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Character Captain

Name: Alvaro Arcilla

Text: Odyssey of Homer
Date: 08/15/10
Books Books 9-12

Character Captain: The Odyssey involves a whole cast of great warriors

and fantastic creatures. Your task is to get to know and understand the
characters in the text. Describe their personalities--how they act, how they feel,
what they think. Share the observations you have about them to your group.
Select adjectives that describe one or more of the characters in your novel, and
support your selection with examples taken from your reading assignment.

Write down the name of the character/s and the adjectives that describe them.
Identify the specific incidents in the text that support your claims.

Character Adjective/s Specific Example of

Behavior/Action in the

Text (indicate Book #)

Poseidon Vengeful, Hostile, Vowed to take revenge

Dangerous, for Cyclopes' injury.
Mischievous Has a grudge towards
Odysseus Witty, Smart, How he was able to tell
Respectful, his story in such a way
Trustworthy, that Alkinoos took pity
Courageous on him. How he always
acknowledges the high-
rank and worthiness of
those he talks too.
when he went down
into the underworld, he
showed bravery
amongst the dead
Alkinoos Kind, Generous Although Odysseus was
a stranger, Alkinoos did
him homage and
respected Odysseus
Eurylochos Dangerous, Power- Constantly tried to take
Hungry over command of
Odysseus' authority in
his voyages. Persuades
others without
Odysseus' consent and
secretly tries to
overthrow him.
Circe Hospitable, Visionary She accepted Odysseus
into her house along
with his men and gave
them many of food to
eat. A visionary who
gives daring predictions
into the future as to
what Odysseus' fate
will be and what he has
to do.

Common Character Traits

adventurous awesome artistic athletic active

beautiful brave bold bossy cheerful
curious creative courageous considerate daring
impulsive dainty dangerous exciting entertaining
energetic funny happy friendly fun-loving
gentle generous independent humble hostile
honest intelligent mischievous inventive neat
lazy messy nosy mean poor
nasty nice quiet open respectful
proud pretty sloppy rich successful
shy sad smart serious selfish
simple short trustworthy studious unselfish
warm tall wild thoughtful silly
melancholy witty aimless loud prudent
iconoclastic mellow belligerent loyal visionary


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