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Name: Arl “Try Again” Bragg

Home World: Tanith (Feral World; Dead Planet) (Taboo: Warrior Death)
Career Path: Guardsman
Rank: Conscript
Quirk: Tribal Tattooing
Gender: Male
Build: Strapping
Height: 2.10m
Weight: 120kg
Skin Colour: Ruddy
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Green
Age: 35

Weapon Skill: 30
Ballistic Skill: 28
Strength: 45
Toughness: 39
Agility: 30
Intelligence: 33
Perception: 29
Willpower: 34
Fellowship: 30

Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag)
Additional Skills:

Starting Talents: Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Las), Basic Weapons
Training (SP)
Additional Talents:

Starting Gear: Sword, laspistol and 1 charge pack, lasgun and 1 charge pack, shotgun and 12
shells, knife, guard flak armour, stealth gear, 1 week corpse starch rations, Imperial
Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer
Additional Gear:

Starting rank:

Starting Wounds:

Starting Fate Points:

Starting Movement:
Starting Wealth:



Inquisition-related stuff:

Ranks & Advances:

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