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Generic Name: Propofol

Brand Name: Diprivan

Classification: Anaesthetics :Local & General

Indications and Dosages: Induction & maintenance of general

anesth. Sedation of ventilated adult patients receiving intensive
care. Conscious sedation for surgical & diagnostic procedures.
Individualized dosage. Induction of general anesth Adult <55 yr 1.5-
2.5 mg/kg. Maintenance: Continuous infusion: 4-12 mg/kg/hr.
Repeat bolus inj: 25-50 mg. Childn >8 yr Approx 2.5 mg/kg. Sedation during intensive care Continuous
infusion: 0.3-4 mg/kg/hr. Conscious sedation for surgical & diagnostic procedures 0.5-1 mg/kg over 1-5
min. Maintenance: 1.5-4.5 mg/kg/hr. Bolus administration: 10-20 mg.

Contraindications and Speical Precaurions: Allergy. Pregnancy. Do not use for obstet anesth. Childn <3 yr.
Cardiac, resp, renal or hepatic impairment; hypovolemic or debilitated patients; disorders of fat metabolism.
Patients at risk of fat overload. Bradycardia. Possible risk of convulsion if administered to an epileptic
patient. Monitor signs of hypotension, airway obstruction & oxygen desaturation. May impair ability to drive
or operate machinery. Lactation.

Adverse Effects: Hypotension, transient apnea, post-op fever. Pulmonary edema. Pain on inj. Sexual
disinhibition on recovery from anesthesia.
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Indication and Dosages:

Contraindications and Special Precautions:

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