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Drug Name Mechanism of Dosage Indication Contraindication Side effects/ Nursing Responsibilities
Action Adverse effects
Generic name: Metformin 500 mg/tab TID Used in the Contraindicated Endocrine: Monitor urine or serum
Metformin primarily treatment of with allergy to Hypoglycemia, Lactic glucose levels frequently
Adults: 500 BID or Non-insulin metformin, heart acidosis to determine effectiveness
hepatic glucose
Brand name: formation and 850 once daily PO. dependent failure; diabetes of drug and dosage.
IMAX increases DM. complicated with GI: Anorexia, nausea,
peripheral glucose Pediatric patients fever, severe vomiting, epigastric Monitor blood for glucose
Class: uptake. (10-16 y/o): It can be used as infections, severe discomfort, heartburn, and ketones as prescribed.
Antidiabetic 500 mg BID with a monotherapy trauma, major diarrhea, flatulence
or in
meals. surgery, ketosis, Swallow extended-release
with a acidosis, coma; Hypersensitivity: tablets whole; do not cut,
sulfonylurea. type 1 dm, serious Allergic skin reactions, crush or chew.
hepatic eczema, pruritus,
impairment, erythema, urticaria Avoid alcohol while taking
serious renal the drug.
glycosuria, Report fever, sore throat,
hyperglycemia unusual bleeding or
associated with bruising, rash, dark urine,
primary renal light colored stools,
disease, labor and hypoglycaemic or
delivery, lactation. hyerglycemic reactions.

Use cautiously with

the elderly.
Drug Name Mechanism of Dosage Indication Contraindication Side effects/ Nursing Responsibilities
Action Adverse effects
Generic name: Diamicron contains Used in the Contraindicated GI: Diarrhea, Patients who are NPO may
Gliclazide the active 30 mg/tab OD treatment of DM with constipation, have their dose held to
ingredient, II when diet,
hypersensiticity to indigestion, nausea, avoid hypoglycemia
gliclazide which is exercise and
Brand name: a sulfonylurea. weight loss have sulfonylurea. To vomiting or abdominal
Diamicron Gliclazide is used failed to fully those having DM I, pain. Inform the doctor in the ff.
to help control control blood severe hepatic or cases: Surgery, trauma, fever
blood sugar levels sugar. or infection, difficulty in
Class: renal failure, Skin reactions: rashes
with DM II. eating
Antidiabetic, pregnancy and and itch.
sulfonylurea lactation, diabetic
ketoacidosis. Disturbance in liver

Low blood glucose


Yellowing of the skin


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