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Introduction to Media Studies

Course Objective: This course aims to introduce fundamental academic concepts of

media studies including print & broadcast journalism, cinema and communication
theories to the management students. The main focus would be to provide basic
understanding of the ambit of media studies that could be contextualized as they
proceed to understand the realm of advertising and public relations


Communication Theories (6 hours)

The logic of studying communication Theories

Communication Perspectives

Sociological perspective Theories – The Uses and Gratification Approach, Agenda

setting Theory, Cultivation Theory, Catharsis,

Marshal Mc Luhan: The Medium is the Message

Media, Society and Culture

Print Journalism (9 hours)

What is Journalism, Role and responsibilities of a journalist

A short history of print Journalism in India

The newspaper organisation; Departments in a newspaper and their role in

the publishing of a newspaper

Hierarchies in the departments of a newspaper - Editorial, Marketing,

Circulation and Production - and their roles

Broadcast Media (6 hours)

Introduction to broadcast Media in India


History of television programming in India

Television and national development

TV Channels in India: A case study

Cinema (6 hours)

Brief History of world cinema

Indian cinema: In retrospect, current trends

Basics of Film Appreciation

Media Business (3 hours)

The Business of Media in India

A glimpse of the India Media and Entertainment Industry

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