Case-Based Essay Q&A: Question Answer

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A case is a description of a situation,

usually a complex one, that has multiple meanings, some of which can
be contradictory. Of course there is truth in a case.

1. Answers two questions—What? Why?—and often a third—How?

2. Makes a position statement (What?)
3. Uses evidence to persuade the reader (Why?)
4. If needed, provides an action plan (How?) They want you to answer
whatever questions you have been asked about a case—and to answer them
as efficiently as you can.
The parts of a case essay can be organized around three simple questions:
What? Why? How? The position statement responds to What? and the
argument answers Why? How? refers to action: How should the recommended
decision be implemented? How can the problem be fixed?
Case-based essay Q&A
Question Answer
What? Position statement (expresses a conclusion)
Why? Argument
How? Action plan

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