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Wacky Wordsmith

Name: Martin Ibasco

Text: The Odyssey of Homer
Books: Books 9-12

Wacky Wordsmith: As the author of the two most famous epics in ancient Greek
literature, Homer helped define the Western World's vocabulary landscape. Your task is
to look for at least TEN WONDER WORDS, important words or phrases in the text which
you deem crucial to the text. If you find words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, list them
down in the second table, “NEW TO MY VOCABULARY”. Record the meaning that you
came up with and indicate its significance. Include words that you consider significant or
crucial to the text. When your circle meets, discuss the words, the reason(s) why you
think they are Wonder Words, and how you came up with their meaning. Ask them to
suggest additional Wonder Words to your list.

“WONDER Book # Definition and Significance

vouchsafed 9 Meaning to grant or give in a condescending
manner. This word was when the cyclops
didn't bother to answer and suddenly took
hold of the two men and bashed them as
they were like puppies.

9 It is sort of like a drill bit. This word was

Auger used when they hit the sharp end of the
beam into the cyclops' eye. They used a
simile in comparing this to “like boring a
hole using an auger.”

Abhorred 10 It means to detest. This was used in “Be off,

for you come here as one abhorred of
heaven” Meaning that he will not support
the one that is detested by heaven.

reconnoitre 10 Meaning to inspect or survey. “I kept my

own ship outside, and moored it to a rock at
the very end of the point; then I climbed a
high rock to reconnoitre” He went up to look

feckless Meaning irresponsible. This word was used
when he was there with his sword drawn not
letting the poor feckless ghouls touch the

Exhort 12 In this context it means to encourage. “I

went round, therefore, and exhorted them
man by man not to lose heart.”

“NEW TO MY Book # Definition and Significance


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