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AQO70801 No. of printed pages: 7 ENGLISH Time: 3 hours CLASS VII MLM: 100 ee This paper consists of four scetion: Section A —Reading 20 marks Section B — Writing 30 marks Section C - Grammar 20 marks Section D - Literature 30 marks Instructions 1) Attempt all questions, 2) Do not write anything on the question paper. 3) All the answers must be correctly numbered as in ‘the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you. 4) Attempt all the questions in each section before moving on to the next section. 5) Read each question carefully and follow the instructions. 6) Adhere to the word limit wherever mentioned. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit. Section A - (Reading) 0) ‘Al _ Read the following pocm carefully. 8 I felt lonely In that big, crowded room [looked around ‘And suddenly all gloom Vanished! And I Was happy as a groom Who thinks his bride’s lovelier ‘Than any flower in bloom! Tsaw asmile That said, “you're not alone We're together. Let's make ourselves at home” Then the music Became livelier in tone, Banishing all sorrows To some region unknown That smile gave me Both confidence and cheer I AQO70801 And since that time Thaven’t wept a tear Of loneliness; But have discarded all fear Of strangers and made friends With people far and near. Answer the following questions. Write the answers in your answer 8 sheet. Number your answers correctly. ‘How did the narrator feel when he was in a crowded room? ‘What made the narrator look happy suddenly? ‘What comparison does the narrator make to express his happiness? ‘What change did the narrator feel in himself on seeing someone giving him asmile? Pick out the expression that meats ‘to make or feel comfortable’. Which word in the poem conveys the idea of ‘got rid of ’. Pick out words from the poem which rhyme with ‘room’ and ‘gloom’. What change do you notice in the speaker in the end? (Any one) Read the following passage carefully, 12 From a low-paid factory worker to a millionaire deing business worth crores in a year, that is the transformation of fifty-nine-year-old Darshan Desai, His life is a perfect example of what a good idea combined with relentless efforts can achieve. His life in the sixties typified that of millions of other Indians ~ an employee in a factory struggling to support a family of five on a meagre salary of Rs, 2000 per month. In order to make both ends meet, Darshan and his wife started a small garment business. They bought cloth from the mills at cheap rates and his wife stitched dresses for small children, At first, Darshan sold these dresses from door-to-door on a bicycle in the mornings before going to work in the factory. They also began to supply dresses to the garment shops in the city. That was the beginning, There was no tuming back, When the demand for those inexpensive dresses began to increase, the couple employed other people to do the stitching and the marketing. Soon, this small business which was started mainly to supplement the family income began to acquire the shape of a flourishing garment export business. 2 AQ070801 4 A21 Shy, reticent and shunning the limelight, Darshan and his wife Saradaben have tanaged to come a surprisingly long way in a relatively small time of two décades. In spite of the wealth they retain a very simple life style and are ever willing to offer a helping hand to the needy. Their success in the garment business has encouraged them to diversify into other areas ranging from electrical goods to automobiles. The fact that now they do business with. countries in Europe and America isa testimony to the spirit of enterprise and commitment. Their willpower ‘and perseverance ate worth emulating by any budding entrepreneur. The passage “A success story” has five paragraphs. Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the list of headings given below. In your answer sheets put the paragraph numbers in the sequential order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and write the most appropriate heading against each number. Flourishing Business Diversification Humble Beginning Rags to Riches Down to Earth Answer the questions, Why did Darsban Desai start a small garment business? ‘When did they employ other people? How did Darshan sell the manufactured dresses in the beginning? Mention any two qualities that the Desai couple possessed? Pick out words from the passage which mean the same as the following. considerable change (para 1) something added (para 3) evidence (para 5) 3 AQOT0801 B2 B3 Section B - (Writing) 30) “Children are today’s investment and tomorrow’s dividend”. But thousands of children of your age and even younger to you are found working in road side hotels, petrol pumps, shoe shops and other hazardous works. Write a parageaph on “child labour” and why it should be made compulsory for all children to attend schools and make their lives better. You are Ankit / Ankita Secretary of Oxford Public School. Write a notice for your school noticeboard inviting students of classes WI - X to participate in the camlin colour contest, that will be organized in your school premises, Also inform that they have to carry their own art material except paper. Look at the poster below and write a letter to the editor of a newspaper commenting on the urgent need of donating blood by healthy adults and save a number of lives. Your letter should not exceed 150 words, v blood 54Vay oe "é 3 s Ablood s donation camp 3 by Rotary Club. a a s Date ; Friday, April 11th 2000 2 Time :L00 PM to 5.00 PM, # Wenue : Pragati Maltlan, Gate No.2 = New Delhi = Sponsored hy:Nestié 2 ALSO FREE, 3 Msoavail MEMBERSHIP 0} 3 Afree Medical INTERNATIONAL Checkup BLOOD BANK THE BLOOD YOU DOWATE 1S REPLENISHED IW A FEW HOURS! a AQ070801 3 Ba Gl ‘You were disturbed and upset on account of the cruelty shown towards animals. You are unhappy with the way people treat animals even the pet animals. Taking ideas from the lessons “Gajpati and the baby” and “Buck's trial of strength” and your own ideas, write a speech in about 200 words on the topic “Be kind to animals” on the occasion of World Environment Day to be delivered in the morning assembly. Section C - (Grammar) (20) Do as directed All the students were in uniform except one. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with one of not ) You sleep more, You become lazy. (Rewrite the sentences as a single sentence using the structure the MOFE,.,+++0++++++ the more) Sita blushed at the question. She bowed her head down. (Rewrite into a single sentence starting the sentence with ‘Blushing at... -) The committee has honoured him . (He is an outstanding scientist.) (Revitite into a single sentence using the complement ‘as’) ) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the answer sheet. Be more careful. (Rewrite using ‘ought to... Ta) (hear) that you have dene very well in your examinations, Ib). (meet) a friend of yours yesterday and she), (tell) me that you have got 91% marks in your boards. So, how do you plan to d), (celebrate) your success? Jam e) (have) a wonderful time here. I f) (take) up dance and drama as my extra curricular activities this year. In which activities have you g) (take) part this year? Are you h) (allow) to take up any other activities during your free time? $s AQOTOR0L C4 ° Read the following dialogue and report it to your friend. Reena: | am leaving for Hyderabad today. Rekha : Have you informed the manager? Reena : No and he is not available. Pass on the message to him tomorrow moming. Reena informed Rekha that a) _Rekha asked b), Reena replied that she had’nt as he was not available and asked Rekha to €) The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line, Write the incorrect word and the correction as given in the example, Write the incorrect word and the correct word and underline the correct word as shown in the example. Friends are a indispensable part of egpinsccesssscecressoowes Bh one life. Friendship is a rare a) gift that help one find fulfillment in b) another. Fortunate is the man who have c) good friends. One must holds these d tried and tested friends to one’s heart. x Good friends multiply joy and divide e) sorrows. True friends grow better but closer) with time. A true friend stand by 8) you in good and bad times like. hy) Rearrange the jumbled words to make correct sentences. Write the sentences in your answer sheet. represent / a / of / manners / the / person / character courteous /'a / well-mannered / amiable / is / person / and friendly come / good breeding / these / from / good education / and of rewards / many /the / good manners/ are 6 AQOT0B01 Di D2 D3 D4 DS D6 Section D — (Literature) Gay Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow, Write the answers in your answer sheet in a few lines only. Rememifer to number your answers carefully, My grandmother was a genius, You'd like to know why? Bepause she could climb trees, Spreading or high, she'd be up their branches in a trice. And mind you, when she last climbed a tree, she was sixty-two. Why does the poet call his grandmother a genius? What does the expression ‘in a trice’ mean? ‘What was her ige when she last climbed a tree? Give the word that rhymes with ‘why’. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write the answers in your answer sheet in a few lines only. A sen of foliage girds our garden round, But not a sea of dull unveried green, Sharp contrasts of all colours here are seen; ‘The light-green graceful tamarinds abound. What girds their garden ? What do the words ‘foliage’ and ‘girds’ mean? What is found plenty in his garden and what colour are they? In the poem, ‘I cannot remember my mother’, the speaker describes three situations in which he catches a feel of his mother, What are the three situations? Your answer should not exceed 100 words. Atthe end of the story in ‘Kabuliwala’, the author refers to some loss and some gain. Name both. Your answer should not exceed 100 words. What did Miep see in Amsterdam that made her anxious for Frank's family? What is the connection between the two? Imagine you are Thambi, Write a diary entry describing your feelings of joy, excitement and thrill on the day you heard the news that the “Everest has been conquered!’ (Also mention the reactions of your family members, friends, neighbours ete) (150-175 words) 7 AQ070801

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