, see Chofira
HDL31 Gheorghis, see Giyorgis & HDL99 HDM82 HDR85
HET54 Gher Gheb, see Ger Geb
HCP37 Ghera, see Gera & JEC51
HCP67 Ghera, see Chala
GDM02 Ghera Ciocorsa, see Sonkoy
HEM02 Gherado, see Gereado
HCP78 Gherae, see Geraye
GDM02 Gherai, see Sonkoy
HFE28 Gheralta, see Nahiso
HDL93 Gherar, see Gerar, cf Girar, Grar
H.... Gherari Medanie Alem, see Grari Medhane Alem
KCP62 Gheraro Ier, see Geraro Yer
HDM35 Gherba, see Kerteta
HD... Gherbaggia, see Gerbaja
HEC46 Ghercec, see Gerchech
HCC63 Ghere, see Beto
HFE38c Ghereb Tsedia, see Gereb Tsediya
HEK51 Ghereccia, see Gerecha
JEN89 Gherechibu, see Gerechibu
HCC58 Gherezze, see Geresse
GDF96 Ghergheda, see Kebe
HCD96 Gherghedda, see Gergedda
HEE94c Gherghera, see Gergera
HCB80 Ghergina, see Gerjina
JDE12 Gheri Goan, see Gerioan
JCJ08 Gheriale, see Geriyale
HCR33 Gherima, see Garrima
JCC45 Gherire, see Bila
KCG52 Gherlogubi, see Gedlegube
HCP72 Ghermana, see Germana & HDL07
GDM21 Ghermus, see Begi
KCJ74 Gheron (Gherou), see Gerou
GCU30 Gherri, see Garri
HEL01 Ghersat, see Gersat & HFF96 JFA83
HCG37 Ghescia (Gheiscia), see Gesha
HCP31 Ghescia, see Gisha
HDU.. Ghescie, see Gishe
HCC30 Ghesti, see Gesti
JEC19 Ghet Goieh, see Get Goyeh
JDS50 Gheurir, see Gewrir
HEK73 Gheveta Medi
HES34 Ghevtaie, see Gebtaye
Ghi.. (Italian-derived), see Gi..
HDU74 Ghiacie, see Giyache
HCR57c Ghibbie, see Gibe
JEC41 Ghibdile, see Gibdile
HDC76 Ghibie, see Gibe
HCD66 Ghibigia, see Gibija
JFA25 Ghibre Ale, see Gibre Ale
HDB66 Ghidani Meret, see Kidane Mihret & HDD67
HDG39 Ghidano, see Gidalo
HEK84 Ghidaroa, see Gidarwa
HDG48 Ghidda, see Gidda & HDG64
HDA57 Ghidibbe Lucio, see Gidibbe Lucho
HCK04 Ghidiccio, see Gidicho
HDS33 Ghietem Mariam, see Getem Maryam
JEC81 Ghifa (Ghifo), see Gifa
HDG04 Ghighio, see Gigyo
JCH80 Ghigner (Ghiigner), see Ginir
HEL53 Ghihena, see Gihena
JDA79 Ghilea, see Gilya
HEK70 Ghilghil, see Gilgil
JBJ44 Ghiligio, see Gilijo
HEE09 Ghimbia, see Cimbia
JCH90 Ghimir (Ghinir), see Ginir
HCH71 Ghimirra, see Shewa Gimira
HES47 Ghina Chid. Meret, see Gina Kidane Mihret
HDK53 Ghindeberat, see Gindeberat
HER09 Ghindi Merea, see Gindi Merewa
HDG39 Ghinghi, see Gingi
HDR94c Ghingiabiet, see Ginjabet
GDF70 Ghingibella, see Ginjibella
HDF51 Ghingima, see Ginjima
JDJ72 Ghiniele, see Shinile
HDM22 Ghinna Agher, see Gina Ager
JCH90 Ghinnir (Ghinir), see Ginir
HDC73 Ghio, see Giyo
HDD45 Ghion, see Weliso
HDB89 Ghiorghis, see Giyorgis
GDF63 Ghirgeida, see Gerjeda
HFD47 Ghirghizia, see Girgitsya
JEP69 Ghiroffo (Ghiriffo), see Giroffo
HET46 Ghisa Dansa, see Gisa Dansa
HEC16 Ghisc Abbai, see Gishe Abay
HCP31 Ghiscia, see Gesha
HEU00 Ghiviat, see Giviyat
JCN92 Ghoia (Ghoja), see Goia
JDF70 Ghol Redabardale (area) 1183 m 08/44 [WO]
GDU51 Ghomasha, see Komesha
Gi.., cf Ji..
Gia.. (Italian-derived), see Ja..
HCA94 Giaba, see Jaba
HDN26 Giababa (Gebel G.), see Chababa
JCP59 Giabalo, see Yabalo
HCD47 Giabassire, see Jabasire
JCH09 Giabis, see Jabis
JCT24 Giadabele (Giedabeile), see Jadabele
HER22 Giadebac, see Jadebak
JBK61 Giadunlei, see Jadunlei
HDU62 Giafarie, see Feres Bet
JCM55 Giaffaie (Giaffagiel, Giaffageh), see Jaffaye
JDJ12 Giafra, see Jafra
HED38 Giagada, see Jagada & HEK26
HDH88 Giaganfoi, see Jagenfoy
JDB97 Giaggia, see Jajja
JDJ80 Giagiaba, see Jajaba
JCK32 Giagialeh, see Guraleh
HEL35 Giaguala, see Jagwala
HEJ89 Giagui, see Jagwi
JDD85 Giah, see Jah
HEC84 Giahana Gheorghis, see Jahana Giyorgis
HEB45 Giaio, see Jayo
HEL77 Giala, see Jala
HDP31 Gialadura, see Huladura
HDG89 Gialdessa, see Jaldessa & HDH49 HDH83
?? Gialdu, see Jaldu
GCU15 Giale, see Jale & HDD48
JDH39 Giallenco, see Chelenko
HDE57 Giallo, see Jallo & HDH62 JDC41 JDC72
HEF43 Gialo Caie, see Jalo Kaye
HCR25 Gialo, see Jalo
JDB91c Gialo, see Jallo
HCK49c Giam Giam, see Jemjem
JCT52 Giam Ialin, see Jam Yalin
GCM42 Giamciar, see Jamchar
GCM42 Giamciar, see Jamchar
HEH39 Giamifala, see Jamifala
HDS29 Giamma (river), see Jamma
HDT03 Giammafit, see Jammafit
HCH31 Giamo (Giamu), see Jomu
HCH32 Giamu, see Jemu
HFC06 Gian Berchi, see Jan Berki
HCH32 Giana, see Jana
JCK48 Gianagobo, see Janagobo
JDK51 Gianasse, see Jeneseney
HED41 Gianchemer, see Jankemer
HEC83 Gianchit Mariam, see Jankit Maryam
HER06 Giancuc, see Jankuk
HER05 Giancue, see Jankwe
HEJ67 Gianda, see Janda
HCS70c Giangero, see Janjero
HDG45 Giangiassa, see Janjasa
HDR06 Giangimen, see Janjimen
GCU30 Giangior (Gianggior), see Gok Janjor
HES40 Gianora, see Janora
JBR82 Giapto, see Chaptu
JBR83 Giapto, see Japto
GCU55 Giara, see Jara & HCG73 HDB39
HCE11 Giari Bule, see Jeri Bule
HBM46 Giarra, see Jara & HDU67
JDC47 Giarra Giarti, see Jarra Jarti
HDJ56 Giarre, see Berecha
HEF43 Giarre Teo, see Jarre Tew
HEF43 Giarretis, see Jarretis
JDJ47 Giarsagoro, see Jarsagoro, cf Ejersa Goro
HBS80 Giarso, see Jarso & HDG19 HDG45 HDJ09 HDJ29
HDJ95 Giarti, see Jardega
JCG36 Giarti (spring) 06/40 [MS WO]
HCG54 Giaruca, see Jaruka
HDS55 Giasanbat, see Yesenbet
HCD54 Giascia, see Jasha
HCR25 Giato, see Jato
HDD55 Giattagobi, see Jattagobi
HDJ14 Giaue (Gioie), see Jawe
Gib.., see also Jib.. cf Giv..
gib (A) objective, aim, goal (jib = hyena)
H.... Gib Dawit 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Derra sub-district)
gib u..:jib washa (A) hyena cave
HDM83 Gib Uascia, see Gundi
HCL50c Gibale, megalithic site in Shebedino wereda 06/38 [n]
HDC79 Gibat (Gibatti), see Jibat
H.... Gibba (on map of 1814) 13/39 [18]
?? Gibba (in Harar province) ../.. [x]
gibbira: gibira (O) tax
HFC56 Gibbira, see Jibbira
JEC41 Gibdile (Ghibdile) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
gibe, gibie (A) kind of large tree growing in lowlands,
with leaves used to stun fish for catching;
gibbe (O) sad, mournful
HCR56 Gibe (Ghibbie) (waterfalls) 0745'/3710' 1559 m 07/37 [MS Gu]
HDC76 Gibe (Ghibie) 0851'/3712' 1667 m 08/37 [LM WO Gz]
HDD96 Gibe 0901'/3808' 2166 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL52 Gibe 0932'/3836' 1866 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Gibe wereda/?/, in the SNNPR region ../.. [20]
?? Gibella (fortified amba in Gojjam) ../.. [n]
HEJ04 Gibgebit, see Gabgabit
HEJ66 Gibgibba, see Jibjibba
HCD66 Gibija (Ghibigia) 0602'/3805' 1724 m 06/38 [Gz]
HDJ80 Gibina 0951'/3628' 2129 m 09/36 [Gz]
gibir (A) 1. taxes, tribute; 2. banquet, feast;
gibira, gibiri, gibirii (O) tax
HDH75 Gibir (Tulu Guiber) (mountain) 09/36 [WO Gz]
0944'/3608' 1285, 1855 m
JDP59 Gibir (Ghibir) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
?? Gibisso (Ghibisso) (village) ../.. [+ 18]
JEA56 Gibitu, see Jibitu
?? Gibjet, with rock-hewn church Iyesus Arhino near ../.. [x]
There was once a monastic establishment.
gibo: gibbo (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Protea gaguedi,
with large flower-heads
HDB32 Gibo 2012 m, cf Gebo 08/35 [WO]
JFA25 Gibre Ale (Ghibre Ale) (area) 13/40 [+ WO]
gibre as..: asera (A) mat of fibre, bast, reeds or straw
which is to be spread on the ground
HE... Gibre Asera Maryam (in Debre Tabor awraja) 10/37? [Ad]
gibri (T), gibiri, gibirii (O) tax, toll
JDH87 Gibri (area) 09/41 [WO]
JCG36 Gibri (Gibrille), see Jibrille
JCG35c Gibruch, see Jibruk
?? Gibtarara, see Jib Terara
HE... Gibuda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Zeng) 11/37 [Ad]
HES77 Gich (camp NW of Amba Ras), see also Geech
gicha (A) tuft of hard grass; (gich'a) kind of reed,
Hemichlaena bulbosa
JDC72 Gicha (Demadegu) (mountain) 0851'/4151' 1574 m 08/41 [Gz]
gicha ..: beret (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HEM00 Gicha Beret kebele (Gech'a Bärät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Dawint & Delanta wereda,
29-30 km north-east of Wegel Tena; area 625 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Gichew, towards Sudan, transit camp in 1980s ../.. [20]
HDE56 Gichi (Gich'i) 0840'/3903' 1924 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDE90 Gichi (Gich'i, Ghice) 0902'/3826' 2255 m, 09/38 [AA Gz 18]
see under Addis Alem
G.... Gichinai Gomboci 07/35? [x]
Administrative centre later shifted to Bure.
HDU64 Gichuma (Gich'uma) 1034'/3943' 3043 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDG36 Gida 0920'/3524' 1528 m, cf Gidda 09/35 [Gz]
gida a..: ayyaana (O) religious holiday /etc./
HDJ60 Gida Ayana (Ghida A.) 09/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gida Ibantu wereda)
HDJ60 Gida Ayana sub-district (Ghida A. ..) 09/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ayana)
gida d..: dalee (Som) decorate; dalee (O) 1. camel;
2. melted butter; daalee (Som) cows /mostly/ with
grey colour
-- Dale, an Oromo clan
HDG56 Gida Dalle, about 20 km west of Nejo 09/35 [x]
gida g..: gebo (A,O) kinds of highland bamboo;
(O) vessel of wicker-work; gebbo (O) kind of
climber, Landolphia owariensis
HDG56 Gida Gebo, about 11 km west of Nejo 09/35 [x]
-- gida i..: Ibantu, a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDJ60 Gida Ibantu wereda (Ghida ..) 09/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gida Ayana)
HDJ.. Gida Kiremu (Gidda K., Ghida K., Gida Keramu) 09/36 [n 20]
HDJ.. Gida Kiremu sub-district (Ghida K., Gida Keramu ..) 09/36 [n Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Kiremu) (-1964-1997-)
HDJ.. Gida Kiremu wereda (-2001-) 09/36 [20]
(Gida Keramu .., G. Kiremo .., Gidda K.)
(-1994-) is divided into 83 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HCK49 Gidabo (near Yirga Alem) 06/38 [Wa]
HDK89 Gidabo 0951'/3821' 2557 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK89 Gidabo, see under Gebre Guracha
HDT00 Gidabo (=Idabo? 2208 m) 0959'/3830' 2158 m 09/38 [AA Gz Gu]
gidal (Harari) kill
HDG39 Gidalo (Ghidano) (at a road) 0922'/3541' 1986 m 09/35 [Gz]
gidam (T) outside, outdoors
GDF92 Gidami (Gidame, Gedame, Ghidami, Gadame) 08/34 [MS Po x WO]
(Gadamo, Gidaami) 0859'/3437' 1776, 1928 m 08/34 [Gz n]
Coordinates would give map code GDF93.
In Kelem awraja, with sub-post office.
Capital of Gidami wereda until 1991, and then
of Jimma & Gidami wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4SE Ballo (Tulu Ballo) (hill)
5S Komi (Tulu Comi) (hill)
7SW Gobo (village) 1659 m
7W Bata (village)
9NW Aboti (village)
?NW? Gobba (village)
? Dagabora (hill)
10N Tilli (village)
9NE Manoro (village)
GDF92 Gidami wereda (Ghidamie ..) 08/34 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gidami)
?? Gidan (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
?? Gidan wereda (-1994-), in north Wello ../.. [n Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 29 rural kebeles and 2 urban ones among which
Agewiye, Askit, Atimata, Ayferuba, Ayt Hala, Chibina, Dengelsa,
Dildiy, Dino, Gesta, Iyela, Ketef, Kola Muja, Kolayat Mawre, Merora,
Mewat, Mezgeb Amba, Nefasit, Selamat, Tata, Tefelamay, Telgo,
Tila Asfere, Wefcha, Weket, Wetwet, Zagol Zaf
HDG39 Gidano (Ghidano) 1986 m 09/35 [+ WO]
HDG29 Gidano Kingi, about 25 km east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
?? Gidansonga (in SW of Kembata/Hadya region) ../.. [20]
HEK84 Gidarwa (Ghidaroa), see under Macha 12/37 [+ WO]
JD... Gidaye (Gidayä) (historically recorded area of 1500s) 09/42 [Pa]
-- Gidda, an Oromo tribe
HDE25 Gidda, cf Gida 08/38 [WO]
HDG48 Gidda (Ghidda) (with mission?) see under/?/ Nejo 09/35 [+ WO]
HDG56 Gidda 0934'/3523' 1817 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDG64 Gidda (Ghidda) (area) 0934'/3853' 2637 m 09/35 [n WO]
HDL55 Gidda (Ghidda), see Gudo
HDL65 Gidda 0938'/3853' 2593 m, see also Tulu Geda 09/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDL64
HDL66 Gidda, see under Webera 09/39 [WO]
HDR03 Gidda (area) 1000'/3652' 2147 m 10/36 [WO Gz]
HEE77 Gidda (Jitta) (pass), see under Bete Hor 11/39 [WO 18]
gidda aro: aro, aroo (O) lake, pool
HDJ92 Gidda Aro (area) 09/36 [WO]
HDR12 Gidda Aro (area) 10/36 [WO]
HDG.. Gidda Boji (G. Bodji), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDG.. Gidda Chando, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
gidda dae: da-e, dayee (O) dear mother
HDJ60 Gidda Dae (area) 09/36 [WO]
HDJ.. Gidda Kiremu, see Gida Kiremu
HDL46c Gidda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Galiy) 09/39 [Ad]
HC... Giddagello (Ghiddaghello) 07/36 [x]
mountain mentioned in 1910.
gidday (A) murder, killing; trophy
Giday, Gidey, a male personal name
HDU45 Giddem, see Gidim
giddo bolli: boli, boolii (O) excrement, shit;
booli (Som) plunder; looted camels
JDC69 Giddo Bolli (area) 08/42 [WO]
-- Giddu, name of a Bantu group in the Shebeli region
gide (T) ration, share, part
HDG57 Gide, cf Gedi 09/35 [LM]
HE... Giden .., see Gidin ..
HCD67 Gideo, see Gedeo
gider (gidär) (A) calf, heifer;
-- Habar Gidir, a Somali clan name
?? Giderach (Gedderech) (district in Yifat) ../.. [n]
HDM74 Giderajo 0947'/3946' 2452 m 09/39 [Gz]
HED74 Giderefej 1130'/3755' 2460 m 11/37 [Gz]
KCP65 Gideri (Ghideri) (area) 0745'/4615' 07/46 [+ WO Gz] HCK08
JDJ48 Gideya 0929'/4224' 2113 m 09/42 [Gz]
gidib: giddib (A) dam
HEL38 Gidib 1203'/3910' 2807 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDE79c Gidib Bisanit kebele (Gedeb Besanit ..) 08/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda adjoining Balchi
to the west and extending 3 km from there; area 1,443 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM41 Gidiba 1210'/3930' 2179 m 12/39 [Gz]
HF... Gidiba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hinzat) 14/38? [Ad]
gidibbe l..: giddib (A) dam, barrage;
lucha (O) crude path on grass; (A) smooth hair
HDA57 Gidibbe Lucho (Ghidibbe Lucio) 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
0835'/3525' 1644 m, cf Gedeb
gidicho: gidecho (Kefa) cultivated oil plant, nug,
Guizotia abyssinica, G. oleifera;
-- Gidicho, an ethnic group within the southern Ometo,
with their own language variety
HCD96 Gidicho 0620'/3805' 1338 m 06/38 [Gz]
HCK04 Gidicho (Ghidiccio, Ano, Hano, Oddola, Haruro) 06/38 [Gz WO Gu]
(island) 0623'/3755' 1209 m
HCK90 Gidicho (Godiccio) 07/37 [LM WO]
HDJ14 Gidie (area) 09/36 [WO]
HDU45 Gidim (Gidm, Giddem) 1022'/3949' 2812 m 10/39 [Gz Ha]
HDU45 Gidim wereda (centre in 1964 = Bergibi) 10/39 [Ad]
HE... Gidin sub-district (centre 1964 = Sisai Mesk) 12/39 [Ad]
HES.. Gidir Got 3428 m, in Simen National Park 13/38 [n]
gido, giidoo (O) power, strength; lola, lolaa (O) flood;
lola (A) kind of forest tree, Ekebergia capensis;
(O) drain trench /also other meanings/; lolaa (O) fight;
sefer (säfär) (A) neighbourhood, settlement
JDC65 Gido Lola Sefer (Lota) 0845'/4208' 1410 m 08/42 [Gz]
-- Gidole, name of an ethnic group of about 5,000 in the 1980s,
living in the south-west; also called Gardulla or Dirasha
HCC29 Gidole (Ghidolie, Gidolle, Gardala, Gardulla) 05/37 [MS Ad WO Gu]
(upper and lower G.) 0530'/3730' 1539, 2045/2650 m
MS coordinates would give map code HCC09.
0537'/3725' = HCC29; Gz: 0539'/3722'
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Gardula awraja
and in 1964 of Gardula wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Gireshi (Gascia) (village) 1691 m
7SE Kidole (Chidole) (village) 0535'/3731' 1626 m
10SW Gardulla (mountain) 2545 m
HCK08c Gidole 06/38? [20]
centre in Dirashe special wereda
KCG65 Giebi Berile, see Jebi Berile
JCT24 Giedabeileh, see Jadabele
?? Giee (Ghiee), market place south of Awash river ../.. [+ 18]
JDD57 Gieleh (Geleh), see Jele
HDE54 Giellala, see Jellala
HDT18 Giemma Fig, see Jemma Fig
HC... Gienabossa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bossa) 07/36 [Ad]
HC... Gienabossa wereda (centre in 1964 = Giena) 07/36 [Ad]
HDU32 Giera Midir, see Gera Midir
HCG37 Giesha, see Gesha
HCS75 Gieti, see Jeti
gifa (A) push! jiifaa (Som) lynx
JEC81 Gifa (M. Ghifa, Ghifo) 1137'/4140' 1376 m 11/41 [18 WO Gu Gz]
(mountain being an isolated amba) 1002 m
JDK78 Gifa Medir (G. Mehider), see Jifu Meider
-- Gifat, see Gafat
HDM84 Gifayta kebele (Gefayta ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
2-3 km south of Debre Sina; area 563 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDS00 Gifgofiol, see Jifgofyol
HDU35 Gifreye 1016'/3949' 2533 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Gift (district in lower Wegda and Tegulet) 10/39 [n Gz]
HDU14 Gift Bahir kebele (Geft Baher ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of the north-east "bulge" of the main body
od Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda, 9-13 km north-east
of Sela Dingay; area 690 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU14 Gift Gay kebele (Geft .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the north-east "bulge" of the main body of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja
& Wadera wereda, stretching narrowly to its northern border,
8-11 km north-east of Sela Dingay; area 769 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM90 Gift & Wenzage kebele (Geft & Wänzagé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the north-west in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda
at its northern border; area 2,730 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gifta: giftat (T) width, largeness
HDD92 Gifta 09/37 [AA]
HET78c Gifta (with cave/?/ church) 13/39 [x]
at 3 hours walk from Gijet/Djibiet
gifti, giifti (O) lady; (Mecha O) Thursday?
?? Gifti, with large market in the 1800s ../.. [18]
HDD92 Gifto 0901'/3746' 1838 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDR79 Giga (Gigga), see Jiga
HEC78 Gigadi, see Jigadi
HEP16 Gigandibba (area) 12/36 [WO]
HEA49 Gigara, see Jigera
HCL92cGigessa (with sawmill), see under Shashemene 07/38 [x]
JDK33 Giggiga (Gigh-giga, Giggica), see Jijiga
HEH99 Gigiebit, see Jijiyebit
JDH17 Gigif, G. (area) 2940 m 09/41 [WO]
?? Gigiglel (site of power project in the south) ../.. [n]
JDD55 Gigio, see Jijo
JBU76 Gigle Amharo (area) 05/44 [WO]
JBP81 Gigli (seasonal spring) 05/40 [MS WO]
HEK10 Gigrrifa /sic!/ 11/37 [Ch]
HDG04 Gigyo (Ghighio) 09/35 [+ WO]
gihana: gehannem (gähannäm) (A,T) Gehennah, hell
HEC84 Gihana 2123 m, see under Yismala Giyorgis 11/36 [Gu]
HEC84 Gihana, cf Jahana
HDL99 Gihaso (area) 09/39 [WO]
HEL53 Gihena (Ghihena) 12/38 [+ WO]
HCR60 Gijabi 0748'/3640' 1763 m 07/36 [Gz]
HET78 Gijet (Djibiet, Gidjet) 1319'/3910' 2029 m 13/39 [Gz Ad x]
(centre in 1964 of Sehart sub-district)
H.... Gijima (centre in 1964 of Gebeta Ber sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
HDU75 Gijima kebele (Gejema ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the east in central Gishe Rabel wereda,
18-25 km east of Were Ilu; area 2,760 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK12 Gijo 0912'/3742' 1681 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
?? Gike (lake?) ../.. [Ca]
16 km north of Aje village in Abijatta-Shalla Lakes National Park.
HEC62 Gil Kidane Mihret (church) 1129'/3651' 11/36 [Gz]
gila (eastern O) kudu: lesser kudu, Strepsiceros imberbis
imberbis, greater kudu, S. strepsiceros chora
H.... Gila (east of Hawzen) 13/39 [18]
HFE85 Gila (Ghila) (area) 2295 m 14/38 [+ WO]
JDD40 Gila (area) 1450 m, cf Jila 08/42 [WO]
HCT79 Gilalo, see Chilalo
GDF00 Gilawo (Ileo, Olea) 0810'/3420' 464 m 08/34 [Gz WO]
gilb (A) shallow
HE... Gilbena (in Simen awraja) 13/37? [Ad]
HEF20 Gilbite (Gilbit'e) 1106'/3925' 3150 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF21 Gilbite kebele (Gelbet'é ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in a south-easternmost corner of Kuta Ber wereda, 23-26 km
west-southwest of Dessie; area 2,924 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gilbo (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Oncoba spinosa,
with small spines and fairly large flowers each separate
from the others
JDE62 Gilbo (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDC41 Gilcia, see Jilcha
HDH63 Gildessa, see Jeldesa & JDJ75
HDM96 Gildima 0952'/3955' 1391 m 09/39 [Gz]
GDF84 Gile 0855'/3443' 1775 m, cf Jile 08/34 [MS]
KCR44 Gilfale, see Jilfale

HBT07 Gilfatu (Gilfaitu, Gara Ilfaitu) (mountain) 04/39 [Gz WO]

0435'/3907' peak 1013 m
HEH35 Gilfu (mountain) 1206'/3612' 1526 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
gilgil: gilgile (T) feather;
gilgel (gilgäl) (A) the young of domestic animals
HEJ06 Gilgel Abay (Gilgil A., Gilgal Abbai), 11/37 [+ Ch x]
where the Little Abay enters lake Tana
HDM34 Gilgela kebele (Gilgéla ..) 09/39 [Ad]
rather far to the east in south Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda
at its southern border; area 1,018 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gilgil (Som) shake, rattle
HEK70 Gilgil (Ghilghil) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEJ06 Gilgil Abay (G. Abbai), see Gilgel Abay
gilgil b..: beles (A) shrub or small tree, Ficus palmata,
Euphorbia spp., cactus Opuntia
HEJ06c Gilgil Beles (Gilgel B., Gelgel B.) 11/37 [n]
(new town at lake Tana)
?? Gilgil Gibe (Gilgel G.), in Ilubabor ../.. [x]
with electrical substation at large transmission line
HCL37 Gilibibbi (pass) 06/39 [WO]
JBJ44 Gilijo (Ghiligio) 0404'/4158' 170 m 04/41 [+ n]
JDE75 Gillabley (Gillablei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HDE18 Gille (Gilli) (plain) 0812'/3911' 08/39 [WO Gz]
HDE34 Gille (area) 08/38 [WO]
JC... Gillet (Jillet) (mountains) 07/40 [18]
HEC63 Gilli (Ghilli) (with church Kidane Mihret) 11/36 [+ It]
HFF51c Gillibeto (recorded in 1841) 14/39 [Ha]
GCU22 Gilo (Ghilo, Gelo, Fre: Loffé) (river area) 07/34 [+ WO]
/more correct Bako?/
JDD99c Gilo 09/43 [MS]
HDT75 Gilo kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Debre Sina wereda stretching to its southern border,
7-10 km east of Mekane Selam; area 1,783 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK07 Gilo sub-district (Gillo ..) 09/43 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kebri Beyah)
HDE.? Gilogib (Gilogov, Gilogor) 08/38 [x]
(historical locality in Shewa),
not very far from Finfinne and present-day Addis Abeba
?? Gilogov, in Shewa (recorded in the 1860s) ../.. [x]
HCF20 Gilta Darar (area), cf Darar 05/39 [WO]
gilto g..: gobo (T) mountain, slope, hillside; gobo (O) shelter;
goobo (O) crooked, humpback, leaning; gooboo (O) bow;
gobo' (Som) droplet, drop
?? Gilto Gobbo (in Wellega) ../.. [n]
HEL79 Giltu 1229'/3916' 1877 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDU60 Gilu 1034'/3922' 2683 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDA79 Gilya (G. Ghilea) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
gim..: wiha (A) water
HCB01 Gim Wiha (Gim Wuha) 05/35 [+ Ca]
gima (western O) kind of small tree, Cassipourea elliottii,
C. malosana, growing in forests and on river banks;
gime (gimä) (T) fog
GDU42 Gima 1022'/3435' 1314 m, see also Jima 10/34 [Gz]
HBM41 Gima (mountain) 0359'/3928' 1254, 1540 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
HCR42 Gima, see Jimma
?? Giman (village on the Gojjam plateau) ../.. [x]
gimat (T) ingot
HDA28 Gimat, see Jimeta
HDC90 Gimata 0902'/3640' 1924 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDH07 Gimata, see Jimata
gimb (A) stone wall or tower or castle
HDU26 Gimb 1010'/3954' 1806 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEJ47 Gimb (palace ruin) 12/37 [Ch]
HED74 Gimb Giyorgis ca. 1130'/3752' 11/37 [20]
about 57 km east of Bahir Dar, with old church
HDU.. Gimba (Ghimba), not far from Were Ilu 10/39 [n 18]
H.... Gimba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Goal) 10/39 [Ad]
HE... Gimba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Beje) 11/39 [Ad]
gimbar (A) forehead; front
HDJ64 Gimbaro 0937'/3658' 2115 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL40 Gimbas 0928'/3828' 2388 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HD... Gimbe (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HEB44 Gimbgya (Gimbghia) 11/36 [+ WO]
gimbi, gimbii (O) 1. stone wall or house or fence; 2. garrison, guard;
(T) castle, tower
HDH11 Gimbi (Fre: Toulou Guimbi) 09/35 [x]
mountain just south-east of the populated place Gimbi
HDH11 Gimbi (Ghimbi, Gembi, Gimbii) 09/35 [Gz Po Ad WO]
MS: 0914'/3549' = HDH12; Gz: 0910'/3550' 1845/1930 m
Centre in 1964 of Gimbi awraja, Gimbi wereda,
and Dalo Siba sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Tulu Gabba (hill)
5S Gara Chuta (hill) 1879 m
6W Choli (Ciolli) (village) 2012 m
HDK64 Gimbi 0940'/3755' 2491 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL39 Gimbi 0924'/3917' 2855 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL49 Gimbi 0927'/3916' 2829 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDU61 Gimbi 1030'/3925' 2632 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDG57 Gimbi awraja 0930'/3525' 09/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1956-1980 = Gimbi)
HDH11 Gimbi wereda (centre in 1964 = Gimbi) 09/35 [n Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 55 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
HEE09 Gimbia (Ghimbia) 1052'/3916' 3599 m 10/39 [+ n]
HEF30 Gimbia (area) 11/39 [WO]
HDL16 Gimbibit (Ghimbibit, Chembibit) 0915'/3900' 09/39 [+ Gu WO Gz]
(wide area)
HDL92 Gimbicho (Giimbiicho) 0955'/3840' 1797 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
cf Gumbicho
-- Gimbichu, name of an Oromo tribe
HCS11 Gimbichu (Gimbicho) 0727'/3738' 2052 m 07/37 [MS Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Timbaro wereda)
Coordinates would give map code HCS21.
HDE97 Gimbichu wereda (Ghimbichu ..) 08/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Chefe Donsa)
(-1994-) is divided into 66 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCD81 Gimbilo, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]

gimbo: gimbe (Gurage) small antelope, duiker,

Sylvicapra grimmia abyssinica
HCR61 Gimbo (Ghimbo, Ghembo, Ghembie) 07/36 [Gz Ad WO Te]
0724'/3614' 1663/1674 m
(centre in 1964 of Dekia sub-district), see under Agaro
HCP04 Gimbo wereda (-1944-2000-) (centre = Gimbo) 07/36 [Ad 20 En]
(centre in 1964 = Wushwush)
(-1994-) is divided into 74 rural and 8 urban kebeles.
One of ten weredas of Kefa awraja 1944-1987.
HDM97 Gimdere 0952'/3958' 1283 m 09/39 [Gz]
gime..: wiha (A) water
HDM.? Gime Wiha (with church Be'al Igzi'abher) 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
JDJ25 Gimeda, see Jimeda
gimel j..: jerba (järba) (A) rear, back of body
HDM73 Gimel Jerba kebele (Gemäl Järba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north-east Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
12-15 km west-southwest of Debre Sina; area 508 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES37 Gimela 1300'/3811' 2651 m 13/38 [Gz]
GDM.. Gimi, Jebel 2085 m, 09/34 [20]
mountain south-west of Begi near Sudan [Michelin 2007]
GDM.. Gimigabba kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
-- Gimira (Gimirra, Bench), name of an ethnic group south of Kefa;
Gimira language (Gimarra, Ghimarra), see Bench
GCM75 Gimira (Ghimirra) 0658'/3546' 2039 m 06/35 [+ n]
HCH71 Gimira (Ghimira), cf Shewa Gimira
HCH95 Gimira (Ghimira) (wide area) 07/36 [+ WO Pa]
It was said in 1910 that the Gimira region had five sub-regions
already before the Ethiopian conquest.
HCG52 Gimira awraja 0650'/3500', with three weredas 06/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1941-1980 = Mizan Teferi)
The awraja existed until about 1992.
HET07 Gimiza 1241'/3905' 2092 m 12/39 [Gz]
gimja bet (A) treasury, depot, storehouse;
gimja (A,O) silk, muslin, or velvet cloth /for religious use/
HEC14 Gimja Bet 1100'/3700' 11/37 [MS]
HDU02 Gimja Mascha kebele (Gemja Masch'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda, at the middle of
its main northern border, 5-10 km west-northwest of Sela Dingay;
area 1,411 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Gimjabet Kidane Mihret (in Debre Markos awraja) 10/37? [Ad]
HDR93 Gimjabet Maryam (Gimja Beit M., Agew Gimjabet) 10/36 [Gz Po]
(Agew Gemja Bet) 1051'/3653' 2347 m,
near map code HEC03
HEC03c Gimjabet Maryam (Gimja Bet M.) 10/36 [MS LM]
same as HEC14?
HCR42 Gimma, see Jimma
HDB57 Gimma, see Gibie
HDH07 Gimmata, see Jimata
JEN24 Gimmeri (Ghimmeri) (area, with hot springs) 541 m 12/40 [+ WO]

gimmi (A) kind of shrub, Chenopodium ambrosoides,

with very small flowers
HDC97 Gimmi, see Ijaji
HD..? Gimni (Ghimni), in Wellega 09/36? [x]
HED24c Gimonietta, see Jimonyetta
HD..? Gimz (district) 09/36? [x]
HED71 Gina (Ghenna, Gama) 1135'/3742' 2275 m 11/37 [Gz Gu]
HED82 Gina 1136'/3742' 2354 m 11/37 [Gz]
gina a..: ager (agär) (A) land, country, district
HDM22 Gina Ager (Gina Agir, Ginager, Ghinna /Agher/) 09/39 [Gz Po Ad WO]
(Gin Ager) 0918'/3932' 3348 m
(centre in 1964 of Assagirt wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9SE Abiyye Gedam (Abieghedam) (village & monastery)
6S Megezez (Meghezez) (mountain) 3596 m
2SW Ceraro (village)
4N Guskuste (Guscuste) (village)
7N Assagirt (Assaghert) (area)
9N Nebir Washa (Nebur Uascia) (village)
gina b..: beret (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDM83 Gina Beret kebele (.. Bärät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda
streching narrowly to its eastern border, 6-9 km south-west
of Debre Sina; area 915 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES47 Gina Kid Mihrat (Ghina Chid Meret, Kid Mihrat) 13/38 [+ n WO Gz
1307'/3808' 3094 m
WO has Ghina Chid Meret at HES46
?? Ginadeko (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEM70 Ginara 1228'/3921' 2184 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEL28 Ginaza kebele (Genaza ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the south-eastern border of Bugna wereda,
10 km east of Lalibela; area 2,452 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ginb..: washa (A) cave
HDU24 Ginb Washa, see Ginib Washa
HDM82 Ginb Washa kebele (Genb .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its northern
border, 15-20 km north of Debre Birhan town; area 1,295 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFK.. Ginbot, a place near Badme 14/37 [20]
HDT46 Ginbule kebele (Genbulé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Kelala wereda, 14-19 km
south of Kelala settlement; area 1,956 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD97 Ginchi (Ghinchi, Gintche, Ginsi) 08/38 [MS Po Te WO]
MS: 0850'/3810'
MS coordinates would give map code HDD77 which
is 20 km further to the south; is there another Ginchi?
Gz: 0902'/3809' 2100/2236 m
(with sub-post office and Catholic church and school)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6E Lege Batu (Legebatu) 2170 m
7E Yubdo 2170 m
2SE Chilimo (Ch'ilimo)
4SE Osole
5SE Harota (Giara) 1542 m
2S Gibe
3S Kerensa (K'erensa)
10SW Gatiro 2297 m
4W Gura 2264 m
7W Shola 2290 m
7W Bole
10W Gerbe Chita (Gerbe) 2303 m
5NW Gare
5NW Arera
7NW Abeyi 2360 m
8NW Kondaltiti (K'ondaltiti) (village & area) 2339 m
.NW Kore (K'ore)
5N Chilimo (Ch'ilimo) (with sawmill) 2166 m
7N Werebo (area)
7N Galesa
5NE Gaji (Gaggi) (with sawmill)
6NE Chancho (Ch'anch'o)
6NE Abiy 2751 m
gind (A) log, trunk of tree, formerly used with a hole for
fastening feet of prisoners; azurit (A) whirlpool
HCP24 Gind Aba 0729'/3609' 1620 m 07/36 [Gz]
HED52 Gind Azur (Gindazur) 11/37 [Ch]
gind b..: berbere (bärbäre) (A,T) red pepper
HDT24 Gind Berbere 1013'/3848' 1708 m 10/38 [Gz]
ginda (A,T) "Dead Sea apple", a shrub or small tree,
Calotropis procera; (O) kind of ceremony
HCR32 Ginda 0733'/3649'c 07/36 [x]
place some 12 km south of Hirmata
HD... Ginda, at 24 km from Addis Abeba 09/38? [x]
ginde, gindo (O) plough, beam of plough; ginde (T),
belli, beelli (O) hunger, famine
HDL90 Ginde Beli 0954'/3829' 2257 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDK53 Ginde Beret, see Kachisi, cf Gindeberet
HDT33 Ginde Meskel, see Gundo Meskel
ginde w..: weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine; 2. grape, wine plant;
weyn (Som) big, large, great
?? Ginde Weyn ../.. [+ 20]
gindebel: gindi bel (gindi bäl) (A) country people charged
with transporting the royal tent
HDE99 Gindebel (Ginidebel) 0902'/3916' 2430 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDM04c Gindebello (historically recorded from the 1400s) 09/39 [20]
gindeber..: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDK53 Gindeberet (Ginde Beret, Gindabret, Kutai, Cutai) 09/37 [Ad n Ch Gu Gz]
(Gindberet, Ghindeberat, Gendeberet, Gendäbäret, Gendoberet)
(wide area) 0936'/3750' 2556 m
HDK63 Gindeberet wereda (Ginde Beret ..) 09/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kachisi)
(-1994-) is divided into 102 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
The Muger river formed the eastern boundary
of this wereda until 1989.
JBR25 Gindi Labeidir (area) 04/42 [WO]
-- gindi m..: Merewa, collective name for some Oromo groups:
merewa (märawa) (A) bell /of bronze/
HER09 Gindi Merewa (Ghindi Merea) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
gindo 1. (A,O) plough; 2. (O) state prison among the Oromo
in former times; 3. heavy beam fastened to the foot, as
punishment and to prevent prisoners from escaping
HDD40 Gindo 0835'/3741' 1986 m, cf Chando 08/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ameya wereda)
HDL45 Gindo 0928'/3854' 2589 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT32 Gindo kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in the middle of south Wegdi wereda, an irregular area with two "arms",
19-25 km south-west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,871 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Gindoso, a group of the Devenekemena branch of the Afar
HDM43 Gindossa 09/39 [WO]
HEF.. Gindrkore (village Addis Alem kebele, Kalu wereda) 11/39 [20]
HCJ28 Gine 0633'/3721' 1521 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDL90 Gine Beli, see Ginde Beli
JC.... Ginea 07/40 [18]
JDK52 Ginesenei, see China Hasen
HEC77 Ginfat Giyorgis (Ghinfat Gheorghis) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
JCP97 Ginfu (area) 08/41 [WO]
ginge, giinge (O) stammer
JDJ46 Ginge 0928'/4213' 2359 m 09/42 [Gz]
HBP17 Gingero 0439'/3624' 663 m, cf Jinjero 04/36 [Gz]
HDG39 Gingi (Tulu Ghinghi, Fre: Toulou Guingui), 09/35 [+ WO Gu n]
see Tulu Gingi
HDG39 Gingi 0920'/3540' 1960, 2137 m
HC... Gingo (in Jimma awraja) 07/36? [Ad]
HD... Gini (locality in Bulga) 09/39? [n]
HDU24 Ginib Washa, see Ginb Washa
HDE99 Ginidebel, see Gindebel
JCH90 Ginir (Ginner, Ghinnir, Ghinir, Ghimir, Ghiigner) 07/40 [Gz Po Gu]
(Ginnir, Ghinner, Ghigner, Giner, Guinner) 07/40 [WO x]
0708'/4042' 1750/1986 m, hill 2024 m
(with sub-post office)
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Wabe awraja,
and in 1964 of Ginir wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
8N Hariro (village) 2280 m
JCH90 Ginir awraja 07/40 [En]
The name was changed to Webe awraja in 1978, with the name
derived from Webi Shebele river.
JCH90 Ginir wereda (-1964-2000-) 07/40 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HDR94c Ginjabet (Ghingiabiet) 2650 m, cf Gimjabet 10/36 [+ Gu]
ginjibe..: gindi bel (gindi bäl) (A) country people charged
with transporting the royal tent
GDF70 Ginjibella (G. Ghingibella) (hill) 08/34 [+ WO]
HDF51 Ginjima (M. Ghingima) (area) 1680 m 08/39 [+ WO]
ginna..: amora (A,T) vulture
JEN33c Ginnamora (mountain recorded in 1841) 12/40 [Ha]
JCH90 Ginnir, see Ginir
HDK88 Gino, see Geno
gino (O) roof structure
HDL72 Gino 0944'/3840' 2859 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDU11 Gino 1008'/3930' 2836 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDD97 Ginsi (Gintche), see Ginchi
gint (gint') (A) 1. scorpion; 2. kind of oat, Avena abyssinica
HDT41 Gint Anba kebele (Gint' .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in west Wegdi wereda stretching to the middle of its western border,
23-31 km west-southwest of Mahdere Selam; area 2,146 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS54 Ginta Maryam, see Dinta Mariam
HC... Ginte 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in northernmost Maale
HCD89 Giocata, see Chichela
HDH88 Gioganfoi, see Joganfoy
JDK84 Giogi, see Joji
HDE48 Giogo, see Jogo
GCU05 Giogu, see Jogu
HDA74 Giole, see Jole
HDK55 Gion, see Weliso
JDD34 Gion Gion (Giyon) (waterhole) 08/42 [MS WO +]
HEF53 Giorgio (island) 11/39 [WO]
HDJ03 Giorgio, S. (church), see under Sire HDC93 09/36 [WO]
HCS99 Giorgio, S.(church) 2110 m, see under Butajira 08/38 [WO]
JDJ06 Giorre, see Jorre
H.... Giota, see Jota
JDK95 Gipril, see Jipril
gir (A) trained /animal/
HDD42 Gir (Ghir) 08/37 [+ WO]
gir ali: girr ale (A) fly in flocks /birds/,
depart in masses /people/; cf Ali as first part of name
KBN93 Gir Ali (area) 05/45 [WO]
gir ha..: hadere (h'adärä) (T) spend the night
HFF22 Gir Hader 1347'/3935' 1991 m 13/39 [Gz]
gira, gra (A) left hand, left direction
HDE24 Gira, see Jira
HF... Gira Aras 14/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tsehaf Werd sub-district)
HES28 Gira Felase 1252'/3820' 2211 m 12/38 [Gz]
gira g..: gowa, gowwaa (O) stupid, ignorant
HEM91 Gira Gowa 1237'/3929' 2532 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEU53 Gira Tserhi 1307'/3942' 1911 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEM62 Giraamba Lancha (Gira'amba L.) 12/39 [Gz]
1221'/3932' 1669 m
HDT93 Girafgotet, see Jirafgotet
?? Girage (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
giragne m..: meda (A) field
HE... Giragne Meda sub-district [=Grañ Meda?] 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Asgedo)
girago..: goba (O) palissade, fortification; (Wellega Bega) hyena;
gobaa (O) palm leaf thorn; gooba (O) hump of cattle;
goba-a (O) bent or stooping /man/
HEM93 Giragoba (Ghiragoba) 1238'/3939' 1628 m 12/39 [+ Gz]
girah b..: bizu (A) much
HEU31 Girah Bisuh 1302'/3930' 2397 m 13/39 [Gz]
GDM01 Girai, see Gray
HEU53 Giram Berom 1308'/3941' 2429 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis)
giram h..: hora (O) mineral water
HEM61 Giram Hora 1218'/3930' 2363 m 12/39 [Gz]
HET77 Girame 1321'/3906' 1714 m (with church Maryam) 13/39 [Gz]
HEF74 Girana 1134'/3943' 1445 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF74 Girana kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in the centre of southern Habru wereda, 10-14 km
south-east of Mersa and 11-16 km north-east of Wichale;
area 1,721 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL62 Giranch (Giranch') 0940'/3838' 2679 m 09/38 [Gz]
girancha: giracha (girach'a) (A) grey mule
HDL90 Girancha (Giranch'a) 0956'/3829' 2203 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEL15 Girany Amba [=Grañ Amba?] 1156'/3859' 2005 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEF11 Girany Meda Mesgid (mosque) 1100'/3930' 11/39 [Gz]
girar (A) kinds of thorn tree, especially Acacia bussei
HC... Girar, in Damot Gale wereda 06/37? [20]
HDL63 Girar 0941'/3843' 2567 m, cf Gerar, Grar 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDS33 Girar 1020'/3750' 2415 m 10/37 [Gz]
HDU01 Girar 0958'/3926' 2049 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEF26 Girar Amba 1105'/3955' 1934 m 11/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kotet sub-district), in Sayint wereda
HDM45 Girar Amba kebele (Gerar .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-east Ankober wereda, 8-12 km
south-east of Ankober town; area 937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU74 Girar Amba kebele (Gerar .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Gishe Rabel wereda, 18-24 km
east-northeast of Were Ilu; area 1,888 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
girar ber (A) acacia pass
HDU34 Girar Ber kebele (Gerar Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
3-5 km east-northeast of Mehal Meda; area 547 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
girar f..: fincha, finchaa (O) waterfall, cataract
HDL63 Girar Finchaa (waterfalls) 0937'/3842' 09/38 [Gz]
girar j..: Jarso, a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo
?? Girar Jarso sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HEM02 Girar Kebele kebele (Gerar Qäbälé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Guba Lafto wereda, narrow small kebele
adjoining Weldiya to its south; area 374 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL63 Girar sub-district 2567 m, cf Gerar, Grar 09/38 [AA Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Geno)
HEL59 Girara 1215'/3917' 2557 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDS.. Giraram, 30 km from Debre Markos 10/37 [n]
HDU44 Giraray 1020'/3942' 3145 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEL48 Giraray kebele (Geraray ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in mid-easternmost Bugna wereda,
22 km north-east of Lalibela; area 626 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- girare j..: Jarso, a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo
?? Girare Jarso sub-district, in North Shewa Zone ../.. [20]
girarge (A) country with thorn trees
HDL75 Girarge 0945'/3856' 1678 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with churches Gebriel and Mikael), see under Debre Libanos
HEC42 Girarge 1117'/3650' 2128 m 11/36 [Gz]
HDL76 Girarge kebele (Gerargé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in west Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its southern
border, 24-31 km west of Deneba; area 1,886 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL74 Giraro 0943'/3847' 2518 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos, cf Geraro
JDJ02 Girawa (Giraua) /wereda/, see Grawa ..
HE... Girem (centre in 1964 of Buhoro sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HCR53 Giren, see Jiren
girenchi (O) a kind of plant
HDL51 Girenchi (Girench'i) 0934'/3835' 2478 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCD20 Gireshi (Gascia) 0539'/3733' 1691 m 05/37 []
HD... Giret (district in Merhabete awraja), cf Girit 10/39? [n]
HDT07 Giret kebele (Gerét ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its southern border,
4-11 km south-east of Alem Ketema; area 2,231 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCS92 Girgabo (area) 08/42 [WO]
JDE06 Girgabo Corca, see Jirgabo Korka
JCT94 Girgabo Osta (area) 08/43 [WO]
GDF63 Girgeida (Ghirgeida), see Gerjeda
HDL85 Girgi (with church) 09/38 [AA 20]
HEJ89 Girgij 1230'/3725' 2008 m 12/37 [Gz]
HDL85 Girgir 0950'/3853' 2452 m (with church Mikael) 09/38 [Gz]
HFD47 Girgitsya (Ghirghizia) (place) 1850 m, 14/38 [+ Gu]
see under Inda Silase
HCB50 Girgola (Ghirgola) (area) 05/35 [+ WO]
giri: girhi (Som) giraffe
JDK00 Giri (Ghiri) (local centre) 0903'/4233' 1354 m 09/42 [Gz x]
near map code JDD90
JDL11 Giri Aul (area) 1595 m 09/43 [WO]
JDK50 Giri Kocher (G. K'och'er, G. Qocher, Goggiar) 09/42 [Gz q]
0931'/4233' 2007 m
JEP69 Giriffo (Ghiriffo, Ghiroffo) 1313'/4131' 695 m 13/41 [+ WO x Gz]
JDA87 Girime, G. (area) 1925 m 08/40 [WO]
HFC86 Girina, see Jirina
-- Girirra people (Garirre, Gariirre, Gerire, Gherire),
a Somali tribe whose main group lives near El Kere
JCD09 Girit, see Jirit
girma (A) dignity, majesty, grandeur, glory, beauty;
Girma, a much-used male personal name
HDK05 Girma (mountain), see Jirma
HDM33 Girma Ager kebele (Germa Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda stretching narrowly 10 km
from Shola Gebeya to the eastern border of the wereda; area 1,067 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE88 Girmi 0857'/3912' (with church Mikael) 08/39 [Gz]
HCR72 Girmo 0757'/3651' 1905 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDS67 Girniya 1036'/3814' 2394 m 10/38 [Gz]
JEP69 Giroffo, see Giriffo
HEH98 Giroslassi (church, religious centre) 1236'/3624' 12/36 [Gz]
JFB02 Girroli -40 m, below sea level 13/40 [Ne]
?? Girru, cf Giru (area north of Addis Abeba) ../.. [x]
HEE55 Girshit (Girshit', Coreb, Koreb) 1119'/3854' 1608 m 11/38 [Gz WO 18 It]
girta (A) kind of parrot-like bird with green plumage
JCE39 Girta Bararato, see Bararato
girta ga..: garba (O) 1. lake, sea; 2. slave
JCT18 Girta Garbahaol (G. Garbahad) 0720'/4409' 770 m 07/44 [WO Gz]
girta gulet ..: shini, shiinii (O) coffee cup;
shinni (Som) 1. bees; 2. seeds
JCM11 Girta Gulet Shini (G.G. Scini) 0628'/4422' 562 m 06/44 [+ WO Gz]
JCS30 Girta Kordillay (Jirta Cordillay) 07/42 [+ WO]
HDG34 Giru 0924'/3514' 1531 m, cf Girru 09/35 [Gz]
girum, grum (A) wonderful, marvellous
HDP05 Girum (mountain) 2140 m 09/36 [WO]
HDJ34 Gis 0923'/3701' 2169 m 09/37 [Gz]
gisa (A) kind of grass
?? Gisa (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HFF11 Gisa, see Giza
gisa d..: dansa, dansaa (O) good, healthy
HET46 Gisa Dansa (Ghisa Dansa), see under Abergele 13/39 [+ WO]
gisa m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HEF30 Gisa Meda kebele (.. Méda ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western central Kuta Ber wereda, 14-17 km
west of Kuta Ber settlement; area 1,761 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gish ..: megal (mägal) (A) dark brown /horse/;
magala (O) market
HDD29 Gish Megal, see Gesh Megal
HCP31 Gisha (Ghiscia, Ghescia) (area) 2438 m, cf Gesha 07/35 [+ WO Gu]
gishe (Gurage) kind of small tree or shrub, Rhamnus prinoides,
with simple leaves and small flowers; (O) hair, usually of goat
HDL73 Gishe 0943'/3843' 2717 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Gishe 0948'/3841' 2995 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU32 Gishe, cf Menz & Gishe awraja, 10/39 [MS]
east of Were Ilu, Christianized early
HEC16 Gishe Abay (G. Abbai, Gisc Abbai, Geesh) 10/37 [+ Ch Gu Ha]
(Gish Abay, Ghisc Abbai, Gise Abbai, Sek'ela) 10/37 [Gz MS WO]
(sacred spring, with church) 1059'/3713' 2744 m
HEC16 Gishe Abay : Giyon (area) 10/37 [Ch]
HEC16 Gishe Abay Mikael (Gesh Abai Michael) 10/37 [+ Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of Sekela wereda)
?? Gishe Gebeta Ber (in Shewa) ../.. [n]
HD... Gishe Rabel wereda (Geshe .. ..) 10/39? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 25 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Adis Amba, Alge & Wentela, Arata, Asnafit Tegen, Darat, Debre
Selam, Deyer, Dima & Dahana, Gijima, Girar Amba, Gojer & Meskel
Debir, Golta, Key Amba, Kodad, Korebtit, Liga, Mesk Amba, Mige &
Aymeter, Set Amba, Setoch Washa, Tebel & Eye, Weflek, Wejit,
HDU74c Gishe wereda (Gishie ..) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Rabel)
Gishe 1941-74 was a wereda under Menz awraja.
HDU74 Gishen (Gishän, Geshena) 1040'/3945' 10/39 [n]
steep highlands, in Ambasel awraja,
with monastery said to have fragments of the Holy cross
HEF72c Gishen (historical monastery in the 1400s) 11/39 [20]
north-west of Hayk, cf Amba Geshen

HEE79 Gishen kebele (Geshän ..) 11/39 [Ad]

in westernmost Ambasel wereda, 10-18 km
east-southeast of Wegel Tena; area 8,806 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT79 Gishenit 1038'/3915' 2475 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU70 Gishinet kebele (Geshenät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Were Ilu wereda at its southern border,
16-20 km west of Were Ilu town; area 2,592 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL87 Gishman 1235'/3905' 2077 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDU93 Gishoge kebele (Gishogé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Antsokiya & Gemza wereda along its western
border, 18-24 km north-west of Majete; area 2,235 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Gisi, in Wellega ../.. [x]
HCG86 Gismaret, see Kiamaryet
giso (A) kind of communal labour
HBR59 Giso 0459'/3727' 1559 m 04/37 [Gz]
HCB15c Giste, settlement area of Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
git (A) 1. udder; 2. jerk, pull
gita (O) equal, of the same class
HDT26 Gita (Git'a) 1013'/3901' 1867 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT26 Gita & Deka kebele (Git'a & Däga ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, 5-12 km
west-northwest of Meragna; area 1,970 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM.. Gitanni kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
GDM31c Giten 09/34 [LM]
HD... Giten Muchicho sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guri) 09/35 [Ad]
HDJ54 Gitilo 0932'/3703' 2772 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ54 Gitilo 0933'/3703' 2857 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDM12 Gitim kebele (Get'em ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in northern Berehet wereda reaching
so that it touches its north-western border a little,
8-13 km south-east of Gina Ager; area 1,096 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Gitirie (centre in 1964 of Biki Haro sub-district) 09/37 [Ad]
gito, giit'oo (O) kind of plant that can be used as a broom;
-- Gito, caste group of hunters and smiths
living among the Male
HDB66 Gito (Ghito) (mountain) 2080 m 08/36 [+ WO]
HDM01 Gito (Git'o) 0905'/3930' 1524 m 09/39 [Gz]
(locality in Bulga, with church Silase)
HDT00 Gito (Git'o) 0959'/3825' 1895 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
GDM31 Gitun 0922'/3428' 1751 m 09/34 [Gz]
HEJ05 Giuascia, see Juasha
JDK20 Giubasse, see Jubasse
HDH72 Giubbi, see Jubbi
HEA94 Giuda, see Juda
JDK36 Giufa Abbasa (Gjufta Albasa), see Jufa Abbasa
HDE10 Giugar Bale Uelde, see Jugar Bale Welde
HBM31 Giuldessa, see Juldessa, cf Jeldesa
JEP64 Giulietti (lake), see Afrera
HCH20 Giuma, see Jemu
?? Giumea Maruf, see Jumea Maruf
HCH20 Giumo, see Jemu
HDT19 Giur, see Jur
HDU00 Giurru, see Jihur
HDL08 Giuru, see Juru
HEC48 Giv Assra 11/37 [WO]
HEJ86 Givansegh 12/37 [WO]
HEJ97 Givansegh (mountain) 12/37 [WO]
HF... Givin (historical area in the 1700s) 13/39 [18]
HEU00 Giviyat (Ghiviat) 12/39 [+ WO]
HDU74 Giyache (Ghiacie) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
giyo, giyyo (A) kind of tree used for making straight poles
HDC73 Giyo (Ghio) 0848'/3653' 1524 m 08/36 [+ Gz 18]
Giyon, the Biblical river Gihon, also occurring
as a male personal name in modern time
HDD45 Giyon, see Weliso
HDK55 Giyon (Gion) 0832'/3759' 2063 m 08/37 [Gz]
HEC16 Giyon (area), see under Gishe Abay
JDC42 Giyon, 0836'/4150' 08/41 [MS]
JDD34 Giyon, see Gion Gion
Giyorgis, Amharic form for the name of /Saint/ George
HCT06 Giyorgis (Giyoris) 0716'/3902' 3007 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCT08 Giyorgis (Gheorghis) 07/39 [+ WO]
HDB89 Giyorgis (Ghiorghis) (church) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDE58 Giyorgis (S. Giorgio) (church), see under Mojo 08/39 [+ WO]
HDL31 Giyorgis (Gyorgis, Gheorghis) (church) 09/38 [+ LM WO]
HDL99 Giyorgis (Ghiorghis) (church) 2770 m 09/39 [+ WO]
HDM82 Giyorgis (Ghiorghis, Z., Enda Gh.) (church) 09/39 [+ WO Gu]
HDR85 Giyorgis (Gheorghis) 1910 m, see under Bure 10/37 [+ WO]
HED68 Giyorgis 1128'/3816' 2637 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEH66 Giyorgis (Georgis) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HEJ15 Giyorgis (church) 11/37 [Ch]
HFF11 Giza (Gisa) 1341'/3930' 2157 m 13/39 [Gz]
giza ..: washa (A) cave
HDL85 Giza Washa kebele (Geza .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally far to the west in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda;
area 520 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Gizani (river) ../.. [Ch]
GDU64 Gizen 1035'/3445' 10/34 [MS]
GDU84 Gizen (Guzen, Qeissan) 1044'/3447' 681 m 10/34 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bomu Belfudi sub-district)
near the border of Sudan
GDU84? Gizen sub-district (-1997-) 10/34 [n]
JDK36 Gjufta Albasa, see Jufa Abbasa
JCL25 Glamagaran 0632'/4352' 500 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
JCS40 Glebi Hardeni (waterhole) 07/42 [WO]
HCN15 Gltemadura, see Gamadura
HBP51 Gnaculamo, see Loree Atone
HC... Gnama (centre in 1964 of Kebena sub-district) 06/38 [Ad]
HDL67 Gnea sub-district (Gne'a .., Gnaha ..) 09/39 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Mute), cf Abichu & Gnea
GCT16 Gneum, see Nyeum
GCT66 Gniuir 0750'/3357' 335 m 07/33 [WO Gz]
GDE28 Gnomoli, see Nyomoli
HFF53 Goaggiem (Goaggien), see Dimbel
H.... Goal (centre in 1964 of Gimba sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
JDS82 Goaleh 1045'/4243' 623/729 m, 10/42 [Gu Gz]
near the border of Somalia
HEJ86 Goang, see Gwang
HEJ44 Goardera 12/37 [WO]
gob (Som) 1. kinds of shrub or small tree, Zizyphus mauritiana,
Z. spina-Christi, "Christ thorn" with short spines;
2. nobles, aristocracy
HCB59 Gob 0554'/3635' 1545 m 05/36 [Gz Ad]
HCB47c Gob (centre in 1964 of Wub Hamer wereda) 05/36 [Ad Gz]
JCD58 Gob Barro 05/43 [WO]
HDM80 Gob & Dubra kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally far to the north-east in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 10-13 km north-east of Deneba; area 591 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
goba (O) 1. palissade, fortification; 2. hump of cattle;
3. palm leaf thorn; (Welega Bega) hyena;
goba-a (O) bent or stooping /man/; gooba (O) nape
GDM43 Goba 09/34 [WO]
HBT39 Goba 0451'/3918' 786 m, cf Gora 04/39 [Gz]
HBU82 Goba 0521'/3934' 1513 m 05/39 [Wa Gz]
HCM77 Goba (Gobba, Goobbaa) MS: 0655'/4010' 06/40 [MS Br WO Gu]
MS coordinates would give map code JCG64 more to the east.
0701'/3958' = HCM77, 2691/2772 m
Centre -1956-1964- of Fasil awraja & Goba wereda
and in 1980 of Mendeyo awraja.
H.... Goba, village in Decha awraja, with Nayi people 09/37 [n]
HEM60 Goba 1221'/3921' 2185 m 12/39 [Gz]
JCG64 Goba (mountains) 0655'/4010' 2680 m 06/40 [WO n]
JCG85 Goba (area) 07/40 [WO]
JCN86 Goba 0801'/4023' 1183 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDG16 Goba, G. (area) 1218 m 09/40 [WO]
JDJ48 Goba 0927'/4221' 2500 m 09/42 [Gz]
HCM77 Goba awraja 1960- 06/40 [Ad]
goba d..:: dura (O) in front of /and some other meanings/
HFE77c Goba Dura (with lioness figure), see Gobedra /?/
goba jer: jeer (Som) 1. hippopotamus; 2. time, occasion
JDR06 Goba Jer (area) 1235 m 10/42 [WO]
?? Goba Koricha wereda ../.. [Ad]
HCM77 Goba wereda (-1964-2000-), cf JDB84 Guba Koricho 06/40 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural and 3 urban kebeles
(or 23 rural and 6 urban kebeles?)
goba win: win (A) real, true;
-- Gobawein, a Bantu group among Somali in the Juba region
JDR07 Goba Win (Goba Uin) (area) 1477 m 09/42 [+ WO]
JD... Gobaad 10/41 [Ha]
HDT46 Gobabit 1020'/3902' 1938 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT47 Gobabit kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda at the middle of its northern
border, 12-19 km north-northwest of Meragna; area 1,650 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDS42 Gobaha (area) 10/42 [WO]
JDJ75 Gobai (Goba'i) 0942'/4204' mountain peak 1355 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDG18 Gobaka (Gobaca) 09/35 [+ WO]
JDJ89 Gobara (area) 0950'/4217' 09/42 [Gu Gz]
HDJ74 Gobata (Gobat'a) 0946'/3701' 2276 m 09/37 [Gz]
-- Gobato, small ethnic group numbering about 1,000 (in the 1980s?)
of which one third Christians
gobay (T) buffalo
HDJ66c Gobaya (Swe: Gobaja), cf Gebeya, Gobeya 09/37 [18 Wa]
HC... Gobaze, in the Gidole region, with Norwegian mission 05/37 [x]
gobba (T) Zizyphus spina-christi, see gob above
GDF92c Gobba, see under Gidami 08/34 [Gu]
HCM77 Gobba 0701'/3959' 2691 m 07/39 [Gz]
HEU14 Gobba 1245'/3949' 1729 m 12/39 [Gu Gz]
JDB66 Gobba 0842'/4115' 1279, 1410 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
JDB84 Gobba, see Guba Koricho
gobbi ..: hamer (A) 1. ark; 2. reddish-brown /horse/
JDK30 Gobbi Hamer (mountain) 0924'/4234' 1563 m 09/42 [Gz]
gobbo (Kefa) kind of bean, Vigna sp.
HBM95 Gobbo, see Kobbo, cf Gobo
HDJ.. Gobbo 09/37 [18]
HEM43 Gobbo, see Kobbo
Gobe, a Somali female name
HDK00 Gobe 0908'/3733' 2493 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK20 Gobe 0919'/3702' 2146 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL73 Gobe 0945'/3846' 2645 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ34 Gobe 0922'/4202' 2048 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDR51 Gobea (Gobe'a) (mountain) 1029'/4143' 792 m 10/41 [Gz]
HEF33 Gobede Najer (G. Nager), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
HEE54 Gobeden kebele (Gobädän ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western central Mekdela wereda, 23-26 km
west-northwest of Masha; area 1,235 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE77c Gobedra (Goba Dura?) (with lion incision on rock) 14/39 [Gu n Ca]
(hill 10 km /or 4 km?/ west of Aksum, with quarry for monoliths)
HEM13 Gobeie, see Gobiye
HDT19 Gobela Nateba kebele (Gobäla Nat'äba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Moret & Jiru wereda at its northen
border, 2-8 km north of Jihur; area 1,516 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDC45 Gobeli (Gobelli), see Golelola
HDJ17 Goben 0913'/3718' 2437 m 09/37 [Gz]
gobena: gobennya (A) to visit; gubbena (A) lizard;
Gobena, Gobana, a male personal name
HDG89 Gobena 0942'/3537' 1488, 2012 m 09/35 [WO Gz]
HDM12 Gobensa (with church) 09/39 [WO]
JCN33 Gobensa 0731'/4004' 2165 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
JDA65 Gobenti, G. (area) 2225 m 08/40 [WO]
HDA56 Gobera (Gaborra) 0839'/3523' 1523 m 08/35 [Gz]
HCU30 Gobesa 0736'/3829' 1641 m or /3920' 2420 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCU41 Gobesa (Gobessa) 0737'/3930' 2353 m 07/39 [Gz WO Po]
(visiting postman under Asela)
(centre in 1964 of Tena wereda and Shirka sub-district)
Coordinates would give map code HCU42
HDS02 Gobetima (Gobet'ima) 1000'/3747' 1864 m 10/37 [AA Gz]
HDS03 Gobetime (with church) 09/37 [AA]
JBG88 Gobetto (Gobeto) 0424'/4035' 769 m 04/40 [Gz WO LM]
HDE81 Gobeya 0854'/3833' 2157 m, cf Gobaya, Gebeya 08/38 [Gz]
HDK06 Gobeya 0906'/3805' 2440 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL51 Gobeya 0935'/3835' 2488 m 09/38 [Gz]
HFK16 Gobeya Igzi 1439'/3806' 1344 m 14/38 [Gz]
HDJ56 Gobeya Tekle Haymanot (church) 0935'/3709' 09/37 [Gz]
(Gobaya ..), east of Shambu
?? Gobeye (sub-post office under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
HEF74 Gobeye kebele (Gobeyé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Habru wereda stretching a little to its border,
14-23 km south-east of Mersa and 17-25 km east-northeast
of Wichale; area 3,313 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Gobeze (Goraze), name of an ethnic group living in the south-west
and numbering 47,118 (in 1984?)
-- Gobeze language, see Bussa
?? Gobgob (between Debre Tabor and Nefas Mewcha) ../.. [n]
GDF53 Gobi 0834'/3436' 1493/1523 m 08/34 [WO Gz]
HCA88 Gobi 0613'/3532' 1846 m, see under Maji 06/35 [WO]
HFE77c Gobidra (Gobedra), see under Aksum
HCS12 Gobigia, see Bobija
HDT04 Gobil 1001'/3850' 1787 m 10/38 [Gz]
gobiy: gobiye (T) tortoise;
gobay (T) buffalo, Syncerus caffer aequinoctialis
HEM23? Gobiy (Gobya) (in Ambasel awraja) 11/39 [n]
HEM23 Gobiy (Gobeie) (pass) 1155'/3940' 11/39 [Gz Gu]
HEM23 Gobiye (Gobiy, Gobie, Gobiye, Gobye) 11/39 [Gz Po Gu WO]
(Gobeie, Cobie) 1153'/3942', pass at 1155'/3940' 1396, 1680 m
(in Raya & Kobo awraja)
JDK47 Gobiyere 0929'/4310' 1699 m 09/43 [Gz]
HEM13 Gobiyo (Gobiye, Gobeie, Cobie) 11/39 [Ad Gz]
1152'/3942' 1396 m
(centre in 1964 of Gura Werkie sub-district)
goble: gobo'lee (Som) to drip
JDK82 Goble (area) 09/42 [WO]
gobo (O) 1. shelter; 2. crooked, humpbacked, leaning;
(T) mountain, slope, hillside; gooboo (O) bow
GDF82 Gobo 0856'/3431' 1659 m, 08/34 [WO Gz]
see under Gidami, cf Gobbo
HDD76 Gobo, see Tatesa
?? Gobo Antaltilay (in Tigray) ../.. [n]
gobo at..: atarii (O) pea
HF... Gobo Atarit (Endaba Woyane Tsen'at) (strategic hill) 14/38 [n]
HFE.. Gobo Chela (G. Sela) 14/38 [En]
archaeological site near Aksum, see under Melazo

gobo k..: kurkuraa (O) /male/ toddler:

kurkura (A,O) kind of thorny shrub
JDA65 Gobo Kurkura (G. K'urk'ura, G. Qurqura) 08/40 [Gz q]
0847'/4015' 1664 m
HFE38c Gobo Sheteto (Gobo Sceteto) (high ground) 13/39 [+ Gu]
gobo z..: zena (zäna) (A,T) chronicle, news; (zena) (A) reputation
HEU.. Gobo Zena (Gobozena) (village), 13/39 [+ n]
see under Mekele
JDK67 Gobobley 0940'/4310' 1648 m 09/43 [Gz]

JDC92 Goboenti (Gobo'enti, G. Badu) 0902'/4142' 09/41 [Gz WO Gu 18]

place 1525 m, mountain 2760/2903 m
Coordinates would give map code JDC91
gobol (Som) region, province, part
HDL62 Gobola 0936'/3840' 2429 m, waterfalls nearby 09/38 [AA Gz]
gobu, gobuu (O) 1. prick with a thorn; 2. beat, strike
-- Gobu, Gobbu, a clan of the Digalu of the Borana prople
HDR00 Gobu 2140 m 09/36 [WO]
HEM21 Gobu Maryam (church) 1213'/3927' 12/39 [Gz]
HD... Gobu Seyo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kiejo) 09/36 [Ad]
JEN75 Gobul (Cobul) 1322'/4015' 379 m 13/40 [WO Gz]
GCM76 Gobus, see Wika
HEM13 Gobye, see Gobiye
GCU31 Goc (Goch) (locality) 0735'/3425' 07/34 [Gz x]
GCU52 Goc (Goch) (locality) 0742'/3435' 07/34 [Gz]
GCU30 Goc Giangior, see Janjor
HCJ83 Goca, see Goka
HBR81 Gocche, see Goke
HDB42 Goccio, see Gosha
HB... Gocha ../.. [20]
Settlement of 19 hectares in north Konso.
HEC96 Gocha 11/37 [Wa]
HEC79c Gocha (Gocia) 11/37 [Gu]
HBR18 Goche, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
GDE15 Gochel, see Gaukel
HDJ67 Gocher (Goch'er, Gocior, Cocior) 09/37 [WO Gz]
0937'/3718' 2234 m, cf Kocher
HDB42 Gocho (Goccio, Goco) (10 km ESE of Soddo) 08/35 [x n]
1836 m, see also Gosha
HEC79c Gocia, see Gocha
JDS13 Gocti, see Gogti
HDM30 God 0921'/3923' 2724 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Gebri'el) in Bulga/Kasim wereda
god a..: god (Som) cave, burrow, hole in the ground;
adde, aadde (O) term of respect for elder sister
JCT35 God Adde 0731'/4357' 879 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
JBT56 God Dere, see Godere
JBP53 God God (area) 05/40 [WO]
HCD62 God's bridge (land between two rivers) 06/37 [x]
goda (A) 1. ordinary; 2. kinds of clothes having no coloured
hem; 3. harmed, injured; 4. hornless or having horns bent down;
(O) 1. grassland, plain; 2. wall /in a traditional house/;
3. (Sidamo O) kind of bramble-like climber, Rubus exsuccus;
4. Bohor reedbuck, Redunca redunca; 5. cave;
(Ometo) kind of sub-chief among the Ometo people;
gooda (O) foot, lower end, valley; godaa (O) plain clothes;
godda (O) troops, army
?? Goda 06/36 [En]
Remote village in the Kefa region, where the Nayi language
may survive for some time more.
HCC44 Goda, Gebel (mountain) 0550'/3654' 1391 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
HCH94 Goda (Gofa Gudu) (mountain) 07/36 [WO Gz]
0710'/3605' 2097/2156 m
HDK89 Goda (Godere, Gooda) 0951'/3821' 2557 m, 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
see under Gebre Guracha
HFE62 Goda, see Godra
JCR20 Goda 0727'/4141' 974 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
HDJ26 Goda Abamura 0916'/3710' 2447 m 09/37 [Gz]
HBF82 Goda Banjura 0330'/3931' 1202 m, 03/39 [Gz]
mountain on the border of Kenya
HD... Goda Bitilie 09/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mida Kenge sub-district)
goda b..: burka, burqaa (O) spring, stream;
(A) official in charge of a sub-district
HDF82 Goda Burka, see Godeburka
goda god.: godi (A) having the horns turned /or no horns/;
-- Godi, a lineage of the Borana
?? Goda Godi (area) ../.. [18]
goda gor.: goro (O) wild rose shrub; (A) young elephant;
goro, goorro (O) partition in a house /for calves/,
rear opening inside a hut; gooroo (O) mound
HDJ07 Goda Goro 0907'/3719' 2869 m 09/37 [Gz]
(marsh Goda Goro Regreg to the east)
HCH94 Goda Gudu, see Goda
goda wa..: watiyo, watiio (O) calf, calves
HDK30 Goda Watiyo (Gode W., Uatio) 0924'/3734' 1846 m 09/37 [AA Gz WO]
waterfalls at 2 km to the north-west
(marsh Goda Watiyo Regreg to the south-west)
goda we..: werke (O) kind of tree, Dracaena afromontana;
werkeh (O) a food plant, Ensete ventricosum
HDL52 Goda Werke (G.Werk'e, G. Werqe) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0935'/3840' 1955 m (with church Abo)
?? Godabero (village) ../.. [x]
HDF82 Godaburka, see Godeburka
HCS37 Godachanu (Godacianu) 0732'/3813' 1885 m 07/38 [+ Gz]
HBS41 Godaimisse (well) 0457'/3740' 04/37 [WO Gz]
HDJ75 Godajewe 0942'/3707' 2438 m 09/37 [Gz]
HBL00 Godaloni (area) 03/38 [WO]
godana, godanaa (O) downwards or from a lower place;
Godana, a male name among the Alabdu/Borana
HDS33 Godana Mikael (Godena Michael, Goduna Mikael) 10/37 [Gz Ad]
(Yegodena Mikael) 1015'/3750' 2433 m, south-east of Debre Markos
(centre in 1964 of Awabel wereda & of Godena sub-district)
godane, godaane (O) herdsmen's life, to temporarily leave
a place and take the cattle somewhere else
JDK40 Godane (village) 09/42 [WO Gu]
HEL26 Godar (plain) 12/39 [Gu]
godare, godarre, godari (O), taro root, Colocasia esculenta,
kind of vegetable looking like a small ensete, about 30 cm high
HCN22 Godare (Presbyterian mission) 0727'/3503' 07/35 [Gz]
JBT56 Godare, see Godere
godari (A) godarre (O) cultivated taro, Colocasia antiquorum,
Colocasia esculenta
godat: gudat (A) harm, injury, suffering
JED10 Godat Tolele (mountain) 11/42 [WO]
HCL12 Godayo (Godaio) (area) 06/38 [+ WO]
JDE89 Godd Risale (area) 1221 m 08/44 [WO]
JBT56 Godder, see Godere
JEH52 Goddira (area) 12/40 [WO]

goddo, gooddoo (O) 1. lone, solitary, /baboon/ that leaves the group;
2. dagger; fork; varo (O) wool
HC... Goddo, cf Godo 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in northernmost Maale
HEU23c Goddo Varo (pass) 12/39 [Gu]
gode (A) large rectangular tent made of coarse cotton
JCD58 Gode (Godei, Godi) 0556'/4315' (with post office) 05/43 [MS Po]
JCD75 Gode (Godi) 0606'/4301' 283 m 06/43 [n]
JDK01 Gode 0908'/4236' 1674 m 09/42 [Gz]
JCK15 Gode awraja 0630'/4300' 05/43 [Gz Ad]
(at least in 1964-1980 centre = Gode)
gode b..: bokota (boqota) (O) traveller's resting place
HDL93 Gode Bokota (G. Bok'ota, G. Boqota) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0954'/3842' 1953 m
HDK30 Gode Watiyo, see Goda Watiyo
JCD58? Gode wereda (in the 1990s) 05/43? [n]
godeb ..: hawaryat, (A) apostles
?? Godeb Hawaryat 13/39 [x]
HDT32 Godeb kebele (Godäb ..) 10/38 [Ab]
in southernmost Wegdi wereda along the middle western quarter
of its southern border, 22-29 km south-west of Mahdere Selam;
area 4,314 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEP77 Godebe, see Gedabiet
HER.. Godebe 12/37? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Armachiho sub-district)
KC... Godeber (at the border of Somalia near eastern horn) 07/47 [n]
HBK48 Godebero 0401'/3818' 1590 m 04/38 [Gz]
godeburka: burka, burqaa (O) spring, stream
HDF82 Godeburka (Godaburka, Godeburk'a, Godeburqa) 08/39 [Gz q 18 n]
(Goda Burka, Godoburka, Gwodaburka)
(Gadaburqa) 0855'/3935' 1376 m
HBK48 Godechicho (Godech'ich'o) 0402'/3816' 1660 m 04/38 [Gz]
HEM90 Godefena 12/39 [WO]
godele (godälä) (T) be lacking; godelo (A,T) not full, lacking
JCS56 Godeli (Gedeli) 0745'/4304' 985 m 07/43 [Gu Gz]
HDU52c Godembo (Godambo), cf Gedembo 10/39 [LM x]
HDS33 Godena Mikael, see Godana Mikael
JDK50 Godene 0931'/4230' 2169 m, near map code JDJ59 0942 [Gz]
godere: god (Som) cave, hole in the ground;
dheeree (Som) flow of river, rush, go quickly;
goderreh (Kefa) cultivated taro, Colocasia antiquorum,
Colocasia esculenta
JBT56 Godere (God Dere, Godder, Goddere, Godare) 05/43 [Gz WO Gu Mi]
(with ford) 0504'/4358' 408/416 m
JBT77 Godere 05/44 [MS]
JBT.. Godere Special wereda (-1994-2004-) 05/4. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 29 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
godesa, godeessa (O) 1. not attractive or good-looking /male/;
2. comparatively small horns of cattle
HDD91 Godesa 0903'/3740' 1965 m, near map code HDK01 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL92 Godesa 0957'/3838' 2008 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDS08 Godeso 0958'/3816' 2540 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
godeti, godeettii (O) plain, not attractive /female/
HDE55 Godeti (crater) 0837'/3856' 1831 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE57 Godeti 0838'/3904' 1865 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDE76 Godeti 0849'/3859' 2036 m (with church Gebriel) 08/38 [Gz]
HDK25 Godeti (Godetti) 09/37 [+ WO]
HDT74 Godeti (Godety) 1036'/3849' 2437 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDK74 Godeti 0946'/3756' 1627 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK84 Godeti 09/37 [AA]
HDS60 Godever, see under Dembecha 10/37 [WO]
?? Godey (Godeey), with residents of Dir Somali ../.. [20]
HEK00 Godgwadit 1149'/3731' 1838 m 11/37 [Gz]
godi (A) having the horns turned /or no horns/;
-- Godi, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people
GCM66 Godi (area), cf Gode 06/34 [WO]
JBH74 Godi (area) 0416'/4107' 04/41 [WO Gz]
JCD58 Godi, see Gode & JCD75
HCK90 Godiccio, see Gidicho
godicho (O?) coral tree, Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei,
with ornamental flowers turned upwards
HCS20 Godicho (Godiccio) 0711'/3735' 1315 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
HCD81 Godie (small district south of Chencha) 06/37 [x]
HCD00 Godigea (Gordighea) 0527'/3730' 1196 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
GCM75 Godika (Wonchi) 0700'/3450'c 07/34 [x]
On western slope at some 40 km from the border of Sudan.
HBP27 Godinna, G. (hill), cf Godena 04/36 [WO]
godir a..: godir (Som) large antelope, greater kudu,
Strepsiceros strepsiceros chora; also lesser kudu?
ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JDD57 Godir Aleh 0841'/4309' 1450 m 08/43 [Gz]
HFE62 Godira, see Godra
JDK71 Godire 0943'/4238' 1533 m 09/42 [Gz]
JED03 Godire (area) 870 m 10/42 [WO]
JDD75 Godirrei (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDB09 Godissa 08/41 [Wa]
godo, godoo (O) small hut, kind of sentry box for those
who guard crops; (Som) be bent or crooked
HBU85 Godo 0517'/3946' 1602 m 05/39 [Gz]
HDH87 Godo 2240 m 09/36 [WO]
HDL81 Godo 0951'/3831' 2705 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF20 Godo 1106'/3922' 2453 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDT59 Godo kebele (Gudo ..?) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Jema wereda, adjoining Degolo to its south and
extending northward 4 km from there; area 1,831 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF64 Godo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
northernmost at the western border of Tehuledere wereda,
5-14 km south-east of lake Hayk; area 4,673 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF82 Godoburka, see Godeburka
JED21 Gododlei (area) 11/42 [WO]
HCD35c Godole, east of lake Chamo 05/37 [x]
KDA47 Godorkale (area) 08/45 [WO]
HFE62 Godra (Godira, Goda) 1410'/3842' 2143 m 14/38 [Gz WO]
(with waterhole), at 4.75 km from Aksum, see under that place
HEJ44 Godsha (Godscia), see Aybga
HEK.. Godu (village in the Fogera area) 11/37 [x]
JBR52 Godudo (Godubo) 0458'/4146' 383 m 04/41 [WO Gz]
HDS33 Goduna Mikael, see Godana Mikael
HEJ55 Goel 1216'/3707' 1814 m, cf Gail 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
HBL27 Gof (mountain) 0348'/3902' 1322, 1636 m, 03/39 [WO Gz]
cf El Gof, Goff
JBS59 Gof (Gaff) 0502'/4320' 435 m 05/43 [Gz]
HED99 Gof Gof 1145'/3824' 2994 m 11/38 [Gz]
gofa (O) 1. chat plant, Catha edulis; 2. bad
-- Gofa, Goffa, a sub-division of the main ethnic group Ometo
(West Sidama) numbering about 185,000 of which one third Christian
HBL27 Gofa 0352'/3904' 1109 m, see also El Gof 03/39 [Gz]
HCC75 Gofa 0604'/3705' 1229 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCC80c Gofa (mission station about 3 km from Bulki) 06/37 [x]
HCC91 Gofa (wide area) 0615'/3645' 06/36 [WO Gz]
HCJ36 Gofa 0637'/3709' 1593 m 06/37 [Gz]
JDJ19 Gofa 09/42 [WO]
HCC80 Gofa awraja (in 1959-1964: centre = Bulki) 06/36 [Ad]
HCC83 Gofa awraja (in 1969-1980: centre = Sawla/Felege Neway)
gofa g..: gawla (Konso) piece of wood used as musical instrument
HCJ26 Gofa Gawla (Ciaula) 1254 m 06/37 [LM x WO]
HCC80 Gofa wereda (centre in 1964 = Bulki) 06/36 [Ad]
HCC80 Gofa Zuriya wereda (-1997-) 06/36 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 97 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
gofar (A) mane /of a lion/;
gofare, goofaree (O) long hair style
HCK72 Gofara 0701'/3747' 1895 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
HCK83 Gofara 0705'/3749' 1837 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
gofere (gofäre) (A) Afro-style haircut, warrior headdress
HCS47 Gofere 0741'/3810' 1937 m 07/38 [Gz]
JBS49c Goff, cf Gof 04/43 [Wa]
JDJ99 Goflol (Gofilol) (area) 0951'/4224' 09/42 [WO Gz]
HEM81 Gofoa (south of lake Ashenge) 12/39 [Gu]
HCL76 Gofore (area) 2618 m 07/39 [WO]
?? Gofrer (village in Gemu-Gofa) ../.. [20]
HDR38 Goftima Sebeka (Goft'ima S.) 10/37 [Gz]
(Berben Zimma, Berbeti Zimma)
(with church Mikael) 1020'/3723' 2159 m
goftumma, gooftummaa (O) state of being wealthy
HEM81 Gofwa (Gofoa) 12/39 [+ It]
gog (Som) camel's hide
GCU32 Gog (Gogo) 0734'/3430' 518 m 07/34 [MS Br Gz]
GCU32 Gog & Jor sub-district (-1997-) 07/34 [n]
There is registered the Abobo-Gog National Forest Priority Area.
GCU32 Gog wereda 07/34 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 10 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
goga (O) dry; goga, gogaa (O,Gurage) skin
?? Goga (2 places) (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Goga (on map of 1814, east of southern lake Tana) 11/37 [18]
goga a..: seku, seequu (O) burn slowly without flame
?? Goga Afeta Seku (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Goga Defo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
goga m..: moga, mooga (O) 1. many; 2. awkward, clumsy
?? Goga Moga (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]

goga t..: suus (Som) grain-eating insect

?? Goga Tebo Suse (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
goga w.: wabe, wabee (O) stingless bee; kore, qoree (O) thorn;
kore (O) 1. one's turn /at grazing cattle/; 2. committee
?? Goga Wabe Kore (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Gogatta (historically recorded place of the 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
HCP27 Gogeb 07/36 [WO]
?? Gogele (Gogälä) (historically recorded area) ../.. [x]
HDS11 Gogem Iyesus (church) 1006'/3738' 10/37 [Gz]
HDE00 Gogetti (Gogeti, Goggetti, Adele Umuru) 08/38 [+ Gu WO]
0811'/3835' 1873/1942 m,
see also Adele Umuru, cf HDE01 Gwogetti
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5NW church (Jugar Bale Welde?) c. 2000 m
8N Balesgher (church) 2814 m
7NE Nurenna (village)
9NE Nurenna (area)
HDE90 Gogetti (Gogeti, Gojetti) 0901'/3827' 2180 m, 09/38 [+ AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
JDK73 Gogeyti 0943'/4249' 1910 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEJ44 Goggia, see Aybga
HDM71 Goggia, see Gojja
JDK50 Goggiar, see Giri Kocher 09/42 [WO]
goggoga, goggogaa (O) dry
HBR79 Goggoga (Gogoga) 0511'/3725' 898 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCL71 Gogi 0658'/3834' 1961 m 06/38 [Gz]
HEJ44 Gogia, see Aybga
JCN34 Gogiabe (mountain), see Gojabe
HDL36 Gogile 0919'/3858' 2799 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gogo (O) tobacco leaves
GCU32 Gogo, see Gog
HCC44 Gogo 0552'/3658' 1043 m 05/36 [Gz]
HCD91 Gogo 0619'/3739' 2358 m, 06/37 [WO Gz]
see under Chencha
JDB93 Gogo, G. (area) 2438 m 08/41 [WO]
JD... Gogoba (mountain range) ../42 [Gu]
HBR79 Gogoga, see Goggoga
Gogola, a male personal name among the Mecha Oromo
HDK15 Gogola 0911'/3802' 2810 m, see under Ilfeta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL52 Gogola 0935'/3840' 1955 m 09/38 [Gz]
HEU03 Gogolo 1241'/3941' 1570 m 12/39 [Gz]
gogon: goggon (Som) remainder of liquid at the bottom
of a container
HET88 Gogon 1325'/3912' 1903 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HCK.. Gogora 06/38 [x]
JEC02 Gogorrei (area) 10/41 [WO]
gogorri, gogorrii, gogurri (O) partridge, francolin bird,
Francolinus erckeli, etc
JBP29c Gogoru (at Ganale Doria) 04/41 [Wa]
JBR11 Gogoru 0438'/4144' 241 m 04/41 [Gz]
HEE27 Gogose kebele (Gogosä ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mekdela wereda stretching along its western border
almost to its southernmost tip, 9-18 km south-southwest of Masha;
area 3,580 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Gogot, a sub-group of the Gurage, see Dobbi
-- Gogot language (Däga-Dobbi, Dobbi Gogot)
GDL99 Gogot (Jebel G., Golgot) (hill) 0955'/3415' 595 m, 09/34 [WO Gz]
on the border of Sudan
HD... Gogot, north of Silte, place with ancient remains 08/38 [x]
JDS13 Gogti (Gokti, Gocti) (with small fort) 10/42 [Gz Ad x WO]
1004'/4251' 1301, 1605 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
gogu (Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Combretum volkensii;
goguu (O) to be dry, to dry out
HCN13 Gogu 0723'/3504' 809 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
JDS32c Gogu 10/42 [x]
JDE77 Gogul Madoneh 0850'/4406' 1284 m 08/49 [Gz]
-- Gogwama language, see Kwama
goh (A) dawn, daybreak;
goeha (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata,
growing near water
GDU42 Goha 1022'/3435' 1314, 1640 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
HED81 Goha 1140'/3738' 2154 m 11/37 [Gz]
JDD50 Goha (area and well) 08/42 [WO]
JDD51 Goha 0835'/4236' 1014 m 08/42 [WO n]
Coordinates would give map code JDD41
HEF65 Goha kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Were Babo wereda, 8-15 km
north-east of lake Hayk; area 2,523 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS08 Goha Tsiyon (G. Tsion, Gohazion Mariam, Quozien) 10/38 [MS Gu]
(Gohation, Gohatsyon, Quoziem Mariam, Goharsiyon) 10/38 [Po n]
MS: 0958'/3815'; Gz: 1001'/3815' 2518 m
(with sub-post office, centre in 1964 of Were Jarso wereda)
With church Maryam (Guai Mariam, Gua M.) to the south
JDR60c Gohad 10/41 [MS]
HC... Gohe (in Gofa awraja) 06/36? [Ad]
JDJ05 Gohey 0907'/4207' 1841 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEJ55 Gohil (Goel, Gohel, Gail) 12/37 [Gz]
1216'/3706' 1816 m, or ..07' 1814 m
in the north-west corner of lake Tana
JCS99 Gohodeh, see Goodi
JEH65 Gohoi (plain) 12/41 [Ne]
JBS66 Gohule 0509'/4305' 505/620 m 05/43 [WO Gz]
JE... Gohum 11/41 [18]
HEC95c Gohunta Amba (area) 11/37 [Ch]
JD..? Goia (Ghoia, Ghoja) 08/40 [n]
JDR06 Goiale 0958'/4213' 880 m 09/42 [Gz]
GCM66 Goica, see Goyka
HCK.. Goida, at about 10 km from Yirga Alem 06/38 [x]
goida b..: beru (Gimir) 1. kind of shrub, Prunus sp.;
(another language?) 2. timber tree, Pygeum sp.
HBL.. Goida Beru (locality in the Mega region) 03/38? [x]
GCM66 Goika (Goica) 0654'/3456' 989 m 06/34 [+ Gz]
HF... Goila (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/39 [Ad]
GDU01 Goindu, see Govindu
HDA77 Goir, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
HCB15c Goit, settlement area of part of the Baka group 05/36 [x]
JDD96 Goiu Ada, see Durwale
goja: gojo (A,T) hut
HEJ34 Goja (Goggia, Godja) (village) 1210'/3701' 1828 m 12/37 [Ch Gu WO x]
Coordinates would give map code HEJ44
JCJ46 Goja (Giogo) (hills) 0643'/4213' 990 m 06/42 [WO Gz]
JCN92 Goja (Ghoja, Ghoia) 0808'/4001' 2009 m 08/40 [+ n]
JCN34 Gojabe (Gogiabe, Gugiabe) (mountain) 07/40 [+ WO Gz]
0730'/4005' 1864 m
?? Gojakito, in the south ../.. [x]
HEF36 Gojam Mesgid (mosque) 1111'/3954' 11/39 [Gz]
HDU95 Goje Wiha kebele (Gojä Weha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the south in Antsokiya & Gemza wereda at its north-eastern
border, 5-10 km north of Majete; area 1,301 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Gojeb (Godjeb) (area) 07/36 [+ 18 En]
river at 0716'/3731'
Historical northern border of the Kefa kingdom.
At 2 km from a ford there are hot springs.
?? Gojeb (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDU75 Gojer .., see Gojir ..
H.... Gojima sub-district (centre in 1964 = Deldak) 08/37 [Ad]
HDU75 Gojir & Meskel Debir kebele 10/39 [Ad]
(Gojer & Mäskäl Däber ..)
in north-east Gishe Rabel wereda at its eastern border,
22-28 km east-northeast of Were Ilu; area 2,463 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCS12 Gojiya (Gojia) (hills) 07/42 [+ WO]
HBM71 Gojja (Goggia) 04/39 [+ WO]
JDK50 Gojjiar, see Kocher
gojo, gojjo (A,T) grass hut; bird's nest, cage
HDK26 Gojo, see Jeldu Gojo
HDM.? Gojo (with church Kidane Mihret) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HCJ83 Goka (Goca) 07/36 [+ WO]
HBR81 Goke (Gocche) (wide area) 05/36 [+ WO]
JDS13 Gokti, see Gogti
gol (Som) 1. tamarisk, Tamarix aphylla, shrub or medium tree
growing near rivers and standing out by being more blueish
green than other vegetation
H.... Gol 10/39 [18]
HDT98 Gol 1049'/3913' 2801 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEE09 Gol 1055'/3918' 3224 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEL09 Gol, see Yedej
JBJ65 Gol (hill) 04/42 [WO]
gol ad..: addo (O) 1. potters, class of potters;
2. (A) killer of an elephant;
addo, eddo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
JDE30 Gol Addo (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDD59 Gol Anot (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDE13 Gol Euli (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDE55 Gol Madohe 0839'/4350' (area) 08/43 [WO Gz]
JDJ88 Gol Madohe (area) 09/42 [WO]
JCK51 Gol Nabadin (mountain range) 06/42 [WO]
gola (O) room, kitchen; partition wall inside a traditional
house, stable; cave; gola, golha (A,T) kind of shrub
or small tree, Salix subserrata, growing near water;
Gola, also a personal name?
HCP09 Gola, see Golla
HCU87 Gola (Hokecho, Hochecio, Ocheccio) 08/39 [Gz 18 WO]
0802'/3959' 1523, 2010 m
HDK27 Gola 0918'/3811' 2510 m (with church Maryam) 09/38 [AA Gz]
JD... Gola, in Gojjam 09/41? [En]
In the 1920s governed by Bitwedded Mengesha Jembere.
JDB95 Gola (Golia) 2403 m 09/41 [LM WO]
JDC50 Gola 0842'/4139' 1305 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDD60 Gola (Gola Achu?) (area) 08/42 [WO]
JDG38 Gola, G. (area) 1213 m 09/40 [WO]
JDJ21 Gola 0919'/4143' 2807 m 09/41 [WO Gu Gz]
JDJ32 Gola 0924'/4149' 1958 m (with church Abo) 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ65 Gola 09/42 [WO]
H.... Gola (centre in 1964 of Dofer sub-district) 10/38? [Ad]
HF... Gola (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/39? [Ad]
gola a..: ardi (O) earth, world
HDR02 Gola Ardi 09/36 [WO]
gola g..: garbo (Som) 1. steep bank at stream;
2. shoulders; 3. name of a star constellation
JDC54 Gola Garbo (area) 08/42 [WO]
HDM32 Gola kebele 09/39 [Ad]
Somewhat to the west in souith Angolela &
Tera Asagrit wereda; area 1,500 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE49 Gola kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tenta wereda stretching almost to its eastern border,
10-13 km south-southeast of Tenta settlement; area 1,955 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM02 Gola Mechare kebele (.. Mächaré ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda, 2-4 km westward
from Weldiya and stretching north-south as a strip;
area 1,468 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Gola Oda, see Golo Oda?
HD... Gola sub-district (centre in 1964 = Irefu) 09/39 [Ad]
J.... Gola Water sub-district (centre in 1964 = Water) 08/41 [Ad]
HFF71 Golaa (Gola'a), see Golia
JDD07 Goladerti (area) 08/43 [WO]
HFE81 Golagol (Adi G., Adi Golagul, A. Guolagul) 14/38 [Gz WO]
1418'/3833' 1351, 1549, 1836 m
HEU50 Golagul, see Belat
HDG18 Golaisso, see Guliso
HEM72 Golajo 1226'/3935' 1471 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDM80 Golale & Ketemaw kebele (Golalé & Kätämaw ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally far to the east in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
8-12 km east-northeast of Deneba; area 1,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCT.. Golana Shemato, in Dalocha wereda 07/38 [n]
HFF71 Golao, see Golia
golas (Som) small antelope with the size of a hare, Nanotragos sp.
JDD71 Golaski (Golaschi), see Gelalcha
HFF71 Golaw (Golao) 2409 m, see under Adigrat 14/39 [+ Gu]
HDN79c Golay (Golai) (village with some coffee plantations) 10/35 [+ Gu]
JBN19 Golb 0437'/4037' 573 m, cf El Golbo 04/40 [Gz]
HBR39 Golba, see Kolba
HDL89 Golba Mikael (church) 0948'/3918' 09/39 [Gz]
HCT95 Golbe 0803'/3857' 1655 m 08/38 [Gz]
?? Golbio (seasonal waterhole near Kenya border) ../.. [Gu]
golbo, golboo (O) curved; bowl-shaped
HEF.. Golbo (Golvo), village and small lake 11/39 [+ 18]
JCN89 Golbo 0802'/4039' 1538 m 08/40 [Gz]
HEF62 Golbo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Ambasel wereda at its eastern border,
7-11 km south of Wichale; area 1,615 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF41 Golboda 0831'/3927' 1592 m 08/39 [Gz]
JDD88 Golcailo, see Golkaylo
-- Golda (Tishena), sub-division of Sudanic people
in Ethiopia
HCH52 Golda, see Bachuma
HCB15c Goldea, settlement area of part of the Baka group 05/36 [x]
JCL83 Golder 0708'/4340' 913 m 07/43 [WO Wa Gz]
HCH.. Goldia Bacuma, see Bachuma
HCA88 Goldiya, cf Maji & Goldiya awraja
HC... Goldiya (Golda), midway between Bonga and Maji 06/35 [En]
HCP51 Goldiya (Goldya) 0646'/3548' 1831 m 06/35 [+ Gz]
HC... Goldiya Bakuma (Goldia Bacuma) 06/35 [+ Ad]
HCH52 Goldiya wereda (centre in 1964 = Bachuma) 06/35 [Ad]
HCH.. Goldo, in northern Dime-inhabited area 06/36 [x]
HCS39 Goldu, see Goljo
HCP51 Goldya 0646'/3548' 1831 m 06/35 [Gz]
gole, golee (O) corner of room; goolee (O) clever, smart
?? Gole Mekida sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
gole sek..: saqacha (O) retail, opposite of wholesale
HD... Gole Sekecha (in Buno Bedela awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
GCM46 Golecoi, see Erbu
HEE07 Golehito (Golehit'o) 1053'/3904' 3619 m 10/39 [Gz]
golei w..: waga (O) column /supporting a building/;
waga (A,T) price, value, cost, reward
JCE51 Golei Waga (G. Uaga) 0557'/4330' 281 m 05/43 [Gz]
H.... Golejersa (centre in 1964 of Hadere sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
in Ambasel awraja
JDH23 Golekeha (Golek'eha, Goleqeha) 09/41 [Gz q]
0915'/4100' 1905 m
HDM51 Golela wereda (centre in 1964 = Chacha) 09/39 [Ad]
JCN09 Golelcha wereda, see Gololcha wereda
HCC19 Golele 0535'/3725' 1383 m 05/37 [Gz]
HDL98 Golele (Embertera) 0953'/3913' 2620/2656 m 09/39 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDL97
HDM60 Golele 0939'/3921' 2801 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDT88 Golelencha (Golelench'a) 1042'/3912' 2685 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU91 Golelencha (Golelench'a) 1047'/3926' 2707 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDC45 Golelola (Gobeli, Gobelli) (area) 08/42 [Gz WO]
0835'/4206' 1112/1174 m
HEM53 Golelsha kebele (Golälsha ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central northern Kobo wereda, 8-10 km
north of Kobbo town; area 1,509 hectares.
HEU14 Golesha 1251'/3943' 1735 m 12/39 [Gz]

goley w..: waga (O) column /supporting a building/

JCE51 Goley Waga (Golei Uaga) 258/281 m 05/43 [+ WO]
golga (O) kind of bed curtain made of strips of skin;
golge, golgee (O) enclosed traditional verandah;
partitioned part of a room
HDS08 Golgi 10/38 [WO]
HCS39 Golgio, see Goljo
HER74 Golgoda (mountain) 1319'/3701' 1071 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
golgol (T) field, plain
HFE78 Golgol (Enda G.) 1414'/3912' 2329, 2720 m 14/39 [Gu Gz]
JBR02 Golgol (seasonal well) 0435'/4150' 04/41 [WO Gz]
HEL62 Golgola 1220'/3841' 1783 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
golgola-u (O) become evening, turn to dusk
HEM92c Golgolo (plain) 12/39 [Gu]
HFE46 Golgolo 1358'/3901' 1925 m 13/39 [Gz]
GDL99 Golgot, see Gogot
HCP54 Golgotha, see Gorgota
HEF64 Goli kebele 11/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly south-north in western Were Babo wereda to its
northern border, distant 10-14 km from lake Hayk; area 1,318 hectares.
HFF71 Golia (Goli'a, Golaa, Golao, Guala) 14/39 [WO Gu 18 Gz]
1417'/3929' 2409 m, see under Adigrat, see also Guala
(with old Catholic mission)
H.... Golie (centre in 1964 of Menjigso sub-district) 08/39 [Ad]
HES85 Golima 1326'/3758' 1152 m, see under Adi Arkay, 13/37 [WO Gz]
cf Weglima
JEG98 Golima, see Gulima
HBP28 Golinna (hill) 04/36 [WO]
HDG18 Golisso (Gollisa), see Guliso
HCS06 Golito, see Kulito
JDB95 Goliya Medhane Alem (church) 0901'/4109' 09/41 [Gz]
golja, goljaa (O) warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus aeliani
HC... Golja (visiting postman under Nazret) 07/38? [Po Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCT66 Golja 0751'/3901' 2148 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCT86 Golja, see Ogolcho
HDS19 Golje Giyorgis (church) 1003'/3820', 10/38 [Gz]
east of the Abay bridge
JDK65 Goljini 0941'/4259' 1821 m 09/42 [Gz]
HCS39 Goljo (Golgio, Goldu) (mountain) 07/38 [+ WO Gz]
0732'/3821' 1853 m
HC... Goljota (town, in the Munesa region) 07/38 [x]
JDD76 Golka (Golca) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDD88 Golkaylo (Golcailo) (area) 1556 m 08/43 [+ WO]
golla (O) pelt of cattle; (Guji) front space in a house
HCP09 Golla (Gola) 0715'/3633' 2788 m 07/36 [Gz LM]
-- Gollango (ethnic group west of Gidole), see Dullay
HDG18 Golliso (Golisso), see Guliso
gollo (O?) community within which people help each other
HC... Gollo 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in eastern Maale
HDT59 Gollo, see Degolo
HDJ67 Gollubi, T. (hill) 2479 m 09/37 [WO]
golma, golmaa (O) nape, fold of skin between the hump and
the neck /of an ox/
HCK.. Golma (island), see Alge
HES76 Golma (area) 13/38 [WO]
JDD36 Golmer (area) 08/43 [WO]
HCR86 Golo 0802'/3710' 2139 m, cf Gollo 08/37 [Gz]
golo g..: golja, goljaa (O) warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus aeliani
HDF71 Golo Golja kebele 08/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the south in central Minjar & Shenkora
wereda, 9-13 km south-east of Balchi; area 1,839 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF90 Golo Mekeda, see Gula Mekeda
golo o..: oda, odaa (O) 1. large wild fig tree, Ficus sycomorus
or Cordia africana; odaa (O) sanctified place of assembly;
ooda (O) threshing floor; oodaa (O) small quantity
JDB69 Golo Oda (Uareris, Uarreris) 0846'/4134' 1529 m 08/41 [Gz]
(Gola O.?), in eastern Hararge
JDB69c Golo Oda & Meyumuluke wereda 18/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 12 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
goloba (A) a deadly disease of animals
HBS74 Golobe (mountain) 05/37 [WO]
JDK61 Golocha (Golocia), see Gololcha
gololcha (O) kind of thorn tree, Acacia sp.; also Ficus sp.?
HCD27 Gololcha (Gololcia) 0501'/3811' 05/38 [Gz WO]
(river valley, road bridge), see under Agere Maryam
HDL54 Gololcha 0932'/3852' 2657 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCN09 Gololcha (Gololcia) (area) 07/40 [Gz WO]
0722'/4045' and 0723'/4028'
JDA03 Gololcha (Gelolcha, Gololcia, Jarre-Gololcha) 08/40 [Gz WO Gu]
MS: 0811'/3955'; Gz: 0811'/4004' 1615/1670 m
(ctr in 1964 of Gololcha wereda & Gololcha sub-district)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SE Meto (Gara Mèto) (area) 2025 m
10SE Shek Adare (Scek Adare) (area) 2515/2550 m
7S church /name?/
5SW peak 2940 m
4NE Sire (Gara Sirè) (area) 1639 m
JDJ51 Gololcha 0933'/4146' 1267 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDK61 Gololcha (Gololcia, Golocia, Golocha) 09/42 [Gz WO]
(with church?/mosque?) 0937'/4236' 1615, 1889 m
KCJ90 Gololcha 0710'/4636' 07/46 [MS]
JDA09 Gololcha sub-district/?/ (-1997-) ../.. [n]
JCH.? Gololcha wereda (Gaser & Gololcha ..), near Ginir 07/40? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 68 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JCN09 Gololcha wereda (Golelcha ..) 07/40 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jara/Jerra), north-west of Ginir
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
JDA03 Gololcha wereda (centre in 1964 = Gololcha) 08/40 [Ad 20]
HBK67 Gololcho (area) 04/38 [WO]
golole, gololi (O) kind of thorn tree, Acacia sp.;
gololle (O) horns being bent downwards
under the neck of an animal
HBR88 Golole 05/37 [WO]
HDK89 Golole 0951'/3822' 2588 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDK98 Golole 0956'/3816' 2537 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDL10 Golole 0910'/3827' 2734 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL21 Golole 0919'/3832' 2729 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
6 km SW of one in HDL32
HDL32 Golole 0923'/3837' 2543 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
6 km NE of one in HDL21 or 31
HDL40 Golole 0927'/3825' 2019 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL63 Golole 0938'/3847' 2637 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL72 Golole 0942'/3839' 2828 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL92 Golole 0954'/3839' 1936 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL12 Golole Sengota 0911'/3838' 2738 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDB04 Gololoia (=Gololcia?) (area) 1670 m 08/41 [WO]
HC... Golongo, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
golongol (Som) 1. work hard, struggle to make a living;
2. overworked person
JCT73 Golongol 0753'/4341' 907 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HFD30 Golonko (Golonco) 1351'/3731' 940 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HFD20
JDK63 Golorot 0941'/4248' 1956 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK31 Golosawe 0922'/4236' 1544 m 09/42 [Gz]
golta (O) gristly, leathery /meat/
HEE28c Golta (recorded in 1841) 11/39 [Ha]
HDU73 Golta kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Gishe Rabel wereda,
5-10 km north-east of Were Ilu; area 2,726 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCD34 Goltuga 05/43 [WO]
JDC20 Golufa, see Gulufa
HCS06 Goluta (Goluto), see Kolito
HEE29 Gom 1104'/3919' 2553 m 11/39 [Gz]
gom h..: halo (O) kind of acacia, Acacia bussei;
haaloo (O) grudge, rancour
HFK14 Gom Halo, see Gomahalo
goma (A) hornless
-- Goma language, see Kwama
HBL01 Goma, see Gomo
HC... Goma (historical), see Gomma
HCC64 Goma 0601'/3701' 1045 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDA89 Goma 08/35 [WO]
HDC32 Goma, see Koma
HEC79c Goma (with church Goma Giyorgis) 11/37 [Gu]
HCR60 Goma wereda (Gomma ..) 07/36 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 93 rural and 13 urban kebeles.
HFK14 Gomahalo (Gom Halo) (area) 1433'/3747' 1073 m 14/37 [Gz WO]
HCD22 Gomaide (with mission station) 05/37 [x]
JEB67 Gomaitu (Goma'itu) 1126'/4121' 397 m 11/41 [Gz]
JEC80 Gomali 1139'/4132' 353 m 11/41 [Gz]
HDS02c Gomar 10/37 [n]
in Gojjam opposite Gudru about 20 km north of the Abay river.
HCR76 Gomari (Gumari) 0753'/3710' 2459 m 07/37 [Gz]
--. Gomaro people, see Gumer
?? Gomaro (area north of Silte)
JDD03 Gomarta Garea (area) 08/42 [WO]
G.... Gomasha, cf Gemasha, Gomosha 10/34 [18]
-- Gomba, ethnic group living east of Omo river at about HBP96
HDG74c Gomba 09/35 [LM]
JDP77 Gombael (area) 10/41 [WO]
HED80 Gombar Mikael (church) 1139'/3731' 11/37 [Gz]
HDG93 Gombi 0953'/3507' 1546 m 09/35 [Gz]
-- Gombicho, Gombichu, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe;
gombisa (O) granary outside /with a thatched roof/;
(A, from O) horse race
HEF..? Gombisa 11/39 [x]
JCG35 Gombissa (Gombisa) (area) 06/40 [WO x]
gombisso (A) 1. trap for partridges or francolins;
2. game in which mounted men throw staves at each other
HBL03 Gombisso (Gombiso) (area) 03/38 [+ WO]
JBH37 Gombisso 03/41 [WO]
gombo (O) small jar vessel for water and beverages;
(Welega Bega) lion
-- Gombo language, see Gumuz
HDA74 Gombo (Camu, Ciami) 0850'/3510' 1520 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDG28 Gombo 0915'/3532' 1632 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ26 Gombo, see Gembo
HDJ81 Gombo, cf Tulu Gombo 09/36 [WO]
HDR86 Gombo, see under Bure 10/37 [WO]
?? Gombo (mountain south of Dalol) 14/.. [Mi]
HDG29 Gombo Ebicha, see HDG28 Gombo above
HDE72 Gombobdu (village) 08/38 [x]
HDJ71 Gomboch (Gomboch') (mountain) 09/36 [Gz]
0945'/3643' 1695 m
HDK89 Gombolo 0950'/3821' 2590 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HER58 Gombolo (Amba G.) 1311'/3722' 1467 m 13/37 [Gz]
gombor, gombiro (eastern O) kinds of scrambling or climbing
shrub, Capparis fascicularis, C. rothii, C. tomentosa
JDE51 Gombor (area) 0834'/4324' 1247 m 08/43 [WO Gz]
JDD38 Gombor Tuleh 0827'/4320' 1206 m 08/43 [Wa Gz]
JDD47 Gombor Wadel (G. Uadel) 0832'/4314' 1312 m 08/43 [+ Gz]
gombore, gomboree (O) greyish soil;
gombore meret (A) meagre, light, stony ground which is
difficult to plough;
HDE62 Gombore, see under Melka Kunture
(archaeological site), cf Gembore
HDL63 Gombore 0936'/3844' 2518 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDE40 Gombore Burta, see Kombor Chaf
?? Gombotta ../.. [x]
A ridge before descending to the Didessa river.
gomburi (O) tufa, yellow easily broken rock or soil
HDL51 Gome 0932'/3835' 1900 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gomen (A) cabbage
HDJ84 Gomen 0949'/3700' 2299 m 09/37 [Gz]
gomen ager (A) cabbage land
HDM.? Gomen Ager (with church Aba Nob), 09/39? [x]
in Sendafa area
HDU21 Gomen Amba 1012'/3925' 2666 m 10/39 [Gz]
gomenge (A) land of cabbage?
HEE98 Gomenge 1144'/3910' 3234 m, cf Denkez, 11/39 [Gz 20]
town in Alefa wereda
HDM01 Gomensa kebele (Goménsa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Berehet wereda, 19-24 km
north of Gina Ager; area 2,303 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Gomer language, see Gumer
HCS.. Gomesh, in Enemor & Ener wereda 07/37? [20]
HEF73 Gomfo 1134'/3937' 2250 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCK.. Gomisa, place at some distance from Durame 07/38 [20]
?? Gomit, river running through a ravine towards Abay ../.. [Ch 20]
HCB96 Gomiz 0615'/3620' 1463 m 06/36 [Gz]
gomma (A,O) rubber, rubber tyre [loan word from Italian]
HC... Gomma (historical small kingdom) 07/36 [x]
south of Didessa river, cf Agaro
Gomma was incorporated into imperial Ethiopia in 1886.
HCR50 Gomma, see Kotta
HDB62 Gomma, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
H.... Gomma (centre in 1964 of Ahiyo sub-district) 10/38 [Ad]
HCR60 Gomma wereda (centre in 1964 = Agaro), 07/36 [Ad]
see also Goma wereda
HEK.. Gomnage, see Denkez
Gomo, name of a former Oromo kingdom, conquered in 1886
gomo 1. (eastern O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Rhus abyssinica, Rhus vulgaris; 2. (O) trap, snare,
ambush; 3. gomoo, small pick of wood /for weeding/;
(Kefa) large trap e.g. for leopard;
HBL01 Gomo (Goma) (area) 0339'/3833' 1287 m 03/38 [WO Gz]
HDH17c Gomo (Tulu Gomo) about 20 km west of Nekemte 09/36 [x]
JCR12 Gomo 0724'/4148' 809 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
gomole: Abba Gomol, 1. a king of Limmu-Ennarya;
2. a king of Jimma; gommola, gommoolaa (O) stooping /man/
HBS19 Gomole 0445'/3822' 1685 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
HBT70 Gomole (area) 05/38 [WO]
HEU.. Gomolo (mountain), see also under Amba Alage 13/39 [It]
HDL78 Gomoro kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda towards the
south at its border where it bends from southern to western,
13-15 km south-west of Deneba; area 1,310 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL78 Gomoro & Sabo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda towards the south
where a southern "bulge" starts and stretching almost to its western
border, 11-15 km south-west of Deneba; area 1,143 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gomosha, gomoshaa, gumesha (Som) kind of shrub, Grewia
villosa; its round leaves have raised veins on the underside,
its flowers are yellow and its fruit is delicious;
-- Gamosha, name of an ethnic group
GDU41 Gomosha (Gomoscia, Gamoscia) (area) 1390 m 10/34 [+ WO Gu]
JEG68 Gomoyta (mountain chain) 1218'/4032' 813 m 12/40 [Gz]
HDD18 Gomra 0820'/3816' 2720 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK04 Gomsa 0907'/3752' 2103 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
gomta, goomtaa, gomtu, gomtuu (O) forms of greeting
HEJ07 Gomti (small village) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
gomu, gommu (O) grieve, be sad, be depressed;
goomu (O) recover from illness
JCR12 Gomu (Gomo) 07/41 [MS WO]
gon, gonn (A) side, flank /of body/; goma (A) hornless /animal/
HFK34 Gon Goma, see Gongoma
gona (Afar) "outside bend" /of the Awash river/;
-- Gona, one of the two main branches (moiety) of the Borana people
?? Gona (valley with archaeological sites) ../.. [20]
HEL58 Gona 1214'/3914' 3286 m 12/39 [Gz]
gona gona (O?) ensete
HET69 Gonaydairo (Gonayda'iro) 1316'/3917' 2251 m 13/39 [Gz]
?? Gonber Finchaa (Gonber Finchewa) ../.. [+ Po]
(visiting postman under Nazret)
HDJ23 Gonbo 0915'/3652' 1851 m 09/36 [Gz]
?? Goncha, gorge with monastery in the neighbourhood ../.. [20]
HED.? Goncha Siso & Enese wereda 11/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 68 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
?? Gonchere (Gonchery), with postal service ../.. [20]
?? Goncho (Gincio, Gonchu) 09/39 [Ha It x]
rock with state prison in the 1800s, near Angolala
HEK71 Gond 1227'/3741' 2345 m 12/37 [Gz]
gonda, goonda (O) black ant; liba (A) north-east; very hot wind
HES.. Gonda, see under Mereba
KDA13 Gonda Libah (Gondolibah) 0819'/4505' 868 m 08/45 [WO Gz]
(seasonal waterhole)
HEJ99 Gondar (Gonder, Gwender, Gwonder) 12/37 [Ro Ha Gu Gz]
Gz: 1236'/3728' = HEJ99, 2133 m
MS: 1230'/3720' = HEJ88, 2210/2270 m
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Gondar awraja,
also of Gondar wereda & Gondar sub-district
(Gonder Zuriya wereda & Gonder Zuriya sub-district).
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2E Inda Abba Yohannes (church)
4E Daflecha (area)
4SE Sima Kefu (village)
4SE Meldiba (Abba Maldiba) (village)
1S Addis Alem (village)
7SW Azezo (see this name directly)
2W Chinchilla (Cincilla) (village) 2165 m
5W Bilajig (Bilagich Mikael) (village) 2165 m
6W Musua (village)
2NW Kaa Iyesus (Caa Iesus) (church)
3NW Abba Antonios (village)
7NW Amba Tabara (area)
9NW Tarat (mountain) 2155/2843 m
2?N Tigre Mekeha (mountain, visited for the view)
6N Weleka (see this name directly)
8N Gai (area)
6NE Deva
9NE Sana (mountain with saddle)
9NE Sena (village)
?? Awura (village)
HER54 Gondar awraja (Gonder ..) 1310'/3700' 13/37 [+ Gz]
HER54c Gondar Zuriya .., see Gonder Zuriya ..
HBR42 Gondaraba (Condaraba) 0458'/3649' 581 m, 04/36 [+ WO Gz]
see also Kondaraba
HES13 Gondarabo (area) 2700 m 12/37 [WO]
HEL36 Gondat (Gundat, Gundet) 12/39 [WO Gz Gu 18]
1204'/3900' 2070, 2309 m
HCT88 Gonde (Gondie, Gondi) (centre) 08/39 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
0802'/3911' 2160, 2296 m
HDJ14 Gonde 0909'/3700' 1821 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDT03 Gonde 1002'/3847' 1672 m 10/38 [Gz]
HCT.. Gonde Shorima 07/39 [x]
built during villagization in 1975 at foothills of Chilalo mountains
JDH17 Gondela (mountain) 0913'/4119' 2950 m 09/41 [Gz]
HEU93 Gondele 1332'/3942' 2476 m (with church Maryam) 13/39 [Gz]
HEE77 Gonder (Gwender) 1130'/3909' 2301 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEJ99 Gonder, see Gondar, cf Gwender
HER54 Gonder awraja, see Gondar awraja
HEJ99 Gonder Zuriya wereda (-1997-) 12/37 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 66 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
Gondere, a personal name?
HCC71 Gondere 0605'/3647' 2608 m 06/36 [Gz]
HEJ99 Gonderoch 1237'/3726' 2226 m 12/37 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), a little north of Gondar town?
gondi (T) blow, chock
HCT88 Gondi, see Gonde
HDJ94 Gondo 0952'/3700' 2287 m 09/37 [Gz]
KDA13 Gondolibah, see Gonda Libah
?? Gondom 2408 m, east of Gelila [Michelin 2007] ../.. [20]
HEH65 Gondona 1220'/3609' 1093 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
HDH99 Gondor (mountain) 0953'/3633' 2135, 2408 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
gonfa (O) ornament of a married woman;
Gonfa, a personal name
HDK53 Gonfi 0932'/3750' 2026 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
gonfi a..: abeyi (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Maesa lanceolata
HDK54 Gonfi Abeyi 0934'/3753' 1966 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Kachisi
gonfi k..: kedida (O) kind of tree, Olinia rochetiana
HDK54 Gonfi Kedida (G. K'edida, G. Qedida) 09/37 [Gz q]
0933'/3753' 1892 m
gonfo, gonfoo (O) conical Oromo hairstyle; kind of hat;
gonfu (O) to decorate, to adorn
HDD38 Gong 0827'/3818' 2616 m 08/38 [Gz]
gonga (Wellega Bega) kind of quick-growing shrub;
(O) 1. boat of tree trunk; 2. kind of heavy box;
-- Gonga, name of an ethnic group
HDS23 Gonga 1014'/3748' 2350 m 10/37 [Gz]
gonga b..: baynu (baa aynu) (Som) we
HBR40 Gonga Bainu 0457'/3641' 1360 m 04/36 [WO Gz]
?? Gongar (hill close to the Abay) ../.. [Ch]
HEB19 Gongi (Gonghi) 10/36 [WO It]
HEC10 Gongi (Gonghi) (mountain) 1058'/3638' 1882 m 10/36 [Ch WO Gz It]
-- Gongo, name of a Shinasha clan /also other meanings/
HDB97 Gongo, see Gonjo
HDL30 Gongo 0919'/3825' 2787 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCJ16 Gongo, see under Imi 06/42 [WO]
HCC.. Gongode 05/36 [n]
a lowland area in the southern part of Maale
HFK34 Gongoma (Gon Goma) 1446'/3755' 1239 m 14/37 [WO Gz LM]

goni..: gooni (Som) separateness, alone

JCN85 Goni 0802'/4018' 1488 m 08/40 [Gz]
goni t..: tika (O) tending of animals
JBJ43 Goni Tika (area) 04/41 [WO]
?? Gonj (ancient monastery in Gojjam), cf Genj ../.. [x]
HED31 Gonj 1113'/3740' 2140 m 11/37 [Gz]
HED.? Gonj Tewodros /Debre Tibab/, cf Genj 11/37? [En WO]
ancient monastery i Gojjam, with an important school of qene
gonji (Kefa) kinds of tree, Milicia excelsa, Morus lactea,
M. mesozygia; the two last-mentioned are forest trees
which give good wood for joinery
HDH07 Gonjo (Gongo) (area) 0902'/3623' 1840 m 09/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDB97 a little to the south
?? Gonka (Gonqa), see Ganka
-- Gonna, one of the two main branches of the Borana people
JDC96 Gonna 0905'/4208' 1750/1778 m 09/42 [Gu Gz]
gonne (Kefa) female slave
HED75 Gono Gebriel ca. 1130'/3759' 11/37 [20]
about 60 km east of Bahir Dar, with old church and scribes
HFD98 Gonogono 1426'/3817' 1737 m 14/38 [Gz]
HET78 Gonokwat (Gonok'wat, Gonoqwat) 13/39 [Gz q]
1318'/3915' 2320 m
?? Gonsha (area with hills, not far from Abay river) ../.. [Ch]
HCD58c Gonta, about 55 km south of Dilla 05/38 [x]
HES12 Gontrabo, see Mito
?? Gonza (river in Wellega) ../.. [Mi]
GDM61 Gonzo (Ganza) 0937'/3426' 1212 m 09/34 [Gz]
?? Goobil, forest at 8 km south of Kosso Ber town ../.. [20]
HDK89 Gooda, see Goda
HDK60 Gooderoo, see Gudru
JCS99 Goodi (Gohodeh) 0804'/4323' 903 m 08/43 [WO Gz]
HCT37 Goom Gooma, see Gunguma
JDF57 Goondale (area) 08/44 [WO]
HDH95 Gootu, see Genji, cf Gutu
gor (Som) tamarisk tree, see gol above
HDT87 Gor 1042'/3904' 2355 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEL63 Gor Amba, see Gur Amba, Koramba
HDT96 Gor kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north Kelala wereda at the middle of its northern border,
14-19 km north-east of Kelala settlement; area 2,168 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gora (A) side of mountain; wide and flat road;
(O) mostly the wild rose shrub, Rosa abyssinica;
also Toddalia asiatica which has leaves and thorns that
resemble a rose bush; various shrubs with edible fruit,
"Ethiopian raspberry"
HBJ98 Gora (wide area) 0428'/3723', cf Gorra 04/37 [WO Gz]
HBK28 Gora (area) 03/38 [WO]
HBT39 Gora (area) 04/39 [WO]
HCC73 Gora 0609'/3655' 1494, 1792 m 06/36 [WO Gz]
HDD24 Gora (Goro) 0824'/3752' 1827 m 08/37 [WO Gz]
HDD26 Gora 0824'/3806' 2159 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE71 Gora (village) 08/38 [x]
HDE75 Gora 2133 m, see Kora
HDE75 Gora 2199 m, see Wedeso
HDH78 Gora 0947'/3628' 2086 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL07 Gora 0908'/3908' 2495 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL09 Gora 0904'/3915' 2485 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL55 Gora 0934'/3855' 2648 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF15 Gora 1058'/3947' 1998 m, cf Fontanina? 10/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEF14
JDC98 Gora, see Jara
JDN82 Gora 1040'/4002' 1502 m 10/40 [Gz]
JDJ08 Gora, see Goro Ribu
HDL92 Gora Anda 0956'/3839' 1956 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT03 Gora Anda Gorandu) 1001'/3846' 1637 m, 10/38 [Gz]
cf Maryam Serka?
gora a..: arba, arbaa (O) elephant; arba (A) forty
HEF73 Gora Arba kebele, cf Gura Arba 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Habru wereda, 9-12 km north-east of Wichale
and 10-15 km south-southeast of Mersa; area 1,488 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H... Gora Daget, forest on steep slope near Dessie town 11/39? [20]
gora g..: goba (O) palissade, fortification; (Wellega Bega) hyena;
gobaa (O) palm leaf thorn; gooba (O) hump of cattle;
goba-a (O) bent or stooping /man/
HDL13c Gora Goba, stream north of Addis Abeba, into Muger 09/38 [x]
gora ke..: ketebe (kätäbe) (A) kind of tree
HDL54 Gora Keteba (Goro K.) 0930'/3853' 2596 m 09/38 [Gz AA]
gora ko..: kore, qoree (O) thorn;
kore (O) 1. one's turn /at grazing cattle/; 2. committee
gora kore (O) rose bush swamp
JCR46 Gora Kore (area) 07/42 [WO]
?? Gora Tume (village in the Hosaina region) ../.. [20]
HCP25 Gora wereda (centre in 1964 = Chira) 07/36 [Ad]
HDM53c Gorabella, see Gorebela
HDA35 Goraccio, see Guracho
gorade (A) damascened sabre being an honorific object;
goradee (O) sword
HDL88 Gorade & Ahtata kebele (Goradé .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Moret & Jiru wereda at the middle of its southern
border; 2-8 km south-west of Inewari; area 1,027 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED58 Goradit (Gorradit, Guradit, Guarradit, Gorredi) 11/38 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
1126'/3825' 2526 m, near map code HED69
(centre in 1964 of Muja sub-district)
HDJ84 Gorado 0948'/3700' 2302 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDM75 Goragussa (Korogassa) 0845'/3951' 1028 m 09/39 [WO Gz]
JCM30 Gorahai, see Korahe & JCL39
gorai: goray (Som) male ostrich
HBK60 Gorai, G. (hill) 0412'/3735' 862 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
HEC27 Goraiba 11/37 [WO]
JDJ08 Goraibu, see Goro Ribu
JCS60 Gorale (area) 07/42 [WO]
KDA46 Goramaho (border post) 0834'/4520' 08/45 [Gz]
HDU81 Gorana kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Were Ilu wereda, 7-14 km north-east
of Were Ilu town; area 1,538 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDR54 Goranda (area) 10/41 [WO]
HDT03 Gorandu 1002'/3845' 1721 m, cf Maryam Serka? 10/38 [Gz]
JDH15 Goraoa?, G. (area) 09/41 [WO]
JCD74 Gorara, see Gorera
HFF33c Goraro (recorded in 1841) 13/39 [Ha]
-- gorase: Goraze, ethnic group, see Gobeze
HBR54 Gorase 0505'/3702' 786 m 05/37 [Gz]
HCC14 Gorase, see Gerese
HDU04 Gorat kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in the easternmost main body of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, 6-9 km east-northeast of Sela Dingay; area 1,201 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ16c Goraybu (Goraibu) 09/42 [+ Wa]
-- Goraze language, see Bussa
gorba (O) many; (A) disease which makes cattle meagre;
gorbe (O) kind of tall forest tree, Albizia gummifera,
A. schimperiana; it has pods and bipinnate leaves like the
acacias and often occurs as shade tree in coffee forests
?? Gorba ../.. [20]
mountain with twin peaks in Beni Shangul, regarded
locally as a Devil's mountain
HDJ10 Gorba (Gorbo) 0912'/3640' 1842 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK03 Gorba 0905'/3750' 2498 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK08 Gorba 0908'/3820' 2750 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDK18 Gorba 0909'/3819' 2825 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK18 Gorba (with church), another HDK19 at 2 km distance
JCK67 Gorbalmi 0657'/4313' 630 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
HDJ10 Gorbo, see Gorba
KCP79 Gorbwayneh (Gorbuaineh) (area) 0754'/4635' 07/46 [+ WO Gz]
HEM71 Gorda Abo ../.. [..]
HEC79 Gordemma (Uorghemma) (village), 11/37 [WO It]
see under Bahir Dar
HDM41 Gordida (with bridge) 2776 m 09/39 [Gu]
HBS80c Gordigea (Gordighea) 1325 m 05/37 [+ Gu]
HCC09 Gordigea (Gordighea) 0527'/3730' 1196 m 05/37 [+ n]
near map code HCD00, cf Godigea
HDM13 Gordo Selemon kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Berehet wereda, 15-22 km
south-east of Gina Ager; area 2,443 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL54 Gordoma 09/38 [WO]
HDL56 Gordoma 0930'/3858' 2656 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Igzi'abher Ab)
gordoman, gordomo, gordomoo (O) roofed structure usually
for keeping beehives; gordona (O?) kind of iron ore
HDJ01 Gordomo (Gordommo), cf Gurdommi 09/36 [WO Gz]
0905'/3643' 2402 m
?? Gordona, surveyed for iron ore in 1964 ../.. [Mi]
gore (O) 1. mostly the wild rose shrub, see gora above,
but also various shrubs with edible fruit; 2. goore, stall for
calves; (A) den, lair; small hole (niche?) in a wall
Gore, cf Gori
?? Gore (Lake Gore) (fort) 04/37 [x]
Italian fort at the border between Ethiopia and Kenya
HDA08 Gore (Gorei, Gwore, Gannat, Genud) 08/35 [Gz WO Gu]
Gz: 0809'/3532' 1837/2007/2134 m
near map codes HCN28 and HCP98
(with district post office)
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Gore awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
10S Fugu (mountain) 2053 m
HDB24 Gore 0821'/3605' 1937 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDG66 Gore (Tulu Gori), about 56 km north-west of Nejo 09/35 [x WO]
JDA77 Gore, G.(area) 1875 m, see under Gelemso 08/40 [WO]
JDN84 Gore 1042'/4012' 942 m 10/40 [Gz]
HCN89 Gore awraja (centre = Gore) 0800'/3540' 08/35 [Gz Ad]
with resettled population in early 1980s
HDA08 Gore sub-district or wereda (-1997-2005-) 08/35 [n]
HEF.. Gorebabo (centre in 1964 of Jorsa sub-district), 11/39 [Ad]
in Ambasel awraja
gorebela: beela (O) hunger
HDM54 Gorebela (Gorebiela, Gorabella, Gurabella, Gourabela) 09/39 [LM Gz Ad 18]
(Gwäräbela) 0935'/3944' 2463 m, see also Ankober
(centre in 1964 of Ankober wereda)
?? Goreche, in the Sidama Zone ../.. [20]
HDT68 Goreeka (Gore'eka) 1032'/3913' 2468 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDH27 Goregutu wereda (centre in 1964 = Karamile) 09/41 [Ad]
HCG37 Gorei (area) 0642'/3528' 1488 m, cf Gorey 06/35 [WO Gz]
HDA08 Gorei, see Gore
JDK06 Gorei 0905'/4305' 1543 m, cf Gorey 09/43 [Gz]
JDD31 Goreis (Jebel G., Garais) 0826'/4239' 1174 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDK41 Goreis, see Gures
HDT53 Gorenj 1028'/3842' 2186 m 10/38 [Gz]
JCD74 Gorera (Gorara) 0608'/4254' 309 m 06/42 [Gz WO]
JDK10 Gorey 0914'/4233' 1569 m, cf Gorei 09/42 [Gz]
HDE61 ..... (village) 08/38 [x]
gorey g..: guda (A) injure, do damage to;
gudaa, gudda, guddaa (O) 1.big; 2. respectable /man/
?? Gorey Guda (river) ../.. [Ch]
gorey k..: kala, qalaa (O) stubble; qaalaa, cave;
kala-a (O) empty cartridge
?? Gorey Kala (river) ../.. [..]
JDS91 Gorfaddi (area) 10/42 [WO]
gorfo (O) homemade leather skirt, ceremonial leather dress;
gorf (A) torrent, flood /of water over land/; gorfu (A) the flood
HDL24 Gorfo (Gorfu, Gara Gorfu) (mountain area), 09/38 [AA WO Gu n]
0915'/3852' 3147 m
HDL34 Gorfo (Gorfu) 0921'/3851' 2784 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
near river of the same name
HDM01 Gorfo (area) 09/39 [WO]
gorfo f..: feres bet (A) horse stable
HDM11 Gorfo Feres Bet 0912'/3925' 2701 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDM12 Gorfo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
14-18 km east-southeast of Koremash; area 2,173 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL.. Gorfo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Wayu) 09/38 [Ad]
with school at 0921'/3851'
HDM32 Gorfor kebele 09/39 [Ad]
Gorfu, a male personal name
HDL24 Gorfu, see Gorfo
HDE05 Gorge (Gorghe) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
JCS10 Gorgis (Gorghis) 0724'/4256' 897 m 07/42 [Wa Gz]
gorgo (A) tree with lightweight wood, Erythrina abyssinica
HD... Gorgo (centre in 1964 of Kitim Weyra sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
Gorgora, cf Gurgura
HEJ57 Gorgora (Old Gorgora) (area) 1214'/3718' 1784 m 12/37 [Ch WO Gu]
peninsula with fine ruin Maryam Gimb
HEJ58 Gorgora (Gwärgwära) 1218'/3718' c.1850 m 12/37 [Gz WO Gu 20]
(with sub-post office under Gondar)
town in Dembiya wereda,
on a peninsula 56 km from Gondar
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2SE Mussolini Peak (hill) 2005 m
3S Debre Sina (Debra Sena) (church)
7S Lik Abo (Likaba) (small island)
5SW Alangai (village)
5SW Jalo (area) 2080 m
10SW Mangai (Mangui) (village)
10W Gorgora (area), see Old Gorgora above
7NW Abirja (church)
3N Wawa (area)
7N Sanaba Maryam (church)
..N Mendabba (cape and monastery)
9NE Timbaug (village)
9NE Ambara (village)
10NE Dengi (Dengie) (villages) 1787 m
JDD14 Gorgora (well) 08/42 [MS WO]
JDD16 Gorgora (hill) 1190 m 08/43 [WO]
?? Gorgora Bichign, battle site in 1853 ../.. (x]
HDL83 Gorgora sub-district (centre in 1964 = Addis Amba) 12/37 [Ad]
HES.. Gorgorek (centre in 1964 of Selamge sub-district) 13/37 [Ad]
gorgoro (O) highland shrub or small tree, Hypericum
lanceolatum, H. quartinianum, H. revolutum;
(A) thorny lowland plant
JBR01c Gorgoru 04/41 [x]
same as Melka Dida? see under this name
HCP56 Gorgota (Golgotha) (mountain) 0745'/3606' 2992 m 07/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCP54
HD... Gorgura, for early time, see also Fadasi 09/35? [18]
HDL96 Gorgwadit 0952'/3901' 1910 m (with church) 09/39 [AA Gz]
HEE07 Gorgwadit 1053'/3909' 3159 m 10/39 [Gz]
GD... Gori (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDD55c Gori, cf Gore 08/38 [Wa]
HDG46c Gori (hill, small market) 1951 m 09/35 [Gu]
HDG66 Gori, T. (hill) 09/35 [WO]
HDH56 Gori 0936'/3522' 1839 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH66 Gori 0937'/3519' 1709 m 09/35 [Gz]
JCU70 Gori Ad 07/44 [WO]
gori a..: adda (O) forehead, cf ada as first part of name
JDL05 Gori Adda (area) 09/43 [WO]
HDK16 Goricha (Goriccia) (area), see under Ilfeta 09/38 [+ WO]
HDE40c Gorieno, village about 20 km south of Awash river 08/38 [18 x]
HB... Gorili 03/38 [18]
HBL32 Gorilli, D. (area) 03/38 [WO]
HBL12 Gorillo (waterhole) 03/38 [WO]
HDE32 Gorino 0830'/3838' 2233 m 08/38 [Gu Gz]
KCN12 Gorite 0723'/4503' 709 m 07/45 [Gz]
HB... Goriya (Goria) 04/38 [+ 18]
HEK82 Goriya Gidameret (Goria Ghidameret), 12/37 [+ WO]
see under Macha
HFC32 Gorjamis (Gorgiamis) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
HCD36c Gorka, west of Agere Maryam 05/38 [x]
HCR96 Gorma (mountain) 08/37 [WO]
gormu (O) shoulder;
?? Gornesa ../.. [x]
goro (O) 1. wild rose shrub, see gora above; 2. right to take part in a gada
assembly and duty to be present in all its principal activities; (A) young elephant;
gooroo (O) mound; gorro (O) 1. part for calves in a traditional house;
2. kind of high priest
HCP98 Goro 0806'/3630' 1771 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCS27 Goro 0728'/3813' 1966 m 07/38 [Wa Gz]
HDD23 Goro 0823'/3751' 1827 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD24 Goro (mountain area) 0824'/3752' 1827 m 08/37 [WO Gz]
HDE47 Goro 0832'/3905' 1681 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDK41 Goro 0927'/3747' 1792 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK43 Goro 09/37 [AA]
HDK64 Goro, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA]
HDL13 Goro 0911'/3843' 2542 m, see under Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL41 Goro 0927'/3835' 1705 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL64 Goro 0937'/3853' 2634 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL65 Goro 0937'/3855' 2671 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
two at 2½ km distance
HDL71 Goro 0943'/3834' 3016 m 09/38 [AA n]
JCG57 Goro 0650'/4030' 1799 m 06/40 [MS]
JCG78 Goro (Gorro) 0659'/4030' 1650/1799 m 06/40 (Gz Ad WO Te]
Coordinates would give map code JCG77
(centre at least 1964-2000 of Goro wereda)
(with sub-post office), in south-eastern Mendeyo awraja
JDC07 Goro (Goro Mulli?) (area), see under Fik 08/42 [WO]
JDH13 Goro (Goro Dabasso) (area) 0910'/4059' 1828 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
JDJ11 Goro 0909'/4144' 1558 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ21 Goro 0919'/4147' 2244 m 09/41 [Gz]
goro ac..: akko (O) grandmother
HDL32 Goro Acko (Goroacco) 09/38 [+ WO]
goro ad..: adadi, adaddii (O) kind of tree, Premna angolensis;
2. white
HDL34 Goro Adadi (G. Adedi) 0924'/3851' 2755 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCH32 Goro Bardu (mountain area) 06/40 [WO Gu]
goro baredu (O) beautiful rose?
JDH13 Goro Dabasso, see Goro
goro g..: gutuu (O) fill, overflow; guutuu (O) full, abundant;
guutu (O) roof spire
J.... Goro Gutu wereda (-1997-), cf Gorogutu 09/41? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 56 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
goro ja..: jarsa, jaarsa (O) old, respectable /man/
-- Jarso, a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo
JCH41 Goro Jarso (Goro Giarso) (area) 06/40 [+ WO]
HDL50 Goro Jerbo 0931'/3827' 2428 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL55 Goro Keteba, see Gora Keteba
HDL22 Goro Kutule (G. K'ut'ule, Goro Qut'ule) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0918'/3836' 2619 m
HDL32 Goro Kutule (G. K'ut'ule, Goro Qutule) 09/38 [Gz q]
0923'/3836' 1948 m
goro la..: lafto (O) acacia tree, laftoo, Acacia lahai, A. sieberiana, etc.
?? Goro Lafto, in the lake region? with a large cave ../.. [x]
goro lu..: luka (O) hind leg; thigh
JCH63 Goro Luka (G. Luca) 0654'/4100' 1219 m 06/41 [+ Gz]
goro me..: menga (A) herd
HDK53 Goro Menga 0934'/3748' 2420 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
goro miti (O) roses with black ants?
miti, mit'ii (O) small red or black ant
JDC71 Goro Miti (area) 1837 m 08/41 [WO]
goro mo..: moyee (O) 1. hornless cattle;
2. mortar /in which grains are crushed/
HDL33 Goro Moye 0924'/3847' 2572 m 09/38 [Gz]
goro mu..: mulluu (O) boiled grain
-- Mullu, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
JDC58 Goro Mullu (area) 08/42 [WO Gu]
goro r..: ribu, ribuu (O) 1. to bake in hot ashes; 2. sinew, tendon
JDJ08 Goro Ribu (Goraibu, Gora) 09/42 [Gz WO Gu]
0906'/4221' 1425/1479 m
HDL61 Goro Sora 0940'/3833' 2576 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HC... Goro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Demerso) 06/38? [Ad n]
HDE88 Goro Tigri 0852'/3911' 2235 m 08/39 [Gz]
goro to..: togo (Kefa) Hibiscus sp., Pavonia sp.;
toogo, tooggo (Som) goal, aim
HDK59 Goro Togo 0931'/3824' 2024 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
goro w..: ware (O) fame, news; waaree (O) midday, afternoon;
ware (O) first milking of the cows in the morning;
waree (Som) collect water in a reservoir
HDK28 Goro Ware 0914'/3814' 2423 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HC... Goro wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 67 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDD13 Goro wereda (centre in 1964 = Welkite), 08/37 [Ad]
cf Weliso & Goro wereda
(-1994-) is divided into 67 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HBF81 Goro Wirre (area) 03/39 [WO]
HDM64 Gorobela, see Garobela
HDE36 Gorobuta 08/39 [WO]
HDJ45 Gorochan (Goroch'an, Gorocen, Goroken) 09/37 [Gz WO x]
(mountains) 0926'/3704' 3012, 3276 m, see under Haretu
HDC20 Gorocka (Gorocca) (church) 08/37 [x]
gorod (Som) 1. head of animal; 2. animal with head of
a different colour, usually black
JDB63 Goroda (area) 08/41 [WO]
gorodoba (O) place for cattle inside the house;
gorogar..: garbi (O) kinds of tree, Acacia spp.,
Faidherbia albida, Pygeum africanum
JDC52 Gorogarbi (mountain) 0841'/4148' 1618 m 08/41 [Gz]
gorogu..: gutuu (O) fill, overflow; guutuu (O) full, abundant;
guutu (O) roof spire
JDH45 Gorogutu 0927'/4112' 1298 m (w church Giyorgis) 09/41 [Gz x]
JDB59 Goroledi (with waterhole) 08/41 [WO]
JCP15 Gorolero 07/41 [WO]
HDD01 Gorombo 0809'/3740' 1843 m, 08/37 [n]
near adjoining map code HCS91
HB... Goromma, some 20 km north-east of Burji 05/37 [x]
HDD84 Goromti Medhane Alem (church) 0854'/3754', 08/37 [Gz]
south-east of Ambo
JDC58 Goromulei (Goromule'i, Goro Mullu) 08/42 [Gz WO Gu]
0840'/4223' 1401 m
WO has Goro Mullu at JDC67
goror (Som) nosebleed; gorora (O) saliva, drivel
JDH06 Gorore 0903'/4115' 1426 m 09/41 [WO Gz]
gororo, guroro (A,T) throat
HFE14 Gororo 1339'/3848' 1500 m 13/38 [Gu Gz]
gorra (Som) kind of large acacia with wide crown
gorra-u (O) to slaughter
HBR94 Gorra 0519'/3658' 542 m, cf Gora 05/36 [WO Gz]
HC..? Gorra (large plain between Bale and Sidamo) 05/39? [x]
JCK57 Gorra 0650'/4312' 648 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
HED58 Gorradit, see Goradit
JCL37 Gorrahei, see Korahe & JCM30
HEE60 Gorredi, see Goradit
HCR33 Gorrina, see Dedo
HBF91 Gorrisa (area) 03/39 [WO]
gorro, goorro (O) partition that separates the kitchen area
from the rest, screen wall a little inside from the door
JEP80 Gorroble 1327'/4042' 144 m 13/40 [WO Gz]
(with medicinal waters)
-- Gorrose (ethnic group west of Gidole), see Dullay
JEB19 Gorroyle (Gorroile) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JDC45 Gorru (area) 08/42 [WO]
HDM.. Gorru Meda, battle site in 1877 09/39 [x]
gorsa (O) advice, opinion; punishment; "warner"
responsible for warning and punishing /especially men
who had illicit relations with women/
JDC61 Gorsa 08/41 [WO]
JEB10 Gorsaitou 1102'/4040' 601 m, near map code JEA19 11/40 [Gz]
gorse (Som) animal abandoned because of old age or disease
?? Gorsi (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HBR88c Gorso 05/37 [Wa]
HCC71 Gorso (area) 06/37 [WO]
gorsu, gorsuu (O) 1. advise; 2. agitate, incite
JDJ38 Gorsum, see Gursum
HEK55 Gortallie Abbo 12/37 [WO]
HCL54 Gorte (mountain) 0650'/3850' 3146/3174 m 06/38 [WO Gz]
HDJ53 Gorte 0936'/3655' 2097 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ63 Gorte (mountain) 0938'/3656' 2186 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ65 Gorto 0939'/3704' 2454 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL86 Gortu 0947'/3901' 2586 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
HET75 Gorura 1320'/3858' 1477 m 13/38 [Gz]
gos (A) fruit of purple-blue colour the plant of which
grows near water
JDF22 Gos 0827'/4424' 1005/1075 m 08/44 [WO Gz]
gosa, gossa (A,O) clan, tribe, lineage; "marriage class",
-- the largest kinship unit at least among the Borana;
Gosa, Gossa, also a personal individual name
HC... Gosa (Gosa Wotiye kebele is in Bore wereda) 07/38 [20]
HDB42 Goscia, see Gosha
gose (O) small hut, kind of sentry box for those who
guard crops; (A) big vulture
HDL70 Gose 0946'/3827' 2594 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDE01 Gose Salem Maryam (.. .. Mariam) 08/38 [+ WO]
HCD11 Goseperet 05/37 [WO]
JD... Goseri (Goseree) (on map of 1814) 10/39? [+ 18]
gosh (A) buffalo, Syncerus caffer aequinoctialis,
/also exclamation: very well!/
HDU20 Gosh (Gosc) 10/39 [+ WO]
gosh b..: bado (A) barren, empty
HDM71 Gosh Bado (Goshbado) 0944'/3927' 2729 m 09/39 [Gz Po Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wegda sub-district;
visiting postman under Addis Abeba)
HED75 Gosh Bgret (G. Beret?) (area) ca. 1134'/3800' 11/38 [20]
HDU20 Gosh & Deta kebele (.. Dät'a ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda almost
southernmost at its north-western border; area 3,021 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gosh hager (A) buffalo country
HDM64 Gosh Hager kebele (.. Hagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in southern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
15-18 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 669 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gosh meda (A) buffalo grazing field
HEE79 Gosh Meda (Goshemeda) 1132'/3915' 2260 m, 11/39 [Gz Ad]
in Wadla awraja
HEE78 Gosh Meda kebele (.. Méda ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda somewhat to the east and
at its south-eastern border, 5-10 km south-east of Wegel Tena;
area 2,339 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gosh wiha (A) buffalo water
HDL86 Gosh Wiha (Gosh Wuha) 0948'/3858' 2518 m 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(near waterfall, with church Kidane Mihret)
HDM81 Gosh Wiha 0946'/3925' 2758 m 09/39 [Gz n]
(with church Abo), in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDL86 Gosh Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
stretching to its northern border; area 2,008 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM71 Gosh Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in west Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda in the north
along the western border of its main body, 12-18 km north-west
of Debre Birhan town; area 1,096 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF92 Gosh Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Habru wereda, 6-9 km
south of Weldiya; area 1,524 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

HD.. Gosh Wiha sub-district (Gosh Woha ..) 09/38 [+ Ad]

(centre in 1964 = Yetnora)
HE... Gosh Wiha sub-district (Gosh Wuha ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Alamta)
HDB42 Gosha (Goscia, Goccio, Goco) 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
0830'/3554' 1836, 2012 m
JDJ41 Gosha 0930'/4146' 1670 m 09/41 [n]
HDU03 Goshge & Wesafe kebele (Goshgé & Wäsafé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at the
middle of its main northern border, adjoining Sela Dingay
to its west and extending 5 km from there; area 1,218 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
goshgola: gosh gola (A) buffalo shrub?
gola (A) golha (T) shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
(O) room in traditional house, cave, stable
HC... Goshgola (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/38? [Ad]
HEF32 Goshign kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Dese Zuriya wereda at its western border,
13-16 km west of Dessie town; area 2,255 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE34 Goshit 1110'/3852' 1604 m 11/38 [Gz]
town in Tenta (East) wereda (-1999-)
HEC.. Goshiye (Ger: Goschije), village near Little Abay 11/37 [+ x]
HCN15 Goshkand 0724'/3518'c 07/35 [x]
HCN15 Goshkandi (Goshcandi) 0723'/3520' 2048 m 07/35 [+ Gz]
goshu (Arsi O) kind of large tree in rain forests,
Syzygium guineense; (A) the buffalo;
Goshu, a male personal name
HDK62 Goshu 0937'/3746' 2406 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
goshu a..: ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area
HDM74 Goshu Ager 0942'/3942' 3288 m 09/39 [Gz]
gosie: gose (A) kind of vulture; gosi (A) large, black vulture
HDM24 Gosie, M. (area), see under Sidisto 09/39 [WO]
HDB28 Gosobe 08/36 [WO]
HFE65c Gossoso, see Gusaso
gosu, gotu (O) kind of tree, Sysygium guineense;
gosu (O) shout; cause to roar /like a lion/
HDK00 Gosu 0906'/3731' 2458 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK19 Gosu 0911'/3822' 2648 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK30 Gosu Shenterer (area, cliff) 0922'/3733' 09/37 [AA Gz]
gota (A), gotara (O) small granary, sectioned storage bin,
often raised above ground; gota (O) brave man, hero
HCC94 Gota (Gutta) 0616'/3658' 1860 m 06/36 [Ro WO n]
HEC64 Gota 1126'/3700' 1924 m, see also Jelam 11/36 [WO Gu n]
JDH57 Gota (Gotta, Gota Marmarsa), railway station 09/41 [Gz WO Gu Te]
0931'/4120' 1006/1155 m
HC... Gota Deje (in Sidama awraja) 06/38? [Ad]
HED74 Gota Kidane Mihiret c. 1132'/3757' 11/37 [20]
about 55 km east of Bahir Dar, with old church and scribes
gota mar..: marmarsu (O) wrap oneself, turn around,
wander about, stroll
JDJ57 Gota Marmarsa, see Gota
HCG76 Gotab (area) 07/35 [x]
JDJ44 Gote 0926'/4201' 2060 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDG.. Gote Jilli, a little east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
-- /Jille is a branch of the Oromo/

gote w..: wenni, weennii (O) black-and-white guereza monkey,

Colobus spp.
HDG.. Gote Wenni, a few hours' march north-west of Nejo 09/35 [x]
gotera ..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate
HDU53 Gotera Ber kebele (Gotära Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda touching the middle of
its northern border, 13-19 km north of Mehal Meda; area 2,475 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS04 Goterat (Got'erat) 1001'/3754' 1707 m 10/37 [Gz]
HDL88 Gotet 0948'/3910' 2596 m 09/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Seyadebir sub-district)
HDL88 Gotet Dega kebele (Gotät Däga ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in north Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 8-11 km south of Inewari; area 882 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL88 Gotet Kola kebele (Gotät Qola ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
narrowly along its northern border, 6-9 km north of Inewari;
area 894 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
goto (T) kind of wild fig tree, Ficus sp.;
-- Goto, name of a Kefa clan;
HDL62 Goto 0938'/3840' 2516 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDH15 Goto Muri, see Gotto Muri
HEM50 Gotot 1217'/3922' 2365 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCJ92 Gotta 07/36 [WO]
gotto ..: muri (O) kind of grass; murii (O) bush cut and left to dry
HDH15 Gotto Muri (Goto M., Tulu Gotto Mouri) 09/36 [Gz x]
0912'/3610' 1266 m, mountain south of old route Nekemte towards Nejo
JDK07 Gottommada (area) 09/43 [WO]
gotu (A) the hill;
(Sidamo O) Syzygium guineense, see goshu above
HCL.. Gotu Onoma, 07/38 [20]
see under Wendo Genet
JDR06 Goua 0959'/4213' 916 m, cf Gwa .. 09/42 [Gz]
HFF71 Gouala, see Adigrat : Guala
HDB91 Goui, see Guyi
HDH.. Goui (centre in 1964 of Haru Werehino sub-district) 09/35 [Ad]
?? Goulie, village with a small church among tall trees ../.. [It]
JEH09 Goum 1148'/4134' 713 m, cf Gum 11/41 [Gz]
-- Gouna, see Guna
HDM54 Gourabele, see Gorebela, cf Ankober
HCG53 Gourafarda, see Guraferda
HCC17 Govase 0535'/3714' 2420 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCD12 Govaso 05/37 [WO]
HER99 Govatwit, see under Mesfinto 13/37 [WO]
GDU01 Govindu (Goindu) 1002'/3426' 701 m, 10/34 [WO Gz]
see under Asosa
?? Gow (mountain and in the 1920s a new town) ../.. [x]
on the anticline of Welel mountain, cf Gau
gowa, gowwaa (O) silly, stupid, ignorant
?? Gowa (at Omo river north of Kurum) ../.. [n]
HDK49 Gowa 0926'/3822' 2211 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL61 Gowa 0941'/3834' 2713 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK78 Gowa Ariro 0943'/3817' 1829 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
-- Gowase language, see Bussa
HEU50 Gowdi Hayrat (Gutba Hairat, G. Hairiat) 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(mountain) 1308'/3925' 2479, 2800 m
HEJ34 Goy (Duk el Arba, Duc el-Arua, Duce Arua) 12/36 [Gz 18 Gu WO]
1205'/3657' 1762 m
JDR06 Goyale (Goiale) 0958'/4213' 880 m 09/42 [+ Gz]
goye (Gurage) Gurage-type big house, main house
HEJ34 Goye Maryam (Goye Mariam, Guai .., Guei ..), 12/36 [+ Ch WO Gu]
(church) 2280 m, hill 2310 m 12/36 [Ch Gu]
JDB28 Goygoy (Nume) 0821'/4130' 1183 m 08/41 [Gz]
GCM66 Goyka (Goica, Coibu) 0654'/3456' 989 m 06/34 [+ WO Gz]
JDD96 Goyu Ada (Goiu Ada) 0858'/4307' 1505 m 08/43 [+ n]
-- Goza (Gossa), a tribe of the Ari group
HCC98 Goza (Gozza) 0621'/3721' 1421 m 06/37 [Gz]
near map code HCJ08 (in Gemu awraja)
HDS.. Gozamen sub-district (centre in 1964 = Zebab) 10/37 [Ad n]
HDS42 Gozamen wereda (Gozamin ..) 10/37 [Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Markos)
with kebeles among which
Wonka (Wonqa)
HDU15 Goze 1003'/3953' 1595 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDL88 Gozegoza kebele (Gozägoza ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda almost at the middle
of its northern border, 6-9 km south-southwest of Inewari;
area 1,006 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCC98 Gozza (in Gemu awraja), cf Goza
?? Gozzo (Gotzé?), 07/37 [x]
administrative centre of Kulu in the early 1930s
gra (A) left hand, left direction
HF... Gra Ares, village in the Hawzen area 13/39 [20]
graa ..: kasu, kaasu (O) wake somebody up, start
HEM72 Graa Kassa (Graa Cassu) 1227'/3937' 1430 m 12/39 [+ Gz Gu]
JCT34 Grabrehor, see Gabrehor
HEF22 Grado (plain), see under Dessie 11/39 [WO Gu]
HDT39 Gragli (area) 10/39 [WO]
gragn (A) left-handed /like Ahmed Grañ/
HCG75 Gragn (Grini, Chuza) 0700'/3517' 1041 m 06/35 [WO Gz]
gragn ..: ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HEK.. Gragn Ber (Gran Bar, Granj Berr) 12/37 [+ Ch x]
"important and unapproachable pass"
HDU44 Gragn kebele 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
3-13 km north-northeast of Mehal Meda; area 2,931 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF22 Gragn Meda kebele (.. Méda ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dese Zuriya wereda, 10-14 km
south-west of Dessie town; area 724 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM02 Grai (Gray, Girai) 0905'/3432' 1641 m 09/34 [Gz LM WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kumbabi & Wabera sub-district),
see also Sonkoy
HEU91 Grakwalal (Graqualal) (small village), 13/39 [+ Gu]
see under Mekele
HFE28 Gralta, see Geralta
gramta, Cyperus fischerianus
HES44 Gramtagot 13/37 [WO]
?? Grana /= HEF74 Girana?/, with large market in 1890s ../.. [18]
?? Granche (cf Girancha), with Evangelical church ../.. [n]
Grar.., cf Gerar, Girar
grar (A) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia spp., also
Faidherbia albida
HDM.? Grar Amba (with church Gebriél) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
-- grar j..: Jarso, a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo
HC... Grar Jarso (in Kembata awraja) 07/37? [Ad]
grar w..: wiha (A) water
HED44 Grar Wiha (Graro Uaha, Graruha) 11/37 [+ Gu WO]
busy village with mule caravans in former time
HEP77 Grar Wiha (G. Wihai) 1318'/3618' 911 m 13/36 [Gz]
H.... Grari Medhane Alem (Gherari Medanie A.) 13/38 [+ Gu]
(village) c. 2670 m
HEK05 Grariya Giyorgis (Graria Georgis), 11/37 [+ WO]
see under Debre Tabor
HED94 Grariya sub-district (Graria ..), cf Gerarya 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mahdere Maryam)
HEU.. Grarot (village), see under Mekele 13/39 [n]
HED44 Graruha, see Grar Wiha
HEM51 Grasulaso (recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
JDJ02 Graua, see Grawa
HEU32 Grauda 1301'/3936' 2498 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
grawa, grawwa (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Vernonia
amygdalina; its flowers are dirty-white
JDJ02 Grawa (Graua, Girawa, Giraua, Grewa) 09/41 [MS Gz Po x]
(Gerawa, Gouraoua, Fre: Kéraoua) 0908'/4150' 09/41 [WO Gu x]
(with post office) saddle 2441/2445 m
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Gara Muleta awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2SE fort/?/ c. 2600 m
1W spring
5W Falti (Gara Falti) (mountain) 2710 m
5W another peak 2530 m
6NW road fork Radaya (It: bivio Radaia) 2287 m
10NW Askabni (G. Ascabni) (area) 3130 m
9NE peak 2110 m
?? Amaja (Amagia) (saddle)
JDJ02 Grawa wereda (Girawa ..) 09/41 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Grawa)
(-1994-) is divided into 72 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
GDM02 Gray, see Grai, and also Sonkoy
Great .., see Tiliku .., Tilku ..
HCG68 Greater Aman, see Aman
HDE66 Green Lake (Aranguade), 08/38 [x 20]
about 10 km south of Debre Zeyt
The water surface is coloured by large amounts of blue-green algae.
JDJ02 Grewa, see Grawa
HBP51 Griaculamo, see Loree Atone 05/35 [WO]
JDK62 Gridida sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tulu Guled) 09/42 [Ad n]
fertile plain about 30 km from Jijiga
JDK50 Grikocher sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kocher) 09/42 [Ad]
HCG75 Grini, see Gragn
HCT.. Grinzilla Tirora (Grenzilla ..), in Dalocha wereda 07/38 [n]
JCP58 Grogora, see Gurgura
JEA95 Groppo (cold volcanic field) 930 m 11/40 [WO 20]
grotte (Italian) caves
JEP45 Grotte Salan, see Salan
HEU31 Gruamber, see Gergember
grum (A,T) splendid, wonderful, magnificent
HCJ79 Grumo (plain) 07/37 [WO]
HEC16 Gshe Abay, see Gishe Abay
gu-a (O) weaned, not breast-fed any more
HDS08 Gua Mariam, see Goha Tsiyon
HDE65 Guaba, see Gerbicha
HEJ20 Guacua, see Gwakwa
?? Guadalo (known from the 1400s) ../.. [x]
HCG53 Guaferda, see Guraferda
-- Guagu, name of a nowadays very small ethnic group
HER27 Guagua, see Gwagwa & HFC19
HEC78 Guaguata, see Gwagwat
HEK06 Guaguo, see Gwagwo
HFC19 Guagwa 13/37 [WO]
HE... Guahla (centre in 1964 of Zehage sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
HDR38 Guai Mariam, see Gway Maryam
HEJ34 Guai Mariam, see Goye Maryam
HDS85 Guaiba (Guayba) 1046'/3758' 3334 m 10/37 [Gz]
HEM82c Gual Ascianghi, see Gwal Ashenge
HFE67 Gual Hatzei (G. Azai), see Gwal Hatsey
HFF71 Guala, see Golia
HEC16 Gualza 11/37 [WO]
H.... Guameda, see Gwa Meda
HCK08 Guangua, see Gwangwa
HEU54 Guangua (Guanqua), see Gwangawa
HEB26 Guangua wereda (Guangua ..) 11/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kedamawi H. S. Ber)
(-1994-) is divided into 76 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HE... Guanguda 11/36 [18]
HCD58 Guanta, see Gedeb
JCH72 Guara (Malca G.) (seasonal waterhole) 07/40 [WO Gz]
HE... Guara (centre in 1964 of Adagne Ager sub-district) 12/37? [Ad]
HD... Guarby 09/38 [18]
HED58 Guarradit, see Goradit
HE... Guasameda, see Gwasa Meda
JCK24 Guasasali (Gusasale) 0631'/4256' 609 m 06/42 [WO Gz LM]
HDU.. Guassa, see Gwasa
HEC96 Guatamba, see Gwat Amba
HFF01 Guatrat 1340'/3930' 2136 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HDS85 Guayba, see Guaiba
?? Guazjam (historical province), west of the Abay ../.. [x]
HCC71 Guazza, see Gwazza
guba, gubaa (O) 1. branding iron; 2. fever; 3. strong /tobacco/;
4. cloudy; guba (A) branding iron; (T) dome;
-- Guba, Gumuz ethnic group numbering about 6,636 (in 1984?);
Abba Guba, one of the "Nine Saints" of the 500s
HBM94 Guba (area), cf Kubba 04/39 [WO]
HBU20 Guba (with fort) 0446'/3922' 752 m, cf Melka Guba 04/39 [WO Wa n]
HCH95 Guba (mountain) 0711'/3610' 2129/2179 m 07/36 [WO Gz]
HEA46 Guba (Cubba) (centre) 1116'/3517' 862 m, see Gubba
HEF33 Guba 1112'/3937' 2690 m 11/39 [Gz]
(mountain chain near Dessie)
HEF74 Guba 1131'/3945' 1740 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEG25c Guba (near the Sudan-Ethiopian frontier) 11/35 [x]
JDA88 Guba Coriccia, see Kentari
guba d..: dodota, doddota (O) kind of tree, Acacia spp.
HDJ46 Guba Dodota 0929'/3713' 2238 m 09/37 [Gz]
guba g..: guuboo (O) large basket; guboo (O) 1. self-sown crop;
2. chronic disease
HFD76 Guba Gubo 1414'/3805' 1440 m 14/38 [Gz]
HEF64 Guba Huta (G. Hut'a) 1125'/3942' 1911 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDT42 Guba kebele 10/38 [Ad]0
centrally in Wegdi wereda, 15-18 km
south-west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,209 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
guba koricha (O) fever medicine; koricha, qoricha (O) medicine or
/figuratively/ punishment; korcha, koricha (A) saddle
JDA88 Guba Koricha (G. K'oricha, Gebel G. Coriccia) 08/40 [+ WO Gz]
(area) 0857'/4033' 2097, 2688 m, see also Kentari
JDA88c Guba Koricha wereda (centre in 1964 = Kemona) 08/40 [Ad]
JDB84 Guba Koricho (Gobba) 1360 m 08/41 [LM WO]
guba l..: lafto, laftoo (O) acacia tree,
Acacia lahai, A. sieberiana, etc
HEM.. Guba Lafto (Gubalafto) (mountainous area) 11/39 [n]
in Yeju awraja at some distance from Weldiya
HE... Guba Lafto sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jeneto Ber) (-1964-1997-)
HE.. Guba Lafto wereda (Gubalafto ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Wubetie)
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural kebeles and no urban one.
Around 1996, five kebeles from Ambasel wereda were added
to Guba Lafto wereda, with kebeles among which
Adengur, Ahun Tegegn, Amaye Mecha, Anoba, Azet, Baba Seat,
Bafet Dedebit, Debot, Dengola, Diha Wedih, Gala Giyorgis,
Gebre Amba, Gebriel, Gedu Ber, Gesho Ber, Girar Kebele, Gola
Mechare, Gubarja, Gwagur Sibilkay, Jarsa, Key Amba, Kile Adame,
Kokor Amba, Kulf Amba, Lay Ale Wiha, Lay Koso Amba, Lenche
Dima, Lideta Kereyu, Mehal Gebaba, Mehal Mechare, Mola Giyorgis,
Sagat, Sekela, Tach Ale Wiha, Tach Koso Amba, Tekle Haymanot,
Tesfa Giyorgis, Wetek, Weyniye, Wila Gakarehama, Wiraf, Zelat,
Zewer Gotera, Zofe
HBS.? Guba Negele, at Sagan west of Yabelo, with well 05/37 [x]
HEA64 Guba wereda & sub-district (-1964-1997-) 11/35 [n Ad]
(centre of both in 1964 = Almahel)
(-1994-) is divided into 22 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HC... Gubachera (Gubatchera) 07/36 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
guba'e (Geez) congregation, meeting, collection
HEK52 Gubae (Gubay) (old name), see Guzara
HEL05 Gubae Mengeriya (Guba'e M.) 1150'/3859' 2382 m 11/38 [Gz]
HBF82 Gubal (area) 03/39 [WO]
HBK75 Gubal 0417'/3758' 2024 m 04/37 [Gz]
HBK75 Gubala (mountain) 0418'/3758' 2115, 2356 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
HE... Gubalafto, see Guba Lafto
HFD57 Gubale 1404'/3813' 1860 m 14/38 [Gz]
JCK61 Guban 0655'/4238' 769 m 06/42 [Gz]
HEF81 Gubara (area) 11/39 [WO]
HEM02 Gubarja kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Guba Lafto wereda, adjoining Weldiya and stretching
11 km to the east-southeast from there; area 3,051 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gubata: gubbata (O) dung cake used as fuel
HFD97 Gubata 1425'/3811' 1787 m (with church Maryam) 14/38 [Gz]
JDF17 Gubatgun (area) 08/44 [WO]
gubato a.: gubato (Som) burnt land;
parched, dry land; ad (Som) you
KCR83 Gubato Ad (area) 603 m 08/46 [WO]
gubatu: gubbetu (A) the liver
JBG78 Gubatu 04/40 [WO]
gubay (A) public meeting place;
-- Gubaya, an Oromo group
HDJ55 Gubaya (sub-district, centre in 1964 = Shambu) 09/37 [Ad]
HDU20 Gubaya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Agere Selam) 10/39 [Ad Po]
(visiting postman under Debre Markos)
gubba, gubbaa (O) the upper part of a place; (A) hill, high terrain;
-- Gubba, name of a negroid tribe living near the
Ethiopia-Sudan border
Gubba, cf Guba, Kubba
HCD04 Gubba (area) 0525'/3758' 2120 m, 05/37 [WO Gz]
see under Burji
HEA37 Gubba (hill) 1121'/3528' 862 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
HEA46 Gubba (Guba, Cubba, Hulghizi) 11/35 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
1116'/3517' 862 m, cf Guba, Kubba
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5S Monkayr (Moncair) (area)
5SW Badisilu (Jebel B.) (village, hill)
4NE Abola (area) 797 m
gubba a..: archumme, archummee (O) twig, rod
JCH31 Gubba Archumma (G. Arciumma) 06/40 [+ Gu]
gubba duma (O) upper end?
JCG66 Gubbaduma, G. (area) 06/40 [WO]
HBL31 Gubbadummi (area) 03/38 [WO]
JCP30 Gubbaiu (Cubbaio) 0735'/4046' 1737 m, 07/40 [Gz WO]
(mountain), cf Kubbayo
KCR10 Gubbal (area) 07/46 [WO]
gubbao: gubae (A,T) assembly, meeting, synode
JEA45 Gubbao, see Murtu 11/40 [WO]
gubbe (O) 1. top, peak; 2. vessel for milking into;
gube (O) fire accident
HCF04 Gubbe (Chubbe, Ciubbe) (area) 05/39 [WO Wa Gz]
0525'/3942' 1524/1630 m, near map code HCF04
HEC69 Gubberit, see under Debre May 11/37 [WO]
gubbi: gubi (O) grain storage basket kept in the house
HDR30 Gubbi (mountain) 1019'/3636' 1208 m 10/36 [Gz]
gubbi b..: bora, boraa (O) snout, muzzle, upstanding
front part of saddle; green snake
/also several meanings of different colours/
JEA96 Gubbi Bora (area) 11/40 [WO]
gubbisa (O) naming ceremony for an oldest son
/at least among the Borana people/
JCP74 Gubbisa (Gubisa, Gubessa) 0756'/4105' 1565 m 07/41 [WO Gz LM]
gubbo (A), gubboo (O) bribe; gubo (O) basket
JBN14 Gubbo Volta 0437'/4013' 1163 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
JD... Gubcha 09/40? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bildima Gubcha sub-district)
HEE76 Gubda Giyorgis, see Gudba Giyorgis
HE... Gubda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yabta) 12/38 [Ad]
HCR45c Gube (in Kefa, with iron ore) 07/37 [Mi]
HDL80 Gube 0949'/3830' 2701 m 09/38 [Gz]
HCR.. Gube Abanchela circa 2640 m 07/37 [Mi]
gube g..: guto, gutoo (O) 1. cave, lair;
2. cage or hatchery for hens;
guuto (Som) group of warriors
HDC33 Gube Guto, see Koma
JBJ85 Gubedley (Gubedlei) 04/42 [+ WO]
HDF.. Gubela, in Minjar wereda in Shewa 08/39 [n]
?? Gubela (mountain in the Kurmuk area) ../.. [Mi]
HD... Guben (centre in 1964 of Gudeya Billa sub-district) 09/36 [Ad]
HDD03 Gubere, see Gubre
JCP74 Gubessa, see Gubissa
gubet ad: gubbet (gubbät) (A) liver; ad (Som) you
KCR73 Gubet Ad 07/46 [WO]
gubet an: an (O) I, he, she, they
JBN38 Gubetan (Gubet An) (area) 0451'/4032' 04/40 [Gz WO]
JCU60 Gubetgun 07/44 [WO]
HF... Gubetta (centre in 1964 of Seyemt Adyabo wereda) 14/38 [Ad]
gubi s..: gubi, guubii (O) grain store basket; shani (O) five
GDF53 Gubi Scianni, see Chamo, cf Gobi
gubisa: goobis (Som) act of searching; gubis (Som) arson,
act of setting fire to; guubis (Som) firstborn male camel
JCP74 Gubisa, see Gubbisa
HDT56 Gubisa kebele 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south in central Kelala wereda,
4-8 km south of Kelala settlement; area 2,342 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF54 Gubisa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Were Babo wereda at its south-eastern border,
quite near Bistima and extending 5 km towards the east from there;
area 2,034 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCN05 Gubito (Gubit'o) 0717'/3520' 1465 m 07/35 [Gz]
HDT01 Gubiya 0958'/3833' 2033 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEJ78 Gubiya (Gubia Iesus) 1226'/3724' 1901 m 12/37 [Gz Gu]
JCF81 Gubli Dibatag 06/44 [WO]
gubo: guuboo (O) large basket; guboo (O) 1. self-sown crop;
2. chronic disease
HFF61 Gubo (with rock-hewn church Maryam Bezuhan), 14/39 [x]
see also Bahara
HEF43 Gubok (Gubbocc) (mountain) 11/39 [+ Gu]
HEL77 Gubrak 1224'/3905' 2622 m 12/39 [Gz]

gubre: gubbra (Borana) slave

HDD03 Gubre (Gubere) 0812'/3748' 1932 m, 08/37 [Gz]
(with church Silase), town in Cheha wereda
gubu, gubuu (O) to burn /also figuratively/, to set fire, be hot
HDS08 Gubu 1000'/3819' 2512 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ06 Gubu 0908'/4210' 1789 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDS04 Guburkaas (Guburka'as) 1000'/4254' 1365 m 10/42 [Gz]
HEP59 Gubusik (Gubusic) (hill) 1313'/3631' 13/36 [+ WO Gz]
HEJ78 Gubya Iyesus (Gubia Iesus), see Gubiya
JDK58 Gubyerri (Gubierri) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
guch (T) tusk;
gucha (O) clump of thick growth;
(A) lap, area between the thighs
HCP30 Gucha (Guch'a, Uddita, Vuddita, Wuddita) 07/35 [Gz Ad WO Wa]
0731'/3546' 1950 m
HC... Gucha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gedam) 07/36 [Ad]
HDP50 Guchar (Guciar) (area) 10/35 [+ WO]
HDN59 Guchar (Guciar, Caiter) (mountain) 10/35 [+ WO Gz]
1029'/3538' 2169/2255 m
?? Guche circa 2100 m ../.. [Ch]
HES41 Guchere (Gucere) 1305'/3741' 2007 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
HDE72 Gucho (village), see under Sebeta 08/38 [x]
guda (A) injure, do damage to; gudaa (O) big;
Guda, a personal name
HDL73 Guda 0946'/3845' 2765 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Jigera sub-district), cf Gudda
HDL82 Guda, see Gara Guda
HDM83 Guda Berat, see Gude Beret
guda bola (O) big leaf; boolla (O) burrow, pit, grave;
boola (O) hole
HDD39 Guda Bola 08/38 [WO]
guda k..: koricha, qoricha (O) medicine or /figuratively/ punishment
HCT98 Guda Koricha (G. K'oricha, G. Qoricha) 08/39 [Gz q]
0805'/3914' 2306 m
guda w..: weyna (A from Somali wayn)
1. large, big; 2. wine-coloured
JDE75 Guda Weyna (Gudaueina, Gadaueina) 08/43 [+ Gz]
0849'/4354' 1290 m
HCP24 Gudaguchi 0728'/3605'c 07/36 [x]
Mountain/?/ about 30 km north of Bonga Beki.
H.... Gudara 10/37 [18]
HCG.. Gudare (village at some distance from Tepi) 07/35 [n]
HDJ06 Gudaya 0907'/3710' 1828 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ17 Gudaya 0910'/3715' 2474 m (with church Abo) 09/37 [Gz]
?? Gudba (valley in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
HEE76 Gudba Giyorgis (Gubda G.) (church) 1130'/3901' 11/39 [Gz]
gudda, guddaa (O) big, respectable,
libb gudda (A) of generous heart
HCM72 Gudda (area) 3664 m 06/39 [WO]
HDE61 Gudda 08/38 [WO]
guddaha..: haro (O) lake, pool;
(A) valley subject to seasonal flooding
JFB51c Guddaharo (Guddahara) (well) 1418'/4029' 14/40 [Gz Ne]
JFB43 Guddalo (Gudalo) 1359'/4054' 396 m 13/40 [WO Gz LM]
guddo (A,T) short, curved sword, scimitar;
guddo (O) 1. big; 2. better /health/;
guddoo (O) big /female/; respectable;
goodo (Som) be about to fall, be near of rain
JDB17 Guddo (area), cf Gudo 08/41 [WO]
HCT74 Guddu, T., see Tulu Gudu 07/38 [WO]
?? Gude (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
gude b..: beret (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDM83 Gude Beret (Guda Berat) 0948'/3941' 3194 m 09/39 [WO Gz]
KCR57 Guded (area) 07/47 [WO]
gudeda, gudeeda (O) 1. thigh, lap; 2. child, offspring
HDF61 Gudedo 0847'/3928' 1556 m 08/46 [Gz]
HDN04 Gudeesh (Gude'esh) 0958'/3511' 1393 m 09/35 [Gz]
-- Gudela, Gudella, name used by the Hadya /south of Gurage country/
about themselves, regarded as a derogatory name or "nickname";
-- Gudela language, see Hadiya
HDD91 Gudela (Gudella, Gudiela) (with church), 08/37 [LM WO x]
cf Irensu Gudela
H.... Gudela (centre in 1964 of Hoda Geralta sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
HFE39c Gudele (village in western Geralta), 13/39 [x]
north of mountain Amba Gudele
H.... Gudelema (centre in 1964 of Borebor sub-district) 10/37? [Ad]
guder (O?) kind of root-crop plant? (A) kind of grass
used for binding palisades together
HDD92 Guder 0858'/3746' 1969, 2118 m, see under Ambo 08/37 [Gz Br Po WO]
(with church & sub-post office under A.Abeba)
(centre in 1964 of Kutai sub-district)
HDK19 Guder 0911'/3820' 2085, 2801 m 09/38 [AA Gz Gu]
?? Guder river (runs more than 150 km before ../.. [20 En]
running into the Abay, with waterfalls above and below Guder town)
?? Gudera (a volcanic lake in Gojjam) ../.. [Ch]
H.... Guderu, cf Gudru 10/37 [18]
Gudeta, a male personal name
HDC18 Gudeta (area) 08/37 [WO]
HDT55 Gudeti kebele (Gudäti ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-east Wegdi wereda at its eastern border,
8-13 km east of Mahdere Selam; area 2,265 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE56 Gudetti, M. (area), see under Mojo, cf Gadetti 08/39 [WO]
HDB.? Gudetu Arjo ../.. [20]
gudeya b..: billa, billaa (O) knife, sword
H.... Gudeya Billa sub-district (G. Bila ..) (-1964-1997-) 09/36 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Guben, visiting postman under Nekemte)
HD... Gudeya Jerie (in Leka awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
HDJ24 Gudeya sub-district (Gudeia ..) 09/36 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Jere)
HFF52 Gudgud 1405'/3934' 2409 m 14/39 [Gz]
gudguda: guda (A) injure, do damage to;
gudaa, gudda, guddaa (O) 1. big; 2. respectable /man/
HFE50 Gudguda Laham 1402'/3825' 1927 m 14/38 [WO Gz]
gudgwad, gwudgwad (A,T) hole, well, ditch, pit, burrow,
subterranean grain store
HEE43 Gudgwad Wiha 1118'/3847' 2440 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDM35 Gudgwad Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Ankober wereda at its eastern and southern borders,
16-23 km south-east of Ankober town; area 4,722 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEE54 Gudgwad Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central western Mekdela wereda; area 1,809 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD91 Gudiela, see Gudela
?? Gudino (visiting postman under A.Abeba) ../.. [Po]
JDD09 Gudir Harer (area) 08/43 [WO]
guditi ar..: arja (O) generous
?? Guditi Arjo (sub-post office under Nekemte) ../.. [Po]
HDL55 Gudiyo 0931'/3853' 2661 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEC86 Gudnu, cf Gudru .. 11/37 [WO]
gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. meet ones obligations;
guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/
?? Gudo (in Kefa) ../.. [..]
Locality smaller than the 134 districts of Kefa kingdom.
HDL55 Gudo 0934'/3854' 2637 m, cf Guddo 09/38 [AA Gz]
gudo k..: kebbi (Som) make someone sip
HDC05 Gudo Kebbi (Gudo Chebbi) 08/37 [+ WO]
?? Gudola (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
HCS42c Gudro, locality circa 15 km north-west of Hosaina 07/37 [20]
gudru: guduru (O) a hair-style at shoulder length and decorated
with cowry shells, among Dabbale gada grade of young Borana boys;
-- Gudru, Guderu, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe, one of
four making up the Afre in the 1500s
HDK60 Gudru (Gooderoo) 0935'/3730' 09/37 [WO Gu Ha Gz]
(wide high plateau), see also name form Guduru
HDG.. Gudru Aira, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDJ55 Gudru awraja, see also Horo Gudru awraja
HEC86 Gudru Giyorgis (G. Gheorghis), 11/37 [+ It]
(church on plateau)
HDJ55? Gudru wereda (Guduru ..) 09/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kombolcha)
(-1994-) is divided into 90 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDK60 Guduru (Gudru), 09/37 [WO En]
wide high plateau in eastern Wellega
HEF70 Guéchén, see Amba Geshen
HCN78 Guedamo (Gurdono) 0757'/3535' 1850 m 07/35 [Gz]
HDM70 Guedeu, see Gwedew
HEJ34 Guei Mariam, see Goye Maryam
HEF63c Guelbo, see Gelbo
KDB22 Guelgomis, see Gwelgomis
HCC82c Guelta, between Bulki and Felege Neway 06/37 [20]
HDL00 Guenet, see Genet
HCR93 Guennet, see Suntu
HDJ27 Guennete, see Gannate
HEL66 Gueralia (recorded in 1841) 12/39 [Ha]
HCS13 Gueramo Uatara 0725'/3751' 2166 m 07/37 [Gz]
JDK86 Guerbadjiri (area) 1595 m 09/43 [WO]
JDS43 Guerigoan, see Gwerigowan
JDA07 Guersa 0910'/4025' 1165 m 09/40 [Gz]
?? Guet (Guét) (historically recorded town) ../.. [Pa]
gueta (O) clan ceremony among the Oromo
HES45 Guetocul (area) 13/37 [WO]
gufa, guffa (A) shrub growing in highland rocky areas,
with yellow flowers, Cassia singueana;
gufa-u (O) become long and bushy /said of hair/
JFB41 Gufa (hill) 1401'/4048' 14/40 [Ne WO Gz]
HDD67 Gufete (Gufere) 0841'/3811' 2240 m 08/38 [WO Gz]
HCG67 Gufi (area), west of Mizan Teferi 06/35 [x]
HCG98 Gufi (area), north-west of Shewa Gimira 07/35 [x]
gufta, guftaa (O) headband or turban worn by Muslims;
(A) hair-covering used by Muslim women, scarf
HET64 Guftamlo (on map of 1814) 1311'/3850' 1695 m 13/38 [Gu Gz]
gufte, gufteh (O) small compact shrub up to 30 cm tall,
Sida cuneifolia, with dark green, shiny leaves and small
yellow flowers
HDL72 Gufte 0943'/3837' 3034 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD57 Gufti Gebriel (church) 0837'/3813' 08/38 [Gz]
G.... Gug (centre in 1964 of Gugnajor wereda) 08/34 [Ad]
HEC84 Gug, volcanic pile about 150 m, serves as landmark 11/36 [Ch]
guga, gugaa (O) owl, raven
HDM01 Guga (Buga) 0903'/3926' 2144 m 09/39 [Gu WO Gz]
(mountain area), near adjoining map code HDF91
guge, gugee (O) pigeon, dove
HCC88 Guge (Gughe) 0612'/3730' 2742 m peak 4200 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCC99, near HCC89 or HCD80
(mountain) (0613'/3724'? = HCC88)
HCC99 Guge (Gughe) (area) 2742 m 06/37 [+ WO]
HEC95 Guge Giyorgis (Gughe Gheorghis) (church) 11/37 [+ It]
HEK10 Gugebi (Gugubi) (volcanic hill, lava-cores exposed) 11/37 [Ch WO]
gugga (Som) kind of shrub or small tree,
Cassine aethiopica var. pubescens
JEB73 Gugga Ale (area) 11/41 [WO]
JCH20 Guggafto, see Gugufto
JCN23 Gugiabe, see Gojabe
HDH31 Gugiani, see Gujani
JCM40 Guglu, see Tulli
G.... Gugnajor wereda (centre in 1964 = Gug) 08/34 [Ad]
HB... Gugnera Fasha ../.. [20]
Settlement of 3 hectares in middle Konso.
HB... Gugnera Kolme ../.. [20]
Settlement of 7 hectares in west Konso.
gugs (A,Gurage) kind of polo-type horse game;
Gugsa, a male personal name
HDR85 Gugsa, see under Bure 10/37 [WO]
gugu, guggu (A) avid, ambitious, desirous, gourmand
HDF07 Gugu (mountain) 0812'/3958' 3390, 3623 m 08/39 [WO Gz]
HDF16 Gugu 0815'/3955' or 0819'/3958' 3210 m 08/39 [WO Gu Gz]
(mountain area)
JDA33 Gugu (wide mountain area) 2311 m 08/40 [WO Gu]
JDA33 Gugu Magna, see Arba Gugu
HBM45 Gugubba, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HDM75 Guguf 3355 m 09/39 [WO]
HEF01 Guguf 1054'/3929' 10/39 [Gz]
HDM74 Guguf kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Ankober wereda at the middle of its northern
border, 9-12 km south-southeast of Debre Sina; area 850 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gugufi, gugguffi (O) hunchback; bending, stooping
JDC63 Gugufi 0847'/4154' 1540 m 08/41 [Gz]

gugufto (O) long-necked antelope, gerenuk,

Lithocranius walleri
JCH20 Gugufto (Malca G., Guguftu, Guggafto) 06/40 [MS WO]
(seasonal waterhole) 0631'/40
HEF12 Guguftu kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Dese Zuriya wereda at its southern border,
22-29 km south-west of Dessie town; area 1.818 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM75 Guguh Mikael (church) 0945'/3948' 09/39 [Gz]
south of Debre Sina
guguma (O) mooing, bellowing, murmuring, whispering
HCL73 Guguma 0659'/3842' 2571 m 06/38 [WO Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Melgie sub-district), near Melge Wendo
HCL73? Guguma wereda/?/ 06/38 [Ad]
HFF30 Guh (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern,
cf Idaga Hamus : Dingilat
?? Gui, in Gojjam, with important market in the 1800s ../.. [18]
HFE04 Guia, see Guya & JEH55
HDH74 Guiber, see Gibir
HDB91 Guie, see Guyi
HDG65 Guie (Guye) 0939'/3513' 1549 m 09/35 [Gz Po Ad WO]
(visiting postman under Gimbi)
guie d..: dibbe, dibbee (O) small drum; (A) flat drum
used by sorcerers
HCF63 Guie Dibbe 0601'/3938' 1215 m 06/39 [Gz]
HFE87 Guila, see Gwila 14/39 [Gu]
HFF52 Guila 1404'/3939' 2424 m 14/39 [Gu Gz]
JDD98 Guio .., see Guyo ..
-- guio a..: Ada, a Tulama Oromo tribe; adda (O) forehead
JDD96 Guio Adda (Guiu Ada), see Durwale
HEC83 Guisale (village), 11/36 [It]
see under Yismala Giyorgis
HCB28 Guista (mountain) 0538'/3628' 966 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
HCB39 Guista, G. (area) 05/36 [WO]
HFF81 Guitelo Medhane Alem (Gu'itelo ..) (church) 14/39 [Gz]
1422'/3930', north-east of Adigrat
JDD96 Guiu Ada, see Durwale
JCN23 Gujabe (Gugiabe) (mountain) 07/40 [+ Gz]
0730'/4005' 1864 m, see also Gogiabe
HDH31 Gujani (Gugiani) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDM42 Gujbel kebele (Gujbäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda at its northern
border, 13-17 km north-east of Koremash; area 1,067 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCE21 Guje 0537'/3830' 1424 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
HDE92 Guje 0902'/3837' 2516 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD07 Gujer 0809'/3810' 3127 m 08/38 [Gz]
near adjoining map code HCS97
guji, gujjii (O) tough grass, difficult to uproot;
-- Guji, historically one of three branches of the Borana
section of the Oromo, nowadays known for plying on lake
Abaya in boats of the very light ambach wood
HCD29 Guji (area) 05/38 [WO x]
HDE64 Guji (mountain) 0847'/3850' 08/38 [Gz]
HDG07 Guji 0904'/3530' 1547 m, near map code HDA97 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ85 Guji 0949'/3705' 2423 m 09/37 [Gz]
HBU.? Guji wereda 05/39 [En]
Presently Negele town belongs to the wereda.
HDM.? Gujibel (with church Debir Mika'el) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HCT25 Gujicha 0727'/3856' 2869 m 07/38 [Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Munesa wereda)
HC... Gujurule (rock towers) 06/39 [Ca]
gul (A) clod of earth; (Som) fortune; earlier the name
of a spirit (Guolagul)
JCS34 Gul Anod 0734'/4253' 795 m 07/42 [Gz]
gul g..: gula (O) 1. man who has passed out of the Tulama or
Mecha gada system; 2. abdomen, genitals; guula (O) a share;
guula, fiery, swift and strong /horse/; gula (T) ant-bear
JCR80 Gul Gula 0801'/4136' 1229 m 08/41 [n]
near map code JCP89
gul wiha (A) earth clod water
HEL33 Gul Wiha kebele (Gul Weha ..) 12/38 [Ad]
in the mid-western Bugna wereda, 35 km
north-northwest of Lalibela; area 7,887 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gula (O) 1. man who has passed out of the Tulama or
Mecha gada system; 2. abdomen, genitals; guula (O) a share;
guulaa (O) fiery, swift and strong /said of horses/;
gula (T) ant-bear
HDB45 Gula 08/36 [WO]
HEL53 Gula 1215'/3843' 2149 m 12/38 [n]
gula b..: bedesa (O) kinds of tree, Croton macrostachys,
Syzygium guineense
HDK72 Gula Bedesa 0942'/3746' 2126 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
gula o..: oda, odaa (O) kind of large tree, Ficus sycomorus
or Cordia africana; 2. sanctified place of assembly;
ooda (O) threshing floor; oodaa (O) small quantity
JDC72 Gula Oda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Burka) 08/41 [Ad]
HEC67 Gulagulma Medhane Alem (church) 1128'/3718' 11/37 [Gz]
HDT43 Gulale kebele (Gulalé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Wegdi wereda, 13-18 km
south-southwest of Mahdere Selam; area 1,796 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM.. Gulanza kebele 09/34 [20]
18 km north-west of Begi in Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
?? Gular (Goular), ambulance camp in 1936 ../.. [+ x]
HDU44 Gulay kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda, 12-18 km
north-northeast of Mehal Meda; area 1,881 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gulba (O) knee
HEA66 Gulba 1129'/3519' 669 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
JCG56 Gulbaduma, see Dadimos
HFF31 Gulbisha (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 13/39 [Ad]
HFF31 Gulbisha (Gulbecha, Gulibiscia, Gulisha) 13/39 [x]
(w rock-hewn church), see under Geralta churches - northern
GDM05 Gulbo 0905'/3451' 1518 m 09/34 [Gz]
HEL93 Guld 1236'/3844' 1848 m 12/38 [Gz]
HFE76 Guldam (place & valley) 1415'/3903' 2385 m 14/39 [Gu Gz]
?? Guldia (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JCB57 Guldima (Galdima) 0558'/4124' 641 m 05/41 [Gz WO]
gule: Guulle (Som) giver of victory, God
GDU62 Gule (Gebel G.) 1030'/3431' 1478 m, 10/34 [WO Gz]
cf Gulle, see also Jebel Gule
HDA83 Gule 08/35 [WO]
JDK19 Gule (area) 1700 m 09/43 [WO]
HDJ54 Gulecha (Guleccia) 0935'/3702' 2707 m 09/37 [+ Gz]
-- gulele: Gulale, Gullalle, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe;
-- Gulele people used to inhabit the western foothills of Intoto
HDL12 Gulele 0914'/3841' 2589 m, cf Gullele 09/38 [Gz]
HDL23 Gulele, two at 5 km distance 09/38 [AA]
HDL23 Gulele 0917'/3843' 2541 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL42 Gulele 0926'/3841' 2467 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL72 Gulele 0947'/3840' 3102 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT03 Gulele, see Dire
HDL62 Gulele wereda (centre in 1964 = Fital), 09/38 [+ Ad]
see also Yaya, Gulele & Debre Libanos wereda
HD... Gulem (in Kola Dega Damot awraja) 10/37? [Ad]
?? Gulena Tularae (visiting postman under A.A.) ../.. [Po]
JDJ70 Gulet (area) 09/41 [WO]
HCJ04c Guleta 06/37 [LM]
?? Gulevara, see Abarta
JDK23 Gulfa 0915'/4251' 1657 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDH60 Gulfa Korena (Gulfa Corena) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
H.... Gulgolo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tseniha) 13/38 [Ad]
?? Gulgula (visiting postman under W. Soddo) ../.. [Po]
JBG02 Gulgullo, see Galgallo
gulgulo (Som) camel's throat; guulguul (Som) threaten,
HBM96 Gulgulo (Gulgullo) (area) 04/39 [+ WO]
JBG92 Gulgutto, see Galgallo
HBL48 Guli (area) 03/39 [WO]
HEL48 Guli Ba Amba, see Abune Yosef
gulih (A) evident, visible, conspicuous
HFE43 Gulih Mili 1402'/3848' 2068 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE44 Gulih Mili 1401'/3852' 1735 m 14/38 [Gz]
one of the above at 13.6 km from Aksum
gulima: gulimma (A) small plot of land /given to somebody/;
gulma (O) copper hairpiece of Borana women
JEG98 Gulima (Golima) 12/40 [LM WO]
?? Gulina wereda (in the 1990s, in the Afar region) ../.. [n 20]
HDG18 Guliso (Golliso, Golisso, Golaisso) 09/35 [Gz WO Wa Gu]
0910'/3528' 1575 m (with sub-post office)
(centre in 1964 of Ayira Guliso sub-district)
Coordinates would give map code HDG17
HEC53 Gulisti (with church Giyorgis) 11/36 [WO It]

HDS41c Gulit (ridge) 2380 m, cf Dessie 10/37 [Gu n]

?? Gulit (north-west of Debre Markos) ../.. [n]
gulit w..: wedaj (wädadj) (A) friend
?? Gulit Wedaj sub-district (-1997-), cf Gult .. ../.. [n]

HEE74 Guliya Chukiya kebele (.. Ch'uqiya ..) 11/39 [Ad]

in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
15-22 km south of Bete Hor; area 2,951 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Gulji Delme (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HES42 Gullaba (area) 13/37 [WO]
HDL.. Gullale (Gullallee), see Gulele
?? Gullay (with postal agent/sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
gulle, gulleh (T) castor oil tree, Ricinus communis;
guule (O) difficult to handle /said of riding horse/
HCE68 Gulle 0559'/3910' 1727 m, cf Gule 05/39 [WO Gz]
HDJ53 Gulle (area) 09/36 [WO]
HDE92 Gullele (Gullale) (area), see mainly Gulele, 09/38 [WO x]
also HDL03 as part of Addis Abeba
HE... Gullibudda (on map of 1814), 13/39 [18]
almost midway between Antalo and Aksum
gullo (O) hyena; person with the evil eye;
gullo, gulo (A,O) kinds of shrub or small tree: Maytenus
senegalensis; castor plant, Ricinus communis;
gulo (A) golden reddish brown; guloo (O) hat
HCJ96 Gullo (area), see Kulo
HDR75 Gulm Mikael (church) 1037'/3704' 10/37 [Gz]
gulo m..: Mekeda, name connected with the Queen of Sheba?
HFF90 Gula Mekeda (G. Mäkäda, G. Makda, Golo Mäkäda) 14/39 [En]
(Macheda, Fre: Goulo-Makéda), area bordering upon Eritrea
HFF90 Gulo Mekeda wereda (G. Makda.., G. Mekada..) 14/39? [Ad n x]
(Gulomahda ..) (centre in 1964 = Fekada) (1941-1997-),
in Agame awraja 1941-1974
HDL42 Gulole 0925'/3840' 2471 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFF90 Gulomahda wereda, see Gula Mekeda ..
HFE68 Gulosgi (Gulosghi) 1408'/3917' 1928 m 14/39 [+ Gu Gz]
gulse..: kecha (A) sisal; (O) inside
H.... Gulsekecha (centre in 1964 of Diga wereda & ../.. [Ad]
of Gulsekecha /Gulsedecha?/ sub-district)
HC... Gulsho (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/35 [Ad]
gult (A) estate, fief, land given by a ruler to a religious institution
as an endowment, or to an individual
HDU34 Gult 1017'/3942' 3212 m 10/39 [Gz]
HED05 Gult 1054'/3759' 2533 m 10/37 [WO Gz]
HEE.. Gult (in Wadla), cf Gulit 11/38 [n]
H.... Gult Mikael (centre in 1964 of Agot Bes sub-district) 10/37 [Ad]
gult w..: wedaj (wädadj) (A) friend
HFD58 Gult Wedaj wereda (centre in 1964 = Inda Silase), 14/38 [Ad]
cf Gulit ..
HCC94 Gulta (Gutta), see Gota
HCD80c Gulta, west of southern lake Abaya, cf Geltsa 06/37 [x, Gu]
gulti (O from A) form of possession of land
HBP09 Gulti (mountain) 0436'/3634' 914 m 04/36 [WO Gz]
gulub (Harar) veil, type blue muslin fillet on women's hair
JEH74 Gulubba (Guluble) (waterhole) 12/41 [WO Ne Gz]
1223'/4103' 305 m
HDL32 Gulube 0921'/3838' 2414 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam at some distance to the west)
JDH32 Gulube, G. (mountain) 0919'/4055' 1443/1570 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
gulubi, gulubii (O) 1. knee-cap; 2. ankle
HDL63 Gulubi 0941'/3844' 2628 m, cf Kulubi 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Guluble Af ../.. [20]
centre of Kori wereda created in 2007
guluf (Som) 1. small war party of horsemen; 2. stubble
or hay given to livestock; gulufa (O) run; gulufu (O) to ride
a horse or mule in gallop
HDH94 Gulufa 09/36 [WO]
JDC20 Gulufa (Golufa) 0823'/4139' 1284/1370 m 08/41 [WO Wa Gz]
HDJ54 Gulufi 0931'/3701' 2330 m 09/37 [Gz]
?? Guluhomeheda wereda (in the 1990s, NE Tigray) ../.. [n]
HDE68 Gulura 08/39 [WO]
gulus: guluus, galuus (Som) button
JEC51 Gulus (area) 11/41 [WO]
HCG69 Gulushi (Gulusci) 0655'/3541' 1846 m 06/35 [+ Gu Gz]
HEE55 Gulya 1124'/3855' 1918 m 11/38 [Gz]
gum (A) fog, haze, mist; (T) kind of shrub or small tree,
Euclea schimperi
HDN86 Gum 10/35 [WO]
HDP79 Gum (mountain) 1036'/3635' 1506 m 10/36 [WO Gz]
?? Gum Gum, see Gumgum
HCT37 Gum Guma, see Gunguma
HDP79 Gum Iyesus (.. Jesus, ..Yasus) 1039'/3633' 1609 m, 10/36 [+ Gz WO Ch]
a high hill ridge running out to the Abay
guma 1. (western Eth) kind of shrub or small tree,
Olinia usambarensis; 2. (O) kind of stick as symbol or
weapon; guma, gumaa (O) 1. fruit, ear of barley or wheat;
2. (A,O) reconciliation after murder, indemnity;
revenge, retaliation, (A) blood money; 3. hunk of meat
guma (T) large bird of prey?
Guma, Gumma, from around 1810 an Oromo state west and north
of the Didessa river, see mainly Gumma
GDE99 Guma, T. (mountain) 1783 m 08/34 [WO]
HCP77 Guma (area) 07/36 [WO]
HDA13 Guma 0817'/3502' 1559 m 08/35 [WO Gu Gz]
(mountain with rocky slopes), see under Bure
HDB06 Guma (wide area), historically see Gumma 08/36 [WO x]
HDB08 Guma 0810'/3626' 2128 m, see under Dembi 08/36 [WO Gu Gz]
HED06 Guma (Gumd) 1056'/3805' 2623 m, 10/38 [WO Gu Gz Ch]
village with a church on a hill-top
JEJ21 Guma (area) 11/41 [WO]
guma g..: gudda, guddaa (O) 1. large; 2. respectable /man/
HDA93 Guma Guda (G. Gudda, Guma Tino) (hill) 09/35 [Gz WO]
0901'/3507' 2007 m
GDM.. Gumagararba kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
Gumai .., cf Gumay ..
gumai da..: daaro (Som) touch lightly; daro (Som) strangle-
hold in wrestling; dhaaro (Som) swear, take an oath;
dahro (T) wild fig tree, Ficus dahro, Ficus vasta; daro (O) saint
HFC29 Gumai Daro (area) 1345'/3728' 1949 m, 13/37 [WO Gz]
see under Adi Remet
HCP98 Gumai Denbi wereda (centre in 1964 = Dembi) 08/36 [Ad]
HB... Gumaide ../.. [20]
Sub-region recently incorporated into Konso Special Wereda.
HCD11c Gumaide wereda (Gumaidie .., Gumaida ..) 05/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Segen), between Amaro and Gidole
?? Guman (historical area recorded in the 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
HEC88 Gumano Mereb (G. Merev) (church) 11/37 [+ It]
gumar (Som) kind of plant with stinging juice;
gumaar (Som) 1. hard, callous skin; 2. groin, pubic region;
-- Gumar, Goumar, Gwemaro, a group of Gurage with many Muslims
HDR63 Gumar (Gumer, Gumär) (historically recorded area) 10/36 [Gz Ch WO Pa]
1030'/3655' 1866 m
gumara (Som,O) kind of thorn shrub, Acacia nubica, A. oerfota
HEK.. Gumara (river which winds over the Fogara plain) 11/37 [Ch]
HEK11 Gumara (village) 11/37 [Gu]
gumara r..: ras (A) 1. head; 2. cape, promontory;
3. ear of corn
HEK10 Gumara Ras 11/37 [Ch]
HCD93 Gumaraki (lake), see Abaya
gumare, gumarre (A,T) hippo, Hippopotamus amphibius;
gumere (O) woody climber, bramble, Rubus steudneri;
JEC.. Gumare, see Gummare
Gumare Dildiy, see Abay bridge 2
gumari (O) dark honey; (Som) kind of thorn shrub, Acacia oerfota
HCR76 Gumari, see Gomari
HED34c Gumari, big hill on the left bank of Abay river 11/37 [Ch]
gumari wiha (A) hippo water
HED.. Gumari Wiha (G. Waha), see also Tis Isat, 11/38 [Ch]
about 3 km upstream of the big waterfall
gumaro: gumero (A) thorn tree, Acacia spp.; gumaru (A) kind of
climbing shrub, Capparis tomentosa;
gumerro, gemerro, gimero (T) kinds of tree;
-- Gumaro = Gwemaro? name of a tribe, cf Gumar above
HCN06 Gumaro 0716'/3521'c 07/35 [x]
HDA07c Gumaro (forest and river) 08/35 [18 Gu]
HCK61 Gumasha (Gumascia) (mountain) 06/37 [+ WO]
HEU24 Gumasir (Amba Gumase) 1256'/3944' 1756 m 12/39 [Gz]
gumay ..: gumaya (O) kind of carrot-like wild tuber; shantama (O) fifty
HD... Gumay Lembi (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HCR50 Gumay Sentema (Santamma), cf Sentama 07/36 [LM WO]
H.... Gumay sub-district (-1997-) 08/36? [n]
gumay t..: toba, toobaa (O) never
HD... Gumay Toba (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
-- Gumayde, people living south of lake Chamo
HCD21 Gumaydo 0537'/3737' 1543 m 05/37 [Gz]
-- Gumaye, small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa, cf Gumayde
HDR33 Gumba Bul (waterfalls), see under Fatam 10/37 [x]
GDF93 Gumbabi 0902'/3438' 1664 m 09/34 [Gz]
HC... Gumbacha (Gumbacia), 06/37 [Mi]
a ridge between the Omo and Deme rivers
HEE69 Gumbaji (mountain, recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18]
JCS47 Gumban (Gumbah) 0737'/4309' 985 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
gumbi, gumbii (O) small granary inside the house;
(A) black and white bird with curved beak
HCR99 Gumbi 0807'/3728' 1900 m 08/37 [n]
HDD00 Gumbi, see Kumbi
HDG94 Gumbi (Gombi) (hills) 0952'/3507' 1546 m 09/35 [WO MS]
Coordinates would give map code HDG93
JDA94 Gumbi (Gebel G., Kumbi) (mountain) 08/40 [WO Gz Ne]
0858'/4013' 1023, 1430 m, see under Awash
HDE88 Gumbicho (Gumbiccio, Gumbicciu, Gumbicu) 08/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(wide area) 0855'/3910',
see under Chefe Donsa, cf Gimbicho
HDL42 Gumbicho 0929'/3838' 2167 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL53 Gumbichu (Ghembicciu) (area) 09/38 [WO]
HDL53 Gumbichu (Aghembicciu) 0932'/3844' 2444 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Be'ale Weld)
HDL53 Gumbichu 0935'/3845' 2535 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDL63 Gumbichu (Ghembicciu) (area) 09/38 [AA WO]
HDD15 Gumbis 0815'/3759' 1878 m 08/37 [Gz]
gumbora s..: sanka, saanqaa (O) door, board, plank;
sanka (A) defect
?? Gumbora Sanka /cf Gembore?/ ../.. [18]
gumbur a.: gumbur, gunbur (Som) low isolated hill;
ad (Som) you
JDR38 Gumbur Ad (Gumbur-Ad) (area) 10/42 [WO]
gumbur bilein, hill of the Bilen people?
JDR11 Gumbur Bilein (area) 736 m 10/41 [WO]
JCD97 Gumbur Ottum (G. Ottun) 0614'/4312' 325 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
JDS31 Gumburder (area) 10/42 [WO]
gumburka h..: hare (O) lake? place? harre (O) donkey
JDK35 Gumburka Hare (Cumburca Harre) (hill) 09/43 [Gz WO]
0920'/4303' 1789/1822 m
HEU02 Gumburrada (pass), see under Maychew 12/39 [WO]
gumburte as: as (O) here; aas (Som) 1. bury, burial;
2. colourful light of sunset
JDJ91 Gumburte As (area) 09/41 [WO]
gumburte b..: bokkollo, boqqolloo (O) corn, maize
JDJ90 Gumburte Bockolo (G. Boccolo) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
KCA24 Gumburu (hills) 0533'/4510' 05/45 [WO Gz]
KCH52 Gumburu (Gumburro) (hills) 0650'/4555' 450/530 m 06/45 [WO Ad]
HED06 Gumd, see Guma
HED31 Gumde Wen, village about 30 km from Mota 11/37 [20]
gume, gumee (O) elbow, wrist; (A,O) armband; gummeh (T) kind of
small to medium tree, Trichelia roka; (A) headdress made of lion's mane
HB... Gume ../.. [20]
Settlement of 4 hectares in middle Konso.
HFD83 Gume (area) 14/37 [WO]
HER20 Gumenta (mountains) 1254'/3638' 1205 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
-- Gumer (gumär), traditionally a Gurage area
-- Gumer people (Gomaro, Guemara), not to be confused with 'Gomer'
HCS85 Gumer 0802'/3802' 2766 m 08/38 [Gz]
HCS86c Gumer (Gumar) (mountain?) 0759'/3807' 07/38 [Wa Gu Gz]
HCS97 Gumer (Gummer, Goumeur) 0806'/3812' 3236 m 08/38 [WO Gz x]
with salty earth offered at Friday market in the 1930s
HDR63 Gumer, see Gumar
JCE19 Gumer (Gumerhe) 0536'/4418' 229 m, 05/44 [WO Gz]
see under Kelafo
JEC09 Gumer (mountain) 710 m 10/42 [WO]
HDU22 Gumer kebele (Gumär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda, 26-30 km
south-east of Degolo; area 2,716 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HCS.. Gumer sub-district 08/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Zinbaro) (-1964-1997-)
HCS97 Gumer wereda 08/38 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 61 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JCE19 Gumerhe, see Gumer above
gumere (O) woody climber, bramble, Rubus steudneri
HCR83 Gumet (area) 08/36 [WO]
?? Gumgum (in the Afar region, with limestone) ../.. [Mi]
?? Gumgum (Gum Gum) ../.. [Ch x]
Village poised for safety on the top of a hill.
HDN89c Gumgum (Gum Gum) 10/35 [n]
In western Gojjam, 15 km west-northwest of Wembera
and a little north-east of the Shar (Sciar) river.
gumguma (O) murmur, whispering, grumbling
HCT37 Gumguma (Gum Guma, Gunguma) (with church) 07/39 [MS Ad WO]
0730'/3904' 2664/2811 m, east of lake Langano
HCL94c Gumichu, north of Kofele, with Arsi Oromo 07/38 [x]
HEC43 Gumidiv Abba (church), see under Dangila 11/36 [It]
HFE74 Gumii (Gumi'i) 1413'/3850' 1803 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-west of Adwa
Gumma, see also Guma above (not to be mistaken for Gomma)
-- Gumma (Guummaa) (historical small Gibe kingdom) ../.. [x]
The Gumma state was incorporated into imperial Ethiopia in 1886.
JEC.. Gummare 11/41 [20]
one of six lakes where the Awash river ends
JEG55 Gummele (area), see under Sifani 12/40 [WO]
JEG46 Gummeli (Gummele) 1212'/4024' 660 m 12/40 [Gz]
JEG47 Gummeli 1210'/4026' 661 m 12/40 [WO Gu Gz]
gummo: gumo (O) something round, globe, sphere
HDB65 Gummo (mountain) 2090 m 08/36 [WO]
HEU51 Gumolo 1311'/3929' 2071 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDR.. Gumr, cf Gumar
HCD54 Gumure (area), south-east of lake Abaya 05/37 [x]
-- Gumuz, a Nilo-Saharan language spoken by an ethnic group
of the same name living in an area near Sudan and also in Sudan
HEA68 Gumuz (wide area) 11/35 [Ca WO]
-- Gumz, see Gumuz
guna, gunna (O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Olinia aequipetala, O. rochetiana, O. usambarensis,
somewhat similar to the coffee tree
HCS53c Guna (locality) 07/37 [20]
HCU31 Guna 0731'/3926' 2663 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDF16 Guna 0816'/3953' 2968 m 08/39 [WO Gz]
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9E Minne (area)
6N amba 2819 m
10NE Welargi (Fagogi) (mountain) 3285 m
and the long Gugu range of mountains
passes Guna in north-south direction
HDF26 Guna, see Debre Sahil
HEB82 Guna 1280 m 11/35 [WO]
HE... Guna (in Gayint) 11/38 [x]
HED97 Guna (Fre: Gouna) (mountain group) 1143'/3814', 11/38 [Ch WO Gu Gz]
plateau c.3000 m, peak 4103/4231 m
HEL02c Guna 11/38 [Gu]
HEL50c Guna (mountain) 2431 m 12/38 [Gu]
JDA12c Guna 08/40 [MS]
HFD49 Guna Amba (Cuna Amba) 1400'/3824' 1935 m 14/38 [WO Gz]
HFE41 Guna Amba 13/38 [Gu]
guna g..: gunaguna (A,T) a variety of ensete
HFM00 Guna Guna (Gunaguna) 14/39 [WO x]
village between Senafe and Adigrat
HDT56 Guna kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda somewhat to the south at its western border,
8-15 km west-southwest of Kelala settlement; area 2,393 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE69 Guna kebele 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle of northernmost Tenta wereda at its border,
10-16 km north of Tenta settlement; area 3,319 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDA.. Guna wereda & sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guna) 08/40 [Ad n]
(-1964-1997-), in Arba Gugu awraja
HFE67 Guna Zeyti Maryam (church) 1407'/3909' 14/39 [Gz]
?? Gunagadu, in the Ogaden near Somaliland ../.. [x]
gunaguna (A,T) a variety of ensete
HFE99 Gunaguna 1024802'/3945' 2977 m 14/39 [18 Gz]
(British camp in 1868)
HFM00 Gunaguna, see Guna Guna
HDM73 Gunagunit 0943'/3940' 2996 m 09/39 [Gz]
H.... Gunakit (centre in 1964 of Zengo sub-district) 13/38 [Ad]
H... Gunaro, forest 20 km from Gore, with coffee trees 08/35? [x]
gunch (gunch') (A) cheek
HED26c Guncha & Enessie wereda 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gunde Weyn Mar)
HCR86 Gunchi (Gunci) (mountain) 07/37 [+ WO]
HCS92 Gunchire 0805'/3745' 1966 m 08/37 [Gz Po]
(with sub-post office under Addis Abeba)
HFF94 Gunda Gunde, see Gunde Gunde below
JD... Gunda Usman Bulle (village) 1420 m 08/42 [Gu]
JCR66 Gundabella, see Gandaba
JCT74 Gundabella, see Gandaba
HCB06 Gundal 503 m 05/36 [WO]
HFE77 Gundapta (east-west hollow between mountains) 14/39 [Pa]
HEL36 Gundat (Gundet), see Gondat
HFF94 Gunde Gunde (G. Gunda, Gunda Gunde) 14/39 [En WO Gu x]
(Gundä Gunde, Gunda Gundi, Fre: Goundé-Goundié)
monastery about 30 km from Adigrat and near the border of Eritrea
gunde w..: weyn (Som) big, large , great;
weyn (A) kind of climber, vine; 2. grape, wine plant;
mar (A) honey
HED26c Gunde Weyn (G. Woyn, Gundo Weyn, Gundowoin) 11/38 [+ LM 20]
HED26c Gunde Weyn Mar (.. Woyin ..) 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Guncha & Enessie wereda
and of Siso Enessie sub-district)
?? Gunder wereda (in the 1990s in West Shewa Zone) ../.. [n]
HFF15 Gundfru, see Gundifru

gundi (T) trunk of tree; gundhi (Som) lift, raise, jerk

HDM84 Gundi (Gib Uascia) (mountain) 0946'/3943' 3400 m 09/39 [Gz]
HFE92 Gundi (waterhole) 1424'/3839' 14/38 [WO Gz]
HDM64 Gundi Giyor (Gundi Ghior, Gandi Gh.) 09/39 [+ WO n]
0940'/3943' 3360 m, see under Ankober, cf Aba Wiha Ager, Kundi
HFF15 Gundifru (Gundfru, Gundifiru, Gundefru, Gundufru) 13/39 [x Gz]
(with rock-hewn church Silase)
1345'/3946' 2252 m
gundil (A) capon
HBR48 Gundile (Gebel G.) (mountain) 04/37 [WO Gu Gz]
0454'/3724' 1875/1964/2056 m
gundo (A) large container for measuring honey and butter;
(O) basketwork implement for winnowing grain
HER06c Gundo (same as Gandua?), 12/37 [x]
about 25 km west-northwest of Gondar
HFF21 Gundo (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - southern
HFF30 Gundo (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
HDT68 Gundo kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Jema wereda, 5-11 km
north-west of Degolo; area 3,062 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT23 Gundo Meskel (Ginde M., Dunguomeschel) 10/38 [Gz Po WO]
1015'/3844' 2544 m
Coordinates would give map code HDT33
(with sub-post office under A.A.), see under Addis Dera
HED26c Gundo Weyn (Gundowoin), see Gunde Weyn
?? Gundufta, in the 1810s a minor district of Tigré ../.. [18]
HBM94 Gundul (Anona) 04/39 [WO]
gunfan (A) cold /the common infection/
HET78c Gunfan (with simple cave church Maryam) 13/39 [x]
at 1½ hour walk from Gijet
GDU06 Gunfi, G. (hill & place) 0917'/3436' 1505 m 09/34 [WO Gz]
GDM.. Gunfi kebele 09/34 [20]
12 km from Begi in Beni Shangul. Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
gungi: Gunji, a male name among the Oromo
HDS36 Gungi (Gunghi) 1013'/3806' 1990 m 10/38 [x WO Gz]
GDE23 Gungiang, see Gunjang
H.... Gungo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gesengessa) 10/35 [Ad]
gunguma, gungumaa (O) 1. gelded male sheep; 2. grumbler
HCT37 Gunguma (Gum Guma, Goom Gooma) 07/39 [Gz 18]
0730'/3904' 2811 m
HFD99 Gunguno 1427'/3822' 1584 m 14/38 [Gz]
?? Gungunte (Goongoonteh), ravine in lowlands ../.. [+ Ha]
GDE23 Gunjang (Gungiang, Guniang) 08/33 [Gz WO]
0820'/3344' 384 m
HDD99 Gunjo 0903'/3821' 2261 m, see under Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD26 Gunma Wolane (Gunma Uolane) 08/38 [+ WO]
?? Gunmara (river flowing into lake Tana) ../.. [x]
?? Gunne ../.. [En]
village with Beshada people east of Omo river
guno: gunno (Kefa) male slave; (Som) bonus, reward
HDK09 Guno 0907'/3820' 2703 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Gunsa (on map of 1814) on route Berbera-Harar, 09/43 [18]
at some distance inside present-day Ethiopia
HEE64 Gunset 1129'/3848' 2539 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDM93 Gunt Amba 0955'/3941' 2648 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEJ85c Gunter Egziaverab (village), see under Chilga 12/37 [Gu]
HEJ85 Guntir (Gunter, Contur) 1234'/3710' 1683, 1828 m 12/37 [WO Gu 20 Mi]
HEJ85 Guntir (village) Gz: 1230'/3708', see under Chilga
(with church Gunter Egziaverab/Guntil Egziabher Ab)
Coordinates would give map code HEJ86
gunto (Som) to dress, tie or wrap something around oneself
JBH88 Gunto 0423'/4129' (seasonal well) 04/41 [WO Gz]
HEK16 Guntur, see under Debre Tabor 11/38 [WO]
gunu g..: gadu, gaaduu (O) plot or spy against
/also several other meanings/
JCT65 Gunu Gadu (Genu Gadu) 0749'/4354' 856/916 m 07/43 [WO Gu Gz]
HDE78 Gunufatu (Gununfetu?) 08/39 [WO]
HCK82c? Gununu Hamus Edget, 07/37 [20]
town in Boloso Sore wereda
JBN74 Gunwai (area) 05/40 [WO]
HFE78 Gunya 1413'/3914' 2376 m 14/39 [Gz]
-- Gunza, a small Nilotic tribe living along the border
between Ethiopia and Sudan
HEB34 Gunza (area) 11/36 [WO]
HEC90 Gunzara 1144'/3635' 1449 m 11/36 [WO Gz]
H.... Guo Soti 05/37 [18]
HEC88 Guobarua Quosquam, see Gwobarwa Kwoskwam
HEC76 Guola (Guolla), see Kwola
HES45 Guomia 1304'/3758' 2404 m 13/37 [Gz]
HDM83 Guorat, see Tegulet
HDM64 Guorobiela, see Garobela
gur (A) rocky soil, heap or pile of stones, small enclosing wall;
(Som) 1. be empty, run dry; 2. collect, pick;
3. left hand; 4. wrong, offence, insult;
guur (Som) move away, migrate; 2. marriage
HBK47 Gur, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HEJ68 Gur Amba (Guramba) 1222'/3722' 1828 m 12/37 [Gz WO Gu]
HEL73 Gur Amba (Gor Amba) 1226'/3843' 2577 m 12/38 [Gz]
(Mindighessa, Sciumandam) 1229'/3843' 2086 m 12/38 [Gz Gu]
HEL73 Gur Amba (Guramba) 1228'/3845' 1940 m 12/38 [Gz]
HDT25 Gur Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching north-east/south-west in south-west Weremo,
Wajitu & Mida wereda reaching its southern border,
11-16 km north-west of Alem Ketema; area 2,190 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM33 Gur kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda; area 436 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM97 Gur kebele 09/39 [Ad]
rather far to the south in Kewet wereda at its western border,
13-17 km south of Shewa Robit; area 1,790 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU27 Gur kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally far to the north in Kewet wereda;
9-12 km north of Shewa Robit; area 759 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM84 Gur Selassie (area) 3090/3142 m 09/39 [WO Gu]
HDM94 Gur Selassie (Gur Selase)(with small church) 09/39 [Gu WO LM]
3090 m, see under Debre Sina

HDM43 Gur & Yigem kebele (.. Yegäm ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Ankober wereda along the southernmost part
of its western border, 10-14 km south-southwest of Ankober town;
area 1,062 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gura (A) hill; narrow road, track;
gura (western O) Rubus pinnatus, of the Rosaceae family;
(O) 1. reputation; 2. grimace; (T) 1. kind of shrub or tree,
Strychnos spinosa; 2. bluff; guraa (O) ear;
gurha (eastern O) kind of thorn tree, Acacia sieberiana;
guuraa (O) gathering for oneself;
-- Gura, a group of Oromo known in the 17th century,
-- Gura, Gwera, a tribe of western Gurage with their own dialect
HBK07 Gura (area), cf Gurra 03/38 [WO]
HBS88 Gura (area) 05/38 [WO]
HCN74 Gura 0753'/3512' 1727 m 07/35 [Gz]
HCP49 Gura 0737'/3635' 2149 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDD96 Gura 0902'/3807' 2264 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDE71 Gura 0851'/3834' 2059 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDH89 Gura 09/36 [WO]
HDK52 Gura (Gurra) 0937'/3748' 2406/2489 m, 09/37 [AA Gz Ad]
see under Kachisi
HDL73 Gura 0942'/3845' 2650 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL78 Gura 0945'/3940' 3036 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEC46 Gura (village with church) 11/37 [It]
HEJ17 Gura (small island) 11/37 [Ch]
HEM24 Gura 1158'/3943' 1905 m 11/39 [n]
JCP69 Gura, see Gurgur
JDA04 Gura (Gara G.) (mountain) 08/40 [WO Gz]
0808'/4013' 1558, 2143 m
?? Gura Ale, see Guraale
gura ar..: arba, arbaa (O) elephant;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
HEF73 Gura Arba 1132'/3941' 1711 m, 11/39 [Gz]
cf Gora Arba above
HD... Gura Auatye (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
JCH51 Gura Damole wereda (.. Dhamole ..) (-1997-) 06/40 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 15 rural and 1 urban kebele.
JCH51 Gura & Demolie wereda (centre in 1964 = Megalo), 06/40 [Ad]
same as the one above
gura do..: doba (A) ox without horns /Gondar/ or black and white /Shewa/;
-- Doba, name of a tribe in earlier time
?? Gura Doba (battlefield near Wama river) ../.. [n]
HCG53 Gura Farda .., see Guraferda
HDL25 Gura Jate 0916'/3852' 3010 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
gura m..: midir (A) earth, land, region
?? Gura Midir (a Gurage district) ../.. [n]
gura w..: werki, wärqi (T) gold
HE... Gura Werkie sub-district (Gura Worqie ..) 12/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gobiyo)
HDK53 Gura Weshi 0935'/3752' 1274/2274 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Kachisi
?? Guraale (Gura'ale, Gura Ale, Gurrale) 1140'/4025' 11/40 [Gz 20]
(volcano in upper Mille valley, height 1600 m)
HDM53c Gurabella, see Gorebela
gurach, gurracha, giracha (A) 1. /mule/ with black and
white spots; 2. wooded /landscape/;
guracha, gurraacha (O) black/dark blue; sky; (Bale O) kararo,
kind of timber tree, Aningeria adolfi-friederici;
top-storey tree with a small, rounded crown;
guracha (O) also: black people
GCS.. Guracha (Gurraccia), a tributary of the Akobo river 07/33 [Mi]
HCK32 Guracha 0639'/3745' 1552 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDG47 Guracha 0925'/3525' 1734 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDL44 Guracha (Gurracia) 0929'/3852' 2599 m 09/38 [AA Gz Mi]
HEC94 Guracha (Gurasca) (area) 11/36 [+ It]
HDA25 Guracho (Guraccio, Goraccio) (mountain peak) 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
0826'/3520' 1324, 1920 m
Coordinates would give map code HDA35
guracho w..: wena (wäna) (A) abandoned /house/
HDL74 Guracho Wena (Guracho) 0941'/3851' 2546 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
JCG86 Gurachu 0707'/4022' 2013 m 07/40 [Gz]
JCH51 Guradamole, see Gura Damole
HFE49 Guradia, see Guraja
HED58 Guradit, see Goradit
guraferda: gura farda (O) ear of horse
HCG53 Guraferda (Gura Farda, Gurra Ferda, Guraferdo) 06/35 [Gz Ad LM]
(Gura Fereda, Gurrafarda, Guaferda, Gureferda) 06/35 [WO Gu]
0655'/3500' 1753, 2169 m, peak 2494 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Jaruka (Giaruca, Dico) (village)
6S Bibata (Dico) (village)
5NW Kwonkis (Cuonchis) (village) 2043 m
9NE Fukinka (Fuchinca, Degem) (village) 1043 m
HCG53 Guraferda wereda (centre in 1964 = Guraferda) 06/35 [+ Ad]
Mentioned in 1910 as one of five sub-regions of Gimira.
The name was also used for a double-peak mountain and
the locality at its slope.
There is registered the Gura Ferda National Forest Priority Area.
-- Gurage, a people of south-west Ethiopia,
fifth largest in the country
HCS73 Gurage (Guraghe) (area) 07/37 [+ WO]
HDD19 Gurage (Guraghe) MS: 0817'/3823' 3719 m 08/38 [+ Gu WO Gz]
(mountains) Gz: 0824'/3824' 3408 m
HDD29 Gurage (Guragwe, Asta Dega) (mountain) 08/38 [Gz]
0824'/3824' 3408 m, near map code HDE20
HDD45 Gurage, cf Chebo & Gurage awraja 08/37
HDL64 Gurage 0940'/3847' 2660 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
?? Gurage Artubo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDD.. Gurage awraja (centre in 1950s = Butajira) 08/38 [x]
JCM30 Gurahai, see Korahe
gurais: guurays (Som) travelling at night
HBP74 Gurais (Gurais Murel?) (area) 05/36 [WO]
HDE49 Guraja (Guradia), see under Nazret 08/39 [x]
GCM63 Gurajoni (Guragioni) (area) 06/34 [+ WO]

JBP73 Gurale (seasonal well) 0512'/4100' 05/40 [WO Gz]

JEB90c Gurale (Gurali) (mountain), north-west of Awsa 11/40 [Ne x]
JCK32 Guraleh (Giagialeh) (place & well) 06/42 [WO Gz]
0640'/4241' 619 m
Coordinates would give map code JCK31
JBJ84 Guralei (Curallei), see Kuralley
HCL42 Guramba, see Garamba, cf Gur Amba
HDM04 Guramba, M. (area) 09/39 [WO]
HEJ68 Guramba, see Gur Amba
HEJ68c Guramba (centre in 1964 of Guramba sub-district 12/37 [Ad]
& of Lai Wido sub-district)
HED92 Gurambla 1144'/3746' 2063 m 11/37 [Gz]
?? Gurami (village and valley) ../.. [Ch]
with lava-core of small volcano Awus Gedai nearby
HDL53 Guranda 0931'/3843' 2345 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis)
HDT13 Guranda (area) 10/38 [WO]
JCN25 Guranda 0727'/4015' 1910 m 07/40 [Gz]
HDC80 Gurangur (in Arjo awraja), cf Bandira 08/36 [Ad]
gurar (Sidamo O) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia spp., A. tortilis
HE... Gurarba (centre in 1964 of Kallo sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HET58 Gurare 1308'/3913' 1622 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
JDN82 Gurarsa 1044'/4000' 1537 m 10/40 [Gz]
HEC94 Gurasca, see Guracha
KCN15 Gurase 0721'/4515' 646 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
gurba, gurbaa (O) young boy; gurbadima (O) red youngster?
HCN87 Gurbadima, see Gerbadima
HCN78 Gurbadimo, see Gebre Dima
HCL32 Gurbadulle 06/38 [WO]
gurbe d..: gurbe, gurbee (archaic O) male slave of marriageable age;
dalatti (O) grey /animal/; daljeti (O) female baboon
?? Gurbe Daleti (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HEC53 Gurbete 1121'/3656' 2022 m 11/36 [Gz]
gurbi (O) Justicia sp.?
HBL98 Gurbi (Gara G., Garbi) 0432'/3911' 1059, 1244 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
(mountain), near map code HBT08
HBL12 Gurbi Sugi 0344'/3841' 1414 m 03/38 [Gz]
HEM03 Gurbiya (Gurbiagia) 1117'/3913' 2907 m, 11/39 [Gz WO]
see under Weldiya
HDJ35 Gurbo 0924'/3705' 2506 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ73 Gurbo 0945'/3656' 1605 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK52 Gurbo (area) 0931'/3741' 2040 m, cf Tulu Gurbo 09/37 [WO Gz]
JCM11 Gurbo 06/44 [WO]
HDK41 Gurbo Tereter (cliff) 0925'/3738' 09/37 [AA Gz]
HC... Gurdam 07/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dido Gurdam sub-district)
gurdommi: gurdummii (O) a swimming style
JCU70 Gurdommi, cf Gordommo 07/44 [WO]
HCN78 Gurdono, see Guedamo

gure (O) wrinkle; (A) den, lair /of animal/; (Som) ladle,
to scoop; guure (Som) nighttime travel; guurre (Som) slow,
rythmic run
GCU05 Gure (Agure) (hill) 0715'/3451', 07/34 [WO Gz]
near map code GCM95
HCM84 Gure, see Dinsho
HDB91c Gure (about 16 km south of Gimbi) 09/35 [Mi]
HFE63 Gure (Gurre) 1411'/3848' 1876 m 14/38 [Gz Gu]
(with church Gebre Menfes K'idus),
distant 10 km from Aksum, see under that place
JCN29 Gure, see Guri, and also Jara
JCN37 Gure (area) 07/40 [WO]
JDA24 Gure 0821'/4013' 1453 m 08/40 [Gz]
GDM.. Gure kebele 09/34 [20]
around the big mosque in the Begi area.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HCG53 Gureferda, see Guraferda
KCG08 Gureharago, see Guruerago
JDK72 Gureholad (Guri Holat) (area) 0944'/4244' 1751 m 09/42 [WO Gz]
HDM.? Gurendmi, not very far from Liche and Angolala 09/39? [18]
gurene: gurenna (A) smell bad; gurenno (A) enclosure
/for sheep/
HDL54 Gurene 0936'/3853' 2611 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL62 Gurene 0938'/3838' 2642 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL65 Gurene 09/38 [AA]
HEJ17c Gurer (village on Dek island) 11/37 [n]
JDK41 Gures (Goreis) (place) 0928'/4239' 1971 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK41 Gures (Gara Goreis, Gureso) (mountain range) 09/42 [Gz]
0925'/4240' 2151, 2464 m
guresa t: gureza, goreza (A) black and white monkey,
Colobus polykomos abyssinicus, C. p. gallarum;
terara (A) mountain
JDK32 Guresa Terara (Gureys, Marda) 09/42 [Gz]
0921'/4242' 2248 m
HDU90 Gureta kebele (Guräta ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Were Ilu wereda at its northern border,
18-25 km north-west of Were Ilu town; area 2,255 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gurey, guray (Som) left-handed person
JDK10 Gurey (Gurei) 09/42 [+ WO]
?? Gureyo, near Angolala 09/39 [Ha]
JDK32 Gureys, see Guresa Terara
?? Gurgad Wiha (G. Hoa) (caravan stop) ../.. [+ Gu]
Corrupt name form of Amharic words Gudgwad Wiha?
HBR68 Gurgara, see Gurgura 05/37 [Wa]
gurgur (Som) carry or transport things one by one
JCP59 Gurgur (Gurgura, Grogora) 07/41 [Gz]
0748'/4132' 1232/1372 m
JDR54 Gurgur (area with waterholes) 1037'/4144' 660 m 10/41 [WO Gz]
JDR54 Gurgur (area) 10/42 [WO]
gurgura, gurguraa (O) merchandise, shop;
-- Gurgura, name of a Nole tribe of the eastern Oromo
HBR68 Gurgura (Gurgara) 0508'/3724' 05/37 [WO Gz Wa]
(area), cf Gorgora
JCP59 Gurgura, see Gurgur
JDC56 Gurgura 0841'/4210' 1343 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDJ53 Gurgura, cf Dire Dawa, Isa & Gurgura ..
JDJ53 Gurgura sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dire Dawa) 09/41 [Ad n]
JDJ42 Gurgura wereda (centre in 1964 = Kersa) 09/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 28 rural kebeles and 1 urban.

gurgure (O) 1. sold; 2. poison;

-- Gurgure /Dir/ people, a branch of the Madahweyn sub-clan of
the Dir Somali, see also under Dir
HCP02 Gurguri (hill) 0721'/3554' 1996 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
Various alternative names were mentioned in 1910.
gurguru (O) to trade, to sell, /figuratively:/ to cheat;
gurguuro (Som) crawl, walk on all fours
JDS42c Gurguru (wide plain) circa 1100 m 10/42 [Gu]
HCH96 Gurgutto (natural bridge) circa 1720 m, 07/36 [Gu]
see under Anderacha
guri (Som) 1. home, house /etc. some other meanings/,
typically a temporary hut of sticks bent to make
an arch and covered with matting; 2. nomad domestic group;
(O) 1. ear wax; 2. raw cotton; 3. lump, hard mass
(Bale O) Euphorbia depauperata; (Mati O) kind of tree,
Clutia kilimandscharica
HCM85 Guri 0705'/3946' 3208 m 07/39 [n]
HCM85 Guri (Gurie) 0707'/3947' 3091 m 07/39 [Gu Ro WO]
HD... Guri 09/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Giten Muchicho sub-district)
JCN29 Guri (Gure, Gusara) 0727'/4036' 1937 m 07/40 [Gz]
guri a..: addo (O) 1. potter, class of potters;
2.difficulty; (A) killer of an elephant;
addo, eddo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
KCN24 Guri Addo 0730'/4508' 721 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
guri g..: gesha, geeshaa (O) gunny bag or cloth;
gesha (gäsha) (A) mantle of straw, used by shepherds
against rain
HCG37c Guri Gesha (Gurie Giesha) 06/35 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gesha sub-district)
guri h..: hoolato (Som) disease causing loss of hair
JDK72 Guri Holat (Gureholad) (area) 09/42 [WO n]
0943'/4243' 1751 m
KCA89 Guriarago, see Balli God
KCG08 Guriarago, see Guruerago
HCM84 Gurie, see Dinsho
HCA43 Guril, see Kuril
HEK74c Gurisba Mikaeli (G. Micaeli) 12/37 [+ Gu Gz]
1223'/3755' 1827 m
HDU14 Gurit & Biya kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
6-10 km south-east of Molale; area 829 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gurj (A) tall and large wooden reservoir for grain
HDL92 Gurj 0953'/3840' 2280 m (with church Abo) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM.? Gurj (with church Silase), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
HDM84 Gurj kebele 09/39
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, 4-5 km south of Debre Sina; area 732 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gurja, gurjaa (O) insomnia, /also:/ sleepiness
after sleepless night
HEL48 Gurmayle 1210'/3910' 3164 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Gurme Borchota (visiting postman under A.Abeba) ../.. [AA Po]
HDU90 Gurmi Ager, see Gurmu Ager
HDU13 Gurmign kebele (Gurmegn ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda stretching
south-west/north-east 1-4 km north-west of Molale;
area 2,036 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDG22 Gurmille, G. (area) 821 m 09/40 [WO]
HDU23 Gurminy (Gurmui) 1009'/3940' 3066 m, 10/39 [Gz WO]
see under Molale
gurmu, gurmuu (O) 1. shoulder, scruff of the neck /of cattle/;
2. unity;
Gurmu, a male personal name
HC... Gurmu (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 06/37? [Ad]
HDU90 Gurmu Ager (Gurmi Ager) 1047'/3924' 2766 m 10/39 [Gz]
JEC62 Gurmudda (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDU23 Gurmui, see Gurminy
guro (O) 1. raw cotton; 2. lump, hard mass;
guro (Som) 1. place cleared on loaded camel for
people to sit; 2. pick up, collect for oneself
HBP97 Guro 0526'/3720' 1613 m 05/37 [Gz]
HCC08 Guro 0526'/3720' 1613 m, south-west of Gidole, 05/37 [Gz WO]
near map code HBR98 (Tinnale at WO HBR 98)
HDE75 Guro, see under Debre Zeyt, see also Yerer 08/38 [WO]
HDE76 Guro, see Yerer
HDJ74 Guro 0944'/3659' 1888 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDH38 Guro Gutu Giyorgis (church) 0924'/4125', 09/41 [Gz]
north of Deder
HDM93 Guroberet, see under Sela Dingay 09/39 [WO]
HDM04 Guroch 0904'/3942' 1306 m 09/39 [Gz]
HCC17 Guroza 0535'/3717' 2464 m 05/37 [Gz]
gurra (O) 1. ear, ear lobe; 2. kind of black spice, Nigella
sativa, Calladium sativum; 3. guuraa, gathering for oneself;
(Konso) one of the age classes; gurra (A) boasting, bragging;
ghurrah (Som/H.Salt) the sun
-- Gurra, Gurre, Garre, a group of people living between the
Webi Gestro and Dumale, of Somali origin but much mixed
with other groups; also a clan of the Mecha/Liban/Ammaya Oromo
HCF60 Gurra (area), cf Gura 06/39 [WO]
HDE84 Gurra, see Bulbula
HDK52 Gurra, see Gura
JBS03 Gurra Ugur (area) 04/42 [WO]
gurrachu, guurrachuu (O) gather together for oneself
HDL44 Gurracia, see Guracha
gurrafarda (O) ear of horse
GCM76 Gurrafarda (mountain range) 2179 m 07/34 [WO Gu]
HCG53 Gurrafarda, see Guraferda
HDL60 Gurrale, see Ejersa Jara
JEA97 Gurrale (area) 1567 m 11/40 [WO]
gurratti, gurrattii (O) with darker complexion
JCN97 Gurratti (area) 08/40 [WO]
gurre, gurreh (T) Trianthema pentandra;
gurree (O) name of black cow
-- Gurre, ethnic name, see Gurra above
HFE64 Gurre, see Gure
HCM84 Gurri, see Dinsho

gurro (O) ear /etc, same as gurra above/; gurruu (O) udder
JBJ68 Gurro (Curro) 0413'/4223' 172 m, cf Guro 04/42 [WO Gz]
(waterhole near border)
gursa, gersa (T) kind of medium-sized tree, Dobera glabra,
growing in dry habitat and often the only one retaining its
leaves throughout the dry season; guursa (O) wise men? advice?
kojjo (O) the four props of a bed, fixed to the ground
HBM50 Gursa Kojoa (with seasonal waterhole) 04/39 [MS WO]
gursum: gursuma (O) prostitute, whore;
gursummaa (O) remarried woman
JDJ38 Gursum (Goursoum, Gursim, Gursun) 09/42 [Gz Te Po x]
(Bursum, Boursoum, Gorsum)
(with school and post office) 0921'/4224' 1955 m
JDD30 Gursum awraja (Gursim ..) 0830'/4230' 08/42 [Gz x]
(centre in 1980 = Funyan Bira)
JDJ38 Gursum wereda (ctr 1964 = Funyan Bira) 09/42 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 72 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
There is registered the Jarso - Gursum National Forest Priority Area.
gurt (gurt') (A) toad
gurto: guurto (Som) movable goods
HDD72c Gurto 08/37 [Wa]
J.... Gurto 09/40? [x]
KCG08 Guruerago (Guriarago, Gureharago) 06/45 [WO Wa Gz]
0623'/4531' 473 m
?? Gurumu (visiting postman under W. Soddo) ../.. [Po]
HDD24 Gurura 0826'/3755' 1879 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD04 Gus 0812'/3757' 2012 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDF03 Gusa 0811'/3941' 2636 m 08/39 [Gz]
JCN29 Gusara, see Guri
JCK24 Gusasale, see Guasasali
HFE65c Gusaso (Gossoso) (mountain) 14/38 [Gu]
HEC58 Guscam, see Kweskwam
HDT06 Gusema Amba 1002'/3902' 2306 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Gushi 06/36 [En]
Remote village in the Kefa region, where the Nayi
language may survive for some time more.
H.... Gushi, village in Decha awraja 09/37 [n]
HDJ23 Gushis (Zodi) (mountain) 0918'/3657' peak 1961 m 09/36 [Gz]
JCS84 Gusjuf (Gusgiuf) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
HDM32 Guskuste (Guscuste), see under Gina Ager 09/39 [+ WO]
HEL42 Gusqua Mariam, see Yabta
gusra ali, cf Ali as first part of name
JDN65 Gusra Ali (waterhole) 830 m 10/40 [MS WO]
guta (T) drag;
Guta, a male personal name;
-- Gutaa, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCP96 Guta (area), cf Gota 08/36 [WO]
HDE53 Guta (village near Awash) 08/38 [x]
HEC45 Guta (area and place), cf Zenzanaba 11/37 [WO]
HEC55c Guta, waterfall of the Little Abay nearby 11/37 [Gu]
JDH38 Guta, G. (area) 2487 m 09/41 [WO]
HEC.. Guta sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tinishu Abay) 11/37 [Ad]
JD... Gutabella (Gootabella), valley "closely hemmed in" 10/41 [+ Ha]
HEK61c Gutama, village north-west of Wehni 12/37 [n]

HDT17 Gutazer 0820'/3812' 2448 m, cf Guttoser, 08/38 [Gz]

see also Kokir Gedbano Gutazer wereda
gutba: gudba (A) ditch
HEU50 Gutba Hairat (G. Hairiat), see Gowdi Hayrat
HDC90 Gute (Gutei, Gutie) 0902'/3640' 1924/1970 m 09/36 [Gz WO Gu]
(with sub-post office), cf Gutey
HDD41 Gute 0833'/3740' 1872 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD45 Gute 0834'/3758' 2087 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDH09c Gute (Gutie, Gutee) 09/36 [LM Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of Komto sub-district)
HDJ24 Gute 0916'/3659' 2023 m 09/36 [Gz]
(with school and church Tekle Haymanot)
HDK72 Gute 0943'/3745' 2445 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
H.... Gute Abakuna, see under Diga Leka wereda
gute d..: dili, dilii (O) numerous; heavily
?? Gute Dili (battle site near Nejo) 09/35 [n]
HDG17 Gute Likasa 0913'/3528' 1599 m 09/35 [Gz]
?? Gute Seddo, in the Nejo region of Wellega ../.. [..]
HDK15 Gute Shemela (Adokelie, Gutie) 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
0912'/3803' 3049 m
(centre in 1964 of Ilfeta sub-district?)
?? Gutemala, see Legaso
HDC91 Gutey 0901'/3644' 1600 m, cf HDC90 Gute 09/36 [Gz]
(Fre: Toulou Goutey), south-east of Nekemte
HBR27 Guti (area) 04/37 [MS WO]
HDG57 Guti Mudema (hill), see under Nejo 09/35 [WO]
HEE35 Gutich 1114'/3857' 2545 m 11/38 [Gz]
guticha (A) earring
HCL64c Guticha, south of Kofele 06/38 [x]
HDC90 Gutie, see Gute
?? Gutiman, see Legaso
HDJ40 Gutin, T. (hill) 1740 m 09/36 [WO]
HDJ.. Gutin (town) 09/36 [n]
A town and area of commercial significance,
where merchants settled in the 1930s.
HED82 Gutmera (Gut'mera) 1136'/3745' 2379 m 11/37 [Gz]
guto (O) 1. cave, lair; 2. bird cage, hatchery for hens;
gutto (A,O) stump of tree, short and stout person;
guuto (Som) group of warriors
HB... Guto (some kilometres from Arero) 04/38 [x]
HDB55 Guto 0840'/3612' 1769 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDD62 Guto (mountain) 0843'/3745' 2899 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDF75 Guto, see Abadir
HDJ00 Guto (Gutoo) 0908'/3638' 1969 m 09/36 [Gz n]
(with church Maryam)
HDJ16 Guto 0909'/3710' 1855 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL44 Guto 0927'/3848' 2277 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HED57 Guto (Gut'o) 1124'/3813' 2565 m 11/38 [Gz]
?? Guto Gida sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
guto wa..: wayyuu (O) 1. be better, be preferable;
2. messenger; 3. expert of beliefs
?? Guto Wayu wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 72 rural and 10 urban kebeles.
HD... Guto wereda, west of Nekemte/?/ 09/36 [20]
with kebeles among which Were Babo
HDR50 Gutr (mountain) 1030'/3635' 1189 m 10/36 [WO Gz]
HCC94 Gutta, see Geltsa
HDT18 Guttoser, cf Gutazer 08/38 [WO]
guttu (O) 1. ball, bullet; 2. to be determined, ardent,
intense, vehement; 3. to bathe, to flood, to inundate
JDB29 Guttu 0820'4136' 1257/1367 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
gutu, guutu (O) 1. top, summit, highest point; 2. abundance,
crowd; 3. to be full, to fill; complete or full /war/; 4. hair style
for men, with several tufts interwoven and twisted behind the
head; long ago /e.g. just after year 1600/ the gutu ceremony
of cutting the hair of a warrior was to show that he had
successfully killed an enemy
HDF66 Gutu 0845'/3952' 1051 m 08/39 [n]
HDF75 Gutu, see Abadir
JDA65 Gutu, G. (area) 2206 m 08/40 [WO]
JDB85 Gutu (area), cf Goro Gutu 08/41 [WO]
JDJ17 Gutu 0909'/4219' 1477 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDE41 Gutu Abo (church) 0833'/3834' 08/38 [Gz]
GD... Gutu kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. Kwama language is spoken there.
JDC98 Gutuyu 0902'/4214' 1497 m 09/42 [Gz]
-- Guure people, a branch of the Madahweyn sub-clan
of the Dir Somali, see under Dir
HEC39 Guvie 11/37 [WO]
HDL21 Guwa 0919'/3833' 2736 m, cf Gwa 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFF61 Guwahigot (with two rock-hewn churches), 14/39 [x]
see under Idaga Hamus
HDM91 Guy kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-west Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda
along the western part of its southern border, 7-17 km
west-southwest of Sela Dingay; area 3,757 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
guya (A) breast, womb, lap; guyya (A) kind of small pigeon;
guya, guia (O) conjuring, exorcising;
guyyaa (O) day, time before noon
HFE04 Guya (Guia) 1927 m 13/38 [Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Ambera sub-district)
JEH55 Guya (Guia, Gwia) (waterhole and plain) 12/41 [+ WO Ne]
HDU11 Guyat & Sost Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in south-westernmost Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel
wereda at its border; area 2,119 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE41 Guye (Guie) 0831'/3834' 2437 m 08/38 [Gz 18]
(with church Be'ale Weld), village a little south of Awash river
HDG65 Guye (Guie) (visiting postman under Gimbi) 1549 m 09/35 [Po Ad WO]
HDB71 Guyi 0852'/3548' 1834 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDB91 Guyi (Guie, Goui) 0859'/3549' 1851/1950 m 08/35 [Gz Ro WO Gu]
(Guyi Hamus Gebeya)
guyo, guio (O) prohibition, detestation, hatred;
guuyo (Som) 1. small antelope, dikdik; 2. dwarf, small person;
3. wealth, property, livestock
HBK19 Guyo (area) 0346'/3819', cf Kuyew 03/38 [WO Gz]
HE... Guyo (centre in 1964 of Agamsa sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
guyo a..: adda (O) forehead, brow, front side;
Guyyo, name /of an eldest son?/ among the Borana
JDD98 Guyo Adda, see Durwale
guyo b..: boru, booruu (O) muddy /liquid/;
borru (O) east; morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning
HBT.. Guyo Boru, place for gada ceremony of the Borana 04/38? [x]
-- guyo o..: Obole, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayuu of the Borana
JDD98 Guyo Obolle (Guio Obolle) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HDD45 Guyon, see Weliso
guyou g..: genet (gänät) (A,T) garden, paradise
?? Guyou Genet, with election constituency ../.. [20]
?? Guzamn wereda, in Gojjam ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 78 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HFE97 Guzar (mountain) 1424'/3906' 1982 m 14/39 [Gz]
HEK42 Guzara, see Gazara
HEK52 Guzara (Guzera, Gouzara) (ruin of castle) 12/37 [Gu Pa x n]
("Portuguese Castle", old name: Guba'é, Gubay)
HFE97 Guzat (area) 2223 m 14/39 [Gu]
GDU48 Guzen, see Gizen
guzo (A) caravan, march, expedition
gwa (A) cotton plant before harvesting time
HDS08 Gwa Maryam (Gua Mariam), see Goha Tsiyon Maryam
gwa meda (A) cotton field
HEE32 Gwa Meda kebele (.. Méda ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in north-western Sayint wereda at its border to the north-west,
15-25 km north-west of Ajibar; area 7,659 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Gwa Meda sub-district (Guameda ..) 10/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Yegoda)
gwada, section of traditional foq bet, two-storey building,
for storage of grain and equipment
HEK44 Gwada 1209'/3757' 2350 m 12/37 [Gz]
?? Gwadit, "one small torrent" ../.. [Ch]
HFF53 Gwaggyem, see Dimbel
HEM04 Gwagur Sibilkay kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in the south-easternmost tip of Guba Lafto wereda,
13-20 km east of Weldiya; area 3,087 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Gwagusa sub-district (Guagussa ..) 10/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Buya)
gwagusa w..: wember (A) seat
H.... Gwagusa Wenbera sub-district (-1997-) 10/37? [n]
HER27 Gwagwa (Guagua) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HFC19 Gwagwa (Guagwa) (village), 13/37 [+ WO]
see under Adi Remet
HFF32 Gwagwa Mikael (church) 1354'/3933', 13/39 [Gz]
south-east of Hawzen
HEC78 Gwagwat (Guaguata) 1130'/3719' 1883 m 11/37 [Gz WO]
HEK06 Gwagwo (Guaguo) 11/38 [+ WO]
?? Gwahgot (area south of Adigrat), at river Sullo ../.. [x]
HET16 Gwak Maryam (Gwak' M.) (church) 1250'/3859' 12/38 [Gz]
HEJ20 Gwakwa (Guacua) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
gwal (T) girl, /also daughter?/;
(A) lump of earth, clod turned up in ploughing
HEM70 Gwal 1226'/3921' 2111 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM82c Gwal Ashenge (Gual Ascianghi) (swamp) 2430 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
HFE67 Gwal Hatsey (Gual Hatzei, Gual Azai) 14/39 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
(mountain chain) 1410'/3910' 2465, 2647 m
HFF71 Gwala (Guala), see Golia
HEK45 Gwaliya Maryam (church) 1211'/3800' 12/38 [Gz]
-- Gwama language, see Kwama
HEJ86 Gwang (Goang, Goangh) (large village) 12/37 [+ Gu WO]
river at 1255'/3618'
HCK08 Gwangwa (Guangua) 0621'/3817' 1702, 2995 m, 06/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wenago sub-district)
HEU54 Gwangwa (Guangua, Guanqua) 13/39 [Gz Gu WO]
1351'/3938' 1344, 2060 m
HEB26 Gwangwa wereda (Guangua ..) 11/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kedamawi H. S. Ber)
JDN29 Gwani (Guani) (near Awash river), see Gewane
HEE87 Gwanyoch 1136'/3906' 2964 m 11/39 [Gz]
JCH72 Gwara, see Guara
gwasa (T) shepherd; (language?) kind of grass used for roofing
HDU32c Gwasa (Gwassa, Guassa), 10/39 [x]
unsettled pasture land in Menz
HDU45 Gwasa, large area (not kebele) of 10,084 hectares 10/39 [Ad]
midway between Majete and Mehal Meda
HDU56 Gwasa (mountain) 1024'/3953' 2197 m 10/39 [Gz]
gwasa m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HE... Gwasa Meda (Guasameda) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ligot sub-district)
HEL82 Gwat (Gwat') 1234'/3841' 2046 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEC96 Gwat Amba (Guatamba) 11/37 [+ It]
HDR38 Gway Maryam (Guai Mariam) 2012/2277 m 10/37 [+ WO]
gwaya (A) vetch, Vicia sativa; vetchling, Lathyrus sativus
gwayn de..: defar (däffar) (A) bold, venturesome
HEE89 Gwayn Defer 1139'/3915' 2279 m 11/39 [Gz]
gwaz (A) caravan; gueza (Som) kind of small or medium
tree, Balanites aegyptiaca, which grows in dry land and has
green spines; gwasa (T) shepherd
HE... Gwaza (Guaza) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEE98 Gwaze kebele (Gwazä ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
near easternmost Wadla wereda at its south-eastern border,
11-14 km north of Wegel Tena; area 1,542 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCC71 Gwazza (Guazza) 06/37 [+ WO]
HDM70 Gwedew (Guedeu) 2970 m, see under Mendida 09/39 [+ WO]
HFF72c Gwela (Guala, Guila), in Agame, 14/39 [x n]
see also Adigrat : Gwala
KDB22 Gwelgomis (Guelgomis) (area) 08/45 [+ WO]
HEE77 Gwender 1130'/3908' 2301 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEJ99 Gwender (Gwonder), see Gondar
?? Gwerdoma (district north of Debre Libanos), 09/38 [n]
cf Gordoma
gwere (A) den, lair, burrow, hideout
JDS43 Gwerigowan (Guerigoan) (area) 1388 m 10/42 [+ WO]

JEH55 Gwia, see Guya

HFF30 Gwih, see Guh
HFE87 Gwila (Guila), cf Gwela 14/39 [+ Gu]

HDM.? Gwints (Gwint, Gwits, Gwit') 09/39 [En]

historical prison area in Kesem district in northern Shewa
HD... Gwir Amba (with church Maryam), in Balchi area 08/38? [x]
HCB39 Gwista (G. Guista) (area) 05/36 [+ WO]
gwobarwa k..: kwoskwam (= Kweskwam),
40-day period of fasting
HEC88 Gwobarwa Kwoskwam (Guobarua Quosquam) 11/37 [+ It]
(village on hill), see under Bahir Dar
HEF53 Gwobeya kebele (Gwobäya ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tehuledere wereda on the southern
shore of lake Hayk; area 1,376 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ79 Gwobya (area known from the 1600s) 12/37 [20]
HCN79 Gwochi (area) 07/35 [WO]
HDF82 Gwodaburka, see Godeburka
HDE01 Gwogetti, see Adele Umuru
HDU21 Gwogot kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the north of western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
14-17 km west-northwest of Molale; area 655 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT98 Gwol kebele 10/39 [Ad]
far to the south in central Legambo wereda at its southern
border, 5-15 km south of Akista; area 3,518 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE07 Gwolehito kebele (Gwolähit'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Legambo wereda at its northern
border, 8-15 km west of Akista; area 3,313 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ99 Gwonder, see Gondar
HDT13 Gworanda kebele 10/39 [Ad]
near the westernmost corner of Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda
reaching both to its northern and southern border,
23-28 km west of Alem Ketema; area 3,483 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDA08 Gwore, see Gore
HEF32 Gworo Mendera kebele (.. Mändära ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Kuta Ber wereda at a south-western
border, 8-12 km north-west of Dessie; area 2,026 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
gwosh: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate
HDU13 Gwosh Ber kebele (.. Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in east Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda somewhat
to its south, 3-5 km east of Molale; area 774 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU17 Gwoze kebele (Gwozé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Kewet wereda, near
Shewa Robit to its north; area 820 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ87 Gyen 12/37 [WO]
haad (Som) 1. bird/s/, especially large ones;
2. insecure place; haada (O) 1. thick rope; 2. kind of plant
HBS41 Haada, see Saritti 04/37 [WO]
haba (Som) always, in any case;
haabba, aabba (O) deity, spirit
?? Haba (in Meteia), with coffee market in the 1800s ../.. [18]
habal: xabaal (Som) tomb, grave, cemetery
KDA22 Habaloaso (area) 08/45 [WO]
habar (Som) old woman; mother; /also first part of some
clan name/;
habar (T) common; habar mayl (T) border sign, limit;
habaar (Som) to curse; habar, haber, habr (Som) son of
halo (O) 1. kind of acacia, Acacia bussei; 2. haalo, grudge, rancour
JCS11 Habar Halo (Habr Halo) (area) 07/42 [+ WO]
-- Habar Yoonis, name of a Somali clan
JDF42 Habar Yunis (Habr Y.) (Adagalla) (wide area) 08/44 [+ WO]
habaslay: habas leh (Som) having small birds;
habaas leh, having dust
JDD02 Habaslay (area) 08/42 [WO]
HEM80 Habat 1234'/3925' 2231 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDJ.. Habbere (on map 0f 1814), 09/42 [18]
at a southern route from the coast to Harar
habbo b..: baaduu (O) skim milk, butter milk;
baduu (O) be damaged, vanish
HEL02 Habbo Badu, see under Debre Zebit 11/38 [WO]
HCU65 Habe (Ballacasa) 0749'/3947' 2478 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCU.. Habe Bruketo (village in southern Ticho) 07/39 [n]
HFF46 Habes sub-district (centre in 1964 = Inda Silase) 13/39 [Ad]
habi ts..: tselim, tsellim (ts'ällim) (Geez, T) black, night
HFE63c Habi Tselim (village near Aksum) 14/38 [x]
habicha b..: bantu (O) 1. key; 2. to occur
?? Habicha Bantu (in the Soddo region) ../.. [x]
HC... Habiela Wendo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lida) 06/38 [Ad]
HC... Habiela Wendo wereda (centre in 1964 = Hawassa) 06/38 [Ad]
JDA78 Habiro wereda, see Habro wereda?
HEF73 Habiru wereda (Habirou .. Habru?) (-1964-1997-) 11/39 [+ Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Wergesa)
-- Hable, a group of the Devenekemena branch of the Afar
JDK42 Hablela 0925'/4241' 1880 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDR46 Haboko (Haboco) 10/42 [+ WO]
JDJ30 Haboshe 0924'/4136' 2140 m 09/41 [Gz]
habro (Som) 1. old women; mothers; 2. hesitate out of fear;
habru (O) wild fig tree, Ficus sycomorus, F. sur
JDA78 Habro (area) 08/40 [Gu]
JDA88 Habro 0852'/4031' 2327 m 08/40 [Wa Gz]
JDB33 Habro awraja 0830'/4100' 08/40 [Gz]
(centre in 1969-1980 = Gelemso)
JDA78 Habro wereda (centre in 1964 = Gelemso) 08/40 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
JCG26 Habrona (mountain) 0641'/4027' 2097 m 06/40 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCG37

habru (O) large, thick tree, Ficus sycomorus?

HEF84 Habru 1136'/3946' 1625 m, cf Habiru 11/39 [Gz]
HEF94 Habru Ligo kebele (.. Lego ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern central Habru wereda, 10-15 km south-east of Mersa
and 16-22 km north-east of Wichale; area 3,313 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF.? Habru wereda 11/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Agamsa, Alem Agegnehu, Arerit, Baykedagn, Baylawet, Bekoj,
Berebiyu, Bofa, Buhoro, Dana, Dudu Arba, Genda Bey, Genda Gora,
Genfu, Gerada, Girana, Gobeye, Gora Arba, Gosh Wiha, Habru Ligo,
Hochocho, Hujera, Jejeba, Kejima, Kes Kebele, Kolobo, Kule, Mehal
Amba, Melentela, Merto, Siringa, Sodoma, Tilfe, Wachota, Way Teklo,
Were Kalo, Were Welo, Wete, Wila Goba
HDE79 Habteye kebele (Habteyé ..) 08/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
close to the west of Balchi; area 561 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE61 Hacab Sereh, see Hakab Sereh
HDK97 Hacciamie, see Kecheme
JCJ25 Hachech (Hachic) 0636'/4204' 470 m 06/42 [Wa WO Gu Gz]
near waterfalls
hacho: hecho (Sidamo O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Vernonia amygdalina
HDL90 Hacho (Hach'o) 0952'/3826' 2220 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
HCM92 Haco, see Hako
had (A) measurement, proportion; had (Som) 1. time, moment,
/symbolically:/ death; 2. to kill; 3. to understand;
hadh (Som) 1. shade, shadow; 2. stay behind, remain;
xad (Som) 1. border, limit; 2. steal, rob; xaad (Som) body hair
J.... Had, the last Somali place before entering Afar 10/41? [18]
/different from JCL84 Hadd?/
JFB22 Had Amad (area) 13/40 [WO]
hada, haada (O) 1. culture, custom; 2. tough thick rope;
haadha (O) 1. mother; 2. jewel, capital; 3. dealer, vendor
-- Hada, Ada, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
JCH78 Hada Efati 0706'/4127' 808/923 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
JD..? Hada Galla, large village at the railway 10/42 [x]
/same as JDR57 Adigalla?/
hada k..: kumbi, qumbii (O) myrrh, incense, resin;
kumbi, kunbi (A) kuumbii (O) trunk of elephant
JCC60 Hada Kumbi (Hada Cumbi) (mountain) 05/41 [Gz WO]
0558'/4139' 534 m
JCR36 Hadad, see Hamero Hadad
GDU02 Hadaj, see Hadej
JCL22 Hadaluma (waterhole) 06/43 [MS WO]
HDE49 Hadama, see Nazret
hadami, hadamii (O) kinds of cactus-like tree, Euphorbia spp.,
Euphorbia candelabrum
JDC75 Hadami (/Ganda/ Adami) 0851'/4205' 1454 m 08/42 [Gz Gu]
JEA39c Hadar (Ahda) (fossil site) circa 1110'/4038' 11/40 [Br Ca 20]
HC..? Hadaro, with Ajora Agro-Industry Development 07/37? [20]
?? Hadasha (Adaxa), in Gojjam ../.. [En]
with Jesuit mission in the 1620s.
HFE.. Hadawi, near Aksum or Adwa 14/38 [Pa]
JCL84 Hadd 0706'/4351' 911 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
hadda, adda (O) forehead; (Tigre) to thunder;
hadda (O) 1. poison; 2. today; hadhdha (O) hot or sour dish;
(Tigre) to thunder
JDD76 Haddama, see Addama
HDE66 Haddas, see Debre Zeyt
HEM64 Haddu (area) 12/39 [WO]
?? Hadebo (Hadäbo) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
HCK91 Hadecho 0712'/3740' 1660 m 07/37 [Gz]
?? Hadegti sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
GDU02 Hadej (Hadaj) 1000'/3431' 1489 m, 10/34 [Gz]
south of Asosa
HEU44 Hadele 1305'/3944' 2507 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEU54 Hadele (mountain) 1308'/3943' 2156 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-east of Debub
hadele g..: hadh leh (Som) shady; goobo (Som) circle;
gubo (Som) be burning; guuboo (O) large basket;
guboo (O) 1. self-sown crop; 2. chronic desease
JEB69c Hadele Gubo, 720 m 11/41 [18 Wa]
JEB89 Hadele Gubo (H. Gube, Adele Gubo, Hadele Guma), see Gesisen
HEJ88 Hader Giaha, see Aderja
hadere (h'adärä) (T) spend the night
HEF75 Hadere kebele (Hadäré ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Were Babo wereda
along its border; area 8,386 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Hadere sub-district (Haderie ..) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Golejersa), in Ambasel awraja
HC... Hadero, a town in Kacha Bira wereda, 07/37? [20]
place in the Kembata area with big market on Saturdays
HCK.. Hadero /another one?/ 07/37 [20]
village between Soddo and Hosaina, near two waterfalls
Achacho and Soke
JDK31 Hadew (Hadu) 0920'/4236' 1610 m 09/42 [Gz Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
JDK31 Hadew (Hadow, Hado) 0922'/4240' 1794 m 09/42 [Gz]
-- Hadeya, see Hadiya
HFE28 Hadgi 1345'/3915' 2404 m 13/39 [Gz]
-- Hadicho, ethnic name
hadid (A,T) rail /of railway/; (Geez) iron
xaddid (Som) limit
HEH60 Hadid, see Hamrat el Galegu 12/35 [WO]
HFC30 Hadid (area) 13/36 [WO]
HFF42 Hadira 1359'/3934' 2383 m, east of Hawzen 13/39 [Gz]
HEU01 Hadish Adi 1245'/3931' 2408 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
HFE57 Hadish Adi (Haddis A.) 1404'/3906' 1853 m 14/39 [Gz]
HF... Hadish Adi (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38? [Ad]
-- Hadiya, name of a Sidama-speaking ethnic group
numbering almost one million
?? Hadiya (Hadya, Hadeya), historical region in 1500s ../.. [x Pa]
In the mid-1300s one of seven major Islamic states in Ethiopia.
HCS33 Hadiya, cf Kembata & Hadiya awraja

hado, hadhoo (O) having laid eggs or given birth

HC... Hado (in Ticho awraja) 07/39? [Ad]
JDJ39 Hado 0922'/4230' 1588 m, near map code JDK30 09/42 [Gz]
KCN44 Hadoje (Hadoie) 0739'/4513' 700 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
?? Hadrit (in the foothill zone of the Rift Valley) ../.. [Mi]
hadu, haaduu (O) knife, scissors, razor; to shave;
haadhu (O verbs) scratch, poke, stir
JDK31 Hadu, see Hadew
hadud: hadoodil (Som) shade house, small makeshift structure
JCD44 Hadud 05/42 [WO]
JDK91 Haeducad, see Hawedukad
HFE94 Hafti Maryam 1424'/3853' 1816 m (with church) 14/38 [Gz]
?? Haga, historical high mountain mentioned in 1530s ../.. [Pa]
hagal: xagal (Som) hollow behind knee joint
JCK84 Hagal 0707'/4256' 715 m 07/42 [WO Gz]
HDC06 Hagallo, see Agalo
hagan (Som) guided, led /as a blind person/;
xagan (Som) grazed, scratched
JDR38 Hagan (area) 10/42 [WO]
hagana: hegeno (hegäno) (A?) historical title
of a kind of governor
HCL35 Hagana (area) 2984 m 06/38 [WO]
hagar (Som) kind of small tree, Commiphora erythaea
Hagara .., see Agere .., Hagere ..
JDF24 Hagardegedle (area) 08/44 [WO]
KDB16 Hagare (area) 672 m, cf Hagera 08/46 [WO]
KCR64 Hagarole (area) 07/47 [WO]
HC... Hagello (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/36 [Ad]
HDJ24 Hagelo 0915'/3702' 1984 m 09/37 [Gz]
hager (hagär) (A,T) country, native land
HFF90 Hager Hise 1427'/3921' 2395 m 14/39 [Gz]
?? Hagera (Hagära) (historical locality near Awsa), ../.. [Pa]
cf Hagare
hagere hiywet (A) land of life
HDD93 Hagere Hiywet (Hagere Hiwot, H. Hiywot), see Ambo
HCD28 Hagere Mariam, see Agere Maryam
HD... Hagere Maryam, see Werka
HDM.? Hagere Maryam (with church Abo) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HET56 Hagere Maryam (church) 1312'/3903' 13/39 [Gz]
HD..? Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda ../.. [Ad]
(Hagärä Maryam & Käsam ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Abachacha, Abalo Beret, Agere Maryam, Agumbar, Awayat Gebriel,
Bari, Bimir Ager, Cheleleki, Cheregn, Chika Kola, Chisabra, Debar,
Dodota, Egdu. Gafra, Gay & Nibge Geberoch, Girma Ager, Gorfo,
Gujbel, Injerer, Kega Ber, Kidusge, Koremash, Lay Sekoru, Lay Sichat,
Meskelo Ager, Mesno Desta Fit, Moye, Sahilman, Sekawachu, Selelo
Kesu Ager, Senbelet & Wagegn, Sherer, Shola Gebeya, Sost Amba,
Tach Sekoru, Tach Sichat, Tenter, Tigor, Tulofa, Washa & Janbariya,
Welad, Welde Ager, Welele, Weyn Amba, Yelet & Tabot Washa,
Yenechih, Yirmatager, Yulat & Mesobit, Zela Zenbaba
hagere selam (A) land of peace
HCL11 Hagere Selam, see Agere Selam & HDU20
HEK13 Hagere Selam 1151'/3747' 2076 m 11/37 [Gz]
historical locality in Begemdir near Aringo
HFE08 Hagere Selam (Hagerai S., Haghire Salem) 13/39 [Gz Ad]
(Hager Selame) 1339'/3910' 2648 m 13/39 [x n]
founded in 1943, with church Medhane Alem
HFE08? Hagere Selam wereda 13/39 [En]
(centre the Hagere Selam town which is north-west of Mekele)
HES50 Hagerit (Haggiret) 1312'/3732' 1150 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HDJ27 Hageya 0916'/3714' 2336 m 09/37 [Gz]
KCH82 Haggari (Haggare, Haggarih, Haggri) 07/45 [WO Gz x]
0709'/4553' 514 m
HCR60 Haggaro, see Agaro
?? Haggat (with postal agent/sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HES40 Haggiret 1306/3735' 1867 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
KCN13 Haggogeni (Haggogheni) 07/45 [+ WO]
HCD73 Hagise, see Agise 07/45 [+ WO]
KCN96 Hagoga, see Tukayel
hagu, haguu (O) defecate
JDK67 Hagu 0939'/4309' 1631 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDG33c Hagube (village), north of Dofan 09/40 [Mi]
HFF02 Hagula 1335'/3935' 2224 m, south-west of Agula 13/39 [Gz]
HFE79 Hagwa Mikael (church) 1413'/3918', 14/39 [Gz]
south-west of Adigrat
JDK67 Hagwidawo (Haguidaouo) (area) 1741 m 09/43 [+ WO]
JEB94 Hahari Absa (area) 11/41 [WO]
HFE77 Hahayle (Hahaile) (area in Adwa awraja), 14/39 [Ad WO]
see under Inticho
HF... Hahayle sub-district (Hahaylie.. Hayhaile..) 14/39 [+ Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Beriento) (-1964-1997-),
with tree nursery
HFE.. Hahayle wereda (Hahaylie..) 14/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bolho)
JCM65 Hahi 0652'/4445' 619 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCM67, near KCG62
KCN26 Hahi 0729'/4518' 658 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code KCN25
?? Hai, mountain in Simen?, ../.. [x]
see also under Tazzan
?? Hai Barazioh (in Tigray) ../.. [x]
hai d..: dimtu, diimtu (O) red /cow/, light /female complexion/;
dimtu (A) the sound, the voice
JBN76 Hai Dimtu 05/40 [WO]
HEU04 Haia Olel (mountain) 1243'/3944' 1565 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDT29 Haiafegg, see Ahiyafech
JBN73 Haiasifta, see Hayasifta
HEF53 Haic (Haich), see Hayk
HCL66c Haiccio, see Haycho
?? Haicota (with postal agent/sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HFD17 Haida, see Amba Maderiya
HEF53 Haik, see Hayk
HFF24 Haike Meskel (Aicamessal, Haaiki Messahal, Hayki Mashal),
see Hayk Meskel
HEU72 Haikhallat (British camp in 1868) 13/39 [18]
hail (A) force, power
Hail.., see also Hayl..
HEB26 Haile Selassie I Ber, see Kedamawi ..
JCR38 Haile Terra, see Hayle Terra
HEU62 Haile Wajerat /?/ wereda 13/39 [20]
with Adi Gudom village south of Kwiha
haile wiha (A) water of a man named Haile?
?? Haile Wiha (H.Woha) 05/36 [+ 20]
(in Mursi area, 35 km from Mago National Park)
HDM34c Hailiamba, see Aliyu Amba
HBS08 Haille, see Chumba
Hailu, Haylu, a male personal name
HCD44 Hailu 0548'/3751' 2770 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCD43
HDU71c Hailu, cf Were Ilu 10/39 [Wa]
HFE.. Haimanal 14/38 [It]
HCJ65 Haisa, see Hatsa
HCD81 Haiso, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
JEB59 Haitan Coma, see Haytan Koma
HEA36 Haiti (Cheiti) 1112'/3521' 809 m 11/35 [Gz]
?? Hajeya (Hajäya) (historically recorded place 1300s) ../.. [Pa]
haji, Muslim pilgrim
JDJ44 Haji 0925'/4200' 1824 m? 1997 m? 09/42 [Gz]
JDK63 Haji 0937'/4249' 1824 m? 1997 m? 09/42 [Gz]
HCR30 Haji Husen Mesgid (mosque) 0732'/3639' 07/36 [Gz]
HCU85 Haji Komcha (H. K'omcha, Hochecto) 08/39 [Gz]
0802'/3947' 2150 m
hakab: xakab (Som) 1. small hut of branches;
2. superstructure of a well
HFE61 Hakab Sereh (Hacab Sereh) (waterhole) 14/38 [+ MS WO]
hakim (A etc.) doctor, physician
HEM62 Hakim 1221'/3935' 1509 m, south of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
JDJ25 Hakim (Gara Hakim, G. Achim) (mountain), 09/42 [Gz x WO]
0916'/4207' 2161 m, see under Harar, south-west of the town
HCM92 Hako (Hak'o. Haqo) 0710'/3932' 2663 m 07/39 [Gz q]
HCS08 Hakuli (Hak'uli, Haquli) 0717'/3814' 1982 m 07/38 [Gz q]
hal hal (Som) one by one, one at a time;
hal (Som) 1. place, spot; 2. numeral one; 3. cow, female camel;
4. matter, affair; haal (Som) responsibility, position
JFB25 Hal Hal (Halhal) 1346'/4107' 605 m, 13/41 [Ne WO Gz]
(mountain at the border of Eritrea)
Coordinates would give map code JBF24
hala, haala (O) 1. respect, dignity; 2. future, hope;
hal-aa (O) she-camel; hwala (A) behind, in the back
HFE18 Hala 1344'/3915' 2553 m 13/39 [Ad Gu Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCM.. Hala Wenz, in northern Bale Mountains 06/37 [20]
-- Halaba people, see Alaba
HCJ99 Halaha 0624'/3726' 1867 m 06/37 [Gz]
JFA69 Halai (Hayay) (waterhole) 14/40 [MS WO LM]
JEG89 Halaite (Halaita) (mountain) 12/40 [WO Gz]
1236'/4029' 1336 m
Coordinates would give map code JEG98
halaka (from A) title of locally elected leader
among the Dorse, Dita and Ochollo;
halo (O) kind of acacia, Acacia bussei;
haaloo (O) grudge, rancour
HBF80 Halaki Halo (area) 03/39 [WO]
HC... Halale (village in Kindo sub-district), cf Alala 06/37? [Mi]
HCJ77 Halano 0700'/3717' 1998 m, south-west of Waka 07/37 [Gz]
JDS15 Halaua (Alaua) 1004'/4259' 1507 m, 10/42 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
HDL67 Hale 0936'/3904' 2627 m 09/39 [Gz]
JDJ58 Hale (Halle) (area), cf Hali 09/42 [WO Gu]
hale d..: debii (O) party for newly-wed couple
JDG65 Hale Debii (H. Debi'i) 0940'/4018' 651 m 09/40 [Gz]
?? Haleb (Haläb) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
JBH65 Halegio (Halejo), see Allaio
HDK70 Haleia, see Hawu
HDT43 Haleku kebele (Haläku ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Wegdi wereda, 15-18 km
south-southwest of Mahdere Selam; area 889 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
halela aluia, hallelujah
HCU21 Halela Aluia 0725'/3927' 2446 m 07/39 [WO Gz]
halala (O) 1. holy; 2. cud /cows chew the cud/;
halaala (O) hyena, Crocuta crocuta habessynica,
Hyæna hyæna dubbah; halale (O) kind of tree;
-- Halele, name of a Nole tribe of the eastern Oromo
?? Halele Werabisa, in Wellega, ../.. [20]
planned for hydroelectricity
HDJ53 Haleli 0934'/3653' 1580 m, west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
JFB25 Halhal, see Hal Hal
JEC64 Hali (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDB85 Halicho (stream), see Ubicha
?? Halielu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ababora) ../.. [Ad]
JDG58c Halikdiggi Zughir (recorded in 1841) 09/40 [Ha]
HCS84 Halila 0800'/3956' 2467 m (with church Maryam) 08/39 [Gz]
JC... Halila (centre in 1964 of Gersa sub-district) 07/40? [Ad]
HDJ48 Halilu Mikael (church) 0929'/3722' 09/37 [Gz]
JDC89 Halinda (area) 08/42 [WO]
JDK87 Halisa (Alliso) 0950'/4306' 1443 m 09/43 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JDK86
JB... Haliya (mountain) 04/41 [18]
?? Halka (Halqa) (historically recorded 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
halkan (O) night
HDL54 Halko (Halk'o, Halqo) 0935'/3847' 2634 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HEP26 Hallal Sahr Semir (Hallad S.S.) 1253'/3614' 746 m, 12/36 [Gz]
south-east of Metemma
HDM15c Hallam (not far from Tedecha Melka), 09/39 [x]
cf Hallem, also Derbiga
halle (O) all kinds of plants giving red colour;
halle luya, Christian exclamation 'hallelujah'
HFE.. Halle Luya (Alleluia) 14/38 [x]
convent/monastery already in the 1500s
?? Hallelu (monastery) ../.. [20]
HDF95 Hallem (area) 09/39 [WO]
JEJ02 Halli (Hally) 1146'/4147' 296 m, near code JEC92 11/41 [Gz]
H.... Hallo (centre in 1964 of Halu Hamuma sub-district) 07/35? [Ad]
hallo r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
JCR90 Hallo Roba (Halo R.) 0809'/4144' 1000, 1332 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCR91
JCK84 Halloua 0708'/4252' 762 m 07/42 [Gz]
hallu (O) generally of all plants which give red colour
JEB55 Hallu (mountain) 1123'/4109' 725 m 11/40 [Ne Gz]
H.... Hallu Bure wereda (coffee growing area) ../.. [20]
halo, hallo, halloo (O) 1. kind of thorn tree, Acacia bussei;
2. haaloo, hate, aversion, grudge, resentment, vengeance
HCK07 Halo 0621'/3811' 1548 m (area) 06/38 [WO Gz]
JDA48 Halo 0832'/4033' 1659 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDH25 Halo 0917'/4113' 2315 m 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ52 Halo 0931'/4147' 1480 m, west of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
halo h..: hula, hulaa (O) 1. border, check-point;
2. door opening inside a hut
JDJ52 Halo Hula Yesuf 0934'/4147' 1289 m, 09/41 [Gz]
west of Dire Dawa
halo r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain;
halo roba (O) uncomfortable rain?
JCR90 Halo Roba, see Hallo Roba
JCH64 Haloie, see Aldie
HDA06 Halu 0809'/3520' 1641 m 08/35 [Gz]
west of Gore, near map code HCN96
HD... Halu Hamuma (Hallo H.), in Gore awraja 08/35? [Ad]
HD... Halu sub-district (-1997-) 08/35? [n]
?? Halugdug (on map of 1814), east of the Awash river 09/40? [18]
HDE19 Halute 0817'/3918' 1666 m 08/39 [Gz]
hama, hamaa (O) honey badger;
haama (O) cutting /grass/, reaping
JDJ56 Hama (mountain chain) 0931'/4209' 2170 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ56 Hama 0936'/4210' 1522 m 09/42 [Gz]
HCS01c Hama Ancho (in southern Kembata) 07/37 [20]
-- hama w..: Wuchale, Wichale, an Ittu tribe of the Eastern Oromo
JDJ56 Hama Wichale (H. Wuch'ale, Lege Hama, Lago H.) 09/42 [+ Gz]
0933'/4210' 1692 m
JEC53 Hamaili (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEP13 Hamairli 1246'/4101 389 m 12/41 [Gz]
hamanle: xamaan leh (Som) having household supplies;
hamaan, haamaan (Som) cunning or sly person;
someone to be feared
JCT54 Hamanle (Hamanlei, Hamamlei) (wells) 07/43 [WO Gu Gz]
0742'/4348' 808 m
-- Hamar, name shared by several ethnic groups north of Chew Bahir,
see Hamer
?? Hamar awraja (in the lower Omo valley) ../.. [n]
HBR71 Hamar Bako, see Hamer Koke
?? Hamar Bena wereda (in South Omo Zone) ../.. [n]
-- Hamar Koke language, see Hamer Banna
?? Hamar wereda ../.. [x]
/same as Hamer or as Hamar Bena?/ ../.. [x]
hamara (O) falcon
HEC57c Hamara 11/37 [Gu]
hamaresa (O) small tree or shrub, Acacia sp.
with hard wood used for "wooden nails"
HDF21 Hamaresa 0822'/3928' 1612 m, north of Sire 08/39 [Gz]
JDJ14 Hamaresa (Hameresa) 0912'/4201' 1704 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ35 Hamaresa 0920'/4205' 1955 m 09/42 [Gz]
military camp at 0920'/4206', north-west of Harar
HEF86 Hamarko (mountain) 1136'/3958' 1225 m 11/39 [Gz]
JCR26 Hamarro Hadad (H. Hedad), see Hamero Hadad
hamarro m..: hammaru (O) to lock; maan (Som) mind, intelligence
JCR27 Hamarro Maan (waterhole), see under Hamero 07/42 [WO]
-- Hambentu, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCU17 Hambentu 0722'/3957' 2300 m, cf Ambientu 07/39 [Gz]
HFE51 Hambera 1404'/3835' 1990 m, cf Ambera 14/38 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCU16 Hambientu, see Ambientu, cf Hambentu
HDJ31 Hambule (Germana) (mountain) 0928'/3650' 1524 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCU92 Hamda Diksis, see Diksis
HDD74 Hamdo 0848'/3754' 3018 m, near lake Wenchi 08/37 [Gz]
JDJ49 Hamdo 0926'/4227' 2083 m 09/42 [Gz]
hamed (T) soil, earth, ground, dirt; (Geez) ashes;
Hamid, a male personal name
HFF32 Hamed Negasc, see Negash
?? Hamed Shubele (on map of 1814)) 10/42 [18]
?? Hamedo (in Tigray) ../.. [x]
hamele: hameli (T) kale, Brassica carinata; hamile (O) age of puberty
HDK80 Hamele 0948/3730' 2255 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
a little west of Asendabo, near map code HDJ89
hamer (hamär) (A) 1. ark; 2. reddish-brown /horse/;
hamer, hammer (Som) kind of shrub or small tree,
Zizyphus mucronata;
-- Hamer, name of an ethnic group of about 25,000 in the South Omo Zone,
with language called Hamer Banna, Hamer Koke, Kara Kerre,
see also Hamar
hamer koke: kokke (O) throat
HBR71 Hamer Bako, see Hamer Koke
HBR71 Hamer Bako awraja (Hamer Kokke ..) 05/36 [En]
-- Hamer Banna language, its speakers live near the Omo river
?? Hamer Banna wereda (.. Bena..) (1990s) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural and 4 urban kebeles;
different from Hamer wereda below
hamer k..: kokke (O) throat
HBR71 Hamer Koke (Hamar, Amar Koche, Amar Cocche) 05/36 [Gz x WO]
0509'/3645' 1808 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3S Kegha (Kecha) (village)
6S Hummer (Hummu) peak 2049 m
4SW Burie (area)
5-25NE Shala (range of hills SW to NE and E to W
across the Humer/Hummu range about 20 km long)
H.... Hamer wereda (Hamar .., Hammar ..) (-1964-1995-) 05/36 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Hamer, in 1995 = Dimeka)
HCC40 Hamerbako, cf Geleb & Hamerbako awraja 05/36 [x]
JDJ14 Hameresa, see Hamaresa
HEF67 Hamerko 1126'/3959' 1494 m 11/39 [Gz]
JCR26 Hamero Hadad (Hamero, Hamarro Hadad) 07/42 [MS LM Gz WO]
(with waterhole)
MS: 0720'/4215' = JCR17, 658 m;
Gz: 0727'/4214' = JCR26, 637 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Hayle Terra (Haile T.) (area)
10E Agamidobe (area)
5SE Hamarro Maan (Hamero Maan?) (waterhole)
5SW Sen Madobe (area)
5NW Dal Lehele (village)
10NW Borolays (Borolais) (area)
10N Sala Khalifa (area)
JDB54 Hamero 0838'/4105' 1617 m 08/41 [Gz]
JCR36? Hamero wereda (centre in 1964 = Hamero) 07/42 [Ad]
JD... Hamersa (in Harar Zuriya awraja) 09/42 [Ad]
Hamid, a male personal name;
-- Hamida, a tribe of the Arsi Oromo
GDT09 Hamid (Chemid) 0959'/3414' 563 m 09/34 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code GDT08
HEM13 Hamid 1157'/3936' 1923 m 11/39 [WO Gu Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEM22
-- Hamir (Hamit), see Hamta
hamli (T) turnip, Brassica rapa
HET75 Hamle (mountain) 13/38 [It]
HFE69 Hamlo (area) 14/39 [WO]
-- Hamran (Humran, Homran, 'the Red'),
an originally nomadic Beja group on both sides of the Setit river
HEH60 Hamrat el Galegu, J. (J. Hadid) (hill) 12/35 [WO]
HEP02 Hamrat er Ramad, J. (hill) 12/35 [WO]
hamsal fe..: hamsa (T) fifty; feres (färäs) (A,T) horse
HEL96 Hamsal Feres 2611 m, see under Sekota 12/39 [Gu]
-- Hamta people (Hamir, Xamir, Khamir, Hamit)
live in Abergele, Lasta, Wag and Sehala
-- Hamta language (Hamtanya), with probably four principal
dialect areas, at present endangered for extinction
Hamud, a male personal name
JDK13 Hamude (Curedelei, Curedelli) 09/42 [Gz WO]
0913'/4249' 1629 m
JCC12 Hamunle (Amunle) 0535'/4152' 386 m 05/41 [Gz]
hamus (T) 1. Thursday; 2. kind of shrub or small tree, Rhus
abyssinica, growing near streams and with dark hairy leaves;
hamus gebeya (T,A) Thursday market
HD... Hamus Gebeya, town in Cheliya wereda 08/37 [20]
HDD84 Hamus Gebeya (Cettu) 0853'/3723' 1830 m, 08/37 [Gz]
near Ambo, cf Amus
HDD91 Hamus Gebeya 0859'/3740' 2402 m, 08/37 [Gz]
at the road west of Ambo
HDE63 Hamus Gebeya 0842'/3842' 2066 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDK01 Hamus Gebeya 0908'/3731' 2626 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK54 Hamus Gebeya 0933'/3757' 2402 m, near Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL02 Hamus Gebeya 0908'/3836' 2709 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Abeba
HDL92 Hamus Gebeya 0955'/3838' 2092 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU74 Hamus Gebeya 1037'/3943' 3437 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEJ88 Hamus Gebeya 1231'/3724' 2066 m, 12/37 [Gz]
south-west of Gondar
H.... Hamus Gebeya 13/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Debas Kindish sub-district)
hamus w..: wenz (A) river
/see above for alternate meanings of hamus/
?? Hamus Wenz (visiting postman under D.Markos) ../.. [Po]
tributary of the Reb
HE... Hamus Wenz sub-district (Hamus Wonz ..) 11/38? [Pa Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Selel)
?? Hamusil, locality in Wello with round buildings ../.. [En]
HEK00 Hamusit 1147'/3734' 1892 m, near lake shore 11/37 [Gz Po]
(with sub-post office under Gondar)
town in the Belesa area, not far from Ibnat,
with a rock church in the neighbourhood
?? Hamusit (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
HEL58 Hamusit 1213'/3912' 2408 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEE87 Hamusit kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Meket wereda at its southern border,
24-29 km south of Lalibela; area 4,785 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Hana (Bodi), ethnic group living in the upper Omo valley:
Hana, Hanna, a personal name with Christian connection
H.... Hana (centre in 1964 of Dayo sub-district), 08/36 [Ad]
cf Hanna
HDE83 Hana 0856'/3844' 2196 m, east of Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
HDU42 Hana 1020'/3935' 2947 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Hana Bosake (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
H.... Hana Digeja sub-district (centre in 1964 = Digeja) 08/36? [Ad]
H.... Hana Dikai sub-district (centre in 1964 = Setcho) 08/36? [Ad]
HEE88 Hana kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, adjoining Wegel Tena
and stretching 6 km to its west and 4 km to its south-west;
area 2,102 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE74 Hana Mekwat kebele (.. Mäkwat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Meket wereda stretching to its western border,
5-14 km south-west of Filakit; area 3,271 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hanan: haanan (Som) throats; hanan (T) inert; sloppy
JCF60 Hanan (with well) 06/44 [MS WO]
JCF61 Hanan 0559'/4424' 368 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
?? Hanani (wadi), see under Dire Dawa
?? Hanasho, in Sidamo ../.. [x]
HEU30 Hanat 1259'/3923' 2543 m, west of Amba Alage 12/39 [Gz]
JCT41 Hancochib, see Hankokip
HDH35 Handak (Handac, Handek) (forest) 0920'/3610' 09/36 [Gz 18]
handaqii (O) mat made from grass or palm leaves
handeda: handad (Som) start, jump; threat, threatening
JFA64 Handeda (waterhole) 1411'/4011', 77 m, 14/40 [WO Gz]
cf Hann Dida
JDK74 Hando Dirshe 0942'/4253' 1777 m 09/42 [Gz]
handode, handoodee, andode (O) kind of tree, Phytolacca
dodecandra, with small flowers clustered as long spikes and with
fruits used as a kind of soap
HDJ63 Handode 0936'/3657' 2281 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ83 Handode 0951'/3652' 1819 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL.? Handode, a little north of Addis Abeba 09/38 [n]
HDE34 Handole, see Mumicha, cf Endole
handolessa (O) kind of big bird
HFF50 Haneba 1405'/3922' 1921 m 14/39 [Gz]
HFD78 Haneskema 1416'/3819' 1584 m 14/38 [Gz]
H.... Hangacha, see Angacha
JDN32 Hangar, see Kelkelti
JDR58 Hangeyle (Hangheile) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
KCR56 Hangeyo (Hangheyo) (area) 07/47 [+ WO]
hangeyu (Som) Sarcostemma viminale
HEF26 Hangoch 1106'/3954' 1892 m, east of Kombolcha 11/39 [Gz]
HFF42c Hangoda, near Hawzen plain 13/39? [x]
(with rock-hewn churches Mikael and Abune Salama)
HDL99 Hangu 0955'/3917' 2348 m 09/39 [Gz]
JBG72 Hanjara, H. (Hara?) 04/40 [WO]
?? Hankasha (area in western Gojjam) ../.. [Pa]
JCT41 Hankokip (Hancochib) 0740'/4332' 911 m 07/43 [Wa WO Gz]
HFF52 Hankorda Mikael (church), see under Sinkata 14/39 [x]
JDS62 Hankourousle (area) 10/42 [WO]
hann d..: dida, diidaa (O) from some foreign place;
didaa (O) recalcitrant /domestic animal/;
dida (O) forest, camp; didhaa (O) revenge
?? Hann Dida sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kebado), ../.. [Ad]
cf Handeda
Hanna of the Bible was the mother of Virgin Mary
hanna (O) stealing, theft
?? Hanna (Hana), in South Omo Zone ../.. [n]
HEC89 Hanna (small island in lake Tana), cf Hana 11/37 [Ch Gu]
H.... Hanna Maryam (Hana Mariam) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gefegef sub-district)
HEJ75 Hanna Maryam (H. Mariam, Hunna M.) 2162 m 12/37 [+ Gu WO]
HCD95 Hano ("De Vito") (island) 1209/1285 m 06/37 [WO Gu]
HCK04 Hano (island), see Gidicho
HCD08 Hantata 05/38 [WO]
hantati, hant'at'ii (O) twigs, brushwood for lighting fires
JCS22 Hanzerah 0726'/4242' 850 m 07/42 [Gz]
ha-o (O) molar tooth
JDG67c Hao (recorded in 1841) 09/40 [Ha]
HFE54c Haoulti, see Hawelti
happee (O) gum, resin
?? Happe ../.. [x]
happii (O) sparse, thin
JCG.. Happi (Happe, Abbe?) (village 10 km past Goro) 07/40 [x]
har (Som) 1. shade, shadow; 2. stay behind, remain;
haar (Som) 1. scar, weal; 2. restless persistence;
xaar (Som) excrement; harr (A) silk;
adde (O) term of respect for elder sister
JCF52 Har Adde (area), cf Harr 05/44 [WO]
HD... Har Amba (centre in 1964 of Kobo sub-district), 09/39 [Ad]
cf Haramba
hara (O) 1. lake, pool; 2. common land, anything for
common use; 3. broom /of twigs/, sweepings; smoke;
(Geez) army, troops;
haaraa (O) new, strange; ara (Som) crater?; (T) free
HE... Hara (centre in 1964 of Hara Webelo sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEF23 Hara (Uorra) 1104'/3936' 2597 m 11/39 [Gz]
(mountain chain south of Dessie)
HEM14c Hara, north-east of Weldiya, near the escarpment 11/39 [x]
JDA99 Hara (area) 2215 m 08/40 [WO]
JDG19 Hara 09/40 [WO]
JEP18 Hara 1248'/4124' 116 m (with thermal springs) 12/41 [WO Gz]
hara ba..: barich (Borana O) kind of shrub or
small tree, Ochna inermis
HBM26 Hara Baricha 0353'/3951' 1013 m, 03/39 [Gz]
(mountain on the border of Kenya)
JCM54 Hara Bisciaraia, see Ara Bisciaraila
?? Hara Bonel, south-east of Megalo 06/41 [x]
hara bor: bor (Som) castor oil shrub, Ricinus communis;
(O) tomorrow
HBL13 Hara Bor (area) 03/38 [WO]
hara bora: bora (O) 1. green snake; 2. snout, muzzle,
upstanding front part of a saddle /also several meanings
of different colours/
boraa (O) brown /animal/
HBM52 Hara Bora, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HCL.. Hara Dake, see Harra Dakie
JBH81 Hara Damtu (Jir-Dir) 04/40 [WO]
hara dawa: dawa, dawwaa (O) medicine, cure
/several other meanings/
JBG56 Hara Dawa (H. Daua) 0407'/4023' 963 m, 04/40 [Gz]
(mostly on the Kenyan side of the border)
HBL59 Hara Di 04/39 [WO]
hara du..: dubo, duboo (O) sheep's tail;
(Som) bake for oneself
JBP52 Hara Dubo 1020 m 04/40 [WO]
hara f..: fana (A) 1. track, trail; 2. torsh lamp; faana (O)
footprint, trace, sole of the foot, sandal; fanaa (O) stirrup
?? Hara Fanna, south-east of Megalo 06/41 [x]
hara ga..: gala (Som) kind of shrub or small tree,
Calotropis procera, with caustic, milky juice;
gaala (O) 1. camel; 2. provisions for a trip; 3. arrival
HBM03 Hara Gala (area) 03/39 [WO]
hara ge..: gebeya (A) market
HEM04 Hara Gebeya 1150'/3944' 1520 m, east of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
hara gu..: gure (O) wrinkle; (Som) ladle, to scoop;
guure (Som) nighttime travel; guurre (Som) slow, rythmic run
HEU94 Hara Gure (Aragure, Aragurie) 13/39 [LM WO Gu Ad]
1330'/3945' 1946, 2468 m
(centre in 1964 of Inderta Adal sub-district)
?? Hara Harba, on road Guldima to El Medo 05/41 [x]
hara ka..: kalu, qalu (O) 1. to slaughter, to sacrifice;
2. to roast coffee beans;
kallu (O) sorcerer, ritual expert of the 'shamanistic' kind
HBL77 Hara Kalu 04/39 [WO]
HEF44 Hara kebele 11/39 [Ad]
along the south-westernmost Were Babo wereda with
a Hara kebele also on the other side of the border,
3-10 km south-east of lake Hayk; area 913 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF54 Hara kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tehuledere wereda at its eastern border with
Hara kebele also across the border in Were Babo wereda,
3-8 km south-east of lake Hayk; area 1,569 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hara kol.: kwolla (qwolla) (A) lowlands;
koola (O) wing of anything flying
JCP00 Hara Kola (Ara Colla) 0718'/4044' 2034 m 07/40 [Gz WO]
hara kot.: kotte, kottee (A) footprint, hoof, track of animal
HBU45 Hara Kote 04/39 [WO]
HBT30 Hara Legati 0452'/3824' 1530 m, 04/38 [Gz]
near map code HBS39
hara m..: more, moore (O) civet cat
JCH23 Hara More, see Ara More
JCH35 Hara Oda, see Oda
HBM44 Hara Resia, see Elgara, Gara
hara ro..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
HBL09 Hara Roba (area) 03/39 [WO]
hara ru..: rukko (O) very dense /growth/
HBL27 Hara Rukko (area) 03/39 [WO]
hara sa..: sako (Som) annual alms, given as religious duty
HBE88 Hara Sako (area) 03/37 [WO]
hara se..: seba (säba) (A) seventy; sebba (säbba) before /arrival/
HDJ45 Hara Seba 0929'/3704' 2773 m, south of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
hara wa..: wacha (A) kind of wild fig tree, Ficus sp.;
(O) din of water boiling; noise of persons, etc.;
harawacha (O) 1. spacious; 2. open, unguarded
?? Hara Wacha (sub-post office under Harar) ../.. [Po]
HEF23 Hara Webelo kebele (.. Wäbälo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Dese Zuriya wereda,
6-10 km south of Dessie town; area 1,124 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Hara Webelo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hara) 11/39 [Ad]
haraba..: balle, ballee (O) feather, plume; wing
JBP50 Haraballe 04/40 [WO]
harac (Som) kind of shade tree
JEP15 Harac, see Harak & JEP19 JEP27c
?? Haradaka, see Were Kallu
?? Haradiget (Harradigit), north-west of Wel Wel ../.. [+ x]
JCU51 Haradiget Deta (Haradighet Deta), cf Harardiget 07/44 [+ WO]
harafa (O) desert
JDN39 Harafa (village), cf Arafa 10/40 [Gu]
?? Haragaye (mentioned in the 1400s) ../.. [x]
HDH96 Harageti 0955'/3616' 2115 m 09/36 [Gz]
haraj (A) auction
?? Haraji (visiting postman under Gimbi) ../.. [Po]
harak: harag, harrak (T) woody climber, Clematis simensis;
hareg (A) creeping ivy; harag (Som) skin, hide
JEP15 Harak (Harac) (plain) 12/41 [Ne WO]
JEP19 Harak (Harac) (plain) 1248'/4130' 116 m 12/41 [Gz WO]
JEP27c Harak (salt depression) 12/41 [Ne]
?? Harakello, finance check post on road to Moyale ../.. [x]
HEM.. Harako (village near Korem) 12/39 [n]
HEM81 Haramangwa 1233'/3931' 2630 m 12/39 [Gz]
HF... Haramat (south of Agame and north of Geralta) 12/39? [n]
HFE69c Haramat (area; wereda/?/ in 1966), 14/39 [x 18]
north-west of Hawzen
-- haramaya: Maya, name of a Babile tribe of the eastern Oromo
JDJ34 Haramaya (Haramaia, Aramaia, Aramaio) 09/42 [+ WO Gu]
(Harämaya) (plain around lake, with church)
1966 m, lake at 0924'/4201', cf Alem Maya
HD... Haramba (Har Amba) (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja), 09/39? [Ad]
see also Dokakit : Harr Amba
HDM12 Haramba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Berehet wereda narrowly along its north-western
border, 7-8 km south-east of Gina Ager; area 867 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET58c Harame (in Selewa wereda), cf Hareme 13/39 [x]
haramto: haram (Arabic,Som) pyramid;
(Som) elderliness, old /man or male animal/
HBM14 Haramto (area) 03/39 [WO]
HCL36 Harana (mountains), see Aranna
HET67 Harana 1315'/3904' 1806 m 13/39 [Gz]
HDM42 Haranba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda stretching narrowly
west-east, 18-22 km south of Debre Birhan; area 1,859 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL80c Haranfana, see Sintaro, cf Haremfana
JBN52 Harankas (area) 04/40 [WO]
harar: harrar (Som) grass mat; xarar (Som) 1. kind of large tree
with wood suitable for construction; 2. pattern, decoration,
carving; xaraar (Som) 1. limestone; 2. bitter taste
JDJ26 Harar (Harer, Harrar) 1856/1865 m 09/42 [WO Gu Gz Ro]
(written Hurrur on map of 1814)
0919'/4207' (1940s source: 0942'/4230')
Centre in 1964 also of Hundenie sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2E Dekka (village with view of the city)
7E Nazaro (hill with deep cave)
2S Akim (Achim) (limestone quarry)
6S Akim (G. Achim, Gara Hakim) (mountain w mosque)
top 1980, 2161 m
5SW Borte (village)
9SW Jimeda (Gimeda) (village)
.SW Jinela Mender (area)
6NW Abucher (Abubecher, Abocher, Aboker) 1994 m
(mountain area, with former road block)
5NE Sigicha (Sighiccia) (area)
5.. Amaresa (vegetable farm)
7.. Sofi's tomb
Harar awraja, see Harar Zuriya awraja
HDE66 Harar Meda, name of the military airfield at Debre Zeyt
JCF27 Harar Yo Endole (H. Io Endole) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
Harar zuriya (A) Harar environs
JDC96 Harar Zuriya awraja (Harer ..) 0900'/4210' 09/42 [+ Gz]
(centre in 1964-1980 = Harar)
JCU51 Harardiget (Harardighet) 0744'/4426' 948 m 07/44 [+ WO Gz]
-- Harari language
-- Harari People's National Regional State (recent unit)
JFA25 Hararo 13/40 [Ne]
JEH41 Hararu 1210'/4049' 606 m 12/40 [Gz]
KCN55 Harassan (area) 07/45 [WO]
harata (O) 1. broom /of twigs/; 2. abundant commodity;
3. (harat'a) loan given at an interest
HDJ35 Haratu (Harato), see Haretu
haraua: harawa (O) 1. red /clothes, animals/; 2. new;
harawwa (O) spacious
HCR95 Haraua (mountain), see Araua
HCT63c Harawa, east of Adami Tulu 07/38 [x]
JDK86 Harawa (Haraua) 09/43 [MS It]
JDR03 Harawa (Haraua) 1001'/4154' 791 m 10/41 [+ It]
harawacha (O) 1. spacious; 2. open, unguarded
JDH17 Harawacha (Harewach'a, Biscian Arauacia) 09/41 [Gz Po WO]
0910'/4120' 2542 m
(with school to the north and church Giyorgis), cf Harewacha
harawe d..: dembi (O) kinds of large tree, Ficus vasta etc.
HDG73 Harawe Dembi, see under Mendi 09/35 [x]
HD... Harawii, near Mendi 09/35? [n]
HDU95 Harba 1050'/3950' 10/39 [MS]
?? Harbo wereda ../.. [n]
Newly established in the 1990s, with 31 kebeles, and
earlier part of Kalu wereda.
harbona: bona (A,O) dry season, drought
HDF62 Harbona (Arribona) (mountain) 08/39 [Gz WO]
0842'/3935' 1260/1317 m, near the railway
HDF62 Harbona (place) 0844'/3933' 1228 m 08/39 [Gz]
JBG77 Harbor 04/40 [WO]
harbu, harbuu (O) kinds of large fig tree, Ficus spp.,
F. sycomorus, (Harar O) F. capensis, F. sur
HCR01c Harbu (Harbou), village at Gojeb river 07/36 [x]
HDK18 Harbu 0913'/3819' 2665 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL63 Harbu 0939'/3844' 2614 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF05 Harbu 1055'/3947' 1508 m (w sub-post office) 10/39 [Gz]
surrounded by Harbu kebele.
From the 1990s centre of Kallu (Qallu) wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
5E Agemsa kebele
3SW Tekake kebele
2W Miawa kebele
2W Weraba kebele
3W Tuluba Bogna kebele
4NW Birko Debela kwebele
5N Chorisa kebele
6N Beke kebele
8N Kedida kebele
2NE Adis Alem kebele
5NE Adame kebele
10NE Mekeniti kebele
10NE Fetekoma kebele

harbu a..: hola, hoola (O) sheep

HDJ35 Harbu Aba Hola 0924'/3705' 2506 m, near Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
harbu b..: baala (O) leaf; balaa (O) 1. devil, wicked spirit;
2. accident; bala (A) forked branch, tree support
HDJ55 Harbu Bala 0931'/3707' 2374 m, near Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ85 Harbu Deko 0949'/3708' 2537 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ96 Harbu Didibe 0955'/3711' 2205 m, east of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
harbu g..: gumja, gumjaa (O) craving for food or drink
HDJ50 Harbu Gumja 0933'/3657' 2212 m 09/36 [Gz]
HEF05 Harbu kebele 10/39 [Ad]
surrounding Harbu settlement in the south-western corner of
Kalu (East) wereda, 12-19 km south-southeast of Kombolcha;
area 2,722 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ11 Harbu Koruma 0911'/3644' 2151 m 09/36 [Gz]
harbu s..: sirba (O) a dance, song or music, dancer;
sirbaa (O) to blink fast /with eyes/
HDH85 Harbu Sirba 0947'/3613' 2166 m 09/36 [Gz]
HE... Harbu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Temoch) 11/39 [Ad]
J.... Hardaga 08/40 [18]
HEF44 Hardibo (Ardibbo, Ardibo, Ardibu, Hardebo), 11/39 [Gz WO 20]
lake 1114'/3945'
HEF54 Hardibo kebele (Hardebo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Tehuledere wereda on the western shore of lake
Hardibo (Ardibo), 6-10 km south-east of Hayk town; area 1,335 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDA75 Hardin 0850'/4018' 1599 m 08/40 [Gz]
hare (Silti O) lake? place?;
dimtu, diimtu (O) red /cow/, with light complexion /female/;
dimtu (A) the sound, the voice
JDJ18 Hare Dimtu 0909'/4222' 1543 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK04 Hare Gudi (H. Gudu) 0908'/4254' 1513 m 09/42 [Gz]
hare ki..: kiilo (Som) load up, fill to the brim
?? Hare Killo (sub-post office under Shashemene) ../.. [Po]
HCS.. Hare Shetan, see under Kibet 08/38 [20]
JD... Hare Wocha (in Webera awraja) 09/41? [Ad]
?? Harefa (Haräfa) (historically recorded in 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
HFF30 Hareguwa (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
JDJ29 Hareho 0917'/4226' 1729 m 09/42 [Gu Gz]
HBU92 Harekelo, see Harokelo
HCF02 Harekelo (Harikallo) 1369 m 05/39 [MS x]
JDJ12 Harele 0912'/4151' 1822 m, north of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HET47c Hareme (with one rock-hewn & one cave church), 13/39 [x]
south-east of Yechilay, cf Harame
HFF04 Haremerie (centre in 1964 of Wonberta sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
?? Haremfana ../.. [20]
HEU92 Harena (Arena) 1333'/3933' 2379 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north of Kwiha
JEA13 Harengema 1101'/4006' 1322 m 11/40 [Gz]
HDE53 Harengma (village north of Awash) 08/38 [x]
HCM45c Harenna (Harena, Harrena) (forest & escarpment) 06/39 [Ca Br]

J.... Harer (plain), see Herer

JDJ26 Harer, see Harar
JDC96 Harer Zuriya awraja, see Harar Zuriya awraja
harera (O) buttermilk, sour skim milk
HDL52 Harere 0934'/3838' 2028 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
GD... Harere Denebel (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HFF35 Haresaho (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Atsbi
J.... Hareshen wereda 09/42? [Ad]

haret (A) turbid, muddy water;

haretu: haratu (Sidamo O) kind of small or medium tree,
Cussonia holstii, with stalks where leaves branch out from
a common point
HDJ35 Hareto (Haretu, Harato, Harito, Hareta, Haratu) 09/37 [Gz Ad Po WO]
(Aratu) 0922'/3707' 2295 m
(with sub-post office), in Gudru awraja
Centre in 1964 of Jimma Genete wereda & sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Jarra (Giarra) (area)
3S Daleti (area)
5S Chali (Ciali) (area)
8S Karra (Carra) (mountain) 3050 m
5W Balbala (area)
8W peak 3276 m
6NW Dingi (area)
9NW Gorochen (Gorocen, Gorochan) (area) 3275 m
HCD45 Haretu (Harato) circa 2450 m, 05/37 [x]
east of lake Chamo
JDB96 Harew 0902'/4119' 1474 m 09/41 [Gz Ad]
(with church Maryam and American mission school)
(centre in 1964 of Harewacha sub-district)
JDJ94 Harewa (Arraua, Arreruha, Arawa, Harrawa) 09/41 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
(Fre: Harraouah) 0955'/4159' 779/964 m (railway stn)
(centre in 1964 of Jaldessa sub-district)
JDR23c Harewa (Arraua, Fre: Haraoua) 1010'/4151', 10/41 [Gz WO x]
at an old caravan route
HDT57 Harewa kebele (Haräwa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda, 4-7 km south-east
of Kelala settlement; area 1,086 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU81 Harewa kebele (Haräwa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west centrally in Were Ilu wereda,
12-16 km north-west of Were Ilu town; area 1,723 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
harew..: harawacha (O) spacious, open
JDH37c Harewacha (centre in 1964 of Burka sub-district) 09/41 [Ad]
(with sub-post office), cf Harawacha
JDB96 Harewacha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Harewa) 09/41 [Ad]
HDJ35 Harewe 0920'/3705' 2903 m, near Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
JDK85 Harewe 0947'/4301' 1540 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDK94 Harewe 0953'/4257' 1318 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDU71 Harewo 1040'/3925' 2666 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
JDJ20 Harewo 0919'/4137' 1977 m 09/41 [Gz]
HB... Hargai (mountains) 04/39 [18]
?? Hargaye (Hargayä) (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
JCC07 Hargeile (Hargheile, Hargele) 0527'/4214' 457 m 05/42 [+ WO Gz]
HCN56 Hargele 0745'/3520' 07/35 [MS]
JBR85 Hargele (Hargelei, Argheile) 0519'/4204' 313 m 05/42 [Gz 20 WO Gu]
hargeysha: hargessa (Borana O) Aloe yavellana etc; there
are 25 species of aloe in Ethiopia and they sometimes cover
whole hillsides
JDD54 Hargeysha (Hargeisha) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
hargisa: harkisa (O) plough
HDL25 Hargisa 0917'/3856' 2890 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDN78c Hargufia circa 1040'/4030', 10/40 [20]
60 km north of Gewane
?? Hargunayu, archaeological camp ../.. [20]
HEA74 Hargwanga (Harguanga) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
haria (eastern O) warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus aeliani;
bush-pig, Potamochoerus porcus hassama;
haria (T) relieve oneself, defecate;
hariya, hariiya (O) age grade system, age-mate; (Harari) pig;
harrija (Konso) age class
HER47 Haria (area) 13/37 [WO]
HES30 Haria 1301'/3731' 1221, 1509 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
(Amba H.) (mountain)
HCF02 Harikallo, see Harekelo
harira, hariira (O) 1. silk cloth; 2. backbone;
xariir (Som) 1. silk cloth; 2. milk diluted with water
JDJ59 Harira, see Hariro
JEH86c Hariri (seasonal water, craters near), cf Hatiri 12/41 [Ne]
hariro: xariiro (Som) mix milk with water
JCH90 Hariro 2280 m, see under Ginir 07/40 [MS WO]
JDJ59 Hariro (Harira) 0930'/4226' 1747 m 09/42 [Gz WO]
HDK18 Harirtu 0912'/3815' 2494 m, north-west of A.Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDJ35 Harito, see Haretu
?? Harjah (historically recorded in the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
HDL72 Harjo 0942'/3836' 3043 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
harka (O) 1. hand, arm; 2. (harqa) cry of the leopard;
harkai, harkey (Som) kind of tree, Zizyphus mucronata
JDG98 Harka (Harca) (area), cf Arka 09/40 [+ WO]
JDK66 Harkebobe (Hark'ebobe) 0940'/4306' 1714 m 09/43 [Gz]
harkisa (O) girth-strap of a beast of burden;
harkiso (O) corn porridge
HDL63 Harkiso 0936'/3846' 2648 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
-- Harla, population mentioned in old sources
HEM62 Harle 1220'/3936' 1445 m, south of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HFE88 Harmet 1419'/3912' 2395 m, north-east of Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
?? Harmil (island in the Rift Valley) ../.. [Mi]
harmus: harmaz (T) elephant
HEM61 Harmus 12/39 [Gu]
haro, haroo (O) 1. lake, pool, stagnant water on road; swamp;
2. track; furrow; curly hair; (Som) pond, lake;
(A) valley subject to seasonal flooding
GDF21 Haro (mountain), see Aro
GDF86 Haro (Sombo) 0857'/3452' 1789 m 08/34 [Gz]
HCD77c Haro (Harro, Harru), 06/38 [x]
about 40 km south-west of Dilla
HCE61 Haro 0600'/3833' 2163 m 06/38 [Gz]
HCN64 Haro 0751'/3512' 1894 m 07/35 [Gz]
HCR61 Haro (Aro, Gembi Haro) (market) 1740 m 07/36 [LM Gu WO]
HCR72 Haro 0754'/3647' 1709 m 07/36 [Gz]
HDC03 Haro, see Seka
HDE32 Haro 0828'/3837' 2327 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDG64 Haro 0940'/3508' 1525 m, south-east of Mendi 09/35 [Gz]
HDG94 Haro 0957'/3508' 1548 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north-east of Mendi, near map code HDN04
HDH19 Haro (centre in 1964 of Tach Kile sub-district), 09/36 [Ad WO]
see under Nekemte
HDJ81 Haro 0949'/3642' 1818/1997 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ94 Haro 0952'/3700' 2287 m, west of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDK37 Haro 0920'/3812' 2403 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL42 Haro 0927'/3839' 1965 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL70 Haro 0941'/3829' 2218 m (waterfalls nearby) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL90 Haro 0956'/3826' 2092 m, east of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL92 Haro 0952'/3841' 2195 m, north-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM60 Haro (plain), see under Mendida 09/39 [WO]
HDS08 Haro 1002'/3818' 2480 m, south of the Abay 10/38 [Gz]
HDU71 Haro 1037'/3927' 2088, 2444 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
JDA79 Haro (area), see under Gelemso 08/40 [WO]
JEA03 Haro (Aro) 1056'/4006' 1035 m 10/40 [Gz WO]
JEC72 Haro (area) 11/41 [WO]
JCB63 Haro Ali, see Ara Ali
HDK10 Haro Alunko 0909'/3734' 2437 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
haro amara (O) lake of the Amhara?
JCN13 Haro Amara 0724'/4005' 2106, 2390 m 07/40 [WO Gu Gz]
haro ara..: ararsa, araarsa (O) peace making, reconciliation
JBP89 Haro Ararsa (Ara A.) 0517'/4134' 501 m 05/41 [Gz]
JCB49 Haro Arba, see Ara Arba
JCB88 Haro Bacale, see Ara Bacalle
JCB54 Haro Bele (Ara B.) 0556'/4106' 921 m 05/41 [Gz]
haro bi..: biftu, biiftuu (O) the sun
HDJ68 Haro Biftu 0937'/3723' 2179 m 09/37 [Gz]
haro boki (O) furrow with pumpkins?
HDL11 Haro Boki 0909'/3832' 2726 m, see under Genet 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCB94 Haro Bonel, see Ara Bonel
haro bor.: boru, booruu (O) early /morning sun/;
borru (O) east; morning; boru, booruu (O) muddy, turbid /liquid/;
boru (A) ox having a blaze
JCP62 Haro Boru (Haro Bory) 0747'/4052' 1527 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
haro bu..: buri, burii (O) blue-grey edible root;
buri (Som) 1. chase away; 2. boil over;
buuri (Som) tobacco, cigar, pipe
JCH27 Haro Buri, see Ara Bure
haro c..: kiltu, qilt'uu (O) sycamore tree, Ficus spp.
JCP61 Haro Chiltu, see Haro Kittu
haro de..: den chaka (dänn ch'aka) (A) forest
HCP47 Haro Den Chaka (forest) 0737'/3621' 07/36 [Gz]
haro dibe (O) track of pain?
JCB70 Haro Dibe 0608'/4047' 813 m 06/40 [Gz]
JCG37 Haro Dibe 0636'/4029' 1409 m 06/40 [Gz]
HDE71c Haro Dila (village near main road), 08/38 [x]
see under Sebeta
haro dimtu (O) red lake?
diimtu (O) red /cow/, with light complexion /girl, woman/
JDB04 Haro Dimtu (H. Duntu) (area) 0811'/4107' 1556 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
haro dob.: dhoobo (Som) 1. mud, soil, clay, daub;
2. come in great numbers; doobbo (Som) 1. horns of cattle;
2. froth from a camel's mouth
HDK97 Haro Dobo 0956'/3813' 2550 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDJ93 Haro Dongoro 0955'/3653' 2073 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDB85 Haro Ducki (Haro Ducchi) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
JDB04 Haro Duntu, see Haro Dimtu
haro f..: fana (A), faana (O) 1.track, trail, footprint, trace,
sole of the foot, sandal; 2. torch, lamp; fanaa (O) stirrup
JCB65 Haro Fanna (Ara Fanna), see Arefen
haro ga..: gabanaa (O) one's personal affairs
JCB65 Haro Gabana, see Ara Gabana
haro goro: goro, goorro (O) door opening inside a hut;
partition in a house /for calves/;
goro (O) wild rose shrub, (A) young elephant;
JCB56 Haro Goro, see Ara Goro
JCP64 Haro Gorontu 0747'/4104' 1425/1509 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
haro gurrati, beautiful lake; gurratti (O) beautiful /female/
JDB06 Haro Gurratti (area) 08/41 [WO]
haro ha..: hadi (O) white
JDB53 Haro Hadi (area) 08/41 [WO]
JDC17 Haro Heban (area) 08/42 [WO]
JCB17 Haro Illibir (Ara I.) 0532'/4123' 608 m, 05/41 [Gz]
cf JCB16 Illeba
haro ka..: kara, qaraa (O) 1. road, path, doorway; 2. edge;
3. far-away place; 4. never, not at all; 5. first-rate boiled coffee;
qaraa (O) 1. green chili; 2. dry sorghum stalk;
kara, karra (A) kaaraa (O) knife
HCE41 Haro Kara 0548'/3833' 1853 m 05/38 [Gz]
HDT86 Haro kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Kelala wereda, 12-17 km
north-east of Kelala settlement; area 1,377 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
haro kil..: kile, qilee (O) deep gorge, ravine
JDB00 Haro Kile (H. K'ile, H. Qile) 0813'/4044' 1519 m 08/40 [Gz q]
haro kit..: kitu, qit'uu (O) stealth, tip-toeing
JCP61 Haro Kittu 0755'/4051' 1307 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCP71
-- Haro language (same as Baiso/Alkali?),
spoken on Gidicho island
haro mar.: mare, maaree (O) smallpox
JCP24 Haro Mare 0728'/4103' 1305 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
haro may.: maya (A) place for looking; (Som) no
JD... Haro Maya wereda 08/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
JCH13 Haro Mumed, see Ara Mumed
JCB65 Haro Munna 0559'/4110' 799 m 05/41 [Gz]
haro r..: rufa, ruufa (O) clothes for elders and dignitaries
JDC22 Haro Rufa (Harro R.) 0820'/4149' 1239 m 08/41 [x n]
JCB27 Haro Samantar Batare, see Ara Samanter
JCH32 Haro Terra, see Ara Terra
haro ti..: tiyo, t'iyoo (O) kind of climbing plant
HDL30 Haro Tiyo 0920'/3825' 2644 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCP45 Haro Ungisa (H. Uongisa, H. Wongisa) 07/41 [Gz WO +]
0738'/4110' 1257/1280 m
JCB37 Haro Unne, see Ara Unne
JCP45 Haro Uongisa, see Haro Ungisa
?? Haro Watu (Haaro Waatu) ../.. [20]
HDT05 Haroganda kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda a little to
the west at its southern border, 11-19 km south-west of
Alem Ketema; area 2,545 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDE10 Harogesa 0814'/3827' 2121 m 08/38 [Gz]
-- Haroji, a clan of the Mecha-Liban-Ammaya Oromo
HDH00c Haroji (in Gimbi awraja), cf Aroji 09/35 [LM]
HDG49 Haroji Bildima, about 15 km east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
harokello (O) lake/swamp with Meskel flowers
HBU92 Harokelo (Harok'elo, Haroqelo, Harekelo, Hora Kelo) 05/39 [Gz q]
(Hore K.) 0523'/3932' 1369 m, near map code HCF02
(centre in 1964 of Korkoro wereda & of Tsinun sub-district),
north-west of Negele
haroresa, haroressa (O) 1. kind of shrub or small tree,
Grewia bicolor, cf Aroresa; 2. cane, rod, threshing stick;
-- Haroressa, one of two sub-groups (sub-moieties) of the
Gona branch of the Borana prople
JDA36 Haroresa 0827'/4023' 1657 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDK46 Haroresa 0926'/4305' 1802 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDK45 Haroreys 0926'/4302' 1786 m, cf JDK46 Aroreis 09/43 [Gz]
HEM63 Harosha 1219'/3939 1406 m, south-east of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
?? Haroshifa, in the Hebano district ../.. [x]
HDB39 Harota (Giara, Tchara) 0827'/3633' 1542, 1706 m 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
HDD97 Harota 0900'/3811' 2130 m, west of Addis Alem, 09/38 [Gz]
see under Ginchi
HFE70 Haroy 1416'/3829' 1724 m, see under Ginchi 14/38 [Gz]
HEF42 Haroye kebele (Haroyé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Kuta Ber wereda at the south-western part of its border,
3-8 km south-west of Kuta Ber settlement; area 3,388 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF25 Haroye Korame kebele (Haroyé Koramé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Kalu (East) wereda, 10-15 km
east of Kombolcha; area 1,934 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
harr (A), harri (T) silk
JDR66 Harr (mountains) 1028'/4218' 989 m 10/42 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JDR57, see under Dokakit
harra da..: daqqiyyee (O) duck, goose
HCL.. Harra Dakie (Hara Dake), at distance from Dodola 06/39 [x]
JCU51 Harradiguit, see Harardiget
JED02 Harrag (area), cf the word harag 10/42 [WO]
harrak (T) woody climber, Clematis simensis
JDJ94 Harraouah, see Harewa
JDJ25 Harrar, see Harar
JDJ94 Harrawa (Arawa, Arraua), see Harewa
HCM45c Harrena (forest), see Harenna
?? Harresaw, village in Tigray ../.. [n]
(same as HFF35 Haresaho?)
HBR66 Harrison Range (European-given name; mountains) 05/37 [WO Gz]
0505'/3710' 1214 m
harro (Som) lake;
-- Harro, a cluster of ethnic groups at lakes Chamo and Abaya
?? Harro (mountain) ../.. [Mi]
an extinct volcano south-west of Addis Alem
HC... Harro (sub-district & its centre in 1964), cf Haro 07/36 [Ad]
?? Harro (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
harro d..: damo (Gurage) man regarded as 'ritual wife'
of the male deity Wag
?? Harro Damo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
harro ro..: roba, rooba, robaa (O) rain
JCR90 Harro Roba, see Hallo Roba
harro ru..: rufa, ruufa (O) clothes for elders and dignitaries
JDC23 Harro Rufa (Haro R.) 0822'/4154' 1239 m 08/41 [Gz]
?? Harro Wolabo (in Ethiopia or Somalia?) ../.. [x]
harru (A) the silk
HCE48 Harru, cf Haru 05/39 [WO]
JEJ95 Harsa (area) 12/42 [WO]
H.... Harsi sub-district (in Jemjem) ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gersa)
harshin: hashin (T) iron
JDE94 Harshin (Harscin) (area, with seasonal waterhole) 08/43 [Ad WO]
JDL11 Harshin 0913'/4335' 1559 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDE94c Harshin wereda (ctr in 1964 = Harshin) (-1964-2000-) 08/43 [Ad 20]
-- Harso, ethnic group west of Gidole, see Dullay
harti (O) all of; (Som) 1. man, husband;
2. old-fashioned shotgun, musket;
-- Harti, name of a Somali clan /warre/
?? Harti (Artu), see under /which?/ Jeldesa ../.. [Gu]
JDK19 Harti Shek (Hartishek, Hartisheik, Harteshek) 09/43 [+ Gz Ad 20]
0909'/4321' 1590 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
with refugee camp around year 2000
JCC70c Harti Warre 06/41 [Wa]
haru (O) 1. to sweep the floor; 2. to be tired; 3. to smoke;
4. to confiscate; 5. (Mati/Alabdu O) medium-sized
wild fig tree, Ficus mallotocarpa
GDF92 Haru, see Ihud Gebeya
HCD77 Haru 0608'/3808' 2049 m 06/38 [Gz]
HDD82 Haru 0856'/3743' 2137 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDH02 Haru 1881 m, cf Harru 09/35 [WO Gu]
HD... Haru wereda (-1997-) 09/35 [Ad]
at some distance from Yabelo
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDH.. Haru Weregibie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Macha) 09/35 [Ad]
HDH.. Haru Werehino sub-district (centre in 1964 = Goui) 09/35 [Ad]
JDC25 Harujo (Harugio) (area) 1220 m 08/42 [+ WO]
harunta: xarunta (Som) place of pilgrimage /or centre of some
other kind/; harumta (T) kind of shrub, Barbeya oleoides
JCL54 Harunta Kelial 0648'4347' 715 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
HCK04 Haruro (island), see under Gidicho
JDJ94 Harvana (area) 777 m 09/41 [WO]
hasa (O) talk, discussion; (T) a herb, Trifolium campestre
HDB17c Hasa 08/36 [Wa]
JDK67 Haseade (Hase'ade) 0940'/4312' 1615 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDJ42 Haseliso 0927'/4147' 1978 m, south-west of Dire D. 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ51 Haseliso 0935'/4144' 1195 m 09/41 [Gz]
HFE09 Hasemen 1337'/3920' 1925 m 13/39 [It Gz]
H.... Hasemko (on map of 1814), north-west of Agula 13/39 [18]
HCL64c Hashe, south of Kofele 06/38 [x]
JBJ46 Hashim (Finangiuba) 0927'/4209' 2169 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEM92 Hashinge (lake), see Ashenge
JBN59 Hashlik, see under Filtu 05/40 [WO]
JCE09 Hasi (Assei, A. Marco) 0528'/4417' 218 m 05/44 [Gz]
south-southeast of Kelafo
hasnadera k..: kubi (T) scurf, dandruff
JDP39 Hasnadera Kubi (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
haskul: xaskul (Som) aloe plant; hashkul (T) inform; squeal
JDF54 Haskul (Hascul) 0843'/4442' 1073 m 08/44 [+ WO Wa Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JDF64
KDA42 Haskul (area) 08/45 [WO]
JDP39 Hassandera Kebir (Cassandera Chebir) 10/41 [Gz]
1015'/4135' 662 m, near map code JDR30
hassay: hasay (T) nasty
JCN06c Hassay (Hassai) 07/40 [+ Wa]
JED03 Hassem Gadoche 1052'/4248' 699 m, 10/42 [Gz]
near map code JDS93
HEE14 Hast, see Asit
HEL03c Hastere 11/38 [Gu]
HET56 Hatami 1311'/3904' 1694 m, north of Fenerwa 13/39 [Gz]
HDK87 Hatchiame (Hatchamie), see Kecheme
HFE29 Hatemti 1346'/3918' 2099 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEF76 Hatesa (Hat'esa) 1130'/3953' 1629 m, cf Hatsa 11/39 [Gz]
hatiri: hatere (hat'ärä) (T) fatten; hatari (O) pea
JEH36 Hatiri (waterhole) 12/41 [WO]
HC... Hatiro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Atiro) 07/35? [Ad]
JDN57c Hatowie circa 1025'/4028', 10/40 [20]
stream north-west of Gewane
HCJ65 Hatsa (Haisa) 0654'/3704' 2118 m, cf Hatesa 06/37 [Gz]
HF... Hatset, village in the Hawzen area 13/39 [20]
hatu, hetu (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica; its huge
bunches of flowers are dried and used against tapeworm;
hatuu (O) to steal; hattuu (O) thief, robber, /murderer/;
hatu amba, kosso mountain? mountain of robbers?
HES07 Hatu Amba 1240'/3810' 1558 m, 12/38 [WO Gz]
near map code HEK97
HFE.. Hatzabo, near Aksum 14/38 [18]
JDS42 Hauada, see Hawada
HES87 Hauasa, see Awasa
haud: hawd (Som) forest, thicket
KCS41 Haud, see Hawd
JCC81 Haudo (mountains), see Audo
HFE52 Hauista, see Hawista
HFF55 Haulio, see Hawliyo
-- Hausa language, spoken in an Eritrea-Ethiopia-Sudan area
HFF40 Hausien (Hauzien), see Hawzen
hawa: Hawwa, a Moslem name for /Adam and/ Eve
G.... Hawa (in Kelem awraja) 08/34 [Ad]
-- hawa g..: Gelan, an Oromo tribe
?? Hawa Gelan sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HEL25c Hawa Mikael, church at the village of Mitk 11/38 [n]
?? Hawa & Welele wereda? ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JDS42 Hawada (Hauada) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
JDJ55 Hawale 0931'/4203' 2051 m 09/42 [Gz]
G.... Hawana Yemaloggi sub-district 08/34? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mucho)
hawara: hawaar (Som) special cattle brand
HDL92 Hawara 0953'/3836' 2483 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Amanuel)
hawarya (A,T) apostle; hawaryat, apostles
H.... Hawarya Abo, a parish in Begemdir ../.. [n]
JDA94 Hawash, see Awash
HC... Hawassa (centre in 1964 of Habiela Wendo wereda), 06/38 [Ad]
cf Awasa
HCL70 Hawassa, see Awasa
-- hawato d..: Hawattu, a clan of the Haroressa of the Borana people;
dahro (T) wild fig tree, Ficus dahro, F. vasta; daro (O) saint;
daaro (Som) tough lightly; dhaaro (Som) swear, take an oath;
daro (Som) strangle-hold in wrestling
JC... Hawato Daro (mountains) 07/40 [18]
hawd (Som) forest, jungle thicket /the disputed Haud area
between Ethiopia and Somalia is written Hawd in Somali/
KCS41 Hawd (Haud) (wide area) 07/47 [+ WO]
JDK91 Hawedukad (Haeducad) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HEJ57 Hawelt, see Hawilt
HFE54c Hawelti Melazzo (Aoulti, Haoulti, Hawulti, Hawilti) 14/38 [n x En]
(archaeological site) at some 10 km south-east of Aksum,
concerning excavations, see Melazo
HCH.? Haweta wereda (Hawäta ..) (centre = Kobach) 07/36 [En]
One of ten weredas of Kefa awraja 1944-1987.
HDT74 Hawey Betaso kebele (Hawäy Bät'aso ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, 3-6 km
north-west of Mekane Selam; area 933 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT43 Hawey kebele (Hawäy ..) 10/38 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Wegdi wereda, 6-11 km
south-west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,485 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT62 Hawey Miklo kebele (Hawäy Miqlo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Sina wereda at its southern border,
19-23 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 1,435 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT62 Hawey Milo kebele (Hawäy ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western Debre Sina wereda stretching to the middle of its
western border, 17-25 km west-southwest of Mekane Selam;
area 1,652 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDC82 Haweysa (mountain chain) 0856'/4149' 1484 m 08/41 [Gz]
HES86 Haweza (Auasa) (mountain) 1325'/3804' 1476 m 13/38 [Gz]
HES86 Haweza 1324'/3807' 1608 m 13/38 [Gz]
HEU90 Hawho 1331'/3923' 2083 m 13/39 [Gz]
?? Hawila Assaraw, in the Mekele region, ../.. [x]
village with archaeological finds, cf Hawita
HFF53 Hawile 1404'/3943' 3039 m, see under Atsbi 14/39 [Gz]
hawilt (A) monument, statue, stele
HEJ57 Hawilt (ancient monument) 1214'/3717', 12/37 [Gz]
west of Gorgora
hawista: haawis (Som) 1. fast gallop /of horse/; 2. airing
/of vessel/
HFE52 Hawista (Hauista) 1401'/3842' 2034 m, 14/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
distant 12.6 km from Aksum
HFF66c Hawita Assaraw (archaeological site, JFA63?) 14/39? [x]
cf Hawila
-- Hawiya (Hawuya, Hawiye), a major clan family of Somali
JDJ18 Hawiya 0911'/4222' 1569 m 09/42 [Gz]
hawla (Konso) ceremonies related to death
HFF55 Hawliyo (Haulio) 14/39 [+ WO]
hawo (Arabic,Som) 1. air, weather; (Som) 2. desire
?? Hawo (in Bale) ../.. [x]
HCS13c Hawora, about 20 km south-southwest of Hosaina 07/37 [20]
hawu, hawwu (O) to desire, to envy
HDK70 Hawu 0946'/3733' 2256 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK80 Hawu 0949'/3735' 2097 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
H.... Hawule (Hawulie) 13/39 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HFE54c Hawulti, see Hawelti
hawuya g..: guda (A) injure, do damage to;
gudaa, gudda, guddaa (O) 1. big; 2. respectable /man/
JDJ27 Hawuya Guda 0916'/4218' 1709 m, east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
hawzen (in Harar:) screened-off portion of the house
for storing grain
HFF40 Hawzen (Hawsien, Hausien, Hauzien, Hawzien) 13/39 [Br Te WO Gu]
(Housien, Hawuzien, Hawuzen, Hawsen, Howzien) 13/39 [Br n x]
(Fre: Aouzienne) 1358'/3926' (1400'/3920') 2105, 2234 m
Coordinates would give map code HFE49 further to the west.
With sub-post office, and church Tekle Haymanot.
Centre in 1964 of Hulet Belesa wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SE Enda Mariam Sebela (village)
10S Debre Zien (with church)
..W Amba Debre Mahar, 2488 m
10W Kenata (Adi Elo) (village) 1947 m
7NE Maryam Setta (Mariam S., Setta) (village)
there are rock-hewn churches in the area
2N church of Abune Tekle Haymanot
3NW Suta (Sut'a, Sika)
5NW Mai Kado
3N Ambesset (Amberset, Anbesset)
3N Kellele (Qellele): Abune Gebre Mikael
HFF40 Hawzen wereda 13/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
Hay.., see also Hai..
hay: xay (Som) kind of white flower
HET70 Hay (Amba H.) (mountain) 1321'/3831' 2233 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
haya (O) 1. saline soil; 2. all right, okey /as answer/;
hayya (O) opportunity; haya (A) twenty
HBK57 Haya, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HEU01 Haya 1243'/3930' 2950 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
HEU02 Haya Olel (area recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
-- Hayahaya language, see Komo
JBN73 Hayasifta (Haiasifta) 05/40 [+ WO]
hayay: hayaay (Som) call for help
JFA69 Hayay, see Halai
HCL66c Haycho (Haiccio) (with sacred hujuba) 06/39 [+ Gu]
HFD17 Hayda, see Amba Maderia
JCG74 Haydro 0702'/4014' 2510 m 07/40 [Gz]
HF... Hayelom, village in the Hawzen area 13/39 [20]
HF... Hayhaile, see Hahayle
HCT61 Hayikoch .., see Haykoch ..
hayk, hayq (A) lake
HCL.. Hayk (Haik), in Awasa wereda 06/38 [n]
HEF53 Hayk (Hayk', Hayq, Haik, Haic, Haix, Lago Haich) 11/39 [Gz Ro Gu It]
1118'/3941' 2030 m, lake at 1119'/3942' = HFE53
Place with school, sub-post office and church Yohanis.
Centre at least 1956-1980 of Ambasel awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
-- Giyorgis (Giorgio) (island = Estifanos?)
-- Istifanos (Daga Estifanos, Dega Estefanos, Stefanos)
(small island in the western part of the lake)
2E Gwobeya kebele
5E Hara kebele
6E Bulbulo kebele
5SE Welda Lulu kebele
6SE Hardebo kebele
1S Amuma kebele
4S Hitecha kebele
6S Mesel kebele
8S Sulula (settlement)
9S Boru Meda (settlement)
9S Bededo kebele
6SW Nibo kebele
6SW Tejjok Genda (Teggiocc Ghenda) (village)
7SW Moletlis (village)
8SW Jarre Tew (Giarre Teo) (village)
9SW Arkisa (Archisa) (village)
9SW Jarretis (Giarretis) (village)
9SW Boru Metero kebele
10SW Werkariya kebele
10SW Tabor (village)
2W Wihilo kebele
5W Wene Babo (Uene B.) (village)
6W Wiha Helo (Uaha H.) (village)
6W Minchu kebele
7W Cherkwa (Cerqua) (village) 2222/2876 m
8W Afda (village)
10W Koskimu kebele
4NW Poso Mile (settlement)
7NW Jari Fil Wiha kebele
8NW Damota kebele
9NW Tebisa kebele
10NW Mariye kebele
10NW Beirat
5N Wasomille (village near pass)
2NE lake Hayk
7NE Seglan kebele
7NE Muti Belg kebele
10NE Fito kebele
?? Bile 2124 m
?? Tehule Dere (long valley and
wereda surrounding Hayk)
HEF54 Hayk (Hayek') (lake) 1121'/3943' 2030 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF53 Hayk Istifanos (monastery) 1120'/3942' 11/39 [Gz]
(Hayk Estifanos, Debre Hayk, Däbrä Nägwädgwad,
Debra Naguadguad, D. Negwodgwad), cf Estifasnos
An almost triangular island about 120 m from the shore.
HFF26 Hayk Mesihas (Haik Metsahas) 13/39 [+ Ad x n]
(centre in 1964 of Bohale sub-district)
hayk meskel (hayq mesqel) (A) lake of the cross
HFF24 Hayk Meskel (Aicamessal, Haiki Messahal) 13/39? [+ WO Ad n]
(Hayki Meshal) (in Hulet Awlalo awraja) 2135/2225 m,
with rock-hewn church at Amba Mikael
HEU.. Haykilet (Hayqhilät), between Dolo and Antalo 13/39 [+ 18]
haykoch (A) lakes
HCT61 Haykoch & Butajira awraja (Hayikoch ..) 08/38 [Gz]
(centre in 1964 = Adami Tulu, in 1969-1980 = Ziway)
hayl (A) strength, force, power; (Som) 1. cardamom;
2. mark cut into the ear of an animal for identification;
hayli, haylii (O) intelligence
HDU94 Hayle Maryam kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching to its north-eastern
border, 10-13 km north-northwest of Majete; area 1,820 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hayle t..: terra (t'ärra) (A) be clear, brighten, clear up
JCR38 Hayle Terra (Haile Terra) (area) 07/42 [+ WO]
hayli gu..: gubi (O) grain storage basket kept in the house
JEP90 Hayli Gubbi 1330'/4043' 521 m, 13/40 [20]
extinct stratovolcano
HDM34c Haylu Amba, see Aliyu Amba
haymanot (A,T) belief, religion, faith;
hayt (T) lion; koma (O) 1. chest, breast;
2. qoomaa instant killing;
koma (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree
JEB59 Haytan Koma (Haitan Coma, Haytankoma) (mountain) 11/41 [+ WO Gz]
1121'/4135' 310 m, near map code JEC50
JDA90 Hayu 0859'/4033' 1709 m, 08/40 [Gz]
about 10 km from the railway
JDG08 Hayu 0906'/4032' 1285 m, at the railway 09/40 [Gz]
JEH19 Hayu 1155'/4134' 470 m 11/41 [Gz]
JDP10 Hayyalu (Oromo form of spelling), see Ayelu
?? Haza 08/36 [x]
HET27 Hazako Mikael (Hazak'o M.) (church) 1253'/3908' 12/39 [Gz]
?? Hazalo (battle site in the 1500s) ../.. [x]
?? Hazo (historical place, different from the following?) ../.. [Pa]
HF... Hazo (centre in 1964 of Sebura sub-district) 14/39? [Ad]
HCL54 Hebano, see Ibano
HCK81c Hebecho 07/37 [x]
JFA16 Hebehela (Hebchela) (waterhole) 13/40 [MS Ne WO LM]
H.... Heben sub-district (Hieben ..) 08/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ilala)
HDL43 Hebeno 0929'/3845' 2530 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL44 Hebeno 0927'/3852' 2588 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HC... Hechota (Hiechota) 06/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dienshi sub-district)
hed (Som) specific /period of/ time; heed (Som) species of
small millet
JDS21 Hed Hed (area) 10/42 [WO]
KCR02 Hedabo (mountain) 0718'/4651' 492 m 07/46 [Gz]
?? Hedaitoli (in the Afar depression) ../.. [Ne]
HBU84 Heddalo 0518'/3942' 1633 m 05/39 [Gz]
HDE.. Heddi (west of Sebeta on map of 1920s) 08/38 [x]
HCD64 Heetu (near shore), cf Heto 06/37 [Br Ca]
HDL33 Hefo 0923'/3842' 2448 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Hega Vashra (monastery in Gojjam) ../.. [n]
hei g..: gurmuu (O) 1. unity; 2. scruff of cattle's neck
HDE64 Hei Gurumu (He'i Gurmu, Boffata) 08/38 [Gz Gu]
0844'/3848' 2075 m, south of Akaki
heilo mo..: mooddo (Som) assumption, opinion, belief;
mode, fashion
JCC21 Heilo Modo (area) 05/41 [WO]
HCD49 Heira, see Heyra
JBG77 Heisolloch 04/40 [WO]
HDL33 Heko 0922'/3845' 2621 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JBN28c Hela (at Dawa Parma river) 04/40 [Wa]
JEH76 Hela (mountain chain) 1231'/4111' 596 m 12/41 [WO Ne Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JEH85, cf Hella
JDJ50 Helcho (plantation) 0934'/4136' 09/41 [Gz]
HDF36 Hele 0828'/3955' 1825 m 08/39 [Gz]
helenadur: dur (A) forest; (Som) kind of tree, Tamarix spp.
JDC16 Helenadur (Elenadur) 0818'/4210' 934 m 08/42 [Wa Gz]
JDK52 Helendera (wide plain) 0932'/4246' 09/42 [Gu Gz]
HCJ93. Helle (Hella) (mountains) 0710'/3653'c 07/36 [18 x]
at slope/plateau a little south of lower Gojeb river
JBS99 Helmedo wereda, see El Medo wereda
JDH95 Helmind (Jebel Helmund) 09/41 [Ha]
(mountain recorded in 1841)
hemberti: himbirti (T) centre, middle, nucleus; navel
HFC37 Hemberti (Hembirti, Himberti, Himbirti) (mountain) 13/37 [WO Gz Wa Gu]
1355'/3709' 1571, 1890 m
HEP98 Hembirt, see Himbirt
hen: heen (Som) fat floating on top of broth
JCT63 Hen 0749'/4346' 915 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
hena: henna (Arabic,O,etc) kind of shrub or small tree,
Lawsonia inermis; it gives a reddish-orange colour used
for dyeing nails, hair, etc; hina (A) same as henna
HDG48 Hena 0925'/3534' 1844 m 09/35 [Gz x]
south-east of Nejo, cf Henna
HDJ23 Hena 0919'/3657' 1974 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDA53 Henchar (Hench'ar) 0839'/4005' 1632 m 08/40 [Gz]
GD... Hencho (in Kelem awraja, different from next one?) 08/34? [Ad]
HBU71 Hencho (Hencio) 0513'/3929' 1277 m 05/39 [+ Gz Ad]
?? Henesah (on map of 1814) 10/42 [18]
a little inside present-day Ethiopia on route from coast to Harar
henna, heenna (O) 1. twig used as broom; 2. jealousy
HDG39? Henna (area in western Wellega), cf Hena 09/35 [x]
HDG55c Henna (village), cf Hena 09/35 [x]
HEU61 Hentald, see Hintalo
?? Her (plain in the Afar depression) ../.. [Ne]
hera, sera (O) 1. law /in a more formal sense than
'custom'/; 2. scar
HDF10c Hera, cf Hara 08/39 [Ro]
HDF10 Hera, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
JCT.. Herad 07/43 [x]
at Fafan river, upstream from Warandab
heragal: heerraga (O) hope
JCM53 Heragal, cf Heregel 06/44 [WO]
JCE45 Herch Malayko (Herch Malaico) (area) 05/43 [+ WO]
KCS61 Herdey (Herdei) (area) 07/47 [+ WO]
JDA77 Herdim 0848'/4026' 1827 m, near Gelemso 08/40 [Gz]
JDK64 Heregel 0939'/4253' 1914 m, cf Heragal 09/42 [Gz]
HDE86 Herer, see Erer & JDH58
J.... Herer (Harer) plain at the stream Maranessa 09/41 [18]
JDH57 Herer Gota (river), see Erer
HCS70 Heret 07/37 [WO]
HCS80 Hereto 0758'/3733' 2136 m 07/37 [WO Gz]
?? Hergigo, with postal agent/sub-post office ../.. [Po]
HEC74 Heri (on hilltop) 1984 m 11/36 [It]
Hero, cf Haro
hero f..: ferenj (A) ferenji, faranji (Som) foreigner,
non-Islamic European person
JCE25 Hero Ferenji (Hero Ferengi) (area) 0540'/4350' 05/43 [+ WO Gz]
JDE69 Hero Ferenji (Hero Farenji) (area) 08/44 [+ WO]
HCU70 Herosa, see Erosa
JDJ18 Herreder (mountain) 0910'/4223' 1537, 1768 m 09/42 [Gu Gz]
JBH38 Herrer, cf Erer 03/41 [WO]
JDH57 Herrer Gota (river), see Erer
JFA08 Hertale, see Ertale
?? Herto Bouri, in Middle Awash archaeological area ../.. [n]
HDC01 Hesa (mountain) 0814'/3641' 1718 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCS01 Hetema (Het'ema) 0718'/3736' 2324 m 07/37 [Gz]
heto (het'o) (O) kosso tree, see hatu above;
heeto (O) competition; hetto (O) kind of food;
heet'oo (O) tapeworm
HDJ11 Heto (Het'o) 0911'/3642' 2479 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL32 Heto (Het'o) 0920'/3839' 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL22 Heto Bekeri (Het'o B.) 0917'/3838' 2667 m 09/38 [Gz]
heto f..: farda (O) horse
HDF14 Heto Ferda 0815'/3944' 2741 m 08/39 [Gz]
-- Hetossa, a major Oromo clan in Arsi
HCT99 Hetossa sub-district (-1964-1997-) 08/39 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Ligaba)
HCT99 Hetossa wereda (Hetosa .., Hitosa .., Hittosa ..) 08/39 [n]
in Chilalo awraja
(-1994-) is divided into 88 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
?? Hey (mountain), peak 4173 m ../.. [20]
HDU11 Heyet kebele (Häyät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda almost at the middle of
its north-western border, 9-14 km west of Molale; area 1,711 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCD49 Heyra (Heira) (area) 05/38 [+ WO]
HBT56 Hibeno (Hibono) 1028'/3900' 2116 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFE17c Hibiito (Hibi'ito), see Temben churches: Inda Maryam Hibuito
HDH.. Hibret (with Gimbi as the nearest town) 09/35? [n]
HC... Hicha, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
HBR05 Hichenni, see Inchini
HBL29 Hichunni (Hiciunni) (hill) 0349'/3917' 03/39 [+ WO Gz]
KCR32 Hid (area) 07/46 [WO]
HDU18 Hid & Kile kebele (.. Qelé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
rather far to the east in southern Kewet wereda, 10-15 km
south-east of Shewa Robit; area 3,044 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hida (O) root, vein, origin; (Shewa O) climber, liane;
hidda (O) string bow for teasing/carding cotton;
hidda, hidha (O) 1. sheaf; 2. leash, tether;
3. captivity, detention
HEM27 Hida 1156'/3959' 950 m 11/39 [Gz]
JCH00 Hidabo 0713'/4045' 1887 m, 07/40 [WO Gz]
north of Ginir, cf Hidebu
HDG57 Hidabo Bosona, 09/35 [x]
near Aleltu river, see under Nejo
HDG39 Hidabo Tobi, about 22 km east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
-- Hidabu, a clan of the Mecha-Liban-Kutai-Galani Oromo
abote (O) elbow; aboottee fist; handful
JCH.. Hidabu Abote wereda 07/40 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
hidaga b..: bariya (A,T) 1. slave; 2. (A) epilepsy,
last-mentioned short for yäbariya bäshta
HFK08 Hidaga Barya 1430'/3820' 1230 m, 14/38 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
hiddi, hiddii (O) kinds of shrub, Solanum spp., with tomato-like
yellow fruit, "Sodom apple"; they have spiny stems and
are regarded as troublesome weeds; hidde (Som) custom,
culture, tradition, heritage; biro (O) net, bag of ropes
HCD.. Hiddi (valley), c:a 50 km south-east of Agere Selam 05/38 [Mi]
HBT58 Hiddi Birro (Hiddi) 0502'/3905' 881 m 05/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HBT57
?? Hiddi Dima (Laga Adunia) ../.. [Mi]
in Mormora area in Sidamo
HBL13 Hiddilola, see Hidilola
HDP17 Hide, see Hinde
HDL91 Hidebu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sire) 09/38 [Ad]
JDJ63 Hidenu 0940'/4156' 1103 m 09/41 [Gz]
north-east of Dire Dawa
HDM.? Hidew, see Yedew
hidi (O) 1. (Borana O) Solanum incanum;
2. (Sidamo O) Girardinia sp., G. bullosa?, of the
nettle family, with large leaves;
hidhii (O) lip, edge of cup or table or bed, etc
JDG92 Hidi 0956'/4000' 1369 m 09/40 [Gz]
HDK07 Hidi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kusaye) 09/38 [Ad Po]
(visiting postman under Addis Abeba)
hididelli: hididdiilo (Som) expectation, aspiration
JCE90 Hididelli 0617'/4329' 350 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
HBL13 Hidilola (Hidilalo, Idilola, Hiddilola) 03/38 [Gz Ad WO x]
0344'/3835' 1264 m
Coordinates would give map code HBL12
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
JCE42 Hidilola (Ididole, Iddidole) 250 m 05/43 [LM Ro WO]
HBE95 Hidilolo 03/38 [x]
near border of Kenya west of Moyale, with ancient well
hidmo (T) rectangular traditional house with flat roof,
in parts of Eritrea and with less number in Tigray
HEU62 Hidmo 1313'/3932' 2101 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret)
JDB67 Hie, see Dikile
H.... Hieben, see Heben
H.... Hiechota, see Hechota
KCH69 Higler 0657'/4631' 406 m 06/46 [WO Gz]
higlo (Som) kind of large thornless evergreen tree;
xigaalo (Som) kinfolk, close relatives
JDR88 Higlo (area) 10/42 [WO]
JCF..c Higlole 06/44c [x]
(watering place between Kebri Dehar and Kelafo)
?? Higo, in land of the Borana, with wells ../.. [n]
HEU02 Higumrda 1240'/3932' 2799 m 12/39 [Gz]
HCR32 Hila 0732'/3650'c, 07/36 [x]
place south of Gibe river
JCE74 Hilala 0606'/4350' 571 m 06/43 [WO Wa Gz]
HCK94c Hilfata 07/37 [20]
locality less than 20 km south of Angacha
JE... Hilhaula 11/41 [18]
hilin: hillina (A) mind, reason; wal (Som) each, every;
(O) each other, one another; waal (Som) age-mate
JDS52 Hilin Wal (Hilin Ual) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HFL07 Hilmilo (Sefo) 1429'/3906' 1846 m 14/39 [Gz]
hilo (Som) place on a river-bank where livestock are watered;
hiillo (Som) partisanship, taking sides;
-- Hillu, a people living at the upper course of the Awash;
hilluu (O) clever; hiluu (O) be lenient /in punishment/
JDC36 Hilo Hafata (area) 08/42 [WO]
HEU93 Hilsha 1329'/3942' 2647 m (with church Mikael) 13/39 [Gz]
HEU93 Hilshe 1332'/3940' 2504 m (with church Mikael) 13/39 [Gz]
KCP94 Hiltu 0808'/4606' 724 m 08/46 [Gz]
WO has Hiltu nearby at KDB04
HF... Himali (stream) 1412' to 1427', 14/-- [Mi]
to the west of the salt plain in Dankalia
GDF74c Himbi (forest at the western foothills of Welel) 08/34 [x]
himbirt (T) being central?
HEP98 Himbirt (J. Hembirt) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
himbirti (T) centre, middle, nucleus; navel
HFC37 Himbirti, see Hemberti
JEJ31 Himminu, see Imminu
HFC71c Himora, see Humera
JCT52 Hin 0744'/4340' 824/920 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HBM36 Hindali (area) 03/39 [WO]
hinde: hindi (O) deep blue colour, indigo; hind (A) India
HBU30 Hinde (Hindi) 0448'/3921' 760 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
HDP17 Hinde (Hindie, Hindi, Hide, Nefro) 10/36 [Gz Ad WO]
1004'/3624' 1830 m
(centre in 1964 of Ibantu sub-district)
hindesa (Arsi O) large kind of tree, tid, Juniperus procera
HCL84c Hindesa, near Kofele 07/38 [x]
JDJ51 Hindeysa 0934'/4144' 1190 m, 09/41 [Gz]
west of Dire Dawa

hine (T) vengeance, reprisal

HDK26 Hine 0917'/3806' 2683 m, waterfalls nearby 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL00 Hine 0908'/3825' 2557 m, near Genet, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
HFE77 Hinfilo 1414'/3910' 2453 m, near Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
hinna: hina (T) acceleration
JCJ16 Hinna, see Imi
JEA44 Hinna (area) 1070 m 11/40 [WO]
H.... Hinnario, see Innarya
hinneh (O) kinds of highland shrub or small tree,
Hypericum lanceolatum, H. revolutum, H. quartinianum;
hinni (Som) forest; (O) they, those /referring to males/
JBP87 Hinni (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
hintalo, intalo (O) 1. red corn; 2. hintaloo, term of address
to a girl or young woman
HEU61 Hintalo (Hint'alo, Antalo, Entalo, Int'alo, Hentald) 13/39 [Gz WO x n]
1319'/3928' 2102 m, in Inderta awraja
(with church Medhane Alem a little to the north-east)
HEU61 Hintalo wereda (ctr in 1964 = Hintalo) (-1964-1994-) 13/39 [Ad n]
HEU61 Hintalo & Wajirat wereda (-2006-) 13/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HF... Hinzat (centre in 1964 of Gidiba sub-district) 14/38? [Ad]
HCD81 Hirbo, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HFD85 Hiret 1428'/3759' 1486 m 14/37 [Gz]
HFK05 Hiret 1434'/3802' 1497 m 14/38 [Gz]
JDH14 Hirina, see Hirna
?? Hiritay (archaeological site), see Simema
HEU23 Hirka 1252'/3940' 1813 m 12/39 [Gz]
?? Hirmah (on map of 1814), a little inside Dewaro 09/41 [18]
hirmata, hirmaata (O) share, part that someone receives
HCR42 Hirmata (with sub-post office), 07/36 [x]
important market in the 1910s,
see under Jimma for modern time
hirna: hirenna (O) fine, penalty
JDH14 Hirna (Hirina, Irna) 09/41 [MS Gz Po WO]
MS: 0912'/4110' = JDH15 1763 m;
Gz: 0913'/4106' 1768 m
(with post office, schools and church Silase)
Centre in 1964 of Tulo wereda & sub-district.
HDE71 Hiro (village) 08/38 [x]
HDG33 Hirpei, see Shayi
hirpu, hirpuu (O) aid, support /in time of emergency/
hirre, hirree (O) arm; muscle power
hirri burre: hirribera (O) having become awake, being revived;
burre, buree (O) dappled, multi-coloured;
biruu (O) distribute; divide into parts
JDG64 Hirri Burre (area) 807 m 09/40 [WO]
hirriba (O) sleep
hiru (O) a low social caste among the Oromo;
hirru, hirruu (O) not full
HDF.. Hiruta (town, 1980s in Dodota wereda) 08/39 [x]
-- hiruta h..: Hetossa, a major Oromo clan in Arsi
HDF.. Hiruta Hetosa (Huruta H.) 08/39 [x]
(model village 3 km from Hiruta town)
HDU45 Hirute (Hiruth, Fureuta) 1022'/3948' 3523 m 10/39 [Gz Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Aradima sub-district)
There was said to have been an ancient monastery Furkutta.
Hiruy, Herui, a male personal name
HEK06 Hiruy (Uaher, Waher) 1152'/3803' 2628 m,. 11/38 [Gz WO]
see under Debre Tabor
HBT.. Hisfutu (in the Borana region) 04/39 [Gz]
HER46 Hisha (Hiscia) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
hissa, a sub-division or kinship group among the Beni Amir,
having their own sheikh
hisso: xiiso (Som) interest, fascination, liking
JEH39 Hisso (plain) 1203'/4140', see also Iso Meda 12/41 [WO Gz]
HFE76 Histi (mountain) 1415'/3902' 2512 m 14/39 [Gz]
north-east of Adwa
JCG95 Hisu (Hissu) 0710'/4015' 2475 m 07/40 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sinana wereda)
HEF30 Hita (Hit'a) 1112'/3920' 2387 m 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie, near map code HEE39
HEF53 Hitecha kebele (Hitächa ..), 11/39 [Ad]
cf Itacha (Itacia), pass in
central southern Tehuledere wereda, 3-7 km
south of Hayk town; area 1,289 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT86 Hitetera kebele (Hit'ét'éra ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Legambo wereda along its southern border,
13-21 km south-west of Akista; area 3,086 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hitilo d..: daga (O) hot lowlands;
dhaga (O) rock, stone, weight
HDJ43 Hitilo Daga (area) 09/36 [WO]
HCT99 Hitosa (Hittosa), see Hetossa
hiwa (A,Geez) atmosphere; (A,T) space, void
HEU41 Hiwane 1306'/3929' 2106 m (with church Gebriel) 12/39 [Gz]
hiya (A) willow tree, Salix subserrata (S. safsaf)
HFF45 Hiya (centre in 1964 of Dera sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
-- Hiyo, name of a Kefa clan; Manna Hiyo, Hayu (house of Hayu),
-- name of a Jarso tribe of the eastern Oromo
hoba: hobay (Som) area full of acacia trees
GDM43 Hoba 0929'/3438' 1578 m 09/34 [Gz]
HFE57 Hoba 1405'/3905' 2029 m (with church Mikael) 14/39 [Gu Gz]
HEM42 Hobat (Cobat) (mountain) 12/39 [Gu WO]
1212'/3934' 1716, 2374 m
HCK43 Hobicha 0647'/3750', 06/37 [20]
caldera-type extinct volcano
hoboda k..: kulla, qulla (O) naked, without clothes, empty-handed
HBK63 Hoboda Kulla, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HBK53 Hobodda (El Hobodda) (mountain) 04/37 [WO Gz]
0407'/3747' 1183, 1578 m
HBJ87 Hobok, see El Hobok
HBJ96 Hobok (wide area) 04/37 [WO]
HCE.. Hobone, valley north-east of Kibre Mengist 05/39 [Mi]
HDG95 Hoborra, about 20 km north-east of Mendi 09/35 [x]
HCU87 Hochecio, see Gola
HCU85 Hochecto, see Haji Komcha
?? Hochi (in Simen?, known from the 1600s) ../.. [x]
HEF95 Hochocho kebele (Hoch'och'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda at its eastern border,
18-30 km east of Mersa; area 5,720 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HCE56 Hocu, see Hoku
HCE97 Hocu Darima, see Hoku Darima
hod (A) stomach, belly /Ihud (T) Sunday/
HEK10 Hod Gebeya (Hodgebeya, Legas, Lega) 11/37 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
1154'/3735' 1790 m, near shore of lake Tana
(centre in 1964 of Fogera sub-district), cf Ihud Gebeya
hoda, hodaa, odaa (O) large wild fig tree, Ficus sycomorus;
hooda (O) truth; hoodaa (O) small quantity
GDU41 Hoda (caravan stop) 1425 m 10/34 [Gu]
H.... Hoda Geralta sub-district 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gudela)
hoda m..: mela (O) 1. disabled, crippled; 2. resentment;
mella (A) being full, to fill
HDD33 Hoda Mela 0825'/3748' 1762 m, SW of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
JEH60 Hodale (mountain) 1222'/4044' 1363 m 12/40 [Gz]
HDR88 Hodancy (Codanci) (area) c.2100 m 10/37 [WO Gu]
hoday (Som) deceive, cheat, betray; xoday (Som) kind of
medicinal plant; weyn (Som) big, large
KCN43 Hodayu Wen (Hodaiu Uen) 0740'/4505' 780 m 07/45 [+ WO Gz]
HEK11 Hodgebeya, see Hod Gebeya
hofa, hafaa (O) wooden spear without metal point;
hoffa, hoffaa (O) dry stalk of sorghum or corn
HBR68 Hofa 05/37 [LM WO]
?? Hofa Hamate (megalithic site in Hulla wereda) ../.. [n]
GDM.. Hofafargashi kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
JDH77 Hofele (Hofallé), stream at 0944'/4124' 09/41 [Gz x]
HDE62 Hofi (archaeological site), see under Melka Kunture
hofta b..: booraan (Som) deep or large hole
HBR27 Hofta Boran (area) 04/37 [WO]
hofti (O) snake
HEJ76 Hog 1227'/3712' 1846 m 12/37 [Gz]
JDK70 Hoga 0943'/4232' 1507 m 09/42 [Gz]
JCC72 Hogdu (Hogda, Houda) (mountain) 06/41 [WO Gz]
0606'/4151' 1261 m
hogiso: hogeyso (Som) bake or cook food in an earth oven
HCL53 Hogiso (Hoghiso) 0651'/3842' 2680/2713 m, 06/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
wide flat depression of savanna type
HER.. Hoharwa (Hohwara) (mountain with monastery), 12/36 [x]
there were Felasha monks from the 1400s to the 1800s
HDD26 Hoho 0824'/3803' 2008, 2414 m (Oromo village) 08/38 [Gu 18 Gz]
hoia: hoy (Som) home, shelter; hoyad (Som) place to spend
the night
HFL06 Hoia, see Hoja
hoja, hojjaa (O) height, stature, size, length; (A) shell
of coffee bean; hojja (Harar A) title deed; (O) infusion made
from coffee rind or green leaves, being a common beverage
among Muslims;
hoy (Som) home, shelter; hoyad (Som) place to spend the night
HFL06 Hoja (Hoia) 1431'/3910' 1936 m 14/39 [Gu Gz]
?? Hokdu (Hocdu), locality in Bale with salines ../.. [Mi]
HCU87 Hokecho, see Gola
?? Hokisa (Hockisa), village in Sidamo ../.. [x]
-- Hoko, name of one of four Oromo groups making up
the Afre in the 1500s
hoku, hooquu (O) to scrape, to scratch
HCE56 Hoku (Hocu) (area), see under Kibre Mengist 05/38 [+ WO]
HCE97 Hoku Darima (Hocu Darima) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
?? Hol Hol (Holl Holl), inside Djibouti area?, ../.. [x]
with early railway bridge
hola (O) sheep
HDC17 Hola (mountain) 0816'/3715' 2746 m 08/37 [Gz]
JBN19 Hola 0439'/4038' 783 m 04/40 [WO Gz]
HDL00 Holata (Holeta), see Genet
JEJ54 Holaytu (Holaitu, Holoitu) (well) 1212'/4155' 12/41 [+ WO Gz]
-- hole: Holle, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people
hole, hoole, hola (O) sheep;
HDD82 Hole 0853'/3742' 2402 m, near Inchini 08/37 [Gz]
HDK23 Hole 0914'/3749' 1831 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL70 Hole 0945'/3826' 2243 m (with church Silase), 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDK34 Hole Tereter (area) 09/37 [AA]
holeta: hoolota (O) sheep /in plural/
HDL00 Holeta Ketema (Holetta, Holota), see Genet
HDL00 Holeta wereda 09/38 [En]
?? Holl Holl, see Hol Hol
holla: hola, hoolaa (O) sheep /in sing./; (A) reddish /sheep/
HBM92 Holla 04/39 [WO]
HBR46 Holla (spring) 0456'/3710' 04/37 [WO Gz]
HDL00 Hollatta, see Genet
HCL41 Holo (mountain) 0644'/3834' 3080 m, 06/38 [Gz]
east of Yirga Alem
JEJ54 Holoitu, see Holaytu
HCD81 Holoo (Holo'o), small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
homa, homaa (O) nothing; hoomaa (O) many
HDB60 Homa 0845'/3545' 08/35 [MS]
HDJ64 Homa 0936'/3658' 2297 m, north-west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDK61 Homa 0937'/3740' 1559 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL62 Homa (Homma) (sub-post office under Gimbi) 09/38 [AA MS Po Ad]
HCS42c Homacho (locality north-west of Hosaina) 07/37 [20]
homba (O) piece of ornamental clothing, hanging over
the shoulders and worn by married women
GDU92 Homba 10/34 [WO]
HCS42c Homecho (Homacho), see Amboro
homi, hoomii (O) kinds of tree, Prunus africanus,
Pygeum africanum
HCN26 Homi 0729'/3522' 1689 m, near Gecha 07/35 [Gz]
HDK13 Homi 0913'/3749' 1882 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDJ75 Homi Bayo 0942'/3706' 2436 m, north of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
-- Homran, see Hamran
HBM87 Homuwe (Homueh) 04/39 [+ WO]
HCS42 Honena (Darrito) 0736'/3741' 1984 m 07/37 [Gz]
?? Honeshaka (on the Mereb-Belesa front) 14/39 [20]
HCL11 Honku (Gebel H.) (mountain) 06/38 [WO Gz]
0627'/3833' 2740/2761 m, see under Agere Selam
HCN26 Honti 0728'/3523'c 07/35 [x]
JDR96 Hood Ali, see Hud Ali
GDM.. Hopa kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
hor (Som) 1. front; 2. time before; 3. organize animals in
groups for watering; xor (Som) 1. free person; 2. edge,
fringe of garment; hoor (Som) rain
GDU76 Hor Kelifa (Hora Califo, Horkelifa, Corcalifa), 10/34 [MS LM]
cf Horakelifo
hora (O) /source of/ naturally occurring mineral water;
(A) mineral water;
-- Hora, see under Debre Zeyt : lakes
GDU23 Hora 1008'/3440' 1392 m 10/34 [Gz]
HCU04 Hora (mountain chain) 0715'/3945' 2991 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCT42 Hora Abyata (H. Abgiata), see under Abyata
HDE.. Hora Arsedi, see Debre Zeyt : lakes
JDD77 Hora Califo, see Horakelifo
hora dibba (O) hundred springs?
HES00 Hora Dibba (area) 12/37 [WO]
hora dildiy (A) bridge at spring
HDU66 Hora Dildiy kebele (.. Deldey ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Efrata & Gidim wereda at its eastern border,
adjoining Kara Kore to its south and west; area 2,726 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hora h..: hawd (Som) forest, thicket
JCS42 Hora Haud (area), see under Segeg 07/42 [WO]
hora k..: kello (O) Meskel flower, Bidens sp.
HBU92 Hora Kelo (Hore K.), see Harokelo
HC... Hora Uito, locality in the lake district 07/38 [x]
JCR38 Horabidar (area) 07/42 [WO]
JCR68 Horahawen (area) 07/42 [WO]
HCT42 Horakallo (Horacallo), 07/38 [+ Ca]
short river from Langano to lake Abyata
JDD77 Horakelifo (Hora Califo, Oracolifo) 1330 m, 08/43 [LM WO x]
cf Horkelifa
HCL23 Horancha (Horancia, Orangia) 06/38 [+ Gz WO Gu]
0631'/3844' 1861 m, at Ganale river
JCL72 Horashega (waterhole) 06/43 [WO]
horda, hordaa (O) 1. long, heavy digging implement;
2. handle attached to plough
HEU13 Horda 1247'/3940' 1711 m, near Korbeta 12/39 [Gz]
H.... Hordan Balta, see under Diga Leka wereda
HCR64 Hore 0747'/3702' 1705 m 07/37 [Gz]
HBU92 Hore Kelo, see Harokelo
JDK44 Horefedi (Orafadi) 0928'/4255' 1784 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDK52 Horeley (Korale, Coralei) 0935'/4246' 1869 m 09/42 [Gz LM WO]
JDD80 Horete 0855'/4235' 1416 m 08/42 [Gz]
GDU76 Horkelifa (Horokelifa, Corcalifa, Karkalifa) 10/34 [Gz Ad WO]
1038'/3456' 715 m, cf Horakelifo
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
hormat s..: sheleko (shäläqo) (A) valley, gorge;
inside corner of wall
HDK31 Hormat Sheleko (H. Shelek'o, H. Sheleqo) 09/37 [AA Gz q]
(valley) 0922'/3737'
hormata (O) wealth
G.... Horo (centre in 1964 of Jimma Hor sub-district) 08/34? [Ad]
HDH86 Horo 0950'/3618' 2061 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ63 Horo (area), see Horro
HDL34 Horo 0922'/3850' 2663 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL36 Horo 0924'/3858' 2644 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
-- horo a..: Amuru, a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDJ55 Horo Amuru wereda (centre in 1964 = Shambu) 09/37 [Ad]
HDJ80 Horo & Gudru (Guduru, Gudru, Gudirru) awraja 09/37 [Gz Ad x]
(Horro Guduru .., Horona Gudru ..)
0950'/3640' (centre in 1964-1987 = Shambu)
GDU76 Horo Kelifa (Horokelifa), see Horkelifa and Hor Kelifa
horo s..: seka (säqa, säqqa) (A) edge of cliff /also other meanings/
H.... Horo Seka sub-district (Horoseqa ..) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ziew Mikael)
?? Horo sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
horo t..: tereter (tärätär) (A) mountain, ridge
HDK54 Horo Tereter (area) 09/37 [AA]
horoma k..: kalo, kaloo (O) 1. grass, grazing area;
2. belly of sheep or goat; 3. inaccessible; qalo (Som) sacrifice
HCC18 Horoma Kalo (mountain), see Gardula
horre: horree (Som) be in front, be earlier, be first
JDJ74 Horre (area) 09/42 [WO]
horri (O) cattle;
-- Horro, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDJ63 Horro (area), cf Horo 09/36 [WO]
hosaina, hosaenna (A) 1. wild date palm, Phoenix reclinata,
with straight or curved stem; 2. the religious cry 'Hosanna';
3. (A,T) Palm Sunday
HCS33 Hosaina (Hosanna, Hosa'ina, Hossaina, Hosa'ena) 07/37 [Gz Br WO Ad]
(Hossana, Hossa'ana, Hosana, Hosseina, Wachamo) 07/37 [Te Po Gu 20]
Gz: 0735'/3753' 2277 m = HCS34
(0732'/3751' = HCS33 2134, 2450 m)
Awraja centre, in 1964 of Kembata awraja,
and in 1980 of Kembata & Hadiya awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Bidika (Bidica) (village) in area called Gambata
10SE Watera (Uatara) (village with church)
5SW Batena (village)
10SW Jajura (Uongera, Wonjera) (village) 2304 m
10W Digba (village)
4NW Endara (village)
7NW Ebrama (mountain)
JDK42 Hosale 0930'/4244' 1809 m 09/42 [Gz]
hose: hoos (Som) 1. lower; 2. shade, shadow
HDK97 Hose (Hosie) 0957'/3811' 2510/2522 m 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Daye sub-district) (with church)
HDD80 Hote (Hot'e) 0855'/3731' 2440 m, 08/37 [Gz]
near map code HDC89
hote b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HDT95 Hote Ber kebele (Hot'é Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Legambo wereda stretching to its southern border,
21-24 km west-southwest of Akista; area 1,307 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT95 Hote kebele (Hot'é ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the south-west in Legambo wereda; area 944 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Hote Mikael (Hotie Michael) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Fita Bet sub-district)
JDA66 Hotera Gebriel (church) 0841'/4021' 08/40 [Gz]
HFF10 Hotsah Gerged 1342'/3922' 2095 m 13/39 [Gz]
JD... Hotta, opposite the Asebot mountain 09/41? [x]
JCC72 Houda, see Hogdu
JE... Houlko, see Huluko
HCK42 Houmba (Houmbo), see Humbo
HCT90 Hourutta, see Huruta
HFF40 Housien, see Hawzen
HFL07 Hov, see Gerahu Sirnay
JE... Howoona, possible fossil sites at Awash river 11/40 [20]
HFF40 Howzayn (Howzien), see Hawzen
HFL06 Hoya 1431'/3910' 1936 m 14/39 [Gz]
-- Hozo language, spoken in the Begi area.
Hozo-Sezo is a variety of Mao spoken in western Wellega.
JBR05 Hrauri, see Rau Rau 04/42 [WO]
huba (O) 1. dirt, filthiness; 2. weed; 3. fleck, speck;
4. property, wealth; huubaa (O) skin
JDJ55c Hubat (historically recorded from the 1500s) 09/42 [Pa]
HDG.. Hubayni 09/35 [Mi]
JDJ44 Hubeta, G. (area) 09/41 [WO]
HDL78 Hubetie (place and area) 09/39 [WO]
hubo: hoobo (Som) slide or go down, descend;
/figuratively:/ die; hubbo (O) 1. earthenware cauldron,
water jar; 2. measurement used for granaries;
gennete (gännäte) (A) my paradise
HCL65 Hubo (Babbo Ghennetie) 0654'/3855' 2526 m 06/38 [Gz Gu]
JDR96 Hud Ali (Hood Ali) (mountain range) 10/42 [Ha]
hudad (A) plantation; land worked by owner cultivators and tenants;
such land was assigned for the supply of palace and government officials;
hudada (A) labour exacted by a feudal authority;
hudade (A) Lent /in the Christian calendar/
HDL93 Hudad 0953'/3844' 1866 m (with church), 09/38 [AA Gz]
north of Fiche
HDM46 Hudad, see under Abdul Resul 09/39 [x]
HED23 Hudad 1105'/3747' 2075 m, west of Mota 11/37 [Gz]
HEM52 Hudad 1217'/3932' 1698 m, south of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HBT29 Hudat (Hudet) 0445'/3914' 893 m, 04/38 [WO Gz]
with fork in the road southwards towards Kenya
hudo, hudhoo (O) U-shape of yoke to fit the neck
HCJ31 Hudo 0638'/3645' 2202 m 06/36 [Gz]
GD... Hudush kebele, located near Sudan ../34 [20]
The P'olin variety of Kwama language is spoken there.
JDC84 Hufe 0855'/4159' 1420 m 08/41 [Gz]
HDN08c Hugues Le Roux (Tulu H.L.R.) circa 1000'/3530', 10/35 [x]
European-given name of mountain, not used in practice
HEM72 Hugumburda 12/39 [20]
forest along the road between Korem and Alamata
HEF95 Hujera kebele (Hujära ..) 11/39 [Ad]
an unusually large kebele in central eastern Habru wereda
at its eastern border, 35-47 km east-southeast of Weldiya;
area 3,005 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hujuba (O?) sacred enclosure /not a place name here
but occurring in descriptions of local areas, especially
in the Arsi region?/
HCL78 Hujuba Haicho (Hugiuba Haiccio) 06/39 [+ Gz]
0659'/3911' 2493 m, near Dodola
JDA28 Hujufu 0823'/4033' 1556 m 08/40 [Gz]
JCM94 Hul Cugir (Hul Cugiir) 0710'/4442' 893 m 07/44 [Gz]
hula (O) 1. border, boundary checkpoint;
2. door opening inside a hut
HCL11 Hula, see Agere Selam, cf Ula
HCL20 Hula 06/38 [LM]
HDJ69 Hula 0936'/3729' 2230 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK97 Hula 0953'/3810' 2517 m, west of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCL11 Hula wereda (Hulla ..), successor of Sidamo awraja 06/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 67 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEL93 Hulaban 1235'/3846' 2015 m 12/38 [Gz]
JDK80 Huladolu 0950'/4231' 1365 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDP31 Huladura (Ualadura, Waladura, Gialadura) (mountain) 10/35 [Gz WO]
1018'/3549' 2238/2286 m
Coordinates would give map code HDP41
HEM74 Hulaga 1228'/3947' 1837 m, east of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HDT84 Hulagosh Derekicha kebele (.. Däräqecha ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, 1-6 km
north of Mekane Selam; area 993 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU35 Hule Doha kebele (Hulä ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda near its southern
border, 2-10 km east of Mehal Meda; area 994 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hulet (A) two
JFA28 Hulet Awlalo awraja (Awulalo .., Awlailo ..) 13/39 [Gz Ad]
1345'/4030' (Kilte Awlalo one of the two?)
(centre in 1964-1980 = Wikro)
HFF40 Hulet Belesa wereda (centre in 1964 = Hawzen) 14/39 [Ad]
HED04c Hulet Eju Enessie sub-district (-1964-1997-) 10/37 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Awuja Giyorgis)
HED04 Hulet Eju Enessie wereda (.. Enese .., .. Ij Innese ..) 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sede Giyorgis, Mota after 1991)
(-1994-) is divided into 75 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HEA46 Hulghizi, see Guba
hulgize wedefit (A) all the time forward
HDT52 Hulgize Wedefit kebele (Hulgizé Wädäfit ..) 10/38 [Ad]
rather far to the west in north Wegdi wereda at its northern
border, 16-20 km west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,556 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL11 Hulla, see Hula
HCL11 Hulla wereda, see Hula wereda, see also Hofa Hamate
hulle (A) always; hulee, ulee (O) walking stick; threshing implement
HCR46 Hulle, see Ulle
hullo (Som) hide behind something
JDJ94 Hullo (area) 09/42 [WO]
HB... Hulme ../.. [20]
Settlement of 5 hectares in north-east Konso.
hullu (A) all, the whole, every
HDD.. Hulukai, river not far from Ambo 08/37 [Mi]
huluko, uluko (Borana O) passage where the evil can be made to remain behind;
hulluquu, huuluqoo (O) slip through a loophole
HDD98 Huluko (Huluk'o, Huluqo) 0901'/3819' 2189 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
west of Addis Alem, see under Welenkomi
HDL24 Huluko (Huluk'o, Huluqo, Hulu Koh) 09/38 [AA Gz q 18]
0914'/3851' 2833 m, north-east of Sululta
JE... Huluko (Houlko) 11/40 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sema Matatay sub-district)
HCF75c Huluku (Uluca) (village), see under Sof Omar 06/39 [x It]
JDJ51 Hulul (Ullul) 0929'/4143' 1713 m, near Kulubi 09/41 [Gz]
HCT29 Hululle 0730'/3918' 3213 m, near map code HCU20 07/39 [Gu Gz]
JDJ33 Hululo 0922'/4156' 2083 m, south of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
HCN56 Humaccia, see Chawaka
HB..? Humba (same as next one?), north of Negele 05/39 [x]
HCE19c Humba, with important well 05/39 [x]
HDB34 Humbe 0828'/3606' 2058 m, west of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
humbi, humbii (O) 1. elephant trunk;
2. bunch of ensete false bananas
GD... Humbi (in Kelem awraja), 08/34? [Ad]
cf Sako Humbi Catholic Mission
GD... Humbi Addi (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
humbo: xumbo (Som) foam, froth, bubbles
HCK42 Humbo (Houmbo, Humba, Houmba, Umbo) 06/37 [MS Ad LM Gu]
(Humbo Tebela) 0644'/3745' 1842/1854 m, south of Soddo
(ctr in 1964 of Humbo wereda & of Geleha sub-district,
sub-post office under Welamo Soddo; also name of a plain)
HCK42 Humbo wereda (-1969-1997-) 06/37 [x n]
in Welamo/Welayita awraja
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
humer (A,T), homer, komer (A) kind of lowland tree, tamarind,
Tamarindus indica; it has a compact rounded crown with drooping
branches that reach near to the ground
HFC61 Humera (Setit Humera, Himora) 14/36 [MS Po]
1410'/3640' (with post office)
(centre in 1964 of Setit Humera wereda & Setit sub-district,
and in the 1990s of Wolkayit awraja),
see also Kafta & Humera wereda
HBR61 Hummer (Hummu) (mountains) peak 2049 m, 05/36 [WO]
see under Hamer Koke
HBR80 Hummer (mountains) 1826 m 05/36 [WO]
HBR27 Hummesa, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
hummu: humu, huumuu (O) creation, existing at birth;
bring into being; hummo (O) kind of large bird;
-- Warra Humi, Huma (Humi people or family),
name of a Jarso tribe of the eastern Oromo
HBR41 Hummu (Humu, Hummur) 0453'/3642', 04/36 [WO]
south hill 1716 m
HBR71 Hummu (Humu) (mountains) 1378 m 05/36 [WO]
-- Humran, see Hamran
HDB29 Humta 0824'/3632' 1761 m, south-east of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
HBR71 Humu (mountain chain) 0500'/3640' 1378 m 05/36 [Gz]
HDT01 Humu 0958'/3832' 2672 m 09/38 [Gz]
hunda (O) totally, all; hundaa (O) /meaning what?/
JDD88 Hunda (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDJ26 Hundene wereda (Hundenie ..) (-1964-1997-) 09/42 [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Harar)
(-1994-) is divided into 17 rural kebeles.
huneta (A) /weather/ conditions; ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HDU51 Hunete Ber 1029'/3929' 1973 m, south of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
JDF64 Hunguti (area) 08/44 [WO]
HEJ75 Hunna Mariam, see Hanna Maryam
HCM71 Hunte (Hunt'e) 0701'/3925' 2437 m 07/39 [Gz]
J.... Huoda (mountains) 05/42 [18]
?? Huorab, see Orab
HDB14 Hupo 0815'/3606' 2120 m 08/36 [Gz]
hur (A) free, liberated; hura, huraa (O) hole /of pot ear/
hurala: huraal (Som) self-sacrifice
HDL99 Hurala 0953'/3919' 2577 m 09/39 [Gz]
JCM35 Hurali (area) 06/44 [WO]
hurbu, hurbuu (O) kind of large thick tree, Ficus sycomorus?
HDE93c Hurbu (village east of main road) 08/38 [x]
HDL72 Hurbu 0944'/3836' 3245 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCL59 Hurdur, see under Kebri Dehar 06/44 [WO]
hurgessa, see urgessa
H.... Huri (mountain) 03/38? [x]
-- with Gabra (Gabbra) people living near
HDT43 Hurisa 1021'/3844' 1539 m, north of Addis Dera 10/38 [Gz]
HCJ33 Hurko 0639'/3657' 1041 m 06/36 [Gz]
JEA64 Hurmat (Ormat) (mountain) 1124'/4012' 871 m 11/40 [Gz]
HEE17 Hurmo kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Sayint wereda stretching to its southern border,
25-30 km south-southwest of Masha; area 2,755 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
hurna d..: dimtu, diimtu (O) red /cow/, light /female complexion/;
dimtu (A) the sound, the voice
JBH92 Hurna Dimtu (Hurra D.) (area) 0427'/4052' 04/40 [WO Gz]
hurra (O) 1. firewood; 2. weed; 3. garbage
HFF76 Hurrasa (mountain) 1415'/3957' 1268 m 14/39 [WO Gz]
hurreessuu (O) break, crush, shatter
HBU00 Hurrores, K. (area) 04/39 [WO]
JDJ26 Hurrur, see Harar
HDF00 Hurruta, see Huruta
hursa (O) storm, also roar of waterfall?; mandi-u (O) thunder;
hursa mandio, thunderstorm;
Mandiyo (O) short name of a legendary rainmaker Abba Mando
HDC04c Hursa Mandio (waterfall) 08/36 [Gu x]
hurso: hoorso (Som) catch a dripping or pouring liquid
JDJ60 Hurso (Hursso, Urso) 0936'/4148' 1127/1134 m 09/41 [Gz Po Ad WO]
(Fre: Ourso) (sub-district & its centre in 1964,
with sub-post office)
Railway station near Dire Dawa.
There are fruit plantations to the east of the populated centre.
HCL.. Hurso Sembo kebele, in Shashemene wereda 07/38 [20]
huru, huuruu (O) 1. snout, muzzle; 2. pierce /with a pointed tool/
Huru (O), found as the proper name of a region already
in the 1880s
HDL62 Huru 0938'/3839' 2527 m, cf Uru 09/38 [AA Gz]
hurufa (O) wide and deep gully, usually cut by water
HC... Hurufa, at lake Ziway
HDT63 Hurufa 1033'/3845' 2407 m, south-east of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
HDT73 Hurufa 1036'/3844' 2400 m, east of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
-- Hurumo, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
hurumu: hurruma (O) forest
HDB10 Hurumu (Hurrumu, Urumu, Urrumu, Urrummu) 08/35 [Gz Ad Po WO]
MS: 0815'/3550' = HDB11; Gz: 0820'/3541' 1751 m
(centre in 1964 of Hurumu wereda & Iggu sub-district,
with sub-post office under Gore) (Fre: Ouroumou)
HDB10 Hurumu sub-district/wereda (-1964-1997-) 08/35 [Ad]
HBM24 Hurura (mountain) 0347'/3941' 1055 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
HCT90 Huruta (Hurutta, Hourutta) 0805'/3920' 08/39 [MS Ad Po]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
(with sub-post office under Nazret), cf Uruta
HDE09 Huruta 0811'/3917' 1979 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDF00 Huruta (Hurruta, Uruta Mariam) 08/39 [Gz x]
0809'/3921' 1929 m (with church Maryam)
HDL33 Huruta 0924'/3846' 2577 m, north of Addis Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDF.. Huruta Hetosa, see Hiruta Hetosa
JDH01 Huse 0912'/4049' 1461 m, south-east of Mieso 09/40 [Gz]
H.... Hussa Esknamo sub-district 10/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Chigwale Abo)
hussein g..: guracha (O) black or dark blue; sky;
(Bale O) kararo timber-tree, Aningeria sp.;
gurach, gurracha, giracha (A) 1. /mule/ with
black and white spots; 2. wooded landscape
JBN74 Hussein Gurach 05/40 [WO]
HEF75 Hutiba (Hut'iba) 1132'/3948' 1728 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Hayk
HFF90 Hutsa 1423'/3926' 2305 m, north of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
huwan (Som) 1. group of warriors from different clans
/undertaking a raid together/; 2. covered, dressed
JBG83 Huwun (Huwunn, Huvum) 04/40 [Gz WO]
0422'/4006' 1221 m
HEF33 Hwate (Hwat'e) 1109'/3941' 2072 m, near Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
Ia.. (in Italian-derived spellings), see Ya..
HBS86 Iabal, see Yabal
JCP59 Iabalo, see Yabalo
HBS90 Iabe, see Yabe
HCK51c Iachima, see Yekima
HED60 Iachindi, see Yegind
HCK51 Iachinia, see Yakinya
JEJ13 Iader, see Lehado
HDN37 Iagada, see Yagada
HEH15 Iagagghi, see Jagaigi
JEJ01 Iaghar, see Yagar
HDH76 Iaghi, see Wajji
HDN66 Iagona, see Yagona
JDS41 Iahaburca, see Yahaburka
HDL61 Iaia Cacciama, see Kechema
HDB21 Iaio, see Yayu
JEA47 Ialdi, see Jeldi
HDG58 Iambel (Iambal), see Ambe
HDJ02c Iamber (Tulu Iamber) 09/36 [x]
(on map of 1901) east of Nekemte
HBT43 Iamuda, see Jamuda
HDA56 Iamugassi, see Fitri Yamugassi
HEJ51 Ianaco, see Yanako
HEJ68 Iancaru, see Aba Libanos
HEE85 Ianeggia, see Yeneja
HDC10 Ianfa, see Yanfa
JDP64 Iangudi, see Langudi
HEB32 Iarda, see Yarda
HEA26 Iaringhe, see Yaringi
JEA94 Iarra (area) 11/40 [WO]
HDL96 Iaualo, see Iualo
HDS23 Iauasc, see Yewish
HBS46 Iavello, see Yabelo
iba (T) dung, droppings
HDM.. Iba (known from the 1400s, at Tegulet mountain) 09/39 [x]
JDP17 Iba Ad (Iba-ad) (area) 721 m 10/41 [WO]
ibab (A) snake, serpent;
ibab amba (A) snake mountain
HDU02 Ibab Amba kebele (Ebab ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5-9 km west of Sela Dingay; area 1,425 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC78 Ibab Iyesus (Ivav Jesus, Yebab Yesus) 11/37 [+ It n]
(hill/mountain), see under Bahir Dar
ibab washa (A) snake cave
?? Ibab Washa (near Ankober?) ../.. [x]
?? Ibaba (town mentioned by Bruce in the 1700s) ../.. [Pa]
iban (A) mint, Mentha sp.
HCL54 Ibano (Ebano, Iebano, Hebano) 06/38 [Gz WO Gu]
0652'/3845' 2683/2705 m
Coordinates would give map code HCL53
-- Ibantu (Evantu, Hebantu, Hevantu) name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDP27 Ibantu (Ebantu) (mountain) 1010'/3625' 2075 m 10/36 [Ad WO Gz]
(sub-district? centre in 1964 = Hinde) (-1964-1997-)
Coordinates would give map code HDP28, cf HDP38 Evantu
HDP27c Ibantu wereda 10/36 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 35 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
JEB94 Ibbafage (Ibbafaghe), see under Tendaho 11/41 [+ WO]
HEK35 Ibenat, see Ibnat
ibi: iibi (Som) sell, trade off
GDL68c Ibi 09/34 [Wa]
GCU63 Ibidagaia 0749'/3439' 511 m 07/34 [Gz]
ibiso: iibis (Som) buying, selling; ibbis (A) smooth, polished
HDF73 Ibiso, M. (area) 1565 m 08/39 [WO]
HEL63 Iblu 1223'/3847' 1971 m 12/38 [Gz]
ibnat: iwnet (A) truth, reality
HEK35 Ibnat (Ibnet, Ibinat, Ibbinat, Ibenat, Ebbenat) 11/38 [Gz Ad MS WO]
(Ebenat, Ebinat, Ebnet) MS: 1153'/3805' = HEK16. 11/38 [18 Po]
Gz: 1208'/3803' 2199 m (with postal agent)
Ctr in 1964 of Ibnat wereda & Dega Ibnat sub-district,
cf Dega Ibnat, Kola Ibnat for highland and lowland.
HEK35 Ibnat wereda (-1964-1994-) 11/38 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 41 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEM92 Ibni, see Adi Abo
HFF72 Iboyto 1414'/3936' 2654 m, east of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HDD02 Ibri 0812'/3742' 1897 m, south-west of Welkite 08/37 [Gz]
?? Ibsa (on map of 1814) 09/43 [18]
located on a northern route from Berbera to Harar,
also a personal name?
HEB89 Icaco, see Ikako
HDA02c Icafaccia, see Ikafacha
HBR05 Iccinni, see Ichinni
HDU91 Icciuoll, see Yechiwol
HEF.. Ich Merra, archaeological site, Gulo Mekeda wereda 14/39? [En]
HEC66c Ichali Giyorgis (Iciali Gheorghis) 11/37 [+ It]
(village with church, on hill)
HDK91 Ichara (Ich'ara, Ciara) 0952'/3736' 1489 m, at Abay 09/37 [AA Gz WO]
HDS01 Ichara (Ich'ara) 0959'/3740', at the Abay river 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDE87 Ichiche (Ich'ich'e) 0854'/3904' 2237 m, 08/39 [Gz]
south-west of Chefe Donsa
HEC66c Iciali .., see Ichali ..
ichini, ichino (Arsi O) kind of large tree
HBR15 Ichinni (Iccinni, Hichenni) (mountain) 2236 m 04/37 [+ WO Wa]
HEM51 Ickarat (Iccarat) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HDS32 Icobi Mariam, see Ikobi Maryam
id (Geez) hand; idd (T) hand, arm; foreleg; iid (Som) religious
festival; wiha (A) water
HDS59 Id Wiha (Id Wuha, Yeduha, Yeid Wiha, Y. Wuha) 10/38 [+ x Gz Ad]
1027'/3821' 2399 m, east of Bichena and in Bichena awraja
JDJ42 Ida 0926'/4151' 1980 m, south-west of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
ida d..: ida, idda (O) root, family; (A,T) debt, liability;
doolli (Som) mouse
JCS95 Ida Doli (area) 1233 m 08/42 [WO]
ida k..: koma (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree;
(O) 1. chest, breast; 2. qoomaa, instant killing
JDN09 Ida Koma (Ida Coma) (area) 823 m 09/40 [+ WO]
HDL09 Idabo, see Abote
HDT00 Idabo, see Gidabo
JCJ30 Idabo 0634'/4140' 604 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCJ20
HDT02 Idabu (Idabo, Abado) (area) 10/38 [WO Wa]
idaga arbi (T) Wednesday or Friday market
/depending on region/
HFE57 Idaga Arbi (Edaga A., Edagarbi) 14/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Inda Betsehma wereda)
?? Idaga Berai (Edaga B.) (with postal agent) ../.. [+ Po]
idaga (T) market; idaga hamus, Thursday market;
hamus (A) Thursday; (T) kind of shrub or small tree,
Rhus abyssinica
HFF72 Idaga Hamus (Idega H, Edega H, Edaga H) 14/39 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(Eddaga Hamus, Endagà Hamus, Idagaamus) 14/39 [x]
(Adagamus, Adagamos)
MS: 1412'/3936' = HFF62, 2761 m; Gz: 1411'/3934' 2670 m
(centre in 1964 of Gelila sub-district, with sub-post office)
south-east of Adigrat
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10NE Wikro (Wkro) (with rock-hewn church)
8SW Debre Zakarias (with rock-hewn church
of Giyorgis /and one of Cherkos?/)
10SW Guwahigot (with rock-hewn churches
of Yes/us/ and Yohannes)
further rock churches, see under Adigrat,
and also Tsilalmao Gebriel
HFF72 Idaga Hamus (area) 2829 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFF61 Idaga Hamus : Dengelat, see Dingilat : Maryam
HFD46c Idaga Hibret (Edaga Hebret, Edaga Hibret) 14/38 [20 n]
idaga r..: idaga rebui (T) Wednesday market?
rebu (räbu'u) (A) Wednesday;
rebu (O) 1. go, run; 2. make wet; 3. spank, beat up
HFE98 Idaga Rebu (Edaga Robo, Endaga Robo) 2227 m 14/39 [LM Gu WO]
HFE22 Idaga Silus (Edaga Selus) 1346'/3842' 1413 m 13/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Adiet wereda)
idari: iddari, eddari (A) fallow land, left uncultivated for a year or more
HEF83 Idari 1137'/3940' 1595 m, south of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
idaro: iddaaro (Som) administration; appointment as head
HDL65 Idaro 09/38 [WO]
idaurie a..: abbo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HED40 Idaurie Abbo 11/37 [WO]
JEB94 Idba (area) 402 m 11/41 [WO]
idda (O) 1. root of plants; 2. climber, cotton thistle;
3. blood vein; 4. stringed bow for teasing/carding cotton;
-- Idda, a small Saho tribe, about 1200 members in the 1940s
JEG22 Idda (area), cf Ida .. 11/40 [WO]
idde, iddee (O) 1. place, space, spacious; 2. pierce; burn up;
iddi, iddii (O) plant or fruit of Solanum sp.
JCE42 Iddidole, see Ididole
JDG13 Ideddaka (Ideddaca) 09/40 [+ WO]
Idega .., see Idaga ..
JBJ94 Ideli (area) 04/42 [WO]
HDT14 Idemago 10/38 [WO]
GDE16 Ideni 0815'/3400' 428 m, at Baro river 08/34 [Gz]
JDK78 Idenki 0942'/4314' 1639 m, 09/43 [Gz]
south of Aw Barre, at the border of Somalia
idera: iddari (A) fallow land; iddir (A) self-help organization
HDK99 Idera, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [WO]
GDE16 Ideudemi 08/34 [WO]
JDH62 Ideyta (G. Ideita) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
-- Idga Hamus, see Idaga Hamus
HDF81 Idget Behibret kebele (Edgät Bähebrät ..) 08/39 [Ad]
centrally in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
9-12 km east of Balchi; area 839 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE77 Idi 08/39 [WO]
JCE42 Ididole (Iddidole, Hidilola) 0553'/4336' 250 m, 05/43 [Gz WO]
at Webi Shebele river
HB... Idigle ../.. [20]
Settlement of 11 hectares in north-east Konso.
HBL13 Idilola, see Hidilola
HEU62 Idim 1313'/3933' 2158 m, south of Kwiha 13/39 [Gz]
idin (Som) you all; idiin (Arabic,Som) leather /dyed and ready/
HEP08 Idin (area) 12/36 [WO]
idina (O) smoking pipe of water type
HDL94 Idinno, cf Yidino 09/38 [WO]
HEM90 Idiyasos Maryam (church) 1235'/3925', 12/39 [Gz]
west of lake Ashenge
ido (Som) sheep; flock of sheep; iddo, iddoo (O) place; where
HCU32 Ido 07/39 [WO]
HED79c Ido (Muslim area) 11/38 [Gu]
JDJ41 Ido 0928'/4146' 2062 m, south-west of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ65 Ido Dini 0937'/4203' 1420 m 09/42 [Gz]
ido dir.: diiree (O) ridge, plateau, flat part of hill;
dire (Som) transmitter
JDJ24 Ido Dire 0916'/4200' 1790 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDA19 Ido Gelmam 0818'/4040' 1576 m 08/40 [Gz]
ido k..: kelecha (kälächa) (A) diadem
HDE03 Ido Kelecha 0811'/3845' 1661 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of lake Ziway
HEC67 Idonga Maryam (church) 11/37 [+ It]
-- Idongiro language, see Nyangatom
HDK87 Idoro (Derro) 0947'/3813' 2553 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
Ie.. (in Italian-derived spellings), see Ye..
HCL54 Iebano, see Ibano
HCR53 Iebo, see Yebu
HFE76 Ieca, see Yaha
HED27 Iecandac', see Yekandach
HDR48 Iecast, see Yetigab
HDE95 Iecce, see Yeche
HCG95 Iechi, see Yeki
HDU91 Ieciuol, see Yechiwol
HDR98 Iecumbal, see Yekumbal
HEE86 Ieduochit Micael, see Yedwokit Mikael
HDS34 Iegesc Gh., see Yegesh G.
HDS22 Ieghelou Abo, see Yegelu Abo
HED60 Ieghind, see Yegint
HDS50c Iegiat, see Yejat
HCL33 Iei, see Arbegona
GDF74 Ieina, see Yemo
HCC91 Iela, see Ela
HFE01 Ielaca, see Yelaka
HED60 Iemecal, see Yemekal
HEE85 Ienegia, see Yeneja
HBK60 Ienia, see Yenya
HDE86 Ierer, see Erer
HDK88 Iergas, see Werji
JCR97 Ieri, see Fik
HCD54 Ieru, see Yeru
HDS55 Iesembet, see Yesenbet
JBS05 Iet, see Yet
HEK32 Ifag, see Yifag
HDM85 Ifat (Yifat, Wafat, Wifat, Awfat)
(historical Muslim kingdom known from the 1200s)
In the mid-1300s one of seven major Islamic states in Ethiopia.
HDM85 Ifat (modern), see Yifat
HCD18 Ifatafada, see under Agere Maryam 05/38 [WO]
HEK10 Ifrata (ancient ruined town) 11/37 [Ch]
HDU65 Ifrata, see Efrata
JDB31 Iftoa (Iftea) 0826'/4047' 1534 m 08/40 [Gz Wa]
HCD56 Iftoi (waterhole) 05/38 [WO]
ifun (O) fame, renown
GDE08 Ifuno 08/34 [WO]
?? Ifwada (lagoon south of Shimabo island) ../.. [Ch]
JDG26 Igererto, see Ijererto
Iggia .., cf Ija ..
JCJ61 Iggia Kierransa (I. Chierransa) 06/41 [Gz WO]
0656'/4149' 605/622 m
HDB10 Iggu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hurumu) 08/35 [Ad]
JDE33 Ighli Sa Li (Ighlisali?) (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDE20 Ighlili (area) 08/43 [WO]
?? Igia Buna, see Ijabuna
JDA26 Igiara, see Ijara
HEU14c Igira Adobona, see Ijira Adobona
HCR95 Igirso 0807'/3706' 2131 m 08/37 [WO Gz]
JCF33 Iglate (waterhole) 05/44 [WO]
JCF84 Iglole (Iglale) 0609'/4445' 401 m, 06/44 [WO Gu Gz Wa]
(with unusable well)
HEB42 Igmetia, see Jigmathia
HBL80 Igo (with seasonal well) 0422'/3825' 04/38 [Gu WO]
HDL63 Igo Abu 09/38 [AA]
HED70 Igoma /Gabriel/ (village) 11/37 [WO It]
igr ber (A) pedestrian gateway
HEC.. Igr Ber (Igr Bar, Igir Bär) (ford), near Bahir Dar 11/37 [+ Ch]
igr m..: igri (T) foot; igir (A) foot, leg;
manso (Som) monitor lizard
HEJ09 Igr Manzo (Igr Manso) (peninsula) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
HEU92 Igre Hariba (Igri H., Wagir H., Eghir Erive) 13/39 [Gz 18 WO]
1329'/3934' 2315 m (with church Maryam), see under Kwiha
Coordinates would give map code HFF02
HEU92 Igri Hariba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kwiha) 13/39 [Ad]
HDG38 Igu 0920'/3534' 1870 m, south-east of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDM.. Igubba (Igwiba), historical locality in Tegulet 09/39 [En]
HDJ54 Igum 0934'/3701' 2474 m, west of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HEJ86 Igziabher 1231'/3708' 1835 m, east of Chilga 12/37 [Gz]
igziabihir, igzir (A) God
?? Igziabiher Dildiy (natural bridge) ../.. [20]
HFE95 Ihsaa (Ihsa'a) 1426'/3858' 1805 m, 14/38 [Gz]
some 10 km from the border of Eritrea
ihud gebeya (A) Sunday market
GDF92 Ihud Gebeya (Haru) 0901'/3432' 1910 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDA08c Ihud Gebeya (Ehud Gabaia) 08/35 [LM Gu]
HDC91c Ihud Gebeya 09/36 [LM]
HDD98 Ihud Gebeya 0901'/3818' 2208 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(west of Addis Alem), see under Welenkomi
HDH02 Ihud Gebeya 0905'/3554' 1798 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDH18 Ihud Gebeya 0912'/3627' 1706 m 09/36 [Gz]
KCR12 Iima Ali, see Jima Ali
ija, ijja (O) eye
H.... Ija sub-district (centre in 1964 = Wendie) 08/37? [Ad]
ijaaja (O) /word meaning what?/
Ijabi, see Jabi
ijabu..: buna, bunna (A,O,T) coffee, coffee bean,
coffee tree; (O) fall, act of falling
?? Ijabuna (Igia Buna) (tributary of Ramis river) ../.. [Mi]
ijajji, ijajjii (O) in a hurry e.g. to eat standing
HDC97 Ijaji (Ejaji, Ejaje, Gimmi, Abba Gimmi, Ejejo) 09/37 [Gz Po WO Gu]
0900'/3719' 1740/1815 m (with sub-post office)
town/locality in Cheliya wereda
Name a palindrome reading the same both ways.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4E Miti (Niti) (mountain) 1700/1917 m
1NW Menefrego (with fort)
9NW Sheleabo (village halfway to Tibbe)
5N Garagona (area)
ijara (O) fenced-in place, continuous hedge; ijerra (O) roof
HDE82 Ijara (village), see under Sebeta 08/38 [x]
JDA26 Ijara (Igiara) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
ijarsa (O) construction
JDJ06 Ije Gohe 0903'/4211' 1598 m, near code JDC96 09/42 [Gz]
ije l..: lola, lolaa (O) flood; lola (A) kind of forest tree,
Ekebergia capensis; (O) drain trench /also other meanings/;
lolaa (O) fight
JDC76 Ije Lola 0850'/4210' 1457 m 08/42 [Gz]
ije w..: weraba (Harari) hyena; worabbo (Som) hyena;
warabboo (O) large antelope, eland?
JDC86 Ije Weraba (Amareiti) 0854'/4208' 1564 m 08/42 [Gz]
JD... Ijefera (centre in 1964 of Lalo Bilalo sub-district) 09/40 [Ad]
JDB40 Ijegale (Routecha) 0834'/4042' 1545 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDG26 Ijererto (G. Igererto)(area) 1068 m 09/40 [+ WO]
ijjersa (O) thatching of a roof
HDT59 Ijerti kebele (Ijärti ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west in central Jema wereda, adjoining
Degolo and extending from there 3 km to the south and
5 km to the west; area 2,541 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ijeta (A) a handle /of several kinds/
HDT01 Ijeta 0959'/3834' 2071 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
ijiji (Guji O) plant which gives material for ropes, Sanseviera
JBG75 Ijinji 04/40 [WO]
HEU03 Ijira (Eggira), see Jijira
HEU14c Ijira Adobona (Igira A.) (village) 1810 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
HDA02c Ikafacha (Icafaccia) (stop with little water) 08/35 [+ Gu]
HEB89 Ikako (Icaco) 1135'/3632' 1219 m 11/36 [+ WO Gz]
HET07 Ikilbi (Ik'ilbi, Iqilbi) 1242'/3904' 1610 m 12/39 [Gz q]
?? Ikima (in Sidamo Soddo area) ../.. [Mi]
HDS32 Ikobi Maryam (Icobi Mariam) (church), 10/37 [+ WO]
see under Debre Markos
ikub: ikkub (iqqub) (A) mutual aid association;
ikwub (iqwub) (T) person under someone's charge;
Ikuba occurs as part of male personal names, such as
Ik'uba Geber, I. Gebriel, I. Igzii, I. Mikael, I. Silase, I. Tsiyon
HDD25 Ikuba (Ik'uba, Iquba) 0823'/3801' 1931 m 08/38 [Gz]
ikwari w..: wiha (A) water
HES02 Ikwari Wiha (Ik'wari W.) 1242'/3742' 2854 m 12/37 [Gz]
il (Som) 1. spring of water; 2. eye; 3. light
JDK72 Il Aladera (area) 2105 m 09/42 [WO]
HDK15 Il Feta, see Ilfeta
ila (T) well/s/; ila, ija (O) 1. eye; 2. grain, seed;
ilaa (O) here, there
HDE13 Ila 0819'/3845' 1765 m, north-west of lake Ziway 08/38 [Gz]
HDG46 Ila 09/35 [WO]
JDJ39 Ila Lemi (peak) 0921'/4226' 1771 m 09/42 [Gz 18]
(on map of 1814 with spelling Illalemme)
HCJ80 Ila wereda (Illa ..) (centre in 1964 = Ameya) 07/36 [+ Ad]
ilal: ilaal (O) watch; (Som) guard, watchman; ilal (T) chat, small talk
HCS89 Ilal, see under Butajira 08/38 [WO]
HCL71 Ilala (area) 1851 m 07/38 [WO]
HCT11 Ilala (area) 1861 m 07/38 [WO]
HDB24 Ilala 0823'/3605' 1976 m 08/36 [Gz]
H.... Ilala (centre in 1964 of Heben sub-district) 08/37 [Ad]
HDD21 Ilala 0824'/3736' 1656 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDH18c Ilala (Tulu Ilala), 09/36 [x]
mountain north-west of Nekemte
HDH88 Ilala 0949'/3628' 2125 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK88 Ilala 0951'/3817' 2574 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki (with church - Medhane Alem?)
HDR59 Ilala 1027'/3727' 2140 m, south-west of Dembecha 10/37 [Gz]
HEF76 Ilala 1134'/3956' 1090 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDH89 Ilala Mikael (Itala Micael) 2270 m 09/36 [LM WO]
ilala m..: mullu, mulluu (O) boiled grain;
-- Mullu, a Tulama Oromo tribe; sala (A,T) saala (O)
large antelope, Oryx beisa gallarum; (A) coarse cereal,
blackish grain; (T) cock's comb; (O) coitus
HDL22 Ilala Mulo 0917'/3838' 2667 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Sululta
ilala sala: sala (O) wooden pole as object of worship
or as fence
J.... Ilala Sala (Illala Sala) (plains) 08/40? [+ Ca]
HDE41 Ilala Sode 0831'/3832' 2521 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the north)
HDS60c Ilala Tsion (church) 2240 m, see under Dembecha 10/37 [Gu]
ilala w..: werke (O) kind of tree, Dracaena afromontana;
werkeh (O) food plant, Ensete ventricosum
HDM63 Ilala Werke (Ilala Uorche), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Debre Birhan
JDJ39 Ilalami, see Illalemi
ilale: ilaalee (Som) to patrol, observe, look attentively
HCL58 Ilale (Coro) (mountain) 0648'/3909' 3334 m 06/39 [Gz]
south of Dodola
JDH53 Ilale, G. (area) 992 m 09/41 [WO]
ilalo: ilaalo (Som) 1. policeman; 2. spy sent by a war-party
HCN77c Ilalo, cf Ilelo 07/35 [Gu]
HDB78 Ilalo (mountain) 2550 m 08/36 [WO]
ilalu, ilaluu (O) 1. to visit; 2. to inspect, to look carefully
ilama (A) aim, target; (T) purpose, target, intention;
ilame, ilaame (O) agreement
HDD93 Ilamu 0901'/3751' 2085 m, see under Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDE62 Ilamu (village) 08/38 [x]
HDK50 Ilamu 0935'/3732' 2187 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL44 Ilamu 0926'/3850' 2508 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL71 Ilamu 0944'/3834' 2879 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL82 Ilamu 0950'/3837' 3002 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
west of Fiche (with church Urael)
HDL92 Ilamu 0957'/3840' 1896 m, north-west of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDT02 Ilamu (with church) 09/38 [AA]
HDL44 Ilamu Duber Urael (church) 0926'/3850' 09/38 [Gz]
ilamu r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
HDL23 Ilamu Roba 0917'/3846' 2597 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [Gz]
HEE88 Ilana kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 5-9 km
west-southwest of Wegel Tena; area 1,776 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCP98 Ilandid 0804'/4127' 1326 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
HDM31 Ilani 0921'/3926' 2756 m 09/39 [Gz]
east of Sheno (with church Maryam to the south-west)
ilbas (Arabic), ilbaadso (Som) stalk, follow, spy upon
JEG06 Ilbasa (area) 11/40 [WO]
ilbisa, ilbiisa (O) good for nothing
HDF44 Ilco, see Ilko
JDJ75 Ile Amen 0941'/4207' 1160 m
HDJ59 Ilelo 0935'/3730' 2200 m, cf Ilalo, 09/37 [AA Gz]
near map code HDK50
HDL35 Ilema 0921'/3856' 2753 m, cf Ilama, Ilma .., 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Sululta
HDL81 Ilen (area), over 3000 m 09/38 [AA]
GDF00 Ileo, see Gilawo
HDL12 Ileti 0910'/3836' 2689 m, west of Sululta 09/38 [Gz]
HDM52 Ilezeb kebele (Eläzäb ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda near its northern
border, 9-16 km south-east of Debre Birhan; area 2,160 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Ilezof (centre in 1964 of Terra sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
HBT07 Ilfaitu, Gara, see Gilfatu
HDJ01 Ilfata (area) 09/36 [WO]
JDB61 Ilfata (area) 08/40 [WO]
HCD32 Ilfate 0545'/3745' 1665 m, south-east of lake Chamo 05/37 [WO Gz]
HCD32 Ilfeta (Ilfate) 1665 m 05/37 [LM MS WO]
HDJ01 Ilfeta (Ilfata) 0908'/3642' 2875 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ11 Ilfeta (mountain) 0908'/3642' 2875 m 09/36 [Gz]
north-east of Nekemte
HDJ96 Ilfeta 0953'/3708' 2307 m, east of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDK05 Ilfeta (Il Feta, El Feta) (with church Maryam) 09/38 [AA Gz Ad WO]
0907'/3758' 2912 m, north-east of Ambo
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
-- Goricha (Goriccia) (surrounding area)
8E Bube (village) 2964 m
4SE hill top 3104 m
6SE Beshinto (village)
7SE grain mill
10SE Werka (Werqa) (village)
9S Siketu (Sigetu) (village) 2492 m
6SW Birbirsa Tereter (chain of hills)
10W Luku (village)
1NW Falicha (village) 2803 m
10NW Beke (village with church)
5N hill top 2924 m
6N Medhani Alem (church)
7N Daba (village with church) 2713 m
10NE Gogoba (village
HDK15 Ilfeta sub-district, properly HDK05 09/38 [n]
(centre in 1964 = Gute Shemela?)
ilfign b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HEH06 Ilfign Ber (Elfing Bar) (mountain) 11/36 [+ Gz]
1147'/3615' 1216 m
HDM.? Ilfiyos Amba (with church Giyorgis), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDN29c Ilg (Tulu Ilg) circa 1010'/3535' 10/35 [x]
European-given name intended to celebrate Alfred Ilg
HCK93c Ilgira (area in southern Kembata), 07/37 [20]
south-west of Ambaricho mountain
HDM.? Ilhe Amba (with church Tekle Haymanot), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDK35 Ilike 0924'/3801' 2600 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ01 Iliko 0910'/4142' 1810 m, west of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
iliil (Som) narrow path; ilili, ilillii (O) flower
?? Ililaitu (in the Afar region) ../.. [Mi]
ililan g..: iliil (Som) narrow path; ilili, ilillii (O) flower;
goro (O) wild rose shrub; goorro (O) partition in a house,
door opening inside a hut; goro (A) young elephant
HDK08 Ililan Goro 0907'/3814' 2750 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem
HDB31 Ilimo (Elemu) 0828'/3549' 1838 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDB41 Ilimo, see Elemo
ilka (A,O) kind of small or medium tree, Maytenus undata;
(O) ivory, tusk
HCR35c Ilke (with iron ore) 07/37 [Mi]
HEU81 Ilkin 1324'/3930' 2264 m, south of Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Abune Gebre Menfes K'idus)
ilko (Som) teeth
HDF44 Ilko (Gara Ilco) (mountain) 08/39 [Gz WO]
0832'/3945' 1494/1538 m
HCJ80 Illa, see Ila
?? Illa wereda (Ela ..?), later Konta wereda ../.. [x]
(centre in 1964 = Ameya)
One of eight weredas within Kulo Konta awraja.
HBU10 Illadu, Gebel (mountain) 0438'/3922' 996 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
?? Illala Sala, see Ilala Sala
JDJ39 Illalemi (Ilalami) (two mountains) 09/42 [WO Gu]
peak 2040 m, see under Funyan Bira
HC... Illaloha, a garrison town in the early 1900s 06/38 [n]
HE... Illama (cf Ilama?) 11/39 [18]
HDJ28 Illamu (area), cf Ilamu 09/37 [WO]
JCG83 Illasa 0705'/4008' 2461 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
JCB16 Illeba (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
HDL.. Illen, mountain near Fiche, about 3200 m 09/38 [18]
KCN08 Illik (Illig) 0717'/4536' 587 m 07/45 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code KCN09
HDD79 Illu .., see Ilu ..
ilma, ilmaa (O) son; ilma gossa, one who is adopted into a clan;
-- Ilma Orma, Ilm Orma, "sons of Orma", the Oromo/Oroma people;
ilma (T) fabrication /not facts/; illima (O) snare, trap
HDE35 Ilma Zikwala (I. Zuquala) 08/38 [+ WO]
ilman (O) lineage, origin, posterity; children of age between
the small ones, mucha, and the youngsters, gurba
HED51 Ilmana (area) 11/37 [Ch WO]
-- Ilmane, name of an Ittu tribe of the eastern Oromo;
ilmani (O) colt, foal, /horse?/
JDC66 Ilmeni (area) 08/42 [WO]
ilmoti bora: ilmo (O) kind of red snake; ilmoo (O) child, offspring;
bora, boraa (O) 1. snout, muzzle, upstanding front part of saddle;
2. green snake /also several meanings of different colours/
JEH03 Ilmoti Bora (area) 11/40 [WO]
HDD54 Ilo 0839'/3757' 2278 m, north-west of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
ilo (T) foal; addo (O) 1. potter, class of potters;
2. difficulty; (A) killer of an elephant;
addo, eddo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
JBR35 Ilo Addo 04/42 [WO]
JCE27 Ilo Un (Ilo Uen, Llo Uen) 0539'/4403' 236/251 m 05/44 [Gz WO]
(with waterhole)
HEJ.. Iloha, at the north-west corner of lake Tana 12/37? [x]
JEB94 Ilradia? 11/41 [WO]
ilu (T) donkey, foal; iluu (O) be lenient /in punishment/;
-- Ilu, Illu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Digalu of the Borana people
HDB00 Ilu 0810'/3544' 1814 m, east of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HDD78 Ilu 0850'/3817' 2066 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL45 Ilu 0929'/3853' 2595 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Ilu 0939'/3836' 2629 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL80 Ilu 0948'/3827' 2491 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(south-east of Tulu Milki), see under Gebre Guracha
HDD79 Ilu Abadinka sub-district (Illu A. ..) 08/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Teji)
-- Ilu Babor (Hillu Babor, Ilu Abba Bor), a Wellega Oromo tribe
HDB10 Ilu Babor, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
HDK39 Ilu Danse 0924'/3823' 2771 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF35 Ilu kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda, 6-10 km
north-east of Kombolcha; area 3,114 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ilu ku..: kura (A,O) 1. (qura) crow, raven;
2. quura (O) (quura) bowl-like deep plate for food;
kura (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Boswellia sp.;
(T) anger, fury; (Som) kinds of thorn tree
HDL66 Ilu Kura 0936'/3859' 2569 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Ilu wereda (Elu ..) (-1997-) ../.. [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
imb ..: tikur dur (A) black forest
HDL96 Imb & Tikur Dur kebele (Emb & T'equr .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its northern
border, 20-26 km south of Alem Ketema; area 1,454 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
imba (T) mountain; (A) tears
JEN67 Imba (Imba Picco) (mountain) 1316'/4027' 38 m 13/40 [WO Ne Gz]
HEL89 Imba Gebriel 1234'/3919' 2095 m, west of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
HFF81 Imba Iwir (Megeb) 1420'/3928' 2482 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), see under Adigrat
HEM91 Imba Sebaro 1237'/3929' 2532 m, near Hayk 12/39 [Gz]
HET78 Imba Shihak (I. Shihak') (mountain) 13/39 [Gz]
1320'/3914' 2514 m, south-west of Mekele
HET49 Imba Tsemba (mountain) 1302'/3918' 2591 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south of Samre
HFD96 Imba Tsiwa (Amba Zua) 1428'/3809' 1738 m, 14/38 [Gz]
near map code HFK06
HFE09 Imba Zerfent (hill) 1338'/3916' 2570 m, 13/39 [Gz]
east of Abiy Adi
imbab (Gurage) snake
HDK70 Imbabo (Imbaaboo, Imbabe, Imbabu, Embabo) 09/37 [En 18 x]
0944'/3734' (battlefield in 1882), in Horo Guduru
HDK70 Imbabo Tekle Haymanot (church) 2425 m 09/37 [LM WO]
HDH79 Imbabu (Imbabo, Embabo, Imbabe, Gare Kakarba) 09/37 [Gz]
(Ambabo) 0944'/3734' 2231 m
HDK70 Imbabu (Imbabo), 09/37 [AA 18]
(also name of a river)
HFE86 Imbabur (mountain) 1419'/3902' 1998 m, 14/39 [Gz]
west of Inticho
HEK61 Imbachoch Rufael (Imbach'och Rufa'el) 12/37 [Gz]
(church) 1223'/3740'
HDM42 Imbarage kebele (Embaragé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
13-19 km south of Debre Birhan; area 3,154 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE42 Imbaza 1401'/3837' 2232 m, south-west of Aksum 14/38 [Gz]
imbi (A) no; (Som) hardship, difficulty
HDT27 Imbi Belo & Sherer kebele (Embi Bälo & Shärär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Weremo, Wajitu & Mida wereda at its southern
border, very near south of Meragna settlement and extending
4 km to the wereda border; area 1,605 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
imbi t..: tata (t'at'a) (A) problem, trouble, complication;
(tatt'a) (A) was not to be found
HDU03 Imbi Tata (I. T'at'a) 0959'/3941' 2407 m, 09/39 [Gz]
near Sela Dingay
HDT71c Imbilati, see Soma
HDT15 Imbima kebele (Embima ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in western Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, 6-9 km
south-west of Alem Ketema; area 1,043 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDL99 Imbirtiya kebele (Emberteya ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Moret & Jiru wereda at its eastern
border, 3-6 km south-east of Inewari; area 982 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM12 Imbitata kebele (Embit'at'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Berehet wereda at the middle of its north-western
border, 8-10 km south of Gina Ager; area 883 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM83 Imbok 0951'/3941' 2959 m, west of Debre Sina 09/39 [Gz]
HDB28 Imboro Gechi (Imboru Gechi), see Gechi, cf Ambero Gechi
GDM72 Imbozili, T. (hill) 09/34 [WO]
HEC39 Imbul 11/37 [WO]
HDT18 Imbus Amba 1004'/3912' 1857 m 10/39 [Gz]
imbwacho, imbwacha (A) much-branched shrub with winged
red fruits, Rumex nervosus
HDM53 Imbwacho (Umbaccio) 09/39 [LM WO]
HDM93 Imbwacho Gedel (G. Imbwach'o) 09/39 [Gz]
0954'/3936' 2865 m, north-west of Debre Sina
HEE03 Imbwaha Giyorgis (church) 1055'/3842' 10/38 [Gz]
HDM21 Imbway 0918'/3926' 2863 m, east of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
HCS94 Imdibir, see Indibir
HFF26 Ime Behole (Bohale) 1348'/3945' 2562 m, 13/39 [Gz WO]
south of Atsbi
Coordinates would give map code HFF24
HED54 Imegir 11/37 [WO]
HDU13 Imegwa kebele (Emägwa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda
surrounding Molale; area 1,121 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL27 Imehiny 1201'/3908' 2334 m, near Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
JCJ16 Imei, see Imi
HEL.. Imekina (mountain fortress known from the 1700s), 12/38 [En]
with cave churches Medhane Alem and Lidete Maryam
HDU12 Imekola kebele (Emäqola ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda, 6-11 km west of Molale; area 918 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM64 Imemret kebele (Emämrät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Ankober wereda, 6-9 km
north-northeast of Ankober town; area 605 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
imenu ..: imni (T) stone; washa (A) cave
HDL74 Imenu Washa 0941'/3851' 2546 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDL99 Imera Meskel kebele (Emära Mäsqäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
almost at the north-easternmost corner of Saya Debir &
Wayu Insaro wereda stretching between two borders there,
9-12 km south-east of Inewari; area 1,064 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
imet ..: gogo (O) tobacco leaves
HES.. Imet Gogo (Emetgogo, Mietgogo, Metagogo) 13/38 [n x]
3986 m, in Simen National Park
imete mesk (A) lady's meadow
HEL29 Imete Mesk 1157'/3919' 2813 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDT28 Imeto 1013'/3914' 2608 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU02 Imeweta kebele (Emäwäta ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at the middle
of its southern border, 10-13 km south-southwest of Molale and
5-8 km north-northwest of Sela Dingay; area 925 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HER09 Imfiraz (Imfraz)1241'/3730' 2520 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north of Gondar, near map code HES00, cf Emfraz, Infras
HEC.. Imfraz, cf Infranz (river into western lake Tana) 11/37 [Ch]
imi (O) small /thing/; (Som) I came
JCJ16 Imi (Immi, Ime, Imei, Emi, Inei, Hinna) 06/42 [Gz Ad 18 Gu]
(in 1969: Imi El Kere + Imi Gode)
0628'/4210' 442 m, on north bank of Webi Shebele.
See also West Imi wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Gongo (village)
10SE Melka Barrie (ford, at a small river?)
2S tomb of Mohammed Bin Abdulla Hassan
6N Buileesh (village near Webi Shebele)
JCJ26 Imi (Imei) (locality) 0635'/4210' 365 m 06/42 [Gz]
JCJ16 Imi wereda (Imie ..) 06/42 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Imi)
?? Imibele wereda (= Imi ..? 1960, in Bale) ../.. [x]
GDE07 Imida, see Inmeda
imini (T) stone
H.... Imini Inklalo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adilal) 13/39 [Ad]
HDM34 Imir kebele (Emer ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Ankober wereda along its south-western border,
12-20 km south of Ankober town; area 4,678 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
imirge ..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HDM42 Imirge Dega 0929'/3934' 2324 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south of Debre Birhan
HDU80 Imiye 1044'/3924' 2678 m, north-west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
JEA.. Imkisse, village 3 km upward from the road, 11/.. [20]
in the Bati region, near Chachatu hot springs
HDM54c Imme Mihret, 'Mother of Grace', 09/39 [En]
mountain range next to Ankober, peaks about 3100 m
GDE07 Immeda, see Inmeda
JEJ31 Imminu (Himminu) (area), cf Imenu .. 12/41 [WO 18]
HDF81 Imnebela kebele (Emnäbäla ..) 08/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
15-19 km north-east of Balchi; area 1,604 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
immo (O) again; (A) glass for liquid;
imu, imuu (O) cowry, bead
HDG04 Imo (Immo) 09/35 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Dale Suchi sub-district)
HEL37 Imraha (Imrahane Kristos, Yimrahana Christos) 12/39 [x It 20]
(Imrahanna Kristos, Yemrehannä Krestos, Yimriha)
(with ancient cave church & small cave palace)
JDE16 Ina Ogad Bare (area) 08/44 [WO]
HDS18c Inadajir (spring some way down from Dejen) 10/38 [Ch]
JDR52 Inaegal (area) 10/41 [WO]
H.... Inago (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
JEC61 Inaitu (area) 11/41 [WO]
HED08c Inajanbar (area) 10/38 [Ch]
?? Inakusa (w market, near Damot-Agew Midir border) ../.. [Ch]
HDS57c Inamai (area) 10/38 [Ch]
HDH10 Inango (Inengo, Enango, Nango, Inagno?) 09/35 [MS Te Po Gu]
0910'/3541' 1828 m, near map code HDG19
(centre in 1964 of Lalo Asabi sub-district,
with small market and sub-post office)
HDH.. Inango Kobra (Enango K.), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [Ad]
H.... Inarekan (Inaräqan), in Wej 12/38 [En]
HDB41 Inario, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
?? Inarit, see Enarya
HDS34 Inascai, see Dinta
H.... Inasei (ford in the Abay river) ../.. [Ch]
HDS34 Inaskey 1018'/3753' 2538 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
HEC78 Inassa (Inesa), see Yinesa
inatu Maryam (A) the mother of Mary; innat (A) mother
HEK05c Inatu Maryam (church), see under Debre Tabor 11/38 [Ch]
HES.. Inatye 4070 m, in Simen National Park 13/38 [n]
HES12 Incasc, see Inkash
HES12 Incasc Ueivei, see Inkash Weybey
inchet (inch'ät) (A) wood, timber, peg, stake;
kab- (O) bind together
HES46 Inchet Kab (Inchetkab), cf Enchetkab, 13/38 [En]
in the early 1800s governor's palace with extensive buildings
HEF10 Inchetina (Inch'etina) 1058'/3925' 3457 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Dessie
HDT17 Inchimegn kebele (Ench'emägn ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its south-eastern
border and almost at the middle of that border, 7-12 km
east-southeast of Alem Ketema; area 2,179 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT17 Inchimeny (Inch'imeny, Ucciolimieda) 10/39 [Gz]
1003'/3905' 2163 m
HDT77 Inchine kebele (Ench'ené ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Kelala wereda, adjoining Lugama (Legwama)
to its west and extending from there 8 km to the south and 6 km
to the west; area 6,341 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

inchini, inchinni, inch'innii (O) shrub or small tree of the

Leguminosae family, Sesbania goetzei, grows near alkaline water
HBR05 Inchini (Inch'ini, Badda Iccinni, Hichenni, Iccinni) 04/37 [Gz Wa WO]
(mountain) 0435'/3705' 1863, 2146 m
HDC70 Inchini (Inch'ini) 0848'/3739' 2560 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDD36 Inchini (Inch'ini) 0828'/3803' 2169 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Abo)
HDD72 Inchini (Inch'ini, Incinni, Inkinni) 08/37 [Gz WO x]
0848'/3739' 2560 m
Coordinates would give map code HDD71
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
SE Kuttaye (Cuttae)(area)
8NW Bola Rogghie (Bolao R.) (mountain) 2892 m
HDK03 Inchini (Inch'ini) 0905'/3751' 2533 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
north-west of Ambo
HDK39 Inchini (Inch'ini, Incini) 0919'/3823' 2696 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK65 Inchini 0939'/3801' 2578 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL20 Inchini (Inch'ini) 0918'/3825' 2676 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis)
HDL54 Inchini (Inch'ini, Uccialle) 0933'/3848' 2628 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south of Fiche
HDL91 Inchini 0952'/3831' 2554 m, east of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM50 Inchini (Inch'ini) 0934'/3920' 2762 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Birhan
HDM41 Inchini Dodoti kebele (Ench'eni .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at the middle of
its north-western border, 14-21 km south-west of Debre Birhan;
area 2,000 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE18 Ind'Abba Selama (Enda Abba Selama) 13/39 [+ x n]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Temben churches
HFE15 Ind'Abba Yohanni (End'Abba Y.) 13/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Abiy Adi
Inda .., see also Enda ..
inda (T) 1. place for something expressed by a following word,
e.g. inda bret, place for iron = arsenal; 2. kinship group,
a basic unit consisting of the offspring of a common
ancestor, many generations back, by whose name the inda (enda)
is known
(Inda .. is the spelling according to recent practice,
but Enda .. is the form usually found on earlier maps)
HFD46 Inda Aba Guna, see Indabaguna
HFE65 Inda Aba Iyosyas 1407'/3858' 1920 m, 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Aba Iyosyas), to the south-east near Adwa
HEU91 Inda Aba Selama, see under Mekele
HFE56 Inda Aba Tsahma (I.A. Tsahama, Indaba Tsahma) 14/39 [Gz]
(Enda Abbamas) 1402'/3904' 2192 m
HFE57 Inda Aba Tsahma (I.A. Tshama, Indaba Tsahma) 14/39 [Gz]
1402'/3905' 1881 m
HFF31 Inda Aba Tsahma (Indaba Ts.) 1352'/3930' 2113 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-east of Hawzen
HFF.. Inda Aba Tsahma sub-district (-1997-) ../39 [n]
HEC88 Inda Awreat (Enda Aoreat), 11/37 [+ It]
(church on hill near lake shore), see under Bahir Dar
HDF46 Inda Begoyna, see Indabaguna
HF... Inda Betsehma wereda 14/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Idaga Arbi)
HFE.. Inda Cherkos 14/38 [En]
archaeological site near Aksum, see under Melazo
HFE17 Inda Emanuel, see Temben churches
inda f..: felasi (fälasi) (T) monk
HFE45 Inda Felasi wereda (centre in 1964 = May Kenetal) 13/38 [Ad]
inda iyesus, abode of Jesus
HEU91 Inda Iyesus 1330'/3930' 2314 m, 13/39 [Gz]
between Mekele and Kwiha
HFE64 Inda Iyesus (Enda Jesus) 1409'/3847' 2191 m, 14/38 [Gz WO]
see under Aksum
Coordinates would give map code HFE63

HER89 Inda Maryam 1324'/3727' 2855 m 13/37 [Gz]

HFF.. Inda Maryam 14/39? [En]
archaeological site in Gulo Mekeda wereda
HFF44 Inda Maryam (E. Mariam Bahafeiti) (church) 13/39 [LM WO]
HFE17c Inda Maryam Hibuito (Enda M. Hebuto) 13/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Temben churches,
at 1½ hour walk from Welegesa
HFF32 Inda Maryam (Amba Enda Mariam) (mountain) 13/39 [Gz]
1355'/3935' 2399 m, south-east of Hawzen
HFK07 Inda Maryam (Enda Mariam) 1432'/3812' 1401 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFE27 Inda Maryam Hibuito, see under Temben churches
HFE16 Inda Maryam Itsiwito (Enda M. Etsuto) 13/39 [x]
rock-hewn church Maryam at about 10 km north of Abiy Adi
HFF62 Inda Maryam Tsiyon (Enda M.Ts.) 14/39 [Gz Gu]
1411'/3935' 2698 m, south-east of Adigrat
HEU42 Inda Medhani Alem (Enda Medani Alem) 13/39 [Gz WO Gu 18]
(Madane Alum) 1304'/3931' 2440/2565 m
Coordinates would give map code HEU41
HFF.. Inda Medhani Alem (rock-hewn church), see Adi Kado
HEU03 Inda Mehone (Enda M., Endamahone, Emdamohony) 12/39 [x]
(town) 1240'/3939'
HEU12 Inda Mehoni wereda (Enda Mahone ..Endamehoni ..) 12/39 [Ad x]
(Indamehoni ..) (centre in 1964 = Maychew)
(-1994-) is divided into 23 rural and 7 urban kebeles.
HE... Inda Mekonnin, 'seat of the dignitary' 13/39 [En]
(Mekonni, Mehoni, Mohoni, Inda Mekwenni, Idda M.),
district between Abergele and Maychew
HFF43 Inda Meskel (I. Mesk'el) 1359'/3942' 2862 m, 13/39 [Gz]
east of Hawzen
HFE44 Inda Mikael (Enda Micael) 1357'/3849' 1882 m 13/38 [Gz Gu]
HFF03 Inda Mikael (I. Micha'el) 1335'/3941' 2245 m 13/39 [+ Gz]
HFF74 Inda Mikael 1414'/3944' 2872 m, east of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HFF.. Inda Petros 14/39? [En]
archaeological site in Gulo Mekeda wereda
inda se..: senbet (sänbät) (A) Sabbath
HFD86 Inda Senbet (Enda Sembet) 1418'/3807' 1527 m, 14/38 [Gz It]
west of Adi Daro
HET66 Inda Sheket 1314'/3901' 1994 m, north of Fenarwa 13/39 [Gz]
HFF25 Inda Shum Yaikob (Enda Chum Yaqob) 13/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Atsbi
HET98 Inda Silase 1330'/3911' 1943 m, west of Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HFD58 Inda Silase (E. Selassie, Enda Silasi, Inda Selassie) 14/38 [Gz Br WO Wa]
(Indaselassie, Endasellasie, Endslasse) 14/38 [Ad Yo En]
MS: 1403'/3815'; Gz: 1406'/3817' 1953 m
(with church Silase)
Centre -1956-1987- of Shire awraja &
& 1964 of Koraro wereda & Gult Wedaj wereda.
In the 1990s centre of Tach Korare wereda (Tahtay Qorare ..)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
NE.. Mugulat (army communication centre in 1980s)
6SW Abba Sege (A. Seghe) (village)
10SW Amba Gir Gitsya (A. Ghir Ghizia) (area) 2080 m
10SW Girgitsya (Ghirghizia) (place) 1850 m
10W Bet Maryam (Biet Mariam) (area)
3NW Adi Dakno (Addi Dacno) (village)
9NW Adi Ademay (village) 1865 m
(Amba Giyorgis, A. Gheorgis, A. Ghiorgis)
4N Adi Adhano, with stele
2NE Lak Amba (Laqamba), monastery
10E May Adrasha, archeological site
HFF34 Inda Silase (I.S. Atsbi, Enda Selassie, Inda S.) 13/39 [Gz]
1352'/3944' 2707 m, north-west of Atsbi
HFF46 Inda Silase 13/39 [MS]
(ctr 1964 of Atsbi wereda & of Habes and Kurets sub-districts)
HFD58 Inda Silase wereda (I. Silasie ..) (-1994-) 14/38 [n]
HFF.. Inda Tekle Haymanot 14/39? [En]
archaeological site in Gulo Mekeda wereda
HFF52 Inda Tekle Haymanot (Enda Teclaimanot) 14/39 [Gz WO Gu]
1404'/3935' 2474/2503 m,
(with small church)
HFE56 Indaba Tsahma, see Inda Aba Tsahma & HFE57
HFD47 Indabaguna (Endabaguna, Inda Aba Guna) 13/38 [Gz Ad]
(Inda Begoyna, Dembeguina, Dembegwina, Dambagwena) [WO Gu Pa]
MS: 1400'/3815' = HFD48; Gz: 1359'/3805' 1269 m
(centre in 1964 of Tsimbila wereda, with sub-post office)
HFD08 Indabaguna Maryam (church) 1335'/3817', 13/38 [Gz]
west of Sekota
HF... Indachiwa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Beliho) 14/38? [Ad]
HEU12 Indamehoni wereda, see Inda Mehoni ..
HDS44 Inde Amanuel 1021'/3757' 2483 m, 10/37 [Gz]
east of Debre Markos
indebe..: beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, thorn enclosure; inda bret, arsenal
H.... Indeberet 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sayint sub-district)
-- Indegagn (Endegegn), language in the most western part
of the Gurage speaking area.
-- Indegagn people (Shadger), a member group of the Sebat Bet Gurage.
HCS63 Indegany 0751'/3750' 2363 m 07/37 [Gz]
-- Indeganyi, traditionally a Gurage area, also its language
HDU02 Indegebo kebele (Endägäbo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda somewhat to
the west at its southern border; 9-12 km north-west of Sela Dingay;
area 645 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK.. Indegebten (Inde Gebten, Anda Gabten, Indegebton) 09/37 [En]
Old historical region between rivers Guder and Muger and
the present town of Ambo.
-- Indegen, an ethnic sub-group of the Gurage, see Indegagn
HCC96 Indegera 0620'/3709' 1597 m, near code HCJ06 06/37 [Gz]
HET28 Indeher Giba 1251'/3911' 2035 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
?? Indele (on the Mereb-Belesa front) 14/.. [20]
HDU21 Indelicha (Indelich'a) 1011'/3929' 2765 m, 10/39 [Gz]
west of Molale
HCN46 Inderacha (Inderaccia, Inderasha, Anderatchi) 07/35 [+ Gz WO Mi]
(Anderaccia dei Moccia) 0738'/3520' 1934 m, 07/35 [Gu]
in the middle of the Mocha area
HFF02 Inderta, see Enderta
HFF12 Inderta (Enderta, Endärta, Intärta, Andärta) 13/39 [LM WO Gu En]
1315'/3930' (area), see also under Agula
Inderta used to be an awraja, with its capital at Antalo.
-- inderta a..: Adal, name of a large tribe
HEU94 Inderta Adal sub-district 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Hara Gure)
JEN38 Inderta awraja 1300'/4030' 13/39 [Gz Ad n]
(centre -1964-1994- = Mekele, once at Antalo)
HEU91 Inderta wereda 13/39 [Ad]
(centre -1964-1980- = Mekele)
HFE64 Indet Nebbersh, see Endiet Nebersh
HCU37 Indetu (place & area) 0734'/3954' 2238 m 07/39 [WO Gu Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCU36
indes (Borana) kind of large timber tree, tid, Juniperus procera
JDK81 Indeys (Indeis) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HDP08 Indi 2210 m 09/36 [WO]
HER38 Indibina 1252'/3720' 1189 m 12/37 [Gz]
HCS94 Indibir (Imdibir, Emdibir, Indbir) 08/37 [Gz Ca x]
(Endiber, Endeber, Endaber, Ciaha) 08/37 [Po WO]
MS: 0810'/3800' = HDD05, 2130 m
Gz: 0807'/3756' = HCS94, 2164 m
With Catholic Mission and church Maryam.
Centre in 1957 of Chaha wereda and
in 1964 of Sebat Bet Gurage wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4SE Dakun (Dak'une, Dacun, Dakonna) (village) 2343 m
7S Essessie
9S Metana (Tambore) (village) 2133, 2393 m
5SW Doroghevea (=Doro Gebeya?) (village) 2160 m
10N Wegerao (Mogar), village in Aklil (Aclil), area 1935 m
HCS94 Indibir wereda (Endeber woreda) 08/37 [20]
HDS18c Indijr 10/38 [LM]
HDT74 Indiras 1044'/3851' 2447 m, east of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
HEM81 Indiriya Silase (church) 1231'/3926', west of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
HEU01 Indirkan (Indirk'an, Indirqan) 1245'/3926' 2589 m 12/39 [Gz q]
HDL98 Indirtya 0952'/3912' 2648 m, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Igzi'abher Ab)
HDU30 Indo 1014'/3920' 2734 m, near map code HDT39 10/39 [Gz]
HDU31 Indo & Mazoriya kebele (Endo .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda
to the south at its north-western border, 17-22 km
south-southeast of Degolo; area 3,957 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF16 Indobe, see Indode
indod (A), indode, indodi (O) kind of plant, soapberries,
soapwort, Phytolacca dodecandra, with small flowers
clustered as long spikes and with fruits used as soap
HDF81 Indod (Endoda) 0857'/3928' 1654 m 08/39 [Gz WO]
between Aliyu Amba and Gorge, see under Bollo Selassie.
With a plant school in the 1990s.
HDM52 Indod 0931'/3931' 2860 m, south of Debre Birhan 09/39 [Gz]
HDM82 Indod Washa Aregay (church) 0950'/3931' 09/39 [Gz]
HDM82 Indod Washa & Belesa Washa kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Endod .. Bäläsa .. ..)
in north Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at the middle of its northern
border, 14-19 km north of Debre Birhan town; area 1,351 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS.. Indodam 10/37 [n]
Village in Gozamin (Gozamen) wereda in Debre Markos awraja,
with church Kidane Mihret.
HDE71 Indode (village) 0848'/3831' 2135 m, 08/38 [Gz x]
south-west of Sebeta
HEF16 Indode (Indobe) (village) 1059'/3955' 2037 m 10/39 [Gz x]
HEF16 Indode (mountain) 1059'/3956' 2232 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kombolcha
HDM44 Indode kebele (Endodé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Ankober wereda, 7-10 km
south-southeast of Ankober town; area 603 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM84 Indode kebele (Endodé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, touching Debre Sina and extending 4 km
to the south-southeast from there; area 562 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT56 Indode kebele (Endodé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda adjoining Kelala settlement
to its west and extending from there 4 km to the south
and 5 km to the west; area 1,756 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT87 Indode kebele (Endodé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Kelala wereda, about 4 km
from its northern and eastern borders; area 2,681 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE73 Indodie, see Endode
HEM92 Indodo 1238'/3932' 2667 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of lake Ashenge
HDT55 Indoge kebele (Endogé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Kelala wereda at its western border, 11-19 km
south-west of Kelala settlement; area 4,011 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE26 Indoti (Indot'i) 1102'/3858' 3061 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDT84 Indras kebele (Endras ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of Legambo wereda,
30-33 km west-southwest of Akista; area 1,073 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU07 Indris Amba kebele (Endris .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at its
border, 9-15 km east-northeast of Debre Sina; area 2,279 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL83 Indris Hulaban 1233'/3844' 1805 m, 12/38 [Gz]
south-west of Sekota
ine (T) muck; (A) I, first person singular
HDL50 Ine Gofo (Ine Gofa) 0934'/3827' 1978 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDE88 Ineguha, cf Eneguha 08/44 [MS]
HDM30 Inegura 0921'/3924' 2704 m, north-east of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
HDL93 Inegwal (Nequal) 0955'/3846' 1784 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Fasiledes), north of Fiche
JCJ16 Inei, see Imi

-- Inekor, Inneqor (inäqor), an ethnic sub-group speaking East Gurage

HCS63c Inekor (Innäqor) 07/37? [En]
an area in the highland part of present Silte Zone
HDG49 Inemay 0928'/3536' 1874 m, east of Nejo, 09/35 [Gz]
cf Enemay
HDJ25 Inemay 0914'/3706' 2230 m, south of Haratu 09/37 [Gz]
HDS.. Inemay wereda (Innemay ..) (-1990s-) 10/38 [20]
in the East Gojjam Zone with Bichena as its capital
-- Inemor, Innemor (Inämor), traditionally a Gurage area,
also a Western Gurage dialect;
-- Inemor people (Innämor, Amh: Ennemor),
a group belonging to the Sebat Bet Gurage
HCS92 Inemor & Iner wereda 08/37 [Ad]
HCS92 Inemor sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sarzigba), 08/37 [Ad]
cf Ennamor
-- Iner (Ener, Enär) people, a small group linked to the Sebat Bet Gurage
HDS42c Inerata (Enerata), see under Debre Markos
inesa, inessa (O) kind of large coniferous timber tree, tid,
Juniperus procera (in Kenya called African pencil cedar)
HDS89 Inesa 1045'/3824' 2364 m, 10/38 [Gz]
north-east of Bichena, cf Yinesa
HDM92 Ineshirbo 0957'/3934' 2687 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem), west of Sela Dingay
HDU02 Ineshirbo kebele (Enäsherbo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Waddra wereda,
7-10 km west of Sela Dingay; area 1,272 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL98 Inewari (Innewari, Inwari, Enewari, Eneware) 09/39 [Gz MS Ad Po]
(Enwari, Enawari, Ennawari, Eninawari, Noari) 09/39 [WO]
Gz: 0953'/3909' 2621 m
MS coordinates 0940'/3915' 2710 m give
map code HDL69 and refer to a different place?
(centre in 1964 of Deyo sub-district, with sub-post office)
40 km north-west of Debre Birhan.
Gerba kebele surrounds most of Inewari, with
Segenet kebele touching a little to the west..
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
4E Imbirtiya kebele
4E Kusaye kebele
8E Kersa Cherkos kebele
5SE Doyo Mangudo kebele
8SE Albasa & Moga kebele
10SE Dawo kebele
1S Gesal & Jiilebej kebele
2S Tatesa kebele
7S Gotet Kola kebele
9S Gotet Dega kebele
9S Gashu Amba kebele
3SW Gorade & Ahtata kebele
7SW Gozegoza kebele
8SW Motolami kebele
8SW Ajej & Mehal Amba kebele
10SW Itaya & Denji kebele
2W Aret & Keyadur kebele
7W Debir & Dey kebele
8W Intera & Key Gedel kebele
4NW Asebat kebele
7NW Yimedeb & Bwayta kebele
7NW Keteb kebele
7NW Lam Washa kebele
3N Wabi kebele
7N Inzira & Yima kebele
9N Shoma & Dagnet kebele
3NE Bolo kebele
6NE Bero & Anfedar kebele
8NE Betaso & Gult Ager kebele
9NE Weyra Amba & Yigolta kebele
10NE Chaso & Ako kebele
10NE Megnet kebele
Near this locality the edge of the high plateau drops
several hundred metres almost vertically.
HFL07 Infara 1430'/3905' 1881 m, north of Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
HFF71 Info 1413'/3927' 2600 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), near Adigrat
HEK51c Infranz (Infrantz, Infraz, Enfranz) 12/37 [MS Po x]
(Enfraz, Enfras, Imfraz)
MS coordinates 1205'/3733' would give HEK30
far out in lake Tana on WO map
(with sub-post office under Gondar)
Village 62 km to the south-east of Gondar.
HEK42c Infranz sub-district (centre in 1964 = Koga) 12/37 [Ad]
JEG73c Ingabella (recorded in 1841) 12/40 [Ha]
JEP64 Ingalta (springs) 13/41 [MS WO]
-- Ingassana (Ingessana), a local language near Sudan
GDF91 Inghi, Tulu, see Tulu Ingi
HDS82 Ingia (Jnja) (mountain) 1042'/3742' 2741 m, 10/37 [Gz]
north-east of Dembecha
HEC14 Ingiabara, see Injibara
ingida (A,T) stranger, foreigner, guest, /adj:/ unusual, queer;
Ingida, Engida, a male personal name
HCK85 Ingida (Inghida) (area) 2070 m 07/37 [+ WO]
HDF71 Ingida Ishet kebele (Engeda Eshät ..) 08/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5-13 km south-east of Balchi; area 1,853 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL84 Ingofe 0950'/3850' 2143 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), east of Fiche
HEK11 Ingor Merkorios (I. Mercurios) (church) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
-- Ingota, an ethnic group in the south-west, of whom
only some 100 individuals are said to remain in the 2000s
HDL76 Ingoye 0944'/3859' 2588 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HED48 Ingudada 1116'/3815' 2308 m, south of Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
HED68 Ingudada 1126'/3814' 2505 m, near Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
JDG09 Ingudetu (plantation) 0904'/4041', 09/40 [Gz]
near map code JDH00
HFF14 Inguleyta (Inguleyto) 1342'/3945' 2333 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), east of Agula
HFE97 Inine 1425'/3910' 1931 m, north of Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
HFE98 Inine 1425'/3912' 2009 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), north of Inticho
inja b..: bara (O) weather, time, year, age;
baraa (O) learner, male student
HEC14 Inja Bara, see Injibara
HEL48 Injafat (Injefat, Endiafat) 1209'/3914' 3053 m, 12/39 [Gz WO]
north of Lalibela
HEL.. Injefat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Latgie) 12/39? [Ad]
HDS99 Injerer 1050'/3824' 2363 m 10/38 [Gz]
near map code corner HDT90/HED09/HEE00
HDM22 Injerer kebele (Enjärär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
13-17 km south-east of Koremash; area 1,156 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC14 Injibara (Injabara, Injabarra, Inja Bara, Enjibara) 10/36 [Gz MS Po WO]
(Engiabara, Enjabara, Injbara, Ingiabara, Engibar) 10/36 [Ad Gu]
MS: 1055'/3658' = HEC04, 2890 m;
Gz: 1100'/3655' = HEC13, 2736 m.
Centre in 1964 of Ankesha wereda & of Baja wereda,
with sub-post office.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SE Kwollela (Quollela) (hill)
5SE Akayta (Acaita, Achifa, Achfa) (village) 2613 m
6SE Gawcha (Gaucia) (village) 2540 m,
with small lake Zangana
8SE Quoezza (church)
8NE Assera (Asara) (area)
HEC14 Injibara sub-district 10/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Akayta Medhane Alem)
?? Injifenno (Enjefänno, Engifanno), east of Addis Abeba 09/39? [x]
HES11 Inkash sub-district (Incasc ..) 12/37 [LM Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Amba Giyorgis)
HES12 Inkash Weybey (Incasc Ueivei) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
JEA43 Inkese 1113'/4003' 1325 m, near Bati 11/40 [Gz]
HDD72 Inkinni, see Inchini
H.... Inkoftu, at some distance from Fantale 08/39 [18]
HED94 Inkoko (Ink'ok'o, Inqoqo) 1143'/3752' 2080 m 11/37 [Gz q]
HCU10 Inkolo (Enkuolo, Encuolo) 07/39 [Ad Wa WO]
0722'/3921' 3806, 4340 m, see Filfo
(second highest mountain in Ethiopia?)
JDJ57 Inkuftu (Ink'uftu, Inquftu) (mountain chain) 09/42 [Gz q]
0933'/4214' 2390 m
inkway b..: beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, thorn enclosure for cattle
HEL25 Inkway Beret 1157'/3854' 2078 m 11/38 [Gz]
HF... Inlidj 14/39 [18]
GDE07 Inmeda (Immeda, Imida) 0814'/3405' 459 m, 08/34 [Gz WO]
at Baro river
inna (Som) 1. we all; 2. nothing; ina (T) while;
(O) if, on condition that
JEA14 Inna (area) 11/40 [WO]
HDR72 Innabara 10/36 [WO]
HDS60 Innamora 1035'/3732' 2257 m 10/37 [Gz]
mountains to the north-east of Dembecha
JEB94 Innale 11/41 [WO]
?? Innaria (Innarya), see Enarya
HDS.. Innemay, see Inemay
HCS92 Innemor, see Inemor, see also Iner & Innemor wereda
innessa: inesa, inessa (O) kind of large coniferous timber tree,
tid, Juniperus procera (in Kenya called African pencil cedar)
HEC78 Innessa (Innassa, Inassa), see Yinesa
ino: inno (T) mother
JDE89 Ino Gu Ha 0855'/4415' 1226 m, 08/44 [Gz]
on the border of Somalia
HDS88c Inogar 10/38 [Ch Gu]
-- Inor language, part of a Gurage cluster of languages
?? Insaro (Ensaro), see also Siya Debir & Wayu & Insaro wereda
HDL95 Insarro (Insaro) 0955'/3855' 1271 m, 09/38 [Gz WO]
north-east of Fiche
HDL85 Insarro wereda (centre -1964-1999 = Kabi), 09/38 [Ad]
in Selale awraja, north-east of Debre Libanos
HCT90 Inseno 0804'/3828' 1989 m, near Butajira 08/38 [Gz]
HDU17 Insertu kebele (Ensärtu ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda, adjoining Shewa Robit and
extending 3 km to the south from there; area 677 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
insesa g..: gedel (gädäl) (A,T) cliff, steep place, precipice, abyss
HEM41 Insesa Gedel 1210'/3928' 2301 m 12/39 [Gz]
inshi, inshu (A) dik-dik, Madoque guentheri, M. phillipsi, M. saltiana
HCE31 Inshi 0544'/3830' 1746 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
inshilalit (A) lizard
insilal (A) anise or dill, Peucedanum graveolens;
insilala, inshilala (O) anise plant
HDE75 Insilale (Ensilale) 0855'/3857' 2709 m, 08/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Abeba
Coordinates would give map code HDE85
HDK55 Insilale 0933'/3802' 2153 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDF70c Insira kebele (Ensera ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda far to the south at
its western border, 14-16 km south-west of Balchi; area 334 hectares.
[CSA 1904]
HEC74 Insway 1133'/3701' 1883 m, north of Dangila 11/37 [Gz]
HDT88 Intada (Int'ada) 1032'/3909' 1994 m, 10/39 [Gz]
west of Were Ilu
HDS40 Intalem (Int'alem) 1021'/3733' 2243 m, 10/37 [Gz]
west of Debre Markos
intalo, intaloo (O) term of address to a young woman
HEU61 Intalo, see Hintalo
HDL96 Intarra (area) 09/39 [WO]
HFE85 Inte Wehi (mountain) 1419'/3859' 2022 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north of Adwa
intera k..: key gedel (A) red cliff
HDL97 Intera & Key Gedel kebele (Ent'ära & Qäy Gädäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in western Moret & Jiru wereda,
6-11 km west of Inewari; area 1,551 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE87 Intichew, see Inticho

inticho: intisho (T) sneeze

HFE87 Inticho (Enticho, Enticcio, Entichew, Ent'ech'o) 14/39 [Gz MS Po WO]
(Intich'ew, Entiscio) MS:1410'/3910' = HFE67;
Gz: 1417'/3909' 1964 m.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9SE Awagir (Amba Augher) (area) 2876/2925 m
5S Zata (Zala) (hill) 2128/2139 m
10S Hahayle (Hahaile) (wereda & sub-district)
HFE87 Inticho wereda (Eniticho ..) (centre in 1964 = Inticho) 14/39 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HDK16 Into 0909'/3806' 3058 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEC98c Intonas, small island near southernmost lake Tana 11/37 [En]
HDL03 Intoto (Int'ot'o, Intotto), also HDL04 (area) 09/38 [AA]
(Ent'ot'o, Entotto, Antotto) 09/38 [Gu WO 18]
0906'/3842' 2609 m, mountain at 0904'/3848' 2843 m
"Old Antotto" (Menilek's residence 1879-1881)
was 15 km west of A.A. according to map of 1898
HEE99 Intugina kebele (Ent'ugena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda at its north-western border,
14-20 km north-east of Wegel Tena; area 2,709 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDE09 Inwany (Enuagri) 0809'/3412' 443 m, at Baro river 08/34 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code GDE08
HDL98 Inwari, see Inewari
-- Inyangatam language, see Nyangatom
HED20 Inzegedim (Inzeghedim) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
HDM.? Inzhorar (with church Mikael) 09/39? [x]
(same with church Gebri'el?), in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDT26 Inzibzib kebele (Enzebzeb ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Weremo Wajitu & Mida
wereda, 8-14 km north of Alem Ketema; area 1,763 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT08 Inzira & Yima kebele (Enzera & Yema ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern central Moret & Jiru wereda,
6-11 km north of Inewari; area 1,866 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC68 Ioadi Gheorghis, see Yoadi Giyorgis
HEA64 Iocaca, see Yokaka
JEH19 Iochibata, see Yokibata
HDR88 Iofoda Gheorghis, see Shememel
JDH92 Ioghere Maru, see Yogere Maru
HEJ98 Iohannes (area) 12/37 [WO]
HEE28 Ioll (Yoll) (mountain) 1101'/3906' 3799 m 11/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEE17,
cf Yewel
HDN07 Ionghi, see Yongi
HDN06 Ionghi Superiore, see Yongi
JDJ73 Ionnis 0946'/4152' 969 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north of Dire Dawa, at the railway
HEC44 Iovoden Amnri, see Yoboden Amnri
ipsa (O) light; candle; any source of light
JDA57c Ipsa (with former mission) 08/40 [Gu]
JCP61c Ira, cf Era 07/40 [Wa]
HDF85 Irabida 0856'/3920' 2078 m, 08/39 [Gz]
at the railway west of Metehara
JDH11 Irambui, G. (area), see under Asbe Teferi 09/40 [WO]
HFE77 Irar 1412'/3906' 2239 m, near Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
HFE98 Irar 1424'/3912' 2148 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north-east of Inticho, near the border of Eritrea
JEH38 Irarale (mountain) 12/41 [Ne WO]
irba (O) 1. kind of small tree, Nuxia congesta;
2. stick for stirring food; irriba (O) sleep; rest
HC... Irba (Yirba) 06/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Irba Muda sub-district)
HEM84 Irba (with well), see under Chercher 12/39 [WO Gu]
HCE83 Irba Moda (Irba Muda), see Yirba Muda
H.... Irbab sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tsiyon Debir) 10/37 [Ad]
irbat: irbata (O) meal, supper
JBT31 Irbat (plain) 04/43 [WO]
irbi g..: guda (A) injure, do damage to;
gudaa, gudda, guddaa (O) 1. big; 2. respectable /man/
HBL43 Irbi Guda (G. Irrbi Guda) (area) 04/38 [+ WO]
irbi k..: kuna (Som) and to; kunna (qunna) (A)
a measure for grain
HBL33 Irbi Kuna (Irbi Cuna, Irrei Cuna) (mountain) 03/38 [Gz WO]
0358'/3841' 1419, 1580 m
HC... Irbo 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in southern central Maale
irbora, irbore (O) armlet of ivory or horn /worn on
the upper arm by a man who has killed an elephant/
HCE48 Irbora (Yirbora) 0551'/3905' 05/39 [WO Gu Mi]
MS coordinates would give map code HCE47
-- Irbore, see Arbore
H.... Irbortu (centre in 1964 of Abyet Wiha sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
HDE63 Irboye (village) 08/38 [x]
HDF34c Irboye 08/39 [LM]
ird (A) tumeric, Curcuma longa
HFF43 Irda Meskel (I. Mesk'el, Umberbere) 13/39 [Gz]
1359'/3942' 2862 m, east of Hawzen
HET26 Irde 1254'/3859' 1499 m, south of Fenarwa 12/38 [Gz]
HBL34c Irder, midway between Mega and Moyale 03/38 [x]
irdi, irdii (O) saffron
HF... Irdi (centre in 1964 of Adi Hagerai sub-district) 14/38 [Ad]
ireba g..: gered (gäräd) (A) servant
HFE55 Ireba Gered Giyorgis (church) 1401'/3859', 14/38 [Gz]
south-east of Adwa
JDA43 Irecha Mikael (church) 0833'/4004' 08/40 [Gz]
HD... Irefu (centre in 1964 of Gola sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
JEB06 Irelu, M. (area) 10/41 [WO]
-- irenso ..: Gudela, name used by the Hadya about themselves
HDD91 Irenso Gudela (centre in 1964 of Toke sub-district) 08/37 [Ad]
HDK55 Ireri 0930'/3758' 2155 m, south-east of Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEF24 Irfo kebele (Erfo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kalu (East) wereda, adjoining Kombolcha
to its east and extending 5 km eastward; area 1,435 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL40 Irg Alem, see Yirga Alem
irga (O) gum /=flesh at the teeth/; irge (O) place, site
HDK50 Irga 0933'/3731' 2177 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
between Shambu and Kachisi, cf Yirga
HCD88 Irgachaffe, see Yirga Chefe
JDG03 Irgada, G. (area) 950 m 09/40 [WO]
HCL40 Irgalem (Irgaalem), see Yirga Alem
irge (O) place
HC... Irgesa (Eurgesa), in Ilubabor ../.. [n]
HDJ58 Irgi (Irghi) 2438 m 09/37 [+ WO]
irgib bet (A) dove's "house"
HEE17 Irgib Bet 1100'/3904' 3493 m 11/39 [Gz]
HB... Irgo ../.. [20]
Settlement of 2 hectares in south Konso.
HEF46 Irgoye 1116'/3953' 1590 m, north-east of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HEF46 Irgoye 1117'/3953' 1640 m, north-east of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HEU14 Irgoye 1246'/3944' 1602 m, near Korbeta 12/39 [Gz]
HEF.. Irgoye sub-district (centre in 1964 = Wachu) 11/39 [Ad]
HDU12c Iriet (centre in 1964 of Dengezie sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
HDT09 Irimbik & Zege kebele (Erembeq & Zägé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Moret & Jiru wereda at its border,
18-25 km north-east of Inewari; area 1,997 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBP61 Irimki (Irimchi) (area) 05/40 [+ WO]
HDT58 Irinto kebele (Erint'o ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Kelala wereda, 10-17 km
east-southeast of Kelala settlement; area 1,563 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
iriya m..: mesk (mäsk) (A) meadow, grazing land
HEL26 Iriya Mesk 1159'/3902' 2075 m 11/39 [Gz]
irja: irrja, irriya (A) wild boar, warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus aeliani
HDK64 Irjajo 0956'/3756' 896 m, at the Abay river 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEE53 Irkaye kebele (Erkayä ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Mekdela wereda; area 7,948 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCA59 Irna (hot spring) 05/35 [Ca]
JDH12 Irna 0912'/4056' 1827 m, 09/40 [Gz]
north-east of Asbe Teferi, cf Hirna
JDH14 Irna, see Hirna
-- Irob, a large Christian Saho group in eastern Agame
HFM03 Irob, cf Erob 14/39 [WO 20]
H.... Irob Gebeya, cf Rob Gebeya 13/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gasha Jagre sub-district)
HFM03 Irob wereda (centre in 1964 = Alitena) (-1964-1998-) 14/39 [Ad]
(in the Adigrat-Senafe region),
contested between Ethiopia and Eritrea in the 1990s
HEF34 Irofo 1109'/3945' 2424 m, east of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
JE... Iron Point, start of a transport rail line 41/11 [x]
HCN99c Iros (centre in 1964 of Fugo sub-district) 08/35 [Ad]
irra, irraa (O) down from, away from
HCE83 Irra Moda, see Yirba Muda
JDP25 Irrab (area) 10/41 [WO]
HBL43 Irrbi Guda, see Irbi Guda
HBL33 Irrei Cuna, see Irbi Kuna
irresa, irreessa (O) kind of religious leader among the Oromo,
also green branches offered to ayana spirits
HBK83 Irresibista (area) 04/37 [WO]
HBF92 Irrgums (area) 03/39 [WO]
HCD88 Irriga Shafi, see Yirga Chefe
irsha (A) cultivated field, plantation, farm

HDT49 Irshama 1022'/3918' 2617 m 10/39 [Gz]

south-west of Were Ilu,
town in Tenta (East) wereda (-1999-).
GDU71 Irshe (Irsce) (area) 10/34 [+ WO]
irsho (A) yeast, leaven, starter for dough
JFB00 Irtaale (Irta'ale) (volcano) 1336'/4040', 13/40 [Gz]
cf JFA09 Ertale
HCE83 Irua 0615'/3843' 2492 m 06/38 [Gz]
HDU54 Iruf Kolemo, see Majete
isa (O) he;
-- Isa, Issa, a large population of traditionally nomadic Oromo,
also the Muslim form of the name for Jesus,
and a personal individual name
JDH43 Isa, cf Adal & Isa awraja (in 1959) 09/40
JDJ53 Isa, cf Dire Dawa, Isa & G... 09/41
HES02 Isac, see Yishak
JDP89c Isah (Jebel Eesah) 10/41 [+ Ha]
(mountain recorded in 1841)
-- isak: Isaq, a large group of the Northern Somali;
-- the Isaq dialect is spoken by the Isa, Habr Awal,
Habr Jalo, and Habr Yunis
HES01 Isak Debre Giyorgis (Isac Dever Gheorghis) 12/37 [Gz]
1242'/3738' 2790 m
HCM05 Isak Gilo, see Mena
HCJ84c Isara & Tocha wereda (Esera ..) 07/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 64 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
isat (A,T) fire, inferno
HDM80 Isat Amba kebele (Esat .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
HEL77 Isat Leab (I. Le'ab) 1225'/3907' 2818 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north of Lalibela
HDU13c Isata Maryam (Isata Mariam), 10/39 [+ Gu]
at the eastern foot of Amba Dekensi
isate gemora (A) volcano, crater
isati (O) his/her, belonging to
JCC13 Isbilla (Isbila) 0533'/4154' 392 m 05/42 [Gz 18]
GDM62 Iscigogo, see Ishigogo
iscu ..: isku (Som) 1. together; 2. to oneself; doon (Som)
1. boat, ferry; 2. mud /dredged from a well/; 3. desire,
search for, ask in marriage; dhoon (Som) 1. lineage, clan,
kinsmen; 2. large water vessel
JDE10 Iscu Don, see Uskudon
iseye g..: gola (O) partition inside a house;
(A,T) kind of shrub, Salix sp.
?? Iseye Gola sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
?? Iseye Gola wereda, see Issaya Gola ..
JCT13c Isha Hado, cf Izha 07/43 [Wa]
HCP.. Isharkuta 07/36 [En]
a village in the middle of Gawata-speaking territory
ishe, ishee (A) kind of large tree, Mimusops kummel, it grows
along streams and at forest edges, its fruits are about 2 cm long
and edible; ishe (O) she, her; ishoh (A) thorn;
Ishete, Eshetie, a male personal name
HDM.? Ishete Ager (with church Giyorgis), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda

HEL26c Isheten (Asheten, Ashten) (name of Agew origin?) 11/39 [En]

A bulky mountain of volcanic origin reaching altitude 3219 m;
there is a rock-hewn church and also another old church
ishgo..: gogo (O) tobacco leaves
GDM.. Ishgogo kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
GDM62 Ishigogo (Iscigogo) 0936'/3436' 1205, 1425 m 09/34 [+ WO Gz]
HEL63 Isihiya Giyorgis (Isihia Gheorghis) 12/38 [+ WO]
?? Isitayoh (in Wello, with church Kidane Mihret) ../.. [n]
HEE57 Islabish 1122'/3908' 2126 m, west of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
islam a..: ager (agär) (A) land
?? Islam Ager (Eslam Agar, 'land of the Muslims') ../.. [x]
islam m..: midir (A) land, region
HEK.. Islam Midir 12/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dega Melza sub-district)
HDM64 Islamba 0939'/3943' 3280 m, east of Debre Birhan 09/39 [Gz]
islamge (A) land with Muslims
HEF60c Islamge (area south-east of Mekdela) 11/39 [Pa]
HES38 Islamge 1257'/3817' 2849 m, east of Deresge 12/38 [Gz]
HES38 Islamge 1258'/3816' 2787 m, east of Deresge 12/38 [Gz]
HES48 Islamge (Islamghie) 1306'/3822' 3265 m 13/38 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HES49
islami (T) kind of medium-sized tree, Croton macrostachys;
it stands out because some of its broad leaves are usually
bright yellow
islo a..: abdi (O) hope, reliance
KCJ62 Islo Abdi (I. Addi) 0656'/4646' 374 m, 06/46 [WO Gz]
near the border of Somalia
Coordinates would give map code KCJ61
HEJ06 Ismail 11/37 [WO]
HEC83 Ismala Gheorghis (I. Chiorghis, Ismala), see Yismala Giyorgis
HEL86 Ismalia 12/39 [Gu]
HEF31 Ismano kebele (Esmano ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in Kuta Ber wereda, 17-20 km south-west
of Kuta Ber settlement; area 2,158 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK52 Isoddo, see Soddo
HEC68 Isola Maryam (church) 11/37 [+ It]
(intended as Italian isola = island?)
HEC38 Isora 11/37 [WO]
HEL57 Israel Amba (mountain) 1216'/3906' 2996, 3177 m, 12/39 [Gu Gz]
north of Lalibela, cf Amba Esrael
?? Isratu (island in the Rift Valley) ../.. [Mi]
Issa, see above under Isa
issa e..: ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond, clear water;
2. eelaa very heavy /load/; (A) well, cistern
JDP07 Issa Ela (waterholes), cf Isah 09/41 [MS WO]
JDJ16c Issakoi (centre in 1964 of Bisidimo sub-district) 09/42 [Ad]
HEU.. Issala (village), see under Mekele 13/39 [n]
?? Issar Amba (used as a prison in the 1800s) ../.. [x]
?? Issaya Gola wereda (Iseye Gola ..), ../.. [n]
in South Wello
JEB64 Ississile (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEJ20 Isso (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEE36c Istayish (centre in 1964 of Waro sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEL08 Istayish kebele (Estayesh ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Meket wereda, 17-26 km
south-southeast of Lalibela; area 5,670 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEE66 Istayish Weyraye kebele (Estayesh Wäyrayé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
22-24 km south-west of Wegel Tena; area 1,046 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED86 Iste (Istie, Este, Esti, Estie) 11/38 [Gz x]
1137'/3804' 2399 m, south-east of Debre Tabor,
located a little west of a north-south river
HED97 Iste Mekane Iyesus (Esté Mäkanä Iyäsus) 11/38 [+ 20]
known at least from the 1700s, cf Mekane Iyesus
HED97 Iste wereda (centre in 1964 = Mekane Iyesus) 11/38 [Ad 20]
(Estie sub-district), cf Este, Mehal Iste, Tach Iste
(-1994-) is divided into 104 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HEJ18 Istefanos, see Debre Istifanos, cf Estifanos
HEF53 Istifanos (Ist'ifanos), see Hayk Istifanos
ita (it'a) (A) chance, fate; (O) luck, lot, chance;
ita, iita (O) swelling, tumour;
ita (T) 1. marsh, morass; 2. that, the
HDL73 Ita 0941'/3843' 2567 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
itacha: ettecha (O) slender shrub or small tree with shiny
dark leaves and hanging bunches of winged fruits, kitkitta,
Dodonaea viscosa
HEF33 Itacha (Itacia) (pass & village), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
HCS89 Itakar (Itacar) (area), see under Butagira 08/38 [+ WO]
HDH89 Itala Micael, see Ilala Mikael
HFE54 Itane Zerey Amba (It'ane Z.A.) (mountain) 14/38 [Gz]
1402'/3852' 1904 m
to the south between Aksum and Adwa
GDE09 Itang (Ittang) 0812'/3416' 480 m, at Baro river 08/34 [WO Gz Ad]
GDE09 Itang wereda (centre in 1964 = Itang) 08/34 [+ Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 24 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCT99 Itaya, see Iteya
HDH67 Itaya 0940'/3623' 1535 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL20 Itaya 0915'/3826' 2827 m, north-west of A. Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL65 Itaya 0939'/3854' 2668 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Fiche, see under Debre Libanos
HDL88 Itaya & Denji kebele (.. Dänji ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the north in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 9-14 km south-southwest of Inewari; area 1,442 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT56 Itaya kebele (It'aya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Kelala wereda, 14-17 km
south-east of Kelala settlement; area 1,231 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
itete (A) expression used to address an elder sister
or an elder female relative
HDL12 Iteti 09/38 [AA]

iteya: ittiye, itiyyi (A) address to a young woman by

her juniors
HCT90 Iteya (on main road to Asela) 08/39 [x]
HCT99 Iteya 0803'/3915' 2362 m, east of lake Ziway 08/39 [Gz]
HCT99 Iteya (Itaya, Itiya, Eteya) 0808'/3914' 2215 m, 08/39 [Gz]
east of lake Ziway, near map code corner HCU90/HDE09/HDF00
HDE09c Iteya (Eteya, Etya, Etaya) 08/39 [MS Po x]
HDE... Iteya wereda (at least in the 1980s) 08/39 [x]
HDM72 Iteye 0944'/3931' 2226 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), near Debre Birhan
HDM72 Iteye kebele (Etéyé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
4-9 km north of Debre Birhan town; area 1,250 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF90 Iticha kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in north-west Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
3-7 km north of Balchi; area 1,090 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Itikle, megalithic site ../.. [20]
itisa (O) obstacle, hindrance, impediment
HDK75 Itisa (Itissa, Etisa) 0942'/3802' 2032 m, 09/38 [AA En Gz x]
(with church Tekle Haymanot), south-west of Tulu Milki
HDL18 Itisa 0908'/3910' 2465 m, east of Sendafa 09/39 [Gz]
HEL77 Itiya 1227'/3906' 2300 m, north of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
ito (O) portion of food, place where food is prepared;
ittoo (O) stew etc. with which bread or porridge is eaten;
-- Ito, an ethnic group
HDK60 Ito 0937'/3733' 2115 m, cf Eto 09/37 [AA Gz]
GD... Itonga (in Gambela awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HFE06 Itsiwto (Itsewtu) (with rock-hewn church) 13/39 [Gz x]
1342'/3900' 1915 m, see under Abiy Adi,
see also Temben churches : Maryam Hibuito
JEH05 Ittalu (area) 11/41 [WO]
GDE09 Ittang, see Itang
it..: itittu (O) curdled milk
HCM67 Ittittu (area) 3683 m 06/39 [WO]
iu (O) to ring, to strike an instrument
JDE21 Iu Hun, see (Iug Hun) Yug Hun
HDL96 Iualo (Iaualo, Yaualo, Yavalo) 0955'/3901' 1446 m 09/39 [WO Gz]
KDA09 Iub (Lub) 0814'/4541' 815 m 08/45 [Gz WO]
HBK29 Iubdo, see Yubdo & HDA87
HCP42c Iubo, see Yubo
HCN64 Iuchera 0749'/3512' 1894 m 07/35 [Gz]
JDE21 Iug Hun (Jug Hun, Iu Hun) 0820'/4330' 1116 m, 08/43 [Gz WO]
see Yug Hun
HDS23 Iusc, see Yewish
?? Ivara, see /under/ Debre May ../.. [Gu]
HEC78 Ivav Jesus, see Ibab Iyesus
HEU61c Ivertoo, near Antalo 13/39 [18]
HEE26 Iwa kebele (Ewa ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern central Sayint wereda, 22-27 km
south-west of Masha; area 2,264 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Iwa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bete Muja) 10/38 [Ad]
iwal (T) kitten; iwala (T) vagabond
JDK39 Iya Hareda Ali Beyle 0922'/4323' 1563 m 09/43 [Gz]
HEU21c Iyah (on map of 1814), north of lake Ashenge 12/39 [18]
Iyasu, Eyasu, a male personal name also in modern time
HEK32c Iyasu (palace ruin) 12/37 [Ch]
HDB21 Iyeiyo, see Yayu
HEM22 Iyela kebele (Eyäla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Gidan wereda at its south-eastern border,
9-12 km east-southeast of Muja; area 3,336 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF54 Iyeno Giyorgis (church) 1120'/3946', 11/39 [Gz]
east of lake Hayk
Iyesus (iyyäsus) (A) Jesus
HED94 Iyesus 1145'/3757' 2167 m (with church) 11/37 [Gz]
(approximately at this location on map of 1814)
HEK05 Iyesus (Jesus) (church) 2590 m? 11/37 [+ WO Gu]
?? Iyesus Arhino (rock-hewn church), see under Gibjet
HFF22 Iyesus Awlalo (Jesus Aulalo), see under Wikro 13/39 [+ WO]
HET68c Iyesus Hintsa (Eyesus) ("child Jesus"), 13/39c (20)
rock-hewn church 3 km south of Gijet and
about 40 km south-west of Mekele
?? Iyesus Moa (Iyäsus Mo'a) (monastery), ../.. [Pa]
cf Hayk Istifanos
HEJ04 Iyesus Terara (Jesus Tarara) (hill) 11/37 [+ It]
iyet (iyät) (T) lamb
HDL73 Iyeta 0944'/3842' 2662 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Silase), see under Fiche
HDL73 Iyeta 0944'/3846' 2708 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDS08 Iyosa 1001'/3815' 2518 m 10/38 [Gz]
-- Iyyeha, see Yeha
HEU32 Izban Hidaga 1301'/3935' 2445 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north of Maychew
HET09 Izgibiyat 1245'/3919' 2622 m 12/39 [Gz]
HDM.? Izhgoge (with church Kahinat Semay), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
-- Izha, traditionally a Gurage area,
also name of a Western Gurage dialect
-- Izha language belongs to the Central Western Gurage branch
-- Izha people live at the eastern edge of the Gurage highlands
HD... Izha (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
HD... Izha & Wellene wereda 08/37? [En]
Ja.. in German and Scandinavian spellings, see Ya..
HES21 Ja Sejtan reghecia, see Ernambe
jab (Som) part, fragment; break , get broken
?? Jab (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
jaba, jabaa (O) 1. strong, hard, solid, fastened
2. below; 3. say a grace
HCA94 Jaba (Giaba, Geba) (mountainous area) 06/35 [WO Gu Gz]
0615'/3513' 1705 m
HDN26 Jababa, see Chababa
jabala (O) boat, ship
JCK47 Jaballa (G. Giaballa) (area) 06/43 [+ WO]
JCP59 Jabalo, see Yabalo
jabara: jiabarra (T) kind of herb, Portulacca oleracea,
P. quadrifida; jiavarra (T) kind of climber, Adenia venenata
HEJ46 Jabara Maryam (J. Mariam) (small circular island) 12/37 [+ Ch]
?? Jabart (Djabart) (historically recorded area) ../.. [x]
Name applied to Muslim principalities of southern Ethiopia
jabasire (O) strong bed?
HCD47 Jabasire (Giabassire, Javasire) (mountain & place) 05/38 [+ WO Gu Mi]
(Gebassire, Jabbasre) 0547'/3812' 05/38 [x]
?? Jabdu Meda, battle site in 1889 ../.. [n]
jabi, jabbii (O) calf /=young of a cow/
H.... Jabi sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Dengel Maryam) 10/37 [Ad]
HDR86c Jabi sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Mankusa Mikael) 10/37 [Ad]
HDR.. Jabi & Tehnan wereda 10/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 65 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
JCH09 Jabis (Giabis) (mountain) 06/41 [+ WO Gz]
0623'/4136' 1552/1615 m
?? Jabitehinan sub-district (-1997-), ../.. [n]
cf Jabi & Tehnan above
HCS10 Jacho 0722'/3731' 1821 m, east of Omo river 07/37 [Gz]
JCT24 Jadabele (Giadabele, Giedabeileh) 07/43 [+ WO Gz]
0730'/4347' 743 m
HER22 Jadebak (Giadebac) 12/36 [+ WO]
JBK61 Jadunley (Giadunlei) 0415'/4238' 305 m, 04/42 [+ WO Gz]
(place & waterhole)
JDH97 Jaedorra, see Aydora
HEE49 Jafa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
to the north in central Tenta wereda, 1-8 km
south of Tenta settlement; area 2,305 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL55c Jafar 06/38 [Wa]
HDU62 Jafarie (Giafarie), see Feres Bet
HC... Jafera (Oromo village), 07/39 [x]
in 1980s in Aminya wereda, 4 km off the Robe-Seru road
HDU.. Jaffa, 09/39 [x]
plain south-east of Dessie, halfway to Robi river
JCM55 Jaffaye (Giaffaie, Giaffageh, Giaffagiel) 06/44 [+ WO Gz]
0648'/4450' 584 m
JDJ12 Jafra (Giafra) 0910'/4150' 2211 m, cf Jafera 09/41 [+ Gz]
HEJ17 Jaga Yohannes (Jaga Johannis), see under Dek 11/37 [+ Ch]
HED38 Jagada (Giagada) (area) 11/38 [+ WO]
HEK26 Jagada (Giagada) (area) 12/38 [+ WO]
HEH15 Jagaigi Terara (Jagaighi Tarara, Iagagghi T.) 11/36 [+ WO Gz]
(Yagajgi) (mountain) 1152'/3608' 953 m
HDS.. Jagallo, decrepit church at 2290 m, 10/37 [x]
in the Debre Markos area
HDH88 Jagenfoy (Giaganfoi) 0949'/3626' 2045 m 09/36 [Gz WO]
JEJ01 Jagher, see Yagar
?? Jagno (Djagno), coronation site in the 1460s ../.. [x]
HCS93 Jagura (Giagura) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
HEL35 Jagwala (Giaguala) 1204'/3852' 1988 m 12/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
HEJ89 Jagwi (Giagui), see under Azezo 12/37 [+ WO]
jag: jah (Arabic) north
JDD85 Jag (Giah) 0857'/4259' 1527 m 08/42 [+ Gz]
HEM72 Jahan 1225'/3935' 1457 m, near Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HEC84 Jahana (Djahana) 11/36 [+ 18]
HEC84 Jahana Giyorgis (Giahana Gheorghis) 11/36 [+ WO It]
(Gihana Gheorghis) (church), 11/36 [Gz Gu]
1138'/3659' 1899, 2008/2123 m, spring to the south-west,
see under Yismala Giyorgis, cf Gihana
HDC16 Jaia, see Jaya
HEF01 Jaj 1056'/3930' 3219 m, south-west of Dessie 19/39 [Gz]
JDB97 Jaja (Jajja, Giaggia) 0905'/4122' 1589/1690 m, 09/41 [Gz WO]
(with church Medhane Alem)
jajaba: jajjaba (O) tall graas, usually on the bank of a river;
jejeba (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Phylogeiton discolor
JDJ80 Jajaba (Giagiaba) (plateau) 09/41 [+ WO]
JCK31 Jajale (Giagialeh), see Guraleh
HCS23 Jajura (Uongera) 0728'/3747' 2304 m, 07/37? [Ad Gz]
(in Kembata & Hadiya awraja)
HD... Jakura Shanka (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
HDT19 Jal & Debib kebele (.. Däbeb ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Moret & Jiru wereda at its border,
4-9 km north-northeast of Jihur; area 1,826 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jala (O) below, in a lower place; (T) tie; jalaa (O) away from;
jaala (O) friend, best man/'godfather' in a social ceremony
HEL77 Jala (Giala) (mountain) 1224'/3904' 2893 m 12/39 [+ Gz]
HDP31 Jaladura (Gialadura) (mountain), see Huladura, cf Durajala
HDJ11 Jalchis (mountain peak), see Kedo
jaldesa, jaldeesa (O) kinds of baboon e.g. olive baboon, Papio anubis
HDG89 Jaldessa (Gialdessa) (area), cf Jeldesa 09/35 [+ WO]
HDH49 Jaldessa (Gialdessa) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
HDH83 Jaldessa (Gialdessa) (mountain area) 09/36 [+ WO]
JDJ75 Jaldessa, see Jeldesa
JD... Jaldessa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Harewa) 09/41 [Ad]
JE... Jaldi, plain south of Mille river 41/11 [x]
HD... Jaldu (Gialdu) (plateau with villages) 2931 m 09/38 [+ Gu]
jale: jala (O) 1. kind of 'godfather' in a social ceremony;
2. under, away from; (T) tie;
jaalle (Som) 1. yellow; 2. team mate;
jele (jäle) (A) combatant without firearms
GCU15 Jale (Giale) (area) 07/34 [+ WO]
HDD48 Jale (Giale) 0831'/3819' 2456, 2826 m 08/38 [Wa Gu Gz]
JD... Jalelo (Gialelo) 09/41? [+ Gu]
KDA13 Jalhadjebis (area) 08/45 [WO]
jali (Som) deprive /a child/ of nourishment
HDG.? Jali, village within the Mendi wereda, cf Jalli
JDK40 Jali (Giali) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
?? Jalka (Jalca), in Limmu in the south-west ../.. [x]
HDN.? Jalli (to be written Yalli in English-type spelling?), 10/35? [x]
village south of the Abay river
jallo (O) 1. goat-skin vessel, bowl, cup; 2. slanderer
HDE57 Jallo (M. Giallo) (mountain) c.2030 m, 08/39 [+ WO]
see under Mojo
HDH62 Jallo (Giallo) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
JDB91c Jallo (Gialo, Gello) (mountain) over 3000 m 08/40 [+ Gu]
JDC41 Jallo (Giallo) 08/41 [+ WO]
JDC72 Jallo (Giallo) (area) 1684 m 08/41 [+ WO]
jalo (A) war song; (Som) deprived of nourishment;
jaloo (O) 1. large jar; 2. tray of straw
used in religious context
HCR25 Jalo (Gialo, Giato) 0730'/3704' 1942/2015 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
HEJ57 Jalo (area) 2080 m, see under Gorgora 12/37 [WO]
JCN95 Jalo Elemo 0806'/4016' 1312 m 08/40 [Gz]
jalo k..: keye, qeyee (O) premises, compound
HEF43 Jalo Kaye (Gialo Caie) 11/39 [+ Gu]
-- jam jam: Jamjamo, name of an Arsi Oromo tribe
HCK49c Jam Jam (Giam Giam), cf Jemjem 06/38 [Gu]
HCK.. Jam Jam awraja 06/38 [n]
jam ya..: yaalliin (Som) 1. it is in a place /collectively
located/; 2. there is no there
JCT52 Jam Yalin (Giam Ialin) (area) 07/43 [+ WO]
jama (O) assembly, caravan; jamaa (O) 1. red ant; 2. blind person;
jamaa (Arabic), jamaha (Som) Islamic settlement;
-- Jamma, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDU.. Jama (with sub-post office under Dessie) 10/39 [Po]
HDU50 Jama 1025'/3922' 2680 m, cf Jeme, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
HDU61c Jama (in Were Ilu awraja) 10/39 [x]
HDU70 Jama (Jamma) 1038'/3920' 2590 m, 10/39 [Gz Po]
west of Were Ilu
HDU95 Jama Nigus (.. Negus), see Albuko
HDU.. Jama wereda, see Jamma wereda
?? Jambir (named Lokman on old maps) ../.. [Ch]
-- Jambo. see Anuak language
GCM42 Jamchar (Giamciar, Ciamciar, Pentidi) 06/34 [+ WO Gz]
0645'/3432' 487 m
?? Jamdos, village in Sheko wereda 05/35? [n]
HCC59 James (Mount James [European-given name]) 05/37 [Gz]
0557'/3728' 1488 m, west of lake Chamo
jami (Som?) kind of settlement?
(Arabic) cathedral-type mosque
HEH39 Jamifala (Giamifala) (mountain) 12/36 [Gz WO]
1207'/3626' 1236 m
-- Jamjam, name of the Guji people used by their neighbours
H.... Jamma (centre in 1964 of Faj sub-district), cf Jama 10/39 [Ad]
HDS29 Jamma (Giamma, Jema) (river) 1009'/3820', 10/38 [Ch WO Gz]
a left-bank tributary of the Abay river, in a huge valley
HEC.. Jamma, a right affluent of the Little Abay 11/37 [Mi Ch]
HDT59? Jamma wereda (Jama .., Jema .., Jemma ..) 10/39 [Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Gollo)
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEM.. Jammadu Maryam (Lasta Jamado) (cave church) 12/39 [x Ch]
HDT03 Jammafit (Giammafit) (area) 10/38 [+ WO]
HDE92 Jamo (mountain) 09/38 [x]
jamo e..: ebicha, eebicha (O) kind of tree, Vernonia amygdalina;
(A) grawa
HDG29 Jamo Ebicha 09/35 [x]
10 km south of Boji and about 27 km south-east of Nejo
HBL07 Jamokk (area) 0340'/3908' 03/39 [WO Gz]
jamu, jamuu (O) 1. be blind, 2. be dull, have a blunt edge,
3. be blocked
HCH32 Jamu (at the road to Maji) 1352 m, cf Jemu, Jomu 06/35 [MS]
HBT43 Jamuda (Iamuda, Yamuda) 0455'/3843' 1405 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
HEA44 Jamus (Giamus) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
jan (Som) love, intense desire; jaan (Som) 1. salty soil;
sour milk; 2. round space, circle, diagram; 3. sole, bottom
part of foot; 4. piece, part
HDP51 Jan (Gian) 10/35 [+ WO]
HDU40 Jan Amba 1020'/3921' 2344 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
HEU41 Jan Amora, see Denamora, cf Janamora
jan b..: bariya (A,T) slave
HDM10 Jan Barya 0910'/3924' 2162 m, south of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
HDR86c Jan Bedil, locality in Kola Dega Damot awraja 10/37 [En]
HFC06 Jan Berki (Gian Berchi) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
jan g..: genet (gänät) (A,T) genneta (O) garden, paradise
HED51 Jan Genet 1119'/3739' 1864 m, east of Debre May 11/37 [Gz]
?? Jan Zedrah (historically recorded settlement) ../.. [Pa]
?? Jan Zelek (J. Zäläq) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
jana (Som) large black ants
HCH32 Jana (Giana) 0642'/3554' 1577 m 06/35 [LM WO Gz]
H.... Janabiet sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Malka Maryam)
JCK48 Janagobo (Gianagobo) 0644'/4317' 538 m 06/43 [+ WO Gu Gz]
janam..: jan amora (A,T) majestic vulture
HES37 Janamora wereda (-1964-1994-) 13/38 [Ad En]
(Jan Amora .., Zjan Amora ..)
(centre in 1964 = Mekane Birhan)
(Jana Mora south of Simen National Park in the 1990s)
wereda being the former Simen awraja
JD... Janassen, on a road to Jijiga 09/42 [Mi]
?? Janbah (historically recorded from the 1530s) ../.. [Pa]
HEJ67 Janda (Gianda) (area), cf Jenda 12/37 [+ WO]
HEJ77 Janda (Jända), see Kobla Janda
HDG.. Jane Aira ../.. [..]
HER05 Janfenkere (Janifenkera) (area), 12/37 [En]
north-west of Gondar and south-west of Dabat
HDN17c Jangara (English-type spelling Yangara?), village 10/35 [x]
?? Jango (historical area), see Jenjeno
JDP64 Jangudi, see Langudi
HEJ67 Jangwa (Jangua, Diangoa) 12/37 [+ WO]
HER05 Janifenkera sub-district, see mainly Janfenkera 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jankew)
HDG45 Janjasa (Giangiassa) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDC24 Janjelo 0822'/3659' 1764 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDL72 Janjemi 0942'/3837' 2984 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
janjero, cf jinjero
-- Janjero people, living in the south-west
-- Janjero (Zanjiro, Zinjaro) (old kingdom)
HCR59 Janjero (Giangero) (mountains) 0745'/3728' 2402 m 07/37 [+ Gz]
HCS70c Janjero (Giangero) (area) 0753'/3731' 07/37 [Ad LM Gu Gz]
HEF56 Janjero (Janjiro) 1122'/3958' 1427 m, 11/39 [Gz]
east of Hayk
HCS70c Janjero wereda (centre in 1964 = Funya) 07/37 [Ad]
HDM.? Janjero Wiha (Giangero Hoha), cf Gurendmi 09/39? [+ 18]
HDR06 Janjimen (Giangimen) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
GCU30 Janjor (Goc Giangior, Gianggior) 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
0732'/3422' 413 m
HED41 Jankemer (Gianchemer) (hill) 2420 m 11/37 [+ WO]
HER05 Jankew (Giancue) 1244'/3707' 1666 m 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Janifenkera sub-district)
HE... Jankit Maryam (Gianchit Mariam) (church), 11/36 [+ It]
see under Yismala Giyorgis
HER06 Jankuk (Giancue) 1244'/3707' 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
?? Janogoto (same as Janagobo above?) ../.. [x]
HEJ78 Janora 1228'/3721' 1967 m, south-west of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HES40 Janora (Gianora, Janwera), cf Janamora 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain) 1302'/3737' 2005 m
HES40 Janora sub-district 13/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sebentera)
HE... Janos (centre in 1964 of Tai Mewucha sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HFD.? Jantola, near Tekkeze river 13/38 [En]
?? Janwarra, historical province ../.. [x]
JDK63 Japsa (Giapsa) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
jar (Som) 1. ledge of cliff, edge, border; 2. reap, mow down,
cut, slice, chop; 2. somebody's part /obtained by trickery/;
4. Somali checkers; jaar (Som) 1. (also Arabic:) neighbour;
2. halter, small bridle; 3. milking vessel, milk container
JBG83 Jar (Giar), cf Jer 04/40 [+ WO]
jar g..: gedam, monastery
HDL78 Jar Gedam kebele (.. Gädam ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 2-5 km north-west of Deneba; area 1,363 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jara (O) 1. big; 2. they, them; people;
Jara, name of a sky-god or evil spirit among the Hadiya,
derived from a word root which also gave the Amharic word zar;
Jara, Jarra, a male personal name
GCU55 Jara (Giara) 0748'/3449' 619 m, cf Jarra 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
HBM46 Jara (Giarra) (mountains) 0402'/3955' 850 m, 04/39 [WO Gz]
on the border of Kenya
HCG73 Jara (Giara) 0659'/3508' 810 m 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
HCL77 Jara 0658'/3907' 2734 m, west of Dodola 06/39 [Gz]
HDB39 Jara (Giara), see Harota
HDU67 Jara (Giarra) 1031'/3957' 1495 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEF10 Jara 1057'/3921' 3507 m, south-west of Dessie 10/39 [Gz]
JCN29 Jara (Jerra, Guri, incorrect: Gure) 07/40 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
0722'/4030' 1880, 2026 m
(centre in 1964 of Gololcha wereda,
with sub-post office), south of Shek Husen
JDC98 Jara (Gora) 0859'/4222' 1530 m 08/42 [Gz]
HDF90 Jara kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in north-western Minjar & Shenkora wereda stretching to its
northern border, 8-10 km north of Balchi; area 1,203 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCN29 Jara wereda, see Jara above with the same map code
HED65 Jaragedo (Darechera), north of Mota 11/37 [Gz Ad]
1124'/3753' 2424 m
Coordinates would give map code HED64
(centre in 1964 of Walka Denkoro sub-district)
jaran (Som) chopped, cut; jaaraan (Som) neighbour
HDU96 Jaraniyo (Jaranio, Jaraniye, Ricchia, Ricchie, Rike) 10/39 [Gz WO]
(Rik, Ryke, Ericche, Erikshe)
1046'/3950' 1451 m (in Yifat & Timuga awraja)
Coordinates would give map code HDU95
There is registered the Yegot-Erike National Forest Priority Area.
HDJ95 Jardega (Giarti) 0949'/3703' 2402 m 09/37 [Gz]
(with churches Giyorgis and Mikael), see under Alibo
HD... Jardega Jarte (in Gudru awraja) 09/37? [Ad]
HD... Jardega Jarte sub-district (-1997-) 09/37? [n]
HE... Jare (Djaré), at 6 hours' march from Dessie 11/39 [+ x]
JDK64 Jare 0940'/4255' 1776 m, north of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
jari, jarii (O) kind of deity worshipped before corn is harvested;
fil wiha (A) hot spring
HE... Jari Filwiha (J. Filwuha) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Worteya sub-district)
HEF52 Jari Fil Wiha kebele (.. Fel Weha ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Ambasel wereda far to its south and
at its eastern border, 6-10 km north-west of Hayk town;
area 1,571 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF53 Jari kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tehuledere wereda at its western border, stretching from
the western side of Hayk town 8 km northward; area 2,798 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDB96 Jarjartu, see Jerjertu
HDJ95 Jarle, see Alibo
HDJ85 Jarmet (Giarmet) (mountain) 0948'/3701' 2439 m, 09/37 [Gz WO]
see under Alibo
HEF93 Jarota 1145'/3941' 1758 m, south of Weldiya, 11/39 [Gz]
near map code HEM03
HEM54 Jarota kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in central northern Kobo wereda at its northern border,
10-14 km north of Kobbo town; area 3,985 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jarra (O) ceremony observed every eight years at the beginning
of a new Oromo year;
Jarra, Jara, a male personal name
HCT49 Jarra, cf Jara 07/39 [Wa]
HDJ26 Jarra (Giarra) (area), see under Haretu 09/37 [+ WO]
HDU67 Jarra (Giarra, Gera) 1456/1495 m, bridge 1364 m 10/39 [WO Gu]
JDH14 Jarra, see under Hirna
JDN55 Jarra awraja (centre in 1964 = Fursi) 10/40 [Ad x]
Jarra is name of a river, a village and an awraja.
Jarra awraja was abolished in the early 1970s and renamed Yifat & Timuga
jarra g..: gaya (A) burn with large flames;
gaya, gayyaa (O) 1. smoking pipe of water type, nargile;
2. mother's brother, wife of father's brother;
gayaa (O) grown-up /male/; also other meanings
J.... Jarra Gaya 10/40 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Soyo Golla wereda)
jarra j..: jarti, jartii (O) old, respectable /woman/
JDC47 Jarra Jarti (Giarra Giarti) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
jarre: jarree (Som) expect
HDJ56 Jarre (Giarre), see Berecha
JDA03 Jarre Gololcha, see Gololcha
HEF43 Jarre Tew (Giarre Teo), see under Hayk, 11/39 [+ Gu]
much frequented thermal spring
HEF43 Jarretis (Giarretis), see under Hayk 11/39 [+ Gu]
jarsa, jaarsa (O) an elder, /very/ old man, arbitrator; husband
HEM01 Jarsa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda, 4-8 km
west of Weldiya; area 1,859 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ47 Jarsagoro (Giarsagoro) 2440 m 09/42 [+ Gu]
-- Jarso, Jarsa, name of a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo;
there is also a particular Warra Jarso (=Jarso people/family);
Jarso is also used as an individual name?
HBS80 Jarso (Jarsso, Giarso, Jorso) 05/37 [Gz Po WO Wa]
0515'/3732' 869, 1263 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Machaka (Maciaca) (village)
10SE Ayaba (Aiaba) (mountain)
3S Abbaroba (village)
5SW Fasha (Fascia) (village)
10SW Kassargiyo (Cassarghio) (village)
9N Dogali (village) 1180 m
HDG19 Jarso (Giarso) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDG45 Jarso (Giarso) 0928'/3516' 1669 m, 09/35 [Gz Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (-1964-1997-)
HDG57 Jarso 0931'/3527' 1814 m, near Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDJ09 Jarso (Giarso) 0908'/3728' 2783 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ29 Jarso (Giarso) (area & place) 09/37 [+ Gu WO]
HDK00 Jarso 0907'/3733' 2480 m (two at 3 km distance) 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK00 Jarso 0908'/3732' 2560 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDS18 Jarso 1003'/3818' 2191 m (with church Gebriel), 10/38 [Gz]
near Shafartak and Abay river
JDJ.? Jarso (Djarso) (in Harar province) 09/41 [n x]
HDG.. Jarso Bedeso (J. Badaso), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HD... Jarso Daleti (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35 [Ad]
HDB87 Jarso Dulecha 0856'/3622' 1590 m, 08/36 [Gz]
south-west of Nekemte
jarso g..: gundi (T) trunk of tree; gundhi (Som) lift, raise, jerk
HDG56 Jarso Gundi, about 12 km west of Nejo 09/35 [x]
jarso j..: jawwe (O) python snake
HDG.. Jarso Jawe (Djarso Djawe), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [+ x]
jarso l..: lalo (A) notable of Menz
HDG.. Jarso Lalo, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
jarso sa..: sanka, saanqaa (O) 1. door; 2. board,
plank; sanka (A) defect
HE... Jarso Sanka (J. Sanqa) in Yeju awraja 11/39? [+ Ad]
HE... Jarso Sanka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sanka) 11/39? [Ad]
HDC98 Jarso Silase (church) 0903'/3722', 09/37 [Gz]
near map code HDJ08
?? Jarso Tolera (in Wellega) ../.. [x]
HDG.. Jarso wereda, in Gimbi awraja? 09/35 [x]
HDL83c Jarso wereda (centre in 1964 = Arata Maryam) 09/38 [Ad]
JD... Jarso wereda (centre 1964 = Jarso Betlehem) 09/42? [Ad]
jarti, jartii (O) old, respectable /woman/;
jart, jarrt (A), jari (Harar area) porcupine, Hystrix cristata
HD... Jarti (Jarte), see also Amuru & Jarti wereda
HDJ95 Jarti (Giarti), see Jardega
jaru, jaruu (O) to live until very old age;
-- Jarru, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people
GCM86 Jaru (Giaru) (area) 07/34 [+ WO]
HCG54 Jaruka (Giaruca, Dico), see under Guraferda 06/35 [+ WO]
HEL73 Jarzba 1224'/3846' 2162 m, south-west of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
HDS55 Jasanbal, see Yesenbet
HCD54 Jasha (Giascia) 0555'/3755' 1514 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
jaso: jaaso (Arabic,Som) reward in kind, recompense;
-- Jaso, name of a group of Oromo in the Harar region
HDH95 Jaso (mountain) 09/36 [WO]
HDL82 Jatane 0947'/3837' 3279 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
jatani, jatanii (O) construction work
HDH40 Jate (Giate) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDL44 Jate 0927'/3850' 2445 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HC... Jato 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in north-eastern Maale
HDU00 Jato, see Jiru
HDD55 Jattagobi (Giattagobi) 2377 m 08/38 [+ WO]
HCS92 Jatu 0804/3741' 1870 m, south-west of Welkite 08/37 [Gz]
HCD47 Javasire, see Jabasire
?? Jawatir (historically recorded from the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
jawe: jawwe (O) python
HDJ14 Jawe (Giaue, Gioie) (mountain) 09/37 [+ Gz]
0909'/3703' 1797 m
HDG.. Jawe Aira (Djawe A.), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [+ x]
-- Jawi (Jawé, Dawé), a branch of the Boran tribe,
known from wars in the 1580s, also employed by
Emperor Bakaffa in the 1720s
HC... Jawi (centre in 1964 of Tenajawi sub-district) 07/39 [Ad]
HC... Jawla (historical capital in Gamo Gofa) 06/36 [En]
jawla g..: gore (O) 1. mostly the wild rose shrub; 2. goore.
stall for calves; (A) den, lair, small hole (niche?) in a wall
HCJ13 Jawla Gore 0626'/3654' 2097 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCP00 Jawra 0719'/3545' 1988 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north of Shewa Gimira
HDC16 Jaya (Jaia) 08/37 [+ WO]
jayi, jayii (O) sheep with white spots on head, legs, and tail
HEB45 Jayo (Giaio) 11/36 [+ WO]
?? Jazja (historically recorded area from the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
HDU91 Jchuoll (mountain), see Yechiwol
?? Jeb (district in Shewa) ../.. [n]
Jeba, a male personal name
HDJ24 Jeba 0916'/3658' 1965 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDJ34 Jeba 0924'/4159' 2130 m, south-east of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
jeba s..: sire, siree (O) bed, stretcher,
kind of sitting place
HCD47 Jeba Sire, see Duga
HFE21 Jebako (Gebaco) (mountain) 1349'/3838' 2174 m 13/38 [Wa WO Gu Gz]
jebane: jebena (A) kettle, coffee-pot; jeeban (Som) torn,
cut off, broken off
HDL65 Jebane 0937'/3856' 2640 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Jebano (in Sidamo? battle site in 1937) ../.. [n]
HDL44 Jebara, cf Jibira 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Duber sub-district)
JDG09 Jebbi Dorki (Gebbi Dorchi) (area), cf Jebi 09/40 [+ WO]
jebel (Arabic) mountain, hill
Jebel .., see also under second part of the name
HEF13 Jebel Agari kebele (Jäbel .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in southern Dese Zuriya wereda,
10-15 km south of Dessie town; area 1,003 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jebel am..: ambo, amboo (O) mineral water and its spring
HEH54 Jebel Ambo (Gebel Ambo) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
JDG28 Jebel Assibote, see Asebot
jebel d..: dimbilala, dimbilaala (O) a kind of spice, Carum carvi?
HEJ43 Jebel Dimbila (Gebel Dimbila) (mountain) 12/36 [+ WO]
JDP89c Jebel Eesah, see Isah
JDG49 Jebel Farsa, see Farsis
GDU62 Jebel Gule 1030'/3431', 10/34 [x WO]
about 25 km inside Ethiopia at the latitude of Kurmuk
JDJ25 Jebel Hakim, see Hakim
jebel m..: malaga, malagaa (O) plane, tool for smoothening wood;
malag (Som) kill; the angel of death
HEH66 Jebel Malaga (Gebel Malaga) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
?? Jebel Wacha ('mountain of the hyena'), ../.. [x]
at the border of Shewa
-- Jebelawi, ethnic group of fairly important size
?? Jebeli (in Gojjam), 'invincible fortress' ../.. [x]
HDU26 Jeber & Adaga kebele (Jäbär .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Kewet wereda, 7-11 km
north-northwest of Shewa Robit; area971 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE98 Jebera kebele (Jäbära ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Wadla wereda, 13-17 km
north of Wegel Tena; area 1,599 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jebi (Som) raid an enemy, interrupt, defeat; break, smash
JDK85 Jebi Abeyu (Djebi Abeyou, Gebbi Abeiu), 09/42 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain) 0951'/4259' 1428/1589 m
KCG65 Jebi Berile (Giebi Berile), see under Warder 06/45 [+ WO]
HEU00 Jebrara 1244'/3921' 2327 m 12/39 [Gz]
JDK62 Jebsa 0939'/4245' 1883 m, north of Jijiga, 09/42 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
jedalo, jedaloo, jedala, jedalla, jedelo (O) jackal, kebero,
Canis (Thos) aureus, Canis (Thos) mesomelas; jeedal (Som) whip
JCR39 Jedalo (waterhole) 07/42 [MS]
JCS42 Jedalo (waterhole or well), see under Segeg 07/42 [WO]
?? Jedaya (Yalabasha, Yalabsha) (historical 1500s) ../.. [x]
?? Jedda (Djiddah) 13/39? [18]
JDE69 Jedidegorega (Gedidegorega) (area) 08/44 [+ WO]
HED58 Jedo (Kwassa Abbo, Cuassa A.) 11/38 [Gz Wa WO]
1120'/3819' 2466 m
(WO has Cuassa Abbo at HEE40 about 15 km to the east)
?? Jega (sub-post office under D. Markos), cf Jiga ../.. [Po]
HC... Jege (Jegie) 06/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Damot Gale wereda)
HDJ53 Jegemje 0935'/3657' 2402 m, west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDT85 Jegenfo kebele (Jägänfo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north Kelala wereda somewhat to the west, 6-12 km
north of Kelala settlement; area 1,994 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ54 Jegeno 0930'/3701' 2434 m, west of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HCA75 Jegg (centre in 1964 of Dami sub-district) 06/35 [Ad]
HEC67 Jegin Yohannes (Jeghin Joannes) 11/37 [+ It]
(village and church on hill)
HED60 Jegind, see Yegint
HDU31 Jegma, see Jigma
HDE99 Jegol 0901'/3918' 2175 m, east of Chefe Donsa 09/39 [Gz]
HEJ67 Jegol Abriham 1221'/3716' 1844 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north of Gorgora
?? Jegonfoy, see also Belo Jegonfoy
?? Jegu (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HEM72 Jehan, see Jahan
KCR26 Jeheb (area) 07/47 [WO]
jehel g..: gawla (Konso) piece of wood used as musical instrument
HEH74 Jehel Gawla (Gehel Gaula) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HES.. Jehjeh Giyorgis (church), 12/37 [x]
in Wegera awraja near Gondar
HDT09 Jehur, see Jihur
HDD12 Jejaba (Djeddjaba) 0817'/3744'c, 08/37 [x]
at about 10 km west of Welkite
HDD12 Jejeba 0817'/3741' 1591 m, west of Welkite 08/37 [Gz]
JDB77 Jejeba (Burca Sava, Burea S.) 0851'/4123' 1393 m 08/41 [Gz WO]
HDT56 Jejeba kebele (Jäjäba ..) 10/39 [Ad]
towards the south-west in central Kelala wereda, 5-11 km
south-west of Kelala settlement; area 2,382 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF85 Jejeba kebele (Jäjäba ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda at its south-eastern border,
16-28 km east-southeast of Mersa; area 7,906 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK33 Jejega, see Jijiga
HES02 Jejeh 1241'/3745' 2483 m, north-east of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HES02 Jejeh 1242'/3746' 2629 m, north-east of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]

H.... Jejeno (Fre: Djédjénô), cf Jegeno 10/38 [+ x]

a coronation town of this name was mentioned in the 1400s,
in the land of Jango
HDF24 Jejo 08/39 [MS]

jeju: jejju, jejjuu (O) owl

HDF33 Jeju (Jeggiu) 0825'/3938' 1868 m 08/39 [Gz Ad 18]
HDF25 Jeju wereda (centre in 1964 = Teferi Birhan) 08/39 [Ad n]
(in 1992 in Arba Gugu awraja)
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
GDE24 Jekao (Jekaw), see Jikawo
HDK91 Jeketel, see Yekatel
HCG95 Jeki, see Yeki
HDM11 Jekur (M. Jecur) (area), see under Shola Gebeya 09/39 [+ WO]
HFE01 Jelaca, see Yelaka
HDM56 Jelale 0930'/3954' 1246 m, east of Ankober 09/39 [Gz]
HEC64 Jelam (Gota) 1127'/3700' 1924 m 11/37 [Gz WO Gu]
HDK70 Jelde 0942'/3734' 1792 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
jeldesa, jelldessa (O) kinds of baboon
/zoological names see under jinjero/
HDH14 Jeldesa (Fre: Gueldessa) 09/36 [x]
ford at the Didessa river
HDH63 Jeldesa (Gildessa) (mountain) 0939'/3601' 915 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDJ75 Jeldesa (Gildessa, Jildessa, Djildessa, Jaldessa) 09/42 [Gz WO Gu 18]
(Jaldeessa, Gueldessa, Geldessey, Fre: Gueldeïssa)
MS: 0943'/4208' 1065/1148 m; Gz: 0942'/4206' 1242 m
JCK42 Jeldi (Geldi) (hills) 06/42 [+ WO]
JEA47 Jeldi (Geldi, Ialdi) (plain) 1100'/4036' 11/40 [+ Gu WO Gz]
HDD91 Jeldu 0901'/3740' 2097 m, west of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDJ62 Jeldu (mountain) 0939'/3651' 1575 m, 09/36 [Gz]
west of Shambu
HDK16 Jeldu (Geldu, Djeldu) 0910'/3810' 09/38 [MS WO Gu]
MS coordinates would give map code HDK17
(with sub-post office)
jeldu g..: gojjo (A) grass hut; bird's nest, cage
HDK26 Jeldu Gojo (Gojo, Geldu, Jeldu) 09/38 [AA Gz Ad WO]
0916'/3805' 2916 m
(centre in 1964 of Jeldu wereda), see also Gojo
HDK16 Jeldu wereda (-1997-) 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into73 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
JDD57 Jele (Gieleh) 0840'/4314' 1289 m, cf Gile 08/43 [+ Gz]
JDJ47 Jele Mikael (church) 0929'/4214', 09/42 [Gz]
south-east of Harar
HER19 Jelebsha (Gelevscia) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDK16 Jeledu .., see Jeldu ..
HDK71 Jelfe 0946'/3736' 1602 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK81 Jelfe (area) 09/37 [AA]
JC... Jelhalali 06/43 [MS]
HDL20 Jelisa 0919'/3830' 2851 m, north of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Jelisa 0940'/3836' 2722 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT84 Jelisa kebele (Jälisa ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central eastern Debre Sina wereda, 2-7 km
north-east of Mekane Selam; area 1,034 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jelissa ch..: cheka (ch'eka) (A) forest; cheka, cheekaa,
chekata (O) large tree, Calpurnia subdecandra, or
shrub/medium tree Sesbania sesban
HDD.. Jelissa Chekka, in Weliso wereda 08/37 [20]
HDE54 Jellala (M. Giellala) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
?? Jellem, cf under Dembidolo 08/34 [x]
HDL88 Jellida (Gellida), see /under/ Deneba 09/39 [+ WO]
GDF.? Jelliesedi 08/34 [n]
HDE69 Jellokulkri (C. Jelloculcri) 08/39 [+ WO]
JDS04 Jelloynka (Gelloinca) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HDH73c Jelo (Tulu Djello) circa 0945'/3600', 09/36 [+ x]
mountain just south of the Didessa river
JDB91 Jelo (Gara Saballe) (mountain) 0900'/4051' 2904 m 09/40 [Gz]
JDJ43 Jelo 0930'/4153' 1521 m, south of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
HDE69 Jelo Ager, see Jilo Ager
KDA39 Jelsadadey (Gelsadadei) (area) 08/45 [+ WO]
HDL57 Jeltera (Jelte'a) 0933'/3904' 2575 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEJ47 Jelu (small island) 12/37 [Ch]
HDK08 Jem Jem, see Jemjem
HCH20 Jema, see Jemu
HDC25 Jema 0820'/3704' 1703 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDF90 Jema, see Jima
HDS29 Jema (river), see Jamma
HDS64 Jema 1033'/3752' 3261 m, east of Dembecha 10/37 [Gz]
HDT17 Jema 1007'/3908' 1881 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT29 Jema 1010'/3919' 2590 m, near map code HDU20 10/39 [Gz]
JCG76 Jema 0658'/4022' 2413 m, south-west of Ginir 06/40 [Gz]
HDT27 Jema kebele (Jäma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda
stretching to its northern border, 12-18 km north-east
of Alem Ketema; area 2,354 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG55 Jema Legi 0930'/3517' 1712 m, west of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDT59 Jema Weda 1024'/3917' 2607 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU.. Jema wereda (Jemma .., Jama ..), cf Jamma wereda
with kebeles among which
Ab Lada, Ababoru, Aley, Amayu, Arsema, Ahiyafej, Bisitima,
Bita Gurguna, Boren, Chefemichig, Debre Geracha, Denj, Doge,
Elshama, Faj, Gengeto, Gogo, Gundo, Ijerti, Ketari, Ketari Washa,
Key Afer, Kubi, Kulkwal Amba, Kurfet, Legenj, Leshete, Libanos,
Meserbo, Micha, Mojo, Murasa, Sheneti, Shewa Gedela, Shifuyt,
Shinkurtima, Teftef, Tuledibigana, Yedo, Yezer, Zerkami
H.... Jemah (centre in 1964 of Welenie sub-district) 08/38 [Ad]
HDU00 Jemay & Gan kebele (Jämay .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
almost westernmost in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda at its south-western border, 24-33 km west of
Sela Dingay; area 2,435 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT74 Jemaye, see Jimaye
jember (jämbär) (A) disk of the sun;
Jembere (jämbäre), a male personal name
HCS73 Jembero 0756'/3751' 2317 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDM87 Jemdere, see Jimdere
HDK13 Jeme 0912'/3750' 1842 m, cf Jama 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL42 Jemeda 0926'/3840' 2320 m (two at 2 km distance), 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Sululta
HDL42 Jemeda 0928'/3840' 2503 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM52 Jemedo kebele (Jämädo ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Kobo wereda at its
western border; area 7,251 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM50 Jemedo Maryam (church) 1217'/3925' 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Alamata, cf Jammadu Maryam
JDH39 Jemi (Djemi) (mountain) 0921'/4134' 2315 m 09/41 [+ Gz]
HCE56 Jemjem (Giam Giam), see also Kibre Mengist, 05/38 [+ WO]
(wide area), cf Jam Jam
HCL20 Jemjem 0633'/3828' 2322 m, 06/38 [Gz]
between Wendo and Agere Selam
HDK08 Jemjem (Jem Jem, Djam-Djam) 0904'/3815' 2243 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem, see also under Welenkomi
HCE46 Jemjem awraja (Jum-jum .., Jämjäm ..) 0550'/3900' 05/39 [Gz]
(centre -1941-87 = Kibre Mengist), cf Jam Jam
HCK08c Jemjemo, in Wenago wereda, 06/38 [n]
there is a megalithic site which contains 17 steles
?? Jemma (Jämma), cf Jemah, ../.. [Pa]
(historical area recorded from the 1600s)
HD... Jemma (valley and river), 10/39 [20 En]
a tributary of the Abay river from the Debre Sina direction
jemma f..: fiig (Som) run in panic, stampede;
fig (A) dung, manure
HDT18 Jemma Fig (Giemma Fig) 10/39 [+ WO]
HDT.. Jemma wereda, see Jamma wereda
jemo (A) kind of small or medium tree, Balanites aegyptiaca,
which grows in dry land and has green spines;
jemmo? (O) foot of a clayware vessel
?? Jemmu, valley with birdlife ../.. [20]
HDE92 Jemo 0900'/3840' 2387 m, west of Addis Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDG54 Jemo 0930'/3510' 1548 m, west of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDS08 Jemo 0958'/3815' 2476 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Tulu Milki
HDG19 Jemoe Bilcha (Jemo'e B.) 0913'/3536' 1647 m, 09/35 [Gz]
west of Gimbi
HD... Jemoyagot sub-district (centre in 1964 = Fino) 09/37 [Ad]
HCH20 Jemu (Giamu, Giumo, Giuma, Jema) 06/35 [Gz]
0638'/3547' 1352 m (with Catholic mission to the north-west)
HCH31 Jemu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jomu) 06/35 [Ad]
HEJ67 Jenda (Jända, Djenda, Genda) 12/37 [Ad 18 Gu]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964),
north of westernmost lake Tana, cf Janda
HDT84 Jeneberu kebele (Jänäbäru ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north Debre Sina wereda along the middle of its northern
border, 9-13 km north of Mekane Selam; area 2,219 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL79 Jenee Maryam (Jene'e M.) (church) 0945'/3918' 09/39 [Gz]
HDM80 Jenee Maryam (Jene'e M.) (church) 0947'/3921', 09/39 [Gz]
both Jenee churches are north-west of Debre Birhan
HEE85 Jenegia, see Yeneja
JDK51 Jeneseney, see China Hasen
jeneto, jenneto (jännäto) (A) types of glass beads;
ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HE... Jeneto Ber, in Yeju awraja 11/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Guba Lafto sub-district)
HDU01 Jengodo, see Jingodo
?? Jenjeno (Jango) (mentioned in the 1400s) ../.. [x]
HEF33 Jenjera (Gengera), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
HC... Jenjero, see Janjero, Jinjero
HDL50 Jeno 0933'/3826' 2202 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEU31 Jeno Umera 1259'/3929' 3017 m, north of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
HBK60 Jenya (Ienia) 0410'/3730' 757/867 m 04/37 [LM WO Gz]
jer: jeer (Som) 1. hippopotamus; 2. time, instance, occasion
HDL70 Jer 0945'/3857' 2492 m (with church Silase), cf Jar 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM90 Jer 0956'/3922' 2572 m, north-west of Debre Birhan 09/39 [Gz]
jer g..: gudgwad (A,T) well, ditch, pit, burrow
HED93 Jer Gudgwad 1142'/3751' 2133 m, 11/37 [Gz]
north-east of Bahir Dar
HDL86c Jer Sillase 10/38 [En]
monastery at 8 hours' walk north-east from Debre Libanos
KC... Jeraro, cf Gerara 07/45 [MS]
jerba (järba) (A) rear, back of body
HDM35 Jerba (Gerba) 0950'/4001', cf Gerba 09/39 [+ WO 18 Gz]
HE... Jerba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bagimela) 12/39 [Ad]
HD... Jerdega sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jertie) 09/37 [Ad]
HDF92 Jere, see Jire
HDJ15 Jere (Jerie) 0913'/3704' 1957 m, south of Haratu 09/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gudeya sub-district)
?? Jerebeten (Järäbätän), in Lasta, 12/39? [x]
mentioned in the 1670s
HEE75 Jerele, see Jirile
HDE76 Jerer, see Yerer
HDE86 Jerer (mountain), see Erer
JDD76 Jerer 0852'/4309' 1387 m 08/43 [Gz]
HDK88 Jergas, see Werji
jergo: gergo, geergoo (O) bed-bug
HDB61 Jergo (Gergo, Tulu Jerka, T. Jergo) (mountain peak) 08/35 [Gz x]
(Fre: Tulu Djeurgo) 0845'/3551' 2354 m
?? Jergo (visiting postman under Jimma), cf Tulu Jergo ../.. [Po]
jeri b..: jeri (Som) search, look for; jari (Harar area)
porcupine, Hystrix cristata; buul (Som) hur, nest;
bule (O) 1. assistant at a ceremony of sacrifice;
2. stay overnight; bulee (O) several meanings for colour;
bulee (Som) put tassels on
HCE11 Jeri Bule (Giari Bule) 0533'/3834' 1388 m 05/38 [Gz 18 WO]
HEJ69 Jerjarno 1222'/3727' 1803 m, north-east of Gorgora 12/37 [Gz]
HEJ69 Jerjer (Järjär) (area known from the 1600s) 12/37 [20]
HEM83 Jerjeri 1229'/3937' 1438 m, east of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
HEF20 Jerjero 1107'/3924' 2816 m, west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HEF40 Jerjero 1114'/3921' 2277 m, north-west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
jerjertu, jerjertuu (O) hasty
JDB96 Jerjertu (Jarjartu, Gergertu) 0902'/4119' 1474 m, 09/41 [Gz WO]
near river of the same name at 0847'/4126'
HDB61 Jerka, Tulu, see Jergo
HDJ31 Jermana (Germana) (mountain) 1820 m 09/36 [+ WO]
JDJ25 Jero Wenta 0918'/4205' 1872 m, near Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HEF62 Jerogeta kebele (Järogäta ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south-eastern Ambasel wereda, 9-12 km
south-southwest of Wichale; area 1,483 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEA58 Jerome (Ierome) (with bridge) 627 m 11/40 [WO Gu]
JCN29 Jerra, see Jara
JCE35 Jerrey, see Gerrei
H.... Jersa (Jerssa) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HD... Jersa Lefo, near Addis Alem (with church Gebriel) 09/38? [x]
HD... Jertie (centre in 1964 of Jerdega sub-district) 09/37 [Ad]
HD... Jeru (Gerru) (near Ankober) 09/39 [n 18]
HET75 Jerum (Gerum) (mountain) 1316'/3857' 2353 m 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
HDT72 Jeruma, see Jiruma
?? Jesomma 08/43? [Mi]
(type of sandstone e.g. at Degeh Bur named after it)
HDR69 Jesunchit (Jesuncit) (area), see under Dembecha 10/37 [+ WO]
Jesus .., see Iyesus ..
HDU74 Jet & Genjet kebele (Jät & Gänjät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Efrata & Gidim wereda at its western border,
6-11 km south-west of Majete; area 1,256 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS75 Jeti (Gieti) 07/38 [+ WO]
HDU17 Jewaha 1006'/3958' 1110 m, east of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HDJ26 Jewaje 0918'/3711' 2347 m, south-east of Haratu 09/37 [Gz]
HDE72 Jewe (village north-west of large radio station) 08/38 [x]
HDG06 Jewe 0904'/3521' 1730 m, north-west of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
JDJ36 Jewer (mountain chain) 0924'/4211' 1879 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north of Harar
HDK53 Jewero 0932'/3749' 1838 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDU66 Jewha, town in Efrata & Gidim wereda 10/39 [20]
HDK38 Jewisa 0921'/3818' 2516 m, NW of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDS.. Jewish (Jewisch, Jauis) 10/37? [+ x]
village in Debre Markos area, with rests of a church on a hill
HDJ94 Jeyi 0952'/3700' 2287 m, west of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDK80 Jeyi 0947'/3735' 2097 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HED84 Jib Asra ca. 1107'/3754', 11/37 [20]
place about 17 km west of Iste
jib d..: jib, jibb (A) kinds of hyena, Crocuta crocuta habessynica,
Hyæna hyæna dubbah; jib (A) pocket; dur (A,T) forest
HDM80 Jib Dur Giyorgis (church) 0949'/3921', 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
jib g..: gedel (gädäl) (A,T) cliff, steep place
HDR95 Jib Gedel 1047'/3704' 2462 m, north of Bure 10/37 [Gz]
jib terara (A) hyena mountain
H.... Jib Terara (Gibtarara) (with old fort), 13/38 [+ Gu]
see under Mekane Birhan
jib washa (A) hyena cave
HDM84 Jib Washa (Gib Uascia), see Gundi
HDS09 Jib Washa 0959'/3824' 2315 m, near Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HE... Jib Washa (Gib Uascia) (mountain) 3124 m 12/37 [+ Gu]
HET47 Jiba (Amba Guba), near Finarwa 13/39 [Gz]
1302'/3906' 1631 m
jiba s..: sire, siree (O) bed, stretcher, kind of sitting place
H.... Jiba Sirie 05/38 [Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
?? Jiballa, not far from Abay river, ../.. [Ch]
with two fortress-like sandstone pinnacles Jiballa and Mutara
jibat (O) thick forest
HDC79 Jibat (G. Jibati, Gibati, Gibatti, Djibat) 08/37 [WO Gu Gz x]
(mountain) 0847'/3728' 2822, 3072 m
HDK12 Jibat & Mecha awraja 0910'/3745' 08/37 [Gz]
(centre in 1980 = Ambo)
HDC98 Jibata (Tulu Djibata) 09/37? [x]
HDC79 Jibati, see Jibat
HDD40 Jibatu 0835'/3734' 2012 m, west of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
HDR10c Jibela (Jibäla, Jibella, Jebella), cf Jibla, ../.. [n x En]
mountain about 45 km south-west of Debre Markos, circa 2400 m
HE... Jibgodo (centre in 1964 of Lege Gedi sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HET78c Jibiet, see Gijet
jibira: jibbira (A? O?) kind of tree with straight stem,
used for making trumpets
HFC56 Jibira (Gibbira) (area), cf Jebara 14/37 [+ WO]
JEA56 Jibitu (Gibitu) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HEJ66 Jibjibba (Gibgibba) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEL65 Jibla 1221'/3857' 2551 m, north-west of Lalibela 12/38 [Gz]
Jibo, girl's name used by the Alabdu /and others?/
when the mother had wished to give birth to a son
HDB42 Jibo 0834'/3552' 1833 m, north-east of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HDL65 Jibo 0940'/3853' 2648 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HES12 Jibo (mountain) 1246'/3741' 2741 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north-east of Gondar
jibri, jibrii (O) cotton plant, Gossypium herbaceum;
Jibril, a male name among Muslims, corresponding to angel Gebriel
HDD29 Jibril 0821'/3824' 3043 m, north of Butajira 08/38 [Gz]
JCG36 Jibrille (Gibrille, Gibri) (pass) 06/40 [+ WO Gu]
JCG35c Jibruk (Gibruch) 06/40 [+ Gu]
HDS24c Jibuti (Dumbuka) (at road Debre Markos to Abay) 10/38 [n WO]
jid (Som) 1. road, path; 2. justice, right thing to do;
jida (jiidhaa) (O) damp, moist, wet, raw;
-- Jidda (Gidda?), name of Mecha and Tulama tribes, also
of an Arsi Oromo tribe;
-- Warri Jidda, a clan of the Haroresa of the Borana people
HDE33 Jida 0829'/3845' 1795 m, south-west of Zikwala 08/38 [Gz]
HDE34 Jida 0825'/3852' 1686 m, south of Zikwala 08/38 [Gz]
HDL35 Jida 0920'/3853' 2814 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDG66c Jidda, cf Gidda, Gide 09/35 [Wa]
JDJ73 Jide (small railway station) 0944'/4152', 09/41 [Gz]
north of Dire Dawa
-- Jido, see also Wichale & Jido
JDB79 Jido (Combol) 0847'/4134' 1507 m, 08/41 [Gz]
see also Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha
HCS07c Jido Solicha, near Alaba in the lake region 07/38 [x]
HCS07c Jido Yatu, near Alaba in the lake region 07/38 [x]
jifa: jiifa (Som) lynx
HEE49 Jifa 1115'/3916' 3061 m, south of Mekdela, 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem a little to the north)
H.... Jiffa (centre in 1964 of Gabba sub-district) 08/35 [Ad]
HE... Jiffa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Cherer) 11/39 [Ad 18]
JDS00 Jifgofyol (Gifgofiol) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
JDK78 Jifu Meider (Gifa Medir, G. Mehider), 09/43 [Gz WO]
0944'/4317' 1713 m, mountain partly in Somalia
jiga (O) destruction?
Jiga, a male personal name
HDL65 Jiga 09/38 [LM]
HDR78 Jiga (Jigga, Giga, Djiga, Gigga) (with sub-post office) 10/37 [Gz MS WO Gu]
MS: 1030'/3725' = HDR69, 1820/2100 m; Gz: 1040'/3722' 1830 m,
north-west of Dembecha, Amba Tullo near to the south-east
JCN87 Jiga 0801'/4028' 1232 m 08/40 [Gz]
H... Jiga Giyorgis 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sinan sub-district)
jiga k..: ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
H.... Jiga Kwami Ber (J. Kuami B.) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sostu Wesen sub-district)
HDD62 Jiga Silase (church) 0842'/3743', 08/37 [Gz]
north-west of Weliso
HEC78 Jigadi (Gigadi) (mountain), 11/37 [+ It]
see under Bahir Dar
?? Jigat (historical area in Gojjam, recorded 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
jige (A,O) communal labour, cooperative work;
(A) help given by son-in-law to father-in-law
jigera: jigra (A) kinds of guinea-fowl, Numida spp.
HEA49 Jigera (Gigara) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
HDL73 Jigera sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guda) 09/38 [Ad]
JBH38 Jigessa 03/41 [WO]
?? Jigessa kebele (near Uraga, Shakiso and Adola) ../.. [20]
HDR78 Jigga, see Jiga
JDK33 Jigigga, see Jijiga
JD... Jigjeder (on map of 1814), 10/42 [18]
a little nearer to Harar than to the coast
HDU31 Jigma kebele (Jegma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at
the middle of its north-western border, 16-24 km south-east
of Degolo; area 3,254 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEB42 Jigmathia (Igmetia) 1116'/3555' 988 m 11/35 [Gz]
HEK01 Jigna 1150'/3738' 1815 m 11/37 [Gz]
JC... Jigo (Dshigo) (mountains) 07/43 [18]
HDT09 Jihur (Jehur, Jihir, Jihar, Juhur, Jiru, Giurru) 10/39 [Gz MS Ad WO]
(Fre: Djiour)
MS: 0958'/3920' = HDU00; Gz: 1001/3915' 2638 m
(centre in 1964 of Jiru sub-district,
with sub-post office under Debre Birhan)
Kebeles adjoining Jihur settlement are Dilamo to the east and
Jihur & Kose Ambo to the south, west and north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Chefe & Somsa kebele
6E Kwach & Muhiy kebele
9E Anjela & Hager Zhilet Medfeya kebele
6SE Tija Sar kebele
8SE Zaro kebele
10SE Jemay & Gan kebele
4S Chaso & Ako kebele
7S Weyra Amba & Yigdta kebele
9S Megnet kebele
10S Bero & Anfedar kebele
3SW Sertse Kristos kebele
7SW Betaso & Gult Ager kebele
10SW Bolo kebele
7W Yezhet & Yekoro kebele
9W Bedobej kebele
10W Shoma & Dagnet kebele
4NW Tombola kebele
5NW Yizegn kebele
6NW Abase kebele
3N Gobela Nateba kebele
4N Areso kebele
5N Jal & Debib kebele
2NE Irimbik & Zege kebele
9NE Muret & Dingish kebele
10NE Sost Amba kebele
HDT09 Jihur & Kose Amba kebele (Jehur & Kosé .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Moret & Jiru wereda, adjoining
Jihur settlement on three sides and extending 3 km to its north
and 4 km to its west; area 2,191 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBR83 Jiji (area) 05/41 [WO]
HDL63 Jijiga 0940'/3845' 2623 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDK33 Jijiga (Jigjiga, Jigjigga, Jig Jiga, Jigigga, Djigdjiga) 09/42 [Gz Mi 18 Wa]
(Giggiga, Giggigga, Jejega, Gigh-giga, Giggica) 09/42 [WO x It]
(Jejega, Ger: Dschidschiga) Gz: 0921'/4248' 1609 m
MS: 0918'/4246' = JDK22, 1670/1696 m
Centre of Jijiga awraja and wereda, and in 1964
also of Beri & Bartira sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7SE Karabasse (Carabasse) (area)
8SW Garbo (/Bur Cul/ Gama) (hill) 2135/2154 m
10SW Dibba (Bur Dibba) (hill) 2140 m
10W Marda (mountain) conical peak 2289 m,
road pass at about 2000 m
10NW Tochdintei (area)
10N Burka (Burca) 1680 m
5NE Eliare (area)
10NE Elbeyih (El Bahai) 1703 m, El Bhai 1614 m,
with geodetic base near village
JDK25 Jijiga awraja (Gigiga ..) 0915'/4300' 09/42 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Jijiga)
JDK33 Jijiga wereda 09/42 [n]
HDK68 Jijigo (place & hill) 0939'/3816' 2131 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(hill at 0938'/3816')
HET46c Jijika 13/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Abergele wereda & of Azet sub-district)
HDB54 Jijimbero 0841'/3604' 2134 m, north-west of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
HEU03 Jijira (Agiura, Ijira, Eggira) 1241'/3939' 1613 m, 12/39 [Gz It LM WO]
south-east of Maychew
HEH99 Jijiyebit (Gigiebit) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
JDD55 Jijo (Gigio) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
HCK07c Jiju (Djidju), small place east of lake Abaya 06/38 [+ x]
HEA32 Jikako, see Kako
GDE24 Jikawo (Jikao, Jikau, Jikawa, Jikawo, Jikaw) 08/33 [Gz Ad Ro WO]
(Jekaw, Jokau, Joako?) 0822'/3346' 389 m
GDE24 Jikawo wereda (centre in 1964 = Jikawo) 08/33 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEL62 Jiko (Jik'o, Jiqo) 1223'/3837' 2055 m 12/38 [Gz q]
jila, jiila (O) 1. outdoor ritual activity;
2. pilgrim to Abba Muda /until such pilgrimage was
forbidden by Emperor Menilek II/, followers of that sect;
3. historically: representative sent by migrating Oromo groups
to their spiritual father in the country of their origin;
4. tribal organization of the Konso; 5. fear, abhorrence
HDL83 Jila 0947'/3841' 3052 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF42 Jila 1115'/3931' 2593 m, north-west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
jilal g..: gamo (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Rhus vulgaris
HBM25 Jilal Gamo 0348'/3946' 970 m, 03/39 [Gz]
(mountain at 0351'/3945'), at the border of Kenya
jilba (O) 1. knee; 2. the right way; 3. midnight?
HBM70 Jilbabo (Djilbabo) (area) 0416'/3907' 04/39 [Gz WO]
JDJ50 Jilbo (Sarcama) 0931'/4137' 1404 m, 09/41 [Gz]
west of Dire Dawa
JDA56 Jilbo Silase (church) 0838'/4020' 08/40 [Gz]
JDC41 Jilcha (Gilcia) (area) 1420 m 08/41 [+ WO]
JDJ75 Jildessa, see Jeldesa
jile, curved dagger of the Afar;
-- Jille, a branch of the Oromo,
"The sugar plantations at Wenji and Metehara have displaced
the Jille and Karrayyo Oromo communities."
HDU.. Jile, cf Efrata & Jile .. 10/39 [n]
KDB20 Jileisiyele (area) 08/45 [WO]
HDL82 Jileyi 0949'/3839' 3001 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
KCR44 Jilfale (Gilfale) (area) 07/47 [+ WO]
HDE69 Jilo Ager kebele (Jelo Agär ..) 08/39 [Ad]
far to the west in southernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its
northern border, 13-19 km south of Balchi; area 2,720 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jima (O) Catha edulis, see jimma below;
Jima, Jimma, a male personal name
GDF95c Jima 08/34 [LM]
GDU42 Jima (Gima) 1022'/3435' 1314 m, north of Asosa 10/34 [Gz]
HCR42 Jima, see Jimma
HD... Jima (river), see Lege Jima
HDJ15 Jima 0913'/3705' 2028 m, south of Haratu 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ25 Jima 0917'/3706' 2581 m, south of Haratu 09/37 [Gz]
HDK56 Jima 0932'/3806' 1770 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCN72 Jima 0755'/4002' 2420 m 07/40 [Gz]
jima ali, cf Ali as first part of name
KCR12 Jima Ali (Iima Ali) (seasonal waterhole) 07/46 [WO Gz]
H.... Jima Arejo .., see Jimma Arjo
jima b..: bero (O) coral tree, korch, Erythrina abyssinica
JDJ04 Jima Bero 0905'/4158' 1720 m, east of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HDF90 Jima Gebriel (church) 0858'/3923', 08/39 [Gz]
east of Chefe Donsa
HDD26 Jima Gostan (centre of a sub-district in 1960s) 08/38 [x]
HDF90 Jima kebele (Jema ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in north-west Minjar & Shenkora wereda stretching
south-west/north-east to its northern border, 3-9 km
north-northeast of Balchi; area 1,827 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jima ker..: kersa, game played by whole villages at
a season of festivity; karsa, qarsa (O) flat rock
?? Jima Kersa (election constituency) ../.. [20]
jima ki..: kidane mihret (A) covenant of mercy
HES47 Jima Kidane Mihret (Ghina Chid. Meret) 3094 m, 13/38 [LM WO]
see under Mekane Birhan
-- jima n..: Nunnu, a tribe of Oromo
GDF84 Jima Nunu 0857'/3445' 1653 m 08/34 [Gz]
JCG73 Jimala 0659'/4007' 2633 m 06/40 [Gz]
jimata (Arabic,O) Friday; jimmat (A,T) sinew, tendon, nerve
HDC90 Jimata (Gimata) 0902'/3640' 1924 m 09/36 [LM WO Gz]
HDH07 Jimata, Gebel (Gimmata, Gimate) (mountain) 09/36 [Gz WO]
(Fre: Toulou Djimata) 0907'/3623' 1685 m
?? Jimawanyeta, a parish with village Yamaret ../.. [Ch]
HDT74 Jimaye kebele (Jemayä ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, adjoining Mekane Selam
and stretching from there 6 km to the southern border of
the wereda; area 1,188 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Jimbe, see Gimbi
GDM.. Jimbilatwambi kebele (Djim..) 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HDM87 Jimdere kebele (Jemdäré ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally far to the south in Kewet wereda, 14-19 km
south-southeast of Shewa Robit; area 2,905 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jimeda: jimado, a pagan ceremony of Bantu people
living in Somali-dominated country
JDJ25 Jimeda (Gimeda), see under Harar 09/42 [+ WO]
HDA28 Jimeta (Gimat) 08/35 [LM WO]
HDU76 Jimete 1037'/3955' 1399 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDE62 Jimjima (village) 08/38 [x]
jimma (O?) 1. small tree, Catha edulis, the leaves of which
are chewed as chat/qat; 2. kind of shrub or small tree
with red "ears", Olinia usambarensis, somewhat similar to
the coffee tree;
Jimma, Jima, a male personal name
-- Jimma (Jimma Abba Jifar, J. Kaka) (historical state)
HCR42 Jimma (Jima, Gimma, Gima) 07/36 [Ro Ca MS WO]
(old name Hirmata) (Ger: Dschimma) 07/36 [Gu]
MS: 0740'/3640' = HCR40, 1728/1750 m;
Gz 0740'/3650' 1754 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9E Morova (village) 2035 m
4S Saracho (Saracio) (area) 1756 m
6SW Migira (Mighira) (area) 1846 m
9SW Bore, c. 1700 m
3W Malko (Malco) (village)
?? Kochi (Coci) (small market)
?? Tappa/?/ c. 1800 m
9NW Garuke (Garucche) (area)
7N Dallati (mountain) 2120 m
9N Muja (Muggia) (mountain)
5NE Baddabuna (hill) 2089 m
6NE Jiren (Giren, Jiran) 2022 m,
see under this name directly
10NE Yebu (Yebo, Iebo) (area) 1912 m

HDB57 Jimma (Gimma) (mountain) 1667 m 08/36 [+ WO]

HDJ71 Jimma (Gimma) (mountain) 1910 m 09/36 [+ WO]
H.... Jimma Arjo wereda (centre in 1964 = Kiku) 08/36? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HCR44 Jimma awraja (Jima ..) 0740'/3700' 07/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre -1964-1980- = Jimma)
HDJ35 Jimma Genete wereda & sub-district (-1964-1997-) 09/37 [+ Ad n]
(J. Genetie ..) (centre of both in 1964 = Haretu)
?? Jimma Gidami wereda (-1994-) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 60 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
?? Jimma Haro sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [+ n]
G.... Jimma Horo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Horo) 08/34? [Ad]
G.... Jimma Horo wereda (Jimaa Horroo ..) 08/34? [x]
in Kelem (Qellem) awraja, with Nunu as main town
(-1994-) is divided into 76 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
?? Jimma Kersa, see Jima Kersa
HDB69 Jimma Leka wereda (J. Lieka ..) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arjo)
jimma r..: rare (O) 1. swamp, bog, pool on a road;
plant in a swamp; 2. wrote /a letter/;
-- Rare, a tribe of Oromo
HD... Jimma Rare sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Bebela) 09/37 [Ad]
(Jimma Rarie ..)
HD... Jimma Rare wereda (-1994-) 09/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 24 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
G.... Jimma Tibe sub-district (J. Tibie ..) 08/34? [+Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Nunu)
HED24c Jimonyetta (Gimonietta) (area) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HCB86 Jimsha 06/36 [En]
local name of the European-named Mount Smith,
see further Smith.
JDK41 Jinaasene, see China Hasen
jindi (O) tree trunk
JBR25 Jindi Labeydeyr (Gindi Labeideir) (area) 04/42 [+ WO]
JDB38 Jinfo 0826'/4125' 1524 m 08/41 [Gz]
HDS.? Jingami Maryam (church), see Dingayami Maryam
HDU01 Jingodo 0957'/3926' 2558 m, near code HDM91 09/39 [Gz]
HDU01 Jingodo kebele (Jengodo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
rather far to the west in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at its
northern border, 17-24 km west of Sela Dingay; area 3,041 hectares. [CSA 1994]
jinjero (A) kinds of baboon, Comopithecus hamadryas,
Papio doguera doguera, Theropithecus gelada;
zinjero (A) monkey
HBP17 Jinjero (Gingero) 0439'/3624' 663 m, cf Zinjero 04/36 [+ WO Gz]
HC... Jinjero (Jenjero), in Jimma awraja, cf Janjero 07/36? [+ Ad]
HBR81 Jinka (Bako) 0517'/3646' 1141 m, 05/36 [Gz]
north of Hamer Koke
HCC40 Jinka (Alga) MS: 0540'/3640' = HCC20 05/36 [Gz MS WO En]
Gz: 0539'/3639' 1332 m, south of Bako
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Geleb & Hamer Bako
awraja, with sub-post office under Arba Minch.
Said to have the southernmost monastery in Ethiopia.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10S Gesti (Ghesti) (mountainous area)
N Bako (Baco)
8NE Usakaya (area)
?? Jinka, centre of Debub Omo Zone ../.. [20]
HDU22 Jino 1009'/3934' 2878 m, west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
JDK95 Jipril (Gipril) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
jir (Som) hippo, Hippopotamus amphibius; (O) be;
jiir (Som) 1. slope, high ground; 2. rat, mouse;
3. lean or boneless meat; 4. run over, overrun
JBH81 Jir-Dir, see Hara Damtu 04/40 [WO]
jira, jiraa (O) grain, edibles
HDE24 Jira (Gira) (area), cf Gira .. 08/38 [+ WO]
JEC31c Jira 11/41 [n]
symmetrical volcano overlooking lake Abhebad
?? Jira (river) ../.. [Ch]
strong-flowing tributary which in lowland forest joins the Kena
jiraf (A) whip /of type used by plowmen/
HDT93 Jirafgotet (Girafgotet) 1046'/3842' 2502 m 10/38 [WO Gz]
JCN96 Jirame (Jrame) 0804'/4021' 1246 m 08/40 [Gz]
HDM90 Jiratima 0952'/3924' 2007 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
HDF92 Jire kebele (Jeré ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in north-east Minjar & Shenkora wereda touching
its northern border; area 2,876 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jiren: jiraan (Som) neighbour; jirenya (O) existence, life
HCR61 Jiren (Giren, Jiran) (hill) 0749'/3641' 1679, 2022 m 07/36 [18 WO Gu Wa]
or Hirmata = market place of Jiren, near Agaro, see also under Jimma
HET07 Jireno 1245'/3907' 1753 m, north-east of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
jirgabo k..: korka, qorqaa (O) salty grazing land
from which almost all the grass becomes eaten away;
korka (Som) top
JDE06 Jirgabo Korka (Girgabo Corca) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDK24 Jirhul (Jirhill) 0918'/4255' 1750 m, est of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
?? Jiriawrari (historical area recorded from the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HEE75 Jirile kebele (Jerelé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda at its southern border,
9-14 km south-east of Filakit; area 3,909 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jirina (O) dry /etc/
HFC86 Jirina (Girina) (area) 14/37 [+ WO]
jirit: jiret (A) small stream, brook; jirid, jirrid (Som) trunk,
stem; jiirid (Som) pushing, bumping, clashing, running over
JCD09 Jirit (Girit) 05/43 [+ WO]
JDK08 Jiriyele (Karireh) 0903'/4319' 1624 m, 09/43 [Gz]
near map code JDD98
jirma (O) large tree trunk /to split as firewood/; stick, club;
very short and thick horns of an animal;
jirma-jalesa (O) kind of small tree, Steganotaenia araliacea,
of the Umbelliferae family
HDG74 Jirma 0945'/3513' 1575 m, south-east of Mendi 09/35 [Gz]
HDK05 Jirma (Girma, Girina) (mountain) 09/37 [WO Gz]
0905'/3800' 2939 m
JBJ31 Jirma 03/41 [WO]
jirme (Som) kind of tree, Caesalpina eriathra, the bark of
which gives colour for leather; jirmi (O) acacia-like shrub or
small tree, Dicrostachys cinerea
HDL65 Jirme 0936'/3852' 2654 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ55 Jirme 0932'/4206' 2078 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HDE88 Jirmi, see Girmi
HEC.. Jirrehe, at some distance from Dangila 11/36 [x]
JCT18 Jirta Garbahawl, see Girta Garbahaol
JCM11 Jirta Gulet Shini, see Girta Gulet Shini
JCS30 Jirta Kordillay (J. Cordillay), see Girta Kordillay
jiru, jiruu (O) exist, live, dwell; business, work, task;
-- Jiru, Jirru, an Oromo tribe,
also used as a male individual name
HDU00 Jiru (Giurru, Jirru, Jerru, Jiro, Jato; Fre: Djirou) 09/39 [LM WO x]
(with sub-post office under Debre Birhan)
HDU00 Jiru sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jihur), 09/39 [Ad]
part of Moret wereda (-1970-)
jiruma k..: kefta (A) height, elevation /of a mountain/
HDT72 Jiruma Kafta kebele (Jeruma .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western Debre Sina wereda, 13-21 km
west of Mekane Selam; area 2,567 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL79 Jirunzba 1226'/3916' 1972 m, west of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
jiso (Arabic,Som) reward, payment in gratitude;
jisu, jiisuu (O) to lie low, to hide; to moisten, to wet
HBR59 Jiso (Giso) 0459'/3727' 1408/1559 m, see also Giso 04/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
HEE66 Jita (Jit'a) 1126'/3901' 1799 m (with church Mikael), 11/39 [Gz]
west of Mekdela
HEE77 Jitta, see Gidda
jitu, jituu (O) sorghum
?? Jitu (historically recorded from the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HET56 Jiu (Ji'u) 1310'/3859' 1668 m, near Finarwa 13/38 [Gz]
HDS48 Jiwabi 1022'/3818' 2376 m, south of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HEK08 Jiwede 1148'/3819' 2936 m, east of Debre Tabor 11/38 [Gz]
HDS82 Jnja (mountain), see Ingia
Jo.. in German and Scandinavian spellings, see Yo..
HEC78 Joao (area), see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [WO]
HDS.. Jobi Maryam (Jobi.Marjam) 10/37 [x]
jobira, joobira (O) marabou stork
HDJ66 Jobira 0940'/3711' 2439 m, north-east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDH88 Joganfoy (Gioganfoi) 09/36 [+ WO]
HDL45 Joge 0926'/3856' 2650 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
jogi (O) leading animals across a river
JDK84 Jogi (Giogi) 0950'/4245' 1269 m, north of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
HDE48 Jogo (M. Giogo) (area) 1199 m, see under Mojo 08/39 [+ WO]
HDE57 Jogola 0838'/3908' 1864 m, near Mojo 08/39 [Gz]
HDL61 Jogola 0939'/3831' 2114 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
GCU05 Jogu (Giogu) (area) 07/34 [+ WO]
HCT61c Jogu, west of Adami Tulu 07/38 [x]
GDF85c Joita (mountains) 08/34 [Mi]
5 km north-west of Dubbi volcano in the Afar region
joji: jooji (Som) halt, bring to a stop; ban, prevent
JDK84 Joji (Giogi) (place & area) 0950'/4245' 1269 m 09/42 [+ Gu Gz]
HD... Jojiru 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Abebe Borena sub-district)
GDE24 Jokau, see Jikawo
HDA74 Jole (Giole) 0851'/3511' 1524 m 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
HDE00 Jole 0811'/3828' 2009 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDU92 Jomedo 1047'/3933' 2818 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Jomeli, at lower end of Hana river in Omo Zone ../.. [n]
jomu (O) when, in which time; jamu (O) to cry, to shout
HCH31 Jomu (Giamu, Giamo) (market), cf Jamu 06/35 [LM Ad WO Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Jemu sub-district)
GCU.. Jor, cf Gog & Jor 07/34 [n]
GCU.. Jor wereda 07/34 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 11 rural kebeles but no urban one.
jora, joora (O) wanderer
?? Joraji (historically recorded from the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HCK95c Jore (Djore) 07/37 [20]
HDL70 Jore 0944'/3828' 2468 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
jorga (O) sudden and clumsy fall
HDH76 Jorga 0946'/3615' 2019 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDH86 Jorga 0947'/3614' 2134 m 09/36 [Gz]
?? Jorgo, with forest ../.. [20]
There is registered the Jorga - Wato National Forest Priority Area.
JDN72 Jorit 1035'/4000' 1695 m 10/40 [Gz]
joro (A) ear /also handle of cup/
HD... Joro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adoro) 09/38 [Ad]
jorra w..: wondo (O) a kind of spindly shrub
or tree, Dracaena afromontana
HBR43 Jorra Wendo (Jorra Uando) (area) 04/36 [+ WO]
JDJ06 Jorre (Giorre) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
jorro, jorroo (O) 1. lily; 2. bright red /cattle, chicken/
H.... Jorsa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gorebabo), ../.. [Ad]
in Ambasel awraja
HBS80 Jorso, see Jarso
JDK35 Josle 0922'/4301' 1751 m, east of Jijiga 09/43 [Gz]
HC... Jota (Giota) 07/38? [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
JCN96 Jrame, see Jirame
HEJ05 Juasha (Giuascia) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
HDU16 Jub Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Kewet wereda, 1-8 km west
of Shewa Robit; area 1,414 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
juba (O) age grade in the gada system of the Darassa;
(Konso) kind of sorcerer; (T) pocket; coat;
Jubba, Somali spelling of the Juba River
HDL73 Juba 0944'/3842' 2708 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDK20 Jubasse (G. Giubasse) (mountain) 09/42 [+ WO]
HCC48 Jubaysho (Seissie, Zeyse?) 0548'/3722' 1842 m 05/37 [Gz]
HDH72 Jubbi (Giubbi) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
jubdo (O) kind of tree, Protea gaguedi
HDA97 Jubdo, see Yubdo
H.... Jubie 10/37 [Ad]
(ctr in 1964 of Basso wereda & of Gelew sub-district)
HEA94 Juda (Giuda) (area) 588 m 11/35 [+ WO]
jufa a..: abasa (O) misery
JDK36 Jufa Abbasa (Giufa A.) 0923'/4308' 1805 m 09/43 [+ Gz]
JDE21 Jug Hun, see Iug Hun
JEA34 Juga 1109'/4007' 1208 m, east of Bati 11/40 [Gz]
HDE10 Jugar Bale Welde (Giugar Bale Uelde) 2000 m 08/38 [+ WO]
HDE10 Jugar Be'ale Igzi'abher (church) 0815'/3827' 08/38 [Gz]
jugleh: jug leh (Som) with bump or bang or bruise;
jugley (Som) kinds of bustard /large bird/, Choriotis spp,
Eupodotis spp, Lissotis sp, Neotis sp
JCL42 Jugleh (waterhole) 06/43 [WO]
HDU00 Juhur, see Jihur
HEL87 Jula 1234'/3904' 1941 m, west of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
?? Julcha, about 40 km from Grawa ../.. [n]
HBM31 Juldessa (Giuldessa, Tiuldesa) (mountain) 03/39 [Gz WO]
0356'/3927' 1372, 1835 m, cf Jaldessa, Jeldesa
juma: jumma (O) Friday
HCH20 Juma (Giuma, Giumo), see Jemu
H.... Juma Arjo sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HDU81 Jumbul 0853'/3831' 2093 m, west of Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
?? Jumea Maruf (Giumea M.) (abandoned?) 353 m ../.. [+ Gu]
HDK17 Jumjum (with oldest sawmill), cf Jemjem 09/38 [x]
HDT19 Jur (Giur) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
?? Jurme (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDL08 Juru (Giuru) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDD30 Jwar 0813'/3747'c, 08/37 [x]
about 5 km south-east of Welkite
HDM.? Jyihur, cf Jihur, 09/39 [x]
some 100 km/?/ north of Debre Birhan
kaa (O) 1. having great fervour; 2. toasted and pounded
coffee; kea (T) and, also
HEJ99 Kaa Iyesus (Caa Iesus) (church), 12/37 [+ WO Gu]
see under Gondar churches
HCR15 Kaaggu (Caaggu) 07/37 [+ WO]
JCN05 Kaakule (Caacule) 07/40 [+ WO]
HBP33 Kaalam, see Kelem
HES34 Kaara (Caara) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
JDG56 Kaaylu (Caailu) 09/40 [+ WO]
kab- (O) bind together, put together; (A) dry wall;
sar amba (A) grass mountain
HDU.. Kab & Sar Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching narrowly to its
north-eastern border, 3-7 km north of Majete; area 1,124 hectares.
[CSA 1994[
kaba (O) well; qaba (O) measure of land; qaaba (O) value, price;
-- Kaba, a dialect within the Gimira-Maji, also a personal name?
HDD65 Kaba 0844'/3801' 2778 m 08/38 [Gz]
HES44 Kaba (Caba) 1307'/3756' 2382 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
JEB95 Kabaaytu (Cabaaitu) 11/41 [+ WO]
HES67c Kabah (Khabar, Khabau, Qaba), 13/38 [x]
area south-west of Geech camp
JCT64 Kabahot (Cabahot) 0747'/4349' 888 m 07/43 [MS WO Gz]
kabaal (Som) root, pole, tent pole;
kabala, kaballa (O) sheaf, branch, handful;
slap /with the hand/; kaabad (Som) bridge; stair
JDE22 Kabal Kabat (Cabal Cabat) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
?? Kaballanka (Cavallanca) ../.. [+ It]
The Italians built a mosque for the Muslim settlement there.
kaballe: kabella (A) long-footed
JCB16 Kaballe (seasonal spring), cf Kabele 05/41 [MS WO]
kaban (Som) local type of string instrument; cabban (Som)
1. well-armed, well-built; 2. weak, feeble
JBJ94 Kaban (Caban) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
kabana, kabbanaa (O) cool, chilly, cold, humid; weak /beer/;
kabbana, qabanna (O) shadow, shade; kabanna, qabannaa (O) evidence
JCG98 Kabana (Cabana, Kaber), cf Kabena, Kebena 07/40 [+ WO Gz]
0713'/4033' 2136 m
?? Kabar, see Kubar
HEE98? Kabaromedan (village) 11/39 [20]
after some 50 km from Weldiya towards Nefas Mewcha
kabata: kabate (O) point of honour; kabatie (O) circumcision
HBP82 Kabata (Cabata) 0516'/3553' 596 m 05/35 [+ WO Gz]
HES34 Kabatawra (Cavataura) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
kabba (A,O) mantle, cloak, cape; kaba (A) quarry;
kebba (qäbba) (A) anointed; painted
HDC61 Kabba (Cabba) (mountain) 0840'/3641' 2033 m 08/36 [+ WO Gz]
HDE12 Kabd, see Kebd

kabe (kabä) (A) pile up, build a dry wall of stones or bricks;
kabe, kabee (qabee) (O) 1. calabash, gourd, pumpkin; 2. from
HD... Kabe (sub-post office under Dessie), 10/39? [Ad Po]
in Were Ilu awraja
HDU91 Kabe, see Kabi
HDT53 Kabe Webo kebele (Kabé Wäbo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in north Wegdi wereda,
5-9 km west of Mahdere Selam; area 903 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM33 Kabeche 0920'/3439' 1536 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
GDM33 Kabeche 0923'/3437' 1649 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
GDM.. Kabechedime kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
JCS64 Kabedleh (Cabedleh) 0750'/4255' 934 m 07/42 [+ Gz n]
kabele: kebele (qäbäle) (A) district, area
JEP11 Kabele (Kebele, Cabele) (with well) 1248'/4045' 12/40 [Gz WO LM]
-- Kabena, Qabenna, traditionally a Gurage area; a dialect of Kembata language,
-- though of Hadiya origin; also name of an Oromo tribe?
qabennya (O) possession, wealth
Kabena, Kabenna, see Kebena
-- Kabena language (Qabeena, Kebena, K'äbena),
a variety mutually intelligible with Kambaata
JDC08 Kabenawa (Cabenaua, Cabenawa, Gabenaua) 08/42 [+ Gz x]
0813'/4220' or 0822'/4222' 1203 m
HFF13 Kabet 1341'/3940' 2142 m, near Agula 13/39 [Gz]
kabi: kaabii (O) mound; grain stack; kabi, qabi (O) hold, catch, move;
kabi (O) 1. stone enclosure; 2. security, guaranty;
kabbi (O) hail; large and white pearls; kabie, qabye (O) land,
possession; kaabi (Som) vicinity, nearness; caabbi (Som) guard
by force, be capable of defense; kabbi (Som) make someone sip
a liquid; qaabi (Som) put in order; kabi (Afar) leopard
HDE52 Kabi (Cabi) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDL85 Kabi (Cabi) 0950'/3855' 1814 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [Gz Ad WO]
(with church, centre in 1964 of Insaro wereda)
HDU70 Kabi 1040'/3920' 10/39 [MS]
HDU91 Kabi (Kabie, Kabe) 1050'/3928' 2900 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north of Were Ilu
HEF03c Kabi (Kabie, Kabe) 10/39 [MS Te Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Were Ilu wereda)
HEF03c Kabi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kabi) 10/39 [Ad]
HER46 Kabi Kurkwana (Cabi Curcuana) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HEH48 Kabkamba Maryam (Cabcamba Mariam) (church) 12/36 [LM WO]
kabo (Som) 1. footwear, shoes; 2. recover, recuperate;
(language?) type of collective labour;
kabbo (Som) sip, gulp, swig; cabo (Som) 1. sour smell
/from milk/; 2. complain, reproach;
kabbo (A) 1. large container for milk, large horn cup;
2. foreman /from Italian capo/
HDD64 Kabo (Cabo) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO]
JEA16 Kabo (Cabo) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
kabo a..: ager (A) land, country, rural area
HEE39 Kabo Ager kebele (.. Agär ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Tenta wereda at its eastern border,
17-21 km south of Tenta settlement; area 1,940 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kabo k..: kutub (Som) book, books
JBJ78 Kabo Kutab (Cabo Cutab) 04/42 [+ WO]

JDH98 Kaboba (recorded in 1841), cf Bio Kaboba 09/41 [Ha]

kabot (T) mantle, cloak, cape;
kabota, kaboota (O) clod, lump of earth, dry dung
HEU70 Kabota (Cabota) 13/39 [+ WO]
JCL49 Kabradahare (K'abradahare), see Kebri Dehar
kabri (Harar) tomb
JCL49 Kabri Dar, see Kebri Dehar
kabrige b..: bore, booree (O) 1. mellow tej; 2. solemn promise;
boore (Som) grey; borre (borrä) (A) large, spacious
JBN67 Kabrige Bore 05/40 [WO]
JBN63 Kabrige Daud 05/40 [WO]
KCP81 Kabrin (Cabrin, Cabria) 08/45 [+ MS WO Gz]
MS: 0759'/4549' 672 m; Gz: 0801'/4550' 692 m
HFF15 Kabtay (Cabtai) 1344'/3950' 1842 m 13/39 [+ Gz]
HFF24 Kabtay (Cabtai) (mountain) 3235 m, 13/39 [+ Gu]
see under Atsbi
kabtiya: kebti (käbti) (T) cattle; kabtiyay (Som) run, rush
HFF15 Kabtiya (Qabtiyya) (mountain) 1344'/3950' 13/39 [+ n]
HFC47 Kabtiya sub-district (Kabtia .., Qabtya ..) 1585 m 13/37 [LM Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Hirdi)
HEM71 Kabtsa Tekle Haymanot 1226'/3928' 12/39 [Gz]
(K'abtsa T.H.) (church), west of Alamata
HFC47 Kabtyaa (K'abtyaa), see Keftya
HCS.. Kabul (Qabul) 08/38 [20]
settlement in Gumer & Geta wereda in Gurageland
kabura: cabbur (Som) stuffed-up nose
HCD21 Kabura (Cabura) 0538'/3736' 1522 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
HCH11 Kabura (Cabura) 0628'/3552' 1506 m, 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
see under Shasha
HDK49 Kacciama, see Kechema & HDK58
HDK53 Kaccisi, see Kachisi
kacha (kacha) (A) thigh; kacha (qach'a) (A) sisal,
bowstring hemp, Sansevieria guineensis,
a plant of the agave family, with thick leaves
/also plant fibre in general/; (Gurage) fibre of the
ensete plant; qacha (O) thatch /for roofing/
HCJ87 Kacha (Cacia) 0707'/3714' 1541 m, 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
cf Kecha, and also under Durame
HCM46c Kacha (Katcha) 06/39 [+ Br Ca]
HCM53c Kacha (Caccia) 06/39 [+ Gu]
HDM.? Kacha (K'ach'a) (with church Giyorgis), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HFC29 Kacha (Cacha, Cac-ha) 1346'/3727' 1242 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
kacha a..: ashara (O) coffee hull
HC... Kacha Ashera (in Kembata & Hadiya awraja) 07/37? [Ad]
kacha b..: bira (O) near. beside; towards;
biraa (O) away from
HC... Kacha Bira (Kachabira, Qatchabira) 07/37 [n Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HC... Kacha Bira wereda (Kachabira .., Qacha ..) 07/37 [n Ad]
In the 1990s it was in the Kambata-Alaba-Timbaro Zone,
(-1994-) is divided into 25 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
-- The inhabitants are mainly Kambata (Kambaata).
HCS87c Kachabar (Katschabar), village in the Silte area 07/38 [x]
kachama (qach'ama), kachamo (A,O) kind of highland small shrub,
Myrsine africana, the rind of which is used for making rope.
-- Kachama, an ethnic group within the southern Ometo,
with their own variety of language, numbering 550 (in 1984?);
alternate names Gats'ame, Get'eme, Gatame
HDE49 Kachama, see Kechema
HFE17 Kachamo (Cacciamo) 1342'/3904' 2020 m 13/39 [+ Gz]
JCP.. Kachamsare (valley near Shek Husen), see Einage
HDB76 Kachan (Caccian) (mountain) 1900 m 08/36 [+ WO]
HCN97 Kachi 0805'/3527' 1814 m 08/35 [Gz]
?? Kachijo (Caccigio) (with 41 monoliths) ../.. [+ Gu]
HDT19 Kachim Amba (Cacim Amba) 10/39 [+ WO]
HEL33 Kachin (K'ach'in) 1205'/3846' 2367 m, 12/38 [Gz]
west of Lalibela
kachin uga (Harari) narrow street, lane
kachin wiha: kechine (qäch'ch'ine) (A) giraff, Giraffa reticulata,
Giraffa camelopardalis; kechin (qäch'in) (A) scanty, slender;
wiha (A) water
JDG04 Kachin Wiha (K'ach'in W.,Caccin Ua, Kachinaa) 09/40 [+ WO Gz Ne]
(Katchinhaha) (area) 0904'/4012', see under Awash, cf Kechin ..
kachisi: kachisu (O) to make run, to gallop
HDK63 Kachisi (Caccisi, Kaccisi, Kachisie) 09/37 [AA Te Ad Gu]
(Kakkisi, Caecisi, Ginde Beret) 09/37 [x WO Gz]
0936'/3750' 2556/2650 m, at 70 km north of Ambo
Coordinates would give map code HDK53
Centre in 1964 of Gindeberet wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5NW Gindeberet (Ghindeberat) (wide area)
?? Damoticha 2489 m
?? Debe 2546 m
?? Gonfi 2026 m
?? Gonfi Abeyi 1966 m
?? Goro Menga 2420 m
?? Goshu 2406 m
?? Gura 2406 m
?? Gura Weshi 2274 m
?? Jewero 1838 m
?? Lubuteni (Lubu T'eni) 2448 m
?? Muka Dima 2151 m
?? Mukiye (Mukyie) 2406 m
kacho, qacho (O) 1. ensete plant; 2. gold? 3. hunger;
qach'oo (O) cut up firewood
HDE25 Kacho (Cacio) (area), cf Kecho 08/38 [+ WO]
kachu (O) to run, to gallop
HDU85 Kachur (K'ach'ur) 1043'/3951' 1457 m 10/39 [Gz]
kada (Afar) large
?? Kada Gona (river), see Gona
JE... Kada Hadar (a mostly dry wadi), see Hadar
HES.. Kadadit (Kadardit, Qadahdit), 13/38 [x]
in Simen not far from Geech and Ras Dashen
?? Kadakuchin (in the lower Omo valley), see under Kundama
HDU33 Kadambo (Cadambo Ghiorghis), see Bar Meda
JEG35 Kadarmo (Cadarmo) (area) 12/40 [+ WO]
kadda (O) flow, stream; kedda (qädda) (A) draw water, pour, drip
JEC91 Kadda (Cadda) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
kadda k..: koma (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree;
(O) 1. breast, bosom, stomach; qoomaa (O) 2. instant killing
JDP05 Kadda Koma (Cadda Coma) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
JDP16 Kadda Koma (Cadda Coma) (area) 797 m 10/41 [+ WO]
JDH64 Kadda Rugdaya (Cadda Rugdaia) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
0941'/4103' 1175 m
JCC55 Kaddas (Caddas, B.=Bur?) (area), 05/42 [+ WO]
see under El Kere
?? Kadecha Dima (at some distance from Fantale), ../.. [18]
-- district inhabited by the Kereyu
HEE05 Kades (Qades), see Kadis
kadi (qadi) (A etc.) Muslim judge /for religious affairs/;
qadii (O) two skeins of warp thread in a single bundle;
kaadi (Som) urine
HDK99 Kadi (K'adi, Qadi) 0955'/3820' 2582 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
?? Kadidama, in the far south ../.. [x]
HEE05 Kadis kebele (Qades ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Legambo wereda;
area 1,749 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCG77 Kadjoua 0701'/4029' 1828 m, 07/40 [Gz]
south-west of Ginir
kadu, kaduu (O) deny
JEP64 Kadu (plain being a lava-field) 13/41 [Ne]
HBK65c Kadunu (mountain) 2520 m 04/37? [Wa]
kadus: kadis (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Olinia
usambarensis, somewhat similar to the coffee tree;
kidus (qidus) (A,T) holy, /male/ saint
HEJ15 Kadus Jigar 11/37 [Ch]
HER08 Kaela Gwot (Caela Guot) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEU42 Kaen (Ka'en) 1305'/3937' 2608 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church K'irkos), west of Debub
kaf (Som) feces
HEB12 Kaf (Caf) (area) 932 m 11/35 [+ WO]
-- Kafa, see Kefa
HEC07 Kafachit, see Lechema
HCR28 Kafarsa (Kaffarsa, Kafifarsa), see Kefersa,
cf Gafarsa, Gefersa
HEC74 Kafatwo (Cafatuo) 11/37 [+ WO]
HCP06 Kaffa (Kafa), see Kefa
HCL84 Kaffale, see Kofele
HCR17 Kaffarsa (Kafifersa), see Kefersa
-- Kaficho language, see Kefa language
JEC62 Kaflena (area) 11/41 [WO]
kafta: kefta, keffita (A) height, elevation /of mountain/
HBM63 Kafta, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HFC36 Kafta (Cafta) 1354'/3711' 1585 m 13/37 [LM WO Gu 18]
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Ad Agwori (Ad Aguori) (village)
7E Hemberti (Himbirti) (area)
6SE Medhani Alem (church)
5SW Adi Takar (Adi Tacar) (area) 1870 m
9SW Gabta (Ghabta) (wide area)
2W May Talabado (Mai T.) (village)
7W Zeba Wonti (Z. Uonti) (area)
10NW Geza Agel (area)
7NE Adenna
HFC63 Kafta (Cafta) (wide area) 14/36 [+ WO]
HFC36 Kafta & Humera wereda 14/36 [Ad]
JER04 Kafulle (Cafulle, C.Magobi?) (hill) 1242'/4158' 12/41 [+ WO Gz]
kagalla: kagela (O) inclination, perpendicular
HBK32 Kagalla (Dacuagalla) (area) 0357'/3740' 03/37 [WO Gz]
HD... Kaha (Caha), district in Efrata 10/39 [+ 18]
HE... Kaha, river valley with "bathing palace" 12/37 [Ca]
south of Gondar
JDD95 Kaha (Gaho) 0858'/4301' 1377 m 08/43 [Gz]
HBM11 Kahar (area) 03/39 [WO]
HEB.? Kahatasa, with forest 11/36 [20]
There is registered the Kahatasa-Guangua National Forest Priority Area.
JDC95 Kahi (K'ahi) 0859'/4303' 1437 m, south of Harar 08/43 [Gz]
kahinat (A) priests, priestly class; semay (A) heavens
HE... Kahnat Semai 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kola Ibnat sub-district)
kaho (Som) resent, dislike
HDM50 Kaho (Caho) (hill) 0931'/3921' 09/39 [+ WO Gz]
kai (Dizu language?) special class of spirits contacted
in shamanistic rituals of the Chako;
-- Kai (Tid), an ethnic sub-group of the Surma
HEE77 Kai, see Key
-- Kaia, see Kaya
kaich: kaik (Som/H.Salt) 1. smoke; 2. tobacco
GDE16 Kaich (Caic, Caig), see Kono
kaicha (O) Themeda triandra
HD... Kaicha (Caiccia), a district of Menz 10/39? [+ 18]
GDE15 Kaio, see Kono 08/33 [WO]
JD... Kair Said, cf Khair 09/43 [18]
HCB15c Kaisa, settlement of a part of the Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
kajagur: gur (A) rocky soil, head of stone, small
enclosing wall; (Som) 1. be empty, run dry; 2. collect;
3. left hand; 4. offense, insult
JBU47 Kajagur (Cagiagur) 0455'/4457' 209 m 04/44 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain partly in Somalia)
kajela, qajeela (O) straight, in proper position; kajeelaa (O) sponging;
kajeela (O) await, expect, crave; going uninvited to get food;
kajeele (O) favourite; kajela (qajela) (Janjero) Monday
HCR77 Kajelo Budonaro (Cagelo B.) 0758'/3716' 2009 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
kajelo d..: diki (diqi) (T) foetus
HCR78 Kajelo Diki (Cagelo Dichi) 07/37 [+ WO]
kajelu, kajellu (O) 1. desire, intensely want food or drink;
2. succeed; 3. become straight; 4. go away;
kajellu diki, need washing?
HDC16 Kajelu (Cagelu) 08/37 [+ WO]
JDJ50 Kajelu (G. Caggelu) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
HBL66 Kajibo (Gebel K., Cagibo) (mountain) 04/39 [Gz WO Gu]
0413'/3900' 1351 m
kajibo d..: dikka dikka, diqqa diqqa (O) occasionally;
dikka, diqqa (A) limit, riverside, stone marking a border;
dikka (A) large.necked vase; dhiqa (O) used and dirty
water; diqqaa (O) small
HBL66 Kajibo Dikka (area) 04/39 [WO]
HBS20 Kajima, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HDE7. Kajima, with Catholic cemetery and prayer house 08/38 [20]
HDE72 Kajima 0850'/3838' 2135 m (with church Giyorgis), 08/38 [Gz]
south of Sebeta
HDE75 Kajima sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dukem) 08/38 [Ad]
?? Kajimiti, in Bore /which one?/, Sidamo ../.. [Mi]
kajite: kajuti (O) duck; meketa (A) barricade, barrier; interior wall
HEL06c Kajite Meket (Cagite Mechet) 11/39 [+ Gu]
kaka, qaaqaa (O) 1. soot; kakaa 2. oath, agreement; qaaqa (O) talk;
kakka (qaqqa) (A) 1. stretch out a skin to dry;
2. want passionately; kaka (Harar) maternal uncle
HCG79 Kaka (mountain) 0658'/3539' 2487 m, 06/35 [Gz]
west of Shewa Gimira
HCH80 Kaka (Kakka) (also mountain, with 3820 m altitude?) 07/35 [Ad WO x]
(centre in 1964 of Akisho sub-district)
HCT18 Kaka (Cacca), see Kecha
HDE62 Kaka (village) 08/38 [x]
HFE15 Kaka (Qaqa, Kaku), 13/38 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Abiy Adi
HEP59 Kakarset (Cacarset) (mountain) 914 m 13/36 [+ WO]
kakawe, kakawwe (O) 1. thunder; 2. cross-bow, catapult;
kakawu (O) enter /a room/ suddenly
JEH18c Kakawun (Cacaun) 11/41 [+ Gu]
kake, qaqee (O) skin disease with loss of hair
GDF96c Kake 09/34 [MS]
HDA75 Kake (Kakie, T. Cache, Cachi) 08/35 [+ Ad WO Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Lalo Kera sub-district, also hill)
HDA82 Kake (Kakie, K'at'e, Clache, Clach, Cachi) 08/35 [Gz WO]
0856'/3503' 1615/1630 m, west of Yubdo
HDJ44 Kake (K'ak'e, Qaqe) 0928'/3702' 2607 m, 09/37 [Gz q]
south-west of Shambu
HDK08 Kake (K'ak'e, Qaqe) 0908'/3817' 2781 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Addis Alem
GDF.? Kaki, at some distance from Dembidolo 08/34? [x]
HD... Kaki (Cachi) (area) 2850 m 09/38? [+ Gu]
GDF42 Kakir (Tulu Cachir) (mountain) 0829'/3433' 1488 m 08/34 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code GDF32
kakisa (A) a small variety of python, living in trees
HDE81 Kakisa 0853'/3834' 2107 m (with church Giyorgis), 08/38 [Gz]
west of Sebeta
HBL57 Kakissa, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HDD05 Kakiye (K'ak'iye, Qaqiye) 0810'/3801' 08/38 [Gz q]
HDK63 Kakkisi, see Kachisi
kakkisu, kakkisuu (O) to cackle in connection with laying eggs
H.... Kakko, in the Omo area, cf Kako, 05/36 [Ca]
village at some distance from Jinka
JFB05 Kakmara (Cacmara) (mountain) 1338'/4111' 180 m 13/41 [+ WO Gz]
-- kako: Warra Kako (=Kako people/family) is the name of an
Ala tribe of eastern Oromo
HCC20 Kako (K'ak'o, Qaqo) 0540'/3638' 1372 m 05/36 [Gz]
HEA32 Kako (Jebel K., Akako, Caco, Jikako) 11/35 [Gz WO]
(peak) 1111'/3501' 595 m, partly in Sudan
GDM51 Kakogulu (Cakogulu, Cacogula) (area) 1215 m 09/34 [+ WO]
JEB46 Kakombili (Cacombili) 1115'/4114' 370 m, 11/41 [+ WO Gz]
(with waterhole)
kaku, kakuu (O) 1. swear, take an oath, make a solemn declaration;
qaquu 2. chatter, be talkative; 3. parch, expose to heat;
caku (Som) expression of distaste
HDP25c Kaku 10/36 [Wa]
kakwiha: wiha (A) water
HEH34 Kakwiha (Cacuaha) 1206'/3606' 927 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
kal (qal) (A,T) word /as such also a person of the Trinity/;
cal (Som) rocky mountain, stone, rock;
kala, qalaa (O) stubble; short throwing-stick; qaalaa cave
kala-a (O) empty cartridge;
gud (Som) 1. almond tree; 2. travel by night;
3. pay back; compensate; 4. cut off, circumcise;
guud (Som) mane, spreading hairstyle
JDF23 Kala Gud (Gala G., Cala G.) 0821'/4435' 08/44 [+ WO Gz]
HDT00 Kala Kenditi (K'ala K'enditi, Qala Qenditi) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0957'/3830' 2213 m, east of Tulu Milki
Coordinates would give map code HDL91
H.... Kala sub-district (centre in 1964 = Miam Atal) 13/38? [Ad]
HCE14c Kalacha, valley in Sidamo 05/38 [Mi]
HDP.. Kalacha 10/35 [Ch]
(there is an Oromo word kalecha meaning yesterday)
JCE18 Kalafo, see Kelafo
HEU33 Kalaga, see Falaga, cf Kalega
kalaha: kallahaad (Som) getting up early
JEC70 Kalaha (Calaha) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
kalala (O) 1. hair style for warriors, with wreaths of leaves;
2. plant fed to cows to give more milk, climber with large
leaves, Ipomoea wightii?, Thunbergia alata?; (Konso) evergreen
shrub, the leaves of which are used to decorate carved wooden
figures of the dead; kalale, kalalee (O) newly-wed woman; hair style
of married women, with big "balls"; (Bale O) Stephania abyssinica;
-- Kalala, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HDT54 Kalala, see Kelela
HE... Kalala 11/37? [n]
JDD50 Kalala (area) 08/42 [WO]
HBT75 Kalalaki (Calalachi, Colalocia) (ridge) 0515'/3856' 05/38 [+ WO Gz]
JDD40 Kalalo (Calalo) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
HBP33 Kalam, see Kelem
HEK50 Kalamak (Calamac) (small island) 12/37 [+ Gu]
kalame, qalamee (O) vervet monkey
HDA33 Kalame (T. Calame) (hill) 08/35 [+ WO]
kalami, qalamii (O) ink, paint, colours;
calaamee (Som) to brand, to put a mark on
?? Kalamino (Calamino) (plain), ../.. [x]
see under Amba Aradam
?? Kalamis, in Bale, with salines ../.. [Mi]
kalana (O) cave
KDB15 Kalanowale (Qalanoale) (area) 08/46 [+ WO]
HC... Kalao, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
kalat (qalat) (A,T) words e.g. the Ten Commandments;
qalat (Arabic) hill
HFC40 Kalat Hameg (Qalat Hameg) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
kalat wod ab..: abshir (Som) good news, congratulations;
Abshir, a male personal name
HFC31 Kalat Wod Abshar(Qalat Uod Absciar) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
HCM47 Kalata (Calata) 0842'/3959' 1258 m, 08/39 [Wa Gz]
south of Goba, cf Keleta
HDJ46 Kalata (Calata) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
HDT42 Kalata, see Keleta
HDT54 Kalata, see Kelela
kalate (O) 1. Muslim; 2. point of honour
?? Kalati (river with a seam of coal) ../.. [Mi]
JCC32c Kalawlo (Kalaulo) 05/41 [+ Wa]
JDP17 Kalawni (Calaoni) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
kalay: kelay (qälay) (T) lake
KCR88 Kalayu Oman (area) 07/47 [WO]
HDB91 Kalcha (K'alcha, Qalcha) 0901'/3547' 1812 m, 09/35 [Gz q]
south of Gimbi
HBS26 Kalchati (Calciati) (mountain) 0448'/3804' 1550 m 04/38 [+ WO Gz]
JC... Kaldash (mountain) 06/42 [18]
HDA87 Kalderini (Calderini), see under Yubdo 08/35 [+ WO]
JCC22 Kalech (Calec) (mountain) 0540'/4150' 427 m, 05/41 [Gz WO]
cf Kelecha
kalecha, kaleecha (O) yesterday
HCE25c Kalecha, 05/38 [Mi]
valley east of Agere Maryam and south of Kibre Mengist
HCR50 Kalecha 0746'/3640'c, 07/36 [x]
place some 10 km south-east of Jiren/Agaro.
HCT35 Kalecha, near Munesa 07/38 [x]
JDK06 Kalega (Calega) 0907'/4308' 1684 m 09/43 [Wa Gz]
kalegu.: gur (A) rocky soil, head of stone, small
enclosing wall; (Som) 1. be empty, run dry; 2. collect;
3. left hand; 4. offence, insult
JBP23 Kalegur (Calegur) 0445'/4102', 04/41 [+ WO Gz]
(locality, small area)
HFD42 Kalema (Calama) (local centre) 13/37 [n Gu]
kalesha i..: imini (T) stone
HFF04c Kalesha Imini (centre in 1964 of Dessa sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
kali: qaalli (Som) judge
HE... Kali (Cali) (on map of 1814), 13/39 [+ 18]
at some distance east of Agora
HFD12 Kali (K'ali, Qali) 1341'/3746' 882 m 13/37 [Gz q]
HCD64 Kalia (mountain) 06/37 [Br Ca]
HEU01 Kalia Maryam (K'ali'a M.) (church) 1243'/3928', 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
kalicha, qallicha (O) traditional "priest",
person in whom a deity is believed to reside
HCH51 Kalicha (Caliccia) 0650'/3552' 1782 m, 06/35 [+ n]
cf Kallecha
HEE26 Kalicho (K'alicho, Qalicho) 1105'/3900' 2390 m 11/39 [Gz q]
JDK62 Kaligi (Calighi, Caligi) 0939'/4238' 1690, 1923 m, 09/42 [+ Gu Gz]
north-west of Jijiga
kalim (qalim) (A) river bank
HEM13 Kalim kebele (Qalim ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of Kobo wereda,
11-15 km south-west of Wello Robit; area 3,514 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM23 Kalim sub-district (centre in 1964 = Robit) 12/39 [Ad]
HDG88 Kalisi (T. Callissi) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
JDJ24 Kaliso 0918'/4202' 1919 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
kalitie: kallitti (O) wife of kallu, ritual expert
HDE73 Kalitie (Kallitti, Calliti; Kality) 08/38 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 of Endode sub-district)
small railway station between Addis Abeba and Akaki,
with some industries
GDF45c Kalkalcha (Calcalcia), see under Dembidolo 08/34 [+ Gu]
HFF43 Kalkalet Iyesus (K'alk'alet I.) (church) 1359'/3940', 13/39 [Gz]
east of Hawzen
kalla (O) 1. sacrifice, slaughter; 2. (qalla) lightweight, slender,
thin /liquid or cotton thread/;
kallah (Som) get up and go, set out early in the morning
HBF90 Kalla (area) 03/39 [WO]
HEF73c Kalla (Calla) (mountain) 11/39 [+ Gu]
kalladu, qalladuu (O) to joke, make fun
JDH31 Kalladu (Calladu, Kalladou) 0922'/4049' 1268 m 09/40 [+ n x]
JDH33 Kalladu, see Dalladu
JDN.? Kalladu, see Deladu
JCE18 Kallafo, see Kelafo
JDN77c Kallalu (Callalu) (wadi area) 10/40 [+ Gu]
JFA66 Kallalu (in salt depression, at shore) 14/40 [Ne]
kallamoch: kelemoch (qälämoch) (A) colours, inks, paints, pens
HEK51 Kallamoch (Qallamoch) 12/37 [+ Ch]
?? Kallanko (Kallanco), in Sidamo ../.. [Mi]
JEJ35 Kallassa (Callassa) (waterhole) 12/42 [+ WO]
kalle (O) skin, dried and used for sitting or sleeping on
HCM17 Kalle (Calle) 0628'/3958' 1203 m 06/39 [+ WO Gz]
JEB31 Kalle Ali 1108'/4046' 444 m, at Awash river 11/40 [Gz]
kallecha (O) disciple; kalacha (O) strip of metal, passed from
father to son and considered the most important amulet in a family;
kallacha (O) 1. deity; 2. white patch between the horns of cattle:
3. forehead; 4. phallos-like symbol worn on the forehead;
kallicha (qallicha) (O) male magician, ritual expert;
kallacho (qallacho) (Kefa) band worn by warriors and bearing
a phallus
HDE61 Kallecha (Calleccia), cf Kalicha 08/38 [+ WO]
JB... Kalleja (Callegia) ../.. [+ Gu]
-- kallo: Afran Kallo, one of the main groups of the Oromo
Kallo, cf Kalo
HEF84 Kallo (Calloh) mountain 1135'/3946' 1990 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF84 Kallo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gurarba) 11/39 [Ad]
HEF84? Kallu awraja (Qallu ..), in Southern Wello 11/39 [Ad]
(centre 1960s-1980s = Kombolcha)
HEF84 Kallu wereda (centre 1990s- = Harbu) 11/39 [Ad]
HBU01 Kalneheri, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
kalo, kaloo (O) 1. grass, grazing area; 2. belly of sheep or goat;
3. inaccessible; (T) corn, callus; kallo, qalloo (O) thin /liquid/,
of small diameter
HCT13c Kalo, in Arsi Negele wereda 07/38 [20]
HDE70 Kalo (K'alo, Qalo) 0848'/3827' 2132 m 08/38 [Gz q]
(with church Medhane Alem), south-west of Sebeta
HDK.. Kalo, ford in Abay river, 990 m 09/37 [Ch]
JEB69 Kalo (Calo) (area), cf Kallo, Kelo .. 11/41 [+ WO]
HDU84 Kalo kebele (Qalo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southern separate Kalu (West) wereda at its south-eastern
border, 3-12 km south of Degaga; area 3,876 hectares. [CSA 1994]
JDD08c Kalro (Calro) 08/43 [+ Wa]
HFF03 Kalti (K'alt'i, Qalti) 1334'/3940' 2344 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
south of Agula
kalu (O) near; kaluu 1. to slaughter, to sacrifice;
2. to roast coffee beans; kallu, qaallu, qalluu (O) ritual
expert, priest of traditional Oromo religion;
kalu (qalu) (A) the word; kaloo .. (Som) another ..
JCP17 Kalu 0725'/4123' 1085 m 07/41 [WO Gz]
JDJ26 Kalu (K'alu, Qalu) 0916'/4211' 1510 m, near Harar 09/42 [Gz q]
JDN92 Kalu awraja (Qalu ..) (-1959-1987-) 1050'/4000' 11/39 [Gz Ad x]
(centre at least in 1959-1980 = HEF24 Kombolcha)
HEF26 Kalu wereda (centre in 1964 = Ancharo) 11/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 3 urban kebeles among which
Aba Halme, Adama Dirma, Adame, Addis Alem, Agemsa, Ambo Kara,
Amoye Serte, Ancharo, Ardibo, Arera, Arera Nechiro, Beke, Bele,
Birbirti, Bosona, Chorisa, Dibala Gora, Dindin, Dubala Danser, Felana
Mado, Fetekoma, Harbu, Haroye Korame, Irfo, Kalo, Kedida, Kilkilo,
Kolegna, Melke, Mukale, Neti Teki, Rasa, Segno Gebeya, Senyo Gebeya,
Wele, Were Beytu
?? Kaluan (grazing area), ../.. [20]
in Gulina wereda in the Afar region
JCF81 Kalub (Calub, Calab) 0613'/4438', with waterhole, 06/44 [20 WO Gz]
a significant amount of natural gas deposits have been discovered there
JDJ41 Kalubi (near Harar), see Kulubi
HFD09 Kalvedin (Calvedin) c. 1700 m 13/38 [+ Gu]
JDK38 Kalyeda (Calieda) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
?? Kam Aboker, town in Aware wereda ../.. [20]
kama, qaama (O) body /of person or animal/
GDM42 Kama (K'ama, Qama, Cama) 0925'/3432' 1642 m, 09/34 [Gz q WO]
north of Begi
H.... Kama 08/36 [18]
HFD09 Kama (Cama) (mountain) 13/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1335'/3823' 2252, 2765 m
?? Kamaboker (Camaboker), ../.. [20]
in Ogaden not far from the border of Somalia
kamacha, qamachaa (O) dirty stains on human feet
GDM.. Kamachandi kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
kammachu (O) warm oneself by the fire
HDB07 Kamache (Camacce) (area), cf Kamashi 08/36 [+ WO]
kamadi (qamadii), kamado (O) wheat, Triticum aestivum,
T. sativum, T. vulgare;
kamadua (A) kind of small shrub, Pavetta abyssinica
HCK19 Kamadu (K'amadu, Qamadu, Cavada) 06/38 [WO Gz q]
0628'/3820' 1778/1848 m, see under Dilla
?? Kamadur (Camadur) (mountain at the Sudan border) ../.. [+ Gu]
?? Kamaduro (Camaduro) (small settlement) ../.. [+ Gu]
HER00 Kamakela (Camachela) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
?? Kamale, with Konso people 05/37? [20]
HDG79c Kamale (Tulu K.) circa 0945'/3540' 09/35 [x]
H.... Kamamli 10/35 [18]
-- Kamant, Kemant, Qamant, Qimant, Kimanta, ethnic group who were the
last remnants of pagan Agew and who live in the mountains around Gondar
and some other places, numbering about 20,000 in the 1990s
HER24 Kamant (Camant) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
?? Kamashi wereda ../.. [20]
in the Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, see also Kemashi
(-1994-) is divided into 13 rural kebeles and no urban one.
-- Kamba, a small ethnic group in the south-west
HCC76 Kamba 0609'/3712' 1832 m, 06/37 [Gz]
village where a landslide happened
-- Kambata, large ethnic group numbering about one million,
of which 80% Orthodox or Evangelical Christians
-- Kambata language (Kambaata, Cambatta, Kambatta, Kembata,
Kambara; self-name Kambaatissáta)
HCS33 Kambata (Kambatta) .., see Kembata ..
There is a hot spring Fulwaz in the district of Kambata.
[M S Wellby 1898]
?? Kamben (mountain) about 2200 m, pyramid shape ../.. [x]
HD... Kambi Biet, see Wanto
HES22 Kambildge (Cambildge) 1254'/3746' 2617 m 12/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(with church Maryam)
kambo (O) bog, swamp; (T) camp
HDL62 Kambo 0940'/3838' 2679 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF24 Kambolcha, see Kombolcha
JDJ45 Kambolcha, see Kembolcha
kame (qamä) (A) swallow without chewing, eat granular or
powdery things from the hand
HDL81 Kame (K'ame, Qame) 0948'/3832' 3027 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
west of Fiche
HEK32 Kameam (Cameam) (area), see under Yifag 12/37 [+ WO]
HDH.. Kameshi (? Kameschi), cf Kemashi 09/35 [x]
village at some distance from Didessa, north of Gimbi
HBS94 Kameyo (Cameio), see under Burji 05/37 [+ WO]
HEC89 Kamforo (with ferry in the 1930's), 11/37 [Ch]
near Bahir Dar
-- Kamir language (Khamir, Chamir)
HDU85 Kamissie, see Kemise
kamke (O) spark
GDD27 Kamkere 08/33 [WO]
HEF36 Kamkim (K'amk'im, Qamqim) 1111'/3958' 1772 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
east of Dessie
kammu: kamu, qamuu (O) 1. to taste, to chew /chat/;
2. bark /of sugar cane stalk etc./; 3. body;
(T) kind of shrub or small tree, Maytenus ovatus
JDC97c Kammu (Cammu) (area) 0902'/4216' 09/42 [+ Gu Gz]
kamo, kammo (qammo), kimmo (A) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Rhus abyssinica, R. glutinosa, R. vulgaris; (A,O) flavour, taste;
(qamo) (T) Maytenus ovatus;
caamo (Som) people not educated in the Islamic law;
cammo (Som) blindness
HBK99 Kamo (Camo, Comao) 0429'/3824' 1503 m, 04/38 [Gz WO Wa]
near map code HBL90
HCR43 Kamo (Camo) 0739'/3656' 1814 m 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
kamona: kammona, qammona (O) kind of plant with pungent
smelling leaves; kamuni (O) Trachyspermum copticum,
Foeniculum vulgare
JDJ43 Kamona (Camona), see under Kersa 09/41 [+ WO]
HER38 Kampau (Campau, Camfau) (hill) 1253'/3728' 12/37 [Gz WO]
-- Kamtanga, ethnic group in central Ethiopia
HDH.. Kamto (Kamtoo), place in the Nekemte area 09/36 [n]
HDA74 Kamu (Camu), see Gombo
kana (kana) (A) patriarch's chair; (qana) (A,T) melody;
(A,O) flavour, taste; kana, qanaa (O) flavour, taste
HEK05 Kanat (K'anat, Qanat) 1149'/3802' 2421 m, 11/38 [Gz q]
near Debre Tabor
HEJ06 Kanawela (Canaela) 11/37 [+ WO]
HE... Kanburah (Qanburah) (historically recorded 1500s) 12/37 [+ Pa]
(above the Dewaro market in Yifat)
kanbwat: kenbet (qänbät) (A) twig, shoot
HDS26c Kanbwat (Kanbuat) (area) 10/38 [+ Ch]
kanchara, qanch'ara (O) 1. stunted; 2. mature
JDB51 Kanchara (Canciara) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
JDC31 Kanchara (Cancera) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
HB... Kancharo circa 1400 m, 04/37 [x]
isolated mountain on a swampy plain
?? Kanchi (moutain) peak 3500 m ../.. [20]
HDE22 Kandaltiti (K'andaltiti, Qandaltiti) 08/38 [Gz q]
0824'/3837' 2249 m
kandarre: qandhar (Som) stubborn or obstinate person
JDC48 Kandarre (Candarre) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
HE... Kandera (centre in 1964 of Motie sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
GC... Kandibab, a tributary of the Akobo river 07/33? [Mi]
?? Kandida Gamela wereda, in Tambaro-Alaba Zone ../.. [20]
kandurra: qandhuur (Som) vagina of woman /not of animal/
JCR92 Kandurra (Candurra) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
HES98 Kaneki (Canechi) (area) 1320'/3820' 3176 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
HCS.. Kanfocha (Ger: Kanfotscha), 07/37 [x]
abandoned seat of Janjero royalty, located east of Fofa
?? Kanga 05/36 [20]
a Bumi village at some distance from the Murle camp
HC... Kangaro 05/36 [n]
one of four villages which in 1975 received food dropped from the air
?? Kangati. see Omo Rate
kangu: kanko (Sidamo O) kind of small tree, Embelia schimperi
HDE67 Kangu (Cangu) 08/39 [+ WO]
kaniss: kannisa (O) bee
HDM41 Kaniss (Caniss) (mountain) 0926'/3928' 2805 m 09/39 [+ Gz]
HB... Kanjaro (mountain) 04/37 [18]
HEM37 Kankanit Mikael (Cancanit Micael), 12/39 [+ It]
see also under Lalibela
Small cave church in the area of Asheten Maryam above Lalibela
HFC69 Kankar (area) 14/37 [WO]
HC... Kankati (Cancati) 07/36 [+ 18]
uncultivated area north of the Gogeb river
HC... Kankicho (Qanqicho) 07/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sirara sub-district)
kanta (T) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia spp.
HCA65 Kanta (G. Canta) 0603'/3516' 1517, 1940 m, 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
see under Tsilmamo, cf Keneta
HCA75 Kanta (Canta) (place), see under Tsilmamo 06/35 [+ WO]
HES41 Kanta (Canta), see Kenta
kantafa (Harar O) kinds of shrub or climber, Entadopsis
(Entada) abyssinica, Pterolobium stellatum;
kentaffa (qänt'affa) (A,T), kantufa (A) climber of the
Leguminosae family, Pterolobium stellatum
HEC64 Kantafa (Cantafa), see Kentefa
HEJ87 Kantafa (Cantafa) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDE25 Kanteri 0824'/3901' 1590 m, 08/39 [Gz]
at Awash river north of Ziway
GDF65c Kanyaz (Caniaz) 1900 m, 08/34 [+ Gu]
market, with fertile ground and dense forest in the neighbourhood
kao (O) hole, orifice;
ka-o, qaoo so firm that it does not peel easily
HDK80 Kao (Cao) (with church), cf Kaw 09/37 [+ WO]
HCJ91 Kaodsho (Caoggio) 0714'/3641' 1962 m, 07/36 [Gz WO]
near map code HCR00, east of Bonga
Coordinates would give map code HCJ90
HDG09 Kape (T. Cape) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
kapi (O) humid, soaked
HDG08 Kapi (Capi) 0904'/3533' 1679 m, cf Tulu Kapi 09/35 [+ WO Gz]
HDM.. Kaplan forest, 09/39 [x]
wooded area 17 km beyond the Awara Melka plantation
HCR86 Kaporicha (Caporicia) (pass) 07/37 [+ WO]
JCL35 Kapotinak (Capotinac, Captonac) (with waterholes) 06/43 [+ WO Gz]
0630'/4350' 446 m
HFC41 Kapta Messil (Capta M.) (hill) 1359'/3644' 13/36 [+ WO Gz]
JCL35 Kaptonach (Captonac) (waterholes) 06/43 [+ WO]
kar (qar) (A) heartburn; kaar (Som) sudden sharp pain;
qar (Som) mountain peak, cliff; edge or bank /of pond/;
kar (Som) 1. to steam, be boiling; 2. piece, fragment,
patch; 3. be able, know how, dare; car (Som) 1. freshness;
2. sooty residue in a vessel; caar (Som) 1. overflow of river;
2. spotted pattern on livestock; 3. camel's penis
HBL31 Kar (area) 03/38 [WO]
kara (qara) (O) 1. road, path, doorway; 2. far-away place;
3. never; 4. first rate boiled coffee;
kara, karra (A) knife, cutlass; kaaraa (O) knife;
karaa, qaraa (O) 1. green chilli; 2. dry sorghum stalk;
kara (Konso) 1. fence; 2. a special ceremony among the Konso which
takes place every seven and eleven years, forming an 18-year period;
-- Kara, name of an ethnic group east of lower Omo,
north of Duss at about HBP85
HBM72 Kara (Cara) 0415'/3933' 1235 m 04/39 [+ Gz]
HCC46 Kara (Cara) 0552'/3712' 1673 m, cf Karra 05/37 [LM WO]
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
6W Merka (Bohe) (village) 967 m
HDJ10 Kara 0911'/3640' 1963 m, north-east of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ64 Kara 0936'/3658' 2297 m, north-west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDL43 Kara 0927'/3841' 2470 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEH56 Kara (mountain), see Kwara
JEA33 Kara (Carra) 11/40 [LM WO]

HDL86 Kara Amba Amerti Amba kebele (.. .. Amärti ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda stretching to its
northern border, 20-27 km south of Alem Ketema; area 1,128 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kara awar (O) dusty road?
HBL00 Kara Awar (area) 03/38 [WO]
kara bio (O) dusty road? biyyoo (O) soil
HDL35 Kara Biyo 0922'/3855' 2713 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Addis Abeba
kara bo..: boki (O) pumpkin
HDG76 Kara Boki (Cara Bochi) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
kara ch..: ch'ira (O) 1. tail; 2. fly swatter
HE... Kara Chira (centre in 1964 of Argoba sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HDS01c Kara Dobe, dam site near Dejen 09/37? [20]
kara g..: gada, gadaa (O) 1. age-grade system; 2. kitchen;
gadaa (O) special cultural significance;
gada, gwada (A) back area of round house, alcove
HDL72 Kara Gada 0946'/3839' 3276 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU17 Kara Jejeba kebele (.. Jäjäba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Kewet wereda, adjoining Shewa Robit to its
north-east and extending 4 km from there; area 569 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kara jo..: jorga (O) sudden and clumsy fall
JCK90 Kara Jorka (mountain range) 07/42 [WO]
kara ke..: kecha (A) sisal; (O) inside
kara kecha (O) road internally/inwards?
HDL35 Kara Kecha (K. K'echa, Kara Qecha) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0923'/3856' 2697 m, north-east of Addis Abeba
-- Kara Kerre language, see Hamer Banna
?? Kara Komba (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
kara ko..: kore (O) 1. (qoree) thorn; 2. (kore) one's turn
/at grazing cattle/; 3. (kore) committee;
(Som) 1. small monkey, guenon; 2. top, upper
HDE.. Kara Kore 08/38 [20]
Customs post west of Addis Abeba and near Alem Gena and Sebeta
HDU66 Kara Kore (.. K'ore, .. Qore, Karakore, Karakorie) 10/39 [Gz q Po Ad]
(Carakore, Fre: Kara Kourié) 1025'/3956' 1696 m 10/39 [Te]
town in Efrata & Gidim wereda
(with church Gebriel), at the border between Shewa and Wello.
Centre in 1964 of Karakore wereda & of Efrata wereda,
with sub-post office.
There is said to have been an ancient monastery.
HDU56 Kara Legoma kebele (.. Lägoma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Efrata & Gidim wereda, 4-10 km
south-west of Kara Kore settlement; area 3,134 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Kara Megen (centre in 1964 of Dibie sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
HDM44 Kara Megen kebele (.. Mägän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Ankober wereda, 8-10 km
south-east of Ankober town; area 512 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT38 Kara Michik 1015'/3911' 1801 m 10/39 [Gz]
kara mille, footpath? milla, miilla (O) leg, foot;
miile (Som) turn, time
JDH27 Kara Mille, see Karamile
?? Kara Mishig (village in Shewa) ../.. [n]
kara r..: renchi, reench'ii (O) kind of edible bitter plant;
rench (A) herb with leaves eaten as vegetable, Caylusca abyssinica
?? Kara Rencha (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
H.... Kara Siwedu (centre in 1964 of Doreba sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
?? Kara Wasewe (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Kara Wini (Carawini), mountain in Wellega ../.. [+ Mi]
karaba, karabaa (O) shrub used as a whip
HD... Karaba (Caraba) 09/39? [+ 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Guolla province
J.... Karaba (Caraba), 09/41 [+ 18]
locality at lake Ota or Maru, with much vegetation and many birds
HDT42 Karaba kebele 10/38 [Ad]
centrally in Wegdi wereda, 15-18 km
west-southwest of Mahdere Selam; area 1,062 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM14 Karaba Shene 1153'/3945' 1478 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Weldiya
HDL15 Karabarek (recorded in 1841) 09/38 [Ha]
karabasse: qaraabayso (Som) treat or adopt as a relative
JDK34 Karabasse (Carabasse) (area), see under Jijiga 09/42 [+ WO]
karabo, karaboo (O) tray with legs, for coffee cups
GDM60 Karaboge (Caraboghe) 0942'/3421' 1122 m 09/34 [+ WO Gz]
?? Karadobi, cf Kara Dobe ../.. [Ch]
?? Karafessina (in Arussi/Arsi), ../.. [x]
in the early 1930s there was an Austrian coffee plantation
HDM62 Karafino kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
adjoining Debre Birhan to its south; area 859 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK72 Karajjis (Caraggis) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
karaka a..: qaraq afyar (Som) abundance of a kind of fish?
JCS33 Karaka Afyer (area) 07/42 [WO]
JDJ62c Karakalla (Caracalla), 09/41 [+ x]
at 3 hours' march west of Dire Dawa
karakar: caraacar (Som) thistle-like plant
HD... Karakele, 10/39 [x]
on the road to Dessie from Geweha via Senbete
HDU66 Karakorie, see Kara Kore
karalle: karrile (O) work song
JC... Karalle (Caralle) (area) 06/40 [+ Gu]
?? Karamakazo (known from the 1700s as hunting area) ../.. [Pa]
HDA83 Karamako (Caramacco) 1720 m 08/35 [+ WO]
karamar.: mara (O) crown, diadem;
marra (O) grass; marah (Som) thorn tree
JDK32c Karamara (mountains and battle site near Jijiga) 09/42 [n 20]
?? Karamenne Dande ../.. [..]
JDH37 Karamile (Kara Mille) (with sub-post office) 09/41 [Gz Po]
0923'/4123' 2106 m, north-west of Deder
(with church Tekle Haymanot to the west)
(centre in 1964 of Goregutu wereda)
karan (Som) 1. rain at the end of the cool season;
2. feast, banquet; kaarran (Som) hot; painful;
qaran (Arabic,Som) nation; karana (qarana) (T) branch
HED.. Karania Mariam, see Keranya Maryam
HEK32 Karanio, see Keraniyo
karanle: karaan leh (Som) having ability
JCD91c Karanle 06/42 [Wa]
karanye: karraani (Som) male official
JCC98 Karanye (Caranie) (area) 06/42 [+ WO]
HED15 Karanyo, see Keraniyo & HEK32

karara: karar (Som) downpour, heavy rain; karaar (Som) fatness,

plumpness; fullness; kharaar (Som) bitter taste;
-- Karara (Carrara), ethnic group of Somali origin in eastern Bale
who have lost their Somali characteristics through mixture with
-- other people; also a lineage of the Sabbo-Mattarri of the Borana
JDK31 Karara (Carara) 0926/4230' 09/42 [+ WO]
(area, with mine), see mainly under Carara concerning mining
MS coordinates would give map code JDK40
further to the north-west.
karare: karaar (Som) fatness, fullness; qaraar (Som) bitter taste;
kerrere (kärrärä) (A) be taut, twist threads together, be acute
JBJ67 Karare (Carare) (area) 04/42 [+ WO]
HBM25 Karari 0351'/3949' 914 m, 03/39 [Gz]
mountain on the border of Kenya
kararo, qararoo (O) kind of tall tree, Aningeria adolfi-
friederici, important for its timber;
qararro (Som) large tree with edible fruit;
kararu (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Carissa schimperi;
(O) Acocanthera venenata, shrub used for arrow poison
?? Kararo, ../.. [Mi]
a river in Sidamo which flows throughout the year
HDK.? Kararo 09/37 [18]
south of Debre Markos at the junction of the Lagga Waldo river with the Abay
karat (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Osyris abyssinica,
O. wightiana; (T) thorn tree, Acacia etbaica; (Harari) rising ground
HB... Karat, town in north-eastern Konso ../.. [20]
karata, qara-ta (O) custom duty, toll, tax
HEC99c Karata, see Korata Welete
HB... Karate (Garati) ../.. [20]
one of five sub-regions of the Konso region.
karawa, qarawaa (O) large flat basket
HFC56 Karawamba (area) 14/37 [WO]
HD... Karawini (Carawini) (mountain) 0953'/3514' 09/35 [+ x]
?? Karcagna (on map of 1814), south of lake Tana 11/37 [18]
HDL34 Kardaleti 0921'/3847' 2736 m, north of A. Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
kare k..: kurkura (A,O) kind of thorny shrub;
kurkuraa (O) /male/ toddler
HDF73 Kare Kurkura kebele (Karé Qurqura ..) 08/39 [Ad]
large territory in south-easternmost Minjar & Shenkora
wereda at its borders; area 13,294 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Karempza, reported from hearsay in the 1840s ../.. [Ha]
to be the capital of Kambat, with Christian residents
karen: qareen (Som) relatives, kin
JCE07 Karen Ef (Caren Ef) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
-- Kareti language (Karate), see Komso
kareza (qareza) (A) stretcher, litter
HET38 Kareza (Careza), see Keretsa
JDB42 Karfaroka (Carfaroca) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDE77 Karfe 0850'/3908' 2121 m, north-east of D. Zeyt 08/39 [Gz]
GDM.. Kargege kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
GCT.. Kari (river being an affluent of the Akobo) 07/34? [Mi]
HDF22 Kari (Cari, Carri) 0820'/3931' 1864 m 08/39 [MS Gz]
HEJ07 Karikar (Caricari) (hill near lake) 11/37 [+ It]
karin (Som) pass, passage, gap between camel's humps;
agag, agaag (Som) proximity, environs, neighbourhood
JCT90 Karin Agag (Carin Agagh) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
karin ar..: aroosad (Som) (Arabic,Som) bride
JCE16 Karin Arusad (Carin Arusad) (area) 05/43 [+ WO]
JCL69 Karindere (Carindere) (area) 06/44 [+ WO Gz]
0657'/4415' 546/710 m
JCS06 Karinta Kenleh (Carinta Chenleh) 07/43 [+ WO Gz]
0717'/4304' 825 m
JDD97 Karireh (Carireh), see Jiriyele
HDL.. Karisso (river near Debre Libanos) 09/38 [Mi]
?? Kariyu (archaeological site), ../.. [n 20]
basin in the lower Awash valley, below the Magenta mountains
-- Kariyu Oromo occupied portions of the middle and lower Awash valley,
except for Awsa, for nearly 300 years, cf Kereyu
GDU76 Karkalifa, see Horkelifa
HER19 Karkar, near Gondar, see Kerker
karkarro, karkarroo (O), kerkerro (kärkärro) (A) warthog,
Phacochoerous aethiopicus aelini;
karkaro, karkarro (western O) kinds of small tree,
Brachylaena lineare, Gnidia apiculata, G. glauca
HDB46 Karkarro (Carcarro) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HEP49 Karkarset (Carcarset) 1307'/3630' 914 m 13/36 [+ Gz]
HCD24 Karma (Carma) 0540'/3754' 1510 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
GDM.. Karmagunfi kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HE... Karnarnowastatuos 11/36 [x]
between Dangila and lake Tana; in early 1900 were seen "the ruins of
what was once a big village" but the church named as above and some
priests were still there.
The name refers to Saint Ewostatewos.
karni: kerni (qärni) (T) horn
HDS85 Karni (Carni) (mountain) 1045'/3800' 3101, 4070 m, 10/38 [+ WO Gz]
north-west of Bichena
HEJ.. Karnot 12/37 [Mi]
river in the Chilga area north-west of lake Tana
karo (O) 1. whip, thong, stirrup-leather; 2. dry and empty
pumpkin; 3. kinds of tree, Osyris wightiana, Pygeum africanum;
qaroo 4. one of two oxen in a team; 5. intimate friend;
caaro (Som) spider; caro (Som) anger, irritation, malice;
-- Karo, name of an ethnic group in the South Omo zone;
numbering about 600, one of their major villages is Dus (Duss);
see their self-denomination Kara
-- Karo language, alternate names Kerre, Cherre, Kere
GDF31 Karo (Caro) 0825'/3428' 599 m 08/34 [+ n]
GDF35 Karo 0827'/3449' 1638 m, near Dembidolo 08/34 [Gz]
HC... Karo, 05/36 [n]
one of four villages which in 1975 received food dropped from the air
HCN64 Karo (Caro) 0750'/3512' 1894 m 07/35 [+ n]
HCR57 Karo (Caro) (area), cf Karro 07/37 [+ WO]
H.... Karo (Qaro) 08/35? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bilo Karo sub-district)
JDJ33 Karo (B:io Caro) (It: bivio = cross-roads) 09/41 [+ WO]
HEK23c Karoda (Caroda) 11/38 [x]
During persecution of Debre Libanos monks in the early 1300s,
"the learned men who hade built monasteries from Qaroda to Ferqa" fled.
HEK23c Karoda Silase (Qaroda Sellasé) 11/38 [+ 20]
(monastery in the Gondar region, known at least from the 1700s)
HEK32 Karoda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yifag) 12/37 [Ad]
HBR47 Karole (area) 04/37 [WO]
?? Karole (Carole) ../.. [+ Mi]0
mountain in the Ganale valley in Sidamo
JDN88 Karoma (Caroma, Carona) (area) 720 m, 10/40 [+ WO Gu]
see under Trena
JDP40 Karoma (Caroma) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
HDC95 Karonti (Caronti), see under Tibbe 09/37 [+ WO]
?? Karora ../.. [x]
PLF (TPLF?) forces on 5 January 1977 attacked the town of Karora
on Ethiopia's north-western border with the Sudan.
Karra, cf Kara, Kerra
karra (A,T) large curved knife, kitchen knife
/figuratively about mountain pass?/;
(O) 1. gate, kraal; 2. luck, wealth, fortune, destiny;
3. (Harar O) Ormocarpum muricatum
HCT19 Karra (It: sella di Carra) (pass) 0724'/3915' 3150 m, 07/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
in highland separating Ganale Doria and Webe Shebele
HDF11 Karra (Carra) (area), see under Sire 08/39 [+ WO]
HDG84 Karra (Carra) 0948'/3510' 1527, 2012 m, 09/35 [+ WO Gz]
see under Mendi
HDJ25 Karra (Carra) (mountain) 3050 m, see under Haretu, 09/37 [+ WO]
possibly 4307 m and the 9th highest mountain in Ethiopia
JEA33 Karra (Carra) 1110'/4004' 1422 m 11/40 [+ Gz]
karra ba..: balchi (O) pebble, stone; (A) obsidian flake
JDC40 Karra Balchi (Carrabalci) 0834'/4142' 1297 m 08/41 [+ WO Gz]
HCM50 Karra Birole (Carra Birole) (pass) 3215 m 06/39 [+ WO Gu]
karra d..: dintu (A) fine muslin
JDG18 Karra Dintu (Carra Dintu) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
karra h..: hidda (O) spring of water, vein; seam in soil;
mood, luck; hiddaa (O) stringed bow for carding cotton
HEU05 Karra Hidda (Carra Hidda) (area) 12/39 [+ WO]
karra mag..: mager (magär) (A) traditional house wall of poles etc;
maageer (Som) enclosure; circle
HDM45 Karra Mager (Carra Magher) (with church) 09/39 [+ WO]
karra mar.: mara (O) crown, diadem; maraa (O) 1. fresh corn cake;
2. twist of rope, roll of tobacco; marra (O) grass;
marah (Som) thorn tree
HEF03 Karra Mara (Carra Mara) (pass) 1053'/3933' 2740 m 10/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
JDA43 Karrafannisa (Carrafannissa) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
?? Karramende Dande (on map of 1814) circa 4340', 09/43 [18]
at a southern route from the coast to Harar
HDJ70 Karranate (Carranate) (mount.) 0943'/3638' 1864 m 09/36 [+ n]
JDK50c Karrara (Carrara), about mining see Carara 09/42 [+ Mi]
karraru, qarraruu (O) become clear /liquid/
HDC51 Karraru (Carraru) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDG94c Karrasom, about 20 km north-east of Mendi 09/35 [x]
-- Karrayyu, Karayu, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe, also one of
three sub-groups (sub-moieties) of the Saho branch of the Borana
HD... Karrayu (Karayu, same as Dagadima?), in Arsi 07/39? [+ x]
HDF65 Karrayu (Carraiu, Catelu) (area) 0845'/3950', 08/39 [+ WO Gz]
cf Kereyu
HDM05 Karrayu (Carraiu) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
karre (qarre) (A) crest of hair /traditional for small boys/;
qarree (O) 1. escarpment; 2. tonsure-like hairstyle of girl;
karre, "holy" gate of the enclosure for cattle, used as place
for sacrifice by some peoples in southern Ethiopia
HCM53 Karre (Carre) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
HEE88 Karre Yona (Carre Yona) 11/39 [+ WO]
karri, qarri (O) border /cf karre above/; qarri (Som) rough
mountain terrain; impenetrable territory
HDF22 Karri (Carri), see Kari
J.... Karri (near the border of Somaliland) 05/43 [x]
HDD61 Karrifatu (Carrifatu) 0846'/3738' 2599 m 08/37 [+ n]
karro: carro (Som) country, earth, soil, dirt
GD... Karro (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HCR65 Karro (Carro), cf Karo 07/37 [+ WO]
karru, karrio, karyu (O) kind of tree, Polyscias ferruginea,
growing in the wetter parts of medium-altitude forests;
karru, karruu, qarruu (O) grind one´s teeth; be gap-toothed;
qaarru ear
karsa, qarsaa (O) 1. flat rock; 2. whetting stone;
karsa (qarsa) (Janjero) Tuesday
HCR54 Karsa 0743'/3700' 1751 m, cf Kersa 07/37 [WO Gz]
HC... Karsa (Qarsa), east of Duro in the lake region 07/38 [x]
HDF24 Karsa (K'arsa, Qarsa, Garsa) 0823'/3944' 2138 m 08/39 [Gz q WO]
HDG18c Karsa (river), 09/35 [Mi]
an affluent of the Kobara in the northern Yubdo valley
HDG47c Karsa (river), 09/35 [Mi]
in the immediate vicinity of Nejo, near Karsa Creek
HDH82c Karsa, see under Dimto 09/36 [x]
HDK.. Karsa, a little south of the Abay near Guder river? 09/37 [x]
JDJ42 Karsa, see Kersa
GDM.. Karsa kebele (Qarsa ..) 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HCR55 Karsa Sadecha (Carsa Sadecia) (area) 07/37 [+ WO]
HDA19 Karsa-gogila 0818'/3535'c 08/35 [x]
place a little south of Mattu
JCB97c Karsalek 06/41 [Wa]
HCL84c Karso (Qarso), near Kofele 07/38? [x]
karta (qart'a) (A) fallow land, uncultivated for more than a year;
qartaa (O) virgin land; baraa (O) learner, student
HCF21 Karta Bara (Carta Bara) 05/39 [+ WO]
kartati: kertati (T) vagabond;
kartiti, qart'iit'ii (O) small bag of cloth
JEJ30 Kartati (Cartati, Cartad) 1200'/4130' 536 m 12/41 [+ WO It Gz]
HBM24 Kartil (Cartil) (area) 0354'/3940' 950 m 03/39 [+ WO Gz]
HDL.. Karuda (Caruda), in the Selale district, 09/38 [+ 18]
said to have been a principal town in the old time
karumbae b..: bad (Som) sea; baad (Som) 1. good pasture;
2. tribute, tax; bad (Afar) lake
JFA47 Karumbae Bad (Karumbad), see Assale
?? Karutta, ../.. [Pa]
region on the borders of Begemdir according to James Bruse
karwa: karuah (Arabic) castor oil shrub, Ricinus communis
HEJ98 Karwa Maryam (Carua Mariam) (mountain) 12/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1235'/3726' 2134, 2589, 2725 m, see under Azezo
HEL88 Karza (K'arza, Qarza) 1230'/3911' 2209 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
west of Korem
H.... Kas Kas, see Kaskas
kasa, kassa (A) indemnity, recompense; (T) savings-box;
(O) 1. kinds of tree, Aningeria adolfi-friederici,
Lantana salvifolia, L. trifolia; 2. kind of weed;
Kasa, Kassa, frequent male name meaning compensation,
child born "to replace" an earlier one who died
HER84 Kasa Iyesus (Casa Iesus, C. Jesus) 13/36 [+ Gu Gz]
1324'/3659' 900 m
JEA.. Kasagitta, 11/40 [20]
the last Afar village at the road from Mille to Dessie
HDM95 Kasamba (Casamba) 1381 m 09/39 [+ WO]
?? Kasamender, 300 km east of Awash Station ../.. [20]
?? Kasar, see Ras Kasar, cf Kesar
kasara, kasaraa (O) curved walking stick
HEJ79 Kasasillit (Casasillit, Cossaserrit) 12/37 [+ WO Gu]
(area), see under Azezo
kase, kaasee (O) kind of weed
JDB72 Kase 0848'/4055' 1845 m, south of Asbe Teferi 08/40 [Gz]
HDM86 Kase Ager kebele (Kasé Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at its
eastern border, 12-17 km east of Debre Sina; area 1,427 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCP25 Kasha 0727'/3610' 1633 m, north of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
HCS53 Kasha 0743'/3747' 2439 m, north of Hosaina 07/37 [Gz]
GDU85 Kashangaro (Jebel K., Casciangaro) 10/34 [Gz]
1054'/3436' 1035 m, mountain partly in Sudan
kashi, ceremonial place, used for sacrifice among the
Ometo of southern Ethiopia; kaashi (Som) assistance, cooperation;
cashi (Som) debility, weakness /in livestock/
HCA93 Kashi (Casci) 06/35 [+ WO]
HCG64 Kashi (Casci) 06/35 [+ WO]
HCG94 Kashi (Casci) 07/35 [+ WO]
HCN02 Kashi (Casci) 07/35 [+ WO]
kashi d..: deli (Som) covered hole, pitfall;
dheeli (Som) make danse, amuse; dheelli (Som) lean sideways
JCC98 Kashi Delli (Cashi Delli) (area) 06/42 [+ WO]
HDU86 Kashim (Cascim), see Kemise
kasho: kashoo (O) bronchitis;
casho (Som) evening meal; kaasho (Som) lean on, depend on
HDD74 Kasho (Cascio) (mountain) 0847'/3750' 3052 m 08/37 [+ WO Gz]
kasi (A) kind of shrub, Lantana rugosa;
kassi (A) kind of herb/?/, Lippia javanica
HDG33 Kasi, T. (hill), cf Kesi 09/35 [WO]
HDD54 Kasibi (Casibi) (mountain), 08/37 [+ WO]
see under Chitu, cf Kassibi
HDE31 Kasim (Casim) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDL64 Kasim (K'asim, Qasim, Cassin Selassie) 09/38 [AA q WO Gz]
0940'/3849' 2655/2769 m, see under Debre Libanos
HDL76 Kasim (K'asim, Qasim) 0941'/3858' 2578 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
east of Debre Libanos
HDL76 Kasim (K'asim, Qasim) 0944'/3858' 2584 m 09/38 [Gz q]
(with church Silase), east of Debre Libanos
HDM31 Kasim wereda (Kesem .., Kessem ..) 09/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Koremash), cf Kesem sub-district
kasima: kasma (A) stake for tent, tent peg
?? Kasima (visiting postman under Debre Birhan) ../.. [Po]
HDM81 Kasima kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda at its
northern border, 16-22 km north-northwest of Debre Birhan
topwn; area 1,775 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCK97 Kasiyeno (Casieno) 0711'/3812' 1851 m 07/38 [Wa Gu Gz]
HCB27c Kaskantamas, 05/36 [x]
-- settlement area of a sub-group of the Shangama
kaskas (A) cautiously
H.... Kaskas (Kas Kas, Cascas) (pass) ../.. [+ Gu]
-- (Kaskasse/Cascasse) (hill with monoliths) ../.. [+ Gu]
probably inside Eritrea
HBP.. Kaske, 05/36? [Ca]
just outside Turmi, a well on the edge of the usually dry Kaske riverbed
HCJ36 Kaske 0637'/3712' 1183 m 06/37 [Gz]
kaso (O) good-natured; khaso (Arabic,Som) shame, embarrasment
HDL14 Kaso (K'aso, Qaso) 0910'/3848' 2679 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
near Sululta
HDL54 Kaso (K'aso, Qaso) 0932'/3847' 2642 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south of Fiche
HDL63 Kaso (K'aso, Qaso) 0933'/3846' 2593 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Abo), south of Fiche
kasot a..: amora gedel (A) vulture cliff
HDM71 Kasot Amora Gedel kebele (.. .. Gädäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally rather far to the west in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
4-8 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 847 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDL39 Kasr (Chesar), north-west of Begi, cf Kesar 09/34 [Gz WO]
0927'/3418' 1446 m
GDL49 Kasr (Jebel K.) 0925'/3416' 1559 m, 09/34 [Gz]
north-west of Begi
GDL49 Kasr (Casr, Chesar, Kese) 0940'/3849' 2655 m 09/38 [Gz WO LM]
HE... Kassa Abbo, cf Kasa .. 11/38 [18]
kassali: kessele (kässälä) (A) became charcoal or very dark
JFB51 Kassali (Cassali) (hill) 1405'/4045' 14/40 [+ WO Gz]
JDR30 Kassandera Kebir (Cassandera Chebir) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
JDR40 Kassandera Segeyt (Cassandera Segheit) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HBR79 Kassargiyo (Cassarghio), see under Jarso 05/37 [+ WO]
HDU96 Kassebie (Kassabie), see Kemise
HCK98 Kassi (Cassi) 0710'/3817' 2115 m 07/38 [+ n]
HDD44c Kassibi, cf Kasibi 08/37 [Wa]
-- Kassim, Kasim, Kasem, a male personal name
HDG37 Kassimi, about 19 km south-southeast of Nejo 09/35 [x]
kasta (Som) each, every, any;
kest (qäst) (T) vault; kesti (T) arch;
kasu, kasuu (O) 1. wake up, agitate; 2. take away, remove;
3. start, put in motion; 4. baptize, christen;
kaasu (O) to lift, to raise; kaasuu (O) armful /of wood/
HCM96 Kasu (Casu) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HES45 Kasusa (Casusa) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
JBU47 Kasyagur (Casiagur) (area) 04/44 [+ WO]
kat (O) chat, Catha edulis
HEC53c Kat Maryam (Cat Mariam) (church) 1974 m 11/36 [Gu]
kata, qaata (O) long time ago; qaataa (O) trigger
HDR98 Kata (K'at'a, Qata) (village) 1050'/3719' 2174 m, 10/37 [Gz q 18]
north-east of Bure
HDG.. Kata Abba Korma 09/35 [x]
?? Katab river, with waterfall near the Sudan border ../.. [x]
HDN97c Katabala (Catabala) (former caravan stop) 10/35 [Ch Gu]
end of the caravan route to Wembera
katama (O etc, from A) army camp, historically said of Shewan
fortified settlement in southern and western Ethiopia;
nowadays any town;
katema (A) Scirpus corymbosus, a lily-like herb?;
ketema (kätäma) (A) town /of some size/, city
HBF91 Katama 0336'/3925' 1077 m, mountain near Kenya 03/39 [Gz]
HCS99 Katama (Catama) (area), see under Butajira 08/38 [+ WO]
HDB88 Katama, see Getema
HDL54 Katama, see Ketema
?? Katata, see Keteta
Katch.., see Kach..
kate (qate) (A) shortness of breath;
kate, katee (O) homemade leather skirt; katte (O) kind of barley
HDA82 Kate, see Kake
HDG09 Kate (T. Cate) (hill), cf Kete 09/35 [+ WO]
HE... Kate (on map of 1814), in the Angot area 11/39 [18]
HDU14 Katela (Qat'ela), see Katila
HEE17 Katela (K'at'ela, Qatela) 1058'/3904' 3820 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HD... Katem Wera (Catem Uera) 09/39? [+ 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Feres Tifir
kati, title of sacred chief/king among the Ometo of
southern Ethiopia
katila (qat'ila) (A) cliff; katla (qat'la) (A) boulder which
appears to grow out of the earth
HDE67 Katila (K'at'ila, Qatila) 0845'/3905' 1979 m, 08/39 [Gz q]
east of Debre Zeyt
HDE83 Katila (K'at'ila, Qatila, Cabana) 07/40 [Gz q n]
0854'/3846' 2140 m, a little south of Addis Abeba
HDL62 Katila (K'at'ila, Qatila) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0936'/3839' 2453 m, south-west of Fiche
JCG98 Katila (K'at'ila, Qatila) 0713'/4033', west of Ginir 07/40 [Gz q]
HDU14 Katila kebele (Qat'ela ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda stretching narrowly
to the south-west, 7-12 km east of Molale; area 1,340 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Katlan, a small stream in a short and broad chasm 10/36? [Ch]
kato (T) kind of shrub or "climbing tree", Combretum aculeatum;
kato (O) tribute; caato (Som) thin, slim, skinny person
HFC24 Kato (Cato) 1350'/3655' 836 m, cf Keto .. 13/36 [+ WO Gz]
HC... Katre, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x];
katri: ketari (T) bandit, brigand;
gwa (A) cotton plant before harvesting time
HFC27 Katri Gwa (Catri Gua) (hill) 1347'/3719' 2069 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
HEL74 Katseman (Catseman) 12/38 [+ Gu]
katta (O) rock, usually high and flat; jorga (O) sudden fall
HDG58 Katta, 6 km north-east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDG58 Katta Jorgo (mountain) 0930'/3534', 09/35 [x]
see under Nejo
HDJ84 Kattali (Cattali) (mountain) 09/36 [+ WO]
HCH02 Kattalya (Cattalia), see under Shasha 06/35 [+ WO]
HCB50 Kattekoke (hills) 05/35 [Ca]
HC... Kattu (Qattu), 07/36 [+ n]
region united with Gomma in the early 1800s
HD... Katturi (Catturi), a district of Menz 10/39? [+ 18]
GDM51 Katugola (Catugola, Gabugola) 0932'/3428' 1333 m 09/34 [+ WO Gz]
HFF15 Katun (Qatun) (with rock-hewn church) 13/39 [+ x]
HFF91 Katun Abune Libanos (church) 1425'/3929' 14/39 [Gz]
(K'at'un A.L.), north of Adigrat
HEL99 Kauhi, A. (Abba? Adi? Amba?) 12/39 [WO]
HCE90 Kavado (Cavada, Cavado, Gaveia) (market) 06/38 [+ Gu Gz]
0620'/3827' 2763 m
?? Kavet, in the Rift valley, with row of hills ../.. [Mi]
kavie: kewihi (T) rock
HDE82c Kavie (Cavie) (village), see under Were Ilu 10/39 [+ Gu]
kaw, khau (western Eth) kind of top-storey forest tree,
Aningeria adolfi-friederici; kao (O) hole, orifice;
caw (Som) 1. frond, palm leaf; 2. side, flank, proximity;
qaw (Som) precipice, ravine, gorge; kaw (Som) destruction,
breakage, death
JCE15 Kaw (Cau) (mountain) 474/491 m 05/43 [+ WO]
JCE44 Kaw (Cau) (area) 05/43 [+ WO]
JDG89 Kaw (Cao) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
HE... Kaw Silasi (Cao Sillasi) (small church) 12/37 [+ Gu]
kawa (O) 1. any opening in a wall; kawwa 2. leg ulcer;
(A) 1. kind of shrub or small tree, Grewia mollis var. petitiana;
2. (qawa) brigand's hideaway in a forest;
kawwa (O) 1. (qawwaa) coffee; 2. hole, hollow;
3. (qaawwa) shortage of food or money;
caawa (Som) tonight, this evening
GDM11 Kawa (G. Caua) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
HCM94 Kawa (Caua) (area) 3788 m 07/39 [+ WO]
HCN75 Kawa (K'awa, Qawa) 0754'/3518' 2033 m 07/35 [Gz q]
HDL51 Kawa (K'awa, Qawa) 0932'/3834' 1973 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Mikael)
kawa g..: gebeya (A) market
HDE69 Kawa Gebeya (K'awa G., Qawa G.) 08/39 [Gz q]
0842'/3944' 1237 m, north-east of Mojo
JDK80 Kawdera (K'awdera, Qawdera) 0949'/4235' 1364 m 09/42 [Gz q]
kawe, qawwee (O) gun, rifle, /also bullet/
HEK70 Kawena Tesama (Caena T.) 1226'/3731' 2000 m 12/37 [+ Gu Gz]
HDT38 Kawet kebele (Qawät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in east Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
6-9 km north-east of Meragna; area 1,001 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kawo (O) difficulty, problem; title of
local chief, same as kati above;
(O) difficulty, poverty, problem; birbirsa (O) zigba tree
HC... Kawo Berbersa (Kawoberbersa) 07/35? [+ Ad]
(in Mocha awraja)
HEL85 Kawsawa (Causaua) 12/38 [+ Gu]
-- Kawwada language, see Gawata
kaya (Wellega Bega) porcupine;
kayaa, qayaa (O) hole, hollow; kayyaa (O) 1. deposit
/with someone who is trustworthy/; qayya 2. haze,
mirage; 3. incense; kwayya (qwayya) bush or forest fire
HCH75 Kaya (Caia) 1717 m 06/36 [Ad WO Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCP05 Kaya (Kaye, Caia, Gaia) 0717'/3618' 2116 m, 07/36 [+ WO Gz Gu]
near Bonga, see also under that entry
Coordinates would give map code HCP06
HES29 Kaya Giyorgis (K'aya G.) (church) 1255'/3822' 12/38 [Gz]
HC... Kaya Kela (K'aya K.), in Ilubabor
kaya ko..: kobi, koobi, kobii (O) anthill;
qobbe (Som) chill, cool of night
KCH47 Kaya Kobe (Caia Cobe) 06/46 [+ WO]
HDU40 Kayafer (Caiafer) (area), cf Key Afer 10/39 [+ WO]
HCP45 Kaycha (Caiccia) (village) 07/36 [+ Gu]
KDA46 Kaydaro (Qaidaro) (area) 08/45 [+ WO]
JDK19 Kayderrede (Caiderrede) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
kaye: keye, qeyee (O) premises, compound
HCP05 Kaye, see Kaya
kaygedel: key gedel (A) red cliff or precipice
HDL97 Kaygedel (Caighedel) 09/39 [+ WO]
HCJ57 Kayi (K'ayi, Qayi) 0650'/3715' 1384 m, 06/37 [Gz q]
south of Waka
HDE52 Kays (Cais) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDN59 Kayter (Caiter) (mountain) 1028'/3537' 2169 m 10/35 [+ n]
HCR47c Kaza-zire 07/37 [x]
HER.. Kazza (Kaza), north-west of Gondar 13/37 [n 20]
keba (qäba) (A) honey from the forest;
kebba (qäbba) (A) to anoint, to paint /a house/,
to grease the hair; ke'eba (Harari) south
HDK06 Keba (K'eba, Qeba) 0907'/3811' 2772 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Maryam), west of Addis Alem
HDK17 Keba (K'eba, Qeba) (area) 09/38 [AA q]
HDK07 Keba Maryam (church) 09/38 [AA]
HDM53 Keba kebele (Qäba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-east Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
5-10 km north-west of Ankober; area 1,968 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Kebado (visiting postman under Shashemene) 06/38? [Ad Po]
(centre in 1964 of Hann Dida sub-district)
HCL23 Kebalenka (K'ebalenka, Qebalenka, K'ebaleka) 06/38 [Gz q]
0632'/3843' 2021 m, east of Agere Selam
HCL24 Kebalenka (K'ebalenka, Qebalenka) 06/38 [Gz q]
0631'/3850' 1840 m, east of Agere Selam
HEJ05 Kebbit (Chebbit) (hill) 11/37 [+ It]
kebd (qäbd) (A) deposit, token of serious intention
HDE12 Kebd (Kabd, Käbd) (near Zikwala mountain), 08/38 [x]
in an ancient text a locality Kabad (Käbäd) is mentioned
GDF73c Kebe 08/34 [LM]
GDF96 Kebe (K'ebe, Qebe, Ghergheda) 09/34 [Gz]
0859'/3458' 1805 m
HEE07 Kebeb (Qebeb), see Kibib
-- Kebeirka language, see Uduk
kebele (qäbäle) (A) 1. quarter of a town; 2. echo; 3. direction
HDF51 Kebele (K'ebele, Qebele) 0836'/3927' 1661 m, 08/39 [Gz q]
near Welenchiti
HEL08 Kebele (K'ebele, Qebele) 1148'/3909' 3221 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
west of Weldiya
JEP11 Kebele, see Kabele
JDJ54 Kebele Jela (K'ebele J., Qebele J.) 09/42 [Gz q]
0931'/4200', north-west of Harar
HDT13 Kebeleye (Chebeleie) 10/38 [+ WO]
kebena: see also kabana;
kabana (O) cool, chilly
-- Kebena, ethnic group (or rather sub-group) numbering 6,636 (in 1984?)
-- Kebena language (Qebena, Kabena) is a dialect of southwest Gurage
HDD15 Kebena (K'ebena, Qebena) 0817'/3802' 2045 m 08/38 [Gz q]
HDD25 Kebena (Kabenna, Cabena, Qabena) (village) 08/38 [x Mi WO n]
(Zinna Bannar), in north-western Gurage
HC... Kebena sub-district (Kiebena ..) 06/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gnama)
HD... Keberkuya, in Limu wereda close to the Guder river, 09/36 [n]
a cave site in Hadiya representing stone age
kebero (käbäro) (Geez term used in several languages)
(A) drum which is held by one hand and beaten
with the other, or played sitting on the floor;
(qäbäro) (A), qabaro (O) golden jackal, Canis aurens;
qeberoo (O) droppings from smaller animals like sheep:
meda (A) field, grassy plain
HE... Kebero Meda (Qäbäro M.) (historically recorded) 12/37 [+ Pa]
south of Gondar near Yebaha, mentioned in early 1700s
?? Kebet (visiting postman under Shashemene) ../.. [Po]
kebeti, qebet'ii (O) roost, platform for chicken inside a house
HES00 Kebey 1245'/3730' 2697 m, north of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
kebira: kebira (A) learned Arab who has studied
many books in Arabic
HEF32 Kebira 1110'/3933' 2448 m, north-west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
JDH31 Kebira 0919'/4050' 1233 m, north-east of Mieso 09/40 [Gz]
HDG58 Kebni Abadir (K'ebni A., Qebni A., Abadabu) 09/35 [Gz q WO]
(Abadadu) 0931'/3533' 1824 m, near Nejo
?? Kebokecho (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEC98 Kebran (Kebran Gebriel), see Kibran
?? Kebrat Amba, see Kibret Amba
HCE56 Kebre Mengist (Kebra Mangest), see Kibre Mengist
JDK07 Kebrebieyah, see Kebri Beyah
JCL49 Kebreidehar, see Kebri Dehar
kebri (qäbri) (T) burial
JDK25 Kebri Ahmed (Kebri, K'ebri A., Qebri Ahmed) 09/42 [Gz q]
0919'/4258' 1751 m, east of Jijiga
JDK07 Kebri Beyah (K'ebri B., Qebri B., Kebribeyah) 09/43 [Gz q Po]
(Kebribieyah, Gabribagia, Gabribaja)
0906'/4310' 1686 m (with sub-post office)
(centre in 1964 of Kebri Beyah wereda & of Gilo sub-district)
JDK07 Kebri Beyah wereda 09/43 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kebri Beyah)
JCL49 Kebri Dehar (K'ebri Dehar, K'abradahare) 06/44 [Gz Te WO Gu]
(Kabri Dahar, Khebre Dahar, Gabredarre) 06/44 [Ad x]
(Qabridehari, Qabradahare, Qebri Dehar, .. Deharre) 06/44 [n]
(Kabre Dar, Kabri Dar, Gabridare), on the Fafan river
MS: 0649'/4417' = JCL59; Gz: 0644'/4417' 425/493 m
Centre of awraja and wereda, with post office.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Adona (Addon)
2S Ba Lakmadobe (Ba Lacmadobe) (wide area)
8NW Anforlei (seasonal waterhole)
9N Hurdur (area)
10N Agar Wen (A. Uen) (area)
9NE Tulli
JCL76 Kebri Dehar awraja (Qebri Deharre ..) 0700'/4400' 07/44 [Gz x]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Kebri Dehar)
JCL49 Kebri Dehar wereda (centre in 1964 = Kebri Dehar) 06/44 [Ad]
kebrit a..: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JFA45 Kebrit Ale (Chebrit Ale) 1355'/4008' or 15' 13/40 [Ne x WO Gz]
(volcano), cf Kibret Ale
HET27 Kebriya (K'ebriya, Qebriya) 1254'/3908' 2050 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
north of Sekota
HDU56 Kebroy Maryam (mountain) 1027'/3954' 1884 m 10/39 [Gz]
kech (käch) (A) jute
HE... Kech (Ketch), at Baro river downstream from Itang 12/37 [n x]
HE... Kech sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bejene Maryam) 12/37 [Ad]
kecha (O) inside; (A) sisal
HBR61 Kecha, see Kegha
HC... Kecha (Ketcha) 07/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mera Bicho sub-district)
HCG64 Kecha (K'ech'a, Qecha) 0658'/3539', 06/35 [Gz q]
near Guraferda
HCT18 Kecha (K'ech'a, Qecha, Kaka, Cacca) (mountain) 07/38 [Gz q Gu WO]
0722'/3909' 3820, 4157 m
HDD19 Kecha (K'ech'a, Qecha) (mountain), cf Kacha 08/38 [Gz q]
0818'/3823' 3354 m
HDE10 Kecha (K'ech'a, Qecha) 0818'/3825' 2707 m 08/38 [Gz q]
HDL73 Kecha (K'ech'a, Qecha) 0942'/3846' 2590 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south of Fiche, see under Debre Libanos
HDL76 Kecha (K'echa, Qecha) 0943'/3859' 2548 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
east of Debre Libanos
HBR61 Kecha, see Kegha
HC... Kecha wereda (centre in 1964 = Selam Ber) 06/37 [Ad]
?? Kechase (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
keche t..: keche (qächä) (A) cut down /grass, figuratively:/ kill
many enemies; 2. be burnt by sun or frost;
tulla (O) heap, pile, dried dung
?? Keche Tulla (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HD... Keche Wenjo (Kechie W.), in Gimbi awraja 09/35? [+ Ad]
kechema (qäch'äma) (A) reward offered for finding
a lost object; (O?) kind of shrub, Myrsine africana;
-- Kechama, Kachama (Haruro), name of an ethnic group of
modest size, with an East Ometo language
HDC60 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema) 08/36 [Gz q]
0844'/3640' 2135 m, east of Arjo
HDE49 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema, Cacciama) 08/39 [Gz q WO]
(area), see under Nazret
HDK37 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0924'/3812' 2716 m
HDK58 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema, Kacciama) 09/38 [AA Gz q WO]
(Cacciama) 0931'/3816' 2432 m
HDL32 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0923'/3837' 2543 m, north-west of Sululta
HDL34 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0924'/3849' 2575 m, north of Addis Abeba
HDL61 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema, Iaia Cacciama) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(Yaya) 0938'/3835' 2566 m
HDL72 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema) 8 km NE of HDL61 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0941/3839' 2740 m, south-west of Fiche
HDM41 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema) 09/39 [Gz q]
0925'/3929' 2938 m, south-west of Debre Birhan
HDU61 Kechema (K'ech'ema, Qechema) 10/39 [Gz q]
1030'/3926' 2709 m, south-west of Were Ilu
kechema d..: dima, diima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
3. baobab large tree, Adansonia digitata
HCT38 Kechema Dima (K'ech'ema D., Qechema D.) 07/39 [Gz q]
0733'/3909' 2668 m, east of Langano
HDU92 Kechema kebele (Qäch'äma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Were Ilu wereda, 18-24 km
north of Were Ilu town; area 2,226 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE49 Kechema sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aroge Adama) 08/39 [x]
kecheme (qäch'ämä) (A) be full of lice
HDK97 Kecheme (K'ech'eme, Qecheme, Hacciamie) 09/38 [AA Gz q WO]
(Hatchamie, Hatchiame) 0953'/3811' 2059 m,
waterfalls to the east and 2560 m nearby
kechemo (qäch'ämo) (A,O), kachama (O), kachana (qach'ana) (A)
kind of highland shrub with hard wood, Myrsine africana, the fruit of
which is used as a cure for tapeworm; kechumma (O) guest, stranger
HCS87 Kechemo (K'ech'emo, Qechemo) 07/38 [Gz q]
0758'/3811' 2721 m
HFE26 Kechemo (K'ech'emo, Qechemo, Qachamo) 13/38 [Gz q x]
1345'/3859' 1971 m
?? Kecheno (Qächeno, Qächeho), ../.. [Pa]
(historically recorded from the 1400s, near Yifat)
HDS66 Kecher (K'echer, Qecher) 1031'/3807' 2474 m 10/38 [Gz q]
HEE76 Kechin Areh kebele (Qäch'en Aräh ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda in its middle between borders,
16-18 km south-southwest of Wegel Tena; area 752 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kechin m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HED84 Kechin Meda (K'ech'in M., Qechin Meda) 11/37 [Gz q]
1135'/3757' 2481 m
kechin m..: mesk (A) meadow, grazing land
HDL97 Kechin Mesk (K'ech'in M., Qechin Mesk) 09/39 [Gz q]
0954'/3907' 2327 m
kechin m..: meskel (mäsqäl) (A) cross
HEL37 Kechin Meskel (K'ech'in Mesk'el, Qechin Mesqel) 12/39 [Gz q]
1204'/3909' 2617 m, north-east of Lalibela
HEE28 Kechina kebele (Qäch'ena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the south in Tenta wereda in the middle
between east/west sides; area 2,958 hectares. [CSA 1994]
-- Kecho, Keku, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
GDF95 Kecho (Checio), cf Kacho, Kicho 09/34 [+ WO]
HC... Kecho (Ketcho) 07/36 [18]
Located west of the Naso affluent of the Gojeb river,
with hot springs frequented by sick people
HCR81 Kecho (Checcio) (mountain) 1856 m 08/36 [+ WO]
HCK08 Kechu (Cicciu) 1550 m, see under Dilla 06/38 [WO Gu]
HER18 Keck (Checc) 12/37 [+ WO]
keda: kedda (kädda) (A,T) betray, desert, abandon;
(qädda) (A) fill one vessel by pouring from another
He... Keda (Qeda) (historical area known from 1300s) 12/39? [+ Pa]
HEE68 Keda (K'eda, Qeda) 1129'/3911' 1801 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
west of Mekdela
?? Keda Geffo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEE77 Keda Mistinkir kebele (Qéda Mestenker ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
6-15 km south and south-west of Wegel Tena; area 5,928 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kedada (qädada) (A) hole, rent, loophole;
kedede (qädädä) (T) tear to pieces
HCB02 Kedada (Chedada) 0526'/3557' 515 m 05/35 [LM WO Gz]
kedamawi (qädamawi) (A) first /in the title of a king/
HEB26 Kedamawi Haile Selassie Ber (H.S. I Ber)
(Kedamawi Hayle Silase Ber), see Chagne
kedany: kedagn (kädanj) (A) covering;
keddane (käddanä) (A) covered with a lid; thatched with grass;
keddene (T) cover
HDL61 Kedany Amba 0935'/3834' 2447 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Fiche
JEA13 Kedar Amba (Chedar A.) 1101'/4003' 1501 m, 11/40 [+ Gz]
south of Bati
HES69 Keddis Arit (mountain) 1318'/3821' 13/38 [x]
JDG93 Kedebura (mission school) 0954'/4003' 09/40 [Gz]
HDM88 Kedebura kebele (Kädäbura ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-east in Kewet wereda at its south-eastern border,
16-22 km south-east of Shewa Robit; area 2,662 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBF82 Kededuma (Kedaduma, Gaddaduma) 03/39 [Gz LM WO]
(place:) 0327'/3933', (wells:) /3934' 964 m, east of Moyale
HEF20 Kededur kebele (Qädädur ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Tenta wereda; area 2,537 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Kedehem 09/39? [18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Efrata
kedida (O) kind of tree, Olinia rochetiana
HDK75 Kedida (K'edida, Qedida) (with church Silase) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0941'/3800' 2508 m
HDS09 Kedida (K'edida, Qedida) 1002'/3820' 2456 m 10/38 [Gz q]
HCK95 Kedida Gamela wereda (Qädida ..) 07/38 [n Ad]
(Qedida Gamiel Gamiela wereda, centre in 1964 = Durame)
with 33 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Taza Agara.
One of five weredas in the Kembata awraja, from 1976 named
Kambaata & Hadiyya awraja. With reorganisation in the 1990s
it became a wereda in the Kambata-Alaba-Timbaro Zone.
HEF14 Kedida kebele (Qädida ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the north at the western border of Kalu (East) wereda,
adjoining Kombolcha to its south and extending 7 km to
the south-southeast; area 2,703 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ35 Kedida Maryam (K'edida M.) (church) 09/37 [Gz]
0922'/3707', near Haretu
HDS04 Kedie (centre in 1964 of Liben sub-district) 09/37 [Ad]
HEF32 Kedijo (Chedigio) 1110'/3931' 2643 m, 11/39 [Gz Gu]
see under Dessie
HEF33 Kedijo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Beret) 11/39 [Ad]
kedo: kedo (Som) surprise, quick move
HDJ11 Kedo (Jalchis, Gialcis) (peak) 0912'/3642' 2257 m 09/36 [Gz]
?? Kedse (Qädsé) (unidentified, recorded ca. 1330) ../.. [+ Pa]
HDM21 Kedusge (Qedusgé), see Kidusge
HED17 Kef (Chef) (mountain) 1102'/3814' 2128 m 11/38 [n Gz WO]
-- Kefa, Keffa, Kafa, ethnic group of important size,
alternate names Kaficho, Kaffa, Caffino, Manjo
Kefa (Kafa, Kaffa, Käfa), old kingdom
HCP11 Kefa (Kaffa, Caffa) (minor place) 0720'/3550' 07/35 [18 Gz]
HCH76 Kefa awraja (K'efa .. Kaffa .. Kafa ..) 0700'/3615' 07/36 [Gz Ad x]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Bonga)
kefa b..: ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HCP28 Kefa Ber 0730'/3628' 1603 m, north-east of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
HEL03 Kefayi 1148'/3846' 2545 m, east of Debre Zebit 11/38 [Gz]
HCR28 Kefersa (Caffarsa, Ceffersa, Cafifarsa, Kafifarsa) 07/37 [Gz WO Mi]
(Kafarsa, Kaffarsa) 0726'/3720' 1979 m, peak 3100 m
(WO has Caffarsa at HCR17), cf Gefersa
HED32c Keffa Abo (centre in 1964 of Kolela sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
H.... Keficho-Shekicha zone 07/36 [n]
Two zones were combined into one in 1996, with Bonga as capital.
kefo, kefoo (O) kind of sweet smelling plant
HEM10 Kefo Medkeya (K'efo Medk'eya, Qefo Medqeya) 11/39 [Gz q]
1154'/3923' 3549 m
HCL84 Kefole, see Kofele
kefta (käfta), keffita (A) elevation, altitude;
kefete (käfätä) (T) to open
HCR51c Keftan 07/36 [Wa]
HDM90 Kefti (Chefti) 09/39 [+ WO]
HEJ.. Keftu (Cheftu) (mountain) 2330 m 12/36? [+ Gu]
HFC47 Keftya (K'eftya, Qeftya, K'abtyaa, Qabtya) 13/37 [Gz q]
1354'/3707' 1585 m
HDG15 Kefuche 0909'/3517' 1531 m, north-west of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
H.... Kefurasha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adda) ../.. [Ad]
kega (qäga) (A) wild rose shrub, Rosa abyssinica, R. rugosa
HDM42 Kega Ber kebele (Qäga Bär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
5-6 km north of Shola Gebeya; area 873 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

?? Kege (Qege) ../.. [20]

with Catholic 'Holy Trinity' parish under the Vicariate of Awasa
HBR61 Kegha (Kecha, Checcia) 0508'/3646' 1903 m, 05/36 [WO Gz Wa x]
see under Hamer Koke

HDT33 Kegn kebele (Qägn ..) 10/38 [Ad]

in southernmost Wegdi wereda at its middle eastern quarter
of its southern border; 17-24 km south-west of Mahdere Selam;
area 3,780 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED64c Kegowano (Chegouano) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HDL64 Kehiti 0937'/3848' 2639 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCK59 Keikei, see Cheichei
HDC14 Kejelo (K'ejelo, Qejelo) 0815'/3702' 1704 m 08/37 [Gz]
HEM05 Kejima kebele (Qäjema ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-east Habru wereda, 20 28 km
east of Weldiya; area 3,450 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Kejo, see Kiejo
HDL86 Kek & Seka kebele (Qéq & Säqa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda stretching narrowly to its
northern border, 19-27 km south of Alem Ketema; area 968 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Keka Dakadaba (visiting postman under A.A.) ../.. [Po]
HEU52 Keke (Kek'e, Keqe, Mai Mescic), west of Debub, 13/39 [Gz]
1309'/3935' 2442 m (with church K'irk'os)
kekew t..: tadde, taddee (O) porcupine, or its spines
HDE50 Kekew Tadde (Checheu Tadde) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDH01 Keki (K'eki, Qeki) 0904'/3549' 1830 m, 09/35 [Gz q]
south of Gimbi
HDJ06 Keku 0908'/3710' 1824 m, north-west of Gedo 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ17 Keku 0909'/3716' 2764 m 09/37 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), north-west of Gedo
kela (O) 1. gate in a thorn fence; the concept of kela as a
customs house on the border of a closed province was taken
over by the Oromo conquerors from the Sidama tribes who
previously dominated southern Ethiopia; 2. wooden butter jar
Kela, cf Kella
HBR67 Kela 0505'/3719' 1462 m 05/37 [Gz]
HCC74 Kela 0605'/3702' 1324 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCU52 Kela 0744'/3934' 2015 m, south-east of Ticho 07/39 [Gz]
HDD98 Kela (K'ela, Qela) 0900'/3817' 2129 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
west of Addis Alem, see under Welenkomi
HDE10 Kela (Scerscera) 0816'/3830' 2054 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-east of Butajira
?? Kela (in the Adigrat region) ../.. [Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
-- Kela Genda (Qäla Gända), name of an Oromo group who
around 1690 gave support to the Amhara king
HEF90 Kela Iyesus (church) 1142'/3923', 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Weldiya

JDA59 Kelada (K'elada, Qelada) 0837'/4041' 1726 m, 08/40 [Gz q]

south-east of Gelemso
HDD37 Keladi (K'eladi, Qeladi, Toli) 0829'/3811' 2366 m 08/38 [Gz q]
JCE18 Kelafo (K'elafo, Qelafo, K'ellafo, Qellaffo, Kalafo) 05/44 [Gz Po x WO]
(Kallafo, Gallafo, Callafo, Qalafu, Qalaafo, Au Calif) 05/44 [x n]
MS: 0530'/4415' = JCE09, 230 m; Gz: 0537'/4408' = JCE27, 233 m
Centre of awraja and wereda, with sub-post office.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Danyerrey (Dagnerrei) 233 m
10SE Gumer (Gumerhe) 229 m
10S Galwen (Galuen) (area) 592 m
7NE Morodiley (Morodilei) (area)
9NE Bararato (area, with pass)
KCA02 Kelafo awraja (K'elafo ..) 0530'/4500', near JCF09 05/45 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Kelafo)
JCE18 Kelafo wereda (centre in 1964 = Kelafo), 05/44 [MS Ad]
damaged by overflow of the Webi Shebele river
HFF32 Kelah Abla (K'elah A., Qelah A.) 13/39 [Gz q]
1352'/3937' 2131 m, south-east of Hawzen
kelal (qälal) (A) light, not heavy, easy
HD... Kelala 10/39 [Ad]
Kebeles adjoining Kelala settlement are Yimeri to the east,
Ribortu to the south, Indode to the west and Chelchele to
the north, with Senbo almost touching to the north-west.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
4E Bosena kebele
4E Harewa kebele
7E Tuluya kebele
9E Keneso kebele
6SE Key Amare kebele
9SE Shafe kebele
5S Gubisa kebele
8S Shum Gedel kebele
9S Waldiya kebele
6SW Jejeba kebele
8SW Guna kebele
4W Wileharo kebele
7W Kube kebele
8W Gerewa kebele
4NW Bari kebele
6NW Mukech kebele
7NW Lote & Jaro kebele
6N Werke kebele
7N Jegenfo kebele
10N Deret kebele
7NE Aleltu kebele
7NE Gabesa kebele
10NE Teltele kebele
HDH86 Kelala 0947'/3616' 2085 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ25 Kelala 0915'/3705' 2169 m, 09/37 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south of Haretu
HEK26 Kelala (Chelala) (mountain) 1201'/3808' 2817 m, 12/38 [+ Gu n]
cf Kalala
?? Kelala awraja (Chelala ..), cf Kelela ../.. [x]
H.... Kelala wereda (Kalala .., Kelela ..) ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kelala)
(-1994-) is divided into 71 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
There are towns Amba Maryam and Weyin Amba (Derek Amba).
Among kebeles there are
Abet Wiha, Abwara, Adis Amba, Alchaya, Aleltu, Anarat, Argit,
Bakelo, Baket, Bari, Bereda, Biskul, Bosena, Bulbul, Chelchele,
Deger, Deret, Digir, Digiy, Digorach, Gabesa, Gascha, Gerewa, Ginbule,
Gor, Gubisa, Guna, Harewa, Haro, Inchine, Indode (two), Indoge, Irinto,
Jegenfo, Jejeba, Kenalet, Keneso, Key Amare, Kore, Korke, Kube,
Licho, Lote & Jaro, Martikos, Minas, Minaya, Mukech, Ribortu, Senbo,
Shafe, Shenet, Shokla, Shum Gedel, Sitey, Teltele, Tereko, Tirantir, Tirtira,
Tuluya, Waldiya, Warja, Wedegitu, Werebo, Werke, Werke Beskut, Wishat,
Yesola, Yimeri
H.... Kelanto (Kelanta), 10/38 [20]
early name of Atronsa Maryam, see this entry
?? Kelat (centre in 1964 of Sifukso wereda), cf Weleka ../.. [Ad x]
HDK65 Kelate (K'elat'e, Qelate) 0937'/3800' 2509 m, 09/37 [AA Gz q]
(with church Maryam)
HDF75 Kelawlo 1417'/3758' 1047 m 14/37 [Gz]
kelay (qälay) (T) lake; (A, Geez) deep water, still water
HCH52 Kelayka (Chelaica, Caliccia) 0651'/3553' 1782 m 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
HDM80 Kelbeni & Dingay Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(Kälbäni & Dengay .. ..)
far to the east in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
11-14 km east-northeast of Deneba; area 655 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HB... Keldime ../.. [20]
Settlement of 7 hectares in north-east Konso.
kele (käle) (A,O) sheepskin; kele (O) deep;
keleh (qäläh) (A) empty cartridge
HCA26 Kele (Chelle, Chele) 0537'/3519' 1557 m 05/35 [LM WO Gz]
HCD75 Kele (Kelie) 0605'/3802' 1424 m, 05/38 [Gz Ad]
south-east of lake Abaya
(centre in 1964 of Amaro wereda)
HCD75c Kele (Kelie) 1424 m 06/38 [MS Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
(centre in Amaro special wereda in 2000s)
kele ch..: cheka (A) forest; cheka, cheekaa, chekata (O)
large tree Calpurnia subdecandra, or shrub/medium tree
Sesbania sesban
HDK56 Kele Cheka (K'ele Ch'eka, Qele Cheka) 09/38 [AA q]
HE... Kelebas 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Derem Wedia sub-district)
HDU94 Kelebet Wenber kebele (Qäläbät Wänbär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
cenrally in north Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching narrowly
in direction across the wereda, 16-18 km north-northwest of Majete;
area 870 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kelecha (kälächa) (A) diadem, more or less the same as aklil
H.... Kelecha (Kälächa) (in Jemjem) ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ayi sub-district)
kelela (käläla) (A) cover, screen /affording concealment/;
Kelela, Kalala, a male personal name
-- Kelela, see mainly Kelala
HD... Kelela (sub-post office under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
HDT54 Kelela (Calala, Kalala) 1028'/3848' 1655 m 10/38 [Gz]
(WO has Kalata at HDT42)
HDT76 Kelela 1035'/3900' 2556 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Kelela sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HER99 Kelelo (K'elelo, Qelelo) 1332'/3727' 1967 m 13/37 [Gz q]
kelem (qäläm) (A,T) 1. colour, ink, paint, pen;
2. (A) learning, education; 3. letter of script;
4. large reed from which pens are cut
H.... Kelem 0505'/3605' 05/36 [MS]
GDM02c Kelem 09/34 [LM]
HBP33 Kelem (Kelam, Kalam, Kolom, Callam, Calama) 04/35 [Gz WO Gu]
(Qällim) 0448'/3558' 395 m, north of lake Turkana
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
9SW Natade (area with sand dunes)
GDF95 Kelem awraja (Qelem .. Kielem ..) 0900'/3450' 09/34 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Dembidolo)
HEF33 Kelem Dereba kebele (Qäläm Däräba ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Kuta Ber wereda, 3-10 km
north-northwest of Dessie; area 1,703 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBP23 Kelem Presbyterian Mission 0444'/3601', 04/36 [Gz]
at Omo river south-east of Kelem town
HD... Kelem Zeref (centre in 1964 of Cheno sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
?? Keleme (in Gemu Gofa, with school) ../.. [x]
HDU23 Kelerbo kebele (Kälärbo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of northernmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda stretching narrowly to its northern border, 8-12 km
north of Molale; area 864 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Keleshe (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
keleta (qäläta) (T) succour; kelete (qälät'ä) (T) skin, tan,
bark; kellete (qällät'ä) (A) melted, disappeared
HDT42 Keleta (Kelala, Kalata) 1655 m, cf Kalata 10/38 [LM MS WO]
HDU14 Kelewa & Kabtema kebele (Qäläwa & Kabtéma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda to the south
at its eastern border, 8-11 km east of Molale; area 643 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF44 Keley Kohlit (K'eley K., Qeley Kohlit) 13/39 [Gz q]
1359'/3944' 2867 m, east of Hawzen
HET84 Keli 13/38 [WO]
JDN33 Kelidoro 1015'/4002' 1319 m 10/40 [Gz]
HCD.. Kelie, see Kele
JDJ24 Kelifa 0915'/4201' 1825 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ24 Kelifa 0916'/4159' 1893 m, north-east of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
GDL19c Kelim, cf Kelem 09/34 [18 Wa It]
HEJ... Kelina (Chelina) (area) 2215 m 12/36 [+ Gu]
JDC94 Kelina (K'elina, Qelina) 0901'/4159' 1455 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south-east of Grawa
HEF33 Kelina kebele (Qälina ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Dese Zuriya wereda adjoining Dessie town to its south
and extending 6 km southwards; area 2,182 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kelina k..: kero, qero (O) unmarried Oromo
JDJ23 Kelina Kero (K'elina K., Qelina Kero), 09/41 [Gz q]
north-east of Grawa
kelish emni: imni (T) stone
HF... Kelish Emni (village in Tigray) 13/39 [n]
kelkel (qälqäl) (A) edge of cliff
JDN32 Kelkelti (K'elk'elti, Qelqelti, Hangar) 10/40 [Gz q]
1015'/4000' 1356 m
HEF76 Kelkesha (K'elk'esha, Qelqesha) 11/39 [Gz q]
1131'/3957' 1162 m, north-east of Hayk

kelkil: kilkil (A) forbidden, prevented

HDM91 Kelkil (Chelchil) 09/39 [+ WO]
kella, keellaa (O) entrance gate, main entrance; border post
of an Ethiopian province /in Menilek's time/, checkpoint;
hori kella (O) entrance of property; customs (internal
revenue post); kella (källa) (A) 1. toll station;
2. ford or passage where everybody passes; 3. hinder,
impede, prevent; (qälla) (A) to be or become red;
kella (T) castor oil shrub, Ricinus communis
GDF31 Kella (Chella) 0828'/3429' 811 m 08/34 [+ Gz]
GDF44 Kella (Chella) 0834'/3445' 1881 m 08/34 [+ Gz]
GDF64 Kella (Chella) 0847'/3446' 2201 m 08/34 [+ Gz]
HBR59 Kella (Chella) 0500'/3726' 1525 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
HBR68 Kella (Chella, Kela) 0505'/3719' 1462 m 05/37 [+ It Gz]
HCA99 Kella (Chella di Magi) 0619'/3538' 1550 m, 06/35 [WO Gz Gu]
32 km from Maji
HCN35 Kella (Chella) 0733'/3515' 1633 m 07/35 [Wa WO Gz]
HCP50 Kella (Chella) 0744'/3546' 2133 m 07/35 [+ Gz]
HCS99 Kella, 08/38 [20]
elongated village a little after Butajira on the road to Tiya
HDA05 Kella (Chella) 0809'/3516' 1541 m, west of Gore 08/35 [Gz WO]
HDA39 Kella (Chella) 0828'/3539' 1205 m 08/35 [+ Gz]
HDB81 Kella (Chella) 0856'/3549' 1834 m 08/35 [+ Gz]
HDE62 Kella (archaeol. site), see under Melka Kunture 08/32 [x]
HDH.. Kella, near peak Arso at some distance from Nekemte 09/35? [x]
HFE.. Kella, mountain pass between Debre Damo and Yeha 14/39 [18]
kella d..: dafino (O) Monday
HDA96 Kella Dafino (Chella D.), see Amara Gudo
HCF11 Kella Genale, see Bitata
HDC32 Kella Gibe (Chella del Ghibie) 0830'/3652' 1864 m 08/36 [+ Gz]
H.... Kella Goggo, 07/36 [18]
customs station on the Gomma side when entering from Limmu
HDB57c Kella Hippa (Chella Hippa) (village) 08/36 [+ Gu]
kella s..: soyyama (O) rush, plant used for roofing;
soyama (O) plough handle
GDF56 Kella Soiama (Coie Soiama, Fait Buraio) 08/34 [Gz WO]
0837'/3455' 1585 m
JCE18 Kellafo, see Kelafo
JDR71 Kellali, see Killelu
kellau (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Euclea schimperi;
kelle, qellee (O) kind of field hockey; af (A,T) mouth, beak
HF... Kelleaf (in Agame awraja) 14/39? [Ad]
kellele (källälä) (A,T) stake out /a plot of land/, fence,
delimit, demarcate; (qällälä) (A) be light of weight
HFF41 Kellele (Qellele, Qilälä) 14/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Hawzen
JDG22 Kelles (small lake?) 09/40 [Ne]
kello, keelloo (western O) 1. yellow flower, meskel daisy,
Bidens sp.; 2. yearly kallu feast;
Kello, Kelo, a male personal name
?? Kello (resettlement area) ../.. [x]
kelo j..: kello, keelloo (O) yellow Meskel flower, Bidens sp.;
jebi (Som) raid an enemy, interrupt, defeat, break, smash
HDK17 Kelo Jebi 0913'/3813' 2849 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem
HDK73 Keloba Dasa 0945'/3750' 1559 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
keltu m..: mesha, meeshaa (O) goods /for sale/,
utensils, furniture
JDA56 Keltu Mesha (K. Mescia) 0839'/4022' 1611 m, 08/40 [+ Gz]
near Mechara
HE... Kema, cf Kama 12/37 [Ch]
river flowing only in the rainy season
?? Kemaha (Qemaha) 12/93? [x]
place recorded from, the 1600s
-- Kemant (Qemant, Qimant, Chemant, Kamant)
ethnic group who were the last remnants of pagan Agew,
living in the mountains around Gondar.
-- Kemant language (Kimanteney) is spoken north of lake Tana
and in Eritrea
kemar: khamaar (Som) to gamble
JCD83 Kemarmere (K'emarmere, Qemarmere, Camar Maire) 06/42 [WO Gz q]
0613'/4247' 334 m, at Webi Shebele
?? Kemashi wereda, see also Kamashi ../.. [20]
-- Kemata language, see Kambata
HCC76 Kemba 0604'/3710' 1792 m 06/37 [Gz Po Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kenba wereda), in Gardula awraja
(with sub-post office under Arba Minch)
HCC76? Kemba wereda 06/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEL29 Kembat (K'embat, Qembat) 1201'/3919' 2800 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
east of Lalibela
-- Kembata, Kambata, Kambatta, a sub-division of the main
ethnic group Sidamo-Kembata, numbering about half a million
according to the 1994 census;
-- Kembata language, see Kambata
HC... Kembata (Kambata, Kämbata) 07/37 [+ x Pa]
(historical area recorded from the 1400s)
For history see mainly Kambata.
HCS03 Kembata (Cambatta) (mountains) 07/37 [+ n]
0719'/3749' 2400 m
HCS33 Kembata awraja (Kambata .., Kembatta ..) 07/37 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Hosaina), along the Omo river
Contained five weredas, each with two sub-districts.
The name was changed to Kambaata-Hadiyya awraja in March 1976.
As administrative unit it was succeeded in the 1990s by Angacha wereda.
HCS22 Kembata & Hadiya awraja (Kembatta ..) 07/37 [Gz Ca]
(centre in 1980 = Hosaina) 0730'/3745'
(Kembatta .., Kambaata-Hadiyya ..)
The name was Kembata awraja (Kembeta ..) until March 1976.
HD... Kembebit (Kembebiet) 09/39? [It 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Feres Tifir
HEM00 Kembeh kebele (Qämbäh ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Dawint & Delanta wereda,
15-23 km west-southwest of Weldiya; area 4,095 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM52 Kembere kebele (Qämbäré ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the east at the northern border
of Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 8-13 km
south of Debre Birhan; area 1,660 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Kembeta, see Kembata
HES12 Kembi Aker (Chembi Acher) (area), cf Kimbi 12/37 [+ WO]
HD... Kembibit wereda 09/38? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 69 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
kembolcha: kombolcha, see this word
Kembolcha, see Kombolcha for main places
HCN54 Kembolcha 0746'/3510' 2164 m 07/35 [Gz]
HDB24 Kembolcha 0822'/3604' 1874 m, 08/36 [Gz]
south-west of Bedele
HDE72 Kembolcha 0847'/3838' 2172 m, 08/38 [Gz]
south of Sebeta
HDG84 Kembolcha, 09/35 [+ x]
about 10 km east-northeast of Mendi
HDJ59 Kembolcha 0932'/3730' 1969 m, near code HDK50 09/37 [Gz]
HDK58 Kembolcha 0930'/3814' 2537 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL39 Kembolcha 0921'/3915' 2803 m, near Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
/this Kembolcha with church Silase?/
HDL91 Kembolcha 0956'/3832' 2261 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
east of Tulu Milki
HEF24 Kembolcha, see Kombolcha 11/39
JCP35 Kembolcha (Combolcia) 07/41 [Gz WO]
0730'/4111' 1128/1168 m
JDC91 Kembolcha 0858'/4141' 1724 m, 08/41 [Gz]
south-west of Grawa
JDJ45 Kembolcha (Combulcia, Melkarafu, Malkarafo) 09/42 [Gz WO]
(Kombolcha) 0926'/4207' 2085 m,
(with church Maryam), north of Harar
?? Kemekem wereda, at some distance from Fogera ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
kemele: kamele, qamele (O) guenon monkey, tota,
Cereopithecus spp.; kemmele (qämmälä) (A) be filled with lice
HDE83 Kemele (Qemele, Qämäle) (village) 08/38 [x]
HDL22 Kemele (K'emele, Qemele) 0918'/3838' 2578 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HEM42 Kemele (K'emele, Qemele) 1209'/3936' 1628 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
south of Alamata
HFF30 Kemer (Qemer) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
HEE37 Kemer Dengay, see Kimir Dengiya
HE... Kemer Dingay, see Kemir Dengiya
HCJ54 Kemero 0650'/3702' 1230 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDJ37 Kemesho Mikael (church) 0924'/3715', 09/37 [Gz]
east of Haretu
HDU85 Kemesie, see Kemise
HDK67 Kemete (K'emet'e, Qemete) 0940'/3812' 2103 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HDL60 Kemete (K'emet'e, Qemete) 0937'/3828' 2124 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
HDL83 Kemete (K'emet'e, Qemete) 0947'/3843' 2902 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Fiche
HDK16 Kemete Gebriel (K'emet'e G.) (church) 09/38 [Gz]
0910'/3804', near Ilfeta
HDD55 Kemeti Mikael (K'emet'i Mika'el) (church) 08/38 [Gz]
HEL97 Kemetrwa (Chemetroa) (pass) 2150 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
HEK33 Kemikem, see Kemkem
kemir d..: dengiya, dingay (A) stone, rock
HEK05c Kemir Dengiya (Kemer Dingay, Kimir ..) 11/38 [+ Po 20]
(with sub-post office under Gondar)
town in Farta wereda
HE... Kemir Dengiya sub-district (ctr 1964 = Wiye Meda) 11/38? [Ad]
kemis (qämis) (A) kind of cotton cloth, shirt;
kemise, my shirt?
HDU66c Kemise 10/39 [Br]
HDU85 Kemise (Kemisse, Kemssie, Kemisie, Kemissie) 10/39 [Gz Po Te WO]
(Cascim, Kemse, Kemesie, Kassebie, Kassabie) 10/39 [Wa 18]
(Kamissie) town in Chefe Golana Dewerahmedo wereda
MS: 1040'/3955'; Gz: 1043'/3952' = HDU85, 1424 m
(with sub-post office)
HEK33 Kemkem (Kemikem, Abba Foge) 12/37 [Gz WO 20 Gu]
1203'/3748' 1811 m, see under Yifag
HEK.. Kemkem sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ambo Meda) 12/37 [Ad n]
HEK23 Kemkem wereda (centre in 1964 = Addis Zemen) 12/37 [Ad]
Part of Libo awraja until 1974, when Libo Kemkem
wereda was created.
HEE76 Kemkemo (Qemqemo), see Kimkimo
kemmer, kimmir (A) heap of grain
H.... Kemmer Dengiya, see Kemir Dengiya
JDJ43 Kemne 0926'/4153' 2134 m 09/41 [Gz]
(mountain), south of Dire Dawa
HCR21 Kemo 0730'/3643' 2203 m, south-west of Jimma 07/36 [x]
JDA88c Kemona (centre in 1964 of Guba Koricha wereda) 08/40 [Ad]
GDU60 Kemosha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dul) 10/34 [Ad]
HDU85 Kemse, see Kemise
ken (qän) (A) day, daytime; weather; /figuratively:/ good luck
HDL86 Ken (K'en, Qen) 0948'/3900' 2522 m 09/39 [AA Gz q]
(with church Amanuel)
HDL87 Ken & Molt Amba kebele (Qän .. .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda stretching to its northern border, 22-28 km
south of Alem Ketema; area 905 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Kena (Seha Kena) ../.. [Ch]
river named Rahad inside Sudan
kena g..: gebi (Som) 1. flat open area; 2. forehead;
3. all, the whole; (gäbi) (A) income, revenue
HES39 Kena Gebi (K'ena G., Qena G.) 12/38 [Gz q]
1256'/3822' 2706 m, east of Deresge
?? Kenafina (with postal agent/sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HDT66 Kenalet kebele (Qänalét ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Kelala wereda, 10-14 km south-east
of Kelala settlement; area 1,598 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE49 Kenata (Adi Elo) 1359'/3920' 1947 m, 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
see under Hawzen
HCC77c Kenba wereda (centre in 1964 = Kemba) 06/37 [Ad]
kenber b..: berr (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
?? Kenber Ber (centre in 1964 of Semada sub-district) 11/38 [Ad]
H.... Kenchel Giyorgis 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Enzegidim sub-district)
JDJ52 Kenchera (K'ench'era, Qenchera) 09/41 [Gz q]
0932'/4150' 1488 m, south-west of Dire Dawa
HDE49 Kenchero (K'ench'ero, Qenchero) (area), 08/39 [x q]
see under Nazret
HC... Kenchie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Roppi) 07/38 [Ad]
HCJ02 Kencho 0620'/3648' 1864 m, near map code HCC92 06/36 [Gz]
HCJ02 Kencho 0621'/3651' 2484 m 06/36 [Gz]
HB... Kendala ../.. [20]
Settlement of 7 hectares in middle Konso.
kene: kini (qini) (A) sacred hymn, religious poetry
HDL21 Kene 0918'/3833' 2604 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Abeba
HDT76 Keneso kebele (Qänäso ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Kelala wereda, 8-12 km
east of Kelala settlement; area 1,035 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Kenesso (centre in 1964 of Tirtirra sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
HEU11 Keneyat Kidane Mihret (church) 1247'/3928', 12/39 [Gz]
west of Maychew
HDM22 Kenfe, see Kinfe
kenfer (känfär) (A) lip, edge
HE... Kenfero (district through which the Abay flows) 11/38? [n]
keni: kenni (O) to give out; keni (Som) long period of time
HDN44 Keni (Cheni) (area) 10/35 [+ WO]
kenina l..: let (lät) (A) day
HDT67 Kenina Let (K'enina L., Qenina L.) 10/39 [Gz q]
1030'/3904' 2486 m
HE... Kenivoava, place at hill south of lake Tana 11/37 [x]
HEL.. Kenkgenet Mikael 12/39 [20]
rock-hewn church not far from Abune Yosef in the Lalibela region
JDK43 Kensekeror (K'ensekeror, Qensekeror) 09/42 [Gz q]
0928'/4247' 1744 m, north of Jijiga
HDT67 Kenso (K'enso, Qenso) 1032'/3904' 2398 m 10/39 [Gz q]
kensu, qeensuu (O) trickle
HES41 Kenta (K'enta, Qenta, Canta) 1306'/3736' 1616 m, 13/37 [Gz q WO]
north-west of Dabat, battle site in 1937
JDA88 Kentari (Coriccia, Gebel Guba Coriccia) (mountain) 04/40 [Gz MS WO]
(Guba Koricha) 0854'/4035' 2097, 2694 m
kentefa (gänt'äffa) (A) a bush having hooked thorns
HEC63 Kentefa (K'ent'efa, Qentefa, Cantafa) 11/36 [Gz q WO It]
1127'/3654' 2008 m (with church Mikael), north of Dangila
JEA12 Kentefa (K'ent'efa, Qentefa) 1058'/4001' 1245 m 10/40 [Gz q]
?? Kentere, in Chilalo awraja ../.. [x]
?? Kenticha (mountain in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
kenyi: kenj (qänj) (A) right /side or hand/
HDK00 Kenyi (K'enyi, Qenyi) 0903'/3734' 1815 m, 09/37 [AA Gz q]
near map code HDD90, west of Ambo
HDK01 Kenyi (K'enyi, Qenyi) 0907'/3738' 2341 m, 09/37 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Ambo
HDK12 Kenyi (K'enyi, Qenyi) 0909'/3742' 1691 m, 09/37 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Ambo
kenyi d..: delesa (T) penthouse; tereter (A) mountain ridge
HDK11 Kenyi Delesa Tereter (area) 09/37 [AA]
HDE20 Kenz 0823'/3827' 2885 m 08/38 [Gz]
?? Kepi, river from a mountain of same name, cf Kapi ../.. [Mi]
HDD73 Ker, see Dendi
ker k..: Kuskwam, forty-day period of fasting
HEC64 Ker Kuskwam (K. K'usk'wam, Cercusquam) 11/37 [Gz WO It]
1125'/3701' 1943 m, north-east of Dangila
(with two churches and spring nearby)
kera (qera) (A) slaughter place /at a palace/, slaughterhouse;
kera (qera), kerrat (qärrat) (A) platform on which a guard sits
to protect the fields
HCJ45 Kera (K'era, Qera) 0647'/3706' 1888 m 06/37 [Gz q]
HEU03 Kera 1243'/3939' 1649 m, south-east of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
HDJ72 Kera Durba 0944'/3649' 1527 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
HEE87 Kera Fenzeyt kebele (Qéra Fänzäyt ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in cenral Dawint & Delanta wereda at its north-western
border, 9-11 km west of Wegel Tena; area 1,197 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kera fer..: farda (O) horse
HEM83 Kera Ferda 1233'/3938' 1513 m, east of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
HEE19 Kera Gimba kebele (Kära ..) 11/39 [Ad]
almost in north-easternmost Legambo wereda at its northern
border, 13-21 km north-east of Akista; area 2,850 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT25 Kera kebele (Qära ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, 14-18 km
north-west of Alem Ketema; area 2,299 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kurkura (A,O) kind of thorny shrub; kurkuraa (O) /male/ toddler
JDA89 Kera Kurkura (K. K'urk'ura, K. Qurqura) 08/40 [Gz]
0853'/4041' 1846 m, north-east of Gelemso
HFE65 Keraada (K'era'ada, Qeraada) 1407'/3857' 1908 m 14/38 [Gz q]
(with church Mikael), near Adwa
keraba: kereba (qäräba) (T) near;
kerabo (qärabo) (A) small knife
HDK56 Keraba 0934'/3804' 2313 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT42 Keraba Godena kebele (Käraba Godäna ..) 10/38 [Ad]
somewhat to the west in central Wegdi wereda, 19-23 km
west-southwest of Mahdere Selam; area 1,527 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU21 Kerada (K'erada, Qerada) 1013'/3930' 2711 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Molale
HES90c Kerakr, see Kirakir
?? Keramba ../.. [n]
-- some of the Argobba ethnic group are said to live there
HEU00 Keranjig 1243'/3922' 2609 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
keransa, qeranza (O) leopard, Felis pardus antinorii,
Felis pardus adusta
JDH58 Keransa (G. Cheransa) (area) 1497 m, 09/41 [+ Wo]
cf Keranza, Kerensa
HE... Keranya Maryam (Karania Mariam) 12/37 [+ Ch]
church ruin on a promontory at the shore of lake Tana
Keranyo (qäraniyo) (A) Mount Calvary, Golgotha;
kerenio (käräni'o) (A) kind of bird like the green woodpecker;
-- Kuranyo, unit of the Somali now found (1980s)
in the north-east province of Kenya
HBS58 Keranyo (Caranyu, Qaranyo, Caraiu, Caranyu) 05/38 [MS WO x Gz]
0503'/3818' 1715 m
HED15 Keranyo (K'eranyo, Keranio, Karanyu, Cheranio) 10/37 [Gz WO Ch Gu]
(Keraniyo) 1058'/3758' 2358, 2620 m, south-east of Mota
HEK32 Keranyo (Karanio Mariam, Qiranya Mariam) 12/37 [Gz WO Ch]
1206'/3742' 1976 m,
see under Yifag, cf Karanyo, Keranya Maryam
HDK78 Keranyo Medhane Alem (K'eranyo M.A.) (church) 09/38 [Gz]
0946'/3817', south of Tulu Milki
HBS58 Keranyu 0503'/3818' 1715 m, north-east of Yabelo 05/38 [Gz]
keranza: kerenza, keyrenza, qeeransa (O), leopard,
Felis pardus antinorii, F.p. adusta;
kerenza-tima (eastern O) cheetah, "hunting leopard",
Acinonyx jubatus
JDJ02 Kéraoua, see Grawa
HD... Kerarge (with church Abo), in Balchi area
keraro (A) kind of top-storey forest tree, Aningeria
adolfi-friederici, A. altissima; (Sidamo O) Carissa schimperi;
kerari (kärari) (T) soloist
HDK50 Keraru (K'eraru, Qeraru) 0931'/3704' 2756 m 09/37 [Gz q]
HDK89 Keraru (K'eraru, Qeraru) 0948'/3821' 2286 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Gebre Guracha
JDJ64 Keraru (K'eraru, Qeraru) 0938'/4159' 1704 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
north-east of Dire Dawa
HCS56 Kerate 0744'/3807' 2051 m 07/38 [Gz]
JDJ02 Keraua, see Grawa
HDL54 Kerbada (K'erbada, Qerbada) 0932'/3850' 2647 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDC91c Kerbeno (Cherbeno) 09/36 [+ Gu]
kerbeta (qärbäta) (A) untreated skin /used for carrying water/;
kerebeta (qäräbeta) (A) vicinity, neighbourhood
HDL54 Kerbeta (K'erbeta, Qerbeta) 0933'/3847' 2639 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDL00 Kerbo (K'erbo, Qerbo) 0906'/3826' 2547 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Addis Alem
?? Kercha, with election constituency ../.. [20]
H.... Kercheho (centre in 1964 of Deguna sub-district) 06/37 [Ad]
HDK30 Kerdi (K'erdi, Qerdi) 0921'/3732' 1918 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
HDK72 Kerdobi (K'erdobi, Qerdobi) 0944'/3743' 2186 m, 09/37 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Kachisi, waterfalls 1 km to the west
kerdudana k..: kile, qilee (O) deep gorge, ravine
?? Kerdudana Kile (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
Kere (qäre), Kerrie, a male personal name
-- Kere language, see Karo
HDC74 Kere (K'ere, Qere) 0851/3700' 1800 m 08/37 [Gz q]
HDL84 Kere (K'ere, Qere) 0947'/3847' 1997 m, near Fiche 09/38 [Gz q]
kere ch..: cheka (A) forest; cheka, cheekaa, chekata (O)
large tree Calpurnia subdecandra, or shrub/medium tree
Sesbania sesban
HDK56 Kere Cheka (K'ere Ch'eka, Qere Cheka) 09/38 [Gz q]
0930'/3805' 1695 m
HDU71 Kere kebele (Käré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Were Ilu wereda at its southern border,
3-9 km west of Were Ilu town; area 3,467 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kere k..: kora (O) 1. (kooraa) hilltop, spur, saddle;
2. (koora) meeting of elders; 3. (koora) haughtiness
HDK89 Kere Kora (K'ere Kora, Qere Kora, K'ere Kura) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(Cherri Curra) 0950'/3823' 2577 m, 09/38 [WO]
south of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
HDL71 Kere Kora (K'ere K., Qere K., Corra Corri) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0942'/3831' 2425 m, south-west of Fiche, cf Karakore
HDL52 Kere Kuni (K'ere K'uni, Qere Quni) 09/38 [Gz q]
0934'/3839' 2289 m, south-west of Fiche
kere kur..: kura (A,O) 1. (qura) crow, raven;
2. (O) (quura) bowl-like deep plate for food;
kura (T) anger, fury; (Som) kinds of thorn tree
HDK89 Kere Kura, see Kere Kora
kere l..: loya (O) Sporobolus indicus
HDT00 Kere Loya (K'ere L., Qere Loya) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0959'/3828' 2049 m, north-east of Tulu Milki
kere o..: ormata (O) wealth
JDJ11 Kere Ormata (Carra Ormati) 2518 m 09/41 [LM WO]
kere t..: tereter (tärätär) (A) ridge, chain of hills, escarpment
HDK95 Kere Tereter (K'ere T., Qere T.) (area) 09/37 [AA q]
HDK95 Kere Tereter (K'ere T., Qere T.) (area) 09/38 [AA q]
kere ya..: yasa, yaasaa (O) taking animals to grazing field
HDL53 Kere Yasa (K'ere Yasa, Qere Yasa) 2412 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0935'/3842' 2412 m, south of Fiche
kere yedi: yadi (O) 1. female buffalo; 2. promise, word of honour
HDK52 Kere Yedi (K'ere Yedi, Qere Yedi) 09/37 [AA Gz q]
0932'/3744' 2195 m, west of Kachisi
JDK54 Kereanz (K'ere'anz, Qereanz) 0933'/4253' 1920 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
north-east of Jijiga
kerech dingay (käräch' d.) (A) granite;
kerem: kereme (T) summer; (A) spend the rainy season;
(qärämä) (T) pick ears of grain /on the ground after harvest/
HDT07 Kerem (Cherem) (area), cf Kerim .. 09/39 [+ WO]
HDM.. Keremash (Qwärämash), cf Koremash, 09/39 [+ En]
capital of Bulga, formerly site of an important government warehouse
JDH40 Keremsa (G. Cheremsa) (area) 1588 m, 09/40 [+ WO]
cf Kerensa
kerena (qäräna) (A) to stink; kerene (qäränä) (T) fork
HET87 Kerena (Cherena) 13/39 [+ WO]
HFE06 Kerene 1335'/3903' 2590 m, near Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
?? Kerenio, see Keranyo
kerensa: kerenza, qeerensa, keyrenza, kirensa (O)
leopard, Felis pardus antinorii, F. p. adusta
HDD96 Kerensa (K'erensa, Qerensa) 0900'/3808' 2207 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
west of Addis Alem, see under Ginchi
JDJ44 Kerensa (K'erensa, Qerensa) 0929'/4201' 2024 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
north-west of Harar
JDJ45 Kerensa (K'erensa, Qerensa) 0928'/4203' 2088 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
north-west of Harar
kerer: kerere (T) 1. become strong or harsh; 2. lead a song
?? Kerero Achame (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
kereru i..: ilaal (O) watch
JDA57 Kereru Ilala (K'ereru I., Qereru Ilala) 08/40 [Gz q]
0840'/4029' 1532 m, south-west of Gelemso
H.... Keresa (with rock-hewn church Maryam), 13/39 [x]
cf Keretsa, in Della sub-district

keresa b..: boru, booruu (O) muddy /liquid/;

boru (A) ox having a blaze; borru (O) east, morning;
booruu (O) sun, early morning
HDL00 Keresa Boru (K'eresa Boru, Qeresa Boru) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0908'/3827' 2559 m, see under Genet
keret (qärät') (A) 1. customs duties; 2. kind of lowland tree;
(kärät) small shrub with red fruits; kweret (kwärät) (A) pebble,
gravel; kerett (A), kerat, keraz (T) kind of shrub or
small tree, Osyris abyssinica
HET47 Kereta (K'eret'a, Qereta) 1303'/3909' 1753 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
east of Finarwa
HD... Keretea, in Selale awraja 09/38? [Ad]
kerets (qäräts') (T) tax; keretse (qäräts'e) (T) shape, engrave
HET67 Kerets 1315'/3909' 1722 m, north-west of Samre 13/39 [Gz]
HFE61 Kerets (Cherez) (pass) 14/38 [+ WO]
HET38 Keretsa (K'eret'sa, Qeretsa, Careza) 13/39 [Gz q WO]
1305'/3905' 1423 m, near Finarwa
Coordinates would give map code HET47
HDK52 Kereyedi, see Kere Yedi
-- Kereyu (käräyu), Karaiyu, branch of Oromo who advanced into Tigray
after 1616; numbering 6,636 (in 1984?); now in conflict with the government
concerning the use of land in the Awash National Park
HBS10 Kereyu (Carraiu) 0440'/3732' 1078 m, cf Karrayu 04/37 [+ WO]
HDE49 Kereyu, cf Yerer & Kereyu awraja 08/39
HDE96 Kereyu 0853'/3858' 2474 m, 08/38 [Gz]
mountain east of Addis Abeba
HDG47 Kereyu 0927'/3526' 1834 m, 09/35 [Gz]
south-west of Nejo and near to there
HDK98 Kereyu 0956'/3814' 2547 m, west of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL44 Kereyu 0928'/3851' 2599 m, north of Addis Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ15 Kereyu 0909'/4206' 1737 m, south of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HCA09 Kergetto (Cherghetto) (area) 05/35 [+ WO]
?? Kerias Dicha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDM42 Kerign kebele (Qérign ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the north-west in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt
wereda, 19-22 km south of Debre Birhan; area 1,061 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kerim (qerim) (T) stubble; t'ila (O) umbrella
JCD76 Kerim Tile (Cherim Thileh) 0606'/4304' 308 m, 06/43 [LM WO Gz]
cf Kerem
JDJ42? Kerisa, see Kersa
HDL60 Keriya (K'eriya, Qeriya) 0940'/3828' 1941 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDL32 Keriyo (K'eriyo, Qeriyo) 0924'/3839' 2330 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
JDJ67 Kerkama 0940'/4215' 1552 m, north-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HFE.. Kerkata, 13/39 [x]
mountain at some distance from the Warieu pass
kerkeha: karkaha (A) bamboo
HDU94 Kerkeha & Shereta kebele (Qärqäha & Shäräta ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the south in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda at its
south-western border, 6-10 km north-west of Majete;
area 1,415 hectares. [CSA 1994]
kerker: kere ker (qärä qär) (A) steep headland, bluff
HER19 Kerker (Karkar) 1247'/3725' 1751 m 12/37 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem and to the NE also Be'ale Igzi'abher)
northern/western outskirts of Gondar
HER.. Kerker sub-district (centre in 1964 = Shembekoch) 12/37 [Ad]
traditional homeland of the Kemant (K'amant) people
kerkere, kerkeree (O) kind of bird
HDT37 Kerkere 1017'/3907' 2048 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT37 Kerkere kebele (Kärkäré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
6-12 km north of Meragna; area 2,630 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL50 Kerkerecha Mikael (church) 0931'/3827' 09/38 [Gz]
HDG38 Kerkero, see Boji
HEL73 Kerkos (Chercos) (church), cf Kirkos 12/38 [+ WO]
?? Kerkura (Qerqura), in Wello ../.. [+ x]
HDU61 Kermume (K'ermume, Qermume, K'ermune) 10/39 [Gz q]
1032'/3925' 2691 m, south-west of Were Ilu
HFE16 Kernale (K'ernale Terara, Amba Chernale, Carnale) 13/39 [Gz Gu]
(Qernale) (mountain) 1342'/3904' 2020 m,
see under Abiy Adi
H.... Kernewawari 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Siltan Haile sub-district)
kero, qeerro (O) unmarried Oromo;
Kero, a male personal name
H.... Kero (centre in 1964 of Kure Karomursi sub-district), 05/36 [Ad]
cf Kiro
HDJ37 Kero 0923'/3719' 2172 m, east of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ39 Kero (Carru) 0923'/3719' 2172 m 09/37 [Gz WO]
HDL72 Kero (K'ero, Qero) 0943'/3838' 3153 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
HEK21 Kero (K'ero, Qero) 1200'/3736' 1784 m, 12/37 [Gz q]
at middle of the eastern shore of lake Tana
JCG83 Kero (K'ero, Qero) 0708'/4003' 2509 m 07/40 [Gz q]
JDJ23 Kero 0919'/4157' 1899 m, north-east of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ34 Kero 0922'/4159' 2025 m, west of Harar 09/41 [Gz]
HDE89 Kero kebele (Qéro ..) 08/39 [Ad]
rather far towards the west and somewhat towards the south
in Minjar & Shenkora wereda, 4-6 km south-west of Balchi;
area 444 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ67 Kerora 0939'/4214' 1483 m, 09/42 [Gz]
mountain chain north-east of Harar
JCN42 Kerota 0740'/4001' 2433 m 07/40 [Gz]
kerre (qärrä) (A) to remain, be left, be omitted, go out of
use, be no longer in existence, absent oneself;
-- Kerre, ethnic group and language, see Karo
HBP53c Kerre (Cherre), cf Karra, Kere 05/35 [+ Gu]
HBP55 Kerre (Cherre) 0516'/3612' 413 m 05/36 [+ Gu Gz]
HBP85 Kerre (Cherre) 518 m 05/36 [Wa WO]
kers (kärs) (A) belly, stomach /kerse bahir, bottom of the sea/;
kersa, according to H. Salt a word for a kind of /Oromo? Tigrinya?/ game
played at a season of festivity; whole villages combatting against each other
HC... Kersa (in Jimma awraja), cf Karsa 07/36? [Ad]
HCT36 Kersa (K'ersa, Qersa) 0732'/3859' 2784 m, 07/38 [Gz q]
in Chilalo awraja, centre of a wereda in the 1980s
HDE52 Kersa (Carsa, cf Dembi Carsa) 08/38 [LM WO]
HDF14 Kersa (K'ersa, Qersa, Garsa) 0817'/3942' 2748 m 08/39 [Gz q]
HDK27 Kersa (K'ersa, Qersa) 0914'/3810' 2937 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDL80 Kersa (K'ersa, Qersa) 09/38 [AA q]
2752 m nearby, see under Gebre Guracha
HDL98 Kersa (K'ersa, Qersa) 0952'/3914' 2618 m 09/39 [Gz q]
HEF01 Kersa (K'ersa, Qersa) 1055'/3926' 3542 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Dessie
JDJ42 Kersa (Kerssa, Karsa, K'arsa, Carsa, Qarsa, Garsa) 09/41 [Gz q Ad WO x]
(K'ersa, Qersa) 0927'/4152' 1984, 2160 m
(with church Giyorgis and sub-post office)
Coordinates would give map code JDJ43
Centre in 1964 of Gurgura wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Kamona (Camona) (village)
9E "bivio Dangago" (Italian name) road fork for D.Dawa/Harar,
Dengega (Dengego, Dangago) 1981 m
9SW Kolubi (Gara Collubi) (area)
10SW Wajira (Uagira) (area) peak 2370 m
10W Lange (Langhei) (small village) 2046 m
10W Yalata Rari swamp
7NW Agamsa (Gara Agamsa) (area)
6NE Cheleysa (Ch'eleysa, Gara Chialessa) (area) 1981 m
JE... Kersa (in Awsa awraja) 11/40? [Ad]
HDK71 Kersa Belbeleti (K'ersa B., Qersa B.) 09/37 [Gz q]
0941'/3708' 2438 m 09/37 [Gz q]
HDL75 Kersa & Bisandera kebele (Qärsa & Besandéra ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south in west Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda; area 1,007 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kersa ch..: Cherkos = St. Cyriacus
HDL99 Kersa Cherkos kebele (Qärsa Ch'ärqos ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in a bulge of the northern border of east Saya Debir & Wayu
Insaro wereda, 7-12 km east of Inewari; area 1,203 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kersa dek: deeq (Som) donation, gift, offer
HBU76 Kersa Dek (Carsa Dek) 0513'/3950' 1320, 1524 m 05/39 [Gz WO]
JDJ23 Kersa Deketa (K'ersa D., Qersa D.) 09/41 [Gz q]
0919'/4155' 1838 m, north-east of Grawa
kersa g..: geshe, geeshee (O) same as gesho, Rhamnus prinoides,
used when making local beer; geshe (gäshä) (T) to travel
HCR66 Kersa Geshe (Carsa Ghesce, Gharsa Gh.) 07/37 [+ Gz WO]
0753'/3710' 2459 m
?? Kersa Hamus Gebeya (Kerssa Hamus Gubeya) ../.. [+ Po]
?? Kersa H. (visiting postman under A.Abeba)
HDL99 Kersa kebele (Qärsa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Moret & Jiru wereda at its border,
8-10 km east-southeast of Inewari; area 433 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK.. Kersa & Kondaltiti wereda 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 72 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HC... Kersa Kosho (village in Munesa wereda) 07/38 [x]
HDL.. Kersa & Malima sub-district (-1997-) 09/38 [n]
HDK99 Kersa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adadi) 09/38 [Ad n]
HCR54 Kersa wereda (Kerssa ..) (centre in 1964 = Serbo) 07/37 [+ Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 59 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
JDJ53 Kersa wereda (centre in 1964 = Dire Dawa) 09/41 [+ Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 57 rural and 22 urban kebeles.
JDJ34 Kersalo (K'ersalo, Qersalo) 0920'/4202' 1975 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
west of Harar
HFF80 Kerseber (Cherseber, Kerseraw, Kirsaba, Kharsaba) 14/39 [WO Gu Br 18]
(village with Maryam church and Mikael Kirsaba rock church)
1420'/3928' (pass) 2482/2510 m, see Adigrat : Kerseraw
Coordinates would give map code HFF81
HFF81 Kerseraw 1420'/3928' 2482 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), north of Adigrat
GDM30 Kershe (T. Chersce) (hill) 1933 m 09/34 [+ WO]
kersi (T) stomach, innards;
Kershi (qärshi), Karshi, a male personal name
HCA88 Kersi (Chersi), see under Maji 06/35 [+ WO]
HEM73 Kersole (K'ersole, Qersole) 1225'/3941' 1487 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
east of Alamata
-- Kerssa, see Kersa
HDM36 Kerteta (Gerba, Gherba) 0923'/3957' 987 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Ankober
HCJ03 Kerza 0620'/3655' 1434 m, near map code HCC93 06/36 [Gz]
kes (qés) (A) priest
HDT48 Kes Amba (K'es A., Qes A.) 1021'/3913' 2571 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HEL06 Kes Amba 1150'/3903' 3278 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEM14 Kes Kebele kebele (Qés Qäbälé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-east Habru wereda at its northern border,
18-24 km east-northeast of Weldiya; area 5,481 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM91 Kes Tomas (K'es T., Qes T.) 0953'/3925' 2281 m 09/39 [Gz q]
?? Kesa ../.. [20]
small town about 8 km south of Kosso Ber
HEE99 Kesat (Qesat), see Kisat
HDE21 Kesay 0820'/3834' 2132 m, north-east of Butajira 08/38 [Gz]
kese (käse) (A) Ocimum urticifolium, pleasant-smelling plant
with whitish leaves
HDL59 Kese 0933'/3918' 2728 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
HDS18c Kese 10/38 [LM]
HDU02 Kese 0959'/3933' 2186 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Abo), west of Sela Dingay
HEF51 Kesekese Jerjero kebele (Käsäkäsä Järjäro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly north-west/south-east in central northern
Kuta Ber wereda, 4-14 km north-west of Kuta Ber settlement;
area 2,104 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kesem (qäsäm) (A) 1. nectar gathered by bees; 2. mushroom in general;
3. reel for thread when weaving
HDM35 Kesem, see Kasim
kesem k..: kabana (O) cool, chilly;
-- Kebena, an ethnic group
JDG23 Kesem Kebena (K. K'ebena) 0915'/4004' 09/40 [Gz]
agricultural research station north of Awash station
HDM.. Kesem sub-district? (-1997-), cf Kasim wereda 09/39? [n]
HDE48 Kesemba, see under Nazret 08/39 [x]
kesha (A) straw, straw mat, sack cloth, sack; keesha (O) gunny cloth
HDS46 Kesham Maryam (church) 1020'/3804', 10/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bichena
HER95 Keshat (Chesciat) (area) 1591 m 13/37 [+ WO]
HER95c Keshat Abo (Chesciat Abo) (mountain) 13/37 [+ Gz]
HDE11 Keshilem (mountain) 08/38 [x]
JCG82c Keshita (village near Diksis) 07/40 [x]
around 1980s in Sude wereda of Tijo awraja
?? Keshmando ../.. [n]
kesho (käsho) (A) tobacco compressed into a cake
?? Kesho (district) ../.. [n]
kesi, keesii (qeesii) (O) priest /of Christian church or mission/
HDL80 Kesi (K'esi, Qesi, Chesi Chidan) 09/38 [AA Gz q WO]
0947'/3828' 2729 m (with church),
see under Gebre Guracha, cf Kasi
HEF40 Keskes (locality) 1126'/3921', cf Kaskas, 11/39 [n]
map code possibly HEE49 which is close by
HF... Keskesia (in Agame awraja) 14/39? [Ad]
HD... Kessa (in Nekemte awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
in or near Nekemte town?
kessad: kisad (T) 1. neck; 2. notch
HFD26 Kessad Afoton (Chessad Afoton) (mountain) 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1348'/3806' 1476/1525 m, cf Kisad ..
HDU.. Kessaye Abba Ewostatewos 10/39 [En]
monastery in Gidim north of present-day Debre Sina
kessuma: keesumaa (O) guest, visitor, traveller, stranger
HDK49 Kessuma (Chessuma) 0926'/3825' 2073 m 09/38 [WO Gz 18]
HE... Kestambula sub-district (Qestambula ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mamedochbila)
HDU12 Kestat (K'estat, Qestat) 1003'/3931' 2743 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
west of Molale
HDJ55 Kestemaj (K'estemaj, Qestemaj) (mountain peak) 09/37 [Gz q]
0932'/3706' 2456 m, near Shambu
HDL95c Ket Abbo (Qet A.) (rock-hewn church), see Insarro
-- Keta, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
ketta (O) piece of dress for women, kind of leather cape;
ketta (A) (kätta) stony /ground/; (qät't'a) punish,
impose a fine, correct
HCM70 Keta 0700'/3919' 2398 m, 07/39 [Gz]
east of Dodola, near map code HCL79
HDD88 Keta 0856'/3815' 2064 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem), south-west of Addis Alem
HDL14 Keta 0912'/3847' 2529 m, see under Sululta, cf Kite 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL46 Keta 0927'/3901' 2658 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
HED57 Keta (K'eta, Qeta) 1124'/3810' 2445 m, 11/38 [Gz q]
west of Goradit
HEU90 Keta (K'eta, Qeta) 1331'/3921' 2002 m, 13/39 [Gz]
near map code HET99, west of Mekele
HEE15 Keta Chilaga kebele (Qéta Ch'elaga ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Sayint wereda stretching narrowly
to its southern border; area 1,140 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ65 Keta Shunkura 0938'/3706' 2442 m, 09/37 [Gz]
north of Shambu
H.... Keta sub-district (Kieta ..) (centre in 1964 = Assot) 10/38 [+ Ad]

keta w..: wayu, wayyuu (O) 1. messenger; 2. be preferable

HDC27 Keta Wayu 0822'/3719' 1864 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDL55 Ketama (Katama), see Muke Turi, cf Ketema
HDL93 Ketanit (K'et'anit, Qetanit) 0957'/3843' 1832 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDU32 Ketanit Maryam (K'et'anit M.) 1014'/3935', 19/39 [Gz]
church north-west of Molale
ketar g..: genet (gänät) (A,T) garden, paradise
HCT.. Ketar Genet (in Chilalo awraja) 07/39 [x]
HDU60 Ketari 1030'/3923' 2670 m, south-west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU60 Ketari 1034'/3920' 2604 m, south-west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU60 Ketari kebele (Kätari ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Jema wereda at its northern border,
12-20 km north-northeast of Degolo; area 2,195 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ketari w..: washa (A) cave
HDU60 Ketari Washa kebele (Kätari .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Jema wereda at its eastern border,
12-18 km north-east of Degolo; area 1,933 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD14 Ketbere (K'et'bere, Qetbere) 0817'/3753' 1847 m 08/37 [Gz q]
(with mosque), east of Welkite
HC... Ketcha, see Kecha
kete g..: gara (A,O) garaa (O) mountain, hill
/also other meanings/;
garaa, garan (O) stomach, belly; gaara (O) eyebrow;
gara (Wolayto?) kind of thorn tree, Acacia sieberiana
HDL92 Kete Gara 0957'/3840' 1896 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Fiche, cf Kate, Kite
HEF53 Kete kebele (Qät'é ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tehuledere wereda stretching 7 km towards the
south-east from Hayk town and Hayk lake; area 1,738 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Kete sub-district (Ketie ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shiloch)
keteb (kätäb) (A) writing, magic design
HEC28 Keteb (centre in 1964 of Lij Ambera sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
HDT07 Keteb kebele (Qät'äb ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Moret & Jiru wereda at its north-western
border, 6-12 km north-west of Inewari; area 1,382 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL70 Keteba (K'et'eba, Qeteba) 0944'/3829' 2531 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-east of Tulu Milki
HDL74 Keteba (K'et'eba, Qeteba) 0943'/3851' 2126 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with churches Iyesus and Medhane Alem), south-east of Fiche
HDL74 Keteba, see under Debre Libanos
keteba d..: dilba (O) bulky and heavy; dilbe (O) lazy
HDL73 Keteba Dilbo 0945'/3841' 2843 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
ketebe (kätäbe) (A) kind of tree; (T) 1. recruit, enlist;
2. (kättäbä) (A,T) vaccinate
HDD93 Ketebe 0901'/3749' 2020 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDF71 Ketecha, see Kiticha
HEM42 Ketef kebele (Kätäf ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in northern Gidan wereda at its eastern border,
15-21 km north-east of Muja; area 2,934 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

ketel: kitel (qitäl) (A) leaf; ketele (qätälä) (T) kill,

slaughter, murder
HDL52 Ketel (K'et'el, Qetel) 0934'/3839' 2289 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
HDM12 Ketem Weyra, see Kitim Weyra
ketema (A) massive-looking tree in more or less humid land,
Schefflera abyssinica, with knotted trunk;
ketema (kätäma) (A,T) nowadays town in general;
particularly a word for former garrisons of the Shewans
in southern and western Ethiopia, to be translated 'camp'
as there was no permanent population;
ketema (qet'äma) (A) reed, sedge;
kettema (A) Scirpus corymbosus, a lily-like herb?
Ketema, also occurring as a male personal name
HDE54 Ketema (Catama) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDK08 Ketema 0903'/3819' 2346 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem, near map code HDD98
ketema a..: ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area
HEF15 Ketema Ager 1058'/3949' 1787 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kombolcha
HET56 Ketema Debre Genet Maryam (church) 13/39 [Gz]
(K'et'ema D.G.M.) 1334'/3903', south of Abiy Adi
JDH02 Ketemamitti (Catamamitti), see under Asbe Teferi 09/40 [+ WO]
HDM70 Keteri & Genanseba kebele (Kätäri & Gänansäba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the western border of Debre Birhan
Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 9-13 km west-northwest
of Debre Birhan town; area 976 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Keteta (Kätäta, Katata) ../.. [+ Pa x]
(historical area recorded in the 1300s),
between the Muger and Jamma rivers
HDF45 Ketetesa (K'et'et'esa, Qetetesa) 0832'/3947' 1563 m 08/39 [Gz q]
HE... Keteteya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kuchoch) 11/39 [Ad]
JCN18 Ketiba (K'et'iba, Qetiba) 0720'/4032' 2036 m, 07/40 [Gz q]
north-west of Ginir
HDM90 Ketichu (Cheticiu) 09/39 [+ WO]
HE... Ketie, see Kete
HEJ53 Ketiyon (Chetion) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HDK37 Ketket (K'et'k'et', Qetqet), with church 09/38 [AA q]
HDK37 Ketketo (K'et'k'et'o, Qetqeto) 0923'/3813' 2482 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
(with church Gebriel), north-west of Addis Alem

keto (A) completely; (T) never; (O) 1. red honey; 2. brigand;

keeto (O) 3. watchman, sentry, scout;
keto, kheto (qeto) (Kefa) 1. small circular hut; 2. kind of
usually small tree, Ilex mitis; ketto (O) roaming band of
robbers, attacking e.g. trade caravans; (kätto) (A) completely;
aluma (A) kind of eatable grass
HCN65 Keto (K'eto, Qeto, Nono) 0748'/3519' 2097 m 07/35 [Gz q]
(centre in 1964 of Sele wereda and of Nono sub-district)
HDC43 Keto (K'et'o, Qeto, Ursa, Uorsa) 08/36 [Gz q WO Gu]
0832'/3654' 1566, 1675, 1862 m
HDP45c Keto Alyume 2087 m, cf Kito 10/36 [Ch]

HDT74 Keto kebele (Käto ..) 10/38 [Ad]

stretching 7 km north/south in eastern Debre Sina wereda,
3-6 km east of Mekane Selam; area 1,431 hectaRES.
[CSA 1994]
ketsin k..: kalat (A) words, e.g. the Ten Commandments
HFE37 Ketsin Kalat (Chetzin Calat, Tzetzin C.) (area) 13/39 [+ Gz Gu]
1350'/3910' 1704/1737 m
HF.. Ketsketsia 14/39 [Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
ketto, qettoo (O) milk, stew, etc, with which bread or porridge
is eaten; (qätto) (A) banks of a river, river's mouth
HC... Ketto (in Mocha awraja) 07/35? [Ad]
HCS96 Ketucha (K'et'uch'a, Qetucha) 0804'/3808' 3072 m 08/38 [Gz q]
?? Kevanya (Chevagna) (mountain) 2275 m ../.. [+ Gu]
HDU51 Kew (K'ew, Qew) 1027'/3926' 2749 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Were Ilu
-- Kewana, Kewama, a very small ethnic group
HDU13 Kewariyat kebele (Qäwariyat ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda somewhat
to the south, very near Molale and extending 6 km south-
ward from there; area 1,201 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCJ28 Kewcheno (Kewch'eno) 0631'/3721' 1525 m 06/37 [Gz]
HD... Kewesa Shona (in Arjo awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HD... Kewet (in Menz & .. awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
HDU05 Kewet wereda (Qäwät ..) (centre in 1946 = Mezezo) 10/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 61 rural and 3 urban kebeles among which
Abay Atir, Abay Negeso, Abomsa, Achenkira Rechet, Agad &
Aframba, Alolo, Ashagn & Gwacha, Ayaber, Balchi, Bara & Aram,
Birbira & Gelgelo, Chare, Dagmat, Debdebo, Debir & Jegol, Demam,
Dora Gedam, Dora Simet, Feres Beret, Gur (two), Gwoze, Hid & Kile,
Insertu, Jeber & Adaga, Jimdere, Jub Amba, Kara Jejeba, Kedebura,
Kobo, Kolomiya & Imbulbul, Korebta, Koro & Wekfile, Korokor,
Kure Beret, Mariye, Medina, Mengist & Gult, Nefso & Gusa, Sar Amba
& Shema Girdo, Sefi Beret, Sert, Shotel Amba, Simet Gult, Tabor, Temke,
Tere, Tikur Beret, Tikure, Waylo, Wefafra, Wejed & Mesobit, Wekfile,
Wenberiya, Werantile & Wacho, Werase & Seb, Wesen, Wiste Imbway,
Yegeda, Yelen
HDU25 Kewit (K'ewit, Qewit, Qewet) 1009'/3950' 2293 m, 10/39 [Gz q n]
east of Molale
HDU34 Kewla kebele (Qéwla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its southern
border, 1-8 km south of Mehal Meda; area 1,788 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

HDU20 Key (K'ey, Qey) 1008'/3921' 1999 m, 10/39 [Gz q]

west of Molale
HEE77 Key (K'ey, Kai) 1132'/3906' 2942 m 11/39 [Gz WO]
key (qäyi) afer (A) red earth
HBR82 Key Afer (Key After), cf Kayafer 05/36 [MS Ca n]
0520'/3650', village at some distance from Jinka
HCC11 Key Afer (K'ey A., Qey A., K'eyafa) 05/36 [Gz q]
0531'/3644' 1615 m
HEM41 Key Afer (K'ey A., Qey A.) 1208'/3928' 2297 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Alamata
HDM33 Key Afer kebele (Qäy Afär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the south in east Angolela & Tera Asagirt
wereda; area 680 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT75 Key Afer kebele (Qäy Afär ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Debre Sina wereda, 5-8 km
east of Mekane Selam; area 1,051 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU34 Key Afer kebele (Qäy Afär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at its
northern border, 15-19 km north-east of Molale; area 1,636 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HDU40 Key Afer kebele (Qäy Afär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Jema wereda at its south-eastern border,
10-18 km south-east of Degolo; area 5,213 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU92 Key Afer kebele (Qäy Afer ..) 10/39 [Ad]
near easternmost Legambo wereda along its south-eastern
border, 19-23 km east-southeast of Akista; area 1,337 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Key Afer sub-district (Kei Afer .. Key Afar ..) 09/39 [+ Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Mahibere Bekur)
HDT57 Key Amare kebele (Qäy Amaré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south in central Kelala wereda,
5-10 km south-east of Kelala settlement; area 2,631 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
key amba (A) red mountain
HEM 51 Key Amba 1213'/3928' 12/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Del sub-district?)
HEM50 Key Amba Abo (K'ey A.A.) (church) 1213'/3924', 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Alamata
HDU74 Key Amba kebele (Qäy .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Gishe Rabel wereda and a little at its
northern border; 14-19 km east of Were Ilu; area 3,866 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

key gedel (A) red cliff

HDM75 Key Gedel (K'ey G., Qey G.) 0944'/3948' 2221 m, 09/39 [Gz q]
south of Debre Sina
HEE17 Key Gedel (K'ey G., Qey G.) 1059'/3933' 2960 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HDM75 Key Gedel kebele (Qäy Gädäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the north-easternmost corner of Ankober wereda at its borders
there, 11-15 km south-east of Debre Sina; area 1,346 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF21 Key Gedel kebele (Qäy Gädäl ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Dese Zuriya wereda at the middle of its western
border, 18-22 km west-southwest of Dessie town; area 6,147 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT95 Key Mebrat kebele (Qäy Mäbrat ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the south in Legambo wereda
at its southern border; area 1,237 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
key wa..: warka (A) kinds of large wild fig tree
such as Ficus vasta, F. dahro
HEE74 Key Warka kebele (Qäy .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern
border, 10 km south of Bete Hor; area 830 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GCS.. Kay Wenz (Qäy .., Qäy Wiha), see Akobo
key w..: key werka (A) red fig tree, Ficus vasta;
warka (A) kinds of large wild fig tree, also Ficus dahro
HEE75 Key Werka, (K'ey W., Qey W.) 11/38 [Gz q]
1130'/3857' 2410 m
keya: keye (qäye) (A), qee'ee (O) place outside the compound
or village where animals are grazed; neighbourhood
H.... Keya Gebriel kebele ../.. [20]
H.... Keya Gebriel sub-district (-1997-2004-) 10/39? [n Ad]
HDU11 Keya & Igwa kebele (Qäya & Egwa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
12-16 km west of Molale; area 1,464 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Keya Kolako (in Menz & .. awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
H.... Keya sub-district, cf Kaya 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gedid)
HCC11 Keyafa (K'eyafa), see Key Afer
HDM42 Keyafer Mikael (K'eyafer M.) (church) 0928'/3935', 09/39 [Gz]
south of Debre Birhan, cf Key Afer
keycha s..: sisa (O) under-storey tree in highland forests,
Bersama abyssinica; sissa (A) Albizzia sp.
?? Keycha Sisa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HC... Keyera, see Kuyera
?? Keyit (visiting postman under Debre Birhan) ../.. [Po]
JDJ43 Keykey 0926'/4155' 2152 m, 09/41 [Gz]
mountain south of Dire Dawa
HEE34c Keyu (Keyou) 11/38 [+ Mi]
JDJ.. Kezira (in Dire Dawa awraja) 09/41 [Ad]
HFF90 Kezkeziya (K'ezk'eziya, Qezqeziya) 14/39 [Gz q]
1427'/3922' 2557 m, north of Adigrat
KCP84 Khair Debin (Chair D., Cair D.) 0801'/4608' 739 m 08/46 [WO Gz]
-- Khamtanga language, see Xamtanga
JDE59 Khansaha Au Yahiye (area) 08/44 [WO]
JDE79 Khansaha Harbodle (area) 08/44 [WO]
HFF80 Kharsaba, see Kerseber
khor (Som) valley/ravine of seasonal stream
JDG08 Khora, see Kora
HDD91 Khorke, G. (hill) 09/37 [WO]
HCA76 Kiafe (Chiafe) 0607'/3521' 1810 m 06/35 [n Gz]
HCG67 Kian, area just north-west of Aynamba 06/35 [x]
HFF60 Kiat (Qi'at) (with rock-hewn church) 14/39 [x]
(centre in 1964 of Azeba sub-district) 14/39 [Ad]
HDD83 Kiba (K'iba, Qiba) 0854'/3750' 2488 m, 08/37 [Gz q]
south-west of Ambo
HCL34 Kibena (Chevena, Chevenna) 06/38 [LM WO Gu Gz]
0636'/3849' 2551/2662 m, cf Kebena
kibet: kibat (qibat) (A) grease, ointment, lotion;
also one branch of theological theory in Ethiopia
HCS77 Kibet 0755'/3813' 2313 m 07/38 [Gz]
HCS80 Kibet (Kibät) (centre -1957-2000- of Silti wereda) 08/38 [Ad x]

kibi: kibe (qibe) (A) butter; kibbi (A) encirclement

e g army camp; (T) circle, sphere, ball
HCA36 Kibi (Chibi) 0542'/3519' 1655 m 05/35 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HCA35
kibi ch..: chala (O) more
GDF96 Kibi Chala (K. Ch'ala) 0901'/3456' 2035 m 09/34 [Gz]
HEE07 Kibib kebele (Qebeb ..) 11/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the west in central Legambo wereda at its northern
border, 5-12 km west of Akista; area 2,992 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF82 Kibidaha (Chibidaha) (pass) 1418'/3936' 14/39 [+ Gu Gz]
HCS48 Kibil 0738'/3818' 07/38 [MS]
HBP71 Kibish (Kibbish, Kidish) 0525'/3534' 420 m 05/35 [WO Gz n]
Gz: 0514'/3550' 609 m (populated place and wells)
Coordinates would give map code HBN98 which is
very near the Sudan border on the War Office map.
HEM51 Kibkib (K'ibk'ib, Qibqib) 1218'/3931' 2380 m 12/39 [Gz q)
HEC98 Kibran (Kebran, Chebran, Chevraan) 11/37 [Gz Ch Gu WO]
(island with church/monastery Gebriel)
1139'/3722' 1784 m, see under Zege & text at Kebran
kibr, kibir (A) honour, glory; mengist (A) kingdom, government
HCE56 Kibre Mengist (Kebre Mengist, Adola) 05/39 [Ad Gz MS WO]
(Kabra Mangest) (with gold mining) 05/39 [x]
0553'/3900' 1680, 2170 m or 0553'/3859' 1758 m
Coordinates would give map code HCE55.
Centre (1956-1980-) of Jemjem awraja
and 1964 of Darimu sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
--- Jemjem (Giam Giam) (surrounding wide area) 2322 m
5E Dubicha Mika (D. Tika) (mountain)
3NW Hoku (Hocu) (area)
9NW Orobassaie (area?) c. 2700 m
9NE Afrara (forest and village) 1857 m
Kibret, Kebret, Kebrat, a male personal name
kibret a..: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
?? Kibret Ale (mountain in the central Afar depression), ../.. [Mi]
cf Kebrit Ale
?? Kibret Amba (Kebrat Amba), ../.. [x]
with store of guns in 1865
HEK37 Kibtiya (K'ibtiya, Qibtiya) 1206'/3813' 2557 m 12/38 [Gz q]
kicho (O) kind of grain plant similar to barley;
kicho meret (kicho märet) (A) dry and stony land;
kichu, kich'uu (O) 1. Costus afer, plant similar to a horse tail,
shoot on a plant; 2. mat; 3. fat meat; 4. pour a liquid
HCP58 Kicho (Chiccio) 0742'/3629' 2143 m, cf Kecho 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
HDF91 Kicki (Chicchi) 09/39 [+ Gu]
HES47 Kid Mihrat, see Gina Kid Mihrat
HEC11 Kidamaja (K'idamaja, Qidamaja) 11/36 [Gz q]
1100'/3641' 2043 m, west of Injibara
HDT57 Kidame (K'idame, Qidame) 1028'/3904' 2170 m 10/39 [Gz q]

kidame gebeya (qidame gäbäya) (A) Saturday market

GDF92 Kidame Gebeya, see Gidami
HCS70 Kidame Gebeya (K'idame G., Qidame G.) 07/37 [Gz q]
0756'/3731' 2423 m, at upper Omo river
HDA17 Kidame Gebeya (Qidame G., Ghedamie Ghebea) 08/35 [Gz WO]
(Chidami, Cadami) 0818'/3528' 1609, 1995 m 08/35 [Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HDA15
HDE62 Kidame Gebeya (market near Kaka) 08/38 [x]
HDE63 Kidame Gebeya (market near Reku) 08/38 [x]
HDH18 Kidame Gebeya (K'idame G., Qidame G.) 09/36 [Gz q]
0910'/3628' 1826 m, north-west of Nekemte
?? Kidame Gebeya (village south of Chomen) 09/37 [x]
HDL45 Kidame Gebeya (K'idame G., Qidame G.) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0925'/3856' 2611 m
kidamo t..: terara (A) mountain ridge
HEC84 Kidamo Terara (Kidamo Tarara) (hill) 11/36 [+ Ch]
kidan (A,T) 1. covenant; 2. lid, cover, thatch of a roof;
3. (T) testament; 4. (T) clothes, dress, alliance
HEC85 Kidan (Chidan) 11/37 [+ WO]
Kidane, Kidanie, a male personal name
HDJ26 Kidane Gebeya (K'idane G., Qidane G.) 09/37 [Gz q]
0918'/3712' 2328 m, south-east of Haretu
kidane m..: kidane mihiret (A) covenant of mercy
between Jesus Christ and Saint Mary
HCL67 Kidane Mihret (Chidane Meheret) 0657'/3906' 06/39 [+ Gz]
(religious centre)
HDB66 Kidane Mihret (Ghidani Meret) (church) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDD67 Kidane Mihret (Ghidani Meret) (church) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDL08 Kidane Mihret (Chidanemeret) (church) 09/39 [LM WO]
HDM61 Kidane Mihret (Chidanemeret) (church), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Debre Birhan
HEC98 Kidane Mihret (Kidana Mihret) (monastery) 11/37 [+ Br]
HEJ21 Kidane Mihret (Chidani Meret) 1201'/3638', 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
(with mission)
HEJ34 Kidane Mihret (Kidane Mehret) 12/37 [+ Ch]
HEJ35 Kidane Mihret (Chidane M.) (small island) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HEJ85 Kidane Mihret (Kidana Mihret), 12/37 [+ WO]
(church), see under Chilga
HEL85 Kidane Mihret (Chidane Mer.) 12/38 [LM WO]
HER99 Kidane Mihret (Chidane Meret) (church) 13/37 [+ WO]
HES04 Kidane Mihret (Chidane Meret) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HES68c Kidane Mihret (Chidane Meret) (village) 13/38 [+ Gu]
HEU71 Kidane Mihret ? (Chidana Micrat) (mountain) 13/39 [+ Gz]
1318'/3928' 2166 m
interpretation of the name is here a guess only
HFE66c Kidane Mihret (Chidane Meret) (mountain), 14/38 [+ Gu]
2524 m, see under Adwa
kiddi, qiddii (O) kinds of tree, Celtis africana, C. kraussiana,
(Som) Balanites glabra; kidi (qidi) (T) model
GCU22 Kidi (Chidi) 0730'/3432' 480 m 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
HCN98 Kidi 0805'/3532' 1830 m, near Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HBP71 Kidish, see Kibish
kidist, kiddist (qiddist) (A) 1. female saint; 2. in an
Orthodox church the middle space, where communion is
administered to the worshippers;
also a female personal name in modern time
HEL34 Kidist Abre (K'idist A., Qidist A.) 12/38 [Gz q]
1207'/3850' 2059 m, west of Lalibela

HEK11 Kidist Hanna (Chiddist Hanna) (church) 11/37 [Ch Gu]

on Fogera plain near lake Tana, raised on an artificial mound
kido (qido) (Kefa) cultivated taro, arum, Colocasia antiquorum
HCA16 Kido (Chido) 0534'/3525' 796 m 05/35 [+ WO Gz]
HCD10 Kidole (Chidole) 0535'/3731' 1626 m, 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Gidole
kidus, kiddus (qiddus) (A,T) holy, male saint
HEL34 Kidus Arbe kebele (Qedus Arbé ..) 12/38 [Ad]
in south-western Bugna wereda, 25 km west
of Lalibela; area 10,530 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD98 Kidus Gebriel (S. Gabriele) (church) 08/38 [+ WO]
kidus giyorgis, Saint George
HEK11 Kidus Giyorgis (Cuddus Ghiorghis) (church) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
HES12c Kidus Giyorgis (Cuddus Ghiorghis) 12/37 [+ Gu]
(church) c.3150 m
HFD05 Kidus Giyorgis (Cuddus Gheorghis,Cuddua Ghiorghis) 13/38 [+ WO Gu]
(church) 1336'/3802' 1264 m
HDD76 Kidus Mikael (S. Michele) (church) 08/38 [+ WO]
HEC35 Kidus Mikael (Ghedes Micael) 1114'/3705' 2118 m 11/36 [+ Gu Gz]
HEC99 Kidus Mikael (Kudus Mikhael), see Fisa
HEJ47 Kidus Mikael (Chiddus Micael) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEK07c Kidus Mikael (Cuddus Micael) (church) 11/38 [+ Gu]
HEK26c Kidus Mikael (Cheddus Micael) (church) 12/38 [+ Gu]
HER88 Kidus Mikael (St. Micael) (church) 13/37 [+ WO]
HFC08 Kidus Mikael (St. Micael) (monastery), 13/37 [LM WO]
see under Mesfinto
HFD14 Kidus Mikael (Chedas Micael) (mosque) 13/37 [LM WO Gz]
HES81 Kidus Minkiyel (Gheddus Minchiel) (hill) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
HES79 Kidus Yared, see Yared
?? Kidus Yohannes (Cuddus Iohannes), ../.. [+ Gu]
(church) 2242 m
kidusge, land of the saint/s/?
HDM01 Kidusge (K'idusge) 0911'/3923' 09/39 [Gz x]
(with church Maryam), south of Sheno
HDM21 Kidusge kebele (Qedusgé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
stretching north-east/south-west to its western border,
10-11 km south-east of Koremash; area 946 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK18 Kidyeley (Chidielei) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HDK16c Kiebisierba (centre in 1964 of Bicho sub-district) 09/38 [Ad]
HD... Kiejo (Kejo?) 09/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gobu Seyo sub-district)
-- Kielem, see Kelem
HEU92 Kien (Ki'en) 1330'/3937' 2397 m, near Kwiha 13/39 [Gz]
?? Kienen (Kienan) (mountain) 11/36 [18]
HEB60c Kierien (mountain) 11/35 [n]
about 65 km south-south-west of Dongur
HDS93 Kiero 1046'/3750' 3316 m 10/37 [WO Gz]
-- Kieta, see Keta
?? Kiflan 07/36 [18]
HCR61 Kiftan (near Agaro?) 07/36 [Wa]
HFF02 Kihen (K'ihen, Qihen) 1338'/3933' 2112 m 13/39 [Gz q]
(with church Mikael), north of Kwiha
kike: kikke, qiiqqee (O) 1. cramp of a muscle;
2. narrow /eye of a needle/
HDL64 Kike (K'ik'e, Qiqe) 0940'/3851' 2563 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Debre Libanos
HDF81 Kiki kebele (Qiqi ..) 08/39 [Ad]
centrally in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
8-12 km east of Balchi; area 805 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBS88 Kikilla, see Chichilla
HCS99 Kikora (K'ik'ora, Qiqora) 0804'/3824' 2085 m, 08/38 [Gz q]
near Butajira
H.... Kiku (Kieku) 08/36? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Jimma Arjo sub-district)
HDD12c Kiku sub-district (Kieku ..) 08/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Soyema)
kil (qil) (A) gourd; kill (A) boundary marker; region
HEC85 Kilado (K'ilado, Qilado, Assiru Dabr) 11/37 [Gz q Ch WO]
1140'/3704' 1828 m, west of Bahir Dar near the Little Abay
HEF56 Kilaha (K'ilaha, Qilaha) 1123'/3957' 1315 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
east of Hayk
HE... Kilaj (Qillaj) (town in Metekel area, Gojjam) 11/36 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of Zigem sub-district)
HEC14 Kilajita (K'ilajita, Qilajita) 1101'/3657' 2728 m, 11/36 [Gz q]
near Injibara
HEF95 Kilawa (K'ilawa, Qilawa) 1142'/3952' 1487 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
south-east of Weldiya
kilb (qilb) (A) beauty, intelligence
?? Kilba, area in the south-west? ../.. [x]
kilbe (qilbe) (A) ornament to distinguish e g certain soldiers
HDK.. Kilbe (Kilibie) /one of the following?:/ 09/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dula Koricha sub-district)
HDK26 Kilbe 0917'/3807' 2642 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK37 Kilbe 0922'/3809' 1595 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK27 Kilbe Abo (church) 0915'/3810', 09/38 [Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem
kile, qilee (O) deep gorge
HDA95 Kile (Chile), see Lalo Kile & HDA86
HDK00 Kile (K'ile, Qile) 0907'/3730' 2650 m, 09/37 [AA Gz q]
north-east of Gedo, cf Lai Kile, Tach Kile
HDU86 Kile (K'ile, Qile) 1045'/3953' 1524 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HEM04 Kile (K'ile, Qile) 1149'/3944' 1733 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
east of Weldiya
JDJ02 Kile 0905'/4151' 2457 m, near Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ16 Kile (K'ile, Qile) 0914'/4213' 1389 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
south-east of Harar
HEM03 Kile Adame kebele (Qilé Adamé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the east in Guba Lafto wereda at its southern border
there, 5-13 km east of Weldiya; area 2,665 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCM91 Kile Sottiro (Chile S.) 0711'/3927' 07/39 [x WO]
(with waterfalls)
HFL17 Kileli'i 1435'/3906' 1522 m, near border of Eritrea 14/39 [Gz]

HEF53 Kilensa Maryam (K'ilensa M.) (church) 11/39 [Gz]

1123'/3942', near Hayk
HEF95 Kilenti (K'ilenti, Qilenti) 1144'/3951' 1389 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
south-east of Weldiya
HFF53 Kilet (K'ilet, Qilet) 1402'/3939' 2393 m 14/39 [Gz q]
(with church Maryam), south-east of Adigrat
HFF22 Kilete Awlalo .., see Kilte Awlalo ..
HDD25 Kilfo 0825'/3758' 1970 m, south of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
HEJ85 Kilga, see Akyel
JDA76 Kili (K'ili, Qili) 0851'/4023' 1828 m, 08/40 [Gz q]
west of Gelemso
HDE22 Kilicha (K'ilicha, Qilicha) 0820'/3839' 2131 m, 08/38 [Gz q]
north-west of Ziway
HD... Kilie, see Kile
kilil: killil (A) limits, boundary
HE... Kilil (centre in 1964 of Mesheha sub-district) 13/36 [Ad]
JEA87 Kilimalu (Chilimalu) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HDE41 Kilinto (K'ilint'o, Qilinto) 0833'/3833' 2469 m 08/38 [Gz q]
HDL71 Kilisa (K'ilisa, Qilisa) 0943'/3831' 2538 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
JDJ46 Kilisa (K'ilisa, Qilisa) 0927'/4213' 2223 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
(mountain) north-east of Harar
HFF.. Kilitte Beleza wereda, see Kilte Belessa wereda,
in Agame awraja 1941-1974
HBS88 Kilkille, see Chichilla
HEF17 Kilkilo kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kalu (East) wereda at its eastern border, 22-29 km
east-southeast of Kombolcha; area 2,151 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Kilkitel (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 06/35 [Ad]
killa (O) /wooden/ bowl with a lid;
killaa (O) fence; enclosure for cattle
?? Killa Harare (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
killelu: kilille, qilillee (O) deep gorge;
killilu (A) the boundary, the enclosure
JDP68 Killelu (Chillelu) (waterhole) 1033'/4129' 656 m, 10/41 [Wa WO Gz]
see under Geblilu
JDP69 Killelu (Chillelu) (plain) 10/41 [+ WO]
JDR60 Killelu (Kilelou, Killulloo) (centre near stream) 10/41 [+ Ha]
JDR71 Killelu (Chillelu, Kellali) (plain) 10/41 [+ WO Ha]
?? Killenso (Qillenso), ../.. [20]
with Catholic parish under the Vicariate of Awasa
killis (A) half-caste, half-breed
HCS29 Killisa (Chillisa) (area) 2050 m 07/38 [+ WO]
HEJ44 Kilmama 1211'/3701' 1829 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north-west of lake Tana
?? Kilotes, see Debre Zeyt : lakes
HBE89 Kilta (Gara Kilta) 0329'/3917' 1097 m, 03/39 [Gz]
near the border of Kenya
HDJ92 Kiltayana (K'ilt'ayana, Qiltayana) 09/36 [Gz q]
0955'/3651' 2050 m, west of Alibo
HFF22 Kilte Awlalo wereda (K. Awlaelo .., Kilete A. ..) 13/39 [x Yo]
(in Hulet Awlalo awraja) (ctr in 1990s = Wikro)
HF... Kilte Belessa wereda (Kilitte Beleza ..), 14/39 [x n]
in Agame
HDJ06c Kilten Dana 09/37 [x]
In the Lagamara area, with Capuchin mission tried in the 1850s.
kilti (O) wide fig tree, Ficus vasta
HEC64 Kilti (Chilti) 1128'/3701', 11/37 [Gz Ch]
stream which rises north-west of Dangila
JDC95 Kiltota (K'ilt'ota, Qiltota) 0901'/4204' 1640 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
south of Harar
kiltu, qilt'uu (O, Guji) large fig tree, Ficus sycomorus,
also Ficus brachypoda, F. dahro, F. vasta
HDG23 Kiltu (Chiltu) 0918'/3504', river in Wellega 09/35 [Gz]
HDL32 Kiltu (K'ilt'u, Qiltu) 0924'/3840' 2409 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HEF56 Kiltu (K'ilt'u, Qiltu) 1123'/3955' 1912 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
east of Hayk
HDG38 Kiltu Chabe (K'ilt'u C.), 06/35 [x]
about 16 km south-southeast of Nejo
kiltu g..: gebeya (A) market
HDH76 Kiltu Gebeya (K'ilt'u G., Qiltu G.) 09/36 [Gz q]
0945'/3614' 2100 m
kiltu k..: karra (A,T) large curved knife, kitchen knife;
(O) 1. gate, kraal; 2. luck, wealth, fortune
HDG65 Kiltu Karra (K'iltu K., Kiltukarra), 09/35 [x]
about 22 km east of Mendi
HDG.. Kiltu Meko, in Gimgi awraja 09/35 [x]
kiltu w..: wayu, wayyuu (O) 1. better, preferable;
2. messenger; 3. expert of beliefs
HDC53 Kiltu Wayu (K'ilt'u W.,Qiltu W.) 08/36 [Gz q]
0836'/3653' 1495 m
?? Kiltuarjo (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDJ58 Kiltwashe (K'ilt'washe, Qiltwashe) 09/37 [Gz q]
0931'/3720' 2384 m, east of Shambu
JD... Kilulu (Killoloo), see Wadi Kilulu
HCT.. Kilumsa, see Kulumsa
-- Kimant (Qimant), see Kemant
-- Kimanteney language, see Kemant
HCR61c Kimbi (Chimbi) (plain), cf Kembi .. 07/36 [+ Gu]
HDM40 Kimbibili (area) 09/39 [WO]
HDM30 Kimbibit wereda (centre in 1964 = Sheno) 09/39 [Ad]
JEJ02 Kimbire (Chimbire) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEJ53 Kimbire (Chimbire) (well, near fort) 12/41 [+ WO]
HDK88 Kimbure (K'imbure, Qimbure) 0946'/3819' 2377 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Tulu Milki
H.... Kimbwat sub-district (Kimbuat ..) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Lega Kidane Mihret)
JDB93c Kimi 08/41 [Wa]
kimir, kimmir (A) heap of grain, pile, mound;
kimir dingay (A) pile of stone
H.... Kimir Dingay (centre in 1964 of Gabriel sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
HDU00 Kimir Dingay 1002'/3920' 2505 m, 10/39 [Gz]
near map code HDT09
HEK07 Kimir Dingay 1149'/3813' 3013 m, 11/38 [Gz]
east of Debre Tabor, town in Farta wereda, cf Kemir ..
HEE37 Kimir Dingay kebele (Kemer Dengay ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mekdela wereda, 1-9 km
south of Masha; area 1,917 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE76 Kimkimo kebele (Qemqemo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda at its southern border,
15-18 km south-east of Filakit; area 2,857 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Kimma (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 06/37? [Ad]
HDD99 Kimoye 0901'/3820' 2109 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
?? Kinbibit (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
-- Kina language, see Opuuo
HDU32 Kincha (K'inch'a, Qincha) 1016'/3933' 2890 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Molale
?? Kinche (in Shewa) ../.. [n]
HEU91 Kinderta awraja, see Inderta awraja 13/39 [x]
HBP.? Kindo, area in the Sodo coal fields of Sidamo 05/36? [Mi]
HEE08 Kindo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in eastern Legambo wereda stretching 11 km
north/east very near Akista on its east; area 3,641 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- kindo k..: Koysha is the name of a language
HC... Kindo Koysha wereda (.. Koisha ..) (-2000-) 06/37? [20]
(in the North Omo Zone)
(-1994-) is divided into 35 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HC... Kindo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Alala) 06/37? [Ad]
HDU10 Kinet 1004'/3920' 2280 m 10/39 [Gz]
kinfat (A) hem
HE... Kinfaz sub-district 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Chichike Mikael)
HDM22 Kinfe kebele (Kenfé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Berehet wereda, 9-13 km
south-east of Gina Ager; area 782 hectares.
GDM.. Kinfikabachu kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HDC91 Kingi (Cinghi) 0902'/3640' 1924 m, 09/36 [Gz WO]
south-east of Nekemte
Coordinates would give map code HDC90
kinin (A) medical pill
HFE99 Kinin 1425'/3917' 1921 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Yohanis), north-west of Adigrat
HCF30 Kinno (area) 05/39 [WO]
kino (O) cause of disease
HDG72 Kintilubo (K'int'ilubo, Qintilubo) 09/35 [Gz q]
0945'/3502' 1533 m, south-west of Mendi
HEJ09 Kintomado 11/37 [WO]
kintu (qint'u) (A) abandoned, resa (A) corpse
HDK28 Kintu Resa, see Mene Busa
HDE79 Kintushule (K'int'ushule, Qintushule) 08/39 [Gz q]
0851'/3916' 2403 m, east of Debre Zeyt
HEL88 Kiny (K'iny, Qiny) 1234'/3940' 1558 m 12/39 [Gz q]
HEJ15 Kinzela, see Konzula
kir: kirr (A) thread, wick
HEH71 Kir, Jebel (Chir) (hill) 1227'/3546' 12/35 [WO Gz]
HCK47 Kiraka (mountain) 0643'/3808', cf Chirracha 06/38 [x]
HER67 Kirakir (Keraker, Carachir) 1315'/3715' 1123 m 13/37 [Gz Ad WO]
(Kerakr) (centre in 1964 of Tegede wereda & of Adetna Torat sub-district)
HER69 Kirakir (Kirakit, Amba Carachir) 13/37 [Gz MS WO]
(mountain) 1315'/3725' 2057 m
kirana (qirana) (A) leather strip or thong
HDL70 Kirane (K'irane, Qirane) 0945'/3825' 2333 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Gebre Guracha
kirara (O), kirar, krar (A) Ethiopian lyre
/with five or six strings/
HDL32 Kirara 0922'/3840' 2549 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEC99 Kiratza (in Qorata), see Korata
kirb (qirb) (A) near, close, shallow;
kireba (qiräba) (A) kind of large tree
HDK48 Kirbe (K'irbe, Qirbe) 0926'/3817' 2575 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
GCT55 Kirdodo (Chirdodo) 07/33 [+ WO]
HDU70 Kire 1037'/3922' 2661 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDJ93 Kiremu 0957'/3652' 2159 m, 09/36 [Gz Ad]
(with church Be'ale Igzi'abher), west of Alibo
(centre in 1964 of Gida Kiremu sub-district)
GDU00 Kirin (Jebel K., Chirin) (mountain) 09/34 [WO Gz Gu]
0957'/3422' 657 m, peak 1448 m
HEC.. Kiritza (in Qorata), see also Korata ../.. [x]
HEJ71 Kirkemeshe (Chirchemesce) 1225'/3645' 945 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
kirkim (A) trimmed, cut /hair/
HER33 Kirkin (Chirchin) 1259'/3653' 971 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
Kirkos (Qirqos), St. Cyriacus /or Quiricos/
HDM60 Kirkos (K'irk'os, Qirqos, Circos) 09/39 [Gz q It]
0939'/3923' 2661 m, west of Debre Birhan
HEL14 Kirkos (K'irk'os, Qirqos) 1153'/3852' 2068 m, 11/38 [Gz q]
north-east of Debre Zebit
HCD54 Kirme (Chirme) 0554'/3756' 1422 (3500?) m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
kiro (Som) rent, fare, lease, hire; qiro (Som) thickness /etc/;
qiiro (Som) negative emotion
HDL63 Kiro 0939'/3843' 2525 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT00 Kiro 0958'/3828' 2141 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), north-east of Tulu Milki
Kiros (kiros, qiros) (A) St. Cyrus, occurring as
a male personal name also in modern time
HED83 Kiros (Chiros) 11/37 [+ WO]
H.... Kiros sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tber) 13/38? [Ad]
HE... Kirrem Dingay, 'Pile of Rocks', 11/38 [20]
in Gayint at some distance from Nefas Mewcha
HFF80 Kirsaba, see Kerseraw
and Mikael church under Adigrat : Kerseraw
?? Kirstos Samea (visiting postman under Nazret), ../.. [Po]
cf Kristos Samra
kisad g..: guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant;
2. big /female/; gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior;
2. fulfill one's obligations
?? Kisad Gudo (visiting postman under Mekele) ../.. [Po]
HFE87 Kisad Hitsa 1421'/3910' 2078 m, north of Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
kisat d..: dega, highland
HEE99 Kisat Dega kebele (Qesat Däga ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda at equal distance to
borders on both sides, 13-18 km north-east of Wegel Tena;
area 1,861 hectares.
kisat k..: qolla. lowland
HEE89 Kisat Kola kebele (Qesat Qola ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda at its south-eastern border,
13-17 km north-east of Wegel Tena; area 2,474 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Kiseki sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kurit) 05/35 [Ad]
?? Kishe, resettlement project in Kefa ../.. [20]
HCG86 Kismaryet (Chismariet, Gismaret) 07/35 [+ WO Gz]
0707'/3524' 1183 m
kisme: kism, kisim (qisim) (A) power, physical stamina,
vigour; hero
HDK13 Kisme (K'isme, Qisme) 0911'/3749' 1810 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
kistan (O) church /of a mission?/
HDJ56 Kistana (Collubi, Kollubi) 0936'/3711' 2438 m 09/37 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDJ66
HDL81 Kistana 0951'/3833' 2853 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
-- Kistane (Soddo), a dialect of northern Gurage
and their confederation
HDM.? Kisu Ager (K'isu A.) (with church Gebri'el) 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
kisyana a..: amarti (O) finger ring
HDJ66 Kisyana Amarti (Chisiana Amarti) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
HDK.. Kital (ford on the Abay river) 09/37 [x]
HDM.? Kitalegn (K'it'alegn) (with church Abo), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDM.? Kitalegn (K'it'alegn) (with church Ileni Nigist), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga Kasim wereda
HDM52 Kitalign kebele (Qit'align ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the east in north Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
12-17 km south-southeast of Debre Birhan; area 2,824 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kitar (qitar) (A) hedge; kitir (qit'ir) (A) enclosure
HDN59 Kitar (Chitar, Citar) (group of villages) 10/35 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1030'/3538' 2151/c.2600 m
Coordinates would give map code HDN69
HDP50 Kitar (mountain with old fortifications) 10/35 [x]
"an outlying cone-shaped hill on the Wanbera south slopes"
HEG89 Kitar (Chitar) 1030'/3538' 2151 m, 10/35 [Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HDP70 Kitar sub-district (centre in 1964 = Debre Zeyit) 10/35 [Ad]
HEL63c Kitara (Chitara) 12/38 [+ Gu It]
(with unfinished rock-hewn church?)
HEU22 Kitare 1255'/3934' 2837 m, north of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
kite: kitte, kittie (O) centre, middle
HCG58 Kite (Qite), in Temenja Yazh wereda 06/35 [n]
There is a megalithic site with a single stele, 18 km south of Mizan Teferi.
HDL32 Kite 0919'/3839' 2596 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Sululta, cf Keta, Kete
kiti (Som) kind of small or medium tree, Balanites aegyptiaca,
which grows in dry land and has small spines;
kiti, kitii (T) discussion, dispute
HDL35 Kiti 0921'/3857' 2783 m, north-east of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDJ56 Kitiba (K'it'iba, Qitiba) 0931'/3709' 2225 m 09/37 [Gz q]
(with church Iyesus), east of Shambu
HDF71 Kiticha kebele (Ketecha ..) 08/39 [Ad]
large territory somewhat to the east in southernmost
Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its border; area 8,765 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kitim w..: weyra (A) wild olive, Olea africana
HDM12 Kitim Weyra kebele (Ketem Wäyra ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Berehet wereda at its border
there, 12-16 km south of Gina Ager; area 1,419 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Kitim Weyra sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gorgo) 09/39 [Ad]
HDE84 Kitime 0857'/3850' 2189 m, south-east of A.Abeba 08/38 [Gz]
HDU84 Kitir (K'it'ir, Qitir, K'it'r) 1042'/3943' 3274 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
south of Kombolcha
HEE23 Kitir (K'it'ir, Qitir, Malek Sanca, Berat S. Ghiorghis) 11/38 [Gz q Wa WO]
1107'/3845' 2580 m
kitkita, kitkitta (A) Dodonaea angustifolia, D. viscosa,
slender shrub or small tree with shiny dark leaves and
hanging bunches of winged fruit
HEE91 Kitkita Maryam (Chittachitta Mariam) (church) 11/38 [LM WO Gz]
HEL85 Kitmana (K'it'mana, Qitmana) 1230'/3854' 2123 m, 12/38 [Gz q]
south-west of Sekota
kito, qitoo (O) sacrifice
HDL10 Kito 0912'/3826' 2625 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), north-east of Addis Alem, cf Keto
HDU84 Kitr, see Kitir
kitta (O) shirt; qittaa (O) kind of bread
HDC80 Kittana (Chittana) (mountain) 08/36 [+ WO]
kittanu (O) circumcise /a female/
?? Kittar, see Wenbera
?? Kittel Yellish (village) ../.. [Ha]
at about a day's march towards the lowlands from Ankober
HCG67 Kitti (Chitti, Kitte) 0655'/3528' 1185 m, 06/35 [+ WO Gz x]
see under Mizan Teferi
kitu, qituu (O) stealth, tip-toeing;
jaalle (Som) 1. yellow; 2. team mate;
jele (jäle) combatant without firearms
HDG74 Kitu Jale (Chittu Giali), see under Mendi 09/35 [+ Wo Gu]
HEU92 Kiviha, see Kwiha
HFE52 Kiwadat 1406'/3839' 2092 m 14/38 [Gz]
at 8.4 km south-west of Aksum, see under that place
kiyanna g..: gaban (Som) small, young, little;
gabbaan (Som) livestock giving little milk;
gabana, gabanaa (O) one's private affairs
JDK86 Kiyanna Gaban (Chianna Gaban) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
GDM46 Kiyaskame 0925'/3456' 1384 m 09/34 [Gz]
-- Kiyer, cf Chier
?? Kiyero (on the way to Mota) ../.. [n]
JDH27 Kiyo 0916'/4123' 1809 m, south-west of Deder 09/41 [Gz]
kiyyo, kiyyoo (O) snare, trap
J.... Kiyyo, village in Oborra, Harar region 09/42? [n]
GDM75 Kiyonom (T. Chionom) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
HBS81 Klarke (Clarke) 0517'/3736' 891 m 05/37 [+ Gz]
HCS41 Klefura (Clefura) 07/37 [+ WO]
HFF22 Klte Awlaelo awraja, see Hulet Awlalo awraja, 13/39 [n]
cf Kilte Awlalo wereda
kob (qob) (A) Hebrew-type skull-cap, worn by priests,
monks, nuns
?? Kob (Qôb), ../.. [+ x]
a town Qôb was mentioned in medieval time
HEC35 Kob (Cob) 11/37 [+ WO]
HEL33 Kob kebele (Qob ..) 12/38 [Ad]
in north-west Bugna wereda; area 8,518 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
koba (qoba) (A,O,Gurage) ensete plant, Ensete ventricosum;
also (A) Agauria salicifolia;
koba (O) 1. yellow; koobaa 2. cupping horn, device to draw blood
for therapeutic blood-letting, qobaa 3.alone, special
GDM43 Koba (Coba) 0928'/3437' 1578 m 09/34 [+ n]
HEL87 Koba (K'oba, Qoba) 1233'/3904' 2175 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
west of Korem
HDM40 Koba & Hajin kebele (Qoba .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its south-western
border, 21-24 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 661 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCL03 Koba Seddu (Coba Seddu) (area) 2789 m 06/38 [+ WO]
koba sorma, rich of ensete? sooroma (O) affluence, wealth
HCE93 Koba Sorma (Coba Sorma) (area) 2710 m 06/38 [+ WO]
HE... Koba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mehago) 12/39 [Ad]
HCH.? Kobach, in Keja 07/36 [En]
In the 1980s centre of Haweta wereda.
HBM40 Kobadi 04/39 [WO]
kobar (Som) copper
JEP92 Kobar (Cobar) (area) 1335'/4050' 13/40 [+ WO Gz]
?? Kobara, ../.. [Mi]
a right affluent of the Birbir river in Wellega
HER36 Kobas Sazob (Cobas Sazob) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEC56c Kobastal (Cobastal) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
(waterfall), see under Dib Kan
JC... Kobayo, mountain in the Ginir region 07/40 [x]
HDM50 Kobba (Cobba) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HEE79 Kobbe & Alamata awraja (Kobbo? ...) 11/39 [x]
(centre in 1959 = Wegel Tena)
kobbo, qobboo (O) castor shrub, Ricinus communis; qobbo (Som)
kind of oil-bearing plant with wide leaves /also Ricinus communis?/
HBM95 Kobbo (Cobbo, Gobbo) 0427'/3945' 1218 m 04/39 [+ Gz WO]
HCS18 Kobbo (Cobbo) (area), cf Kobo 07/38 [+ WO]
HDJ49 Kobbo (Cobbo) (area) 0927'/3727' 2235 m, 09/37 [18 Wa WO Gz]
(with market)
HEM43 Kobbo (K'obo, Qobo, Cobbo, Gobbo, Quabbo) 12/39 [Ro Gz q WO x]
MS: 1205'/3945' = HEM33 1455m;
Gz: 1209'/3938' = HEM44 1468 m
(centre -1956- of Raya & Kobo awraja,
in 1964 of Kobo wereda & Kobo sub-district)
There is Kobo Zuriya kebele around the settlement,
with Bowa kebele adjoining a little to the west.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
4E two Boren kebeles
6E Gatira kebele
3SE Gedemeyo kebele
6SE Abware kebele
5S Aradom kebele
8SW Arbet kebele
6W Gedaba kebele
6NW Ayub kebele
10NW Amaya kebele
2N Mendefera kebele
8N Golelsha kebele
8NE Rama kebele
JEA45 Kobbo (Cobbo) (high plateau) 927 m 11/40 [+ WO Gu]
HCU85 Kobde (K'obde, Qobde) 0759'/3949' 1997 m 07/39 [Gz q]
kobe k..: qobbe (Som) chill, cool of the night;
kobi, koobi, kobii (O) anthill
HEM52 Kobe kebele (Qobä ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kobo wereda at its northern border,
15-28 km north-west of Kobbo town; area 8,149 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDF95 Kobecha (Cobecia, Cobeca, Cobaccia, Nunu) 09/34 [MS Ad WO Gz]
0901'/3447' 1528 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDG74 Kobecha 0946'/3509' 1521 m, south-east of Mendi 09/35 [Gz]
?? Kobenew (on map of 1814 a place Cobbenou), 11/39? [+ 18]
south-east of lake Ashenge
GD... Kober Kober (centre in 1964 of Yaa sub-district) 09/34 [Ad]
GDM22 Kobere 0919'/3435' 1544 m, near Begi 09/34 [Gz]
kobi: kobi, koobi, kobii (O) anthill;
kobii (qobi'i) (T) cap, hat
HDC04 Kobi 0814'/3703' 1773 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDC09 Kobi 0814'/3725' 1627 m, west of Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
HDJ85 Kobi 0948'/3703' 2378 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDK99 Kobi 0953'/3821' 2486 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL91 Kobi 0957'/3834' 2080 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), east of Tulu Milki
HCS90 Kobijo (Toulou Kobidjo) 08/08'/3733' 08/37 [x]
location south-southwest of Abelti, with two conical mountains
HEJ77 Kobla Jenda (K. Janda) (in Gondar awraja), 12/37 [Ad 20]
areas known separately in the 1600s as Qobla and Jända
kobo (O) castor shrub as above; also Gardenia lutea, a plant with
sweet-scented, short-lived yellow flowers
HBS36 Kobo (K'obo, Qobo) 0452'/3807' 1797 m, 04/38 [Gz q]
near Yabelo
HDE.. Kobo (centre in 1964 of Abu sub-district), cf Kobbo 08/38? [Ad]
HDE48 Kobo, see under Nazret 08/39 [x]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964?)
HDJ49? Kobo (Qobo, Cobbo), in southern Gudru 09/37 [+ n WO]
HDT83 Kobo (K'obo, Qobo) 1043'/3842' 2371 m 10/38 [Gz q]
HEM43 Kobo, see Kobbo
JDH38 Kobo (K'obo, Qobo, Cobbo) 0923'/4128' 2205 m, 09/41 [Gz q Ro]
(with church Medhane Alem), near Deder
HDM65 Kobo kebele (Qobo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northern Ankober wereda stretching to its eastern border,
9-14 km north-east of Ankobdr town; area 1,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU16 Kobo kebele (Kobo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Kewet wereda, 2-7 km north-west
of Shewa Robit; area 1,971 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HD... Kobo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Har Amba) 09/39 [Ad n]
HEM43 Kobo wereda (Qobo ..) (-1964-1994-) 12/39 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural and 5 urban kebeles among which
Abware, Afafa, Amaya, Amze, Aradom, Aramo, Arbet, Asmela,
Awas, Ayub, Belego, Berha Maryam, Boren (two), Bowa, Gatira,
Gedaba, Gedemeyu, Golelsha, Jarota, Jemedo, Kalim, Kobe, Kobo
Zuriya, Kulkwal Amba, Legas Weyra, Lema Solela, Licho Beret, Mehago,
Mekdela, Mendefera, Mesno Kelewa, Mito, Rama, Sheway Maryam,
Tota Amba, Wacho, Wedeyu, Weremegna, Werke, Weyno Dikalo
HEM43 Kobo Zuriya kebele (Qobo .. ..), 12/39 [Ad]
surrounding Kobbo town in central northern
Kobo wereda; area 3,869 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM06 Kobocha 0903'/3455' 1782 m, near code GDF96 09/34 [Gz]
?? Kobor ../.. [x]
kobota, koboota (O) lump of earth; dry dung
HDC09 Kobota 0813'/3728' 1592 m, west of Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
GD... Kobra (in Asosa awraja) 10/34? [Ad]
HEL52 Kobriya (K'obriya, Qobriya) 1213'/3841' 2465 m 12/38 [Gz q]
HDE57 Kobul (M.Cobul) (mountain area) 08/39 [+ WO]
2030 m, see under Mojo
HEC88 Kobuta, see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [n]
kocha, qochaa (O) tortoise
HCG87 Kocha (Coccia, Cocia, Coraico, Coriccia) 07/35 [+ WO Gu Gz]
0708'/3525' 958 m
/this Kocha or the next one?/
It was at the foot of Kocha, on the left-hand side of Dincha,
that the last king of Kefa and his followers were captured.
HCG96 Kocha (Coccia, Cocia) 0717'/3520' 1465 m 07/35 [+ WO Gu Gz]
JDK36 Kochara (K'och'ara, Qochara) 0921'/4304' 1795 m, 09/43 [Gz q]
east of Jijiga
koche, qoochee (O) kind of tree with very hard wood;
kochee (O) kind of food with minced meat or boiled lamb
HCR70 Koche (K'och'e, Qoche) 0754'/3640' 1524 m, 07/36 [Gz q]
north-west of Jimma
HCT56c Koche, between lake Ziway and Albaso 07/38 [x]
HEM35 Kochebi Raja (Cochebi R.) 1208'/3950' 1162 m 12/39 [+ Gz]
?? Kochele (Kechele?) (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JDK50 Kocher (Goggiar, Gojjiar, Qocher) 2007/2050 m, 09/42 [LM WO Gu x]
(large village) mountain 2526 m, cf Gocher
(centre in 1964 of Grikocher sub-district)
HC... Kochere wereda (Kochore ..) 06/38 [Ad]
at some distance from Yirga Chefe in the Gedeo Zone
(-1994) is divided into 40 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
kochi, qochii (O) small market;
kocho, qochoo (O) 1. Ensete edulis, E. ventricosum; 2.wing;
(qoch'o) (A etc) porridge made from the marrow of the ensete plant,
staple food for Gurage and others who cultivate ensete;
qocho (O) bar used as door fastener
HCR42 Kochi (Coci) (small market), see under Jimma 07/36 [+ Gu]
HDD28 Kochir (Quochir) 08/38 [+ WO]
JCG37 Kochisa (Coccisa) (plain) 06/40 [+ WO Gu]
kochisu (O) to mince /meat/
HCG96 Kocho 0713'/3520'c 07/35 [x]
HC... Kochore wereda, see Kochere ..
koda (qoda) (A) raw hide, skin;
koda meret (qoda märet) (A) wide but infertile land;
koda (O) (qodaa) vessel, tool, implement, furniture;
(qooda) divide, take a share; gift
HCR16 Koda 0722'/3710' 1559 m 07/37 [Gz]
?? Koda Messa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JCR77 Kodaa Meydel (Qodaa Meidel) (area) 07/42 [+ WO]
kodad: kodadu (plural of kudo) (T) hillocks, small hills
HDU64 Kodad kebele (Qodad ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south Gishe Rabel wereda stretching
north/south to its southern border, 21-24 km east-southeast
of Were Ilu; area 2,325 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kodda (A) leather bottle; (O) part, portion;
koddaa (O) water-flask /of metal for soldiers/
HDC00 Kodda (Codda) (mountain) 0811'/3636 2138 m 08/36 [n WO Gz]
kode, koode (O) brother, sister, blood relation
HCS43 Kode (Code) 07/37 [+ WO]
HDM85 Kodebra 0947'/3950' 1599 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Sina
JDJ34 Kodele 0920'/4200' 1917 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HC... Kodesha wereda (centre in 1964 = Botolo Sogna) 06/37? [Ad]
HCG55c Kodika 0647'/3515'c 06/35 [x]
Village near the Gojeb river, with name given
by the local people in the 1910s.
kodo (qodo) (Kefa) small circular hut;
koddo, koddoo (O) myrtle, Myrtus communis
HCK00 Kodo (in Gemu awraja), see Wulo Kode
JDF56 Kodore (Qodore) (area) 08/44 [+ WO]
JDH07 Koe (K'o'e, Qoe) 0905'/4119' 1505 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south-west of Deder
-- Koegu, Kwegu, Koygu, ethnic group living at Omo river at about HBP95,
are called Muguji by others
-- Koegu language, see Kwegu
HBT.. Koessa (Coessa), 05/39 [+ Mi]
mountain in Sidamo with sharp-edged conical shape
HBM04 Koeiti (Coeti) 0340'/3940' 966 m, 03/39 [n Gz]
mountain near the border of Kenya, cf Koweti
HCK09 Kofali (Cofali) (area), see under Dilla 06/38 [+ WO]
HDG.? Kofali Dilla, in Gimbi awraja? 09/35 [x]
HDT08 Kofeda (Cofeda) 09/39 [+ WO]
kofele, kofale (O) kind of tree, Albizia grandibracteata
HCD87 Kofele (Bukissa Kofale), 40 km south-west of Dilla, 06/38 [+ x]
with decorated monoliths on a hill
HCL84 Kofele (Cofole, Coffole, Kofale, Cofale, Kofali) 07/38 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Koffale, Kofolle, Kofelle, Kaffale) 07/38 [x]
MS: 0700'/3845' = HCL73 2695 m; Gz: 0704'/3847' 2506 m
(with sub-post office), on road eastwards south of Shashemene
HDH77 Kofele (Kefole) 0945'/3623' 1872 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCL84 Kofele wereda (centre in 1964-1980s = Kofele), 07/38 [Ad]
with a state farm,
(-1994-) is divided into 92 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HDM.? Kofeltu (with church Zeank'a Welda), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
?? Koffe (swamp with plenty of birds) ../.. [20]
kofla (O) laughter
HDE40 Kofla (Cofla) (mountain) 0831'/3827' 3057 m 08/38 [+ Gu Gz]
HDT16 Kofna (K'ofna), see Minaaze
JEP63 Kofno (area) 13/40 [WO]
HCR99 Kofta 0804'/3730' 2115 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south-west of Abelti, near map code HCS90
koftu, qooftuu (O) hollow, having a hole
HDE77 Koftu (K'oftu, Qoftu) 0850'/3903' 2057 m, 08/39 [Gz q]
north-east of Debre Zeyt
HDL73 Koftu (K'oftu, Qoftu) 09/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tulu Dimtu sub-district)
HEK41 Koga (K'oga, Qoga, Kogga, Coga) 1210'/3738' 12/37 [Gz q Ad Pa x]
(centre in 1964 of Infranz sub-district) 1832/2520 m, cf Imfiraz,
(also historically recorded), at the north-east shore of lake Tana
HES27 Koga (K'oga, Qoga) 1255'/3814' 2730 m, 12/38 [Gz q]
south-east of Deresge
HEC.. Kogar, a right tributary of the Little Abay 11/37 [Ch]
HBK52 Kogayu (G. Kogaiu) (hill) 1228 m 04/37 [+ WO]
GDF72 Kogi (Cogi, Cioghi) 0831'/3445' 1868 m 08/34 [+ Gz]
HDF73 Kogi (Cogi, Coaichi, Coicia) (mountain) 08/39 [+ Gz]
0852'/3938' 1239 m
-- Kogo, an Oromo clan in Arsi;
kogo d..: dalla, dallaa (O) fence, enclosure
GDF61 Kogo Dalla (Cogo Dalla) 0842'/3429' 904 m 08/34 [+ WO Gz]
HCF51 Kogobbe (Cogobbe, Malca Cogobbe) 05/39 [Gz WO]
0553'/3928' 1192 m
HCE97 Kogobbo (Cogobbo) 06/39 [+ WO]
JBJ92 Kogorni (Cogorni) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
HCG84 Kogu (Cogu) 07/35 [+ WO]
HEU92 Koha, see Kwiha
HDL55 Kohiti (K'ohiti, Qohiti) 0934/3857' 2659 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-east of Fiche
HEU92 Koha, see Kwiha
JDA93 Kohodam (G. Cohodam) (area) 1019 m 08/40 [+ WO]
koina d..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HEK54 Koina Dega (area) 12/37 [WO]
koinab, title of local king among the Chako
HCG67 Koinab (area) 06/35 [x]
HCG77 Koings c. 1690 m 06/35 [x]
HCH38 Koisa, see Kosha
HDL76 Koiti (Ko'iti) 0942'/3902' 2562 m, 09/39 [AA Gz]
south-east of Fiche
HBL78 Koja (Coggia) 0416'/3911' 1196 m 04/39 [+ Gz]
HEC77 Koja Giyorgis (Codgia Gheorghis) 11/37 [+ It]
(village with church)
-- Koje, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
HCR66 Kojello Abullu (Cogello A.), cf Kajelo.. 07/37 [+ WO]
HCS41 Kojjiro (Coggiro) 07/37 [+ WO]
kojo (O) food from ensete;
kojjo (O) the four props of a bed
HCE22 Kojoa (Kojo'a, Kojowa) 0542'/3837', 05/38 [Gz Mi]
an affluent of the Dawa in Sidamo
JCG73 Kojora (K'ojora, Qojora) 0702'/4006' 2515 m, 07/40 [Gz q]
east of Goba
kok (A) (qoq) 1. francolin; (kok) 2. peach
HEE32 Kok 1108'/3838' 2509 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDU46c Kok Fari (recorded in 1841) 10/39 [Ha]
kok wiha (qoq wiha) (A) francolin water
HDS27 Kok Wiha (K'ok' W., Qoq W.) 10/38 [Gz q]
1011'/3813' 2153 m,
above Abay on the road to Debre Markos
koka (O) qooqaa 1. voice, language; 2. ravenous hunger;
koqaa 3. cereal broth obtained after boiling porridge;
koka-u, qoqauu (O) to clear land by burning off vegetation
HDE37 Koka (K'ok'a, Qoqa, Coca) 0826/3902' 1595 m 08/39 [Gz q WO]
Coordinates would give map code HDE36
koka b..: bule (O) 1. assistant at a ceremony of sacrifice;
2. stay overnight; bulee (O) several meanings for colours;
bulee (Som) put tassels on
?? Koka Bule (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
koka g..: gidib (A) dam
HDE38 Koka Gidib (K'ok'a G., Qoqa G., Koka Dam) 08/39 [Gz q]
0828'/3909' (lake at 0820'/3900' extending 20 x 15 km)
HDE22 Koka Negewo, see Negewo
koka s..: siba (O) large jar for brewing tella or tej;
-- Siba is a Borana lineage
HDE37 Koka Siba (Coca Siba) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDE.. Koka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mayo) 08/39 [Ad]
kokaato a..: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JEC92 Kokaato Ale (Coccaato Ale) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HFF80 Kokah (K'ok'ah, Qoqah) 1422'/3925' 2592 m, 14/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Adigrat
HCR81 Kokawo (Cocauo, Kokauo) 0802'/3641' 1530 m 08/36 [+ Gz]
GCU47 Kokayeka (Cocaieca) 0736'/3459' 895 m 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
koke (Borana O) camel bell of wood;
ager (agär) (A) land, district, region
HEE18 Koke Ager 1058'/3913' 3232 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Dessie, in Albuko wereda
kokeb (kokäb) (A) star; fortune by destiny;
kokeb mesk (A) star field;
mesk (mäsk) (A) grazing land, meadow
HDL85 Kokeb Mesk 0950'/3855' 1814 m, east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU85 Kokebeb kebele (Kokäbäb ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching
narrowly almost across the whole width of the wereda,
very near north of Majete; area 1,788 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HF... Kokel (Kokäl) (river), 14/38? [+ Pa]
in the Mereb area of north-west Ethiopia?
HEU73 Kokele 1321'/3938' 2243 m, south-east of Kwiha, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Gebre Menfes K'idus)
HDU47c Kokfara ca. 1020'/4000', 10/40 [18 x]
at a main old north-south route
koki, kooki (O) peach tree, Prunus persica
H.... Koki (Qoki) (centre in 1964 of Alai sub-district) 10/39 [+ Ad]
HEF15 Kokiny (K'ok'iny, Qoqiny) 1057'/3947' 1718 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
south-east of Kombolcha
HDD28 Kokir 0824'/3814' 2667 m 08/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kokir Gedebano sub-district) (-1964-1997-)
HDD28 Kokir wereda 08/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDD.? Kokir Gedbano & Gutazer wereda (.. Gedebano ..) 08/38? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 25 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEP26c Kokit (Cochit) (large village) 12/36 [n Gu]
GCT43 Kokiye (Cochie) 07/33 [+ WO]
koko, kokoo (O) vagina
HDP44 Koko (Coco, Koki) 1017'/3607' 1766/1835 m, 10/36 [Gz Ch WO Wa]
(big village with market), north of Abay river
Coordinates would give map code HDP34
kokob: qoqob (Som) barrier, boundary fence
GD... Kokob kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. Kwama language is spoken there.
JBG62 Kokoba (Kokob, Cocob) 0418'/4004' 1213 m 04/40 [WO Wa Gz]
?? Kokobe /same as Kokoba?/, ../.. [Mi]
near Monissa mountain in Sidamo
?? Kokobill, ../.. [x]
village past Belfodio and near the Godaberri river
HEU00 Kokolo 1330'/3924' 2175 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Yohanis), near Mekele
HFE69 Kokomet (Cocomet) 1409'/3919' 1980 m 14/39 [+ Gu Gz]
HEF93 Kokono (K'ok'ono, Qoqono) 1142'/3938' 1934 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
south of Weldiya
HEF91 Kokor Amba kebele (Qoqor .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern central Guba Lafto wereda, 10-16 km
south-west of Weldiya; area 2,005 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kokora (western O) kind of small or medium tree,
Terminalia macroptera; kokori (O) diarrhoea
HDH99 Kokoro Barra (Cocoro Barra) 09/36 [+ WO]
kokoru, qoqoruu (O) pick a bone, gnaw /at a corn cob/
HCL44 Kokosa (Kokossa, Cocossa) 0644'/3847' 2551 m 06/38 [Gz Po WO]
(visiting postman under Goba)
HCL67 Kokosa wereda, in westernmost Genale awraja 06/39 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Serofeta/Serofta, in the 1980s = Kokosa)
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
koksa/qoqsaa, kossa/qoossaa (O) kind of cattle disease
HC... Koksa (=HCL44 Kokosa? in Genale awraja) 06/39? [Ad]
koku, koquu (O) 1. bubble; 2. growl;
koku bahar (A) lake of the peach tree?
HEJ44 Koku Bahir (Qoqu Bahr) (area) 12/37 [+ Ch]
kola, koola (O) wing; qola (O) bark, sheath, peel, pod, foreskin;
qoola (O) pelt /of goat etc/; kwolla (qwolla) (A) lowland
HDP89 Kola (area) 1780 m 10/36 [WO]
HES20 Kola (Cola) 1252'/3731' 1685 m, 12/37 [18 WO Gz]
(on map of 1868)
HEC67c Kola Abole sub-district (Qola Abolie ..) 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Merawi Maryam)
HDR86 Kola Dega Damot awraja (Qolla .., Qwälla Däga ..) 10/37 [Gz]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Finote Selam)
kola d..: diba-a (O) lazy; diba (O) young rascal;
dibaa (O) firewood put under ashes; dibba (O) hundred
HEJ77 Kola Diba (K'ola D., Qola D., Koladiba, Kola Deba) 12/37 [Gz q Po Te]
(Kola Duba, Colloduba, Kolla Debba, Qwolla Debba) 12/37 [Mi x 20]
(K'olediba, Kolladuba, Sarua) 1225'/3719' 1881 m
(centre in 1964 of Dembiya wereda) (with sub-post office)
HES20 Kola Diba (Cola, Kolladuba, Kollo Duba) 12/37 [LM WO Gz]
kola geb..: gebre (A) slave, servant of /used mostly
in religious sense/; (Geez) to do; (O) barley, Hordeum vulgare
HFE67 Kola Gebre (K'ola G., Qola G.) 1408'/3906' 2033 m, 14/39 [Gz q]
east of Adwa
HE... Kola Gerado (.. Gärado) sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dibikbeye)
HE... Kola Ibnat sub-district 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kahnat Semai)
HDT75 Kola Magole kebele (Qola Magolé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in the south-easternmost corner of Debre Sina wereda,
9-13 km east of Mekane Selam; area 1,104 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK.. Kola Melza sub-district 12/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Nikora Gebeya)
HEM21 Kola Muja kebele (Qola .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in the south of Gidan wereda, adjoining
Muja settlement and extending 6 km southwards
from there; area 4,010 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kola s..: siba, siiba (O) large jar for brewing tella or tej;
-- Siba, a Borana lineage
HFC06 Kola Siba (Cola Siba) (mountain) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1339'/3715' 1832 m
HE... Kola Temben wereda (Kolla Tenbien ..) 13/39? [Ad]
somewhere between Maychew and Abergele,
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HES40c Kola Wegera sub-district (K. Weghera ..) 13/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ajire)
HDU85 Koladi (K'oladi, Qoladi) 1052'/3949' 1519 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HEJ77 Koladiba, see Kola Diba
JCE18 Kolaffo, see Kelafo
HDP89 Kolaj, see Borebo
JDR49 Kolamale (Colamale) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
HEK08 Kolamikre (K'olamikre, Qolamikre) 11/38 [Gz q]
1150'/3817' 2807 m, east of Debre Tabor
HDG75 Kolati, about 15 km east of Mendi 09/35 [x]
HEF32 Kolaw Mote kebele (Qolaw Moté ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Dese Zuriya wereda at its western border,
14-18 km west-southwest of Muja; area 4,436 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM23 Kolayat kebele (Qolayat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Gidan wereda stretching along its
eastern border, 20 km east of Muja; area 4,436 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF40 Kolaye (K'olaye, Qolaye) 1115'/3921' 2504 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Dessie
kolba (O) horn; (Som) each time, every time
HBR39 Kolba (Colba, Golba) 0450'/3725' 1219 m 04/37 [LM Gz WO Wa]
HCN.. Kolba 07/35 [n]
Place in the Mocha area having two holy 'temples'
of the local Kaficho people.
HDA88 Kolba (Colba) 0855'/3535' 1783 m 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
JCN99 Kolba (G. Colba) (area) 2027 m, cf Gara Kolba 08/40 [+ WO]
HDJ27 Kolba Maryam (church) 0915'/3715', 09/37 [Gz]
south-east of Haretu
HCK64 Kolbaye 0656'/3754' 1873 m, north-east of Soddo 06/37 [Gz]
HCP95 Kolbei (Kolbe'i) 0804'/3610' 2170 m 08/36 [Gz]
JDK42 Kolbiyo (Colbio) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HDD10 Kolbo (Colbo, Colba) (mountain) 08/37 [+ Gz WO]
0817'/3732' 1399 m
HDJ58 Kolbo (Colbo), see Kolobo
?? Kolcho, 05/36 [20]
a Karo village just north of Murle camp
J.... Kolcho 09/41 [x]
Oromo name of the Deréla (Deraela) water hole (Adal name)
HDF12 Koleba Maryam (church) 0819'/3934' 08/39 [Gz]
Kolech (qolech), a male personal name
HDE61 Kolecha 0845'/3833' 2083 m, south-west of Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
HEF06 Kolegna kebele (Qolägna ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southern Kalu (East) wereda at the middle of its southern border,
19-24 km south-southeast of Kombolcha; area 1,749 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Kolel Gebread 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Welie Sekela sub-district)
HED32 Kolela (Kolella, Kollela, Collela) 11/37 [+ WO]
(Kolala, Corre, Densa?) (on map of 1814) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
HED32 Kolela sub-district (centre in 1964 = Keffa Abo) 11/37 [Ad]
HEF61 Kolet kebele (Kolét ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Ambasel wereda, 8-15 km
south-west of Wichale; area 3,587 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kolfa (O) laugh, laughter
HDK88 Kolfe 0946'/3817' 2508 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
kolfi (O) key; button
GD... Koli (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
koli, qolii (O) corn in a sheath
HDR42 Koli (Mabil, Melka Lelu) 1026'/3652' 1627 m, 10/36 [Gz Ch WO x]
in Gojjam near Abay river
-- kolito: Kollitu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Basu
of the Borana people
HCS06 Kolito (K'olito), see Alaba Kulito
JBR31 Kolkol (Colcol, Colcolei) 0452'/4144' 349 m 04/41 [+ Gz]
kolkol: qolqol (Som) 1. portion, rear part of hut; 2. trickle;
qolqolee (O) grazing land made barren through over-use
JBR42 Kolkoley (Colcolei) (area) 565 m 04/41 [+ WO]
kolkwal, kulkwal, kwelkwal (qolqwal, qwälqwal) (A) cactus-
like tree, Euphorbia abyssinica, E. candelabrum
HEC67 Kolkwalma (Quolqualma) (village), 11/37 [+ It]
(with church Mikael, Oromo ruins to the east)
HFE03 Kolkwalukwe (Colqualuque) 1337'/3847' 1800 m 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
HEB45 Kolkwel (Colquel) 11/36 [+ WO]
kolla (qolla) (A) parch, roast /grain, coffee/; (O) lowland;
kwolla (qwolla) (A) lowland; kolla (Som) 1. never; 2. each time;
arsama (O) woman's leather petticoat
HEJ17 Kolla Arsima (Quola Arsima), cf Kola .. 11/37 [+ Ch]
HEJ77 Kolla Debba, see Kola Diba
HF... Kolla Geralta wereda (-1994-) 13/39 [n]
JDE52 Kollat (Collat) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
kollati, qollati (O) collective word for berries?
HDH14c Kolli, see under Dimto 09/36 [x]
HDM55 Kollifiye (Collifie) (area), see under Ankober 09/39 [+ WO]
HEP26 Kollit (Collit) 1255'/3613' 729 m 12/36 [+ Gz]
kollo, kolloo (O) 1. pod of beans; 2. shuttle for weaving;
qolloo 3. place of worship, usually under a large tree;
kollo (qollo) (A) fried grain; (O) idol, kind of spirit in
traditional beliefs; it looks like a cock with four horns;
kolo (O) meadow, pasturage, grassland; (A) kind of large
thistle, Echinops ellenbeckii;
qollo (O), qolo (Kefa), qolle (A) local spirit, genius loci,
collo (Italian) neck, throat; qolo (Som) tribe, clan
HEE38 Kollo (Collo, Kwällo) (mountain) 11/39 [x 18 WO Gz]
1110'/3910' 2996 m, mountain peak 4300 m
MS coordinates would give map code HEE28
kollo bo.: boka (O) 1. tej of good quality; 2. blaze,
white spot on the face of animals;
boka, bokaa (O) yeast; bokka (O) rain; (A) to ferment,
be rancid
HDB47 Kollo Boka (Collo Boca) 08/36 [+ WO]
(area) 2015 m, see under Bedele
kollo bu..: bulcha, bulchaa (O) administrator /of a region/
?? Kollo Bulcha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
kollo d..: dida (O) forest, camp;
didaa (O) obstinate /domestic animal/;
diida (O) from some foreign place;
didhaa (O) revenge
?? Kollo Dida (visiting postman under Gondar) ../.. [Po]
?? Kollo Guncha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCJ88 Kollo Konta, see Kulo Konta
?? Kollo Sulaja (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
kolloba: collob (Som) pieces of meat preserved in ghee
HDF23 Kolloba (Colloba, Colaba) (mountain) 2469 m 08/39 [+ WO Gu]
kollu: kolu, kooluu (O) 1. wing; 2. bequest for eldest son
HCD.. Kollu, 05/38 [Mi]
river in Agere Maryam region, with tributaries originating in Magado forest
HDJ66 Kollubi, see Kistana
JDJ41 Kollubi, see Kulubi
kolma, kolmaa (O) muscle between the withers and the nape /of an animal/;
(A) (qolma) having the horns turned
JDE48 Kolmadobe (Qolmadobe) (wide area) 08/44 [+ WO]
HBS84 Kolmar Borayd (Colmar Boraidd) (mountain) 05/37 [+ WO]
HB... Kolme ../.. [20]
one of five sub-regions of the Konso region.
HBR88 Kolme (Colme), see Fasha
?? Kolo (Kalo?) (in Kefa) ../.. [18]
the Kolo market was important for gold, coffee and ivory in the 1800s
HEE38 Kolo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tenta wereda somewhat to the south and at its western border,
13-18 km south-southwest of Tenta settlement; area 2,150 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCU26 Koloba (Coloba) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
H.... Koloba Borano (village) c.2400 m, 08/39? [x]
in the 1980s in Yeju wereda of Arba Gugu awraja
?? Kolobirdo, on the Mereb-Belesa front, ../.. [20]
ruled in 2002 to be Ethiopian and not Eritrean
HDG05 Kolobo 0904'/3518' 1606 m, north-west of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
HDH17 Kolobo 0909'/3624' 1824 m, north-west of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ58 Kolobo (Colbo, Kolbo) 0935'/3723' 2200, 2420 m, 09/37 [Gz WO LM]
east of Shambu
HDL03 Kolobo (Colobo, Kollobo) 0904'/3844' 2640 m, 09/38 [Gz]
north-west of Addis Abeba, in Menagesha awraja
HEF74 Kolobo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Habru wereda at its border,
13-26 km east of Wichale; area 7,870 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Kologa, place at the lower Omo ../.. [n]
JCJ43 Kololey (Cololei) (area) 06/41 [+ WO]
kololo: kolulu (O) age grade in the gada and jila systems
JCR22 Kololo (Cololo, Koloto) (mountain), cf Kululu 07/41 [Gz 18 WO]
0727'/4149' 921, 1152 m
JCR24 Kololo (Cololo) 0724'/4155' 822 m 07/41 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCR13
HBP33 Kolom, see Kelem
HBR88 Kolome 05/37 [20]
HDU26 Kolomiya & Imbulbul kebele 10/39 [Ad]
(Qolomiya & Embulbul ..)
in north Kewet wereda, 10-14 km north-northwest
of Shewa Robit; area 1,296 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCR22 Koloto, see Kololo
HDG54 Kolti (Colti), see Babo
kolu (O) 1. wing; 2. bequest, certain objects which a man
leaves to his eldest son
HCA68 Kolu (Colu, Cuollu, Kwollu) (area & small village) 05/35 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
0558'/3534' 1317 m, cf Kwollu
HCA85 Kolu (Colu) 0609'/3518' 1661 m 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
HDK26 Kolu (Duto Kullo, D. Kullu, D. Collu) 09/38 [Gz q WO AA]
(K'olu, Qolu) 0919'/3806' 2613 m
(with church Kidane Mihret at some distance to the west)
HDT00 Kolu (K'olu, Qolu) 09/38 [AA q]
JDA34 Kolu (G. Colu) (area) 08/40 [WO]
kolubi (O) garlic
JDJ31 Kolubi (G. Collubi) (area), see under Kersa 09/41 [+ WO]
JDJ41 Kolubi, see Kulubi
HDJ27 Kolva (Colva) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
GCU03 Kom (Com) 0715'/3439' 545 m 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
koma, qoma (O) breast, bosom, stomach; qoomaa instant killing;
(A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. large tree resembling Ferula communis or F. abyssinica;
-- Koma (Coma, Komo, Hayahaya), language of the Komo or Koma who live
north of Gambela, numbering about 11,000 inside Ethiopia
HDC32 Koma (Goma, Coma, Gube Guto) 08/36 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
0827'/3652' 1828/1965/2036 m, in mountainous country
Coordinates would give map code HDC33.
Centre in 1964 of Ali Koma sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SW Boka (Boca) (mountain) 2415 m
7NE Badda Ummo (Umo) (mountain) 2122/2390 m
HDC33 Koma (Coma) (area) 08/36 [Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDH48 Koma (mountain) 0929'/3625' 1225 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDP03 Koma (Coma) 823 m 09/41 [+ WO]
JEB49 Koma (Coma) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEP63 Koma, see Algaundi Koma
koma d..: dingay (A) stone; diinqa (O) bedroom
HED99c Koma Dinga (Coma D.) 11/38 [+ x]
HED76 Koma Fasiledes (Qoma Fasilädäs) 11/38 [+ x]
1130'/3805' 2284 m, known from the 1600s
koma k..: karra (O) 1. gate, kraal;
2. luck, wealth, fortune, destiny;
(A,T) large curved knife, kitchen knife
HCT18 Koma Karra (Coma Carra) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HCL84 Koma sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kofele) 07/38 [Ad]
HED76 Koma sub-district 11/38 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Koma Fasiledes)
HCG55 Komaka, see Komeka
JEB68 Komami 1126'/4124' 373 m, south of Asaita 11/41 [Gz]
komar (A) lowland tree, Tamarindus indica; it has a compact
rounded crown with drooping branches that reach near to the
HEP16 Komar (Comar), see Kumer
komata (qomat'a) (A) qomat'aa (O) leper; komate (O) kinds of
shrub or tree, Annona senegalensis, A. squamosa
GCM67 Komata (Comata) 0657'/3458' 1559 m 06/34 [+ WO Gz]
GCU50 Komaton (Comaton, Ucura) 0743'/3423' 494 m 07/34 [x WO Gz]
HCP03c Komba (Comba) (visiting postman under Jimma) 07/35 [Po Gu]
HEF60c Kombage (Combage), 11/39 [+ Pa]
plateau south-east of Mekdela
HDE10 Kombaro (Combaro) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDK12 Kombe 0910'/3742' 1792 m, north-west of Ambo 09/37 [Gz]
kombel (A) olive-like kind of highland tree, with edible fruit
HDK12 Kombel 09/37 [AA]
?? Kombi, ../.. [18]
reported to have had a large market in the 1880s
JEH17 Kombira (Combira) (hills & plain) 1155'/4125' 11/41 [Ne WO Gu Gz]
kombo (western O) Setaria acuta, S. plicatilis
HDG08 Kombo 0905'/3532' 1626 m, north-east of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
HDH28 Kombo (Combo) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
HDD55c Kombolala (Combolala) (mountain) 2436 m 08/38 [+ Gu]
HDD45 Kombolata (Combolata) 0833'/3803' 2367 m 08/38 [+ Gz]
Given by Montandon in 1913 as HDD55c north-east of Weliso.
kombolcha (A,O) kinds of large tree, Maytenus arbutifolia,
M. ovatus, M. senegalensis, M. undatus
Kombolcha, cf Kembolcha
HCN54 Kombolcha (Kembolcha, Cambolcia) 07/35 [+ Gz]
0746'/3510' 2164 m
HDJ49 Kombolcha (Kembolcha, Kumbultsha, Combolcia) 09/37 [MS Gz 18 WO]
0932'/3730' 1969 m (with fort & church),
near map code HDJ59 and HDK50
(centre in 1964 of Gudru wereda & of Lai Ula sub-district)
HDL89 Kombolcha (Combolcia) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDM80 Kombolcha (Combolcia) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HEF24 Kombolcha (Kembolcha, Combolcia, Cambolcia) 11/39 [MS Gz Br WO]
(Kombolsha) 1105'/3944' 1842/1915 m 11/39 [Ad]
Centre at least 1959-1980 of Kalu awraja.
With church Gebriel.
Kebeles adjoining Kombolcha are Irfo to the east,
Kedida to the south-east, Metene to the south-west,
Galesa to the west, Aba Kolba and Seyu Jantiraro
to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
-- Kombolcha plain in direction north-east
2E old fort, later prison
3E Ancharo kebele and settlement
6E road fork for Assab port
6E Waho (Uaho) (village, water)
7E Bosona kebele
8E Motokolo (Motocolo, Moticolo) 1879/2010/2264 m
3SE Assab (village?)
6SE Beke kebele
8SE Chorisa kebele
4S Bekimos kebele
9S Birko Debela kebele
9SW Atari Mesk kebele
10SW Maybar kebele
10SW Hara Webelo kebele
2W peak 1915 m
6W Kelina kebele
2NW Tiy Amba Jerjero kebele
5NW Bugo Giyorgis (B. Gheorghis)
8NW Dessie (town)
9NW Tita kebele
5N Inda Giyorgis (Enda Gheorgis) (church)
6N Korke kebele
7N Saramba (area)
8N Kosero kebele
10N Metero kebele
2NE Serdemo kebele
6NE Ilu kebele
8NE Garbu (area)
9NE Mukale kebele
10NE Were Beytu kebele
10NE Worra Bicho (Uorra Bisciu, Uorro Bicciu) (area)
JCP35 Kombolcha (Combolcia) 0730'/4110' 1168 m 07/41 [+ Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JCP25
JDJ45 Kombolcha (Kembolcha,, Kambolcha, Combulcia) 09/42 [MS Br WO Gu]
(Cambolcia) 0924'/4205', Gz: 0926'/4207' 2125 m 09/42 [Gz]
MS coordinates would give map code JDJ35.
At about 15 km north of Harar, with sub-post office.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SE Gara Sarasherifa (G. Sarascerifa) 2047 m
6W Damota (village) 2096 m
10W lake, see Haramaya
9NW Awnigus (Aunugus) 667 m nearby
7N Egu (village) 2377 m
8NE Fallana (area)
10NE Gara Rabu (mountain) 2470 m
HDL89 Kombolcha & Kechech kebele (.. Qäch'äch' ..) 09/39 [Ad]
almost in north-easternmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 9-13 km north-east of Deneba; area 993 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Kombolcha Metene sub-district (Kombolsha Metenie) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mojo Ager)
HE... Kombolcha Nechiro sub-district (Kombolsha N. ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Abakulba Ager)
HDF70 Kombolcha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Arerti) 08/39 [Ad]
HEF24 Kombolcha wereda & sub-district (-1964-1997-) 11/39 [En]
or (centre in 1964 = Melkarafu)
JDJ47c An urban wereda created in the 1990s, while the capital
of the surrounding Kallu wereda was transferred to Harbu.
HDE13 Kombole 0819'/3844' 1781 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of lake Ziway
HCR36 Komboloti 0731'/3708' 2198 m, east of Jimma 07/37 [Gz]
HDG44 Kombolshi (Ualteggi, Ualtegghi, Uattegghi) 09/35 [Gz]
0927'/3512' 1609 m
JDE40 Kombor (Burta Gombor) (mountain peak) 08/43 [Gz]
0833'/4326' 1272 m
?? Komborobelicho (Gombore?) (in Wellega, w school) ../.. [x]
kombosha (O) tree same as kombolcha above
HDJ91 Kombosha 0954'/3645' 1855 m 09/36 [Gz]
J.... Kombulcha, site of rock paintings 09/42? [Br]
kome, koomee (O) instep of the foot, /back of the/ heel;
komee slight grudge; qomee kind of shirt or V-shaped
leather band for saddle;
kome (qome) (A) to stand, remain stationary, be under way;
(qomä) (T) he stood
HDK93 Kome 0954'/3748' 1864 m, north of Abay river 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK93 Kome 0957'/3747' 1305 m, north of Abay river 09/37 [AA Gz]
HCG55 Komeka (Comeca, Comaca) (mountains) 06/35 [+ Gz]
0652'/3516' 1037 m
HDL44 Komenyo (K'omenyo, Qomenyo) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0925'/3847' 2542 m, south of Fiche
GDU51 Komesha (Ghomasha) (hill) 1423 m 10/34 [LM WO]
?? Komesha wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 14 rural kebeles and no urban one.
komi, komii (O) jealousy, rivalry, slight grudge;
komy (Kefa) kind of shrub, Blighia unijugata
GDF82 Komi (T. Comi) (hill), see under Gidami 08/34 [WO]
HDS03c Komi (Comie) (area) 2325 m 09/37 [Ch Gu]
"a rugged crag by the roadside from Zemmi to Kork"
HCT50 Komil 0742'/3828' 1713 m, 07/38 [Gz]
north-west of lake Hora Abyata
HED83 Komisa (K'omisa, Qomisa) 1135'/3751' 2454 m 11/37 [Gz q]
komo, qomoo (O) sub-clan;
-- Komo, a small ethnic group
-- Komo language (Madiin, South Koma, Central Koma,
Hayahaya, self-name Gokwim)
HD... Komo (mountains) 09/35 [x]
?? Komo wereda ../.. [20]
or Mao-Komo Special wereda (-2003-)
JBG67 Komodo (Comodo) 0415'/4027' 785, 1006 m 04/40 [+ MS WO Gz]
?? Komona (visiting postman under Asbe Teferi) ../.. [Po]
JDA94c Komoroita (mountain) circa 0900'/4010' 09/40 [x]
south-east of Awara Melka, near Awash station
HFF54 Komoyto (Comoito) 14/39 [+ WO]
-- Komso language (Konso, Conso, Gato, Af-Kareti, Karate),
see Konso
-- (Kareti), spoken by 138,696 monolinguals according to 1998 census.
It is spoken south of lake Chamo in bend of the Sagan river.
H.... Komso wereda (Koomso ..) 05/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bekewulie)
komto (A) place of trees;
koomtoo (O) 1. kind of tree; 2. dark brown /poor quality/ honey
HDG17 Komto, river at 0908'/3530' 09/35 [x Mi]
a left affluent of the Birbir river
HDJ00 Komto (Tulu Comto, Conto, Konto) 09/36 [Gz WO Gu]
(mountain, area with church Silase) 0906'/3638' 2250 m
HDJ00 Komto (Conto) (mountain) 0908'/3637' 1976 m, 09/36 [Gz]
see under Nekemte
HDJ.. Komto kebele (in Guto Wayu wereda),
see also under Nekemte awraja?
HDH19c Komto sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gute) 09/36 [LM Ad]
JDA35 Komtu (G. Comtu) (area) 2182 m 08/40 [+ WO]
HDC64 Komwo (Comuo) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO]
HEE85 Kon 1137'/3856' 2860 m, near Bete Hor 11/38 [Gz]
HE... Kon (sub-post office under Dessie) 11/39 [Ad Po 20]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
kon a..: abo see under abbo as first part of name
HEE87 Kon Abo (Kon'abo) 1143'/3909' 3130 m 11/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wadla Dawunt wereda)
HCJ84 Konch, see Konta, cf konk 07/36 [Pa x]
GDF64 Konchi (Conchi) (area) 2167 m 08/34 [+ WO]
HDC66 Konchi (Conci) 0843'/3709' 1612 m 08/37 [+ Gz]
HDC75 Konchi (Conci, Kontsh) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO 18 Gz]
0851'/3704' 2402, 2777 m
There is registered the Konchi National Forest Priority Area.
HDC91 Konchi 09/36 [20]
about 22 km from Nekemte towards Addis Abeba
HEE07 Konda 1051'/3903' 3117 m, south-west of Dessie, 10/39 [Gz]
near map code HDT97
GDM.. Kondaala kebele (Qondaala ..) 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HDE32c Kondaltiti 08/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Midre Kebd sub-district)
HDK06 Kondaltiti (K'ondaltiti, Qondaltiti) (village & area) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0903'/3805' 2339 m, see under Ginchi, cf Kersa & Kondaltiti
HD... Kondaltiti sub-district (-1997-) ../38 [n]
HBR42 Kondaraba (Condaraba, Gondaraba) 04/36 [+ WO Gz]
0458'/3649' 581 m
?? Kondie (Kondia), with palace in the early 1800s ../.. [x]
HDH50 Kondoba (T. Condoba) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
JDJ48 Kondudo (Condudo, Qondoddo, Cunduda, K'undudo) 09/42 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(mountain) 0927'/4221' 2500, 2810 m,
north-east of Harar
Coordinates would give map code JDJ46 more to the west
HEF63c Konduro (Conduro) (pass) 11/39 [+ Gu]
kone (Borana) kind of palm, Hyphaene thebaica;
kone (konä) (T) become, happen /unexpectedly/
HDB66 Kone 0841'/3617' 2001 m, west of Arjo 08/36 [Gz]
HE... Kone (in Wadla Delanta awraja) 11/39? [Ad]
HFD83 Kone (K'one, Qone, Gammi) 0852'/3940' 1247 m, 08/39 [Gz WO]
near the railway
HFD83 Kone (K'one, Qone) (crater) 0855'/3940' 1190 m, 08/39 [Gz q]
near the railway
?? Koneba wereda (in the Dallol region) ../.. [Ad]
HEJ05 Konfafela (Confafela) (on hilltop) 11/37 [+ It]
HCD77 Konga (K'onga, Qonga) 0609'/3812' 1931 m, 06/38 [Gz q]
south of Dilla
H.... Kongie (Qongie) 05/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mali sub-district)
GDM.. Kongilogarakello kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
kongo: kongko, qoongqoo (O) 1. throat; 2. hunger
HCN33 Kongo (Congo) 07/35 [+ WO]
GD... Kongobeldegis kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. Kwama language is spoken there.
HEC94 Kongwari (Conguari) (river valley) 11/36 [+ It]
HDK33 Konicha (village and river) 0922'/3747' 1534 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
konji: konjina (qonjina) (A) beauty;
konjo (qonjo) (A,T) beautiful, (Gondar A) young girl;
barya (A) 1. slave; 2. epilepsy; 3. kind of fish
HFD01 Konji Barya (Congi Baria, Conci B.) (hill) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
konk, konka (A) stony area, ground over which stones are
HCF30 Konkoma, see Kontema
HDJ91 Konneji (Connegi) 2021 m 09/36 [+ WO]
kono, konno (T) kind of tree, Dichrostachys cinerea,
D. glomerata /kono is also a borrowed word for cone/;
-- Kono, name of a group of Oromo
GDE15 Kono (Kaio, Caig, Kaig, Caic, Kaich) (area) 08/34 [Gz WO]
0815'/3401' 432/436 m
Coordinates would give map code GDE16
HDD22 Kono 0822'/3745' 1694 m, north-west of Welkite 08/37 [Gz]
HDD44 Kono 0835'/3754' 2099 m, north-west of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
HDN03 Kono (Cono, Ciono) (mountain) 09/35 [+ n]
0958'/3508' 1525 m
GDL89 Konsele (Consele) 09/34 [+ WO]
HDN.? Konsho 10/35? [Mi]
near the Yabus (or Dabus?) river in Wellega
-- Konso, name of a group of people who for centuries have
practised terracing and intensive agriculture in their steep
land, estimated at 150,000 in 1994, divided into 9 tribes
-- Konso language (Komso, Xonso), see Komso
HBR88 Konso (Conso) (area) 0515'/3729' 993 m, 05/37 [Gz WO]
west of Jarso
HBS71 Konso (Konsso) 05/37 [MS]
village about 90 km south of Arba Minch
HBS71 Konso wereda (-1995-2000-) 05/37 [n]
(centre in 1995 = Konso) special wereda around 1995
-- Konta, a sub-division of the main ethnic group Ometo
(West Sidama), cf Kulo Konta awraja
-- Konta language, a sub-dialiect of Dauro
-- Konta (old kingdom)
HCJ84 Konta (Conta, Konch) (area) 0707'/3711' 07/37 [+ WO Gz Pa]
?? Konta Special wereda (centre = Ameya), ../.. [En]
previously Illa (Ela) wereda.
Ameya lies next to Mount Damota c. 550 km west
of Awasa town.
HCS43 Konteb 0741'/3747' 2485 m, north-west of Hosaina 07/37 [Gz]
HCS51c Konteb wereda (centre in 1964 = Mirsito) 07/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) divided into 76 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
One of five weredas in Kembata awraja, from 1976
named Kambaata & Hadiyya awraja,
around 1994 changed to Mishaa wereda.
There were two sub-districts and reorganisation
in the 1990s.
HCM56c Konteh (Konteh Tullu) (mountain, steep cone) 06/39 [Ca Br]
HCF30 Kontema (Konkoma) 0547'/3918' 1828 m, 05/39 [Gz]
near map code HCE39
HCE49c Kontema sub-district (centre in 1964 = Wadera) 05/39 [MS Ad]
?? Konti 09/43 [x]
conspicuous hill at the route from the coast to Harar
HDJ00 Konto, see Komto
HCT83 Kontola (K'ont'ola, Qontola) 0759'/3843' 1648 m, 07/38 [Gz q]
at the western shore of lake Ziway
kontoma (O) very large number, "infinite";
Abba Gada kontoma are seniority positions in the gada system
HCE85 Kontoma (Contoma) 0611'/3855' 1864 m 06/38 [+ Gz]
HDE72 Kontoma (village) 08/38 [x]
HDE83 Kontoma (village) 08/38 [x]
kontor (A) Capparis spp., usually growing in dry areas;
kontr (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Maerua aethiopica
HDJ18 Kontor 0913'/3723' 2196 m, north-west of Gedo 09/37 [Gz]
HDL80 Kontore (K'ontore, Qontore) 0951'/3828' 2265 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
-- kontosibu: Sibu, a tribe of Oromo
HDJ22 Kontosibu (Contosibu) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
HBK57 Konye, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDE20 Konyi (Cogni) 08/38 [+ WO]
konzula: konsila (qonsila) (A) consulate;
Konzula, cf Kunzila
HEJ15 Konzula (Konzla, Cansela, Conzela) 11/37 [Br MS WO]
(Kinzela, Quinzela, Chinzela) 11/37 [Br Wa Gu]
1153'/3703' 1784/1874 m
(with three churches & sub-post office)
koor (Som) 1. camel or animal bell; 2. jacket, coat;
koor- (O) boast; kor (T) pommel; (Som) top; qor (Som) timber
HEE95 Koor, cf Kor 11/38 [WO]
-- Koorete language (Amarro, Amaarro, Badittu, Nuna)
(Koyra, Koore, Kwera), spoken in the Amaro mountains
east of lake Abaya and on Gidicho island in that lake
JCK50 Koos Dulamo, see Kus Dulamo
HDU.? Koot (Coot) 10/39? [+ 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Efrata province
HCP77 Koota, see Kota
koppe (O) 1. agile, nimble, swift; 2. courageous;
kopee, kophe (O) sandal, shoe, footwear;
koppo (Kefa) tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum
HDA97c Koppe (Coppe, Kappe, Kope) (gold mine), 08/35 [+ Gu]
see under Yubdo
?? Kopriya, in the lower Omo valley, ../.. [n]
at 20 km west of Kuchur, in Nyangatom territory.
HFF40 Kor Kor, see Korkor under Geralta churches -northern
HFE93 Kor Nebir Mikael (church) 1425'/3846', 14/38 [Gz]
north of Aksum, near Eritrea
kora, kooraa (O) 1. saddle, saddle-like hilltop; 2. stirrup;
3. limit; 4. conceit, haughtiness, pride; 5. kind of shrub or
small tree, Piliostigma thonningii; 6. outdoor meeting
usually under a large tree; qoraa (O) shaved-off spot of
unmarried girl; qooraa (O) dry;
kora, in Gedeo at about 06/38 a type of labour exchange
GDM34 Kora 0922'/3444' 1506 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
HCS79 Kora (Koya) 0757'/3819' 2121 m, 07/38 [Gz]
west of Adami Tulu
HDC19 Kora (Cora) (area), cf Korra 08/37 [+ WO]
HDD56 Kora (K'ora, Qora) 0839'/3807' 2375 m, 08/38 [Gz q]
at the Jimma road
HDE75 Kora (Gora) 0849'/3854' 2133 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
HDE75 Kora (Gora) 0849'/3857' 2056 m, 08/38 [Gz]
between Akaki and Debre Zeyt
HDF73 Kora 0850'/3939' 1249 m, 08/39 [Gz]
mountain near Garibaldi Pass
HDK08 Kora (area), see under Welenkomi 09/38 [AA]
HDL72 Kora (mountain) 0944'/3838' 3082 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT17 Kora 1003'/3907' 1685 m, cf HDT18 Korra 10/39 [Gz]
JBP86 Kora (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
JDC50 Kora (Cora) (area) 1417 m 08/41 [+ WO]
JDG08 Kora (Cora, Khora) 0906'/4032' 1237/1285 m, 09/40 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
railway station between Awash and Mieso
JDJ59 Kora 0935'/4225' 1860 m, north-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
?? Kora, about 20 km north of Alamata 12/39 [n]
HDM.? Kora Ager (with church Tekle Haymanot), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDT18 Kora Jema Fit kebele (.. Jäma .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the east in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its south-eastern
border, 13-18 km east of Alem Ketema; area 2,346 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU66 Kora Kourié, see Kara Kore

HDT17 Kora Wenchit Fit kebele 10/39 [Ad]

in central north-east Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda stretching narrowly
to its northern border, 11-16 km east-northeast of Alem Ketema;
area 2,019 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

HDA.? Kora wereda (Cooraa ..) 08/35 [x]

From 1991 one of twelve weredas in Illubabor.
HDT.. Kora wereda 10/39 [En]
within Merhabete awraja in the 1960s. During the Derg period,
Kora was divided into Lay Bet and Tach Bet weredas.
kora weredal.: Were Dale, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HDJ23 Kora Weredale 0919'/3657' 1974 m, 09/36 [Gz]
south-west of Hareto
HCG77 Korab 06/35? [x]
HEK83 Korabba (Corabba, Coreva), see under Macha 12/37 [+ WO Ha]
HDH01c Koradulle (Coradulle) (village) 09/35 [Gu]
KCH28 Koraf 06/46 [MS]
JBT40 Korago (Corogo) (waterhole) 0457'/4324' 388 m 04/43 [Wa WO Gz]
JCD16 Korago (Corago) 05/43 [+ WO]
JCD33c Korago 05/43 [Wa]
JCL37 Korahe (Gorrahei) (plains) 06/44 [+ WO]
JCL39 Korahe (K'orahe, Qorahe, Gorahai, Gorrahei) 06/44 [+ n]
(Korshe) 0637'/4418' 474 m
JCL39 Korahe (K'orahe, Qorahe, Gorahai, Gorrahei, Gurahai) 06/44 [Gz q WO x]
(Qorrahey) 0636'/4416' 375/474 m (local centre),
near map code JCM30
HCK28 Koraja (Coragia) (area) 0634'/3819' 1861 m 06/38 [+ WO]
Coordinates would give map code HCK29
HCK48c Koraja (Coragia) (place) 0635'/3819' 06/38 [Gu Gz]
HDP12 Korak (Corac, Cerac, Chirec) (area) 10/35 [+ WO Gz]
1003'/3558' 989 m
JCG67 Korale, see Horeley
JDK53 Korale (Coralei) 09/42 [LM WO]
JDS93 Korale (area) 10/42 [WO]
koralla (O) kind of shrub or medium tree, Galiniera coffeoides;
koralti: korati (O) thorn
HDD41 Koralti (Coralti) 08/37 [+ WO]
HEM82 Koram, see Korem
HD... Koramache, see Koremash
HEL63 Koramba 2453/2577 m, cf Kuramba 12/38 [LM Gu]
HEL63 Koramba Giyorgis (Curamba Gheorghis) 12/38 [LM WO]
HCM32 Koramu (Coramu) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
koran, qoraan (O) firewood
JEB95 Koranadle (Coranadle) 11/41 [+ WO]
JEC82 Korandadda 1048'/4149' 687 m, 10/41 [Ha Gz]
(with water, recorded in 1841)
HEF83 Korani (K'orani, Qorani) 1138'/3937' 1778 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
south of Weldiya
HFF22 Korar (K'orar, Qorar) 1345'/3938' 2233 m 13/39 [Gz q]
(with church Medhane Alem), see under Wikro
HFF30 Korar (Qorar, Auza) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
-- Korara language, see Uduk
HDM34c Korare sub-district (Korarie ..) 09/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Aliyu Amba)
HFE07 Koraro 13/39 [x]
HFE37 Koraro, average 1351'/3915' 1550, 1800 m, 13/39 [20]
village 95 km from Mekele
HFE39 Koraro (Qoraro) (with rock-hewn churches), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
HFE.. Koraro sub-district (centre iin 1964 = Agerbea) 13/39 [Ad]
HFD58 Koraro wereda (centre in 1964 = Inda Silase) 14/38 [Ad]
korata (qorat'a) (A) cut, trimmed; koret (korät) (A) gravel;
koreta (qoräta) (T) siege style of warfare;
kwerata reesu (Geez) "striking of his head", a version of
the Crown of Thorns of Jesus
HEC99 Korata (Quorata, Quorta, Kiratza, Koreta, Kwarata) 11/37 [18 Gu WO Ha]
(Qwarata, Koratsa, Qoräta, Qwärät'a) 1908 m, 11/37 [20]
large village at lake Tana
HED60 Korata (Koreta, Quorata, Quarata, Qwärat'a) 11/37 [It Gz]
1129'/3732' 1692 m, village south-east of Bahir Dar
HE... Korata Anbessame (in Debre Tabor awraja) 11/38? [Ad]
korata w..: welete (A) daughter of /used in female names/
HEC99 Korata Welete Petros (Qwärät'a Wälätä P'ét'ros) 11/37 [LM Wa]
(Karata), known at least from the 1700s,
see mainly under Korata
korate (qorat'e) (A) kind of short dress of women;
koratti, qorattii (O) thorn
JDC06 Koray (Korai, Corai) (area) 08/42 [+ x WO]
HCG87 Korayko (Coraico) 0707'/3525' 958 m 07/35 [+ n]
koraz: korats (qorats') (T) courageous
HBP62 Koraz, see Nakwa (village) 05/35 [WO]
korba (qorba) (T) waterbuck
HDA89 Korba (Colba) 08/35 [LM WO]
JBN79 Korbaad (=Korba Ad?) (area) 05/40 [WO +]
korbaya (O) ram, he-goat, mutton, kid
HCD04 Korbaya (Corbaia) 0526'/3753' 1674 m, 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
see under Burji
HDL10 Korbe 0846'/4003' 1219 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south-west of Awash station
JEC03 Korbelli 1057'/4154' 635 m, 10/41 [Gz]
on the border of Djibouti
HDJ86 Korbento (K'orbento, Qorbento) 09/37 [Gz q]
0948'/3711' 2402 m, south-east of Alibo
korbeta: korbita (korbita, qorbita) (A) hill;
korbet (qorbät) (A,T) human skin
HEU13 Korbeta (K'orbeta, Qorbeta, Corbeta, Corbetta) 12/39 [Gz q WO Gu]
(K'orbata, Qorbata, Korbete, Marsa) (monastery nearby)
1248'/3939' 1740/1771 m
Centre in 1964 of Mehonie Korbeta sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6SW Mekan (Mecan, Mecam) (with pass) 2512 m
10W (Maychew, see this name directly)
5NW Amba Arara
9N Agudo (Aia) (with pass) 2910 m
HC... Korbeti, at lake Shala 07/38 [x]
korbeysa: korbesa (O) he-goat
HDB10 Korbeysa (Corbeisa) 0819'/3543' 1657 m 08/35 [+ n]
korbi, qorbii (O) fork-like stick for moving sheaves
when threshing
HCL09 Korbi (Corbi) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
HEC89 Korbi (Corbi), see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [+ WO]
JBJ49 Korble (Corble) 0428'/4203' 196 m 04/42 [+ Gz]
JC... Korbo (Corbo) 06/40 [+ Gu]
GDM.. Korbochandi kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi reion of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HDL10 Korbu 0911'/3829' 2602 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Addis Alem
korch (A) Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei, tree with
ornamental flowers and large leaves
JER31 Korchita (Corcita) (mountain) 13/41 [+ WO Gz]
1306'/4136' 1284 m
JEC19 Kordali (area) 11/42 [WO]
-- Kordida, name of a group of people, subject to the Oromo in
the 1600s and partly returning to the Christian empire in the 1700s
HDL84 Kordida 0951'/3850' 1952 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Igzi'aber Ab)
HDL87 Kordida 0947'/3905' 2600 m, east of Fiche 09/39 [Gz]
HCL58 Korduro (Corduro) 0650'/3909' 3449, 3685 m, 06/39 [Gz WO]
mountain south of Dodola
kore (qore) (A) crater; (A?O?) swamp; kore (O) 1. committee;
2. taking turns; qoree (O) thorn; qoore (O) start to dry;
kore (Som) 1. upper, above, top; 2. small monkey;
koore (Som) saddle; qore (Som) author;
-- Kore (Qoré), a group of Oromo known from Lasta around 1700.
-- Kore southern people, in the Amaro district
GDM32 Kore 0923'/3431' 1605 m, near Begi 09/34 [Gz]
HCL85 Kore (Core) (hill) 2740 m, cf Korre 07/38 [+ WO]
HCL95 Kore (K'ore, Qore, Core) (place) 07/38 [Gz q WO Gu]
0713'/3855' 2752/2756 m, north-east of Kofele
HCS78 Kore (K'ore, Qore) 0756'/3814' 2376 m 07/38 [Gz q]
HDE61 Kore (Core) 08/38 [x WO]
HDK06 Kore (K'ore, Qore) 0905'/3804' 2518 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Ginchi
HDL40 Kore (K'ore, Qore) 0928'/3826' 1756 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDL55 Kore (K'ore, Qore) 0934'/3857' 2659 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Mikael)
HDT47 Kore (K'ore, Qore) 1022'/3905' 1701 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HDT88 Kore 1045'/3909' 2651 m, north-west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU71 Kore 1035'/3928' 1979 m, near Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
JCP91 Kore (K'ore, Qore, Egersa, Eghersa, Ejarsa) 08/40 [Gz q]
0805'/4047' 1388 m
JDA88 Kore (K'ore, Qore, G. Core) (area), 08/40 [Gz q WO]
0805'/4047' 1388, 2425 m, see under Gelemso
JDB90 Kore (K'ore, Qore) 0902'/4045' 2118 m 09/40 [Gz q]
JDH05 Kore (Core) 09/41 [LM WO]
JDH27 Kore 0914'/4124' 1883 m, west of Deder 09/41 [Gz]
JDH57 Kore (Core) (area) 09/41 [WO]
JDJ06 Kore 0906'/4212' 1602 m, north-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
kore b..: boru (A) ox having a blaze;
boru, boruu (O) early in the morning, morning sun;
booruu (O) muddy /liquid, water/
HDL44 Kore Boru (K'ore B., Qore Boru) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0929'/3848' 2567 m
HDL73 Kore Edi (K'ore Edi, Qore Edi) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0942'/3845' 2650 m, south of Fiche
kore ge..: gero (O) young soldiers; (Gojjam A) ear
HDL46 Kore Gero (K'ore Gero, Qore Gero) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0926'/3858' 2657 m
kore go..: gotu (A) the hill; (Sidamo O) tree Syzygium guineense
HE... Kore Gotu (Koregotu) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Seyo Tebela sub-district)
HDL55 Kore Jilo (K'ore J., Qore Jilo) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0934'/3854' 2637 m, south-east of Fiche
HDT97 Kore kebele (Qoré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Kelala wereda at its northern border, 19-25 km
north-east of Kelala settlement; area 2,664 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kore r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
HDL23 Kore Roba (K'ore Roba, Qore Roba) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0916'/3845' 2625 m, north of Addis Abeba
kore s..: sulo, suuloo (O) squinted-eyed or one-eyed /horse/;
-- Sullo, a clan of the Oromo
HDL45 Kore Sulo (K'ore Sulo, Qore Sulo) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0930'/3856' 2651 m
kore ya..: yamu, yamuu (O) invite, call
HDL91 Kore Yamo (K'ore Y., Qore Yamo), 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0955'/3833' 2223 m, east of Tulu Milki
HEE55 Koreb, see Girshit
?? Korebe (in Wello), battle site in 1856 ../.. [n]
korebta (koräbta) (A,T) hill
HDK89 Korebta (Cirofta) 0950'/3824' 2577 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDM64 Korebta Be'ale Weld (church) 0936'/3943', 09/39 [Gz]
north of Ankober
HDU07 Korebta kebele (Koräbta ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southern Kewet wereda at its western border,
5-12 km south of Shewa Robit; area 3,815 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU73 Korebtit kebele (Koräbtit ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Gishe Rabel wereda,
8-15 km east of Were Ilu; area 3,907 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Korem: an Amharic dictionary gives no explanation as a word
HEM82 Korem (Quorem, Quoram, Quaram, Kuaram, Koram) 12/39 [Gz Te Gu x]
(Kworam, Kouoram, Fre: Qouoram)
MS: 1233'/3932' 2490 m; Gz: 1230'/3932' 2539 m
(1940s source: 1230'/3945')
"Quoram Vecchia = Old Korem" has the same coordinates
(with sub-post office under Dessie and military camp)
Centre in 1964 of Mehal Wefla wereda and
of Wefla sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Cholemeder (Ciolemeder, Ciollemadur, Chilama Durr) (area)
7SW Womberat (Uomberat, Uomberet) (mountain w pass) 3160 m
10SW Lat (Lat Ghiorghis) (village)
7NW (lake and locality Ashenge, see this name)
6N Mekarre (Mecarre, Mecare) (village) 1469 m
HEM82 Korem wereda (-1994-) 12/39 [n]
Koremash: pronounced kweremash
HDL19 Koremash (Koremsha, Coromasc) 09/39 [Gz WO Gu n]
with peak at 0913'/3918' 2072/2089 m, south-west of Sheno
HDM31 Koremash (Kormash, Korämash) 09/39 [MS Ad Po]
(Koromach, Koromatch, Koramache, Koremish)
(centre in 1964 of Kasim wereda)
(visiting postman under Debre Birhan)
With church Kidus Mikael Debir.
Kebeles adjoining the settlement are Sahilman to the east
and Koremash kebele in the other directions.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Abalo Beret kebele
4E Tigor kebele
9E Shola Gebeya kebele
10E Welele kebele
2SE Tenter kebele
4SE Yelet & Tabot Washa kebele
5SE Mesno Desta Fit kebele
7SE Zela Zenbaba kebele
10SE Kidusge kebele
3S Weyn Amba kebele
2SW Shere kebele
5SW Sost Amba kebele
5W Gay & Nibge kebele
6W Tulofa kebele
7W Cheregn kebele
8NW Egdu kebele
10NW Cheleleki kebele
3N Senbelet & Wagegn kebele
5NE Yenechih kebele
10NE Bari kebele
HDM31 Koremash kebele (Korämash ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda at its northern
border, adjoining Koremash settlement to its west and north;
area 1,110 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ20 Koreme 0919'/4139' 2289 m, east of Deder 09/41 [Gz]
HFD30 Koremni (Coremni) 1350'/3734' 903 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
HDL89 Koremta 0948'/3916' 2685 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
JDJ51 Korenchat (K'orench'at, Qorenchat), 09/41 [Gz q]
0932'/4144' 1377 m, west of Dire Dawa
HED50 Koreng (Coreng), see under Debre May 11/37 [+ WO]
korenj (A) tie strongly
HEC99 Koreta, see Korata & HED60
JDJ22 Korfachele, see Kurfa Chele
korfou: qorfe (Som) cinnamon
JCC56 Korfou 0554'/4212' 854 m 05/42 [WO Gz]
HEH46 Korgiya (Corghia) 12/36 [+ WO]

kori, qorii (O) 1. vessel of wood for milk or porridge,

decorated bowl /seldom found in the lowlands/; 2. kind of
meat soup; 3. slit in a cloven hoof;
kori (qori) (A) wooden mixing bowl;
kori (Som) put on top, cause to climb; qori (Som) wood, timber,
stick, /extended:/ rifle; khoori (Som) creek, stream; canal,
channel, inlet
HDL15 Kori 0913'/3854' 2812 m, north-east of A.Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCN35 Kori (K'ori, Qori) (mountain peak) 07/40 [Gz q]
0731'/4017' 1072 m
JDP64 Kori (Cori) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HDU76 Kori Meda kebele (Qori Méda ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Efrata & Gidim wereda along almost the northernmost
part of its eastern border, 7-11 km south-east of Majete and
adjoining Kara Kore to its north; area 1,729 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB95c Kori wereda, 11/41 [20]
created in 2007 from part of Dubti wereda
JEH84 Koribula (Corribula) 1232'/4102' 213/483 m 12/41 [LM WO Gz]
koricha (A) saddle; (O) linen textile;
qoricha (O) medicine
HC... Koricha (Corricia), 07/35 [+ Gu]
valley with river Bako and a natural bridge
HDK18 Koricha (K'oricha, Qoricha) 0913'/3817' 2929 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDK24 Koricha (K'oricha, Qoricha) 0918'/3755' 2051 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
HDK34 Koricha (K'oricha, Qoricha) 0921'/3753' 1963 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
Kuricha is at 4 km to the south-east
JDA88 Koricha Giyorgis (K'oricha G.) (church) 08/40 [Gz]
0855'/4033', north of Gelemso
JDP67 Koriddra (Corridra) 1030'/4121' 833 m 10/41 [Ha Gz]
(recorded in 1841)
HD... Korie (centre in 1964 of Derra sub-district) 09/38? [Ad]
HDE39 Koriftu (Coriftu), see under Nazret 08/39 [+ WO]
HDE.. Koriftu, see Debre Zeyt lakes
JDP04 Korili (Corili) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
HEL61 Korissa (Corissa) 1219'/3828' 1260, 1629 m 12/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
korji g..: gonda, goondaa (O) black ant
HDG03 Korji Gonda 0903'/3507' 1838 m, 09/35 [Gz]
near map code HDA93
korjo, korjoo (O) goat-skin bag
JCP93 Korjo (G. Corgio) (area) 0806'/4058' 1616, 1828 m 08/40 [Gz WO]
JDB03 Korjo (Corgio) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDD84 Kork 0856'/3754' 2384 m, south-east of Ambo 08/37 [Gz]
HDS04 Kork (Corc) (with church), 10/37 [Ch WO Gz]
1002'/3749' 2169, 2430 m, south of Debre Markos
Coordinates would give map code HDS03
HDS04c Kork Giyorgis 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kork sub-district)
korka (Som) top; korka, qorqaa (O) salty grazing land
HD... Korka, 09/35? [x]
village not far from the Didessa river, north-east of Mendi
HDG77 Korka Shankalla, 09/35 [x]
about 25 km north-northwest of Nejo

korke (qorkee) (A,O) 1. Swayne's or Tora hartebeest,

Alcelaphus buselaphus ..; 2. bottle top /of crown type/;
3. (O) name of a month approximately corresponding to March
HDE24 Korke (K'orke, Qorke) 0820'/3850' 1673 m 08/38 [Gz q]
(with church Giyorgis), north of lake Ziway
HDE25 Korke (K'orke, Qorke) 0821'/3854' 1639 m, 08/38 [Gz q]
north of lake Ziway
HDE92 Korke (village) 0858'/3838' 2679 m, 08/38 [Gz q x]
west of Addis Abeba
HDL20 Korke (K'orke,Qorke) 0917'/3829' 2849 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Maryam at some distance to the west),
north of Addis Alem
HDL81 Korke (K'orke, Qorke) 0949'/3831' 2805 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
west of Fiche
JDA17 Korke (Corche) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
JDA47 Korke (Corche) (area) 1703 m 08/40 [+ WO]
JDB96 Korke (G. Corche) (area) 2066 m 08/41 [+ WO]
JDJ33 Korke (K'orke, Qorke) 0923'/4156' 2090 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south of Dire Dawa
HDT87 Korke kebele (Qorké ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Kelala wereda at the middle of its eastern border,
18-23 km east-northeast of Kelala settlement; area 2,403 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF43 Korke kebele (Qorké ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Tehuledere wereda, 11-17 km
south of Hayk town; area 1,869 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Korke sub-district (Qorkie ..) (in Yeju awraja) 11/39? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adami)
HCL06 Korkite (K'ork'ite, Qorqite) 0625'/3900' 2680 m, 06/39 [Gz q]
(mountain chain)
HES38 Korkocha (K'ork'och'a, Qorqocha) 13/38 [Gz q]
1300'/3818' 2465 m, east of Deresge
HFF40 Korkor (Qorqor) (with rock-hewn churches), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
korkora, qorqoraa (O) grudging in matters of house expenses
?? Korkora (Qorqora) (market in Angot in the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
?? Korkora (Corcora) (on map of 1814, on caravan route) 12/40 [+ 18]
?? Korkora (Corcora, Qwärqwära) (mountain) 12/39? [+ It]
as war area in February 1936, see under Amba Alage
HEF00 Korkora kebele (Qorqora ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Legambo wereda along its eastern border,
17-21 km east-northeast of Akista; area 2,425 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
korkoro: qorqorroo (O) corrugated sheet iron, tin can
GCT50c Korkoro (river valley) 07/33 [Mi]
an affluent of the Akobo river in Kefa
HDG38 Korkoro, see Boji
?? Korkoro wereda (centre in 1964 = Hore Kelo) ../.. [Ad]
(in Borana)
korku, qorquu (O) gnaw at a bone
HFC06 Korku (K'ork'u, Qorqu) (peak) 1335'/3713' 1170 m 13/37 [Gz q]
korma (A,O) bull /not castrated/; (O) male /said of animals/,
strong, tough; kormaa (O) cock
Korma (Korima), a male personal name
Korma, cf Kurma ..
?? Korma (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HCA36 Korma (Corma) (mountains) 0545'/3521' 923 m 05/35 [+ n]
HDG64 Korma 0938'/3508' 1534 m, south-east of Mendi 09/35 [Gz]
HDK03 Korma (mountain peak) 0907'/3748' 2486 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
north-west of Ambo
HDM62 Kormargefiya (Kormagafia, Tormurgefia), 09/39 [Gz WO]
0936'/3931' 2802 m, see under Debre Birhan
HDM52 Kormargefiya kebele (Kormargäfiya ..) 09/39 [Ad]
along a western part of the southern border of Debre Birhan
Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 7-9 km south of Debre Birhan town;
area 1,394 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDM31 Kormash, see Koremash
korme, kormee (O) clever, strong, tough; (Som) stallion, stud
HD... Korme, in Gimbi awraja 09/35? [Ad]
HDD46c Korme, 08/38 [x]
a little north of Warabo
HDE90 Korme 0902'/3825' 2273 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
HEM84c Korme (Corme) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HCF51 Kormos (Cormos) 0556'/3928' 1584 m, 05/39 [+ WO Gz]
(an Oromo district)
HBU24 Kormowario, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
koro (O) troop, band of men; qooroo (O, from A)
local judge or sub-chief; abba qorro, provincial governor;
(qorro) historically one of 70 districts of the Oromo kingdom
of Abba Jifar II, 1861-1934;
koro (Som) wait for, expect; qoro (Som) employ /etc/;
qooro (Som) male sexual organ
GDM11 Koro (Coro) 09/34 [+ WO]
HBL14 Koro (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDL72 Koro (K'oro, Qoro) 0946'/3838' 3203 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
HFE07 Koro (mountain) 1342'/3905' 2051 m, 13/39 [Gz]
east of Abiy Adi
HDU06 Koro & Wekfile kebele (Qoro & Wäkfelé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the north/south and also east/west middle of Kewet wereda
at its border towards the south there, 4-7 km south-southwest
of Shewa Robit; area 916 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBR27 Korobbo, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
?? Korodegaga, village in Arsi, surveyed around 1996 ../.. [n]
HBU11 Koroftu, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HDM75 Korogassa, see Goragussa
JBT40 Korogo, see Korago
korojo, korojoo (A,O) leather bag
JDG29 Korojole 0914'/4039' 1524 m, west of Mieso 09/40 [Gz]
HDU25 Korokor kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in southern Kewet wereda stretching to its western border,
12-16 km north-west of Shewa Robit; area 492 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ94 Korom (K'orom, Qorom) 0954'/3701' 2209 m, 09/37 [Gz q]
west of Alibo
?? Koromach, see Koremash
HDH78 Koromi 0943'/3625' 1921 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDH78 Koromi 0946'/3623' 1865 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCD06 Koromma (Coromma) 0531'/3805' 1828 m 05/38 [+ WO Gz]
korommi, korommii (O) bulls /not castrated/
JDJ20 Korommi (Corommi) (area) 2643 m 09/41 [+ WO]
koromo (T) kinds of shrub or tree, Maerua angolensis,
M. oblongifolia; the last-mentioned is a low shrub
koron, cf koronguddaa (O) crocodile
HDB15 Koron (K'oron, Qoron) 0818'/3609' 2060 m, 08/36 [Gz q]
south-west of Bedele
JCM93 Koron (Coron) 0710'/4437' 933 m, cf Kuron 07/44 [+ Gz]
HDE89c Koroncha (Korontscha), 08/39 [+ x]
village with market at a day's ride west of Balchi

GDM42 Korosko (Gebel Corosco) (mountain) 09/34 [+ Gz]

0927'/3434' 1546 m
HCD83 Korpa (K'orp'a, Qorpa) 0612'/3751' 1173 m, 06/37 [Gz q]
on the southern east shore of lake Abaya
HDK20 Korpe Shenterer (area) 09/37 [AA]
HDL80 Korpeti 0949'/3826' 2579 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), see under Gebre Guracha
korra (A) coral tree, Erythrina abyssinica, with ornamental
red flowers turned upwards; qorra (O) 1. frost; 2. splendour;
qorraa 3. name of a month approximately corresponding to November
HDT18 Korra (Corra), cf Kora 10/39 [+ WO]
HC... Korra Wuga (sacred forest), see Jawla
HDM25 Korrayta (Corraita) 09/39 [+ WO]
korre (O) frost, ice; (language?) type of collective labour;
korree (Som) be on top
HDG08 Korre (Korree) (iron body) c.0900'/3536' 09/35 [+ Mi]
HED41c Korre (Corre), cf Kore 11/37 [+ Gu]
JBJ67 Korrei (Correi) 0410'/4217' 212 m, 04/42 [+ Gz]
(mountain on the border of Somalia)
HE... Korreva (Correva) (on map of 1814), 12/37 [+ 18]
a little more than half-way from Gondar to lake Tana
JDP67 Korridra (Corridra) 1030'/4121' 833 m 10/41 [+ Gz]
JCL39 Korshe, see Korahe
HCL64c Korso (Khorso), 06/38 [x]
located at some 15 km south of Kofele
korti, qortii (O) 1. container for valuables; 2. feast
in memory of a deceased adult
HCP65c Kortu (Kortou) 0750'/3610'c, 07/36 [x]
in Gera area north of Duko rive
HCR33 Korti (Corti) (area) 1946 m 07/36 [+ WO]
HCR50 Korti 0743'/3640'c, 07/36 [x]
south of Gibe river some 15 km south-southeast
of Jiren/Agaro
kortu (O) superb
JDB83 Kortu (Cortu) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
JDG65 Kortumi (Cortumi) 0935'/4018' 667 m (village) 09/40 [+ WO Gz]
koru, qoruu (O) 1. shave off hair in a special way; 2. sharpen, whet;
qooruu (O) be haughty; koruu (O) to mount /male animal a female one/
HCS83 Koru Abo (church) 0801'/3749', south of Welkite 08/37 [Gz]
HDM55 Koru kebele 09/39 [Ad]
towards the south-east in central Ankober wereda, near Aliyu Amba to
its east and 9-12 km east-southeast of Ankober town; area 774 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCA68 Korum (Corum) (area) 06/35 [+ WO]
kosa, qoosa (O) jest, joke
?? Kosa, village in Sheko wereda 06/35? [n]
HCR73 Kosa, see Kossa
HCS82 Kosa (K'osa, Qosa) 0753'/3744' 1892 m, 07/37 [Gz q]
same as Kose?
kosa d..: den chaka (dänn ch'aka) (A) forest
HCR73 Kosa Den Ch'aka (Cossa) (forest) 0754'/3652', 07/36 [Gz WO]
north of Jimma
?? Kosai (village in Wellega) ../.. [x]
HEK50 Kosan 12/37 [Ch]

kosaya (Welega Bega) lowland

HES11 Kosaye (Kossaye, Kosoye, Kossoye), cf Kossaye 12/37 [LM WO]
HES11 Kosaye sub-district (centre in 1964 = Amba Giyorgis) 12/37 [Ad]
kose, qoosee (O) the depression on the nape /of a bull etc./
HCS51c Kose (Qose), small market town in Gurage, 07/37 [20]
the main centre of the small Iner (Ener) ethnic group
HCS82 Kose (K'ose, Qose) 0753'/3744' 1892 m, 07/37 [Gz q]
same as Kosa?
HDS38 Kosekos (K'osek'os, Qoseqos) 10/38 [Gz q]
1015'/3815' 1888 m, between Abay river and Bichena
HEJ58 Kosen 1217'/3723' 1787 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEF.. Kosero kebele (Qosäro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
stretching 9 km north/south in southern Tehuledere wereda,
with its northernmost point 7 km south-southeast of Hayk town;
area 1,630 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG73 Koseru 0941'/3505' 1529 m, south of Mendi 09/35 [Gz]
HDU60 Koseru (K'oseru, Qoseru) 1032'/3922' 2659 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Were Ilu
HEJ85 Koseyo 1230'/3705' 1990 m, near Chilga 12/37 [Gz]
HED57 Kosh 1121'/3814' 2464 m, west of Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
kosha (O) dough; (Wellega Bega) lowland
HCH38 Kosha (Coscia, Koisa) (with ensete culture) 06/36 [Gz WO x]
Gz: 0637'/3647' 1849 m; x: 0640'/3625'
HCJ47 Kosha, see Suntana
HCS13c Kosha, 07/37 [20]
highland east of Gibe river and north of its affluent Sumini
HDB52 Kosha (K'osha, Qosha) 0837'/3554' 2127 m 08/35 [Gz q]
HDK19 Koshbe 0909'/3821' 2582 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
koshe, qoshee (O) 1. metal piece for fastening plough;
2. stiffend /fingers from rheumatism/
?? Koshe (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCT81 Koshe (K'oshe, Qoshe, Koshie) 08/38 [Gz q x Ad]
0800'/3832' 1944 m
(centre in 1964 of Debona sub-district)
HDF13 Koshema (Coscema) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDS58 Kosheshila 1025'/3817' 2373 m, near Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HED09 Kosheshila 1053'/3824' 2426 m, near Abay river 10/38 [Gz]
HEF51 Kosheshila Mikael (church) 1121'/3927', 11/39 [Gz]
west of Hayk
koshim (A) 1. Lantana trifolia; 2. Rumex abyssinica,
a plant with fruits of sweet and sour taste; 3. Dovyalis
abyssinica, a small tree with strong thorns and acid fruit
HDE92 Koshim 0858'/3840' 2412 m, west of Addis Abeba 08/38 [Gz]
HDF13 Koshim (K'oshim, Qoshim) 0817'/3938' 2508 m 08/39 [Gz q]
HEF52 Koshimu kebele (Koshemu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
near south-easternmost Ambasel wereda, 8-12 km
west of Hayk town; area 1,599 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF03 Koshita 0810'/3936' 2583 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDL31 Koshomi 0924'/3834' 2185 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCH33 Kosi 0639'/4058' 1124 m 06/40 [Gz]
-- Koskwam, see Kuskwam,
also see Gondar castles in the neighbourhood
JDH65 Kosmi (area recorded in 1841) 09/41 [Ha]
koso, koosoo (O) same as kosso below
Koso, cf Kosso
HDE42 Koso 0835'/3837' 2175 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDM84 Koso 0950'/3944' 3211 m, near Debre Sina, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis)
HDT16 Koso 1007'/3901' 2142 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU84 Koso 1041'/3943' 3348 m, north-east of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HEE37 Koso 1109'/3904' 3185 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEL08 Koso 1150'/3914' 3404 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM52 Koso Amba 0935'/3931' 2797 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south of Debre Birhan
HEM01 Koso Amba, see Kosso Amba
HDM22 Koso Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
surrounding Gina Ager settlement; area 1,417 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM94 Koso Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of the southern body of Mafud, Mezezo,
Moja & Wadera wereda, 8-10 km north of Debre Sina town;
area 364 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
koso b..: beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, thorn enclosure for cattle
HEE16 Koso Beret (Legambo) 1057'/3901' 3762 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT26 Koso & Girigir kebele (.. Gereger ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Weremo Wajitu & Mida
wereda, 4-9 km west-southwest of Meragna; area 2,910 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL37 Koso Kirkos (K. K'irk'os) (church) 0924'/3903', 09/39 [Gz]
north of Sendafa
HDT16 Koso Terehina kebele (.. Tärähena ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of north Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its northern
border, 3-9 km north of Alem Ketema; area 2,358 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
koso ti..: tigg (t'igg) (A) corner, support
HDU33 Koso Tig (K. T'ig) 1018'/3937' 2996 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north of Molale
HEC.. Kosober, cf Kosso Ber 10/36 [n]
at the main road a little south-east of Injibar
kosoch (A) kosso trees in plural?
HED63 Kosoch 1129'/3748' 2433 m 11/37 [Gz]
?? Kosodaba (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEJ99c Kosoge (Kosogué, Kossoge), 'land of kosso?' 12/37 [x]
north of Gondar, battle site in the 1400s

kossa, qoossaa (O) kind of cattle disease

HCG87 Kossa (Cossa) 07/35 [+ WO]
HCR63 Kossa (Kosa, Cossa) 0751'/3648' 1792, 2550 m, 07/36 [Te Gz WO Gu]
at 25 km north of Jimma
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8SE the forest of Babbia - or Kossa?
..N an area named Kossa
HCR70 Kossa 0752'/3638'c, 07/36 [x]
at some distance north-northwest of Jiren/Agaro
HCR73 Kossa (Cossa, Kosa, Limmu) 07/36 [n WO Gz]
Gz: 0751'/3648' 1792 m, or 0749'/3653'
HCR73 Kossa sub-district (centre in 1964 = ?), 07/36 [Ad]
cf Kosa Den Ch'aka
HDH63c Kossaru (Tulu Kossarou) circa 0940'/3600' 09/36 [x]
HDL99 Kossaye (Cossaie) (area) 2740 m, cf Kosaye 09/39 [+ WO]
kossim: see koshim above
HEM15 Kossim (Cossim) (area) 1155'/3950' 11/39 [+ WO Gz]
kosso, koso (A,O) kind of tree, Hagenia abyssinica, giving
an antidote to tapeworm; (O) dry corn stalk /used as fuel/
-- Kosso, cf Koso
HES88 Kosso (Cosso) (mountain saddle), 13/38 [+ WO Gu]
1324'/3816' 3121/3154 m, see under Sawana
HEE.. Kosso Alba ../.. [..]
HEM01 Kosso Amba (Cosso A., Koso A., Kossa A.) 11/39 [+ WO Gz 18]
(mountain) 1146'/3926' 3728 m,
south-west of Weldiya, near map code HEF91
kosso b..: ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
?? Kosso Ber (Kossober, Koso B.), ../.. [x 20]
battle site in Amedamit in 1827
kosso m..: medo (A) comb; meddo (Som/H.Salt) black
HEK08 Kosso Medo (Quosso Medo) 11/38 [+ WO]
kosso w..: wenz (A) river
HES.. Kosso Wenz (Koso W.), 13/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Asera Betach sub-district)
HEJ99c Kossoge, see Kosoge
HEE.. Kossu Alba, 11/38 [Mi]
mountain about 90 km west of Dessie
HEF60 Kostambula kebele (Qostambula ..) 11/39 [Ad]
northernmost at the eastern border of Tenta wereda,
9-15 km north-east of Tenta settlement; area 3,429 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM03 Koste (K'ost'e, Qoste) 0908'/3938' 1325 m 09/39 [Gz q]
HDU15 Koste Amba kebele (Qost'é .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
8-11 km north-east of Sela Dingay; area 432 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM02 Koste kebele (Qost'é ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Berehet wereda along the western half
of its southern border; area 6,097 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

kot (qot') (A) space under the roof, loft, perch, roost,
coarse bed of branches; (kot) (A) coat;
koot (O) my, being mine
GDE20 Kot (Cot) 0822'/3329' 318 m, 08/33 [Gz WO]
near the border of Sudan
kot k..: kotte, kottee (A) footprint, hoof, track of animal;
koti (O) 1. qooti platform inside a house;
2. kooti coat
HEM73c Kot Kote (Cot Cote) (wells in river bed) 12/39 [+ Gu]
kota (T) kind of small or medium tree, Trichelia roka; (O) ditch;
kotah (T) kind of shrub or "climbing tree", Combretum aculeatum
HCP77 Kota (K'ota, Qota, Koota) 0752'/3624' 2393 m 07/36 [Gz q n]
HDD31 Kota (Cota), cf Kotta 08/37 [LM WO]
HED45 Kota (K'ota, Qota) 1118'/3758' 1907 m, 11/37 [Gz q]
north-east of Mota
kota be..: bero (O) coral tree, korch, Erythrina abyssinica
?? Kota Bero (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
kota bo..: bota (A,T) place, locality
?? Kota Bota (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Kota Sutana (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEJ17 Kota Maryam (Cota Mariam) 1893 m, 11/37 [Ch Gu WO]
(village with church), see under Dek
HCS96 Kotargeta (Cotargheta) 0806'/3804' 2686 m 08/38 [+ WO Gz]
HDL30 Kotari 0920'/3830' 2795 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
kote: kotte (A) footprint; hoof, track of animal
HDC25 Kote (Cote), 08/37 [+ WO Mi]
a right affluent of the Birbir valley in Wellega
kotebe (kotäbe) (A,O) basalt
HDE94 Kotebe (Kotobe), outside Addis Abeba, 09/38 [En]
for its first period it was the Haile Selassie I Secondary School
HDL52 Kotemi (K'ot'emi, Qotemi) 0935'/3836' 2525 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
kotemo (Kefa) large circular house
HCM52 Kotera (Cotera) (area) 0704'/3942' 3694 m 07/39 [+ WO Gz]
HEE02 Kotet kebele (Qotät ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda at its southern border,
16-22 km south-west of Ajibar; area 3,150 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Kotet sub-district (centre in 1964 = Girar Amba) 10/38 [Ad]
HCK08c Koti, in Wenago wereda, 06/38 [n]
with a megalithic site which contains 4 steles
koticha (A) kooticha (O) black soil
HBK58 Koticha, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDE82 Koticha 0855'/3841' 2420 m, near Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
HDJ25 Koticha 0915'/3706' 2327 m, south of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
HDL42 Koticha 0929'/3840' 2441 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT01 Koticha 0958'/3832' 2138 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Tulu Milki
JBN08 Kotichi (Coticci) 0431'/4034' 687 m 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
HDL83 Koticho 0847'/3846' 2614 m, near Fiche 08/38 [Gz]
HBK86 Kotille, D. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HE... Kotima (Cotima) (valley near Mekdela) 11/39? [+ Gu]
JDB52 Kotisa (K'ot'isa, Qotisa) 0838'/4055' 1525 m 08/40 [Gz q]
HCR57 Koti-Sandabo, see Sendabo, 07/37 [x]
market past Omo river on the route to Jimma
HCR43 Kotja (Kotyi) 0739'/3652' 1743 m, east of Jimma 07/36 [Gz x]
HEC75 Kotkotma (K'ot'k'ot'ma, Qotqotma, Teleta), 11/37 [Gz q]
1130'/3712' 2043 m, west of Bahir Dar
koto, qoto (O) hatchet, axe with the blade inserted into
a handle; koto (Kefa) circular granary made of bamboo;
kotto (T) Lepidium sativum; qoto (Som) base, roots, depth
HBK56 Koto, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HCS99 Koto (M. Coto) (area) 2225 m, see under Butajira 08/38 [Ad WO]
HCS99c Koto (centre in 1964 of Meskan wereda and 08/38 [Ad x]
of Shershera sub-district)
HDL91 Koto 0955'/3831' 2353 m, north-west of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), cf Kotu
HEK14 Koto (K'oto, Qoto) 1153'/3753' 2138 m, 11/37 [Gz q]
east of lake Tana
JBJ92 Koto (Coto) (well) 0430'/4150' 04/41 [x Gz]
at Ganale Doria
HDE94 Kotobe, same as Kotebe above 09/38 [x 20]
HCC75 Kotolo (K'otolo, Qotolo) 0608'/3707' 1322 m 06/37 [Gz q]
HDB08 Kotora (K'ot'ora, Qotora) 0811'/3630' 2167 m 08/36 [Gz q]
HCR50 Kotta (Cotta, Gomma) 0746'/3638' 2115 m, 07/36 [+ Gu Gz]
see under Agaro, cf Kota
kotte, kottee (O) 1. hoof; 2. track of an animal;
kotte, kwotte (qwotte) (A) footprint, hoof
HDG66 Kotte Gitten, about 17 km north-west of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HEF03 Kottie (Cottie, Uotie) (village) 1056'/3940' 2450 m 10/39 [+ Gu WO Gz]
kottu, kotu, qottuu (O) farmer, cultivator, ploughman;
-- Kottu (Qotu, Qwottu, Eastern Oromo), name of Oromo agriculturalists
in the Harar highland area, "Kottu Galla".
Estimated in 1993 to number 2,142,000.
JDC60 Kottu (Cottu) (area) 1635 m 08/41 [+ WO]
JBP03 Kottu Biyo Ad (Cottu Bio Ad) 0434'/4102' 04/41 [+ WO Gz]
kotu, qotuu (O) 1. plough; 2. grow crops
HBJ96 Kotu, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HCK00 Kotu, see Wulo Kode
?? Kotu, an affluent of the Ramis in the Harar region 07/41? [Mi]
HDH95 Kotu (Cootu) 09/36 [+ WO]
HDL90 Kotu (K'otu, Qotu) 0957'/3827' 2118 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
east of Tulu Milki, near HDT00, cf HDL90 Koto
kotu gebeya (A) market of the Kottu = Oromo people?
HDM30 Kotu Gebeya (Kotu Geber, Cotugheber) 09/39 [Gz WO]
0923'/3924' 2797 m, see under Sheno
H.... Kotu Gebeya (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja) 09/39 [Ad]
HBL06 Kotulla (Cotulla) (area) 0342'/3851' 1150 m 03/38 [+ WO Gz]
HCR43 Kotyi, see Kotja
Kou.., see generally Ku..
HCA68 Kourit, see Kurit
JDS04 Koussaha (area) 09/42 [WO]
JEC31c Koûta Boûyya, 11/41 [20]
just south of lake Abhe
HDH99 Kova Sambo (Cova Sambo) 09/36 [+ WO]
kowa (Welega Bega) wild dog
HEJ75 Kowa Silasi 12/37 [Ch]
Church 11 km south of Chilga; there is a fumarole near the church.
HBM04 Koweti (Coeti, Coeiti) (area) 0340'/3940' 966 m 03/39 [+ WO Gz]
JDG69 Kowrili (G. Courili) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
HCS79 Koya, see Kora
koye: koyye (qoyye) (A) to wait
HDC43 Koye (K'oye, Qoye, Uorsa, Ursa) 08/36 [Gz q WO Gu]
0835'/3649' 1566/1675 m
Coordinates would give map code HDC42
HDE14 Koye (farm) 0817'/3849', north of lake Ziway 08/38 [Gz]
HDE52 Koye (Coie) (area & village north of Awash) 2272 m 08/38 [MS x WO]
HDE84 Koye 0854'/3851' 2272 m, near Akaki 08/38 [Gz]
HDE92 Koye (village) 09/38 [x]
HDS55 Koye (Coie) (mountain) 2873 m 10/37 [+ WO]
HDL.. Koye Akale, 09/38 [20]
village in North Shewa in Kuyu wereda
(Kuuyuu & Hidhabuu Abootee ..)
HFD59 Koyetsa (K'oyetsa, Qoyetsa) 1406'/3824' 1996 m, 14/38 [Gz q]
east of Inda Silase
HFD69 Koyetsa (K'oyetsa, Qoyetsa, Qoyatsa, Coietza) 14/38 [Gz q n]
(Adi Liul) 1409'/3825' 1996/2339/2470 m, north-east of Inda Silase
-- Koygu (Muguji), an ethnic group who inhabit the junction
of the Omo and Mago rivers, see Koegu, cf Murle
-- koyisha: Koysha, a sub-division of the Ometo ethnic group
HC... Koyisha (in Welamo awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HC... Koyisha sub-district (-1997-) 06/37? [n]
JDJ46 Koyla 0926'/4213' 2104 m, north-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HCG86 Koyne (Coine) 07/35 [+ WO]
JCR21 Koyo (Coio) 07/41 [+ WO]
-- Koyra (Badditu), ethnic group numbering about 100,000 in the 1990s
-- Koyra language, see Koorete
-- Koysha, as language see Kucha
HCJ57 Koysha 0650'/3715' 1384 m, south of Waka 06/37 [Gz]
HCK60 Koysha Beleeka (K. Bele'eka) 0655'/3732' 1286 m, 06/37 [Gz]
north-west of Soddo
HCJ10 Koza (Costa) 0629'/3643' 1959 m, 06/36 [Gz WO]
north-east of Bulki
Coordinates would give map code HCJ11
GDE16 Kram (Cram) 08/34 [+ WO]
KCP50 Krayal (Craial) 07/45 [+ WO]
HEK16 Krin 1153'/3806' 2507 m, 11/38 [Gz]
north-east of Debre Tabor
kristo galla (A) Christ of the Oromo?
HDB78 Kristo Galla (Cristo Galla) (church), 08/36 [+ WO]
see under Arjo
Kristos (A) Christ; used as a magical name also
in non-Christian sorcery; Samra = Samira, Samaria of the Bible?
HEK10 Kristos Samra (K. Semraa, Cristos Samra) 11/37 [+ x Ch]
church on the right bank of the Gumara
krupe, krupo (O) duiker, small antelope,
Sylvicapra grimmia abyssinica
HCR79 Krupe 0754'/3725' 1962 m, cf Kurupe 07/37 [Wa Gz]
highland south of Gibe river.
krupe n..: nada (A) landslide; nadde (O) woman, wife
?? Krupe Nadda (Kroupe N.) ../.. [+ x]
settlement in Jenjero
G. Montandon in 1913 shows Krupe and Nadda separately
and rather far apart.
HEP18 Kruri (Cruri) (wide area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HET64 Krustaba (Crustaba) 1316'/3854' 1451 m 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
H.... Ksa Dega (centre in 1964 of Telelo sub-district) 13/37 [Ad]
JEB.. Ksikika kebele, in Mille wereda 11/40 [20]
HDB56 Kua (K'u'a) 0839'/3617' 1951 m 08/36 [Gz]
north-west of Bedele, cf Kwa
?? Kualissa, see Kwalissa
?? Kuana (historical, near Mereb river) ../.. [Pa]
He... Kuana (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/39 [Ad]
HEM82 Kuaram, see Korem
?? Kuarit wereda (Quarit ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 43 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
?? Kuashm, historical, probably a district of Adal ../.. [x]
HEJ09 Kuaskuam, see Kuskwam & HEK10
?? Kuassa, see Kwassa
HF... Kuayata (according to d'Abbadie), ../.. [x]
(Quayatsa according to old charter), cf Koyetsa
?? Kubachenna (gorge) 06/39 [Ca]
kuba, quba (O) finger, toe
HDU16 Kubalge 1004'/3957' 1204 m 10/39 [Gz]
kuban nama bulchuu (O) manage a household sparingly
JCE61 Kuban (Cuban) 0601'/4332' 290 m 06/43 [+ WO Gz]
HFE53 Kubanot 1401'/3845' 2030 m, 14/38 [Gz]
at 13 km south of Aksum
?? Kubar (Kuber, Ka'bar, Kaber) alleged ancient ../.. [Br x]
capital at unknown site, period about 800-1000, cf Aksum
kubat (qubat) (A) concubine
HDL34 Kubati (K'ubati, Qubati) 0922'/3852' 2791 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDU90 Kubayo 1050'/3925' 2925 m, cf Kubbayo, 10/39 [Gz]
north-west of Were Ilu
kubba (O) ball; (A) kind of fish; (Afar) dog
?? Kubba (Cuba), row of hills in the Rift Valley ../.. [+ Mi]
HBL87 Kubba Ure, cf Guba 04/39 [WO]
kubbayo: kubay (A) tumbler; kubaya, kubbayya (A,T) cup,
mug /of metal/
JCP41 Kubbayo (Cubbaio) 0736'/4047' 1737 m 07/40 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain, with forest), cf Gubbaiu
kubbe d..: daru, daruu (O) to lack clothing, be empty-handed
HCR93 Kubbe Daru (Cubbe Daru) (area) 2238 m 08/36 [+ WO]
kube, qubee (O) ring worn on the /little/ finger;
(kube) (A) small grasshopper not yet having wings
HEM00 Kube 1149'/3922' 3447 m, west of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HEM92 Kube 1238'/3935' 2009 m, north of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
kube j..: jabbilee (O) calves
HEM93 Kube Jabile 1239'/3938' 1893 m 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Korem
HDT56 Kube kebele (Kubé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda at its western border, 6-13 km
west of Kelala settlement; area 1,995 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kubet (kubät) (A) dried cow dung used as fuel
?? Kubet (Kubät) (unidentified locality) ../.. [Pa]
kubete: kubbita (qubbita) (A) cupola
HDL55 Kubete (K'ubete, Qubete) 0934'/3854' 2637 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
kubi (T) scurf, dandruff
HDF74 Kubi (M. Cubi) (area) 1528 m 08/39 [+ WO]
JDB96 Kubi Abdul Kadir Mesgid (K'ubi A. K'adir M.) 09/41 [Gz]
(mosque) 0901'/4119'
HDT69 Kubi kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Jema wereda, 4-8 km north-west
of Degolo; area 997 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE89 Kubichla (K'ubich'la, Qubichla) 11/39 [Gz q]
1136'/3917' 2356 m
kubo (Som) hill
kubsa: kubsisa, qubsisa (O) late settlers, late-comers, tenants
HCT26 Kubsa (K'ubsa, Qubsa, Cubsa, Chubsa) (mountains) 07/38 [Gz q WO It]
0725'/3859' 3296/3387 m, south-east of lake Langano
HCU00 Kubsa 0715'/3920' 2592 m 07/39 [Gz]
k'ubur (Afar) spirit
-- Kucha, a sub-division of the Ometo ethnic group
-- Kucha language (Kusha, Koysha) is a sub-dialect of Dauro
HCJ39 Kucha (Cuccia, Fre: Koutcha) 0639'/3722', 06/37 [x WO Gu Gz]
(at the river Kucha, locality with ensete culture)
HCJ39 Kucha (mountain), see under Bole
HCT59 Kucha 07/39 [Wa]
HC... Kucha wereda ../.. [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 36 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
GCS75 Kuchar (Cueciar, Cueicher) 0800'/3303' 283 m 07/33 [LM WO Gz]
kuchare, quucharee (O) stunted, undersized
HDK01 Kucho (K'ucho, Qucho) 0904'/3741' 2097 m 09/37 [AA q]
kuchoch: kuchach (A) small ants
HE... Kuchoch (centre in 1964 of Keteteya sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HDL62 Kuchu 2498 m 09/38 [AA]
HCB05 Kuchur (village at lower Omo river near HBP95) 05/36 [n]
JDC30 Kucko (Cucco) 1389 m 08/41 [+ WO]
kuda (O) 1. kind of tree in the wetter parts of medium-
altitude forests, Polyscias ferruginea; quda 2. short log
as firewood; kudda (O) fruit
JDR16c Kudaiti (Koudaïti) circa 1005'/4115' 10/41 [x]
kudara: kudar (qudar) (T) knot, central point;
khudaar (Som) vegetables, fruits
HES33 Kudara (Qudara), see under Dabat 13/37 [+ WO]
GDF93 Kuddu (Cuddu) 0900'/3440' 1830 m 09/34 [+ WO Gz]
?? Kuddus (same meaning in [T] as Kidus = holy) 09/40 [18]
kudi a..: alama (A,T) sign, goal, etc.
HDS23 Kudi Alema (Cudi Alemma) (church) 10/37 [+ WO]
kudo, qudo (O) short log as firewood
HFF51c Kudo (with rock-hewn church, Maryam), 14/39 [x]
south of Guwahigot, 2 hours walk from Hangoda
kudo k..: korebta (koräbta) (A,T) hill
HFE99 Kudo Korebta (Ora) 1427'/3920' 2305 m, 14/39 [Gz WO]
mountain north-west of Adigrat
HER78 Kudo Maryam (Kudo Mariam) (church) 13/37 [+ WO]
kudud: kuudud (Som) sit in crouching position
JFA69 Kududli (Cududli) (hill) 1408'/4044' 14/40 [+ WO Gz]
kudus: kuddus (quddus) (T) holy; Quddus (Arabic,Som) Jerusalem
HEC99 Kudus Mikhael (=K'iddus Mika'el), see Fisa
HDB35 Kue (Cue) 0826'/3611' 2047 m 08/36 [+ Gz]
HD... Kuelgore (Kuelgorä) 09/39? [Pa]
Muslim land near Aliyu Amba?
once important but the name disappeared later
HET97 Kuen (K'u'en) 1329'/3905' 1367 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-east of Abiy Adi
?? Kuera (historically recorded), cf Kuyera ../.. [n]
kufa (O) qufaa 1. coughing; phlegm; tuberculosis;
whey; quufa 2. satiety, wealth, to have had one's fill;
3. goiter; kuf- (O) fall; kuf (Som) 1. trip, stumble, fall;
2. tribal honour, marriage within one's social status;
kuffiya, white Muslim cap
JDH14 Kufa (Gara K'ufa, G. Qufa, Gebel Cufa) (mountain), 09/41 [Gz q WO]
0908'/4105' 2553 m, near Hirna
HCG89 Kufe (Kufa, Fre: Koufa) 0704'/3537' 1528 m, 07/35 [Gz Wa]
north-west of Shewa Gimira, near Gilo river
JBH82 Kuffa Kulumni (Cuffa Culumni) 0422'/4054' 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
JDR60 Kuffal Ali (Cuffal Ali, Gaiel K.A.?) (hill) 10/41 [Ha Gz]
1023'/4149' (recorded in 1841)
HCD80c Kufoli, cf Kofele 06/38 [Wa]
?? Kufsa, located at some 50 km east of lake Shala ../.. [x]
HFD93 Kugule (Cugule, Cugula) (hill) 1428'/3748' 14/37 [+ WO Gz]
HE... Kuha, same as Kwiha, 38/12 [n]
around 1980 a Derg-garrisoned town between Alamata and Maychew
HFF11 Kuhila 1341'/3929' 2121 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), north of Mekele
kuhl: kul (A) 1. kohl, antimony dust; 2. cultivated bottle
gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris var. sinuatum; (Som) heat
HEA84 Kuhl (area) 11/35 [WO]
HCL89c Kuhupsa (Cuhupsa) (market every 5 days) 07/39 [+ Gu]
HFF52 Kuila (Ku'ila) 1402'/3836' 1925 m, 14/38 [Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
-- Kuile language, see Tsamay
HB... Kuile ../.. [20]
Settlement of 4 hectares in north-east Konso.
HDL54 Kuiti (K'uiti) 0931'/3848' 2630 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Kujure (Kudjur), ../.. [Mi]
a right affluent of the Alaltu (Aleltu) river in Wellega
kuka, quuqaa (O) rough and uncomfortable
HCU75c Kuka 07/39 [x]
HDB20 Kuka (Cuca) (area) 08/35 [+ WO]
HCB27c Kukab, 05/36 [+ WO]
volcanic mountain at a road to Bulki
HES13 Kukara (Cucara) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDK83 Kuki (Malca Cuchi) 0952'/3752' 09/37 [Ch Gz]
ford in the Abay which was out of use by 1930.
kuku (O) 1. quuquu, rough surface; 2. sprout, begin to grow;
(A) the earwax;
-- Kuku, a lineage of the Sabbo-Mattarri of the Borana people
GDF61c Kuku 08/34 [LM]
HCD27 Kuku (Cucu) 0540'/3812' 1826 m, 05/38 [Wa WO Gz]
see under Agere Maryam
JEP80 Kukumora 13/40 [Ne]
HDL10 Kukurfa 0909'/3825' 2587 m, north of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
kul b..: bayye (O) abundant, many
HEE23 Kul Baye kebele (.. Bayé ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda, 3-8 km south-west
of Ajibar; area 2,240 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kula, kuula (O) fringe
HCH71 Kula 0700'/3548' 2124 m, near Shewa Gimira 07/35 [Gz]
HCU84 Kula 0758'/3942' 2482 m, north-east of Robi 07/39 [Gz]
H.... Kula, in western Ticho awraja 08/39 [x]
(centre of a wereda in the 1980s)
HEF91 Kula Kwaho kebele (.. Qwaho ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the north in Ambasel wereda stretching between
its western and eastern borders, 10-16 km north-west of Wichale
and 8-19 km west-southwest of Mersa; area 5,082 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Kulala (centre in 1964 of Lai Derra sub-district) 10/38? [Ad]
kulalit, kwulalit (A) kidney
HEK32c Kulalit (Culalit) (conical mountain), 12/37 [+ Gu]
2390 m, see under Yifag

HBP49c Kulam, 04/36 [x]

place in the centre of the Arbore area
HE... Kulamaso sub-district (centre in 1964 = Alagedo) 11/39 [Ad]
kulan (Som) 1. meeting, assembly; 2. kind of small or medium
tree, Balanites aegyptiaca; it grows in dry land and has green
spines; sanka, saanqaa (O) door, board, plank; sanka (A) defect
HDP80 Kulan Sankai (Culan Sancai, Sanchi, Sanchei) 10/35 [Gz WO]
(mountains) 1035'/3545' 2435/2490 m
Coordinates would give map code HDP70
JDJ65 Kulayo (Culaio) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
?? Kulbi (with postal service) ../.. [20]
JCJ77 Kuldash (area) 06/42 [WO]
JDK42c Kuldera 09/42 [Wa]
kule: see under Kuhl above;
-- Kule (Tsamay), an ethnic group in the south-west
HCC00 Kule (Kulie, Cule) 0530'/3638', 05/36 [+ Ad WO Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Benakule sub-district)
HEC16 Kule (Cule) 1058'/3712' 2731 m 10/37 [+ Gz]
HEM13 Kule 1142'/3941' 1601 m, north-east of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HEF93 Kule kebele (Kulé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
a little to the west in central Habru wereda, 12-22 km
south-east of Weldiya; area 4,929 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Kule language (Cule), see Tsamay
HEL28c Kule Meske, see Kulmesk
HEE48 Kulebit Amba kebele (Qulebit .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tenta wereda at its western border, 6-10 km
south-west of Tenta settlement; area 2,452 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kulf, kwulf (qulf, qwulf) (A) key; padlock
HEM10 Kulf Amba (K'ulf A., Qulf A.) 1152'/3923' 3404 m 11/39 [Gz q]
HEM10 Kulf Amba (K'ulf A., Qulf A.) 1153'/3921' 3314 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
both west of Weldiya
HEM00 Kulf Amba kebele (Qulf .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Guba Lafto wereda at the southern border of its
northern arm, 17-24 km west of Weldiya; area 3,541 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM54 Kulfe kebele (Qulfé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the south-west in central Ankober wereda,
2-4 km south-east of Ankober town; area 299 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kulfi, qulfii (O) key, lock, button;
kulfi (qulfi) (T) belt, girdle, enclosure;
kulfi goyta (O) master's lock?
JDJ61 Kulfi Goyta (Culfi Goita) 1157 m, 09/41 [+ WO]
the first railway station west of Dire Dawa, quite small
?? Kulfo, river near lake Abaya ../.. [Ca]
JDJ41 Kulibi, see Kulubi
HCC00 Kulie, see Kule
kulil d..: dingay, dengiya (A) rock, stone
HEE36 Kulil Dingay (K'ulil D., Qulil D.) 11/38 [Gz q]
1111'/3859' 2978 m
HCK96 Kulilo, 0710'/3805' 07/38 [x]
kulit (A) kidney
HDK03 Kulit (K'ulit, Qulit) 0904'/3749' 2458 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
kulita: kolitta (Konso) kind of "holy" tree from which
pieces used as musical instruments are made
HER65 Kulita (Culita) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HFC38 Kulita (Culita) (village) 1354'/3724' 1008 m 13/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
HCS06 Kulito, see Alaba Kulito
HEK51 Kulkaber, see Kulkwalber
kulkul (qulqul) (A) downward, a defile; kulkulet (qulqulät) (A,T)
descent, downward slope; kulkul (O) lackey, charlatan;
kulkull (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Zizyphus spina-christi;
kulkula (O) harmless swelling or nodule on the body;
kulkulla (O) beauty; kulkullu, qulqulluu (O) clean grain,
ritually pure; kulkulli, qulqullii (O) 1. clean; 2. honest;
3. peeled; qulqulaaya (O) clean, clear land surface
HBK54 Kulkule, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HEE59 Kulkulla (Culculla) (valley) 11/39 [+ Gu WO]
kulkwal (qulqwal) (A) kinds of cactus-like tree, Euphorbia spp.;
also /less appropriate/ prickly pear cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica
HDL86 Kulkwal (K'ulk'wal, Qulqwal) 0948'/3859' 2205 m, 09/38 [AA q]
(with church), east of Fiche
HEM23 Kulkwal Amba (K'ulk'wal A., Qulqwal A.) 11/39 [Gz q]
1158'/3940' 1789 m, west of Weldiya
HDU50 Kulkwal Amba kebele (Qulqwal .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Jema wereda, 7-10 km
south-east of Degolo; area 2,178 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM23 Kulkwal Amba kebele (Qulqwal .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central southern Kobo wereda, 4-8 km
south-east of Wello Robit; area 3,484 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kulkwal b..: bado (A,T) 1. empty, barren,
unoccupied /land/; 2. buttermilk
HDU11 Kulkwal Bado (K'ulk'wal B., Qulqwal B.) 10/39 [Gz q]
1005'/3927' 2736 m, west of Molale
kulkwal ber (A) Euphorbia gate/pass
HEK51 Kulkwalber (Culqualber, Kulkaber) (area) 12/37 [+ WO n]
kulla, qulla (O) nude, undressed; empty-handed
-- Kula Kurme, a lineage of the Borana people
JCH73c Kulla 07/40 [Wa]
kulla bo..: boffe (O) thick cotton thread
HBL77 Kulla Boffo, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HCF22 Kulla Bureyr (Culla Bureir) (area) 0540'/3931' 05/39 [+ WO Gz]
kullaw (O) to be nude; to purify oneself
HBK79 Kullawa (Cullaua) (hill) 0417'/3822' 04/38 [+ WO Gz]
kulli, kullii (O) one's turn in cooperative work; (Som) all
-- Kullo (ethnic group), see Dawro
HCJ57 Kullu (Cullu) (area) 06/37 [+ WO]
HDK80 Kullu (Cullu) 09/37 [+ WO]
HCJ88 Kullu Konta, see Kulo Konta
kullubi,qullubbii (O) garlic, Allium ursinum
HCU01 Kullubi (Cullubi) (area) 2572 m, cf Kulubi 07/39 [+ WO]
JCN28 Kullulu (mountain) 0730'/4035' 07/40 [x]
HEL28c Kulmesk (Kulmask, Kul Mesk, Kule Meske) (village) 11/39 [Ca Br x Ad]
HEL.. Kulmus (Culmus) (administrative centre), 10/36? [x]
4 hours ride from Genete Maryam,
superseded Muja as centre in the 1940s
kulo, kullo (in Ogaden) kind of tree, Olea subtrinervata;
kullo (O) dweller, inhabitant; kulo (Som) get angry;
kulu (T) all, every
-- Kullo (Dewaro), Konta, two sub-divisions of the main ethnic group
Ometo (West Sidama), with their own language variety
-- Kulo (Kullo), historical region
The kingdom of Kullo was colonized in the 1500s.
HCJ09 Kulo 0625'/3729' 1912 m, west of lake Abaya 06/37 [Gz]
HCJ36 Kulo 0639'/3710' 1183 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCJ96 Kulo (Gullo) (area) 07/37 [x WO]
HDL48 Kulo (K'ulo, Qulo) 0929'/3910' 2615 m, 09/39 [Gz q]
midway between Addis Abeba and Debre Birhan
HCT74 Kulo Gudo, see Kulu Gudo
kulo k..: konta, qontaa (O) dried or smoked meat;
HCJ74 Kulo Konta awraja (Kollo K., Kullu K.) 07/37 [Gz x]
(centre -1972-1988- = Waka) 0700'/3700'
Around 1964 there were eight weredas within this awraja.
kulsu k..: kuma (O) thousand; quma (O) coffee plant;
qoomaa (O) instant killing
JEB87 Kulsu Kuma (Culso Coma, Culsicuma) (hill), 11/41 [Ne WO Gz]
1123'/4122' 525 m
HDL71 Kulte (K'ult'e, Qulte) 0946'/3831' 2723 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
kulu (T) all; kuuluu (O) 1. add a fringe; 2. use kohl at the eyes
HFE60 Kulu Ferha 1410'/3826' 1950 m, west of Aksum 14/38 [Gz]
HE... Kulu Ferha sub-district (K. Feriha ..) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mai Semut)
kulu g..: gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. meet one's obligations;
guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/
HCT74 Kulu Gudu (Tullo Guddo, T. Guddu, Tullu Guddu) 07/38 [Gz]
(Tulugudo, Mount Zion) 0756'/3851' 1636 m
island in lake Ziway, with monastery Debre Tsiyon
HCR27 Kulube (K'ulube, Qulube) 0728'/3717' 2420 m 07/37 [Gz q]
kulubi, qulubbii (O) cultivated garlic, Allium ursinum
JDJ41 Kulubi (K'ulubi, Qulubi, Kolubi, Collubi, Culubi) 09/41 [Gz q Ro WO]
(Kulibi, Kalubi, Fre: Kouloubi) 09/41 [Br x 18]
(place) 0926'/4141' 2130 m
south-west of Dire Dawa, cf Gulubi, Kolubi, Kullubi
Coordinates would give map code JDJ42
Sub-district & its centre in 1964,
with church Kidus Gebriel and sub-post office under Dire Dawa.
JDJ42 Kulubi (K'ulubi, Qulubi, G. Collubi) 09/41 [Gz Wa WO]
peak 0928'/4142' (mountain) 1889/2130/2705 m
HDK18 Kulufi 09/38 [AA]

kulula (O) donkey; kululaa (Som) hot

JDK62 Kulula (Culula) (large village) 1850 m 09/42 [+ WO Gu]
kuluuluu (O) pumpkin bud;
kolulu (O) age grade in the gada and jila systems
HCL52 Kulullu (Culullu) (area) 2970 m, cf Kololo 06/38 [+ WO]
HCT.. Kulumsa (Kilumsa, Simba) (with experimental farm) 07/39 [x It]
JBP70 Kulunta (area) 05/40 [WO]
HDK18 Kuluti 0912'/3818' 2553 m, 09/38 [Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem

HDT16 Kum Amba kebele (Qum .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]

in the middle of north Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda stretching
to its northern border, 3-9 km north-northwest of Alem Ketema;
area 1,114 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kuma (O) thousand; quma (O) coffee plant;
qoomaa (O) instant killiing
HDH59 Kuma (Cuma, Tulu Kouma) (mountain) 09/36 [+ Gz]
0933'/3634' 1520 m, near map code HDJ50
kumaad (Som) thousandth; qumad (Som) branding iron
HDP86 Kumad (Cumad) 1042'/3615' 1520 m 10/36 [Gz Ch WO Gu]
HDL83 Kumando (Comanda Tabia) 0947'/3844' 2821 m, 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
see under Fiche
JDJ25 Kumash (K'umash, Qumash) 0916'/4203' 1744 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
west of Harar
kumba (Som) kind of vessel /for milk/ shaped as a double cone
HDB79 Kumba (Cumba) (area), see under Arjo 08/36 [+ WO]
HDB25 Kumbabe (K'umbabe, Qumbabe, Kumbabie) 08/36 [Gz q Ad WO]
(Kumbaabo, Cumbarie) 0822'/3607' 2112 m
(centre in 1964 of Chora wereda)
GDM01 Kumbabi & Wabera sub-district 09/34 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gray)
kumbale: qumbela (O) the tree "white pear", Apodytes dimidiata,
tall forest tree with irregular trunk; its young shoots are copper-red
HDB14 Kumbale (Cumbale, Ciunbae) 08/36 [+ Gu WO]
HDP86 Kumbari 1043'/3615' 10/36 [x]
HEK43c Kumbel (Cumbel), 12/37 [+ x]
peak south-west of Wehni
H.... Kumbeloch (Koumbeloch) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Neti sub-district)
kumbi, qumbii (O) gum resin, myrrh, incense, Commiphora abyssinica,
C. habessinica; (Som) to cook in butter in order to preserve /pieces of meat/;
kumbi, kunbi (A) kuumbii (O) trunk /of elephant/
HBR15 Kumbi (K'umbi, Qumbi, Dakkamunna, Duggamunna) 04/37 [Gz q WO Gu]
(mountain range & pass) 0442'/3704' 1242/1311 m
HCM10 Kumbi (Cumbi) (area), cf Gumbi 06/39 [+ WO]
HC... Kumbi (in Jimma awraja) 07/37 [Ad]
HC... Kumbi (Qumbi), in the lake region ../.. [x]
HCR89 Kumbi (K'umbi, Qumbi, Cumbi, Qumbe, Gumbi) 08/37 [Gz Ad 18]
(Koumbi) 0758'/3725' or Gz: 0808'/3729' 1900 m
(centre in 1964 of Abelti sub-district), with market
Gz coordinates would give map code HCR99
HCS83c Kumbi 08/37 [Te]
HCS90 Kumbi 0805'/3732'c, 08/37 [x]
at some distance from Omo west of that river,
nearer to Shiro to the south than Abelti to the north
HDD00 Kumbi (Gumbi) 1932 m, see under Abelti 08/37 [LM WO Gu]
HDU55 Kumbi (Cumbi) (mountain) 1027'/3949' 2507 m 10/39 [+ Gz]
JDA94 Kumbi, see Gumbi
JDB48 Kumbi 0834'/4128' 1449 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDC00 Kumbi (Cumbi) 0810'/4139' 1275 m 08/41 [LM WO Gz]
JDC30 Kumbi 08/41 [MS]
HDF80 Kumbi Meskeya kebele (.. Mäsqäya ..) 08/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the west in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
6-9 km east of Balchi; area 782 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HET43 Kumbrestava (Cumbrestava) 13/38 [+ WO]
HDB81 Kumbukye (Cumbuchie) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDJ49 Kumbultsha, see Kombolcha
HDJ35 Kumburo (K'umburo, Qumburo), 09/37 [Gz q]
0922'/3706' 2437 m, near Haretu
HDK28 Kume 0918'/3814' 2680 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem
HEP16 Kumer (Comar) 1250'/3615' 763 m, 12/36 [Gz WO]
(with church Maryam to the east), south-east of Metemma
HER56 Kumer (Cumer) 13/37 [+ WO]
-- Kumfel language, see Kunfel
HBM44 Kummumma, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
?? Kumruk ../.. [20]
?? Kumudu, a valley in Sidamo, with gold production ../.. [Mi]
-- Kumus language, see Uduk
kuna: kunna (qunna) (A) a measure for grain,
woven basket holding about 5 kg of grain;
kuna (Som) and to
HDK18 Kuna (K'una, Quna) 0910'/3818' 2779 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Addis Alem
HDK88 Kuna 0950'/3819' 2576 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HDT67 Kuna (K'una, Quna) 1030'/3908' 2108 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HFD49 Kuna Amba (Cuna A.), see Guna Amba
kunacho: kuncho (qunch'o) (A) tuft, lock of hair on the
shaved head of a child
HDK58 Kunacho (K'unach'o, Qunacho) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0931'/3814' 2543 m
H.... Kunalie 13/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dildil Melfa sub-district)
-- Kunama, ethnic group living mostly in Eritrea but inside Ethiopia
numbering about 2,007 according to the 1994 census
GCM17 Kuncho 0627'/3658' 2097 m, 06/36 [Gz]
at some distance from the border of Sudan
?? Kuncho Ber, on the Moyale road, ../.. [x]
with financial check-point
kunde: qunde (Som) dried meat
HDJ84 Kunde (K'unde, Qunde) 0950'/3658' 2136 m, 09/36 [Gz q]
south-west of Alibo
HDL40 Kunde (K'unde, Qunde) 0925'/3829' 2671 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDM64 Kundi, see Aba Wibe Ager
HEF31 Kundi (K'undi, Qundi) 1108'/3926' 2697 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
(mountain peak), west of Dessie
HEF51 Kundi (K'undi, Qundi) 1121'/3929' 2986 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Dessie
HEM0.? Kundi (valley, tree plantation) 11/39? [x]
HEM02 Kundi (Cundi), see under Weldiya 11/39 [+ WO]
HDM64 Kundi kebele (Qundi ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the north at the western border of Ankober wereda,
5-9 km north of Ankober town; area 639 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF51 Kundi kebele (Qundi ..) 11/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly in Kuta Ber wereda from its northern
border 17 km towards the south-east; area 3,884 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCM03 Kundu 0623'/3935' 1524 m 06/39 [Gz]
JDJ48 Kundudo Terara, see Kondudo
kune: cune (Som) throat; eater
HDE97 Kune 0858'/3905' 2424 m, near Chefe Donsa 08/39 [Gz]
HDL82 Kune (K'une, Qune) 0946'/3840' 3248 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(mountain), west of Fiche
HDF82 Kuneti 0853'/3934' 1404 m 08/39 [Gz]
-- Kunfel, an ethnic group in the west, numbering
about 5,000 according to Levinson in 1998
-- Kunfel language
HCA52 Kungul (area) 05/35 [WO]
kuni (O) this one
HCE59 Kuni (Cuni) (area) 0557'/3913' 1915/1980 m, 05/39 [n WO Gz]
east of Kibre Mengist
HDJ75 Kuni (K'un'i, Quni) 0941'/3703' 2452 m, 09/37 [Gz q]
north of Shambu
JDB92 Kuni (K'uni, Quni, Kunni, Cunni) 09/40 [Gz q Ad WO]
0900'/4053' 2350 m, cf Kunni
(centre in 1964 of Wulakuni sub-district)
(visiting postman under Asbe Teferi), south of Asbe Teferi
JDB92 Kuni (K'uni, Quni) 0901'/4054' 2476 m, 09/40 [Gz q]
(with church Giyorgis), south of Asbe Teferi
JDH01c Kuni, town in Chiro wereda 09/40 [20]
?? Kuni Muktar Wildlife Sanctuary 08/40? [Ca]
Established in 1990 to protect mountain nyala and Menelik's bushbuck.
JDB80 Kuni wereda (centre in 1964 = Bedesa) 08/40 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEH60 Kunjara (Cungiara, Cangiara, Cangiaro), 12/35 [WO Gz]
(area) 1220'/3550'
kunji..: dalota (O) tribe, origin, birthplace, descent
?? Kunjina Dalota (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HCR34 Kunju (Cungiu) 0734'/3700' 1762 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
kunni,qunnii (O) tall grass that grows near rivers;
(A) woman's perfume
JDB74c Kunni (Kounni) circa 0850'/4105', cf Kuni 08/41 [18 x]
about 160 km from Harar on old route to Addis Abeba
JDB92 Kunni, see Kuni
JDH03 Kunni (Cunni) (with sawmill), cf Kuni 09/40 [+ WO]
?? Kunte (Tullo Cunte) ../.. [+ Gu]
HBU93 Kuntulo (Cuntulo) 0525'/3938' 1444 m, 05/39 [+ Gz]
mountain near Negele
HDE62 Kunture (village & market near Awash), 08/38 [x]
cf Melka Kunture
JCD90 Kunyo (Cugno) 0617'/4233' 377 m, 06/42 [Gz WO]
at Webi Shebele
HEJ14 Kunzila (K'unzila, Qunzila, Kunzella, Kunzela) 11/37 [Gz q Po Wa]
(Cancella, Cansela, Qwinzila) 11/37 [x]
1153'/3702' 1784 m
(w church Giyorgis to the west and sub-post office under Gondar)
(centre /Kunzela Giorghis/ in 1964 of Wondiye sub-district)
at the south-western shore of lake Tana, cf Konzula
kur (qur) (A) helmet; (Som) head, top, hill /& other meanings/;
kura, kurra (A) knot of wood; (qura) (A,O) crow, raven;
(O) qura 1. kind of shrub or small tree, Boswellia boranensis,
Boswellia rivae; 2. incense, especially from the tree Boswellia
rivae; quura 3. deep bowl-like plate for food;
kura (T) anger, fury; (Som) kinds of thorn tree, especially
Acacia tortilis
HCN08 Kura 0718'/3534' 1488 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north-west of Shewa Gimira
HDK89 Kura 0951'/3824' 2334 m, south-east of Tulu Milki, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDL11 Kura 0912'/3834' 2660 m, north-east of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL56 Kura 0932'/3859' 2680 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEJ54 Kura (Berberay Cura, B. Kura) 1216'/3700' 1943 m 12/37 [Gz]
JDJ24 Kura 0915'/4201' 1825 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ34 Kura 0922'/4201' 1973 m, north-west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
kura ba..: baad (Som) 1. good pasture; 2. tribute; 3. wing
JCD69 Kura Baad (Cura Baad) 0602'/4320' 286 m 06/43 [+ WO Gz]
kura bu..: bura (Som) coral tree, Erythrina abyssinica
HBK47 Kura Bura (area) 03/38 [WO]
kura d..: dheer (Som) tall, long, deep
JCL87 Kura Der (Cura Der) 07/44 [+ WO]
kura k..: kuba, quba (O) finger;
qubane (Som) variety, miscellany
JBP26 Kura Kubane (Cura Cubane) (area) 0442'/4212' 04/41 [+ WO Gz]
HDM64 Kura Maryam kebele (Qura .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
15-20 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 516 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JD... Kuraba 09/40 [18]
HEJ33 Kurabas 1207'/3656' 1796 m, west of lake Tana 12/36 [Gz]
HEL18 Kurakura (K'urak'ura, Quraqura, K'urk'ura) 11/39 [Gz q]
1152'/3910' 3324 m
JBR10 Kural (Cural) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
JCC39 Kurale (Curale) (plain) 05/42 [+ MS WO]
JCU61 Kurale (Curale, Curati, Kurati) 0748'/4427' 997 m 07/44 [+ WO Gz 18]
JBT62 Kuraley (Curalei) 05/43 [+ WO]
JEB25c Kurali (Kourali) (mountains), 11/41 [x]
circa 1105'/4110', east of Awash river
-- kuralle: Warra Karalle (the people/family of Karalle),
name of a Babile tribe of eastern Oromo
JBJ84 Kuralley (Curallei, Curullei, Guralei) (wide plain) 04/42 [+ WO Gz Gu]
0426'/4203' 190 m
HDS02 Kuramba (K'uramba, Quramba), cf Koramba 09/37 [AA q]
HDS02 Kuramba (K'uramba, Quramba) 0957'/3746' 2163 m 09/37 [Gz q]
(qurr amba = frost mountain?)
Kuran, here not the holy book of Islam?
JDD84 Kuran (K'uran, Quran) 0856'/4253' 1532 m, 08/42 [Gz q]
south-east of Jijiga
JDD94 Kuran (K'uran, Quran) 0902'/4255' 1585 m, 09/42 [Gz q]
south-east of Jijiga
HES49 Kurana (Curana) 13/38 [+ WO]
kuranyo (Som) ant
kurasid: kuraasida (Arabic,Som) chairs
HEC79 Kurasid (Curasid) 11/37 [+ WO]
kurat (A) pride, vanity, conceit
JCU61 Kurati, see Kurale

kuray (Som) boy /under 15/

HBL70 Kurayu Subbu Geddu 04/38 [WO]
kuraz: kurraz (A) small kerosene lamp
?? Kuraz awraja (Kurraz ..), ../.. [n]
in the lower Omo valley
?? Kuraz wereda (Geleb ..) ../.. [n]
(centre in 1995 = Omorate, in South Omo zone)
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
kurba (A) 1. kind of bush or tree; 2. centre /of the world/
HE... Kurba (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/39 [Ad]
JDG97 Kurbe (Curbili Ale, Kurbili, Curbilli) (mountain) 09/40 [Gz Ne WO Gu]
0953'/4026' 819, 1055 m
HEU62 Kurbele 1312'/3937' 2145 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), south of Kwiha
JDG97 Kurbili, see Kurbe
JEA57 Kurbili (Curbili) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HBK40 Kurbu, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
kure (A) pond, pool; curre (Som) male cat;
-- Kure, a tribe belonging to the Ari group
HCA48 Kure 0551'/3633' 1484 m 05/36 [Gz]
HCB36 Kure (Cure) 0546'/3616' 541 m, 05/36 [+ WO Gz]
cf Kuri, Kurre ..
HCB38 Kure (Cure) 0547'/3629' 1249, 1478 m 05/36 [WO]
HDG14 Kure (Cure) 1473/1533 m, see Bata 09/35 [+ WO]
HDK44 Kure 0929'/3759' 2130 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK88 Kure 0947'/3817' 2552 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HDL84 Kure 0951'/3850' 1952 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam), east of Fiche
HDM91 Kure 0955'/3925' 2466 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
kure b..: beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, thorn enclosure for cattle
JDG82 Kure Beret 0950'/4001' 1235 m 09/40 [Gz]
HDM87 Kure Beret kebele (Kuré Bärät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Kewet wereda at its border, 18-22 km
south-southeast of Shewa Robit; area 2,197 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL95 Kure & Kordida kebele (Kuré .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda near
the middle of its western border; area 1,982 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM Kure Mehal Midir kebele (Kuré Mähal Meder ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the south in central Ankober wereda,
3-6 km south-east of Ankober town and near Aliyu Amba
to its north-west; area 665 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK60 Kureba (Cureva, Coreva) (recorded in 1841) 12/37 [+ WO Ha]
HDT36 Kurebaymuda kebele (Kurébaymuda ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, 11-14 km
north-west of Meragna; area 1,249 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kurema meret (qurema märet) (A) land where seeds can
germinate but never reach full maturity
HDL65 Kuremanyo (K'uremanyo, Quremanyo) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0939'/3853' 2625 m, see under Debre Libanos
HDU94 Kurengire kebele (Kuréngeré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching
narrowly more than halfway across it, 17-20 km
north-northwest of Majete; area 1,102 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF33 Kuret (K'uret, Quret) 1353'/3943' 2746 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
west of Atsbi
HFF44 Kuret (K'uret, Quret) 1356'/3944' 2783 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Atsbi
HDT75 Kuret kebele (Kurät ..) 10/38 [Ad]
far to the north-east of Wegdi wereda at its northern border,
9-13 km south-east of Mekane Selam; area 1,101 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF46 Kuret sub-district (centre in 1964 = Inda Silase) 13/39 [Ad]
kurfa ..: kurfa-u (O) be ready, be organised
JDH55 Kurfa Bike (Curfa Biche) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
JDC50 Kurfa Chele 0840'/4140' 08/41 [MS]
(high plateau, with spring)
JDJ22 Kurfa Chele (K. Ch'ele, Kurfe Chele, Kurfachelie) 08/41 [Gz Po Ad]
(Curfacelli, Kurifachele, Korfachele, Kurfochele) 08/41 [WO Gu]
(Fre: Kourfatchalé) 0914'/4149' 2000, 2290m
JDJ22 Kurfa Chele wereda (centre in 1964 = Kurfa Chele) 08/41 [MS Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 26 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
kurfa d..: dida (O) 1. unmanageable /work animal/;
2. forest, camp; 3. elsewhere, from another place
didaa (O) recalcitrant /domestic animal/; didhaa (O) revenge
JDH30 Kurfa Dida (Curfa Dida) (area), see under Mieso 09/40 [+ WO]
JDH57 Kurfa Ihiya (Curfa Ihia) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
kurfa j..: jarti, jartii (O) old, respectable /woman/
JDG18 Kurfa Jarti (Curfa Giarti) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
HEF04 Kurfa kebele (Qurfa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda at its southern
border, 20-23 km south of Kombolcha; area 1,713 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kurfa k..: kurkura (A,O) kind of thorny shrub;
kurkuraa (O) /male/ toddler
JDC40 Kurfa Kurkura (Curfa Curcura) (area) 1462 m 08/41 [+ WO]
kurfa r..: roka (roqa) (A,O) kinds of shrub or medium tree,
Tamarindus, Trichilia;
rokaa, roqaa (O) rancid, rotten, bad /food/
JDB42 Kurfa Roka (K.Rok'a, K.Roqa) 0833'/4054' 1644 m 08/40 [Gz q]
JDH57 Kurfa Savenza (Curfa Savenza) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
kurfa-u (O) be ready, be organized;
kurfad (A) pug-nosed and small-faced /person/
HDU61 Kurfet kebele (Kurfät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
almost in north-easternmost Jema wereda at its northern border,
16-22 km east-northeast of Degolo; area 4,114 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kurfo (A) old buckler (shield) out of use
HDL16 Kurfo 0910'/3858' 2579 m, see under Sendafa 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL40 Kurfo 0926'/3827' 2130 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDE38 Kurftu (centre in 1964 of Wenji sub-district) 08/39 [Ad]
kuri (O) 1. kind of tall tree with ebony-type wood,
Diospyros abyssinica; kurii 2. dear /term of endearment/;
3. (O?) small water reservoir filled at night, for irrigation;
kuri, kurri (A) kind of fish with black colour;
khuuri (Som) kind of tall and dark tree;
curri (Som) male cat; curi (Som) initiate, create;
kuuri (Som) come near to, approach
HCB00 Kuri (well), cf Kure 05/35 [WO]
kuri bal: bal (Som) large leaf; baal (Som) 1. wing,
feather; 2. side, edge
JBS34 Kuri Bal (Curi Bal) 04/42 [+ WO]
-- kuri karomursi: Karo, Mursi, two ethnic groups in the Omo region
H.... Kuri Karomursi sub-district (Kurie ..) 05/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kero)
HDK34 Kuricha (K'uricha, Quricha) 0921'/3755' 2468 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
(there is one Koricha at 4 km to the NW)
HE... Kurieb sub-district, cf Koreb 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mewcha Gubedega)
JDJ22 Kurifachele, see Kurfa Chele
HEE85 Kurisa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda, adjoining Filakit and stretching
from there 10 km to the north-east; area 4,617 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCA68 Kurit (Kourit) 0557'/3533' 1183 m 05/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kurit wereda & of Kiseki sub-district)
HCA68 Kurit sub-district (-1997-) 05/35 [n]
HDU44 Kuriya kebele (Quriya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north-east Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
3-11 km north of Mehal Meda; area 2,163 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kurkur (T) 1. puppy, cub; 2. henchman; curcur (Som) 1. hill;
2. forearm, wrist; qurqur (Som) edge, rim
HEF33 Kurkur (Curcur) (area), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
HFE51 Kurkur (Curcur) (mountain) 14/38 [+ Gu Gz]
1403'/3838' 2431/2462 m
HEE96 Kurkur Iyesus (K'urk'ur I.) (church) 1143'/3901' 11/39 [Gz]
HDM93 Kurkur kebele (Qurqur ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in the main body of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja
& Wadera wereda, 9-12 km north-west of Debre Sina;
area 474 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE38 Kurkur kebele (Qurqur ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Tenta wereda at its western border, 18-25 km
south-southwest of Tenta settlement; area 4,146 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE96 Kurkur kebele (Qurqur ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda at its northern border, 11-18 km
north-east of Bete Hor; area 1,739 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDB69? Kurkur kebele (in Golo Oda wereda) 08/41 [20]

kurkura (A,O), kurkurrah (Borana) kind of thorny shrub,

Zizyphus mauritiana, Z. spina-christi, also Euclea schimperi;
kurkura (O) toddler, very young boy;
HDL92 Kurkura (K'urk'ura, Qurqura) 0955'/3838' 2092 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Fiche
HDL93 Kurkura (K'urk'ura, Qurqura) 0953'/3846' 1411 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Fiche
HDT88 Kurkura (K'urk'ura, Qurqura) 1045'/3913' 2737 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Were Ilu
HEL18 Kurkura (K'urk'ura, Qurqura), see Kurakura
HEM42 Kurkura (K'urk'ura, Qurqura) 1210'/3932' 2046 m 12/39 [Gz q]
HER48 Kurkura (Curcura, Amba Cucura) (mountain) 13/37 [+ Gz]
1305'/3719' 1643 m
HER56 Kurkura (Curcura) (mountain) 1305'/3719' 1643 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HER47
JDA64 Kurkura (Curcura) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
JDA97 Kurkura (Curcura) 09/40 [+ WO]
HCR.. Kurkure c. 2250 m, in Kefa 07/37 [Mi]
JDJ03 Kurkuro (K'urk'uro, Qurquro) 0903'/4157' 1518 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south-east of Grawa, near map code JDC93
-- Kurkuru, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
HDU44 Kurkuta 1019'/3946' 3269 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Were Ilu
HER36 Kurkwana (Curcuana) (mountain) 13/37 [+ Gz]
1300'/3710' 2243 m
HEC86 Kurle (Curle) 11/37 [+ It]
kurma (A) elbow;
-- Kula Kurme, a lineage of the Borana people
?? Kurma (visiting postman under Nazret), cf Korma ../.. [Po]
HDF91 Kurma kebele 08/39 [Ad]
in the east-west middle of Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
13-16 km north-east of Balchi; area 1,054 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kurma mulo: mullu (O) boiled grain
-- Mullo, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HBK18 Kurma Mulo 03/38 [WO]
kurman (A), kurmana (O) quarter part /of an injera/
kurmi: qurmi (Som) decompose, stink, rot
HEF76 Kurmi (K'urmi, Qurmi) 1133'/3956' 1325 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
north-east of Hayk
KCP76 Kurmis (Curmis) 0754'/4619' 691 m 07/46 [MS WO Gz]
KCP85 Kurmis (Fantah Ueina, Fantauenia, Fantauena) 08/46 [Gz WO]
(Fantaweina) 0800'/4614' 737 m,
shown at code KCP87 on WO map
?? Kurmo 2513 m, ../.. [x]
double village on both sides of a ridge
JDG95 Kurmuhudali (Curmuhudali) 0953'/4015' 648 m 09/40 [+ WO Gz]
GDT69 Kurmuk (Kurmuck) 10/34 [WO Gz n]
MS: 1030'/3420' = GDU60 900 m
Gz: 1032'/3417' 653 m
GDT69 Kurmuk sub-district (-1997-), 10/34 [n]
slightly less than 1000 m altitude
?? Kurmuk wereda (-2003-) 10/34 [20]
along the border of Sudan in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State
(-1994-) is divided into 21 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
kurno (O) tithe
H.... Kurno (with mission?) 08/36 [x]
HDK98 Kurno 0957'/3819' 2563 m, near Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
kuro (western O) kinds of tall tree, Aningeria altissima,
Polyscias ferruginea; quuro (O) crow, raven;
kuro (A) donkey which is not strong enough to carry a load,
(Kefa) donkey /in general?/;
curo (Som) become initiated, give birth for the first time /etc/;
khuuro (Som) snoring
HBL00 Kuro (area), cf Kurro 03/38 [WO]
HDG73 Kuro (K'uro, Quro) 0942'/3507' 1526 m, 09/35 [Gz q]
south of Mendi
kuro g..: gebo (A,O) kinds of highland bamboo;
(O) vessel of wicker-work; gebbo (O) kind of climber,
Landolphia owariensis
?? Kuro Gebo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JBJ71 Kuron (Curon) (area) 0425'/4135' 04/41 [+ WO Gz]
HEC54 Kurrach Giyorgis (Currach Gheorghis) 11/36 [+ It]
(with church) 1960 m
HBM53 Kurraya (G. Curraia, El Curraia) (well) 04/39 [+ WO Gz]
?? Kurraz, see Kuraz
kurre l..: libaan (Som) prosperity, blessing;
-- Liban, a Mecha Oromo tribe
HBU53 Kurre Liban (Curre Liban) 0458'/3935' 04/39 [+ WO Gz]
(area), cf Kure
HDU63 Kurrie, see Ayzosh Amora
HBL69 Kurrihello (Gebel Currihello, Ciurriheilo, Churriheilo) 04/39 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain) 0410'/3915' 1271 m
JBJ68 Kurro, see Gurro, cf Kuro
JDC10 Kurro (Curro) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
?? Kurro Gedel (Qurro G.), in Tegulet ../.. [+ n}
kurt (qurt) (A) cut, definite, explicit;
(qwurt) abrupt; (qwirt) sentence in the last instance;
kurt gebr (qurt gebr) (A) regions which were allowed
to pay a fixed annual tax revenue to the palace;
kurrta (T) carrot, Daucos carota; kurti (O) lynx-like cat,
Caracal caracal
HDU14 Kurt Amba kebele (Qurt' .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at the middle
of its eastern border, 12-13 km east of Molale; area 264 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC57c Kurt Bahr (Curti, It: Lago Curti) (lake) 1121'/3719' 11/37 [Ch Gu Gz]
HCC42c Kurtso, 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in the east of the Maale-inhabited district
kurtumi, kurtummi, qurt'ummii (O) fish
JDG65 Kurtumi (Cortumi) 0935'/4018' 667/717 m 09/40 [LM WO Gz]
JDH50 Kurtumi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Butuji) 09/40 [Ad]
kuru (A) proud, high-spirited; quuruu (O) humpback
HDB76 Kuru Medhane Alem (Enda M. Alem, church) 08/36 [LM WO]
kurub: qurub (Som) fragment, piece; break to bits
GDL78c Kurub 09/34 [LM]
HDR95 Kurub (Curub) (area) 10/37 [+ WO]
JEB85 Kurub 1136'/4110' 11/41 [x]
JEH16 Kurub (Curub, Corub, Sardo)1153'/4113' 505/602 m 11/41 [Gz WO Gu]
lone mountain south-west of Serdo
JEJ11 Kurub 1153'/4113' 505 m 11/41 [Gz]
kurub b..: bahri, bahiri (T) sea
JEH08c Kurub Bahari (Curub Bahari, Alcarun) 11/41 [+ Gu]
(wide plain)
kurub ke rasu: ke (O) your; rasu (A) the head, the cape
kurub m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
JEB95 Kurub Meda (Curub Che Rasu) (plain) 11/41 [Gz WO]
kuruba (Bale O) kind of tree in the wetter parts of
medium-altitude forests, Polyscias ferruginea;
kurrubba, qurrubba (O) disease that makes the victim shiver
HDE39 Kuruftu 0828'/3914' 1558 m, south of Nazret 08/39 [Gz]
HDE.. Kuruftu, see Debre Zeyt lakes
?? Kurum (in the South Omo Zone) ../.. [n]
HEF23 Kuruna Medena kebele (.. Mädäna ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dese Zuriya wereda, 3-8 km
south of Dessie town; area 1,413 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kurupe, kuruppe, krupe, krupo (O) duiker, small antelope,
Sylvicapra grimmia abyssinica
HDK57 Kurupe 0935'/3811' 2259 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), cf Krupe
HDH66 Kuruppe (Curuppe) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
KDA32 Kururohle (Qururohle) (area) 08/45 [+ WO]
kuryo (Arabic,Som) round shape, circle, sphere
kus (A) excrement /of bird/, dung
JCK50 Kus Dulamo (Koos D.) (mountain chain) 07/42 [Gz]
0700'/4235' 918 m
kusa, kuusaa (O) pile, store;
kusa (O) a grade in the gada system comprising eight years
HBL66 Kusa (Cussa) 0412'/3905' 1310 m 04/39 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HBL67
HDT13 Kusay kebele 10/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda stretching to its
northern border, 19-25 km west of Alem Ketema; area 1,482 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kusayee (O) kind of mint plant used as spice for milk
and cottage cheese, for fumigating utensils and for
making brooms
H.... Kusaye (Kusai) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Deger sub-district)
HDB30 Kusaye 0825'/3543' 1671 m, north-east of Gore 08/35? [Gz Ad]
HDE51 Kusaye 0836'/3835' 2164 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE59 Kusaye (Cusae) (area) 0836'/3915' 1877 m 08/39 [x WO Gz]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), see under Nazret
HDE60 Kusaye 0843'/3826' 2080 m (with church Abo) 08/38 [Gz]
HDK07 Kusaye (Kusayie) 0906'/3813' 2724 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
north-west of Addis Alem,
(centre in 1964 of Hidi sub-district)
HDK33 Kusaye (mountain) 0924'/3748' 1798 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL98 Kusaye Abo (church) 0954'/3913' 09/39 [Gz]
HDL99 Kusaye kebele (Kusayé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Moret & Jiru wereda at the corner
of its eastern and southern borders, 4-12 km east of Inewari;
area 2,575 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ57 Kuse 0932'/4214' 2035 m, north-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HCC93 Kuseti 0619'/3655' 1315 m, north-east of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
Kush, old name of Nubia; qush (Som) bile, /extended:/ anger;
dalate (O) firstborn
JDE12 Kush Dalat (Cush Dalat) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
-- Kusha, see Kucha
GDL78 Kusha (Cuscia, Gebel C.) (mountain) 0946/3410' 09/34 [Gz WO]
JDJ24 Kusharo (Kushar) 0915'/4159' 1707 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north-east of Grawa
HDL91 Kusho 0952'/3832' 2672 m, east of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK50 Kushulu 0931'/3734' 1580 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
kuska t..: tulli (A) (t'ulli) 1. gourd, bottle;
2. loincloth; (tulli) 3. anus, rectum
JDD38 Kuska Tulli (Cusca Tulli) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HEC75 Kuskust (Cuscul) 1030'/3703' 1898 m, 11/37 [Gz WO]
north-east of Dangila
kuskwam, forty-day period of fasting preceding the
feast of the Flight to Egypt; named from the church
where according to tradition the Holy Family found
protection in Egypt
HDS99 Kuskwam (K'usk'wam, Qusqwam) 10/38 [Gz q]
1049'/3822' 2364 m 10/38 [Gz q]
HED74 Kuskwam (Cusquam) (church), cf Kwoskwam 11/37 [LM WO]
HEJ09 Kuskwam, see under Mahdera Sibhat
HEJ99c Kuskwam (Cusquam) (historical ruins), 12/37 [+ x]
see under "Gondar castles in neighbourhood"
HEK10 Kuskwam (Kuaskuam), on Tana Kirkos/Cherkos 11/37 [+ Ch]
HEM71 Kuskwam (K'usk'wam, Qusqwam), 12/39 [Gz q]
1227'/3928' 2528 m, west of Alamata
HDU91 Kuskwas (Kusk'was, Kusqwas) 10/39 [Gz]
1046'/3925' 2851 m, north-west of Were Ilu
kuso: quuso (Som) despair, give up
HDL35 Kuso 0921'/3853' 2912 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Addis Abeba
kussa (T) kind of thorny shrub or small tree,
Zizyphus spina-christi; (A?) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
HBL66 Kussa (Cussa) 0412'/3905' 1310 m, 04/39 [Wa MS WO]
(with seasonal waterhole)
HCG85c Kussa (Kusa, Fre: Koussa) 0705'/3515c 07/35 [x]
Village near Gojeb river, with name given by the local people.
JEB54 Kussara (Cussara) 1120'/4102' 447 m 11/41 [+ Gz]
HDB69 Kussayie (Cussae) 0841'/3636' 2402 m, 08/36 [Ad WO Gu]
see under Arjo
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), cf Kusaye, Kutaye
kussi: qusii (O) frugality
H.... Kussi (centre in 1964 of Sibu Gambel sub-district) 08/35? [Ad]
HED76 Kut c.1132'/3805', 11/38 [20]
area some 35 km south-southeast of Debre Tabor
kuta (O) measured plot of land /to be ploughed or weeded/;
quta, bud or shoot /of pumpkin/;
kuta (A,O) large cotton dress with embroidered stripe on
each end; kutta (O) courtyard; (qutt'a) (A) anger, wrath
HCU96 Kuta (K'ut'a, Quta) 0806'/3956' 2169 m 08/39 [Gz q]
kuta b..: ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HEF42 Kuta Ber (Kutaber, Ambo) 11/39 [Gz Po Ad WO]
1116'/3932' 3205 m, north-west of Dessie
(with school, church Abo and sub-post office under Dessie)
(centre in 1964 of Adela Wedih wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
4E Werkariya kebele
6E Nibo kebele
8SE Mesel kebele
4SW Haroye kebele
7SW Barkana kebele
10SW Segon kebele
5W Manosh kebele
5NW Aba Selama kebele
6NW Kesekese Jerjero kebele
7NW Kundi kebele
8N Dino kebele
4NE Alsa kebele
5NE Koshimu kebele
6NE Minchu kebele
9NE Mariye kebele
10NE Jari Fil Wiha kebele
HEF42 Kuta Ber wereda (Kutaber ..) (-1970s-1997-) 11/39 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 32 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Aba Selama, Alansho, Albiko, Alsa, Amba Gibi, Arses Amba,
Ascha (Hef..), Ayata, Barkana, Berara, Berara Jerjero, Beshelo,
Dengwola, Deshen, Diguguru, Dire, Gilbite, Gisa Meda, Gworo
Mendera, Haroye, Ismano, Kelem Dereba, Kesekese Jerjero,
Kundi, Liwcho, Manosh, Metero, Segon, Siro, Tid Gebeya, Tikana,
-- Kutai, a subtribe of the Mecha/Liban Oromo
?? Kutai (Ulla Garré = 'Window Opening'), area & place ../.. [x]
HDK53 Kutai, see Gindeberet
H.... Kutai Giyorgis, ../.. [Ch]
a day trip from Dejen and near the Abay river
HDD92 Kutai sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kutai) 08/37 [Ad]
HDG.. Kutalla Biltima, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
JCP94 Kutara 0804'/4106' 764 m 08/41 [Gz]
HDB69 Kutaye (Cussae) 0841'/3636' 2402 m 08/36 [Gz WO Gu]
HDC60 Kutaye 0841'/3636' 2402 m, south-east of Arjo, 08/36 [Gz]
near map code HDB59
HDT88 Kutaye 1041'/3914' 2728 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north-west of Were Ilu
HDU50 Kutaye 1026'/3921' 2618 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
HDU81 Kutaye (K'ut'aye, Qutaye) 1041/3925' 2626 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
north-west of Were Ilu
HDF92 Kutebab (Cutebab) 0859'/3933' 1697/1749 m 08/39 [+ Gu Gz]
?? Kuten, north-west of Wembera 10/35? [Mi]
HEE30 Kuten kebele (Qut'én ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in westernmost central Sayint wereda at its western border,
20-28 km west of Ajibar; area 5,636 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF02 Kuter (Qut'er), see Kutir
HDF90 Kutere (K'utere, Qutere, K'utre) 08/39 [Gz q]
0859'/3920' 2163 m, east of Chefe Donsa
HCP25 Kuti (K'ut'i, Quti) 0727'/3613' 1571 m, 07/36 [Gz q]
north of Bonga
HEF02 Kutir kebeles (Qut'er ..) 10/39 [Ad]
There are 13 kebeles of that name adjoining each other in an area
40 km north/south in the central/eastern part of Were Ilu wereda.
[CSA 1994]
JEC07 Kutkuda (Cutcuda) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
kutkuta, kutkwato (qut'qwat'o) (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Dodonea viscosa; kudkudda (A) a large tree with green thorns,
Balanites aegyptiaca; kutkota (A) hoeing
HEC67 Kutkuta Mikael (K'utk'uta Mikael) (church), 11/37 [Gz]
1126'/3713', south-west of Bahir Dar
HDS69 Kutkwat (K'ut'k'wat', Qutqwat) 10/38 [Gz q]
1030'/3823' 2401 m, north-east of Bichena
HDD73 Kuttaye (Cuttae, Kuttai) (area), cf Kutaye, 08/37 [WO 18]
see under Inchini
HDD73 Kuttaye sub-district 08/37 [x]
?? Kutte (on map of 1814), 10/42 [18]
with about one-fourth left of route from the coast to Harar
kutti, quttii (O) boiled green leaves of coffee /usually
drunk with milk/; (Harari) (qutt'i) leaf,
"coffee-tea" from leaves of the coffee tree;
kutti (A) toll, right of levying a toll
HDA59 Kutti (T. Cutti) (hill) 08/35 [+ WO]
kuttye: kutte, quutt'ee (O) excrement /usually small/
HEF92 Kuttye (Cuttie), 11/39 [+ WO]
village on main road 15 km before Weldiya when going northwards
kutu, kutuu (O) cut, pick, sever
GDM31 Kutu 0922'/3428' 1751 m, near Begi 09/34 [Gz]
?? Kutu (Kuttu) (visiting postman under W. Soddo) ../.. [+ Po]
GDM31 Kutu (Cutu) 0922'/3428' 1751 m 09/34 [Gz]
HCA52 Kutul (Cutul) 0553'/3502' 1122 m 05/35 [Gz]
(mountain at the border of Sudan)
HCA52 Kutul Birino (Cutul B.) (mountains mainly in Sudan) 05/35 [Gz]
0554'/3500' 1111 m
HDE99 Kuture kebele (Quture ..) 08/39 [Ad]
rather far to the north-west in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5-8 km north of Balchi; area 1,581 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Kuwena, 13/39? [x]
with rock-hewn church Gebre Menfes Kidus
HEU92 Kuwiha, see Kwiha
HDS65 Kuy (K'uy, Quy) 1031'/3801' 2521 m, 10/38 [Gz q]
north-west of Bichena
HDS68 Kuy (K'uy, Quy) 1034'/3817' 2175 m, 10/38 [Gz q]
north of Bichena
HCD17 Kuya (Cuia) (area), see under Agere Maryam 05/38 [+ WO]
HC... Kuyar, near Shashemene? cf Kuyera 08/38? [Ad]
HCS95c Kuye, in Agena wereda, 08/38 [n]
there is a megalithic site with one stele
HDS.. Kuye, in Bichena awraja 10/38 [Ad]
HDS55 Kuye (Kuye Maryam), see Kuyi Maryam
JDN83 Kuye (Urungu) 1042'/4000' 1564 m 10/40 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JDN82
HC... Kuyera (Kwiera, Keyera) 08/38? [Po Ad]
(with sub-post office under Shashemene)
Since 1947 there is a 7th Day Adventist training school.
HBK09 Kuyew, cf Guyo 03/38 [WO]
HDS55 Kuyi Maryam (Kuye, Kuye Maryam) 10/38 [Gz Ad Po]
1027'/3802' 2567 m, west of Bichena
(visiting postman under Debre Markos)
(centre in 1964 of Debai Tilat Gin wereda)
kuyi: kuyyisa (O) spices
HEU92 Kuyiha, see Kwiha
HCC79 Kuyle 0608'/3726' 1831 m 06/37 [Gz]
?? Kuyo Tumbo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDF83 Kuyu (M. Quiu) (mountain) 1230 m 08/39 [n WO q]
HDK99 Kuyu 0952'/3821' 2487 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDL80 Kuyu (Cuiu, Cuyu) (area) 0948'/2824' 2547 m, 09/38 [+ WO AA Gz]
see also Gebre Guracha
HDL80 Kuyu Balemi 0949'/3825' 2548 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDL80 Kuyu wereda 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gebre Guracha)
(Kuyo ..; Kuuyuu & Hidhabuu Aboote ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEH46 Kuza (Cuza), see Luza
GDF90 Kuzai, T. (hill) 1746 m 09/34 [WO]
HEJ76 Kwa 1227'/3708' 1910 m, 12/37 [Gz]
south-east of Chilga, cf Kua
HEL41 Kwa Amba (Cua Amba) 1209'/3833' 1561 m 12/38 [+ Gz]
HDT01 Kwach & Muhiy kebele (Qwach & Muhey ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the southernmost "tip" of Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel
wereda; area 2,352 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JD... Kwaho (Kuaho) 09/43 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Abesikel sub-district)
kwaja: kwaga, qwaga, wild rose
HEC78 Kwaja (Coagia) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HEU95 Kwakene Shelikot (Cuachene Scelicot) 13/39 [+ Gu]
1329'/3946' 1767 m
HEC13c Kwakera (Quachera, Quakura, Quaquera) 11/36 [+ Gu Pa]
HEC13c Kwakera sub-district 11/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Ashena Mikael)
HEC31 Kwakurta Giyorgis (Kuakurta Giorghis) 11/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Chara sub-district)
HDR95c Kwala (Quala) (village) 2650 m 10/37 [+ Gu]
HEC93 Kwala Maryam (Quala Mariam) (church), ll/36 [+ It]
see under Yismala Giyorgis
kwale (kwalä) (A) made up one's eyelashes with antimony
HD... Kwale, on the Abay river in Gumuz 10/35? [20]
HET63 Kwale (Quale) 13/38 [+ WO]
HE... Kwalissa sub-district (Kualissa .., Qualisa ..) 12/38 [+ Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Meren Shewa)
-- Kwama language, according to an estimate in 1982 there are
about 15,000 speakers along the Sudan border, and in Gambela
and Bonga. The speakers live in 19 villages, including one in Sudan.
HEL33 Kwamba kebele (Qwamba ..) 12/38 [Ad]
a large kebele in westernmost Bugna wereda; area 18,650 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Kwana, see Kuana
HEE84 Kwana kebele (Qwana ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Wadla wereda at its western border,
13-19 km west of Bete Hor; area 4,909 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Kwanim Pa language, see Uduk
HED83 Kwankucha 1135'/3749' 2446 m, east of Bahir Dar 11/37 [Gz]
HDU41 Kwantany (K'want'any, Qwantany) 10/39 [Gz q]
1023'/3930' 2260 m, south of Were Ilu
HEE89 Kwante (K'want'e, Qwante) 1139'/3918' 3283 m 11/39 [Gz q]
(mountain), north of Mekdela
HFF50 Kwaot Gebre Menfes K'idus (K'wa'ot G.M.K.) 14/39 [Gz]
(church) 1406'/3926', south of Adigrat
kwara (qwara) (A,T) coral tree, with ornamental red flowers
turned upwards, Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei;
also (T) Balanites aegyptiaca, see kwasa below;
-- Kwara (Quara), a group of the Agew people and a dialect
HEE84 Kwara (Qwara) (area) 1138'/3849' 11/38 [+ n]
HEH42 Kwara, see Tewodros Ketema
HEH56 Kwara (Quara, Quarra, Kara) (mountain) 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
1218'/3613' 1573 m
HEH42 Kwara Omedla wereda, cf Omedla, 12/35 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Tewodros Ketema)
HEH42? Kwara wereda (Quara ..) (-1997-) 12/35 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 18 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEC99 Kwarata, see Korata
HED22 Kwarib (Quarib) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
HED23 Kwarib (Quarib, Qarib, Garib) (mountain), 11/37 [+ WO Gz]
1104'/3748' 2152, 2700 m, see under Mota
HEA28 Kwaril (Quaril) (hill) 823 m 11/35 [+ WO]
-- Kwarinya language (Qwarenya), in the Agew family
of the Falasha, now extinct
HEC18 Kwarit wereda & sub-district (Kuarit, Quarit) 10/37 [+ Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Gebez Maryam) (-1964-1997-)
HEL33 Kwaro kebele (Qwaro ..) 12/38 [Ad]
in southernmost Bugna wereda, 35 km west of Lalibela;
area 11,570 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU25 Kwash kebele (Qwash ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the north-easternmost tip of the main body of Mafud, Mezezo,
Moja & Wadera wereda, 14-17 km north-east of Sela Dingay;
area 556 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF71 Kwashat kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Ambasel wereda, 8-13 km
north-west of Wichale; area 2,403 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
kwasa (qwasa) (T) kind of tree, Balanites aegyptiaca;
it grows in dry land and has green spines;
kwatsa (qwats'a) (T) punish; kwas (qwas) (A) ball
kwassa a..: abbo, abboo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HES78 Kwassa Abbo, see Jedo
HED58 Kwassa Abo, see Jedu
HE... Kwassa sub-district (Kuassa ..) 11/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arb Gebeya)
kwat (qwat) (A) cavity in grinding stone;
-- Koat, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDL51 Kwat (K'wat, Qwat) 0932'/3835' 1900 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
HDT06 Kwat (K'wat, Qwat) 0959'/3859' 2350 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church) north-east of Fiche
HDU15 Kwatiny (K'wat'iny, Qwatiny) 1005'/3951' 1396 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
east of Molale
-- Kwegu (Bacha), small ethnic group numbering
about 760 (or 500 by year 2000),
living east of Omo river at about HCB12 and northwards,
north of the Kara and south of the Mursi
HEU92 Kweha, see Kwiha
-- Kwera language, see Koorete
HEC99 Kwerata, see Korata
HED60 Kwerata, see Korata
-- Kweskwam, see Gondar castles in neighbourhood, cf Kuskwam
HDR95 Kweskwam (Quosquam), see Askun
HDS99 Kweskwam 1049'/3822' 10/38 [n]
HEC58 Kweskwam (Quosquam, Guscam), 11/37 [x WO Gu]
see under Debre May
HEM71 Kweskwam 1227'/3928' 12/39 [n]
?? Kwey (Qwey), historical area from the 1600s ../.. [x]
GCS86 Kwicher (Cuicer) 0800'/3302' 283 m 08/33 [+ n]
HC... Kwiera, see Kuyera
kwiha: quiha (T) willow tree, Salix subserata
HEU92 Kwiha (Kweha, Kuwiha, Kuyiha, Quiha, Koha) 13/39 [Gz Ad WO 20]
(Fre: Qouiha) MS:1320'/3920' (1329'/3934') 2247/2258 m
MS coordinates would give map code HET79 or HEU70
but those in brackets correspond with War Office map,
town in Enderta wereda
(with school, church Maryam and sub-post office under Mekele)
Centre in 1964 of Igri Hariba sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4E Igre Hariba (Wagir Hariba, Eghir Erive) (village) 2315 m
10E Shugala (Adi Sciunguala, A. Sciagualo) 2392 m
6SE Dandera (Dandeia) (village) 2380 m
8S Asegeda (Sogoda) (village) 2206 m
5SW Shibta (Shefta, Scefta) (village) 2390 m
8SW Dogea (Doghea) (pass w Fortino Sassari) 2265 m
7W (Enda Iyesus, see under Mekele)
6N Harena (Arena, Ariena) (village) 2379 m
7N Aba Selama (Enda Abba Scelema) (village) 2264/2390 m
N Dolo (pass) 2332/2340 m
HEU93 Kwihen (Quihen) 2372 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
-- Kwina language, see Opuuo
HDC75 Kwinchi, G. (mountain) 08/37 [WO]
HDC84 Kwinchi, G. (hill) 08/36 [WO]
kwincho (qwinch'o) (A) pinnacle, summit
?? Kwisha Borodo (Cuiscia B.), ../.. [+ 18]
on the right hand side of Omo river
HEC88 Kwobenti (Cuobenti), see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [+ WO]
HDF30 Kwochedare (M. Quocedare) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
kwok amba (qwoq amba) (A) partridge/francolin mountain
HEE86 Kwokamba (Cuocamba) 1137'/3854' 2428 m, 11/39 [+ WO Gz]
see under Bete Hor
HEC34 Kwokra (Quocra) (village with church) 11/36 [+ It]
HEC33 Kwokwara (Quoquara) (area) 11/36 [+ WO]
HEC76 Kwola (Guola, Guolla) (village with church Mikael) 11/37 [+ It]
HEK01 Kwolala (Quolala) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HEC16 Kwollel (Quollel) 11/37 [+ WO]
HEC14 Kwollela (Quollela) (area), see under Injibara 10/37 [+ WO]
HF... Kwollita (Quollita), village on a hill 13/37 [+ 18]
HCA68 Kwollu, see Kolu
kwolos abo: abo see under abbo as first part of name
HEC12c Kwolos Abo (Quolos Abo) (high plateau) 11/36 [+ Gu]
?? Kwoltebella (Cuoltevella), former customs post ../.. [+ Gu]
HEC67 Kwonji (Cuongi) (with church Mikael), 11/37 [+ It]
there are Oromo ruins nearby
HCG62 Kwonkis (Cuonchis) 0653'/3502' 2043 m, 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
see under Guraferda
GCS86 Kwonyrek (Kwon Yrek) 0803'/3305' 283 m, 08/33 [WO Gz]
on the border of Sudan
HEH74 Kwora (Cuora) (mountains) 1225'/3604' 843 m 12/36 [+ Gz]
HEM82 Kworam, see Korem
HDM81 Kworrya (Met. Quorria) 09/39 [+ WO]
JDJ36c Kwoshesher (Cuoscescer) (pass) 1680 m 09/42 [+ Gu]
Kwoskwam, Kweskwam, 40-day period of fasting preceding
the feast of the Flight to Egypt; named from the church
where according to tradition the Holy Family found
protection in Egypt; see above Kweskwam
HEC67 Kwot Kwatma (Quot Quatma) 11/37 [+ WO]
HEC76 Kwota (Quota) 11/37 [+ WO]
-- Kwotar, a scattered Muslim group between the rivers
Webi and Welga
HEC24 Kwoyera (Quoera) 11/36 [+ Gu]
la ada: la (Afar) cow; (Som) a verb follows, also: together with;
ada, aada (O) 1. clan; 2. culture, custom; 3. kind of flower;
-- Ada, Hada, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
JEJ54 La Ada (well) 12/41 [WO]
la f..: foofi leh (Som) with /livestock/ being driven
out to graze
JEB05 La Fofile (waterhole) 10/41 [MS WO]
la m..: manda, mandha (O) junior, the youngest
JEJ73 La Manda (area) 12/41 [WO]
HEC74 Laabela (Laavela) (on hilltop), 11/36 [+ It]
see under Yismala Giyorgis
laba (A) feather /of bird/; (Som) two, both, double;
labba (O) slope; boru, booruu (O) muddy /liquid or water/;
(A) ox having a blaze; borru (O) east, morning;
booruu (O) sun, early morning
HCT99 Laba Boru (area) 1863 m 08/39 [WO]
labat: lebet (läbät') (Gondar A) vague undefined ground
at the banks of a river
HDM53 Labat 09/39 [WO]
JCE33c Labbagate 05/43 [Wa]
H.... Labbu, river which flows into the Muger 09/38 [Mi]
HED67 Labe 1127'/3810' 2547 m, north-west of Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
HED74c Laboya (Laboia) 11/37 [+ Gu]
labu, labuu (O) 1. low thorny bush; 2. valley, slope;
3. wander aimlessly; (A) the sweat; labot (A) perspiration
JDA29 Labu (area) 08/40 [WO]
H.... Labuk, a Kara village in the lower Omo valley 05/36? [n]
HBP85 Labuko 0520'/3614' 451/488 m, at Omo river 05/36 [WO Gz]
HDJ20 Laca, see Laka
JFB15 Lacado, see Lakado
HDH09 Lacamte, see Nekemte
HEU92 Lacci 1333'/3934' 2405 m, near Kwiha 13/39 [Gz]
GDF16c Lachi, see Laki & HDA39
HDS33 Lachilachita (on map of 1843) 10/37 [Ha]
JDJ45 Lachima (Lach'ima) 0929'/4204' 2074 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north-west of Harar
HCL60c Lacu, see Leku
HCM40 Ladam (area) 06/39 [WO]
ladda (O) in the middle, halfway e.g. container half
filled with liquid; lada (O) rich, generous
HCS03 Ladda 07/37 [WO]
HCJ28 Lade 0635'/3724' 2007 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCD14 Ladige 05/37 [WO]
JEA16c Ladinigero 11/40 [Ne]
lado k..: kile, qilee (O) deep gorge, ravine
?? Lado Kile (in Wellega) ../.. [x]
ladu (O) armband of a k'allu ritual leader
HCL51 Ladu 0650'/3830' 1969 m, south-east of Awasa 06/38 [Gz]
JEB36 Laela (area) 11/41 [WO]
laelo g..: gubi (O) grain storage basket kept in the house
JEA57 Laelo Gubbi (area) 11/40 [WO]
HES78c Laenn (area) 13/38 [Gu]
lafa, laffa (O) 1. land, field, place, floor, site
/also of ceremonies/; 2. weak, soft, tender;
lafee (O) 1. bone; 2. indebtedness;
lafe (A) burned off; leffa (A) toil, make an effort
HDF21 Lafa (area) 0817'/3925' 1785 m, cf Lefe 08/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDF11
HDK07 Lafa 0905'/3812' 2744 m, see under Welenkomi 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDE19 Lafaha Nagofugiso (area) 08/44 [WO]
lafale (Som) object /in the grammatical sense/
JDJ69 Lafaleh 0939'/4229' 1530, 1941 m, 09/43 [Gu Gz]
near map code JDK60, north-east of Harar
JDD66 Lafchei (Lafkei) 0843'/4304' 1281 m 08/43 [Gz 18]
HDE25 Lafesa (Melca Idi) 0822'/3854' 1637 m, 08/38 [Gz]
at Awash river north of lake Ziway
laffaha a..: adada (O) aunt
JDS43 Laffaha Adad (area) 10/42 [WO]
laffo: lafo, lafoo (O) pedestrian, walker, infantryman;
lafo (Som) capital, wealth
JDL20 Laffo (area), cf Lefo 09/43 [WO]
JDJ46 Lafifedo 0928'/4211' 2073 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDD66 Lafkei, see Lafchei
lafto, laftoo, laftu (O) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia lahai,
A. sieberiana, etc.
HDJ52 Lafto (mountain) 0934'/3651' 1523 m, 09/36 [Gz]
west of Shambu
HDT52 Lafto 1029'/3840' 2448 m, south of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
JDC81 Lafto 0854'/4145' 1928 m, south-west of Grawa 08/41 [Gz]
JDC92 Lafto 0859'/4147' 1537 m, south of Grawa 08/41 [Gz]
JDC92 Lafto 0903'/4146' 1949 m, south of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDH47c Lafto (Luftu) (village) 2050 m 09/41 [Ad Gu 18]
(centre in 1964 of Mojochulul sub-district)
lafto b..: belu, beeluu (O) hunger, famine;
belo (Som) hardship, difficulty
HDK57 Lafto Belo 0932'/3810' 2082 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDA.. Lafto Goba 08/40 [x]
Church about 50 km south-east of the railway,
midway between Dire Dawa and Addis Abeba.
lafto l..: lencha (O) lion
HDM51 Lafto Lencha kebele (.. Lénch'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the west at the northern border of Angolela & Tera Asagirt
wereda, 10-15 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 1,371 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE83 Laftu 0857'/3845' 2167 m, 08/38 [Gz]
between Addis Abeba and Akaki
laga (O) 1. river /and its valley/, stream, current;
2. people; laagaa 3. palate, the sense of taste, mouth, throat
Laga .., see generally Lege .., cf Lega ..
HBL02 Laga 0339'/3835' 1217 m, 03/38 [Gz]
on the border of Kenya
HBL05 Laga (near Moyale) 03/39 [Wa WO]
laga a..: arba, arbaa (O) elephant;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
JDG07 Laga Arba (Lagaharba) 0905'/4029' 1205 m, 09/40 [Gz]
at the railway midway between Awash station and Mieso
JDA68c Laga Hardin (Lagahardim, stream of guests/strangers) 08/40? [x]
circa 0840'/4030' (on map of 1901),
at old caravan route from Harar to Addis Abeba
laga hare, donkey water
JCP73 Laga Hida, see Lega Hida
?? Laga Maratu, village beyond mountains at Dereba ../.. [x]
?? Laga Meti, 'Palm River', at the Dabus river ../.. [x]
?? Laga Oda, see Lega Oda
lagab..: bura (Som) coral tree, Erythrina abyssinica
HCU96 Lagabura 0805'/3956' 2426 m 08/39 [Gz]
HES79 Lagada (Lagata) (mountain) 1318'/3821' 3536 m, 13/38 [Gz]
north-west of Ras Dashen
lagada b..: bwahit (A) turbine
HES78 Lagada Bwahit (Lagada Buahit) (area) 13/38 [+ WO]
GDF16c Lagafondi, see Laki
JCP74 Lagahida, see Lege Hida
-- Lagaida, Laga Idda, name of a Wello Oromo tribe
HDT66 Lagaida (area), cf Legehida 10/39 [WO]
HDM73c Lagaila circa 0945'/3940', 09/39 [x]
north-east of Debre Birhan
HD... Lagajima (Laga Jima), see Lege Jima
HCD83 Lagama, see Langama
lagamara (O) river of crown/diadem? laga amara? .. of Amhara?
GDF73 Lagamara (Lagamere) 1790 m 08/34 [WO Gu]
HDC97c Lagamara, plain & stream being affluent of the Gibe 09/37 [Gu]
HDJ06 Lagamara (Legamara) 0906'/3709' 1814 m, 09/37 [Gu 18 Gz]
(or Lega Amhara, 'River of the Amhara'),
(with Catholic mission 1856-1859), near Tibbe
HDR13 Lagamsa 1002'/3655' 1998 m 10/36 [WO Gz]
HDE34 Lagansa 08/38 [WO]
HCK.. Lagara (creek), see under Dilla 06/38 [WO]
JDB82 Lagarba 0855'/4042' 1994 m, east of Bedessa, 08/40 [Gz]
(with Franciscan Catholic Church), cf Laga Arba
HEK41 Lage, see Layge
HCM92 Laggio, see Lajo HCM92 HCM93
lago, lagoo (O) 1. intermittent stream; 2. suit of clothes, informal dress;
Lago .. (in Italian names), see Lake .. or .. Hayk
lago h..: hama, hamaa (O) honey badger;
haama (O) cutting /grass/, reaping
JDJ56 Lago Hama, see Hama Wuchale
HBP04 Lago Rodolfo (Italian for Lake Rudolf), see Turkana
JEA78 Lagolo (area) 11/40 [WO]
lagu, laguu (O) to avoid
HEA84 Laguna (area) 717 m 11/35 [WO]
laha (Som) there is none, they don't have
HCJ10 Laha 0629'/3636' 1379 m, village north of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
received emergency food dropped from the air in 1976
HEK23c Lahadie 11/37 [Gu]
HES74 Lahin sub-district (centre in 1964 = Chew Ber) 13/37 [Ad]
lahlaha, lahleha (T) pant, throb; la'lay (A) upper
HFE77 Lahlaha (Mai Lahla, Lala) 1415'/3909' 2438 m 14/39 [Gz Gu WO]
(with waterhole), near Inticho
HFF73c Lahlien (Lahlen), 15 km east of Idaga Hamus 14/39 [Ad x]
(with rock church Maryam Tsiyon/Maryam Wikro)
HFF73c Lahlien sub-district (centre in 1964 = Degabur) 14/39 [Ad]
lai: lay (A) on, above; north; ley (A) to isolate
HFD87 Lai Adyabo wereda (Laelay ..) 14/38 [Ad]
centre in 1964 =Adi Daro
(-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
H.... Lai Aferwanat sub-district 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gelawdewos)
HER.. Lai Armachiho wereda (Lay Armacheho ..) 12/37 [Ad n 20]
(centre in 1964 = Chilkuana)
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
lay bet (A) second storey
HDT17 Lai Bet (Lai Biet) (area), cf Lay Bet 10/39 [+ WO]
HDT06 Lai Bet Merhabete wereda 10/39 [+ Ad]
(Lai Biet Merha Bietie ..) (centre in 1964 = Zoma)
HE... Lai Dehuch sub-district (centre in 1964 = Boja) 12/37 [Ad]
H.... Lai Derra sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kulala) 10/38? [Ad]
HE... Lai Dibil (Laidibil) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dibil sub-district)
HED99 Lai Gayint wereda (Lay Gaynt ..) (-1964-2000-) 11/38 [Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Nefas Mewcha)
(-1994-) is divided into 29 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HEF73 Lai Kalo sub-district (Laikalo ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Wergesa)
HDR01c Lai Kile sub-district (L. Kilie ..) 09/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gelila)
HFE61 Lai Koraro sub-district 14/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Gided)
HF... Lai Maychew wereda (Laelay M.. ..) 14/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 20 rural and 7 urban kebeles.
lai mieda: lay meda (A) upper/northern field
HDM54 Lai Mieda, see under Ankober 09/39 [WO]
HE... Lai Negela sub-district 11/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Senyo Gebeya)
HDM.? Lai Sichat (with church Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HFE26 Lai Tsetsera sub-district (Lalai Tsetsera ..) 13/39 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Satiya)
HD... Lai Ula sub-district (Lai Oula ..) 09/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kombolcha)
HEJ68 Lai Wido sub-district, cf Laywido 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Guramba)
HDK70 Laia (with church) 09/37 [WO]
JEB42 Laiagghili, see Layaggili
HEL44 Laidaba Giyorgis (L. Gheorghis, Lai Debba) 12/38 [+ Gz]
1213'/3848' 2512 m
?? Laidera (hill recorded in the 1750s), cf Lai Derra 12/37 [n]
JDC06 Laidi 0810'/4212' 1040 m, north-west of Fik 08/42 [Gz]
JE... Laitali, 11/41 [20]
one of six lakes where the Awash river ends
JDP15 Laito, see Layto
HDU22 Laizebur 10/39 [WO]
laja g..: gind (A) log, trunk of tree, formerly used
with hole for fastening feet of prisoners
HDM63 Laja Gind kebele (.. Gend ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
9-15 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,512 hectares
[CSA 1994]
HDM73 Lajagind 0941'/3940' 3264 m, near Termaber 09/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Baklo sub-district)
HCM93 Lajo (Laggio) 0710'/3940' 3425 m, 07/39 [x WO Gu]
(mountain with saddle)
HCM93 Lajo (Laggio) (mountain) 0712'/3938' 3425 m, 07/39 [Gz]
(Gebel Lajo)
lak (Som) well
HCD81 Laka, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HDJ20 Laka (Laca) (mountain) 0917'/3636' 1475 m, 09/36 [+ Gz]
north-east of Nekemte
JFB15 Lakado (Lacado) (mountain) 1341'/4108' 348 m, 13/40 [+ WO Gz]
on the border of Eritrea
(WO has Lacado at JFB11)
LAKE, see also
Abaya (Margherita)
Abba Samuel
Abbe, see guide [Camerapix]
Abyata (Hora Abyata)
Adele (near Alem Maya), see guide [Camerapix]
Adi Chimti (near lake)
Adobada (near end of Awash, not included)
Adola (near lake Abbe)
Afrera (Egogi Bad, Lake Giulietti)
Alemaya, see guide [Camerapix]
Aranguade, under Debre Zeyt lakes
Ardibbo (15 km NE of Dessie, not included)
Asale (Assale, Carumboe)
Ashenge (Ascianghi)
Assale (Karumbae Bad)
Awasa (Awassa, Auasa)
Babogay, under Debre Zeyt lakes
Bahir Giyorgis
Bahr (under Maji)
Bario (near Afambo), see guide [Camerapix]
Basaka = Besaka, see guide [Camerapix]
Bashir, see guide [Aubert]
Besaka (near Awash park entrance), see guide [Aubert]
Bieber (70 km south of Jimma), see Boba
Bishoftu, under Debre Zeyt lakes
(Bure Lake, not a lake?)
Caddabasa (150 km NE of Awash stan, not included)
Chamo (Lago Ciamo)
Cheleleka, under Debre Zeyt lakes
Chew Bahir (Chalbi, Lago Stefania)
Chew Bet
Chitu (small south of Shala), see guide [Aubert]
Dabashi (4 km west of Busa), see guide [Bradt]
Debre Zeyt : lakes
galan [word explained]
garba (gerba) [word explained]
Gefersa (dam)
Gelbo (Guelbo)
Gemeri (Gamari, Adobada)
Gessi (Gesi, Tata)
Green lake (under Debre Zeyt : lakes)
Guda (see under Debre Zeyt : lakes)
Gudera (small, 80 km south of Tana, not included)
hara [word explained]
haro [word explained]
Haro ...
harro [word explained]
Hayk (Hayq, Lago Haich)
haykoch [word explained]
Hora Arsedi (under Debre Zeyt : lakes)
Injibara : Gawcha (Zangana)
Karikar (Caricari)
kelay [word explained]
Koka Gidib (Koka dam)
Koriftu (under Debre Zeyt : lakes)
Kurt Bahr (Lago Curti)
Kuruftu (under Debre Zeyt : lakes)
Lago Verde (Green Lake, see under Debre Zeyt)
Laitafi (near end of Awash, not included)
Maji : Bahr
Mylius, see HCJ83 Koka
(Rudolf = Turkana not included)
Sekela (under Sululta)
Shala (Scialla)
Shallo (Sciallo) (near Awasa, not included)
Tana (only the name commented)
(Turkana not included)
Wenchi (Wonchi, Uanci)
Wombo (Uombo) (70 km south of Jimma, not included)
Ziway (Zwai)
HCJ73 Lake Bieber, see Boba
JEP64 Lake Giulietti, see Egogi Bad, cf Afrera
HCD93 Lake Margherita, see Abaya
HCJ83 Lake Mylius, see Koka 07/36 [x]
HBR12 Lake Stefanie (Lago Stefania), see Chew Bahir
HDH09 Lakemti, see Nekemte
laki, laqii (O) mud; laki, lakki (O) legacy, bequest;
lakkii (O) no, you had better /not/;
-- Laki, Laqi, Oromo name for the Zay people of the Ziway area
GDF16c Laki (Lachi, Lagafondi) (small gold mine) 08/34 [+ Gu]
HDA39 Laki (Lachi) 0826'/3537' 1524 m, north of Gore 08/35 [LM WO Gz]
?? Laki (Laqi), at lake Ziway, with clinic ../.. [x]
-- Laki language, spoken by individuals within an ethnic population of 4,880
as estimated in 1994. Shores of lake Ziway and eastern islands of that lake.
HFE64 Lakia Mikael (Laki'a Mika'el) 1407'/3849', 14/38 [Gz]
church between Aksum and Adwa
?? Lakicha, group of huts east of Chilalo mountains ../.. [x]
lako, laqo (O) young grass that has just sprouted
HDJ20 Lako, see Laka
HEC12c Lakoma, see Lekoma
JEA48 Lakoredaba (area) 11/40 [WO]
laku: lakku, lakkuu (O) twin
HCL.. Laku (Lacu) (houses in dense cultivation) 06/38 [x Gu]
HCP47 Laku 0737'/3623'c, 07/36 [x]
name and location given in 1913.
lala (Arsi O) collective name for climbers e.g. Cissus sp.;
laalaa (O) lesson serving as a warning
HFE84 Lala, see Lahlaha
HFE94 Lala, see Rama
HFE26 Lalai Tsesera, see Lai Tsetsera
HDH77 Lale 0941'/3624' 1834 m 09/36 [Gz]
HD... Lalibela, mentioned in the 1500s as place in Fetegar 08/38? [Pa]
HEK00 Lalibela (cave) 11/37 [En]
In an escarpment overlooking Fogera at c.2200 m altitude,
some 4 km north-east of the village of Hamusit.
HEL27 Lalibela (Lalibala) 1202'/3902' 2428, 2630 m 12/39 [Gz Ha Gu x]
(ancient name Roha, early also Urvuar or Warwar)
(with famous rock churches & sub post office,
centre circa 1980 of Lasta awraja)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Amba Tsiyon kebele
8E Asheten Maryam (Asceten Mariam) (rock-hewn church)
8E Geber Maderiya
9E Ginaza kebele
8SE Mekena (Mechena) (mountain & sub-district)
8SE Genete Maryam kebele
8S Shalo Giyorgis kebele
9SW Gelasot kebele
3W Piyoliya (Piolia) (village)
8W Sorba Abbo (church)
8W Sorba kebele
2NW Dengot kebele
9NW Serzina kebele
8N Kankanit Mikael (cave church)
10N Yimrah kebele
5NE Degosach kebele
9NE Wedebiya kebele
10NE Telfetit kebele
10NE Mekena (Makina) : Medhane Alem (church built in cave)
?? Nakuto Laab (Nakutalapa, Naakutala'ab, Nekutoleab, Naacateleb)
(Na'akweto La'ab, Neakuto Leab) (cave church) 2263 m
?? Lalibela (mountain) ../.. [20]
peak 4276, one of the highest mountains in Ethiopia
JDJ60 Lalibela (Lalibala, Laliballa) circa 0940'/4140' 09/41 [x 18]
at old route crossing stream Urso (or Ladiballa on WO map)
lalo (A) notable of Menz;
-- Lalo, said to be the original ancestor of the Borana and
according to one tradition it was in King Zera Yaqob's time
GDM02 Lalo 0904'/3431' 1796 m 09/34 [Gz]
GDM12 Lalo 1710 m 09/34 [WO]
GDM22 Lalo 0917'/3432' 1642 m, near Begi 09/34 [Gz]
H.... Lalo (centre in 1964 of Didu Lalo sub-district) 08/35? [Ad]
HDA86 Lalo, see Lalo Kile
HDJ86 Lalo 0951'/3708' 2502 m, south-east of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDK09 Lalo 0908'/3820' 2750 m, north of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF35 Lalo 1109'/3952' 1549 m, east of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HDG.. Lalo Aira, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDH10 Lalo Asabi wereda, cf Mama Midir & Lalo wereda 09/35 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Inango)
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDH11 Lalo Choli sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Choli) 09/35 [Ad]
HDH11 Lalo Chuli (L. Ch'uli, L. Choli) 0913'/3548' 1840 m 09/35 [Gz]
HDM55 Lalo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Ankober wereda, 7-9 km
east-northeast of Ankober town; area 401 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
lalo ke..: kera (O) shadow; qera (A) 1. platform on which
a guard sits to protect fields; 2. slaughterplace
HDA75 Lalo Kera sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kake) 08/35 [Ad]
lalo ki..: kile, qilee (O) deep gorge, ravine
HDA86 Lalo Kile (Kile, Lalo Kilie, Lalochile, Lalokali) 08/35 [Gz q WO n]
(Lalok'ele, Laloqele, Lelocheli, Lalo, Lalu) 0855'/3521' 1674 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (-1964-1997-),
see under Yubdo
lalo m..: midir (A) earth, land, region
HDU22 Lalo Midir (L. Meder, Lalomedir) 10/39 [Gz x WO n]
1010'/3906' 1547 m
Coordinates would give map code HDT27
?? Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, cf Mama Midir wereda
with kebeles among which
Afkera, Agemsa, Agwo, Ajela, Angey & Geto, Angwa, Anfeta &
Hager Zhilet Medfeya, Antat, Areko, Aret & Rencha, Awakola,
Ayat Meda & Imbise, Bash, Bret Ketera, Chachu & Yisata,
Chima Geregera, Das Amba, Dasa, Dengeze& Riko, Dilancha,
Dowa, Gadi, Gebeta Dingay, Gezet, Gurit & Biya, Gurmign, Gwogot,
Gwosh Ber, Heyet, Imegwa, Imekola, Imeweta, Indegebo, Katila,
Kelerbo, Kelewa & Kabtema, Kewariyat, Key Afer, Keya & Igwa,
Kurt Amba, Lay Yigem, Lay Zebir, Lay Zeram, Mesno, Meza &
Atabkign, Moja, Mwat, Saga, Sama, Sasa & Dehana, Seklaye, Sera
Debir, Shema Matebiya, Shemafej, Sowaro, Tach Yigem, Tach Zebir,
Tach Zeram, Tama, Tarma, Teyat, Tignit & Lukwasge, Tikme, Timonage,
Tol, Torezh & Gendasa, Waka, Wegere, Wemcha, Wemso, Wero,
Weyn Amba, Yecha, Yekena, Yimod, Zeret & Kuliya, Zimam, Zinz
HDU22c Lalo Midir sub-district (-1964-1997-) 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Molale)
HDG09 Lalo Wenjo 0908'/3538' 1674 m, 09/35 [Gz]
south-west of Gimbi
lalosh..: shashii (O) 1. turban /of religious leader/;
2. scarf /over woman's hair/
GDM32 Laloshashi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Begi) 09/34 [Ad]
lalu (Arsi O) collective name for climbers e.g. Cissus sp.
HCT38c? Lalu, south of the Kaka mountain 07/39 [x]
HDA86 Lalu, see Lalo Kile
JDB90 Lalu (area) 09/40 [WO]
JDJ42 Lalu 0930'/4147' 1801 m, south-west of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ55 Lalu (mountain) 0934'/4205' 1786 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north of Harar
JD... Lalu Bilalo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ijefera) 09/40 [Ad]
lam (A,T) cow
GCU34 Lam 07/34 [WO]
lam ber (A) cow pass/gate
HDU42 Lam Ber kebele (.. Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the west in north Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at
its western border; 19-27 km east of Degolo; area 3,271 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
lam dingay (A) cow rock
HEL09 Lam Dingay kebele (.. Dengay ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northernmost east Dawint & Delanta wereda, 25-30 km
north-east of Wegel Tena; area 2,279 hectares. [CSA 1994]
lam washa (A) cow cave
HDT07 Lam Washa (Lamuascia) 0958'/3907' 1772 m 09/39 [Gz WO]
(place & area, WO has Lamuascia at HDL97)
HDT07 Lam Washa kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Moret & Jiru wereda at its north-western
border, 6-14 km north-northwest of Inewari; area 1,982 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
lam wiha (A) cow water
HEL27c Lam Wiha (Lam Wuha) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mekena sub-district)
lama (O) two, pair, couple; (T) blade;
lame (A) become powdered
HFK23 Lama 14/37 [LM WO]
HEL05 Lama Debir kebele (.. Däber ..) 11/39 [Ad]
a large kebele in northernmost Meket wereda along the
westernmost part of its northern border, 17-25 km
north of Filakit; area 10,470 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBR35 Lama Scillindi (Lammascillindi), see Lema Shilindi
lamalimu: lamalmo (A) youth, strong young man
HES74 Lamalimu (Lamalmo, Lämalmo) (tourist camp) 13/37 [Br]
high pass on road between Inda Silase and Gondar
lamba (A,T) kerosene; lambaa (O) kerosene lamp
HEK60 Lamba, see Lemba
HEJ31 Lambaz Maryam (Lamboz M.), see Tach Lambaz Maryam
lambuda: lembada (A) one who stammers
HCS43 Lambuda (mountain), north of Hosaina, 07/37 [WO]
see under Hosaina
H.... Lamfuro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ajilla) 08/38 [Ad]
?? Lamgue ('cow country'?) (on map of 1814) 12/37 [18]
near the north-east shore of lake Tana
lamina: lamana (O) mountain bamboo, Arundinaria alpina
HCT30 Lamina (Lumina) 0731'/3826' 1539 m, 07/38 [WO Gz Gu]
island in northern lake Shala
HD... Laminifun, at a day's march from Tedecha Melka 08/39? [x]
lamma: lemma (A) 1. blazed up /in fire/; 2. was developed;
Lamma, Lemma, Lema, a male personal name
JBP09 Lamma (area), cf Lemma 04/41 [WO]
According to Wellby in the 1890s a lake with brackish water with
an island far out, suitable for landing only at its northern extremity
lamma b..: bar (Som) 1. livestock; 2. Hyphaene palm, etc.
JCF16 Lamma Bar (waterhole), see Lemem Bar
JEB94 Lammale, see under Tendaho, cf Lemale 11/41 [WO]
JBR35 Lammascillindi, see Lema Shilindi
JEG35 Lammele (area), cf Lemale 12/40 [WO]
lammi, lammii (O) a relative /specifically child of paternal uncle/
HCN89 Lammi, cf Lemmi 07/35 [WO]
HFE12 Lamorni, see Lomorni
lamu, lamuu (O) 1. second /in order/; 2. again, once more;
limma (O) kind of eatable wild plant
HDG79 Lamu Limma 09/35 [WO]
HDL97 Lamuascia, see Lam Washa
lan: laan (Som) 1. lineage, descent; 2. tree without branches
KDA54 Lan Mulaho 0837'/4508', 08/45 [WO Gz]
border post toward Somalia
Coordinates would give map code KDA53
HER89 Lancascio, see Lankasho
HFF52c Lanchanet (recorded in 1868) 14/39 [18]
HCU01 Lanchiccia, see Lankicha
HEK38 Lanco, see Derenko
?? Landa, in the Amhara region, ../.. [20]
with 4532 m the 2nd highest mountain in Ethiopia
HEL.? Landai (mountain village), 11/39 [20]
beyond the Aboye pass on road from Weldiya to Lalibela
JCL98 Landair 0714'/4412' 791 m, near map code JCT08, 07/44 [Gz]
near Fafan river upstream from Kebri Dehar
?? Lanfero wereda (Lanfaro .., Lanfro ..) ../.. [n]
in the Gurage Zone
(-1994-) is divided into 562 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEC64 Langafa 11/36 [WO]
HCD83 Langama (Lagama, Zangana) (island in Abaya) 06/37 [Gz WO Gu 18]
0610'/3752' 1219 m
HCT43 Langano (Langana, Bulbula) (with hotels) 07/38 [Gz x]
0738'/3842' 1579 m 07/38 [Gz]
HCT43 Langano, lake (Langara) at 0736'/3843', cf Bulbula HCT52c
18 x 16 km, water level 1585 m
HEC64 Langata (with spring to the east), 11/36 [It]
cf Gota Langata
JDJ32 Lange 0922'/4150' 2002 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-west of Dire Dawa
JDJ42 Lange (Langhei) 0926'/4148' 2046 m, 09/41 [Gz WO Gu Mi]
(small village), see under Kersa
There is also a lake Lange to the south
HDJ37 Langeno 0921'/3718' 2176 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDL73 Langeno 0945'/3844' 2797 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDC75 Langisa (Langhisa) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO]
JDP64 Langudi (mountain) (Iangudi, Yangudi, Jangudi) 10/41 [Gz WO Mi]
MS: 1033'/4102'; Gz: 1035'/4103' 1230 m,
volcano north of Dofan
HER89 Lankasho (Lancascio) 1326'/3725' 2619 m 13/37 [+ Gz]
HCU01 Lankicha (Lanchiccia) 0718'/3925' 2688 m 07/39 [+ Gz]
lankisa: lankuso (O) kind of branched palm,
Dracaena steudneri; lankessa, lanqessaa (O) climber;
lankussa (A) kind of climber, Urera hypselodendron;
lankiso (lanqiso) (A) one who often cries
HDL60 Lankisa (Lank'isa, Lanqisa) 0939'/3830' 2353 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDM51 Lankisa & Dewa kebele (Lanqisa & Däwa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the west at the northern border
of Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 8-11 km
south-west of Debre Birhan; area 2,169 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK37 Lanko (Lanco) 2567/2720 m 12/38 [WO Gu]
JDE42 Lankoba (Lancoba) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
lanta: laanta (Som) government department
JDK58 Lanta (area) 09/43 [WO]
HCD82 Lante (village), 06/37 [20]
about 33 km from Arba Minch in direction Hosaina
HDK00 Lanto 0907'/3732' 2521 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDM46 Lanto 0926'/3954' 1300 m, south-east of Ankober 09/39 [Gz]
JEC11 Laokara (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDH09 Laqamte (Laqqamt), see Nekemte
GCU50 Lar Gnan 0744'/3424' 500 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
HES00 Larei, with election constituency 12/37 [WO]
GDE15 Larre 08/33 [WO]
las: laas (Som) waterhole, small well; las (A) to lick
KCR44 Las (Derouda Uen) 07/47 [WO]
KCP76 Las Acanle 07/46 [20]
JDS04 Las Anod (area) 1635 m 10/42 [WO Mi]
JCS12 Las Dogle (area) 07/42 [WO]
KCR44 Las Dolop (Derouda Ler, Derouda Uen) 07/46 [WO Gz]
0741'/4659' 510 m
las d..: dhulman (Som) seashell; dulluma (O) old age
JCK52 Las Dulma (area) 06/42 [WO]
JCL34 Las Durkeli 06/43 [WO]
las g..: laas galool (Som) waterhole with acacias
JCT83 Las Galol (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDK04 Las Galoleh 0903'/4257' 1500 m, 09/42 [Gz]
near map code JDD05, south-east of Jijiga
JDR79 Las Harad, see Lasarat
JDD83 Las Murrile (area) 08/42 [WO]
JDR79 Lasarat (Las Harad, Laso Harrad, Lassarad) 10/42 [Gz WO It n]
(Lassarat, Lazarat) 1040'/4227' 740/817 m,
small village and railway station 55 km inside Ethiopia
JDJ79 Lasarud 0944'/4230' 1523 m, near map code JDK70 09/42 [Gz]
JED03 Lasdeit 1057'/4251' 752 m 10/42 [Gu Gz]
JCS31 Lasgaris (area) 07/42 [WO]
HED83 Lashat (Liscia) 1137'/3750' 2463 m, 11/37 [Gz]
east of Bahir Dar
lasho: lash (A) ring worm; lashe (A) become tender,
weak, soft; (O) typhus
HCK50 Lasho (Lascio) (area) 06/37 [+ WO
HET27 Lashwa 1253'/3905' 1554 m 12/39 [Gz]]
HC... Laska, centre of Basketo wereda 05/37 [20]
JDS92 Lasmahan (Lasmaan) (area), 10/42 [WO It]
on route from Harar to Zeyla
JD... Lasmanlie (on map of 1814), 10/42 [18]
on caravan route at about halfway from the coast to Harar
JDR79 Laso Harrad (Lassarat), see Lasarat

HEL26 Lasta (historical area known from the 1500s) 12/36 [x]
HEL26 Lasta awraja 1200'/3900' 12/39 [Gz]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Tsehay, by 1968 = Lalibela)
HEL.. Lasta kebeles 12/39 [Ad]
there are three numbered Lasta and Lasta Menged kebeles
in north-eastern Bugna wereda, north-east of Lalibela;
areas 6,862 + 5,022 + 4,742 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
lasta menged (A) road of Lasta
HE... Lasta Menged sub-district 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Zew Maryam)
HCH36 Lasto (wide area) 06/36 [WO]
JCS42 Lastuch (Lastuc) (area) 07/42 [+ WO]
JD... Laswelldug (on map of 1814), 10/42 [18]
on caravan route at about halfway from the coast to Harar
lat (A) 1. fat on sheep's tail; 2. (Gondar A) knife handle
HEM72 Lat 1228'/3936' 1435 m, near Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HEM90 Lat (recorded in 1841) 12/39 [Ha]
HEM70 Lat Giyorgis (Lat Ghiorghis)(w church) 1226'/3925' 12/39 [Gz Ad Po WO]
(centre in 1964 of Amist Bet sub-district), west of Alamata
Lat (visiting postman under Lalibela), see under Korem
lata (O) shoot, young growth; laataa (O) timber,
especially split pieces; laata (O) uncertainty
HEC96 Lata, see Debir Duba
HFE07c Lata (mountain), cf Lete 13/39 [Gu]
late (lat'ä) (A) take off the bark, peel, skin, scrape
HE... Latgie (centre in 1964 of Injefat sub-district) 12/38 [Ad]
JCT79 Lati Bodli, see Latu Botleh
lato (A) small bustard /kind of bird/;
latu, latuu (O) to shoot i.e. to send out new branches,
multiply by having offspring
JCT79 Latu Botleh (Lati Bodli, Latu Bodlih) 07/44 [WO Gz]
0753'/4416' 1060 m
JEB24 Laueisa, see Laweysa 11/41
lava ded: ded (Som) to cover for protection;
extra covering over the roof of a hut
JBR25 Lava Ded (area) 04/42 [WO]
JEN63 Lavaha (waterhole) 13/40 [WO Wa]

lawe: lawwe, lawwee (O) 1. arrow; 2. slender, slim /person/;

lawesa: laweze (T) blarney; lewesse (A,T) knead, shape;
lewwassa (A) crippled
HFE68 Lawesa 1407'/3913' 2335 m, south of Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
JEB24 Laweysa (Laueisa) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HEM10 Lawish 1151'/3921' 3263 m, west of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]

lay (A) 1. above, high up; 2. north

Lay.., see generally Lai.. (except for kebeles)
lay Ale wiha (A) upper Ale water
HEM03 Lay Ale Wiha kebele (.. Alä Weha ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Guba Lafto wereda at its northern border,
4-22 km north-east of Weldiya; area 3,124 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL38 Lay Amba 1203'/3912' 2919 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
lay b..: beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, fenced-in cattle area
HDU15 Lay Beret kebele (.. Bärät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in east Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at the
middle of the eastern border of its main body, 10-14 km
east-northeast of Sela Dingay; area 1,422 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
lay bet (A) second storey;
also: the Hereafter, and a school of Biblical exegesis
favouring a literal interpretation
HED85 Lay Bet (in Merhabete) 1140'/3758' 2307 m 11/37 [n Gz]
HED85 Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda (-1994-) 11/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 46 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Afezez & Kwat, Agerit, Amden, Ansho Begwol, Berkato, Biyo
Kurtibora, Chore, Delema & Mesano, Gaw, Geb & Kechechiwa
Gedeb, Gedejewa, Geren, Giret, Gworanda, Haroganda, Imbima,
Inchimegn, Jema, Kora Jema Fit, Kora Wenchit Fit, Koso Terehina,
Kum Amba, Kusay, Lij Agba, Magas, Makur, Maryam Serka,
Mazhek, Merkesh, Mirgazh, Nenuta, Remeshet, Seb Washa, Sebage,
Sergina, Ses Amba, Tamo, Watwari, Werego Mesobit, Werk Amba,
Yesa, Yidameko, Zeyta, Zoma
HDF93 Lay Chobo kebele (.. Ch'obo ..) 08/39 [Ad]
far to the north in Minjar & Shenkora wereda; area 4,273 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL34 Lay Deba, see Lay Diba
HDM54 Lay Debdebo kebele (.. Däbdäbo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western central Ankober wereda, adjoining
Ankober town to its east; area 517 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL34 Lay Diba kebele (..Deba ..) 12/38 [Ad]
in the middle of northern Bugna wereda, 30 km
north-west of Lalibela; area 8,586 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

?? Lay Gayint wereda ../.. [20]

HDM54 Lay Gorebela kebele (.. Goräbéla ..) 09/39 [Ad]
adjoining Ankober town to its north and stretching narrowly
from there 6 km mostly along the western border of
Ankober wereda; area 657 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL09 Lay Koso Amba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in western Guba Lafto wereda at the southern border of its
northern arm, 24-27 km west of Weldiya; area 1,172 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE99 Lay Mekelet kebele (.. Mäkälät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Dawint & Delanta wereda,
22-24 km north-east of Wegel Tena; area 1,239 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM74 Lay Mush kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda stretching
narrowly to its eastern border, 16-20 km north-east of
Debre Birhan town; area 1,460 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM43 Lay Sekoru kebele (.. Säkoru ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
at its north-eastern border; area 630 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM22 Lay Sichat kebele (.. Sechat ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-west Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda stretching
to its south-western border; area 2,405 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM00 Lay Sokoloho kebele (.. Soqoloho ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Dawint & Delanta wereda,
23-30 km north-east of Wegel Tena; area 3,343 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE97 Lay Talet kebele (.. T'alét ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in east Wadla wereda at its northern border, 20-24 km
north-west of Wegel Tena; area 2,759 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT85 Lay Wela kebele (.. Wäla ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in easternmost Debre Sina wereda along the middle of its
eastern border, 10-14 km east-northeast of Mekane Selam;
area 838 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU34 Lay Yigem kebele (.. Yegäm ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in nearly north-easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda
touching its northern border, 10-16 km north-east of Molale;
area 2,616 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU23 Lay Zebir kebele (.. Zäber ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of north Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda, 6-8 km north of Molale; area 1,083 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU23 Lay Zeram kebele (.. Zäram ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
3-7 km north of Molale; area 1,549 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB42 Layaggili (Laiagghili) (area) 608 m 11/40 [+ WO]
HEL44 Laydaba, see Lai Debba Giyorgis
HDM12 Laydanis 0912'/3932' 2479 m, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael to the south)
HEE59 Laydela 1119'/3918' 2796 m, south of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
?? Laygaw Kotebe (sub-post office under Addis Abeba) ../.. [Po]
HEK41 Layge (Lage, Lege) 1211'/3736' 1805 m, 12/37 [Gz]
at the north-eastern shore of lake Tana
HDM84 Laygenet 0948'/3946' 2629 m, near Debre Sina, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret)
HDU56 Layigna Ataye kebele (Layegna At'ayé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Efrata & Gidim wereda at its "tip" to the east,
5-9 km south of Kara Kore and adjoining Efeson to its
west; area 1,137 hectares.
[CSA 1994´]
-- Layiile (people), a branch of the Madahweyn sub-clan
of the Dir Somali, see under Dir
HCJ14 Layma 0628'/3702' 2097 m 06/37 [Gz]
layo: layyo (O) of light nature, not important
?? Layo Yukro (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JDP15 Layto (M. Laito) (area) 838 m 10/41 [+ WO]
HED93 Laywido 1144'/3749' 1967 m, 11/37 [Gz]
north-east of Bahir Dar, cf Lai Wido
laz gal: laz (Som) well; gal (Som) 1. pond; 2. entrance, entering;
3. cover, container, scabbard; gaal (Som) non-Muslim European
JBU99 Laz Gal (Laz Gol, Laz Gomal), cf Las .., 05/45 [WO Gu Gz]
0522'/4500' 305 m
laz ole: ole (O) walking stick; ola, olaa (O) sheep
JCM03 Laz Ole Omone 0622'/4435' 497 m 06/44 [WO Gz]
JCF84 Lazole Reidabe (seasonal waterhole) 06/44 [MS WO]
?? Leado (Le'ado), 09/40 [18]
small lake near the left bank of the Awash
JEB41 Leadu (area with fossil site west of Mille) 11/40 [WO]
leba sefer (A) thief camp;
sefer (A) camp, campsite, settlement, neighbourhood
?? Leba Sefer (L. Safar), between Shasha and Maji ../.. [+ Gu]
JBN29 Lebbikolo 04/40 [WO]
HEK44 Lebbo, see Libo
lebe, lebee (O) garrulous; lebe dulli (O) war of words?
dulli, duullii (O) campaign, war
JDR87 Lebedulli (area) 10/42 [WO]
-- Lebekela, a probably nomadic tribe known since the 1300s
?? Lebekela (Läbäkäla) (historically recorded district) ../.. [Pa]
HEE25 Lebet 1106'/3856' 1833 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE26 Lebet kebele (Läbät ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern central Sayint wereda, 18-25 km east
of Ajibar; area 4,069 hectares. [CSA 1994]
lebi, lebbi (Som) kind of tall tree with beautiful flowers,
Delonix elata
JCS68 Lebi Aboger (L. Abogher) 0750'/4314' 1039 m 07/43 [+ WO Gz]
?? Lebiolale (waterhole) 07/46 [MS]
HDT28 Lebka (Lebk'a, Lebqa) 1013'/3909' 2209 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HDT28 Lebka & Gadela kebele (Läbqa & Gadäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the south-easternmost corner of Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda
at its border, 4-9 km east of Meragna; area 2,374 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Lebo (highlands), ../.. [Ch]
water-divide between lake Tana and Tekkeze river
HDD37 Lebu 0829'/3809' 2323 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE93c Lebu (village) 08/38 [x]
HDP03 Lebu 1001'/3601' 1096 m, south of Abay river 10/36 [Gz]
JDA26 Lebu 0823'/4022' 1555 m, south of Mechara 08/40 [Gz]
JDA69 Lebu 0842'/4036' 1902 m, south-east of Gelemso 08/40 [Gz]
?? Lebum (on map of 1814), on route Harar-Ankober 09/41? [18]
HDG04 Lecatae, see Leka Taye

HDL00 Lecha 0908'/3826' 2554 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]

north-east of Addis Alem
HDM52c Leche, see Liche
JDJ74 Lecheca, see Lekeka
?? Lechelugu (place at the lower Omo) ../.. [n]
HEC07 Lechema (Cafacit) (mountain) 1057'/3717' 3161 m 10/37 [Gz]
HDH09 Lechempte (Lechempti, Lechemti), see Nekemte
GDM34 Lecheti, see Leketi
HEC07 Lecma, see Lichma
HEM01 Ledeta .., see Lideta ..
HDE44 Ledi (area) 08/38 [WO]

lee (Afar) water

HEF83 Leebso, see Libso
HCS33c Leemo wereda (centre = Hosaina) 07/37 [En]
In Kembata awraja, from 1976 named Kambaata & Hadiyya
awraja. There were two sub-districts and reorganisation
in the 1990s.
lef: lef (Som) to lick; lafti (O) early in the morning
JBJ61 Lef Left (Sciau) (area) 04/41 [WO]
lefe isa: lafa (O) land; isa (O,Som) he, him;
leffa (läffa) (A) to toil, make an effort
-- Issa, name of a major people in eastern Ethiopia
JDK65 Lefe Isa (Lefeissa) 0937'/4259' 1705 m, 09/42 [Gz Ad]
north-east of Jijiga
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), cf Lafa
JDK67 Lefe Isa 0949'/4310' 1563 m, 09/43 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
leflef: liflefa (A) rambling conversation
JBJ42 Leflef (Lef Left, Leleftu) (locality), 04/41 [Gz]
0400'/4150' 219 m, near the border of Somalia
lefo (O,to A) foot-soldier; (T) falcon
HDK39 Lefo 0921'/3823' 2689 m, cf Leffo, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north of Addis Alem
lefo b..: belo (Som) hardship, difficulty
HDT86 Lefo Belo 1045'/3902' 2278 m 10/39 [Gz]
lega (A) fresh /butter/; legga (A) hurt, touch in passing,
hit a ball; laga (O) 1. river; 2. people;
-- Lega, one of the main groups of the Oromo
HDL24 Lega 0917'/3849' 2780 m, north of Addis Abeba, 09/38 [AA Gz]
cf Laga, Lege, Liga
HDL72 Lega 0941'/3837' 2797 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDS25 Lega 1011'/3801' 2417 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDU64 Lega, see Liga
HEK10 Lega, see Hod Gebeya
HEK11 Lega (Legas) 11/37 [WO Gu]
HDT98c Lega Ambo wereda, see Legambo ..
HDL05 Lega Dadi (Oromo: Laga Daadhii), 09/38 [En]
with reservoir damming a valley.
lega de..: dembi (O) kinds of large tree, Ficus vasta etc.;
(Som) crime, sin
HCE.. Lega Dembi (Laga D., Legadembi, Legedembi) 05/39 [Mi n]
(with gold mine, possibly over 60 tons), 350 km south of Addis Abeba
lega h..: hida, hidha (O) 1. tether; 2. captivity
JCP74 Lega Hida, see Lege Hida
lega k..: kidane mihret (A) covenant of mercy
H.... Lega Kidane Mihret 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kimbwat sub-district)
lega o..: oda, odaa (O) kind of tree, Cordia africana;
or large fig tree, Ficus vasta; odaa (O) sanctified place
of assembly; ooda (O) threshing floor; oodaa (O) small quantity
?? Lega Oda (Laga Oda) (rock paintings) ../.. [20 x]
37 km from Dire Dawa. The paintings were studied in 1951.
lega robio, hippo river? laga (O) river;
robi, robii (O) 1. hippopotamus; 2. Wednesday
HDL57 Lega Robio 09/39 [WO]
HDL05 Legadadi, see Lege Dadi
JD... Legagera, see Lege Gera
-- Legagora, an Oromo tribe
JDK31 Legah Gelal 0923'/4239' 1794 m, west of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
HEF73 Legaida, see Duda Arba
-- Legamara, see Lagamara
-- Legambo, Lege Ambo, name of a Wello Oromo tribe
legamb.: lega (O) stream; ambo (O) mineral water,
naturally occurring in springs
HEE16 Legambo, see Lege Ambo, also Koso Beret
HEE19 Legambo (mountain) 1100'/3915' 11/39 [LM WO]
HDT98c Legambo wereda (centre in 1964 = Akista) 10/39 [Ad]
(Lega Ambo ..)
Within the Were Himano awraja until 1991.
(-1994-) is divided into 52 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
The highest and most mountinous area of southern Wello.
In the wereda (-1999-) are towns Gelemo Ager, Kabi, Sulula.
Among kebeles are Aselel, Askentir, Aslamba, Ayt, Birbisa,
Bukaso, Buso (two) Bwabwata, Chiro, Debi, Dejmach, Delel,
Denbesho, Dereba, Dikicha, Fesho, Gedera, Genete, Gwol,
Gwolehito, Hitetera, Hote, Hote Ber, Indras, Kadis, Kera Gimba,
Key Afer, Key Mebrat, Kibib, Kindo, Korkora, Mego, Mosebit,
Mula Meda, Sada Korkora, Segno Gebeya, Selam Ber, Senyo
Gebeya, Shotela, Sole, Temu, Tikise, Welelet, Werento, Werke-
mecha, Wirgo, Yedo, Yekwoshi, Yeshum, Yilada
Legas, a male personal name
HEK10 Legas, see Hod Gebeya
HFE83 Legas 1420'/3844' 1792 m, north of Aksum, 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Abune Gebre Menfes K'idus)
legas w..: weyra (wäyra) (A) wild olive, Olea africana
HEM23 Legas Weyra kebele (Lägas Wäyra ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central southern Kobo wereda, adjoining
Wello Robit to its north-west; area 2,999 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM33 Legas Weyra Mikael (church) 1202'/3937', 12/39 [Gz]
south of Kobbo
?? Legaso (known from the 1300s), in Tigray, ../.. [20]
with ancient hermitage Gutemala (Gutiman, Tsimbila)
HDL05 Legatafo, see Lege Tafo
HEF56 Legda (cultivated hills) 1123'/3954' 2008 m, 11/39 [Gu Gz]
east of Hayk
lege (O) wild plant with edible tubers; batu (O) if .. not
Lege .., here generally not Laga ..
HEK41 Lege, see Layge
HDB.. Lege Agafalte (Laga A.), in direction Didessa 08/36 [+ Mi]
lege am..: ambo (O) /source of/ mineral water
HEE16 Lege Ambo (Legambo) 1054'/3921' 3221 m, 10/39 [Gz]
cf Legambo, Koso Beret
?? Lege Baddo (Laga B.) (in Wellega), ../.. [+ Mi]
an affluent of the Birbir river in Wellega
HDA.. Lege Bagudu, see under Yubdo 08/35 [+ Mi]
lege ba..: batu (O) porter, carrier; (bat'u) (A) roof beam
HDD97 Lege Batu (Legebatu) 0902'/3812' 2170 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see also under Ginchi

lege be..: beri (O) dawn, daybreak; (T) gate,

entrance; (Som) day, time period;
berri (Som) 1. land, country; 2. tomorrow
HDL06 Lege Beri (Legeberi) 0906'/3858' 2486 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
see under Sendafa
(centre in 1964 of Lege Dadi sub-district)
Lege Beri, to the south there is a stream of the same name
lege bo..: bobe, boobee (O) good quality sorghum
HDL76 Lege Bobi (Leghe Bobi), see Lego
lege bu..: buro (Som) 1. Salix or Teclea tree; 2. small container for
water or milk; 3. wart; 4. extra, bonus; buuro (Som) grow fatter
J.... Lege Buro (Lagaburo) 08/40 [+ 18]
lege da..: dadi (O) 1. patience; 2. chances for success;
dadi, daddi (western O) porcupine, Hystrix cristata;
daadhii (O) tej, hydromel
HDL05 Lege Dadi (Legedadi, Leghedadi) 09/38 [AA Gz Ad WO]
(Lega Dadi, Legadadi) 0905'/3855' 2376 m,
to the south there is a stream of the same name;
dam for the Municipality at 32 km from Addis Abeba
?? Lege Dembi, see Lega Dembi
lege em..: emmoo (O) calf
?? Lege Emyo (Laga E.) (river), affluent of Dambi ../.. [+ Mi]
lege gab..: gabro (Som) lie down in a group /said of animals/
?? Lege Gabro (Laga G.), wadi south-east of Dire Dawa ../.. [+ Mi]
lege gay..: gayo (O) kind of pea
?? Lege Gayo (Laga G.) ../.. [+ Mi]
lege ged..: geddi, gedde (A) kind of falcon;
geedoli (Som) 1. caravan, migration; traveller;
2. kind of thin string
HE... Lege Gedi sub-district (Legegedi ..) 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jibgodo)
lege ger..: gera (A) shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks
JD... Lege Gera (Legagera) (in Webera awraja) 09/41? [+ Ad]

lege ham..: hama, hamaa (O) honey badger

JDJ56 Lege Hama (Legehama, Lago Hama) 1640/1692 m 09/42 [+ Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Lege Hama sub-district)
JD... Lege Hardim (Laga Hardin), 09/41? [+ x]
about 40 km before the Awash river on the road from Harar
JD.. Lege Hare (Legehare) (in Dire Dawa awraja) 09/41 [+ Ad]
(separate locality? or part of Dire Dawa town only?)
lege hi..: hida, hidhaa (O) 1. tether; 2. captivity, detention;
hida (O) root, vein, origin; hidda (O) sheaf
-- Lege Hida, Laga Ida, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
JCP73 Lege Hida (Legehida, Lega Hida, Laga H.) 07/41 [LM Ad Gz WO]
(Leghida, Beltu, Belitu) 0756'/4104' 1541 m,
in Were Ilu awraja, centre (-1964-) of JCP74 Lege Hida wereda
HDT79c Lege Hida wereda (Legehida .., Lagahida ..) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Derek Amba)
In the wereda (-1999-) are towns Albuko, Dega Majeti, Dire.
JCP74 Lege Hida wereda (Legehida .. Lege Ida ..) 07/41 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Beltu)
(-1994-) is divided into 36 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
-- Lege Ida, see Lege Hida
HE... Lege Iwa sub-district (Lege'iwa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1965 = Tilfi)
lege j..: jima, jimaa (O) chat, Catha edulis
HD... Lege Jima (Lagajima, Laga Jima, Jima) (river), 09/38 [+ Mi]
second left affluent of the Labbu river in the Upper Muger area
HD... Lege Kolutte (Laga Colutte) (area?) 09/37 [+ Gu]
lege kor..: korma (A,O) bull /not castrated/; (O) strong, tough;
kormaa (O) cock
?? Lege Korma (Laga K.) (in Wellega), cf Korma ../.. [+ Mi]
?? Lege Shoni (Laga S.) (in Wellega) ../.. [+ Mi]
HDL05 Lege Tafo (L. T'afo, Legatafo) 0904'/3853' 2441 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
between Addis Abeba and Sendafa
lege ta..: tama (t'ama) (A) 1. toil; (tama) 2. begin to be ripe;
-- Tama, an ethnic group
HDL34 Lege Tama (L. T'ama) 0923'/3848' 2693 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north of Addis Abeba
HD... Lege Uteki (Laga Utechi) 09/38? [+ Gu]
lege wa..: waldaa (O) 1. border, checkpoint; 2. association
?? Lege Waldo (Laga W.) (river) ../.. [+ Ch]
name of Yeda river in its lower reaches
lege we..: werke (O) kind of tree, Dracaena afromonatana;
werkeh (O) food plant, Ensete ventricosum
HDL82 Lege Werke (L. Werk'e, L. Werqe) 0950'/3839' 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Yohanis) 2965 m, see under Fiche
HDD97 Legebatu, see Lege Batu
?? Legeda (mountain) ../.. [20]
peak 4532 m, second highest mountain in Ethiopia
HDT85 Legehatu Anferfira kebele (Lägähatu Anfärfera ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-eastern Debre Sina wereda at its southern border,
7-18 km north-east of Mekane Selam; area 2,398 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF64 Legehida (Legaida), cf Lege Hida 11/39 [LM WO]
HDU51 Legenj kebele (Lägänj ..) 10/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly for almost 20 km along the northern part of
the eastern border of Jema wereda, 15-20 km east of Degolo;
area 5,288 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE36 Legersa, see Lejersa
HDM73 Legeyda kebele (Lägäyda ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
11-15 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 826 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL05 Leghedadi, see Lege Dadi
HEC69 Legiatena, see Lejatena
HEJ06 Legiome, see Lijomi
HDL76 Lego (Leghe Bobi) 0943'/3902' 2571 m, 09/39 [AA Gz]
see under Webera
HDM21 Leguan (pass), see under Shola Gebeya 09/39 [WO]
HDT87 Legwama, see Lugama
leh (Som) 1. having; 2. saying
HBL19 Leh (area), cf El Leh 03/39 [WO]
JEJ13 Leh Ado (Lehado, Iader) (area) 11/41 [Ha WO]
JEJ33 Lehadu (area) 12/41 [WO]
HB... Lehaite ../.. [20]
Settlement of 3 hectares in north-east Konso.
?? Lehma, town in Chilalao awraja ../.. [x]
HBL19 Lei, see El Leh
?? Leimo (in Kembata), about 18 km from Hosaina ../.. [x]
HDG87 Lein (Leincha) (mountain) 0947'/3527' 1210 m 09/35 [WO Gz]
HDT16 Lej Agba, see Lij Agba
HEC69 Lejatena (Legiatena) (mountain area) 11/37 [+ It]
HDE36 Lejersa (Legersa) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HCM.. Lejo (Läjo) 07/39? [En]
A mountain range separating two right-bank tributaries
of Webi Shebele, and a pass at 3420 m.
leka (läkka) (A) to measure, to adjust
-- Leka, Leqa, first part of the names of several
Wellega and Mecha Oromo tribes
GDM05 Leka (Lek'a, Leqa) 0903'/3449' 1471 m, 09/34 [Gz q]
near map code GDF95, north-east of Gidami
HCN99 Leka (Lek'a, Leqa) 0805'/3540' 1842 m, 08/35 [Gz q]
south-east of Gore
HDB68 Leka (Lek'a, Leqa) 0845'/3628' 2131 m, near Arjo 08/36 [Gz q]
HDC52 Leka, G. (area) 08/36 [WO]
HDC81 Leka (Leca) 08/36 [Gu]
HDL00 Leka (Lek'a, Leqa) 0905'/3828' 2423 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Genet
HDJ30 Leka awraja (Lek'a .., Leqa ..) 0920'/3640' 09/36 [Gz q]
(centre circa 1980 = Nekemte)
HD... Leka Dulecha sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
leka ge..: getema, gatama, gatema (O), geteme (A) kinds
of tree, Schefflera abyssinica, S. volkensis, Cussonia arborea
HDB88 Leka Getema sub-district (Lieka ..) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Getema)
GD... Leka Golebo (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
leka gu..: gurgur (Som) 1. carry things one by one;
2. vulture
HDC80 Leka Gurgur sub-district (Lieka ..) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bandira)
leka k..: kelem (qälam) (A,T) 1. colour, ink, paint, pen;
2. learning, education
HD... Leka Kelem (Leqa Qellam) (historical area), 09/39 [20]
incorporated into Shewa in the 1880s
HDH.. Leka Nekemte (Leqa Nakamte), 09/36 [20]
(historical state in the 1800s)
leka t..: taye (t'ayä) (A?) shrub or tree, Grewia mollis;
tayye (tayyä) (A) appear, be seen, be shown
HDG04 Leka Taye (Lecatae) 1495 m 09/35 [+ WO]
HCT.. Lekancho, at the eastern shore of lake Ziway ../.. [x]
lekeka: lekkeke (läqqäqä) (A) 1. released, set free;
2. abandoned, left, moved somewhere else;
lekaka (läqaqa) (A) having a large opening
JDJ74 Lekeka (Lecheca) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
HDH09 Lekemte awraja (centre = Nekemte), 09/36 [Ad]
cf Leka awraja
HDH09 Lekemti (Lekempti, Lekemt), see Nekemte
leketi: lekti (T) shrubby herb up to 80 cm growing at
altitude 1800-2350 m, Malva parviflora, poisonous to people
but regarded by some as good food for cattle;
lekete (läqät'ä) (Gondar A) threw mud for plastering a wall;
leket (A) small bread
GDM34 Leketi (Lecheti) 1521 m 09/34 [+ WO]
HF... Lekhai (historical? area north-west of Adigrat) 14/39? [x]
HDS41 Leklechita (Lek'lech'ita) 1020'/3738' 2320 m, 10/37 [Gz]
(with church Maryam to the east), west of Debre Markos
HDS45 Lekma (Lek'ma, Leqma) 1020'/3801' 2479 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bichena
HEC07 Lekma, see Lichma
HEC12c Lekoma sub-district (centre in 1964 = Addis Kidam) 11/36 [Ad]
leku: laku (O) twin; leko (läqo) (A) 1. small plants which
grow up after the slightest rain; 2. lush herbs which bend
by being very tall
HCL50 Leku (Locu) 0652'/3827' 1845/1924 m 06/38 [Gz Po Te WO]
(sub-post office under Shashemene)
(centre in 1964 of Shebedino wereda)
HCL62 Leku (Lacu) 0655'/3840' 1850 m 06/38 [MS Gu]
HDH26 Leku 0915'/3618' 1495 m, north-west of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ55 Leku 0934'/3704' 2739 m, near Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDT02 Leku 1000'/3837' 1675 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDG.. Leku Kebele, in Gimbi awraja? 09/35 [x]
lela, lola (O) 1. kind of tree, Teclea nobilis, anything from
a shrub to a tall tree; 2. flower called red-hot poker in English;
lele, leelee (O) dirt; lelee hang down loosely
/hair with beads/;
-- Lele, Halele, name of a Nole tribe of the eastern Oromo
HBL37 Lele 0356'/3902' 1219 m, 03/39 [WO Gz]
mountain north of Moyale
JCH37 Lele (mountain) 0642'/4127' 1233, 1615 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
JDH29 Lele 0918'/4130' 1943 m, near Deder 09/41 [Gz]
JBJ42 Leleftu, see Leflef
JFA73 Lelegeddi (Lelegheddi) 1415'/4000' 514 m 14/40 [LM WO Gz]
lelisa: lellelisu (O) 1. sing; 2. praise /with a song/;
3. like, love; lellis- (O) praise
HDL91 Lelisa (Lellisa) 09/38 [LM WO]
HDT02 Lelisa (Lellisa) 0959'/3838' 1965 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam), north-west of Fiche
HDA86 Lelocheli, see Lalo Kile
?? Lelu (ford), see Mabil
lem dingay (A) overgrown flourishing stone
HE... Lem Dingay (centre in 1964 of Angot sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
lema (Sidamo) mountain bamboo, Arundinaria alpina, cf lemma (A);
shilin (Som) tick, kind of parasite; shillin (Som) kind of
large tree with edible fruit; shiilliin (Som) frying
Lema, a male personal name
JBR35 Lema Shilindi 0450'/4207' 233/350 m 04/42 [MS Ro]
(Alamshindo, Lama Scillindi, Lammascillindi) 04/42 [WO Gu]
MS coordinates would give map code JBR25
HEM13 Lema Solela kebele (Léma Soläla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central southernmost Kobo wereda at its border,
9-13 km south of Wello Robit; area 1,543 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JFA43 Lemale, see Berahle, cf Lammale
HES74 Lemalema (Lemalemo, Lemalmo), see Lamalimu
JEB24 Lemalie (Lemalle) (waterhole) 11/41 [MS WO]
lamanyaw d..: dimma, dhimma (O) business, task, problem
HEE85 Lemanyaw Dimma (Lemagnau Dimma) 11/38 [+ WO]
lemat (A,Gurage) eating table of basketwork; lemata (O) table
as above; altar; limat (limat') (A) prosperity;
lemt (lämt') (A) leprosy
HDK83 Lemat (Liemat) 0949'/3750' 1539 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
south of Abay river
HDK83c Lemat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ansoyie) 09/37 [Ad]
HEK60 Lemba (Lamba) 1221'/3730' 1801 m, 12/37 [Gz WO Gu 18]
near map code HEJ69
HDS58 Lemchen sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bichena) 10/38 [Ad]
JFB04 Lemebuyi 13/41 [Ne Wa]
lemem b..: bar (Som) 1. livestock; 2. kind of palm,
Hyphaene thebaica; 3. speck, spot, mark, stain; 4. half;
5. teach, introduce; barr (Som) plain; baar (Som) tip, peak
JCF16 Lemem Bar (Lamma Bar) 0534'/4455' 05/44 [Gz WO]
lemen: leeman (O) bamboo
HDE30 Lemen 0829'/3826' 2981 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE32 Lemen (Liemen) MS: 0827'/3838' 08/38 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Malima Aba sub-district)
(with sub-post office)
lemen ch..: chito, chittoo (O) human scabies
HDK09 Lemen Chito (L. Ch'ito, Lemenchito) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0908'/3823' 2676 m, see under Addis Alem
HDL72 Lemen Menya (Lemmen) 0845'/3836' 2090 m, 08/38 [AA Gz]
south of Sebeta
HEL49 Lemeta 1212'/3916' 3116 m, north-east of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
H.... Lemi (sub-district & its centre in 1964) ../.. [Ad]
HDL62 Lemi 0940'/3841' 2674 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDL75 Lemi 0946'/3853' 2603 m (with church Mikael), 09/38 [AA Gz]
5 km south of one at HDL85, see under Debre Libanos
HDL85 Lemi (Medani Alem) 0948'/3855' 2557 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with school and church Medhane Alem), east of Fiche
HDT74 Lemi 1040'/3849' 2403 m, east of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
HDL86 Lemi & Meniwena kebele (Lämi & Mäniwäna ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in west Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
surrounding Lemi settlement; area 1,482 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL69 Lemiya 1223'/3916' 2318 m, west of Alamata 12/29 [Gz]

lemlem (A) fertile, verdant, lush

Lemlem (Lamlam), a female personal name
HDT51 Lemlem Amba kebele (Lämläm .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Wegdi wereda,
23-30 km west of Mahdere Selam; area 4,004 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Lemlem Bereha ../.. [20]
lemlem ch..: cheffe (ch'äffe) (A) lush grassy but
slightly marshy land; chaffe (O) 1. meadow, place of
outdoor assembly; 2. kind of tall swamp grass used
for thatching of roofs
?? Lemlem Chefe (visiting postman under A.A.) ../.. [Po]
HDF89 Lemlem kebele (Lämläm ..) 08/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
6-9 km west of Balchi; area 486 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT54 Lemlemitu Tungi kebele (Lämlämitu T'ungi ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north Wegdi wereda at the middle of its northern border,
3-7 km north-west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,352 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
lemma (A) to be green, to flourish, to thrive;
Lemma, a male personal name
HCP65 Lemma 0751'/3611' 2247 m, cf Lema .. 07/36 [WO Gz]
lemmen, lemman, lemen, leman (O) mountain bamboo,
Arundinaria alpina; lemin (A) why; lemmene (A,T) ask for, beg
HDL72 Lemmen, see Lemen Menya
lemmi (O) 1. messenger of a clan, ambassador of a local king;
2. patrikin, relatives on the father's side
HCD39 Lemmi 05/38 [WO]
HCD04 Lemmu (Lemu), see Gembo
?? Lemno, some 75 km west of northern Langano ../.. [x]
HCC42c Lemo (Lemmo), 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in Maale-inhabited district
-- Lemu, a sub-group of the Hadiya people;
living north of Hosaina
Lemu is also an individual male name
HCS44 Lemu, see Limu
HCS45 Lemu (area) 07/38 [WO]
H.... Lemu (in Arsi) 07/39? [x]
HCT48 Lemu (Sirba) 0736'/3913' 2671 m 07/39 [Gz]
HCT49c Lemu (Liemu), with American mission station 07/39 [x WO]
JEH33 Lemu (Lemoo) (waterhole), cf Limu 12/40 [WO Wa]
?? Lemu Aria, in Arsi ../.. [..]
HCT39 Lemu & Bilbilo wereda 07/39 [x]
(centre in 1967 = Bekoji?)
?? Lemu Chemari, village in Arsi, with cooperative ../.. [x]
HDG.. Lemu Nasi (Lemmu N.), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HCT39c Lemu Sirba, town in Bekoji wereda 07/39 [20]
lencha, leencha (O) lion, Felis leo;
-- Lencha, name of a group of Oromo around year 1700,
cf Lencha Kecho
GD... Lencha (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HBS40 Lencha (Lencia, Lenja) (hill), cf Liencha 04/37 [+ WO Wa]
HCK56 Lencha (Lencia) (area) 1493 m 06/38 [+ WO]
HDC73 Lencha (Lencia, Socso Lencia?) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDD13 Lencha (Lench'a) 0819'/3749' 1858 m, 08/37 [Gz]
near Welkite
HDG77c Lencha (Tulu Leintcha) (mountain) ca. 0945'/3525' 09/35 [x]
HDH99 Lencha (Lench'a) (mountain) 0957'/3634' 2154 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK38 Lencha (Lench'a) 0922'/3818' 2606 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL06 Lencha (Lench'a) 0903'/3903' 2453 m, 09/39 [Gz]
near Sendafa
HDL13 Lencha, see under Sululta 09/38 [AA]
HDL79 Lencha (Lench'a) 0945'/3915' 2690 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
JDB30 Lencha (Lencia) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
JDK10 Lencha (G. Lencia) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HDL59 Lencha Gebi Giyorgis (Lench'a ..) 0935'/3918', 09/39 [Gz]
church south-west of Debre Birhan
HDM82 Lencha Giyorgis (Lencia Gheorghis) (church) 09/39 [+ WO]
-- lencha k..: Kecho, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDK75 Lencha Kecho (Lench'a K'ech'o, L. Qecho) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0942'/3801' 2507 m
lenche d..: dima, diima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides; 3. baobab large
tree, Adansonia digitata
HEM03 Lenche Dima kebele (Lénch'ä .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the east in Guba Lafto wereda,
10-13 km east of Weldiya; area 1,728 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS08 Lencho (Lench'o) 1001'/3816' 2530 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south of Abay river near the main bridge to Gojjam
JDC88 Lendama (area) 08/42 [WO]
HEE13 Lengwat kebele (Längwat' ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda, 8-12 km
south-west of Ajibar; area 2,514 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBR37 Lenia (Lengia) 0449'/3717' 1198, 1512 m 04/37 [WO Gz Gu]
JCJ05c Lenka 06/42 [Wa]
lenksa: lenkesa-u, lenqesawu (O) be weak from exhaustion
HDA63 Lenksa (Lencsa), cf Lankisa 08/35 [+ WO]
HDJ02 Lentacha (Lentach'a) 0906'/3650' 2020 m, 09/36 [Gz]
east of Nekemte
HBR37 Lenya (Lenia) 04/37 [+ MS WO]
?? Leo (Läo) (in the Jimma direction) ../.. [Pa]
HCT46c Lepo, in Albaso east of lake Langano 07/39? [x]
HDM54 Lepsata (valley), see under Ankober 09/39 [Gu]
HDL00 Leqa, see Leka
HCS.? Lera, small town in the Inekor area, 08/37 [20]
(centre of Azernet & Berbere wereda)
HED60 Lera (village) 11/37 [It]
HER27 Lerdan (area) 12/37 [WO]
GCT65 Lero 07/33 [WO]
HDT49 Leshete kebele (Läshäté ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south Jema wereda somewhat to the east and at the south-eastern
border of the wereda, 9-16 km south-east of Degolo; area 3,778 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCK93 Lesho (Lescio) 07/37 [+ WO]
?? Lesles Uaver (mountain pass) 3865 m ../.. [Gu]
lessese (A) took a handful of; lezzeze (A) almost
completely dried
HCK50 Lessesso (area) 06/37 [WO]
JBS05 Let, see Yet
let (lät) (A) night .. /"night of" when followed by a
defining word, otherwise lelit/; let (lät) (A) day;
marefiya (A) accommodation, cf marefiya bet, custody;
also: let marefiya (A) weak-stemmed herb with nodding
flower-heads, "Lie-and-Sleep, Galla cotton", Crassocephalum
HDM64 Let Marefiya (Let Marefia, Marafiya, Lit M.) 09/39 [Gz Gu WO Wa]
(Lett-Maréfià) 0938'/3945' 2468 m
(1940s source: 0937'/3954' 2408 m),
see also under Ankober
Leta, Letta, a male personal name
HDE44 Leta 0831'/3849' 2101 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), at mount Zikwala
leta (let'a) (A,O) 1. bare-back, non-saddled animal;
2. not pregnant, unmarried; 3. (O) /clothes/ without fringe;
kolfa (O) laughter; kolfi (O) key; button
HDK16 Leta Kolfe (Geldu, Jeldu, Djeldu) 09/38 [AA Gz]
0912'/3807' 2962 m
HDM72 Letche, see Liche
HDK02 Lete 0905'/3743' 1921 m, cf Lata 09/37 [AA Gz]
KCH38 Levi Abdulla Weyn (L. A. Uein) 06/46 [+ WO]
HEF32 Lewcho, see Liwcho
JDK71 Lewenaji (Lovenaggi, Lovenagge) 09/42 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
0941'/4236' 1516/1654 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
leweso: lewwese (A) 1. knead flour for bread; 2. sink into mud;
3. strike forcefully; lewwesew (A) lost a litigation in court,
was fined
HDK71 Leweso (Sabart) 0941'/3740' 2460 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEF76 Lewlew 1130'/3956' 1362 m, north-east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
HDK62 Lewoso 0938'/3745' 2353 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
near Guder river south of Abay river
leyehida: hida (O) root, vein, origin
HDU90 Leyehida 1046'/3921' 2804 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north-west of Were Ilu
HEK60 Leyin 1222'/3732' 1853 m, north of lake Tana 12/37 [Gz]
HFE98 Leyto 1424'/3914' 1996 m, north of Inticho, 14/39 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
?? Lezebsheha (Läzäbsheha), in Lasta 1600s 12/39? [x]
HEF50 Lgot, see Ligot
HEJ32 Li Lambaz Mariam 1958 m (=Lay L.Maryam?) 12/36 [WO Gu]
lib, libb (A) 1. heart; 2. courage; 3. spirit, attention
HDM46 Lib Argi 0927'/3955' 1258 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Ankober
libaan (Som) success, prosperity, blessing;
liibaan (Som) success, victory, triumph, prosperity, blessing
-- Liban, Liben, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe and of its region,
one of four groups making up the Afre in the 1500s;
also a present-day male name among the Borana
HEC94 Liban, see Liben
JBN63 Liban (area) 05/40 [WO Wa]
libana (O) incense
HDT38 Libanos 1018'/3913' 2615 m 10/39 [Gz]
H.... Libanos (centre in 1964 of Barna sub-district) 13/38 [Ad]
HDT48 Libanos kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south Jema wereda at the middle of its northern border,
12-15 km south-southwest of Degolo; area 1,652 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT84 Libanos kebele 10/38 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in north Debre Sina wereda at its northern border,
7-14 km north-northeast of Mekane Selam; area 2,253 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE86 Libargye (Libarghie), see under Bete Hor 11/39 [+ WO]
libas (A) cover of /traditional/ book
HDK57 Libas 0931'/3812' 2475 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Tekle Haymanot)
libasa, name of a gada age grade among the Borana
libash (A) much-worn clothes starting to be in rags
HDL46 Libaso 0929'3900' 2654 m, north of Sendafa 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCF25 Libeli Aval (Libeh Aval) 0541'/4451' 330 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
?? Libella (emperor Yohannis was there in 1884) 12/39 [18]
-- Liben (Libän, Liban), confederation of four Oromo clans,
Liben, also occurring as a male individual name in modern time
HBU77 Liben (Libän) (plain in Sidamo) 0513'/3958' 05/39 [n]
HDS04 Liben 0958'/3756' 1127 m, north of river Abay 09/37 [Gz]
HDT00 Liben 1001'/3827' 1783 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEC94 Liben (Liban, Liven) 1141'/3657' 1872 m, 11/36 [Gz WO Gu It]
(with church Medhane Alem), south-west of lake Tana
HDS04 Liben wereda 1001'/3827' 1783 m, cf Liban, 10/38 [AA Gz n]
(-1962-1997-) (centre in 1964 = Kedie)
Coordinates would give map code HDT00
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
HBU83 Liben wereda (ctr in 1964 = Negele) (1964-2000-) 05/39 [Ad 20]
?? Liben Zikwala (visiting postman under A.A.) ../.. [Po]
?? Liben Zikwala sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
-- Libido language (Amharic: Maräqo), see Marako
HEB44 Libka (Libca) 1117'/3603' 1220 m 11/36 [Gz]
liblibo: libleba (A) light burning, singeing;
liblib (A) bad language; liblabi (A) bran of flour
HEC88 Liblibo Maryam (Livelivuo Mariam), 11/37 [+ Ch Gu It]
(small church near shore), see under Bahir Dar
HEF01 Libo 1055'/3925' 3548 m, south-west of Dessie 10/39 [Gz]
HEK.. Libo (historical locality known from the 1600s), 12/37 [x]
north-east of lake Tana
HEK44 Libo (Amba Libo, Lebbo) 12/37 [Gz Gu]
1212'/3753' 2823, 3065 m, east of northern lake Tana
HEK65 Libo awraja (Libbo ..) 1220'/3800' 12/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1959 = Libo, about 1964-1980 = Addis Zemen)
The awraja continued until 1974, containing the weredas
Belesa, Kemkem and Ibnat. It was succeeded by
Libo Kemkem wereda.
HEK34 Libo Giyorgis (L.Georgis) 1207'/3755' 12/37 [LM WO]
HEK35 Libo Iyesus (Libo Jesus) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEK33c Libo Kemkem wereda (.. Kamkam ..) (-1994-) 12/37 [n]
Created within the South Gondar Zone in 1974.
libs (A) 1. clothes; 2. the part of a hay-stack which
narrows towards the top
HEF83 Libse, see Mehal Amba Sudan
HEF83 Libso (Leebso, Lipso) (recorded in 1841) 1836 m 11/39 [WO Wa Ha]
HDL58 Libso Kidane Mihret (church) 0930'/3913', 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Birhan
libwa..: libb washa (A) cave of courage?
HDT07 Libwasha (Libuascia) 10/39 [+ WO]
HFE63 Licanos, see Likanos
HDM72 Licce, see Sariya
liche (O) stick, bat to strike with
HBK28 Liche (mountain) 0349'/3825' 1542 m 03/38 [WO Gz]
HDM52c Liche (Leche, Letche, Licce), west of Ankober, 09/39 [x 18]
used as capital by Menilek from about 1865
Within a radius of 10 km there is at
6E Bakiello (Bachiello)
HDM72 Liche (Lichie, Licce, Litce, Leche) 09/39 [MS Ad WO 18]
(ctr in 1964 of Werana wereda), see under Debre Birhan
HEC07 Lichma (Lich'ma, Licma, Lecma, Lekma) 10/37 [Gz Ch Gu WO]
(mountain) 1057'/3717' 3161/3296 m
licho b..: beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, thorn enclosure for cattle
HEM40 Licho Beret Giyorgis (Lich'o ..) 1210'/3925', 12/39 [Gz]
church west of Kobbo
HEM52 Licho Beret kebele (Lich'o Bärät ..) 12/39 [Gz]
in south-west Kobo wereda at its western border; area 2,974 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT46 Licho kebele (Lich'o ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Kelela wereda stretching 15 km north/south to
the middle of its southern border and with the northernmost point
10 km south-southwest of Kelala settlement; area 5,555 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE29 Licurgo, see Likurgo
HC... Lida (centre in 1964 of Habiela Wendo sub-district) 06/38 [Ad]
HE... Lida (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/38? [Ad]
-- lideta k..: Kereyu, a main branch of Oromo
who advanced in the 1600s.
HEM01 Lideta Kereyu kebele (Ledäta Käräyu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda reaching its western border
between two "arms" towards the west, 8-15 km west of
Weldiya; area 2,488 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Lidetta Maryam ../.. [x]
cave church south-west of Lalibela and north-west of Genete Maryam
lido: liido (Som) be weak
JCH39 Lido 0641'/4132' 890 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
-- Lieka, see Leka
HDK83 Liemat, see Lemat
H.... Liemen, see Lemen
HCT49c Liemu, see Lemu
HCU.. Liemu Mariam (church) 07/39 [Gu]
HCT98 Liencha (Liencia) (wide area), cf Lencha 08/39 [+ WO Gu]
HEC38 Lieu (Liyu, Alieyso) (mountain), 11/37 [Gu Gz WO]
1109'/3719' 2742, 3498 m, south-west of Debre May
HEC28 Lig Ambera (Lig), see Lij Ambera
HDS54c Liga, town in Awabel wereda 10/37 [20]
HET61 Liga (mountain) 1316'/3836' 2339 m, cf Lega 13/38 [WO Gz]
HDU64 Liga kebele (Lega ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Gishe Rabel wereda along its southern border,
17-22 km south-east of Were Ilu; area 4,107 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ligaba (A) official introducer, master of ceremonies
/at court/, royal chamberlain
HCT99 Ligaba (centre in 1964 of Hetosa sub-district) 08/39 [Ad WO Gu]
HCU90 Ligaba 0805'/3920' 08/39 [Gz]
HDF01 Ligaba 08/39 [Gu]
HFM00 Ligat 1428'/3923' 2247 m, 14/39 [Gz]
between Adigrat and Senafe
HEF66 Lige 1129'/3957' 1221 m, north-east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
HE... Liggo (centre in 1964 of Wulawula sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEJ06 Ligiomi, see Lijomi
HDL58 Ligo 0932'/3913' 2677 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEF50 Ligot (Lgot) 1119'/3923' 2690 m, 11/39 [Gz]
amba in Wello, south-east of Mekdela
HEF.. Ligot sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gwasa Meda) 11/39 [Ad]
ligwam (A,T), lugama (O) bit of a bridle; (T) bridle, harness
HDT87 Liguama, see Lugama
JEA84 Lihadi 1139'/4008' 822 m, at the Mille river 11/40 [Gz]
JDG54 Lihadu (lakes, It: Laghi Lihadu) 09/40 [Ne WO]
HDR28 Liim Asterio (Liyim A.), see Digim Asterio
lij (A) son, child, young gentleman
HDT16 Lij Agba kebele (Lej .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, adjoining
Alem Ketema to its west and extending 5 km north/south;
area 2,116 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT16 Lij Agba Tekle Haymanot (church) 1004'/3858' 10/38 [Gz]
lij am..: ambera (Gurage) he did not eat
HEC28 Lij Ambera (Lijambera, Lig Ambera) (mountain) 11/37 [+ WO Gz]
1107'/3724' 3172, 3607 m
HEC28 Lij Ambera sub-district 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Keteb)
H.... Lij Nigus, in Damot 10/37 [En]
There was Jesuit mission in the 1620s.
HEJ06 Lijomi (Ligiomi, Legiome) 1148'/3710' 1810 m, 11/37 [Ch Gz Gu WO]
at the mouth of Little Abay into lake Tana
lik abo: lik (liq) (Geez, A) 1. chief, head /in religious context/,
scholar; 2. exact! absolutely! 3. measure, quantity, caliber of a gun;
liqq (A) stray /cattle/
abo see under abbo as first part of a name
HEJ47 Lik Abo (Likaba) (small island), see under Gorgora 12/37 [Ch WO]
likanos: Abba Liqanos, one of the "Nine Saints"
of the 500s
HFE63 Likanos (Licanos) 1409'/3844' 2119 m, 14/38 [+ Gu Gz]
mountain 2339 m, see under Aksum
JDA54 Liki (Lik'i, Liqi) 0836'/4011', west of Mechara 08/40 [Gz]
HC... Likimse Abela, not far from Awasa 07/38 [20]
liklik (liqliq) (A) rinsed, whitewashed
HEJ58 Liklik (Lik'lik', Liqliq) 1217'/3724' 1785 m, 12/37 [Ch Gz]
near Gorgora at northern shore of lake Tana
liko (Som) one who stands out among others
HEB43 Liko 11/35 [WO]
HET16 Liktaba 1249'/3901' 1926 m, north of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HC... Liku (in Sidama awraja) 06/38? [Ad]
HDE29 Likurgo (Licurgo) 08/39 [+ WO]
lil: liil- (O) whirl
HCA29 Lilibai (Liilibai) (plain, mountain), 05/35 [Ca WO n]
(with hot spring)
JDA08 Lilimis 0810'/4033' 1372 m 08/40 [Gz]
lilmo, lilmoo (O) needle /for sewing/
GDF23 Lilmu (mountain, cf Gara Lilmo) 08/34 [WO]
lilo (A) kite type of bird, Milvus migrans?
HDA94 Lilo 08/35 [WO]
HDL32 Lilo 0922'/3840' 2549 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
lilu, lillu (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Piliostigma thonningii
HDE61 Lilu (village) 08/38 [x]
HDK58 Lilu 0934'/3814' 2225 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
lim (A) fine dust, flour; ber (A) gate, door;
-- Nuer, an ethnic group found also in Sudan
bar (Som) 1. livestock; 2. kind of palm, Hyphaene thebaica;
3. speck, spot, mark, stain; 4. half; 5. teach, introduce;
barr (Som) plain; baar (Som) tip, peak
GDD27 Lim Nuer Bar 0821'/3313' 284 m, 08/33 [WO Gz]
at a river being border of Sudan
lima: limma, liimmaa (O) kind of wild plant eaten as vegetable
HDK84 Lima (area) 09/37 [WO]
HES64c Limalimo 13/37 [LM]
HER19 Limama Mikael (church) 1248'/3729', 12/37 [Gz]
north of Gondar
HDE.. Liman (Leemaan), large village, same as Lemen?, 08/38 [20]
large village at 22 km distance from Tiya in direction Adadi
JDB58 Limar (area) 08/41 [WO]
limena (A) petition, request
HDK27 Limeni 0916'/3813' 2450 m, NW of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz Po]
(=Limen? = sub-post office under Addis Abeba?)
JDB58 Limey 0839'/4129' 1387 m 08/41 [Gz]
limiti, limit'ii (O) very dark
HDG13 Limiti 0910'/3503' 1525/1559 m 09/35 [WO Gu Gz]
HEJ.. Limjour (on map of 1814), 11/37 [18]
west of lake Tana, at a little more southern latitude than Dek
JEN14 Limmo (mountain) 1248'/4015' 331 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
-- Limmu, Limu, a group of the Sadacha confederacy of Oromo
who formed the first modern Gibe state
HCR73 Limmu, see Kossa
HDC13 Limmu, see Limu
HDH88 Limmu (district) 0810'/3700' 09/36 [WO]
-- Limmu Enarya (.. Innarya) (historical small state)
HDC03 Limmu Saca, see Seka, Limu Seka
HEF73 Limo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Ambasel wereda, 2-7 km
east-southeast of Wichale; area 1,872 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS44 Limu (Lemo, Liemo?, Leimo?), cf Lemu 07/37 [Gz]
0737'/3757' 2339 m, north-east of Hosaina
?? Limu (in Chilalo awraja) ../.. [Ad]
(wereda & its centre in 1964)
HDA08 Limu 0811'/3535' 1762 m, near Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HDC13 Limu (Limmu) 0815'/3655' 1773 m, 08/36 [MS Po Gz]
(with sub-post office)
HDJ65 Limu 0936'/3705' 2570 m, near Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDC04 Limu awraja 0810'/3700' (-1964-1992-) 08/36 [Gz n]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Agaro)
HCT39 Limu & Bilbilo wereda 07/39 [x]
(centre in 1967 = Bekoji?)
limu gel..: Gelila (A) the biblical name Galilee
HD... Limu Gelila (in Gudru awraja) 09/37? [Ad]
lume gen..: genet (gänät) (A,T) garden, paradise
HCR93 Limu Genet (in Limu awraja), see also Suntu
limu k..: kossa, qoossaa (O) kind of cattle disease
HCR93 Limu Kossa wereda (centre in 1964 = Suntu) 08/36 [Ad]
(Limmu Kosa ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 133 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
limu se..: seka (säqa, säqqa) (A) edge of a cliff
/also other meanings/
HDC22c Limu Seka wereda (centre in 1964 = Atnago) 08/37 [Ad]
(Limmu Sakka ..)
(-994-) is divided into 106 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
?? Limu Shaye (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCS.. Limu wereda (Limo ..) 08/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 74 rural and 10 urban kebeles.
HD... Limu wereda (centre in 1964 = Gelila) 09/36 [Ad]
(-994-) is divided into 94 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
H.... Limzameg (centre in 1964 of Nabara sub-district) 10/37? [Ad]
HC... Lincho, with Danish mission station in the 1960s 07/39? [x]
HDT64 Lincho kebele (Linch'o ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north Wegdi wereda somewhat to the east at its northern
border, 6-10 km north of Mahdere Selam; area 1,347 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ34 Linkwatit (Linquatit) 12/37 [+ Ch WO]
HEF83 Lipso, see Mehal Amba Sudan, see also Libso
HEJ74 Lisag 1225'/3701' 2104 m, south-west of Chilga 12/36 [Gu Gz]
lisan (Ge'ez) tongue; lisene bahir (A) inlet
HC... Lisana (ctr in 1964 of Lisana Shashago sub-district) 07/37 [Ad]
HED84 Liscia, see Lashat
liset (lisät) (A) rock
?? Liset (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
lisha (A) abundant herbs which bend down by being very tall;
lesha (O) whip of hippo hide; lisho (O) hide of hippopotamus
HED84 Lisha (Liscia) 2463 m 11/37 [+ WO]
HET67 Lisha (Amba Liscia) 1313'/3906' 1864 m, 13/39 [Gz WO]
north-west of Samre
liso (Som) milk for oneself; lisso (southern Eth) whip
which can also be the symbol of a dignitary
HBK90 Liso (area) 04/37 [WO]
HBS00 Liso (area) 1052 m 04/37 [WO]
HDP09 Lisu (Tasu) 1002'/3630' 1781 m 10/36 [It Gz]
lit b..: bilen (A) iris or pupil of the eye
JDG56 Lit. Bilen (hot springs) 09/40 [Ne]
(full name? Italian littorale = coastline)
HDM64 Lit Marefiya, see Let Marefiya
HEL58 Litaka 1217'/3907' 2566 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
HDK08 Liti 0905'/3819' 2353 m, see under Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
Little .., see Tinishu .., Tinshu ..
JCC12 Livata 05/41 [Wa]
HEC88 Livelivuo Mariam, see Liblibo Maryam
HDD59 Liven, see Bantu
HEC94 Liven, see Liban
?? Liware, see Lware
HEF32 Liwcho kebele (Lewch'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Kuta Ber wereda at a south-western border,
5-10 km south of Kuta Ber settlement and 10-16 km
north-west of Dessie; area 2,154 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDR28 Liyim Asterio, see Digim Asterio
HEC38 Liyu, see Lieu
lizib d..: dingay (A) rock, stone
HDL18 Lizib Dingay (with church Gebri'el) 09/39 [Gz]
0909'/3912', north-east of Sendafa
JCE27 Llo Uen, see Ilo Un
lo (Som/H.Salt) cow
JEC01 Lo Ammadu, see Amadu
JDD27 Lo Wanagg (Lo Uanagg) (area) 1083 m 08/43 [+ WO]
JDD37 Lobila (area) 08/43 [WO]
HBP34 Lobuni 0450'/3606' 393 m, at Omo river 04/36 [WO Gz]
HBP42 Lobuni (area) 04/35 [WO]
lochu (O) feel nausea
JDA65 Lochu (mountain) 0841'/4019' 2402 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south-west of Gelemso
HDR24 Locman, see Lokman
HDH29 Loco, see Loko
GCT56 Locota, see Dokota
HCL50 Locu, see Leku
HDJ64 Locusafor, see Lokusafor
HDF01 Lodi 0812'/3928' 2450 m 08/39 [Gz]
JEJ34 Lofefle (Eylou) 1205'/4159' 472 m 12/41 [Gz WO]
GCU22 Loffe (river), see Gilo
JDJ.. Lofte circa 0925'/4220' (on map of 1814), 09/42 [18]
a little west of Funyan Bira
loga (O) 1. long and broad lance; 2. rebel, deserter;
looga 3. leaking thatch; tereter (A) ridge, chain of hills;
loge, logee (O) tall /in an ungraceful way/
HDK34 Loge Tereter (cliff) 0922'/3754' 09/37 [AA Gz]
JEB93 Loggia, see Logiya
logh: loog (Som) 1. banquet, feast; 2. slaughter animals
for a feast
JCH61 Logh 0655'/4052' 1248 m, 06/40 [WO Gz]
south-east of Ginir, see under Megalo
HDM83 Logheita (recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
JEB93 Loghia, see Logiya
HDG94 Logi (Loghi) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
HDE64 Logia, see Adam Tere
JEB93 Logiya (Loghia, Loggia, Logya) 1144'/4059' 394 m, 11/41 [Gz n Te Po]
near Tendaho, with plantation at some distance to the south-west
?? Logodoti, hills fringing eastern shore of lake Turkana 03/36? [n]
logol ch..: chakko (O) wild eatable plant
HFE27 Logol Chako (L. Ch'ak'o) 1345'/3908' 1659 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), north-east of Abiy Adi
-- Lohu language, see Bussa
-- Lohu people, see Dullay
HBP18 Loia, see Loya & HDJ48
HC... Loisha (centre 1964 of Loma Koisha sub-district) 06/37 [Ad]
HDE64 Loja (Logia), see Adam Tere
lojo, lojoo (O) climbing beans
HCE90 Loke (Lok'e, Loqe) 0616'/3826' 2901 m, 06/38 [Gz]
south-east of Dilla
HCL.. Loke 0710'/3811' at 5 km from Awasa town 07/38 [Gz 20]
HBP23 Lokinach 0445'/3603' 383 m, at Omo river 04/36 [WO Gz]
HDR23 Lokman (Locman, Lokama) 1011'/3653' 1635 m, 10/36 [Wa Gz 18]
cf Jambir
loko, lokko, lookoo (O) kind of slim and tall tree,
Diospyros abyssinica, (A) 1. Cussonia holstii, with
stalks where leaves branch out from a common point;
2. bifurcated piece of wood
HDH29 Loko (Loco) 09/36 [+ WO]
HDJ85 Loko 0947'/3706' 2474 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
JCP86 Loko 0802'/4114' 1454 m 08/41 [Gz]
HC... Lokte, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
lokte g..: goma (A) hornless /animal/
HC... Lokte Goma, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
HDJ64 Lokusafor (Locusafor), see uunder Shambu 09/37 [+ WO]
lol, lola (A) kind of forest tree, Ekebergia capensis,
also Pittosporum abyssinicum; lola (O) 1. drainage trench
for streaming water; 2. symbolic name for cattle; 3. battle,
fight, feud inside Oromo tribes as distinguished from
external war = dula; lole (A,O) servant, old retainer, vassal;
lolaa (O) flood; lolla, lollaa (O) wastewater
HCP73 Lola 0752'/3601' 2281 m 07/36 [Gz]
/this Lola?:/ state farm in the Arsi region
JDB67 Lola, see Loloha
JDB76 Lola 08/41 [WO]
JDB96 Lola, G. (area) 2208 m 08/41 [WO]
JDG19 Lolaya (Lolaia) 09/40 [+ WO]
lole, kind of tree, cf lola above; (lolé) (A) vassal, retainer;
lolee (O) manservant who looks after his master's horse/mule
H.... Lole (local centre) 07/39 [x]
HEF05 Lole (Melco) 1054'/3948' 1471 m, 10/39 [Gz WO]
south-east of Kombolcha
HCT57 Lolo 0741'/3903' 2525 m, south of Asela 07/39 [Gz]
HD... Lolo Osechi (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
JDB67 Loloha (Lola) 0844'/4120' 1254 m 08/41 [Gz]
?? Lolotu (mountain in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
loma, loomaa (O) straight /tree/
HCJ69 Loma 0652'/3722' 721 m 06/37 [WO Ad Gz]
(wereda & its centre in 1964), also named Loma Bosa below
Coordinates would give map code HCJ58
JEH22 Loma (mountain) 1157'/4053' 443 m, west of Serdo 11/41 [WO Gz]
JEH23 Loma (crater) 1158'/4057' 436 m, west of Serdo 11/40 [Gz]
loma b..: bosa (O) slow, sluggish
HCJ69 Loma Bosa wereda 06/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 51 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCJ.. Loma Koisha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Loisha) 06/37 [Ad]
?? Loma wereda (centre in 1964 = Loma, later Bale), ../.. [Ad]
one of eight weredas within Kulo Konta awraja
HEC88 Lomamte 11/37 [Gu]
HCF70 Lome 0608'/3922' 1590 m 06/39 [WO Gz]
HDK78 Lome 0943'/3818' 2208 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HD... Lome wereda, cf Loma, Lomi,
at some distance from Adama/Nazret
(-1994-) is divided into 65 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
lomi (A), loomii (O), lomin (T) lemon, lime, orange and the fruit
trees corresponding thereto, Citrus medica, C. aurantifolia
(C. aurantium); lomi (T) today, at present, nowadays
HDJ34 Lomi (area) 2930 m 09/37 [WO]
HDK87 Lomi 0948'/3809' 2077 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HDT16 Lomi 10/39 [WO]
HED.. Lomi (river joining the Abay) 11/37 [Ch]
?? Lomi Wenz (village in Simen) ../.. [x]
lomi wiha (A) citrus tree water?
HEF90 Lomi Wiha 1140'/3922' 2020 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Weldiya
HDT34 Lomi Wiha kebele (.. Weha ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Wegdi wereda stretching to its eastern
border, 14-18 km south of Mahdere Selam; area 1,702 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDH17 Lomicha (Lomich'a) 0912'/3622' 1560 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Nekemte
HDJ62 Lomicha 0938'/3647' 1523 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
HDJ72 Lomicha 0941'/3650' 1507 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
HFC37c Lomicha, see under Shar
HFE12 Lomorni (Lamorni) 1342'/3841' 1798 m 13/38 [Gz Gu]
HBP72 Lomuro 0511'/3555' 657 m 05/35 [WO Gz]
longi (T) slush
HDG96 Longi (Longhi) (lower L.) 09/35 [+ WO]
JCB05 Lontullo 05/41 [WO Wa]
HCA06c Loong (Lo'ong) (area) 05/35 [20]
in the plains north and west of Naita mountain
HE... Loorie, cf Lori 13/38 [x]
HBP02 Lopeemugath (area with sandy plains) 04/35 [WO]
HBP51 Loree Atone (Griaculamo, Gnaculamo) 05/35 [WO Gz]
0503'/3551' 616 m
HES.. Lori, 3269 m 13/38 [Gu]
HBP72 Loriolagnagal 05/35 [WO]
?? Lorotuk, in the lower Omo valley ../.. [n]
HBP51 Lorutur 0459'/3552' 655 m 04/35 [WO Gz]
loshisa d..: demera (dämära) (A) bonfire at the meskel feast
HDJ25 Loshisa Demera 0916'/3704' 2298 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south-west of Hareto
JDK35 Losle 0923'/4259' 1772 m, east of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
JDC65 Lota, see Gido Lola Sefer
?? Lote (in historical Gamo kingdom) ../.. [20]
HDT84 Lote & Jaro kebele (Lot'é .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Kelala wereda touching its western border,
5-10 km north-west of Kelala settlement; area 1,457 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCH08 Lotse 0624'/3629' 1013 m 06/36 [Gz]
lotu, lootuu (O) 1. lizard; 2. kind of woman's ornament, a leather
band around the head from which strings with beads or shells
hang down
HDK01 Lotu, cf Lete 09/37 [WO 18]
HDH54 Loubet (Tulu Loubet) 09/36 [x]
(on French map of 1901, European-given name?)
HDE58 Loum (area), see under Mojo 08/39 [WO]
JDK71 Lovenagge (Lovenaggi), see Lewenaji
loya (O) Sporobolus indicus
HBP18 Loya (Loia) (mountain) 820 m 04/36 [+ WO]
HDE54 Loya (M. Loia) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDJ58 Loya (Loia, Loja) 0930'/3722' 2365 m, 09/37 [+ WO Gz 18]
south-east of Shambu
HD... Loya Chomen sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aleltu) 09/37 [Ad]
HDM63 Loya Hager kebele (.. Hagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-east Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
8-11 km east of Debre Birhan town and 13-16 km
north-west of Ankober; area 536 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
loz (A) 1. cultivated ground-nut, Arachis hypogaea;
2. almond, generally of a stone inside a fruit
?? Loza ../.. [20]
monastery within the range of the Imme Mihret mountains
HDM44 Loza kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Ankober wereda, 5-9 km south-east
of Ankober town and a little south-west of Aliyu Amba;
area 710 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE25 Loza kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda, 8-12 km east of Ajibar; area 3,259 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ89 Loza Maryam (Loza Mariam) 2241 m, 12/37 [+ Gu]
see under Azezo
JCP63 Lu Ku (Lucu, Luku) 0753'/4055' 1417, 1584 m 07/40 [Gz Wa WO 18]
GDE15 Lual 08/33 [WO]
GCT70 Lualun (area) 07/33 [WO]
HEF33 Luarke (Luarche), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
KDA09 Lub (area), see Iub
luba (O) gada class recruited on the basis of genealogical
generations, not (as hariyya) on the basis of individual age
JFB21 Lubakdebot (Lubacdebot) 1350'/4047', 13/40 [+ WO Gz]
altitude -74 m, below sea level
lube: luba (O) age grade in the gada system; priest
HDA76 Lube 08/35 [WO]
HDL62 Lube 0939'/3837' 2618 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDH58 Luber (Lubet), see Dale
lubu, lubbu (O) 1. heart, soul, will, life; 2. present; 3. larynx
HDK53 Lubu Teni (L. T'eni, Lubuteni) 0934'/3750' 2448 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Kachisi
HDG84 Luccasodo, see Buke
lucha (A), luuchaa (O) smooth hair,
luchaa (O) crude path on grass
HDE73 Lucha (Luch'a) 0847'/3845' 2133 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem), near Akaki
HDB66 Lucha Kemila (Lucia Chemila) 08/36 [+ WO]
JDK47 Lucheiomis, see Lukeyomis
HCT46c Luchicha, in Albaso east of lake Langano 07/39? [x]
HDA87 Lucho (T. Lucio) (hill), see under Yubdo 08/35 [+ WO]
JDA66 Lucho (Gebel Lucio, Uluco, Uluku) (mountain) 08/40 [+ WO Gz]
0844'/4022' 2166, 2687 m
JDH05 Lucho (Luch'o) 0906'/4108' 1596 m, 09/41 [Gz]
east of Asbe Teferi
HBU30 Luchule, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HDB66 Lucia Chemila, see Lucha Kemila
GCM62 Lucie (small lake), see Achua
JCP63 Lucu, see Lu Ku
JCC79 Lucun, see Lukun
HEC75 Ludi Marev (church) 1936 m, 11/37 [It WO]
see under Yismala Giyorgis
GDE20 Luella 0824'/3328', near the border of Sudan 08/33 [WO Gz]
JDH47c Luftu, see Lafto
HDT87 Lugama (Liguama, Luguam), cf Lugwama 10/39 [Gz MS Ad WO]
MS: 1042'/3907'; Gz: 1039'/3906' 2544 m
(centre in 1964 of Aballo sub-district)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
5E Dildiy kebele
7E Awatel kebele
9E Gishinet kebele
3SE Martikos kebele
4S Wishat kebele
9S Weske Beskut kebele
8SW Keneso kebele
10SW Bosena kebele
7W Tirtira kebele
7W Haro kebele
8W Teltele kebele
9W Gabesa kebele
9NW Gor kebele
10NW Werebo kebele
3N Wedegirtu kebele
7N Argit kebele
8N Kore kebele
6NE Birbirti kebele
9NE Gwol kebele
9NE Aselel kebele
HFF13 Lugde (Lugdo) 1339'/3943' 2397 m, near Agula 13/39 [Gz]
HEE65 Luget 1126'/3855' 2266 m, south-west of Bete Hor 11/38 [Gz]
lugo, luugo (O) 1. kinds of wild fig tree, big Ficus sycomorus,
the small Ficus palmata with edible fruit, etc;
2. horse bean pod; 3. "pulley" for hauling a boat across
a river; 4.(Harar O) Kalanchoe quartiniana, etc.
/there are 19 species of Kalanchoe in Ethiopia/
HCF91 Lugo (area) 06/39 [WO]
HDE87 Lugo 0857'/3903' 2437 m, near Chefe Donsa 08/39 [Gz]
HDK57 Lugo 0933'/3812' 1940 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL44 Lugo 0926'/3851' 2493 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ26 Lugo 09/42 [Gu]
HDL00 Lugoma 0903'/3826' 2422 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
near map code HDE90, see under Addis Alem
lugu, luguu (O) 1. to climb; 2. to suck the breast;
3. to plane wood; 4. to curl one's hair;
luuguu (O) to damage crop /is done by birds
HBR37 Lugu, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
luguam: lugwam (A) same as ligwam above
HDT87 Luguam, see Lugama
HFF04 Luguda (Lugud) 1338'/3947' 1708 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with churches Medhane Alem and Mikael), south-east of Agula
lugut a..: adhi (Som) sheep and goats, herd
HDF83 Lugut Adh 08/39 [WO]
HDU50 Lugwama 1029'/3920' 2605 m, cf Lugama, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
luka (O) hind leg, thigh
HDG83 Lukasodo, see Buke
HCS83 Luke (village) 08/37 [x]
JDK47 Lukeyomis (G. Lucheiomis) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
lukku, lukkuu (O) chicken; luko (O) short trousers
HDJ65 Luku 0940'/3704' 2437 m, north of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDK04 Luku 0907'/3752' 1979 m, north of Ambo, 09/37 [AA Gz]
see under Ilfeta
JCP63 Luku, see Lu Ku
?? Lukui, place in the lower Omo valley ../.. [n]
JCC79 Lukun (Lucun) (mountain) 06/42 [WO]
lule, lulee (O) 1. heel; 2. straight and beautiful /person/
?? Lule Zone (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDU74 Lulge Seret kebele (Lulgé Särät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Efrata & Gidim wereda
at its border, 3-8 km south-west of Majete; area 1,932 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
lumame: lumami, lumamii (O) stain /on plough/
HDS15 Lumame (Lumamo) 10/37 [Gz MS Po]
MS: 1007'/3758'; Gz: 1015'/3756' 2307 m
(with sub-post office under Dessie)
HDS54c Lumame, town in Awabel wereda 10/37 [20]
HEC88 Lumame (Lumamie) (village with church) 11/37 [x Gu]
HEC88 Lumame Maryam (Lumami Mariam) (church), 11/37 [+ Ch]
in the Imfraz area near the shore of lake Tana
lume: lumm-ee (O) neck of ox
HDE57 Lume (in Ada district) 0838'/3907' 08/39 [n]
HDE57 Lume wereda (Lumie ..) (centre in 1964 = Mojo) 08/39 [+ Ad]
HCT30 Lumina, see Lamina
HEC16 Lungwalta (Lungualta) 10/37 [+ WO]
HFE76c Lunz (mountain 2425 m 14/39 [Gu]
HDK03 Lupo 0904'/3749' 2458 m, north of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
lut (A,Harar O) Malva verticillata, widespread herb with
flowers in clusters on the stem, sometimes a weed
HDU75 Lute (Lut'e) 1038'/3952' 1408 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kombolcha
lutu (O) stamen-like shoot of corn, sorghum, ensete, etc.
HDK46 Lutu (Lut'u) 0924'/3805' 1830 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK78 Lutu (Lut'u) 0944'/3814' 2015 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HEH46 Luza (Cuza, Kuza) (mountain) 1211'/3620' 1451 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEH47
H.... Lware (Liware) 13/38 [Ad +]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
ma, maa (O) why?
HES37 Ma 1258'/3813' 2093 m, near Deresge 12/38 [Gz]
HES37 Ma Abo (church) 1259'/3812' 2549 m 12/38 [Gz]
JEH61 Maabai (plain) 12/40 [WO]
HEM61 Maaga (Maago), see Mahago
HEU35 Maago 2354 m 12/39 [LM WO]
HEU71 Maajeraro (Ma'ajeraro) 1320'/3931' 2345 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south of Mekele
-- Maale language, an Omotic language spoken in the Bako-Gazer district
-- Maale people, living at some distance to the north-west of the Konso
HCC.. Maale (area), east of Jinka 05/36 [x]
?? Maana, east of Ankar in the north-west 12/37? [n]
JEJ40 Maandita (area) 12/41 [WO]
HFF31 Maaquddi, see Meakudi
maar (T) honey
HFC45 Maar (Amba Maar) 1401'/3706' 1151 m 14/37 [Gz]
HEU62 Maara 1314'/3935' 1940 m 13/39 [Gu Gz]
JEJ42 Maaru (area) 12/41 [WO]
maass..: masara (O) castle, temple
JEJ52 Maassarra (area) 12/41 [WO]
Ma.., see also Me..
-- Mabaan (Burun), name of a small ethnic group, numbering 3,026
at one census, but about 23 only according to the 1994 census
maber (Gurage) monthly Christian gathering where there is
an orthodox church
HET52 Maber 1312'/3838' 1996 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
mabera: mabara (O) religious organization of a group
of men or women
JEC50 Mabera (area), cf Mebera 11/41 [WO]
mabil: mebil (mäbil) (A) food, eatables
-- Mabil, Mavil, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HDR42 Mabil, see Koli, cf Mebel
JEP96 Mabra 1330'/4116' 126 m, 13/41 [WO Gz]
near the border of Eritrea, cf Mebera
HEU91 Macalle, see Mekele
JDK54 Macanis, see Makanissa
HDM12 Macaniso, see Makaniso
HES69 Macanna, see Makanna, and also Mekane Birhan
HFF64 Macargot, see Makargot
JER02 Macarra, see Makarra
HES50 Macatat, see Makatat
HDH78 Maccanissa, see Makanisa
HDE04 Macchi, se Meki
HFF02 Macden, see May Mekden
(with sub-post office)
macha (O) 1. nation, people; 2. outsider, non-Oromo;
macha (mach'a) (A) dowry; macha, maicha (A) kind of stiff
herb or undershrub, Hibiscus micranthus;
-- Macha, Mecha, name of a tribe of Oromo living in Shewa
HDH.. Macha (ctr in 1964 of Haru Weregibie sub-district) 09/35 [Ad]
HEK83 Macha (Macia) 1234'/3752' 1989 m 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
east of Gondar, cf Mecha
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Gidarwa (Ghidaroa) (village)
4S Morangyela (Moranghiela) (village)
5SW Korabba (Corabba, Coreva) (village)
9SW Gebeta Medi (Gheveta M.) (village)
10W Goriya Gidameret (Goria Ghidameret) (village)
6NE Samhi Giyorgis (church)
HBS71 Machaka (Maciaca), see under Jarso 05/37 [+ WO]
HDG.. Machakani (Matchakani), near Nejo 09/35 [Mi]
HDS.. Machakel (Machakil, Matsciakal), in Damot 10/37 [+ Ch 18]
HDS.. Machakel sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yedefas) 10/37 [Ad n]
HDS50 Machakel wereda (centre in 1964 = Amanuel), 10/37 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 96 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDM64? Machal Wans, see Mahal Wenz
HB... Machallo (Konso settlement with palissades) 05/37 [x]
JDK54 Machannis, see Makanis
machara (O) 1. any prickly shrub or bush;
2. climber common with coffee trees
HDH34 Machara (Macciara) (area), cf Mechara 09/36 [+ WO]
HEU05 Macharre (Maciarre) (area) 12/39 [+ WO]
HFF.. Macheda, see Gulo Mekeda
HB... Machekie, some 25 km from Konso, 05/37 [20]
with wooden sculptures of dead warriors
HEL39 Machel Geras (Machel-geras, Makel Jeras?) 12/39 [WO Gz +]
(mountain) 1206'/3919' 3670, 4110 m
HED84c Machelji (Macelgi) (village) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HFE57 Machellikwit (Macelliquit) (waterhole) 14/39 [+ WO]
HB... Machelo ../.. [20]
Settlement of 19 hectares in middle Konso.
HCP23 Macheto 0726'/3601' 1797 m, north-west of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
machi, machii (O) drunkenness; (Sidamo) kind of tree, tikir inchet,
Pygeum africanum, which grows in highland forests together
with tid and zigba
HCA99 Machi (Mashi, Masci) 0619'/3538' 1550 m, 06/35 [Gz LM WO]
north of Maji
HDE04 Machi (Macchi), see Meki
HDM45 Machido (Mach'ido) 0926'/3948' 1606 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Ankober
-- Machitu, a clan of the Fullelle of the Borana people
JFA39 Machiu (area, salt plain) 13/40 [WO]
macho (O) stomach; (Kefa) horse, stallion
-- Macho, name of a Kefa clan
HCT61c Macho (Macio) (mountain) 07/38 [+ Gu]
HEK83 Macia, see Macha
HDB54 Maco, see Meko & HDB63
JDD62 Macoda, see Makoda
JEP73 Macolle, see Makolle
GDF93 Maconisa, see Mekanisa
HCU04 Maconna, see Makonna
HDD26 Macorcor, see Mekorkor
macsano gabia: maksenyo gebeya (A) Tuesday market
HDR58 Macsano Gabia, see Minch
HEC35 Macta, see Makta
HEJ87 Macuamanra, see Makwamanra
HEC68 Macuar, see Mekari, cf Mukara
HEC37 Macudia, see Makudya
HCC58 Maculla, see Makulla
HEJ44 Macunta Iesus, see Makunta Iyesus
mada (O) 1. river, stream; madaa 2. wound, scar;
3. Borana argot for lon, cattle; mad (A) table
laid with bread for a meal; (Som) kind of black stone
JBS54 Mada Garsi 390 m, cf Madda, Meda .. 05/42 [WO]
mada ge..: geenyo (Som) mare, female horse
KCR84 Mada Genyo (Mada Ghegno, Madah Ghenio), 07/46 [+ Gu Wa]
(border locality)
KCR52 Mada Merodi (area) 07/46 [WO]
HCM.. Mada Wellabo, 06/39 [20]
location in the Dolo Mena area
HBK59 Madacho (Madaccio, Maddaccio), 04/38 [20 Gz]
0408'/3819' 1705 m, small village near Mega
HBK69 Madacho (area) 04/38 [WO]
madachu (O) to wound, hit, hurt
madada (O) grave with a plaited bamboo cylinder round it
-- Madada, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
?? Madada (village or tribe just south of the Awash river) ../.. [18]
GDD07 Madaino, see Mading
madalle: madala, madaala (O) 1. vessel for milk, large
gourd, kind of bottle with long neck; 2. scale for weighing
maddaale (Som) tireless man, indefatigable person
HDB97 Madalle (area), cf Medale 08/36 [WO]
madalleh: madal leh (Som) having appointment or meeting place
JCJ04c Madalleh 06/42 [Wa]
HFE.. Madara, see Adwa : Abba Gerima
JDP64 Madaraffa (area) 10/41 [WO]
JDP74 Madaraffa (area) 10/41 [WO]
madda (O) 1. river, water, spring; 2. drop; 3. a vaguely defined
Borana unit with a permanent water source
JDP04 Madda (area) 888 m, cf Mada .. 10/41 [MS WO]
HCD13 Maddale (Naddale) 0536'/3751' 2167 m, 05/37 [WO Gz]
north-west of Burji, cf Madalle, Medale
maddar (Afar) hand-dug well;
madde (O) small (figuratively)
JDC33 Madde Maiu 0828'/4152' 1289/1292 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
JCD80 Maddenni (mountain) 06/42 [WO]
JDG88 Madderala-dala 0950'/4031' 645 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
maddi, maddii (O) 1. large basket used as an eating table,
/figuratively:/ food; 2. cheek; 3. near, close; 4. play, game
HCK92 Maddine 0712'/3745' 1787 m, north of Soddo 07/37 [Gz]
HCF35 Maddita (Maddittu) 0545'/3946' 1527 m 05/39 [WO Gz]
maddo, maddoo (O) headstall; (Som) centre of a well,
/figuratively:/ central area
HCD.. Maddo, 05/37 [x]
area north of lake Chamo (within the 'Bridge of God'?)
JBN78 Maddo Mane (area) 05/40 [WO]
maddu (O) to play, to take part in a game;
madduu (O) seep out, dry out /about waterhole etc./
HEL63c Made werk (.. Werq) 12/39 [20]
town in Dehana wereda
JEA83 Madeani (area) 11/40 [WO]
JEH85 Madebele (waterhole) 12/41 [Ne WO]
mader (Borana) kind of shrub or small tree, Cordia gharaf,
Cordia ovalis; mahder, mader (madär) (A) traditional cover
of a book; madere, madereh (T) kind of shrub or small tree
JDJ71 Madera (area), cf Madira, Mahdere .. 09/41 [WO]
madera d..: dubba (O) reception hall
JDP26 Madera Dubba (area) 1007'/4113' 791 m 10/41 [Ha WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JPD15
maderiya (madäriya) (A) dwelling, place for passing the night;
maderiya land was a temporary grant of a piece of land
made to an individual in return for active military service;
madero (madäro) (A) small plot of land
JEJ69 Madgul (area) 12/42 [WO]
-- Madiin language, see Komo
HEE84 Madiji 1138'/3851' 2852 m, west of Bete Hor 11/38 [Gz]
JEJ13 Madim (area) 11/41 [WO]
-- Madima, a group of the Afar
GDD07 Mading (Madaino) 0812'/3312' 284 m 08/33 [WO Gz]
madir (Saho) kind of medium or tall tree, Cordia africana;
gebeya (gäbäya) (A) market, marketplace
HER88 Madira Gebeya (Madra G., Madra Gavaia) 13/37 [MS LM WO]
1328'/3724' 2466 m, see under Mesfinto
HEU01 Madley 1243'/3930' 2950 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
mado (A) on the other side of a body of water or other
obstacle; maado (Som) hide oneself; maddoo (O) headstall;
madho (Som) become empty
HDC24 Mado (area), cf Medo 08/37 [WO]
HEC98 Mado Mariam Gabriel (church) 11/37 [Ch]
HFE.. Madoge, see Medoge
JDJ88 Madohe (area) 09/42 [WO]
HEM11 Madscel (Madschel, Majelli?), see Weyra Beret
JDR49 Madu (Bur Madu) (mountain) 1024'/4229' 1077 m, 10/42 [Gz]
east of Adigala
HDB54 Madugga 0836'/3605' 2152 m 08/36 [Gz]
?? Madura sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]

maekala a..: angote (angot'ä) (T) tell, betray

?? Maekala Angot (Ma'ekala A.) ../.. [x]
(word ma'ekala is the genitive of ma'ekal, centre)
known as a province from the 1300s
?? Maekala Bahr (Ma'ekala B.), north of Bashilo river ../.. [x]
(name bahr may refer to lake Ashenge)
also a province known from the 1300s
?? Maekala Tawezat (Ma'ekala Tawäzat), ../.. [x]
like the one above north of Bashilo river,
but not known in later sources
JED11 Maerle, see Asmarerle
JDN87c Mafala (area) 10/40 [Gu]

HDU07 Mafud, see Debir, cf Mahfud

HDU07 Mafud (district in Yifat-Timuga) 09/39 [Ad n 18]
HDM13 Mafud kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Berehet wereda and also stretching
towards the north-east; area 2,103 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda 09/39 [Ad]
with 82 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Abdilak, Agamber, Ajana, Alew Amba, Amasha & Cheriye,
Anazhga, Arada, Argaga & Inchine, Armaniya, Asfachew &
Chira Meda, Atkwar & Hara Chelenko, Awajo, Ayne, Birka &
Lisan Washa, Dawde Amba & Begu, Debre Mitmat, Denchur,
Derewa & Amba Washa, Dinshik, Dirgmit, Dokakit, Eltoke,
Fasil Amba, Gedelge & Hara Chelenko, Gener, Germemcha,
Gifayta, Gift Bahir, Gift Gay, Gimja Mascha, Gorat, Goshge &
Wesafe, Gurj, Guy, Ibab Amba, Indode, Indris, Ineshirbo, Jemay
& Gan, Jingodo, Kase Ager, Koso Amba, Koste Amba, Kurkur,
Kwash, Lay Beret, Mane Amba, Mebrek Amba, Mehal Moja,
Mejen Tiratir, Melet & Gunch Amba, Mengeta, Mengist, Meskele
Gedam, Mezezo Zuriya, Mogil Washa, Nech Gedel, Salayish, Sefed
Meda, Segat & Jor, Shola Meda, Shotel Amba, Sina & Debre Sina,
Termaber, Tife Amba, Tikur Chika, Wanza Beret, Wedera, Weja,
Wenfes & Ingido Washa, Werogero, Weyin Wiha, Weyra Amba,
Wez Midir, Wigir, Wisha Tirs, Yibaz, Yita, Yizaba, Zaro, Zelo &
Inbise, Zeno Amba
HDU06 Mafud wereda, in Menz & Yifat awraja 09/39 [Ad]
Administrative centre Armanya (circa 1944-1967),
thereafter Debre Sina (1967-).
Started in 1941 as a large wereda, stretching from
Termaber as far as Awash river. Since then borders
as well as the name have often changed.
mafuda (Gondar A) small purse of leather
HFE39 Magab (Magat) (mountain) 1352'/3918' 1959 m, 13/39 [Gz]
cf Megab
magad (A) Trifolium spp., T. rueppellianum; there are about
30 species of the Trifolium genus of clover in Ethiopia;
magad (Som) tanned hide, leather;
magada, magaada (O) difficult to handle
HCE21 Magada (area) 05/38 [WO]
magaddo (O) kind of salt; magedo (magädo) (A) firewood
HBK37 Magado (Megado) (volcano, with a salt mine), 03/38 [WO Gz Mi]
0354'/3813', village 28 km south-west of Mega
magado: badda (O) highland, mountain
HCD08 Magado 0530'/3818', 05/38 [Gz x]
south of Agere Maryam, with forest 20 km long in the 1930s
HCD18 Magado (Badda Magado) 0530'/3820' 05/38 [WO Gu]
MS coordinates would give map code HCD09
HFF35c Magah (recorded in 1841) 13/39 [Ha]
magal: Abba Magal was an Oromo war leader who laid the
foundation of the kingdom of Jimma; a king of Gera also
had that name;
magala, magalaa (O) 1. market; town; 2. pleasant, sweet, mild;
magaala 3. beautiful; brown;
megala (A) market place, bazaar /mainly in Harar/
JDB25 Magala (area) 08/41 [WO]
GDU01 Magale (Magalle), see Megale
JEN15 Magalle (plain & mountain) 1248'/4000' 1493 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
JEN23 Magalle (area) 12/40 [WO]
JEN32 Magalle (mountain) 1252'/4018' 12/40 [Gz]
magalo: maggalu (O) amble, pace up and down
JCH51 Magalo, see Megalo
JDJ53 Magalo, see Dire Dawa
magan (O) excrement /of animal/; (Som) refuge, sanctuary;
magaan (Som) slow horse; gifa (A) push! jiifaa (Som) lynx
KCN58 Magan Gifa (Meigag Gifa) 0742'/4530' 649 m 07/45 [Gz WO]
magana (Konso), hall for assembly of men
HEP08 Maganan (Maganani) 1245'/3626' 807 m 12/36 [Gz WO]
HCS.. Maganase (Maganasse, Meganesse), 08/37 [20]
in the Cheha wereda in the Gurage Zone
KCP29 Magarauein (Magarauen) 0728'/4630' 554 m 07/46 [WO Gz]
HDT17 Magas 1005'/3905' 2208 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT17 Magas kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda stretching to
its northern border, 6-11 km north-east of Alem Ketema;
area 2,361 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE39 Magat, see Magab
?? Magazzen (in Jimma region) ../.. [It]
JFB23 Magbaba, cf Maglaba 13/40 [Ne]
HEP05 Magbara, Jebel (Jabal Maqbarah, J. Magharibah), 12/36 [WO Gz]
(mountain) 1241'/3611' 733 m,
south of Metemma and partly inside Sudan
HED68 Magdala (Magdalla), see Mekdela
HEE69 Magdala (Magdalla), see Amba Maryam
HFF90 Magdille (pass), near the border of Eritrea, 14/39 [It Gz]
1427'/3926', north of Adigrat
JEJ69 Magdul (waterhole) 12/42 [WO]
?? Magech (Swe: Magetsch) (in Gondar region),
river with old stone bridge, see Megech
HCN98 Magela 0855'/3510'c, 08/35 [x]
area near Gore to its south-east
HEM11 Magelli, see Majelli
JEA17 Magenta (Maghenta) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
JEA45 Magenta (Maghenta, Maghente) (mountains), 11/40 [+ Gz It]
1115'/4010' 946 m, near the road east of Bati
JEB65 Magenta (Maghenta) (mountain range), 11/41 [+ WO Gu]
in the lower Awash valley
mager (magär) (A) wall of poles fastened in the ground;
horizontal pieces holding the uprights of a wall together;
(T) kind of small or medium tree, Boswellia papyrifera;
magera (O) bundle of wood used as support in house
construction; maageer (Som) circle, enclosure
HDL68 Mager (Magher) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDE43 Maggesso, see Majesso
HET76 Magghiete 1319'/3900' 1408 m, south of Abiy Adi 13/39 [WO Gz]
HDE57 Maggio, see Mojo
HC... Maggo, see Mago
HEC18 Magi (Maghi Gh.) 11/37 [+ WO]
HCA88 Magi, see Maji
JEA23 Magia, see Maja
H.... Magina 13/37 [18]
HES00 Magivez 12/37 [WO]
JFB23 Maglaba (area), cf Magbaba 13/40 [WO]
JFA54 Maglalla 1402'/4006' 925 m, pass at 1400'/4003', 14/40 [WO Gz]
see under Mekdela
JDB46 Magna, see Manya
JBH99 Magno, see Bogol Manyo
?? Mago: also name of a settlement and a river
HC... Mago (Maggo) (village), 05/36 [n]
received emergency food in 1975
H.... Mago National Park (Maki) one peak 1776 m, 05/36 [Ca MS]
with highest point Mago mountain 2528 m, and size 2,162 sq km.
JER04 Magobi (Cafulle Magobi?) (area) 12/41 [WO]
JDH42 Magon 0928'/4054' 1218 m, near the railway 09/40 [Gz]
JEP39 Magorros (Mogorros) (plain) 1300'/4130' 13/41 [x WO]
HEE72 Magot kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Dawint & Delanta wereda at
its north-western corner; area 5,810 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEP45 Magram, Bl. 13/36 [WO]
JDN18 Magu 1003'/4033' 556 m, south-west of Gewane, 10/40 [Ne Gu Gz]
(Magou) (small village, hot springs near?)
"The pass of Magu means a passage to the real Dankali."
HBK59 Magua (Mégua), see Mega
HEH63 Magumbal 12/35 [WO]
JBN35 Magur, see Mogor
HET76 Magyete, see Magghiete, cf Majete 13/39 [+ WO]
HDU33 Maha Meda, see Mehal Meda
mahaber: mehaber (A) association for mutual aid based on attachment
to a specific patron saint; mahber silase (A) local association,
monthly Trinity gathering
HE... Mahaber Silase (M. Selassie, Mahbere Sillase), 12/36? [+ x]
monastery 80 km south-east of Metemma
HED94 Mahadera Mariam, see Mahdere Maryam
HFE24 Mahbere Daguea ../.. [..]
HE... Mahbere Sillase, see Mahaber Silase
?? Mahdere Selam (Wegedi), ../.. [n]
town in Tenta (North) wereda (-1999-)
HDT54 Mahdere Selam, 10/38 [Ad]
in north-eastern Wegdi wereda
Adjoining kebeles are Abey to the south-east
and Abado on the other sides.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Sika Shinbira kebele
7E Daleti kebele
9E Gudeti kebele
10E Guna kebele
9SE Tereko kebele
4S Debre Tsige kebele
8S Abate kebele
9S Were Abu kebele
5SW Arkiso kebele
7SW Makefta kebele
7SW Hawey kebele
10SW Gelign kebele
1W Serto Masaya kebele
4W Tungi kebele
5W Kabe Webo kebele
8W Tagel Behibret kebele
10W Gelebe kebele
4NW Lemlemitu Tungi kebele
8NW Densa Keraba kebele
8NW Derami kebele
4N Tinign kebele
7N Lincho kebele
9N Yilamu kebele
10N Werke Wariho kebele
4NE Taye kebele
9NE Bote kebele
10NE Dibibiso kebele
HEM61 Mahago (Maaga, Maago, Maugo) 12/39 [Gz WO Gu]
1218'/3924' 2354 m
Coordinates would give map code HEM60
HDU32 Mahal Meda, see Mehal Meda
mahal w..: mehal wenz (A) middle /of?/ river
HDM64 Mahal Wenz (Mahaluonz) 09/39 [+ Gu]
(probably the same as written Machal-wans by Captain Harris)
mahalta: mahiletay (A) cantor
/mahilete gembo, priests' song in praise of founder of a feast/
JEN45 Mahalta (mountain range) over 1500 m 13/40 [Ne WO]
JEN65 Mahalta 1313'/4015' 539 m 13/40 [Gz]
HFC25 Mahar, see Amba Mahar
HFF30 Mahar, Debra, see Debre Mear
HFC50 Maharish (on map of 1868) 14/36 [18]
HF... Mahausay, in Tigray 13/37? [x]
HET77 Mahaweria 1319'/3907' 1710 m, south of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
mahbara: mabara (O) religious organization
HFE.? Mahbara Maryam (ancient convent) south of Aksum? 13/38 [x]
cf Mahaber ..
HFE24 Mahbere Daguea (Mahber Degue, Mahbere Tsion) 13/38 [Gz]
1349'/3849' 1330 m, north-west of Abiy Adi,
cf Mahibere Dego
HFD12 Mahbere Samuel (monastery), see Woldebba
HEH.. Mahbere Sillase (M. Sellassie), monastery in Qwara 12/36 [x]
mahder (A,T) leather book case, kind of book bag;
mahdere (T) something containing something
HEJ09 Mahdera Sibhat (Mahadera S.) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
small island near the shore of lake Tana
mahdere maryam (A) abode of Saint Mary
HED94 Mahdere Maryam (Mahidera Mariam, Mahedere M.) 11/37 [Gz Ad Gu]
(Mahadera M.) 1143'/3755' 2325/2460 m, 11/37 [WO 18]
church and monastery east of the southern part of lake Tana,
(centre in 1964 of Grariya sub-district)
HBK16 Maheir 0347'/3800' 1408 m, 03/38 [WO Gz]
mountain on the border of Kenya
HDU07 Mahfud, see Debir, cf Mafud
JDG82 Mahfud (Mahhfood, Marfood) 0958'/3958' 1344 m 09/39 [Gz Ha 18]
mahibere ..: see mahbere above
H.... Mahibere Bekur 09/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Key Afer sub-district)
H.... Mahibere Degu (M. Digo) 14/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Nadir wereda), cf Mahaber, Mahber
HDU33 Mahil Meda, see Mehal Meda & HDU34
HFF31 Mahila 1355'/3927' 2187 m, south of Hawzen 13/39 [Gz]
JCC99 Mahjabo, see Mehajob
HES.. Mahl Ager, see Mehal Ager
HE... Mahl Endebet, see Mehal Endebet
HE... Mahl Iste, see Mehal Iste
HED47c Mahl Semada, see Mehal Semada
HEE72 Mahlgaynt, see Mehal Gayint
maho (Som) desire, want
HER37 Maho 12/37 [WO]
HES30 Maho (area) 12/37 [WO]
HE... Mahoni, 20 km /east?/ from Maychew market 12/39? [Yo]
HFE99 Mahoya (recorded in 1868) 14/39 [18]
mai (T) watercourse, intermittent stream
Mai .., see also May .. and comment written there
HFF61c Mai Aba (Mai'aba, Mai Abba) 14/39 [+ Ad x]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964),
(caves with some cut rock), south of Adigrat
HFD.. Mai Abai (in Shire) 14/38 [x]
HF... Mai Abaour sub-district (centre in 1964 = Terier) 14/38 [Ad]
HFF61c Mai Abba, see Mai Aba
HEL97 Mai Abuna Yohannes (M. A. Iohannes) 1900 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
mai ad..: adele (T), (addälä) (A) 1. distribute, allot, endow;
2. serve tej; adala (O) kind of wild cat;
HEU03c Mai Adele 12/39 [Gu]
mai ag..: agam (O) some; (A,T) much-branched shrub
with edible fruits
HFE.. Mai Agam 14/39 [Gu]
HFF13 Mai Agula 1341'/3937', cf Agula 13/39 [x]
HFF83 Mai Agunore 1420'/3942' 2470 m, east of Adigrat 14/39 [Gu Gz]
?? Mai Aini, village in Tigray, cf Ain Mai ../.. [18]
Robert Napier's force passed there in 1868.
HEU03c Mai Alahati (wells in river bed) 12/39 [Gu]
HFL.? Mai Alba, at the Eritrean border 14/39 [20]
?? Mai Alekti (May Aläqti, 'infected water', Mai'alekti), 13/39 [Ad En]
in the Adigrat region, flat but muddy highland area
(centre in 1964 of Awuli Tsero wereda & sub-district,
and of Mai Alekti sub-district)
mai an..: may anbessa (T) lion's water
anbesa (anbässa) (A) anbessa (T) lion
HEU22c Mai Anbessa (Mai Ambessa) (saddle) c.2500 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
mai ar..: arkaan (Som) five pillars of Islam
HEL98 Mai Arkana (Mai Arcana) (valley) 12/39 [+ Gu]
mai aw..: awli (T) damp, dew
H.... Mai Awli (historical? area south-west of Adigrat) ../39 [x]
mai ba..: baha (O) kind of tree with good wood, Olea welwitschii
HET.? Mai Baha (with rock-hewn church Amanuel), 13/38? [x]
at 65 km on road west from Mekele, cf Maybaba
mai be..: beles (A) shrub or small tree, Ficus palmata;
Euphorbia spp., cactus Opuntia
HFE16 Mai Beles (Tini) (valley) 1920 m, 13/38 [Gu]
see under Abiy Adi
H.... Mai Buia 1050 m 13/38 [Gu]
HFE45 Mai Canetta, see May Kinetal
HEU72 Mai Cayeh, see May Keyih
HEU12 Mai Ceu (Mai Cio, Mai Chio), see Maychew
mai cha..: chahaa (O) shade, shadow
HFM00c Mai Chaha, 15 km south of Senafe 14/39 [n]
HFF00 Mai Chankwa (Mai Cianqua), see Diyadib
HEU72 Mai Chelfo (Mai Celfo) 1318'/3936' 2086 m, 13/39 [+ Gu Gz]
south of Kwiha
?? Mai Chelicut (in Tigray), cf HEU81 Chelikut ../.. [Mi]
mai che..: chena (ch'äna) (T) smell, odour
HF... Mai Chena (abandoned in the 1840s?) 14/38 [18]
HFE45 Mai Cheneta (M. Canetta), see May Kenetal
HF... Mai Chiguna (Maichiguna) 14/39? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ahseo wereda)
HFF00 Mai Cianqua, see Diyadib
HFE.. Mai Ciocomti, see May Chokomti
HFD20 Mai Ciogonte (Mai Chiogonite), see May Chogonte
HEU.. Mai Cisa, see May Chisa
mai da..: daaro (Som) touch lightly; daro (Som) strangle-hold
in wrestling; dahro (T) wild fig tree, Ficus dahro, Ficus vasta;
daro (O) saint; dhaaro (Som) swear, take an oath
HFD89 Mai Daro 1418'/3823' 1766 m 14/38 [Gu Gz]
H.... Mai Debra (Mai Debar?), 13/39 [18]
in the region of Hawzen and Antalo
HFE74 Mai Deleita sub-district (Maidele'ita ..) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Abun)
mai di..: diima (O) red
HEU43 Mai Dima, see May Dema
HEU92c Mai Dolo, see May Dolo under Kwiha
mai e..: elma (O) milking a cow
HFE00 Mai Elma 1339'/3827' 1750 m, east of Sekota 13/38 [WO Gu Gz]
mai ga..: gabata (O) low eating table
?? Mai Gabat (in westernmost Tigray) ../.. [x]
HEU80 Mai Gibba (Mai Ghibba) 1327'/3921' 1746 m, 13/39 [+ Gz]
south-west of Mekele, see May Gibba
HEU91 Mai Giugurti, see Mai Jugurti
HF... Mai Gova (village, with brook of the same name) 14/36 [18]
mai gu..: gudo (Som) inside, interior
HCR27 Mai Gudo (Maigudo) 0729'/3712' 3260 m, 07/37 [Gz]
"mountainous massif" in Kefa (there is another Mai Gudo in Eritrea),
see May Gudo
mai gun..: gundi (T) trunk of tree; gundhi (Som) lift, raise, jerk
HEU60c Mai Gundi 13/39 [Gu]
HFE66c Mai Gundi (wells) 14/38 [Gu]
HFF72 Mai Gwo Gunna (M.Guo G.) (valley) 14/39 [+ Gu]
?? Mai Haber, with postal agent/sub-post office ../.. [Po]
HFD17c Mai Haini 13/38 [Gu]
?? Mai Hanse (in Tigray) ../.. [n]
mai h..: humer (A,T) tamarind lowland tree
?? Mai Humer (in Tigray) ../.. [n]
mai i..: ila (T) well/s/; ila, ija (O) 1. eye;
2. grain, seed; ilaa (O) here, there
H.... Mai Ila, in Temben south/?/ of Abiy Adi, 13/39? [n]
archaeological open air site
HFD35c Mai Islamai (M. Islami), battle site near Debre Abay 13/37 [18 x]
HET59 Mai Jerbeda (Mai Gerbeda) (valley), 13/39 [+ Gu]
see under Samre
HEU91 Mai Jugurti (Mai Giugurti) (valley), 13/39 [+ Gu]
see under Mekele
HFF60c Mai Kado (with rock-hewn church), 14/39 [x]
see under Hawzen, cf Meakudi
HEU12 Mai Keu, see Maychew
HFE63 Mai Koho (Mai Coho, Mai Qoho) 14/38 [+ Gu n]
(high plateau), see under Aksum
mai k..: qwolla (A) lowland
HFE65 Mai Kwolla (Mai Quolla) (valley) 2130 m, 14/38 [+ 18 Gu]
see under Adwa
HFE92 Mai Lahla (Mailahla) (cemetery) 1424'/3842', 14/38 [+ Gz]
north of Aksum near the border of Eritrea
HFE94 Mai Lahla, see Lahlaha
mai la..: laalaa (O) lesson serving as a warning;
lala (Arsi O) collective name for climbers e.g. Cissus sp.
HFE84 Mai Lala, see Rama
mai lo..: lomin (T) lemon, lime, orange
HET06 Mai Lomin (valley), see under Sekota 13/39 [Gu]
HET07 Mai Lomin (Mailomin) (place), see under Sekota 13/39 [Gu WO]
HES13 Mai Luco, see May Liko
HFF02 Mai Macdem, see May Mekden
mai m..: mado (A) on the other side of water or obstacle;
maddoo (O) headstall; maado (Som) hide oneself
HEM.. Mai Mado (area), cf Mai Modo, May Mada 12/39 [Gu n]
HFD48 Mai Manru (Mai Manni) 1358'/3816' 1389 m 13/38 [Gz]
HFE99 Mai Marat (Maimarat) (recorded in 1868) 14/39 [+ 18]
HFF52c Mai Marat Debri (mountain, recorded in 1868) 14/39 [+ 18]
HFF71 Mai Masano (waterhole), see under Adigrat 14/39 [WO]
HF... Mai Mechellikwit (Mai Mecelliquit) 1835 m 14/39 [Gu]
HFF53 Mai Megelta (Maimegelta, /Mai/ Meghelta) 14/39 [+ Ad Gz Br]
(May Megelta) 1405'/3939' 2409 m, south-east of Adigrat,
(sub-district & its centre in 1964,
also centre of Aguedi sub-district)
HFE07c Mai Mereb (birthplace of Yohannis IV) 13/39 [Gu]
HEU52 Mai Mescic, see Keke
HFE56 Mai Misham, see May Misham
mai mo..: mooddo (Som) assumption, opinion, belief;
mode, fashion
HEM.. Mai Modo (Maimodo) 12/39 [+ Ad]
HEM.. Mai Modo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bechoka) 12/39 [+ Ad]
HFM03 Mai Muna, see Muna
HFF30 Mai Quarar, see Adi Korkora
HFD58 Mai Scebenni, see May Shebenni
HET26 Mai Segalu (area with waterhole) 13/39 [WO Gu]
HF... Mai Semut (Maisemut) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kulu Feriha sub-district)
?? Mai Serau (with bridge in the 1930s) ../.. [Gu]
?? Mai Shaha (valley in Simen) ../.. [x]
mai sha..: shana (O) floury; shanaa (O) kind of cabbage
HF... Mai Shana (Maishana) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HF... Mai Sheket (area prospected for gold) 13/39 [20]
HF... Mai Sheru (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38 [Ad]
mai shu..: shum (A) chief, official
HFE63c Mai Shum ("Bath of Queen Sheba"), 14/38 [x]
see under Aksum
HFD77 Mai Surru 1414'/3815' 1722 m, 14/38 [WO 18 Gz]
village north of Inda Silase
mai ti..: may timket, water where the communion gathers
at the Timqet festival
HFD27 Mai Timket (Mai Timchet) 1346'/3815' 1055 m 13/38 [x WO Gu Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HFD28
HES88 Mai Tsalo (Mai Tsahlo, M. Talo, May Tahlo) (area) 13/38 [WO Gu 18 x]
1328'/3820' 2892/2940 m, south-west of Sekota
HFF31 Mai Tsebari (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
HFD06 Mai Tsebri, see May Tsemre
HFD06 Mai Tsemri, see May Tsemre
HF... Mai Tsemu (Maitsemu) 14/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Asgetse sub-district)
HFE74c Mai Turkuts (Mai Turcuz) (spring) 2050 m 14/38 [+ Gu]
?? Mai Tzada ../.. [It]
mai u..: waroo (O) jar for fetching water
HFE74 Mai Uaro 1417'/3853' 1717 m, north of Adwa, 14/38 [WO Gz]
see also May Dairo
?? Mai Uecc (compare Amharic wich = outside) ../.. [Gu]
HFE73 Mai Uollel, see May Wellel
HFF62 Mai Wahiz (British camp in 1868) 14/39 [18]
HFE36 Mai Weri (Mai Ueri) (bridge in the 1930s) 1405 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
HEU.. Mai Wewe (village in Tigray) 13/39 [n]
HET77c Mai Woroke (=May Werki?) 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church & abandoned cave church Gebre Menfes Kidus),
at 2 hours walk west of Gijet
HFD06 Mai Zebrid 1150/1160 m 13/38 [Gu]
HDB28 Maia, see Maya
HEA74 Maia 1132'/3512' 759 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
HFF33 Maianesti 1353'/3939' 2516 m, west of Atsbi 13/39 [Gz]
HFF82 Maibera 14/39 [x]
?? Maicha (Maitcha) ../.. [17]
H.... Maiche Geralta sub-district 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Amdai)
HEU12 Maichew, see Maychew
-- Maigoga, see Endiet Nebersh
HCR27 Maigudo, see Mai Gudo
-- Maigwagwa (Mai Gwa-gwa) see Endiet Nebersh
?? Maikaso, at an Awash river bridge ../.. [x]
HFE45 Maikintal, see May Kinetal
HFF31 Maikudi, see Meakudi
maila: ma-ila (O) improperly grown teeth
HFE85 Maila (Ma'ila) (peak) 1418'/3854' 2159 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north of Adwa
HF... Mailbo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/39 [Ad]
HES12 Mailko sub-district (Mailco ..) 12/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gedebge)
HCD80 Mailo 06/37 [x]
HET07 Mailomin, see Mai Lomin
HF... Maimsham (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38? [Ad]
HFE29 Maio (Maiu), see Mayu
HEU42 Maira, see Mayra Amba
HCK90 Maisai (Maissai) 0714'/3735' 1690 m 07/37 [Gz]
?? Maisbinne (on map of 1814), south-west of Aksum 14/38 [18]
JDH20 Maisso, see Mieso
HEU12 Maitchew, see May Chew
HFD06 Maitemre (Maitsemri), see May Tsemre
HFD47 Maitsemu, see May Tsimu
?? Maitsha (corruption of Macha/Mecha?), ../.. [Pa]
flat country on both sides of the Abay river, described by J Bruce
HFE19 Maiu (Amba Maiu) 1343'/3917' 2657 m, 13/39 [WO Gz]
north-west of Mekele
JDC22 Maiu, see Mayu
JDH82 Maiugeri, see Mayujeri 09/40
?? Maizella, plain somewhere south of lake Ashenge ../.. [18]
maja (O) 1. hyena; 2. dried dung
HDJ34 Maja 0922'/3659' 1983 m, west of Haretu 09/36 [Gz]
JEA23 Maja (Magia) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
-- Majang language (Ato Majang, Majanjiro), see Mesengo
-- Majangir, ethnic group in the south-west
(Majingir, Majenger, Mesengol, Masongo, Masango, Majanjiro,
Tama, Ojanjur, Ajo, Ato Majang, Ato Majanger-onk,
Ougang, Ujang)
-- Majangir language (Mesengo, Masongo, Masango)
HES69 Maje (national park camp) 13/38 [Br]
HEM11 Majelli (Magelli, Madscel), see Weyra Beret 11/39 [+ Gu WO]
-- Majenger, see Majangir
HDE43 Majesso (Maggesso) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
?? Majet (with election constituency)
majete: majite (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Grewia mollis;
majete (A) my larder, my alcove
HDU55 Majete (Majetie, Iruf Kolemo) 1027'/3951' 2429 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
HDU85 Majete (Majite, Majiti, Majetie) 1044'/3950' 10/39 [MS Po 18 Ad]
(with sub-post office under Dessie)
(centre in 1964 of Gemza sub-district)
Adjoining kebeles are Agla & Sanka Ber to the south-east, Majete
& Dur Amba narrowly across, and Kobekeb to the north-west.
Within a radious of 10 km there are at
3E Agamber kebele
4SE Miramir kebele
6SE Silelo kebele
8SE Kori Meda kebele
8SE Hora Dildiy kebele
10SE Kara Kore (Koraqore) settlement
5S Yegelda kebele
6S Dulit & Gedera kebele
7S Wegama & Bashra kebele
10S Kara Legoma kebele
10S Dije & Denb kebele
3SW Lulge Seret kebele
8SW Amash kebele
9SW Siray Dega kebele
6W Wezhed kebele
8W Siray Gedel kebele
10W Anaz Tid kebele
5NW Daguche kebele
8NW Kerkeha & Shereta kebele
10NW Safra kebele
3N Ankar kebele
4N Kab & Sar Amba kebele
5N Getem kebele
6N Goje Wiha kebele
8N Mwachera kebele
10N Ha/Maryam kebele
JDN82c Majete (on map of 1901: Medjetie) c.1040'/4005', 10/40 [x]
old market place east of mountain Abuye Meda and south of lake Hayk
majete ..: dur amba (A) forest mountain
HDU85 Majete & Dur Amba kebele (Majäté .. .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the south in Antsokiya & Gemza wereda, adjoining
Majete settlement to its west and reaching the south-western
border of the wereda; area 1,081 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
maji (O) upper grinding stone /not the meaning of the name here/;
-- Maji (Dezi, Dizi as they call themselves), a sub-division of the
ethnic group of Gimira-Maji numbering 21,075 (in 1984?)
-- Maji language, see Dizi
HCA88 Maji (Magi) (mountain & area) 0609'/3536' 2481 m, 06/35 [Gz Mi]
name derived from Dizi word maasht, high place
HCA88 Maji (Majji, Magi) 06/35 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(Ger: Madschi, Fre: Madji)
0612'/3535' 2104/2258/2430 m
town in Dizi wereda
(with sub-post office under Jimma)
Centre in 1964 of awraja and of Mehal Maji wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Gelkam (Ghelcam, Galcam) (village) 1236 m
5S Siski (Sischi) (village) peak 2500 m nearby
10SW Tiyaki (Tiachi) (mountain) c.2400 m
4W Bangal (Gara Bangal) (mountain) 2413 m
5W Kersi (Chersi) (village)
6NW Gobi (village) 1846 m
9N Bahr (village with small lake)
?? Vor (Uor) (high plateau and village) 1488 m
HCA67 Maji & Goldiya awraja 0600'/3530' 06/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Maji)
-- Maji zone, cf Bench-Maji zone ../.. [n]
in 1996 combined with Bench zone into the Bench-Maji zone,
with Mizan Teferi as administrative centre
majirr: majiir (Som) deviate, turn something forcibly
HBM25 Majirr (area) 03/39 [WO]
JDP10 Majit (Oromo name), see Ayelu
?? Majo (in Kefa province, with mission clinic) ../.. [x]
GDE15 Majok 08/33 [WO]
HEL37 Mak Memcha (Maq Memcha) 1202'/3906' 2642 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
near Lalibela
maka, maqaa (O) name
?? Maka (Middle Awash archaeological field) ../.. [20]
JCT14 Makado (Macado) 0725'/4348' 07/43 [+ x]
HES.. Makalako 13/37 [n]
a tributary of the Tekkeze river north-east of Gondar
HEU91 Makale (Makalle), see Mekele
makal..: makkala (O) messenger of gada councilors;
makkallo (O) omen
JEC80 Makalla (Macalla) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
Makana .., see Mekane .., Mekene ..
JDK54 Makanis (Machannis, Moccanis) (mountain) 09/42 [WO Gz]
0935'/4254' 1886 m, same as Makanissa below
HDM12 Makaniso (Macaniso) 2012m, see under Sidisto 09/39 [WO]
makanissa (A,O) kind of medium-sized tree, Croton macrostachys,
with broad leaves of which some are usually bright yellow;
also Dombeya goetzenii, D. quinqueseta, which are shrubs or
small trees; makanisa (makkannisa) (O) red/whitish honey
?? Makanissa, area in Sidamo ../.. [Mi]
between the Awata and mormora rivers east of Ula-Ulo mountain
HDH78 Makanissa (Maccanissa) 09/36 [+ WO]
JDK54 Makanissa (Macanissa, Macanis, Moccanis), 09/42 [x Gu WO]
(mountain) 0934'/4254' 1886/2048 m
HCC42c Makanna (Makana) 05/36 [x]
important sub-chief area in Maale
HES69 Makanna (Macanna, Mecanna) 1317'/3822' 3401 m, 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
near Ras Dashen, see also Mekane Birhan
HEC68 Makar, see Mekari
HC... Makara 05/35 [20]
village in the area of the Chai Suri clan
HFF64 Makargot (Macargot) 1406'/3944' 2788 m, 14/39 [+ Gu Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
?? Makaro, ../.. [n]
a place on the Omo river, a few kilometres downstream from Alaka
makarra: makara (O) harvest; makkara (O) difficulty, problem
JER02 Makarra (Macarra) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
makata (O) wall niche serving as shelf; meketa (A) barrier
HES50 Makatat (Macatat) (mountain) 1310'/3731' 1380 m, 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
near map code HER59
HEK49 Makatawa (Mak'at'awa), see Meketewa
HED68 Makdala, see Mekdela
HEE69 Makdela, see Mekdela
HDT53 Makefta kebele (Makäfta ..) 10/38 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in north Wegdi wereda, 5-9 km
south-west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,022 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL39 Makel Jeras, see Machel Geras
HEE83c Maket (Maqét) 60 km south-west of Lalibela, 11/38 [n]
(with monastery Abuna Aron & rock-hewn church)
HDU07 Makfud, see Debir, cf Mahfud
HEU13 Makhan, see Mekan
H.... Maki, see Mago 05/36 [x]
HDE04 Maki, see Meki
HEL27 Makina Ledata Maryam, see Lalibela : Mekena Lideta Maryam
HEL37 Makina Medhane Alem, see Mekena ..
HEK50 Makisegnit, see Maksenyit
HEU52 Makmati Iwir (Makmat Iwurr) 1308'/3933' 2165 m, 13/39 [Gz WO Ad]
(Mikimat Iwir), west of Debub, see Mikimat Iwir
JDD62 Makoda (Macoda) (mountain) 0842'/4244' 1475 m 08/42 [+ Gz]
JEP73 Makolle (Macolle) 1319'/4058' 173 m, 13/40 [+ Gz]
near Afrera lake
HCU04 Makonna (Maconna) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HDD26 Makorkor, see Mekorkor
makram (Som) pouch for various amulets
HED69 Makramit (Macramit) (mountain) 11/38 [+ Gu]
maksano ga..: maksenyo gebeya (A) Tuesday market
HDR58 Maksano Gabya, see Minch
HEK50 Maksenyit (Maksegnit, Makisegnit, Maksegenet) 12/37 [+ Po Ad MS]
(with sub-post office under Gondar) 1215'/3730'
(centre in 1964 of Chihira sub-district)
HEK60 Maksenyit (Maksegnit, Makisenit) 10/37? [Gz Po]
1223'/3733' 1923 m, south of Gondar
(visiting postman under Debre Markos)
maksenyo gebeya (maksännyo gäbäya) (A) Tuesday market
GDF93c Maksenyo Gebeya 08/34 [LM]
HEK61 Maksenyo Gebeya 12/37 [n]
south-east of Gondar at the road to Addis Zemen
HER78 Maksenyo Gebeya (Maksanyo Gavata) 13/37 [LM WO]
makta: maktat (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Carissa schimperi;
makteh, mukteh (T) Carissa deflersii, a shrub or scrambler with
thorns; makto (O) mystery, secret, secret meeting
HEC35 Makta (Macta) 11/37 [+ WO]
-- Makuda, a group of the Mudaitu branch of the Afar
makudi: makoodi (O) dove, pigeon
HFF30 Makudi (Mak'udi, Maqudi) 1350'/3925' 2124 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
south of Hawzen
HEC37 Makudya (Macudia) (hill) 11/37 [+ WO]
JCJ28 Makule (area) 06/42 [WO]
HCC58 Makulla (Maculla) 05/37 [+ Gu]
HEJ44 Makunta Iyesus (Macunta Iesus) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDT16 Makur (Mak'ur, Maqur) 1004'/3859' 2181 m 10/38 [Gz q]
HDT16 Makur kebele (Maqur ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, adjoining
Alem Ketema to its north and extending 5 km northwards;
area 751 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Makure (Macure), ancient customs post in Sahart ../.. [x]
makuta (A) light meal
HEC69 Makwal (Makoal) (with church) 11/37 [+ WO]
makwalla (O) Digitaria ternata, Dactyloctenium aegyptium
HEJ87 Makwamanra Maryam (Macuamanra Mariam) church 12/37 [+ WO]
malab (Afar) honey
JDD34 Malable (waterhole) 08/42 [WO]
malaf (Som) soft plants for grazing; malef (A) passage
JDN77 Malafaburi, see Burka
HFF42 Malahayenghi, see Mellehai Zengi
JBT95 Malaico, see Malayko
JCK74 Malaico, see Maleico
HEJ05 Malakust Maryam (Manacust Mariam) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
malap k..: koma (O) 1. chest, breast; 2. qoomaa instant killing;
(A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree
JEB50 Malap Koma (Malap Coma) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
malas (Som) small amount of food to soothe an animal;
malaas (Som) cover with a mixture of lime and clay
JDS33 Malas, B. (area) 1159 m 10/42 [WO]
malatta: melata (melat'a) (A) bald, hairless;
malhetta (T) scrubby bush or tree, Ximenia americana;
malato (O) scar; mallato (O) line, sign, signal, mark, seal;
omen, foreboding
HBK92 Malatta, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
?? Malawa (historically recorded place in Bali) ../.. [Pa]
JBT95 Malayko (Malaico, Molico, Moliko) 05/43 [+ 18 Gz Wa]
0524'/4353' 347 m
-- Malbe (an Oromo cluster), see Gabra
?? Malberde (Malberede, Malbärädé) ../.. [+ Pa]
(historical capital in the 1200s of a chief in Damot?)
Malca .., see Melka ..
JCJ45 Malca Bafata, see Melka Bafeta
HFC16 Malca Cianciafe, see Melka Chanchafe
JCC12 Malca Ciratti, see Melka Chireti
HCF51 Malca Cogobbe, see Kogobbe
?? Malca Cuba, see Melka Kuba
JCR07 Malca Dacata, see Geldoh
JCJ45 Malca Dube, see Melka Dube
JBJ75 Malca Ghersei, see Melka Gersey
HCF75 Malca Giamerri, see Melka Jamerri
JBR45 Malca Gis, see Melka Jis
HBU20 Malca Guba, see Melka Guba
HDK91 Malca Iecatel, see Yekatel
HDF83 Malca Jilo, see Melka Jilo
HFC06 Malca Lughena, see Ellugena
HDK09 Malca Micce, see Bora
HCM80 Malca Uacanna, see Melka Wakanna
HBT48 Malca Ualagodia, see Watagodiya
HDE61 Malcaguerba, see Melka Gerba
HDF31 Malcarar, see Malkoray
HDF20 Malcasa, see Melkasa
HCL72 Malche 0701'/3837' 1864 m, east of lake Awasa 07/38 [Gz]
?? Malchei (village, with cave nearby) ../.. [Gu]
HDF31 Malcorai, see Malkoray
maldo: maldot (T) plea
HCD81 Maldo, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HFC15 Maldo (area) 13/37 [WO]
male (Som) thought, idea; malee (O) except, without; indeed;
male (A) swear, take a vow;
-- Male, Malie, Malle, name of a southern Ometo group in the
South Omo Zone, their number estimated at 20,000 in 1995
HCC54 Male (area, with election constituency) 05/37 [WO]
malega: malaga (A) lazy person; mellege (A) stalked,
sneaked stealthily; malagaa (O) tool for planing wood
HCD21 Malega 05/37 [WO]
JCK74 Maleico (Malaico) 0703'/4255' 698 m 07/42 [Gz]
JCK89 Maleico (Maleyko) (hills) 0705'/4321' 834 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
malek: maleka, maleeka (O), melak (A) angel;
melek (O) sign, mark; sanka, saanqaa (O) door,
board, plank; sanka (A) defect
HEE15 Malek Sanca, see Ashenga
HEE23 Malec Sanca, see Kitir
HDM40 Malet Chancho kebele (Malét Ch'anch'o ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost north Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda
at its southern border there, 24-28 km south-west of
Debre Birhan; area 910 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCK88 Maleyko (Maleico) 785 m 07/43 [+ WO]
JCK89 Maleyko, see Maleico
Malga .., see Melka ..
JDD91 Malgaga (area) 09/42 [WO]
HCL72 Malge (Malghe) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
malge w..: wondo (O) kind of spindly shrub or tree
HCL.? Malge Wendo (with agricultural school) 07/38 [x]
HED12 Malguie (Malgiye, Malgi, Malghie) 10/37 [WO Gz Gu]
1058'/3745' 2370/2420 m
mali (O) who? what? why? maali (Som) lend, loan
HCC41 Mali sub-district 1274 m 05/36 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Kongie)
JDN39 Maliftali 10/40 [WO]
HDL78 Maligui, see under Deneba 09/39 [WO]
malik: melk (mälk) (A) 1. chant in praise of a saint;
2. shape, appearance
maliko: malliiqo (Som) palm leaves for making mats
JEB85 Maliko Edlu (Malico Edlu) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HD... Malilo (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
malima (O) rainmaker; mallima (O) teacher, scholar
-- Malima, cf Kersa & Malima
HDD49 Malima 0831'/3823' 2809 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDL23 Malima 0915'/3845' 2534 m, see under Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Malima 0930'/3852' 2604 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDE32 Malima Aba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lemen) 08/38 [Ad]
-- Malingur, a tribe of the Borana people occupying a large area
JCS37 Malingur (area) 07/43 [WO]
malka, malkaa (O) ford; muddy pool
Malka .., see also Melka ..
HFE36 Malka (Malk'a, Malqa) 1353'/3904' 1460 m 14/39? [Ad Gz q]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
JCJ45 Malka Bafata, see Melka Bafeta
JCC12 Malka Ciratti, see Melka Chireti
malka dibo (O) bush ford; dibo (O) thicket, thick growth of
bushes; dibbo (Som) 1. stay out all night; 2. be invisible
HDT51 Malka Dibo (Malca D.) (ford) 1027'/3829' 1130 m 10/39 [Ch Gz]
malka g..: girma (A) dignity, grandeur, beauty, majesty
JCB60 Malka Girma (seasonal waterhole) 05/40 [MS WO]
?? Malka Lokman (name on old maps), see Jambir
JBH70 Malka Mari (Malka Murri, Malka), see Melka Meri
H.... Malka Maryam (Malqa Mariam) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Janabiet sub-district)
HDE61 Malkaguerba, see Melka Gerba
JDJ45 Malkarafo, see Kembolcha
HDF20 Malkassa, see Melkasa
HCL81 Malke (Malche) 07/38 [+ Gu]
JCH50 Malkei (Malchei), see under Megalo 06/40 [WO Gu]
malko (Som) mountain pass, passage
HCR42 Malko (Malco) 07/36 [+ WO]
HDF31 Malkoray (Malcorai, Malcarar) 08/39 [+ WO Gz]
0825'/3925' 1416 m, at Awash river
JBS23 Mallaile, see El Melhale
-- Malle (people), see Maale
HCC88 Malle 0614'/3720' 2169,3900 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
JCT64 Malleda 07/43 [WO]
JDP41 Mallifto (area) 10/40 [WO]
JDR87 Mallik (Mallic) 1044'/4215' 752 m 10/42 [+ Gz]
malo: maalo (O) what? maaloo (O) please;
-- Malo, a group of the Sidama people and a northern
variety of Ometo language, see also under Mello
(Malo is self-name but may be written Melo or Mello
in Amharic.)
HC... Malo ../.. [Gu]
HES96 Malo (pass) 13/38 [WO]
HCJ10 Malo Koza (Malokoza) 0626'/3638' 2042 m 06/36 [+ Gz]
HCJ20 Malo Koza 0633'/3637' 2042 m 06/36 [MS]
(locality with ensete culture)
HCJ.. Malo Koza wereda 06/36 [En]
The traditional area of the Malo people.
JEC30 Maltabe (spring) 11/41 [WO]
HBF82 Maltecho (area) 03/39 [WO]
malti: malte, maltu (O) schemer
HDR64 Malti, see Diblil
JCN95 Malto (area) 08/40 [WO]
malu (O) make a plan to do something
JDA59 Malu (area) 08/40 [WO]
GDD38 Malwal (Melual, Miluol) 0825'/3314' 285 m 08/33 [WO Gz]
HDM91 Mam Yeleny Maryam (church) 0956'/3929', 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
mama (T) mama, mother
HDL30 Mama 0921'/3829' 2870 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
mama m..: midir (A) earth, land, region
HDU13 Mama Midir (Mama Meder, Mamamedir) (plateau) 10/39 [Ad x WO]
(Mamamader), see under Molale, cf Debre Kopros
HDU.. Mama Midir & Lalo wereda 10/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 81 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDU23 Mama Midir wereda (centre -1964-1975- = Molale) 10/39 [Ad]
cf name just above here
HEA86 Mamarsai (area) 787 m 11/35 [WO]
HED82 Mamarsay (area) 11/37 [WO]
HDN89 Mamascbo, see Manasebo
?? Mamba (pass) ../.. [Gu]
HEB46 Mambuk (Mambuc) 1117'/3613' 1186, 1493 m 11/36 [WO Gz Ch]
mame (O) crane /the bird/; mammae (O) swan?;
mame (Kefa) heifer-calf
HDK99 Mame 0955'/3821' 2512 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK99 Mame 0956'/3820' 2491 m, see under Tulu Milki, 09/38 [AA Gz]
at 3 km from the previous place
HEF37 Mamed 1108'/3959' 1593 m, 11/39 [Gz]
east of Kombolcha at the road to Assab
HE... Mamedochbila 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kestambula sub-district)
HEJ86 Mami 1232'/3709' 1903 m, east of Chilga 12/37 [Gz]
HDB08 Mamme (mountain) 0808'/3628' 2131 m 08/36 [Gz]
HEC19 Mammit (area) 10/37 [WO]
mammito (A) echo; mammitu (A) baby girl
JDJ13 Mammuksi (mountain) 0912'/4154' 2110 m 09/41 [x]
HDM.? Mamrat, not far from Ankober, cf Membret 09/39 [Ha]
HCS99 Mamuje (Mamugie) (area), see under Butajira 08/38 [+ WO]
mana, manna (O) house, home, dwelling,
place for some defined purpose;
-- Mana, caste group of tanners living among other people
JCG65 Mana (spring), cf Manna, Mena, Mene, Menna 06/40 [MS WO]
JCG69 Mana 0656'/4039' 1529 m, south of Ginir 06/40 [Gz]
mana jarti (O) home of old and respectable woman
?? Mana Jarti (village in Wellega) ../.. [x]
-- mana s..: Sibu, an Oromo tribe
JCG65? Mana Sibu wereda 06/40 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 87 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
JCG.. Mana wereda (-1997-) 06/40 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEJ05 Manacust Mariam, see Malakust Maryam
GDM90 Manada, see Manaola
HEU43? Manadeley (historical market town), 13/39 [Pa x]
corresponding to modern Debub?
manafarda (O), feres bet (A) horse stable
HCE92c Manafarda (Farasbet) 06/38 [Gu]
HDE92 Managasha, see Menagesha
HDG.. Manajerti, at 4 hour ride from Nejo 09/35 [x]
-- Manana, a small community in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HCC99 Mananna (area), cf Menena 06/37 [WO]
GDM90 Manaola (Maneola, Manada) 0953'/3422' 632 m 09/34 [Gz WO]
HDN89 Manasebo (Manesebo, Mamascbo) (village) 10/35 [Gz Gu WO]
1041'/3541' 2402 m
Coordinates would give map code HDP80 nearby
HEE85 Manatunaja kebele (Manat'unaja ..) 11/38 [Ad]
far to the west in Wadla wereda at its southern border,
13-20 km west-southwest of Bete Hor; area 3,645 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE.. Manawe (monastery, few monks nowadays), 13/39 [20]
associated with Ras Alula whose ruined house is in the area
HEH05c Manbuk, centre of Dangur wereda 11/36 [20]
HEM92 Mancare, see Mekare
-- Mancha people, see Manjo
JCJ63 Manchaf (Mancifa) 0655'/4159' 495/622 m, 06/41 [Gz MS WO]
Coordinates would give map code JCJ64
HEU72 Manchelfo (Manch'elfo) 1321'/3936' 1999 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), south of Kwiha
HEA63 Manchelung, J. (Mancelung, Mancelungh) (mountain) 11/35 [WO Gz]
1125'/3505' 1186 m, on the border of Sudan
HEC49 Manchil (Mancil), see under Debre May 11/37 [+ WO]
mancho (Kefa) low-caste hunter
HCJ95 Mancho (Mancio) (steppe area), cf Mencho 07/37 [+ WO]
HCR99 Mancho (Mancio) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
JEG05 Manda (area) 945 m 11/40 [WO]
JEH13 Manda (mountain chain) 1152'/4100' 504 m, 11/41 [Gz]
south-west of Serdo
JEJ76 Manda (wide area) MS:1221'/4206' = JEJ65 12/42 [MS WO Gz]
Gz:1225'/4211' 692 m
manda al.: ale (A) to tell; alle (A) there is
JDG86 Manda Ale (area) 09/40 [WO]
manda el.: ela (O) 1. deep lake or pond; clear water;
eelaa 2. very heavy /load/; ela (A) well, cistern
JDP64 Manda-ela (waterhole) 10/41 [MS WO]
HEJ57 Mandaba (peninsula at lake Tana, with monastery) 12/37 [Ca Ch x]
mandara (O) 1. large market place, see mandera; 2. village;
(Borana) kind of shrub or small tree, Dodonaea viscosa
HBR98 Mandara (village), cf Mandera, Mendera, Mender 05/37 [WO]
HCR42c Mandara, plain near Jimma, with landing strip 07/36 [x]
HDB.. Mandara (with market), 08/35? [Gu]
with steep ascent from the Sota stream
HCD14 Mande 0533'/3754' 1706 m 05/37 [Gz]
Mandefroh, a male personal name
HDE79 Mandefru, C.(=It: cima?) 08/39 [WO]
JFA15 Mandelu (with waterhole) 13/40 [LM WO Ne Wa]
mandera, mander (O, derived from Persian-Arabic bandar)
large village, trading centre, township, originally a centre
where foreign goods were sold to those who could afford them
JBJ32c Mandera (Mandara), 03/41 [LM WO x]
important commercial town in the 1880s
HCP06 Mandi, 07/36 [x]
Name given in 1913, same as later Bonga?
HDG83 Mandi, see Mendi
mandidu (O) 1. be very rich; 2. grow in size
JCP96 Manditu 0804'/4118' 1239 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
HEC74c Mandsura 11/36 [Gu]
HEK06c Manduka Maryam (Manduca Mariam) (village), 11/38 [+ Gu]
see under Debre Tabor
H.... Mandura, town in Mandura wereda 10/36? [20]
H.... Mandura wereda (centre in 1964 = Genete Maryam), 10/36? [Ad]
in 1992 in Metekel awraja, resettlement area
Mandura wereda (-1994-) is divided into 24 rural kebeles
and 1 urban.
HDM85 Mane Amba kebele (Mané .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
6-10 km east of Debre Sina; area 1,216 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM90 Maneola, see Manaola
?? Manera, in Kulo Konta awraja 07/37 [x]
HDN89 Manesebo, see Manasebo
HDG08 Manete 0903'/3534' 1757 m, north-east of Yubdo, 09/35 [Gz]
near map code HDA98
HDH00 Maneti 0906'/3544' 1794 m 09/35 [Gz]
HCS90 Manetti (mountain) 0812'/3737' 2185 m, 08/37 [x WO Gz]
Gz: 0806'/3732' 1865 m, see under Abelti,
Coordinates would give map code HDD01 further to the north-east
manfero b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass. gate. entrance
HEL43 Manfero Ber ../.. [..]
GDL57 Manga, Jebel (Gebel M., Jabal M.) (hill), 09/34 [WO Gz]
0933'/3406' 1546 m, partly inside Sudan
JBP88 Mangaduda (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
HEM.. Mangafo (historical, lower lands near Zobil mountain) 12/39 [x]
mangaga (O) jaw, molar tooth
JEP16 Mangaga, see Menagaga
HEJ47 Mangai (Mangui, Mangla) 1213'/3715' 12/37 [Ch WO Gu]
HEJ47 Mangai, see under Gorgora
HCK08c Mangano, village some 20 km south of Dilla 06/38 [x]
HDU16 Mangest, see Mengist
HDS76 Mangestu, see Mengistiwo
GDU54c Manghi, see Menge
HEJ57 Manghi (Mangi), see Mangui
GDD17 Mangjang 0815'/3311' 282 m, 08/33 [WO Gz]
at river on the border of Sudan
HEJ57 Mangui (Manghi, Mangi) 1213'/3718' 1784 m, 12/37 [WO Gz]
at lake Tana west of Gorgora
GCU21 Mangum 0730'/3426' 426 m, at Gilo river 07/34 [WO Gz]
manissa, manisa (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Trichocladus ellipticus, T. malosanus
HCR55 Manissa (area) 07/37 [WO]
manja a..: adey (A) Meskel flower, Bidens sp.
JDD58 Manja Addey (Mangia Addei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HEB.. Manjeri, village in the Metekel resettlement area 11/36 [20]
-- Manjo (Kefa, Mancha) low-caste group who are hunters,
artisans or ritual specialists;
-- Manjo language, see Kefa language
manjo (A) hard /meat/, like bark; (Som) feet, legs
HCR91 Manjo (Mangio) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDE97 Manjukso (Mangiucso) (area), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Chefe Donsa
HDD93 Mankata, see Menkata
mankorar (Geez) cold place
HDS42 Mankorar (Moncorer), see Debre Markos
HDS16 Mankorkoriy (Mank'ork'oriy, Mank'ork'oy) 10/38 [Gz]
1007'/3807' 1886 m, not far north of Abay river
HDS48 Mankorkoya (Mank'ork'oya, Manqorqoya) 10/38 [Gz q]
1024'/3816' 2448 m, near Bichena
HD... Mankubsa, with forest, ../.. [20]
(same as HDR87 Mankusa?)
HDR87 Mankusa (Mancusa) 1041'/3714' 1888, 2160 m, 10/37 [Gz 18 Gu n]
(Mannkusa) (village/town with church), east of Bure
HDR87 Mankusa Mikael (centre in 1964 of Jabi sub-district) 10/37 [Ad]
HDE40 Manlima (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDE41 Manlima 08/38 [WO]
manna (O) house; often first part of the names of
-- Oromo groups, e.g. Manna Abu;
manna, mana, manni (Southern Eth) expression used by several
language groups of people in Southern Ethiopia for low-caste
workers of certain crafts such as tanner and potter
HCR51c Manna (market) 2091 m, cf Menna 07/36 [Gu]
HCR52 Manna wereda (centre in 1964 = Yebu/Yebbu), 07/36 [Ad]
cf Mana sub-district
HDE92 Mannaghescia (Mannagascia), see Menagesha
HDG37 Mannajerk, about 17 km south-east of Nejo 09/35 [x]
HET86c Mannawe, village about 25 km south of Abiy Adi 13/39 [n]
manne (O) sheath of a sword, scabbard; (Kefa) female potter,
usually married to a manno i.e. leatherworker
HCR85 Manne (mountain) 08/37 [WO]
HCC97 Manoko 0615'/3717' 1559 m 06/37 [Gz]
GDF93 Manoro, see under Gidami 09/34 [WO]
HEF41 Manosh kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central northern Kuta Ber wereda, 5-15 km
north-west of Kuta Ber settlement; area 3,345 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Manoshe (centre in 1964 of Meskela sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
manso (Som) monitor lizard
HCM96 Manso 0710'/3953' 2683 m, north-west of Goba 07/39 [Gz]
HEC99 Mansur (Manso, Bet Manzi, Bet Manzo) 11/37 [Gu WO]
(Ger: Manzur), small island in lake Tana
manta (O?) name of a race of goats, occurring especially
in Arsi, not considered as particularly valuable;
manta (T) twin; maanta (Som) today
HCJ81 Manta 0706'/3644' 1864 m, 07/36 [WO Gz]
east of Bonga and south of Jimma, cf Menta
HCN06 Manta Bacci, see Menta Bechi
manta w..: wedel (wädäl) (A) male donkey
HEF51c Manta Wodel (Fre: M. Ouodel) (recorded in 1841) 11/39 [Ha x]
-- Mante, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people
?? Mantek (monastery), ../.. [Ha]
not far from Ankober in the Mamrat forest
HDM03c Mantekura (Mantecura), at Kassam/Kesem river 09/39 [x 18]
mantero b..: ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HEL43 Mantero Ber (area) 12/38 [WO]
HEK07 Mantora 1148'/3811' 3189 m, east of Debre Tabor 11/38 [WO Gz]
HEH69 Manu (Muna) 1227'/3634' 777, 1385 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
JEB79 Manule 11/41 [WO]
JEC51 Manwa Yeta (Manoa Ieta) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDU16 Manya (mountain chain) 1004'/3955' 1263 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Molale
JDB46 Manya (G. Magna) (area) 3060 m 08/41 [+ WO]
manyo: manjo (Som) feet, legs
?? Manyo (Muslim small village), ../.. [Ha]
at about a day's march towards the lowlands from Ankober
HDU31 Manz, see Menz
-- Mao, name of a small Nilotic ethnic group living along
the Ethio-Sudanese border, numbering about 16,236
according to the 1994 census;
-- Mao language, see [1] Anfillo, [2] Bambassi
GDF45 Mao, see Mau
GDM24 Mao (Ma'o) 0918'/3443' 1458 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
?? Mao wereda, south of Asosa, ../.. [20]
or: Mao Komo Special wereda (Maokomo ..)
HEU91 Maqalle (Maqualle), see Mekele
HEK49 Maqatawa, see Meketewa
HEP05 Maqbarah, see Magbara
HEE69 Maqdala, see Mekdela
HES23 Mar Kibiny (Mar K'ibiny, Mar Qibiny), 12/37 [Gz q]
1252'/3750' 2194 m, south-east of Dabat
mar (A) honey; mar, mari, honorific title used in Geez literature;
malefiya (A) 1. good, excellent; 2. passage
HDU25 Mar Malefiya (Mar Malefia) 10/39 [LM WO]

mara (O) 1. crown, diadem; 2. kind of corn cake wrapped

in leaves when boiled; 3. to twist, to roll; marra (O) grass;
maraa, marah (Som) kinds of common thorn trees,
Acacia nilotica, A. senegal, also Albizia spp.;
mare (A) have mercy, pardon
?? Mara (historically recorded), ../.. [x]
Muslim principality in eastern Ethiopia in the 1100s
GDF81 Mara 08/34 [WO]
GDF94 Mara, G. (hill) 08/34 [WO]
HEC62 Mara (mountain) MS:1130'/3646' = HEC71 11/36 [Ch WO Gz]
1129'/3649' 2284 m, north-west of Dangila
HEM83 Mara, see Maru
HEU61 Mara (recorded in 1868) 13/39 [18]
mara g..: gubet (gubbät) (A) liver
JCD69 Mara Gubed 0601'/4323' 306 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
mara guro: guro, guroo (O) raw cotton; 2. lump, hard mass;
guro (Som) 1. place cleared on loaded camel for people to sit;
2. pick up, collect for oneself
JDE85 Mara Guro (area) 08/43 [WO]
HEC63 Mara Medhane Alem 11/36 [+ It]
HCK26c Marab Abaya, on north-east shore of lake Abaya 06/38 [20]
maraba: marabbaa (O) dignity
?? Maraba (village, with massacre in 1937) ../.. [n]
HDT18 Marabetie (Marabieti, Morabietie), 10/39 [WO Ha]
province inhabited (1800s) purely by Amhara, cf Merhabete
KCP59 Marcauene, see Markawene
HDH13 Maracce, see Wedebo
JEA43c Marad (village) 11/40 [Gu]
?? Marade (historical), see main Merade, cf Marayde ../.. [Pa]
?? Maradi (same as above, or same as Moret?)
HDM64 Marafiya, see Let Marefia
HFE55 Marafluba (Maraflubai) 1400'/3858' 1906 m, 14/38 [WO Gz]
south of Adwa, see under May Kenetal
maragu (O) daub, seal, smear; maraga (O) plaster, cement
JCE35 Maragududo 05/43 [WO]
JFA29 Maraha (Maraha Bad) (swamp) 13/40 [WO Ne]
JEC30 Marahale (area) 11/41 [WO]
JFA56 Maraho Karum (island in lake Assale) 14/40 [Ne]
HCH80 Marai 0708'/3544' 1864 m, 07/35 [WO Gz]
north-west of Shewa Gimira
maraile: maraay leh (Som) having acacia trees
JEJ64 Maraile (well) 12/41 [MS WO]
HFL07 Marakeyna (Maracheina) (hill) 2320 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
-- Marako, a northern colony near Butajira of the Hadiya people
HCS.. Marako (with S.I.M. mission station), 07/38 [x]
north of Urbarag and Silti
JCK68 Marameit, see Maramo
JDB24 Marammarti (area) 08/41 [WO]
marammarto (O) whirlwind, also game of spinning around
JCK68 Maramo (Marameit) 0653'/4316' 654 m 06/43 [WO Gz]
maranya: marenj (A) kind of shrub, Strychnos innocua
/which is strychnine-free?/; dobba (O) plastering
maranya d..: doba (Gondar A) ox without borns,
or /Shewa/ black and white
HDT39 Maranya Doba (Maragna Doba) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
marar (O) sad; (Som) times, instances, occasions
JDK52 Marar (area), cf Marer 09/42 [WO]
marara, mararaa (O) precious, costly
mararu (O) to cause sadness
marasha (O) plough-share; maresha (A) plough
marasho (Som) emptiness
JCD29 Marasho (Marascio) 05/43 [+ WO]
HCD83 Marato, see Darato
GDM87 Marattu, see Marrato
marattuu (O) crazy /female/
HCR43 Maraua, see Merewa
HEM62 Maraua 1222'/3932' 1575 m, near Alamata 12/39 [Gz Gu]
HES23 Maray Bek (Marai Bec) 12/37 [+ WO]
HE... Maray sub-district (-1997-) 12/37? [n]
JC... Marayde 06/44 [18]
KCP59 Marcanuene (Marcauene) (seasonal waterhole) 07/46 [MS WO]
?? Marcha (once with mission to the Falasha), cf Mercha ../.. [x]
HCT19 Marcos, see Markos
marda (A) glass ring used as neck charm,
small chain of gold or silver
JDK32 Marda (mountain with road pass c.2000 m), 09/42 [WO Gu Gz]
0921'/4242' 2248 m, conical peak 2289 m at 8 km west of Jijiga,
see under Jijiga, and also Guresa Terara
mardasa (O) scarf worn over the hair by women
JEA95 Mardle (area) 910 m 11/40 [WO]
HCJ75 Mareca, see Mari
marecha (A) track
HDH13 Marechi (Marecce, Marecci, Maretchi) (area), 09/36 [+ WO x Gz]
0911'/3602' 1559, 2640 m, cf Wedebo,
with mountain Gara Marechi to the north, cf Tulu Marechi
mared (Som) kinds of shrub or small tree, Cordia gharaf,
(Cordia ovalis)
HDL96 Mared (area) 09/39 [WO]
JDD97 Maredleh (Maredley) 0902'/4313' 1661 m, 09/43 [Gz]
south-east of Jijiga, near map code JDK07
JDE84 Maredley (Maredlei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
mareg (maräg) (A) grade, dignity, step upwards
JDE87 Maregh Dughleh 0856'/4405' 1310 m, 08/44 [WO Gz]
at the border of Somalia
(WO at map code JDE89 may be incorrect)
HDE48 Maregu (area), see under Nazret 08/39 [WO]
JDD20 Marehan (Marrehan) (area & stream) 08/42 [WO]
mareka: mareki (O) sauce, soup; mareku (O) to plaster with
mud and dung; marreke (A) to capture
HCJ88 Mareka (Mareca) 0704'/3720' 1866 m 07/37 [Ad WO Gz]
(wereda & its centre in 1964), see also under Waka,
cf Meskan & Mareko sub-district
mareka g..: gena (A,T) still, yet, even now, not yet;
genna (A) Christmas, game played at that time
HCJ88 Mareka Gena wereda 07/37 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HCJ88 Mareka wereda (Maräqa ..) 07/37 [20]
(centre in 1964 = Mareka)
one of eight weredas within Kulo Konta awraja
-- Mareko (maräqo = Amharic name; self-name Libido),
ethnic group (sub-group related to the Hadiya)
numbering about 38,096 acc. to 1994 census, see also Libido
HCT81 Mareko MS:0758'/3833', Gz:0801'/3835' 1810 m, 08/38 [n Gz q x]
(Marek'o, Mareqo, Maräqo, Marako), west of lake Ziway,
cf Meskan & Mareko
HCT90 Mareko (Marek'o, Mareqo) 0808'/3828' 2028 m, 08/38 [Gz q]
near Butajira
marer (Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Cordia gharaf;
marera (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Rhus vulgaris
JCC02 Marer, cf Marar 05/41 [Wa]
HDH12 Marete Mikael (church) 0911'/3557', east of Gimbi 09/35 [Gz]
HDU17 Mareye, see Mariye & HEF52
JDG82 Marfood, see Mahfud
marga (O) grass, weed, plant, meadow;
margo (Som) choke, suffocate, be strangled;
merg (märg) (Gondar A) large stone which is thrown or
which falls down from a mountain; mergu, stone as explained
HDG04 Margo, see Tulu Babor
margu (O) to grow, to sprout
HDT24 Marhabete, see Merhabete
mai, marii (O) /secret/ agreement, confidant
HB..? Mari, ../.. [En]
site of battle between Awsa and Somalis in 1867
HCJ75 Mari (Mareca) 0702'/3706' 2433 m, west of Waka 07/37 [Gz]
-- Mariam, see Maryam
-- Marie, cf Maryie
HC... Marie (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/36 [Ad]
JDR85 Marie (mountain range, recorded in 1841) 10/42 [Ha]
JDJ52 Mariha (mountain) 1408 m, see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [WO]
-- Marille (Geleba), a language in the south-west, see Dasenech
HBP75 Marille, see Murle
HDA37 Marino 08/35 [WO]
mariye, mariyee (O) smallpox
HEF52 Mariye 1122'/3936' 2264 m, 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Silase), west of lake Ashenge
HDU17 Mariye kebele (Mareyé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the north/south middle of Kewet wereda, adjoining
Shewa Robit to its south-east and extending 4 km
from there; area 2,076 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF52 Mariye kebele (Mareyä ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south-eastern Ambasel wereda,
9-15 km north-west of Hayk town; area 1,804 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
marka, marqaa (O) thick porridge; (Som) now, if, when;
marka (T) label /word from Italian/; markaa (Som) then
JEN97 Marka (Marca) (waterhole) 13/40 [Ne WO]
JEB86 Markale (Marcale) 11/41 [+ WO]
KCP59 Markawene (Marcauene, Marcanuene), 07/46 [+ WO Gz]
(with waterhole) 0744'/4635' 639 m
Markos, a male ordinary personal name also in modern time
HCT19 Markos (Marcos) 0722'/3914' 2953, 3139 m 07/39 [+ WO Gz]
HFD57 Markos (Mark'os, Marqos, Adi Decal, Addi D.) 14/38 [Gz WO Gu]
1402'/3812' 1708 m
?? Marma (in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
HDE82 Marma 0855'/3840'c, 08/38 [x]
near latter-day Sebeta
HEP35 Marmage, Jebel (Gebel Marmaghe) (area), 12/36 [+ WO]
see under Metemma
marmar (T) tingle; (Som) 1. marble; 2. travel about, continual
travelling; 3. nape of the neck; 4. sometimes; rarely
JDS62 Marmar (Marmar Gedle) (mountains) 10/42 [WO Gz]
1030'/4245' 1475 m, partly inside Somalia
JEC52 Marmara (area) 11/41 [WO]
HB... Marmare ../.. [20]
Early settlement in north-east Konso.
marmari (Som) rub, wipe, clean; (O) explorer;
marmaro (Som) rub oneself /the eyes/; marmaru (O) visit
HBR26 Marmaro, G. (peak) 0444'/3709' 1164 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
JBR62 Marmaro (Bol) 0508'/4149' 309 m 05/41 [Gz]
JBR70 Marmaro 0512'/4140' 328 m 05/41 [Gz]
JDH47 Marmarsa (area) 09/41 [WO]
marmarsitu (O) spy; marmaru (O) entwine, wind, surround;
marmaruu (O) come repeatedly, frequent a place;
marmarsu (O) wrap oneself, turn around, wander about, stroll
HDF50 Marmazza (with bridge) 08/39 [WO]
JBP89 Marmoro (plain) 05/41 [WO]
maro, maroo (O) 1. /secret/ agreement, confidant;
2. boiled fresh corn cake;
maro (Som) 1. cloth, robe; 2. be finished;
maaro (Som) ability, skill, means;
marro, marroo (O) one's turn
JDN16 Maro (area) 10/40 [WO]
marodileh: maroodi leh (Som) with elephants
JCL26 Marodileh 0632'/4358' 540 m 06/43 [WO Wa Gz]
?? Marogala, in middle Awash valley ../.. [x]
HCT92 Maroko (Marroco, Marraco, Marequo), 08/38 [+ Gu WO]
(wide area)
maroor (Som) crookedness, twisted object
JEC08 Maror (hill) 10/42 [WO]
HFF25 Maroro (with rock-hewn church) 13/39 [x]
?? Marowa, ../.. [18]
place south of Antalo
marrata (O) kind of snake said to have a special sound
GDM87 Marrato (Marattu) 0949'/3500' 1511 m, 09/34 [WO Gu Gz]
(Oromo village), see under Mendi, see also Teyba
JEC82 Marri (area) 11/41 [WO]
marsa, marsaa (O) scapegoat
HEU13 Marsa, see Korbeta
HC... Marshille, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
marsu, marsuu (O) 1. wrap around, surround, sit in a circle;
2. patrol an area; 3. swish a whip
JDA07 Marsu (area) 08/40 [WO]
marta (O) plain, usually at the foot of a mountain;
(A) (mart'a) elephant's tail as a trophy
Marta, a female name derived from the Bible
HDK93 Marta 0952'/3751' 1244 m, cf Merta 09/37 [AA Gz]
marti (O) useless person; (Som) guests, visitors
HDF76 Marti (area), cf Merti Jeju 08/39 [WO]
HDJ29 Marti (area) 09/37 [WO]
HDT87 Martikos kebele (Mart'iqos ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the east in central Kelala wereda at its eastern border,
19-23 km east of Kelala settlement; area 2,154 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
marto (O) 1. land at medium altitude about 1800-2300 m;
2. loin cloth, cloth loosely worn around the waist
HCT04 Marto (area), cf Merto 07/38 [WO]
HEM02 Marto, see under Weldiya 11/39 [Gu]
JEG14 Marto (area) 930 m 11/40 [WO]
martu (O) long hair /of female/; mane of lion
HDS98 Martula Mariam (Martula), see Mertule Maryam
maru (O) 1. to heal, recover, regain health; 2. to advise,
pardon; 3. to entwine, wind, surround, roll, swirl;
Maru, a male personal name
HDC59 Maru (area) 08/37 [WO]
HDC69 Maru 08/37 [WO]
HDD46 Maru (It: Sella di Maru) 0833'/3806' 2804 m, 08/38 [WO Gz Gu]
saddle 2430 m
HDJ86 Maru 0951'/3708' 2502 m, south-east of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDL24 Maru 0914'/3850' 2880 m, north-east of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEJ56 Maru (area) 12/37 [WO]
HEM83 Maru (Mara) 1229'/3942' 1637 m, east of Korem 12/39 [Gz Gu]
JDH84 Maru (Maroo) (recorded in 1841) 09/41 [Ha]
JDJ17 Maru 0911'/4218' 1547 m, south-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JCC99 Maruf (area) 0618'/4226' 429 m 06/42 [WO Gz]
GDF.? Marum Camp, at some distance from Gambela 08/34 [x]
HDK25 Marus Tereter (area) 09/37 [AA]
HEJ78 Marwa (Marua) 12/37 [+ WO]
HFF93c Marwa (area) about 20 km east-northeast of Adigrat 14/39 [Mi n]
marwe: marwo (Som) lady, respectful term for woman
JCC99 Marwe (Marue) (area) 06/42 [+ WO]
HCT49 Maryam (Mariam) 07/39 [+ WO]
HDJ00 Maryam (Apt. Mariam) (church), 09/36 [+ WO]
see under Nekemte
HDM90 Maryam (Mariam) (church) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDR87 Maryam (Mariam) (area) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEK23 Maryam (Mariam) (with church), see under Yifag 11/37 [+ WO]
HEK64 Maryam (Mariam) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEK66 Maryam (Mariam) (church) 12/38 [+ WO]
HEK98 Maryam (Mariam) 12/38 [LM WO]
HEL42 Maryam (Mariam), see Yabta
HEU92 Maryam Arena (Mariam A.) (plain), 13/39 [+ Gu]
see under Kwiha
HEM92 Maryam Ashenge (Mariam Ascianghe) (hill) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HET66 Maryam Beleb (Mariam B.) 1316'/3901' 1577 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(Ugher/o/ Mariam), north of Fenarwa
HET67 Maryam Belk (Mariam Belch) 13/39 [+ Gu]
maryam d..: debir (däbir) (A) church served by married priests;
HEJ79 Maryam Debir (M. Deber), 12/37 [+ x]
Amhara small village 16 km south of Gondar
HFE20 Maryam Debre Cherbie (... Cuorie, ... Cuvrie), see Debre Kerbe
HF... Maryam Dingilat (with churches), see Idaga Hamus : Dingilat
maryam g..: gimb (A) stone wall or tower or castle
HEJ47 Maryam Gimb (Mariam Ghemb) (historical ruins), 12/37 [+ Gu n]
at northern shore of lake Tana, see also under (Old) Gorgora
?? Maryam Guta, place east-northeast of Hawzen ../.. [n]
HFE17 Maryam Hibito (Mariam Hebuto), 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Temben churches
maryam hoa: ho-a (O) warm; wiha (A) water
HEK81 Maryam Hoa (Mariam Hoa) 1225'/3736' 2087 m 12/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(with church), south-east of Gondar, cf Maryam Wiha
Coordinates would give map code HEK71
maryam k..: kaabi (Som) vicinity, nearness;
qaabi (Som) put in order; kabi (A) 1. stone enclosure;
2. guaranty; kabi, qabi (O) hold, catch, move;
kabi (Afar) leopard; kaabii (O) mound, stack;
kabie, qabye (O) land, possession;
kabbi (O) hale, large white pearl
HDL95 Maryam Kabi (Mariam Cabi) (church) 09/38 [+ WO]
HFF.. Maryam Korkor, see Geralta churches - northern
HFE17c Maryam Malfa (old monastery in High Temben), 13/39 [20]
some 5-10 km north-west of Hagere Selam. There is
a small village on the edge of an escarpment, and the
monastery is located further down.
maryam may l..: luko (O) short trousers
HES11 Maryam May Luko (Mariam Mai Luco) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HE... Maryam Meko 13/39? [Ad]
HFE07 Maryam Quarar (Mariam Q.), see Yeresere
HFE58 Maryam Rugbeito (Mariam R.) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HDT13 Maryam Sarka (Mariam Sarca) (church) 10/38 [+ WO]
HDT03 Maryam Serka (Serk'a, Serqa, Gora Anda) 10/38 [Gz q]
(Gorandu) 1002'/3842' 1816 m
HDT04 Maryam Serka (M. Serk'a) 1001'/3847' 1637 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDT12 Maryam Serka kebele (.. Särqa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the westernmost corner of Lay Bet & Tach Bet
wereda; area 2,318 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF51 Maryam Setta (Mariam Setta, Setta, Anda M. Suta), 14/39 [Gz WO Gu]
1403'/3928' 2251 m, see under Hawzen
HFE.. Maryam Shewito (Mariam Sciauito, M. Shoaitu), 14/39 [n Gu x]
(valley in the Adwa region, with cave used as refuge)
HET67 Maryam Tsarma (Mariam Ts.) 1311'/3913' 1855 m, 13/39 [+ WO Gz]
see under Samre
Coordinates would give map code HET58
HFE96 Maryam Tzadia (Enda Mariam Tz.) (mountain) 14/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1422'/3900' 1816, 2438 m
HEP35 Maryam Wiha (Mariam Waha), see under Metemma 12/36 [+ WO]
HES.. Maryam Wiha, in Wegera not very far from Gondar 12/37 [+ 18 n]
HFE53c Maryama (Mariama), 14/38 [x]
village at two hours walk south of Aksum, with grass fields
HEE85 Maryamu 1138'/3857' 2970 m, near Bete Hor 11/38 [Gz]
HE... Maryie (in Ambasel awraja), cf Mariye 11/39? [Ad]
mas k..: kereba (qäräba) (T) near
HDT63 Mas Keraba kebele (.. Käraba ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda at its southern border, 9-12 km
south-southwest of Mekane Selam; area 942 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES72 Masal Dengia, see Mesal Dengiya
JDH05 Masala, see Mesela
?? Masala Maryam (historical, recorded in the 1400s), 10/39? [x]
in Menz, cf Mesela
masalali (O) ladder
masalo (Som) question, problem
JDN97 Masalu (waterholes) 10/40 [WO]
-- Masango (ethnic group), see Majangir
-- Masango language (Masongo), see Majangir
GCU12 Masango, see Tadi
masar (Som) head scarf, handkerchief
?? Masar Mecheq, mentioned as a town in medieval time ../.. [x]
masara, masera, massera (O) 'palace' of a local king
or sultan in earlier times; temple
KCN24 Masara 0729'/4510' 700 m, cf Massera 07/45 [WO Gz]
-- Masare, unit of the Somali now found (1980s)
in the north-east province of Kenya
HDM90 Mascal, see Meskel & HEL86
HEL85 Mascal Cristos, see Meskel Kristos
HEM30 Mascalanos, see Meskelenas
HEL85 Mascalo, see Meskelo
HDE20 Mascan, see Maskan
HCA98 Masci, see Machi
HEA37 Mascia (Masci, Mascis), see Masha
HEA37 Maseis, see Masha
HDT85 Maseko (Masek'o, Maseqo) 1045'/3855' 2794 m, 10/38 [Gz q]
north-east of Ajibar
masela (A) sorghum, see mashilla below
JCD67 Masela 0602'/4310' 275 m, at Webi Shebele 06/43 [Gz]
JCD67 Masella Oddun (area) 06/43 [WO]
HDU44 Maserti kebele (Masärti ..) 10/39 [Ad]
stretching north/south in north-east Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel
wereda, 3-13 km north of Mehal Meda; area 3,026 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE85 Maserut kebele (Masärut ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda somewhat to the west, adjoining Filakit and
stretching from there 5 km to the west; area 3,213 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDL49 Maset 0929'/3918' 2887 m, north-west of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
HER88 Masfinto, see Mesfinto
HEJ34 Masgala Cristos, see Meskele Kristos
HEU51c Masgi, see Musgi
HEE48 Mash (Masc) (area) 11/39 [+ WO]
masha: meshe (A) become evening, get dark;
mascha (mas-ch'a) (A) place where something is
spread out to dry
HCN.. Masha (same as next one?), 07/35 [20]
town in Masha Anderacha wereda
HCN57 Masha 0744'/3529' 2223 m, north-east of Gecha 07/35 [Gz Ad Po]
(with sub post office under Gore)
(centre in 1969 of Mocha awraja? & in 1964 of Masha sub-district)
Kebeles adjoining Masha are Deferge to the north and east,
and Wefach mostly to the west.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
2E Ayer kebele
3E Genatit kebele
6E Senkeha kebele
8E Mingash kebele
9E Chihina kebele
3SE Genatit kebele
8SE Dedere kebele
3S Kimir Dingay kebele
4S Aba Wasu kebele
8S Aleku kebele
9S Yekoso kebele
10S Gogosa kebele
5SW Anjawa kebele
4W Tebi kebele
8W Bikicho kebele
8NW Wegesa kebele
5N Molek kebele
9N Bahoch kebele
6NE Bazura kebele
HEA37 Masha (Mascia, Masci, Mascis, Maseis), 11/35 [+ WO Gz]
1112'/3524' 693 m, south-east of Gubba
HEE47 Masha 1114'/3904' 2882 m, south-west of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HCN.. Masha Anderacha wereda 07/35 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 37 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
masha k..: kuta (A,O) loose cotton dress with fringe;
(O) measured plot of land
HDR96 Masha Kuta (Agni) 1046'/3708' 2203 m, 10/37 [Gz]
north-east of Bure
HCN57 Masha sub-district (-2005-) 07/35 [20]
HE... Masha sub-district (-1964-1997-) 11/39 [Ad n]
mashasha (A) fold of the groin
HEA34 Mashasha, see Meshesha
HFE08 Masheh 1336'/3911' 2391 m, east of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HCG68 Mashembeta, 06/35 [+ x]
area south-west of Mizan Teferi
HEG47 Mashena, J. (hill) 12/35 [WO]
?? Mashengo, see Masogo
mashi (southern Eth) kind of 'dead spirit'
among the Ari people
HCA98 Mashi (Masci), see Machi
mashile: mashilla (A,O) greater millet, white sorghum,
Sorghum vulgare; yebahir mashilla, maize
HCC04c Mashile (Mashille), cf Masile 05/37 [LM]
-- Mashile language (Mashelle, Masholle), see Bussa
HCC17 Mashile (Nacille) 0537'/3716' 1704 m 05/37 [Gz WO]
HEL85 Mashilo (Mascalo) 12/38 [LM WO Gu]
HC... Mashira 05/36? [x]
-- Masholle, see Dullay
HES37 Mashurara Mikael (church) 1301'/3814', 13/38 [Gz]
near Deresge
HD... Masiet (centre in 1964 of Chatu sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
HCC09 Masile (area of ensete culture) 05/37 [x]
HCF06c Masilo, between Negele and Goba 05/39 [x]
?? Masin (with church in the 1520s), near Mojo river ../.. [Pa]
HEB21 Masinier (Masiner, Masinger) (mountain) 11/35 [WO Gz]
1105'/3548' 1218 m
JER00 Maska (Masca) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
maskala, masqala (O) cross, Day of the Cross
/in late September/; age
HEJ34 Maskala Cristos, see Meskela Kristos
maskan (Som) woman's black headscarf
-- Masqan (Misqan), name of a mainly Christian district of the Gurage
-- Maskan language, see Meskan
HDD08 Maskan (Mascan, Masqan, Mäsqa) (area) 08/38 [+ WO n]
HDE20 Maskan (Mascan) 0820'/3830' 2151 m 08/38 [+ Gz]
HEJ45 Maskelly Exsost, peninsula in north-west lake Tana 12/37 [x]
maskol w..: walta (A) centre piece of the roof of a round house;
(T) shield; (O) butcher
HFD83 Maskol Walta (Mascol Ualta) (area) 14/37 [+ WO]
maskulli: maskali, masqali (O) cross, cross-shaped
ornament worn at the neck
HCL31 Maskulli, Gebel (mountain) 0637'/3833' 2747 m, 06/38 [WO Gz]
east of Wendo, see under Agere Selam
HDM00 Masno (mountain area) 0908'/3924' 2499 m, 09/39 [Gu Gz]
south of Sheno, cf Mesno
HDD58 Masno Gabado, see Tulu Bolo
masobi, masoobii (O) basket-type table;
mesobu (A) the table /round-footed, of basketwork upon which food is placed/
HFF21 Masobu (Mazobu) (mountain), 13/39 [WO Gz Wa]
1349'/3928' 2250, 2593 m, south of Hawzen
?? Masogo (Mashengo), ../.. [Pa]
small Gimira state around 1690
-- Masongo (ethnic group), see Majangir
-- Masongo language, see Mesengo
HES72 Massal Dengia, see Mesal Dengia
massalo (O) centre post in a house
massera, masera (O) residence of a local king,
traditional type of 'palace'
JEB49 Massera (area) 326 m, cf Masara 11/41 [WO]
JDE83 Massley (Masslei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
masslo: see massalo above
HCM05 Masslo, see Mena
HCC42c Masso, 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in the west of the Maale-inhabited district
HCB15c Mastamer, settlement area of part of the Baka group 05/36
mat (mat') (A) mire
mata (A) evening; mataa (O) head, scull, cranium; hair
Mata .., cf Meta ..
HED24 Mata, see Mota
JDC95 Mata Araw Ajja (Mata Arau Aggia) (area), 09/42 [+ WO]
cf arawacha (O) spacious; unguarded
mata arba (O) cranium of elephant?
arba (A) forty, memorial service
HCM31 Mata Arba (area) 06/39 [WO]
JBG63 Mata Arba (area) 04/40 [WO]
JBR56 Mata Arba (hills) 05/42 [WO Gu]
HBF81 Mata Lamani (Gara M.L.) 0329'/3924' 954 m, 03/39 [Gz]
on the border of Kenya
mata m..: meda (A) field, grassy plain
HEE55 Mata Meda kebele (.. Méda ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Mekdela wereda at its northern
border; area 4,106 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEH87c Matabia, see Metebiya
JDN08 Mataca (hot spring) 09/40 [MS WO]
matacoma: matakoma, matokoma (Alabdu O) kind of tree,
Celtis kraussiana or similar
JDA98 Matacoma, see Meta Koma
matagay (Som) vomit, feel nauseated
HCF54 Matago 0553'/3943' 1530 m 05/39 [WO Gz]
JEN97 Matahala (waterhole) 13/40 [MS WO]
HDF86 Matahara, see Metehara
JDH57 Mataharba 09/41 [WO]
mataka: matako, mataqoo (O) newcomer in an area /animal/
JDG99c Mataka (mountain), with hot springs and a pass 09/40 [Ne x 20]
JEJ11 Mataka (Mataca) (area), cf Meteka 11/41 [+ WO]
HEC10 Matakal, see Metekel ..
HBK27 Matalama (area) 03/38 [WO]
matalincha: mataa leencha (O) skull of lion
JDH13 Matalincha (Matalincia) 09/40 [+ WO]
HEP35 Matamma (Matama, Matammeh, Matemma), see Metemma
matana (O) horse for carrying loads only;
mattaneh (O) Setaria pallida-fusca;
matanu (O) to unite; matino (O) kind of unleavened bread cake
JCS13 Matano (hills) 07/42 [WO]
matari (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Buddleja polystachya;
(O) domestic animal /such as calf/ that eats clothes;
-- Matari, Mattarri, one of three sub-groups (sub-moieties)
of the Sabo branch of the Borena people
HFF31 Matari (with rock-hewn/?/ church),
see Geralta churches - northern
HCA52 Mataro (mountain), cf Matero 05/35 [WO]
JDH62 Matasadi (area) 09/40 [WO]
?? Matavia, village near the border of Sudan ../.. [x]
HEH87c Matebiya, see Metebiya
matebiya bet (A) washroom
HER60 Mategatsa (area) 13/36 [WO]
HEL53 Matero (Mat'ero) 1214'/3847' 2533 m, 12/38 [Gz]
north-west of Lalibela
mati (O) the children collectively, family;
(A) crowd of small children
HCD28 Mati 0541'/3818' 2083 m, 05/38 [WO Gz]
see under Agere Maryam, cf Meti
HCE85 Mati (area) 0610'/3852' 2199 m 06/38 [WO Gz]
HC... Mati 06/39 [18]
HDM90 Mati kebele (Mat'i ..) 09/39 [Ad]
GDM31 Matimo 09/34 [WO]
H.... Matin (stream) about 1030'/3630', 10/36 [Ch]
a small tributary of the Abay river
matino, matinoo (O) kind of unleavened small bread cake
HDM80 Matkoriya kebele (Mat'qoriya ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northwest Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 18-23 km
north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 2,523 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS.. Matsciakal, see Machakel
H.... Matiya (small river in Gojjam) about 1035'/3820' 10/38 [Ch]
matlia: matleya (mat'läya) (A) strainer made of woven grass
HF... Matlia (historically recorded in Aksum area) 14/38 [Pa]
mato, maatto (O) old and respectable
HDJ86 Mato 0948'/3712' 1979 m, south-east of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HEK41 Matraha .., see Mitraha ..
HCD81 Matso, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HET60 Matta 13/38 [WO Gu]
mattarree (O) kind of medicinal plant; Mattarri, see Matari above
JEA93 Mattarri (area) 11/40 [WO]
matto (O) old and respectable /woman/
-- Matto, name of a Kefa clan
HDA18 Mattu (Mattuu, Matu), see Metu
matu, (O) cut back, prune trees
HDA18 Matu wereda, see Metu wereda
?? Matze, village in the south-west ../.. [20]
mau: maw (Som) water jar;
-- Mao, a small Nilotic tribe living along the Ethio-Sudan border
GDF33 Mau 0830'/3437' 1694 m, south-west of Dembidolo 08/34 [Gz]
GDF45 Mau (Mao) (Tulu Mao) (hill), see under Dembidolo 08/34 [WO]
HDA22 Mau, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
HEM61 Maugo, see Mahago
HEK81 Mauri 12/37 [WO]
JDH83 Mauro 0950'/4059' 758 m 09/40 [Gz]
JEJ35 Maurthu (waterhole) 12/42 [WO]
HET57 Mawil Mikael (Mawl Mika'el) (church), 13/39 [Gz]
1311'/3908', west of Samre
HEL18 Mawire 1154'/3910' 2406 m, west of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HFE28 Mawka (Mawk'a, Mawqa) 1349'/3914' 2180 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
north-east of Abiy Adi
GDF45 Mawo (mountain) 0834'/3448' 1694 m, 08/34 [Gz]
near Dembidolo
HEL19 Mawre kebele (Mawré ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost tip of Gidan wereda, 3-10 km west of
Debre Tsehay and 16 km south-east of Lalibela; area 3,438 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
May .., see also Mai ..
(May .. is spelling according to recent practice, but
Mai .. is the form very often found in earlier maps)
may, mai (T) watercourse, intermittent stream
HFF71 May Aba Samuel, see Adigrat : Mayaba
HFD.. May Abay, see Mai Abai
may ab..: abeba (A) flower
HFD37 May Abeba, see Togo Ber
HFE71 May Adgi (mountain) 1413'/3835' 2047 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-west of Aksum
may ad..: adi, addi (T) village, country;
adii (O) 1. white; 2. kind of tree
HFE71 May Adi 1414'/3833' 1840 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-west of Aksum
HFD58c May Adrasha, see under Inda Silase
HEM94 May Alekt (M. Alek't) 1236'/3947' 1783 m, 12/39 [Gz]
east of lake Ashenge
may aw..: awli (T) damp, dew
HFE88 May Awli'i Silase (church) 1419'/3914', 14/39 [Gz]
near Inticho
may ba..: bariya (A,T) slave
HFD82 May Barya 1418'/3745' 1011 m, 14/37 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
HFE50 May Beraziyo (M. Brazio) 1406'/3831' 2335 m 14/38 [Gz n x]
(M. Barazyo), between Inda Silase and Aksum,
with convent known from the 1550s
may chaa: chahaa (O) shade, shadow
HFL07 May Chaa (May Ch'a'a) 1428'/3910' 1857 m, 14/39 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
HFL08 May Chaa (May Ch'a'a) 1428'/3913' 1770 m, 14/39 [Gz]
on the border of Eritrea
may chan..: chanka (ch'anqa) (A) shoulder
HES96 May Chanka (M. Ch'ank'a, M. Chanqa) (mountain) 13/38 [Gz]
1329'/3807' 1348 m
may che..: chew (ch'äw) (A,T) salt
HFE66 May Chew (M. Ch'ew) 1408'/3901' 2214 m 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), east of Adwa, cf Maychew
may chi..: chiisaa (O) stagnant water; chisa (O) snare, trap
HEU.. May Chisa (Mai Cisa), see also under Amba Aradam 13/39 [+ It]
HFD.. May Chokomti (Mai Ciocomti) (area) 2175m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFD20 May Chogonte (Mai Ciogonte, M. Chiogonite) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
1350'/3735' 850 m
may da..: daa'iro (Arabic) circle; (Som) luck, fate
HFF31 May Dairo (Da'iro) 1350'/3928' 2120 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south of Hawzen
Coordinates would give map code HFF21
HFE74 May Dearo (May De'aro, Mai Daro, Mai Uaro) 14/38 [Gz Gu WO]
1415'/3849' 1989 m, village near a bridge,
(with church P'erak'lit'os), north-west of Adwa
HEM81 May Dege 1230'/3926' 2868 m, west of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
HFK27 May Degwale (Adi Sessahu) 1440'/3812' 1142 m, 14/38 [Gz WO Gu]
on the border of Eritrea
may dem..: demma (dämma) (A) bleed, make bleed;
deemaa (O) lustful, promiscuous
HEU43 May Dema (Mai Dima) 1302'/3941' 2356 m 13/39 [Gz It]
(with church Giyorgis), near Debub
HEU.. May Dolo (Mai D.), see also under Amba Alage 13/39 [+ It]
HFF61 May Falso (mountain chain) 1411'/3931' 2557 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
may ga..: gasaa (O) mat made of straw or fibre
H.... May Gassa (tree nursery in Tigray in the 1990s) ../.. [20]
may gib ..: gib (A) objective, aim, goal (jib = hyena)
HFE46 May Gib Maryam (church) 1357'/3859' 13/38 [Gz]
HEU80 May Gibba (Mai Ghibba) 1327'/3921' 1746 m, 13/39 [+ Gz]
near map code HET89
may gu..: guddo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/;
gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. fulfill one's obligations
HCR27 May Gudo (Maya Gudo, Maigudo), 07/37 [+ MS LM WO]
(mountain) peak 3099/3260 m
HFD12 May Hargets 1343'/3746' 936 m, 13/37 [Gz]
north-west of Adi Arkay
HFE09 May Hurura 1338'/3918', 13/39 [20]
about 25 km north-west of Mekele
HFF73 May Iderat 1413'/3940' 2903 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
HFE07 May In Silase (church) 1335'/3908, east of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
?? May Islami, cf Mai Islami ../.. [x]
HFE64 May Kahkihe (M. Qahqihe) (village), see Endiet Nebersh
HFE09 May Karano (M. Qarano) 1338'/3919', 13/39 [20]
about 22 km north-west of Mekele
may ke..: kech (käch) (A) jute
?? May Kech (visiting postman under Mekele) ../.. [Po]
HEU90 May Kefi 1329'/3923' 2220 m, near Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HFE.. May Kerua (Mai Khérouah), near Aksum 14/38 [+ x]
may keyih (qeyih) (T) red water
HEU72 May Keyih (May K'eyih, Maikeyih, Mai Cayeh) 13/39 [Gz Ad WO]
(May Keyah) 1319'/3932' 2140 m (with church Tekle Haymanot)
(centre in 1964 of Didiba sub-district)
HFE45 May Kinetal (M. K'inet'al, Maikintal, Mai Cheneta) 13/38 [Gz Ad WO]
(May Kenetal, Mai Canetta) 1357'/3859' 1765 m, 13/38 [Gu]
(with church Medhane Alem), cf Keneta
Coordinates would give map code HFE46
Centre in 1964 of Inda Felasi wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SW Nekaha (Necaha) (area)
8N Marafluba (Maraflubai) (village) 1906 m
HEU32 May Korar (M. K'orar, M. Qorar) 12/39 [Gz q]
1259'/3934' 3449 m, near Amba Alage
HFD72 May Kuhili 1415'/3745' 1031 m, 14/37 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
HFE67 May Kwak Abune Yohanis (church) 1407'/3906', 14/39 [Gz]
east of Adwa
may le..: leba (A) thief; meda (A) field
HFF62 May Lebay Meda (plain) 1408'/3933', 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Daminas at some distance to the west),
south-east of Adigrat
HFE67 May Libo 1409'/3908' 1963 m, east of Adwa 14/39 [Gz]
may lik.: liko (Som) one who stands out among others
HES13 May Liko (May Luco) 1250'/3747' 2444 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north-east of Gondar
may mada: madaa (O) wound, ulcer, scar
?? May Mada (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
may mado: maddoo (O) headstall
HEM.. May Mado wereda (Maymado ..) (-1994-) 12/39 [n]
HFF53 May Megelta, see Mai Megelta
HFE06 May Mekden 1335'/3904' 2582 m, near Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HFF02 May Mekden (Macden, Mai Macdem. M. Makdam) 13/39 [MS WO Gu 18]
(M. Mäqdäm) (with bridge) 2188 m
HEM60 May Mihimaz 1220'/3924' 2134 m, west of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HFE56 May Minyim (M. Minym) 1403'/3900' 2256 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adwa
HFE56 May Misham (Zongui) 1402'/3902' 2020 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(Mai Mishan), south-east of Adwa
HEU51 May Nebri 1308'/3930' 2037 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), west of Debub
may o..: omo (Kefa) tall and straight tree, Pygeum africanum
HET88 May Omo, 1323'/3912' 2069 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-west of Abiy Adi
?? May Saeda (M. Sa'äda) (historically recorded), ../.. [Pa]
in the Gondar region?
may se..: senti (sänt'i) (A) pocket knife
HET68 May Senti 1316'/3915' 2387 m, near Samre 13/39 [Gz]
HFD58 May Shebenni (Mai Scebenni) 1403'/3816' 1873 m, 14/38 [+ Gz]
near Inda Silase
may shu.: shum (A) chief, official
HFE63c May Shum ("Bath of Queen Sheba"), see under Aksum
may (T) water, tala (O) kind of tree, bado (A) barren, empty
HFC36 May Talabado (Mai T.), see under Kafta 13/37 [+ WO]
HEP35 May Tamma (May Temma), see Metemma
HFE79 May Temar 1412'/3917' 2393 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-west of Adigrat
HFF21 May Tiwaru 1347'/3931' 1892 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Abune Ananyos), south of Hawzen
HFE.. May Tringay, see Nadir
HFE.. May Tsadik, in Adwa wereda 14/38 [Ad]
HFE68 May Tsaida (M. Ts'a'ida, Tsada, Tzada) 14/39 [Gz]
1409'/3913' 2251 m (with churches Abune Aregawi and K'irkos)
HES96 May Tsemre (M.Tsemri, Maitemre, Maitsemri) 13/38 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Mytsemri, May Tsebri, Medanie Alem, Medane A.)
1334'/3808' 1383 m, saddle 1470 m, near map code HFD06
(with sub-post office under Gondar and church Medhane Alem to the south-east)
(centre in 1964 of Adi Arkay sub-district)
HFD47 May Tsimu (Maytsimu) 1400'/3812' 1967 m, 14/38 [Gz]
(Maisemu), south-west of Inda Silase
HFE07c May Wayn (M. Wayni, Mai Weini), 13/39 [x 20]
historical monastery recorded in the 1400s
may we..: welel (wäläl) (A) floor
HFE73 May Wellel (Mai Uollel) 1413'/3843' 1868 m, 14/38 [+ Gz Gu]
north of Aksum, see under that place
HFE86 May Wiur (M. Wi'ur) 1418'/3900' 2512 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(mountain), west of Inticho
?? May Zulawu, battle site in Tigray in 1871 ../.. [x]
-- maya: Warra Maya (Maya people/family), name of a Babile tribe
of the eastern Oromo; Maya, see also under Waj
maya (A) place for looking; (Som) no;
maye ayh (A) Noah's flood; mwaya (A) day's pay
HDB28 Maya (Maia) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDL65 Maya 0936'/3855' 2589 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL75 Maya 0941'/3854' 2675 m, near Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEA74 Maya (Maia) 1132'/3512' 759 m 11/35 [+ WO]
maya g..: guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant;
2. big /female/; gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior;
2. fulfill one's obligations
HCR27 Maya Gudo (Maigudo), see May Gudo
JDJ24 Maya Gudo 0915'/4159' 1707 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north-east of Grawa
JDJ24 Maya Gudo 0916'/4201' 1795 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HFF71 Mayaba Samuel (= Mai Abba Samuel?) 14/39 [Br x]
(rock-hewn church), see under Adigrat
JDJ33 Mayakelo (Mayak'elo, Mayaqelo) 09/41 [Gz q]
0921'/4156' 2097 m, south of Dire Dawa
HFF71 Maybaba (with rock-hewn church), 14/39 [x]
see under Adigrat
HFE17 Maybaha (Mayhaba?) : Amanuel, see under Temben churches
HEF14 Maybar kebele 11/39 [Ad]
with irregular shape in south-eastern Dese Zuriya wereda,
11-15 km south-southeast of Dessie town; area 1,154 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
may chew (T) saline water
HEU12 Maychew (Maichew, Mai Ceu, M. Cio, M. Chio) 12/39 [MS Ro WO Gu]
(May Chow, Mai Chio, M. Keu, Maych'awu, Maitchew)
(Fre: Mai-Tchéou) (with post office)
Gz:1247'/3932' 2494 m; MS:1248'/3936' 2350 m
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Raya & Azebo awraja
& of Inda Mehonie wereda & of Deger Milash sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E (Mekan pass, see under Korbeta)
9SE Ezba (pass) 2301/2500 m
10SE Gumburrada (pass)
9W Debra Laf (pass)
10W Saefti (pass)
10NW Dubbar (Dubbai) (pass) 3938 m
?? Jijira (Agiura) 1613 m
4N Belago
7NE (Amba Arara, see under Korbeta)
10NE Yeberr Malash (pass)
HF... Maychew Belay wereda (Maichew Belai ..) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Aksum), "Upper Maychew", cf Lai Maychew
HF... Maychew Betach wereda (Maichew ..) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Milekwa), "Lower Maychew", cf Tach Maychew
-- Maychew dialect
HCC99 Mayda 0619'/3728' 2617 m, west of Chencha 06/37 [Gz]
-- Maye, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana people
JDJ34 Maye Gudo 0921'/4201' 1980 m 09/42 [Gz]
HEE96 Mayet Kidane Mihret (M.K. Meret) (church) 11/38 [Gz]
1142'/3859', north of Bete Hor
HFE64 Maygoga (Fremona), see Endiet Nebersh
HFE45 Mayknetal, see May Kinetal
HEM.. Maymado, see May Mado
H.... Mayo (centre in 1964 of Koka sub-district) 08/39 [Ad]
HEU42 Mayra Amba (Maira) (recorded in 1868), 13/39 [18 It]
see also under Amba Alage
HFD06c Maytsemri, see May Tsemre
HFD47 Maytsimu, see May Tsimu
-- Mayu, a lineage of the Arsi-Mando-Raya Oromo
HFE29 Mayu (Maiu, Maio) 13/39 [+ WO Wa]
JDC22 Mayu (Maiu) (area) 0848'/4159' 1319 m, cf Meyu 08/41 [Gz WO]
JDH82 Mayujeri (Maiugeri) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
HEB19c Mazarkanye, about 1100'/3630', 11/36 [Ch]
small village south-west of Dangila
HFE.. Mazeber, see under Aksum
HFD94 Mazega, see Mezzega
HDT16 Mazhek kebele (Mazhäq ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in eastern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
4-6 km north-east of Alem Ketema; area 387 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF21 Mazobu, see Masobu
JC... Mazolide 06/43 [18]
mead: me'adeni (T) mine /for minerals/
JDS92 Mead (Me'ad) (area) 848 m 10/42 [WO]
?? Meadura, stream in the Awash area ../.. [20]
HFF31 Meakudi (Meakuddi, Maikudi, Ma'aquddi), [x]
(with rock-hewn church),
see under Geralta churches - northern
HFE69 Meala (Me'ala) 1408'/3918' 2087 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south-west of Adigrat
?? Meanit wereda (Meant .., Meanet ..) ../.. [Ad 20 n]
in the Bench-Maji Zone, established in 1996
(-1994-) is divided into 54 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HEU61 Meara (Me'ara) 1314'/3927' 2044 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret), south of Mekele
HFE80 Measake, see Adi Mendi
-- Meban, a sub-division of the Sudanic people in Ethiopia
HET19 Mebehal 1250'/3918' 1822 m, west of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
mebel: mebil (mäbil) (A) food, eatables
HEL04 Mebel, cf Mabil 11/38 [WO]
meben d..: dega (däga) (A) highland above 2400 m;
deega (O) poor, miserable
HC... Meben Dega (in Chilalo awraja) 07/39? [Ad]
HEM91 Mebera (area), cf Mabera 12/39 [WO]
HEM93 Mebera 1236'/3938' 1610 m, 12/39 [Gu Gz]
east of lake Ashenge
HDR37 Mebesh 1017'/3715' 1976 m (with church Giyorgis) 10/37 [Gz]
HDJ15 Mebeshi 0912'/3703' 1832 m 09/37 [Gz]
HED84 Mebrej 1139'/3753' 2348 m, east of Bahir Dar, 11/37 [Gz]
at a road east of Gumar river
HDM74 Mebrek Amba kebele (Mäbräq .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda
towards the west at its southern border, 7-10 km south-east
of Debre Sina; area 912 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEA94 Mec, see Mek
HEH99c Meca, see Meka
HCE66 Mecale, see Mekale
HEM02 Mecamecit, see Mekamechit
HEU13 Mecan (Mecam), see Mekan
HED86 Mecan Jesus, see Mekane Iyesus
HED97 Mecan Jesus, see Mokshi
HES69 Mecanna, see Makanna
HES44 Mecara, see Mekara
HEM92 Mecare (Mecarre), see Mekare
GDF67 Mecciara, see Mechara & JDA46
mech (A) Guizotica scabra, a plant related to cultivated
nug, up to 3 m tall growing above 1500 m, with acid-yellow
flowers; mecha (O) nation; mechcha (O) bastard;
-- Mecha (Macha in many English-language texts, Matcha),
name of a tribe of Oromo living in Shewa,
also a clan of the Mecha/Liban/Kutai/Galani Oromo,
and also occurring as a male individual name
HDD86 Mecha (area) 0857'/3806' 08/38 [n]
HDD94 Mecha, cf Jibat & Mecha awraja 08/37
HDK08 Mecha (Meccia) (area), cf Macha 09/38 [+ WO]
HDL82 Mecha (Mech'a) 0951'/3838' 3068 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEC66 Mecha 1125/3708', 11/37 [n]
between Dangila and Bahir Dar
HDD.. Mecha forest (Metcha), see under Ginchi 08/38 [+ x]
?? Mecha Gaji, see Gaji
mecha k..: koricha, qoricha (O) medicine,
/figuratively:/ punishment; korcha, koricha (A) saddle
HDK08 Mecha Koricha (Meccia Coreccia, M. Careccia) 09/38 [LM WO Gu Gz]
(Meccia Kareccia, Metcha Goritcha),
0906'/3818' 2677 m, with early timber concession
HEC67c Mecha wereda (centre in 1964 = Merawi Maryam) 11/37 [Ad]
GDM.. Mechabera kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
?? Mechakel (Mächakäl, Machakal), ../.. [Pa]
(historical area recorded from the 1600s)
HDS.. Mechakel (Mächakil, Mächakel, Mächakkäl) 10/37 [n]
district immediately north-east of Dembecha
HEC79 Mecham (Mecciam) (village & watercourse) 11/37 [+ It]
mechara: machara (O) 1. any prickly shrub, bramble;
2. kind of climber particularly trailing coffee trees
GDF67 Mechara (Mecciara), cf Machara, Michara 08/34 [+ WO]
HDA62 Mechara (Mecciara) 0844'/3500' 1525 m, 08/35 [Gz]
near map code GDF67
HDT01 Mechara (Mecciara) 1000'/3832' 2085 m 10/38 [AA Gz]
JDA46 Mechara (Mecciara) MS:0830'/4020' 1750 m 08/40 [MS Po WO Gu]
(Mechera, Mechere) Gz:0836'/4019' 1790 m
(with sub-post office & mission station & church Medhane Alem)
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), in the Fentale district
JDA45 Mechata (Mecheta, Micheta, Miceta), cf Micheta, 08/40 [MS Po Ad WO]
(with sub-post office under Asbe Teferi)
(centre in 1964 of Darolebu wereda)
HB... Mecheke ../.. [20]
Settlement of 10 hectares in middle Konso.
mechela: machalla, mechella (O) fine leather for saddler´s work;
mechila (A) shrub/small tree growing near water, Salix subserrata
HDL55 Mechela 0934'/3852' 2608 m, south-east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church & quarry nearby)
HDU91 Mechela kebele (Mächäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Were Ilu wereda at its northern border, 16-23 km
north-northwest of Were Ilu town; area 2,218 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF23 Mechela kebele (Mächäla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dese Zuriya wereda, 5-10 km
south-west of Dessie town; area 1,793 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBS.. Mechelo, town in Konso area, with five steles 05/37 [n]
HEK49 Mecheloa, see Meketewa
HEL27 Mechena, see Mekena
HFE18 Mecheno, see Adi Mekeno
HEK49 Mechetoa, see Meketewa
HEK49 Mechiet, see Meketewa
JD... Mechito (Mech'itu), in the south-east 09/41 [x Gz]
HED52 Mecho (Mech'o) 1124'/3742' 2097 m, 11/37 [Gz]
south-east of Bahir Dar near Abay river
HDL60 Mechota (Mech'ota) 0938'/3829' 2078 m, 09/38 [Gz]
south-west of Fiche
JDA36 Mechta, see Micheta
HDR65 Meckara (Meccara) 10/37 [+ WO]
HES77 Meckarabya Maryam (Meccarabia Mariam) 13/38 [+ Gu]
(village) c.1900 m, at the base of steep amba-type mountains
GDF53 Meckato (Meccato) 08/34 [+ WO]

meda (A,T also transliterated mieda) field, grassy plain

HFE.. Meda, village near the Tekkeze gorge 14/38? [n]
HFE91 Meda Kimtsay (M. K'imtsay) 1424'/3832' 1733 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-west of Aksum, at border river of Eritrea
meda midir (A) grass field land
HDM00 Meda Midir 0905'/3923' 1667 m, south of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
HCF43 Meda Welabu (M. Wolabu) 0547'/3941' 1214 m 05/39 [Gz Ad]
HCF61 Meda Welabu wereda (M. Wolabu ..) (-1964-2004-) 05/39 [Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Oborso)
(-1994-) is divided into 24 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
medacha: meddicha (O) piece of goat or sheep skin
worn as a wrist band during rituals
HCS64 Medacha (Medaccia) 0752'/3756' 3074 m 07/37 [LM WO Gz]
HD..? Medacha (hill) 13/38? [+ n]
medafu (mädafu) (A) the palm of the hand, the paw
HEF46 Medafu 1117'/3957' 1418 m, north-east of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HEL27 Medage kebele (Mädagé ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Bugna wereda, immediately
north-east of Lalibela; area 3,180 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Medak (monastery), in the Ankober region? ../.. [Ha]
JDH83 Medalalla (area) 975 m 09/40 [WO]
HCJ38 Medalcho 0639'/3721' 1673 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCJ38 Medalcho 0640'/3724' 1488 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCR86 Medale 0800'/3711' 2085 m, cf Madalle 08/37 [Gz]
HDA66 Medale 0843'/3522' 1390 m, 08/35 [Gz]
south-west of Yubdo
JCC93 Medale (Modallo) 0618'/4157' 607 m 06/41 [Gz WO]
medali (O) weights for scales
medalle e..: ebicha, eebicha (O) kind of tree,
Vernonia amygdalina; (A) grawa
HD... Medalle Ebicha, at 72 km from Ijaji ../37 [x]
HDE53 Medalo (Medalu) 0839'/3844' 1880 m, 08/38 [Gz x]
village south of Akaki and north of Awash river
HDL85 Medani Alem, see Lemi
HDF06 Medanie Alem, see May Tsemre
medaweyna (A) field with wine?
JDL12 Medaweyna (Medaueina) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
medeb (mädäb) (T) terrace; (A) bench made of earth; stall
for merchandise, stand on a market; square of ground; plank
HEK.. Medeb (Meddeb), near Debre Tabor 11/38 [+ 18]
medebay (mädäbay) 1. name of a legendary royal family;
2. places where soldiers were quartered in northern Ethiopia
HFD79 Medebay 1413'/3824' 1959 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-east of Inda Silase
HFD89 Medebay 1420'/3825' 1714 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-east of Inda Silase
HFD99 Medebay (Medebai Tabor, Medebai) (peak) 14/38 [Gz WO Gu]
1425'/3824' 1930 m,
north of Inda Silase, near the border of Eritrea
HFE70 Medebay 1415'/3829' 1647 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-east of Inda Silase
HFE73 Medebay Maryam (church) 1414'/3844', 14/38 [Gz]
north of Aksum
HFD97 Medebay sub-district (Medebai ..) 14/38 [+ Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Kidi), cf Mederbai, Medobay
medebay t..: Tabor, the Mount Tabor of the Bible
HFD99 Medebay Tabor, see HFD99 Medebay
HFD.. Medebay Tabor sub-district (-1997-) 14/38 [n]
medebay z..: zana, zanna (Gojjam A) tree, Stereospermum kunthianum
HFE.. Medebay Zana wereda (centre = Selekleka) 14/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
medebi (O) seat of earth at the side of a house
medech: meddecha (O) 1. anklet, "necklace for the feet";
2. mutton kidney
HDU00 Medech (Medich) 10/39 [LM WO]
HBL60c Medecho (with important wells), 04/38 [x]
at 20 km north-northeast of Mega
HED08 Medeg (mountain) 1056'/3816' 2857, 3304 m 10/38 [WO Gz]
meder: midir (A) earth, land, region
HBT46 Meder 0453'/3858' 1226 m, north-east of Arero 04/38 [Gz]
mederba (T) sausage tree, Kigelia aethiopum
HFE09 Mederbey (Mederbei, Mederbai) (pass) 13/39 [+ WO Gu]
mederderiya (A) shelf; medderiya (A) dry masonry wall
mederi (T), midir (A) land, earth; dur (A,T) forest
HCA64 Mederdur, see Tsilmamo
mederi d..: dida (O) forest, camp
JEG49 Mederi Didda (waterhole) 488 m 12/40 [WO]
HDL04 Medero 0905'/3850' 2665 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Addis Abeba
JDJ26 Medero (Mederu) 0914'/4209' 1866 m, 09/42 [Gz]
south-east of Harar
JDJ48 Medero (mountain) 0925'/4221' 2526 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north-east of Harar
JDJ26 Mederu 0915'/4209' 1721 m, cf Medero, 09/42 [Gz]
south-east of Harar
HDR65 Medeven 10/37 [WO]
medfo g..: gora (O) 1. wild rose shrub; 2. kind of raspberry;
(A) side of mountain, wide and flat road
HC... Medfo Gora (Abyotfre) (a Wabe village) 07/39 [x]
in 1980s in Aminya wereda, on Robe-Seru road
medhane alem (A) saviour of the world
HCL73 Medhane Alem 0702'/3845' 2518 m, 07/38 [Gz]
south-west of Kofele
HDD87 Medhane Alem (Medani Alem) (church) 08/38 [LM WO]
HDL95 Medhane Alem (Medani Alem) (with church) 09/38 [LM WO]
HEE90 Medhane Alem (Medanie Alem) (church) 11/38 [+ Gu]
HFF42 Medhane Alem Adi Kasho, see under Takatisfi 13/39
HFF42 Medhane Alem Adi Kasho (rock-hewn church) 13/39 [Br]
medhani alem (T) saviour of the world
HCL73 Medhani Alem (Medani Alem) 07/38 [+ WO]
HDB54 Medhani Alem (Medani A.) (church) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDD84 Medhani Alem (Medani A.) (church) 08/37 [LM WO]
HDE72 Medhani Alem (Medani A.) (church) 08/38 [LM WO]
HDK16 Medhani Alem (Medani A.) (church), 09/38 [+ WO]
see under Ilfeta
HFC37 Medhani Alem (Medani A.) (church), 13/37 [+ WO]
see under Kafta
HES96 Medhani Alem, see May Tsemre
HFF14 Medhanit Hayk Mesal (M. Hayk' M.) 13/39 [Gz]
1344'/3945' 2225 m, east of Agula
HDU00 Medich, see Zinz
HDM60 Medida, see Mendida
JDK48 Medigan 0929'/4314' 1635 m, 09/43 [Gz]
at some distance from the border of Somalia
HDM97 Medina (Mädina) 0956'/3959' 1352 m, 09/39 [Gz]
about one hour on foot north-east of Debre Sina
HEE56 Medina 1123'/3904' 2228 m, south of Bete Hor 11/39 [Gz]
JEA02 Medina 1055'/4000' 1399 m 10/40 [Gz]
HDU07 Medina kebele (Mädina ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Kewet wereda, 9-14 km
south-east of Shewa Robit; area 2,574 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF08 Medina kebele (Mädina ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the south-easternmost "tip" of Kalu (East) wereda,
20-30 km east of Harbu; area 4,851 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Medir .., see Midir .., cf Meder
HEL67 Mediva 12/39 [Gu]
JDN82c Medjetie, see Majete
medo (A) comb; meddo (Som/H.Salt) black
HDA13c Medo, cf Mado 08/35 [Gu]
JCC21 Medo, see El Medo
JCL81 Medo (wide area), see Daga Medo
HF... Medobay sub-district (Medobai ..), cf Medebay 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mai Megwa)
HFE.. Medoge (Madoge), 14/38 [x]
(archaeological site south-west of Aksum)
medra z..: zega, see directly under zega for various meanings
H.... Medra Zega (historically recorded from the 1300s), 10/39 [Pa]
south of Merabete/Merhabete, see Midre Zega
medri: midiri (T) land, earth, country
HFD94 Medri (mountain) 1428'/3757' 1473, 1949 m, 14/37 [Gz]
at some distance from the border of Eritrea
HFD95 Medri (area) 1949 m, cf Mederi 14/37 [WO]
HDS09 Medria (Medria Uadia?) (area) 10/38 [WO]
mee (O) let us see! dora (Afar) stream
JEC82 Mee Dorra (Mee-dorra) (waterhole) 11/41 [WO]
-- Me'en (Mekan, Meken, formerly called Tishana),
ethnic group which has seven sections
?? Me'en wereda ../.. [Ad]
established in the mid-1990s
Meerab (Me'erab) .., see Mirab ..
HFD70 (Meeteb, small river in disputed area) 14/37 [WO 20]
meeti (O) silver
JDH99 Meeto (waterholes), cf Meto 09/41 [MS WO]
HFK16 Mefalus 1435'/3807' 1479 m, 14/38 [Gz]
at some distance from the border of Eritrea
HEE64 Meftera (Meft'era) 1129'/3852' 2700 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bete Hor
HBK49 Meg, G. (area), see under Mega 04/38 [WO]
HBK39 Mega (area) 03/38 [WO]
HBK59 Mega (Megga, Megua, Magua) 0403'/3818' 1740 m 04/38 [Gz Br WO Ad]
(with sub-post office & mission station)
MS coordinates would give map code HBK49.
Centre in 1964 of Bire wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2S Urabe (Gara Urabe) (area)
6S Danissa (Gara Danissa) (area)
3W Meg (Gara Meg) (area)
5NW Gemelli (area)
7NW Pelato /&?/ Elmito (area/s/)
5N Urgesa (Urghesa) (area) 1659/2306 m
5NE landing ground used in the 1930's
With salt mines in the neighbourhood
and British consulate.
HEE80 Mega 1137'/3830' 2721 m, 11/38 [Gu]
south-west of Debre Zebit
megab: migib (A) food, nourishment
HFE39 Megab (Magab, Megew) (village) 13/39 [WO Gz Gu x]
1355'/3921' 1959 m, mountain 2404/2427 m,
south-west of Hawzen, cf Magab, Megeb
Coordinates would give map code HFF30
megabi (mägabi) (A) supplier, foster-father
?? Megacho, in Giibe district ../.. [20]
?? Megada, with National Forest Priority Area ../.. [20]
HBK27 Megado, see Magado
JBN44 Megag, cf Migag .. 04/40 [WO]
HF... Megaher (historical? area west of Adigrat) 14/39 [x]
megal (mägal) (A) dark brown /horse/, black horse's coat
HEE79 Megal Tona, see Wegel Tena
megala (mägala) (A,Harari) market place /mainly in Harar/;
magala (O) market
JDB25 Megala (area) 0820'/4112' 1226 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
GDU01 Megale (Megelie, Magale, Magalle) 09/34 [Gz Ad WO]
0958'/3430' 1514 m (sub-district & its centre in 1964)
?? Megale (Megele) (isolated Afar area) ../.. [Yo]
GDU01 Megale wereda (in the 1990s) 09/34 [n]
megali (T) running; meggele (A) suppurate, discharge pus
HDA34 Megalli, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
JCH51 Megalo (Magalo, Magallo, Megallo) 06/40 [MS Gu x Ad]
Gz: 0651'/4047' = JCH50
MS: 0645'/4040' 1530/1600/1650 m
MS coordinates would give map code JCG49
about 20 km more to the south-west.
Centre in 1964 of Gura & Demolie wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SW Roba Butta (village) 1506 m
9SW Malkei (Malchei) (village)
3N Uluka (Uluca) (cave)
7NE Logh (village) 1248 m
HCS.. Meganesse, see Maganase
Megaria .., see Migaria ..
megariya (T) hearth
HFE76c (Megariya Tsemri (Megaria Zemri), plain in Eritrea?) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HDM22 Megasas, see Megezez
megazo: meggazo (mäggazo) (A) land given for cultivation
HDU73 Mege, see Mige
megeb: migib (A) food, nourishment;
megebe (mägäbe) (A,T) to feed, to serve
HFF81 Megeb (Megheb) 2482 m, see under Adigrat 14/39 [WO Gu]
?? Megech (Magech, Swe: Magetsch), ../.. [+ x]
river south of Gondar, with a "bridge of Fasil"
HEE82 Megech (Megech', Magech) 1139'/3836' 2255 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south of Debre Zebit
HET98 Megechi Mikael (Megech'i Mika'el) 1333'/3912', 13/39 [Gz]
(church), west of Mekele
HEK17 Megegta 1153'/3811' 2742 m, 11/38 [Gz]
north-east of Debre Tabor
megele: meggele (A) to suppurate
GDU45 Megele 1020'/3452' 1040 m, north-east of Asosa 10/34 [Gz]
HCD73 Megella (Meghella) (island) shore 1285 m 06/37 [+ WO]
JCC36 Megenley (Meghenlei, B.=Bur?) (area) 05/42 [+ WO]
KCH37 Megenlo (Meghenlo, Meghento), 06/46 [+ Wa WO Gz]
(with seasonal waterhole) 0638'/4625' 380 m
JEB65 Megenta (mountain chain) 1128'/4112' 918 m, 11/41 [Gz]
south-east of Tendaho, cf Magenta
HCS92 Meger (village) 08/37 [x]
HCK95? Megere, cf under Durame 07/38 [x]
HCS25 Megeri Abo (church) 0726'/3800' 07/38 [Gz]
HCS15 Megeri Kidane Mihret (church) 0723'/3800' 07/38 [Gz]
HFE08 Megesta (Megest'a) 1336'/3913' 2149 m, 13/39 [Gz]
east of Abiy Adi
HFE39 Megew, see Megab
megez: megaz (Mägaz) (A) saw
?? Megez (Mägäz) (historically recorded area 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
HDM22 Megezez (M. Meghezez, Megasas, Mägäzäz) 09/39 [MS WO Ad n]
(mountain) MS: 0915'/3931' 3596 m; 09/39 [Gz]
Gz: 0917'/3932' 3304 m (Michelin 2007: 3878 m),
see under Shola Gebeya & Gina Ager
HDM22 Megezez (place) 0918'/3933' 3230 m, 09/39 [Gz]
east of Sheno
HBK59 Megga, see Mega
HFF81 Megheb, see Imba Iwir
HFF53 Meghelta, see May Megelta
KCH37 Meghenlo, see Megenlo
HDM22 Meghezez, see Megezez
HER45 Megina (Meggina, Mägina) (area) peak 2342 m 13/37 [Wa x n]
HDT24 Megit (area), see under Addis Derra 10/38 [WO]
HER46 Megmna (Megnina) 1304'/3710' 2036 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HDL99 Megnet kebele (Mägnät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south in easternmost Moret & Jiru
wereda, 9-12 km east of Inewari; area 837 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE09 Mego kebele (Mägo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in east Legambo wereda touching its southern
border, 9-15 km east of Akista; area 2,770 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF03c Megosa kebele (Mägosa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Were Ilu wereda with
its border around it; area 2,129 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE58 Megwat kebele (Mägwat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Tenta wereda, 2-9 km
north-west of Tenta settlement; area 2,754 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCK98 Megwin 0713'/4314' 834 m 07/43 [Gz]
JDS92 Meha (hill) 10/42 [WO]
HE... Mehago (centre in 1964 of Koba sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HEM52 Mehago kebele (Mähago ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Kobo wereda; area 2,114 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCC99 Mehajob (Mahjabo) 0617'/4228' 472 m, 06/42 [Gz WO]
at Webi Shebele
mehakel (mähakkel) (A) centre, middle
HDL19 Mehakel 0912'/3914' 1897 m, south-west of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
mehal ager (A) middle /of/ country
HEE08 Mehal Ager 1054'/3913' 3326 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU86 Mehal Ager sub-district (centre in 1964 = Degaga) 10/39 [Ad]
HES.. Mehal Ager sub-district (Mahl Ager ..) 13/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Weyla)
HET39 Mehal Ager sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adi Shahu) 13/39 [Ad]
mehal amba (A) middle mountain
HDS46 Mehal Amba 1020'/3806' 2489 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bichena
HDM73 Mehal Amba kebele (Mähal .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 11-15 km
north-northeast of Debre Birhan town; area 823 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF83 Mehal Amba kebele (Mähal .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
stretching rather narrowly 15 km east/west in south-western
Habru wereda, 5-8 km south of Mersa and 8-11 km north of
Wichale; area 4,144 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF83 Mehal Amba Sudan (Libso, Lipso), 11/39 [Gz WO]
1136'/3939' 1836 m, south of Weldiya
H.... Mehal Assol (centre 1964 of Assol sub-district) 10/38 [Ad]
HDT74 Mehal Denbi kebele (Mähal Dänbi ..) 10/38 [Ad]
a little to the east in central Debre Sina wereda, adjoining
Mekane Selam on its north-eastern side; area 1,024 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Mehal Endebet sub-district (Mahl E. ..) 11/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sheme Giyorgis)
HEE72 Mehal Gayint sub-district (Mahlgaynt ..) 11/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arb Gebeya)
HEF91 Mehal Gebaba kebele (Mähal Gäbaba ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda, 8-12 km
south-west of Weldiya; area 823 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM65 Mehal Haramba kebele (Mähal .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north Ankober wereda at its eastern border,
11-14 km north-east of Ankober; area 791 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Mehal Iste sub-district (Mahl Iste ..) 11/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mekane Iyesus)
HCA88 Mehal Maji sub-district? (Mehalmarji ..) (-1997-) 06/35 [+ n]
HCA88 Mehal Maji wereda (centre in 1964 = Maji) 06/35 [+ Ad]
HEM02 Mehal Mechare kebele (Mähal Mächaré ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda adjoining Weldiya
to its west as a north/south strip; area 884 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mehal meda (A) middle /of/ plain; mehale (T) swear, attest
HDU33 Mehal Meda (Mahal M., Mahil M., Muhal M.) 10/39 [Gz]
1018'/3940' 3071 m, north of Molale
From 1991 centre of Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda.
HDU34 Mehal Meda (Mahal M., Mahil M., Mähal Méda) 10/39 [Gz MS Br Po]
(Mahel Meda) Gz: 1014'/3941' 2988 m, north of Molale
MS: 1015'/3925' = HDU31 (with post office)
Centre at least 1969-1980 of Menz & Gishe awraja,
and in 1964 of Gera Midir wereda.
adjoining kebeles are Argano to the north and east,
Girar Ber a little to the east, Diwat to the south,
and Negasi Amba to the west.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Hule Doha kebele
7E Yehata kebele
3SE Aftenet kebele
5SE Ajela kebele
6SE Tach Yigem kebele
3S Kewla kebele
5S Das Amba kebele
5S Kelerbo kebele
6S Seklaye kebele
8S Tama kebele
9S Lay Zebir kebele
9S Tach Zebir kebele
10S Wegere kebele
9SW Dewas kebele
9SW Mesele Maryam kebele
10SW Wiyn kebele
3W Sin Amba kebele
6W Menta Defer kebele
8W Tsehay Sina kebele
4NW Arego kebele
10NW Sar Midir kebele
2N Maserti kebele
3N Kuriya kebele
4N Gragn kebele
2NE Werk Amba
6NE Aganchit kebele
7NE Dig kebele
7NE Firkuta kebele
HEM41 Mehal Meda 1212'/3927' 1962 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Alamata
HDM92 Mehal Moja kebele (Mähal .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
near the middle of the southern border of the main body
of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda, 12-18 km
south-west of Sela Dingay; area 2,499 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED47c Mehal Semada sub-district (Mahl Semada ..) 11/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Teklu Ketema)

-- mehal s..: Shako, an ethnic sub-division of the Gimira-Maji

HCG77c Mehal Shako (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/35 [Ad]
HEM82 Mehal Wefla wereda (centre in 1964 = Korem) 12/39 [Ad]
mehal w..: wenz (wänz) (A) river
?? Mehal Wenz (Mahal Uonz), near Ankober but lower, ../.. [Ha]
partly royal residence in the early 1840s
HDM54 Mehal Wenz kebele (Mähal Wänz ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in west central Ankober wereda, very near Ankober town
to its north-east; area 537 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU45 Mehal Wenz kebele (Mähal Wänz ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Efrata & Gidim wereda 9 km along its western border,
11-20 km south-west of Kara Kore; area 4,055 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Mehamed, transliteration from Amharic of Mohammed
HDK99 Mehamed (Mehamedo) 0957'/3820' 2530 m, 09/38 [Gz]
near Tulu Milki
HDS09 Mehamed 09/38 [AA]
HDL35 Mehamede 0923'/3854' 2697 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Addis Abeba
HDL37 Mehamede 0923'/3908' 2673 m, north of Sendafa 09/39 [Gz]
HFE.. Meheno (village) 13/39 [It]
JDH20 Meheso (Mehesso), see Mieso
HEM32 Mehid 1206'/3932' 2351 m, south of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HEF.. Mehonennya (mountain near Kuta Ber) 11/39? [n]
HEU.. Mehoni, see also Inda Mekonnin 12/39 [n]
HEU.. Mehoni wereda (-1994-) 12/39 [n]
mehonie k..: korbita (qorbita) (A) hill;
korbet (qorbät) (A,T) human skin
HEU13 Mehonie Korbeta sub-district 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Korbeta)
seitan (säyt'an) A. devil, demon
HFD47 Mehra Seitan 1357'/3810' 13/38 [x]
KCN58 Meigag Gifa, see Magan Gifa
HBL03 Meili (area) 03/38 [WO]
JDP36 Meinhatolli (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
HET92 Meita 1331'/3837' 1706 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
JDC85 Meiyisa Rendo (Me'iyisa R.) 0856'/4204' 1450 m, 08/42 [Gz]
south of Harar
mej (Harar O) water plant found in streams, Veronica
anagallis-aquatica; (A) upper millstone
HDE41 Meja 0831'/3831' 2614 m (with church Gebriel) 08/38 [Gz]
HDK25 Meja (waterfalls) 0918'/3801' 09/38 [Gz]
HDU01 Mejen Tiratir kebele (Mäjän T'erat'er ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
17-25 km west-southwest of Sela Dingay; area 2,975 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT25 Mejit kebele 10/39 [Ad]
with irregular shape somewhat to the south in west Weremo Wajitu
& Mida wereda, 15-25 km west of Meragna; area 4,366 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Mejo, name of a Kefa clan
HCE96c Mejo (centre in 1964 of Aroresa wereda) 06/38 [MS Ad 20]
HCL16 Mejo 0627'/3857' 2668 m 06/38 [Gz]
mek (mäq) (A) deep pit
HEA94 Mek (Mec) (village) 11/35 [+ Gu]
meka (mäqa) (A) kind of reed, Arundo donax, can be used
for cutting pens; meka, meeqa (O) how much? how many?
maka, maqaa (O) name
HCH71 Meka 0659'/3550' 2049 m, near Shewa Gimira 06/35 [Gz]
HEH99c Meka (Meca) (abandoned) 12/36 [+ Gu]
mekabir anbessa (mäqabir anbässa) (A) grave of lion
HFD07 Mekabir Anbesa (Mek'abir A., Meqabir A.) 13/38 [Gz q]
1339'/3812' 1202 m, west of Sekota in Simen
HDM22 Mekagno kebele (Mäqagno ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Berehet wereda, 9-12 km
south-east of Gina Ager; area 1,002 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mekakelenya (mäkakkälännya) (A) middle, halfway between extremes
HC... Mekakalenye Demeke, in Dalocha wereda 07/38 [n]
HCE66 Mekale (Mecale), cf Mekele 05/39 [+ WO Gu]
HED97 Mekalyes, see Mekane Iyesus
HEM02 Mekamechit (Mecamecit) (pass) 2040 m 11/39 [+ Gu]
mekan (mäkan) (Geez,A) 1. place; 2. (also mehan) (A) barren,
sterile /woman or cattle/; mekan (mäqan) (A,T) lintel,
door frame; mekane (T) place /for/, abode of;
mekan (mäkan) (A), mekwan (mäkwan) (T) sterile;
-- Mekan, Shuro, a small Nilotic tribe living along the
Ethiopia-Sudan border, cf Me'en
HEU13 Mekan (Mecan, Mecam, Makhan), 12/39 [+ Gu WO 18]
see under Korbeta
HEU13 Mekan (pass) 2512 m 12/39
mekane a..: akist (A) aunt
?? Mekane Akiset (Makana A.) (historical convent) ../.. [x]
mekane birhan (A,T) place of light
HES37 Mekane Birhan (Mecane Berhan, Macanna?) 12/38 [Gz Ad LM]
(Deresge, Derasge, Derasghie) 12/38 [MS WO Gu]
one: 1259'/3807' 2916 m; another: 1301'/3808' 2803 m,
also stated 2980/3035 m, near or same as Deresge
Coordinates would give map code HES36
Centre in 1964 of Janamora wereda. about 50 km from Debark.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4SW Felayna Mikael (Felaina Micael) (village) 2296 m
10N Gina Kidane Mihret (Ghina Chid. Meret) (village) 3094 m
9NE Genemora Arisagh (village, or two: Genemora + Arisagh?) 3159 m
HES69 Mekane Birhan (Macanna) (village) 3401 m 13/38 [LM WO x]
HFE24 Mekane Birhan 13/38 [MS]
mekane iyesus (A) abode of Jesus
HED86 Mekane Iyesus (Mecan Jesus) 1138'/3804' 2616 m 11/38 [+ WO Gz]
(M. Yesus, Mekalyes), south-east of Debre Tabor,
WO has the place at map code HED97
HED97 Mekane Iyesus (M. Yesus, Mecan Jesus, M. Iesus) 11/38 [MS Ad Gu Gz]
1144'/3811' 3314 m, see also Mokshi
(centre in 1964 of Iste wereda & of Mehal Iste sub-district,
with old church)
mekane selam (A) place of peace
HDT74 Mekane Selam (M. Salam) Gz: 1038'/3847' 1829 m 10/38 [Gz LM Ad Po]
(Denbi Mekane Selam), MS: 1040'/3840' = HDT72
(centre around 1980 of Borena /& Sayint/ awraja, and
in 2000 of Debre Sina wereda; with sub-post office under Dessie)
Adjoining kebeles are Mehal Denbi to the east and west,
Jimaye to the south, and Seyo Milo a little to the north-west.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Chefebelo kebele
4E Keto kebele
6E Key Afer kebele
7E Gilo kebele
10E Tach Wala kebele
5SE Mirgaje kebele
6SE Werke Wariho kebele
4S Werke Meskele kebele
6S Yilamu kebele
3SW Debir Soyu kebele
4SW Senbo Chilalo kebele
6SW Derami kebele
8SW Densa Keraba kebele
8SW Tewa Milo kebele
10SW Mas Keraba kebele
10SW Yechomasi kebele
4W Hawey Betaso kebele
5W Dibi Medhane-Alem kebele
7W Dibi Chere kebele
9W Sirba Menebeko kebele
5NW Dibi Giyorgis kebele
7NW Adere kebele
10NW Sifatira kebele
10NW Fati kebele
2N Jelisa kebele
3N Hulagosh Derekicha kebele
5N Dega Hawey kebele
7N Dega Dibe kebele
9N Abu kebele
10N Jeneberu kebele
3NE Jelisa kebele
8NE Libanos kebele
8NE Legehatu Anferfira kebele
8NE Ambes kebele
10NE Lay Wela kebele
HDU91c Mekane Silase (Mecana Sellassie, Makana S.), 10/39 [+ x]
(historically recorded from 1500s), near Were Ilu,
with an early large church and a round church
built in its ruins
H.... Mekane Silase (M. Selassie) 10/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Chissa sub-district)
H.... Mekane Tsiyon (centre in 1964 of Gemo sub-district) 10/37 [Ad]
HED97 Mekane Yesus, see Mekane Iyesus
mekanisa: mekenissa (Gurage) Croton macrostachys, see makanissa
GDF93 Mekanisa (Maconisa), cf Makanissa 08/34 [LM WO]
HC... Mekanisa (Moconissa), in the Boditi region 06/37 [20]
HDH78 Mekanisa 0944'/3626' 1950 m 09/36 [Gz]
mekar (T) artful
HES44 Mekara (Mecara, Mekkara) (area) 13/37 [+ WO x]
HEM92 Mekare (Mecare, Mecarre, Mancare, Adi Mancarre) 12/39 [LM Gu Gz WO]
(large village) 1233'/3939' 1469 m, see under Korem
Coordinates would give map code HEM83
HEC68 Mekari (Makar, Mucara, Macuar) (mountain) 11/37 [Gz]
1125'/3722' 2154 m
HDM.? Mekbebiya (with church Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HCK89 Mekbesa (Mek'besa, Meqbesa) 07/38 [Gz q]
0706'/3822' 1793 m, west of lake Awasa
HED68 Mekdela (Mek'dela, Meqdela, Makdala, Magdala) 11/38 [Gz q WO Wa]
(Mäqdäla) 1133'/3817' 2097 m
Coordinates would give map code HED78
HEE69 Mekdela (Maqdala, Magdala, Mukdala) 11/39 [MS x 18 Wa]
(Meqdela, Makdela) (historical place) 11/39 [Ad WO Br]
(plateau) 1126'/3919' (1133'/3818') 2520, 2777 m
MS coordinates would give map code HEE59.
Centre in 1964 of Zobil sub-district.
Within 10 km west of Mekdela plateau there are
Metcha Meda, Esla (mountain) and Aragye which
was the site of a British camp in 1868.
JFA54 Mekdela (Maglalla) 14/40 [LM WO]
HEM42 Mekdela kebele (Mäqdäla ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Kobo wereda at its border, 19-23 km north-east
of Muja and 14-22 km west of Kobbo town; area 2,815 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE58 Mekdela Maryam (Mek'dela M.) (church) 11/39 [Gz]
1121'/3911', south-west of Mekdela plateau
HEE69 Mekdela sub-district (Meqdela ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mekdela)
HE... Mekdela sub-district (Meqdela ..) (-1964-1997-) 12/39? [+ Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Tekulesh)
HEE69 Mekdela wereda (Meqdela ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Amba Maryam)
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Aba Wasu, Achebra, Adada, Aleku, Ambo Feres, Anjawa, Aseno
Ager, Ayer, Bahoch, Bazura, Beso Ber, Bikicho, Debre Sina,
Dedere, Deferge, Deja, Dender, Doka, Gala Gibeya, Gedam, Genatit,
Gobeden, Gogose, Gudgwad Wiha, Irkaye, Kimir Dingay, Mata Meda,
Mingash, Molek, Mon, Mosabit, Senkeha, Tebi, Tirk, Wefach, Wegesa,
Wobo town, Yegare, Yekoso, Yewetet
HEU50 Mekdelawit Maryam (Mek'delawit M.) (church) 13/39 [Gz]
1309'/3925', east of Samre
mekdes Holy of Holies in a church
HEF04 Mekdesa kebeles (Mäqdäsa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
two adjoining narrow kebeles of the same name stretching to
the northernmost border of Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
23-26 km north-northwest of Majete; areas 733 + 1,068 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD22 Mekechita (Mek'ech'ita, Meqechita) 10/38 [Gz q]
1012'/3836' 2456 m, west of Addis Derra
mekeda (mäkkädda) (A) couch, pillow
?? Mekeda wereda (-1998-) ../.. [n]
Mekele (Mäqälä): Baeteman's Amharic dictionary gives it as
a name but does not explain it as a word
HEU91 Mekele (Mekelle, Macalle, Maqualle, Makale) 13/39 [MS Yo Gu x]
(Mek'ele, Meqele, Makalle, Maqale, Maqalle)
(Fre: Mèkèllé)
MS: 1330'/3930' 2062/2135 m
Gz: 1330'/3928' 2084 m
Centre (-1967-1980-) of Inderta awraja.
With churches Iyesus, Maryam, Silase, Tekle Haymanot.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SE Enda Iyesus (E. Iesus, E. Jesus) with hill c.2150 m
10SE (Shefta, see under Kwiha)
5SW Ayn Alem (village with springs)
7W Nogwade (Adi Noguade, Negaida) (village)
10NE (Arena, see under Kwiha)
?? Adi Gera (village)
?? Aguddi
?? Gobo Zena (Gobozena) (village)
?? Grarot (village)
?? Rabea (village)
?? Issala (village)
?? Bahri (village)
?? Romanet (village)
HEU91 Mekele wereda (-1994-) 13/39 [n]
-- Meken, ethnic group, see Me'en
meken (mäqän) (A) on the side; kennya (O) part of wall, cross-piece
HEK06 Meken Kenia, see under Debre Tabor 11/38 [WO]
HCS42c Mekena, locality north-west of Hosaina 07/37 [20]
HEL27 Mekena (Mechena, Mekina) (mountains), 11/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
1158'/3905' 2316 m, see under Lalibela
HEE29 Mekena Maryam (Machina Maryam) 1106'/3917' 11/39 [Gz 20]
(church in a natural cave), west of Dessie
HEL27 Mekena Medhane Alem (Makina .. ..), 12/39 [x]
(church built in a cave, same as Mekena Maryam above?)
HEL27 Mekena sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lam Wiha) 11/39 [Ad]
HDU02 Mekenacho (Mek'enach'o, Meqenacho), 09/39 [Gz q]
0959'/3931' 2400 m, west of Sela Dingay
?? Mekenago ../.. [20]
mekene (mäkänä) (A) be or become sterile; (T) frame;
gol (Som) tamarisk tree, Tamarix aphylla
?? Mekene Gol (Makana Gol) (historical church) ../.. [+ Pa]
?? Mekene Maryam (Makana M.) ../.. [+ x]
recorded in the 1400s
?? Mekene Sellassie (Makana S.) ../.. [+ 20]
Amhara church sacked by Ahmed Grañ in the 1500s
HD... Mekenejo, in Wellega 09/35 [20]
HEF15 Mekeniti kebele (Mäkäneti ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kalu (East) wereda, 10-17 km
east-southeast of Kombolcha; area 2,943 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mekera (mäkära) (A) hardship, trouble; kirr (A) thread, wick
HDS72 Mekera Kir (Abbat) (mountain) 1038'/3746' 3316 m 10/37 [Gz]
meket: meketa (A) barricade, barrier; interior wall
HEL03 Meket (Mäqét, Mäkät, Mächet) (area), 11/38 [WO En]
see under Debre Zebit
HEL03 Meket wereda (Mekit ..) (in the 1990s), 11/38 [n]
within Lasta awraja by 1974
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Adisge, Agrit, Ansa Wiha, Arebal, Aydefer, Aymat, Berekeza,
Boya, Debre Kerbe, Debre Zebit, Deferge, Denkena, Dibiko,
Hamusit, Hana Mekwat, Istayish, Jirile, Kimkimo, Kurisa, Lama
Debir, Maserut, Mekwat, Mesfina, Sekoy Gebriel, Selonaj, Sendej,
Serko, Seron Meda, Ta Guba, Taja, Timtimat, Tiweha, Tsebelat,
Warka Yemaryam, Waro, Wefchina, Weketa, Weyra Ber, Zibe,
Zufan Amba
HEK49 Meketewa (Mek'et'ewa, Meqetewa, Mak'at'awa) 12/38 [Gz q WO]
(Mechetoa, Mecheloa, Mechiet) 1211'/3821' 1964 m
HEK39 Meketewa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Agisa) 12/38 [Ad]
GDU85c Mekezen 10/34 [LM]
meki, maki (O?) kinds of wild fig tree, Ficus spp.;
maki (O) woolen fabric
HDE04 Meki (Mek'i, Mäqi, Meqi, Maki, Machi, Macchi) 08/38 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Oromo: Maqii)
MS: 0805'/3850'; Gz: 0809'/3849' 1636 m,
MS coordinates would give map code HCT94
a little more to the south
(with sub-post office), north of lake Ziway,
with a Bailey prefabricated bridge for a time
HDL35 Meki (Mek'i, Meqi) 0920'/3856' 2900 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Sendafa
?? Meki (in Wello) ../.. [n]
mekicho: mikichio, mekichu (Sidamo O) kind of small
/occasionally large/ tree, Ilex mitis, also brown olive,
Olea africana, a medium-sized tree
HCS99 Mekicho, see under Butajira 08/38 [n]
HDD09 Mekicho (Mek'icho, Meqicho) 0809'/3823' 2133 m, 08/38 [Gz q]
near Butajira
HDL65 Mekicho 0939'/3853' 2625 m, south-east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HEL29 Mekidela (Mek'idela, Meqidela) 11/39 [Gz]
1158'/3916' 2382 m, cf Mekdela
HEL03 Mekit, see Meket
HCC37 Mekiyo 0544'/3719' 2127 m, 05/37 [Gz]
north-west of Gidole
HDB54 Meko (I. Maco) (area) 08/36 [+ WO]
HDB63 Meko (Maco) 0841'/3602' 2154 m, 08/36 [Gz Ad WO]
(administrative centre, with church)
HDK88 Meko 0950'/3817' 2492 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HDK99 Meko 0957'/3824' 2081 m, near Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
meko sa..: sachi, saachii (O) rich
HDB63 Meko Sachi wereda & sub-district 08/36 [+ Ad]
(Mekosachi ..) (centre of both in 1964 = Meko)
the one in Arjo awraja?
H.... Meko sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
H.... Meko Wedajo (centre in 1964 of Weglo sub-district) ../.. [Ad]
HDK49 Mekoda (Mocoda) 0928'/3821' 2301 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Rufa'el at some distance to the south)
HE.. Mekomia Maryam 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sikelt sub-district)
HEE29 Mekona kebele (Mäkona ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Tenta wereda; area 3,488 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Mekonni, see Inda Mekonnin
JDJ35 Mekora (Mek'ora, Meqora) 09/42 [Gz q]
0920'/4207' 1865 m, north-west of Harar
HDD26 Mekorkor (Macorcor, Maqorqor) (village) 08/38 [x WO n]
HD... Mekosachi (in Arjo awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HDU84 Mekoy 1044'/3945' 2105 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north-east of Were Ilu
?? Mekre (Mäkré) ("place of transit"), ../.. [+ Pa]
recorded in the 1400s, cf Mekare
HDD64 Meksa 0846'/3756' 3072 m, 08/37 [Gz]
midway between Ambo and Weliso
HDK76 Meksa 0941'/3804' 1708 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFE93 Mekwam (Mequam) 1427'/3845' 14/38 [+ Gu Gz]
(small fort, now ruin, Italian: Fortino Mequam),
north of Aksum, near border river of Eritrea
mekwan (T) 1. place; 2. barren, sterile
HEE64 Mekwat kebele (Mäkwat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Meket wereda at the corner of its
borders, 8-19 km south-west of Filakit; area 7,247 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE85 Mekwat sub-district (Mequat ..) 11/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Filakit)
HEJ44 Mekwenta 1212'/3701' 1845 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north of the eastern part of lake Tana
mel (A) fat ox; meel (Som) place, spot, part
HBK56 Mel, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
mela (A) forecast, opinion, idea for solving a problem;
(T) tact, policy, device, method, science; (Wellega) Acacia spp.
mella (A) whole, be full; melaa (O) pus, purulent matter;
mela (O) 1. crippled, disabled; 2. grudge; mala (O) dewlap
-- Mela [1] a group of the Devenekemena branch of the Afar;
-- Mela, a section of the Me'en ethnic cluster living east of the Omo river
and together with another section called Bodi by outsiders
JEN18 Mela (area) 12/40 [WO]
HDL93 Melahe 0952'/3844' 1753 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Melakale (wereda in 1965?), near border of Somalia ../.. [x]
melaho (T) kind of scrubby bush or tree, Ximenia americana;
melako (Sidamo) kind of tree with ornamental red flowers,
Erythrina abyssinica;
melaku (A) the angel; melake (T) ghost?;
maleka, maleeka (O) angel;
Melaku (Malaku), a male personal name
HEK25 Melaku (Melacou, Melaccu) 1159'/3802' 1902 m 11/38 [+ WO Gz]
melale: malale (O) wonder
JEJ90 Melale (Mel Ale) (area) 1238'/4135' 998 m 12/41 [WO x]
JER20 Melale, see Oyma
JDP29 Melasni (area recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha WO]
JDP65 Melasni 1010'/4134' 756 m 10/41 [Gz]
melata (mälat'a) (A) bald
HEE69 Melata, see Amba Maryam
melau, mellau (T) kind of scrubby bush or tree, Ximenia americana
HFC09 Melau (hill) 1339'/3725' 1971 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HEE84 Melay kebele (Mälay ..) 11/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Wadla wereda at its northern border,
9-12 km south-southeast of Filakit; area 2,578 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE54c Melazo (Melazzo), see Hawelti Melazzo
HFE07 Melba 1337'/3906' 2755 m 13/39 [Gz]

HBL21 Melbana, see El Melbana

HBL30 Melbana (area with important wells), 03/38 [WO n]
20 kilometres south of Mega
Melca .., see Melka ..
HDE25 Melca Idi, see Lafesa
HDU44 Melchet (Melch'et) 1024'/3944' 3309 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north of Molale
HEF05 Melco, see Lole
HEJ99 Meldiba (Abba Maldiba), see under Gondar 12/37 [WO Gu]
HCC59 Mele 0553'/3726' 1173 m, west of lake Chamo 05/37 [Gz]
JDJ98 Melebleyad (Melebleiad) (area) 1287 m 09/42 [+ WO]
melech s..: sanka, saanqaa (O) door, board, plank;
sanka (A) defect
HEE15 Melech Sanca, see Ashenga
HFF20 Meleget 1348'/3924' 2091 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south of Hawzen
HFF42 Meleget Mikael (church) 1357'/3935', 13/39 [Gz]
east of Hawzen
HCC36 Meleh (area) 05/37 [WO]
HFF43 Melehayzenghi, see Mellehai Zengi
HCE74c Meleka (village), 06/38 [Mi]
about 35-40 km north-west of Kibre Mengist
?? Melekoza (visiting postman under Shashemene) ../.. [Po]
HCC.. Melekoza wereda (Melakoza .., Melokoza ..) 06/36 [Ad]
with part of a National Forest Priority area
(-1994-) is divided into 49 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDF35 Melela 0828'/3947' 1757 m 08/39 [Gz]
JBS23 Melele, see El Melhale 04/42 [LM]
HEF93 Melentela kebele (Mäläntäla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western central Habru wereda 4-7 km north of Mersa and
10-13 km south-southeast of Weldiya; area 1,959 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE23 Melesan kebele (Mäläsan ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda a little to the west,
4-12 km west of Ajibar; area 5,763 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
melet: melat (A) abundance; meleta (mälät'a) (A) bald, bare;
(T) kind of shrub or small tree, Brucea antidysenterica
HDK42 Melet 0930'/3741' 1547 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDM93 Melet & Gunch Amba kebele (Mälät' .. .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in the main body of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, 8-12 km north-west of Debre Sina; area 976 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE07 Melfa (Melta) 1338'/3908' 2347/2480 m, 13/39 [Gu Gz WO]
(large village, with church Maryam), see under Abiy Adi
melge w..: wondo (O) kind of shrub or tree, Dracaena afromontana
?? Melge Wendo (with mission clinic), 07/38 [x]
near Shashemene
HED62 Melgib 1127'/3742' 2133 m, 11/37 [Gz]
near Abay river south-east of Bahir Dar
HCL73 Melgie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guguma) 06/38 [Ad]
JDN89 Meli (area), see under Trena 10/40 [WO]
GC... Melile, near Akobo river 06/34 [x]
HCR.. Melisa, in Yem about 38 km from Sekoru town, 07/37 [n]
with a megalithic site having about 60-80 steles
melissai: malasay (O) kind of /historical/ warrior;
-- Malesei (Maläsäy) are mentioned around 1530 as a group
of Somali;
mellese (T) return, bring back, answer
HFD83 Melissai (Melisay) (well) 14/37 [MS WO LM]
HDS52 Melit Maryam (Melit Mariam) 10/37 [+ WO]
HDK98 Meliyu 0957'/3818' 2547 m, near Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDS09 Meliyu 0959'/3821' 2455 m, near Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCG76 Meliyu 0701'/4021' 2164 m, south-west of Ginir 07/40 [Gz]
melka (A) ford; malka (O) ford; muddy pool; river, confluence
Melka .., see also Malka ..
JCB96 Melka Abagle (Malca Abagle, Abagle) 06/41 [+ Gu WO]
melka abb..: abbe (O) familiar term of address among male friends
?? Melka Abbe (Malca A.) (near a grove of trees) ../.. [+ Gu]
HDE63 Melka Agemsa (ford at Akaki river) 08/38 [x]
HBT58 Melka Allu (Melca Allu) 05/39 [+ MS WO]
malka amara (O) ford of the Amhara?
amara (A) Amhara, /also:/ Christian; amare (amarä) (A) be beautiful
HCF84 Melka Amara (Malca Amara) (ford) 06/39 [+ WO Gu]
HCF93 Melka Andoro (Malca A.) (with bridge) 06/39 [+ WO Gu]
melka a..: malka anna (O) roaring river?
HCF07 Melka Anna (Malca Anna) (ford), 05/39 [+ WO Gu]
in the 1930s with a ferry over Ganale Doria
melka ar..: malka arba (O) ford of elephant;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
HDK49 Melka Arba (waterfalls) 0926'/3823', 09/38 [Gz]
north of Addis Alem, south of Muger river
JC... Melka Arsuno (Malca A.), 06/40 [+ Gu]
with bridge built in the 1930s
HDE62c Melka Awash, see Melka Kunture
JCJ45 Melka Bafeta (Malca Bafata, Malka B.) (area) 06/42 [Gz WO]
0646'/4205' 492 m
melka be..: belo (Som) hardship, difficulty
?? Melka Belo wereda (Malka Balo ..) (-1997-) 08/41? [n Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HFC16 Melka Chanchafe (Malca Cianciafe) 05/39 [+ Gu]
(Melca Giangiafe), 30 km from Nazret 05/39 [+ WO]
?? Melka Chera (historically recorded), in Ganqa ../.. [+ Pa]
JBR82 Melka Chireti (Malka Chereti, M.Ciratti) 05/41 [Gz WO]
0520'/4150' 321 m (WO has JCC12)
HDE62 Melka Contarre, see Melka Kunture

melka dab..: daboch (A) wheat breads

HDN15 Melka Daboch (Melca D.) 1004'/3518' 752 m 10/35 [+ Gz]
JCR07 Melka Dakata, see Geldoh
HD... Melka Datessa (Malca D.) (ford of Abay) 1170 m, 09/37 [+ Gu x]
with an unfinished bridge constructed by Salimbeni in the 1880s
melka deg.: dega (däga) (A) highland
HDD92 Melka Dega 0900'/3745' 1859 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
melka dej..: dejen (däjän) (A.T) rear guard
HDS18 Melka Dejen (Malca Degen), see Dejen
HDT51 Melka Dibo, see Malka Dibo
melka di..: malka dida (O) forest ford;
dida (O) forest, camp; diidaa (O) from some
foreign place; didaa (O) recalcitrant /domestic animal/;
didhaa (O) revenge
JBR01 Melka Dida (Gorgoru) (with ford & waterhole) 04/41 [WO x Gz]
0444'/4143', ambulance camp in 1936
melka doa: do-a (O) cracked, with a rift
HDE60 Melka Doa (Melca Doa) 08/38 [+ WO]
melka dub.: dube (Som) oven, cooking pot; dubbe (Som) hammer
JCJ45 Melka Dube (Malca Dube) 0647'/4204' 472 m 06/42 [+ Gz]
melka dun..: dungo (O) torch
HDE43 Melka Dungo (Melca Dungo) 08/38 [+ WO]
melka f..: farda (O) horse
JDJ29 Melka Ferda 0918'/4226' 1802 m, 09/42 [Gz]
midway between Harar and Jijiga
melka gerba: gerba, garba (O) lake
HDE61 Melka Gerba (Malcaguerba, Malkaguerba) 08/38 [+ Gu Gz]
0844'/3834' 1961, 2302 m, at upper Awash river
JBJ75 Melka Gersey (Malca Ghersei) 04/42 [+ WO Gu]
HFD83 Melka Gilo, see Melka Jilo
HDE24 Melka Gorge (Melca Gorghe) 08/38 [+ WO]
melka go..: gotu (A) the hill;
(Sidamo O) Syzygium guineense
HDE43 Melka Gotu (Melca Gotu) 08/38 [+ WO]
melka gu..: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron;
3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
HBU20 Melka Guba (Melca Guba, Malca Guba) 04/39 [Gz WO Gu]
0447'/3922' 752 m (with Italian-built bridge 115 m)
melka ham.: hama, hamaa (O) honey badger;
haama (O) cutting /grass/, reaping
HBT72c Melka Hama (Malca H.), south-west of Kibre Mengist 05/38 [+ Mi]
melka hare..: harawacha, arawacha (O) spacious, open
JDJ46 Melka Harewacha (M. Harewach'a) 09/42 [Gz]
0925'/4212' 1946 m, north of Harar
melka harr.: harre (O) donkey
?? Melka Harre (Malca H.) (ford) 360 m ../.. [+ Gu]
HBT88c Melka Heedi, see under Awata 05/39 [Mi]
HDB07 Melka Hida (Malka Hidda), 08/36 [x]
with name given in 1913.
melka ho..: malka hola (O) sheep ford
HDH11 Melka Hola (Malca Hola), see under Gimbi 09/35 [+ Gu]
(with Catholic mission)
HCM80 Melka Howei (Malca Hoei) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
melka ida: ida, idda (O) root; family
HDE38 Melka Ida (Melca Ida, Malca Idda, Melka Hida) 08/39 [+ WO Mi x]
village a little north of Awash river, see under Nazret
HDE25 Melka Idi (Melca Idi), see Lafesa
HCF75 Melka Jamerri (Malca Giamerri) (ford) 06/39 [+ WO Gu]
JDJ51 Melka Jebdu 0935'/4146' 1194 m, 09/41 [Gz]
west of Dire Dawa
JDJ62 Melka Jebdu 0937'/4147' 1123 m, near Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
(centre in the 2000s of Gurgura wereda)
with part of a National Forest Priority area
melka jib..: jibrii (O) cotton plant, Gossypium herbaceum
JDJ27c Melka Jibri, 15 km east of Harar 09/42 [x]
HDF83 Melka Jilo (Melkajilo, Malca Jilo, Melca Gilo) 08/39 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(Malca Gilo) 0853'/3937' 1125/1209 m, railway station
(Fre: Malka-Djilo) (centre in 1964 of Cheba sub-district)
melka jir.: jira, jiraa (O) grain, edibles
HDE23 Melka Jira (Melca Gira) 08/38 [+ WO]
melka jis: jiis (Som) lame person
JBR45 Melka Jis (Malca Gis) 04/42 [+ WO]
melka kal.: kalo, kaloo (O) 1. grass, grazing area;
2. belly of sheep or goat; 3. inaccessible;
kallo, qalloo (O) of small diameter;
qalo (Som) sacrifice; kallo, qallo (O) thin /liquid/
?? Melka Kalo (Malca Calo) (ford) 990/1040 m, 09/37 [+ Gu]
used to be a frequented ford of the Abay river
HDE33 Melka Kartata (Melca Cartata) 08/38 [+ WO]
melka ko..: kore, qoree (O) thorn etc.;
kore (O) 1. one's turn /at grazing cattle/; 2. committee
?? Melka Kore (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
melka kub.: quba (O) finger, toe
?? Melka Kuba (Malca Cuba), ../.. [+ It]
at 86 km by road from Negele (same as M. Guba?)
melka kun..: kuntura, quntura (O) slice /of food/;
kunturu, qunturuu (O) certain kinds of bread or pancake;
kunturro, qunturroo (O) genitals, penis
HDE62 Melka Kunture (Melca Konture, M. Contarre) 08/38 [Gz Ca WO]
(Melka Kontouré, Mälka Qunture) 0841'/3738' 2727 m
very ancient archaeological sites along several kilometres
of Awash river are named in order Kella, Gombore, Garba,
Warraba, Charri Arussi, Tabel, Tuka, Hofi, Simbiro (Simburo)
JBR10c Melka Ladir (Malka Ladir) 04/41 [+ Wa]
JC... Melka Lakoli (Malca Laccoli) 06/40 [+ Gu]
HDK96 Melka Lebbu (Melca Lebbu) 09/38 [+ WO]
HDR42 Melka Lelu, see Koli
JB... Melka Libai (Malca L.) ../.. [+ Gu]
HDR32 Melka Lokam (Melca L.) (ford), cf Lokman 10/37 [+ WO]
HCF06 Melka Lughena, see Ellugena
melka me..: meri (O) brother, close firend; (A) chief, leader;
meeri (Som) make someone move around
JBH70 Melka Meri (Malka Mari, M. Murri, Malka) 04/40 [Gz]
0417'/4045' 537 m, as area also inside Kenya,
cf JBN24 Meri
HDK09 Melka Miche (Malca Micce), see Bora
?? Melka Muin, at Dawa Parma river ../.. [x]
melka mu..: muri (O) 1. kind of grass; 2. bush cut and left to dry
JBH70 Melka Murri (Malca Muri) 0417'/4045' 537 m 04/40 [+ Gu]
melka ob..: obe, obee (O) exclamation to urge cattle to move
JCH15c Melka Obbe (Malca Obbe) 06/41 [+ Gu]
melka oda: odaa (O) shola tree, Ficus sycomorus
or Cordia africana; odaa (O) sanctified place of assembly;
ooda (O) threshing floor; oodaa (O) small quantity
HCL92 Melka Oda 0713'/3837' 2014 m, near Shashemene 07/38 [Gz]
JCH72 Melka Oda, south-east of Ginir 07/40 [WO x]
HCL92c Melka Odekuyera, near Shashemene, 07/38 [x]
with co-operative society registered in 1971
melka od..: malka odessa (O) ford of talk, gossip ford
HCF06c Melka Odessa (Malca Odessa) 05/39 [+ Gu]
JDJ45 Melka Refu, see Melkarafu
JB... Melka Rie (Malca R.) (border locality) ../.. [+ Gu]
melka ru..: rufa, ruufa (O) clothes for elders and dignitaries
?? Melka Rufa (Melkar) ../.. [Ad]
HDR Melka Sabar (ford of the Abay river) 10/37 [+ Gu Ch]
melka sede: sedde (O/H.Salt) three
JDG45 Melka Sede (M. Sadi, M. Sedi, M. Sidi, Sadimalka) 09/40 [Gz Po x]
0921'/4018' 788 m, in Amibara wereda in middle Awash valley
(with sub-post office under Nazret, and research station)
HCR36c Melka Sedi (with iron ore) 2650 m, 07/37 [Mi]
within the May Gudo mountainous massif
melka sodda: soddaa (O) in-law by marriage
?? Melka Sodda, at the Dawa river ../.. [Mi]
melka soddu: soddu (O) 1. tomb, burial place;
2. memorial offering; 3. to fear
HCM02 Melka Soddu (Malca Soddu) 06/39 [+ WO Gu]
melka su..: suuftuu (O) cattle frequenting a salty grazing spot
JBJ42 Melka Suftu 0400'/4146' 242 m 04/41 [Gz]
melka ta..: tadecha (A,O) shrub or small tree with very hard wood,
Acacia tortilis, Dodonea spp.
HCL78 Melka Tadecha (Malca Tadeccia, M. Daddeccia) 07/39 [+ Gu]
0703'/3911' c.2400 m, near Dodola
HDE33 Melka Tadecha (Melca Tadeccia) 08/38 [+ WO]
JCD65 Melka Teka (M. Taka) (area) 0603'/4302' 277 m 06/43 [Gz WO]
melka ti..: tibee (Som) 1. pound grain; 2. hit with a club
JCH41 Melka Tibbe (Malca Tibbe) 06/40 [WO Gu]
?? Melka Wago (Malca Uago), ford in the Gibe river 07/36 [+ 18]
HCM80 Melka Wakanna (M. Wakena, Malca Uacanna) 07/39 [+ WO Gu It]
(M. Wakana, Malga Uacanna) 2350 m,
with old fort and new power station
HBT48 Melka Walagodiya (Malca Ualagodia), see Watagodiya
melka war.: ware (O) fame, news; waaree (O) midday,
afternoon; ware (O) first milking of the cows in the morning;
waree (Som) collect water in a reservoir
JDG44c Melka Ware (.. Were), south-east of Ginir, 09/40 [20]
town in Amibara wereda
JDG34 Melka Wered (M. Warer, Melkawarer) 0920'/4010' 09/40 [Gz]
(research station), north of Awash station on river right-hand bank
JDG56 Melka Werer 0933'/4024' 811 m 09/40 [Gz Po]
(with sub-post office under Nazret, with research station)
melka werk.: werke (O) kind of tree, Dracæna afromontana;
werke (wärqe) (A) werkeh (O) ensete, "false banana"
HDE53 Melka Werke (Melca Uorche) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDK91 Melka Yekatel (Malka Yekatel), see also Yekatel 09/37 [+ Ch]
(Melca Iecatel) (ford) about 0950'/3733' 09/37 [+ WO]
HCB71 Melkab (Melcab) (swamp) 06/35 [+ WO]
melkam wiha (A) good/beautiful water
HEJ66 Melkam Wiha 1220'/3712' 1837 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north-west of lake Tana
JDJ45 Melkarafu (Melkarafo, Melkarrafu, Melka Refu),
see Kembolcha
melkasa = melka asa (A) ford with fish?
HDF20 Melkasa (Melkassa, Malkassa, Malcasa) 08/39 [Gz Ca WO Gu]
0824'/3920' 1529 m, near power plants Awash II+III
JDG56c Melkawere, cf Melka Ware 09/40 [MS]
HDJ85 Melke 0949'/3705' 2423 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDL52 Melke 0934'/3840' 1675 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
melke belo: malka belu (O) ford of hunger?
belo (Som) hardship, difficulty
HDK71 Melke Belo 0945'/3739' 1488 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDU84 Melke kebele (Mälké ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central separate Kalu (West) wereda at its eastern
border, 2-10 km south-east of Degaga; area 4,051 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM.. Melkekole, see under Weldiya
melki (Geez) form, figure, /by extension:/ image,
icon, effigy, portrait, likeness; there is a large
repertoire of melki hymns
?? Melki (village) ../.. [18]
HDD92 Melki, river at 0856'/3744' 08/37 [n]
HEF05 Melko, see Lole
HEF06 Melko (Melco) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
HET78 Melkumba (Melk'umba, Melqumba) 13/39 [Gz q]
1322'/3915' 2016 m, north-west of Samre
mella (A) to fill, to be full; mellai (T) kind of
scrubby bush or tree, Ximenia americana
HCJ06c Mella, 111 km from Soddo 06/37 [Gu]
?? Mellajillo, with some Argobba living there ../.. [n]
melleb asa: asa (A,T) fish; (O) conversation, discussion
HFF03 Melleb Asa (area) 13/39 [WO]
KCS62 Melleged (Melleghed) (area) 07/47 [+ WO]
HFF43 Mellehay Zengi (Melehayzenghi, Mellehei Z.) 13/39 [x]
(Milhaizinge, Millihay Z., Milahi Zine, Malahayenghi) 13/39 [20]
with rock-hewn churches Mikael and Petros Pawlos
at about 10 minutes walk from each other, cf Takatisfi
HCC42c Mellele, 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in the north of the Maale-inhabited district
mello, melo (O) grain boiled in water; mellu (T) kind of
shrub or "climbing tree", Combretum aculeatum;
-- Mello, Melo, Malo, ethnic group (sub-group related to the Welayita)
numbering about 20,189 according to the 1994 census, see Malo
JDR15 Mello, see Milo
?? Melmele (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
melmeli ..: guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant;
2. big /female/; gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior;
2. fulfill one's obligations
HDE88 Melmeli Gudo 0832'/3909' 1804 m, 08/39 [Gz]
between Mojo and Nazret
-- Melo, ethnic group, see Malo
HCJ.. Melo Koza ../.. [20]
concerning elections, see under Koza
HFE07 Melta, see Melfa
GCS75 Melthi 07/33 [WO]
melti (A) 1. vagabond, tramp; 2. false testimony;
melte (O) weak
HCJ44 Meltiti (Melt'it'i) 0646'/3701' 1513 m 06/37 [Gz]
JCN97 Meltu (Melt'u) 0807'/4026' 1417 m 08/40 [Gz]
GDD38 Melual, see Malwal
HDL59 Melyu 0935'/3917' 2675 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Birhan, cf Meliyu
HEK27 Melza (Molza) (mountain) 1201'/3812' 2826 m, 12/38 [18 WO Gz]
north-east of Debre Tabor, cf Dega Melza, Kola Melza
HDT04 Memacha 1002'/3851' 1976 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south of Addis Derra
HDM65 Membret (Emmebret) (mountain) 09/39 [WO Gz Gu]
MS: 0939'/3948' 3350 m; Gz: 0941'/3948' 2611 m
Gz coordinates would give map code HDM75,
see under Ankober
memhir ager (mämhir agär) (A) land of the head of a monastery
HDM.? Memhir Ager (with church Be'ale Weld), 09/39 [x]
in Sendafa area
HDE68 Memhir kebele (Mämher ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda forming
a kind of "hook" inside the borders of that corner, 15-21 km
south-west of Balchi; area 1,520 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Men language, see Meen (Me'en)
mena (mäna) (A) useless, in vain; mana (O) house, home
Mena, Menna, a personal name
HCM05 Mena (Mäna, Masslo, Meslo, Sacchegillo, Isak Gilo) 06/39 [Gz]
0625'/3951' 1260 m, cf Mana, Menna
Town at about 1700 m altitude in the valley of the
Wabi Mena river. In 1960-87 centre of Dolo awraja.
HCM05 Mena, Hare & Buluk wereda 06/39 [En]
(Mäna, Harä & Buluq ..) (centre 1991- = Mena)
HEK.. Mena sub-district (-1964-1997-) 12/38 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Aja Fasiledes)
?? Mena wereda ../.. [Ad]
with part of a National Forest Priority Area
HDF92 Menabella (Minabella) (area) 08/39 [WO x]
JEP16 Menagaga, see Mengaga
menagesha, mennagesha (A) capital, royal residence
(only the fixed expression mennagesha ketema is used
in daily language)
HDL01 Menagesha (at main road), see under Genet 09/38 [AA Po]
(Menegesha) (visiting postman under A.Abeba)
HDE92 Menagesha (Mannaghescia, Mannagascia, Managasha) 09/38 [AA Gz WO Gu]
(Männagesha, Menegesha) (mountain) (name means
'coronation town'?) once an awraja and later belonging to
Welmera wereda
Gz: 0902'/3835' 2792 m; MS: 0903'/3837' 2924 m
HDE92 Menagesha (place) 0903'/3834' 2420 m, near map code HDL01
(with secondary school & churches Maryam and Medhane Alem)
HDM11 Menagesha awraja (Mennagesha ..) 0910'/3930' 09/38 [Gz x]
(centre in 1980 = A. Abeba)
HDU86 Menal Ager, see Mehal Ager
HDL53 Menare, see Wegidi
JDP46 Menatolli 1019'/4115' 874 m
HFE99 Menatu (Danda) 1419'/3916' 2169 m 14/39 [Gz WO]
(with church Medhane Alem), south of Debre Damo
HDT56c Menaya, see Minaya
HDT36 Menaze, see Minaze

menber (mänbär) (A) seat, chair, altar

HDF91 Menber kebele (Mänbär ..) 08/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the west in north Minjar & Shenkora wereda at
its northern border, 9-11 km north-east of Balchi; area 1,079 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE89 Mench Amba, see Minch Amba
mencha, menchaa (O) cutlass, bush knife;
menche (O) bridegroom, husband;
menchew (mänch'äw) (T) gush forth, splash
HEE90c Mencho (Mencio), cf Mancho, Mincho 11/38 [+ Gu]
HEF52 Menchu, see Minchu
JEH50 Menda (mountain) 1216'/4042' 896 m 12/40 [Gz]
HEJ47 Mendaba (Mendabba, Mändaba) (monastery) 12/37 [Gz n 20]
1212'/3717' 1784 m
at northern shore of lake Tana, south-west of Gorgora
mendai (mändai) (T) humpback
HFF31 Mendai (Menda'e, Mendah, Menda, Mända'i) 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see Geralta churches - northern
HDG98 Mendaia 0952'/3535' 1254 m 09/35 [WO Gz]
HCR42 Mendara 0740'/3650'c, 07/36 [x]
area north of Hirmata near Jimma
HCM53 Mendebo (mountains) 0650'/3940' 3530 m, 06/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adaba
HEM43 Mendefera kebele (Mändäfära ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central northern Kobo wereda, 2-8 km
north-northeast of Kobbo town; area 2,190 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HDE75 Mendelo 0849'/3853' 2125 m, 08/38 [Gz]
between Akaki and Debre Zeyt
mender (mändär) (A) village, township; neighbourhood;
mandara (O) village
HDR88 Mender 10/37 [WO]
HFF22 Mender 1349'/3934' 2158 m, north-west of Agula 13/39 [Gz]
mender ch..: Cherkos = St. Cyriacus
HET30 Mender Cherkos (Mendercercos) 13/38 [+ WO]
HED31 Mender Kidus Mikael ("village of Saint M.") 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dengel sub-district)
HEK72c Mender Maryam 12/37 [x]
mender selam, village of peace
HES69 Mender Selam, south of Simen hiking route 13/38 [Br]
HDJ33 Mendera 0923'/3655' 1973 m, west of Haretu 09/36 [Gz]
HEM04 Mendera 1148'/3945' 1620 m, east of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HDR89 Menderen (area) 1910 m 10/37 [WO]
HEK75 Menderge 1225'/3758' 1844 m 12/37 [Gu Gz]
mendeya (mändäya) (A) chisel;
-- Mendeya language, see Gumuz
-- mendeya: Manduya, name of an Arsi Oromo tribe
JCG17 Mendeyo awraja (Mendoyu ..) 0630'/4030' 06/40 [Gz]
(1969: centre = Robe, 1980: centre = Goba)
HDT62 Mendeyu kebele (Mändäyu ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Sina wereda, 11-18 km
west-southwest of Mekane Selam; area 1,733 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mendi: mendo (O) trap
HDG83 Mendi (Mende, Mandi) 0948'/3506' 1538, 1882 m 09/35 [Gz Ad WO Te]
(with sub-post office under Nekemte)
Centre in 1964 of Mendi wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Karra (Carra) (village) 2012 m
8SE Kitu Jale (Chittu Giali, G. Chiltu?) (village)
10SE Harawe Dembi
5N Gara Mendi (hill) 1982 m
8NE Buke (Luccasodo) (village) 1531 m
?? Teyba (Marrato) 1511 m
HDG83 Mendi wereda 09/35 [x]
HCJ48 Mendida 0643'/3722' 1446 m, south of Waka 06/37 [Gz]
HDK26 Mendida 0917'/3806' 2683 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
mendida: mandidu (O) grow in size
HDL69 Mendida (Mendido, Medida) 09/39 [Gz Po WO Ad]
Gz: 0939'/3919' 2807 m = HDL69, near HDM60
MS: 0930'/3915' 2787 m = HDL59
(with sub-post office under Debre Birhan)
Centre in 1964 of Abiehu sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6E Daanci
7SE Haro (plain)
6SW Dogoma (wide area)
7SW Zencha Gebriel G. (Zencia Gabriel Gh.) (church)
2NW Enda Muie Selassie (church)
7N Abdela (Abdella, Abdalla)
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
7N Amente (Amantie) 2678 m
9N Dey (Dei) (village)
4NE Abichu (Abicciu, Abchu) (area) 2907 m
7NE Gwedew (Guedeu) (village) 2970 m
HCS99 Mendifa (volcano) 0805'/3823', near Butajira 08/38 [Gz]
mendo (O) trap
?? Mendokia Maryam (monastery and church), 11/37 [x]
"on a stony ridge below the edge of the treeless plateau top"
JDH27 Mendule 0918'/4121' 1933 m, south-west of Deder 09/41 [Gz]
HEK08 Mendur Amba (area) 11/38 [WO]
HDJ14 Mene 0911'/3658' 1858 m, south-west of Haretu 09/36 [Gz]
mene ano: aano (Som) resentment, revenge;
anno (Borana O) small kind of Euphorbia tree
HDL91 Mene Ano, cf Mine, Mene Ona 09/38 [AA]
mene b..: busa, busaa (O) malaria
HDK83 Mene Busa 0948'/3746' 1617 m 09/37 [AA Gz WO Gu]
(Kintu Resa, Chintu R.), near Abay river
HDT43 Mene Dega kebele (Mänä Däga ..) 10/38 [Ad]
centrally in Wegdi wereda, 13-15 km south-west
of Mahdere Selam; area 1,179 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GD... Mene Horo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 09/34? [Ad]
mana (O) house, home; ona (A,O) deserted,
abandoned house or village site
HDL85 Mene Ona 0947'/3856' 2531 m, east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL91 Mene Ona (Mene Ano) 0957'/3832' 2144 m, 09/38 [Gz]
midway between Tulu Milki and Fiche
HEF93 Menebbei (Menebe) 1142'/3940' 1722 m 11/39 [WO Gz LM]
HFF90 Menebeyti 1425'/3923' 2707 m, north of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HFF91 Menebeyti 1424'/3928' 2310 m, north of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HET69 Menebri 1315'/3920' 13/39 [MS]
menecha: mennecha (männäch'a) (A) to spring up;
gush /said of water from a spring/
HFE71 Menechal (waterhole) 14/38 [MS WO]
HDC97 Menefrego (with fort) see under Ijaji 09/37 [WO]
GDF.. Menega (Meniga) (village), see Minega
HFE39 Menegde 1355'/3916' 1697 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-west of Hawzen
HDE92 Menegesha, see Menagesha
HE... Meneguzer (centre in 1964 of Tach Wido sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
JDJ38 Menehiyu sub-district 09/42 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Funyan Bira)
HE... Menekussie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Endode) 11/39 [Ad]
HDL89 Menelefto kebele (Mänäläfto ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
7-9 km north-east of Deneba; area 887 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Menelik .., see Menilek ..
HCC98 Menena 0619'/3722' 1900 m, west of Chencha 06/37 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dieta wereda), cf Mananna
H.... Menesibu sub-district (-1997-) 09/35? [n]
HET96 Menewe 1333'/3904' 1625 m, south of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HF... Menewet 14/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sebha wereda & of Saebie sub-district)
HFF71 Menewot Giyorgis (church) 1416'/3929', 14/39 [Gz]
near Adigrat
HEF75 Meneyo 1132'/3950' 1267 m, north-east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
mengaga (A,T), mangaga (O) jawbone; molar tooth
JEP16 Mengaga (Menagaga, Mangaga) 1250'/4118' 169 m 12/41 [Gz n WO]
JDC31 Mengaka (Mengaca) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
HEE48 Mengash, see Mingash
?? Mengay, village near Asosa, with many refugees ../.. [20]
menge: menga (A) herd, flock /of sheep/, swarm
/of locusts or birds/
GDU44 Menge (Mengie) MS: 1021'/3435' = GDU 42; 10/34 [Gz MS WO Ad]
Gz: 1023'/3446' 1123 m, near watercouse Manghi
(centre in 1964 of Benishangul wereda &
of Afodu Belmaguha sub-district)
GDU.. Menge wereda 10/34 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 64 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HFF76 Mengela 1417'/3958' 629 m, east of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HD... Mengest (Menghest) 09/39? [+ 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Efrata province
mengesta se..: semayat (sämayat) (A) heavens
?? Mengesta Semayat (historical from the 1500s), ../.. [n]
in eastern Gojjam
HEL69 Menget (Menghet) (area) 12/39 [+ WO]
HDM86 Mengeta kebele (Mängäta ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in the southern body of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, 7-11 km east of Debre Sina; area 968 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE15 Mengi (Menghi) 1341'/3853' 1847 m, 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
north-west of Abiy Adi
HCK00 Mengida 0623'/3730' 2474 m, 06/37 [Gz]
north-west of Chencha, near map cross HCC99/HCD90/HCJ09
GDU42 Mengie, see Menge
mengist (mängist) (A) government
HDU16 Mengist (Mangest) 1001'/3950' 1873 m, 10/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam at some distance to the south-east)
HDU16 Mengist & Gult kebele (Mängest .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Kewet wereda, 5-9 km
north-west of Shewa Robit; area 1,739 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM86 Mengist kebele (Mängest ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in south Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda at its eastern border, 10-15 km east of Debre Sina;
area 1,898 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS76 Mengistiwo (Mangestu, Mengistor?) (mountains) 10/37 [Gz]
1035'/3805' 2697 m (with church Kidane Mihret)
mengistu (A) the kingdom, the government;
mengisti (T), mangisti (O) government, state, kingdom
HDS76 Mengistu (Mengist, Menghistu, Mangestu, Mängesto) 10/38 [+ Gu WO n]
(mountainous area) 2697 m
mengistu kidane mihret (A) the kingdom of merciful covenant
H.... Mengistu Kidane Mihret 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Rejze sub-district)
HDS76 Mengistu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ambomisa) 10/38 [Ad]
HCH.. Mengiwa wereda (centre = Qaqa) 07/36 [En]
One of ten weredas of Kefa awraja 1944-1987.
HEA53 Mengolf (mountain) 1121'/3505' 1024 m, 11/35 [Gz]
north-west of Gubba
HFF20 Menguda (Mengudi) 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Geralta churches - southern
HEF76 Mengudo 1132'/3955' 1441 m, north-east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
JDJ10 Mengudo 0911'/4140' 1902 m, 09/41 [Gz]
between Deder and Grawa
JDJ11 Mengudo 0913'/4141' 2236 m, north-west of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HDU60 Meni 1033'/3924' 2693 m, south-west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
meni k..: kiltu, qilt'uu (O) shola tree, Ficus sycomorus
HDH79 Meni Kiltu (M. K'ilt'u) 0945'/3632' 1792 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCK52 Menilek Hill 1879 m, see under Soddo 06/37 [WO]
HDD36 Menisa 0829'/3807' 2295 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE83 Menisa 0857'/3843' 2256 m, 08/38 [Gz]
between Sebeta and Akaki
HEJ74 Meniuax (European-given name?) (mountain) 12/36 [Gu Gz]
1229'/3657' 1532 m, south-west of Chilga
HET96 Meniya 1331'/3859' 1678 m, south of Abiy Adi 13/38 [Gz x]
-- Menja language, see Kwegu
HDL91 Menjaro (Menjari) 0956'/3831' 2248 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Fiche
HC... Menjawa (=Menjiwa?), in Kefa awraja, cf Adiya 07/36 [Ad]
?? Menjewo, see Menjiwo
HDA58 Menji 0838'/3534' 1611 m, south-east of Yubdo 08/35 [Gz]
HDE97 Menjigso 0900'/3903' 2489 m, south of Sendafa 09/39 [Gz]
HD... Menjigso sub-district (centre in 1964 = Golie) 08/39 [Ad]
HC... Menjiwa wereda (centre in 1964 = Oumech) 07/36 [Ad]
?? Menjiwo wereda (Menjewo .., Menjeo ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 29 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
menjo edo: edo (O) kosso tree, Hagenia abyssinica
?? Menjo Edo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
menjole: minjale (O) fixed wooden bench on which important
objects are kept inside a traditional house
HDL65 Menjole 0937'/3853' 2634 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ04 Menkat (Menk'at', Menqat) 0906'/4159' 1634 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south-east of Grawa
HDD93 Menkata (Menk'ata, Menqata, Mankata) 09/37 [AA Gz x]
0901'/3752' 2109 m, near Ambo
HFE28c Menkerea (Mencherea) (area) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HDM41 Menkerios (Mencherios), on a height, cf Minkiros 09/39 [+ Gu]
("cantoniera" = signal post?)
HEL49 Menkiro 1209'/3916' 2818 m, north-west of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
HEE22 Menkorer (Menk'orer, Menqorer, Menkorar) 11/38 [Gz]
1104'/3840' 2354 m, in Mekdela wereda
menk..: chereka (ch'äräqa) (A) 1. moon;
2. whitish /animal/
HEE73 Menkwake Chereka kebele (Mänkwaké Ch'äräqa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
17-23 km south-southwest of Bete Hor; area 2,674 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
menna (A) manna /as in the Bible/;
Menna (Mena, Mana), a male personal name
HEK18 Menna (area), cf Manna, Mena 11/38 [WO]
HES54 Menna (area) 13/37 [WO]
HET11 Menna (area) 13/38 [WO]
JCA62c Menna (Mesillo, Misillo), 110 km south of Goba 06/39 [20]
(centre in 1990s- of Menna, Harenna & Buluk wereda)
JCA62c Menna, Harenna & Buluk wereda (.. Arena .. ..) 06/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
mennafesha (männafäsha) (A) windy or breezy place
HDE93 Mennagesha awraja, see Menagesha awraja
HFF.. Mennebiyet (archaeological site), 14/39? [En]
in Gulo Mekeda, between Aksum-Adwa and Eritrea
HDE85 Menole 0856'/3853' 2207 m, 08/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Abeba
HEU82 Menos (Monos) 1325'/3937' 2431 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Gebre Menfes K'idus), south of Kwiha
HDU31 Mens (high plateau) c3050 m, see Menz 10/39 [WO Gu]
HEL72 Menshiva 1229'/3840' 2104 m 12/38 [Gz]
Mensur, a male personal name
HDM34 Mensur 0919'/3944' 1618 m, south of Ankober 09/39 [Gz]
menta (mänta) (A) twins, pair; fork /in a road etc/
HCN06 Menta Bechi (Manta Bacci) 0719'/3520' 1721 m, 07/35 [Gz]
south of Gecha
menta da..: debir (däbir) (A) mountain; church served
by married priests
HED82 Menta Dabir (mountain) 11/37 [WO]
coronation place in 1826
menta de..: deffar (A) bold, venturesome
HED74 Menta Defer 1132'/3757' 2449 m, 11/37 [Gz]
east of Tis Isat
HDU33 Menta Defer kebele (Mänta Däfär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda stretching
north/south, 4-9 km west of Mehal Meda; area 2,696 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
menta w..: wiha (A) water
?? Menta Wiha (M. Wuha) ../.. [n]
HCG46 Mentak (Mentac) (area) 06/35 [+ WO]
mentaka (mänt'aqa) (A) voracious, violent
HBE97 Mentamer, see Moyale
HDE68 Mentamer, see Mintamir
HFD82 Mentebteb (Ment'ebt'eb) 1420'/3744' 1093 m, 14/37 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
HDD05 Menter (Ment'er) 0811'/3758' 2099 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south-east of Welkite
HEF94 Mentera (Ment'era) 1136'/3944' 1419 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-east of Weldiya
?? Mentik (Mänteq), ../.. [n]
a "craftsmen's monastery" near Ankober
?? Menu (hills near lake Turkana) 04/36? [x]
HCR12 Menusa 0723'/3649' 2051 m, south of Jimma 07/36 [Gz]
HDL73 Menya 0945'/3842' 2882 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche, cf Minya
HDK80 Menz (place) 0947'/3732' 2216 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDM.. Menz (cave with mummified bodies), 09/39 [Br]
in the Debre Sina area
HDU31 Menz (Mänz, Manz) (on broad plateau) 1015'/3930' 10/39 [n x]
HDU43 Menz & Gishe awraja 1020'/3940' (-1969-1997-) 10/39 [Gz]
(centre at least 1969-1980 = Mehal Meda),
included Gishe wereda 1941-1974
HDM85 Menz & Yifat awraja 09/39 [MS x]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Sina, was divided before 1970)
HEA73 Menza (Menze) 11/35 [MS WO]
HEJ69c Menzero, see Bahri Gimb
JCJ70 Meo (Mio) 0705'/4138' 772 m 07/41 [Gz WO]
JCN49 Meo (Mio, Mi-o, Ela Mio) 0738'/4040' 1611 m 07/40 [Gz WO LM Gu]
HFF31 Meokudi (Meakudi) (with rock-hewn church),
see Geralta churches - northern
HDL35 Meqi, see Meki
HFE93 Mequam, see Mekwam
-- Mer, small ethnic group (sub-group related to the Bench)
numbering about 1,270 according to the 1994 census
?? Mera, in Kefa kingdom, battle site in 1880s ../.. [20]
HC... Mera Bicho (Merabichu), in Kembata awraja 07/37 [Ad]
HC... Mera Bicho sub-district (centre 1964 = Kecha) 07/37 [+ Ad]
(Merabichu ..)
HC... Merab Abaya Ber Ber (in Gemu awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
merab d..: duba (O) 1. sheep's tail; 2. outer surface
of an object; 3. (duuba) level direction, not upwards or
downwards; duuba (O) behind, in the rear;
dhuubaa (O) soaked grain
HEH78 Merab Duba 714 m, cf Mirab .. 12/36 [WO]
HEH98 Merab Duba (area) 12/36 [WO]
HDT16 Merabete, see Merhabete
HDM83c Merade (Mär'adé, Marade) (historical 1300s), 09/39 [x]
see also Tegulet, cf Maradi
HEK62 Merado, see Mereda
meraf g..: gwa (A) cotton plant before harvest
HFC38 Meraf Gwa (Meraf Gua) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HEK00 Merafit 11/37 [WO]
HDT05 Meragna, see Meranya & HDT27
HDT27 Meragna & Akababi kebele (Märagna ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, surrounding
narrowly Meragna settlement and stretching north and east
from there; area 1,394 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEJ64 Meraile 1219'/4159' 214 m 12/41 [Gz]
HDT05 Meranya (Meragna) 1002'/3855' 2173 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-west of Addis Derra
HDT27 Meranya (Meragna) 1012'/3905' 2285 m, 10/39 [Gz]
east of Addis Derra. The settlement is surrounded
by Meragna & Akababi kebele.
Centre (-1964-) of Mida wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
2E Agam & Zeyda kebele
5E Lebqa & Gadela kebele
10E Ahiyafej
6SE Nenuta kebele
8SE Mirgazh kebele
1S Imbi Belo & Sherer kebele
1S Bedinlib kebele
6S Jema kebele
6S Kora Wenchit Fit kebele
6S Magas kebele
5SW Koso & Girigir kebele
9SW Inzibzib kebele
3W Angatet & Mekten kebele
4W Shimbira Meda kebele
7W Gita & Deka kebele
10W Tegora Dabay kebele
3NW Sorch & Aredawayu kebele
7NW Minaze kebele
7N Kerkere kebele
8N Tema & Muhure kebele
6NE Kawet kebele
9NE Nefasha kebele
9NE Tedla Giyorgis & Sola kebele
HCT19 Meranyo 0724'/3917' 3110 m 07/39 [Gz]
HC... Merap, village north of Arba Minch 06/37 [20]
JDK52 Merar 0931'/4241' 1870 m, north-west of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
merara (A) bitter, acid
HCT29 Meraro 0725'/3915' 3031 m 07/39 [Gz Po x]
(visiting postman under Nazret)
town in Bekoji wereda
merawi (T) bridegroom;
Merawi (Marawi), a male personal name
HEC66 Merawi (Mer Awi) MS: 1115'/3710' = HEC46 11/37 [MS Po Te]
1125'/3710' 2049 m (sub-post office under Debre Markos),
midway between Dangila and Bahir Dar
HEC46 Merawi Maryam 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mecha wereda & of Kola Abole sub-district)
HEC66c Merawi wereda 11/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 46 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDT27c Merayna (Meragna) 10/39 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mida wereda)
HES22 Merbita (Merbit'a) 1254'/3742' 2548 m, 12/37 [Gz]
south of Dabat
?? Merdale (in the Harar region) ../.. [It]
HEH76 Merdibba, see Merebiya
HDM55 Merdiya Amba kebele (Märdiya .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Ankober wereda, 2-5 km
east of Ankober town; area 283 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
merdo (A) announcement of the death of a relative,
condoleance visit
HET51 Merdona 13/38 [WO]
-- Merdu language, see Mursi
mere m..: mitii (O) tiny red or black ant
HEU72 Mere Miiti (M. Mi'iti, Meremiti) (village) 13/39 [Gz Gu]
1322'/3932' 2251 m, south of Kwiha,
see also under Amba Aradam
JCM31 Mereale, see Mererale
HF... Mereb (Märäb), 14/38 [+ Pa]
river being the border between Tigray and Eritrea
HFE.. Mereb Lehe wereda (Merebleha .., Merebe Leke ..) 14/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
Concerning elections, see Rama.
HES34 Mereba (Diensa) 1257'/3755' 2347 m, east of Dabat 12/37 [Gz WO]
HEH76 Merebiya (Merdibba, Meroibba) 12/36 [Gz 18 WO]
1225'/3617' 900 m
HFE.. Merebleha, see Mereb Lehe
HDL73 Mereche (Merech'e) 0941'/3845' 2658 m, 09/38 [Gz]
south of Fiche
HDH13 Merechi, see Wedebo
HDJ56 Merecho (Merech'o) 0933'/3710' 2225 m, 09/37 [Gz]
east of Shambu
HEK62 Mereda (Merado, Merodo) 12/37 [x]
"a humpy volcanic peak" south-east of Gondar
HEK62 Mereda Mikael (M. Micael), see under Belesa 12/37 [LM WO]
merek (märäq) (A), maraki, maraqii (O) broth, gravy;
merreke (märräqä) (A) 1. bless, give best wishes;
2. give as a definite transfer of property
HDH13 Mereki (Merechi) (hill) 2287 m 09/35 [+ WO]
HEL87 Merektseda (Merek'tseda) 1231'/3907' 2258 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-east of Sekota
HEU72 Meremiti, see Mere Miiti
meren (märän) (A) badly educated or disciplined boy
HE... Meren Shewa 12/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kwalissa sub-district)
merene (märänä) (A) 1. tied with a halter; 2. /figuratively:/
subjugated by force
HDK03 Merena 0904'/3750' 2470 m, north-west of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDE74 Merenu 0849'/3848' 2133 m, near Akaki 08/38 [Gz]
HCR58 Merera 0745'/3724' 2111 m 07/37 [Gz]
JCM14 Mererale 06/44 [MS]
JCM31 Mererale (Mereale) 0637'/4428' 464 m, 06/44 [WO Gz Gu Ro]
south-east of Kebri Dehar
merere (märäre) (A) black soil; merere (märärä) (A,T) 1. acid,
bitter; 2. be angry; marara (O) precious, costly
HDL51 Merere 0931'/3835' 1755 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
merere k..: koola (O) wing; qola (O) bark, peel;
qoola (O) pelt /of goat etc./
HDM80 Merere Kola (M. K'ola) 0950'/3921' 1933 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
HDM55 Merere & Kub Amba kebele (Märäré & Qub .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the north in central Ankober wereda,
6-8 km east of Ankober town; area 367 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL95 Merere & Werka kebele (Märäré & Wärka ..) 09/39 [Ad]
almost in north-westernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
stretching to its northern border, 18-25 km south-southwest of
Alem Ketema; area 2,095 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS47 Merereny 1024'/3809' 2455 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bichena
HET66 Meresho 1314'/3904' 1710 m, north of Fenarwa 13/39 [Gz]
meret (märet) (A,T) 1. ground, land, fields; 2. (A) kind of
shrub or small tree, Carissa schimperi
HEE85 Meret (church), see under Bete Hor 11/38 [WO]
H.... Mereta Geralta sub-district 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Amdai)
H.... Mereta sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adi Idaga) 13/38? [Ad]
merete (T) rust; meretu (A) the ground, the land;
maratu (O) mad, crazy
HDL72 Mereto 0942'/3839' 2828 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFE69 Mereto 1407'/3920' 1821 m, south-west of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HFE.. Mereto (area) 13/39? [20]
Exploration licence for 36 of the Mereto area
was obtained in year 2000 by a UK registered company.
merewa (märäwa) (A) bell /of bronze/
-- Merewa, in the early 1600s a collective name of the
three Oromo groups Ana, Uru, and Abati
HCR43 Merewa (Maraua) 0741'/3655' 1819/1831 m, 07/36 [Gz WO Gu]
stream east of Jimma
HEM61 Merewa (Marawa, Maraua, Märäwa) (market) 12/39 [MS 18 WO x]
(British camp in 1868) 1575, 2267 m
JDB90 Merewa 0901'/4042' 1913 m, 09/40 [Gz]
south-west of Asbe Teferi
HEM61 Merewa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Dekabil) 12/39 [Ad]
merfe se..: sala (A,O,T) Oryx antelope; sila (A) falcon, hawk
HDF11 Merfe Sela (M. Gesela) (in Chilalo awraja) 08/39 [x]
village 1.5 km north-west of Sire
HDL01 Merfeta (centre in 1964 of Welmera sub-district) 09/38 [Ad]
HDM11 Merfeta sub-district 09/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shola Gebeya)
HDT28 Mergazh, see Mirgazh
HCD33 Mergele (mountain) 0542'/3750' 2494 m, 05/37 [Gz]
south-east of lake Chamo

merhabete: Baeteman's Amharic dictionary includes

Merabete (märabete) as a name but does not explain it
as a word
HDT.. Merhabete (Märhabeté, Merhabite, Marabiétié) 10/38 [+ x]
(historical area known from the 1300s and earlier)
HDT24 Merhabete awraja 1010'/3850' 10/38 [Gz n Pa x]
(Merha Bete, Merabete, Merhabite, Märrabete, Märrhabété, Marra Biete)
Coordinates would give map code HDT24.
With three weredas in the late 1960s.
Centre at least 1969-1980 = Alem Ketema.
HDT.. Merhabete wereda (centre = Gunde Meskel), 10/38 [20]
nowadays it is the northernmost Oromo wereda
HFD59c Merham Kristos (rock-hewn/?/ church), 14/38 [x]
in Shire east of Aksum
HF... Merhi Senai sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ahseo) 14/39? [Ad]
HFE08 Merhib 1339'/3915' 2446 m, east of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
meri (A) 2. chief, leader; 2. guide; guide-rope of a tent;
meri (O) brother, close friend; godfather at a marriage;
meeri (Som) make someone move around
JBN24 Meri (Muri) 0443'/4012' 948 m, 04/40 [WO Wa Gz]
cf Merri, Melka Meri
merid (märid) (A) title of honour;
Merid, a male personal name
HEK62 Merider Maryam (M. Mariam), see under Belesa 12/37 [+ WO]
meridleh: meriid leh (Som) having a kind of tree from which
arrow-poison is extracted
KCN98 Meridleh (area) 0805'/4541' 718 m 08/45 [WO Gz]
meriga: merga (O) grass, plant, meadow, pasture;
merrege (märrägä) (A) plastered, applied a coat of mud plaster
HDH89 Meriga 09/36 [WO]
JDP32 Merihan (plain, recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
-- Merille (merile), ethnic group living near Kenya,
see Dasenech, also concerning language
-- Meritu language, see Mursi
merka (O) 1. porridge; 2. right hand
Merka, cf Marka
HCC55 Merka (Bohe) 0554'/3703' 967 m, see under Kara 05/37 [Gz]
HES43 Merka (Merca) (area), see under Dabat 13/37 [+ WO]
HDT05 Merkej (Merkel) 1001'/3856' 1679 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Derra
JEB76 Merkele (mountain) 1131'/4115' 643 m, 11/41 [Gz]
west of Asaita
HDT05 Merkesh kebele (Märkäsh ..) 10/39 [Ad]
of irregular shape centrally in southern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
8-10 km south-west of Alem Ketema; area 1,198 hectares.
[CAS 1994]
HDL65 Merketa (Merk'eta, Merqeta) 0940'/3854' 2612 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Debre Libanos
HDM12 Merkore kebele (Märqoré ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Berehet wereda reaching
to its western border, 10-14 km south of Gina Ager;
area 1,253 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Merkorios (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HEF54 Merma 1119'/3944' 1952 m, 11/39 [Gz]
east of and near lake Hayk
mero (märo) (A) chisel
GDF94 Mero (mountain) 0900'/3445' 1653 m, 09/34 [Gz]
east of Gidami
HEK62 Merodo, see Mereda
HEH76 Meroibba, see Merebiya
JBT88 Merole 0518'/4407' 293 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
HEM22 Merora kebele (Märora ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Gidan wereda, 4-8 km
east of Muja; area 2,805 hectares. [CSA 1994]
merri, mere (T) kinds of shrub or tree, Maerua angolensis,
Maerua oblongifolia
HEL50 Merri (Meri) (valley) 1273 m 12/38 [Gu WO]
mersa (T) harbour, haven; (Arabic) bay, cove, inlet;
marsa (O) scapegoat /in traditional belief/
Mersa, cf Merza
HEF51 Mersa, 1120'/3930' 11/39 [x]
?? Mersa (sub-post office under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
HEF93 Mersa (Mersa Urgesa) 1140'/3939' 1793 m 11/39 [Gz Ha 20]
town in Raya Azebo wereda
(with church Mikael), south of Weldiya
With sub-post office under Mekele.
Adjoining kebeles are Buhoro to the north, Agamsa
to the east and west, and Wete to the south.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
6S Mehal Amba kebele
8S Were Kalo kebele
9SW Baykedagn kebele
8W Kula Kwaho kebele
6NW Melentela kebele
8NW Sirinka kebele
8NW Gerada kebele
8N Alem Agegnehu kebele
4NE Kule kebele
8NE Wachota kebele
10NE Genda Bey kebele
HEF93 Mersall (Merta) 1142'/3942' 1490 m, 11/39 [Gz x]
south-east of Weldiya
mersin g..: galgalo (Som) roll over on the ground /done by animals/
JCU47 Mersin Galgalo (M. Qalqallo) (seasonal waterhole) 07/44 [WO Gz x]
0736'/4457' 841 m
JCN97 Mersu 0807'/4029' 1524 m 08/40 [Gz]
merta: marta (O) plain, usually at the foot of a mountain
HDK18 Merta (Mert'a) 0909'/3815' 2891 m, cf Marta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF93 Merta, see Mersall
HDS98 Mertale Mariam, see Mertule Maryam
HDJ44 Merti 0930'/3659' 2402 m, south-west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDS76 Merti (Marti) (sugar plantation) 0850'/3957', 08/39 [Gz WO]
south-east of Awash river
JDA.? Merti (area in northern Arba Gugu awraja) 08/40? [x]
merti j..: jejju, jejjuu (O) owl
H.... Merti Jeju (visiting postman under Nazret) 08/39? [Po]
Farm run by the state-owned Upper Awash Agro Industry.
H.... Merti Jeju sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tinsae) 08/39? [Ad]
JDA.. Merti wereda (in 1992 in Arba Gugu awraja) 08/40 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
merto: marto (O) loincloth, cloth loosely worn around the waist
?? Merto (visiting postman under Dessie), cf Marto ../.. [18 Po]
HEF92 Merto kebele (Märt'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
?? Merto Lemaryam (sub-post office under D.Markos) ../.. [Po]
equivalent to Mertule Maryam below?
?? Merto Lemikael (monastery in Wello) ../.. [x]
HDS98 Mertule Maryam (Martola M., Mertola M.) 10/38 [MS Ch Ha Gu]
(Mertula Mariam, Martula M., Märtulä M.) 10/38 [Ro Gu WO Pa]
(with Qäraniyo monastery) 1050'/3816' 2405, 2750 m
(centre in 1964 of Enebssie wereda & of Worya sub-district)
?? Mertule Mikael (Märtule Mika'el), ../.. [+ Pa]
(historical church from the 1300s in Fätägar at a place Yäläbasha)
JDS92 Meru 1051'/4245' 643 m 10/42 [Gz]
-- Merule language, see Murle
merz (A), merzi (T) poison, venom; merzam (märzam) (T) poisonous
HEM04 Merza, cf Mersa 11/39 [Wa]
mesa (mäsa) (Tigré) to become evening;
meesaa (O) preparing land and sowing tef there
HFE98 Mesaber (hill) /=Mesa Ber?/, see Mezbir
?? Mesafe, cf under Durame
mesal (mäsal) (A) whetstone; dengiya (A) stone;
mesel (mäsäl) (T) right
HES72 Mesal Dengiya (Masal Dengia, Massal D.) 12/37 [+ Gu Gz]
1249'/3744' 2705/2727 m
HCG78 Mesan, see Mizan Teferi
HEU94 Mesba Maryam (M. Mariam) 1331'/3948' 1900 m, 13/39 [Gz]
east of Kwiha
?? Mescaloxos (on map of 1814) 12/37 [18]
at the western shore of lake Tana, a little south of Delgi
HEA35 Mescescia, see Bameza
HDM64 Mescha kebele (Mäsch'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north Ankober wereda at its western border,
8-11 km north of Ankober town; area 588 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE58 Meschel .., see Meskel ..
HDM21 Meschela .., see Meskela ..
HEF53 Mesel kebele (Mäsäl ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Tehuledera wereda, 5-8 km
south-southwest of Hayk town; area 1,451 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Mesela (messele) (mäsälä), a male personal name
JDH05 Mesela (Messela, Mesella, Mesala, Masala) 09/41 [Gz Po WO Gu]
0905'/4110' 2474 m, in Chercher awraja
(with sub-post office under Asbe Teferi)
(centre in 1964 of Mesela wereda)
HDU33 Mesela Maryam kebele (Mäsäla .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel
wereda, 7-11 km west of Mehal Meda; area 1,193 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDH05 Mesela wereda (-2000s-) 09/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
meselal (A); mesalil (T) stool, low chair
HCM05 Mesello, see Meslo
-- Mesengo, ethnic group speaking Majang and
numbering about 15,341 according to the 1994 census,
see Majangir
-- Mesengo language, see mainly Majangir
HC... Mesengo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/35 [Ad]
HEJ06 Mesenka (Mesenk'a) 1147'/3712' 1828 m, 11/37 [Gz]
near the inflow of Little Abay into lake Tana
HC... Mesenkela (=Mizan Kella?), in Sidama awraja 06/38? [Ad]
meseraia: mesariya (A,T) weapon; (A) tool for work, means;
maseriya (A) thong, strap, something to tie with;
mesireya (A) hole in the ground for the pedal of a weaver;
mesaferiya (A) camping-ground
HES68 Meseraia (Meserya) (mountain) 1315'/3813' 4419 m 13/38 [WO Gz 20]
"Facts about Ethiopia" says 4360 m and 8th highest mountain in Ethiopia.
HEE39 Meserbi kebele (Mäsärbi ..) 11/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south in central Tenta wereda at
equal distance to its western and eastern borders,
13-16 km south of Tenta settlement; area §,538 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT69 Meserbo kebele (Mäsärbo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Jema wereda stretching
to the middle of its northern border, 9-19 km
north of Degolo; area 2,367 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
meseret (mäsärät) (A) foundation, base, keystone
JDH37 Meserete (with school) 0922'/4122', 09/41 [Gz]
north-west of Deder
HES68 Meserya, see Meseraia
mesf (mäsf) (A) anvil
HEF80 Mesfa 1137'/3924' 2866 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Mekdela
mesfin (mäsfin) (A,T) prince, duke, lord;
Mesfin (Mesfun), a male personal name
HEE86 Mesfina kebele (Mäsfena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda somewhat to the east,
11-18 km east of Filakit; area 5,171 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mesafintu (A) the nobility
HER88 Mesfinto (Masfinto) 13/37 [MS WO x]
(Madra Gavaia = Madira Gebeya?) 1328'/3723' 1996 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6E Sereva (village)
2S Skaka Daab (Scaca D.) (village)
6S Kidus Mikael (church)
8S Madira Gebeya (Madra Gavaia) (village) 2466 m
5NW Dima (village) 1701 m
7NE Govatwit
mesgid (mäsgid) (A) mosque
HEM70 Mesgid 1227'/3925' 2835 m, west of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
?? Meshala Maryam, in Menz? ../.. [x]
(mentioned as site of a shrine in the 1460s)
HET60c Meshar, village east of Ras Dashen 13/38 [x]
HFF60 Meshat 1408'/3923' 1952 m, south-west of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HEP46 Mesheha (Mesciaha) (plateau area) 13/36 [WO]
HEP46 Mesheha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kilil) 13/36 [Ad]
HEU42 Meshek, see Meshi
HE... Meshelemya (Mäshälämya) (area) 11/38 [Pa]
historically recorded in the 1600s, not far from Nefas Mewcha
?? Meshellu, area & stream south of lower Awash river, ../.. [20]
with archaeological sites
HEC78 Meshenti 1128'/3717' 1965 m, 11/37 [Gz]
in Gojjam, with Bahir Dar as the nearest town
HEK51 Meshenti 12/37 [MS]
Meshesha (Mashasha) (mäshäsha), a male personal name
HEA34 Meshesha (Mescescia, Mashasha) 485/957 m 11/35 [+ WO Gu Ch]
HES68c Meshida (Mescida) (area), south-east of Adi Arkay 13/38 [+ Gu]
HEU42 Meshik (Meshick, Meshek) (river), 13/39 [+ WO 18]
(British camp in 1868)
HFF00 Mesihil 1336'/3925' 1929 m, north-west of Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
mesk (mäsk) (A) pasture, grazing ground, meadow
HED87 Mesk 1138'/3814' 3450 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Tabor
HDU64 Mesk Amba kebele (Mäsk .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Gishe Rabel wereda, adjoining
Rabel settlement to its south and being 16-18 km
south-east of Were Ilu; area 921 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU94 Mesk kebele (Mäsk ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching narrowly
south-west/north-east to its north-eastern border, 18-19 km
north-northwest of Majete; area 878 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT83 Meskabe, see Miskabe
HDM81 Meskalasos (Mescalasos) 09/39 [+ WO]
-- Meskan (mäsqan), traditionally a Gurage area.
-- Meskan language (Mäsqan, Maskan, Misqan,
rarely Gogot or Urib) a western Gurage dialect
-- Meskan people, with eight territorial sub-units
HDE00 Meskan (Mescan), see under Gogetti 08/38 [+ Gu]
HC... Meskan & Mareko wereda (-1997-) 08/38 [n 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 82 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
HCS99 Meskan wereda (Mäsk'an ..) 08/38 [Ad x]
(centre in 1957 = Butajira, in 1964 = Koto)
meskel (mäsqäl) (A,T) cross
HDM90 Meskel (Mascal) 2755 m 09/39 [+ WO]
HDT26 Meskel (Mesk'el, Mesqel) 1012'/3902' 1909 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
east of Addis Derra
HEE83 Meskel (Mesk'el, Mesqel) 1140'/3845' 2772 m, 11/38 [Gz q]
west of Bete Hor
HFF43 Meskel (Mesk'el, Mesqel, Mascal) (mountain) 13/39 [Gz q]
1359'/3940' 2846 m, east of Hawzen
HDT28 Meskel Amba (Mesk'el A.) 1008'/3914' 2501 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEL85 Meskel Kristos (Mascal Cristos, Maskala Cristos) 12/38 [+ Gu Ch]
(village and church), peak 3670 m
meskel ts..: tsedey, sowing season from March to June
HFE58 Meskel Tsediya (Meschel Tzedia) 14/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1404'/3912' 1965 m
meskela: maskala (O) cross
HDJ54 Meskela (Mesk'ela, Mesqela) 0932'/3700' 2256 m 09/37 [Gz q]
HDL82 Meskela (Mesk'ela, Mesqela) 09/38 [AA q]
(area) 3196 m, see under Fiche
HEF50 Meskela (Mesk'ela, Mäsqäla, Meskella) 11/39 [Gz Po]
(visiting postman under Dessie), south-east of Mekdela
1120'/3925' 2657 m
HDM21 Meskela Ager (Meschela Agher), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Shola Gebeya
HE... Meskela sub-district (centre in 1964 = Manoshe) 11/39 [Ad]
HDM93 Meskele Gedam kebele (Mäsqälé Gädam ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the south-east in the main body of Mafud, Mezezo,
Moja & Wadera wereda, 5-9 km north-west of Debre Sina;
area 834 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HED02 Meskele Kristos (Mesk'ele K., M. Kiristos) 10/37 [Gz]
1052'/3744' 2722 m, south-west of Mota
HEJ34 Meskele Kristos (Mesk'ele K., M. Kiristos) 12/37 [Gz Ch WO]
(Maskala Cristos, Masgala C.) (with partly rock-cut church)
1222'/3715' 1849 m
HEL35 Meskele Kristos kebele (Mäsqälä Krestos ..) 12/38 [Ad]
centrally in Bugna wereda, 17 km west-northwest
of Lalibela; area 6,882 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM30 Meskelenas (Mascalanos), see under Muja 12/39 [LM WO]
HDM71 Meskelesos kebele (Mäsqäläsos ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the west in northern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit
wereda, 9-12 km north-northwest of Debre Birhan town;
area 769 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL85 Meskelo (Mesk'elo, Mesqelo, Mescalo, Mascalo) 12/38 [Gz q WO]
1229'/3857' 2443 m
HDM33 Meskelo Ager kebele (Mäsqälo Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
4-8 km east of Shola Gebeya; area 984 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Meskembit (Mäsqämbit), mountain in Shewada ../.. [x]
HEC.. Meskerem 16 11/37 [n]
An elementary school in Gojjam, the nearest town is Bahir Dar.
mesketo: meskot (T), maskoti (O) window;
-- Mesketo, an ethnic group within the Ometo,
with their own variety of language
HCB98 Mesketo (Mesekito, Meskito, Frehiwet) 06/36 [Gz Ad x]
0615'/3625' 802 m
(centre in 1964 of Bonke wereda)
HCB.. Mesketo Laska (centre in 1964 of Dime wereda) 06/36 [Ad]
meskin (T) 1. poor, miserable, wretched; 2. naive, innocent
JEB88 Meskini (Meschini) (area), see under Asaita 11/41 [+ WO]
HEL49? Meskiye (Meskiyie) 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Amewat sub-district)
HEL49 Meskiye Maryam (church) 1210'/3917', 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
HCM05 Meslo (Masslo, Maslo, Isak Gilo, Masslo Goba) 06/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(Mesello, not: Sacchegillo), see also Mena 06/39 [Po Ad Gu]
Gz: 0625'/3951' 1260 m; MS: 0615'/3950' 1340/1430 m
MS coordinates would give map code HCF95 more to the south.
With sub-post office under Goba.
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Delo awraja
and in 1964 of Delo sub-district.
-- Mesmes (Mäsmäs), an extinct language related to West Gurage
-- Mesmes people (Mäsmäsa, Masmas)

mesno (A,T) irrigation channel; masino (O) irrigation area

HDK98 Mesno 0957'/3914' 2181 m, 09/39 [Gz]
west of Tulu Milki, cf Masno
HDT08 Mesno 0957'/3914' (with church Maryam Debir), 09/39 [Gz x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HES41 Mesno 1307'/3741' 1866 m, 13/37 [WO Gz]
north-west of Dabat
JDJ25 Mesno 0917'/4203' 1819 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ41 Mesno 0929'/4146' 2055 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-west of Dire Dawa
HDU61 Mesno Amba 1030'/3927' 2643 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
HDU70 Mesno Amba 1035'/3924' 2746 m, 10/39 [Gz]
west of Were Ilu
HDU72 Mesno Amba kebele (Mäsno .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the south in Were Ilu wereda at its border,
1-6 km west of Were Ilu town; area 1,789 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE88 Mesno Amba kebele (Mäsno .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, adjoining
Wegel Tena and stretching 4 km to the west
from there; area 1,847 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM31 Mesno Desta Fit kebele (Mäsno Dästa .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the west in northern Hagere Maryam
& Kesem wereda, 4-8 km east-southeast of Koremash;
area 1,620 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU24 Mesno kebele (Mäsno ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the east in north Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
12-16 km north-east of Molale; area 675 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM 54 Mesno Kelewa kebele (Mäsno Käläwa ..) 12/39 [Ad]
a very large kebele in north-easternmost Kobo wereda
at the corner of its borders, 11-25 km north-east of
Kobbo town; area 11,892 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Mesno Maryam, ../.. [En]
near Tegulet-Bulga, with church education
JDJ41 Mesno Wahel (mountain) 0929'/4144' 1819 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-west of Dire Dawa
mesno z..: zenbaba (A) palm leaves of Phoenix reclinata
HDM10 Mesno Zenbaba 0911'/3922' 2008 m 09/39 [Gz]
JDH20 Meso, see Mieso
HDM94 Mesobit 0953'/3944' 3001 m (w church Abun Abit), 09/39 [Gz x]
between Debre Sina and Sela Dingay
HDT15 Mesobit 1006'/3857' 1881 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Derra
HDT50 Mesobit 1027'/3827' 1597 m, east of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HDM44 Mesobit Gedeba kebele (Mäsobit Gädäba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the south in central Ankober wereda,
4-6 km south-east of Ankober town; area 539 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Mesraha (=Mitraha?) (island in lake Tana) 12/37 [Pa]
HCS.. Messa, area in Timbaro wereda 07/37 [x]
HES95 Messecher Gabriel 1331'/3803' 1154 m 13/38 [Gz]
messega: mosogo (T) kind of tree /?/, Meriandra bengalensis
HER74 Messega Ava (area) 13/36 [WO]
messega g..: girma (A) dignity. majesty, grandeur
HER74 Messega Girmay (Messega Ghirmai) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
JDH05 Messela, see Mesela
messet (Gurage), singing fellow-girls of a bride
HFF92 Messeta (Messetu) 1425'/3937' 2377 m 14/39 [WO Gz]
?? Messiraba (historical from 1600s), in Simen? ../.. [x]
HEE88 Mestenker, see Mistinkir
HC... Mesunger, near Awasa, 07/38 [20]
see under Sheko & Mesunger wereda
meswait (A) sacrifice; meswaiti (T) 1. sacrifice; 2. victim;
miswat, mitswat (A) alms, charity
HEU02 Meswait (Meswa'it, Meswa'et) 1242'/3932' 2695 m 12/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Werebayo & Gebati sub-district)
(visiting postman under Mekele)
meta (A) guard of prisoners; meta, mata (O) 1. head, skull,
cranium; 2. iron ring worn on the thumb;
metta (mätt'a) (A) arrive, come
yemeta meret (A) land allotted to prison guards
-- Meta, a group of eastern Oromo
HDE81 Meta, see Meta Jira
HDK19 Meta (Metta) 0909'/3824' 2621 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
cf Mata, Mita, north of Addis Alem
JDH28 Meta (district) 09/41 [x]
JDH39 Meta 0921'/4131' 2181 m, north-east of Deder 09/41 [Gz]
JDJ33 Meta 0920'/4152' 1944 m, south of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
?? Meta Amba Kile, in the Ankober region ../.. [n]
meta gafarsa (O) skull of buffalo
HBT24 Meta Gafersa (.. Gefersa), see Arero
meta j..: jira, jiraa (O) grain, edibles
HDE81 Meta Jira (Meta) 0855'/3831' 2219 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with school, and church Abo), west of Sebeta
meta k..: mata koma (O) head and chest?
koma (A) 1. sterile /land/; kind of large tree;
koma (O) 1. chest, breast; 2. qoomaa, instant killing;
matokoma (O), matakoma (Alabdu O) tree, such as Celtis kraussiana
JDA98 Meta Koma (Matacoma) 08/40 [LM WO]
meta m..: muraa (O) to plough crisscross; murra (O) fortification
JDA67 Meta Mura 0843'/4028' 1730 m, 08/40 [Gz]
between Mechara and Gelemso
meta r..: robi, roobi (O) 1. hippopotamus; 2. Wednesday; 3. rain
meta robi (O) skull of hippopotamus
HD... Meta Robi wereda (-1904-2005-) 09/38? [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 67 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
H... Meta wereda (Mieta ..) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Chilalo)
(-1994-) is divided into 78 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HES.. Metagogo, see Imet Gogo
HDL00 Metala 0906'/3825' 2455 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
HDL00 Metaleya 0905'/3825' 2572 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Abo), see under Addis Alem
HCL56 Metama (area) 2670 m 06/38 [WO]
HCS84 Metana (Met'ana, Tambore) 0801'/3749' 2133 m 08/37 [Gz]
HFE37 Metar Maryam (church) 1352'/3905', 13/39 [Gz]
north of Abiy Adi
HDL75 Metaya (waterfalls) 0941'/3856', 09/38 [Gz]
east of Debre Libanos
metcha meda, field of Mecha Oromo?
HEE69 Metcha Meda (recorded in 1868), 11/39 [18]
see under Mekdela
HDM12 Mete kebele (Mét'é ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at
its eastern and southern borders; area 2,222 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
metebiya: mataba (O) long necklace
HEH87c Metebiya (Matabia, Matebiya), 12/36 [MS n 20]
near Metemma and the old monastery of Mahbere Sillase.
HEH87c Metebiya wereda/?/ (-1997-) 12/36 [n]
HDL80 Metecha (Met'echa) 0948'/3929' 2271 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
HEE39 Metegena, see Mitigina
HDT78 Metegere 1038'/3912' 2500 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HFF01 Metegol 1337'/3930' 1968 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Iyesus), north of Mekele
HDF86 Metehara (Metahara, Methara, Matahara, Mathara) 08/39 [MS Gz Gu Po Ne]
(Metahari) (Oromo: Mata Haaraa)
MS: 0853'/3952' (lake at 0852'/3952') 947 m
Gz: 0854'/3955' 1007 m, 25 km east of the Garibaldi pass.
Railway station (with sub-post office & church Mikael)
(centre in 1964 of Simegne Meda sub-district,
later Fentale wereda).
The small lake is saline.
HDM16 Metehbila 0910'/3955' 869 m 09/39 [Gz]
HEB18 Metehe (area) 11/36 [WO]
HEF30 Metejo (Met'ejo) 1110'/3925' 3103 m, 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie
meteka: mengist metekiya (mängist mätäkiya) (A) was state land
used for modifications "to plant or uproot" soldiers
JDG98 Meteka 0952'/4031' 628 m 09/40 [Gz]
meteka f..: fil wiha (A) hot water /spring/
JDN19c Meteka Filwoha 10/40 [20]
village at the road, 10 km from Gewane, with Afar inhabitants
HFE14 Meteka sub-district (Meteca ..), cf Mataka 13/38 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Shimarwie)
HEB26 Metekel (Metekele, Meteke), see Chagne
HEB13 Metekel awraja (Metkel .., Mätäkäl ..) 1100'/3600' 11/36 [Gz Ad n 20]
(Matakal .., Metekkel .., Metekkil ..)
(centre at least 1959-1964 = Kedamawi H.S.Ber)
(centre at least 1969-1980 = Chagne)
The Beles river divides M. in half.
HDM46 Meteklea (Meteclea) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDT48 Metela kebele (Mätäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-east Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda at its
northern border, 11-15 km north-northwest of Meragna;
area 1,533 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE84 Meteli 08/38 [x]
HEP35 Metemma (Metema, Matemma, Matamma, Matama) 12/36 [WO Gz Gu Te]
(Matammeh, Metemeh, Mettemma) 12/36 [18 x]
1258'/3612' 685 m
(with sub-post office under Gondar), given as Gallabat in some lists
for Ethiopia, but the main Gallabat is in Sudan, near Metemma
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SE Genga (Ghenga, Cengia) (village) 703 m
9SE Werk Amba (Uorch A.) (area)
?? Assaf (small village) 711 m
4S Marmage (Gebel Marmaghe) (area)
3NE Maryam Wiha (Mariam Waha)
HFC33 Metemma 13/36 [WO]
?? Metemma sub-district (-1964-1997-) ../36 [n]
(centre in 1964 = Awateho)
?? Metemma wereda (ctr in 1964 = Yohannes Ketema) ../36 [Ad]
HFC33 Metemmeh (Metemmeli) 1352'/3653' 881 m, 13/36 [Gz]
west of Kafta
meten (mät'än) (A) amount, measure, limit
HDN.. Meten, on the Abay river 10/35 [20]
HEF24 Metene (Met'ene) 1104'/3942' 2013 m, 11/39 [Gz]
near Kombolcha
HEF24 Metene kebele (Mät'äné ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda adjoining Kombolcha to its
south-west and extending 7 km to the west; area 3,308 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBR.. Metera (village) 05/37 [x]
HDT57 Meterariya (Met'erariya) 1024'/3904' 1718 m 10/39 [Gz]
HE... Metere, in Dessie awraja 11/39 [Ad]
metero: mettero (mättäro) (A) lowland plant used
against tapeworm
HEF37 Metero (Met'ero, Mietiero) 1112'/3959' 1748 m, 11/39 [Gz Ad]
east of Kombolcha at the road to Assab
(centre in 1964 of Wehelo sub-district)
(same Metero?: centre in 1964 of Bet Lij sub-district)
HEF21 Metero kebele (Mét'äro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Kuta Ber wereda at a piece of southern border,
21-26 km west of Dessie; area 2,503 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF44 Metero kebele (Mét'äro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Tehuledere wereda, on the shore
south-west of lake Hardibo (Ardibo) and 10-16 km
south-southeast of Hayk town; area 2,403 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCN89 Meterro, G. (area) 2027 m 08/40 [WO]
GDE07 Methoc (Metoc) 0812'/3404' 437 m 08/34 [Gz]
JFA14 Methongoli (area) 932 m 13/40 [WO]

meti, meetii (O) 1. silver; 2. shield;

metti (Western O) collective name for all palms; wild date palms,
palms, Phoenix reclinata, Hyphaene thebaica; palm leaf
HBR45 Meti (waterhole) 04/37 [WO]
HBR54 Meti (area) 05/37 [WO]
HCN05 Meti (Met'i, Meti Chafi, M. Ciafi) 07/35 [Gz WO]
0714'/3519' 1266 m, south of Gecha
Coordinates would give map code HCG05
HCR97 Meti (mountain) 08/37 [WO]
HDG62 Meti (Met'i, Metti) 0939'/3500' 1454 m, 09/35 [Gz x]
near map code GDM67, south-west of Mendi
HDL43 Meti (Met'i, Metti) 0926'/3842' 2370/2435 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Gu]
south of Fiche
HFM01 Metich 1430'/3932' 1938 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north of Adigrat on the border of Eritrea
HEE12 Metik kebele (Mät'eq ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda, 17-21 km
south-west of Ajibar; area 2,053 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
metiteh b..: bila (O) 1. red honey; 2. flower or "beard"
on barley/wheat; (A) soil leached by water
HDM13 Metiteh Bila, town in Berehet wereda 09/39 [20]
HDM13 Metiteh Bila kebele (Mät'etäh Bela ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Berehet wereda surrounding
Metiteh Bila settlement; area 1,472 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT00 Metk (Met'k', Metq) 0959'/3929' 2593 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-east of Tulu Milki
metkel i..: ilama (A,T) target; (T) purpose, intention
HFF12 Metkel Ilama 1342'/3935' 1971 m, west of Agula 13/39 [Gz]
HDK89 Metkoriya (Met'k'oriya) 0950'/3923' 2708 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
HD... Metmaq, see Debre Mitmak
meto (mäto) (A) /one/ hundred;
matto (O) old and respectable /woman/
HDM82 Meto (Mietto) 2726 m 09/39 [LM WO]
JDA03 Meto, G.(area) 2025 m, see under Gololcha 08/40 [WO]
JDH99 Meto (Metto, Metu) 09/41 [MS Ad LM]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HES13 Meto Giyorgis (Metuo Georgis) (church) 12/37 [LM WO]
GDE07 Metoc, see Methoc
HED08 Metol (Met'ol) 1052'/3816' 2557 m 10/38 [Gz]
HCR23 Metoso (Met'oso, Met'osa) 0725'/3653' 2160 m 07/36 [Gz]
south-east of Jimma
HEK40 Metraa (Metraha), see Mitraa
HDE12c Metregebt (Metreghebt) 08/38 [+ Gu]
(mountain) over 2500 m
HEU20 Metri Wazeno (Metri Uazeno) 12/39 [+ WO]
HEK86 Metsefet (mountain) 1232'/3808' 2005 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
HFF25 Metsua, see Mitsiwai
metta (mätt'a) (A) arrive, come; metta (A) hit; put animals
together for breeding
-- Metta, Mietta, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe, also
a lineage of the Sabbo-Mattarri of the Borana people;
-- also Warra Metta is an Ala tribe of the eastern Oromo
HDK09 Metta (area), cf Mietta 09/38 [WO]
HDK19 Metta, see Meta
metta j..: jara, jaraa (O) 1. big, huge; 2. they, people;
jarra (O) Oromo ceremony every eight years
HD... Metta Jara, in Menagesha awraja 09/38? [Ad]
JDH39 Metta wereda (centre in 1964 = Chelenko) 09/41 [Ad]
metti (O) 1. troop, band, crowd; 2. collective
name for all palms
HDF64 Metti, M. (area) 1680 m 08/39 [WO Gu]
HDG48 Metti, see under Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDC57 Mettu Silmo (area) 08/37 [WO]
metu: matu (O) cut back, prune /trees/
HDA18 Metu (Mettu, Matu, Mattu, Matto) 08/35 [Gz Po Br WO]
Gz: 0818'/3535' 1605 m; MS: 0810'/3530' 1494 m
MS coordinates would give map code HDA07 more to the SW.
Centre in 1964 of Ali wereda & of Metu sub-district, and
centre in 1980 of Sor & Geba awraja, with post office.
HDA18 Metu wereda (Mattuu ..) (ctr = Metu) 08/35 [n]
Established in 1991, one of twelve weredas in Illubabor.
(-1994-) is divided into 83 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
mewat (mäwat) (A) hot springs;
mewata (mäwata) (A), mewati (T) mortal, dying
HEL39 Mewat 1207'/3920' 3461 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
HE... Mewat Alefa, 12/37 [x]
mineral springs east of lake Tana
HEM31 Mewat kebele (Mäwat ..) 12/39 [Ad]
mewat t..: tesfaye (A) my hope; a male name
HFC34c Mewat Tesfaye 13/36 [LM]
mewcha (mäwch'a) (A) way out
HE... Mewcha Gudebega 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kurieb sub-district)
HFE49 Mewker (Mewk'er) 1357'/3918' 1981 m, 13/39 [Gz]
west of Hawzen
HDU42 Mewo, see Miwo
HDU00 Meya 1000'/3924' 1925 m, south-west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
?? Meyda Merra, in northern Ethiopia ../.. [n]
HEM80 Meydatat 1231'/3921' 2946 m, west of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
JEA03 Meyiti (Meyit'i) 1054'/4003' 1380 m, south of Bati 10/40 [Gz]
HFF24 Meyku Mesehal (Meyk'u M., Meyk'u Meschal) 13/39 [Gz]
1345'/3943' 2110 m, south-west of Atsbi
HCJ65 Meyla 0658'/3707' 1793 m, south-west of Waka 06/37 [Gz]
JDA69 Meyu (Meyw) 0839'/4036' 1729 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south-east of Gelemso
JDC35 Meyu 0829'/4206' 851 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDC73 Meyu (Meyumuluke, Mayu) 0848'/4159' 1319 m 08/41 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Meyumuluke sub-district)
Coordinates would give map code JDC74
JDJ24 Meyu (Moyu) 0914'/4202' 1738 m, 09/42 [Gz]
south-west of Harar
JDC73 Meyumuluke sub-district (Meyumulki ..)(-1964-1997-) 08/41 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Meyu),
see also Golo Oda & Meyumuluke wereda
JDA69 Meyw, see Meyu
HDU03 Meza & Atabkign kebele (Méza & At'abqign ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
5-7 km south of Molale; area 979 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE.. Mezaber (Mäzabär) 14/38 [En]
archaeological site near Aksum, see under Melazo
HFE99 Mezabir 1424'/3918' 1956 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north-west of Adigrat, cf Mesbir
GD... Mezako, in Beni Shangul/?/ in the west 10/34 [x]
HEL43 Mezar Tafir (M. T'afir) 1212'/3846' 2449 m, 12/38 [Gz]
north-west of Lalibela
HDU20 Mezaweriya (Mezawerita) 1012'/3921' 2674 m, 10/39 [Gz]
west of Molale
HFF04c Mezbahe (with rock-hewn church Maryam), 13/39 [x]
in the Dessa district
HFE86 Mezbir 1422'/3902' 2029 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north-west of Inticho
HFE98 Mezbir (Mesaber) (mountain) 1424'/3912' 2148 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north of Inticho
mezega (mäzäga) (A) black cotton soil
HFD35 Mezega (Mäzäga) 1354'/3758' 13/37 [n]
district on the northern banks of Tekezze river
HDM73 Mezerazir kebele (Mäzärazer ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
12-14 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 501 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF72 Mezewele 1412'/3937' 2759 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
mezeze (mäzäzä) (T) 1. impose, attribute; 2. draw /sword/
from sheath; mezzeze (mäzzäzä) (T) to be long;
mezezo (mäzäzo) (A) 1. chief of a small locality or
a stable; 2. awkwardly tall man
HDM95c Mezezo (Mäzäzo) 09/39 [LM n]
HDU04 Mezezo 0959'/3945' 2477 m 09/39 [Gz Po Ad]
(hill in Yifat), east of Sela Dingay in Menz awraja
(ctr in 1964 of Kewet wereda, with sub-post office under Debre Birhan)
HD... Mezezo sub-district (-1997-) 09/39 [n]
HDM94 Mezezo Zuriya kebele (Mäzäzo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
easternmost in the main body of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda surrounding Mezezo settlement, 8-12 km north-northwest
of Debre Sina; area 977 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM51c Mezgar Amba (recorded in 1868), 12/39 [18]
high mountain, even occasionally with some snow.
HEM42 Mezgeb Amba kebele (Mäzgäb .. ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in northern Gidan wereda at its eastern border,
20 km north-northeast of Muja; area 2,801 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE67c Mezra'ite Kristos, 14/38 [En]
monastery in Adwa awraja, founded in the 1600s.
HEU76 Mezva (area) 13/39 [WO]
HDU30 Mezwarya (Mezuaria) 10/39 [+ WO]
HFK04 Mezzaga (Mezzega, Mazega, Mazäga) (mountain) 14/37 [Gz WO Pa]
1430'/3758' 1474 m, near map code HFD94
(historically recorded Muslim area in Tigray)
HFC03 Mezzaga Romodan (area) 13/36 [WO]
HDU04? Mezzo 09/39 [20]
same as Mezezo? but this spelling used on postmark
mia, mi-a (O) objects, things, goods, utensils, harness;
miaa (O) 1. appetizing, juicy; 2. lard
HDK53 Mia (Mi'a) 0934'/3750' 2448 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDD56 Miagera 0839'/3803' 2528 m 08/38 [Gu Gz]
H.... Miam Atal (ctr in 1964 of Kala sub-district) 13/38? [Ad]
HCG58 Mianta, see Debre Werk
JCP57 Miaua (Miyaba) 0742'/4120' 1168/1195 m 07/41 [WO Gz LM)
HEF04 Miawa (Mi'awa) 1055'/3946' 1471 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south of Kombolcha
HEF04 Miawa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
almost in south-easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda reaching to its
eastern border, 15-18 km south of Kombolcha; area 2,392 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD70 Micael, see Mikael & HDJ48 HDS32 HDS41c HDS50c HEJ56
HFC08 Micael, see Kidus Mikael
HFE19 Micael Alassa, see Awiara
HDL18 Micawa, see Mikawa
HDC07 Micciu, see Michu
micha, miich'aa (O) washing of clothes
HDK99 Micha (Mich'a) 0955'/3823' 2329 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki, cf Mecha
HDU50 Micha kebele (Mich'a ..) 09/38 [Ad]
in east central Jema wereda, 9-16 km
east of Degolo; area 3,682 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFD29 Michara (Miciara) (area) 1719 m, cf Mechara 13/38 [+ Gu]
HEU15 Michare Mikael (church) 1247'/3949', 12/39 [Gz]
east of Maychew
?? Micheg (Swe: Mitjeg), in Menz near Wello ../.. [x]
HDC93 Michele, S. (church), see under Sire HDC93 09/36 [WO]
HDD76 Michele, see Kidus Mikael
JDA36 Micheta (Mich'eta, Mechta) 0825'/4021' 1584 m, 08/40 [Gz]
near Mechara
JDA45 Micheta (Mich'eta, Miceta) 0834'/4019' 1828 m, 08/40 [Gz WO]
(with church Maryam to the north)
?? Michew, town in Tigray (-2006-) ../.. [Ad]
michi (O) illness believed to be caused
by draught; wacha (O) din of people or of boiling water;
(A) wild fig tree, Ficus sp.
HCH82c Michi Wacha, cf Wach 07/35 [Wa]
HES66 Michibi (on Simen hiking route) 13/38 [Br]
HCD88c Michicha (Miciccia) c.2100 m 06/38 [+ Gu]
village in Sidamo, with SIM mission
michicho (O) kinds of tree, Ilex mitis, Pygeum africanum
HDG68 Michicho (Mich'ich'o) 0937'/3531' 2020 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north of Nejo
HDH18 Michicho Silase (Mich'ich'o S.) (church), 09/36 [Gz]
0912'/3626', north-west of Nekemte
HDT49 Michig 1022'/3916' 2563 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
HDF12 Michika (Miccica), see under Sire 08/39 [+ WO]
HCK.. Michile, in Wenago /wereda?/ 06/38 [n]
There is a megalithic site which contains 10 steles.
HCD.. Michille, in Gedeo awraja 06/38 [n]
michire, mich'iree (o) 1. maize germ; 2. gland
HDL24 Michire (Mich'ire) 0919'/3849' 2739 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Sululta
HDL53 Michire (Mich'ire) 0935'/3846' 2535 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south of Fiche
HEU10 Michiro (Mich'iro) 1250'/3922' 2023 m, 12/39 [Gz]
west of Maychew
michiru, mich'iiruu (O) twist, wring, squeeze, force, eradicate
HES77 Michotis (on Simen hiking route) 13/38 [Br]
michu, michuu (O) fiancé or similar
HDC07 Michu (Micciu, Misciu) 0811'/3717' 2402 m, 08/37 [+ Gz]
west of Abelti
mida (O) alpine plant with geranium-shaped leaves;
midda (O) 1. injury; 2. honour of having made
an important kill
HDL65 Mida 0937'/3855' 2671 m, in Merhabete awraja 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT36 Mida (Midda) (area) 10/39 [Ad WO 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Merhabete province
HDT38 Mida (Midda) 1018'/3909' 2539 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
JDJ68 Mida (Midda) 09/42 [+ WO]
mida k..: kenj (qänj) (A) right /side or hand/
HD... Mida Kenye sub-district (Mida Kenge.. Midakegne..) 09/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Goda Bitilie), in Jibat & Mecha awraja
J.... Mida Welabo sub-district (-1997-) 09/42? [n]
HDT27c Mida wereda (Midela ..) (centre in 1964 = Merayna) 10/39 [Ad]
In the Merhabete awraja, in the Derg period divided
into Mida and Bita Bilo weredas.
HDT27c Mida Weremo wereda (Midda Wärämo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
(centre = Meranya)
Created in 1995 by merging with Werem Wadetu.
midaga, midagaa (O) prettiness, grace, charm;
lola, lolaa (O) 1. flood; 2. symbolic name for cattle
JDC76 Midagalola (Midago), see Midega
JDC76 Midagalola sub-district 08/42 [Ad WO Gu]
(centre in 1964 = Midega)
HDF.. Midagdu, with Catholic church 08/39 [20]
H.... Midagdu (Midegdu), with Catholic Franciscans 08/3. [20]
HEC94c Midara (in Liban district, with limestone quarry) 11/36 [Ch]
midda, miidda (O) injury
HDT38 Midda, see Mida
JDJ67 Middaydu (Middaidu) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
JDC76 Midega (Midega Lola, Miedegga, Midago) 08/42 [Gz Ad WO]
(Midagalola) 0852'/4210' 1476 m
(centre in 1964 of Midagalola sub-district)
?? Midere Genet ../.. [Po]
Spelling used by its sub-post office.
midgane: midgaan (Som) group of primitive hunters,
-- Midgan, caste group of hunters and tanners
living among the Somali
JDS03 Midgane (area) 10/42 [WO]
JCR99 Midigera (Midighera) 0806'/4226' 1014 m, 08/42 [n Gz]
east of Fik
midijja (A) furnace, fireplace, kitchen stove
HDL73 Midija 0942'/3841' 2759 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
midir (A) earth, land, region;
felasi (fälasi) (T) monk; (A) emigrated
HFD88 Midir Felasi 1422'/3815' 1755 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north of Inda Silase
HEC07 Midir Gat (Acuorchi) 1337'/3717' 2174 m, 13/37 [Gz WO]
midir g..: gebeta (gäbäta) (A) low table;
(gäbät'a) (A) game with a double row of twelve hollows
and played with pebbles or similar;
midir gebeta (A) land like a low table?
H.... Midir Gebeta sub-district (Medir G. ..) 13/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Wida)
HFE85 Midmah 1421'/3857' 1861 m, north of Adwa 14/38 [Gz]
midraru: midir (A), midiri (T) land, earth, country
H.... Midrai Kept (small monastery), 08/38 [20]
reached by starting from Butajira in direction Tiya
HEJ97 Midraru (area) 12/37 [WO]
?? Midre, between Dola Mena and Negele ../.. [Br]
midre k..: midir kebd (midir qäbd) (A) land with deposit
to guarantee serious intention
HDE12 Midre Kebd (M. Kebo) 0816'/3836' 2133 m 08/38 [Gz x]
(Medre Käbd), north-west of lake Ziway, see Midrai Kept
HDE32c Midre Kebd sub-district 08/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kondaltiti)
midre z..: zega (various meanings)
?? Midre Zega (Medra ..) (known from the 1300s), ../.. [x]
between the Muger anf Jamma rivers
HDF20 Miece, see Myeche
JDC76 Miedegga, see Midega
-- Mieken language, see Me'en
HCH97 Miera (Miena) 0712'/3623' 2458 m 07/36 [WO Gu Gz]
J.... Mierab .., see Mirab ..
JDH20 Mieso (Mi'eso, Miesso, Mi-esso, Mehesso, Meheso) 09/40 [Gz WO Ad It]
(Meso, Meisso, Maisso) 09/40 [20]
MS: 0912'/4045' 1280/1314 m = JDH10
Gz: 0914'/4045' 1394 m
(sub-post office under Asbe Teferi)
Centre in 1964 of Mieso wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9S Arkoncha (Ark'onch'a, Arconcia) (village) 1512 m
3NW Sufi (Gara Sufi) (mountain) 1722 m
10N Kurfa Dida (Curfa D.) (area)
10NE Mulu (Mullu, Mulloo) (on the railway) 1225/1249 m
JDH20 Mieso wereda (-1997-), 09/40 [Ad]
important cotton production area
miessa, miesa (A,O) kind of tree, Ilex mitis,
also Euclea schimperi, E. kellau
HDD90c Miessa, village about 130 km west of Addis Abeba, 08/37? [x]
in Jibat & Mecha awraja
JEA43 Miessa 11/40 [WO]
JD... Miesso (different from Mieso), 09/42 [Ad]
in the region of Jijiga and Kebri Beyah
Mieta .., cf Meta ..
mieta r..: robi, robbi, roobi (O) 1. hippopotamus;
2. Wednesday; 3. rain
HDM30 Mieta Robi sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Sheno) 09/39 [Ad]
HE... Mietero, see Metero
H.... Mieta, see Meta
HES78 Mietgogo (in Simen National Park), see Imet Gogo
HEM15 Mieti (Mi'eti) 1155'/3950' 1497 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Weldiya
-- Mietta, Metta, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
?? Mietta (Myetta) (on map of 1814), 10/39 [+ 18]
recorded by Henry Salt on a route from Ankober to Wello
HDC50 Mietta (area), cf Metta 08/36 [WO]
HDM72 Mietto, see Nito
migag (Som) kind of small tree, Maerua crassifolia;
jiifa (Som) lynx
KCN57 Migag Jifa (Migag Gifa), cf Megag 07/45 [+ WO]
migaria: megariya (T) hearth
HFE76c Migaria Tsemri sub-district (Megaria Zemri ..) (plain) 14/39 [Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 = Adeki Raesi)
HDU73 Mige & Aymeter kebele (Megé & Aymätär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Gishe Rabel wereda and at its northern
border, 9-15 km east-northeast of Were Ilu; area 2,242 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCD60 Migie 0600'/3732' 1374 m, see under Arba Minch 06/37 [WO Gz]
-- Migir, traditionally a Gurage area
migira (O) roof thatch, kind of tall and hard grass;
miggira (A) Lobelia plant
HCR42 Migira (Mighira) (area) 1846 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [+ WO]
HDL84 Migira 0949'/3851' 2454 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Be'ale Igzi)
HDL90 Migira 0955'/3827' 2172 m, east of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK80 Migiro 0947'/3731' 2237 m (with church Mikael) 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK89 Migiro 0951'/3823' 2529 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDE76 Migra (Babicef, ex-Babicef, Romagna d'Etiopia) 08/38 [Gz It]
0850'/3859' 2036 m
HES36 Migra 1301'/3804' 2851 m, west of Deresge 13/38 [Gz]
HES36 Migra 1300'/3806' 2967 m, west of Deresge 13/38 [Gz]
H.... Mihdar Abur, in Temben south/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
archaeological rock shelter 64 m long and 4 m wide
HFE18 Miheno 1340'/3913' 2546 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-east of Abiy Adi
HEU23 Mihilaw Sebela 1252'/3941' 1776 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Maychew
HFE09 Mihini 1336'/3920' 2004 m, east of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
mihirai s..: seytan terara (säyt'an tärara) (A) Satan's mountain
HFE46 Mihirai Sheytan Terara (Mihira'i Sheyt'an), 13/38 [Gz]
(mountain) 1356'/3806' 1705 m, see Alawgen
mihmas a..: abaqii (O) grain chaff
HFK05 Mihmas Abagii (M. Abagi'i) 1431'/3801' 1478 m 14/38 [Gz]
mihur (A) learned man
HD... Mihur (in Chebo & Gurage awraja) 08/37? [Ad]
-- Miigo (an Oromo cluster), see Gabra
HDN78 Miingiu, see Mincio
miirab Abaya (A) west of lake Abaya
HCD92 Miirab Abaya (Mi'irab A.) 0618'/3746' 1320 m 06/37 [Gz]
-- (Mirababaya), village between Chencha and lake Abaya
HCD98c Mijija (Midjidja), in Deressa area 25 km SW of Dilla 06/38 [+ x]
-- Mijurtin, one of the clans that took part in the Wel Wel incident in 1934
HEJ99 Mika (Mica) 1235'/3729' 2131 m, near Gondar 12/37 [+ Gz]
Mikael, one of the archangels, also an
ordinary personal name in modern time
HDD70 Mikael (S. Micael) (church) 2242 m 08/37 [+ WO]
HDJ48 Mikael (Micael) (church) 2342 m 09/37 [LM WO]
HDR79 Mikael (Micael) (church) 2030 m 10/37 [+ WO]
HDR79 Mikael, see under Dembecha
HDS32 Mikael (Gh. Micael), see under Debre Markos 10/37 [+ WO]
HDS41c Mikael (Micael) (circular church) 2480 m 10/37 [+ Gu]
HDS50c Mikael (Micael) (church) 10/37 [+ Gu]
HEJ56 Mikael (Micael) (church ruin) 12/37 [Ch WO]
mikael a..: ambo (O) 1. mineral water and its source;
2. thorn tree
HFF24 Mikael Ambo (M. Amba) (rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x n]
circa 20 km east of Agula towards Atsbi
HFF42c Mikael Biet Mikai (rock-hewn church), 13/39 [Br]
see under Takatisfi
Mikael bota (A,T) Mikael's place
HFF24c Mikael Bota (rock-hewn church), see under Atsbi 13/39 [Br]
mikael d..: debir (däbir) (A) mountain, sanctuary,
church served by married priests
HEK62 Mikael Debir (Micael D., Michael Debre, M. Debra) 12/37 [LM WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Weyna Dega sub-district),
see under Belesa
mikael i..: imba (T) mountain; (A) tears
HFF25 Mikael Imba (rock-hewn monastic church), 13/39 [Br]
see Hayk Meskel and under Atsbi
HFF80 Mikael Kirsaba, see Kerseber
HFF43 Mikael Milahayzengi, see Mellehay Zengi
?? Mikael Workebet (rock-hewn church), ../.. [n]
in the area of villages Werk Amba and Adiha
HEU.. Mikamet (with rock-hewn/?/ church), 12/39 [x]
in the Raya & Azebo area
HDL18 Mikawa (Micawa) (with fort) 2672 m 09/39 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Aliltu sub-district)
HFF10 Mikimat Ariwa (Mik'imat' A.) 1340'/3923' 2147 m, 13/39 [Gz]
west of Agula
HEU62 Mikimat Iwir, see Makmati Iwir
HFE79 Mikimat Mekonin (Mik'imat' Mekwenin), 14/39 [Gz]
1415'/3920' 2569 m, west of Adigrat
HE... Mikre sub-district 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dinkusa Giyorgis)
HET17 Mikun (Mik'un) 1247'/3908' 2066 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Sekota
mil: milmil (A) 1. chosen, selected, conscript; 2. trimmed,
with branches cut away; 3. /young/ lover who is provided for
/by a rich widow/
JDE25 Mil Mil (area) 08/43 [WO]
HES96 Milach (Milach') (mountain chain) 13/38 [Gz]
1330'/3805' 1486 m
JDA.. Milagdu (Milagdou), 08/40 [x]
a little north-east of Minne, with church
HDU95 Milamile 1047'/3950' 1478 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDB78c Mildab 2100 m 08/41 [Gu]
JDJ67 Mildi (mountain) 0939'/4210' 1551 m, 09/42 [WO Gz]
north of Harar
Coordinates would give map code JDJ66
HBF81 Mile (Gara Mile) 0329'/3927' 1254 m, 03/39 [Gz]
mountain on the border of Kenya
HDC13 Mile (Mole) (mountain) 0816'/3653' 1619 m, 08/36 [WO Gu Gz]
see under Seka
JEB61 Mile, see Mille
HF... Milekwa (Milekua) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Maychew Betach wereda)
HBR48 Milemi, see Teltele
HFF43 Milhaizinge, see Mellehai Zengi
milki (O) omen, foreboding
JDA04 Milki 0811'/4012' 1407 m, south-east of Minne 08/40 [Gz]
HDL01 Mill 09/38 [AA]
milla (O) leg, foot
JEB61 Mille (Mile) MS: 1118'/4048' = JEB51, c.530 m 11/40 [WO Gu Po Gz]
Gz: 1125'/4046' 518 m, in Awssa awraja,
(river outlet into Awash at 1125'/4058' =JEB63)
With bridge, sub-post office under Dessie & plantation to the south.
JEB61 Mille wereda (Mile ..) (-2000-) 11/40 [20 Ad]
with kebeles among which
?? Millet Wordi (fort), in the Afar region? ../.. [x]
HFF43 Millihay Zengi, see Mellehay Zengi
milmil (A) 1. pruning; 2. land with tax obligation, given to
those of the military nobility having served for a long time
/also other meanings/
JC... Milmil, used to be centre for camel transport 08/43 [18]
JDS51 Milmilaki (Milmilak'i, Milmillacat, Mil Millicat) 10/42 [Gz WO Gu]
(mountains) 1029'/4239' 936 m
milmillacat: milikkit (A) landmark
JDS51 Milmillacat (Mil Millicat), see Milmilaki
JDR15 Milo (Mello) 1003'/4204' 743, 903 m, railway stn 10/42 [Gz WO Gu]
GDD38 Miluol, see Malwal
GDM.. Mimeakobu kebele 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
?? Min (historical Agew area), north of Abay river ../.. [x]
HDB79 Mina 0851'/3832' 2082 m, north of Arjo 08/38 [Gz]
mina m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDE71 Mina Meda (plain) 08/38 [x]
HED44 Minaakebech (Mina'ak'ebech) 1118'/3755' 2234 m, 11/37 [Gz]
south-east of Bahir Dar near Abay river
HDT16 Minaaze (Mina'aze, Bircato, K'ofna) 10/39 [Gz]
1003'/3901' 2525 m
HDF92 Minabella, see Menabella
HDK68 Minare 0937'/3815' 2543 m, waterfalls nearby 09/38 [AA Gz]
Minas, known in tradition as the second metropolitan
of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the 400s.
HDT67 Minas kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Kelala wereda, 12-16 km south-east of
Kelala settlement; area 1,660 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Minata (Milata?), in Simen, 13/37? [x]
village where there used to live Falasha
HC... Minatofa (in Kembata & Hadiya awraja) 07/37? [Ad]
HDT56c Minaya kebele (Menaya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Kelala wereda at its south-eastern border,
15-19 km south-east of Kelala settlement; area 1,541 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD59 Minaye 0840'/3821' 2180 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDT36 Minaze kebele (Menazé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
6-12 km north-west of Meragna; area 4,140 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
minch (A), minchi (T) spring, source, pool
HDR58 Minch (Minch', Macsano Gabia, Maksano Gabya), 10/37 [Gz]
1026'/3722' 2134 m, south-west of Dembecha
HDE89 Minch Amba kebele (Mench' .. ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in north-west Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
4-7 km north-west of Balchi; area 733 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU42 Minchila (Minch'ila) 1306'/3937' 2664 m, 13/39 [Gz]
west of Debub
HEJ79 Minchir (Minch'ir) 1226'/3725' 1893 m, 12/37 [Gz]
south of Gondar
minchu (A) the spring of water?
HEF52 Minchu kebele (Mench'u ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Ambasel wereda, 5-9 km
west of Hayk town; area 1,693 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDN77 Mincio (place) 1036'/3526' 914/990 m, cf Mencho 10/35 [WO Gz]
HDN78 Mincio (Miingiu, Mingiu) (mountains) 10/35 [WO Gz]
1037'/3533' 1204 m
HDF22 Mindebera 0824'/3935' 1695 m 08/39 [Gz]
?? Mindigebsa (in Simen National Park), same as Mindighessa?
HEL73 Mindighessa, see Gur Amba
HE... Mindina (centre in 1964 of Arbet sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
GDU41 Mindoch (area) 10/34 [WO]
HDK62 Mine 0940'/3746' 2420 m, cf Minne, Mene .. 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDR41c Mine (recorded in 1841) 10/36 [Ha]
JDA13 Mine, see Minne
GDF.. Minega (Menega, Meniga), 08/34 [20]
village in the Gambela area
HDF70 Ming (area) 08/39 [WO]
HEE48 Mingash kebele (Mengash ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Mekdela wereda at its border,
8-12 km east of Masha; area 2,521 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE58 Mingasho 1119'/3909' 2228 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Mekdela
HCD60 Minghi, see Arba Minch
mingie (O) of the same age
HDN78 Mingiu, see Mincio
HFE28 Minguda 1347'/3915' 2206 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-east of Abiy Adi

JDA13 Minie, see Minne

JDA36 Miniita (Mini'ita) 0830'/4021' 1710 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south of Mechara
HDK29 Miniso 0918'/3821' 2492 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDC04 Miniya 0810'/3702' 1852 m, near Seka 08/37 [Gz]
HD... Minjar (Mingiar) 08/39 [Ad 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Feres Tifir province
?? Minjar & Shenkora wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 80 rural and 3 urban kebeles among which
Abiyot Fire, Adama, Adgeh, Agere Genet, Agirat, Aguch & Amisas,
Akilal, Alem Gena, Amiti, Amlak, Amora Bet, Arerti, Aroge Minjar,
Asbale, Baynesagn, Bero, Besa, Bichash, Tefa Lema, Bilign,
Bolo Giyorgis, Bonaya, Boye & Buchile, Cherecha, Dachew, Debre
Tsehay (two?), Dil Betigil, Fina Najo, Gadminya Gur, Gewgew,
Gidib Bisanit, Golo Golja, Habteye, Idget Behibret, Imnebela,
Ingida Ishet, Insira, Iticha, Jara, Jilo Ager, Jima, Jire, Kare Kurkura,
Kero, Kiki, Kiticha, Kumbi Meskeya, Kurma, Kuture, Lay Chobo,
Lemlem, Memhir, Menber, Minch Amba, Mintamir, Mitikora,
Muti & Botoro, Rarati (two), Sema, Shewagenet, Sivilan, Tach Cheba,
Tekware, Tiliku Dubetu, Tinishu Dubetu, Tosign, Tute, Urgecha,
Wegeyorais, Wekiros, Welde Yohanis Ager, Welenso, Wira, Yilfeta,
Yilmaye, Ze Meskel, Zemu & Mukere, Zewelde
HDF.. Minjar sub-district (Mingiar ..) (-1964-1997-) 08/39 [Ad n 18]
(centre in 1964 = Bollo), fertile plateau
?? Minjo, ../.. [20]
a place in Wenbera deriving its name from the old dynasty of Kefa
HDL85 Minkiros (Mink'iros, Minqiros), 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0948'/3853' 2634 m, cf Menkerios
minne: minni (O) tapeworm
HDF17 Minne (area), see under Guna 08/39 [WO]
JC09c Minne, in Gololcha wereda, 07/40 [20]
with Catholic elementary school
JDA13 Minne (Minie, Mine, Minni, Ciancio) 08/40 [WO Ad x Gu]
0819'/4002' 1624/1690 m, Gz: 1867 m
Coordinates would give map code JDA12.
Sub-district & its centre in 1964.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5N Ademu (Gara Adamo) (mountain) 2611/2973 m
9NE Gagabsa (Gara Gagabsa) (mountain) 2950 m
9NE Chulul (Ciulul) (area) 1615 m
-- Mino, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCK92 Mino 0714'/3744' 1872 m 07/37 [Gz]
HEM22 Mintamir Iyesus (church) 1156'/3936', 11/39 [Gz]
north of Weldiya
HDE68 Mintamir kebele (Mentamer ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in westernmost south Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its western
border, 11-16 km south-west of Balchi; area 953 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDR41 Mintatoli (area) 10/41 [WO]
HDG09 Minte (Mint'e) 0904'/3539' 1674 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north-east of Yubdo
HDM.. Mintik Gedam, 09/39 [En]
in the 1800s a "craftsman monastery" near Let Marefiya.
HFE20 Mintil (Mintel) 1350'/3830' 1539 m 13/39 [Gu n]
HDL63 Minya 0938'/3844' 2644 m, cf Menya 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDH28 Minyo 0917'/4129' 2401 m, near Deder 09/41 [Gz]
minzee (O) best man at wedding
HEK70 Minzero (hill with masonry) 12/37 [WO Gu]
mio, mi-o (O) sperm, semen
HBL12 Mio (area) 03/38 [WO]
HCM86 Mio (Mi'o) 0706'/3953' 2791 m, 07/39 [Gz]
north-west of Goba
JCJ70 Mio, see Meo
JCN49 Mio, see Meo
HBE97 Mioale (mistake for Moiale), see Moyale
mira (A) to be guide
HEL81 Mira (mountain) 1229'/3828' 1797, 2389 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEL70
JDC06 Mira (area), see under Fik 08/42 [WO]
mirab, miirab (A) west; (O sometimes) sunset;
abay (A) 1. large landslide; 2. liar; (O) kinds of shrub or
small tree, Maesa lanceolata or Myrica salicifolia;
Abay, the Blue Nile
HCK03 Mirab Abay (M. Abaya) (small village), 06/37 [MS Ca]
see Miirab Abaya, cf Merab ..
HC... Mirab Abaya sub-district? (-1997-) 06/37 [n]
HC... Mirab Abeya wereda (Me'erab ..) 06/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Birbir)
-- mirab Geleb, west Geleb, named from an ethnic group
in the South Omo Zone
HBP17 Mirab Geleb wereda (Me'erab ..) 04/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Fejij), cf Misrak Geleb
J.... Mirab Imi wereda (Mierab Emi ..) 05/42? [20]
in the 2000s one of seven weredas within the Afder Zone
HCK03 Mirababaya, see Miirab Abaya, cf Merab
HDT50 Mirach (Mirach') 1029'/3826' 2003 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDU75 Miramir kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly across in north-east Efrata & Gidim
wereda, 4-8 km south-east of Majete; area 1,483 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
KCH62 Mirefaratag (Mirefatag) 0655'/4554' 489 m 06/45 [WO Gu Gz]
mirele k..: kurraz (A) small kerosene lamp
?? Mirele Kuraz wereda (-1984-), in South Omo Zone ../.. [n]
mirga (O) grass for cattle; also: kind of rather elaborate
tomb (or was that a misunderstanding by explorer Chiarini?)
HDT74 Mirgaje kebele (Mergajä ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Debre Sina wereda at its southern border,
4-6 km south-east of Mekane Selam; area 640 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT28 Mirgazh 1009'/3910' 2543 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT28 Mirgazh kebele (Mergazh ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its northern and
eastern borders, 6-13 km south-east of Meragna; area 2,589 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC12 Mirgi (Mirghi) (mountain) 1059'/3651' 2748 m 10/36 [+ Gz]
mirgo, mirgoo (O) 1. descent, slope; 2. male calf, young bull; 3. convenient;
mirga (O) 1. right side; 2. grass
HCD28 Mirgo, see under Agere Maryam 05/38 [WO]
JCT57 Mirgududu (Mirgadudo) 0746'/4403' 912 m 07/44 [WO Gz]
HF... Miriena (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38 [Ad]
HDH78 Miriga 0944'/3628' 1861 m 09/36 [Gz]
mirik: mirk (mirq) (A) "beard" of grain
GCU66 Mirik (area) 07/34 [WO]
HCS42 Miristo, see Morsito
HDP05 Mirmaji (Mirmagi) 09/36 [+ WO]
miro (Som) fruit, grain, crop; miirow (Som) chat, Catha edulis;
miru (O) guide
JCM85 Miro 07/44 [18 WO]
-- Miroy language, see Anuak
HCS51c Mirsito (centre 1964 of Konteb wereda), cf Morsito 07/37 [LM Ad]
misa (A) midday meal
HEF16 Misa Halka (M. Halk'a, M. Alk'a) 11/39 [Gz]
1100'/3958' 1651 m, south-east of Dessie
misa t ..: senbet (sänbät) (A) Sabbath
HEM61 Misa Tay Senbet 1218'/3929' 2433 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Alamata
misal (T) idea, metaphor; missale (A) likeness, image,
proverb, example; misla (T) proverb
HES44 Misala (area) 13/37 [WO]
HCG78 Misan Teferi, see Mizan Teferi 07/35c [n]
HEA35 Miscesca, see Bameza
HDC07 Misciu, see Michu
misha (O) in a good way, well /dome/
HCC87 Misha 0614'/3715' 1276 m, west of Chencha 06/37 [Gz]
HCS51c Mishaa wereda (Miishaa .., Misha ..) 07/37 [En]
around 1994 replacing Konteb wereda
?? Mishak (Mishaq, Mishuck, Mishik), 12/39 [18 x]
village in southern Tigray, with a round church sketched in 1868
HDU.. Mishale Maryam, 10/39 [En]
royal residence in Menz in the 1400s.
HEU90 Misham 1331'/3924' 2125 m, near Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HCS04c Mishgida, on south-west slope of mount Ambaricho, 07/37 [20]
near Durame
HEF55 Mishinga 1122'/3950' 2421 m, east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
JCH32 Mishire (Miscire, Oro Miscire Ualitti) 06/40 [+ Gz]
0637'/4054' 1212 m
?? Mishlam ../.. [20]
A place where newly appointed officials were decorated
after the ceremony in Aksum.
HDC07 Mishu (Misciu) (mountain) 2402 m 08/37 [+ WO]
HET16 Misig 1247'/3859' 1934 m, north of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
misil (A) statue; misili, misilii (O) picture
HEK10 Misilai (small island), see Mitsele Fasilidas
misingaa (O) sorghum
HDC34 Misingo (mountain) 0828'/3702' 1713 m, 08/37 [Gz]
east of Koma
misinkil h..: hawarya (A) apostle
HE... Misinkil Hawarya 11/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Namora sub-district)
misir midir (A) lentil land
HDM.? Misir Midir (with church Giyorgis Debir), 09/39? [x]
in Sendafa area
HEL.? Miska (Misk'a, Misqa) (with early church Maryam) 12/38? [n]
HDT83 Miskabe kebele (Meskabé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Sina wereda at its northern border,
12-19 km north-west of Mekane Selam; area 2,710 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEU19 Miskilezba (Misk'ilezba, Misqilezba) 12/39 [Gz]
1248'/3917' 1944 m, west of lake Ashenge
H.... Misle Awash 10/37? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tilat Gin sub-district)
mismaa (T) something to do with hearing?
mismai (T) hearing, listening; feeling; mismay (T) to mention;
HES69 Mismaa (Mizma) (village) almost 4000 m, 13/38 [Gu Br]
(camp on Simen hiking route, with grain cultivation)
mismar (A) nail
misrak (misraq) (A,T) east, Orient /"felt to be archaic"
in Tigrinya [Ullendorff]/
JD... Misrak Awash sub-district (-1997-) two? 08/40? [n]
JCU80 Misrak Gashemo (M. Gashamo) 0803'/4420' 08/44 [MS]
KCN96 Misrak Gashemo, alternatively here? or another locality?
HB... Misrak Geleb wereda (centre in 1964 = Geleb), 04/36 [Ad]
cf Mirab Geleb
HDS.. Misrak Gottom, 10/37 [n]
the nearest town is Debre Markos
HDL64 Misrake (Misrak'e, Misraqe) 0940'/3852' 2602 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Debre Libanos
HCS30 Misrose 07/37 [WO]
HET74 Missadi (Missada) 1322'/3850' 1400 m 13/38 [WO Gz Gu]
missig, mishig (A) fort; misego (Som) sorghum
JDD30 Missigo (area) 08/42 [WO]
mist (A) wife, spouse; mist (mist') (A) termite
HEL62 Mista Maryam (Mista Mariam) (church) 12/38 [+ WO]
H.... Mistina Tekle Haymanot 10/37? [Ad]
HEE78 Mistinkir 1131'/3910' 2690 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-west of Mekdela
HEE88 Mistinkir kebele (Mestenker ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, stretching narrowly
12 km to the south-west from Wegel Tena; area 1,884 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mita (O) gallop?
HDJ46 Mita (Mit'a) 0927'/3710' 2225 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south-east of Shambu
HDU76 Mita, cf Meta 10/39 [WO]
HDM.? Mitak (Mit'ak') (with church Igzi'abher Ab), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kamis wereda
HDM53 Mitak Amanuel (Mit'aq A.) 0935'/3941' 2624 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
see under Ankober
mitata, mit'aat'a (O) large pan for baking bread; mitad (mit'ad)
(A) injera oven; metata (mät'at'a) (A) kind of grass
which grows in marshy meadows
HBM96 Mitata (Mittita) 0431'/3948' 1222 m 04/39 [Gz WO]
HDL37 Mitaye 0921'/3904' 2684 m, north of Sendafa 09/39 [Gz]
mite (Sidamo) kind of wild date palm, Phoenix reclinata,
with straight or curved stem
HDL76 Mite (Mit'e) 0946'/3900' 2542 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Fiche

miti, mit'ii (O) small red or black ants

HDC98 Miti (Niti) (mountain) 0858'/3722' 1700, 1917 m, 08/37 [WO Gz]
see under Ijaji
HDD98 Miti (Mit'i) 0900'/3819' 2098 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Welenkomi
HD... Miti sub-district (centre in 1964 = Chefe) 09/39? [Ad]
HEE39 Mitigina kebele (Met'egena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south in central Tenta wereda at its eastern border,
14-18 km south-southeast of Tenta settlement; area 2,624 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE79 Mitikora Giyorgis (Mit'ikora G.) (church) 08/39 [Gz]
HDE79 Mitikora kebele (Mit'ikora ..) 08/39 [Ad]
rather far to the south-west in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
9-11 km south-west of Balchi; area 641 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEL37 Mitili (Mit'ili) 1205'/3906' 3593 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
HEL25c Mitk (with church Hawa Mikael, see also ditto), 11/38 [n]
small village on the route to Tekkeze river
HDL86 Mitl kebele (Mit'l ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at the
southern border of its main body; area 1,153 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mitmat (mit'mat') (A) skunk; awra (A) chief, head
of family; (T) foremost
HFF00 Mitmat Awra (Mit'mat' A.) 1338'/3923' 1773 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-west of Mekele, cf Mikimat Awira
mito, mit'oo (O) a kind of tree
HCS49 Mito (Mitto) 0741'/3821' 1857 m, 07/38 [Gz n]
north-west of lake Shala
HES12 Mito (Mit'o, Gontrabo) 1249'/3745' 2630 m 12/37 [Gz]
HEM13 Mito kebele (Mit'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
to the west in southernmost Kobo wereda at its border,
11-14 km south-southwest of Wello Robit; area 1,142 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK40 Mitraa (Metraha) (group of villages), 12/37 [+ Gu]
66 km from Gondar near a cape of the same name
HEK40 Mitraa (Mitraha Maryam, Metraa, Mätsräha) 12/37 [Gz Ch WO 20]
(Metreha, Matraha M., Arabic: Mitsirha) 12/37 [Gu x]
1211'/3734' 1784 m (small island with church ruin)
mitsah b..: bered (T) ice, hail
HET78 Mitsah Bered (mountain) 1320'/3914' 2514 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north of Samre
HEK10 Mitsele Fasilidas (Missile F., Fasiladas, Fasiledes), 11/37 [Ca n Ch Gu]
(small island with church) 2277 m
HFF35 Mitsiwai (Metsua) 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Atsbi

?? Mitti, in Ilubabor, ../.. [Po]

(with visiting postman under Jimma)
?? Mitti, in Kefa ../.. [Po]
(with visiting postman under Jimma)

mittirri ada: ada, adaa (O) 1. clan; 2. culture, custom; 3. kind of flower;
-- Ada, Hada, name of a Tulama Oromo clan
JDD67 Mittirri Ada (area) 08/43 [WO]
HBM96 Mittita, see Mitata
JDH88 Mittur, cf Ras Mittur 09/41 [Ha]
mitu (O) 1. way of splitting wood; 2. to bend /wood/;
3. to judge, evaluate; 4. (miit'uu) labour of woman at childbirth;
mito, mitto (O) kinds of tree, Galiniera coffeoides,
G. saxifraga, Hypericum lanceolatum, H. quartinianum,
H. revolutum, Mimusops kummel
HCT70 Mitu (area) 07/38 [WO]
HDU42 Miwo kebele (Mewo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in westernmost northern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda
at its north-western border, 17-22 km south-east of Degolo;
area 2,033 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Miya 1559 m 09/35 [n]
JCP57 Miyaba, see Miaua
JDJ.. Miyah (on map of 1814), 09/41 [18]
shown a little west of Amaresa on road westward from Harar
HFD20 Miyeche (M. Miece) (mountain) 1826 m 08/39 [+ WO]
HEJ86 Mizaba 12/37 [WO]
mizan (A,O,T,Arabic) balance, scales, weight;
abba mizan, kind of traditional treasurer among the Oromo
HEC19 Mizan (Mesan) 1101'/3728' 2765, 3142 m, 10/37 [Gu Gz]
(mountain), midway between Bure and Mota
mizan t..: tafari (A) he who inspires awe, feared,
respected (named for Ras Teferi Mekonnen?)
HCG78 Mizan Teferi (M. Tafari, Mison T., Mesan) 07/35 [Gz Ad Po WO]
MS: 0710'/3520'; Gz: 0659'/3535' 1452 m
With post office. WO map shows at HCG96?
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Gimira awraja,
1987-1991 capital of the Kefa region.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9E Mus (village)
7SE Kitti (Chitti) (village) 1185 m
10S Vorku (Vorcu) (village)
7-- Aman (air strip)
HFE86 Mizbar 1420'/3901' 2174 m, north-east of Adwa, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael)
mize (A) best man at a wedding
HEB91 Mize 11/35 [WO]
HED86 Mize 1140'/3808' 2657 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Tabor
HEK07c Mize (mountain) 3670 m 11/38 [Gu]
?? Mizella (on map of 1814), 12/39? [18]
recorded by Henry Salt to be at a considerable
distance south of lake Ashenge
HEL96c Mizerem 12/39 [Gu]
HES69 Mizma, see Mismaa
HEJ17 Moana (village on island), see under Dek 11/37 [Ch]
-- Mobilen, group of Somali living at the middle of
the Shebeli valley
JCF01 Mobilen (Mobilen Buslei?) 216 m 05/44 [WO]
HCA19 Mocacc Hoha, see Mukwecha Wiha
HFD86 Mocada, see Mokade
HFF91 Mocaie, see Mokaye
HCR69 Mocaiu, see Mokayu
HEJ05 Mocal, see Mokal
HDU42 Mocat, see Mokat
JDK54 Moccanis, see Makanissa
HDE57 Moccia, see Mojo
mocha (O) 1. child; 2. white /tef/; mochcha (O) glue;
-- Mocha (also Sheka), name of a Sidama ethnic group
(sub-group related to the Keffa) numbering about 53,897
according to the 1994 census
JBG63 Mocha (Mocia) (plain) 04/40 [+ WO]
HCN27 Mocha awraja 0730'/3530' 07/35 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1959-1964 + 1980 = Gecha)
HCN48 Mocha awraja (centre in 1969 = Masha) 07/35 [MS]
The territory was reorganized in 1991.
HCK Moche Borago Gongolo, 06/37 [20]
rock shelter used in ancient time
HCK47 Mockonna (Mocconna) (area) 06/38 [+ WO]
JDE43 Mockorrey (Moccorrei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HDL40 Mocoda, see Mekoda
HEL67 Mocogo, see Mokogo
JEP72 Mocoita, see Mokoyta
HC... Moconissa (near Boditi), see Mekanisa
JCC93 Modallo, see Medale
HD... Model (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
HDE57 Modjo, see Mojo
modo: mooddo (Som) assumption, opinion, belief;
mode, fashion
JCS85 Modo, see Degeh Medo
HBE97 Modo Adhi, see Moyale
mofa, moofa (O) 1. old; 2. ragged, worn-out
HDU86 Mofa, see under Rike 10/39 [WO Gu]
HEF62 Mofa (recorded in 1841) 11/39 [Ha]
JDN84 Mofa 1042'/4012' 942 m (with market) 10/40 [Ne Gz]
mofer (mofär) (A) beam of plough, plough
HDU14 Mofer (river between Menz and Tegulet) 10/39 [18 Gu WO n]
1001'/3918' are coordinates which would
give map code HDT09 or HDU00
moga, mooga (O) 1. uninhabited strip near a
customs post; 2. danger; 3. many; 4. clumsy, awkward;
mog-a (O) fullness;
moggaa (O) end, edge, farthest end, frontier;
mogga (O) uninhabited country, desert;
moga (T) kind of small or medium tree, Balanites
aegyptiaca, which grows in dry land and has green spines
HDL76 Moga 0944'/3900' 2586 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Moga (Mogga), ../.. [18]
wide and deep valley on the right hand side of Awash river
HBK.. Mogado (salty crater south-west of Mega) 03/38 [Gu]
?? Mogaer, at a tributary of the Gibi river ../.. [x]
HDD04 Mogar, see Wegerao under Imdibir
JFA93 Mogdali 1427'/4005' 402 m, 14/40 [Gz]
mountain partly inside Eritrea
?? Mogduf, river near /or in?/ Sudan ../.. [x]
HDM80 Mogebere 0947'/3920' 2691 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
moged (mogäd) (A) wave; violence
HEJ33 Mogeda 1204'/3655' 1738 m, west of lake Tana 12/36 [Gz]
?? Moger (central place of Kabena territory) ../.. [18]
HD... Mogier (same as Moger above?) 08/37 [18]
Area from Akaki to Mogier, was not mapped by Europeans until 1878.
mogge, moggee (O) little finger, little toe
GDF76 Moggi (Mogghi) 08/34 [+ WO]
HDE57 Moggio, see Mojo
GDF42 Moghi, see Mugi
JBN35 Mogho, see Mogor
-- Mogi, Mugi, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
GDF42 Mogi (Moghi), see Mugi
HDM92 Mogia, see Moja
HBP95 Mogige 0524'/3614' 436 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
mogil w..: washa (A) cave
HDM92 Mogil Washa kebele (Mogel .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, 9-15 km south-west of Sela Dingay; area 2,305 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE91 Mogle (mountain) 0858'/3835' 3231 m, 08/38 [x]
west of Addis Abeba
H.... Mogli (peak in Menagesha forest) 08/38 [Ca]
mogo: moggo, moggoo (O) namesake;
moggu (O) to assemble people
JBN35 Mogo (Mogho, Mogur) 04/40 [+ WO Wa]
mogogo (O?) frying-pan
JBN35 Mogor (Mogho, Mogur, Magur), 04/40 [Gz WO]
0451'/4016' 627 m, at Dawa river
JDD43 Mogor 0834'/4250' 1315 m 08/42 [Gz]]
JDK95 Mogora 0955'/4301' 1309 m, 09/43 [Gz]
near the border of Somalia
HBS09 Mogore 0434'/3823' 1524 m, 04/38 [WO Gz]
south-east of Yabelo
HBS29 Mogore (mountain) 04/38 [Wa]
mogoro (O) homemade cotton clothes
HDS09 Mogoro 0958'/3820' 2517 m, near Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
JEP39 Mogorros, see Magorros
HEG09 Mogumbi (area) 11/35 [WO]
JBN35 Mogur, see Mogor
HEF70 Moha (Amba Moha, named in the 1420s), see Amba Moka
HFC14 Mohagi (Mohaghi) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
JCN19 Mohamed 07/40 [WO]
JEP33 Mohamed Daza (tomb, waterhole nearby) 13/41 [Ne WO Gz]
1300'/4100', south of lake Afrera
JDD48 Mohamed Shek (Mohamed Scek) 08/43 [+ WO]
-- Moher, traditionally a Gurage area
HE... Mohoni, see Inda Mekonnin
JE... Mohoni, in Raya & Azebo wereda 12/40 [Ad]
HBM43 Mohte, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
?? Moi Amba (village), ../.. [Ha]
in area from Ankober towards the Awash river
HCT63 Moia 0749'/3841' 1629 m, 07/38 [Gz]
near Adami Tulu, cf Moja
JCS84 Moia-Duri, see Duri
HBE97 Moiale, see Moyale
JBU55 Moibalo Cor At, see Moybalo Kor At
HDM15 Moie, see Moye & HDM80 JDA77
moina, mo-ina (O) victory, triumph
JEN09 Moina (Moyna) (with spring) 12/40 [MS WO LM]
-- Moja, non-royal but important clan of northern Shewa
HCT62 Moja (near Adami Tulu), cf Moia 07/38 [Wa]
HDM92 Moja (Mojja, Mogia) (with church), 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Sela Dingay
JDN84c Moja 10/40 [Wa]
HDU00 Moja kebele 10/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at its north-western
border, 24-27 km west-southwest of Molale; area 1,388 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM92 Moja sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tsigereda) 09/39 [Ad]
HDM.. Moja & Wadera sub-district (-1997-) 09/39? [n]
HDM92 Mojagirgira 0952'/3931' 2081 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north of Debre Birhan
moje (O) grinding stone
H.... Mojer 08/37 [Ha]
GDF42 Moji, see Mugi
GDF56 Mojo (Moggio, Amule) 0837'/3456' 1552 m, 08/34? [Gz WO]
north-east of Dembidolo
HD... Mojo (Moggio), ../.. [+ 18]
village on the Shewa side before descending to the Abay river
HDD70 Mojo (Monjo) 0849'/3734' 2519 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDE57 Mojo (Mojjo, Modjo, Moggio, Moccia, Maggio) 08/39 [Gz Ro Gu WO]
MS: 0839'/3905' 1788/1825 m; Gz: 0836'/3907' 1803 m
With sub-post office.
Centre in 1964 of Lumie wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9SE Tede (T'ede, Tadde Maryam, Toda M.) (church) 1878 m
10SE Cherri (Cerri) (mountain) 1669 m
10S Adaba (area)
-- Jogo (Giogo) (mountain) 1199 m
9SW Muda (area)
10SW Gadulla (area)
7W Jallo (M. Giallo) (mountain) c.2030 m
9W Kobul (M. Cobul) (mountain) c.2030 m
10W Garala (mountain area) 2400 m
10NW Gudetti (area)
5NE Giyorgis (It: San Giorgio) (church)
8NE Loum (area)
HDJ70 Mojo 0946'/3640' 2094 m, 09/36 [Gz]
area in the west, near Tulu Welel
HDT69 Mojo 1032'/3918' 2574 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
mojo a..: ager (agär) (A) land, district
HE... Mojo Ager 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kombolcha Metene sub-district)
HDU60 Mojo kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching south-west/north-east for 11 km in north-east
Jema wereda, 6-17 km north-east of Degolo; area 4,228 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDH47c Mojochulul sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lafto) 09/41 [Ad]
moju (O) to doubt
moka, mooqa (O) 1. leaven, yeast; 2. gruel, porridge;
mokka, moqqa (O) spoon of horn or wood
HFD76 Mokada (Mocada, Mokade) (mountain) 14/38 [+ WO Gz Wa]
1417'/3804' 1489, 2291 m
HEJ05 Mokal (Mocal) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
on the left bank of the Little Abay
JDJ05 Mokalla (Mocalla) 09/42 [+ Gu]
JDJ16 Mokalla (Mocalla) 0909'/4209' 1752 m, 09/42 [Wa Gz]
south-east of Harar
HEM.. Mokareet, east of Weldiya and nearer to Mersall 11/39 [18]
mokat (moqqat) (A) warm /climate/; mokkete (mokkätä) (A) castrate
HDU42 Mokat (Mocat) 10/39 [+ WO]
HFF91 Mokaye (Mocaie) 1427'/3928' 2121 m, 14/39 [+ Gz]
north of Adigrat near the border of Eritrea
HCR69 Mokayu (Mocaiu) (church) 07/37 [+ WO]
?? Mokiddo, ../.. [18]
Oromo town burnt in 1810
HD... Moko, river and area in north-west Wellega 09/35? [x]
HDL40 Mokoda Rafael (Mocoda Rafael) (church) 09/38 [+ WO]
mokodi (O) turtle-dove
HDC44 Mokofa 0835'/3700' 1652 m, north-east of Koma 08/37 [Gz]
HEL67 Mokogo (Mocogo) 1223'/3904' 2534, 2746 m, 12/39 [+ Gu WO Gz]
(pass nearby), north of Lalibela
HEL.. Mokogo Hagi 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gazgibila sub-district)
mokota (Western O) kind of medium or tall tree, Cordia africana
JEP72 Mokoyta (Mocoita) (plain) 13/40 [+ WO]
HED97 Mokshi (Mecan Jesus) 1144'/3811' 3314 m, 11/38 [Gz WO]
south-east of Debre Tabor
HFF23 Mokuh (Mok'uh) 1349'/3938' 2422 m 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), north of Agula
?? Mokulla (Moculla), 13/39 [+ 18]
hill and town south-west/?/ of Chelikut
?? Mokurra (Mocurra) (on map of 1814), 12/39 [+ 18]
Henry Salt recorded it north-east of and fairly near lake Ashenge
HFD37c Mokwarets (Moquarez) (mountain) 1765 m 13/38 [+ Gu]
HEM02 Mola Giyorgis kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Guba Lafto wereda at its southern border there,
4-6 km south of Weldiya; area 1,165 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
molale, molalee (O) square or rectangular house; (A) ovoid pepper;
molala (A) oblong, oval; mollele (mollälä) (A) was oval,
egg-shaped; molalla (A) pour out /from vessel to vessel/
HDU13 Molale (Molalle, Molalie) 1007'/3940' 3007 m 10/39 [WO Gz Ad]
(with sub-post office under Nazret)
Centre -1964-1975- of Mama Midir wereda
& of Lalo Midir sub-district.
Surrounding Molale is Imegwa kebele.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2E Dasa kebele
4E Gwosh Ber kebele
6E Ticha kebele
7E Gurit & Biya kebele
8E Tikme kebele
9E Kelewa & Kabtema kebele
2SE Wero kebele
5SE Sama kebele
6SE Tignit & Lukwasge kebele
8SE Ayat Meda & Imbise kebele
8SE Wemso kebele
1S Kewariyat kebele
3S Dowa kebele
5S Astogya (Astoghia) (village)
6S Meza & Atabkign kebele
8S Zimam kebele
9S Betterge (Betterghe) (village)
--SW Mama Midir (Mamamedir) area
0-15 km SWW out from Molale town
4SW Wemcha kebele
8SW Sowaro kebele
10SW Gadi kebele
10SW Chak (Ciac) (village)
3W Gumign kebele
6W Tach Zeram kebele
10W Teyat kebele
--NW Molale area
0-10 km NW out from Molale town
5NW Tach Zeram kebele
7NW Tach Zebir kebele
7NW Gurminy (Gurmui) (village) 3066 m
3N Lay Zeram kebele
7N Lay Zebir kebele
8N Das Amba kebele
9N Kelerbo kebele
10N Ajela kebele
4NE Yecha kebele
5NE Waka kebele
6NE Angwa kebele
8NE Katila kebele
10NE Tach Yigem kebele
HDU23 Molale (area) 10/39 [WO]
molalit: mollallet (A) it is suitable for him
HES63 Molalit (area) 13/37 [WO]
mole: moole (Som) nomadic hut
GDF65 Mole (Teggio, Teigio) 0846'/3451' 1653 m, 08/34 [Gz]
north of Dembidolo
GDF96 Mole, T. (hill) 09/34 [WO]
HDC13 Mole, see Mile
HE... Molek (Moleq) 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bazura sub-district)
HEE57 Molek kebele (Moläq ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Mekdela wereda at the middle of its north-eastern
border, 4-13 km north of Masha; area 4,373 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE67 Moleshet 1127'/3905' 2047 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEF43 Moletlis, see under Hayk 11/39 [Gu]
moli (O) thigh, hip
JDC79 Moli (area) 08/42 [WO]
HBK94 Molich, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]

HCD98 Molicha (Molliccia, Molitscha), 06/38 [+ WO x]

south-west of Dilla, with decorated steles
molicha d..: dera (dära) (A) grass for thatching roofs;
deeraa (O) long, tall, elevated slow
HDE33 Molicha Dera 0828'/3841' 2091 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDE33 Molicha Gebaba (Uacciu) 0829'/3841' 2093 m 08/38 [Gz]
JBT95 Molico (Moliko), see Malayko
HCJ79 Moliya Muso 0702'/3729' 1304 m, 07/37 [Gz]
south-east of Waka
molleme s..: seka (saqa, säqqa) (A) edge of a cliff
/also other meanings/
JDA.. Molleme Seka, area in Merti wereda 08/40 [n]
HCD98 Mollicha (Molliccia) (area) 06/38 [+ MS WO]
HCE99 Mollicha (Molliccia) 0615'/3916' 1864 m 06/39 [+ WO Gz]
molo (O) lonely
Molok as in the Bible? imba (T) mountain; (A) tears
HET88 Molok Imba (Molok'.. Moloq..) 1323'/3914' 2034 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-east of Abiy Adi
JDA.. Molome Kesa, area in Merti wereda 08/40 [n]
JDA55 Molticha (mountain) 0837'/4016' 2707 m, 08/40 [Gz]
near Mechara
molu, moluu (O) bald, having no hair;
-- Molu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Digalu of the Borana people
HDH98 Molu (mountain) 09/36 [WO]
HET66 Moluha (pass) 13/39 [WO]
JCT03 Moluko (Moluco) 0720'/4344' 922 m 07/43 [Wa WO Gz]
JDD90 Moluko (G. Moluco) (mountain) 09/42 [+ WO]
HEK27 Molza, see Melza
HET49 Momena 1303'/3919' 2574 m, south-east of Samre 13/39 [Gz]
JBS78 Momingot 0514'/4315' 529 m 05/43 [WO Gz]
momo, momoo (O) buda, person with evil eye
?? Momo (with visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HEE44 Mon kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in western central Mekdela wereda, near its southern
border, 19-24 km north of Ajibar; area 2,032 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mona (Borana O) pen for animals
HDS42 Moncorer (Mankorar), see Debre Markos, cf Munkurur
HEC24 Monde (village) 11/36 [It]
JDD38 Mondo Yeley (Mondo Ielei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JCB28 Mondulle (area) 05/41 [MS WO]
HCT35 Monessa, see Munesa
?? Mongasho, Jebel, mountain partly in Sudan ../.. [20]
[Michelin 2007]
JFB04 Mongollo (waterhole) 13/41 [Ne WO]
?? Monhour, ../.. [x]
at a tributary of the Gibi river, in the Kabena area
HDN34 Moni, see Tullo Moni
HCF.? Monissa (mountain in Sidamo) 05/39 [Mi]
HDD70 Monjo, see Mojo
HEA45 Monkayr (Moncair), see under Gubba 11/35 [+ WO]
HDS42 Monkorer, see Debre Markos
HDS.. Monkosar, north/?/ of Dembecha 10/37 [x]
HE... Monkuis 11/35 [18]
HFE.. Monokseyto (Monocseito) (mountain) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HEU82 Monos, see Menos
HEU85 Monos 13/39 [Gu]
?? Montanari estate, see Awara Melka
HEF24 Monticolo, see Motokolo
-- Moojanga language, see Anuak
JDH73 Moolu, see Mulu
HCA06c Moosa (Mo'osa) (area), 05/35 [20]
in the plains north and west of Naita mountain
HFD37c Moquarez, see Mokwarets
mora (A,O) abdominal fat of animal, grease;
moora (O) 1. grease, tallow, fat netting from the stomach
of slaughtered cattle /used for divination/; 2. peritoneum;
mooraa (O) pen, sheepfold, stockade; flock, herd;
Mora, a Muslim country in eastern Shewa already around 1300
?? Mora, village of the Shinasha ../.. [Gu]
GDU67 Mora 1031'/3559' 1444 m 10/35 [Gz]
HCN94 Mora 0806'/3509' 1730 m, west of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HDA92 Mora, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
HDP65 Mora 1033'/3610' 1502, 1967 m 10/36 [Ch Wa Gz]
HDG45 Mora Boraka, see Moro Boroko
HDG48c Mora Kasala, about 15 km north-east of Mendi 09/35 [x]
HDT18 Morabietie, see Marabetie
JCS59 Morala 0743'/4322' 1042 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HEK84 Morangyela (Moranghiela), see under Macha 12/37 [+ WO]
HFE64 Morar, see Morer
HC... Moraro (campsite for tourists) 3750 m 06/39 [Ca]
HDL89 Morat, see Moret
HEL.. Morava (mountain) 12/39 [Gu]
HCJ17 Morca, see Morka
JDS81 Mordale 1045'/4238' 680 m, see under Aysha 10/42 [WO Gz]
JBP29 Mordat (area) 04/41 [WO]
HFE64 Morer (Morar) (mountain) 1407'/3848' 2346 m, 14/38 [Gz]
midway between Aksum and Adwa
HDL89 Moret (Morät, Morat, Morhet) (area recorded in 1841) 09/39 [n Ha 18]
HDL.. Moret & Jiru wereda (-1997-) 09/39 [n]
with 43 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Abase, Ajej & Mehal Amba, Albasa & Moga, Areso, Aret &
Keyadur, Asebat, Bedobej, Bero & Anfedar, Betaso & Gult Ager,
Bolo, Chaso & Ako, Chefe & Somsa, Debir & Dey, Dilamo,
Dimeto & Debay, Doyo Mangudo, Gan Maryam, Gerba, Gesal &
Jilebej, Gobela Nateba, Gorade & Ahtata, Imbirtiya, Intera & Key Gedel,
Inzira & Yima, Irimbik & Zege, Jal & Debib, Jihur & Kose Amba,
Kersa, Keteb, Kusaye, Lam Washa, Megnet, Segenet, Sertse Kristos,
Shoma & Dagnet, Tatesa, Tit Ber & Sefed Amba, Tombola, Wabi,
Weyra Amba & Yigolta, Yeshet & Yekoro, Yimedeb & Bwayta,
HDL89 Moret wereda (centre in 1964 = Deneba) 09/39 [Ad]
until about 1974 a wereda of the Tegulet & Bulga awraja
(-1994-) is divided into 43 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDL.. Morete Kolla (lowland), same as Moret? see above
-- Morille language, see Dasenech
morka (O) obstinate, stubborn, headstrong;
morki (O) dispute
HCJ17 Morka (Morca) 0626'/3718' 1205 m 06/37 [+ WO Gz]
JDC26 Morli 0823'/4212' 1096 m, north-west of Fik 08/42 [Gz]
?? Mormor (in Bale), locality for Oromo pilgrims ../.. [n]
HCE25 Mormora (river with bridge) 05/38 [Mi]
HDH96 Morna (mountain) 0956'/3616' 2043 m 09/36 [Gz]
moro: mooror (Som) enclosure, cattle pen
HFE64 Moro (mountain) 2332 m 14/38 [Gu]
KCH66 Moro Arif 0656'/4614' 455 m 06/46 [WO Gz]
HDG45 Moro Boroko (Mora Boraka), 09/35 [x]
about 22 km west of Nejo
?? Morocho, in Sidamo ../.. [x]
morod (Som) kind of scrubby bush or tree, Ximenia americana;
moroda (O) 1. wild plant with edible tubers; 2. file, rasp?; 3. polish
morode (O) lion; morodu (O) to polish, scrape, scrub;
morodi (Som) elephant, Loxodonta africana oxyotis;
addo (O) 1. potter, class of potters; 2. kosso tree;
(A) killer of an elephant
JBU60 Morodi Addo (M. Ado) 0506'/4421' 295 m, 05/44 [WO Gz]
JCE29 Morodiley (Morodilei) (area), see under Kelafo 05/44 [+ WO]
HCL22c Morodo, plant nursery, also name of a stream 06/38 [x]
HFD00 Morongoval (area) 13/37 [WO]
-- Mororo, see Adi Shimako
HCR43 Morova 2035 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [WO]
JDB59 Morre (area) 1495 m 08/41 [WO]
JEC03 Morrohan (area) 699 m 10/41 [WO]
HCS42 Morsito (Miristo, Morsutto), cf Mirsito, 07/37 [Gz Po]
0741'/3744' 2152 m, north-west of Hosaina
(with visiting postman under Shashemene)
?? Moruorka, at valleys Gita and Bashilo 11/39? [18]
mosa (T) reward; gratitude;
mosa amba, mountain of reward, mountain of Moses?
HER37 Mosa Amba (area), cf Musa Amba 12/37 [WO]
HEB89 Mosabia (mountain) 1138'/3633' 1282 m, 11/36 [WO Gz]
near map code HEC80
HDU.. Mosabiet, near HDU45, cf Mosabit, Mosebit 10/39 [Ha]
HEE45 Mosabit kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in central Mekdela wereda, 11-15 km
west of Masha; area 2,540 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS69 Mosazeg 1031'/3822' 1742 m, north-east of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HCU52 Moschea Osman, see Asen Usman
HEE08 Mosebit kebele (Mosäbit ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in eastern Legambo wereda,
3-8 km east of Akista; area 3,227 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Mosha, in region of Sidama kingdoms, beyond Nonno ../.. [x]
HEC96 Mosha (Moscia, Muscia) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
-- Mosiye language, see Bussa
HCC91 Moskito (Moskitto, Moschito) 0620'/3643' 1609 m, 06/36 [+ Po WO Gz]
near map code HCJ01, north-east of Bulki
(with visiting postman under Welamo Soddo)
HFF01 Mosobo (mountain) 1334'/3931' 2415 m, 13/39 [Gz]
near map code HEU91, near Mekele
HDK65c Mosor Duti, village about 100 km north-west of A.A. 09/38? [x]
HCH21 Mossa, see Musa
HEE31 Mossabit (area) 11/38 [WO]
-- Mossiya, name of an ethnic group numbering about 9,207
according to the 1994 census
HDM80 Mot Begre kebele (.. Bägré ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the east in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
touching its south-eastern border, 13-17 km
east-northeast of Deneba; area 1,204 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED24 Mota (Mot'a, Motta, Mata) 11/37 [Gz Po Ch Ha]
Gz: 1105'/3752' 2487 m; MS: 1104'/3753' 2536 m
(with sub-post office under Debre Markos)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3SE Demet Gedel (D. Ghedel) (village)
9S Ababulu (village)
10S Assama (village) 2492 m
8SW Kwarib (Quarib) (mountain) 2152, 2700 m
3W Wob (Uob M.) (church)
9NW Wod (Uob) (area)
9NW Agengwalya (Aghengualia) (village)
10NW Angeraba (Angheraba) (area)
5N Taju Anba (Taggiu Anba) (area)
HDS97 Mota awraja (Motta ..) 1050'/3810' 10/38 [Gz x]
(centre at some period = Felege Birhan)
HED24 Mota awraja (Motta ..) (ctr in 1964-1969 = Mota) 11/37 [MS]
abolished in a reform in 1991
H.... Mota & Bichena convent (Motanna Bichena), ../.. [x]
visited by the Emperor in 1969
HDM64 Motatit (Mot'at'it) (mountain), see under Ankober 09/39 [18 WO]
HDM54 Motatit kebele (Mot'at'it ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at a south-eastern corner of the borders of Debre Birhan
Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 2-6 km north-west of Ankober;
area 1,110 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Motcha, see Mocha
HDJ22 Mote (Mot'e) 0915'/3647' 1869, 2255 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-east of Nekemte
HFF01 Motego 1335'/3932' 2113 m, near Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
moti, mootii (O) regional chief, local king, military leader;
title of the king /later sultan/ of Jimma;
moti (O) large needle; mooti (Som) cause to cross;
karaar (Som) fatness, fullness; qaraar (Som) bitter taste
HBM03 Moti Karare (mountain) 0337'/3936' 937 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
HE... Motie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kandera) ll/39 [Ad]
HDJ03 Moto (area) 2190 m, see under Sire HDC93 09/36 [WO]
HCD97 Motogamo, at 25 km south-west of Dilla 06/38 [x]
HEF24 Motokolo (Motocolo, Moticolo, Monticolo) 11/39 [+ WO Gz Gu]
1109'/3947' 1879, 2010, 2264 m, see under Kombolcha.
hill a little south of lake Ardibbo
HDL87 Motolami kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
at the middle of its northern border, 8-12 km
south-west of Inewari; area 913 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HB... Motone ../.. [20]
Settlement of 2 hectares in middle Konso.
HDL61 Motowa (Mot'owa) 0938'/3834' 2527 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Fiche
HED24 Motta, see Mota
HDK30 Motto, cf Moto 09/37 [WO]
HCL.. Motto kebele 06/38 [20]
in the Yirga Alem region (in Dalle wereda?),
with Catholic mission from 1998.
Mou.., see generally Mu..
HCR53 Moudja, see Muja
GDF42 Moughi, see Mugi
HCT73 Mount Sinai (island), see Debre Sina
HCB86 Mount Smith, see under Dime 06/36 [WO]
HCT74 Mount Zion, see Kulu Gudo
JEA75 Mouonin (on French map of 1901), see Muoniu
-- Mourle language, see Murle
JEJ88 Moussa Ali, see Musa Ali
JEH81 Mova (area) 12/40 [WO]
HDM71 Moy kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally rather far to the west in Debre Birhan
Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 7-10 km north-west of
Debre Birhan town; area 758 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
moya (A) 1. grant of land for services, reward;
2. skill, achievement; (T) profession, walk of life;
moye (O) mortar
HCT62c Moya (Moia) 1629 m 07/38 [+ Gu]
moyale, moyyale (A) jigger, chigger, kind of flea that
burrows into the flesh between the toes
HBE97 Moyale (Moyyale, Moiale, Modo Adhi, Mentamer) 03/39 [Gz x WO It]
(Oromo: Mooyalee)
0332'/3903' 974, 1060, 1110 m
(with sub-post office), at the frontier of Kenya
Centre in 1964 of Moyale wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
6NW Subbunte (area)
HBE97 Moyale wereda (-1994-) 03/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 22 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
moybalo kor at: koratti (O) thorn; kor (Som) 1. top, surface;
2. grow, climb; qor (Som) 1. timber; 2. carve, sharpen, write;
qoor (Som) 1. neck; 2. stud, uncastrated male animal
JBU55 Moybalo Kor At (Moibalo Cor At) 05/44 [+ WO Gz]
0501'/4454' 177 m
moye, moyye (O) 1. hornless cattle; 2. mortar
/in which grains are crushed/
HDL07 Moye (mountain) 0809'/3908' 2156 m, 08/39 [Gz]
north-east of lake Ziway
HDL34 Moye 0922'/3849' 2713 m, north of Addis Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM.. Moye (Moije), a district in Menz 09/39 [+ 18]
HDM15 Moye (Moie) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDM70 Moye (Moie) (area) 0944'/3921' 2702 m, 09/39 [Gz WO]
north-west of Debre Birhan
JDA77 Moye (G. Moie) (area) 1948 m 08/40 [+ WO]
HDM32 Moye kebele (Moyé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
adjoining Shola Gebeya to its north; area 737 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Moyey, a town in Kefa (Kaffa) reported in the 1840s ../.. [Ha]
JEN09 Moyna, see Moina
JDJ24 Moyu, see Meyu
HDD83 Mto Oscio ("Mto di Oscio") 08/37 [WO]
HEL49 Mua 12/39 [WO]
?? Mualk, small spring in Gojjam ../.. [Ch]
HDT14 Mubi Gubel, see under Addis Derra 10/38 [WO]
JDC85 Muca Arba, see Muka Arba
HDE42 Mucaballa, see Mukaballa
HEC68 Mucara, see Mekari
HDM80 Mucasara, see Mukasara
HFC08 Mucat Uorchi, see Mukat Werki
much'a (A) 1. large tree with green thorns,
Balanites aegyptiaca; 2. resin, glue; mucha, muchaa (O)
baby, young boy; roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
HEM30c Mucha, cf Mugia, (on road from Kobbo to Lalibela) 12/39 [20]
JDB87 Mucha Roba 0855'/4121' 1672 m 08/41 [Gz]
HET43c Muchera, see Mukera
HDG.. Muchicho Toba Oli (Much'ich'o ..), 09/35 [x]
in Gimbi awraja
H.... Muchila 13/38 [Ca]
mucho: mucha, muchaa (O) baby, young boy;
mucha (much'a)(A) 1. large tree with green thorns,
Balanites aegyptiaca; 2. resin, glue;
(O) teat of animal, spout
G.... Mucho (ctr 1964 of Hawana Yemaloggi sub-district) 08/34? [Ad]
HDD88 Mucho (Mucio) 08/38 [+ WO]
muchucha (O) mud, mire; slippery
JCG62 Muchucho (Muciuccio) (area) 06/40 [+ WO]
HDG28 Muchuchu (Much'uch'u) 0915'/3535' 1751 m, 09/35 [Gz]
south-east of Nejoo
HDA84 Mucka (Mucca), cf Muka .. 08/35 [+ WO]
HDE59 Muckiye (M. Mucchie) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HES23 Mucra, see Mukra
JDB92 Muctar, see Mutar
HFE65c Muctun, see Muktun
JDH56 Mucure, see Mukure
muda (O) place of pilgrimage of the Oromo, of special
importance if called Abba Muda; muuda (O) anointment of ritual leader,
butter used as make-up; mudaa (O) blemish, defect, imperfection;
muda (Arabic) kinds of wild fig tree, e.g. Ficus populifolia;
mudda (A) hunk of meat; muddah (Som/H.Salt) head
HDE47 Muda (area), see under Mojo 08/39 [WO]
?? Muda Gebriel (with visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
muda m..: meka (mäka) (A) kind of reed, Arundo donax;
meka, meeqa (O) how much? how many?
maka, maqaa (O) name
JCR80 Muda Meka (M. Meca) 0802'/4141' 1285 m 08/41 [Gz]
JDC30 Mudabilida 0829'/4139' 1253, 1410 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
HFC81 Mudassir (area) 14/36 [WO]
muddi (O) side, flank; mudhii (O) waist;
meka, see at Muda Meka above
JCP89 Muddi Mecka (Muddi Mecca) 07/41 [+ WO]
JDC87 Muddiballi (area) 08/42 [WO]
JDJ33 Mude 0920'/4154' 1843 m, south of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDP73 Mudela (area) 10/41 [WO]
HDD48 Mudena 0832'/3814' 2364 m 08/38 [Gz]
HCK.. Mudula, place near Durame 07/38 [20]
HDS55c Muga (fief/?/ known from the late 1400s) 10/38 [20]
HFF61 Muga, see under Bahira
?? Muga (river in eastern Gojjam) ../.. [n]
JBG55 Mugalalla (area) 04/40 [WO]
HDM.. Mugaro (with clinic), near Aliyu Amba 09/39 [n]
?? Muge (Mugä Gädam), monastery in Shewa
HET49 Mugeja (Muggia) (mission) 1306'/3917' 2838 m, 13/39 [Gz Gu WO]
south-east of Samre
muger (A) bamboo-like plant which grows in the
Abay and Tekezze areas;
-- Muger (Mugär, Moger, Saggo Mugar, Yaya Mugar)
name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDK75 Muger (Mugher, Mugar, Mugär, Moogher) 2570 m 09/37 [MS AA x Ha]
(river outlet into Abay at 0954'/3756' = HDK94)
HED23 Muger 1102'/3750' 2451 m 11/37 [Gz]
muger z..: zala (A) 1. ear of corn; 2. stature; (T) terrace
-- Zala is an Ometo ethnic group
HD... Muger Zala (in Addis Abeba region) 09/38? [n]
GDF42 Muggi, see Mugi
HCR53 Muggia, see Muja
HEM21 Muggia (Mugia), see Muja
HEM30 Muggia (Mugia) (mountain) 1203'/3924' 2815 m, 12/39 [Gz]
east of Lalibela
HEM31 Muggia (Mugia), see Sedie Mugia
HET49 Muggia, see Mugeja
HFC27 Muggiu, see Mujju
HCS54 Muggo (Mugo) (mountain) 0749'/3758' 3192 m 07/37 [Gz x]
JDC05 Mugh Wen (Mugh Uen) (area), cf Mugwen 08/42 [+ WO]
-- Mugi, Mogi, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
GDF42 Mugi (Muggi, Moghi, Moughi, Mogi, Moji) 08/34 [Gz Ad WO Te]
MS: 0830'/3430' =GDF32, 1460 m; Gz: 0829'/3435' 1498 m
In Kelem awraja, centre in 1964 of Anfillo sub-district.
With sub-post office under Nekemte.
HEE50 Mugia, see Muja
HEM31 Mugia, see Sedie Mugia
HCS54 Mugo, see Muggo
JCT63 Muguein, see Mugwen
-- Muguji (ethnic group), see Koegu
HFF71c Mugulat (communications centre), 14/39 [Yo]
see under Adigrat
HCK91 Mugunja 0713'/3738' 1601 m 07/37 [Gz]
JCT63 Mugwen (Muguein) 0751'/4345' 915 m 07/43 [Gz WO]
JCK99 Mugwela (seasonal waterhole) 07/43 [MS WO]

muhage w..: welel (A) floor

?? Muhage Welel (with visiting postman under Nekemte) ../.. [Po]
HDU33 Muhal Meda, see Mehal Meda
HFC14 Muhas (area) 13/37 [WO]

-- Muher, an ethnic sub-group and a dialect of Gurage

-- Muher language (Muhir, Mwäkir)
HDD16 Muher (village) 08/38 [x]
HCA68 Mui 0603'/3533' 932 m, south-west of Maji 06/35 [Gz]
HCA69 Mui (mountain) 0603'/3540' 1531 m, south of Maji 06/35 [WO Gz]
muja, mujja (A,T,O) 1. tall weed grass, Snowdenia polystachya
or Pennisetum nubicum, P. dioicum; 2. (A) weak but fast-
growing /person/
HCR53 Muja (Muggia) (Fre: Moudja) (mountain), 07/36 [+ WO]
north of Jiren, see under Jimma
HCR70 Muja 0755'/3638'c, 07/36 [x]
hill about 40 km north of Jiren/Agaro
HEE20c Muja (area) 11/38 [Ch]
HEE50 Muja (Mugia) 1123'/3829' 1923 m 11/38 [WO Gz]
HEL29 Muja (Adi Mugia)1200'/3917' 2918 m 12/39 [Gz]
HEM20 Muja 11/39 [MS)
HEM21 Muja (Mugia, Muggia, Sedie Muggia, Debre Tsehay) 12/39 [Gz Po Gu WO]
1204'/3927' 2168, 2890, 2918 m
(with sub-post office under Dessie)
Town 60 km south of lake Ashenge
Centre in 1964 of Muja wereda & of Muja sub-district
Adjoining to the west/north/east is Muja kebele and to the
south Qola Muja kebele. Near to the west is Zagol Zaf kebele.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
?? Dengolsa 2130 m
2E Dengelsa kebele
4E Merora kebele
7E Gesta kebele
6SE Chibina kebele
8SE Iyela kebele
8S Nefasit kebele
8S Tila Asfere kebele
10SW Tefelamay kebele
3W Zogolzot (Sagulzaf) (village) 3719 m
7W Agewiye kebele
3NW Ayt Hala kebele
7NW Ayferuba kebele
10NW A.Muja (Adi? Amba? Mugia) (Mujo?) (village)
4N Rikak Maryam (Mascalanos Ricac Mariam) (church)
9N Mewat kebele
10N Meskelenas (Mascalanos) (pass)
9NE (Angot, wide area, see under its own historical name)
10NE Wefcha kebele
HEM30 Muja (Mugia, A.=Abba? Adi? Amba? Mujo), 12/39 [Wa WO 18]
(British camp in 1868) between Tekezze river and a deep canyon
HEU50 Muja 1307'/3926' 2838 m, south-east of Samre 13/39 [Gz]
HDM45 Muja Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the east in south Ankober wereda, 10-13 km
south-southwest of Ankober town; area 788 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED58c Muja Goradite (in Gayint awraja) 11/38 [Ad]
HEM21 Muja kebele 12/39 [Ad]
adjoining Muja settlement and stretching 10 km
northwards from there; area 4,680 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED58? Muja wereda (centre in 1964 = Goradit) 11/38 [Ad]
by the 1990s replaced by Gidan (Gedan) wereda

HFC27 Mujju (Muggiu) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]

muk (muq) (A) warm, hot;
muka (O) 1. bush, tree, wood, timer, plank; 2. lineage,
descent; muka arba, mukarba (O: elephant tree) kinds of tree,
Albizia gummifera, A. schimperiana, Cassia alexandrina;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
JDC85 Muka Arba (Muca A., Muke A.) (area) 08/42 [+ WO Gz]
0857'/4209' 1610 m
muka d..: dima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides; 3. baobab
large tree, Adansonia digitata
HDK63 Muka Dima 0938'/3752' 2151 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), see under Kachisi
HDD94 Muka Ilmu, see Muke Ilmu
muka l..: lencha, leencha (O) lion
HEM62 Muka Lencha (M. Lench'a) 1219'/3934' 1497 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south of Alamata
muka t..: turii (O) dirt, filth; menstruation
HDL55 Muka Turi (Muka Ture), see Muke Turi
mukaballa, muka balla (O) large tree
HDE42 Mukaballa (Mucaballa) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HEF35 Mukale kebele (Mukalé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the northern "outgrowth" of Kalu (East) wereda,
9-17 km north-east of Kombolcha; area 4,223 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Mukalo (centre in 1964 of Werebet sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEC68 Mukara (Mucara, Macuar) (area) 2154, 2340 m 11/37 [+ WO Gu]
HDR65 Mukasan 10/37 [MS]
mukasara: muka sara (O) tree branch
HDM80 Mukasara (Mucasara) (with church) 09/39 [+ WO]
mukat: muket (muqät) (A) heat, warmth; werki (wärqi) (T) gold
HFC08 Mukat Werki (Mucat Uorchi) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HDL54 Mukaturi, see Muke Turi
HEE69 Mukdala, see Mekdela
JDC85 Muke Arba, see Muka Arba
HEE97 Muke Chin (Muk'e Ch'in, Muqe Chin) 11/39 [Gz q]
1145'/3904' 3191 m, north-east of Bete Hor
muke (O) kind of tall tree, Fagaropsis angolensis;
chitaa (O) 1. tall grass used for thatching; 2. broken piece;
3. (chita) fatal illness of cattle and horses
HDL80 Muke Chita (M. Ch'ita) 0947'/3826' 2558 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
muke de..: dera (dära) (A) tall grass used for
thatching roofs; dera, deeraa (O) long, tall; slow
HDL63 Muke Dera (Derre) 0939'/3846' 2660 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south of Fiche
muke do..: doyyoo (O) bland food, ragout with salt
but no spices; doyo (A) food as above;
(O?) Guji) kind of black-and-white bird
HDL71 Muke Doyo 0942'/3831' 2425 m, 09/38 [Gz]
south-west of Fiche
muke du..: dugda (O) back of the body
HDL71 Muke Dugda 0944'/3831' 2621 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Fiche
muke ge..: gemma (gämma), gema (gäma) (A) give
bad smell, be rotten
HDL83 Muke Gema 0948'/3846' 2519 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
muke gu..: gurach, gurracha, giracha (A) 1. /mule/
with black and white spots; 2.: wooded landscape;
guracha, gurraacha (O) black, dark blue; sky;
(Bale O) kararo timber-tree, Aningeria sp.
HDL73 Muke Guracha 0942'/3846' 2590 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
muke il..: ilmo (O) child, offspring; (Som) 1. child; 2. tears
ilmu (A) the dream
HDD94 Muke Ilmu (Muka I.) 0900'/3755' 2199 m, 09/37 [Gz AA]
(with witchcraft temple 2 km to the north-east), see under Ambo
muke t..: turii (O) dirth, filth
HDL55 Muke Turi (M.T'uri, Muketure, Chetama, Ketama) 09/38 [AA Gz WO x]
MS: 0925'/3850' =HDL44; Gz: 0933'/3852' 2652 m
(with school, and sub-post office under A.A.)
HDL.. Muke Turi Sele (Muka Ture Sele) (with school) 09/38 [x]
HDT84 Mukech kebele (Muqäch' ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the north in central Kelala wereda stretching to its
western border, 5-11 km west-northwest of Kelala settlement;
area 937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mukedima t..: tereter (tärätär) (A) ridge, chain of hills
HDK64 Mukedima Tereter (area), cf Muka Dima 09/37 [AA]
mukera (mukkära) (A) trial, test;
mukerafo (Harar O) water cress, Nasturtium officinale
-- Mukra, name of an Ittu tribe of eastern Oromo
HET43 Mukera (Muchera) 1303'/3847' 1189 m, 13/38 [+ It Gz]
west of Abergele
HDJ32 Mukerma 0921'/3651' 1605 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDE59 Mukiye (M.Mucchie), in Adama wereda 08/39 [x WO]
HDK62 Mukiye (Mukyie) 0937'/3746' 2406 m, 09/37 [Gz AA]
(with church Ch'erk'os), see under Kachisi
HDE59 Mukiye sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mukiye) 08/39 [x]
HDG28 Muklemi (Mulemi) 0918'/3533' 1843 m, 09/35 [Gz Ad]
south-east of Nejo, town in Boji wereda
(centre in 1964 of Riji Chekorsa sub-district)
HEL66 Mukogo (Muk'ogo, Muqogo) 1221'/3859' 2631 m, 12/38 [Gz q]
north-west of Lalibela
HES23 Mukra (Mucra) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
JDB92 Muktar (G. Muctar) (area) 2474, 2992 m 08/40 [+ WO]
HFE65c Muktun (Muctun) 2017 m, 14/38 [+ Gu]
hill to the south of Amba Abba Garima
HET06 Mukun (Muk'un, Muqun) 1243'/3903' 1908 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
north of Sekota
mukure, mukureh (Arsi O) mistletoe, Viscum tuberculatum,
an epiphyte; muquuray (Som) dive, submerge
JDH56 Mukure (Mucure) 1105 m, cf Mukera 09/41 [+ WO]
HDR64 Mukusan 1032'/3702' 1867 m, south-west of Bure 10/37 [Gz]
mukwecha: mukecha (muqäch'a) (A) mortar and pestle;
wiha (A) water
HCA19 Mukwecha Wiha (Mukweha Waha, Mocacc Hoha) 05/35 [WO MS Gu]
HDK62 Mukyie, see Mukiye
HDL.. Mukyo (centre in 1964 of Adama wereda) 09/38 [Ad]
HDT99 Mula Meda kebele (.. Méda ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Legambo wereda at its southern border,
12-15 km south-east of Akista; area 934 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDD94 Mulaale (Mula'ale, Mulal) (area) 09/42 [Gz WO]
0900'/4255' 1608 m, south-east of Jijiga
JDK27 Mulale (area) 09/43 [WO]
JDN39c Mulalli (village), can be read as Mulla Ali? 10/40 [Gu]
mulata (O) name of one of ten gada sets; mulletto (Kefa)
skin bag; recorded as a son's name before year 1600;
mullata (O) obvious, clear; mulat (A) abundant;
-- Mulata, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu
of the Borana people; Mulatwa, an Oromo female name
JDJ21 Mulata (Mullata), see Gara Muleta, cf Muleta
JDJ66 Mulata (area) 2160 m 09/42 [WO]
JBS98 Muldata (Mulata, Darbadulet) 0523'/4314' 547 m 05/43 [Gz WO Wa]
JDK55 Muleale (Mule'ale) 0931'/4302' 1750 m, 09/43 [Gz]
north-east of Jijiga
HDG28 Mulemi, see Muklemi
mulet.: mulataa (O) clear, obvious
JCN84 Muleta (area) 08/40 [WO]
JDJ01 Muleta, south-west of Grawa, see Gara Muleta
JDJ21 Muleta (Mullata), north-west of Grawa, see Gara Muleta
HDD08 Mulig (Mulg) 0809'/3816' 3060 m, 08/38 [Gz]
near map code HCS98, north-west of Butajira
JDC76 Mulleta 1446 m 08/42 [WO]
mulli (O) waist; (Som) 1. resin of certain trees;
2. depth
JDC49 Mulli (Goro Mulli?) (area), cf Goro Mullu 08/42 [WO]
-- Mullo, Mullu, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe,
also occurring as an individual name0
JDH61 Mullo, see Mulu
HDL11 Mullo sub-district (Mulo ..) (-1964-1997-), 09/38 [WO n Ad ]
in Menagesha awraja (centre in 1964 = Silo)
mullu, mulluu (O) boiled grain
JDC48 Mullu 0832/4224' 1304 m 08/42 [Gz]
JDH21 Mullu, see Mulu
J.... Mullukemayu (Mulluchemaiu) (mountain) 08/42 [+ Gu]
JCR93 Mullul (area) 08/41 [WO]
HDK07 Mulo 0905'/3813' 2693 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
west of Addis Alem, see under Welenkomi
HDK37 Mulo, M. (area) 09/38 [WO Gu]
HDK57 Mulo (mountain) 0930'/3810' 2688 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL06 Mulo 0906'/3901' 2493 m, see under Sendafa 09/39 [AA Gz]
HDL22 Mulo, see Ilala Mulo
HDL33 Mulo 0920'/3841' 2589 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HD... Mulo (centre in 1964 of Afdem Shenano sub-district) 09/38? [Ad]

mulu (A) full, complete; mullu (O) boiled grain;

muluu (Bilen) kind of scrubby bush/tree, Ximenia americana;
-- Mullu, Mullo, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDJ71 Mulu (mountain) 0943'/3644' 1524 m 09/36 [Gz]
HD... Mulu, community started by Brigadier Sandford 09/.. [x]
JDH21 Mulu (Mullu, Mulloo) (Fr: Moullou), railway station 09/40 [Gz WO Gu Wa]
0917'/4050' 1225/1249/1276 m, see under Mieso
JDH50c Mulu (Mulluh, Moullou) circa 0930'/4045', 09/40 [+ x]
old caravan stop on the route from Djibouti to Addis Abeba
JDH61 Mulu (Mullu, Mulo, Mullo) 0938'/4048' 905 m 09/40 [Gz]
JDH73 Mulu (Moolu) (plain recorded in 1841) 09/40 [Ha]
HD... Mulu Sain (Dan Sandford's farm) 09/.. [x]
?? Mulu & Sululta wereda 09/.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 94 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
JDH72 Mulu Zuglor (Moolu Z.) (recorded in 1841) 09/40 [Ha]
muma: mumme (O) mountain or riverside slope
HBM53 Muma, H. (area) 04/39 [WO]
JDJ43 Muma 0930'/4149' 1462 m 09/41 [Gu Gz]
HFK26 Mumat Aite Ghebresghi 1443'/3804' 1105 m, 14/38 [Gz]
on the border of Eritrea
mume i..: ilka (O) ivory, tusk; (A,O) kind of small or
medium tree, Maytenus undata; ilka (Hadya) tip/?/
?? Mume Ilka (name from legend of a Muslim saint?) ../.. [x]
source of the Webi river and a holy place
JDJ08 Mumed Hasen 0904'/4221' 1415 m, 09/42 [Gz]
south-east of Harar
mumi tu: tu (Som) 1. disease affecting livestock;
2. command to make a camel kneel down
HDL82 Mumi Tu, see Mumitu
mumicha, muummicha (O) secretary
HDE35 Mumicha (Endole, Handole) 0828'/3852' 1767 m 08/38 [Gz WO Gu]
HDK.. Mumicha (Mumitscha Urga) 09/37? [+ x]
JDC90 Mumicha 0901'/4139' 1612 m, south-west of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HDL82 Mumitu (Mumi Tu) 0949'/3836' 3063 m, 09/38 [Gz AA]
west of Fiche
-- Mun (ethnic group), see Mursi
muna (O?) a group of people of the same lineage living /usually/
in several houses, with possibly also servants near
HEH69 Muna, see Manu
HFM03 Muna (Mai Muna), river on the border of Eritrea 14/39 [WO 20]
HDR31 Munchit (Muncit, Uunchit) 1016'/3642' 1101 m, 10/36 [+ Gz]
just south of Abay river
HEM20 Munder Amba (=Mender?) (recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HDL24 Mundida (village recorded in the 1840s), cf Gorfo 09/38 [Ha]
HCT35 Munesa (Monessa, Munessa, Munissa) 07/38 [Gz Ad WO x]
(Fre: Mounessa) 0735'/3854' 2449/2518 m
(with church and clinic), east of lake Langano
HC... Munesa wereda (Munessa ..) (ctr in 1964 = Gujicha) 07/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 69 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HBM55 Mungobt, D. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HD... Mungust, district near HDU45 10/39 [Ha]
HE... Mungut, village in Gojjam 11/3. [x]
-- Muniyo, adopted clan of gabaro "impure descent"
among the Mecha/Liban Oromo
GCM35 Muniyongi (area) c.550 m 06/34 [WO]
JBT53c Munkehr 05/43 [Wa]
JDG98 Munkurur (Muncurur) (area) 965 m 09/40 [+ WO]
JDB35 Munnufi (area) 08/41 [WO]
?? Muntilli (Muntille) area/place near salt-plains ../.. [18]
HDT18 Munuta 10/39 [WO]
JEA75 Muoniu (Mouonin) 1130'/4017' 814 m, 11/40 [Gz x]
mountain south of Mille river
mur (A) incurably insane person; muur (Som) seal, stamp
HDD08 Mur (mountain) 0810'/3817' 2766 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of Butajira
HDD17 Mur (traditional Gurage area) 0809'/3815' 3414 m 08/38 [18 WO Gz]
mura, murra, sub-chief in some ethnic groups of southern Eth.;
(O) 1. harvest, cutting the crop; 2. power to do certain things;
murra (O) fortification;
muraa (O) to plough crisscross; (Konso) holy grove
HF... Muraha, south-east of Inda Silase 13/40 [x]
HBP49c Muralle, cf Murle 04/36 [x]
place in the southern part of Arbore area
HDT49 Murasa kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south Jema wereda at its southern border and somewhat
to the east, 7-12 km south of Degolo; area 1,810 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDP57 Murder Island (event in 1905, on map by Jessen) 10/36 [x 20]
HBJ59 Murdur, G. 1022 m, 04/37 [WO]
mountain near the border of Kenya, see also under Dukano
HCK41 Mure (Murie), see Gesuba
HBP74 Murel (Gurais Murel?) (area) 05/36 [WO Gz]
0510'/3609' 404 m, see also Murle
Coordinates would give map code HBP75
HDU10 Muret 1006'/3920' 1924 m, west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HDT11 Muret & Dingish kebele (Murét & Dengesh ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the western border of the southernmost "tip" of Gera Midir
& Keya Gebriel wereda, area 2,225 hectares. [CSA 1994]
?? Murfi (watercourse only in the rainy season) ../.. [Ch]
with its mouth near the south-west coner of lake Tana
muri (O) kind of grass; murii (O) bush cut and left to dry
JBN24 Muri, see Meri
HCK41 Murie, see Gesuba
HC... Murie (centre in 1964 of Offu sub-district) 06/37 [Ad]
-- Murille, unit of the Somali now found (in the 1980s)
in the north-east province of Kenya
JEA43 Murjan (Murgian) (area) 1116'/4005' 1360/1406 m, 11/40 [Gz WO]
see under Bali
murku, murquu (O) stub left after cutting off /a hand/
HDC13c Murkus (Murcus) (market) 08/36 [Gu]
-- Murle, name of a small negroid tribe living at about HBP75 near
the Ethiopia-Sudan border and numbering about 6,000 in Ethiopia;
also a small group of about 200 at the lower Omo valley
HBP75 Murle (Murel, Marille) 0509'/3613' 177, 496 m, 05/36 [WO Gz Gu]
(with "elephant cemetery")
HBP.. Murle Controlled Hunting Area 05/36 [20]
JD... Murrah, an elevated plain 10/41 [Ha]
HCA73 Murrlingo 0606'/3508' 1413 m 06/35 [WO Gz]
-- Mursi (Dhaama), name of an ethnic group in the South Omo Zone,
living halfway between Maji and Jinka, estimated to number 5,000
in 1976 but counting about 3,258 according to the 1994 census
HCB30 Mursi (Mursi Hana), village 05/36 [MS Ca n]
mursi b..: Bodi (Hana), ethnic group in the upper Omo valley
HCB.. Mursi Bodi wereda (-1997-) 05/36 [n]
created in 1970 in Hamar Bako awraja,
cf Geleb & Hamerbako awraja
murti (O) wedding ceremony; making up one's mind;
kind of ritual pledge or prayer among the Borana;
murto (O) scissors, cutting blade;
murtu, murtuu (O) 1. collective name for birds or
insects that destroy crops; 2. cunning man, person with
the evil eye; 3. cutter, tailor; (murt'u) (A) the penis
JEA45 Murtu (Gubbao) (mount.) 1114'/4015' 974/1071 m 11/40 [WO Gz]
HET09 Murut 1240'/3918' 2703 m, south-west of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
KCG95 Murut 07/45 [WO]
HCB14 Murzu (Mursi) 05/36 [WO x]
mus (Som) section or the inside of a thornbrush enclosure;
muus (Som) 1. banana; 2. flow /of water/ out of the ground;
3. razor; muz (A) cultivated banana, Musa sapientum
HCG77 Mus, see under Mizan Teferi 06/35 [WO]
mus der: dheer (Som) tall, long, deep
JDK52 Mus Der 09/42 [WO]
Musa, the Muslim form of name for Moses
HCH21 Musa (Mossa) (plain) 0635'/3547' 1288 m, 06/35 [Gz WO Gu]
north-west of Shasha
Musa ali (Som?) mountain of Moses?
cf Ali as first part of name
JEJ88 Musa Ali (Musalli, Moussa Ali) 12/42 [MS Gu WO x]
(Afar: Musa'alli) (mountain) 2063 m,
on the borders between Eritrea, Djibouti and Ethiopia
HDL87 Musa Amba, cf Mosa Amba 09/39 [WO]
HE... Musafa Maryam 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Iste sub-district)
HEK00 Musast (Muscat), see Dimbiso
JEA27 Musceinta Dadda 1103'/4024' 571 m, 11/40 [Gz]
at Awash river east of Bati
HET33 Muscera, see Mushira
HEC96 Muscia, see Mosha 11/37
HEE77 Muscmender 11/39 [WO]
muse (A) 1. Moses; 2. head of a self-help fraternity; 3. Monsieur;
Muse, Mussie, a male personal name;
musi, muusii (O) banana
HCT83 Muse Liyon Tekil ("Monsieur Liyon's plantation") 08/38 [Gz]
0802'/3844', at western shore of lake Ziway,
originally Monsieur Léon Chefneux's plantation
HEU51c Musgi (Masgi) (British camp in 1868) 13/39 [18]
HDM73 Mush (valley) 0940'/3940', 09/39 [Mi]
40 km north-east of Debre Birhan in direction Dessie
HEC98 Mushi (Musci) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
mushira, mushurra (O) bride, wife, bridegroom;
mushirra (A) bridegroom /also bride?/
HET33 Mushira (Mushera, Muscera) 1254'/3845' 1682 m 13/38 [LM Wa WO Gz]
-- Musiye language, see Bussa
HEK00 Muskat (Muscat, Musast) 1832 m 11/37 [+ WO Ch Gu]
JFA74 Mussley (valley) 14/40 [Mi]
HCF05 Mussolini (Italian name), cf Amba M. 05/39 [WO]
HDM94 Mussolini Pass (Termaber), see under Debre Sina 09/39 [WO]
HEJ58 Mussolini Peak (It: Vetta Mussolini) 2005 m, 12/37 [WO Gu]
see under Gorgora
HDM94 Mussolini Tunnel, see also Termaber 09/39 [Br]
JBU84 Mustahil (Fre: Moustahil) (with sub-post office) 05/44 [WO Po Gz]
Gz: 0515'/4444' 193 m; MS: 0516'/4445' 195 m
(centre in 1964 of Mustahil wereda)
JBU84 Mustahil wereda (-1997-2004-) 05/44 [n]
HET23 Mustalkwa (Mustalqua) 13/38 [+ WO]
HEJ99 Musua, see under Gondar 12/37 [WO]
HDM43 Muta Mayes kebele (Mut'a Mayäs ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
at its eastern border; area 727 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM21 Mutai Mayes (Mut'a'i M.) 0916'/3930' 3244 m, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem), east of Sheno
JDN09 Mutaka (mountain) 0957'/4035' 934 m, 09/40 [Gz]
near map code JDG98
JDB92 Mutar (Gara Muctar) (mountain chain), 09/40 [Gz]
0900'/4056' 2474 m, south-east of Asbe Teferi
?? Mutara (pinnacle), see also under Jiballa ../.. [Ch n]
mute (mutä) (A) die; muta (O) 1. sand; 2. straight awl, nail
HDC67 Mute (area), cf Mutte 08/37 [WO]
HDJ16 Mute, peak: 0913'/3710' 2492 m, south of Haretu, 09/37 [Gz]
another peak: 0911'/3710' 2097 m
HDK38 Mute 0923'/3818' 2619 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(village and area, with church Giyorgis)
HDL22 Mute 0918'/3836' 2389 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), north-west of Sululta
HDL41 Mute 0928'/3835' 1644 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
2 km south of quarry and its aerial cable
HDL62 Mute 0939'/3839' 2625 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL67 Mute (Mutie) 09/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gnea sub-district)
HDL72 Mute (mountain) 0944'/3838' 3082 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Fiche
HDL74 Mute (place & area) 0941'/3852' 2619 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Fiche, see under Debre Libanos
HDL74 Mute, peak: 0942'/3852' 2578 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL82 Mute (with church), see under Fiche 09/38 [AA]
?? Mute Gallan ../.. [x]
HDE.. Mute Giyorgis, 08/38 [n]
hills opposite the rock-hewn church Adadi Maryam
mute ke..: kerenssa, keransa (O) leopard;
chimma kerensa (O) impossible to obtain
HDK79 Mute Kerensa (Mut'e K'erensa, M. Qerensa) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0944'/3823' 2336 m, see under Gebre Guracha
HDL82 Mute Mikael (Mut'e Mika'el) (church) 0949'/3840', 09/38 [Gz]
west of Fiche
mute r..: robi, roobi (O) 1. hippopotamus;
2. Wednesday; 3. rain
HDK38 Mute Robi (Mut'e R.) 0924'/3816' 2619 m 09/38 [AA Gz]

mute w..: washa (A) cave

HDL64 Mute Washa (Mut'e W.) 0940'/3850' 2583 m, 09/38 [Gz]
south-east of Fiche
HDT19 Muter, M. (mountain) 1003'/3916' 2261 m, 10/39 [WO Gz]
near map code HDU10
HDM43 Muter kebele (Mut'är ..) 09/39 [Ad]
forming a long "tip" towards the south in east Debre Birhan
Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 9-26 km south-west of Ankober;
area 2,292 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Mutera (Mutära) (mountain fortress in Gojjam), ../.. [En]
about 45 km south-west of present-day Debre Markos
HDM61 Muterensa (Mut'erensa) 0939'/3928' 2763 m, 09/39 [Gz]
west of Debre Birhan
HDL82 Muteya (Mut'eya) 0948'/3840' 3216 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche
muti (O) blunt thick needle for drawing tape etc.
GCU72 Muti 07/34 [WO]
HDL68 Muti (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 09/39 [Ad WO]
JDH29 Muti 0917'/4134' 2469 m, 09/41 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south-east of Deder
muti af (A) aggressive in speech and facial expression
muti b..: belg (A) main rainy season
HEF54 Muti Belg kebele (Mut'i Bälg ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Tehuledere wereda, stretching from
the shore of lake Hayk 12 km northwards along the eastern
border of the wereda; area 3,173 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF99 Muti & Botoro kebele (Mut'i .. ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in westernmost north Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its western
border, 6-11 km north-west of Balchi; area 1,896 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
muti le..: lafto, laftoo (O) kinds of thorn tree,
Acacia lahai, A. sieberiana
JDA87 Muti Leftu (Mut'i L.) 0852'/4027' 1917 m, 08/40 [Gz]
north-west of Gelemso
muti lu..: luba (O) priest in traditional culture
JDA27 Muti Luba (Mut'i L.) 0823'/4025' 1581 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south-east of Mechara
HDM83 Muti & Moydar kebele (Mut'i .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
almost in northernmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda
and near its east/west middle, 12-16 km north-northeast of
Debre Birhan town; area 814 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
mutiko..: koora (O) 1. meeting of elders; 2. haughtiness;
kooraa (O) hilltop, spur, saddle
HDE79 Mutikora (Muticora) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
mutoko..: matokoma (O) kind of tree, Keltis kraussiana?
koma (O) 1. breast, chest; 2. (qooma) instant killing;
(A) 1. sterile land; 2. kind of large tree
HCS05 Mutokoma (Mutocoma) (area) 07/37 [+ WO]
mutta a..: mutta (mutt'a) (A) 1. metal ornament of scabbard;
2. /horse/ having four white feet;
arba, arbaa (O) elephant; muta (O) awl;
arba (A) forty, memorial service
HBM14 Mutta Arba 0347'/3941' 1055 m, 03/39 [WO Gz]
mountain near the border of Kenya
mutta s..: sayid (Som) leader, shariif, excellency
JEA13 Mutta Saidi (area) 1542 m 10/40 [WO]
HDF74 Mutte, M. (area) 1452 m, cf Mute 08/39 [WO]
-- mutte mo..: Mogi, an Ittu tribe of the eastern Oromo
JCR20 Mutte Mogi (M. Mogiatka) 0724'/4133' 971 m 07/41 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JCP19
mutto (Kefa) flax, Linum usitatissimum
HDD82 Mutulu 0853'/3745' 2258 m, west of Ambo 08/37 [Gz]
HDM.? Mutunde (Muthundeh) (on map of 1814), 09/40? [+ 18]
at some distance east of Aliyu Amba
HDU95 Mwachera kebele (Mwach'ära ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda at its north-eastern
border, 8-12 km north of Majete; area 1,642 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM.? Mwat (w church Maryam), in Bulga/Kasim wereda 09/39? [x]
HDU01 Mwat kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in west Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, 22-25 km
west-southwest of Molale; area 1,487 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF20 Myeche (M.Miece) (area) 1826 m 08/39 [+ WO]
?? Myetta, see Mieta
HFD06c Mytsemri, see May Tsemre
GDU72 Mzila (area) 10/34 [WO]
HFE24 Naader, see Nadir
HEL27 Naakuto Laab (Na'akuto La'ab, Na'akweto L.) 12/39 [+ x Pa]
(Nakutalapa, Nekutoleab) 2263 m, 12/39 [Br n]
(cave church), see under Lalibela
HFF21 Naalet (Na'alet) 1344'/3925' 1867 m, 13/39 [Gu Gz]
north-west of Mekele
Coordinates would give map code HFF10
-- Naath language, see Nuer
HEK21 Nabaga, see Nabega
H.... Nabara sub-district (centre in 1964 = Limzameg) 10/37? [Ad]
HEK21 Nabega (Nabaga, Navaga) 1159'/3737' 1786 m 11/37 [Gz WO Gu Ch]
(Navaga Ghiorghis, Nabaga Giyorgis),
at the east shore of lake Tana, in Fogera wereda
HDH09 Nacamte, see Nekemte
JCN14 Nacchie 0723'/4010' 2079 m 07/40 [WO Gz 20]
nacha, naacha (O) crocodile;
-- Nacha, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HDD10 Nacha 0818'/3733' 1523 m, north of Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
HDM.. Nachage (district in Tegulet) 09/39 [n]
HDM42 Nachage & Ketema kebele (Nach'agé & Qät'éma ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
21-24 km south of Debre Birhan; area 434 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEA24 Nachir (Naccir) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HDL63 Nachire 0941'/3846' 2581 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL28 Nachiri 0918'/3909' 2810 m, 09/39 [Gz]
between Sendafa and Sheno
HCC17 Nacille, see Mashile
HBP62 Nacua, see Nakua
nada (A) landslide
HCR47 Nada (Nadda) 0736'/3713' 1975 m, east of Jimma 07/37 [Gz Mi WO Gu]
HCF01 Nadara, see Nura
HED06 Nadatra, see Nedratra
nadda: nadde (O) woman; wife; nedda (nädda) (A) drive /herd to
pasture/; nada (A) landslide; nade (nadä) (A) make to collapse
HCR47 Nadda, see Nada
HCR48 Nadda (area) 07/37 [WO]
HCD13 Naddale, see Maddale
?? Nadeder Adiet wereda, in Tigray ../.. [20]
HER48 Nadir (Nader, Amba Nadir) 1303'/3719' 1286 m, 13/38 [WO Gu Ad Gz]
(mountain), in Aksum awraja
HFE24 Nadir (Naader, Nader) 1349'/3849' 1330 m, 13/38 [Gz]
north-west of Abiy Adi
HFE38 Nadir 1355'/3914' 1670 m, north-east of Abiy Adi 13/38 [Gz]
HFE43 Nadir, see Naidir
HF... Nadir wereda (Na'edir ..) 14/39? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mahibere Degu)
JCC82 Nadir (area) 06/41 [WO]
nado, nadoo (O) 1. sheaf of grain; 2. mild in taste, not spicy,
fresh /butter/; 3. dress without fringe or decorative border;
nedo (nädo) (A) sheaf, bundle of cloth;
naddo (Kefa) Trifolium rueppellianum
HDD69 Nado 0846'/3823' 2108 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL44 Nado 0927'/3849' 2462 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
midway between Sululta and Fiche
HDG39 Nadscho (German spelling of HDG47 Nejo?) 09/35 [Wa]
?? Naede Adet wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HFE43 Naeder, see Naider
HED99 Nafas.., see Nefas..
HDR00 Nafro 2350 m, cf Nefro 09/36 [WO]
nafur (Afar) werewolf
naga: nagaa (O) being well, in good health and circumstances;
-- Naga, a Gumuz clan name
HDP62 Naga (river) ca 1030'/3555', 10/35 [Ch]
WO map shows the river more to the west
than these coordinates, cf Tirim river
JDP57 Nagacumi, see Nagakumi
nagad (A) Trifolium rueppellianum; nagada (O) business, trade
HDT90c Nagadbir (ford on the Chay river) 10/39 [Gu Ch]
HEU80 Nagahe 1323'/3921' 2126 m, 13/39 [Gz]
near map code HET89, south-west of Mekele
JDP57 Nagakumi (Nagacumi) 1029'/4119' 813 m
HBU83 Nagalle (Nagallee), see Negele
HFF32 Nagash, see Negash
HBU83 Nagele, see Negele
-- Nago, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCL65 Nago 0657'/3852' 2491/2550 m, 06/38 [Gu Gz]
south-east of Kofele
HCP89 Nago 0759'/3633' 1535 m, north-west of Agaro 07/36 [WO Gz]
HDR48c Nago Koomi (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
HBS90 Nagule (Nagulle), 05/37 [20 WO]
settlement in north Konso, with two stone walls
nahaso: nehas (nähas) copper, brass, bronze; nehasi (T) copper
HFF02 Nahaso (mountain) 1336'/3936' 2333, 2611 m, 13/39 [Gu Gz]
north of Kwiha
HFE29 Nahiso (Gheralta) (mountain) 1349'/3916' 2140 m 13/39 [Gz]
JED04 Nahisso (area) 10/42 [WO]
HEP77 Nahut, J. (area), see under Gedabiet 13/36 [WO]
naida (T) praise
HFE43 Naider (Na'ider, Naeder, Chenef) 13/38 [Gz Ad]
(Naidir 1330 m, WO: HFE24 Nadir) 1356'/3842' 1892 m,
near map code HFE32, west of May Kinetal
HCA06 Naita (Solka, Tid, Shulugui) (mountain) 05/35 [Gz Wa WO]
0530'/3518' 1751 m (2140, 2562 m?)
HDG47 Najo (Najjoo), see Nejo
HDH09 Nakamte (Nakamti, Naqamtee, Nakempti), see Nekemte
HBP62 Nakua (Nacua, Koraz) (village) 05/35 [WO Gu]
HBP62 Nakua (Nacua, Naqua) 0506'/3553' 911/933 m, 05/35 [WO 18 Gu Gz]
(volcanic mountain)
HEL27 Nakutalapa, see Naakuto Laab
HEL27 NakutoleAb kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Bugna wereda, immediately
south-east of Lalibela; area 7,031 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEB87 Nammansa (Mansa) 11/41 [WO]
namo: nama (O) man, person, people
JDC10 Namo (area) 1419 m 08/41 [WO]
HE... Namora sub-district 11/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Misinkil Hawarya)
HBP03 Namuraputh (Namuruputh), 04/36 [x]
post at Omo river near lake Turkana
HFD48 Nanamba (Amba N.) (mountain) 13/38 [Gz]
1358'/3815' 2220 m
HDE53c Nanawa (village) 08/38 [x]
JBS48 Nandere 04/43 [WO]
HDH10 Nango, see Inango
?? Nanina (known in the 1500s, at Gojjam borders) ../.. [Pa]
nanno, nannoo (O) surroundings; round shape
HDC49 Nanno, see Nono
JDC66 Nannoyto (Nannoito) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
nano (O) kind of board between the front and rear space in a home,
for hanging containers e.g. with milk
HDD30 Nano 0828'/3731' 1707 m, north of Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
HDF15 Nano (Nonno) 0818'/3947' 2746 m, near Guna 08/39 [Gz]
JCS97 Nano (area) 08/43 [WO]
JDB02 Nanofurdo, see Furdo
JBG73 Nanow 04/40 [WO]
HCL18 Nansebo (Nansibo, Nensebo) 0629'/3906' 1681 m, 06/39 [Gz WO]
area in southern Genale awraja, wereda in the 1980s
HCL18 Nansebo sub-district (Nenesebo ..) (-1997-) 06/39 [n Ad]
naa-o (O) army, military force
-- Nao, group of the Sidama people living in the Kefa region
and numbering about 4,005 according to the 1994 census;
see Nayi
-- Nao language (Nayi) is mostly spoken in certain villages
of Decha awraja
HCH64c Nao (ensete culture region) 06/36 [x]
HDR57 Naond (Naonde), see Noond
HEJ47 Naputo Lab (small island), cf Naakuto Laab 12/37 [Ch]
HDH09 Naqamti (Naqamet), see Nekemte
nara (Harari) to be
-- Nara (Barea), ethnic group of about 25,000
living in the north
?? Nara (area), at the western border of Ethiopia ../.. [x]
HDL53 Nara 0934'/3846' 2614 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Narea, see under Ennarya and Limmu-Ennarya
narga: narge (T) lemon; nargi (A) nard, Oriental balm
HEJ17 Narga (Nerga, Nargadaga, Dak', Deq), 11/37 [Ca Ch Gu Gz]
1155'/3716' 1793 m (small island with church Silase)
HDC47 Nari 0834'/3716' 1653 m 08/37 [Gz]
JDR35 Naruf (seasonal waterhole), cf Waroff 10/42 [WO]
nas (A) brass, copper
HDM.. Nas (district in Tegulet) 09/39 [n]
HDM82 Nas & Kum Amba kebele (.. Qum .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda
near the middle of its northern border, 14-18 km
north of Debre Birhan town; area 1,260 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM82 Nas Maryam (church) 0949'/3933', 09/39 [Gz]
north of Debre Birhan
HDG78 Nasa (Gara Nasi) (mountain group), 09/35 [Gz WO Gu]
0942'/3533' 2349, 2975 m
HEC69 Nasheber (Nascever) (mountain area) 11/37 [+ It]
nasi, nasii (O) 1. copper; 2. kind of rifle
HDG78 Nasi, see Nasa
HDG77 Nasi (Tulu Nassi) (hill), 09/35 [x WO]
20 km north of Nejo, 44 km ESE of Mendi
JDP52 Nasibari (area) 10/40 [WO]
nasir: nisir (A), nisiri (T) eagle; nazir, hereditary chief
among certain Muslims;
ura, uraa (O) 1. hole; 2. awl of rough large type; uraa (Som)
plant with strong-smelling resin; urra (O) firewood
HDL67 Nasir Ura, see under Webera 09/39 [WO]
HEF33 Nasiswo (Nasisuo) 11/39 [+ Gu]
HDS54 Naskai, see Dinta
?? Naso (river in the south-west) ../.. [n]
HDG77 Nassi, T., see Nasi
JCU33 Nassiga 07/44 [WO]
HBP22 Natade (area with sand dunes) 04/35 [WO]
HBP22 Natade, see under Kelem
?? Natchebiet, with archaeological caves ../.. [n]
HC... Natri, small village on the road to Jimma 07/36? [n]
HEK21 Navaga, see Nabega
HES02 Nayhoye 1245'/3745' 2736 m, north-east of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
JDJ36 Nazaro (area), see under Harar 09/42 [WO]
HDE49 Nazret (Nazeret, Nazaret, Adama, Hadama) 08/39 [Gz Ad WO Wa]
(Nazareth) MS: 0830'/3912' = HDE48 1622/1712 m
Gz: 0833'/3916' 1726 m (with post office and hospital)
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Yerer & Kereyu awraja,
also of Adama wereda and Chore sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
1E Didibisa (at the railway)
4E Soloke (Solok'e, Sollucchi) (village)
4E Chore (Ch'ore) (area)
8E Uraka (Uraca) (village)
10SE Donkorre (Doncorre) (village)
5S Bocko (M.Bocco) (area) 1722 m
5SW Kenchero (K'ench'ero) (area)
5SW Kesemba
7SW Maregu (area)
7SW Kobo (village & area)
8SW Samiru, M. (area)
8SW Melka Ida (M.Hida) (near Awash river)
8SW Koriftu (Coriftu)
3NW Aroge Adama
4NW Kechema (Kachama, Cacciama) (area)
3N Sekekelo (area)
7N Kusaye (Cusae) (village and area) 1877 m
3NE Silinga
3NE Guraja (Guradia)
--- Dabe 1600 m
?? Nazret (Nazrit), small village in Gojjam, ../.. [18]
with a church
HEU53c Nazret (Nazar'e, Nazareth), 12/39 [+ x]
(with church Maryam on an Aksumite site)
H.... Nazret sub-district (Nazareth ..) 10/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Anech Bila)
JDH60 Nchidahara 09/40 [WO]
?? Ndera, in central Ethiopia? with market ../.. [x]
HEE90 Ne Fas Macha, see Nefas Mewcha
?? Nebat, with market ../.. [18]
HF... Nebekisge sub-district (Nebeqisgie ..) 12/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Biboziba)
nebela (näbela) (A) kind of wild-growing grain,
much sought after by camels
HFE69 Nebelei 2502 m 14/39 [WO]
HFE69 Nebelet (Nebelei, Nebolet) 1406'/3916' 2007 m, 14/39 [Gz Ad WO x]
south-west of Adigrat
Centre in 1964 of Amba Seneyte wereda &
of Adi Ihli sub-district.
In the neighbourhood there are rock-hewn
churches approximately at km
4E Wikro (Wkro, Wukro): Maryam and one more
4W Rudd Abba Manas
4NW Surbeati (Sur Beatti): Abune Neakuto Leab
1N Abune Genzay (A. Ghensay, Enda Abba Genzay)
?? Nebesge (postal service under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
nebir, nemr (A) nehri, nemri (T) leopard
nebir washa (A) leopard cave, lynx den
HDM31 Nebir Washa (Nebur Uascia), see under Gina Ager 09/39 [LM WO]
HDM32 Nebir Washa kebele (Näber .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the west in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt
wereda; area 361 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
nebit (näbit) (T) wine
HCA63 Nebit (mountain) 0559'/3506' 1221 m, 05/35 [WO Gz]
see under Tsilmamo
HCR75 Nebo 0754'/3706' 2022 m, north-east of Jimma 07/37 [Gz]
HEC99 Nebran (area) 11/37 [Ch]
HDM53 Nebu 0934'/3937' 2957 m, west of Ankober 09/39 [Gz]
HFE35 Necaha, see Nekaha
nech (nächch') (A) white;
dengiya (A) stone, rock
HEK45 Nech Dingiya Giyorgis (church) 1211'/3759' 12/37 [Gz]
("White Rock George"), east of northern lake Tana
nech gedel (A) white cliff
HDU02 Nech Gedel kebele (Näch' Gädäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in the northern main body of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, 6-10 km west-southwest of Sela Dingay; area 1,185 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HCD63c Nech Sar, see Nechisar
necha: nacha (nachcha) (O) crocodile; necho (O) white;
neche (nächch'ä) (A) gnaw, pluck out
HCF35 Necha (Necia) (area) 05/39 [+ WO]
HEK00 Nechabet (Natchabiet) cave, see Lalibela cave
HDM.? Nechilo (with church Maryam Gedam), 09/39? [x]
in the Sendafa area
JEC11 Nechiltu, see Nekiltu
HDK99 Nechiri 0955'/3820' 2582 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
nech sar (A) white grass
?? Nech Sar, on the border of Wello, ../.. [En]
battle site in 1559
HCD63c Nechisar (plain, national park) 05/37 + 06/37 [Br Ca]
(Nech Sar) (incorrect: Necleser) 06/37 [MS]
-- Nechisar National Park 05-06/37 [n]
nedada (A) very hot /lowland/
HED06 Nedarra (Nedatra), see Nedratra
neded (nädäd) (A) fuel, combustible
HDU71 Neded 1039'/3926' 2661 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU72 Neded (Nädäd) (district or plain) 1039'/3936' 10/39 [n]
HDU71 Neder 1038'/3926' 2651 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
nedi, needi (O) heavily /said of raining/
HDU31 Nedi, see Nidi
HEM36 Nedi (mountains) 1206'/3955' 921, 2386 m, 12/39 [WO Gu Gz]
arid and bare, see under Zobil, south-east of there
JDH48 Nedi (Neddi) (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 09/41 [WO Ad]
HDG47 Nedjo, see Nejo
HED06 Nedratra (Nedatra, Nadatra, Nedarra) 10/38 [Gz WO]
1056'/3805' 2623 m
GDF24 Needle Mountain, see Gara Lilmo
nefag: nefagi (näfagi) (A) miser; nifug (A) miserly, stingy
HFE66 Nefag (Nefas, Adi Nefas) 1411'/3903' 2033 m, 14/39 [WO Gz]
east of Adwa
nefas, nifas (A,T) wind, breath; mewcha (A) way out, exit
HEF71 Nefas Iyesus (church) 1125'/3926', 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Mekdela
nefas m..: mewcha (A) way out, exit
HEE90 Nefas Mewcha (Nifas Mocha, Nefas Meotcha) 11/38 [MS Po Gu]
(N. Mocia, N. Maucha, Nafas Mawcha, Näfas Mäwcha)
(Nefas Mucha, Ne Fas Macha, Nefas Mooucha)
Gz: 1144'/3828' 3120 m
(with sub-post office under Gondar) MS: 1143'/3825'
near map code HED99, south-west of Debre Zebit.
Centre at least in 1964-1980 of Gayint awraja and
at least in 1964 of Lai Gayint wereda and of
Nefas Mewcha sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Ackera (Acchera) (with church)
3SW Debre Medhani (D. Medahani) (village)
4NW Gera Roves (Ghera Roves) (village)
5NW Bekacho (Beccaccio) (village)
HED99 Nefas Mewcha Maryam (N. Mucha Mariam), 11/38 [MS WO]
(with church)
HED61 Nefascia, see Nefasha
nefase: neffese (näffäsä) (A) blow (wind), circulate (rumour);
nefasya (T) kinds of thorn tree such as Acacia abyssinica,
Acacia sieberiana
HDU05 Nefase (Nefasso, Nifaso) 2458 m 09/39 [WO Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of Tora Mesk sub-district)
nefasha: neffasha (A) (näffashsha) (A) windy, airy, open place;
niffash (A) chaff /from winnowing/
HED61 Nefasha (Nefascia, Nifasha) 1757 m, 11/37 [+ WO It n En]
(village with church Giyorgis), cf Amba Nefasha
HDT28 Nefasha kebele (Näfasha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda at the
southern part of its eastern border, 7-12 km east of Meragna;
area 1,836 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEM10 Nefasit kebele (Näfasit ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Gidan wereda,
4-9 km south-east of Debre Tsehay and 7-11 km south
of Muja; area 3,291 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM43 Nefaso, see Nifaso
HCS30 Nefera 0735'/3735' 1830 m, 07/37 [Gz]
west of Hosaina, near Omo river
HEE67 Nefit Igzi'abher Ab (church) 1124'/3909', 11/39 [Gz]
west of Mekdela
HES33 Nefnafe 1258'/3747' 2549 m, near Dabat 12/37 [Gz]
nefro: nifro (A) dish of boiled cereals
HDP17 Nefro, see Hinde
HDP38 Nefro 1017'/3628' 1527 m, cf Nafro 10/36 [Gz]
HDP08 Nefruit (mountain) 1001'/3628' 2097 m 10/36 [Gz]
HDU16 Nefso & Gusa kebele (Näfso .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda towards the west at
its southern border there; 3-8 km south-west of
Shewa Robit; area 874 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Nega, language spoken in the Didessa area,
Nega, Negga is also a male personal name
HDC88 Nega 0853'/3720' 1773 m, south-west of Gedo 08/37 [Gz]
JCE59 Negada Wen (N. Uen, Negadaw Uen) 05/44 [+ Gz WO]
0555'/4415' 386 m
negade, neggade (näggade) (A) merchant, /travelling/ trader;
nagada + nagado (O) male + female Moslem trader;
negada (O) commerce; negadi (O) trader in general, (T) pilgrim
HDK98 Negade 0955'/3814' 2544 m, west of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEU80c Negahe 13/39 [Gu]
HEU90 Negaida, see Nogwade
HEK19 Negal (area) 11/38 [WO]
HEL00 Negala (area) 11/38 [WO]
HES30 Negalit 1300'/3735' 1873 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
negarit (A) kind of drum, being a symbol of authority;
also a word for ditricts of Shewa in the mid-1800s
HD... Negarit Bahir (.. Bhar, .. Bahr), 09/39? [+ 18]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Guolla province
HDM73 Negarit Bahir kebele (Nägarit Baher ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
12-15 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 615 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
negash (A) regent; Negash (Nagash), a male personal name
HFF32 Negash (Hamed Negasc, Nagash, Al Nejashi) 13/39 [Gz Br Gu Ca]
1353'/3936' 2245/2380 m, pass at 1354'/3936',
hilltop village with pass and with Negash Amedin mosque,
in Hulet Awlalo awraja, south-east of Hawzen
(centre in 1964 of Sanzdingilt sub-district)
HDU34 Negasi Amba kebele (Nägasi .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the south in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
a rather narrow area adjoining Mehal Meda to its north;
area 662 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
negdai: negaday (T) merchant, trader
HFF63 Negdai 1410'/3942' 1571 m, south-east of Adigrat 14/39 [Gu Gz]
J.... Negeb (Nägäb) (historically recorded in 1550s) 09/42? [+ Pa]
neged (nägäd) (A) tribe;
Negede (Negade), a male personal name
HED30 Negede 1110'/3732' 2552 m, north-west of Mota 11/37 [Gz]
?? Negedo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDG59 Negejo 0933'/3536' 1844 m, north-east of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HE... Negela, see Lai Negela, Tach Negela
negele (nägäle) (A) glutton, guzzler;
negelli (O) a little used alternative name of gatira, the Juniperus tree
HBU83 Negele (Negele Borena, Negelie, Negelle, Negelli) 05/39 [Gz Br Ad]
(Neghelle, Neghelli, Nagalle, Nagele) (Fre: Néguelli) 05/39 [WO Gu x]
0519'/3935' 1441/1475/1534 m
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Borena awraja
and in 1964 of Liben wereda.
With military base to the north-east.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8SE Dido Liban (wide area)
HCT13 Negele (Negele Arussi), see Arsi Negele
HCT13 Negele wereda (Neghelie ..) 07/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arsi Negele)
HCT49 Negele 0741'/3915' 2703 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDJ35 Negero 0921'/3704' 3076 m, 09/37 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), near Haretu
HDU82 Negesa 1044'/3934' 2769 m, north of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDJ81 Negeso (Nägéso) 0950'/3643' 1926 m 09/36 [Gz]
Negest .., see Nigist ..
HDU84 Neget, see Niget
Negewo, a male personal name
HDC20 Negewo (Koka N.) 0820'/3840' 2016 m 08/38 [Gz Po]
(visiting postman under Nazret)
HDG47 Neggio, see Nejo
HET.. Negida (Neghida) (populated place), 13/39 [+ x]
south-east of Abiy Adi
negidi: nigd (A) trade, business
HDK69 Negidi 0937'/3820' 2045 m, south of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDG47 Nego, see Nejo
GDF31 Negu (Nigu) (mountain) 0827'/3425' 568 m 08/34 [Gz]
HEU90 Neguida, see Adi Noguade
negus: nigus (A,T) king
JDH03 Negus, G. (area) 2840 m, cf Nigus 09/41 [WO]
HEB65 Negusawi Dawit, see Nigus Dawit
HFE78 Neguz 1413'/3911' 2823 m, near Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
HDG47 Nejo (Nejjo, Nedjo, Neggio, Nego, Neju, Najo) 09/35 [Gz Te WO Gu]
(Neddio) (with post office)
MS: 0930'/3532' = HDG48, 1868 m;
Gz: 0930'/3530' 1821 m
Centre in 1964 of Nejo wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4E? Villaggio Zappa (gold mine)
5E? Lege Gumbi (Laga G.) (hill)
5E? Tulu Kami (hill with gold-bearing quartz)
6E? Katta Jorgo (mountain)
5SE Gidda (Ghidda) (village)
9SE Gamalimo (village)
5S Metti (village)
6W Hidabo Bosona
7W Tarfi (village)
9W Duju Gundi
10NW Guti Mudema (hill)
3NE Gambo (occurrence of iron ore)
6NE Katta (village)
-- Katta valley (Tulu Choochay)
HDG47 Nejo wereda (-1997-1975-), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 66 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
nekaha: neqwa (Gurage) kind of religious festival for women
HFE35 Nekaha (Necaha) (area), see under May Kinetal 13/38 [+ WO]
HDH09 Nekemte (Nek'emte, Nekemt, Nekempti, Nakempti) 09/36 [Gz Gu WO x]
(Nakamte, Nakamti, Naqamti, Nacamte, Nekempt)
(Nekempte, Naqamet, Lacamte, Laqqamt, Lekemte)
(Lekemti, Lechemti, Laqamte, Lakemti, Lekemt)
(Te map: Nekemtie, but Te directory: Lekempti)
0905'/3633' 2005/2089/2101 m
Centre in 1964 of Nekemte awraja and wereda,
and of Sasiga Tsige sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7-- Dalo (village)
9E Komto (Conto) (with church) 1976 m
5SE Tinfa (village)
9SW Bellam (area)
10N Haro (village)
7NE Maryam (Apt/?/ Mariam) (church)
6-14NE Tuka (Gara Tuca) (mountains) one peak 3110 m
HDH.. Nekemte awraja (same as Leka awraja -1980-?) 09/36 [x]
HDH.. Nekemte wereda 09/36 [20]
JEC11 Nekiltu (Nechiltu) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HE... Nekseg wereda (-1994-) 13/39? [n]
HEL27 Nekutoleab, see Naakuto Laab, cf Nebelet : Surbeati
HFE58c Nekwae (Nequa'e) 14/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tsedia sub-district)
nekwal (näkwal) (T) hollow, empty
HDT03 Nekwal (Nequal) 1000'/3846' 1677 m 10/38 [+ WO Gz]
HEP18 Nemtet Allominab (Nentet A.) 1249'/3626' 779 m, 12/36 [Gz]
south-east of Metemma
nemay (Afar) two

HD... Nencha (Nencia) 09/39 [+ 18]

HCL18 Nensebo, see Nansebo
HCL18 Nenesebo wereda (Nensebo ..) 06/39? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 23 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCM.. Nensabo, a location in the Dolo Mena area 06/39 [20]
HCL18 Nensebo, see Nansebo
HDT27 Nenuta kebele (Nänuta ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Lay Bet and Tach Bet wereda at its northern
border, 13-19 km north-east of Alem Ketema; area 2,016 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL93 Nequal, see Inegwal
HES02 Nera, see Nora
HET46 Nerake 1303'/3859' 1351 m, near Fenarwa 13/38 [Gz]
HEJ17 Nerga, see Narga
HEC66 Neri Tocarar (village on hill) 11/37 [It]
HDL79 Nesere Ayda kebele (Näsäré .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southern Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its eastern
border, 8-12 km south of Deneba: area 1,851 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL79 Neseri Menehoro kebele (Näsäri Mänähoro ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the north/south middle of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda
touching its south-eastern border, 4-8 km south of Deneba;
area 1,627 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL78 Nesiri 0941'/3913' 2595 m, south-west of Deneba 09/39 [Gz]
JDS90 Neskit (Neschit) (area), see under Aysha 10/42 [+ WO]
nesri u..: ura, uraa (O) hole; uraa (Som) plant
with strong-smelling resin; ura, uraa (O) awl of
rough large type; urra (O) firewood
HDL67 Nesri Ura kebele (Näsri .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
19-23 km south-southwest of Deneba; area 1,651 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Neti sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kumbeloch) 10/39 [Ad]
HDU83 Neti Teki kebele (Nät'i Täki ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost separate Kalu (West) wereda extending
along its western border, 5-19 km south-west of Degaga;
area 4,985 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM72 Neto (Net'o), see Nito
HFE.. Netsege (village in Tigray) 13/39 [n]
HEC09 Neulala Gh. (church) 10/37 [WO]
GCT16 Neum, see Nyeum
HES71 Nevi, see Amba Nevi
HDF50 Neye 0836'/3924' 1516 m, 08/39 [Gz]
north-east of Nazret, at the railway
HCB03 Ngalibong (hills), cf Mursi 05/35 [WO]
HCB14 Ngalibong, see Nyalibong
-- Ngarich, ethnic group, see Murle
GDF91 Nghi (Ngi), see Tulu Ingi
HBU07 Niabo, see El Niybo
GDF20 Niaguom, see Nyagwom
GCT52 Niakan, see Nyakan
JDH44 Niata Caraba, see Nyata Karaba

nib g..: gedel (gädäl) (A,T) cliff, precipice, steep place

HEE28 Nib Gedel 1105'/3910' 3275 m, west of Dessie, 11/39 [Gz]
town in Sayint wereda
HDT28 Nibet 1011'/3912' 2092 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT29 Nibet 1012'/3915' 1873 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDM33c Nibge (district in Bulga) circa 0918'/3932', 09/39 [n]
(with monastery Maryam Gedam), in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HEF52 Nibo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tehuledere wereda at its western border,
5-8 km south-west of Hayk town; area 1,477 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK11 Nicho (G.Niccio, Nigiu) (mountain) 09/42 [+ WO Gu]
HEK48 Nicuara, see Nikwara
-- Nidi language, see Kwegu
HDU31 Nidi & Kera kebele (Nedi & Qéra ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its
north-western border, 16-24 km south-east of Degolo; area 2,859 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
nifas, nefas (A,T) wind
HEE90 Nifas Mewcha, see Nefas Mewcha
HEF06 Nifas Temany (N. T'emany) 1051'/3957' 1638 m, 10/39 [Gz]
near map code HDU96, south-east of Kombolcha
HED61 Nifasha (Nefascia) 1125'/3738' 1757 m, cf Nefasha, 11/37 [Gz]
south-east of Bahir Dar, near the Abay river
HDM53 Nifaso (Nefase) 0933'/3941' 2458 m, 09/39 [Gz]
west of Ankober, cf Nefase
HDM43 Nifaso kebele (Nefaso ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-west Ankober wereda at its western border, 7-10 km
south-southwest of Ankober town; area 775 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK13 Nig Niga (area) 2064 m 09/42 [WO]
HDU84 Niget kebele (Negät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
to the west in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda in
a "tip" at the middle of its south-western border,
11-14 km north-west of Majete; area 949 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE13c Nigirie (centre in 1964 of Antiokiya sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
nigiste suq (A) queen's shop/store/bazaar
?? Nigiste Suk (Negeste Suc), 78 km from Addis Abeba ../.. [+ Gu]
JDK11 Nigiu, see Nicho
GDF31 Nigu, see Negu
HEL68 Nigus Alka (N. Alk'a) 1223'/3912' 2348 m, 12/39 [Gz]
west of Alamata
Nigus Dawit (A,T) King David
HEB66c Nigus Dawit (Negusawi D.), cf Negus 11/36 [Gz Ad]
1125'/3610' 2563 m, at Belaya mountain
(centre in 1964 of Belaya sub-district)
HFB39 Nigwar (Nogara, Noggara) 672 m 13/36 [LM MS WO 18]
nika (Harar O) 1. Muslim marriage ceremonial;
2. a male name among the Mecha Oromo
GDE15 Nikau, see Rek Ngor 08/33 [WO]
nikora g..: gebeya (gäbäya) (A) market, marketplace
HEK.. Nikora Gebeya (=Nikwara?) 12/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kola Melza sub-district)
HEK48 Nikwara (Nicuara) 1212'/3817' 1828 m 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
HDF.. Nimjar (on caravan route from Dire Dawa) 08/39 [x]
nini, niini (O) very dark
HEF83 Nini 1137'/3941' 1574 m, south of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
JEA53 Nini 1120'/4002' 1422 m, north of Bati 11/40 [Gz]
JDJ58 Ninni (church) 09/42 [WO]
HDK10 Niso 0911'/3734' 2307 m, north-east of Gedo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDJ26 Nite 0915'/3709' 2462 m, south of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
niti, niitii (O) wife, woman
HDC98 Niti, see Miti
HDM82 Nito (Nit'o, Mietto) 0945'/3933' 2726 m, 09/39 [Gz]
near map code HDM72, north of Debre Birhan
HDM72 Nito & Weydme kebele (Net'o & Wäydmé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 6-10 km
north of Debre Birhan town; area 974 hectares. [CSA 1994]
Niway (Neway), a male personal name
HET65 Niway (Deggara) 1315'/3857' 2242 m 13/38 [Gz WO]
(mountain chain), north-west of Fenarwa, see under Abergele
?? Nkolo (mountain), at upper Webi Shebele valley ../.. [x]
HD... Noapa (in Gore awraja) 08/35? [Ad]
noari: newari (näwari) (A) inhabitant, resident, dweller
HDL98 Noari, see Inewari
HET60 Noari 1315'/3830' 3556 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
HFE13 Nobit (mountain) 1342'/3845' 1734, 2130 m, 13/38 [WO Gu Gz]
west of Abiy Adi
HFB39 Nogara (Noggara) 1353'/3632' 672 m, 13/36 [Gz WO]
near the border of Sudan
HEU90 Nogwade, see Adi Noguade
JBT32 Nohle (Bur Nohle) 0451'/4337' 479 m, cf Nole 04/43 [Gz]
mountain partly inside Somalia
-- Nokanoka language, see Kwama
nola, nolaa, noleh (O) kinds of shrub or small tree,
Olinia aequipetala, O. usambarensis, somewhat similar
to the coffee tree
HDA93 Nola, see Senti
nole: noolee, nolle (O) kind of tree, Olinia rochetiana;
noolee (Som) revive, keep alive
-- Nole, Nolle, Noli, a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo
HDB70 Nole 0848'/3545' 1815, 2012 m, 08/35 [WO Gz]
south-east of Yubdo
HDD69 Nole 0845'/3820' 2122 m 08/38 [Gz]
-- Nole Kabba, Nolikabba, name of a Wellega Oromo tribe;
kabba (O) cape, cloak, mantle /loose garment/
HDB80 Nole Kabba (Nole Cabba) (area) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDB81c Nole Kabba (Nole Kaba, N. Koba, Nolecabba) 08/35 [+ Ad Po Gu]
(Nolekaba) (with sub-post office under Gimbi) 2146 m
HDB71 Nole Kabba wereda & sub-district (N. Kaba ..) 08/35 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 of both = Bube) (-1964-1997-)
(-1994-) is divided into 81 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
-- Nonno, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe, also a lineage
of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Basu of the Borana people
HDC49 Nonno, see Nono
HDC70c Nonno, see Nunu
HDD51 Nonno (Nono) (wide area) 08/37 [WO Ha]
HDF15 Nonno, see Nano
HCN65 Nono, see Keto 07/35 [Ad WO n]
(centre in 1964 of Sele wereda & of Nono sub-district) (-1964-1997-)
HDC49 Nono (Nanno, Nonno) 0832'/3726' 1829 m 08/37 [Gz WO]
HDH14 Nono (Tulu Nono), mountain at about 0910'/3605' 09/36 [x]
HDL62 Nono 0939'/3838' 2630 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Dendi wereda)
HDT43 Nono 1021'/3842' 1757 m, north of Addis Derra 10/38 [Gz]
HDC46 Nono Merdasa sub-district 08/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Alga)
HCN65 Nono sub-district (centre in 1964 = Keto (Nono)) 07/35 [Ad Gz]
HDD70c Nono sub-district? (-1997-) 08/37 [n]
HDD70c Nono wereda (Nonnoo ..) (ctr in 1964 = Shenen) 08/37 [Ad]
located near Bure and Limu Seka,
(-1994-) is divided into 23 rural and 2 urban kebeles,
from 1991 one of twelve weredas in Illubabor
HDL.. Nono wereda 09/38 [Ad]
located near Dano and Dendi
(-1994-) is divided into 99 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDR57 Noond (Naond, Naonde) 1026'/3715' 1940 m, 10/37 [WO Gz]
south-west of Dembecha
HCN94 Nopa 0804'/3509' 1987 m, west of Gore 08/35 [WO Gz]
HDA29 Nopa (Noppa) (commercial centre), 08/35 [MS Po Ad WO]
village south-west of Gore, with coffee cleaning and trade
(with visiting postman under Gore)
(centre in 1964 of Bilonapa sub-district)
HDA59 Nopa (Noppa) 0825'/3537' 1558 m, north of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HD... Nopo (in Gore awraja), same as Nopa? 08/35? [Ad]
nora (A,O,T) lime, limestone; chalk, whitewash;
nooraa (O) bridge
HEK91 Nora 1237'/3740' 2461 m, east of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HES02 Nora (Nera) (mountain) 1243'/3741' 3000 m, 12/37 [WO Gz]
north-east of Gondar
HC... Nour (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 06/35 [Ad]
HCF01 Nuara, see Nura
-- Nuer, an ethnic group found also in Sudan, numbering
about 64,534 inside Ethiopia according to 1994 census
HBP75 Nugagi 518 m 05/36 [WO]
HBM34 Nuggesu, D. (area) 0356'/3942' 03/39 [WO Gz]
HFC87 Nuggia, see Nujja
HDL23 Nugude 0918'/3844' 2603 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFC87 Nujja (Nuggia) (area) 14/37 [+ WO]
?? Nulbi (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
JDB28 Nume, see Goygoy
JDJ34 Numu Abado sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Alem Maya) 09/42 [Ad]
-- Nuna language, see Koorete
nunke warru: warra (O) clan; husband, wife
JEH17c Nunke Warru (Nunche Uarru) (area) 11/41 [+ Gu]
-- nunu: Warra Nunnu, Nun, Nonnu (Nunnu people/family), name of
an Ala tribe of the eastern Oromo
GDF95 Nunu 0901/3447' 1528 m, east of Gidami 09/34 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Jimma Tibe sub-district), cf Kobecha
HDC70 Nunu (Nonno, Rob Gebaya) 0847'/3639' 2182 m, 08/36 [Gz Ad Gu]
north-east of Arjo
(centre in 1964 of Tibi Kusayie sub-district)
?? Nunu Kumba wereda ../.. [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
nura (O) light, brightness; grace, divine assistance
-- Nura, name of an Ittu tribe of the eastern Oromo
HBU.. Nura (with Oromo shrine), near Negele 05/39 [x]
HCF01 Nura (Nuara, Nadara) 0529'/3926' 1513 m, 05/39 [x WO Gz]
north-west of Negele, with important well.
Regarded as a holy place by the Borana.
HDF43 Nura 08/39 [WO]
HDF.. Nura Era (Nura Hera), plantation at Awash river 08/39 [x]
nura he..: hera (O) 1. law /in a formal sense/; 2. scar
HDF.. Nura Hera sub-district (Nurahera ..) 08/39 [Po Ad]
(centre in 1965 = Tedecha) (sub P.O. under Nazret)
nura hi..: hida, hidhaa (O) 1. tether; 2. captivity,
detention; hida (O) root, vein, origin; hidda (O) sheaf
HDF54 Nura Hida Tekil (plantation at Awash) 0837'/3943' 08/39 [Gz]
nuramba: nur (A) to exist, be living; nur amba, mountain of life?
HER46 Nuramba (mission & church) 1301'/3716', 13/37 [WO Gz]
north-west of Gondar
Coordinates would give map code HER37
nure m..: Musa, the Muslim form of name Moses;
Muse, an Ethiopian muddled form of 'Monsieur'
JDB54 Nure Musa 0836'/4105' 1584 m 08/41 [Gz]
-- Nurenna, Nuranna, a tribe of the Gurage who became Christian
comparatively early
HDE11 Nurenna (Nurena) (area & village), 08/38 [WO x]
see under HDE00 Gogetti
Nuri, a male personal name
JCM34 Nuri 06/44 [WO]
-- Nuro language, see Anuak
HCB68 Nusasafer 0559'/3625' 609 m 05/36 [WO Gz]
HDL64 Nyaa, see under Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA]
nyaa bo..: bosetti (O) dirty, sluttish /woman/
HDL35 Nyaa Boseti (Nya'a B.) 0922'/3854' 2686 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Sululta
nyaa dao: da-o (O) hidden place;
daw (Som) 1. road, path; 2. group of wells
HDL35 Nyaa Dao (Nya'a Da'o) 0921'/3853' 2912 m, 09/38 [AA]
north-east of Sululta
nyaa m..: muti (O) blunt thick needle
HDL.. Nyaa Muti sub-district (Nya .. ..), 09/39 [x]
in Moret wereda (-1970-)
GDF20 Nyagwom (Niaguom) (hills) 08/34 [+ WO]
GCT52 Nyakan (Niakan) 07/34 [+ Wa]
HCB14 Nyalibong (Ngalibong) (hills) 0540'/3610' 1095 m 05/36 [Gz WO]
?? Nyamumera, north of lake Turkana ../.. [x]
-- Nyangatom (Nayanyatom, Danyiro, Akutuk, also called Bume),
ethnic group in the South Omo Zone at about 0500'/3600'
numbering about 14,201 according to the 1994 census
?? Nyangatom wereda, with flooding in 2006 ../.. [20]
GD... Nyangu kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. The P'olin variety of
Kwama language is spoken there.
nyata, nyaata (O) food; nyaataa (O) fleas, lice, etc.;
karaba (O) small pincers;
qaraba (O) home-made small razor; tweezers;
karabaa (O) shrub used as a whip;
karabo (O) small tray for coffee cups;
qaraabay (Som) search, go looking for, forage
JDH44 Nyata Karaba (Niata Caraba) (area) 1745 m, 09/41 [+ WO]
see under Afdem
HDK41 Nyeber 0926'/3741' 1516 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
GCT16 Nyeum (Gneum, Neum) 07/34 [+ WO]
?? Nyhur, town in Kefa/Kaffa reported in the 1840s ../.. [Ha]
GDE09 Nyikowo 0810'/3417' 455 m, 08/34 [Gz]
downstream west of Gambela
HDK98 Nyoke 0952'/3818' 2510 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
GDE28 Nyomoli (Gnomoli) 08/34 [+ WO]
oaf goja: gojo (A) hut, bird's nest
HEJ09 Oaf Goja Tsiyon (Oafgogia Sion), small island, 11/37 [Ch Gu]
cf Wef Gojo = bird's nest
HEE79 Oait 11/39 [WO]
JDP00 Oalafa (area) 10/40 [WO]
HCT07 Oalatti (area) 07/39 [WO]
HCD38 Oanfo 0546'/3815' 2134 m, north of Agere Maryam 05/38 [WO Gz]
HES23 Oaroa (mountain) 1252'/3747' 2500 m, 12/37 [Gu Gz]
south-east of Dabat
oba, obaa (O) expression urging cattle to move /e.g. for drinking/
HCP34 Oba 0732'/3604' 1676 m, north of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
JDR90 Oballe (area) 10/41 [WO]
JDP99 Obana (valley) 10/41 [WO]
GCT53 Obangi (Obanghi, Obaghi, Ubanghi), 07/33 [+ Gz WO]
0744'/3346' 302 m, near the border river of Sudan
HCF61 Obarso, see Oborso
obbo, obboo (O) polite term for "dear elder brother/sister";
-- Obbo, an Oromo clan known from the 1500s
HBE94 Obbo (Obo), cf Obo 03/38 [WO LM]
HBS36 Obda, see Obua
JCD92 Obdamer (Obdamair) 0616'/4244' 340 m, 06/42 [Gz WO]
at Webi Shebele river
obe, obee (O) expression like oba above
?? Obe, in the south-west, ../.. [Gu]
thermal spring at an affluent of Biddimo river
HDJ09 Obe 0908'/3730' 2696 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
at map code corner HDC99/HDD90/HDK00,
north-west of Gedo
HDJ02 Obe Kidane Mihret (church) 0906'/3649', 09/36 [Gz]
east of Nekemte
obel (T) kinds of shrub or tree growing near rivers,
Salix subserrata, Tamarindus indica, Tamarix aphylla,
T. nilotica, T. orientalis;
obbola (O) brothers/sisters to each other
JCS77 Obelleh (Obele) 0756'/4309' 1047 m, 08/43 [Gz MS]
south-east of Degeh Medo
JE... Obeni (mountains) 11/41 [18]
obennsu: obensa, obansa (O) leaves, foliage
HBR45 Obennsu, G. (mountains) 04/37 [WO]
HDG85 Oberache, see Chaltu
HDE98 Oberi, see under Chefe Donsa 09/39 [WO]
HCF61 Oberso, see Oborso
KCN05 Obevi 07/45 [WO]
GDU73 Obi (mountain) 1037'/3439' 1017 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
HDB45 Obi 0831'/3611' 1992 m, north-west of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
HDD45 Obi 0834'/3759' 2130 m, near Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
JDB90 Obi, G. (area) 2638 m 08/40 [WO]
JEC20 Obno (area) 331 m 11/41 [WO]
obo (O) 1. donkey; 2. vessel, bowl, cup;
obbo (O) polite term for elder brother,
cry for calling to a known person;
obo (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Boscia salicifolia,
(Kefa) Mitragyna stipulosa, a tall tree growing in swamps
in south-west Ethiopia;
-- Obo, Obbo, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HCN75 Obo 0756'/3515' 1486 m, cf Obbo 07/35 [WO Gz]
JDJ70 Obo 0842'/4138' 1348 m, north-west of Dire Dawa 08/41 [Gz]
HBJ87 Obok, midway between Mega and lake Turkana, 04/37 [x]
see also El Hobok
JDS23 Obol 1012'/4247' 1413 m, 10/42 [Gu Gz]
(with a well used by nomads), near Somalia
-- Obole, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana
HCT86 Obolcho Ubo, see Ogolcho
-- obora: Oborra, a group of Oromo living west of Harar
(Obora Gudda and Obora Dikka are names of Oromo
lunar months)
JDJ40 Obora (Oborrah) 0929'/4138' 2010 m, 09/41 [Gz x]
south-west of Dire Dawa
obora k..: kile, qilee (O) deep gorge, ravine
HDG18 Obora Kileyi (Uangio) 0909'/3534' 1562 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north-east of Yubdo
JDH39 Oborra awraja, see Webera ..
HCF61 Oborso (Oberso, Obersso, Obarso) 05/39 [Gz WO Ad x]
Gz: 0608'/3924' 1514 m = HCF71, in Delo awraja
MS: 0550'/3925' = HCF41 more to the south
Centre in 1964 of Meda Welabu wereda.
HDL34 Obori (Obort) 0924'/3851' 2755 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDJ63 Oboshe 0936'/4157' 1518 m, east of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
HBJ97 Obot 0429'/3716' 925 m 04/37 [WO Gz]
obro: oboroo, obboroo (O) late night, very early
in the morning
HBK43 Obro, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HBS36 Obua (Gebel O., Obda) (mountains), 04/38 [WO Gz]
0452'/3805' 1911 m, see under Yabelo
GCT57 Obuol, see Abol
GCT52 Obwodi 0741'/3337' 302 m, 07/33 [WO Gz]
on the border river of Sudan
HBS82 Ocallovo (Ocalloyo), see Okollovo
HDC17 Occe, see Oche
HCJ86 Occia, see Ocha
JCG74 Occio, see Geyu
HCD82 Occiollo, see Ochollo
JDH68 Ocfale, see Okfale
ocha (Welamo), oicha (western O) kind of tall tree growing
in rain forests, Syzygium guineense
HC... Ocha, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
HCJ85 Ocha (Occia, Otcha, Uoco) 0705'/3705' 1997 m, 07/37 [Gz WO Mi]
between the Gibie and Omo rivers
HDC17 Oche (Occe, Otsha) (mountains) 3090 m 08/37 [+ WO 18 Wa]
HDD27 Oche 0821'/3812' 2409 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL23 Oche 0917'/3845' 2559 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCU87 Ocheccio, see Gola
GDF34 Ochir (T. Ocir) (hill), see under Dembidolo 08/34 [+ WO]
ocho (western O) Syzygium guineense, see ocha above
JCG74 Ocho (Occio), see Geyu
HDL03 Ochocha (Oromo name), see Intoto
-- Ochollo, name of an ethnic group in the lake Abaya region
HCD82 Ochollo (Occiollo, Ociollo, Otschollo) 06/37 [+ Gu Gz WO]
(Ger: Kella Utschello) 0611'/3741' 1208 m,
(on a rock like a fort), see also under Chencha
ocholoni (A) peanut
HCS00 Ochot, see Oshot
GDF34 Ocir, see Ochir
HDH92 Oco, see Oko
HBS82 Ocollovo, see Okollovo
JEA79 Ocolo, see Okolo
JEB52 Ocorcora, see Okorkora
HDR07 Ocote, see Okote
oda, odaa (O) 1. large wild fig tree, shola, Ficus sycomorus,
regarded as holy in Oromo religion; also Cordia africana,
Ximenia americana; 2. sanctified place of assembly;
3. small quantity; oda (Som) old man; ooda (O) 1. threshing floor;
2. be angry with, indignant, refuse to speak to;
Oda, a male personal name
HBU94 Oda 0523'/3943' 1503 m, east of Negele, cf Odda 05/39 [Gz]
HCE39c Oda, with important well 05/39 [x]
HCG99 Oda 0714'/3538' 1402 m, 07/35 [Gz]
at map code corner HCH90/HCN09/HCP01,
north-west of Shewa Gimira
HCH89 Oda 0706'/3632' 2216 m, south-east of Bonga 07/36 [WO Gz]
HDC83 Oda 0852'/3650' 1552 m, south of Sire 08/36 [Gz]
HDD38 Oda 0828'/3819' 2538 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDD51 Oda 0840'/3741' 2399 m, north-west of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
HDG07 Oda, T. (hill) 09/35 [WO]
JCB25 Oda (Ara Oda) 06/41 [Gz]
JCH35 Oda (Hara Oda) 0642'/4110' 991/1082 m 06/41 [WO Gz]
JDA09 Oda 0816'/4040' 1488 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDJ.. Oda (Odah), 09/42? [x]
at 2½ hours' march inland from Jeldesa
oda a..: alelu (O) 1. to beat, to hit; 2. to match
JCP85 Oda Alelu (O. Halelu) 0800'/4111' 1539 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
oda bi..: bisil (Som) ripe, cooked
?? Oda Bisil (Tute Bisil) (Oromo chafe in the 1580s) ../.. [x n]
oda bo..: boji (O) booty, loot, captive
HCF35c Oda Boji (Oda Bogi) 05/39 [+ Gu]
JDA78 Oda Bultum (Odaa ..), see Gelemso
oda che..: chebba (ch'äbba) (A) kind of tree used for charcoal
HDE63 Oda Cheba (O. Ch'eba) (village) 08/38 [x Gz]
0841'/3843' 1972 m, south of Akaki
oda g..: goderreh (Kefa) cultivated taro
?? Oda Godere wereda (-2003-), in the Asosa zone ../.. [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 26 rural kebeles but no urban one.
JCP85 Oda Halelu, see Oda Alelu
oda lita, western fig tree? lita adu (O) west
JCH63 Oda Lita (Odalida) 0655'/4101' 1218 m, 06/41 [WO Gz]
south-east of Ginir
HDC18 Oda Luge (Tincio) 0819'/3720' 1730 m, 08/37 [Gz WO]
north-west of Abelti
HDE97 Oda Menjigso 0901'/3904' 2479 m, 09/39 [Gz]
near Chefe Donsa
HDE75c Oda Nabi (Mecha-Tulama chafe in 1580s), 08/38 [n]
in Dukem about 30 km south-east of present Addis Abeba
oda r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
JCN94 Oda Roba 0806'/4010' 1677 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDS13 Odaha (area) 10/42 [WO]
JDG19 Odajiga (Odagiga) 09/40 [+ WO]
KCR36 Odajo 0732'/4709' 486 m 07/47 [Gz]
JCH63 Odalida, see Oda Lita
JCP41cOdalla (Odala) 07/40 [Wa x]
JEH76 Odangalla (Adangalla) (waterhole) 12/41 [WO Ne]
JDP27 Odardura (area) 10/41 [WO]
KCJ63 Odayal (Odaial) 06/46 [+ WO]
odda (Kefa O) kind of scrubby bush or tree, Ximenia americana
HCJ92 Odda, see Chida
JBJ64 Odda (Oddo), see Dolo Odo, cf Oda
JCH53 Odda 06/41 [WO]
JEC52 Odda (area) 11/41 [WO]
oddo (A) arm decoration worn by one who has killed an elephant
JEJ65 Oddobo 1223'/4204' 318 m 12/42 [x Gz]
HCK04 Oddola (island), see Gidicho
HBK49 Odeti 0404'/3820' 1860 m, very near Mega 04/38 [Gz]
?? Odninamus, west of Nejo in Beni Shangul ../.. [x]
odo (O) first, before, around; while, if; odu (O) talk, gossip
HBU24 Odo (mountain) 0445'/3941' 1029 m 04/39 [Gz]
HDJ66 Odo 0938'/3712' 2323 m, north-east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDK25 Odo 0915'/3758' 1886 m, north of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK98 Odo 0956'/3819' 2558 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
?? Odo Adame (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDJ85 Odo Adegaye 0947'/3703' 2353 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDL61 Odo Agemso 0937'/3832' 1853 m, 09/38 [Gz]
south-west of Fiche
odo s..: shakkisa (O) cackling noise;
shakkisu, shaakkisuu (O) to cackle
HCE16 Odo Shakiso 0535'/3900', see under Shakiso 05/39
HCE16 Odo Shakiso wereda (Odo & Shakiso ..?) (-2000-) 05/39 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 41 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
odo u..: uraga (O) kind of shrub or tree, Ehretia sp.;
-- Uraga, an ethnic group of Guji
HC... Odo Uraga wereda (Odo Urga ..), in Jemjem 05/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Angedi)
odo w..: wayyuu (O) 1. be better, be preferable;
2. messenger; 3. expert of beliefs
HDL91 Odo Wayu 0955'/3835' 2127 m, east of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDJ94 Odobabo 0952'/3659' 2204 m, west of Alibo 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ63 Odobabu 0936'/3656' 2168 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
HCM53 Odobba (area) 06/39 [WO]
GCT64 Odochi 0750'/3350' 303 m, east of Tori 07/33 [Gz]
HC... Odokenita (river in Kefa, affluent of the Omo) 07/36? [Mi]
HCR09 Odonita (Odonitta) 07/37 [x Mi]
river which joins the Omo at 0719'/3728'
odoro: odero (O) girth of a harness
HDC29 Odoro 08/37 [WO]

ofa, ofaa (O) wooden spear; oofaa (O) /to oxen:/ stop, slow down
HCJ48 Ofa 0643'/3723' 1602 m, south of Waka 06/37 [Gz]
HCP06 Ofa 0725'/3616' 1541 m, north of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
?? Ofa wereda (Offa ..) ../.. [n Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 25 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HE... Ofala (plain, Portuguese camp in 1542), 12/39 [x]
in lake Ashenge area
?? Offa, see Ofa
HC... Offu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Murie) 06/37 [Ad]
JDA65 Ofi 0845'/4019' 1826 m, south-west of Gelemso 08/40 [Wa Gz]
HDF30 Ofich, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
oficha (O) 1. cock's spur; 2. excitement;
oficho (O) dried bark of ensete
?? Ofla wereda, in Tigray ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 23 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
JDH29 Ofreta Goreho Mut'e 0914'/4134' 2309 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-east of Deder
ofu, ofuu (O) push, incite, chase away;
offu (O) molest, persecute; oofuu (O) in an expression
meaning "God answer our prayer"
HDE77 Ofu 08/39 [WO]
HCD94 Ogajo (Ogagio, Ogaju), see Ugayo
JCF35 Ogamogo 0547'/4449' 358 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
GDF01 Ogara (Oghera) 0812'/3426' 490 m, 08/34 [Gz]
downstream west of Gambela
oggio: ogiyo, ogiyoo (O) the aromatic plant cardamon
HCM01 Oggio, see Ojo
HEE94 Oghiera Golosat, see Ogyera Golosat
GCT43 Oghin 0740'/3345' 304 m, 07/33 [Gz]
on the border river of Sudan
HDA94 Ogiol (Oghiol) 0859'/3513' 1773 m 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
HB... Ogo Lakole (river), 04/38? [Mi]
a tributary of the Aflata, east of Yabelo
ogobdi (Arsi O), ogubdi (Borena O) shrub Grewia sp.
with edible berries
JEA35 Ogobdi (area) 11/40 [WO]
HEF57 Ogobodi 1123'/3959' 1213 m, east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
JEA96 Ogoggo, see Gengoyta
HBS28 Ogolcha (Ogolcia) (area) 04/38 [+ WO]
HCT86 Ogolcho (Ogolcha, Ogulcho, Obolcho Ubo, Golja), 08/39 [Gz x]
0803'/3900' 1687 m, east of lake Ziway
(centre in the 1980s of Ziway & Dugda wereda)
HFF61 Ogoro (Chezad Ogora) (pass) 1408'/3931' 14/39 [WO Gz Gu]
HCP00 Ograka 0715'/3542' 1792 m, 07/35 [Gz]
near map code corner HCG99/HCH90/HCN09,
north-west of Shewa Gimira
ogu (Som) high plateau, table-land
HEM92 Ogubari 1235'/3936' 1739 m, 12/39 [Gu Gz]
north of Korem and east of lake Ashenge
HCT86 Ogulcho, see Ogolcho
ogyera go..: golos (Som) tall thin person
HEE94 Ogyera Golosat (Oghiera Golosat) (area) 11/38 [+ WO]
KBN74 Ohale (waterhole) 0512'/4512' 291 m, 05/45 [WO Gz]
at the border of Somalia
HB... Oibale, in south Konso, with a stone wall ../.. [20]
?? Oibga (once a Falasha village) ../.. [Pa]
GCT53 Oiela, see Uinam
HES12 Oivela Mariam 1249'/3742' 2752 m, 12/37 [Gu Gz]
north-east of Gondar
-- Ojanjur (ethnic group), see Majangir
-- Ojanjur language, see Mesengo
ojje (O) work, occupation
HCM01 Ojo (Oggio) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
JDH34 Ojo 0924'/4106' 1700 m 09/41 [Gz]
ojju (O) dream, vision
HCG67 Oka (area), west of Mizan Teferi 06/35 [x]
okecho: okkachu (O) to become dry, to dry out
HCU87 Okecho (Ocheccio), see Gola
JDH66 Okfale (Ocfale) (wells) 0941'/4128' 921 m 09/41 [Gz WO]
oko: okkoo (O) wooden raking hook
HDH92 Oko (Oco, Tulu Oco) 0955'/3555', 09/35 [x WO Gx]
mountainous area north-east of the Didessa river
HBS82 Okollovo (Ocollovo, Ocallovo, Ocalloyo), 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
0518'/3743' 965 m, between Jarso and Burji
okole (O) vessel into which milk is milked
JEA79 Okolo (Ocolo) (area) 772 m 11/40 [+ WO]
JEB52 Okorkora (Ocorcora) (area) 567 m 11/40 [+ WO]
okote: okkottee (O) large earthen pot, water jar
HCN89 Okote 0802'/3539' 1859 m, south-east of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HDH78 Okote 0945'/3627' 1944 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDR07 Okote (Ocote) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
HBM91 Okoto (Jebel O., Ocoto) (mountain) 04/39 [WO Gz]
0429'/3925' 1056/1078 m
?? Okoto (Konso village with Norwegian mission) ../.. [x]
JDJ66 Okte (place) 0938'/4209' 1541 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ66 Okte 0939'/4210' 1551 m, 09/42 [Gz]
mountain north of Harar
ol (O) upper, above
JCT08 Ol Farisay (Ol Farisai) (area) 07/44 [+ WO]
ola (O) sheep, ewe; oola (O) drought;
ola (Borana O) village
GDF53 Ola (mountain) 0836'/3440' 2115 m, 08/34 [Gz]
north-west of Dembidolo
GCM36 Olam 0640'/3452' 598 m, near border of Sudan 06/34 [Gz]
HB... Olanta, in north-east Konso, with 5 stone walls ../.. [20]
KBN82c Olasan, in Ogaden at the border of Kenya 05/45 [x]
GCT65 Olau (Olou) 07/33 [WO Wa]
HEJ57 Old Gorgora, see Gorgora (area)
GDF00 Olea, see Gilawo
?? Olelailo Hela, desert ../.. [Ne]
GCU34 Olen 0731'/3444' 610 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
HCR03 Oletsho, see Rufael
oletta: olata (O) fever
HDL00 Oletta (Olete), see Genet
JEJ34 Oleyto (Oleito) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
HEL96 Olik (Olic) 1235'/3903' 2014/2149 m, 12/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
see under Sekota
olka, olqa (O) hollow in a tree
JDJ56 Olka (mountain chain) 0935'/4208' 1791 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north of Harar
olla, ollaa (O) near, adjacent; neighbourhood of 3-5 houses,
generic term for all temporary residential groupings of
Borana families;
olle, ole (O) walking-stick; olu (O) to pass the day
HDT05 Ollia 09/38 [WO]
HCL21c Ollo 06/38 [Gu]
HCL23c Olonso (Nor: Ålånso), 20 km east of Agere Selam 06/38 [x]
om (T) tree, wood; hager (hagär) (A,T) country, native land
HFC80 Om Hager (Om'Ager, Umm Hagar) 12/36 [It]
1420'/3639'? just inside Eritrea north of Metemma
HEP48 Om Zingir (Om Zinghir) (mountain), 13/36 [+ WO Gz]
1303'/3625' 920 m, north-east of Metemma
WO map shows the name of this mountain at code HEP57
oma, omaa (O) nothing; oomaa (O) many, countless
HDH00 Oma 0905'/3542' 1691 m, north-east of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
omacha, oomacha (O) foam, lather
HCL20 Omacho (Omaccio) (area), see under Wendo 06/38 [+ WO]
JDB71 Omacho (Omaccio), see Umecho
JCK58 Omain (Omein) 0647'/4317' 627/710 m, 06/43 [Gz WO Wa]
north-west of Denan
omar: oomaar (Som) steam, mist, vapour; guluf (Som) 1. small
mounted war-party; 2. stubble or hay given to livestock;
Omar Guluf, male names; gulufa (O) gallop
JDR93 Omar Guluf (Oomergooloof) (recorded in 1841), 10/41 [MS WO Ha]
(waterhole in Sok Sok area) "no water at any season"
omar k..: kaw (Som) destruction, breakage, death;
qaw (Som) gorge, ravine; ka'uu (O) get up, be ready, etc.;
kaw, khau (western Ethiopia) top-storey forest tree,
Aningeria adolfi-friederici
kawuu (O) put, help /children/; add wood to a fire
JDD61 Omar Kaw (Omar Cau) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
KCG96 Omar Mahmud (wide area) 07/45 [WO]
JFB33 Omartu (area) 13/41 [WO]
HDS31 Omata, see Ziwad (under Debre Markos)
omate, cultivated pineapple, Ananas sativus
HDB38 Ombardu 0827'/3625' 1931 m, east of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
HFF53 Omberbere 14/39 [WO]
HEH86 Ombibi (Ombibl) (mountain) 1230'/3617' 751 m, 12/36 [Gz WO]
south of Metemma
HDM31 Ombol 0921'/3929' 2896 m, north-east of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
JEC73 Ombola (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDE24 Ombole 0822'/3847' 1725 m, 08/38 [Gz]
at Awash river north of lake Ziway
GCT55 Omeda 0745'/3355' 299 m, near border of Sudan 07/33 [Gz]
omedla (A) Acacia melanoxylon, kind of tree which is also
cultivated for ornament
HEG25 Omedla (Umidla), MS: 1155'/3510' = HEG14; 11/35 [Gz]
Gz: 1156'/3516' = HEG25, 545 m,
cf Umm Idla, Kwara Omedla wereda
HEG25 Omedla wereda (centre in 1964 = Omedla) 11/35 [Ad]
GDF.. Omega, village in the Gambela region 08/34 [20]
JCK58 Omein, see Omain
HFC75 Omelli (area) 14/37 [WO]
?? Omer Dinni, south of Harar ../.. [x]
-- Ometo language, see Welayita
GCT44 Omial, see Umiel
HDB38 Omibardu 08/36 [WO]
omo (Kefa) tall and straight tree, Pygeum africanum
(same as (A) tikur inchet, (O) omi)
HC... Omo (place) 07/37 [18]
HDD10 Omo bridge 08/37 [x]
HC... Omo Fantule (visiting postman under Jimma) 07/37? [Po]
HC... Omo Gebu (visiting postman under Jimma) 07/37? [Po]
HC... Omo Gurde (visiting postman under Jimma) 07/37? [Po]
HC... Omo Guruda (Ommo G.), in Limu awraja 07/36? [Ad]
HCJ99c Omo market (significant in the 1800s), 07/37 [x]
at junction of Omo and Gojeb rivers
?? Omo Mursi (village) 05/36 [20]
omo n..: nada (A) landslide
HCR47 Omo Nada (Omonada, Omo Nadda, Ominada) 07/37 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Omnda, Omo) (group of villages),
0738'/3715' 1830, 2289 m, east of Jimma
HCR47 Omo Nada wereda (Omonada ..) 07/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 85 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
?? Omo National Park, size 4,068 sq km. ../.. [20]
omo s..: sheleko (shäläqo) (A) valley, gorge
HC... Omo Sheleko wereda 07/37? [Ad]
In the 1990s in the Kambata-Alaba-Timbaro Zone.
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HCR47 Omonada, see Omo Nada
?? Omorate (Omo Rate, Kangati) 05/36 [20]
(centre -1995- of Kuraz wereda), in Mursi territory
ona (A,O) abandoned house or village site
HFE62 Ona Enda Aboi Zague (archaeological site), 14/38 [x]
see under Aksum
JEH18 Onale 1154'/4124' 362 m, south-east of Serdo 11/41 [Gz]
oncho h..: urgessa (O) kind of shrub
HDG07 Oncho Hurgesa 0906'/3525' 1594 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north of Yubdo
HCT52 Ondola 07/38 [WO]
GD... Ondonok (Ondonoc) 1300 m (in Asosa awraja) 10/34? [Mi x]
GDU37 Ondonoli 1014'/3458' 977 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
HCC38 Ongeyde 0542'/3720' 2097 m, 05/37 [Gz]
north-west of Gidole
GCM71 Ongola (Unguala, Unguale, Ungwala) (mountain) 06/34 [WO Gz]
0658'/3427' 503 m, near the border of Sudan
-- Ongota language, see Birale
JDJ23 Onja 0916'/4154' 1899 m, north of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HCR68 Onkure (Onkouré), 08/37 [x]
place where the Gibe river has important waterfalls
before joining the Omo river.
?? Onoroda, mountain in the Chercher area ../.. [x]
HEU91 Onos, see under Mekele
JDD45 Onseley (Onselei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
ontutti o..: oomaar (Som) steam, mist, vapour;
Omar, a Muslim male name
JDG45 Ontutti Omar 0924'/4018' 765 m, 09/40 [Ne Gz]
at Awash river north of Awash station
JEC00c Oobnoo, see Ubnu
ood (T) kind of thorn shrub, Acacia nubica, A. oerfota
HBL04 Oodesi (O'odesi, Ooddessi) 0337'/3852' 1199 m, 03/38 [Gz WO]
north-west of Moyale near the border of Kenya
Coordinates would give map code HBL05
HDE44 Oomba (Uomba), see Womba
HC... Opa, 07/35 [x]
With market in the 1910s, at one day's travel from HCP03 Dimbira.
JDE41 Opolle (area) 08/43 [WO]
-- Opuuo (Opuo, Opo) language, spoken in Sudan
and a little on the Ethiopian side
ora, hora (O) mineral water; (Som) kind of thorn tree,
Acacia tortilis; orraa (O) day
HCB15c Ora, 05/36 [x]
settlement area of part of the Baka ethnic group
HCF64 Ora 0559'/3945' 1172 m 05/39 [WO Gz]
HCF65 Ora (with hot spring) 06/39 [MS WO Gu]
HFE99 Ora, see Kudo Korebta
HDH64 Ora Chorum (O. Tchoroum), hot spring 09/36 [x]
?? Orab (Urab), historical area known from 1400s ../.. [x]
JDB80 Orabis, G. (area) 1904 m, see under Bedesa 08/40 [WO]
JDD77 Oracolifo, see Horakelifo 08/43
JDK44 Orafadi, see Horefedi
?? Oraga, with election constituency ../.. [20]
?? Orama /=Orma?/, precipice ../.. [Gu]
circa 200 m in diameter and 100 m deep
HEC88 Oramit, village about 10 km west of Bahir Dar 11/37 [20]
GCT71 Orang 0755'/3333' 307 m, 07/33 [Gz]
north-west of Tori, near the border of Sudan
HCL23 Orangia, see Horanchia
-- Orase language, see Bussa
JDK02 Orasudi (area) 09/42 [WO]
HDJ86 Orbanto (area) 09/37 [WO]
HBR29 Orbatte (Orbutte) 0445'/3726' 1218 m 04/37 [WO Gz Wa]
HBT41 Orbatte 0457'/3830' 1520 m, east of Yabelo 04/38 [WO Gz]
JCK67 Orbisso, G. (area) 06/43 [WO]
orda, ordaa (O) 1. handle of a plough; 2. implement for digging a hole
GDF94 Orda 0859'/3443' 1508 m, east of Gidami 08/34 [Gz]
JDK41 Orda 0926'/4238' 1968 m, north-west of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
?? Ordah (lake) 09/40? [x]
JDK32 Ordere 0923'/4246' 1691 m, near Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
JDK59 Ordinka (Ordinca) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JEP25 Orduff (area) 12/41 [WO]
HDM75 Ore Amba kebele (Oré .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the north in easternmost Ankober wereda at its eastern
border, 15-17 km south-east of Debre Sina; area 462 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDH94 Orensu 0957'/3607' 1254 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDH12 Orfo, G. (area) 09/40 [WO]
orfu, orfuu (O) poke, give a sharp push
HCS.. Orgabeja, see Urbarag, Werbarag
HD... Orgessa, cf Urgesa, 09/35? [Mi]
near Tankara mountain, east of Gimbi in Wellega
HBM35 Orgodunn (mountain) 0354'/3946' 914 m, 03/39 [WO Gz]
near the border of Kenya
HCG77 Oricho 0703'/3530' 1587 m, 07/35 [Gz]
west of Shewa Gimira
HDE05 Oriessa (Uriesa), see Dalecha
HDF42 Oriessa, see Doni
GC... Orika, 07/34 [x]
a rather wide settlement at some distance from Sariti.
HEL03 Orkaie, see Geregera
orma (O) 1. people; 2. alien, not a relative;
Orma (O) name of the ancestor of the Oromo people
JBH87 Orma (area) 04/41 [WO]
JEA64 Ormat, see Hurmat
ormata (O) wealth
oro: oor-oo (O) camel's burden
HDC56 Oro 0838'/3709' 1647 m 08/37 [WO Gz]
oro f..: faghe, faage (Afar) ford
JDN48c Oro Faghe 10/40 [Ne]
oro mishire w..: walitti (O) away from one another,
spaced apart
JCH32 Oro Mishire Walitti (O. Miscire Ualitti) 06/40 [+ WO Gz]
0637'/4054' 1212, 1494 m, south-east of Megalo
HCJ91 Oroba 07/36 [WO]
oroballa: balla (O) large, broad; (A) pole or stick with Y-shaped top
HBJ86 Oroballa (area) 04/37 [WO]
HCE56 Orobassaie, c.2700 m, see under Kibre Mengist 05/38 [WO Gu]
orobo, kind of antelope with face like an ox and
horns which stand straight up (Oryx?)
HCM33 Orobo (mountain) 06/39 [WO]
HCM46 Orobo (mountain) 0645'/3953' 3792 m, 06/39 [Gz]
south-west of Goba
JCG54 Orogitta (Oroghitta) (area) 06/40 [+ WO]
HCS80 Oroju (Orogiu) (area) 07/37 [+ WO]
oroma (Janjero) kind of tall tree, Ekebergia capensis;
-- Oromo, name of the most numerous people in Ethiopia
and also used of their language, afan Oromoo
HDE60 Oromo, 08/38 [WO]
in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Merhabete province
HEM14 Oromo 1152'/3944' 1441 m, north-east of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HDM44 Oromo & Merko kebele (.. & Mérqo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Ankober wereda, 4-7 km
south of Ankober town; area 948 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEJ42 Oronoba (area) 12/41 [WO]
JCC62 Oror (mountain) 0600'/4151' 695 m 06/41 [Gz]
JEP63 Orori (spring) 13/41 [WO]
ororo (Kefa) tall tree, see oroma above; ororu (O) to grind
JEB48 Ororogu (area) 11/41 [WO]
HBR39 Orratte (hills) 04/37 [WO]
JDA86 Orroho, G. (area) 1767 m 08/40 [WO]
orru: oru, ooruu (O) produce offspring; farmland?
HDF52 Orru (area) 08/39 [WO]
J.... Orthar, two day-trips inland from Jeldesa 10/42 [x]
JDJ55 Ortu 0934'/4204' 1660 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JBP47 Oruba (area) 04/41 [WO]
HDL89 Osambiyo (Osambio), see under Deneba 09/39 [+ WO]
JCK97 Osbaleh 0710'/4311' 922 m, with salt plains 07/43 [WO Gz]
JDP05 Osboli (Osbole), see Asbuli
HCS00 Osciot, see Oshot

HDH88 Osho 0947'/3627' 2084 m 09/36 [Gz]

HDJ26 Oshon 0915'/3709' 2462 m, south-east of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
?? Oshoro, cf under Durame
HCS00 Oshot (Osciot, Fre: Ochot) 0715'/3732' 1792 m, 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
near map code HCK90, north-east of Waka
JEB27 Ositti Falka (Ositti Falca) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
?? Osman (50 km by road from Ticho) ../.. [It]
Osman, male Muslim name; Guulle (Som) giver of victory, God
JBU64 Osman Gule (area) 05/44 [WO]
HCU52 Osman, moschea - see Asen Usman
oso, osoo (O) before, previous
?? Oso (Saala) ../.. [n]
osole, osolee (O) hyrax, rock rabbit, Procravia habessinica,
P. capensis capillosa, Heterohyrax syriacus, etc.
HDD97 Osole 0900'/3810' 2139 m (with church Giyorgis), 09/38 [AA Gz]
waterfalls nearby, west of Addis Alem, see under Ginchi
?? Osse Garamanti Allamaggia, ../.. [Gu]
in the 1930s with a small bridge over the stream Ossi
ossili: ossille (O) kind of shrub which gives red dye
JDG78 Ossili, G. (area) 09/40 [WO]
HDC70 Osso 0851'/3640' 1882 m, north-east of Arjo 08/36 [Gz]
ota, otaa (O) the fluid that bursts out just before
/an animal gives/ birth
HDF11 Ota (Ottu), see under Sire, cf Otta 08/39 [Gu WO]
HBS36 Otallo (seasonal waterhole), see under Yabelo 04/38 [WO]
?? Otana (sub-post office under Welamo Soddo) 06/37? [Po]
ote (O) clayware pot: ootee (O) abandoned zeriba
JEB87 Ote, see under Asaita 11/41 [WO]
JDH71 Otenforo (Ehnforo, Elinforo) 09/40 [Gz WO Wa]
0941'/4046' 755/819 m, north of Mieso
-- Othan language, see Uduk
JCK91 Othanley (Othanlei) (plateau) 07/42 [+ WO]
HCK19 Otilcho (Otiliciò, Teferi Kela, Teferi Kiela) 06/38 [+ It Po Ad]
(Tafari Kella, Otilcio, Chella Tafari) 06/38 [WO Gu]
MS: 0625'/3830' = HCL00, 1810 m;
Gz: 0630'/3824' 1973 m, see under Wendo
(with sub-post office using spelling Teffere Kella)
Centre in 1964 of Tuy sub-district.
JCS93 Otlei (area) 08/42 [WO]
?? Otona (hill 4 km from Soddu) ../.. [Gu]
HCS.? Otoro, 07/37? [20]
at some distance from Gimbichu and from Durame
HDC17 Otscha, see Oche
HCD82 Otschollo, see Ochollo
HCJ81 Otta (mountain) 0706'/3645' 2097, 3700 m, 07/36 [Wa Gz]
cf Ueta, Ufta
HCD13 Ottomale 05/37 [x]
H.... Ottomol, north-east/?/ of Burji 05/37 [x]
HDF11 Ottu, see Ota
-- Otu, small ethnic group living east of lake Awasa
Oua.. (in French-derived spellings), see Wa.. or Ua..
?? Ouadj, see Wej
ouala o..: ulaa (O) 1. entrance; 2. border;
ula (A) drainage hole in a wall, mountain pass, etc.
?? Ouala Oula (visiting postman under A.A.) ../.. [Po]
HDF51 Oualenkiti, see Welenchiti
ouba ..: debre tsehay (A) mountain of sun
HCC60 Ouba Debre Tsehay, see Uba Debre Tsehay
H.... Ouba Debre Tsehay wereda 05/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Tsehay)
-- Ouébi Chébéli, see Webi Shebele
HFC17 Ouelkait, see Wolkayit
-- Ougang (ethnic group), see Majangir
JEG39c Ougogo, see Ugogo
?? Ouiz (Ouïz), town mentioned in the 1400s ../.. [x]
-- Oula, see Ula
HC... Oumech (centre in 1964 of Menjiva wereda) 07/36 [Ad]
ounda (Afar) small, little
JEH09 Ounda Gamarri, see Gamarri
H.... Ouoguerât, see Wejerat
HEM02 Ouoldia, see Weldiya
HDD13 Ouolkité, see Welkite
HDU72 Ouorra Illou, see Were Ilu
JDK88 Ourabale (area) 09/43 [WO]
HDB10 Ouroumou, see Hurumu
?? Ourrouffi 530 m, near Somalia in "tip" of Ethiopia 12/42 [n]
JDJ60 Ourso, see Hurso
HDH07 Ovalo, see Abalo
?? Owhie (resettlement area in Tigray), cf Awahe ../.. [n]
HCS.. Oya, 07/37 [x]
former residence of Janjero royalty, some 5 km north of Fofa
-- Oyda, name of an ethnic group in the north-west Omo region,
numbering 16,597 according to the 1998 census
JDJ55 Oyite 0933'/4207' 1854 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
JER20 Oyma (Melale) (mountain) 1252'/4137' 998 m 12/41 [Gz]
HET73 Ozentan 13/38 [WO]
HET63 Ozentari 1316'/3844' 1119 m, 13/38 [Gz]
north-west of Fenarwa
GDE08 Paal 08/34 [WO]
GCT88 Pacchede, see Fuchedi
GCT26 Pacchelo, see Pakelo
GCT72 Packan (Paccan), see under Tori 07/33 [+ WO]
GCU45 Pacodi, see Pakodi
GDE17 Pacuma, see Pakuma
GDE08 Pagnau (Panyaw, Fanuar, Fanuor), 08/34 [Gz]
0811'/3410' 467 m, at the Baro river west of Itang
GCT26 Pakelo (Pacchelo, Taada, Tedo) 07/34 [+ Gz WO]
0729/3401' 362 m, near the border of Sudan
GCU45 Pakodi (Pacodi) 0738'/3448' 577 m, 07/34 [+ Gz]
west of Inderacha
-- pakuma, cf Paguma, a probably nomadic tribe
known since the 1300s
GDE17 Pakuma (Pacuma) 08/34 [+ WO]
HB... Palalto, abandoned settlement in north Konso ../.. [20]
GDE58 Palen 08/34 [WO]
JDG02 Palm Springs, see Fil Wiha
GDF10 Pam (mountains) 0816'/3422' 591 m, 08/34 [Gz]
west of Gambela
GDF11 Pamoli, see Pomolo
HFF30 Papaseyti (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
JEC80 Paradiso 1140'/4140' 11/41 [MS]
HFE8.c Parakleitos, monastery about 15 km from Debre Damo 14/39 [20]
HDU56 Passo delle Scimmie (It: Monkey Pass) 1522 m 10/39 [Gu WO]
HDU57 Passo delle Gazelle (It: Gazelle Pass) 1733 m 10/39 [Gu WO]
HEU32 Passo Toselli (Italian name of pass) 3000 m 13/39 [Gu]
-- Passo .., see also rest of name
HB... Patankalto, in north-east Konso, with 5 stone walls ../.. [20]
HCD55 Pau (pass) 05/37 [WO]
HE... Pawe, resettlement area in in Gojjam Metekel 11/36 [20]
HE... Pawe (Pawi), town 11/36 [20]
HE... Pawe Special wereda, in the Metekel zone 11/36 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
GCT68 Pechalla (Peccialla, Uarcialla) 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
0747'/3412' 439 m
GCT36 Pechi (Pecci) 07/33 [+ WO]
HEL01 Peclai Manot (Teclai ..?, Tekle Haimanot?) 11/38 [WO]
GCU86 Pedaga (area) 07/34 [WO]
GCT43 Pegncoa (village) 0741'/3342' 303 m, 07/33 [WO Gz]
near the border of Sudan
GCT53 Pegncoa (well) 07/33 [WO]
GCT59 Pegnudo, see Pignudo
GDF00 Peimala 08/34 [WO]
GDE09 Peiman 08/34 [WO]
HBK58 Pelato (area), see under Mega 04/38 [WO]
JDK21 Peletka (Peletca) (village) 1720 m 09/42 [+ Gu]
GCT47 Pengmiel (Pengmial) 0740'/3407' 319 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
HFE63 Pentaleon, see Enda Abba Pentalewon
GCM42 Pentidi, see Jamchar, cf Pintidi
GCT72 Pentin 0752'/3339' 302 m, see under Tori 07/33 [WO Gz]
HCN55 Perada, see Barada
GCT73 Perbong (Perbona) 0754'/3341' 316 m 07/33 [Gz]
GCU70 Perbongo (Perbom) 0754'/3421' 480 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
GCT57 Periet (Ariet) 0742'/3403' 305 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code GCT56
HCG94 Peso 0712'/3510' 894 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
HFF42 Petros Paulos Melehayzengi, 13/39 [Br]
(rock-hewn church), see Mellehai Zengi
GDF01 Pidore 08/34 [WO]
GCT59 Pignudo (Pinyudo, Pegnudo, Pugnudo), 07/34 [x WO]
town and area at Gilo river near Sudan, with refugees
GD... Pihwedo, 90 km from Gambela, 08/34 [20]
a very large refugee centre
GDF13c Pinkio, village in the neighbourhood of Gambela,
with a small lake near
GCU20 Pintidi (Pingtidi, Pingtaidi) 0726'/3420' 487 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
GDE16 Pintor 0814'/3401' 429 m 08/34 [WO Gz]
GCT59 Pinyudo, see Pignudo
piri (O) a kind of worm
?? Pirid ../.. [..]
GD... Pitborun kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan. Kwama language is spoken there.
HEL26 Piyoliya (Piolia), see under Lalibela 12/39 [+ WO]
HCB34 Plain of Death, see Tama 05/36 [WO]
GDF01 Poko 0809'/3428' 540 m, near map code GCU91 08/34 [Gz]
GDF00c Pokwo (Poko?), American mission station, 08/34 [x]
at 30 km down the river from Gambela
-- Polin language (P'olin), a variety of Kwama
GDF11 Pomolo (Pamoli, Amoli) 0815'/3429' 504 m, 08/34 [WO Gz]
downstream at Baro west of Gambela
GDF00 Popowo (American mission) 0813'/3422', 08/34 [Gz]
at the Baro river west of Gambela
GDM.. Poshumo kebele (Foshumo ..?) 09/34 [20]
in the Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
GCT55 Powak (Pouac) 07/33 [+ WO]
GCT59 Pugnudo, see Pignudo
GDE09 Pullum 0811'/3416' 450 m, 08/34 [WO Gz]
downstream at Baro west of Gambela
HC... Pulte, in Soddo Zuriya wereda, 06/37 [n]
within an area of about one hectare there are eleven megalithic steles
GDF16 Punte dei Diavoli (area) 08/34 [WO]
(Italian name "Capes/peaks of the Devils")
Q.., see /alphabetically/ generally K..,
phonetically indicated as K'
JCL49 Qabradahare, see Kebri Dehar
HFF15 Qabtiyya, see Kabtiya
HFC47 Qabtya, see Keftya
HFE26 Qachamo, see Kechemo
KDA46 Qaidaro, see Kaydaro
HDT00 Qala Qenditi, see Kala Kenditi
KDB15 Qalanoale, see Kalanowale
JCE18 Qalaafo, see Kelafo
qalat (Arabic) hill
HFB38 Qalat Hamadi (Galaat Abgir, G. Abigir), 13/36 [Gz]
1354'/3628' 630 m, peak on the border of Sudan
HFC31 Qalat Uod Absciar, see Kalat Wod Abshar
HC... Qanqicho, see Kankicho
HFE15 Qaqa, see Kaka
HDK18 Qaqe, see Kake
HBS58 Qaranyo, see Keranyo
HED23 Qarib (Quarib), see Kwarib
HDF24 Qarsa, see Karsa
JDJ43 Qarsa, see Kersa
HC... Qatchabira, see Kachabira
?? Qattu, see Kattu
HFF15 Qatun, see Katun
HDK07 Qeba, see Keba & HDK17
JCL49 Qebri Deharre .., see Kebri Dehar ..
?? Qecheho (Qecheno), see Kecheno
?? Qeda (historical province) ../.. [x]
HCT85c Qediessa, island in lake Ziway, with Laqi people 07/38 [x]
GDU48 Qeissan, see Gizen
JCE18 Qelafo (Qellafo, Qellaffo), see Kelafo
GDF45 Qelem .., see Kelem ..
HDD90 Qenyi, see Kenyi & HDK01 HDK12
HDL60 Qeriya, see Keriya
Qerlos, same as Cyril
HDK27 Qersa, see Kersa & HDL80
HDK37 Qetqet, see Ketket
JEC81 Qgag (area) 11/41 [WO]
HFF60 Qiat, see Kiat
HDA15 Qidame Gebeya, see Kidame Gebeya & HDL45
HE... Qillaj, see Kilaj
HDL64 Qiqe, see Kike
HEK32 Qiranya Mariam, see Keranyo
HDC45 Qito, see Chetta
JCR77 Qodaa Meidel, see Kodaa Meydel
H.... Qoki, see Koki
JDJ48 Qondoddo, see Kondudo
H.... Qongie, see Kongie
HCP77 Qoota, see Kota
HDE36 Qoqa, see Koka
HEJ44 Qoqu Bahr, see Koku Bahr
HEU13 Qorbata (Qorbeta), see Korbeta
HDK06 Qore, see Kore & HDL40 HDL55
H... Qoriesi (ctr in 1964 of Ali Abasambi sub-district) 08/35? [Ad]
HDL20 Qorke, see Korke & HDL81
HFF40 Qorqor, see Korkor
HFD69 Qoyatsa, see Koyetsa
HEM43 Quabbo, see Kobbo
HEC13c Quachera, see Kwakera
HEC13c Quakura, see Kwakera
HDR95c Quala, see Kwala & HEC93
HET63 Quale, see Kwale
HE... Qualisa, see Kwalissa
GDE14 Quamnum 0818'/3350' 407 m, 08/33 [Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HEH56 Quara (Quarra), see Kwara
HEM82 Quaram, see Korem
HED23 Quarib, see Kwarib
HEA28 Quaril, see Kwaril
HEC.. Quarit, see Kwarit
?? Queatit, with postal agent (sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HBF83 Quf Tika, 0331'/3936' 1018 m, 03/39 [Gz]
mountain area partly inside Kenya
HEU92 Quiha, see Kwiha
HEU93 Quihen, see Kwihen
HEJ15 Quinzela, see Konzula
HFD83 Quiu, see Kuyu
HDL86 Qulqwal, see Kulkwal
HCR89 Qumbe, see Kumbi
HEC85 Qunzila, see Kunzila
HDF30 Quocedare, see Kwochedare
HDD28 Quochir, see Kochir
HEC34 Quocra, see Kwokra
HEC24 Quoera, see Kwoyera
HEC04 Quoezza (church), see under Injibara 10/37 [WO]
HEJ17 Quola Arsima, see Kolla Arsima
HEK01 Quolala, see Kwolala
HEC16 Quollel, see Kwollel
HEC14 Quollela, see Kwollela
HEC12c Quolos Abo, see Kwolos Abo
HEC67 Quolqualma, see Kolkwalma
HEC33 Quoquara, see Kwokwara
HEM82 Quoram (Quorem), see Korem
HEC99 Quorata (Quorta), see Korata & HED70
HDM81 Quorria, see Kworrya
HDR95 Quosquam, see Askun
HEC58 Quosquam, see Kweskwam
HEK08 Quosso Medo, see Kosso Medo
HEC67 Quot Quatma, see Kwot Kwatma, cf Kolkwalma
HEC76 Quota, see Kwota, cf Kwola
HDS08 Quozien (Quoziem Mariam), see Goha Tsiyon
HDL92 Qurqura, see Kurkura
HDL51 Qwat, see Kwat & HDT06
HEJ14 Qwinzila, see Kunzila
HEJ78 Qwolla Debba, see Kola Diba
HEJ.. Qworeba, 12/37 [x]
at the north-west corner of lake Tana, see under Iloha
HFE66 Raayo (Ra'ayo) (mountain) 1412'/3900' 2525 m, 14/39 [Gz]
east of Adwa
rab (A) hunger, famine; (Som) 1. narrow place; 2. want, desire
JED01 Rab (area & railway station), 25 km inside Ethiopia 10/42 [WO Gu]
raba (O) age grade 24-32 years of the Oromo gada system,
regarded as the senior warriors
JDJ70 Rabal (area), cf Rabel 09/41 [WO]
?? Rabaso, town in Aware wereda, in direction Somalia ../.. [20]
?? Rabat (in Afar in isolated Megale area) ../.. [Yo]
rabassa: rabbaas (Som) jump /repeatedly/; rabash (Som) trouble,
JDR10 Rabassa (area) 10/41 [WO]
rabbi (O,Som) God
HCF65 Rabbi 0558'/3948' 1301 m, cf Rebbi .. 05/39 [WO Gz]
HEU... Rabea (village), see under Mekele 13/39 [n]
HDU54 Rabel 1027'/3942' 2390 m, south-east of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU63 Rabel (Rabiel) 1033'/3936' 2965 m, 10/39 [Gz Ad]
south-east of Were Ilu (centre in 1964 of Gishe wereda)
Adjoining kebeles are Weflek to the south-east,
Mesk Amba only touching to the south, Darat to
the west, and Setoch Washa to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
5E Kodad kebele
6E Dima & Dahana kebele
9E Asnafit kebele
4S Liga kebele
4S Debre Selam kebele
6SW Set Amba kebele
8SW Deyer kebele
5NW Korebtit kebele
10 NW Mige & Aymeter kebele
3N Wejit kebele
5N Key Amba kebele
9N Girar Amba kebele
7NE Gijima kebele
rable, rablee (Som) jump/ing/ with one's feet together
JDS92 Rable Mahamoud (area) 10/42 [WO]
JDJ56 Rabo (Gara Rabu) 0931'/4209' 2170 m, 09/42 [Gz WO]
north of Harar
JDJ24 Rabsa 0915'/4201' 1825 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HDT06 Rachet (Rach'et Wiha) 0959'/3859' 2350 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Aregawi), north-east of Fiche
JDC96 Raco, see Reko
rada, raada (O) heifer, young cow that has not had any calf
HDE90 Rada, see under Genet 09/38 [WO]
JDJ12 Radaya (Radaia, B/iv/io?) 0910'/4148' 2287 m, 09/41 [Gz WO]
see under Grawa
JDJ10 Radiba 0911'/4138' 1646 m, west of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HDF84c Radza (mountain) circa 0855'/3940', 08/39 [x]
near the Garibaldi Pass
HDC99 Rafiso (mountain) 0900'/3730' 2434 m, 09/37 [Gz]
near map code HDD90, east of Gedo
JEG02 Ragden (Ragdeni) (area) 1148'/4000' 987/995 m 11/40 [Gz WO]
ragga s..: siba, siiba (O) large jar in which beer is brewed;
-- Siba, a Borana lineage
?? Ragga Siba, in Tiro Afeta wereda, ../.. [20]
around 2005 a bridge was constructed there
HEF64 Ragnena 1125'/3944' 1795 m, north of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
JDB98 Rago 0858'/4125' 1236 m, south of Deder 08/41 [Gz]
KCN38 Ragumba (area) 07/45 [WO]
HFF85 Rahali (mountain) 1419'/3952' 2245 m, 14/39 [Gz]
east of Adigrat, near the border of Eritrea
JED13 Rahele 1058'/4248' 751 m, on the border of Somalia 10/42 [Gz]
HEE98 Rai Tallet, see Ratelet
rai: raiy (T) vision, revelation
HEM53 Raia, see Raya & JCP38
KCH58 Raiceno, see Raycheno
HFE76c Raio, see Rayo
JEG82 Rair (mountains) 1234'/4000' 801 m 12/40 [Gz]
JCH39 Raitu wereda (centre in 1964 = Tedecha Alem), 06/41 [Ad]
cf Rayito ..
rako (Som) platform, shelf, scaffolding; (O) 1. trouble,
inconvenience, hardship, distress, misfortune, disaster;
2. sacrifice of an animal carried out as marriage ceremony;
raka (raqa) (O) carcass, carrion
HBM50 Rako, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
JDC96 Rako, see Reko
rako b..: buri (O) blue-grey root which is boiled & eaten
(also other edible bulbs); buri (Som) 1. chase away; 2. boil over;
buuri (Som) tobacco, cigar, pipe
JDD80 Rako Buri (area, with well) 08/42 [WO]
rallina g..: gobu (O) 1. prick with a thorn;
2. beat, strike
-- Gobu, a clan of Borana
HCE78 Rallina Gobu (area) 2129 m 06/39 [WO]
rama (A) heaven: the third (or second?) of the seven heavens
HDT47c Rama 10/39 [x]
HEM54 Rama (area) 2407 m, see also under Zobil 12/39 [WO]
HFE94 Rama (Lala, Mai Lala) 1425'/3847' 1385 m 14/38 [Gz Ad Br Po]
(with sub-post office under Mekele),
not far from the border of Eritrea
Coordinates would give map code HFE93
(centre in 1964 of Baito Makoe sub-district)
JEG73 Rama 1227'/4003' 776 m 12/40 [Wa Gz]
HE... Rama kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Kobo wereda; area 4,488 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Ramam, with postal agent (sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
JBJ52 Rambala (area) 04/41 [WO]
HFF92 Ramaliye 1420'/3936' 2688 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north-east of Adigrat, near the border of Eritrea
HDF80 Rambuti /Balci/(ch), see under Bollo Selassie 08/39 [WO]
HDM01 Rambutin, see under Shola Gebeya 09/39 [WO]
ramid (Afar) root
JCP79 Ramis, river outlet Webi 0755'/4134' 07/41 [x]
JDB08 Ramis 0813'/4126' 1276 m, 08/41 [Gz Mi]
valley in the Chercher area
ramla (language?) sands
HEA94 Ramla ../.. [n]
ramo, rammoo (O) worm, earthworm, tapeworm, maggot, moth
JCH47 Ramo (Remo) 0642'/4123' 1091 m 06/41 [WO Wa Gz LM]
?? Ramoda (valley in Tigray) ../.. [Mi]
JDJ53c Ramsadi (hill) c.1200 m, see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gu]
?? Rante (within the Gidole mission region) ../.. [x]
JCH67 Rao (area) 06/41 [WO]
HCL72 Rapetti Concession (Con Rapetti) 07/38 [WO]
HDE82 Rappez, M. (area), see under Sebeta 08/38 [WO]
HDF90 Rarati (Raratti) (with church Maryam), 08/39 [WO x]
in the Balchi area
HDE99 Rarati kebele 08/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of western Minjar & Shenkora wereda;
area 2,353 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCB72 Rarchi, see Rorchi
rare (O) 1. swamp, bog, pool on a road; reed or other
plant in a swamp; 2. wrote /a letter/
-- Rare, name of a tribe of northern Jimma Oromo
HEM53 Rare 1213'/3937' 1495 m, south of Alamata 12/39 [Gu Gz]
HEM62 Rare 1223'/3936' 1449 m, near Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
JDB88 Rare 0856'/4125' 1162 m, south of Deder 08/41 [Gz]
JDC37 Rare, see Rari
JDJ15 Rare 0910'/4207' 1838 m, south of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
rare eb..: ebicha, eebicha (O) kind of shrub
or small tree, Vernonia amygdalina; (A) grawa
JDJ15 Rare Ibicha 0912'/4207' 1799 m, south of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HCM87 Rareba 0705'/3957' 2590 m, north of Goba 07/39 [Gz]
rari (O) roll up!; return! /verbs in the imperative/;
raari (Som) species of rice
JBR73 Rari (area) 05/41 [WO]
JDC37 Rari (Rare) 0830'/4214' 989 m, north of Fik
rari b..: bosetti (O) dirty, sluttish /woman/
JDH79 Rari Bosetti (area) 09/41 [WO]
HDD70 Rariesa (centre in 1964 of Gamo sub-district) 08/37 [Ad]
JCB72 Rarki, see Rorchi
raro (O) untanned skin to put under a saddle or a load
or to sit on; (Som) camel's load
HBL57 Raro, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
JCS14 Rarrey (area) 07/42 [WO]
raru, raruu (O) adorn, decorate, embellish skin or gourd
/the word has several other meanings less likely here/
JEA74 Raru (area) 11/40 [WO]

ras (A) 1. cape, promontory; 2. head, Ras /title/, top,

ear of corn
HDU22 Ras 1010'/3934' 2901 m, north-west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HEJ16 Ras Abay (Ras Abbai, Abbaider) (delta/island) 11/37 [+ WO x]
= Abay Dar?
HES69 Ras Dashen (.. Dejen, .. Dedjen, .. Deshen) 13/38 [Ad Po MS x]
(R. Dascian, .. Degen, .. Degien, Rasdajan) 13/38 [Br WO Gu]
(Ethiopia's highest mountain, early data 4543/4620 m,
MS: 1319'/3820' = HES79; Gz: 1316'/3824' = HES69, 4319 m;
Wikipedia: 4533 m
ras dej..: dejen (däjän) (A) rear guard
ras des..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HCK49 Ras Desta Ber 0645'/3823' 1742 m 06/38 [Gz Ad Po]
(earlier name? from Ras Desta Damtew), near Yirga Alem
(sub-post office under Shashemene)
(centre in 1964 of Bera sub-district)
?? Ras Midir (in Tigray or Eritrea?), ../.. [En]
with Lazarist missionary in the 1860s.
JDH86 Ras Mittur (recorded in 1841) 09/41 [Ha]
rasa: rase (A) be wet, be damp, be moist;
-- Rasa, Rassa, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Basu
of the Borana people
HDM55c Rasa, see under Ankober 09/39 [Gu]
JDC76 Rasa 08/42 [WO]
JDG93 Rasa (Rassa, Raza) (mountain) 09/40 [WO Ne Ha]
JEA08 Rasa (area) 10/40 [WO n]
rasa g..: goba (O) palissade, fortification;
goba (Wellega Bega) hyena; gobaa (O) palm leaf thorn;
gooba (O) hump of cattle; goba-a (O) bent or stooping /man/
?? Rasa Goba sub-district (Rasagoba ..) 10/40? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Borerie)
HEF26 Rasa kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kalu (East) wereda (Qalu ..),
15-21 km east of Kombolcha; area 2,937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL69 Rasan 1218'/3916' 2024 m, north-east of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
JDN18 Rasdaza (Razdaza) 1005'/4031' 562 m, 10/40 [Gz]
south-west of Gewane on the other side of the Awash
HDM65 Rasme kebele (Rasmé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Ankober wereda, 7-10 km
north-east of Ankober town; area 729 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
raso (Som) layer of a stack
HDL72 Raso 0941'/3837' 2797 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), south-west of Fiche
JEH07 Raso (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDL72 Raso Gitiye 0946'/3836' 3047 m, 09/38 [Gz]
south-west of Fiche
-- raso t..: Tembero, name of a Sidama tribe
HDL71 Raso Tembero (R. Tembere) 0946'/3834' 2997 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Raso wereda ../.. [20]
JDG74 Rassa (hill in Shewa) 0945'/4008' 09/40 [n]
?? Rassa (district in Wello), cf Rasa ../.. [n]
rasul (Arabic) apostle
HEE98 Ratelet (Rat'elet, Rai Tallet) 1143'/3911' 3153 m, 11/39 [Gz WO]
north-east of Bete Hor
JC... Ratitu (in Wabe awraja) 07/40? [x]
rau b..: baashir (Som) give warm welcome when meeting;
Baashiir, Basheer, a name for persons
HEG49 Rau Bashir, J. (hill) 12/35 [WO]
JBR05 Rau Rau (Hrauri) (area) 04/42 [WO]
?? Rava, a peak of the Choke mountains ../.. [18]
JC... Rawa 07/42 [18]
raya (O) ceremony to bring rain, (A,Arabic) flag, banner;
(A) distant country; rayya (O) vanguard army; (A) peasant,
usually in a conquered district
-- Raya, name of a Wello Oromo tribe, with Raayaa
as language variety
HEM53 Raya (Raia) (plain), 12/39 [+ WO]
with Raya pass 8 km north of Maychew
JCP38 Raya (Raia) (area) 07/41 [+ WO]
JEN06 Raya & Azebo awraja 1240'/4020' 12/40 [Gz]
(centre in 1980 = Maychew)
JEN.. Raya & Azebo wereda (Rayaazebo ..) 12/40 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 22 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JEG55 Raya & Kobo awraja (..Kobo, ..Qobbo) 1215'/4020' 12/39 [Gz]
(centre in 1980 = Alamata)
KCH58 Raycheno (Raiceno) 06/46 [+ WO]
JCB.. Rayito sub-district (-1997-) 06/41 [n]
?? Rayitu (Rayito) (in central Bale) cf Raitu .. ../.. [x]
JCB.. Rayitu wereda (Rayito .., Raytu ..) 06/41 [n Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 32 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HFE76c Rayo (Raio) (mountain) 2693 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
raza (Gondar A) kind of white stork, Ciconia ephippiorrhyncha
JDG93 Raza, see Rasa
JDN18 Razdaza, see Rasdaza
JEP54 Realu (plain) 13/41 [Ne]
HCF03 Reata, see Gara Reata 05/39 [WO]
HFF63 Reayle (Re'ayle) 1407'/3940' 2222 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
reb (A) anus, bottom, buttocks; reeb- (O) beat
HEK24 Reb (river into lake Tana at its east shore) 11/37 [n]
rebbi (A) cattle breeding; (räbbi) rabbi, master;
ribbi (A) fertile
HFE76 Rebbi Arienni (R. Erienni) (hill/pass) 2243 m 14/39 [Gu n]
with an imposing block of granite jutting up beside the road
?? Rebne Gebeya (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
rebrebti d..: dubo, duboo (O) sheep's tail;
(Som) bake for oneself
JCM25 Rebrebti Dhubo (waterhole) 06/44 [MS Wa]
HDE62 Rebto (Rebeto) (village) 0843'/3838' 2124 m, 08/38 [Gz x]
(with church Gebriel), south of Sebeta
rebu, reebuu (O) 1. go, run; 2. make wet /rain/;
3. beat, spank, hit with stick; rebu (räbu'u) (A)
rebui (T) Wednesday
HDD45 Rebu (Geno) 0832'/3802' 2293 m, 08/38 [Gz WO]
WO has Geno at map code HDD36
rebui (T), rebu (räbu'u) (A) Wednesday; gebeya (A) market
HDL33 Rebui Gebeya (Rebu'i G.) 0920'/3842' 2556 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(Rebu G.) (with church Giyorgis), north of Sululta, cf Rob ..
HED84 Rebui Gebeya (Rebu'i G.) 1136'/3757' 2473 m 11/37 [Gz]
HDT05 Recha 1002'/3854' 2019 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Derra
HCS17 Reckami (Reccami) (area) 2146 m 07/38 [+ WO]
KDA43 Redab Hurshe (area) 08/45 [WO]
JDF60 Redabaros (area) 08/44 [WO]
JDF46 Redabgele (area) 08/44 [WO]
KDA23 Redabhare (area) 08/45 [WO]
KDA52 Redabkhatamo (area) 08/45 [WO]
HDL77 Rede kebele (Rédé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in the main body of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda,11-13 km west of Deneba; area 756 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM62 Reget kebele (Rägät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the east in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt
wereda, 24-28 km south-southeast of Debre Birhan;
area 812 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC10 Reggi, see Rejji
regreg (A) marsh
?? Rehayda (mountain in Tigray) ../.. [n]
JDK52 Rehoble 0932'/4242' 1816 m, north-west of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
JDE65 Reibet Aieiu, see Reybet Ayeyu
JDD18 Reibet Muran, see Reybet Muran
JCU23 Reid Abdair (Rejd A.) 0725'/4438' 845 m 07/44 [WO Gz]
reid u..: ugaas (Som) chief, king, sultan
JCU42 Reid Ugaz (R. Ugas) 0738'/4432' 937 m 07/44 [WO Gz]
JEN66 Reindass, see Rendas
HFE76 Reiyu (Re'iyu) 14/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gendebeta sub-district)
reji (A) 1. kind of shrub or small tree,
Vernonia auriculifera; 2. assistant, helper;
rejji, reejjii, raji (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Myrica salicifolia;
-- Reju, name of a group of Oromo known from the 1600s
HCE35 Reji 0542'/3854' 1801 m, 05/38 [Gz]
river valley south-west of Kibre Mengist, cf Riji
HDC10 Reji (Reggi) (mountain) 2175 m 08/36 [+ WO]
HDK49 Reji 0927'/3820' 2607 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL44 Reji 0925'/3851' 2601 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
midway between Sululta and Fiche
H.... Rejze sub-district 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mengistu Kidane Mihret)
GDE15 Rek Ngor (Nikau) 08/33 [WO]
JDC83 Reko 0856'/4156' 1610 m, south-west of Grawa 08/41 [Gz]
JDC96 Reko (Raco, Rako) 0858'/4212' 1581 m, 08/42 [Gz]
south of Harar
HDE63 Reku (village) 08/38 [x]
rel bar: baar (Som) peak; bar (Som) livestock
/further meanings, see at Bar Abir/
GDD38 Rel Bar 08/33 [WO]
HDT25 Rema 1016'/3854' 1939 m, east of Addis Derra 10/38 [Gz]
HDT36 Rema 1018'/3859' 1789 m, 10/38 [Gz]
north-east of Addis Derra
HE... Rema, monastery at lake Tana founded in the 1600s 12/37 [En]
HDT45 Rema kebele (Réma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
[1] urban kebele for Rema (Rima) town in western Weremo Wajitu & Mida
wereda, also [2] rural kebele immediately north of the town; area 7,646 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT15 Remeshet kebele (Rämäshät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, stretching
to its northern border, 8-17 km west of Alem Ketema;
area 3,743 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ09 Remha Medhane Alem 11/37 [20]
(ancient monastery on island, known from late 1400s)
JCH47 Remo, see Ramo
JCS89 Renda 0759'/4321' 924 m, east of Degeh Medo 07/43 [WO Gz]
JEN66 Rendas (Reindass) (with waterhole) 960 m 13/40 [LM WO]
JCK62 Rendo (well) 06/42 [MS WO]
renfachu (O) to forget; renfate (O) forgetfulness
HES27 Renfatz 1254'/3808' 1669 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
GCT71 Renguall (Rengual) 0753'/3334' 302 m 07/33 [Gz]
JCD75 Renwena (Renuena) (area) 06/42 [+ WO]
repa o..: odo (O) while, if; first, before, around
GD... Repa Odo (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDE02 Repe (Rep'e) 0813'/3837' 1918 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with churches Kidane Mihret and Medhane Alem),
north-west of lake Ziway
HDE93 Repi (Räp'i, Reppi, Repy) (village) 08/38 [x 20]
HDU96 Reqqe, see Rike
rer, reer (Som) family, household; home; ethnic group, sub-tribe,
tribe, clan, nationality, the offspring of a common ancestor
by whose name the rer is known
JCS11 Rer Amadbn (area) 07/42 [WO]
-- Rer Bare, extinct language from near the Somali border
KCP40 Rer Beydiyan (Rer Beidian) (area) 07/45 [+ WO]
JDC89 Rer Chihil (Rer Chilil) 0857'/4228' 1471 m 08/42 [Gz WO]
rer da..: dalal (Som) countries, nations
JCM73 Rer Dalal (wide area) 07/44 [WO]
JCS86 Rer Dut (area) 08/43 [WO]
JCT13 Rer Elm (area) 07/43 [WO]
rer ka..: kabelli, kibilli (Som) bat /flying animal/
JDK43 Rer Kabilli (Rer Cabilli) 09/42 [+ WO]
rer sa..: sayid (Som) leader, shariif, excellency
KCG93 Rer Sayd (Rer Said) 07/45 [+ WO]
-- Rerebere (extinct language), see Rer Bare
HDF15 Reribero 0817'/3949' 2791 m 08/39 [Gz]
JEB85 Reru 1137'/4112' 367 m, west of Asaita 11/41 [Gz]
resa (A) cadaver, corpse; ressa (rässa) (A) forget
?? Resa 09/37 [Gu]
-- Reshiat people and language, see Dasenech
HEJ06 Resta Maryam (Resta Mariam) 11/37 [+ Ch]
?? Retmet (river) ../.. [x]
?? Retwa (historical place known from the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
JDE65 Reybet Ayeyu (Reibet Aieiu) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDD18 Reybet Muran (Reibet Muran) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HDS68 Rezhim Girar 1031'/3819' 2412 m, north of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
(same as rejim grar = long/tall acacia in Amharic?)
rib (A) buttocks /colloquial/; ras (A) head, cape, promontory;
raas (Som) dwelling; family, household
HEK21 Rib (Rib Ras, Ribb, Reb, Irb), estuary at 1159'/3734', 11/37 [Ch WO Gz]
river with its outlet in eastern lake Tana
HE... Rib sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bambiko) 12/37 [Ad]
riba g..: riba, ribaa (O) forest; gered (gäräd) (A) servant
HFE.. Riba Gered, village near Adwa 14/38 [n]
KCA58 Ribadleh 0557'/4532' 377 m 05/45 [WO Gz]
HEK21 Ribb, see Rib
HDB56 Ribi 0838'/3614' 1865 m, north-west of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
HDT76 Ribortu kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda, adjoining Kelala settlement on its south
and extending 4 km from there south-eastward; area 1,253 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM31 Ricac Mariam, see Rikak Maryam
HDU95 Ricchie (Ricchia), see Jaraniyo
HCM83 Riccio, see Wege
HDL88 Richeccia, see Rikecha
HDJ87 Richiccio, see Rikicho
HBU35 Ridderu (mountain) 0449'/3950' 1326 m, 04/39 [WO Gz]
south-east of Negele
JCN89 Rido (Gara Rito) (mountain) 08/40 [Gz WO]
0803'/4036' 1624, 1937 m, near map code JCN98
HDD23 Rifenchir (Rifench'ir) 0823'/3752' 1828 m, 08/37 [Gz]
north of Welkite
HDT01 Rifenti 0936'/3703' 2553 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Shambu
HDT01 Rifenti 0959'/3834' 2071 m, 09/38 [Gz]
north-east of Tulu Milki
rifensa, rifeensa (O) hair, fur, horsehair, mane
HDB60 Rifenza (area) 08/35 [WO]
JDD47 Rigatte (area) 08/43 [WO]
HDG17c Riji Chekorsa sub-district, cf Reji 09/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Muklemi)
rika (O) 1. (rika, riiqa) granary; 2. (riqa) ladder
HEM31 Rikak Maryam (Ricac Mariam), see under Muja 12/39 [+ WO]
rike: rik (riq) (A) thatched grain store;
-- Rike, an Oromo tribe
HDU96 Rike (Ricchie, Ricchia, Reqqe, Rikke, Riqqe, Rik) 10/39 [LM WO Gu x]
(market near main road) 1451 m, in Yifat & Temuga awraja,
see also Jaraniyo
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4S Kashim (Cascim) (village) 1424 m
10S Mofa (village)
10SW Chefa (Chaffa, Ciafa, Ciaffa) (plain)
8N Aratu (village)
H.... Rike (in Kalu awraja) 10/40 [n]
rikicha, riqicha (O) suspension bridge constructed with lianes
/and any wooden bridge?/
HDL78 Rikicha (Richeccia) 0942'/3910' 2591 m 09/39 [Gz WO]
(Rikicha Dembeli), see under Deneba
HDL88 Rikicha Dembeli kebele (Riqicha Dämbäli ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in the north/south middle of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 3-7 km south-southwest of Deneba; area 1,583 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ87 Rikicho (Richiccio) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
HEL39 Rikiy (Rik'iy) 1202'/3917' 2920 m, east of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]

rim (A) 1. ecclesiastical fief, land around a church, assigned

to those who serve it; (T) share; (riim) (A) horned wild animal
HEC47 Rim (area) 2130 m 11/37 [WO]
HEC47 Rim 1119'/3712' 2096 m, east of Dangila 11/37 [WO Gz]
(with fort, and church Maryam to the south-west)
Coordinates would give map code HEC56
rima, rimaa (O) pregnant; rimma (O) termite
HD... Rima (Riema) 09/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Weremu & Wajitu wereda,
by 1994 called Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda)
HEJ09 Rima (island in lake Tana), cf Remha Medhane Alem 11/37 [Ch Gu]
HEJ09 Rima Yohannes (R. Johannis, R. Iohannes) (church) 11/37 [+ Ch Gu]
HDE18 Rime 0818'/3910' 1785 m, 08/39 [Gz]
midway between Nazret and lake Ziway
JDA07 Rimietti (area) 08/40 [WO]
JBP22 Ringi (Ringhi) 0443'/4054' 750 m 04/40 [Gz]
KCP01 Rio Gudut, see Bio Gudut
HCM64 Rira (village) 0654'/3942' 3915 m, 06/39 [WO Gu Gz Br]
south-west of Goba
HDD77 Risinji (Risingi) 08/38 [+ WO]
JCN89 Rito (Gara Rito), see Rido
HDC70 Rob Gebaya, see Nunu
rob gebeya (A) Wednesday market
GDF46 Rob Gebeya 0835'/3455' 1524 m, 08/34 [Gz]
east of Dembidolo, cf Irob .., Rebui ..
HDJ13 Rob Gebeya 0909'/3655' 1969 m, north of Sire 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ55 Rob Gebeya (Abbaia Garo) 0931'/3707' 2374 m, 09/37 [Gz WO]
near Shambu
?? Rob Gebeya (visiting postman under Debre Markos) ../.. [Po]
roba, rooba (O) rain;
Roba, a male personal name
HCJ93 Roba, see Shuda
HCJ94 Roba 0709'/3700' 1776 m, west of Waka 07/36 [WO Gz]
JDJ45 Roba 0930'/4206' 2188 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
roba butta: buta, butta (O) end of an eight year cycle
in the gada system, one of the most important Oromo
JCH50 Roba Butta 0649'/4046' 1506 m, see under Megalo 06/40 [WO Gz]
?? Roba Kazi (in Tigray) ../.. [Yo]
HEE16 Robat 1059'/3901' 3300 m 10/39 [Gz]
robbi (O) skin disease which usually affects the head or
the hands /ringworm?/
JDH46 Robbi, G. (area), cf Robi 09/41 [WO]
?? Robbi Mariam 2600 m 10/37 [Gu]
robe, roobe (O) it rained
HCM78c Robe (Roobee) 06/40 [x]
airport 7 km away in common with Goba, which town is at 14 km distance
HCU73 Robe (Robi) MS: 0738'/3952' = HCU45, 2435 m 07/39 [Gz Po WO Gu]
Gz: 0752'/3938' = HCU73, 2448 m
Centre at least 1969-1980 of Ticho awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Daru (village)
6S Azama (mountain) 2439 m
8SW Azazera (village) 2227 m
7NE Tullu Shato (T. Sciato) (hill) 2560 m
HDL67 Robe 0936'/3908' 2584 m 09/39 [Gz]
JCG82 Robe (Robe Bali, Robi) 0700'/4000' 2517 m 07/40 [MS Ca Po x]
MS coordinates would give map code JCG72.
Fast-growing town with post office.
In Mendeyo awraja, centre in 1964 of Robe wereda.
robele: robale (O) name of one of ten gada sets, recorded as
a son's name earlier than year 1600
JCG82 Robe wereda, in southernmost Ticho awraja 07/40 [x 20]
is divided into 56 rural and 4 urban kebeles
HDL30 Robele 0919'/3827' 2796 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
robi, roobi (O) 1. hippo, Hippopotamus amphibius;
2. Wednesday; 3. rain
HCK96 Robi 0709'/3806' 1690 m 07/38 [Gz]
HCU81 Robi 0803'/3926' 3014 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDK38 Robi 0922'/3819' 2532 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK48 Robi (area) 09/38 [WO]
HDL76 Robi, stream at 0945'/3901' 09/39 [n]
HDU06 Robi 1000'/3954' 1233 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Molale, at the main road to Dessie
HDU07 Robi (bridge) 1215 m 09/39 [Gu]
HDU07 Robi (area), stream at 1000'/3959' 09/39 [Gu]
HD... Robi (in Yifat & Timuga awraja) 10/40 [Ad]
robi m..: meda (A) grazing field, meadow
HDL56 Robi Meda (R. Mieda) (plain), cf Mieta Robi, 09/39 [+ WO]
see under Webera
robit (A) fourth generation of a union between
a slave woman and a free-born Ethiopian
HDU17 Robit (Shewa Robit, Shoarobit, "Shah Robit") 10/39 [Br Po x]
Kebeles adjoining Robit are Wesen and Mariye to the east,
Insertu & Demam to the south, Wiste Imbway and Chare
to the west, and Abomsa and Kara Jejeba to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Abay Negeso kebele
6E Debir & Jegol kebele
8SE Medina kebele
6S Korebta kebele
6S Arada kebele
9S Indris Amba kebele
2SW Jub Amba kebele
4SW Koro & Wekfile kebele
5SW Nefso & Gusa kebele
8SW Asfachew & Chira Meda kebele
8SW Argaga & Inchine kebele
10SW Sar Amba & Shema Girdo kebele
4W Kobo kebele
8W Agad & Aframba kebele
8W Alolo kebele
9W Wejed & Mesobit kebele
10W Alem Washa kebele
6NW Mengist & Gult kebele
9NW Bara & Aram kebele
9NW Jeber & Adaga kebele
9NW Tere kebele
2N Gwoze kebele
3N Wefafra kebele
5N Werantile & Wacho kebele
6N Yelen kebele
6N Tikure kebele
8N Gur kebele
10N Sert kebele
10N Adis Alem kebele
5NE Balchi kebele
HEJ18 Robit 1155'/3720' 11/37 [MS]
(on Dek island in lake Tana?)
HEJ68 Robit (town) 1221'/3722' 1827 m, north of Gorgora 12/37 [Gz]
HEM23 Robit (Wello Robit) 1201'/3938' 1823 m 12/39 [Gz Po Ad]
(sub-post office under Dessie)
(centre in 1964 of Kalim sub-district)
Surrounded to north-east/east/south by Weremegna
kebele and to the north-west by Legas Weyra kebele.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
5E Afafa kebele
3SE Kulkwal Amba kebele
7SE Gobiye settlement
9SE Wedeyu kebele
7S Wacho kebele
10S Lema Sofela kebele
6SW Belego kebele
6SW Awas kebele
8SW Asmela kebele
3W Tota Amba kebele
8W Amze kebele
8NW Arbet kebele
6N Aradom kebele
6NE Aramo kebele
8NE Abware kebele
10NE Gedemeyu kebele
HEF62 Robit kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Ambasel wereda stretching to its eastern
border, 4-7 km south-west of Wichale; area 2,820 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
robley: rooble (Som) rain man /mostly used as a male name/
JBU93 Robley (Roblei) 05/44 [+ WO]
HBR67 Roca, see Roka
JCG17 Roca Gurati, see Roka Gurati
HFK08 Rocabaita, see Adi Saka
JDB94 Rochelle, see Rukelle
JDJ.. Rock Valley, see Babile : Valley of Marvels
JCR33 Roco, see Roko
JFB15 Roda 1342'/4110' 718 m, 13/41 [WO Ne Gz]
mountain half inside Eritrea
-- Roda (also a town in eastern Harar region?)
rog (Som) remove, unload, open up, turn over;
ad (Som) you
JBU73 Rog Ad (waterhole) 340 m 05/44 [WO]
roga (O) 1. social level in the gada system; 2. arrangement,
form, order; 3. external or internal corner, edge of surface,
end /of speech/, seam
HDD22 Rogda 0823'/3743' 1661 m, north-west of Welkite 08/37 [Gz]

roge (A) sponge

HDC55 Roge 0836'/3705' 1789 m, north-east of Koma 08/37 [Gz]
HDD80 Roge (Rogi, G. Rogghie) (hill) 1789 m 08/37 [+ x WO]
HD... Roge (Rogge, Roghe, Rogghie, Roggié), historical, 08/38 [x 18]
on the northern slopes of Mount Yerer and for about 1800-1875
the principal market for slaves, with Muslim inhabitants
HDE51 Roge (Uorce) 0838'/3833' 2273 m, 08/38 [Gz]
south-west of Sebeta
HDE80 Roge 0856'/3830' 2230 m, west of Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
HDF60 Roge (Roghe) 08/39 [+ WO]
HD... Roge (Roga), former governor's residence in Leka 09/36? [18]
HDJ47 Roge 0926'/3715' 2225 m, south-east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDK69 Roge 0938'/3824' 1644 m, south of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK78 Roge 0945'/3819' 2294 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south of Tulu Milki, waterfalls nearby
HDK80 Roge (Roghe, Roggie) 09/37 [+ WO 18]
HDL23 Roge 0917'/3845' 2559 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL76 Roge (Rogghe, Arogi) 0944'/3902' 2515 m, 09/39 [AA Gz]
east of Fiche, see under Webera
roge ch..: chore, choree (O) mother;
chore (ch'ore) (A) large spear
HDF30 Roge Chore (Rogghe Ciorre) 08/39 [LM WO]
HDL77 Roge kebele (Rogé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at the southern
border of its main body, 17-19 km west of Deneba and 20-23 km
south-west of Inewari; area 1,457 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
rogge, roggee (O) unmarried girl's tonsure-like hair style
HDK69 Rogge (Rogghe) (area) 09/38 [+ WO]
HDB68 Rogghe (Rogghie) (mountain) 0845'/3629' 2336 m, 08/36 [Gz]
west of Arjo
HDD35 Rogghie, see Shuna
HDD81 Rogghie, see Bola Rogghie
HDE25 Rogucha (Roghuccia) 08/38 [+ WO]
HCR64 Rogya (Roghia) (pass) 07/36 [+ WO]
HEL27 Roha (mountain) = old name of Lalibela 12/38 [Gu]
HF... Rohabaita, 14/38 [18]
area at the left bank of Mareb river at about 1440'N
roka (roqa) (A,O) kinds of shrub or medium tree, Tamarindus
indica, Trichilia roka; tamarind has a compact rounded crown
with drooping branches that reach near to the ground;
rokaa, roqaa (O) rancid, rotten, bad /food/
?? Roka (stream west of Dabus) ../.. [x]
HBR67 Roka (Roca) 0509'/3719' 1350 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
roka g..: gurratti (O) beautiful /female/
JCG17 Roka Gurati (Roca Gurati) (area) 06/40 [+ WO]
HFK08 Rokabayba, see Adi Saka
roke (roqe) (A) marsh, mire;
dima (red), see under this word for its various meanings
HDH75 Roke Dima (Rok'e D., Roqe Dima) 09/36 [Gz]
0944'/3610' 1300 m
roko (A,O) Tamarindus indica as roka above;
rooko (Som) refusal, prohibition
JCR33 Roko (Roco) 0732'/4152' 578, 1179 m 07/41 [Gz WO 18]
roma b..: boru (O) muddy, turbid, turbulent;
booruu (O) sun, early morning; borru (O) east, morning;
boru (A) ox having a blaze
JDH22 Roma Boru 0914'/4052' 1506 m, east of Mieso 09/40 [Gz]
?? Roma Shecha, in Hadiya, see also Batena ../.. [n]
HDE76 Romagna d'Etiopia ex Babicef, see Migra
HEU.. Romanet (village & waterfalls), 13/39 [n]
a few kilometers from Mekele, see under there
HFE09 Romanet (Romanat) 1334'/3921', 13/39 [20]
about 15 km north-west of Mekele
HEF63 Rombaba 11/39 [WO]
HDL89 Rome kebele (Romé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in east Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
4-9 km east of Deneba; area 1,435 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL79 Romelencha kebele (Romélénch'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at
its south-eastern border, 6-9 km east of Deneba and
18-21 km south-east of Inewari; area 898 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Romsa, village in the Mega region ../.. [x]
HBK48 Romtso, see El Ronso
GDE14 Romyeri 08/33 [WO]
ronke (ronqe) (A) marsh
JDA59c Ronkecha 08/40 [Wa]
JDA27 Ropeyns 0823'/4030' 1544 m, south-east of Mechara 08/40 [Gz]
HC... Roppi (Ropi) (centre in 1964 of Kenchie sub-district) 07/38 [Ad x]
JCB72 Rorchi (Rarchi, Rarki) 0609'/4056' 1039 m 06/40 [Gz WO]
HDM32 Rorich kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda; area 1,132 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
roro: rorro, roorroo (O) harassment
JBR17 Roro 0439'/4217' 236 m 04/42 [WO Gz]
JEN78 Rorom (Rorum) (wide area) 13/40 [WO Ne]
JEP81 Rorom (plain) 13/40 [WO]
?? Rosha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
roso, rosoo (O) /said of hair:/ wavy and hanging down
HDL72 Roso 0946'/3837' 3205 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDB40 Routecha, see Ijegale
HEC99 Royut, see Zegye
HBS60 Rua 0509'/3734' 998 m, south of Jarso 05/37 [18 WO Gz]
HFE08 Ruaksa Giyorgis (Ru'aksa G.) (church) 13/39 [Gz]
1336'/3914', east of Abiy Adi
HFK17 Rubayta 1439'/3813' 1398 m, 14/38 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
JDH98 Rubenani (recorded in 1841) 09/41 [Ha]
JCP90 Rucheccia, see Rukecha
JDJ28 Rucheisa, see Rukeysa
JDB94 Ruchelle, see Rukelle
HDL09 Ruchi (Rucci) 09/39 [+ WO]
JDB41 Ruckessa (Rucchessa) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
rucketti: rukuttu, rukutuu (O) tool or implement for "threshing" straw
/to be used in beds/
JDA38 Rucketti (Rucchetti) (area) 08/40 [WO]
HFE69 Rudd Abba Mamas (Endabbamas), 14/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Nebelet
rufa, ruufa (O) clothes for elders and dignitaries
HDL17 Rufa (Rufy) (mountain area) 0910'/3908', 09/39 [WO Gu Gz]
(with church Abo at 0914' to the north), east of Sendafa
HDL27 Rufa Maryam (church) 0917'/3906', 09/39 [Gz]
north-east of Sendafa
HDL25 Rufa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bura) 09/38 [Ad]
HCR03 Rufael (Anchano, Anciano, Oletsho) 07/36 [Gz LM WO Gu]
0719'/3653' 1737 m, south of Jimma
HEK52 Rufael 1218'/3741' 2489 m, 12/37 [Gz]
east of northernmost lake Tana
HEL63 Rufael 1223'/3843' 1915 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL73 Rufael 1225'/3842' 2538 m 12/38 [Gz]
HDL16 Rufi, see Berek
ruga (A) trap for animals such as leopard
HCT04 Ruga (farm) 0719'/3849', north-east of Shashemene 07/38 [Gz]
HE... Ruga (visiting postman under Dessie) 11/39? [Po]
J.... Rugdeya Sogeira (Rugdeja Sogheira), 09/41 [+ 18]
an Afar locality at the eastern shore of lake Ota or Maro
HE... Rugga sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tulu Gedero) 11/39 [Ad]
ruk (ruq) (A) distant, far away;
ruka (language?) tamarind; rukka (O) very dense;
jibrii (Shewa O) cotton plant, Gossypium herbaceum
JCG36c Ruka Jibri (Ruca Gibri) (waterhole), cf Roka 06/40 [+ Gu]
JDK37 Ruke 0921'/4310' 1808 m, east of Jijiga 09/43 [Gz]
rukecha: rukkachu, ruqqachuu (O) very dense /crop/
JCP90 Rukecha (Rucheccia) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
JDJ13 Rukecha 0909'/4153' 2021 m, near Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDB94 Rukelle (Ruchelle, Rochelle) (stream & area) 08/41 [+ WO Mi]
JDJ28 Rukenyis (Rukenys) 0917'/4221' 1524 m, 09/42 [Gz]
east of Harar
rukesa (O) kind of tree, Combretum molle
J.... Rukessa (Ruchessa) (village of Oromo shepherds) ../40 [+ Gu]
JCP90 Rukeysa 0804'/4043' 1481 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDB21 Rukeysa 0824'/4051' 1550 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDB41 Rukeysa (Rucchessa) 0835'/4052' 1707 m 08/40 [Gz WO]
JDJ28 Rukeysa (Rucheisa) (area), see under Funyan Bira 09/42 [+ WO]
JDA47 Rukeyti 0832'/4027' 1662 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south-east of Mechara
HDM50 Rukse kebele (Ruksé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost north Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at
its western border, 23-28 km south-west of Debre Birhan;
area 978 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS62 Ruobgebaia, see Gedamayt Rebui Gebeya
HDK09 Rushe 0904'/3819' 2244 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem
russa: rusa, ruusaa (O) rice
HBU41 Russa (Gebel Russa) (mountain), 04/39 [Gz WO]
0454'/3923' 897 m, south-west of Negele
-- Russia language, see Dasenech
ruusuu ..: dur (A,T) forest, woods; dhuur (Som)
evergreen tree /tamarisk?/: duur (Som) 1. jungle;
2. kind of bush plant
HFF62 Ruusu Dur (Ru'usu Dur) 1410'/3937', 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Aba Solama), south-east of Adigrat
HET97 Ruwaksa 1328'/3909', 13/39 [20]
about 35 km west-northwest of Mekele
HDU96 Ryke, see Jaraniyo
sa-a (O) cow, cattle
JEA16 Saa 1101'/4018' 758 m, south-east of Bati 11/40 [Gz]
HDH93 Saabit (area) 09/36 [WO]
HFF43c Saada Amba, see Seada Amba
?? Saamira, ../.. [x]
Coffe farm in Arussi, operated by Waldemar Nyström.
saari (T) plant, herb, grass lawn
HER03 Saari 12/36 [WO]
Sa.., see generally also Se..
saba (O) people; saba, sabba (A) green scum which floats
on stagnant water; seba (säba) (A) seventy;
-- Saba, name of one of twelve Oromo groups who invaded
Begemder in 1668
?? Saba, ancient (but real?), ../.. [Pa x]
area which cannot be accurately placed but is mentioned as belonging to the Aksumite Empire in the
HE... Saba (centre in 1964 of Gazge sub-district) 11/36? [Ad]
HEJ01 Saba (hill) 1150'/3644' 2156 m 11/36 [Ch WO Gz]
HFF36c Saba 'Enna, see Tsav Aina
HET70 Saba Maryam (Sava Mariam) 13/38 [LM WO]
sabaad (Arabic,Som) civet cat musk or oil
JDJ78 Sabaata (Sabbata) 0940'/4220' 1544 m, 09/42 [WO Gz]
north-east of Harar, cf Sebeta
Coordinates would give map code JDJ68
sababi, sababii (O) reason, cause
JDN49 Sababi, see Sibabi
HCA46 Sabakora (area) 05/35 [WO]
HDU03 Sabala (Sabala Dingai), see Sela Dingay
JDB91 Saballe (Gara Saballe), see Jelo
HEK22c Saban, river east of lake Tana 12/37 [Ch]
HES40 Sabantera, see Sebantera
HDK71 Sabart, see Leweso
sabat amen (A) seven Amen?
HEC79 Sabat Ammen (Savat ..) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
-- Sabat Bet Gurage (A) the Seven Gurage Tribes
HCS94 Sabat Bet Gurage wereda 08/38 [+ Ad]
(Sebat Biet Guragie woreda), earlier Chaha wereda
(centre in 1964 = Imdibir)
sabba, saba (A) green scum which floats on
stagnant water; sebba (säbba) (A) be fat /animal/;
sabba (O) arrack of poor quality
JFA54 Sabba (Saba) 1406'/4013' 52 m, 14/40 [WO Wa Gz LM]
west of lake Assale
Coordinates would give map code JFA55
JEC52 Sabbale (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDJ78 Sabbata, see Sabaata
?? Sabe (historically recorded area in Gojjam) ../.. [Pa]
?? Sabea ../.. [20]
Site between Aksum and the eastern escarpment /in Eritrea?/ associated with ancient south Arabian
sabera: sabberi (T) vetchling plant, Lathyrus sativus
HED33 Sabera 11/37 [WO]
HED44 Sabera Dildi (S. Dildiy, S. Dildil, Agam Dildi) 11/37 [Ch Gu Gz]
("Second Blue Nile Bridge", ancient) 1114'/3755' c1410 m
"Broken Bridge" (T), also Abala Dildi, "Bridge of Spirits".
The "Third Bridge" would be one at Sennar in Sudan and the "Fourth Bridge"
the one at Khartoum far down in Sudan. More recent bridges do not count here.
HDE82 Sabeta (Sabita), see Sebeta
?? Sabeyan Kebele ../.. [Po]
(with sub-post office under Dire Dawa)
HEJ83c Sabezghi, 12/36 [Gu]
locality abandoned because of malaria.
HEL47 Sabisa 1210'/3908' 2896 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north of Lalibela, near Abune Yosef
JDJ62 Sabiyan 0936'/4151' 1180 m, west of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
JDE41 Sabley (Sablei) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
?? Sablyana (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
-- Sabo, Sabbo, one of the two main branches (moiety) of the Borana
HDF85 Sabo (mountain) 1005/1235 m 09/39 [Ne]
HDL68 Sabo 0939'/3909' 2621 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDF95 Sabober, Tillik (S. Grande, Greater Sabober) 08/39 [WO]
0855'/3953'? 1175 m
HDF86 Sabober, Tinnish (Lesser S.) 08/39 [+ WO]
0855'/3953' 1087 m
HDF96 Sabober volcano 0859'/3956'? /=Fentale/ 08/39 [x Gz]
On the south-west flanks of Fantale lies the shallow,
1 km diameter crater of Sabober.
JEC17c Sabola, about 37.5 km west of Dewele, 10/42 [20]
(once inside Somalia?), cf Wollo Sabola sub-district
HDM.. Sabore, 09/39 [Ad]
village in the neighbourhood of Awara Melka plantation
HES26 Sabra 1256'/3805' 1791 m, south-west of Deresge 12/38 [Gz]
HET16 Sabra 1247'/3859' 1934 m, north of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
sabra s..: sahal (Som) easiness, simplicity
HES29 Sabra Sahalla (area) 12/38 [WO]
-- Sabro, name of an Arsi Oromo tribe
JCG99 Sabro 0711'/4039' 2024 m, north-west of Ginir 07/40 [Gz]
?? Sabtia, in Walkayit, ../.. [x]
with important market in the 1880s
JDK47 Sabulgadleh, see Subul
?? Sabuyye, in Arussi ../.. [x]
Bible Churchmen's Society had a mission clinic there (-1955-).
HDB42 Saca, see Saka & HDF23
HDC03 Saca, see Seka
HCR41 Saca Gimma, see Seka
JEJ42 Sacaito, see Sakayto
HEC26 Sacala, see Sakala
HEJ07 Sacalat Ghiorghis, see Sakalat Giyorgis
HDC26 Sacalla, see Sakalla & HDL79
JDJ49 Sacarre, see Sekere
JCP92 Sacatte, see Gedera
HE... Sacaya, see Sakaya
HCR41 Sacca, see Seka
HET37 Sacca (Saca), see Sacka & HET37
HDS09 Sacche, see Seke
JCP85 Sacche (mountain) 0801'/4112' 1524 m 08/41 [Gz]
HCM05 Sacchegillo, see Mena

sachi, saachii (O) rich

HBK37 Sachi (Sacchi) (mountain) 0355'/3810' 912 m 03/38 [Gz WO]
HDB42 Sachi 0835'/3553' 2001 m, 08/35 [Gz Ad n]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964) (-1964-1997-)
HDG74 Sachi, about 11 km east-south-east of Mendi 09/35 [x]
HEK04 Sachira (Sach'ira) 1147'/3753' 2133 m, 11/37 [Gz]
east of the southern part of lake Tana
sacho (O) kind of tree in wet forests, Morus mesozygia;
its bark is pinkish grey with white blotches
HDB37 Sacho (Saccio) (with church), see under Bedele 08/36 [+ WO]
HET36 Sacka (Sacca, Saca) 1257'/3903' 2027 m, 12/39 [+ Gz]
south of Fenarwa
HET37 Sacka (Sacca) (mountain) 1300'/3906' 1405 m, 13/39 [+ Gz]
south-east of Fenarwa
JDJ39 Sackabedi (Saccabedi) 2265 m, 09/42 [+ WO]
see under Funyan Bira
HEJ87 Sackalt (Saccalt) (area), cf Seckelti 12/37 [+ WO]
GDF25c Sacko (Sacco, Saco) (river) 08/34 [Mi]
GDF06 Saco, see Seko
HEE39 Saco, see Sako
HDE66 Sacora, see Sakora
sada (A) kind of liane with edible root
HCM92 Sada (area) 3123 m, cf Sede 07/39 [WO]
HEF10 Sada 1059'/3921' 3196 m, south-west of Dessie 10/39 [Gz]
HCC89 Sada Demba 06/37 [x]
HFF42 Sada Emba, see Tsada Amba
sada k..: korkora, qorqoraa (O) stingy /man who grudges/
HEF19 Sada Korkora kebele (.. Qorqora ..) 11/39 [Ad]
stretching 13 km to the north-easternmost corner of
Legambo wereda, 16-25 km north-east of Akista;
area 5,518 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Sadacha (Sedeka, Sädäqa, Sudecha), a confederation of
three Matcha/Mecha Oromo groups formed around 1580
?? Sadacha (forest in south-west Ethiopia), cf Saddeka ../.. [n]
In the south of Limmu-Ennarya, the Sadacha forest boasted an abundance
of game in the 1800s.
?? Sadda (Tsadda, Tedda) (historical) ../.. [x 20]
HCP49 Saddaro (Saddero) 0739'/3634' 2239 m, 07/36 [WO Gz]
west of Jimma
HCD67 Sadde (Sade) 2400 m 05/38 [x WO Gu]
saddeka (saddeeqa) (O) game played with stones in
twelve holes; sadeka (O) ceremony for a dead person
on the 40th day; sadaka (sadaqaa) (O) alms given by
a Muslim; sedeka (sädäqa) (A) kind of table;
sadecha (O) "holy" tree of the Konso
Sedeka, an Oromo confederation, see Sadacha above
HCS80 Saddeka (Saddeca) 08/37 [+ WO]
HDB91 Saddeka (Saddeca) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDF65 Saddeka (M. Saddeca, Sadeca, Abadiri) (mountain) 08/39 [+ WO Gz]
0843'/3951' 1051/1336 m
HCP49 Saddero, see Saddaro
HDA72 Saddi, see Sadi
sade (O) three-member council
HCD78 Sade (area), cf Sadde, Sadi 06/38 [WO]
HDL76 Sadebir (Sadebin?) 0946'/3901' 2590 m 09/39 [Gz x]
(with church Lideta Maryam to the north), south-east of Fiche
HDF65 Sadeca, see Saddeka
?? Sadecha (Sadeccia) ../.. [+ Gu]
Former toll post or kella of Limmu. Between two entry customs
kella of Limmu and kella of Jimma there used to be a neutral zone.
JBH35 Sadei, see Sede
HCU92c Sadeika, cf Saddeka 08/39 [Wa]
saden, sadan (O) small number, about three; gada saden is a kind
of triumvirate, at least among the Borana
HDJ39 Saden 09/37 [WO]
HCS91 Sadenya (Sadegna) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO]
JBH35 Sadey (Sadei) (waterhole) 03/41 [+ WO Gu]
sadi, sadii (O) three
JB... Sadi, cf Sade 04/41 [MS]
HDA72 Sadi (Saddi, Seddi) 0850'/3502' 1540/1672 m 08/35 [Gz Ro WO]
/same?:/ Sadi Guma (in Sayo, Qellam)
sadi m..: malka, malkaa (O) ford
JDG23 Sadi Malka (Sadimalka), see Melka Sedi
HDL62 Sadik (Sadik', Sadiq) 0939'/3838' 2630 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church), south-west of Fiche
?? Sadine (with Norwegian mission), in Sidamo ../.. [x]
HDL62 Sadini 0940'/3839' 2729 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
sadini b..: biyyoo (O) soil
HDL63 Sadini Biyo 0937'/3844' 2607 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCR89 Sadja, see Saja
sado (O) conspiracy, intrigue; cajolery, flattery;
(Som) praise, tribute; saaddo (Som) 1. chest;
2. stupid person; saddo (A?) Rhamnus saddo, the leaves
and roots of which are used for fermenting tej
HDL31 Sado 0922'/3833' 2688 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFF62 Sadwa (Sadua), 14/39 [+ WO Gu]
(with waterhole: May Wech, Mai Uecc?)
HF... Saebie sub-district (Sa'ebie ..) 14/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Menewet)
HEU11 Saefti (pass), see under Maychew 12/39 [Gu]
saesi ts..: imba (T) mountain; (A) tears
HET..? Saesi Tsaida Imba wereda (Saesie Tsaeda Amba ..) 13/39 [Ad 20]
(Saesi Tsaedaemba ..) ../.. [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
There are at least five rock-hewn churches.
HFF61 Saet, see Sait
safad (Som) standing in a row
HEK44 Safad (Sefed) (mountain) 1211'/3752' 2954/3154 m, 12/37 [WO Gz]
east of the northern part of lake Tana
HFE63c Safaha, see under Aksum
safan (Som) lined up, in a row; saafan (Som) sliced thin
or in strips
JCK21 Safan (hills) 06/42 [WO]
safarta, safartu (O) unit of measurement /for grain/;
(safartach means lower camp site = (A) sefer tach?)
HDS18 Safartach, see Shafartak
HDM53 Safej kebele (Saféj ..) 09/39 [Ad]
nearly in north-easternmost Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda
at its northern border, 11-16 km south-east of Debre Birhan;
area 2,090 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC07 Safeta 10/37 [WO]
HEU91 Safiya 1333'/3929' 1970 m, near Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
safo, safoo (O) method of cultivation on bushy
or grassy ground
HEA63 Safos, J. (hill) 11/35 [WO]
HDU94 Safra kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda, stretching to
its south-western border, 9-14 km north-west of Majete;
area 892 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU11 Saga kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
13-19 km west of Molale; area 1,865 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JBP97 Sagab (seasonal spring) 05/41 [MS WO]
JCN82 Sagaba, G. (area) 2528 m 08/40 [WO]
sagad (A) kind of shrub, Psychotria sp.;
sagada (O) worshipping; sagadu (O) to worship
HCA24 Sagada, see Sogata
HEB19 Sagado (mountain) 1059'/3632' 1633 m 10/36 [Gz]
HED10 Sagado (Saggado) (mountain) 3360 m 10/37 [WO 18 Gu]
JCS43 Sagag, see Segeg
JDR96 Sagaguedane 1051'/4208' 436 m, 10/42 [Gz]
near map code JES06, near the border of country Djibouti
HDM41 Sagale (Sagalle), see Segele
?? Sagan (in Afar), cf Segen ../.. [Mi]
JEH03 Sagantule (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEH13 Sagantule (area) 11/41 [WO]
sagar (Som), sagari (Harar), sagerra (Afar) dikdik,
kinds of very small antelope, Madoqua spp.,
Rhyncotragus guentheri; sagaraa (O) latrine
?? Sagara (Sagharrah) 09/42 [+ x]
Richard Burton on his way to Harar at the end of December 1854 arrived
at a place Sagharrah, "a snug high-fenced village of eight or nine huts .."
JEJ43 Sagara (plain) 12/41 [WO]
HCA24 Sagare (area) 05/35 [WO]
sagaru: saggaru (O) trot; sagaro (Som) gazelle
HCA57 Sagaru (Cone, word 'cone' or alternative name?) 05/35 [WO]
HEF80? Sagat kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in the south-western tip of Guba Lafto wereda; area 5,135 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JER13 Sagatiba 1246'/4152' 317 m, near border of Eritrea 12/41 [Gz]
HCU70 Sagatu, see Erosa
?? Sagbeje ../.. [n]
HCS.. Sage, area in Timbaro wereda 07/37 [x]
JEA06 Sagento (Saghento) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
HCR89 Saggie, see Sajje
saggo (O) nape, scruff
HDL83 Saggo (area), see under Fiche, cf Sego 09/38 [WO]
HCR69c Sagia, see Saja
sagla (T) kinds of large wild fig tree e.g. Ficus sycomorus
JEB41 Saglanu (area) 11/40 [WO]
HDC66 Sago Saio) 0845'/3706' 1718 m, cf Sego 08/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HDC65
HEM30 Sagulsaf, see Zogolzot, under Muja
HEC41 Saguma (mountain) 2492 m, see under Dangila 11/36 [WO Gu]
HEC42 Saguma (area) 1117'/3646' 2162 m, 11/36 [Ch WO Gz]
west of Dangila, WO map has Saguma at HEC40
HCT58 Sagure (Saggure) 0745'/3909' 2568 m 07/39 [Gz Po]
(with sub-post office under Asela),
centre in Digelu & Tijo wereda,
south of Asela, in central Chilalo awraja.
HCT58 Sagure, T. (area) 07/39 [WO]
HCT58 Sagure sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sagure) 07/39 [MS]
HES.. Saha (in Simen National Park) 3785 m 13/38 [n]
JEB27 Saha (mountain) 1106'/4119' 888 m 11/41 [Gz]
HEC24 Saha Bania, see Benja
sahal (Som) easiness, simplicity
HDU03 Sahala, see Sela Dingay
HET.? Sahalla (district) 13/38 [x]
The Agew (Agow, Agau) of Sahalla are the last remaining group of
Agew-speaking people in the northern part of Begemder and Simen.
HEK61 Sahalt 1218'/3739' 2349 m, 12/37 [Gu Gz]
north-east of lake Tana
HEK35 Sahalta (with fort) 12/37 [WO]
?? Sahart, district in the north, known from the 1600s. ../.. [Pa]
In the time of Iyasu I (1682-1706), its customs post was at Makure.
HE... Saharti wereda (-1994-) /= Saharti Samre?/ 13/39? [n]
HDU02 Sahasit, see Sasit, under Sela Dingay
HEM10 Sahat 1155'/3924' 3507 m, west of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HC... Sahatu (mountain) 07/39 [18]
sahaytu: tsehaytu (A) the sun; a female name
?? Sahaytu (historical? area south of Adigrat) ../.. [x]
HDM.? Sahilman (with church Igzi'aber Ab), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDM31 Sahilman kebele (Sahelman ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
adjoining Koremash settlement to its north and east;
area 655 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET78c Sahilo (with partly rock-hewn church Mikael), 13/39 [x]
at half-an-hour march south of Gijet
HEE02 Sahint, see Saint
HDU03 Sahla Dengai, see Sela Dingay
H.... Sahla sub-district (centre in 1964 = Awchara) 13/36 [Ad]
-- Saho, ethnic group mostly in Eritrea but numbering about 22,759
inside Ethiopia according to the 1998 census.
HET09 Sahorya (Sahoria) 13/39 [+ WO]
HFF20 Sahua 1345'/3927' 1892 m, south-west of Hawzen 13/39 [WO Gz]
sai (T) times, instance; (language?) collective labour
which is not reciprocated
HCB80 Sai (Saie, Seie) 0613'/3546' 1254 m, east of Maji 06/35 [WO Gu Gz]
HCB90 Sai (plateau) 06/35 [WO n]
HCP92 Sai (Tulu Sai) (hill) 0808'/3550' 08/35 [WO Gz]
HDB01 Sai (forest) 08/35 [WO]
HD... Sai, 09/35? [Mi]
a left affluent of the Didessa river.
HEA94 Sai (Sei) 1140'/3507' 610 m, 11/35 [WO Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HD... Sai Belekie (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HEC67 Saia, see Saya
HCM83 Saiamanna, see Salmana
HDA57 Saibis 08/35 [WO]
?? Saichi, see Sayki
GDM82 Saida, see Sida, Tulu (or Tulu Sida)
JEC70 Saido, see Eboba
HCP95 Saie, see Saye
HCP55 Sailem sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yedota) 07/36 [Ad]
HCM83 Saimanna, see Salmana
HEE02 Saint (Sahint) 1055'/3839' 2443 m, cf Sayint 10/38 [Gz]
HES11 Saint George, see Amba Giyorgis
GDF45 Saio, see Dembidolo
HDC66 Saio, see Sago
HDJ13 Saio, see Sayo
HEC67 Saio, see Saya
GDF85 Saira, see Sira
HEB00 Sairba, see Sirba
HDP21 Sairibanti, see Sirbanti
HFF61 Sait (Saet, Sa'it, Si'it), see under Adigrat, 14/39 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church Maryam)
saitan (A) Satan; melka saitana, ford of the devil
HDR17 Saitana, Melca (Satana, Malka Satana) (ford) 10/37 [WO Ch Gz]
1004'/3719' 980 m
JEB15 Saitum, see Saytum
HCP69 Saiyo, see Sajo
HCR89 Saja (Sadja, Sagia) 0758'/3726' 1934/1945 m, 07/37 [Gz Gu x]
with market in the early 1900s
HCP25 Saji (Saje, Shaja, Shasha, Sciagge) 07/36 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Gawata wereda) 0730'/3609' 1702 m
HCR89 Sajje (Saggie) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
HCP69 Sajo (Saio, Saiyo) 0749'/3631' 1949 m, 07/36 [WO Gz]
see under Agaro
saka (saqa) (O) lowland, lower area; (saka) (A) flaw,
blemish; scurf; saqaa (O) path in tall grass or crop
-- Saka (Sakka, Saqa, Saqqa), name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HCR41 Saka, see Seka
HDB42 Saka (T.Saca) (hill) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDC03 Saka (Saca, Sakwa) 0812'/3656' 1792 m 08/36 [Gz]
HDF23 Saka (Saca) 08/39 [+ WO]
HET36 Saka (Sacca, Saca) 12/38 [+ Gu WO It]
JD... Saka Sharifa, 09/42? [x]
mountain area with three peaks, in the Harar area /towards Kondudo?/.
sakala (saqalaa) (O) square or rectangular house or tent
Sakala, cf Sakela, Sekela
HEC26 Sakala (Sacala) (village) 1103'/3709' 2404/2698 m, 11/37 [+ Gu Gz]
south-east of Dangila
HEJ47 Sakala Kidus Mikael (S. Kadus Mikael) 12/37 [+ Ch Gu]
(Sacala Cuddis Micael)
A small forested island in lake Tana. When Cheesman passed there in 1933
nobody lived on the island but there was the ruin of a church Mikael.
HEJ.. Sakalat (Sakalt) (area and populated place), 11/37 [Ch x]
district along the western shore of lake Tana, with a grass-covered headland Gomti.
HEJ07 Sakalat Giyorgis (Sacalat Ghiorghis) (hill) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
HDC26 Sakalla (Sacalla) (mountain) 0820'/3713' 2239 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDL79 Sakalla (Sacalla), see under Deneba 09/39 [+ WO]
sakatta-u (O) search thoroughly
HE... Sakaya (Sacaya) 2266 m 12/39 [x]
JEJ42 Sakayto (Sacaito) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
sakela: sekela (säqäla) (A) large rectangular shed
HDL13 Sakela (Sekela) 0913'/3844' 2558 m, 09/38 [Gz]
near Sululta, cf Sakala
HDL24 Sakela 0918'/3849' 3054 m, north-east of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
saki: sakki (saqqii) (O) leather belt
HC... Sakio Ofre (in Welamo awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
JEC53 Sakissa (area) 11/41 [WO]
HDL79 Sakla kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
extending to its south-eastern border, 3-6 km east of Deneba
and 16-22 km south-east of Inewari; area 1,490 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sako (Som) annual alms given as religious duty
GFD06 Sako, see Seko
HEE39 Sako (Saco) (mountain) 1108'/3917' 2814 m, 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie
sako h..: humbi, huumbii (O) 1. elephant trunk;
2. bunch of ensete false bananas
GDF34 Sako Humbi (Catholic mission) 0829'/3445', 08/34 [Gz]
near Dembidolo
sakora: sakura (O) necklace collar for a horse, harness-bell
HDE66 Sakora (M. Sacora) (area), see under Debre Zeyt 08/38 [+ WO]
HEL96 Sakota, see Sekota
HDC03 Sakwa, see Saka
sala (A,T), saala (O) large antelope with long straight horns,
Oryx beisa gallarum; also domestic cattle having horns straight
upwards; (A) coarse cereal, blackish grain;
(T) cock's comb; (O) 1. wooden pole; 2. coitus;
zala (T) terrace; sale (A) sharpen /a knife/;
-- Sala (Zala), an ethnic group living between the
Gemu and Gofa mountains, see mainly under Zala.
HBM02 Sala (area) 03/39 [WO]
HCA59c Sala (Sala Sefer) 05/35 [Ca]
H.... Sala (ketema) 06/36? [x]
HCK58 Sala, locality south-west of Awasa 0648'/3815' 06/38 [Gz]
JDB02 Sala (area) 08/40 [WO]
sala a..: asale (A) to sharpen; to make cough;
asali (Afar) kinds of bushbuck
JDJ75 Sala Asaleh 0944'/4208' 1092 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gu Gz]
HDU03 Sala Dingai (S. Dengai), see Sela Dingay
sala kh..: Khaliif (Arabic) a male name
JCR36 Sala Khalifa (area), see under Hamero 07/42 [WO]
salad: salaad (Som) regular Muslim prayers
JBN47 Saladi Tigabe 04/40 [WO]
JBH36 Salah 03/41 [WO]
JDK86 Salahaley (Salahalei) (area) 1594 m 09/43 [+ WO]
HET11 Salaise (Selesa) 1250'/3839' 1390 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HET12
HFE61 Salaklaka, see Selekleka
salal (Som) sudden awakening
JDJ86 Salala (mountain) 0950'/4213' 964 m, cf Selala 09/42 [WO Gz]
salale, salaleh (Arsi O) Erucastrum arabicum
-- Salale, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDL61 Salale (wide area), cf Selale 09/38 [WO]
HDL72 Salale, see Beri
HDL82 Salale, see Gara Guda
-- Salalu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana
HBR04 Salamadi (= Selam Adi?) (area) 04/37 [WO]
HDM20 Salamghe, see Sholage
HES34 Salamghie (Salamsge), see Selamge
?? Salamago wereda (-1984-), in South Omo Zone ../.. [n]
Wereda capital in 1995 was Hanna, and there were 13 kebeles.
salan: salaan (Arabic,Som) greeting;
selen (sälen) (A) Phoenix or Borassus palm
JEP45 Salan (It: Grotte Salan) (caves) 1305'/4108' 68 m, 13/41 [x WO Gz]
south-east of lake Afrera
JDR22 Salana Abdel Rahaman (area) 10/41 [WO]
salasa: selasa (sälasa) (A) thirty
HFD19c Salasa Gwila (Salasa Guila) (sanctuary?) 13/38 [+ Gu]
?? Salawa, historical area, ../.. [Pa]
district south of Temben, known from the 1500s.
JDH40 Salayeki (G.Salaechi) (area) 1570 m 09/40 [+ WO]
HDL61 Salayish 0940'/3832' 2463 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south-west of Fiche
HDL85 Salayish (town) 0949'/3855' 2116 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret), east of Fiche
HDL86 Salayish kebele (Salayesh ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in west Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda stretching
narrowly to its northern border, 17-26 km south-southwest
of Alem Ketema; area 1,648 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM93 Salayish kebele (Salayesh ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the east in the main body of Mafud,
Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at its southern border,
7-12 km south of Sela Dingay; area 1,701 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDH91c Salba, see under Dimto 09/36 [x]
HDA57 Salbis 0839'/3527' 1539 m, south of Yubdo 08/35 [WO Gz]
HEC88 Salchan Mikael (Salcen Micael, Selcen), see Deke
sale (A) (sale) jar of medium size;
(salä) cough, get a cold
HCE04 Sale 0530'/3850' 05/38 [MS]
?? Sale 08/34? [18]
On the far side of the Baro, in the border region of Sale, there is a small fort
looks like an observation post. [A Bulatovich 1897]
HEU02 Sale 1242'/3935' 2465 m, south of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
HDT63 Saleda kebele (Saléda ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Sayint wereda, south-east of Ajibar; area 3,505 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
saleh ..: salee (Som) set on a base, establish firmly;
jama, jamaa (O) 1. people; 2. red ant; 3. blind
JBJ93 Saleh Jama, G. (area) 04/41 [WO]
salem amou: amu, aamuu (O) to cut /harvest/
Salem, Salim, a male personal name
HDF83 Salem Amou 08/39 [WO]
HFD19 Salemt, see Tsellemti
salen: selen (sälen) (A) straw mat
HDE02 Salen (centre in 1964 of Adele sub-district) 08/38 [x Ad]
HDK12 Salen 0913'/3746' 1867 m, north-west of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
GDM85 Salgal (Salgan, Selgan) 0950'/3449' 1378 m 09/34 [WO Gz]
?? Salhen, ancient area not accurately placed ../.. [Pa]
HED91 Sali 1143'/3821' 2908 m, west of Debre Zebit 11/38 [Gz]
HEE81 Sali 1140'/3831' 2930 m, 11/38 [Gz]
village south-west of Debre Zebit
HDU03 Sali Dingai, see Sela Dingay
HE... Sali Zuramba (in Gayint awraja), cf Zor Amba 11/38 [Ad]
JBK81 Salieno 0423'/4239' 317 m, near border of Somalia 04/42 [Gz]
HD.. Salimbeni's bridge, see Temsha, also Melka Datessa 09/37 [x]
salit, selit (sälit') (A) cultivated sesame, Sesamum indicum
HEL07 Salit, see Selonaj
HEL18 Salit, see Debre Tsehay
HDD11 Salite (with fort) 08/37 [WO]
saliti (O) sesame, see salit above
JDA34c Salke Bargey (Salche Barghei) (area) 08/40 [+ Gu]
salla (A,O,T) oryx antelope, see sala above;
(T) in favour of, thanks to
HDU03 Salla Dengay (S. Dingai), see Sela Dingay
HFF03 Sallat (pass) 1339'/3935 2275 m, see under Agula 13/39 [WO Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HFF02
JCG65 Salle (area) 06/40 [WO]
HDL64 Salle, see Sele
HDK80 Sallen (area) 09/37 [WO]
salmali (western O) Scleria racemosa
JCS98 Salmalmal (area) 08/43 [WO]
HCB15c Salmamer 05/36 [x]
A small part of the Baka ethnic group, with their own settlement area.
HCM83 Salmana (Saimanna, Saiamanna) (mountain) 07/39 [WO Gz]
0705'/3935' 3378/3512 m
HDE83 Salo Giyorgis (church) 0853'/3846', 08/38 [Gz]
south of Addis Abeba
HDT23 Salolcha 1013'/3842' 2214 m, near Addis Derra 10/38 [Gz]
salole: saalo leh (Som) with dung of animals;
salool (Som) parched corn
HBU03 Salole (with seasonal waterhole) 0431'/3934' 941 m 04/39 [WO Wa Gz]
HES27 Salona Wenz (Salona Uens) 12/38 [+ WO]
salsala h..: hawaryat (A) apostles
HEC88 Salsala Hawariat (Salsela Hauariat) (church) 11/37 [Ch Gu]
JCH77c Salt River (European-given name) 07/41 [WO Wa]
JFA76 Salt Valley (European-given name, locally Adodagad), see Dalol
HBL53 Saltich, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
salu (O) fuck, have sexual intercourse /vulgar word/
HBL03 Salu (area) 03/38 [WO]
HET60 Salwa (Saloa) 13/38 [+ WO]
sama (O) fresh butter /regarded as medicine/;
samaa (O) mouldy, spoiled, rancid; sama (A) rancid;
sem (A), sema (T) beeswax; same (A) give a kiss
HCC18 Sama, cf Samma 05/37 [WO]
HCK89 Sama 07/38 [WO]
HDE79 Sama 0848'/3919' 2104 m 08/39 [Gz]
(with church Senbet), south-east of Chefe Donsa
HDU43 Sama 1022'/3940' 3062 m, north of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
sama gaba (O) butter market;
gaba, gabaa (O) market; gabaa (O) thorn-like shoot or stalk;
gaba (A,T) thorny shrub
HCN84 Sama Gaba 0803'/3510' 1692/1861 m, 08/35 [WO Gz]
south-west of Gore
HDU13 Sama kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-east Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
4-6 km south-southeast of Molale; area 243 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sama s..: senbet (sänbät) (A) Sabbath
?? Sama Senbet (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HED48 Samada, see Simada
-- Samai language (S'amai), see Tsamay
samantar: Samattar, a Somali male name
?? Samantar (in Ogaden) ../.. [Mi]
?? Samara ../.. [20]
capital of Afar Regional State
HEK05 Samara 1151'/3801' 2706/2782 m 11/38 [18 Gu Gz]
(former ketema), see under Debre Tabor
samaro d..: derek (däräq) (A) dry
HDD25 Samaro Derek (S. Derek') 0821'/3759' 1868 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south of Weliso
JDK64 Samaua 0940'/4254' 1800 m, north-east of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
HEE59 Samaw 1122'/3918' 2956 m, south of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HES43 Sambako (Sambaco) 1303'/3751' 2673 m, 13/37 [+ Gz]
north-east of Dabat
sambata (O) Sunday; gudda, guddaa (O) large, respectable
HDA17 Sambata Gudda (Sumbata Gudda) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDB27c Sambata Gudda, with Sunday market 08/36 [Gu]
HEC72 Sambillo (called so on map by d'Abbadie), see Sena 11/36 [Ch]
HCR30 Sambo, see Sembo
HER65 Sambocke (Sambocce, Sambocco) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
(area) 1319'/3711' 1259 m, south-west of Mesfinto
Coordinates would give map code HER76
HDG39 Sambodere (Sambodero, Somboderro, Somboderr) 09/35 [WO Gz x]
(Somboder, Sombo Derro) 0923'/3537' 1933 m,
5 km north of Boji and about 16 km east of Nejo at the road to there.
HEC44 Sambuo (village), see under Dangila 11/36 [It]
same (samä) (A) give a kiss
HDC30 Same 0829'/3639' 1524 m, 08/36 [Gz]
between Bedele and Koma
HET58 Samera, see Samre
HEK84 Samhi Giyorgis (Samhi Georgis) (church), 12/37 [+ WO]
see under Macha
samint, sammint (A) week
HEE77 Saminti 11/39 [WO]
samir (Gurage) feast to celebrate that a mother has eight
children; (Som) be patient or resigned
HDE39 Samiru, M. (area) 08/39 [WO]
samma (A) stinging nettle, Urtica simensis;
samme (saammee) (O) spider's web
HBS06 Samma (with seasonal well), cf Sama 04/38 [MS WO]
HCD57 Sammalo, see Sanmalo
samo (Som) 1. sky; 2. kindness, goodness, favours;
sammu (O) brain; samu (O) 1. rob, devastate, even murder;
2. become rancid, mold, spoil
HEK44 Samo (mountain) 1207/3757' 2150, 2604/2810 m, 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
east of lake Tana, cf Semo
JDC10 Samo (area) 08/41 [WO]
Samra = Samira/Samaria of the Bible?
?? Samra? (Saamira), coffee plantation in Arussi, ../.. [x]
see Saamira
?? Samra Cristos ../.. [Gu]
Church on the right bank of the stream Gumara
HET58 Samre (Samrie, Samera, Zamra, Zamara, Tsarma) 13/39 [Gz Ad WO 18]
(Mariam Tsarma) (with church Maryam), cf Semera
1311'/3913' 1830/1855 m (river at 1259'/3856')
Centre in 1964 of Selewa wereda and of
Akini sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8SE Adebe (village)
10SE Adi Chelehel (A. Chelchel) (village) 1606 m
10W Adi Tsegibna (Eila) (village) 1628 m
9NW Tsalda (village)
10NW Maryam Tsarma (village) 1855 m
9N Wechi Feche (Ueci Fece, Ucci Fece) (village)
At 2 hours walk from Samre or from Gijet there is Adi Merzwi/?/
with a rock-hewn church Arbatu Insesa [Sauter 1976]
Samre is on a hill in a valley of the same name.
HET58 Samre wereda 13/39 [Gz]
(-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
samuel g..: gedam (gädam) (A) monastery
HDF12 Samuel Gedam, see Woldebba

san (Som) 1. good; 2. nose; saan (Som) 1. hide, skin,

leather; 2. footprint; 3. armed guard; 4. like this;
adde, aadde (O) term of respect for elder sister
JCF33 San Adde (area) 05/44 [WO]
san da..: dalool (Som) opening, hole; dhalool (Som) kind
of tree with thick resin, its sweet roots are chewed
JCF03 San Dalol (area) 05/44 [WO]
san de..: dheeree (Som) move fast, flow /of a river/;
dere (A) a kind of acacia; (Afar) far away, long
JBS55 San Dere (San Dare, Santar, Dara Duldul) 05/43 [WO Gz x]
0504'/4301' 455 m
HEK50 San Gavea, see Senyo Gebeya
san go..: gololo (Som) brand-mark
JCJ89 San Golol (well) 07/42 [WO]
JDD69 San Kumarre (San Cumarre) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JBP14 San Wene (San Uene) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]

sana (O), (ts'ana) (A) kind of tree up to 10 m, Stereospermum

kunthianum, with grey bark and conspicuous red flowers;
sana (O) that, those
HED73 Sana (Tzana Ghi) 1132'/3750' 2498 m, 11/37 [Gz]
east of Bahir Dar
HES00 Sana (mountain with saddle), 12/37 [WO Gu]
see under Gondar, cf Sena
HEJ58 Sanaba Mariam (church), see under Gorgora 12/37 [WO]
?? Sanacho ../.. [Pa]
According to J. Bruce in the 1770s a frontier village on the trade route
to Sudan, with some 300 houses.
HDD.. Sanamo, in Kokir .. wereda ../.. [20]
JDG27 Sanano 0918'/4027' 966 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
sanas (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Heeria insignis;
daara: daar (Som) stone house; daaray (Som) 1. ignite, light,
kindle; 2. touch, strike, /figuratively:/ annoy, disturb
JEB43 Sanas Daara (area) 11/41 [WO]
?? Sanborse (village), ../.. [Ch]
in the Abay area not very far from the Alyume mountain.
?? Sancai 2438 m, in Gumuz [Michelin 2007] ../.. [20]
HDP80 Sanchi (Sanchei), see Kulan Sankai
HER23 Sanchi (Sanki?) 1255'/3654' 1180 m 12/36 [Gz]
JDH50 Sanchillada, see Bitiju
sandabo (O) flower on the tip of a corn stalk
HCR57 Sandabo, see Sendabo
HDL16 Sandaffa (Sandafe), see Sendafa
JDP82 Sande (waterhole) 10/40 [MS WO]
HEF43 Sandechi (Sandeci) 11/39 [+ Gu]
HDP31 Sandi (area), 10/35 [WO]
"-- on the right bank /of the Abay/ stand three conspicuous mountain peaks, Jaladura, Sandi, and
HCM65 Sanetti (Saneti) 0655'/3947' (high plateau) 06/39 [Ca Br n]
sanga, sangaa (O) castrated ox, fat ox; pair of oxen
working together
GDM22 Sanga 1552 m, see under Begi 09/34 [WO]
H.... Sanghittie, see Soddu
HER21 Sangi (Sanghi) 1256'/3642' 1194 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
HDA14 Sangio (Sanghio), see Senyo Gebeya
HD... Sangota (in Yifat & Timuga awraja) 10/40? [Ad]
JCC25 Sangottor (area) 0537'/4203' 445 m 05/42 [WO Gz]
?? Sanja wereda, near Metemma and Sudan ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 41 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
H.... Sank sub-district (centre in 1964 = Diba Bahr) 13/37 [Ad]
sanka (saanqaa) (O) door, plank, table; (A) (sanqa) plank,
/leaf of traditional type of/ door; (sanka) defect, fault,
blemish; senke (sänqä) (T) stone
HDM52 Sanka (Sanca) (visiting postman under Dessie) 09/39 [Po WO]
HE... Sanka (Sanqa), in Yeju awraja 11/39? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Jarso Sanka sub-district)
JBS80 Sanka Andabib (Sanca Andabib) (area) 05/42 [+ WO]
HES66c Sankaber (= Sanka Ber? Senke B?) 3200 m 13/38 [Br Ca n]
(camp in national park)
HEP48 Sankaho (Sancaho) 1304'/3625' 914 m, 13/36 [18 WO Gz]
north-east of Metemma
?? Sankail (Sancail), towards the Somalian border ../.. [Mi]
HCD54 Sankale (area), south-east of lake Abaya 05/37 [x]
HDD.. Sankale (area), in the neighbourhood of Ambo 08/37 [Mi]
HEJ05 Sankata (Sancata), see Senkata, cf Sinkata
HDL96 Sankato (Sancato) 09/38 [+ WO]
HER23 Sanki, see Sanchi
HEJ04 Sankira Gebriel (church) 1147'/3657', 11/36 [Gz]
south-west of lake Tana
JBN53 Sankirar (area) 05/40 [WO]
HEM20 Sankoboda (recorded in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HCS38 Sankora (Sancora) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
HEJ04 Sankra (Sancra), 11/36 [+ It]
(with church Gebriel on hilltop)
JEC06 Sankul (recorded in 1841) 10/42 [Ha]
HCE39 Sanlura 0544'/3915' 1620 m, 05/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kibre Mengist
HCD57 Sanmalo (Sammalo) (place and plain) 05/38 [WO Gz Gu]
0557'/3813' 2325 m
santa (sant'a) (T) bag, haversack, etc
HFE28 Santa 1349'/3912' 1795 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), north-east of Abiy Adi
HFE38c Santa (area), cf Senta, Sunte 13/39 [Gu]
JCT91 Santaila 0808'/4333' 1081 m, south of Degeh Bur 08/43 [Gz]
JDE04 Santalal (area) 08/43 [WO]
HCR50 Santamma, see Sentema (Gumay Sentema)
HCR51 Santamma (mountain) 2091 m 07/36 [WO]
HFE28 Santana 1349'/3911' 1720 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-east of Abiy Adi
JBS55 Santar, see San Dere
HEM10 Santara (Santarai) (area) 1152/3926' 3200 m 11/39 [WO Gu 18]
(British camp in 1868), nowadays see Weko
HCM55 Sante (mountain peak) 0649'/3949' 4277 m, 06/39 [Gz]
south-west of Goba
HDJ13 Sante (Sant'e) 0913'/3652' 1856 m, north of Sire 09/36 [Gz]
JDJ39 Santela 0922'/4228' 1608 m, east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HDS42 Santera (plain), see under Debre Markos 10/37 [Gu]
santi (Gondar A) kind of flute
JCT81 Santiili (area) 08/43 [WO]
HEK50 Sanyo Gabiya, see Senyo Gebeya
HFF32 Sanzdingilt sub-district (centre in 1964 = Negash) 13/39 [Ad]
-- Sao language, see Saho
HDE06 Sapo (mountain) 0812'/3858' 1989 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-east of lake Ziway
H.... Sappa (Afeta) (historical area) ../.. [Pa x]
Perhaps an old trading centre which appeared as the capital of Limmu-Ennarya
during the late 1700s or early 1800s.
HCK.. Sappe, see Dilla : Chabe
HEL96 Saqota, see Sekota
H.... Saqqa, see Seka
HFD12c Saquar, hermitage 13/37 [Pa]
In late 1700s an emperor was in exile in a hermitage called Saquar in Woldebba.
sar (A) grass, straw; sar (Som), zar (A,O) kind of evil
spirit that possesses people;
sar amba (A) grass mountain
HEJ97 Sar (Sar Amba) 1236'/3716' 2170 m, 12/37 [Gu Gz]
west of Gondar, cf Saramba
HDU46 Sar Amba 1020'/3953' 1718 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDM23 Sar Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Berehet wereda at the middle of
its northern border, 8-11 km east of Gina Ager;
area 1,365 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU55 Sar Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the north in central Efrata & Gidim
wereda, 7-13 km south-west of Kara Kore;
area 2,238 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU06 Sar Amba & Shema Girdo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
(.. .. & Shäma Gerdo ..)
rather far to the west in northern Kewet wereda at its
southern border there, 10-13 km west-southwest of
Shewa Robit; area 509 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL09 Sar Machjiya (.. Mach'jiya) 1146'/3901' 3200 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north of Bete Hor
sar midir (A) grassland
?? Sar Midir, monastery known in the 1800s ../.. [En]
HDU42 Sar Midir 1019'/3934' 2940 m, south of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU43 Sar Midir 1021'/3939' 3025 m, north of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HED18c Sar Midir (Sarmider), cf Enebse Sarmidir 11/38 [+ Ch]
HDU43 Sar Midir kebele (.. Meder ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
9-14 km north-west of Mehal Meda; area 2,023 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Sar Midir sub-district 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Denboza Giyorgis)
H.... Sar Midir wereda (Enbise Sar Midir ..) 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in the 2000s = Merto Lemariam)
sar wiha (A) grass water, stream with grass
HEJ.. Sar Wiha (Sar Wuha) 12/36 [x Ch]
river with its mouth at the north-west corner of lake Tana.
HCS83 Sar Zigiba (centre of a sub-district in 1964), 08/37 [x]
cf Sarzigba and Zigib
sara (O) branch of a tree
-- Sara language, see Chara
HCH26 Sara (area), cf Sera 06/36 [WO]
sara b..: bube, bubbe, bubbee, bubbi (O) wind,
storm, hurricane
JDJ68 Sara Bube, see Gara Bube
HCR42 Saracho (Saracio) (area) 1756 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [+ WO]
HEJ50 Saraco (Sarago, see Serako
sarad (Harar O) kind of small to medium tree, Maytenus undatus;
sarado (O) green /as grass/; saraad (Som) prediction, prophecy
JEC63 Saraddu (area) 11/41 [WO]
HEM31c Saragadet (recorded in 1841) 12/39 [Ha]
J.... Sarakam (Saracam) (area) ../40 [+ Gu]
HEH59 Sarako (Saraco) (area), cf Serako 12/36 [+ WO]
JDG88 Sarakoma (Saracoma) (area) 904 m 09/40 [+ WO]
HDM33 Saramba (area), cf Sar Amba 09/39 [WO]
HEF34 Saramba (area), see under Kombolcha 11/39 [WO]
HEJ84 Sarambo (area), see under Chilga 12/37 [WO]
sarba, sarbaa (O) part of the leg between knee and foot,
calf of the leg
JEC93 Sarba, see Serba
HE... Sarbakusa (Serbakussa) (near Gondar, battle site) 12/36 [Pa x]
HDA95 Sarbo, see Serbo
HDC03 Sarca, see Seka
HDM94 Sarca Agher, see Sarka Ager
JDJ50 Sarcama, see Jilbo
sarda (O) haste, promptness
JEB86 Sarda (Sarde), 11/41 [WO Gu Wa]
on a narrower part of a high plateau about 5 x 0.5 km.
sardo (O) grass, esp. Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon;
(Harar O) Agrostis semi-verticillata; sardho (Som) nap,
short sleep
HDB14 Sardo 0817'/3603' 2108 m, south-west of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
HDE67 Sardo 08/39 [WO]
JDJ43 Sardo, see Adeyle
JEH16 Sardo, see Kurub
JEH26 Sardo, see Serdo
HEM91 Sarenga 1241'/3930' 3658 m 12/39 [18 WO]
(Amba Sarenga) (mountain recorded in 1868),
Coordinates would give map code HEU01
a little more to the north
JDJ47 Sarerta (Gara Serirta), see Dera
HEL49 Sargos Mikael (church) 1210'/3917', 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
sari (Harari) hill, mountain, rock
?? Sari Ber (S. Bär) (area? historically recorded in 1530) ../.. [Pa]
sariti (O), sareti, sereti (A) wild asparagus,
Asparagus asiaticus, A. pauli-guilelmi;
sariti (O) memorial to a killer of big game, usually
a tail of buffalo mounted near a road
GCU.? Sariti (mountain), 07/34 [x]
a summit in a chain of hills near the Gilo river
and at the border of Dizu.
HCG88 Sariti (Seraiti) 0704'/3532' 1495 m, 07/35 [WO Gz]
north-west of Shewa Gimira
HDE38 Sariti, see Seriti
HDH68 Sariti (area) 09/36 [WO]
HBK52 Saritti (mountain) 0405'/3741' 836 m, 04/37 [WO Gz]
at about 15 km from the border of Kenya
HBS31 Saritti (with seasonal waterhole) 04/37 [MS WO]
HBS41 Saritti, G. (Haada) (hill) 04/37 [WO]
HDM72 Sariya (Licce) 0944'/3934' 2518 m, 09/39 [Gz WO]
a little north of Debre Birhan, historical cf Liche
HDM72 Sariya & Wakeyo kebele (.. Waqäyo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
5-8 km north-east of Debre Birhan town;
area 1,351 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Sarka (historical) ../.. [20]
With a Catholic church built by the Portuguese.
HDM94 Sarka Ager (Sarca Agher) 0956'/3944' 2735 m 09/39 [+ WO Gz]
JDJ50 Sarkama (Sarcama, Sarcan) 1404 m 09/41 [+ WO Gu]
sarmaan (Som) kind of thorny plant
JDR79 Sarman (area) 10/42 [WO 18]
JDR68 Sarman Didinte 1034'/4221' 800 m, 10/42 [WO Gz]
at the railway, between Adigala and Lasarat
H.... Sarmat, 10/38 [x]
historical area (-1300s-) south-east of Wegda.
HEJ.. Sarmawucho (Sarmoutsh), Dek island landing-place 11/37 [Ch]
HED18c Sarmider, see Sar Midir
GCU.? Saro 07/34 [x]
Place at the end of a chain of hills near Gilo river.
It was an important military post around 1910.
HCR60 Sarrado 0747'/3640'c, 07/36 [x]
place 8-9 km south-east of Jiren/Agaro.
HEL.. Sarsena Mikael (Sarsana M.) 12/38 [+ x]
(rock-hewn church), cf Sarzena
sarte (A,O) kind of branched palm, Dracaena afromontana,
Dracaena steudneri
HBS91 Sarte 0521'/3738' 865 m, west of Burji, cf Serte 05/37 [WO Gz]
HBS42 Sartie (well) 04/37 [WO]
sarua: sarva (O) leg
HEJ77 Sarua, see Kola Diba
JDN88 Sarule (area), see under Trena 10/40 [WO]
HEJ56 Sarwaka (river) 1216'/3708' 12/37 [x]
HEL35 Sarzena 2070 m 12/38 [WO]
sarzigba: sar (A) grass, straw; zigba (A) Podocarpus tree
HCS92 Sarzigba (centre in 1964 of Inemor sub-district) 08/37 [Ad]
HDU04 Sasa & Dehana kebele (.. & Dähana ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda;
area 533 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCT72 Sasabeneh (Sassabaneh, Sasa Baneh, Sasabani) 08/43 [Gz]
(Sesebani, Sesebeni, Sesabene, Sasobani, Sosobeneh)
0800'/4344' 939 m
HCR27c Sasachie, on the eastern slopes of Mai Gudo 07/37 [Mi]
HDH08 Sasiga /Arb Gebeya/ (Sassiga, Sassigaa) 09/36? [Ad x Gz n]
0908'/3625', (with school and church Mikael), west of Nekemte
HDH16 Sasiga (Sassiga) (area) 09/36 [Ad WO]
HD... Sasiga Legehare sub-district 09/36? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adami)
HDH09 Sasiga Tsige sub-district (S. Tsigie ..) 09/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Nekemte)
HDH.. Sasiga wereda (Sassiga, Sassigaa ..) 09/36 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 35 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HDU02 Sasit (Sahasit) 0955'/3929' 2713 m, 09/39 [Gz]
see under Sela Dingay
HD... Sasit (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
saso d..: den (dänn) (A) forest
HCR74 Saso Den (Babbia) (forest) 0752'/3700', 07/37 [Gz WO]
north-east of Jimma
JCT72 Sasobani, see Sasabeneh
sassa (A,T) kind of tall forest tree, Albizia gummifera,
Albizia schimperiana; also a shrub, Otostegia fruticosa,
Otostegia repanda; (A) become lean, be avid for food
JCT72 Sassabaneh, see Sasabeneh
JEC05 Sassagabosso (plain) 10/42 [WO Gu]
HEE80 Sassi (centre in 1964 of Zor Amba sub-district) 11/38 [Ad]
sasso d..: dhaha (Som) you all say!
JEN63 Sasso Daha (Saso Daha) 1130 m 13/40 [WO LM]
?? Sasu (antique gold-producing area in the south-west) ../.. [Pa]
HCP95 Sata 0806'/3610' 2167 m, west of Dembi 08/36 [Gz]
HCP95 Sata 0808'/3613' 2199 m, west of Dembi 08/36 [Gz]
GD... Satano Suchi (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDB06 Sateye 0810'/3615' 2272 m, north-west of Dembi 08/36 [Gz]
GD... Sati (Saty) (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [+ Ad]
HEC16 Satima (Denguiya, Denguia) (mountain) 10/37 [Gz]
1057'/3712' 2604 m , east of Injibara
HFE16 Satiya 1343'/3859' 1927 m, north of Abiy Adi 13/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Lai Tsetsera sub-district)
HFF52 Satta (village) 14/39 [Gu]
GDF96 Sattakor (Sattacor) (area) 09/34 [+ WO]
JDC70 Sattaua (area) 1910 m 08/41 [WO]
JDS05 Sattaua 1002'/4302' 1578 m, at border of Somalia 10/43 [Gz]
sattawa, satawwaa (O) giraffe, Giraffa reticulata, G. camelopardalis;
satawa (O) jolliness
satto, sato (O) 1. sheath for protecting the blade of a spear;
2. mocker, scoffer, comedian; saatoo (O) Erica arborea,
giant heather which grows mostly above 3000 m
HDA05 Satto 0812'/3515' 1571/1767 m, west of Gore 08/35 [WO Gz]
sattu (O) kind of shrub, Psychotria sp.
HDA49 Satu 08/35 [WO]
HCP85 Satuma (Satumma) (wide area) 08/36 [WO Wa]
HER23 Saua, see Sawa
HES77 Sauana, see Sawana
JCP16 Sauena, see Sawena
HFE77 Sauria (mountain) 14/39 [Pa]
sava: savva (Salt's transcription of T) milk
HET70 Sava Mariam, see Saba Maryam
HEC79 Savat Ammen, see Sabat Ammen
HBS98 Save 05/38 [Ro]
HER05 Saviera 12/37 [WO]
sawa (T) kind of small tree, Combretum collinum
-- Sawa, name of an Oromo tribe; sawwa (O) cow, cattle
HER23 Sawa (Saua) (area), cf Sewa 12/36 [+ WO]
?? Sawa Meda (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
sawan (O) cattle; sawani (O) eternally
H.... Sawana (watercourse), 05/39? [Mi]
a left affluent of the Mormora river near the upper falls.
HES77 Sawana (Sauana, S. Ghiorghis, Suana) 13/38 [+ WO Gu Ha]
(village) 3560 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
?? Slam Sauana (village)
?? Cavea Mariam (village)
8E Berok Wiha (Berocuaha, Beroch Waha)(mountain) 4505 m
6SE Arkwazye (Arquazie, Arcazie) mountain saddle 3916 m
6S Amba Ras (area) 2400 m
10SW Bauhit (Bwahit, Buahit) (mountain) 4345/4430 m
9NE Kosso (Cosso) (village) mountain saddle 3121/3154 m
Mountain village with almost no cultivation but with stabled domestic animals.
HEJ44 Sawdiba 1208'/3657' 1822 m, 12/36 [Gz]
west of the northern part of lake Tana
JCP16 Sawena (Sauena) 0723'/4116' 1196 m 07/41 [Gz WO]
HCC83 Sawla, see Felege Neway
HFF.. Sawne, village in Sinkata wereda, cf Sawana
say a..: ager (agär) (A) land, district
HDF91 Say Ager 0900'/3930' 1698 m 09/39 [Gz]
saya (Wellega Bega) field of a river bank;
saya, saayya (O) cow, cattle
HEC67 Saya (Saia, Saio) (Oromo ruins to the north) 11/37 [+ WO It]
HDL87 Saya Debir kebele (.. Däber ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the north in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
26-28 km south-southeast of Alem Ketema; area 791 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HD... Saya Debir & Wayu Ensaro wereda (Insaro ..) 09/39 [Ad]
with kebeles among which
Abeyu, Adis Alem, Agegn Shola Amba, Aleyo, Angergera &
Bedebej, Ansucha, Aroji Gudeta, Aroji Kalo, Ayda & Arago,
Bantu & Armon, Ber Badi & Robi, Beresa, Bilign Anfar Washa,
Chefe Amba, Dalota, Dawo, Degwachina, Denbi & Ejersa, Dera
Getem, Dereku, Dilamo, Dire Gebre Korke, Dirma Andergachew,
Dirma Gebriel, Dirma Tulu Gerbich, Ejersa & Egu, Ejersa & Kubeti,
Gamegna & Chancho, Gashu Amba, Geba & Meta Amba, Geregenb
Washen, Girarge, Giza Washa, Gob & Dubra, Golale & Ketemaw,
Gomoro, Gomoro & Sabo, Gosh Wiha, Gotet Dega, Gotet Kola, Gozegoza,
Imb & Tikur Dur, Imera Meskel, Isat Amba, Jar Gedam, Kara Amba
Amerti Amba, Kek & Seka, Kelbeni & Dingay Amba, Ken & Molt Amba,
Kersa & Bisandera, Kersa Cherkos, Kombolcha & Kechech, Kure &
Kordida, Lemi & Meniwena, Menelefto, Merere & Werka, Mitl, Mot
Begre, Motolami, Nesere Ayda, Neseri Menehoro, Nesri Ura, Rede,
Rikicha Dembeli, Roge, Rome, Romelencha, Sakla Salayish, Saya Debir,
Seke, Selela, Selila & Menkiros, Senketa & Wikir, Teklo, Tirign,
Totilsh & Girigir, Usmani, Weklo, Welanso, Wele Denebe, Wele Denebe
Chancho, Werenche & Sokoru, Yetnora & Boled
HDL87 Saya Debr Lideta Maryam (church) 0948'/3905', 09/39 [Gz]
Saya Debr .., east of Fiche
HD... Sayadebir sub-district (Saydebir ..) (-1970-), 09/39 [x]
in Moret wereda
HD... Sayadebir & Wayu sub-district (-1997-) 09/39 [n]
?? Sayara (historically recorded 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
sayda (s'ayda) (T) white
HEJ84 Sayda 1234'/3859' 2406 m, west of Chilga 12/38 [Gz]
saye (O) symbolic name for cattle
HCP95 Saye (Saie) (mountain chain) 0808'/3610' 2174 m, 08/36 [Gz]
west of Dembi
?? Sayi, cf Seyi ../.. [n]
H.... Sayint (town), 10/38 [Ad]
in Tenta (East) wereda (-1999-)
HEE02 Sayint (Saint, Densa) (area) 1054'/3839' 2443 m, 10/38 [n WO]
see also Saint
H.... Sayint sub-district (centre in 1964 = Indeberet) 10/38 [Ad n]
HDT72 Sayint wereda (centre in 1964 = Ajibar) 10/38 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 62 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Abi Meda, Afkera, Ahiyo, Ambasim Ber, Ansha, Arer Meda,
Arigba, Ascha (HDT..), Ashenga, Asul, Atrons Maryam, Ayn
Maryam, Bacheta Meskel, Beja, Beja Chilaga, Cheleleka, Dada,
Dafer Geregera, Debtera, Defer, Densa, Derewe, Digir Metrebiya,
Dihit Warka, Dinam, Dinecha, Dodo, Dukare, Dwat, Feres Ber,
Gedaba, Gert, Gwa Meda, Hurmo, Iwa, Keta Chilaga, Kotet, Kul
Baye,, Kuten, Lebet, Lengwat, Loza, Melesan, Metik, Saleda,
Samaye, Segerit, Shehot, Tedbabe Mariyam, Tengobalel, Tinat, Wekir,
Wenz Ager, Weredeb, Yedegat, Yegwoda, Yemeka, Yesheb Den,
Yewersa, Yeweza
?? Sayki (Saichi) c.1200 m 07/37? [+ Gu]
JC... Saykush wereda (centre in 1964 = Saykush) 06/44 [Ad]
HD... Saylem Yedota (in Gore awraja) 08/35? [Ad]
HC... Saymena (in Chilalo awraja) 07/39? [Ad]
GDF45 Sayo (district) 0832'/3448', cf Dembidolo 08/34 [n]
HCR70 Sayo (centre) c.2300 m 07/36 [18]
(1940s source: 0755'/3636' could also give HCP79)
/this one?:/ town in Dano wereda
HDJ13 Sayo (Saio) (forest) 09/36 [+ WO 18]
-- Saysay, a group of negroid people living in the western reaches
of the Abay river valley.
JEB15 Saytum (Saitum) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDJ26 Sayul (mountain) 0915'/3711' 2445 m 09/37 [Gz]
saza (T) foresight
HDT16 Sazamba, see Sesamba
HET60 Sazza (mountain) 1316'/3826' 3746 m, 13/38 [Gu Gz]
near and east of Ras Dashen
HER88 Scaca Daab, see Skaka Daab
HDC09 Scanshama, see Skanshama
Sce.., see She..
KCP30 Scebeli, see Shebeli
KCN46 Scebeli Gherer, see Shebeli Gerer
HEP08c Scec Scechedi, see Shek Shekedi
HEH32 Scec Hassan, see Shek Hasan
JCL16 Scec Hosc, see Shekosh
HER88 Sceca Daab, see Sheka Daab
JDE13 Scech Assan, see Shek Assan
JCP50 Scech Hussen (S.Hussein), see Shek Husen
HCR23 Scechi, see Sheki
?? Scedala, see Shedala
HEU82 Scefta, see Shibta, under Kwiha
HES74 Scehagni, see Shagne
JDE80 Sceic Momen (Scek M.), see Shek Momen
HEP99 Sceic Omar, see Shek Umer
GDM71 Sceich Atalam, see Shek Atalam
HEH42 Sceich Ghilmu (S. Gailmir), see Shek Gilmu
HEH32 Sceich Hassan, see Shek Hassan
GDU76 Sceich Othman (Sceich Eutmen), see Shek Otman
JCN85 Scek Abdoi, see Abdoy
JCN93 Scek Adare, see Shek Adare, under Gololcha
JDL14 Scek Au Calaf, see Shek Aw Kalaf
JDC88 Scek Calif, see Dendema
JDJ29 Scek Hassa Dufi, see Shek Hassan Dufi
JDE05 Scek Mohamed Gulet, see Shek Muhamed Gulet
JDE80 Scek Momen, see Shek Momen
HCM81 Scelada (Scedala), see Shelada
HEU81 Scelicot, see Chelikut
HFE75 Scelloda, see Soleda, under Adwa
JDJ32 Scenele, see Shinile
HER69 Scenhi, see Shenhi
HCS63 Scerit, see Sherit
HDE10 Scerscera, see Kela
HES80 Scetan, see Shetan
HCH71 Sceu Ghemira (Sceui Ghimira), see Shewa Gimira
GDM73 Sceva, see Tulu Shava
HCH79 Schadda, see Shedda
KCN63 Schealutah 0752'/4507' 748 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
HFF34 Schemai 1353'/3948' 2639 m, north-west of Atsbi 13/39 [WO Gz]
HFD94 Scheraro, see Sheraro
HEP54 Schiangoro, see Shunguru
HET09 Schiliora, see Amba Shilyora
Scia.., see Sha.. or She..
HES43 Sciaasel, see Chikara
?? Sciaat, see Shaat
HC... Sciab, see Shab
HCK59 Sciabadino, see Shebedino
HCP39 Sciabe, see Shebe
JDK83 Sciabellei (Sciaveli), see Shebele
JDE24 Sciabilli, see Shibilli
HDJ06 Sciaboca, see Sheboka
HDJ65 Sciabr, see Chabir
JCC62 Sciacchisa, see Shaki
HCE48 Sciacchiso, see Shakiso
JCC32 Sciachissa, see Shaki
HCG77 Sciaco, see Shako
HEL84 Sciacua, see Shakwa
HCH79 Sciadda, see Shedda
HDS18 Sciafartek, see Shafartak
HCP25 Sciagge, see Saji
GDM82 Sciaiema, see Shayema
HCB89 Scialla Gallila, see Shala Gelila
HCK28 Scialle (Sciallo), see Shallo
GDF53 Sciama, see Chamo, under Dembidolo
HCD90c Sciama, see Shama
GDM21 Sciamala, see Shomala
HER50 Sciambara, see Shambara
?? Sciambiche, see Shambike
HEC73 Sciambila Micael, see Shambila Mikael
HDJ55 Sciambo, see Shambu
HEM46 Sciambuc, see Shambuk
HDR62 Sciamet, see Shamet
GCT48 Sciamlum, see Shamlum
GCU73 Sciamo, see Shamo & HDD16
GDM41 Sciancallar, see Shankallar
HC... Sciancora, see Shenkora & HDT12
HCS42 Sciancota, see Shankota
HDD47 Sciancur, see Shankur
HBL01 Scianei, see Shaney
HBL10 Scianei (Scianeg), see Shaney
HBP54 Sciangora (Sciangoro), see Shunguru
HDB12 Sciano, see Shano
HDM30 Sciano, see Sheno
HCH95 Sciappe .., see Shappe ..
HCP08 Sciaradda, see Sherada
HEM91 Sciarca, see Sharka
HC... Sciarida, see Sharida
HC..? Sciarra, see Shara
HFE67 Sciarre, see Sharre
HDD00 Sciarsciama, see Abelt
HCH12 Sciascia, see Shasha
HCL92 Sciasciamanne (Sciasciamannu), see Shashemene
GDM21c Sciasi (Sciasco) 1780 m =Siasi? 09/34 [Gu]
GDM22 Sciaso, see Shashi
HEE90c Sciatana Abbo, see Shatana Abbo
HCA39 Sciatat Bai, see Shattet Bai
HCU74 Sciato, Tulu, see Tulu Shato
HCH58 Sciatta, see Shatta
GDF41 Sciau, Tulu, see Tulu Shaw
JBJ61 Sciau, see Lef Left
GDM73 Sciava, Tulu, see Tulu Shava
JDK83 Sciaveli, see Shebele
JEG55 Scifani, see Sifani
JCF75 Scillave, see Shilabo
HDM20 Scimbera (Scimbra), see Shimbira
JCN03 Scimo, see Shimo
HDP52 Scinascia, see Shinasha
HEC26 Scinscin, see Shinshin
HCH71 Scioa Ghimirra, see Shewa Gimira
HET86 Scioate Egum, see Showate Egum
HDN74 Sciogali, see Bazber
HEL35 Sciogola, see Shogola
HCM93 Scioiso, see Shoyiso
HDU22c Sciola Amba, see Shola Amba
HDM11 Sciola Ghevea, see Shola Gebeya
HCS10 Sciola, see Shola & HEA53
HDM20 Sciolaghe, see Sholage
HEL04 Sciolaie Aonaraghen, see Sholaye Awnaragen
HDM92 Sciolamba, see Shola Amba
HDJ66 Scioloco, see Sholoko
GDM10 Sciomala, see Shomala
HDE89 Scioncora, see Shonkora
JDB45 Sciongora, see Shiyongora
HEJ06 Sciontarara, see Shoan Terara, cf Zibdan Terara
HDM64 Sciotalit, see Ankober : Let Marefiya
HEC96 Sciovela (Sciovele), see Shobela
HDJ57 Scirba, see Unone
HCG57 Scire, see Shire & HFD59
HFC19 Scirella, see Shirella
HCK50 Sciri Ocoto, see Shiri Okoto
HED61 Sciringilla, see Shirinjilla
GCM.. Sciscia (river), see Shisha
HDT50 Scita, see Aykolba
HFC33 Scittene, see Shittene
HES46 Sciuada, see Shiwada
HEC49 Sciulluda, see Shulluda
HEL89 Scium, see Shum
HES33 Sciumalaco, see Shumalako
HEL73 Sciumandam, see Gur Amba
HET07 Sciumsciaca, see Dubban
HET41 Sciumtichie, see Shumtikye
HED69 Sciungulla, see Shungulla
HDL83c Sciungurti, see Shungurti
HCG74 Sciurgis, see Shurgis
HCG36 Sciuro, see Shuro & HCG65
HCJ54 Sciursciomo, see Shurshomo
HET19 Scluamche, see Shlwamke
HEA24 Scogli, see Skolyi
JCL70 Sculi, see Skuli
HET05 Scurscimenecu, see Skurshimeneku
HER29 Sdni (mountain) 1251'/3727' 1530 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north of Gondar
HFF43c Seada Amba (Sä'ada A.) (historically recorded) 13/39 [+ Pa 20]
"White Hill", between rivers Mereb & Tekkeze
For rock church, see under Adi Kesho.
seb (T) person, human being, soul; same in (A) where
sew is the much more common term; washa (A) cave
HDT16 Seb Washa kebele (Säb .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, adjoining
Alem Ketema to its north-east and extending some
3-4 km from there; area 1,480 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
seba (säba) (A) seventy; sebba (säbba) be fat /animal/
HCS80 Seba 0803'/3732' 2138 m, south of Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
HDT24 Sebage (Sebaghe) 10/38 [+ WO]
HDT 05 Sebage kebele (Säbagé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-western Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda
stretching to its southern border, 11-20 km
south-west of Alem Ketema; area 2,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sebagi: sebaki (A) preacher; sibago (A) string, cord
HDT04 Sebagi 0958'/3852' 1556 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), north-east of Fiche
HFF35 Sebaira 1351'/3950' 1751 m, near Atsbi 13/39 [Gu Gz]
HES40 Sebantera (Sabantera) 13/37 [LM WO]
HCS94 Sebat Bet.., see Sabat Bet..
sebat d..: dej (däjj) (A) out of doors
HDM.? Sebat Dej (with church Medhane Alem), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HEC.. Sebatamit 11/37 [n]
in Gojjam, the nearest town is Bahir Dar
HD... Sebb (centre in 1964 of Chellya sub-district) 09/37? [Ad]
HFM01 Sebca, see Sebka
?? Sebe ../.. [n]
In the 1800s there was a Tuesday market, on the caravan route
between Kefa/Kaffa and Hirmata in Jimma.
[Mohammed 1994]
HFF91 Sebea 14/39 [Gu]
HEU43 Sebebera 1306'/3941' 2074 m, near Debub 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael to the west)
HEU53 Sebebera 1307'/3940' 2354 m, near Debub 13/39 [Gz]
HED53 Sebeko 1120'/3750' 2182 m, 11/37 [Gz]
at Abay river south-east of Bahir Dar
HED44 Sebeku 1117'/3753' 2135 m, 11/37 [Gz]
north of Mota on the other side of river Abay
JDK55 Sebel 0933'/4301' 1766 m, north-east of Jijiga 09/43 [Gz]
JDH45 Sebelo 0925'/4113' 1483 m, south of the railway 09/41 [Gz]
HFD79 Sebema 1415'/3825' 1712 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-east of Inda Silase
HES52 Sebeno (area) 13/37 [WO]
HEF85 Sebensa 1142'/3951' 1352 m, south-east of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HEM32 Sebensa (mountain) 1207'/3935' 1961 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south of Alamata
HES40 Sebentera (centre in 1964 of Janora sub-district) 13/37 [Ad]
sebere, sebbere (A,T) break, cf Sabera ..
sebet: sibet (sibät) (A) gravity
HDJ65 Sebet 0938'/3708' 2437 m, north of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
sebeta: sabata, sabbata (O) sash, long strip of cotton cloth
used by women as a belt; sabbata waka (O) rainbow;
zebbete (zäbbät'ä) (A) dip, slope downwards
HDE82 Sebeta 0855'/3837' 2356 m 08/38 [Gz Ca WO Po]
Centre in 1964 of Alem Gena wereda.
With churches Gebriel and Maryam & sub-post office under A. Abeba.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Ijara (village)
4E Shulure (village)
8E Gatira (village)
10E Gara Bolo (village)
8SE Gucho (village)
9SE Wuse (village)
4S Atebela (At'äbäla) (village)
4SW Dima (village on main road) 2216 m
5SW Dima (village south of main road)
10SW Haro Dila (village near main road)
2NW Gesese (Gäsäse) (mountain)
4NE Alem Gena (centre and wereda) 2369 m
Sebeta : Alem Gena
There is an equipment yard of the Ethiopian Highway Authority.
Sebeta : Furi
With dairy and vegetable farms.
Sebeta : Meta Abo
Construction work for a beer factory at Meta Abo Farm started in December 1965.
HF... Sebeya (in Agame awraja) 14/39? [Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEM01 Sebeya Maryam (church) 1428'/3930', 14/39 [Gz]
north of Adigrat, at the border of Eritrea
HF... Sebha wereda (centre in 1964 = Menewet) 14/39? [Ad]
HCR85 Sebher (area) 08/37 [WO]
HDD.. Sebi Mola, 08/37 [x]
place near Welkite with an important Islamic school.
?? Sebian ../.. [20]
sebil, sibil (A) crop, harvest; ripe; sebille (A) my crop?
HDF81 Sebille 08/39 [WO]
HES00 Sebiya 1240'/3730' 2443 m, north of Gondar, 12/37 [Gz]
at map square corner HEJ/HEK/HER/HES
HFM01 Sebka (Sebca, Sebha?) 1428'/3931' 2481 m, 14/39 [Gz]
on the border of Eritrea north of Adigrat
HDU60 Sebodelemet (centre in 1964 of Dirma sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
HDE40 Sebono 0832'/3826' 2902 m 08/38 [Gz]
HET58 Sebriye 1308'/3915' 1745 m, near Samre 13/39 [Gz]
?? Sebro (waterfall in Web river) ../.. [x]
HDL65 Sebro 0940'/3855' 2589 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), see under Debre Libanos
HDL82 Sebro 0951'/3840' 2604 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDC70 Sebro (mountain) 0848'/4136' 1798 m, 08/41 [Gz]
near map code JDB79
?? Sebsebe Washa (rocky outcrop) 06/39 [Ca]
?? Sebuh Sehseh sub-district
HF... Sebura sub-district (centre in 1964 = Hazo) 14/39? [Ad]
HDH20 Seca, see Disi
JEA19 Seca Ela, see Seka Ela
HDB28 Secca, see Seka
HEU75 Secchet (Sechet), see Shehet
HDS60c Seccolo Mariam, see under Dembecha
HCP54 Secha (Seccia) (mountains ) 0745'/3610' 2417 m 07/36 [+ WO Gz]
HEC88 Sechel Mikael (Secel Mikael) (church), 11/37 [+ It]
see under Bahir Dar
HET91 Sechenchen (Amba S.) (mountain), 13/38 [WO Gz]
(with passes to the north) 1331'/3836' 1623 m
JEN67 Secher (with waterhole) 13/40 [LM WO]
HES42 Sechet Amba, see Seket Amba
HEU75 Sechet, see Shehet
sechi (sech'i) (A) donor, giver
HDG74c Sechi 09/35 [LM]
HEJ87c Seckelti (Secchelti) (with large population) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HES84 Secuar, see Sekwar
-- Seda, name of a group of Tulama Oromo
HEE47 Seda 1117'/3907' 2282 m, south-west of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HDM13 Seddisto, see Sidisto
JBH35 Sede (Sadei) 0357'/4111' 261 m, on border Kenya 03/41 [Gz WO]
JBH70 Sede (police post) 0417'/4047', at border of Kenya 04/40 [Gz]
H.... Sede (mountain in Tigray) 3988 m ../.. [Ad]
JBH46c Sede, cf Sada, Sidi .. 04/41 [MS]
HED14 Sede Giyorgis (Sedie Giorghis, Gaba Gheorgis) 10/37 [Gz WO Ad]
1057'/3753' 2555 m
(centre in 1964 of Hulet Eju Enessie wereda &
of Bekeka sub-district), in Mota awraja
HE... Sede sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adada) 11/38 [Ad]
HDM12 Sedeas kebele (Sädäas ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in southern Berehet wereda; area 799 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL95 Sedeb (wide area), cf Sidib 12/38 [Gu]
HE... Sedecha (on map of 1814), in southern Angot area 11/39 [18]
HEK10 Sedechila Maryam (Sedechila Mariam) 11/37 [+ Ch]
HDJ17 Sedeka (Sedek'a, Sedeqa) 0911'/3717' 2778 m, 09/37 [Gz q]
midway between Gedo and Haretu
JDJ51 Sedeko (Sedek'o, Sedeqo) 0934'/4146' 1225 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
west of Dire Dawa
HC... Sedera (Sedero), cf Saddaro 07/36 [18 x]
HCS90 Sedeta 0804'/3732' 2020 m, south of Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
?? Sedi (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
H.... Sedi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Agiyo), 08/35 [Ad n]
cf Dale Sedi
GD... Sedich Chercha (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HCS03c Sedicho, locality 25-30 km south of Hosaina 07/37 [20]
sedie: sedya (T) chair, seat
Sedie .., see also Sede ..
HEM31 Sedie Mugia (Mugia, Muggia) 1204'/3927' 2168 m, 12/39 [Gz WO]
cf Muja
HCU45 Sedika (Sedik'a, Sediqa) 0738'/3949' 2172 m, 07/39 [Gz q]
south-east of Ticho, cf Sedeka
JCN52 Sedika (Sedik'a, Sediqa) 0744'/4000' 2453 m 07/40 [Gz q Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDT00 Sediko 1001'/3830' 1850 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDH.. Seeben (between Gimbi and Aroji) 09/35 [Mi]
HFF71 Seet (Se'et, Seeta) 1413'/3928' 2964 m, 14/39 [Gu Gz]
(mountain chain and pass), near and south of Adigrat
seex: seexad (Som) act of sleeping; seexo (Som) go to bed,
JCS84 Seex (area) 07/42 [WO]
sef (säyf) (A) sword, sabre; ber (bärr) (A) gate, pass
?? Sef Ber (Sef Bär) (historical in Wäj province) ../.. [Pa]
HEJ78 Sefanchera, see Sinfakara
HDL73 Sefane 0945'/3846' 2645 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
JCN24 Sefata 0726'/4011' 1267 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
sefate (säfate) (A) kind of bamboo or reed
HDT83 Sefatira, see Sifatira
HDT.. Sefatira kebele (Sefat'ira ..) 10/38 [Ad]
centrally in Debre Sina wereda; area 1,691 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD18 Sefato 0819'/3814' 2685 m, north-west of Butajira 08/38 [Gz]
sefed (Som) place for loading and unloading; amba (A) mountain
HEK44 Sefed, see Safad
HDL96 Sefed Amba 0953'/3901' 2162 m, 09/39 [AA Gz]
north-east of Fiche
HDM82 Sefed Amba 0949'/3934' 2288 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north of Debre Birhan
HDU75 Sefed Meda kebele (Säféd Méda ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda
at the middle of its southern border, 10-14 km south-east of
Debre Sina; area 943 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Sefeho (Säfeho), in Inda Mehoni (Endamähoni) ../.. [n]
HDJ35 Sefele (mountain peak) 0921'/3705' 2778 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ35 Sefele 0921'/3707' 2244 m, near Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
sefer (säfär) (A) neighbourhood, settlement,
/mobile/ camp, campsite, place to stay
HEU02 Sefer 1241'/3933' 2230 m, south of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
HER65 Sefertahan 1315'/3707' 821 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
(Sefertalian = Italian camp?)
sefi b..: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDU09 Sefi Beret kebele (Säfi Bärät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost southern Kewet wereda, 12-19 km
south-east of Shewa Robit; area 3,865 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFL07 Sefo, see Hilmilo
HFE.. Sefoho (village on hill), see under Aksum 14/38 [20]
HDE70 Sefsi (village) 08/38 [x]
JCS43 Segag (Segeg, Sagug, Segug), cf Segeg .. 07/42 [WO Gz Gu Wa]
Gz: 0740'/4250' 782 m; MS: 0730'/4250' = JCS23, 859 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
1SW Sullul (wells)
7W Hora Haud (area)
10W Jedalo (well)
?? Segaga (historical monastery/?/ in the 1300s) ../.. [x]
?? Segah (historical) ../.. [x]
Once an important place but the name disappeared later.
?? Segaja (Ségaggia), monastery in Shewa in the 1300s ../.. [x]
HDU43 Segalat (Segalat') 1024'/3938' 3084 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north of Molale
HDM41 Segalie, see Segele
JDJ49 Segare, see Sekere
HDU00 Segat & Jor kebele (Sägat' .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda at its
northern border, 22-27 km west of Sela Dingay; area 1,928 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
seged (sägäd) (A) kind of very large tree
Seged (Sagad), a female personal name
HDM81 Seged (Säggäd) 0948'/3926' 2229 m, 09/39 [Gz n]
north-west of Debre Birhan
segede (säggädä) (A) adore, prostrate oneself
?? Segede (Sägädé) (historically recorded area), cf Sigadi ../.. [+ Pa]
HED89 Segedo 1137'/3824' 2335 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Zebit
segeg: segeger (Som) fool, stupid person
JCS43 Segeg, see Segag
JCS85 Segeg, see Degeh Medo
JCS43 Segeg sub-district? (-1997-) 07/42 [n]
JCS43 Segeg wereda (centre in 1964 = Segeg) 07/42 [Ad]
HDJ35 Segel Merma (mountain peak) 09/37 [Gz]
0922'/3704' 2891 m, near Haretu
HEL34 Segelda 1205'/3849' 1964 m, west of Lalibela 12/38 [Gz]
segele (sägäle) (A) greedy, gluttonous; (T) divine?
segali (T) diviner; sagale (Som) elder's court;
sagal (O) nine; sagale (O) voice; news; fleas, lice
HDM42 Segele (Segalie, Sägäle, Sagale, Anduod Uascia) 09/39 [Gz WO n]
(place) 0926'/3931' 2891 m, south of Debre Birhan near a bridge
(battle site in 1917, cf Tora Mesk in 1916)
battle site?: 0928'/3921' = HDM40
segen (sägän) (T) segon, segwen (A) ostrich,
Struthio camelus molydophanus
HBR58 Segen (middle of river at 0500'/3720') 05/37 [MS]
HCD12 Segen (Segene Ketema) 0535'/3746' 1066 m 05/37 [Gz Po Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gumaidie wereda)
(with sub-post office under Arba Minch), south of lake Chamo
HFE08 Segenet 1334'/3915' 2128 m, east of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HDL98 Segenet kebele (Sägänät ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south Moret & Jiru wereda, touching
Inewari at its west and extending 5 km south-westward;
area 714 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
segeno g..: gebeya (gäbäya) (A) market, marketplace
HE... Segeno Gebeya, in Dese Zuriya awraja 11/39? [n]
HE... Segerat sub-district (centre in 1964 = Abawerari) 11/39 [Ad]
HEM31 Segerat Giyorgis (church) 1206'/3927', 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Kobbo
?? Segeret (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
GDM35 Segge 09/34 [WO]
HDH19 Seghe Mariam, see Tsige Maryam
GDF31 Segi (Sigi) 0826'/3428' 612 m, west of Dembidolo 08/34 [WO Gz]
HDH85 Segiro 0951'/3613' 2133 m 09/36 [Gz]
JBP29c Segirsa, cf Siggirsa 04/41 [Wa]
HFE.. Seglamen, see under Aksum 14/38 [20]
HEF63? Seglan kebele (Säglan ..) 11/39 [Ad]
north of lake Hayk, in the middle of northern Tehuledere wereda,
area 4,446 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCR.? Segmo, west of Agaro 07/36 [n]
HEE09 Segno Gebeya kebele (Sägno Gäbäya ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally far to the east in Legambo wereda,
13-17 km east of Akista; area 2,391 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF03 Segno Gebeya kebele (Sägno Gäbäya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Kalu (West) separate-area wereda,
3-10 km north of Degaga; area 3,787 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDA14 Segno Ghebea, see Senyo Gebeya
HDJ63 Sego 0940'/3653' 1609 m, north-west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ85 Sego 0947'/3703' 2353 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDL72 Sego 0946'/3841' 3103 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche, cf Saggo, Sago
HDL82 Sego 0951'/3840' 2604 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
sego ka..: kara (qaraa) (O) 1. road, path, doorway;
2. far-away place; 3. edge; 4. never, not at all;
5. green chilli; 6. dry sorghum stalk;
7. first-rate boiled coffee; karra (O) gate;
kara, karra (A) kaaraa (O) knife
HDL73 Sego Kara 0945'/3842' 2882 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF50 Segoda 1121'/3922' 2628 m, south-east of Mekdela, 11/39 [Gz]
in Ambasel wereda (-1999-)
segon, see segen above
HEF40 Segon kebele (Sägon ..) 11/39 [Ad]
centrally in Kuta Ber wereda; area 4,855 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES59 Segonet (Sägonät) 1312'/3820' 4272 m, 13/38 [WO Gz x]
north-east of Deresge
HEF80 Segora 1135'/3921' 2061 m, north of Mekdela, 11/39 [Gz]
in Mekdela wereda (-1999-)
HEF.. Segora kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Ambasel wereda; area 5,372 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCS43 Segug, see Segag
HCT59c Segure, in Digelu & Tijo wereda 07/39 [Ad]
HEJ24c Seha Debra, 12/36? [Ch]
at the middle of the western shore of lake Tana.
?? Seha Kena, see Kena
HEL.. Sehabe 11/39 [20]
Small village about 10 km from Kulmesk in direction Lalibela.
Nearby is the Genete Maryam rock church.
JDK26 Sehadiley 0917'/4306' 1725 m, east of Jijiga 09/43 [Gz]
?? Sehart (Sähart) (historical area south of Inderta) ../.. [Pa]
HET78c Sehart (Seharti) (with rock-hewn church Meskel) 13/39 [Ad x]
HET.. Sehart sub-district 13/39 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Gijet) (-1964-1997-)
?? Sehime Maryam (church south of lake Tana) 11/37 [x]
HCJ45 Sehki 0643'/3705' 1245 m 06/37 [Gz]
HEA94 Sei, see Sai
HCB80 Seie, see Sai
JBH95 Seil Medo (area) 04/41 [WO]
HDM11 Seila Ghevea, see Shola Gebeya
HCP60 Seima (mountain) 0750'/3544' 1967 m 07/35 [WO Gz]
?? Seiru (in Arsi) ../.. [x]
HCC48 Seissie, see Jubaysho, cf Zeyse?
seitan (säyt'an) (A) devil, demon, cf saitan
HES.. Seitan Metaia (mountain) peak c.2700 m, 13/38 [Gu]
with difficult climbing for mountaineers
HEF33 Seiuo, see Seywo
HEA37 Seiz, see Ses
?? Seja (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
seja s..: saya, saayya (O) cow, cattle
?? Seja Saya (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Sejja (in Kefa province) ../.. [x]
Sudan Interior Mission had a clinic there (-1955-).
seka (säqa, säqqa) (A) edge of cliff, crest of a hill;
sekka (säkka) (A) walk along, traverse;
zeka, zekat (zäkat) (A) alms among Muslims
HC... Seka (Saka, Sakka, Saqqa) (historical), 07/36? [x]
The so-called capital of Enarea (Enariya) was described as a town of 10,000 to 12,000 people in the
HCR41 Seka (Sek'a, Seqa, Saka, Sacca, Saca Gimma) 07/36 [Gz q WO Gu]
0736'/3644' 1828/1855 m
(centre in 1964 of Chekorsa wereda, with Sunday market)
HCR61 Seka (Sek'a, Seqa) 0747'/3644' 1931 m, 07/36 [Gz q]
east of Agaro
HDB28 Seka (Secca), see under Bedele 08/36 [+ WO]
HDC03 Seka (Saca, Limmu Saca) 1841/1850 m 08/36 [Gz Te WO Gu]
(Saka, Sarca, Sakwa, Haro) (with sub-post office) 08/36 [Wa Ha]
0812'/3656' 1792/1841/1850 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8S Suntu (Genet, Sintu, Gennet Limmu) (village)
8SW Gabana (Gabano) (mountain) 2097 m
10NW Mile (Mole) (mountain) 1619 m
HDH20 Seka, see Disi
HDL31 Seka (Sek'a, Seqa) 0920'/3834' 2375 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Sululta
HDL40 Seka (Sek'a, Seqa) 0928'/3829' 2452 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
HDL51 Seka (Sek'a, Seqa) 09/38 [AA q]
JDJ23 Seka (Sek'a, Seqa) 0916'/4157' 1797 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
north-east of Grawa
HDK62 Seka Berke (Sek'a Berk'e, Seqa Berqe) 09/37 [AA Gz q]
0936'/3742' 2378 m, north-west of Kachisi
seka ela: ela (O) deep lake or pond; clear water;
eelaa (O) very heavy /load/; ela (A) well, cistern
HCR41 Seka Chekorsa wereda (-1964-2004-) 07/36 [Ad]
(Seka Chokorsa ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 100 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
seka e..: ela (A) well, cistern;
ela, elaa (O) 1. clear water; 2. deep pond
JEA09 Seka Ela (Sicaela) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
JEA19 Seka Ela (Seca Ela) (water) 720/750m, 11/40 [+ WO Gu]
used to be a halting place for caravans, with water.
HDT54 Seka Shenbera, see Sika Shimbira
seka wach.: wachu, several meanings e.g. bird's song,
thorn tree
HD... Seka Wachu (in Tegulet & Bulga awraja), 09/39? [Ad]
(with church Maryam), cf Sekawachu
seka was: was (Som) copulate, have sex;
(A) guarantor, guarantee
HDL52 Seka Was (Sek'a Was, Seqa Was) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0930'/3840' 2110 m
HF... Sekabo (=Seka Abo?) 14/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Seriro sub-district)
HCD14 Sekama (Sek'ama, Seqama, Ualleia) 05/37 [Gz q]
0536'/3753' 1718 m
JCN19 Sekaso (Sek'aso, Seqaso) 0720'/4040' 1975 m, 07/40 [Gz q]
north-west of Ginir
seke: zekke (zäkke) (A) food collected by students in
church schools; meal eaten at church after mass service
HDK98 Seke 0956'/3819' 2558 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki, cf Siki
HDL51 Seke (Sek'e, Seqe) 0933'/3834' 2210 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
HDS09 Seke (Sacche) 09/38 [+ WO]
seke g..: gura (A) 1. hill, narrow road, track;
2. boasting, bragging; gura (O) kinds of flowers or shrubs;
-- Gura, ethnic group - Oromo? Gurage?
HDK52 Seke Gura (Sek'e G., Seqe G.) 0932'/3746' 1971 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
seke h..: haro (O,Som) lake, pool, pond;
(A) valley subject to seasonal flooding
HDK52 Seke Haro (Sek'e H., Seqe H.) 0932'/3744' 2195 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
HDL87 Seke kebele (Säké ..) 09/39 [Ad]
a little to the west in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, 13-16 km west of Deneba; area 1,204 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
seke ko..: korcha, koricha (A) saddle
HDK52 Seke Korcha (Sek'e K'orcha, Seqe Qorcha) 09/37 [AA Gz q]
0932'/3743' 1864 m
seke ku..: qushee (Som) make bad-tempered, spoil
HDK52 Seke Kushi (Sek'e K., Seqe K.) 0933'/3744' 2334 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
seke r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
HDL40 Seke Roba (Sek'e R., Seqe R.) 0927'/3828' 2433 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
seke s..: sole, soleh, solle (O) kinds of large tree,
Pittosporum spp.
-- Sole, a clan of Oromo
HDL83 Seke Sole (Sek'e S., Seqe S.) 0950'/3846' 2355 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Aregay), see under Fiche
seke ye..: yadi (O) 1. female buffalo; 2. promise
HDK52 Seke Yedi (Sek'e Y., Seqe Y.) 0932'/3746' 1971 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
sekecha: saqacha (O) retail, opposite of wholesale
HDB35c Sekecha 08/36 [LM]
HDE49 Sekekelo (area, sub-district in 1964?), 08/39 [x]
see under Nazret
HEL83 Sekel (Sek'el, Seqel) 1232'/3847' 2045 m, 12/38 [Gz q]
south-west of Sekota
sekela (säqäla) (A) large rectangular house or shed;
yesekela meret (yäsäqäla märet) (A) land which is not
HDL13 Sekela, see Sakela
?? Sekela (small lake with brackish water near)
HEC16 Sekela /Gish Abay/, see Gishe Abay
HEC27c Sekela 11/37 [LM]
HED00 Sekela (Sek'ela, Seqela) 1055'/3732' 3025 m, 10/37 [Gz q]
(Siqäla), north of Dembecha
HE... Sekela Hulk (S. Houlk) 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tis Abalima sub-district)
HEF91? Sekela kebele (Säqäla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Guba Lafto wereda; area 4,790 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC16c Sekela wereda (centre in 1964 = Gish Abay Mikael) 11/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
sekela werk.: werka (A) wild fig tree, Ficus vasta
HEJ.. Sekela Werka ../.. [n]
sekele: sekkele (säkkälä) (A) tie the legs of an animal;
(säqqälä) hang, suspend, crucify;
sekele, seqelee (O) lively, sexy
HEL24 Sekelew (Sek'elew, Seqelew) 1200'/3851' 2072 m, 12/38 [Gz q]
west of Lalibela
HDK97 Sekelo (Sek'elo, Seqelo) 0956'/3809' 1932 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
west of Tulu Milki
HER08 Sekelt (Säqält) (district) 1243'/3719' 12/37 [n]
HEE99 Sekera (Sek'era, Seqera) 1143'/3918' 3318 m 11/39 [Gz q]
HDK65 Sekerbu (Sek'erbu, Seqerbu) 0940'/3802' 2547 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
sekere: sekkere (säqqärä, säkkärä) (A) to get drunk;
zekere (zäkärä) (T) to remember
JDJ49 Sekere (Sekerie, Segare, Sacarre) 2140 m 09/42 [LM Ad Gu WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
Ridge which ends to the north with the flat calcareous summit of mount Illo.
HEU75 Seket, see Shehet
HES42 Seket Amba (Sechet Amba) (area), see under Dabat 13/37 [+ WO]
HES57 Seketati (Baarna Abbo) 1311'/3811' 3583 m, 13/38 [Gz WO]
north of Deresge
HDU91 Seketo (Sek'et'o, Seqeto) 1050'/3930' 2700 m 10/39 [Gz q]
JDA47 Sekina 0830'/4028' 1692 m, east of Mechara 08/40 [Gz]
HDU22 Seklaye kebele (Säqlayé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of northernmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda stretching to its northern border, 8-13 km
north-northwest of Molale; area 715 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
seko (O) jest, joke; seko, sako (Arabic,Som) annual alms;
Seko, first month of the Somali lunar calendar /time for
almsgiving/; seku (seequu) (O) 1. to smile; 2. smoulder,
burn slowly
GDF06 Seko (Saco, Sako) (mountains) 0812'/3452' 624 m 08/34 [Gz WO 18 Gz]
sekoro: sokoro (O) kind of stout sub-woody shrub,
Acanthus arboreus; sekorru (western O) weak-stemmed climber,
glory lily, "Mother Mary's umbrella", Gloriosa superba,
Gloriosa simplex
HDL35 Sekoro 0923'/3855' 2647 m, north-east of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL76 Sekoro 0941'/3901' 2568 m, cf Sokoro 09/39 [AA Gz]
HDL84 Sekoro 0949'/3852' 2374 m, east of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCR79 Sekoru (Socorro, Soccoro) 0755'/3725' 1879 m 07/37 [Gz Ad WO Te]
(Sekuru, Sekouru), in Jimma awraja
MS coordinates 0740'/3720' would give map code HCR48
about 30 km to the SSE - not the same locality?
Centre in 1964 of Sekoru wereda.
With sub-post office.
HCR79 Sekoru wereda (Sokoru ..) (-1964-2004-) 07/37 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HEL96 Sekota (Sek'ot'a, Seqota, Socota, Sokota, Sakota) 12/39 [Gz WO Ha Wa]
(Soquota, Saqot'a, Säqot'a, Säqwäta, Socata, Soketa) 12/39 [Te x n]
Gz: 1238'/3902' 2266 m; MS: 1237'/3904' 2253/2264 m
Gz coordinates would give map code HEL97.
With sub-post office.
Centre at least in 1964-1980 of Wag awraja and
in 1964 of Sekota wereda & sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3S Dorasma (village) 2345 m
5S Uker (Ucher) (village)
.. Ucker (Uccher) (rock-hewn church Meskele Kristos)
(It: Aucher Mascale' Christos) at one hour's walk
7S Olik (Olic) (village) 2149 m
7SW Aba Yohanis (Abba Johannes) (church)
10SW Debre Gelila (D. Ghelila) (church)
7N Mai Lomin (Mailomin) (village)
10NE Amba Shmilyora (A. Scmilliora) (area)
?? Hamsal Feres 2611 m
Sekota has large, usually round stone houses, two-storied, mostly with two walls
and a stair outside or between the walls.
Sekota was administrative centre of Wag also in the 1930s.
There were eight wells in or near Sekota town in 1986 and they were opened for some hours every
morning but then closed because there was not enough water.
Sekota : Aba Yohanis
The monastery church, reached by an easy climb, is the most majestic in northern Ethiopia. Ten fully
preserved cupolas crown it.
Sekota : /Ukre/ Meskele Kristos, "Cross of Christ"
Approaching by an artificial cleft in the rock, one is confronted with the decorative south façade, but
the church is not entirely isolated from the rock.
HFD09 Sekota (Sokota, Socota of Simen) 13/38 [LM Ad WO Gu]
MS: 1409'/3936' = HFE61, c.1500/1700 m
Centre in 1964 of Dima Mehara sub-district.
Administrative post south of Tekezze river and some 25 km east of road
HEL86 Sekota awraja (Sek'ot'a ..) 1230'/3900' 12/39 [Gz]
HEL96 Sekota sub-district? (-1997-) 12/39 [n]
HEL96 Sekota wereda (-1964-1994-) 12/39 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 49 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HCS79 Sekotu 07/37 [MS]
HEL28c Sekoy Gebriel kebele (Säqoy Gäbre'el ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northernmost western Meket wereda; area 4,100 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCR79 Sekuru, see Sekoru
HES84 Sekwar (Secuar) (hill) 1324'/3757' 1730 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
sela dingay (A) wheatstone; cutting stone? rolling stone?
sala (A,O,T) Oryx antelope; sila (A) falcon, hawk
HDU03 Sela Dingay (Seladingai, Sala Dingai, S. Dengai) 09/39 [MS Ad WO Gu]
(Sela Dengay, Salla Dingaï, Salla Dengai, Sali Dingai) 09/39 [Po x]
(Sahla Dengai, Sahle Dengay, Sabala Dingay, Sabala, Sahala)
Gz: 0958'/3938' 2700 m; MS: 0955'/3930' = HDM91, 2880/2915 m
(with sub-post office under Debre Birhan and church Markos)
Centre in 1964 of Wedera sub-district.
Adjoining kebeles are Yibaz to the east, Denchur to the south,
Goshge & Wesafe to the west, and Germemcha to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
1E Debre mitmat kebele
4E Wedera kebele
4E Dirgmit kebele
6E Gorat kebele
7E Awajo kebele
8E Kurkur kebele
8E Derek Wenz (Dereq W., Derac Uonzi) (village)
9E Wez Midir kebele
6SE Zelo & Imbise kebele
7SE Alew Amba kebele
10SE Meskele Gedam kebele
6S Embissie (village)
8S Salayish kebele
10S Tebez & Bitirge kebele
10S Guroberet (village)
4SW Ashel Ager (Asciel A.) (village)
6SW Ajana kebele
7SW Nech Gedel kebele
10SW Moja (Mogia) (church)
3W Dinshik kebele
4W Bek Amba (Bec A., or Chid. Bec Amba?)
5W Chid (or Kidane Bek Amba?) (church)
6W Ibab Amba kebele
6W Gimja Maseh kebele
8W Ineshirbo kebele
8W Sasit (Sahasit) (village) 2713 m
10W Wisha Tirs kebele
6NW Imeweta kebele
7NW Antat kebele
8NW Awakola kebele
10NW Gadi kebele
2N Gedel Selassie (Ghedel S.) (church)
5N Gezet kebele
8N Yimod kebele
6NE Yita kebele
8NE Zimam kebele
9NE Koko kebele
On a height above the deep gorge of the stream Mofer
and some of its affluents.
HDU03 Sela Dingay : Debre Mitmak Maryam,
monastery from the 1440s in Tegulet in Shewa.
HFE61 Selaclaca, see Selekleka
HFE65 Selado (mountain) 14/38 [Pa]
HDS29c Selakulla 10/38 [Wa]
HDT11 Selakulla (Selaculla), see Suba
selala (A) crippled, paralyzed; sillela (A) espionage,
HBL21 Selala (area), cf Salala, Selela 03/38 [WO]
HDL78 Selala (Sellela), see under Deneba 09/39 [LM WO]
selale, salale (A) bone to which the arm muscles are
jointed; salaleh (Arsi O) Erucastrum arabicum;
sellele (A) scout out, spy
-- Selale, a branch of the Oromo/?/
estimated to number 2,628,000
HDK76 Selale 0941'/3808' 1887 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HDL72 Selale (Selallie, Sellale, Selalle) 09/38 [WO AA Gz 18]
0941'/3839' 2740 m, south-west of Fiche
HDL72 Selale (Salale) (mountain) 0942'/3838' 3111 m, 09/38 [WO AA Gz]
mountain also at 0943'/3846' = HDL73, cf Beri, cf Gara Guda
With ruins of fortifications.
HDL80 Selale awraja (Sälalé ..) 0950'/3830' 09/38 [Gz x]
(centre -1964-1980- = Fiche)
Muger river formed the eastern boundary of the awraja.
HDL80 Selale & Merha Bete awraja 09/38 [x]
(centre in 1959 = Fiche)
?? Selalo, see Tselalo
selam (A,T) peace, tranquility, prosperity; salutation hymn
HC... Selam (in Jemjem awraja) 05/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Uraga Selam sub-district)
HF... Selam, village in the Hawzen area 13/39 [20]
HDM64 Selam Amba kebele (Sälam .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda
at its eastern border, 5-9 km north-northwest of Ankober;
area 1,245 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL19? Selam Amba Kebele (Sälam .. ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northern Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 1,446 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
selam b.: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HC... Selam Ber (.. Bir, Salamber) 06/37 [Po Ad x]
(centre in 1964 of Kecha wereda)
with sub-post office under Arba Minch.
Town beautifully situated on a hill, with comparatively well-built houses.
HDT96 Selam Ber kebele (Sälam Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in west Legambo wereda, 12-19 km
west of Akista; area 3,701 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES.. Selamago wereda, cf Selamge wereda 13/37 [x]
resently within the South Omo Zone
?? Selamat kebele (Sälamat ..) 11/39? [Ad]
in south-eastern Gidan wereda; area 2,705 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
selamge (sälamge) (A) land of peace?
HDM20 Selamge (Salamghe) (slight saddle), 09/39 [+ Gu x]
(with church Giyorgis), in Bulga/Kasim wereda
Before beginning construction of Addis Alem -- Menilek established an arsenal at Salamge in Bulga.
Near by were some hot springs in which Menilek could soothe his rheumatism. [Prouty
1986 p 240]
HES34 Selamge (Salamghie) 1301'/3754' 2704 m, 13/37 [+ Gz]
east of Dabat, "an almost imperceptible saddle".
HES33 Selamge Iyesus (Selamghie Jesus) (church), 13/37 [+ WO]
see under Dabat
HEE58 Selamge Silase (church) 1122'/3910', 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Mekdela
HES.. Selamge sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gorgorek) 13/37 [Ad]
HES.. Selamge wereda (Selamago .., Selamgo ..?) 13/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 13 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HET32 Selasgi (Selasghi, Selasghe) 13/38 [+ Gu WO]
selasie, selase, sillase (A) the Trinity
HDL98 Selasie (Sellassie), cf Silase .. 09/39 [+ WO]
HEL06 Selasterri (area) 11/39 [WO]
HEL36 Selatit Mikael (Selat'it Mika'el) (church), 12/39 [Gz]
1205'/3901', north-west of Lalibela
HC... Selay Kembokha (in Mocha awraja) 07/35? [Ad]
HCT19 Selazz 3014 m 07/39 [x]
HDE84 Selbane 0854'/3847' 2132 m, near Akaki 08/38 [Gz]
GDM50 Selbute 09/34 [WO]
HEC88 Selcen, see Deke
selchen (sälchän) (A) a kind of plant
?? Selchi, see Selki
HDL64 Sele (Selie, Selle, Salle) 0936'/3851' 2663/2737 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Te WO]
(with church Kidane Mihret), south-east of Fiche
(centre in 1964 of Wichale wereda), cf Sala ..
HBR05 Sele Bedirru (pass) 04/37 [WO]
sele h..: harma (O) breast, udder, teat
HBJ84 Sele Harma (pass) 04/37 [WO]
HCN65 Sele wereda (Selie ..) (centre in 1964 = Keto/Nono) 07/35 [+ Ad Gz]
(coordinates 1400'/3830' as found somewhere
would give map code HFE04 and may be incorrect
or refer to some other locality)
There is registered the Sele Anderacha National Forest Priority Area.
HEJ55 Seleb 1218'/3705' 1855 m, west of lake Tana 12/37 [Gz]
HEM20 Selehest 1159'/3922' 3581 m, north-west of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HCC85 Selekelo 0614'/3711' 1299 m 06/37 [Gz]
HFE61 Selekleka (Selecleca, Seleklaka, Selaclaca) 14/38 [Gz Ad Te Po]
(Slehleka, Salaklaka) 14/38 [WO Gu x n]
1408'/3828' 2107 m (with sub-post office under Mekele)
Centre in 1964 of Tach Koraro sub-district.
With leprosarium and American Lutherna mission;
battle site in 1936.
HDM42 Selekulla (Seleculla) 09/39 [+ WO]
HE... Selel (centre in 1964 of Hamus Wenz sub-district) 11/38? [Ad]
HDM32 Selel Kula kebele (Säläl .. ..), cf Selekulla above 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
23-29 km south of Debre Birhan; area 952 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
selela: sellele (sällälä) (A) 1. acted as a spy; 2. became
HDL85 Selela 0948'/3853' 2634 m, east of Fiche, cf Selala 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL78 Selela kebele (Säléla ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro
wereda, adjoining Deneba to its south-west and
14-17 km south of Inewari; area 1,615 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS49 Selelkula 1024'/3821' 2115 m, south-east of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HEE84 Selelkula 1138'/3847' 2735 m, west of Bete Hor 11/38 [Gz]
HDM56 Selelkulla (Selelculla) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDT11 Selelkulla (Selelculla, Selalkulla, Selalkoulla), see Suba
HDU75 Selelo, see Silelo
HDM43 Selelo kebele (Sälälo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the south-west corner of Ankober wereda, 12-16 km
south-southwest of Ankober town; area 1,139 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM23 Selelo & Kesu Ager kebele (Sälälo & Qésu Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda;
area 1,382 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM01 Selelo Mikael (church) 0905'/3927' 09/39 [Gz]
selen (sälen) (A) mat made of palm leaves
HEF91 Selen Tekle Haymanot (church) 1144'/3930', 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Weldiya
?? Selena, see Silena
HEL62c Selesa 12/38 [Gu]
HET11 Selesa, see Salaise
HET16 Seletsba 1246'/3859' 2000 m, north of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
HET59 Selewa (Seloa, Solawa, Säläwa, Sloa) 13/39 [+ WO Ha n]
(Silawa) (with rock-hewn church Agwa) 13/39 [x]
1310'/3920' (1307'/3915')
The rock church was listed without comment by Roger Sauter in 1976.
HET59 Selewa wereda (Sloa ..) (-1964-1994-) 13/39 [Ad x n]
(centre in 1964 = Samre)
GDM85 Selgan, see Salgal
HED82 Selhassie Terara, see Silase Terara
-- Selie, see Sele
HDL85 Selila & Menkiros kebele (Sälila & Ménqeros ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in west Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
near Lemi settlement to its north and west; area 774 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM34 Seliya 0920'/3942' 1720 m, south of Ankober 09/39 [Gz]
JCG55 Selka (Selk'a, Selqa) 0652'/4017' 1544 m, 06/40 [Gz x]
south-west of Ginir
HES.. Selki (Selchi) (mountain) 1320'/3817' 13/38 [x Gu]
sella (Italian) saddle; (A) succede, prosper; (T) flog, whip
HFE39 Sella (Sella'i), 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn churches),
see under Geralta churches - northern
HCT19 Sella di Carra, see Karra
HEK33 Sella Taraghedam, see Taragedam
HBK66 Sellach (pass) 04/38 [WO]
HFF23 Sellasi Adgu 1345'/3940' 2462 m, see under Wikro 13/39 [WO Gz]
HDL64 Selle, see Sele
HFD19 Sellemt (Sällämt), see Tsellemti
HER30 Sello Shek Omar (Sello Sceic Omar), see Shek Umer
HDM.? Selmenya (with church Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDL.. Selmi (river) 09/38 [Mi]
HDL.. Selmi (place), in Selale awraja 09/38 [Ad]
HCJ45 Selo 0644'/3707' 1109 m, 06/37 [Gz]
located in the Hana area of the Omo zone.
HET59 Seloa, see Selewa
HEL07 Selonaj (Salit) 1150'/3906' 3219 m, 11/39 [Gz WO Gu]
north of Bete Hor
HEL27 Selonaj kebele (Sälonaj ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Meket wereda; area 3,160 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Sels (in Selale awraja) 09/38? [Ad]
HEC89 Selselima, see Chimbil, under Bahir Dar
HC... Selti (in Haykoch & Butajira awraja) 08/38? [Ad]
-- Selti language, see Silte
HC... Selti wereda 08/38? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HEC35 Selviet 11/37 [WO]
Sema, Semma, a male personal name
JE... Sema Matatay sub-district 11/40 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Huluko)

HED48 Semada (Samada), see Simada

HE... Semada sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kenber Ber) 11/38 [Ad]
HED47c Semada wereda (centre in 1964 = Teklu Ketema) 11/38 [Ad n]
HFE66 Semaiata, see Temeyata
HFD79 Semama, see Semema
semana: semanya (A,T) eighty; 80th day memorial service;
civil marriage
HFD68c Semana (area and place), cf Simana 14/38 [Gu]
HEK06c Semana Giyorgis (S.Ghiorghis) (village), 11/38 [+ Gu]
see under Debre Tabor
HEJ47 Semana, see Simana 12/37
HES99 Semaroa 13/38 [WO]
HFD09 Semaroa 1335'/3822' 2615 m, near Sekota Simen 13/38 [WO Gu Gz]
semay (A,T) sky, heaven; semayi (T) listener;
semey (T) call, name, entitle, appoint
HFE98c Semaya (Semaia) 2210 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
semayata: semayat (sämayat) (A) heavens
HFE66 Semayata (Semayat, Semaiata, A.Sänayata) 14/38 [+ WO Gu 20]
(Temeyata) (recorded in 1400s as Amba Senayt), 14/38 [Pa]
(mountain east of Adwa) 1411'/3900' 3013/3024 m,
see under Adwa
semayt, semait (A,T) martyr
HFK.. Sembele, near Eritrea 14/37 [20]
HDC91 Sembet (church) 09/36 [WO]
HDK89 Sembie, see Sumbe
HCR30 Sembo (Sombo, Sambo) 0733'/3637' 2081/2150 m, 07/36 [Gz WO Gu x]
(with sawmill), south-west of Jimma
HDM40 Sembo 0925'/3921' 2981 m, north of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
HDT75 Sembo 1037'/3856' 1968 m, east of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
HC... Semedo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/36 [Ad]
semema: semmeme (T) poison
HFD79 Semema (Semama) 1412'/3821' 1933 m, 14/38 [18 Ad Po WO]
north-east of Inda Silase
(sub-district & its centre in 1964,
also centre of Shire Gult wereda)
HFE60 Semema 1409'/3827' 1965 m, west of Aksum 14/38 [Gz]
HEE76? Semer & Semuzent kebele (Sämär-ena Sämuzänt ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in middle southern Wadla wereda; area 1,922 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Semera 11/38? [n]
JEB92c Semera (town near the Awash river) 11/40 [n Ca]
Located on the road to Assab, about 80 km past Mille and near Logiya.
On 26 July 1995 the founding conference of the Afar Regional State
decided that Semera would be its capital city.
HEM60 Semesani 12/39 [Gu]
HDU15 Semet Gult, see Simet Gult
GD... Semete (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
Semien .., see Simen ..
JBR01 Semlei 0436'/4146' 232 m, at Ganale Doria river 04/41 [Gz]
semma (sämma) (A) 1. listen, understand; 2. be witness;
zemma (zämma) (A) adulteress
HCL96 Semma (area) 07/38 [WO]
HED65 Semmie, see Shime
semo: semmo, semmoo (O) floor of a granary
HDC12 Semo (area), cf Samo 08/36 [WO]
HFE.. Semorat, see under Aksum 14/38 [20]
HDR99 Semoy 1049'/3726' 1980 m, 10/37 [Gz]
north-west of Dembecha
HFE94 Semro Kristos 1424'/3851' 1758 m 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Yohanis), north of Adwa,
near the border of Eritrea and a main road to there
semu, semmu (O) brain, top of the head
HDU34 Sen Amba ..; see Sin Amba ..
sen madobe: senn (sänn) (A) vessel, jar for keeping water;
madoob (Som) the black one, very dark /person/
JCR26 Sen Madobe (area), 07/42 [WO]
see under Hamero, cf San ..
sena (T) manufacture; senna (T) kind of small shrub,
Cassia angustifolia;
sena, seenaa (O) 1. history; 2. remose, regret
HES00 Sena, see under Gondar, cf Sana 12/37 [WO]
HEC72 Sena (Sambillo, Debra Sina) (mountain), 11/36 [WO Gz Ch]
1133'/3649' 2461 m, see under Yismala Giyorgis
HEC66 Sena Debre Maryam (Senadevra Mariam), 11/37 [+ It]
JDD93 Senabo (=Sena Abo?) (area) 09/42 [WO]
senafe: senafi (O) mustard; senef (sänäf) (A) lazy, stupid
HFF44 Senafe (pass) 13/39 [WO]
HFF44 Senafe sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ayfela) 13/39 [Ad]
HFM20 Senafe (inside Eritrea, at the main road) 14/39 [x]
-- Senan, cf Sinan
senan g..: gero (O) young soldiers; (Gojjam A) ear
HDS43 Senan Gero (area), see under Debre Markos 10/37 [WO]
H.... Senan wereda (centre in 1964 = Tach Chabi) 10/37 [Ad]
HCM.? Senana, village in Bale 06/40? [x]
-- Senat .., see Sinat ..
HFE66 Senayt, see Semayata
senba (A) lung
senbel (sänbäl) (A) fragrant odour; ear of grain
senbelet (sänbälet'), standard grass for thatching roofs,
cf gwassa, the most valued grass, found only in highlands
HEE67 Senbelet (Senbelet') 1127'/3904' 1751 m, 11/39 [Gz]
west of Mekdela
HDT37 Senbelet & Agamay kebele (Sänbälét' .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
5-8 km north of Meragna; area 940 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL93 Senbelet Gebriel (church) 0953'/3843', 09/38 [Gz]
north of Fiche
HDL29 Senbelet Maryam (church) 0916'/3918', near Sheno
HDM41 Senbelet & Wagegn kebele (Sänbälét' & Wagägn ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
at its northern border, 1-6 km north of Koremash;
area 1,042 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
senber (A) a bruise or stripe /from stroke with a whip/
HDU37 Senbere, see Senbete
senbet (sänbät) (A) Sabbath;
Senbet, Sanbat, a female angel of intercession
HDJ25 Senbet (Senbet') 0917'/3704' 2356 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south of Haretu
senbete (A) weekly gathering of a Christian congregation
of a specific church, with food and drink and discussions
H.... Senbete (Sinbete) (village with market) 10/39? [Ca x]
HDU37 Senbete (Senbere) 1005'/4002' 10/40 [Gz Ad x]
Gz: 1018'/3959' 1541 m; MS: 1005'/4002'
MS coordinates would give map code HDU17 or JDN12
which are adjacent to each other.
Senbeto, a male personal name
HDG38 Senbeto 0923'/3534' 1868 m, south-east of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDE63 Senbo (village) 08/38 [x]
HDH88 Senbo (Sombo) 09/36 [LM WO]
?? Senbo Chamote (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDT73 Senbo Chilalo kebele (Sänbo Ch'elalo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, 3-8 km
south-west of Mekane Selam; area 941 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT75 Senbo kebele (Sänbo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in Kelala wereda, very near to Kelala settle-
ment and stretching 8 km north-east/south-east on its
north-western side; area 2,107 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK35c Sendaba Iyesus (.. Yesus), 12/38c [+ x]
well-preserved old church in mountains east of lake Tana.
HCR57 Sendabo (Sandabo, Koti-Sandabo) 07/37 [Gz x]
0744'/3714' 1637 m
HDK06 Sendabo 0904'/3804' 2384 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
sendafa (sändaffa) (A) kind of thick, jointed grass or reed
which grows in swampy areas
HDL16 Sendafa (Sendefa, Sandafa, Sandafe) 09/39 [AA Po WO Gu]
0909'/3902' 2514 m, on the main road near a bridge
(with sub-post office under Addis Abeba).
Centre in 1964 of Bereh /Berek?/ wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9E Aliltu (Alaltu) (village) 2585 m
6S Mulo (village)
8S Akaki (Aqaqi) (village)
8SW Lege Beri (village on main road)
10SW Agabdi (village)
7W Kurfo (village)
10W Welege (village) 2492 m
7NW Berek (mountain, further on a church)
8N Rufi, M. (mountain) 3228 m
8N Bucho (village)
There were two (small?) Italian forts named Ridotta Battaglione Alpini Uòrc Ambá
and Ridotta S. Tenente F. Agnisetta.
HDM70 Sendafa (area) 09/39 [WO]

HEE86? Sendej kebele (Sändäj ..) 11/38 [Ad]

in central southern Meket wereda, south-east of Filakit;
area 1,701 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS80 Senebo Giyorgis (church) 1044'/3733', 10/37 [Gz]
north of Dembecha
?? Sengamma ../.. [x]
Locality in Bako province east of the Omo river.
senge: senga, singa (A) castrated ox fattened for slaughter;
senge (Som) castrated livestock; dowa (O) cracked, with a rift
HDK88 Senge Dowa 0950'/3817' 2492 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki, cf Singe
HDJ33 Sengi Maryam (church) 0923'/3657', 09/36 [Gz]
west of Haretu
HCS10 Sengiya (mountain) 0720'/3735' 2760 m, 07/37 [Gz]
near Omo river at about latitude of Jimma
HER27c Sengiya (Sengia) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HCT96 Sengo 0806'/3859' 1727 m, north-east of lake Ziway 08/38 [Gz]
sengo ch..: chulule (ch'ulule) (A), chulullee (O) hawk, kite
JDC52 Sengo Chulul (S. Ch'ulul) 0841'/4151' 1214 m 08/41 [Gz]
HEF30 Sengo Medhane Alem (church) 1108'/3922', 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie
HEF30 Sengoloch 1108'/3922' 2843 m, west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HD... Sengota sub-district 09/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shenbeko Ber)
JDR15 Sengududen (area) 970 m 10/42 [WO]
HEU43 Seniale (Seni'ale) 1305'/3943' 2445 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), near Debub
HES66c Senkaber, see Sankaber
senkata: senkati (T) baker
HEJ05 Senkata (Sancata, Sankata, Senqata) 11/37 [Po WO +]
HFF42 Senkata, see Sinkata & HFF52
?? Senkatta (sub-post office under Mekele) ../.. [Po]
HEE48 Senkeha kebele (Sänkäha ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the border of eastern Mekdela wereda, east of Masha;
area 1,457 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE69 Senkel (Senk'el, Senqel) 0844'/3917' 2050 m, 08/39 [Gz q]
north of Nazret
HC... Senkele (wildlife sanctuary) 06/38 [Ca]
HDD93c Senkele (Senkelie) (mineral springs), 08/37 [Ca Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ambo Mecha wereda), see under Ambo
JEA03 Senkele (Senk'ele, Senqele) 1054'/4002' 1183 m, 10/40 [Gz q]
south of Bati
?? Senkele (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HCL.. Senkele Wildlife Sanctuary (near Shashamene) 07/38 [20]
Savanna habitat. Established to protect Swayne's hartebeest.
13 species of larger mammals and 91 species of birds have been recorded.
When first established in the 1960s, the park covered 54 sq km.
HDL87 Senketa & Wikir kebele (Sänkäta & Weqer ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at the middle
of its northern border, 22-27 km south of Alem Ketema;
area 1,647 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ55 Senkole (Senk'ole, Senqole) 0932'/3705' 2649 m, 09/37 [Gz q]
near Shambu
JDS21 Senniggif (area) 10/42 [WO]
JDR56 Sennisso (area) 10/42 [WO]
HET86 Senowalwa (Sinua Ual) 1325'/3900' 1511 m, 13/39 [Gz WO]
south of Abiy Adi
sensel (sänsäl) (A) kinds of tree, Adhatoda schimperiana,
Justicia schimperiana, Lachnophyllis congesta,
Nuxia congesta, Rungia grandis; sensela (T) reed;
senselet (A,T), sansalata (O) /prisoner's or mountain/ chain
HEC89 Sensellima, see Chimbil, under Bahir Dar
HEJ44 Sensey 1210'/3702' 1793 m, 12/37 [Gz]
west of the northern part of lake Tana
senta (sänt'a) (A) plain; peaceful open country
HDK49 Senta (Sent'a) 0929'/3821' 2512 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
sentama: shantama (O) fifty
HCP59 Sentama (Santamma) (with forest) 07/36 [MS WO]
HCR50 Sentama (Santamma, Senyo Gebeya), 07/36 [Gz]
0743'/3637' 2485 m, north-west of Jimma
HCR50 Sentama (Santamma) 0743'/3638' 2502 m, 07/36 [Gz]
(mountain), north-west of Jimma
HCK29 Senteriya 0633'/3823' 1961 m, south-west of Wendo 06/38 [Gz]
senti (sänt'i) (A) pocket knife
HDA93 Senti (Sent'i, Nola) 0902'/3507' 1937/2049 m 09/35 [Gz WO]
HFE58 Sentserech 1406'/3911' 2326 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), east of Adwa
HDU93 Senyo 1048'/3938' 2542 m, north-east of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
senyo gebeya (A) Monday market
GD... Senyo Gebeya (in Asosa awraja) 10/34? [+ Ad]
HCR50 Senyo Gebeya, see Sentama
HDA14 Senyo Gebeya (Segno Ghebea, Sanghio, Sangio) 08/35 [Gz WO]
0818'/3512' 1545 m
HDE49 Senyo Gebeya 0835'/3914' 1892 m, near Nazret 08/39 [Gz]
HDG46 Senyo Gebeya 0928'/3519' 1695 m, west of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDL21 Senyo Gebeya 0918'/3834' 2683 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Sululta
HDU60c Senyo Gebeya (sub-post office under Dessie) 10/39 [LM Po]
HE... Senyo Gebeya (Segno Gebeya) 11/38? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Lai Negela sub-district)
HEK50 Senyo Gebeya (Sanyo Gabiya, San Gavea), 12/37 [+ Ch WO]
at the northern shore of lake Tana.
HEF03 Senyo Gebeya kebele (Sägno Gäbäya ..), 10/39 [Ad]
in the north of western Kalu wereda (Qalu ..);
area 3,787 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF10 Senyo Gebeya kebele (Sägno Gäbäya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in mid-eastern Legambo wereda; area 2,391 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL31 Seqa, see Seka & HDL40 HDL51
HDM42 Seqa, see Sika
?? Seqa Shenbera, see Sika Shimbira
HDL52 Seqa Was, see Seka Was
HDK52 Seqe ... see Seke ... & HDL40 HDL83
HDK97 Seqelo, see Sekelo
HDK65 Seqerbu, see Sekerbu
sequala: saquala (O) tent, structure put up for a gada ceremony
HDE44 Sequala, see Zikwala & HE...
sera, seera, serra (O) law /in a more formal sense than 'custom'
and "though not the whole law, the core and symbol of it"/;
sera (A) intrigue, conspiracy; sera, serra (A) to make;
zerra (zärra) (T) sow
GDM32 Sera, see under Begi, cf Sara, Sira 09/34 [WO]
HDT89 Sera 1044'/3919' 2647 m, north-west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDT99 Sera 1048'/3917' 2913 m, north-west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU21 Sera Debir kebele (Séra Däber ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda at
its northern border, 13-19 km north-west of Molale;
area 1,635 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sera g..: gole, golee (O) corner of a room;
golee (O) clever, smart
JCR88 Sera Gole (area) 08/42 [WO]
HEJ68 Seraba (Säraba), town in Chilga wereda 12/37 [Ad 20]
H.... Seraba 13/40 [18]
HDM40 Serabi Merk'orios (church) 0928'/3923', 09/39 [Gz]
north-east of Sheno
serafit: serawit (A) army, the military
HDT18 Serafit 10/39 [WO]
HFF92 Serahiti 1424'/3933' 2647 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Silase), north-east of Adigrat
HCG88 Seraiti, see Sariti
serakhi (T) thief
HEH59c Serako 12/36 [LM]
HEJ50 Serako (Serak'o, Säraqo, Saraco, Surako) 12/36 [Gz WO Wa]
Gz: 1213'/3636' = HEJ50, 1109 m; MS: 1213'/3635' 1420 m
HEJ55 Serako (Serak'o, Seraqo) 1217'/3704' 1840 m, 12/37 [Gz q]
north-west of lake Tana
HEJ85 Serako Medhane Alem (Serak'o .. ..) (church), 12/37 [Gz]
1234'/3705', near Chilga
HEJ50 Serako sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adedo Maryam) 12/36 [Ad]
HCD67 Seralatto, see Cherelato
HDU55 Seray Dega, see Siray Dega
HDU65 Seray Gedel, see Siray Gedel
?? Serb Abay wereda, see Sirba Abay wereda
JDJ60 Serba (area) 1184 m, cf Sereba, Sirba 09/41 [WO]
JEC93 Serba (Sarba) (mountain) 1149'/4152' 250 m 11/41 [Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JEJ03
JEN68 Serba (Sereba) 1313'/4034' 42, 240 m 13/40 [Gz WO Ne Wa]
Coordinates would give map code JEN69
HDA95 Serba Mikael (church) 0901'/3518', 09/35 [Gz]
north-west of Yubdo
HDK64 Serbadi 0938'/3757' 2521 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
?? Serbakussa, see Sarbakusa
GDM32 Serbo 0922'/3435' 1613 m, north-east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
HCR54 Serbo, Gz: 0743'/3659' 1796 m 07/37 [Gz Po]
MS: 0730'/3700' = HCR24, north-east of Jimma
Centre in 1964 of Kersa wereda,
with sub-post office under Jimma
HDA95 Serbo (Sarbo) 0901'/3515' 1749 m, west of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
HDE96 Serboye 0901'/3859' 2456 m, east of Addis Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Serbraxos, see Sarbakusa
HEK70 Serbugsa 12/37 [WO Gu]
HED70 Serchamiye (Serciamie) 11/37 [+ WO]
HES84 Serchebin (mountain) 1328'/3756' 1606 m, 13/37 [Gz]
south of Adi Arkay
HEF24 Serdemo kebele (Särdämo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda, north-east of Kombolcha;
area 1,679 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDA74 Serdiya 0846'/4014' 1681 m, south of Awash station 08/40 [Gz]
serdo (särdo) (A) Agrostis semi-verticillata, a tough weed
like couch grass which propagates by means of runners
HDK12 Serdo 0910'/3745' 1830 m, north-west of Ambo, 09/37 [AA Ad Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Danno sub-district)
HFF46 Serdo (with rock-hewn church) 13/39 [x]
JEH25 Serdo (Sardo) (plain) 11/41 [+ WO Gu Ne]
JEH26 Serdo (Sardo) MS: 1145'/4120' = JEH07 375/383 m 11/41 [Gz WO Gu Ne]
Gz: 1158'/4118' = JEH26, 446 m
(former site abandoned before 1928 at JEH17?)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Bohoyta (Bohoita) (area)
5SE Serdo (former Italian landing ground)
10SW Gerali (Gherali) (area)
9W Assaisi (area)
On the Assab road, about midway between Dessie and Assab.
Originally a centre for caravans in a plain of the same name.
According to newspapers the earthquake of 29 March 1969 caused 24 dead, 163 wounded and about
300 without housing.
HDF11 Sere, see Sire
JD... Sere (in Arba Gugu awraja) 08/40? [Ad]
sereba: zereba (zäräba) (T) speech, conversation
HEP29c Sereba (Seraba) 12/36 [LM Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Chilga sub-district)
HER13 Sereba, see Cherbra
HFL06 Sereba (area) 14/39 [Gu]
JEN58 Sereba (plain) 13/40 [WO]
JEN68 Sereba, see Serba
serebe (säräbä) (A) be bloody, like meat from slaughter
HDU44 Seredej, see Siredej
HED11 Seregela 1101'/3737' 2184 m, south-west of Mota 11/37 [Gz]
HDS60 Seregela Maryam (church) 1034'/3732', 10/37 [Gz]
near Dembecha
HEL62 Serego 1223'/3838' 2026 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL62 Serego 1223'/3839' 2479 m 12/38 [Gz]
?? Serekula, in Wello ../.. [x]
There was a music school for priests, with music faculty of Kedasse.
JEC21 Serena (island) 11/41 [WO]
serenay (T) wheat, Triticum durum
-- serer: Sarar, name of a people of Somali origin but much
mixed with other peoples, living on the left bank of the
Webi Gestro; serere (T) 1. ride, mount; 2. sit, straddle;
3. survive
serer w..: weyn (Som) big, large, great;
weyn (A) 1. kind of climber, vine; 2. grape, wine plant
KDB06 Serer Wein 08/46 [MS]
?? Serer wereda? (-1997-) ../.. [n]
JDJ47 Sererta, see Dera
sereti, sareti (A) Asparagus asiaticus, A. pauli-guilelmi,
cf seriti below
HDM41 Sereti, cf Seriti 09/39 [Gu]
HER89 Sereva 1327'/3725' 2516 m, 13/37 [WO Gz]
see under Mesfinto, cf Sereba
serewe (Geez) take root
HED57 Sergawit 1120'/3813' 2423 m, west of Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
sergena: sergan (särgwan) (A) tent city
HDT17 Sergena (Serghena) 10/39 [+ WO]
HEU63 Serghiem (Serghien) 1313'/3939' 2026 m 13/39 [WO Gz Gu]
HDT17 Sergina (Serghena) 10/39 [+ WO]
HDT17 Sergina kebele (Särgena ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in eastern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
8-11 km east of Alem Ketema; area 1,178 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF11 Seri, see Sire
-- Seringa .., see Siringa ..
serir g..: gerad (gärad) (A) kind of historical local ruler
JDK62 Serir Gerad 0939'/4243' 1891 m, north of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
JDK72 Serir Gerad 0941'/4246' 1903 m, north of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
HF... Seriro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sekabo) 14/39 [Ad]
?? Serirta (mountain) peak altitude 3060 m, ../.. [20]
same as Serita below?
serit (A) a concept fusing many aspects of the system
of taxation
JDJ47 Serita (mountain) 0930'/4219' 2755 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north-east of Harar
seriti (A,O) wild asparagus, scrambler or climer with
curved hooks and red berries, Asparagus africanus;
soritti, soritt (A) a reddish bird with brilliant plumage
GDF07 Seriti 0812'/3459' 816 m, east of Gambela 08/34 [WO Gz]
HDE38 Seriti (Sariti) 0828'/3909' 08/39 [LM WO]
HDE71 Seriti 0848'/3832' 2124 m, south-west of Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
HDE92c Seriti (village), 08/38 [x]
about 2 km south of Gefersa lake
HDK17 Seriti 0912'/3810' 2644 m, 09/38 [AA Ad Gz]
(with church Amanuel), north-west of Addis Alem
(centre in 1964 of Abebe Kolu sub-district)
HDL84 Seriti 0947'/3848' 1898 m, east of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDM51 Seriti 0930'/3925' 2840 m, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), south-west of Debre Birhan
HDM51 Seriti kebele (Säriti ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
15-21 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 3,920 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU73 Serja 1035'/3938' 3234 m, east of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
?? Serjan (historically recorded district) ../.. [Pa]
?? Serka (historical, in Wäj, near Ziway?) ../.. [Pa]
HDT03 Serka (Serk'a, Serqa), see Maryam Serka
HER84 Serkebin (Serchebin) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
JDC94 Serkema 0902'/4200' 1490 m, south-west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
?? Serki ../.. [Pa]
An area under Sennar (Fung) rule where several Ethiopian emperors fought in the 1600s. Serki is not
to be regarded as having belonged to Ethiopia at any time?
HEL15? Serko kebele (Särko ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in mid-northern Meket wereda; area 3,455 hectares.

sero: seero (Som) mark out for oneself

HCU41 Sero (Gara Sero, Zero) (mountain) 07/39 [Gz]
0736'/3922' 3371 m
JDJ26 Seroba 0914'/4211' 1445 m, south-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
serofeta: serrufit (T) kind of shrub, Verbena officinalis
HCL67 Serofeta (Serofta) , cf Sherofta 06/39 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kokosa wereda)
seron m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HEL14 Seron Meda 1151'/3847' 2275 m, 11/38 [Gz]
east of Debre Zebit
HEL 15? Seron Meda kebele (Säron Méda ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda; area 4,956 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEJ56 Serrayteli (Serraiteli) (area) 12/42 [+ WO]
sert: sirt (A) steep, narrow path usually in the mountains
H.... Sert (centre in 1964 of Ali Bet sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
HDU26 Sert kebele (Särt' ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the north in Kewet wereda, 9-13 km
north of Shewa Robit; area 1,068 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
serte (A) kind of branched palm, Dracaena afromontana,
Dracaena steudneri
HDL65 Serte (Sert'e) 0939'/3853' 2625 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos, cf Sarte, Sirti
JEA12 Serte (Sert'e) 1059'/4000' 1716 m, south of Bati 10/40 [Gz]
HDT08 Serte Sos (Sert'e ..) 1000'/3913' 2647 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT54 Serto Masaya kebele (Särto .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-east Wegdi (Wegedi) wereda, 1-5 km
north-west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,596 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT09 Sertse Kristos kebele (Särtsä Krestos ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in north-eastern Moret & Jiru wereda,
2-7 km south-west of Jihur and 9-15 km north-
east of Inewari; area 1,619 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
seru, seeru (O) penis
JBN69c Seru (centre in 1964 of Filtu sub-district) 05/40 [Ad]
JCN55 Seru 0740'/4012' 2302 m, easternmost Ticho awraja 07/40 [WO Gu Gz]
(centre -1964-1980s- of Seru wereda & Seru sub-district)
Coordinates would give map code JCN44
HE... Seru Kemes sub-district (Serou Kemes ..) 12/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Telagien)
JCN55 Seru wereda (centre in 1964 = Seru) (-1964-1997-) 07/40 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEL35 Serzena kebele (Särzena ..) 12/38 [Ad]
in middle Bugna wereda, 12 km north-west of Lalibela;
area 7,334 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ses (säs) (A) klipspringer; sass (A), sess-ha (T) small
mountain antelope, Ethiopian klipspringer, Oreotragus oreo-
tragus salta-trioxides; sis (A) thin, fine
HEA37 Ses (Seiz) 1112'/3524' 693 m 11/35 [WO Gz]
HDT17 Ses Amba kebele (Säs .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at
its northern border, 5-10 km north-east of Alem Ketema;
area 1,047 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sesa (T) falcon; (A) (säsa) 1. tall forest tree with reddish
leaves, Albizia gummifera; 2. klipspringer, Oreotragus oreotragus
JCT72 Sesabene, see Sasabeneh
HFF08 Sesamat 1332'/3914', 13/39 [20]
about 26 km north-west of Mekele
sesamba = sesa amba, falcon or klipspringer mountain?
HDT16 Sesamba (Sazamba) 10/39 [LM WO]
HEU32 Sesat 1256'/3934' 2697 m, north of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
JCT72 Sesebani (Sesebeni), see Sasabeneh
HE... Sesela (centre in 1964 of Gerab Kola sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
sesi m..: mana (O) house, home;
mena (mäna) (A) useless, in vain
JCG64 Sesi Mena 0657'/4011' 2860 m 06/40 [Gz]
?? Sesogi (Säsogi) (historically recorded area) ../.. [+ Pa]
HCD77 Sessaganno (area) 2280 m 06/38 [WO]
HD... Sessie, in Gojjam near the Abay river 10/36? [Mi]
set amba (A) woman's mountain
HDU63 Set Amba kebele (Sét .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Gishe Rabel wereda at
its western border, 8-15 km south-east of
Were Ilu; area 3,542 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF70 Seta (Set'a) 1413'/3926' 2568 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael to the north-west), near Adigrat
HFE26c Setaliwa 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Tsetsera sub-district)
setana (O) evil spirit, Satan; setana, setano (O) Olea wel-
witschii, a tall tree giving good material for woodcraft
HDL73 Setane, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA]
HFC42 Setbla (area) 14/36 [WO]
H.... Setcho, cf Sacho 08/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Hana Dikai sub-district)
sete (A) my woman? sete meret (A) light soil
HDK29 Sete (Set'e) 0918'/3821' 2492 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north of Addis Alem
HDB04 Setema (Set'ema) 0810'/3606' 2271 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCP87c Setema sub-district? (-1997-) 08/36
HCP87c Setema wereda (centre in 1964 = Gatira) 08/36 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 31 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
?? Seteman (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
H.... Setemashenie 08/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Shenie Setema sub-district)
HDR77 Setetin 1037'/3716' 1669 m, 10/37 [Gz]
between Bure and Dembecha
HEF07 Setewa 1053'/3958' 1425 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kombolcha
HEF46 Setewa 1116'/3958' 1457 m, north-east of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HDT46 Setey, see Sitey

setit: setit ale (sät'it' alä) (A) make a grating or

squeaking sound; humer (A,T) tamarind lowland tree
HFC61 Setit Humera wereda (centre in 1964 = Humera) 14/36 [Ad]
Concerning the town, see principally under Humera.
About 150,000 hectares were under cultivation in 1970, with no irrigation.
HFC61 Setit sub-district (centre in 1964 = Humera) 14/36 [Ad n]
seto, seet'o (O) remnant of grain in a granary
HDC08 Seto (Set'o, Daleccia) 0810'/3721' 1573 m, 08/37 [Gz WO]
west of Abelti
setoch washa (A) women's cave
HDU74 Setoch Washa kebele (Sétoch .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gishe Rabel wereda, adjoining Rabel
settlement to its north, 15-21 km east of Were Ilu;
area 1,375 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Setta (in Jimma awraja) 07/36? [Ad]
with Full Gospel Mission
HFF51 Setta, see Maryam Setta
setti, seti (T) rush, sedge
JDR79 Setti (area) 10/42 [WO]
HEC79 Seumra (village) 11/37 [It]
sew (säw) (A) man
sewa (A?) captive; sewwa (A) kill as offering,
present an offering
HDJ44 Sewa 0927'/3658' 1839 m, south-west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDL22 Sewa 0917'/3840' 2643 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HE... Sewa Meda sub-district (S. Mieda), in Yeju awraja 11/39? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Amayo)
HDT27 Sewaro 1008'/3934' 2823 m, east of Addis Derra 10/39 [Gz]
sewde: zewde (zäwde) (A) my crown /used as a male name/
HCU65 Sewde 0749'/3951' 2567 m, east of Ticho 07/39 [Gz]
?? Seweyna wereda, cf Sawena ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HET35 Sewir 1251'/3858' 1972 m, south-west of Fenarwa 12/38 [Gz]
HFF84 Sewne 1417'/3945' 2866 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), east of Adigrat
JDD56 Sewuyile (Uoraleh) 0841'/4307' 1412 m 08/43 [Gz]
seya (T) palm tree, Phoenix reclinata
HDU52 Seya 1027'/3933' 1995 m, south of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
Seya debir = Seya mountain/monastery
HD... Seyadebir sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gotet) 09/39 [Ad]
HFF91 Seydi 1425'/3932' 2395 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north of Adigrat, near the border of Eritrea
seyemt ..: adi abo (T) village of the father
HF... Seyemt Adyabo wereda (centre in 1964 = Gubetta) 14/38 [Ad]
seyf (A) sword; seyfe (A) my sword?
HEH82c Seyfe Arid 12/35 [MS]
seyfu (A) the sword /used as a male name/; police officer
HCP82 Seyi (Sai) (forest) 0759'/3553' and 0810'/3552', 07/35 [Gz WO]
south-east of Gore, the latter coord. give map code HDB01
HDC77 Seyo (Cello) 0847'/3715' 1732 m 08/37 [Gz Ad]
HDJ13 Seyo (Saio) (forest) 0913'/3656' 09/36 [Gz WO]
HDJ23 Seyo 0914'/3656' 1838 m, 09/36 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south-west of Haretu
HDL23 Seyo 0917'/3845' 2559 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL24 Seyo 0917'/3849' 2780 m, north-east of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL32 Seyo 0923'/3840' 2432 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL52 Seyo 0933'/3839' 1933 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL56 Seyo 0934'/3859' 2628 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
seyo di..: diiree (O) ridge, plateau, flat part of a hill;
dire (Som) transmitter;
-- Dir, name of a major Somali clan
HDL23 Seyo Dire 0918'/3841' 2577 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEF24 Seyo Janteraro kebele (Säyo Jant'eraro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
immediately north of Kombolcha but within Dese Zuriya wereda;
area 1,957 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT74 Seyo Milo kebele (Säyo .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda, stretching south-west/north-east
and briefly adjoining Mekane Selam on its north-west;
area 767 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Seyo Senbo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDC77 Seyo sub-district (centre in 1964 = HDC77 Seyo) 08/37 [Ad n]
HE... Seyo Tebela sub-district (S. Tebiela ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kore Gotu)
GDF44 Seyo wereda (Seyyo ..) (centre in 1964 = Tabor), 08/34 [Ad]
cf Sayo
HEF32 Seyu Tibila kebele (Säyu T'ibila .., cf Seyo Tebela) 11/39 [Ad]
immediately north and west of Dessie town, within
Dese Zuriya wereda; area 2,974 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF33 Seywo (Seiuo), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
-- Seze language (Sezo) 09/34 [20]
spoken by about 3,000 people in the mid-1990s, near Begi and
north of the Hozo. It is related to Bambassi.
HCM65 Sgona (mountain) 0654'/3951' 4046 m, 06/39 [WO Gz]
south-west of Goba
Sha.., see also She.. and
check also references from Scia..
GDM.. Shaantagoba kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HES53 Shaasel (Sciaasel), see Chikara
HF... Shaat (Sciaat) (area) 14/39 [+ Gu]
HC... Shab (Sciab), north-west of Anderacha 07/36 [18]
HDS39c Shabal (area), cf Shabel 10/38 [Ch]
HDD08 Shabarer (M.Sciabarer) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDL81 Shabaya 0949'/3834' 3054 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HCK09c Shabe (with rock sculptures), 06/38 [20]
see under Dilla, cf Chabe
HCP39 Shabe, see Shebe
shabeel (Som) leopard, Felis pardus antinorii, F. p. adusta
HBK24 Shabel (area), cf Shebele 03/37 [WO]
HDL83 Shabel (Sciabel), see under Fiche 09/38 [+ WO]
HEU51 Shabermo (recorded in 1841) 13/39 [Ha]
JDE24 Shabilli (Sciabilli) (area), cf Shebeli 08/43 [+ WO]
-- Shabo language, see Shako
HC... Shabo, 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in northern Maale
JCC62 Shackisa (Sciacchisa) 06/41 [+ WO]
?? Shadda (historical) ../.. [x]
The oldest town in Kefa was Shadda south of the Bittino river.
Kings were crowned there and buried east of the town.
?? Shaf (flat area) near 3700' in Gojjam ../37? [Ch]
"The two rivers /of Fatam and Katlan/ are divided down below
by a fertile platform called Shaf."
[Cheesman 1936]
HDS18 Shafartak (Safartach, Sciafartek, Shifartak) 10/38 [Ch WO 18]
(Bianchi's spelling: Sciafartek) (ford, with fort), 10/38 [It]
see also under HDS18 Jarso, cf Abay bridge.
HDT66 Shafe kebele (Shafé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
Somewhat to the south in eastern central Kelala
wereda, 8-11 km south-east of Kelala settlement;
area 1,139 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Shafena (Shafina) ../.. [20]
The Catholic 'Holy Saviour' parish in Shafina, under the Vicariate of Awasa,
was founded in 1970.
HDT67 Shafi 1032'/3903' 2493 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bakat sub-district)
shafo (A) sharp obsidian flint
HES74 Shagne (Scehagni) 1319'/3757' 1532 m 13/37 [Gz]
HFE84 Shahagne (Shahagni), see Shehagne
HEH42c Shahawedih sub-district 12/35 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Tewodros Ketema)
JDN92 Shahilo 1046'/4000' 1557 m, south of Bati 10/40 [Gz]
-- Shaho language, see Saho
HE... Shahowedia sub-district 12/35? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Abtigaho)
HE... Shahura (centre in 1964 of Alefa sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
Shaikh .., see Shek ..
HCP25 Shaja, see Saji
HCP08 Shaka 0717'/3628' 2138 m, east of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
HCR23 Shaki, see Sheki
JCC32 Shaki (Sciachissa) 0543'/4150' 444 m 05/41 [Gz WO]
JCC62 Shaki (Sciacchisa) 0602'/4153' 954 m 06/41 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code JCC63
shakiso: shakkisa (O) cackling noise;
shakkisu, shaakkisuu (O) to cackle /like a partridge/
HCE35 Shakiso (Shakkiso) 0545'/3855' 1758 m 05/38 [Gz Br Po x]
MS: 0535'/3850' = HCE14, south-west of Kibre Mengist
(Odo Shakiso 0535'/3900' = HCE16) (with sub-post office)
HCE48 Shakiso (Sciacchiso, Sciakisso) 0554'/3910' 05/39 [Gz WO]
east of Kibre Mengist, see also Lega Dembi
Coordinates would give map code HCE58
A hydro-electric power station near Shakiso in the river Mormora, 20 km south of Kibre Mengist,
was inaugurated by the Emperor in March 1965.
HCE56c Shakiso
Town created in the early 2000s as a result of the Kibre Mengist
gold mine. Yellow-painted motor vehicles belonged to the Midroc
mining company.
HCN.. Shakiso Zone (Sheykiso ..)
shakla: shaqla (A) incrustation from beer inside jars which erodes them;
shekla (shäkla) (A) brick; manso (Som) monitor lizard
HEK10c Shakla Manzo (Shaqla M., Chikla M. Ciola Manso) 11/37 [20 Ch Gu n]
(Tchekla Manzo), historical island in lake Tana, cf Mansur.
Cheesman in 1933 found Chikla Manzo to be a deserted forest-clad island, less than 200 m in
diameter and 6 m high, 800 m from the mainland, with ruins of a church.

-- Shako, Shakko, Sheko (Chako), a sub-division of

the ethnic main group of Gimira-Maji, see /also/ Sheko
HCG77 Shako (Sciaco) (Ger: Tschako, Fre: Chako) 07/35 [Gz Ad WO]
0703'/3525' 1153 m
(centre in 1964 of Shako wereda), cf Mehal Shako
Mentioned in 1910 as one of five sub-regions of Gimira
Ketema being the centre of what (-1950s-) was Shako wereda,
with Shako sub-district for the northern part.
There is registered the Shako National Forest Priority Area.
shakwa (T) meadow, lawn
HEL84 Shakwa (Sciacua) 1231'/3852' 2320 m 12/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
HEM23 Shal (recorded in 1841) 11/39 [Ha]
shala (Som) yesterday
HBR82 Shala (hills), see under Hamer Koke 05/36 [WO]
HBR91 Shala (hills), also HBR82 05/36 [WO]
HC... Shala 07/36 [18]
HCT21 Shala (Schahalla, Fre: Chiala) (lake) 0729'/3832' 07/38 [MS 18]
Two small islands are situated near the shore in the north-west corner of the lake.
Abijata and Shalla National Park includes two large lakes and a total of 887 sq km.
Shala is a crater lake surrounded by a vast acacia forest. The lake sides drop abruptly
Lake Chitu is a very small crater lake, about 2.4 km across, which lies to the south-west of Shala and
has thousands of flamingos.
The main entrance to the park is at Dole near the main road.
shala gelila: Gelila (A) Galilee of the Bible
HCB89 Shala Gelila (Scialla Gallila) (area), cf Galila 06/36 [+ WO]
shalo ,,: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDM95 Shalomeda (Scialomeda) (plain) 09/39 [+ Gu]
shama (A,O) candle; shamaa (O) garbage, filth;
mouldy, spoilt, rancid
-- Shama, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
GDF54 Shama (Sciama) 1814 m, see under Dembidolo, 08/34 [+ WO]
cf Chamo
HCD90c Shama (Sciama) 06/37 [+ Gu]
HCH65 Shama 0658'/3611' 2097 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCJ53 Shama 0652'/3657' 1541 m 06/36 [Gz]
HER50 Shambara (Sciambara), cf Shimbira 13/36 [+ WO]
(Another case: Jules Borelli published in 1890 that lake Turkana was called lake Schambara by the
local people.)
?? Shambike (Sciambiche), ../.. [+ Gu]
one of the more important ponds a little north of lake Abaya.
HEC73 Shambila Mikael (Sciambila Micael), 11/36 [+ WO It]
(with church, also mountain range), see under Yismala Giyorgis
HDJ55 Shambu (Sciambo, Shambo, Shembo) 09/37 [Gz Po Gu WO]
Gz 0934'/3706' 2503 m
MS: 0925'/3710' = HDJ46, 2375/2750 m
With sub-post office, school, clinic, church Medhane Alem, and fort.
Centre in 1980 of Horo Gudru awraja, of
Horo Amuru wereda & of Gubaya sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
6NW Lokusafor (Locusafor)
7NW Chabir (Ciabir) (stream of the same name at 4NW)
shambu g..: grawa, grawwa (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Vernonia amygdalina, with dirty-white flowers
?? Shambu Grawa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
shambu k..: qura (A,O) crow, raven;
kura (O) kind of shrub or small tree, Boswellia sp.;
quura (A,O) bowl-like deep plate for food;
kura (T) anger, fury; (Som) kinds of thorn tree
?? Shambu Kura (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Shambu Sheke (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEM46 Shambuk (Sciambuc) 1218'/3949' 1383 m 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
shambuko (T), shembekko (shämbäqqo) (A), shombokko (O)
kind of reed, Phragmites communis, Ph. mauritianus
?? Shamburo (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
shame (A) 1. (shamé) small pearl of glass, usually worn
by Muslims; 2. gruel /for cattle/; (O) rotten
HED72 Shame Maryam (Aiscet Mariam, Ayset Maryam), 11/37 [Gz WO LM]
1133'/3737' 1955 m, south-east of Bahir Dar
shamet (T) asparagus; shamit, local beer of Gurage type
HDR62 Shamet (Sciamet) 1035'/3653' 1954 m, 10/36 [Ch Gz WO]
south-west of Bure
Coordinates would give map code HDR63
?? Shamina (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
GCT48 Shamlum (Sciamlum, Ciamlum) 0736'/3412' 366 m 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code GCT38
shamma: shama (A) candle, candlelight;
shemma (shämma) (A) piece of cotton cloth draped over the
shoulders; toga-like national dress
HEG79 Shamma, J. (hill) 12/35 [WO]
shamo, shamu (T) Ceropegia affinis
GCU73 Shamo (Sciamo) 567 m 07/34 [+ WO]
HCD50 Shamo (lake), see Chamo
HDD16 Shamo (Sciamo) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDK23 Shamo 0915'/3748' 1896 m, north of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
JB... Shan (mountain) 04/41 [18]
shan, shani (O) five; shane (O) committee of five
members in charge of collective cattle tending
HBL01 Shaney (Scianei) (mountain) 03/38 [+ WO]
HBL10 Shaney (Scianei, Shanej) (area), 03/38 [+ WO Gz]
0343'/3829' 1140 m, not far from the border of Kenya
HC... Shanga 06/36 [18]
-- Shangama, ethnic group at about HCB27 05/36,
belonging to the Ari-Banna.
HBP13 Shangoro (at Omo river), cf Shenkora 04/36? [Wa]
HCC50 Shanguma (area) 05/36 [WO]
HCE.. Shanka, 05/3. [Mi]
creek in the Shakiso basin with a gold placer about 2.3 km long.
HCS93 Shanka (Shank'a, Shanqa) 0804'/3749' 2069 m, 08/37 [Gz q]
south of Welkite
GDM41 Shankallar (Sciancallar) 1614 m 09/34 [+ WO]
HEA.. Shankilla people, see Gumuz
HDM35 Shanko (Shank'o, Shanqo) 0924'/3949' 1561 m 09/39 [Gz q]
shankora: shonkooraa (O) sugar cane; shankwura (Gondar A)
kind of vessel
HC... Shankora, see Shenkora & HDT12
HCS42 Shankota (Sciancota) (mountain) 07/37 [+ WO]
HCT08 Shankule 0717'/3912' 2848 m, north of Dodola 07/39 [Gz]
HDD47 Shankur (Sciancur) (place) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDD47 Shankur (Sciancur) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDB12 Shano (T.Sciano) (hill) 08/35 [+ WO]
HDK14 Shano (area) 09/37 [WO]
HDM30 Shano, see Sheno
HDC09 Shanshama (Scanshama) 08/37 [x]
HEC95 Shante 1145'/3705' 1827 m, south-west of lake Tana 11/37 [Gz]
JCC35 Shantele (Sciantele, B.=Bur?) (area), 05/42 [+ WO]
see under El Kere
HCH95 Shappe Gabriel (Sciappe G.), see under Bonga 07/36 [+ Gu]
HCH95 Shappe Maryam (Sciappe Mariam) 07/36 [+ Gu]
(Shapa Mariyam) (in Kefa awraja), see under Bonga 07/36 [+ Ad]
shar (Arabic, Som) evil
HCF37 Shar (Sciar) (area), 05/39 [+ WO]
a tributary of the Balas which is a right affluent of the Abay at about 1050'.
shara (O) 1. snare for catching fowl; 2. canvas /for tents/;
3. waste substance after making butter;
-- Shara, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HC... Shara (mountains) 06/35 [18]
HCD70 Shara (Sciarra) 0608'/3732' 1802 m, 06/37 [Gz 18]
west of the southern part of lake Abaya
?? Shara (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HEH53 Shara 12/35 [WO]
?? Sharada, with its market once being important ../.. [x]
GDM.. Sharalikiti kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
GDM.. Sharamaramo kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
-- Sharaqe, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa in modern time
HFD94 Shararo, see Sheraro
HC... Sharida (Sciarida) 2420 m 07/39 [+ Gu]
sharka (Som) evil; Sharkha, Sharkah, a small kingdom that
seems to have existed between Hadiya and Dewaro around 1300
and was then one of seven major Islamic states in Ethiopia.
?? Sharka (Charka), near Enarya ../.. [+ x]
HEM91 Sharka (Sciarca) 1235'/3942' 1500 m 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
sharmut: shermuta (A,T) prostitute
HEC99 Sharmut Wartho (Waito village) 11/37 [WO Ch]
HC... Sharum (plain) 06/35 [Ca]
shash (A,T) muslin; headcloth /usually of fine gauze/ worn
by women; shaash (Som) 1. mane; 2. married woman's headscarf,
generally of red silk
HCB92 Shasha (Sciascia, plateau) 06/35 [LM WO]
HCH12 Shasha (Sciascia) (mountain) 0626'/3553' 2121 m 06/35 [Gz]
HCH12 Shasha (Shyashya, Sciascia) (place) 06/35 [Gz Ro WO Gu]
Gz: 0627'/3556' 1254 m; MS: 0640'/3550' = HCH31
Centre in 1964 of Shasha wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4SW Kattalya (Cattalia) (village)
9W Kabura (Cabura) (village) 1506 m
In a healthy location on a hill, with a market but not much water.
HCP25 Shasha, see Saji
HCH12 Shasha sub-district? (-1997-) 06/35 [n]
?? Shashago ../.. [18]
river in the southernmost Ethiopian region
-- Shashemene, name explained (by Eike Haberland) as that of
a Hadiya clan which once had its seat there and like other
such clan names ends in -mene or -mana;
shashamanni (O) large shrub with large orange flowers,
Crotolaria sp.
HCL92 Shashemene (Shashamane, Shashamana, Shashamane) 07/38 [MS Po WO Gu]
(Shashemane, Shashamanne, Shashamanni, Ger: Schaschamenni)
(Sheshamane, Sciasciamanna, Sciasciamannu)
(Fre: Chachamané, Charchamanné)
Gz: 0712'/3836' 2009 m; MS: 0712'/3837' 1580/1890 m
Centre in 1964 of Shashemene wereda &
of Siraro sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
8SW Faggi (village) 2750 m
A sawmill was situated not quite 10 km east of the town.
Sudan Interior Mission had a hospital to the east in Shashemene (-1955-).
At the Southern Leper Colony there was a nursery which was closed
a few years later.
Lepers well enough to cultivate land were each given a plot 10 x 20 m where they could grow what
they pleased. There was also spinning and weaving, carpentry and basketry.
In 1960, an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 hit a few kilometres west
of Shashemene, near the dormant volcano Chabbi.
A new telephone landline between Shashemene and Addis Abeba
was completed in late 1960.
In a forest to the east of Shashemene there were three sawmills Gigessa, Sole and Wondo. They were
all operated by Vincenzo Pettinelli.
Shashemene was one of five camps where Mengistu ordered conscripts of the People's Militia
(reconstituted in the spring of 1977 as the "Red Army").
"Shashemene is a strong contender for the least-attractive-town-in-Ethiopia award."
Shashemene : Hamasien Sefer (a colloquial appellation)
In the early 1970s this was a large village a few kilometres outside Shashemene, populated
exclusively by persons stemming from Tigray or Eritrea.
Shashemene : Rastafarians
As some Rastafarians started coming to Ethiopia, they in 1948 were allotted some land, in the
neighbourhood of Shashemene.
The Rastafarian community continues to inhabit a locality north of the town.
"At the start there had been two hundred, all of them from Jamaica.."
By the 2000s there are about 100 families.They have a kind of museum.
HDE73 Shashemene 0847'/3843' 2040 m, 08/38 [Gz]
about 13 km from Akaki and 3 km from Aba Samuel power station
HCL92 Shashemene wereda (-1964-1990s-) 07/38 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 79 rural and 11 urban kebeles among which
Hurso Sembo
A co-operative society in Melka Odekuyera was registered in 1971.
shashi (O) same as shash above
GDM22 Shashi (Siasi, Sciaso) 0915'/3434' 1542,1801 m, 09/34 [Gz WO]
south of Begi, see under this place
HCD73 Shashidana 06/37 [+ x]
small island in lake Abaya, between Langama and Shatare.
HEM72 Shashim 1228'/3936' 1435 m, 12/39 [Gz]
between Alamata and Korem
HDR91 Shashna sub-district, ca 1050'/3645' 10/36 [Ad Ch]
(centre in 1964 = Wajira Abo)
-- Shashogo, ethnic group living in the Kembata/Hadiya region
HDM40 Shashole 0928'/3920' 2940 m, north of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
?? Shat (historical) ../.. [Pa n]
Shat, known from the 1400s, was a Gafat clan name? It was also
the name of an area with plains.
shata (A) 1. light wood for infill of a structure;
2. kind of net made of branches; 3. dysentery, diarrhoea
shatana abbo: abbo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HEE90c Shatana Abbo (Sciatana Abbo) (church) 11/38 [+ Gu]
shatare: shataar (Som) cunning, astuteness
HCD73 Shatare (Sciatare, Shoitano?) (island) shore 1285m 06/37 [WO x]
HCU74 Shato (Tulu Sciato) (mountain) 0753'/3943' 2456 m, 07/39 [Gz]
east of Robi
shatta: shatto (Kefa O) kind of tall forest tree,
Albizia gummifera
HCH58 Shatta (Sciatta, Ciatta) (mount.) 0645'/3630' 1114 m 06/36 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HCH48
shattet b..: ba-i (O) all right, okay
HCA39 Shattet Bai (Sciatat Bai) (well) 05/35 [WO Gu]
Name possibly means "don't stay, leave at once".
Halting-place at the sandy bed of a stream.
GDM73 Shava (T. Sciava) (hill) 2046 m 09/34 [+ WO]
-- shaveli: Shabeli, a sociasimalized group, see Shebeli below
JDK83 Shaveli, see Shebele 09/42
JDK21 Shavelli (Sciavelli, Sciaveli) 1640 m, 09/42 [x WO Gu]
(village with old mine nearby)
JDK22 Shavelli (Sciavelli) (area) 09/42 [WO]
GDF41 Shaw (Tulu Sciau) (hill) 1530 m 08/34 [+ WO]
HCH71 Shaw Gimira, see Shewa Gimira
HCP26c Shawa Mikael (San Michele di Sciaua), 07/36 [+ Gu]
north of Bonga near Gogeb river [Guida 1938]
?? Shawata (in central Tigray highlands), cf Showate ../.. [x n]
shawil r..: ras (A) head; cape, promontary; ear of corn
HFC70 Shawil Ras (S. Raz) (plantation) 1410'/3637', 14/36 [Gz]
at Setit river opposite Om Hajer (Om Ager, Umm Hagar) in Eritrea
HCH71 Shay, see Shewa Gimira
HCR09 Shay 0716'/3527' 1359 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north-east of Waka, at Omo before it joins Gogeb river
GDM82 Shayema (T.Sciaiema) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
HDG33 Shayi (Hirpei) 0924'/3504' 1524 m 09/35 [Gz WO]
She.., check also Sce.., Scia..
-- She, ethnic group (sub-group related to the Bench),
numbering about 13,290 according to 1994 census
?? She (small Gimira kingdom around 1700) ../.. [Pa]
HED04 Shebba (Scebba) 2987 m 10/37 [+ WO]
HCP39 Shebe (Shebie, Shebel, Shabe, Shabie, Sciabe) 07/36 [Gz WO Gu]
0720'/3631' 1726/1766 m
(with Tuesday market and sub-post office),
midway between Jimma and Bonga
Centre in 1964 of Diedo wereda & of Shebe sub-district.
There was (-1970s-) a Lazarist Catholic mission.
?? Shebe (in Sidamo), with rock carvings ../.. [20]
HCK58 Shebedino (Sciabadino) (plain) 06/38 [Ad WO Gu]
HCL50 Shebedino wereda (centre in 1964 = Leku) 06/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 94 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
-- Shebel, Shäbäl was an early Amhara family group name in eastern Gojjam.
?? Shebel (Shäbbäl) (historically recorded), cf Shabel ../.. [+ Pa n]
H.... Shebel Berenta wereda (-1997-) 10/38 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 44 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
H.... Shebel sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yedemes Abo) 10/38 [Ad]
shebele (shäbäle) (A) tall and handsome, straight and
well-built /youth/
JDK21 Shebele (Sciavelli) 0916'/4240' 1528 m, 09/42 [Gz]
(village not at the river of this name)
JDK83 Shebele (Shebelli, Shaveli, Shavelli, Sciaveli) 09/42 [Gz x Gu WO]
(Sheble, Shebelie, Shebole, Sciabellei) 09/42 [MS Ad WO]
Gz: 0947'/4246' 1386 m
MS: 0945'/4238' = JDK71 (0941'/4246' = JDK73) 1400/1450 m
Sub-district & its centre in 1964.
-- Shebeli, Shabeli (Italian: Sciaveli), a somalized Bantu group living
in the middle part of the Webi valley
HDL60 Shebeli 0937'/3830' 1985 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
KCP30 Shebeli (Shebelli, Scebeli) 0732'/4543' 600/700 m 07/45 [+ Mi WO Gz]
Mineral exploitation of mica was located about 31 km south-west
of Jijiga in the Fafan river catchment area.
KCN46 Shebeli Gerer (Scebeli Gherer) 07/45 [+ WO]
HCJ32 Shebero 0640'/3647' 1277 m, south of Omo river 06/36 [Gz]
HEF04 Shebeto kebele (Shäbäto ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the north-westernmost corner of Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
21-27 km north-northwest of Majete; area 1,667 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HCP39 Shebie, see Shebe
JDK83 Sheble, see Shebele
sheboka: shoboka (O) kind of corn with large grain
HDJ06 Sheboka, MS: 0905'/3710' 1785/1830 m 09/37 [Gz Ad]
(Sciaboca, Soboca) Gz: 0906'/3707' 1828 m 09/37 [Gu WO]
(centre in 1964 of Tibi Kola sub-district), see also under Tibbe
?? Shecha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HCD61 Shecha, see under Arba Minch 06/37 [Br]
When it was still a new town the administration of Gemu Gofa province
was moved to there from Chencha in 1962.
HCP06 Shechi 0715'/3617'c 07/36 [x]
?? Shedala (Scedala) (mountain) ../.. [+ Gu]
Below the mountain are waterfalls
first described by the Duca degli Abruzzi.
HCH79 Shedda (Sheda, Schadda, Sciadda) 07/36 [WO Gz]
0702'/3630' 2402 m, south-east of Bonga
HEE85 Shedeho Mekiet wereda (Shädäho ..) 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Filakit)
HCM53 Shedem (Scedem) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
JDK76 Sheder 0941'/4308' 1710 m, not far from Somalia 09/43 [Gz]
JCN12 Shefela 0723'/4000' 2261 m 07/40 [Gz]
shefere (shäfärre) (A) thornless tree, Balanites aegyptiaca?
HDT46 Shefere .., see Shifere ..
HDL93 Shefere Amba (Shefere) 0956'/3843' 1750 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north of Fiche
shefta: shefete (A) to rebel; shifta (A,T) bandit, rebel,
HEU82 Shefta (Scefta), see Shibta
HDT48 Shefuyt, see Shifuyt
HEE75? Shega kebele (Shäga ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 2,041 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Shegalo (Shägalo), south of Terari in Wag 12/39 [n]
H.... Shegalu, in Temben soth/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
Archaeological open air site 82 x 30 m.
HE... Shegez Iyesus (S. Eyesus) 12/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Yilmana sub-district)
HDS98 Shegit 1049'/3818' 2389 m, near Mertule Maryam 10/38 [Gz]
HEF54 Shegra 1123'/3947' 1991 m, east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
?? Shegura (Shägura) ../.. [x n]
(formerly a slave-hunting area)
Sheh .., see also Shek ..
HEF13 Sheh Ibrahim Mukni Mesgid (mosque) 1100'/3942', 11/39 [Gz]
south of Dessie
HEF76 Sheh Kemal Mesgid (mosque) 1130'/3953', 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Hayk
HEF34 Sheh Mehamed Ali Mesgid (mosque) 1109'/3944', 11/39 [Gz]
east of Dessie
JDH08 Sheh Mehamed Mesbay Mesgid (mosque) 09/41 [Gz]
0905'/4125', south of Deder
HEF23 Sheh Mehamed Nur Mesgid (mosque) 1106'/3932', 11/39 [Gz]
on the south-western outskirts of Dessie
HEF13 Sheh Umer Aliyu Mesgid (mosque) 1101'/3932', 11/39 [Gz]
south of Dessie
HCS95 Sheha 0805'/3758' 2343 m, near Indibir 08/37 [Gz]
KCR83 Shehada, at the eastern triangle of Ogaden, 08/46 [20]
on the border opposite Buuhoodle in Somalia
HFE75 Shehagne (mountain peak) 1415'/3855' 2073 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north of Adwa
HFE84 Shehagne (Shahagni) 1422'/3851' 1695 m 14/38 [Gz 18]
(with church Mikael), village north of Adwa
?? Shehedi ../.. [20]
shehet: shahatt (T) kind of medium-sized tree,
Terminalia brownii, with purple-red fruits that
from a distance look like flowers
HEU74 Shehet (Sechet, Secchet, Shiket) 13/39 [Gz]
1322'/3945' 1482 m, south-east of Kwiha
(with English mission school & church Mikael)
HEU74 Shehet wereda (-1997-) 13/39 [n]
HFF33 Sheheyti Maryam (church) 1350'/3941', 13/39 [Gz]
west of Atsbi
?? Shehoch (Shehotch), cf Shekosh, Sheikhosh ../.. [+ x]
The Muslim Gurage have developed a shrine in honour of a contemporary saint, Shehoch, which
attracts pilgrims from many parts of southern Ethiopia.
HDT83 Shehot kebele (Shähot ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-eastern Sayint wereda, north-east of Ajibar;
area 4,640 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Sheik .., Sheikh .., see Shek (also Sheh above)
JCP50 Sheik Hussein, see Shek Husen
sheikh halal: halala (O) 1. holy; 2. cud /cows chew the cud/;
xalaal (Arabic,Som) purity; what is allowed under Muslim law
HEH53 Sheikh Halal, see El Gulut
JCT34 Sheikhosh (area), cf Shekosh 07/43 [WO]
Shek .., see also Sheh ..
shek (A) sheikh, title of important man among Islamic
peoples, religious leader and/or head of a tribe, etc;
sheekh (Som) learned man of religion;
abdo (Som) value, hope, chance, profit, importance
JCN85 Shek Abdoy (G.Scek Abdoi) (area) 2090 m 08/40 [WO]
shek ad..: adar (Som) large bowl for cooking
JCN93 Shek Adere (Sheh Adere, Scek Adare, Gara Shek A.), 08/40 [+ Gz WO]
(mountain) 0806'/4006' 2515/2550 m, see under Gololcha
JBP06 Shek Ahmed (Scek Ahmed) (area) 04/41 [+ WO]
JDJ08 Shek Ahmed Shek Idris (Sheh Ahmed Sheh Idris), 09/42 [+ Gz]
0904'/4223' 1567 m, south-east of Harar
shek alif: alif (Arabic) first letter of the Arabic alphabet
JDC89 Shek Alif (Scek Alif) 1370 m 08/42 [+ WO]
GDM71 Shek Atalam (Sceich Atalam) 09/34 [+ WO]
shek aw : aw (Som) father, ancestor
JDL14 Shek Aw Kalaf (Scek Au Calaf) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HC... Shek Bado (Shekbado), in Mocha awraja 07/35? [+ Ad]
HEH42 Shek Gilmu (Sheikh G.) 1209'/3554' 724 m 12/35 [+ WO Gz]
shek hasan: Hasan, Hassan (Som) a man's name
HEH32 Shek Hasan (Sheikh Husain, Sheikh Hasan), 12/35 [LM Ro WO Gz]
(named from a revered teacher in the 13th century)
1204'/3553' 704 m, cf Shek Husen
JDJ29 Shek Hassan Dufi (Scek Hassan Dufi), 09/42 [+ WO]
see under Funyan Bira
shek ho..: hosh (O) expression to pacify mules etc.
JCT24 Shek Hosh, see Shekosh
JDK11 Shek Hum (Scek Hum) (with church?/mosque?) 09/42 [+ WO]
JCP50 Shek Husen (Sheh Husen, Scech Husse/i/n) 07/40 [Gz Ro WO Gu]
(Sheikh Hussein, Shaykh Husain, Shek Hussain) 07/40 [n]
(Fre: Cheikh Hussein), cf Shek Hasan
Gz: 0745'/4042' 1386 m; MS: 0735'/4040' = JCN39, 1489 m
Shek Husen was a Muslim mystic and teacher of the Sufi order, revered as a saint.
The main pilgrimage to his grave takes place in February of each year.
There are mosques and caves.
Feast days take place during May and October, with minor ones during February and September; the
exact dates depend on the lunar calendar.
JDC88 Shek Kalif (Scek Calif), see Dendema
JC... Shek Mahamed 07/40 [18]
JDD53 Shek Mahamud (Scek Mahamud) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
JDE05 Shek Mohamed Gulet (Scek Mohamed Gulet), 08/43 [+ WO]
there is also an area named only Gulet
JDE81 Shek Momen (Scek Momen) (area) 1508 m 08/43 [+ WO]
GDU76 Shek Otman (S. Othman, Sceich Eutmen) 10/34 [+ 20]
HEP08c Shek Shekedi (Scec Scechedi) 12/36 [+ Gu]
Village with tomb of the hermite saint Shek Shekedi.
There is water in the stream.
?? Shek Sherbi (Scek-Scerbi), at route Harar-Zeyla 10/41? [+ x]
?? Shek Sheriff ../.. [+ x]
A refugee camp in Ogaden with about 5,000 people in 1984.
HEP39 Shek Umer (Sheh Umer, Sceic Omar) (mountains) 12/36 [+ Gz WO]
1259'/3634' 971 m, east of Metemma
JDA09 Shek Umer Ali (Sheh U.A.) 0814'/4036' 1559 m 08/40 [Gz]
?? Sheka (historical area, incorporated in 1898) ../.. [20]
?? Sheka (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Sheka wereda (Sheko ..) ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
-- Sheke (Shek) is a language, see Sheko
HDT67 Shekefoch 1033'/3905' 2254 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU71 Shekf kebele (Shäkf ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Were Ilu wereda at its southern border,
9-14 km west of Were Ilu town; area 3,090 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sheki, shekii (O) same as shek above
HCR23 Sheki (Scechi, Shaki, Fre: Chaki, Chatchi) 07/36 [Gz WO Gu]
0715'/3650'c, cf Shaki
Gz: 0727'/3653' 2468 m; MS: 0715'/3650' = HCR02
south-east of Jimma at a distance of 31 km
/this one?:/ town in Dedo wereda
(WO shows Shaki south of Garrima).
A hill from which there is a good view of the Gilo (Bako) river
-- Shekicho people, the Presbyterian mission said that there were
20,000 Christian believers since 1991.
-- Shekkacho language (Shekka), see Mocha
-- Sheko, Shako, ethnic group living in the Kefa region,
numbering about 23,785 according to the 1994 census.
-- Sheko language (Shekko, Shekka, Tschako, Shak, Sheke, Shek),
cf Shako
HCK01 Sheko 0704'/3539' 1750 m (in Gimira awraja), 07/35 [Gz Ad]
east of Waka
?? Sheko wereda (in the 1990s), in the Bench-Maji Zone, 06/35? [n]
later Sheko & Mesunger wereda (-2002-).
The wereda was established in 1996 and has sedentary population.
HEE77? Shekol Senbelet Dega kebele (.. Sänbälät' Däga ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the middle of Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 777 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE77? Shekol Senbelet kebele (Shäqol Sänbälet' ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the southern border of middle Dawint & Delanta wereda;
area 2,260 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCT24 Shekosh (Sheikosh, She/i/k Hosh) (w sub-post office) 07/43 [Gz WO x]
Gz: 0722'/4355' 701 m; MS: = 0730'/4347' 916 m
JCT24 Shekosh wereda (-1997-) 07/43 [n]
HET25 Shekura Mikael (church) 1255'/3857', 12/38 [Gz]
south-west of Fenarwa
shel a..: afaf (A) brink of a cliff, hilltop, ridge line
HD... Shel Afaf (centre in 1964 of Bita & Bilew wereda), 09/38? [Ad]
see Shil Afaf
shela (shäla) (A) kind of hay-fork;
-- Shela, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
GD... Shela (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
?? Shela Mela, on the western shore of lake Chamo ../.. [x]
--The Ganjule people from the island of that name relocated
to Shela Mela around 1990.
JCF75 Shelabo, see Shilabo
shelada: shellate (O) tortuous, crooked, winding
HCM81 Shelada (Scelada, Scedala) (area) 07/39 [+ WO Gu]
HET78c Shelamara (recorded in 1841) 13/39 [Ha]
HE... Shele Beza (centre in 1964 of Begela sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
HDC97 Sheleabo, see under Ijaji or Tibbe, cf Shilabo 09/37 [WO]
shelel (shäläl) (A) toilet place outside
H.... Shelel Gebreal 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Degemo sub-district)
HCC83 Shelema 0611'/3655' 1510 m, east of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
HF..? Shelfa (historically recorded town with black people) 13/37? [18]
HEU.? Shelikot (Scelicot), 13/39 [+ Gu]
16 km from Mekele, with some irrigated cultivations.
HFE75 Shelloda, see Sulloda
shelma m..: matebiya bet (A) washroom
HED62 Shelma Matebiya (.. Mat'ebiya)1127'/3744' 1886 m, 11/37 [Gz]
south-east of Bahir Dar, below Tis Isat waterfalls
-- Shelo (Uraga Shelo), very small ethnic group. By the 1950s
they lived in an area only about 10 x 10 km on the Yanase hill
not far from the market place Dinto in the Girmancha area.
HDT08 Shema 0959'/3909' 1815 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDM65 Shema Matebiya kebele (Shäma Mat'äbiya ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-east Ankober wereda, 12-14 km
north-west of Ankober town; area 529 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU34 Shema Matebiya kebele (Shäma Mat'äbiya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda at its north-eastern border, 18-20 km
north-east of Molale; area 923 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU00 Shemafej kebele (Shämafäj ..) 09/39 [Ad]
almost in south-westernmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda at its southern border, 25-29 km west-southwest
of Molale; area 860 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCT59 Shemage (Shemange) 0746'/3915' 2714 m, 07/39 [Gz]
south-east of Asela
HEL85c Shemamdel (centre in 1964 of Sidib sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HEL96 Shemandan (Scemandan) (area), see under Sekota 12/39 [+ Gu]
HEL85c Shemamdel (centre in 1964 of Sidib sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HEE73? Shemawala kebele (Shämawala ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in westernmost Wadla wereda; area 4,113 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ99 Shembekit (Shembek'it) 1240'/3730' 2443 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north of Gondar,
at map square corner HEJ/HEK/HER/HES.
shemb..: shembekko (shämbäqqo) (A), shambuko (T)
kind of reed, Phragmites spp.
HDM95 Shembeko (Shembek'o) 0955'/3952' 1759 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-east of Debre Sina
HEM40 Shembeko (Shembek'o) 1212'/3922' 2550 m, 12/39 [Gz]
between Lalibela and Alamata
shembekoch (shämbäqoch) (A) reeds of a kind
used for cutting pens
HE... Shembekoch (Shembeqoch) 12/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kerker sub-district)
Shembera .., see Shimbira ..
HDJ55 Shembo (Shembu), see Shambu
HE... Sheme Giyorgis, cf Shame .. 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Mehal Endebet sub-district)
HDR88 Shememel (Bot Ghiorghis, Iofoda Gheorghis), 10/37 [Gz]
1045'/3724' 1910 m, east of Bure
shem..: shemmane (A) weaver;
kedida (O) kind of tree, Olinia rochetiana
HC... Shemena Kedida (farm settlement in Sidamo) 07/38? [x]
In Sidamo about 33 km from Awasa, the nearest town. A settlement of
some 103 farms on 15 gasha of land was organized there around 1970.
?? Shemera (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEL58 Shemzemo 1213'/3910' 3282 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela and north of Abune Yosef
shenbeko b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HD... Shenbeko Ber, cf Shembeko 09/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sengota sub-district)
shenda (shända) (A) gutter for water from roof
HDR73 Shende (Shendie Gebreal, Shinde Gabriel) 10/36 [Gz Ad]
(Shindi Gebriel) 1038'/3656' 2050 m
(centre in 1964 of Wemberma & Gwagussa wereda)
HCK85 Shene, see Shone
shenen (T) saunter
HDC69 Shenen 0844'/3728' 2540 m, south of Gedo 08/37 [Gz]
HDD70 Shenen (centre in 1964 of Nono wereda) 08/37 [MS Ad Po]
(visiting postman under A. Abeba)
GDF45 Shenena Deko sub-district (Sheniena Dieko ..) 08/34 [+ Ad]
(=Shenen & Deko ..?) (centre in 1964 = Dembidolo)
HDT84 Shenet kebele (Shänät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-west Kelala wereda at its western border, 10-14 km
north-wesst of Kelala settlement; area 2,068 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT49 Sheneti kebele (Shänäti ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Jema wereda, 7-10 km
south-west of Degolo; area 1,030 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCC51 Shengema (mountain chain) 0558'/3645' 1864 m, 05/36 [Gz]
north-east of Bako
shengo..: shengo (A) assembly of elders, council
HEE14 Shengodafe 1059'/3852' 2861 m 10/38 [Gz]
HER69 Shenhi (Scenhi) 1317'/3727' 2220 m 13/37 [+ WO]
H.... Shenie Setema sub-district 08/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Setemasheni)
JDJ72 Shenile, see Shinile
HCS22 Shenkola (Shenk'ola, Shenqola) 0726'/3745' 2598 m 07/37 [Gz q]
(mountain), south-west of Hosaina
HCS23 Shenkola (Shenk'ola, Shenqola) 0728'/3746' 2300 m, 07/37 [Gz]
south-west of Hosaina
shenkor (shänkor) (A) sugar cane
HC... Shenkora (Sciankora) 1981 m 07/37 [+ Gu]
HDE50 Shenkora (Ciancora, Ger: Schankora), 08/38 [Gz It x]
(with church Medhane Alem) 0836'/3826' 2409 m
HDH17 Shenkora 0910'/3622' 1584 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Nekemte
HDT12 Shenkora (Shankora, Sciancora, Fre: Chankorra), 10/38 [+ n WO]
HDF80 Shenkora wereda (centre in 1964 = Balchi) (-1997-) 08/39 [Ad]
HDH47 Shenkori (Bulo) (mountain) 0926'/3624' 1236 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDT49 Shenkurtema, see Shinkurtema
HCK85 Sheno, see Shone
HDM30 Sheno (Shäno, Shano, Sciano), in Selale awraja, 09/39 [Gz Po WO Gu]
with church Kidus Mikael, cf Shino
Gz: 0920'/3918' 2837 m, HDL39 nearby
MS: 0910'/3915' = HDL19, 2784/2918 m
Centre in 1964 of Kimbibit wereda & of Mieta Robi
sub-district, with sub-post office under Debre Birhan.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Kotugeber (Cotugheber) (village)
6E Sholage (Sciolaghe, Salamghe) (church) 2375 m
10SE Shimbira (Shimbera, Scimbra) (village)
10SW Chirene (Cirene) (pass)
7W Gara Ole (area)
10NW Tega Dinketu (Aragecha, Aragheccia) (area) 2855 m
6N Garakora (Cora Uha) 2830 m
8NE Argisha (Arghiscia) 2855 m
H.... Sheno (Shano) 10/38 [x]
Historical Muslim place north-east of modern Addis Abeba and
north of Kassam (Kesem) river.
HC... Shento (in Welamo awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
GCT68c Shentwa (Shentoa) 07/34 [+ Wa]
HCK.. Shepe, 06/38 [n]
site near Dilla with an engraved stone wall
HED32? Sheppa, 11/37 [20]
village not quite 60 km from Bahir Dar in direction Mota
HCP08 Sherada (Sciaradda) 0721'/3627' 2253, 2560 m, 07/36 [Gz WO Gu]
north-east of Bonga
Coordinates would give map code HCP18
Sherada was once the seat of the Ethiopian governor of Kefa/Kafa.
HFF12 Sherafu 1342'/3933' 2139 m, west of Agula 13/39 [Gz]
GDM32c Sherakama kebele 09/34 [20]
located close to Begi town.
Begi-Mao language is spoken there.
HFD94 Sheraro (Shararo, Scheraro, Cheraro), cf Shiraro .. 14/37 [Gz Po x]
1424'/3756' 1246 m (with church Medhane Alem to the west)
Small town in Tigray near the border of Eritrea.
HCD60 Shercha, see Arba Minch
HFD85 Shere awraja (Scire .., Shire ..) 1420'/3800' 14/38 [Gz]
HD... Shere Setema (in Buno Bedele awraja), 08/36 [Ad]
cf Setema wereda
shereda a..: agaro (language?) to kill
?? Shereda Agaro (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDU36 Sherefa kebele (Shäräfa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southern Efrata & Gidim wereda at its eastern border,
21-24 km south of Kara Kore; area 1,203 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sherer (T) top /which spins round?/;
sherer ale (A) jump away /etc./ for fear; sherero (T) windmill
HDL74 Sherer (Shärär) 0945'/3849' 1884 m, 09/38 [AA n Gz]
(with church Silase), south-east of Fiche
(mountain range in Bulga and south of the lowland
of Debre Libanos), see under Debre Libanos
HDS59 Sherer 1028'/3820' 2353 m, east of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HDM30 Sherer kebele (Shärär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-west Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
extending to its western border, 2-8 km south-west
of Koremash; area 2,009 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL19 Sherer Libanos (church) 0913'/3916', 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Sheno
JDH13 Sherifa 0913'/4058' 1830 m, 09/40 [Gz]
north-east of Asbe Teferi
sherit (T) ribbon, tape; shererit (shärärit) (A) spider
HCS63 Sherit (Scerit) (mountain) 2397 m 07/37 [+ WO Gu]
HCU.. Sherka (Sherca), for modern place, see Shirka
HC... Sherkha (Shärkha) 07/39? [+ Pa]
"Shärkha, one of the smaller Muslim provinces in the region, was situated
west of Däwaro, and north of Bali."
H.... Sherkin 13/36 [18]
?? Sherkole, near the border of Sudan ../.. [20]
At the latitude of Abay river. A 5 km firebreak was established
in Sherkole in 2000.
?? Sherkole wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 41 rural kebeles but no urban one.
shero (A? O?) shrub, the wood of which is used
for walking sticks
HET08 Shero 1242'/3912' 2105 m, north-east of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HCL66 Sherofta (Scerofta) (area), cf Serofeta 06/39 [+ WO]
sherree (O) straight and beautiful
HDK28 Sherro (Scerro) (area) 2650 m, cf Shero, Shiro 09/38 [+ WO]
shersher (shärshär) (A) slope;
sheresher (shäräshär) (A) 1. kind of easily eroded
red soil; 2. gulley, ravine; slope;
shereshere (shäräshshärä) (A) to erode
HCS98 Shershera (village) 08/38 [x]
HDE00 Shershera (Scerscera) (place and area), 08/38 [+ Gu WO]
see under Butajira
HCS99 Shershera sub-district (Sherhera .., Scerscera ..) 08/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Koto)
HCL92 Sheshamane, see Shashemene
?? Sheshendi (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Sheshira, with Evangelical Christians ../.. [20]
HC... Sheta Keea ../.. [..]
HES80 Shetan Amba Zaul (Scetan A. Zaul) 13/37 [WO]
(area), cf Zaul
HET95 Sheti (Shet'i) 1332'/3858' 1705 m, 13/38 [Gz]
south-west of Abiy Adi
HEL65 Shewa (Amba Sh.) (mountain) 1223'/3854' 2295 m, 12/38 [Gz]
north-west of Lalibela
HCH71 Shewa Bench wereda (Shoa .. ..) ../.. [..]
with a constituency in the year 2005 elections
shewa b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HCR65 Shewa Ber (Shoa Ber) 07/37 [+ Ad]
HDT48 Shewa Gedela kebele (.. Gädäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-west Jema wereda, 7-12 km
south-west of Degolo; area 1,445 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Shewa Gimira (area)
-- Shewa here does not refer to the province in central Ethiopia but is a local name
rather pronounced Sheu and referring to an ethnic group. Their area includes
the place Wota.
HCH71 Shewa Gimira (Scioa Ghimirra, Sceui Ghimira) 06/35 [Gz Gu WO]
(Shoa Ghimirra, Shoa Gimira, Shaw G., Sceu Ghemira, Shay)
(Uota, Wota, Wolta, Ghimirra, Chimirra, Ch'ebera)
(Fre: Choa Ghemira) Gz: 0658'/3546' = HCH70, 2039 m
MS: 0701'/3550' (0700'/3555' = HCH72) 2240 m
Centre in 1964 of Shewa Gimira wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there is at km
7NE Woltu (Uoltu) (village) 1530 m
On cultivated slopes at the upper part of the Dima stream.
Shewa Gimira was renamed Shewa Bench in 1994.
HCH71 Shewa Gimira wereda (centre = Shewa Gimira)) 07/35 [En]
One of ten weredas of Kefa awraja 1944-1987.
?? Shewa Kidane Mihret (Scioa Chidane Meret) ../.. [+ Gu]
Small church in an area with plenty of horses.
shewa m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDL69 Shewa Meda (Shoa Meda) (area) 09/39 [+ Ha]
HDU17 Shewa Robit, see Robit
-- Shewa sugar estate (Shoa ..), see under Wenji
which was also established by the same HVA company
?? Shewada (Shäwada, Shoada) ../.. [x 18]
(historical area of Begemder), cf Shewat'a 1318'/3857'
HCP.. Shewagemer, in Chena wereda 07/36 [20]
HDF80 Shewagenet kebele (Shäwagänät ..) 08/39 [Ad]
centrally in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
2-5 km east of Balchi; area 848 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET75 Shewata (Shewat'a) 1318'/3857' 1685 m, 13/38 [Gz]
north of Abergele
HEM41 Sheway Maryam (church) 1211'/3930', 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Alamata
HEM.. Sheway Maryam kebele (Shäway .. ..) 12/39 [Ad]
on north-western Kobo wereda; area 5,167 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Shewaye, a female personal name
HEL17 Sheyt 1151'/3905' 3323 m 11/39 [Gz]
HFC41 Shibebit, J. (area) 14/36 [WO]
HC... Shibido (Shibibo?), at lake Shala 07/38 [x]
HEU30 Shibrera 1259'/3924' 2633 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
HEU82 Shibta (Shibt'a, Scefta) 1326'/3931' 2390 m, 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(with church Maryam), see under Kwiha
Coordinates would give map code HEU81
HC... Shidda, in Kefa 07/36 [x]
"We started the march to about 2,500 m altitude. There are high plaited bamboo fences around the
houses and coffee shrubs at each of them. We approached the large bamboo forests." [J
Eriksson 1966]
HCL83c Shifachafa, between Shashemene and Kofele 07/38 [x]
HC... Shifo, in Agere Maryam region, 07/39 [x]
with a large Evangelical church
?? Shifra wereda (-2000-), cf Chifra ../.. [20]
HCK04 Shigima 0625'/3756' 1176 m, in lake Abaya 06/37 [Gz n]
Village where there are people who speak Baiso (Alkali),
but they are bilingual.
-- Shiho language, see Saho
shikaro (Kefa) mountain bamboo, Arundinaria alpina;
shakaro (Kefa) kind of tree, Macaranga kilimandscharica
HCE36c Shikaro 05/38 [Br]
HEU74 Shiket, see Shehet
HDU70 Shikif 1039'/392' 2622 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDR85 Shikudad, see Bure & Shikudad wereda
HDK35 Shikute 0923'/3801' 2591 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEL99 Shikwa 1239'/3919' 2084 m, east of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
shil afaf: shiil (Som) heated stone, grill; shil (A) foetus,
embryo; shila (T) falcon; afaf (A) brink of a cliff, hilltop,
ridge-line; (Som) languages; afaaf (Som) doorway, entrance
HDT48 Shil Afaf (Shel Afaf) 1023'/3911' 2569 m 10/39 [Gz]
JEN.. Shila Mereb ../.. [..]
JCF75 Shilabo (Shilabe, Scillave, Shelabo, Fre:Chilabo) 06/44 [Gz Ro WO Gu]
Gz: 0605'/4446' 395 m; MS: 0600'/4445'
(centre in 1964 of Shilabo wereda)
JCF75 Shilabo wereda (-1997-2004-) 06/44 [Ad]
HCC95 Shile (Shili, Scili) 0618'/3707' 1853 m, 06/37 [Gz WO]
WO has Shili at HCJ06
Place where the chiefs of the Zala people used to have their seat.
shili: shillimat (A) present, prize
HEP04 Shilitei, J. (area) 12/36 [WO]
HC... Shillali, in the Gidole region 05/37 [x]
shiloch (A) foetus in plural?
HE... Shiloch (centre in 1964 of Kete sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HEC89 Shimabo (Scimabo), an island in lake Tana 11/37 [Ch Gu]
This island belongs to Gojjam although the next island belongs to Begemdir.
shimagile, shimagilli (A) old man
HED84 Shimagile Giyorgis (Shimagle Giorgis) (battle site) 11/37 [n 20]
circa 1137'/3752',
with old church and scribes even nowadays
HFF11 Shimaglat 1343'/3929' 1938 m, west of Agula 13/39 [Gz]
HDS.. Shimal Agabo, 09/37? [Ch]
near the Abay river on the Gojjam side south of Debre Markos.
shimala (O), shimel (A) male bamboo, cane;
shimela (A) stork; shimelay (T) gerenuk, long-necked antelope,
Lithocranius walleri
HDB72 Shimala (Scimala, Simalla) 1959 m 08/35 [Gz WO]
HFE14 Shimarwie (centre 1964 of Meteka sub-district) 13/38 [Ad]
HET07 Shimbarge Abo (church) 1207'/3941', 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Sekota
HFD94 Shimbelina 1428'/3753' 1100 m 14/37 [Gz]
shimbira, shinbira, shinbra (A) chick-pea, Cicer arietinum,
also Lathyrus sativus (shimbura etc is an old widespread
word for this plant in African languages); shimbiro (O) bird
HDM20 Shimbira (Scimbera, Scimbra), see under Sheno 09/39 [+ WO Gu]
shimbira kore, chick-pea swamp;
curre (Som) male cat; kure (A) pond, pool
HDF.. Shimbira Kure (Shembera Koré, Shimbra Kuré) 08/39 [+ Pa 20]
(Fre: Chembera Kourié) (battle site)
Area between Mojo and Awash rivers about 80 km east of
present-day Addis Abeba.
HDT26 Shimbira Meda kebele (Shembera Méda ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south centrally in Weremo Wajitu & Mida
wereda, 3-12 km west of Meragna; area 1,728 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Shimbira Zekem 12/37 [+ n 18]
JDF63 Shimbirele (area) 08/44 [WO]
HEC89 Shimbit Mikael, 11/37 [Ch]
church near the shore of lake Tana between Emfraz and Bahir Dar.
HDS34 Shimburma Medhane Alem (church) 1016'/3757', 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
HED65 Shime (Semmie) 1125'/3758' 2351 m 11/37 [Gz WO]
HES.. Shimelako, see under Dabat
?? Shimelba ../.. [20]
Refugee camp for Eritreans in early 2000s.
shimelis: shimel (A) male bamboo, cane; shemel (western O)
lowland bamboo, plains bamboo, Oxytenanthera abyssinica
Shimelis, Shimellis , a male personal name
HDL43 Shimelis 0928'/3843' 1660 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
midway between Sululta and Fiche
shimellis (A) brave soldier who takes on a thousand enemies,
small glass which "returns a thousand times" to get more
-- shimi: Shime, an Agaw tribe
?? Shimi (historical, mentioned within Ifat around 1350) ../.. [Pa]
H.... Shimie Maryam 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Aferwanat sub-district)
HEL71 Shimkiw 1225'/3832' 1770 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL71 Shimkiw 1224'/3833' 2036 m 12/38 [Gz]
shimo, shiimo (O) boiled grain
JCN03 Shimo (Scimo, Cimo) 0713'/4006' 2415 m 07/40 [Wa WO Gz]
-- Shinasha (Italian: Scinascia), a Sidama ethnic group living
in area near Sudan, historically recorded in the 1500s.
The Shinasha had a pagan state in Wellega.
-- Shinasha language (Scinaccia), see mainly Boro
HDP52 Shinasha (Scinascia) (area) 10/35 [+ WO]
HDP52 Shinasha wereda, 10/35 [20]
with a constituency in the year 2005 elections
GDL89 Shindaga (Scindaga) 09/34 [+ WO]
HDR73 Shindi Gebriel (Shinde Gabriel), see Shende
shinet (shinät) (A) kinds of shrub or tree, Myrica salicifolia,
Trichilia volkensii; (T) dagger
HDU21 Shinet (Scinet) 10/39 [+ WO]
?? Shinfa (river), see under Kena
HDE92 Shiniko (village) 08/38? [x]
JCL32 Shinile (Scinnile) (with waterhole) 483 m 06/43 [+ WO]
JDJ72 Shinile (Shinnelie, Shenile, Scenele, Ghiniele) 09/41 [Gz Ad LM WO]
(Cinile) 0941'/4151' 1079/1130 m 09/41 [Gu]
The first railway station east of Dire Dawa.
Centre in 1964 of Shinile wereda.
JDJ72 Shinile sub-district? (-1997-) 09/41 [n]
JDJ72 Shinile wereda 09/41 [Ad 20]
shinkurt, shinkwurt (A) onion, Allium cepa
HDL74 Shinkurt 0945'/3848' 2522 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), see under Debre Libanos
HDT49 Shinkurtima kebele (Shenkurtema ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of south Jema wereda, 7-12 km
south-southwest of Degolo; area 1,344 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK38 Shino 0919'/3816' 2758 m, north of Addis Alem, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Iyesus), cf Sheno
?? Shinsheto (visiting postman under Shashemene) ../.. [Po]
HC... Shinshicho (with sub-post office) 07/37 [Po]
a town in Kacha Bira wereda
shinshin (A,T) pleated; divided, cut-up;
shinshinna (A) weeping willow
HEC26 Shinshin (Scinscin) (church) 11/37 [+ WO]
shint wiha (A) piss water
HDU11 Shint Wiha 1003'/3927' 2298 m, west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HEU11 Shiota (Shiot'a) 1248'/3929' 2511 m, 12/39 [Gz]
west of Maychew
HFD.. Shiraro wereda (-1994-), cf Sheraro 14/37 [20]
shirba (T, Gondar A) small very strong paprika
HDN35c Shirba 09/38 [n]
-- Shire, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCG57 Shire (Scire), cf Sire 06/35 [+ WO]
HCL96 Shire (Sire) 0714'/3859' 2850 m, near HCT06, 07/38 [Gz]
north-east of Kofele (river at MS: 0703'/3957' = HCM77)
HCT16c Shire (in Chilalo awraja) 07/39? [Ad]
HFD59 Shire (Scire, Shiree) 1400'/3810' 14/38 [x WO 18]
(area) coordinates would give map code HFD74
HFD59 Shire (place) (sometimes name for Inda Silase) 14/38 [Br]
HFD69 Shire 1408'/3824' 2254 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-east of Inda Silase
HFD58 Shire awraja (Shirie ..), cf Shere awraja 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Inda Silase)
shire g..: gult (A) fief, land given as an endowment
HFD79 Shire Gult wereda (Shirie Gult ..) 14/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Semema)
HFD58 Shire Silase (church) 1406'/3817', 14/38 [Gz]
in or near Inda Silase
HEL65 Shirekut 1220'/3858' 2519 m, north-west of Lalibela 12/38 [Gz]
HFC19 Shirella (Scirella) (mountain) 1337'/3732' 1397 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HFD00
HET29 Shirf Amba (place) 1254'/3916' 1920 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
GDU.. Shirgelo (13.5 km NNW of Asosa) 10/34 [Mi]
shiri o..: okkote (O) water jar, large earthenware pot
HCK50 Shiri Okoto (Sciri Ocoto) (area) 06/37 [+ WO]
HE... Shiridin, near the border of Sudan west of Gondar 12/36? [n]
HEJ85 Shirih 1231'/3704' 2114 m, near Chilga 12/37 [Gz]
HED61 Shirinjilla (Sciringilla) 11/37 [+ WO]
HCU41 Shirka (Sherka, Sherca), in Ticho awraja, 07/39 [Ad x]
(with sub-post office),
for historical area see Sherkha
HCU41 Shirka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gobesa) 07/39 [Ad n]
HCU41 Shirka wereda (-2000-) 07/39 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
-- Shirkole, same as Sirkole?
GD... Shirma kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan.
Kwama language is spoken there, and also its variety P'olin.
HDK36 Shirmo 0924'/3808' 1540 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
shiro (A) "pea-soup", mush made of peas;
(O) roasted pea powder
HCS80 Shiro (mountain) 0801'/3734' 1849 m, 08/37 [WO Gz]
west of Omo river, cf Sherro, Shuro
HED64 Shiro 1128'/3753' 2459 m 11/37 [Gz]
HFC72 Shiron (area) 14/36 [WO]
GCM.. Shisha (Sciscia, Fre: Chicha), 06/34 [x WO]
river running in general towards the south-west and joining Akobo.
HCJ72 Shisha, see Wombo ../.. [..]
HCH80 Shishinda (on road to Mizan Teferi) 07/35 [MS]
HCP01 Shishinda 0717'/3552' 1853 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north of Shewa Gimira, town in Chena wereda
HFC78 Shiskenna (area) 14/37 [WO]
shit (A) calico, simple cotton cloth
HEE81 Shit (Shit') 1135'/3835' 2198 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south of Debre Zebit
shita (A) birthmark; (T) smell, odour;
shitta (A) smell /good or bad/, odour, stink;
shitto (A,O) perfume, scent
-- Shita, ethnic group numbering only about 307
according to the 1994 census
-- Shita language (Shiita), see Opuuo
HDS59 Shita (Shiita, Scita, Ansita), 10/38 [Ch WO]
mountains east of Bichena
HDT50 Shita (Scita), see Aykolba
HFC33 Shittene (Scittene) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
shitu (A) the smell? the calico cloth?
HDK88 Shitu 0948'/3818' 2553 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HES46 Shiwada (Sciuada) 1305'/3800 2089 m 13/38 [+ WO]
Coordinates would give map code HES45
HFK05 Shiyaboni 1432'/3759' 1571 m 14/37 [Gz]
JDB45 Shiyongora (Sciongora) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
HET19 Shlwamke (Scluamche) 13/39 [+ WO]

Shoa .., see Shewa ..

HCH71 Shoa Bench wereda, 07/35 [n]
formerly Shewa Gimira wereda, see Shewa Bench
HEJ06 Shoan Terara (Scioan Tarara) (village), 11/37 [+ It WO]
cf Zibdan Terara
HEC96 Shobela Mikael (Shobala M., Sciovele), 11/37 [+ CH WO]
(Sciovela Micael) (church) 1828/1874 m 11/37 [It]
GDM83 Shobera 0948'/3439' 1424 m, west of Mendi 09/34 [Gz]
HDL30 Shobore 0921'/3825' 2688 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM51 Shobore 0934'/3925' 2844 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Birhan
HDK39 Shobre 0923'/3822' 2424 m (with church nearby) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEE56 Shoga Kahinate Semay (church) 1120'/3900', 11/39 [Gz]
south of Bete Hor
HEE65 Shoga Medhane Alem (church) 1129'/3858', 11/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bete Hor
-- Shogali, name of a tribe of the Beni Shangul,
also called Khojali
HDN74 Shogali (Sciogali), see Bazber
GDF34c Shogo 08/34 [LM]
shogola: shokola, shokolo (A) giant groundsel, Senecio gigas,
a plant with giant forms on mountains, at 2500-3000 m
and up to 3 m tall
HEL35 Shogola (Sciogola) (area) 12/38 [+ WO]
?? Shogul, valley in Wellega with gold washing ../.. [Mi]
-- Shoho language, see Saho
shola (A) kinds of large wild fig tree, especially
Ficus sycomorus but also F. riparia, F. sur and (in Oromo)
Pittosporum viridifolium
GDF53 Shola (Beca, Baha) 0837'/3437' 1736 m 08/34 [Gz WO]
HCS10 Shola (Sciola) 0725'/3731' 1627 m 07/37 [+ WO x Gz]
A cable foot bridge over the Omo river below the village of Shola was built by the Italians, and there
was a ferry. Both were destroyed before the Allied forces reached there during the
liberation war in 1941, but a Bailey bridge was brought.
HDD96 Shola 0901'/3805' 2290 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam), see under Ginchi
HD... Shola (Schola, Fre: Chola), 08/39? [x]
at an hour's journey east of Addis Abeba.
HEA53 Shola (Sciola) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
HEE64 Shola 1127'/3852' 2673 m, south-west of Bete Hor 11/38 [Gz]
HDM93 Shola Amba (Sciola Amba, Sciolamba) 10/39 [Gz Gu]
0954'/3936' 2865 m (locality with church),
south of and near Sela Dingay
HEE74? Shola Dirdiriya kebele (.. Derderiya ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 927 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
shola gebeya (A) market with the wild fig tree
HDM11 Shola Gebeya (Sciola Ghevea, Seila Ghevea) 09/39 [Gz Po WO]
(Gorfo Feres Bet), south-east of Sheno
0912'/3925' 2701 m
With secondary school to the north-west and
visiting postman under Debre Birhan.
Centre in 1964 of Merfeta sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9S Rambutin (former landing ground of the Italians)
10SW Chifar (M. Cifar) (area)
8W Abdela Giyorgis (Abdella Gheor.) (church)
4N Meskela Ager (Meschela Agher) (village)
8N Leguan (pass)
4NE Jekur (M. Jecur) (area)
8NE Megezez (M. Meghezez, Megasas, Mägäzäz)
(mountain) 3596 m
HDM32 Shola Gebeya kebele (.. Gäbäya ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in north Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
adjoining Shola Gebeya settlement to its south and west;
area 1,073 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU43 Shola kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of north Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
12-17 km north-west of Mehal Meda; area 2,334 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
shola (A) wild fig tree; meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDM85 Shola Meda (Sholameda, Chola M.) 0951'/3948' 2518 m, 09/39 [Gz Ad x]
(centre in 1964 of Weyramba sub-district), near Debre Sina
sholage (A) land of the wild fig tree
HDM20 Sholage (Sciolaghe) 0918'/3920' 2375 m, 09/39 [+ WO Gz]
(with church), see under Sheno
HEL04? Sholaye (Swe: Scholaje) 11/38? [+ x]
HEL04 Sholaye Awnaragen (Sciolaie Aonaraghen) 11/38 [+ WO]
shole, sholee (O) beautiful /female/
HCD57 Shole (Zamola) (mount. chain) 0557'/3813' 2325 m, 05/38 [Mi Gz]
high volcanic mountain where the Dawa river rises.
[Mineral 1966]
HDB95c Shollo (Swe: Schållo), see also under Dimto 09/36 [x]
sholo (Kefa) kind of tree in the lower storey of forests,
Pittosporum abyssinicum
HDL87 Sholo Giyorgis kebele 09/39 [Ad]
some 20 km straight south of Lalibela, in mid-southernmost Bugna wereda;
area 5,228 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sholoko: shulluk (T) kind of medium or large tree,
Aphania senegalensis
HDJ66 Sholoko (Scioloco) (area) 09/37 [+ WO]
HCC32 Sholtaka 0543'/3649' 1338 m, south-east of Bako 05/36 [Gz]
HC... Shoma (centre in 1964 of Cheta wereda) 06/36 [Ad]
HDT08 Shoma & Dagnet kebele (.. Dagnät ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in northern Moret & Jiru wereda at its north-western
border, 8-15 km north of Inewari; area 2,211 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM10 Shomala (Sciomala, Sciomela, Sciamala) (mountain) 09/34 [Gz WO]
(Jebel S.) 0915'/3426' 1565 m, south-west of Begi
GDM21 Shomala (Scimala) 08/35 [20]
HCK07 Shomb (mountain chain) 0621'/3811' 1548 m, 06/38 [Gz]
between Dilla and lake Abaya
GDM.. Shombobeida kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
Begio-Mao language is spoken there.
?? Shomne ../.. [x]
Place in Sidamo south of Negele. The Ia stream is near.
?? Shone, town in Badawacho wereda ../.. [20]
HCK85 Shone (Shoney, Shene, Sheno) 0708'/3757' 1868 m 07/38 [Gz Po Te]
(with sub-post office under Shashemene)
HCS.. Shone, south of Hosaina 07/37 [x]
HDK42 Shone 0926'/3741' 1516 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
GD... Shongud (river circa 50 km NNE of Asosa) 10/34 [Mi]
Shangud is an affluent of the Tumat and contains gold-bearing gravel.
JDN62 Shonke (Shonkey) 1033'/4000' 1520 m 10/40 [Gz n]
At 23 km from Kemise, to be reached only by footpath, there is Shonkey, a picturesque village. To
its mosque pilgrims returning from Mekka have brought many objects.
--Some of the Argobba ethnic group live in Shonka in the 1990s and are said to speak the purest
Argobba language.
HCS23 Shonkolla (mountain), south-west of Hosaina, 07/37 [20]
in recent time to be described as located in the Kembata/Hadiya region
in the south central part of Ethiopia. The Soro-Hadiya people live below it.
shonkora: shunkwori (A) kind of shrub?, Steganotaenia araliacea,
of the Umbelliferae family
HDE89 Shonkora (Scioncora) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HDK07 Shono 0907'/3812' 2734 m, west of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDJ25 Shono 0919'/3707' 2474 m, south of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
HDK17 Shono (area) 09/38 [AA]
HDK01 Shonta (Shont'a) 0907'/3739' 2216 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
north-west of Ambo
HC..? Shorko, 07/38? [En]
early market of the Indegagn Gurage
HDM64c Shotalit (Sciotalit) ../.. [18]
Italian explorers' station in the 1880s, at about 15 min walk
from Let Marefia, at the foot of Fekere Gimb forest.
HDJ94 Shote (Shot'e) 0954'/3702' 2340 m, west of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDM94 Shotel Amba kebele (Shotäl .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of the southern body of Mafud, Mezezo,
Moja & Wadera wereda, 6-9 km north of Debre Sina;
area 514 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU15 Shotel Amba kebele (Shotäl .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
small area in northern Kewet wereda at its western border,
23-25 km west of Shewa Robit; area 285 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU91 Shotela kebele (Shotäla ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Legambo wereda stretching to its
south-eastern border, 16-20 km east-southeast of
Akista; area 1,449 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS84 Shotele 1045'/3754' 3612 m 10/37 [Gz]
showate: showhat (T) appetite; eguma (O) because, since
HET86 Showate Egum (Scioate Egum), cf Shawata 13/39 [+ WO]
HCM93 Shoyiso (Scioiso) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
?? Shrikole wereda (-2003-), same as Sherkol wereda?,
cf Sirikoli
HDD74 Shube 0849'/3756' 2988 m, 08/37 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south-east of Ambo
HCJ93 Shuda (Roba) 0711'/3654' 1716 m 07/36 [Gz]
HEU93 Shugala (Adi Scinguala) 1330'/3939' 2392 m, 13/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(with church Maryam), east of Kwiha, see under this name
HEU00 Shugo Kirkos (S. K'irk'os) (church) 1242'/3925', 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew

HDR54 Shul 1029'/3702' 1836 m, south-west of Bure 10/37 [Gz]

JCL70 Shuli (Sculi) 0700'/4326' 701 m 07/43 [+ WO Wa Gz]
shulluda (O) tuft of mane in front of a horse's head;
shuluda, shullda (A) thigh-muscle
HEC49 Shulluda (Sciulluda), see under Debre May 11/37 [+ WO]
HDE82 Shulufi 0854'/3839' 2377 m, near Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
HCA06 Shulugui (mountain), see Naita
HDE82 Shulure (village), see under Sebeta 08/38 [x]
shum (A) chief, official
Shum.., check also Scium..
HEL89 Shum (Scium, A. = Abba? Adi? Amba?) 12/39 [+ WO]
shum g..: gedel, cliff, rock
HDT56 Shum Gedel kebele (.. Gädäl ..) 10/39 [Ad]
towards the south in central Kelala wereda, 7-11 km
south of Kelala settlemetn; area 1,711 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET39 Shumant 1257'/3918' 1654 m, south of Samre 12/39 [Gz]
HES99 Shumara, see Semaroa
shumge (A) country of the shum
HES13 Shumge 1248'/3748' 2414 m, south-east of Dabat 12/37 [Gz]
?? Shumlala, in Simen ../.. [x]
Village at the upper limit of agriculture, at about 4,000 m. Only barley and rye
are cultivated there; of the two, barley does better at such altitudes.
?? Shummet, ../.. [18]
village at the summit of a range of hills lying between Harar and Jijiga.
?? Shumsheha, village in Wello ../.. [n]
HET41 Shumtikye (Sciumtichie) 13/38 [+ WO]
HDD35 Shuna (Rogghie) 0828'/3801' 2090 m 08/38 [Gz]
?? Shundi (visiting postman under Debre Markos) ../.. [Po]
HDH18 Shune 0913'/3627' 1648 m, north-west of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
HEJ04 Shunguli (Sciunguli) (area) 11/36 [+ It]
HED69 Shungulla (Sciungulla) c.2500 m 11/38 [+ Gu]
HDL83c Shungurti (Sciungurti) (area), 09/38 [+ n]
see under Fiche, cf Shinkurt
HBP54 Shunguru (Sciangora, Sciangoro) (village) 05/36 [WO Gu Gz]
0525'/3557' 497 m
HCG74 Shurgis (Sciurghis) (area) 07/35 [+ WO]
shuro, shiro (A) "pea-soup", mush made of peas
and used in wet; shuro (O) roasted pea powder;
shuuro (Som) porridge made of sorghum;
shoro (O) kind of shrub or tree, Bosqueia phoberos;
-- Shuro (Mekan), name of a small Nilotic tribe living
along the Ethiopia-Sudan border
HCG65 Shuro (Sciuro), cf Shiro 06/35 [+ WO]
HCG36 Shuro (Sciuro) (area) 06/35 [+ WO]
HCJ54 Shurshomo (Sciursciomo) (mountain) 06/37 [WO Gz]
0649'/3701' 1051 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDJ45 Shusha 0925'/3706' 2402 m, south of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDE47 Shuti 0831'/3907' 1653 m, near Mojo 08/39 [Gz]
HFF42 Shwadini (with school) 13/39 [Br]
HCH12 Shyashya, see Shasha
JED11 Siara, see Siyara
JDP88 Siaro (area), see under Geblilu 10/41 [WO]
GDM22 Siasi, see Shashi
sib (A) fat
HDT16 Sib Washa (Sib) 1005'/3901 1809 m 10/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south-east of Addis Derra
siba (O) large jar in which beverage is brewed,
-- Siba, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Basu of the Borana
GDM51 Siba 1184 m 09/34 [WO]
HDD59 Siba, see Tulu, under Bantu (WO has at HDE50)
HDH20c Siba (group of villages) 09/35 [Gu]
HDK29 Siba 0917'/3820' 2501 m, north of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEL66 Siba 12/38 [Gu]
siba a..: ager (agär) (A) land, nation
HE... Siba Ager 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Amumo Gemis sub-district)
HDU80 Siba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
stretching 12 km north/south in western Were Ilu wereda,
15-21 km north-west of Were Ilu town; area 2,615 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEG68 Sibaba (area, with thermal spring) 12/40 [WO]
JDN48 Sibabi (wadi) 10/40 [Gu]
JDN49 Sibabi (Sababi, M.Sibbabi) (mountain) 10/40 [Gu Ne WO]
JDN48 Sibabita (waterhole) 10/40 [MS WO]
HEM81 Sibahile 1231'/3929' 2694 m, near & west of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
sibaka (Eritrea) kinds of wild fig tree, Ficus spp.
HEK56 Sibakwa (Sibacua) 12/38 [+ WO]
HEL57 Sibakwa (Sibacua) 1215'/3809' 1938 m, 12/38 [+ Gz]
north of Lalibela
HDH.. Siban (in Gimbi awraja), about 50 km east of Nejo 09/35 [x Ad]
Known for good wood handicraft of traditional kind.
HCD03 Sibanne, north-west of Burji 05/37 [x]
HCU37 Sibe 0732'/3959' 2460 m 07/39 [Gz]
sibhi (T) fat
JCS27 Sibi (plain) 07/43 [WO]
JCS56 Sibi (plains) 07/43 [WO]
HDL23 Sibilu 0918'/3844' 2603 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [Gz]
JDJ45 Sibilu 0925'/4206' 2236 m, 09/42 [Gz]
(with mosque), north-west of Harar
sibo: siibo (Som) pull out, uproot
HDA14 Sibo (Sibbo), see Sibu
?? Siboo (Sibo'o), on the Mereb-Belesa front 14/38? [20]
The Border Commission in The Hague ruled in April 2002 that
Sibo'o shall be Ethiopian (and not Eritrean) territory.
sibsab (A) eaves, prolongation of roof, shed against
a wall; sibseba (A) assembly, meeting for discussion;
sibsabi (A) who meet
HEJ55 Sibsaba 12/37 [WO]
sibsib (A) collection, group
KCH80 Sibsibali 0705'/4541' 537 m, near map code KCG89 07/45 [WO Gz]
?? Siboo (Sibo'o), on the Mereb-Belesa front 14/38? [20]
The Border Commission in The Hague ruled in April 2002 that Sibo'o
shall be Ethiopian (and not Eritrean) territory.
[AddisTribune 2002/04/12]
-- Sibu, name of a tribe of Oromo living between the Abay and Sudan,
also a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana people.
HDA14 Sibu (Sibo, Sibbo) 0815'/3513' 1574 m, 08/35 [Gz WO x Ad]
east of Bure, (sub-district & its centre in 1964)
There is registered the Sibu-Tole-Kobo National Forest Priority Area.
sibu a..: Amuma, old Oromo male name
HDJ03 Sibu Amuma sub-district (centre in 1964 = Talo) 09/36 [Ad]
sibu gam..: gambel (A,O) kind of shrub or small tree, Gardenia lutea
H.... Sibu Gambel sub-district (S. Gambiel ..) 08/35? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kussi)
sibu gaw..: gawo, gaawoo (O) tall grass
GDF93c Sibu Gawo wereda (centre in 1964 = Tibe) 08/34 [Ad]
sibu si..: sire, siree (O) bed, stretcher, kind of sitting place
Sibu Sire .., see mainly under Sire wereda
HDC93 Sibu Sire sub-district (with sub-post office under Nekemte) 06/36 [Ad Po n]
(centre in 1964 = Sire) (-1964-1997-)
HDC93 Sibu Sire wereda (.. Sirie .., Sebu S. .., Sibusire ..) 09/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sire) (-1964-1997-)
(-1994-) is divided into 49 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
sibu t..: tuka (O) 1. spur; 2. fire-brand; tuqa (O) swarm of insects
HD... Sibu Tuka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Weleni) 09/36 [Ad]
JEA09 Sicaela, see Seka Ela
GDF62 Sicha (Siccia) 0844'/3429' 800 m, 08/34 [+ WO Gz]
south-west of Gidami
HDM00 Sichat (Siciat) (with church Giyorgis and/or Mikael), 09/39 [x WO]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
H.... Siche (centre in 1964 of Dawa sub-district) 05/38 [Ad]
sida (O) 1. grave; 2. place of worship,
sacrificial stones; 3. evil spirit;
4. black and strong stone /basalt?/
GDM82 Sida (Tulu Sida, Siddan, Saida) (hill) 09/34 [WO Gz]
0950'/3434' 2019 m
sidaha k..: kama, qaama (O) body; kama (Som) not .. from
HDM66 Sidaha Kama, see under Chano 09/39 [WO]
-- Sidama, a main ethnic group of at least 250,000 people,
most of them Muslims (also name in Oromo of Amhara)
HCL41 Sidama awraja 0645'/3830' 06/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Yirga Alem)
HCP64 Sidamo (place) 0751'/3605' 2340 m 07/36 [Gz]
JDH12 Sidamo, G. (mountain) 1875 m 09/40 [WO]
?? Sidber, place between Ankober and Debre Birhan ../.. [n]
to the east and Debre Libanos to the west.
GDM82 Siddan, see Sida
siddisa (O) a kind of clover plant
HBL62 Siddola (Gebel S., Siddolo) (mountain) 04/38 [WO Gz]
0414'/3838' 1426 m, east of salt mines
side a..: ager (agär) (A) land, country
HEF11 Side Ager 1059'/3927' 3639 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Dessie
HDJ80 Siden 0947'/3640' 2077 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDC01 Siden Meyu 0814'/4146' 1238 m 08/41 [Gz]
HEC56 Sidetu 1123'/3713' 2097 m, east of Dangila 11/37 [Gz]
HEJ24 Sidever, see Siedeber
sidi (Arabic) master, Sir; sidee (Som) how?;
siidhi (Som) whistle, siren; sidi (T) impolite, unliked,
immoral, heathen; Kwama, a language
JEB33 Sidi Kwama (Sidi Coama), cf Sede .. 11/41 [+ WO]
sidi omar: oomaar (Som) steam, mist, smoke;
Oomaar, a Muslim male name
JDE31 Sidi Omar 08/43 [WO]

sidib (A) abuse, insult; (Som) slippery ground or rock

HEL75 Sidib (Daraconsi) 1229'/3853' 2078/2186 m, 12/38 [Gz Gu]
south-west of Sekota
HEL85 Sidib sub-district, pass at 2311 m, cf Sedeb 12/38 [Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 = Shemamdel)
JDG95 Sidihakoma (Sidihacoma) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
HC... Sidika (in Ticho awraja) 07/39? [Ad]
JED21 Siding (also English railway term), see Ghehh 11/42 [WO]
sidist (A) six; sidisto (A) the Pleiades /group of stars/;
(T) sextette
HDM13 Sidisto (Seddisto) 0913'/3939' 1708 m 09/39 [Gz Ad WO]
Centre in 1964 of Bereket sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Woraba (Uoraba) (village)
5SE Bereket (Barakat, Berechet) (village)
7SE Bereket (Berechet, Baraket) (area)
10SE Sorkoma (M. Sorcoma) (area)
5SW Esman Ager (E. Agher) (village)
10SW Makaniso (Macaniso) (village)
4W Endodie Deber (village)
9NW (Abyegedam, see under Gina Ager)
10NW Gedera (Ghederra) (village)
6N Aygwar (Aiguar) (village)
10NE Gosie, M. (area)
HDM32 Sidisto 0920'/3935' 2951 m, east of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
sidisto girar (T?) six acacias;
grar (A), girar (T?) acacia tree, especially Acacia bussei
HE... Sidisto Girar 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tenta Gura sub-district)
HEM40 Sidistya 1212'/3924' 2485 m 12/39 [Gz]
-- Sido, a tribe of the Ari-Banna people, at about HCB27 05/36.
HCB59 Sido, G. (hill) 2455 m 05/36 [WO]
HCC50 Sido, see Siki
HCH97 Sido (mountain) 0710'/3620' 2202 m, east of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
sidya k..: koma (O) 1. chest, breast; 2. (qoomaa) instant
killing; (A) 1. sterile /land/; 2. kind of large tree
JEB72 Sidya Koma (Sidia Coma) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HEJ24 Siedeber (Sidever, Siedever) 1202'/3700' 1826 m, 12/37 [+ Gz WO Gu]
near the western shore of lake Tana
sifa (O) food that agrees with one's body
HDF43 Sifa 08/39 [WO]
sifan k..: kera (O) shadow; qera (A) 1. platform on which a guard
sits to protect fields; 2. slaughterplace
HEJ68 Sifan Kera (S. K'era, S. Qera) 1223'/3723' 1823 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north of Gorgora
HEK72 Sifatira (Sifat'ira), see Belesa
HDT83 Sifatira kebele (Sefat'ira ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Sina wereda, 9-12 km
west of Mekane Selam; area 1,691 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEG56 Sifeni (Sifani, Scifani) 1216'/4021' 480, 639 m 12/40 [Gz WO Gu]
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
-- Gummele (surrounding wide area)
7NW Digim (Dighim) (area)
5N Errer (village)
Situated at about 200 km from Serdo.
JEG57 Sifeni (Sifani) (mountain) 1215'/4027' 648 m 12/40 [Gz]
?? Sifukso wereda (in the Adigrat region) 14/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kelat)
sig (Som) escape danger or accident; siig (Som) hartebeeste
/a kind of antelope/, Alcelaphus buselaphus tora etc
GDL99 Sig (Sigh) 09/34 [+ WO]
siga (A) meat, body, /figuratively:/ parentage;
sigga (O) cold, low temperature
?? Siga Bit (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
siga m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDE92 Siga Meda (plain), 30 km west of Addis Abeba 09/38 [x]
At the Ambo road. A centre for street children and others from Addis Abeba
was established there in early 1975.
HE... Siga Meskeya (centre in 1964 of Dinno sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
sigadi: sigeda (O) kind of medium or tall tree, Olea
hochstetteri, somewhat similar to eucalyptus at first glance
HEC00 Sigadi (mountain) 1056'/3640' 2138 m 10/36 [Gz]
HEC01 Sigadi sub-district (Sigadie ..) 10/36 [Ch WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sigadi Mikael)
sigale: sigilu (language?) forest tree, Fagaropsis angolensis
HCD54 Sigale, see Chepo, cf Segele
HCL88c Sigalo (village), circa 2600 m, 07/39 [x]
on a slope of Kaka mountain,
in the 1980s within Gedeb & Asasa wereda of Chilalo awraja.
H.... Sigamo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 08/36 [Ad]
JEH45 Sigarita (waterhole) 12/41 [WO Ne]
HBM55 Siggirsa, cf Segirsa 04/39 [WO]
-- Siggoyo language, see Bambassi
GDL99 Sighi 0952'/3418' 591 m 09/34 [Gz]
GDF31 Sigi, see Segi
JDJ36 Sigicha (Sighiccia) 0921'/4209' 1874 m, 09/42 [Gz WO]
(area), see under Harar
JDJ36 Sigicha 0923'/4209' 1883 m, 09/42 [Gz]
(with mosque), north-east of Harar
sigigo, sigigoo (O) children's play sliding on a slope
HDK18 Sigigo 0911'/3814' 2784 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem
HDB28 Sigimo, see Gechi
HEL47 Sigit (mountain) 1211'/3905' 2634 m, 12/39 [WO Gz]
north of Lalibela and west of Abune Yosef
?? Sigmo wereda (= Sigimo ..?), ../.. [n]
one of 13 weredas (-2005-) in the Jimma Zone.
JDE48 Sigoden (area) 08/44 [WO]
JDJ16 Sigoy 0910'/4211' 1577 m, south-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HEB34 Sihala Johanes 11/36 [WO]
HFL07 Sihigo 1431'/3907' 1673 m, north of Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
HET06 Sihin 1240'/3859' 2322 m, north-west of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
HFF71 Siit (Si'it), see Sait
HCK04 Sijima, 06/37 [x]
village in the northern part of Gidicho island in lake Abyata.
HDG57 Sijo 0934'/3526' 1904 m, north-west of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDH22 Sijo 0918'/3553' 1969 m, north-east of Gimbi 09/35 [Gz]
HFF51 Sika (Sut'a) 14/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Hawzen
HDM43 Sika kebele (Seqa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda
at its eastern border, 23-27 km south-east of Debre Birhan;
area 1,776 hectares. [CSA 1994]
sika sh..: shinbira, chic-pea
HDT54 Sika Shinbira kebele (Seqa Shenbera ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Wegdi (Wegedi) wereda stretching to
its south-eastern border, 2-9 km east and south-east of
Mahdere Selam; area 3,396 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Sike wereda (-1997-2005-) ../.. [20]
sikel (siqäl) (A) put to death by hanging
HCD61 Sikela (Sikila) (suburb), see under Arba Minch 06/37 [Br Po]
HET46 Sikela (Sik'ela, Siqela) 1305'/3901' 1461 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
near Fenarwa
HE... Sikelt sub-district 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mekomia Maryam)
HDD94 Siketu (Sik'etu, Siqetu) 0903'/3757' 2492 m, 09/37 [AA Gz q]
near map code HDK04, see under Ilfeta
siki (Som) shift, move slightly
HCC50 Siki (Gebel S., Sido) 0555'/3640' 2455 m, 05/36 [WO Gz]
(mountain), north of Bako, cf Seke
HC... Siki (Siqie) 07/38? [+ Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
JCC23c Sikisa 05/41 [x]
siklet (siqlät) (A) crucification, hanging
HE... Siklet (in Gondar awraja), cf Sikelt 12/37? [Ad]
HEL63c Sikuma (Sicuma, Sicuna) 12/38 [+ Gu]
sila (A) falcon, hawk; (O) a short while ago;
silaa (O) anyway
?? Sila (fort) ../.. [Gu]
silak..: koora (O) 1. meeting of elders; 2. haughtiness;
kooraa (O) hilltop, spur, saddle
HCH23 Silakora (Silacora) 0636'/3602' 908/1006 m 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
JDH71 Silaloli 0942'/4046' 806/814 m 09/40 [WO Gz]
silase, sillase (A,T) the Trinity;
silase terara (A) mountain of the Trinity
HED82 Silase Terara (Selhassie Terara) 11/37 [LM WO]
HEJ47 Silasi (Sileshi) (small island in lake Tana) 12/37 [Ch WO]
"-- half a mile out in the lake but has no church on it." [Cheesman 1936]
HEK.? Silaszi 12/38 [x]
Village south-east of Debark, on plateau west of steep descent to Tekezze.
HET59 Silawa, see Selewa
HED91 Silbet 1142'/3740' 2172 m, north-east of Bahir Dar 11/37 [Gz]
HDJ75 Silbi 0944'/3708' 2472 m, north of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HE... Silda, in the Tekeze valley 12/39 [n]
HE... Silda sub-district (centre in 1964 = Siltoch) 12/39 [Ad]
HDM54 Silele kebele (Selälé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in Ankober wereda, 3-6 km
east of Ankober town; area 381 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU75 Silelo kebele (Selälo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
stretching narrowly south-west/north-east in north-eastern
Efrata & Gidim wereda, 5-8 km south-east of Majete;
area 810 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEE76? Silena kebele (Seläna ..) 11/39? [Ad]
in western middle Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 1,217 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ47 Silesi (Selassir) (island) 12/37 [WO n]
HDL61 Silimo 0939'/3832' 2513 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
silinga, silinqa, silingo (O) wild plant with edible tubers
HDE49 Silinga, see under Nazret 08/39 [x]
HF... Silisit (in Adi Ahferom wereda) 14/38 [20]
HEL67 Siliya 1223'/3905' 2953 m, 12/39 [Gz]
midway between Lalibela and Sekota
HCS.. Silje, 08/38 [20]
settlement at the road from Hosaina to Butajira.
HBS93 Sillia (mountain) 0524'/3747' 1596 m, near HCD03 05/37 [WO Gz]
silmi, silmii (O) tick, blood-sucking parasite
HDL93 Silmi (near river of the same name) 09/38 [LM WO]
JDA07 Silmi 0809'/4029' 1534 m 08/40 [Gz]
HDL11 Silo (centre in 1964 of Mullo sub-district) 09/38 [AA Ad]
HDL21 Silo 0914'/3835' 2615 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL32 Silo 0920'/3838' 2519 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
silt (A) mode, manner, style; liturgical chant
siltan (A) authority; sultan
H.... Siltan Haile sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kernewawari)
HCU10 Siltana (Silt'ana) 0724'/3924' 2978 m, 07/39 [Gz Ad]
town in Bekoji wereda
-- Silte, traditionally a Gurage area.
HCS87 Silte (area) 07/38 [WO]
HCS89 Silte (Silti, Uodessa, Uodesha) 0801'/3820' 2113 m, 07/38 [Gu Gz]
south of Butajira
Town at the foot of Mount Gurage,
the chief Muslim centre of the Gurage country.
There are early decorated monoliths in the neighbourhood.
HCS99 Silte 0807'/3824', 08/38 [Gu]
almost at the common corner of
map squares HCS/HCT/HDD/HDE
HC... Silte wereda, see Silti wereda
-- Silti, as language it is an eastern form of Gurage
HCS88 Silti 0758'/3817' 2318 m, south-west of Butajira 07/38 [Gz]
HCT92 Silti (Gurage centre), 08/38 [LM Gu x]
in Haykoch & Butajira awraja
HCS90 Silti wereda (centre in -1957-1964- = Kibet) 08/38 [Ad]
HDE86 Silto (Silt'o) 0855'/3858' 2671 m 08/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gelan sub-district), south-west of Chefe Donsa
siltoch (A) liturgical chants, plural of silt?
HE... Siltoch (centre in 1964 of Silda sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HE... Siluh, village in the Hawzen area 13/39 [20]
HDL13 Silulta, see Sululta
HDJ04c Silup 09/36 [Gu]

sim (A,T) name, reputation

?? Sim (historically recorded area), in Harar region ../.. [Pa]
sima (Wellega Bega) kind of quick-growing shrub
Sima, Simma, a male personal name
HDE81 Sima 0853'/3835' 2128 m, west of Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
HEJ65 Sima 12/37 [WO]
sima k..: kefo, kefoo (O) kind of sweet smelling plant;
(A) (qäfo) beehive, fishtrap, birdcage, anything hollow;
kifu (A) bad
HEJ99 Sima Kefu, see under Gondar 12/37 [WO]
HED48 Simada (Semada, Samada) 1115'/3815' 11/38 [n Po WO Ch]
(district in Gayint, with sub-post office under Gondar),
cf Semada wereda, Mehal Semada
HED48 Simada wereda (Semada ..) 11/38 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 43 rural kebeles and 1 urban
HDB72 Simalla, see Shimala
HDG34 Simalla (mountain) 0923'/3508' 1536 m, 09/35 [Gz]
south-west of Nejo
HE... Simalta (in Agew Midir awraja) 11/36? [Ad]
siman, sinan (Som) smooth, flat, level;
simannaa (O) reception, welcome
HEJ47 Simana (Semana) 12/37 [Ch Gu]
JCG84 Simana, see Sinana
HEJ57 Simana Kahinat Samai 12/37 [Ch]
HEJ76 Simano 2150 m, see under Chilga 12/37 [WO Gu]
HCT98c Simba, plantation about 10 km north of Asela 08/39 [x]
During the CADU project and later, see Kulumsa.
JDH00 Simba (concession) 09/40 [WO]
JEJ02 Simbiletu (waterhole) 11/41 [MS WO]
simbira, simbirra (Guji O) eagle;
simbirro (O) any kind of small bird
HDE62 Simbiro (Simburo) (village & archaeological site), 08/38 [x]
see under Melka Kunture
HBM33 Simbirral (mountain) 0357'/3935' 1215 m 03/39 [WO Gz]
HDU10 Simboch 1006'/3922' 2660 m, west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HFE69 Simch (Simch') 1411'/3917' 2032 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
HDF86 Simegne Meda sub-district 08/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Metehara)
HDF79 Simema 14/38 [En]
Village at 17 km north-east of Inda Silase.
Wible Maryam church seems to have Aksumite-era foundations
and south of it a possible Aksumite cemetery.
simen: semen (sämen) (A) north;
but the name Simen is pronounced simén/semén
HES.. Simen (Sämén) (historical) 13/38 [+ Pa]
HES68 Simen awraja (Semien ..) 1315'/3815' 13/38 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1980 = Debark)
HES.. Simen Mountains National Park 13/38? [x n]
Size 179 sq km. Established because of the spectacular mountain scenery.
21 species of larger mammals have been recorded, among which the walia ibex,
and 63 species of birds.
simet g..: gult (A) fief, land given as an endowment
HDL15 Simet Gult kebele (Semét .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
small area in northern Kewet wereda at its western
border, 15-16 km west of Shewa Robit; area 322 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCR79 Simini 0756'/3726' 1919 m 07/37 [WO Gu Gz]
HE... Simiro Amba 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Asra Hulet Tekula sub-district)
HEJ76 Simra 1225'/3710' 1874 m, 12/37 [Gz]
between Gorgora and Chilga
HEJ76 Simra 1225'/3711' 1848 m, 12/37 [Gz]
a little east of the previous one
HDJ15 Simre 0910'/3708' 1871 m, south of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
-- Simtanga language (Simt'anga), see Xamtanga
HEU23 Simuny 1253'/3939' 2166 m, north of Korbeta 12/39 [Gz]
?? Simurobi Gele'alo wereda ../.. [20]
in Afar zone 5
HDU34 Sin Amba kebele (Sen ..) 10/39 [Ad]
towards the south in the middle of central Gera Midir
& Keya Gebriel wereda, 1-5 km west of Mehal Meda;
area 1,015 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
sina (A) kind of shrub or tree, Teclea nobilis
HDM84 Sina & Debre Sina kebele (.. Däbrä .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in south Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera
wereda, adjoining Debre Sina town to its east and
extending 3 km from there; area 778 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM54 Sina kebele 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the south at the western border of
Ankober wereda, 2-7 km south-west of Ankober town;
area 949 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE94 Sina Maryam (.. Mariam) (church) 11/38 [+ WO]
?? Sinagabure, in Kollo Konta ../.. [x]
sinan, siman (Som) smooth, level, equal
H.... Sinan sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jiga Giyorgis) 10/37 [Ad n]
(-1964-1997-), cf Senan
JCG84 Sinana (Simana) 0705'/4012' 2482 m 07/40 [Gz]
Tenders for supply of equipment for the Institute of Agricultural Research
centre at Sinana were invited in September 1986.
JCG84 Sinana & Dinsho wereda
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
JCG84 Sinana wereda (Simana ..) (-1964-2000-) 07/40 [Ad WO Wa 20]
(centre in 1964 = Hissu), in central Mendeyo awraja
HDF84 Sinano, M. (area) 1372 m 08/39 [WO]
?? Sinass (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
sinat k..: kella, keellaa (O) checkpoint, border post
HEM00? Sinat Kela kebele (Senat Kéla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 2,212 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES.. Sinbar (river in high Simen) 13/38? [x]
sinde, sindi (A) wheat, Triticum aestivum, T. sativum
GDU92 Sinde 10/34 [WO]
sindedo, sindido (A,Gurage) thick plaiting reed; kind of grass
used also for torches; Pennisetum schimperi
HDT05 Sindedo 1000'/3855' 2159 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Derra
HES32 Sindeduaie, see under Dabat 12/37 [WO]
HEE83 Sine Maryam (church) 1140'/3846', 11/38 [Gz]
west of Bete Hor
HFL04 Sinfa 1582 m 14/38 [WO]
HEJ78 Sinfakara (Sinfacara, Sefanchera) 12/37 [+ WO Gu]
sing (A) placenta
HCH07 Singe (Singhe) 0620'/3620' 1287, 2500 m, 06/36 [+ WO Gz]
see under Dime, cf Senge
HFE69 Sinhat Maryam (church) 1409'/3916', 14/39 [Gz]
south-west of Adigrat
HEF72 Sink Abro Aymotu (Sink' .. ..) 11/39 [Gz]
1132'/3931' 3111 m, south of Weldiya
HEF71? Sinka kebele (Senqa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Ambasel wereda; area 3,066 hectares.
sinkata: zingata (A) forgetfulness
HFF52 Sinkata (Sink'at'a, Sinqata, Sincata, Senkata) 13/39 [Gz q Br n]
(Frewini, Freweini, Fire Woyini)
Gz: 1403'/3934' 2409 m; MS: 1340'/3930' = HFF11
Centre in 1964 of Daeda Amba wereda & sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are
-- Adi Chewa (Addi Cioa) at 30 minutes walk
(with rock-hewn church Arbatu Insisa)
With postal agent (sub-post office).
HFF52 Sinkata (Sincata, Senkata) (river) 13/39 [Br 18 WO Gu]
HEM41 Sinke Amba (Sink'e A., Sinqe A.) (place), 12/39 [Gz q]
1209'/3931' 2217 m, west of Kobbo
HCU96 Sinkille, see Chole
HCL80c Sintaro (Santaro, Haranfana), 07/38 [n]
village in Awasa wereda, with a megalithic site
HCR93 Sintu, see Suntu
HET86 Sinua Ual, see Senowalwa
HCR43 Sipino 0737'/3653'c, 07/36 [x]
at Gibe river some 10 km south of Hirmata
sir (A) root, at the foot of
HDS38 Sir Iyesus (church) 1018'/3818', south of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
sira (A) work, duty, task; sirra (T) kind of pepper,
Capsicum conicum
GDF85 Sira (Saira) (mountain) 0857'/3450' 2182 m, cf Sera 08/34 [WO Gz]
HET05 Sirael (Sira'el) 1244'/3858' 2059 m, 12/38 [Gz]
north-west of Sekota
HE... Sirara sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kankicho) 12/37? [Ad]
sirara (A) professional trader, caravan;
waryaa (Som) hey! impolite word to get attention
HEJ88 Sirara Warya (Sirara Uaria) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HCK77 Siraro sub-district (Sirraro ..) (-1964-1997-) 07/38 [Ad WO n]
(centre in 1964 = Shashamene)
HCK77 Siraro wereda (-2000-) 07/38 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 111 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDU55 Siray Dega kebele (Seray Däga ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the north-east in Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
8-17 km west-southwest of Majete; area 4,904 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU65 Siray Gedel kebele (Seray Gädäl ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the north-easternmost corner of Gera Midir &
Keya Gebriel wereda at its borders there, 6-10 km
west-southwest of Majete; area 2,717 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sirba (O) song, dance, music, dancer;
sirbaa (O) to blink fast /said of eyes/
HCT48 Sirba, see Lemu
HDG96 Sirba (Tulu Sirba) (mountain) 0954'/3523' 1577 m 09/35 [WO Gz x]
HDK88 Sirba 0951'/3816' 2546 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HEB00 Sirba (Sairba) (mountain) 1054'/3547' 1488 m 10/35 [WO Gz]
JDG07 Sirba (area) 09/40 [WO]
?? Sirba Abay wereda ../.. [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 19 rural kebeles but no urban one.
?? Sirba & Godeti (Sirbana Godeti), ../.. [n]
settlement in South Shewa
HDT73 Sirba Menebeko kebele (.. Mänäbäko ..) 10/38 [Ad]
a little to the west in central Debre Sina wereda,
8-13 km west of Mekane Selam; area 1,739 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HDP21 Sirbanti (Siribanti, Sairibanti) (mountain) 10/35 [Gz WO]
1009'/3552' 1810, 2121 m
HC... Sirbo, town in Bekoji wereda 07/39 [20]
sire, sirie (A) my root; sire (T) trousers;
siree (O) 1. kind of bedstead and sitting place;
2. litter for sick or dead person
?? Sire (historical)
HCG58 Sire (Siri) 0651'/3534' 1783 m, 06/35 [WO Gz]
south-west of Shewa Gimira
HCG59 Sire (Siri) 0649'/3537' 1522 m, 06/35 [Gz]
south-west of Shewa Gimira
HCH70c Sire 06/35 [Gu]
HCL64 Sire 0657'/3849' 2508 m, 06/38 [Gu Gz]
(village, with tomb), south of Kofele
HCL75c Sire, 2630 m 07/38 [Gu]
HCL96 Sire, see Shire
HCU11 Sire 0720'/3926' 2634 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDB98 Sire (Sirie) 0902'/3625' 1825 m, 09/36 [Gz]
south-west of Nekemte
HDC93 Sire (Sirie) 1845/1896 m 09/36 [MS Ad WO Gu]
Centre in 1964 of Sibu Sire wereda & sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7SE Tulla Korma (T.Corma) 2023 m, area once w landing strip
2NW Kidus Mikael (It: San Michele) (church)
10NW Yambal (Iambal) (mountain)
9NE Moto (area) 2190 m
10NE Kidus Giyorgis (It: San Giorgio) (church)
HDF11 Sire 0817'/3937' 1837 m, 08/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis to the west)
HDF11 Sire (Sirie, Siri, Sirre, Sirrey, Sere, Seri) 08/39 [Gz Po WO Wa]
Gz: 0819'/3929' 1793 m; MS: 0810'/3920' = HDF00, 1977/2190 m
In the northernmost corner of Chilalo awraja,
centre at least in 1964-1986 of Sire wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Enda Bollo Mikael (E.B. Micael) (church) 2435 m
3S Chacha (Ciacia) 2440 m
5S Ota (Ottu) (village)
8S Borora (plain) c2500 m
10SW Galata (Geleta) (village) 1982 m
7NW Karra (Carra) (area)
3NE Michika (Miccica) (village)
5NE Enda Kassala Maryam (E. Cassala Mariam) (church)
HDF40 Sire 0834'/3921' 1501 m, east of Nazret 08/39 [Gz]
HDF51 Sire 0837'/3926' 1554 m, 08/39 [Gz]
north-east of Nazret near the railway
HDJ33 Sire 0920'/3654' 1586 m, west of Haretu 09/36 [Gz]
HDK32 Sire 0923'/3746' 1531 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK33 Sire, at 2 km distance from the one above 09/37 [AA]
HDL61 Sire 0939'/3831' 2593 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDL65 Sire, see under Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA]
HDL91 Sire (Sirie) 0953'/3831' 2532 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Hidebu sub-district), east of Tulu Milki
HFD.. Sire, west of Aksum 13/38? [n]
JDA03 Sire, G.(area) 1639 m, see under Gololcha 08/40 [WO]
JDA76 Sire 08/40 [WO]
/one Sire about here? in Arba Gugu awraja:/
JDB71 Sire 0851'/4051' 1791 m 08/40 [Gz]
JDA14 Sire Beggo, G. (area) 1852 m 08/40 [WO]
HDF11 Sire & Dodota wereda 08/39 [Ad]
sire ge..: gedel (gädäl) (A,T) cliff, steep place, precipice
HEM20 Sire Gedel 1200'/3925' 3412 m, east of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
sire gi..: gino (O) roof structure
HDK83 Sire Gino 0950'/3750' 1377 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDF11? Sire wereda, cf Sibu Sire wereda 08/39? [x]
sireb..: baqqoo (O) hot lowland region
HDR06 Sirebako (Sirebaco) (area), also 10/37 09/37 [+ WO]
HDU44 Siredej kebele (Serädäj ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in east Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
11-18 km north-northeast of Mehal Meda; area 1,463 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDT19 Sirekoli (Sirecoli, Sirekole) (river) 1005'/3417' 10/34 [+ x Mi]
Coordinates give location very near to the border of Sudan.
Sirekoli is a right affluent of the Yabus river in Wellega. It contains gold placers.
In the upper northern part of the Sirekoli valley, at the villages Sumanindo, Goha and
JEP78 Sirenu (waterhole) 13/41 [WO]
HDF71 Siressa (area), see under Bollo Selassie 08/39 [WO]
GDM90 Sirgole (Sirgoli, Sirkole) 0954'/3425' 672 m, 09/34 [WO Gz LM]
not far from the border of Sudan, cf Sirekoli
/this place?:/ Some 1,536 Sudanese refugees were rounded up in Addis Abeba
in the beginning of January 1998 and moved to Shirkole refugee camp.
siri: sirri, sirrii (O) straight; siiri (Som) whistle, siren
HCG58 Siri, see Sire & HFD11
HDF35 Siri, see Sirri
HDK42 Siri 0927'/3746' 1583 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
A river in Wellega, an affluent of the Aluoro which in turn is a left affluent of the Baro. Siri is
comparatively rich in gold.
HDP21 Siribanti, see Sirbanti
HDP34 Siribanti (area) 10/36 [Ch]
1927: "On the right bank /of the Abay/ stand three conspicuous mountain peaks, Jaladura, Sandi, and
Siribanti; the Abbai water passes along the foot of Siribanti."
HDB98 Sirie, see Sire & HFD11

HEF92? Siringa kebele (Seringa ..) 11/39 [Ad]

in westernmost Habru wereda; area 2,252 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC21 Siringi (Sirigi, Sirighi Micael) 1105'/3643' 2119 m 11/36 [Gz Ch Gu WO]
HEF92 Sirinka (Sirink'a, Sirinqa) 1145'/3936' 2081 m 11/39 [Gz q Po]
(with church Iyesus to the north-west), in Yeju awraja
(with visiting postman under Dessie), south of Weldiya
HEL66 Sirira 1222'/3902' 2787 m, south of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
GDM90 Sirkole, see Sirgole
HBU45 Siro 0457'/3950' 1203 m, south-east of Negele 04/39 [Gz]
HEF30 Siro kebele 11/39 [Ad]
south of the midpoint of Kuta Ber wereda; area 5,359 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBM01 Sirre (area) 03/39 [WO]
HDF11 Sirre, see Sire
sirrei: siray (A) red colour
JCJ35 Sirrei 0640'/4206' 537 m, north-west of Imi 06/42 [WO Gz]
sirri (O) 1. straight, with no bend; 2. frank, honest
HDD29 Sirri 08/38 [WO]
HDF35 Sirri (Siri) (mountain) 0829'/3947' 1730, 1945 m 08/39 [WO Gz]
sirro: siiro (Som) character, nature of person;
sirrow (Som) secretive person
KCN26 Sirro 0726'/4521' 640 m 07/45 [WO Gz]
sirt (A) steep path, usually in the mountains
HDU15 Sirt (Sirt', Baca) 1007'/3951' 1680 m, 10/39 [Gz WO]
east of Molale
sirti (O) difficult pass
HDL44 Sirti (Sirt'i) 0926'/3848' 2560 m, north of Sululta, 09/38 [AA Gz]
cf Serte
sirtu a..: ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area
HDM14 Sirtu Ager (Sirt'u A.) 0911'/3944' 1649 m, 09/39 [Gz]
near Sidisto
sirye g..: guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/
JDB73 Sirye Guddo (Sirie Guddo) (area) 2187 m 08/40 [+ WO]
sirye k..: kallo, qallo (O) thin /liquid/; qalo (Som) sacrifice;
kalo, kaloo (O) 1. grass, grazing area; 2. belly of sheep or goat;
3. inaccessible; kallo, qalloo (O) of small diameter
JDB72 Sirye Kallo (Sirie Callo) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDT17 Sis Amba (place) 1006'/3903' 1877 m 10/39 [Gz]
sisa (O) under-storey tree in highland forests,
Bersama abyssinica; sissa (A) 1. tall tree, Albizzia
schimperiana; (A,T) 2. sixty
GDF05 Sisa 0811'/3446' 535 m 08/34 [WO Gz]
sisay m..: mesk (mäsk) (A) grazing land, meadow
HE... Sisai Mesk (centre in 1964 of Gidin sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
sisay (A,Geez) daily bread, provisions; plenty, abundance;
(Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Rhus retinorrhoea
Sisay, Sissay, a male personal name
HCG65 Sischi (Siski?) 0654'/3517' 958, 1493 m, 06/35 [WO Gz]
north-east of Guraferda
HCL31 Sisha 0640'/3830' 2374 m, north-east of Wendo 06/38 [WO Gz]
JEA77 Sishibilu (Siscibilu) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JDR47 Sisip (waterhole) 10/42 [MS WO]
HCA78 Siski (Sischi) (village), see under Maji 06/35 [+ WO Gu]
HCA78 Siski (Sischi) (mountain) 2499 m 06/35 [+ Gu]
HCG65 Siski, see Sischi
siso (A) literally one-third; land left to the local chief or
descent community upon state confiscation or measure-
ment of land
HDB26 Siso 0826'/3615' 1916 m, south-west of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
HED26c Siso Enessie sub-district (-1964-1997-) 11/38 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Gunde Weyn Mar)
HED26c Siso Enessie wereda (.. Enese ..) 11/38 [Ad]
HDD.. Sissé 08/37 [n]
village in the Chebo & Gurage awraja.
HCS98 Site (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDU22 Siter Dega kebele (Sit'är Däga ..) 10/39 [Ad]
/highland one of a pair with Siter Kola = lowland/
in south-west Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda
somewhat to its east; area 1,406 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Siter Gabriel (in Menz .. awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
HDU21 Siter Kola kebele (Sit'är Qola ..) 10/39 [Ad]
/lowland one of a pair with Siter Dega/
centrally in south-west Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda;
area 1,232 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
(Sitona, Sittona HFC98 14/37 [WO 20])
(town and river in disputed area in Eritrea)
The town is on the north bank of the Tekezze and
the Sittona river joins the Tekezze there.
siur (T) defeated
HEL23 Siura 1202'/3843' 1465 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
HDF81 Sivilan kebele 08/39 [Ad]
centrally in Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
10-14 km east of Balchi; area 841 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDD97 Siwand 0902'/4308' 1538 m 09/43 [Gz]
siya (T) palm
?? Siya Debir Wayu & Ensaro wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 88 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
JED11 Siyara (Siara) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
siyaro (Som; Arabic Ziyárat) place of pious visitation
-- Sizi language, see Dizi
skaka d..: daab (Som) 1. diarrhoea; kind of disease of
calves; 2. handle; dhaab (Som) fix, fasten
HER88 Skaka Daab (Scaca Daab), see under Mesfinto 13/37 [+ WO]
HDC09 Skanshama (Scanshama) (area), see Shanshama 08/37 [+ WO]
HFF34 Skemay (Schemai) 2639 m 13/39 [+ Gu]
HEA24 Skolyi (Scogli) (mountains) 1064 m 11/35 [+ WO]
HET05 Skurshimeneku (Scurscimenecu) 13/38 [WO Gu]
HES77c Slam Sauana (village), see under Sawana 13/38 [Gu]
HFE61 Slehleka, see Selekleka
HET59 Sloa, see Selewa
Small .., see Tinishu .., Tinshu ..
HCB86 Smith (European-given name; mountain), 06/36 [18 MS WO]
0614'/3618' 2229, 2528, 2832 m, see under Dime
The mountain is called Bayo by the local Dime people.
HEP08 Snoch (area) 12/36 [WO]
soba (O) a lie
HCM55 Soba (mountain peak) 0651'/3946' 4161 m, 06/39 [Gz]
south-west of Goba
?? Soba (in Tigray lowlands) ../.. [Mi]
HEF13 Soba kebele 10/39? [Ad]
in southernmost Dese Zuriya wereda, straight south of Dessie town;
area 2,118 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM13 Sobadoba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the north-west in central
Berehet wereda; area 2,115 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Sobiya (Sobeya, Sobia) wereda ../.. [+ n Yo]
(in the 1980s, in Tigray)
HFF75 Sobni (mountain) 1415'/3949' 1719, 2551 m 14/39 [Gu Wa Gz]
sobo (O) patronage, protection
HCC86 Sobo 0611'/3708' 1343 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDL81 Sobo 0947'/3832' 2910 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDJ06 Soboca, see Sheboka
soboka, sobbooqaa (O) double, duplicate;
name given to a second son
HEL96 Socata, see Sekota
HFF62 Socata, see Sokata
?? Sochiccia, see Sokicha
JCN43 Socke (Socche) (area) 07/40 [+ WO]
HBS74 Socora, see Sokora & HCE49
HCR79 Socorro (Soccoro), see Sekoru
HEL96 Socota, see Sekota & HFD09
HFF62 Socota, see Sokata
HFD09 Socota Semien, see Sekota
HDC73 Socso (Socsao), see Sokso
soda, sodaa (O) fear, horror
HBK69 Soda (El Sod) 0412'/3824' 1449 m, 04/38 [Gz WO Gu]
(populated place and crater), near map code HBL60,
cf Supe & Soda
With structure of well from prehistoric time.
sodda, soddaa (O) in-law by marriage, step-son etc;
sodaa (O) fright, horror
JCH34 Soddam 06/40 [Wa]
JDG33 Sodde (plain) 0922'/4005' 09/40 [WO x]
?? Soddicha (Soddiccia) (with monumental stones) ../.. [+ Gu]
soddo (O) phallic stone monument
-- Soddo, Soddu, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe,
-- also name of a northern Gurage dialect
HCK52 Soddo (Sodo, Soddu, Wolamo Soddo, Welayta S.) 06/37 [Ro Gz WO Te]
(Wolayta Soddo, Welayita Sodo, Tsoddo)
0654'/3745' 1600/2100 m, 70 km south-west of Awasa
Coordinates would give map code HCK62.
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Welamo/Welayta awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Aleni Damota (area? village?)
4N Minilik Hill (Menelik H.)
7N Damota (Dalbu) (mountain) 2330/2738 m
A waterfall Tosa Asfo ("God's Precipice") is 10 kilometres from Soddo.
There was an American Evangelical mission at one hour outside the town.
HDB41 Soddo (Sodo, Suppe, Suppi) 08/35 [WO Gz Ad]
0835'/3549' 1843, 2206 m
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDD38 Soddo (Sodo) 08/38 [WO Ad]
(area & centre in 1964 of Boneya Wama sub-district)
HDD69 Soddo (area) 0842'/3823' 08/38 [n]
HDB41 Soddo sub-district (-1964-1997-) 08/35 [Ad n]
HDE00 Soddo wereda (Sodo ..) (centre in -1957-1964- = Bui) 08/38 [x Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 62 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
H... Soddo Zuriya wereda (Sodo .. ..), cf Welayta wereda ../.. [x]
(-1994-) is divided into 33 rural and 10 urban kebeles.
soddoma (O) thirty
JDH22 Soddoma, G. (area) 1980 m 09/40 [WO]
soddu (O) 1. burial place, tomb; 2. memorial offering; 3. to fear
-- Soddu, Soddo, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HCK52 Soddu (Sodo) 0654'/3745' 2300 m, 06/37 [WO Gz]
north-west of lake Abaya
H.... Soddu (Sanghittie) (mountain) c.4000 m 06/39? [Gu]
HDC83 Soddu (Gebel S.) (mountain) 0854'/3656' 2169 m 08/36 [WO Gz]
HDE24 Soddu (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDN78c Soddu (Sodu), west of Wembera in Gojjam, c.1730 m 10/35 [Gu Ch]
JDB50 Soddu (area) 08/40 [WO]
HDF20 Sodere (Sodore) 0824'/3923' 1466 m, 08/39 [Gz]
located at 127 km from Addis Abeba.
The swimming pool with restaurant etc was in full operation by 1963.
This hot-spring resort lies 7 km off the main Nazret-Asela road
HDU91 Sodere kebele (Sodäré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Legambo wereda at its border,
15-20 km east-southeast of Akista; area 1,149 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF.. Sodere wereda 08/39 [20]
?? Sodi Gordena (locality or ethnic group?) ../.. [n]
GCU27 Sodo (area), cf Soddo 07/34 [WO]
HCK54 Sodo, see Soddu
HDB41 Sodo, see Soddo
H.... Sodo Zuriya, see Soddo Zuriya
HC... Sodobue (in Haykoch & Butajira awraja) 08/38? [Ad]
JDH11 Sodoma 0913'/4048' 1417 m 09/40 [Gz]
JDH25 Sodoma 0919'/4111' 1690 m, 09/41 [Gz]
(with church Gebriel) west of Deder
HEM05? Sodoma kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Habru wereda; area 2,361 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JEP43 Sodonta (plain) 13/41 [Ne WO]
HDF20 Sodore, see Sodere
sof: soof (Som) grazing ground; oomaar (Som) steam, mist,
smoke, vapour; Oomaar, a male name
HCF75 Sof Omar (Sof Umer) 0613'/3946' 1164 m 06/39 [WO Gz]
(village near waterfalls)
Coordinates would give map code HCF85
JCG58 Sof Omar (Sof 'Umer, Sof Umar, Danilo?) 06/40 [x Gz Gu]
(famous caves) 0650'/4033' 1685 m
Sof Omar village at entrance of river Web into caves is as above,
and Huluko (Hulluqo, Holuca, Uluca) is a village at its exit
(Sof Umer Washa) 0654'/4051 = JCH61, south-east of Ginir
sofa (O) kind of necklace of brass wire
HEJ87 Sofaya (Sofaia) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEF04 Sofchola 1052'/3945' 1526 m, south of Kombolcha 10/39 [Gz]
sofe (O) eligible; soofe (Som) whetstone;
(O) /he/ planed smooth
HCK31 Sofe 0637'/3740' 1523 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
sofi: soofi (Som) drive livestock out to graze
JDJ26c Sofi ../.. [..]
HEU51 Sofoo (Sofo'o) 1308'/3928' 2151 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam)
HCA24 Sogata (Sagada) 0545'/3505' 1043 m, cf Sogota 05/35 [Gz Wa]
HDC46 Soggido (Sogido, Sogghido) (area) 08/37 [+ x WO]
JDD25 Sogh Sogh (area) 08/42 [WO]
sogida, sogidda, soogidda (O) salt
HB... Sogida (volcano) 04/38 [18]
HDP06 Sogidda (Soghidda) (mountain) 1002'/3615' 2056 m 10/36 [+ WO Gz]
HBL63 Sogidda (Soghidda) (with seasonal well) 04/38 [+ MS WO]
HEU52 Sogoda 1312'/3935' 2206 m, north-west of Debub 13/39 [Gz]
HEU82 Sogoda (village), see Asegeda, under Kwiha
HDK62 Sogodo 0937'/3745' 2331 m, west of Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HCA23 Sogota, cf Sogata, Sogoda 05/35 [Wa]
sohan: soohan (Som) plaited, woven, spun
HEC97 Sohan (area) 11/37 [Ch]
HEM40 Sohana (mountain recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
HBK60 Soi (Gebel S.) (hill) 0415'/3732' 1131/1150 m, 04/37 [WO Gz]
not far from the border of Kenya
HDH39 Soiama, see Soyama
JDR93 Sok Sok (area) 10/41 [WO]
soka, soqaa (O) hoeing or carving;
sokka (O) kind of secret marriage
JDB99 Soka (Soca) river at 0901'/4132' 1393 m 09/41 [Ad x]
Coordinates give a location near the common corner
of the map squares JDB/JDC/JDH/JDJ.
Sub-district & its centre in 1964.
The Soka is an affluent of the Ramis in the Chercher area.
JDH18 Soka (Sok'a, Soqa) 0910'/4127' 1393 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
south of Deder
HFF62 Sokata (Socata, Socota) 1409'/3936' 2783 m, 14/39 [+ Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
soke (sooqee) (O) 1. tree with lightweight wood used for
for boats, Acacia aquatica; 2. /animal/ black with red or
with white across the back; soke (Som) on the nearer side;
sokke (O) /staying/ far away
HCE20 Soke (area) 05/38 [WO]
soke (O) terara (A) light wood mountain
HDK20 Soke (mountain) 0919'/3735' 1506 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEM04 Sokeke 1148'/3945' 1620 m, east of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HEL96 Soketa, see Sekota
HDK29 Soki (Sok'i, Soqi) 0918'/3821' 2492 m, 09/38 [AA q]
north of Addis Alem
?? Sokicha (Sochiccia) (in the Dilla area) ../.. [+ Gu]
HEM31 Sokona (Socona) (mountain) 1206'/3926' 2901 m 12/39 [+ Gz]
HBS74 Sokora (Socora) (mountain) 05/37 [+ WO]
HCE49 Sokora (Socora) 05/39 [+ WO]
HFC68 Sokori (area) 14/37 [WO]
sokoro, sokorru (western O) kind of tree, Acanthus arboreus;
(other O) giant thistle, Echinops giganteus
HDL61 Sokoro 0940'/3831' 2508 m, south-west of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
cf Sekoro, Sokuru (Sokoru)
(centre in 1964 of Bedi sub-district)
HDM70 Sokoro (Socoro, Soccoro) 2800 m 09/39 [+ WO x]
HC... Sokoru wereda 07/36 [20]
HEL96 Sokota, see Sekota & HFD09
sokso: sokoksu (O) to move; shokoksa (O) kind of weed in
the fields, with edible seeds
HDC74 Sokso (Socso, Socso Lencia?, Socsao) 08/36 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(mountain) 0850'/3658' 2080, 2137, 2397 m
sokuru: sokorru (O) giant thistle, Echinops giganteus
?? Sokuru (sub-post office under Jimma), ../.. [Po]
cf Sokoro, Sekoru
sola (A) kind of large tree,
Pittosporum viridiflorum ssp. quartinianum
HFC37 Sola 1353'/3712' 1775 m, near Kafta 13/37 [WO 18 Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HFC36
HEE85 Sola Kidane Mihret (Meret) (church) 1140'/3858', 11/38 [Gz]
north-west of Bete Hor
soladdera g..: gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Salix subserrata; twogs from it are used as tooth-sticks
JEA49 Soladdera Gera (.. Ghera) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
solage: sollaga, soollagaa (O) droopy, wilting
HED64 Solage 1126'/3756' 2444 m 11/37 [Gu Gz]
H.... Solamo, town in Uraga wereda 06/38? [20]
HET59 Solawa, see Selewa
?? Solay ../.. [x]
Village in the Arussi/Sidamo region.
sole, soleh, solle (O) kinds of large tree, Pittosporum spp.,
Pittosporum viridiflorum; abaru (O) invoke a supernatural power;
-- Sole, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCL72 Sole (Sole Abaro), see Busa
HCL92c Sole (with sawmill), see under Shashemene 07/38 [x]
HDK20 Sole 0915'/3733' 1634 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDJ25 Sole 0918'/3705' 2778 m, south of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
HDK99 Sole 0955'/3819' 2492 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki
HDL51 Sole 0933'/3834' 2210 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(brackish water nearby), south-west of Fiche
HDD60 Sole Gebriel (church) 0844'/3731' 08/37 [Gz]
JDJ23 Sole 0917'/4157' 1680 m, north-east of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HDT95 Sole kebele (Solé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
centrally far to the west in Legambo wereda; area 1,438 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE65 Soleda (Sulloda, Scelloda, Shelloda), 14/38 [Gz Gu x]
(mountain) 1411'/3854' 2150, 2484 m, see under Adwa
HEM13 Solela Abo (church) 1154'/3937', north of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HEE96? Solela kebele (Soläla ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the middle of Wadla wereda; area 2,138 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCE43 Solemo (Solomo, Solomon) 0549'/3843' 1771 m 05/38 [Gz Po]
(Odo Urga) (with visiting postman under Shashemene)
west of Kibre Mengist, cf Sollamo
soli, solie (A) kinds of shrub or medium tree,
Galiniera coffeoides, G. saxifraga
H.... Solie 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Ababora Bet sub-district)
HCU61 Solie sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ticho) 07/39 [Ad]
JEB28 Solis, M. (area) 11/41 [WO]
solit d..: dima, diima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides; 3. baobab large tree,
Adansonia digitata
HEL09? Solit Dima kebele (.. Dema ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 1,351 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCA06 Solka (mountain), see Naita
HCE81c Sollamo (with mission station), cf Solemo 06/38 [x]
solloka (solloqa) (O) bark of certain plants used for rope
HDC45 Solloka (Solloca) (with fort) 08/37 [+ WO]
HDE49 Sollucchi, see Soloke
HEU05 Soloka 1243'/3949' 1735 m, south-east of Korbeta 12/39 [Gz]
HDE12 Soloke (Solok'e) 0814'/3837' 1991 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of lake Ziway
HDE49 Soloke (Solok'e, Sollucchi) 0834'/3919' 1538 m, 08/39 [Gz WO]
see under Nazret, near the main road and railway
HCE43 Solomo (Solomon), see Solemo
HCE71 Solomo 0606'/3835' 2282 m 06/38 [Gz]
JDK85 Solsol 0941'/4301' 1759 m, near border of Somalia 09/43 [Gz]
HCD24 Soluko (Solucco) 3100 m 05/37 [+ WO]
soma (A) kind of shrub used for sticks;
somaa (O) shaft of spear; sooma (O) fasting
HDT71c Soma (Imbilati, Imilat'e) (lowland area) 10/38 [Ch]
JDK84 Somadu 0948'/4255' 1413 m, not far from Somalia 09/42 [Gz]
HBL02 Somay (Somai) (area) 03/38 [+ WO]
somaya (A) shrub or small tree, Grewia bicolor;
soomaya (O) spear-shaft; somayo (O) penis
somba (O) lung/s/
HCC72 Somba 0607'/3647' 2097 m, east of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
HDG19 Somba 2012 m 09/35 [WO]
somba g..: guta (T) drag; also name of a clan of Arsi Oromo
HDG.. Somba Guta, in Gimbi awraja 08/40 [n]
sombo, sembo (A,O) 1. kind of timber tree, Ekebergia capensis,
Ekebergia rueppelliana, also Aphania senegalensis;
2. assembly hall for men of the Guji and Darassa
GDF86 Sombo, see Haro
HCR30 Sombo, see Sembo
HDC67 Sombo 0842'/3716' 1897 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDH78 Sombo, see Surobdu
HDH88 Sombo, see Senbo
HDJ10 Sombo 0912'/3639' 1846 m 09/36 [Gz]
(with church Gebriel), north-east of Nekemte
HDJ48 Sombo 0925'/3723' 2265 m, north-east of Haretu 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ63 Sombo 0938'/3652' 1661 m, north-west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ74 Sombo 0946'/3701' 2276 m, north-west of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ74 Sombo 0946'/3702' 2330 m, north-west of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ84 Sombo 0947'/3701' 2402 m, south-west of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDL70 Sombo 0943'/3830' 2504 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
HDL80 Sombo 0950'/3825' 2545 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
GD... Sombo Deyu (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
sombo n..: Nebo, mountain in the Old Testament
HDB78 Sombo Nebo 0848'/3629' 2333 m, 08/36 [Gz]
north-west of Arjo
HDG39 Somboderr (Somboderro), see Sambodere
HCL59 Somcaro, see Somkeru
JDK85 Somedou (area) 09/43 [WO]
HCL59 Somkeru (Somcaru, Sommacaro) (mountain) 06/39 [Gz WO]
0649'/3916' 3461, 3809 m
?? Somma (historical), ../.. [18]
in the mid-1800s Somma was a fortress of Ras Ali.
HDM06 Somme (area) 09/39 [WO]
HDK65 Somo 0940'/3758' 2516 m, east of Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDM.? Somsa (with church Medhane Alem), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kamis wereda
HDL09 Somsa Giyorgis (church) 0905'/3917', 09/39 [Gz]
east of Sendafa
somu (O) to fast
HD... Sonbo (centre in 1964 of Wentu sub-district), 09/39 [Ad]
cf Sombo
GDF91 Sonca, see Sonkoy
sone: sona (O) readyness, orderliness;
soonaa (O) ideal, perfect
HDL63 Sone 0939'/3844' 2614 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
sonee (Som) kind of medicinal plant
GDF91 Songo (Tulu S.) (hill) 1774 m 09/34 [WO]
HBT52 Sonkligala (Gebel Sonchligalla, Soncligata) 04/38 [Gz WO]
(mountain) 0459'/3841' 1254 m
HFD69 Sonko Sonko (Sonco Sonco) 14/38 [+ WO]
GDF91 Sonkoy (Sonca, Tulu Songo) 0904'/3430' 1774 m 09/34 [Gz]
GDM02 Sonkoy (Ghera Ciocorsa, Gherai, Grai, Girai) 09/34 [Gz WO Ad]
0905'/3432' 1641 m
(centre in 1964 of Kumbabi & Wabera sub-district)
-- Sooro, a sub-group of the Hadiyya
?? Sooro wereda, ../.. [20]
with some inhabitants of the Dubamo people
HDH.? Sopso, settlement in Leka in Wellega 09/36? [x]
Around 1880, Sopso was the main settlement of Leka.
HEL96 Soquota, see Sekota
sor- (O) rich
HDB27 Sor (waterfall), see Bechu
HDB30 Sor & Geba awraja (.. Gabba .., Sorna Geba ..) 08/35 [Gz]
HEL.. Sorba (centre in 1964 of Dengobat sub-district) 12/38 [Ad]
sorba abbo: abbo (O) term of address among male friends;
Abbo (A) colloquial name of Saint Gebre Menfes Qiddus
HEL26 Sorba Abbo (church), see under Lalibela 12/38 [WO]
HDT15c Sorba kebele 09/38 [Ad]
in south-western Bugna wereda; area 11,565 hectares.
HDT27 Sorch & Aredawayu kebele (.. Arädawayu ..) 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the east in central Weremo Wajitu & Mida
wereda, 2-6 km north of Meragna; area 2,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Sore, a male personal name
?? Sore wereda (Sori ..), in Welamo ../.. [x]
HCL48 Sorefta, see Sorfta
HCK62c Sorfella (plain) 06/37 [Gu]
HCL48 Sorfta (Sorefta) 0643'/3910' 2733 m, 06/39 [Gz]
south of Dodola
HDH08 Sorga 09/36 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Digga Mesera sub-district)
JEP79 Sorgaale (waterhole) 13/41 [MS WO]
HCS12c Sorgago, circa 25 km south-west of Hosaina 07/37 [20]
sorgo, soorgoo (O) 1. poorly cooked /food/;
2. the most obvious meaning of two in a pun;
chitu (O) break /rope etc./; cut /cloth/ from the loom;
from the loom; chittu (O) useless, broken piece
HDJ36 Sorgo Chitu (S. Ch'itu) 0924'/3708' 2224 m, 09/37 [Gz]
near Haretu
?? Sori .., see Sore ..
JDJ01 Soriya 0905'/4146' 1915 m, south-west of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
JER50 Sorkale (Sorcale) 1317'/4139' 1361 m, 13/41 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain), near the border of Eritrea
Coordinates would give map code JER60
HDM04 Sorkoma (M.Sorcoma) (area), see under Sidisto 09/39 [+ WO]
sorma: sooroma (O) affluence, wealth
HCE93 Sorma (Coba Sorma?) (area) 06/38 [WO]
-- Soro, a sub-group of the Hadiya people
GDM32 Soro, see under Begi 09/34 [WO]
HCS11c Soro, area south of Gimbichu 07/37 [20]
GD... Soro kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan.
Kwama language is spoken there.
HCS11c Soro wereda (Sorro ..) 07/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 69 rural and 4 urban kebeles.
HBS78 Soroppa, see Surupa
sorora (Borana O) wooden milk vessel
HBU12 Sororo (Gebel S.) (mountain) 0441'/3931' 828 m 04/39 [WO Gz]
HEM34 Sororo 1202'/3946' 1728 m, south of Zobil 12/39 [Gz]
JDA14 Sororo, G. (area) 1603 m 08/40 [WO]
JDH56 Sororo (area) 09/41 [WO]
HCS11c Sorro wereda, see Soro ..
HBS78 Sorupa, see Surupa
HCD24 Sose (area) 0538'/3752' 1924 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
soso (O) shabby, threadbare
HCG58 Soso, see Zozo
JCT72 Sosobeneh (Sasabeneh, Sassabaneh, Sasa Baneh) 07/43 [MS LM WO Gu]
(Sasobani, Sesabene, Sesebani, Sesebeni) 939/959 m, 07/43 [Wa x 18]
lowland place with wells
sost amba (A) three /flat-topped/ mountains
HDM20 Sost Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda
at the border where it turns from western to southern,
5-9 km south-west of Koremash; area 2,011 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM32 Sost Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the south in the east/west middle of
Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda; area 634 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL19 Sostamba (area) (with church Giyorgis) 09/39 [WO x]
soste (A) thrice; soste gedel (A) three cliffs
JDA43 Soste 0834'/4006' 2097 m, west of Mechara 08/40 [Gz]
HEF33 Sostegedel (Sosteghedel), see under Dessie 11/39 [+ Gu]
HEC.. Sostu Shumata Zegsa Abo kebele, 10/36 [20]
in Ankesha wereda
sostu wesen (A) the three boundaries?
H.... Sostuwesen sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jiga Kwami Ber)
HDH41 Sotati 0928'/3546' 1187 m 09/35 [WO Gz]
sotelo: sootalloo (O) a kind of tree, Millettia ferruginea
HDB35 Sotelo 0828'/3610' 2046 m, west of Bedele 08/36 [Gz]
(WO map has a river Sotello)
HDM34 Soten (area) 09/39 [WO]
HDM24 Soten kebele (Sot'än ..) 09/39 [Ad]
somewhat towards the east along the northern border of
Berehet wereda, 11-22 km east of Gina Ager; area 5,905 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDF54 Soti (Sot'i, Fincio, Fincie) 0839'/3445' 1814 m, 08/34 [Gz]
(mountain peak)
-- Souboul .., see Subul ..
soude t..: tucho (O) kind of tree, Blighia unijugata
?? Soude Ticho /?/, with mission ../.. [x]
JE... Sououla (Su'ula) 346 m 12/42 [n]
HDU12 Sowaro kebele 10/39 [Ad]
somewhat to the south-west in central Lalo Midir &
Mama Midir wereda, 8-13 km south-west of Molale;
area 1,800 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
sooyyama (O), soyyoma (western O)
slender shrub with shiny leaves and flowers at any time
of the year, Clerodendrum myricoides, used for roofing;
soyama (O) plough handle
H.... Soyama, centre of Burji special wereda 05/.. [20]
HDH39 Soyama (Soiama) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
HC... Soyamo (not far from Yirga Alem) 06/38 [x]
HCJ65 Soybo 0654'/3706' 1646 m, south-west of Waka 06/37 [Gz]
HB... Soye (in Borena awraja) 05/39? [Ad]
HDK38 Soye 0923'/3816' 2495 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCD33 Soyema (mountain chain) 0545'/3750' 2609 m, 05/37 [Gz]
east of the southern part of lake Chamo
HCD34 Soyema 0542'/3753' 1660 m, as above 05/37 [Gz]
HCR02 Soyema 0716'/3649' 1147 m, south of Jimma 07/36 [Gz]
HDD12c Soyema (Soyama, Soyomo) 08/37 [Ad Wa Po]
(centre in 1964 of Kiku sub-district)
(with visiting postman under Shashemene)
HDH88 Soyema 0949'/3627' 2073 m 09/36 [Gz]
HCL.. Soyemo (Swe/Nor: Sojamo) 06/38 [x]
Small town with a toll station at the border between two provinces,
a little south of Yirga Alem and north of Galana stream.
soyo g..: golla (O) pelt of cattle;
(Guji) front space in a house
J.... Soyo Golla wereda (centre in 1964 = Jarra Gaya) 10/40 [Ad]
HEF53 Stefanos, see Estifanos
HCM83 Stella Ueghe, see Wege
HEJ18 Stephanos, see Debre Istifanos
-- Su, name of a small ethnic group in the South Omo Zone.
HEL75 Su Amba (mountain) 1227'/3857' 2677 m, 12/38 [Gz]
south-west of Sekota
HFC24 Sua (Ziwa) 1347'/3700' 793 m, south-west of Kafta 13/37 [WO Gz]
HES77 Suana, see Sawana
suba (Afar) butter
-- Suba, name of one of three Oromo clans making up
the Sedeqa (Sadacha) in the late 1500s
HDE91 Suba (village, with sawmill) 0858'/3832' 2474 m, 08/38 [Gz Ca]
near Genet; Suba forest, cf Menagesha Suba
HDT11 Suba (Selaculla, Selakulla, Selelculla), 10/38 [Gz WO Ha]
1008'/3830' 2221 m, south-west of Addis Derra
subae (A) kind of spiritual retreat, usually of seven days
HFF74 Subaha (area), cf Subha .., cf Fawly 14/39 [x]
KCG69 Subanyale (Subaniale) 06/45 [+ WO]
JDH31 Subbe (area) 1407 m 09/40 [WO]
subbo, subboo (O) 1. young and tender /child/; 2. married man
HDE81 Subbo (sawmill) 08/38 [x]
At about 32 km south-west of Addis Abeba and a little north of
the Weliso road. Sawmilling in the Wechecha forest:
HBE96 Subbunte (area), see under Moyale 03/39 [WO]
HDA49 Sube, see Supe
HFF.. Subha Saesie wereda (.. Sa'ase ..), 14/39 [n Ad]
in Agame awraja 1941-1974
JDG45 Sublale, 09/40 [Ne]
at Awash river at some distance south-west of Awash Station.
HDL73 Subo 0943'/3842' 2692 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche, cf Subbo
HEE86 Subsafau, see under Bete Hor 11/38 [WO]
JDK47 Subul (Souboul Odle, Subul Oadleh, Sabulgadleh) 09/43 [Gz WO]
0927'/4308' 1764, 1910 m
subul bar dod: baar (Som) peak; bar (Som) livestock
/further meanings see at Bar Abir/; dood (Som) dispute,
arguing; dhood (Som) 1. go somewhere far off; 2. boasting
JDK46 Subul Berol (Subull Bar Dod, Sulul Bar Bod), 09/43 [Gz WO]
Berol (mountain peak) 0930'/4306' 1748, 1910 m
JDK55 Subul Hanfele (Souboul ..) 0935'/4300', 09/43 [+ WO Gz]
(mountain) 1748, 1946 m, north-east of Jijiga
souboul odleh: ood leh (Som) with a brushwood fence
JDK56 Subul Nirich (Subul Niric) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JDK47 Subul Odle, see Subul
?? Subula (on map of 1814), on a southern route 09/43 [18]
from the coast to Harar
HEL56 Suc Mariam, see Suk Maryam
HCG33 Suc Suc, see Sussuka, cf Sugsug
HCL28 Suca, see Suka
HCR32 Sucara, see Sukara
HDM30 Succhie, see Sukye
HCL36 Sucha (Sucia) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
HCR26 Suchi (Succi) 07/37 [LM WO]
HDB95 Suchi Argio, see Arjo
HDH06 Suchi Bette, see Suki Bette
HDH02 Suchi Uogga, see Suki
HDB95 Suchi Uolatte, see Suki Wolatte
suckulus g..: gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Salix subserrata; twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks
JEA58 Suckulus Gera (Succulus Ghera) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
suda (T) kind of plant, Justicia schimperi/ana/,
with dark green leaves
JEC82 Sudda (waterhole) 11/41 [MS WO]
GE..? Sude ../.. [Mi]
Gold placer situated near the confluence of the Durri and the
Gazan (Gazal) rivers in the extreme west of Wellega.
HCU74 Sude 0754'/3944' 2468 m, east of Robi 07/39 [Gz]
JCG82 Sude sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Robe) (1964-1967-) 07/40 [Ad n]
JCG82 Sude wereda (in the 1980s) 07/40 [x]
in the north-west corner of Ticho awraja
(-1994-) is divided into 62 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
sudi, suddi (western O) Seriostachys tomentosa
JDE97 Sudi Wabot (area) 08/44 [WO]
HCJ33 Sudo 0639'/3655' 1566 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCB97 Sueze 0619'/3622' 1320 m, see under Dime 06/36 [WO Gz]
suf (A) 1. safflower, Carthamus tinctorius, a tall
thistle-like plant often mixing with tef; also sunflower,
Helianthus annus; 2. wool; suuf (Som) wool, cotton-wool;
gemo, gemmoo (O) stone/s/ used for supporting
cooking vessels in a fireplace
?? Suf Gemo (S. Gämo) (historically recorded area) ../.. [Pa]
Seems to have been a separate political entity within the Gemo/Gamu
province in the early 1400s and still in the 1530s.
sufan (A) flint; kara (qara) (A) knife
HEJ79 Sufankara (Sufanqara), 12/37 [20]
(area known by this name in the 1600s)
sufi, suufii (O) 1. sunflower plant; 2. wool;
Suufi, a male personal name
JDH20 Sufi, G. (mountain) 1722 m, see under Mieso 09/40 [WO Gu]
HCK08c Sugali (Utallo) 06/38 [x]
Village some 20 km south of Dilla.
Utallo was found to be the original Darassa name.
JDR.. Suggadera, see under Debene 10/41 [Ha]
JDR96 Suggagedan (recorded in 1841) 10/42 [Ha]
HBM01 Suglunn (area) 03/39 [WO]
HEU62 Sugoda, see Asegeda
sugsug (Som) kinds of thorn shrub or tree, Acacia spp.
such as Acacia etbaica
HES75 Sugsug 13/37 [WO]
JDE19 Sugumaha (area) 08/44 [WO]
HDS47 Suha 1022'/3813' 2410 m, see under Bichena 10/38 [Ch WO Gz]
suk (suq) (A etc) shop, store, small bazaar;
-- Dewaro, a subdivision of the Ometo ethnic group
?? Suk Dewaro (Suq Däwaro) (historical market), ../.. [Pa]
the principal market of the Däwaro province.
HEL56 Suk Maryam (Suc Mariam) 12/39 [LM WO Gu Gz]
1217'/3901' 1990/2012 m
?? Suk Weyzero (Fre: Souq Ouaïzaro) (historical) ../.. [+ x]
"Bazaar of the Lady", mentioned in medieval time
as a fortified market place.
suka (suuqa) (O) 1. out-of-the-way place; 2. corner of a room;
sukka, suke (O) kind of tall tree in highland forests,
Pygeum africanum, its bark becomes black when old
HCL28 Suka (Suca) 0631'/3914' 1806 m 06/39 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCL29
sukara: sukkara (O) sugar
HCR32 Sukara (Sucara) (area) 0733'/3649'c, 2030 m 07/36 [x WO]
HEF25 Sukaye (Sukoye) 1106'/3951' 1841 m, 11/39 [Gz]
east of Kombolcha
JDJ38 Sukaye 0924'/4232' 2231 m, north-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
sukela (Borena) small or medium tree, Delonix alata
HBF82 Sukeila (area) 03/39 [WO]
suki, suuki (O) curds; suuqii (O) shop or store for goods
HDH02 Suki (Suchi Uogga) (village) 09/35 [WO Gu]
HDH06 Suki Bette (Suchi Bette) (small village) 1460 m 09/36 [+ Gu]
HDB95 Suki Wolatte (Suchi Uolatte) 1420 m 09/36 [+ Gu]
JDJ.. Sukkare (on map of 1814), 09/42 [18]
last caravan stop before Jeldesa on route to Harar
HCT.. Suksuki 07/38 [x]
HDM30 Sukye (Succhie) 09/39 [+ Gu]
There was a barrack camp, cantoniera, there in the Italian time.
?? Sulaja (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
KCJ50 Suldub 0647'/4640' 389 m, near border of Somalia 06/46 [WO Gz]
sule: sulle (O) small jar /for children to fetch water/
?? Sule (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Sulele (farm in the Awash Valley) ../.. [x]
GD... Sulkolo kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan.
Kwama language is spoken there.
JDG32c Sullala (sulphur mines recorded in 1841) 09/40 [Ha]
sulloda: suluda (O) peak; sulluda (O) fat rump /of cattle/,
also argot for warana, spear
HFE65 Sulloda, see Soleda
JCS43 Sullul (wells), see under Segeg 07/42 [WO]
sulo, suuloo (O) squinted-eyed or one-eyed /horse/;
-- Sullo, a clan of the Mecha-Liban-Ammaya Oromo
HDD32 Sulo 08/37 [WO]
JBU65 Sulsul 0506'/4453' 188, 363 m 05/44 [WO Gz]
sulsul ale (A) returning all the time, chasing incessantly
JBU66 Sulsulyere (Sulsuliere) (area) 05/44 [+ WO]
JDH95 Sultelli 0958'/4108' 709 m (recorded in 1841) 09/41 [Ha Gz]
-- Sulu, name of an ethnic group
H.... Sulucha, in the Omo zone, ../36 [x]
place near Sigidan in the Kwegu area of the Omo zone.
HEF43 Sulul (Sulula) 1114'/3941' 2154 m, 11/39 [Gz]
(with school), south of Hayk
JDK46 Sulul Bar Bod, see Subul Berol
sulula (O) valley, gully
HEF43 Sulula (sub-post office under Dessie) 11/39 [MS Ad Po]
(centre in 1964 of Tehule Dere wereda),
in Legambo wereda (-1999-)
HEF43c Sulula sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bededo) 11/39 [Ad]
JEJ55 Sulula 1217'/4206' 346 m 12/42 [Gz]

-- Sululta, an Oromo tribe

HDL12 Sululta (mountain) 0911'/3839' 2793, 2945 m, 09/38 [WO Gz]
west of place Sululta
HDL13 Sululta (Silulta, Tsuluta) 0911'/3845' 2567 m 09/38 [AA Gz WO 18]
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4S Lencha (village)
10S (Intoto, part of Addis Abeba)
7SW Sululta receiving station
7SW Galeyi (village)
1W waterfall in Dima
4W Goro (village)
5NW Sakela (Sekela) (village) 2558 m
small lake with brackish water near
7NW Umbicha (Umbiccia)
4NE Keta (village) 2529 m
?? Dibdibe 2625 m
There was a new telecommunications radio station in Sululta in early 1968.
HDL13 Sululta wereda (centre in 1964 = Geto) 09/38 [Ad]
HDL13 Sululta & Mulo wereda (Mulo & Sululta ..) 09/38 [Ad]
JDJ22 Sumane (Galditti) 0917'/4117' 1931 m 09/41 [Gz]
G.... Sumanindo 10/34? [x]
Village in the Sirekoli valley in Beni Shangul near Sudan
where gold could be found.
sumanka p..: piri (O) a kind of worm
JCL36 Sumanka Pirid (waterhole) 06/43 [WO]
HDA17 Sumbata Gudda, see Sambata Gudda
HDK89 Sumbe (Sembie) 0951'/3825' 2408 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HCR75 Sume 07/37 [WO]
?? Sumenido (in Wellega), ../.. [Mi]
in the Yabus river area in Wellega
HCR69 Summasho (Summascio) (area) 07/37 [+ WO]
JDA92 Summey (Summei) (area) 09/40 [+ WO]
summi, summii (O) poison; infection
JDA66 Sumsum, G. (area) 2380 m 08/40 [WO]
sumsuma (O) stone as support for cooking in a fireplace
sumut (Gurage) eight; dega (däga) (A) highland;
deega (O) poor, miserable
HFF83 Sumut Dega (Summut Daga) (mountain) 14/39 [Gz WO Gu]
1421'/3938' 2263 m, east of Adigrat
?? Sunaro (in Kefa) 06/35? [Mi]
HEJ92 Sunc Uaha, see Sunk Wiha
JEB04 Sundi, M. (area) 10/41 [WO]
HEJ92 Sunk Wiha (Sunc Uaha), near river of same name 12/36 [+ Gu]
sunko, sunqoo (O) fenugreek, Trigonella foenum graecum,
used as a medicine plant;
sunkwa (T) kind of shrub or small tree, Grewia ferruginea
HCJ47 Suntana (Coscia, Kosha) 0645'/3717' 1220 m 06/37 [Gz Wa WO]
JDA43 Sunte, G. (area) 2725 m 08/40 [WO]
HCR93 Suntu (Sintu, Genet, Gennet, Guennet) 08/36 [Gz WO MS]
(Gennet Limmu, Limu Genet), in Limu awraja 08/36 [x Te Po]
Gz: 0806'/3657' 1773 m; MS: 0810'/3650' = HDC02
Centre in 1964 of Limu Kossa wereda.
With sub-post office under Jimma; see also under Seka.
Suntu town was renamed Limmu Genet by Dejazmach Mesfin Sileshi.
A coffee washing centre was established in the late 1950s.
supe, sup-ee (O) mud, clay; suppe (O) ford; supi (Arsi O) very early morning;
-- Suba, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe;
HDA49 Supe (Supie, Suppe, Sube) 0831'/3540' 1595/1762m 08/35 [Gz Ad Gu WO]
(group of villages) sub-district & its centre in 1964
HDJ22 Supe 0916'/3649' 1902 m, north-east of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
HDA49 Supe & Sodo wereda (Supena Sodo ..) 08/35 [n Ad]
(.. Supheenaa Sooddoo ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 58 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HDB41 Suppe (Suppi), see Soddo
HCL65c Suppo 06/38 [Gu]
With a hujuba, sacred enclosure, and Juniperus trees.
suppu, suppuu (O) patch /on clothes/
HDR52 Sur (river) ca 1030'/3650' 10/36 [Ch]
sura: surra, surraa (O) dignity
HCM67 Sura 0656'/3959' 3046 m, south of and near Goba 06/39 [Gz]
HCS86 Sura 0758'/3807' 2757 m 07/38 [Gz]
HEC24 Sura (church) 11/36 [It]
HDU34 Surafel 1015'/3945' 3346 m, north-east of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HEJ50 Surako, see Serako
JCP22 Surar 0727'/4057' 1353 m 07/40 [18 WO Wa Gz]
HFE69 Surbeati (Sur Beatti), 14/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Nebelet
JDH59 Sure 0931'/4131' 1599 m, 09/41 [Gz]
near the railway west of Dire Dawa
HCR49 Surema (Suriema), cf Surma 07/37 [WO Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HCC58 Surgulla (Zargulla) 0555'/3722' 2023 m 05/37 [WO Gz Wa]
-- Suri, name of an ethnic group numbering about 19,632
according to 1994 census, living toward the Sudan border
and also west of Mizan Teferi
HDR70 Suri (river) circa 1040'/3640' 10/36 [Ch]
KCG83 Surio (Suriu) 0704'/4502' 688 m 07/45 [Gz]
GDU51c Surkole 10/34 [LM]
-- Surma, name of an ethnic group in the South Omo Zone
and also in eastern Sudan, known to work as potters.
HCG26 Surma (area), cf Surema 06/35 [WO]
HC... Surma wereda 06/35 [n]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural kebeles and no urban one.
Within the Bench-Maji Zone which was established in 1996.
JCC18 Surmi 0534'/4219' 806 m 05/42 [WO Gz]
HDH78 Surobdu (Sombo) 0946'/3628' 1981 m 09/36 [Gz]
surre, surree (O) trousers
JDH39 Surre (Fre: Sourré) 2050 m 09/41 [Gu]
In a valley. In the neighbourhood are many dolmen type graves.
HBS78 Surupa (Sorupa, Suruppa, Soroppa, Soroppo), 05/38 [Gz Ad Mi WO]
0508'/3818' 1721 m, with important well
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HET19 Suryasu (Suriasu) 13/39 [+ WO]
suryo (Som) narrow passage
KCG83 Suryo (Surio, Suriu) 688 m 07/45 [+ WO n]
HFC74 Susiti (area) 14/36 [WO]
HCG33 Sussuka (Sussuca, Suc Suc) 0638'/3505' 1267 m 06/35 [+ WO Gz]

suta (O) (sutaa) thin bundle of grass; (suuta) slowly, softly

HCL02 Suta (mountain) 0617'/3835' 2762/2826 m 06/38 [WO Gz]
HFF51 Suta (Sut'a, Sika), 14/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Hawzen
HDJ95 Sute (Sut'e) 0952'/3706' 2479 m, near Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
HDE11 Suten, Gz: 0822'/3834' 2133 m; MS: 0818'/3835', 08/38 [Gz]
village about 10 km from Tiya in direction Butajira
HFF74 Suwaha (Zuaha) 1413'/3938' 2810 m, 14/39 [Gz]
east of Adigrat, cf Fawly
?? Sylem sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HEJ.. Synfelema, 12/37 [20]
village about 10 km from Addis Alem,
known for cultivation of chat.
Ta.., see also Te..
ta g..: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron;
3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
HEE75 Ta Guba kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in southernmost western Meket wereda; area 6,653 hectares.
ta taru: taru, taruu (O) to pass
JFB70 Ta Taru (mountain) 1416'/4040' 90 m, 14/40 [Gz]
mostly inside Eritrea, WO map shows it at JFA79
taa: dura ta-aa (O) chairman
JDA96 Taa (Ta'a) (plantation) 0901'/4019', 09/40 [Gz]
at Awash river east of Awash station
GCT26 Taada, see Pakelo
taba (T) hill; (O) 1. game, play; 2. talk, joke
(t'aba) (A) small clay bowl
HCE67 Taba, see Toba
HEL56 Taba (Tava) 1215'/3901' 1959 m, 12/39 [Gu WO Gz]
north of Lalibela, cf Tebba
HCR42 Taba Jirewo (T.Gireo) (area), see under Jimma 07/36 [WO]
HEL66 Taba Mikael (T'aba Mika'el) (church) 1220'/3900', 12/39 [Gz]
midway between Lalibela and Sekota
tabaca: t'abaqaa (O) lawyer, advocate
HFE79 Tabaca, see Bet Hawiya
tabala (O) mineral water, and place for drinking it
H.... Tabala (mountain), cf Tabata 05/37 [Ca]
HDS25 Tabanoley Be'ale Igzi'abher (T'abanoley ..) 10/37 [Gz]
1010'/3759', south-east of Debre Markos
tabata (O) jovial, playful /man/;
tabada (O) conversation; tebat (täbat) (A) male
HCD64c Tabata (mountain) 06/37 [Br]
HDH86 Tabata (with church) 09/36 [WO]
tabba (O) slope, steep ground; (A) to be concealed
HET54 Tabba (mountain area), cf Tebba 13/38 [WO]
tabbo: tebbo (Kefa) wheat, Triticum dicoccum
HDF32 Tabbo (area) 08/39 [WO]
tabel: tebel (t'äbäl) (A) holy water
HDE62 Tabel (archaeological site), 08/38 [x]
see under Melka Kunture
JFA06 Tabena (waterhole) 1335'/4022' 13/40 [WO Ne Gz]
-- Tabi (Ingessana), ethnic group speaking Gaam
and numbering 2,655 (in the 1980s?)
JDH78 Tabi (waterhole) 09/41 [WO]
HFD69 Tabir 1411'/3823' 1933 m 14/38 [Gz]
(this and next), north-east of Inda Silase
HFD69 Tabir 1411'/3825' 1952 m 14/38 [Gz]
HDD60 Tabo S. Gabriel (with church) 08/37 [WO]
HEH90 Tabola, J. (hill) 12/35 [WO]
Tabor, the Mount Tabor of the Bible, also occurring
as a male personal name in modern time
GDF44 Tabor 0834'/3446' 1828 m 08/34 [MS Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Seyo wereda), see under Dembidolo
HEF43 Tabor, see under Hayk 11/39 [LM WO]
HDU15 Tabor 1003'/3947' 2197 m, south-east of Molale 10/39 [WO Gz]
HDM94 Tabor kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at the south-western tip of Kewet wereda, 7 km north of Debre Sina;
area 819 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU15 Tabor sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aya Ber) 10/39 [Ad WO 18]
?? Tabor wereda
tabot (A,T) the ark kept in Ethiopian orthodox churches,
covered unseen "altar stone"; maderiya (madäriya) (A)
1. place for passing the night, dwelling; 2. land allotted in
return for military service
HEC97c Tabot Maderia, 11/37 [Gu]
area with wide pastures
HDU90 Tabot Mewaya kebele (T. Mäwaya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the north-western Were Ilu wereda, north of Weyn Amba;
area 2,881 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tabot washa (A) cave for keeping/hiding a tabot?
HDM52 Tabot Washa 0933'/3935' 2924 m, 09/39 [Gz x]
(with church Mika'el), south of Debre Birhan
HDL37 Tabote Maryam (church) 0924'/3906' 09/39 [Gz]
HF... Tabr (historical amba in Shire, Tigray) 14/38 [20]
tabu, tabuu (O) immature, innocent
HDD12c Tabu (mountain), 08/37 [Mi]
about 12 km beyond Welkite
HES.. Tabulaque (on map of 1814), north of Adi Arkay 13/37 [18]
HDM82 Tabuor, see Zendegur
HEL76 Taburkit (T'aburkit) 1224'/3859' 2239 m, 12/38 [Gz]
south of Sekota
JDG97 Tacahili, see Takahili
tach (A) below, under; betach (A) down below;
Tach .., (A) Lower ..
HF... Tach Adiabo wereda (Tahtay Adiyabo ..) 14/38? [n Ad]
(-1994-2004-) is divided into 34 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
H.... Tach Aferwanat sub-district 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shimie Maryam)
HDT15 Tach Agerit 1004'/3855' 2059 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Derra
HEM03 Tach Ale Wiha kebele (.. Alä Weha ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Guba Lafto wereda, 10 km east of Weldiya;
area 2,321 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM61 Tach Amba 0938'/3925' 2749 m, west of D. Birhan 09/39 [Gz]
HER.. Tach Armachiho wereda 12/37 [Ad n 20]
(.. Arimacho .., .. Armacho ..)
(-1964-2005-) (centre in 1964 = Godebe)
HEM84 Tach Asayo 1230'/3946' 1834 m, east of Korem 12/39 [Gz]
HF... Tach Asgetse sub-district 14/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mai Tsemu)
HDT16 Tach Bet (Tac Biet) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
HDT15 Tach Bet Merhabete wereda 10/38 [+ Ad]
(Tach Biet Merha Bietie ..) (centre in 1964 = Fetera)
HDT16? Tach Bet sub-district (-1997-) 10/39? [n]
HDS51c Tach Chabi (centre in 1964 of Senan wereda) 10/37 [MS Ad]
HDF83c Tach Cheba kebele (T. Ch'äba ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in the north-easternmost corner of Minjar & Shenkora wereda;
area 8,532 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM54 Tach Debdebo kebele (T. Däbdäbo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda a little east of Ankober town;
area 262 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HE... Tach Dehuch sub-district (T. Dahuchi ..) 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Tekle Haymanot), in Libo awraja
HDM74 Tach Den kebele (T. Dän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
near the border of north-western Ankober wereda, 14 km north of
Ankober town; area 362 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Tach Derra sub-district 10/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gib Dawit)
HEE72 Tach Gayint wereda (T. Gaynt ..) 11/38 [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arb Gebeya)
(-1994-) is divided into 24 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HE... Tach Iste sub-district 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Musafa Maryam)
HDH19 Tach Kile sub-district (T. Kilie ..) 09/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Haro)
HFE61 Tach Koraro wereda (Tahtay K..) 14/38 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Selekleka)
(-1994-) is divided into 18 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
HEL09 Tach Koso Amba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Guba Lafto wereda, 30 km west of Weldiya;
area 1,303 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEJ31 Tach Lambaz Maryam (.. Mariam) 12/36 [+ WO x]
(Lamboz Maryam) (church), in Begemder
HF... Tach Maychew wereda (Tahtay .. ..) 14/38 [n Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 25 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HEF90 Tach Mekelet kebele (.. Mäkälät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda, about 25 km west-southwest
of Weldiya; area 2,379 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM80 Tach Mesensa kebele (T. Mäsénsa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at midway in the north-western "horn" of Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet
wereda; area 1,247 hectares.
?? Tach Michew wereda (Tahtay ..) ../.. [20]
in Tigray (-2006-)
HDM62 Tach Milki kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at the southern border of Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda,
3 km south of Debre Birhan town; area 2,066 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM73 Tach Mush & Weyra kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda,
15 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 549 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Tach Negela sub-district 11/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Zagoch)
HDM42c Tach Sekoru kebele (T. Säkoru ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of eastern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda;
area 592 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM21c Tach Sichat kebele (T. Sechat ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the western border of Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda;
area 2,004 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL09 Tach Sokoloho kebele (.. Soqoloho ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda, about 25 km north-east
of Wegel Tena; area 1,202 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HEE96 Tach Talit kebele (.. T'alet ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Wadla wereda, about 30 km south-southeast of Lalibela;
area 2,800 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE26 Tach Tsetsera sub-district (Tahtay Tsesera ..) 13/39 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Setaliwa)
HD... Tach Ula sub-district (T. Oula ..) 09/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dedu)
HDT75 Tach Wala kebele 10/38 [Ad]
at the south-western corner of Debre Sina wereda, 10 km east
of Mekane Selam; area 1,690 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tach washa (A) lower cave
HDM81 Tach Washa 0950'/3929' 2696 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north of Debre Birhan
HE... Tach Wido sub-district 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Meneguzer)
HDU24 Tach Yigem kebele (T. Yegäm ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda;
10 km north-northeast of Molale; area 2,985 hectares.
HDU23 Tach Zebir kebele (T. Zäber ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, 5 km north-west of Molale;
area 381 hectares
[CSA 1994].
HDU13 Tach Zeram kebele (T. Zäram ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, 5 km west of Molale;
area 1,893 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU70c Tachi, see Tashi
HD... Tachili Havugede (in Gudru awraja) 09/37? [Ad]
HET42 Tachissa, see Takissa
HES90 Tacle Georgis (T. Gherghis), see Tekle Giyorgis
HDF70 Taconaisagher, see Takonaysager
HEJ54 Tacuss, see Takusa
HDM15 Tadacha Malka (.. Maleka), see Dedecha
GCU47 Tadan (area) 07/34 [WO]
HEE45 Tadbaba Maryam, see Tedbebe Maryam
?? Tadban, ../.. [Ch]
an important monastery around 1700.
HEK80 Tadda (village) 1230'/3730' 2154 m, cf Tedda, Tede 12/37 [WO Gu Gz]
tadde, taddee (O) porcupine, or its spines
HDE48 Tadde Mariam, see Tede
HCT85 Taddeccia, see Tadecha
HDL17 Taddeni (area) 09/39 [WO]
taddia: taddie (O), daddi (western O), didde (eastern O)
porcupine, Hystrix cristata; lola (O) drain trench;
lola, lolaa (O) flood; lolaa (O) fight
(A) kind of forest tree, Ekebergia capensis
JDB56 Taddia Lola (.. Lolohe) 0837'/4118' 1352 m 08/41 [WO Gz]
HDU41 Taddober 10/39 [WO]
tade (t'adä) (A) put a kettle on the fire
GCU15 Tade, see Tadi
HDM15 Tadeccia Melca (Tadacha Malka), see Dedecha
tadecha (A,O) slender shrub or small tree with very hard wood,
Acacia tortilis, Dodonea angustifolia, D. viscosa;
melka (A) malka (O) ford
Taddacha, a male name among the Borana
Tadecha, cf Dadecha, Tedecha
HCM80 Tadecha (Daddecia) (area) 07/39 [+ WO]
HCT85 Tadecha (Tadeccia, Taddeccia) 0759'/3853' 1636 m, 07/38 [Gz Gu WO]
in size the middle one of the three islands in the eastern part of lake Ziway.
The islanders call it Aysut. By 1950 there were three small villages with
a total of 300-400 inhabitants.
HDE75 Tadecha (Tadeccia) (area) 2050 m, 08/38 [+ WO]
see under Debre Zeyt
HDM15 Tadecha Melka (Tadeccia Melca, Tadechamalca, 09/39 [+ WO]
Tadiccia Malca, T'adacha Maleka), see Dedecha
HE... Tadegea, in Raya & Kobo awraja 12/39? [n]
tadelle: taddele (taddälä) (A) was well favoured by fortune;
also a male personal name
HDD11 Tadelle 08/37 [WO]
HDD21 Tadelle sub-district (Tadelie ..) 08/37 [WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Fenchir)
?? Tadessa ../.. [Gu]
Before the Italian occupation a farm of Plantations d'Abyssinie.
HEL38 Tadeyos Amba kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in eastern Bugna wereda, 15 km east of Lalibela; area 2,058 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tadi, tadii (O) weak & emaciated; tadhi (O) cow that gives much milk
GCU15 Tadi (Tade, Masango) (mount.) 0720'/3449' 552 m, 07/34 [Gz WO]
WO map places it at GCU12
HDM15 Tadiccia Malca, see Dedecha
HC... Tadmara 07/36 [18]
HBK74 Taella, G. (mountain) 04/37 [WO]
tafa (O) hip, haunch, buttocks, rump, also a male name
among the Mecha Oromo; (A) 1. thigh, rump;
2. (t'afa) plates of metal as decoration of shield
HFE16 Tafa (T'afa) 1340'/3904' 2559 m, north of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HEL77 Tafa Mikael (T'afa Mika'el) (church) 1228'/3907', 12/39 [Gz]
south-east of Sekota
tafa s..: shiqoo (O) fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum
?? Tafa Shiko (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
?? Tafa Werbuba (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
tafari: taffere (A) was respected, honoured
Tafari .., see Teferi ..
tafari k..: kella, keellaa (O) check-point, border post
HCK19 Tafari Kella (= Teferi Kella), see Otilcho
HDE71 Tafchi, see Tefki
tafe (t'afä) write; patch /garment/;
taaffee (O) hot ointment for treating wounds
HDE57 Tafe Medhane Alem (T'afe ..) (church) 08/39 [Gz]
0837'/3904', near Mojo
tafelama ..: ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area
HDM.? Tafelama Ager (with church Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
JDK87 Taferi Ber, see Teferi Ber
taffa: teffa (täffa) (A) spit, vomit; disgorge /of volcano/;
cf tafa above; taffiya (A) spleen
HCT80 Taffa, see Tufa
Taffari .., see Teferi ..
taffe (O) hot ointment for treating wounds;
JDB14 Taffe (area) 1591 m 08/41 [WO]
taffere ..: ketema (kätäma) (A,T,) town in general; garrison camp
HCL31c Taffere Ketema, 06/38? [x]
for 1940s and later see Teferi Ketema (same place?)
tafi, taffi, t'aafii (O) 1. tef, Eth. highland grain, Eragrostis tef;
2. secretary; 3. fast, quick
HDE47 Tafi (T'afi) 0834'/3903' 1749 m, near Mojo 08/39 [Gz]
tafki, tafkii (O) flea, fleas
HDE71 Tafki (Tafchi), see Tefki
HDK19 Tafo 0911'/3824' 2589 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HE... Tafo (near Abay river), circa 1115'/3750' 11/37 [Ch]
Consul Cheesman passed there in January 1927.
tafta..: teftafa dengiya (A) flame stone /to strike fire with?/
HEE85 Taftafedingya (Taftafedinghia) 11/38 [+ WO]
taga: taagga (Som) 1. high ground, hill, mountain; 2. kind of
contagious disease; tagga (Som) 1. luck, fate, fortune;
2. relationship brought by marriage; tega (t'äga) (A) wealth,
HEK92 Taga 1239'/3744' 2641 m, east of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HEU71c Taga Taga (mountain spur) 13/39 [Gu]
JCM45 Tagabain 0645'/4445' 549 m, east of Kebri Dehar 06/44 [WO Gz]
HEA53 Tagambat (area) 11/35 [WO]
JCM42 Tagaveio 0643'/4434' 512 m, east of Kebri Dehar 06/44 [WO Gz]
HDT53c Tagel Behibret kebele (Tagäl Bähebrät ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western Wegdi wereda at its northern border,
8 km west of Mahdere Selam; area 1,013 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET95 Taget (T'aget) 1333'/3858' 1666 m, 13/38 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), south-west of Abiy Adi
HCN87 Tageta (locality) 0802'/3530', south-west of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HCP10 Tageto (locality) 0723'/3546' 07/35 [Gz]
HDD58 Taggi, see Teji
HDR91 Taggia, see Taia
taggieh (A) kinds of small or medium tree, Terminalia
avicennoides, Terminalia glaucescens
HED24 Taggiu Anba, see Taju Anba
HDD79 Tagi, see Teji
HES90 Tagle Gheorghis, see Tekle Giyorgis
JCG93 Tagona 0709'/4005' 07/40 [x]
HEU31 Tagora, see Togora
?? Tagwelat (not related to Tegulet? same as Maradi?) ../.. [20]
Mentioned as a historical centre in Aksumite time.
HBE93 Tahami (area) 03/38 [WO]
JFB51 Tahe (Tehe) (waterhole) 1402'/4045' 14/40 [WO Ne Gz]
-- Tahtay (Tahtai, Tahitay), so named in Tigray, see Amharic
version Tach = Lower
HFE.. Tahtay Kumro (Tahtai Cumro) (valley) 2115 m 14/39 [+ Gu]
HFE26 Tahtay Tsesera, see Tach Tsetsera
tai mewcha (A) where the sun comes out
HE... Tai Mewucha sub-district (centre in 1964 = Janos) 11/39 [Ad]
HBS04 Taia, see Taya & HDR82
HDR91 Taia (Taja, Taggia) (mountain) 1051'/3645' 2724 m, 10/36 [Gz]
west of Bure in Gojjam
HEK25c Taigar (= Taigur?) 11/37 [Gu]
HCA56 Taigu (Targu) (area) 0557'/3522' 05/35 [WO Gz]
HEK14 Taigur 1156'/3757' 2248 m, east of lake Tana 11/37 [Gz]
GCU74 Taine, see Ajam
HDA57 Taingi, see Tingi
HCA45 Tairma (well), see Tirm
taiya (Som/H.Salt) the moon
GDD38 Taiyau 08/33 [WO]
HDR91 Taja, see Taia
HE... Taja 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Derem Wedih sub-district)
HEE96 Taja kebele (T'aja ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the mid-southern border of Meket wereda, about 30 km
south-southwest of Lalibela; area 2,977 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
taji (O) ritual of slaughtering a bull before
hanging up the bee-hives
HDD58 Tajji (Taggi), cf Teji 08/38 [+ WO]
HED24 Taju Anba (Taggiu Anba) (area), see under Mota 11/37 [+ WO]
taka (A) (t'aqa) fog, darkness during the day;
(O) (taaqaa) roll of cloth, as it comes from the loom;
takka (O) 1. while; 2. never
?? Taka (historically recorded area in present-day Sudan) ../.. [Pa]
JDG97 Takahili (Tacahili) 09/40 [+ WO]
takakumbi: taka kumbi (O) sometimes incense?
HBU21 Takakumbi, G. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HFF42 Takatisfi (group of rock-hewn churches), 13/39 [Br]
from west to east:
Petros & Pawlos (Inda P. P.), see Mellehai Zengi
Mikael, see Mellehai Zengi
Medhani Alem, see Adi Kesho
HFD17 Takazze (bridge), see Tekeze
HDM.. Takelt, not far from Debre Birhan 09/39 [18]
takissa: taakiso (Som) kind of caterpillar;
takwisa (T) swamp, morass
HET42 Takissa (Tachissa) 13/38 [+ WO]
HEM20 Takkazye (river, British camp in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HBL22 Takoaroba, see Dakkaroba
HDF70 Takonaysager (Taconaisagher) 08/39 [+ WO]
taku, takuu (O) 1. cross a river or a bridge; 2. palm of the hand;
takku, taakkuu (O) span between the tips of the thumb and the
middle finger, used as a unit of measurement especially for cloth
HFC74 Taku (area) 14/37 [WO]
HEJ45 Takusa (Tacuss, Tacussa, T'aqusa) 12/36 [Gz WO Gu x]
(Dagossa, Dagussa)
District at the north-west corner of lake Tana.
Fertile area on a watershed.
HEJ45 Takusa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Delgi) 12/36 [Ad]
-- Takwama language, see Kwama
?? Takwomlesh wereda (Taquomlesh ..), in Temben ../.. [+ Yo]
tal: taal (Som) it is there; xal (Som) wash clean;
xaal (Som) legal matter, compensatory payment
JEN13 Tal Tal (mountain) 12/40 [WO]
tala (O) kind of tree in the wetter parts of medium-altitude
forests, Polyscias ferruginea; talaa (O) letter, written
message; talla (O) tree with branches in distinct spirals
?? Tala (mountain) 10/.. [18]
HEK16 Tala Levasi 1153'/3803' 2558 m, 11/38 [WO Gz]
see under Debre Tabor
HEC63 Tala Mikael (T. Micael) 11/36 [It]
JDB38 Talacho (Talaccio) (area), cf Telecho 08/41 [+ WO]
talach'uu (O) young, new-born
talade: Talaada (Som) Tuesday, fourth day of the Somali week
KCH74 Talade 07/46 [WO]
taladida ..: farda (O) horse
HFC83 Taladidafarda 1418'/3655' 594 m, 14/36 [Gz]
on the border of Eritrea
JEB34 Talag (Teleg), see Datalg Ali
talak (tallaq) (A) large, important, mighty
HDM71 Talak Amba kebele (Talaq ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda, 8 km north-west
of Debre Birhan town; area 1,160 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM41 Talak Kelkil (Talaq K.) 1209'/3926' 2609 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Alamata
talak amba (A) large flat-topped mountain
HDS13 Talakamba Medhane Alem (Talak'amba ..), 10/37 [Gz]
(church) 1004'/3749', south-east of Debre Markos
JEA16c Talalek 10/40 [Ne]
HEF61c Talanta, plain on the southern side of Bashilo river 11/39 [x]
tale (t'alä) (A) throw out, throw down, drop
HDJ12 Tale 0912'/3650' 2042 m, north-east of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
taleta: talata (O) Tuesday
HEU23 Taleta (T'aleta) 1253'/3942' 1937 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Maychew
JDA64 Taleta 0843'/4010' 1594 m, 08/40 [Wa Gz]
north-west of Mechara, cf Teleta
talila, taliila (O) clear /water/
HEC09 Taliya (Talia) (mountain) 10/37 [Ad WO]
JDJ52 Taliyan Mesgid, 'Italian Mosque', 0935'/4152' 09/41 [Gz]
near - or inside? - Dire Dawa town
talka (t'alqa) (A) in between
HEL32 Talka (Talca) (church) 12/38 [+ WO]
JCL04 Talkalkal (Talcalcal, Tulcalcal) 0623'/4348' 503 m, 06/43 [x WO Gz]
(with waterhole), east of Denan
HEL43 Talkwal (T'alqwal) 1211'/3844' 1965 m, 12/38 [Gz q]
(with church Maryam)
JCS25 Talla 0729'/4258' 835 m, south-east of Segag 07/42 [Gz]
GDM31 Talladu 1553 m, see under Begi 09/34 [WO]
HC... Tallo (T'Allo), 05/39 [Mi]
valley about 25 km south-west of Kibre Mengist
HCS30 Tallota 0735'/3734' 1693 m, 07/37 [WO Gz]
west of Hosaina and near Omo river
talo, talu (A) kinds of shrub, Maytenus ovatus,
Rhus retinorrhoea; the latter grows in lava flows;
talo (Som) decision, advice, opinion
HDJ03 Talo (T'alo) (with church Gebriel), 09/36 [Gz]
0906'/3655' 1832 m
HDJ03 Talo (T'alo, Tallo) 0908'/3652' 2107/2195 m, 09/36 [WO Ad Gz]
east of Nekemte, cf Telo
(centre in 1964 of Sibu Amuma sub-district)
HDS54 Talo (mountain) 1029'/3755' 2741 m, 10/37 [Gz]
(this and next one), north-east of Debre Markos
HDS64 Talo (mountain) 1036'/3754' 3191 m 10/37 [WO Gz Ad]
/this Talo?:/ Its peak reaches altitude 4100 m.
KCN44 Talorle 07/45 [WO]
HEL49c Talt kebele (T'alt ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in western central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda;
area 2,032 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBR48 Taltelle, see Teltele
tam (t'am) (A) flavour, taste; taam (Som) complete, total
HDL43 Tam 0927'/3842' 2442 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
midway between Sululta and Fiche
HDM33 Tam & Itnora kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at the eastern border of southern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda;
area 1,320 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tama (A) (t'ama) toil; (A) (tama) begin to be ripe; (O) ten;
-- Tama (Masango), ethnic group calling themselves Majangir
and called Massongo by the Oromo, see Majangir
-- Tama language, see Mesengo
HCB34 Tama (wide area, with "Plain of Death") 05/36 [WO]
HDU23 Tama kebele (T'ama ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central northern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, a little north of
Wegere and up to the northern border of the wereda; area 3,000 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCA23 Tamadur, see Tamitiro
-- Tamaha language, see Tsamay
tamami (A) sick person
JCN17 Tamamo 0723'/4026' 2232/2380 m 07/40 [WO Gz]
taman: temen (tämän) (T) snake
JCS29 Tamangale 0729'/4324' 1029 m 07/43 [WO Gz]
HCH80 Tamangiagi (Tamanghiagi), see Temenja Yazhi
?? Tamano (on map of 1814) 13/37 [18]
HEA.. Tamare 11/35 [20]
Village at the Abay river not far from the border of Sudan.
In the late 1990s there was a kind of ferry.
HEU.. Tamasasa 13/39 [x]
with rock-hewn church Iyesus, mentioned by Roger Sauter in 1976
HCA23 Tamatiri (Tamatiro), see Tamitiro
tamawenzi: wenz (wänz) (A) river, river bed
HDU22 Tamawenzi (Tamauonzi) (plain) 10/39 [+ WO]
HFE17c Tamba, see Tanba
-- Tambaro, a Muslim tribe of the eastern Sidama
HCK90 Tambaro (Timbaro) 0712'/3732' 813 m, 07/37 [Gz]
north-east of Waka, cf Tembero
HEH65 Tambisso, see Tembesha
tambo, tamboo (O) plant, leaf or cake of tobacco, Nicotina rustica;
tamborra (A) shrub or small tree? such as Vernonia quartiniana;
there are more than 60 species of Vernonia in Ethiopia
HCS84 Tambore, see Metana
HDS60 Tamcha (river), see Denbecha
GCU74 Tame, see Ajam
HC... Tameha (Thameha), in the Gidole region 05/37 [+ x]
Tamene, Tammene, a male personal name
HDL53 Tamene (Tumanu) 0933'/3841' 2014 m, 09/38 [AA Gz WO]
south of Fiche
HCH80 Tamengiaiagi, see Temenja Yazhi
HCA23 Tamitiro (Tamadur, Tamatiri, Tamatiro, Tomadur) 05/35 [Gz WO]
(Gebel/Jebel Tamitiro) (mountain) 0537'/3507' 1387, 1700 m,
partly in Sudan with the name Jabal Tomadur
HES12? Tammani (unidentified place north-east of Gondar) 12/37 [n]
HED.. Tammi (river), middle part about 1100'/3800' 11/38 [Ch]
At the Tammi river junction, the Abay has a wide river-bed flowing
between cliffs of sandstone.
HDM23 Tamo, cf Temo 09/39 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Gedera sub-district)
HDT.? Tamo, historical fortress in Merhabete 10/38? [18]
HDT08 Tamo 10/39 [LM WO]
HDT06c Tamo kebele 10/38? [Ad]
at the southern border of eastern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
14 km east of Alem Ketema; area 1,972 hectares. [CSA 1994]
JDA36 Tamsa (area) 1730 m 08/40 [WO]
JDD65 Tamsa (area) 08/43 [WO]
tamsa-u (O) to spread out, for drying in the sun etc.
HDE99 Tamtu 0858'/3916' 2452 m, east of Chefe Donsa 08/39 [Gz]
tana (O) this, these
Tana, name derived from a Geez word; the ancient name
of Lake Tana was Goloe (acc. to Zervos, cf Koloe in Eritrea);
-- Tana lake has its water level at about 1840 m altitude. It extends
70 x 60 km and has a maximum depth of 9 m.
In the 1960s twelve of the thirty-eight islands in lake Tana
were inhabited by monks.
Cherkos, St. Cyriacus
HEK10 Tana Cherkos (T. Kirkos, T. Chircos, T. Qirkos) 11/37 [Ca WO Ch Gu]
(the Gazetteer uses Tana alone as name)
(island in south-east lake Tana) 1152'/3730' 1784 m
This island, forbidden to women, lies near the shore of Lake Tana, east of Dek and Daga Istephanos.
During the dry season it is connected with the mainland.
HED73 Tana Gi (Tzana Ghi) 11/37 [+ WO]
HEE97 Tana kebele (T'ana ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 5 km north-west of Wegel Tena;
area 2,782 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDB60 Tana Mangistu, see Tena Mengistu
HDA58 Tana Zur (T'ana Z.) 0841'/3531' 1538 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDJ01 Tana Zur (T'anazur) 0908'/3644' 2845 m, 09/36 [+ Gz]
east of Nekemte
JCL.. Tanaan, 06/44 [x]
west of Kebri Dehar, its name means 'bitter'.
HED70 Tanabu (Tanavu) (village) 1770 m 11/37 [+ It]
HFE27 Tanba (Tamba, Tenba): Tekle Haymanot & Maryam, 13/39 [x +]
see under Temben churches
JEB93 Tandaho (Tandoho), see Tendaho
?? Tanga, river and valley in Wellega, ../.. [Mi]
the river is an affluent of the Alanga which in turn is an affluent of the Gilo.
HCG84 Tangader (mountain) 0706'/3511' 733 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north-east of Guraferda
HEA37 Tangui (Danguei, Denguei) 1112'/3528' 659 m, 11/35 [WO Gz]
south-east of Guba
JEB67 Tangulub (area) 11/41 [WO]
?? Tanguri, ../.. [Pa]
a Muslim commercial settlement south of Gondar mentioned in the 1770s.
HDD45c Tanjabbi, north-east of Weliso 08/38 [x]
tank b..: bere (A) ox, bull
HEC.. Tank Bere (Tanq ..), 11/37 [+ n]
in Gojjam, with Bahir Dar as the nearest town
HEF05 Tanka (T'anqa) 1053'/3952' 1865 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
south-east of Kombolcha
HEJ74 Tankal (Tancal) (area), cf Tenkel 12/37 [+ WO]
HEK51c Tankal 12/37 [Ch]
HDH15 Tankara (mountain) 0909'/3611' 1282 m, 09/35 [Gz Mi]
north-west of Nekemte near Didessa river
JDH47 Tankole (Tancole) (area) 1915 m 09/41 [+ WO]
tankwa (A,T) reed or papyrus raft, especially in Lake Tana
HEK12c Tankwa Mawacha 11/37 [Ch]
tankwa mewcha (A) where the tankwas come out
HET96 Tankwa sub-district (Tanqua /Milash/ ..) 13/39 [+ Ad n]
(-1964-1997-) (centre in 1964 = Agbe)
HCM81 Tannella 07/39 [Wa]
JEB67 Tanoye (Tanoie) (area) 364 m 11/41 [+ WO]
GDM40 Tansassa 09/34 [WO]
tansasu (O) to ferment beer
HEE59 Tanta, see Tenta
HEF40c Tanta (with former fort), see Tenta
JEN85 Tantali (area) 13/40 [WO]
tantu (t'ant'u) (T) mosquito
tao, ta-o (O) land which has been brought under cultivation
HDU01 Tao 09/39 [WO]
HEM62 Tao (area), see under Alamata 12/39 [WO]
tapa, tapha (O) play, game; tappa (Italian) halting-place
HCR42 Tappa, 1799 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [Gu]
JBN69 Tappa di Filtu, see Filtu
tar (Som) 1. thigh; 2. be useful; 3. increase in mubers;
taar (Som) 1. cable, metal wire; 2. hang up /on a high place/;
hal (Som) 1. place, spot; 2. numeral one; 3. cow, female camel;
4. matter, affair; haal (Som) responsibility, position;
JCS95 Tar Hal (waterhole) 08/42 [WO]
tara (t'ara) (A) ceiling, roof; taraa (O) chance, opportunity
?? Tara 05/37? [20]
HD... Tara (T'ara, Thara) (area) 09/39? [+ 18]
HES75 Taraboc (Taravotsc) 1315'/3800' 2451 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HES65
HES44 Taraco, see Terako
taraga, taragaa (O) remnant of food such as butter, dough, porridge
HEM40 Taragana (mountain) 1211'/3927' 2007 m, 12/39 [18 Gu Gz]
(recorded in 1868), coordinates would give map code HEM41
HET86 Tarage (Taraghe) (pass) 13/39 [+ WO It]
tarag..: tara gedam (A) monastery with "roof" location?
HEK33 Taragedam (Sella Taraghedam, Taragadam) 12/37 [+ WO n 20]
(T'ara Gädam), see under Yifag
HEL63 Tarako (T'araqo) 1219'/3846' 1968 m, 12/38 [Gz q]
with church Maryam to the north-west at 1223'/3845'
taran leh (Som) having a lot of descendants
HCL19 Taranle (area) 06/39 [WO]
tarara: terara (tärara) (A) mountain; taraaray (Som) force
oneself through; taraare (Som) pre-delivery ceremony;
tarraray (Som) split, break, shatter
JDJ47 Tarara 2130 m, cf Terara 09/42 [WO]
HEJ06 Tarara Johannis, see Terara Yohannis
tarat: teret (tärät) (A,T) story, tales
HEJ98 Tarat (Teret) 1241'/3724' 2155, 2843 m, 12/37 [Gz WO]
(mountain), north-west of Gondar, see under this town.
The name Tarat is one of the few palindromes of places,
reading the same both ways.
tarater: tereter (tärätär) (A) ridge, chain of hills
HDL89 Tarater 0949'/3919' 2587 m, near Deneba 09/39 [Gz]
HES75 Taravotsc, see Taraboc
tarba (O) slope, steep ground; terb (tärb) (A) wasp, hornet;
(t'ärb) (A) board, plank, beam; farda (O) horse
HCL29 Tarba Farda (area) 06/39 [WO]
HCD.. Tarcha, see under Agere Maryam 05/38 [x]
situated at 1½ hour walking distance from Agere Maryam
tarcha so..: soddo (O) phallic stone monument;
-- Soddo, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HCJ86 Tarcha Sodo (Tarche Soddo) 0709'/3709' 1406 m, 07/37 [Gz x]
west of Waka, see under this name
HEE87 Tarda Gebriel kebele (T'arda Gäbreél ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, about 7 km west of Wegel Tena;
area 1,410 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE87 Tarda Medhane Alem kebele (T'arda Mädhanä-Aläm ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 5 km west of Wegel Tena;
area 1,626 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDN99 Tareina (Tarena), see Trena
HDG47 Tarfi (plain, battle site), see also under Nejo 09/35 [WO x]
targa (A from Italian?) licence plate of motor vehicle
?? Targa, between Liche and Tegulet, cf Tarage ../.. [18]
?? Target (Targhet), village 05/37 [+ x]
?? Targiya (Targhia), valley in the Dessie area ../.. [+ Gu]
HEJ44c Targosar, at the north-west shore of lake Tana 12/37 [x]
HCA56 Targu (area), see Taigu
JDE29 Targudud (area) 08/44 [WO]
tari, tarii (O) small antelope, dikdik, Madoqua spp.
HCH96 Tari, see Washa
JFB51 Tari (waterhole) 14/40 [WO]
HEC66 Taringa Marev, 11/37 [It]
(village with church on hilltop), cf river Mareb
?? Tarka (Tarca) (village), ../.. [+ Gu]
a monastery is visible to the north.
GDM.. Tarko kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
HDU25 Tarma kebele (T'arma ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda; area 1,401 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM84 Tarmaber (Tarma Ber), see Termaber
HB... Tarme ../.. [20]
Settlement of 3 hectares in south-west Konso.
tarre, taree (O) row, objects in a line; tarri (O) dik-dik,
kind of small antelope; geda (O) humid, soft, freshly green
JDH00 Tarregeda, G. (area) 1734 m 09/40 [WO]
HET17 Tartene (T'art'ene) 1250'/3907' 1934 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Sekota
tarura (O) kind of giant plant at high altitude, Lobelia rhynchopetalum
HCL56 Tarura 0647'/3854' 2560/2574 m 06/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HCL45
tasemma: tesemma (täsämma) (A) male name meaning
be heard, be listened to, be obeyed
HCA29 Tasemma 05/35 [WO]
HCA19 Tasemma Wiha (Tasaman Uaha) (well) 05/35 [Gz]
0536'/3539', not far from the border of Sudan
GD... Tasha kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan.
?? Tashat (ravine) ../.. [Ch]
HEU70c Tashi (Tasci, Tachi) 13/39 [+ x]
(with ancient built-up/?/ church Inda Iyesus in cave) west of Amba Aradam.
HET16 Tashmelel Giyorgis (T'ashmelel ..) (church) 12/39 [Gz]
1246'/3902', north of Sekota
tasu, taasuu (O) "being what one is", having inborn qualities
HDP109 Tasu, see Lisu, cf Teso
tat (t'at) (A) finger
JEN48c Tat 'Ali ("Ali's finger"?) 13/40 [20]
(mountain range)
Erta Ale and Tat 'Ali as its continuation southwards are
the easternmost of the parallel volcanic ranges in the
Danakil depression.
tata, historical title of local chief in the Genz area;
tata (t'at'a) (A) problem, trouble, complication;
tatta (A) interlace, intertwine; (tatt'a) (A) was not
to be found
GCT48 Tata, see Gessi
HEL42 Tata 12/38 [WO]
HES66 Tata (T'at'a, Buahit) 1313'/3805' 3410 m, 13/38 [Gz]
(mountain peak)
HEM51 Tata kebele (T'ata ..) 12/39 [Ad]
large kebele in north-westernmost Gidan wereda,
25 km north of Muja; area 11,847 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL59 Tata Mikael (T'ata Mika'el) (church) 1214'/3917', 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
tataramba: teter (t'ät'är) amba (A) gravel mountain
HDM45 Tataramba 09/39 [WO]
HEM71 Tatare (Tatara) 1222'/3936' 1473 m, 12/39 [Gz WO Gu]
see under Alamata
Coordinates would give map code HEM62
tatari (A) energetic, enterprising
JFA79 Tataru (border area) 14/40 [Ne]
HDK68 Tatecha (T'at'echa) 0936'/3818' 2120 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south of Tulu Milki
Tatek, a male personal name?
HD... Tatek (army camp) 09/38? [n]
One of five camps where Mengistu ordered conscripts of the People's Militia (reconstituted in the
spring of 1977 as the "Red Army") to undergo a twelve-week basic training with modern

tatesa, t'at'essaa (O) Rhus natalensis, savanna shrub giving

good food for goats
HDD14 Tatesa (T'at'esa) 0815'/3757' 1833 m, 08/37 [Gz]
east of Welkite
HDD76 Tatesa (T'at'esa, Gobo) 0849'/3806' 2430 m 08/38 [Gz WO]
JDA13 Tatesa (T'at'esa) (coffee and banana plantation) 08/40 [Gz]
0818'/4004', near Minne
HDL88 Tatesa Giyorgis (T'at'esa ..) (church) 0951'/3910' 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Deneba
HDL98 Tatesa kebele (T'at'ésa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southern central Moret & Jiru wereda, a little south of Inewari;
area 1,394 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK93c Tateso, see Algi
HC... Tatessa sub-district (Tatiessa ..) 06/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dego)
HDK49 Taticha (T'at'icha) 0926'/3820' 2584 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEE86 Tatirit (T'at'irit) 1137'/3903' 3017 m, near Bete Hor 11/39 [Gz]
tatissa: tatessa, tatesa (O) kinds of shrub in dry areas,
Rhus glutinosa, R. natalensis; goats like very much to eat
its leaves
HDL87 Tatissa (Tatessa) 09/39 [WO 18]
In Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Feres Tifir (Faras Tafer) province,
governed by a Balambaras.
HDT48 Tatiti (T'at'iti) 1024'/3813' 2512 m 10/38 [Gz]
HD... Tatma (river in the Tamcha ravine) 10/37 [Ch]
tato, title of local king in Kefa and with several of
the peoples in southern Ethiopia
HDH97 Tato (area) 09/36 [WO]
HDM94 Tauri Micael, see Tawri Mikael
HEL56 Tava, see Taba
HER26 Tavari 12/37 [WO]
HFE50 Tawad 1401'/3831' 1803 m, east of Inda Silase 14/38 [Gz]
tawri (Som) revolutionary
HDM94 Tawri Mikael (M.Tauri Micael) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
tay (t'ay) (A) sun
HEE98 Tay Kembih (Tay Qembih) 1145'/3923' 3561 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
north-east of Bete Hor
taya: taaya (O) /Oromo word meaning what?/
taye (t'ayä) (A?) shrub or tree, Grewia mollis;
tayye (tayyä) (A) appear, be seen, be shown;
Taye, a male personal name
HBS04 Taya (Taia) (area) 04/37 [+ WO]
HDR82 Taya (Taia) (mountain) 2724/2950 m 10/36 [+ WO]
HDT65 Taye kebele (T'ayé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Wegdi wereda, 5 km north-east of Mahdere Selam;
area 1,507 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK14 Taygur, see Taigur
HCL.. Tayissa, see Abadibo
HET77 Tayre (with church Maryam) 1321'/3906' 1714 m 13/39 [Gz]
HET77 Tayre 1322'/3907' 2029 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with churches K'irkos and Medhane Alem)
HES37 Taytaga 1300'/3811' 2651 m, near Deresge 13/38 [Gz]
taza (A) eaves, porch, area adjoining the wall of
a house and sheltered by the eaves
GDU10 Taza (mountain), see Gaza, cf Teza
HCJ65 Taza 0657'/3707' 1792 m, south-west of Waka 06/37 [Gz]
HCK.. Taza Agara kebele, in Kedida & Gamela wereda 07/38? [20]
?? Tazzan, mountains in Simen ../.. [18]
H.... Tber (Tiber) 13/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kiros sub-district)
JDK80 Tceka, see Cheka
Tch.., see generally Ch..
HDD97 Tchara, see Harota
HEK10c Tchekla Manzo, see Shakla Manzo
HEJ85 Tchelga, see Chilga
HDJ08 Tchelleah, see Chellya
HDS80 Tchiokké, see Choke
HEJ67 Tchuwahit, see Chewahit
HES.. Tcioa, see Chowa
J.... Tea (Te'a) 11/40 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Gadulla sub-district)
teadi s..: sefer, camp, campsite, settlement, neighbourhood
JDK14 Teadi Sefer 0913'/4256', 09/42 [Gz]
camp at some distance from Teadi watercourse
HFE15 Teamina (with rock-hewn church), 13/38 [x]
see under Abiy Adi
?? Tearek (Tä'aräk) ../.. [+ Pa]
HDT36 Tebabit kebele (T'äbabit ..) 10/39? [Ad]
in western Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, immediately east of Rema;
area 1,926 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE94 Tebai, see Tebay
HCL53c Tebano 06/38 [Wa]
HDD.. Tebanteban, in Kokir wereda 08/38 [20]
HEL.? Tebanzba, in the Dehana direction 12/38? [n]
HE... Tebari (in Gondar awraja) 12/37? [Ad]
tebasa (t'äbasa) (A) scar
Tebasa = Tebase?
HDM62 Tebase kebele (T'äbasé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
immediately south-west of Debre Birhan town, in Debre Birhan
Zuriya & Keyet wereda; area 458 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF11 Tebasit kebele (T'äbasit ..) 10/39? [Ad]
at the southern border of Dese Zuriya wereda, 20 km south-west
of Dessie town; area 1,347 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM62 Tebassi (Tebas/s/e, Tebasie) 0939'/3931' 2779 m, 09/39 [Gz WO Po]
situated a couple of kilometres before Debre Birhan at the main road
(sub-post office under D.Birhan), see under Debre Birhan
tebay (täbay) (A) vermin, insect; (t'äbay) (A) character, disposition
HFE94 Tebay 1424'/3850' 1435 m, 14/38 [Gz]
(this and next one), north of Adwa near the border of Eritrea
HFE94 Tebay 1428'/3850' 1650 m, 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Gebre Menfes K'idus)
tebba (O) ascent, slope; (t'äbba) (A) 1. suck, suckle;
2. become day, dawn; (täbba) (A) became strong, was annealed;
tebbe (O) small earthenware plate for food;
tebbo (Kefa) emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccum
HDB26 Tebba (area), cf Taba, Tabba, Tibbe 08/36 [WO]
tebeka (t'äbäqa) (A,T) advocate, lawyer;
tebbeke (t'äbäqä) (A) keep guard, watch, expect;
tebbekel (täbbäqäl) to avenge
HFE79 Tebeka (Tebeca), see Bet Hawiya
tebel (t'äbäl) (A) holy water, mineral water
HDU88 Tebel & Eye kebele (T'äbäl & Eyé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the north-eastern corner of Gishe Rabel wereda;
area 2,510 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE89 Tebela (centre in 1964 of Bokan sub-district) 08/39 [Ad]
HDT43 Tebela kebele (T'äbäla ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Wegdi wereda; area 741 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM43 Tebelet (area) 12/39 [WO]
HEJ85 Teber 1233'/3704' 2146 m, near Chilga 12/37 [Gz n]
/this Teber? about 4 km from Aykel:/ There is a small circular praying place,
Adere Womber, for the K'emant religion. There are two large trees and
a fence of stones.
HDM83 Tebez & Bitirge kebele (T'äbäz & Betergé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda,
20 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,132 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM83 Tebez Mikael (T'ebez Mika'el) (church), 09/39 [Gz]
west of Debre Sina
HEE46 Tebi (T'ebi) 1115'/3859' 2758 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE46c Tebi kebele (T'äbi ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in eastern central Mekdela wereda; area 2,793 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF16 Tebisa (T'ebisa) 1057'/3958' 1869 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kombolcha
HEF63 Tebisa kebele (T'äbisa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Tehuledere wereda, 10 km north-north-west of Hayk;
area 5,456 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JE... Tebissa 11/40 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Werewayu sub-district)
HCH80 Tebmenja Yazh, see Temenja Yazhi
HDU14 Techa, see Ticha
HFE65 Tecle .., see Tekle ..
ted, tid (t'id) (A) 1. coniferous timber tree,
Juniperus procera; 2. clean, pure
HBU54 Ted (ridge), cf Tid 05/39 [Ch WO]
March 1927: "-- another mere stream, which joins the Tashat in the Tashat ravine."
[Cheesman 1936]
HEE39c Ted Gabaya, see Tid Gebeya
HEJ89 Teda (or HEK80) 1230'/3730', 12/37 [n]
place 10 km south of Gondar
HEE59 Tedat kebele (T'ädat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Tenta wereda, surrounding Tenta town; area 2,650 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT82 Tedbabe Mariyam kebele (Tädbabä ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda with a long, narrow and curved shape,
a little north of the western Ajibar; area 6,484 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE45 Tedbebe Maryam (Tadbaba M., Tädbäbä M.), 11/38 [x]
a church in Amara Sayint established by Emperor Galawdewos
in the mid-1500s, south of the Bashilo river.
tedda (A) (t'ädda) be clean, be neat; (t'edda) pure, clear
Tedda, cf Tadde ..
?? Tedda (Sadda?) (in Begemeder, with school) ../.. [x]
(former Falasha village)
?? Tedda (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDM12 Tedda Maryam (T. Mariam) (mountain) 09/39 [+ Gu Gz]
0913'/3931' 2943 m
JCA24 Tedduaha (=Tid Wiha?) (area) 05/40 [WO]
HDD64 Tede (T'ede) 0845'/3759' 2886 m, north of Weliso 08/37 [Gz]
HDE48 Tede (T'ede, Tadde Mariam, Toda M.) (church) 08/39 [Gz Gu Wa]
0834'/3910' 1878 m, between Mojo and Nazret,
see under Mojo
HDL36 Tede (T'ede) 0924'/3859' 2632 m, north of Sendafa 09/38 [Gz]
?? Tede (sub-post office under Gondar) ../.. [Po]
tedecha (t'edecha) (A,O) kinds of tree, Acacia tortilis,
Dodonaea angustifolia, D. viscosa
H.... Tedecha (Tedicha), cf Tadecha, Dedecha 08/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Nura Hera sub-district)
tedecha a..: alem (aläm) (A,T) world
JCH39 Tedecha Alem (T'edecha A.) 0640'/4114' 986 m 06/41 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Raitu wereda)
tedecha i..: inna (O) if, on condition that;
(Som) 1. we all; 2. nothing; ina (T) while
JDB33 Tedecha Inna (Teddeccia Inna) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
tedecha m..: melka (A), malka (O) ford, river confluence
HDM15 Tedecha Melka (Tadeccia M., Tadechamalca) 09/39 [MS WO 18 Ne]
(Tadacha M., Tadechimalka) (with ford) 0908'/3950' 913 m,
see also Dedecha
HDL33 Tedecho (T'edecho) 0923'/3845' 2540 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north of Sululta
?? Tedele, in the Shewa region, ../.. [n]
in 1975 a farm used as a concentration camp.
tedesa: tadessa (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Rhus retinorrhoea
HBS62c Tedesa 05/37 [LM]
HDM32 Tedesh, see Tidesh
H.... Tedicha, see Tedecha
-- Tedji, see Teji
HDT39c Tedla Giyorgis & Sola kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda;
area 1,873 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tedo (A) kind of shrub or small tree, Rhamnus staddo
GCT26 Tedo, see Pakelo
tedo ber: ber (bärr) (A) gate, pass
HDU31 Tedo Ber (T'edo B.) 1014'/3925' 2453 m 10/39 [Gz]
(with church Yohanis to the north-west), north-west of Molale
HDF91c Tedu kebele (Tädu ..) 08/39 [Ad]
at the border in south-westernmost Berehet wereda; area 1,899 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Tefaw Lezer, in the Amhara region ../.. [20]
the 6th highest mountain in Ethiopia?
JDB13 Tefe 0818'/4100' 1429 m 08/41 [Gz]
HDM85 Tefe Amba, see Tife Amba
HEM20 Tefelamay kebele (T'äfälamay ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Gidan wereda, 10 km west-south-west of Muja;
area 3,113 hectares.
tefer (t'äfär) (A) sky, firmament;
Teferi .. possibly named for Ras Teferi Mekonnen
?? Teferi /which one?/, ../.. [20]
town in Dale Lalo wereda
teferi b..: teferi (täfäri) (A) respected, feared;
ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
JDK87 Teferi Ber (Tafari Ber, Taffari Ber, Taferi Ber) 09/43 [Gz Ad Po]
(Teferiber) MS: 0935'/4310'; Gz: 0947'/4313' 1551 m
MS coordinates would give map code JDK57.
With sub-post office.
Centre in 1964 of Teferi Ber wereda, in Jijiga awraja.
On the border at the connection between Jijiga and the sea through Somalia.
JDK87 Teferi Ber sub-district? (-1997-) 09/43 [n]
teferi b..: birhan (A,T,Geez) light, glow
HDF25 Teferi Birhan (Engheda) 0823'/3949' 2203 m, 08/39 [Gz Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Jeju wereda)
/next one?:/ Centre (-1956-) of an awraja.
JDA42c Teferi Birhan /wereda?/, in Arba Gugu awraja 08/40 [WO]
teferi kel..: kella, keellaa (O) checkpoint, border post
HCK19 Teferi Kella (T. Kela), see Otilcho
teferi ket..: ketema (kätäma) (A,T) town in general; garrison camp
HCL31c Teferi Ketema (Tafare Katama), in Sidama awraja 06/38 [Ad LM x]
(centre in 1964 of Watadera sub-district),
for 1930s see Taffare Ketema
On a rocky prow in the bush above Webi river.
HEL38 Tefetit kebele (T'äfät'it ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in eastern Bugna wereda, 15 km north-east of Lalibela;
area 3,933 hectares
[CSA 1994]
tefki: tafkii (O) flea
HDE71 Tefki (Tafki, Tafchi) (with church Kidane Mihret), 08/38 [Gz WO Gu 20]
town in Alem Gena wereda
MS: 0843'/3823'; Gz: 0851'/3830' 2103 m, south-west of Sebeta
MS coordinates would give map code HDD69
much more to the south-west
HDL44 Tefki 0928'/3852' 2523 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Po Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Bilo sub-district)
(visiting postman under Addis Abeba)
?? Tefre Kela (Teferi Kella? = Otilcho?) ../.. [Po]
(sub-post office under Shashemene)
HFC28 Tefta (T'efta) 1350'/3719' 1950 m, 13/37 [Gz]
north of Adi Remet
GDM77 Teftef (T'eft'ef) 0944'/3459' 1468 m 09/34 [Gz]
HDT69 Teftef kebele (T'äft'äf ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the central northern part of Jema wereda, 10 km north of Degolo;
area 1,883 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tega: tegga (t'ägga) (A) approach, come near
HCP14 Tega 0724'/3607' 1726 m, north-west of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
HDL39 Tega Dingeto (T'ega D., Tega Dinketu, Aragheccia) 09/39 [Gz WO]
(Aragecha) (area) 0924'/3918' 2855 m,
north-west of Sheno, see under this name
HEF22 Tegajo, see Tigajo
HDT68 Tegamba (T'egamba) 1030'/3913' 2572 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
HDS15 Tegan 1005'/3758' 1600 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
tegbar (tägbar) (A) action, work, task, activity
HDL86 Tegbare Kostos (T. K'ostos) (church) 09/39 [Gz]
0947'/3900', east of Fiche
Tegbaru, a male personal name
HDG16 Tege (Tegi) 0912'/3523' 1524 m, 09/35 [Gz x]
north-west of Yubdo
?? Tegede (T'ägäde) (historical) 13/37 [20]
HES90c Tegede wereda (centre in 1964 = Kirakir) 13/37 [Ad]
Tegede mountains are about 3,500 m high and situated some 10 km from Dabat.
HDT52 Tegel Fere, see Tigil Fire
tegera (t'ägära) (A) 1. axe, wedge for splitting wood; 2. ore?
HD... Tegero (district in Yifat) 09/39? [n]
GDF65 Teggio, see Mole, cf Tejo
HEF43 Teggiocc Ghenda, see Tejjok Genda
HFE56 Teghemmes, see Belaito, cf Adi Tegemmes
HDG16 Tegi, see Tege
HDU14 Tegnet, see Tignit
HDT75 Tego kebele (Tägo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
at the north-easternmost tip of Wegdi wereda, 12 km east-southeast
of Meken Selam; area 1,687 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE.. Tegoga, 13/39 [20]
monastery in High Temben. There is a village Me'adi at the road to there.
The monastery is situated on a broad promontary, and its compound is entered through
HDM32c Tegor, see Tigor
HEU41 Tegora (mountain chain) 1303'/3928' 2857 m 13/39 [Gz]
HEU41 Tegora (Adi Togora) 1306'/3927' 2184 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church K'irk'os and pass Adi Togora [WO] at 1300'/3928'),
north of Maychew
HDT26c Tegora Dabay kebele (Tägora ..) 10/39? [Ad]
in central Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, 10 km south-east of Rema;
area 945 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE09 Tegorgwa 1335'/3919' 2050 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-west of Mekele
tegu: tigu (A) watchful
GDM21 Tegu (area) 09/34 [WO]
HDM83 Tegulet (Tägulät, Tägwolät, Tägwilät, Tagwelat) 09/39 [Gz Gu Pa 20]
(Taguelat, Guorat) (Muslim name Merade/Mär'adé) 09/39 [Pa x]
(Fre: Tégoulèt) (historically recorded -1300s- area), cf Merade
HDM83 Tegulet (place) 0951'/3936' 2559 m, 09/39 [HA n]
west of Debre Sina
Tägulät was the capital of 'Amdä Seyon (1312-1342).
Zara Yaqob transferred his royal camp from Tegulet to Debre Birhan.
HDM53 Tegulet & Bulga awraja 0930'/3940' 09/39 [Gz]
(Teguletna Bulga ..)
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Debre Birhan)
is divided into 6 weredas.
HEL03 Tegusagusat 11/38 [WO]
HES22 Teh Gabr 1254'/3745' 2720 m, south of Dabat 12/37 [Gz]
teha, tiha (A) torch of dry sticks
HES.. Teha (Täha) (mountain in Wegera) 12/37 [n]
GCS.. Tehamo, 07/33 [Mi]
gold workers' camp in the Akobo river area.
JFB51 Tehe, see Tahe
HC... Tehekorsa (Teheqorsa) (in Jimma awraja) 07/36? [+ Ad]
HDU93 Tehllo 1048'/3941' 2556 m, north-east of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDR68 Tehnan wereda (centre in 1964 = Finote Selam) 10/37 [Ad]
from 1994/?/, see Jabi & Tehnan wereda

HFE94 Tehui, see Tebay

HEM40 Tehula Maryam (church) 1209'/3921', 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
tehule dere: dheeree (Som) flow of a river, rush, go quickly;
dere (A) a kind of acacia; (Afar) far away, long
HEF54 Tehule Dere (Tehuledere, Tehuldere) 11/39 [Gu Gz 20]
(long valley) 1119'/3945' 2218 m,
east of Hayk, see under this name
HEF54 Tehule Dere wereda (Tehulederie .., Tohuledere ..) 11/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sulula)
(-1994-) is divided into 20 rural and 5 urban kebeles among which
Amuma, Bededo, Boru Metero, Godo, Gwobeya, Hara, Hardibo,
Hitecha, Jari, Kete, Korke, Kosero, Metero, Muti Belg, Nibo,
Seglan, Tebisa, Welda Lulu, Wihilo
HEF54 Tehule Dere weredas (East & West) (-1997-) 11/39 [n]
HEF54 Tehule Dere (West) wereda (-1997-1999-) 11/39 [Ad]
In this wereda are located towns Agaye, Amba Not, Borena.
JCM33 Teien, see Teyen
GDF65 Teigio, see Mole
tej (t'äj) hydromel, drink made of fermented honey; washa (A) cave
?? Tej /same as Teji below?/ ../.. [20]
HEE76 Tej Washa (T'ej W.) 1132'/3902' 2314 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south of Bete Hor
HDL99 Teja Sar, see Tija Sar
HDD58 Teji (Taggi) (with church Abo) 0838'/3817' 2167 m, 08/38 [Gz WO]
distance 67 km from A.A.
HDD79 Teji (Tedji, Tagi) 0850'/3822' 2025/2034 m 08/38 [MS Ad Po WO]
(sub-post office under Addis Abeba), south-west of Sebeta,
(centre in 1964 of Ilu Abadinka sub-district,
same Teji also of Yilu sub-district?), cf Tajji
HED73 Teji Merer ca. 1131'/3748', 11/37 [20]
area some 15 km north-east of the Abay river
tejjok ge..: genda (gända) (A) trough from the trunk
of a tree, for animals to drink from
HEF43 Tejjok Genda (Teggiocc Ghenda), 11/39 [+ Gu]
see under Hayk
tejo, kind of plant with yellow flowers
GDF75 Tejo (Teggio) (area) MS: 0838'/3418' cf Tijjo, Mole 08/34 [Gz n]
Gz: 0847'/3447' 1984 m, north of Dembidolo
HDM13c Teju kebele (T'äju ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Berehet wereda; area 1,744 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
teka t..: tesfaye (A) my hope /a common male name/
HFF42 Teka Tesfay, 13/39 [20]
village not quite 20 km north of Wikro.
HEF04 Tekake (T'ekake) 1054'/3945' 1480 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south of Kombolcha
HEF04 Tekake kebele (T'äkaké ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the easternmost southern border of Dese Zuriya wereda;
area 1,722 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF51 Tekana, see Tikana
Teke, a male personal name
HDL31 Teke (T'eqe) 0922'/3834' 2692 m 09/38 [AA Gz q]
JDA67 Tekedeyo (Teqedeyo) 0846'/4025' 2156 m 08/40 [Gz q]
(mountain), south-west of Gelemso

teker k..: Kirkos = St. Cyriacus

HEL57 Teker Kirkos (T'ek'er K'irk'os) (church) 12/39 [Gz]
1218'/3907', north of Lalibela
HDT99 Tekese, see Tikise
HEJ76 Tekeza 1224'/3709' 1920 m, south-east of Chilga 12/37 [Gz]
tekeze: takkaze, takkazi (Geez) river;
tekkeze (täkkäzä) (A) be sad, be pensive;
HEL71 Tekeze 1226'/3833' 2014 m, 12/38 [Gz]
(place at the upper Tekeze river)
HFD17 Tekeze (Tekezze, Täkkäzé, Tacazze, Takkaze) (river) 13/38 [MS n WO x]
(Takazee, Takeze, Tekaze, Tekkaze, Tekkazee, Tekezee, Takkazye, Tekezo)
river passes 1411'/3735' = HFD60.
The road going deep down to pass the river has many bends.
HFD27 Tekeze (mountain) 1349'/3811' 1575 m 13/38 [Gz]
HFD12? Tekeze bridge 780 m 13/38 [20]
In 1985/86 the TPLF destroyed the bridge over the river Tekeze.
HDF.. Tekeze Horticultural Project 14/39? [n]
HDF.. Tekeze Workshop 14/39? [n]
There are -- a woodwork shop, a machine shop, a metalwork shop, mechanics, electrics, welding and
forging sections, and a truck repair shop for maintenance of
the convoy working in concert with the Workshop in the Sudan. [Hammond 1999]
tekl, tekil (A) a plant; plantation, orchard
HER.. Tekle Dingay 12/37 [20]
town in Lay Armachiho wereda
HES90 Tekle Giyorgis (Tacle Georgis, T. Gherghis /Cherni/) 13/37 [+ WO Gz]
(Tagle Gheorghis) (amba) 1332'/3729' 2120 m
Coordinates would give map code HER99
tekle haw..: hawariat, apostles
?? Tekle Hawariat (Fre: Takla Haouariât) ../.. [+ x]
Convent in medieval time, at the town Enaré'et somewhere
south of the Abay river.
tekle haymanot (A) plant of faith; name of a famous saint,
Tekle Haymanot also occurs as an ordinary male name in modern time
HE... Tekle Haymanot 12/37 [x]
Monastery between Gondar and lake Tana. Kasa (the future Tewodros II)
was educated there in the 1820s.
HFE04 Tekle Haymanot (with rock-hewn church) 13/38 [x]
HFE65 Tekle Haymanot (Tecla Aimanot) (church) 14/38 [Gz WO]
1408'/3858' 2180 m, see under Adwa
HEM02 Tekle Haymanot kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in Guba Lafto wereda immediately south of Weldiya; area 618 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL91 Teklo (with church Gebriel) 0952'/3831' 2554 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
east of Tulu Milki
HDL68 Teklo kebele (Täklo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the southernmost tip of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda;
area 1,624 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
teklu ketema (A) the orchard city? the plant of the city?
from male personal name Teklu?
HED48 Teklu Ketema 1116'/3816' 2278 m 11/38 [Gz Ad]
(with sub-post office), south-west of Goradit
(ctr in 1964 of Semada wereda & of Mehal Semada sub-district)

HED68 Teko (T'eqo) 1126'/3817' 2657 m, north of Goradit 11/38 [Gz q]

JDB45 Teko Uno (T'eko U.) 0834'/4112' 1499 m 08/41 [Gz]
HEU21 Tekoa (Teko'a) 1254'/3929' 2696 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
HEM41 Tekolishi wereda (Täkolishi ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in mid-western Kobo wereda, about 15 km west of Kobbo town;
area 2,288 hectares
[CSA 1994]
HE... Tekorba (centre in 1964 of Abrendof sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HFF62 Tekot (T'eqot) 1408'/3936' 2684 m, 14/39 [Gz q]
south-east of Adigrat
HEF91 Tekshegn, see Tikshign
HE... Tekulesh (centre in 1964 of Mekdela sub-district) 12/39? [Ad]
HEE76 Tekurena, see Tikurena
HDE78c Tekware kebele (T'äqwaré ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in western central Minjar & Shenkora wereda, 6 km west-southwest
of Balchi; area 487 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tela, teellaa (O) behind, in the rear
HCJ25 Tela (T'ela) 0633'/3707' 1254 m 06/37 [Gz]
HEU20 Tela (T'ela) 1254'/3925' 2616 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
HEM10 Tela Asfere, see Tila Asfere
HDL74 Telado (T'elado) (falls near) 0943'/3852' 2008 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HEL.. Telage (Tälagé), same as Telaje below? 12/39 [n]
HE... Telagi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Abdel) 12/39 [Ad]
HE... Telagien 12/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Seru Kemes sub-district)
HEL93 Telaje 1237'/3842' 2034 m, west of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]
HDS24 Telajihu (Telagihu) (area) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEL75 Telala (T'elala) 1225'/3853' 2543 m, 12/38 [Gz]
south-west of Sekota
?? Telalak (named Busidima by local people), ../.. [20]
an area of the Afar region with fossils.
HDM53 Telasa Giyorgis (T'elasa ..) (church) 0932'/3940', 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Ankober
HDM75 Telay Amba Meseko kebele (Tälay A. Mäsäqo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northern Ankober wereda, 13 km north-northeast of Ankober town;
area 640 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Telba (Tälba), battle site in the 1850s ../.. [+ n]
telba (tälba) (A) flax, linseed; dur (A,T) forest, woods;
dhuur (Som) evergreen tree /tamarisk?/;
duur (Som) 1. jungle; 2. kind of bush plant
HEM74 Telba Dur 1225'/3943' 1667 m, east of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HED74 Telba Tim (T. T'im) 1134'/3752' 2453 m, 11/37 [Gz]
east of Tis Isat
HDE90 Telbo (T'elbo) 0858'/3826' 2122 m, near Genet 08/38 [Gz]
HEJ87 Telch, cf Telk 12/37 [WO]
HDL10 Telecho (with church Gebriel) 0910'/3828' 2499 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
west of Sululta, cf Talacho
HED05 Telefa (T'elefa) 1054'/3802' 2508 m 10/38 [Gz]
JEB34 Teleg (Talag, Täläg), see Datalg Ali
HFC08 Telelo Kidane Mihret (T'elelo ..) (church) 13/37 [Gz]
1336'/3724', north of Mesfinto
HF... Telelo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ksa Dega) 13/37 [Ad]
HDR89 Telembdar /Abbo?/ 10/37 [WO]
HE... Telempt 12/37 [x]
All the Jewish Falashas in the village of Telempt, near Gondar, picked up and
left one day in January 1984. "We're going to Jerusalem."
HFD19 Telemt, see Tsellemti
-- Telequ .., see Tiliku ..
HDM53 Telesa kebele (T'äläsa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the south-eastern tip of Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda,
8 km south-west of Ankober; area 1,054 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
telet: telat (t'älat) (A) enemy
teleta (täläta) (Geez?A? from O dhalatta?) unassimilated
immigrant population; telate (tälat'ä) peeled, barked,
stripped; Teleta, name of a group of Oromo
HDK48 Teleta (T'eleta) 0928'/3817' 2493 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEC66 Teleta 2043 m, cf Taleta, Deleta, 11/37 [It WO]
(village on hill, with church Medhane Alem)
HEC75 Teleta, see Kotkotma
HEC76 Teleta Kidane Mihret (T. Chidane Meret), 11/37 [+ It]
(village with church)
HBR48 Teletele .., see Teltele ..
HDS72 Telezam (T'elezam) 1040'/3741' 2551 m, 10/37 [Gz]
north-east of Dembecha
HEM05 Telfe, see Tilfe
?? Telfetit (Tälfätit) (historically recorded place) 12/39? [x]
HEM32 Telgo (centre in 1964 of Angot sub-district) 12/39 [Ad]
HEM32 Telgo kebele (T'älgo ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in eastern Gidan wereda, about 10 km east of Muja;
area 4,359 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF21 Telial (Teli'al) 1346'/3929' 2061 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south of Hawzen
HDP79 Telile, see Tilili
H.... Telim, see Tselim
telk: (t'ilq) (A) deep lake
?? Telk (T'elq, Tilk, Tilq), cf Telch ../.. [+ Pa 20]
(historical place in Fetegar/Fätägar area)
Telk is a plain where in early 1400s the town of Jédaya with churches was created.
tella (t'älla) (A) 1. local kind of beer; 2. be hostile, hate;
(tälla) to produce worms, putrify; t'ellaa (O) cowardly;
badada (O) name of one of ten gada sets,
badhaada (O) blessings, wealthy; badada (O) forced penal servitude
HDS09 Tella Badada, see Tulu Bedada
HDT01 Tella Badada 10/38 [WO]
tellema: teleme (t'älämä) (T) betray, desert, fail;
telleme (tällämä) (A) to furrow, to plough
HDM82 Tellema 09/39 [WO]
HEC17 Tellic Dingia, see Tillik Dingya
tello (O) inconvenience
HC... Tello wereda (centre in 1964 = Washa) 06/36? [Ad]
JDH25 Telo (Tullo), cf Talo 09/41 [LM WO]
JDH25? Telo wereda (Tello .., Tällo ..) 09/41 [n Ad]
within Kulo Konta awraja (centre in 1964 = Washa)
This/?/ wereda (-1994-) is divided into 52 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
It was later suspended.
teltele: teltale (t'ält'alä) (T) sink, settle, submerge, etc;
teelteel (Som) spareseness, scantiness, being spread out;
-- Teltal, an alternative (Amharic?) name for the Afar/Danakil
HBR48 Teltele (Teltelie, Teltelle, Tertale, Tertele, Milemi), 05/37 [MS Ad x]
0504'/3723' 1444 m, in Arero awraja
(centre in 1964 of Teltele wereda)
Near the border of Kenya but north of the river "Hobock".
HDD83 Teltele 0856'/3751' 2263 m, south-west of Ambo 08/37 [Gz]
HDL92 Teltele (area) 09/38 [AA]
HDS06 Teltele 0958'/3805' 1750 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT76 Teltele 1040'/3902' 2760 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT77 Teltele 1040'/3904' 2343 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT77 Teltele kebele (Tältälé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Kelela wereda, 10 km west of Legwama; area 1,789 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBR48 Teltele wereda (Taltelle ..) (-1964-2000-) 05/37 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 24 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
GDE16c Telut (village circa 35 km downriver from Itang) 08/34? [20]
HDT39c Tema & Muhure kebele (T'éma & Muhuré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda; area 2,918 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
temb: timb, tinb (t'imb, t'inb) (A) carrion, dead and
decaying flesh
HCK90 Tembaro, see Timbaro
HEE89 Tembeko kebele (Tämbäko ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda, about 10 km east of Wegel Tena;
area 2,098 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
temben (tämben) (A) tanned hide dyed red
HFE08 Temben (Tembien) 1337'/3900' 1864 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(populated place), near Abiy Adi
HFE18 Temben (Tembien, Tämbén, Tänbén), 13/39 [WO Gu Pa n]
(historical wide area) 1340'/3910'
Coordinates would give map code HFE07 or HET96,
see also Degua & Temben wereda
HET96 Temben awraja (Tembien ..) 1330'/3900' 13/39 [Gz]
(centre in 1980 = Abiy Adi)
HFE17 Temben churches 13/39 [x]
Within a circle with radius less than 10 km
there are rock-hewn churches, here listed in
order from south-east to north-west:
HFE06 Maryam Hibuito (Enda Maryam Hebuto)
HFE07 Zeji (Zeidj): Abune Aregawi
HFE17 Mayhaba (A. Maybaba?): Amanuel
" Tensihet (Tenshet, Tenshiet): Kidane Mihret & Tsadkan
" Ind'Abba Selam (Enda Abba Selama): Abune Selama
" Maryam Hibuito (Hibi'ito, Mariam Hebuto): Maryam & Tekle Haymanot
" Adi Tsire: Abune Fikade Amlak
" Werkibet (Worke Bet): Mikael
HFE16 Welegesa (Welegesha): Iyesus
HFE15 Aba Yohannes
HFE27 Fikadeamek
" Degoshako: Maryam
? Tanba (Tamba, Tenba): Tekle Haymanot & Maryam
? Zeji: Abune Aregawi
"The monastery of Abba Salama must be one of the most inaccessible in the world, the ascent of
Debra Damo being trifling in comparison." [Sauter 1976]

-- Tembero (Timbaro), name of a Sidama tribe, see Timbaro

H.... Tembero (Tembaro), ../.. [20]
a state formed in Kambata about 1550-1570.
HCS11 Tembero (locality) 0723'/3736' 07/37 [Gz]
HDL73 Tembero 0944'/3845' 2710 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche, cf Tambaro, Timbaro
tembesha: tambush (T) kind of medium-sized tree, Croton
macrostachys, usually with some bright yellow leaves
HEH65 Tembesha (Tembescia, Tambisso) 12/36 [+ WO Ha]
HFE.. Tembien, see Temben
HDT97 Tembo 1047'/3903' 2358 m 10/39 [Gz]
HFD78 Tembo 1413'/3819' 1792 m, north of Inda Silase 14/38 [Gz]
JDC92 Tembo 0902'/4148' 1526 m, south of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HDS60 Temeccia (Temscia), see Timecha
temeche (tämächchä) (A) was comfortable, suitable
temela (T) 1. melt; 2. be filled with; 3. crawl
HEL43 Temela 12/38 [WO]
HDE46 Temele 0835'/3900' 1808 m, west of Moja 08/39 [Gz]
temen (tämän) (T) snake; temene (t'ämäne) (A) chalk
temenja (t'ämänja) (A) rifle
HCH80 Temenja Yazhi (T.Yajz, Tamangiagi, -ghiagi) 07/35 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(T'ebmenja Yazh, Tamandjadj)
0706'/3545' 1758, 1975 m,
north of Shewa Gimira, WO map has Tamangiagi at HCG79
(centre in 1964 of T.Y. wereda & of T.Y. sub-district)
In beautiful location on a ridge, once the main seat of the Gimirra.
HCH80 Temenja Yazhi sub-district (-1964-1997-) 07/35 [n]
HCH80 Temenja Yazhi wereda, see also Kite 07/35 [n]
HET 26 Temera Titiru (T'emera T'it'iru) 12/38 [Gz]
1251'/3859' 1981 m, south of Fenarwa
HES57 Temeret 13/38 [WO]
HFE66 Temeyata (Semaiata) 1411'/3900' 2026 m, 14/39 [Gz]
mountain east of Adwa
?? Temirk, in the Simen mountains ../.. [x]
HDU05 Temke kebele (T'ämqé ..) 09/39? [Ad]
at the middle of the western border of Kewet wereda,
20 km north of Debre Sina; area 373 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM62 Temmuga, see Timuga
temo (Som/H.Salt) hair
temmo, teemmo (O) fainting, blackout
HDB66c Temo (Tiemo), cf Tamo, Timo 08/36 [LM Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dapo Hana wereda & sub-district)
HE... Temoch (centre in 1964 of Harbu sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
HDU11 Temonage, see Timonage
HCC68 Tempe 0601'/3720' 3129 m, 06/37 [Gz]
mountain west of southern lake Abaya
HCS76 Temren (T'emren) (lake) 0757'/3805' 07/38 [Gz]
HDL82 Temsa 0948'/3838' 3139 m, west of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
cf Tamsa
JDD76 Temsa 0850'/4305' 1374 m 08/43 [Gz]
At an air raid 22 October 1990 on Temsa in Wello, a family of eight was killed and ten others
[Africa Watch 1991]
temsasa: temzazza (t'ämzazza) (A) tortuous, winding /road/
HDK69 Temsasa 0939'/3824' 2152 m, south of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL70 Temsasa 0941'/3826' 1890 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
HFF31 Temsehul (Tems'hul) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
?? Temsha, site of Abay bridge project ../.. [x]
A bridge at Temsha was built for King Tekle Haymanot in 1883-1886 by a middle-aged Italian
engineer Count Augusto Salimbeni.
This unfinished bridge is located some kilometres downstream from the big Abay bridge.
HEE97 Temtemat, see Timtimat
HEE99c Temu kebele (T'ämu ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of Legambo wereda, north of Akesta;
area 2,724 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
temuja g..: gola (A), golha (T) shrub or small tree, Salix subserrata;
(O) room in traditional house, stable, cave
HEF22 Temuja Gola kebele (T'ämuja ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Dese Zuriya wereda, 15 km south-west of Dessie town;
area 1,585 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL44 Temzage (T'emzage) 1212'/3851' 2581 m, 12/38 [Gz]
north-west of Lalibela
tena (t'ena) (A) health; tenna (t'änna) (A) be strong, be solid;
tenna, teenna (O) part of a wall, cross piece;
Tena, Tenna, a male personal name
?? Tena (Tenaye, Weyne Hara) ../.. [x]
Lij Iyasu in 1912 founded there town first called Weyne Hara, which he revisited.
He named it Weyne Hara but changed it to Tenaye which could mean 'My health'
as well as 'My horse Tena', because Tena was Iyasus's war horse so that Iyasu himself
HCK46 Tena Bilate (locality) 0647'/3806' 06/38 [Gz]
tena k..: kara, karra (A), kaaraa (O) knife; qaraa (O) 1. road, path,
doorway; 2. edge; 3. far-away place; 4. never, not at all; 5. green chilli;
6. dry sorghum stalk; 7. first-rate boiled coffee
HCU41c Tena Kara, 07/39 [x]
village in /Digelu &/ Tijo wereda of Tijo awraja.
HEE58 Tena kebele (Téna ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northern central Tenta wereda; area 2,706 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tena m..: mengistu (A) the government; also a male name Mengistu
HDB60 Tena Mengistu (Tana Mangistu) 2012 m 08/35 [LM WO]
tena t..: Teferi, named for Ras Teferi Mekonnen?
HDR03 Tena Teferi (Zena Tafari, Tena Vittorio, Zena V.) 09/37 [+ WO Gz Gu]
0959'/3702' 2250/2266 m
Zena Vittorio is the name belonging to the time of the Italian occupation.
tena v..: Vittorio, named by the Italians from their king
HDR03 Tena Vittorio, see Tena Teferi
HCU41 Tena wereda (centre in 1964 = Gobesa) 07/39 [n Ad]
area (wereda in the 1980s?) in westernmost Ticho awraja,
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 5 urban kebeles.
HC... Tenajawi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jawi) 07/39 [Ad]
?? Tenamba, a small village north of Addis Abeba ../.. [x]
HEE36 Tenat, see Tinat
H.... Ténayé 10/40? [n]
This new name was given around 1912 by Lij Iyasu to a place near
the old site of Senbete (Sänbäté) - the one at HDU37 10/40?, see Tena
HFE17c Tenba, see Tanba
HFE18 Tenben, see Temben
tenda (tända) (T) tent
tendaho: teendho, taandho (Som) tent
JEB93 Tendaho (Tandaho, Tandeho, Tandoho), cf Tindaho 11/40 [Gz WO Gu Ne]
Gz: 1142'/4057' 501 m; MS: 1121'/4102' 400/556 m
MS coordinates would give map code JEB53.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Didaleyti (Didaleiti) (area)
8SE Alalobbada (hot spring) 394 m
10SE Badda Ale (waterhole)
7SW Atorile (area) 552 m
4NW Arammuda (area)
4N former aircraft landing ground
5N Adadero (area)
4NE Lammale (at Awash river)
10NE Ibbafage (Ibbafaghe) (at Awash river)
10NE Wolola Deyta (Uolola Deita) (area)
1960sThe Tendaho Plantations Share Company was officially advertised on 19 July 1961, with Eth$
1.4 million paid up by 35 shareholders, most of them British financial and commercial
houses with Mitchell Cotts & Co. at the top.
On 26 June 1969 a contract was signed with the German firm Trapp & Co. to build 303 km of new
road from Awash station to the Assab road via Tendaho.
The cultivated area was 12,000 hectares in 1973.
In mid-1980s there was to be a substantial loan from Italy for a project to explore geothermal energy
at Tendaho.
HDL73 Tenebo (T'enebo) 0943'/3845' 2592 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Fiche
HDT64 Tenegn, see Tinign
JEJ50 Teneki (Teniki) (plateau) 1216'/4148' 12/41 [Gz WO]
-- Teneshu .., see Tinishus ..
HD... Tenfa (in Nekemte awraja) 09/36? [Ad]
tengaga (tängaga) (A) noise like of fire or
of a marching crowd
HDM60 Tengago 09/39 [WO]
HDL62 Tengego (T'engego) 0936'/3836' 2466 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Maryam), south-west of Fiche
HDM42 Tengego kebele (T'ängägo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the western central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda;
area 1,089 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE25 Tengobale 1105'/3854' 2904 m 11/38 [Gz]
HEE36c Tengobalel kebele (Tängobaläl ..) 11/39? [Ad]
in north-eastern Sayint wereda, 15 km east of Ajibar;
area 2,108 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE68 Tengwa Gebriel (T'engwa Gebri'el) (church), 11/39 [Gz]
1124'/3912', west of Mekdela
JEJ50 Teniki (area) 12/41 [WO]
tenk (t'änq) (A) harmful, pernicious, disastrous, evil,
cause /of something bad/
HDG83 Tenk 09/35 [LM]
HDK08 Tenkaka (T'enkaka) 0907'/3815' 2926 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Addis Alem
HEE99 Tenkeba Abo (Tenk'eba Abo) (church) 1142'/3916' 11/39 [Gz]
?? Tenkel (Tänkäl) (historical area near Sudan) ../.. [Pa En]
?? Tenkel sub-district (centre in 1964 = Chegedba) 12/37? [Ad]
?? Tenna wereda, same as Tena wereda above? ../.. [20]
In 2003 several thousand farmers constructed a 21 km
gravel road to connect Tenna with two other weredas.
?? Tenni (in Wellega), ../.. [Mi]
an affluent of the Alanga which in turn is an affluent of the Gilo.
HDJ55 Teno (T'eno) 0932'/3705' 2649 m, near Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
tenseie: tinsa'i (A,T) resurrection, reincarnation;
the Easter holiday; lola (O) 1. flood; 2. (lolaa) quarrel, fight;
(A) kind of forest tree, Ekebergia capensis; (O) drain trench
HES34 Tenseie Lola (area), cf Tinsae .. 13/37 [WO]
HFE17 Tensihet (Tens'het, Tenshiet), 13/39 [x]
(with cave church), see under Temben churches
HFE29 Tensohe (Tensoke) (with rock-hewn churches), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
-- Tent, name of a /historical/ group of Oromo near the
Abay river
HDS99 Tenta 1047'/3824' 2353 m, north-east of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HEE33c Tenta, cf Tanta 11/38 [LM]
HED78 Tenta (T'enta, Tänta, Tanta) 1131'/3819' 2319 m 11/38 [Gz 18 Ad]
(with sub-post office under Dessie)
Centre at least (-1956-1980-) of Were Himeno awraja.
HEE59 Tenta 1119'/3915' 2972 m, for early time see Tanta 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael at some distance to the north-west)
Surrounding the town is Tedat kebele.
Within a circle of 10 km there are at
2E Yila kebele
2SE Cheleme kebele
5SE Yemit kebele
2S Jafa kebele
6S Yamed kebele
2SW Gafat kebele
4SW Tena kebele
7SW Kulibit kebele
3W Megwat kebele
6W Debek kebele
8W Ambesa Defar kebele
8NW Wiga Mere kebele
8NW Yanget kebele
5N Chacha kebele
10N Guna kebele
4NE Bila kebele
9NE Kostambula kebele
10NE Bededi kebele
At about 25 km to the north-east there is the Mekdela amba, but Tenta is a natural fortress several
hundred metres higher.

tenta g..: gura (O) kinds of flowers or shrubs; (A) 1. hill, narrow road,
track; 2. boasting, bragging
-- Gura, group of Oromo or of Gurage
HE... Tenta Gura sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sidisto Girar)
HEE48c Tenta wereda (centre in 1964 = Ajibar) 11/39 [Ad 20]
In Tenta (East) wereda (-1999-) are towns Goshit, Irshama, Sayint, Wegesa.
In Tenta (North) wereda is Mahdere Selam/Wegedi town.
There is also Tenta (South).
The whole/?/ wereda (-1994-) is divided into 44 rural and 3 urban kebeles
among which
Aba Boru Meda, Aba Mela, Ambesa Defar, Asoye, Baja, Barhe, Bededi,
Bila, Bolen, Chacha, Chihina, Dawid, Debek, Feto, Gaya, Gola, Guna,
Jafa, Kabo Ager, Kechina, Kededur, Kolo, Kostambula, Kulebit Amba,
Kurkur, Megwat, Mekona, Mesel, Meserbi, Mitigina, Sayint town, Tedat,
Tena, Wertej, Wiga Mere, Yamed, Yanget, Yederek, Yegadona, Yemit,
Yerma, Yila, Zakunat
HES43 Tentai (area) 13/37 [WO]
HDU02 Tentarit (Tent'arit, Wonfeso, Uonfosc) 10/39 [Gz LM WO]
1001'/3931' 2361 m, south-west of Molale
HER26 Tentel 12/37 [WO]
HDM.. Tenter (T'ent'er) (with church Yohanis), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDM31 Tenter kebele (T'änt'är ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
near and to the south-east of Koremash; area 527 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDD14 Tentomi (well) 08/42 [WO]
GDU73 Tenze (Tenz) (mountain) 1039'/3438' 1225 m 10/34 [WO Gz]
teo (O) Jasminum abyssinicum, a strong climber with
scented white flowers in clusters
JEB20 Teo (Tiho) 1104'/4042' 690 m, 11/40 [WO Gz Gu 20]
not far from Gewane, south of Awash river.
Teodros .., see Tewodros ..
tepa, teepha (O) leather belt; snare; long strip of leather
used for tying goods on the back of pack animals and for
measuring land
HCG94 Tepi (Teppi, Tiepi, Tippi) 07/35 [Gz Po Ad Te]
Gz: 0712'/3527' 1097 m; MS: 0710'/3510'
(centre in 1964 of Yeki wereda & of Tepi sub-district)
(with postal service), distance 609 km from A.A.
Baya coffee plantation near Tepi is the second largest in Ethiopia.
HCG94 Tepi wereda 07/35 [20]
HDL31 Teqe, see Teke
HDU14 Teqme, see Tikme
-- Tequr .., see Tikur ..
HDU16 Tequre, see Tikure
HDM73 Tequrit Bado, see Tikurit Bado
tera (tära) (A) 1. turn, order, sequence, rank; 2. rotation;
3. section of a market; (T) 1. ordinary; 2. rank and file,
underling, private soldier; 3. turn, order
-- Tera, cf Angolela & Tera
?? Tera (T'era), 09/39? [x]
small enclave in the lowland of the K'ebena river
near the eastern escarpment.
HFE12 Tera 1342'/3842' 1682 m, cf Terra, Tsera 13/38 [Gu Gz]
?? Tera sub-district (-1970-) 09/39? [x]
HDL55 Teracha (Terach'a) 0934'/3855' 2648 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEE08 Terad 1055'/3913' 3324 m, 10/39 [Gz x]
town in Kuta Ber wereda (-1999-)
terada (tärada) (A) tent pole
HDU31 Teragullo, see Degolo, or HDT59?
HES44 Terako (Teraco, Taraco) (area) 13/37 [+ WO Gu]
HDM50 Terami 0932'/3922' 2825 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Birhan
JDN99 Terana, see Trena
HDT44c Teranter, see Tirantir
terara (A) (tärara) mountain, hill; (t'ärara) (A) heat of sun
HDL65 Terara, see under Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA]
HDL74 Terara 0941'/3852' 2619 m, near Debre Libanos 09/38 [WO Gz]
HED48 Terara 1113'/3815' 2434 m, south of Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
JDJ36 Terara 0923'/4212' 1908 m, north-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HEJ06 Terara Yohannis (Tarara Johannis) (hill) 11/37 [+ Ch]
terb (tärb) (A) hornet, wasp
HDT05 Terb Ayne 1002'/3857' 1989 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Derra
HCJ88 Tercha (Tercia), see under Waka 07/37 [+ WO]
HEC79 Terchamye (Terciamie) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
tere (täre) (A) small hill; tiri (t'iri) (A) unripe /grain/,
raw /meat/
HDE42 Tere (with church Silase) 0832'/3837' 2262 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL34 Tere (T'ere) 0924'/3852' 2735 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Sululta
HDL64 Tere (T'ere) 0939'/3847' 2632 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), south of Debre Libanos
HDU15 Tere kebele (Täré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Kewet wereda, 10 km northwest-north of Shewa Robit;
area 715 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF33 Tere Robele 0830'/3936' 1326 m 08/39 [Gz]
tereda: terada (tärada) (A) tent pole
HCS93 Tereda (T'ereda) 0805'/3747' 2010 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south of Welkite
HEF60 Tereg Imam (T'ereg I.) 1129'/3924' 2188 m 11/39 [Gz]
GDM43 Tereko 0927'/3438' 1699 m, north-east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
HDK09 Tereko (T'ereqo) 0906'/3822' 2463 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Addis Alem
JDJ66 Tereko (T'ereqo) 0937'/4209' 1383 m 09/42 [Gz q]
HDF54c Tereko kebele (T'äräqo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in westernmost Kelela wereda; area 3,494 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF61 Teremchig kebele (T'ärämcheg ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Ambasel wereda, 10 km west of Wichale;
area 4,117 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU01 Terenga 1245'/3931' 2408 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
HDH21 Teres (T'eres) 0916'/3547' 1828 m, north of Gimbi 09/35 [Gz]
HFE01 Teresege (Tereseghe) 13/38 [+ Gu]
HER08 Teret, see Tarat
HCU33 Tereta (T'ereta) (locality) 0733'/3937' 07/39 [Gz]
tereter (tärätär) (A) 1. ridge, chain of hills, escarpment;
2. eroded uneven ground
HDM75 Tereter kebele (Tärätär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
near the northernmost Ankober wereda, 15 km north-northeast of
Ankober town; area 417 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU50 Terezba (T'erezba) 1311'/3921' 2021 m, 13/39 [Gz]
east of Samre
teribo: terrib (T) Indigofera spinosa
HCT61c Teribo (hill) 0750'/3834' 07/38 [WO Gu Gz]
HF... Terier (centre in 1964 of Mai Abaour sub-district) 14/38 [Ad]
HDL78 Terign, see Tirign
terka reba: reba-u (O) cultivate land before sowing
JCD41 Terka Reba (Derca Dur) 0548'/4239' 466 m 05/42 [Gz WO]
GDF13c Terkabi, village near Gambela 08/34 [20]
A witness testified that on 13 December 2003 'woyala' individuals
burnt down two houses and hit an Anuak with an iron bar.
Vagabonds told members of the Defence Army that Peter Deng
had weapons in his house. These members broke the window and
and shot and killed Peter Deng.
HCG86 Terkana (Tercana) 07/35 [+ WO]
GD... Terko kebele ../34 [20]
located near Sudan.
termaber: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HDM94 Termaber (Tarmaber, Tarma Ber, Passo Mussolini) 09/39 [WO MS Ca Gu]
Gz: (T'armaber) 0953'/3944' 3001 m,
MS: 0951'/3945' mountain 3250 m, pass circa 3100 m
(with long tunnel called Termaber Washa or Mussolini Tunnel),
distance 180 km from A.A., see also under Debre Sina
HDM84 Termaber kebele (T'arma Bär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda, near to Debre Sina
at its west; area 1,470 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD98 Tero 0901'/3815' 2163 m, see under Welenkomi 09/38 [AA Gz]
terra (t'ärra) (A) be pure, brighten, clear up
HD... Terra (ancient district), cf Tera 09/39 [18]
Country which in ancient time was called Shewa (Shoa) and which was governed by the family of
the brothers Likie and Sarake. It was inhabited purely by Amhara.
HD... Terra sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ilezof), 09/39 [Ad]
cf Tera
terre (tärre) (A) small hill, hillock
?? Terre, village with farmers ../.. [x]
terta (tärta) (A) row, single line
HB... Tertala (mountains) 04/37 [18]
HBR48 Tertale (Tertele), see Teltele
HBS11 Tertale (wide area) 04/37 [WO]
HBR48? Tertello (same as Teltele?), 100 km NW of Yabelo 05/37 [x]
tertora: tirtera (t'irt'ära) (T) hesitation;
tirtare (t'irt'arä) (T) distrust
JEA76 Tertora (area) 11/40 [WO]
Teru, Tiru, a male personal name
JEG76 Teru (wide plain) 1224'/4018' 12/40 [WO Gu Gz]
JEG76? Teru wereda 12/40 [Ad]
HDS.. Teseshigem sub-district 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Aba Libanos)
HEL09 Tesfa Giyorgis kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Guba Lafto wereda, 30 km west of Weldiya;
area 4,664 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tesfa hiwet (A) hope of life
?? Tesfa Hiwet, farm for lepers near Awash river 08/39 [x]
HEM51 Tesfo Mentir kebele (Täsfo Mänt'er ..) 12/39 [Ad
in north-eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda, 15 km north
of Mehal Meda settlement; area 2,473 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT50 Teska 1020'/3826' 1962 m, east of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
teso (O) residence, seat;
tesso (O) corn cake, tobacco cake; dura tesso (O) chairman;
-- Tesso, name of an Oromo tribe
HB... Teso, village at some distance from Mega 04/38? [x]
HDK45 Teso 0926'/3802' 2171 m, cf Tasu 09/38 [AA Gz]
Tessama: Tesemma (täsämma) (A) male personal name
meaning to be listened to, cf Tasemma
HDC55 Tessama 0840'/3704' 2119 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDL97 Tet Bär, see Tit Ber
HDS55 Tet Giyorgis, 10/38? [20]
unimportant village about 25 km from Bichena in direction Dejen.
HET88 Teta (T'et'a) 1327'/3911' 2027 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-east of Abiy Adi
JDC47 Teta 0835'/4216' 1277 m 08/42 [Gz]
tetama: tetemma (tät'ämma) (A) to be thirsty;
tetamari (T) cohesive
HFF52 Tetama 1405'/3935' 2663 m 14/39 [Gu Gz]
teter (t'ät'är) (A) pebble, gravel
HDU42 Teter Amba (T'et'er A.) 1022'/3933' 2836 m, 10/39 [Gz 18]
(Tettar Amba), south of Were Ilu
HDM54 Teter Amba kebele (T'ät'är ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda, 6 km south-east of Ankober town;
area 401 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Teticha, at some distance from Awasa ../.. [20]
HFE37 Tetzin Calat, see Ketzin Kalat
HDT63 Tewa Milo kebele (Täwa ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in the central Debre Sina wereda, 10 km south-west of Mekane Selam;
area 1,077 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tewe (täwä) (A) leave, abandon, let alone; minch (A) spring, source, pool
HEE88 Tewech Minch (T'ewech Minch') 11/39 [Gz]
1136'/3909' 2937 m, east of Bete Hor
HEM40 Tewer Maryam (church) 1210'/3923', 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
JEG15 Tewhe (Teuhe) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HFE74 Tewidko (Tewidqo, Tewdqo) 1412'/3852' 2031 m, 14/38 [Gz]
(mountain peak), north-west of Adwa
HFE56 Tewleh 1401'/3903' 1962 m, south-east of Adwa 14/39 [Gz]
HFE39 Tewliha (Tewulehe) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [+ x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
HEE76 Tewodros 1134'/3900' 2411 m, near Bete Hor 11/39 [Gz]
Tewodros ketema, /garrison/ town of Emperor Tewodros
HEH42 Tewodros Ketema (Teodros K.) (earlier Kwara) 12/35 [Gz Ad n]
1212'/3554' 782 m
(centre in 1964 of Kwara Omedla wereda)
HFE39 Tewulehe, see Tewiliha
HEF42 Tey Amba, see Tiy Amba
HDU22 Teyat kebele (T'äyat ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda, 10 km west-northwest
of Molale; area 2,366 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG82 Teyba (T'eyba, Teyba Kongel, Fitri Girata) 09/35 [Gz WO Gu]
(Marrato, Marattu) 0949'/3500' 1511 m,
near map code GDM87, see under Mendi
teye (A) kind of shrub or tree, Grewia bicolor
JCM33 Teyen (Teien) 06/44 [+ WO]
GDE15 Teylut 0816'/3355' 419 m, on the border of Sudan 08/33 [Gz]
HCC79 Teyte (T'eyte) 0609'/3728' 1792 m, 06/37 [Gz]
east of southern lake Abaya
GDU10 Teza (Taza), see Gaza
HCK95 Teza (T'eza) (locality) 0714'/3757' 07/37 [Gz]
teza amba maryam, dew of Mount Mary, dewy mountain of Mary
HEK22c Teza Amba Maryam (church), 12/37 [+ Ch]
between the Rib and Saban rivers and near lake Tana
?? Tfai (TFAI) ../.. [x]
abbreviation of the province? or country?
Territory of the Afar and Issas.
HEM63 Thec (mountain) 1218'/3939' 1389 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south-east of Alamata
JFB10 Thio Adoli, see Tio Adole
HCA77 Tiachi, see Tiyaki
GDF84 Tibbe, cf Tebba 08/34 [WO]
HDJ06 Tibbe (Tibe) 0904'/3709' 1696/1781 m 09/37 [WO Gz]
(with small fort)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8SE Sheleabo (village)
9SW Karonti (Caronti) (area)
7W Chetta (Cetta) (village) 1757 m
5NW Sheboka (Soboca) (area) 1830 m
8NE Tibi (Gara Tibi) (mountain)
Population 807 as counted in 1967.
GDF93c Tibe (Tibie) 08/34 [MS Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sibu Gawo wereda)
tibe b..: bilo (O) knife, dagger, sword
HDJ07 Tibe Bilo 0907'/3719' 2869 m 09/37 [Gz]
HDK92 Tibe Goref (T'ibe G.) 0955'/3748' 1448 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
?? Tibella (same as Tibila?), for leprosy farm see Addis Hiwot
?? Tiber, see Tber
tibi: tibbi (t'ibbi) (A) season after the rains;
tibi (loan word in T) TB, tuberculosis
HDJ07 Tibi, G. (mountain), see under Tibbe 09/37 [WO]
tibi d..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HDJ05 Tibi Dega sub-district (Tibie ..) 09/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bako)
tibi gu..: guba, gubaa (O) 1. fever; 2. branding iron;
3. strong /tobacco/; 4. cloudy
HDL90 Tibi Guba (T'ibi G.) 0957'/3825' 2128 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
east of Tulu Milki
tibi ko.: kolla, qwolla (A) lowland
HDJ06 Tibi Kola sub-district (Tibie ..) 09/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sheboka)
tibi ku..: kusayee (O) kind of mint plant
HDC70c Tibi Kusayie sub-district (Tibie ..) 08/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Nunu)
HDF42 Tibila (Tibilla, Tivella) 0830'/3934' 1322 m, 08/39 [Gz x]
farm east of Nazret, cf Addis Hiwot in the neighbourhood
HFL07 Tibshina (T'ibshina) 1434'/3907' 1599 m, 14/39 [Gz]
near the border of Eritrea
HDU14 Ticha kebele (Techa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
5 km east-south-east of Molale; area 286 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC27 Tichito (mountain) 08/37 [WO]
ticho: tucho (O) kind of tree, Blighia unijugata
HCU41 Ticho (T'icho) (locality) 0739'/3928' 07/39 [Gz]
HCU54 Ticho (T'icho) (locality) 0745'/3944' 07/39 [Gz]
HCU61 Ticho (T'icho, Ticcio, Titso, Tichu) (local centre) 07/39 [Gz WO Gu x]
0748'/3926' 3493 m;
MS: 0717'/3927' 2200/2400 m
MS coordinates would give map code HCU01
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5S Ullai (area)
10NW Boraluku (Boralucu) (mountain) 3840 m
In the 1930s it was provincial capital of Arussi-Kambata.
Centre of Ticho awraja (-1956-).
HCU73 Ticho awraja (centre -1969-1980- = Robi) 07/39 [MS]
JCN52 Ticho awraja (T'icho ..) 0745'/4000' 07/39 [Gz x]
(centre -1956-1964- = Ticho)
HCU61 Ticho wereda? 07/39 [20]
JCJ31 Ticka (Ticca) (area) 1129 m 06/41 [+ WO]
tid (t'id) (A) 1. large coniferous timber tree,
Juniperus procera; 2. fern
-- Tid (Kai), an ethnic sub-group of the Surma
HCA34 Tid 1751 m, see also HCA06 Naita, cf Ted 05/35 [Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEE38 Tid (T'id) 1109'/3912' 2992 m, 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie, south-west of Mekdela
HDM84 Tid Amba, see Debre Sina
tid gebeya (A) market at Juniperus trees
HE... Tid Gebeya 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Getarra sub-district)
HEE39c Tid Gebeya kebele (T'ed Gäbäya ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Kuta Ber wereda, 30 km west of Dessie;
area 4,896 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tid wiha (A) water with Juniperus trees
HDU32 Tid Wiha (T'id W.) 1014'/3932' 2535 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDM32 Tidesh kebele (T'edäsh ..) 09/39 [Ad]
towards the south in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda;
area 478 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCK86 Tido (T'ido) (locality) 0705'/3806', 07/38 [Gz]
lake at 0704'/3806'
tidu (t'idu) (A) neat, clean
HDT09 Tidu Amba (T'idu A.) 1001'/3914' 2613 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDN54 Tiduma (area) 10/35 [WO]
HSD84 Tief (recorded in 1868) 10/37 [18]
HDB66c Tiemo, see Temo
HCG94 Tiepi, see Tepi
JEH12 Tieua, see Tiyewa
tife (t'ife) (A) kinds of tree, Olinia rochetiana,
O. usambarensis, Sideroxylon oxyacantha
HDM85 Tife Amba kebele (T'efé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in a southern tip of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
7 km south of Debre Sina; area 2,614 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD23 Tifenchir (T'ifench'ir) 0822'/3749' 1776 m, 08/37 [Gz]
north of Welkite
HCH76 Tiffa 0659'/3616' 1506 m, south of Bonga 06/36 [WO Gz]
In the 1870s an important market.
tiffe, tiiffee (O) shower, drizzle
tiffi (t'iffi) (A) slap
HCC84 Tiffi (Tifi), see Barge
tifsi..: gennet (gännät) (A,T) genneta (O) paradise;
figuratively: plantation, garden
HDF32 Tifsihite Genet (plantation) 0827'/3935', 08/39 [Gz]
on the right-hand bank of Awash river
tig ..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, entrance; tigg (t'igg) (A) corner, support
HED89 Tig Ber (T'ig B.) 1140'/3823' 3249 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDS.. Tig Maryam, church 10 km beyond Dejen, 10/38 [x]
('St. Mary at the Corner')
HEF22 Tigaja (T'igaja) 1106'/3933' 2448 m 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Areniyos), west of Dessie
HEF22 Tigajo & Kotu kebele (T'egajo & Qotu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
located 10 km south-west of Dessie town; area 1,322 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE61 Tigare 1410'/3835' 1980 m, 14/38 [Gz]
mountain west of Aksum
?? Tiggena (district famous for good horses) ../.. [n]
HCL97 Tiggio, see Tijo & HCT68
HCT08 Tiggio Ciofira, see Tijo Chofira
HDD30 Tigi (T'igi) 0828'/3732' 1711 m, north of Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
HDL62 Tigi (T'igi) 0939'/3837' 2618 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Fiche
HDT52 Tigil Fire kebele (Tegel Feré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central western Wegdi wereda, c. 14 km west-south-west
of Mahdere Selam; area 2,085 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU14 Tignit & Lukwasge kebele (Tegnet & Luqwasgé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
6 km south-east of Molale; area 1,014 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM32c Tigor kebele (T'egor ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central northern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
midway between Koremesh and Shola Gebeya; area 1,353 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Tigre Meceha (mountain with small fort, "fortino") ../.. [Gu]
HDL34 Tigri 0924'/3851' 2755 m, north-east of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL55 Tigri 0934'/3853' 2619 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(this and next one 7½ km away), south-east of Debre Libanos
HDL55 Tigri 0935'/3857' 2645 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCM74 Tigrita (mountain) 0658'/3943' 06/39 [x]
?? Tiguti (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDM.? Tigwer (with church Maryam), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
tiho, teho (A) kind of small tree that grows in forests
and on river banks, Cassipourea malosana
JEB20 Tiho, see Teo
HEL28 Tihor Silase (church) 1159'/3910' 11/39 [Gz]
HDL99 Tija Sar kebele (T'eja ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the northernmost tip of Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda;
area 2,529 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tijja (t'ijja) (A) calf; tijju, the calf /animal/;
tijja sar (A) a kind of grass
?? Tijja Sar (district in Wegda) ../.. [n]
-- Tijo, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCL97 Tijo (Tiggio) (area), cf Tejo 07/39 [+ WO]
HCT49 Tijo (T'ijo) (locality) 0740'/3915' 07/39 [Gz]
HCT68 Tijo (Tijjo, Tiggio) 0747'/3909' 2405/2601 m, 07/39 [Gz Ad Gu]
south of Asela
HCT.. Tijo, see Digelu & Tijo wereda
HCT.. Tijo awraja 07/39 [x]
-- tijo c..: Chofira, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCT08 Tijo Chofira (T'ijo Ch'ofira, Tiggio Chofira), 07/39 [Gz WO]
0714'/3906' 3073 m, area also into map code HCL97
HC... Tijo Samuna, 07/39 [x]
in the 1980s in Shirka wereda of Ticho awraja,
located about 20 km from Bekoji on the road to Gobesa.
tik a..: anbesa (anbässa) (A) anbessa (T) lion
HED72 Tik Anbesa (T'iq A.) 1130'/3745' 2096 m, 11/37 [Gz q]
east of Bahir Dar
HDS36 Tik Giyorgis (Tik' G., Tiq G.) (church) 10/38 [Gz q]
1015'/3808', south-west of Bichena
tika (O) tending of animals
?? Tika (with postal agent/sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HDU50 Tikan (T'iqan) 1029'/3923' 2669 m, 10/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Were Ilu
HEF51 Tikana kebele (T'eqana ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kuta Ber wereda, about 30 km north-west of Dessie;
area 4,174 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU00 Tikera Libanos (T'ik'era ..) (church) 1244'/3925', 12/39 [Gz]
south-west of Maychew
tikil (A) fall asleep; tikkil, tikill (t'iqill) (A) bundle,
roll, package; tikul (A) planted, fixed
HFC34 Tikil (Tucul) (area) 13/36 [+ WO]
HFC34c Tikil Amba 13/36 [LM]
tikil dingay (A) upright, immovable stone or boulder; stele
HEM62 Tikil Dingay 1019'/3935' 2968 m, south of Alamata 10/39 [Gz]
HER18 Tikil Dingay (Tocul Dinghia) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HER35 Tikil Dingay (Tikle D., Tikl Dengia, Tucul Dinghia) 12/37 [Gz Po Ad Gu]
1259'/3703' 1068 m
(with sub-post office under Gondar, using spelling TKL DINGLIAL)
Centre in 1964 of Armachiho wereda.
tikil d..: duma (O) 1. end; 2. ragged, shabby;
3. weevil-infested /corn/; (A) back of the head, occiput;
duma, dumma (T) baobab tree; dumaa (Som) dry grass;
dhuma (O) end
HFC34 Tikil Duma (Tucul D.) 1352'/3658' 915 m 13/36 [Gz]
(mountain), west of Kafta
HDT99 Tikise kebele (Tekesé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the centre of the southern border of Legambo wereda, a little
south-southwest of Akesta; area 3,378 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tikit (t'iqit) (A) little, few, small amount;
angote (angot'ä) (T) tell; betray
HEM31 Tikit Angot Maryam (T'ik'it A.M.) 1207'/3927', 12/39 [Gz]
east of Lalibela and south of Alamata
HDU14 Tikme kebele (T'eqmé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda; area 1,680 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU23 Tikmie sub-district (Tikime .., T'iqime ..) 10/39 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Agwat Wiha), within Mama Midir wereda
tiko (O) kidney; tikko (tiqqoo) (O) small, little;
-- Tiko, Tiqo, a probably nomadic tribe known since the 1300s
HBM25 Tiko (Tiqo) (historically recorded wide area) 03/39 [WO Pa]
HBK95 Tiko (hill) 1397 m 04/37 [WO]
HEF40 Tiksha (T'iqsha) 1114'/3920' 2548 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
south of Mekdela, near map code HEE49
HEF91 Tikshign kebele (T'eqshegn ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Dawint & Delanta wereda, about 15 km
south-west of Weldiya; area 1,439 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF90 Tikshiny (T'iqshiny) 1144'/3924' 2915 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Weldiya
HFE37 Tikul 1355'/3908' 1852 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), east of May Kinetal
tikur (t'iqur) (A) black, dark /skin/; (T) sharp, clever,
vigilant, etc
-- Tiqur, Tukur, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
HCR64 Tikur (Tucur) (mountain) 07/37 [18 WO]
The Tikur plateau looks like a plain with the summits of Bolo and Roge
towering in the middle.
HDD71 Tikur Abaye (T'iqur A.) 0851/3739' 2457 m, 08/37 [Gz q]
south-west of Ambo
tikur b..: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDM87 Tikur Beret kebele (T'equr Bärät ..) 09/39? [Ad]
at the southernmost tip of Kewet wereda; area 1,028 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tikur chika (A) black soil
HDM92 Tikur Chika (T'iqur Ch'iqa) 0954'/3931' 2743 m 09/39 [Gz q]
HDM92 Tikur Chika kebele (T'equr Ch'eqa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
10 km west-south-west of Sela Dingay; area 1,421 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tikur chincha (A) black stony ground
HEE99 Tikur Chincha (T'iqur Ch'inch'a) 11/39 [Gz q]
1143'/3916' 2761 m
tikur dur (A) black forest;
dhuur (Som) evergreen tree /tamarisk/;
duur (Som) 1. jungle; 2. kind of bush plant
HDL86 Tikur Dur Mikael (T'ik'ur Dur Mika'el) (church) 09/39 [Gz]
0948'/3900', east of Fiche
tikur i..: inchini, inch'innii (O) shrub or small tree,
Sesbania goetzei, grows near alkaline water
HD... Tikur Inchini (T.Enchini), in Jibat & Mecha awraja 08/37? [Po Ad 20]
Sub-post office under Addis Abeba.
HD... Tikur Inchini wereda (-2000-) 08/37? [20]
HCR64? Tikur wereda 07/37? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 40 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
tikur wiha (A) black water
HC... Tikur Wiha (T. Weha) 07/39 [+ Po]
(with visiting postman under Shashemene)
HEJ14 Tikur Wiha (Tukur Waha), at south-west lake Tana 11/36 [+ Ch]
Small river entering lake Tana and being the boundary of Gojjam.
HES66 Tikur Wiha (T'iqur W.) 1313'/3804' 3015 m 13/38 [Gz q]
HDU16 Tikure kebele (T'equré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kewet wereda, 6 km north of Shewa Robit;
area 1,179 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE76 Tikurena kebele (T'equréna ..) 11/38? [Ad]
in western central Dawint & Delanta wereda; area 912 hectares.
tikurit b..: bado (A,T) 1. barren, unoccupied /land/; 2. buttermilk
HDM73 Tikurit Bado kebele (T'equrit ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the middle of easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda,
15 km north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 945 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tila (t'ila) (A,O) shadow; umbrella
HEM10 Tila Asfere kebele (T'ela Asfäre ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in Gidan wereda surrounding Debre Tsehay town; area 4,154 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF91 Tila Tikshign .. ../.. [x]
HE... Tilala, 12/37 [n]
village in Dehana (Dihana) wereda in Wag.
HE... Tilala sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aziela) 12/39 [Ad]
HED32 Tilalo (T'ilalo, Zalale, Zalalo) 1111'/3742' 2149 m 11/37 [Wa Gz]
HEL19 Tilalo (T'ilalo) 1153'/3916' 3394 m, 11/39 [Gz]
west of Weldiya
tilas ..: firi (O) fruit; fire (A) fruit, product
HEL28 Tilas Firi sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Tsehay)
tilat (t'ilat) (A) soot /on pots/;
tilet (t'ilät) (A) embroidered fringe of dress
H.... Tilat Gin sub-district 10/37? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Misle Awash)
HEM05 Tilfe kebele (T'elfé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Habru wereda, 25 km east of Weldiya;
area 8,224 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Tilfi (centre in 1964 of Lege Iwa sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
tiliku: tilliku (t'illiqu) (A) the big /one/; bore, booree (O) hydromel, tej
?? Tiliku Bore Dinsara (Tilku ..) ../.. [Po]
(visiting postman under Jimma)
HDM73 Tiliku Bura kebele (Telequ ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda, 12 km north-east
of Debre Birhan town; area 616 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM62 Tiliku Dilela kebele (Teleku ..) 09/39 [Ad]
'Big Dilela' near the southern border of Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda,
5 km south-east of Debre Birhan town; area 871 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE77c Tiliku Dubetu kebele (Telqu Dubätu ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central westernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
10 km west of Balchi; area 540 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tiliku gesha (gäsha) (A) the large mantle
/of straw for shepherds against rain/
?? Tiliku Gesha (Tilku Gesha) 07/35? [Ad Po]
(wereda & its centre in 1964)
(visiting postman under Jimma)
tiliku meti (A+O) the large shield?
HCN05 Tiliku Meti (Tilqu Met'i) 0716'/3519' 1352 m, 07/35 [Gz]
south of Gecha
HDP79 Tilili (Telile) 1040'/3630', 10/36 [MS Po]
with sub-post office under Debre Markos
HDR94 Tilili (Cima) 1051'/3701' 2458 m, 10/37 [Gz Po]
north-west of Bure
/this Tilili?:/ in Kola Dega Damot awraja
HDM.. Tilk (Tilq), in Fetegar 09/39? [En]
HCN05 Tilku Meti (Tilk'u Met'i = Tiliku ..?) 0716'/3519' 07/35 [Gz]
WO map shows a village Meti.
tilli (Harari) kind of bird, kite
GDM02 Tilli, see under Gidami 09/34 [WO]
tillik: tilliq dengiya (A) large rock
HEC17 Tillik Dingya (Tellic Dingia Cadada) area 10/37 [+ WO]
tilliku ber (A) the large gate/pass/entrance
HCB20 Tilliku Ber (Tiliku Ber) 05/35 [Ca]
HCJ.. Tilliku Gishe wereda (centre = Dika) 07/36 [En]
One of ten weredas of Kefa awraja 1944-1987.
tillo (O) cattle with white and red colour;
tilo (O) wooden spear without metal point;
tilyo (O) kinds of tree, Cassipourea malosana,
C. ruwensorensis, see tiho above;
bara (O) weather, time, year; baraa (O) learner,
male student
JEJ01 Tillo Bara (area) 11/41 [WO]
tilk (t'ilq) (A) deep /lake/
?? Tilq, see Telk
HE... Tiltal (T'ilt'al), salt plains in the Afar depression 09/39 [En n]
HEF91 Tima Tikshign kebele (T'ima T'eqshegn ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Dawint & Delanta wereda, about 20 km south-west of Weldiya;
area 2,159 hectares. [CSA 1994]
-- Timbaro (Tembero, Tambaro), name of a Sidama ethnic group living
as neighbours /?/ of the Gurage, speaking a dialect of Kambaata or
southwest Gurage.
-- Timbaro language (T'imbaaro)
Timbaro is a variety mutually intelligible with Hadiyya.
HCK90 Timbaro (Tambaro, Tembaro) (place & area) 813 m, 07/37 [Ad Gu WO]
(centre in 1964 of Donga sub-district)
Large village with market in a healthy area with plenty of cereals,
with Catholic church.
HCS11c Timbaro wereda (Tembaro .., Tembero ..) 07/37 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Gimbicho)
One of five weredas in Kembata awraja, from 1976 named
Kambaata & Hadiyya awraja.
There was reorganisation in the 1990s.
timbaug: tambuk (T) kind of medium-sized tree,
Croton machrostachys
HEJ68 Timbaug, see under Gorgora 12/37 [WO]
HCU10 Timbite 0721'/3922' 3271 m 07/39 [Gz]
HDS60 Timecha (Timeccia, Temeccia, Temscia) 10/37 [+ WO Gu]
(with bridge), see under Dembecha
?? Timela, state farm in the Arsi region ../.. [x]
HDK52 Timer sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gura) 09/37 [Ad]
timera: timira (O) hair style of a married woman after
her first child has been born
JBN28 Timera (Tiyega Timera?) 04/40 [WO]
timo (Som) hair
JCG86 Timo 0704'/4022' 2154 m, cf Temo 07/40 [WO Gz]
HDU11 Timonage kebele (T'emonagé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
far to the west in Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda; area 895 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET65 Timsge (Chemseghe) 1315'/3859' 1638 m, 13/38 [Gz WO]
north-west of Fenarwa
HEE97 Timtimat kebele (T'emt'emat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the mid-southern border of Meket wereda,
about 30 km south of Lalibela; area 4,219 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Timuga, Oromo tribe inhabiting Yifat
HDU47 Timuga, cf Yifat & Timuga awraja 10/40 [n]
HEM62 Timuga (T'imuga, Temmuga) 1219'/3936' 1452 m, 12/39 [Gz x]
south of Alamata
tin (Som) hair /single one/; tiin (Som) 1. cactus plant;
2. (Arabic,Som) fig tree; tina (t'ina) (A) censer,
incense vessel; ti'ina (T) health;
adewa (T) mother /but this place is not in Tigray/
JCD58 Tin Adea (area) 05/43 [WO]
HEF72 Tina Amba (T'ina ..) 1130'/3936' 1712 m, 11/39 [Gz]
between Ashenge and Weldiya
HEE36 Tinat kebele (T'enat ..) 11/39? [Ad]
in north-eastern Sayint wereda; area 3,181 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC18 Tincio, see Oda Luge
JEP74 Tindaho (area with hot springs), cf Tendaho, 13/41 [WO]
mountain at 1321'/4102'
tinfa: tinfash (A), tinfas (T) respiration, breathing
HDH09 Tinfa, see under Nekemte 09/36 [WO]
tinga (Wellega Bega) kind of tree growing near rivers
tingi: tinji, tinjii (O) border, boundary
HDA57 Tingi (Taingi) 0840'/3525' 1500 m, south of Yubdo 08/35 [Gz]
HEM25 Tingila (T'ingila) 1156'/3948' 1736 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Weldiya
tingiti be..: bereket (A) blessing, present
/to be rewarded in return/; abundance, prosperity;
also a male personal name
HE... Tingiti Bereket (T. Barakat), volcanic lake 11/37 [Ad Ch]
HCK08c Tingkrassi, at some 15 km south-west of Dilla, 06/38 [+ x]
with groups of stelae at this site
HDH81 Tingo (hill) 09/35 [WO]
tini (A) prickly pear cactus, Opuntia sp.
HFE16 Tini, see Mai Beles
tinign (A) gnat, mosquito
HCB31 Tinign (plain) 05/35 [Ca]
HDT64 Tinign kebele (Tenegn ..) 10/38 [Ad]
at the central part of the northern border of Wegdi wereda,
5 km north of Mahdere Selam; area 2,278 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE69 Tinike (T'iniqe) 0843'/3919' 1757 m, 08/39 [Gz]
north of Nazret
tinishu (A) little, the small;
Tinishu Abay, Little Blue Nile
HEC.. Tinishu Abay, cf Tinshu .. 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Guta sub-district)
HDM62 Tinishu Dilela kebele (Teneshu Diläla ..) 09/39 [Ad]
'Little Dilela' at the southern border of Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyet wereda,
5 km south-east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,009 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE77c Tinishu Dubetu kebele (Teneshu Dubätu ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central westernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
10 km west of Balchi; area 592 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Tinishu Gesha (Tinshu Gesha) 07/35? [Ad Po]
(wereda & its centre in 1964)
(with visiting postman under Jimma)
tinishu gesha (gäsha) (A) the small mantle
/of straw for shepherds against rain/
HCH.. Tinishu Gesha sub-district? (-1997-), cf Tinnishu .. 07/36 [n]
tinishu robi (A+O) the small hippo /or rain/
HEM86 Tinishu Robi 1033'/3956' 1456 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEK06 Tinjena (T'injena) 1146'/3807' 2927 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Tabor
tinji (O) border, boundary
HDA67 Tinji (Tingi) 08/35 [+ WO]
tinjit (t'injit) (A) kind of shrub with whitish leaves;
tinjut (A) kinds of small tree, Combretum collinum,
Otostegia integrifolia
HFF13 Tinke (T'inqe), see Tirke
HDK.. Tinkocha (Ger: Tinkotscha), 09/37 [+ x]
affluent of the Abay river south of Debre Markos.
HBR98 Tinnale (or HBP97?), see Guro
HCH.? Tinnishu Gishe wereda (centre = Bita Gennet) 07/36 [En]
One of ten weredas of Kefa awraja 1944-1987.
tinno, tinna (O) few, little, small
HDA94 Tinno, G. (hill) 1808 m 09/35 [WO]
tinsae (tinsa'e) (A,T) resurrection; reincarnation; Easter
H.... Tinsae 08/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Merti Jeju sub-district)
tinsae birhan (A,T) Easter light, brightness of resurrection
HDF35 Tinsae Birhan (Tinsa'e /Berhan/) 08/39 [Gz]
0829'/3950' 1657 m
JDA03 Tinsae Birhan 08/40 [LM]
JDA52 Tinsae Birhan (Abomsa, Tinsae Barhan), cf Abomsa, 08/40 [MS WO Po]
(centre in the 1960s of Arba Gugu awraja)
HDC18 Tinsho (Tincio) 08/37 [LM WO]
tinshu: tinnishu (A) the small /one/;
bore, booree (O) hydrmel, tej
?? Tinshu Bore Dinsara (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Tinshu Bore Chewara (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HC... Tinshu Gesha, see Tinishu Gesha
?? Tinshu Xhocho (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
tinsis: tinzizza (t'inzizza) (A) kind of beetle;
tinsisi, t'insisii (O) beer at fermentation stage
GDL69 Tinsis 0937'/3417' 1106 m, 09/34 [WO Gz]
not far from the border of Sudan
tint (t'int) (A) principle, origin, ancient times
HEC66 Tint Onaraghei, 11/37 [It]
(village with church on hill)
HES32 Tintani (mountain) 1301'/3745' 2667 m, near Dabat 13/37 [Gz]
HES52 Tintaniya (T'int'aniya) 1308'/3745' 2479 m, 13/37 [Gz]
north of Dabat
JEP05 Tio (waterhole) 1242'/4110', cf Tiho 12/41 [WO Wa Gz]
tio a..: adole (O) brown or red cow
JFB10 Tio Adole (Thio Adoli) 1344'/4043' 8 m 13/40 [LM WO Gz]
HCT87 Tio wereda (centre in 1964 = Asela) 07/39 [Ad]
HCG94 Tippi, see Tepi
tira, tiira (O) 1. brother or sister; 2. liver
HEJ54 Tira 1215'/3659' 1933 m, north-west of lake Tana 12/36 [Gz]
HDT44c Tirantir kebele (T'erant'er ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Kelela wereda; area 2,948 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDR93 Tirba (T'irba) (lake) 1048'/3652' 10/36 [Gz]
HET15 Tirbito 1247'/3855' 1797 m, 12/38 [Gz]
north-west of Sekota
tire (t'ire) (A) raw /meat/, unripe /grain/
HEE06 Tire Neza (T'ire N.) 1054'/3901' 3084 m 10/39 [Gz]
HCS29 Tireba (T'ireba) 0726'/3822' 1729 m, 07/38 [Gz]
cf Tiriba, west of lake Shala
GCS65 Tirgol (Tirigol, Tirgoi, Tirgul) 0749'/3302' 282 m, 07/33 [Gz WO Ad]
near Akobo at the border river of Sudan
(centre in 1964 of Akobo wereda)
GD... Tirgu (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
HDF11 Tiriba Gebriel (T'iriba ..) (church) 0814'/3927', 08/39 [Gz]
near Sire, cf Tireba
HDL78 Tirign kebele (T'erign ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in the southern "bulb" of Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
10 km south-south-west of Deneba; area 2,279 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GCS65 Tirigol, see Tirgol
H.... Tirim (river), cf Naga 10/35 [Ch]
tirinj (t'irinj) (A) civet cat
HED50 Tiriny (T'iriny) 1123'/3735' 2117 m, 11/37 [Gz]
east of Debre May
HEE02 Tirk kebele (T'irq ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western Mekdela wereda; area 4,717 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF13 Tirke (T'irqe, T'inqe) 1344'/3940' 2087 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
(with church Tekle Haymanot), near Agula
HDT07 Tirkuna (T'irquna) 1002'/3904' 1852 m 10/39 [Gz q]
tirma, tirmaa (O) dowry, cattle that a bride takes to her new home;
(A) flock of baboons
-- Tirma (Cirma), ethnic group numbering 19,909 (in the 1980s?)
of which one third Christians.
HCA45 Tirma (Tairma) (with well) 0551'/3517', 05/35 [Ad WO Gu Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Tirma Tid wereda & of Bambu sub-district)
-- tirma tid: Tid (Kai), an ethnic sub-group of the Surma
HCA34 Tirma Tid (Tirmatid) MS: 0555'/3530' 05/35 [Gz Ad]
Gz: 0550'/3517' 1347 m
Coordinates would give map code HCA45
HCA45 Tirma Tid wereda (centre in 1964 = Tirma) 05/35 [Ad]
tirmi (A) kind of tree of the lowlands
GDM34 Tirmi 0920'/3443' 1448 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
tiro (Som) number, quantity, mathematics; tirho (T) empty
Tiro /which one?/
Originally the name of a village about 100 km north-west of Jimma.
There is registered the Tiro-Boter-Becho National Forest Priority Area.
HC... Tiro (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 07/37 [Ad]
HCR97 Tiro (with fort) 08/37 [WO]
HDK02 Tiro (T'iro) 0907'/3744' 2123 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDL21 Tiro 0918'/3835' 2639 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HE... Tiro (centre in 1964 of Cheleka sub-district) 11/39? [Ad]
tiro a..: afetta (afätta) (A) flow abundantly
HC... Tiro Afeta wereda (Toro ..) 07/36 [Ad 20]
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
It is one of 13 weredas in the Jimma Zone.
HCR96 Tiro Mishi (T'iro M.) 0804'/3713' 2051 m 08/37 [Gz]
JEA52 Tirro (area) 1612 m 11/40 [WO]
tirtir (t'irt'ir) (A,T) doubt; tirtir ale (A) flutter /of heart/;
tirtera (t'irt'ära) (T) distrust, misgiving;
tirtire (Som) brush, towel, anything used for wiping
HDK52 Tirtira (T'irt'ira) 0935'/3744' 2632 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
west of Kachisi, cf Turtur
HDT76 Tirtira (T'irtira) 1040'/3903' 2632 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDB78 Tirtira 0848'/4129' 1497 m 08/41 [Gz]
HDT67 Tirtira kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Kelela wereda, midway betwee Kelala town and Legwama;
area 1,691 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDJ35 Tirtirga 0922'/4205' 1993 m, north-west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
H.... Tirtirra sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kenesso) ../.. [Ad]

tiru (t'iru) (A) good; meda (A,T) field, grassy plain

HEF51 Tiru Meda (T'iru M.) 1120'/3926' 3065 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-east of Mekdela
tis a..: abba (O) 1. father, owner, elder; 2. deity, spirit
HEF64 Tis Aba Lima (T'is A.L.) 1128'/3942' 1957 m, 11/39 [Gz]
(Tis Abelima), north of Hayk, in Ambasel awraja
HES.. Tis Abalima sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sekela Hulk)
HED61 Tis Abay (Tis Isat) (place) 1129'/3735' 1668 m 11/37 [Gz]
Gz coordinates given here may relate to falls, power plant, ancient bridge
and populated place. Distance 470 km from Addi Abeba.
HED61 Tis Abay power plant 11/37 [Gz]
The plant started to deliver electricity to Bahir Dar on 9 January 1964.
In year 2000: Close to the falls there are dramatic developments due to the construction of a 40
megawatt power station and the large river diversion
to feed it. [John Graham]
tis (t'is) (A,Geez) smoke; isat (A,T) fire, inferno;
tis wiha (A) fume of water
HED61 Tis Isat (T'is Isat, Tisoha) (famous waterfall) 11/37 [MS Gu]
MS: 1110'/3800' =HED35; other: 1128'/3738' =HED61.
Very little of the Tis Isat falls can be seen from the right bank of the river, but on the left bank there
is a hill that provides a natural grandstand.
About 3 km upstream there is a smaller 7 m waterfall with a pond or lagoon.
Tis Abay consists of four separate streams -- the river is 400 m wide above the waterfall; in the gorge
below, it follows a much narrower course that is estimated to be 37 m deep.
HED61 Tis Isat (place), see Tis Abay
HED61 Tis Isat Dildiy (Tisisat Dildil (with fort) 1690/1721 m 11/37 [+ WO]
(Tisoha Dildil, Fasil Dildil, Blue Nile Bridge) 11/37 [WO Gu x]
(1st Abay bridge), 2nd Abay bridge, see Sabera Dildiy.
The 1st Abay bridge is curved, about 40 m long and 2 m wide with 7 arches of which
The stone bridge was erected in 1626 by the monarch's command.
In travellers' books it is sometimes called 'the Portuguese bridge', but J. Lobo
places it beyond doubt that it was built by Fasiledes, using masons from India.
HED61 Tis Isat power plant, see Tis Abay
?? Tisba (Tizba), in Begemder ../.. [Pa x]
-- Tishana (ethnic group), see Me'en
?? Tiski (waterfalls), see under Gizani
HED61 Tisoha (= Tis Woha) .., see Tisisat ..
tiso (t'iso) (A) grove, small stand of trees
HD... Tiso (in Gudru awraja), cf Tisso 09/37? [Ad]
H.... Tissa (centre in 1964 of Waro sub-district) 10/38 [Ad]
HDG29 Tisse, 09/35 [x]
9 km SSE of Boji and about 25 km south-east of Nejo.
HBK.. Tisso (pass), cf Tiso 03/38 [Mi]
tit (t'it') (A,T) cotton; the cotton plant Gossypium spp.;
(Harari) little; (tit) (A) plaited object
HDM.? Tit Amba (with monastery Gedam Maryam), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
tit ber, cotton gate /toll post for cotton?/
HDL96 Tit Ber (T'it' B.) 0953'/3901' 2162 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
HDL97 Tit Ber & Sefed Amba kebele (T'et' Bär & Säféd ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Moret & Jiru wereda; area 3,425 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

tita (O) 1. solemn, proud; 2. part between the nostrils

of cattle; titaa (T) recreation, regeneration;
titay (T) 1. mat; 2. rope; tite (O) bank, shore
HDL02 Tita (T'it'a) (village south of main road), 09/38 [x]
3 km south-west of Gefersa lake
HEF33 Tita (T'it'a, Tita Mieda) 1109'/3940', 2178 m, 11/39 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(with sub-post office under Dessie, and army camp), see under Dessie
JDH17 Tita, G. (mountain) 0913'/4119' 3121 m 09/41 [WO]
HDL30 Tita Beale Weld (T'it'a Be'ale W.) 0920'/3830', 09/38 [Gz]
(church), north of Addis Alem
HD... Tita Gibe, south of Ijaji 08/37 [n]
?? Tita Iyesus (T. Iasus) ../.. [+ Gu]
Used to be a fork in caravan routes.
HEF33 Tita kebele (T'it'a ..) 11/39 [Ad]
immediately north-east of Dessie town; area 1,809 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HC... Titon Sidera, 05/38? [Mi]
valley some 50 km south-east of Agere Maryam.
HCU61 Titso, see Ticho
HCR70 Tittobi 0755'/3638'c, north of Jiren/Agaro 07/36 [x]
HBM31 Tiuldesa, see Juldesa
HES86 Tiun, Debra, see Debre Tsiyon
HDF42 Tivella, see Tibila
HEE95 Tiweha kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda; area 4,148 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF42 Tiy Amba Jerjero kebele (Tey Amba Järjäro ..) 11/39 [Ad]
situated 15 km north-west of Dessie; area 2,578 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tiya: tiyya (O) is mine; tiyye (O) arrow
HDE.. Tiya (Tya), village with field of stelae nearby, 08/38 [Ca 20 x]
about 25 km from Adadi Maryam rock-hewn church.
The stelae field at Tiya comprises around 40 stones of up to 2 m in height, several of which have
collapsed, but most of which are still standing. Nearly all the stones are engraved.
31 of 36 stelae are engraved and have been raised from fallen
position in recent time. Tiya is regarded as the northernmost
village of the Gurage.
HCA77 Tiyaki (Tiachi) 0604'/3529' 1184 m, 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
south-west of Maji
HCA78 Tiyaki (Tiachi, Tiaki, Tiacki) 0606'/3534' 2097 m, 06/35 [+ WO Gz]
mountain south of Maji, see under this name
HDR84 Tiyatiya 1041'/3700' 2115 m, west of Bure 10/37 [Gz]
JBN28 Tiyega (Tiyega Timera) (locality) 0442'/4032' 04/40 [WO Gz]
JEH12 Tiyewa (Tieua) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
tiyiy (A) opposite
tiyo, t'iyoo (O) kind of climbing plant
HDF50 Tiyo (T'iyo) 0837'/3924' 1502 m, near Welenchiti 08/39 [Gz]
H.... Tiyo Gora 07/39 [x]
HCT87 Tiyo wereda (centre in 1967 = Asela?) (-1967-1998-) 07/39 [n Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 16 urban kebeles.
?? Tizba, see Tisba
H.... Tnafa sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aguna Maryam), 11/38 [Ad]
cf Tinfa
to, too (O) 1. farmer? 2. my, mine
HCD38 To Ebala 05/38 [WO]
HEH45 Toa 12/36 [WO]
toba, toobaa (O) never
HCE67 Toba (Taba) (mountain) 0601'/3906' 2097 m 06/39 [Gz]
HCJ10 Toba 0628'/3640' 2608 m, north of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
HCP89 Toba, see Tobba
HCR59 Toba (place & mountain) peak 2713 m 07/37 [WO]
?? Toba (with sub-post office under Jimma), cf Tobba ../.. [Po]
?? Toba (with sub-post office under Gimbi) ../.. [Po]
HDH41 Tobashi (T.Tobasci) (hill) 09/35 [+ WO]
HCP89 Tobba (Toba), Gz: 0801'/3631' 1631 m 08/36 [WO Ad Gz]
MS: 0800'/3625' 1895 m
MS coordinates would give map code HCP88
(sub-district & its centre in 1964),
(with church), south-east of Dembi, see also under this name
HCR71 Tobba 07/36 [Te]
tobbe, t'obbee (O) green, tender, unripe
T'obbiya has been a regional colloquial pronounciation of Ethiopia.
JDB98 Toble Ramis (T'oble R.) 0859'/4129' 1356 m, 08/41 [Gz]
south of Deder
H.... Tobo, on the route southwards from Seka 08/36 [18]
There was a royal masera.
HDG65 Tobo 0941'/3516' 1642 m, 09/35 [Gz x]
about 20 km east of Mendi, on the road to there, with a market.
JBS67 Toboc 0509'/4314' 474 m 05/43 [Gz]
GDF13 Tocanu, see Tokanu
HCJ84 Tocha (Totcha, Toccia, Tocca) 0705'/3702' 2517 m 07/37 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(wereda & its centre in 1964), WO map has it at map code HCJ86.
Village at the top of high ground.
HCJ84 Tocha wereda (-1997-) 07/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Tocha)
one of eight weredas within Kulo Konta awraja,
see also Isara & Tocha wereda
JDK32 Tochdintei (area), see under Jijiga 09/42 [WO]
toche, tochee (O) kind of worm
HDD80 Toche, see Toke
HEL36 Tocoasciutz, see Tokoashutz
GCU36 Tocon, see Tokon
HES52 Tocri, see Tokri
tocud emni: imni (T) stone
HFD96 Tocud Emni, see Tsaida Adi
HER18 Tocul Dinghia, see Tikil Dingay
HFE30 Tocule, see Tokule
HDE48 Toda Mariam, see Tede, under Mojo
GDM22 Toddi, see under Begi 09/34 [WO]
HDL36 Tode 09/38 [AA]
?? Todenyang, in the south-west near Kenya ../.. [x]
HBS62 Todessa Missa 0508'/3742' 905 m, cf Tedesa 05/37 [WO Gz]
HED67 Todeya (T'odeya) 1125'/3809' 2434 m, 11/38 [Gz]
north-west of Goradit
tofo, t'oofoo (O) horn, cup of horn; tofa (A) small jar,
clay cooking pot; yetofa meret (A) land requiring
the provision of certain services
HDK19 Tofo (T'ofo) 0910'/3824' 2579 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
toga (Kefa) kind of shrub, Hibiscus sp.;
togaa (O) cross /as an emblem/
HDK01 Toga 0906'/3739' 1984 m, north-west of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HCJ26 Toger 0631'/3712' 1387 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDG93 Togger, about 15 km north of Mendi 09/35 [x]
togh: tog (Som) dry river-bed, gully, ravine;
haree (Som) shade; harre (O) donkey
JDK16 Togh Harre (area) 1627 m, cf Tug 09/43 [WO]
HEU02c Togle (Meda Togle) (plain) 12/39 [Gu]
GCT56 Togn 0743'/3401' 306 m 07/34 [Gz]
togo (Kefa) Pavonia sp., Hibiscus sp.; (Som) choose,
select /for oneself/; toogo, tooggo (Som) goal, aim;
ber (bärr) (A) pass, entrance, gate
HFD17c Togo Ber 13/38 [MS]
togo b: berri (Som) 1. land, country; 2. tomorrow;
Berri-Soomal, Somaliland
HFD37 Togo Ber (Togo Berri, May Abeba) 13/38 [Gz WO]
1351'/3813' 1588 m
JDK68 Togo Chale (Togochale, Togo Wech'ale, Tongochale) 09/43 [MS Po]
(Tug Wajale, Tog W., Togwuchalie, Togo Wuch'ale) 09/43 [WO Ad]
(Togo Wchale, Gerbehale) Gz: 0937'/4316' 1525 m;
MS: 0925'/4315' =JDK28 (not the same place?)
Sub-district & its centre in 1964, with sub-post office
H.... Togonya (Togogna) (wells) 05/39? [+ Gu]
HDT27 Togora (area) 10/39 [WO]
HEU30 Togora, see Adi Togora
HEU31 Togora (Amba Togora, Tagora) (pass), cf Tegora 13/39 [WO Gu It]
HFF00 Togora 1306'/3927' 2184 m, north-west of Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HEF54 Tohuledere, see Tehule Dere
?? Toka, in Konso 05/37? [20]
HFF90c Tokada (Tocada), village near Adigrat, in a valley 14/39 [+ 18]
which Napier's expedition passed in 1868.
GDF13 Tokanu (Tocanu) 0817'/3440' 600 m, near Gambela 08/34 [Gz]
toke: tokke, tokkee (O) single, one only; tokka (A) pleasant place
at the edge of a stream;
-- Toke, adopted clan of gabaro "impure descent",
among the Mecha/Liban Oromo
HDD80 Toke (Toche, Tokay) 0856/3740', 08/37 [+ WO x]
hill 25 km west of Ambo
Coordinates would give map code HDD81
HDL51 Toke 0933'/3835' 2305 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDD91 Toke sub-district (Tokie ..) 08/37 [Te WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Irenso Gudela)
?? Toki, early customs post ../.. [x]
Around 1905 there was a government customs gate at Toki
on the road Addis Abeba to Nekemte.
HEL35 Tokoashuts (Tocoasciutz) 1207'/3856' 2057 m, 12/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
north-west of Lalibela
tokon: tokko tokkon (O) one by one
GCU36 Tokon (Tocon) (area) 07/34 [+ WO]
tokonu (Sidamo O) kind of climber, Urera hypselodendron

HES52 Tokri (Tocri, Amba Tocri) 1309'/3746' 2617 m, 13/37 [+ WO Gz]

mountain north of Dabat
HFE02c Tokule 13/38 [x]
HFE30 Tokule (Tocule) 1353'/3826' 1845 m 13/38 [Wa WO Gu Gz]
HDU11 Tol (T'ol) 1004'/3925' 2619 m, west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]

HDU11 Tol kebele (T'ol ..) 10/39 [Ad]

at the middle of the western border of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir
wereda; area 2,055 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tola (O) generosity; tolla (O) free of charge, gift, present;
tole (Som) tailor
Tola, Tole, a male personal name,
-- Tola, name of an historical group of negroid people
HCC89c Tola, circa 4000 m 06/37 [Gu x]
JDN.. Tolaha (T'olaha), see Tollaha 10/40. [20]
HEC79 Tolasamma (village) 11/37 [It]
tole (O) all right, okey;
(A) (t'ole) 1. adult elephant; 2. gourd of a certain shape
?? Tole, in the country of the western Soddo Oromo ../.. [18 x]
In the 1800s Tole was probably one of the two most important markets
immediately south of Shewa.
HDD38 Tole (area) 08/38 [LM WO]
HDD48 Tole 0829'/3818' 2437 m (with church Abo) 08/38 [Gz]
HDD48 Tole (Toli) 0831'/3816' 2365, 2450 m, 08/38 [WO Gz 18 Gu]
(with church Giyorgis at some distance to the north-east)
?? Tole Denbela (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Tole sub-district (-1997-) 08/38? [n]
There is registered the Sibu-Tole-Kobo National Forest Priority Area.
?? Tole wereda ../.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 42 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
toledere ..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HEF34 Toledere Meda (area), see under Dessie 11/39 [Gu]
HCR54 Toli 07/37 [WO]
HD... Toli 08/38 [18]
The Toli plateau was inclined to the north-northwest, possibly in the 1880s
the most cultivated area of the Soddo Oromo.
HDD37 Toli, see Keladi
HDL81 Toli 0949'/3833' 3142 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Toli wereda (Tolie ..) (centre in 1964 = Bantu) 09/38 [+ Ad]
JDN.. Tollaha (T'ollaha, T'olaha) 10/40 [20]
Village within the region of Kemise town in south-eastern Wello.
Some of the Argobba ethnic group live there and are said to speak
the purest Argobba language.
GCS96 Tollei 08/33 [WO]
?? Tollo, distant from Dire Dawa in direction Addis A. ../.. [x]
tolo d..: diimtu (O) red /female, cow/; light complexion /girl/;
dimtu (A) the sound, the voice
HDH.. Tolo Dimtu, 09/36 [x]
village on the western side of the Didessa river where it is crossed
by the road Nekemte-Gimbi.

toma (Konso) wooden bowl used to move earth to level terraces;

tome (t'ome) (A) to fast; tomam (T) deformed, misshapen
HDM23 Toma 0916'/3936' 2676 m, north-west of Sidisto 09/39 [Gz]
JDJ63 Toma, G. (area)1266 m, see under Dire Dawa 09/41 [WO]
toma dera: dera, deeraa (O) tall, long; slow;
dera (dära) (A) grass for thatching roofs
JDS12 Toma Dera (area) 10/42 [WO]
JDB27 Toma Mogio (area) 08/41 [WO]

tomadur: dur (A,T) forest, woods;

dhuur (Som) evergreen tree /tamarisk?/;
duur (Som) 1. jungle; 2. kind of bush plant
HCA23 Tomadur, see Tamitiro
HEH43 Tomat, J. (hill, old Dunkur was near) 12/35 [WO Gu]
HCK08c Tomata, a little south of Dilla 06/38 [x]
HFC20 Tomata El Afif 13/36 [WO]
HFE04 Tombe Maryam (with rock-hewn church) 13/38 [x]
HET40 Tombok (Tomboc) 13/38 [+ WO]
HDT08 Tombola kebele (T'ombola ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of eastern Moret & Jiru wereda,
5 km north-west of Jihur; area 1,747 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tome ..: gera (A) kind of shrub or small tree,
Salix subserrata; twigs from it are used as tooth-sticks
?? Tome Gera (Tomä G.) (legendary precipice) ../.. [Pa]
HET29 Tomezot (T'omezot) 1255'/3918' 1916 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
JBR40 Tomole 0454'/4038' 1081 m 04/40 [Gz]
JDD46 Tomsa 0832'/4304' 1127 m 08/43 [Wa Gz]
GD... Tonga (in Asosa awraja) 10/34? [Ad]
GDE24 Tongadul 08/33 [WO]
GDD07 Tongadut 08/33 [WO]
GDF85 Tonghi (mountain) 0854'/3450' 2575 m, 08/34 [Gz]
east of Gidami
HDE66 Tongit (mission & church) 0845'/3858', 08/38 [WO Gz]
see under Debre Zeyt
GD... Tongo special wereda, 10/34? [20]
in the Asosa zone of Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State.
JDK68 Tongochale, see Togo Chale
GDM.. Tongu kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
(Is there a Tongushafeti kebele?)
HCP07 Tonkolla, 07/36 [x]
15 km east of Kaya in the Kefa area
HDL04 Tonkolle (M. Toncolle) (area) 09/38 [+ WO]
HED60 Tonnaa (village) 11/37 [It]
Too.., see generally To.. or Tu..
HDN17c Toomath, in Bega people country 10/35 [x]
[mentioned by P Wallmark]
GDM.. Toongoo, about 5 km from Begi town 09/34 [x]
Concerning 13 June 1984, see under Begi wereda.
HDM02 Toquarie Ag. 09/39 [WO]
tor (t'or) (A) spear, lance; war; army; tori (T) hartebeest
GCS75c Tor 07/33 [LM]
GCT61 Tor (Tori) 0751'/3335' 299 m, 07/33 [Gz WO]
near the border of Sudan
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7E Pentin (village) 302 m
6NW Doinri (village)
9NW Atiep (village)
7NE Packan (Paccan) (village)
tora (A) hartebeest, big cowlike antelope, Alcelaphus spp.;
tora, toora (O) 1. row, objects in a line; 2. towards
HCK56 Tora, see Bedesa
HCK65c Tora (centre in 1964 of Damot wereda) 06/37 [LM Ad]
HCS79 Tora (centre of a sub-district in the 1960s) 07/38 [x]
HCT60 Tora (T'ora) 0751'/3825' 1981 m, 07/38 [Gz]
west of Adami Tulu
JDB.. Tora, 08/41 [n]
in the 1990s Tora is on a rough road that runs from Koshe to Jido.
tora m..: mesk (mäsk) (A) grazing ground, meadow
HDU05 Tora Mesk (battle site in 1916), cf Segele in 1917 09/39 [n Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Nefase sub-district)
HDM51 Toraro, M. (area) 09/39 [WO]
HER56 Torat (mountain) 1310'/3713' 2774 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HER78 Torat (hill) 1320'/3723' 1351 m, south of Mesfinto 13/37 [Gz]
torban (O) week; torba (O) seven; ashe (A) to knead
HDL83 Torban Ashe 0948'/3842' 2905 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
-- torban g..: Gudru, a Mecha Oromo tribe
?? Torban Gudru, in the west or south-west ../.. [n]
JDB95 Torbaw (G.Torbau) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
torbe (O) week
torbi (O) conscript (recruit) to the "core band" of the Borana
JBP28 Torbi (area) 0417'/4108' 525 m 04/41 [WO Wa Gz]
JDJ02 Torbi 0907'/4147' 2119 m, south-west of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
tore, t'oore (O) spear; (A) (t'orä) provide for someone,
care for for aged parents
HCD27c Tore, see under Agere Maryam 05/38 [LM]
/which Tore?:/ A small market village north of Galana country.
HCD57 Tore 0556'/3809' 1731 m, north of Agere Maryam 05/38 [Gz]
JDK76 Tore 0944'/4305' 1557 m, 09/43 [Gz]
at some distance from the border of Somalia
HDU11 Torezh & Gendasa kebele (T'oräzh & Gändasa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the western border of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda;
area 2,018 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBS72 Torga Gurga (area) 05/37 [WO]
tori (T) hartebeest
GCT61 Tori, see Tor
GDE23 Tormun (Tormum) 0821'/3343' 378 m, 08/33 [Gz]
on the border of Sudan
HDM62 Tormurgefia, see Kormargefiya
HC... Toro Afeta wereda, see Tiro Afeta ..
?? Toro Mesk, cf Tora Mesk ../.. [Ha]
stream passed when going from Ankober to Debre Birhan.
HBK09 Toroba (area) 03/38 [WO]
HB... Torokola ../.. [20]
Settlement of 3 hectares in south-west Konso.
GD... Torpis kebele, ../34 [20]
located near Sudan.
JDK73 Torre, B. (area) 09/42 [WO]
tortora, tortoraa (O) rotten, dirty
JDC80 Tortora (mountain chain) 0857'/4139' 1523 m, 08/41 [Gz]
south-west of Grawa

tosa, t'oosa (O) harm, sin, scapegoat

Tosa, name of the sky-god among the Kulo people
HDJ45 Tosa (T'osa) 0929'/3706' 2456 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south of Shambu, cf Tossa
?? Tosa Asfo (waterfall) ../.. [Pa]
10 km from /which?/ Soddo
HE... Tosa Felana sub-district (centre in 1964 = Ades) 11/39 [Ad]
tosh (O) stop, don't move
/command to a pack or riding animal/
GDL58 Tosho (T'osho, Tulu Toscio, Toscia, Tosco) 09/34 [Gz WO]
(mountain) 0931'/3409' 1596 m
/the two Tosho the same with writing error for the second one?/
GDM53 Tosho (Tulu Toscio, Tosco) 0931'/3439' 1596 m, 09/34 [Gz WO]
north-east of Begi?
HDE78c Tosign kebele (T'osegn ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in westernmost central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
7 km west of Balchi; area 784 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
tosiny (t'osign) (A) wild thyme, Thymus serrulatus,
used like tea or as a spice; savory, Satureja spp.
HDL09 Tosiny (T'osiny, Tosin) (school) 0907'/3918', 09/39 [Gz WO]
east of Sendafa
HDL41 Tosiny (T'osiny) 0925'/3831' 2120 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL65 Tosiny (T'osiny) 0936'/3853' 2611 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Debre Libanos
tossa, t'oosa (O) plant resembling cape gooseberry,
with round pods containing edible fruit
HEF32 Tossa (mountain), see under Dessie 11/39 [Ca Gu]
HDH89c Tosse, north of Nekemte, nearer to Abay river 09/36 [x]
tota (t'ot'a) (A) grey-green monkey common in Ethiopia,
grivet monkey, guenon monkey, Cereopithecus aethiops
tota amba (A) monkey mountain
HEM23 Tota Amba kebele (T'ot'a ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in south-western Kobo wereda, a little west of Robit;
area 2,726 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Tota Bahir, 'Monkey Sea', ../.. [x]
valley east of the Meqet area, at some distance from Bete Hor, with
Tekeze to the north.
HEC07 Totaeta 10/37 [WO]
HEF53c Totala (T'otäla), to the west of lake Hayk 11/39 [18]
HCJ86 Totcha, see Tocha
HDL95 Totelsh & Gereger, see Totilsh & Girigir
HE... Totillish (district in Metekel, Gojjam) 11/36 [n]
HDL95 Totilsh & Girigir kebele (T'ot'elsh & Gereger ..) 09/38 [Ad]
at the northern border of western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda;
area 3,302 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCD97c Totiti (Tootitti), see Tutiti
HEF50 Totola (cf stream Totolo) (on map of 1843) 11/39 [Ha]
HEC79 Totosan 11/37 [WO]
HED70 Totosan 11/37 [WO]
HDM.? Totose 09/39 [x]
Ancient documents seem to indicate that there was Muslim population early.
HDM 52 Totose kebele (T'ot'osé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central northern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, near and
to the south-east of Chacha; area 1,728 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

HCR67c Tottobi (waterfall), 07/37 [x]

in middle Gibe river south of Gabbara.
Tou.. (when derived from French spelling), see Tu..
GDM92 Touat, see Twat
?? Toukortsa, in the Jimma region ../.. [x]
(spelling by Zervos, not = Chokorsa)
One of the principal towns in Jimma Province in the 1930s.
HDE73 Towa (village) 08/38 [x]
HDS08 Towa 0958'/3819' 2527 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
towu, towuu (O) 1. to drain away; 2. to wet
HFC09 Tquaro 13/37 [WO]
HES53 Traena, see Zebena
JDN99 Trena (Tareina, Tarena, Terana) 10/40 [Gz WO Gu]
1047'/4040' 776 m
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7SE Meli (area)
10S Karoma (Caroma, Carona) (area) 720 m
7SW Sarule (area)
9W Barugali (area)
5N Danagera (Danaghera) (area)
4NE Bara (area)
HDU66 Trento (pass) 1463 m 10/39 [WO Gu]
KCS85 Trijunction Point 08/48 [x]
(where Ethiopia and Djibouti and Somalia meet)
?? Trobe/?/, in Tigray ../.. [x]
tsaba: tseba (ts'äba) (T) milk
HEU30 Tsaba (mountain peak) 1301'/3921' 2352 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
HFF36c Tsaba Anya, see Tsav Aina
HFD17 Tsabalaka (Tsabalaca) 1343'/3810' 13/38 [+ WO Gz]
(with mission), just south of Tekezze river at main road
HFF13 Tsabat 1340'/3940' 2269 m, near Agula 13/39 [Gz]

tsada, ceremonial place for sacrifice among the Dorse;

tsaida (T) white
HFE68 Tsada (Tzada, Tsadeya, Tsadya, Tsedenya) 14/39 [Gu WO x]
2251/2402 m, with a convent, see also May Tsaida
HFF52 Tsada Amba (Tzaida A, Tsada Emba, Sada E.) 14/39 [x 18]
(Saada Amba) (area recorded in 1868, wereda in 1966)
There are five rock-hewn churches in the area,
see under Adi Kesho, Idaga Hamus, Mellehai Zengi.
HFF52 Tsada Amba wereda (-1997-) 14/39 [n]
HFK17 Tsada Beit (Tzada Beit) 1564 m 14/38 [+ Gu]
HFD93 Tsada Emmi (Tzada Emmi) 14/37 [+ WO]
tsada midri: midiri (T) land, country
HFK06 Tsada Midri, see Tzada Medri
HFE81 Tsada Welaka (Tzada Uallaca, T. Uollaca), see Adi Haye
?? Tsadda (in the Gondar region), see Sadda
HET88 Tsaeda Emba, see Tsaida Imba
HET86 Tsadga (locality) 1325'/3859' 13/38 [Gz]
HET27 Tsadka (Tsadqa) 1252'/3905' 1737 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
north of Sekota

HDU32 Tsadkan (Tsadqan) 1018'/3935' 2880 m, 10/39 [Gz q]

north-west of Molale
tsadkan h..: hawaryat (A) apostles
HEK91 Tsadkan Hawaryat (Tsadqan H.) 12/37 [Gz q]
1239'/3738' 2733 m, east of Gondar
HEU33 Tsahafti 1301'/3940' 2120 m, south of Debub 13/39 [Gz]
HFF32 Tsahilo 1352'/3933' 2393 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south-east of Hawzen
HFF01 Tsahlo 1337'/3928' 2127 m, north of Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HFF90 Tsahwa 1426'/3922' 2429 m, north of Adigrat 14/39 [Gz]
HET35 Tsaicha Sewir (Tsa'icha S.) 1253'/3858' 1843 m, 12/38 [Gz]
north-west of Sekota
tsaida a..: adi, addi (T) village; country;
adii (O) 1. white; 2. kind of tree
HFD96 Tsaida Adi (Tocud Emni) 1423'/3809' 1762 m 14/38 [Gz]
tsaida i..: imba (T) mountain; (A) tears
HET88 Tsaida Imba (Ts'a'ida Imba, Tsaeda Emba) 13/39 [Gz n]
1324'/3911' 2114 m,
(with church Mikael), south-west of Mekele
HET88 Tsaida Imba wereda (Tsaeda Emba ..) 13/39 [n Ad]
HET58 Tsaida Sairi (Tsa'ida Sa'iri) 1307'/3915' 1553 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south of Samre
HFE71 Tsailega (Tsa'ilega) 1415'/3836' 1672 m, 14/38 [Gz]
north-west of Aksum
HET68 Tsalda, see under Samre 13/39 [WO]
-- Tsamay (Tsemay, Tsamako), name of an ethnic group living west
of lake Chamo, numbering about 9,702 acc. to the 1994 census.
-- Tsamay language (Ts'amai, Tsamako, Tsamakko)
alternated names Tamaha, Kuile, Kule, Cule.
tsamera: tsemri (T) hair /of plant, animal or human body/
HET26 Tsamera (Tzamera) (area) hill 1930 m 13/38 [Gu]
HEL72 Tsamla 1227'/3839' 2095 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL62 Tsamla Giyorgis (church) 1219'/3838' 12/38 [Gz]
tsana (A) kind of small tree, Stereospermum kunthianum,
with grey bark which comes off in round flakes;
tsenna (ts'änna) (A) be firm, be valid
HER11 Tsanaua (Tsanana) 1247'/3645' 1017 m 12/36 [Gz WO]
HC... Tsanga 06/36 [En]
The historical capital of the Gofa kings used to be on top of a mountain at Tsanga.
HEJ75 Tsangala (Tzangala) 1860 m 12/37 [+ Gu]
-- Tsara (ethnic group), see Chara
HFE65 Tsarait 1409'/3856' 2223 m, see under Adwa 14/38 [WO Gz]
HET58 Tsarma, see Samre
HFF32 Tsarya (mountain) 1354'/3937' 2334 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-east of Hawzen
HFE.. Tsasarat, see under Mereto
HFF36c Tsav Aina (Zavaina, Tsaba Anya) 13/39 [x]
(Saba 'Enna) (with rock-hewn church),
see under Atsbi
Tsch.., see Ch..
-- Tschako language, see Sheko
GCT35 Tsciam, see Cham

HCB15c Tseba, a small part of the Baka ethnic group 05/36 [x]
with their own settlement area.
HF... Tsebel (centre in 1964 of Debel sub-district) 14/38 [Ad]

HEE84 Tsebelat kebele (Tsäbälat ..) 11/38 [Ad]

in western Meket wereda, 7 km west of Filakit;
area 4,012 hectares. [CSA 1994]
H.... Tseberga (Tzeberga), 13/39 [+ x]
with rock-hewn/?/ church Maryam
HFF01 Tsebeylen 1339'/3928' 1826 m, north of Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HFD.. Tsebri (farm near Tekeze river), 13/38 [n]
operated by members of the Tigray Liberation Front
tsedda (ts'ädda) (A) be clean, be pure;
tsedo (A), tsaddo (T) kind of shrub or small tree,
Rhamnus staddo
HEK61c Tsedda (former Falasha village) 12/37 [n x]
HFE68 Tsedenya, see Tsada
tsediya: tsedey, sowing season from March to June
HFE48 Tsediya (Tzedia) 1359'/3913' 1759 m, 13/39 [Gz]
west of Hawzen
HFE58 Tsediya sub-district (Tsedeia .., Tzedia ..) 14/39 [+ Ad x Gu]
(centre in 1964 = Nekwae)
HFF60 Tsefah 1407'/3924' 2179 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Abune Aregay), south of Adigrat
?? Tsegaga (Tsegaja) ../.. [x]
tsege reda: tsigge reda (A,T) African wild rose;
redda (rädda) (A) aid, help
HFE29 Tsege Reda (Tsegie R.), see Tsigereda
tsegede: tsegga (ts'ägga) (A) grace, virtue, gift of God
HER76 Tsegede (Tsägäde, Tzeghede), in Wegera awraja 13/37 [Ad WO]
HFC53 Tsegede, see Tzeghede
HER.? Tsegede wereda (Tsegedie ..) 13/37 [Ad 20]
in north-western Tigray
(-1994-) is divided into 19 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HFE86 Tsehadiya (mountain peak) 1420'/3859' 2190 m, 14/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), west of Inticho
HF... Tsehaf Werd sub-district 14/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gira Aras)
Tsehay, a female (possibly also male?) personal name
?? Tsehay, historical area in Amhara ../.. [Pa]
tsehay sina (A) sun of Sinai
HD... Tsehay Sina (in Menz .. awraja), 09/39? [Ad]
midway between Debre Birhan and Dessie.
HEM40 Tsehay Sina kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in western central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda;
area 2,347 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC98 Tseige, see Zege
?? Tsela Asfere (Tsela Asfäré), in Lasta near Zänjärach 12/39? [x]
HFF62 Tselal Mo'o, see Tsilalmao
?? Tselalo (Selalo), ancient religious place ../.. [x]
H.... Tselemti, see Tsellemti
HFE.. Tselessi Bit (village in Tigray) 14/38 [n]
HED92 Tseletbey (Tzeletbei) (pass) 11/37 [+ WO]
GDU.. Tselfa 10/34 [Mi]
north-west of Asosa, 10 km south of Shirgelo.
tselim, tsellim (ts'ällim) (Geez,T) black, night;
tselimo, tsellimo (T) various kinds of tree, Canthium euryoides, Diospyros
abyssinica, Ekebergia capensis, Maytenus undata, Psydrax schimperiana
H.... Tselim Ba'ati, in Temben, south/?/ of Abiy Adi 13/39? [n]
Archaeological site being a rock shelter 24 m long and 4 m wide.
tselim e..: tselim imni (T) black stone = granite
HFD97 Tselim Emni 1494 m, cf Tsaida Adi 14/38 [LM WO]
H.... Tselim sub-district (Telim ..) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Feres Bet)
HEU10 Tseliya 1248'/3924' 1938 m, west of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
?? Tsellare (Tsellaré) mentioned in the 1700s ../.. [x]
HET16 Tsellari (Amba T., Calbis) 1250'/3900' 2012 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north of Sekota
HFD19 Tsellemti (Tselemt, Tzellemti, Salämt, Sällämt) 13/38 [Gu x WO Pa]
(Sellemt) (wide area, awraja?) 1335'/3820'
Coordinates would give map code HFD09
HET90 Tsellemti wereda (Telemt, Tselemt, Tsilemti ..) 13/38 [n Ad 20]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Selam)
(-1994-) is divided into 39 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HFE.? Tsellere (Tzellerè), near Abiy Adi 13/39? [+ It]
-- Tsemay (ethnic group), see Tsamay
HFD37c Tsembela, see Tsimbila
tsembelta: tsimbil (T) ceremony
HFD38 Tsembelta (Tsembela), see Tzembelta
HFF20 Tsemena (Tsemuna, Tzemmuna), 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church),
see under Geralta churches - southern
HEU5. Tsenbera 13/40 [x]
Village in Wejerat (Wojirat) wereda of Inderta awraja, at some 40 km
east of the main Asmara-Addis Abeba road, at the Adi Qeyih amba.
HCK14 Tsenga 0630'/3756' 1168 m 06/37 [Gz]
Coordinates as written here indicate a place in the middle of northern lake Abaya
H.... Tseniha (centre in 1964 of Gulgolo sub-district) 13/38 [Ad]
HF... Tsenkanet 13/39 [20]
HFF22 Tserai (Tzera, Tserae) (area) 13/39 [x n]
HFF22 Tserai wereda (Tserae ..) (-1966-1994-) 13/39 [20]
HES.. Tserarvi, 13/38 [Gu]
village of shepherds and farmers.
GDM33 Tserba (Culli) 0923'/3439' 1604 m 09/34 [Gz WO]
?? Tserena (ford & wells) ../.. [Gu]
HFF22 Tseria (Tseri'a) 1346'/3937' 2196 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Inda Silase), north of Agula and near Wikro
tserk a..: aba/abba (O) 1. father, owner, elder;
2. deity, spirit
HEU01 Tserk Aba (Tserq Aba) 1240'/3929' 3212 m, 12/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Maychew
tsetser (ts'äts'är) (T) pebble
HFE12 Tsetser (area) 1341'/3837' 13/38 [Gz]
HFE12 Tsetsera (Tsesera, Tzetzera) (area) 1341'/3837', 13/39 [Ad x WO]
cf Lai Tsetsera, Tach Tsetsera
HF... Tsetserat sub-district? (-1997-) 13/39? [n]
?? Tseyamo, ancient area ../.. [Pa]
Area which cannot be accurately placed but is mentioned
as belonging to the Aksumite Empire in the 300s.
HET95 Tseykeme (Tseyqeme, Zencame) 13/38 [Gz q]
1329'/3859 1591 m, (with church Medhane Alem), south of Abiy Adi
Coordinates would give map code HET96

HFF23 Tsibab 1347'/3939' 2587 m, 13/39 [Gz]

north of Agula and near Wikro
HFE17 Tsigaba 1313'/3909', 13/39 [20]
about 40 km west-north-west of Mekele.
tsige (A) 1. flower, crown of flower; 2. grace;
Tsige, female and/or male personal name
HDH.. Tsige 09/36 [20]
There is registered the Komto-Waga-Tsige National Forest Priority Area.
HDH19 Tsige Maryam (Seghe Mariam) 0911'/3630' 1750 m, 09/36 [Gz WO]
(with church Maryam)
HDH27 Tsige Maryam 0914'/3624' 1530 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Nekemte
HED12 Tsige Tsiyon 10/37 [MS]
tsigereda: tsigge reda (A,T,from Geez) African wild rose,
Rosa abyssinica; also used as a woman's name
HDM92 Tsigereda (centre in 1964 of Moja sub-district) 09/39 [Ad]
HFF30 Tsigereda (Tzeghereda, Tsege Reda, Tsegie R.) 13/39 [Gz x]
Gz: 1352'/3921' 1918 m; MS: 1347'/3920'
Centre in 1964 of Geralta wereda.
HFF80 Tsigereda (Cigeredda) 1421'/3924' 2504 m 14/39 [Gz WO]
HDM62 Tsigereda kebele (Tsegéräda ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the northern border and far to the east in Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
7 km south-east of Debre Birhan; area 1,956 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF20 Tsigniefeda (Tzigniefeda) (with rock church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - southern
HDL95c Tsihga (old historical district), see Insarro
HFF62 Tsilalmao (Tsilal Mo'o, Tselal Moho) 14/39 [n x]
The rock-hewn church Gebriel is about 6 km south-east of Idaga Hamus,
roughly halfway to May Megelta and 1½ km east of the main road.
HCT.. Tsilalou, see Chilalo
H.... Tsilemti, see Tsellemti
HFF00 Tsilib Mikael (church) 1335'/3924', 13/39 [Gz]
north-west of Mekele
HEM71 Tsiliya Giyorgis (church) 1228'/3931', 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Alamata
HDK75 Tsillalish, see Itisa
HCA64 Tsilmamo (Zilmamo, Zilmami, Zulumamur) 06/35 [Gz Wa WO]
(Zulimamu, Mederdur) 0601'/3512' 1327 m
Almost at the head of the Karabbo stream.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SW Nebit (area)
5NE Kanta (Gara Canta) (mountain)
10NE Kanta (Canta) (village)
-- Tsilmano, Zilmamo, a dialect of the Kachipo-Balesi
living on both sides of the Ethiopia-Sudan border
?? Tsimbila, see Legaso
HFD27 Tsimbila, see Tzembela
HFD37c Tsimbila & Asegede wereda (Tsimbela ..) 13/38 [Ad]
(Tsimbilana Asegede ..)
HFD37c Tsimbila wereda (Tsembela ..) (-1964-1994-) 13/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Indabaguna)
?? Tsinun sub-district (in Borena) ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Hore Kelo)
HF... Tsira wereda (-1997-) 13/39 [n]
HFF... Tsirai (location near Abreha Atsbeha), 13/39 [n]
same as Tserai?
Tsiyon, Zion, refers in Ethiopia also to the Virgin Mary
and may even occur as a male personal name in modern time;
debir (däbir) (A) mountain, sanctuary, church served
by married priests
H.... Tsiyon Debir 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Irbab sub-district)
HET54 Tsnako (Tznaco) 13/38 [+ WO]
HFD79 Tsogwak (Zoguac) 1565 m 14/38 [+ Gu]
HEM82 Tsoiag (Amba Tsolog) 1232'/3935' 1953 m, 12/39 [Gz]
near Korem
GDU.. Tsore (refugee centre in the Asosa area) 10/34 [n]
HFL17c (Tsorona) 14/39 [x 20]
(Locality in Eritrea between the Mareb river and Senafe, on the north-east
bank of Belesa river in an area being a front between Eritrea and Ethiopia
in war from 1998.)
(In February and March 1999 hostilities between Eritrea and Ethiopia
flared again along fronts in Badme and Tsorona.)
HED60c Tsul, lowland west of Tis Isat and Yegind 11/37 [x]
HDL13 Tsuluta, see Sululta
HEK48 Tsungi Maryam (Tzunghi Mariam) 12/38 [+ WO]
HEH45 Tuaba, see Twaba
HET46c Tuankua Abergele /wereda?/, 13/38 [Ad]
district in Tigray
tuba (O) rope; tubba, tubbaa (O) skein of yarn
HDD01 Tuba 0813'/3741' 1669 m, near Abelti 08/37 [Gz]
HDD88 Tubulo 0853'/3819' 2040 m, 08/38 [Gz]
south-west of Addis Alem
HBL04 Tuca, see Tuka & HDJ11 JDK01
HDJ01 Tuca, see Chalchis
HCT83c Tuchu, 5 km from Abosa 08/38 [n]
HEK54 Tucrie, see Tukriye
JCK83 Tucub, see Tukub
HER35 Tucul Dinghia, see Tikil Dingay
HFC34 Tucul Duma, see Tikil Duma
HCR64 Tucur, see Tikur
HEE77 Tucurena (Tucuriena), see Tukurena
HDM12 Tudlamariam (mountains recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
GCS59 Tueraciata, see Twerachata
tufa, tufah, tuffah (A,T) apple; tufe (O) spit;
tufa, tuufa (O) kind of blessing expressed by spitting
on the palm of the receiver's hand; a type of hereditary office
among the Borana to serve as junior officiant;
Tufa, a male personal name
HCT80 Tufa (Tuffa, Taffa), cf Tiffa, 08/38 [x Gu WO]
6 km long swamp communicating with lake Tufa.
tufa c..: chuqqalla (O) cork, or other stopping device with that effect
HDE36 Tufa Chukala (Tufa Ch'uqala) 0827'/3858' 1659 m, 08/38 [Gz q]
south-west of Mojo
tug, seasonal watercourse
tog (Som) dry river-bed, gulley, ravine;
tuug (Som) 1. thief, robber; 2. begging; tugh (Som/H.Salt) go away
JCJ51c Tug 06/41 [Wa]
JDD27 Tug Aidob (mountain) 0823'/4313' 1214 m 08/43 [Gz]
JCR39 Tug Fidaedi, 0733'/4229' 07/42 [x]
JDK11 Tug Tafan (area) 09/42 [WO]
JCR18 Tug Terfa 0725'/4222' 07/42 [x]
JDK68 Tug Wajale, see Togochale
HEA35 Tugojan (Tugogian) 1108'/3513' 566 m 11/35 [x WO Gz]
tuha ..d..: diba (O) young rascal; diba-a (O) lazy;
dibaa (O) firewood put under ashes; dibba (O) hundred
HEJ47 Tuha Diba (church) 12/37 [Ch WO]
HET82 Tuhuli (T'uhuli) 1324'/3907' 2100 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south-east of Abiy Adi
tuhuwa h..: Hanna, the mother of Virgin May
HEJ56 Tuhuwa Hana 1213'/3712' 1829 m, 12/37 [Gz]
at north-west lake Tana
HCG08 Tui 0621'/3534' 1213 m, north of Maji 06/35 [WO Gz]
tuka (O) 1. spur; 2. fire-brand; 3. (tuqa) swarm
of insects; 4. giant molerat, Tachyoryctes macrocephalus
HBL04 Tuka (Tuqa, Tuca, Tuk Dima) (area) 03/38 [Gz q WO]
0339'/3848' 1278, 1549 m,
this and next one near the border of Kenya
HBL04 Tuka (Tuqa, Tuca) (mountain) 0341'/3850' 1516 m, 03/38 [Gz q Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDE62 Tuka (Touka) (archaeological site), 08/38 [x]
see under Melka Kunture
HDJ01 Tuka (Tuca), see Chalchis
/this Tuka?:/ At the Limmen stream on the right hand side of Awash river.
HDJ11 Tuka (Tuqa, G. Tuca) 0910'/3646' 2641, 3110 m, 09/36 [Gz q WO]
(mountain, with church Abo), north-east of Nekemte,
see under this name (Fre: Gara Touka)
HDK18 Tuka (Tuqa) 0912'/3918' 2649 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
this and next one 2 km away, north-west of Addis Alem
HDK18 Tuka (Tuqa) 0912'/3819' 2553 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
JDH01 Tuka (Tuca, G.) (area), see under Asbe Teferi 09/40 [+ WO]
HDJ01 Tuka Giyorgis (church) 0908'/3644' 09/36 [Gz]
HCS06 Tuka sub-district (centre in 1964 = Alaba Kulito) 07/38 [Ad]
KCN96 Tukayel (Turkayel, Hagoga) (area) 08/45 [Gz WO]
0807'/4521' 787 m
HFE18 Tukhul 1339'/3914', 13/39 [20]
about 30 km north-west of Mekele
HBE95 Tukka (area), cf Tuka 03/38 [WO]
HEK54 Tukriye (Tucrie) 1216'/3754' 2208 m, 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
east of northernmost lake Tana
tukub (Som) walk weakly and slowly; tukube (Som) large
walking stick
JCK83 Tukub (Tucub) (wells) 0707'/4246' 07/42 [+ WO Gz]
HFC73 Tukulite (area) 14/36 [WO]
Tukur .., see Tikur ..
HEE77 Tukurena (Tucurena) (area) 11/39 [+ WO]
HEE77 Tukurena Giyorgis (Tucuriena Ghiorghis), 11/39 [+ Gu]
(church) 2804 m
HEE66 Tukya (T'uqya) 1125'/3858' 1981 m, 11/38 [Gz q]
south of Bete Hor
HE... Tul (river), 11/38 [Ch]
river joining the Abay some distance downstream from Tis Isat falls.
?? Tul Harre, near border of Somalia, cf Tulu Hora ../.. [18]
tula: tuullaa (O) sheaves of grain stacked upright
?? Tula /which one?/, ../.. [20]
with a constituency in the elections of 2005.
HCL60 Tula (locality) 0656'/3827', south of lake Awasa 06/38 [Gz]
HEF63 Tula 1125'/3939' 1649 m, north of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
JDJ35 Tula 0922'/4206' 2005 m, north-west of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
tula d..: tulla, tuullaa (O) sheaves stacked upright
HBF90 Tula Deye (T. Dey, Tulu Deye), 03/39 [Gz WO]
0334'/3921' 1220 m, mountain near the border of Kenya
HCN64 Tulabi (Tulebi) 0750'/3514' 1492 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north-west of Gecha
-- Tulama (Tuloma),
one of the Shewan tribes of the Oromo.
JEA67 Tulamayto (Tulamaitu) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HBT40 Tulawayo (Tulawaya, Tulauaio) 0456'/3825' 1573 m 04/38 [Gz LM Wa WO]
?? Tulazamo (village) ../.. [18]
JDK27 Tulbiy 0915'/4310' 1778 m, east of Jijiga 09/43 [Gz]
JCL04 Tulcalcal, see Talkalkal
HDK04 Tule (Tuli) (mountain) 3064 m 09/37 [AA WO]
HDK04 Tule (Tuli) 0904'/3754' 2778 m, north of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz WO]
HCN64 Tulebi, see Tulabi
HDT59 Tuledibigana kebele (Tulädi..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central western Jema wereda, 5 km west-south-west of Degolo:
area 2,857 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ94 Tulem 0953'/3701' 2337 m, west of Alibo 09/37 [Gz]
tulema: tulama (O) proprietor of land with hereditary rights;
-- Tulema (Tuläma), Tulama, large group of Oromo known
at least since 1600, see also under Tulama
HCJ89 Tulema 0705'/3725' 1229 m, see under Waka 07/37 [WO Gz]
HEE18 Tulfe (T'ulfe) 1101'/3913' 3231 m 11/39 [Gz]
HCL79 Tuli 0659'/3914' 2473 m, east of Dodola 06/39 [Gz]
HDG38 Tuli 0921'/3532' 1858 m, south-east of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
HDK04 Tuli (mountain) 0904'/3756' 2813 m, 09/37 [Gz]
north-east of Ambo, cf Tulli
H.... Tuli (Tulie) 08/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wedesa sub-district)
HDK49 Tuli, two at 2½ km distance 09/38 [AA]
HDK58 Tuli 0930'/3819' 2630 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL07 Tuli 0904'/3907' 2518 m, south-east of Sendafa 09/39 [Gz]
HDL54 Tuli (T'uli) 0933'/3848' 2628 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Tuli 0934'/3848' 2517 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDL63 Tuli 09/38 [WO]
HDT77 Tuliya 1036'/3905' 2501 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
JCL04 Tulkalkal, see Talkalkal
HBT95c Tulla, 05/38 [Mi]
mountain about 60 km south-southwest of Kibre Mengist.
tulla (O) heap, pile, dried dung; tula (O) 1. kind of small to
medium tree, Rapanea simensis; 2. see tulu;
facha (O) 1. gadfly; 2. mounted trophy of a hunter
HCF64 Tulla Facha (Tulla Facia) (area) 06/39 [+ WO]
tulla ko..: korma (A,O) bull /not castrated/;
(O) male /said of animals/; kormaa (O) cock
HDC93 Tulla Korma (T. Corma) (area) 2023 m, 08/36 [+ WO]
see under Sire HDC93
HEA19 Tulla Sembertide (area) 11/35 [WO]
tulli (A) (t'ulli) 1. gourd bottle, 2. loincloth;
3. (tulli) anus, rectum
JCM40 Tulli (Guglu) 0647'/4419' 521 m, near code JCL49 06/44 [Gz]
JCM50 Tulli, see under Kebri Dehar, cf Tuli 06/44 [WO]
JDD64c Tulli 08/42 [It]
JDD29 Tulli Anot (area) 08/43 [WO]
tulli der: dheer (Som) tall, long, deep
JCM01 Tulli Der 06/44 [WO]
JDD35c Tullih 0830'/4254' 1261 m 08/42 [Wa Gz]
tullo: tuulo (Som) village
JDH25 Tullo 0915'/4112' 2023 m, 09/41 [Gz]
west of Deder, cf Telo, cf Kunte
HDJ17 Tullo Amara (Tulu Amara), see Amara, cf Tulu Amara
HCN87c Tullo Bacchisi, see Bakisi
HCT74 Tullo Guddo, see Kulu Gudu
JDK62 Tullo Gulet, see Tulu Guled
HDN34 Tullo Moni (area) 10/35 [WO]
HDL29 Tullofa (mountain and place) 2750 m, 09/39 [WO Gu]
cf Tulu Ofa, Tulofa
JDC65 Tullolola (area) 08/42 [WO]
JDB95 Tullora 09/41 [WO]
tullu, tulluu (O) mountain;
Tullu, Tulu, also used as a male personal name
JDC33 Tullu (area), cf Tulu 08/41 [WO]
?? Tullu Deemtu, see Tulu Dimtu
HCT74 Tullu Guddu, see Kulo Gudo
GDM.. Tullu kebele (same as Gebeya Fechasa?) 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
JCH10 Tullu Micire, see Tulu Michire
HDK99 Tullu Milchi, see Tulu Milki
tullu s..: shatto (O in the south-west) kind of
tall forest tree, Albizia gummifera
HCU74 Tullu Shato (Tullu Sciato) 07/39 [+ WO]
(area) 2560 m, see under Robi
GDF85 Tullu Ualel, see Tulu Welel
JDH14 Tulo wereda, in the direction of Mieso 09/41 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
JDH14 Tulo wereda & sub-district (-1964-1997-) 09/41 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Hirna)
HDL93 Tulofa 0957'/3845' 1839 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), north of Fiche
HDM30c Tulofa kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at the western border of northern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
5 km west-north-west of Koremash settlement; area 1,021 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Tuloma, Tulama, a tribe of Oromo in Shewa, with their
own northern dialect, same as Tulema?
HDT23 Tuloma (area) 1010'/3842' 10/38 [WO Gz]
Tulu .., cf Tullo ..
tulu (O) 1. to pile, stack, heap; 2. kind of grass,
kind of tree, Euphorbia abyssinica?;
3. (also tula) deep well, well complex;
(tulu may in geographical names mostly stand for
tullu, tulluu (O) mountain)
HDD59 Tulu (Siba) 0840'/3823' 2167 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDS05 Tulu 1002'/3802' 1281 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEF05 Tulu 1051'/3948' 1442 m, south-east of Kombolcha 10/39 [Gz]
JD... Tulu (on map of 1814) 09/41 [18]
on the caravan route from Harar to Ankober.
JDC97 Tulu 0859'/4214' 1439 m, south-east of Harar 08/42 [Gz]
tulu ada: ada, adaa (O) 1. clan; 2. culture, custom;
3. kind of flower
-- Ada, Hada, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDJ45 Tulu Ada 0929'/3705' 2646 m, south of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDCo9 Tulu Ali 0810'/3728'c 08/37 [x]
tulu amara (O) mountain of the Amhara
HDJ17 Tulu Amara (Amara, Tullo Amara) (mountain) 09/37 [Gz]
0911'/3717' 2778 m, same as Tullu Amaré?
Coordinates would give map code HDJ07
Dilamo, supreme chief of the Mecha Oromo, was killed at
Tullu Amaré in 1705.
GDF21 Tulu Aro, see Aro
HDG04 Tulu Babor (Margo) 0905'/3512' 1748 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north-west of Yubdo
HDP25c Tulu Balto, see Balto
GDU.. Tulu Basa, 10/34 [Mi]
about 25 km east of Asosa at altitude 1930 m.
tulu bed..: badada (O) 1. name of one of ten gada sets;
2. forced penal servitude; badhaada (O) blessings, wealthy
HDS09 Tulu Bedada (Tella Bedada) (mountain) 09/38 [Gz WO]
0959'/3820' 2526 m
HDA54 Tulu Benni (Beina, Beinal) (mountain) 08/35 [WO Gz]
0836'/3511' 1254 m
tulu ber..: barchuma (O) 1. stool with three legs; 2. custom
GDM35 Tulu Berchuma (T. Berch'uma) 09/34 [Gz]
0920'/3449' 1417 m, east of Begi
tulu bof.: bofa (O) snake
HDJ56 Tulu Bofa 0931'/3713', 09/37 [Gz]
slightly elevated 'island' in wetland east of Shambu
HD... Tulu Bofa (village) 09/39 [18]
tulu boj.: boya (T) paint
HDN54 Tulu Boja, 1027'/3508' 10/35 [x]
tulu bok.: boko (O) sphere; bokku, bokkuu (O) sceptre
as symbol of power; boku, boquu (O) neck
GD... Tulu Boku (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
tulu bol.: bola (O) leaf; boola (O) hole;
boolla (O) burrow, pit, grave
?? Tulu Bola (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDG.. Tulu Bollale, about 14 km east of Nejo 09/35 [Mi]
tulu bolo: bollo, boolloo (O) valley, trench
HD... Tulu Bolo (centre in 1964 of Becho wereda) 08/38 [Ad]
HDD37 Tulu Bolo 0830'/3810' 08/38 [MS]
HDD57 Tulu Bolo (Tulubolo, Masno Gabado) 08/38 [Gz]
0840'/3813' 2204 m
Village south of the Jimma road, at the end of the straight part after Awash bridge.
HDH30c Tulu Bolo (T. Bollo) 09/35 [Mi]
HDL63 Tulu Bolo (T. Bollo, Tulub?) 0938'/3842' 2523 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Po]
south of Fiche
With sub-post office under Addis Abeba.
?? Tulu Booga/?/ (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
tulu bora (O) vulture mountain? see bora directly
for various meanings
HDK43 Tulu Bora 0929'/3749' 1702 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDG.. Tulu Choochay, see Nejo : Katta Valley
tulu daltu (O) mountain of the heir
JCN54 Tulu Daltu (area) 2575 m 07/40 [WO]
HDP.. Tulu Dangab, see Dangab
HDJ.. Tulu Danko (Tullu Danco) 09/37 [+ 18]
HDB99 Tulu Dawka (T. Dauca) 0901'/3632' 09/36 [+ x]
tulu deb..: debisa (O) 1. furrow; 2. Adina microcephala;
3. answer, reaction
HDJ55 Tulu Debisa (T. Debesa) 0930'/3705' 2670 m, 09/37 [Gz 20]
south of Shambu
HDG86 Tulu Denghi, see Dengi
HDD00 Tulu Derar 0809'/3734'c 08/37 [x]
tulu dey: dey (Som) glance, look
HBF90 Tulu Dey (area) 03/39 [WO]
tulu dimtu (O) red mountain
HCM44c Tulu Dimtu (Tullu Deemtu) 06/39 [20 Ca]
At the top is a sender station.
HDE74 Tulu Dimtu 0851'/3849' 2149 m 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), near Akaki
HDE88 Tulu Dimtu 0853'/3909' 2171 m, 08/39
south of Chefe Donsa
HDH.. Tulu Dimtu (T. Demtu), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [Ad]
HDH41c Tulu Dimtu, 30 km north of Gimbi 09/35 [Mi]
HDL72 Tulu Dimtu 0941/3840' 2716 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL73 Tulu Dimtu sub-district 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Koftu)
HDJ73 Tulu Ebicho 0944'/3657' 1682 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
GCM36 Tulu Facha (Fre: Toulou Fatcha), 06/34 [x]
in the region of Akobo river near Sudan
HDN14c Tulu Fagocho circa 1005'/3510' (on map of 1901), 10/35 [x]
between rivers Abay and Dabus
HDN24 Tulu Fajedo (T. Fageddo) 1010'/3510', 10/35 [x]
see also Fagaddo
tulu faya: fayya (O) 1. health; 2. whole, unbroken
HBM56 Tulu Faya (Tulu Faia) (hill) 04/39 [+ WO]
tulu fera: fera (A,O) epidemic, contagious disease;
(T) Dregea schimperi
?? Tulu Fera (visiting postman under Addis Abeba) ../.. [Po]
tulu ferd.: farda (O) horse; mecha (O) nation;
-- Mecha, an Oromo tribe
HDD98 Tulu Ferda Mecha (Tulu Ferda), 09/38 [AA Gz]
0901'/3817' 2124 m, west of Addis Alem,
see under Welenkomi
tulu geda: tulu geda (O) humid and freshly green mountain
HDL65 Tulu Geda (Gidda) 0938'/3853' 2593 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Debre Libanos, see under this name
HE... Tulu Gedero 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Rugga sub-district)
HDG39 Tulu Gingi (T. Ghinghi, Fre: Toulou Guingui) 09/35 [+ WO Gu n]
0921'/3540' 1960/2137 m, south-east of Boji

HDL50 Tulu Giyorgis (church) 0930'/3830', 09/38 [Gz]

south-west of Fiche
tulu goda: see directly under goda for various meanings
HDL38 Tulu Goda Kidane Mihret (church) 0922'/3912', 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Sheno
HDH30c Tulu Golel, in Wellega 09/35 [Mi]
tulu gombo, round mountain?
gombo (O) 1. small jar; 2. circular object;
3. cotton cloth worn over the clothes;
(Wellega Bega) lion
HDG59 Tulu Gombo, 0935'/3539', in Wellega 09/35 [x Mi]
HDG66 Tulu Gori, cf Gore ../.. [WO]
HDJ55 Tulu Gudene 0931'/3705' 2654 m, 09/37 [Gz]
(mountain), near Shambu
tulu gudo (O) big mountain;
guddo, guddoo (O) 1. abundant; 2. big /female/;
gudo (Som) 1. inside, interior; 2. fulfill one's obligations
HCT74 Tulu Gudo (Tullo Guddo, Tullu Guddu, Tulugudo) 07/38 [x WO Gz]
(Tulugudu, Tulluu Guddoo), see also Kulu Gudo,
Largest of the three islands in the eastern part of lake Ziway, with two peaks.
The island is 14 km from Ziway town, and it is still the site of three monasteries.
Debre Tsiyon, the most famous, has a long and very enigmatic history.
JDK62 Tulu Guled (Tuluguled, Tullo Gulet), 09/42 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
0937'/4245' 1895/1906 m, north of Jijiga
(centre in 1964 of Gridida sub-district)
tulu gura..: gurraacha (O) black, dark blue /also other meanings/
HDJ45 Tulu Guracha 0926'/3706' 2357 m, south of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDK51 Tulu Gurbo 0931'/3741' 1549, 1970 m, 09/37 [AA Gz]
(mountain peak), west of Kachisi, cf Gurbo
HCT46c Tulu Hallila, in Albaso east of lake Langano 07/39? [x]
There are local people belonging to the Mino clan of the Arsi Oromo
tulu haro: haro, haroo (O) lake, pool, swamp;
(A) valley subject to seasonal floodings
JDJ08 Tulu Haro 0906'/4222' 1480 m, south-east of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
tulu hora: hora (A,O) mineral water and its source
JD... Tulu Hora (Tuluhora), in the Chercher area, 09/42? [+ Mi]
situated about 15 km south of Masala village
GDF91 Tulu Ingi (T. Inghi, Ngi, Nghi) 0900'/3426' 1559 m, 09/34 [+ WO Gz]
west of Gidami
HDN06 Tulu Ionghi, see Ionghi
HDB61 Tulu Jerka (T. Jergo, Tullo Gergo) 0843'/3550' 08/35 [x 18 It]
Called extinct volcano by Alexander Bulatovich in 1897.
HDL33 Tulu Jubo 0923'/3842' 2448 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
GCM56 Tulu Kali 0640'/3452'c, 06/34 [WO x]
mountain north of upper Shisha river.
HDG.. Tulu Kami, see under Nejo 09/35 [x]
HDN54c Tulu Kancha circa 1025'/3510', 10/35 [x]
between rivers Abay and Dabus
tulu kapi: kapi (O) humid, soaked
HDA97c Tulu Kapi (Tullo Kapi, T. Capi), gold mine cf Kapi, 09/35 [+ Mi Gu]
located about 15 km air distance from Yubdo.
tulu katta: katta (O) rock, usually high and flat
HDG.. Tulu Katta, see Nejo: Katta

tulu kella (O) mountain check-point, border post

HDB94 Tulu Kella 0902'/3605' 09/36 [x]
KCP03 Tulu Kloan 07/46 [MS]
tulu kor..: korma (A,O) bull /not castrated/;
(O) male /said of animals/; kormaa (O) cock
HDD99 Tulu Korma 0901'/3822' 2218 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
near Addis Alem, see under this name
HDL44 Tulu Korma 0928'/3849' 2609 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [Gz]
tulu kurfa: kurfa-u (O) be ready, be organised
HDL44 Tulu Kurfa 0929'/3849' 2574 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
tulu lefe: lafa (O) land; leffa (läffa) (A) to toil,
make an effort
HCT56 Tulu Lefe (T. Lafe) (area), 07/39 [WO x]
in Albaso east of lake Langano
-- tulu lek.: Leka, Leqa, occurs in names of several Oromo tribes;
leka (läkka) (A) to measure, to adjust
HDJ.. Tulu Leka (Tullu Lieca) 09/37 [+ 18]
HDL43 Tulu Lemi 0926'/3841' 2467 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT06 Tulu Lemtu 1001'/3828' 1847 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-east of Addis Derra
tulu lencha (O) lion mountain peak
GCM37 Tulu Lencha (T. Lench'a, Tululencia) 06/34 [Gz]
(Fre: Toulou Lendja) 0640'/3459',
locality at some distance from the Sudan border
HDL13 Tulu Lencha (T. Lench'a) 0909'/3846' 2606 m, 09/38 [Gz]
near Sululta
HDL71 Tulu Lencha (T. Lench'a) 0942'/3834' 2914 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Fiche
tulu marechi: marecha (A) track
HDH13? Tulu Marechi, about 25 km east of Gimbi, cf Marechi 09/36 [Mi]
GDF45 Tulu Mao, see Mau
-- tulu mejo: Mejo, name of a Kefa clan /not in the Fiche region/
HDL76 Tulu Mejo 0943'/3859' 2548 m, south-east of Fiche, 09/39 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael to the north-west at 0945'/3855')
HDL51 Tulu Menkicho 0933'/3831' 1941 m (with church), 09/38 [AA Gz]
(also a hill of the same name to the south), south-west of Fiche
tulu me..: metti (O) collective name for all palms;
troop, band, crowd
HDA65 Tulu Metti, 28 km south-west of Yubdo 08/35 [Mi]
tulu m..: michirra (O) 1. flask-like drinking vessel;
2. twisting, wringing
tulu m..: michire, mich'iree (O) 1. maize germ; 2. gland
JCH10 Tulu Michire (Tullu Micire) 0623'/4048' 961 m 06/40 [Gz WO]
tulu milki (O) mountain of omen, foreboding
HDK99 Tulu Milki (Tullu Milchi, Tulumelchi) 09/38 [AA Gz WO n]
0954'/3821' 2505 m (Milki is also a river)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3E Besi
4E Yaya Ambena 2528 m
4E Dewa (with church) 2528 m
5E Feres Zebenya ("Horse Guard") 2452 m
5E Chefe Dadi 2452 m
9E Aftin 2203 m
4SE Kuyu
4SE Kobi
5SE Adadi
3S Idera (area)
5SW Nyoke 2510 m
10SW Enda Medhani Alem (village)
3W Abu Botero 2548 m
4W Sole
6W Chefe 2571 m
9W Daye (Dayu)
3NW Nechiri 2582 m
3NW Kadi (Qadi) 2582 m
4NW Odo 2558 m
4NW Ejersa
4NW Mame
5NW Seke
6NW Kurno
7NW Bonu 2558 m
7NW Haro Dobo
7NW Wele
7NW Towa 2527 m
9NW Bite 2547 m
9NW Golole
9NW Buru 2499 m
9NW Chilelo (Ch'ilelo) 2499 m
9NW Areda Baro (near bridge) 2523 m
9NW Areda Wari 2545 m
5N Deso 2510 m
8N Bedada (Tella Badada) (w church) 2606 m nearby
4NE Yedebersa (Iedebersa)
5NE Deso 2510 m
5NE Aletis
5NE Micha 2329 m
HDJ73 Tulu Mine 0943'/3657' 1755 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
HDL22 Tulu Minik (Tulu Miniq) 09/38 [AA q]
HDL32 Tulu Miniko (T. Miniqo) 0919'/3837' 2505 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
north-west of Sululta
HCG84 Tulu Montandon 0706'/3513'c 07/35 [x]
European-given name in 1913, not used in practice.
HDJ65 Tulu Naboye, see Tulu Neboye
tulu nano: nanno, nannoo (O) 1. round; 2. surroundings
HDL92 Tulu Nano 0955'/3836' 2147 m, north-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
tulu nassi: nasi, nasii (O) 1. copper; 2. kind of rifle
?? Tulu Nassi (in Wellega) ../.. [Mi]
HDJ65 Tulu Neboye (.. Naboye) 0938'/3705' 2474 m, 09/37 [Gz]
north of Shambu
tulu ofa: ofa, ofaa (O) wooden spear; oofaa /to oxen/ stop, slow down
HDL93 Tulu Ofa 0955'/3843' 1916 m, north of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), north of Fiche
HDJ85 Tulu Ree (.. Re'e) 0951'/3706' 2322 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south of and near Alibo
HDJ62 Tulu Rei 0939'/3648' 1525 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
HCT46c Tulu Ripa, in Albaso east of lake Langano 07/39? [x]
GDM40 Tulu Saua, see Sawa

tulu sh..: shatto (O) tall forest tree, Albizia gummifera

HCU74 Tulu Shato (T. Sciato) 0753'/3943' 2465 m, 07/39 [+ WO Gz]
mountain east of Robi
GDM73 Tulu Shava (T. Sciava, Sceva) 0941'/3438' 1454 m 09/34 [+ WO Gz]
GDF41 Tulu Shaw (T. Sciau) 0833'/3432' 1530 m, 08/34 [+ Gz]
GDM82 Tulu Sida (Siddan, Saida) 0950'/3434' 2019 m 09/34 [Gz]
tulu sir..: sirba (O) song, dance, music, dancer;
sirbaa (O) to blink fast /with eyes/
HDG96 Tulu Sirba, see Sirba
tulu su..: surre, surree (O) trousers
HDL47 Tulu Surre (Tullo Surre) 09/39 [+ WO]
tulu to..: tosiny (t'osign) (A) wild thyme, Thymus serrulatus
HEF13 Tulu Tosign kebele (T. T'osegn ..) 10/39 [Ad]
south of Dessie town at the southern border of Dese Zuriya wereda;
area 2,038 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDG64 Tulu Uandi, see Wandi
tulu uto: uut'oo (O) shoot of ensete, sorghum, etc.
HDJ63 Tulu Uto 0938'/3656' 2186 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Shambu
tulu wab..: waba (Som) shrub with dark leaves;
a poison for arrows can be extracted from its roots
HDF32 Tulu Waba (T. Uaba, Ueba) 0828'/3934' 1383 m, 08/39 [+ Gz]
mountain near Awash river
tulu wayu: wayyu, wayyuu (O) 1. be better, be preferable;
2. messenger; 3. expert of beliefs and/or moral
HD... Tulu Wayu 09/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Dengoro sub-district)
tulu we..: welel (wäläl) (A) floor
GDF85 Tulu Welel (T. Walel, T. Wallel, Tullu Ualel, Uollel) 08/34 [Gz x WO Gu]
(Tullu Walal, T. Wayu) 0853'/3450' 2707 m, peak 3273 m
Welel (Walel) is a name of the Red Sea, through which Moses
led the Exodus.
There is also a Tulu Walel in western Wellega,
probably used as an Oromo ritual place.
tulu were..: werebo (wäräbo) (A) kind of small antelope
HDH27 Tulu Werebo 0915'/3622' 1492 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Nekemte, cf Werebo
tulu werk: werk (wärq) (A) gold
HCN87 Tulu Werk (T. Werq, T. Uarc), 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
0802'/3529' 1944 m, mountain south-west of Gore
HDL92 Tulu Yai (Tulu Ya'i) 0955'/3837' 2194 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis)
HDU72 Tulu Yulu kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Were Ilu wereda, immediately south of Were Ilu town;
area 2,692 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL63 Tulub?, see Tulu Bolo
HDH76 Tuluba Ali (mountain) 0944'/3615' 2115 m 09/36 [Gz]
HEF04c Tuluba Bogna kebele 10/39 [Ad]
at the southern part of the eastern border of Dese Zuriya wereda,
opposite Harbu in the next wereda; area 1,060 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDA28 Tulube 0820'/3532' 1494/1551 m 08/35 [WO Gz Ad]
HDD57 Tulubolo, see Tulu Bolo
HDE89 Tulufera Maryam (church) 0854'/3914', 08/39 [Gz]
east of Chefe Donsa
HCT74 Tulugudu, see Tulu Gudo, also Kulo Gudo
JD... Tuluhora, see Tulu Hora
HDD22 Tululame 0820'/3744' 1713 m, 08/37 [Gz]
north-west of Welkite
JEA55 Tulumme (area) 11/40 [WO]
HDT67 Tuluya kebele, cf Tulya 10/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Kelela wereda, 6 km east of Kelala town;
area 1,369 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU03 Tulwo 1245'/3937' 1807 m, south-east of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
HDT77 Tulya 1037'/3907' 1989 m, west of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HCB72 Tum (Tume) (area & place & airport), cf Tume 06/35 [WO Po]
(visiting postman under Jimma),
Serves as airport for Maji.
HDA29c Tum, town in Dizi wereda 08/35 [20]
?? Tumamae (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDL36 Tumano (T'umano) 0922'/3858' 2662 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north of Sendafa
HDL82 Tumano (T'umano) 0947'/3841' 3052 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with bridge), west of Fiche, see under this name
HDL53 Tumanu, see Tamene
GDU30c Tumat, see Tumet
HCC83 Tumbule 0610'/3655' 1531 m 06/36 [Gz]
tu ..: Abo (A) name of a certain saint /also some general meanings/
HEM81 Tumbuyu Abo (church) 1229'/3930', near Korem 12/39 [Gz]
HCB72 Tume, see Tum 06/35 [20]
HDR72c Tumekan 10/36 [Wa]
GDU30c Tumet (Tumat), an affluent of the Abay 10/34? [LM Mi]
tumha: tuma (O) iron arm ring, of which the hereditary head
of a "marriage class" among the Konso used to wear five
-- Tuma, a small Kushitic group of people living at the border
of the Sudan
HEC53 Tumha 1120'/3646' 2140 m, see under Dangila 11/36 [WO Gz]
In early times the name has been written Tankua, Tangha, Temkua,
but Tumha occurs in the 1700s. Jesuits there in the 1620s.
HEC40 Tumha sub-district 11/36 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Wendelay Mikael)
HEE59 Tumi 1121'/3715' 2117 m, south-west of Mekdela 11/37 [Gz]
HDC79 Tumme, T. (hill) 08/37 [WO]
tumsa (O) 1. law; 2. help;
Tumsa, an Oromo male name
HBL77 Tumsa 04/39 [WO]
HCE90c Tumticha, in Bule wereda 06/38 [n]
With a megalithic site containing two steles.

tumtu, tumtuu (O) blacksmith; weaver;

tuntu (A) place where iron is forged;
-- Tumtu, name of a low-ranking caste of hunters and
ironworkers and female potters living among the Oromo
HDK38 Tumtu 0923'/3819' 2520 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Tumtum (river in Wellega) ../.. [Mi]

HDT53c Tungi kebele (T'ungi ..) 10/38 [Ad]

in western Wegdi wereda at its northern border, 7 km north-west
of Mahdere Selam; area 2,467 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFC69 Tunguzzo (area) 14/37 [WO]
JEA23 Tunkule (Tuncule) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HCS.? Tunto, 07/37? [20]
the Tunto zone is at some distance from Durame
tuo: tu'o (Som) squat, get on one's haunches
GCT65 Tuo 07/33 [WO]
HDM71 Tuofit, see Twofit
HEC86 Tuonna Abo, see Twonna Abo
tur (t'ur) (A) punishment
GCU76 Tura (area) 07/34 [WO]
tura-a (O) dirty, filthy
JDK53 Turchile, see Turkeylo
HCS01 Turduna 0716'/3740' 2034 m, 07/37 [Gz]
(mountain), south-west of Hosaina
ture (Som) kind of shrub or small tree, Grewia tembensis;
tuurre (Som) hunchback
HDE09 Ture (church) 08/39 [WO]
JC... Ture 06/43 [18]
ture t..: teso (O) residence, seat; tesso (O) corn cake
?? Ture Teso (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
JDR51 Turful (area) 10/41 [WO]
turi (t'uri) (O) 1. jungle; 2. dirt, filth;
3. menstruation, pollution; 4. (t'uurii) sin, offence
HDD68 Turi (T'uri) 0844'/3815' 2135 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL34 Turi (T'uri) 0923'/3852' 2693 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL66 Turi (T'uri) 0939'/3901' 2593 m, 09/39 [AA Gz]
south-east of Debre Libanos
JCE90c Turi 06/43 [Wa]
-- Turkana language with around year 2000 a number of 25,163 speakers
in Ethiopia west of the Omo river.
HBP04 Turkana (Lago Rodolfo, Lake Rudolf, Basso Narok) 04/36 [x n]
what is Ethiopian name? Turkana is the name used in Kenya.
KCN96 Turkayel, see Tukayel
JDK53 Turkeylo (Turqeylo,Turchile) 09/42 [Gz WO]
0933'/4250' 1913/1938 m
HDE81 Turkogogo, south of Menagesha, 08/38 [x]
grassy plain down to Awash river
HBP36c Turme, same as next one?, 04/36 [20]
on the road to the south-west about 80 km from Arbore.
-- Turmi, an ethnic group, see under Hamer
HBP58 Turmi 0458'/3629' 925 m, 05/36 [Gz Br]
main town of the Hamer, with Monday market.
HCA16 Turmu (Gebel Turmu) (mountain) 05/35 [WO Gz]
0537'/3521' 1139, 1655 m
GDF54 Turno 0841'/3445' 2020 m, 08/34 [Gz]
north-west of Dembidolo
turo, turoo (O) 1. column for supporting a building;
2. bottom of a granary; 3. (Harar) kind of small to medium
tree, Rapanea simensis; tuuro (Som) pile up, be gathered
HB... Turo, ../.. [20]
one of five sub-regions of the Konso region.
HDK66 Turo 0940'/3804' 1685 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HBU73 Turor (Turon) 0505'/3920' 1014 m 05/39 [Gz Wa]
HDM92 Turor 09/39 [WO]
HDL20 Turose (T'urose) 0919'/3826' 2843 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCL00 Turr 0627'/4330' 387 m 06/43 [WO Wa Gz]
turret (English) small tower; tureta (t'uräta) (A) retirement,
taking care of old parents
HDF40 Turret, 1485 m 08/39 [WO]
JBS76 Turtur 05/43 [WO]
JDB89 Turturagutta (Turturragutta) 0852'/4133' 1794 m 08/41 [Gz Wa]
turu ..: t'iru (A) good; turuu (O) stay in a place;
jiru, jiruu (O) business, work; dwell, live
HEF00 Turu Jiru 1051'/3924' 3022 m, south-west of Dessie 10/39 [Gz]
JDK35 Turubdeysi 0924'/4259' 1779 m, east of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
turufe k..: kecheme (q'ächämä) (A) be full of lice
?? Turufe Kecheme, village in South Shewa ../.. [n]
HCB15c Turugamer, a small part of the Baka ethnic group, 05/36 [x]
with their own settlement area.
GDE24 Turulei 08/33 [WO]
HDB46 Tururtu (church) 08/36 [WO]
HDP67 Tururtu 0835'/3619' 1858 m 08/36 [Gz]
JDJ20 Tusho 0914'/4136' 1978 m, 09/41 [Gz]
midway between Deder and Grawa
tussi: tusii (O) small bush; tussee (O) kind of ant
HDG26c Tussi (Gara Toussi) circa 0915'/3520', 09/35 [+ x]
on map of 1901
tut (t'ut) (A) female breast, nipple, teat; (T) cotton;
tutt, tult (A) kind of plant, Rumex steudeli
tuta, tuuta (O) assembly, gathering of people
HCD18 Tuta (area), see under Agere Maryam 05/38 [WO]
HDJ71 Tuta 0946'/3646' 1493 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDE36 Tute (lake) 0826'/3858', north of Awash river 08/38 [Gz]
HDF80 Tute 08/39 [WO]
HDL70 Tute (T'ut'e) 0942'/3830' 2519 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
?? Tute Bisil, see Oda Bisil
HDE78c Tute kebele (T'ut'é ..) 08/39 [Ad]
at the border in western Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
7 km west of Balchi; area 1,706 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK88 Tuti 0948'/3818' 2553 m, south-west of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCH01 Tuti 06/40 [WO]
HCD97c Tutiti (Tutitti, Tootitti, Totiti, Chelba Tutiti), 06/38 [20 x n]
about 30 km past Dilla
Situated on a hill 2.3 km from the village of Chalba (Chelba). There are some very large, tapering,
generally uncarved standing stones, marking graves.
In the late 1900s the site was reported to contain about 700 steles.

tuto (O) kind of tree, Citrus aurantifolia;

tutoo (O) bunch /of tall grass growing together/;
tutto (O) 1. /small/ hill; 2. (t'uutt'oo) feeding bottle;
tutu (t'ut'u) (A) kind of climber in bushes,
Canarina abyssinica, with bright orange flowers
t'uutt'oo (O) feeding bottle
HBL09 Tuto 0339'/3917' 1109/1203 m, 03/39 [WO Gz]
mountain north-east of Moyale
HCK08c Tutofela, see Tutu Fella
HD... Tuttie 09/39? [18]
HCK08c Tutu Fella (Tuttufalla, Tutu Fella, Tuto Falla) 06/38 [20 x]
(Tutofela, Tutto Fela = hill Fela) (field with monoliths), south of Awasa,
about 25 km from Tutiti and near Wenago village, 13 km from Dilla.
A German ethnographic expedition counted about one hundred monoliths there in 1934, all with
ornaments and most of them with faces.
tuuru: turu, turuu (O) 1. stay, remain in a place;
2. be delayed, be late
HDF75 Tuuru (area), cf Turu 08/39 [WO]
HCG08 Tuy sub-district (Tui ..) c.1495 m 06/35 [LM Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Otilcho)
HBS57c Tuyura 05/38 [LM]
-- Twa Kwama language (T'wa K.), see Kwama
HEH45 Twaba (Tuaba) 12/36 [+ WO]
-- Twampa language, see Uduk
twat (t'wat) (A) morning
GDM92 Twat (G.Touat) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
GCS59 Twerachata (Tueraciata) (area) 07/33 [+ WO]
HDM71 Twofit (Tuofit) 09/39 [+ WO]
twonna abo: abo see under abbo as first part of name;
Abo may also be used as the name of a particular saint
HEC86 Twonna Abo (Tuonna Abo) 11/37 [+ WO]
-- Twoyu language, see Dizi
HCA77 Tyaki (Tiachi) 06/35 [+ WO]
HCA78 Tyaki (Tiachi) (mountain), see under Maji 06/35 [WO]
Tzada .., see generally Tsada ..
HFE68 Tzada, see May Tsaida
HFK17 Tzada Beit 1435'/3813' 1564 m 14/38 [Gz]
HFD93 Tzada Emmi, see Tsada Emmi
tzada m..: midir (A), midiri (T) land, earth, country
HFK06 Tzada Medri (Tsada Midri) 1426'/3804' 1509 m 14/38 [Gz LM WO Gu]
Coordinates would give map code HFD96
HFE81 Tzada Uallaca (T. Uollaca), see Adi Haye
HET26 Tzamera, see Tsamera
HFD39 Tzana, see Zana
HED73 Tzana Ghi, see Sana
HEJ76 Tzangala 1228'/3709' 1860 m, south-east of Chilga 12/37 [Gz]
H.... Tzeberga, see Tseberga
HFE48 Tzedia, see Tsediya
HER76 Tzeghede, see Tsegede
HFC53 Tzeghede (Tzeghede Amba, Tsegede) (mountain) 14/36 [Gz WO]
1404'/3652' 873/916 m
HFE29 Tzeghereda, see Tsigereda
?? Tzeldo (in Segede/Sägädé) ../.. [18]
The Tzeldo market had some trade in gold in the 1800s.
HED92 Tzeletbei, see Tseletbey
HFD19 Tzellemti (Tzellemt), see Tsellemti
HFD38 Tzembelta (Tzembella, Tsembela) (mountain) 13/38 [Gz WO Gu 18]
1351'/3815' 1298 m, cf Tsimbila
HFF22 Tzera, see Tsera
?? Tzerona (with postal agent/sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HFE26 Tzetzera, see Tsetsera
HFE37 Tzetzin Calat, see Ketsin Kalat
HFE18 Tzili (Asa) 1343'/3914' 2488, 2753 m, 13/39 [Gu Gz]
(mountain), north-east of Abiy Adi
HET54 Tznaco, see Tsnako
HEK48 Tzunghi Mariam, see Tsungi Maryam
Ua.., see generally Wa.., also We..
G.... Ua, river in Wellega (= Wuha, Wiha?) 08/35? [Mi]
HER27 Uaa, see Waliya
Populated place with an all-vowel name.
KCN93 Uab Arorih (Uab Aroth) 0809'/4506' 808 m 08/45 [Gz]
JCM32 Uab, see Wab
GDF32 Uaba, see Waba
HDF32 Uaba, Tulu, see Tulu Waba
JDF33 Uaba Ada (Uaba Ado), see Waba Ada
HEJ64 Uaba Lamba, see Waba Lamba
HDA74 Uabara, see Wabara
JCG09 Uabara, see Webera
JCH01 Uabara, see Wabera
HDA93 Uabera, see Wabera
JDE85 Uabguro, see Wabguro & JDK09
HDE70 Uabi, see Wabi
HDA67 Uabiecu (Uabiscu), see Wabisku
HCG74 Uaca (Uaccia), see Wacha
HCH91 Uaca (Uaccia), see Wacha
HCG74 Uaca, see Waka & HCJ37 HCJ88
HCT10 Uacabuti, see Wakabuti
JEA79 Uacai, see Wakay
HCG74 Uaccia (Uaca), see Wacha
HCH91 Uaccia, see Wacha
JDA63 Uacciale, see Wachale
JDH02 Uaccio, see Wacho
HDE11 Uacciu (Uaccio), see Wachu
HDE21 Uacciu, see Wachu
HDE33 Uacciu, see Molicha Gebaba
HDE42c Uacciu, see Wachu
JDB58 Uacciu, see Wachiyu
HDB06 Uace, see Wache
HDE39 Uache, see Wake
JCP76 Uaciale, see Wachale
HBT07 Uacille, see Wachile
HDT.. Uacit, see Wachit
HEJ91 Uacne, see Wehni
JBS18 Uacsen (Uacscen), see Waksen
JCT83 Uada Laieh 0803'/4346' 985 m 08/43 [Gz]
HEK53 Uadagi (mountain), see Wadaji
HCF30 Uadara (Uaddara), see Wadera
HCF11 Uaddara, see Wadera
JCU61 Uadel (Uadhel), see Wadel
HEM51 Uadelasc, see Wadelash
JCS19 Uadeleb, see Wadeleb
JDC98 Uadendeo, see Wadendewo
HEH42 Uaderaba, see Waderarba
GDF30 Uadessa, see Wadessa & HDH89
JCU61 Uadhel, see Wadel
HEH89 Uadi Mena, see Wadi Mena
HEJ70 Uadi Nefan (U. Nefen), see Wadi Nefan
HDT10 Uadia, see Wadiya
JCU61 Uadihelo, see Wadel
HEE94 Uadla (Uadl), see Wadla
JEG26 Uaeddo, see Waeddo
JER02 Uaeita (mountains), see Wayeyta
JCM17 Uafdug, see Wafdug
HEM40 Uaffa (Uaffat), see Waffa
HEM53 Uaga, see Waga
HCT78 Uaggi, see Wajji & HDH76 JDK14 JDK24
HDM95 Uaggia, see Wajja
HEJ77 Uagh, see Wag
HCT16 Uagi (area), see Waji
HDD84 Uagira, see Wajira & JDJ21 JDJ32
HDE80 Uagitu, see Wajitu
HED17 Uagizazir, see Uajzazir
HEF53 Uaha Helo, see Wiha Helo
HEE89 Uahani 1135'/3915' 2495 m, cf Wehni 11/39 [WO Gz]
?? Uaheno, see Waheno
HEK06 Uaher, see Hiruy, under Debre Tabor
HEJ91 Uahni (Uahnie), see Wehni
JEA53 Uaia, see Waya
JDH49 Uaiber, see Wayber
HDA46 Uaica, see Uche
GCU36 Uaicos, see Waykos
HDA47 Uaili, see Wayli
HEK52 Uainabar, see Weynaber
HEJ91 Uaini, see Wehni
HEJ92 Uainia (mountain) 1236'/3647' 1161 m, 12/36 [Gz]
west of Chilga
HDM73 Uaio Agher, see Wayo Ager
HCT64c Uaiu, see Wayu & HDA76 HDC35 HDJ80 HDM80
HDL54 Uaiu, see Wayu at HDL64 09/38 [WO]
HDL73 Uaiu, see Waju
HDL79 Uaiu, see Wayu Gamanya
JDB.. Uaju, see Wayu
HED17 Uajzazir (Uagizazir) (mountain) 11/38 [Gz]
1101'/3812' 1857 m
HDJ02 Uakorma 0905'/3648' 2029 m, east of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
HEL32 Uakscimosc, see Wakshimosh
JEG39 Ual Ais (mountain), see Wal Ays
HER15 Ual Auge 1250'/3705' 1367 m 12/37 [Gz]
HET36 Ual Casciua (amba), see Wal Kashwa
KCG86 Ual Ual, see Welwel
HED44 Ualache (Ualake), see Walake
HEP26 Ualad Nai 1254'/3615' 720 m, 12/36 [Gz]
south-east of Metemma
JBJ75 Ualaddaie, see Weldeya
HBT48 Ualadogia, see Watagodiya
HDP41 Ualadura (mountain), see Huladura
HES00 Ualag (Ualac), see Walag
-- Ualamo language, see Welayita
HDF51 Ualanchiti (Ualankit), see Welenchiti
HDL67 Ualanso, see Welenso
HEM02 Ualdia, see Weldiya
HCK52 Ualeita (mountain), see Welamo, cf Welayita awraja
GDF74 Ualel (mountain), see Welel
HBU01 Ualena, see Walena & JCN89
JDK40 Ualenso, see Welensu
JBH86 Ualenzu (seasonal well) 04/41 [MS WO]
HEJ84 Uali Daba (Uali Deva), see Wali Daba, under Chilga
HED50 Ualia, see Waliya & HER27
JDJ59 Ualinsi (mountain) 0932'/4225' 2006 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDD45 Ualiso, see Weliso
HET17 Ualla (Ualla, Amba), see Amba Walla
HCP28 Ualla Chella (Ualla), see Walla Kella
HDB50 Uallaga (place), see Welega
HCD14 Ualleia, see Sekama
GDF74 Uallel, see Welel
JEB67 Uallelssi, see Wallelsi
GCT76 Ualo, see Walo & JDC13
HEL43 Ualta Hado, see Walta Hado
HDG44 Ualteggi (Ualtegghi), see Kombolshi
HDR53 Uambarma, see Wanbarma, cf Wemberima
HDP70 Uambera, see Debre Zeyit
HDR37 Uamet, see Wamit
HBU84 Uamuri, see Wamuri
HDR86 Uan, see Wan, under Bure
HCK08 Uanago, see Wenago
GDE24 Uancai (Uanchei), see Wankai
HEK02 Uanche (Uanchet, Uanchit), see Wanzaye
HDD74 Uanci, see Wenchi
HDT15 Uancit, see Wanchit
HDG64 Uandi (Tulu U.), see Wandi
HBR43 Uando (Uorra Uando), see Wendo
GDM44 Uangia, see Wanja
HDC70 Uangiala, see Wanjala
HDG18 Uangio, see Obora Kileyi
HD... Uanto, see Wanto
HED52 Uanzagai, see Wenzagay
uar (Som) well
JBG84 Uar Arguio, see War Argiyo
JCD23 Uar Hinlei, see War Hinlei
JBG54 Uar Sapelli (U.Savelli), see War Sapelli
JBG66 Uar Ual, see War Wal
JDE50 Uar Ucli, see War Ukli
uara c..: kombo (western O), Setaria acuta,
Setaria plicatilis
JCN07 Uara Combo, see Delo
KCN19 Uaraao, see Waraaw
JDD86 Uarabileh, see Urabileh
JDJ40 Uarabilli (Uarabili) 0926'/4136' 2156 m, 09/42 [Gz Gu]
south-west of Dire Dawa
HDD46 Uarabo (mountain), see Warabo
JDJ78c Uarabu, see Warabu
HER78 Uaragir, see Warajir
HDF06c Uaragu, see Waragu
KCN19 Uarahas, see Waraaw
JDK43 Uaralei, see Waraley
JDP79 Uaramelli (Uramelli) 1036'/4130' 583 m 10/41 [Gz]
JCL87 Uarandab, see Warandab
JEA58 Uaranzo, see Weranso
KCN19 Uarao, see Waraaw
HCC24 Uarase, see Warase
HBT14 Uaraua, see Warawa
HCN87 Uarc, Tulu, see Tulu Werk
HEK63 Uarc Amba, see Werk Amba
JDJ05 Uarca, see Warka
HEH45 Uarcagghi, see Warkaggi
HDB70 Uarche, see Warke
HDR95 Uarchi, see Warki, under Bure
GCT68 Uarcialla, see Pechalla
HCD14 Uardai, see Wardai
KCG76 Uarder (Uardere), see Werder
KCG76 Uardere, see Werder
JCF23 Uardere, Bur, see Bur Wadere
JCC90 Uare, see Ware
JDL04 Uare (Uarroh), see Ware
HEU35 Uare Uaio, see Ware Wayo
HDD99 Uareb, see Wareb
HEC79 Uarer Micael, see Werer Mikael
JDB69 Uareris (Uarreris), see Golo Oda
JCC42 Uaresa, see Waresa
HDF31 Uarghi (Uargi), see Werji
HDS82 Uari (mountain), see Wari
JDA86 Uarica, see Warika
HFE16 Uarieu (pass), see Waryew, near Abiy Adi
HEE36 Uaro, see Waro
J.... Uarof (Uaroff), see Warof
HCR07 Uarrabo, see Werabo
HCJ75 Uarrai (mountains), see Warrai
HEF43 Uarre Calu, see Warre Kalu
JDB69 Uarreris, see Golo Oda
JDC60 Uarreris, see Warreris
JEB49 Uarrie, see Warriye
JDD86 Uarroh, see Durwale
JDD45 Uarsuch, see Warsuk
JCT94 Uartih Mirreh (Uarti M., Uort Mirre) 08/43 [Gz WO]
0806'/4350' 1102 m
JCC04 Uaruoro, see Waruoro
HES44 Uasange (mountain), see Wasangii
HDJ62 Uasceta, see Washeta
HDM82 Uascia, see Washa
HCA58 Uascia Hoha, see Washa Wiha
HCH89c Uascia Micael, see Washa Mikael
HEK91 Uascit, see Washit
HDM25 Uasil (Uasilli) (mountain), see Wasil
?? Uassera, see Wassera
HEU55 Uassi (mountains), see Wassi
HCH81c Uata, see Wata & HDH37 JDN96 JEA06
HDE80 Uata Daleccia, see Wata Dalecha
HDE70 Uatadaleccia, see Wata Dalecha
HBT48 Uatagodia, see Watagodiya
HCS13 Uatara, see Watera
HCS24 Uatara, see Watara
HDK30 Uatio, see Goda Watiyo
HDK40 Uatio, see Watyo
JCH33 Uatitti, see Watitti
HDG44 Uattegghi, see Kombolshi
HCD44 Uatzo, see Watzo
GDE32 Uau (Uo) 0827'/3340' 353 m, at border of Sudan 08/33 [Gz]
HCT63 Uayu, see Wayu
HET78 Uaza (plateau) 1321'/3912', south-west of Mekele 13/39 [WO Gz]
HCD30c Uazaca, see Wazaka
uba: uuba (O) weed, unwanted plants; uba (O) knowledge
of someone's whereabouts, etc.
-- Uba language, see Welayita
HCC83 Uba 0609'/3653' 1559 m, east of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
HCC94 Uba 0618'/3700' 1605 m, north-east of Bulki 06/37 [Gz]
?? Uba Debre Tsehay wereda (Ouba ..) ../.. [20]
-- uba z..: Zala, a sub-division of the Ometo (West Sidama)
HCC45 Uba Zala (ensete culture area) 05/37 [x]
?? Ubamale wereda (-1997-), ../.. [n]
see also Zala & Ubamale wereda
-- Ubamer, a tribe of the Ari-Banna group
HCB68 Ubamer (Oubamer) (area & place) 0603'/3630', 06/36 [WO x]
(with ensete culture), cf Wib Hamer
Ketema = administrative town, with a church.
HCB68c Ubamer wereda, in Bulki awraja 06/36 [x]
GCT53 Ubanghi, see Obangi
HCS67 Ubarag, see Urbarag
GDU51 Ubariu (hill) 1290 m 10/34 [WO]
KCG64 Ubatate (Ubatale, Ubetale) (waterhole) 06/45 [Gz WO Gu]
0654'/4508' 622 m, west of Warder
Coordinates would give map code KCG63
HBK38 Ubbagomi (area) 03/38 [WO]
ube: uba, ubaa (O) 1. weed; 2. straw; 3. dirt
GDU73 Ube (Umbi, Eube) (mountain) 10/34 [WO Gz]
1038'/3440' 1113 m
KCG64 Ubetale, see Ubatate
JDB85 Ubicha (Ubiccia, Halicho) (stream) 0858'/4113', 08/41 [Mi WO Gz]
an affluent of the Gergertu (Jerjertu) in the Chercher area.
JEC00c Ubnu (Oobnoo) (mountain range recorded in 1841) 10/41 [+ Ha]
GCT47 Ubua, see Ubwa
GCU92 Ubud 08/34 [WO]
GCT47 Ubwa (Ubua) 07/34 [+ WO]
GCU31 Ucari, see Ukoy
HDA46 Ucce, see Uche
HEL97c Uccher, see Ucker (or Wikro?)
HDE56 Ucchie, see Uckye
HET68 Ucci Fece, see Wechi Feche
HDL53 Uccialle, see Wichale
HDL54 Uccialle, see Inchini
HEF72 Uccialli (Uchialli, Uchale), see Wichale
HDT17 Ucciolimieda, see Inchimeny
JDC86 Ucciurru, see Uchurru
HDH95 Ucha 0952'/3613' 2140 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDH95 Ucha 0953'/3611' 2070 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDA46 Uche (Ucce) 1523 m 08/35 [+ WO]
HEL96 Ucher, see Uker
HEF72 Uchialli, see Wichale
HES13 Uchiraber (Uciraver) 12/37 [+ WO]
ucholi m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDT17 Ucholi Meda (Ucciolimieda) 2163 m 10/39 [+ WO]
HCD52c Uchule, at lake Chamo on its eastern side 05/37 [x]
JDC86 Uchurru (Ucciurru) 1569 m 08/42 [+ WO]
HES13 Uciraver, see Uchiraber
HEL97c Ucker (Uccher) (monolithic church), 12/39 [+ Gu]
see under Sekota
JDA64 Ucku (Uccu) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDE56 Uckye (M.Ucchie) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
GCU31 Ucoi, see Ukoy
GCU50 Ucura, see Komaton
udada, udaada (O) labour exacted by a feudal authority
HD... Udadish, in Decha awraja 09/37 [n]
-- One of a few villages where there live Nayi (Nao) people.
HBK29 Udado Gurrefto (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDL05 Udama (mountain) 0908'/3853' 2797 m, 09/38 [Gz]
north-east of Addis Abeba
?? Udan (on map of 1814) 09/42 [18]
at a northern route from Berbera to Harar
JBN47c Uddecha, north of Dawa Parma river 04/40 [Wa]
JDH86 Uddeli (area) 09/41 [WO]
uddelu, uddeeluu (O) overload of pack animal
HEC24 Uddita 1107'/3702', south of Dangila 11/37 [WO Gz]
JEB94 Uddadaito (Udduddaito, Uddudaito), 11/41 [Ne Gz]
1126'/4105' 697 m, at the left bank of Awash river
JBN37 Uddeicha (Uddeicia) 0451'/4030' 944 m 04/40 [+ Gz]
HCP30 Uddita, see Gucha
HEC24 Uddita 1107'/3702' 2254 m 11/37 [Gz]
JEB94 Uddudaito, see Uddadaito
uddudu: ududde, ududdee (O) pigeon-like bird
JEJ02 Uddudu (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEC71 Uddun (area) 11/41 [WO]
?? Udet, in Borana 04/39? [20]
GCT64 Udia 0750'/3350' 303 m 07/33 [WO Gz]
HEF95 Udidiu (area) 11/39 [WO]
GCM61 Udiec, see Udiyek
HCD56 Udikussa (Udicussa) (mountain) 05/38 [+ WO Gz]
0557'/3809' 1753 m, coordinates would give map code HCD57
HDH10c Udiuka (Fre: Toulou Oudiouka), 09/35 [x]
mountain just north of Aroji, on French map of 1901
GCM61 Udiyec (Udiec) 0657'/3425' 465 m, 06/24 [+ WO Gz]
on the border of Sudan
udo (Sidamo O) kind of erect shrub, Premna schimperi,
Verbena officinalis
JBR50 Udo (area) 05/41 [WO]
udo a..: addere (addärä) (A) to pass the night, etc.;
-- Adere, name of an ethnic group
HDT00 Udo Adere 1001'/3828' 1847 m 10/38 [Gz]
GDE21 Udol 08/33 [WO]
GCT49 Uduela 0738'/3417' 391 m 07/34 [Gz]
-- Uduk, ethnic group numbering about 20,000 inside Ethiopia,
at a large refugee camp at Bonga near Gambela town.
-- Uduk language, alternate names Twampa, Kwanim Pa, Burun, Kebeirka,
Othan, Korara, Kumus.
HEK12 Uduo Media 11/37 [WO]
Ue.., see We..
JEB62 Ue Aitu, see We Aytu
JDR92 Ue Immede, see We Immede
HBL92 Ued, see Web & JBP44
HDF32 Ueba, see Tulu Waba
HDC27 Ueca, see Weka
HDB06 Uece (mountain), see Wache
HET68 Ueci Fece, see Wechi Feche
HEU03c Uedaggiu, see Wedaju
GCM95 Uegna, see Wenya
HEK53 Uehni, see Wehni
HET.. Ueical Chidane Meret, see Weykal Kidane Mihret
HES.. Ueila, see Weyla
JFA69 Ueima, see Weima
JBS54 Ueit Cal, see Weit Kal
HDF51 Uelenciti, see Welenchiti
JCF90 Uelgarti, see Wergarti
JDK55 Uelgo, see Welgo
JDP68 Uema, see Wema
HEM41 Uendasci, see Wendashi
HEJ05 Uendige (Uendighe, Uendighie), see Wendige
HEK54 Uenfit (mountain), see Wenfit
HDR79 Uenghie, see Wenge
HDP15 Ueni (mountain), see Weni
HDM25 Uenni, see Wenni
HDC83 Uera (mountain), see Wera
HEK63 Uerab, see Werab
HER27 Uerc Lebo, see Werk Lebo
HFE47c Uere Ruba, see Were Ruba
JCF90 Uergarti, see Wergarti
JFB24 Uerta (mountain), see Werta
HCA48 Uesca Ueca, see Weska Weka
HDL78 Uessarbi, see Wesarbi
JBS63 Uetca, see Wetka
HBK39 Ueto (mountain), see Weto
-- Ufa, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HCP26 Ufa 07/36 [MS]
?? Ufat (historical from the 1500s) ../.. [x]
uffa, uffaa (O) belly, lower abdomen;
uffo (O) kind of shrub or tree, Grewia mollis
HDL44 Ufkera (Ufk'era, Ufqera) 0929'/3849' 2574 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
midway between Addis Abeba and Fiche
ufta: ufata (O) fabric, cloth; ufta (T) whiff, puff; sigh
HCJ81 Ufta (mountain), cf Otta 07/36 [WO]
ugas nur: ugaas (Som) chief /generally with little power/,
king, sultan; Ugaz (wigaz) (A) Issa Somali tribal leader;
nuur (Som) light; nur (Som) rainy season
Nur, Nuur, a Muslim male name
JCL54 Ugas Nur (area) 06/43 [WO]
GCT82 Ugat 0758'/3336' 335 m 07/33 [WO Gz]
HCD94 Ugayo (Ogagio, Ogajo, Ogaju) (island), 06/37 [Gz WO]
shore 1168/1285 m
Gz coordinates correspond to a point HCD82
which is on the mainland according to WO map
GCT16 Uget (Ughet) 07/34 [+ WO]
HDC05 Uggiada, see Ujada
JCA29 Uggo 0537'/4036' 761 m 05/40 [WO Gz]
HET66 Ugher Mariam, see Maryam Beleb
GCT16 Ughet, see Uget
HES65 Ugif (Ughif) 1317'/3800' 1929 m, 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
north-west of Deresge
JDH56 Ugiuffa, see Ujuffa
HBF91 Uglun (locality) 0335'/3929' 03/39
uglun si..: sirri (O) straight
HBF91 Uglun Sirre (area), some 10 km from Kenya border 03/39 [WO]
JEG39c Ugogo (Fre: Ougogo) circa 1205'/4035', 12/40 [x]
mountain in the Afar lowlands, c. 1205'/4035', on map of 1901
HFC87 Ugogoti (area) 14/37 [WO]
HFF22 Ugoro, see Wikro
HBU64 Ugoru 0509'/3940' 1555 m, south-east of Negele 05/39 [Wa Gz]
HEE77 Ugualtiena, see Wegel Tena
GCT88 Ugudi 0758'/3413' 469 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
JDN68c Ui-hi, see Wihi
GCM76 Uica, see Wika
HDA46 Uiccia, see Uche
JBP00 Uila, see Wila
HDU52 Uin, see Gedoye
GCT53 Uinam (Oiela) 0744'/3346' 302 m, 07/33 [Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HDS75 Uirrata (mountain), see Urrata
HDE89 Uizero Ascale, see Weyzero Askale
HDC05 Ujada (Uggiada) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
-- Ujang (ethnic group), see Majangir
HBT73c Ujima, valley in Sidamo, with pink granite 05/38 [Mi]
JDH56 Ujuffa (Ugiuffa) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
uka (O) following after; ukaa (O) 1. part of dress, same as uko;
2. persistent cough
HDA06 Uka 0810'/3523' 1755 m, west of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HEL96 Uker (Ucher) see under Sekota 12/39 [+ Gu]
uko, ukoo (O) part of dress below the armpit, used
for carrying things; ukko, ukkoo (O) kind of mushroom
GCU31 Ukoy (Ucoi) 429 m 07/34 [+ WO]
HBP.. Ukuule, in the lower Omo valley 05/36 [n]
a group of Koegu from Dus moved in December 1989 from Galgida to Ukuule.
HDL36 Ukuyu 0924'/3901' 2643 m, north of Sendafa, 09/39 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
GCM34 Ukwaa 06/34 [MS]
ul (Som) stick, staff, cane, piece of wood
JDE22 Ul Kujjir (Ul Cuggir) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
ula (O) 1. border, boundary; 2. entrance,
opening /in a wall/; ulaa (O) opening, gate;
ula (A) drainage hole in wall, mountain pass etc.
HDE83 Ula 0855'/3843' 2277 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Silase), between Sebeta and Akaki
HDM31 Ula, cf Hula, Lai Ula, Tach Ula 09/39 [WO]
ula aw..: awaare (Som) dust
HDK38 Ula Awara (Ula Aware) 0924'/3817' 2673 m 09/38 [Gz AA]
ula moroma, collar opening? morma (O) neck, collar
HDL40 Ula Moroma 0929'/3828' 2463 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
ula uda: udda (O) place
HDK15 Ula Uda 0913'/3801' 2846 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCE08c Ula Ulo, 05/39 [Mi]
mountain about 40 km south-southwest of Kibre Mengist
ula wa..: ware (O) 1. fame, news; 2. first milking of
cows in the morning; waaree (O) midday, afternoon:
waree (Som) collect water in a reservoir
HDL10 Ula Ware 0909'/3828' 2670 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Addis Alem
JDJ44 Uladegaa (Uladega'a) 0925'/4159' 2018 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-east of Dire Dawa
HDH87 Uladesha 0948'/3624' 1922 m 09/36 [Gz]
ulaga (A), ulagaa (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Ehretia cymosa var. silvatica, has edible fruit
HCM04 Ulaga (area) 06/39 [WO]
JDA87 Ulaga, see under Gelemso 08/40 [WO]
JDC96 Ulaga 08/42 [WO]
HD... Ulaganti (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HDH78 Ulaguba 0946'/3625' 1971 m (with church Silase) 09/36 [Gz]
HBK14 Ulan (area) 03/37 [WO]
KBN82 Ulassan (with waterhole) 0520'/4503' 294 m 05/45 [WO Gz]
HEF74 Ulaula kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Were Babo wereda, 16 km north-east of lake Hayk;
area 3,194 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC23 Ulawata 0822'/3652' 1694 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCS76 Ulbarag, see Wulbareg
-- Ulbaraj, a dialect of Gurage language
HES64 Ulcheffit, see Wilkifit
ule, ulee (O) walking-stick; stick used for threshing;
uulee (Som) howl, wail, ululate
HDK27 Ule 0918'/3813' 2472 m, north-west of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDD59 Ule, U. (Uar Ule?) (area) 1429 m 08/43 [WO]
ule waka: Waka (O) God of the Oromo, sky-god
as well as the sky itself
HC... Ule Waka, 07/36? [n]
on the trade route between Kefa/Kaffa and Hirmata in Jimma.
?? Ulfula 10/42? [x]
ulla chama: chama (O) clear rainless weather, sun rays
JBP00 Ulla Chama (area) 04/40 [WO]
?? Ulla Garre, see Kutai
HCU51 Ullai (area), see under Ticho 07/39 [WO]
ulle, ule (O) walking-stick
HCR46 Ulle (Ule, Hulle, Ullo) 0739'/3712' 1860 m, 07/37 [WO Gu Wa Gz]
east of Jimma
HDK67 Ullicho (Ulliccio) (place and area) 09/38 [+ WO]
JDJ51 Ullul, see Hulul
ulmaya (O) four days of retreat in isolation
after a sacrifice within the gada system
?? Ulmaya (Ulmaia) ../.. [n Gu]
(valley with small bridge in the 1930s),
includes the market of Soddo.
HCF75c Uluca, see Huluku
GDU11 Uluk, with mining works in the Asosa area 10/34 [Mi]
JCH61 Uluka (Uluca) (cave), see under Megalo, 06/40 [+ WO]
cf JCG58 Sof Omar
JDA66 Uluko (Uluco) (mountain), see Lucho
uluku t..: tabo (Som) miss, feel the lack of;
taabo (Som) contact; concern
HDF61 Uluku Tabo (Uluco Tabo) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
ulule, ulullee (O) reed flute
HCU26 Ulule 0725'/3955' 2174 m 07/39 [Gz]
GCM62 Ulut (Garner) 0657'/3430'c, 06/34 [WO x]
small lake near the border of Sudan
JDR81 Uluulli 1044'/4143' 612 m 10/41 [Gz]
JEC71 Ulwulli /Fialno?/ (recorded in 1841), cf Uluulli 10/41 [Ha]
Um .., see Umm ..
Umar .., cf Omar ..
Umar, a Muslim male name, from an early leader in 634-644;
kalle, kallee (O) dried skin used for sitting or sleeping
JCG58 Umar, see Sof Omar
JDJ.. Umar Kalle (Umar Calle) (village), 09/42? [+ Gu]
Oromo village, partly in masonry and partly enclosed.
JDJ15 Umarcul, see Umer Kule, under Amuma 09/42 [WO Gz]
JEJ61 Umbaba (mountains) 1222'/4141' 725, 1230 m 12/41 [WO Gz]
HDM53 Umbaccio, see Imbwacho
HDG32 Umballo (area) 09/35 [WO]
HCH31 Umbeiro (Uumbeiro, Vumbaro) 0639'/3551' 1378 m 06/35 [WO Gz]
HDP70 Umbera, see Debre Zeyit
HFF43 Umberbere, see Irda Meskel
HDR79 Umberet (area), see under Dembecha 10/37 [WO]
umbi, uumbii (O) elephant trunk
GDF44 Umbi, see under Dembidolo 08/34 [WO]
GDU73 Umbi, see Ube
HDG69 Umbi 09/35 [WO]
HDL23 Umbicha (Umbiccia), see under Sululta 09/38 [+ WO]
HEB45 Umbichina (Umbicina) 11/36 [+ WO]
HCK42 Umbo (mountain & place), see Humbo
HEC35 Umbri 11/37 [WO]
HDR96 Umbri M. (church) 10/37 [WO]
HDJ35 Umbulo 0916'/3703' 2134 m, near Hareto 09/37 [Gz]
JDB71 Umecho (Omaccio) 0844'/4058' 1446 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south-east of Bedesa, coordinates would give map code JDB62
Umer .., see also Omar .., cf Umar ..
Umer, a male Muslim name
JCG58 Umer, see Sof Omar
JDJ15 Umer Kule (Umarcul) 0910'/4204' 1778 m, 09/42 [Gz]
south of Harar, see under Amuma;
an ethnic group Tsamay
umer r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
JDJ45 Umer Roba 0928'/4207' 2146 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HCS00c Umeta, in south-western Kembata, 07/37 [20]
a little east of Omo river
GCT44 Umiel (Omial) 0740'/3348' 305 m, 07/33 [WO Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HDD81 Umkosho 08/37 [WO]

umm id..: idlaw (Som) bring to completion

HEG26 Umm Idla (Jebel Umm'Idla) (hill) 1157'/3517', 11/35 [WO Gz]
see mainly Omedla
HEH33 Umm Zenegia (Jebel U.Z., Umm Zeneghir), 12/35 [WO Gz]
(mountain) 1206'/3559' 1160 m
HEG29 Umm Zenegir (U. Zeneghir) (mountain), 11/35 [WO Gz]
1158'/3535' 617 m, at about 35 km from the Sudan border
HEH52 Umm Zenidi (Jebel U.Z.) (mountain), 12/35 [WO Gz]
1215'/3557' 928 m, coordinates would give map code HEH53
umma go..: goma (A) hornless /animal/
JEB58 Umma Goma 1124'/4128' 522 m, south of Asaita 11/41 [WO Gz]
HDD13 Ummuga 0816'/3746' 1814 m, see under Welkite 08/37 [WO Gz]
JEN99 Ummuna 1331'/4038' 690/800 m, 13/40 [WO Ne]
(active volcano), see also Amaytoli
At the south end of the Ertale (Erta-ale) chain of volcanoes Ummuna shows a dome-shaped profile
with a small lava-filled crater at the top.
umnna (O) power, strength
HDC33 Umo (mountain), see Badda Ummo, under Koma
HBK70 Umori 0418'/3733' 874, 1140 m, 04/37 [WO Gz]
mountain at about 30 km from the border of Kenya
umuri (O) age, life
-- Umuri, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana people
HFE59 Una Deriam (Una Deri'am) 1401'/3920' 1737 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-west of Adigrat
JCD16 Unca, see Unka
HCR68 Uncuri, see Unkuri
unda (O) all; ounda (Afar) small; bilen, the Bilen people?
bilen (A) iris or pupil of the eye;
-- Bilen, an ethnic group
JDG45 Unda Bilen (/Lit./ Bilen) 0928'/4019' 740 m 09/40 [WO 18 Ne Gu]
Place with hot springs, some 15 km east of Awash river on the old route
from the coast to Shewa.
One of its springs, less hot (43.5C) and less bitter tasting, used to supply water to
to travellers.
JDH63 Unda Rugdaya (Unda Rugdaia) (hill) 09/41 [+ WO Gz]
0939'/4101' 1017 m
JEB74 Undadanangera (Undadananghera) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
undadaya: daya (O) current /of water/; dayaa (Som) son;
-- Daya, name of a group of Oromo
JDG34 Undadaya (Undadaia) 800 m, 09/40 [+ WO]
near Awash river at 40 km north of Awash station.
"Historical monuments and graves" is indicated on the WO map.
unde (O) root, base, foundation
JDB91 Unde (mountain) 0901'/4048' 2391, 2979 m, 08/40 [Gu Gz]
south-west of Asbe Teferi
JDP29 Underkoma (mountain, recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
undero m..: mender (A) village, township, neighbourhood
HC... Undero Mender (in Gemu awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HBL22 Undika, see Unnaika
JEH48 Undurur (Unduruk, Unduru, Undururu) 12/41 [Ne WO Gz]
(mountain chain) 1210'/4124' 1103 m
?? Unen Amba (Unenamba) ../.. [18]
GCT74 Ungela (Unghela), see Angela
JEB95 Ungolo 11/41 [WO]
GCM71 Unguala (Unguale, Ungwala), see Ongola
JCD17 Unka (Unca) 0533'/4307' 494 m 05/43 [+ WO Gz]
unkaye: ungayee (O) lentil-like plant with edible seeds
HDJ75 Unkaye 0943'/3705' 2444 m, north of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HFE57 Unko 1402'/3905' 1881 m, south-east of Adwa 14/39 [Gz]
HDL24 Unkure 0917'/3848' 2659 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
about 30 km north of Addis Abeba
HCR68 Unkuri, see Deneba
unkuro, unkuroo (O) fermentable mash from which
beer or alcohol is produced
HBL22 Unnaika (Undika) (hill) 0351'/3839' 03/38 [WO Gz]
HDJ57 Unone (Scirba) 0931'/3716' 2254 m, east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
unsi g..: guddo (O) big /female/, and several other meanings
JBJ43 Unsi Guddo (Unzi G.) 0403'/4157' 174 m, 04/41 [Gz]
on the border of Somalia
JCJ07 Unsili 0623'/4217' 450 m, south-east of Imi 06/42 [WO Gz]
JEB76 Untagolo (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDG24 Unte 09/40 [Ne Gu]
Village on the right bank of river Awash, above some rapids.
GDU42c Untu, near Kurmuk and Sudan 10/34 [x]
Uo.., see generally Wo.. or We.. /or Wi../
GDE32 Uo, see Uau
HCP35 Uobba, see Wobba
HDL66 Uoberi, see Weberi Bekera
HDL67 Uoberi (area), see under Webera 09/39 [WO]
HDL64c Uoberri, see Woberri
HES02 Uocardebba Mariam, see Wokardebba Maryam
HES44 Uochen 1306'/3756' 2615 m, north-east of Dabat 13/37 [WO Gz]
HET07 Uochen (mountain), see Woken
HEM82 Uochi, see Woki
HEE94 Uochieta, see Wokyeta
HDE91 Uociacia (mountains), see Wechecha
HES.. Uociana Berri, see Wochana Berri
HED64c Uociano, see Wochano
HDK47 Uociodi, see Wochodi
HEJ91c Uocni, see Wakne
HCJ85 Uoco, see Ocha
HET87 Uocro, see Wikro
HEL38 Uodavghie, see Wodavgye
JDL30 Uodda Dibich, see Wodda Dibik
JDK49 Uodda Ena Bacal, see Wodda Ena Bakal
JDL22 Uodda Feraueina, see Wodda Feraweyna
JDK27 Uodda Ferengi, see Wodda Ferenji
JDK49 Uodda Giha, see Wodda Jiha
JDE35 Uodda Gumar, see Wodda Gumar & JDE95
JDL31 Uodda Macachil (.. Macahil), see Wodda Makakil
JDL30 Uodda Ualithor, see Wodda Walithor
JDK36 Uodda Ulca, see Wodda Ulka
JEA83 Uodedsha (Uodedsca) 1135'/4003' 895 m, 11/40 [Gz]
mountains north of Bati and south of Mille river
HCS89 Uodessa (Uodescia, Uodesha), see Silte, under Butajira
HDK03 Uodessa (mountain), see Wedesa
HDD05 Uodie, see Wodye
HBT86 Uodo (mountain), see Wodo
HDD74 Uoenci, see Wenchi Kirkos
HDF03 Uofaica, see Wofayka
HEM82 Uofla, see Wefla
JEN53 Uogare (mountain), see Wogare
HDC99 Uogedi (Gebel U.) (mountain), see Wegedi
HEH00 Uogeni, see Abu Mendi
HDR56 Uoget, see Wojet
HCP26 Uogga, see Wogga
HDT62 Uogheda, see Wegedi, under Ajibar
HES.. Uoghera, see Wegera
HDT62 Uogghidi (Uoghidi, Uogiddi), see Gelebe
HDT32 Uoggitu, see Wojitu
HES54 Uoghed, see Woged & HES62
JEH49 Uogheita, see Wogeyta
HEC08 Uoghel, see Wogel
HEH00 Uogheni, see Abu Mendi
HEC87 Uoghensa, see Wegensa
HES62 Uoghera, see Wogera
HFC24 Uoghera, see Wegera awraja
HET96 Uogheue, see Wogewe
HDT62 Uoghidi (Uogghidi, Uogiddi), see Gelebe
HDL97 Uoghir, see Wogir
HCL62 Uogigra, see Wojigra
HED61 Uogir Uoldementa, see Welde Menta
HDS30 Uogit Gorgar, see Wojit Gorgar
HFF22 Uogoro, see Wikro
?? Uogri Hariba (Wegir Haribo), see Adi Abune Nazret
HCJ29 Uoide, see Woyde, under Bole
HEK64 Uoinzereghie, see Weynzeregye
HEM23 Uoira Baie, see Weyra Baye
HEM23cUoira, see Weyra
HCD99 Uolabo, see Wolabo
JBJ75 Uoladdaie (Uoladdaia) 0418'/4203' 176 m, 04/42 [Gz]
north of Dolo, picturesque locality at the confluence
of the Web Gestro and Ganale Doriya.
HES01 Uolaich, see Waleka
HCK52 Uolamo (mountain), see Welamo
HES64 Uolchefit, see Wilkifit
HDD13 Uolchitte, see Welkite
HEL45 Uold Negus, see Weld Nigus
HBM56 Uolde, see Welde
HFD12 Uoldebba, see Woldebba
HEM02 Uoldia, see Weldiya
JDA73 Uoldoi (mountain), see Weldoyi
GDU60 Uoldong, see Woldong
HDF51 Uolenciti, see Welenchiti
HCK93 Uolighe (island), see Alge
HDD45 Uoliso, see Weliso
HDD13 Uolkitte, see Welkite
HDH83 Uollaga, see Wollaga
HES00 Uollaich, see Walag, cf Waleka
HCK51 Uollamo, see Welayita awraja
HCK52 Uollamo, see Welamo
-- Uollamo language, see Welayita
HDB50 Uollega (place), see Welega
GDF85 Uollel (mountain), see Tulu Welel
HCL21 Uollo, see Wollo, cf Ollo
HDM62 Uolo, see Wolo
JEH03 Uolola Deita, see Wolola Deyta
HCH82 Uoltu, see Wolto, under Shewa Gimira
HCJ92 Uomba, see Womba & HDE44 HDR65
HET26 Uombedieh, see Amba Wombedye
HDP70 Uombera, see Debre Zeyit
HEM71 Uomberat (Uomberet) (mountain), see Womberat
HEE81c Uomberghie, see Wombergye
HFF05 Uomberta (mountain), see Womberta
HCK08 Uonago, see Wenago
HEC97c Uoncheta, see Woncheta
HED61 Uonchie, see Wenkie
HEL39 Uondate (Uondale), see Wondate
HEC27 Uondechez, see Wondekez
HER38 Uondie Got, see Wondye Got
HCL20 Uondo, see Wendo
JEG33 Uoneds (mountains) 1203'/4006' 826 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
HDU02 Uonfosc, see Tentarit
HCS23 Uongera, see Jajura, under Hosaina
HEC66 Uongheto, see Wongeto
HDE29 Uongi, see Wenji & HDE38
HEC66 Uonguela Gheorghis, see Wengela Giyorgis
HCA99 Uor, see Vor, under Maji
HDM16 Uora Melca, see Melka Awara
HDM14 Uoraba, see Woraba
JDC86 Uoraba, see Weraba
HCN78c Uorabbo, see Worabbo
JDJ96 Uorabeisa, see Worabeysa
HDT05 Uorago, see Werke Amba
JDD56 Uoraleh, see Sewuyile
JCU20 Uorarei, see Worarey
HEC77 Uorc Amba, see Werk Amba & HES55 HFE16
HEL63 Uorc Amba, see Amde Werk
HCG18 Uorca, see Worka
JDJ58 Uorcabeisa, see Werkabeysa
HEH99 Uorcada, see Workada
HET28 Uorcadinu, see Workadinu
HES55 Uorcamba, see Werk Amba
HDE51 Uorce, see Roge
HDE52 Uorch, see Werk
HEP26 Uorch Amba, see Werk Amba
HDK06 Uorche (mountain), see Werke
HER48 Uorche Medir, see Werk Midir
HES32 Uorchescia, see Werkesha
HEC63 Uorechie Tarara, see Wereke Terara
HEF40 Uoremainu, see Were Himeno
HEC79 Uorghemma, see Gordemma
HEF73 Uorghesa, see Wirgesa
HCT72 Uorgia, see Worja
HFE16 Uorieghe 1343'/3900' 2314 m, north of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HDM76 Uork Amba, see Werk Amba
HCP17 Uorka, see Werka
HDK06 Uorke (mountain), see Werke
HEF23 Uorra (mountains), see Hara
HEF35 Uorra Bisciu, see Worra Bicho
HDU72 Uorra Ilu, see Were Ilu
HBR43 Uorra Uando, see Wendo
HBL51 Uorraba, see Urabe
JEA63 Uorrababo, see Worrababu
HDN67 Uorrabille, see Worabile
HDK96 Uorro Giarso, see Worro Jarso
HEF43 Uorro Imano, see Yimano
HDC43 Uorsa, see Koye
HEK87 Uorsiso, see Worsiso
JCT94 Uort Mirre, see Uartih Mirreh
HDL64 Uortu, see Wertu at HDL65
JCC04 Uoruoro, see Woruoro
HCH15 Uosca, see Woska
HDM45 Uoscia Gabriel, see Washa Gabriel
HCK21 Uoscio (mountain), see Wosho
HCJ65 Uossi, see Wossi
HCH71 Uota, see Shewa Gimira
JDC48 Uotalce, see Wotalche
HCS03 Uotanna, see Wotanna
HEE77 Uoteghie, see Wotegye
HFE05 Uotellaco, see Wotellako
HDM74 Uoti (mountain), see Woti
HEF03 Uotie, see Wotie, cf Kottie
?? Upenso, plain with acacias ../.. [Gu]
HDN06 Upper Ionghi, see Yongi
ura, uraa (O) awl /of rough large type/; hole made by it;
urra (O) firewood; uraa (Som) kind of plant with
strong-smelling resin; qayiro (Som) change /clothes etc./
HEC98c Ura (Uhra, Uran) (church), see below and Zege 11/37 [20 n]
JCT92 Ura Kayro (Ura Cairo) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HEC98c Ura Kidane Mihret (.. ..Mehret, U.Kidana Merhat), 11/37 [+ Ca n]
see Wira Kidane Mihret, see also under Zege
?? Urab, see Orab
KCN19 Urabas, see Waraaw
JDD66 Urabayus (Urabaius) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HBK49 Urabe, G. (area), see under Mega 04/38 [WO]
HBL51 Urabe (Uorraba) (area) 04/38 [WO]
JDD86 Urabileh (Uarabileh) 0855'/4304' 1336 m 08/43 [Gz]
HCP78 Uracce (Urache), see Yachi
JEP73 Uracur, see Urukur
HDD28 Urafa 08/38 [WO]
uraga (Sidamo O) kind of shrub or tree,
Ehretia cymosa var. silvatica;
-- Uraga, eastern branch of the Guji people
HCE71 Uraga (Urago) (locality) 0608'/3835' 06/38 [Gz]
On 10 February 2000 violent forest fires erupted in 17 places
of which some in the Uraga area.
uraga se..: selam (sälam) (A,T) peace, prosperity
H.... Uraga Selam sub-district (in Jemjem) ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Selam)
?? Uraga wereda (at some distance from Kibre Mengist) ../.. [20 Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 100 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Haroo Wato
HCE71 Urago, see Uraga
HDD58 Urago 0836'/3815' 2236 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDF40 Uraka (Uraca), see under Nazret 08/39 [+ WO]
HCP78c Urake (Urache) 1726 m 07/36 [+ Gu]
JEC10 Urali (area) 10/41 [WO]
JDP79 Uramelli, see Uaramelli
J.... Uramilli, 1028'/4126' (hot springs) 10/41 [x]
Geyser-type hot springs occur at Uramilli in southern Afar.
?? Uramu, in Ilubabor ../.. [x]
HBL01 Uran (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDH87 Uran 09/36 [WO]
HEC98cUran, see Ura
HBU00 Urane, D. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HDB89 Urangur 08/36 [WO]
HDM53 Urani (area) 09/39 [WO]
?? Urata (mountain), ../.. [20]
its peak reaches elevation 4066 m.
JEH21 Urayu (Uraiu, Arale) (area) 11/40 [+ WO Gz]
HDA65 Urba, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
-- urbarag: Urbareg, Ulbarag, Ulbaraj, Wirbarak, a group of Gurage
with their own distinctive dialect related to Silti
HCS67 Urbarag (Urbaragh), see Wulbareg
HBL14 Urdaloni (area) 03/38 [WO]
?? Urdicho (Urditcho) (in Sidamo) ../.. [+ Mi]
HES49 Ureina 13/38 [WO]
JEB94 Urfora, see under Tendaho 11/41 [WO]
HBK76 Urfulesa, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDE.. Urga (Mumicha Urga) 08/38 [x]
HCD87 Urgamo, at 35 km south-west of Dilla 06/38 [x]
Site on a hill where a German ethnographic expedition in December 1934
studied decorated monoliths with human faces.
JEP72 Urgarra 1321'/4055' -48 m below sea level, 13/40 [WO Gz]
west of lake Afrera (lake Giulietti)
HDF71 Urgecha kebele (Urgécha ..) 08/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
a little south of Bolo Silase; area 1,338 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBK59 Urgesa (Urghesa) 0407'/3820' 1659, 2306 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
(Gebel U.) (mountain), see under Mega
urgessa, urgeessaa (O) kind of erect shrub, Premna
schimperi, Ehretia cymosa;
Urgesa, Urgessa, a male personal name;
urgessu, urgeessuu (O) make to smell nice;
urghe: urge, urgee (O) place
JCB70 Urghe (Malca U.) 0604'/4044' 06/40 [WO Gz]
(seasonal waterhole)
JEC73 Urginni (Urghinni) (waterhole) 11/41 [+ WO]
urgo, urgoo (O) butter-milk curd; urgo, urga (O) collective
word for plants having a nice smell; some of them are added to
milk and butter
JBG66 Urgo (area) 04/40 [WO]
JCG27 Urgo (area) 06/40 [WO]
JDJ54 Urgo (Balaua) 0933'/4159' 1696/1731 m 09/41 [Gz Gu]
HCM73 Urgoma (mountains) 0659'/3937' 3858 m, 06/39 [Gz]
at about 40 km in a straight line west of Goba
-- Urib, name of a group of the Gurage
HCS98 Urib, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDE05 Uriesa, see Dalecha
JCD41 Urika (Urica) 05/42 [+ WO]
JEN29 Urikomam (mountain) 1254'/4035' 1426 m 12/40 [Gz]
urji, urjii (O) 1. star; 2. being many like the stars;
bariisaa (O) sunrise, morning star
HCM.. Urji Barisa (Urjii Bariissa), see under Goba 06/40 [20]
urra, urraa (O) firewood
GD... Urra (in Asosa awraja), cf Ura .. 10/34? [Ad]
HDS75 Urrata (Uirrata) 1040'/3758' 3388, 4066 m, 10/37 [WO Gu Gz]
mountain north-east of Debre Markos
urre (O) fog; seya (T) palm tree, Phoenix reclinata
HEF43 Urre Seya (Urre Seia) 11/39 [+ Gu]
JEG06 Urria Ghifi, see Uruyegifi
?? Urris (valley), ../.. [Mi]
a tributary(?) of the Didessa river in Wellega.
HDB10 Urrummu, see Hurumu
ursa (O) murmur, whispering, din, noise, mooing, bellowing
HDC43 Ursa, see (1) Keto and (2) Koye
JDN52 Urse 1029'/4001' 1713 m 10/40 [Gz]
urso (Som) smell at, sniff at
JDJ60 Urso, see Hurso
urso t..: toma (Konso) wooden board used to move earth
JDH69 Urso Toma (area) 09/41 [WO]
ursu, uursuu (O) roar /like wind or waterfall/
JDJ.. Urto , east of Erer, 09/41 [x]
the last stop before Dire Dawa on the old road from Addis Abeba.
uru, uruu (O) pierce, make a hole; uuruu (O) muzzle such as of a donkey;
-- Uru, name of a Merewa group of Oromo, mentioned
around 1610 at Wikro
HDD91 Uru 0902'/3738' 2103 m, west of Ambo, cf Huru 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK78 Uru (mountain) 0945'/3815' 2583 m, 09/38 [WO Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
JDP63 Uruckya (Urucchia) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
JEP74 Urucur, see Urukur
urufa (O) plain, flat country, lowland
HCK89 Urufa 0706'/3820' 1987/2070 m, 07/38 [WO Gz]
west of northern lake Awasa
HCM51 Urufa (area) 06/39 [WO]
HCT53 Urufa (area, with hot spring near lake) 07/38 [WO]
HDC07 Urufa 0812'/3716' 2350/2475 m, west of Abelti 08/37 [WO Gz]
HDE72 Urufa (village) 08/38 [x]
JDJ45 Urujis 0930'/4304' 1742 m, north-west of Harar 09/43 [Gz]
JEP74 Urukur (Urucur, Uracur) (with hot springs) 13/41 [+ WO Gz]
1320'/4101' 186 m, at west shore of lake Afrera (lake Giulietti)
HDB10 Urumu, see Hurumu
urungu (O) owl
JDN83 Urungu, see Kuye
JDP72 Urunkya (Urunchia) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
-- Uruta, cf Huruta
HDF00 Uruta Mariam (with church), see Huruta
JEG06 Uruyegifi (mountain) 1147'/4021' 825/970 m, 11/40 [Gz WO]
(Urria Ghifi)
HEL27 Urvuar (early name), see Lalibela
HBS07 Urweyu, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDE05 Uryesa, see Dalecha
HCC40 Usakaya (Usakaia) (area), see under Jinka 05/36 [+ WO]
HCR33 Usarbi 0735'/3653'c, 07/36 [x]
south of Gibe river some 15 km south of Hirmata
JCK05 Usbelli, see Asbuli
JBP37 Usciaga (here? cf JBR00) 04/41 [MS]
JBR00 Usciaga, see Ushaga
JBH78 Usciaga Raidap (seasonal well) 0420'/4125' 04/41 [WO Gz]
HDS18 Usciater, see Ushater
JDD19 Uscudon, see Uskudon
HDL64 Use 0939'/3849', see under Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA Gz]
ushaga: usaga (Som) he, him
JBR00 Ushaga (Usciaga) (seasonal spring) 0433'/4137' 04/41 [+ WO Gz]
HDC09 Ushane 0809'/3725' 1951m, west of Abelti, 08/37 [Gz]
near map code HCR99
HDS18 Ushater (Usciater), area on the way down to the Abay 10/38 [+ WO]
HDS27 Ushater (Usciater) 10/38 [+ WO]
JDD19 Uskudon (Uscudon, Uskudom, Iscu Don) (area), 08/43 [+ Gz WO]
0818'/4322' 1112 m, west of Degeh Bur
Usman, a male Muslim name
HDD38 Usman 0828'/3814' 2440 m 08/38 [Gz]
JDH38 Usman Abdulahi 0923'/4127' 2066 m, near Deder 09/41 [Gz]
usman e..: ejersa (O) brown olive, Olea africana
JDH47 Usman Ejersa 0927'/4123' 1841 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north-west of Deder
JDH47 Usman Wariye 0927'/4121' 1784 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north-west of Deder
HDL54 Usmani 0933'/3849' 2635 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDL77 Usmani 0944'/3903' 2548 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL75 Usmani kebele 09/38 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda, 30 km south-southeast
of Alem Ketema; area 1,418 hectares
[CSA 1994].
HDL54 Usmarti 09/38 [AA]
ussa (Gurage) kind of food prepared from the ensete plant
JDP58 Ussa Uruweyna (Ussa Urueina) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HCL55 Ussota (mountain) 0650'/3855' 2723 m, 06/38 [Gz]
south-east of Kofele
HDS60 Usta, see under Dembecha 10/37 [WO]
JCL69 Usul 0656'/4414' 546 m, 06/44 [WO Gz]
upstreams from Kebri Dehar
HDG44 Utala 0925'/3510' 1563 m, west of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
utallo, utalloo (O) common cold /infection/
HCK08c Utallo, see Sugali
JEA13 Utalte (area) 1630 m 11/40 [WO]
HEF73 Utchali, see Wichale
HDM.. Uti (pointed mountain) 09/39 [Gu]
HDL44 Utkera (Utk'era, Utqera) 09/38 [AA q]
GCT26 Uton 07/34 [WO]
HCD82 Utschello, see Ochollo
utuba (O) pillar supporting a building
HCR86 Utubo (mountain) 0803'/3710' 2142 m 08/37 [Gz]
JDJ24 Utulu 0915'/4158' 1872 m, north-east of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HFL07 Utza Guza 1428'/3910' 1857 m, 14/39 [WO Gu Gz]
north of Inticho near the border of Eritrea
HCP31 Uuca, see Vuka
HDL86 Uulu, see Vulu
HCH31 Uumbeiro, see Umbeiro
HDR31 Uunchit, see Munchit
HCA99 Uur, see Vor, under Maji
HCS10 Uuschule, see Vushule
HDB91 Uuta, see Chuta
HEF30 Uwa (mountain) 1110'/3925' 3103 m, 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie
uwa m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
JEA94 Uwa Meda (plain) 1150'/4011' 11/40 [Gz]
?? Uwa wereda (in the 1990s) 11/40? [n]
HDL70 Uye 0946'/3828' 2582 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
HEJ.. Uzaba (former Falasha village) 12/37 [n]
HD... Vaagasuk, place in Wellega east of Nejo ../.. [x]
JDB04 Vabi (Vagheccia) (area) 1460 m 08/41 [WO]
HBT07 Vacille (wells), see Wachile
HDH89 Vagavare 09/36 [WO]
JDB04 Vagheccia, see Vabi
JFA25 Vaideddo (with well) 1349'/4015', 13/40 [WO Gz]
cf Baydodo
JEP73 Vaidedou (area) 13/40 [WO]
KCR56 Vallata Erigo (area) 07/47 [WO]
KCR65 Vallata Sahader (area) 07/47 [WO]
JEP37 Valledo (hill) 1256'/4123' 12/41 [WO]
JDJ.. Valley of Marvels, see under Babile
H.... Vamit 10/37 [MS]
HEK60 Van Suge (Van Sughe) 12/37 [+ WO]
?? Vangel, river in Wellega, affluent of Shogul ../.. [Mi]
HC... Vannutelli & Citerni falls 06/37 [Gu]
Cascata Vannutelli e Citerni is a name given by Italians to a waterfall
in the river Amassa (Amaza) which flows into northwestern lake Abaya.
JDJ05 Varka, see Warka
GDM07 Vato, see Gewil
JFA59 Veima, see Weima
HDG05 Velde, cf Balda 09/35 [WO]
HEJ82 Venivach (area) 12/36 [WO]
HCR21 Vennio (mountains) 0725'/3645' 2555 m, 07/36 [WO Gz]
south-west of Jimma
HER09 Venticinque (=25 in Italian) (area) 12/37 [WO]
JBN95 Verme Falls, see Del Verme Falls
JFB15 Vertadabba (volcanic area) 1343'/4110' 13/41 [WO Gz]
villaggio b..: villaggio (Italian) village;
Bottego, an Italian explorer
HCK82 Villaggio Bottego, see Didu
villaggio t..: Torino, an Italian town
HDE83c Villaggio Torino 08/38 [Gu]
villaggio z..: Zappa, an Italian mining engineer
HDG48c Villaggio Zappa (gold mine), see under Nejo 09/35 [Gu]
HET53 Visintarve 13/38 [WO]
?? Vis, see Wis
HDT48 Vita (Vit'a) 1024'/3912' 2607 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDH38c Vobi (mountain & village) 09/41 [Gu]
About 100 m below the village is a good spring.
HCP26 Vogga, see Wogga
HEH00 Vogheri, see Abu Mendi
?? Vogiddi, see Wegidi
HCH82 Voltu, see Woltu, under Shewa Gimira
HCA99 Vor (Uor, Uur) 0616'/3540' 1488 m, 06/35 [WO Gu Gz]
(village & high plateau), see under Maji
HCG56 Vorku (Vorcu), see under Mizan Teferi 06/35 [+ WO]
HDL73c Vortu (market) 09/38 [Gu]
HCP31 Vuca, see Vuka
HCP40 Vuddita, see Gucha
HCP31 Vuka (Vuca, Uuca) 0733'/3550' 1964 m 07/35 [+ WO Gz]
HBK79 Vulmora (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDL86 Vulu (Uulu) 0949'/3859' 2151 m, east of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HBK37 Vungalat (locality) 0356'/3809' 03/38 [WO Gz]
HCS10 Vushule (Vusciule, Uuschule) 0720'/3731' 1801 m 07/37 [Gz]
Ua.., see generally Wa.., also We..
G.... Ua, river in Wellega (= Wuha, Wiha?) 08/35? [Mi]
HER27 Uaa, see Waliya
Populated place with an all-vowel name.
KCN93 Uab Arorih (Uab Aroth) 0809'/4506' 808 m 08/45 [Gz]
JCM32 Uab, see Wab
GDF32 Uaba, see Waba
HDF32 Uaba, Tulu, see Tulu Waba
JDF33 Uaba Ada (Uaba Ado), see Waba Ada
HEJ64 Uaba Lamba, see Waba Lamba
HDA74 Uabara, see Wabara
JCG09 Uabara, see Webera
JCH01 Uabara, see Wabera
HDA93 Uabera, see Wabera
JDE85 Uabguro, see Wabguro & JDK09
HDE70 Uabi, see Wabi
HDA67 Uabiecu (Uabiscu), see Wabisku
HCG74 Uaca (Uaccia), see Wacha
HCH91 Uaca (Uaccia), see Wacha
HCG74 Uaca, see Waka & HCJ37 HCJ88
HCT10 Uacabuti, see Wakabuti
JEA79 Uacai, see Wakay
HCG74 Uaccia (Uaca), see Wacha
HCH91 Uaccia, see Wacha
JDA63 Uacciale, see Wachale
JDH02 Uaccio, see Wacho
HDE11 Uacciu (Uaccio), see Wachu
HDE21 Uacciu, see Wachu
HDE33 Uacciu, see Molicha Gebaba
HDE42c Uacciu, see Wachu
JDB58 Uacciu, see Wachiyu
HDB06 Uace, see Wache
HDE39 Uache, see Wake
JCP76 Uaciale, see Wachale
HBT07 Uacille, see Wachile
HDT.. Uacit, see Wachit
HEJ91 Uacne, see Wehni
JBS18 Uacsen (Uacscen), see Waksen
JCT83 Uada Laieh 0803'/4346' 985 m 08/43 [Gz]
HEK53 Uadagi (mountain), see Wadaji
HCF30 Uadara (Uaddara), see Wadera
HCF11 Uaddara, see Wadera
JCU61 Uadel (Uadhel), see Wadel
HEM51 Uadelasc, see Wadelash
JCS19 Uadeleb, see Wadeleb
JDC98 Uadendeo, see Wadendewo
HEH42 Uaderaba, see Waderarba
GDF30 Uadessa, see Wadessa & HDH89
JCU61 Uadhel, see Wadel
HEH89 Uadi Mena, see Wadi Mena
HEJ70 Uadi Nefan (U. Nefen), see Wadi Nefan
HDT10 Uadia, see Wadiya
JCU61 Uadihelo, see Wadel
HEE94 Uadla (Uadl), see Wadla
JEG26 Uaeddo, see Waeddo
JER02 Uaeita (mountains), see Wayeyta
JCM17 Uafdug, see Wafdug
HEM40 Uaffa (Uaffat), see Waffa
HEM53 Uaga, see Waga
HCT78 Uaggi, see Wajji & HDH76 JDK14 JDK24
HDM95 Uaggia, see Wajja
HEJ77 Uagh, see Wag
HCT16 Uagi (area), see Waji
HDD84 Uagira, see Wajira & JDJ21 JDJ32
HDE80 Uagitu, see Wajitu
HED17 Uagizazir, see Uajzazir
HEF53 Uaha Helo, see Wiha Helo
HEE89 Uahani 1135'/3915' 2495 m, cf Wehni 11/39 [WO Gz]
?? Uaheno, see Waheno
HEK06 Uaher, see Hiruy, under Debre Tabor
HEJ91 Uahni (Uahnie), see Wehni
JEA53 Uaia, see Waya
JDH49 Uaiber, see Wayber
HDA46 Uaica, see Uche
GCU36 Uaicos, see Waykos
HDA47 Uaili, see Wayli
HEK52 Uainabar, see Weynaber
HEJ91 Uaini, see Wehni
HEJ92 Uainia (mountain) 1236'/3647' 1161 m, 12/36 [Gz]
west of Chilga
HDM73 Uaio Agher, see Wayo Ager
HCT64c Uaiu, see Wayu & HDA76 HDC35 HDJ80 HDM80
HDL54 Uaiu, see Wayu at HDL64 09/38 [WO]
HDL73 Uaiu, see Waju
HDL79 Uaiu, see Wayu Gamanya
JDB.. Uaju, see Wayu
HED17 Uajzazir (Uagizazir) (mountain) 11/38 [Gz]
1101'/3812' 1857 m
HDJ02 Uakorma 0905'/3648' 2029 m, east of Nekemte 09/36 [Gz]
HEL32 Uakscimosc, see Wakshimosh
JEG39 Ual Ais (mountain), see Wal Ays
HER15 Ual Auge 1250'/3705' 1367 m 12/37 [Gz]
HET36 Ual Casciua (amba), see Wal Kashwa
KCG86 Ual Ual, see Welwel
HED44 Ualache (Ualake), see Walake
HEP26 Ualad Nai 1254'/3615' 720 m, 12/36 [Gz]
south-east of Metemma
JBJ75 Ualaddaie, see Weldeya
HBT48 Ualadogia, see Watagodiya
HDP41 Ualadura (mountain), see Huladura
HES00 Ualag (Ualac), see Walag
-- Ualamo language, see Welayita
HDF51 Ualanchiti (Ualankit), see Welenchiti
HDL67 Ualanso, see Welenso
HEM02 Ualdia, see Weldiya
HCK52 Ualeita (mountain), see Welamo, cf Welayita awraja
GDF74 Ualel (mountain), see Welel
HBU01 Ualena, see Walena & JCN89
JDK40 Ualenso, see Welensu
JBH86 Ualenzu (seasonal well) 04/41 [MS WO]
HEJ84 Uali Daba (Uali Deva), see Wali Daba, under Chilga
HED50 Ualia, see Waliya & HER27
JDJ59 Ualinsi (mountain) 0932'/4225' 2006 m 09/42 [Gz]
HDD45 Ualiso, see Weliso
HET17 Ualla (Ualla, Amba), see Amba Walla
HCP28 Ualla Chella (Ualla), see Walla Kella
HDB50 Uallaga (place), see Welega
HCD14 Ualleia, see Sekama
GDF74 Uallel, see Welel
JEB67 Uallelssi, see Wallelsi
GCT76 Ualo, see Walo & JDC13
HEL43 Ualta Hado, see Walta Hado
HDG44 Ualteggi (Ualtegghi), see Kombolshi
HDR53 Uambarma, see Wanbarma, cf Wemberima
HDP70 Uambera, see Debre Zeyit
HDR37 Uamet, see Wamit
HBU84 Uamuri, see Wamuri
HDR86 Uan, see Wan, under Bure
HCK08 Uanago, see Wenago
GDE24 Uancai (Uanchei), see Wankai
HEK02 Uanche (Uanchet, Uanchit), see Wanzaye
HDD74 Uanci, see Wenchi
HDT15 Uancit, see Wanchit
HDG64 Uandi (Tulu U.), see Wandi
HBR43 Uando (Uorra Uando), see Wendo
GDM44 Uangia, see Wanja
HDC70 Uangiala, see Wanjala
HDG18 Uangio, see Obora Kileyi
HD... Uanto, see Wanto
HED52 Uanzagai, see Wenzagay
uar (Som) well
JBG84 Uar Arguio, see War Argiyo
JCD23 Uar Hinlei, see War Hinlei
JBG54 Uar Sapelli (U.Savelli), see War Sapelli
JBG66 Uar Ual, see War Wal
JDE50 Uar Ucli, see War Ukli
uara c..: kombo (western O), Setaria acuta,
Setaria plicatilis
JCN07 Uara Combo, see Delo
KCN19 Uaraao, see Waraaw
JDD86 Uarabileh, see Urabileh
JDJ40 Uarabilli (Uarabili) 0926'/4136' 2156 m, 09/42 [Gz Gu]
south-west of Dire Dawa
HDD46 Uarabo (mountain), see Warabo
JDJ78c Uarabu, see Warabu
HER78 Uaragir, see Warajir
HDF06c Uaragu, see Waragu
KCN19 Uarahas, see Waraaw
JDK43 Uaralei, see Waraley
JDP79 Uaramelli (Uramelli) 1036'/4130' 583 m 10/41 [Gz]
JCL87 Uarandab, see Warandab
JEA58 Uaranzo, see Weranso
KCN19 Uarao, see Waraaw
HCC24 Uarase, see Warase
HBT14 Uaraua, see Warawa
HCN87 Uarc, Tulu, see Tulu Werk
HEK63 Uarc Amba, see Werk Amba
JDJ05 Uarca, see Warka
HEH45 Uarcagghi, see Warkaggi
HDB70 Uarche, see Warke
HDR95 Uarchi, see Warki, under Bure
GCT68 Uarcialla, see Pechalla
HCD14 Uardai, see Wardai
KCG76 Uarder (Uardere), see Werder
KCG76 Uardere, see Werder
JCF23 Uardere, Bur, see Bur Wadere
JCC90 Uare, see Ware
JDL04 Uare (Uarroh), see Ware
HEU35 Uare Uaio, see Ware Wayo
HDD99 Uareb, see Wareb
HEC79 Uarer Micael, see Werer Mikael
JDB69 Uareris (Uarreris), see Golo Oda
JCC42 Uaresa, see Waresa
HDF31 Uarghi (Uargi), see Werji
HDS82 Uari (mountain), see Wari
JDA86 Uarica, see Warika
HFE16 Uarieu (pass), see Waryew, near Abiy Adi
HEE36 Uaro, see Waro
J.... Uarof (Uaroff), see Warof
HCR07 Uarrabo, see Werabo
HCJ75 Uarrai (mountains), see Warrai
HEF43 Uarre Calu, see Warre Kalu
JDB69 Uarreris, see Golo Oda
JDC60 Uarreris, see Warreris
JEB49 Uarrie, see Warriye
JDD86 Uarroh, see Durwale
JDD45 Uarsuch, see Warsuk
JCT94 Uartih Mirreh (Uarti M., Uort Mirre) 08/43 [Gz WO]
0806'/4350' 1102 m
JCC04 Uaruoro, see Waruoro
HES44 Uasange (mountain), see Wasangii
HDJ62 Uasceta, see Washeta
HDM82 Uascia, see Washa
HCA58 Uascia Hoha, see Washa Wiha
HCH89c Uascia Micael, see Washa Mikael
HEK91 Uascit, see Washit
HDM25 Uasil (Uasilli) (mountain), see Wasil
?? Uassera, see Wassera
HEU55 Uassi (mountains), see Wassi
HCH81c Uata, see Wata & HDH37 JDN96 JEA06
HDE80 Uata Daleccia, see Wata Dalecha
HDE70 Uatadaleccia, see Wata Dalecha
HBT48 Uatagodia, see Watagodiya
HCS13 Uatara, see Watera
HCS24 Uatara, see Watara
HDK30 Uatio, see Goda Watiyo
HDK40 Uatio, see Watyo
JCH33 Uatitti, see Watitti
HDG44 Uattegghi, see Kombolshi
HCD44 Uatzo, see Watzo
GDE32 Uau (Uo) 0827'/3340' 353 m, at border of Sudan 08/33 [Gz]
HCT63 Uayu, see Wayu
HET78 Uaza (plateau) 1321'/3912', south-west of Mekele 13/39 [WO Gz]
HCD30c Uazaca, see Wazaka
uba: uuba (O) weed, unwanted plants; uba (O) knowledge
of someone's whereabouts, etc.
-- Uba language, see Welayita
HCC83 Uba 0609'/3653' 1559 m, east of Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
HCC94 Uba 0618'/3700' 1605 m, north-east of Bulki 06/37 [Gz]
?? Uba Debre Tsehay wereda (Ouba ..) ../.. [20]
-- uba z..: Zala, a sub-division of the Ometo (West Sidama)
HCC45 Uba Zala (ensete culture area) 05/37 [x]
?? Ubamale wereda (-1997-), ../.. [n]
see also Zala & Ubamale wereda
-- Ubamer, a tribe of the Ari-Banna group
HCB68 Ubamer (Oubamer) (area & place) 0603'/3630', 06/36 [WO x]
(with ensete culture), cf Wib Hamer
Ketema = administrative town, with a church.
HCB68c Ubamer wereda, in Bulki awraja 06/36 [x]
GCT53 Ubanghi, see Obangi
HCS67 Ubarag, see Urbarag
GDU51 Ubariu (hill) 1290 m 10/34 [WO]
KCG64 Ubatate (Ubatale, Ubetale) (waterhole) 06/45 [Gz WO Gu]
0654'/4508' 622 m, west of Warder
Coordinates would give map code KCG63
HBK38 Ubbagomi (area) 03/38 [WO]
ube: uba, ubaa (O) 1. weed; 2. straw; 3. dirt
GDU73 Ube (Umbi, Eube) (mountain) 10/34 [WO Gz]
1038'/3440' 1113 m
KCG64 Ubetale, see Ubatate
JDB85 Ubicha (Ubiccia, Halicho) (stream) 0858'/4113', 08/41 [Mi WO Gz]
an affluent of the Gergertu (Jerjertu) in the Chercher area.
JEC00c Ubnu (Oobnoo) (mountain range recorded in 1841) 10/41 [+ Ha]
GCT47 Ubua, see Ubwa
GCU92 Ubud 08/34 [WO]
GCT47 Ubwa (Ubua) 07/34 [+ WO]
GCU31 Ucari, see Ukoy
HDA46 Ucce, see Uche
HEL97c Uccher, see Ucker (or Wikro?)
HDE56 Ucchie, see Uckye
HET68 Ucci Fece, see Wechi Feche
HDL53 Uccialle, see Wichale
HDL54 Uccialle, see Inchini
HEF72 Uccialli (Uchialli, Uchale), see Wichale
HDT17 Ucciolimieda, see Inchimeny
JDC86 Ucciurru, see Uchurru
HDH95 Ucha 0952'/3613' 2140 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDH95 Ucha 0953'/3611' 2070 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDA46 Uche (Ucce) 1523 m 08/35 [+ WO]
HEL96 Ucher, see Uker
HEF72 Uchialli, see Wichale
HES13 Uchiraber (Uciraver) 12/37 [+ WO]
ucholi m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HDT17 Ucholi Meda (Ucciolimieda) 2163 m 10/39 [+ WO]
HCD52c Uchule, at lake Chamo on its eastern side 05/37 [x]
JDC86 Uchurru (Ucciurru) 1569 m 08/42 [+ WO]
HES13 Uciraver, see Uchiraber
HEL97c Ucker (Uccher) (monolithic church), 12/39 [+ Gu]
see under Sekota
JDA64 Ucku (Uccu) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDE56 Uckye (M.Ucchie) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
GCU31 Ucoi, see Ukoy
GCU50 Ucura, see Komaton
udada, udaada (O) labour exacted by a feudal authority
HD... Udadish, in Decha awraja 09/37 [n]
-- One of a few villages where there live Nayi (Nao) people.
HBK29 Udado Gurrefto (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDL05 Udama (mountain) 0908'/3853' 2797 m, 09/38 [Gz]
north-east of Addis Abeba
?? Udan (on map of 1814) 09/42 [18]
at a northern route from Berbera to Harar
JBN47c Uddecha, north of Dawa Parma river 04/40 [Wa]
JDH86 Uddeli (area) 09/41 [WO]
uddelu, uddeeluu (O) overload of pack animal
HEC24 Uddita 1107'/3702', south of Dangila 11/37 [WO Gz]
JEB94 Uddadaito (Udduddaito, Uddudaito), 11/41 [Ne Gz]
1126'/4105' 697 m, at the left bank of Awash river
JBN37 Uddeicha (Uddeicia) 0451'/4030' 944 m 04/40 [+ Gz]
HCP30 Uddita, see Gucha
HEC24 Uddita 1107'/3702' 2254 m 11/37 [Gz]
JEB94 Uddudaito, see Uddadaito
uddudu: ududde, ududdee (O) pigeon-like bird
JEJ02 Uddudu (area) 11/41 [WO]
JEC71 Uddun (area) 11/41 [WO]
?? Udet, in Borana 04/39? [20]
GCT64 Udia 0750'/3350' 303 m 07/33 [WO Gz]
HEF95 Udidiu (area) 11/39 [WO]
GCM61 Udiec, see Udiyek
HCD56 Udikussa (Udicussa) (mountain) 05/38 [+ WO Gz]
0557'/3809' 1753 m, coordinates would give map code HCD57
HDH10c Udiuka (Fre: Toulou Oudiouka), 09/35 [x]
mountain just north of Aroji, on French map of 1901
GCM61 Udiyec (Udiec) 0657'/3425' 465 m, 06/24 [+ WO Gz]
on the border of Sudan
udo (Sidamo O) kind of erect shrub, Premna schimperi,
Verbena officinalis
JBR50 Udo (area) 05/41 [WO]
udo a..: addere (addärä) (A) to pass the night, etc.;
-- Adere, name of an ethnic group
HDT00 Udo Adere 1001'/3828' 1847 m 10/38 [Gz]
GDE21 Udol 08/33 [WO]
GCT49 Uduela 0738'/3417' 391 m 07/34 [Gz]
-- Uduk, ethnic group numbering about 20,000 inside Ethiopia,
at a large refugee camp at Bonga near Gambela town.
-- Uduk language, alternate names Twampa, Kwanim Pa, Burun, Kebeirka,
Othan, Korara, Kumus.
HEK12 Uduo Media 11/37 [WO]
Ue.., see We..
JEB62 Ue Aitu, see We Aytu
JDR92 Ue Immede, see We Immede
HBL92 Ued, see Web & JBP44
HDF32 Ueba, see Tulu Waba
HDC27 Ueca, see Weka
HDB06 Uece (mountain), see Wache
HET68 Ueci Fece, see Wechi Feche
HEU03c Uedaggiu, see Wedaju
GCM95 Uegna, see Wenya
HEK53 Uehni, see Wehni
HET.. Ueical Chidane Meret, see Weykal Kidane Mihret
HES.. Ueila, see Weyla
JFA69 Ueima, see Weima
JBS54 Ueit Cal, see Weit Kal
HDF51 Uelenciti, see Welenchiti
JCF90 Uelgarti, see Wergarti
JDK55 Uelgo, see Welgo
JDP68 Uema, see Wema
HEM41 Uendasci, see Wendashi
HEJ05 Uendige (Uendighe, Uendighie), see Wendige
HEK54 Uenfit (mountain), see Wenfit
HDR79 Uenghie, see Wenge
HDP15 Ueni (mountain), see Weni
HDM25 Uenni, see Wenni
HDC83 Uera (mountain), see Wera
HEK63 Uerab, see Werab
HER27 Uerc Lebo, see Werk Lebo
HFE47c Uere Ruba, see Were Ruba
JCF90 Uergarti, see Wergarti
JFB24 Uerta (mountain), see Werta
HCA48 Uesca Ueca, see Weska Weka
HDL78 Uessarbi, see Wesarbi
JBS63 Uetca, see Wetka
HBK39 Ueto (mountain), see Weto
-- Ufa, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HCP26 Ufa 07/36 [MS]
?? Ufat (historical from the 1500s) ../.. [x]
uffa, uffaa (O) belly, lower abdomen;
uffo (O) kind of shrub or tree, Grewia mollis
HDL44 Ufkera (Ufk'era, Ufqera) 0929'/3849' 2574 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
midway between Addis Abeba and Fiche
ufta: ufata (O) fabric, cloth; ufta (T) whiff, puff; sigh
HCJ81 Ufta (mountain), cf Otta 07/36 [WO]
ugas nur: ugaas (Som) chief /generally with little power/,
king, sultan; Ugaz (wigaz) (A) Issa Somali tribal leader;
nuur (Som) light; nur (Som) rainy season
Nur, Nuur, a Muslim male name
JCL54 Ugas Nur (area) 06/43 [WO]
GCT82 Ugat 0758'/3336' 335 m 07/33 [WO Gz]
HCD94 Ugayo (Ogagio, Ogajo, Ogaju) (island), 06/37 [Gz WO]
shore 1168/1285 m
Gz coordinates correspond to a point HCD82
which is on the mainland according to WO map
GCT16 Uget (Ughet) 07/34 [+ WO]
HDC05 Uggiada, see Ujada
JCA29 Uggo 0537'/4036' 761 m 05/40 [WO Gz]
HET66 Ugher Mariam, see Maryam Beleb
GCT16 Ughet, see Uget
HES65 Ugif (Ughif) 1317'/3800' 1929 m, 13/38 [+ Gu Gz]
north-west of Deresge
JDH56 Ugiuffa, see Ujuffa
HBF91 Uglun (locality) 0335'/3929' 03/39
uglun si..: sirri (O) straight
HBF91 Uglun Sirre (area), some 10 km from Kenya border 03/39 [WO]
JEG39c Ugogo (Fre: Ougogo) circa 1205'/4035', 12/40 [x]
mountain in the Afar lowlands, c. 1205'/4035', on map of 1901
HFC87 Ugogoti (area) 14/37 [WO]
HFF22 Ugoro, see Wikro
HBU64 Ugoru 0509'/3940' 1555 m, south-east of Negele 05/39 [Wa Gz]
HEE77 Ugualtiena, see Wegel Tena
GCT88 Ugudi 0758'/3413' 469 m 07/34 [WO Gz]
JDN68c Ui-hi, see Wihi
GCM76 Uica, see Wika
HDA46 Uiccia, see Uche
JBP00 Uila, see Wila
HDU52 Uin, see Gedoye
GCT53 Uinam (Oiela) 0744'/3346' 302 m, 07/33 [Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HDS75 Uirrata (mountain), see Urrata
HDE89 Uizero Ascale, see Weyzero Askale
HDC05 Ujada (Uggiada) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
-- Ujang (ethnic group), see Majangir
HBT73c Ujima, valley in Sidamo, with pink granite 05/38 [Mi]
JDH56 Ujuffa (Ugiuffa) (area) 09/41 [+ WO]
uka (O) following after; ukaa (O) 1. part of dress, same as uko;
2. persistent cough
HDA06 Uka 0810'/3523' 1755 m, west of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HEL96 Uker (Ucher) see under Sekota 12/39 [+ Gu]
uko, ukoo (O) part of dress below the armpit, used
for carrying things; ukko, ukkoo (O) kind of mushroom
GCU31 Ukoy (Ucoi) 429 m 07/34 [+ WO]
HBP.. Ukuule, in the lower Omo valley 05/36 [n]
a group of Koegu from Dus moved in December 1989 from Galgida to Ukuule.
HDL36 Ukuyu 0924'/3901' 2643 m, north of Sendafa, 09/39 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
GCM34 Ukwaa 06/34 [MS]
ul (Som) stick, staff, cane, piece of wood
JDE22 Ul Kujjir (Ul Cuggir) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
ula (O) 1. border, boundary; 2. entrance,
opening /in a wall/; ulaa (O) opening, gate;
ula (A) drainage hole in wall, mountain pass etc.
HDE83 Ula 0855'/3843' 2277 m, 08/38 [Gz]
(with church Silase), between Sebeta and Akaki
HDM31 Ula, cf Hula, Lai Ula, Tach Ula 09/39 [WO]
ula aw..: awaare (Som) dust
HDK38 Ula Awara (Ula Aware) 0924'/3817' 2673 m 09/38 [Gz AA]
ula moroma, collar opening? morma (O) neck, collar
HDL40 Ula Moroma 0929'/3828' 2463 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
ula uda: udda (O) place
HDK15 Ula Uda 0913'/3801' 2846 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCE08c Ula Ulo, 05/39 [Mi]
mountain about 40 km south-southwest of Kibre Mengist
ula wa..: ware (O) 1. fame, news; 2. first milking of
cows in the morning; waaree (O) midday, afternoon:
waree (Som) collect water in a reservoir
HDL10 Ula Ware 0909'/3828' 2670 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Addis Alem
JDJ44 Uladegaa (Uladega'a) 0925'/4159' 2018 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-east of Dire Dawa
HDH87 Uladesha 0948'/3624' 1922 m 09/36 [Gz]
ulaga (A), ulagaa (O) kind of shrub or small tree,
Ehretia cymosa var. silvatica, has edible fruit
HCM04 Ulaga (area) 06/39 [WO]
JDA87 Ulaga, see under Gelemso 08/40 [WO]
JDC96 Ulaga 08/42 [WO]
HD... Ulaganti (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HDH78 Ulaguba 0946'/3625' 1971 m (with church Silase) 09/36 [Gz]
HBK14 Ulan (area) 03/37 [WO]
KBN82 Ulassan (with waterhole) 0520'/4503' 294 m 05/45 [WO Gz]
HEF74 Ulaula kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Were Babo wereda, 16 km north-east of lake Hayk;
area 3,194 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDC23 Ulawata 0822'/3652' 1694 m 08/36 [Gz]
HCS76 Ulbarag, see Wulbareg
-- Ulbaraj, a dialect of Gurage language
HES64 Ulcheffit, see Wilkifit
ule, ulee (O) walking-stick; stick used for threshing;
uulee (Som) howl, wail, ululate
HDK27 Ule 0918'/3813' 2472 m, north-west of Addis Alem 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDD59 Ule, U. (Uar Ule?) (area) 1429 m 08/43 [WO]
ule waka: Waka (O) God of the Oromo, sky-god
as well as the sky itself
HC... Ule Waka, 07/36? [n]
on the trade route between Kefa/Kaffa and Hirmata in Jimma.
?? Ulfula 10/42? [x]
ulla chama: chama (O) clear rainless weather, sun rays
JBP00 Ulla Chama (area) 04/40 [WO]
?? Ulla Garre, see Kutai
HCU51 Ullai (area), see under Ticho 07/39 [WO]
ulle, ule (O) walking-stick
HCR46 Ulle (Ule, Hulle, Ullo) 0739'/3712' 1860 m, 07/37 [WO Gu Wa Gz]
east of Jimma
HDK67 Ullicho (Ulliccio) (place and area) 09/38 [+ WO]
JDJ51 Ullul, see Hulul
ulmaya (O) four days of retreat in isolation
after a sacrifice within the gada system
?? Ulmaya (Ulmaia) ../.. [n Gu]
(valley with small bridge in the 1930s),
includes the market of Soddo.
HCF75c Uluca, see Huluku
GDU11 Uluk, with mining works in the Asosa area 10/34 [Mi]
JCH61 Uluka (Uluca) (cave), see under Megalo, 06/40 [+ WO]
cf JCG58 Sof Omar
JDA66 Uluko (Uluco) (mountain), see Lucho
uluku t..: tabo (Som) miss, feel the lack of;
taabo (Som) contact; concern
HDF61 Uluku Tabo (Uluco Tabo) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
ulule, ulullee (O) reed flute
HCU26 Ulule 0725'/3955' 2174 m 07/39 [Gz]
GCM62 Ulut (Garner) 0657'/3430'c, 06/34 [WO x]
small lake near the border of Sudan
JDR81 Uluulli 1044'/4143' 612 m 10/41 [Gz]
JEC71 Ulwulli /Fialno?/ (recorded in 1841), cf Uluulli 10/41 [Ha]
Um .., see Umm ..
Umar .., cf Omar ..
Umar, a Muslim male name, from an early leader in 634-644;
kalle, kallee (O) dried skin used for sitting or sleeping
JCG58 Umar, see Sof Omar
JDJ.. Umar Kalle (Umar Calle) (village), 09/42? [+ Gu]
Oromo village, partly in masonry and partly enclosed.
JDJ15 Umarcul, see Umer Kule, under Amuma 09/42 [WO Gz]
JEJ61 Umbaba (mountains) 1222'/4141' 725, 1230 m 12/41 [WO Gz]
HDM53 Umbaccio, see Imbwacho
HDG32 Umballo (area) 09/35 [WO]
HCH31 Umbeiro (Uumbeiro, Vumbaro) 0639'/3551' 1378 m 06/35 [WO Gz]
HDP70 Umbera, see Debre Zeyit
HFF43 Umberbere, see Irda Meskel
HDR79 Umberet (area), see under Dembecha 10/37 [WO]
umbi, uumbii (O) elephant trunk
GDF44 Umbi, see under Dembidolo 08/34 [WO]
GDU73 Umbi, see Ube
HDG69 Umbi 09/35 [WO]
HDL23 Umbicha (Umbiccia), see under Sululta 09/38 [+ WO]
HEB45 Umbichina (Umbicina) 11/36 [+ WO]
HCK42 Umbo (mountain & place), see Humbo
HEC35 Umbri 11/37 [WO]
HDR96 Umbri M. (church) 10/37 [WO]
HDJ35 Umbulo 0916'/3703' 2134 m, near Hareto 09/37 [Gz]
JDB71 Umecho (Omaccio) 0844'/4058' 1446 m, 08/40 [Gz]
south-east of Bedesa, coordinates would give map code JDB62
Umer .., see also Omar .., cf Umar ..
Umer, a male Muslim name
JCG58 Umer, see Sof Omar
JDJ15 Umer Kule (Umarcul) 0910'/4204' 1778 m, 09/42 [Gz]
south of Harar, see under Amuma;
an ethnic group Tsamay
umer r..: roba, robaa, rooba (O) rain
JDJ45 Umer Roba 0928'/4207' 2146 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HCS00c Umeta, in south-western Kembata, 07/37 [20]
a little east of Omo river
GCT44 Umiel (Omial) 0740'/3348' 305 m, 07/33 [WO Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HDD81 Umkosho 08/37 [WO]

umm id..: idlaw (Som) bring to completion

HEG26 Umm Idla (Jebel Umm'Idla) (hill) 1157'/3517', 11/35 [WO Gz]
see mainly Omedla
HEH33 Umm Zenegia (Jebel U.Z., Umm Zeneghir), 12/35 [WO Gz]
(mountain) 1206'/3559' 1160 m
HEG29 Umm Zenegir (U. Zeneghir) (mountain), 11/35 [WO Gz]
1158'/3535' 617 m, at about 35 km from the Sudan border
HEH52 Umm Zenidi (Jebel U.Z.) (mountain), 12/35 [WO Gz]
1215'/3557' 928 m, coordinates would give map code HEH53
umma go..: goma (A) hornless /animal/
JEB58 Umma Goma 1124'/4128' 522 m, south of Asaita 11/41 [WO Gz]
HDD13 Ummuga 0816'/3746' 1814 m, see under Welkite 08/37 [WO Gz]
JEN99 Ummuna 1331'/4038' 690/800 m, 13/40 [WO Ne]
(active volcano), see also Amaytoli
At the south end of the Ertale (Erta-ale) chain of volcanoes Ummuna shows a dome-shaped profile
with a small lava-filled crater at the top.
umnna (O) power, strength
HDC33 Umo (mountain), see Badda Ummo, under Koma
HBK70 Umori 0418'/3733' 874, 1140 m, 04/37 [WO Gz]
mountain at about 30 km from the border of Kenya
umuri (O) age, life
-- Umuri, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana people
HFE59 Una Deriam (Una Deri'am) 1401'/3920' 1737 m, 14/39 [Gz]
south-west of Adigrat
JCD16 Unca, see Unka
HCR68 Uncuri, see Unkuri
unda (O) all; ounda (Afar) small; bilen, the Bilen people?
bilen (A) iris or pupil of the eye;
-- Bilen, an ethnic group
JDG45 Unda Bilen (/Lit./ Bilen) 0928'/4019' 740 m 09/40 [WO 18 Ne Gu]
Place with hot springs, some 15 km east of Awash river on the old route
from the coast to Shewa.
One of its springs, less hot (43.5C) and less bitter tasting, used to supply water to
to travellers.
JDH63 Unda Rugdaya (Unda Rugdaia) (hill) 09/41 [+ WO Gz]
0939'/4101' 1017 m
JEB74 Undadanangera (Undadananghera) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
undadaya: daya (O) current /of water/; dayaa (Som) son;
-- Daya, name of a group of Oromo
JDG34 Undadaya (Undadaia) 800 m, 09/40 [+ WO]
near Awash river at 40 km north of Awash station.
"Historical monuments and graves" is indicated on the WO map.
unde (O) root, base, foundation
JDB91 Unde (mountain) 0901'/4048' 2391, 2979 m, 08/40 [Gu Gz]
south-west of Asbe Teferi
JDP29 Underkoma (mountain, recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha]
undero m..: mender (A) village, township, neighbourhood
HC... Undero Mender (in Gemu awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HBL22 Undika, see Unnaika
JEH48 Undurur (Unduruk, Unduru, Undururu) 12/41 [Ne WO Gz]
(mountain chain) 1210'/4124' 1103 m
?? Unen Amba (Unenamba) ../.. [18]
GCT74 Ungela (Unghela), see Angela
JEB95 Ungolo 11/41 [WO]
GCM71 Unguala (Unguale, Ungwala), see Ongola
JCD17 Unka (Unca) 0533'/4307' 494 m 05/43 [+ WO Gz]
unkaye: ungayee (O) lentil-like plant with edible seeds
HDJ75 Unkaye 0943'/3705' 2444 m, north of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HFE57 Unko 1402'/3905' 1881 m, south-east of Adwa 14/39 [Gz]
HDL24 Unkure 0917'/3848' 2659 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
about 30 km north of Addis Abeba
HCR68 Unkuri, see Deneba
unkuro, unkuroo (O) fermentable mash from which
beer or alcohol is produced
HBL22 Unnaika (Undika) (hill) 0351'/3839' 03/38 [WO Gz]
HDJ57 Unone (Scirba) 0931'/3716' 2254 m, east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
unsi g..: guddo (O) big /female/, and several other meanings
JBJ43 Unsi Guddo (Unzi G.) 0403'/4157' 174 m, 04/41 [Gz]
on the border of Somalia
JCJ07 Unsili 0623'/4217' 450 m, south-east of Imi 06/42 [WO Gz]
JEB76 Untagolo (area) 11/41 [WO]
JDG24 Unte 09/40 [Ne Gu]
Village on the right bank of river Awash, above some rapids.
GDU42c Untu, near Kurmuk and Sudan 10/34 [x]
Uo.., see generally Wo.. or We.. /or Wi../
GDE32 Uo, see Uau
HCP35 Uobba, see Wobba
HDL66 Uoberi, see Weberi Bekera
HDL67 Uoberi (area), see under Webera 09/39 [WO]
HDL64c Uoberri, see Woberri
HES02 Uocardebba Mariam, see Wokardebba Maryam
HES44 Uochen 1306'/3756' 2615 m, north-east of Dabat 13/37 [WO Gz]
HET07 Uochen (mountain), see Woken
HEM82 Uochi, see Woki
HEE94 Uochieta, see Wokyeta
HDE91 Uociacia (mountains), see Wechecha
HES.. Uociana Berri, see Wochana Berri
HED64c Uociano, see Wochano
HDK47 Uociodi, see Wochodi
HEJ91c Uocni, see Wakne
HCJ85 Uoco, see Ocha
HET87 Uocro, see Wikro
HEL38 Uodavghie, see Wodavgye
JDL30 Uodda Dibich, see Wodda Dibik
JDK49 Uodda Ena Bacal, see Wodda Ena Bakal
JDL22 Uodda Feraueina, see Wodda Feraweyna
JDK27 Uodda Ferengi, see Wodda Ferenji
JDK49 Uodda Giha, see Wodda Jiha
JDE35 Uodda Gumar, see Wodda Gumar & JDE95
JDL31 Uodda Macachil (.. Macahil), see Wodda Makakil
JDL30 Uodda Ualithor, see Wodda Walithor
JDK36 Uodda Ulca, see Wodda Ulka
JEA83 Uodedsha (Uodedsca) 1135'/4003' 895 m, 11/40 [Gz]
mountains north of Bati and south of Mille river
HCS89 Uodessa (Uodescia, Uodesha), see Silte, under Butajira
HDK03 Uodessa (mountain), see Wedesa
HDD05 Uodie, see Wodye
HBT86 Uodo (mountain), see Wodo
HDD74 Uoenci, see Wenchi Kirkos
HDF03 Uofaica, see Wofayka
HEM82 Uofla, see Wefla
JEN53 Uogare (mountain), see Wogare
HDC99 Uogedi (Gebel U.) (mountain), see Wegedi
HEH00 Uogeni, see Abu Mendi
HDR56 Uoget, see Wojet
HCP26 Uogga, see Wogga
HDT62 Uogheda, see Wegedi, under Ajibar
HES.. Uoghera, see Wegera
HDT62 Uogghidi (Uoghidi, Uogiddi), see Gelebe
HDT32 Uoggitu, see Wojitu
HES54 Uoghed, see Woged & HES62
JEH49 Uogheita, see Wogeyta
HEC08 Uoghel, see Wogel
HEH00 Uogheni, see Abu Mendi
HEC87 Uoghensa, see Wegensa
HES62 Uoghera, see Wogera
HFC24 Uoghera, see Wegera awraja
HET96 Uogheue, see Wogewe
HDT62 Uoghidi (Uogghidi, Uogiddi), see Gelebe
HDL97 Uoghir, see Wogir
HCL62 Uogigra, see Wojigra
HED61 Uogir Uoldementa, see Welde Menta
HDS30 Uogit Gorgar, see Wojit Gorgar
HFF22 Uogoro, see Wikro
?? Uogri Hariba (Wegir Haribo), see Adi Abune Nazret
HCJ29 Uoide, see Woyde, under Bole
HEK64 Uoinzereghie, see Weynzeregye
HEM23 Uoira Baie, see Weyra Baye
HEM23cUoira, see Weyra
HCD99 Uolabo, see Wolabo
JBJ75 Uoladdaie (Uoladdaia) 0418'/4203' 176 m, 04/42 [Gz]
north of Dolo, picturesque locality at the confluence
of the Web Gestro and Ganale Doriya.
HES01 Uolaich, see Waleka
HCK52 Uolamo (mountain), see Welamo
HES64 Uolchefit, see Wilkifit
HDD13 Uolchitte, see Welkite
HEL45 Uold Negus, see Weld Nigus
HBM56 Uolde, see Welde
HFD12 Uoldebba, see Woldebba
HEM02 Uoldia, see Weldiya
JDA73 Uoldoi (mountain), see Weldoyi
GDU60 Uoldong, see Woldong
HDF51 Uolenciti, see Welenchiti
HCK93 Uolighe (island), see Alge
HDD45 Uoliso, see Weliso
HDD13 Uolkitte, see Welkite
HDH83 Uollaga, see Wollaga
HES00 Uollaich, see Walag, cf Waleka
HCK51 Uollamo, see Welayita awraja
HCK52 Uollamo, see Welamo
-- Uollamo language, see Welayita
HDB50 Uollega (place), see Welega
GDF85 Uollel (mountain), see Tulu Welel
HCL21 Uollo, see Wollo, cf Ollo
HDM62 Uolo, see Wolo
JEH03 Uolola Deita, see Wolola Deyta
HCH82 Uoltu, see Wolto, under Shewa Gimira
HCJ92 Uomba, see Womba & HDE44 HDR65
HET26 Uombedieh, see Amba Wombedye
HDP70 Uombera, see Debre Zeyit
HEM71 Uomberat (Uomberet) (mountain), see Womberat
HEE81c Uomberghie, see Wombergye
HFF05 Uomberta (mountain), see Womberta
HCK08 Uonago, see Wenago
HEC97c Uoncheta, see Woncheta
HED61 Uonchie, see Wenkie
HEL39 Uondate (Uondale), see Wondate
HEC27 Uondechez, see Wondekez
HER38 Uondie Got, see Wondye Got
HCL20 Uondo, see Wendo
JEG33 Uoneds (mountains) 1203'/4006' 826 m 12/40 [WO Gz]
HDU02 Uonfosc, see Tentarit
HCS23 Uongera, see Jajura, under Hosaina
HEC66 Uongheto, see Wongeto
HDE29 Uongi, see Wenji & HDE38
HEC66 Uonguela Gheorghis, see Wengela Giyorgis
HCA99 Uor, see Vor, under Maji
HDM16 Uora Melca, see Melka Awara
HDM14 Uoraba, see Woraba
JDC86 Uoraba, see Weraba
HCN78c Uorabbo, see Worabbo
JDJ96 Uorabeisa, see Worabeysa
HDT05 Uorago, see Werke Amba
JDD56 Uoraleh, see Sewuyile
JCU20 Uorarei, see Worarey
HEC77 Uorc Amba, see Werk Amba & HES55 HFE16
HEL63 Uorc Amba, see Amde Werk
HCG18 Uorca, see Worka
JDJ58 Uorcabeisa, see Werkabeysa
HEH99 Uorcada, see Workada
HET28 Uorcadinu, see Workadinu
HES55 Uorcamba, see Werk Amba
HDE51 Uorce, see Roge
HDE52 Uorch, see Werk
HEP26 Uorch Amba, see Werk Amba
HDK06 Uorche (mountain), see Werke
HER48 Uorche Medir, see Werk Midir
HES32 Uorchescia, see Werkesha
HEC63 Uorechie Tarara, see Wereke Terara
HEF40 Uoremainu, see Were Himeno
HEC79 Uorghemma, see Gordemma
HEF73 Uorghesa, see Wirgesa
HCT72 Uorgia, see Worja
HFE16 Uorieghe 1343'/3900' 2314 m, north of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HDM76 Uork Amba, see Werk Amba
HCP17 Uorka, see Werka
HDK06 Uorke (mountain), see Werke
HEF23 Uorra (mountains), see Hara
HEF35 Uorra Bisciu, see Worra Bicho
HDU72 Uorra Ilu, see Were Ilu
HBR43 Uorra Uando, see Wendo
HBL51 Uorraba, see Urabe
JEA63 Uorrababo, see Worrababu
HDN67 Uorrabille, see Worabile
HDK96 Uorro Giarso, see Worro Jarso
HEF43 Uorro Imano, see Yimano
HDC43 Uorsa, see Koye
HEK87 Uorsiso, see Worsiso
JCT94 Uort Mirre, see Uartih Mirreh
HDL64 Uortu, see Wertu at HDL65
JCC04 Uoruoro, see Woruoro
HCH15 Uosca, see Woska
HDM45 Uoscia Gabriel, see Washa Gabriel
HCK21 Uoscio (mountain), see Wosho
HCJ65 Uossi, see Wossi
HCH71 Uota, see Shewa Gimira
JDC48 Uotalce, see Wotalche
HCS03 Uotanna, see Wotanna
HEE77 Uoteghie, see Wotegye
HFE05 Uotellaco, see Wotellako
HDM74 Uoti (mountain), see Woti
HEF03 Uotie, see Wotie, cf Kottie
?? Upenso, plain with acacias ../.. [Gu]
HDN06 Upper Ionghi, see Yongi
ura, uraa (O) awl /of rough large type/; hole made by it;
urra (O) firewood; uraa (Som) kind of plant with
strong-smelling resin; qayiro (Som) change /clothes etc./
HEC98c Ura (Uhra, Uran) (church), see below and Zege 11/37 [20 n]
JCT92 Ura Kayro (Ura Cairo) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HEC98c Ura Kidane Mihret (.. ..Mehret, U.Kidana Merhat), 11/37 [+ Ca n]
see Wira Kidane Mihret, see also under Zege
?? Urab, see Orab
KCN19 Urabas, see Waraaw
JDD66 Urabayus (Urabaius) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
HBK49 Urabe, G. (area), see under Mega 04/38 [WO]
HBL51 Urabe (Uorraba) (area) 04/38 [WO]
JDD86 Urabileh (Uarabileh) 0855'/4304' 1336 m 08/43 [Gz]
HCP78 Uracce (Urache), see Yachi
JEP73 Uracur, see Urukur
HDD28 Urafa 08/38 [WO]
uraga (Sidamo O) kind of shrub or tree,
Ehretia cymosa var. silvatica;
-- Uraga, eastern branch of the Guji people
HCE71 Uraga (Urago) (locality) 0608'/3835' 06/38 [Gz]
On 10 February 2000 violent forest fires erupted in 17 places
of which some in the Uraga area.
uraga se..: selam (sälam) (A,T) peace, prosperity
H.... Uraga Selam sub-district (in Jemjem) ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Selam)
?? Uraga wereda (at some distance from Kibre Mengist) ../.. [20 Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 100 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Haroo Wato
HCE71 Urago, see Uraga
HDD58 Urago 0836'/3815' 2236 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDF40 Uraka (Uraca), see under Nazret 08/39 [+ WO]
HCP78c Urake (Urache) 1726 m 07/36 [+ Gu]
JEC10 Urali (area) 10/41 [WO]
JDP79 Uramelli, see Uaramelli
J.... Uramilli, 1028'/4126' (hot springs) 10/41 [x]
Geyser-type hot springs occur at Uramilli in southern Afar.
?? Uramu, in Ilubabor ../.. [x]
HBL01 Uran (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDH87 Uran 09/36 [WO]
HEC98cUran, see Ura
HBU00 Urane, D. (area) 04/39 [WO]
HDB89 Urangur 08/36 [WO]
HDM53 Urani (area) 09/39 [WO]
?? Urata (mountain), ../.. [20]
its peak reaches elevation 4066 m.
JEH21 Urayu (Uraiu, Arale) (area) 11/40 [+ WO Gz]
HDA65 Urba, T. (hill) 08/35 [WO]
-- urbarag: Urbareg, Ulbarag, Ulbaraj, Wirbarak, a group of Gurage
with their own distinctive dialect related to Silti
HCS67 Urbarag (Urbaragh), see Wulbareg
HBL14 Urdaloni (area) 03/38 [WO]
?? Urdicho (Urditcho) (in Sidamo) ../.. [+ Mi]
HES49 Ureina 13/38 [WO]
JEB94 Urfora, see under Tendaho 11/41 [WO]
HBK76 Urfulesa, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDE.. Urga (Mumicha Urga) 08/38 [x]
HCD87 Urgamo, at 35 km south-west of Dilla 06/38 [x]
Site on a hill where a German ethnographic expedition in December 1934
studied decorated monoliths with human faces.
JEP72 Urgarra 1321'/4055' -48 m below sea level, 13/40 [WO Gz]
west of lake Afrera (lake Giulietti)
HDF71 Urgecha kebele (Urgécha ..) 08/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
a little south of Bolo Silase; area 1,338 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HBK59 Urgesa (Urghesa) 0407'/3820' 1659, 2306 m 04/38 [WO Gz]
(Gebel U.) (mountain), see under Mega
urgessa, urgeessaa (O) kind of erect shrub, Premna
schimperi, Ehretia cymosa;
Urgesa, Urgessa, a male personal name;
urgessu, urgeessuu (O) make to smell nice;
urghe: urge, urgee (O) place
JCB70 Urghe (Malca U.) 0604'/4044' 06/40 [WO Gz]
(seasonal waterhole)
JEC73 Urginni (Urghinni) (waterhole) 11/41 [+ WO]
urgo, urgoo (O) butter-milk curd; urgo, urga (O) collective
word for plants having a nice smell; some of them are added to
milk and butter
JBG66 Urgo (area) 04/40 [WO]
JCG27 Urgo (area) 06/40 [WO]
JDJ54 Urgo (Balaua) 0933'/4159' 1696/1731 m 09/41 [Gz Gu]
HCM73 Urgoma (mountains) 0659'/3937' 3858 m, 06/39 [Gz]
at about 40 km in a straight line west of Goba
-- Urib, name of a group of the Gurage
HCS98 Urib, M. (area) 08/38 [WO]
HDE05 Uriesa, see Dalecha
JCD41 Urika (Urica) 05/42 [+ WO]
JEN29 Urikomam (mountain) 1254'/4035' 1426 m 12/40 [Gz]
urji, urjii (O) 1. star; 2. being many like the stars;
bariisaa (O) sunrise, morning star
HCM.. Urji Barisa (Urjii Bariissa), see under Goba 06/40 [20]
urra, urraa (O) firewood
GD... Urra (in Asosa awraja), cf Ura .. 10/34? [Ad]
HDS75 Urrata (Uirrata) 1040'/3758' 3388, 4066 m, 10/37 [WO Gu Gz]
mountain north-east of Debre Markos
urre (O) fog; seya (T) palm tree, Phoenix reclinata
HEF43 Urre Seya (Urre Seia) 11/39 [+ Gu]
JEG06 Urria Ghifi, see Uruyegifi
?? Urris (valley), ../.. [Mi]
a tributary(?) of the Didessa river in Wellega.
HDB10 Urrummu, see Hurumu
ursa (O) murmur, whispering, din, noise, mooing, bellowing
HDC43 Ursa, see (1) Keto and (2) Koye
JDN52 Urse 1029'/4001' 1713 m 10/40 [Gz]
urso (Som) smell at, sniff at
JDJ60 Urso, see Hurso
urso t..: toma (Konso) wooden board used to move earth
JDH69 Urso Toma (area) 09/41 [WO]
ursu, uursuu (O) roar /like wind or waterfall/
JDJ.. Urto , east of Erer, 09/41 [x]
the last stop before Dire Dawa on the old road from Addis Abeba.
uru, uruu (O) pierce, make a hole; uuruu (O) muzzle such as of a donkey;
-- Uru, name of a Merewa group of Oromo, mentioned
around 1610 at Wikro
HDD91 Uru 0902'/3738' 2103 m, west of Ambo, cf Huru 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK78 Uru (mountain) 0945'/3815' 2583 m, 09/38 [WO Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
JDP63 Uruckya (Urucchia) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
JEP74 Urucur, see Urukur
urufa (O) plain, flat country, lowland
HCK89 Urufa 0706'/3820' 1987/2070 m, 07/38 [WO Gz]
west of northern lake Awasa
HCM51 Urufa (area) 06/39 [WO]
HCT53 Urufa (area, with hot spring near lake) 07/38 [WO]
HDC07 Urufa 0812'/3716' 2350/2475 m, west of Abelti 08/37 [WO Gz]
HDE72 Urufa (village) 08/38 [x]
JDJ45 Urujis 0930'/4304' 1742 m, north-west of Harar 09/43 [Gz]
JEP74 Urukur (Urucur, Uracur) (with hot springs) 13/41 [+ WO Gz]
1320'/4101' 186 m, at west shore of lake Afrera (lake Giulietti)
HDB10 Urumu, see Hurumu
urungu (O) owl
JDN83 Urungu, see Kuye
JDP72 Urunkya (Urunchia) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
-- Uruta, cf Huruta
HDF00 Uruta Mariam (with church), see Huruta
JEG06 Uruyegifi (mountain) 1147'/4021' 825/970 m, 11/40 [Gz WO]
(Urria Ghifi)
HEL27 Urvuar (early name), see Lalibela
HBS07 Urweyu, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDE05 Uryesa, see Dalecha
HCC40 Usakaya (Usakaia) (area), see under Jinka 05/36 [+ WO]
HCR33 Usarbi 0735'/3653'c, 07/36 [x]
south of Gibe river some 15 km south of Hirmata
JCK05 Usbelli, see Asbuli
JBP37 Usciaga (here? cf JBR00) 04/41 [MS]
JBR00 Usciaga, see Ushaga
JBH78 Usciaga Raidap (seasonal well) 0420'/4125' 04/41 [WO Gz]
HDS18 Usciater, see Ushater
JDD19 Uscudon, see Uskudon
HDL64 Use 0939'/3849', see under Debre Libanos 09/38 [AA Gz]
ushaga: usaga (Som) he, him
JBR00 Ushaga (Usciaga) (seasonal spring) 0433'/4137' 04/41 [+ WO Gz]
HDC09 Ushane 0809'/3725' 1951m, west of Abelti, 08/37 [Gz]
near map code HCR99
HDS18 Ushater (Usciater), area on the way down to the Abay 10/38 [+ WO]
HDS27 Ushater (Usciater) 10/38 [+ WO]
JDD19 Uskudon (Uscudon, Uskudom, Iscu Don) (area), 08/43 [+ Gz WO]
0818'/4322' 1112 m, west of Degeh Bur
Usman, a male Muslim name
HDD38 Usman 0828'/3814' 2440 m 08/38 [Gz]
JDH38 Usman Abdulahi 0923'/4127' 2066 m, near Deder 09/41 [Gz]
usman e..: ejersa (O) brown olive, Olea africana
JDH47 Usman Ejersa 0927'/4123' 1841 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north-west of Deder
JDH47 Usman Wariye 0927'/4121' 1784 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north-west of Deder
HDL54 Usmani 0933'/3849' 2635 m, south-east of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HDL77 Usmani 0944'/3903' 2548 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL75 Usmani kebele 09/38 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda, 30 km south-southeast
of Alem Ketema; area 1,418 hectares
[CSA 1994].
HDL54 Usmarti 09/38 [AA]
ussa (Gurage) kind of food prepared from the ensete plant
JDP58 Ussa Uruweyna (Ussa Urueina) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HCL55 Ussota (mountain) 0650'/3855' 2723 m, 06/38 [Gz]
south-east of Kofele
HDS60 Usta, see under Dembecha 10/37 [WO]
JCL69 Usul 0656'/4414' 546 m, 06/44 [WO Gz]
upstreams from Kebri Dehar
HDG44 Utala 0925'/3510' 1563 m, west of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
utallo, utalloo (O) common cold /infection/
HCK08c Utallo, see Sugali
JEA13 Utalte (area) 1630 m 11/40 [WO]
HEF73 Utchali, see Wichale
HDM.. Uti (pointed mountain) 09/39 [Gu]
HDL44 Utkera (Utk'era, Utqera) 09/38 [AA q]
GCT26 Uton 07/34 [WO]
HCD82 Utschello, see Ochollo
utuba (O) pillar supporting a building
HCR86 Utubo (mountain) 0803'/3710' 2142 m 08/37 [Gz]
JDJ24 Utulu 0915'/4158' 1872 m, north-east of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
HFL07 Utza Guza 1428'/3910' 1857 m, 14/39 [WO Gu Gz]
north of Inticho near the border of Eritrea
HCP31 Uuca, see Vuka
HDL86 Uulu, see Vulu
HCH31 Uumbeiro, see Umbeiro
HDR31 Uunchit, see Munchit
HCA99 Uur, see Vor, under Maji
HCS10 Uuschule, see Vushule
HDB91 Uuta, see Chuta
HEF30 Uwa (mountain) 1110'/3925' 3103 m, 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie
uwa m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
JEA94 Uwa Meda (plain) 1150'/4011' 11/40 [Gz]
?? Uwa wereda (in the 1990s) 11/40? [n]
HDL70 Uye 0946'/3828' 2582 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
HEJ.. Uzaba (former Falasha village) 12/37 [n]
HD... Vaagasuk, place in Wellega east of Nejo ../.. [x]
JDB04 Vabi (Vagheccia) (area) 1460 m 08/41 [WO]
HBT07 Vacille (wells), see Wachile
HDH89 Vagavare 09/36 [WO]
JDB04 Vagheccia, see Vabi
JFA25 Vaideddo (with well) 1349'/4015', 13/40 [WO Gz]
cf Baydodo
JEP73 Vaidedou (area) 13/40 [WO]
KCR56 Vallata Erigo (area) 07/47 [WO]
KCR65 Vallata Sahader (area) 07/47 [WO]
JEP37 Valledo (hill) 1256'/4123' 12/41 [WO]
JDJ.. Valley of Marvels, see under Babile
H.... Vamit 10/37 [MS]
HEK60 Van Suge (Van Sughe) 12/37 [+ WO]
?? Vangel, river in Wellega, affluent of Shogul ../.. [Mi]
HC... Vannutelli & Citerni falls 06/37 [Gu]
Cascata Vannutelli e Citerni is a name given by Italians to a waterfall
in the river Amassa (Amaza) which flows into northwestern lake Abaya.
JDJ05 Varka, see Warka
GDM07 Vato, see Gewil
JFA59 Veima, see Weima
HDG05 Velde, cf Balda 09/35 [WO]
HEJ82 Venivach (area) 12/36 [WO]
HCR21 Vennio (mountains) 0725'/3645' 2555 m, 07/36 [WO Gz]
south-west of Jimma
HER09 Venticinque (=25 in Italian) (area) 12/37 [WO]
JBN95 Verme Falls, see Del Verme Falls
JFB15 Vertadabba (volcanic area) 1343'/4110' 13/41 [WO Gz]
villaggio b..: villaggio (Italian) village;
Bottego, an Italian explorer
HCK82 Villaggio Bottego, see Didu
villaggio t..: Torino, an Italian town
HDE83c Villaggio Torino 08/38 [Gu]
villaggio z..: Zappa, an Italian mining engineer
HDG48c Villaggio Zappa (gold mine), see under Nejo 09/35 [Gu]
HET53 Visintarve 13/38 [WO]
?? Vis, see Wis
HDT48 Vita (Vit'a) 1024'/3912' 2607 m 10/39 [Gz]
JDH38c Vobi (mountain & village) 09/41 [Gu]
About 100 m below the village is a good spring.
HCP26 Vogga, see Wogga
HEH00 Vogheri, see Abu Mendi
?? Vogiddi, see Wegidi
HCH82 Voltu, see Woltu, under Shewa Gimira
HCA99 Vor (Uor, Uur) 0616'/3540' 1488 m, 06/35 [WO Gu Gz]
(village & high plateau), see under Maji
HCG56 Vorku (Vorcu), see under Mizan Teferi 06/35 [+ WO]
HDL73c Vortu (market) 09/38 [Gu]
HCP31 Vuca, see Vuka
HCP40 Vuddita, see Gucha
HCP31 Vuka (Vuca, Uuca) 0733'/3550' 1964 m 07/35 [+ WO Gz]
HBK79 Vulmora (area) 04/38 [WO]
HDL86 Vulu (Uulu) 0949'/3859' 2151 m, east of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HBK37 Vungalat (locality) 0356'/3809' 03/38 [WO Gz]
HCS10 Vushule (Vusciule, Uuschule) 0720'/3731' 1801 m 07/37 [Gz]
HEJ77 Waag, see Wag
HEU12 Waakei (Wa'akei) 1246'/3937' 1776 m, 12/39 [Gz]
near Maychew
?? Waala Nhibi, temporary refugee camp for Eritreans ../.. [20}
HED50 Waalia, see Waliya
wab: waab (Som) small hut or dwelling; wab (Som) viscera,
internal organs
JCM32 Wab (Uab) 06/44 [+ WO]
waba (Som) shrub with dark leaves; a poison for arrows
can be extracted from its roots;
weba (wäba) (A) malaria
GDF32 Waba (Tulu Uaba) (mountain) 08/34 [+ WO]
waba ada: ada, adaa (O) 1. clan; 2. culture, custom;
3. kind of flower;
-- Ada, Hada, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
JDF33 Waba Ada (Uaba Ada, Uaba Ado) (area), 08/44 [+ WO Gz]
0826'/4438' 1028 m
waba l..: lamba (A,T) kerosene; lambaa (O) kerosene lamp
HEJ64 Waba Lamba (Uaba Lamba) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
wabara, waabara (O) algae, green plants on the surface of water
HDA74 Wabara (Uabara) (area), cf Webera 08/35 [+ WO]
HDL95c Wabari sub-district 09/38 [n]
the smaller one of two sub-districts within Insaro wereda
H.... Wabas (river) circa 1000'/3800' 10/38? [Ch]
The Bogana and Abaya join the Gatla down in its ravine, and the three
then continue to the Abay under the name of the Wabas.
JDD23 Wabase (Uabase) (area) 1204 m 08/42 [+ WO]
-- wabassa (O) name of one of ten different gada sets
wabe, wabee (O) stingless bee
HDL62 Wabe 0938'/3839' 2527 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
JCP26 Wabe awraja (Wabi .., Wabie ..) 0730'/4115' 07/40 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Ginir)
HBK17 Wabeir (area) 03/38 [WO]
HDA59 Wabeko sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gesi (Dipa)) 08/35 [Ad]
wabera: waabara (O) algae, green vegetation layer on water surface
GDM22 Wabera 0914'/3431' 1703 m, south of Begi 19/34 [Gz]
HDA93 Wabera 0901'/3504' 1828 m, cf Webera 09/35 [Gz]
JCH01 Wabera (Uabara) 0626'/4042' 1014 m, 06/40 [Gz WO]
near map code JCG19, WO map has Uabara at JCG09
wabg..: guro (Som) 1. place cleared on loaded camel where
people can sit; 2. pick up, collect for oneself;
guro, guroo (O) 1. raw cotton; 2. lump, hard mass
JDE85 Wabguro (Uabguro) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDK09 Wabguro (Uabguro) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
wabi (O) wasp; wabii (O) spokesman; (A,O) guarantor;
waabi (Som) send away, shoo, drive back
HDE70 Wabi (Wäbi, Uabi), river at 0813'/3739' 08/38 [x Pa WO]
HDL98 Wabi kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Moret & Jiru wereda, 2-5 km north of Inewari;
area 2,166 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wabi m..: mana (O) house, home; mena (mäna) (A) useless, in vain
JCB15 Wabi Mena, river at 0532'/4111', in Bale 05/41 [n]
-- Wabi Shebele, see Webi Shebele
HDA67 Wabisku (Uabiscu, Uabiecu) 0840'/3528' 1543 m 08/35 [+ Gu WO Gz]
With a thermal spring which used to be famous, cf Wabeko
HDJ74 Wabo 0941'/3701' 2420 m, north-west of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
waboado: waabo (Som) build a temporary shelter
JDF35 Waboado (area) 08/44 [WO]
HEJ88 Wacca, see Waka
HCH92 Wach (Uaccia, Uaca) (former customs post) 2400 m 07/35 [MS Gu WO]
wacha (A) kinds of wild fig tree, Ficus riparia, F. sur;
(O) din, like of boiling water or of persons
HC... Wacha /same as next one?/, ,,/,, [20]
town in Dita Dermalo wereda
HCH91 Wacha (Uaccia, Uaca) 0709'/3549' 2027 m, 07/35 [Po Gz]
town in Chena wereda, north of Shewa Gimira
(with visiting postman under Jimma),
used to be a customs post, kella.
In the 1980s centre of Chana/Chena wereda.
HDE92 Wachacha (mountain), see Wechecha
wachaga da..: danan (Som) neighing;
dhanaan (Som) acrid or salty flavour
JBP80 Wachaga Danan 0519'/4042' (seasonal spring) 05/40 [WO Gz]
JCP76 Wachale (Uaciale) (area), cf Wichale 07/41 [+ WO]
JDA63 Wachale (Uacciale) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HCE90c Wachama, in Bule wereda, 06/38 [n]
with a megalithic site containing a single stele.
HCS33 Wachamo, see Hosaina
HDB06 Wache (Uace, Uece, Ueche) (mountain), 08/36 [+ WO Gz]
0812'/3617' 2326/2450 m
HBT.. Wachile (Uachile), in Sidamo ../.. [+ Mi]
HBT06 Wachile (Uacille) (area) 04/38 [+ WO]
HBT07 Wachile (Wach'ile, Wachille, Wachilie, Waichile) 04/39 [Gz x WO]
(Uacille, Vacille) Gz: 0433'/3904' 1036 m;
MS: 0430'/3905' 1050 m
MS coordinates would give map code HBL87
There are some deep wells there; said to be 469 km south of Awasa
and some 150 km south of Negele Borena.
HBT07 Wachile sub-district (centre of it in 1964?) 04/39 [Ad Mi]
There were violent clashes between Borana and
Somali Garre tribes in late 2001.
HCD98 Wachile (Wach'ile) 0618'/3817' 1798 m, 06/38 [Gz]
south of Dilla
wachilu, waach'iluu (O) make noise
HDT12 Wachit (Uacit) (valley), 10/38 [x Gu]
river at 1004'/3839'
wachiti, wach'iitii (O) small earthenware plate
for serving porridge
JDB58 Wachiyu (Uacciu) 1452 m, cf Wachu 08/41 [+ WO]
HER00 Wachni, see Wehni

wacho (Sidamo, Borana) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia spp.

-- Wacho, name of a tribe
HDE.. Wacho (Uaccio) (small village), 08/38? [+ Gu]
88 km south of Addis Abeba
HEM23 Wacho (Wach'o) 1156'/3940' 1677 m 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Iyesus), north-east of Weldiya
JDH02 Wacho (Uaccio) (area), see under Asbe Teferi 09/40 [+ WO]
JD... Wacho (on map of 1814) 09/42 [18]
on a northern route from Berbera to Harar
wacho di..: dima (O) 1. red /animal/, white /human/;
2. kind of small tree, Rhamnus prinoides;
3. baobab large tree, Adansonia digitata
HEM13 Wacho kebele (Wach'o ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the middle of the southern border part of Kobo wereda,
area 5,939 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF94 Wachota kebele (Wach'ota ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda, 15 km south-east of Weldiya;
area 2,574 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wachu (O) 1. see wacho; 2. bird's song, chirping; make noise;
(A) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia abyssinica, A. seyal, etc
HDE11 Wachu (Uacciu, Uaccio) 08/38 [LM WO Gu]
HDE21 Wachu (Uacciu) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HDE42c Wachu (Uacciu) 08/38 [+ Gu]
HDL50 Wachu (Wach'u) 0933'/3828' 2048 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDM13 Wachu (Wach'u) 0911'/3937' 1779 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDU97 Wachu (Wach'u) 1050'/3959' 1516 m 10/39 [Gz]
HE... Wachu (centre in 1964 of Irgoye sub-district) 11/39 [Ad]
JDA79 Wachu (area) 08/40 [WO]
JDJ53 Wachu (Wach'u) 0932'/4157' 1714 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-east of Dire Dawa
wachu: wacho dima (Borana) kind of thorn tree, Acacia seyal;
JDC95 Wachu Dima (Wach'u D.) 0902'/4208' 1711 m, 09/42 [Gz]
south of Harar
JDB50 Wachu Yaya (Wach'u Y.) 0840'/4042' 1775 m, 08/40 [Gz]
near map code JDA59, south of Bedesa
HEJ91 Wacne, see Wehni
HDR68 Wad 1032'/3722' 1838 m, west of Dembecha 10/37 [Gz]
HEK43c Wad, peak a little south of Wehni 12/37 [x]
HEH50 Wad Abu Than (area) 12/35 [WO]
?? Wad Iyesus (Wad Eysus) ../.. [+ Po]
(visiting postman under Debre Markos)
wada, waadaa (O) 1. pledge, promise, vow; 2. taboo;
wada (Som) camel track
HCE01 Wadabara 0526'/3831' 1280 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
?? Wadago, in the Chilalo region ../.. [x]
wadaja, wadajaa (O) traditional communal overnight prayer among
the Oromo; it has more and more become an Islamic ceremony;
wadajja (O) friend, comrade; wadaaji (Som) give a share
of something to someone; wedaj (wädaj) (A) friend
HEK53 Wadaji (Uadagi) 1215'/3746' 2640, 3061 m, 12/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
HCF30 Waddara (Waddera), see Wadera
JCU61 Wadel (Uadel, Uadhel, Uadihelo) 07/44 [+ WO Gz]
0751'/4429' 958 m, cf Wedel
wadela: wadala (O) 1. male donkey; 2. bulky /man/
HEE94 Wadela, see Wadla
HEM51 Wadelash (Uadelasc) 12/39 [+ Gu]
JCS19 Wadeleb (Uadeleb) 0721'/4319' 929 m 07/43 [+ WO Wa Gz]
HBU04 Wadeli, G. 04/39 [WO]
JDC98 Wadendewo (Uadendeo) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
wadene: waddan (Som) native land, country
JCR46 Wadene (area) 07/42 [WO]
wader: waddar (Som) strike hard, kill
HCF11 Wadera (Uaddara) 0533'/3924' 1551 m, 05/39 [+ Gz]
(Zenbaba Wuha), north-west of Negele
HCF30 Wadera (Waddara, Uadar, Uadara, Uaddara) 05/39 [MS Gu WO Gz]
(Wadara, Waddera, Wodera, Woddera) 0545'/3919' 1787 m
MS coordinates are just at the line HCE39/HCF30.
Forest & place south-east of Kibre Mengist, cf Moja & Wadera.
Centre in 1964 of Kontema sub-district.
H.... Wadera (sub-post office under Shashemene) 05/39 [Po]
HCF30 Wadera wereda (centre in 1964 = Zenbaba Wiha) 05/39 [Ad]
There is registered the Anferara-Wadera National Forest Priority Area.
HEH42 Waderarba, J. (Uaderaba) (hill) 12/35 [WO Gu]
KCG76 Wadere, see Werder
wadessa, wadesa, waddesa, (O) kind of medium to tall timber
tree, wanza, Cordia africana, with large white flowers
GDF30 Wadessa (Uadessa) (hill), cf Wedesa 08/34 [+ WO]
HDH89 Wadessa (Uadessa) 09/36 [+ WO]
wadi: waadi (Som) dry river bed /which fills up during rain/
?? Wadi Damug, 05/44? [Mi]
an affluent of the Fafan river in Harar province.
JD... Wadi Kilulu (Wady Killolloo) 10/41 [+ Ha]
wadi me..: mana (O) house, home; mena (mäna) (A) useless, in vain
HEH89 Wadi Mena (Uadi Mena) 1235'/3631' 926 m 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEH99
wadi ne..: neefayn (Som) inflating, blowing air into
HEJ70 Wadi Nefan (Uadi Nefan, U. Nefen) 12/36 [+ WO Gz]
1230'/3637' 977 m
Coordinates would give map code HEJ80
HDT10 Wadiya (Uadia, Medria Uadia?) (area) 10/38 [+ WO]
HDU.. Wadj, see Waj
HEE94 Wadla (Wadela, Wädäla, Uadla, Uadl) (plain), 11/38 [+ 18 Gu WO]
1135'/3900', with ancient monastery
Coordinates would give map code HEE86,
about 20 km to the south-east
The ancient monastery has an important school of qene.
Partly cultivated area. There are terraces with high walls.
HEE87 Wadla & Dawint wereda (.. Dawunt, Dawnt ..) 11/39 [Ad 20]
(Wadlana Dawint ..) (centre in 1964 = Kon Abo)
HEE86 Wadla & Delanta awraja 1135'/3900' (-1964-1987-) 11/39 [Ad Gz]
(Wadlana Delanta ..) (centre at least 1964-1980 = Wegel Tena)
In 1873 Wagshum Tefari marched to suppress a rebellion of Ras Ali Biru,
governor of Yeju. Ras Ali was defeated and killed in a battle in Wadla Delanta.
[Feqadu Bena 1990]
HEE64 Wadla & Delanta wereda, 11/39 [Ad]
later changed so that a part became Delanta wereda
HEE86? Wadla wereda 11/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural kebeles and 1 urban among which
Abdikom, Bet Alalech, Bete Hor, Bete Yohanis, Chena Dekish,
Delanga Dega, Delanga Kola, Derera, Dibiko, Dote Gilata,
Gagbi, Ganchere, Gashina, Geter, Gwaze, Jebera, Kurkur, Kwana,
Lay Talet, Manatunaja, Melay, Semer & Semuzent, Shemawala,
Solela, Tach Talit, Washa Mikael, Wegedet, Yebeles, Yedogit,
Yeneja Kinkina, Yeneja Misgwa, Yeniket, Yetech, Yewetet, Yeweyn
HD... Wado Meni (in Gimbi awraja) 09/35? [Ad]
HCK65c Wadrey, 06/38? [x]
rather straight east of Soddo and straight north of lake Abaya.
Wadrey is an administrative centre.
?? Waduh Mecheg (historically recorded, in Fetegar) ../.. [Pa]
JEG26 Waeddo (Uaeddo) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
?? Wafa (Wafe, Wafä) (with church Iyesus), ../.. [n]
in the Goncha district of Gojjam.
The old church has important manuscripts.
?? Wafala (in Eritrea or Tigray?) ../.. [x]
?? Wafat ../.. [x]
The state of the Walashma is reported for the first time in the late 1200s
by Arabic writers, who called it Wafat or Awfat or Wasma.
HBM23 Wafata (Gara W.) (mountain) 0352'/3935' 972 m, 03/39 [WO Gz]
at about 25 km from the border of Kenya
JCM17 Wafdug (Uafdug, Auafdug) 0630'/4455' 589 m, 06/44 [+ WO Gz]
(Wafdoog), coordinates would give map code JCM16
HEM40 Waffa (Uaffa, Uaffat) 1209'/3929' 2252 m, 12/39 [+ 18 WO Gz]
cf Yifat
Coordinates would give map code HEM41
wag (A,T) 1. the comprehensive body of customary law;
2. mildew, rust /as plant disease/
HEJ77 Wag (Waag, Uagh) (area), cf Weg, 12/37 [+ x WO]
written Vague by Alvares in the 1520s.
Separation of Wag and Lasta was formally brought about in 1919.
Wag : wagshum
The mummified corpses of a succession of wagshums are kept
at Ukre Meskele Kristos in Sekota.
HEL96 Wag awraja 1230'/3900' (-1964-1987-) 12/39 [MS Ad]
Coordinates would give map code HEL86
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Sekota),
cf Sekota awraja
HEL.. Wag Hamra, area which includes Sekota 12/39 [20]
The Wag Hamra Zone comprises three weredas.
waga (O) column supporting a building; also
carved wooden scultures of dead warriors;
(A,T) price, value, cost, reward; waggaa (O) year;
wegga (wägga) (A) pierce, stab, make war on
HEM53 Waga (Uaga) 1218'/3942' 1390 m, 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
south-east of Alamata, cf Wege
There is registered the Komto-Waga-Tsige National Forest Priority Area.
HEU43 Wagaade (Waga'ade, Adobona), 13/39 [Gz]
1303'/3941' 2251 m, mountain south of Debub
HEU43 Wagaade (Waga'ade) (place) 1304'/3941' 2369 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), south of Debub
HES11 Wagara, see Wegera
HDM71 Wagda, see Wegda
HCM.. Wage, see Wege
HCS13 Wagebesa 0721'/3747' 2451 m, south of Hosaina 07/37 [Gz]
HC... Wagebeta (in Kembata awraja) 07/37? [Ad]
HDM.? Wagenj (with church Gebri'el), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HEU92 Wagir Hariba, see Igre Hariba
HEJ91 Wagna, see Wehni
JDR80c Wagulofu (Fre: Ouagoulofou) circa 1045'/4140', 10/41 [x]
south of lake Abbe/Abhe Bid, mountain on map of 1901
waha = wiha = water?
HEF... Waha Titu, see under Wichale (in Wello)
wahab..: wahab (Som) chill and humidity of the night
HFE87 Wahabit Maryam (church) 1421'/3905', 14/39 [Gz]
north-west of and near Inticho
?? Wahal (Ouahal), town in Shewa in the 1300s ../.. [+ x]
HEJ93 Wahamba (Uahamba =Wiha Amba?) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HEC04 Wahatsa 1053'/3659' 2527 m, 10/36 [Gz]
(with church Abo), south of Injibara
H.... Wahdes 13/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wahdessa sub-district)
JDJ41 Wahe 0930'/4146' south-west of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
?? Waheno (Uaheno) ../.. [+ Gu]
There is a site with a group of 45 rather different steles.
HEK06 Waher (Uaher), see Hiruy
HEE89 Wahni, see Wehni & HEJ91
HEF75 Waho 1134'/3949' 1402 m, north-east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
HEF75 Waho 1134'/3950' 1594 m, north-east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
wai s..: selam (sälam) (A,T) peace, prosperity
HC... Wai Selam (centre in 1964 of Benka wereda) 06/36 [Ad]
waibela: waidella (Afar) kind or grave, a stone platform
on which the corpse is laid and walled in
HED15 Waibela 2426 m 10/38 [Ch]
JDH49 Waiber (Uaiber, G.) 2140 m 09/41 [+ Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), see also Waybera
HBT07 Waichile, see Wachile
JFA25 Waideddo, see Baydodo
JDG73 Wailo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Agam Ber) 09/40 [Ad]
HEK50 Waina, see Weyna
HFE78 Waira (Wa'ira) 1415'/3913', cf Weyra, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhani Alem), south-east of and near Inticho
__ Waito, Weyto, Amharic-speaking Muslim tribe on Lake Tana,
numbering 3,086 (in the 1980s?)
HEJ59 Waito 12/37 [WO]
waito me..: mendo (O) trap
HEJ06 Waito Menda (small village with Waito inhabitants) 11/37 [Ch]
HDL79 Waiu, see Wayu Gamanya
?? Waj (historically recorded state) ../.. [n]
The Maya converted to Islam and became supporters of Ahmed Grañ.
HDU.. Waj (Wadj), province in the 1500s 10/39 [+ Pa]
HC... Waja (in Welamo awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HEM52 Waja (with sub-post office under Dessie) 12/39 [Gz Po Ad]
town in Alamata wereda
Gz: 1217'/3936' 1471 m; MS: 1210'/3930'
(centre in 1964 of Waje sub-district), south of Alamata
HEU02 Waja 12/39 [n]
HEM52 Waje sub-district 12/39 [Ad x]
?? Wajeffo (in Gemu Gofa) ../.. [x]
HEU43 Wajerat (Wajeret), see Wajirat,
see also Hintalo & Wajirat wereda
HDH20 Wajeti Sube 0914'/3546' 1829 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north-west of Gimbi
-- Waji, a clan of the Arsi Oromo, cf Wajji
HCT16 Waji (Wajji, Uagi) (area) 0721'/3900' 3051 m, 07/39 [Gz x WO]
sub-district south-east of Langano, about 12 km south of Asela.
Altitude of the cultivated area is 2500-2700 m.
JDK14 Waji (Uaggi) 0912'/4253' 1564 m, 09/42 [Gz WO]
south-east of Jijiga
JDK24 Waji (Uaggi) 0916'/4256' 1699 m, 09/42 [Gz WO]
south-east of Jijiga
JDK72 Waji 0941'/4241' 1827 m 09/42 [Gz]
waji tu: tu (Som) 1. disease affecting livestock;
2. command to make a camel kneel down;
-- Wajetu, an Arsi Oromo tribe
HDL32 Waji Tu 09/38 [AA]
wajie d..: dalota (O) tribe, origin, birthplace, descent
HD... Wajie Dalotta (in Menagesha awraja) 09/38? [Ad]
wajija, wajiijaa (O) red-hot
(There is a Wajir in Kenya, and the Gold Coast Brigade and 1st South Africans were assembled there
before entering Ethiopia in 1941.)
HDD84 Wajira (Uagira) (area) 08/37 [+ WO]
JDJ21 Wajira (Uagira) 09/41 [+ Gu]
JDJ32 Wajira (Uagira) (area), see under Kersa 09/41 [+ WO]
wajira a..: Abo, name of a well-known saint, also other meanings
H.... Wajira Abo 10/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Shashna sub-district)
HEU43 Wajirat, in Inderta awraja 13/39 [Ad]
HEU43 Wajirat wereda (ctr in 1964 = Debub) (-1964-1994-), 13/39 [Ad n]
cf Wejerat,
see also (in later time) Hintalo & Wajirat wereda.
The word amba, flat mountain top or stronghold, was used in Wejirat
to denote a group of villages forming an administrative unit
Around 1974 there were 20 amba in Wejirat.
HDE76 Wajitu 0851'/3901' 2076 m, north of Debre Zeyt 08/39 [Gz]
HDE80 Wajitu (Uagitu) (area), cf Wojitu 08/38 [+ WO]
-- wajitu: Wajetu, name of an Arsi Oromo tribe
HDE90 Wajitu 0901'/3827' 2180 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Addis Alem, cf Weremu & Wajitu wereda
HDL32 Wajitu 0921'/3836' 2553 m, north-west of Sululta 09/38 [Gz]
HDM95 Wajja (Uaggia) (church), see under Debre Sina 09/39 [+ WO]
HCT78 Wajji (Uaggi) (area), cf Waji 07/39 [+ WO]
HDH77 Wajji (Uaggi, Iaghi) (mountain) 09/36 [+ WO Gz]
0942'/3618' 1900 m, coordinates would give code HDH76
JDK14 Wajji (Uaggi) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
wajo (O) 1. person who roasts and distributes meat at
ceremonial meals; 2. (Harar O) kinds of thorn tree
such as Acacia seyal; waju (O) heal, recover health
HDL73 Wajo, see Waju
?? Wajo (river, tributary of the Abay) ../.. [Ch]
"A small stream quit out of proportion to the great valley-slopes that enclose it."
GD... Wajo Mergo (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
waju (O) heal, recover health
HDK95c Waju (area) 09/38 [Ch]
HDL45 Waju 0929/3855' 2578 m (with school) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL73 Waju (Uaiu, Wajo) 0942'/3845' 2650 m, 09/38 [Gz]
south of Fiche
JDB.. Waju (Uaju), see Wayu
JDH28 Waju, 0915'/4126' 09/41 [x]
waka, wooden monument of a dead Konso warrior,
Waka (O), Waaqa, Waqqa (O, also Som) Divinity, God
of the Oromo; sky-god as well as the sky itself
HCG74 Waka (Uaca, Uaccia) 0700'/3510' 2027 m 07/35 [MS n]
HCJ37 Waka (Wak'a, Waqa, Uaca) 0641'/3717' 1183 m 06/37 [Gz q]
HCJ88 Waka (Waca, Wacka, Uaca) 0704'/3710' 2220 m 07/37 [Gz Po x WO]
(Wacca) (with sub-post office under Jimma)
Centre (-1955-1980-) of Kulo Konta awraja.
In the 2000s located in Mareka Gena wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
9E Tulema (village) 1229 m
3S Mareka (Mareca) (village)
5NW Tercha (Tercia) (village)
By 1972 Waka was described as a town on top of a mountain, with eucalyptus trees. Most buildings
had iron sheet roofs and there was a post office and a pharmacy.
The airfield is named Tarche Soddo.
HDU23 Waka (locality) 1011'/3941' 3121 m, near Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HDU23 Waka kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
7 km north-east of Molale; area 1,023 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wakabuti (O) black serpent god?
HCT10 Wakabuti (Uacabuti) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
JEA79 Wakay (Uacai) (area) 711 m 11/40 [+ WO]
wakayyo (O) same as waka
HDE39 Wake (Uache) 08/39 [+ WO]
?? Waket (Waqet) (monastery), ../.. [20]
at Amba Werk in Temben
Wakjira, a male personal name
JDJ22 Wakjira (Wak'jira, Waqjira) 0916'/4146' 2208 m, 09/41 [Gz q]
north-west of Grawa
HEJ91c Wakne (Uacne, Uocni) 1219 m 12/36 [+ Gu]
wako, waakkoo (O) mushroom;
Wako, a male personal name
HCL70 Wako (Wak'o, Waqo) 0658'/3829' 1829 m, 06/38 [Gz q]
south of Awasa
wakole: wakkalle (O) squirrel-like animal, hyrax?
HDL22 Wakole (Wak'ole, Waqole) 0914'/3838' 2596 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
north-west of Sululta
JBS18 Waksen (Uacsen, Uacscen) 04/42 [MS WO Gu]
(name also on the Somali side?)
wakshi.. ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HEL32 Wakshimosh Ber (Uakscimosc Ber) (pass) 12/38 [+ WO]
wal (O) mutuality, interchange, each other;
(Som) each, every; waal (Som) age mate
HEL77 Wal 1224'/3908' 2381 m, south of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
JEG39 Wal Ays (Ual Ais) (hill) 1206'/4038' 12/40 [+ WO Gz]
HET36 Wal Kashwa (Ual Casciua) 1259'/3859' 1484 m, 12/38 [+ Gz]
(mountain), south of Fenarwa
wala (A) chamois, mountain goat, ibex;
Wala, a male personal name?
?? Wala (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDC13 Wala 0816'/3654' 1630 m 08/36 [Gz]
HEL49 Wala 1211'/3918' 2938 m, north-east of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
HDE80 Wala Dalecho, G., see Wata Dalecha
HDK95 Walabete 0954'/3801' 1567 m, west of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCF.. Walabu, area in western Bale 05/39 [x]
--The original centre of the Oromo, according to their tradition.
J.... Walabu, see Welabu
HES00 Walach 1240'/3730' 2443 m, north of Gondar, 12/37 [Gz]
at cross of map squares HEJ99/HEK90/HER09
HDP41 Waladura (Ualadura) (mountain), see Huladura
HES00 Walag (Ualag, Ualac, Uollaich), 12/37 [+ WO Gu n]
(mountain with saddle)
walaga (Harar) kind of medium-sized tree, brown olive, Olea africana
HDB50 Walaga, see Welega
H.... Walaj, in Gondar awraja, same as Walag above? 12/37 [Ad]
walaka, walakka (O) 1. half; 2. centre, middle, innermost part
HD... Walaka (Walaqa, Waylaqa), 10/39 [+ Pa x]
(Almeida wrote Holeca, Oleca), cf Weleka village
Historically recorded area north of Shewa
HED44 Walake (Ualache, Ualake) 1118'/3754' 2214 m, 11/37 [+ Gu Gz]
near Abay river, cf Waleka
GDF74 Walal, see Welel
walala, walalaa (O) honey; "you sweet one"
HDM11 Walale (Walalah), see Welele
HCK52 Walamo, see Welamo
HC... Walayta, see Welayita
walda, waldaa (O) 1. border, boundary, check-point;
2. assembly, association; gedam (A,T) monastery, church
served by monks; 2. place of refuge
HDF12 Waldaba, see Woldebba
waldagadama: godane, godaane (O) to leave a place
and take the cattle somewhere else
HED52 Waldagadama (Ualdagadama) circa 1125'/3740' 11/37 [+ Gu Ch]
(Waldagana?), downstream from Tis Isat falls.
HCB19 Waldare (area) 05/36 [WO]
JCR68 Waldaya (Waldaia) (area) 07/42 [+ WO]
HED54c Waldena (Ualdena) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HEM02 Waldeya (Waldia), see Weldiya
HFD12 Waldibba (Waldiba, Waldebba), see Woldebba
HDT65 Waldiya kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda in its southern part, 8 km south
of Kelala settlement; area 1,776 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM02 Waldya (Waldeya), see Weldiya
wale (walä) (A) to pass the day; (Som) /in compound terms:/
-handler, -maintainer, -carrier;
Wale, a male personal name
JEG05 Wale (Uale) (area) 932 m 11/40 [+ WO]
HEM31 Wale Amba 1207'/3930' 2472 m 12/39 [Gz]
HES01c Waleka (Waleqa, Uolaich) (former Falasha village), see Weleka
GDF74 Walel (Wallel), see Welel
HBU01 Walena (Ualena) 0435'/3924', 04/39 [Gz x WO]
(with seasonal prehistoric well, cf Wachile)
People from Kenya were permitted to settle there in the early 1900s.
HBU11 Walena (Ualena) (area) 04/39 [+ WO]
JCN89 Walena (G.Ualena) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
walensa, walensu, waleensuu (O) kinds of tree with
ornamental red flowers, Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei
HE... Walezibiesta 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Zikwala sub-district)
HDD.. Walga, not very far from Weliso, 08/37 [x]
with basaltic columns giving interesting views.
HFF71 Walha 1417'/3931' 14/39 [x]
wali (A), same as waliya (T); (O) for each other;
waali (Som) local Muslim chief; waalli (Som) folly, madness
daaba (O) 1. honeycomb; 2. stall in a market; 3. jamb,
doorpost, support for wall; 4. ritual food etc. put aside for
the gods; 5. poor, unfortunate
HEJ83 Wali Daba (Uali Deva) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HEJ84 Wali Daba (Uali Daba), see under Chilga 12/37 [+ Gu]
GDF.. Walinga (village near Gambela) 08/34 [x]
HDD45 Waliso, see Weliso
waliy (A?Arabic?) holy man;
waliya (T), walya (A) mountain goat, Walia ibex, Ethiopian ibex
HED50 Waliya (Waalia, Ualia), see under Debre May 11/37 [+ Ha WO]
HER27 Waliya (Ualia, Uaa) 1251'/3721' 1218 m, 12/37 [LM WO Gz]
north-west of Gondar
Coordinates would give map code HER28.
Spelling Waalia on map of 1814.
walka (A) black soil, especially in the lowlands
HE... Walka (Walqa), near Gondar 12/37 [+ 20]
HFF.. Walka (near Adigrat), cf Walha 14/39 [Mi]
HE... Walka Denkore sub-district 11/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jaragedo)
HFE70 Walka Maryam (church) 1416'/3827', 14/38 [Gz]
north-east of Inda Silase
walka me..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HEE78 Walka Meda 1130'/3913' 1758 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-west of Mekdela
HCF17 Walkait, see Welkayit
HET59 Walke (Walk'e, Walqe) 1310'/3920' 1927 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(mountain), near Samre
HEU51 Walke Mikael (Walk'e Mika'el) 1307'/3925', 13/39 [Gz]
(church), between Samre and Debub near the main road
HDD13 Walkite (Walkitti), see Welkite
walla, one of a cycle of 27 Oromo day-names
walla ke..: kella, keellaa (O) check-point, border post;
walle (O) one who is good at singing and dancing
HCP28 Walla Kella (Ualla Chella, U. Kella) 07/36 [+ WO Gu Gz]
0728'/3628' 1515, 1678 m
Former entry customs post, kella, when entering Jimma
wallala, wallalaa (O) ignorant
-- Wallamo language (Walamo), see Welayita
HEJ.. Walleka, see Weleka
GDF85 Wallel, Tulu (Walal), see Tulu Welel
JEB67 Wallelsi (Uallelssi) (area) 610 m 11/41 [+ WO]
HCD14 Walleya (Ualleia) 1718 m, cf Waliya 05/37 [+ WO]
HDN28 Walli 1009'/3530', cf Wali 10/35 [x]
HDP.. Walli, in the Abay gorge south of Wembera 10/35 [x]
HD... Wallicho (Ualliccio), battle site in 1862 10/39 [+ 18]
HDD45 Walliso, see Weliso
wallu, waalluu (O) 1. fine piece of women's clothes, made of multi-
coloured strips of leather; 2. kind of clapping game played by two teams
HDD65 Wallu (M. Uallu) (area), cf Walu 08/38 [+ WO]
HDL01 Walmara, see Welmera
GCT76 Walo (Ualo) 0754'/3400' 401 m, cf Welo 07/34 [+ WO Gz]
JDC13 Walo (Ualo) (area) 1223 m 08/41 [+ WO]
The Walo state was re-founded by the Mamadoch dynasty
(Were Himano) around 1760.
Walo was incorporated into imperial Ethiopia in 1896.
HFF.. Walowalo, see Welowalo
HDD45 Walso, see Weliso
walta (T) shield; (A,T) pole; (A) centre piece of the roof
of a round house; (O) butcher
HET60c Walta (Ualta) (mountain) 4710/4740 m 13/38 [+ Gu]
walta h..: hado, hadhoo (O) having laid eggs or given birth
HEL43 Walta Hado (Ualta Hado) 1208'/3842' 1903 m 12/38 [+ WO Gz]
HDG44 Walteggi (Ualteggi, Ualtegghi) 1609 m 09/35 [+ WO n]
HEL71 Walu 1228'/3835' 1778 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEL82 Walu 1230'/3837' 1815 m 12/38 [Gz]
KCG86 Walwal, see Welwel
HDC40 Wama, river at 0832'/3639', cf Wema 08/36 [x]
HFC24 Wama (area) 13/36 [WO]
?? Wama & Bonaya wereda ../.. [Ad]
(Wamana Bonaya ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 55 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDC35 Wama Hagelo sub-district (-1964-1997-) 08/37 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Wayu)
HDP70 Wambara, see Debre Zeyit
HDR64 Wambarma, see Wemberma
HEJ14 Wambarya, see Wemberya
HDR37 Wamit (Uamet) (mountain) 1018'/3711' 1870 m, 10/37 [Gz Ch WO]
with church Mikael & ford Melka Wamit at a distance
Coordinates would give map code HDR36
HBL37 Wamore (Uamore, Uamore Demb?), 03/39 [+ WO Gz]
(wide area) 0358'/3905'
HBU84 Wamuri (Uamuri) 0519'/3943' 1635 m, 05/39 [Wa Gz]
south-east of Negele
wan (Som) 1. ram, male sheep; 2. milk;
(O) whatever, nothing, why
HDR86 Wan (Uan) 1043'/3706' 2098 m, see under Bure 10/37 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HDR85
wana (A) swim; wanna (A) important, main
HET26 Wana 1252'/3901' 1894 m, 12/39 [Gz]
midway between Sekota and Fenarwa
HCK08 Wanago, see Wenago
HDR53 Wanbarma (Uambarma, Womberima) (area) 10/36 [Ch WO n]
HDP70 Wanbera, see Wembera, see also Debre Zeyit
wancha (A), waanch'aa (O) drinking cup of horn,
also used as measure for honey and butter;
Wancha, a female personal name
HCH96 Wancha, see Washa
HED91 Wanche, see Wanzaye
HDT15 Wanchit (Uancit) (area) 10/38 [+ WO]
HEM.. Wandach (same as Wandaj?), near Dildi and Muja 12/39? [18]
HEM40c Wandaj (mountain pass, recorded in 1868) 12/39 [18]
HEJ05 Wandegé, see Wendige
HEJ05 Wandge, see Wendige
HDG64 Wandi (Tulu Uandi) (mountain) 0941'/3511' 1543 m 09/35 [+ WO Gz]
HDG74 Wandi, 09/35 [x]
about 15 km (in a straight line) east-south-east of Mendi,
just south-east of Sachi river.
HCL20 Wando, see Wendo
wanga, wangay (O) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia nubica,
Acacia oerfota; wanka (A) kinds of small tree, Commiphora spp.
GDM21c Wanga, cf Wenge 09/34 [LM]
wanga ..: dheer (Som) tall, long, deep
HBM25 Wanga El Der (D. Wanga) 0352'/3946' 943 m, 03/39 [Gz WO]
mountain near the border of Kenya
HEH46 Wangariba (Uangariba) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
wangele: wenjel (wänjäl) (A) crime, penal offence
HCK33c Wangele, between Soddo and lake Abaya, cf Vangel 06/37 [20]
wango, waangoo (O) jackal
GDM44 Wanja (T. Uangia) (hill) 09/34 [+ WO]
HCT61 Wanja 0749'/3833' 1828 m, west of Adami Tulu 07/38 [Gz]
GDM.. Wanjachirri kebele ('irri ..) 09/34 [20]
in Beji region of Beni Shangul.
HDC70 Wanjala (Uangiala) (mountain) 2405 m 08/36 [+ WO]
GDM.. Wanjalikdi kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
HCS69 Wanje 0750'/3824' 2005 m, near map code HCT60 07/38 [Gz]
wanjo, waanjoo (O) yoke
GDE24 Wankai (Uancai, Uanchei) 0820'/3349' 400 m, 08/33 [+ Gz]
at the border of Sudan
HED91 Wanket (Uanchet, Uanche, Uankit) 1879 m, 11/37 [+ Gu WO n]
(local centre)
HDG85 Wanki 0949'/3514', 09/35 [Gz x]
about 19 km east-north-east of Mendi (in a straight line)
and just north of Jirma river.
HDM25 Wanse kebele (Wansé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the south-eastern border of Berehet wereda;
area 5,114 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Wanto (Uanto, Cambi Biet) 09/39 [+ 18]
HDL36 Wanyaa 0922'/3900' 2685 m, north of Sendafa 09/39 [AA Gz]
wanyoo (O) jealous
wanza (A) tall tree with broad leaves and decorative white flowers,
Cordia africana; ber (bärr) (A) gate, entrance, pass
HDM85 Wanza Ber (W. Ben) 0948'/3948' 2089 m, 09/39 [Gz]
near Debre Sina
wanza b..: beret (bärät) (A) thorn enclosure for cattle
HDM75 Wanza Beret kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5 km south-east of Debre Sina; area 1,244 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED52 Wanzagai, see Wenzagay
HEK02 Wanzaye (Wanche, Uanche, Uanchet, Uanchit) 11/37 [Gz WO]
1147'/3741' 1879 m, north-east of Bahir Dar
WO map has Uanche at HED91 and Wanzage hot spring at HEK02
HDM84 Wanzit, see Debre Sina
HFE15 Waqen, see Wukien
HDL22 Waqole, see Wakole
war, uar (Som) 1. pond, reservoir, well; 2. news
JBG84 War Argiyo (Uar Arguio) 0420'/4009' 1184 m 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code JBG73
JCD23 War Hinlei (Uar Hinlei) 0537'/4247' 495 m 05/42 [Gz WO]
war s..: Sapelli, Italian family name
JBG54 War Sapelli (Uar Sap., U. Savelli) (area) 04/40 [+ WO]
JDE50 War Ukli (Uar Ucli) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
war wal: wal (O) each other, one another; (Som) each, every;
waal (Som) age-mate
JBG66 War Wal (Uar Ual) 0414'/4023' 1021 m 04/40 [+ WO Gz]
Wara .., see also Wera ..
wara, warra (O) people, family, patrilineal descent group
/often part of the name of a tribe/
HDU72 Wara Haylu, see Were Ilu
-- wara j..: Jarso, group of eastern Oromo
HDS08 Wara Jarso wereda, see Were Jarso ..
-- wara kombo: Warra Kumbi, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
JCN07 Wara Kombo (Uara Combo), see Delo
HDM16 Wara Malka, see Awara Melka
KCN19 Waraaw (Uaraao, Uarahas, Urabas) 07/45 [+ WO Gz]
0720'/4541' 584 m
?? Warab (area), cf Werab ../.. [x]
Historically recorded area, the exact location of which is not known.
waraba: waraabe (Som) hyena; waraab- (O) draw water
JDB98 Waraba (G. Uaraba) (volcano), cf Weraba, Woraba, 08/41 [+ WO]
in Awssa
HDG.. Warababo Birbir, 09/35 [x]
in Gimbi awraja, cf Were Babo ..
HE... Warababo, in Ambasel awraja 11/39 [n]
JCH53 Warabelli (Uarabelli) 06/41 [+ WO]
warabbo, warabboo (O) 1. large antelope, eland; 2. wild animal;
werebbo (wäräbbo) (A) small antelope;
warabu (O) to draw water; warabi (O) kind of sorghum;
werebu (wäräbu) (A) the church chant
?? Warabo (Warrabo), in the Birbirsa area in Wellega. ../.. [+ Mi]
HDD46c Warabo (Uarabo) 0831'/3805' 2574/2614 m, 08/38 [+ Gu Gz]
(Warrabo) (mountain), cf Werabo, Werebo
JDJ78c Warabu (Uarabu) (area), cf Werabu 09/42 [+ Gu]
HDB71 Waradila (Uaradila) 08/35 [+ WO]
waraga: warega (O) votive offering
HCD99c Waraga 06/38 [Wa]
HDH10c Waragadessi, 09/35 [x]
village in Wellega about 475 km west of A.A. (some 15 km beyond Gimbi)
on the road to Asosa.
waragu: waregu (O) to make a solemn promise
JCN93c Waragu (Uaragu, Fre: Ouaragou) 08/40 [+ Gu x]
In the valley of Sinkille, with a coffee plantation from early 1930s.
The church has fine paintings, and photos of them were shown in Rome.
HE... Warahila (in Libo awraja) 12/37? [Ad]
HCJ86 Warai (Uarrai) (mountain) 07/37 [+ WO]
HDU72 Warailu, see Were Ilu
HER78 Warajir (Uaragir) 3150 m 13/37 [+ WO]
JDK43 Waraley (Uaralei) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
JDR60c Waramilli (Uaramelli) 583 m (recorded in 1841) 10/41 [Ha n]
JBN58 Waramus 0458'/4032' 04/40 [WO Gz]
JBP61 Waramus 05/40 [WO]
warandab: waran daab (Som) spear handle
JCL87 Warandab (Uarandab) 0708'/4406' 604/638 m 07/44 [+ 18 WO Gz]
Locality north of Kebri Dehar (Gabredarre).
In the early 1900s said to have substantial forest in its neighbourhood.
warane: warana, waraana (O) spear, armed people, battlefield;
waran (Som) spear
HDD45 Warane (Uaranne), see under Weliso, 08/38 [+ WO]
cf Werana
warar (Som) news; waraar (Som) animal owned and slaughtered
by a group of people
JBN45 Warar Ejab (Uarar Ejab) 04/40 [+ WO]
waras (Arabic) Moghania rhodocarpa; werasi (T) heir
HCC24 Warase (Uarase) 0538'/3700' 950 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
HBT14 Warawa (Uaraua) (area) 04/38 [WO]
HEL27 Warawar, an early name of Lalibela, see that place
HDU72 Warayelu, see Were Ilu
warda (A) black mule
HCD14 Wardai (Uardai) 0533'/3754' 1706 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
KCG76 Warder (Werder, Warder, Wardair, Wardier) 06/45 [MS Ro Ad Po]
(Uarder, Uardere, Wardeir) 0659'/4520' 541 m, 06/45 [Gu WO n]
(Wardheer) (with sub-post office), see also Werder
Centre at least 1964-1980 of /Welwel/ & Warder awraja
and in 1964 of Warder wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
3S El Gafo
10SW Jebi Berile (Giebi Berile)
5NW Afyer Addo (Afieraddo) 613 m
The Welwel wells, site of the notorious "Ual Ual incident"
in 1935, are at about 12 km to the north-east of Warder
The eastern part of Ogaden was administered by Ethiopian officials for the first time
in its history in September 1948 when Ethiopian district governors were despatched
to Kebri Dehar, Kelafu and Warder.
KCG76 Warder wereda (centre in 1964 = Warder), 06/45 [+ Ad]
cf Welwel & Warder awraja
HDG.. Wardola, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
ware (O) fame, news; waare (O) 1. around noon;
2. first milking of the cows in the morning;
waaree (O) midday, afternoon;
waree (Som) to collect water in a reservoir
JCC90 Ware (Uare) (area), cf Were .. 06/41 [+ WO]
JDL04 Ware (Uare, Uarroh) (area) 09/43 [+ WO Gu]
HDU72 Ware Ilu, see Were Ilu
ware r..: rooble (Som) rain man /mostly used as a male personal name/
JDJ53 Ware Roble 0933'/4157' 1512 m, near Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
ware wayo: wayyoo (O) expression of happiness;
waayo (Som) 1. previous time, age; 2. why? because
HEU35 Ware Wayo (Uare Uaio, U. Uajo) 12/39 [+ Gu Gz]
1257'/3951' 1220, 1396 m
ware wayu: wayyu (O) 1. be better, be preferable;
2. messenger; 3. expert of beliefs
GDF94c Ware Wayu 08/34 [LM]
HDD99 Wareb (Uareb) 0902'/3820' 2160 m, 09/38 [+ Gz]
west of Addis Alem
HEL.. Wareber (Warébär) 12/39 [x]
HEU23 Waren 1255'/3937' 2845 m, north-east of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
JCC42 Waresa (Uaresa) 0551'/4147' 500 m 05/41 [+ Gz]
HDF32 Wargi, see Werji
wari (T) thrush, kind of black bird; waarii (O) late evening
to midnight /with darkness/; wari (Som) get information
HDS82 Wari (Uari) (mountain) 1046'/3743' 3364, 3615 m 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
HFE17 Warieu (Uarieu) (pass) 1342'/3906' c.1910 m 13/39 [x WO Gu Gz]
(Chessad Amba, Csada A.)
(place and pass, war area in 1936), see also under Abiy Adi
JDA86 Warika (Uarica, G.) (area) 08/40 [+ WO]
HDT75 Warja kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Kelala wereda, 20 km east of Mekane Selam;
area 2,027 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
warka (A) kinds of large fig tree such as Ficus vasta, F. dahro
HEM41 Warka 1211'/3929' 2262 m, south-west of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
?? Warka ../.. [x]
"The settlement at Warka in Bale region was recently raised to
15,000 reserve army personnel and 7,000 dependants."
JDJ05 Warka (Uarca, Varka) 0908'/4203' 1611 m, 09/42 [+ Gu Gz Wa]
south-west of Harar, cf Werka
HEJ07 Warka Dengia (W. Dengo), see Werka Dengiya
warka yemaryam, Mary's wild fig tree
HEE85 Warka Yemaryam kebele (.. Yä-Maryam ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern central Meket wereda, immediately south and east of Filakit;
area 3,703 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEH45 Warkaggi (Uarcagghi) 12/36 [+ WO]
HEK53 Warkamba, see Werk Amba
warke, warqee (O) 1. ensete; 2. gold
HDB70 Warke (Uarche) 0851'/3545' 1837 m 08/35 [+ Gz]
warki, warqii (O) ensete; werki (wärqi) (T) gold
HDR95 Warki (Uarchi) 1048'/3707' 2393 m, see under Bure 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
waro, waroo (O) jar for fetching water;
(Som) to spread out clothes on the ground to dry or goods to sell;
waaroo (O) dark woollen blanket or piece of dress
H.... Waro (Fre: Ouaro), river, 08/37 [x]
an affluent of the Gibé river, which gives its name also
to the surrounding area.
HDH98 Waro 0954'/3627' 2143 m 09/36 [Gz]
HEE36 Waro (Uaro) 1112'/3900' 3014 m 11/39 [+ WO Gz]
H.... Waro, in Lasta 12/39? [n]
HEL07 Waro kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Meket wereda, 20 km south of Lalibela;
area 2,148 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Waro sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tissa) 10/38? [Ad]
HEE36 Waro sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Istayish)
JDR35c Waroff (Uarof, Uaroff) circa 1015'/4205', 10/42 [+ 18]
(oasis, also name of a river), cf Naruf, Waruf
JDR24c Warom (Ouarom) circa 1010'/4200' 10/42 [+ x]
Recorded on a map of 1901 at an old caravan route a little north
of the future railway.
warra (O) people, family, patrilineal descent group
/often first part of a group name/; husband; wife
Warra .., see generally Were ..
HDU72 Warra Hailu, see Were Ilu
HDE62 Warraba (Ouarraba) (archaeological site), 08/38 [x]
see under Melka Kunture
warrabo: warabbo, warabboo (O) 1. gazelle; 2. wild animal
HCR17 Warrabo (Uarrabo) 0720'/3715' 914 m
JEH94 Warrahen (Uarrahen,Warrabene) (waterhole) 12/41 [+ WO Ne]
HCJ75 Warrai (Uarrai) (mountains) 0703'/3707' 2451 m, 06/37 [18 WO Gz]
WO map shows these mountains at HCJ86
HDU72 Warrayelu, see Were Ilu
warre kalu, near relatives? kalu, kaluu (O) near in distance;
kalu, qalu (O) 1. to slaughter, to sacrifice; 2. to roast
coffee beans; kallu (O) sorcerer, ritual expert;
qalo (Som) sacrifice
HEF43 Warre Kalu (Uarre Calu) 11/39 [+ Gu]
JDB69 Warreris (Uarreris) (area) 08/41 [+ WO]
JDC60 Warreris (Uarreris) 08/41 [+ WO]
-- Warri Jidda, a clan of the Haroressa of the Borana people;
warriye: wariya, a Somali greeting corresponding to
Oromo abo; in the 1970s some observers distinguished
between activist groups Somali Wariya and Somali Abo
JEB49 Warriye (Uarrie) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDT47 Warrumo (Uarrumo) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
wars (language?) safflower
?? Warsallo (Uarsallo) (stream in Sidamo) ../.. [+ Mi]
warsesa (O) rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis somaliensis
JEA69 Warsessa (Uarsessa) (area), cf Worsisa 11/40 [+ WO]
HDU.. Warsha (on map of 1814), cf washa = cave 10/39 [18]
HDH88 Warsu 0950'/3626' 2074 m 09/36 [Gz]
JDD45 Warsuk (Uarsuch) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
JDR14c Waruf, cf Waroff 10/41 [Wa]
JCC04 Waruoro (Uaruoro, Uoruoro) 0527'/4158' 353 m 05/41 [+ Gz]
HFE17 Waryew, see Warieu
was (A) guarantor, garantee
HEM31 Was Amba Maryam (church) 1205'/3926', 12/39 [Gz]
east of Lalibela & south of Alamata
?? Wasal (historically recorded in early 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HC... Wasama (valley and mountain peaks) 06/39 [Ca]
HES44 Wasangii (Uasange) (mountain), 13/37 [WO Gz]
1310/3756' 2937, 3204 m
Coordinates would give map code HES55
HED60 Wasel (market), see Genj
HDJ28 Wasera 0919'/3724' 2218 m, cf Wassera 09/37 [Gz]
HCS.. Wasera sub-district (centre in 1964 = Wosera) 07/37 [Ad]
wash ..: negarit (A) a kind of drum, being a symbol of authority
HDM55 Wash & Negarit kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda in its eastern part, 10 km south-east of
Ankober town; area 716 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
washa, washsha (A) cave; den of animal
HC... Washa (centre in 1964 of Tello wereda) 06/36? [Ad]
HCH96 Washa (Wancha, Tari) 0710'/3619' 2115 m, 07/36 [Gz]
south-east of and near Bonga
HCL.. Washa (village), see under Wendo Genet 07/38 [20]
HDM82 Washa (Uascia) 09/39 [18 WO]
HEK62 Washa 1221'/3742' 2908 m, north-east of lake Tana 12/37 [Gz]
HDM45 Washa Gabriel (Uoscia Gabriel) (church) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDM32 Washa & Janbariya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda, 10 km south-east
of Koremash; area 2,127 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU94 Washa kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Antsokiya & Gemza wereda in its western part,
11 km north-west of Majete; area 1,295 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCH89c Washa Mikael (Uascia Micael) 2500 m 07/36 [Gu]
Cave church regarded as particularly holy because there is spring water
about 15 m down. The church as such is not artistically interesting.
HEM08 Washa Mikael kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Wadla wereda, 30 km south-south-east of Lalibela;
area 2,563 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
washa wiha (A) cave /with/ water
HCA58 Washa Wiha (W. Wuha, Uascia Hoha) 05/36 [+ Ca Gu]
?? Washaye wereda (centre in 1964 = Washaye), ../.. [Ad]
one of eight weredas within Kulo Konta awraja
HCS82 Washe Awaser 0759'/3745' 1965 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDR89c Washera (visiting postman under Debre Markos) 10/37 [LM Po]
HEE39 Washera (Washara) (district) 1111'/3919', 11/39 [n x]
remote highland area south-west of Dessie
at an altitude of 3000-4000 m.
HEE.. Washera Maryam (Washara M.), 11/39 [x]
ancient monastery in Gojjam, with an important school of qene,
existing also in modern time.
HDJ62 Washeta (Uasceta) (area) 09/36 [+ WO]
HED20 Washira 1107'/3734' 2420 m, west of Mota 11/37 [Gz]
washit (Gojjam A) tree, Stereospermum kunthianum, with grey
bark that comes off in flakes and with long twisted pods
HEK91 Washit (Uascit) 12/37 [+ WO]
-- Washiti, Wechati, name of a Mecha Oromo tribe
?? Washlu ../.. [En]
According to Arab sources concerning the 1300s, slaves were castrated
in a place called Washlu, in Hadiya.
washoch (A) caves, dens
HEE49 Washoch (Wasoch) 1116'/3920' 2281 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south of Mekdela, near map code HEF40
HED77 Washuy 1132'/3812' 2869 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Tabor
wasi, waasii (O) guarantor, surety
?? Wasi Amba (historically recorded), cf Wassi ../.. [Pa]
HDM25 Wasil (M.Uasil, Uasilli, Daneli) (mountain) 1461 m, 09/39 [Ne WO Gz]
0917'/3948' 1461 m
A town written Ouasél (in French spelling) was mentioned in the 1400s.
wasila, wasiila (O) paternal uncle
?? Waslu (historical town in Hadiya) ../.. [Pa]
A report about Hadeya in the 1300s tells that traders took their slaves for illegal castration at Waslu,
a town near the Hadeya market.
HDE65 Waso (M. Uaso) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HEE49 Wasoch, see Washoch
HEF53 Wasomille 11/39 [20]
Village about 5 km north-north-west of Hayk town, near a pass
with mountains over 3000 m on the sides.
HCS13 Wassera (Wassara, Uassera) (market & mission), 07/37 [20 Gu x]
at some distance from Hosaina
HEU55 Wassi (Uassi) (mountains) 1312'/3952' 1170 m, 13/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
north-east of Debub
wata, waata (O) 1. caste of potters; 2. chairman;
3. (Gondar A) minstrel, itinerant singer;
wata (--) come out; watta (--) hunter
-- Wata, Watta, Wate, a tribe living in Chilalo awraja
HCH81c Wata (Uata), cf Wete 07/35 [+ Gu]
HDE73c Wata (village near stream of same name) 08/38 [x]
HDH38 Wata (Uata, Fre: Ouata) (mountain), 09/36 [Gz WO]
0920'/3627' 1482 m, north-west of Nekemte
WO map shows at HDH36/37
JDN96 Wata (Uata) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
JEA06 Wata (Uata) (area) 10/40 [+ WO]
wata d..: dalecha (A), dalacha (O) grey
HDE80 Wata Dalecha (Uata Daleccia, Uatadaleccia) 08/38 [Gz WO Ha]
(Wato Dalecho, W. Dalacha, Wala Dalecho) 08/38 [x]
(mountain) 0857'/3828' 2221, 2470, 3345 m,
west of Sebeta and 16 km south-west of A.A.
HCL31c Watadera sub-district, with monoliths 06/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Teferi Ketema), cf Urgamo
HBT48 Watagodiya (Uatagodia, Uatadogia, Watadogia) 04/39 [+ WO Gz LM]
(Ualadogia, Malca Ualagodia) 0456'/3910' 815 m
HEJ92 Watahuabo (Uatahuabo) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
JBG76 Watama (Uatama) (area) 04/40 [+ WO]
HCS24 Watara (Uatara) 0726'/3753' 2107 m, 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
(with church), south of Hosaina, see under this name
watat bar: wetet ber (wätät bärr) (A) milk gate
?? Watat Bar, see under Kogar ../.. [Ch]
-- Watawit language, see Berta
HCD.. Wate (Wata, Wati?), in Agere Maryam area, 05/38 [x]
at 2 days by mule from Agere Maryam, with 'holy spring' Hula Blu near.
Offerings were made at this spot regarded as holy.
JD... Water (centre in 1964 of Gola Water sub-district) 08/41 [Ad]
HCS13 Watera (Uatara, Uatura) 07/37 [Ad WO Gu]
wati, waatii (O) calf /animal/; watii (O) sauce, stew;
-- Wati, ethnic group, see below
HCB15c Wati 05/36 [x]
-- The Wati are a small part of the Baka ethnic group,
with their own settlement area.
JEC61 Wati (Uati) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HBJ76 Watich, G. (hill) 1075 m 04/37 [WO]
JCH33 Watitti (Uatitti) 0636'/4058' 1103 m 06/40 [+ Gz]
watiyo, watiio (O) calf, calves
HDK30 Watiyo (Goda Watiyo Regreg, Uatio) 09/37 [AA Gz WO]
(area) 0924'/3734'
HDK40 Watiyo (Uatio) 09/37 [18 WO]
?? Watmet (Watmät) (historically recorded area 1500s) ../.. [+ Pa]
wato (O) 1. kind of shrub or small tree, Osyris abyssinica; 2. low.caste
hunter /of hippopotamus/; watto (O) executioner, brutal man
HDG26 Wato 0914'/3521' 1523 m, south-west of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
/this Wato?:/ There is registered the Jorgo-Wato National Forest Priority Area.
HDG02 Wato Giyorgis (church) 0905'/3502' 09/35 [Gz]
HDH20 Watuka, T. (hill) 09/35 [WO]
HCE30 Watumba (area) 05/38 [WO]
HDT17 Watwari kebele 10/39 [Ad]
a narrow kebele in eastern Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, stretching
eastward from 4 km east of Alem Ketema; area 823 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCD44 Watzo (Uatzo) 0552'/3756' 1436 m, 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
east of lake Chamo
?? Wau, in the south-west near Sudan ../.. [x]
Village at Baro river downstream from the junction with Jonkau.
wawa (A) crow's cry, woe! wawwa (A) to be tasty. savory
HEJ57 Wawa (hill) 1216'/3717', see under Gorgora 12/37 [WO Gz]
The second of five Seed Multiplication Centres in Ethiopia was to be
established at Wawa in 1965.
HEF73 Way Teklo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
far south in Habru wereda, 7 km east of Wichale; area 2,877 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
waya (T) heat, warmth; wayyaa (O) 1. toga-like robe,
'shemma', clothes generally; 2. recovering from illness;
waayay (Som) fail to find, miss
-- Waya, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
JEA53 Waya (Uaia) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JCD70 Wayan (waterhole) 0605'/4232' 06/42 [WO Gz]
HCA06c Wayanne (Wayanné), near mount Naita 05/35 [20]
JDH49 Waybera (Waiber, Worabili, Worabile, Werabile) 09/41 [Gz 18 x]
(Worabele) 0930'/4135' 1719 m,
north-east of Deder, near map code JDJ40, cf Waiber
?? Waybila (locality in Gojjam) ../.. [n]
HDF16 Waye 0815'/3953' 2972 m 08/39 [Gz]
JER02 Wayeyta (Uaeita) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
wayit ..: meskel (mäsqäl) (A,T) cross
HEE78 Wayit Meskel (W. Mesk'el) (church) 11/39 [Gz]
1133'/3910', north-west of Mekdela
GCU36 Waykos (Uaicos) 07/34 [+ WO]
HD... Waylaqa, see Walaka
HDA47 Wayli (Waylie, Uaili) 08/35 [+ Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Dariumu Algga sub-district)
HDM86 Waylo 0948'/3957' 1660 m, east of Debre Sina 10/40? [Gz Ad]
HDM86 Waylo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Kewet wereda, 15 km east of Debre Sina;
area 3,133 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Waylu (Uailu) 09/39? [+ 18]
Wayna .., see Weyna ..

wayo: wayyoo (O) expression of happiness or intensity

of feeling; waayo (Som) 1. previous time, age;
2. why? because; ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area
HDM73 Wayo Ager (Uaio Agher) 09/39 [+ WO]
HEF74 Wayteklo 1131'/3944' 1878 m 11/39 [Gz]
-- Wayto language (extinct), see Weyto
wayu: wayyu (O) 1. messenger; 2. be preferable;
wayyuu (O) expert of belief systems and moral values;
-- Wayyu, a lineage of the Sabbo-Karrayyu-Dayyu of the Borana,
alternatively of the Arsi-Mando-Kajawa,
also the first man arriving from heaven to the earth
GDF85 Wayu (mountain), see Tulu Welel
HCT63 Wayu (Uaiu, Uayu) (mountain) 0748'/3845' 2115 m, 07/38 [+ Gu Gz]
south-east of Adami Tulu
HDA76 Wayu (Uaiu) 0851'/3522' 1494/1557 m 08/35 [+ WO Gz]
HDC35 Wayu (Uaiu) 08/37 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Wama Hagelu sub-district)
HDE06 Wayu 0811'/3902' 1845 m, north-east of lake Ziway 08/39 [Gz]
HDJ25 Wayu 0917'/3705' 2537 m, south-west of Hareto 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ80 Wayu (Uaiu) 09/36 [+ WO]
HDK58 Wayu 0901'/3907' 2450 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL.. Wayu (centre in 1964 of Gorfo sub-district) 09/38 [Ad]
HDL64 Wayu 0939'/3849' 2641 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Fiche, see under Debre Libanos
HDL70 Wayu 0945'/3827' 2502 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
HDL79 Wayu, see Wayu Gamanya
JDB.. Wayu (Uaju) (river) 0854'/4127,' 08/41 [Gz Mi]
an affluent of the Ramis in the Chercher area.
HDM53 Wayu & Angut Mewgiya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
15 km south-east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,096 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wayu boro: wayyu (O) be preferable; boro, boroo (O)
1. north; 2. behind; 3. backyard, back space inside house
HDK58 Wayu Boro 0931'/3818' 2534 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL79 Wayu Gamanya 0946'/3916' 2672 m, 09/39 [Gz WO]
(Waiu, Wayu, Uaiu), near Deneba
HDJ28 Wayu Kidane Mihret (church) 0914'/3721', 09/37 [Gz]
south-east of Hareto
wayu k..: koli, qolii (O) corn in a sheath
HDG.. Wayu Koli, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDM80 Wayu sub-district (Uaiu ..), part of Moret wereda 09/39 [Ad WO x]
(centre in 1964 = Anchekorer), cf Sayadebir & Wayu.
wayu t..: tuka (O) 1. spur; 2. fire-brand; tuqa (O) swarm of insect
?? Wayu Tuka Ona wereda (Waayu Tuqaa Onaa), ../.. [n]
east of Nekemte
?? Wayu Tuka sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HDM80 Wayu wereda 09/39 [Ad]
wayu w..: werk (wärq) (A) gold
HD... Wayu Werk (W. Work) (in Arjo awraja) 08/36? [+ Ad]
?? Waz (ancient place, the name of which disappeared) ../.. [x]
waza (A,T) pleasantry, joke, fun, a light matter;
wezza (wäzza) (A) perspire, sweat
HET78 Waza (Uaza) (plateau) 13/39 [+ MS WO Gu]
HCD30c Wazaka (Uazaca) 05/37 [+ Gu]
HCD.. Wazeka (Wazeqa), same as the previous name?, 05/37 [20]
area south of lake Chamo.
HFF03 Wazga 1335'/3939' 2445 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Iyesus), north-east of Kwiha
we a..: aytu (A) the mouse, the rat
JEB62 We Aytu (Ue Aitu) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
JDR92 We Immede (Ue Immede) (area) 10/41 [+ WO]
HBL92 Web (Ueb, Woybi) 0429'/3840' 1405 m 04/38 [Gz Wa WO]
(Anna Guia) (with prehistoric well)
On the route between Negele and Mega; the well was reported to need 32 men
to raise water from the bottom.
JBP44 Web (Ueb) 0455/4104' 850 m, south-east of Filtu 04/41 [Gz WO]
web d..: debre tsehay (A) mountain of sun
?? Web Debre Tehaye (visiting postman u. W. Soddo) ../.. [Po]
JCH90 Webe awraja 07/40 [Ad]
name given to the Ginir awraja in 1978.
HEF20 Webeden 1102'/3924' 3123 m, west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
(is there another Webeden in Debre Sina wereda (-1999-)?)
-- Webera (wäbära) tribe inhabiting the area of that name;
wobar (Som) tribal chief, usually with little real power
H.... Webera (Wabera) 08/35? [+ Ad Mi]
(centre in 1964 of Dale Wabera sub-district)
Location for gold exploitation south of Yubdo, 22 km southwest of Lalokelle /Lalo Kile/, and
slightly east of the Birbir River.
HDA93 Webera (Uabera) 1828/1870 m 09/35 [+ WO]
HDL66 Webera (Uoberi, Uoberri) 2594 m, cf Wibara 09/39 [LM 18 WO Gu]
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Welenso (Ualanso) (village)
7E Uoberi (area)
7SE Nasir Ura (village)
10SE Dilamo (village)
10SE Buosetti (area)
10S Robi Meda (R. Mieda) (plain)
7W Lego (Leghe Bobi) (village) 2571 m
4NW Gidda (village)
1N church
3N Roge (Aroji, Arogi) (village) 2515 m
5N Daleti (Bocolo) (village) 2577 m
8NE Dirma Ghebriet (village)
JCG09 Webera (Uabara) 06/40 [LM WO]
JDK87 Webera (Au Barre, Au Rarec) 1607 m 09/43 [LM WO Gu]
JDH39 Webera awraja (Weberra, Wobera, Woberra, Wbera) 09/41 [Gz Ad x]
(Oborra) 0920'/4130' (centre at least 1964-1980 = Deder)
HDL66 Weberi Bekera (Uoberi) 0939'/3903' 2594 m, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Silase), south-east of Fiche
webi (Som) 1. river, intermittent stream;
2. turn down a request
HDM61c Webi & Ketanit kebele (Wäbi & Qät'anit ..) 09/39 [Ad]
In western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 4 km north-west
of Debre Birhan town; area 1,367 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDB80 Webi Maryam (church) 0856'/4044', near Bedesa 08/40 [Gz]
-- webi s..: Shebele, Shebeli, a somalized Bantu group
living along the middle part of this river
-- Webi Shebele (Wäbi Shäbellé, Wabi Shebelli) ../.. [+ Pa Mi]
(Fre: Ouébi-Chébéli, 'river of leopards'), river in southernmost Ogaden
Systematic exploration with detailed geological mapping, gravimetry, magnetometry,
?? Webi Shebele wereda (Wabi ..) (-1997-) ../.. [n]
the Webi Shebele river flooded areas in April 2005.
HDM44 Webit Gola, see Wibit Gola
HDM54 Webit & Wedede, see Wibit & Widede
HDT72 Webo Gida kebele 10/38 [Ad]
at the middle of westernmost Debre Sina wereda, 10-20 km
west of Mekane Selam; area 3,159 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDT72 Webo Mikael kebele 10/38 [Ad]
at the middle of westernmost Debre Sina wereda, 15 km west-southwest
of Mekane Selam; area 1,424 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Webo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Arim Maryam) 11/37 [Ad]
-- webori: Woberi, Awberi, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDL35 Webori 0924'/3853' 2724 m, north-west of Sendafa 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL35 Webori sub-district (Weberie ..) 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bekera as above)
HDJ54 Wechale (Wech'ale) 0931'/3659' 2437 m, 09/36 [Gz]
west of Shambu, cf Wichale
HDK88 Wechale (Wech'ale) 0948'/3816' 2533 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-west of Tulu Milki
HDC14 Weche (Wech'e) 0815'/3659' 1670 m, near Seka 08/36 [Gz]
HDE91 Wechecha (Wech'ech'a, Uociacia, Wochochu) 08/38 [Gz x WO]
(Gara Wochocho) 0859'/3835' 3191 m,
mountain chain & village west of Addis Abeba
Oromo pronunciation of the name is Wochocha?
HDE92 Wechecha (Wech'echa, Wachacha, Uociacia), 08/38 [MS x Gu WO]
(Fre: Ouatchatcha) (mountain) 0858'/3837' 3397/3400 m
HCE90c Wechemo, in Bule wereda, see also Genda 06/38 [n]
?? Wechera (Wächära) (historical area in Kefa), ../.. [Pa]
same as present-day Chera, but which one?
HCK.. Wechfo (Ger: Wetschfo) 06/37 [20]
Village about midway between Soddo and Arba Minch.
About 1 km away is a bridge over the Raya river.
wechi f..: feche (fäch'e) (A) to grind and make flour;
fecha (fäch'a) (A) dry bed of a river
HET68 Wechi Feche (Ueci Fece, Ucci Fece), 13/39 [Gu WO Gz]
1316'/3913' 1810 m, see under Samre
wechie (O) basket-work vessel used when milking
wechit ..: washa (A) cave
HDM83 Wechit Washa kebele (Wäch'et .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
7 km west of Debre Sina; area 985 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDJ44 Wechiti (Wech'iti) 0926'/3701' 2026 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south-west of Shambu
HDT17 Wechon 1005'/3908' 2320 m 10/39 [Gz]
weda m..: melo (O) grain boiled in water
HEF26 Weda Melo 1107'/3957' 1536 m, east of Kombolcha 11/39 [Gz]
wedaja: wadaja (O) 1. companion; 2. sacrifice
JDJ55 Wedaja (mountain) 0935'/4203' 1709 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north of Harar
Wedajo (Wodajo), a male personal name
HEF36 Wedajo 1111'/3956' 1858 m, 11/39 [Gz]
(with mosque), north-east of Kombolcha

wedaju (wädaju) (A) the friend

HEU03c Wedaju (Uedaggiu) 12/39 [+ Gu]
HDJ46 Wedala (Wedela) 0926'/3709' 2225 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south-east of Shambu
HDU03 Wedara, see Wedera
Weday (Woday), a male personal name
JDJ59 Weday Felano 0932'/4225' 2006 m 09/42 [Gz]
JDJ37 Wedayta, see Wedeyta
wede (wädä) (A) toward
HDK79 Wede 0941'/3824' 1724 m, south of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz]
wedeb (wädäb) (A) port, harbour
HFF53 Wedeb Maryam (church) 1401'/3941', 14/39 [Gz]
south-east of Adigrat
HEL37 Wedebiya kebele (Wädäbeya ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in mid-eastern Bugna wereda; area 4,267 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDH13 Wedebo (Maracce, Merechi) 0911'/3557' 1736 m 09/35 [Gz WO]
HDE96 Wedecha 0858'/3859' 2499 m, west of Chefe Donsa 08/38 [Gz]
HDT87 Wedegitu kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Kelala wereda, a little north of Legwama;
area 1,870 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wedel (wädäl) (A) male donkey
JDD48 Wedel (Uedel) (area), cf Wadel 08/43 [+ WO]
HDJ46 Wedela, see Wedala
HDS.. Wedemit sub-district 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Debet Medhane Alem)
HDM80c Wedemka kebele (Wädämqa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
31 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 664 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU03 Wedera (Wedara, Wadara) 09/39 [Gz x]
0957'/3940' 2650 m, near Sela Dingay
HDM44 Wedera kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central southern Ankober wereda, 10 km south of Ankober town;
area 617 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU03 Wedera kebele 10/39 [Ad]
a little towards the east of the northern border of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja
& Wadera wereda, 3 km north-east of Sela Dingay; area 1,710 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU03 Wedera sub-district, cf Wadera 09/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sela Dingay)
HDD04 Wedero 0811'/3753' 1941 m, south-east of Welkite 08/37 [Gz]
HDL84 Wedes 0948'/3847' 2065 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Yohanis), see under Fiche
wedesa, wodesa (O) kind of medium to tall tree, wanza,
Cordia africana
HCS99c Wedesa, see Silte
HCT80 Wedesa (Uodessa, Uodescia, Wodesha) 2113 m, 08/38 [MS WO Gu Wa]
see under Butajira, cf Wadessa
HDD92 Wedesa 09/37 [AA]
HDD93 Wedesa (area) 09/37 [AA]
HDJ25 Wedesa 0915'/3705' 2169 m, south-west of Hareto 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ74 Wedesa 0945'/3628' 1883 m, north-west of Shambu 09/36 [Gz]
HDJ77 Wedesa 0944'/3715' 2141 m, north-east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
HDJ93 Wedesa 0952'/3653' 1832 m, west of Alibo 09/36 [Gz]
HDK03 Wedesa (Uodessa) (mountain) 0902'/3747' 2299 m, 09/37 [Gz WO]
north-west of Ambo
Coordinates would give map code HDD93
JDJ46 Wedesa 0927'/4212' 2006 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz]
HDT01 Wedesa Moto 0959'/3831' 2156 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Tulu Milki
H.... Wedesa sub-district (Wediessa ..) 08/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Tuli)
wedese: weddese (wäddäsä) (A,T) praise, glorify
HDE84 Wedeso (Gora) 0852'/3852' 2199 m, near Akaki 08/38 [Gz x]
wedesu: wedisu, weeddisuu (O) sing, jump
J.... Wedeyirahmedi wereda (centre in 1964 = Dewie) 10/40 [Ad]
JDJ37 Wedeyta (Wedayta) 0924'/4214' 2007 m, 09/42 [Gz]
(with mosque), north-east of Harar
JDH04 Wedeytu 0906'/4106' 1564 m, 09/41 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), east of Asbe Teferi
HEM13 Wedeyu kebele (Wädäyu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the middle of the southern border part of Kobo wereda;
area 3,029 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCN08 Wedifa 0716'/3535' 1461 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north-west of Shewa Gimira
HCL20 Wedimo 0634'/3827' 2176 m, 06/38 [Gz]
north-west of Agere Selam
wedo: weddo (wäddo) (A) willingly; wedu, weeduu (O) song
HDC81 Wedo 0852'/3646' 1485 m, south-east of Nekemte 08/36 [Gz]
HDL40 Wedo 0927'/3829' 2489 m (with church Mikael) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM02c Wedo (Uedo), see under Weldiya 11/39 [Gu]
HDM32 Wedu Ager, see Widu Ager
HDP.. Weets, circa 1035'/3610', at a stream Alati 10/36 [Ch]
wef (wäf) (A) bird
HFC48 Wef Argif 1358'/3719' 1813 m, north-east of Kafta 13/37 [Gz]
HEE47 Wefach kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Mekdela wereda, immediately west of Masha;
area 2,793 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF82 Wefacho (Wefach'o) (peak) 1139'/3933' 3358 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south of Weldiya
HDU27c Wefafra kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kewet wereda, a little north of Shewa Robit and
25 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 615 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM41 Wefcha kebele (Wäfch'a ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in central Gidan wereda, 10 km north-north-east of Muja;
area 3,537 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM40 Wefchat Medhane Alem (Wefch'at M.A.) (church), 12/39 [Gz]
1208'/3921', midway between Lalibela and Alamata
HEE85 Wefchina kebele (Wäfch'ena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Meket wereda, almost immediately north of Filakit;
area 2,133 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

wefcho (wäfcho) (A) millstone, grinding slab

HEE36 Wefcho Mewkeriya (Wefch'o Mewk'eriya) 11/39 [Gz]
1110'/3901' 3134 m
HDJ45 Wefef 0927'/3706' 2351 m, 09/37 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south of Shambu
HDM45 Wefet & Hawariat kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Ankober wereda, 12 km south-east of Ankober town;
area 1,930 hectares. [CSA 1994]
wefet ..: hawariat, apostles
HCT57 Wefi (Weft) 0743'/3904' 2478 m, south of Asela 07/39 [Gz]
JDA65 Wefi 0842'/4018' 2129 m, north of Mechara 08/40 [Gz]
HEM82 Wefla sub-district (Uofla .., Wofla ..) (-1964-1997-) 12/36 [Ad Gu n]
(centre in 1964 = Korem), part of Wag
HDU64 Weflek kebele (Wäfläq ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central southern Gishe Rabel wereda, 18 km east-south-east of Were Ilu
and immediately south-east of Rabel settlement; area 1,170 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCT57 Weft, see Wefi
weg (wäg), wegg (A) usage, traditional customs; narrative
HEC69 Weg (Ueg), see under Debre May, cf Wag 11/37 [+ WO]
HEE68 Wega Mere, see Wiga Mere
HDU38 Wegama & Bashra kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Efrata & Gidim wereda, 12 km north-west
of Efeson; area 989 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU47 Wegama sub-district (centre in 1964 = Efeson) 10/40 [Ad]
HDU55 Wegamago Abo (church) 1025'/3950' 10/39 [Gz]
HDM32 Wegda kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in southern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
30 km south of Debre Birhan; area 743 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM71 Wegda sub-district (Wogda ..), cf Wegidi 09/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gosh Bado), part of Worena wereda (-1970-)
Wegda (Wagda) is known as historical area.
HDU.? Wegde wereda (at some distance from Were Ilu) 10/39? [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 56 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDT62 Wegdi wereda, see also Wegedi,
with kebeles among which
Abado, Abahoch, Abarga Giyorgis, Abey, Abote, Aboye Gurba,
Abun Weha, Adis Amba, Andinet, Arere, Arkiso, Awayu Kumuyu
Biruh Tesfa, Bokfe, Bola, Boneya, Bote, Daleti, Debre Tsige,
Demasiko, Dibibiso, Gelebe, Gelign, Gindo, Gint Anba, Godeb,
Guba, Gudeti, Gulale, Haleku, Hawey, Hulgize Wedefit, Kabe Webo,
Karaba, Kegn, Keraba Godena, Kuret, Lemlem Amba, Lemlemitu
Tungi, Lincho, Lomi Wiha, Makefta, Mene Dega, Serto Masaya,
Sika Shinbira, Tagel Behibret, Taye, Tebela, Tego, Tigil Fire, Tinign,
Tungi, Were Abu, Were Wayu, Werke Wariho, Zemed
-- Wege, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HCM.. Wege (Wägé, Wage) 07/39 [x]
Historically a district in the kingdom of Amde Tsiyon (1312-1342).
HCM83 Wege (Stella Ueghe, Ueghe, Riccio) 07/39 [+ Gu WO]
(pass; "stella" should be Italian sella = saddle?)
wegebo (wägäbo) (A) 1. a variety of tef; 2. kind of
long-tailed, black, red and white bird
?? Wegebo (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Wegecha (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HEE97 Wegedet kebele (Wägädät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda, 12 km north-east of Bete Hor;
area 2,161 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wegedi: wegede (T) avoid; abolish; dismiss;
wegdi (A) kind of small peas
HCC99 Wegedi (Gara Uogedi, Gebel U.) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO Gz]
0900'/3728' 2439/2585 m, see under Gedo
HDT63 Wegedi, see Wegidi, and (as town) Mahdere Selam
JDG.. Wegeg (mountain near Assabot) 09/40 [n]
HDS25 Wegel 1008'/3802' 2269 m, 10/38 [Gz]
north-west of Abay bridge
HDS35 Wegel 1014'/3802' 2405 m, 10/38 [Gz]
above Abay valley at the road to Debre Markos
wegel t..: tena (t'ena) (A) health
HEE77 Wegel Tena (Ugualtiena) (local centre) 11/39 [Br Gu]
HEE88 Wegel Tena (W. T'ena, W. Tiena, Wogel Tena) 11/39 [MS Ad Po x]
(Wegel Tona, Megal Tona)
Gz: 1135'/3913' 2555 m; MS: 1120'/3910' = HEE58
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Wadla Delanta awraja
and 1964 of Delanta wereda & sub-district.
With sub-post office under Dessie.
Kebeles adjoining Wegel Tena are Mesno Amba to the east
and to the west, Hana to the south and Ambaye to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Ferkake kebele
7E Wist Amba kebele
10E Tembeko kebele
5SE Gosh Meda kebele
5SE Dingilot kebele
3S Mistinkir kebele
7S Keda Mistinkir kebele
5SW Ilana kebele
8SW Asim Kola kebele
9SW Asim Dega kebele
5W Tarda Medhane Alem kebele
7W Tarda Gebriel kebele
10W Ziban Dega kebele
5NW Tana kebele
9NW Kera Fenzeyt kebele
10NW Yebeles kebele
6N Zernayt kebele
8N Binawalka kebele
10N Zelhen kebele
2NE Zuy Alehat kebele
5NE Biwot Selho kebele
9NE Biska kebele
10NE Tembeko kebele
Wegel Tena was centre of awraja also in 1956.
?? Wegem (Wägäm) (historical district 1500s) ../.. [+ Pa]
wegen (wägän) (A,T) side, flank; (A) clan, group, kin;
(Som) herd /especially of horses/
HEC87 Wegensa (Uoghensa) 11/37 [+ It]
(village & mountain & church in 5 km long N-S line)
HDL34 Wegenyi 0922'/3847' 2593 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDU00 Weger, see Wigir
wegera: weggere (wäggärä) (A) knock someone unconscious
with a stone
HES.. Wegera (Wägära, Wagara, Uoghera) (historical), 13/37 [+ Pa WO]
mountainous area north of Gondar as far as Wilkifit, with an Agew people
that kept their language unchanged into modern time
HFC24 Wegera awraja (Weghera, Wägära, Woggera) 13/37 [Gz Ad Pa]
(Uoghera) 1345'/3700' (centre in 1980 = Dabat)
HES11 Wegera wereda (Weghera, Wagara, Woggera ..) 12/37 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 = Amba Giyorgis)
(-1994-) is divided into 48 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
District north of Gondar famed for its horses and mules.
[Simoons 1960]
HDD04 Wegerao (Wegera'o, Mogar) 0813'/3754' 1935 m, 08/37 [Gz 18 WO]
south-east of Welkite, see under Imdibir
wegere: weggere (wäggärä) (A) knock someone unconscious with a stone
HDF61 Wegere 0843'/3928' 1363 m, 08/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), north of Welenchiti
HDU12 Wegere kebele (Wägäré ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in middle northern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
10 km west-north-west of Molale; area 1,593 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCU17 Wegerge 0721'/3959' 2313 m 07/39 [Gz]
HEE47 Wegesa 1118'/3906' 2179 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Mekdela, in Tenta (East) wereda (-1999-)
HEE56 Wegesa kebele (Wägäsa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the northern part of central Mekdela wereda,
10 km north-west of Masha; area 3,463 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wegesha (wägesha) (A) local medical practitioner
HDF70 Wegeyorgis kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in western central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5 km west of Bolo Silase; area 471 hectares.
[CSA 1992]
?? Wegezimma (locality in Terra) 09/39? [n]
HDM.. Wegfele Mikael, church in Bulga 09/39 [n]
About 20-year-old Melake-Tsehay was anointed 'Emperor of Ethiopia'
in Wegfele Mikael church in 1936 (1937?).

HDK35 Wegide 0923'/3802' 2522 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]

HDF81 Wegidi 0852'/3927' 1737 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDF81 Wegidi 0853'/3925' 1775 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDK59 Wegidi 0930'/3824' 2361 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK69 Wegidi 0936'/3820' 2011 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), south of Tulu Milki
HDK79 Wegidi 0946'/3822' 1785 m, south of Tulu Milki, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDL41 Wegidi 0928'/3831' 2408 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL42 Wegidi 0928'/3840' 2503 m (with church) 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL44 Wegidi 0928'/3849' 2609 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
midway between Sululta and Fiche
HDL53 Wegidi (Menare) 0934'/3842' 2007 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south of Fiche (with church Kidane Mihret
at some distance to the south-west)
HDL70 Wegidi 0943'/3826' 1904 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis and church school),
south-east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
HDT63 Wegidi (Wegedi, Wegdi, Wogidi, Uogghidi) 10/38 [MS Ad x WO]
1035'/3846' 2125 m, see under Ajibar
(centre in 1964 of Debre Sina wereda)
?? Wegir Haribo, see Adi Abune Nazret
HES74 Weglima 1322'/3757' 1509 m, south of Adi Arkay 13/37 [Gz]
H.... Weglo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Meko Wedajo) ../.. [Ad]
HFE89 Wegrezih 1419'/3917' 1937 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret), north-west of Adigrat
HEL27 Wehamba (peak) 1158'/3907' 2356 m 11/39 [Gz]
HE... Wehelo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Metero) 11/39 [Ad]
?? Wehini, in direction of Metemma ../.. [x]
same as HER00 Wehni?
wehni (wähni) (A) prison /historical for princes on a mountain/
HEE89 Wehni (Wahni, Uahani) 2495 m 11/39 [+ x WO]
HER00 Wehni (Wahni, Uahni, Uahnie, Uaini, Uacne, Wacne) 12/36 [Gz WO x]
(Wachni, Wagna, Wähni) 1240'/3639' 1096, 1219 m,
with round hill, midway between Chilga and Metemma
Coordinates would give map code HER01 or HEJ90 near HEJ91
HEK53 Wehni (Uehni) (village) 12/37 [+ WO]
HEK65c Wehni (mountain) 12/38 [x]
Thomas Pakenham sought out the Mountain in 1955, with some help from the Governor General in
Weil.., see Weyl..
JFA69 Weima (Ueima) 1407'/4037' -73 m below sea level 14/40 [Ne Gz]
(We'ima, Veima), near the border of Eritrea
Wein .., see Weyn .., Weyin ..
?? Weinoch, cf Weynoch ../.. [Po]
with postal agent (sub-post office) under Gondar
?? Weirib sub-district (-1997-) 13/39? [n]
weit ..: kal (qal) (A) word
JBS54 Weit Kal (Ueit Cal) 0504'/4253' 453 m 05/42 [+ Gz]
HCC.. Weito (Weit'o, Weitu), 05/36 [20]
locality at road fork where the road from Konso to Jinka
crosses the Weito river.
H.... Wej (Wäj, Waj, Fre: Ouâdj) (hist. recorded area) 08/38 [Pa x]
west of lake Ziway
H.... Wej 12/38 [En]
HDM94 Weja 0954'/3946' 2412 m, north of Debre Sina 09/39 [Gz]
HDM94 Weja kebele (Wäja ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5 km north of Debre Sina; area 1,449 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS30 Wejat 1016'/3734' 2186 m, west of Debre Markos 10/37 [Gz]
HEJ77 Wejecha 1226'/3715' 1890 m, south-west of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
HDU16 Wejed & Mesobit kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kewet wereda, 17 km north of Debre Sina;
area 1,069 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS54c Wejel, town in Awabel wereda 10/37 [20]
-- Wejerat, name of a group who in the 1990s are mostly
Christian peasant farmers speaking a Tigrinya dialect
HE... Wejerat (Wäjerat, Wojjerat, Fre: Ouoguerât) 13/40 [Pa 18 x]
(historical area in south-east Tigray), cf Wajirat
HEU57 Wejerat (Wogerat) 1310'/4000' 13/40 [+ x]
coordinates give the border between
map squares HEU57 and JEN52
HEU57 Wejerat wereda (Wojirat ..), in Inderta awraja 13/40 [n x]
Its centre is Debub (-1975-1994-).
The area is at the escarpment towards the Danakil depression.
Ironstone was utilized in Wejerat in the 1800s.
Tsenbera is a village in the wereda and is described in some detail by Lundström.
[K J Lundström, North-eastern Ethiopia .., Uppsala/Sweden 1976 p 12]
weji (Arabic,Som) face, aspect
HDL15 Weji 0911'/3853' 2674 m, north-west of Sendafa 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL54 Weji 0931'/3847' 2632 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HCL80c Wejigera (=Wijigra?), 07/38 [20]
town in Awasa Zuriya wereda.
HDD73 Wejira Maryam (church) 0852'/3750', 08/37 [Gz]
south-west of Ambo
HDU74 Wejit kebele (Wäjet ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gishe Rabel wereda, 18 km east of Were Ilu;
area 2,571 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL92 Wejitu 0957'/3837' 1990 m, north-west of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
cf Wojitu
HDL73 Wejo 0942'/3845' 2650 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
weka: wekka (wäqqa) (A) thresh, beat grain with a stick
HDC27 Weka (Ueca, Uece) 0820'/3717' 2420, 2830/2980 m, 08/37 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(mountain), cf Wika
wekar ..: duba, dubaa (O) 1. back, behind; 2. sheep's tail;
3. (duuba) level direction, not upwards or downwards;
dhuubaa (O) soaked grain
HFD58 Wekar Duba (Wek'ar .., Weqar ..) 14/38 [Gz q]
1405'/3817' 1896 m, near Inda Silase
wekera a..: afaf (A) edge of a cliff, hilltop, ridge line
HDM64 Wekera Afaf kebele (Wäqéra .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northern Ankober wereda, 8 km north-northeast
of Ankober town; area 435 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM43 Wekera kebele (Wäqéra ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 20 km south-southeast
of Debre Birhan; area 961 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wekerako: weke (O) important food plant, Ensete ventricosum;
rako (Som) platform, shelf, scaffolding; (O) 1. trouble;
inconvenience, hardship, distress, misfortune, disaster;
2. sacrifice of animal carried out as marriage ceremony
HEJ79 Wekerako (Wäqärako), 12/37 [20]
area with name known in the 1600s
HEM22 Weket kebele (Wäqét ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gidan wereda, 15 km east of Muja;
area 2,865 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE76 Weketa kebele (Wäqét'a ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern central Meket wereda, 5 km south-east of Filakit;
area 4,665 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM65 Wekfele kebele (Wäkfälé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Ankober wereda, 15 km north-east
of Ankober town; area 606 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU26 Wekfile kebele (Wäkfelé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Kewet wereda, 25 km north-north-east
of Debre Sina; area 847 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES32c Wekin, town in Dabat wereda 12/37c [20]
HES43 Wekin (Wek'in, Weqin, Dacua) 1303'/3750', 13/37 [Gz Ad]
mountain peak at 1304'/3749' 2713 m,
north-east of Dabat, in Wegera awraja
HDT92 Wekir kebele (Wäqer ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda at its northern border,
15 km north of Ajibar; area 8,193 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDF70 Wekiros kebele 09/39 [Ad]
far to the west in central Minjar and Shenkora wereda,
5 km west of Balchi; area 362 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDM23 Wekiye 0916'/3940' 1730 m 09/39 [Gz]
HDL74 Weklo kebele (Wäqlo ..) 09/38 [Ad]
in western Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
27 km south of Alem Ketema; area 1,016 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL74 Weko 0946'/3852' 2121 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDL84 Weko 0947'/3851' 2250 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), see under Debre Libanos
HEM10 Weko (Wek'o, Weqo, Santara) 1156'/3925' 2533 m, 11/39 [Gz q WO]
west of Weldiya
HEE48 Wekot (Wek'ot, Weqot) 1118'/3911' 2214 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
south-west of Mekdela
HEE88 Wekot (Wek'ot, Weqot) 1139'/3911' 3000 m, 11/39 [Gz q]
north-east of Bete Hor
-- Wekro, see Wikro
wel: weel (Som/H.Salt) son
KCG86 Wel Wel, see Welwel
HEF94 Wela Goba, see Wila Goba
HEM03 Wela Gakarehama, see Wila Gakarehama
HDM41 Wela Gerem, see Wila Gerem
JDK51 Welabu 0934'/4238' 1946 m, north-west of Jijiga 09/42 [Gz]
Mount Walaboo used to be a site for traditional pilgrimage
of the Oromo to the abbaa muda.
JDK.. Welabu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Aneno), 09/42 [Ad Pa]
cf Mida Welabo
welad: wellad (wällad) (A) fecund, prolific, fertile /cattle/
HDM32 Welad kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
11 km east of Koremash; area 1,316 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Welaha 12/39? [x]
JDJ91 Welale (mountain) 0952'/4143' 819 m 09/41 [Gz]
-- Welamo, Walamo, a subdivision of the main ethnic group Ometo
(West Sidama); Welamo (Wellamo) as a name is in later time considered
to be better replaced by the name Wolayta (Wolayyta), see Welayta.
-- Welamo language (Wellamo), see Welayita
HCK52 Welamo (Walamo, Uollamo, Uolamo, Ualeita) 06/37 [+ Ad WO Gz]
(mountain) 0650'/3737' 2012 m
Coordinates would give map code HCK51
Welamo (area)
It was finally conquered by Menilek in 1894.
HCK52 Welamo awraja (Wolamo, Wollamo, Walamo), see also Welayita awraja
The name was changed to Welayita awraja after the revolution in 1974,
see under this name for more recent years.
-- welana: Walane, Wolane, a dialect of Gurage related to Silti
HCS13c Welana 07/37 [LM]
HDL78 Welanso kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in southernmost Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda,
15 km south-west of Deneba; area 2,012 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK96 Welarge (Dillon) 0953'/3804' 1554 m, 09/38 [AA Gz 18 WO]
west of Tulu Milki
HDE16 Welargi (Fagogi) 0819'/3958' 2931, 3285 m, 08/39 [Gz WO]
(mountain), north-east of lake Ziway,
with church Silase to the west
HEC45 Welavi (Uelavi) 11/37 [+ WO]
-- Welayita, Wolaita, also known as Welamo,
a north Omotic ethnic group numbering about 1,269,216
according to the 1994 census.
-- Welayita language is spoken by 999,694 monolinguals out of an
ethnic population of 1,269,216 according to the 1998 census.
Alternate names: Wellamo, Welamo, Wollamo, Wallamo, Walamo,
Ualamo, Uollamo, Wolaitta, Wolaita, Wolayta, Wolataita, Borodda, Uba,
Ometo. There are dialects Zala, Dorze, Melo.
HC... Welayita (Walayta) (historical area) 06/37 [20]
Founded as a state c.1250 and its Tigray dynasty was founded c.1600.
Welayita was incorporated into imperial Ethiopia in November 1894.
HCK51 Welayita awraja (Welamo .., Wolamo .., Uollamo ..) 06/37 [Gz n]
(Wolaita .., Wolayta .., Wolayyta ..) 0650'/3740'
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Soddo)
The awraja name Welamo was changed into Welayita at some point after 1974.
1970s In 1978 this awraja had the highest estimated population density in Ethiopia:
HCK.. Welayta Soddo (with post office) 06/37 [Po]
= HCK52 Soddo (Wolamo Soddo)?
HCS76 Welbareg, see Wulbareg
HDJ15 Welbata 0910'/3706' 1922 m, south of Hareto 09/37 [Gz]
HDL84 Welbati 0948'/3852' 2646 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDJ93 Welbe 0954'/3653' 2007 m, west of Alibo, 09/36 [Gz]
HDM20 Welbeya 0916'/3924' 2228 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of and near Sheno
HDM72 Welcho & Ted Amba, see Wilcho & Tid Amba
weld (A) the Son, as part of the Trinity
HDL74 Weld Ami 0944'/3847' 2582 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
weld nigus, the Son being King? son of king?
HEL56 Weld Nigus (Uold Negus) 1213'/3900' 2325 m, 12/39 [Gz Gu]
north of Lalibela, cf Welde Nigus
welda (A) corolla, crown of flowers
HDK31 Welda 09/37 [AA]
HE... Welda, in Yeju awraja 11/39 [n]
HEF43 Welda Lulu kebele (Wälda ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in southern Tehuledere wereda, south of lake Hayk and west of
lake Hardibo; area 1,572 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCJ97 Weldane 0714'/3716' 1845 m, north-west of Waka 07/37 [Gz]
HEU14 Weldayo 1250'/3945' 1657 m, east of Korbeta 12/39 [Gz]
welde (wäldä) (A) son of /only used in compound male names,
e.g. Welde Giyorgis/
HBM56 Welde (Uolde) 0406'/3955' 907 m, 04/39 [+ WO Gz]
near the border of Kenya
HDL90 Welde 0957'/3828' 2163 m, east of Tulu Milki 09/38 [Gz]
HDT00 Welde 2163 m 09/38 [AA]
Welde Ab, a male personal name
HDM03 Welde Ab (Cioba, Choba, Chowa) 09/39 [Gz x]
0904'/3937' 1174 m
With telegraph station in the early 1900s.
HDM84 Welde Ab 0946'/3942' 3292 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Sina near Termaber

welde a..: ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area

HDM.. Welde Ager (with church Mika'el), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDM22 Welde Ager kebele (Wäldé Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda in its eastern part,
17 km south-east of Koremash; area 1,266 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM43 Welde Ager kebele (Wäldé Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda near its eastern border,
30 km south-south-east of Debre Birhan; area 998 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCB15c Welde Aliyu (Uoldealiu), at Ganale Doria 05/41 [+ Wa]
HFE89 Welde Isti 1421'/3921' 2361 m, near code HFF80 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret), north-west of Adigrat
HEF05 Welde kebele (Wäldé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
18 km north of Majete; area 1,293 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
welde m..: menta (mänta) (A) twins, pairs; fork in a road
HED61 Welde Menta (Uoghir Uoldementa, Uogir W.) 11/37 [Gz]
1128'/3737' 1607 m, downstream from Tis Isat bridge
welde nigus (A) son of king
HEL56 Welde Nigus 1214'/3900' 2278 m, north of Lalibela, 12/39 [Gz]
cf Weld Nigus
HFD71 Welde Yohanis Ager kebele (Wäldä-Yohanes .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its northern border,
10 km north of Bolo Silase; area 3,042 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFD12 Weldebba, see Woldebba
HCJ.. Weldehane, 07/37 [20]
town in Mareka Gena wereda between the Omo and Gojeb rivers.
HEU20 Welderek 1253'/3922' 2614 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of Maychew
HEM02 Weldiya (Weldia, Weldya, Waldya, Ualdia, Uoldia) 11/39 [Gz x WO Gu]
(Weldeya, Waldeya, Wäldiya, Woldia, Woldiya) 11/39 [Br Ha 20]
(Woldai, Wubete), Gz 1150'/39 41' = HEM03 2112 m;
(Fre: Ouoldia), MS: 1148'/3935' = HEM02, 1850/2038 m
(1890s: Waldea), town in the Afder Zone
75 km (in a straight line) north of Dessie.
With church Gebriel, and post office.
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Yeju awraja.
Kebeles adjoining Weldiya are Gubarja to the east, Tekle
Haymanot and Girar to the south, Mehal Mechare to the west,
Adengur and Gebriel to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8E Kile Adame kebele
10E Lencha Dima kebele
2SE Diha Wedih kebele
3SE Gerbidda (Gherbidda) (village) 1953 m
6SE Gerada kebele
7SE Gurbiya (Gurbiagia) (village) 2907 m
8SE Alem Agegnehu kebele
4S Mola Giyorgis kebele
7S Kundi (Cundi) (village near a stream)
7S Sirinka kebele
3SW Gola Mechare kebele
5SW Amaye Mecha kebele
6SW Gosh Wiha kebele
6SW Gala Giyorgis kebele
8SW Gere'ado (Gherado) (village) 1826/2122 m
9SW Merto kebele
9SW Mehal Gebaba kebele
10SW Wetek kebele
10SW Kokor Amba kebele
5W Jarsa kebele
5W Gedu Ber kebele
8W Gebre Amba kebele
9W Lideta Kereyu kebele
9W Key Amba kebele
5NW Mito kebele
8NW Kalim kebele
9NW Asmela kebele
5N Lema Solela kebele
8N Belego kebele
5NE Wacho kebele
5NE Lay Ale Wiha kebele
9NE Tach Ale Wiha kebele
Travertine for building purposes has been worked
on a minor scale from Weldiya.
Elephants could be hunted in the neighbourhood in the 1890s.
Contractor M.C.M. Pollera built the hospital in Weldiya in 1937.
1950s Weldiya was still centre of Yeju awraja in 1959.
The famous commercial giant Sheik Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-Amoudi,
grew up in Weldiya. In later years he favoured Weldiya to some extent.
In Weldiya there is an association of Xamir people with language Xamtanga, which is related to
Awngi/Agew and Qemant. There were estimated to be 80,000 or fewer Xamtanga
speakers in 1995.
There is no direct bus line to Mekele.
Weldiya : Anoma Maryam
David Buxton visited this church north-west of Weldiya in October 1944:
"The cave was completely hidden in a ravine choked with a jungle-growth of trees and herbage." [D
Buxton (1949)1957 ]
JDA73 Weldoyi (G. Uoldoi) 0849'/4008' 1281, 1593 m, 08/40 [Gz WO]
(mountain), south-west of Awash station
Wele, a male personal name?
HDK98 Wele 0957'/3818' 2547 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Tulu Milki, cf Wili
HDL89 Wele Denebe kebele (Wälé Dänäbä ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda, to its north-west,
near Deneba settlement; area 740 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL89 Wele Denebe Chancho kebele (Wälä .. Ch'anch'o ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda, immediately
north-west of Deneba settlement; area 858 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF16 Wele kebele (Wälé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Kalu wereda, 20 km east-southeast
of Kombolcha; area 1,332 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEU74 Welea (Wele'a) (mountain) 1321'/3944' 2018 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-east of Kwiha
HDJ47 Weleba 0928'/3719' 2370 m, south-east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
JCG66 Welechiso (Welech'iso) (peak) 0656'/4022' 2604 m, 06/40 [Gz]
south-west of Ginir
HDU95 Weledi 1050'/3948' 1444 m (with church Maryam) 10/39 [Gz]
Welega, also a male personal name
HDB50 Welega (Uallaga, Uollega, Walaga), 08/35 [Gz]
0836'/3544' 1828 m
HCK93 Welege, island on lake Abaya, see Alge
HDL15 Welege 0909'/3856' 2492 m, see under Sendafa 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFE16 Welegesa (Welegesha), 13/39 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Temben churches
-- Welegeso Iyesus (Wolegheso Yesus) the same?
HEL86 Weleh 1232'/3903' 2047 m, south of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HEL86 Weleh 1234'/3900' 2695 m, south of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HEL.. Weleh sub-district (Wäläh) 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adiansen Weleh)
HDT75 Weleharo, see Wileharo
weleka (language?) black soil of type found in the plain
near lake Tana, something loose, disjointed
HE... Weleka (Wäläqa, Walaqa) (historical place/river) ../.. [+ Pa n]
HEJ99c Weleka (Wolleka, Wolleqa, Walleka, Weuleka) 12/37 [Gz q n WO]
(Welek'a, Weleqa, Wallaca, Uolaich) 1238'/3729' 2283 m
Near Gondar, formerly inhabited by Falasha.
Around 1970: "We spent a busy hour in Wolleqa, a Falasha village just off the main road a few
kilometres north of Gondar. The village has a synagogue and a school which has received
some Israeli assistance. -- Women sat behind rows of pottery."
[P B Henze]
welel (wäläl) (A) floor; wellal (Som/H.Salt) brother
GDF74 Welel (Walal, Walel, Wallel, Uallel, Ualel, Uale) 08/34 [Gz x WO]
(Wayu) (mountain) 0853'/3450' 2707, 3312 m, cf Tulu Welel
welela (wäläla) (A) liquid honey
HDM11 Welele (Walale) 0913'/3925' 2742 m, 09/39 [Gz n]
(district in Bulga), see also Hawa & Welele wereda
(with church Mika'el Debir to the north), south-east of Sheno
A historical Muslim place in the 1300s written Walalah by G.W.B. Huntingford
is almost certainly believed to be same as modern Welele.
HDM32 Welele kebele (Wälälé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
10 km east of Koremash; area 685 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE08 Welelet 1056'/3909' 3393 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEE18 Welelet kebele 10/39? [Ad]
in the middle of northernmost Legambo wereda,
5 km north of Akista; area 2,762 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF51 Welenchiti (Uelenciti, Wolinchiti, Aualancheti) 08/39 [MS WO]
(Wolinchite, Wulinchiti, Uolenciti, Wolenchiti) 08/39 [Ad Po Gu]
(Welinchiti, Wulenchiti, Walankiti, Ualanchiti) 08/39 [Ca x Gu Gz]
(Wolencheti, Ualankit, Fre: Oualenketi),
distance 122 km from Addis Abeba
Gz: 0840'/3926' 1431 m; MS: 0840'/3930' 1436 m
With railway station & sub-post office under Nazret.
Centre in 1964 of Boset wereda.
The signboard at the railway station uses the spelling OUALENKETI.
23 km from Nazret "there is usually a bar across the road in the middle of the valley. This is the
inspection point for the game reserve which lies beyond. There is no trouble entering the
game reserve, but the guards may insist on searching the car upon return."
[Welcome to Ethiopia, circa 1965]
welene: welena, welensa (Arsi O) Erythrina spp, tree with red flowers
Welene (wäläne), traditionally a Gurage area
H.... Welene sub-district (Welenie .., Wolenie ..) 08/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jemah), in Chebo & Gurage awraja,
cf Eza & Welene
HEK55 Welene wereda (Wäläne, Wolene, Wolane ..) 08/38 [Ad x]
(centre in -1957-1964- = Aklil), see also Ezha & Welene wereda
-- Weleni (Wolane, Walani) an ethnic sub-group speaking East Gurage
HD... Weleni (centre in 1964 of Sibu Tuka sub-district) 09/36 [Ad]
HDD98 Welenkomi (Woloncomi, Wolenkomi, Wolenkomie) 09/38 [AA Gz Te Ad]
0900'/3815' 2341 m, west of Addis Alem, 76 km from Addis Abeba
With sub-post office under A. Abeba and church Kidane Mihret.
Centre in 1964 of Ejersa Lefa sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
2E Kela (K'ela) 2129 m
3E Tulu Ferda /Mecha/ 2124 m
5E Ihud Gebeya 2208 m
6E Bekenisa
7E Huluko (Huluk'o)
7E Miti (Mit'i) 2098 m
5W Afe Nigus 2138 m
9NW Lafa 2744 m + Mulo
2N Tero 2163 m
4N Gare
6N Kora (area)
6N Jemjem 2243 m
HDL30 Welenkomi (Wolenkomi) 0924'/3830' 2111 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(Wolonkomi) (with church Kidane Mihret)
HDD66 Welenso (Weleso, Gafarsa) 0844'/3804' 2503 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL67 Welenso (Ualanso), see under Webera 09/39 [+ WO]
HDL72 Welenso 0941'/3836' 2805 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [Gz]
HD... Welenso /which one?/
HDF70 Welenso kebele (Wälénso ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda at its northern border,
a little north of Arerti; area 1,749 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
welensu, wolensu, welensa, wolensa (O) kinds of tree with
ornamental red flowers, Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei,
with lightweight wood, easily planted for hedges;
walansu (O) having treatment, care, carefulness
HDF91 Welensu 0858'/3926' 1548 m 08/39 [Gz]
HDH97 Welensu 0952'/3620' 1925 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK37 Welensu 0920'/3810' 2544 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDK37 Welensu 0924'/3813' 2482 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
JCJ13 Welensu (Uelensu) (area) 06/41 [+ WO]
JDK40 Welensu (Ualensu) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HDJ85 Welensu Chule (.. Ch'ule) 0947'/3706' 2474 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south of Alibo
HET24 Welesi, see Welezi
HDD66 Weleso, see Welenso
welete (A) daughter of, in female names;
welete suk (A) lady's shop;
suk (A) shop, store, bazaar
HDE93 Welete Suk (Wäläte Suq) (village) 08/38 [x]
HET24 Welezi (Welesi) 1255'/3849' 1808 m 12/38 [Gz]
HE... Welfa (locality near Ashenge) 12/39 [n]
HDM80 Welgem, see Wilgim
HEE56 Welgi 1123'/3903' 2211 m, south of Bete Hor
JDK55 Welgo 0929'/4300' 1763 m 09/43 [Gz]
JDK55 Welgo (Uelgo) 0930'/4258' 1786 m 09/42 [Gz WO]
weli (Som) holy man, person who exercises paternal authority
HDD93 Weli 0901'/3750' 2059 m, see u. Ambo, cf Wali .. 09/37 [AA Gz]
HEF71 Weli Mikael (church) 1133'/3930', 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Mekdela
welie h..: hamus (T) 1. kind of shrub or small tree, Rhus abyssinica;
2. Thursday
H.... Welie Hamus sub-district (Wolie ..) 10/37? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Achingi)
welie s..: sekela (säqala) (A) large rectangular house or shed
HE... Welie Sekela sub-district 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kolel Gebread)
HCJ29 Welimera 0634'/3726' 1866 m, cf Welmera 06/37 [Gz]
JEH82 Welis (mountain chain) 1230'/4051' 960 m 12/40 [Gz]
-- Weliso, Wolisso, Wolisa, a sub-tribe of the Mecha/Liban Oromo
HDD45 Weliso (Giyon, Ghion, Guyon, Waliso, Walliso,) 08/37 [MS Ro Gz]
(Ualiso, Uoliso, Wolisa, Woliso, Wolisso, Wilisso) 08/37 [Ad WO Gu]
(Welso, Walso) Gz: 0832'/3759' 2063 m; MS: 0836'/3806' 2014/2103 m
Centre in 1980 of Chebo & Gurage awraja.
Distance 116 km from Addis Abeba.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Waranne (Uaranne) (village)
9SE Birbirsa (village) 2014 m
10W Aro (mountain)
10NW Chitu, see this name
5.. Obi (mission station), see this name
The Amhara-dominated government changed the name to Ghion
at some point before 1951 and this continued to be used during about
four decades, although Weliso dominated in daily conversation.
A new swimming-pool at the hotel was opened in mid-1960.
A track for motor traffic extends 20 km from the centre of Weliso to a
find-spot of limestone. A lime-kiln was built there.
Around 1982 the hotel with the swimming pool with hot water was called
Resort Hotel and had 37 beds.
Abba Wolde Tensai Gizaw had much activity as a healer. In 1985 he was about
72 years old (photo on page 138 in Sandström's book). His church was simple and
undecorated. In his courtyard surrounded by buildings, so many healed people had left
The Multipurpose Community Telecentre was opened in February 2000 and was
the first of its kind in Ethiopia.
HDD46 Weliso 0832'/3806' 2715 m 08/38 [Gz]
weliso ..: goro (O) wild rose shrub
HDD.. Weliso & Goro wereda 08/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 95 rural and 10 urban kebeles.
HDD54 Weliso wereda (Wolliso ..) 08/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Chitu)
HDS41 Welka (Welk'a, Welqa) 1020'/3740' 2402 m, 10/37 [Gz]
west of Debre Markos
HFC17 Welkayit (Wälqayit), see Wolkayit
welki (O) deep mud /where one cannot walk/
HDL42 Welki (Welk'i, Welqi) 0929'/3839' 2360 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-west of Sululta
welkite: wolkitte (O) even, plain; wolkitteh (O) kind of
shrub or tree, Dombeya goetzenii; (western O) kind of usually
small tree, Ilex mitis
HDD13 Welkite (Welkitie, Walkitti, Uolchitte, Uolkitte) 08/37 [MS Ad Br WO]
(Welk'it'e, Welqite, Wolkite, Wolkitte, Fre: Ouolkité) 08/37 [Gz q Po Wa]
(Walkite, Wälk'itte, Walqitti), Gz: 0817'/3747' 1892 m
MS: 0815'/3749' 1910/1935 m;
at 158 km from Addis Abeba
Centre in 1964 of Goro wereda and
of Amuru Werebira sub-district.
Capital (-1995-) of the Gurage Zone.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10SW Gato (village)
?NW Ummuga (village nearby) 1814 m
Welkite became a centre of large scale mechanized farming. The process started
in 1969. In 1973 some 60 mechanized farms with an average size of 80 hectares had
HDL68 Welkite Mikael (Welk'ite Mika'el) 0936'/3911', 09/39 [Gz]
(church), west of Debre Birhan
wello kore: see directly under kore for various meanings
?? Wello Kore (visiting postman under W.Soddo) ../.. [Po]
HDL01 Welmera (Welmera Adis) 0905'/3831' 2388 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
west of Addis Abeba, see also under Genet,
with Finnish mission at 3 km to the south-east.
HDL01 Welmera sub-district 09/38 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Merfeta)
HDL01 Welmera wereda (Walmara ..) 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 59 rural and 6 urban kebeles.
GCT44 Welo (Uelo), cf Walo, Wilo, Wollo 07/33 [+ WO]
HDM64 Welo Kotra kebele (Wälo Qotra ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Ankober wereda, 11 km north
of Ankober town; area 685 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF.. Welowalo (Walo Walo) 14/39 [20]
At a short distance north of the road from Idaga Hamus is located the settlement of Welowalo. There
is a rock-hewn church Maryam Tsiyon Kelakel said to be very old. North-west of the rock
church is the small rectangular church Cherkos inside a walled churchyard. Cherkos gives
the impression of having been built on the site of some Aksumite temple. Inside the
church four Aksumite stone columns support the main structure.
HFC17 Welqait, see Wolkayit
HDD45 Welso, see Weliso
welwel, walwal (Som) 1. cool breeze that blows in the evening;
2. anxiety, agitation, worry; (A) (wälwäl) empty space
KCG86 Welwel (Ual Ual, Wel Wel, Walwal, Fre: Oual-Oual) 07/45 [Gz WO Gu Ad]
(Wol Wol) Gz: 0703'/4524' = KCG86, 570 m; MS: 0700'/4520' = KCG76
(many wells, stated to be 359 in number), a much discussed conflict site in 1934-35.
KCG76 Welwel & Warder awraja (centre in 1964 = Warder) 06/45 [Ad]
HDL79 Welyu 0944'/3918' 2735 m, south-east of Deneba 09/39 [Gz]
JDP58c Wema (Uema) 1030'/4125' 789 m, cf Wama 10/41 [Wa Gz]
HDD16 Wemam (Weman) 0818'/3804' 2214 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDU62 Wembeda (Wembada) 1030'/3932' 2827 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south of Were Ilu
HEF95 Wembede 1142'/3948' 1506 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-east of Weldiya
wember (wämbär) (A,T) chair, seat; chief judge; "St. Mary's Throne"
H.... Wember Maryam (small village), 08/38 [Ca 20]
tiny settlement at the foot of Zikwala mountain
-- wembera: Wambera, ethnic group numbering 6,636 (in the 1980s?)
HDP70 Wembera (Wambera, Wombera, Wumbera, Uombera) 10/35 [Gz x Pa Gu]
(Wämbärya, Wanbera) (high plateau), Gz: 1035'/3548' 2097 m
MS: 1039'/3538' = HDN79, c.2150 m,
area where the Dabus joins the Abay.
HDP70 Wembera (Wenbera, Uombera, Uambera, Umbera) 10/35 [Gz Ad WO Wa]
(Wanbera, Wambera), see also under Debre Zeyit
HDP70 Wembera wereda (Wenbera, Wumberta ..) 10/35 [Ad MS n]
(centre in 1964 = Debre Zeyit)
Located (-2003-) in the Metekel zone of Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State.
(-1994-) is divided into 45 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDL23 Wembere 0916'/3844' 2506 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM71 Wemberet 1228'/3930' 3086 m, west of Alamata 12/39 [Gz]
HET79 Wemberet 1319'/3918' 2340 m, north of Samre 13/39 [Gz]
HDR64 Wemberma (Wämbärma, Wämbäremma, Wambarma) 10/36 [Pa n]
(Wemberima, Wenberima, Womberima) 1031'/3657' 1950 m
Historically recorded as a main route into Gojjam.
HDR63 Wemberma sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yenegash) 10/37 [Ad]
H.... Wemberma & Gwagussa wereda 10/36 [+ Ad]
(Womberima & Guagussa ..) (centre in 1964 = Shende Gebreal)
HDR63 Wemberma wereda 10/36 [Ad]
HDP70 Wembero, see Debre Zeyit
wemberof..: Kirkos = St. Cyriacus
HEJ74 Wemberofta Kirkos (Wemberoft'a K'irk'os) (church) 12/38 [Gz]
1229/3857', north-west of lake Tana
HFF.. Wemberta wereda (Wumberta ..), 13/39 [20]
concerning elections, see under Atsbi
HEJ14 Wemberya (Wmbärya, Wambarya) 11/36 [Gz Pa n]
1153'/3659' 1819 m, at a western shore of lake Tana
HDU12 Wemcha kebele (Wämcha ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
5 km south-west of Molale; area 1,711 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD92 Wemetu 0902'/3743' 1980 m, west of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDU04 Wemso kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
8 km south-east of Molale; area 697 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wena (wäna) (A) abandoned /house, home/
HDM22 Wena kebele 09/39 [Ad]
at south-easternmost Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
35 km south of Debre Birhan; area 2,704 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GD... Wenaga (in Kelem awraja) 08/34? [Ad]
wenago: wanaag (Som) goodness, kindness, mercy
HCK08 Wenago (Wanago, Wonago, Uanago, Uonago) 06/38 [Gz Po WO Gu]
Gz: 0619'/3816' 1764 m; MS: 0615'/3815' 1750 m
MS coordinates would give map code HCD98 a little to the south
(with sub-post office under Shashemene), cf Dilla
(centre in 1964 of Dilla wereda),
13 km from Dilla and north of Agere Maryam. Nearby
there is an important site of monoliths, see Tutu Fella.
HCK08 Wenago sub-district 06/38 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Gwangwa)
HCK08 Wenago wereda 06/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 34 rural and 9 urban kebeles.
?? Wenareb, not far from Gondar ../.. [18]
HDP70 Wenbera, cf Wembera and Debre Zeyit 10/35 [En]
The Shinasha people in Wenbera speak Oromo language.
HDR63 Wenberima, see Wemberma
HDU15 Wenberiya kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda at its westernmost part,
11 km north of Debre Sina; area 960 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM83 Wenbero 0949'/3937' 2603 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-east of Debre Birhan
HDM83c Wenbero & Teko kebele (Wänbäro & T'äqo ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda, 13 km west
of Debre Sina and 15 km north-east of Debre Birhan; area 1,584 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Wenbert (centre in 1964 of Adi Holie sub-district) 13/39 [Ad]
HFF04 Wenberta, see Womberta, cf Atsbi & Wenberta wereda
HE... Wencher Giyorgis 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wetebet sub-district)
HDD74 Wenchi (Wonchi, Uoenci, Uanci) 0848'/3756' 08/37 [Br Ca Ad WO]
(mountain 3386 m and lake and church K'irk'os 3018 m)
(Wench'i) (map of 1898 has "Lake Wonishi"; Fre: Ouanchi)
The mountain is an extinct volcano and the vast crater is filled with a blue lake.
The descent from the rim is exceedingly steep.
"There was a tree-covered island sheltering a monastery." [T Tonkin 1972]
HDT06 Wenchi (Wench'i) 0959'/3900' 1880 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), north-east of Fiche
HDD74 Wenchi wereda (Wonch ..) (centre in 1964 = Dilela) 08/37 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 35 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HDT20 Wenchit & Sie kebele (Wänch'it & Sié ..) 10/39 [Ad]
near south-westernmost Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel
wereda; area 2,078 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM41 Wendashi (Uendasci) (pass) 2925 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
HEC.. Wendata, with Bahir Dar as the nearest town 11/37 [n]
HED91 Wendefada 1145'/3739' 2028 m, 11/37 [Gz]
north-east of Bahir Dar
HED53 Wendegede 1122'/3749' 2225 m 11/37 [Gz]
HEC40 Wendelay Mikael (Wendelai Michael), 11/36 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tumha sub-district)
HDJ44 Wendi 0928'/3701' 2521 m, south-west of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
H.... Wendie (centre in 1964 of Ija sub-district) 08/37? [Ad]
HEJ05 Wendige (Uendige, Uendighie, Wandge, Wandegé) 11/37 [+ WO Gu Pa]
(Wendiye) 1148'/3704' 1828 m, south-west of lake Tana,
in a bay formed by the delta of the Little Abay.
On a height Arara (Ararat of the Bible?) there is a church of Kidus Yohannes.
wendo: wondo (O) kind of spindly shrub or tree,
Dracaena afromontana
HBR43 Wendo (Uando, Wondo) 0455'/3657' 541 m, 04/36 [LM WO Mi Gz]
(Uorra Uando)
HCL20 Wendo (Wondo, Wando, Uondo) 06/38 [MS Br x Gu]
Gz: 0636'/3825' = HCL20, 2037 m; MS: 0630'/3820' = HDK19
(with sub-post office), south of Yirga Alem.
Centre in 1964 of Aleta Wendo wereda, see also Wendo : Aleta.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5SE Aleta (Allata) (village)
7S Omacho (Omaccio) (area)
10S Otilcho (Tafari Kella, Chella Tafari)
Aleta is on the main road towards Negele and was once
a "Governor's ketema"
In 1969, Wendo was said to be a cattle slaughtering centre.
Wendo : Aleta, see also Aleta Wendo
Once the ketema of Dejazmach Balcha, Governor of Sidamo,
but he moved to Agere Selam.
HDL92c Wendo (Wondo), with sawmill, 07/38 [x]
see under Shashemene
HDJ76 Wendo 0944'/3712' 2433 m, north-east of Shambu 09/37 [Gz]
-- wendo a..: Adola, unit of Somali now found (1980s) in Kenya
?? Wendo Adola (Wondo A.) ../.. [x]
wendo g..: genet (gänät, gännät) (A,T), genneta (O) paradise
while waiting to enter Heaven
HCL71 Wendo Genet 0701'/3835' 1723 m 07/38 [Gz Ca Po]
(Wondo Gennet) (with hotel & sub-post office)
Diplomas in Forestry were issued at Wendo Genet during twenty years.
The forestry institute was financed by SIDA of Sweden.
The hotel around 1982 had 22 beds and was called a 'resort spa'.
The Bele bath under Wendo Genet was a thermal bath only,
with no restaurant or even a telephone.
The Wondogenet Forestry Institute offered (-1982-) a 2-year course in Forestry
to students who had passed grade 12 examination.The Wendo Genet earthquake in 1983
was among the most significant in Ethiopia in the 20th century.
In 1998, Wondo-Guenet Forestry College was merged with the Faculty of Forestry of Alemaya and
incorporated into Awassa University.
The resort is around 15 km south-east of Shashemene and lies off the main Shashemene-Wendo
Genet road, 5 km before it reaches the village of Wendo Genet. The turn-off is on the left
near the village of Washa.
Hotel Wabe Shebele has 40 rooms (-2003-).
The draw of the resort is the hot springs, which are about 50 m down the road.
The pool is about 20 m long.
Wendo Genet : Washa (Busa)
The village lies near the turn-off for Wendo Genet resort, 5 km before the village
of Wendo Genet.
-- wene babo: Babo, name of an Ania tribe of the eastern Oromo
HEF53 Wene Babo (Uene Babo), see under Hayk 11/39 [+ Gu]
HDM22 Weneberi & Megezez kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-western Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
30 km south of Debre Birhan; area 2,386 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL85 Wenedi 0947'/3852' 2628/2652 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Debre Libanos
HDM65 Wenen Amba, see Winin Amba
HDM91 Wenfes (district in Shewa) 0957'/3928' 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Amanuel), north-west of Debre Birhan
Coordinates also come close to map code HDU01
HDU01 Wenfes & Ingido Washa kebele (Wänfäs & Engedo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
15 km west of Sela Dingay; area 2,253 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wenfit (wänfit) (A) sieve, strainer
HEK54 Wenfit (Uenfit) (mount.) 1213'/3755' 2448, 3117 m 12/37 [+ Gu Gz]
?? Wenga, in Deressa awraja ../.. [Ad]
The junior secondary school in 1968 had 75 male and 7 female students
in grades 7-8, with 3 teachers (Ethiopian).
-- Wenge (Wängé) a tribe of the Gafat known from around 1600
HDR79 Wenge (Uenghie) (area), cf Wanga 10/37 [+ WO]
wengel (wängel) (A) gospel
HEC66 Wengela Giyorgis (Uonguela Gheorghis) 11/37 [+ It]
(church on a hill)
HDB67 Wengere 0844'/3619' 2186 m, west of Arjo 08/36 [Gz]
weni (T) 1. courage; 2. passion, temper; (O) hoare-frost, rime
HDP15 Weni (Ueni) (mountain) 1004'/3611' 1819 m, 10/36 [+ WO Gz]
cf Wenni, Woni
wenjel (wändjäl) (A) crime, violation
HCS23 Wenjela 0729'/3750' 2225 m, 07/37 [Gz]
south-west of and near Hosaina
HDC70 Wenjela 0849'/3637' 2154 m, north-east of Arjo 08/36 [Gz]
HEC97 Wenjeta (Wenjet'a) 1141'/3717' 1828 m 11/37 [Gz]
HDE39 Wenji (Wonji, Wonjee, Wonji Shewa, Uongi) (area) 08/39 [Gz Po WO Gu]
Gz: 0827'/3917' 1588 m; MS: 0820'/3915'
(sugar estate to the south-west at 0824'/3915')
(with sub-post office under Nazret), south of Nazret
Distance 107 km from Addis Abeba.
A paper factory near the sugar factory started operation in 1970.
The Wenji Sugar Estate was operated by HVA = N.V. Handelsvereeniging Amsterdam, a Dutch
colonial firm having similar projects in other parts of the world.
A source from 1955 says that there were about 1,000 employees and a total output of 15,000 tons of
refined sugar per year.
An Islamic stela was discovered at Didimtu near Wenji in 1969
It has been hypothetically dated to the 1100s.
HDL73 Wenji 0943'/3846' 2584 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDE38 Wenji sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kurftu) 08/39 [Ad]
wenk (wänq) (Gurage) guenon monkey, tota, Cereopithecus spp.
wenka: wanka (A) kinds of small tree, Commiphora spp.
HDS53c Wenka (Wanka), in Debre Markos awraja 10/37 [LM Ad]
HED61 Wenkie (Uonchie) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
wenni, weennii (O) black-and-white guereza monkey,
Colobus polykomos abyssinicus, C. p. gallarum
HDM25 Wenni (M. Uenni) (area) 2073 m, cf Weni 09/39 [+ WO]
?? Wenober, in the Amhara region, see Weynober ../.. [20]
4th highest mountain in Ethiopia.
HDS02 Wentu 1000'/3744' 2047 m, south of Debre Markos 09/37 [AA Gz]
wentu d..: dama (A,O) reddish brown; damma (O) honey
HDU50 Wentu Dama 1025'/3923' 2600 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Were Ilu
HD... Wentu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Sonbo) 09/39 [Ad]
GCM95 Wenya (Uegna) (area) 07/34 [+ WO]
wenz (wänz) (A) river, river bed, also: intermittent stream;
wenz ager, river country
HDT81 Wenz Ager kebele (Wänz Agär ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Sayint wereda, 12 km north-west of Ajibar;
area 5,181 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT 62c Wenz Amba, 10/38 [n]
town in Debre Sina wereda (-1999-).
HEE69 Wenz Amba 1127'/3917' 2148 m, near Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HEM40 Wenz Amba Abo (church) 1210'/3924', 12/39 [Gz]
midway between Lalibela and Alamata
HED52 Wenzagay (Wanzagai, Uanzagai, Uenzeghie), 11/37 [+ Ch Gu 18]
hot spring among the hills in the Gumara valley.
HCK94c Wera (Wära) 07/37 [20]
HCS41 Wera (Uera, Weyra?) 07/37 [+ WO]
HDC83 Wera (Uera) (mountain) 0856'/3656' 1965 m, 08/36 [+ Gz]
south of Sire
HDF70 Wera, see Wira
HDT90 Wera 1047'/3827' 2307 m 10/38 [Gz]
HEK10 Wera (area) 11/37 [WO]
JDK29 Wera Bejiro 0917'/4323' 1653 m, 09/43 [Gz]
at some distance from Somalia
werab: waraab- (O) draw water
HEK73c Werab (Uerab, Wereb, Wäräb, Warab) 1804 m 12/37 [+ Gu Pa n]
weraba (Harari), worabbo (Som) hyena;
warabboo (O) large antelope, eland?
JDC86 Weraba (Uoraba, Wäräba) (area), 08/42 [+ WO Pa]
cf Waraba, Woraba
HEF04 Weraba kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda,
15 km south of Kombolcha; area 2,511 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE55 Werabecha 0841'/3856' 2143 m, 08/38 [Gz]
south-west of Debre Zeyt
JDJ41 Werabele 0925'/4144' 2394 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-west of Dire Dawa
JDK55 Werabeley 0935'/4300' 1748 m, north-east of Jijiga 09/43 [Gz]
werabesa: warabessa, waraab-esa (O) hyena
HDL73 Werabesa 0945'/3846' 2645 m, see under Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
werabi: warabi (O) kind of sorghum
HCS77 Werabi (Werabie) 07/38 [x Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wurbareg sub-district)
HDD64 Werabie, see Werabu
JDH49 Werabile, see Waybera
werabu: warabu (O) to draw water
HDD64 Werabu (Werabie) 0842'/3753' 2592 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south of Ambo
HEM10 Weraf, see Wiraf
JCN09c Weragu, 07/40 [20]
in Gololcha wereda.
HEK.. Werahla (centre in 1964 of Ambachara sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]

werana: waraana (O) spear, battle; waraanaa (O) gadfly

HDM72 Werana wereda (centre in 1964 = Liche), 09/39 [Ad]
cf Warane, also Baso & Werana
HEJ99 Werangeb 1239'/3725' 2397 m, 12/37 [Gz]
north-west of and near Gondar
weransa: waransa, waraansa (O) wound, injury
-- Werensha (Wäränsha), group of Oromo known in the
16th and 17th centuries

HDT84 Weransa 1041'/3850' 2377 m, 10/38 [Gz]

north-east of Ajibar
JEA48 Weranso (Uaranzo) (area) 1118'/4031' 601 m 11/40 [Gz WO]
Serdo - Weranso is in the Afar 1 administrative region (2000s).
HDU27 Werantile & Wacho kebele (Wärantelé & Wach'o ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Kewet wereda, 27 km north-north-east
of Debre Sina; area 1,518 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
werase ..: seb (säb) (A) society, family
HDU36 Werase & Seb kebele (Wärasé & Säb ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Kewet wereda, 30 km north of Debre Sina;
area 1,255 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF40 Werayu 1115'/3924' 2122 m, north-west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz]
HE... Werbabo (in Ambasel awraja) 11/39? [Ad]
?? Werbarag (historically recorded), cf Urbarag ../.. [Pa]
HBL02 Werda (mountain) 0337'/3836' 908 m, 03/38 [WO Gz]
at the border of Kenya
KCG76 Werder (Warder, Wardair, Uardere, Wadere) 06/45 [Gz]
0658'/4520' 541 m, cf Warder
On the road to Moyale, with a check point of the finance guards.
KCR24 Werder awraja 0730'/4600' (Welwel & Warder ..) 06/45 [Gz]
(centre in 1980 = Werder)
JDH99 Werdi 0954'/4134' 750 m 09/41 [Gz]
-- Were .., cf Werei ..
were (wäre) (A) news, gossip; wara, warra, werre (O) people,
family; among the Borana may refer to a nuclear family or
to an entire descent group;
ware (O) late morning;
HDT54 Were Abu kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in central Wegdi wereda, 10 km south of Mahdere Selam;
area 2,134 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- were b..: Babo, name of an Ania tribe of the eastern Oromo
GDM07 Were Babo (Werebabo) 0907'/3459' 1690 m 09/34 [Gz n]
HD... Were Babo kebele 09/36 [20]
in Guto wereda in the Nekemte region.
H.... Were Babo wereda (Werebabo .., Werebabu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bisitima), in Ambasel awraja
The wereda (-1994-) is divided into 20 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Adame, Arabati, Bazura town, Bokeksa, Bulbulo, Chali, Chikile,
Deye, Dubeta, Ejersa, Fito, Gedero, Gedida, Gere Babo, Goha,
Goli, Gubisa, Hadere, Hara, Ulaula
HEF04 Were Baysu kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in the north-easternmost corner of Were Ilu wereda,
24 km south-southwest of Dessie; area 1,591 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF34 Were Beytu kebele (Wärä Bäytu ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northernmost Kalu wereda, immediately south-east of lake Hardibo
and 10 km north-northeast of Kombolcha; area 2,219 hectares. [CSA 1994]
were d..: dale, daalee (O) cows /mostly/ with grey colour;
dalee (O) 1. camel; 2. melted butter; (Som) decorate
-- Dale, a clan of the Arsi Oromo
HDG27 Were Dale 0916'/3525' 1524 m, south of Nejo 09/35 [Gz]
-- were hi..: Werre Himanu, a group of Oromo fighting
in Begemder in the 1600s;
HEF40 Were Himano (Uorro Imano, Uoremaînu) 11/39 [En WO It Pa]
(W. Himenu, Wara Himano, Wärrä Himanu, Warra H.)
(Wärrähimano) 2338 m
HEE18 Were Himeno awraja (Uorra .., Werehimnu ..) 11/39 [Gz Ad]
1100'/3910' (-1964-1987-)
(centre at least 1964-1980 = Tenta)

were ilu: iilo (Som) turn oneself aside; illow (Som) forget;
-- Werre Illu, one of three groups of Wello Oromo who
made up the Sedeka (Sadacha) in the 1600s;
-- in modern time Ilu is a lineage of the Sabbo-Digalu
of the Borana people.
were i..: ilu (T) donkey, foal; iluu (O) be lenient
/in punishment/
HDU72 Were Ilu (Wore I., Uorra I., Ware I., Uorailu) 10/39 [MS Ro Gu 18]
(Were Elu, Werre Ilu, Warayelu, Warrayelu) 10/39 [MS Po x]
(Wire Ilu, Wara Haylu, Warra Hailu, W. Haîlou) 10/39 [n]
(Werielu, Wereyilu, Woreyilu, Woreilu, Uori-Elu)
(Fre: Ouorra Illou, O. Hailou, Ouerreilou)
Gz: 1036'/3926' = HDU71, 2717 m; MS: 1036'/3931' 2872 m
Adjoining to Were Ilu is Tulu Yulu kebele to the east,
south and west, and Kutir kebeles to the north.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
1E Kutir kebele
5E Alge & Wentela kebele
9E Korebtit kebele
4SE Debre Nigist kebele
9SE Set Amba kebele
8S Kurfet kebele
2SW Mesno Amba kebele
7SW Ketari kebele
7SW Ketari Washa kebele
9SW Mojo kebele
10SW Amayu kebele
4W Kere kebele
10W Shekf kebele
8NW Gorana kebele
4-10NW Kutir kebeles, several
of the same name
With postal agent (sub-post office).
Emperero Menilek stayed at Were Ilu a number of times.
HDU71 Were Ilu awraja (Uorra Ilu ..) 1040'/3930' 10/39 [Gz Ad]
(centre at least 1956-1980 = Were Ilu) (-1956-1987-)
HDU72 Were Ilu sub-district 10/39 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Were Ilu)
HEF03c Were Ilu wereda (centre in 1964 = Kabi) 10/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 41 rural and 4 urban kebeles among which
Adati, Arebfema, Awatel, Birbirti, Debre Nigist, Degnu, Delu,
Denbiya, Dildiy, Doyu, Gatira, Gishinet, Gorana, Gureta, Harewa,
Kechema, Kere, 13 Kutir, Mechela, Megosa, Mesno Amba, Shekf,
Siba, Tabot Mewaya, Tulu Yulu, Were Baysu, Weyn Amba
Akababi, Yilala
In Were Ilu wereda is Ajibar town (-1999-). Others
include Kabe, Were Ilu and Weyin Amba.
The wereda is bordered on the south-east by Jama, on the
west by Kelala, on the north-west by Legambo, on the north
by Dese Zuriya and on the east by the Oromiya Zone.
-- were ja..: Jarso, a group of tribes of the eastern Oromo,
and a particular Warra Jarso
HDS08 Were Jarso wereda (Wara J.. Werejarso ..) 09/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Goha Tsiyon)
(-1994-) is divided into 47 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
Several hundred peasant families in Were Jarso wereda
lost their homes in year 2000 because of land slides.
were ji..: jiru, jiruu (O) exist, live, dwell; business, work
HDG08 Were Jiru 0912'/3531' 1523 m, north of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
HDG55 Were Jiru (Swe: Wora Djiro) 0932'/3514' 1591 m, 09/35 [Gz x]
about 20 km north-west of Nejo at the road to Mendi
-- Were Kallu, Worre Kallu, an Oromo tribe
?? Were Kallu (Wärrä Qallu, Wärraqalo), ../.. [+ Pa]
(historical locality in Däwaro)
were kalo: kallo, qallo (O) thin liquid; kalo, kaloo (O)
1. grass, grazing area; 2. belly of sheep or goat;
3. inaccessible; qalo (Som) sacrifice
HEF73 Were Kalo kebele (Wärä ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Habru wereda, very near Wergesa to its north-east;
area 1,523 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
were me..: melka (A), malka (O) ford
HDM16 Were Melka (Wara Malka, Uora Melca) 09/39 [+ Ne WO]
(ford), cf Ware
were mu..: mucha, muchaa (O) baby, young boy;
much'a (A) 1. large tree with green thorns,
Balanites aegyptiaca; 2. resin, glue
JDJ56 Were Mucha (mountain) 0931'/4210' 2192 m, 09/42 [Gz]
north of Harar
were ruba: ware roba (O) late morning rain;
ruub, ruubad (Som) soft sand
HFE47c Were Ruba (Uere Ruba) (valley) 13/39 [+ Gu]
?? Were Sehin, in Yejju ../.. [x]
HDJ15 Were Shewa (Were-Shew) 0910'/3705' 1851 m, 09/37 [Gz]
south of Hareto
were t..: tegga (t'ägga) (A) approach, come near
HEF46 Were Tega (W. T'ega) 1115'/3953' 2057 m 11/39 [Gz]
were w..: waju (O) heal, recover health
GDM04 Were Waju (Burac, Burah) 0903'/3443' 1516 m, 09/34 [Gz]
near map code GDF94
were wayu: wayyuu (O) 1. be better, be preferable;
2. messenger; 3. expert of beliefs
HDT44c Were Wayu kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in Wegdi wereda farthest to the east at its southern border;
area 3,683 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM04 Were Welo kebele (Wärä Wälo ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northern Habru wereda, 20 km east of Weldiya; area 1,588 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK73c Wereb, see Werab
HEF45 Wereba Abo 1116'/3948' 2577 m, 11/39 [Gz]
(mountain chain), south-east of Hayk
H.... Werebabo, see Were Babo
HEU02 Werebayo & Gebati sub-district 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Meswait)
HE... Werebet sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mukalo) 11/39 [Ad]
HDL66 Werebi 0937'/3900' 2605 m 09/39 [AA Gz]
HDL80 Werebi 0947'/3829' 2573 m, 09/38 [AA]
south-east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha

werebo (wäräbo) (A) kind of small antelope

HDC12 Werebo 0816'/3650' 1513 m, north-west of Seka 08/35? [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HDC88 Werebo 0823'/3755' 1866 m 08/37 [Gz]
HDH89 Werebo 0949'/3633' 2045 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDK06 Werebo (peak) 0905'/3808' 2432 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Ginchi, cf Warabo, Werabo, Worabbo
HDK46 Werebo 0929'/3805' 1404 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL50 Werebo 0931'/3830' 1878 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDT96 Werebo kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Kelala wereda at its northern border,
10 km north-west of Legwama; area 2,044 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wereda kula, district fringe? kula, kuula (O) fringe
HCU94 Wereda Kula 0803'/3945' 2473 m
HDT51 Weredeb kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Sayint wereda, 15 km south-southwest
of Ajibar; area 1,446 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Weredekal (in Menz .. awraja) 10/39? [Ad]
weregenu (wärägänu) (A) reserved lands for raising
and keeping government cattle and mules
HDE92 Weregenu 0901'/3838' 2766 m, west of A. Abeba 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDG05 Werego 0908'/3518' 1536 m, north-west of Yubdo 09/35 [Gz]
HDT15 Werego Mesobit kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
6 km west of Alem Ketema; area 4,219 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCN93 Weregu Mission Deke Dima 0807'/4004' 1989 m, 08/40 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem), south of Gololcha
JDH13 Werehama 0914'/4102' 1996 m, 09/41 [Gz]
north-east of Asbe Teferi
?? Werei Leke wereda /?/, in Tigray ../.. [20]
wereke t..: terara (A) mountain, ridge
HEC63 Wereke Terara (Uorechie Tarara) 11/36 [+ It]
HDL33 Werem 0921'/3842' 2485 m, north of Sululta 09/38 [AA Gz]
HEM23 Weremegna kebele (Wärämägna ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Kobo wereda, about 16 km south
of Kobbo town; area 6,390 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM23 Wereminya Gebriel (.. Gebri'el) 1201'/3939', 12/39 [Gz]
north of Weldiya
-- Weremo, Woremo, an Oromo tribe
HEE47 Weremo Maryam (church) 1113'/3906', 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Mekdela
HDT.. Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda 09/38 [Ad]
(Wärämo Wajetuna Mida ..)
(-1994-) is divided into 38 rural and 2 urban kebeles among which
Afer Bayne, Agam & Zeyda, Alabo, Angatet & Mekten, Azma,
Bedinlib, Biraba, Chiraro, Debre Gil & Karamchig, Dengore, Dire,
Gita & Deka, Gogabit, Gur Amba, Imbi Belo & Sherer, Inzibzib,
Kawet, Kera, Kerkere, Koso & Girigir, Kurebaymuda, Lebka &
Gadela, Mejit, Meragna & Akababi, Metela, Minaze, Nefasha, Rema,
Senbelet & Agamay, Shifere Amba, Shimbira Meda, Sorch &
Aredawayu, Tebabit, Tedla Giyorgis & Sola, Tegora Dabay,
Tema & Muhure, Weybla, Yigobiya
HD... Weremo & Wajitu wereda (centre in 1964 = Rima) 09/38 [Ad]
weren chefe: chaffe (O) 1. meadow, place of outdoor
assembly; 2. kind of tall swamp grass, used for roofing;
cheffe (ch'äffe) (A) lush grassy and slightly marshy land
HDL84 Weren Chefe (.. Ch'efe) 0949'/3852' 2374 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem), east of Fiche
weren g..: guro, guroo (O) 1. raw cotton; 2. lump, hard mass;
guro (Som) 1. place cleared on loaded camel for people to sit;
2. pick up, collect for oneself
HDH86 Weren Guro 0947'/3618' 2031 m 09/36 [Gz]
HDL73 Werenche & Sokoru kebele (Wäränch'ä ..) 09/38 [Ad]
in Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda near
its middle westernmost border, 25 km south-southwest
of Alem Ketema; area 641 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE46 Werenechu (Werenech'u) 0833'/3858' 1743 m, 08/38 [Gz]
south-west of Mojo
HDL92 Werengefu 0956'/3836' 2079 m, north-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDF34 Werenso 0825'/3945' 1942 m, 08/39 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEE05 Werento kebele (Wäränt'o ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Legambo wereda; area 1,825 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDG34c Werer (Fre: Ouerer) circa 0920'/4010' 09/40 [x]
Indicated on map of 1901, at the right bank of Awash river near where
an old caravan route from the lowland used to cross the river.
HEC79 Werer Mikael (Uarer Micael) (church), 11/37 [+ It]
see under Bahir Dar
HDD89 Wererso 0853'/3823' 2027 m, south of Addis Alem 08/38 [Gz]
HDH17 Wereseyo 0912'/3624' 1582 m, 09/36 [Gz]
north-west of Nekemte
JDJ37 Weresiyu sub-district 09/42 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Funyan Juba (Funyan Bira))
HDR96 Wereta, 1050'/3710', cf Werta 10/37 [MS]
HEK12 Wereta, see Werota
HDU10 Werew & Mark kebele (Wäräw & Marq ..) 10/39 [Ad]
near southernmost Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its
south-eastern border, 30 km west of Molale; area 2,089 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JE... Werewayu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Tebissa), 11/40 [Ad]
cf Were Waju
HDU72 Wereyilu, see Were Ilu

werga ..: agazen (agazän) (A,T) large antelope, esp. greater kudu
HFE97 Werga Agazin 1425'/3909' 1878 m, north of Inticho 14/39 [Gz]
-- wergar: Wargar, a probably nomad tribe known since the 1300s
?? Wergar (Wärgar), historical Adal district in the 1300s ../.. [Pa]
JCF90 Wergarti (Uergarti, Uelgarti) 0615'/4420' 475 m 06/44 [+ WO Gz]
HEF73 Wergesa (Wirgesa, Wurgessa, Worgessa) 11/39 [MS Gz Po Ad]
(Wurgiesa, Wurghessa, Uorghesa) 11/39 [MS Te WO]
(centre in 1964 of Habiru wereda and
of Lai Kalo sub-district) 1133'/3937' 1820 m
Surrounding kebeles are Baykedagn to the north
and Baylawet to the south.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
2E Berebiyu kebele
6E Gora Arba kebele
8E Girana kebele
8E Way Teklo kebele
8SW Dudu Arba kebele
2S Denka kebele
3S Wichale (settlement)
5S Limo kebele
6S Begido kebele
8S Robit kebele
3SW Abet kebele
8SW Feka kebele
3W Bizen kebele
8W Kwashat kebele
9W Feka kebele
9NW Kula Kwaho kebele
2N Were Kalo kebele
4N Mehal Amba kebele
7N Wete kebele
9NE Agamsa kebele
With postal agent (sub-post office) under Dessie.
?? Wergesa (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HFF00 Wergesha 1337'/3923' 1846 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-west of Mekele
HEE08 Wergo, see Wirgo
H.... Weri (Wäri) (historically recorded area), ../.. [Pa]
a Gurage area known from the 1300s.
H.... Weri (Ueri), in Tigray ../.. [+ Mi]
HFE12 Weri, river at 1341'/3837' 13/38 [x]
HFE.. Werie Lehe wereda (=Weri Leke?), 14/38 [Ad]
in the Adwa/Inticho region,
(-1994-) is divided into 43 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
H.... Weri Leke wereda (-2004-), in Tigray ../.. [20]
HFE16 Weriyege (Uorieghe) 1343'/3900', 13/39 [+ It Gz]
village on the southern slope of Werk Amba.
JEH67c Werjeh (Wärjeh), see Gebel
-- Werjeh, Wärjeh, pastoralists near town of Degwe in the 1300s;
-- Werji, also a present-day ethnic group (or rather sub-group),
numbering about 20,536 according to the 1994 census
HDF31 Werji (Wargi, Uarghi, Uargi) 0828'/3929' 1446 m, 08/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(with church Mikael), south-east of Nazret
HDK88 Werji (Iergas, Jergas, Gergas) 0948'/3820' 2599 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael), see under Gebre Guracha
Coordinates would give map code HDK89
HDF42 Werji sub-district (Werjie ..) 08/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Bofa)
werk (wärq) (A) gold; werki (wärqi) (T) gold;
Werk (Work), also a male personal name
HCN87 Werk (Uarc, T.) (hill), see Tule Werk
HDE52 Werk (Uorch) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
Werk Amba /which one not specified yet/
There are remains at Werk Amba of an otherwise unknown town
of the sultanate of Ifat in the 1200s.
HDM76 Werk Amba (Werq A., Uork A.), see under Chano 09/39 [+ WO Ad]
HDT05 Werk Amba (Werk' A., Werq A., Uorago) 10/38 [Gz q]
1001'/3853' 2175 m, south-east of Addis Derra
HEF54 Werk Amba (Werk' A.) 1122'/3944' 2282 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Hayk
HEK53 Werk Amba (Werk' A., Werq A., Uorc A., Uarc A.) 12/37 [Gz q WO Gu]
(Warkamba) (with church and mission) 1214'/3751',
east of northernmost lake Tana
HEP26 Werk Amba (Uorch A.) (area), see under Metemma 12/36 [+ WO]
HES55 Werk Amba (Uorcamba) (area) 3147 m 13/37 [+ WO]
HFE16 Werk Amba (Werk' A., Worku A., Uorc A.) 13/39 [Gz x WO Gu]
1344'/3900' 1941 m, (mountain peak), north of Abiy Adi
HEC77 Werk Amba Giyorgis (Uorcamba Gheorghis) 11/37 [+ It]
HDT15 Werk Amba kebele (Wärk ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
12 km west of Alem Ketema; area 6,188 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU23 Werk Amba kebele (Wärq ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
16 km north of Molale; area 486 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Werk Deba? ../.. [x]
HDM81 Werk Igur Gebriel (Werk' Igur Gebri'el) (church), 09/39 [Gz]
0948'/3925', north-west of Debre Birhan
HER27 Werk Lebo (Uerc Lebo) (convent and/or mission), 12/37 [+ WO Gz]
1252'/3717', north-west of Gondar,
on map of 1814 using spelling Werkleva.
werk m..: midir (A) earth, land, region
HER48 Werk Midir (Uorche Medir) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HF... Werk Segeh (Workhsegeh), 13/39 [+ x]
a little north of Abiy Adi and south of Mai Keneta
werka, warka (A) kinds of wild fig tree such as Ficus vasta
HCP17 Werka (Uorca) 0723'/3622' 1559 m, 07/36 [+ Gz]
north-east of Bonga
HDK05 Werka (Werk'a, Werqa) 0903'/3801' 2410 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
(with church Giyorgis to the north), near HDD95
HDK06 Werka (Werk'a, Werqa) 0906'/3804' 2480 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
see under Ilfeta, cf Warka
HD... Werka (Hagere Maryam), in Bulga/Kasim wereda, 09/39? [x]
(with church Igzi'abher Ab Debir)
HDU56 Werka Amanuel 1027'/3954' 1884 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT05 Werka Amba 0959'/3854' 1601 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Hana)
werka dengiya, wild fig-tree rock
HEJ07 Werka Dingay (Warka Dengia, W. Dengo), 11/37 [+ Ch WO]
(small island in lake Tana)
HDM14 Werka Mikael (.. Mika'el) (church) 0913'/3947' 09/39 [Gz]
JDJ58 Werkabeysa (Uorcabeisa) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HFE16 Werkamiba, see Werk Amba
HEF.. Werkaria (Vorkaria) (visiting postman under Dessie) 11/39 [Po n]
HEF43 Werkariya kebele (Wärqariya ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in mid-easternmost Kuta Ber wereda, 3 km east
of Kuta Ber settlement; area 1,481 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
werke (O) kind of tree, Dracaena afromontana;
werkeh (O) food plant, Ensete ventricosum; worke (O) gold
HDK06 Werke (Werk'e, Werqe, M. Uorche, Uorke, Worke) 09/38 [Gz q WO Gu]
(mountains) 0905'/3808' 2432, 3099 m, west of Addis Alem
HDL71 Werke (Werk'e, Werqe) 0942'/3832' 2555 m, 09/38 [AA Gz q]
south-west of Fiche
HDT62 Werke Abo kebele (Wärqé .. ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-western Debre Sina wereda, 17-23 km
south-west of Mekane Selam; area 1,199 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Werke Amba (town) in Ambasel wereda (-1999-) ../.. [Ad]
HDT05 Werke Amba (Werk'e A., Werqe A., Uorago) 10/38 [Gz q]
1001'/3853' 2380 m (with church Maryam)
HDT77 Werke Beskut kebele (Wärqé Bäskut ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central eastern Kelala wereda, 9 km south-south-west
of Legwama; area 1,264 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT85 Werke kebele (Wärqé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda in its northern part,
20 km west of Legwama; area 1,954 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM24c Werke kebele (Wärqé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
three adjoining kebeles with the same name in the south-easternmost corner
of Kobo wereda, about 25 km south-east of Kobbo town; areas 8,015 and
4,000 and 10,166 hectares with the largest of them fully out into the corner
of the wereda border.
[CSA 1994]
HDT64 Werke Meskele kebele (Wärqé Mäskqälé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Debre Sina wereda at its southern border,
5 km south-west of Mekane Selam; area 1,146 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Werke Nasse (Worke N.), in Wellega ../.. [x]
Village with a simple rectangular /Evangelical?/ church,
in the 1970s also was used as a school.
HDT64 Werke Wariho kebele (Wärqé ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in northernmost central Wegdi wereda,
5 km south of Mekane Selam; area 1,347 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEK91 Werkembich 12/37 [WO]
HEE09 Werkemecha kebele (Wärkämäch'a ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Legambo wereda, 10 km east-north-east of Akista;
area 2,501 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HES32 Werkesha (Uorchescia) (area), see under Dabat 12/37 [+ WO]
HE... Werketawe (on map of 1814) 13/39 [18]
werki (wärqi) (T) gold
?? Werki (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HFE17 Werkibet (Worke Bet) (w rock-hewn church Mikael), 13/39 [x]
see under Temben churches
?? Werkleva, mentioned in the 1770s ../.. [Pa]
?? Werko, in southern Genale awraja 06/39 [x]
(centre of a wereda in the 1980s)
HDT71 Werko (Werk'o, Werqo) 1039'/3834' 2380 m, 10/38 [Gz q]
at Abay river north-west of Ajibar
HEJ20 Werko, river at 1200'/3738' 12/37 [x]
werku (wärqu) (A) the gold;
Werku (Worku), a male personal name
HDK55 Werku (Werk'u, Werqu) 0935'/3758' 2464 m 09/37 [AA Gz q]
werku n..: nasi, nasii (O) 1. copper; 2. kind of rifle
HDG.. Werku Nasi (Worku N.), in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
HDU13 Wero kebele (Wäro ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
a little south-east of Molale; area 591 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU01 Werogero kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in western Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
15 km west-southwest of Sela Dingay; area 1,790 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
werota: werrota (wärrota) (A) benefit, favour, reward
HEK12 Werota (Wereta) 1154'/3742' 1836 m, 11/37 [Gz]
east of the middle of lake Tana
HEK12 Werota (Werotta, Worota, Worotta, Worrota) 11/37 [Gz Ca Te Po]
(Woreta, Woretta, Wereta, Weretta) 1155'/3742' 1828 m,
(with sub-post office under Gondar), east of lake Tana
1990s?: A new campus for Woreta College of Agriculture
was designed by National Consultants.
Situated 3.5 km from where the road from Debre Tabor branches off
towards Gondar or Bahir Dar.
HDU72 Werre Ilu, see Were Ilu
JDJ02 Wersi 0904'/4147' 1690 m, south of Grawa 09/41 [Gz]
JFB24 Werta (Uerta) (mountain) 1350'/4104' 674 m, 13/41 [+ WO Gz]
near the borter of Eritrea
wertat (T) season
HEF33 Wertaya kebele (Wärt'aya ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in the northern part of central Dese Zuriya wereda;
5 km south-west of Dessie; area 1,862 hectares
[CSA 1994].
HEE29 Wertej kebele (Wärt'äj ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in mid-southernmost Tenta wereda; area 3,275 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Werteya sub-district (centre in 1964 = Debre Tsige) 11/39 [Ad]
HDL65 Wertu (Wert'u) 0936'/3855' 2645 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL65 Wertu (Wert'u) 0938'/3854' 2593 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL65 Wertu (Wert'u) 0939'/3855' 2675 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
The three Wertu above are at 6½ and 2 km distance from each other,
all south-east of Debre Libanos.
HDJ16 Weru 0914'/3713' 2427 m, south-east of Hareto 09/37 [Gz]
HDM70 Weryo 0945'/3920' 2695 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
?? Werze (on map of 1814), 10/42? [18]
on the caravan route from Zeyla to Harar.
HEF.. Wesel (Wäsäl) (historical locality) 11/39 [+ Pa]
wesen (wäsän) (A) border, boundary;
Wesen (Wossen), a male personal name
HES42 Wesen 1305'/3811' 3006 m, north of Deresge 13/38 [Gz]
HDU17 Wesen kebele (Wäsän ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda at its eastern border, immediately east of
Shewa Robit and 22 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 930 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wesena: wessene (wässänä) (A) delimit
HDC44 Wesena 0833'/3700' 1635 m 08/37 [Gz]

-- weserbi: Wasorbi, Osarbi, Wassarbi, name of

a Tulama Oromo tribe
HDL66 Weserbi 0940'/3859' 2510 m 09/38 [Gz]
HDL78 Weserbi (Uessarbi) (area) 09/39 [Gz WO]
HDL66 Weserbi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Lege Dima) 09/38 [AA Ad]
HDU02 Wesha Ters, see Wisha Tirs
HDM63 Wesha Weshegn, see Wisha Wishign
HDT77 Weshat, see Wishat
HEF91 Weshebo 1143'/3927' 3230 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-west of Weldiya
weshela (wäshäla) (A) uncircumcized
HCC35 Weshele 0544'/3706' 856 m 05/37 [Gz]
HDU40 Weshengir 1024'/3923' 2664 m 10/39 [Gz]
HCP03 Weshi 0718'/3559' 1780 m 07/35 [Gz]
HEM31 Wesiam Maryam (Wesi'am M.) 1205'/3928', 12/39 [Gz]
(church), north-west of Weldiya
HDM36 Wesil kebele 09/39 [Ad]
an unusually large kebele in eastern-most Berehet wereda;
area 14,556 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
weska (wäska) (A) stretcher with two long poles;
wekka (wäqqa) (A) thresh, beat grain with a stick
HCA48 Weska Weka (Uesca Ueca) 0549'/3536' 636 m, 05/35 [+ WO Gz]
cf Woska
HCA47 Weska Wera (Uesca Uera) (well) 05/35 [+ WO]
HEE89 West Amba, see Wist Amba
?? West Imi wereda ../.. [Ad]
HDU17 Weste Embway, see Wiste Imbway
HDU25 Wetaga kebele 10/39 [Ad]
narrow small kebele at the western border of southern Efrata & Gidim wereda,
15 km south-west of Efeson; area 255 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wetate: wettate (wätt'at'e) (A) my young man or woman?
HDL73 Wetate (Wet'at'e) 0945'/3843' 2848 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south of Fiche
-- Wetawit language, see Berta
HEF72 Wetchale, see Wichale
JDJ31 Wete, cf Wata 09/41 [MS]
HEF93 Wete kebele (Wäté ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the mid-western border of Habru wereda,
immediately south-west of Mersa; area 5,241 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED72 Wete Mera circa 1134'/3747', 11/37 [20]
area east of the upper part of Tilet stream and
west of Debza river.
wetebet: wet bet (wät' bet) (A) kitchen
HE... Wetebet sub-district 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Wencher Giyorgis)
HDU75 Wetefe kebele (Wät'äfé ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Gishe Rabel wereda, 28 km east-southeast
of Were Ilu; area 2,924 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

HEU22 Weteg 1255'/3935' 2865 m, north of Maychew 12/39 [Gz]

HEE76 Wetege kebele (Wätägé ..) 11/39 [Ad]

in western central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 7 km south-southeast
of Bete Hor; area 1,698 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF91 Wetek kebele (Wät'äq ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Guba Lafto wereda at the beginning of its "arm" stretching out
southwards, 10 km south-west of Weldiya; area 781 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
weter (wätär) (A) string of a bow or musical instrument
JDJ31 Weter (Woter) 0922'/4146' 1988 m, 09/41 [Gz Po]
south-west of Dire Dawa
One Weter has a sub-post office under Dire Dawa.
JDJ32 Weter 0921'/4149' 1945 m, 09/41 [Gz]
south-west of Dire Dawa
HDF03 Wetera 0809'/3939' 2617 m 08/39 [Gz]
wetet (wätät) (A) milk
HEC54 Wetet Abay 1122'/3702' 1972 m, 11/37 [Gz]
north-east of Dangila
wetet b..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
?? Wetet Ber (Watat Bar), see under Kogar ../.. [+ Ch]
wetete (wät'ät'ä) (A) 1. ram, male sheep; 2. my milk?
HEE28 Wetetiya 1106'/3912' 3189 m, 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis)
HEE76 Weteye 1131'/3900' 2860 m, south of Bete Hor 11/39 [Gz]
HDM64 Weti, see Witi
JBS63 Wetka (Uetca) 0508'/4248' 568 m 05/42 [+ Gz]
HBK39 Weto (Ueto) (mountain) 0354'/3821' 1503 m, 10/42 [+ WO Gz]
at some distance from the border of Kenya
HCS93 Wetra 0805'/3750' 2073 m, west of Imdibir 08/37 [Gz]
GDM.. Wetsewaddeessa kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
JD... Wetti (in Webera awraja) 09/41? [Ad]
HEM51 Wetwet kebele (Wätwät ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in the north-eastern corner of Gidan wereda; area 6,164 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JCG64 Weyabeta 0657'/4012' 2778 m 06/40 [Gz]
weyba, weiba (A,T) kinds of tree, Combretum molle,
Terminalia brownii
HDL92 Weyba 0953'/3839' 2344 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), north-west of Fiche
HDS81c Weybenye sub-district (Weybegne ..) 10/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Feres Bet)
HED60c Weybenye Maryam (Weybegne Mariam), 11/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Genj sub-district)
HDT25 Weybla kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in western Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda, immediately
to the south-east of Rema; area 2,260 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Weyeb sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HED21 Weyfat 1103'/3737' 2340 m, west of Mota 11/37 [Gz]
HCM71 Weyge 0658'/3927' 2795 m, east of Dodola 06/39 [Gz]
HDK49 Weyi 0927'/3821' 2375 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HED25 Weyibla 1105'/3801' 2423 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDM.? Weyin Amba (with church Maryam), 09/39 [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDU11 Weyin Amba (Wein A., Weyn A.) 10/39 [Gz Po]
1003'/3925' 2345 m, west of Molale
One of these has sub-post office under Dessie
HDU11 Weyin Amba 1005'/3929' 2772 m, west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
?? Weyin Amba (Derek Amba) (town), ../.. [Ad]
in Kelela wereda (-1991-).
HD... Weyin Amba wereda? (Woin A..) 10/39? [20]
-- Weyin Wuha, see Weyn Wiha
HEE99 Weyis kebele (Wäyes ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda, 12 km north-east
of Wegel Tena; area 1,113 hectares. [CSA 1994]
?? Weyisu?, see Woyisso
HDU64 Weyit 1032'/3942' 2885 m, south-east of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
-- Weyito, Weyto, Waito, small Amharic-speaking
Muslim group at Lake Tana
HEU20 Weykaeb (Weyk'a'eb, Weyqaeb), 12/39 [Gz]
1256'/3924' 2336 m, north-west of Maychew
HET.. Weykal Kidane Mihret (Ueical Chidane Meret), 13/38 [+ Gu]
HES.. Weyla (Weila, Ueila) 2740 m 13/38 [+ Ad Gu]
(centre in 1964 of Mehal Ager sub-district)
weyn (wäyn) (A) 1. vine, climber, Vitis vinifera;
2. grape, wine; weyn (Som) large, big
HDU11 Weyn Amba, see Weyin Amba
HDU80 Weyn Amba Akababi kebele 10/39 [Ad]
centrally in western Were Ilu wereda, 18 km north-west
of Were Ilu town; area 3,418 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM31 Weyn Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in western Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
a little south of Koremash; area 1,250 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU11 Weyn Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
15 km west of Molale; area 1,408 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

weyn wiha (A) wine water

H.... Weyn Wiha (Weyin Wuha) 10/38? [20]
town in Bibugn wereda
HDM85 Weyn Wiha kebele (Wäyn Weha ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in south-eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5 km east-south-east of Debre Sina; area 901 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Weyn Wiha Medhane Alem (.. Wuha .. ..) 10/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Weyn /Woyen?/ Weha sub-district)
weyna (A) 1. (from Somali wayn) large, big;
2. wine-coloured
HEJ59 Weyna (Wayna) 1218'/3726' 1787 m, 12/37 [Gz 20]
(known in the 1600s)
HDM61 Weyna Bedera kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
11 km west-south-west of Debre Birhan town; area 1,074 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

weyna dega (A) land at medium altitude

HEK62? Weyna Dega (Wayna Daga, Wäynadäga) 12/37 [20 Pa]
(Fre: Ouaina Déga)
HEK62 Weyna Dega sub-district 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mikael Debir)
HEK50 Weyna Kidane Mihret (Waina Kedanemehret) 12/37 [+ Ch]
weynaber: ber (bärr) (A) entrance, gate, pass
HEK52 Weynaber (Uainabar) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
?? Weynahara (Afar locality and tribe), cf Tena ../.. [n]
HDS.. Weyname Kidane Mihret (church), 10/38 [x]
about 5 km north-west of Bichena, see under that name
weyne h..: weyne (O) guereza monkey, Colobus abyssinicus;
hara (O) 1. lake, pool; 2. common land, anything for common use;
3. haraa, broom /of twigs/, sweepings; (Geez) army, troops;
haaraa (O) new, strange
?? Weyne Hara, see Tena
?? Weynge (locality in Wegda) ../.. [n]
HDM72 Weyniye & Gedenbo kebele (Wäyneyé .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
3 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 921 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM11 Weyniye kebele (Wäyneyé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Guba Lafto wereda at its northern border,
15 km north-west of Weldiya; area 2,333 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM34 Weyno Dikalo kebele (Wäyno Diqalo ..) 12/39 [Ad]
in mid-easternmost Kobo wereda, 10 km south-east
of Kobbo town; area 8,246 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Weynober (= Weyno Ber? Wenober) (mountain) ../.. [20]
Its peak reaches altitude 4472 m which makes it the 4th highest
mountain in Ethiopia.
weynoch (A) grapes in plural
HE... Weynoch (centre in 1964 of Gallager sub-district) 12/37 [Ad]
HE... Weynoch Giyorgis, in Gondar awraja 12/37 [Ad]
HEK64 Weynzeregye (Uoinzereghie) (area) 12/37 [+ WO]
HCJ39 Weyo 0638'/3728' 1378 m 06/37 [Gz]
JEA42 Weyo 1118'/4001' 1519 m, north of Bati 11/40 [Gz]
HDU06 Weyr Amba sub-district 09/39 [Ad]
(centre Armanya 1967-1970s)

weyra (wäyra) (A) forest tree, wild olive, Olea africana

HCR59 Weyra 0743'/3729' 2350 m 07/37 [Gz]
HDT08 Weyra 0957'/3911' 2625 m 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael to the west)
HEM23c Weyra (Uoira) (pass) 1550 m 12/39 [+ Gu]
Although weyra means wild olive, it is euphorbias which grow there.
-- Weyra Amba, as old name see also Dessie
HDU05 Weyra Amba 0958'/3948' 1679 m 09/39 [Gz]
north of Debre Sina, cf Weyramba
HDL99 Weyra Amba & Yigolta kebele (.. .. Yegolta ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the easternmost border of Moret & Jiru wereda,
10 km north-east of Inewari; area 1,396 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

HDM94 Weyra Amba kebele 09/39 [Ad]

in eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
6 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 1,084 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
weyra baye, many wild olives? bayye (O) abundant, many
HEM23 Weyra Baye (Uoira Baie) 1159'/3941' 1540 m 11/39 [+ Gu Gz]
weyra ber (A) olive tree pass;
ber (bärr) (A) pass, gate, entrance
HEC.. Weyra Ber 11/37 [x]
HED94 Weyra Ber kebele (Wäyra Bär ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in north-western Meket wereda, 12-25 km north-northwest
of Filakit; area 7,645 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
weyra be..: beret (bärät) (A) zeriba, thorn enclosure for cattle
HEM11 Weyra Beret (Madscel, Majelli) 11/39 [Gz]
1156'/3927' 3101 m, north-west of Weldiya
H.... Weyra Debre (centre in 1964 of Dollu sub-district) 10/39 [Ad]
weyra wiha (A) water where wild olives grow
HEM85 Weyra Wiha (Weira W., Weyra Wuha, Woira Waha) 12/39 [+ Gz Po 20]
1227'/3946' 1657 m,
town in Raya Azebo wereda
Centre in 1964 of Chercher wereda & sub-district.
With postal agent (sub-post office).
weyramba: weyra amba (A) wild olive mountain
HD... Weyramba sub-district (Weiramba ..) 09/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Shola Meda), cf Weyra Amba
HED98 Weyraye 1141'/3819' 2517 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Tabor
HES21 Weyraye 1251'/3740' 2744 m, south-west of Dabat 12/37 [Gz]
HBR66 Weyro 05/37 [MS]
-- Weyto, Weyito, ethnic group numbering about 1,631
according to the 1994 census
-- Weyto language (Weyt'o, Wayto) is extinct
HBR74 Weyto (Weyt'o, Wäyt'o) 0513'/3700' 571 m, 05/37 [Gz]
east of Hamer Koke
The little village of Weyto lies halfway between Konso and Key Afar.
?? Weyto wereda, ../.. [Ad]
recently located within the South Omo Zone.
HDE85 Weyu 0853'/3854' 2356 m, east of Akaki 08/38 [Gz]
?? Weyzazir sub-district (Woizazir ..) ../.. [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dego)
weyzero (wäyzäro) (A,T) 1. Lady, Mrs, Madam;
2. estates belonging to the ancient nobility were known as
weyzero, "land of princess"
HDL41 Weyzero 0925'/3834' 1907 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Mikael to the west)
HDE89 Weyzero Askale (Uizero Ascale) 08/39 [+ WO]
wez (wäz) (T) mine /for minerals/; (A) sweat, transpiration
wezemi: wazema (A) eve; (T) hymn; wezzam (wäzzam) (A)
lively, bright /face/; midir (A) land
HDU04 Wez Midir kebele (Wäz Meder ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the eastern border of northern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
8 km east of Sela Dingay; area 1,552 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDT00 Wezemi 0959'/3828' 2049 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
north-east of Tulu Milki
HDU84 Wezhed kebele (Wäzhäd ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
5 km west of Majete; area 738 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HE... White sub-district (also its centre in 1964 = ?) 11/39 [Ad]
wib (A) beautiful, scenic; hamer (A) 1. ark;
2. reddish-brown /horse/
-- Hamer, ethnic group in the South Omo Zone
HCB47 Wib Hamer (Wub H.) 0549'/3625' 1236 m 05/36 [Gz]
HCB79 Wib Hamer (Wub H.) 0604'/3635' 1961 m 06/36 [Gz]
HC... Wiba Debre Tseyh (in Gofa awraja) 06/36? [Ad]
JEH74 Wibara (Uibara) (area), cf Webera 12/41 [+ WO]
wibit g..: gola (O) room in traditional house, cave;
stable; gola (A) golha (T) kind of shrub or small tree,
Salix subserrata
HDM44 Wibit Gola kebele (Webit .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southern Ankober wereda, 11 km south of Ankober town;
area 1,448 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM54 Wibit & Widede kebele (Webit & Wedädé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Ankober wereda, 4 km east of Ankober town;
area 854 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Wible Maryam (church), see Simema
wichale (A) small monkey;
-- Wichale, Wochale, Wechalé Wuchale, name of an Ittu tribe
of the eastern Oromo known from fighting with imperial forces
-- in the 1620s, also a modern branch of the Arsi-Siqo Oromo
living north-east of lake Ziway
-- Wichale (Wuchale) (which one?)
town in Debre Sina wereda
HDB66 Wichale (Wich'ale) 0845'/3617' 2165 m, 08/36 [Gz]
west of Arjo
HDL53 Wichale (Uccialle) 09/38 [+ WO]
HDL54 Wichale (Uccialle) (plain) 09/38 [+ WO]
HEF63 Wichale (Uccialli) (plain) 11/39 [+ WO Gu]
HEF72 Wichale (Uccialli, Utchale, Utchali) 11/39 [+ WO Mi x]
(Fre: Outchali) (area)
with coal used by the Italians
HEF72 Wichale (Wich'ale, Wuchale, Uccialli, Utchali) 11/39 [Gz Te WO]
(Wetchale, Wechalle, Wouchale) 1879/1990 m 11/39 [x Po]
Gz: 1130'/3936' = HEF72, 1712 m; MS: 1120'/3930' = HEF51
Distance 40-50 km north of Dessie and 461 km from Addis Abeba.
At the main road northwards, with sub-post office.
Denka kebele surrounds most of Wichale settlement,
except for Begido kebele a little to the south-west.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at
3E Limo kebele
6E Dudu Arba kebele
10E Way Teklo kebele
9SE Tebisa kebele
10SE Seglan kebele
4S Robit kebele
8S Golbo kebele
7SW Dibil kebele
8SW Kolet kebele
3W Abet kebele
6W Feka kebele
10W Teremchig kebele
4NW Bizen kebele
8NW Kwashat kebele
2N Baylawet kebele
3N Wergesa (settlement)
5N Baykedagn kebele
8N Mehal Amba kebele
10N Wete kebele
6NE Were Kalo kebele
9N Gora Arba kebele
The Treaty of Uccialli (this Italian-derived spelling is the one most seen in historical works) was
signed on 2 May 1889 by Emperor Menilek and Count Pietro Antonelli.
Wichale had a postal agent (sub-post office) under Dessie.
"My guides pointed out a large tree across a gorge a few hundred meters from the road as you enter
Wuchale, under which the treaty was signed." [J Graham]
HEF72 Wichale & Jido wereda (Wuchalena Jido ..), 11/39 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 68 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HDL55 Wichale Maryam (Wich'ale M.) 0933'/3853', 09/38 [Gz]
(church), south-east of Fiche
?? Wichale Mikael, with market ../.. [18]
HEF.? Wichale sub-district (-1997-) 11/39? [n]
(centre in 1964 = Balie)
HDL64 Wichale wereda (Wuchalie ..) 09/38 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sele)
GDD07 Wichgonyuni 08/33 [WO]
wid ..: widd (A) expensive, precious
?? Wid Ben (visiting postman under Dessie) ../.. [Po]
H.... Wida (centre in 1964 of Midir Gebeta sub-district) 13/37? [Ad]
HE... Wido, see Lai Wido, Tach Wido
JCL62 Widthl 06/43 [WO]
widu a..: ager (agär) (A) country
HDM32 Widu Ager kebele (Wedu Agär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in southern Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
30 km south of Debre Birhan; area 821 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Wifat, cf Yifat, 10/39 [x]
historical Muslim area (-1300s-) between Awash and Kassam/Kesem rivers.
HEE68 Wiga Mere kebele (Wega Märé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in almost north-westernmost Tenta wereda; area 4,202 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM.. Wigir (district in Tegulet) 09/39 [n]
HDU00 Wigir kebele (Weger ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
30 km west of Sela Dingay; area 1,075 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wiha, weha (A), waa (Sidamo), wi'a (Kambata) water
HEF53 Wiha Helo (Uaha Helo), see under Hayk 11/39 [+ Gu]
HEF52 Wiha Maryam (church) 1119'/3931', west of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
HDM.. Wiha Teggeb 09/39 [n]
JDN68c Wihi (Ui-hi) 10/40 [+ Gu]
HEF53 Wihilo kebele 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle part of Tehuledere wereda,
immediately west of Hayk; area 2,696 hectares.
[CSA 1994]

HDL81 Wijiba 0949'/3832' 3002 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]

(Italian fort/ruins nearby)
HDL85 Wijiba 0947'/3853' 2619 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church), see under Debre Libanos
HEU Wijig 1248'/3936' 1840 m, near Maychew 12/39 [Gz]
HC... Wijigra, village in Awasa wereda 07/38? [n]
There is a megalithic site with patterns engraved on steles.
GCM76 Wika (Uica, Gobus), cf Weka 07/34 [+ WO]
HDL86 Wikir (Wik'ir, Wiqir) 0948'/3858' 2518 m, 09/38 [Gz q]
(with church Mikael), east of Fiche
HDS78 Wikma (Wik'ma, Wiqma) 1040'/3816' 1928 m, 10/38 [Gz q]
north of Bichena
wikro (T?) excavated, rock-hewn?
HET86 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro, Uocro) 13/39 [Gz q WO]
1324'/3904' 1755 m, south of Abiy Adi
HFE15 Wikro (Wkro) 13/38 [+ x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Abiy Adi
HFE51 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro) 1406'/3833' 2010 m 14/38 [Gz q]
HFE61 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro, Wkro) 1407'/3836' 2239 m 14/39 [Gz q x]
(with two/?/ rock-hewn churches), west of Aksum,
see the churches under Nebelet
HFF22 Wikro (Wik'ro, Wiqro, Wokro, Wukro, Wukiro) 13/39 [Gz q Ad x]
(Ugoro, Uogoro, Wogoro, Wugro, Woghuro) 13/39 [Gu n]
Gz: 1347'/3936' = HFF22, 1972 m; MS: 1330'/3930' = HEU91
(with sub post office; rock-hewn church Cherkos nearby)
Centre at least in 1956-1980 of Hulet Awlalo awraja
and in 1964 of Dirae wereda.
At the main road northwards.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4SE Sellasi Adgu (village) 2462 m
8SW Iyesus Awlalo (Jesus Aulalo) (village)
5W Korar (Qorar, Auza) (village) 2233 m
?? Abreha Atsbeha (local centre), see directly under its name
(David Buxton collected the following spellings: Agroo, Corou, Oucro, Ouqro,
Ucro, Ouaqero, Oukero, Ouogro, Uogoro, Woghuro, Wogro, Waqro, Weqro,
and he used the variety Wuqro himself.)
"The one sizeable town between Adigrat and Mekele."
There is bank and post and main market on Thursdays.
Wikro : Cherkos (Cherqos, Tcherqos, K'irk'os)
The rock-hewn church is visible from the main road just north of the town, across the river. Unlike
many of the other rock-hewn churches it has been easy to visit for a long time, and for
many years it was the only such church in Tigray known to the outside world. Still by the
1940s it was the only one that could be reached by a road for motorcars.
A modern bell-tower stands in the grounds and there is a new gatehouse to the compound, as well as
some other buildings.
HFF32 Wikro : Belesa (Beles, Bäläs) (villages)
HFF73 Wikro (Wkro), 14/39 [Ad x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Idaga Hamus
HF... Wikro (Wukro), 14/38? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Barkwa sub-district)
HFF22 Wikro Giyorgis & Cherkos (Wik'ro ..) 1347'/3936', 13/39 [Gz]
churches near place HFF22 Wikro as above
HFE57 Wikro Maryam (Wik'ro ..) (cave church), 12/39 [Gz]
1206'/3904', in Dera north of Atsbi, south-east of Adwa
There is a health centre with referral hospital in Aksum.

HF... Wikro wereda (Wukro ..) 13/39? [n]

(-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 7 urban kebeles.
HDD29 Wila 0821'/3822' 3065 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL85 Wila 0950'/3853' 2452 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Gebriel), east of Fiche
JBP00 Wila (Uila) 0432'/4044' , 04/40 [Wa WO Gz]
(well, with ford Melka Wila/Malca Uila)
wila ch..: chama (O) clear weather; symbolically: the sun
JBP01 Wila Chama (Uila Ch.) (area) 0433'/4048' 04/40 [+ Gz]
HEM03 Wila Gakarehama kebele (Wela Gakaréhama ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in mid-easternmost Guba Lafto wereda,
about 14 km east of Weldiya; area 1,421 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wila ge..: gerram (gärram) (A) gentle /horse/
HDM41 Wila Gerem kebele (Wela Gäräm ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the western border of Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
27 km south of Debre Birhan; area 1,136 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wila go..: goba (O) palissade, fortification; gooba (O) hump of cattle;
goba-a (O) bent or stooping /man/; gobaa (O) palm leaf thorn;
goba (Wellega Bega) hyena
HEF94 Wila Goba kebele (Wela ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Habru wereda, 10-18 km west of Mersa; area 3,424 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDM85c Wilageti 09/34 [LM]
HEL19 Wilal 1155'/3916' 3344 m, west of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HDK25 Wilamarus 0918'/3759' 2466 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
wilat..: tira, tiira (=) 1. brother or sister; 2. liver
HDH77 Wilatira (Wilat'ira) 0945'/3622' 1828 m 09/36 [Gz]
HEF94 Wilawila 1144'/3944' 1804 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south-east of Weldiya
wilcho ..: tid amba (A) Juniperus tree mountain
HDM72 Wilcho & Tid Amba kebele (Welch'o & Ted .. ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
immediately north of Debre Birhan town; area 961 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT75 Wileharo kebele (Weläharo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Kelela wereda, 4 km west of Kelala settlement;
area 1,501 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM91 Wilema Giyorgis (church) 1239'/3927', 12/39 [Gz]
north-west of lake Ashenge
?? Wilensi, Somali village 09/42 [x]
"Long straggling village" passed by Richard Burton on his way to Harar in 1854.
HDM80 Wilgim kebele (Welgem ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
25 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 1,224 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL50 Wili 0933'/3828' 2048 m, cf Wele 09/38 [AA Gz]
wilicho (A) baldheaded person
HDK76 Wilicho (Wilich'o) 0944'/3808' 2237 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church)
HDL41 Wilicho (Wilich'o) 0927'/3831' 2466 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL50 Wilicho (Wilich'o) 0930'/3827' 2477 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
?? Wilkam (Wilqam), region west of Harar ../.. [+ Pa]
wilkiffa (A) kind of tree, Dombeya spp.
HES64 Wilkifit (Wolkefit, Uolchefit /Grare/) (village & pass) 13/37 [LM Gz Gu WO]
(Wilkefit, Wolchefit, Ulcheffit)
Gz: 1312'/3755' 1991 m; MS: 1311'/3754' = HES54, pass 2835 m.
Italian stronghold in early time at the road to Gondar from the north.
wilo (A) full day = 12 hours
HCS53 Wilo 0743'/3748' 2512 m, north of Hosaina, 07/37 [Gz]
cf Welo, Wulo ..
HDK63 Wilo 0937'/3747' 2457 m, north-west of Kachisi 09/37 [Gz]
HDE74 Wilso 0848'/3851' 2133 m, south-east of Akaki 08/38 [Gz]
wilti d.: dora (Afar) stream; dooraa (O) brave, courageous
?? Wilti Dora ../.. [20]
Scientists and students had a camp there in mid-1975. They collected 99 fossils.
win (A) real, true
HDU52 Win (Uin), see Gedoye
HER36 Winchi (area) 12/37 [WO]
HFE57 Winibo 1405'/3907' 1957 m, south-east of Aksum 14/39 [Gz]
HDM65 Winin Amba kebele (Wenen ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in northern Ankober wereda, 10 km north-east
of Ankober town; area 566 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK89 Wino 0950'/3820' 2518 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
see under Gebre Guracha
HDF70 Wira kebele (Wera ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
5 km west of Bolo Silase; area 482 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC98 Wira Kidane Mihret (Ura Kidane Mihret), 11/37 [Gz x]
1141'/3721', church on Zege peninsula
There is another smaller church at the same site by the same name.
This is the most visited of the monasteries at lake Tana.
HEM10 Wiraf kebele (Weraf ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Guba Lafto wereda at its northern border,
17 km north-west of Weldiya; area 2,136 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCS67 Wirbarag, see Wulbareg
HDU72 Wire Ilu, see Were Ilu
HEF73 Wirgesa, see Wergesa
HEE08 Wirgo kebele (Wergo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Legambo wereda, surrounding Akista;
area 2,979 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF93 Wirjine 0901'/3939' 1396 m 09/39 [Gz]
?? Wis (Vis) ../.. [Pa]
A Muslim trading town in northern Shewa, described in several sources
as having an important market in the early 1500s.
HET17 Wisakra (Wisak'ra, Wisaqra), 12/39 [Gz q]
1246'/3908' 1962 m, north of Sekota
HCC79 Wisemo 0607'/3725' 1967 m, 06/37 [Gz]
west of southern lake Abaya

wisha, wishsha (A) dog

?? Wisha Seshigne (visiting postman under D. Birhan) ../.. [Po]
wisha tirs (A) dog's tooth
?? Wisha Tirs (Wusha Turus) (hill) ../.. [+ Ch]
HDU02 Wisha Tirs kebele (Wesha T'ers ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the western part of the northern border of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja
& Wadera wereda, 10 km west of Sela Dingay; area 1,214 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM63 Wisha Wishign kebele (Wesha Weshegn ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central southern Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
6 km east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,302 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT77 Wishat kebele (Weshat ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Kelala wereda, 6 km south of Legwama;
area 4,009 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
wishate, kind of 'kitchen' in traditional house of Tigray and Eritrea
HCJ76 Wishaye 0659'/3713' 2063 m, south-west of Waka 06/37 [Gz Ad]
HDS23 Wisho, see Yewish
HCP04 Wishwish, see Wushwush
HDT87 Wisil 1045'/3905' 1945 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDM41 Wisso (M.Uisso) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
wist amba (A) inner mountain, wist (wist') (A) inside
HEE89 Wist Amba (Wist' A.) 1138'/3919' 2557 m, 11/39 [Gz]
(with church Kidane Mihret)
HEE89 Wist Amba kebele (West' ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda,
6 km east of Wegel Tena; area 1,855 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU17 Wiste Imbway kebele (Westé Embway ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Kewet wereda, immediately west of Shewa Robit
and 16 km north-east of Debre Sina; area 1,133 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL62 Witaba (Wit'aba) 1222'/3836' 2498 m 12/38 [Gz]
HDS94 Witchet (Wit'ch'et) 1048'/3752' 3293 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south of Mota
HDL51 Witi 0934'/3932' 2871 m, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem)
HDM64 Witi kebele (Weti ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Ankober wereda, 14 km north
of Ankober town; area 1,617 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD26 Witin (Wit'in) 0821'/3803' 1936 m 08/38 [Gz]
HDL70 Wiye 0941'/3828' 1872 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
wiye m..: meda (A,T) field, grassy plain
HE... Wiye Meda (Wiy Meda) 11/38? [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Kemir Dengiya sub-district)
wiyeleh: wiyil leh (Som) with rhinoceros
JCK30 Wiyeleh (hills) 06/42 [WO]
HDU22 Wiyn kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its southern border,
16 km north-west of Molale; area 1,935 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Wizjibya, with market in the 1500s 12/38 [En]
HET86 Wkro, see Wikro & HFE51 HFE61 HFE69 HFF22 HFF73
wob: woob (Som) yellow
HED23 Wob (Uob) (area), see under Mota 11/37 [+ WO]
HED23 Wob M. (Uob M/aryam?/) (church), see under Mota 11/37 [+ WO]
woba (A) 1. malaria; 2. shaft or length of bamboo;
(O) plague, pestilence
HCT11 Wobani (Uobani) (area) 1944 m 07/38 [+ WO Gu]
HCP35 Wobba (Uobba) 0735'/3611' 1825 m, 07/36 [+ WO Gu Gz]
(village, local centre), north of Bonga, cf Oba.
The most noteworthy centre of Gera.
wober (Arabic) hyrax, rock rabbit, Procravia .., Heterohyrax ..
-- Wobera, Wobara, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
GDM12c Wobera (Uobera) 1933 m, cf Webera 09/34 [+ Gu]
HDL64c Woberri (Uoberri), cf Uoberi 09/38 [+ Gu]
HDL98 Wobi (Uobi) (area & centre), 09/39 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 of Dire sub-district)
HHT82 Wobo 1042'/3837' 2393 m, north of Ajibar, 10/38 [18 Gz]
town in Mekdela wereda (-1999-).
?? Wocema, in Bule wereda in the Gedeo Zone ../.. [20]
HDE92 Wochacha, see Wechecha
wochana b..: beri (O) dawn, daybreak;
(T) gate, entrance; (Som) day, time, period
HES.. Wochana Berri (Uociana B.) 2960 m, pass 13/38 [+ Gu]
between the peaks of Amba Abier and Tcioa (Chowa).
HED64c Wochano (Uociano) (village) 11/37 [+ Gu]
HCJ93 Woche 0712'/3654'c, 07/36 [x]
area south of lower Gojeb river
HC... Wochi (Fre: Ouochi) 07/36 [x]
locality in Gimira at more than 2200 m altitude
HC... Wocho (Fre: Ouocho) 07/36 [x]
river in Gimira, not very far from the Gilo (Bako) river.
HDK47 Wochodi (Mt. Uociodi) (mountain area) 09/38 [+ WO]
woda, kinds of tree, (O) large wild fig tree, Ficus sycomorus;
(A) Mitragyna stipulosa, found in swamps in the SW of Ethiopia
HCU04 Woda (Uoda) (area) 3222 m 07/39 [+ WO]
HEL38 Wodavgiye (Uodavghie) 12/39 [+ Gu]
JDE83 Wodda (Uodda) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDK27 Wodda Abaret (Uodda Abaret) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
wodda a..: woda aro (O) fig tree lake?
JDE34 Wodda Arro (Uodda Arro) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDL31 Wodda Dibihur (Uodda Dibihur) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JDL30 Wodda Dibik (Uodda Dibich) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
wodda ena ..: -eenna (Som) our; bakaal (Som) strong person;
Bakaal (Som) morning star, Venus
JDK49 Wodda Ena Bakal (Uodda Ena Bacal) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JDL22 Wodda Feraweyna (Uodda Feraueina) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
wodda fe..: ferenji, faranji (Som) non-Islamic
European person; ferenj (A) foreigner
JDK27 Wodda Ferenji (Uodda Ferengi) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
wodda gu..: gumaar (Som) 1. hard skin; 2. pubic region;
-- Gumar, a group of Gurage
JDE35 Wodda Gumar (Uodda Gumar) (area) 08/43 [+ WO]
JDE95 Wodda Gumar (Uodda Gumar) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JDK49 Wodda Jiha (Uodda Giha) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JDL32 Wodda Makakil (Uodda Macachil, U. Macahil) 09/43 [+ WO Gz]
0920'/4336', customs post at the border of Somalia
wodda mogoldera, strong and tall fig tree?
mogole (O) 1. strength; 2. part of the leg;
dera, dheeraa (O) tall, long
JDK46 Wodda Mogoldera (Uodda Mogoldera) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
JDK36 Wodda Ulka (Uodda Ulca) (area) 1850 m 09/43 [+ WO]
JDL30 Wodda Walithor (Uodda Ualithor) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
wodde (O) bake, grill, toast
?? Wode, in the south-west, cf Wede, ../.. [Mi]
a place not far from the Omo canyon.
HCT80 Wodesha, see Wedesa
?? Wodmit, in Gojjam ../.. [n]
25 people were killed in September 1958 when more than three gasha
of land fell in a landslide.
HBT86 Wodo (Uodo) (mountain) 0520'/3856' 1662/1792 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HBT85
wodu (O) Christian apostle
HDD05 Wodye (Uodie) 08/38 [+ WO]
wof washa (A) bird's cave
HDU04c Wof Washa, state forest (north-west of Zor Amba) 10/39 [20]
There is registered the Wof Washa National Forest Priority Area.
Wof Washa was declared a state reserve forest already in Menilek's time..
HFC28 Wofargif, see under Adi Remet 13/37 [WO]
HDF03 Wofayka (Uofaica) 0811'/3940' 2662 m 08/39 [+ WO Gz]
wofi (O) white and friable stone /pumice?/
HEM81 Wofela (Wofila) (place near lake, on map of 1868), 12/39 [18]
cf HDM82 Wefla
HCH11 Wofi (Uofi) 06/35 [+ WO]
HDL45 Wofi, see Woft
HEE46 Wofich 1116'/3901' 2763 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDS.. Wofit, "Place of Birds", 10/38 [x]
at some 20 km north-west of Mertule Maryam in direction of Mota
HEM82 Wofla, see Wefla
HDL45 Woft (Wofi) 0929'/3857' 2639 m 09/38 [Gz AA]
JD... Woftaleh (Woftleh?) 09/41 [x]
wofu (O) to push, to urge on /mules/; wefu (A) the bird
HDK23 Wofu 0914'/3752' 1964 m, north of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDK23 Wofu 0919'/3750' 1814 m, north of Ambo 09/37 [AA Gz]
HE... Wogadar, 11/36 [x]
at the Balarse stream somewhere between Dangila and lake Tana.
JEN53 Wogare (Uogare) (mountain) 1313'/4002' 1116 m 13/40 [+ WO Gz]
HDM71 Wogda sub-district, see Wegda ..
HES51 Woged (Uoghed) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HES54 Woged (Uoghed) 1310'/3748' 2100 m, 13/37 [Gz]
north-east of Dabat
HES62 Woged (Uoghed) (area) 13/37 [+ WO]
HEC08 Wogel (Uoghel) (hill) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEE79 Wogel Tena, see Wegel Tena
?? Wogen, see Wegen? ../.. [x]
When driving from the south to Debark one sees a lone volcanic peak which rises high above the
undulating plateau. This is the Wogen mountain.
HE... Woger Hariba (Uogher H.) 13/39? [x]
Gravestones bearing Arabic inscriptions have been discovered at Woger Hariba
in Enderta, southern Tigray, one of which has a date corresponding to 6 Aug. 1006.
HES62 Wogera (Woggera, Uoghera), 12/37 [+ x WO]
(plateau) 1250'/3745'
HEU57 Wogerat, see Wejerat
HET96 Wogewe (Uogheue) 1331'/3900' 1623 m, 13/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
south of Abiy Adi
JEH49 Wogeyta (Uogheita) (area) 12/41 [+ WO]
wogga: woga (O) time, year;
woagga (Afar) guenon monkey, tota, Cereopithecus spp.
HCP26 Wogga (Uogga, Vogga) 0730'/3618' 1433 m, 07/36 [+ Gu Gz]
north of Bonga
HE... Woggerat, see Wejerat
JD... Woghazbogher (on map of 1814), 10/42 [18]
on the caravan route from Zeyla to Harar.
HDT62 Wogidi (Wogiddi), see Wegedi, Wegidi
HDL97 Wogir (Uoghir) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HFF22 Wogoro (Woghuro), see Wikro
HDU11 Woin Amba, see Weyin Amba
HEM85 Woira Waha, see Weyra Wiha
?? Woito, south-southwest of Gidole [Michelin 2007] ../.. [20]
-- Woiza, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
?? Woizazir, see Weyzazir
HDR56 Wojet (Uoget) 10/37 [+ WO]
HCL62 Wojigra (Uogigra) 2535 m 06/38 [+ WO]
HEU57 Wojirat wereda, see Wejerat ..
HDS30 Wojit Gorgar (Uogit Gorgar) 10/37 [+ WO]
-- wojitu: Wajetu, name of an Arsi Oromo tribe
HDT32 Wojitu (Uoggitu) (area), cf Wajitu, Wejitu 10/38 [+ WO]
HEU57 Wojjerat, see Wejerat
HCD81 Wokade, small district south of Chencha 06/37 [x]
HES02 Wokardebba Maryam (M.Uocardebba) (church) 12/37 [+ WO]
HCL84c Wokelo (Woqolo?), near Kofele 07/39? [x]
-- There are local people belonging to the Wambanye clan of the Arsi Oromo.
HES44 Woken (Uochen) (mountain) 1306'/3756' 13/37 [+ Gz]
HET07 Woken (Uochen), same as the one above? 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE15 Wokien, see Wukien
HEM82 Woki (Uochi), see under Korem 12/39 [+ Gu]
HEP17 Wokni (on map of 1868) 12/36 [18]
HCJ85 Woko (Uoco) 1997 m, cf Weko 07/37 [+ WO]
HDL86 Wokolo (Wok'olo, Woqolo) 0947'/3858' 2621 m 09/38 [AA q]
HFF22 Wokro, see Wikro
HEE94 Wokyeta (Uochieta), 11/38 [+ WO Gu]
on a terrace to the north of a grassy plain
HEE94 Wokyeta Maryam (Uochieta Mariam) (church) 11/38 [+ WO]
HCD99 Wolabo (Uolabo) 0619'/3822' 2328 m 06/38 [+ Gz]
JB... Woladeyi, cf Uoladdaie 04/42 [18]
HCD93 Wolage (island), see Alge
-- Wolaita language (Wolaitta, Wolayta,
Wolaytta, Wolataita), see Welayita
-- Wolamo, ethnic group and language, see Welamo
HCK52 Wolamo awraja, see Welayita awraja
HCK52 Wolamo Soddo, see Soddo HCK52
-- Wolane, a dialect of eastern Gurage, see Welene
-- Wolane (ethnic group with 12 tribes)
HDD17 Wolane (Uolane) (area), cf Welana 08/38 [+ WO]
HCR94 Wolango (Uolango) (mountain) 2080 m 08/36 [+ WO]
Wolayta .., see Welayta .. cf Welamo ..
-- Wolayta, Wolayyta as a name has in later time replaced Welamo, Wellamo
in a similar way and for similar reason that the name Oromo has replace Galla.
HCK52 Wolayta Soddo, see Soddo

Wolde .., see comment under Welde ..

?? Wolde Ramis (in Harar province) ../.. [Mi]
HFD12 Woldebba (Uoldebba, Waldaba, Waldibba, Waldiba) 13/37 [+ WO n Pa]
(Wäldebba, Waldebba, Weldebba, Woldeba) 1342'/3745'
Area in the south-eastern part of ancient Amhara country,
with a famous monastery Mahbere Samuel.
The different churches possess many manuscripts from the 1700s and
remarkable wall paintings of the same period.
There are a series of monasteries, so the serious visitor can spend several days travelling deep into
the Tekeze valley to see them.
HEM02 Woldia (Woldiya, Wolday), see Weldiya
GDU60 Woldong (Uoldong) 1034'/3422' 720 m, 10/34 [+ WO Gz]
near Kurmuk and the border of Sudan
?? Wolegheso .., see Welegeso ..
HEK55 Wolene wereda, see Ezha & Welene wereda
H.... Wolenie, see Welene, cf Wolane
HDD98 Wolenkomi, see Welenkomi & HDL30
?? Wolenta, between Amba Mehari and Gambe ../.. [x]
woli (O) agreeing, like-minded
wolia s..: sidist (A) six
HCS.. Wolia Sidist, in Silti wereda 08/38 [20]
HDT12c Wolicho (area) 10/38 [n]
H.... Wolie .., see Welie ..
HCK04 Wolige (Uolighe, Wolage) (island), 06/37 [+ WO Gu]
shore 1268/1285m, see Alge
HDF51 Wolinchiti (Wolencheti), see Welenchiti
HDD45 Woliso (Wolisso), see Weliso
wolka (O) cave
HFC17 Wolkayit (Wolkait, Welqait, Wolqait, Wälqayit) 13/37 [WO n x Pa]
(Welkayt, Wälqayt, Welqayit, Ouelkait) (wide area),
see also under Adi Remet
In the early 1800s iron from Wolkayit was transported northwards to make knives at Adwa and
spearheads at Antalo.
--Immigrants from the Western Sudan known as Takrur are found there.
In modern time, Wolkayit is a commercial farming area
HFC61 Wolkayit awraja (centre in 1990s = Humera) 14/36 [n]
HFC17 Wolkayit wereda (Welkait ..) 1343'/3715' 13/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Adi Remet)
(-1994-) is divided into 24 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
HES64 Wolkefit, see Wilkifit
JEB15 Wolkilli (mountain) 1100'/4113'?, 11/41 [x]
a symmetrical cone with a large crater in basaltic lavas.
HDD13 Wolkite (Wolkitte), see Welkite
HCE.. Wollabo, 05/39 [Mi]
valley about 20 km west-south-west of Kibre Mengist.
HDH83 Wollaga (Uollaga) (mountain area) 09/36 [+ WO]
-- Wollamo language, see Welayita
HEJ.. Wolleka (Woleka, Wolleqa), see Weleka
?? Wollena (in Sidamo), cf Welena ../.. [Mi]
Wollena Creek is 11 km long and has been partly exploited for gold by handworkers.
-- Wollo, Woollo, name of one of the main groups of the Oromo
HCL21 Wollo (Uollo) (place and area), 06/38 [+ Gu WO]
see under Agere Selam
HCL22c Wollo Sabola sub-district (centre in 1964 = Bursa) 06/38 [Ad]
HDL49 Wolls (recorded in 1841) 09/39 [Ha]
HDM62 Wolo (Uolo) (area), see under Debre Birhan 09/39 [+ WO]
JEH03 Wolola Deyta (Uolola Deita) (area), 11/40 [+ WO]
see under Tendaho
HDL30 Woloncomi, see Welenkomi
HCH71 Wolta, see Shewa Gimira
HDA49 Woltega (Uoltega) 08/35 [+ WO]
HCH81 Woltu (Uoltu, Voltu) 0704'/3553' 1530, 2011 m, 07/35 [+ WO Gz]
see under Shewa Gimira
HCT86c Wolu, between lake Ziway and Asela 07/39? [x]
-- There are local people belonging to the Shune clan of the Arsi Oromo.
CJ22 Womba 0633'/3647' 1702 m 06/36 [Gz]
HCJ72 Womba (lake), see Wombo
HCJ92 Womba (Uomba) 07/36 [+ WO]
HCK53 Womba 0649'/3748' 1862 m, south-east of Soddo 06/37 [Gz]
HDE44 Womba (Uomba, Oomba) 0833'/3851' 2719 m, 08/38 [+ Gu Gz]
near Zikwala mountain
HDR65 Womba (Uomba) 10/37 [+ WO]
?? Womber (Wember?) ../.. [x]
HDP70 Wombera, see Debre Zeyit
HEM71 Womberat (Uomberat, Uomberet), 12/39 [+ WO Gu Gz]
mountain with pass, 1227'/3928' 2528, 3160 m,
west of Alamata, see under Korem
HEE81c Wombergye (Uomberghie) 11/38 [+ Gu]
HDR53 Womberima, see Wanbarma, Wemberma
HFF04 Womberta (Wonberta, Uomberta, Wenberta) 13/39 [x WO Gz +]
1336'/3950' 1789 m, area south of Atsbi, cf Wemberta
HFF04 Womberta sub-district (centre in 1964 = Haremerie) 13/39 [Ad]
HFF04 Womberta wereda (-1994-) 13/39 [n]
HEC16 Wombeta (Uombeta) (area) cf Gish Abay 10/37 [Ch WO]
HCJ72 Wombo (Uombo, Womba?, Shisha), cf Zigna 07/36 [x WO]
In a lake area in western Konta. Locally the name is possibly
Womba (for a village?) or Shisha for the lake.
Wombo simply means lake in Ometi language.
?? Wona Badera, south of Angolala 09/39? [Ha]
HCK08 Wonago, see Wenago
?? Wonbera, 180 km from Asosa
?? Wonchet, border river of the Were Ilu district ../.. [x]
Wonchet Af-af locally seems to have the name Micheg. and
used to be a market place with products of black wool.
HEC97c Woncheta, an elongated village 11/37 [20]
HEC97c Woncheta Kidus Mikael, 11/37 [+ Gu]
(Uoncheta Cuddus Micael) (church)
GCM75 Wonchi, see Godika
HDD74 Wonchi, see Wenchi
woncho d..: dimma (A,Gurage,T) baobab tree
?? Woncho Dimma (in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
HEL39 Wondate (Uondate, Uondale) 1203'/3919' 3235 m, 12/39 [+ Gu WO Gz]
east of Lalibela
HEC27 Wondekez (Uondechez) 11/37 [+ WO]
?? Wondera (in Welamo awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HEC.. Wondiye sub-district 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kunzila Giyorgis)
wondiye g..: got (A) hill
HER38 Wondiye Got (Uondie Got) 12/37 [+ WO]
HCL20 Wondo, see Wendo
JEG33 Woneds (Uoneds) (mountains) 1203'/4006' 12/40 [+ WO]
HDU02 Wonfeso (Uonfosc), see Tentari
HEC66 Wongeto (Uongheto) 11/37 [+ WO]
GCU02 Woni (Uoni) (area), cf Weni 07/34 [+ WO]
HCS23 Wonjera (Uongera), see Jajura
HDE39 Wonji, see Wenji
HDS42c Wonka kebele (Wonqa ..) 10/37 [20]
in Gozamin wereda
HDC48c Wono 08/37 [LM]
?? Wonte, in Lanfero wereda ../.. [20]
HDL86 Woqolo, see Wokolo
wora (O) agreeing, equal /of the same people, spouse, etc/
HDG65 Wora Jiro, see Were Jiru
woraba (Gurage) hyena /zoological names see under jibb/
HDM14 Woraba (Uoraba), see under Sidisto, 09/39 [+ WO]
cf Waraba, Weraba, Worraba
worabbo (O) antelope, hartebeest; (Som) hyena
HCN78c Worabbo (Uorabbo), cf Warabo, Werabo 07/35 [+ Gu]
HBF81 Worabeji Raratu (area) 03/39 [WO]
worabessa, woraabesa, orabeysa (O) spotted hyena,
Crocuta crocuta /see also jibb/
JDJ96 Worabeysa (Uorabeisa) (area) 09/42 [+ WO]
HDN67 Worabile (Worabili, Uorrabille) (area), 10/35 [+ 18 WO]
cf Werabile
worago: worega (O) votive gift
HDT05 Worago (Uorago), see HDT05 Werk Amba
HDG.. Worajiru Barko 09/35 [x]
HDG06c Worakalu, see under Aira 09/35 [Mi]
HCL22c Worancha (Worencha), 06/38 [20 x]
about 25 km south-west of Arbegona
In 1984 collaborating Swedish missions started a large forest planting project in the Worancha area.
In 1988 over 700,000 trees were planted and in 1989 the plan was
to plant one million. The species most commonly planted were Eucalyptus globulus
JCU20 Worarey (Uorarei) 07/44 [+ WO]
HC... Worase 05/37 [x]
A local 'spirit serving' woman Sue Bengere became Evangelical Christian. She was sent by the
Norwegian mission as the first teacher in her former home villageWorase.
worche: worke (O) gold; worki (T?) land tenure by
right of purchase
HDE61c Worche (Uorce) 08/38 [+ Gu]
woreda, wereda (A) district
HDE84 Woreda (Uoreda), see under Akaki 08/38 [+ WO]
worega (O) votiv gift
HFE16 Worege (village in Temben) 13/39 [x]
-- Woremo, an Oromo tribe, see Weremo
HDM.. Worena wereda 09/39 [x]
Contains the historical Tegulet and (-1970-) the sub-districts of Moja (Mojja),
Wegda (Wogda), and Zanjira (Zandjira).
HEK12 Woreta (Woretta, Worota), see Werota
HDU72 Woreyilu, see Were Ilu
HCT46c Worga, in Albaso east of lake Langano 07/39? [x]
-- There are local people belonging to the Eldidu clan of the Arsi Oromo.
In the late 1960s there was a Danish mission station.
HCS62 Worgabata (Uorgabata) (mountain) 07/37 [+ WO]
HC... Worgo (in Genale awraja in Bale) 06/39? [Ad]
JC... Worgoma (mountain) 07/40 [18]
HDS98 Woriya, see Worya
HCT72 Worja (Uorgia) (area) 07/38 [+ WO]
JD... Worji (Wordji) 09/42 [+ 18]
worka, worrka (A,O) kinds of large wild fig tree, such as
Ficus vasta, F. dahro, F. sur
HCG18 Worka (Uorca) (area), cf Warka, Werka 06/35 [+ WO]
HCP17 Worka (Uorka) 1559 m 07/36 [+ WO]
HEH99 Workada (Uorcada) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HET28 Workadinu (Uorcadinu) 13/39 [LM WO]
HDA35 Workaye (Worqai) 0825'/3517' 1535 m 08/35 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
worke (O) 1. gold; 2. ensete plant
HD... Worke, see Werke
HFE17 Worke Bet, see Werkibet
?? Worke Nasse, see Werke Nasse
H.... Worko 08/38 [18]
HFE16 Worku Amba, see Werk Amba
woro (Gurage) python snake, Python sebae
HEK52c Woro (Uoro) (mountain) 12/37 [+ Gu]
HEK12 Worota, see Werota
HCL.. Worqa (=Werka, name of a tree?), 06/38 [n]
village in the Arenna area straight south of Dodola,
centre of awraja since 1989.
worra: warra (O) people, family, descendants of /often first
part of the name of a tribe/
HEF12 Worra (Uorra) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
HEF35 Worra Bicho (Uorro Biccio) 11/39 [+ Gu]
HEF35 Worra Bicho (Uorra Bisciu) (area), 11/39 [+ WO]
see under Kombolcha
HBL94 Worraba (Uorraba), see Urabe
JEA63 Worrababu (Uorrababo) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
HEC99c Worreta, see Werota
-- worro ja..: Warra Jarso, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
jarsa, jaarsa (O) old, respectable /man/
HDK96 Worro Jarso (Uorro-Giarso) (area) 09/38 [+ WO]
HEK12 Worrota, see Werota
worsisa, worseesa (O) rhinoceros /cf wosisu, give milk, breast feed/
HBK87 Worsiso (D.Uorsiso) (area), cf Warsessa 04/38 [+ WO]
wort mi..: mirre (O) plateau, table-land
JCT94 Wort Mirre (Uort Mirre) (area) 1155 m 08/43 [+ WO]
HE... Worteya sub-district 11/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Jari Filwiha)
JCC04 Woruoro (Uoruoro, Uaruoro) 0527'/4158' 353 m 05/41 [+ Gz]
HDS98 Worya sub-district 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Mertule Maryam)
HEC37 Wosem (Uosem) (area) 11/37 [+ WO]
HC... Wosera (centre in 1964 of Wasera sub-district) 07/37 [Ad]
woshi (O) rebel
HCK21 Wosho (Uoscio) (mountain) 0632'/3738' 2189 m, 06/37 [+ WO Gz]
west of northernmost lake Abaya
HCP04 Wosho, see Wushwush
woshu (Gimir) kind of tree, Croton macrostachys
HCH15 Woska (Uosca) (area), cf Weska 06/36 [+ WO]

HCJ65 Wossi (Uossi) 0657'/3704' 1799 m, 06/37 [+ Gz]

south-west of Waka
HCH71 Wota, see Shewa Gimira
JDC48 Wotalche (Uotalce) (area) 08/42 [+ WO]
HCS03 Wotanna (Uotanna) 0717'/3749' 2610 m 07/37 [+ WO Gz]
HCK98 Wotati (Uotati) (area) 2212 m 07/38 [+ WO]
HEE77 Wotegye (Uoteghie), see under Bete Hor 11/39 [+ WO]
HFE05 Wotellako (Uotellaco) 1337'/3854' 1682 m, 13/38 [+ WO Gu]
west of Abiy Adi
JDJ31 Woter, see Weter
HEC54 Wotet Abay, see Wetet Abay
HDM74 Woti (M.Uoti) 0944'/3944' 3190 m, 09/39 [x WO Gz]
mountain at 0944/3945' peak 3200/3677 m (area with church),
midway between Debre Birhan and Debre Sina, north of Ankober
HEF03 Wotie (Uotie) 1056'/3940' 2450 m, 10/39 [+ Gz]
south of Kombolcha
HEH65 Wotta (Uotta) 12/36 [+ WO]
HEF72 Wouchale, see Wichale
woya (O) big, better
HBL92 Woybi, see Web
HCJ29 Woyde sub-district (Woydie, Uoide) 1909 m 06/37 [+ Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Dawi), see under Bole
?? Woyisso Kankara kebele ../.. [20]
?? Woyu, not far from Kibre Mengist ../.. [x]
Ritual centre of the southern Guji groups Mati, Uraga and Hoku.
wub ha..: hamer (hamär) (A) ark; xamar (Som) 1. tamarind;
2. dark red colour;
-- Hamar, name of an ethnic group in the south-west of Ethiopia
HCB47 Wub Hamer, see Wib Hamer
HCB47 Wub Hamer wereda (Wib ..) (centre in 1964 = Gob) 05/36 [Ad]
HEM02 Wubete, see Weldiya
HE... Wubetie 2112 m, in Yeju awraja, 11/39? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Guba Lafto wereda)
H.... Wuchacha (mountain), see Wechecha? 08/38 [Ca]
-- Wuchale, a branch of the Arsi-Siqo Oromo
HEF72 Wuchale, see Wichale
HFE63c Wuchate Golo (ancient quarry), 14/38 [Pa]
see under Aksum
HCP40 Wuddita, see Gucha
?? Wudjow (Encata) ../.. [20]
wufwasha: wef washa (A) bat cave? bird cave?
?? Wufwasha (forest), cf Wof Washa 09/39 [Ca]
?? Wugen (in Tigray), cf Wukien ../.. [n]
HFF22 Wugro, see Wikro
HFF23c Wugura, see Dongollo
wuje g..: goro (O) wild rose shrub; goorro (O) partition
in a house, door opening inside a hut; goro (A) young elephant
HDL.. Wuje Goro, 09/38 [20]
village in North Shewa in Kuyu wereda (Kuuyuu & Hidhabuu Abootee ..).
HEC96 Wujow (Wudjow, Encata), see also Enkata, 11/37 [+ 20 WO]
river joining the Abay from the Begemdir side somewhere between
the two old bridges.
HFE15 Wukien (Wuqien, Wokien, Waqen), 13/38 [x]
(with rock-hewn church), see under Abiy Adi, cf Gabriel Wukien
HFF22 Wukro (Wukiro), see Wikro & HFE61
JDB92 Wulakuni sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kuni) 08/40 [Ad]
HE... Wulawula sub-district (centre 1964 = Liggo) 11/39 [Ad]
-- wulbareg: Ulbarag, name of a group of Gurage speaking
their own dialect Ulbaraj
HCS67 Wulbareg (Ulbarag, Urbaragh, Urbarag, Ubarag) 07/38 [Gz Gu WO Wa]
(Urbarak, Wirbarag, Wurbareg, Welbareg) 07/38 [x n]
Gz: 0746'/3811' = HCS57, 2161 m; MS: 0753'/3807' 2017 m
(area & market), in Dalocha wereda, cf Wurbareg
(French spelling of Azaïs: Oulbaragué for area, Urbarak for place.)
wuli (O) agreement
HDF51 Wulinchiti, see Welenchiti
HBT25 Wulle, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
wulo k..: kode, koode (O) blood relation, brother, sister
HCK00 Wulo Kode (Kodo, Kotu, Cotu), 06/37 [Gz Ad WO]
0621'/3731' 2756 m, near map square corner HCC99/HCD90/HCJ09
HDL83c Wulu 09/38 [Wa]
HDP.. Wumbera, see Wembera
HFF.. Wumberta, see Wemberta
HCB15c Wummertamer 05/36 [x]
-- A small part of the Baka ethnic group, with their own settlement area.
HDS.. Wun, 10/37 [x]
village north/?/ of Dembecha.
HEJ05 Wundee, 11/37 [x]
village near where the Little Abay flows into lake Tana.
?? Wurabe, ../.. [n]
trading community along the main road from Butajira to Hosaina.
HF... Wurahot sub-district (centre in 1964 = Cheka) 14/39? [Ad]
HCS77 Wurbareg sub-district (centre in 1964 = Werabi), 07/38 [Ad x]
cf Urbarag, Werbarag, Wulbareg
wurch (A) mountain land above 3,200 m altitude
HEF73 Wurgessa (Wurghessa, Wurgiesa), see Wergesa
?? Wurgo ../.. [n]
?? Wurki, near the Omo river ../.. [En]
-- Area being the original core area of the Gamo people.
HBK47 Wurre, G. (area) 04/38 [WO]
HBS30 Wurseso, G. (hill) 04/37 [WO]
?? Wurwita (in Borena) ../.. [20]
HDE72 Wuse (village), see under Sebeta 08/38 [x]
wush (western Eth) kind of tree, Croton macrostachys
?? Wusha Turus, see Wisha Tirs
HC... Wushayie sub-district (-1964-1997-) 07/37 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Dalie)
HC... Wushayie wereda (centre in 1964 = Wushayie) 07/37 [Ad]
?? Wushkante, village in Gemu Gofa 06/36? [n]
HCP04 Wushwush (Wishwish, Gari) 0718'/3608' 2033 m 07/36 [Gz Ad]
(Wush Wush, Wosho? Wushé?), west of Bonga, with coffee farm
(centre in 1964 of Gimbo wereda)
The Red Cross pilot and Air Force teacher Carl Gustaf von Rosen
received the Wushwush farm as reward for his services to Ethiopia.
A 1,242 hectare tea plantation is 5 km west of the village of Wushwush.
HDL54 Wusmani 0934'/3851' 2640 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
H.... Wutinyi (Wutigni) 08/37 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Agemjai sub-district)
HFL17 Wutuh (Wut'uh) 1436'/3905' 1486 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north of Inticho on the border of Eritrea
HEK.. Wuzava, 12/37 [x]
with a teacher training school for Falasha
JCG58 Wyndlawn (caves), 06/39 [18]
foreign-given name for Sof Omar, not used
?? Wyrambu (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
X.. (in Somali-derived names), see H..
X.. (in old Portuguese spellings), see Sh..
HB... Xalato, in Turo area of Konso ../.. [20]
HB... Xamale, in west Konso ../.. [20]
-- Xamtanga language (Xamta, Xamir)
spoken by 93,889 monolinguals in a region c. 100 km north of Weldiya.
Alternate names Agawinya, Khamtanga, Simt'anga.
HDE44 Xiquala (ancient spelling), see Zikwala
HB... Xormale, in east Konso ../.. [20]
Ya.., see also Ye..
ya'a (O) assembly of an Abba Gada
GD... Yaa (Ya'a) sub-district 09/34 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Kober Kober)
HFF60 Yaawo (Ya'awo) 1411'/3925' 2784 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Medhane Alem), south-west of Adigrat
HDL62 Ya Ya, see Yaya
JDD80 Yaba (area, with well) 08/42 [WO]
yabal: yabaal (Som) germinate, sprout, blossom, bud
HBS86 Yabal (Iabal) (mountain) 0517'/3806' 1831 m 05/38 [WO Gz]
yabala (O) boat
HBS46 Yabalo, see Yabelo
JCP59 Yabalo (Iabalo, Giabolo, Jabalo) 07/41 [+ Gz WO]
0744'/4134' 1126 m
-- Yabarre, ethnic group of agriculturalists east of Jijiga
yabba (O) slope, steep ground
JEB60 Yabbi (Iabbi) (area) 11/40 [+ WO]
yabbu, jabbuu (O) 1. thick; 2. facial expression, frown
JDH01 Yabdo (Iabdo) 0908'/4049' 1665 m, 09/40 [+ WO Gz]
see under Asbe Teferi
HBS90 Yabe (Iabe) 0525'/3732', near map code HCD00 05/37 [+ WO Gz]
HBE88 Yabello Wildlife Sanctuary, see Yabelo Wildlife ..
HBS46 Yabelo (Yavello, Iavello,Yaballo, Yabello, Yabele) 04/38 [Gz Br WO Gu]
(Yavelo, Yeabelo, Yabalo), Gz: 0453'/3805' 1857 m
(Swe: Javello) MS: 0455'/3805' = HBS45, 1820 m
Local name Obda at least for the mountain.
With sub-post office under Shashemene and old fort
and Norwegian mission station to the north-east.
Centre at least in 1956-1980 of Arero awraja
and in 1964 of Yabelo awraja.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8SE Obua, 2435 m
10S Otallo (seasonal waterhole)
2SW old fort
5SW Obua (Jebel Obua) (mountain) 1911 m
6.. Borena, village with cave paintings
The Norwegian Lutheran Mission station was started in 1950.
The Italians had built a hangar at Yabelo. In 1952 it was dismantled and
transported to Bishoftu (see Debre Zeyt) in air loads of 3 tonnes each.
Yabelo was centre of Arero awraja (-1956-1980-).
Burji and Konso people lived in an near Yabelo town, and in the plains were
the Borana with their cattle.
Worth a look are the "singing wells" at the nearby village of Dublock. These wells have a 50 m long
entrance and are 30 m deep.
-- Yabelo : Borena
Near the village of Borena, 6 km outside Yabelo, there are some small cave paintings.
HBS46 Yabelo wereda 04/38 [20]
(-1994-) is divided into 27 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HBE88 Yabelo Wildlife Sanctuary (Yabello ..) 03/37 [20 Ca WO]
Size 2,496 sq km. Established to protect the Swayne's hartebeest and endemic birds such as the
Streseman's bushcrow and the white-tailed swallow.
The game sanctuary lies a short distance east of the main Moyale road.
There is registered the Yabelo National Forest Priority Area.
JDH53 Yaben (Iaben, G.) (area) 1069 m, see under Afdem 09/40 [+ WO]
HDL72 Yabenu (Yabeno) (hill) 0945'/3837', 09/38 [Gz AA]
south-west of Fiche
JDJ41 Yabeta 0927'/4146' 1995 m, 09/41 [x Gz]
south-west of Dire Dawa
Administrative district in the early 1930s, with centre at Kersa.
JDJ33 Yabeto 0921'/4152' 1998 m, south of Dire Dawa 09/41 [Gz]
yabo: yabu (O) 1. climb; 2. ride; 3. dense, thick
HCR53 Yabo, see Yebu
HEA17 Yaboba (Iaboba) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
HEA77 Yaboba (Iaboba) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
HEL42 Yabta (Yabt'a) 1214'/3838' 2279 m, 12/38 [Gz Ad WO]
(Gusqua Mariam), with church Tekle Haymanot to the south
(centre in 1964 of Gubda sub-district)
HEE66 Yabte Asel kebele (Yabté Asäl ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
about 18 km south of Bete Hor; area 2,328 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDN.? Yabus, river/s/ in Wellega 10/34 [Ch Mi]
By the late 1980s the Oromo Relief Association had set up a large refugee
camp just inside Sudan in the Yabus valley.
HCP78 Yachi (Yach'i, Yache, Uracce, Urache), 07/36 [Gz WO]
0757'/3631' 1726 m, north-west of Agaro the nearest town
Coordinates would give map code HCP79
?? Yachi B/?/rech (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
yachi d..: den (dänn) (A) forest
HCP31 Yachi Den (forest) 0733'/3550' 07/35 [Gz]
yachi e..: Essa, male name - related to the Issa ethnic group?
?? Yachi Essa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Yadate (Yadete), in Begemdir ../.. [x]
HCG.. Yadeta (same as Yadete above?), 06/35 [20]
town in Gesha wereda (-2000s-)
HCR57c Yadi, 07/37 [x]
area south of Gabbara and of middle Gibe river
HE... Yadibba Maryam (church) 11/39 [x]
HCL46 Yadisa 0645'/3900' 06/39 [MS]
HEM02 Yadjow, see Yeju
HCT46c Yadola, in Albaso east of lake Langano 07/39? [x]
-- There are local people belonging to the Qoji clan of the Arsi Oromo.
HDN63 Yagada (Iagada, Gebel Fagada, Fagheda) (area) 10/35 [Gz WO]
1017'/3522' 900 m
HEH15 Yagajgi (mountain), see Jagaigi
JEJ01 Yagar (Iaghar, Jagher) (mount.) 1147'/4144' 912 m 11/41 [+ Gz]
HDT52 Yage 1029'/3838' 2401 m, south of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
HDN66 Yagona (Iagona) (mountain) 1033'/3521' 929 m 10/35 [+ WO Gz]
HDD03 Yagwach Terek (Y.T'erek') 0812'/3752' 1919 m, 08/37 [Gz]
south of Welkite
HFE75 Yaha 1415'/3858' 2127 m, north of Adwa 14/38 [Gz]
HFE76 Yaha (Ieca) 1417'/3901' 2153 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Abune Afoliye), north-east of Adwa
yahab..: burka, burqaa (O) spring, stream
JDS41 Yahaburka (Iahaburca) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
JCK17 Yaiallo, see Yayallo
HFF31 Yaid, see Yayid
HDB21 Yaiyo, see Yayu
HC... Yakama Juwi (in Mocha awraja) 07/35? [Ad]
HED27 Yakandach, see Yekandach
HCN84 Yakema 0800'/3512' 1602 m, south-west of Gore 08/35 [Gz]
HCK51 Yakinya (Iachinia) (area) 06/37 [+ WO]
HDB39 Yako (Yak'o, Yaqo) 0828'/3633' 1514 m, 08/36 [Gz q]
east of Bedele
yala (O) 1. fatten an animal, look after; 2. aim, intention
?? Yala Sawla (with departmental post office) ../.. [Po]
?? Yalabasha, see Jedaya
yalata rari: rare (O) small pool of stagnant water;
rari (O) roll up; return
JDJ42 Yalata Rari (swamp) 09/41 [WO]
JDA.? Yalo wereda, 08/40 [Ad]
in the region of Awash station and Fentale.
HCT.. Yaloma, see Yeloma
?? Yalow wereda (in the 1990s, in western Ethiopia?) ../.. [n]
?? Jam (old kingdom), see Janjero
H.... Yamaret, village in the Mota district 11/37? [Ch]
GDM.. Yamasera kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul.
HDB13 Yamba, see Yembo
HDJ02 Yambal (Iambal) (mountain), 09/36 [+ WO]
see under Sire HDC93
yambi (O) 1. cushion for pack animals; 2. large needle
-- Yambo, an ethnic group, see Anwak
-- Yambo language (Yembo), see Anuak language
HDB13 Yambo, see Yembo
HEE48 Yamed kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tenta wereda, 6 km south of Tenta settlement;
area 2,316 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
jamiw..: wajo (O) 1. person with a function at ceremonial meals;
2. (Harar O) kinds of thorn tree
HDE72 Yamiwajo 0850'/3841' 2166 m, south of Sebeta 08/38 [Gz]
?? Yamma (old kingdom), see Janjero
HBT43 Yamuda, see Jamuda
HEJ51 Yanako (Ianaco) (area) 12/36 [+ WO]
HDD06 Yanbeli 0809'/3807' 2839 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEE04 Yandach, 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Amba Ferit sub-district)
HEE85 Yaneja, see Yeneja
HEF63 Yaneja (Yanedja) (on map of 1868) 11/39 [+ 18]
HDC01c Yanenu 08/36 [LM]
HEE85 Yaneya, see Yeneja
HDC10 Yanfa (Ianfa) 0815'/3636' 2105 m, 08/36 [Gz Ad WO]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964), near map code HDB19
HDD07 Yangatit (Yangat'it') 0811'/3812' 3044 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of Butajira
HEE68 Yanget kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in mid-northernmost Tenta wereda; area 4,555 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDP64 Yangudi (mountain), see Langudi
-- yangudi r..: Rassa, a lineage of the Borana people
JDP.. Yangudi Rassa National Park 10/41 [Ca 20]
Size 4,731 sq km. Established to protect the African wild ass. Semi-desert habitat. 36 species of
larger mammals and 136 species of birds have been recorded.
The park is bisected by the Gewane-Mille road.
JEC83 Yangule (Iangule) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HEJ68 Yankaru (Iancaru), see Aba Libanos
HD... Yanta (in Buno Bedele awraja) 08/36? [Ad]
HDD06 Yarag Giyorgis (church) 0813'/3808', 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of Butajira
HDE86 Yarar, see Erer
JDH86 Yarar, see Erer
JDH57 Yarar Sata, see Yere Sata
HEB32 Yarda (Iarda) 1109'/3553' 11/35 [+ WO Gz]
?? Yardi (Caddabasha, Hafya) 10/40 [20]
Small lake at about 30 km to the west of Gewane. Several names given
at different times of occupation, so the lake is also known as Caddabasha or Hafya.
Archaeological site around the lake.
Yared, the reputed founder of Ethiopian church music,
also an ordinary male name in modern time
HES79 Yared (Iared, Abba Jared) (mountains), 13/38 [+ WO 18]
(Abba Yared, Kidus Yared) 4453 m 13/38 [n]
GDM36 Yari 0924'/3453' 1442 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz]
HEA26 Yaringi (Iaringhe) (area) 11/35 [+ Ch WO]
The Abay flows near, and Yaringi Hill is about 65 km
from the Sudan border.
HCG74 Yarus (Iarus) 1494 m 06/35 [+ WO]
yasa (O) taking animals to a grazing field
HDL52 Yasa 0934'/3840' 1675 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Yasa 0938'/3840' 2516 m, south-west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL63 Yasa Lemi 0939'/3841' 2506 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
with church Silase to the north
HDH95 Yaso (mountain chain) 0952'/3613' 2140 m 09/36 [Gz]
?? Yaso wereda ../.. [Ad 20]
(-2003-) in the Kemashi zone of Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State.
The wereda (-1994-) is divided into 25 rural kebeles but no urban one.
HDS.. Yatembabo, in the Bichena area 10/38 [20]
HCC42c Yato, 05/36 [x]
sub-chief area in the north of the Male-inhabited district.
?? Yatsheqa (in eastern Ethiopia, mentioned in 1400s) ../.. [x]
HDL96 Yaualo, see Iualo
HEL52 Yavda (Iavda) 12/38 [+ WO]
HBS46 Yavello (Yavelo), see Yabelo
?? Yavon, stream in Sidamo, ../.. [Mi]
a left affluent of the Birbir river.
HDS42 Yaush (on map of 1868), cf Yewish 10/37 [18]
?? Yavon (river in Sidamo) ../.. [Mi]
HDS23 Yawash (Yäwesh, Yavish), see Yewish
JCN92 Yawe kebele, in Cholle wereda 08/40 [20]
HDF31 Yaya 0828'/3928' 1504 m, south-east of Nazret 08/39 [Gz]
HDJ36 Yaya (Swe: Jaja) 0920'/3709' 2221 m, near Hareto 09/37 [Gz]
HDK27 Yaya 0918'/3812' 2409 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL62 Yaya (Ya Ya) 0940'/3837' 2693 m, 09/38 [Gz AA]
south-west of Fiche
HDL81 Yaya 0949'/3831' 2805 m, west of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDL91 Yaya 0955'/3834' 2207 m (with church), 09/38 [AA Gz]
east of Tulu Milki
HDT12 Yaya 1007'/3840', 10/38 [Ad x]
(centre in 1964 of Dera wereda)
HD... Yaya, prehistoric wide lake in Gojjam ../.. [x]
HDK99 Yaya Ambena 0955'/3822' 2528 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Abo), see under Tulu Milki
HDL.. Yaya Dakabora ../.. [..]
-- yaya g..: Gulale, Gullalle, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe
HD... Yaya Gulele (visiting postman under A.Abeba) 09/38? [Po Ad]
HD... Yaya Gulele & Debre Libanos wereda 09/38 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 51 urban and 3 rural kebeles.
yaya h..: haro (O,Som) lake, pool, pond;
(A) valley subject to seasonal flooding
HDL60 Yaya Haro 0938'/3829' 2078 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki
yaya ke..: kechemo (qäch'ämo) (A), kachama (O)
kind of highland shrub with bitter fruit, Myrsine africana;
-- Kechama, Kachama, name of an ethnic group
HDL52 Yaya Kechema (Iaia Cacciama) 2566 m, cf Kechema 09/38 [+ WO]
yaya ko..: koratti (qorattii) (O) thorn
HDT01 Yaya Korati (Y. K'orati, Yaya Qorati) 09/38 [AA Gz q]
0957'/3835' 2038 m, east of Tulu Milki
JCK17 Yayallo (Yaiallo) (hills) 06/43 [+ WO]
H.... Yayena sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yegie) ../.. [Ad]
yayi, yayyii (O) hunting dog
?? Yayi (small village) ../.. [x]
HFF31 Yayid (Yaid) (with rock-hewn church), 13/39 [x]
see under Geralta churches - northern
yayo (A) kind of tree, Nuxia congesta;
Yayo, a Muslim male name
HDB21 Yayo (Yayou), see Yayu
/which Yayu, about 400 km south-west of Addis Abeba?:/
It was reported in year 2000 that a large deposit of coal had been found.
HDB20 Yayu 0820'/3543' 1761 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDB21 Yayu (Yayo) 0820'/3549' 1607 m 08/35 [Gz]
HDB21 Yayu (Yayo, Yaiyo, Iaio, Iyeiyo, Yayou) 08/35 [Gz Po Te Gu]
Gz: 0821'/3551' 1761 m; MS: 0820'/3555' = HDB22, 1525, 1715 m
"At the Yayu market was a large tree -- The roots were used as convenient seats on market-day." [A
H Savage Landor 1907]
With sub-post office under Gore.
HDB21 Yayu sub-district (Yayo ..) (-1964-1997-), 08/35 [n]
(centre in 1964 = Yayu)
There is registered the Yayu National Forest Priority Area.
HDB21 Yayu wereda (Yayo .., .. Yaayyuu ..) 08/35 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 89 rural and 3 urban kebeles.
From 1991 one of twelve weredas in Illubabor.
HDL80 Yazha 0949'/3830' 2701 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
HBS46 Yeabelo, see Yabelo
yeale i..: ihud gebeya (A) Sunday market
HD... Yeale Ihud Gebeya (in Gore awraja) 08/35? [Ad]
HFF.. Yealem Birhan (Yalem-birhan, 'world's light') 14/39 [20]
GDM92 Yeba 0955'/3433' 1443 m 09/34 [Gz]
HEC78 Yebab Yesus, see Ibab Iyesus
HEC69 Yebaba (historically recorded), in Gojjam, 11/37 [Pa 20]
with important ruins from the 1600s
HDT.. Yebabat kebele, in Debay Telatbin wereda 11/38? [20]
HEE91 Yebar Gheor [=Gheorghis?] 11/38 [WO]
HDU03 Yebaz, see Yibaz
HCR53 Yebbu, see Yebu
yebeles ..: beles (bäläs) (A) fig tree
HEF88 Yebeles kebele (Yäbäläs ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Wadla wereda, 10 km north-west
of Wegel Tena; area 1,558 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEM40 Yeberach' Giyorgis (church) 1212'/3924', 12/39 [Gz]
midway between Lalibela and Alamata
yeberet: beret (bärät) (A) fenced enclosure for cattle
?? Yeberet, town in Wello ../.. [20]
yebe ..: ber (bärr) (A) pass, entrance
HEU12 Yeberr Malash (pass), see under Maychew 12/39 [WO]
yebo (Kefa) kinds of tree, Erythrina abyssinica, E. brucei;
also wild date, Phoenix reclinata
HCR53 Yebo (Iebo) (area), see under Jimma, cf Yabo 07/36 [+ WO]
HDS54 Yebokila (Yebok'la) (in Debre Markos awraja) 10/37 [Ad Gz]
1026'/3754' at 40 km from Debre Markos
yebrage h..: hawaryat (A) apostles
HE... Yebrage Hawariat, village in Gojjam ../.. [x]
HCR53 Yebu (Yebbu, Yabo, Yebo, Iebo), 07/36 [Ad Te Po WO]
0745'/3646' 1912 m, see also under Jimma,
(centre in 1964 of Manna wereda).
Coordinates would give map code HCR52
With sub-post office.
HC... Yebu Suntu (in Jimma awraja) 07/36? [Ad]
yebuna Maryam (A) Mary of the coffee?
HDR59 Yebuna Maryam (church) 1027'/3727', 10/37 [Gz]
south-west of Dembecha
HED27 Yecandach, see Yekandach
yecha (Welayita) kind of food plant, Ensete ventricosum
HEL27 Yecha (Yech'a) 1158'/3908' 2622 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDU13 Yecha kebele (Yäch'a ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda in its eastern part,
near Molale to its north-east; area 1,712 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE95 Yeche (Iecce) (area) 09/38 [+ WO]
yecher..: chereka (ch'äräqa) (A) moon
HDR79 Yechereka (Yech'erek'a, Yechereqa), 10/37 [Gz q 20]
1036'/3726' 2043 m, north-west of Dembecha,
town in Dembecha wereda
-- Yecheret language, see Geto
HET66 Yechila (Yech'ila, Yechilay, Yetchila, Yerhilay), 13/39 [Gz x]
(Chilay) 1317'/3900' 1571 m
Small town with rock-hewn church Aregawi/?/ mentioned by Ruth Plant.
HDU91 Yechiwol (Ieciuol, Icciuoll, Ichuoll, Jchuoll), 10/39 [Gz Gu WO]
(mountain) 1050'/3930' 2700 m
HDT63 Yechomasi kebele (Yächomasi ..) 10/38 [Ad]
a little to the west in Debre Sina wereda at its southern
border, 10-18 km south-west of Mekane Selam;
area 3,107 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDK91 Yeda (river) circa 0955'/3740', 09/37 [Ch Gz]
a right tributary of the Abay, in Gojjam.
HCS76 Yedaam (YeDa'am) 0754'/3804' 2493 m 07/38 [Gz]
HDS56 Yedagwat 1028'/3807' 2560 m, 10/38 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), west of Bichena
HDT05 Yedameqo, see Yidameko
?? Yedaya (royal seat in the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
HEE75 Yedba kebele (Yädba ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda, 15 km south-west
of Bete Hor; area 1,312 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
JDK28 Yeddin (G. Ieddin) (area) 09/43 [+ WO]
HDF93 Yeddu (Ieddu) (area) 08/39 [+ WO]
HC... Yede Sabola, in Dalocha wereda 07/38 [n]
HDK99 Yedebersa (Iedebersa), see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [+ WO]
H.... Yedefas (centre in 1964 of Machakel sub-district) 10/37 [Ad]
HDT65 Yedegat kebele (Yädägat ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Sayint wereda, 25 km south-southeast
of Ajibar; area 6,828 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDD07 Yedege (village) 08/38 [x]
HDR78 Yedegera 1036'/3723' 1907 m, 10/37 [Gz]
north-west of Dembecha
H.... Yedeha Kidane Mihret, cf Yeduha, 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Berenta wereda &
of Yedeha /Yeheda?/ sub-district)
HEL09 Yedej (Gol) 1147'/3917' 3428 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEE99 Yedej Seleda kebele (Yädäj Säléda ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda,
16 km north-north-east of Wegel Tena; area 3,222 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE94 YeDejazmach Alula Irsha (farm) 0902'/3851', 09/38 [Gz]
a little east of Addis Abeba
HDK22 Yedel 09/37 [AA]
HDK24 Yedel 0915'/3755' 1825 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDS21 Yedel 0914'/3746' 1810 m 09/37 [Gz]
JC... Yedelo Seberu (in Wabe awraja) 07/40? [Ad]
H.... Yedemes Abo 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Shebel sub-district)
HDU00 Yedemsa, see Yidemsa
yedeng..: dengora, spade stick for breaking up ground
HDS34 Yedengora (Iedengora) (with church) 10/37 [+ WO]
yeder..: derek (däräq) (A) dry
HEE67 Yederek kebele (Yädäräq ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Tenta wereda,
15 km north of Masha; area 6,731 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
H.... Yedesh (north-west of Debre Markos) 10/37 [18]
HDM.? Yedew (Hidew) (with church Petros Pawlos), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
?? Yedgibe, cf HDS20 Yejube 10/37? [x]
yedi: yadi (O) female buffalo; 2. promise, word of honour
HCS80 Yedi 0759'/3730' 2169 m 07/37 [Gz]
HED54 Yedi 1121'/3756' 2284 m 11/37 [Gz]
HDU64 Yedi kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
midway between Molale and Majete; area 2,391 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS03 Yedihoch 1001'/3750' 1699 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south of Debre Markos
HDE89 Yedo 0853'/3914' 2409 m, 08/39 [Gz]
south-east of Chefe Donsa
HDK44 Yedo 0929'/3756' 1816 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
HDT49 Yedo kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Jema wereda somewhat to the south,
3 km south of Degolo; area 2,861 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU91 Yedo kebele (Yädo ..) 10/39 [Ad]
towards the south in east Legambo wereda touching its border,
13-16 km east of Akista; area 1,549 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE87 Yedogit kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Wadla wereda, 10 km east
of Bete Hor; area 1,414 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCP55 Yedota (Yedotta) 0745'/3611' 2352 m, 07/36 [Gz Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Sailem sub-district)
HDS13 Yeduga 1005'/3746' 2176 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south of Debre Markos
HDS59 Yeduha, see Id Wiha
HEE86 Yedwokit Mikael (Ieduochit Micael, Ch'ena Mika'el), 11/38 [+ WO]
(church) 1136'/3901', see under Bete Hor
JDR75 Yeeb (Ieeb) (area) 10/42 [+ WO]
?? Yeed, at the Kenya border [Michelin 2007] ../.. [20]
HEK32 Yefag, see Yifag
HDM85 Yefat, see Yifat
HDS55 Yefechefech (Yefech'efech') 1029'/3802' 2524 m, 10/38 [Gz]
west of Bichena
-- yefereze go..: Gona, one of the two main branches (moiety)
of the Borana people;
gona gona (O?) ensete;
gona (Afar) "outside bend" /of the Awash river"
HCS93 Yefereze Gona 0808'/3750' 1983 m, 08/37 [Gz]
west of Indibir
HDM.? Yefo (with church Mikael), in the Sendafa area 09/39? [x]
HDU46 Yeg & Serdo kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Efrata & Gidim wereda in its western part,
10 km west of Efeson; area 934 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE39 Yegadena Mika'el (church) 1110'/3915', 11/39 [Gz]
west of Dessie
HEE38 Yegadona kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Tenta wereda; area 2,053 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDS03 Yegar 0959'/3747' 2101 m (with church) 09/37 [AA Gz]
yegara (yägara) (A) collective, joint, mutual
HEE01 Yegare kebele (Yägaré ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in westernmost Mekdela wereda; area 4,877 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yegeb..: gebeta (A) 1. (gäbäta) /low/ table of bamboo;
2. (gäbät'a) kind of game with small pebbles
HEE86 Yegebeta 1136'/3900' 2939 m, near Bete Hor 11/39 [Gz]
HDU14 Yegeda kebele 10/39 [Ad]
at the western border of Kewet wereda in its central part,
14 km east of Molale; area 472 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Yegefo (Yägefo) (place near Abay in the 1600s) ../.. [+ Pa]
HDU38 Yegelda kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in western northernmost Efrata & Gidim wereda,
15 km north-west of Efeson; area 671 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS33 Yegeleka (Yegelek'a, Yegeleqa), 10/37 [Gz]
1019'/3751' 2465 m, south-east of Debre Markos
yegelu abo: abo see under abbo as first part of name
HDS22 Yegelu Abo (Ieghelou Abo) 10/37 [+ WO]
HDS34 Yegesh G. (Ieghesc Gh.) 10/37 [+ WO]
(with church Giyorgis?), cf Yedesh
HDM.? Yegez (with church Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HCS71 Yegeze (village) 07/37 [x]
H.... Yegie, ../.. [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Boneya sub-district
and of Yayena sub-district)
yegind: gind (A) trunk of tree, log, stump
HEF98 Yegind kebele (Yägend ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Wadla wereda, 35 km south-southeast
of Lalibela; area 2,116 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yegint: gint (gint') (A) 1. scorpion; 2. kind of oat
HED60 Yegint (Yegind, Jegind, Ieghind, Iachindi), 11/37 [Gz WO It]
1126'/3734' 1841 m, village near Abay river
HDT36 Yegobiya, see Yigobiya
H.... Yegoda (centre in 1964 of Gwa Meda sub-district) 10/38 [Ad]
HDS33 Yegodena Mikael, see Godana Mikael
HEF04 Yegodil kebele (Yägodel ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Antsokiya & Gemza wereda,
20 km north-west of Majete; area 805 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Yegof (mountain near Geta) 1102'/3942' 2882 m, 11/39 [20 Gz]
(Yegof Terara, cf Gof), west of Dessie
There is registered the Yegof-Erike National Forest Priority Area.
HDT86 Yegonfoy (Endodi) 1040'/3901' 2135 m 10/39 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HDT76
yegora: gora (O) wild rose, Rosa abyssinica
HDS23 Yegora 1009'/3751' 2306 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
HDS35 Yegudina (Iegudina) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEF71 Yegura (Amba Moka) (peak) 1130'/3928' 3089 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDM.? Yegwinch (with church Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda in a locality Gwich
HDT72 Yegwoda kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in central Sayint wereda, a little east
of Ajibar; area 2,335 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE75 Yeha (Iyyeha, Ieha) (with ancient monuments) 14/39 [Gz Br Gu]
(ancient name Ava), ruin at 1415'/3855' 2130 m,
north-east of Adwa.
Linguists who have studied inscriptions assume the presence of actual Sabaeans in Ethiopia at Yeha.
The ancient name Ava (Awa) read on inscriptions is "doubtless connected with the Sabaean worship
of Baal-Ava -- the Sabaean tribe which had Ava for a capital were known by the Greeks as
people who took refuge in caves." [J T Bent 1893]
The temple at Yeha is finely cut of local material, more recently described as silicified sandstone. It
is Ethiopia's oldest surviving building.
There is a huge amount of terracing in the area, some of it of old date.
The ancient temple is extremely well preserved, with up to fifty-two courses of masonry.
Some 300 m away from the temple are giant square stone pillars now known as
Grat Be'al Guebri.
Yeha lies 5 km north of the main road.
Immediately beside the temple is a modern church dedicated to Abune Aftse.
HBP49c Yeha Gude, place in the Arbore area, 04/36 [x]
north of Chew Bahir
HDU34 Yehata (Yehat'a) 1017'/3946' 3353 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north-east of Molale
HDU64 Yehata kebele (Yähat'a ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
midway between Molale and Majete; area 1,792 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yehwala shum (A) chief behind
HDM35 Yehwala Shum 0922'/3948' 1445 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-east of Ankober
HD... Yeid Wiha (Y. Wuha) (in Gojjam), cf Id Wiha? ../.. [x]
HEE45 Yeja 1117'/3855' 2570 m 11/38 [Gz]
HDS50c Yejat (Iegiat) 2270 m 10/37 [+ Gu]
HDS20 Yejibe, see Yejube
-- Yeju, Yajju, Yejju, name of a Wello Oromo tribe and of a
province settled by the Oromo in the 1500s.
HEM02 Yeju (Yejju, Yäjju, Fre: Yedjou) (historical name), 11/39 [n Pa]
(Yiju) (written Yadjow by the British in 1868)
This province was settled in the 1500s by the Oromo.
Yeju was incorporated into the province of Wello in 1942.
JEA92 Yeju awraja (Yiju ..) 1145'/4000' (-1960-1987-) 11/40 [Gz Ad x]
(centre at least in 1964-1980 = Weldiya)
The awraja is an elongated area of 4,175 sq km between 1130' and 1200'.
The western boundary is a mountain wall rising to over 3,500 m. The land drops to an altitude
ranging from 1,000 to 600 m on the eastern boundary.
HDS22 Yejube (Iegiube, Yejibe, Yejubi, Yejubie) 10/37 [Gz Gu Ad Ch]
1009'/3745' 2211 m, (visiting postman under Debre Markos),
village with market south of Debre Markos,
near the important market of Basso, with much slave trade in early 1800s.
HDL33 Yeka 0923'/3844' 2501 m 09/38 [AA Gz]
HFE86 Yeka (Ieca) 2153 m, cf Yaha 14/38 [+ Gu]
HDL.. Yekaabadho, north of Addis Abeba 09/3. [n]
HED27 Yekandach (Yecandach, Iecandac', Yekandeach), 11/38 [+ Gz WO Gu]
(Yakandach) (mountains) 1105'/3815' 1583 m 11/38 [Ch 18]
HDR48 Yekast (Iecast Gh.), see Yetigab
HDK91 Yekatel (Jeketel, Malca Iecatel) 0955'/3739' 09/37 [Gz 18 WO]
Yekatit, an Ethiopian month
HEC.. Yekatit 25, with Bahir Dar as the nearest town 11/37 [n]
HDG68 Yekatit Dinsa 0936'/3533' 1948 m, 09/35 [Gz]
north-east of Nejo
HDL.. Yekawelaya 09/3. [n]
HDS58 Yekefet (early name), see Bichena
HED52 Yekel 11/37 [Ch]
yekena ..: kenna (qänna) (A) be envious, be jealous
HDU24 Yekena kebele (Yäqäna ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
12 km north-east of Molale; area 509 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE75 Yekendet kebele (Yäqändät ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its northern border,
10 km south-southwest of Bete Hor; area 1,798 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCG95 Yeki (Iechi) 0712'/3521' 1224/1337/1510 m, 07/35 [Gz Ad WO Gu]
(Ger: Jeki) (centre in 1964 of Zinki sub-district)
Coordinates would give map code HCG96,
north of the Bako river.
HCG95c Yeki wereda (centre in 1964 = Tepi) 07/35 [Ad]
There is registered the Yeki National Forest Priority Area.
The wereda (-1994-) is divided into 28 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCK51c Yekima (Iachima), 06/37 [LM Gu]
centre and market of the Koysha (Coíscia) people.
HDL04c Yekka Mikael (ruin of rock-hewn church), 09/38 [x]
east of and near Addis Abeba
HEE66 Yekorit (Yek'orit, Yeqorit) 1129'/3859' 2738 m, 11/38 [Gz q]
south of Bete Hor
HEE27 Yekos 1106'/3905' 3437 m 11/39 [Gz]
yekoso ..: kosso (A) a commonly occurring tree, Hagenia abyssinica
HEM20 Yekoso 1157'/3921' 3072 m, north-west of Weldiya 11/39 [Gz]
HEE27 Yekoso kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-easternmost Mekdela wereda,
12 km south of Masha; area 2,917 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDR98 Yekumbal (Iecumbal) 1049'/3723' 2118 m 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
HDM22 Yekur (Yek'ur, Yequr) 0914'/3933' 2041 m, 09/39 [Gz]
east of Sheno
yekura: kura (qura) (A,O) crow, raven /also other meanings/
HDS98 Yekura (Yek'ura, Yequra) 1046'/3914' 3186 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HEE07 Yekwoshi kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Legambo wereda, 5 km north-west
of Akista; area 3,106 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCC81 Yela (Iela) 0616'/3651' 1446, 2010 m, 06/36 [Gz WO]
north-east of Bulki
Coordinates would give map code HCC92
HEE59 Yela, see Yila
HDT97 Yelada, see Yilada
HFE01 Yelaka (Ielaca, Jelaca) 1337'/3832' 1006, 1704 m 13/38 [+ WO Gu Gz]
HDU81 Yelala, see Yilala
yelam chika (A) cow soil/mud
HDS44 Yelam Chika (Yelam Ch'ik'a) 1020'/3753' 2570 m, 10/37 [Gz]
east of Debre Markos
HDS02 Yelam Gej 1002'/3744' 2197 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south of Debre Markos
HDU41 Yelas 1019'/3929' 2873 m, south of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
?? Yelasawla (with sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HCJ19 Yele 0631'/3725' 2095 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDM.. Yelebash, in Fetegar, with old church 09/39 [x]
H.... Yelebasha (Yäläbasha) place in Dewaro, 12/37 [+ Pa]
(with churches in the 1400s)
HED48 Yelega 1115'/3818' 2098 m, south of Goradit 11/38 [Gz]
HDU27 Yelen kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Kewet wereda, 5 km north
of Shewa Robit; area 840 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM.? Yelet (with church Giyorgis), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
yelet ..: tabot washa (A) cave for keeping/hiding tabot/s/
HDM31 Yelet & Tabot Washa kebele (Yälät´..) 09/39 [Ad]
in western Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda, a little
south-southeast of Koremash; area 1,741 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF80 Yelfeta, see Yilfeta
HDM10 Yelled (Ielled) (area) 09/39 [+ WO]
HDU.. Yellema (monastery) 10/39 [En]
Located in the Qaya Gäbri'el district of Menz.
It is a craftsmen's (balä ijj) monastery similar to
some found elsewhere in northern Shewa.
HEP09 Yellow Hill (European-given name) 918 m 12/36 [WO]
HDU10 Yelma .., see Yilma ..
(also Yilimma?)
HDF82 Yelmaye, see Yilmaye
yelo..: loma, loomaa (O) straight /tree/
HCT.. Yeloma (Yaloma), west of Sagure in Chilalo, 07/39 [x]
on plain land, with Shewa Oromo inhabitants.
-- Yem, ethnic group living as neighbours/?/ of the Gurage,
numbering about half a million of which 50% Christians.
Yem as a name has in later time replaced Janjero in a similar way
and for similar reason that Oromo has replaced Galla.
H.... Yem wereda 08/.. [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 37 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
yema g.: gaja (O) water pipe; gajja (A) kind of
large-jointed grass, Andropogon gayanus
HEM20 Yema Gaja (near a pass, on map of 1868) 11/39 [18]
HFF31 Yemad 1353'/3931' 2348 m, south-east of Hawzen 13/39 [Gz]
HDR87c Yemalog (Iemalog) (village) 10/37 [+ Gu]
yemalogi w...: welel (wäläl) (A) floor
HD... Yemalogi Welel sub-district (-1997-) ../.. [n]
HEE77 Yemara .., see Yimara ..
HDG.. Yembel Gara Oli, in Gimbi awraja 09/35 [x]
-- Yembo, Yambo, Anuak, name of a small negroid tribe
living in the south-west of Ethiopia;
-- Yembo language (Yambo ..), see Anuak language
HDB13 Yembo (Yambo, Iembo, Yamba) 1947/1950 m 08/35 [Gz Ad WO It]
0820'/3601' 1947 m, with Saturday market
(sub-district & its centre in 1964),
with village on top of a mountain.
Coordinates would give map code HDB23
HDG..c Yemcha (Swe: Jämcha), 09/35? [x]
village north-east of Nejo about 2/3 of the distance from there
to the confluence of the Didessa and Abay rivers
HDL97 Yemedeb, see Yimedeb
yemeger k..: kolla (qwolla) (A) lowland
HCS91 Yemeger Kola (village), cf Meger 08/37 [x]
yeme..: meka (mäqa) (A) reed, rush
HDT91 Yemeka kebele (Yämäqa ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in north-westernmost Sayint wereda,
20 km north-west of Ajibar; area 8,219 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HED60 Yemekal (Iemecal) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
HDT75 Yemeri, see Yimeri
HDS14 Yemistina (Yemist'ina) 1007'/3752' 2261 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
HEF50 Yemit 1119'/3922' 2942 m, south-east of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HEE59c Yemit kebele (Yämet ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in northern Tenta wereda, 5 km south-east
of Tenta settlement; area 2,210 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU36 Yemlewa, see Yimlewa
-- Yemma, Yangaro, see Yem
GDF74 Yemo (Ieina) 0847'/3441' 2021 m, 08/34 [Gz]
south-east of Gidami
HDU13 Yemod, see Yimod
HDH70c Yemoha (Swe: Jämoha), see under Dimto 09/36 [x]
HEL47 Yemrah, see Yimrah
HEL47c Yemrahana Kristos (Yemrehanna K., Imraha) 12/39 [Pa 20]
(Yemrehanno K., 'Christ will show the way')
Ancient church in a cave, 20 or 40 km north-north-east of Lalibela.
It is not fully 13 metres long and built (not excavated) inside a cave in a style similar It takes about
five hours to get here by foot or mule from Lalibela.
-- Yemsa, ethnic group numbering about 165,184
according to the 1994 census, living north-east of Jimma.
-- Yemsa language (Yem, Yemma), with 81,613 speakers
Alternate and currently not quite accepted names: Janjero,
Janjerinya, Janjor, Yangaro, Zinjero.
yenad d..: dega (däga) (A) highland
HEM20 Yenad Dega 1159'/3924' 3568 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-west of Weldiya
HDM20 Yenechoh 0915'/3922' 1946 m, south-east of Sheno, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael)
?? Yenefasa (Yänäfasa) (historical) 12/39? [x]

yenegash (A) belonging to the regent?

H.... Yenegash 10/36? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wemberma sub-district)
HCS85 Yenegwadir (village) 08/38 [x]

HEE85 Yeneja (Ienegia, Ianegia, Ianeggia, Yaneya) 11/38 [+ Gu WO Gz]

(Jenegia, Yenitcha) 1138'/3853' 2880 m, 11/38 [+ 18]
village a little to the south/?/ of Mekdela, see also under Bete Hor
HEE66 Yeneja Kinkina kebele (Yänäja Qenqena ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Wadla wereda, 17 km south-east
of Filakit; area 1,869 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE66 Yeneja Misgwa kebele (Yänäja Mesgwa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Wadla wereda, 15-25 km south-southeast
of Filakit; area 3,963 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC.. Yenessa, at some distance from Bahir Dar 11/37 [n]
HDL70 Yenet 0944'/3825' 2124 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
south-east of Tulu Milki, see under Gebre Guracha
HDS25 Yenguma Maryam (church) 1009'/3758', 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
HDM.? Yenichu (with church Bale Weld), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda, cf Yenechoh
HEL08 Yeniket kebele (Yäneqät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Wadla wereda, 30 km south-south-east
of Lalibela; area 1,801 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE99 Yenkul (on map of 1868) 11/39 [18]
HDS45 Yenodena (Ienodena) 10/37 [+ WO]
HBK60 Yenya (Ienia) 0410'/3730', near map code HBJ69 04/37 [+ WO Gz]
HDS23 Yeouch, see Yewish
HDM.? Yerab (with church Medhane Alem), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HEE09 Yerabesh 1052'/3917' 3494 m, south-west of Dessie 10/39 [Gz]
JDG92 Yerambe (Ierambe) 09/40 [+ WO]
HDU25 Yerata (Ierata) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
HDS54 Yerebereb Medhane Alem (church) 1026'/3757', 10/37 [Gz]
north-east of Debre Markos
HFE06 Yerefeda Maryam (church) 1337'/3900', 13/39 [Gz]
near Abiy Adi
HDE75 Yerer 0848'/3856' 2074 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Zeyt, near Dukem
HDE76 Yerer (Guro) (mountain) 0851'/3858' 2074 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north of Debre Zeyt and 10 km north-east of Dukem.
"Mount Yärär, which was traditionally recognized as one of the royal residences
is now absolutely treeless and shows signs of advanced erosion."
The caldera is partly collapsed and has a large rock rise in its centre.
There is registered the Yerer National Forest Priority Area.
HDE86 Yerer (Jerer, Ierer, Yerrur) (mountain) 08/38 [LM WO Gu 18]
0854'/3857' 2754, 3019/3115 m
JDH86 Yerer, see Erer
HDE49 Yerer & Kereyu awraja 0850'/3920' 08/39 [Gz Ad]
(.. Kerayu .., .. Karayu ..) (centre at least in 1964-1980 = Nazret)
JDH57 Yerer Sata (Yarar S., Erer Iya, Erer /Gota/) 09/41 [Gz]
0932'/4124' 1143 m
HFE07 Yeresere (Enda Mariam Quarar, E.M. Quoram) 13/39 [Gz Gu WO]
1335'/3905' 2651 m (with monastery),
east of and near Abiy Adi, see under that place
HDS67 Yerez 1032'/3809' 2554 m, north-west of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HCD88 Yerga Chefe, see Yirga Chefe
HCK49 Yergalem, see Yirga Alem
HDK88 Yergas (Iergas), see Werji
HET56 Yerhilay, see Yechila
HCP86 Yeriba 0802'/3616' 2193 m, west of Dembi 08/36 [Gz]
HEE29 Yerma 1102'/3917' 3084 m, west of Dessie 11/39 [Gz Ad]
(sub-district & its centre in 1964)
HEE29 Yerma kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern southernmost Tenta wereda; area 2,558 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM33 Yermatager, see Yirmatager
yero, yeero (O) 1. kind of stinking plant; 2. suitable moment;
(Kefa) civet cat, Viverra civetta;
Yero, sky-god of the Kefa, Nao and Chara peoples
HCD.. Yero Wala, mountain east of lake Chamo 05/37 [x]
An isolated mountain about 2000 m.
Tradition says that there was once a church Medhane Alem on the plateau
and that it was destroyed in the 1500s.
HCD54 Yeru (Ieru, Yero) 05/37 [+ WO Gz x]
HDT26c Yesa kebele (Yésa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
5 km north-northeast of Alem Ketema; area 1,418 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE75 Yesay kebele (Yäsay ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda,
16 km south-west of Bete Hor; area 1,138 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFF04 Yesea (Yese'a) 1339'/3943' 2397 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Abune Gebre Menfes K'idus), north-east of Kwiha
yesenbet (A) of the sabbath
HDS55 Yesenbet (Iesembet, Giasanbat, Jasanbal) 10/37 [+ WO Gz]
1026'/3758' 2598 m
HEE87 Yesendye (British camp in 1868) 11/39 [18]
HCN56 Yesha, see Dyesha
HDU73 Yesha 1036'/3936' 2195 m, east of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
yesheb ..: den (dänn) (A) forest
HDT70 Yesheb Den kebele (Yäshäb Dän ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in middle westernmost Sayint wereda,
20 km west of Ajibar; area 9,033 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yeshinkurt: shinkurt (A) onion
HDR49 Yeshinkurt 1021'/3728' 2177 m, 10/37 [Gz]
west of Debre Markos
yeshum ..: shum (A) chief, official
HDT95 Yeshum kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in the south-westernmost corner of Legambo wereda;
area 1,188 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS13 Yesibech 1004'/3751' 2251 m, 10/37 [Gz]
(with church Iyesus at some distance to the west),
south-east of Debre Markos
HDS13 Yesinch Yohanis (church) 1003'/3751', 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
HEE97 Yesiton (Yesit'on) 1140'/3907' 2718 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north-east of Bete Hor
HDS04 Yeskila 1001'/3755' 1613 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Markos
HDT66 Yesola kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in south-eastern Kelala wereda, 12 km south-southeast
of Kelala settlement; area 1,217 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE54 Yesor 1120'/3847' 2604 m, south-west of Bete Hor 11/38 [Gz]
?? Yesray, north of Hosaina, ../.. [x]
halfway between Jimma and Addis Abeba with a branch from the main road.
HDD08 Yesreye (Anzire) 0812'/3815' 3410 m, 08/38 [Gz]
north-west of Butajira
HER19 Yesubar 1248'/3726' 1545 m, north of Gondar 12/37 [Gz]
JEH08 YeSultan Irsha (farm) 1155'/4129', east of Serdo 11/41 [Gz]
The name refers to Sultan Ali Mirah of Awsa.
yet (A) where?
JBS05 Yet (Iet, Let), on the border of Somalia 04/43 [Gz WO]
Gz: 0433'/4301' 351 m; MS: 0435'/4215' = JBR07, 385 m
MS about 80 km to the west, difference to be explained how?
HEL86 Yet Koyesh (Yet K'oyesh) 1234'/3932' 2851 m, 12/39 [Gz]
south of Sekota
HDU03 Yeta, see Yita
HCS98 Yetaboni (Ietaboni, M.) (area) 08/38 [+ WO]
HEE56 Yetaha (Yet'aha) 1122'/3901' 1798 m, 11/39 [Gz]
south of Bete Hor
HED52 Yetai (river) ca 1120'/3745' 11/37 [Ch]
HET56 Yetchila, see Yechilay
HEM08 Yetech kebele (Yät'äch' ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in easternmost Wadla wereda, 30 km south-southwest
of Lalibela; area 2,218 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yeted: ye-tid, with juniperus trees?
HDS.. Yeted (Yet'ed), 18 km from Debre Markos 10/37 [n]
HDS67 Yetemb (Yet'emb) 1030'/3809' 2506 m, 10/38 [Gz]
north-west of Bichena
HCS.. Yeterhosne, in Enemor & Ener wereda 07/37? [20]
HDR48 Yetigab (Yet'igab, Iecast) 1023'/3727' 2167 m 10/37 [Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HDR49
HE... Yetijo (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 11/38 [Ad]
HDS46 Yetman 1020'/3808' 2396 m, south-west of Bichena 10/38 [Gz]
HDS58c Yetmen, town in Enemay wereda 10/38 [20]
/same as the one above?/
HDL86 Yetnora 0948'/3901' 2161 m, 09/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael), east of Fiche
HDL87 Yetnora & Boled kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in central Saya Debir & Wayu Insaro wereda at its northern border,
14 km south-west of Inewari; area 1,457 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL86 Yetnora sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gosh Wiha) 09/39 [AA Ad]
within Insaro wereda. This area is remarkable for its large
number of churches: 41 churches on 450 in 1974.
yeto (O) sheath, case, small box
HDM32 Yeto 0921'/3933' 3078 m, east of Sheno 09/39 [Gz]
HCL02 Yeto Songo (Ieto Songo) (area) 2756 m 06/38 [+ WO]
HCT99 Yetos (Yet'os) 0807'/3918' 2188 m 08/39 [Gz]
HE... Yetyo Gobgob (in Gayint awraja) 11/38 [Ad]

HED37 Yewa (Yeua) (river) 1110'/3810' 11/38 [Ch Gz]

"Yewa River was seen in a great chasm torn through the hills."
HEE98 Yewar (on map of 1868) 11/39 [18]
HDD06 Yewanya 0812'/3804' 2578 m 08/38 [Gz]
HEE28 Yewel 1104'/3909' 3859 m, 11/39 [Ad n]
(mountain in Wello)
?? Yewera (mountain), ../.. [20]
its peak reaches altitude 3611 m.
yewerk (yäwärq) (A) having gold;
Yewerk (Yawork), a male personal name
HEE74 Yewerk (Yewerk', Yewerq) 1130'/3852' 2719 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bete Hor
HDT62 Yewerza kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in southern Sayint wereda, a little south
of Ajibar; area 2,785 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE75 Yewetet 1134'/3857' 2827 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bete Hor
yewetet (A) having or giving milk; abay has many menings,
Abay, the Blue Nile
HE... Yewetet Abay (in Bahir Dar awraja) 11/37? [Ad]
HEE66 Yewetet kebele (Yäwätät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the northern border of Mekdela wereda;
area 7,491 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEE86 Yewetet kebele (Yäwätät ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Wadla wereda, immediately south
of Bete Hor; area 2,625 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yeweyn ..: weyn (wäyn) (A) grape, vine
HEE98 Yeweyn kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in eastern Wadla wereda at its southern border,
10 km north of Wegel Tena; area 937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS03 Yeweynit (with church Abo) 0959'/3749' 1632 m 09/37 [AA Gz]
yeweyzero ..: of lady Meyram
HDF32 Yeweyzero Meyram 0828'/3934' 1383 m
yeweza ..: wezza (wäzza) (A) perspire, sweat
HDT74 Yeweza kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in eastern Sayint wereda, 12 km east of Ajibar;
area 1,897 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDS23 Yewish (Yewsh, Iauasc, Iusc, Iush, Yeouch, Wisho) 10/37 [Gz 18 WO 20]
(Yawash, Yäwesh, Yavish, Yaush, Yewouche, Egiube)
1010'/3749' 2279 m,
(with church Mikael), south-east of Debre Markos
(visiting postman under Debre Markos)
HDS.. Yewula, at some distance from Debre Markos 10/37 [n]
HD... Yeyya Gulale wereda (Yaya Gulele ..) 09/38? [20]
in the former Selale awraja after 1941.
HDM94 Yezaba, see Yizaba
HDS.. Yezangira, 20 km from Debre Markos 10/37 [n]
HED42 Yezat (river) 1116'/3746', 11/37 [Ch Gz]
a tributary of the Abay
HDT08 Yezegn, see Yizegn
HE... Yezembel (Yäzämbäl) (historical) 11/37? [+ Pa]
HDT79 Yezer kebele (Yäzär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of northernmost Jema wereda, 15 km west
of Were Ilu town; area 4,695 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HDT08 Yezhet & Yekoro kebele (Yäzhät & Yäqoro ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Moret & Jiru wereda, 6 km west
of Jihur; area 1,004 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC78 Yibab Maryam (church) 1133'/3719', 11/37 [Gz]
south-west of Bahir Dar
?? Yibaba (locality in Gojjam) ../.. [n]
HEF70 Yibad 1134'/3922' 2182 m, north of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HD... Yibaz (locality in Yifat) 09/39 [n]
HDU03 Yibaz kebele (Yebaz ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in central Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
immediately east of Sela Dingay; area 771 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT05 Yidameko kebele (Yedamäqo ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in western Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda at its northern border,
12 km south-southwest of Alem Ketema; area 3,557 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU00 Yidemsa & Guya kebele (Yedämsa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its southernmost 'bulge',
30 km west of Molale; area 839 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Yidi, ethnic group, see Kwegu
HDM04 Yidi 0903'/3946' 1065 m, near map code HDF94 09/39 [Gz]
-- Yidinit, small ethnic group speaking Kwegu and numbering about 500
HDL94 Yidino (Yidno) (district) 0952'/3850' 1908 m, 09/38 [AA Gz Ad]
in Selale awraja, cf Idinno
HDU02 Yidowona 1001'/3935' 2445 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Molale
HEK32 Yifag (Yefag, Ifag, Ger: Eifag), east of lake Tana 12/37 [Gz Ad WO 18]
GZ: 1205'/3743' 1840 m; MS: 1203'/3745'
Centre in 1964 of Karoda sub-district.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
10E Kemkem (Abba Foge) (village) 1811 m
5SE Maryam (Mariam) (church)
8W Faju (Fagiu) (area)
9W Amba Kens (A. Chens) (area)
5NW Kameam (Cameam) (area)
10NW Keraniya (Karanio Mariam, Qiranya M.) (village) 1976 m
7N Agele (Aghele) (village)
7NE Ezub (mountain) 1934/2397 m
10NE Taragedam (Taragadam, Sella Taraghedam)
?? Kulalit (Culalit) (conical mountain) 2390 m
(Note with undetermined locations: The Yifag market in Dembia was regarded as important for
horses and mules in the 1800s. The Yifag market in Damot was similarly regarded as
important for ivory.)
The Yifag on the route from Gondar to Debre Tabor in the 1800s had commercial contacts in several
HDM85 Yifat (Efat, Ifat) (area) 09/39 [x Ha]
(in Arabic sources also Wafat, Wifat, Awfat;
nowadays a small district inhabited by the Argobba)
to the north-east of Shewa, cf Menz & Yifat awraja.
Ifat proper was the plateau region of eastern Shewa which included the slopes
down to the valley of the Awash.
JDN.. Yifat awraja, 10/40 [x]
became Yifat & Timuga after Menz and Gishe were separated from it in 1958.
JDN25 Yifat & Timuga awraja 1010'/4015' 10/40 [Gz]
(Yifatna Timuga ..)
(it was created by dividing Menz & Yifat awraja into two)
(centre at least 1969-1980 = Efeson), cf text under Debre Sina.
The name was changed from Jarra awraja to this at the beginning of the 1970s.
The awraja disappeared with the administrative reform of 1991.
HDL75 Yifech (Yifech') 0941'/3857' 2547 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]
(with church Abo at some distance to the south-west)
HFF20 Yifet 1346'/3921' 1965 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-west of Hawzen, near map code HFE29
HFF30c Yigad Kidane Mihret (rock-hewn church),
see under Geralta churches - northern, Yayid : Kidane Mihret
HDU21 Yigdu 1010'/3926' 2148 m, north-west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HD... Yigem (district in Menz) 10/39? [n]
HDM84 Yigemlo 0949'/3946' 2169 m, 09/39 [Gz]
above and near Debre Sina
HDS99 Yigma 1051/3822' 2414 m, near map code HED09 10/38 [Gz]
HDT Yigobiya kebele (Yegobiya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in the middle of northernmost Weremo Wajitu & Mida wereda,
area 2,754 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yiib: yib (Som) game similar to checkers
KCR26 Yiib (Yi'ib) (area) 07/47 [WO]
HEM02 Yiju, see Yeju
HE... Yikaho, village with Kumfel people ../.. [x]
HDT37 Yikrem 1018'/3905' 1957 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT97 Yiksa 1048'/3906' 2274 m 10/39 [Gz]
HEE59 Yila kebele (Yela ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in northern Tenta wereda, very near Tenta settlement
to its east; area 4,049 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT97 Yilada 1047'/3908' 2513 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT97 Yilada kebele (Yelada ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Legambo wereda at its southern border,
8 km south-west of Akista; area 2,937 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Yilala (Ilala), a male personal name
yilala daur: dawr (Arabic) door; (Som) part, role;
dhawr (Som) 1. group, small number; 2. something
frightening; 3. take care of, protect, watch over
JCR56 Yilala Daur (area), cf Ilala 07/42 [WO]
HEM32 Yilala Dima Giyorgis (church) 1205'/3936', 12/39 [Gz]
north of Weldiya
HDU81 Yilala kebele (Yelala ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Were Ilu wereda, 15 km north-west
of Were Ilu town; area 1,505 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yilana betach (A) below Yilana
HE... Yilana Betach 11/39 [Ad]
HC... Yilbora, in the Kibre Mengist region 05/39 [Mi]

HDF80 Yilfeta kebele (Yelfäta ..) 08/39 [Ad]

in westernmost central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
10 km north-west of Bolo Silase; area 1,148 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HD... Yilimma (Yelma?) (in Menz, w Falasha monastery) 10/39? [n]
Yilma (Yelma), a male personal name
HE... Yilma & Densa sub-district (Yilmanna ..) 11/37 [Ad n]
(centre in 1964 = Shegez Iyesus),
in the Bahir Dar area
HEC.. Yilma & Densa wereda (Yimanna Densa ..), 11/37 [n]
(in the 1980s, includes Bahir Dar)
HDU10 Yilma & Semboch kebele (Yelma & Sämboch ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its south-eastern
border, 25 km west of Molale; area 2,477 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDF82 Yilmaye kebele (Yelmayé ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in mid-northern Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
14 km north-east of Bolo Silase; area 805 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT22 Yilu 1011'/3841' 1877 m, west of Addis Derra 10/38 [Gz]
HDD79 Yilu sub-district (centre in 1964 = Teji) 08/38 [Ad]
HEF43 Yimano (Uorro Imano) 1117'/3937' 2338 m, 11/39 [Gz]
north of Dessie
HEE77 Yimara Aronka kebele (Yemara Aronqa ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 15 km south-west
of Wegel Tena; area 2,468 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDL97 Yimedeb & Bwayta kebele (Yemädäb ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the north-western border of Moret & Jiru wereda in its
western part, 6-12 km north of Inewari; area 4,322 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
Yimer, a male personal name
HEE37 Yimer 1110'/3907' 2936 m 11/39 [Gz]
HDT76 Yimere 1037'/3902' 2413 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDT75 Yimeri kebele (Yemäri ..) 10/38 [Ad]
in central Kelala wereda, immediately east
of Kelala settlement; area 1,317 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU36 Yimlewa kebele (Yemläwa ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Efrata & Gidim wereda at its eastern side,
11 km south-west of Efeson; area 1,711 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU04 Yimod 1002'/3943' 2763 m, south-east of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HDU13 Yimod 1003'/3937' 2823 m, south-west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HDU13 Yimod kebele (Yemod ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda in its southern part,
12 km south-west of Molale; area 1,081 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL46 Yimra 1208'/3903' 3102 m, north of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
HEL37 Yimrah kebele (Yemrah ..) 12/39 [Ad]
centrally in Bugna wereda, 10 km north of Lalibela;
area 6,220 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL37 Yimrahana Christos, see Yemrehana Kristos
HDU12 Yimwota 1004'/3934' 2277 m, south-west of Molale 10/39 [Gz]
HCN45 Yina (mountain) 0736'/3517' 2402 m, 07/35 [Gz]
north of Gecha
HDS95 Yinach 1047'/3806' 2318 m 10/38 [Gz]
HDS95 Yinach sub-district 10/38 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Felege Birhan)
HEC78 Yinesa (Innessa, Innassa, Inassa) centre, 11/37 [Gz It Gu]
1133'/3719' 1884 m (with church Maryam), see under Bahir Dar
HEC.. Yinesa Kidane Mihret, cf Yeneja 11/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Abo Kabot sub-district)
HDM.? Yinnowari, small town north of Debre Birhan 09/39 [x]
Some 70-80 km north of Debre Birhan on the road to Jyihur. At some
10 kilometres to the south-west there is the famous Zena Markos monastery.
??Yirba, in the Sidama Zone 06/38 [20]
yirba ..:
irba (O) 1. kind of small tree, Nuxia congesta; 2. stick for stirring food;
muda (O) 1. place of pilgrimage; 2. butter used for women's make up;
3. defect, imperfection; muuda (O) anointment of ritual leader;
mudda (O) girth, strap keeping a saddle or load on the back of an animal
HCE83 Yirba Muda (Y. Mudda, Irba Moda, I. Muda, Yirba) 06/38 [Gz WO It Br]
(Y. Moda, Irra Moda, Abba Muda)
Gz: 0612'/3842' 2492 m; MS: 0601'/3843' = HCE63, 2597 m,
in Jemjem awraja, at 57 km from Kibre Mengist
HCE48 Yirbora, see Irbora
HCD88 Yirega Cheffe, see Yirga Chefe
yirga (A) "let it remain", royal decree allowing
the holders to retain the land they already hold;
Yirga (Irga), a male personal name.
HFK14 Yirga 1438'/3755' 1347 m, near border of Eritrea 14/37 [Gz]
yirga alem (A) "may the world stay as it is"
HC... Yirga Alem, in Kefa awraja 07/36? [Ad]
HCL40 Yirga Alem (Yirgalem, Irgalem, Yrgalem, Dalle) 06/38 [Gz Po WO Gu]
(Yergalem, Jergaalam, Irgaalem, Irg Alem, Agraria?) 06/38 [x]
Gz: 0645'/3825' 1777 m; distance 315 km from A.A.
MS: 0640'/3815' 1759 m
MS coordinates would give map code HCK38
about 10 km to the south-west.
With post office.
Centre at least 1964-1980 of Sidama awraja.
Dalle is the Oromo name, which the Italians preferred to use.
The Italians wrote in 1940: "The construction of a dignified mosque in Dalle
has been made possible by a government contribution."
Yirga Alem in 1949 was a town with tall eucalyptus trees along the main street. Order had already
been given that all roofs along the main street must be of sheet metal, because of the
danger of fire.
A telephone landline between Yirga Alem and Addis Abeba was completed
in late 1960.
The Emperor inaugurated the Norway-assisted hospital on 14 March 1968, and by then it was said to
have 120 beds.
yirga che..: chaffe (O) 1. meadow, outdoor assembly place;
2. kind of tall swamp grass, used for covering roofs;
cheffe (ch'äffe) (A) lush grassy land being slightly marshy
HCD88 Yirga Chefe (Yerga Chefe, Y. Cheffie, Irriga Shafi) 06/38 [Gz Po WO]
(Y. Ch'efe, Yirega Cheffe, Chefe) 0610'/3812' 1880/1919 m
(Yrga Chafe, Irgachaffe), east of lake Abaya 40 km south of Dilla
Coordinates would give map code HCD87
Earlier named Finchoa (Finchawa).
Departmental post office under Shashemene.
Centre in 1964 of Yirga Chefe wereda.
1950s A wet processing plant for coffee was established in 1956.
HCD88 Yirga Chefe wereda 06/38 [Ad]
There are megalithic sites containing steles.
The wereda (-1994-) is divided into 32 rural an 3 urban kebeles.
yirga de..: dejen (däjän) (A,T) rear guard
HDB71 Yirga Dejen 0850'/3548' 1831 m, south of Gimbi 08/35 [Gz]
In Nole Kaba wereda. There was a health station (-1965-), without
a building of its own, and only one hotel.
yirga muda: muda see under Yirba Muda above
HCF85 Yirga Muda (Yirba M.) 0610'/3950', 06/39 [MS Ad]
in Jemjem awraja, not the same as Yirba Muda above?
JDK08 Yiriyele (Karireh) 0903'/4319' 1624 m, 09/43 [Gz]
near map code JDD99
yirmata a.: ager (agär) (A) land, district, rural area
HDM.? Yirmata Ager (with church Abo), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDM33 Yirmatager kebele (Yermatagär ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in easternmost central Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
20 km east of Koremash; area 2,889 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GCS86 Yiryir 08/33 [WO]
JDA99 Yisako (Yisak'o, Yisaqo) 0858'/4040' 2108 m, 08/40 [Gz q]
north-west of Bedesa
HED50 Yisakor 1121'/3734' 2149 m, east of Debre May 11/37 [Gz]
yishak: Abba Yishaq (Issak, Gerima), one of the
"Nine Saints" of the 6th century;
Yishak (Isaaq) is also an ordinary male name in modern time
HES02 Yishak Dever Giyorgis (Isac D. Georgis) 12/37 [+ WO]
HDU45 Yisirdo 1024'/3952' 1809 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Yismala (Ismala), in Agew Midir 11/36 [x]
The Yismala market was important for coffee in the 1800s.
HEC83 Yismala Giyorgis (Y. Giorgis, Y. Geyorgis) 11/36 [MS WO]
(Ismala Ghiorghis, I. Gheorghis, Ismala) 11/36 [Gu]
1136'/3657' 2002/2072, 2300 m
(centre in 1964 of Achefer wereda)
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
8S Laabela (Laavela) (on hilltop
9SE Zibist (village)
7SW Jankit Maryam (Gianchit Mariam) (church)
10SW Shambila Mikael (Sciambila Micael) (village)
10SW Sena (Debre Sina, Sambillo) (mountain area) 2461 m
6W Guisale (village)
6NW Jahana (Giahana) (with church Giyorgis) 1899/2008/2123 m
6NW Dembuala (with church)
8NW Bakkaa (Baccaa) (with church Medhane Alem)
8N Kwala Maryam (Quala Mariam) (church)
1NE Aonaraghen (with church)
2NE Ambeshin (Ambescin) (river valley)
At the north-east base of mountains Zibist and Debre Sina.

HDL70 Yita (Yit'a) 0945'/3829' 2506 m, 09/38 [AA Gz]

south-east of Tulu Milki
HDU03 Yita kebele (Yet'a ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the northernmost border of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5 km north-east of Sela Dingay; area 1,527 hectares. [CSA 1994]
HED87 Yitaha (Yit'aha) 1139'/3811' 2929 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Tabor
HED98 Yitba 1144'/3816' 3415 m, 11/38 [Gz]
south-east of Debre Tabor
HDM94 Yizaba kebele (Yezaba ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
5 km north of Debre Sina; area 934 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT08 Yizegn kebele (Yezägn ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Moret & Jiru wereda, 15 km north-northeast
of Inewari; area 1,141 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT08 Yizeny 1002'/3912' 1635 m 10/39 [Gz]
?? Ylansser ../.. [It]
HEC68 Yoadi Giyorgis (Ioadi Gheorghis), 11/37 [+ It]
(church on plateau of amba)
HDD87 Yobdo, see Yubdo
HEC44 Yoboden Amnri (Iovoden Amnri) (church), 11/37 [+ It]
see under Dangila
HDR88 Yofoda Giyorgis, see Shememel
yogere ma..: maru (O) 1. swirl, surround, roll, wind;
2. to heal, recover, regain health; 3. to advise, pardon
JDH92 Yogere Maru (Ioghere Maru) (area) 820 m 09/40 [+ WO]
HE... Yohannes Ketema 12/36 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Metemma wereda)
HEA64 Yokaka (Iocaca) (area) 11/35 [+ WO]
JEH19 Yokibata (Iochibata) (area) 11/41 [+ WO]
HDM.? Yolat (with church Debir Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
yoll: yool (Som) bottom, base, centre; origin
HEE28 Yoll, see Ioll, cf Yewel
HEL95? Yonatan, see under Sedeb 12/38 [x]
HDN06 Yongi (Ionghi Superiore, Upper I.) 09/35 [+ WO Gz]
0959'/3519' 1076 m
HDN06 Yongi (Ionghi, Gebel I., Tulu I.) (mountain) 10/35 [+ WO Gz x]
1001'/3521' 911 m
Coordinates would give map code HDN06
HCP02 Yongozo 0718'/3555'c 07/35 [x]
yonnis: Yoonis (Som), name corresponding to John
JDJ73 Yonnis (Ionnis) 0946'/4152' 969 m, 09/41 [Gz Gu]
north of Dire Dawa at the railway
KDB21 Yoobaros (area) 08/45 [WO]
KDB22 Yoobbur (area) 08/45 [WO]
HEM41 Yoramba, see Zoramba
HDA97 Youbdo, see Yubdo
JC... Yoube 06/44 [MS]
JCM47 Yoube (seasonal waterhole), 06/41 [WO 20]
between Kebri Dehar and Werder
?? Yowera (mountain in Wello) 3611 m ../.. [Ad]
HCD88 Yrga Chafe, see Yirga Chefe
HCK49 Yrgalem, see Yirga Alem
JCK72 Yuah (area) 07/42 [WO]
yubdo, yuubdoo (O) kind of shrub or small tree with
large flower-heads, Protea gaguedi
HBK29 Yubdo (Iubdo) (mount.) 0352'/3821' 1404, 1959 m 03/38 [Gz WO]
HDA87 Yubdo (Iubdo, Jubdo, Youbdo), mining centre 08/35 [Gz Ad Gu Te]
Gz: 0857'/3527' 1525 m; MS: 0853'/3530' = HDA87, 1750 m
Gz coordinates would give map code HDA97.
A middle point of the mining area is also at HDA87 and 0856'/3529'.
Centre in 1964 of Yubdo wereda.
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
5E Badda (village)
7E Arbi (village)
6SE Lege Bagudu (Laga B.) (area), see below
9S Lucho (Tulu Lucio) (hill)
4SW Kalderini (Calderini) (village)
10SW Lalochile (village), see below
9W Boti (village)
2NW (Dimma, iron ore site, see ditto directly)
7NW Abba Sombi (village)
? Koppe (Coppe) (gold mine), see below
The most important mining centre of Wellega.
Intensive mining of platinum at Yubdo was carried out 1926-1938.
At the height of operations as many as 23,000 workers were employed.
HDD97 Yubdo 0902'/3812' 2170 m, see under Ginchi 09/38 [AA Gz]
HDA87 Yubdo wereda (Yobdo ..), in Gimbi awraja 08/35 [Ad]
The wereda (-1994-) is divided into 44 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HCP42c Yubo (Iubo) (small village) 07/35 [+ Gu]
HDL00 Yubo 0906'/3827' 2453 m, see under Genet 09/38 [AA Gz]
JDE21 Yug Hun (Iug Hun, Jug Hun, Iu Hun) 08/43 [+ WO Gz]
0820'/4330' 1116 m
?? Yukro (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Yukro Waje (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
HDM22 Yulat & Mesobit kebele 09/39 [Ad]
centrally in southern Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
17 km south-east of Koremash; area 2,176 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
yur e..: maru (O) 1. swirl, roll, surround, wind; 2. to heal,
recover, regain health; 3. to advise, pardon
J.... Yur Erain Maru (Yoor Eraïn Mároo) 10/40? [+ Ha]
?? Yusa (Yousa), in the Harar region ../.. [x]
HDE83 Yuyu 0852'/3842' 2287 m, 08/38 [Gz]
between Sebeta and Akaki
Z.., this sound is alien to Oromo language and occurs
there only in loan-words; in German (and some other)
spellings it may represent the sound Ts..
Za.., see also Ze..
HCK82c Zaba, major centre of the Bolosso area 07/37 [Gu]
-- Zaban .., see mainly Zeban ..
HFD75 Zaban Harbey (Zeban H.) 1413'/3803' 1408 m 14/38 [Gz]
?? Zabel (known from the 1500s), cf Zobil ../.. [x]
HDD17 Zabidar 08/38 [WO]
HFE42 Zabo (mountain), see Zebo
HEM44 Zabul, see Zobil & HEM54 (Zaboul)
zaf (A,Agew) tree
HCJ34 Zaffa 0637'/3658' 1139 m 06/36 [WO Gz]
HDT57 Zagada (area) 10/39 [WO]
HEK60 Zagadi Maryam (Zagadi Mariam) 12/37 [+ WO]
HFD30 Zagamat (Zegamati) 1352'/3731' 919 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
HEJ41 Zagargi (Zagari, Zagarghie, Zagagiye) 12/36 [Gz WO Gu]
1210'/3640' 1518 m
HEC06 Zagazh (river) 10/37 [Ch]
"To the north of the /Gudera crater/ lake there is a plain half a mile across, so level that it resembles a
billiard-table; -- This plain is crossed by the Zagazh River on its way from Lichma Hill to
join the Leh River --" [Cheesman 1936]
zage (zagä) (A) corrode, rust
HCJ07 Zage (Zaghe) river at 0625'/3717' 06/37 [+ x]
HFD99 Zage 1154'/3824' 2869 m 11/38 [Gz]
HED91 Zageb 11/37 [WO]
HE... Zagoch, 11/38? [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Tach Negela sub-district)
zagol, zagwel (A) sea-shell, coral
HER76 Zagol (Amba Zagol) (mount.) 1317'/3717' 1250 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HER67
zagol ..: zaf (A) tree
HEM21 Zagol Zaf kebele 12/39 [Ad]
in south-western Gidan wereda, west of
and near to Muja; area 2,647 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zahan: zahon, zehon (A) elephant, Loxodonta africana oxyotis
GDU32 Zahan (area) 2052 m 10/34 [WO]
HDM72 Zahangera (area) 09/39 [WO]
HFE31 Zahay (=Tsehay?) (on map of 1868) 13/38 [18]
?? Zahraq (known from the 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HFF04 Zahrero (Zehrero), with rock-hewn church Mikael, 13/39 [x +]
about 20 km east of Kwiha and a little south-east of the village Dessa (Desi'a).
HFF21 Zaina (Za'ina) 1346'/3930', 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), south-east of Hawzen
HFF22 Zaina (Za'ina) 1345'/3933' 2013 m, north of Kwiha 13/39 [Gz]
HEP00 Zair, see Ez Zair
HCC48 Zaisse, see Zeyse
JE... Zajrabar, battle site in the 1560s 11/41? [x]
HD... Zakas (ford) 10/37 [Ch]
HEE28 Zakunat kebele (Zaqunat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in south-western Tenta wereda, 15 km south-south-east
of Masha; area 2,034 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zal (A) hind leg or foot;
zala (T) terrace; (A) 1. ear of corn; 2. stature;
good posture; zale (zalä) (A) was exhausted;
-- Zala (Ger: Sala), a sub-division of the main ethnic group of
Ometo (West Sidama), living south-west of the Welamo-
HCC94 Zala 0618'/3701' 1571 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCC96 Zala (area) 0617'/3709', cf Zela 06/37 [WO Gz]
HCJ16 Zala 0628'/3713' 1020 m 06/37 [WO Gz]
HFE77 Zala (hill), see Zata
HFE69 Zala Aba Dimiyanos (church) 1410'/3917' 14/39 [Gz]
zala anbesa, hind leg or terrace of lion?
HFE99 Zala Anbesa (Z. Anbessa, Z. Ambesa) 14/39 [MS Po]
(Zalambessa, Zalembessa, Zalanbessa) 14/39 [20]
1425'/3920', distance 933 km from Addis Abeba.
With postal agent (sub-post office) under Mekele
Zala Anbesa around 1980 held a Derg military camp.
The border skirmish escalated into heavy fighting between Eritrea and Ethiopia
at the vicinity of the town of Zala Anbesa in 3 June 1998.
The Border Commission in The Hague in April 2002 ruled that Zalanbesa
shall be Ethiopian (and not Eritrean) territory.
HC... Zala Bayo (in Gofa awraja) 06/36? [Ad]
HCC83 Zala & Ubamale wereda, 06/36 [Ad]
(-1994-) is divided into 50 rural and 2 urban kebeles.
HCC83 Zala wereda (centre in 1964 = Felege Neway) 06/36 [Ad]
zalale: zellele (zällälä) (A) jump, climb over
HED32 Zalale (Zalalo), see Tilalo, cf Salale, Selale
HFE99 Zalambessa (Zalanbessa), see Zala Anbesa
HEM61 Zalanga (on map of 1868) 12/39 [18]
HET88 Zalkaba (Zalcaba) (plateau) 1322'/3921' 13/39 [+ WO Gz]
-- Zallan, ethnic group known by that name from the 1300s and
in the 1800s being nomadic pastoralists living mostly east of lake Tana.
HEM.? Zallan (place), 12/39 [n]
appearing as a place name in the early 1600s, apparently near Angot.
HDR65 Zalma 1035'/3703' 1917 m, south of Bure 10/37 [Gz]
HED80 Zalma 1140'/3734' 2122 m, east of Bahir Dar 11/37 [Gz]
?? Zama, historical region in the north ../.. [Pa]
HCJ64 Zama 0654'/3701' 2271 m 06/37 [Gz]
HET58 Zamara, see Samre
HEC24 Zambela (village), 11/36 [It]
(with church Tekle Haymanot to the north-east)
HD... Zamboi, lake south of Nazret, near Sire? 08/39 [n]
?? Zamdu (historically recorded) ../.. [Pa]
HFF80 Zamela (on map of 1868), see under Adigrat 14/39 [18]
HCK72c Zamine, 07/37 [Gu]
important centre and market of the Sore area.
HFE54 Zamirat 1405'/3849' 2166 m, south-west of Adwa 14/38 [Gu Gz]
HE... Zamish 12/38 [18]
HER37 Zamoge 1259'/3715' 1374 m 12/37 [WO Gz]
HER46 Zamoje (same as the preceding one?) 13/37 [Wa]
HCD57 Zamola (area), see Shole
HET46 Zamra, see under Abergele 13/39 [WO]
HET58 Zamra, see Samre
HEK60 Zan Zag (area) 12/37 [WO]
zana, zanna (Gojjam A) tree, Stereospermum kunthianum,
with grey bark that comes off in flakes & long twisted pods
HER77 Zana 1321'/3714' 1561 m 13/37 [Gz]
HFC18 Zana (Amba Zana) (mountain) 1342'/3723' 1963 m, 13/37 [Gz WO]
near Adi Remet
HFD39 Zana (Tzana) (mountain) 1353'/3825' 1852 m 13/38 [Gz n]
HFE20 Zana (area), cf Tsana .. 13/38 [WO Gu]
HEK64 Zana Tsiyon (Z. Sion, Z. Stan) 1224'/3801' 1872 m 12/38 [LM Gz WO]
Coordinates would give map code HEK65
HFE20 Zana wereda (centre in 1964 = Debre Kerbe), 13/38 [Ad Yo]
see also (-2004-) Medebay Zana wereda
HDS44 Zaname 1020'/3756' 2475 m, east of Debre Markos 10/37 [Gz]
HED42c Zanat 11/37 [Wa]
HCH08 Zanga 0621'/3626' 1196 m 06/36 [Gz]
zangana (A) circle?
HCD83 Zangana, see Langama
HEC04 Zangana, see Zingini Kibeb
HDR94c Zangana Chivep (Z. Kabab, Zenkana Kebebe) 10/36 [Gu Ch x]
(horseshoe crater lake), see also Zingini Kibeb
HEC04 Zangeb (Zangheb) (area) 10/37 [+ WO]
HD... Zangerra sub-district (centre in 1964 = Debreko) 09/39 [Ad]
HDM.. Zanjira (locality near Debre Birhan) 09/39 [n]
HDM62 Zanjira kebele (Zanjera ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Debre Birhan Zuriya wereda,
immediately north-east of Debre Birhan town;
area 1,611 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM.. Zanjira sub-district/wereda (Zandjira ..) (-1970-) 09/39 [n]
-- Zanjiro (old kingdom), see Janjero
?? Zankar (historically recorded locality early 1500s) ../.. [x]
?? Zankemmer, ../.. [n]
a prominent hill to the south-east of Debre Mewi in Gojjam.
HEK.. Zantera, 12/37 [20]
in Infranz district east of lake Tana
HET06 Zanzera Tekle Haymanot (church) 1244'/3859', 12/38 [Gz]
north of Sekota
zar (A,O) 'spirit' that can possess people in the zar cult,
which in recent time is said to have been practiced more
in cities than in the pure countryside; (Harari) river;
zara (T) small stream, brook; zera (A,T) sow, plant;
zera (T) sequestrate
HCC99 Zara 0618'/3729' 2746 m 06/37 [Gz]
HDR67 Zara 1030'/3718' 1883 m, west of Dembecha 10/37 [Gz]
HEK01 Zara 11/37 [WO]
HEC49 Zarabruk (Zarabruc), see Zera Biruk
zarage: zerege (T) disarrange, disrupt, spoil, loot
HEK64 Zarage 1222'/3753' 1818 m, 12/37 [Gu Gz]
north-east of lake Tana
HD..? Zararah (medieval town) 09/38? [x]
HES74 Zarema (Zarima) 1320'/3753' 1549 m 13/37 [Gz]
Stream and lush valley south of Adi Arkay, leading towards Debark.
The valley is also called Arbahan Arbate Ruba, '44 Rivers', because
the mule track crosses the stream many times.
-- zargulla: Zergulla-Zayse dialects west of lake Chamo
are estimated to be spoken by about 20,000 around 1980
HCC58 Zargulla, see Surgulla
?? Zariga, valley in northern Afar ../.. [x]
HES74 Zarima, see Zarema
HDU00 Zaro (place) 0959'/3920' 1769 m, 09/39 [Gz n]
(mountain) 0958'/3919' 2594 m,
(mountain & district in Tegulet), west of Sela Dingay
HDU00 Zaro kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in westernmost Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
35 km south-south-west of Molale and 30 km west of Sela Dingay;
area 1,779 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL76 Zarota 1226'/3903' 2495 m, south of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HCA87 Zasa 06/35 [WO]
HE... Zata (Zatan) (battle site in the 1530s), cf Zatta 12/38? [x]
HFE77 Zata (Zala) (mountain) 1413'/3904' 2139 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church Mikael to the west), see under Inticho
HF... Zata sub-district (centre in 1964 = Adi Fringi) 14/39 [Ad]
HEM70 Zatta sub-district 12/39 [Ad WO]
(centre in 1964 = Addis Mender)
GDM40 Zaua, see Zawa
HDS64 Zaua (mountain) 1034'/3753' 3030, 3498 m, 10/37 [WO Gz]
north-east of Debre Markos
HE... Zauday Grar, see Zewde Grar
HER89 Zaul (Amba Zaul) 1327'/3728' 2557 m 13/37 [Gz]
HES34 Zaula (area) 12/37 [WO]
HFF36c Zavaina, see Tsav Aina
GDM40 Zawa (Tulu Zaua, T. Saua) (mountain) 09/34 [Gz WO]
0919'/3428' 1973 m
-- Zay, see Laki
-- Zayse language (Zaysse), see Zeyse
?? Zazema (mentioned in 1750s) 12/37? [n]
GDL58 Zazing (Jabal Z., Zesaing) 0935'/3410' 1062 m, 09/34 [Gz]
near the border of Sudan
HDF81 Ze Meskel kebele (Zä Mäsqäl ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in western central Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
a little west of Balchi; area 407 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Zeaf Amba (=Zaf Amba?) ../.. [Gu]
HCC74 Zeala (Ze'ala) 0608'/3700' 1361 m 06/37 [Gz]
zeb (zäb) (A) guard, sentry; zebennya, zebannya (A,T) guard,
HDS36 Zeb Iyesus (church) 1016'/3806', 10/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bichena
zeba (T) blackwood tree, Dalbergia melanoxylon;
zebba (zäbba) (A) be warped, be bent
HCC76 Zeba 0607'/3710' 1628 m 06/37 [Gz]
HCC80 Zeba (locality) 0610'/3640', near Bulki 06/36 [Gz]
?? Zeba Feten (Zeba Fätän) ../.. [+ Pa]
HFC35 Zeba Uonti (Z.Uanti) 1354'/3707' 1585 m 13/37 [WO Gz]
(mountain), west of Kafta, see under this place
GDM.. Zebagwa kebele 09/34 [20]
in Begi region of Beni Shangul
zeban (A?) back of the human body; zeben (zäbän)
(A,T) time, era, epoch; ziban (T) back; plateau, top;
zeban negus, 'by the back of the king', is a type
of injunction, used particularly in the north
HEE87 Zeban .., see Ziban
HFF90 Zeban Amba 1424'/3924' 2324 m, 14/39 [Gz]
north-west of Adigrat
zeban ch..: chahaa (O) shade, shadow
HFF.. Zeban Chaa (Zaban Cha'a) 14/39 [n]
HFE.. Zeban Daaro (mountain) 14/39 [Gu]
H.... Zeban Geralta sub-district (Zibangeralta ..) 13/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Dagum)
HFE18 Zeban Gwiyaha (Zeban Guiaha) (mountain) 13/39 [+ Gu]
HFE08c Zeban Kerkata (Zeban Chercata) (mountain) 13/39 [+ Gu]
H.... Zeban Serhati, cf Ziban 12/39 [20]
HFF81c Zeban Sifra (mountain) 2601 m, see under Adigrat 14/39 [Gu]
zeban wa..: walakka (O) centre, middle
HFE65c Zeban Waleka (Z. Ualeca) (saddle, pass), 14/38 [+ Gu]
see under Aksum
HFE26c Zebandas, near Enda Sembet 13/39 [It]
Village on the northern slope of Werk Amba,
see also HFE16 Werk Amba.
HC... Zebba (centre in 1964 of Bolossa sub-district) 07/37 [Ad]
HDS37 Zebch (Zebch') 1018'/3811' 2384 m, cf Zebich, 10/38 [Gz]
south of Bichena
HEE74 Zebe, see Zibe
HEE89 Zebekula 1138'/3919' 2557 m, north of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]
HES53 Zebena (Traena) 1310'/3752' 2877 m, 13/37 [Gz]
north-east of Dabat
HFE78c Zebewu, half-way between Adwa and Adigrat 14/39 [x]
HE... Zebgez, in Lasta ../.. [x]
zebib (zäbib) (A) dried grape, sacramental wine
HES27 Zebib (Acheta) 1255'/3814' 2730 m 12/38 [Gz WO]
WO map has Acheta at HES38.
HDS47 Zebich (Zebt) 1021'/3810' 2478 m, 10/38 [Gz]
south-west of Bichena, cf Zebch
HDD.. Zebidar (Zäbidar), mountain range in Gurage 08/38 [x]
The 'Mount Gurage' is maybe only a name on European maps and is in reality rather a north-south
range of peaks called Zäbidar on the Gurage Awraja map /of 1957/."
[Report after 1957]
Butajira is at the foot of the Zebidar massif.
HD... Zebir (district in Menz) 10/39? [n]
H.... Zebir Biker 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Angawa sub-district)
zebit (A) flat, level
HEL01 Zebit (plateau), populated place, see Debre Zebit 13/37 [WO]
?? Zebit (Zäbit) ../.. [x]

zebo: werke zebo (wärqä zäbo) (A) cloth interwoven with

gold thread
HFE42 Zebo (Zabo) (mountain) 1359'/3838' 2077, 2143 m 13/38 [WO Gu Gz]
HED64 Zeboye Mikael c.1129'/3755', 11/37 [20]
with an old church and scribes still nowadays
HEL01 Zebt, see Debre Zebit
HEM44 Zebul, see Zobil
HEM54 Zebul (Zaboul) (mountain), see Zobil
HEC86 Zecheti, see Zeketi
HC... Zeda ../.. [20]
town in Dita Dermalo wereda
HFC53 Zeetir (mountain) 1402'/3651' 780/805 m 13/36 [WO Gz]
zefine: zeffene (zäffänä) (A) sing, dance and sing
HCK13 Zefine (Zefene, Zefne, Zefnie) 0632'/3740' 1877 m, 06/37 [Gz Po Ad 20]
west of northern lake Abaya, on a road to Chencha
(visiting postman under Arba Minch)
(centre in 1964 of Boreda /Abaya/ wereda)
zega (zéga) (A,T) citizen, national; dependent, slave;
zegga (zägga) (A) close, barricade, block, shut off
HDU41c Zega 10/39 [LM]
zega we.: wedeb (wädäb) (A) port, harbour
HD..? Zega Wedeb (Zéga Wädäb) (near D.Libanos?) 09/38? [+ Pa]
zega wo..: wedel (wädäl) (A) male donkey
HD... Zega Wodel, near Debre Libanos 09/38 [Mi]
There is a spectacular gorge formed by the Zega Wodel river, one of the
tributaries of the Abay.
HDT04 Zega Wodem, river at 1000'/3848' 10/38 [x]
HFD30 Zegamati, see Zagamat
HDL74 Zegamel (district), see Debre Libanos, 09/38 [n]
name sometimes referring to D. Libanos itself
HDU30 Zegba .., see Zigba ..
HDM81 Zegba & Meqecha, see Zigba & Mekecha
zege (zegä) (A) to pay tribute; to be poor, to lack status
HDR86 Zege/?/ 1045'/3710' 10/37 [MS]
HEC98 Zege (Zegi, Zeghe, Zeghie, Tseige, Fre: Zéghié) 11/37 [MS Ca Gu WO]
(village with seven churches) 1141'/3719' 1784 m,
peninsula at 1142'/3720'
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
4SE Kibran (Kebran, Chebran, Chevraan) (island w church)
5SW Antagussa (Atangusa, Atangussu) (village) 1784 m
6N Ambo Bahir (headland at Lake Tana)
?? Wira Kidane Mihret (Ura K.M.) (church from the 1700s)
There is considerable production of coffee on the peninsula.
Although it is not an island, Tseige is only accessible by boat and is very holy.
There are 7 villages with 7 historic churches on Tseige.
Zege : Wira Kidane Mihret (Ura K. M.)
The monastery area can be visited by women. This monastery fortress was founded in
Outside the monastery wall is a building, rather similar to a church, which is used as a kind of
museum for valuable relics.
[Äthiopien 1999 p 255-256]
?? Zege sub-district (centre in 1964 = Furi Maryam) ../37 [Ad]
Concerning elections, see under Meshenti.
HCC79 Zegese 0606'/3729' 1863 m, 06/37 [Gz]
west of southern lake Abaya
-- Zegets, a small society in eastern Gemu-Gofa
HDM64 Zegew kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in northern central Ankober wereda, 6 km north-east
of Ankober town; area 424 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEC07 Zegeza (Zegheza) 10/37 [+ WO]
HEC98 Zegi (Zeghie), see Zege
HEC99 Zegye (Royut) 1141'/3726' 1850 m, 11/37 [Gz]
shore area north of Bahir Dar
HEE66 Zegwara, see Zigwara
HEL27 Zeha 1157'/3908' 2378 m 11/39 [Gz]
HE... Zehage sub-district (centre in 1964 = Guahla) 12/37 [Ad]
HF... Zehamham (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 14/38? [Ad]
HFF34 Zehararo (Zeharano) 1353'/3945' 2721 m, 13/39 [Gz]
north-west of Atsbi
zehon, zihon (A) elephant; dur (A,T) forest
dhuur (Som) evergreen tree /tamarisk?/;
duur (Som) 1. jungle; 2. kind of bush plant
?? Zehon Dur (Zähon Dur), see Abejegay
HFF04 Zehrero, see Zahrero
HFE07 Zeidj, see Zeji
HCR.. Zeikar, in Yem 07/37 [n]
There is a megalithic site containing about 100 steles. It is located about 38 km from the town of
Sekoru. The largest stele is 254 cm long with a circumference of 138 cm.
HDT17 Zeila, see Zeyita
?? Zeisi, within Gidole field of the Norwegian Mission 05/37? [x]
HET16 Zejewa 1248'/3900' 1884 m, north of Sekota 12/39 [Gz]
HFE07 Zeji (Zeidj), with rock-hewn church Abune Aregawi, 13/39 [x]
see under Temben churches
HEL06 Zekaykeri (Zek'ayk'eri, Zeqayqeri), 11/39 [Gz q]
1147'/3902' 3225 m, north of Bete Hor
HEC86 Zeketi (Zecheti), 11/37 [+ It WO]
(with church Maryam on hilltop)
HDS59 Zekort (Zek'ort', Zeqort) 1029'/3824' 2039 m, 10/38 [Gz q]
east of Bichena
HET88 Zekwa 1326'/3911' 2074 m, south-east of Abiy Adi 13/39 [Gz]
HDE44 Zekwala, see Zikwala
HEA67 Zela 1129'/3530' 694 m, w Gumuz people, cf Zala 11/35 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEA68
?? Zela Deremalo ../.. [20]
With a constituency in the 2005 elections.
zela zenb..: zembaba (A) palm tree
HDM31 Zela Zenbaba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in western Hagere Maryam & Kesem wereda,
7 km south-east of Koremash; area 2,373 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zelal: zelel, zelele (A,T) to jump; zelali (T) one who jumps;
zelela (zäläla) (A) bunch, cluster
HFC07 Zelal (Amba Zelal) (mountain) 1336'/3718' 2290 m, 13/37 [WO Gz]
north-west of Mesfinto
zelalmoo: zellimo (A,T) kinds of tree, Diospyros abyssinica,
Maytenus undatus, Ekebergia capensis
HFF62 Zelalmoo 1407'/3936' 2558 m, south-east of Adigrat, 14/39 [Gu Gz]
cf Zilmamo, Tsilmamo
HED32 Zelalo, see Zalale
zelan: zellan (zällan) (A) nomad
HDU10 Zelan & Bado Girja kebele (Zälan & Bado Gerja ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in southern Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda at its south-eastern border,
25 km west of Molale; area 2,011 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCK32 Zelane 0637'/3745' 1454 m, south of Soddo 06/37 [Gz]
HEF80 Zelat kebele (Zélat ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the southernmost end of the "arm" stretching out southwards
in Guba Lafto wereda, 25 km south-west of Weldiya;
area 4,427 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
?? Zelazeli, in western Tigray ../.. [x]
HCK.. Zeldema, at some distance from Durame 07/38 [20]
HDM01 Zeles 0956'/3928' 2654 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north-west of Debre Birhan
?? Zelew (historically recorded area in 1600s) ../.. [Pa]
HEE98 Zelhon kebele (Zälhon ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda,
10 km north of Wegel Tena; area 1,784 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM93 Zelo & Imbise kebele (Zälo & Embesé ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at the middle of the southern border of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja &
Wadera wereda, 6 km south of Sela Dingay; area 2,699 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zema (zéma) (A) hymn, church music;
zemma (zämma) (A) prostitue; childless woman
?? Zema (Zéma) (historically recorded in 1500s) ../.. [Pa]
HDU13 Zemam, see Zimam
HDM23c Zembaba kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in mid-south-easternmost Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda,
35 km south-southeast of Debre Birhan; area 1,270 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zembaba (zämbaba) (A) date palm; wiha (A) water
HC... Zembaba Wiha (Zimbaba W., Z. Woha), cf Zenbaba .. 06/39 [+ Mi]
218 km/?/ south of Awasa, on the road to Moyale.
In the 1960s there was a check point of the finance guards.
zembo: zimb (A) fly /insect/
HDM75 Zembo (area), see under Chano 09/39 [WO]
HDU.. Zembo, at 4-6 hours walk from Geweha 10/39? [x]
HDK92 Zeme (Zemie, Zemmi) 0955'/3743' 1792 m, 09/37 [AA Gz WO Ch]
opposite where the Guder river joins the Abay
zemed (zämäd) (A) relative, kinsman
HDT63c Zemed kebele 10/38 [Ad]
in north-western Wegdi wereda, 25 km south-west
of Mekane Selam; area 2,331 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zemedu (zämädu) (A) the relative, the friend
HEM.. Zemedu Maryam, 'the relatives of Mary', cf Zamdu, 12/39 [x]
cave church south-west of Alamata, north of Muja
?? Zemetin, in north-westerly direction from Addis Abeba ../.. [n]
HDT61 Zemewed 1033'/3835' 1732 m, south-west of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz]
HDK92 Zemie (Zemmi), see Zeme
?? Zemit (Zämit) (battle site in 1527) ../.. [+ Pa]
HDF81 Zemu & Mukere kebele (Zämu & Mukäré ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in central Minjar & Shenkora wereda towards the west,
immediately north of Arerti and a little north-east of Balchi;
area 1,213 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zemute: zimmut (A) adultery, lust, fornication
HCC58 Zemute 05/37 [Gu]
zena (zäna) (A,T) chronicle; news; (zéna) (A) reputation;
news; (Geez) narrative, story; zenna (zänna) (A) relaxed,
felt at ease; zinna (A,T) fame, glory, great name, reputation;
Zena, a male personal name
HDT99 Zena Amba 1050'/3917' 3244 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north-west of Were Ilu
HDD16 Zena Bener 0818'/3805' 2382 m 08/38 [Gz]
H.... Zena Kwiha, 13/39? [x]
with rock church Gebre Menfes Kidus
HCK89? Zena Markos gedam (monastery) 09/38 [x]
Debre Besrat monastery, in the district of Moret some 70 km north of Debre Birhan, was founded in
the 1300s by the saint Zena Markos, and nowadays it is more often called by his name.
At a distance of a few metres from the new church there are the ruins of a far older construction,
which according to tradition was the old church of Däy Giyorgis.
HDR03 Zena Tafari, see Tena Teferi
HDR03 Zena Vittorio, see Tena Teferi
HEL83 Zenalka (Zenalk'a, Zenalqa) 1234'/3846' 2293 m 12/38 [Gz q]
HEL84 Zenalka (Zenalk'a, Zenalqa) 1230'/3849' 2063 m 12/38 [Gz q]
zenbaba (A) palm leaves, of Phoenix reclinata
HDM.. Zenbaba (district in Wegda) 09/39 [n]
HC... Zenbaba (Zembaba), in Jemjem awraja 05/39 [Ad]
zenbaba w..: wiha (A) water
HCF11 Zenbaba Wiha (Z. Wuha) 1551 m, see also Wadera 05/39 [+ Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Wadera wereda)
HDL41 Zenbar 0927'/3933' 2560 m 09/39
HET95 Zencame, see Tseykeme
HDU33 Zencha (Zencia) 10/39 [+ WO]
HDL69 Zencha Gebriel G. (church) 09/39 [+ WO]
(Zencia Gabriel Gh.), see under Mendida
zendegur: gur (A) rocky soil, heap of stones
HDM82 Zendegur (Tabuor) 0946'/3932' 2614 m, 09/39 [Gz]
north of Debre Birhan
zendo (zändo), a dangerous big snake in K'emant traditional belief, python
HDM72 Zendogur & Tabor kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in western central Debre Birhan Zuriya wereda,
10 km north of Debre Birhan town; area 2,075 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HE... Zeneshaha (sub-district & its centre in 1964) 12/39? [Ad]
zeng (zäng) (A) long and thin stick, spear shaft
HE... Zeng (centre in 1964 of Gibuda sub-district) 11/37 [Ad]
zenga..: achir (A) short
HEC57 Zengachir Maryam (Zengacier ..) (church), 11/37 [Gz It]
1121'/3717', north-east of Dangila
HE... Zengaj sub-district (Zengaji ..), in Gondar awraja, 12/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Arebia Medhani Alem)
HCP14 Zengaja 0723'/3605' 1683 m, north-west of Bonga 07/36 [Gz]
HEK60 Zengay 1222'/3730' 1812 m, near map code HEJ69, 12/37 [Gz]
north-east of lake Tana
?? Zengena, crater lake 6 km south of Kosso Ber ../.. [20]
HDJ33 Zengi Maryam (church) 0922'/3652', west of Haretu 09/36 [Gz]
HEF54 Zengita 1119'/3943' 1915 m, east of Hayk 11/39 [Gz]
zengo: zingo (A) kind of long-necked bird
H.... Zengo 12/37 [En]
HDM.? Zengo (with church Kidane Mihret), 09/39? [x]
in Kimbibit wereda
H.... Zengo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Gunakit) 13/38 [Ad]
?? Zenjerach (Zänjärach), in Lasta near Tsela Asfäré. 12/39? [+ x]
?? Zenjeris (mentioned in mid-1700s) ../.. [Pa]
HDM82 Zenjero Gedel, see Zinjero Gedel
HET95 Zenkame (Zencame) 1591 m 13/38 [+ WO]
HDR94c Zenkana Kebebe, see Zangana Chivep
?? Zenne, west of northernmost lake Abaya 06/37 [n]
HDU04 Zeno Amba kebele (Zéno ..) 09/39 [Ad]
at a north-easternmost corner of Mafud, Mezezo, Moja & Wadera wereda,
20 km north of Debre Sina; area 837 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU11 Zenz, see Zinz
HEC55 Zenzanaba 11/37 [WO]
zenzan ..: guta (T) drag; also name of a clan of Arsi Oromo
HEC45 Zenzanaba Guta (Zenzanabo G.) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
zera ..: zerra (zärra) (A) seed, plant;
Zerabruk, a male personal name
HEC49 Zera Biruk (Zarabruc, Zarabruk) 11/37 [Gz]
1114'/3729' 2292 m, south of Debre May
Zearai (Zeray), a male personal name
?? Zerai (river) ../.. [Ch]
The Wenka and Zerai rivers /on the left bank of the Abay/ were shown on maps
as joining and entering the Abay together, but they have separate mouths.
HDU23 Zeram 1010'/3939' 3006 m, 10/39 [Gz]
north-west of and near Molale
HDU13 Zeramel 1007'/3938' 2966 m, near Molale 10/39 [Gz]
zera..: zerrere (zärrärä) (A) stretch out /on the ground/, topple
HEH46 Zerara 1212'/3617' 1783 m 12/36 [WO Gz]
HES90 Zerbabit (mountain) 1331'/3730' 2175 m, 13/37 [WO Gz]
near cross of map squares HER99/HFC09/HFD00,
north-east of Mesfinto
HET97 Zerban Kerkata (Z. Chercata) 13/39 [It]
Zere, a male personal name
HEC69 Zere Kwortem (Z. Quortem) (village) 11/37 [+ It]
HDT29 Zeret 1008'/3915' 2097 m 10/39 [Gz]
HDU24 Zeret & Kuliya kebele (Zärät & Quleya ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in north-easternmost Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
15 km north-east of Molale; area 1,067 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFE09 Zerfent 1338'/3918' 2175 m, north-west of Mekele 13/39 [Gz]
HCK92c Zergicho, locality west of mount Ambaricho 07/37 [20]
-- Zergula, a small ethnic group (or rather sub-group related to
the Zeysie), numbering about 390 according to the 1994 census;
-- Zergulla language/dialect, see Zeyse
HFF30 Zeria Awro (peak) 1355'/3922' 2343 m, 13/39 [Gz]
south-west of Hawzen
HES74c Zerima (Zarima, Zarema, Zaremma) 1549 m, 13/37 [Po Ad n]
with postal agent (sub-post office) under Gondar
HDT58 Zerkami (Zerk'ami, Zerqami) 1027'/3909' 2344 m 10/39 [Gz q]
HDT58 Zerkami kebele (Zärqami ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western central Jema wereda,
10 km west of Degolo; area 5,410 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFL07c Zernai, 2011 m 14/39 [Gu]
HEE88 Zernayt kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in north-eastern Dawint & Delanta wereda,
5 km north of Wegel Tena; area 1,646 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCU41 Zero, see Gara Sero
?? Zesey (Zäsäy), see Zezey
HEE66 Zeta Angworgur, see Zita Angworgur
?? Zetegn Melka Valley, 'Nine Fords', in Bale mountains ../.. [n]
HCD.. Zeti Zuma 05/37 [x]
Area north of lake Chamo (being a southern part of the 'Bridge of God'), in the
-- 1970s inhabited by Ganjule people who also lived on island in Chamo called Ganjule.
HFD.. Zeuf Emni 14/38 [It]
HEC47 Zevant 1116'/3718' 2344 m 11/37 [WO Gz]
zew ale (zäww alä) (A) enter unexpectedly or suddenly
HE... Zew Maryam, cf Ziew .. 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Lasta Menged sub-district)
HCT82 Zeway (Zewaye), see Ziway
Zewde (Zewdie, Zawde), a male personal name;
zewde (zäwde) (A) my crown/diadem; grar (A) kinds of thorn tree
HE... Zewde Grar (Zauday Grar, Zaude Garar), 11/37? [+ Ch x]
near Kunzela at the south shore of lake Tana
A small river called Tukur Waha /Tikur Wiha = Black Water/ enters the lake
in Zewde Grar Bay.
zewe (zäwe) (A) kind of creeper with grape-like fruit
Zewelde .., part of male personal names such as Zewelde Maryam
?? Zewelde (visiting postman under Nazret) ../.. [Po]
HDF60c Zewelde kebele (Zäwäldé ..) 08/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Minjar & Shenkora wereda,
10 km south-west of Bolo Silase; area 759 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HET05 Zeweldi Belen 1240'/3856' 2162 m, 12/38 [Gz]
near map code HEL95, north-west of Sekota
HEM00 Zewer Gotera kebele (Zäwär Gotära ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in north-western Guba Lafto wereda,
15 km west of Weldiya; area 2,317 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
-- Zeyise (ethnic group), see Zeyse
HDT17 Zeyita (Zeila) 1004'/3903' 2543 m, 10/39 [Gz]
district in Merhabete
-- Zeyse, Zeysie, Zayssi, an ethnic group south of lake Chamo
speaking Burji-Geleba language and numbering about 10,842 in 1994.
-- Zeyse language, spoken by 7,530 monolinguals according to the 1998 census.
HCC48 Zeyse (Zaisse, Seissie) 1842/2080 m 05/37 [LM Gu WO]
zeyt (zäyt) (A) oil for food /especially imported types/
HDT16 Zeyta kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in eastern central Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda,
3 km east of Alem Ketema; area 1,046 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
GDL58 Zezaing, see Zazing
?? Zezey (Zäzäy, Säsäy), settlement in Afar in 1300s ../.. [+ Pa]
HDE48 Zhogo 0833'/3911' 1860 m, 08/39 [Gz]
(with church Giyorgis), between Mojo and Nazret
zibad (A) civet, musk; civet cat
Ziban .., see also Zeban ..
HFE44 Ziban Amba (mountain) 1359'/3851' 1918 m, 13/38 [Gz]
west of May Kinetal
HEE87 Ziban Arihule kebele (Zeban Arihulä ..) 11/39 [Ad]
at the northern border of central Dawint & Delanta wereda,
15 km west of Wegel Tena; area 1,946 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
ziban d..: dega (A) highland
HEE87 Ziban Dega kebele (Zeban Däga ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, 10 km west
of Wegel Tena; area 1,910 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFD94 Ziban Gedena 1426'/3753' 1108 m, 14/37 [Gz]
not far from the border of Eritrea
ziban g..: gela (gäla) (A) body
HFL06 Ziban Gela 1428'/3900' 1859 m, 14/39 [Gz]
near a border river of Eritrea
HFE96 Ziban Guyla 1424'/3902' 1788 m, 14/39 [Gz]
not far from the border of Eritrea
HFE67 Ziban Hahayle 1409'/3910' 2218 m, 14/39 [Gz]
(with church), south of Inticho
HFE44 Ziban Mika'el (church) 1359'/3851', 13/38 [Gz]
west of Haretu
ziban t..: tata (t'at'a) (A) problem, trouble, complication;
(tatt'a) (A) was not to be found
HET76 Ziban Tata (Z. T'at'a) 1319'/3903' 1723 m, 13/39 [Gz]
(with church Maryam), north of Fenarwa
HEJ17 Zibd (village on island, with church Zibd Iyesus), 11/37 [Ch]
see under Dek
zibdan t..: terara (tärara) (A) mountain, hill
HEJ06 Zibdan Terara (Z. Tarara) (mountains) 11/37 [+ Ch]
HEE74 Zibe kebele (Zebé ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in south-western Meket wereda, 7 km south-west
of Filakit; area 1,522 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL34 Zibgaz 1202'/3851' 2023 m, west of Lalibela 12/38 [Gz]
HEC71 Zibist (area) 11/36 [WO]
HEC74 Zibist, see under Yismala Giorgis 11/36 [WO]
HED50 Ziet (Zi'et) 1121'/3731' 1933 m, east of Debre May 11/37 [Gz]
H.... Ziew Mikael, cf Zew .. 10/37 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Horo Seka sub-district)
?? Zifah (historically recorded 1530s, near Harar) 09/42? [Pa]
zigamta: zegemta (zägämta) (A) walking slowly
HEC06 Zigamta 10/37 [WO]
?? Zigan (historical Agaw area) ../.. [x]
HDM.. Zigb (Ziggib) (district in Tegulet) 09/39 [n]
zigba (A,Gurage) tall coniferous timber tree,
Podocarpus falcatus, P. gracilior
HDU41 Zigba 10/39 [WO]
HDM81 Zigba & Mekecha kebele (Zegba & Mäqächa ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in north-western Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
15 km north-west of Debre Birhan town; area 3,713 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU30 Zigba & Teda Ber kebele (Zegba & T'äda Bär ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in mid-western Gera Midir & Keya Gebriel wereda,
25 km west-north-west of Molale; area 3,227 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDE22 Zigbi 0823'/3836' 2252 m, north-west of lake Ziway 08/38 [Gz]
HE... Zigem, in Metekel awraja 11/36? [Ad]
HE... Zigem sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kilaj) 11/36? [Ad]
?? Ziggahan ../.. [Ha]
A town in Kaffa reported from hearsay by Major Harris in the 1840s.
HDM70 Zigib 0941'/3922' 2752 m, west of Debre Birhan 09/39 [Gz]
HEL47 Zigit 1208'/3908' 3870 m, north-east of Lalibela 12/39 [Gz]
HC... Zigiti (in Gemu awraja) 06/37? [Ad]
HCJ71 Zigna (lake) 0659'/3646', cf Wombo 06/36 [Gz]
HED81 Zigora Gebriel ca. 1135'/3801', 11/38 [20]
about 30 km south of Debre Tabor and 5 km south of Iste.
At the church are scribes producing old type manuscripts still today.
HDE44 Zigualla, see Zikwala
HE... Ziguda (centre in 1964 of Bacha sub-district) 11/36 [Ad]
HEE66 Zigwara kebele (Zegwara ..) 11/39 [Ad]
in western Wadla wereda, 14 km south-south-east
of Filakit; area 3,271 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEF60c Ziha kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Ambasel wereda,
25 km west of Wichale; area 5,298 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zihon, zehon (A) elephant
HET07 Zihon Teref (Z. T'eref) 1244'/3908' 1754 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Sekota
HFF61 Zikalay Medhane Alem (Zik'alay .., Ziqalay ..), 14/39 [Gz q]
(church) 1409'/3930', south-east of Adigrat
zikir (A) commemoration of the dead
?? Zikr Amhara (battle site in the 1400s) ../.. [Pa]
zikta: zigta (T) sediment; zigita (A) Carissa edulis?
JDH25 Zikta (Zicta) 09/41 [WO Gu]
HET97 Zikuli (Zik'uli, Ziquli) 1332'/3906' 2115 m 13/39 [Gz q]
HET97 Zikuli (Zik'uli, Ziquli) 1333'/3906' 2520 m, 13/39 [Gz q]
both Zikuli are south-east of Abiy Adi
HDE44 Zikwala (Zik'wala, Zuquala, Zeqwala, Sequala) 08/38 [Gz Gu Pa Ha]
(Zigualla, Fre: Zouqouala) 08/38 [x]
0833'/3851' 2040/2719/2946/3020 m
The Eth. Mapping Authority says height 2989 m.
Mountain with holy crater lake,
with monastery Zikwala Abo Gedam and church Maryam.
F. von Kulmer in 1907 calls the mountain Sugalla.
Zikwala is shown on Fra Mauro's map of 1460, with the
information that there was a lake and a monastery at the top.
The name Zikwala seems to have originated with the Amhara,
while the Oromo say Chukwala.
The lake is called Dembel (Dambal), 'the Wave'. by the Arsi Oromo.
The elliptical crater lake has a largest diameter of about one kilometre, but a tour along a footpath
around the crater is about 6 km long. The circular church of Menfes Kidus was built
around 1912/?/ by the Italian engineer Castagna and is surrounded by huts of monks.
There is the venerated tomb of Gebre Menfes Kidus.
"In the forest, I had been told, there now live several hundred bahtawi, anchorites living off berries
and grubs, and sleeping in the shelter of rocks. But on 'Abbo Days' - the feasts of Gabre
Manfus - they appear in the yellow robes of hermits --"
[Marsden-Smedley 1990]
Two churches are found in the Zikwala Maryam monastery. The round one was built by Menilek II
in 1880 and designed by the Italian Sebastiano Castagna. Higher up, the church of Kidane
Mihret was built during the reign of Haile Selassie.

zikwala shimel: shimala (O) kind of bamboo

HEL81 Zikwala Shimel (Zik'wala S.) 1232'/3833' 1890 m 12/28 [Gz]
HE... Zikwala sub-district (Sequala ..) 12/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Walezibiesta), 60 km from HEL96 Sekota
HE... Zikwala wereda (Zikuala ..) 12/39 [Ad n]
(-1994-) is divided into 30 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HCC.. Zillo (market), see Gerese
-- Zilmamo, Tsilmano, a dialect of the Kachipo-Balesi
living on both sides of the Ethiopia-Sudan border,
4,120 of them in Ethiopia.
The dialects are written with variations Balesi, Baale, Bale,
Zilmamu, Silmamo, Zelmamu, Zulmamu, Tsilmano,
Kacipo, Kachepo, Suri, Western Suri.
HCA53 Zilmamo (area, same as next) 05/35 [WO]
HCA64 Zilmamo (Zilmami), see Tsilmamo
HCJ68 Zima 0655'/3724' 1179 m, south of Waka 06/37 [Gz]
HDU13 Zimam kebele (Zemam ..) 10/39 [Ad]
at the southern border of Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda
towards its east, 7 km south of Molale; area 1,084 hectares,
[CSA 1994]
HCK80c Zimma (with ford) 07/37 [Gu]
HDS61 Zinanfe 1030'/3739' 2472 m, 10/37 [Gz]
south-east of Dembecha
HCS96 Zinbaro (centre in 1964 of Gumer sub-district) 08/38 [Ad]
?? Zingei, in the Omo zone, ../.. [x]
on the lower part of the Mara river
?? Zingilla (battle site in 1808) 12/39? [18]
A map by Henry Salt records this place at some distance
south-east of Lalibela.
HE... Zingini (Zinghini), ../.. [Ch]
rises at Injabara, not far from Dangila.
HEC04 Zingini Kibeb (Zangana) (lake) 1055'/3658' 10/36 [Gz WO]
-- Zinjaro, see Janjero
zinjero (zinjäro) (A) monkey, baboon, Papio anubis
?? Zinjero (in Wello) ../.. [n]
zinjero algat, baboon beds?
HEL38 Zinjero Algat 1205'/3912' 3536 m, 12/39 [Gz]
north-east of Lalibela
zinjero gedel (A) monkey cliff
HDM82 Zinjero Gedel kebele (Zenjäro Gädäl ..) 09/39 [Ad]
in mid-northernmost Debre Birhan Zuriya & Keyit wereda,
16 km north-north-east of Debre Birhan town; area 1,476 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCG95 Zinki sub-district (centre in 1964 = Yeki) 07/35 [Ad]
zinna (A) fame, reputation
HDD25 Zinna Bannar, see Kebena
HDM.? Zinyon Atint (with church Maryam), 09/39? [x]
in Bulga/Kasim wereda
HDU00 Zinz (Medich) 1001'/3922' 2304 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south-west of Molale
HDU42 Zinz 1021'/3931' 2829 m, south of Were Ilu 10/39 [Gz]
HDU11 Zinz kebele (Zenz ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in western Lalo Midir & Mama Midir wereda,
20 km west-south-west of Molale; area 2,213 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL72 Ziran 1225'/3837' 1748 m 12/38 [Gz]
HEC14 Zirikki (Ziricchi) (village) 11/36 [+ It]
HCJ32 Zita 0639'/3651' 1046 m (village) 06/36 [Gz]
HEE66 Zita Angworgur kebele (Zet'a ..) 11/38 [Ad]
in western Dawint & Delanta wereda at its southern border,
about 16 km south-southeast of Bete Hor; area 3,831 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HFC24 Ziwa (Sua) 793 m, 13/36 [LM WO]
with sub-post office (-1975-)
HDS31 Ziwad (Omata, Amuata, Amurata) 10/37 [Gz]
1016'/3740' 2167 m
-- Ziway, Zway, an ethnic sub-group speaking East Gurage language;
-- Ziway language, see Laki
HCT82 Ziway (Zewaye, Zwai, Zway, Zuway, Zewayie) 07/38 [Gz Ca Po x]
town 0756'/3843' 1643 m, lake at 0800'/3850' =HCT84,
water level of lake 1848 m according to an early source
(Zuai, Fre: Zouaï, Zouwai), distance 163 km from Addis Abeba.
The lake is called çuua on Fra Mauro's map of 1460, Seveta on a map of 1935,
and Dembel as well as Batu locally.
Azaïs in the 1920s uses spelling Lac Zouaï.
The town is centre at least 1969-1980 of Haykoch & Butajira awraja.
The people of the islands of Ziway seem to have been Christians from very early times and although
they had no priests still preserved their churches and their ornaments
The small province of Wäj was situated around lake Zway in the 1500s.
The lake Ziway area was one of the about fifteen most important cotton production areas in Ethiopia
(except Eritrea) in the 1950s.
Ziway was possibly the fastest growing provincial town in Ethiopia in the early 1990s.
About 300 OLF soldiers who had been taken prisoners in early 1999 were kept at Ziway.
Today, only three of Ziway's islands are occupied, and most Zay people only visit them for religious
ceremonies. But Debre Zion on Tullo Guddo remains an active monastery.
Although very shallow, with a maximum depth of about 3.5 metres, the lake covers a sizeable area of
about 432 square kms.
The town of Ziway is home to an important fishery centre as well as some horticultural gardens,
which export fruit and vegetables.
Storm and heavy rainfall wrecked parts of the town in November 2008.
HCT.. Ziway Akababi sub-district (-1997-) 07/38? [n]
HCT.. Ziway awraja 08/39 [x]
HCT.. Ziway & Dugda wereda (Zeway ..) 08/39 [x]
(Ziwayna Dugda ..) (centre in the 1980s = Ogolcho)
The wereda (-1994-) is divided into 63 rural kebeles and 1 urban.
HEF60 Ziya 1127'/3922' 2248 m, east of Mekdela 11/39 [Gz]

HEM44 Zobil (Zobul, Zabul, Zebul) 1212'/3946' 1792 m 12/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(Zobel, Zaboul), south-east of Alamata
Within a radius of 10 km there are at km
7S Nedi (Nedi Garia?) (area) 2386 m
5NW Gara Lincha (Garalincia) (hill)
6NW Zobil (Zebul) (mountain)
10N Rama (area) 2407 m
HEM54 Zobil (Zobul, Zabul, Zebul) 1215'/3945' 2051 m, 12/39 [Gz WO Gu]
(mountains), south-east of Alamata
HEE69 Zobil sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mekdela) 13/39 [Ad]
HDJ23 Zodi (mountain), see Gushis

zof (A) white of egg

HEL19 Zofe 1153'/3918' 3509 m 11/39 [Gz]
HEL09 Zofe kebele (Zofé ..) 11/39 [Ad]
midway on the north-western "arm" stretching out from Guba Lafto
wereda, 25 km west of Weldiya; area 1,806 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HEL00 Zoga, an affluent of Tekeze river 11/38 [x]
HDU62 Zoga Amba (place) 1031'/3934' 2943 m, 10/39 [Gz]
south of Were Ilu
HEM30 Zogolzot (Sagulsaf) 1201'/3924' 3719 m, 12/39 [Gz]
see under Muja
HFD79 Zoguac, see Tsogwak
HFE63 Zohodo (mountain with ruins) 14/38 [Gu]
HCD20 Zokzik 0542'/3732' 1364 m 05/37 [WO Gz]
GDL78 Zola (hill) 09/34 [WO]
zoma (A) 1. perennial stream; 2. thick, wavy and long hair
HDM45 Zoma (area) 09/39 [WO]
HDT06 Zoma 1002'/3902 2306 m, 10/39 [Ad WO Gz]
(centre in 1964 of Lai Bet Merhabete wereda)
HDM44 Zoma kebele 09/39 [Ad]
near the southern border of Ankober wereda,
15 km south-south-east of Ankober town; area 1,501 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDT16 Zoma kebele 10/39 [Ad]
in central Lay Bet & Tach Bet wereda, near Alem Ketema
to its south-east; area 893 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDM.. Zoma Tekle Haymanot (church), near Ankober 09/39 [n]
Melake-Tsehay Iyasu was buried at that church. He was a son of Lij Iyasu and an Amhara mother
and died young at 21-22 years of age. To the patriots he was 'Emperor of Ethiopia' from 2
September 1937 to 4 October 1938.
HCB27c Zomba 05/36 [x]
One of seven sub-groups of the Shangama, with their own settlement area.
?? Zombai, former/?/ lake near Koka Dam ../.. [n]
This natural lake may have disappeared or changed much
when the Koka Dam was built.
HDM64c Zombo kebele 09/39 [Ad]
in northern Ankober wereda, 12 km north-northeast
of Ankober town; area 428 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
zonb..: set amba (A) woman mountain
HDU26 Zonbo & Set Amba kebele (.. Sét .. ..) 10/39 [Ad]
in south-westernmost Efrata & Gidim wereda,
17 km south-southwest of Efeson; area 3,820 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCJ09 Zongala 0625'/3726' 1733 m 06/37 [Gz]
HE... Zongi 13/39? [20]
HFE38c Zongui (valley) 1930 m 13/39 [Gu]
HFE56 Zongui, see May Misham
HEK55 Zor Amba (Zuramba) (area) 12/37 [WO x]
There was a music school for debteras.
HEK56 Zor Amba (area) 12/38 [WO]
HEE80 Zor Amba sub-district (Zuramba ..) 11/38 [WO Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Sassi)
HEM41 Zoramba (Yoramba) 12/39 [Gu WO]

zore (zorä) (A) go around, turn around

HDM24 Zorere (Zoräré), ancient district in Bulga 09/39 [x]
HEF83 Zotter Bei 1850 m, 11/39 [WO Gu]
pass between the mountains Kallo and Amba Sel.
HCT82 Zouaï, see Ziway
HES38 Zoyo 1257'/3818' 2846 m, east of Deresge 12/38 [Gz]
HEK77 Zoz (area) 2631 m, including next one 12/38 [WO]
HEK77 Zoze Amba (Zoz) 1224'/3810' 2172 m, 12/38 [Gz En]
with monastery founded probably around year 1700.
zozo: zosso (T) small highland shrub, Myrsine africana
HCG58 Zozo (Soso) 0651'/3531' 1483 m, 06/35 [WO Gz]
village and area south-west of Shewa Gimira
HFD96 Zua (Amba Zua), see Imba Tsiwa
HFF73 Zuaha, see Suwaha
HCT82 Zuai, see Ziway
HDR91 Zuali (area) 10/36 [WO]
HDM92 Zuba Amba 0952'/3933' 2602 m, 09/39 [Gz]
south-west of Sela Dingay
HDU02 Zuba Amba 0959'/3935' 2256 m, 09/39 [Gz]
west of Sela Dingay
?? Zubara, highest of the 'Emerald Mountains' ../.. [x]
Old excavations deep into the mountain seem to have been
for searching emeralds.
HED30 Zubru Selassie 11/37 [WO]
zufan (A,T) throne
HEJ65 Zufan (Zufan Mariam) 1221'/3705' 1942 m, 12/37 [Gz]
midway between lake Tana and Chilga
HER14 Zufan 12/37 [WO]
HES77 Zufan (mountain) 1320'/3813' 3434 m 13/38 [WO Gz]
HFE46 Zufan 13/39 [MS]
HEL06 Zufan Amba kebele 11/38 [Ad]
in north-eastern Meket wereda, 15-25 km north-northeast
of Filakit; area 9,174 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HDU.. Zuhia Muhui 10/39 [x]
The most western part of Menz. It comprises the lowlands of some
northern tributaries of the Mofer river as well as two highland ambas
which protrude to the west from Menz.
HE... Zui sub-district (centre in 1964 = Amusit) 12/37 [Ad]
HF... Zukli (Zuqli) (village in Tigray) 13/39 [n]
HDE44 Zukwala, see Zikwala
?? Zula, with postal agent (sub-post office) ../.. [Po]
HCA64 Zulimamu (Zulumamu), see Tsilmamo
HET35 Zumbo 1257'/3856' 1350, 1513 m, 12/38 [WO Gu Gz]
(former customs post), south-west of Fenarwa

HET15 Zuna 1247'/3856' 2233 m, north-west of Sekota 12/38 [Gz]

HEE78c Zundovada (on map of 1868) 11/39 [18]
HDE44 Zuquala, see Zikwala
HE... Zuramba, see Zor Amba
HEK77 Zurba (ruins nearby) 1225'/3807' 1970 m 12/38 [WO Gz]
Coordinates would give map code HEK76

zuriya (A,T) environs; circumference

HDU21 Zuriya Muhi (Zuria Muhi) (area) 10/39 [+ WO]
HEJ65 Zutan Maryam (.. Mariam) 12/37 [LM WO]
?? Zutariya, village in Simen ../.. [x]
zuten m..: melka (A), malka (O) ford
HCL.. Zuten Melka 07/38 [n]
The route from Shashemene to Dodola climbs through the marvellous gorges
of Zuten Melka and then crosses the river Webi Shebele. [Aubert 1999]
HDU.. Zuti, near Robit (Shewa Robit) 10/40? [x]
HCT82 Zuway (Zouwai), see Ziway
HEE88 Zuy Alehat kebele 11/39 [Ad]
in central Dawint & Delanta wereda, near and to the north-east
of Wegel Tena; area 1,916 hectares.
[CSA 1994]
HCD.. Zuza, 06/37 [x]
a tiny village in the Ochollo area, with S.I.M. mission work.
H.... Zwa (centre in 1964 of Ake Werk sub-district) 13/37 [Ad]
HCT82 Zwai (Zway), see Ziway
HE... Zwi Hamusit, about 80 km from Gondar 12/37? [x]

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