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What is Sociology?

- Derived from the two terms LOGUS which means science or study and socius
which means group or partners. Hence, it deals with the study of groups.
- In a group, interaction is vital and from this patterns of behavior evolve. Different
behaviors exists are developed to achieve a desired goal.
- Sociology is the scientific study of patterned, shared human behavior (Joseph
- Ways of people, social relations are discussed and scrutinized by historians,
philosophers, politicians, poets, theologians, and the like.
- Stories of what happened, whether told by experts or not is considered as the story
of people in social life. And to analyze these stories from a scientific point of view
is the task of the sociologist.
- The term sociology was first used by Auguste Comte, a Frenchman. Before,
sociologist are referred as social historians and philosophers.

Microsociology vs Macrosociology

Microsociology – looks at a group life close up. Smalls groups and processes of face
to face interactions between humans

Macrosociology- means big. Attempts to explain the fundamental patterns and

processes of large scale social relations.

Areas of Sociology (Hauser)

1. Social Organization-Covers the study of the various social institutions, social
groups social stratification, social mobility, bureaucracy, ethnic groups and
relations and other similar subjects. Topics like family, education, politics,
religion, economy, etc are studied in this area.
2. Social psychology- deals with the study of human nature as an outcome of group
life, social attitudes, collective behavior, and personality formation. It deals with
the group life and the individual’s traits attitudes beliefs, etc as influenced by
group life. It views man with reference to group life.
3. Social change and social disorganization- this area includes the study of the
change in culture and social relations and the discruption that may occur in
society. It deals with the study of such current social problems in society as
juvenile deliquency, criminality, drug addiction, family conflicts, divorce,
population problems, and other similar subjects.
4. Human ecology- studies the nature and behavior of a given population and its
relationships to the group’s present social institutions. Example- studies of this
kind have shown the prevalence of mental illness, criminality etc.
5. population and demography- study of population number, composition, change,
and quality as they influence the economic, political and social system
6. Sociological theory and method – applicability and usefulness of the principles
and theories of group life as bases for the regulation of man’s social environment.
This includes theory building and testing as bases for the prediction ans control
of man’s social environment.
7. Applied sociology- This area utilizes the findings of pure sociological research in
various fields such as criminology social work, community development,
education, industrial relations, marriage, ethnic relations, family counseling, and
other aspect and problems of daily life.

What is anthropology?

- derived from the two greek word, Logos, which means study, or logia to study and
anthropos which means “man”.
- Branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his works, his
body, his behavior and value, in time and space.
- It is the scientific study of physical, social and cultural development and behavior
of human beings since their appearance on earth.

Branches of Anthropology
Classification of Anthropology
1) Physical anthropology –known as biological anthropology. It deals with man’s
biological foundations, race evolution, racial classification, and differentiation.
1.1 racial history- nature of races
1.2 paleontology- origin of man
1.3 human genetics- various ways of inheritance that take place in man
(2) Cultural anthropology- known as social anthropology. Concept of culture

Culture- defined as the way of life a people which had been learned, shared, and
transmitted from one generation to another by means of language and symbols.
2.1 Ethography- pure description of culture of people or an ethnic group
2.2 Ethnology- analysis, comparison, and contrast of culture of people. Interest on
the relationship of beliefs and practice by use of data collected through
observation and interviewing living people.
2.3 Social Anthropology- higher level of abstraction than ethnology. One
evolves generalization about social life and conduct based on the
ethnography and ethnology of the culture under study.

Archaelogy- concerned with the study of man’s culture and society in the past as far
back in time as prehistoric times.
Evidences of evaluating prehistoric societies are:
1. fossils,
2. artifacts,

Linguistics- systematic study of recorded and unrecorded languages all over the
world.Also deals with the relationship between language and culture. Deals with how
culture affects language and vice versa.

Relationship with other Social Sciences

- Both Sociology and Anthropology are social sciences.

- Other Social Sciences such as follows contributes information that are useful to
sociological and anthropological
 Psychology- deals with the mind. “skinbound organism. Key words
:Perceptions, attitudes, values determinants, personality. STUDY OF
 History – study of past events. Means of causal factor historians explain the
 Econonimcs- production, distribution, and allocation of material goods and
services in a society.
 Political Science- study of politics or government. Studies the way people
govern themselves, various form of government , structures , and their
relationships to other institution in society.

Similarities and Differences of Sociology and Anthropology

1. Both are social sciences
2. Both attempt to understand the way of life of various cultures or various
3. Society and Culture are interrelated and interdependent concepts.
4. Both sciences are also interested in the study of social issues. Issues:
population growth, environment degradation, urban poverty.
5. Both discipline synthesize and generalize data about human behavior and
social systems.

1. The two sciences differ in terms of origin
a) Sociology- study of Western civilization and later, of advanced and
contermporary societies.
b) Anthropology – started with the study of primitive or non-literate
groups, considered exotic and queer and similar objects.
2. Sociology allows sampling of the subject of study, anthropology makes use
of wholistic approach.

Significance of Sociology and Anthropology

- The various disciplines of sociology include the study of social interaction

between people.
- The areas covered by sociology include the analysis of social contacts between
members of a society as also the interactions between different people around the
- Sociology attempts to study how and why people are organized as a society. It
analyzes the structure of society and studies the factors that contribute to the
creation of social groups.

Sociology includes the study of the behavioral patterns, interactions and

relationships among the individuals of society.
1. This field tries to examine the organizational structure of society and the
influence it has on the social, political and religious ideas of the members. It
encompasses the study of the organization of families and businesses.
2. It attempts to analyze the creation and management of social groups as well as the
factors, which lead to their breakdown. The disciplines of sociology are
concerned with the effects of social behavior on the formation of social traits. It
also includes the ethical and moral values of society.
3. Sociology is regarded as a branch of social sciences. It deals with the analysis of
social behavior that shapes society and thus, is a field that covers a very broad
knowledge base.

Relevance of Sociology and anthropology

1. Introduces the various concepts vital in our understanding of culture and society
2. It expands the view of the world thereby appreciating society and culture better.
3. it will make understand better why people of different groups and culture behave
the way they do. Thus we may able to adjust ourselves to their peculiar ways and
4. It will give us the insight that our group is different from others. Thus we may be
led to respect the identity and unique nature of other groups and members of the
5. It will help in promoting inter-ethnic and cultural understanding.

Historical Development of Sociology and its Proponents

Early beginnings of Anthropology

15th century to 18th century- discoveries of antique tools and other artifacts proved the
existences of man million years ago.
20th century- modern anthropology in both its physical and cultural aspects started in
the time.
Pioneers of modern anthropology
Lewis Morgan, Sir Edward Tylor and Herbert Spencer

Higher level of research began using thorough gathering of data about individual
cultures. This was adopted by Franz Boas,and Alfred Kroeber. – Branislaw
Malinowski, AR Radcliffe-Brown, Ralf Linton, and the like.
How Sociology developed:

Auguste Comte- A French Philosopher who coined the word sociology in 1838 to
designate to his newly formulated “science of the associated life of humanity”. He
believed the the methods and techniques of the natural sciences could also be applied
to the study of society.
Law of Three Stages-Knowledge passes through stages
1. Theological or fictitious
2. Metaphysical or abstract
3. Scientific or positive

Advocated the idea of positivism or the use of empirical investigation to understand


Described sociology as the “queen of the social sciences”

Divisions of this new sciences were:

a. Social Statics - structure
b. Social Dynamics- social evolution and change

Early Tradition

Auguste Comte - (1798-1857)- Father of Sociology

-collaborated with Saint Simon and later developed differences
which ended their relationship with much bitterness.
- Cerebral Hygiene- he would not read any scientific writings,
review or even newspapers to keep his mind from being
contaminated by the thoughts of others.

Herbert Spencer 1820-1903

- Second founder of Sociology
- wrote the book- Social Static-systematic presentation of sociological analysis
which is often called the first sociology textbook.
- Central focus of Spencer;s work was on the application of Dawin’s theory of
evolution to social life. Societies that adapt to their environment and compete
successfully will persist.
- Survival of the fittest

Emil Durkheim 1858-1917

- French scholar
- France first sociology professor
- Focus on the social forces that holds society together.
- Believed that social solidarity was based on the shared values and beliefs of the
members of a society.
- Identified two types of societal solidarity
 Mechanical solidarity- provided by the similar tasks sameness in primitive
 Organic Solidarity- based on differences like those that prevailed in industrial
societies resulting from the people’s various tasks most of them necessary for
the continuance of society

Karl Marx 1818-1883

- focused on social conflict
- 1818-1883 German socialist and philosopher
- Communist Manifesto – Friedrich Engels as co writers
- Social change was brought about through the process of conflict between two
oppposing classes.

Max Weber
- first book – The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
 examined how belief systems might affect people’s actions and in turn the
economic systemof their society

Ferdinand Toennis 1855-1936

- All social relations are creations of human will of which there are two types
 1. the essential will the basic, instinctive, organic tendency which drives
human activity
 2. arbitrary will: the deliberate, purposive form of volition which determines
human activity with regard to the future.

George Simmel 1858-1918

- Society cannot be understood as a psychic entity independent of individual minds,
as a kind of mysticism or conceptualism that ascribes reality to mere concepts.

Edward Tylor 1832-1917

- pioneering anthropologist of the world.
- Moral interest, even if not religiously grounded, has characterized much
anthropological writing in the present century.
- Animism –belief in spiritual beings

William Graham Sumner 1840-1910

- folkways are habits of the individual and customs of the society which arise from
efforts to satisfy needs.
- Author of Folkways and the Science of Society
A.R. Radcliffe Brown 1831-1955
- founding fathers of modern social anthropology
 Became the instrument of making anthropology a university subject
 To him, there are two important things to be found out about any ritual
 What it means to the people who have it
 What its social consequence are

Friedrich Engels 1820-1903

- worked in the history of literature and politics in collaboration with Karl Marx.
- Wrote Communist Manifersto together with Karl Marx

Thornstein Veblen 1857-1929

- popular for his concepts on conspicous consumption, ostentious display trained
incapacity, higher learning predatory culture absentee owneship and discretionary

Bronislaw Malinowski 1844-1942

- Malinowski’s monographs on the Trobriand Islands were the most formal
influence on the work of British social anthropologist
 He made very detailsed first hand observation of the major activities of the
trobriand islanders
 His works were entirely different scale from anything produced before
 His interest on social grouping and social organization
 His linguistic text which were superb

Pitirim Sorokin
-sought to provide a complete account of sociology, psychologically based and
philosophically oriented.

Talcott Parsons
- Structure of Social Action

Development of Sociology and Anthropology in the Philippines

Anthropology started as practical activity of colonizers in the service of Christianity

and the Spanish government

Pigafetta, Loarca, Placencia, Fr. Chirino-through historical writings of early culture

and society in the rediscovered archipelago which was named Filipinas in honor of
King Philip II of Spain
1914- anthropology became academic discipline of University of the
- first it was offered as one of the course in the history department later on merged
with sociology

- introduced to the Philippines by Fr. Valentin Marin.
- Prof Salt introduced a course on Social Ethics in the UP
- Dr. Clyde introduced sociology in Silliman University

Serafin Macaraig
- was the first Filipino to receive a doctorate in sociology
- published his “introduction ot sociology in University of the Philippines

Prof. Marcelo Tangco

Flora Diaz Catapusan
Dr. BEnicio Catapusan
-professors of sociology in the philippin schools

1952- Philippines Sociological Society was established

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