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Experiencing God In The Church

Unity In The Body

Pastor John Isaacs
Presented at Kingsway Community Church on August 1, 2010

“The Body” Metaphor Revels

1. Jesus is the Head My Notes:
2. We are joined to each other ______________________________________
3. Every member is valuable
4. Every members is supernaturally gifted ______________________________________
5. Every member has a function to serve ______________________________________
6. Every member is empowered by the Holy Spirit ______________________________________
7. God is glorified
As Members of “The Body” We Experience 3 Things ______________________________________
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
Unity Defined ______________________________________
It is not _________________
Biblical Unity: John 17 ______________________________________
“Oneness with Diversity” ______________________________________
Biblical Unity:
1. ________________ (Galatians 3:26-28) ______________________________________
2. ________________ (Philippians 2:2, 1 Peter 3:8) ______________________________________
Practical Unity:
1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________ ______________________________________
Unity Destroyers: ______________________________________
1. _________________________ ______________________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________ ______________________________________
5. _________________________ ______________________________________
Unity Preservers: Ephesians 4:1-3 ______________________________________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________ ______________________________________
4. _________________________ ______________________________________
5. _________________________ ______________________________________

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