Production Management Assignment: Name: Piyushkumar - 2711125

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Production Management Assignment

Name: Piyushkumar - 2711125

Gazal Kohli - 2711128

Palak Charkhawala: 27171786

Due Date / Day: 15/04/2010


Subject: Production Management

Assignment No:1

Topic: Layout

Title of the Assignment: Layout MIT-SOB

Signature: (Of the student)

Name (Of the faculty) : Prof. Ashok Marks out of 10


Date of Evaluation:

Remarks (By Faculty): _________________________________________




Parking consist with the separate parking for faculties and students. As well the lift is started
from the parking for. In the parking floor contain cabin for security who maintain the parking.

Ground floor :

Ground floor contains bank, admission office as well administrative office. Admission office is
just opposite of bank. Because it get the benefits of outside bank customer as part of
marketing. So the its one of the benefits . we have to provide administrative room. Near to the
that its store room. The reason for administrative office at ground floor every one who have to
work they can deal very fast and faculty can give incoming and outgoing time easily write.

1st floor

Here first floor given the MARSC B.C.A so does not require to design

2nd floor

Second floor contain 5 class room because 4 are regular bases and as well one for tutorial class.
Here also APO available because APO handle every problem of the students so students can
easily deal with them and students dispute as solved.

3rd floor.

Third floor contains the faculty room, Reading room and visiting faculty room. Because the
faculty scare students cannot make much more noise.

4th floor:

Fourth floor contains the director , deputy director office as well as library . because here is
place where students cannot make noise. So its silent area. So the its good for directors and
5th floor

Placement room, examination hall and reading room which also noise free area. And also
auditorium hall some time company visits the collage for interview then that it can be used for
that .

6th floor :

6th floor contains the auditorium, indoor sports room, inter activity room and auditorium hall.
So we put all these in the sixth floor because here it may happen noise. And students can also
hear enjoy as well.

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