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JUDICIAL NOMINATING COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR COLORADO STATE COURT JUDGESHIP oa NOTE: For the required number of copies to file, please refer to the INSTRUCTION SHEE corresponds to the specific vacancy for which you are applying. that First Judicial District, County Court (designate vacaney for which application is being made) 1. ‘The information you provide in questions 1 — 34 is public information and will be released upon request if the applicant’s name is forwarded to the Governor for consideration of appointment. A. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1, Full Name: Harold (Hal) Sargent 2. Birth year: 9/25/1958 3. Are you a United States citizen? Yes 4. Attomey Registration Number: 14289 5. Work Address: Jefferson County District Attorney's Office, $00 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden CO, 80401 6, Telephone (w): (303) 271-6825 7. List your place of residence for the past five years, Eon “Jefferson B, EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND. 8. List the names and locations of schools attended, beginning with high school. [Rem Grosse Pointe South High 9. List scholarships, awards, honors, and citations you received during college and law school. Law Review C, PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE ion, Give the same 10. List all courts in which you have been admitted to practice, with dates of adh information for administrative bodies which require special admission to practice. 11, Indicate your present employment (list professional partners or associates, if any. and include dates) If you currently practice law, describe the nature of your present law practice, listing the major types of law you practice and the percentage each constituies of your total practice. I work for the District Attorney of the First Judicial District practicing criminal law. 1 joined the office as a Deputy District Attorney in 1984, [ started in County Court and was moved to Distriet Court in 1985. 1 became a Chief Deputy District Attorney in 1999. 1 supervised our Juvenile Unit until 2006. In 2006 1 was assigned as a Chief Deputy in District Court. 1 now supervise the attorney: who cover three divisions of District Court and all cases in Gilpin County. also supervise our Elder Abuse unit which we started in February of 2010. 12. If you have a subspecialty in any major types of law listed in number 11, what is your subspecialty? 1B. List other areas of law in which you have practiced. 14. Have you practiced in the appellate courts of Colorado within the past five years? If so, please state the number and the types of matters handled No 15. Have you practiced in the trial courts of Colorado within the past five years? If so, please state what percentage of your tota! practice your trial practice constituted and the types of matters handled. 100% 16, List five litigated cases in which you participated as a judge or lawyer in the past five years, the names of the judges presiding, and the names of counsel. Please list current telephone (including area code) for each person identified, 1. Case Name/Number: People v. Reginald Porter/02CR42 Revised 4/2009 2 Presiding Judge:Jack Berryhill Phone: (303) 271-6380 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for opposing counse!: ‘Tom Carberry (303)722-3929 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for eo-counse!: Alexis King (303) 271-6832 Briefly describe the case and your involvement Mr. Porter, a three time convieted rapist, broke into a Black Hawk casino business office and robbed the woman present and attempted to sexually assault her. This was a 2010 retrial of a case overtured on appeal, Mr. Porter admitted to many of the allegations but claimed he was insane at the time of the offenses. { was Ms. King's supervisor and I assisted her in trial preparation and trial. I handled the mental health experts, rebuttal close and many legal arguments. [will assist Ms, King in the Habitual Criminal phase of the case. 2. Case Name/Number: People v. Richard Regaladov7CR2364 Presiding Judge:Brooke Jackson Phone: 303-271-6160 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for opposing counsel: Ingrid Bakke (303) 442-4295 Lisa Polansky (303) 415-2583 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for eo-counsel: Don Nottingham (303) 271-6834 Briefly describe the case and your involvement: Mr. Regalado and his nephew. Thomas Garrison, were in the drug business with the victim, Shawn Rodriguez. Regalado and Garrison entered Rodriquez’ home and fired multiple bullets into him, No physical evidence linked Regalado to the crime. Our cases depended on the testimony of several uncooperative witnesses, all with significant criminal histories. 1 was lead counset and handied case organization, defendant dispositional offers, jury selection, direct and cross examinations of many witnesses, many legal arguments, rebuttal close and sentencing. 3. Case Name/Number: Vincent Ortiz/05CR4232 Presiding Judge:Brooke Jackson Phone: (303) 271-6160 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for opposing counsel: Kurt Metzger (303) 429-8737 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for co-counsel: Erie Johnson (303) 271-6874 Briefly describe the case and your invofvement: ‘The victim and her boyfriend lived together. Mr. Ortiz, along with ovo codefendants, entered the Revised 4/2009 3 victim's home. forced her and her boyfriend to their knees, ransacked the home and ultimately fired one bullet into the victim's head and one into the boyftiend's head. The vietim died. Miraculously, her boyfriend lived to testify, in separate trials, against all three defendants. I was lead counse! in all three cases. | handled jury selection, ditect and cross examination of many witnesses, including the surviving boyfriend, closing argument and sentencing. 4. Case Name/Number: Chad Coughlin08CR1202 Presiding Judge:Dennis Halt Phone: (303) 271-6150 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for opposing counse: ‘Thea Reiff (303) 279-7841 ext! 365 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for eo-counsel Katie Kurtz (303) 271-6826 Briefly describe the case and your involvement: Mr. Coughlin attempted to kill a man with a knife in the parking lot of a Lakewood bar. 1 was Ms. Kurtz’ supervisor and assisted her with case preparation and trial. 1 was responsible for jury selection, the testimony of several witnesses and first close. | helped Ms. Kurtz prepare her sentencing argument. 5. Case Name/Number: Luke Thomas/03CR3428 Presiding Judge:Brian Boatright Phone: (303) 271-6433 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for opposing counsel: Michael Steinberg (303) 627-7777 List name(s) and telephone number(s) for co-counsel: Lori Tolle (303) 271-6832 Briefly describe the case and your involvement: Mr. Thomas sexually assaulted a woman he met at a party and who had passed out in the back of his track. ‘The vietim remembered little of what happened to her and was likely drugged. 1 was Ms, Tolle's supervisor and helped her with case preparation and trial. 1 was responsible for several witnesses, opening statement and rebuttal close. I assisted Ms. Tolle with the sentencing argument. 17, Summarize your experience in adversary proceedings before administrative boards or commissions. None 18. List any law related lectures, speeches, of other presentations you have given and any such books or articles you have authored, Presentations to lawyers: Jury Selection: For the Colorado District Attorney's Council (CDAC) Revised 4/2009 4 Cross Examination of Expert Witnesses: (CDAC) Fall Conference Making Objections: Adams County District Attorney's Office for CDAC Drafting and use of Cooperation Agreements: Office presentation Law Enforcement Teaching: Red Rocks Community College classes: Law of Arrest Search and Seizure, Interrogation , Moot Court, Persons Crimes. Juvenile Law, Property Crimes Sheriff's Office : Moot Court, Courtroom Testimony, Arrest Search and Seizure, Juvenile Law Lakewood Police Department Teaching : Courtroom Testimony, Moot Court, Juvenile Law Gilpin County law enforcement agencies: Report Writing. Witness Interviewing, Courtroom Testimony 19, List your prior professional or business employment since completion of your formal education (inctade dates). 20. If you have not been employed continuously since completion of your formal education, describe generally what you were doing (include dates). D. PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC SERVICE, 21. List activities in professional associations, including offices held, committees, awards, honors, and citations (include dates) 1998: Top Gun Award (Office award given for trial work) 1999: Received Robert Gallagher Award (Colorado prosecutor of the year) 2000-2008: Juvenile Services Planning Committee 2000-2005: Jefferson County Juvenile Assessment Center Management Board 2003-04: Youth Alcohol Intervention Board 22. List your activities in civic and charitable organizations, including offices held, awards, honors, and citations (include dates), Rush soccer coach: 2001-2009 Math and writing tutor at Devinny Elementary School: Various dates in 2002-2008 Courtrooms to Classrooms: Class at Jefferson High Schoo! teaching students about the justice system, 2002-03, Jefferson County All Stars: (Community program educating high school students about the dangers of drinking and driving) 1985-86 Meals on Wheels volunteer 1979-80 Cottage Hospital Geriatric Ward volunteer 1975-76 23, List all public offices to which you were appointed or elected (include dates served). Have you had any military or other public service? if so, please give details Revised 4/2009 5 E, REQUIREMENT TO COMPLY WITH JUDICIAL CODE OF CONDUCT IF appointed to the bench, you will be required to comply with the canons contained in the Colorado Code of Judicial Conduct. 24, Are you familiar with the Commission on Judicial Discipline and its Functio Yes 28, Do you understand a judge is required to file reports of compensation for quasi-judicial and extra- Judicial activities in conformance with the Code of Judicial Conduct? Yes 26. Do you understand that a judge must comply with the Public Official Disclosure Law (Section 24-6- 202, CRS.) Yes 27. If you are now active in partisan politics, would you cease such activity if you are appointed to judicial office? Yes 28, Are you now an officer or director of any business organization or otherwise engaged in the management of any business enterprise? Iso, please give detail. No 29. Colorado judges are expected to use computer technology for a wide variety of functions inelading word processing, legal research, case management, e-filing and e-mail. Do you personally use @ computer for any of the purposes listed above or for similar purposes? If yes, describe the functions you perform and state how frequently you perform each function, If no, state whether you will participate in training to develop and maintain your personal skills in using computer technology Tluse the computer for email, case management and word processing daily. I research matters on the computer several times a month. 30, Have you ever been cited for contempt of Court? If's0, please give details No F, MISCELLANEOUS 31. Describe how you spend your leisure time (incliding special interests, hobbies, reading preferences vacation activities) spend most of my five time with my family (wife Anne Stavig, fifteen year old daughter Kaia and thirteen year old daughter Emma). hike, play racquetball, and golf when | can. { enjoy a wide range of fiction, historical novels and whatever book my wife's book club is reading, We have a place in Breckenridge and I fove to spend fime there. What money we don't save for the kids college we Revised 4/2009 6 spend om travel. 32. List the names of no more than five individuals from whom you are requesting a letter of reference, Scott Storey, Dave Thomas, Jan Ferguson, Mike Reide, Michele Zadunayski 33. Please attach a statement not to exceed one page in length, double-spaced, discussing: (a) your knowledge of and experience with the court served by the judgeship for which you are applying: and (b) the reasons why you wish to be appointed to this vacaney and the qualities you would bring to the bench if appointed 34. If you are applying for an appellate judgeship, you MUST submit a sample of your legal writing of ‘not more than twenty (20) pages with this application, Revised 4/2009 7

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