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The Heaven
An Experiment in

The Seeker

A journal of sorts

This body of work serves the reader in many ways. Some
may read this as a total work of fantastic imagination. It
may also be interpreted as a social change agent, a
blueprint for a better, more sustainable society. Still
others my take this to be a contribution to the vast body
of esoteric knowledge of mystical metaphysics. The
author’s intention is simply this: to experiment with the
power of manifestation by altering his/her outer physical
environment by first changing the inner spiritual process
of their thoughts in conjunction with the powers of
spoken and written word. It will entertain some to follow
this process from conception to realization. Many will
come to believe in the possibility of the individual in
harmony with others under the consciously directed
mental force my alter that which he/she will in this
dream we call life.

Day One: In which the author sets forth to define

and describe an initial outline and framework of the
workings of paradise.

Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God
would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with
your careful observation, 21nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it
is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."

Location of Paradise
Paradise is, was and is to be. It exists in every place at every time past, present,
and future. Because heaven is completely above the man made constraints of
time and space some say it exists in the fourth dimension. One cannot find
heaven on a map because there is no set location for this heavenly habitation. We
cannot go to heaven in the sense that one can purchase an airline ticket and go to
a foreign land or exotic escape. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. The highest
state of spiritual existence is now.

Social Structure of Heaven

-No individual property

-Individual sovereignty

-No governments or regulatory agencies

-No money

-Voluntary Labor

-No Laws

-No separate nations, territories, or states

-No armies, no police

-No taxation or imposed payments of any kind

Relationships in heaven
For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the
angels which are in heaven.

-No favoritism

-No classes, casts, ranks, or status symbols

-No political parties

-No titles but brother or sister

-All equal

-No race or gender separation

-No rich or poor

-No marriage

-Only one type of love, unconditional

-Eternal love for all

Recreation in heaven

-Eternally perfecting one’s craft

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