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29 years
1er ES.MAT BP.4007 F.A.R Bensergao Agadir, MAROC
 +212-670–24–67–34
Electrical Engineer

2002 – 2005 Diploma of Electrical Engineer

Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs, Rabat
1997 – 1999 Classes préparatoires Math Sup/ Math Spé

Arabic : Mother tongue

English, French, Spanish : Professional
German : Notions
Jobs experiences:

February 2008 until today ABENGOA:

Electrical engineering manager within the ISCC power plant 470MW of
Ain Beni Mathar:
- Elaboration of basic and detail engineering
- Control of technical offers of the electrical equipments
- Commissioning of power transformers ,MV
cabinets ,batteries, UPS systems, diesel generators, GE
- Protection of generators ,transformers, cables

October 2005 until January 2008 CEGELEC: Engineering of EHV substations

Head Engineer of EHV substations:
- Costing of different substations projects.
- Projects planning and control of engineering
2005 Office National de l’Electricité: production, despatch, distribution of electrical power
de (3 months). Study project:
- Electro-mechanical calculation of overhead lines
- Optimization and costing via PLS-CADD
2002 Office Chérifien des Phosphates: Analysis of harmonics within the grid (1 month)
Engineer training: Calculation and solutions for the harmonics pollution

2001 Ciments du Maroc. : Maintenance of electrical equipments

Technical study: Elaboration of planning of maintenance and codification of
the whole electrical installation.
IT skills:
AutoCAD, ETAP power station, PLS CADD, Office, VB dot net, CYME, MATLAB.
Membership and extra:
- Member of the cultural association of Arrabita de Sefrou.
- Sports : Footing, tennis.
- Drive licence B

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