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Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire you look for three things: integrity,

intelligence and energy. But if you don’t have the first the other two will kill you. These are the
words said by Warren Edward Buffet the American Investor, Businessman and philanthropist.
This quote apart from others can be found in the book "The Tao of Warren Buffet". Like the
sayings of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu, Warren Buffett's worldly wisdom is
deceptively simple and enormously powerful in application. 

The difference between a good company and a great company are its people. Their unique
capability and drive can play a crucial role in the company's overall growth. For meeting the
requirements and standards of this fast growing global economy a company needs people with
keen insight, reliable intelligence and a service that possesses integrity. 

First let me give you my definition of the three words when it comes to jobs and hiring.
Intelligence doesn't mean a person must have read Shakespeare or can solve complex physics
problems. It does mean the candidate has a strong dose of intellectual curiosity, with a breadth of
knowledge to work with or lead other smart people in today's complex world. Sometimes people
confuse education with intelligence. Smart people come from every kind of school. My point is
that a candidate's education is only a piece of the picture, especially when it conies to

Energy can be broken into two parts positive energy from within one's self and the ability
to energize others.
It means the ability to go go go - to thrive on action and relish change. People with positive
energy are generally extroverted and optimistic. They make conversation and friends easily.
They start the day with enthusiasm and usually end it that; way too, rarely seeming to tire in the
middle. They don't complain about working hard; they love to work. They also love to play.
People with positive energy just love life. Positive energy is the ability to get other people revved
up. People who energize can inspire their team to take on the impossible - and enjoy the out of
doing it. Now, energizing others is not just about giving SRK style CHAK DE!! speeches. It
takes a deep knowledge and strong persuasion skills to make a case that will galvanize others.
Integrity is something of a fuzzy word, so let me tell you my definition. People with integrity tell
the truth, and they keep their word. They take responsibility for past actions, admit mistakes, and
fix them. They know the laws of their country, industry, and company  both in letter and spirit -
and abide by them. They play to win the right way, by the rules. 

I believe being a part of a team where you know the other members have your back is the most
important thing. I could shovel banana peels all day if it was with cool people I trusted. Integrity
is one of the only things that a person can’t change over the course of a job. Lack of specific
skills or knowledge can be fixed, but bad integrity can’t be fixed in the short term, and a person
like that will spread negativity throughout the organization. You can’t trust an able person who
lacks integrity, but you also can’t trust a good person who lacks ability. I’ve always believed that
integrity is the key to everlasting success. Having integrity enables you to honestly grow the
business, whether it belongs to you or not. People who have no integrity, initially they seemed to
move forward rather fast, but most often were shot down by their own lack of integrity. This is a
classic case of the hare and the tortoise.

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