Sand Filters For Home Use - Texas Agricultural Extension Service

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On-site wastewater treatment systems

Discharge to soil
absorption field

Two-compartment septic tank

with pumping chamber Sand filter

Figure 1: A sand filter system.

Sand filter
Bruce Lesikar
Extension Agricultural Engineering Specialist
The Texas A&M University System

and filtration is one of the oldest wastewater treatment technolo- The typical sand filter is a lined
gies known. If properly designed, constructed, operated and watertight box, generally concrete- or
plastic-lined, and filled with a specific
maintained, a sand filter produces a very high quality effluent. sand material. Types of sand filters
Sand filters are beds of granular material, or sand, drained from include:
underneath so that pretreated wastewater can be treated, collected and ✓ Intermittent sand filter, in which
distributed to the land application system. They are normally used wastewater is applied periodically
to a 24- to 36-inch-deep bed of
to polish effluent from septic tanks or The wastewater cannot enter surface sand that is underdrained to collect
other treatment processes before it is water, streams, ditches or any water and discharge the effluent. The
distributed on the land. All on-site resources. After the filtrate is collected bed is underlain by graded gravel
systems are “no-discharge,” meaning by the sand filter’s under drains, it is and collecting tile. Wastewater is
the wastewater must stay in the then disposed of by a soil absorption applied intermittently to the bed’s
system and not leave the property. system. surface through distribution pipes.
✓ Recirculating intermittent sand Wastewater applied to the sand
filter, which filters wastewater by filter should be pretreated, such as in
mixing filtrate with incoming a septic tank. The effluent from the
septic tank effluent and recircu- septic tank is then distributed uni-
lating it several times through the formly on the sand surface.
filter media before discharging it
To distribute the wastewater, a
to a final land application system.
dosing siphon can be used with splash
This filter’s components are
plates. Another approach is to pump
similar to the intermittent sand
the effluent under low-pressure,
filter components.
controlled doses through a network of
Sand filters can be free access small-diameter pipes. The pipes are
(open to the surface) or buried in the placed in a bed filled with gravel on
ground (buried filters). Free access top of the sand. The effluent leaves
sand filters are generally above the pipes, trickles down through the
ground and usually have a lid that gravel and is treated as it filters
eases access to the sand system. through the sand.
Landscape design helps the system
A gravel under-drain collects and
blend into its surroundings. A buried
moves the treated wastewater to either
sand filter is completely covered and
a second pump chamber for discharge
easily blends into the landscape.
to a pressurized distribution system or
to a gravity flow soil absorption field.
Treatment The second pump chamber may be
Wastewater applied A sand filter purifies the water in located in the sand filter.
three ways:
to the sand filter Design
✓ Filtration, in which particles are
should be pretreated, physically strained from the The typical sand filter is a
incoming wastewater; concrete- or PVC-lined box filled
such as in a with a specific sand material. The
✓ Chemical sorption, in which
media depth ranges from 24 to 42
septic tank contaminants stick to the surface
of the sand and to the biological
growth on the sand surface; and It’s important that the sand
particles all be about the same size. If
✓ Assimilation, in which aerobic
the grain sizes vary greatly, the
microbes eat the nutrients in the
smaller ones will fill in the spaces
wastewater. The success of
between the larger particles, making it
treating wastewater depends on
easier for the system to clog.
these microbes. Air must be
available for these microbes to The larger the grain size, the
live. faster the wastewater moves through
the sand and the more wastewater that
Sand filters are often partially or
can be filtered. Small media slow the
completely buried in the ground, but
water movement and increase the
may be built above ground where
chance of clogging. The grain size
there is a high water table or bedrock.
also affects how deep the solid
Especially in areas with much rain
particles penetrate the filter and how
and long periods of subfreezing
clean the final effluent is.
temperatures, the sand filter should
have some form of cover.
Electrical conduit PVC hose and
valve assembly PVC pipe to
Filter fabric land application

Loamy sand

Pump basin Liner

3/8 inch pea gravel

Filter sand Check valve

Float assembly Submersible pump

Sand 2 inch sand leveling layer

18 inches

Figure 2: A sand filter.

Different types of sand filters can How to keep it working

It’s important that the
handle different amounts of wastewa-
ter. Buried sand filters generally can Several factors affect the filter’s sand particles all be
performance, including two important
handle 1.2 gallons of wastewater per
square foot of sand filter surface area environmental conditions: aeration about the same size
per day (gpsfd). This low loading and temperature. Oxygen needs to be
capacity results from the system’s available within the pores so that
limited maintenance needs. Using a microbes can break down the solids in
buried sand filter, a three-bedroom the wastewater. If the filter has poor
home with a flow of 240 gallons per air movement, such as when it is
day would require 200 square feet of covered with heavy clay, the system
sand filter (about 14 feet by 14 feet). can clog.

An intermittent recirculating free Temperature directly affects the

access sand filter can have loading rate of microbial growth, chemical
rates up to 15 gpsfd. To reduce the reactions, adsorption mechanisms and
size of the sand filter, the designer other factors that contribute to the
may use a free access sand filter with stabilization of wastewater. Lower
a higher loading rate, but the higher temperatures usually slow the rate of
rate generally means more mainte- material breakdown.
nance requirements. For this system, a Maintenance requirements for
three-bedroom home (240 gallons a sand filters depend on the type of
day) with a sand filter loading rate of filter. Buried sand filters are designed
10 gpsfd would have a 24-square-foot to limit the need for maintenance. The
sand filter (6 feet by 4 feet). most important maintenance for them
is to make sure the pretreatment Here’s how to regenerate a
system is working properly. Applying clogged free access sand filter:
solids, grease or scum to the surface
of a buried filter greatly reduces its
✓ Rest the sand filter, allowing it to
dry and break down the biologi-
life. Otherwise, a correctly designed
cal materials growing there. You
and installed buried sand filter should
can use an oxidizing agent such
require no additional maintenance.
as hydrogen peroxide to break
Free access sand filters need down the biological material.
more maintenance because they
handle higher loading rates than
✓ Rake the surface layer to break
The sand filter buried sand filters. This kind of sand
the crust that develops on top of
the sand filter because of the
filter can be maintained regularly and
can become clogged regenerated if the media become
accumulation of fine materials.
This allows water to filter into the
because of physical clogged over time.
The sand filter can become
or biological factors clogged because of physical or
✓ Remove the surface layer of sand
from the filter when it is clogged
biological factors. Physical clogging
with fine particles.
occurs when solid materials accumu-
late within or on the sand surface. ✓ Replace the sand if the bed
Biological clogging is caused by cannot be regenerated or if the
excessive microbial growth within the sand layer is too shallow after the
filter. The filter clogs faster when surface layer is removed.
biological slimes accumulate and
wastewater contaminants entrapped
there decompose slowly.

The On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems series of publications is a result of collaborative efforts of various agencies,
organizations and funding sources. We would like to acknowledge the following collaborators:
Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board USEPA 319(h) Program
Texas On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council Texas Agricultural Extension Service
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
USDA Water Quality Demonstration Projects Texas On-Site Wastewater Association
Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Produced by Agricultural Communications, The Texas A&M University System

All publications in the On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems series can be downloaded free from the World Wide Web at:
Educational programs of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States
Department of Agriculture. Chester P. Fehlis, Deputy Director, The Texas Agricultural Exension Service, The Texas A&M University System.
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