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Trans-European Division RELAY Institute of Youth Evangelism

Foundations of Adventist Beliefs

Serbia 2010
Dr Daniel Duda & Dr Gunnar Pedersen

Teaching Structure:

1. The Bible – Revelation, First principles of Biblical Worldview Method

2. Doctrine of God – Implications from Gen 1-3

3. Creation – The Sabbath and the Theistic worldview 7th Day

4. Sin and Humanity – Secondary principles, Gen 3-11

5. Redemption - The promise, Abraham and Israel, the Law

6. Redemption – Davidic Kingship promise, “who” and “what”

7. Redemption – Prophets and the Kingdom, Daniel, “when”

8. Jesus – Fulfilment of the promise, Messiah’s double role, Gospels

9. The Church and its Mission – What happened to the kingdom, faith, conversion, sanctification,
Acts & Epistles
10. Final Restoration – The kingdom, creation renewed, Revelation of John


Salvation Advent

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