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Heisenberg van vleck model

for magnetic exchange

Manjunath neeruganti
Atul Mohan m
Praneeth choda
Whatmagneticexchangereallyis ?

. Purelyquantummechanical phenomenon
. Increasesordecreasestheexpectationvalueof

Whatmagneticexchangereally is ?

Interaction is purely quantum mechanical phenomenon

Increases or decreases the expectation value of energy or

the distance between two or more identical particles
when their wave functions overlap each other.
Three types of exchange interactions

(1)Direct exchange:- Interaction between two same

magnetic ions of same spin
Indirect exchange :-Interaction of two metal ions by an
anion in between. them .They are of two types
(a)Super exchange:-Involves coupling between two
next nearest neighbour positive ions through a non
magnetic ion . Usually occurs in ferro magnetic
(b)Double exchange:-Usually occurs when crystal
contains two magnetic ions of different spins
interacting among each other .
Ising model
It is D model of interaction

 H=-∑ j SiSj (i<j)

j=exchange integral=Es-ET
Heisenberg model
. It is extension of Ising model to 3D model of interaction

. Spins as 3D vectors oriented in space

. H=-∑ j (rij) Si Sj

j (rij)>0 for ferromagnets

j (rij)<0 for anti ferro magnets

Properties of exchange integral
(1)j(rij) falls exponentially with increasing distance between i th & jth

(2)It depends on the degree of overlap of the atomic wave


(3)The value of exchange integral is different in different


(4)atomic moments may be coupled more strongly in some


(5)usually exchange integral is assigned the value J for nearest

neighbours and 0 for other interactions
Ferromagnetism and Heisenberg Hamiltonian .

. J>0

. Clearly the ground state is one in which all spins are aligned
(symmetry breaking) and the excited state is in one in which
spins are flipped (magnon or spin wave)

. At finite T, each spin will “fluctuate” around its mean value

(even at T=0 due to quantum fluctuations)

. Ferro magnetic order breaks down below temperature Tc ,.

Anti ferromagnetism and Heisenberg Hamiltonian

. J<0 due mostly to


.Spin aligns anti parallel

to each other

.But thermodynamically
favoured state at T<TN

TN is Neel temperature
Nature in real crystals
1.Real crystals are anisotropic

2.Isotropy is broken by other magnetic effects that were

neglected in original Hamiltonian like dipolar

3.External magnetic fields can also effect isotropy

Anisotropic Hamiltonian

H= -∑ J(rij)Si.Sj - ∑gµB Si ,(i<j)

Paramagnetism & coupling

1.Generally atoms , molecules possessing odd number of

electrons show paramagnetism

2.Even though O2 has even number of electrons shows


3.Metal ions like Mn+2 and actinides U+4 with partly filled inner
Spin orbital coupling is of two types

(1) Russel - saunders coupling :-we can

define j=s + l, where

s is sum of all orbital spin quantum


l is sum of all azimuthal quantum number

j defines the net angular momentum o f the

J-J coupling :-Individually find out j value for
each electron ,ji =si + li and take the resultant of all j

.On applying a magnetic field paramagnetic material

gets magnetised in the direction parallel to the field
.Magnetic susceptibility χ α 1/(T-θ),where θ is curie-
wiess temperature
.As energy difference between the ground state and
excited state increases and Δ>>kB T
χ α 1/Δ ,which is independent of temperature
. This type of temperature independent
paramagnetism is called van – vleck paramagnetism
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.Both ferro and anti

ferro magnetic crysta
-ls reduce to parama
-gnetic materials
after a particular

Special thanks to
 Ramesh chandranath(physics)
 S.Shankarnarayan (physics)

C.P.priya kumari(P . hd student)

 Deepthi jose(P . hd student)
 Jissy A.K(P . hd student)
 Sreerekha (P . hd student)

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