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Friday, Sept. 10, 2010, 5-9 p.m.

Norton Commons Towne Center
Check In: 5:00 p.m. First Toss: 6 p.m.

Prizes! Live Music! Concessions!

Tier One:
Students 18 & Under: Advance registration - $20/team entry fee ($25 if received after Sept. 8)
Team Prizes: 1st Place = $200 2nd place = $100 3rd Place =
Tier Two:
Students/Adults 19 & Older: Advance registration - $40/team entry fee ($50 if received after Sept. 8)
Team Prizes: 1st Place = $400 2nd Place = $200 3rd Place =
Give exact cash (in envelope) or check (make check out to “Ballard Soccer”) and completed registration
form below to Mrs. Ramsey in the Ballard HS North Office, or mail check and registration from to:
Ballard Soccer
3100 Indian Lake Drive
Louisville, KY 40241
Questions? Call 552-3770

-----------------------Tear here and Return---------------------------------------Tear here and Return--------------------------------Tear here and Return----------------------

2009 Corn Hole Player Name Tier One or Tier Two? Phone # / email address

#1 Tier One $20 Tier Two $40 Phone:

(Circle one) Email:

#2 Tier One $20 Tier Two $40 Phone:

(Circle one) Email:

Mail form with check to Ballard Soccer, 3100 Indian Lake Drive, Louisville KY 40241

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