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Mind Over Luck

Section A: Card Counting in Blackjack

1 The Basic Game

2 The Basic Strategy

The Dealer
Basic Strategy Chart

3 Advanced Strategy
Soft Holding Cards
Soft Hand Chart
When to Double Down
Double Down Chart
When to split pairs
Splitting Pairs Chart

4 How to Card Count and Win

Plus and Minus
The Rules

5 Advanced Method: Keeping Track of Aces & Tens

Ten cards
Section B: Memory for Cards
1 Basic Memory Technique: The Linking Method
The linking method
The test
How to memorize cards
A memory trick for card counting
The room method
The elimination technique

2 Tips and Tricks

Short Cut
How not to get caught
Do not look like a cheater
Money management
Final thoughts



The object of blackjack (also known as twenty-one) is for the number of points in
your hand to add up to more than the total points in the dealer's hand, without
exceeding twenty-one points.
The points are calculated as follows: all face cards (Jack, Queen and King) are
ten points. Every other card has a point value equivalent to the value of the card (for
example a two of hearts has a value of two points; an eight of clubs has a value of eight
points, and so on). The card suit does not affect the value of the card. Only the
"number" on the card determines its value.
An ace can have a value of either eleven points or one point. If you get an ace in
your hand, it is called a soft hand because you have more flexibility. The Ace is
counted as either eleven or one depending on which value would bring you closest to
21 without going over. So let's say your hand starts off with an ace and a six of spades.
The ace could have a value of eleven, so your total points would add up to 17. If on
your next card, you receive a ten of diamonds, your original choice for the ace to have a
value of eleven would bring your total score to 27 points, well over the desired 21.
Therefore, the value changes to one point, so that you have a total score of 18 points!

Now that you know the game, let’s start one step at a time. Your first job when
you arrive at the casino is to find a suitable blackjack table. By suitable, I mean one that
has a minimum and maximum betting range that you are comfortable with. There are
$25 dollar tables, $50 dollar tables - you name it! There are tables that allow you to bet
as low as one dollar and tables where the sky is truly the limit. Since you are trying a
new system and my not have it down perfectly yet, try a lower table. Just bet a dollar or
two until you perfect your method. There is a big difference between practicing at home
and playing in the fast-paced and foreign environment of a casino, and actually having a
run at the real thing will really hone your new money making skills.

The table looks like this:

You will sit in the seat known as the anchor, which is the farthest to the left. In
the picture it is the closest to the camera. It is called this because it is the last seat that
is dealt to before the dealer gives him or herself a card. The dealer will begin dealing at
his or her left and end at the anchor, allowing you more time to ponder your odds and
Next, you need to get some chips, and you buy them from the dealer. Don't give
the dealer a hundred dollar bill! Start small. When you lose those chips you can always
buy more, but if you’re losing fast, it will be a good alarm signalling you to quit or go to
another table. A strange thing often happens to ordinary people when they go to a
casino - they lose all sense of proportion. People start betting money that would take
them a week to earn at home. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! Start small, bet
small, enjoy the free drinks until you know you're good - then you can go for the big
score! By the way, have you ever stopped to wonder why the casino serves free drinks
to anyone who is gambling? It's to keep them gambling - and losing!

Now that the basic lecture is over, let's move on to the fine art of blackjack. After
sitting in an anchor chair at a table, you will have to place your bet. You must first place
your bet before the hand begins, then the dealer will slide two cards to you either face
up or face down depending on the casino. Don't pick them up! You are only allowed to
touch your cards with one hand. Just curl the edge of the cards to see the number
value. This prevents cheating, for obvious reasons. Many people can palm cards and

switch them with a card up the sleeve. You don’t want to look like one of these people
because you want attention to be off of you.

It is important not to rush when counting the value of the cards. It may sound
strange, but even though there are only two cards, it is easy to miscount or miscalculate
when rushed. The following are a few scenarios to give you an idea of what you will

If you are dealt an ace and another card with a value of ten points, then you have
what is called and natural blackjack. Present the cards to the dealer immediately and
collect your winnings.

If you do not have a natural blackjack, the next step is to total the points in your
hand. If you are satisfied with the total in your hand and do not wish for any more
cards, then you can signal or say that you stand. To express this decision to the dealer,
wave your hands over the cards or push your cards under your chips. Most casinos
prefer you to use hand signals because then they can observe your actions via the
over-head cameras. Do not touch your chips - the casino may think you are trying to
cheat and will watch you closely. Remember, you want as little attention drawn to you
as possible. If they decide that you are card counting, they have the right to ask you to
leave - and you probably want to make a little money first!!

Here are the basic options you will encounter in the course of the game. I will
explain these options in further detail and tell you how to act later. Right now, just
familiarize yourself with the game.

Hit: If you want additional cards to raise your points, you can hit. To signify this,
just tap or brush the table to show the dealer that you want more cards. If you go over
twenty-one by doing this, then expose all your cards so that the dealer can collect the
cards and your wager.

Split: If you are dealt a pair (such as a pair of threes), then you can choose to
split. You are in effect, separating the cards and treating them like two separate hands.
This is very useful when there is a high chance that the dealer is going to bust.

Double Down: You can double down, which means that you double your bet
and receive only one additional card. This option is usually allowed, but make sure of it
before you play. If not, it will dramatically lower your odds. Whether or not a double
down is allowed can depend on which casino you go to.

Insurance: You can buy insurance. This is allowed when the dealer has an ace
showing, and buying insurance is basically like placing a new bet that the dealer will get
a natural blackjack. This is only to be used on a few occasions. You can only bet one

half of your original wager - no more, no less. This is separate from your original bet.
The idea is that if the dealer has a blackjack, then you’re going to lose anyway (unless
you have a blackjack as well). This side bet is meant to protect you against losing a big
bet. If you win, the insurance bet you would earn 2:1 odds. That means if you bet $25
dollars you will win $50 if the dealer has blackjack. Don’t get too excited. Chances are,
your original hand of cards won’t beat the blackjack and you will lose that bet. Basically,
you break even. There are only a handful of times when the deck is very high in 10-
point cards, when you should buy insurance. Even then, the math does not work out
very well. So if in doubt, don’t take insurance.

Surrender: You can also surrender. This is precisely what it sounds like - you
give up and in return lose only half of your bet. To notify the dealer of this decision,
verbally say, "I surrender" and hand them your cards. Let the dealer divide your bet and
give half of it back to you. Again, this is only allowed in some circumstances and
casinos. The math does not work out very well on this one either. Stick to the basic
strategy for most playing decisions.


I love blackjack! It's fun, simple, and offers the best advantage a player will ever
find in a casino. After all, you are there to win! Sure, when you lose money you say to
yourself, "I'm just here to play, and enjoy the atmosphere and free drinks". But let's face
reality, every game is more fun when you win! And in this game you can win again and
again and again!

After the dealer distributes the cards to the players, they deal themselves two
cards as well (you only see one of them). The dealer has only two options. They can
take an additional card if the total of their cards is 16 or less, taking more cards until the
total is at or above 17 points. The dealer has to stay if the total is 17 or over. Sounds
simple, right? The great thing about this game is that you know what the dealer will do.
You are not playing against a master card player who has a million tricks in mind. You
are playing against, for lack of a better word, a machine. The dealer will do the same
thing whether they are playing against you, a little old lady from Pasadena, or James
Bond. This is why you can win - because time and time again you can predict the
dealer's actions.
The reason you have a better chance at this game than at others lies in the
simplicity of the rules and the predictability of the dealer. This means that we can
formulate the best strategy ahead of time for every situation, so that once in the game
our decisions are automatic. This frees up valuable mind power for memorizing the
cards. By having a good idea of the available cards and a strategy that works with
them, your odds of safely betting money and cashing in increase substantially!
Another big plus with this strategy is that you will come up with your decisions
rapidly. To an outside observer, it will look as though you have simply made an
instinctual hunch. When you start winning, the house will think you are on a winning
streak that will end soon enough. Keep in mind that if you ponder your decisions too
long, you might be targeted as a card counter. It is important to practice so that you
look as natural as possible when you start playing for money. Here is an example of a
“tough” decision that could make a person think for too long:

Let’s say, for example, you are dealt a queen and six totalling sixteen points.
When the dealer reaches you, you then have to decide whether to hit or stand. This is a
tough, if not impossible decision to make at the time. This can cause players to sweat
and curse the heart of the dealer. If you hit, you have a good chance of busting and if
you stand, you will probably lose unless the dealer busts. All of this torment is really not
necessary if you remember one thing: you don't have to reach twenty-one you just have
to beat the dealer.

Let me say this again, you don't have to get twenty-one you just
need to beat the dealer.
So if you have a hard fourteen (hard means there is no ace) the choice of
whether to hit or stand depends on what the dealer is showing. The best decision will
be made based entirely on the probabilities. You have a 53.8% chance of taking a hit
without busting, thereby increasing you point total and your likelihood of winning. You
have a 46.2% chance that a hit will bust you. So the odds are that you should hit in this
Before deciding, you should also look at what the dealer holds. If the dealer is
showing a six or lower the there is a relatively high chance of busting and a lower
chance of finishing between 17 and 21. So, the best plan is to not risk busting and just
stand. Chances are, that the dealer will bust anyway, so probabilities are on your side.
If, on the other hand, you have fourteen and the dealer shows 7 or more, the chances
are between 74% and 83% that the dealer will end between 17 and 21 and there is a
smaller than 26% chance that the dealer will bust, so in this case you hit. Even if you
bust, you are taking a chance that you will improve your score. In this case, you need
to increase your score from 14 to above 17.
Get the picture? This strategy was developed based on these probabilities and it
works. It will give you the least disadvantage, about 1.2% disadvantage. We will turn it
into an advantage later. These techniques have been tested again and again on
thousands of hands, so trust that it really works. In the next section, you will find charts
that demonstrate how to use these probabilities.

You don’t need to do the math and figure out all the probabilities
just learn the chart!

By following this chart you will increase your odds (an advantage). The real
advantage will be shown in the betting strategy later on. For right now, familiarize
yourself with the following charts. They show all the probabilities for every hand, and
the strategy that works best. You will need to know these charts like the back of your
hand before entering a casino to play.



12 H H S S S H H H H H
13 S S S S S H H H H H
14 S S S S S H H H H H
15 S S S S S H H H H H
16 S S S S S H H H H H

THE DEALER SHOWS: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ACE


This strategy works best in every situation and has been tested on thousands of
hands. There are, however, a few exceptions. When you have a hand with many cards
(due to multiple hits), be cautious in hitting again, regardless of what the chart says. If
you hit again with this many cards, it may tip the dealer or casino that you are card
counting. All you need to know right now is that there are high cards and low cards in
every shoe (many decks). The more low cards you get in a row, the more chance the
next one will be a high card. So even if the chart says hit, don’t hit! You may have hit
many times already and have 4 or more low cards in a row. If you find yourself in this
situation think about standing. Use your own judgment! If you have four or five cards
that total, say 16, the chart still tells you to hit, but common sense says: Watch Out!



A soft holding (or soft hand) is any hand that has an ace. This is due to the fact that the
ace can be counted as either a one or as eleven. It is considered soft because you
have a greater ability to take a hit without busting. You should stay when you have an
ace and an eight, nine or ten. This translates to a soft 19, 20, or 21. If you hit, you could
end up with an ace, a nine and a two - a point value of twelve. A score of twelve is a
poor trade in for the original score of nineteen. But then there's age-old question: what
if I have a soft 14, 15, 16, or 17?
The best probabilities are in the following table. Again, these probabilities have
been tested with thousands of hands and really work. Keep in mind: all of these charts
are designed to show you the best decision to make in every situation. Consider it
damage control. Later, when we get into the section on card counting, you will learn the
real secret to winning at the tables. You will learn how to use a betting strategy to make
real money at blackjack.




Ace, 2 H H DD DD DD H H H H H
Ace, 3 H H DD DD DD H H H H H
Ace, 4 H H DD DD DD H H H H H
Ace, 5 H H DD DD DD H H H H H
Ace, 6 H DD DD DD DD S H H H H
Ace, 7 S DD DD DD DD S S H H S
Ace, 8 S S S S S S S S S S
Ace, 9 S S S S S S S S S S

DEALER SHOWS: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ACE


Doubling down is an option available in certain situations in the game. It may or
may not be an available option, depending on which casino you go to. After you are
dealt your initial two cards, you can decide in some situations to double your bet. You
tell the dealer you want to double down, which means that you double your bet (place
the same value of chips you have on the table next to your existing bet). You will
receive only one additional card after choosing this option.
This is great! It gives you a chance to win back the money you lost in bad hands.
The rules for doubling down vary widely depending on the casino. Find a casino that
gives you the most opportunities to double down.
The following chart shows the right time to double down and the right time to hit.





THE DEALER SHOWS: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ACE



The option to split pairs is simple. When you receive a pair as your first two
cards (for example a three of hearts and three of clubs) you have the option to split the
pairs into two separate hands. To signify that you want to split, simply separate the
cards, tell the dealer you want to split, and place an amount equal to your bet next to
the separate card. Make sure to separate your cards so the dealer knows you want to
split and not double down. You now have two cards and two bets of equal value beside
them. You will then be dealt two more cards (one for each card). From this point on,
each hand acts independently as a normal hand.

Note: Find out if the casino you are playing at will let you split
twice (if one of those two cards gets dealt another card of the same
The rules can vary slightly from casino to casino on splitting, but one rule is
always constant: if you split two aces you will receive only one new card to each ace
and you can't hit after that. If you get a ten-value card on either one of your aces you do
not have a natural blackjack, you simply have 21 and are paid even money instead of
2:1 payout (sorry, I hate that too).

Note: Make sure you go to a casino that will allow you to double
down on a split.
Splitting gives you the opportunity to make a good set of cards into two good
hands. However, like everything in this game and in life, there is risk, so follow the
instructions on when to split at the right time. When you split, play each hand according
to the basic strategy. The following chart is the best strategy for when to split and when
not to split pairs.




4, 4 H H H H H H H H H H

THE DEALER SHOWS: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ACE



Yes, there is such a thing as card counting, and yes, it does work! It is the
process by which you count the value of the cards that appear throughout the game in
order to determine which cards are left, and what your odds are to win. If the odds are
in your favour then you should bet higher. If the odds are in the dealer's favour, then
you should bet low or not at all.
In the game of blackjack it has been proven mathematically many times that the
player has a greater chance of winning when the shoe has more high cards (Tens, Face
cards, Aces) in it then low cards (2,3,4,5,6). This makes logical sense too; the greater
the number of high cards, the better the odds of hitting a natural blackjack and the
lesser the odds of going bust by having to hit several times. More than that, the more
high cards in the shoe, the better the chances of the dealer busting. This is due to the
fact that the dealer has to hit until they reach seventeen or more. Knowing other
variables, like the number of aces and ten point cards (tens and all face cards) left in the
deck can bring you an advantage by allowing you to slightly change the way you play.
By knowing the probabilities, you can surrender when you know you chances are
terrible, thus saving your losses. Or, you can double more, split differently and bet high
when the chances are in your favour.

Luck all depends on your perspective and timing. Think of luck as nothing more
than timing. If you sit down at a table where the deck is against you, then you will have
bad luck even if you follow the basic strategy. If, however, you sit at a table where the
deck is in your favour, then you will appear to have great luck. Remember, luck has
nothing to do with it - it's timing.
Your luck really depends on the type of cards that will appear next. Now, you
might be thinking that a shoe is randomly shuffled, so the distribution of different cards
should be even throughput the shoe. In other words, each hand should have a face
card in it because there are so many in the shoe. It is true that the deck is randomly
shuffled, however, just like any game of chance the results will vary over time. If you flip
a coin you have a fifty-fifty chance of getting heads or tails. However, if you flip a million
coins you can have streaks where you will get twenty or even fifty heads in a row. I
experienced this when I memorized 59 decks of cards for my Guinness Record; even
though they were professionally shuffled they still had sections that contained five or
even ten identical cards in a row! The same thing happens with a shoe. If you have six
decks of cards in that shoe, then you’re going to find the same streaks of high cards and
low cards. This is why the memory techniques contained in this book are so important.
The charts and tables are only based on a shoe that has high and low cards distributed

evenly throughout. Using memory techniques, we can adjust the basic strategy to take
into account an uneven distribution of high and low cards.
By keeping track of the cards as they are dealt you will be able to predict when a
winning or losing streak will occur. This is called card counting and when done
properly, you can be assured of winning over the long term. The following is the basic
strategy of card counting. This involves keeping a number in your mind. The number
you have will determine how much you will bet.

To count cards, you must keep a number in your head at all times, starting off as
a zero count. If you want to try the more difficult methods you must keep several
numbers in your head at all times. The reason this method is difficult lies in the fact that
your mind has difficulty focusing on more than one thing at a time. Most card counters
must get very good at keeping several numbers in mind at all times. This is not
necessary for you. You need to know these numbers to bet accordingly, but by using a
simple memory technique I will provide you with, you can keep these numbers in mind
and at hand at all times. You won't have to repeat them over and over and as a result
you can devote more focus to counting!


The simple fact is that the more high value cards in the shoe, the better chances
the dealer has of busting, and the greater the chances you have of getting 19, 20, or 21.
Here is a common card counting method you can use:

The most common and effective card counting technique is the process of
counting positives and negatives. Based on many mathematical calculations, this has
been proven as the simplest way to count cards. The goal is to find out whether or not
the shoe is in favour of the dealer or the players and to bet accordingly. To give you an
idea of how your gambling day will go, most of the time you will be losing. But you will
lose very little money. When the odds are in your favor you will bet two, three or even
four times more and walk away from the casino with a great profit. If you practice this
system and don't get caught, you could make thousands in a day.

Remember, you could also lose thousands getting there so don't

go for the high stakes until you have the skill.

Mentally divide the deck into three categories: minus one, zero and plus one.
All Aces are a minus one; all ten cards are minus, all nines, eights, sevens, are a
ZERO (in other words they have no value, do not count); all two’s threes fours fives and
sixes give a value of plus one. As each card appears, add or subtract the proper
number value accordingly from the number in your mind. Use this running total to
determine how you will bet. Many counters count aces as plus two and to keep balance
do not count the two. Many also keep a separate count of aces, which also works as







If you are card counting, buying insurance can be a great way to keep from
losing a big bet. Think about it - if the deck is high in high cards, you will be betting high
and taking a big risk. The dealer shows an ace and your heart sinks. Buy insurance
only if you have a high bet on the table and the cards are very stacked against. With a
number of high cards left in the deck (this is assuming a count of minus 8 or 10 or
lower) the dealer has a great chance of getting a natural blackjack.

This option is precisely what it sounds like: you give up. You show your cards to
the dealer and say, “I give up” or, “I surrender”. Again, the only time you should ever do
this is when the deck is incredibly stacked against you. Use common sense. For
example, if you have a hand totalling 16 and the dealer is showing an eight or nine and
you know the deck is high in tens, then you could surrender. You do lose half your bet if
you surrender, but if you made a mistake counting or have a big bet on the table when
the cards are against you, you can cut your losses (no pun intended). There are
restrictions depending on the casino you go to, so check that out. This can be a great
option when you are card counting.



Keeping track of Tens is another popular method of card counting in which only
cards with a value of ten are counted. These include any card that has a point value of
ten including tens, jacks, queens, and kings. By knowing how many ten cards have
been played in the course of the game, you can change the way you play your game to
put the advantage in your hands.
First of all, make sure you are present when the shoe is shuffled or close to the
beginning. This is true in any card counting. This might be obvious for most people
reading who know about card counting, but I am aware that there may also be complete
novices reading so I just thought I would mention it. The reason you need to keep track
of the cards from the beginning is that the dealer might have dealt just ten cards in the
last four hands before you got there and the deck is drastically lopsided. If you start
keeping track from that point your count is going to be off drastically because you are
assuming that the cards you are counting are still in the deck. This is a simple mistake,
but a financially deadly one.
Counting ten cards is extremely useful for you. Think about it - there are 52
cards in every deck and about one third of those cards have a ten-point value. This is
incredible! Now you can keep track of a whole third of the shoe with one simple
number. If you have a six deck shoe, that is a great variety of chances and a lot of
opportunity to take advantage of. For example, say many of the ten cards are dealt in
the first hand. Logic would suggest that the next hand would be lower in ten value

cards. If the next hand contains mostly ten-value cards, the shoe is even more in favour
of the dealer, so you will bet the minimum and see if the next few hands change things.
If they do, then you can bet accordingly. Get the picture?
If the shoe is high in ten cards, then the shoe is in your favour, so bet more. This
technique is basic but not flawless. The positive and negative method is more complex,
but also more effective.
Also, this is a good time to buy insurance if offered. If the deck has a lot of ten
cards and you have a big bet, your chances to make your money back are better if the
dealer shows an ace. So, if the deck is high in tens, buy insurance if offered. The exact
time when to buy insurance will depend on how high the count is. Again, do not do this
unless your count is at least minus 8 to 10. Another situation: imagine you are counting
tens, you’re half way through the shoe and 15% of the cards were tens. Since tens
account for nearly a third of the total number of cards then you can expect a wave of
tens to come any minute. If you’re caught staring at an ace in the dealer’s hand then
take insurance. Every other time don’t think about it.

Counting aces is also very useful depending how you use it. Counting aces will
help you about 10% of the time, but in that ten percent you can bet accordingly and win
big; big enough to make up for any losses you encounter. Also, if you can coordinate
counting aces and the plus minus count, you could be the most informed player in the
I want to mention that this is not the only system or even the best. I have
practiced point count methods that are amazing and give even greater odds for the
player. These odds come with greater effort practice and focus at the table. The point I
am trying to make here is that you must be prepared to work hard for your advantage.
Most of the work is in the beginning, getting used to the game, charts, and speed of
play. Later, the act of counting requires a great deal of concentration to master. It has
been called the hardest way to make easy money for a reason.
Do you see the whole system now? For the normal play of the game, you can
use the charts to play with the best chances. I have also given you charts that show
you how to use options like doubling down and splitting to turn the tables and give you a
fighting chance against the casino.
Now with the counting method, you will know your chances of winning before you
bet and before the hand even begins. Play as usual, without delay, and bet according
to the card counting number. If the deck turns sharply in your favour, you can bet high
and win and of course, if the deck turns against you, you can leave and find another
table or casino. Another great thing about this method is the fact that you will not look
like a card counter. You will be doing all the counting before you bet and as the hands
are being collected. By using a few simple memory techniques following in the rest of
this book, it will be easier to keep track of the count.




At this point you may be thinking, “hey this is great for you, but I have a terrible
memory and I can’t count for the life of me”. Take heart! I teach people like you every
day in my workshops and courses across the country. There is no such thing as a bad
memory, just a bad technique. Let me ask you a question: do you have a favourite
movie? If you do, then think of it right now...yes that’s right, stop reading for a moment
and think of your favourite movie or any movie you like.
How much of that movie do you remember? In my research across the country,
most people can remember up to 90% of the movie they have seen, even weeks or
months later. My guess is that you are not far off from that.
My next question is how hard did you have to work to memorize that movie?
How long did it take you? It’s a silly question! You memorized that movie as fast as
you saw it!! Did you need to have a great memory? NO, of course not! The movie was
memorable enough to stick in your head.
The fact is that your mind is not the problem; the problem is the information you
are trying to recall. I don’t care who you are, if you don’t have a serious brain injury or
disease then you do have an effective memory. Even if you have had a stroke, illness,
or accident that has affected your memory, these techniques have been shown to help
in those cases too. I have seen it work. I have even worked with people suffering from
a brain injury, with great success. And if they can do it, so can you. You just need to
know how to use your memory. The fact is that when it comes to memory, if you don’t
use it, the power will fade. Your memory likes to get a workout. Many recent studies
have shown the power of the mind to recover from poor memories to amazing recall
using nothing more than simple memory exercises.

According to modern IQ tests the average human memory can recall 4-5 random
objects after seeing them or hearing them only once. A genius memory can recall 9-10
items. If you follow the instruction in this chapter you will go from having a regular
memory to having a genius level memory, just from taking this test.
I’m going to give you a list of twenty objects, and we’re going to go through them
one at a time. What I want from you is to get your imagination going and get a little
creative with me. Don’t panic when you see the list, I will show you the secret way to
easily memorize these objects.

Here is the list of random objects:

- Plane
- Ice cream
- Whale
- Diamond ring
- Computer
- Snail
- Fishing pole
- Clothes hangar
- Umbrella
- Tower
- Sailboat
- Rocket
- Grave
- Robot
- Earrings
- Pitchfork
- Swan
- Axe
- Swinging Patio chair
- Bowl of Salad

Now follow along as I show you what goes on in my head when I memorize these
random objects:
The first object in our list is a Plane. Simply imagine a plane in your mind’s eye.
The next item is an Ice cream. Here is where the fun begins! In order to memorize
anything, you must connect the first item to the next one. How do we do it? We make a
visual picture in our mind’s eye, or in our imagination, that involves both things.
Remember, we want to make it interesting. What do I mean by this? Well, the first
thing: if you imagined a Plane delivering Ice cream, well, you’d remember that for a
minute or so and if you actually saw it, you’d remember that for a little longer. But let
me ask you something…if you imagined a Plane crashing into a giant Ice cream cone,

you’d remember that for a lot longer, right? So take a moment now and actually
imagine a Plane crashing into an Ice cream cone, and remember to close your eyes if
you need to, to really get a vivid picture in your mind’s eye. You’re going to remember
this picture for a very long time.
Now, if we associate something else to the Ice cream, all of a sudden we have
the start of a chain in our mind’s eye that we cannot break. I know what you’re thinking,
that this is crazy! Well, you’re right. The very craziness of it will make sure that it sticks
in your mind, and this one of the principles of memory. The next object in our list is a
Whale, so what we want to do is associate the first object with the second object, and
the second to the third. In other words, don’t make one big picture in your mind, but
make a several little ones. This helps to keep the links separate and makes the chain
more powerful. Now, make a picture in your mind’s eye that involves a Whale and an
Ice cream. You know what I’d imagine? I’ll help you out with the first few just to show
you how you can get your imagination going. I’d imagine a Whale eating an Ice cream
cone or even better, perhaps a Whale swimming in Ice cream! That’s pretty unique,
So, when I say Plane, it reminds you of what? It reminds you of Ice cream. And
when I say Ice cream, what does it remind you of? It reminds you of a Whale.
The next object in our list is a Diamond ring. We want to associate the Whale to
the Diamond ring. How do you imagine it? Well, I’d imagine millions of Diamond rings
coming out of the Whale’s blowhole. Can you imagine that? If you can imagine it, then
you’re going to remember it for a long time. Why did I say millions? Why not just one or
two? That is another principle of memory. When you exaggerate the number of objects
then all of a sudden, it becomes even more rare or unique.
After Diamond ring, we have a Computer. Now I want to make a point here. At
this point, I want to make sure that you’re not associating all of the objects into one big
picture. You’ve already associated the Plane to the Ice cream, and the Ice cream to the
Whale, and then the Whale to the Diamond ring, so you do not need to have the Plane
or the Ice cream in the next picture. In fact, if you do put them all in the next picture,
then you run the risk of getting confused and skipping over one or more of the objects.
This is actually one of the main reasons why people make mistakes with memory
techniques. It’s such a very simple mistake, but DON’T DO IT; just keep two objects at
a time in each picture.
The two objects we have now are a Diamond ring and a Computer. What would
you imagine? You could imagine someone putting a Diamond ring around a Computer
or a Computer getting married. Imagine one of these two pictures, or one of your own,
in your mind’s eye for just a moment. Visualize the image clearly.
The next item in our list is a Snail. I want you to associate a Computer, which
was the last item, to a Snail. I would imagine a Snail crawling across a Computer
keyboard and leaving a trail of slime. What would you imagine? Picture my suggestion,
or imagine one of your own. Just visualize it for a split second, make sure you picture it
in your mind’s eye, and that’s all you have to do! Let’s move on.
The next object is a Fishing pole. The possible link for this connection is obvious

so let’s exaggerate it so we will remember it better. I would imagine a giant Snail on the
end of a Fishing pole. Next is a Coat hanger. Imagine using a Coat hanger as a
Fishing pole. Next is an Umbrella. Imagine an Umbrella made out of Coat hangers.
Next is a Tower. We want to associate Tower to Umbrella. Imagine jumping off of a
Tower and using an Umbrella as a parachute on the way down. Don’t actually do this
just imagine it ok?

Now take a moment out just to review the first few items. If you visualized them
in your mind’s eye and followed the directions, then the answers should pop right into
your head. If you miss one or two for any reason then just go back and make the image
again. Make it brighter and more interesting.

So what did we start with?

We started with a Plane. Remember to visualize the item in your mind’s eye. Now take
a moment and write down all the items you remember after the Plane. When you are
finished flip the page.

-Ice cream
-Diamond ring
-Fishing pole
-Clothes hangar

How did you do?

According to modern I.Q. tests, if you scored 5-6 items correctly you have an average
memory. If you recalled 9-10 items correctly then you have a genius level memory! If
you missed any, just follow the directions below to reinforce the links.

If you missed any items, it is usually for one of two reasons:

1. The image you made was not visualized, or not visualized clearly enough.
In this case, just review the link and make it clearer. Think of it like turning up
the resolution in your mind; make the image brighter, clearer, closer, louder
and more vivid. Closing your eyes may help.

2. The image you imagined was not interesting enough to you. You may have
imagined the image I gave you and your brain had difficulty thinking of it. The
best solution is to make your own link. The link you make will be the best one
for you to remember.

So, with ways to improve your images in mind, I want you to link the next ten
items together just like you did with the first ten, but make your own pictures. You have
the right idea; just imagine the two items in your mind’s eye in a strange or silly way.
Imagine them interacting in a way that they never do in real life. Imagine one crashing
into the other or replacing each other. Use your imagination and have fun with it. Don’t
skip this exercise because when you turn to the next chapter, you will see how this
exercise allows you to recall nearly a whole deck of cards in a row.

Welcome back! Write down the list of objects you memorized. If you are reading
this in the form of an e-Book, then write it down on a separate piece of paper.


I trust that you memorized the rest of the items and then recalled them. How did
you do? You were already at a genius level when it comes to memory. Now you’re
even further along.


Now that you can now memorize object by visualizing them in your mind’s eye,
what if I told you that each one of the objects you memorized represented a card? That
means that you just memorized the order of 20 cards in a row! In order to memorize
cards you need to be able to visualize them as well. The way I do this is to create what
is called a peg list.
Think of your mind like a wall and all the information in the world as coats or
jackets that you can hang on the wall. However, your mental wall was not made with
enough hooks, so most of the information you try to hang on it, falls to the floor and is
forgotten. By placing a hook or peg on the wall, it acts as a connection between the
wall and the coat. In the same way, using a mental peg will act as a hook between your
mind and the information you want to remember. It works really well if done right, and is
perfect for this situation. The cards are like the coats without hooks; if left to their own
devices they would not stick in your mind. But if you have a code that turns the cards
into objects (for example, Queen of Diamonds means a diamond ring), then you could
link them to your mind just like you did with the list in the previous chapter.
How do we make this code, you ask? The first code I used for memorizing cards
translated the cards into words but it had several steps and took me at least 60 days of
practice before they came to me like second nature. Others swear by this code, but I
did not like it. One person I know has suggested using a celebrity to represent each
card, but I have not heard of anyone else who has used this code successfully. Myself,
I like the direct approach. If I need to think of an object every time I see a card then I
want to see the card and have it instantly remind me of the object.

Here is the code I developed: The Visual Card Peg List

As you can see, the pictures look like the cards do. In a few cases I had to turn a
card around or move some of the pieces, but all in all, this code is very natural. The big
success lies in the fact that when I teach this to people, they learn it in a couple of
hours. Think about it - once you look at the ace of diamonds and see the rocket ship, it
is hard not to see it the next time you see the card. That is the idea. I want this to be
like second nature for you. To master this list, take a moment out and draw the picture
on one end of a deck of cards. Shuffle it and flip them down one at a time to reinforce
each link. The great thing about this method is that you can turn the deck around and
test your recall by looking at the end of the cards that you did not draw on.
Now that you know the Visual Card Peg List©™ you can amaze your friends and
family by recalling cards from memory. This will give you an advantage in games like
bridge as well as single and double deck blackjack. This is also the code I used to
break the world record for greatest memory. I will warn you: I had a headache for
nearly a week after breaking the world record, so if you think you can break my record,
be prepared for the headache pain that comes along with information overload. Also,
remember that I love a challenge, so if you do break my record, don’t expect to keep it
for long.
Keep reading to find out other ways to use this method and enjoy the results.


The main problem with this card counting method is the fact that you have to do
several mental tasks at one time. You have to count, memorize, and recall the right
number. You also have to decide which actions to take in response to the right number.
Finally, you still have to play the game according to the first strategies and charts I gave
you in the beginning of this book. That is a lot of memory work. If you were allowed to
bring in just one piece of paper there would be no problem; you would count the cards
that are shown according to the method, write down the value, and play as usual.
Unfortunately, just like any exam that doesn't allow cheat sheets, the casinos don't allow
that sort of cheating either. People have tried unsuccessfully to bring in calculators and
mini computers tucked under their sleeves, but they were caught because the casino is
always looking for telltale signs of cheating.
Here is the solution: it is called a peg list. I have discussed the peg list earlier in
this chapter, but now I will show you how to apply it to gambling. Your newfound
memory power that you learned in this chapter will save you. Using the following
system, you will not forget your count or have big delays between your answers to the
dealer. The peg method is so simple, it is flawless, but you must use it to be effective.
Call it a mental scratch pad. It is a place in your mind where you can put the number
you have counted and then go about the game.

How do we make a peg list for counting cards? It's simple; we just need a peg
for each value and a place to hang it. Let me give you an example: you have a great
peg list in this book already, so instead of reinventing the wheel, let's use it. The card
peg list is perfect. For every negative count let's use the club pegs and for every
positive count let's use the hearts. Say, for example, you have a count of minus three.
You would visualize the three of clubs peg, which is a fork and salad. This may seem
as though you are trying to memorize more information, but you are just making a
connection between two thoughts you already know. By the way, if you haven't
practiced the card memorization technique in the beginning of this chapter, I suggest
you do so now.
The picture of the salad fork is easier to keep in your mind than minus three.
This is especially true because it is easy to get minus and plus confused when you’re at
the table. When it happens it can be disastrous. Now, in order to lock the number in
your memory and resume your game, you just have to associate the peg (3 of clubs, the
fork) with what is called a destination peg. This is an object or person that you will
connect the peg to so you can remember it. Pick something that won't change because
you will be glancing at it in every hand. The dealer works well, or a pin the dealer may
be wearing. You can even use your drink, a chip, or anything else that catches your
attention in the room. This has been called the room method or the method of loci in
the past. If you choose a drink as your destination peg, connect the drink to the fork
(imagine the fork in the drink).
If the count changes to plus two in the next hand, the peg for plus two is a knife.
Just imagine the knife in the drink or stabbing the dealer instead of the fork, and you will
be able to recall it perfectly (especially if you don't like the dealer). When you get used
to this, and it only takes three or four hands to get used to, the result is fantastic. Your
mind is free to roam over the game and your decisions. At the same time, just by
looking to your peg you know how to bet. Everyone can do this. It is a short-term
memory technique so it will work for you. You just need to make it into a habit.
Once you are a master of this skill you can add to it by making a peg for ten
cards and Aces, and then the money will pour in. Another reason you need to make the
destination peg an object in the casino is because most people who use card counting
methods give themselves away by looking up when they are thinking or counting. You
will be looking at your peg, and no one will be the wiser.


The elimination technique is a powerful memory technique that can be used in
many card games to predict which cards are left in a hand and which cards have
already been played. My favourite use of this technique is as a party trick. It is amazing
to see it practiced, and everyone will be amazed by your memory power.

The technique is simple. Use the visual cards peg list found earlier in this
chapter. Memorize it. This is not hard, just flip through a deck of cards and draw the
pictures on the numbers in the corner of the card, similar to how I made the peg list
already mentioned in this book. Use the deck as flash cards. After flipping through the
deck a few times you will only get stuck on a few pegs. The peg list is visual so it is
easier to recall than any other card list.
Next, get someone to shuffle a deck. You may want to use only half of a deck if
you are a beginner at this technique, or want the trick to go faster. Get a volunteer or
two or three to take a few cards from the deck; about four or five makes a really good
effect. Now, flip through the deck in your hands and every time you see a card, you
must eliminate it. This is actually easier than linking it because you don't need to
connect two items that have no logical connection, you just need to mentally scratch it
off your list so that you know which cards are still in the deck. How do we do this?
Take the peg for the four of hearts, for example, which is a sailboat. To eliminate it, you
must do something memorable to it like burn it, freeze it, or poke holes in it. Basically,
eliminate it in some way. What is the result? When you go back through the list of
cards in your mind, the cards left in the deck stick out like a sore thumb. Then you can
rhyme off the missing cards from memory to the amazement of everyone.
You can use this trick in bridge as well. Use the same example. If you see the
four of hearts (sailboat) you would imagine the boat burning on the water, and so on, as
you see the cards being played. If you ever want to ask yourself whether a certain card
has been played, just look to the list in your head and if it has been played, it will be
eliminated; if not, it will stick out clearly. In the next hand, you would do something else
to the peg like cover it in ice or split it in half, so you do not get it confused with the
cards you burned. Take a moment out right now and try this yourself. Good Luck.


By now, you can see how you could use this knowledge of card memory to your
advantage. In any card game situation, if you know that all the kings have been played
or if the king, jack, and queen have been played from different suits, for example, it will
give you the upper hand. Read on for more useful ideas.

Here is an important short cut you can use with the elimination method to
maximize its potential. First, you need to practice a list in your mind. This is a list of
pegs you will scroll through in your mind when recalling the cards you have seen. You
will get the best results if the list is in one of two orders.

The first list is by the order of suit. Basically, there are four lists, each going from
Ace to King. This order is effective in games with hands that are suit sensitive. Being
able to quickly access the clubs, for example, to know which ones have been played
and which ones are still in the deck, is a tremendous asset.
The next list is in order by number. For this list, you must organize the cards
from Ace to King, including all the suits. It should look something like this: Ace of
hearts, Ace of diamonds, Ace of spades, Ace of clubs, Two of hearts, Two of diamonds,
Two of spades, and so on. Get the picture? In this way, you can glance at all the kings,
or all the queens at once in your mind.
These short cuts will help you to eliminate cards quickly and with greater ease,
depending on the game you are playing.

Before I begin, let me just clarify that I am not an expert in poker, I am an expert
in memory and card counting, so I will not propose to teach you how to master this skill.
My goal here is to show you a way to use what you know to learn poker with more ease.
First, although you can’t keep track of the cards in poker because the dealer
shuffles after each hand, if you’re new to the game, the memory techniques you have
learned can help you learn the game quickly, as well as improve your game by knowing
your best odds right away. This will help you make decisions during the game.
The most important thing you can remember in the game of Poker is the Hand
Ranking; it is very basic but you have to learn it eventually, and this will give a chance to
use the pegs you know and remind yourself of rules and odds. Here is an example: to
recall that a Strait Flush beats a Four of a Kind, you may imagine the pegs for the
5,6,7&8 of clubs attacking four of the same cards and actually beating them in a
physical sense.
Strategy is another part of Poker that memory techniques can help you learn. In
every strategy book for Poker it tells you to avoid showing emotion and betting high right
away when you get a great hand. So what happens when you’re at the table, you get a
great hand and you get excited? Everyone sees it on your face, so when you bet high,
they will fold and you only gain a tiny fraction of what you could have gained. You lose
out. To avoid this situation, link a dramatic image to the aces, which usually signal a
really great hand. I imagined a horse barging through a green house (the ace of clubs),
so that every time I see the ace of clubs, I remember not to rush in full speed. This
image works so well for me that it works when I see any ace, not just the ace of clubs. I
remember to not rush in my bet or to let my emotions run away with me.
You may be able to think of other links that work better than the ones I use, but
the one thing you should take from both of these examples is that your memory can
help you win. Using this method to link card information to your memory is key, since
the most important information you need to know is what you tend to forget when you
get into the game.

Link important information directly to the cards and you will
remember it when you need to.


If you see a card that means plus one beside another card that is minus one, just
skip both for the sake of speed. They cancel each other out. In order to card count
faster and thus not be branded a cheater, link the positive or negative number you have
in your mind to your destination peg throughout the game as described above, in “The
Room Method”. Do the adding and subtracting as the hand is dealt, then change the
number accordingly. Don't change the number after each individual card, but only after
the whole hand has been dealt. For example, if you have the number 2 in mind and you
see a three (plus one value), a seven (plus one value), and an ace (minus two value),
you are left with no change to your initial number. However, if you are counting the long
way, it will take more time and you will look like you are cheating. Here is what I mean
by the long way of counting: two plus one is three, plus one is four, and four minus two
(the ace) is two. Sure, it’s only a time delay of a few seconds and a little moving of your
lips, but it makes a big difference at the casino. Try practicing in front of a mirror and if
you move your lips, look up as if recalling, or stare at the cards, these are all tell-tale
signs that you are card counting. Instead, you want to talk with people, make jokes, and
drink, and you will just look like you are someone on a winning streak. Casino
managers like people on winning streaks because unless they read this book, they
usually go on an even bigger losing streak in the end.


In addition to the tips mentioned in the last section, you also need to be aware of
how you handle your chips, your overall appearance, and your mannerisms while in the
casino if you want to win big and not get caught.
While sitting at a table, make sure your bet is stacked. This means you must
place your lowest chips on top of your highest chips in your bet. If you are just betting a
dollar or so this is not necessary, but as you progress, you will be betting with $25 or
$50 chips. Stacking the chips prevents cheaters from adding to their bets after the hand
has been dealt. If the $1 chips are on the top of the pile then adding another $1 chip
doesn't make much of a difference to the casino, but adding a $50 chip to the pile will be
noticed right away if they are stacked.
When it comes to clothing, WEAR A FULL SLEEVED SHIRT. There are many
tricks you can do in a casino if you wear a short sleeved lose fitting shirt, and the casino
knows them all. People have hidden cards up sleeves in such smooth, ingenious ways

that I could never catch, but the cameras never miss it. Don't even bother with these
ways to cheat the house; you will be caught by of the accuracy of the cameras and the
people behind them. With the strategy you have read in this book, all the important
things go on in your mind, and that is one place where they can't peak!
While playing, your expressions and body language is also important. Look as
calm and relaxed as possible. Don't scratch your arms or face, that’s like putting your
hand up in school; you may not have anything to say, but all eyes are on you.
Remember to smile, feel lucky, make a few winnings, and then go to another table after
you cash in your chips. Don't walk around with too many chips or money for that matter.
Take breaks when you’re done your winning steaks. You will be seen as someone who
is lucky today and just knows when to walk away, not as someone who is trying to break
the bank.

It’s not so much how much you win but how much you keep that
Finally, memorize the rules and exceptions to the letter before you even go into a
casino. Practice on fake hands at home. Casinos become really suspicious of you if
you take a long time to come to your answers. Do not let this happen to you! DECIDE
They can't throw you out for winning too much since that's why people go to a casino;
but if they see you delaying your response and you are winning, which you will be, you
will be escorted out. Realise that the casino is always watching and that others are
playing and counting as well. I was playing a game of blackjack once and saw the
player next to me get a solid tap on top of the shoulder from a guy walking by. The
player then started raising his bets. It was a signal that the deck is rich in the favour of
the players, which I knew, because I was counting as well. The only problem here was
that it the shoulder tap was too obvious. The pit boss came right over a kicked the two
guys out. I looked surprised and was allowed to keep playing. I won many times that
day because I was not obvious about my method. If you end up getting caught, you will
have to try your luck at a different casino. In fact, even if you don’t get caught, you may
also consider moving from casino to casino to prevent your reputation from growing too
large. If you are well known for consistently winning big, cheating, or have a Guinness
World Record for memorizing cards, a casino may have your photo on file. Be discreet
and remember the rules so you can enter any casino freely, at any time.
Remember, you can make thousands from this method and many people have,
but first you must practice, practice, practice.

In order to make it at the casino you must have a plan to manage your money. If
you lose it all in the first few days while perfecting these techniques then you will have
nothing left once you’ve gotten better at these games. You will probably go home with
no money and blame it on this book, which is bad for me, and my reputation. If this
happens to you, it’s not the book’s fault. You have done so well at all the other lessons
but if you miss this last one, all is lost. The last lesson is to manage your money.
First and foremost, decide how much you will spend for your trip. Decide how
much you are willing to lose. Imagine yourself losing that amount of money. Does it
bother you? I ask this because a person may decide to lose, for example, a thousand
dollars; but when you actually lose a thousand dollars in reality, you often become
emotionally down, which then affects the way you play the game. This happens to so
many people! A novice card counter can count just fine at home with fake money, but
when real money is lost in one of the inevitable losing streaks, the same novice card
counter can feel emotional; this can often make you lose count and lose money in a big
way. The solution is to start small. Decide on a bankroll of only about $300.00 to
$400.00 on testing your skills. Find a table that has the lowest possible minimum bet.
Bet only the minimum and try raising a few dollars according to the system and the
deck. Only when you feel you are an expert at this system should you try for bigger
Next, always leave the table after you've gone through a winning streak. You
can have a winning streak or you can have a losing streak. If you’re done winning and
the deck turns, then leave and enjoy your winnings. It's also good to cool off after a
game so you don't get gambler’s fever and bet everything you have. Know when to
stop. Avoid adding debt to loss. If you lose some, don't worry. You can make it back
tomorrow. Don't make the common mistake of betting more money just to make up for
the money you lost. This is the death to a professional gambler and the birth of a
gambling addict.
By the way, I have made all of these mistakes myself. I speak from experience
when I say that the key is to only make these mistakes once. I learned my lessons the
first time and went back to make more money than ever before.

Remember: life is a gamble, so improve your odds!

These techniques do work. They take effort, but it is very much worth it. You
can make thousands of dollars if you practice this, not to mention the self-esteem that
comes from winning at the casinos. There is no greater feeling than being treated like a
king and walking away with money to spare. Even if you just do this to feed your ego
when playing poker with friends, it is worth the little time and effort it takes.
However, there is also risk in trying this technique. I don't mean that big
bouncers are going to chase you down and bust your kneecap; that is the stuff of myth,
at least in Las Vegas. What I mean by risk is the money you are putting on the line.
You are not guaranteed to win every time. In fact, you will lose more than you will win -
that is the nature of the game. The advantage that counting gives you is the ability to
predict when you are will likely win. When you do win, you can bet high. It is possible
to rake it in at the casinos using this method but it takes a good deal of effort on your
part. This method is designed to make you money at the table over the long term. So if
you have the guts and the patience, go for it! Remember, as with most things in life
your results will vary, based on your efforts. Have fun!

If you liked this book, check out my other products.
Dave Farrow


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