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Getting Dressed Up For Spiritual Warfare

Pastor John Isaacs

Presented at Kingsway Community Church on June 27, 2010

Jesus Won The Battle Against Sin, Death, and Satan:

1 John3:8, Romans 6:6, Hebrews 2:14, Colossians 2:15 My Notes:
Three Levels of Spiritual Warfare: Acts 19
1. ______________ Level Spiritual Warfare: Acts 19:11-12 ______________________________________
Freedom from demonic activity connected to addictions,
phobias, sickness, and mental illness.
2. ______________ Level Spiritual Warfare: Acts 19:19-20 ______________________________________
Freedom from demonic activity connected with the
3. ______________ Level Spiritual Warfare: Acts 19:27 ______________________________________
Freedom from demonic activity generated by
principalities and powers over locations.
Pushing Back: James 4:7
How We Do It: ______________________________________
1. Declaring God’s ____________
2. _____________ into the opposite spirit.
3. _____________ in the opposite spirit. ______________________________________
4. _____________ the Lord. ______________________________________
5. _____________ all involvement with the occult. ______________________________________
6. _____________ prince demons and declaring, “The
Lord Rebuke You!”
Getting Dressed For Battle: Ephesians 6:10-18 ______________________________________
1. Belt of Truth ______________________________________
- truth in ________________________: ______________________________________
the opposite of falsehood.
- truth of __________________: ______________________________________
the opposite of hypocrisy. ______________________________________
- truth in __________________:
the opposite of relativity. ______________________________________
2. Body Armor of God’s ___________________
Philippians 3:8-9 ______________________________________
3. Shoes of _________________ from the Good News
In Christ we have a peace that passes all understanding. ______________________________________
4. Shield of _____________________
Statements of faith – Declarations of God’s Word ______________________________________
5. Helmet of Salvation ______________
1 Thessalonians 5:8 ______________________________________
6. Sword of the Spirit - __________________________
Hebrews 4:12 ______________________________________
Go To Battle:
Ephesians 6:18

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