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• How does the weather change from season

to season?

Lets find out!

• What is the weather like during Fall?
• The weather during Fall can be very unpredictable. Some
day's it might be cold. While other days it might be warm.
What is the weather like in our area during the Fall
season? In your weather journals, write down five
descriptive words that you think describes Fall.
• Winter is usually associated with snow and ice
in many parts of the world.
• What types of weather do we associate
Winter with?

What do we usually wear in the Winter?

• How does the weather change from Winter to
Spring? Draw a picture of something that you
would see during the Spring season.
What types of clothing do we wear
during the spring?
How is the weather during the Name an activity that you can do in
summer different from the weather the summer, that you wouldn’t be
during the Winter? able to do in the winter
Why Does the Weather Change?
• Why does the weather change from season
to season?
Seasons are the result of the yearly revolution of the Earth around the
Sun. The seasons and the weather depend on the tilt of the Earth’s axis.
Name the season that this type of
weather occurs during…

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