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A defect is defined as the departure or non conformance of some characteristics

from its intended level or state (ASTM 96).

There are two basic types of defects:

Patent Defects: are those flaws and characteristics that can be perceived during
examination or inspection of the materials. Patent defects are visible and may be
defined by the buyer. Thus one company may identify something as a defect
while another company might not found that particular irregularity as a defect.

A Latent defect is a hidden problem that is not apparent no matter how carefully
the material or product is examined. Latent defects most often relate to
performance problems or problems that develop with storage or ageing.

These defects become apparent with age, testing and use.

Patent defects are identified by inspection; latent defects can only be detected by
testing the fabrics or trims performance characteristics.

Critical Defects: Prevents usability or performance

Major Defects: May affect usability or interfere with performance
Minor defects: Will not affect usability

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